#and am also very relieved to know hes gonna have a terrible day wednesday because i HATE him
myownprivatcidaho · 2 years
him looking back over his shoulder after saying goodbye to the whole room to personally look me in the eye and softly say "see ya" with an even softer smile
me, internally:
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Marinette’s Week Off
This is a one-shot. Sorry, I kind of forgot Adrien.
           One week. Just one week. Marinette took one week off a year. One week where she didn’t work herself to death as Marinette. Or nearly get herself killed as Ladybug. One week where she didn’t do any favors, any designs, didn’t work in the bakery, didn’t save anyone. A week to relax. A week to meditate. A week to destress and just take care of herself. Just one week every year. To prepare for it she sent reminders to all her friends and family. She posted a flyer on the class bulletin board. Marinette finished all her commission and school work in advance. 
She made Fu aware that Ladybug wouldn’t be active, told Chat Noir that Queen Bee would be his partner while she was gone. Marinette always made sure everyone was prepared for her absence. And made it clear that she would be unavailable. No matter what. She didn’t care if the world was ending.
           However, this year was different than the ones that came before. For starters, Marinette now only had two or three good friends in class, and one or two mediocre ones. She only warned those three people. While she still posted her usual flyer, she had done it knowing it would be disregarded.
           Marinette was no longer class president either; she no longer had to plan class trips, parties, or dances. Or anything of the sort. When she was class president, Marinette always made sure to plan her week off around the class’s busiest time of the year. That year, she didn’t have to so she didn’t. In fact, she planned her week off during the biggest dance of year, the class musical, the class’s big fundraiser. It was usually her most stressful week of the year.
           Not this time.
           On the Friday before her week off, Marinette reminded Bustier of her absence for the next week, and then walked out of class with a relieved smile on her face. She was almost there. Just two more days. She used her weekend to finish up any last minutes details of her vacations; confirm her reservation; spend most of the time with her parents.
           And on the stroke of midnight that turned Sunday to Monday, Marinette got her bags, kissed her parents goodbye and was gone in her Uber. She knew how this week worked. By six am, the ‘emergency’ calls would start; everyone screaming fire. However, she wouldn’t be there to put them out, metaphorical fires or real ones.
Not today, Satan, Marinette thought.
           Marinette got to the airport, slept on the plane ride, arrived at her luxury beach resort, a little after sunrise. She had saved up her money and did extra commissions all year to pay for it. It was beautiful. However, there was just one problem…
“Marinette, love!” Jagged called, somehow looking more awake in the wee hours of the morning than he did at 3 in the afternoon. Penny, however, looked half-asleep. Even Fangs slept on the luggage being moved by a rather fearful looking bellhop.
           Marinette’s parents couldn’t get time off the bakery; it was their busiest time too. Her grandma was in Peru. Mariette needed an adult with her at the resort. Jagged happened to overhear her mother asking if she found a chaperone yet. It wasn’t like Marinette had any other options.
“I have so many Rockin’ plans!” Jagged said. “Scuba diving! Sky diving. Swimming with sharks. Parasailing! Bungee jumping!”
           Marinette narrowed her eyes at her favorite rockstar and honorary Uncle, “Sleep.” She said.
           Jagged waved her off, “We’ll sleep when we’re dead.”
“Sleep,” Marinette hissed darkly.
           As amazing as that all sounded it could wait. Marinette was there to relax, not fight a shark. “Not today, Satan,” She whispered when she checked into her room. Leaving Penny to drag away a protesting Jagger to get some sleep as well. She called her parents to let her she had gotten there safely, called to re-confirm her spa reservation for that afternoon and then check her texts.
           She had gotten quite a few as expected. Chloe wishing her a good vacation and promising to keep an eye on Chat. Luka sent her funny vacation memes. Nathaniel sent pics or didn’t happen texts; he found the possibility of Marinette all people actually taking a vacation hilarious and improbable. She’d show him though.
           Then there were a few texts from her ex-friends. And it seemed like the fires had started…
           When class started on Monday, most didn’t realize that Marinette wasn’t there until Bustier reminded Chloe to remind Chloe about the test next week. They all shrugged it off. Glad not to have to deal with the drama Marinette brought to class.
           When Alya, the new class president, brought up the dance that Friday, things got a little tense.
“We need volunteers,” The glasses-wearing girl said. “People to decorate and to clean up and all that. We also need to get decorations.”
           She received confused looks.
“Isn’t that your job?” Alix asked. “The class president does all that.”
           Alya crossed her arms, “No it’s not my job. I organize and plan but I can’t do everything by myself.”
“Marinette did,” Kim shrugged. “It can’t be that hard.”
“Do you wanna do it?” Alya asked him but he quickly shook his head. “Thought so. We don’t have a big budget. So can anyone chip in for decorations and food?”
           Mylene frowned, “Marinette made all the decorations and food.” They never had to chip in before. “Maybe she’d do it again.”
There were nods. They may not be friends with the girl anymore but she was still very helpful.
“OH! I need a dress,” Rose brightened up the room with her smile. “Marinette made mine last year. It was so beautiful. I’ll ask her to make another.”
           A few of the girls said the same.
“Not gonna happen,” Chloe smirked. “You guys are on your own.”
           Alya shot her a glare. “And we’ll be just fine.” She wasn’t happy about asking her ex-bestie for anything, anyway.
           They were not fine.
           Monday they had all talked a big game about not needing Marinette but by Tuesday, they realized that was a lie.
           Because everything was falling apart.
           Mylene’s musical was Friday, the day before the dance. More than half the class were either in it or helping with it. That meant Alya had barely any volunteers for the Dance committee. And had been reminded by Bustier about the annual fundraiser they did every year to pay for the class trip. Alya had been class president since the beginning of the year, and had been responsible for planning it. She had forgot all about it.
           Alya was confident she managed though. They’d pull in enough money to pay for the entire trip and she’d get to rub it in Marinette’s face that no one needed. Alya hoped Lila was back in time from her trip with Prince Ali to see it.
           In addition, neither she nor Bustier seem to remember that the fundraiser was always biggest because it was the last one of the year. Marinette usually had done several different ones by then.
           Mylene was struggling. None of the sets were done. The costumes were terrible. The entire play seemed to be falling apart. They had forgot to only put up flyers promoting the play but they never even made them. She didn’t understand, normally everything would be going as smooth as silk by then. Silk…
“Marinette,” She gasped. Yes, she remembered, Marinette always helped out with the school plays. The Bluenette would fix the costumes. She’d even help out with the flyers and the set. Mylene pulled out her phone and quickly called her ex-friend. It went to voice mail. She frantically sent a dozen texts, all screaming emergency. But she never got a reply.
           Marinette laid on the beach, drinking virgin Pina Colada, while talking with a boy she met while surfing and subtly eyeing him. He was a seventeen-year-old, tanned, dark haired Adonis, literally named Adonis. He was ripped in a way Marinette had only every previously seen on guys in magazines or on TV. Marinette was fifteen, (Sixteen in just a few months) had grown remarkably into her looks, and smirked a bit every time she caught Adonis eyeing her back.
“I got to go,” Adonis said. “Work.” He leaned a bit closer to Marinette. “If you wanna drop by, I wouldn’t mind. Maybe we can go for a swim together.”
Marinette flushed with excitement and blushed a lovely pink by the offer, “That sounds amazing! What do you do?”
           He grinned a sparkling white smile that lit up his gray eyes, and caused Marinette to let out a dreamy sigh. “I work with my dad. We do underwater scuba tours and explore sea wildlife and dormant underwater volcanos. We just got be careful to avoid sharks.”
           Marinette’s fell open, and she just stared at the older boy for a moment, “I’m a little busy today. But can we meet up later,” She squeaked.
           They said they goodbyes. And once Adonis was out sight, Marinette’s eyes narrowed, “Not today, Satan.”
           An image of the first time saw Adonis suddenly floated to the front of her mind. Adonis coming out of the water, with his surfer board and red swim trucks, running towards dry land.
           Marinette took a deep breath to stead herself; fight the urge to go running after Adonis. Because there was no way in hell she was going to deal with a “Dormant” volcano. And she didn’t mess with sharks. Neither did Jagged anymore and he had to learn his lessons the hard way. He was lucky to come back with all his limbs.
           By Wednesday, everyone was panicking. Alya refused to give in and attempted to rally her troops; with a divide and conquer plan. Lila had even come back early and graciously offered to take time away from her busy schedule to help. Alya decided they’d work on the play first. Then prepare for the dance, it shouldn’t take that long to decorate anyway, Alya had guess. Then finally they work on the fundraiser.  Everything would go perfectly.
           …Everything went wrong.
           They worked the entire morning on the Mylene’s musical. They tried to work on the costumes. But they had no one who could fix the costumes. Any tailor they went to cost an arm and a leg. Lila’s personal tailor was away helping the Duchess of Manchester with her wedding dress. Max could print flyer but only generic ones. Not the creative ones Marinette had always made. And it wasn’t like they could ask Nathaniel for help without him spitting acid at them. The sets had to be rushed; and ended up poorly painted. Not even close to as good as the ones Marinette had help do the year before and even worse than the ones other classes had done. To make matters worse, the light fixtures they had installed started a small fire.
           Mylene had a full blown panic attacked that caused one of the strongest Akuma Queen Bee and Chat Noir had ever faced.
           The musical had taken up most of the day. So Alya and the class spent the rest of it and most of the night trying to prepare for the dance. The problem was their budget was small. Apparently it had always been that small which had shocked Alya and the others as they remembered the amazing dances Marinette had always thrown. The only decorations came from the local party story and were as cheap as possible. But they hadn’t gotten nearly enough when they got to gym and fully realize the size of it. But most of their budget was already shot on what they did get.
           While for the last few years, Marinette’s had supplied most of the food for the dances from the bakery. It was clear to Alya that, it wouldn’t be happening. Most of the class had been banned from the shop. Alya ended up having to buy dollar store chips and drinks; and ended up with a cliché fruit punch bowl.
           Everyone got in trouble with their parents for being out so late. Even if they had been at school. All the kids were exhausted and overly stressed. When Alya got home that night, she got a text from Nino that caused her to burst into tears. His DJ gear had fried. They had no music for the dance.
           Not to mention Alya hadn’t even thought about the fundraiser. What was she going to do? What could she do?
           Alya cried herself to sleep. Knowing that in the morning she’d have to swallow her pride and call in the big guns. She needed Marinette. They all did.
