#and alrdy got on the bus !?!?!?
tfshouldidohere · 1 year
i have never felt that anxious in my entire life
#ok so i went to the mall today#and my mom usually picks me up from the mall wnvr im there cuz she passes by the mall when shes coming home from work#but today her sched was running a lil later than usual so she wouldnt be able to get off of work til 8#so she told me to go home first using the Mall's Bus™#i have nvr used the mall's bus within the two years ive lived in the city mind u ^^^#and bcuuuuuuz of that#i spent an extra 2hrs waiting for the bus bcuz i didnt know there was#1: a ticket booth area (cuz usually most buses here pay on the bus)#and 2: a fucking line for first come first serve seats#which tbf i shouldve figured that out cuz there were literal signs but i wasnt thinking straight ok 🧍🏻‍♀️#so when its almost 8 im like "oh no what if my mom gets out of her meeting earlier than expected n that she's looking for me and im not hom#omg she might think i got kidnapped (there was a recent incident of#someone getting stabbed w a needle w drugs in the busier part of the city)#and i didnt want her to panic so i tried chatting her on messenger that im still at the mall waiting for the bus#and i was suuuper panicky so i ended up phrasing it like i wanted her to pick me up#and then i realized “i have no internet” cuz i forgot to buy cell data 🧍🏻‍♀️ and tht means i cant text her too#so i have to ask the girl next to me for her hotspot thingy so i can message my mom#and then she doesnt even *seen* my message bcuz she was probs still in her meeting#and then i realized im on 6% ?!?!!??! and the bus arrives ?!!?!?!?!? and i cant connect to the girl's hotspot cuz she alrdy turned it off#and alrdy got on the bus !?!?!?#and like 10 mins into the ride n then my phone vibrates and its my mom ?!?!?!?#she said she was on her way to the mall to pick me up ?!?!??!?!?!#and im trying to contact her but ?? my ?? chats ?? wont ?? go ?? thru ?? cuz i have no data ?!?!?!#AND to make things worse#i rmbrd that my BusFi teacher told me to retake the quiz i missed the other day online ?!?!?!#and she SPECIFICALLY mentioned itd be available for like the entire afternoon#but then i rmbrd that i was on my phone most of the time when i was in the mall but i didnt get any notifications for it tho ???#so im like “?!??!!?!? what do i do ?!?!?!?!”#and so thats the story of me dying on the Mall's Bus™#tfshouldirambles
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6okuto · 1 year
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gn!reader | tbh i thought i alrdy did this but i guess not.? cove hcs r hard bc i can't remember what is literally Just Canon.
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he instinctively offers you the last seat on the bus. if you want him to sit down it's a little fight /lh. the both of you staring at the other, nodding toward the seat. "i don't need to sit down. we walked a lot, you must be tired." "we walked the same amount so you'd be the same amount of tired." etc etc
he'll sit down if you stand in front of him.. one time a lady commented on how cute you two were and (after thanking her) he flushed and rested his head against your stomach, fiddling with the hem of your shirt to hide how giddy he was
he also instinctively gets your favourite snacks while you're out shopping btw
can't walk around any mall or market without you in mind. we know this but really imagine cove walking into stores he probably wouldn't have otherwise just to see if they had something for you. him calling a store to check when they'd have something in stock again so he could surprise you. him debating between two shirts/charms/etc for like 10 minutes because he wants to make sure he gets the best one
cove texting you to tell you about about a new fish he found. or telling you about what fish you'd both be. constantly thinking of you whenever said fish is mentioned and, to strangers, randomly lighting up at its name
you text cove a pick-up line and get left on read for like 5-10 minutes while he 1) recovers and 2) looks for one to send back
asking cove to kiss where you got hurt as a joke and him doing it. and then kissing you again. and then kissing you on the LIPS!
you make a little charm bracelet that says something silly like "best bf <3" "i love u <3" etc etc and he just doesn't take it off. makes one for you too. do not ask how long he was standing in the same michaels aisle trying to pick the perfect beads/charms...
you visit him at work except you actually meet his coworkers and everyone already at least knows your name.
he Makes Sure he's the first one to tell you happy birthday. Always. will say it at midnight and when you wake up in the morning. it's a minute to midnight and he is Staring at the clock as the seconds tick away.
^ he puts sooo much thought into your gifts and celebration... if you Do have a party, he still makes sure to have time together alone afterward :-( asks if you had a good time and gets all happy when you thank him... he tells you it's the least he could do for you
walks in on you watching a show and asks what it's about and suddenly it's 2 hours later, you're both caught up, and he's tense because your favourite character is collecting death flags and he's worried for everyone involved right now . at least if the character dies he's already prepared to comfort you
cove when asked what he thinks the most romantic song is says the song you picked for your first dance. when asked Why he thinks so, he goes red but explains, eyes flickering over to you and a soft smile on his lips
carries your bag whenever you ask. does not matter if it's a backpack or tote bag or shaped like a chicken (something i really want) like Don't worry about it
makes a playlist with your favourite songs to play in the car so no matter where you're going, he hopes you have a good start to your day/trip
cove asks what song you're playing/humming and if you mention it's onw of your favourites, he goes out of his way to listen to it and at least sort of know the lyrics
when you move in together he's stuck in a constant happy state because he keeps looking over at things and realizing You're Living Together. you're unpacking boxes with YOUR stuff you will both cook in that kitchen you will go shopping together for decor for YOUR place he's going to SLEEP and WAKE UP to you EVERY morning
and you tease him about how you were already seeing each other every day before this and he's like well, yeah, but this is different.
supports you with all your hobbies/interests.... helping you look for a new bookshelf to keep your books/collectibles.... listening to you explain the complexities and tragedy of your favourite character/ship.... offering his opinions when asked,, he's not sure how much you should trust him, especially if he has no experience with it, but he's always a little happier after you thank him with a smile
remembers the names of people who've done you wrong. will block you from sight if you're at an event and see them and asks if you're alright or want to go somewhere else
cove always offers to help you study and quiz you if you have an exam coming up. you can also count on him to make sure you aren't stressing yourself out or sleeping too late. and then, no matter how you feel coming out of the exam, he will always make sure to treat you to something to say good job :-)
Your guy to go to if you're feeling sad or anxious. he'll do whatever you'd like/he knows would help ... taking care of your share of the chores without being asked, cuddle you for a couple hours, shower you with praise and reassurance, take you out on a date, etc
always interested in hearing what happened at an event he didn't accompany you to! even if it was just a hangout with friends, he'll listen to you recount jokes and things that happened. if it was a bigger event, he'll listen As he helps you wind down from a long day
if you have a small business, cove will actually order things himself during shop openings. as if all your stock isn't a couple rooms over and he doesn't help you pack orders. the both of you celebrate your first sale, big achievements, etc ^___^
basically literally canon but hides his face in the crook of your neck when he's feeling shy . but like (re)imagine having been in a relationship for months, years, and you kiss him in the morning like you always do but for some reason he's feeling particularly shy about it . or you just Smile at him and he's like .!!!!!!
cove will stare at you with a lovesick look on his face while you aren't looking. doesn't even realize he's doing it, he just really loves you. friends point this out to you afterward because it's so cute
he's not good at taking photos but he sure will try. like if you mention wanting more candid photos, he'll remember and try to take some. many may be questionable but there's some really good ones !! he keeps a folder of them/photos of you both and looks at it randomly :-)
cove asking your parents how to cook some of your favourite meals the way you enjoy them to surprise you..
he would do so well on those couple challenges where he's asked questions about you. your birthday? child's play. your favourite restaurant and go-to order? easy money. what your favourite field trip was when you were little kids? he was literally there.
you must at some point get a version of this seal video like... also omg. seeing the mermaids at the aquarium. genuinely so impressed and brings up the idea of a secret underwater world again
cove doing that trend where you cover him in lipstick stains and he's looking at you with heart eyes GRAAAAHH!!!
ideas i could/will write if cove wins and will NEVER write if he doesn't 🤌🔥🔥✍️ *edit: i actually don't know if he won. well.
you askingfor money and him saying okay before actually asking what for
trying out pet names on him
smth about getting ready for a fancy event together and him helping you. like.. adjusting your tie / zipping up the back of your dress .... Grah!
