#and a pep talk 😣
avatardoggo · 6 months
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i held a man’s hand today
#this has been in my drafts since the 10th so please forgive me on the late update i’ve been Busy ™️#it all started on the weekend FG dropped me off at my choir performance for school and i’d been running around all day so i was all 😵‍💫 tryi#to do everything in a timely manner and he was such a big help driving me around everywhere and stuff so sweet 🥰 and as i was outside the#theatre he was handing me something? i can’t even remember rn and he was like you’re going to do great all that good pep talk stuff and as i#was reaching for what he had in his hand i kinda just kept my hand there and he did too but i had to go so i just left and then he picked me#up after and that was that and then on sunday we we hanging out and i just went out and said it bc ya girl is no coward 😤 i said “i wanted#to do something yesterday’ and he said “’ok?’ and i was like i wanted to hold your hand and he asked why didn’t you? ‘bc i was nervy 😣’ and#then after some back and forth small joking he just took my hand and we held them in silence for a bit and i was explaining how im in my#head a lot and i’m really trying to not do that anymore esp with him and he was rubbing 👏🏾 my 👏🏾 hand 👏🏾 with 👏🏾 his 👏🏾 THUMB 👏🏾#LIKE ANSJDKKFKFKFKLLDJCNCNJDJENNXXJJD#you see normally that makes me reeeallllyyt ticklish but it was so soothing i could’ve fell asleep right then and there i promise you and he#was so gentle with his voice and omgoodness this man#so then i had to go and he was like yk you’re going to have to let go bc there’s no way im letting go 😭😳🙄 LIKE SIR#but ya that’s the latest update 🫣#mutuals my beloved <3#vk overshares in the tags#friendly giant ™️#fg
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technically-a-kiwi · 7 days
Okay let's shine some light on the ticket stand
I got a sudden burst of inspo and just HAD to draw all of this
Sooo as you know, the ticket stand is this AU's F. pep. He sells ticket for ten dollars, and with that ticket he can grant you any services (in theory...)
Design wise, well... it's a ticket booth ! with his "body" inside the booth. Is he locked here ? Is something wrong with his appearence ? Does he hide because our mortal eye cannot grasp the sheer incomprehensible shape of his body ? Buy a ticket and find out :D !
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He does talk "normally", but his voice retains that pitch deformation you hear in his sfx
Obviously I went with the "monster in the dark" route here, taking inspo from his sprite after the chase sequence in his bossfight
He tends to move the wooden planks aroud (wich aren't actual wooden planks, it's his flesh) depending on situation or mood...
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He's fairely tamed, and quite nice with his customers! although he does tend to test them every now and then out of curiosity, how kind this person is, what will they do if this happens etc...
The only moment he isn't tamed is when people try to scam him. You can't lie in front of a cosmic entity dang it ! They know who you are and what you think 😣 it's useless ! And when someone does try to get away with something he isn't okay with... well, I'll let this (shitty) comic explain...
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Don't try to trick the ticket stand...
see ya
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do you ever get this with the yjs where you just wanna take care of them? Like the poor babies are just teenage girls in the wild 😣
Like staying by lotties side after getting beat up by Shauna, or bandaging Shauna’s knuckles, not saying anything because you know it’s a lot and just being there for her
or even better looking after Nat after she comes in from hunting, when half frozen to death and exhausted. just imagine washing her and brushing/ braiding her hair because it’ll get matted if not. just being gentle and loving because GOD she deserves it, even if she barely acknowledges it because all she can think about is the lack of food and Travis, but it’s the only way you can seem to show your affection for her (may or may not be in need of some angst…..)
but omg I just want them to be loved so bad, like if I was in that cabin, that is exactly what I’d spend my time doing
Oh absolutely. This is actually something I think about all the time.
When you first crash and Shauna realizes she's pregnant, just being with her and making sure she knows you'll help take care of the baby. Stroking her hair and holding her after the attempted abortion.
