#and a bit of Homestuck too since I started reading it thanks to a friend (you know who you are /silly)
grimgummies · 5 months
I just realised that a lot of the reason why I was struggling to leave/become less active on Twitter (besides the fact a lot of my friends are on there) was the fact that's where a majority of the super active Spooky Month fans are. But now that I'm sorta getting back into Minecraft I feel less and less inclined to be active on Twitter so that's something
I mean I will miss seein all the active artists/fans on that platform but it's honestly for the best that I don't touch Twitter much because it's not good for my mental health
I might occasionally drop in there to post but I don't feel a huge obligation anymore pff,, feels like a curse was lifted off my shoulders lmao
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tinycatstars · 1 year
omg if it isnt too much trouble do you think you could write some agere gamzee + cg karkat? they r my faves theyre so cuuuuuute :D
yess!! i really like the concept of karkat + gamzee using age regression to help gamzee heal and get better after sburb :D so this fic kinda revolves around that! i hope you like it !! <3 <3
also ill be posting this to ao3 too so the pesterchats will look 100 times better with the actual homestuck skin btw !! i had to improvise with tumblr lololol
(also also there is a lil cursing and mention of weed in this btw 0: just a warning!)
Gamzee woke up groggily, turning over to face his clock that sat next to his recuperacoon. It read 11 AM, which was earlier than he’s woken up in a while. The troll lets out a sigh before sitting up, cracking his joints as he stretches. 
He feels different this morning. Not a bad different, but a good one instead. He felt hazy, but not the usual haze he felt after smoking a bowl the night before. He feels… small.
Oh. Oh! He had regressed while he was sleeping.
He takes a few deep breaths before getting out of bed to find his phone. He needed to text Karkat to let him know he was regressed. He really wanted to see his moirail, but he wasn’t sure how busy Karkat would be today, and he really didn’t want to be a bother.
The troll hums, deciding that he would message the other anyways. Anxiety be damned, he wanted to see his best friend!
terminallyCapricious [TC] began trolling carcinoGeneticist [CG] at 11:12 AM
TC: GoOd MoRnInG :0)
TC: :0(
TC: CaN yOu CoMe OvEr? I tHiNk I’m FeElInG tInY
TC: HoNk :0)
terminallyCapricious [TC] ceased trolling carcinoGeneticist [CG] at 11:19 AM
Gamzee smiles at the exchange. As he waits for Karkat to get to his hive, he starts to get ready for the day. The troll quickly showers, or, really, just runs water and stands underneath it. He feels so much better afterwards, relaxing further into his headspace. He rubs moisturizer into his dreads after his rinse, brushing his teeth and finishing up his normal routine. He smiles at himself in the mirror - he’s come so far from where he used to be, mostly thanks to Karkat. He’s helped him feel like himself again, and now the troll finds himself doing things he never would have before, like this “self care” stuff Karkat had been pushing onto him.
He spots the scar from Nepeta’s claw that spanned across his face, it has since faded since he… yeah, best not to think about that right now.
Karkat arrives soon after Gamzee finishes getting ready.  He knocks on the door to his hive, and Gamzee excitedly goes to open it. He smiles as he’s faced with his caregiver. Karkat smiles back, seeing that Gamzee was dressed in one of his own old sweatshirts, large pajama pants, and some purple fuzzy socks. He looked extremely comfortable, not to mention adorable.
“Hey, little grub. I came over as fast as I could”, Karkat says. Gamzee smiles lazily, going in for a hug. Karkat held the other as best as he could, but it was a little difficult with the height difference. Gamzee towered over Karkat, but his head was bent so his forehead was touching the other’s, his dangling arms wrapped around the shorter troll’s body.
Karkat smiled despite the awkward position, leaning into the touch. Gamzee’s hair smelled like the loc oil the other had gifted him a while ago. The scents of passionfruit and pineapple filled the troll’s nostrils as his hair was pressed against his head.
They stay like that for a while, until Gamzee pulls away from the hug, quietly saying “Thanks for coming over”.
“Yeah, of course, I love hanging with my best pal! What did you have planned for today?” Karkat asked the little.
Gamzee shrugs, fiddling with his shirt a bit. He moves from the entryway so Karkat can properly come in. His hive was a bit of a mess, but nothing compared to what it was a few months ago. Only a few dishes were piled in the sink, a couple of pieces of clothing littered the floor, and a few pieces of paper covering the kitchen counter. It was a huge improvement from how it looked before Karkat had intervened; he couldn’t even see the floor of the hive. The other troll was so proud of Gamzee, as silly as it sounded.
“Can we play video games?” Gamzee shyly asks, eyeing his T.V. and gaming set up in the corner of the living room. 
“Sure, do you want anything to drink?” KK asked. Gamzee shook his head and plopped onto his couch, moving some of the blankets out of the way so Karkat could sit next to him. Karkat walks over and grabs the controllers that sat on the T.V. mantle, handing Gamzee one as he sits on the couch next to him.
“What did you wanna play?” Karkat asks, booting up the other’s gaming system to the home screen. Gamzee shrugs, saying something that sounded like “You pick”. Karkat noticed he mumbled a lot more while he was regressed, the other troll couldn’t understand him most days if he wasn’t reading his lips. 
He selects Mario Party, hoping it was a good choice. It was a simple enough game, something Gamzee could play and actually have fun with while regressed. He guesses it was the perfect choice, considering how Gamzee wiggles in excitement as the title screen plays. 
The shorter troll chooses to play as Bowser, while Gamzee is still trying to decide who he wants to be. “Need help deciding?” Karkat asks him, and Gamzee shakes his head as he clicks on Princess Peach. He smiled softly, she was just so pretty, he had to play as her!
They play a few rounds of Mario Party before Gamzee is practically falling asleep while sitting up. Karkat looks fondly over to the other, deciding that he needs a nap. He gently takes the controller out of Gamzee’s hand, which the troll barely registered as he moved another hand up to rub at his eyes sleepily. Karkat gently moves the little into a laying down position on the couch, pulling a spare blanket over the other.
Karkat decides he’ll make them something to eat while the little one sleeps peacefully, so he can get some food into Gamzee whenever he wakes up. The shorter troll gets up from the couch gently kissing the top of Gamzee’s forehead. The other troll smiles a little in his sleep. 
“Sweet dreams, little grub”, Karkat whispers.
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millimononym · 8 months
tagged by @cerisia76 thank u 4 the tag!! I didn't know who i should tag so I'm just gonna be answering this one
3 ships:
this is gonna be hard I'm in so many fandoms lol I'm gonna try to be diverse. Also this is super long
1. Eritav (Homestuck)
OUGHHH where do i start with these 2. Ok so tavros is my fave troll so naturally during the period i was reading Homestuck a lot i stared having dreams about him. And for some reason one time Eridan was also there so i was intrigued and looked into their ship tag on AO3 and found the best fic ever with like the best characterization, writing etc... Before i literally didn't give 2 shits about eridan but it made me love his character as well. It's called "Black sails, Black romance" by mtjester and it's about Tavros and Eridan developing a kismesissitude(which is basically hate love, for those that don't read hs). The reason i put a pic of them down there as moirails is because i can honestly see them in any quadrant, despite them never talking in canon.
For moirallegiance, i feel like it would start out rocky but eventually develop into something better. Tavros would actually be allowed to speak his mind and develop more confidence since i dont think Eridan would shut him down constantly like Vriska, as Eridan is desperate for his quadrants to actually work. And Eridan would obviously benefit from having someone to keep his ass in line.
I can see them developing into matesprits later from that as well.
And as for kismesissitude, well it's already getting too long and i already gave a fic rec for it.
image by urfavsarequadranted
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2. Toxic4Toxic/Socket/Rocket x Sinedd whatever they're called (Galactik football)
Must i say anything. They give each other undiscovered mental illnesses and are horrible for each other and i love that for them. Rocket is my favorite character and so his arc in season 2 was most interesting to me, which includes his relationship with Sinedd. I feel like they could have done more with them in s2, but i already made a post about that.
