#mar rants
big-armed-mar · 23 days
hey why do we only say "fuck traditional gender roles" why don't we just say fuck gender roles. because genuinely, in general they fucking suck and push a stereotype onto one gender.
fuck gender roles, seriously. i don't care if they're traditional or not. any role thats assumed of someone because of their gender is stupid. so straight up, fuck that.
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sirenesolace · 4 months
wtf is a “casual” relationship??🤨 all i know is soul crushing deep love and devotion
#yes i have scorpio and 8th house placement
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Mars in the 12th House: Your Sign's Sneaky Shade Style
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‼️Ever wondered how each zodiac sign throws subtle shade when their Mars is hiding out in the 12th house?
Let's just say, it's a whole vibe of passive-aggressive energy you might not even see coming.
Aries Mars in 12th:
Ghosting you when they're mad, then reappearing like nothing happened. "Oh, you texted? My phone must've been on silent... for three days."
Taurus Mars in 12th:
Suddenly developing a VERY strong preference for doing things their way, even if it's wildly inconvenient. "Nope, we HAVE to take this scenic route. It's 'better for the environment'."
Gemini Mars in 12th:
"Accidentally" forwarding that embarrassing email to the whole company, then acting shocked. "OMG, I didn't mean to! How did that happen?"
Cancer Mars in 12th:
The master of the guilt trip. "Oh, it's fine, I'll just stay home and cry while you have fun."
Leo Mars in 12th:
One-upping your stories with their own, but way more dramatic. "That reminds me of this time I wrestled a bear... single-handedly."
Virgo Mars in 12th:
Cleaning your entire house while you're out, then leaving a pointed note about how messy you are. "Just trying to help!"
Libra Mars in 12th:
Agreeing to everything, then complaining to everyone ELSE about how unfair it is. "I'm so overwhelmed, but I didn't want to say no..."
Scorpio Mars in 12th:
The silent treatment, but like, next level. You'll start questioning your own existence.
Sagittarius Mars in 12th:
Making jokes at your expense, then getting offended when you call them out on it. "Jeez, lighten up! It was just a joke!"
Capricorn Mars in 12th:
Setting unrealistic deadlines, then blaming you for not meeting them. "Well, if you were more organized..."
Aquarius Mars in 12th:
Ignoring you completely, but in a way that makes you feel like you're the one being unreasonable.
Pisces Mars in 12th:
Becoming a martyr. "It's okay, I'll sacrifice my happiness for yours. It's what I do."
🦋🖤Please take this as an experimental adventure to understand people better, Be open-minded & try not to be subjective, as surely, like anyone else, i do have my OWN subjectives that i would love to have a new prospective on my observations. Thank you for understanding✨ Feel free to add something or provide a new lense🖤🦋
Your Thoughts?
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celestialdaily · 2 months
The celestial object of the day is Phobos!
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It's Mars's largest moon with 21 km (13 mi), it orbits Mars at only 6,000 km (3,700 mi) and it gets closer by 1.8 meters every year, at that rate is expected to collide with Mars or form a planetary ring in about 30-50 million years!
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rainydetectiveglitter · 11 months
Astrology Observations - Moon & Aspects
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The Moon holds the delicate strings of our emotions, instincts, and innermost desires. When intertwined with other celestial players through aspects, the Moon's melody takes on unique harmonies and rhythms. Let's dive into the rich tapestry of Moon aspects, exploring how they color our emotional landscape.
Moon Square Mars - The Fiery Tempest: A Moon square Mars aspect ignites a passionate storm within. Emotions can surge like a roaring wildfire, often accompanied by a fierce determination. These individuals are unafraid to confront challenges head-on. However, this fiery intensity can also lead to impulsive reactions and occasional emotional clashes, akin to a tempestuous tango.
Moon Square Venus - The Dance of Sensuality: Moon square Venus creates a captivating dance of sensuality and emotional yearning. These souls crave deep, passionate connections, and their emotions are colored with a romantic brush. Yet, they may find themselves entangled in complex love affairs, where desires clash with emotional needs. This aspect weaves a tale of love's sweet agony.
