#and Steve is just trying to get his nugget back
What do you mean this isn’t a Steddie pirate AU?
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We’ve got Eddie pushing Steve up against a wall
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Eddie invading Steve’s personal space
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And Eddie ending up horrifically injured but alive, exactly like what happened in the show.
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navybrat817 · 4 months
Lmao everyone learning that Buckys kid has super strength when he breaks red wing while being babysat by Sam and Steve. Bucky shedding a tear and being so proud of his boy when he gets home 🥲
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Oh, my goodness. 🥰
But can you imagine the heartbroken look on Jamie's face when he breaks one of the wings off? How he goes from giggling to wide and tearful eyes. Steve and Sam are trying to wrap their heads around what they just saw while Jamie's bottom lip starts to quiver. 
"It's okay, little guy," Steve says immediately as Sam silently picks up the broken wing and inspects it with awe. "Sam, tell him it's okay," he adds in whisper. 
Sam heart breaks faster than Redwing's wing when a tear falls from the eye of Bucky's son. He doesn't want him to cry. "It's okay. We can fix this!" He promises him. "You're so strong. Your Dada will be so proud."
"Mama?" Jamie sniffles hopefully. 
"Your Mama, too," Steve smiles, exchanging a look with Sam as he picks the little boy up and rocks him in his arms. "Did you know he was that strong?" he whispers.
"I had no idea," Sam whispers back.
So when you and Bucky get home later and they explain what happened, you promise Sam you'll pay for the repairs and that you had no idea he could actually break Redwing as Bucky tosses his son in the air. 
"You broke him?! That's my boy! My strong Nugget!" He smiles, catching him with a wide smile. 
"Bucky," you say when Sam narrows his eyes. 
"Can't wait to tell your Aunt Nat," Bucky continues, smiling from ear to ear. "She'll be so proud of you!"
"I'm so sorry," you swear to Sam when he continues to glare at your husband before you go to give Jamie a kiss on his head. "My strong little man," you whisper fondly. 
Sam sighs a little. "Well, at least Bucky wasn't here to witness it and laugh in real time."
"I'll just watch it later on the Nanny Cam," he says without missing a beat.
You close your eyes when Sam and Steve both say, "Nanny Cam?!"
They would babysit for you again, right?
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Love and thanks! ❤️
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we-out-here-simping · 4 months
You, Me, Lonely.
(s.h. x reader)
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from the river to the sea (educate yourself and help however you can)
Summary: you love Steve, Steve loves you. But maybe you both want different things from life.
Warnings/tags: reader menstruates (reader has uterus), abandonment issues, the ‘six nuggets’ talk, suggestive
Word count: 3.4k
a/n: huge huge huge thanks to @procrastinationprincesses for helping me out with this fic and giving it an ending (ur amazing sanjana <3)
writing and posting something because i might have to go MIA for a lil bit (miss me while I'm gone will ya?)
fic is inspired by ‘You, Me, Lonely’ by FIZZ i absolutely love this song like its so close to my heart ughh what can i say I'm a little bitter about the six nuggets scene 
also if you couldn't tell already I have major abandonment issues and an anxious avoidant attachment style. It will reflect in what i write soz :(
In the quiet of the night, you wish for this to last forever. That you'll have him forever.
When you came out of the shower you found him asleep on his side of the bed. His side– the one closer to the door. ‘so I can protect you from anyone who'll try to steal you from me’, he had justified it when you asked him why he was adamant on that side.
you had turned off the bedside lamp ten minutes ago, slipped under the duvet, as quietly as possible so as to not wake him up. on your side of his bed. your bed.
He always sleeps on his stomach, one hand under his pillow and the other extended a little towards yours. His body moves with steady and slow breaths, back rising and falling under the covers, head peeking out from under the rumpled up duvet. his cheeks are squished against the pillow cover. His hair is a mess from the lack of hair product, and still damp from the shower he took before you. There's a few strands of his brown hair sprawled across his forehead too. With your softest touch you brush them away from his eyes.
You wonder what he was dreaming. you hope it was something nice. He looks calm, at peace, and very, very pretty.
You look at him and you know you love him. You want to love him forever.
Love had never seemed like the type of thing you’ll get– like it wasn't meant for you. But then you met him. This boy. This boy who you never thought to be your type. You never thought you even had a type. But his boyish charm and stupid grin won you over.
Your heart doesn't skip beats around him anymore, and you’d think that that means he doesn’t have that same effect on you anymore but that would be wrong. You don’t think you’ve ever loved anyone as much as you do to him. You don’t look at him and get butterflies in your stomach, you look at him and… you’re sure. your heart is quiet and sure. You don't think you’ve ever been sure before.
You want to be sure forever.
He feels like the comfortable still of rain after a scorching hot summer, like the calm and cold breeze that cools you down. Like standing at the top of the mountain, looking at the clouds and valleys below, he feels like the crisp air that fills your lungs. Like the comfort meal your mom makes– the one you can never really recreate, the one that tastes the best when it comes from her. 
You love him and you know. You know. You know he likes you, loves you even. 
Steve Harrington loves you like a dream, and you're worried that one day he’ll wake up, look at you and realise that he deserves so much better. He’ll wake up and he’ll leave for work and he’ll bump into a pretty angel of a girl with a disposition as bright as his. And he’ll never return. people fall out of love. People fall out of love all the time.
You wish for him to love you forever.
How long is a forever anyway?
You wonder what it'll be like. When you're older, with wrinkles, white hair and weaker limbs. 
It's like you see it.
You and him in a bed– just like now but older, wiser, more tired. His back turned to you. There'd be distance between you two, you’d want to move closer and hold him– but you wouldn't. You’d just stare at the back of his head, counting all the grey hairs you’d memorised like all the moles and wrinkles on his skin.
You’d notice his breathing, the rise and fall of his chest and you would have known him so long and so well that you'd just know that he wasn't actually asleep. you'd know why he wasn't asleep.
there'd be a pain in your chest. You would know what it is, why its there. You would gulp and try not to think about it.
“Do you always stare at me in my sleep?” his groggy voice pulls you out of your own head.
You blink, multiple times. Forever, right.
He softly smiles up at you. You blink away before moving to lay on your back, the sheets rustling with your movement. “sorry I woke you up”, you mumble an apology, staring at the ceiling, you fail to hide the shake in your voice.
“Yeah.” the sheets beside you ruffle but you keep your eyes trained on the ceiling. it seems inevitable. You know, one day it'll happen and despite having expected it, it’ll be the greatest heartbreak of them all. 
“Thinking ‘bout somethin’?” he sounds a bit more awake.
“When am I not?” you shake your head and laugh hoping he doesn't notice that it isn't real, thankful that the curtains didn't let in any moonlight and that you had turned off the lights.
“What is it?” but this is Steve, he doesn’t need to see you to know how you’re feeling.
“Were you lying about liking the pasta I made?”
“No, Steve it was good”, a real laugh slips out of you, and you finally look at him. He’s leaning on his elbow, the messy head of hair in his hand, looking down at you. You suddenly wish it wasn’t so dark so you could see the colour of his eyes, the moles and freckles on his skin.
“Then what?”
“Nothing.” your gaze moves back to the ceiling.
“Must be something if it's keeping you up”, you feel him shift closer to you. He smells of fresh shower, mint, shaving cream and washed laundry. 
“No, I'm just….  not sleepy.”
“Yeah?”, he raises his eyebrows with a sly smirk, “Well, I know a way to make you sleepy”, he leans down– both arms caging you in, landing a kiss on your neck before trailing further up to your lips. and its lovely, so god damn lovely, you don't want it to stop but this hurts.
“Ste– mmph– Steve stop”, you turn your face away, because if he keeps going, you think you'll cry, palm pushing flat against his bare chest, “I’m– I'm not in the mood.”
“Okay, I'm sorry”, he moves back onto his one elbow. The silence gestates for a while, you can feel his eyes on you. The ticking of the clock is the only thing heard through the room before he softly says, “Hey, please tell me what's happening?”
“Nothing”, you shook your head, “I’m just tired.”
“You just said you're not sleepy.”
“J– just go back to sleep okay? sorry for waking you up”, you turn onto your side, face away from him. 
He sidles up behind you after a second or two, warm breath across the back of your neck, you squeeze your eyes shut. “yeah, like that's gonna put me to sleep", he mutters behind you.
His arms snake around your waist, pulling you in closer, “C'mon, you know I wont be able to sleep after fighting”, burying his nose in your hair– he sighed.
“Did you just sniff my hair?”
“Yeah, I do all the time. smells s’good."
"You pervert", you both laugh lightly at that, your hand going for his around your waist, before your smiles fall and silence takes over once again. 
You lick your drying lips, you forgot to put on lip balm again, “We’re not fighting, Steve.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
You take in a deep breath in, fingers drawing patterns on the back of his hand, you breath out, “m’sorry.”
His arms squeeze tighter around you, he lets out a quick sigh before placing a kiss on your shoulder, “I’ll forgive you if you tell me what’s going on with you.”
“Steve…”, your voice trails off, you're not even sure what you were going to say.
“Is it— Is it your…. Uh, that time of the month?”
That makes you want to roll your eyes at him and smack his chest but you restrain yourself, you’re not sure if you want him to see your eyes right now anyway. Instead, you sigh,  “I had it last week, Steve.”
You got it in this very same bed. Awoken by cramps in the middle of the night. and Steve, your lovely Steve had given you a hot water bag while he took off the sheets and put on fresh new ones and then gave you a soft massage that put you to sleep.
“right... yeah, sorry," he says all sheepish, “So what is it then? Did someone say somethin’ at work?”
“Did I.. " he hesitated a little, "did I say something?”
“...no”, you curse yourself for pausing before saying it.
“I did, didn't I?”
“No, no. you–”
“honey, you should tell me if I ever say stupid shit– you should call me out immediately–”
“You didn't say anything stupid or whatever. I'm the one who's being stupid.”
his hold on you loosened, he shifted back to give you space to turn around, “What did I say? Hey, look at me,” you finally turn in his hold, facing him “what did I say?”
“We’d have the cutest little kids, won't we?”
“..what?” You stood infront of the kitchen sink. your hands stopped their scrubbing at the pot you were washing. You tilted your head towards him who had his head rested on your shoulder, his arms around your waist.
“Little Harringtons”, you could hear the smile on his lips.
“Or maybe we get our names hyphenated. That works too, it’d be cute”, his hands hold your waist, his duty of drying the plates abandoned. “They’d have my fabulous hair, and your pretty, pretty eyes– cutest kids around the block”
“Our kids?” you repeated dumbly.
“Yeah, and six of ‘em. six little nuggets. They’ll make up half of a football team”, he giggled, warm air hitting the side of your face, “Doesn’t that sound lovely?” he smiled at you.
“...yeah. Yeah, it does.” you smiled back at him which only made him grin wider. His arms tighten around you again, and lips start a trail from behind your ears to down your neck.
You scoffed softly "You’re supposed to help me wash dishes you filthy animal." 
“Oh, fine,” he gave you an over dramatic sigh, before his hands left your sides, skin feeling lonely as ever.
“No, it's fine. I’m almost done anyway", you went back to scrubbing at the bottom of the pot, "Just go and take a shower, you reek.”
“Alright, fine, I’ll go!” he groaned, playfully as a kid, before he leaned against the counter, looking at you with his ‘Harrington charm’. His voice is silky when he asks, “Will you join me?”
“Steve." you said it almost as a warning.
“I don’t hear a no.”
“Okay then, no.”
“Tomorrow morning…?”
“I have an early shift tomorrow, you horndog.”
“We'll make it work.”
“Okay", he sighs, “come up quickly though, I wanna be the big spoon today”, pecking your cheek before leaving for the shower upstairs.
Looking at him, you brush the now mostly dry hair falling on his forehead, tucking it behind his ear. Your fingers lingered there, you smile, “nothing, Steve.”  your thumb rubs back and forth on the apple of his cheeks. “You didn’t say anything. it's stupid.”
His hand reaches up to hold your fingers in place, he turns his head a little to kiss your knuckles, “okay, I didn't say anything” he kisses your knuckles again, gaze stuck to your face, “but could you tell me what it is you think you’re being stupid about?”
God, I love him, you think. “Don't worry about it”, your voice barely a whisper as you attempt to give him a smile. You move closer, planting a slow kiss on his lips which are so much softer than yours– he never forgets his chapstick.
And god, you needed this, your brain stops when you kiss him. thoughts quelled and its quiet again. After some time though, your throat starts to burn and your chest is on the verge of a sob. So, when you pull away, you fail to hide the stuttered breath that you take in.
Steve knew there was something to worry about, but when he hears your breath that almost sounds like a sob, he’s immediately on high alert. Before he can brush your hair out of your face to look at you, really look at you, you bury your face in his chest.
It takes him a second to realize that you’re crying and it breaks his heart because you’re trying to hide it.
“Baby..” he feels you curl in further, your face warm against his skin. He moves to pull you in closer, palm holding the back of your head. He just wanted to take away whatever it was that was bothering you. He tried to pull away to get a look at your face to help you calm down but you wouldn't let him. He settles on carding his fingers through your hair, rubbing circles on the little sliver of exposed skin between your t-shirt and shorts, hoping it gives you some sort of comfort.
"Honey", it is then that you finally let in a shaky breath. he feels the skin where you hid your face get wet maybe with tears, sweat, snot, he didn't care-- he just wanted to take all your pain away.
You both stay that way, and you're suprised by how much you sob, how hard you heave. You weren't sure how long you stayed that way, maybe minutes, maybe hours, however long. It feels like forever.
At this moment, encased in Steve's arms, breath hot against his skin, despite the nose plugged with snot, lashes clumped with tears, eyes squinted shut, you think this is comfortable. Yet it hurts. Because you'll have to pull away. It hurts so damn much because you know how this can go, you know it can hurt so, so much more. You know it will hurt.
You want this to last forever, however fucking long one of those is.
So, you hold on longer because, you’re selfish with your love for Steve. You're selfish because despite the heartache, you’ll have him, for as long as you can.
His hold on you gentle yet firm, as if afraid he'd break you. In your head, he already had. He tries to pull away again, to look at you but you can't. Your eyes still squinted close, willing it all to be a stupid dream. “Honey, I promise you whatever it is, you can tell me”, he says, voice soft as feather. Of course it's not a dream.