After Jackie dies just sitting with her all the time, checking on her in the shed, making sure she's eating when everyone else does, giving her extra food.
When the baby dies you're just holding her as she sobs, helping her bury him. Not saying anything just letting her cry it out.
Trying to hold her back when she snaps at Lottie, just telling her it'll all be okay and she needs to take a deep breath, not wanting anyone hurt. Not being able to watch as she hits Lottie, but gently bandaging her hands when the fight's over.
Knowing something's up almost as soon as the plane crashes, noticing her taking the last of her meds. Not saying anything but trying to communicate that she's gonna be okay.
When she sees dead cabin guy for the first time, waking up in the middle of the night like Nat did and holding her, telling her he's gone and it's okay. Making her lie down and go back to sleep even if she doesn't want to.
Holding her close after Laura Lee dies, knowing that there isn't anything you can say to make it better.
Doing her stupid wilderness bullshit with her even if you don't believe in it, wanting her to have your support.
Washing her and being the one to find her after the hunting competition, telling her how stupid it was while also just being so soft.
Being the one to take care of her after the fight with Shauna, forcing food and water down her throat, needing her to stay alive. When she even suggests dying you're telling her no, no way, she's gonna be alright.
Going up to the attic with her the night of the seance, just making sure she has company, talking about stupid shit with her. Noticing the sleepwalking and doing what you can to stop it.
Going with her on the journey south and staying up to make sure she doesn't end up sleepwalking away from the rest of you, comforting her after the wolves.
Dragging her back to the cabin after the wolf attack, staying with her and Tai while the rest of the group goes back to the cabin. Holding her hand as she gets stitched up, hating her screaming.
Helping Tai make the doomcoming masks so she feels comfortable, always telling her how badass the scars make her look. Just wanting her to know that she's still her after the attack.
Giving her pep talks when she's all "it's so hard I can't do it", like Shauna would. Making sure she knows that she's still valued even if it doesn't feel like she is.
When she finds out about Shauna and Jeff, just comforting her and telling her that she's sure Shauna didn't mean it and she made a mistake, telling her to come back inside after the fight. Or staying outside with her and starting the fire so she doesn't die (I am convinced I could've kept her alive). Talking to Shauna about the whole predicament so they talk it out.
Glaring at Travis when they're first practicing with the gun because he's such an asshole, hyping her up when she goes again. Being pissed when Travis turns the gun on her.
When she and Travis break up telling her that who she's slept with isn't his business, telling her that she deserves better than that. Just holding her close because you know she doesn't want to get vulnerable. Telling her how hot she is when Travis can't get it up.
After hunting (or before) brushing and braiding her hair. She's always grateful but doesn't say anything to you. Wanting to kiss her but she's back with Travis and you know she deserves better than him. Just being someone for her to lean on when she's upset with him.
Like Lottie, washing her off and pulling her from the ice after the hunting competition. Telling her that moose isn't worth her dying.
You and Travis letting her get away during the hunt, but you following with the rest of the girls to pull her away from Javi. Standing by her as she gets crowned queen.
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r-cameron · 10 months
rafe i have to take my gace tmrw and im so nervous 😭😣 pls give me some motivation bae
Not sure how old this ask is, but I guess it's already over and you did great. Because I said so.
I don't do any pep talks cause I don't need that shit myself. I know I'm better than anyone else.