Moon Trine Chiron - The Wounded Healer's Grace: In the Moon trine Chiron aspect, there's a profound understanding of emotional wounds and the gentle art of healing. These individuals possess a natural gift for offering solace to others, as their own emotional scars have nurtured empathy. The Moon's nurturing essence combines harmoniously with Chiron's healing touch, creating a soothing balm for their own and others' pain.
Moon Sextile Neptune - The Dreamer's Serenity: A Moon sextile Neptune aspect paints a dreamscape of serene emotions and boundless imagination. These individuals find solace in the ethereal realm of art, music, and creative expression. Their intuitive insights often lead to moments of tranquil clarity. However, they may need to ground their dreams in reality to avoid drifting too far into the realm of fantasy.
Moon Opposition Saturn - The Inner Struggle: Moon opposition Saturn sets the stage for an inner struggle between emotional needs and responsibilities. These individuals feel a profound sense of duty and may grapple with their own desires versus societal expectations. It's a cosmic tug-of-war between vulnerability and stoicism, where emotional growth often emerges from the tension.
Moon Conjunct Uranus - The Electrifying Heart: A Moon conjunct Uranus aspect electrifies the emotional landscape, infusing it with innovation and unpredictability. These individuals possess a unique, avant-garde approach to feelings, and they embrace change with open arms. Yet, this electrifying energy can also lead to emotional surprises and sudden shifts, akin to a lightning strike of insight.
Moon Trine Jupiter - The Heart's Abundance: In a Moon trine Jupiter aspect, the heart revels in a sense of abundance and optimism. These individuals possess a deep well of emotional generosity, often extending their warmth to others. Life's challenges are met with a buoyant spirit, and their emotional landscape blooms with gratitude and growth.
Moon Square Pluto - The Depths of Transformation: Moon square Pluto delves into the depths of emotional transformation. These individuals navigate intense emotional terrain, akin to a phoenix rising from its ashes. Their emotions are a crucible for change, but this intensity can also lead to power struggles and a relentless quest for emotional rebirth.
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In the Moon aspects, each harmony and dissonance contributes to the symphony of our emotional lives. These observations offer but a glimpse into the complex interplay of planetary energies that shape our emotional landscape, reminding us that our astrological tapestry is as intricate as it is unique.
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sayhoneysiren · 1 year
Venus in 1st/Aries people, attract lovers who adore them and constantly reassure them that they are desirable. They are outspoken and want their partners to openly express affection towards them.
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With their sociable and charming personality they can easily attracts suitors.
They love to tease and engage in competition. (Competing or being competed for)
People get obsessed with their natural confidence, sex appeal and beauty. They too, may be obsessed with their own appearance.
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These people tend to be more self focused, preferring to be on the receiving end in relationships. They tend to desire those who focus entirely on them and spoil them.
They dislike the thought of compromising themselves and know that like who they are is enough.
A ‘Take all of me or none of me’ attitude.
Sometimes, they don’t look before leaping and can dive headfirst into a romantic venture.
They find out later whether or not it was a beneficial decision.
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They view sex as a steamy, healing experience and can be highly sensual in the bedroom.
They hold grudges and lean into drama. But to them this is the way to keep their relationships spicy.
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qqmariztwsse · 5 months
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year
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#sure could've used Gene in 2006 😔😅
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shiveringfrogspawn · 7 months
y’all i’m watching s4 of nuwho (haven’t watched classic) and I just. don’t want to finish. i’m on the waters of mars episode and I don’t want to say goodbye to ten yet. nine’s goodbye cut me deep and i’m still not over it, i already know minor spoilers for the season ending and I’m avoiding it…I’m sure matt smith is gonna be brilliant but i love david’s doctor soooo much (not as much as nine, of course, but ten is special in his own way). i’m crying just thinking about it. help.
