#and also beacuse he has no friends he has bad energy and like ????? he does not know him nor his friends
waddei · 3 months
thinking about them so i drew them younger and sadder
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every time i think about younger javier and tomas i become crazyyy like imagine youre 15 and your parents die and its awfull, youre having probably the worst time of your life but your little brother is 8 and is doing ten times worse so have to be there for him
and you two now have to live with your aunt who is not qualified to take care of any organism more complex than a fish so shes mean and inpatient and definitly not the right fit for two kids that are grieving this much andnad
and well i think javier would handle it, like hed suck it up, think about it later. cus he has to go to school and he has to make new friends and he has to get good grades
meanwhile tomas is completely lost, he hates it there and wants to go home, but their aunt has a life and a job and she cant just move to a shitty beachtown just beacuse her nephew she barely knew before this wants her to, so they fight a lot in the beginning. and tomas is a kid, so he hates her.
and theres nothing really for a kid to do when they hate an adult aside from jsut dissobeying, and he does that! but hes also tired, and sad and lonely. he doesnt have the energy to fight, so he just does the next best thing and ignores her completely and starts to do the same w anything that bothers him, wich is everything, cus hes depressed
everything execpt javi, hes the only one he talks to and the only one he listens to, and this is pretty taxxing on javier! hes only 15 he should be at the club or something
he wants to see tomas happy really bad, so as soon as he can he gets a job at like macdonalds or smtn, and he saves every cent so they can eventually move back home
and Javier works his ass off for this, until he's 21 and he can afford to travel to their town semi consistently, eventually he lands a job interview there and gets hired, first thing he does is tell Tomas and packs their stuff
and this doesn't fix them at all but at least they're home and they can pretend they're better
alsoooo I think Tomas would absolutely refuse to let his aunt take him anywhereeee, to the point where he'd just have Javier cut his hair very poorly with scissors whenever it got too long random thought but hey.
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patowardd · 3 years
#this is a rant lol#why is my dad so insufferable#like???? whe are having a calm discussion about racing#and i am presenting him the facts#just so he can have and informed decision#but then he comes with the absolute funny statement that is ‘hamilton just lost a fan i respected him but now i dont’#and whatever is just funny to me because it’s not as if lewis cares#so im like ok sad i guess?#BUT THEN he goes on about how sad it is that he is gathering all that negative energy because he is going to end up dying in a crash?#and like what the actual fuck is wrong with him?#why is he so calm and fine saying shit like that. that’s not something you say not wish anyone#so i got fucking livid and asked him why would he say that? u know what he said ‘it’s just what im feeling’ bitch wtf#and im saying you can’t just wish someone a dead like that just because you feel like you don’t like them anymore#and start asking what are his reasons like what did lewis did for him to ‘feel’ like he is ‘gathering and attracting bad energy’ and he sai#d#that just this one thing (blocking his competitors of a good quali lap)#and also beacuse he has no friends he has bad energy and like ????? he does not know him nor his friends#so when i tell him that he starts getting defensive and like ‘why aren’t you letting me have my opinions about him is a sport i can think#whatever’ and like yes u hate or love whoever you want i don’t care and i know that’s how sports work but#YOU DONT SAY THAT JUT BEACUSE YOU ‘FEEL THEY HAVE BAD ENERGY’ THEY ARE GOING TO die in a tragic accident#you just don’t#just*#it was one of the stupidest things ive ver heard someone say#and it made me so mad so so mad#so#universe/life/god(s)/whatever/whoever is out there please don’t let it be the case for anyone (specially Lewis bc wtf father)#(if anyone got to the end of this im sorry you read this shitty awful take)#tw crash#tw death#mar rants
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peachandmark · 4 years
Day6 Jae as your college senior (Political Science major since he’s one)
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Jae is the senior who’s in charge in freshmen orientation and head of poli sci association, a very charismatic leader. He’s a sophomore. His tall figure, fair skin and cute eyes under those glasses caught you off guard.
Super friendly and jokes a round to make the juniors comfortable, always asks “Do you have any question?” with a cheeky smile.