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3. Hinadam (Super Danganronpa 2)
AHHHH THEM. Contender for fave rarepair of all time and fave Danganronpa ship overall. Best fics on ao3. 0 fandom toxicity surrounding them. Should be shipped more than k0mahina. Is more canon than k0mahina(I'm gonna get torn apart for this opinion but idc!!!)
like the entire freetime events with Gundham ends with him letting Hajime hold his hand, which he never let ANYONE do due to his touch aversion. He never develops a relationship this strong with anyone, not even Sonia who is his friend in the game. Hajime is the only person he feels safe and comfortable letting down his walls with due to Hajime's genuine effort to understand him better and be his friend. It's genuinely touching to me idkk i think i cried a bit first time i saw it. I'm not going to go into spoilers but good god man...the chapter ....if you know you know
and also in the island mode ending, Gundham asks Hajime if he wants to live a quiet life with himself and his animals. How is this not shipped more they're literally so in love it's not even funny
And NO i do not ship it because gundham is the best character and Hajime is the character i relate to most. but that could be part of it
IDK who made this artwork I'm sorry
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Last song:
Okay it's technically not these ones but its the ones i remember listening to most lately. It's rainbow factory and Terrible Things. Fun fact a childhood song of mine called Erase The Underground (undertale fansong) just. Straight up used rainboe factory's music and i never knew so when i listened to RF i got the biggest jumpscare of my LIFE
Last movie:
The last movie i remember watching fully was Howl's moving Castle bcz my sister forced me and i enjoyed it even though it's not one of my favorite ghibli movies or anything. It was cool
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Currently reading:
Still reading Watership down! (I have no time for anything lately otherwise i would have finished it) and if Manga counts I've also started reading NANA !! and i love it tbh my favorite thing is the fashion i could feel myself getting more cultured while reading it i think
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Currently watching:
There's nothing im really focused on atm but i have a list on my pinned. The big ones i would say are Adventure Time and MAR (for nostalgia purposes). I'm also watching the justice league cartoon but tbh I don't really enjoy it that much despite people saying it's great. It just doesn't hit the same heights as BTAS or have as enjoyable of a superhero team as LOSH 2006. To me. But idk maybe it gets better later
Currently drinking: waterrrrrr baby
Currently craving: school to end to end tbhhhh
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Still Monday in some parts of the world, so while technically non-related to this ask, there's that! Happy day.
For the ask game- G I L F. + X, but typing that out separately, for obvious reasons.
It is once again Monday and I realized I have unanswered asks, so now is the time! ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
And what better place to start than with the X(-rated) GILF~
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Most of my once-OTPs have relaxed over the years (Sephiroth/Cloud was my OTP for a while, and probably the original, but recently I've been devouring all the Rufus/Cloud content I can find). I used to be really into Drarry too, but I'll read a lot of Harry pairings, so while I have preferences (*cough* tomarrymort *cough*) he's kind of a fandom bicycle in my mind.
The OTP that has remained an OTP for me since I first discovered it is Homura/Madoka from Madoka Magica. I have a lot of feelings about them.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Despite creating my account in 2011, I only really got active earlier this year, so I missed the Homestuck and SuperWhoLock phenomena. But I will say it was a bit of a culture shock to see the tomarrymort fandom in action on a social platform. Previously, I'd only engaged through ao3 and a little on Discord. I had to really curate my experience and block some folks because seeing all the opinions and drama almost made me take a step back from my fics and the pairing. But I think I've found a niche that makes me happy, so fingers crossed I'm here for a while!
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
I appreciate how human Ron is. He's not perfect, he acts like a teenager more than Hermione or Harry do, and he makes bad decisions and is petty -- but he has a big heart and can be very insightful when it comes to his friends.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
I've been in the Harry Potter fandom off and on for more than twenty years now! For the FFVII fandom, it's a little less -- off and on for nineteen years.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
I have read somnophilia fics in fandoms I have no knowledge of because I like the trope~ Other than that, some good pining always gets me. Especially when at least one of the people involved feels they can't/shouldn't care for the other person.
Thank you for the ask, Lettie! <3
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adiosterror · 17 days
🩶, 🎚️ and 🪽
(@/scarecrowbf ^_^)
Oh geez, three at once,, bet
🩶 (Song that reminds you of your f/o)
There's SO many I could say for this, honestly, but I'll have to go with (and highly recommend) Ascending Heaven by Asyndeton!
I have no idea where I first heard this song, but it really stuck with me when I was in school and I would listen to it every day while I read the comic. It's a very comforting song, especially the chorus with the lines 'I'll take away your pain, I'll hold you in my arms' both feels like a selfship thing and also how she treats her friends and all that. She's very stubborn on making sure everyone she loves is safe, going as far as to literally retcon the entire story so they don't have to die.
🎚️ (Album cover that reminds you of your selfship and/or your f/o)
I'm sure there's a lot of really good answers out there that I could say, and I'd love to hear any other ideas, but I'd have to say I'm split between two! There's the album cover for Homestuck Vol. 10 with all the kids meeting up which is awesome (it also has casey!! i love you so much casey), but that feels like too easy of an answer.
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My other option would probably be Owl City's Ocean Eyes. I didn't even know this until I googled it, but this album came out in 2009! Just a couple months after Homestuck first started,, neat! I'd choose the deluxe edition of the album cover, the big lettering and white border makes it feel a bit lighter in color compared to the original. And also, the deluxe has a banger remix of Hello, Seattle.
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🪽 (Song lyric that makes you think of your f/o and/or selfship)
There are SO many of these I could scream, but I'll stick to two just to keep it simple!
The first one is from Meteor Shower by Cavetown, specifically the line 'I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones, 'cause blue is your favorite color.'
I'm not even really sure if blue is her favorite color? I'm pretty sure it is, but there's some hot debate in the fandom about it being either blue or green. I'm on team blue because literally everything is blue except her original shirt and things based off it, which is just Slimer from Ghostbusters,, who is green,,,
But yeah, I think she'd look really pretty in sapphires, now that I think about it,,,
The other song is It Only Takes A Moment from the Hello, Dolly soundtrack!
This song stuck with me ever since I was a little kid, my favorite movie has always been Wall-E lol,, but the lyric for this song is 'Your heart knows in a moment, you will never be alone again.'
I'm not sure why I have it superglued onto June in my head, but the delivery of the line sounds so full of adoration and acceptance, it makes me feel that kinda way, you know? You can just hear the love in his voice, throughout the whole song but especially in this line.
Thank you so much for the ask!! It means the world to me, hehe,, I'm excited to see your responses too! ❤️❤️
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booperbeanv3 · 7 months
ok i know this ask game is from Þe Olden Times but.
everything except 1, 2, 7, 8, 30 and 31. covering all the bases
“Homestuck Isn’t Dead” Tag
jesus a full faq here
Well I'm incredibly vain and love talking about myself so here goes
3. Do you call your s/o a matesprit? 4. Do you call your best friend your moirail?
S/O, no. Best friend, sometimes.
5. Are you “kin” with any characters or commonly called a character?
I've never taken kinning seriously and never will, but I strongly related to Dave and Karkat thanks to that "born wrong + childhood neglect" flavour. But my friends (SIDE-EYES YOUR URL) have holed me into Jake English, so, y'know, whatever. Not everyone can be davekat, I get it
6. God Tier?
Knight of Light!
9. Do you roleplay homestuck? where and how often?
I haven't been able to do it often thanks to the circumstances. I'm too scared to use dreambubbles.xyz. But if you're interested, my discord is boolean2390 and while I main alphabeta boys (i.e. Dave, John, Jake, Dirk), I have RPed Dave and Karkat before in actual, concrete examples I can show you.
10. Do you cosplay homestuck characters? Who and where?
I was gonna cosplay Karkat before Omegle shut down.
11. Are you apart of ask blogs?
I am not and I have actively avoided this! I'm gonna be real here, I'll never top the current set of kid ask blogs, so I'll just watch from afar. Plus, it's quite a bit of work when my faves are so popular, and therefore will not fill any real niches. (a jake english would be kinda funny even if it already exists tho)
12. Are you in any homestuck groups?
Hoesslut server on Discord
13. Favorite character?
you can make a tri venn diagram of all my faves with the headings "waifu", "literally me" and "actually good/interesting character" with some mild overlap
that said
objective best is jade and personal fav is karkat
aradia is super based also. best part of act 5 but utterly forgettable afterwards. served cunt, died, served cunt, revived
14. Least favorite character?
tri venn diagram of "obsessive hatred", "boring" and "annoying"
most of my "least favs" disappoint me from lack of potential being utilised effectively
idfk doc scratch??
15. OTP? 16. NOTP? 17. BROTP?
JANEROXY 4EVER!!!! that's the only consistent one. i can like any ship if given some good enough motivation (even if it's my dick).
that being said i scour johndave and johnkat most often. however i am THE blackrom vantas and johnkat/davekat must be spades ONLY. spades johndave is fun but no one writes it. dude i just love spades
18. Do you want homestuck to just die already?
No, I just got here!
19. Are you following up with hiveswap? Do you play? Watch YT videos?
I don't, and I don't care.
20. Tell us how homestuck has affected you in real life?
Locked myself in my room and did nothing but read Homestuck for about 2 weeks to a month. I finished it during this time
Got so high I tripped balls thought I killed my best friend and got stuck on Prospit while Homestuck music was playing in the background. Last summer!