Your tongue betrays you, “Its…s–” stupid. Silly. It really doesn't feel stupid or silly, but god, you're so scared that you can't say it, you didn't want to say it because if you do it’ll come true, wont it?
“Whatever it is that you think is stupid," he assured you as if he could read your mind, "I still want to hear it because I know I won't think it's stupid."
suddenly it burns, and you need air. you sit up and try not to think about how ridiculously not pretty you probably look with snot running down your face, “What if- what if we- we end up hating each other?” you manage to say through hiccups.
“What?” he sits up as well, he says as if you had said the most ridiculous thing, “I'll never hate you, honey.”
For some reason, tears fill your eyes again at that, “Steve, you don’t know that.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“No. Ste– people fall out of love, Steve- all the- all the time.” It terrifies him how convinced you sound of it.
“Do..... do you think you’ll fall out of love with me?”
The question startles you, its evident in your wide eyes, “Wha– what?”
“Do you think… you’ll fall out of love with me?" he repeats, "You think you’ll hate me?”
You shake your head, the tear that had been sitting on your lower lash finally slides down your already tear-stained cheek.
“Good." he wipes the wet trails left behind with his thumb, "then, why would I hate you?”
Your face twists into an expression that Steve wasn't sure what to describe it as. a deep frown on your lips, chin wobbly, brows scrunched up together, eyes red and tired yet nostrils flared. “‘Cause", you start but before you could continue another sob leaves you. you look down at your lap, trying to catch your breath. it takes you a minute before you begin again, "do you remember.... what you said about our kids?”
He nods, heart clenching at the way your voice breaks, “I don't think I can… do that”, he doesn't think he's ever heard you sound so broken. “I– I don't think if I– if I want that.”
He sits silent and you think this is it. maybe forevers aren't that long after all.
More tears fall, more sobs leave you, you don't bother to wipe them. What's it matter anyway? He hates you already. He's probably thinking of a way to let you down easily because he is kind like that “Honey.. I want a family..” you feel your heart ripping in two and you just can't look at him.
“And I want you to be a part of that family. I– I want you to be the person I built a family with, no matter the size." He wipes at both your cheeks again, making you look at him, "even if its just us.”
The relieved smile he expected from you isn't there, instead, you frown, the crease between your brows deepens. the part that hurt the most was that you push his hands away, “you’re saying that now, but what happens when years down the line, when we’re old, you– you end up resenting me. Y- you love me right now, I know. But how do you know you wont end up hating me like, ten years later?”
“I dont want to watch you grow old and hate me and then leave me, Steve. I’d rather end this now if we’re destined to just end up unhappy together.”
“We’re not. Okay? We’re not. I know I wont hate you, ever.” He reaches for your hands again. He kisses your fingers before continuing, “And I know that I want you, just you and whatever that– that that comes with. We could never have kids and I would never hate you for it.”
“You won't be happy", you say meekly, like he'd be mad at you for speaking what was on your mind to him, “You wont hate me but you wont be happy either”, you muttered, chin ducked into your chest.
“Honey”, he hooks a finger under your chin, tilting your head to make you look at him, to make you understand. “you’re what I need to be happy. You make me happy. And.. I’d hope you need me to be happy too”, a wet chuckle escapes you at that. A hint of a smile on your face despite the tears.
“You do, don’t you?” he clarified with a soft smile of himself.
You nod, "yeah", letting out a loud sniffle.
“Good. I know its scary but you’ve gotta put your trust in me. Trust me enough to believe in me when I say that you are what makes me happy. and I am happy."
He wipes away gently at your face, ridding it of the tear stains, “Sometimes, you’ve just gotta trust. I promise I’ll never break it.” 
You sob again but it's lighter than before, you wrap your arms around his neck and feel the weight you felt get lifted, you sniffle into the crook of his neck, "thank you."
You feel his lips on your hairline, "Let's go back to sleep, yeah?"
"Yeah. You still wanna be the big spoon?"
"yeah, I think you need to be the little spoon today." he pulls you down with him, your back to his chest, kissing the skin behind your ear he finally settles in beside you.
You call out his name, he hums in response. "how long do you think a forever is?"
"I don't know, honey."
"Can we stay like this forever?"
"Um.. if you mean us staying forever then yes, definitely forever. But, if you meant me being the big spoon forever, baby, I'm not sure if I'll be able to commit to that."
You laugh, "I love you." you confess.
"I love you too."
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unfinishedslurs · 1 year
party king (steddie)
“You want me to what?”
“Go to a party with me,” Eddie says, looking at Steve like he’s the weirdo here. “What’s the big deal, King Steve? You’ve been to plenty of parties.”
“You know, no one actually called me that,” Steve tells him, abandoning his tapes to put his hands on his hips. “Billy started it. I think he just wanted people to call him a king.”
Eddie visibly considers this before nodding, like it makes sense. Which it does. Billy was, in Steve’s private thoughts, an egotistical maniac who needed to calm down.
May he rest in peace.
“But you’ll come to the party with me, right?”
“Give it up, Eddie,” Robin calls from where she’s rewinding tapes. “Steve hasn’t been to a party in forever. He’s basically a grandpa now.”
“Hey!” Steve objects. That’s rich, coming from her. Going to bed at nine some nights so he gets a few more hours of sleep before waking up in a cold sweat does not make him a grandpa. It just makes him traumatized  
“Steeeeeeeve,” Eddie whines, widening his eyes until it looks like they’re going to pop out of his sockets. His exaggerated pout isn't going to do him any favors either. No matter what the kids say behind his back (looking at you, Henderson) he isn't a pushover.
“Why would I want to go to a high school party?” He crosses his arms, leaning against the counter. “I graduated. I have better things to do with my time.”
“Like lose arcade games to freshmen?” Robin asks. He flips her the bird.
“Please, Steve?” Eddie asks. “Pretty please? Pretty pretty please, with cherries and whipped cream and six little nuggets on top?”
“What the hell are you even saying anymore?”
“You want him to eat his babies?” Robin shrieks. “Like Kronos? Is one of them going to cut off his head and free the rest?”
Eddie’s eyes light up, and Steve slaps a hand over his mouth. He doesn’t know who that guy is, and he doesn’t want to deal with the two of them chattering over whatever movie villain he’s assuming is in their weird cult classic films when he still doesn’t know why Eddie is asking him to this party.
He doesn’t even flinch when Eddie licks his hand.
“I’ve been slobbered on by actual monsters,” he says flatly. “Your spit has zero effect on me.”
Eddie bats his eyes and gives his palm a kiss, right where he’d laved his tongue. Steve rolls his eyes and wipes his hand on the side of Eddie’s face.
“Don’t dish what you can’t take,” Steve says. “Now, why exactly am I getting asked to go to a high school party?”
“Jessica Roberts needs some kush, and she asked me to sell there.”
“Okay? Still not answering my question.”
“There’s gonna be jocks at the party,” Eddie finally confesses, “and I don’t know if they’ll try shit. But given my track record lately…”
“So you need a bodyguard?”
“Hey!” Steve shouts, and is summarily ignored by everyone. So he does what any normal person would do, and slams an abandoned beer bottle against the edge of the counter so it shatters. 
The jocks turn and look at him after that.
Steve glances down at the jagged edges of the bottle in his hands, flipping it like it’s his old ice cream scoop. Yeah, this should work. 
“Leave him alone,” he says, steely inflection to his voice. 
“Or what, Harrington?” One of them asks. “Heard you just been sittin’ in this room all night. What, you hanging around the queers now? Didn’t take you for a f-”
He stops talking when Steve grabs him by the hair and presses the broken bottle against his throat.
“Here’s what's gonna happen,” he says quietly, taking a look at his buddy. He’s let go of Eddie, a lot more spooked now that his friend is shaking in his Nike’s. “You’re going to leave this room. You’re going to leave Munson here alone. You’re not going to bother him, or anyone else in his dragon club ever again. If I hear that you or your little friends are fucking with him, I have a very nice nail-studded baseball bat in my trunk I’d be more than happy to introduce you to. Capisce?”
“Woah, woah, woah,” the guy that was holding Eddie says. “What the hell, Harrington?”
Steve doesn’t break eye contact with the guy he’s threatening. “Capisce?” He asks again, putting a little more force into the word.
“Good,” he says, shoving him away. “Now get outta here.”
They scramble away. Steve walks over to the trash can and throws away the remains of the bottle, running a hand through his hair. He finally turns around to see Eddie staring at him with wide eyes, frozen.
“Fuck me.”
Eddie’s entire face flushes, like he didn’t mean to say that. “Uh.”
Steve looks at him, and then around the kitchen they’re in. Glass and beer on the floor, music blasting loud enough to set him on edge, a crowd of people that look at him like a zoo exhibit. Fuck, his head hurts. 
“Yeah, okay,” he decides. “We’re going to mine, though.”
“Wh-what?” Eddie looks like a deer in headlights, even though Steve’s offering exactly what he asked. 
“I…have no idea what I’m doing,” Eddie confesses. 
“Oh, are you not…” He trails off, gesturing towards Eddie’s back pocket. “I assumed…”
Eddie laughs abruptly, slapping a hand over his mouth like he startled himself with it. “You know hanky code, Harrington?”
“Can you call me Steve when you’re in my bed?” He’s already got his shirt off, for God’s sake. “Listen, man, if you don’t want this, it’s no biggie.” He starts to get off, and Eddie’s hand clamps over his thigh. 
“No, no, no, don’t you dare. Just gimme a minute, I’m processing.”
“Processing,” he repeats flatly. 
“Yes, processing. I’ve got the guy of my extremely virginal wet dreams shirtless on top of me. I did not think this would ever happen. I didn’t even know you were queer until tonight.”
Steve’s mouth shapes into an “o” of understanding. “You’re a virgin?”
“Jesus, could you focus on anything else I said?”
“You dream about me?”
“Let’s go back to the virgin part.” His fingers start nervously tapping against Steve’s leg. 
“You’re not subtle,” Steve says flatly. “I know when you stare at my ass.”
Eddie colors in a flood of bright red. “What if I wasn’t? What if I was…uh, jealous or something?”
“I guess that’d make sense, since you’re flat as a board.”
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ladykailitha · 1 month
Paper Hearts Part 3
Thank you for the lovely response to this story, it makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
This chapter is just 2000 words of Wayne and Eddie being sweethearts to Steve.
Part 1 Part 2
Eddie led the way through his trailer to the kitchen past Wayne, who was sitting in his armchair reading the newspaper, a defeated Harrington limping behind.
“What did I tell you about bringing home strays, Ed?” Wayne huffed, a small, gentle smile on his face.
Eddie shook his head, his curls flying. “I’m just watering and feeding this one before I return it back to its owners.”
Harrington blushed and ducked his head. “I got lost.”
Wayne’s eyebrows shot up. He looked over at Eddie who nodded his confirmation.
“This is my Uncle Wayne,” Eddie introduced them. “This is Steve Harrington, Uncle.”
Wayne’s eyebrows stayed raised. Of all the people Eddie could have brought home, he was pretty sure this was the biggest surprise.
“You got your car?” he asked.
“This dumbass was out running around with his head in the fucking clouds,” Eddie scoffed.
Wayne’s glance at Harrington was far more appraising. He looked him up and down, taking in the sweat on his brow, the limping, the slumped shoulders, and vacant expression.
“You do that often, son?” he asked Harrington, folding up his newspaper.
Harrington just shrugged. “I like running to get out of my head.”
Wayne licked his upper lip slowly, calculating. “Uh-huh.” He looked over at his nephew, who had his hands on his lower back and staring at the floor. “There is some leftover beef from Sunday.”
Eddie jumped excitedly. “Yes! That would be perfect.”
He loped over to fridge and pulled out a Tupperware container. He set it on the counter. He got out two plates and a glass. He filled the glass with water and handed it to Harrington.
“Don’t worry, princess,” he huffed. “Our water comes from the same place as yours does.”
Harrington rolled his eyes. “I’m not worried about you poisoning me.”
“You’d be the first,” Wayne said with a chuckle.
Harrington furrowed his brows and looked between them in confusion.
“Surely,” Wayne said in amusement, “you’ve heard about Ed’s reputation going to that school of yours.”
Harrington shook his head. He looked down at his feet. “I mean, I hear rumors and shit, but I really don’t believe that he chased three freshmen with a hunting knife.”
Eddie threw back his head and laughed. “You would pick the one rumor that was actually true.”
Harrington’s head snapped up. “What? Why would you do that?”
Behind him the microwave beeped and Eddie hurried to get their food out. He piled on the food and handed it to him.
“Because they were trying to buy drugs off me,” Eddie muttered as he handed Harrington a fork.
Harrington blinked at him a moment and then nodded. “Is there an age that you do start selling to high school students?” His eyes went wide and looked at Wayne in panic. “I mean, if you were selling drugs. Not that you do or anything.”
Wayne chuckled and shook his head. “I am more than perfectly aware of my nephew’s side business, thank you. I wish he didn’t have to do it, but he hasn’t had a lot of choices in the legal employment racket, not for someone like Ed. But sometimes a couple of grams sold is the difference between not having to chose to pay the water bill or the power bill.”
“Uncle Wayne and I set down ground rules when I started dealing,” Eddie huffed. “One of them was not selling to anyone under the age of sixteen.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.”
Harrington ate his food in silence.
“Do you need to call your parents?” Wayne asked. “Won’t they be worried where you are?”
Harrington shook his head. “They’re going to scream the same amount if I was five hours late or on time. I’d rather just deal with it the once thanks.”
Eddie and Wayne shared a worried glance over his head. Eddie was far too familiar with that nugget of parental discipline, because that’s exactly what Al would do with him.
“You ready to go, Stevie?” Eddie asked as he set their now empty plates in the sink.
“Don’t worry about cleaning up, Ed,” Wayne said. “I’ll take care of it while you take him home.”
Harrington blinked up at Eddie after he used his given name. “Oh, yeah. Of course. Thanks for dinner and the water.”
Wayne nodded. Eddie led the way back out to the van.
“All righty,” he said, pulling his door closed. “You’re gonna have to give me directions, pretty boy.”
Harri–Steve blinked at him for a moment. “I thought everyone had been to my house at one point or another.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Seriously, dude?”