Most girls in your batch probably having crush on him because you too. He’s even famous in the entire faculty. Super respectful towards everyone.
But you’re competitive so you’re a step ahead, asking for his number in case you have any question without anyone noticing even your new friends. At random times you will chat him first tru katalk
Though he would gladly answer but instead he suggest to meet you face to face to explain further. He always chooses library as a place to meet you.
He’ll explain all about the course and the subjects in every semester, a little bit introduction of the lecturers and some tips to excel the subjects of your first final. He’ll also tell his experience during first year over coffee, in which he treats you
Sometimes you’ll came across him on your way to the class and you’ll greet him first and he replies as friendly to you that Brian, his closest friend and also your fellow senior, teases him over his over friendliness to you. And Jae will hit him and shut his mouth after that. You chuckles and yes your day has been made just by looking at that handsome figure
Would try hard to explain why Nicollo Machiavelli’s thought is not as evil as you think and is necessary in modern politics because you’re such a softie and more likely into Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy in which govern the nation with “love”
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He would suggest some helpful tips and inspirational books/movies in politics to help you understand the whole field better
He would hit you up to ask how you’re doing on midterm quiz and if you’re doing bad he’ll cheer you up and continue supporting you. “Actually there’s formula in understanding World Politics, it’s heavily based on realism theory with three key points; Identity, Geography and Power. Anyway, let’s have a tutor lesson on Saturday. I will explain later. For now let’s grab a lunch, are you free now?” he says
Whenever it’s just the two of you, Jae becomes flirty but not too much that it makes you uncomfortable. He’a really keep it slow and not too much. Complimenting you has becomes one of his die-hard habits. Some of your female seniors (his fans) are annoyed with you. But you brush them off, because who cares? Whenever Jae see some of them trying to bully you, he becomes more protective of you
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You will go supporting him for every debate competition he participates in. He’ll teach you the right way to debate too and make sure you’ll go practice with him whenever there’s time. He does that because he saw potential in you to replace him next year in the debate team. But stop the lesson if you’re too worn out in which you feel thankful for. He can be persuasive at times but knows too well about the limits. Anyway he’ll make sure you will do your best at it.
You and Jae will be in the same party in your campus. Besides, he would also run for campus elections and you’ll accompany him when he’s campaigning here and there even though it gets dark. He’s so thankful for it and always checks you up to make sure you’re okay. He would aslo asks your opinions on his manifesto and how he deliver his speeches
Whenever there’s issues regarding the university administration and national politics, he would lead the protest with all the students. Students and leaders from other universities also joining him. He and his friends will help solving the issues and if they’re successful, both of you will go out celebrating first then he’ll meet up with his friends later because you’re with him through thick and thin, giving ideas and supports, becoming his source of energy to go through it all
All of his friends know you even the political activist outside the campus because he won’t stop talking about you in front of them. You’ll be so shy but later on and change the subjects. You’re super comfortable and friendly with most of his friends and sometimes he’ll get jealous over it. “I shouldn’t tag you along!” He says with a cute pout while driving to your dorm
Jae will send you random memes and ugly pictures of himself when he gets bored in class and you will do the same. At the end you can’t concentrate in the class because it’s too funny. Your lecturer noticed that your mind is elsewhere and warns you. So whether you want it or not you have to keep your phone in your bag but still can’t stop laughing because of him.
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When he holds a visit to the parliament/UN building for the freshmen to expose themselves to, you’ll sit beside him in the bus. You lost your breath a bit at how dashing he looks in suits (usually he’s looks fine but at that moment he’s looks the finest!)
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Well, later Wonpil spill the tea that Jae purposefully bought a new one just to tease you. But Jae also secretly likes you in suits too, he captures your new look in his mind.
Whenever Jae is sick, you’ll take care of him, makes sure he’ll take his medicine on time and make him rest. Sometimes you’ll ask Brian about his health because he’s his roomate. Brian will guide you at what to do, what he can eat, wht he cannot eat etc. Usually Jae won’t be open so much about his health condition beacuse he doesn’t want to worry you
Jae likes to frame you in his lyrics and composing songs with his acoustic guitars, you probably not knowing this except Brian and Sungjin, a Music major who would help him with the composition.
