#and Luke is a chicken
probablygayattorneys · 6 months
Damn it, someone didn’t properly tag their spoilers again and a huge part of Azran Legacy was just spoiled for me. Yeah, I learned Emmy was actually Theodore Roosevelt the entire time. :/
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
Between R2-D2, Chopper, and BD-1, which droid do the padawans love?
artoo and chopper have absolutely electrocuted most the padawans at least once, so adorable baby BD is winning <3
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omaano · 2 months
For your ployam drawings, could I suggest 2-D for Paz/Din/Luke?? Luke loves his boyfriends and is glad they're getting along (finally.)
It's a face ship of mine and one that I love writing for! 💌
I didn’t feel like figuring out how far I should have tilted their heads to make them touch in armor so I thought I’d bring back my worst nightmare and draw some Mando helmets for you! (It was actually because I didn’t want to pick a face for Paz 🫣) Thanks for asking! ❤️
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Help me get back into sketching through some of these polyam/platonic pose prompts :3 (I'm still slowly doing these, they help powering through this little artistic crisis I'm suffering rn)
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starshipwriting · 1 year
DinLuke modern AU except Din works security for Area 51 and accidentally takes a tiny green alien home.
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zibulon01 · 10 months
Got tagged by @kstbj thank you! (hi, feel free to ask about more details or snippets for each of them if you want)
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aomiinwonderland · 2 months
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(Edited hihi BeastHawk is getting its own post hihi) Yaho all~ So my writing homeworks from FAD's Writing Class have become full blown one shots and the two that are up so far are rare pairings~ Plz give them some love if you can hihi mwah! love you all ChickenConfession: Elias/Luke Brandon
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@chickensaladquinn needs to come out with a new part of chicken salad Quinn. Im begging at this point🥺
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chickensaladquinn · 1 year
chicken salad quinn
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khickuwa · 1 year
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I need everyone to see this- Luke... Honey I-
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techniiciian · 4 months
@stillsolo : i’m meticulous when it comes to headcanons
me : i meme so hard shit becomes real sometimes
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dumbassdep · 1 year
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c h i m k e n
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arc0n · 8 months
Crying over unsaid Emily once again
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valeriefauxnom · 6 months
Okay, so believe it or not, I do play other video games besides Dragalia and Tales of the Abyss, they're just my current 'want to yell about' games inspiring Emotion. But when I happened to see an alternate costume for the resident DefinitelyNotEvilNorAFinalBossInAnotherGame!Protagonist in the latest dragon quest monsters game on switch, I got distinct Nedrick vibes.
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Nedrick no don't set your coat on fire, you're not Hisuian Typhlosion-(honestly though I wonder how many people would buy it if you tried to claim Gala Nedrick as a humanized version of Hisuian Typhlosion?)
Yeah, yeah, there's plenty of differences but something about the way the colors line up and the fur collar, plus some of the other design choices...Nedrick, are you selling knockoff versions of your outfit in other worlds???
Extra nonsense: speaking of Nedrick's design, forcibly drawing attention to how the modelers tried to keep so close to the character art Nedrick's model has pink undersides to his 'anteannae'/horns
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...Which also is a vague connection to Gala Euden's shading on the back of his hair giving a green tint, which is reflected in his model too:
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I'll stop there because there's way too many parallels and contrasts in their art, but this was just a stupid little ha at some of the similar designs in different video games.
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missjoolee · 2 years
@claire8216​ requested 82! This prompt had a small existential crisis from me that really doesn’t matter but you know! What’s life without a little crisis here and there? 😅 Unedited to keep it real (flashes fake gang signs to look cool)
Pick a number between 1-102 (7, 13, 17, 23, 31, 45, 82, 97) I am working on them slowly so please be patient!
Luke blinks slowly at the page, his grip on the pen loosening. God, what time is it? Maybe they should call it quits for the night. He looks around but they haven't had a chance to get a clock yet. Tapping his phone screen, nothing happens. Dead. Sighing, he recalls he hadn't charged it last night because the charger was at the bottom of one of his moving boxes.  Thankfully he'd spent the afternoon unpacking after he'd gotten off shift at the diner.
He gets up to plug the phone in and Julie only gives a tilt of her chin in acknowledgement that he's moved away, her pen still flying across the page.  Smiling, he leans against the wall to wait for the devise to power back on, taking in this gorgeous scene.