Steve just curled his hands on his lap and then mumbled directions.
Eddie cursed himself in his head. He had gotten the other boy to come out of his shell a little bit while they were talking to Wayne, but now the lid had slammed shut.
Because Steve was right. Even though he only invited the popular kids, his parties always exploded way past the original guest list. But Eddie had avoided it when it was Steve’s place though. Dealing at Hagan’s or any of Steve’s former pals was easy enough, his van fit right in with all the vehicles no problem. But in Loch Nora? Yeah... that was like showing up to a funeral in torn up jeans and smelling strongly like booze.
“Let’s just say my van is a little more conspicuous in Loch Nora,” he said after they had driven in silence for a couple of miles.
Steve’s head snapped up. “Oh. Shit. Yeah. My neighbors might not call the cops on any of my parties but they would absolutely be on the horn if they saw your van parked anywhere on the street.” He picked at his nails. “I keep forgetting shit like that.”
Eddie risked a glance at the other boy, whose shoulders were rounded against being bullied.
“Dude,” he huffed, “the whole fucking school saw what you looked like when you came back after tangling with Billy that kind of damage leaves lasting affects. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
Steve scoffed. “Asshole fucking cheated. Took a plate to my head and then just started wailing on me. Probably would have killed me too.”
“So what stopped him?”
“Being tranq’ed by his step-sister,” he snorted. “She was visiting a friend of hers. One Billy didn’t approve of because of the color of his skin. Billy threatened to kill the kid, so I hit him. Would have won, too, if he hadn’t fucked me up with the plate.” He took a deep breath. “Anyways, they had some tranquilizers because one of their parents were having trouble sleeping. She grabbed one and jabbed it into his neck.”
“Pretty brave thing to do,” Eddie conceded. “Sounds like there were two badasses there that night.” Then he shook his head. “So you got the shit beat out of you for defending little sheep and Wheeler still went for Byers? I don’t know, man, sounds like she wouldn’t know a good thing if it bit her in the ass.”
Steve huffed out a breath of laughter before he caught himself. He hid his smile under his fist. “Something like that, yeah.”
They pulled up to his house and Steve let out this strange little pained noise. Like it was relief and disappointment all rolled into one. A sound Eddie was far too familiar with.
“My parents aren’t home.”
Eddie looked over at him in curiosity. “How can you tell?” Because yeah, the front lights were off and the house seemed quiet, Eddie knew these houses were big enough that if there was a light on in the back of the house, it couldn’t be seen from the road.
“The garage is closed,” Steve huffed. “They only close it when they leave. They have to show off to the whole neighborhood the cars they drive.”
Eddie blinked at Steve in confusion. “Aren’t they worried someone will steal their car?”
Steve shook his head. “It’s insured, plus they don’t believe anyone would rob them in their fancy house while they’re home.”
Eddie looked up at the large house, so big it could only really be called a mansion. “Are they stupid or arrogant?”
“Look, Steve,” Eddie said, stopping him briefly. “I need to apologize and every time I see you you distract me. So I’m just going to come out and say it. I’m the one that shoulder checked you the day you hurt your hand.” He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed dramatically.
“You see, you had this far off look my uncle gets sometimes and the best thing to do is make a noise or bump into him. Just something that reminds him that his not where ever his mind is and that’s in the present. But I heard these assholes saying that they got their kicks out of kicking your stuff and stomping on your hand and I realized that it was my fault that happened and I’m really, really sorry.”
Steve stared at him for a moment. “Oh. Hey, it’s not your fault, you were only doing what you thought would help. I wasn’t spacing out or whatever. I was just feeling sorry for myself over a stupid holiday. But apology accepted, I guess.”
Eddie nodded, feeling a little bit better about it.
Steve hopped out of the van and he turned back to Eddie. “Thanks for the ride, Eds.”
He slammed the door behind him and walked up to his big, dark, lonely, still house and Eddie felt a small pang of something like pity for the guy. And wasn’t that a kick in the teeth.
When he got home, Wayne was waiting up for him.
“Did that boy get into any trouble when he got home?” were the first words out of his uncle’s mouth. Not so much as a ‘hello’ or ‘by your leave’.
Eddie shook his head. “They weren’t home. I don’t know if they went out to dinner without him or if they just went on one of their infamous business trips.”
Wayne cocked his head to the side. “What’s so infamous about them?”
“They leave so often,” Eddie murmured, “that Steve is pretty famous for the ‘rich kid, empty house’ trope you see movies these days.”
“He’s got friends he can stay with, doesn’t he?” Wayne pressed.
Again Eddie shook his head. “He blew up his friends group awhile back, called them all assholes and bullies over some chick. Then the chick broke up with him over the eldest Byers boy.”
Wayne patted the spot next to him on the sofa. “Tell me about this Harrington kid. You used to all the time, ranting and raving about something or another that he did and then you just stopped.”
Eddie flopped down on the sofa with a heavy sigh. “Like there wasn’t anything to tell after that, you know. He just faded into the background. Gave up his title of King of Hawkins High and then Friday happened.”
“And you found out he was being bullied,” Wayne finished. “I see. That’s got to be rough to go from being surrounded by people to not having anyone there for him.”
Eddie threw his head back onto the back of the sofa and let out a loud groan. “Like it’s my thing. Picking up the lost and the lonely. But this one comes with a lot more baggage than the others and I’m not afraid for me or the rest of my friends but...” He buried his fingers into his hair and screamed.
Wayne nodded. Eddie befriending Steve could make things worse for him and not better. But inaction might hurt the boy in the long run.
“Maybe do something for him that he doesn’t know it’s you,” he suggested to his nephew. “That way he knows he’s not alone, but your reputation won’t make things worse for him.”
Eddie frowned for a moment and then his eyes went wide. “Oh! I think I know exactly what to do!”
Wayne smiled at him. “I figured you would.”
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Tag List:
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
2- @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie
3- @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666
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8- @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @swimmingbirdrunningrock
9- @croatoan-like-its-hot @lolawonsstuff @moonshadows-13 @lololol-1234 @dotdot-wierdlife
10- @slv-333 @ravenfrog
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
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Summary: You met Eddie on a night out at the Hideout and maybe it was his big brown eyes, the way he kept telling you how pretty you look or the tequila shots but one thing led to another and you two hooked up in the back of his van. Now in a perfect world that would’ve been the end of it because that’s the thing with one night stands you normally don’t have to see them ever again. Well expect in your case you’ll be seeing a lot more of Eddie, because just three weeks after your little late night meeting in his van you find out you’re pregnant. So this series is all about how you and Eddie navigate being soon to be parents and also getting to know each other…let the fun begin!✨
A/N: This is going to be a twist on an enemies to lovers type thing! Also if you’d like on the tag list for this series let me know.
Status: Completed🖤
Conversations: Here
Instagrams: Here
Fics: Here
Extras: Here
*This is mainly a texting series and you’ll find everything in order below*
Part 1: Not In Love bonus fic of night you met here
Part 2: Stress Eater
Part 3: Mean It
Part 4: Kids bonus text with Steve here
Part 5: What’s Wrong? bonus convo with Wayne here
Part 6: Seven Up instagram extras here
Part 7: Baby Shit Eddie talking to the baby here
Part 8: Backseat Eddie texting Steve here bonus convo with Eddie here
Part 9: Curly Hair convo with Eddie when he picks you up here
Part 10: Nuggets bonus convo here
Part 11: Apartments bonus convo with you and Wayne here
Part 12: Halloween bonus convo with Eddie and Wayne here
Part 13: Friends bonus convos with Eddie here
Part 14: I’m Trying bonus convo with Eddie here
Part 15: Shoes
Part 16: Soothing
Part 17: Moment bonus convo with Eddie here
Part 18: Peach Rings bonus convo with Wayne and Eddie here
Part 19: The Chair
Part 20: Bestfriend
Part 21: Max
Part 22: Sagittarius bonus texts with Steve here
Part 23: Coming Home
Part 24: Lair
Part 25: Time Flies
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Part two of this. There may be one more part.
Slight content warning for vague but there child abuse
Eddie doesn’t chase after Steve. To say what he does after he sits there blinking as the love of his life, his mate in all but bite, races out of their home would imply some sort of romantic grace. Nothing in what he does is graceful. The Beta bounces off walls, trips over shoes and fights for an agonizingly long time with the door knob. It’s the most nerve wracking thing Eddie has ever done, including but not limited to giving the lich king himself the middle finger before bashing his skull in with the Upside Down version of his warlock. He doesn’t even stop to apologize to Mrs Kendrick, the sweetest neighbor Eddie has ever had, when he nearly flattens her in his mad dash.
He’s not sure if he’s relieved or terrified when he sees that Steve hasn’t left. That this frantic, terrible energy caught in his throat and gut won’t be released on the road. He slips into the passenger seat, whines low and mournful at the smell of sadness, of that broken snow globe smell that is thick as a hot box fog.
“Stevie, baby, sweetheart?”
Steve’s hands are still shaking. Brown eyes clenched closed. Eddie’s done this. Brought Steve to this point. He’s lucky Robin or Erica isn’t here. That Max and Eleven are clear across town. That Lucas and Will and Dustin are gods knows where enjoying the summer.
He reaches out, stops when Steve flinches away from him. Brings back his hand to his lap.
“I’m scared shitless, Stevie. Absolutely fucking terrified.”
Leather seats crinkle.
“That’s why I said what I did. And it’s not because of you. Well some of it is,” he’s trying not to ramble. Twisting his rings and talking. Wayne says that ooen communication is the key to any relationship. Eddie’s never been too good at that outside of sex.
“I had a shitty dad, and I know you had one too. I know you’re so goddamn confident that you can have those six nuggets and not become him. I know you know that loving your kid is unconditional. You do it for eight of them now.”
And it was eight. Because despite Holly managing to avoid the sheer terror that was Vecna round two she still fell into Steve’s orbit. Still wound up wrapping the gentle Alpha that is Steve around her finger. He loves his munchkins so goddamn much and they aren’t even his. It drives the traditionalist stereotypers up a wall and Eddie loves it. He loves how effortless Steve loves.
“But I’m not. He’s always in my head, Steve. When our pups do something, when Henderson says something. He’ll speak up. I think for a moment of the punishments that would have earned me. And I can see myself doing them. See myself turning on you when you try to stop me just like my mom.”
His mother was a mousy, sickly Beta woman that didn’t know what she was getting into marrying his angry Beta father.
“I don’t want to be him.”
Steve tentatively reaches out. Grabs one of Eddie’s hands.
“I’m not you know.”
“Confident I won’t be like him. Like my dad. I’m terrified every time I look in the mirror that I’ll be like him. That I’ll be worse.”
He’s brought Eddie’s hand up to his face. He’s nuzzling it in a way that would make Frank Munson absolutely furious.
“I’m scared of so many things, Eds. But you turning out anything like your father isn’t one of them.”
Somehow, Eddie manages to coax Steve out of the car. To agree to calling in sick. It’s not fixed. Not yet. But they’re working on it and that’s what matters.
Hoping this works
Now has a part three
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sidekick-hero · 1 month
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(steddie | teen | 1.2k | tags: first date, first kiss, very slight angst | written for the stwg daily prompt kiss in the rain)
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Today has to be perfect, Eddie vows as he parks his van in the Harrington's driveway.
Because today Eddie is taking Steve out on their first date.
Frankly, he has no idea how he managed to get a date with the Steve Harrington. Even more, he has no idea how someone as beautiful and kind and sweet and funny as Steve would want to go out with someone like him.
It certainly helps that they saved the world together and share many, many traumas, as well as some horrible scars that tell the story of everything they've been through.
Eddie wants to believe that's not all that binds them, that the months they've spent growing closer over shared custody of Steve's six nuggets, movie nights, and long hours spent smoking and talking on top of the Munsons' new trailer have a lot to do with it, too.
But Eddie also knows that the Eddie of a year ago would have scoffed at the idea of going out with King Steve. Just like that Steve wouldn't have gone out with the town freak.
Which is why Eddie needs today to be a success.
Today has to be perfect.
As he rings the bell, his heart beats wildly in his chest and sweat forms on his palms.
Steve answers the door with a smile that makes Eddie's knees weak. "Hey," he says, and Eddie's mind blanks for a moment. Steve's wearing those jeans, the ones that look like they're painted on, showing off his legs and...other parts. And he has them paired with a striped polo shirt that is not supposed to look as good as it does.
"Hey," Eddie replies, finally finding his voice. "You ready for a day full of adventure?"
Steve grins and nods, stepping out and closing the door behind him. "Lead the way. As long as there are no monsters to fight, I'm game."
Eddie's plan is simple: a picnic in an empty field he found a few weeks ago, but first some good old-fashioned ball throwing to indulge Steve's love of sports. It's no secret that Eddie hates sports, but he's willing to make an exception for Steve. He often feels that Steve is the one indulging the kids, Robin, or even himself, because except for Lucas, none of their friends enjoy sports, either playing or watching.
So Eddie wants to show Steve that his hobbies and interests are important too, and that Eddie can try to be as involved in them as Steve is in his.
They drive to the field with music blasting, a mix tape that Eddie has made especially for this occasion, a perfect blend of his and Steve's taste in music, and he feels a little more at ease as Steve sings along, off-key and carefree. When "Somebody To Love" comes on, Steve playfully nudges him with his elbow and Eddie joins him as they both sing along, grinning broadly.
"Did you bring me here to murder me and get rid of the body, Munson?" Steve jokes at the sight of the empty field and Eddie lets out a theatrical cackle.
"Afraid I'm going to have my way with you, Harrington?"
Heat pools in his stomach at the smile Steve gives him in response.
"Don't threaten me with a good time."
Deciding on a hasty retreat before he does something embarrassing like whimper, Eddie climbs out of the van and goes to the back, pulling out an old baseball and a pair of gloves.
"Thought we could start with this," Eddie says, holding up the ball to Steve, who has followed him to the back of the van.
Steve's eyes light up at the sight. "You remembered."
As if Eddie could ever forget all the secrets and stories Steve had shared with him, while the stars above them were the only witnesses to some of the best moments of Eddie's life.
Steve had told him how he had always loved baseball as a little boy, and how his father had sometimes taken him to games. Looking back, Steve said he probably loved his father's attention and time more than the sport itself, but for whatever reason, it had been his first great love. He collected all the cards and knew everything there was to know about stats and players and rules. All he wanted was to be a player.
