#and I've discovered they're my favourite kind of things to make
sandymybeloved · 1 year
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whatever else happened this year, I picked up a new hobby, and that's worth celebrating
what's something you guys did this year that you personally want to celebrate?
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aita for refusing to take my meds?
apparently, i (14m) have not been in the best shape medically lately, but physically i feel perfectly fine. it was recently discovered through some blood tests (for something unrelated) that my liver is kinda… devouring itself? or something i guess. but i've googled everything and i'm not having any symptoms like jaundice or weight/appetite loss or anything like that. so i've not really taken it seriously bc it doesn't feel like a big deal bc i'm clearly not THAT bad.
well, on the other hand, my parents have seriously lost their minds about it. they've been taking me to get my blood drawn like once a week (which imo is just making me Actually feel worse cause it sucks and seriously stresses me out). so in one of these MANY doctor visits, they've given me so many different kinds of meds that i have to take like. three times a day. None of which feels necessary from the get go because i never felt bad in the first place. so i took them (some antibiotics and a steroid i think) for a couple of days, but then i stopped bc they were ironically making me feel worse. like the steroid made me SUPER hungry but the antibiotics made me wanna hurl. so i figure if i felt okay before the meds, that they were doing more harm than good.
ANYWAY. so the big drop here: it turns out my parents have been hiding the meds in my food ever since. and when i found out, i REFUSED to eat anything they gave me bc obvious reasons??? but at the same time they ARE my parents so i usually don't have any other option. and several times now they've made my favourite food for me as an "apology", only for me to find out that they've poisoned me AGAIN. (yeah i know, fool me once, fool me twice, yada yada)
luckily, it seems like they're getting the hint and not trying to force me to take the meds anymore, i haven't been to the doc in like two weeks, and finally things are starting to chill out. my parents have even gotten me some of these really yummy soft treats that i just swallow whole now, which is super awesome!!
but anyway i just wanted to know, aita for not taking my meds (and maybe sometimes biting my parents a little in the process)?
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What are these acronyms?
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wayfayrr · 3 months
I offer the idea of soft times with sage
Braiding hair, just cuddling with each other and overall spending time with one another.
- 🍄
(It’s been a bit lmao, college kicked me in the shins)
sorry it's been a while since you sent this, I relate with uni being a bitch though :')
I'm gonna use this ask though to put it out that I'm no longer going to be writing for Sage, however I won't stop writing totk link altogether - instead I've been creating a link that's more inline for how I see his character and for how I'm comfortable to write <3 I've been calling him Tears so far and I have to thank a lot of my mutuals for chipping in ideas with a special mention to @glowyskull for coming up with some of the best headcanons I think I've ever heard (the last three are courtesy of them) <333 @h4wari, @mushroomwoods, @sketchyspook here's the boy you were waiting for!!! (thank you all for your help too <333)
and without any more hesitation here he is!!
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✦ he got the nickname tears for a reason, anything and everything will set this boy off. he's a true crybaby and will certainly use it to try and win your attention from the others. It's not always cause he's sad though, sometimes things can just get overwhelming 
✦ his memory can be a bit spotty, unlike wild he rushed through his previous quest, not that he's all that fussed about missing those memories - making new positive ones are more important to him
✦ like his counterpart, he's got a couple of different nicknames, tears is the most prominent however architect does tend to show itself fairly often. messing around to see what different kinds of contraptions he can make is one of his favourite pastimes, one he'll happily share if given the chance.
✦ wild and him have been assumed many times to be identical twins, seeing as his stint in the shrine of ressurection put a halt to most of his aging processes. not that he doesn't bring up his actual age every now and then for a little shock factor
✦ thankfully they're easy to tell apart, seeing as tears discovered how to dye his hair and paint his nails quickly into his second quest, leading to his hair forever being stained with a multitude of different colours while his nails change colour nearly every other day
✦ his cheeky side is still very much there though, ready to make the dumbest puns you've ever heard and to not stop till you're laughing no matter how hard you cringe at them when he starts.
✦ one of the most affectionate links, willing to do basically anything you ask him to and even things you didn't. give him the smallest hint you like a certain food? what do you mean it's a little suspicious he suddenly has all of its ingredients for it - he simply wanted to try it himself, can you tell him if it tastes right?
✦ He hates to see anyone crying, especially his significant other, nine times out of ten it’ll end up with him crying at your side but he’s always there at your side to cheer you up. If you can’t bring yourself to speak about whatever is upsetting you though? Luckily for him a simple kiss of your tears is enough to show him the memory that hurt you. Thankfully it also goes for the happier ones.
✦ Your smile and praise is something he simply lives for, headpats being his favourite way to receive it, leave him alone with belongings for too long though and when you come back he’s standing next to them with a blinding smile having fused a lot of them to each other or to something he thinks would be useful for you to have. Granted the journal flame thrower combination might not have been his brightest moment. 
✦ the same desire can come out in other ways though, such as giving you different nicknames with his personal favourite calling you his sundelion. Sometimes he really shows how much he likes that nickname by making you flowercrowns as surprises. Granted every now and then he takes it a little too far, telling you you’re all he needs to heal from the gloom instead of taking any real treatment.
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Tending the fire is probably one of the easiest and most calming tasks I could’ve been given today, it’s nice to have something to zone out with after a whole day on the road. Not that I can complain about it though, we didn’t run into any monsters or other threats and travelling was calm. Who’s trying to get my attention by tapping me on the back though?
“[name]? Mind if I come sit with you for a bit, I'd like to get to know you better if that's alright.”
“Yeah of course Tears, If we’re going to be traveling together for a while it makes a lot of sense too.”
This man is a sweetheart I can tell, just from saying yes to him he’s already got the most coy smile on his face; it’s like his face is practically glowing from it when he sits. Shuffling closer to my side almost like he’s asking if it’s alright for him be be this close, with the way the firelight is illuminating him is making me question if the warmth on my face is really from the fire or not now. Just distract yourself with something before you get any redder. 
“Oh? You’ve got something in your hair, one second-”
The moment I plucked the stick out of his hair he froze up, his cheeks flushing before relaxing. 
“Are - are you good? Sorry I should’ve asked first.”
“No, no, no it’s alright I just… didn’t expect it?”
“Yeah I know, next time I’l-”
“Actually would you um mind playing with my hair? I ah never really get the chance to relax like this.”