           Marinette was having the time of her life. She laughed as let Heinrich and Mila twirl her around the dance floor. She was at a local teen club, out late, and truly partying for the first time in her life. He was a sixteen-year-old, six foot tall, blond, gorgeous fut-baller, with cheekbones that could cut glass. He had come to the city with his team for a charity match all the way from Germany. Mila was a beautiful redhead from Ireland, with startling blue eyes and a face dusted with freckles. She was a futballer too and was the most competitive person Marinette had ever met.
           Marinette had met the futball players, the girls’ team and the boys’ team at the beach. When the girls realized they only had five plays to the boys’ six and needed another girl. They saw Marinette alone and invited her to play. They all had a blast. Afterwards, they invited her to the club that night.
           Marinette had danced with everyone. However, somehow she had found herself smashed between Heinrich and Mila, more often than anyone else.
           The three laughed their way off the dance floor when Tonya, a local girl with green hair, and a futballer herself, had waved them over.
“We’re going to Fairy Ridge,” Tonya shouted over the music.
           Marinette’s interest was piqued. “Fairy Ridge?”
           Tonya answered happily, “It’s beautiful at night. An underground cave, near the ocean. It has this opening at the top and you can see all stars. It has a bunch of colorful crystals that glow in the moonlight, and fill up the cave.”
“Sweet,” Mila said, her arm still around Marinette. “Sounds like a party, mate.”
           Everyone agreed quickly. But Marinette wasn’t too sure. It was really late to the point where Jagged would be proud when she got back. Penny had made Marinette promise to avoid doing anything that would make Jagged proud; apart from the Bluenette’s usual awesomeness of course.
“You are coming, yes, Marinette?” Heinrich gave her his most charming smile that made Marinette go weak in the knees.
“Marinette, the ridge is so cool,” Tonya exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. “It’s supposed to be magic. They say fairies used to really live there. It’s cursed. They say all who enter are given a test of worth. Those who pass are stolen away to live under fae rule forever more as a fairy.”
           Marinette just looked at her. She thought of Tikki, the small magical god of creation, who was enjoying her vacation in the luxury sweet as well. When Marinette left her, she had been in a bowl of cookies finally getting caught up on Game of Thrones. A god who’s power turned Marinette into a magical superhero. Magical was real. And if A kwami was real, fairies could be too.
           The bluenette pursed her lips, and feigned a look of disappoint, “Sorry, guys. It’s so late. I’m already super passed my curfew. You guys go. We’ll hang tomorrow, okay?”
           The other teens expressed their disappointment, though Mila and Heinrich tried to convince her a bit more as they left the club. Jagger’s personal driver already waited for her.
           Once they had parted ways, Marinette got into the car and drove off. She waved brightly to the backs of the beautiful teens, “Not today, Satan.”
           Thursday, the entire class was freaking out. They had all gotten there early, desperate to try to fix the mess they were in. Even Alya could admit she needed some serious help. They all waited for Marinette to show up. Surely, it had to be back by now, right? They needed her!
           When the school bell rang starting class, and once again, Marinette didn’t appear. Alya nearly screamed. “Where is she?” She asked. “Marinette can’t miss this much school!”
“She’s not replying to my texts,” Mylene said, her eyes frantic with worry. Her boyfriend Ivan tried to calm her down.
“She never got back to me either,” Rose frowned. “Normally I’d get a bunch of questions asking about the style of wanted for my dress by now.”
           Alya stomped her foot. “Marinette hasn’t answered a single of calls. What part of S.O.S doesn’t she understand? The dance is falling apart. I have no idea what to do about the fundraiser on Sunday. We need her. I swear if that girl lost her phone again…”
“You’ll do what?” Surprising it was Nathanial who asked this. There was silence at his questions. “That’s what I thought. You’ll do nothing. One, because you have no right to text the girl you disowned as a friend and ridiculed for the last year for help. Two, you couldn’t take Marinette in a fight with everyone in this class helping you. And three, you’re the one who turned down her offers to help all year; citing that you didn’t need her. You don’t get to beg for help at the last minute, and be surprised that she can’t do it.” The speech had turned into an angry rant by the end as the once quiet redhead glared at them with poorly concealed disgust.
           Chloe knew bringing Nathanial into their fold had been a smart idea. She sent a vicious smile to the class, “Marinette’s on vacation. She won’t be back until Monday.” Chloe relaxed in her seat. “For her ex-friends; it’s her one week. You should know what that means”
           There were gasps. Alya’s face drained of color. They all knew what that meant. Marinette was gone in the wind, and she wouldn’t come back or answer her phone even if fire rained from the sky as furbys finally revealed the truth of their evilness and declared themselves the new rules of earth.
           They were on their own.
           Lila watched with a frown as her classmates fell apart. She didn’t think this would happened when she got Alya to replace Marinette as class president. Who knew the idiots could survive without the girl?
“No dresses,” Rose realized. All the girls in class looked ready to cry. Marinette always made their dresses, always. What were they going to do? They never saved up any money for a dress because they never had to before.
           Mylene started crying, “The play is ruined.” She sobbed. “I worked so hard on it.”
“What about the fundraiser?” Alix asked. “So much for going to New York or anywhere! Our class trip is ruined!”
           Bustier looked at a loss of what to do as her student began to panic. “Now everyone calm down. Breath.” She said calmly. “It. Will. Be. Fine.”
           Alya paced around the class, her hair wild, her eyes bloodshot from the lack of sleep. “Ok, we can do this! I can do this!” She hissed. “I don’t need Marinette. I’ve never needed Marinette!” She looked around at the class. “None of us do. Anything she can do, we can do better, right?” Some looked unsure but Alya manage to rally everyone. “We can get our own dresses!” She yelled. “We can decorate our own dance. We fix the school play. And we will do the fund raiser. Without her, who need that bully anyway?”
           Nathaniel and Chloe shared a look and rolled their eyes. This would be good.
           The next few days would go down in Bustier’s class history as the worst three days of the students’ lives. And the most embarrassing.
           Barely anyone showed up for Mylene’s musical. None of the costumes were finished. The sets were a disaster. The actors were so frazzled, they couldn’t remember their lines. Three people walked out. One of them was Kim’s grandmother. Kim who had been one of the lead actors.
           On the day of Mylene’s play, Marinette woke up from her second nap of day to Penny banging on her door. When the bluenette opened it, the woman screamed, “Get ready!”
“What?” Marinette yawned, still half-asleep.
“Get. Ready. Now,” Excitement shown in the older woman eyes. She bounced around the room, opened Marinette’s closet and started throwing out clothes. “Hurry!”
“Why?” It was her vacation. Marinette didn’t want to rush. Or move.
“Zac Efron,” Penny squealed. That got Marinette’s attention and it was all Marinette need to shoot to attention and start scrambling to get ready. “Tom Holland, and Zendaya are filming a movie on an island close by. Jagged got us passed to go set.”
           As Marinette got dressed she asked, “What’s the movie about?”
           Penny gave a dreamy sigh, “Pirates and adventures. It’s a musical. Zendaya plays a kickass pirate who takes control of her father’s ship after he dies to rescue her genius half-brother, played by Tom Holland, who managed to figure out the location of the greatest treasure in all of history, from the evil Pirate King, played by Zac Efron.”
“Now that’s a musical I’d watch,” Marinette finished her make up in the mirror.
“And get this!” Penny paused for dramatic effect. “Harry Styles is the love interest. He supposed to be on set sometime this week.”
           Marinette screamed.
           They took a helicopter to the island. It was the best day of her life. She got to meet the goddess that was Zendaya, Her real life prince charming Tom Holland, and the man of her dreams Zac Efron. They were nice. They were sweet. They took so many pictures and videos with her.
           When Jagged mentioned Marinette designed most of his wardrobe. Marinette even got to show off her sketch book she had brought when the cast was too busy and it got boring. Zendaya commissioned a dress. She nearly right there.
           Then the director got a call, “Okay Harry’s arrived. He’s waiting at the cave. Time to shoot the act 5, scene 1.”
           They all moved to leave.
“Cave?” Marinette found herself asking.
           Penny nodded, “Its historically accurate. The real life Captain Wolfblood, the guy who’s treasure everyone wants, supposedly buried his there. Pirates fought and died there all the time trying to find it. Supposed to be cursed. So whoever died was bound there for eternity; their ghosts protect the treasure. Killing all who enter their domain.”
  ��        Marinette found herself stopping in her tracks, “Pirate Ghosts.” She stated. “Cursed treasure.”
“Harry Styles…” Penny sang, causing Jagged to give her a sour look.
           Harry Styles… For the first time that vacation Marinette was tempted to go. Tempted to risk pirates’ curses and murderous ghosts just to see the man who had caused ten-year-old Marinette to write Mrs. Harry Styles in her diary for a month.
“I actually have to facetime my parents,” Marinette frowned. “Reception terrible out here.”
           After promising to meet them for dinner, Marinette booked it off the island. As it faded from sight, and all her wishes of being the future Mrs. Harry Styles burned, she whispered, “You stepped of your game. I’m impressed.” She glared at the window. “But Not today, Satan.”
           The dance was a catastrophe. Everyone in class could admit to that. All the girls wore their dresses from the year before. For the first time, there was no live performance. Just Nino’s play music from his phone. Until it died midsong. They forgot to get helium for the balloons, so they had to blow them up themselves. The chips were stale. The punch tasted like rotten bananas. No one alerted the proper staff regarding the dance so no one warned the janitor not to wax the gym floor the night before. Five kids hurt themselves. Alya forgot to get chaperones. And found Damocles and Mendeleiev shut down the entire dance before it even got passed its first hour.
           The night of the dance would go down as the best night of Marinette’s life. The director from the day before had liked Marinette so much that gave her the role of Lunaris, mermaid princess, originally played by an actress who had backed out of the role at the last second. Like literally right before they were supposed to shoot her scenes. It was a small role; Marinette didn’t have many lines and only two songs to herself (and fillers song lines throughout the movie). Plus she died. (The entire part took five days to film, and Marinette ended up staying on her vacation an additional two days. Her parents instantly approved; wanting their daughter away from the drama of her ex-friends. However, Marinette would be called in for additional reshoots and scenes, a month later. Then more after that as they would expand her role) She spent the entire time in a mermaid costume. Up until the last act of the movie.