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aibloomie · 2 years
Hehe looking forward to seeing you in my inbox soon :D
also omg okay so the poor guy who bought the pie only got one pie, unfortunately </3 he got to pie the vice principal though so worth it?? (probably not tbh)
when it comes to song recommendations, I would probably recommend moshpit by renforshort and bedless by pierce the veil, but I also have a really wacky music taste so I might not be the best persont o ask
I hope your back is better after that assembly though;; the funny thing about school for me is that we can't have assemblies because our school auditorium is literally too small. the teachers at my school are kind of goofy too though! one of my band teachers had a tumblr when he was a teenager (that's one of the main reasons I'm on tumblr rn), and like at least two of my teachers are genshin players
ANYWAY!! Time for me to stop procrastinating lmao and I hope you enjoy my new post if you get around to reading it <3
only one pie 😭😭 that's so sad but it makes sense since it was the vice principal, they should've lowered the price down though like WHAT $100 is crazy
thank you for the recommendations !! I'll definitely listen to them <3 and honestly after looking at your carrd I think you have a great music taste omg so I'm very excited to listen to your recommendations
my back is better now 😣 and really so you guys don't have pep rallies either? honestly a lot of assemblies are mostly people coming and saying their stories and stuff so </3 the only good thing about them is getting to miss a class or two
that's actually so cool 😧 like the fact your band teacher had tumblr, I wonder what kind of stuff was on tumblr at the time. AND OMG GENSHIN TEACHER PLAYERS?? do you talk to them about the game or?
please procrastination feels like a curse </3 i hope you're able to get everything you need done finished !! having an amazing day/night rei <3
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iamyelling · 30 days
up til 2am and still didn’t get r1 ready to send. still have at least 2-3 hours work left. hopefully i can get it out tonight 🫠
i feel so guilty and stupid and slow 😣😞
i might take an hour or two off of my running total bc it just doesn’t feel right
my brother (he’s helping me out by PMing. i’ll be sharing the $ with him) was giving me a pep talk yesterday about how it’s bc i have to make everting from scratch, and it’ll be faster on the next one / in the future.
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lildukes · 5 months
"Rising Strong: A Motivational Dialogue"
Alex: "I just don't know if I can do this anymore. It feels like everything is stacked against me." 😔 Jamie: "Hey, listen to me, Alex. I've seen you at your lowest, and you always rise back up stronger. This is just another hurdle, and you've got what it takes to clear it." 💪 Alex: "But what if I fail?" 😣 Jamie: "Failure is just a detour on the road to success. Remember why you started this journey in the first place. You have a fire inside you that's burning brighter than any obstacle in your path." 🔥 Alex: "I guess you're right. I can't let fear hold me back." 😌 Jamie: "Damn right, you can't! You're capable of greatness, Alex, and I believe in you. Now, let's get out there and show the world what you're made of." 🌟 Alex: "Thanks, Jamie, I needed that pep talk. Let's do this!" 💪
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oldfarmerbillswife · 2 years
Small thing that happened today that makes me a little giddy but definitely not something I'm going to overthink and lie to myself over:
[Background though: at my local grocery store, there's this guy that I've always thought was super cute, he's a clerk and he always says nice things about my hair or makeup. I definitely thought he was gay so I took the L a year ago. My Mom buys beer at night there some weekends and they always talk and he enjoys her presence as a regular. So, they make small talk together.]
I always joke about how he looks like Steve Harrington, he has an 80s vibe to him that I find attractive, so yeah, I say that's my Steve Harrington. I also don't know his real name!
Tonight I got out of work and went with my Mom and brother to the corner store and he was there so I made sure I could avoid him because I LOOKED AWFUL, all greasy-haired and smudged makeupy! In a huge hoodie too, I looked so BAD! So, we see that he's in lane 7 and I say 'okay I'm going to self checkout.' Within minutes HE WENT TO SELF CHECKOUT so I made sure my back was turned to him when I was buying my junk food.
After I went, I moved way close to the exit door while I waited for Mom to finish checking her stuff out with him specifically because she had alcohol. Totally avoided eye contact, didn't even LOOK at him, so I didn't hear their conversation.
Turns out, to cut a long story short, he was having a crummy day, and I guess he was spurned by two girls last week who said awful things to him, especially about his looks! And my Mom told him that I found him attractive, and he was flabbergasted! He grabbed my Mom real quick when we were walking out and whispered something to her and I instantly felt concerned 😣. When we got out of the store she said he whispered 'I always had a little crush on her' 😳 bruh. it's NOT true love, not a soulmate situation, but it is a daymaker and I'm a little pepped up, I won't lie 🤣🤣 He's so cute! Too bad he's probably not the same traditional Catholic that I am. But it's nice to feel a little pretty for a little moment.