Well isn’t that simply adorable, I would be heartless to say no to such a request. Besides, I know wild has some of the softest hair possible so the chance to play with it? No way am I going to miss that if all that visible dye hasn’t fried it to bits.
“If that’s what you want then I won’t say no.”
“Really?”Is he - no he can’t be, or maybe… is he so starved of affection that he’d tear up over something this small, the more I think about it, it does make sense. Playing with his hair is so relaxing I almost missed the fact that he was starting to tear up more, all I can hope for is that they’re not from him being upset.
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herecirmsims · 7 months
I somehow missed this being arranged, but I LOVE the idea!! So much! Big up to all the incredible free CC makers on here who share such wonderful things with us. I've spent all morning writing this so it's got a bit long, but honestly... I think it was an excellent use of my time.
Keep being excellent, all of you!
Just a few of my Always Free faves:
@simmireen : the queen! The legend! And someone who I'm so happy to call my friend. Irene is absolutely my go-to when I need those sweet (and sometimes spicy!) moments. I know she doubts herself at times and doesn't like it when I yell about how amazing she is, but she is such a treasure and does SO much behind the scenes - more than many people realise, I think.
@alpine-lapine-deactivated202311 : unfortunately they're not on Tumblr anymore, but I'm including them anyway because I LOVE them and they've created so many fantastic free posepacks, CC, and tutorials - it's all still available to download!
@adjusted-karma : I'm rabidly addicted to her pin-up series, I don't mind admitting it. All her poses are so good though, she also makes CAS and pose accessories, and has been kind enough to answer my dumb Blender questions more than once!
@samsstudio : an absolute staple for storytellers. She was one of the first posemakers I ever discovered and I use her poses in almost every story post I make - the variations are so useful and the packs are so clearly labelled and organised, I love not having to squint at my screen to figure out what I need. There's always something that works perfectly for the scene.
@simmerberlin : she may be retired from posemaking, but how could I not include her? I also use SimmerBerlin's poses in pretty much all of my story posts (SimmerBerlin and SamsStudio single-handedly keep my story going) - especially her fantastic Emotions series.
@libetsims : this posemaker really needs to be seen more! I use her Emotions series all the time, and she makes so many child poses which are sorely needed for storytellers!
@madebycoffee : so many great posepacks - I use the Hugs series and the spicy poses so often. And the deco Sims! So good and so needed!!
@rebouks : fantasic, expressionate poses that are PERFECT for storytellers. And so many fantastic packs to choose from!
@marshmallow-sims : I really adore their cute style!! Another go-to for cute couple poses, especially ones that fit with the TS4 style. There's always so much life to them.
@raspberrywhimss : my beloved! A new posemaker but so talented! She also makes a lot of storytelling pregnancy poses, which I think are much needed.
@whimsyalien : I love how emotive her poses are!! They're so fun and with such great expressions. Perfect for storytellers!
@enniewritesathing : one of the first posemakers whose poses I ever used! They are sooooo good at spice and cute couples.
@theserenadeofshadows : another new posemaker and an absolute angel!! Please show her some support!
@ratboysims : the quality of these poses are soooo good! Absolutely one of my favourite makers.
@morrigan-sims : another Simmer who could go in any category, but I especially love her poses! Really good for fantasy/medieval storytellers!
Toysofdukeness : they aren't actually on Tumblr, but I'm including them anyway! Absolutely amazing quality poses. Just so good.
@notsooldmadcatlady : my go-to for medieval* outfits (I think this tag will show you most of their CC!). My Sims are so well-dressed now!! I'm blown away by the quality of their clothes! *Aka clothes that suit my extremely pseudo-medieval fantasy storyline lmao
@woosteru : they're retired, but if you missed them - their CC is still available here! Truly amazing quality and they also made some femme clothing for masc frames, which I truly appreciate.
@crazy-lazy-elder-sims : amaaaaazing alt clothing lines!! Always jaw-dropping and so creative. They also make BB items too!
@kevinandthesims : literally the best boxers available; I don't make the rules, that's just fact. And he also shares incredible no CC builds!
@xldkx-cc : I didn't know whether to put them in CAS or BB, because I rely HEAVILY on their amazing deco Sims but they also make stunning clothing and hair! So... just check out both?!
@laeska : I'm in love with the hair this creator makes!! It's SO beautifully made?!
@courierseis : another whose outfits I use all the time in my medieval/fantasy stuff! They also make hair and poses! Use this tag to easily find their downloads.
@lonelygravescc : more delicious alt goodness!! Honestly I wish I could own most of this CC in real life, but alas I will have to live vicariously through my Sims as usual.
@aniraklova : oki so I have an alt obsession, what of it? This creator makes SUCH cool masc-frame CC, as well as poses!
@shandir : I'm soooo in love with these creations, another absolute must have for fantasy-medieval gameplay and storytelling!!
@eachuisge-cc : the imagination and creativity!! I love everything they make - lots of stuff for horses and for animalistic Sims. I've also been highly entertained by the digitigrade legs + unmentionables saga (I dunno if Tumblr flags these words lmaaaaoo).
@saruin : OBSESSED. Obsessed! So many great creations for your ethereal, occult, otherworldly babes.
@zeussim : maker of stunning wedding dresses and also the fantastic Lestat's Lovers set, which requires it's own shout-out because I adore it and it made me so happy to see siuch great fashion for our masc-framed Sims.
@yooniesim : the hair this creator makes are GORGEOUS, and I also really love their accessories too!
@sychik : I think they might be retired now, but they were the first CC creator I ever downloaded from because they'd made hairs and clothing for The Arcana characters. I'd only just got Sims and I spent many happy hours playing with the Main 6, so I hope they know how much joy they gave me. You can use this tag to easily find CC.
@surely-sims : I was in two minds about whether to include Anne in Poses or BB (or CAS!), because she is THAT talented that she does all. But her BB is so fun and unique and I'm obsessed with the vintage-style promo pics she makes for it, too. I'm also obsessed with Shromp on a cellular level... I'm in a cult of my own making tbh. Oh! And Anne has also started streaming CC tutorials on Twitch which are excellent!
@lumenniveus : I only discovered him fairly recently (because I heard there may be more Shromp content) but I am OBSESSED. OBSESSED. In fact I'm going to specifically shout-out the Runestone and Herbal Cottage Set because I'm using them so much right now and they've instantly become a must-have for my Mods folder.