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hxskzz · 7 months
what if adam gets put in hell and then yk they still have exterminations so like when its time for the angels to come down there adam is like still salty bc he hates demons esp bc hes one now and hes like secretly also killing them but then lute runs into adam and she gets all emotional and shes supposed to kill him but js cant bc she knows who she is and the scene is js emotional in general
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big-armed-mar · 7 months
I really love how lesbians have taken over the "women want me, fish fear me" slogan
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sstarrfishh · 1 month
okay so this post is just to give info about what the comics would be abt!! :DD
jupiter,saturn, and planet X
it would basically be about jupiter being out in the kepler belt because he’s worried about X returning so saturn goes to check on him and while he’s there X appears and they have a lil chat about the past
Neptune & Uranus
it would be inspired by a video i saw on a reaction video (😭) basically Neptune is upset and crying because he can’t take the isolation his orbit creates and all the broken promises Uranus made to him about coming to visit him.
sun/star competition
this would be about the sun getting an invite to a annual star meeting,he would try and burn it but earth sees it and begs sun to go and let them come along and after while of convincing sun finally gives in and takes them with him little do they know that the reason he doesn’t want them to go or know about it is bc the meeting consists of stars showing off their planets and making them fight each others (like pokémon’s lol) but most of the time it ends in tragedy.
rocky planets shenanigans 
just the rocky’s being goofy with a bit of angst here and there (i can’t live without angst 🗣️🗣️)
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that-ari-blogger · 26 days
This Is About Relationships (Hell's Greatest Dad)
I feel like we are seeing more and more stories that draw on horror elements as of recent times, with mixed success.
Critical Role, for example, has put some heavy emphasis on body and cosmic horror in their most recent campaigns, and I think that has worked really well. They are telling a story about feeling powerful in the face of adversity, and so having villains who are either unknowable or far too knowable really works for that idea.
On the other hand, the horror elements of Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness actively took me out of the story, because they didn’t fit with the rest of the franchise at all, and I found that rather jarring.
Then there is Hazbin Hotel, which isn’t scary, but it definitely draws on some of the tools of writing horror. Although it doesn't do that in the way you might expect. Specifically, it uses the character of Lucifer to both embody and subvert the very nature of Gothic horror itself.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (Hazbin Hotel, Ratatouille, Paradise Lost, Frankenstein)
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I have made my stance on genre extremely clear in the past. I think it exists, but I think it is bollocks, and Hazbin Hotel kind of proves my point.
Because, yes, you can boil Horror down into however many constituent parts as you would like in order to organise a bookstore, but however you spin it, Hazbin Hotel fits that, with the exception that it isn’t scary.
Then again, being scary is entirely subjective. For example, I am completely fine with ghosts and ghouls, so the only thing that gets me about games such as Phasmophobia are the jump scares, and Jump Scares aren't horror. By the same score, I am incredibly squeamish, so Hazbin Hotel itself was more difficult for me than a few of my friends.
Which leads me to gothic horror, which has a distinct aesthetic to it that isn’t actually essential at all.
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The name actually comes from its aesthetic. Gothic fiction got started in the 1700s when Gothic architecture was popular but gained traction in the early 1800s when authors such as Edgar Alen Poe and Jane Austin got involved. The latter of whom wrote Northanger Abbey in 1818 to parody the overdramatization of the genre in a book that I personally despise.
Austin’s book comes across to me as incredibly insincere. I have an infinite respect for Austin’s work, but there is a deep sense of contempt in Northanger Abbey that drives me up the wall.
I want to be clear here, this is not me saying the book is bad. It is incredibly well written. I just hate it with every fibre of my being.
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To me, Northanger Abbey missed the point of the gothic genre. Gothic isn't about the emotion, it's about the humanity. The fallibility, the force of will, the instability and resilience that come and go like the wind.
