#and a tangled au with Will as Rapunzel and Nico as Flynn
willsolaceloml · 2 years
Ok but have you considered a Frozen solangelo AU with Kristoff!Will, Anna!Nico and Elsa!Bianca have you
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mikeallenz · 6 months
My friend @nerdasaurus1200 posted a pirate Tangled post. (The correct answer to the poll is Rapunzel, but I digress.) I remembered I made a One Piece AU after the Netflix show came out so now I’m gonna grace those willing to read with my AU. And in true nerdasaurus style I will do it with heroforges.
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Meet Rapunzel d. Sonne. Captain of the Sundrop Pirates and the wielder of the Hair-Hair Fruit, a Paramecia Devil Fruit that allows her to grow her hair out and use it to attack. It can levitate and attack at her command but it seems to have a bit of a mind of its own. It is indestructible so she can also use it as a shield. And she can recall it whenever she wants. She was raised by a ruthless warlord allied with the World Government named Gothel who trained her to be a killer, but then she breaks free from the influence when learning her true heritage. Her father was a pirate who set off looking for the One Piece after Gol d. Rodger’s execution. And how she is possesses the Will of D. So she goes off to make her own crew, find her father and possibly beat him to the One Piece. She is the Luffy of the team, recklessly off on adventure and making friends and enemies wherever she goes.
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Meet Cassandra, the only member of the crew without a bounty (as of now). But she is the First Mate of the crew, so it’s about time, but she’s still annoyed that it hasn’t happened yet. Cassandra is an excellent swordsman, trained by her adopted father, a respected marine Captain. (Even if Cass herself never officially became a marine, she was a bounty hunter before joining the crew) Cassandra is also an expert at Armament Haki, able to outmatch a lot of far more practiced users. Cass originally met Rapunzel when she was going after the bounty of Flynn Rider, who happened to be traveling with Rapunzel at that time. But she quickly earns Cassandra’s respect and is coerced into joining the crew. Despite being hesitant at first, she realizes how much Rapunzel respects her and wants to help her to become the world’s greatest swordsman. (Yes, she is the Zoro)
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Meet Flynn Rider, (or Eugene to his friends) and Lance Strongbow. They are the navigator and the chef/musician of the crew (when they officially join, that is). Eugene is present when Rapunzel learns her true heritage and joins her and Cassandra on her ship so he can return to the base of his pirate captain. Because in truth they work for the ruthless warlord “The Baron”. Eugene especially is meant to marry Baron’s daughter Stalyan and if he doesn’t, they kill his best friend from childhood Lance. When they were younger, Eugene and Lance made a name for themselves as criminals but Eugene got into some trouble with Baron, resulting in the Barons crew taking over his home town and Eugene makes the arranged marriage in order to save them. So this results in Eugene betraying his friends after bonding with them and hoping they don’t follow for their own safety. (Yes, the Nami.)
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Lastly is Mad Alchemist Varian. He is a mix of the sniper and he has a role similar to Nico Robin’s as well. His father is a Vice Admiral of the marines but he himself is an alchemist so he never fit in on his father’s ship. One day, when visiting an important Island, Varian and Quirin get into an argument, which Varian flees from, but when he returns, Varian’s alchemy was used to encase Quirin in amber. After grieving, the marines thinks he did it so he flees and is found by Rapunzel’s crew. And Rapunzel makes a deal with him that she’d help him track down a way to save his father, if he helps her and joins her crew. Which he agrees to.
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Nico: So... where are you from?
Will: No, no, deathboy. I don't do backstory. But I am curious on yours. Now, I know I'm not supposed to mention the death powers-
Nico: nope
Will: -or the dad-
Nico: uh huh
Will: -I'm too scared to ask about the golden retriever-
Nico: Jason
Will: -nuance
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solangelover · 7 years
Yep this is a thing.
It's by @theroyalsavage again! One of my top Solangelo writers :)
At Last (I See the Light) is a Tangled AU (I've never read one before, though it makes a lot of sense for Solangelo). TheRoyalSavage does a great job making it their own, following Disney's Tangled storyline yet fitting in the characters perfectly.
Go read it! Let me know how you like it :)
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Hey anyone interested in my Tangled Joshler Au?
Tyler as Rapunzel
Josh as Flynn Rider
Nico as mother gothel
Brendon Urie as Pascal
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thefacelesswanderer · 7 years
In honor of my amazing collab with @triwizard-tardis​,  Molten Magic, I have updated that insane ship list I posted a year or two ago..... It got REALLY long, sorry! 