Last night the room had felt weird. The walls laid bare, boxes shoved into a precarious tower in the corner, the mattress directly on the floor. His mom wouldn't let him take the bed frame. Something about it once belonging to his great uncle. It was a lot of change and while he's definitely better about it than Alex, he wouldn't lie and say it was the best sleep of his life, finally out of his stifling childhood home. Even if the room still didn't feel like him yet, having gone through the majority of his boxes helped to at least breathe easier. But now, seeing Julie lying on his bed, lost in the words of a song he's sure will win them awards, he realizes how much she's becoming home to him. No matter where he finds himself, he will always be alright if she is right there with him. His eyes drift closed.
The tinny startup sound alerts him that his phone is turning on, the battery finally charged enough. Dragging his eyes open, he checks the time.
Shit! Fuck!
"Shit, Jules, we have to go!"
All tiredness leaves his body as he searches around for his car keys. He'd put them in his pocket yesterday when he gotten in from the last trip of bring things in. Yesterday's pants. Shit, shit how does he already have so many clothes piled on the floor? He scatters clothing around him in a flurry. Not finding them, he looks around trying to figure out where they might have gone. His eyes cross over Julie who hasn't moved, only paused her pen to look at him.
"Don't just sit there, it's after 3! Your dad is going to kill me!"
Ray is a very lenient man but even he has his limits. Luke is frantic as he starts rummaging through the open boxes.
"Where the fuck are my keys?!"
Her soft hand slides up his cheek and pulls his face to look over at her. She's no longer on the bed, but she's also not rushing to gather her things so he can take her home. Why isn't she rushing?
Laughter dances in her eyes as she calmly says, "We don't have to leave. Did you forget I moved into the dorms last week?"
He blinks at her, still feeling in crisis mode as his brain slowly supplies him with the memories.
"Also, he would've killed me. I take responsibility for myself, thank you very much."
He snorts at that. She does take responsibility for herself. And Ray is notoriously bad at staying mad at her long enough to enforce a punishment.
His arms wind around her waist and pull her to his chest. She's still looking up at him with a soft smile, and he could drown in her eyes. He rests his forehead on top of hers and takes a deep breath, releasing it with a slow "fuuuuuuuuuuck", trying to slow his heartrate down. Her hands slide up his back before slipping into the ripped armholes of his shirt, pressing cold fingers against the skin of the small of his back.
Suddenly, he's aware of the fact that they are alone at his apartment. A fact that he'd been very aware of when he first opened the door to let her in earlier. He'd stared down at her with a goofy grin that she had reciprocated. No parents, no Aunts, no little brothers to interrupt them. No curfew. That's when Reggie's elbow had dug into his pec as he pushed Luke out of the way (read: into a wall) to hug Julie. There were, after all, still bandmates.
But no bandmates right now. And no place they need to be. His nose drifts down her temple as his hand drifts up to the nape of her neck, pulling her into a kiss.  Warmth spreads throughout his entire body, set aflame everywhere they touch. The kiss intensifies as she presses closer and his hands begin to wander.
She pulls away all too soon, her hand pushing lightly against his chest as he tries to follow. Breathing hard, he looks down into her eyes which are darker than they were before.
"I have class at 9am. We should probably go to sleep."
A groan leaves his body at the idea of stopping, but he knows school is important to Julie and it's her first week of classes.
"Okay, yeah. Let's go to bed."
A different type of thrill thrums through him. For the first time, Julie is going to sleep in his bed. She will be the first thing he sees in the morning when he opens his eyes. That's something he could get used to. He'd take Julie anyway he can. Tangling their fingers together he drags them back over to the bed. He goes to empty his pockets and he pulls out a car key.
"They were in today's pants??"
Julie snorts from where she is putting on a pair of his basketball shorts. "Did you forget you went to work today, too?" She shakes her head in amusement. Apparently he is more tired than he'd thought.
He lets out a small laugh as he shucks his pants and pulls his shirt over his head before climbing into the bed. (climbing down? it's so close to the floor!) She slides in next to him and he can't help but pull her close for another kiss. Now that he's laying down, exhaustion floods him. He pulls back and she's staring at him tenderly.
"Love  you."
"Love you too."
There's a soft smile before she is settling her head against his chest. He relaxes into his own pillow, sleep already trying to pull him under.
"Goodnight, Boss."
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addoves · 2 years
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does anyone want to hear about my nier au.
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shirozora-draws · 2 years
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Had an hour-and-"oops we went over by 40 minutes" department meeting the other day and I sat there in front of my managers doodling in my notebook the whole time. Man, the doodling you get up to when you empty your head and let the pen wander all over your work notebook.
Did I go in and clean up the little dinluke doodle in the corner a bit? ... maybe.
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