Gothic horror turns that into fear, specifically the fear of morality. It’s the Ratatouille genre. Any angel can sin, any demon can rise. Or in other words:
“Anyone can cook.”
Gothic horror is the fear of inconsistency. That someone you trust can betray you, or spiral into awful deeds, or that someone you despise might be right. It’s the fear of redemption, and conversely, the terror of good motives leading to bad ends.
Other subsets of horror draw on the fear of the unknown, or of not knowing. Gothic fiction is steeped in the terror of what you know being wrong.
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Case and point, Frankenstein is both the archetypal science fiction book, and a phenomenal Gothic story. The terror is derived from the fact that it’s titular character can be so great and yet such an absolute monster, as well as the horror of creating a conscience.
The creature is intelligent, and its intrinsic morality is up for debate the entire time. Frankenstein calls it his "Adam", for Pete's sake. It kills multiple people, but as a reader you are unsettled by how much you agree with its motives.
Gothic horror is the fear of absence. There is no good or evil here, just people.
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There’s a reason I brought up Ratatouille. The conflict of the series is derived from Skinner’s visceral fear that someone he despises as much as Linguine can actually be competent, combined with a field rat rising from the gutter to run a restaurant. “Anyone can cook” is a threat in this movie, but it gets better explained by Ego in a way that I really like.
“In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau’s famous motto: ‘Anyone can cook.’ But I realize, only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.”
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According to one of the greatest fanfics ever written, Paradise Lost, Lucifer rebelled against G-d’s vision and fell, which can be taken any number of ways. It’s written so that you sympathise with the main character, who is, may I remind you, the literal devil.
Worth noting, Frankenstein's monster reads Paradise Lost. I wonder if there is any significance to that.
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Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel is nominally the same character as his biblical counterpart, except that he is blissfully unaware of any of the themes surrounding him. Kinda.
He has grasped the fact that anyone can fall, but the reverse of that hasn’t quite registered to him yet.
Case and point, he doesn’t understand people at all. He has sought escapism through “stuff”. By which I mean the ducks, but I also mean his song, Hell’s Greatest Dad.
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Part of the gothic theming in Hazbin Hotel is that people aren’t static, and that relationships are more important than anything else. Angel Dust and Pentious don’t become better people through trust falls, the find it through love and companionship, both platonic and more than platonic.
To demonstrate this, we contrast Lucifer with Alastor, who once again doesn’t sing his own song but steals it off someone else. Alastor’s relationship with Charlie is so obviously sinister, and that will be better explained two episodes down the line, but at least he has a relationship with her.
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The agony of this is that Jeremy Jordan is a phenomenal voice actor, who, along with Lucifer’s stellar writing, endears the character to you from his first scene.
Alastor is a villain; Lucifer is an absent father. Who do you side with here? That’s gothic fiction.
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“Sailors fighting in the dance hall, Oh man, look at those cavemen go. It’s the freakiest show. Take a look at the lawman Beating up the wrong guy Oh man, wonder if he’ll ever know He's in the best selling show. Is there life on Mars?”
This is the chorus of a David Bowie song called Life On Mars. It centres around someone seeking escape through television and storytelling. It points out the futility of this, but the fact that it works. It’s a stable dynamic that doesn’t go anywhere.
Remind you of anything?
“Who needs a busboy, now that you've got the chef? Michelin tasting menu, free à la carte I'll rig the game for you because I'm the ref Champagne fountains, caviar mountains, that's just to start!”
Lucifer is offering Charlie anything she could dream of. Any thing. But Charlie doesn’t need an object. She needs a father, and she needs her relationship with Lucifer.
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Enter Alastor, who, up to this point, has been generally benevolent to Charlie. He’s basically the embodiment of that old Tumblr textpost that described someone as “chaotic gay. I haven’t done anything evil yet, but my general aesthetic and demeanour tell you that I will, any day now.”
Side note, I know this post exists. I have seen it, I have screenshots of it. But Tumblr’s search function is so legendarily awful that I cannot locate it. Tumblr’s search function has beaten the FBI before, and I don’t have that much patience.