Your faculty holds an annual dinner. You dressed up because Jae will be your date. You kind of want to sweep him off his feet that night. “Wow y/n, you’re...beautiful tonight” he says breathily. Yup, your mission cleared. “Shut up, Jae sunbaenim” you reply shyly.
To you surprise, he performed with a guitar in his hands that night on the stage. The song he sings is so unfamiliar, something you never heard of.
Sungjin whispers to you “He wrote this song himself”. “Oh really? He’s so good at it. Just how perfect a human can be?”
From the way he keeps looking at you while letting his beautiful vocals charm everyone, you kind of have a hunch that he sings about you. But you just be silence about it, don’t want to be upset if it’s the otherwise. Maybe he sings for another girl in this hall, no one that she knows of. Everyone claps and whistles for his amazing performance. His circles and your friends especially being loud for it.
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“Being oblivious is one of her talents, does she?” Said Brian to Wonpil and Wonpil just laugh it off. “Hey, let Jae suffer a bit dude. It’s fun to watch”
“Ah...ahh... Sungjin asked me to perform tonight. Hahaha...he said it will make my popularity rise among the students, so...it’s kind of important for the campus election, if you know what I mean hehe” , “But you’ve always been popular among the students what do you mean? I can see the girls almost...fainted” you pout and Jae captures this sight again in his mind
He shut you up as he takes your hand in his “Well don’t you know my name? ‘Jae’ means ‘fame’ in Greek. I born with it ya know. It’s the most natural thing to happen hahahah” He laughs out loud at his lame joke. You just laugh along with him since his laugh is that contagious. If he’a not Jae, you will slap this boy for sure with savage remark
“Hey you’re cute when you’re jealous, y/n.” Jae said while tapping his fingers on the steering. “Shut up, sunbaenim!”
After that you’ll bug him to make him sing again, so he had no other options but to send you several videos of him jamming or when he’s practicing
But when you’re having bad time, concerns or trouble sleeping, he’ll sing to you while face timing with you. At that time you never know you need a voice to put you to sleep since your busy parents never did that
Whenever Jae gives a speech at any events, because he won the elections and become one of the student leaders, you’ll take photos of him and once he recognises it, he looks at the camera with a smirk and you sequeled over it
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Study week is approaching, apart from your own circles doing revision together, sometimes you’ll ask Jae for help. So you guys will go to library together and have a little library “date”. He would also share some of his old notes with you. After teaching you something, he would go ask you some questions to test your understanding. “What’s the differences between oligarchy and aristocracy? Which one is better in Aristotle philosophy?” He asks but then you failed to answer it to his liking so he pinch your cheeks as a punishment
The library date is so fun, apart from being serious when it has has to be, Jae is so damn playful. He would tell some jokes about his friends, mostly about Dowoon and Wonpil, and make a fool of himself whenever you’re stress. The librarian sometimes will warn you guys to keep it down a little
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Your last paper has ended and Jae finished his first so he picked you and your friends up from the examination hall. Later he make excuses so that your friends get the fuck out of his car and that you’ll go on date with him peacefully. As usual, your friends kind of expected it and fake sulking about it but got out of the car nevertheless, warning him to take care of you and get you to the dorm safely that night
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After both of you got the result, you asked him first. He doesn’t want to reveal it unless you reveal yours. So you sent him your cute selfie, he doesn’t have a choice but to let you the screen shot of it. His cgpa is higher than you but regardless both of you are in the dean list. He sincerely hapy for you and deliver a bouquet of flowers to your house. Roses and baby breath to be exact because it’s your favourite
As the new semester begins, both of you’re able to meet now. It’s not a secret anymore that you and Jae are a thing now. Though both of you want to keep it low but he lowkey want to let the world know. Event the lecturer noticed and smirked to him whenever he see you guys talking while walking to the class
Jae asks you out the first day of the semester and both of you going to his favourite lobster restaurant. Yup, after working so hard saving up for this moment. He’s a simple person and you like that a lot bout him. Since you’re new to eating lobster, he cracks the lobsters for you and feeds you
Nothing too fancy, as he damn sure about his feelings and the probability of you liking him back, he asks you to be his girlfriend on the way to grab coffees before sending you back to the dorm. You hide your face with the sleeves of your hoodie and turn your face away from him as you say yes.