21. Who do you ship? 
Harry Potter:
Draco/ Harry
Draco/ Hermione (very rarely, but occasionally there’s a REALLY well-written fic)
Draco/ Ginny
Harry/ Hermione
Harry/ Ginny
Ron/ Luna
Ron/ Hermione
Krum/ Oliver Wood
Seamus/ Dean
Neville/ Luna
Neville/ Hermione (Only seen it once or twice, but it worked for some reason)
Blaise/ Draco 
Draco/ Daphne Greengrass
Remus/ Sirius /James (Marauder era)
Remus/ Sirius (Marauder era and now)
James/ Sirius (Marauder era)
Remus/ Nymph
Blaise/ Pansy
James/ Lily (obvs)
Luna/ Ginny
Hermione/ Ginny
Fred/ George
Harry/ Draco/ Ron
Fred/ George/ Harry
Alice/ Frank Longbottom
Bellatrix/ Voldemort
Crossover with Harry Potter:
Harry/ Ed Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Harry/ WuFei Chang (Gundam Wing A/C)
Severus Snape/ Zechs Marquise (Gundam Wing A/C)
Harry/ Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Hermione/  Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Hermione/ WuFei Chang (Gundam Wing A/C)
Draco/ Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Luna/ Stoll brothers (Percy Jackson)
Harry/ Edward Cullen (Twilight)
Draco/ Jacob (Twilight)
Hermione/ Prince Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
Ron/ Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Gundam Wing A/C:
1x2x1 (Heero/ Duo)
3x4x3 (Trowa/ Quatre)
1x2x3 (Heero/ Duo/ Trowa)
3x2x3 (Trowa/ Duo)
2x5 (Duo/ WuFei)
5x6 (WuFei/ Zechs)
5x13 (WuFe/ Treize)
5x6x13 (WuFei/ Zechs/ Treize)
6x13 (Zechs/ Treize)
6x9 (Zechs/ Noine)
5xSally (WuFei/ Sally)
Dorothy/ Relena
1x2x3x4x5 (Heero/ Duo/ Trowa/ Quatre /WuFei) 
6x1 (Zechs/ Heero)
9xSally (Noine/ Sally) 
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Ed/ Winry
Ed/ Al (I’m shipping trash, I’m so sorry)
Roy/ Riza
Roy/ Ed
Ed/ Lust
Havoc/ Lust
Izumi/ Sid
Maes/ Gracia
Lin Yao/ Lan Fan
Al/ May Chang (panda midget princess)
Al/ Winry
Ed/ Rose
Ed/ Envy
Hoenheim/ Trisha
Ed/ Greedling (Greed and Lin once they’re combined)
Ed/ Lin
Crossover with Fullmetal Alchemist:
Ed/ WuFei (Gundam Wing A/C)
Avatar the Last Airbender:
Zuko/ Katara
Toph/ Aang
Suki/ Sokka
Sokka/ Yue
Mai/ Ty Lee
Pakku/ Gran Gran
Suki/ Katara
Azula/ that jackass from Ember Island (It’s Chen or something)
Azula/ Mai/ Ty Lee
Yue/ Jet
Azula/ Teo
Mai/ June
TyLee/ Haru
Steve/ Bucky
Steve/ Tony (bonus if Peter Parker is their kid)
Clint/ Natasha
Bruce/ Tony
Thor/ Jane
Loki/ Tony
Loki/ Thor
Sif/ Thor
Sif/ Jane
Darcy/ Maria Hill
Peggy/ Angie
Peggy/ Colleen
Steve/ Peggy
Tony/ Pepper
Peter/ Mary Jane
Peter/ Gwen Stacy
Peter/ Harry Osbourne
Steve/ Sam
Bruce/ Clark
Bruce/ Dick
Bruce/ Jason
Dick/ Wally
Dick/ Koriand'r (Starfire)
Dick/ Jason
Dick/ Damien
Dick/ Roy Harper
Dick/ Tim
Jason/ Tim
Jason/ Damien
Tim/ Kon-El
Cass/ Barbara
Cass/ Steph
Wally/ Artemis
Jaime/ Bart
Tim/ Kon/ Bart
Roy/ Jade (Chesire)
Roy/ Koriand'r/ Jason 
Dinah Lance/ Oliver Queen
Dick/ Kaldur'ahm