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In any case, Alastor offers up his own curriculum vitae in the form of this:
“Who’s been here since day one? Who’s been faithful as a nun? Makes you chuckle with an old-timey pun? Your executive producer.”
He’s pitching himself via his relationship with Charlie. But what I wanted to point out specifically was how the two characters relate to the beat of the song.
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This song is inspired by Friend Like Me. I know it's subtle, but I'm onto something, and I can pick out the clues. If you look closely at his moustache in this shot...
Lucifer is clicked to the rhythm, or rather, his backing music is. The band hits ever downbeat as one, looping back to play the same thing every few bars. It is incredibly stable. The one thing that isn’t, is Lucifer.
The man misses every single beat by a fraction of a second. Not much, but when you contrast him with the entirely of the rest of the song, you notice that tiny imperfection, especially when Alastor doesn’t share it.
Alastor starts singing by matching the beat perfectly with his opening sounds, then going free within the restraints. Later, when he co-opts the song, the band begins playing along with him and matching his melody.
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The Radio Demon understands people incredibly well, and he works on relationships. As such, his music has a much more symbiotic relationship between each of the parts. Lucifer’s feels like a creation, Alastor’s feels like it was created, if that makes sense. There’s a human element to Alastor’s take on this song.
Which brings me back to the gothic stuff going on here, and the relationship between Lucifer and Alastor. Alastor is, of course, a manipulator. He takes issue with Lucifer because he wants Charlie isolated. But Lucifer has no reason to get upset by Alastor, right?
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Alastor shakes up Lucifer’s entire worldview, to the point where I find some of the double dad dynamic between them rather compelling. Most of it.
Alastor is risk incarnate; he stands for the idea that anyone can do anything. A radio presenter can be a cannibal, and have parenting instincts take over with Nifty and at times Charlie. But he is unsafe. Because he is such an unknown, he is untrustworthy. You don’t know where you stand.
Lucifer, meanwhile, is terrified of this fact. He likes the safety of knowing where he stands, he can protect himself there, but he can also protect others. In my eyes, that’s why he was so absent with Charlie. He found something he could understand and kept it because he didn’t want to shake up the rhythm. But that was futile, and he realises this over the course of this episode.
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But you might say “wait, Alastor is ace, he can’t be with Lucifer,” and my answer is twofold. First up, I am ace too, that doesn’t prohibit relationships. I’m not even talking about romantic stuff here, Alastor is the poster boy for being aromantic, but more importantly, parenting isn’t just about the other parent.
The two can both be dads, joined by their mutual care for their daughter, rather than affection for each other. I find that compelling. Charlie needs both the security and the sign that everything is possible. She needs someone to lift her up, but she also needs someone to catch her when she falls, and Lucifer and Alastor both play different roles in that dynamic.
Any angel can sin, any demon can rise. Anyone can be a dad, anyone can cook.
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Final Thoughts
Jeremy Jordan is a global treasure and even if this series doesn’t stick the landing with its next season (we will see), Lucifer will be amazing.
Do I have a crush on this man? No. No, I do not. Why do you ask?
In all seriousness, I think episode five should have been two episodes. One for this song, and one for the next. Lucifer would join the Hotel’s crew for a few days, befriending Pentious and co., being utterly disrespected by Husk, and being eased into the fact that morality isn’t binary.
I don’t even mean this from just the pacing perspective, I think the series would have so much more thematic weight if it devoted more time to the literal devil learning the thesis of the series and becoming on board with redemption. I think that would be cool.
I'm also just now realising that this is a Gothic Horror musical, so of course Alex Brightman got cast in it.
In any case, next week is More Than Anything, which is yet another case study in why Jeremy Jordan is amazing. Stick around if that interests you.
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wingsofhcpe · 2 months
yeah now I see why everyone's saying Netflix ruined the Witcher story in s3 and why Henry Cavill hightailed it the fuck out of there.