           However, her character was in love with Harry Styles’ character, a mermaid prince who became human for chance to win the love of Zendaya’s character. Her character more or less had been the prince’s childhood best friend who never admitted to being in love with him until it was too late. She had spent the entire movie supporting him to win the main character’s heart. Her first song was sang as she helped him escape the underwater kingdom to go to his true love while she hid her own; choosing to put him before herself. The next day it was revealed that they were supposed to have been betrothed and united their kingdoms. Her second song happened after she chose to fight on land to save her friend and taking a killing blow for him; she died singing to the prince about not waiting to tell someone you love until its’ too late; especially if the love’s worth dying for. Or walking on land for.
           After shooting her scenes for the day; she was invited by the cast to go meet Chris Heimsworth who was vacationing at a nearby island resort. They were going to go budging jumping of the highest mountain on the Island, near shark infested waters. Again Marinette only had one thing to say to that, “Not today, Satan.” She was not going to fight a shark. Not that week. No matter how much she loved Thor. (She’d later find out Tom Hiddleston was there and cry.)
           The fundraiser had cost more than it raised. That was all anyone was willing to say on the subject. Particularly Alya who was missing her eyebrows.
           The day of the fundraiser, the Day Marinette was supposed to return home, was bliss. At the end of it, Marinette found herself watching the sunset with Jagged and Penny.
“We should visit mermaid isle,” Penny suggested. “I heard it’s magical. There’s a spot that grants wishes… At a price.”
           Marinette didn’t bother to ask for anymore. She just smiled, “Not today, Satan.”
           The next morning, the Monday Marinette should have already been back home, instead she was getting ready to shoot some more scene for the movie. Then she got a call.
“Hey Marinette!” Kimi, the director, said. “We were hoping you could come in early today. We have to shoot your death scene.”
“Oh! Sweet! Where?”
“Shark cove. It will be perfect,” Kimi said cheerfully. “This time before your last breath, Harry’s going to kiss you goodbye. So eat a mint.”
           Marinette mind froze. Kiss… Harry? “Shark cove?”
“Yeah, we’ll have to be careful not to attract any, you know?” Kimi sighed. “It’ll be a bit dangerous. You okay with that?”
           The bluenette wanted to scream no way. But it was a new week. “I’m there,” She said firmly. For a kiss from Harry Styles, she’d do anything.
           Vacation time was over. Marinette was going to fight a shark.
           When Marinette returned to school on Wednesday, it was to the frustrated faces of her classmates. None of them talked to her. Just glared coldly. Though Alya did give her a sarcastic, welcome back.
           Marinette just shrugged and went to sit at her desk next to Chloe and Nathaniel, who were both grinning.
“How was it?” Marinette asked them.
           Nathaniel smirked, “Epic! Three fires. Two poisonings. A kid broke his leg. Four more ended up in the emergency room.”
“The play was a disaster,” Chloe added. “The dance was shut down after an hour. The fire department came to the so called fund raiser. You were gone for little more than a week and these morons nearly got themselves killed like four times.”
“We got in on video!” Nathaniel laughed.
           Marinette laughed.
           She looked at the stressed and embarrassed students of Bustier’s class, even the teacher looked worse for wear.
           Marinette smirked.
           Somebody obviously needed a vacation. Or rather… Everybody.
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kurts-still-here · 3 years
Hugs and Hickeys Kurt/Sam FanFiction
Hi everyone, I was inspired to write another Hevans fic by someone on Archive Of Our Own and because I love them so I’d appreciate it a lot if you checked it out and told me what you think. You can leave any comments on here or on Archive Of Our Own or FanFiction.Net. Thank you!! 😁😁😎😎
Archive Of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32896744
FanFiction. Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13929156/1/Hugs-and-Hickeys
Kurt and Sam were currently in Kurt’s bedroom, in the middle of making out. They had been waiting for this day for a while now seeing that they had to be very careful and had to plan out their make-out sessions and dates since they were dating in secret. Secret relationships were hard work. 
Kurt had Cheerios practice on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 to 9:00 and then Sam had football on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5:00 to 8:00. They both had glee club together on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:00 which only gave them Fridays and the weekend to hang out and go on dates. But seeing as no one else knew about their relationship except their parents who had promised to keep it a secret it was hard to come up with excuses as to why they couldn’t hang out with their friends over the weekends.
 Finn would always invite Sam and the glee guys over to their house for sleepovers and game nights and the glee girls would always invite Kurt over to one of their houses for a sleepover or for him to go to the mall with them. It was easy for Sam to make up excuses at first because he was able to say that he had homework or that he had to watch his siblings. But as time went on his friends had gotten suspicious of him because he would always use the same excuses over and over again causing Sam to have to come up with a different plan. Kurt wasn’t as lucky as Sam was in the first place because first, he was a terrible liar and second, he knew that his friends wouldn’t believe him if he told them that he had work to do over the weekend because Kurt was one of McKinley’s top students and always had his work done.
 So eventually they just went with it and Kurt would go with the girls and Sam would go with the guys. Whatever free time they had they took advantage of. In the rare event that Sam was not invited over by Finn and that Kurt was not invited by one of the girls and Finn was over at Puck’s house, Kurt would invite Sam over and they would watch movies or make out or just sleep together because they were tired out from their busy lives. If Finn was supposed to come home at a certain time then Kurt would set an alarm as a reminder for Sam to leave before Finn saw them. Sam never wanted to leave so Kurt started adding an extra 5 minutes to the alarm to give Sam enough time to complain before Kurt kicked him out. Sometimes they would get really lucky and Finn would spend the weekend out of the house, allowing Sam to not have to leave so soon but that was an even rarer occasion.
 Yes, their secret was hard to keep especially when they loved each other so much and wanted to be around each other as much as possible but it was also fun and romantic in a way. The way they could make eye contact and they could see the love they had for one another in their eyes. How they could look at each other and it was like an inside joke that was only for them. The way they would get all lightheaded and would feel fluffy inside when they brushed shoulders or accidentally touched hands with each other (even though it was never an accident to them). The idea of them being together but being the only ones who knew about it, not having anyone in their business was comforting and calming.
 Ever since Kurt had personally introduced himself to Sam in the hallway when Sam had first joined the new Directions they knew they had loved each other, it was love at first sight. Sam had decided that if they won the competition then he would tell Kurt how he felt about him on their “date” but that never happened because Finn intervened. Sam came to the conclusion that even though he loved Kurt and he was pretty sure that Kurt loved him that Lima was not the place to be in a relationship with another boy, especially McKinley. So even though Kurt had broken off their partnership and they had gone their separate ways regarding the duets, Sam had still told Kurt how he felt about him and was relieved when Kurt said he felt the same way.
 They had both agreed to keep the relationship a secret, only telling their parents because they had the right to know who their children went out with. Kurt had made his dad and Carol promise not to mention Sam and him to Finn because first of all, Finn was the reason that they had decided to keep it a secret in the first place along with bullies and second of all, because once Finn knew then the whole glee club would now and then the whole school would know and then the whole town would know and then so much for their romantic secret.
 So yes it was hard but they made it work because they were so in love. They didn’t know how long they would keep it a secret but right now all they cared about was the time that they got to share with each other and it was enough for the moment.
 Little did they know that soon their secret would fall apart and they would be exposed. And it was all because of Sam’s big lips.
 “I love you so much Kurt,” Sam said while he kissed Kurt’s neck. “You’re so cute and hot and sexy and I love you.”
 “I love you too Sam,” Kurt said, giggling. He loved how much Sam complimented him, telling him how good of a boyfriend he was or how good looking he was. How sweet and kind he thought Kurt was and how he wasn’t afraid to show his love for Kurt. Sam was the sweetest guy he had ever met. “You're sexy too.”
 “I want to be with you forever,” Sam told him, in between sucking Kurt’s neck. “I want to go to New York with you and I want to be a model and you’ll be a successful designer and we’ll be rich and successful and we’ll start a family and we’ll be together forever.”
 “You’re too cute Sam,” Kurt told him. “I want that to.”
 They continued their kissing until Kurt’s phone went off, signaling that it was time for Sam to leave before Finn got home. Kurt pushed Sam away and Sam groaned before leaning in for another kiss.
 “Sam, you do this every time babe,” Kurt said, reluctantly letting Sam continue to kiss him. “You have to go now or else Finn’s going to find out about us.”
 “I hate Finn,” Sam said, pouting. “He’s a douche.”
 “You know usually I’d stand up for him but he really is,” Kurt agreed. “But if we want to keep this between us then you have to go Sam.”
 “Ugh,” Sam said when Kurt playfully pushed him away again. “Is it such a crime for a guy to want to make out with his boyfriend?”
 “Sadly, apparently to  some people it is babe,” Kurt said, sighing sadly to himself. “But remember that next week my dad is taking Finn to a football game with Puck and all the girls are busy so we’ll have the whole weekend.”
 “I don’t want to wait,” Sam said. “I know we both agree that this is romantic but I feel like I never get to spend time alone with you. There’s school and glee and then I have football and you have Cheerios and then all our friends want to hang out and there’s only so many excuses I can come up with. I just want to kiss you and cuddle with you and go out on romantic dates with you. It’s not fair.”
 “I know it’s not Sam but it’s just for the moment. It’s not like we’re gonna keep this a secret forever.” Kurt reminded him.
 “Well how much longer do I have to wait before I can hold your hand in public without having to worry about being slushied or without having to worry about Finn?” Sam asked.
 “Well when the time does come we’ll just have to deal with it. Let’s just remember how much fun it is to have our own little secret.”
 Sam went into kiss Kurt again and Kurt accepted it but stood up making Sam stand up along with him and then grabbed Sam’s bag before walking him to the door, still attached to him. 
 “Sam” Kurt whined. “You have to leave, like now.”
 “Come on, I still have a good ten minutes?” Sam guessed but judging by Kurt’s raised eyebrow he had gotten it wrong. “Five?”
 “It’s not just if Finn sees you here. What if you two drive past each other? He’ll get suspicious and then he’ll ask me and you know how much of a terrible liar I am right? We’d get exposed and I don’t want everyone to find out from someone else. I want to tell everyone, with you, when we’re ready to. Now seriously, go,” Kurt said, one hand on his hip and the other pointing out the door.
 “You know you’re really hot when you’re mad babe,” Sam said, a playful grin on his face. Kurt just smirked and rolled his eyes and Sam gave him one more kiss in the lips before walking out of Kurt’s bedroom. 
 “Call me when you get home,” He shouted after Sam. 
“I will,” Sam shouted back and once Kurt heard Sam close his front door he closed his bedroom door and went to go get ready for bed.