? nsft hcs except i'm still at least waiting for the patreon bonus story
random texts because i adore our life but i do not text like that unfortunately.! i would be like WAAAHHH!! i'd be like GBRHABAAH ?!?!?!?!?# i'd be like goodnight ^____^ <3 <3 <3 <3 >___< see u Tomorrow love of my life <3 <3 <3 (/j)
cove-centric event where all i do is cove related reqs/drabblrs GOD BLESS COVE NATION!
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@lordbugs @xfangirl-trashx @fifteenshadesofpinkk @lotus-sukimono @bakugosgrenade @vhenis @anime-ships-gay @dreamtydraw @lost-lonnie @cvhenia @mitskiologist
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i still mask bc i knew how awful a covid infection can be on the body, i read about long covid and it scared me, i never had terrible effects from covid aside from sinus problems but that was enough for me tbh. I am the only one in my house who masks, i try to tell my family to please mask and well my brother is a full on eugenicist who doesnt care about literally anything, my dad says it makes his beard itches, and my mom always says she will start but doesnt but at least she goes out of her way to buy me masks. She gets me good ones too like she got me n95 idek where she got it, in my city stores are slowly stopping the selling of masks. After the pandemic """"ended""" everyone at my highschool dropped the mask, even my friends who said it was so important stopped. Now i'm actually immunocomprimised as of verryy recently because of stuff with my liver and the doctors had no idea wtf but i was on this medication that helped alot but made me more at risk for infections and i was sooo so anxious, of not just getting covid but any viral sickness. I'm the only one in my house who masks and washes my hands religiously and i feel like the people around me simply dont care besides my mom ofc. But again she doesnt even mask herself despite saying she will, i think if i convince her enough she will start maybe. Its weird bc she works with actual disabled people and she tells me she thinks its awful how noone at her job masks even though they are directly working w disabled people who live independently, working in their own homes. Last time i got covid was in june and it lasted like 3 days but i was so worried and also angry because i am the only one who masks and washes my hands 100 times a day and i still got covid somehow, probably from my disgusting brother who is always sick. Whenever i take public transportation i always see a few people masking and it makes me happy but the vast majority of people dont mask and people bring their children on the bus without even putting a mask on them! They are children!! Aren't they more at risk of getting a beating from a sickness? I traveled earlier this year to cdmx to visit family and i was really anxious and made sure i had masks and people were boarding the plane coughing and sniffling while not even bothering to wear a mask. My very priviledged family in cdmx dont mask unless they are in downtown where the pollution is bad, and in that city i saw soo many more people masking in public and people were way more aware of the fact that we are in a pandemic compared the the city i live in Canada. I already felt guilty enough for travelling but i kinda had no choice and i still wanted to see my family but ugh. I'm really glad this blog exists because i know i'm not alone, i do see more and more people masking but its alienating. Its alrdy alienating enough being someone with very leftist politics among a fascist society and among people who are blinded by their own privilege everyday. Sorry for thr long ask, i hope ppl w similar experience see this and can relate.
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starglitterz · 2 years
Quill!!! if it's not too intrusive, pls give us your top 10 y/n moments lol!!!!
HAHAHSKDJKJSD omfg who sent this in 😭😭😭 this is so funny tho i'll def do it (shameless plug btw, i have a whole series based on my irl experiences w romance called to all the boys i've loved before [totally original, ik] u should check it out!!)
these aren't in any particular order btw it's just the ones i rmb HAHA also i think these are pretty recent i tried not to include any of the ones i alrdy have in the series 👍
10. when i went for an anime con and i had just arrived, and after taking a pic w this one cosplayer his friend (in a kirito cosplay) came up to me and asked if he could princess carry me for a pic HSKJDK
9. when i visited my highschool for a festival thing and found out that one of my juniors had a crush on me (and still did??) and had told all his friends abt how cute and pretty he thinks i am HAHAHA (a total ego boost tbh someone should have told him that i am actually not all that)
8. being in a love triangle except it wasn't really a triangle it was like my two guy best friends had crushes on me at the same time and had a falling out over me (not to be amy dunne from gone girl but i did always want 2 guys to fight over me GOODBYE)
7. this one guy that was texting me and asking me on a date kept flirting w me and it was so stupidly lame that it was cute
6. going for my college orientation party and having a few guys ask me for my insta (honestly i had never expected this would happen I WAS SO KJASKJDKSJD ABT IT)
5. at the same orientation party some random older guy tried to hit on me so i ran away and this other guy i had met earlier was rlly nice and waited w me until my transport arrived and texted later to ask if i had gotten home safely 🥺 (the bar for men is like 700 feet under the ground)
4. at the anime con (same as earlier) i got kabedoned by this girl cosplaying gojo and she said i looked rlly cute and i nearly collapsed
3. HAHA I CANT BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT THIS BUT on my birthday i went on the bus to get home and the guy behind me was in my course, and he recognised me so we were talking for a bit until he realised it was my bday, and he literally asked the guy next to him to please switch places so we could sit tgt and he could wish me properly 😭it was so cute he had like golden retriever vibes HAHA and we were talking the entire time it was vv fun
2. yk that thing where u compare hand sizes but then they hold your hand HAHAHA that actually happened to me w one of my new friends 💀 he has rlly nice hands tho so no complaints here PLSKJWDKJS
1, ok guys now this one is some real life kdrama bs istg i felt like it was a movie while it was happening 😭 so basically the bus was pretty much full and i ended up sitting next to this rlly cute guy. and my brain was going 'damn i wanna talk to him', but i had to put my purse away first. so i was trying to put it in my bag, but it slipped and fell onto the floor and he was like 'oh!', and then i had to bend down and pick it up while thinking 'NOO this is so embarrassing he probably thinks im a dumbass'. and then i managaed to embarrass myself further 👍 guess what? while trying to sit back up again i literally hit my head against the chair in front of me and went 'ow!' out loud and the guy was like 'oh no are you okay 😭⁉' and i was like 'yeah... just super embarrassed HAHA' and we started talking from there KJSDKSJD i could talk abt this forever bc so much cute stuff happened but tldr he was like the total package but then i got ghosted BYE
ok thanks for coming to my ted talk as u can see i love talking abt myself pls feel free to ask more but i don't think i have any more romantic experiences atm 😭😭😭 i'm currently trying to manic pixie dream girl one of my guy friends in college so we can see how that goes ig LMAO,,, anyways thanks 4 reading ! interact w this post and give me validation please and thanks <3 (/hj)
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gaaraist · 4 years
i had a list of question numbers i wanted to ask but it got too loong so multiples of 4 instead dfor the horribel asks
omfg.... ok i dont know my multiples of 4 beware
4.  Are you insecure?
yes im insane as well
8.  Played any sports?
nothing past what i was forced to do in gym. i tried football tho
12.  Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
probably ...??
