#and a little lack of writing motivation
roguelov · 6 months
hi love, just wanted to check in to see if you're okay <33
I’m okay my love 🥰 just a bit tired and my brain lately has been making like shitty engine start up sound 😂 but I’m good
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k-yujin · 11 months
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read the tags !! // officially quit
#⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ​⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀#ok first of all why am i writing in tags you may ask#well i find it less awkward to express in my tags rather in the actual post it self since im one hell of an awkward piece of shit hihi#ANYWAY TO THE TOPIC OF ME QUITING#this has been very long due#like i mean everyone has to have seen it coming#specially since i dont post as frequently and j lost most of my motivation#one. because school is my current priority#two. is my personal life !!! i’ve been vry vry busy keeping up with irl frends and also my family#but the main reason had to be my lack of motivation as in its non existent#next topic !!!#i will be deleting most of my asks and random posts soem of which are memorable to me will be rbloged to my personal acc !#ah and yes will i be coming back?#probably will be lurking time to time but who knows i might actually come back on joshuas bday solely to post a joshua mb HAHAHAHA#ilovemyman frr#I WAS SUPPOSED TO POST THIS ON THE DAY JOSHUA ACTUALLY POSTED ON HIS IG#ok im getting sooooo off topic#but like hooray my last theme is actually jjong toram HAHAH#i actually quited before november like the end of oct but i was too lazy to make a post about it hehehe#but luvi knew ofc :>#anyway if were close moots frel free to add me in discord not like im actually really active#@stariaz. 🤓#who knows i might actually take this back if suddenly the little devil inside me decides to revive itself#anyway this is user k-yujin offically(?) signing off 🤓🤓#ALSOOO DOESNT MEAN I QUITED PPLCAN USE MY STUFF W/O GIVING CREDS !!! (ehem ehem my dividers 👁)#please give creds or i will literally come alive#i still have someone who acts as my eyes here even though j wont post no more#guys i have to wake up at 5 am gud night 🤩#also i cut my hair 😶#thabks for 3.4k though 🫵🫵
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maraskywalkers · 2 months
also would anyone possibly be interested in hearing about my Tim Gutterson family headcanons?
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oculusxcaro · 18 days
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Still lacking the energy to write due to extra overtime but what a time for motivation to start rearing it's head. Sudden urge to write... something, maybe Khare finally revealing her injuries (and mutation) to somebody close.
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thus-spoke-lo · 1 year
you know, if you'd asked me when i started watching one piece if i thought i'd ever be a doflamingo blog, i would not have put money on it but here we are.
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alpinelogy · 2 months
i keep seeing tags about a timetable george story youre writing.....if you do post it one day i would love to read it
Ajsjd don’t worry nonnie the time travel George story will get written and posted it’s just… taking more time than expected (okay I procrastinated the past month and a half and have written basically nothing asjdkdk). And also in my defense, I know nothing about the 2008 season I am learning as I go haha
Anyway I’m glad you’re looking forward to it. I started researching and plotting again on Sunday after the DSQ and now I’m getting really excited about it again :3c
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 month
Misc lore drop day 30/?
Whoops this is quite late. I wish I had smth special for Day 30, but unfortunately my brain isn't cooperating. So I'll just talk about a vettonso thing I find funny, and maybe by the end of writing, it'll turn into something significant. Or I'll have energy tmr to draw significance from it.
So. Monza 2008. Seb's first win. If you've followed my vettonsoing, you'll know Fernando was the first to congratulate him, and bodily hugged him in the process. Though to me, this has even greater significance beyond Seb's win. As far as I'm aware, this means Fernando is the first one to initiate affection, at least on tape. And it wasn't even the typical "oh we're on the podium together, so I have to bro-hug you." Nah, it was a full hug, and a choice he made for no other reason than to genuinely congratulate him since he wasn't even on the podium, at least that's how it feels to me. This is fascinating cause from then on, for a while, it was mostly Seb pursuing him(well maybe that's the negative impact of the flag moment lmao.) But yeah, I don't really know what their relationship before that moment was like at all, but this was very unexpected and sweet, HOWEVER.