“Do I have to call you oppa now?”, “You can when it’s just the two of us. But if it’s in front of other people, just use sunbaenim, will you be okay with it? Either way my heart flutters whenever you said both hehe” , “Aren’t we obvious enough to hides it anymore?” , “You’re right but let’s just keep it simple, okay?” , “Sure Jaehyung oppa” you smile while locking hands with his free hand
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(Since I’m also a poli sci and ‘Jae’ major so why not?)
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Whitemage AU - Concept
It’s in the middle of the night but I can’t sleep because my brain won’t stop thinking about this. So I made myself some tea and you get more stuff (concepts) about my newly named whitemage au.
Noctis first learns that he has different magic than basically any other Lucis Caelum when he was barely seven. He did not do anything spectacular, just conjuring lights that were violett flecked gold and not the traditional light blue.
When asked about different coloured magic in the family Regis does not tell a pretty story. Bahamut “is the protector of our nation, my son, he must have his reasons” does not like white magicks. Regis tells this with an air of desperate belief that Noctis doesn’t quite grasp.
There have been Lucis Caelums with different magicks, but they all died before having children. Bad things happened when a Lucis Caelum was not a black mage and those that weren’t became an omen of tragedy in the future.
What Regis doesn’t (can’t) tell his son, is that they all died horrible, bloody deaths with too many causalities in their wake. Some monarchs grew so desperate, they killed their own children, if they were suspected of not being black mages. The risks were too high. It’s a chapter of family history best be forgotten, thinks Regis.
Noctis finds out anyway. Years later, after learning old Lucian and clobbering together broken fragments of ancient Sol through sheer force of will. He found the gaps where people should be, found names long forgotten and their fates and knew: It was good his father didn’t know.
He nearly cripples himself when he has to supress his magic when he is wounded by the Malarith. He has not yet read the old records but he remembers his fathers story and he wonders if this is the catastrophe that will kill him.
It doesn’t. Instead he sleeps and meets Carbuncle the Dreamwalker who helps him hide. Carbuncle guides him to Etro the Ever-Dreaming and in the folds of her darkness Noctis learns about magic. Afterwards he will only retain faint impressions, but for a time those are enough.
Luna is a quick friend. Noctis cannot help but be fascinated by her and her family. They give a name to the golden coloured magic he has: white magic. (Something about this is familiar to him, like a dream. It reminds him of shadowy protection and long hair that caught the stars.)
He wants to learn more but only get’s confusing answers about Gods and prophesies and Chosen Kings. Sometimes Gentiana would just stare at him, he thinks she doesn’t like him and try to avoid her.
When Tenebrea falls and he sees the dead queen amongst the fires and the metal men, that made his skin crawl, he cannot help but think: Was that my fault?
After that he becomes even more shy, even more hesitant to talk to people if he doesn’t have to.
His training begins and his magical talent starts to shine. Just not where people can see. Noctis has close to no talent in black magic and while very gifted with a staff “even the Pious was proficient when handling swords, my son”.
People start to talk about his lack in motivation, his lack of talent. How can their prince, the only heir, be a good king when he lacks the basic foundations of what made the Lucis Caelum kings? 
They do not see the energy he puts into is magic (how much it hurts him when he has to conjure more than the most simple of black magic spells). They do not know about the time he puts into developing his own fighting style beacuse no one in his family fought with a staff before (it is a pain to try and combine it with his acrobatics and warping). They do not see the medical texts he reads at night and hides from everyone because he is scared out of his mind, but also wants to know and help.
It all ends (or maybe it starts) in an allyway when he is fifteen. A homelss drunk tries to attack him and Gladio gets hurt. He gets hurt and Noctis wants to help him. But he can’t because then, surely, there will be consequences. He thinks about his fathers story, the nameless family members, the death and blood and tragedy. 
And he runs. 
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