16. already answered ^^
20.  Where was the last place you snogged someone?
WTF IS SNOGGED wait i googled it kiss??? um i last kissed someone behind a really big rock at the bus stop it was my first kiss ^_^ Um. that was seventh grade YIKES
24.  What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
28.  Have you ever been cheated on?
nooope. i hope. ive only had one gf but she was pretty sweet i dont think she did
32.  What is your favourite color?
i love all colours except purple 
36. alrdy answered :)
40.  Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
52.  Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
no fuck fate 
this is so many ... help devi also the 40s were missing LOL
56.  How many people have you fist fought?
only my little brothers
60.  Do you wanna get married?
YES YES YES YES PLEASEEEEE i wont talk abt my ideal wedding i would sound insane but i would like one very much
64.  Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
well we havent talked in like over 5 years so i guess ?? 
68.  Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
ergh calvin my bff  😥 😥
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hwangskz · 5 years
call me by your name | boyfriend(s)! minsung
there's no way that i can watch a beautiful movie and not write an au abt it
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• it was in the summer of 2016 when they first met
• they both were standing outside the swimming center, waiting along with other strangers, for the door to open
• when suddenly it was announced on a huge microphone that was placed on the counter, that the no more space is left for any other customer to come in
• and obviously everyone was annoyed
• jisung sat down with his back against the wall of the building
• "i really should've stayed at home in the ac.."
• "me too"
• jisung looked up to see a beautiful man looking down at him and smiling
• "hello"
• "....hi?"
• minho sighed as he looked around to see no one else there, as jisung's eyes followed his movements
• "well..im kinda free today and have nothing better to do, so like.. do u wanna get something from the convenience store?"
• jisung knew he shouldn't go around w strangers
• (jisung ur gonna get urself killed someday like this istg,,,,)
• "sure"
• so they were on their way to a convenience store
• and it was pretty? quiet?
• minho was ok w it. he wasn't much of a speaker anyway
• but jisung,,,,, THIS BOY !! had to make a conversation
• "it's pretty.. hot rn,, isn't it?"
• "yeah"
• minho went back to looking around them, searching for THAT ONE air-conditioned convenience store he saw on his way to the swimming center
• he would've been ok with shutting tf up but he thought the other didn't like his company?? (even tho minho was literally the one who asked him to come to the store w him JSHSH)
• and it didn't help that he was an extremely cute boy ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚
• Jisung's First Impression Self-Coordinator can u shut up jisung is alrdy anxious w having this beautiful man beside him AND GUESS WHAT U R NOT HELPING!!!!!!
• all this time jisung kept thinking abt what discussion topics there were to exist so that he can talk to him
• "debate? nah arguing isn't a good first impression.."
• "global warming? it's all around social media with fake woke people anyways jisung what are u trying...."
• "the summer? i mean we kinda alrdy did.."
• and ALL THIS TIME jisung didn't even have a single clue that he was speaking this out loud
• and yes minho had heard it all
• he laughed quietly which caught jisung's attention
• "????? did something happen ?????"
• minho tried to not smile at the cute boy and shook his head no
• he looked beside him one more time and
• "!!!! BITCH I FOUND IT !!!! COME ON!!!!"
• "?? what-"
• jisung was ABSOLUTELY thrown off when the cold air hit him
• "just call me minho"
• minho told him to get a seat for the both of them while he got a strawberry and a chocolate milk, one for him and one for jisung, and then proceeded to pass him his drink as he held his in his hand and sat down opposite to jisung
• as jisung slurped his drink, minho had head on his palm and watched the other
• jisung looked up to see the other looking at him Like That and his heart probably did something too
• "w-why are u looking at me like that?"
• "u still haven't told me ur name"
• "...han jisung"
• "cute"
• minho, satisfied, picked up his drink and slurped it
• and jisung just.. sat there looking at his new friend
• and probably crush
• "what year were u born in?"
• "........2000....why"
• "oh,, so i'm 2 years older than u..hm..."
• "why do u ask tho"
• "trying to see something"
• "see what"
• he smirked as he held his head in his palm again and looked up at jisung
• "maybe the universe wants us to be together"
• jisung felt his cheeks heat up and minho chuckled at the sight of his red cheeks
• "has anyone ever told u that it's pretty wildt to flirt with someone when u have just met them"
• "has anyone ever told u how pretty u look when ur blushing"
• "i- !!!!!!!!!! MINHO PLS"
• days went by really quickly
• and soon they were best friends
• hung out at each other's places and stole food
• had movie marathons
• fought for the slice of pizza and the last piece of chicken
• u name it
• and like a routine, they were at the convenience store
• but today? they ran out of strawberry milk AND chocolate milk
• what misery o(╥﹏╥)o
• so instead he just got a chocolate cake for jisung
• "?? why this sudden change in menu??"
• "it's only for today. they ran out of all flavored milks today so i got this instead, because u once said that u loved chocolate cakes"
• ":0......thank u......"
• jisung got the cake and started having small bites of it when he looked up to see minho smiling at him; nothing in front of him
• "why aren't u eating?"
• "i don't like chocolate cake so ill probably just eat something tomorrow when i wake up bcs im too tired to make anything today"
• "but won't u get too hungry (・_・) ? by then (・_・) ?"
• "eh, it's fine"
• jisung was NOT having it
• "wait ill just buy u some fire noodles"
• "u don't need to do that"
• "jisung that frown doesn't look good ur cute face pls.."
• "... ok"
• jisung got the ramen and poured some hot water in it and covered it, followed by placing in it front of minho
• "here u go"
• ".. thank u"
• there was complete silence before jisung spoke up again
• "do me a favor and..... kinda tone it down? ur compliments towards me at the slightest of things.. i mean.."
• he didn't mind it, really
• "did that make u uncomfortable-"
• "no,, it just does something to my heart"
• minho looked him in the eye
• "what do you mean?"
• jisung gave him a sad smirk
• "i thought u will know to take hints like this the best."
• minho looked down; he did know what it meant, just too scared to come out
• jisung sighed and pointed at the cup of ramen
• "eat up. it's ready."
• after they were done at the store, they walked towards the bus stop, just like everyday
• but something seemed different today
• they stood still when they reached the bus stop, waiting for the bus to appear so that minho can reach his place
• "about that thing i said earlier.. i'm sorry"
• minho turned his head towards jisung
• "what are u talking about?"
• "about the thing with compliments.. i'm sorry if that made u uncomfortable.. or dislike me in any sort of wa-"
• jisung was cut off with minho's lips on his, and his hand behind jisung's head
• minho pulled away and looked at him
• "i could never, ever, hate u."