I've been loath to show it, maybe I'll post it sometime, because who really wants to spread around clips of their ship not shipping. But it's so funny, there's this moment in 2011(European GP), where their parc ferme customary bro-hug is soooo awkward and limp and not even a hug that even the commentators are vocally like, "wow that was limp." It wasn't even a close race afaik, Seb went from pole to P1. It's fascinating to see what being competitors and rivals does to two people. To go from taking initiative to full-body hug some first time winner rookie to limply grasping hands with him only a few years later. Like can you not even bring yourself to do a firm hug, a bro hug even? Why congratulate him in the first place then? Courtesy, image? ….desire for physical contact–
I 100% understand being bitter about your rival winning over you, like I don't even understand in the first place how any of them can hug each other at all after races. But it's funny because in the clip, there's a car between them, and Seb goes to grab his hand even though they're separate. So there's distance between them already, and to me, that would make it easier to congratulate him because you don't even have to bring yourself to get near him. HOWEVER, Fernando insists on coming around the car to be closer??? Like oh yeah I'll still make it awkward, but we need to be closer first. How are you gonna be the one who insists on being closer, but act all limp and awkward and even shy away from making eye contact??? I guess tomorrow's post will be about how(in the AU), Fernando is the one to initiate affection, but Seb's the one who's more comfortable about it.
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smallest-turnip · 2 months
hi guys i am pretty bored
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mnemosyne-xiv · 3 months
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“You’re really going then?”
Remia tilted her head towards the man who had approached her. “You were with my sister and the true Warrior of Light at the edge of existence, were you not?” She said softly. “The Ancients spoke of the golden city. I doubt they’d mention it if it didn’t have to do with another reflection.”
G’raha chuckled. “So you have no interest in the Rite of Suceession then?”
“The affairs of other nations don’t concern me.”
“But Zero seems awfully invested in the Second Promises determination to bring innovation to his home.”
Her lips thinned. “Well, how Zero wishes to waste her time here is also none of my concern.”
He slowly nodded. “Uh-huh. It’s merely coincidence then that you’re accompanying her, Urianger, and Thancred to help Koana then?”
Remia sighed. “Is there a reason you’re bothering me about this, crystal-kitty?”
“I’m curious to learn what has caught the eye of the Silver Kitsune.”
“The tech-kitty is amusing enough to keep me entertained while I search for the information I need to reach the golden city. There’s nothing more to it than that.”
G’raha walked to stand beside her, his gaze falling to the calm waters of the Scholar’s Harbor. “Be honest with me for a moment, Remia,” he paused as he shifted his eyes to her, “are you using Koana?”
Her lips curled into a soft smile. “Of course I am.”
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hannie-dul-set · 10 months
You telling people what to do with their blogs on this app screams entitlement. You have no right to tell people this isn't the app for them just bc they prefer to browse and not interact lmao who do u think u are
you always have the freedom to browse and not interact, and i just as well have the freedom to block whoever i want!
i'm not forcing anyone to rb my works. i'm just saying that if you enjoy a piece of content on this site, it is the barest minimum to click on that tiny button at the bottom of the post. you don't even have to add your comments (but that would be nice too!) you don't even have to exert a minute of effort.
and again, that's the only way for the content you enjoy browsing so much to gain traction - in turn support the creators that churn out said content that you prefer to browse!!
may i also bring to light once more that blank blogs are not simply an interaction issue. again, if you have nothing on your blog, many creators including myself will simply assume you're one of the many, many bots causing issues for this site. call me entitled all you want, but i don't think i'm wrong for asking for the bare minimum for the things i put out!