 He went into his bathroom to grab a washcloth and then put some water on it before walking back into his bedroom and going to sit at his vanity. He took all his skincare products out and neatly placed them on the table before taking the washcloth and gently pressing it onto his pale skin. And that’s when he saw…
 A giant hickey on his neck.
 His thoughts admittedly went to Sam (even though they had already been there) and he just stared at his neck with wide-eyes, softly touching the mark with his fingers. This could not be happening, this thing was huge. Of course it was, Sam had big lips and they were wonderful when you kissed them and Kurt loved it when Sam kissed his neck with them but never had he given him a hickey. Kurt had to admit that it was hot and he wasn’t mad at Sam for giving him one. He was nervous about how fast all of this could fall apart.
 If his friends saw the hickey then they would obviously want to know who it was and once again, he was a bad liar. They would see right through him and it would only get worse when they would name off their list of suspects. They would probably think it was Blaine and of course it wasn’t Blaine so Kurt wouldn’t be lying to them about that. His friends would probably still think he was lying though so then they would probably contact Blaine seeing that some of them like Rachel and Mercedes were friends with him. Blaine would say no because it wasn’t him but then would get suspicious about why they had thought it was him in the first place.
 Yes Kurt had had a small crush on Blaine but that was before he fell in love with Sam. His feelings for the Warbler were completely platonic now. Then Blaine would ask him why his friends thought that he had given him a hickey and then Kurt wouldn’t know what to tell Blaine because if he told him it was Sam then Blaine would definitely tell Rachel or Mercedes. Then the whole glee club would now and then the whole school and then the whole town and then their secret would be out.
 Maybe he was overreacting and overthinking the whole situation and you could just tell him to cover it up with some makeup but then the makeup would get in his clothes and he couldn’t have that happening. You could just tell him to wear one of his stylish turtlenecks but it was April and turtleneck season was over.
 After thinking this through and coming up with nothing he pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of him standing in the mirror, focusing on his neck. He then sent the picture to Sam and told him to call him when he got home, that it was urgent.
 He paced back and forth in his room, forgetting about his skincare routine and instead focusing on the problem at hand. Sure he could just tell everyone that it was from Sam and that they were dating. Yes, Finn may bitch at them at first but he would get over it and he knew that the rest of the club would accept it but he wasn’t worried so much about them knowing as he was them telling. He didn’t want his romance with Sam to be scarred with slushies and locker shoves and dumpster dives. It was bad enough that he had to endure it, he didn't want the same for Sam. Plus, they had only been dating for about five months and he wanted their secret romance to last just a little bit longer.
 He had continued pacing for about ten minutes when he heard his phone ring. He quickly picked it up and answered it, knowing that it was Sam.
 “Hey babe,” Sam said through the phone. “Nice pic,”
 “I don’t think it’s as nice as you think it is,” Kurt said, rubbing his temples. “You don’t see anything wrong do you?”
 “No,” Sam said at first, confused. “But if this is about your clothes then you already know I don’t know anything about fashion so text Mercedes or someone else.”
 “No Sam,” Kurt said, frustrated. “Zoom in on my neck and I think you’ll see the problem.”
 “Okay?” Sam asked. “Give me a minute,”
 Kurt patiently tapped his foot as he waited to hear Sam’s reaction.
 “Whoa, babe, how come I didn’t see this before? Who did that to you because I’m gonna go and beat their ass right now?” Sam shouted into the phone. Kurt just rolled his eyes and shook his head.
 “I’m pretty sure that it’s impossible to beat your own ass Sam,” Kurt said, plainly, waiting for Sam to understand.
 “What do you mean? I didn’t hit you and give you a bruise,” Sam stated.
 “Sam you gave me a hickey,” Kurt said, giving up on any hope that Sam would get it. “How does that look like someone punched me? Yes it’s a bit larger but your mouth is smaller than a fist honey.”
 “Wait, I did that?” Sam asked, as his voice changed from confused to freaked out. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry Kurt. I didn’t mean to leave any marks. God, please don’t break up with me. I can buy you something to fix it with. Or…” Kurt cut him off.
 “Sam babe, calm down. I’m not mad at you, it’s hot. I just don’t know how I’m going to cover something this big up. You do know that if the glee club finds out about this that they're eventually going to find out about us? I don’t want that to happen,” Kurt assured his boyfriend.
 “Can’t you cover it up with make-up?” His boyfriend asked and Kurt thought it was funny that Sam thought it was that easy for him.
 “Not unless I want make-up on my outfits. No, that’s not an option. My clothes are expensive and so is dry cleaning. It’s bad enough I have to deal with slushies and garbage juice.”
 “How about something like one of those shirts with the long sleeves but the sleeve is for your neck… god what’s it called, I’m blanking on the name?” Sam asked and Kurt heard him snapping his fingers.
 “It’s called a turtleneck, babe,” Kurt informed him. “But that’s also out of the question because it’s April and if I’m seen wearing a turtleneck in the spring then the girls will definitely know something is up and their first guess will be that I got my neck sucked.”
 “Well that’s all I can think of.” Sam admitted. “Gosh, babe I’m so sorry. I ruined our secret.”
 “No, Sam, don’t say that” Kurt assured him, changing to a softer tone. :You didn’t ruin anything, you just have to be more careful next time.”
 “But your neck is your favorite place,” Sam whined. “And I like kissing it too.”
 “You know me very well Sam,” Kurt joked but then he suddenly got an idea and he snapped his fingers. “I think I figured it out.”
 “What is it?” Sam asked him, excitedly. 
 “I may be able to make a short-sleeved turtleneck using one of my out of season ones. Apparently they're really stylish in New York. All I would have to do is cut the sleeves and maybe do something with the cuffs so it doesn't look ridged.” Kurt thought aloud to Sam.
 “Like I said, I don’t know anything about fashion but it sounds hot. And anything as long as it covers that up.” Sam told him, sounding hopeful.
 “Okay then. Whew, that’s a relief. I can breathe again,” Kurt said, walking  into his closet and finding the boxes that he had put all his last season stuff in. Yes, he was dreading wearing something from last season but at least it would be his own and he dreaded the thought of everyone finding out about him and Sam more. Sacrifices had to be made in secret relationships.
 “Let me see here,” He told Sam. “I have a light blue one, a dark blue one, a black one and a white one. Seeing that it’s spring I think either light blue or white but what do you think babe?”
 “Which one is tighter?” Sam teased and Kurt rolled his eyes.
 “The white one but then it would be see through and I could always make the blue one together if you wanted. Plus the color would complement my eyes, don’t you think?
 “I think you’d look great in anything,” Sam said.
 “Flattery will get you far in life honey,” Kurt told him, laughing at his boyfriend’s comment. He really was the sweetest. He was so lucky to have Sam. “So I guess the blue one it is.”
 He picked up the blue one and put the other shirts back in their box. He put the box back and walked out of his closet and back into his room. He took one of the mannequins that he had to make his own pieces of clothing and put the blue shirt over it.
 “Okay, I gotta go now Sam but I’ll text you a picture when I’m done with it alright?”
 “Okay, I’m sure it’ll be great.” Sam paused. “I’m really sorr…” Kurt cut him off again.
 “Sam, honey you don’t have to keep apologizing. It was an accident and we figured it out. Besides, it's just another one of our little secrets right? Don’t worry about it, I was just freaking out a little.” Kurt assured Sam once again. He hadn’t meant to make Sam feel bad or to make Sam think that he was mad at him. Kurt just tended to stress out over everything and he always wanted to know what was going on or what was going to happen.
 “Ok, I’ll forget about it. Good luck with your shirt babe,” Sam said. “Goodnight, I love you.” Sam blew a kiss into his phone.
 “I love you too honey,” Kurt said, blowing him a kiss back. “See you tomorrow.”
 Sam hung up and Kurt set his phone down on his bed before he turned all his attention to his project. He was in for a long night.
Kurt had spent four hours working on his shirt but it was worth it because he looked stunning in it. He had cut the sleeves and then folded them up and sewed them down. He had made the shirt skin-tight for Sam and had decorated the end of the sleeves with embroidery jewels. Then he paired the outfit with black skinny jeans, a pair of black leather boots and a pair of sunglasses. He had sent Sam a picture of his outfit when he had finished getting ready for school and Sam was ecstatic about the outfit. Sam had said that he was glad that he had given Kurt the hickey and that he should give him more, making Kurt roll his eyes. 
 Kurt grabbed his bag for school and headed downstairs to grab a piece of fruit for his breakfast. He walked into the kitchen and saw that the rest of his family was in there as well. He grabbed an apple and sat down at the table with his dad and Finn while Carol stood at the stove making Finn and his dad eggs and pancakes. 
 “Good morning sweetie,” Carol said when he had sat down. “You look nice today.”
 “Thank you Carol,” Kurt beamed. “I made the shirt myself.”
 “Well it’s lovely dear. Isn’t it a nice shirt, boys?” She asked her husband and son. Neither of them responded, Finn still being half asleep and his dad looking at the newspaper.
 “It’s okay Carol,” Kurt assured her. “I know they aren’t interested into the fashion stuff.” They laughed together before she turned her attention back to making breakfast. Kurt really didn’t mind that his dad wasn’t interested in his outfit today. He didn’t want his dad to ask some stupid question like “You’re dressed up today, is it for anyone in particular?” and then stir up any suspension in Finn. It was better that his dad and Finn didn’t pay any attention to his turtleneck.
 Kurt ate his apple while checking his social media and then waited for Finn to wake up and eat his breakfast so he could drive him to school. Thankfully the car ride was like any other day, they both sang along to songs on the radio and talked about glee club. Finn didn’t ask any questions about Kurt’s outfit which just made Kurt even more confident that his secret with Sam was safe.
 When they arrived at school they walked in the building together and down the hallway before splitting up when they saw their friends. Finn went over to Sam, Puck, Mike and Artie while Kurt went over to the girls who were already standing at his locker, waiting for him.
 “Look at you, white boy,” Mercedes said, holding out her arms to give Kurt a hug which he returned. “You look good.”
 “When did you buy that shirt?” Brittany asked him. “I’ve never seen it before.”
 “I made it Britt.” He told the girls proudly. “It was originally a last season, long-sleeved shirt but I cut the sleeves off of it and put some jewels on it and ta-da.” He informed them, spinning around. “It’s one of my best works.”
 “It’s a nice shirt and it really shows you off but a last season shirt?” Quinn asked him, sharing a knowing look with Santana. “Are you okay Kurt?”