• and that's how, fast forward to a month later, right now, they ended up in the same bed
• with jisung's face pressed to minho's chest as his head rests on jisung's head, gently stroking through his hair
• "jisung.. i can't believe it's been so long since we met, you know?"
• jisung only hummed
• "and i'm so glad i got the courage to confess to u that day.. otherwise this, us, it wouldn't have had happened"
• "yeah"
• minho slid down to match jisung's height and gently smiled at him, jisung returning one
• "call me by your name, and i'll call you by mine."
• "jisung."
• "minho."
• they both exhaled and chuckled
• when suddenly
• "jisung?"
• "yes?"
• minho sighed and closed his eyes shut one more time before opening them and staring at jisung with determination
• it was gonna be a big day for him
• "i am in love with you, han jisung."
• jisung's breath hitched
• he should've seen this coming
• so jisung only sadly smiled and pressed a gentle kiss on minho's forehead before getting up and sitting on the foot of the bed, causing a confused minho to get up too
• "..jisung?"
• jisung looked back at minho one last time before saying
• "maybe the universe doesn't want us to be together."
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chillihansol · 6 years
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barista!seungkwan (click for HD)
seungkwan as a barista is equal to being friends with evERYONE
unlike junhui, seungkwan works near the city and a bit further from the college campus,,
which means he gets to encounter different kind of people,, and he's pretty much close to them
i mean,,, he's seungkwan, what do you expect
he's been working on the coffee shop for a year and his manager loves him so much
his open personality is one of the reasons why their usual customers keep coming back to their shop
like,,his smile just brights up their day + a cup of coffee
what more do you ask for?
and seungkwan himself loves his job too,, esp that it's very stable and he adds the money he earns from it to his allowance
so,,,you are seungkwan's co-worker.
but you've been only working there for six months and seungkwan constantly nags you about it
"did that guy just asked for your number?! ive been working here for a year now but no one ever asked for mine!"
"my usual customer just came to look for you bc she said you make her coffee much better than i do and im offended bc ive been here longer than you do"
"if you plan to takeover my job, im stopping you now bc im your senior"
but you were never pissed about his statements bc he became your best friend
he helped you adapt on your job when you first came in
and he's been very enthusiastic whenever you're around
basically, he's just naturally enthusiastic and that's the main reason why every customer loves him
one time, seungkwan has to work overtime bc he needed to buy something for his project in college
and he's not pleasant about this idea bc it means he has to work with seungcheol
yes, seungcheol is your co-worker too but that is another story :))
if everyone loves seungkwan,,,, every girl loves seungcheol
and seungkwan is not happy about that bc seungcheol is taking his customers away lol
sometimes, he tried watching seungcheol's flirty antics but he saw nOTHING
he'd yell at seungcheol once the customers are gone "hOW DO YOU MAKE THEM BLUSH BY JUST SMILING!?"
and mr choi would just smile at him innocently as if he wasnt aware of his charm
and that is the reason why seungkwan has a love/hate friendship with seungcheol
anyhow,, the coffee shop you and him are working to also offers friday night gigs
basically, some acoustic bands, or solo artists perform during friday night
one of your friends joshua is a usual peformer
but that again is another story :>
so,, have i mention that seungkwan's major is broadcasting?????
well yeah,, he wants to be a radio show host or a dj someday, thats why..
and his job as a barista helped him develop an approaching and chering personality for broadcasting
that is why he loves his job as a barista,,,,
moving on,,, friday gigs are mentioned earlier,,
seungkwan himself is a gREAT SINGER
LIKE, the first time you heard him sing in a low volume while he's brewing a coffee,,, your eyes widened and you slapped him in the back (and he almost spilled the coffee, thanks to you)
he shot you a very mad glare bc you literally !!! almost !!! spilled !!! the !! order !!!!!!! and you didnt even care !!!!
so yeah,, after hearing him sing, you immediately told your manager about his talent
and seungkwan was called to sing on friday night gigs if he's not busy
luckily for you and seungcheol, seungkwan's performance doesn't scope your shifts so both of you get to watch him
his first performance
was very
as seungkwan stepped on the mini stage of the café
it seemed like he was a different kind of person
his aura immediately turned into a singer/artist
you were sitting close to his stage together with seungcheol, joshua, and dokyeom,
and as seungkwan started singing
the three boys poked your sides and wiggled their eyebrows
"you have heart eyes for seungkwan"
"what?! no i dont!"
"yes you do, and your face is a blushing mess"
"that's just the lighting"
and you kept lying to them bc really !!! his voice is the best thing you ever heard in your life
you wonder if you are alrdy in heaven :''')
and that was the time you knew you have feelings for the boy
lol,, ofc the other three boys knew too
seungkwan was given more attention and payment after his first performance
so as the coffee shop,,
since he was pretty popular in the area and in the school so few students make sure to watch his friday night gigs
even his broadcasting projects
speaking of broadcasting,,
seungkwan had to take a break from working on the shop for a week bc of school matter
so seungcheol had to take over his shift and you have to work with him
it wasnt easy,, during the first day, seungkwan’s absence is eating your system
you just miss his presence
his happy smile
and his welcoming remarks to you every time you see each other
even his nagging when you tend to spill a few liquids on the platter lol
you just miss everything about him
so the whole week of seungkwan’s absence was hELL
seungcheol noticed this from you too
“you miss seungkwan, do you”
“okay, you can stop lying y/n”
“i swear im gonna tell our manager that you dont make good coffee”
“okay i’ll stop”
but you really did miss him
a lot
and seungkwan’s usual customers missed him too,, :( what a cutie
seungkwan, on the other hand, was itching to go back to the shop
bc, ofc, he miss his job
the ambiance of the coffee shop
the aroma of natural coffee beans
the homey vibe
his customers
and at some point,,
he missed you too
it’s not like seungkwan resigned,, his job as a barista is still existing 
and after his hell week
he was running from school immediately go to the shop
he also asked the bus driver if he could drive faster lol
and when he stepped inside, he was like
and it felt really as if it was his second home
except that he didn’t see your familiar figure behind the counter
instead of you, seungcheol was the one who was cleaning the mugs
and a new face
unfamiliar person btw
a new girl
as seungcheol’s eyes landed on seungkwan, his lips immediately tugged into a huge grin !!!!!!!
while seungkwan had a very subtle frown that he tried to hide from seungcheol
“where’s y/n?”
“oh what, you didnt even say that you miss me? you immediately asked for y/n?”
“but it’s her shift right?”