Clark/ Lois Lane
Garr/ Raven (Beast Boy)
Kaldur’ahm/ Tulla
Bart/ Secret
Jason/ Roy
M'Gann/ La'gaan
Roy/ Wally
Bart/ Clarion (ICE CREAM– this is for you daveyjacobskemp)
Cassie/ Cissie
Anita/ Slobo
Zatana/ Dick
Jack/ Davey (Newsies)
Jack/ Davey/ Katherine (Newsies)
Sarah/ Katherine (Newsies)
Sarah/ Hannah (Newsies)
Katherine/ Hannah (Newsies)
Specs/ Romeo (Newsies)
Specs/ Race (Newsies)
Spot/ Race (Newsies)
Raoul/ Christine (Phantom of the Opera)
Christine/ Meg Giry (Phantom of the Opera)
Fantine/ Jean Valjean (Les Mis)
Enjolras/ Grantaire     (Les Mis)
Marius/ Cosette (Les     Mis)
Cosette/ Eponine (Les     Mis)
Joly/ Musichetta/ Boussett (Les Mis)
Jean Valjean/ Javert (Les Mis)
Enjolras/ Courfeyrac (Les Mis)
Jehan/ Combeferre  (Les Mis)
Bahorel/ Feuilly (Les Mis)
Fairy Tail:
Natsu/ Lucy
Gray/ Juvia
Erza/ Jellal
Gajeel/ Levi
Evergreen/ Elfman
Natsu/ Lisanna
Freid/ Evergreen
Freid/ Mirajane
Mirajane/ Reedus
Loki/ Lucy
Loki/ Aries
Bisca/ Alzack
Austria/ Hungary
Austria/ Switzerland
Belarus/ Russia
Denmark/ Norway
France/ England
Germany/ Italy
Hong Kong/ Iceland
Poland/ Lithuania
Prussia/ Austria
Prussia/ Hungary
Prussia/ Canada
Russia/ China
Russia/ America
America/ Belarus
Sweden/ Finland
Asian orgy
Nordic orgy
France/ England/ America/ Canada
Spain/ Romano
Taiwan/ Japan
Rome/ Germania
Holy Roman Empire/ Italia
Switzerland/ Lichtenstein
France/ Scotland
Sealand/ Wy
World orgy
Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit
Legolas/ Gimli
Frodo/ Sam
Merry/ Pippin
Tauriel/ Kili
Thorin/ Bilbo
Galadriel/ Gandalf
Galadriel/ Elrond
Aragorn/ Legolas
Aragorn/ Arwen
Merlin/ Arthur
Arthur/ Gwen
Lancelot/ Gwen
Lancelot/ Gwaine
Gwaine/ Percival
Gwaine/ Elyan
Merlin/ Lancelot
Merlin/ Gwaine
Gwen/ Morgana
Morgana/ Mordred
Percy Jackson and the Olympians/ Heroes of Olympus:
Percy/ Annabeth
Jason/ Piper
Percy/ Nico
Jason/ Nico
Leo/ Calypso
Frank/ Hazel
Hannibal/ Will (bonus if Abigail is their kid)
Jimmy Price/ Brian Zeller (Science Husbands)
Jack/ Bella aka the Crawfords
Rave Master:
Haru/ Elie
Musica/ Reina
Let/ Julia
Cattleya/ Shuda
Go/ Rosa
Range/ Sopra
Remi/ Musica
Musica/ Belnika
Sieg/ Elie
Jegan/ Janna 
Clea Maltese/ Alpine Spaniel
Rise of the Guardians/ How to Train Your Dragon/ Tangled/ Brave/ Frozen:
Jack/ Hiccup
Jack/ Merida
Jack/ Rapunzel
Jack/ Elsa
Hiccup/ Rapunzel
Star Wars:
Han/ Leia
Luke/ Mara Jade
Padme/ Anakin
Obi Wan/ Dorme
Robin Hood BBC:
Robin/ Marian
Much/ Eve
Will/ Djaq
Yugi/ Yami
Bakura/ Ryo
Kaiba/ Jonouchi
Marik/ Malik
Yami/ Bakura
Bakura/ Marik
YuYu Hakusho:
Yusuke/ Keiko
Yusuke/ Kurama
Yusuke/ Botan
Yusuke/ Kurama/ Hiei
Kurama/ Hiei
Kuwabara/ Yukina
Genkai/ Younger Toguro
Shizuru/ Sakyo
Shinobu/ Itsuki
Mukuro/ Hiei
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir:
Marinette/ Adrien
Nino/ Alya
Alix/ Kim/ Max
Chloe/ Nathaniel
Chloe/ Sabrina
Juleka/ Rose
Ivan/ Mylene
Check Please!