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dawbi · 3 years
JQDJWJEJWJ HII CAN I REQUEST "theres only one bed" trope w bakugou or deku? JEJAJD I WAS JUST STUDYING AND THIS IDEA POPPED IN MY HEAD..... anyways thank u sm ! hav a good day and stay hydrated !!! 🥰🥰💖
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hi lili!! i was scared to write your request cuz i was like what if she hates it 😣 but, i pulled through !! i decided to write both i hope that’s okay ,,,
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“there was only one bed”
characters - midoriya + bakugou
warnings - none !!
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midoriya [the before]
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midoriya triple checked when reservations were made for the hotel. gives himself pep talks. “izuku, don’t freak out. you are just sharing a room with y/n.” yeah that still doesn’t help his heart running a whole marathon. midoriya’s nerves go away as things get busy during the day. you two are good friends. sure, you two might have feelings for each other, but sharing a room would probably be more awkward with a stranger. after the long day, you guys still have the energy to explore the hotel with todoroki who third wheels often. he eventually leaves for his room and you and midoriya head towards yours’. “wow this is the nicest hotel i’ve been to.” izuku nods excitedly “me too! i can’t wait to see what our room looks like!!” he inserts the card key and pushes the door open. *insert gif here* because that is his actual reaction to when he sees there is only one bed. scans the whole room in a bit of a frenzy. “aaaahh there’s only one bed?! i remember they said two?! what should we do?! should i go ask?!” you have to stop him from freaking out. “don’t worry! we can always share it...” oh no, now his face is red. “i-i can sleep on t-the floor.” midoriya can’t imagine being able to fall asleep with you there too. as you two get ready for bed, you tell him that you’ll feel bad if he sleeps on the floor and you’re friends, so no big deal. his heart hurt a bit on the friends part ☹️
[the after]
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midoriya tries to hide his nervousness as he lies next to you. there’s a silence that fills the room. “y-y/n, i can sleep on the floor! i don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” poor boy thinks it’s his fault you’re being quiet rn. i mean he is the reason but for a completely different reason. “no it’s okay, izuku. there’s an enough room for the both of us.” midoriya takes a deep breath and accepts it. “good night, y/n. sleep well.” “night.” you two try to get some sleep but nothing. “psst y/n? you still awake?” “yeah, can’t sleep.” midoriya turns his body so he’s facing the cieling. you do the same and just kinda lay there quietly for a bit. the green haired boy breaks the silence. “what are you thinking about?” “idk...life?” he chuckles and a sigh follows. “we’ve come a long way huh?” you turn to look at him and he does too. you smile at him and respond with “yeah...it’s nice having you by my side.” ohohohohoho reality kicks in and izuku is blushing furiously. luckily the darkness covers most of it but he’s still “u-uh y-yeah of course! you’re my f-friend!” things ease a bit as you change the topic to the embarrassing encounter you had with shinsou. midoriya laughs and you two talk each other’s ears off until you two can no longer continue. you fall asleep before midoriya and he just smiles to himself as he closes his eyes. he’s a relatively calm sleeper although there’s a few mumbles here and there. in the morning, you wake up to your face nuzzled into his chest. his arm is draped over you and the view of his relaxed features are on display. you freak out and slowly move out of the awkward position you’re in. “y/n?” his voice has a little rasp to it. midoriya opens his eyes and “omg i’m sorry i didn’t mean to!! it’s not what you think!!” he pulls back his arm and backs away from you. your eyes also widen and there’s a pink hue on both of your cheeks. the situation fills you both with adrenaline, but in a thrilling kind of way. hmmmm what will this mean for the two of you...friends?