“right, about that, y/n was moved into a new shift and only has to work for three days. says that her schedule in college was getting hectic”
seungkwan’s heart clenched at that
you are his barista buddy
his bickering buddy
his nagging buddy
his everything buddy
and you were replaced by another barista
“aww, my lil seungkwan seemed very sad that i moved into another shift”
he immediately whipped around from the sound of your voice
and you were there standing before him with a huge smile on your face
he threw his arms around you
and you laughed so loudly
seungcheol was wiggling his eyebrows, jsyk
“y/n !!!!!!!!!! i missed you, you annoying kid!”
seungkwan wanted to ask you a lot of things about the barista job but he didnt want to offend the new worker so he pulled your sleeves and walked away from the counter
“why do you have to move?! i dont wanna train another person!”
he nagged at you again
and at that time you just want to squish his cheeks
he’s cute, okay
“who says you have to work with her? seungcheol’s working with her, we were both moved into the same working hours”
his eyes widen and he was like !!!!
yehey !!!!
tho, dont forget that you only get to work with seungkwan for only three days
and it drives him crazy bc he has to do all the work during the four other days
and bc he wants to see your ugly pretty face
at that point, he’s sure that he had developed feelings for you alrdy
you are just his home
so one time, he didnt hesitate to tell you about it
but he’s speaking too fast like he’s rapping
im sure he learned it from his best friend aka hvc aka vernon
you were washing the mugs on the sink when seungkwan leaned his back against the kitchen counter and he looked down at you
“what do you want seungkwan”
“y/n ive been meaning to tell you this butiamalsoverynervousactuallyijustreallylikeyoulikereallylikenotjustbecauseweareworkingtogetherandihadtogetalongwithyoubutireallylikeyouasapersonandpleasedontmakemefeelembarrassimjusttryingtoconfesstoyou”
the ceramic mug almost slipped from your grip as you listened to every single word he said
and you caught the mug btw, and all of his words
mainly bc you’re tired of hearing seungcheol rap and you learned to understand everything he raps about
carefully, you placed down the mug on the sink and wiped your hands on your apron to dry them
once you did, you engulfed your arms on seungkwan’s torso and buried your face on his chest
“i like you too, silly”
you could practically hear his heartbeat that time
so you and him started dating after that
nagging each other was part of your relationship
but it wasnt really offensive bc you both understand each other
and you always tease him for hearing his heartbeat when he confessed to you lololol
even tho you two are both baristas
coffee dates were not your thing unlike junhui 
instead, karaoke dates are YOUR THING
you were shy to let him hear you sing at first 
but as you got comfortable around him, you didnt really care
like seungkwan would just wrap his arms around you to support himself from falling on the floor bc he’s laughing too hard on your exaggerated singing
and since he’s a broadcasting major, he has practicals of radio show, and you always listen to those
you’re also there when seungkwan sings for friday night gigs
both of you are just so happy to be together
and to work on the cafe
his first ‘i love you’ was said after he dedicated a song to you on one of his gigs
and he always says that he loves you before he ends the radio show they do
sometimes, when you’re tired on work, he’d make you a cup of coffee and whisper a low and sweet ‘i love you’ to your ear and would kiss your temple afterwards
he likes saying ‘i love you a latte’ tho
junhui is not having it
you too
but you tell him that too when you’re feeling extra and when junhui is not around on group hangouts
you often bring seungkwan a cup of coffee (from the campus cafe where junhui works) to give him energy throughout the day
and he’s kiss your cheek for that
while vernon fakely gags from that sight
and so, you and him were known as the barista couple on the coffee shop
his usual customers became your friends too
in fact they sometimes tease seungkwan by saying they like your coffee more than seungkwan’s
he’d pout at you after hearing that
and you’d slightly tap his lower lip (when the customer is still there)
but you’d press a quick peck on it when the customer leaves
your relationship with seungkwan is just pure sweet
very contrary to woozi’s taste of coffee
and you love him a latte
Tumblr media
☕ more barista!au: s.coups  | jeonghan  |  joshua  |  junhui  |  hoshi  | wonwoo  |  woozi  |  dokyeom  |  mingyu  |  the8  |  seungkwan  |  vernon  |  dino
layout credit; by pdmapatil © to the owner of the photos. I do not own any of the photos used.
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wannawrite · 7 years
Dance Boy? Flower Boy?
Wanna One’s Park Woojin X Reader [ fem ver ] FLUFF I THINK Word count: 3786 • Woojin isn’t exactly happy on his second day of his summer job • he really would rather be at his dance studio practicing but no, he got ropes into this ridiculous job • maybe you will finally put a smile on this flower boy’s face :) omf okay anon you’re changing the game here by requesting flower boy woojin oh god i can’t picture it but at the same time i can but tysm anon, this scenario was fun to write and i lowkey can’t wait to expand my flower boy series hAHAHAH should it be? let me know ;) - admin L __________ 
Woojin glared at Daehwi, partially unamused and partially two seconds away from breaking Daehwi’s neck. He tossed the pastel coloured flyer back at the younger boy and scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. Park Woojin rarely showed his temper, especially to Lee Daehwi, of all people. Hell! He had grown up with his boy and they were pretty much brothers! He hardly ever was angered by anything Daehwi had done. Woojin was shy, awkward and sometimes petty more than anything, so him flaring up over this was a huge thing. Maybe his anger rose because, as much as it hurt his pride and image, he was also disappointing Daehwi.
“Daehwi, you know I’d do anything for you, but I can’t do this,” Woojin said calmly despite his clearly angered exterior. He shut his eyes, sucking in a deep breath to tamper his outburst. Daehwi smiled sadly, folding back the flyer and tucking it back into his bag. He shrugged his shoulders and tried to look nonchalant as he said, “I-I guess it’s okay, hyung. I…I just wanted to do something interesting together this summer! B-but, I understand.” Even though he was visibly upset at Woojin’s upright rejection, he still hugged his hyung. “I’ll see you tomorrow! Don’t worry about it!” Daehwi skipped out of Brand New High School’s dance studio. He didn’t dance on the school team but he did attend classes almost every day at another studio, that’s how he got close to Woojin. Woojin ran a hand through his bird nest like hair, letting out a sigh. He began to pack up his duffle bag but Daehwi’s offer resonated in his head. Lee Daehwi, the president of English Language Drama and Debate Society, his best friend, had asked if he wanted to join him in working at the newly opened flower boy cafe for the summer. He was completely convinced that Woojin was the perfect candidate and that he would be hired. Half the male population in this damn school is applying. What makes him think I’ll get it? True, Woojin was looking for a summer job. It wasn’t like he desperately needed one but he figured he should slog a little to earn money instead of idling at home all day. But when he thought of a job, he didn’t exactly consider working at a flower boy cafe or even a coffee shop for that matter. He knew he could be shy and awkward, sometimes coming across as cold or menacing. It wasn’t a typical personality type for any job that required face-to-face human interaction. Things could escalate…pretty fast. Ugh! I’m thinking too much about this. I need to start leaving before I miss the last bus home. Woojin stuffed his water bottle into his bag, hastily changed his shirt and grabbed his bag. He locked the studio and left. It had become a regular routine for him. Staying back well after school, practicing hard for hours - on occasion, his good friends in college and Senior year like Youngmin or Donghyun would drop by and sometimes Daehwi kept him company - before being the last to leave the studio and locking up. The dance studio was like his home and he planned to spend every second of the summer dancing at Fantagio Dance Studio should he not find a job. Along with Daehwi, Youngmin and Donghyun, Ong Seongwoo, also danced there. He was a close friend during middle school but he enrolled into a different high school. He was now in the same college as Youngmin. Perhaps hyung will have an answer…..I should ask him. He always has an answer to everything. I really hate to upset Daehwi, and he knows that. Hyung will know what to do. 