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britneyshakespeare · 7 months
You know what's a realization I've made just now at this moment. I've been thinking for the last couple of days about how lately my poetry feels like it has no significance to me anymore, and I don't know why or how. It certainly felt more significant to me when I was youngest, when my poetic offerings were least often worthy of much praise, when I was excited and felt catharsis. Before I was even twenty, poetry became more of a craft/hobby than a diary (to give myself credit, it was a craft/hobby when I was fourteen/fifteen too, but I built that craft/hobby out of my teenage sentiments and obsessions rather than a more concerted effort of skill or construction). And it's been many years since I wrote poetry that was about people; I can't tell you the last time I wrote a poem that was purely about my feelings for another person. More often I write poems about conflicts or problems or things I'm figuring out. Very often my poetry is just inspired by whatever book I'm reading. But I'm not interested in my poetry lately whatsoever; I write it coincidentally. I have no interest in elaborating through that medium anymore at this point in my life. I'm not sure why I continue. And my realization is that I actually have felt this before. My poetry feels like a dormant interest because very few things inspire or excite me right now. My poetry feels insignificant when I'm in a phase where my life feels insignificant.
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askthekirbysquad · 1 year
"Meta Kniiiiight!!!" Kirby whined, batting at the older puffball with his fists as he leaned against him. "Just let me wiiiiiiiin!"
Meta Knight raised an eyebrow, unbothered by the other's 'attacks'. "And allow you to split yet another one of my masks in half?" He chuckled. "I'm afraid not, Kirby."
The swordsman had already learned that lesson twice by now, after going a little easier on his student and paying the price for it. At this point, with his stash of spare masks dwindling in order to truly challenge Kirby's abilities, he had no intentions of going anything less than all-out.
"You will not get any stronger if you only ever fight against weak foes."
"But it's haaaaard!" Kirby pouted, sinking to the floor. Though he may have been Dream Land's hero and had saved both it and the wider universe on several occasions, Kirby was still a child, and clearly, not one who appreciated losing several times over. "This dumb samurai stuff is different from our usual training!! I can fight really good when it's a normal battle. But this is just waiting... And waiting... And more waiting..." He yawned. Even just talking about all the waiting he had to do was making him tired. "And then when I can actually fight without getting in trouble, I've gotta be really really fast, because I lose if you hit me even once! I don't like it."
"What if you someday face a foe capable of defeating you in one blow?" Given the exceedingly powerful threats Kirby had faced in recent times, such an opponent was not entirely out of the question. So, it was important that, as his mentor, Meta Knight prepared him for the situation before it could arise. "It may be more wise to dodge rather than strike first in such a scenario, that is true, but the point of this exercise is to train your reaction time. Being able to react quickly and intelligently to anything your opponent may throw at you in the heat of battle is a vital skill to learn."
Kirby merely grumbled in response, absentmindedly wondering if there was any copy ability he could use to melt further into the ground. Maybe Meta Knight's lecture made just a teensy tiny little bit of sense, but it didn't make him any less frustrated by the new training regimen.
Meta Knight sighed at the young puff's antics, and produced the Maxim Tomato he had kept safely tucked within his cape. They had been training for a while now, he supposed, and it was good to have small rests every now and then between sessions. ...Even if that was something he himself was notoriously bad at incorporating into his own training. Luckily for the swordsman, Kirby immediately perked up upon seeing his favourite food.
"You will get better with practice, I am sure." Meta Knight said. "You are already quite skilled at spooking Dedede with that party popper, I must say." Handing Kirby the tomato, he added, "Take a break for now, however, and let me know when you are prepared to resume our training."
"Mm-hm! Thank you, Meta Knight!" Kirby gleefully responded, his sour mood forgotten as he held the precious Maxim Tomato in his hands. Good food made everything better! The new type of training was still dumb, in his opinion, and it was gonna be hard to beat Meta Knight with all those extra rules in place, but thanks to his snack, he had a feeling that he could do it!!
...Meanwhile, in the distance and out of sight of the unsuspecting duo, Magolor snickered to himself as he prepared his legion of mini Scarcutter attacks. It was wonderful to see his friends enjoying the theme park he created, and while he did have some Park Manager work to attend to... Well, who's to say he couldn't have his own fun in Merry Magoland's attractions?