They ruined Dijkstra by making him a coward and a drunken fool by the end. They ruined Philippa by making her a "sexy dominatrix" cardboard cutout instead of the calm and collected mastermind powerhouse she's in the books AND it seems they'll give her secret magic meetings orchestrator role to Yennefer because fuck any female character who isn't her or Ciri, I guess. They changed Cahir's story for.... God knows why, actually. They FUCKED UP Fringilla and Fransesca and the emergence of the Dol Blathana kingdom, seriously I don't even know where to begin when it comes to these two.
And worst of all, the one thing I will absolutely never forgive them for: Tissaia.
My brave, strong, arrogant Tissaia, brought so low for a man. Making mistakes not because of her arrogance or her immense power and her belief that she was protecting what she treasured, but for a fucking love interest. Oh, but he turned her soft, she finally trusted, she was finally happy, she's better for it per Yen's literal words. And she gambled and lost not because of her unwavering beliefs, but because she was shagging Vilgefortz and he manipulated her.
The lightning scene and her hair turning white? Yeah, that was fucking badass. But since they went through all that trouble to keep her around longer/have her do more things, I don't understand why they had to kill her in the same way as the books in the end. With the path they chose for her, she should have died during the lightning spell. That would have been okay. But no, they had to do that part like the books, I imagine for shock value. And somehow, that made everything even worse.
CW for self-harm and suicide under the cut.
In the books, Tissaia taking her own life was not a dramatic, prolonged scene. It wasn't an emotional decision she took by smoking drugs and writing farewell letters. She made a mistake because of her own arrogance: not because of men or love but because she truly believed herself to be powerful and infallible and trusted herself to protect Aretuza. And so when she gambled and lost, taking her own life felt like her acknowledging her colossal mistake and not cowering at the face of consequences, but instead delivering those consequences herself, which only strengthened her image as a powerful, self-sufficient mage; she didn't even need someone else to point out her failures and deliver punishment, she did it herself. And to be clear here, I am not glorifying her act; suicide is no "proper punishment", nor should it be regarded as something admirable. All I'm saying is that it was very much in line with Tissaia's character and thematically fitting. This is fiction, not reality. Let us not confuse the two.
In the show, however? They dragged it out, they had Philippa rubbing her mistakes at her face, humiliating her in front of the other sorcerers. And the last straw for me was her conversation with Yennefer, because it really came off as Tissaia accepting that her living and staying strong and leading them would be the proper way to atone for what she did. It came off as Tissaia accepting responsibility, recognising the truth in Yennefer's words, and actually trusting in them. Then, the moment Yennefer looked away, she got high, made a callback to season 1 for... some reason with the rock and flower trick, and killed herself.
In the books, death felt like her righteous punishment that she accepted for her mistakes. Here, it felt like running away, choosing the easy way out and, ultimately, doing it all because of Vilgefortz.
And I am never, ever forgiving the show writers for that. Tissaia was my favourite character in the books, and they absolutely destroyed and humiliated her, and for what? For shock value and to prop up Yennefer. Because God forbid this show has more than one badass woman character in the lead. If yall wanted to change Tissaia's character you could have done that by keeping her alive, having her stand by Yennefer, maybe having lost her powers after thar spell but still being there to guide the new generation of sorcerers as they rebuilt their home- that would have been what book!Tissaia would have done as an alternative to dying. But no. You just had to make her a pathetic little coward whose actions were mostly because of her relationship to Vilgefortz. Taking away her strength and agency in every possible way.
I'm glad Cavill left this shitty-ass production and I honestly hope s4 flops SO bad you'll have to cancel s5 even if it's already renewed. Fuck this shit.
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nico-esoterica · 6 months
JUST watched this with my Mom and I was affirming that she'd win the whole time even though this had already aired but this was my first time watching. After her group progressed to the second competition, she was tasked with choosing her competitor and she deadass said, "I want to choose a man over a woman to prove my skill." That got me going. And after she WON like I manifested?