“Wow! That was great! Woojin, you worked hard. I can tell you have improved,” Seongwoo commented, beaming and he dabbed a clean towel to his face. He smacked Woojin on the shoulder, nodding in approval. It was their weekly dance session. Originally, they would be taught and observed by a sunbae but Seongwoo recently started choreographing and teaching his own dance classes so he booked the studio to evaluate Woojin. He always joked that Woojin would soon be joining him on the board of choreographers and teachers. ( um he alrdy is tho ?? what am i doing with my life ) “T-thanks, hyung,” Woojin stammered, cheeks flushing pink and not solely because he had just finished an intense choreography. After he had caught his breath, he posed the question to Seongwoo. “Hyung, Lee Daehwi invited me to… work at the new flower boy cafe for the summer. Do you think I should?” Seongwoo nearly spit out his water, his large eyes went wide, mimicking a manga character. He coughed and cleared his throat. “Well, funny you should mention that. Park Jihoon asked me the same thing and, u-uh…I applied for the job?” His tone went up an octave so it came out like a question. Seongwoo laughed and bashfully scratched the back of his neck. “Yah! Just because of this doesn’t mean I’m not your favourite hyung anymore. Besides, I think it will be a good change of scenery. Sure, I’m earning a bit through teaching but I suppose I need to try something new before I get too old,” he reasoned. “Woojin-ah, it’ll be fun. Come join us. I think it’s called Our Two Lips. Like tulips but….yeah. I’m not the biggest fan of it either.” “Do you think I should apply too? Would I even qualify?” Woojin pressed, he really needed answers urgently! He began bouncing on his toes. “It’s really up to you but I think it will be a good idea. Daehwi is sure to get in so I think we should all try to hop on board his flower boy train. But it depends on you, Woojin. What do you want?” Seongwoo chuckled in reply. “You’ll make the right decision. It’s up to you.” He ruffled his dongsaeng’s hair affectionately. And that’s how Park Woojin found himself at 11.56pm applying for the job as a flower boy at Our Two Lips, four minutes ( sobs bc 4Minute ) before applications closed. He wasn’t sure if he made the right decision or not. 
You were waiting at the traffic junction to cross the road, the illuminated red man glaring back at you. It was a pleasant summer day, the sky was Atlantic blue and white fluffy clouds dotted it, reminding you of cotton candy. You were on your way to meet a couple of your friends after dancing, they wanted to try out the food at Our Two Lips - the new flower boy cafe - and at first you opposed the idea but couldn’t pass up free food. There was no doubt your friends had dressed to the nines. Of course, you had changed into a more comfortable set of a trendy shirt and shorts but your dance bag was still slung around your body, you hoped it wasn’t a fashion disaster. Even though you weren’t as interested in Our Two Lips as your friends, you were curious to discover the truth about rumours of Park Woojin, a sunbae at Fantagio Dance Studio and your crush, working there. You had been introduced to Woojin by Seongwoo, he conducted a class with just the two of you and occasionally, you’d see Woojin around the studio. He often went home late, just like you. Though the two of you were rather good pals, you figured that was all Woojin wanted the two of you to be. Woojin was made out of the most perfect boyfriend material. He was diffident yet outgoing and a ball of energy. A true sunshine in its purest form. He was a gentleman, always holding the studio doors open but slamming them on Jihoon. You found their friendship hilarious. And like him, you adored practicing late by yourself in the studio, if he could, he would offer to walk you back home and at times, buy you a smoothie on the journey. Woojin mentioned his hyung worked there so he constantly got discounts. Still, you felt bad whenever he ignored your credit card and paid, it made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside though. Seongwoo swore that the two of you would end up together by Christmas but you weren’t sure. If Woojin is more comfortable being friends then so be it. We don’t even attend the same schools, he could have found someone else. Just the mere thought of it caused your heart to crack. It was painful to imagine Woojin with someone else. It was selfish of you, you knew that but you couldn’t help the feelings bubbling inside of you. However, you knew where to draw the line. If Woojin really had somebody, you would back off. You weren’t going to risk losing a friend because of something like that. Anyway, you made it safely to Our Two Lips and joined your friends in the booth they were seated in. True enough, all of them had dressed up very well. “Oh my god! Y/N! I’m going to die! Bae Jinyoung from C9 International Academy is working here!” Your best friend, Lucy, yelled into your ear. Her face was practically comparable to her strawberry smoothie. Bomin whispered something about Sungwoon looking absolutely delicious in his flower crown and peach coloured button down. You kept your eyes peeled for Woojin, trying to spot even the slightest signs of his presence. Unfortunately or fortunately, Bae Jinyoung was managing your table. You weren’t sure if your heart was able to handle all that Woojin brought to the table. Chaesol giggled when she saw your antics. “Yah, Y/N. We get it, you’re worried about your man. Bomin saw him a few minutes ago. Those rumours were definitely true.” Lucy ‘oohed’, smiling knowingly. Everyone knew about your crush on Woojin, it was embarrassing yet you wanted the whole world to know. Just not Woojin. Anyone but him. You were halfway through your red velvet cupcake when Chaesol firmly nudged you in the ribs using her elbow. She nodded her head to her right. Finally, Park Woojin appeared. 