Started laughing uncontrollably in the middle of a psychotherapy appointment since I was being so Davecore
My karkalicious x wannabe remix is on my friend's playlist bc she genuinely enjoys it. This remix also haunted me during an important art project I was doing and singlehandedly cursed the entire thing
Wore sunglasses IRL for a bit. (It does help.) Would keep doing it if I didn't lose my clip-ons
My sister thinks I sell Karkat foot fetish art now. She follows me here
21. Have you met anyone through homestuck?
IRL? No. Online? Duh
22. Have you left the fandom before?
No, I'm a total newfag
23. How many times have you read through it?
TOTAL newfag. Only once
24. Did you ever skip intermissions/dialog/animations?
I'd scan over them, but not totally skip. I also read act summaries in full when they were there because I am a baby with goldfish memory
25. Opinions on the fandom?
Depends... I think it's gotten a lot better from my observations, but of course, Twitter is still a cesspit full of retarded babies that shit their diapers. But that could be said about any fandom that's majority kids. Also any stridercester that thinks theyre oppressed for liking shota boy twincest should btfo and jerk off in peace. Which in fairness, most of them do! But to the ones that don't, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY NOTES FAGGOT
Besides those, I think it's great, but I also main Tumblr, so...
26. Opinions on the comic?
Personally I enjoyed it a lot, but I'll get a more rounded impression once I re-read it. All plot shenanigans aside, Homestuck's main selling point has always been its characters, and its method of introducing and developing them is one of my favourites. Also its humour
27. Do you favor the trolls, humans, or carapaces?
Humans, because I'm a boring fucknut who reads sci-fi for the humans and will put them in an office building and say "imagine if they did IT"
28. Favorite moment of all of homestuck?
29. Least favorite moment of all of homestuck?
beginning of act 6 felt like i nodded off on dope and woke up in the hospital. retcon was kinda mid
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transgenderknothead · 2 years
Greetings and salutations, hope I don’t bother you to much. I saw you’ve been kinda upset so delete this if it’s to much. May I please have a romantic matespritship matchup for homestuck? Maybe nsfw headcanons if you want, depends on your mood tbh.
I’m 19, I use they/it/he pronouns and I’m pansexual. My Myers Briggs type is INFJ and Enneagram type is 4. My star sign is Taurus, moon sign is Gemini.
Im about 4’11..not to happy about it. I’m rather introverted, and can be considered not a people person. I find life a little nihilistic. I’m into dressing in all black and taking a liking to gruesome and morbid things like slashers, analog horror, death games, true crime documentaries, poetry, necromancy and anatomy. I typically consider myself a "Gorehound". I also like to visit abandoned hospitals and houses just for fun, along with playing quite a few escape rooms. I just have a genuine comfort in the uncomfortable.
I get a lot of monikers from friends and family like "discount vomitboyx", "doomer boy", and "Remake of Daria" before. I’ve come to the conclusion I just scare people off. In reality, I’m intimidated by everyone around me and find it hard to start conversing, which may or may not come off as rude to people.
When I finally become comfortable with someone I start to become really sarcastic and joke around with them with witty banter. Most of my humor comes off really insulting, but I’ll apologize and say it’s a joke if it becomes a problem. Even though I do have a hard time understanding physical social cues.
Lots of people don’t like me or stay away from me because of my rude behavior. I’m not good with overly sensitive or overly annoying people at all because of that, and I can’t stand kids. Idiocy can get on my nerves too sometimes. I’m a huge animal person though. I have my moments where I can get really feisty, or very quiet and closed off. I’ve been told I’m also a laidback person. I’ve also been told I never know when to quit, and I find I hold grudges for certain things.
I’m the type of person that has lots of opinions on things but I keep them to myself and bottle them up. If pushed far enough I’ll become unforgiving, and aggressive. Especially with the types mentioned above.
I find the most comfort in just being in my room drawing, reading and or listening to music ( Motionless in White, Deftones, System of a Down, Slipknot, Rob Zombie,,, sometimes Will Wood, The Front Bottoms, Jazmin Bean or Mother Mother, etc. ), or even occasionally playing video games or reading and talking about Greek mythology or some random documentary I read. I also do acting in my spare time, which I find really fun; and I’ve been learning to play guitar. My interests tend to be very restricted, and I shut down easily getting REALLY into new things.
I’m a plushie maniac and when I fall asleep you can always see me cuddled up to one of them. I find it because I’m really touch starved. I’m guilty of being very submissive and maybe even masochistic- and a bit of a pyromaniac. I dissociate or daydream a lot, so you can often catch me starring.
I suffer from a handful off mental and physical syndromes like autism, GERD, arthritis, asthma, depression and anxiety. These have all been diagnosed professionally, and I’m definitely not trying to make myself "quirky". I have stims where I bite the inside of my cheek, pull my hair, crack or pop my bones, pick at scabs, fidget with my fingers or toy and bounce my leg. I even hiss or squeal when I’m upset. I’ve also been developing a eating disorder. You don’t need to rocmantasize this stuff ofc, but I think it’s good to know so the person can tolerate me.
you do get to this, thanks for your time.
Okay, I'm not sure how you feel about him, but I would ship you with Cronus.
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I say this because I like the idea of how he could be super accepting of the mental disabilities, because he gets what it's like to feel like no one gets it. Since I also head canon that high bloods have higher body temperatures he would love to just pull you into his chest and allow you to use him as a stuffed animal that cuddles back. And since he's also seen as wishing he was human he would love to learn about all of your hyper fixations from the human world.
Hope you don't hate me too much, I simultaneously kin and love this man to no end.
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luminousbravery · 2 years
Greetings and salutations, hope I don’t bother you to much. May I please have a romantic matchup for Homestuck or Hiveswap? Both of you want, but just whoever fits the bill is fine.
I use he/they pronouns and I’m pansexual. My Myers Briggs type is INFJ and Enneagram type is 4. My star sign is Taurus, moon sign is Gemini.
Im about 4’11..not to happy about it. I’m rather introverted, and can be considered not a people person. I find life a little nihilistic. I’m into dressing in all black and taking a liking to gruesome and morbid things like slashers, analog horror, death games, true crime documentaries, poetry, necromancy and anatomy. I typically consider myself a "Gorehound". I also like to visit abandoned hospitals and houses just for fun, along with playing quite a few escape rooms. I just have a genuine comfort in the uncomfortable.
I get a lot of monikers from friends and family like "discount vomitboyx", "doomer boy", and "Remake of Daria" before. I’ve come to the conclusion I just scare people off. In reality, I’m intimidated by everyone around me and find it hard to start conversing, which may or may not come off as rude to people.
When I finally become comfortable with someone I start to become really sarcastic and joke around with them with witty banter. Most of my humor comes off really insulting, but I’ll apologize and say it’s a joke if it becomes a problem. Even though I do have a hard time understanding physical social cues.
Lots of people don’t like me or stay away from me because of my rude behavior. I’m not good with overly sensitive or overly annoying people at all because of that, and I can’t stand kids. Idiocy can get on my nerves too sometimes. I’m a huge animal person though. I have my moments where I can get really feisty, or very quiet and closed off. I’ve been told I’m also a laidback person. I’ve also been told I never know when to quit, and I find I hold grudges for certain things.
I’m the type of person that has lots of opinions on things but I keep them to myself and bottle them up. If pushed far enough I’ll become unforgiving, and aggressive. Especially with the types mentioned above.
I find the most comfort in just being in my room drawing, reading and or listening to music ( Motionless in White, Deftones, System of a Down, Slipknot, Rob Zombie,,, sometimes Will Wood, The Front Bottoms, Jazmin Bean or Mother Mother, etc. ), or even occasionally playing video games or reading and talking about Greek mythology or some random documentary I read. I also do acting in my spare time, which I find really fun; and I’ve been learning to play guitar. My interests tend to be very restricted, and I shut down easily getting REALLY into new things.
I’m a plushie maniac and when I fall asleep you can always see me cuddled up to one of them. I find it because I’m really touch starved. I’m guilty of being very submissive and maybe even masochistic- and a bit of a pyromaniac. I dissociate or daydream a lot, so you can often catch me starring.
I suffer from a handful off mental and physical syndromes like autism, GERD, arthritis, asthma, depression and anxiety. These have all been diagnosed professionally, and I’m definitely not trying to make myself "quirky". I have stims where I bite the inside of my cheek, pull my hair, crack or pop my bones, pick at scabs, fidget with my fingers or toy and bounce my leg. I even hiss or squeal when I’m upset. I’ve also been developing a eating disorder. You don’t need to rocmantasize this stuff ofc, but I think it’s good to know so the person can tolerate me.
you do get to this, thanks for your time.
you gave me a lot to work with (which is kind of appreciated since some people tend to just give too little or not enough specifics.) i think i'd pair you with:
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Dave. I think you two would be able to bond fairly easy. Plus, I feel like you could really help him unwind. He'd totally be into plushies eventually, as well, just give him time.