@destruam : these conversions are EVERYTHING!! I use so much of their CC, especially to stock my medieval story scenes. They also make CAS outfits!
@buildbuymode : some excellent BB and CAS items, and also the maker of the baby rug hider mod which is SO necessary for storytelling/pose use hahah.
@bakiegaming : honestly, what can't this creator do?! I'm OBSESSED with their mods for animated animal life, and they also make fantastic BB and CAS items too.
And a special mention to @simdertalia : although she has recently had to start making a few sets early access, she was creating huge amounts of CC entirely for free before then and has always been so kind and generous. She is absolutely an integral part of my Mods folder because I use her CC all the time (and have made several poses for pieces that inspired me, too). It's always the highest quality and I frequently find myself discovering something that I didn't know I needed but now couldn't go without!
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earlgrey24 · 17 days
Top 5 underappreciated historical figures!
Thanks for the ask! This one was super fun, but also super difficult to answer. I've purposefully avoided mentioning the ladies of the French Revolution, since I have another question specifically about them lined up.
With that being said, in no particular order:
Anyone in the classics circle likely knows much more about her than I do, but I'm so glad I've discovered her through Tumblr! All of the things I've learned about her so far have been so interesting. It's incredible to see how much political (and military) power a Roman woman was able to yield despite living in a deeply patriarchal society.
(also, the part of me that loves drama really appreciates the story about her stabbing Cicero's tongue with hairpins after the proscriptions and Octavian's atrocious poem about her)
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2. Émilie du Châtelet
Also hardly a surprise for anyone who's been following me for a while. Again, the fact that I've only relatively recently found out that there was a female mathematician and physicist in the fist half of the 18th century with such significant contributions to the field makes me almost feel as if I've been lied to.
She is special to me both because she was incredibly smart (she was able to understand Newton like few other people in her time and she spoke so many languages!) but there's also something about her writing that makes her feel deeply human and relatable. I've read some of her texts, and not only are they written in a beautiful prose but they're also incredibly moving. Her view on how to achieve happiness in life is one of the best I've ever came across, and her arguments for the education of women always make me feel so emotional...
...when she says that it was only after she realised that the circle of (male) French intellectuals accepted her among themselves and treated her as equal that she realised she too "might be a thinking creature"... I don't know, there's something about it that always gets to me.
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Okay, time to introduce some male historical figures as well! This one is a residue from the time when I was really into the American Revolution.
3. Peter Stephen Du Ponceau
He was probably the only one in Baron von Steuben's original group that was able to speak decent English when they first arrived in the US to join the revolutionary war, which a) makes him quite important b) is kind of funny to think about.
But what I especially like about him is that he was a talented linguist who seemed to have genuine respect for other cultures, which let's face it, was quite rare in his times. While taking part in the American Revolutionary War, he recorded and studied the languages of Native American People. How cool is that?
(He was also potentially queer and I do have a soft spot for queer history)
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Okay, guess should bring up someone interesting from Czech history as well. I fully confess that my own country's history is not necessarily my favourite area of study, but for her, I'll always make an exception:
4. Milena Jesenská
Probably most well known as Kafka's (kind of?) girlfriend/pen pal, but there is so much more to her story!
She was a writer and a journalist during the first half of the 20th century. She was really talented and soon made a reputation for herself, which let's face it, wasn't an easy thing to do for women in her time.
After Czechia became occupied by Nazi Germany, she joined the resistance movement and helped Jewish families to escape. She was later transported to a concentration camp, where she worked as a nurse and was said to have been "a moral support for other prisoners". She unfortunately died there when she was only 47. Still, what a life!
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5. John Polidori
He's not necessarily my number one favourite person but I'd argue he is one of the most unappreciated figures. Vampires in fiction are massively popular but he rarely gets credited as one of its first authors. (Also the theory that Lord Ruthven, the charismatic, immoral aristocrat featured in The Vampyre is heavily based off on Lord Byron is not only entirely plausible but also quite funny).
Whenever I read something about the Geneva Squad, I always end up feeling kind of bad for him. As a foreigner, someone who was of a lower social status and - since he technically came along as Byron's personal physician - a paid employee, it just seems to me like he was never actually fully part of the group. Maybe I'm wrong, but to me, he felt kind of like a perpetual outsider. Lord Byron also got the credit for writing The Vampyre that should have gone to Polidori.
He was of course far from a perfect saint, with his drug and gambling addiction, but I still can't help but feel that he deserved better.
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hollowtones · 11 months
do you have any tips for . getting motivated to learn to cook? i am struggling but i really want to enjoy good foods made by me…
Start small. Start simple. Do stuff that requires minimal prep and few ingredients. That way you have more energy to spend on practicing technique because you're spending less energy worrying about everything else. Bake a potato. Make a simple pasta. Make a salad. Put a can of beans in a pan with some spices and a bit of garlic. Make oatmeal. Cook an egg. Fry up a grilled cheese. Find a veggie side dish you like and see how you can make a simple version of it. You know yourself better than me. Think about what you like & how you can make it fun to make something for yourself.
If the issue is "where do I start? how do I start?" The websites I tend to look recipes up on are Serious Eats and The Omnivore's Cookbook. There's other good sites out there, but there's also a lot of clickbait garbage type stuff (like with anything else out there, I suppose), so you might need to do some looking around.
If the issue is "how do I actually do any of this?" One of my favourite Guys Who Do Cooking Stuff Online is J. Kenji López-Alt & he does a lot of POV videos where he cooks & talks about the technique & ingredient substitutions and stuff. He does a buncha writing for Serious Eats, too. Another channel I like is Internet Shaquille, which also generally focuses on technique & learning & approachability to cooking. I have spent a lot of time looking at various channels on YouTube related to cooking and there are a lot of them ranging from "useless if you are new" to "useless if you are on a budget" to "this is a long-form advertisement" to "this guy's just miserable to listen to". There's more than just two good video resources out there, obviously, but these are two that I like.
If your issue is "but this seems like so much work?" Well... sometimes it is. Try focusing on individual steps if that stresses you out (it stresses me out on some days, too). Also, get into the habit of cleaning your dishes / kitchen ASAP. I don't have much specific advice to offer on that other than Find Out How To Make It A Habit For Yourself. But making sure you have a clean & empty sink / a loaded dishwasher by the end of the day makes things less of a slog in my experience. You know your own capabilities and energy levels better than I do, and you ought to know there's no shame or no wrong-doing in getting help, or getting certain things pre-made or pre-cooked, or anything like that. Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably projecting, or a dickhead, or trying to sell you something.