Bitty/ Jack 
Lardo/ Shitty 
Holster/ Ransom  (Bonus points if it’s the AU that must not be named)
Nursey/ Dex 
Nursey/ Dex/ Chowder 
Chowder/ Farmer 
Questionable Content
Bubbles/ Faye 
Martin/ Dora 
Martin/ Claire 
Faye/ Sven 
Momo/ May 
Tai/ Dora 
Dale/ Marigold 
Clinton/ Brun 
Wilde Life 
Oscar/ Lorelei
Oscar/ Sylvia 
Eliza/ Darcy 
Oscar/ Clifford (I’m trash, I’m well aware)
El Goonish Shive
Tedd/ Grace 
Elliot/ Ashley 
Nanase/ Ellen 
Elliot/ Sarah
Catalina/ Rhoda 
Disney/ Close to It:
Belle/ Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
LeFou/ Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) (Only really works if Gaston isn’t being a dick anymore)
Anya/ Dimitri (Anastasia)
Vlad/ Sophie (Anastasia)
Elsa/ Kristoff (Frozen)
Elsa/ Hans (Frozen)
Anna/ Kristoff (Frozen)
Ariel/ Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Cinderella/ Her Prince Charming (Cinderella) (Bonus points for genderbending)
Mulan/ Shang (Mulan) (Bonus points for transgender Mulan)
Rapunzel/ Flynn (Tangled)
Anime/ Manga:
Saitama/ Genos (One Punch Man)
Phoenix Wright/ Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright)
Victor/ Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Yurio/ Otabek (Yuri on Ice)
Yuuri/ Phichit (Yuri on Ice)
Todoroki/ Yaoyoruza (My Hero Academia)
Deku/ Uraraka (My Hero Academia)
Deku/ Bakugo (My Hero Academia)
Todoroki/ Deku (My Hero Academia)
Light/ L (Death Note)
Matt/ Mello (Death Note)
Dante/ Nero (Devil May Cry) (only cause of @triwizard-tardis)
Gon/ Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
Gon/ Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Hisoka/ Leorio/ Gon (Hunter x Hunter) (Damn you amazing NSFW fanart)
Canary/ Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
InuYasha/ Kagome (InuYasha)
Miroku/ Sango (InuYasha)
Sesshomaru/ Rin (InuYasha) (aged up Rin)
Sesshomaru/ Kagome (InuYasha) (ONE good fic and fanart)
Tsuna/ Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Mukuro/ Chrome (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Takeshi/ Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Tsuna/ Kyouko (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Bulma/ Yamcha (Dragonball)
Bulma/ Vegeta (Dragonball Z and Z Kai)
Goku/ Krillin (Dragonball)
Goku/ Chichi (Dragonball)
Riku/ Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Sora/ Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Axel/Roxas (Kingdom Hearts)
Ciel/Sebastian (Black Butler)
Ruby/Jaunne (RWBY)
Jaunne/ Pyrrha (RWBY)
Yang/Blake (RWBY)
Blake/ Weiss (RWBY)
Ruby/ Weiss (RWBY)
Ren/ Nora (RWBY)
Ozpin/ Glynda (RWBY)
Blake/ Sun (RWBY)
Soul/ Maka (Soul Eater)
Black Star/ Tsubaki (Soul Eater)
Death the Kid/ Patty/ Eliza (Soul Eater)
Stein/ Medusa (Soul Eater)
Maka/ Chrona (Soul Eater)
Stein/ Marie (Soul Eater)
Haruhi/ Tamaki (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Tamaki/ Kyoya (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Hikaru/ Kaoru (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Mitsukuni/ Takashi (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Haruhi/ Hikaru/ Kaoru (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Ranma/ Akane (Ranma ½)
Mortal Instruments/ Infernal Devices
Clary/ Jace
Clary/ Simon
Simon/ Isabelle
Jace/ Alec
Jocelyn/ Luke
Simon/ Maia
Tessa/ Will
Will/ Jem
Will/ Magnus
Sherlock BBC
Sherlock/ John
Sherlock/ Molly
Lestrade/ Mycroft
John/ Mary
Sherlock/ Irene
John/ Anthea
Mycroft/ Anthea
Teen Titans
Robin/ Starfire
Beast Boy/ Raven
Cyborg/ Bumblebee
Aqualad/ Terra
Beast Boy/ Terra
Bella/ Edward
Alice/ Jasper
Rosalie/ Emmet
Carlisle/ Esme
Bella/ Jacob
Renesmee/ Jacob
Edward/ Jacob
Edward/ Bella/ Jacob
James/ Victoria
Quil/ Embry
Jacob/ Leah
Sam/ Emily
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willsolaceloml · 2 years
Will Solace hcs cause he SOLOS!!!! Stay mad haters
(Both in the demigods world and in a mortal!au)
Hes a bisexual icon
He was short as a child. And i mean. Shorter than the common child. I mean short SHORT. He wasnt known as Will Solace he was known as The Blond Smurf. Shortest in the class type of beat. Everyone thought that he was going to be like 5'7" MAX as an adult.