When he tried out at school, he didn't make the team. It was only years later that Steve found out why he had trouble hitting the ball with his bat: he had impaired vision, something his parents never bothered with, so he was never examined. At the time, he believed it was because he wasn't good enough, a failure. His dad seemed to think the same thing, because after he didn't make the team, he never took Steve to games again.
Steve hadn't played since, so Eddie figured it was time to help Steve have some good memories of baseball again.
Eddie shrugs, trying to play it cool. "Yeah, figured you'd like it."
They toss the ball back and forth, Steve coaching Eddie on his form, laughing when Eddie fumbles a catch. They're both having fun, and Eddie starts to relax, thinking maybe this date won't be a disaster after all.
But then Eddie misjudges a throw, and the ball smacks him right on the forehead. He stumbles back, more surprised than hurt, but his confidence takes a hit.
"Shit, Eddie, you okay?" Steve rushes over, concern etched on his face.
Eddie laughs it off, though his heart sinks. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just my luck, huh?"
Steve looks relieved but still worried. "Maybe we should take a break."
Eddie nods, feeling like he's already ruined things. He wonders why he thought it was a good idea to throw a ball with an ex-jock when he failed gym class more than once. So much for giving Steve a good baseball memory.
Still, he trudges over to the van to get everything they need for the picnic he has planned. The delighted smile on Steve's face at the sight of the basket and the blanket under Eddie's arm makes him think that maybe all is not lost. But just as he spreads out the blanket and unloads the food he's prepared, he glances up at the sky and sees dark clouds gathering. Still, he clings to the hope that they can finish before the rain comes.
Eddie should have known better. Luck and he have only been acquaintances at the best of times.
Just as they're settling in, the first raindrop falls, then another, and within seconds, it's pouring.
Eddie's heart sinks. This day was supposed to be perfect, and now it's a mess. "I'm so sorry, Steve. This was supposed to be perfect and now —"
Steve cuts him off with a bright laugh, his hair plastered to his forehead, rain running down his face. "Eddie, it's fine. Really."
Eddie looks at him, confused. "But the rain, and the ball, and—"
Steve steps closer, cupping Eddie's face in his hands. "I don't care about any of that. I care about you. You did so much for me today, Eddie." And before Eddie can respond, Steve kisses him.
It's a soft, lingering kiss that makes Eddie forget about the rain, the ball, and everything else. When they pull apart, Steve's smiling. "This is perfect, Eddie."
Eddie laughs, feeling lighter than he has all day. "Yeah, it kinda is."
As they pack up the picnic in the pouring rain, Eddie realizes that maybe perfection isn't about everything going right. Maybe it's about finding the right moments, even in the midst of chaos, with the right person.
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passivenovember · 1 month
thinking real hard about Billy and Steve finding each other years after they've settled into themselves.
Billy's gone to therapy and he lives in a little house on the shoreline. Steve makes it to California. Doesn't have the six nuggets, yet. He's working insane hours at a job that isn't very lucrative, but he never had to sell his soul to his old man--
So. Point is. They're happy. Content, almost.
And then they find each other.
Steve's burning a pot of water when the phone rings.
It's like a knife through the air. A thorn in his side, pain and annoyance ramping up to an 11 as he yanks the receiver from the wall. "Yeah, now's not a great time," He says, because the goddamn smoke alarm's gonna start wailing any second now, and Steve's neighbor is real trigger-happy when it comes to alerting the fire department. "Look, I'll call you--"
"--Why answer the phone?"
Steve would know Billy's voice anywhere, the rough and tumble drag of someone who used to live fast and hard but doesn't, anymore. "I," Steve says, "I don't--"
"--It's like. Why answer the phone if it's not a good time to talk?"
"I don't like being impolite."
Billy hums, smoke and lightning on the end of the line. "So, you weren't waiting for me to call?"
"No," Steve says. But he was. Has been since high school and all the weird, boring, disheartening years that followed until Billy appeared at the dive bar on Saturday. Like a vision. An angel.
"Damn. And here I was, taking a full 72 hours to figure out what I should say," Billy tells him.
Steve can hear a smile.
Aches to taste it, but-- "That's kinda lame, Hargrove."
"So what?"
"So. You're kinda lame, I guess."
Billy laughs at him, then, high and bright. It shoots confetti into Steve's kitchen, the curling tendrils nearly catching on fire as Steve comes back to himself. He pulls the pan of water and dumps it into the sink, killing the flame on the stove.
"Yeah, I'm a disaster. Maxine tells me all the time," Billy says, "It's just. How weird, y'know?"
"What? You?"
"No, you," Billy tells him, chuckling again. "Fell outta the sky, or something. Into a shitty dive bar."
"So did you--"
"--Fell outta my dreams."
"So did you," Steve says, and his stomach twists. Tumbles. Washing-machine guts still soiled with the bloody red spots of a decade-long crush.
"Huh. You're kinda forward, Harrington."
Steve shrugs, face burning. "Long as I'm not as lame as you are."
"Dude, I didn't say you weren't lame."
"Sure, you didn't."
Billy's next laugh Steve feels in his gut, heat pooling behind the thatch of curly down at his pelvis. "Still such a bitch, pretty boy."
"I'm just being honest. We aren't getting any younger, I'm not really interested in playing it cool, anymore."
Something rustles as Billy shifts his weight, "You were cool, once?"
"I don't wanna play it cool, either," Billy tells him, as serious as a heart attack, "Look, can I be honest? You mind?"
Steve nods and then remembers Billy can't see him. "Go ahead."
"I can't stop thinking about you."
Steve peers through the kitchen window, trying to imagine Billy somewhere on the edge of town with sunlight in his hair. Smoking in bed, naked gold until the duvet pulls him under hips first.
"Harrington, I need to see you again."
"Need is kind of dramatic."
"Maybe I'm feeling dramatic."
"Thought this was honesty hour, Hargrove?"
"It is. Honestly? I wanna kiss you," Billy tells him. "At midnight. In the pouring rain because I was too chicken-shit to do it after our first date."
Steve focuses on not swallowing his tongue. Damn near fails. "Was that a date?"
"No, it was bigger. It was the stars aligning, the start of--"
"--God, you are feeling dramatic."
"When can I see you?"
"I dunno," Steve says, fiddling with the lip of the sink, "When are we expecting rain?"
"Not sure."
Steve can hear his smile. Aches to sink into the softness. "I need a window to commit."
"Tonight. I'll make it rain."
Steve snorts, light as air. "You're crazy."
"I've had ten years to plan for this, Steve."
"Alright, lemme--" Steve pads over to the refrigerator, peering at his Kittens and Firefighters calendar. May is covered in birthdays, vacations, late nights at work, and roll-over plans from April, all hacked into the cardstock in striking red.
Steve groans and flips to June. "--Can you still make it rain in a month?"
"A month," Billy demands, "Fuck. You're hot shit but I didn't think--"
"--I have a full-time job. And friends who want to hang out when I'm not at work, but since I use all my energy at work I cancel on them, and things get moved around and--"
"--You can't make an exception for the guy who wants to eat you out?"
The pages of the calendar flutter, May settling heavy in the room. Steve swallows and his throat clicks. "Uh. My friends--"
"--Aren't gonna eat you out."
"They would. If I asked them to, at least one of them would."
"I'm not really loving that idea, pretty boy," Billy says, teasing. "What about over a lunch break?"
"You want to eat my ass over a lunch break?" Steve snorts, "I'm not a hooker."
"What's wrong with--"
"--I'm not," Steve says, "And even if I was, I'm not cheap. You couldn't afford the hour, and we'd need more than that, anyway."
"What about a sleep over?"
"A sleepover?" Steve says, turning from the refrigerator. "Like, where I come over to your house and stay until the morning?"
"Or I come over to yours, yeah."
"Actually, let's do yours. Maxine's place is getting fumigated, so she and Lucas are staying in the guest house."
"You have a guest house?" Steve doesn't remember mention of that during their first date, but. He was distracted.
Billy laughs, "Bet I could afford your hour, pretty boy."
"I thought," Steve says, twirling the phone cord around his hand, "In high school, I remember you telling Becky Gordes that you don't do sleepovers."
"I'm gay."
"Okay, but what about Eddie Munson? The whole school thought you were fucking him, did he ever sleep--"
"--No, my dad would've killed both of us," Billy tells him, and. Something in his voice makes Steve's blood run cold. Makes him believe it.
So he shifts gears, "But. Don't you have work tomorrow?"
"Who said anything about a sleepover tonight," Billy says. Steve imagines the look on his face. Shit-eating grin bright and sharp and beautiful as always. "Unless you want me to come over tonight?"
"I never said that."
"I can work wherever I want. I don't have to go in at all, if I don't want to."
Steve pads over to his junk drawer, digging around for a red pen. "What does Saturday look like for you?" He bites the cap off, holding it like a straw in the curl of his tongue.
Billy laughs, "I thought you said you weren't free until next month?"
Steve chews on the cap for a moment, pen shaking over the cardstock surface of his calendar. He imagines Billy like he was that night. Different but exactly the same. Charming and soft in a way that only comes from the toil of regeneration. Years and years shedding skin.
He'd been funny and smart. Quick wittted.
Sweet. Like cotton fuckin' candy.
Steve remembers not wanting the date to end, not believing that the universe would give him Billy with no strings attached and laying awake that night, hoping Billy would call, and that they'd get their chance, and now--
"Shit. What the fuck am I doing?" Steve asks, but it comes out garbled and messy and wrong. Comes out sounding like, she whale the food ham ding dong.
Billy laughs at him, again, anyway. "What?"
Steve spits the pen cap onto the counter. "You really want to eat me out tonight?"
"--Because. I was too fucking stupid to realize what was happening between us in high school. Or. What was happening to me when I saw you in high school, and this is important to me," Steve says in a rush. Fuck being subtle, right? "We're not getting any younger. And I haven't slept with anyone for a long time, much less someone who I've wanted for as long as I can remember, so if you're going to come over here and fuck me--"
"Or talk," Billy says gently. "We could talk more. Get to know each other."
Steve listens to the static on the other end of the line.
"I want to get to know you again, Steve," Billy says.
And Steve cracks. Like a bowl in the microwave, curdling under pressure and heat. "Alright, just. Do you have a pen and paper?"
"For what?"
"My address," Steve says, leaning against the sink, "I want to get to know you, too."
"Tonight," Billy asks, digging around for something.
"Tonight," Steve says. "What the hell."
"You've got something to write with?"
"Yeah," Billy says, sounding like he's barely holding it together. "Yeah, just. Whenever you're ready."
That night, after, just as Steve falls asleep in Billy's arms--
It rains.
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withacapitalp · 2 years
“Okay, so now we add the water, right?”
“No! No water!” Steve practically shouted, grabbing the pot and holding it high above his head so Joyce couldn’t reach it, “Joyce, we’ve talked about this,”
She rolled her eyes, putting the measuring cup on the counter and sighing. Robin and the kids giggled from their spot in the living room, the parade turned down low so they could hear every bit of the clownery going on in the kitchen. Steve turned the evil eye on them and put one hand on his hip. 
“And, peanut gallery, if you want to have food, you’ll want to keep your snark at bay. Unless you want to be the ones in here helping me make an entire Thanksgiving meal for fourteen.”
“Always the mom,” Max sighed, patting her stomach, “I’ll have you know if we’re not eating by five o’clock sharp, Nugget here will be making Lucas drive us to McDonalds,” 
Steve waved her off and turned back to the stove, placing down the pot and stirring his perfectly prepared potatoes. It felt kind of weird to keep thinking of them as kids now that they were all graduating from college. But, to Steve, they would always be kids. No matter how tall, how old, how many nuggets of their own they had, those seven little kids would always be the stupid pre-teens that had given him his life. 
“Now, it’s important to remember to continue to whisk, or else they’ll get clumpy.” Steve instructed in a no nonsense tone. He had eaten enough of her radioactive cooking to know where she would start to lose sight of the final product. 
“Are you torturing my wife?” Hopper asked as he entered into the fray, grabbing another round of beers for him and the boys. Steve could just catch the sound of Jonathan and Wayne yelling at the TV in the bedroom upstairs, calling the referee out on some bullshit play. 
“This is the real question, Hop. Is your wife torturing my husband?” A voice came from behind him, soft and buttery. A voice Steve had desperately missed, even though this trip had only been a short few weeks.
Steve hummed, leaning back into Eddie’s arms and letting his eyes slip shut for a second. Eddie had only been in Chicago for three weeks to re-record something for his newest album, but to Steve it was always too long.  Warm pale arms littered with scars came up around him, fingers playing with the silver chain around his neck. No government would ever recognize it, they couldn’t really tell the world, but the ring on that chain was everything to Steve, just like the man who had given it to him. 
“She is,” Steve fake-whispered into Eddie’s ear, “She’s trying to poison us all with liquid potatoes,”
“Lucky for us, we have you,” Eddie whispered back, pressing a kiss to Steve’s cheek from behind, “God bless you, Mr. Potato Man.”
Steve snickered, turning around so he could fully face his partner. Eddie’s hair was shorter now than it was when they were young and stupid, and he was starting to get crows feet in the corner of his eyes.
He was more beautiful every time Steve saw him. 
“Quick! Eddie distract him while I put water in the potatoes!” Joyce cried. Eddie immediately went along with it, yanking Steve away from the stove and ignoring his protests as she began to experiment. Steve conceded defeat the second the paprika was pulled out of the cupboard. Some things would just never change. 
Eddie dragged him into the hallway, hiding them ever so slightly from the rest. 
“Glad to be home,” He murmured, hugging Steve close and resting their foreheads together. 
Home. The home Eddie had bought him all those years ago. The carpet in the living room was a soft cream now instead of gaudy orange, and there were boxes filled with mums in each window. The mold problem had been fully eradicated, but the screen door still swung open and shut in the wind. 
Steve didn’t mind it anymore.  It was just a part of the charm of their house. 
Their house. Even now it made his heart fill to the bursting to think of it. Their house.  
But now that Eddie was back, it was really home. 