I know some of this kind of amounts to "well just try it". But genuinely, just try things out. Try not to be too discouraged by failure. Mistakes are a learning experience for next time, and often cooking mistakes are recoverable, and sometimes cooking mistakes let you accidentally discover something you like. (The number of times I've fucked up eggs over-easy made me realize I like it when the yolks are broken up & they're just kinda soft and lightly scrambled. LOL)
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captain-hen · 6 months
Tumblr Fandom: A Year in Review 2023
i was tagged by @mistmarauder, thank you!!
Top Five Blorbos:
Eddie Diaz (9-1-1)
Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Nancy Drew (Nancy Drew)
Alex Claremont-Diaz (Red, White & Royal Blue)
Lucy Preston (Timeless)
Top Five Fandoms:
Red, White & Royal Blue
Stranger Things
The Haunting Anthology
Nancy Drew
Top Five OTPs:
Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1)
Lucy Chen/Tim Bradford (The Rookie)
Nancy Drew/Ace (Nancy Drew)
Lucy Preston/Garcia Flynn (Timeless)
Dani Clayton/Jamie Taylor (The Haunting of Bly Manor)
Shoutout to Some New Friends:
@eddiediaaz we've been mutuals since last year but i feel like we talked a lot more this year, so i'm very grateful for that ❤ @poughkeepsies is one of my dearest mutuals on here and i love you and all your takes <33 and also @ice-sculptures i've adored following you over this year!
Shoutout to Some Old Friends:
all of my love to the one and only @tawaifeddiediaz, i don't know where i'd be without her to rant and get emotional over our blorbos with and she's just such a wholesome soul!! and of course, @bieddiediaz and @oneawkwardcookie, the besties, i love you guys so so much ❤❤
Favorite Creation You Posted This Year:
i'm very proud of my fic, but i can see all along, love (it was you all the way down) <3
Favorite Creation Posted by Someone Else This Year:
oh gosh this is SUCH a difficult question because there are so many amazing creations from this insanely talented fandom—but i'd have to go with @eddiediaaz's speak now gifset it was so incredible!
People Who Brightened Your Year:
too many people to count—@buck2eddie @lover-of-mine @jeeyuns @diazass @kitkatpancakestack @bieddiediaz @tawaifeddiediaz and so many others i'm probably forgetting!
Anyone Else You'd Like to Mention:
there are just too many people to mention—every single one of my mutuals on here, and all the kind people who've sent me lovely messages (anonymous or not) and all the people who continue to follow me!!
Five of Your Favorite Authors This Year:
elless continues to be an all-time favourite, they have some of the most beautiful fics in the fandom ❤❤
@tawaifeddiediaz is the most talented person ever ily 😘
@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels is another favourite!! your halloween fics were SUCH a treat and i'm sitll working my way through them!!
@cal-daisies-and-briars has fics with some of the most intriguing concept and is honestly a powerhouse—it seems like you're posting fic all the time!
@bvckandeddie i recently discovered your fics and they're just *chefs kiss* so delightful!!
Five of Your Favorite Artists/Gifmakers/Podficcers/Etc. This Year:
no list about gifmakers is complete without @eddiediaaz who is so talented and creative it makes me wanna cry (with joy!)
@padme-amidala while i don't follow most of the media you post gifs for, your work is so stunning and i'm so obsessed!!
@stationoneeighteen i love love all of your gifs especially the ones that focus on the firefam, they're so good ❤❤
@buckleys-diaz alie you haven't been around for a while (and i hope you're doing well!) but you've always been one of the most talented gifmakers in this fandom and i've always looked up to you <3
@roseapothecary your gifs are so so gorgeous and i've adored all of your rwrb sets!! they're so pretty and creative!!
Three Things You're Looking Forward to in 2024:
the new season of 9-1-1 and also the PJO tv series!!
tagging everyone who's already been mentioned in this post <33
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edwinspaynes · 1 month
What are your top 5-10 Thomastair headcanons?
Oh my God lmao I have SO many Thomastair headcanons. Not sure I can pick a top 10, but here are my 10 favourites. Some of them you may recognize as recurring things in my fic!
If you have read one of my best fics, this is one you'll recognize: film junkie Alastair. He's so interested in movies as an art form, and his interest and passion get Thomas into cinema, too. At the start of their relationship, they go to films around London, but they branch out pretty quickly. They go to places like New York, and Boston, and LA. Matthew even gets them into a Phantom of the Opera premiere in Paris and orchestrates a meeting between them and the director. It's something that Thomas and Alastair do together for their entire lives until they finally get a TV when they're 70 and in their little condo.
Thomas still retains his schoolboy diaries... and they are completely filled with, like, "La la la Alastair is so funny... and so amazing.... he spoke to me today..." etc. Alastair discovers this while they're moving and, with Thomas's consent, conducted a hilarious dramatic reading for just the two of them. To this day, he still does this sometimes, and it always makes them laugh.
Thomas and Alastair learn to cook all of each other's favourite meals. Usually Thomas makes breakfast and Alastair makes dinner, but sometimes they'll switch it up. Or they'll cook together. But yes I think that they learn all of the other one's favorite recipes and surprise the other one sometimes. I think that Thomas learns from Sona and Risa, and Alastair learns primarily from Eugenia.
Thomas scratches his nose when he feels awkward in social settings. It's a tell that no one notices besides Alastair, who is both observant and emotionally close to Thomas. He teases him about it excessively, but he also will use it as a cue and like, keep him comfortable when in group situations.
You'll be familiar with this one if you've ever read my smut. When Thomas and Alastair first started to get physical post-infirmary scene, Thomas was uncomfortable with speaking about sex and Alastair noticed. So he started using outdated sex euphemisms to get him to feel comfortable and laugh with him so he can feel safe talking about it. And it WORKED. Over time, though, after a couple of months, Thomas became more naturally comfortable and confident. But the euphemisms stayed. And they made it a game to one-up each other in weirdness and entertainment value of the antiquated terms. And then it became "no matter what we are currently doing, pause and guess the year the term is from." It's like this huge private inside joke for them that's intimate and hilarious.