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mortifyingideal · 3 years
i was tagged in this by the wonderful @fremulon (thanks cherry!) and accidentally deleted the whole thing twice so now i'm mostly just posting it out of spite and without a read more due to said spite. SUCK IT TUMBLR.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 10 published out loud and 1 published anonymously
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
okay so this is really only my most recent life. i have been around a lot. a lot. i was there, gandalf, during the superwholock years (and an active participant) so over the course of my life it's like
Harry Potter, Teen Titans, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Inception, Daredevil, The Avengers, The Musketeers, Wells & Wong Mysteries, Twin Peaks, Homestuck, Red vs Blue
but in this lifetime i'm just writing for Good Omens (and have written for DuckTales and Cruella)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1 — Loosely Ballroom (surprising absolutely nobody)
2 — Look Not Too Deep
3 — ergo propter hoc (okay this one is kind of a surprise actually but i'm very happy about it i love this fic)
4 — café au vin
5 — an institute you can't disparage
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i do! i try to respond to every comment i get on the day of/the day after i get it. i've met a lot of good friends this way, and i also just like taking the time to respond to people who've taken the time to respond to something i made. makes me feel good (plus i want everyone to like me)
the only downside is it can get a bit overwhelming at times? particularly with LB, which gets a shitload of comments per chapter and can take me up to two full days to read through them all and answer, and if i'm having a bad brain time i just cannot face doing it. so if you've ever left a comment and i've not responded, i promise It's not because i don't appreciate it. my brain machine just was going brmmmmmmmmm.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i was going to say NONE BECAUSE I DON'T WRITE ANGST but i guess if i had to decide it would be the RVB fic that's on my ao3 right now, which has an angstily hopeful ending.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
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8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not as far as i'm aware! i have had several uhhhhhhh overly familiar meant-to-be-jovial comments on/about the above crossover from people i don't really know very well that have told me i'm a terrible person or i've committed crimes while i'm out here like, cool this is art i made and put in the world for fun and believe in and i don't really... know you? but those comments were meant in good faith imo so i don't really think it counts as hate
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
the last time i tried to write smut, crowley got stabbed, so the kind that sends people to the hospital i guess?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge. good luck formatting all the images and italics, anyone who might try.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again, not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
infamously. it's the only reason anyone might have read this far. also attempting to collaborate on an as-of-yet-unfinished-project with @indieninja92 who is a creative genius with their finger in many, many pies. speaking of, have you visited hauntedswords.com recently?
13. What’s your all time favorite ship?
errrrrr i mean probably aziraphale/crowley, not to seem obvious. they've been with me since i was like 10 years old, they haven't gone anywhere, they will probably be bothering me until the day i die.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I WILL FINISH ALL OF MY WIPs. okay no that's not true, i have the start of an inception fic that is a GO AU that i honestly think would have been fucking slammin' but the time for that has passed now.
15. What are your writing strengths?
a very definite sense of character voice, attention to detail in terms of enriching the world i'm writing in, dialogue dialogue dialogue, smash cuts (are they even called smash cuts in writing? WHATEVER THEY ARE I CAN DO THEM)
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
you are my collaborator. you send me back part of a chapter and tell me i have a sentence that is a bit too lengthy and doesn't work, and i need to edit it. i send it back to you. the sentence is now an entire paragraph and a half, with three jokes, a metaphor and a new line of dialogue embedded in it, changing the overall tone of the chapter. this is known as The Mort Special.
i also get very in my own head about not really being a good writer, or not being as good as the people (or person specifically i suppose) that i'm working with. i'm working on this! i'm not working on The Mort Special, though, that's always writing gold.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
this is a really weird and specific question, who hurt you OP? errrr i guess much like any quirk of writing, it's fine when used sparingly and with a deft hand.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
fuck me, probably Harry Potter? neopets roleplaying boards were a gateway drug.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
this is the part where i pretend i'm going to say something other than Loosely Ballroom. i don't think i'll ever make something else in my life that's made me feel the way making that has. it's been—to delve into reality TV speak (and paraphrase crowley from a future chapter)—a real emotional rollercoaster.
plus it's just fuckin' funny isn't it.
tagging @phoenix-soar, @thyra279, @heycaricari, @stillseekwill and @katnoggin (and anyone else who might want to!)
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thewebcomicsreview · 4 years
Do you have a theory about what drama befell Homestuck 2, or if there was any drama at all to cause it to seemingly go down?
I had no clue, but Andrew Hussie posted his explanation on Patreon, which is a public post so I’ll just quote the whole thing here:
Homestuck^2 is going to be completed, but the Patreon will not be charging patrons anymore. The account will be frozen and no additional patrons will be accepted, but the ones currently registered are welcome to stay and receive notifications about the future of this project if the team is inclined to post any.
The plan now is to have HS^2 finished, but without a regular update schedule. Previously saved Patreon funds will be used to privately commission the team to finish the story. It will all be posted at once when it is finished, and there will be no updates until this happens. I expect that it will take a long time to finish the story. This is because I am specifically instructing the team to work slowly.
I originally agreed to let this project move forward entirely based on the presumption that it would be an enjoyable experience for the team involved. It's not like I had a burning need to release a continuation of the narrative, or a formal "sequel", which is never how I viewed this arc. The project mostly came about because I picked up on the enthusiasm the original creative group had for the idea, and I also sensed that energy was being reciprocated by the particular state of the fandom at the time. But since then I've observed it's been pretty far from an enjoyable experience for the team due to the way the members have been treated by large segments of the fandom, and this pattern appeared to surface almost immediately after the project launched.
This put me in a state of conflict about the project ever since, because I like the content quite a bit. Some have lamented that it doesn't feel much like the original series, but it was never supposed to. I've never once invited anyone to work on a Homestuck project with the hope they would perfectly clone my style or approach to making content. I feel that is neither possible nor desirable. So any time I invite anyone the only real standard I want them to meet is to bring their own voice and perspective to the work even if, or sometimes especially, this results in significant departures from the expectations for the characters fans typically have. Like pretty much everything else that's been released over the last few years, I think HS^2 has satisfied that purpose very well.
So there has been conflict between liking what's being done, not wanting to waste the work or disappoint those who enjoy it, and the chronic abusive treatment the staff has received while trying to work on this story. I admit I've been at a loss on how to handle this, so I've just let it ride for a year or so. To some extent it's part of any project like this, to put stuff out there and receive criticism, and I'm sure the team understood that. But I think there's a line where criticism crosses over into more abusive expressions, and I've observed this has happened way too often.
If it were just me making it, I don't think it would even occur to me to have a problem with it, because I'm so used to wild stuff coming at me from doing this for many years prior. I view attitudes toward me very differently than those I invite for collaboration. I've done this so long hostility toward me barely even registers. If I inexplicably log onto tumblr appearing to resemble some sort of extravagant clown, make a few shitposts, and I'm met with literally thousands upon thousands of comments about feet, it's pretty easy to laugh it off because that's exactly the type of stupid shit I expected to see. I've just always worked with those types of contentious interactions in a way that is inseparable from whatever strange performance is connected with the content I happen to be making at the time. But it's a very different situation when I see stuff directed at the people I work with.
The things I see that my co-creators and friends have to read are a lot more alarming. One major problem here is the people I work with are mostly women, many are transgender, many are people of color. So the stuff they get is especially vicious, because the people giving them shit usually target the sensitive features of their identities in ways they don't with me. And I'm not just talking about obvious stuff like calling them slurs or anything. It's more that I've noticed people have clever ways of using people's identities to bully them in less conspicuously bigoted ways. They always go a little harder, a little more critical, manufacturing ways of blaming them for things they had nothing to do with. Stuff you start noticing when you've seen way too much of it. Much of this stuff even crosses into physically threatening territory. Some people I work with get multiple threats every week, and it's just become a routine part of their lives while being involved with Homestuck. All the above treatment I'm referring to is not focused on a couple  people, it covers everyone contributing to the full range of Homestuck projects over the last several years.
And I don't think that's what contributors were signing up for, or at least, I never wanted anyone who takes on official work to feel like it's an essential cost of participation. But I've never really known what to do about this, because it's very difficult to control fandom behavior, and if you ever try to police anyone's conduct it usually just backfires. The worst offenders out there almost see it as a challenge to go harder. So usually I leave these things alone, since the only alternative is pulling the plug on certain projects. Which is essentially what I'm doing here, while taking steps to make sure it gets finished in the background, because I really don't want to see the work wasted.