 Kurt’s body froze for a moment but he quickly got a hold of himself and smiled and nodded to the girls. Of course if anyone were to notice something was off it would be Quinn and Santana.
 “Yeah, everything’s fine. I was just really bored last night and I was going through my old clothes when I found this and you know, it goes with my eyes and I was bored so I made it my own..” Kurt rambled and was starting to think that he blew his cover. Now all the girls were looking at him funny, like he had two heads.
 “Uh huh,” Santana said, slowly nodding her head. Kurt froze again as she walked up to him, taking her long manicured finger and lifting the collar of his shirt down to find out that he had a huge, hickey on his neck. “Exactly what I thought,” She said as she lifted the shirt down more so that the rest of the girls could see.
 “Oh my god, Kurt,” Rachel loudly shrieked, capturing the attention of the guys who were on the other side of the hallway. “That hickey is huge.”
 “Keep your voice down Rachel,” Kurt hissed at her as he pulled his collar back up. “I don’t need the whole school to hear that I have a huge hickey on my neck.” He frowned and paused. “But it’s not that bad right, like it’s not that big is it?”
 The girls exchanged an uneasy look with each other before collectively saying “No” except for Santana who said, “Yes it looks like a fish sucked your neck.” Which made Kurt even more nervous since they could put two and two together and figure out that it was Sam.
 Speak of the devil, Sam and the rest of the guys had come over to see what had made Rachel yell about Kurt. Finn, Mike, Puck and Artie were all confused while Sam stood in the back of the group, trying to make himself unknown to the group. Kurt was glad that Sam had been thinking and that he had stayed with the group because if Sam wasn’t there then that could just make him an even bigger suspect in their mystery.
 “What’s going on?” Puck asked the girls.
 “Yeah, what happened Kurt, why’d Rachel scream?” Finn asked him. Kurt was still to nervous to speak so he just stood there, knowing that one of the girls would eventually tell the boys.
 “Someone sucked Kurt’s neck,” Brittany answered, dreamily. “Was it Blaine Warbler?”
 “What? No Britt, Blaine and I are just friends plus Blaine’s mouth is not that big,” Kurt rambled, ignoring the looks on his brother’s and male friends’ faces. “We aren’t dating, just friends.”
 “Well if it wasn’t Gelmet then who was it?” Santana asked him and the group turned a questioning eye on Kurt, pressuring him to tell the truth but Kurt wasn’t going to crack. He would lie if he had to whether they ended up believing him or not.
 “That’s for me to know and for you to never find out,” Kurt told them, sternly. “It’s known of your business.”
 “What if we guess?” Tina asked and the group nodded their heads in agreement with the idea.
 “No, no guessing. I’m not telling you who it is, you probably don’t even know who it is.”
 “I think I have a right to know who my brother’s dating,” Finn stated. “I mean does Burt and my mom know?”
 “Actually they do,” Kurt told him. “And no, you don’t have a right to know. I’m a teenage boy, stop treating me like I’m a baby who needs his brother to look out for him. A boy sucked my neck, I don’t want to go flaunting it around hence the shirt.”
 “See, you obviously don’t want us to know who it is because you know we wouldn’t approve which is why you’re so defensive,” Puck said, raising an eyebrow. “Who was it Princess, a bad boy, some motorcycle dude. Whoa, did you have sex with this guy?”
 “No Noah, I did not have sex with this guy,” Kurt hissed as Finn grew pale and the rest of the group looked even more shocked then previously. “We made it, we’re dating, we love each other and I’m not telling you who it is. Give it a rest.”
 “You aren’t getting off that easy, White Boy,” Mercedes told him.
 “Yeah, we’re all friends here, if one of us had a hickey then we would totally tell each other who did it,” Puck said, Artie, Mike and Santana nodding along with him.
 “I wouldn’t want to know that information,” Kurt mumbled.
 “Just watch out Kurt,” Rachel warned him. “We’ll be watching your every move today and we will figure out who gave you that hickey.”
 “Yeah and then when we do, we’re all going to have a nice chit-chat so we can figure out whether we approve or not,” Finn said. “Right guys?”
 “Right,” All the guys said except for Sam who was just half mindedly listening in on the conversation.
 “Umm Sam?” Artie asked him, waving his hands in Kurt’s boyfriend’s face. “Earth to Sam, are you with us?” Sam snapped out of his trance and looked up to see that everyone was staring at him. He quickly glanced at Kurt who told him with his eyes to say something.
 “Uh, yeah right, We’re gonna find this guy Kurt and we’re gonna teach him a lesson.” Sam said, trying to sound like he was paying attention but failing miserably.
 Everyone including Kurt just rolled their eyes at him and then turned back to Kurt as the bell rang, signaling that it was time to get to class.
 “Remember Lady Hummel,” Santana lectured him. “We’re always watching.”
 And with that everyone left Kurt standing at his locker as they walked off to their designated classes. Kurt was a complete wreck inside, seeing as his plan had completely backfired. Someone was going to figure it out and then they would confront him and Sam and then the truth would be out and then it would be so much for their fun, romantic secret relationship.
 Kurt sighed and took out his phone when he heard it ding. He saw it was from Sam and opened it up.
 To Kurt: Hope you aren’t mad at me for kind blowing our cover 😊
 Kurt smiled and texted his boyfriend back.
 To Sam: Of course I’m not mad babe, you just need to pay attention some more 😊
 To Kurt: You look even better in person. See you later? 😊
 To Sam: See you later. Love ya!! 😊
 To Kurt: Love ya too!!
 Kurt put his phone in his pocket and started walking to his first period class, thinking of how he was going to get through the day with his friend’s eyes constantly on him.
“Sam this is a disaster,” Kurt half yelled, half whispered at his boyfriend. He had managed to get away from all his friends and to find Sam so they could talk in private in the choir room. “They’ve literally been watching me all day. Santana and Brittany went through my call log and messages, luckily I had all our conversations deleted and then I was on my phone in the hallway and Puck and Finn nearly scared the crap out of me when they ambushed me and took my phone. I can’t take this anymore.”
 Sam was just sitting down in one of the chairs as he watched Kurt pace back and forth, worried about how upset Kurt was. “What should we do?”
 “I don’t know,” Kurt admitted, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. “I don’t know but we need to figure out something quick before they find us here.”
 “Babe,” Sam said, concerned, getting up to take Kurt’s hands so he would stop ruining his hair. “It's not that serious, just calm down.”
 “But it is,” Kurt cried. “I don’t want anyone to know. You know how much more harassment I’m going to get if the football team and the other jocks know that we’re dating. They’d think that I converted you or something and they’d be even more mad at me and then you would get tortured too and I don’t want that for us.”
 “Well if that’s what’s bothering you then I don’t care about those dicks.” Sam said and Kurt laughed a little at Sam’s choice of words. “Seriously, I’d rather get slushied or shoved up against a locker a few times a day then see you this stressed out. Besides, I can always beat them up if they bother us.” He said, nonchalantly.
 “Don’t you see though Sam. We shouldn’t have to worry about that kind of stuff. We shouldn’t have to go through that just because we love each other.” Kurt explained. “And sure you can beat them up but at the end of the day it’s not going to change how they feel about us.”
“Well it will send them the message to back off,” Sam said, hopefully. “I’d do anything for you Kurt.”
 “And I'd do anything for you Sam,” Kurt said back, smiling. 
 Sam leaned forward to give Kurt a kiss which turned into them kissing each other, staying glued together.
 “Sam, babe,” Kurt said, trying to get Sam to stop but even he didn’t want it to end. “Sam, we can’t do this here.”
 “Why not?” Sam asked, innocently. “No one else is around and I want to kiss you,”
 “You know exactly why not,” Kurt huffed. “At any moment someone could jump out from behind the door or something and then they would see us.”
 “Well… and don’t get mad at me but what if we just tell them?” Sam asked and Kurt raised a questioning eyebrow at him. “Just the glee kids and we make the like, swear to secrecy. Then we wouldn’t have to hide from them anymore and we could hang out more.”
 “Is that what you really want though Sam?” Kurt asked him. Yes Kurt wanted that but he also couldn’t fully trust the glee club to keep a secret because they were terrible at it. “Quinn and Santana are the most gossipy bitches in the school and I’m not saying that they’ll deliberately tell anyone but they have friends outside of this club, what if it slips?”
 “Then we’ll deal with it when the time comes babe,” Sam said, rubbing Kurt’s hands. “But I’m not ashamed of you and I hope you aren’t ashamed of me, so I don’t want to hide anymore. At least not from our friends.”
 “I’m not ashamed of you Sam,” Kurt said, taking his hand and brushing Sam’s cheek. “You're the best boyfriend in the world. You really want to tell them?”
Sam nodded his head eagerly.
 Kurt sighed. He didn’t want to disappoint Sam by denying his request seeing that he was so happy about the idea of not hiding anymore. “Okay, yeah, let’s tell them. I’ll text them to meet us here right now.”
 “Yes,” Sam exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. He picked up Kurt in a giant hug and spun him around the room. “Now we can hang out more and I can kiss you more and we can actually go out on dates and we won’t have to worry about running into anyone. Yes, this is amazing babe,”
 “I’m glad you think so,” Kurt laughed as he typed the message into the glee group chat.
 From Kurt
To Everyone: Meet me in the choir room ASAP, I have something to tell you 😁
 From Santana 
To Everyone: Does it have anything to do with your mysterious loverboy?
 From Brittany
To Everyone: ????
 From Puck
To Everyone: ????
 From Artie
To Everyone: ????
 From Finn
To Everyone: ????
 From Quinn
To Everyone: ????
 From Kurt
To Everyone: Maybe, okay
 From Kurt
To Everyone: Just stop with the question marks 😡
 From Rachel
To Everyone: ????
 From Rachel
To Everyone: Wait sorry I didn’t mean to do that
 From Kurt
To Everyone: 🙄
 From Santana
To Everyone: 🙄😑
 From Finn
To Everyone: Okay little bro we’ll be there in a few
 From Kurt
To Everyone: Take your time 😊
 From Santana
To Everyone: You wish Lady Hummel
 From Santana
To Everyone: I’m already on my way, running down the hall
 From Kurt
To Everyone: 🙄🙄
 From Santana
To Everyone: 😎😛😍
 “Okay, they’re on their way,” Kurt told Sam who was jumping up and down in preparation for their big reveal. “So you just want to tell them outright or…?”