Thomas and Alastair are both extremely close to Zachary. When Zachary is a young child, he genuinely believes that both Thomas and Alastair are his dads. Sona has to correct him, and he is floored.
One of Thomas's biggest flaws is that he's super petty. Like, if Alastair does something minorly annoying, he will passive-aggressively hint to it. I wrote a fic where Alastair accidentally eats his truffles so he decided to get back at him by putting some of his things too high for him to reach around the house. But he's also just as ridiculously doting. Like. He goes to replace his truffles and also brings Alastair a second box because he loves him
I think one of the best things about Thomastair is that they're always like. Teammates. Even when they're upset with each other, it's like, they will support each other through anything. It is a kind of love you don't see very often. I feel like the ONLY other time I've seen this is with Herondaisy, but yeah.
This is totally canon, but they're the capital-C PDA Couple. I love this about them. Booo. Get a room.
Eventually, when they're in their late 50s, Thomas and Alastair retire to Paris together. They get a condo high above the Champs Elysees and fill it with books and artwork, and there's a passage from their room to their roof so they can go up and look at the stars.
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bethaven · 6 months
#22 Heartstopper
Plot: Nick and Charlie get placed together at form in school and immediately - sparks. Charlie's unsure if Nick likes him back, or even if he's non-straight. Nick on the other hand, get very confused about these new feelings. Meeting, falling in love and being out turns out to be more complicated than they could've ever imagined. But it's the love story of the century and together with supportive friends and family they can overcome anything. We also get to follow their friends and family in their own endeavours, like the relationships between Tao and Elle and Tara and Darcy as well as Isaac's ace-journey.
Years: 2022-
Seasons: 2 (season three arriving in 2024)
My story: There's so much to say here, but I'll try to keep it short. I discovered Heartstopper shortly after the first season had arrived to Netflix. It fast became one of my favourites and led to a few rewatches over the first year. But I didn't move further into the fandom just yet. When season 2 dropped I'd been longing for it all summer. I'd had a rough year with chaos at work combined with both my grandfathers passing away within two months. I'd been keeping myself distracted with travelling all summer, but then suddenly there were no distractions left. My mental health spiraled. The only thing that kept me afloat was Heartstopper. I watched all episodes everyday for about two months. I read the comics over and over. I went deep into the Osemanverse and I read books, which I normally never do. I got into tumblr. All of it kind of became my saving. And I owe it all to Alice Oseman.
Teachable moments: For me Heartstopper teaches us primarily about how love is always just love, in whichever form it comes in. Wheither it's platonic, romantic or other types of love, wheither it's the love you feel for your partner or the love you feel for friends and family - they're all valid and important.
Best character: Even though I love them all, I've always had a soft spot for Charlie. There's so many layers of him and I am really looking forward to how the rest of his journey will be portrayed on screen. He has the biggest heart and is so much stronger than he thinks.
Best episode: "Boyfriend" (S1E8). I love how this episode start at the deep end and ends on a high note. Nick's speach and their kiss in the corridor together with the beach trip just makes this perfect. A big runner up is "Truth/Dare" (S2E6), not the least for Tara and Darcy's story and growth.
Best quote: "I think there's this idea that when you're not straight you have to tell all your friends and family immediately, like you owe it to them. But you don't." (Charlie to Nick) This line has really helped me in my own journey about sexuality/attractions.
Fun fact: It'd be hard to find a fun fact that the Heartstopper fandom didn't already know (even though it might be true for all the series in this calendar). But for the not so initiated it'd be fun to know that Joe Locke, who plays Charlie, got the role through an open audition and this is his first time acting professionally. In 2024 he'll be both in a new Marvel series (which, in a parallel universe is quite funny since Charlie doesn't like Marvel) and do his Broadway debut in Sweeny Todd.
If you like this you might also like: Young Royals, Skins, Tales of the City, Skam and Atypical.
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(Heartstopper is the adaptation of Alice Oseman's webcomic and books. Volume 5 was just released and volume 6 will be the last one. The webcomic is normally released three times a month, but will now be on a hiatus for about six months, until Alice have some volume 6 stuff to share. Also check out the novellas Nick and Charlie and This winter as well as Alice's novels Solitaire (where the story about Nick and Charlie started), Radio Silence, I was born for this and Loveless. She has also written and created the Netflix series.)
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tatasoom · 5 months
I'm here today for a special preview analysis in TWO PARTS.
Here in the first part we will talk about the most speculative theory mostly based on nothing lol
In the second part you will discover that P'Aof loves an airport scene so much that gonna give us TWO OF THEM.
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Yeah, I don't think predictions makes much sense now, but some viewers in the comments on YouTube (and also I) noticed a really strange thing in the preview for the last episode. Let's take a look.
Mhok is in the airport and see Day, probably two or three years later (I took this time information from a "novel" and it seems logical due to Day's graduation we see in the preview).
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The last shot is already one of my favourite, Jimmy's acting (shock - hope - pain) and the angle, ugh!.. Well, let's talk about Day in this scene.
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We see him on an escalator with a bag only and then walking freely... I believe he's a talented boy, but do you believe blind person can walk like this without a stick or a dog?.. I see sometimes visually impaired people in the metro and they're really good at navigating without any help, but they always have the stick! Actually Day also has one!
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And that's how we're coming to the first part of the theory:
In this upcoming scene Day is not blind anymore.
Okay, we assume he can see and then the question is why he shows no interest in Mhok.
When I suddenly met my ex three years later after an extremely dramatic relationships and devastating break up, he stopped in the center of the metro station crowd and trust me we both looked more like Mhok, than like Day!
Some viewers think that Day just can't recognize Mhok, because they met each other after Day's vision had lowered to 20%. However we not only saw him looking at Mhok from that one palm distance, but also having photos of Mhok! Don't you think after a successful surgery Day must want to check out what a person he loved so much looks like?..
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And that's how we're coming to the second part of the theory:
Day recognized Mhok, but pretends he didn't.
Yeah, I told you this theory is crazy! But listen... all previews, especially for the second part of the show, was playing with our emotions. And as we already know the episode 11 preview just showed us some moments from idk maybe the first ten minutes of the episode. I couldn't even imagine how much fluff and pain this episode actually brought us.
So no wonder this airport scene can be another moment of Day playing on Mhok's nerves (remember that beach scene with the book?) and P'Aof playing with our hearts.