My only criteria for the completion of HS^2 is that whoever is involved the rest of the way just has a good time with it, and ends up feeling like they have made a good story. If the team is happy with it, then so am I, and nothing else about it matters to me. Especially not sticking to a schedule or satisfying fandom demands, whatever those even are at this point.
Since this is a post appearing on the Patreon, I should say any reference to abusive fan behavior isn't including current patrons obviously. I can only assume anyone willing to donate to the project for this long would hold a very sincere attitude about supporting this project, which I greatly appreciate and I'm sure the HS^2 team does as well.
There's probably more to say about this, but I'll leave it at that for now. If there's anything to add later I may address it in an internal note to patrons (remember that if you want to remain a patron you will never be charged again). I'll consider ways to thank the patrons for hanging in there all this time and supporting the team. Maybe some free stuff. We all appreciate your support. —Andrew
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justalonelywriter · 3 years
Wow, wow, wow! Happy birthday!!!! 🎂🍾🥂🎉🍩🥧🍰💃🕺🎉
(although 12th will be in 2 hours here)
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You shine so much brightness and joy, you're amazing and very talented person I hope that on this day, some of that brightness shines right back at you!
And please: 1, 14, 15, 22, 23, 27 for asks 😁
you're always too kind to me!! 🥰 thank you so so much!!
1. Golden mornings or starry nights?
Starry nights.
I love watching the world wake up, there's something soothing in the inevitability of the sunrise. But there is something ethereal about the stars. I wouldn't be the first poet to be mystified by their magic, and I suspect I won't be the last. The constellations and stories woven into a midnight tapestry, I've spent so many hours pouring over them and trying to learn their secrets. Maybe one day, they'll tell me.
14. How tall are you?
Very short, unfortunately. 5'1'' last I checked, and I assure you I haven't grown since. I spent a lot of time waiting for that final growth spurt, but alas it never came.
Funny thing though, my best friend is well over 6'. All of our pictures together look ridiculous.
15. Would you describe yourself as an extrovert or introvert?
A bit of both, that would have been my answer pre-pandemic. I've steadily gotten more introverted as I've grown up and now in 2021? I've been embracing the recluse in me.
22. Are there any fics or fandoms you’re embarrassed to have written or been part of?
Homestuck. I... don't even know where or how to start with that fiasco.
23. Post a snippet from the last thing you wrote without context - no more than 300 words.
This is def something I'll publish properly... eventually. It's still in bits and pieces, but I can share one of the fragments I've got! Long story short, I was stalking @artofcrumbs gorgeous Panville artworks and the words wrote themselves. (and @aetherioswrites is an enabler!!!)
Pansy blinked, tilting her head. There was something intriguing about him, hunched over as he was. A mess of brown hair, dark and warm. Her eyes followed the line of his strong arms down to his sturdy hands curled over his drink. Good hands. Her eyes danced up, following the faint veins up his forearm. Good hands with good fingers that could probably-
She lifted her glass up to her mouth, trying to curb the sudden heat pooling in her stomach, only to find it empty. Salazar, it had been far too long since her last proper shag.
“Are you going to stare at me all night, Pansy?” She blanched.
No fucking way.
Bloody hell, she knew that voice.
He straightened up, rotating on his stool to face her entirely and there was no mistaking it now.
27. What do you find the hardest to write? What’s the easiest?
Smut, no doubt. I've been practicing, mind you. It's still a bit embarrassing for me though. As soon as I get over psyching myself out, I'm sure it'll be more fun (for both me and anyone who reads it, haha)
The easiest to write is angst. I don't know why or how. Everything I write turns to angst, it somehow always has. I guess I write what I like to read :D
send me an ask for my birthday!
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loser-writings · 4 years
HC || Fandoms they were in
This is pretty much just a crack drabble since I am currently attempting to catch up to all of the requests! Thank you for being Patient with me!
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This gremlin knows what Homestuck is and can’t stand the fact that he understands the references Toga makes to it. Also possibly one of the few who has actually read homestuck on this list, and won’t hesitate to correct Toga or Shigaraki if they fuck up a fact.
He also really is into The Walking Dead. You can’t tell me that Kurogiri doesn’t have a TV set up somewhere in the bar so he and Shigaraki can sit and watch. This does end up with the majority of the league having a once a week get together where Jin gets Pizza, Toga gets several boxes of soda for them, and Shigaraki sets up everything. 
Denki Kaminari
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This bitch was into homestuck. Like he wasn’t just into homestuck, he was INTO homestuck. Most likely one of those kids that used to jump on Omegle in a shitty cosplay for those homestuck Omegle cosplay meets the fandom used to do. He also totally has a genderbent Nepeta cosplay, a Dave strider cosplay, and a Jake cosplay SOMEWHERE. Most likely to accidentally wear a homestuck shirt to class.
Never once picked up a Harry Potter book or watched the movie, but you know this kid has a hufflepuff robe in his closet and some hufflepuff merch. He doesn’t know shit about the actual canon since he is just there to vibe
Really into Kpop. BTS, Blackpink, ITZY, EXO, Ikon, BlockB, BigBang minus Seungri cause he is icky, SuperJunior, NCT, WINNER, Got7, Red Velvet, (F)x, and more. Like you can’t tell me this guy doesn’t listen to girl groups and shit like BTS. (His bias has to be J-hope) He also bops with Mina the most. These two also most likely post dance covers of the songs to instagram and TikTok, so they have quite the following. (But their best video was their “Boy In love” cover they did with Kirishima, Deku, Shoto,Jirou, Momo, and Bakugo.)
This kid was also into Five nights at Freddy. He owns all of the games and will still play them with the Bakusquad, but he is pretty quiet about this fandom just because of how BULLIED he was for enjoying it. 
LOVES Danganronpa too. Bakusquad do a weekly game night and they all went through all of the games. Let’s just say Denki cried a LOT at the deaths. Like a lot. (He may have a few cosplays of his own too)
Eijiro Kirishima
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Kirishima liked Supernatural just because of how manly Sam and Dean are. Like fuck yeah, he wants a chevy impala too cause it is a beautiful car and wants to know how to protect yourself from shit like demons and angels. He never did much besides watch the show, cry a lot, and try to draw the characters. (Also he had a crush on Dean just cause of how badass and manly he is, but nobody can blame him)
He totally sat and watched Denki play Undertale, so he knows all about it. His favorite character is Undyne and he actually cried when they beat her in Genocide mode cause holy shit dude. That sucked. Oh and Sans. Fuck Sans.
He enjoys Kpop and will listen to it with the Bakusquad. He really admires BTS for how much of an impact they have made not only on his friends, but also the world itself and you can’t tell me that this guy doesn’t think the world of Kim Namjoon. Like he listens to Mono on repeat and is such a big RM fanboy. Also really likes Bigbang (He thinks Daesungs voice is so nice and will sleep to his singing if he could), and Kyungsoo is his favorite in Exo. Cried when Bigbang started coming back from the Military, and cried harder when Kyungsoo had to leave.
Danganronpa is a game he really enjoyed with his friends and will even replay from time to time. He gravitates towards the really manly characters, but some others have spots in his heart. Mondo, Sakura, Gundham, Nekomaru, Kaito, and Gonta were his favorites. Let’s just say the game didn’t treat him well.
Fumikage Tokoyami
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He ended up picking up the Harry Potter books and fell in love with the world itself. You can’t tell me this guy doesn't have a limited edition trunk set of the books hidden in plain sight. Like everyone thinks that the trunk holds something like crystals or some bones or knives but nah. It’s just his Harry potter books. Oh and Midnight totally gave him a Ravenclaw scarf around the holidays. You can’t tell me otherwise.
Death note? Death note. Only to episode 25 though. 25 happened and he just hasn’t continued watching cause it isn’t the fucking same.
Hitoshi Shinsou
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Shinsou liked Supernatural for a while, but he eventually lost interest. He did his best to also never get involved with much of the fandom since it honestly scared him a bit, but his fear didn’t stop him from posting some theories into discussion boards.
He listens to Kpop a bit since he hangs out with Denki a lot and found out he really enjoys Ikon, BlockB, BTS, 
Bitch was in the Creepypasta Fandom. Like not even the good ones, he was into Jeff the killer and Eyeless jack and all of those ones. Sure, he would listen to the others and read the crappy ones, but he had a phase he is mildly ashamed of now.