 “Yeah, pretty much,” Sam stopped jumping and shrugged. “It’s not like we have time to plan out a song,’
 “I guess you’re right,” Kurt said but then he saw that Sam’s face lit up and could tell that he had gotten an idea. “Sam? What are you thinking?”
 “I’m gonna hide in the closet,” Sam said, casually. “And then when everyone is here I’m going to jump out and come over and passionately kiss you.”
 “Okay, um wow babe, that’s actually not a bad idea,” Kurt said, thinking the plan though. “I actually love it.”
 “You do?” Sam asked. “Wow, thanks babe.”
 “You’re so smart Sam,” Kurt told him, going over and kissing him. “I love you.”
 “I love you too babe,” Sam said, returning the kiss. “This is so awesome, I’m gonna go hide now,”
 “Okay,” Kurt laughed. “Don’t make too much noise, alright?”
 “I won't,” Sam promised him as he slipped into the closet. Kurt realized that not only would they be telling their friends that they had been dating each other for five months but Sam would also be coming out to them and the closet idea was cute.
 Kurt paced back and forth with his arms behind his back as he waited for everyone to gather in the room. It was their free period right now so they should be there at any moment. And he was right because soon enough Santana and Mercedes entered the room, Santana out of breath from running across the school in order to get there. Kurt told everyone one by one to take a seat until everyone arrived. After Santana and Mercedes, it was Quinn and Tina, then Rachel and Finn, Brittany, Finn and Artie and then lastly Puck and Mike. Once everyone was seated Kurt stopped his pacing and addressed the group.
 “As you all know by now, I’ve been secretly dating someone for five months now and it seems that you guys would like to know who it is,” He said.
 “Damn straight Princess,” Puck yelled as everyone else nodded their heads. “Whos’ the lucky guy?”
 “Well, Noah, you guys know him personally and I think that you’ll approve of our relationship but you have to promise us something, okay?” Kurt told them.
 “What is it?” Tina asked.
 “You guys can not tell anyone else. Okay, our parents know and you guys will know now but no one else. We don’t want to get any harassment from being together and we know that if this gets out to the school that they won’t like it. So do you guys think you can do this because you don’t exactly have a clean track of keeping secrets?” He asked them as Santana, Quinn, Rachel, Finn and Puck shafted in their seats.
 “I think we can,” Mercedes said. “We’d do anything to see you happy boo.”
 “What about the rest of you? I need to be sure that everyone is on the same page here,”
 He got a collective response of “yes” and smiled, preparing himself for the special reveal.
 “Okay then, get ready,” He clapped his hands together. “Get on out here babe,” He yelled and Sam opened the closet door like they had planned and then walked over to Kurt and gave him a big kiss in the lips in front of everyone. The glee club was shocked to say the least. Kurt and Sam kissed some more while they stared at them with their jaws dropped.
 Kurt and Sam pulled apart from each other and turned to face their friends. “So, what do you think?” Sam asked them.
 They were surprisingly speechless. It wasn’t like they didn’t approve because they loved both boys and saw that it was apparent that they were madly in love and that they cared for one another. It was just that they had thought that Sam was straight and they were 99% sure that it was Blaine the whole time. They were mad at themselves because with the size of the hickey on Kurt’s neck and the size of Sam’s lips the two clues fit together like a puzzle. They felt stupid.
 “Um guys?” Kurt asked, waving his hand in front of the group. “Are you guys there?”
 “Yeah, we are,” Quinn said, speaking for the group. “Just… processing I guess,”
 “Well, what do you think?” Kurt asked them, happily. “Aren’t we cute together?”
 “Yeah, super cute,” Artie said, blankly.
 “The cutest,” Puck added.
 Kurt and Sam shared a concerned look. “You guys are scaring us,” Sam admitted. “What’s up, you aren’t going to expose us are you.”
 That snapped everyone out of their trance because they didn’t want Kurt and Sam to regret their decision in telling them the truth. “No, of course not,” Finn assured them. “It’s just…”
 “I knew there was something fishy with you, Trouty,” Santana said, pointing an accusing finger at Sam. “No way you were straight.” Kurt and Sam just smiled.
 “Wait, you said five months?” Puck asked, bewildered. “You’ve been dating since September and we didn’t know until now?”
 “Pretty much,” Both boys said, shrugging.
 “Wow,” Artie exclaimed. “That’s dedication right there,”
 Everyone nodded along in agreement again. “Well we’re happy for you two,” Quinn beamed. “And we promise we won’t tell anyone else.”
 “Yeah, we won’t expose you,” Puck added. “Anything for my bros.”
 “Oh my god,” Kurt said, turning to Sam. “What a relief right babe?”
 “Right,” Sam agreed, taking Kurt’s hand. “You wanna go out later tonight, like out-out?”
 “Sounds great, I’d love to,” Kurt said, squeezing his hand.
 “Wait, does that mean we can do double dates now,” Tina asked. Her and Mike had been wanting to have a couple to go on double dates with for a while now but they couldn’t stand Rachel and Finn and they were the only other actual couple amongst their friend group at the time.
 “Sure, we’d love too, right Sam,” Kurt asked his boyfriend.
 “Yeah, but not tonight.” Sam told them. “I haven’t taken Kurt out on a proper date yet and I want it to be special.”
 Tina and Mike nodded their hands. “Aww you’re so sweet babe,” Kurt told Sam.
 “I know I am,” Sam joked and Kurt kissed his cheek one more time before they went over to sit down and join their friends. Kurt felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off his back and was glad that they had told their friends. And it was all because of Sam.
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
Chapter 1
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Professor!Jake x Reader
Series information
Series masterlist
I would write you a poem, my love.
(For you - Passenger)
You drove home feeling like the most stupid person who has ever lived.
You felt like a child who didn’t know teachers had a life when they weren’t in class.
Like he only existed in your daydreams when you couldn’t see him.
Like he waited all week to come alive to you every Tuesday.
Since when did Mr. Gyllenhaal has children? He never mentioned them.
He’s not married. You paid too much attention to his hands to miss a detail like a fucking golden ring.
This is not the 19th century, though. Maybe he just had a girlfriend. Maybe he was divorced. 
It didn’t matter to you. It wasn’t about what you saw, but the realization that he loves or already loved someone else that killed you. And you were so angry at yourself for feeling like that. You had loved other men before him. And he was probably... 10 years older than you? Maybe less, maybe more. But it was pretty obvious he had his own life. 
He was nothing but a teacher you were supposed to forget in a few months.
Maybe that was it. You would prepare yourself to lose him as the semester ended, but you weren’t ready to do it now.
When you entered your apartment, you didn’t feel like doing anything. All you really had to do was wake up from that stupid fairytale.
When you heard your alarm and opened your eyes, you wished that any kind of miracle had happened and it wasn’t Tuesday. Maybe you slept for 24 hours straight and it was Wednesday already. But you checked your phone and it said it was Tuesday.
Then you thought about skipping class. Only for a day, it wouldn’t hurt...
But what would happen the next Tuesday? And then the next one?
Sooner or later you would have to see him again. So it would be better to just end this quickly.
You got to college early to find a seat in the back. If you looked as terrible as you felt, you didn’t want Mr. Gyllenhaal to notice. 
You sat there in silence, opening your book at a random page, so you would look busy and no one would talk to you.
“Hey.” Wes interrupted your inner drama after a few minutes. “I almost didn’t find you when I arrived, why are you sitting here?”
“Headache.” You lied. You knew Wes already thought your crush was ridiculous, if he knew all the pain you were going through at that moment, he would probably want to punch you. And you knew you deserved it.
“Well...” He sighed and took a seat beside you when he heard the bell ring. “It’s gonna pass real soon. There he comes.”
When you looked at the door and saw Mr. Gyllenhaal walking in, your heart started to hurt again. So you decided to look at your book, at the floor, at anything but him for the next couple hours.
But you couldn’t help it... you started to pay attention to his clothes, to his bag, checked his left hand again, anything that could give you a clue about his personal life.
And your head started to wonder way too far. You wondered if he ever had his heart broken. How many women had the privilege to be touched by him? What did they look like? Was he a good father? Something inside you told you he was a great father. 
When the bell rang, you felt relieved. Now you would have an entire week to heal. To forget about him completely.
“Are you feeling better?” Wes asked, grabbing his stuff to leave.
“Yeah.” You lied again. 
The class was getting empty really fast, or you were grabbing your stuff really slow, cause silence soon filled the room. You thought there was only Wes and you left, when you heard Mr. Gyllenhaal’s voice say:
“Hey, Y/N. Can I speak to you for a second?”
A shiver ran down your spine. You looked at Wes and he was just as confused as you.
“See you later, then?” He shrugged as he started to walk towards the door, while you mentally begged him to stay. If this all happened last week, you would be beyond excited. But right now, you just wanted to run.
When you realized it was only you and the professor left in class, you grabbed your bag and approached him, looking at the floor.
“Are you okay?" He asked, sounding really worried. “You didn’t seem to be able to focus today.”
“I’m sorry, professor.” You gave him a weak smile. “I’m just tired. But I’m fine.”
“Really?” He insisted. “You sat pretty far from me, but I could see that your book was on the wrong page.”
“I didn’t sleep well.” You felt the shame deep in your stomach.
Shame for both the way you acted in class and the way you acted the day before. Shame to be standing in front of him at that very moment wanting to cry like a woman who had just been cheated on.
He didn’t believe your words. He didn’t fully understand why he felt like he knew you that well, but he simply did. So he thought for a second before saying:
“Come with me.”
You weren’t sure why, but you followed him outside. If he was going to give you a “disappointment speech” or ask you to try harder next time, he would simply do it right there, so what was he going to do?
He led you to the garden near the building's entrance and looked around when he stopped.
“You’re not gonna tell anyone, will you?” He asked laughing a little.
You had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. He didn’t know what was going on inside your head at that moment. You just wanted to push him away screaming YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU ARE MY PROBLEM. But you just shook your head.
He opened his bag and started looking for something. When you saw a pair of scissors in his hand, you swore you couldn’t get any more confused. He used them to cut a rose from the garden.
“Come closer, let me show you something.” He smiled and you approached slowly. “Give me you hand, but be careful.”
You offered him your hand and he gently placed the rose on your palm. Your eyes met his as he did that and you melted, wondering if he ever showed up at someone’s house bringing them flowers.
“Today I was telling the class about the challenges of teaching Botany.” He told you. “Did you hear that part?”