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That would be so f***ed up that I'm even ready to forgive them for giving Day his vision back haha
I've also read the novel ending and the series is definitely not gonna be the same, but will have some similarities. Maybe we'll see not only Day's graduation, but also his small bookstore and working process.
The most important part for me is not the circumstances of Day and Mhok's reunion, but the words about Day all that years looking for the kind of love Mhok gave him. I'm not ugly sobbing, you are.
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P. S. Still processing episode 11 with a whole mountain of real life stories in my head. Trust me P'Aof is more realistic in storytelling than it seems. If you need a long post about different people I know going to the US for different reasons, also with breaking up with their lovers, just ask me haha
Thank you for reading and don't forget to check the second part!
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earlgreytea68 · 5 months
Recently listened to a podcast and they were discussing a popular musician (I won’t say their name, cause no one needs unnecessary drama on their blog ;) and they go - Ok so now we’ll read out the lyrics to this song, which is our “favourite” thing to do, haha! Because it always sounds so lame, and cringe and whatever, but we need to do it, because there’ll be indications of a scandal that’s going on in real life.” I my first thought after hearing this, was omg, if they were to read out almost any of fob lyrics it wouldn’t be cringe, bad, weird or whatever. It would be cool as f*ck! Because it’s a real, very good, very deep and beautifully structured poetry. Every time I see lyrics quoted here I read them to myself, sometimes out loud, and it always makes perfect sense, it’s sounds incredible, and it makes me think about the world’s eighth wonder that is Pete Wentz.
So I will say something that's probably going to sound fake and annoying and obnoxious like I'm a total Pete Wentz stan, but we're on my blog, so everyone already knows this stuff about me lol:
Prior to discovering Fall Out Boy for real -- as opposed to just knowing their music abstractly -- I really wasn't much of a music person and didn't think a whole lot about lyrics. Like, I always listened to music, of course!! But I'm no musical expert and I just never did a whole lot of thinking about lyrics in songs.
Then once I discovered Fall Out Boy and started reading Pete Wentz's lyrics, I truly was like, .....I cannot believe how good these are. They are always so good, such deep and layered poetry, I've talked about that so much. And now, honestly, ever since discovering Pete Wentz, when I listen to other songs, I'm just like, ...why are these lyrics so horrible???? hahahah like lyrics are generally so often so basic to me now. There are, of course, always exceptions, but it's just so amazing to me that I genuinely do not see more people talking about how unbelievable a lyricist Pete Wentz is, like, he is so incredibly good at it and I feel like nobody talks about it nearly enough.
I also listen to music podcasts sometimes now and I've also heard the hosts kind of snicker over how bad lyrics are in some of the songs they're talking about, and I'm just like, WHY DOESN'T ANYONE TALK ABOUT HOW GOOD PETE WENTZ IS INSTEAD OF TALKING ABOUT THESE LYRICS????????
Someday when I hit the lottery I'll start my podcast analyzing FOB songs and Pete Wentz lyrics.
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gulliblelemon · 11 days
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @bigalockwood!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Exclusively Young Royals. 
Top five fics by kudos
See You (Soon)
Where We Left Off
Please Try Again Later
Happy 18th, Crown Prince Wilhelm
The Umbrella
(I have a whole kudos spreadsheet and watching the trends is fascinating 😉)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Well, I try to. It sometimes gets a little bit overwhelming, especially at the beginning when there's an influx. But they're all so wonderful.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I haven't written anything with an angsty ending. I don't think I have it in me 😅
(Unless you count one shots in a series, in which case it's What Am I Going To Do? But that's part of a whole universe that does have a happy ending, so I'm not counting it - although when I posted there was no promise of a continuation of the story, so it was angsty for a while).
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fics have happy endings. But I think they all feel like it's a happy ending to that particular part of their story, and will go on to be more after.
Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't as of yet. I still can't really believe that's a thing that happens.
Do you write smut?
No. And the longer I go on, the more I wonder if I should. But then again, I wrote a whole fic that was basically about hooking up without it, so maybe I'll be fine never writing it.
Craziest crossover
I've never written a crossover.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I had The Umbrella translated into Russian and uploaded to ficbook.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
All time favourite ship?
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a folder full of WIP documents, most of which are just a line or a few sentences scribbled down. Some scenes, some ideas. I doubt they'll all get written, but lots get pulled for other things. And Wille's Month made me dust some of them off and either expand on them or just publish as they were.
But as for actual WIPs that I'm actively working on, I haven't got one that I don't think I'll finish. Once I start, I kind of get to the end by whatever means necessary 😅 Even if it takes me ages.
What are your writing strengths?
Erm... horrible question 😅. Dialogue? Maybe? I don't know. Someone else would have to answer that for me. I think I have a very skewed view of my own writing based on what I do and don't like doing.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Also horrible question, for very different reasons. Repetition probably. When I have something I just need to get down, I stop paying as much attention to how I'm saying things (what words I'm using, how I'm structuring sentences etc). But luckily @iwouldnevergetintofanfic is pretty good at catching it.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
It depends. I am not fluent, or even passable really, in any languages other than English. I'm not averse to dropping the odd word in, but in general I write the English translation (since they're speaking in Swedish anyway). I also discovered that the grammar rules are different, so ended up changing a load of stuff back to English in one fic because I wasn't sure which grammar rules to use.
First fandom you wrote in?
Young Royals.
Favourite fic you've written?
I don't know. I like certain ones for different reasons.
Where We Left Off was a massive undertaking. It's over twice as long as the next longest thing I've written (still not long by 'long fic' standards) and I was writing it for nearly a year. (And I'm not sure I'll ever write something that long again, that's not really how my brain works).
See You (Soon) was the first one where I felt like I knew what I was doing, and I think I will always be very fond of it.
I loved the process of writing Making Music, because it was a gift for a dear friend @purplehoodiesandclementines.
But I love them all in different ways 💜
No pressure tags for @unfortunate17, @enjoythesilentworld and @peakotp (and anyone else seeing this that wants to answer - I love reading these. I'll even retroactively tag you if you want!).
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WIBTA if I asked my girlfriend to get me a replacement mask?
So I and my girlfriend (both adults) are in a long-distance relationship and live on different continents but visit each other for periods of weeks to months at a time. As background context, my girlfriend is notoriously bad with money - she's owed me over $1500 for half a year now after I covered some big expenses for her when she was unable to save in time, though I've told her there's no particular deadline for giving it back and to just do it when she's able, but she's also borrowed money from her parents, she's paying off a credit card debt, and despite having a full-time job she seems completely unable to save anything substantial and is constantly buying things.