Got a massive grown spurt when he was like 14 and now hes like 6'1" (people didnt reconize him anymore. Someone started a rumor that some big ass giant took him and pulled him from his head and his feets and that was why he had become so tall. Everyone was terrified.)
He uses guns as his weapon of choice against monsters!! He sucks with close combat and finds the bow somehow boring. Plus! His granddad taught him how to shot when he was younger (Naomi wasnt that happy to see her 10yo with a gun) so he had a sort of emotial bond to that type of weapon.
He specifically asked the Hephaestus cabin to build him a pair of semi automatics and hes this 🤏🏻 close to give them a name and tug their bedsheets for nighttime
He never uses them tho because hes really ashamed of them
Hes a dog dad. By which i mean that he has not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4 but 5 dogs ☺️ One Golden Retriever (named Shiro) that was the Solaces family dog, one light weiner (Burrito) that was gifted to Will by a friend, two pitbulls (Mila and Bee) adopted from the dog shelter and lastly one mutt (sandy) personally saved by Will from an abusive home.
He loves dogs guys he truly does
Hes actually very good as sports! Hes especially great at Volleyball and Basketball, and in his High School hes part of the basketball team.
Hes very close with Leo & Clarisse they are literally bffs
Nico taught him italian swears and hes able to say "testa di cazzo" and "pezzo di merda" as fluently as a native speaker
When he was young he always dressed up as young Anakin
Once he got older he dressed up as Luke, Han and older Anakin
Hes like. VERY protective with people he loves. Not in an oppressive way tho
Hes one FINE mf and i mean it that man Is ANGELIC
He doesnt really see it tho
He decided he wanted to be a doctor when in 5th grade the school organized an obligatory first aid course for the kids. It was very basic but Will instantly fell in love.
He eats. A lot. Like he can eat 2 large pizzas alone and still ask for a dessert. His friends use him as a sort of trashcan because of this. "Oh you cant finish whats in your plate? Just give it to Will! He'll eat everything"
Han Solo was his bi awakening
He likes to bake! Not as much as he loves to eat tho
He surfs (ofc....) and try to make Nico learn it (spoiler: he sucks)
He has tattoos. People lets accept the truth. He does. Hes FULL of them. Big ones, little ones, dumb things, phrases, animals... Everything. He loves them.
He has a... Weird fashion sense. By this i mean its horrible. Yes i know. Its an ugly truth, but its the truth. He couldnt be that level of flawless...
Drew tries to help, she really does, but Will just cant seem to comprehend whats wrong with his fashion sense. Sandals with socks, different prints together, 9374928392 colors together seems all reasonable to him
His average body temperature Is around 37°/38° C. Didnt have much fun during covid times. (Gonna post about this specific hc in the future hehe)
He loves tangled. He LOVES tangled.
Nico forces him to dress up as Rapunzel while he dresses up as Flynn Rider.
Hes also a big fan of Shrek. Watched those movies a ton of times
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I'm watching Tangled right now so prepare for my Tangled!Solangeo AU
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YO mad respect to your tangled au i understand the connection between will and rapunzel bc of the glowing but YOURE RIGHT nico is more like rapunzel in terms of personality and will is a little more like flynn. i forgot how much i like that movie
Hi oh my gosh yesss
Nico has been socially isolated for much of his life, whether it’s from Hades trying to protect him in Italy, or him thinking he’d be ostrasized for being the child of hades + leaving after bianca’s death, or him learning (possibly from Minos and his father) that no one really wants him around, he hasn’t had the social experiences similar to Rapunzel (although Rapunzel’s reaction was very bright and sunny--but that’s another, completely different thing I’d like to rant about one day-- and Nico’s was more saddening, the parallels can be found) and her isolation.
On the other hand, while Will has always had the support of Camp Half Blood, it’s undeniable that he’s separated from his mortal family (c’mon, he’s a year round camper). He’s got people around him, but like Flynn, not really his parents. I also feel he’s a bit more sarcastic than Nico is and that he has a bit more learning in him (Rapunzel had about 3 books for what we saw in the tower and Flynn reading every week in the orphanage v Nico not having any education, schooling, or training, since at least age 12 and Will having Camp Half Blood which at least taught him how to read English and Greek and probably math too (they’re battle strategists)). 
Idk this probably doesn’t make much sense, and this is purely in terms of backgrounds right now (dw I have so many more thoughts in terms of their character arcs for Tangled and HoO) but this is a scattered thinking
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