bakugou [the before]
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“are you fucking kidding me?” bakugou was acting like he was dreading sharing a room with you. but really, he was just worried you’d find him annoying. this boy has had the biggest crush on you even though he won’t admit it even to himself. little does he know, you do too 👀 throughout the day, bakugou doesn’t really have to time to think about it until later. kirishima and kaminari drop you two off on your floor of the hotel. they give him a teasing look as the elevator doors shut on them. bakugou will give them an earful tomorrow lol. “you think it comes with a mini fridge?” you ask as you turn to him. “idk but if doesn’t, i’m leaving a shitty yelp review.” bakugou opens the door and you two realize there is only one bed. he cannot believe his eyes and rushes in hoping his eyes are deceiving him. he’s internally FUCKJSHGDGHSKLSDKHSKSL but on the outside his eyebrows are furrowed. “i’m gonna talk to the dumbass at the front desk.” you and i know that he’s not gonna just “talk” to them. “no! it’s okay!! i can sleep on the ground.” you suggest and bakugou gets even more upset. “there’s no fucking way i’m letting you sleep on the floor!” he then gets all his things to start setting up his lil spot on the floor. “you don’t have to...but if it’s too hard to sleep on, you can always come up here.” “i won’t have to. i’m not a pussy.”
[the after]
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once you started falling asleep, you could hear him tossing and turning. bakugou acts all cool as he climbs in on the other side of the bed. “you better not be a crazy sleeper y/n.” “calm down, i should say the same thing to you.” you turn over so that you’re facing him. bakugou can’t even say anything back. the closeness feels intimate and he turns over aggressively. his cheeks are betraying him by heating up. “i-i am calm!!” he hears you laugh and your nonchalant attitude makes think that you must only see him as friend. but really you’re freaking out and want to look confident in front of him. “goodnight.” “uh yeah...good night, y/n.” surprisingly, you fall asleep quicker than he does. bakugou is just thinking about you, the situation, and if this affects you like it does him. eventually his brain tires and he’s out. bakugou snores but doesn’t move much throughout the night. the morning rays break through the window of the hotel room. bakugou who is sensitive to light wakes up irritated. he’s so pissed off at the sun that he doesn’t even realize he’s spooning you. bakugou freezes for a second. he doesn’t hate this at all but his heart is going 100 mph. “oi!! wake the fuck up y/n! you’re all over me!” your eyes open faster than ever at the human alarm you were just woken up by. weird thing is, bakugou hasn’t pushed you away. “get off! i-it’s weird as hell!!” you get out of his grip still half asleep and let out a yawn. cute cute cute is all that’s going through bakugou’s mind. you interrupt his thoughts unfortunately. “it’s so early. you’re gonna wake up the whole hotel.” “maybe if you would’ve stayed on your side, i wouldn’t have to yell.” you glare at him, “you were the one that was getting close to me!” bakugou knows it was him. he just wants to blame you. blame you for making him so flustered. blame you for the way his heart races. “and if i said i was, what would you say?” his red eyes bore into yours and you’re speechless. there’s no running from the truth now...
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a/n - hope you have a great day and stay hydrated as well 💕💖💓💞 that goes for anyone reading this too 😤💕💞 also, you have now converted me into enjoying this trope hehe
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thekillingmoonmoon · 3 years
If you're still accepting these: 11, 16, 19, and 27! 🤗
hello 💜 how are you? I hope you're having a wonderful day💓
11) Favourite Game?
okay so, I don't game😣 but my partner does! so I'll say Dota 2 because it makes him happy even though I understand NONE of it
16) Any tattoos?
None.. yet. I might be getting a matching tattoo with my old roommate soon (the one who first called me Moon)
19) Favourite music genre?
White Dad Rock😂 it's a very special part of my childhood and when I say I get down to this music like a boomer at a barbeque, I mean it😌
27) Something I'm good at?
Snuggling! and pep talks! feel bad? come here and lemme give you a hug whilst I list all the wonderful things about you💓
get to know me
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ssahotchnerr · 10 months
a hug from aaron would solve alllllll my problems
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