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florallychaotic · 8 months
I've written more this month than I did the entirety of last year I feel really proud of that
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undertale-fluffcanons · 10 months
Hi 👋 I just wanted to say thanks for being one of the few undetale imagines blogs that are still active 😊 you rock! ✨️🎉
Thank you! I’m doing my best ;w;
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lil-kissy · 2 years
Fluff, Drama, Lighthearted or Dark
FMA, Wonderland, Ygo or anything in between
I wanna plot gdi.
Look I love short n sweet interactions, quick asks and small threads they're all great but I'm going to be perfectly honest. I Miss plotted stuff.
I miss a single lengthy thread, or continues story beats and plots over multiple. I want progression.
Character Growth- for all muses, the world and story building, relationship growth/bonding. The good, the bad, the happy , the sad and everything else that comes with those types of threads.
Quite frankly that's what I want more then anything in regards to Kisara, future of the blog, general desire/rp interest.
This isn't to say I want to stop or won't continue doing small stuff, answering asks and sending that. I'm always for those especially as good buffers whether as a break from a current thread, a lull in motivation, life getting in the way of being able to focus on lengthy things you know whatever.
I'll always be 110% on board for any and every interaction nor am I discounting the enjoyment they've brought in the past, I love everyone one of you guys and everyone of our interactions has been a joy to do and always will be.
But I'm gonna be real it has been far to long since I last did like a properly plotted thread, a fun long continuous thread that didn't end up dying out or forgotten real quick.
Just wanted to let everyone know this is what I've really been feeling and really wanting to try and lean into more not just for her but in general with my rping as whole this year.
But especially here cause in part the fragmented one shot mini threads while always fun they kinda end up all over the place and I'd love to be able to start creating some kind of time line? do interactions that will actually carry over from one to the next, consequences for actions, lasting affects of things good or bad between threads (which I already have been trying to do that with some of her interactions and not just let them sit in a unconnected nebulous zone of their own heh)
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twpsyn-who · 2 years
I'm going to my parents house this week and I wanna try (heavily underline the word 'try') writing some Mungrove. 
The question is WHAT I write cuz I have so many AUs but they have the same. fucking. plot.
We have :
Merman AU where Billy and Eddie knew each other since little, but Eddie got captured by the lab at some point. He got away during the massacre and has been living with uncle Wayne since then. They meet again when Billy moves in Hawkins.
Lab Lovers AU where Billy and Eddie are from the lab (5 and 6, cuz not watching the show gives me the liberty to do whatever I want with canon) and got away during the massacre (or with 8 jury is still on that one). They get separated when they find their biological families and meet once again in 1985, when Billy moves to Hawkins (This one also have : Billy joining the Hellfire Club's table from the start ; Billy and Max actually being close siblings; so much fucking codependency they literally can't survive without each other)
Childhood Friends AU where Eddie has been living with his father in California up to age 13 until he had to move with his uncle. They were best friends (and their first kiss but shhh). Both with shitty fathers, one got away while the other had to stay. Two boys, one faithful promise that keeps the hope burning while also slowly killing it. What happens when Billy moves in Hawkins and meets Eddie again? (I have two ideas for the childhood friends AU, but the other one I plan to write regardless of whether or not I do this one)
Soulmates AU where when your soulmate dies, you die. This one also features Steddie, but it will be later on (the story focuses more on Billy and Eddie's relationship up to the moment Billy dies and Eddie doesn't because he does have another soulmate keeping him alive). Billy is really shitty in this one (in the others I'm making him more tolerable). No, it is not Harringroveson. Eddie is the only one with two soulmates.
Lowkey I wanna do them all, but again : they have the same plot. I guess I could say the soulmate one is a little different, mostly because of the ending, but other than that they kinda go the same way yk? I just love the idea of Eddie suffering after Billy dies.
Yeah they are all angsty and I can 100% guarantee you that Billy keeps dying at the mall. But there's fluff! In some of them. At the beginning. Depends on AU. I love you guys. Please don't kill me.
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