Looked up her chart immediately after shouting in victory and baby girl is an Aries Fucking Mars and a Moon-Mars contact.
Everyone, including the men who'd doubted her bc they thought 'there's a difference between men and women and her opponent is heavier than her' all wound up saying the same thing -- "She has INCREDIBLE will power." North Node in Scorpio as well.
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rainydetectiveglitter · 11 months
𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕤/ℙ𝕝𝕦𝕥𝕠: 𝔸 𝕁𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕪 𝔸𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕤
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While Mars and Pluto are traditionally associated with concepts of assertiveness, transformation, and power, we're looking into an interesting exploration that reinterprets these planetary forces through the prism of the Seven Deadly Sins.
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Mars/Pluto in the 1st House: The Wrathful Warrior When the fiery energies of Mars and the deep transformation of Pluto unite in the 1st house of identity and self-expression, they form a potent blend of power and intensity. This placement can give rise to a fierce, assertive persona that seeks to conquer obstacles and challenges head-on. However, it may also bring forth inner conflicts that need to be harnessed and channeled constructively to avoid wrathful outbursts.
Mars/Pluto in the 2nd House: The Possessive Temptation In the 2nd house of material wealth and possessions, the Mars/Pluto combination can ignite a strong desire for control and accumulation. This placement may lead individuals to struggle with possessiveness and an insatiable hunger for material security. Finding a healthy balance between financial ambitions and a sense of contentment is crucial to overcoming this temptation.
Mars/Pluto in the 3rd House: The Communicative Obsession When Mars and Pluto converge in the 3rd house of communication and intellect, their intense energy may manifest as a deep obsession with knowledge and information. This placement can fuel a relentless pursuit of truth and power in communication, often leading to intense debates and a desire to uncover hidden secrets. It's essential for individuals to channel this energy wisely and avoid becoming consumed by their own obsessions.
Mars/Pluto in the 4th House: The Familial Power Struggle In the 4th house of home and family, the Mars/Pluto duo may bring about power struggles and intense emotions within the family dynamic. These individuals may grapple with unresolved family issues and the need for control within their domestic sphere. Exploring the depths of their own psyche and seeking transformation can help them find emotional healing and harmony within the family.
Mars/Pluto in the 5th House: The Creative Tempest The 5th house of creativity and self-expression becomes a battleground of passion and intensity when Mars and Pluto unite here. Individuals with this placement may experience creative bursts of energy but may also struggle with creative blocks due to their inner turmoil. Learning to channel their intense desires into artistic endeavors can lead to powerful creative expressions.
Mars/Pluto in the 6th House: The Perfectionist's Abyss In the 6th house of work and service, Mars and Pluto's influence can manifest as a relentless pursuit of perfection in one's professional life. These individuals may become workaholics, pushing themselves to the brink to achieve their goals. However, they must learn to balance their drive for success with self-care and well-being to avoid falling into the abyss of perfectionism.
Mars/Pluto in the 7th House: The Relational Power Struggle When Mars and Pluto converge in the 7th house of partnerships, relationships become a battleground for control and power. These individuals may face intense conflicts and power struggles within their relationships. Finding ways to transform these conflicts into opportunities for growth and mutual understanding is essential for harmony.
Mars/Pluto in the 8th House: The Depths of Transformation The 8th house of transformation and shared resources becomes a realm of profound change and intensity with Mars and Pluto's presence. Individuals with this placement may experience significant life-altering events and a deep fascination with the mysteries of life and death. Exploring the depths of their own psyche and embracing transformation is essential to navigate this powerful placement.
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As we conclude our journey through the houses guided by the intense forces of Mars and Pluto, we gain a deeper understanding of how these energies can shape our lives and lead us toward both temptation and transformation. By acknowledging and harnessing these energies wisely, individuals can embark on a path of self-discovery and growth, ultimately transcending the grip of the Seven Deadly Sins.
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