“I-” You tried to remember, but you really didn’t hear a word he said that day. “I’m sorry, I don’t think so.”
“It’s fine, I’ll tell you now, then.” His smile never left his face, and he was talking to you the sweetest way he could. “We grow up listening to music and reading poetry and if there’s something artists like to talk about is flowers, right? Maybe that’s why we don’t pay attention to other structures that are just as beautiful... well, at least for me.”
You chuckled and it warmed his heart. He knew there was something bothering you that day and he was glad he could get your mind out of it for a minute.
“And it also makes people call those structures by the wrong name.” He continued. “For example, we only think roses have thorns because society believes ‘prickles’ isn’t a poetic word.”
“So... today’s class was a manifesto against social conventions? Sounds interesting.” You joked. He really made the atmosphere a little lighter. “Let’s be real, there aren’t too many pretty words that rhyme with prickles.”
“Okay, the poets are forgiven.” He laughed. “But my students don’t have to rhyme during the tests.”
“Good point, sir.” you shrugged.
“Please, just call me Jake.” He asked.
“Jake.” You nodded. It sounded silly, but it was some kind of new intimacy for you not having to treat him with formalities, even though you knew he never liked them anyway.
There was a moment of awkward silence and you tried your best to keep your eyes on the flower, because you could feel that his were on your face.
“So...” He cleared his throat. “Like I was saying...”
He proceeded to explain the difference between thorns and prickles. You really tried to pay attention this time, but your mind drifted away and focused on the way his hand softly brushed yours as he tried to show you the things he was talking about, using the rose in your hand. You also couldn’t stop wondering why he was doing all this. He had just said all of that in front of 50 students, but he realized that one of them wasn’t listening, so he decided to do it all again. It would be so much easier to not fall in love if he wasn’t so good to you.
“I mean...” He interrupted your thoughts. “I couldn’t give you all the details I mentioned in class earlier, cause I don’t want you to lose your entire break, but I hope it helped.”
“Mr. Gyl... Jake.” You were still not used to this new intimacy. Or at least, what you wanted to believe was intimacy. “I honestly don’t have words to thank you. But you know you didn’t have to do this.”
“Can I be honest with you? About the reason why I did this?” He sighed. Your heart started to beat faster, even though you tried to keep your expectations low. “I know many people are in my class exclusively for the credits. So, I don’t really care if they learn something or not, it’s their choice. But I know you’re different. I enjoy reading your essays. You’re very creative and perceptive. You know... there’s like... a group of 5 or 6 students that I would love to work on a project on my lab with. And I can’t have the number one of them missing a single detail.”
His number one. If only he knew how badly he was hurting you by saying nice things. You had to hold back the tears and decided to hide your emotions behind a joke:
“So... what am I supposed to not tell anyone? That you stole a flower from the garden or that you have a ‘number one’?”
“I guess we have two secrets now.” He laughed. “See you next week, Y/N?”
You nodded and handed him the rose.
“Keep it.” He smiled. “I can’t keep any evidence of my crimes.”
With that, he put his scissors back in his bag and walked away after giving you one last smile.
You looked at the rose and felt a single tear rolling down your cheek. It was so unfair to be special to someone for the “wrong” reasons. You knew the reasons you wanted to be special to him for were the actual wrong ones. But you would let him torture you with his own reasons forever.
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Taglist! (Pls let me know if I forgot someone, I'm not a very organized person... or if you still want to be added!)
@lady-evans @shay-vaughn  @sogothiamdead  @paosesposts @baby-haz  @billyspotato @gyllenhaalstories ​ @lexie-wayland @gaymysterio
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doc-pickles · 4 years
I know this is getting repetitive for you but I just can’t help myself, I love angsts jolex. In your fic it’s nothing fun just to talk Alex said that he wasn’t an attending yet so could you write a fic about the hospital shooting while jo and Alex are dating. Like Alex still gets hurt but ya know he’s dating jo.
if I ever EVER stop posting my fics at an ungoldy hour, that’s how y’all will know i’m dead.
me: am I really going to write another shooting fic in the same universe???
so uh yeah I wrote this. this takes place like…. literally right after the wedding, so very early jolex in this universe. so uh have fun. enjoy. or don’t because this is gonna be ANGSTY. except not really but i tried so WHOOPS
Wednesday 9:12 AM
hope you’re having a good day :) i miss you lots
I hate how much it pains me to say this, but I miss you too. 
well good i want you to miss me
i’m very missable 
in fact, i’m a gem
That you are. And you’re my gem.
Wednesday 10:59 AM
PE is my favorite hour of the day because my kids always come back exhausted and willing to learn anything i throw at them
Wednesday 12:10 PM
is it unethical to bring a mini bottle of wine with my lunch for wine wednesday? asking for a friend.
Wednesday 2:32 PM
Incoming Voice Call…
“You’ve reached Doctor Alex Karev, I can’t pick up but leave a message and I might get back to you.”
“Hey Alex, it’s Jo. I know… I know I might be stepping over my reach but I just saw the news and I’m freaking out so please… Please just call or text me or whatever because I’m worried about you. And I’m attached to you and damn it I love you! I love you and please just don’t die today. That’s all I’m asking is that you don’t die because I can live with any other possibility except you dying. And I’m rambling to your voicemail now....”
“New is coming from Seattle Grace Mercy West that there was an active shooter situation earlier today. There were two confirmed deaths and at least four injuries that we have heard of. We’ll give you more news as we have it, but we currently are hearing that casualties are being transferred to Seattle Presbyterian Hospital for treatment.”
Rushing through the doors of Seattle Presbyterian, Jo looked around in a frantic haze. She didn’t know what she was doing, didn’t know where to go or what to say, but she knew she had to find Alex. She had visited him a few times at SGMW but that was not here and she didn’t know anyone, adding to her already growing anxiety. Jo wasn’t even sure if Alex was here, if he was injured or not. 
“Hi,” Jo breathed out the words as she approached the nurses station. “I’m looking for Alexander Karev. I think he’s here, I’m not sure, it’s been a long day and I’m freaking out.”
“What’s the relationship?” “I am…,” Jo thought for a moment, knowing that if she didn’t give a good answer, she wouldn’t be rewarded with anything. “I am his wife. Josephine Karev.” The nurse eyed her, then turned back to her computer, typing quickly before writing down a note and handing it to Jo. 
“Room 593, take the elevators and make a right when you reach floor five,” the nurse printed something out and then handed it to Jo. “Here’s a visitor's badge for you, they’re being very cautious about security today.”
Jo didn’t want to be caught in a lie, she and Alex had only been dating for five months but she knew she needed to see him or she would go crazy. And seeing her name with Alex’s last name following it made her heart flutter. She thanked the nurse quickly and headed to the elevators, hopping on the first one that appeared and pressing the button for Alex’s floor. 
“Come on, damn it come on,” Jo stood in the elevator, only one other occupant with her. The woman, a doctor that looked about Jo’s age, eyed her carefully before speaking up.
“Are you okay? I don’t mean to pry, I just,” the woman sighed and Jo watched her with interest. “It’s been a long day, for everyone, and I just felt like I needed to ask. Because I’m not okay, some of my coworkers almost died and two of them did die and I almost had to operate on one of my friends in a freaking conference room and it’s just… Are you okay?”
Jo watched the woman in front of her, her fingers nervously pulling on her lab coat as she rambled on. She had been at Seattle Grace from what it sounded like, she had been in the hospital with a shooter and now she was standing here. That gave Jo just a little bit of hope for Alex.
“I ramble when I’m nervous too, I can’t help it,” Jo sighed and closed her eyes, leaning against the wall of the elevator. “My boyfriend was there too and now he’s upstairs and I’m freaking out just a little. And I mean I shouldn’t, we haven’t been dating long but I don’t really know what I’m going to do if he doesn’t make it. Because I really like Alex, I might love him and now I'm rambling too.”
“You’re Jo,” Jo’s eyes popped open and turned to the woman next to her. “Sorry that was weird it’s just… I was with Alex earlier after he got hurt. Anyways, he was asking for you, he was kinda out of it but he kept calling out for you. So it’s good that you’re here now. He’ll be thrilled.” “I’m sorry,” Jo shook her head, trying to make sure that she wasn’t hallucinating. “What did you say your name was?”
“I’m Lexie, I work with Alex,” Lexie held her hand out to Jo, who ignored it and pulled Lexie into a hug instead. “Oh! Okay!”
Jo couldn’t help but hug the woman she had just met. Hearing that Alex was okay and that he was asking for her let Jo relax the slightest bit. She was eternally grateful for this stranger that she had met in the elevator, she’d have to make sure to tell Alex to thank her. 
“Is he okay? Alex? What did he say,”Jo’s word rushed out of her mouth, her concern finally bubbling over. 
“He uh….,” Lexie swallowed as she began to recap the story to Jo. “He was shot…”
Today was hands down the worst day of Lexie Grey’s life. Alex laid still on the table as Mark examined him, making sure he wasn’t getting any worse. Lexie couldn’t stop pacing, couldn’t stop worrying that something terrible was going to happen to her friend. Mark had been helpful, tending to Alex and making sure Lexie stayed calm, something she would thank him for profusely once they went home and she was able to break down in the comfort of their shared apartment.
Lexie looked from Mark to Alex, making sure she wasn’t mishearing him. She hadn’t heard Alex speak one word yet, but the sound of his girlfriend’s name made Lexie sigh with relief that he was semi conscious. 
“Alex…,” Lexie brought a hand up to stroke Alex’s hair comfortingly. “It's Lexie.”
“Jo, please don't go,” Alex reached up for Lexie’s hand, a strangled groan coming from his as he looked into her eyes. “We’re gonna get married and have babies and be happy. Please don't leave me.”
Lexie bit back a sob, feeling Mark’s hand come to rest on her back as she tried to keep Alex focused on her. The conversation they were carrying was heartbreaking, but Lexie knew that hearing Alex talk was better than his silence.
“I'm not going anywhere, don’t worry.”
“You found me, Jo. I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Lexie reassured Alex. “You’re gonna be okay.”
“Don't ever leave me Jo. I love you.”
“I won't. I won't ever leave you,” Lexie was crying in earnest now, knowing that Alex was speaking like this because he thought he was dying. “I love you too.”
“Don't ever leave me again,” Alex groaned, squeezing Lexie’s hand weakly. “We're always gonna be together, Jo, okay?”