What did I get myself into? What have I done to deserve this? I did nothing wrong. Woojin’s head was usually filled with jumbled up and meaningless thoughts but he was dead set on this one. He officially wanted to quit this job on his second day. Why? All the customers at tables he served had asked him to do something sweet or cute which he became incredibly flustered at first but after the fifth time, he sort of numbed off and forced a smile on his face. It wasn’t who he really was. But he put on a mask and continued to work because he deserved his cheque after putting so much effort into his aegyo. Every few minutes, his flower crown would loosen and he would be forced to tie it back while running from table to table. It was just too demanding but at the same time, it was what he kind of signed up for. I should be dancing, he thought. Maybe I’ll get to see Y/N at the studio instead of these people. No offence but I think that girl is a Freshman in Brand New High School and runs that creepy ‘hottest students’ blog. He shuddered at the thought of it. I bet that dude next to her takes all the pictures. Weren’t they suspended? He was distracted and distraught. This really wasn’t his scene. In fact, he had been resting in the break room, needing fresh air, until Seongwoo shouted that Y/N had entered. Immediately, he was alert and felt energised. He nearly did a double take when he saw you seated in the booth, surrounded by your friends. You were laughing at a joke that Bomin made and Woojin thought your laugh was absolute music to his ears. Your smile lit up his own. He went about attending to the tables a bit more enthusiastically. Meanwhile, Seongwoo was busy telling all the flower boys about Woojin’s insane crush on you. Daehwi and Jihoon just stood in the corner sipping tea. Woojin wasn’t around your table for the most part but one by one, your friends started to leave and you decided to sit and wait for him. He was rather perplexed you were sitting alone and since his shift was over soon, he tore off his apron and walked over to you. “Hi.”  Woojin’s warm honey voice sent calming shivers down your spine. “Oh! Hi, Woojin. Y-you didn’t mention you would be working here,” you mused, batting your eyelashes. Woojin looked apologetic. “I’m sorry. It’s not something I want everyone to know of though,” he admitted, groaning slightly. “It really doesn’t suit me.” You giggled and leaned closer to fix his flower crown properly. His heart nearly stopped functioning. What is a normal heart rate? What is breathing properly? “Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll get better at your job. It’ll be fun, especially with all your friends around you. Just promise me I’ll see you soon at the studio,” you said, offering your pinky out for him to clasp. He gladly did, beaming and showing off his charming snaggletooth. “Of course, I’ll always be back home.“ 
This occurrence happened quite frequently. ‘This’ meaning you, visiting Woojin at his job at Our Two Lips after your dance session, some visits alone and other times with a bunch of your friends. They couldn’t shut up about how many times you had been to the stupid cafe you swore off. Daehwi, Seongwoo and Jihoon teased you constantly, especially when they bumped into you at the studio. They went on and on about how Woojin had seemingly become more lively whenever you were around him. It was cute. Woojin couldn’t be the one serving your table all the time and he looked apologetic. Maybe even a little ticked off when he saw how well you were getting along with Baejin. He resembled a sad puppy, shuffling away. ( i love dogs ) However, Baejin and Sungwoon were out of sight today and he finally managed to wait on you. “Hello! I’m Woojin. What can I get for you today?” He greeted, smiling to show off his pearly whites. Today, Woojin had spent extra time clipping in faux flower petals in his hair instead of his flower crown. He wanted to try something new and different. You, for one, thought they were really pretty and unique. “I like your hair today, it’s very pretty,” you complimented, waiting for a blushing, bashful Woojin to appear. His cheeks did flush a bright pink but instead of completely melting down, he came back with a heart fluttering response. “Thank you, but nothing compares to your beauty,” he replied suavely, clasping your hand and bringing it to his lips. If you could, you would have chemically combusted right in your seat. You cleared your throat but your current heart rate wasn’t exactly cleared off the 'seizure’ line. “Ahh, look at you. Your confidence is soaring. What happened to the old Woojin?” ( o, the old woojin can’t talk right now. why? he’s dead ) Woojin fiddled with his pen and notebook, a key sign that he was getting really…shy. Or impatient. There was no in between. You quickly placed your order and he shuffled back to the kitchen, self-consciously patting his clips. Oh my god, Y/N just complimented me! I should go and check to see if my clips are in place. “Yo, Sungwoon hyung, cover for me for a second.” He raced to the break room and broke open his backpack, rushing to touch up his makeup and neaten his appearance. Woojin took a deep breath before stepping out again, refraining from clutching his heart. “Are you going to confess?” Sungwoon asked, smirking. “I think you should. Y/N has been waiting for you ever since you started. She’s a keeper. Not to mention she always has supported you in your dance.” A million thoughts ran through Woojin’s mind. Suddenly, a lightbulb ignited in his head. “Sungwoon hyung,” he started, voice dripping with honey. “Could you…help me with something?” Sungwoon grinned and crossed his arms over his chest. “You can count on me.”
You were mildly surprised and amused when Woojin literally hopped towards your table. Hopped. Okayyy, this so isn’t like the Woojin I know but this is pretty funny. Woojin set your smoothie on the table. He bounced in his place and made rabbit ears. “Y/N, has bunny Woojin hopped into your heart?��� ( woOJIN SWEETIE I AM SO SORRY ) He bobbed closer, fished out a flower from his back pocket and proceeded to offer it to you. It’s like they had high-quality flowers lying around all the time. Who’s paying for these? You wondered but gratefully accepted the stalk, thanking him. Still, he didn’t leave. “Y/N, did you know that bunnies hunt? I think I’m on the hunt for your love,” he professed dramatically. This is Seongwoo….This is not Woojin. Seongwoo has possessed him. You burst out laughing and forced yourself not to cringe. “Ugh! Who taught you these?” Woojin pouted. “Yah! I thought of these. It was so hard! Am I not cute?” He whined but his voice started to waver. You smiled and patted his shoulder. “You’re like the Easter bunny, sweet but hollow on the inside. Woojin is cute but, but not as much when you’re like this. I’m not saying I totally hate it though. The first one was good,” you confessed, hoping he wasn’t hurt. “Thanks for the flower anyways. It’s almost as gorgeous as you.” He nodded sheepishly and backed away when Jinyoung called for him. You sighed and rubbed your temples. No wonder he hates his job, but his aegyo isn’t terrible. I bet Daehwi has been teaching him a few tricks. Should I save him as flower boy on my phone now? 
“Hyung, full offence but your idea was terrible,” Woojin blurted out flatly, face hot. “She hated it!” Seongwoo raised a perfectly plucked brow. “I only suggested it. It’s on you that you went with my suggestion,” he retorted, pointing out the obvious and smiled smugly when Woojin had no reply. “Woah! Calm down, there’s still a ton of other things you could do! Don’t give up yet, hyung,” Daehwi encouraged. He shoved a bunch of things that Woojin was unfamiliar with into his arms. “Wha-what?” “Just go!” Woojin stared at the strange items. He had no clue what to do with those. Is this a pink bow hairband? And silly string? What does Daehwi even carry to work? He was confused and slumped in defeat. I’ll just need to accept the fact that Y/N is the sunshine in my life. She gives me warmth and makes me happy but she’s too distant and hot to touch. Sungwoon found him sulking in the break room - there weren’t many people at this hour - and joined him. He rubbed his back affectionately. “Yah, why are you like this? Don’t be demoralised.” Woojin squeezed his eyes shut, leaning his head on the headrest of the sofa. “I don’t know. Nothing’s working out for me. What am I going to do?” “Well, I know you appreciate all the ideas and help we’re giving but maybe….maybe you need to strip that off. Just go to her like the Woojin she knows and loves. You have to be yourself,” Sungwoon advised. He hoped that his hypothesis would work. “B-but how? How can I do that? I’m so awkward and shy. I’m not good at aegyo or anything of that sort,” Woojin groaned. He looked like he wanted to pull his hair out. Sungwoon hummed. “I’m sure you will figure it out. I can help you with one component. Just tell me what Y/N’s favourite dessert is.” That was a no-brainer for Woojin, he knew the answer immediately. Sungwoon nodded as he stood up. “Got it. I think you know what to do too." 