We both like a certain musician, and this shared interest in the musician is actually how we met in the first place and bonded. They've dropped some merch in the past, and it always sold out within 5-10 minutes, and they're borderline impossible to get now unless you a) are lucky enough to find another fan who's giving theirs away, which is super rare because of how hard they are to replace, or b) are willing to fork out thousands of dollars for a resold one on some dodgy site somewhere. One of the merch items I got from one of those drops was a facemask, and my girlfriend has a matching one - I can't remember if it was something I bought for her, since I did that with some merch if I got there in time, or one she bought herself. It became a huge comfort item for me - I'm both autistic and have avoidant personality disorder, so I'm almost always in some kind of mask to hide my face, and this one being connected to a special interest as well as comfortable and a perfect size (and goes with all my clothes!) made me super happy. Last time she visited, we joked around about having identical masks but that it was easy to tell which one was hers because it had makeup stains all over the inside.
As she packed to leave, I mentioned that I couldn't find my mask anywhere and asked if she'd picked mine up as well as hers by accident, so she dug through her bags and said she didn't have it, only hers. I was kinda disappointed but I figured it'd turn up sooner or later so I accepted it, and she flew back home.
A few days later, she let me know she'd unpacked and discovered she actually did have both our masks. I asked her to send it back to me, and she said she would.
Fast forward a few months, I'd asked a few more times, and she always said she would soon. Eventually, when I asked one time, she told me she'd lost it. Her mother had tidied her entire room and she no longer had any idea where either of our masks were. I was kind of frustrated so I asked why she couldn't have just sent it over when I initially asked, and she snapped back that she couldn't afford it, which doesn't make much sense to me because she definitely does have enough to send over a flat envelope, which a fabric face mask would easily fit in just like a letter.
It's been a few months since then and I've been looking and looking for any kind of replacement, but all I can find are knock-off versions that are made from different materials or don't look the same. I did see one resold for like $20 ages ago, so it definitely happens, but it's so rare.
WIBTA if I told my girlfriend I'm expecting her to replace the one she lost even if it's putting more financial pressure on her? I feel really dumb for getting so upset about a mask, but it was one of my favourite belongings and it's genuinely upsetting that it was taken and lost.
To get out ahead of any comment saying it, I have full 100% faith that she did not do it intentionally and she didn't sell it or anything like that. She wouldn't have even thought about the possibility of doing that and I absolutely believe it was an accident and she just grabbed both masks or had been holding onto mine for me and forgotten it was in a bag etc.
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thedragonchilde · 1 month
Ship meme spam round two
How did they they meet?
Well, that's pretty well covered in the series--
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Chibodee, by a mile
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
“It's so nice to see them happy together; much nicer than dealing with Chibodee's miserable mooning~”
“Oh, shut up, Shirley, I was not ‘mooning’!”
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
The circumstances are actually answered somewhat in the next question!
Who confessed their feelings first?
Domon, after having accidentally discovered that the feeling was mutual. (Chibodee was braced for a confrontation, not a confession!)
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
I'm sorry, I have the visual of Chibodee inviting George for a double date just to watch his reaction--
What do they do in their down time?
Separately, it's a wonder if they have down time at all, so together they try to make every moment count - and even then they're usually pretty hyped up and active, but sometimes that just means takeout and televised sports and lazy embrace
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Considering that Dr Kasshu is the only parent in the equation-- (Which is to say, probably some measure of awkward, but at the same time Domon would be fucking beaming and I don't think the importance of that would be lost on his father at all.)
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Well, I've mentioned before that they have a tendency to snipe about stupid shit that isn't really what they're mad about, and usually those are done and forgiven pretty quickly. Their first big fight as a couple is probably, ironically, over communication, and how they both fail at it in wildly different ways when they're upset - and the issue is not immediately fixed, but having everything out in the open seriously helps
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Domon jumps to it more quickly, because everything seems vaguely threatening when you're unsure. (Not for the reason one might think, however - the assumption tends to be that anyone dating Chibodee would be threatened by his being surrounded by beautiful women, but being jealous of the gals has never crossed Domon's mind, and he would actually find that suggestion kind of weird. They're like his sisters!) He may actually become possessive if Chibodee were to have a rival in the ring though, like “only I should get you hyped up like that”
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
You mean they have to narrow it down??
Who’s the cuddly one? What is their favourite cuddling position?
Domon can be a little tsundere about cuddling sometimes, but let's be real, physical touch of any kind is very important for these two, and whatever cuddle configurations they come up with are no exception
Are they hand holders?
Oh, absolutely, not a question
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
Bets would probably be split between "never" and "ASAP". But they finally get to it after a couple near-misses and aborted attempts, a few really awkward questions, and a lot of pent-up frustration.
Chibodee certainly takes the lead initially, but thinks he can get away with not getting fully naked or letting himself really be touched, and apparently doesn't think Domon's gonna catch on to that trepidation. Rookie mistake, my man; body language speaks loud and clear, and your boy is famously good at reading it. It takes a blunt "I wouldn't be here if I didn't want this. But if we're gonna do it, I wanna do it right. I want this. I want you" - and a well-timed jaw kiss/hip grab maneuver - to get a breathless, trusting "Yeah okay, you've got me"
Who tops?
This is definitely a competition
What’s the worst fight they’ve ever gotten into?
They probably get into it pretty good a couple times over the long-distance thing
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Shopping they'd have to work together on and learn the art of compromise along the way, because Domon is hilariously predictable and Chibodee can be an impulse shopper just because he can. I suspect they stick to stuff that's easy to prepare.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Tidiness would probably go to Domon, but he's also not super used to having much stuff to keep untidy. (Obviously, any tidiness does not apply to his hair.) 'Organized' is kind of broad, but Chibodee's better about times and dates, and anything he doesn't keep organized he can trust that Bunny will.
Who proposes?
Domon, because for as much as he says he's not good with words, he is both completely unable to keep his feelings to himself and downright poetic when he speaks from the heart. (Chibodee doesn't answer right away, and he laughs when he does, because he was just about to pop the question himself, only Domon beat him to the punch, and did it better, and if he wasn't so happy he'd be so pissed off--)
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bachelorette parties or separate?