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vampaiaz · 2 years
stranger things filth (some fluff!)
warning: this’ll be headcanons about characters when they’re intimate with you so vulgar language ahead! this’ll also be mostly for afab readers!!!
notes: should i do an amab ver?😲 i mean, you could request anything!!! just request and i’ll try my very best to satisfy you
characters: eddie munson, steve harrington, billy hargrove, jonathan byers, robin buckley, and nancy wheeler
he definitely loves to talk about your body as he fucks you, just saying everything he loves about it from your perfect tits to your soft thighs
whenever you’re away, he can’t stop thinking about you so he rubs one out. his mind plagued with the thought of your face whenever he goes in and out of you, his hand gripping hard and taking fast strokes just to mimic how your walls tighten around him.
god he’s so loud, sometimes even louder than you. he doesn’t care if it’s “not normal” or makes him “less of a man” you like it when you hear him moan or whimper, he knows that, so he loves being right next to your ear moaning your name as he cums.
whenever he goes down on you, your fingers will never not leave his hair, pulling and gripping the fuck out of it. eddie loves it, makes his eyes roll back a bit, makes him whimper against your clit.
big fan of aftercare T-T he loooves just cuddling with you right after, playing a soft tune on his guitar for you, or even fixing up a snack for you after cleaning you!!! he’s the sweetest before, while, and after being intimate with him.
bonus! his favorite position is seashell, why? the closest to a full nelson where he can see your face. eddie has to see your pretty face, he needs to. he wants to know that he’s making you feel good.
i feel like he’s secretly a total perv, anything you do innocently it’d get him hard. you kneel down to reach for something that fell under the table, you suddenly see him trying to adjust his jeans. you’re happily eating a popsicle on a hot day at the community pool, he’s gotta take a dip in the pool to “cool down.”
he wouldn’t be into hurting you that much but slapping his dick on your face? definitely, he loves it. after you give him the best head he’s ever gotten, he slaps you with his dick on your cheeks to slapping it on your tongue, and asking you “isn’t this the best dick you’ve ever sucked?” to hear your answer just to inflate his ego.
based off that one scene with the “six nuggets” he wants, steve has an impregnation or breeding kink, IM RIGHT!! so real!!! he would be fucking you rough and hard while whispering “you gonna let me fill you up? make you all round and plump, hm? ready to make you a mommy. so ready, y/n.”
but he’s usually sweet and takes his time with you. he wants you to know that you’re his girl, his only girl. you would sometimes even tear up at how sweet he was being, and if you do let a tear fall he’ll not hesitate to reassure you and leave quick kisses on your forehead. BUT ALSO he takes it nice and slow because he wants to make your walls remember his shape, cervix kisses all the way with him.
oh get ready for this one!!!! (can u tell i want him to do me so bad)
most definitely into overstim, he loves making you cry and desperately beg for more under him. he watches your eyes brim with tears and smiles, then gives you what you want. you’d tell him he’s a total dacryphilliac but he denies it a lot (so bad at lying.)
loves to finger you, until you’ve got your hands on his arm, trying to stop him from making you cum for the 5th time. once you cum, he brings his fingers to his mouth and licks it all up while staring into your eyes.
i feel like billy is kinda gross…. which is good i love gross, so that means spit kink!!!! billy will take any moment he can to spit on you. he’s eating you out? he’ll spit right onto your pussy, you’re sucking him off? he spits right onto his dick then your mouth because he wants to “help” you, and last but not least! whenever you two make out, he never fails to make you feel so weak. his tongue just overpowering yours every time and your mouth being filled with his spit until you’re both drooling.
he’s an ass man, idc if you disagree but this man would leave so many bite marks on your thighs up to your ass. when the two of you are alone in his room and you’re sitting on his bed in just panties, he never fails to point out the healing mark on your cheek, don’t worry he’ll bite it again.
i don’t think he’d be into names/titles, but something about you calling him “hargrove” when you’re hatefucking makes him so insane, the fact that you want to make him feel like nothing and it gets him even more mad just makes the sex more fun! (you two make up after don’t worry, just a usual fight, he’s got issues right.)
“cmon pretty girl, use your words for me.” OHHH MYYY GOOOOD
he’s also a big pervert, but is proud. he’s too much at school, when you pass each other in between classes, he doesn’t hesitate to grab your ass. he even places his face right in between your tits just to smell you, it was weird at first but he’s cute when he does it. also, tommy? he’d sometimes talk about you in a way billy does not enjoy, so whenever there’s a house party, he never fails to make tommy see you getting fucked out in a random ass bathroom. you and billy love getting caught.
full nelson…. he’s such an enthusiast for a full nelson, this position is his favorite and when you let him do it, oh he’ll be rough. he loves it because you can’t do anything at all, you’re stuck being his toy, he knows your eyes are rolling back because he’s bruising up your cervix. you’re moaning so loud and that gives him more motivation to make you cum.
bonus! cockwarming, he likes it in your mouth the most. one time he told you he had a test but didn’t wanna study, so you came up with a plan and that was keeping his cock in your mouth while he studies and once he’s done you move as a reward. ever since that happened he’s been so obsessed with just having you go down and make your jaw sore from being open for him for so long.
something really cute he’d do is give you an extra bottle of his perfume (it’d definitely be a unisex scent btw) he loves the idea of letting people know you’re his, so why not make you wear his scent.
i am so excited for this one YOU DONT EVEN KNOWWW
loves names, degrading ones especially. you call him a pervert or a loser and he’s cumming, he feels guilty for being disgusting but you make him love being that way, he’s so submissive for you it’s crazy.
ever since s4, i just know he loves high sex, he’s got more control. while fucking you, he’s got a camera flashing and those photos of you fucked out are sitting right inside his wallet, something to remind him of his pretty baby.
so whiney, so loud. you’ve got him saying “please, i need to cum. please. i need it.” repeatedly right next to your ear.
his fingers are in you while your hand is on his dick, mutual masturbation is something you both enjoy so much. after you cum on his fingers, he brings them up to your mouth and watches you suck your own juices off his fingers.
boobs guy, such a big fan of your tits. he’d suck and bite a lot, he’d spend most of the foreplay on your tits, you’re sensitive there and he just loves watching you whimper and shiver a bit.
bonus! face fucking, he doesn’t start in a fast pace, he takes it slow and really making you gag on him. his tip reaching the back of your throat real slow, he wants to feel you close up on him, he wants to cum right down your throat.
leaves some of his clothes at your place, he had to lend you his shirt and boxers once, and ever since then he’s been obsessed seeing you with his clothes on. it’s like a way to keep him close to you at all times.
super into thigh riding, she loves to see you rut on her thigh and she’s got her hand on either your throat or your ass.
she loves eating you out from behind, face down ass up then suddenly her hands are kneading your ass and her tongue is on your pussy.
she’s a switch leaning a bit toward dominant, but when she does get subby, you’re going down on her and she’s crying for more, rutting her hips for more friction on your tongue.
when you wear a skirt around her, she’s SOOO touchy, can’t keep her hands to herself. you could just be reading a book next to her, then your panties are on your ankles and her face is under your skirt.
ever since you squirted that one time you two masturbated together, she makes it her mission, I REPEAT, HER MISSION!! to make you squirt all the time, she’s got amazing technique so…
let’s be honest robin would flirt a lot but when you do it back out of nowhere, she’ll get so flustered. you make her face heat up every time, she’s so cute T-T.
ice cream dates, reminds her of her job at scoops ahoy, and the very first time you two met! it makes you feel so special when she still remembers the first time you two met.
if the strap-ons that could cum existed in the 80’s nancy would love using that when she’s with you. it could be you receiving or her receiving, it’ll be hot no matter what.
you two always have “sleepovers” at her house, secretly letting herself enjoy tasting you down there in her pretty pink room.
SHE LOVES SPANKING, you’ve been rude to her or anyone else? you’re immediately coming home with her and counting every smack until your ass gets red.
if you have tattoos, nancy will leave kisses on it. she loves your tattoos because they look so pretty on you, and when other people point it out she gets jealous and brings it out on you by abusing your clit when the two of you are alone.
when you masturbate in front of her, then you cum, you bring your fingers to her mouth and maintain eye contact while letting her suck. her pretty eyes just staring up at you make you wanna pounce at her.
such a big fan of public sex, the adrenaline she gets from it, from you? it’s the best thing ever.
you love to gift her stuff you make or stuff you get from a trip, she keeps them on a table in her room, and likes to look at them when she misses you T-T.
she’d give you random poems sometimes, she’d also point at random flowers or stray cats and say “look, it’s you!”
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
Sometimes all you need is to be in your daddy’s arms. No talking, no noises only the heartbeats of your two favorite humans. 🥺🫂❤️
How right you are, darling. How right you are.
In the Quiet Moments
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f!reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, upset/stressed out/overstimulated reader, reader is triggered by a food she hates, tears, pet names, short little blurb, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
You had tried your hardest. But you just couldn't do it.
You and your daddies had been running all over today- from press conferences to meetings to the opening of the new Stark Expo, it had been a big day. Too big. It had all started out just fine- at this point you knew what to expect at these things and even had some fun waving at the press people you recognized and joyfully accepting the small presents that all the dignitaries loved to shower you with. But it was a lot of stimulation over and over and over, and you were growing tired.
The noise at the Expo was startling, along with the crush of people, but you had been so brave, holding on tight to Papa's hand, then grabbing Daddy's hand too when you needed more help. You didn't whine, you didn't complain- you had been a good girl. However, you were on the edge and your daddies knew it.
Steve and Bucky quietly and quickly exited after the official opening of the Expo, having already told Pepper their plans. They showered you with kisses and praise as you snuggled into the safety of Steve's arms during the chauffeured car ride home. Bucky let you hang on to his vibranium hand, drumming your nails on it to help you ground yourself. Once you were finally back to the apartment, they made a quick dinner- it was pretty late and you all were starving- and sat you down at your place.
Then you saw the brussel sprouts on your plate. You HATED brussel sprouts.
It was a rule in the house- if you wanted cookies, you had to eat your veggies. You needed that cookie after the day you'd had, but the idea of eating brussel sprouts was almost too much. You stared at your plate, trying to blink back the tears. You had been so good for so long today- you didn't know how much you had left in you, especially when it came to brussel sprouts.
Daddy was getting you a sippy cup full of juice when Papa noticed your staring. "You only need to eat one, lovebug," Papa said kindly. "Just one. Can you do that for me please?" You raised your tired eyes to him, swallowed hard, and nodded.
With your eyes closed, you quickly ate one sprout as fast as you could, chewing and swallowing and immediately diving into your chicken nuggets to wash the terrible taste out of your mouth. "Good girl, that's my good girl," Papa praised proudly as Daddy came back with your juice. You quickly took a huge gulp of your drink too- anything to wash the taste away.
"Whoa, slow down there, Trouble," Daddy teased. You managed a giggle back, feeling much better now that you managed to get that horrible veggie down. You finished off your nuggets, even though your eyelids were drooping.
Papa got up to refill his and Daddy's drinks, when Daddy looked over at you and your plate. "Alright, munchkin, just need to have one bite of your veggies and then it's cookie time."
You looked up at him, startled. You already did your veggie time, what did he mean? You suddenly realized that he had been in the kitchen when you ate it, and he didn't know you'd already done it for Papa. Your little mind suddenly became too overwhelmed to try to explain, or to wait for Papa to come back to tell him- all you could think about was having to do one more hard thing today. One really hard thing.
And you broke.
Next thing you knew, you were in Daddy's lap, sobbing your heart out. You didn't remember starting to cry or him rushing to you and picking you up- you just suddenly realized you were soaking the front of his shirt while taking great big gasping breaths. You were vaguely aware of Papa running in and him and Daddy talking, but were crying too hard to make out the words. You only were able to quiet your cries a bit when you felt Daddy's fingers combing through your hair.
"It's okay, babygirl, it's okay," Daddy murmured softly to you, rocking you back and forth as you clung to his shirt. "I didn't know, I'm sorry honey, Daddy's sorry. It's okay. You've been such a good girl today. No more veggies, it's okay." But you simply couldn't stop. The floodgates had opened and everything that was pent up inside you was rushing out. You couldn't make out what Daddy and Papa were saying to each other, you just held on and cried.
You became aware that you were moving, which scared you a bit, but you clung on tightly to Daddy's neck and just kept sobbing, completely out of any other possible responses.
When you finally stopped moving and could listen around your own gasps, a sound broke through to you. It was a gentle thud-thud-thud that, even in your emotion state, you recognized. You became aware that you were lying down on Daddy and Papa's bed, with your ear pressed into Daddy's chest. You took a big breath to try to help your sobs slow down, and then you heard more.
"That's my girl, big, deep breaths. Good girl, good baby," Daddy's deep soothing voice said. You felt his fingers combing through your hair, helping you calm down. You started to feel guilty about your meltdown, even though you hadn't been bad. Your breath hitched again as the awful feelings crept in.
And that's when Papa snuggled up to your other side and gently took your hand. He pressed it carefully to his chest so you could feel the thud-thud-thud of his heart too. "Just concentrate on our heartbeats, baby," he whispered. "We've got you. We're not letting you go. It's okay. Just listen to Daddy's heart and my heart. That's for you, our perfect, precious, beautiful baby."
The gentle rhythm of the heartbeats of the two men you loved most in the world surrounded you, flooding your other senses as you did what Papa asked. You slowly settled down, sinking into the soothing beats. Once you were able to breathe a bit better, Papa cuddled in even closer, spooning you and slipping his arm under Daddy's head. You moved his hand that was still holding yours to your chest, cradling it carefully as if it were your beloved Jellybean. You could still feel Papa's heartbeat with his front snuggling your back. You nuzzled into Daddy's chest, relaxing.
You all lost track of time. The only measure of time passing you had was the beating of your collective hearts, and somehow that was all you needed. It was more than enough.
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aclockmaker · 6 months
steddie established relationship argument (mild on the actual arguing) under the cut. ~1700 words. cw discussion of having kids. no teaser because it starts out kind of E rated lol
also on ao3
“Pretty baby,” Eddie said, nose in the back of Steve’s hair, dragging against his scalp. “You’re so sweet, you were so sweet with Emily earlier.”
They’d been playing with Nancy and Jonathan’s 3-month old for the first time.
“Oh yeah?” Steve said, grinding the swell of his ass back against Eddie.
“Yes,” Eddie rumbled, lips against a shivery part of Steve’s neck.