This kid loves everything relating to Stephen King. He will have conversations with Aizawa and Hizashi about the books, and they all agree that Kings writing can rather be extremely amazing, or be the equivalent of a 13 year old attempting to write smut for the first time. It’s so damn funny to him
Hizashi Yamada
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He has read all of the harry potter books and actually enjoys them quite a bit, but he tries not to let that show too much. He does have a Slytherin lanyard that holds his keys though that Denki had mentioned. It managed to get Mic off track for the class period when he started discussing the books with the students (Mainly Izuku, Tokoyami, and Denki)
He watches The walking dead with Aizawa 
Actually bops to Kpop after the Bakusquad introduces it to him. Massive RM fanboy so he and Kirishima will occasionally go off about how admirable and badass he is. Like RM taught himself english just from watching Friends??? And Hizashi admires that so much. He also loves diving deeper into their lyrics since they normally have such good meanings.
Izuku Midoriya
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Oh he loves Harry potter so damn much. He has the books on his shelf, a Gryffindor robe in his closet, a full uniform, and several wands. He is such a nerd so you can’t tell me he doesn’t have a special notebook that has notes on the spells, character analysis, and a variety of different facts.
Really enjoys listening to BTS! He doesn’t know much about other kpop groups, but he really enjoys dancing with Mina and Denki (even if Izuku has 2 left feet and struggles with dancing)
Had a Dragonball phase. Like this kid loVEs Dragonball. It’s actually one of the reasons why he and Katsuki grew to be friends since they both watched the show. They would talk about how they would beat Frieza or the Ginyu squad all of the time.
Katsuki Bakugo
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This bastard finds himself actually enjoying Kpop after Mina and Denki go off about their favorite bands, and he really finds himself enjoying BTS, Day6, and SHINee. 
Danganronpa was a game he experienced with his friends and FUCK was it an adventure for him. He got really invested with the story and for a while, the Bakusquad chat was active as hell because of all of the theories he had. He fucking HATED Byakuya, actually shed some tears for Fuyuhikos’ character development and Gundhams death, and was about to throw hands during the 4th chapter of V3. It was a Rollercoaster of emotions, but he loved every moment of it.
This kid had a Dragonball Z phase. No shit he would wake up, watch an episode of Goku screaming, and then go out to play. Honestly this routine started when he was 5 and he will still occasionally watch it. He still loves Dragonball, and he totally has a collection of dragonballs somewhere.
After Shoto and Momo watch Rupauls Drag race in the Common room, He gets hooked. His dad is a fashion designer, so he finds himself really enjoying the fashion aspect of the show as well as the makeup part of it all. He actually does Minas’ makeup occasionally and once people start finding out, he becomes their makeup artist. The girls makeup, and occasionally he will do drag makeup on the guys if they ask. Sometimes the Drag viewing parties start by Bakugo doing everyones makeup and then ordering Pizza.
Mina Ashido
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Mina fucking loves to dance and everybody knows that, so it’s no surprise that she manages to nail every damn Kpop she does. She really loves the variety of dances and she can match every vibe. A dance in heels? Shes got it. Hip hop? Oh hell yeah. Cute? Sure! Badass? Shes got this. She is really just a bop.
Danganronpa was an EXPERIENCE for her. She absolutely adored the cases that needed to be solved, cried at the characters, and adored the game. She totally cosplayed Tsumugi with Cospox once or twice with Denki just for giggles sake.
Totally was heads over heels for Ouran Highschool Host club. She thought the anime was so damn precious (She adores Hikaru) and was so sad that there hasn’t been a 2nd season, so she bought all of the manga.
Momo Yaoyorozu
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She is a Kpop fan! She totally could be an idol since she can sing pretty well, has the face for it, can dance pretty well! Her favorite thing is rapping though. You can’t say that Momo wouldn’t be able to write some bad bitch raps and pull them off with ease. With her, Mina, Jirou, and Ochaco, they make one HELL of a Girl Group. They love to do covers of Blackpink, Red Velvet, CherryBullet, ITZY, and Mamamoo covers. Her biases have to be Jennie, Irene and Moonbyul.
Tamaki Amajiki
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Flipped through homestuck when it started, really never got into it but admired the work people put into their cosplays. Knows basic character names and that buckets should be feared.
He actually used to really like My little Pony! He would NEVER call himself a brony, but he really enjoyed the show. He only watched a couple of seasons, but the show itself was pretty relaxing and managed to calm him down when he was feeling anxious. If anybody ever knew he had a my little pony phase though (And still actually will watch it from time to time) he might just die from embarrassment.
Want to play Legend of Zelda? Well Tamaki is your guy to talk to about it. He might start rambling and will completely forget about his anxiety for a moment before realizing how nerdy he sounds. He has a gamecube in his dorm to play Twilight princess and Ocarina of time, He has a Wii for Skyward sword, and god did this kid lock himself in his room when breath of the wild came out. He can speedrun it like none other (Seriously, if he let’s you watch him, you will be fucking surprised by how amazing he is.)
Gotta throw in Teen Titans. Seeing Beast boy use his power in so many badass ways gave him some pretty cool ideas for his own quirk.
Oh and Rupauls Drag race. Nobody would expect him to be a fan of drag race, but he actually does enjoy watching the goofy drama. If you’re dating, you better expect weekly Drag race with him. It’s pretty funny to watch him enjoy the show. Sometimes he gasps, laughs or bites his lip, eyes hooked to the screen.
Shoto Todoroki
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Another motherfucker who could EASILY be an Idol if he wanted to be. He actually really enjoys Kpop after Momo introduced it to him. They both often bop to it together when they study or hang out. He is also most likely to be the one recording the dancing videos or editing them too since he really enjoys helping out the girls. 
Want to watch him nerd out? Watch the classic Godzilla movies with him. Like HOLY SHIT does this man love the 50s-70s Godzilla movies. Bring him a box set and he will rather hug you really tight or run to grab blankets from his room cause this dude ADORES these movies. (Especially the mothra one. Like he will cling to you, thank you over and over again, and watch them with almost childlike glee.)
This bitch bops with Rupauls Drag race. He really enjoys makeup and has debated on trying drag himself (Not that anybody would know that) but it’s kind of shocking to see that he is the one that started the Weekly Rupauls Drag Race viewing in the UA Dorms. 
Yugi Aoyama
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His mother used to read Harry Potter to him to help him sleep when he was a child so he naturally knows a lot about it. He knows he is a Slytherin and when Izuku thought about it, it made sense. He is pretty arrogant and wants to impress with his upbringing and french lineage. He also makes it pretty hard to get to know him personally, so Izuku makes a note that he is a Slytherin.
Likes Kpop, but isn’t SUPER into it like Denki or Mina. He likes listening to BTS and Exo and his Biases are Seokjin and Chanyeol.
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katutsukushii · 4 years
okay random confession time because i wanted to let you know that i after like almost 10 years of not reading abo ur the person who got me into it.
like, i read fanfics a lot, and i think i started when i was in middle school and back then mpreg or pregnancy in general was a big yikes for me and i would just skip anything any mention of it. then i think i gave it a go when i was a homestuck with a v high kudos fic but didn’t like it that much so i never really read any?
with bnha, todobaku is my otp and it’s been so from the very start and even though i’m okay with both tddk and krbk i really just prefer them as friends, and when i came across ur blog and read your info i was like !! this person feels the same way about this thing??? and i then i read a lot of ur posts and i love shinbaku and dabibaku and all ur headcanons rly spoke to me so i decided maybe i am into abo and i started to read scent of the broken and??? i loved it?? i love everything from how u describe the scents and emotions and i really like seeing bakugou suffer and ppl being protective of him bc honestly he deserves so much and yea now i find myself daydreaming about how precious of a pup he is fkfkkdsknds
i was initially going to write this as a comment , seeing ur post about the last update not getting so much attention made me really sad bc i really look forward to every chapter but this is really irrelevant so i decided to send an ask instead :>
bakugou reuniting with deku and inko was great, him scenting and hugging deku before they left really was so soft and it was everything i wanted, the platonic shinbaku and erasermic family interactions are also chef’s kiss and i really hope you get all the love and praise for it it deserves!! up next being deku getting his quirk is kinda worrying me bc surely u wont make katsuki go through sludge villain incident again, right ;w; bc he’s already been through so much and he’s just started to let ppl in and he’s going to get only love and support and everything nice from now on ;;;;;w; but honestly i love seeing him suffer and whatever you’ve decided i’m really looking forward to it.
sorry for the long ask, it’s probably super rambly bc i’m on my phone but i love u and think ur neat so anyway hope you have a wonderful day!!! 💕
I honestly needed a few hours just to figure out how to respond to this because fuck !! I’m soft !! Thank you so much, you’re too damn kind! <3
I definitely get you when it comes to A/B/O - I mean, I love the trope but even I struggle to find fics that I enjoy because of my annoyingly specific taste when it comes to characterization/plot and things like that, it definitely is even harder since one of the biggest ships in the fandom is my NOTP lmao
Also, I need you to know that every time someone tells me they like Dabibaku my heart grows a few sizes - such a good ship, I adore them so damn much, I love writing for them. Hopefully you also like my next A/B/O fic with those two hah
But I’m really happy you enjoy my hc’s and gave the fic a chance even though you normally don’t like the trope! And I’m even happier that you actually enjoy it! That fic definitely means a lot to me, I really love writing it so I’m glad people are actually liking it.