See, this is the pitfall of marrying within your friend group--
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
George and Rain seem like the natural choices (or, if we go with a resurrection timeline, Kyoji and Shirley), though I think the gals would pick up a lot of the traditional maid-of-honor duties, because they know how to plan a party, and how to keep news outlets out. Honestly, I feel like the wedding party is mostly a given! I'm having trouble with what exactly would get Sai to eventually warm up to all this, but I like the idea that he would insist on making the cake. It would be the best damn cake you ever saw or tasted, and normal toppers are lame so this would call for two playing cards at the top-- (He may also have tried to insist on throwing a bachelor party, and honestly, Sai, even though you are technically an adult at this point that still sounds like a really bad idea)
Big Ceremony or Small?
Not a huge shindig, I figure, but probably big enough that they each ask at least once during the planning why they didn't just elope. (The answer is probably "because neither of you could keep it secret to save your lives, and once certain people know they wouldn't let you sneak off anyway"). Research on Japanese weddings tells me that the ceremony would be very small, anyway, and the reception would be the bigger worry.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?
Tell me that it wouldn't be on Earth. Specifically where I'm not sure (any good memories Domon had of the rainforest are probably super shot), but they would absolutely take advantage of the kind of scenery you just don't get on the colonies.
Do they have children? How many?
Domon's so good with kids that it'd be almost a shame if they didn't, and you can't tell me Chibodee wouldn't have a heart for orphans. Come back to me later on specifics though. EDIT: Back with details! I definitely played with adoption, and largely got "but how am I supposed to pick favorites??" (and that's when I figured there are donations to youth shelters and maybe an established scholarship or something?) But one offhand mention of surrogacy/IVF as an option and I had a picture in my head before long, so, bam, one bio kid. His name is Apollo, which Chibodee absolutely deserves a suspicious side eye for.
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chickenwaffles17 · 1 month
my two greatest creations
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I figured I should properly provide information about Mint, as well as introduce this magpie character I've been desperate to create. As it says there, I'd like you all to meet my newest OC, Comet the Magpie!
Mint the Possum:
based off of a common ringtail possum
her favourite colour is blue
her favourite food is oranges, but she's also partial to pomegranates
genderqueer because self-insert 💜🤍💚
best friends with Rouge the Bat (wears a lot of heart motifs because of this)
they met each other while robbing a jewellery store, as they both wanted the same necklace
Rouge relinquished the necklace to Mint after discovering it was a zircon, and Mint wears the necklace whenever she can
she is skilled at dodging, is quite fast and can leap very high
she's loyal to her friends and will try everything she can to put them out of harm's way
somewhat hot-headed -anxious, awkward and self conscious, impulsive, friendly, sassy but sweet
slightly inflated ego
after fighting Shadow, she doesn't know how to feel about him
she thinks he's very cool, and extremely powerful, plus she's aware that he's Rouge's friend
but still kind of mixed about him
she likes looking at him though
she gets along well with Tails, Amy and Sonic
while her and Knuckles aren't as buddy-buddy, they're still on good terms
gets along with others and is determined to make herself as helpful and nice as possible
her fighting style is relatively undeveloped but it relies mostly on using the enemy's weapon against them as a way to make up for her lacking in strength
her choice of Extreme Gear is a bike
in an attempt to make her less of an Anti-Sue in the beginning I gave her the trait of having everyone be in love with her cause' why not
Comet the Magpie:
he's based off of both a common Australian magpie and a black-billed magpie, due to their beautiful blue plumage
childhood friends with Mint, they grew up together in the Mobius equivalent of Australia (which I have just learned is called Southern Island) and both have prominent Australian accents due to this
his favourite colour is green
he's very friendly and physically affectionate, loves to hug people
but he can be slightly aggressive and territorial sometimes (a la real magpies)
even so, just a chill guy in general
he probably would take up Extreme Gear if he had the chance but he's never heard of them, would use a board
he likes surfing because of Point Break
he can do a horrid David Bowie impression
he's fond of shiny things (a la real magpies)
do NOT let him or Mint near a karaoke machine due to this ⬇️
he sounds fine, just... unconventional
Mint is...
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seriousbrat · 4 months
hi i'm really curious to hear your opinion on this post: https://www.tumblr.com/oxydiane/693952155206500352/honestly-people-who-are-insufferable-about-the?source=share
well first off idk what they mean by people being insufferable about the prank exactly but i think it's just common sense to hold Sirius responsible for it. like it was his fault lol. I don't know if recognising that your favourite characters (and Sirius is one of mine) have flaws and did bad things sometimes counts as "crucifying" them rather than just enjoying the characters as they are, so I'm not sure what they're referring to. they do say in the tags that they don't think Sirius was in the right to be fair, but I think it's somewhat disingenuous to claim that Sirius wasn't expecting Snape to go down there when there's no evidence for that and even if true it wouldn't change the outcome.
I think there's a tendency in fandom to think you can only like characters if they're understood as 100% good flawless people whose every action is justified somehow. to me not only is this boring it's just kind of ridiculous. I think there's no way around the fact that Sirius did something that was objectively extremely fucked up not only to Snape but also to Remus, and then later displayed little remorse for it as far as we know ("‘I’m bored,’ said Sirius. ‘Wish it was full moon.’") and like... who cares? In the sense that to me, that just makes him an interesting character. And I don't think it erases his good qualities, it just makes him complex.
As far as Snape, like I said in another post I do think that he had some responsibility in the matter. And as a Snape fan this is worth discussing imo and the same exact thing goes for him as it does for Sirius. I think his obsession with discovering what the Marauders were up to went past the point of reasonable and that's why he was so easily manipulated into going down into the willow (for someone so intelligent, walking into an obvious trap is not his greatest moment lol) and we're shown in canon that this obsession was also interfering with his ability to be a good friend to Lily. If I absolutely had to choose then yeah, I think Sirius is more at fault than Sev but that's not as interesting to me as exploring the different motivations at play in the situation. Either way it's kind of a dishonest reading to try and make excuses or handwave rather than accepting that Everyone Is Terrible and just being okay with that.
I guess my point is, are you really a fan of a character if you have to overlook their flaws and weak moments in canon? it's a question worth asking. I love both Snape and Sirius because they have flaws but also admirable traits and I'm chillin feeling absolutely no need to defend anyone lol
edit- oh also I agree with your replies to that post, I've just seen them :)
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