After nearly a year of dating, Steve was used to this flavor of praise from Eddie, but it still worked to calm something deep inside him. And it was exactly because he did feel calm that he said, “So do you finally wanna talk about it?”
Eddie made an inquisitive sound into Steve’s skin.
“Eddie. You know,” Steve said gently, holding himself still. He thought if he played his cards right he might be able to get Eddie to mess around a little, ask him if he wanted to get a baby put in him, that sort of thing.
But when Eddie just kept frowning into Steve’s neck Steve went on—“Kids?”
“Uh huh. What about them?”
“Come on,” Steve said, squirming and then flipping over when Eddie let up.  “You know I want kids, right?” He said it softly, because of course Eddie did know.
Except Eddie froze, just a little, and the whole thing began to feel decidedly unsexy. “Uh,” he said, a notch too loud for the situation.
“Okay, not right,” Steve said, mostly to himself. He’d thought, for sure, that he’d been making no secret of it.
“I mean,” Eddie said, trying to recover. “I totally, yeah, I guess, I know you—like kids and everything.” He chewed his lip like he knew it was lame. Steve rarely saw him so wrong-footed.
“Well, yeah,” Steve said. “I do, but—like last weekend, remember when that dad was arguing with his kids about milkshakes? And I said I wouldn’t make a big deal out of a milkshake with my kids—what’s the point?”
Eddie sputtered. “Okay, that was a hypothetical! I thought! I just thought—and you never said—” Eddie shook his head. “Oh. Six little nuggets.”
“Yes, as you’re so fond of reminding me.” Steve rolled his eyes to show he was joking.
“But, Steve,” Eddie said, sitting up.
Slowly, not wanting to do it, Steve followed.
“I mean—what does this mean? You would want to, what? Marry a woman?” At least Eddie seemed baffled by it. 
“Don’t be ridiculous. I mean I want to do it with you, obviously. Dumbass,” Steve added for good measure.
“With me,” Eddie said, not able to hide the way his eyes went wide.
“No, with Jonathan,” Steve said, annoyed. “Obviously you, man, who else am I in a serious relationship with?”
“Okay, Jesus, give me two minutes to catch up here!”
Guilt made Steve want to let him off the hook but he didn’t think he should have to, really. Steve frowned at his lap, feeling miserable and stuck. He had the unpleasant sense that this wasn’t going anywhere good.
“Is it really so bad?” Steve asked.
“I don’t know!” Eddie said. He stood up, paced restlessly to the opposite side of the room and back. He was wearing only a pair of boxers and he reminded Steve of a caged animal before he even started throwing on his clothes. 
Steve sat quietly in bed as he dressed only partly because he knew it was the thing he could do that would annoy Eddie the most. And Eddie was the one who was leaving, he deserved it. He also did it because he really didn’t know what else to do. Begging Eddie to stay wouldn’t do any good. They both needed space sometimes.
“I don’t even—it’s not that easy,” Eddie said, picking up his wallet and then putting it down again to punctuate it. “It wouldn’t be that easy for us.”
“I get that,” Steve said carefully. “But I thought… it doesn’t have to be a baby. Maybe an older kid.”
“Steve,” Eddie said, looking almost choked up. “Can we—talk about this later?” His voice had turned brusque. “I just need to—clear my head.”
“Yeah, course,” Steve said, feeling stupid and vulnerable still in the t-shirt he slept in while Eddie was dressed. The fight had gone out of him. Eddie just needed to deal with the revelation in his own way. He’d come back. Steve owed it to him to be patient after, apparently, springing this on him.
Eddie paused at the door. “I do love you.”
“I know. You too.”
And then the door was shutting behind him. Steve’s fingers itched to call Robin but for the first time it felt so personal that he decided against it. It was personal for Eddie, too. It belonged to both of them, and, for right now at least, no one else.
Now, if Eddie wasn’t back by the morning, all bets were off.
Steve gave up on sleeping after a frustrating 45 minutes and resigned himself to sitting up at least until exhaustion won out with worry. And right now, worry was putting up a good fight.
Steve put the water on for tea. He wasn’t stupid—he knew that Eddie might not come back. Or, well, he’d surely come back to the apartment either way but he might not ever really come back to Steve after this.
They were serious about each other. A consequence of the years of charged friendship before they’d so much as kissed, maybe, or just a consequence of how well they usually worked together. They talked about spending the rest of their lives together. Something like whether or not they each wanted kids was a big deal—the kind of thing that changed things. Steve had given Eddie an ultimatum. Part of him wanted to backtrack, call Eddie up and say just kidding, I can be flexible about this. But he couldn’t, and besides, he didn’t know where to call (except for how, realistically, he knew Eddie was at his uncle’s or Jeff’s place.)
In the morning, Steve called Robin.
“Oh, babe,” Robin said when Steve explained it, her voice crackling just a little down the line from New York where she was always up early. “Did you sleep at all?”
“About four hours,” Steve admitted. He’d been too wound up for any more and he was sure as hell feeling it now, exhausted and eyes aching. He hadn’t cried, and he spared a thought for the fact that maybe he was kidding himself by not really examining the worst case scenario. “Do you think—I mean, obviously this isn’t a good sign. That he left. But do you think there’s a chance or am I delusional?”
Robin snorted. “There’s more than a chance. He loves you, obviously. But—yeah, he might decide he wants to end things. We know that’s an option.” She said it gently enough that now Steve did feel a little hot behind the eyes.
Today was a Sunday. Their only plans were hanging out with Jonathan and Nancy and Emily more while they were in town. If Steve had to go see them alone—
“I wish there was something I could do,” Steve said miserably. And then the front door opened and there was Eddie, close across the small apartment, looking a little out of breath in the yellow morning light that was pouring in through the window, too cheerful for Steve’s heavy heart. “Oh, shit, Rob, I have to go.”
“Is it—”
“Yeah. Love you.”
“I love you, call me, that’s a threat—”
Steve hung up the phone.
“Uh,” Eddie said. “Robin?”
“Hi, Robin,” Eddie said dutifully toward the hung-up phone.
“I’ll tell her,” Steve said, so giddy with relief that Eddie was back that the nothing joke made him want to laugh. “Hi.”
Eddie looked at him. “Hi.”
Steve took a breath. “I’m sorry. For bringing it up during sex, and all. That was stupid.” He’d been feeling guilty some more and that, at least, was a legitimate reason for it.
But Eddie just shrugged. “No, it’s…” He searched for the word. “You thought I knew.” He wore his hair short these days, and it looked like he’d been running his fingers through it.
“Yeah. Eddie, listen—”
“No, just—give me a second,” Eddie said. And then he was going down on one knee, pulling something out of his pocket and holding it out to Steve. It was a simple gold band. It looked well-worn, but it shone in the light.
He cleared his throat. “Steve, I—“ his voice broke. “I’m sorry I don’t have a ring box. I went to the pawn shop as soon as it opened and I didn’t want to wait for another place to—I love you. I got scared when you started talking about kids, because it seems so big. And I just didn’t realize you felt that way, even though, okay, I guess I should’ve. But the more I thought about it the more what really scared me was losing you. I love the idea of you as a dad. You’d make any kid so lucky to have you. I can’t believe you want to do it with me, but if you really do—I’m open to it. So—will you?”
“We can’t even get married, though,” Steve reminded him, perilously close to tears again.
“Psh,” Eddie said. “Fuck the government, I’ll marry you anyway.”
“Eddie, get up,” Steve said, and then the tears were coming. He swiped at his eyes while Eddie stood hesitantly. “Save it, okay? Save the ring. I don’t want it to be like this—to end a fight. I want it to be its own thing. And it’s too soon anyway. It hasn’t even been a year. But—” Steve grabbed Eddie’s hand before he could put the ring back in his pocket. “Yes. Of course I want to marry you.”
Eddie touched his knuckles to Steve’s cheek, pushed aside a tear. “Getting some mixed signals,” he said, looking between Steve’s eyes with his own so full of love it hurt to see. “I’m sorry. And for worrying you.”
Steve sniffed. “I was worried but—I knew you’d come back. I know you.”
“I know you do,” Eddie said. He was still holding the ring. “Do you want to at least try it on? You could wear it on a chain or something—”
Steve put the ring on, and he didn’t take it off until the day in Joyce’s backyard when Eddie held it safe in his pocket until it was time for him to put it back on Steve in front of everyone they loved in the world.
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sundrop-writes · 3 months
Sundrop's Stranger Things Masterlist
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Please note - I am just posting this masterlist to get it out of my drafts - I worked on it when I was working on the fic listed below, and then I completely randomly lost interest in it, and this has been sitting in my drafts for months ever since. And I love the formatting and style of this masterlist and I don't want to accidentally lose it by accidentally deleting the draft - and I am gonna need this masterlist at some point. So I'm posting it.
Coming "Soon":
Nasty - Sub!Eddie Munson x Dom!Fem!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut. You hesitate to tell Eddie your true sexual desires, fearing that he'll be turned off. But when he finds out - he is more turned on than ever. (3,000 words.)
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Note: The rest of these link off to AO3 (which is the bulk of them unfortunately) - but at some point, I hope to have them edited and posted to Tumblr.
Sugar, We're Goin' Down - Steve Harrington x Fem!Thick!Reader x Eddie Munson. Friends to Lovers. Smut. Eddie hasn't gotten laid in months, so when he walks in on you and Steve (and neither of you seem to notice), he has just enough sexual frustration built up that he can’t bring himself to look away. He discovers quite a few things about Steve, and you. And himself. (12,700 words.)
Eat Me Up Alive - Sub!Eddie Munson x Dom!Fem!Thick!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Smut. Eddie is a very annoying person. And when he goes too far, you push back. Turns out - he likes it. Loves it, actually. (11,200 words.)
I'm Still Standing - Nancy Wheeler x Fem Disabled/Chronically Ill Reader. Friends to Lovers. Angst, Smut, (very slight Fluff). Hurt and Comfort. You start having horrible waking nightmares, but you don't want to worry your best friend Nancy by telling her. She's already occupied trying to chase down a trans-dimensional killer wizard, and you are convinced that the two aren't possibly related. (37,800 words.)
Bless This Mess - ADHD!Eddie Munson x Fem!Thick!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut and Fluff. Eddie accidentally forgets the two of you have a date planned. Rather than getting mad at him, you let him make it up to you. (5,700 words.)
Always Yours - Steve Harrington x Fem!Pregnant!Reader. Exes to Lovers. Fluff and Smut. Steve tells you about his 'six lil nuggets' dream, and you let him know that he's actually a lot closer to it than he thought. (2,500 words.)
Obey Your Master - Eddie Munson x Fem!Autistic!Thick!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Smut (and some Fluff). You are taking care of Eddie while his wounds from the Upside Down are healing. And when you offer to help 'take care' of him in other ways, he's convinced that he survived to live just for this exact moment. (11,200 words.)
Fix You - Eddie Munson x Fem!Mute!Powered!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Fix-It Fic. Hurt and Comfort. Most of your life, all you knew was darkness. Eddie was the one light in all of it. And you refused to lose him. (5,300 words.)
Drowning In You - Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader. Enemies to Lovers. Smut (slight Emotional Angst). Working with Billy at Hawkins Pool forced you to be around him. But forgetting part of your mandatory uniform at home and being harassed by random men because of it forced you to truly confront your feelings for him. (22,100 words.)
You Shook Me All Night Long - Steve Harrington x Fem!Thick!Reader. Strangers to Lovers. Smut and Fluff. Steve never really saw you. Until one day, when you stood out as the hottest babe he had ever seen. And on that day, he just happened to be wearing the dorkiest outfit ever and stuttering over himself to impress you. Somehow, it worked. (45,000 words.)
Daisy Fields (Companion to You Shook Me All Night Long) - Steve Harrington x Fem!Thick!Reader. Established Relationship, Family Fluff. Some Smut, Fluff. You and Steve happily pursue your life together, more than thankful for the silly little ice cream shop that brought the two of you together. (20,600 words.)
(This last one, I don't really like. I wrote it a long time ago, and it doesn't really go with my current style. But perhaps somebody seeing this masterlist can get some reading enjoyment out of it. It's just very unlikely to be re-posted on Tumblr.)
Monstrous - Steve Harrington x Fem!Powered!Reader. Established Relationship. Angst and Fluff. Steve finds out your big secret, and you are surprised when he doesn't hate you for it. (5,200 words.)
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ebaylee422 · 1 year
Decking the Halls
Steve Harrington X Girlfriend!reader
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Author’s Note:  Angst to cute sex, I’m not sorry. This is post Season 3, pre Season 4. I just love being angsty. I also really needed to clear my drafts soooo X-mas in March everyone!
Summary: Stockings aren’t the only things being stuffed this Christmas season. Steve has never decorated for Christmas, he’s embarrassed and doesn’t want to ruin your sprit by avoiding you. Don’t worry though, he shows you just how appreciative he is after. 
Characters: Steve Harrington, Girlfriend reader, mentions of shitty parents and the rest of the ST nuggets. Best Friend Robin Buckley!!
Warnings/Tags: Smut (Minors DNI!!!) abandonment issues? as an intro, p in v sex, marking kink, praise kink, fem oral (receiving). breeding?
Word Count: 3k
Part One/?
You had tried everything to get Steve into the Christmas spirit: buying decorations for your apartment, getting matching pj’s, going to watch the lights in Indianapolis,  watching Christmas movies, the Ice-Skating was most regrettable because you fell forward and knocked your teeth hard enough to bleed. Even planning a white elephant with him and his friends, sharing hot cocoa and warmth of your space heater. What you didn’t know is as soon as he left your place he was greeted by his parents' empty house. Decorated from some stupid trendy catalog his mother only glanced at before swiping a credit card. His father, not even home long enough to realize the tinsel monstrosity within the living room. The presents underneath were fake, they stopped being real when his father told him to grow up. That Santa wasn’t real, saying he needed to start giving instead of hoping for some joy from a fat man each holiday season. So that’s exactly what he did, the first Christmas he’d enjoyed in a long time was on Christmas of 83’, when he was with Nancy. They’d gotten each other meaningful gifts, it was the happiest Christmas he thought he’d ever had. Even if he went home unable to look at his pool outside for too long knowing his friend had died. Even if there were disgusting monsters trying to eat his friends when they had the chance. How horrible humans were in comparison, like the Russians nearly beating him to death at Starcourt. Instead of celebrating what he was thankful for, he felt immense guilt every holiday. He’d confided in you once about his survivor's guilt, as you had called it a couple months ago during an intense flashback. You’d comfort him, make sure he wasn’t alone. He didn’t want to be anyone’s burden, Steve knew you were worried about him it would show whenever he ‘had’ to leave for work or Robin’s, or get clothes from his place.