(Oh, and sidenote, about the comments thing, I was only a bit... confused because my stats differed so much - the engagement was just so drastically lower than it normally is that I was left in a bit of a state where I was like ‘what did I do wrong?’ but it’s all good! :D)
Anyways! I’m glad you liked it! I definitely get a bit nervous when it comes to the more emotionally charged scenes and things like that so I’m glad I did alright on that part. And uhhhhhhhhh I guess we shall see what happens with Deku’s quirk :) won’t we :) hehe :) I feel like at this point we’ve established that Kacchan suffering is my favourite hah
Thank you again! You really did make my day with this! <3 <3 <3 :D
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burningdarkfire · 3 years
tagged by @saturdaysky​, thank you! always very happy to talk about writing 🤠
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
36 on ao3, with many others left in the past on livejournal or ffnet
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
162k. it’s kind of a shame it doesn’t have the majority of my pre-2011 output as i never ported over my top four or five longest fics. i would’ve loved to see some genuine lifetime totals!
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
9 on ao3 (critrole, nier, hetalia, overwatch, trc, voltron, no. 6, star wars, tiger & bunny). if you expand trc to include anything clamp and throw in code geass then that covers everything i’ve ever published, though homestuck is by far the fandom i have the most WIPs for despite never finishing a single one and deserves a shoutout
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
take my hand / take my whole life too: critrole, 9k, how essek and caleb’s relationship evolves through touch
blue sky, warm sun: critrole, 3.5k, six mornings caleb wakes with essek
dark night, bright stars: critrole, 3k, six nights caleb spends with essek
kitty love: star wars, 1.5k, kylo ren forms a bond with hux’s cat millicent
the walls kept tumbling down: critrole, 2k, caleb spontaneously visits essek after a hard day
commentary and further answers are below the cut!
spots 1-3 on the list are gladly accepted, given that i also think they’re some of my best and most broadly-appealing shadowgast. kitty love gets its spot despite being pure, pointless crack because it’s for a huge fandom, which is fine and fun but i don’t have a lot of personal attachment to it
the walls kept tumbling down is a surprise! it was a self-indulgent “i want a fic exactly like this to fix my mood and instead of digging through the internet for one i’ll just make one up” that i only worked on for a couple of days. i’m glad it clicked for other people!
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i always try to respond to comments, although sometimes a week or two pass by before i can find the energy to sit down and do it
admittedly comments have gone unanswered during months or years when i’m not writing fic and then it feels too awkward to a) go back and respond, and b) respond to any further comments on the fic even if they come in when i’m active. so instead those comments haunt my ao3 inbox forever (oops)
i do appreciate every single one though, and there are some comments that i go back to read if i need a pick-me-up just because they were so nice 😊
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i’ll link my no. 6 fic forgive me because it still dominates my top fics in terms of hits despite being 387 words long. i wrote it in 2011 in less than half an hour, if i’m remembering correctly, and there are a few clever bits in it that i’m still quite proud of
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i don’t usually write or read “pure” crossovers but i do like fusion AUs where characters from one work are imported into the setting of another work
but it’s fandom-dependent. critrole has been an outlier in that i can count on one hand the number of AU fics i’ve read and liked enough to remember. some of my favourite canon-adjacent fics veer off wildly, but they’ve still got their roots in the universe
i’ve published 17 critrole fics myself and they’re all canon-adjacent. i’m only now working on my first fusion-type AU 🤷‍♂️
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i have one distinct memory of receiving criticism on a fic. in hindsight, it was constructive and pretty fair, but i was a young teen and so it still haunts me
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i do!! and i’m excited about it because it’s fairly new to me!
i write to the characters, and what kind of relationship i think they’d have, but it’s probably true that my interests tend towards certain relationship dynamics
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i’m aware of!
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, actually! this was about about a decade ago so sadly the details have been lost in the haziness of memory and the inaccessibility of ffnet. i tried to dig it up last night but couldn’t find it again 😔
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i don’t ... think so? my current roommate and i tried co-writing when we were teenagers but none of that got published. it’s possible i’m forgetting something from my livejournal/early tumblr days because i remember doing a lot of ask games and challenges with other writers and fandom friends
now i’m just an introvert who avoids invites to discords because i feel like i simply Do Not Have Time so 🤡 not sure it’s anywhere on the horizon
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
i used to have shipping walls and pairing lists until 2015 or so but i have since accepted that i am changeable like the wind. my interests come and go!
i am a multi-shipper though as a general rule. i’ve never had such a loyalty to a pairing that it would bother me to pair one half with someone else, and i also don’t care at all whether or not a ship is canon. it’s just about what’s interesting!
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i’ve had remarkably sequential focus for my critrole fics and finished nearly every idea i’ve had so far. however, this ACME AU is testing me lol and i’ve spent so much time on it that my list of other ideas to write is only getting longer and longer. nothing is abandoned yet, because not much else has even been started, but i am starting to sweat a little
15) What are your writing strengths?
i love my writing style! i value simplicity and clarity: no flowery descriptions, easy words, few similes, little variance in sentence structures, etc. it can vary, based on my mood or the characters i’m writing, but i like doing more with less
i’ve spent years working at my own style and it is so satisfying to read something i wrote in 2011 and feel how familiar it still is while being able to pick out what i would change
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
recently, it’s been plot. if it can’t be conveyed by 2-4 characters talking to each other then i don’t know how to do it anymore 😭 i’m most invested in emotional resolutions, but it’s probably a good idea to have things happen sometimes!
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i really do not enjoy this when it’s used as a “character quirk”. this includes nicknames, common phrases even if they are spoken that way in canon, and .. everything, really, that’s in a different language
i’ve spent a lot of time in spaces where it seemed widely agreed that doing so was not welcome, and i’ve had considerable fandom “culture shock” reading critrole fics. there are plenty of reasons to have caleb speaking “zemnian” or to emphasize his accent, and those reasons don’t need to be lofty or deep, but i do think there should be a reason beyond “haha this guy says ja instead of yeah”
i promise, absolutely pinky swear, that i don’t judge anyone on an individual basis for doing this. it seems to be a deep-seated fandom trend in this case and i just wish it wasn’t
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
tsubasa reservoir chronicle (trc) all the way back in 2010. tsubasa, my beloved, how you changed my life 💕
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
i like different ones for different reasons, but the top contender might be such is the endlessness for nier automata. it’s a vampire/werewolf enemies-to-lovers fusion AU where i put 2b and 9s in an original universe of mine that i wrote about a lot when i was a teenager
i feel like i did a spectacular job of adapting the universe for nier and i thought i conveyed a lot about the world in a relatively short number of words (the entire fic is just under 5k). i’ve considered more than once that i should use this version of the universe going forward because i enjoy it so much!
thanks again for the tag, sky, and i’ll leave this open to anyone else who wants to try as i think most of my mutuals have already been included. don’t be shy about tagging me in your answer if you take my open invite as i love reading these! 💖
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trilies · 4 years
Homestuck^2 will continue on; Hussie’s letter on Patreon
Homestuck^2 is going to be completed, but the Patreon will not be charging patrons anymore. The account will be frozen and no additional patrons will be accepted, but the ones currently registered are welcome to stay and receive notifications about the future of this project if the team is inclined to post any.
The plan now is to have HS^2 finished, but without a regular update schedule. Previously saved Patreon funds will be used to privately commission the team to finish the story. It will all be posted at once when it is finished, and there will be no updates until this happens. I expect that it will take a long time to finish the story. This is because I am specifically instructing the team to work slowly.
I originally agreed to let this project move forward entirely based on the presumption that it would be an enjoyable experience for the team involved. It's not like I had a burning need to release a continuation of the narrative, or a formal "sequel", which is never how I viewed this arc. The project mostly came about because I picked up on the enthusiasm the original creative group had for the idea, and I also sensed that energy was being reciprocated by the particular state of the fandom at the time. But since then I've observed it's been pretty far from an enjoyable experience for the team due to the way the members have been treated by large segments of the fandom, and this pattern appeared to surface almost immediately after the project launched.