You were tucked in your chair, head buried in your novel you needed to study for literature over the summer. The cafe was quiet and cozy, just the way you wanted it to be. An envelope fell on your table, but whoever delivered it walked away before you could see who it was. Puzzled, you peeled it open. Dear Y/N, hello. it’s me. park woojin. I wanted to thank you for being an amazing friend, always staying by me when I’m dancing late at the studio and now, even visiting me at work and supporting me. It’s crazy how far you’re willing to go for your friends. I suppose you deserve to know a few things. If not, it’d be unfair to both of us. I just want to say that I like you. Like, I genuinely like you. As more than a friend. I don’t mind if you don’t feel the same way but I want us to still be friends. If you do feel the same way, put the letter down and look on your table. With your heart about to thud out of your chest and butterflies erupting in your stomach, you complied and set the letter on the table. You gasped at what was placed on it. It was your favourite dessert that Woojin always bought for you when you walked past that cafe. It wasn’t even on the menu here. You could feel tears brimming your eyes, you were touched beyond belief. Next to the dessert, a cursive 'be mine?’ was written in chocolate sauce. You clasped your hands over your mouth. It’s happening! It’s really happening! Woojin settled in the seat in front of you, his gaze locked with your own. "So,” he started, confidence surprisingly coming off strongly in his tone “I guess you now know. Y/N, will you date me?” “YES!” you squeaked, earning a few curious stares. You pretty much threw yourself on him, crushing him in a bear hug. Woojin only laughed and kissed the top of your head. “Who knew you were such a big romantic?” You teased but your voice was muffled by his chest. “Who knew you would fall for a hopeless romantic?” Woojin retorted, raising his eyebrows. “Are you serious? You like me?” In reply, you pecked him on the cheek and nodded. “Yes. For like a long time now.” “I hope you’re my girlfriend for a long time.” Discreetly, in the kitchen, upon hearing the excited shrieks, Sungwoon reached over and high-fived Jisung. “We make a good team, bro.” “Bro, your hands are so nice.” “Bro….” ( HwAT IS THIS ENDING BUT 2SUNG IS SO CUTE )
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the-v-gan · 7 years
Tagged by @marksonislovely (thanksssss mommmm ♡)
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20ppl… THE LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phonecall: Home 3. Text message: my friendu @blurguppy 4. Song you listened to: GOT7 ‘Go higher’ (you can imagine me turning up on the bus as i travel to school) 5. Time you cried: the two nights before (I watched Fly in Seoul Final and the boys was just so emotional and my heart just) 6. Dated someone twice: nope (i am a virgin at dating, so don’t even ask) 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no (i am also a virgin at this) 8. Been cheated on: ehhhhhh if friends are considered, yes. (I SWEAR) 9. Lost someone special: yes 10. Been depressed: ?? (what is this even) 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope (also virgin at this omg i need a life)
12-14: Red, white, blue
15. Made new friends: yeahhhhhhh
16. Fallen out of love: Fell in love instead (with 7 boys) (where all my ahgases at)
17. Laughed until you cried: always
18. Found out someone was talking about you: nope (no shade pls)- WAIT THERE WAS
19. Met someone who changed you: yessie  ♡
20. Found out who your friends are: yes, in a good way
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope (i am a child ok someone teach me on how to live a life) (and my facebook is prolly ded)
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: ehhhhh idk haaaaaaaaa once again what facebook
23. Do you have any pets: no (I want a golden retriever and all the types of dogs omg♡)
24. Do you want to change your name: nope nope nope (even though my friend has brought back that spongebob joke)
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: dinner with my fam; received gifts from friends omg they are the sweetest
26. What time did you wake up: what is wake up, more like wake me up inside (i cant wake up)
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: drawing mark’s ceci photos until my eyes felt like it was falling out
28. Name something you can’t wait for: graduation (??) (i want my diploma)
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: an hour agoooooooo 
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: hmmmmm maybe my sweat glands (am i answering this right) because my skin is raining 24/7 i swear its hot all the time out here.
31. What are you listening right now: listening to the sound of the air conditioner in the quiet lab (and i heard footsteps in here) (this place isnt haunted right)
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no, but I have talked to someone called Jerry (tom holland talk to me pls)
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: when someone gets butthurt so easily and is gets salty about it like what even 
34. Most visited Website: tumblr is bae
35. i don’t know what the question was haha + 36. same + 37. same -no idea what this is but anyway+38 same (i’ll just go in order by number ha) what?😂 (what is this what is this what is this ok i should move on)
38. Haircolor: brown black-ish (i have been on this earth for 18 years and i still dk what color is my hair)
39. Long or short hair: medium (ah ha not even in the options of this question)
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes (always, on all the hot boys) (in kpop) (ok srsly, yes)
41. What do you like about yourself: i love that i love food and I can draw (does that count ok idk lalalalala) (draw all my baes wooohooooooooo)
42. Piercings: one on each ear
43. Bloodtype: A
44. Nickname: Squrriel (i freaking swear this bobsponge joke)
45. Relationship status: single ladies all the single ladies
46. Zodiac: LEO LEO LEO LEO 
47. Pronouns: he, she
48. Favorite TV Show: 13 reasons why and if anime counts, attack on titan (s3 next year yayyyyyy) and if kdrama counts, Weight-lifting fairy Kim Bokju (i ship)
49. Tattoos: nope nope
50. Right or left hand: rightie ♡
51. Surgery: nope nope (unless my birth was counted) (ok maybe not, natural birth babyyyyyyyyy)
52. Piercing: errrrrrr my ears (?) (i answered that?)  refer to 42
53. Sport: i am an unhealthy artist who sits on her ass all day
55. Vacation: been to hongkong, malaysia, thailand and taiwannnnnn (i wanna go to oppa-land aka S.Korea aka where my baes are at)
56. Pair of trainers: what does this question mean ok someone help 
57. Eating: I love home cooked food, preserved foods, outside food (i love food)
58. Drinking: water is bae
59. I’m about to: go buy food (after i answering everything) (when will this end)
61. Waiting for: this to end (my stomach is screaming at me)
62. Want: happiness to the world and health to my fam and friends
63. Get married: waiting for one of my 7 husbands to accept my proposal ok but srsly, yes i hope.
64. Career: unemployed; futurn intern who needs cash now (hire me pls) 
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs (i havent done this kissing thing omg)
66. Lips or eyes: eyes 
67. Shorter or taller: taller for bae but anything fits
68. Older or younger: age is just a number (its actually a word haaaaaa)
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms (btw have yall seen mark tuan’s arms omg i died and revive and died again)
71. Sensetive or loud: loudddddd (no sensitive omg i cant take that)
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship (duh)
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
74. Kissed a stranger: no no no (why)
75. Drank hard liquor: nope (i am alrdy going to be 19 and i havent done shit)
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i have been wearing them (my glasses) for more than a decade, i would slap myself if i lost them
77. Turned someone down: i got no one to turn down (cries into the abyss) 
78. Sex in the first date: nooooooooo what this even i havent even kissed anyone whatttttt
79. Broken someones heart: errrrrrr idk (maybe that boy in preschool) (he was shorter than me and was butthurt) (but it was just tru)
80. Had your heart broken: yes (irl and also by all the korean boys who are snatching my hearts ok stahp yall)
81. Been arrested: um not arrested but got arrested into the got7 fandom haaaaaaaaaa guilty
82. Cried when someone died: yup
83. Fallen for a friend: hmmmmmmm no yes
84. Yourself: errrrrrrr most times
85. Miracles: YES
86. Love at first sight: yes (still waiting for this to happen irl)
87. Santa Claus: I believed in santa because i thought my dad was santa 
88. Kiss in the first date: no (once again i have never tried this)
89. Angels: yes
90. Current best friends name: grace
91. Eyecolor: dark-brown
92. Favorite movie: i am a trash for good movies esp horror (even tho i get scared all the time and ask myself why all the time)
Tagging: @umma-jy @wang7gae @marksseunie @bxmbxmn @blurguppy @emiipopo @the-assgoblin (i need more tumblr friends omg help)
do it if you wanttttttt (so that i can readdddd)
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do-kyungsooiii · 5 years
i, for the love of me, can’t BELIEVE that i got sick 1 day before my first exam. 
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