It all came to a standstill when you’d asked him if he would come pick a Christmas Tree with you. Wanting to have it up before the kids came over, finish decking-the-halls you’d told him. Only Steve didn’t know what picking out a Christmas Tree was, sure it’s self explanatory but what if he made a fool of himself. With his pretty rich boy ‘I’ve never had to pick one out’, it seemed too intimate. Sure you’d bared your body-mind-and-soul to him, but wanting to do something so domestic together like picking out a Christmas Tree. For your first Christmas together as a couple, it was scary for him. So instead of being a Scrooge so he could work on his feelings, he faked an illness even going as far as calling out sick today. Keith hadn’t been too happy but chopped it up to Steve sucking too much face on the job and gave him the day anyway. And he was back to square one, an empty ugly house with none of your warmth. People would think his middle name was self-sabotage, especially when that door-bell rang. He got up from his cocoon from the coach with a groan, an aching shooting up to his spine when his socked feet hit the freezing hardwood. Shined and renewed for the inevitable party his parents would throw this Christmas Eve for work friends, where they forgot they even had a son. He stopped dead in his tracks shaking the sleep from his eyes when they were met with yours, holding a tote bag while shaking the light dusty of snow off your figure. It melted into your skin leaving you shiny with the dew, nose and ears kissed pink while your chin and neck were tucked tightly with the collar of your coat and scarf. You smiled at him as he studied your form, like an angel sent just for him. He was bundled up in simple joggers, thick wool socks and heavy blanket around his shoulders worn like a cape tucked around his body, but shirtless still despite it being nearly as cold inside as it is outside. Shaking your body of the remaining snow, laying the tote bag of groceries and sick necessities you’d brought over on the stairs so you could slide out of your heavy snow covered boots.
“Hi baby, how r’ you feeling?” you asked him with a voice full of sticky sweetness and adoration. His face changed in that moment from shock to guilty, you felt the change floating in the air like oil through water.
“What are you doing here?” He asked louder than either of you had expected, causing you to turn his way fully as you began to undo the ties of your coat. 
“I came to check on you, bring you some-”
“Why?” He scoffed, tucking the blanket to cover himself from the breezing air flow of the open hall. You were wearing a red corduroy skirt, with black stocking underneath and a cream sweater that didn’t even compare to how soft your hair was laid across your shoulders. You looked at him like he hung up the stars, even though you were the brightest thing about his life.
“Robin called me worried about you saying you called out because you were sick. So I canceled the tree plans to come check on you because you didn’t call me. I even whipped up some Chicken and Rice soup and scrunched up a couple medicines.”
“You shouldn’t have done that, I’m fine Y/N. You should go get your tree and I’ll see you on Friday like you planned.” he brushed off your kindness,
“Well I wanted to take care of you.” you told him shyly, "You haven't been around as often."
“Okay thanks.” he shook his head, body and tone still uncomfortable and unmatched of your own tenderness.
“Do you not want me here or something?” You scoffed with affection grabbing the bag from the stairs, stepping in front of him giddy with untamable affection.
“No.” He answered quickly and when your face dropped, his own heart went with it when you backed away from him. “No, I mean yes but not right now. I’m just-”
“It’s fine, Steve." You cut him off, turning away and grabbing your stuff. "I get it, I’m sorry I could’ve called.” he stopped you putting out his hand as an olive branch. You took it without hesitation, sniffling away the tears that built up for weeks of you arguing and avoiding each other. 
“Don’t you dare apologize, especially to me.” He took your reddened cheeks in his hands as he pressed a kiss to your temple, “I’m just being an idiot, I’m sorry but I’m not even sick so you doing all this nice shit over-” 
“I know you’re not sick, Steve. You’re a terrible faker.” You said factually, with a teasing tone. Still not looking at him but rather at your wiggling toes against the shiny floor.
“Oh really now? Robin didn’t tell you anything.”
“Well the strange, ‘Steve wanted my shift the same day he always has off’ the one day I could go tree picking with you. Then calling out and claiming illness, and not calling me is pretty obvious.” You let the bag fall again, his shoulders relaxed as you tugged on the length of his blanket. “Are you breaking up with me?” you asked with furrowed brows and a whimper to your voice.
“No!” Steve yelled, “No never no, I-I love you so much. You are my favorite everything Y/N.” He wrapped you both in the blanket tugging you flush against him. “I just have a hard time with the holidays, I don’t really know what to do with myself. I didn’t want to be embarrassed, it was a lot of pressure.” You both held each other silently letting the fear wash over both of you, until you giggled into his neck.
“I love you, Steve. Honestly, just talking to me would’ve saved us both a headache.” He sighed heavy as he wrapped his arms tighter around you, head resting on your chin.
“Jeez, what are we gonna do with me?” he whispered into your scalp, the fluffy hair on his chest tickling your cheek as you were held by his heart.
“I can think of one.” You pursed your lips, closing your eyes with your chin held high awaiting a kiss. He obliged you immediately, cupping your cheeks in his hands to accurately press his lips to yours. His hands were freezing, sending a shiver and gasp involuntarily out of you. Steve took the opportunity to lick into your mouth, tasting-ly. Pulling back before you could reciprocate, you whined gripping his biceps accidentally pushing off his blanket.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, nose brushing against yours.
"I didn't mean to pressure you, you just seem so sad."
"You make me happy."
"Yeah, you could meet me in an ice cream shop above a secret Russian base. While enjoying strawberry more than chocolate ice cream and you'll still make me happy." 
"Well, if our circumstances of meeting are the worst part of the relationship, I think that's a pretty good incentive to making better more normal memories, yeah?"
"Maybe." He kissed the tip of your still pink nose.
"Maybe, we could go back to my place? It's always freezing here." You added with a shiver making the hairs on your arms stand up.
"Not when you're here. Just stay here a second longer." His lips moved with their own incentive. It didn't take much convincing on either of your parts before you were upstairs in his room. A path of clothes thrown haphazardly off of each other through broken giggles and soft kisses, until your just in under clothes. He holds you to him as he opens the door to his room, and your feet barely touch the floor as he twirls the two of you around. Bringing you down with him as he falls backward on the bed with a thud. Kissing you with fondness, sweet like the honey color of his eyes. You loved him so much it hurt like the side pains after laughing so hard you teared up. Like when you realize that magic might not be real but people were and kindness. Kindness and compassion were the real magic. People found a reason to be with each other, even if it was once a year. Steve never had that. Everything in his life was transactional, Christmas, school, his parents, most other relationships. Those few closet to him probably haven't ever seen this side either. The checkered boy room with little to no traces of living aside from Steve's nightstand with Polaroids of everyone scattered about. A bin in his closet kept hidden away where he'd kept his Scoops Ahoy name tag, a letter from a pen-pal in sixth grade, ticket stubs of every drive in movie. Some more Polaroids for his eyes only you'd given him after you first started dating, and he'd left his shirt in your room. Even as you lay on top of him now, kisses sucked into your neck, his strong hands massaging your sides in worship. You couldn't help what words came out next.
"Come with me." You begged him breathlessly opening your eyes to see his lips swollen and slick, hair haloed and shaggy around his face and sheets. Like melting caramel against the ugly grey and navy bedding.
"Already babe, I haven't even touched you." He mumbled rocking his pelvis into yours, forcing your legs to accommodate him more with a thigh on either side of his hips. You sat up taller straddling him, a pout etched into your face.
"No, I mean. Come home with me, lets live together. I'll get rid of things you can bring whatever you want, I can dip into my tuition nest egg and buy whatever we need for the apartment. Make it yours too, or we can find another one that you like better. I just want you all to myself." He sat up holding onto your waist so you didn't fall, making you squeak with the shift in position. Your heart sank as his eyes were so wide they could've jumped out of his skull.
“What?” he asked as his breath caught in his throat, a pure swell of undoubtable happiness warming him from the tip of his nose down to his sock covered feet.
“It’s just, I wasn’t lying Stevie. I wanna take care of you, you give so much to every-” He kissed you, desperately. Teeth clashing and tongues forming together making you dizzy enough to loose balance upright on your knees. Pulling back to gasp for air, a string of spit connecting you to him. He wiped it away, tucking his head into your chest.
“You’re perfect. I’ll do anything to make you happy.”
“Even picking out a Christmas Tree with me?”
“I will grow you a damn Christmas Tree, even better I’ll get the kids to help me chop down one in my backyard!”
“Stevie! That’s dangerous.”
“Well, sweets. 
My middle name.” He trailed four kisses down your body, stopping just shy of your covered mound. Hooking his fingers under the band of your underwear, biting your hip making you buck up long enough for him to shimmy them off your legs.
“I thought your middle name was Alexander?”
“You won’t your own name once I’m done with you.” He said sultry, kneeling at the foot of the bed. Yanking your ankles to bring you closer to his mouth, spreading your legs wide and over his shoulders. You were beautiful, regardless what you were doing but letting him take care of you. Make you feel good and be vulnerable, made his head spin. Your lips were sticky with arousal, he could smell your sweet nectar begging for him to taste you. Marks still slightly visible from last time, he started there sucking and biting the mailable flesh. 
“Stevie, please-” You cried out, hands trying to find purchase with his. He stopped sucking a bruise, eyes blown wide when he found yours. Locking your hands to your sides,
“Your so sweet, baby. Asking so nicely.” He chastely kissed on your hood, tongue licking underneath to wet and flick at your clit. You groaned and threw you head back, “So sweet, baby. Keep your legs open for me. I have a lot of apologizing to do down here.”
“Stevie, no I want you. Please.” You writhed on the bed trying to keep your legs spread for him, he blew cool air at your entrance causing you to clench around nothing. You body craved to be filled, senses overwhelmed of one thing: Steve, Steve, Steve!
“Just wanna warm you up, we have all the time in the world sweets. Wanna wreck this bed before leaving.” He was antagonizing you, teasing with his pretty words and slightly movements you couldn’t even respond him. He licked a line from your entrance to your clit, groaning at your taste. Hips colliding with the end of his bed to relieve pressure as he sucked your clit into his mouth. Rolling the bud with his tongue, your nail dug into his knuckles as you shook with ecstasy.
“ ‘S so good, Stevie. Don’t stop-” You were so pent up from earlier all it took was a few more rolls of his tongue against you and for you to fall apart. Concentrating on keeping your legs open for him, as he licked you clean. Nudging his nose against your sensitive clit, he let go of one of your hands tangling it in his hair.
“Hold it out of my face, baby. I want one more before I cum inside you.” He coated his fingers with your release, slowly sliding in one as his tongue still fucked into you. You couldn’t help rocking your hips against his face when he added another finger inside you. Scissoring, stretching you and rubbing against your spongy spot. You tugged at his locks when he came back up to suck at your clit again, you didn’t even notice the heat break in your belly until you gushed and clenched around his fingers. You pushed at his forehead from sensitivity, barely able to catch your breath when you pulled him up to kiss you. lips and chins dripping of you. Trailing your nails down his soft tummy following the happy trail underneath his boxers, you met him halfway stroking his thick cock with your slick. Still coating his hand, pre-cum dripping from his tip making the sounds completely pornographic.
“ ‘m not gonna last baby, want you so bad.” He whispered against your lips, breathing heavy with a sheen of sweat layering you both in the smell of sex.
“Need you too, wanted you ages ago.” You sassed, making him laugh against your cheek as he stood. You wrapped your legs around his waist, his cock twitched when it brushed against the inside of your thigh.
“You gotta big mouth on you, sweet girl.”
“You better do something about it, Harrington.” With a roguish grin he ran his length over your clit once before pushing ever so slightly inside. Taking your breaths away, you were the girl and only girl who could take Steve’s fat cock completely. He just has to ease you into it, inch by inch until his hip bone grazed the back of your thighs. Steve stood tall and far enough away you couldn’t kiss him from where you were sprawled out under him. You pulled and squeezed at your breasts still contained by your bra. His cock glistening with your slick as he pulled his hips back, then pushing deeper inside his sack pressed tight against your ass. Steve nearly loss his balance when you clenched around him, putting his hands under your knees. Folding you in half made it feel like he was in your throat, he leaned over you the pressure of his body as he set a ruthless pace set flames in your abdomen. Pounding his cock into you over and over again moaning out praises as he bullied all the way to your cervix. Punching breaths out of you watching as your tits bounced, you had enough pulling him fully on top you. Hands indenting his shoulders as your hips met his, clit pulsing and with need. 
“You feel so good. Shit, shit- I’m cumming, cumming inside.” Steve’s core tighten as he ran two finger over your clit, heat erupted across your body. You milked Steve dry, his warm seed and your three orgasms dripping from each others groin. You pulled him on top of you, comforted by his weight on you as his cock softened inside you. 
“Do you really want too?” You asked in the post orgasm bliss, running a hair through his now tangled locks. “I don’t want to trap you with amazing sex and joy but it’s definitely a perk.” Steve rose onto his elbows, still seated inside you. Brushing the hair out of your face, with softness.
“I’m sure we can wreck this bed a lot more than just cum stains.” Pushing at his chest, he pulled out of you gently. Scurrying to his bathroom where you listened as he turned on the faucet in the shower. Sitting up, he came back with all his glory. Hand raised for you to take, the same olive branch you’d given him at Starcourt. All this time. “I can’t wait to spend Christmas in our home, together.”
You’d never been so excited to spend the holidays with anyone else.
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Lip Service
So i dont 100% know how it starts. I just know that eddie uses the phrase "lip service" maybe he and the gang of teens are at nancys house, hanging in the basement while the kids are at school, robin and steve both had a day off, which never happens. They're talking about who knows what, eddie lounged out on the floor, his feet resting on the couch. Probably next to steve who's sitting on the couch like a normal person. Eddie keeps gently kicking his shoudler, pressing his toes behind steve when his feet get cold.