This put me in a state of conflict about the project ever since, because I like the content quite a bit. Some have lamented that it doesn't feel much like the original series, but it was never supposed to. I've never once invited anyone to work on a Homestuck project with the hope they would perfectly clone my style or approach to making content. I feel that is neither possible nor desirable. So any time I invite anyone the only real standard I want them to meet is to bring their own voice and perspective to the work even if, or sometimes especially, this results in significant departures from the expectations for the characters fans typically have. Like pretty much everything else that's been released over the last few years, I think HS^2 has satisfied that purpose very well.
So there has been conflict between liking what's being done, not wanting to waste the work or disappoint those who enjoy it, and the chronic abusive treatment the staff has received while trying to work on this story. I admit I've been at a loss on how to handle this, so I've just let it ride for a year or so. To some extent it's part of any project like this, to put stuff out there and receive criticism, and I'm sure the team understood that. But I think there's a line where criticism crosses over into more abusive expressions, and I've observed this has happened way too often.
If it were just me making it, I don't think it would even occur to me to have a problem with it, because I'm so used to wild stuff coming at me from doing this for many years prior. I view attitudes toward me very differently than those I invite for collaboration. I've done this so long hostility toward me barely even registers. If I inexplicably log onto tumblr appearing to resemble some sort of extravagant clown, make a few shitposts, and I'm met with literally thousands upon thousands of comments about feet, it's pretty easy to laugh it off because that's exactly the type of stupid shit I expected to see. I've just always worked with those types of contentious interactions in a way that is inseparable from whatever strange performance is connected with the content I happen to be making at the time. But it's a very different situation when I see stuff directed at the people I work with.
The things I see that my co-creators and friends have to read are a lot more alarming. One major problem here is the people I work with are mostly women, many are transgender, many are people of color. So the stuff they get is especially vicious, because the people giving them shit usually target the sensitive features of their identities in ways they don't with me. And I'm not just talking about obvious stuff like calling them slurs or anything. It's more that I've noticed people have clever ways of using people's identities to bully them in less conspicuously bigoted ways. They always go a little harder, a little more critical, manufacturing ways of blaming them for things they had nothing to do with. Stuff you start noticing when you've seen way too much of it. Much of this stuff even crosses into physically threatening territory. Some people I work with get multiple threats every week, and it's just become a routine part of their lives while being involved with Homestuck. All the above treatment I'm referring to is not focused on a couple  people, it covers everyone contributing to the full range of Homestuck projects over the last several years.
And I don't think that's what contributors were signing up for, or at least, I never wanted anyone who takes on official work to feel like it's an essential cost of participation. But I've never really known what to do about this, because it's very difficult to control fandom behavior, and if you ever try to police anyone's conduct it usually just backfires. The worst offenders out there almost see it as a challenge to go harder. So usually I leave these things alone, since the only alternative is pulling the plug on certain projects. Which is essentially what I'm doing here, while taking steps to make sure it gets finished in the background, because I really don't want to see the work wasted.
My only criteria for the completion of HS^2 is that whoever is involved the rest of the way just has a good time with it, and ends up feeling like they have made a good story. If the team is happy with it, then so am I, and nothing else about it matters to me. Especially not sticking to a schedule or satisfying fandom demands, whatever those even are at this point.
Since this is a post appearing on the Patreon, I should say any reference to abusive fan behavior isn't including current patrons obviously. I can only assume anyone willing to donate to the project for this long would hold a very sincere attitude about supporting this project, which I greatly appreciate and I'm sure the HS^2 team does as well.
There's probably more to say about this, but I'll leave it at that for now. If there's anything to add later I may address it in an internal note to patrons (remember that if you want to remain a patron you will never be charged again). I'll consider ways to thank the patrons for hanging in there all this time and supporting the team. Maybe some free stuff. We all appreciate your support. —Andrew
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autumnblogs · 4 years
Day 47: Too Many Feelings, Alpha Kids Edition
Everything about the Condesce’s tastes and language suggests someone who has really never grown up. She is not the sort of person who should be making decisions about reproduction for her people.
CW: Very minor suicide mention re: Dirk Strider
A friend of mine made mention the other day - it might have been @bladekindeyewear - of the fact that one of the ways in which Caliborn’s unique brand of wickedness expresses itself is the way in which he steals little bits and bobs of other people’s schticks while claiming that he is the original mind behind them.
Lil’ Hal is modelling the same kind of bad behavior here.
Dirk finds himself, as usual, trapped in a never-ending hall of mirrors, unable to escape from himself, unable to really find a tether to other people, something that makes him feel not just like “Dirk Strider,” an individual who is alone, but as a member of humanity.
No man is an island, and Dirk Strider is drowning in an ocean of aloneness, sick to death of himself, but no matter how far he reaches for a life-line, the ocean of his own self-destructive ego is all he can manage to grab.
Dirk’s attachment to human history, and to “Western Civilization” is all because of exactly that. Dirk yearns for being a part of something bigger than he is, he’s desperately looking for it.
He doesn’t find it within the scope of Homestuck, but Dave seems to be a lifeline - and with Brain Ghost Dirk serving as Jake’s ideal of Dirk, with his best buddy believing in him, that’s a possible life-line for Dirk to eventually escape from the Ocean of Himself too.
Dirk’s problem, at the heart of everything, is that he doesn’t recognize anything lovable within himself, and can’t see the intrinsic dignity of other people as a result. (I think the antidote to this is that Dirk needs someone who will love him unconditionally, and that Brain Ghost Dirk represents Jake’s unconditional love for him, what Homestuck might call his Belief In Dirk, but I’m biased.)
He’s both Gendo and Rei.
Dirk hates himself because he views himself as being a person who is, in essence, destructive and dangerous. He wants to not exist.
There’s probably something to say here about the perfect unity between a couple of characters who are arguably both parodies of Dirk Strider (although maybe as the character who came after Equius, Dirk is the parody of Equius? He’s more like a deconstruction of Equius, or at the very least, a thorough analysis of him) creating a character who is absolutely in love with himself.
Maybe it’s something like the experience of friendship? Y’know like, just, the experience of finding someone who feels the same way as you do and going “I thought I was the only one!”
But it’s probably inexpressible.
Caliborn’s bizarre and childish misogyny continues to be his least charming feature.
Aside from his universally murderous temperament, I guess.
I feel Caliborn’s discussion of the concept of having a special mind is suggesting that he and Jake are neurodivergent which sounds like it’s probably correct (though as usual, I find the way that Andrew portrays characters who are neurodivergent to be problematic at best.)
I think we could also read this as Caliborn *appropriating* Neurodivergence, but I don’t think that’s a particularly useful reading, and kind of makes me feel gross to suggest, so I’m not going to countenance it.
Here we get some more insight into Caliborn’s horrible ideology;
Caliborn does not view beings as intrinsically having any worth, and instead, expresses the opinion here which I suspect colors his view of most things in general; nothing is intrinsically worthwhile on its own, it needs to be able to prove that it ought to exist. It’s the literal opposite of the way Paradox Space actually works; everything in Paradox Space is self-authenticating. It all exists just because it wants to.
While the most obvious parallel between Caliborn’s desire for being responsible for Jake’s rise to power is Vriska inserting herself into Jack’s origin story, I think it is also parallel to Dirk’s dubious mentorship of Jake, particularly in the sense that while Caliborn’s rivalry with Jake may be emotionally lukewarm, it still has romantic undertones because of the fact that rivalry is presented as a basically romantic relationship throughout the story.
I think what Hope is as an aspect is unconditional universal optimism and good-will. In its purest form, I feel like Hope is probably best summed up by the phrase “God’s in his Heaven, All’s Right in the World” - it is belief in the goodness of things, and of people.
Or to borrow language from Peter Pan, as long as we’re hanging out with a Page; Love, Trust, and Pixie Dust.
I think it’s extremely interesting that Caliborn reliably refers to Puppets as False Men; I feel like that’s got to mean something, particularly because of his relationship with the concept of “Real Men” through his male chauvinism.
The Alpha Kids are just having a bad time - the Light Level of their campaign has been reduced to the level of Darkness (or lower), and they are Miserable.
Their Misery mirrors their Beta Counterparts, so we should expect that, while John is not literally expressing his persistent unhappiness over the death of his Dad, he is going through the same set of emotions as Jane is.
I’m not going to discuss the nature of the Sucker Juju As Auryn here, since BKEW has already done so.
Instead, you should go read through his delightful stuff.
For now, we’re done - we’ll start in on the trickster shenanigans tomorrow night.
Thanks as always for tuning in. See you tomorrow, Same Cam Time, Same Cam Channel.
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