And steve keeps shoving him away, but not too far, and he always lets eddie keep his toes there for a minute before he shoves at them. And maybe nancy has said something about eddie getting sponsors for the band, and he snorts, says something about how he'd be terrible at promoting a sponsor, that he's no good at lip service. And Steve's goddamn traitorous mouth says,
"i doubt that" with a snort as he wraps his fingers around Eddie's ankle and pushes his foot away. Only he doesnt get to push the foot away, because he freezes, eddie coughs, chokes really, and he's up on his elbows, looking at steve, his eyes HUGE. and he almost winces with how hard Steve's fingers clench into the skin of his ankle. Eddie opens his mouth to say something, maybe ease some of the fucking tension thats now filling the basement, because everyone is staring at steve. But steve is up off the couch before he can manage one word.
He's up the stairs before eddie manages to get himself right side up, and on his feet again. And by the time eddie is outside, jogging down the stairs of the wheelers porch, Steve's BMW is already speeding away. And Eddie's chest ACHES. because he knows he could catch him. Eddie's not the safest driver. Or the slowest.
But his chest is also aching because of the look that had been on Steve's face. It wasn't fear, eddie had seen him afraid. It was down right horror. And Eddie's chest was aching because he didnt know if the horror was because he'd meant what he said, and had been thinking about eddie as much eddie had been thinking about him. Or if he'd been horrified that he'd implied he might have had any thoughts like that about eddie at all.
So eddie watches his car disappear, breathing heavily from just the run up the stairs. He's still trying to catch his breath when robin steps up next to him.
"What happened? What's wrong?" She asked, noting the frown on Eddie's face. He sucks in a deep breath, fights off a cough and just says,
"im alarmingly out of shape Robs" he rests his hands on his head as she chuckles lightly, her hand on his back as they go back inside. She doesn't say anything else to eddie. And he doesn't ask. But she keeps looking at him. And it just makes his brain work harder, faster, makes his palms sweat.
Its been three days and eddie hasn't seen Steve once. Not at the video store. Not at the wheelers. Not even at school to pick up the little nuggets. He'd seen his tail lights friday afternoon, dustin waving out the window at eddie as they drove away.
He bounces on his heels as he stands outside Steve's door. Not sure he should be here. Who was he kidding, steve was avoiding him, of course he shouldnt be here. But steve wouldn't answer his phone either, and robin was no help. Just told eddie to give him time. But Eddie's brain had been running wild for three fucking days and he was about to crawl out of his skin. So he bounces in place a few more times. Then knocks on the door. He presses the door bell too, for good measure. Knows Steve's hearing isnt the best. He hears foot steps and hastily puts his hand over the peep hole. He hears a muttered,
"what the hell?" Before the door swings open, revealing a frowning steve. The frown does a strange sort of summersault on Steve's face. Briefly jumping into a sort of soft smile before he realized it was eddie and then he's frowning again. And Eddie's stomach sinks. Not happy to see him then. Great. Good start.
"Hey." Is all eddie says. Steve wobbles from foot to foot, not opening the door any further.
"Hey?" He says. A question. Sounding for all the world like he has no idea what eddie is even doing at his house. Like they havent seen each other almost every day since eddie got out of the hospital. It throws eddie off. Tilts everything. Makes him stumble. He'd had a PLAN.
"I um... i thought we should talk. Maybe? About the other day?" He tries, says it gently.
"I'm gonna pass on that. Thanks though." Is all steve says, in a rush, and then he closes the door in Eddie's face.
"Hey!" Eddie squawks.
And steve smiles, despite himself, at the indignation in Eddie's voice, resting his back agaisnt the door, dropping his head lightly against the expensive wood.
"Steve! Seriously!?" Eddie bangs on the door, it shakes beneath Steve's shoulder blades but he doesn't move.
Eddie huffs, leans forward until his head is resting against the wood, he flattens his palm on the door.
"Listen. Steve. I'm gonna... im gonna say something. Something i would never say. Not to your face. Or your... door. Hell, not even in your general vicinity. I wouldn't even say it if someone tossed me in a rocket and launched me into space. Not that anyone could hear me up there anyway cuz space is a vacuum so it would be-
"Right. Yeah. Sorry. Distracted." He lowers his voice, to a near whisper.
"What i was getting at is that... I've been- can you hear me?" He gets no response.
"Knock twice if you can here me. You don't have to talk. I just want you to hear me." Eddie waits. And waits. And then two soft knocks reach his ears.
"Okay cool. Good." He clears his throat, rolls his shoulders, and tries again.
"I just wanted you know that... i can't stop thinking about kissing you. And it has nothing to do with what you said 3 days ago. This was an issue I've been having since... doesn't matter. Its been awhile." He waves his hand next to his head, dismissive though steve cant see him.
"But then you said that. and you know how i am dude, my brain just goes and goes. And i know you've been avoiding me, and thats... fine. I guess. Unless it's... i mean unless you..." he frowns, shakes his head.
"I dont know. I just thought we could talk? In case maybe... you've been like... feeling things?" He grimaces. He really should have just brought the shit he'd written down, it'd be so much easier. He sighs, runs his hands over his face. Does a little spin and groan combo before facing the door again.
"Look i just cant stop thinking about what you said. And i wanted you to know that like.. it didn't bother me, or freak me out or anything. I just... i dont know man." He sighs again, drops his head heavily into the door before backing away a bit.
"Look man you're being awfully quiet, and clearly don't wanna talk to me. So im gonna go." He takes a step down the porch, still facing the door, his chest tight with hope that steve will answer it.
"I just needed you to know that i think about you sometimes." He laughs, shakes his head.
"All the time. Just, all the fucking time now. But i uh... I'll see you around... i guess?" He mutters the last words, his heart sinking as he makes it to the bottom of the steps with no movement from the door. He sighs, shoulders dropping as he scuffs his feet all the way back to his van. He yanks the door open, the metal creaking. And then
"Eddie!" He turns, Steve's standing on the porch,  his arms wrapped around his middle, eyes big and sad as he looks at eddie. Eddie stops, his hand still on the door of his van, standing wide open. He watches steve swallow. Swears he can hear it from all the way in the driveway.
"Dont go?" Its quiet, almost a whisper, and steve is all but fucking begging. Eddie stares for a moment and then slams his van door shut. He starts back toward the house. Watches steve turn and walk back inside before he gets to the porch. Steve steps aside, holds the door open for eddie and lets him pass. Eddie steps inside, watches steve close the door. Lock it. But he doesnt step away. His hand is still on the door handle. His head resting against the door as he breathes deeply. Eddie takes one small step toward him. Knows steve didnt see it, his eyes are closed.
"You okay?" Eddie asks, moving closer still. Steve scrunches his eyes closed harder. Shakes his head.
"I don't know what im doing." He says, eddie leans to the side, sees his lip caught between his teeth. He reaches out, his hand touching Steve's shoulder, he moves closer, nearly pressing himself to Steve's side, and smiles when steve sighs into the touch.
"That's okay." Eddie says, moving his hand across Steve's shoulders, soothing him. Steve shakes his head again and then moves, he turns, placing his back agaisnt the door, his hand moves to Eddie's hip, one finger dipping through Eddie's belt loop to tug him closer, eddie stumbles into steve and huffs a laugh.
"I mean it. I don't know what I'm doing with you. I've never... done this... with a guy before." He breathes.
"Girls i know. I know how to do that. But not this." He moves his free hand between himself and eddie, in the small space thats there. Eddie swallows, hard.
"I uh... i could be a girl. If you want." He winks, and it makes steve laugh, makes him tug on his jeans again, bump their hips together, but he shakes his head, smile fading, looking at eddie seriously.
"I don't want you to be girl. I just want you to be you." He says, and eddie thinks he might fucking cry. And Steve's eyes look shiny too. So eddie moves, his hands moving to hold onto Steve's arms.
"If it helps? I uh... I've never really... done anything... with guys either. Or- or girls. So just... nothing really. Over here on my end." He huffs a sort of sarcastic self depreciating laugh, and looks down, away from steve, his cheeks hot with his admission.
"I mean I've wanted too. Ya know? With guys. I mean i knew i was into guys. Not girls really so much. I mean they're beautiful, just... i never wanted them the way i did with guys. Never wanted them the way i- the way i want you." He whispers the end of it. Scared maybe he shouldn't have it said it that way, that maybe steve wasn't saying the same thing.
"Really?" Is all he gets from steve, making him look up.
"You've never- done anything?" Steve asks, his free hand moving to Eddie's side, the fingers curled in Eddie's belt loop move, cup his hip gently, Steve's thumb moves slowly against Eddie's shirt. Eddie takes a shaking breath, shakes his head just enough that his bangs wobble against his forehead.
"Nope. Just a big ol virgin. I mean i kissed Cathey Bartlet once in third grade but it was kinda gross and i didn't really want too. And she didn't really ask me. She just sort of... shovered her mouth on mine. Sort of a bummer of a first and only kiss really." He knows he's saying too much, but his mouth wont stop, never does. But steve is smiling soflty at him so he thinks maybe its okay.
"So yeah. Maybe you've never done anything with a guy, but... at least you've done things. Lightyears ahead of me. On all accounts, probably. I mean... i read things but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count. Having an active inner fantasy life doesn't count either I'm guessing." Eddie smiles awkwardly, his fingers trembling where they're holding Steve's arms. Steve nods at him, his fingers still moving gently over Eddie's shirt.
"That's not a bad thing. You know that right?" Steve asks. One hand moving up Eddie’s arm. Eddie shrugs.
"No hey, i mean it. It's okay that you haven't done stuff. I- um..." steve flushes, a deep red, and oh... eddie likes that, he sways forward, closer to steve.
"You what?" Eddie pushes, his hands moving to Steve's biceps, fingers pressing a little harder. Steve shakes his head, eyes avoiding eddie now.
"Tell me." Eddie moves his hand, his fingertips moving to Steve's chin, lifting his head so he can see his eyes.
"Please?" Eddie asks. Begs. And he watches steve nearly melt. He licks his lips, eyes locking on Eddie's.
"I just- i like the idea that I'll be the only person who's touched you." He looks away quickly after the words leave his mouth. But he doesn't stop there.
"I like the idea of learning how to do this with you. But mostly its the first thing." He scrunches his nose and looks back to eddie.
Eddie is smiing, his cheeks flushed. And then he fucking honest to god giggles. And fucking falls against steve. Steve just wraps his arms around eddie, instinctively pulling him closer.
"Why are you laughing?" But steve's laughing now too, can't help it. Eddie's laugh has always been so fucking contagious. Eddie shakes his head, stops laughing, moves, just a little, moves his nose up Steve's throat, his hands on Steve's hips, pushes him back into the door a bit and he says
"Steve harrington. You have a fucking virgin kink. Or should i say, your kink is fucking virgins?" Eddie's breath on his neck makes him shiver, at least thats what he tells himself. Eddie pulls back, stays close, looks into Steve's eyes.
"Dont you?" He asks, his fingers giving steve a squeeze. Steve squirms and shoves his hands up the back of Eddie's shirt, his warm palms moving against eddie skin, pulling him close. Eddie fucking melts into steve, a little whine leaving his throat.
"Maybe i do. Sounds like you might be a little touched starved princess." Steve shoots back, sounding satisfied, and the nickname goes right to Eddie's nerve endings, his whole body shaking. He's pretty sure his knees are about to buckle, but he can fucking feel steve holding him up, and that just makes it worse. He clings to Steve's shoulders and says the only come back he can think of it in his fuzzy headed haze.
"Princess. So you do want me to be a girl." He huffs into Steve's shoulder. Steve laughs then, his fingers pressing into Eddie's back before letting him go a little, so he can look at him.
"No. I still want you to be you." And he says it so earnestly. Eddie almost melts again, looking into his eyes, steve lifts a hand out of his shirt and tucks some hair behind Eddie's ear. Eddie licks his lips and frowns, wants to not sound too much like an idiot.
"So um... you wouldn't mind then..." he hesitates. Steve's eyes widen, waiting. Eddie grimaces a bit.
"Teaching me... how to do stuff?" He sounds insecure now. But the way steve softens makes him, not hate it. Steve shakes his head, moves his hand to Eddie's cheek.
"No. I wouldn't mind." His thumb moves over Eddie cheek bone and he leans into the touch like a cat.
"Good. Cuz i really wanna kiss you but I'm scared i might be bad at it." Eddie bites his lip, Steve moves his thumb down, sweeps over Eddie's lip until he lets it fall from his teeths grip.
"You'll do fine. I have faith in you." Steve breathes. Eddie's heart flutters.
"What if I'm bad at it? What if I'm like Cathey Bartlet?" Eddie asks, his hands clutching at Steve's shirt now. Steve shakes his head.
"No way. Not possible." Steve smiles, his eyes locked on Eddie's lips now. Eddie's clenched fists are shaking.
"You don't know. I could be terrible. Like kissing a wet mop or someth-"
"Eddie." Steve says his name softly, silencening him gently. Eddie gulps. Eyes widening.
"Can i kiss you?" Steve asks, eddie feels his breath ghost over his lips and his eyes flutter. Eddie nods, pressing his lips together nervously before releasing them again.
"Thank you for asking." Eddie says, smiling at steve as steve smiles at him, both of them moving to close to gap between them.
"Dont get used to it." Steve whispers, his lips brushing Eddie's and then he's kissing him. Soflty at first, letting eddie get used to the feeling. Eddie can feel him smiling against his lips, especially when eddie makes little noises. Steve breaks away, brushes his nose agaisnt Eddie's. Eddie nearly panting as steve practically holds him upright.
"Does that mean you're not gonna ask when you kiss me?" Eddie breathes, his forehead resting against Steve. Steve laughs into Eddie's mouth, kissing him soflty again and says
"Not always. You're mine now Munson. I can kiss you anytime i want." Eddie shivers as steve spins them, pushes Eddie gently against the door. He pulls back, his hands pressed to the door next to Eddie's head.
"That okay with you?" He asks, like he hadn't just fucking shaken eddie to his goddamn core. Eddie's hands scramble over Steve's shoulders, clutching and clawing at him, dragging him closer as he breathes
"Yes. Yeah. Totally good with it. Never stop kissing me." Eddie says, his eyes locked on Steve's mouth. Steve laughs, lets eddie pull him closer, desperately so, and kisses him again. And again. And again.
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