“Always,” Lexie sobbed, burying her face in Mark’s chest as she squeezed Alex’s hand. He had been a close friend, a great confidant, and an excellent surgeon. Seeing him in this state was testing Lexie’s faith and sending her mind down a path that she didn’t want to venture down. “You’re going to be okay Alex.”
+ “Thank you, for staying with him. And for being in this elevator,” Jo wiped at her eyes as  the elevator sounded, alerting her to the fact that she was on the fifth floor finally. “I’m gonna go find Alex. But thank you again Lexie, you really helped me out.” Jo sped out of the elevator, waving back to Lexie as she sprinted to Alex’s room. Lexie let out a sigh, pressing her back against the elevator wall as she slid down and let her tears fall. Alex was going to be okay and Jo was going to make sure that happened and Lexie… Lexie felt relief for the first time that day. 
When Jo finally found Alex’s room, she stood outside the door for a moment, attempting to calm her breathing before she walked in. After her talk with Lexie, after learning what had happened to the man she had come to love, she didn’t know if she was ready to walk in the door and face him. 
“Hey you,” Jo slipped in the room, closing the door behind her as she smiled at Alex. “God, you don’t know how relieved I am to see you.” “Hi gorgeous,” Alex’s voice was low and rough, but it was the best thing Jo had heard all day. “Were you worried about me?”
Jo takes in the tubes and wires connected to Alex and takes a slow breath, willing herself not to break down in front of him. Lexie had said he almost died, he had almost left her but he kept calling out for her.  
“Never, baby,” Jo choked back her sob with a laugh, sitting next to Alex and grabbing his hand. “You’re here and you’re okay and that’s enough for today.”
“I’m good, chicks dig guys with scars and I got a good one,” Alex let a low laugh out, then squeezed Jo’s hand. “I was laying there, thinking I was going to die and all I could think about was how I’m head over heels for you and I never said it out loud. So… I’m saying it now.”
Jo watched Alex, taking in his features as he wordlessly mouthed something unintelligible. Jo furrowed her brows, tilting her head to the side as she watched Alex for any other sign that he was going to continue talking. 
“I don’t hear anything.” “Oh shut up, I’m trying to be serious.” “Okay, but-” “I love you,” Alex blurted out, eyes moving from Jo’s hand in his up to her eyes. “I love you Jo Wilson. I know it took a freaking shooting for me to say it but I love you.” Jo surged forward then, pressing a gentle but frantic kiss to Alex’s lips. Her hands came up to comb through his hair, grasping on to anything that would reassure her that Alex well and truly was there. 
“I love you too Alex Karev. I went through today thinking that…,” a single sob escaped Jo as she looked into Alex’s eyes. “I was thinking that it would be a shame if I never got to look at you and tell you how much I love you.”
Alex leaned up to kiss Jo once more, one hand coming up to brush the tears off of her cheek. His signature crooked grin appeared on his face as he took in his girlfriend.
“You lied to get up here,” Alex pointed out as his fingers brushed over the name badge on Jo’s shirt. “You are not Josephine Karev.” “Oh shut up,” Jo laughed, pulling the chair next to Alex’s bed closer so that she could lean her head on his shoulder. “Maybe we should talk about how I met someone named Lexie in the elevator and she had some very interesting things to say about you.”
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mateoweston · 4 years
who: mateo weston, rory flanagan (@switch-it-up-rory)
when: march 6th, 2021
where: mateo’s room
warnings: feelings!!
Mateo Weston
"I'll have to swing by your work sometime this week," Mat mused, absently tapping through his Netflix library in a half-hearted attempt at finding a movie to put on. Mostly, he was trying to distract himself for at least a moment because he kept catching himself staring at Rory for just a second too long. Maybe some ridiculous comedy show would do the trick and keep him on track until Wednesday. This weekend was supposed to help him calm down so he could be calm, cool and collected when he smoothly told Rory about his feelings over perfectly made stir fry on Wednesday, god damn it. "I've never actually had a smoothie from there and I feel like I gotta change that."
Rory Flanagan
Rory was aware of how comfortable he had made himself on Mateo's bed, settled in as if he himself was part of the furniture, watching the Dominant's hands intently as he scrolled through Netflix, though Rory struggled to concentrate on his good days, never mind when he was this close to the one person he felt like he couldn't have. "They're not that great," He replied, though he felt like his mouth had disconnected from his brain, "Like I'm sure they just shot whatever's closest to them in. I'd just get like a coffee."
Mateo Weston
Laughing to himself, Mat shifted to shoot a look back at Rory who looked way too comfortable and natural cozied up in his bed. It was his fault, really. With his stupid face and stupid smile and the stupid way his dumb hair flopped in his face every now and then. "You're a great spokesperson," he managed after a moment, raising an eyebrow at the other. "They have you outside the store, advertising like that?"
Rory Flanagan
Rory noticed Mat glancing at him, and shot a wink in his direction. "I mean if I were going to be the face of any company, I don't think it'd be The Wave. My allegience is to to Golden Arches, obviously," He mentioned, daring himself to shift closer to Mat, to just be in touching distance. "But I do think me standing otuside with one of those signs would pull in customers. Raw sex appeal and all tha'."
Mateo Weston
His head shook fondly at the mention of McDonalds -- that whole concept still seemed like a fever dream to him that he tried to only acknowledge half of the time. Feeling Rory shift a bit closer, his eyes remained stubbornly on his Laptop even though he'd stopped actually reading any of the names or descriptions a while ago and instead focused entirely of the warmth of Rory radiating against his bare arm. God, this was ridiculous. "Think I'd get a discount for being the first customer?"
Rory Flanagan
Rory frowned slightly when he noticed Mat hover over some terrible chick flick, wondering briefly if the other man had officially lost his marbles. He also thought about taking overthe Netflix selection, but he didn't want to be too obvious in his excuses to simply touch the Dominant. "I mean I'd give you a discount any day, you just have to come in when I'm on shift." Rory told him, honestly.
Mateo Weston
"Oooh, that sounds special treatment to me," Mat hummed, maybe a little high on the proximity as he looked back again, a little distracted by how much closer Rory seemed now than the last time he'd looked at him. His gaze lingered this time, because apparently Rory was now also capable of hypnotising him or something. "Whatever did I do to deserve that?"5. März 2021
Rory Flanagan
Rory scoffed at Mat's light teasing, the words that he wanted to say to the Dom dying on his lips as quickly as they formed, so he shrugged and laughed again. "You feed me and entertain me. I imagine if the gremlins had part time jobs, they'd give those who got them wet and fed them after midnight a bit of special treatment too." He settled for, glancing up at him, feeling weirdly exposed that Mat was right there. Staring. He couldn' think for a moment, just looking up at his stupid face that made Rory catch stupid feelings for this stupid man. "But, uh, who knows. You might get a free smoothie I spat in or something." He tried, though it seemed to fall flat to his ears.
Mateo Weston
A slow, absent grin had spread across Mat's face as he listened. A small part of his brain was aware of how fucking done for he was, considering he was sitting here entirely charmed by talk of spit smoothies, but the bigger part was extremely distracted by that very thing. Rory's stupid pretty face and the stupid charming things he says and how he seems to be able to get under his skin without even trying. How him sitting so close made his skin prickle with heat and his mouth go a little dry. So it took a moment for his brain to recognise his own voice when he spoke. "You're so fucking cute."
Rory Flanagan
It was like everything stopped when the words had left Mateo's mouth. It wasnt like he hadn't complimented Rory before, but never cute, never in that tone of voice. He rasied an eyebrow at the Dominant, trying to work out the game, or the joke, but couldn't sense anything in the other man's facial expressions or the way he spoke. A little voice in Rory's brain, a semblane of hope he thought died long ago from the drugs and the drink, told the Switch this was the proof he needed that Mateo actually liked him, in the way he wanted him to, and he wondered if he dared put the feelers out, to see where this could head. "Aye, so I've been told," He said, after what felt like hundreds of years, "But I guess it, uh, takes a cutie to know one." The delivery couldn't have been lamer, but he felt suddenly sweaty and self-conscious. "I am like, being serious, you're cute too." He mumbled.
Mateo Weston
Where Mat's heart had been pounding a tad faster before, it seemed to straight up drop into his stomach once his brain caught up with his mouth. His eyes widened in realisation and he was about to back-track, cover up what he'd just said -- but he decided against it. It was out now and evidence suggested he was terrible at keeping this a secret anyway so maybe it was worth just seeing what would happen. The long stretch of silence that followed didn't help his nerves though and he almost considered changing the topic anyway. And then Rory spoke and at first, Mat thought he was just going to joke, that he'd have to try and pass it off as a fun little jest as well. But then he kept going and suddenly there was a nervous lump in Mat's throat. Swallowing thickly, he shifted more towards him, voice a little smaller and hopeful than the usual bravado he went into everything with. "Yeah?" he questioned. "...Been thinking that for a hot sec."
Rory Flanagan
It was like all the air had been sucked out of the room when Mat shifted closer to Rory, and though there had been times before this, where they had been intimate within a scene setting, this was so much different. He found himself glancing at the Dominant's mouth, before his eyes locked with his. "Yeah," He agreed, "I mean, I'd argue you're more than cute but if I go on about how attractive I find you, it'll only go to that head of yours," He teaseed, "You have?"
Mateo Weston
At the joke, a bit of held breath spilled out of Mat's lungs, a small chuckle going along with it. It was just what he'd needed to release some tension and with that out of the way, he felt a little brave. Like maybe this wouldn't ruin things. Maybe the opposite. Reaching for one of Rory's hands, he held it between both of his, thumbs rubbing against his skin. "Yeah. That okay?"
Rory Flanagan
Rory felt like a weight had been lifted off him, and he couldn't help the stupid grin on his face when Mat gently reached for his hand, like he was some sort of love interest in a rom-com. "That's more than okay." Rory promised him, "You can think about me being cute or amazing or drop dead sexy and gorgeous anytime." He teased. Another thought popped into his head that made the weight feel like it was slowly descending on him again and he cleared his throat, shifting slightly. "So I take it....by thinking that I'm cute....it means you feel a way about me?" He asked, the actual words he wanted to ask not forming, but he had a feeling Mateo would understand him regardless.
Mateo Weston
"You're gonna make me wanna take it back," he threatened, though there was no real weight to his words, grin still on his face. It was strange, how worried and nervous he'd been about this for a whole week only for things to go so much better than he could have hoped. Rory hadn't fled yet nor had the world collapsed because Mat was interested in a guy. He nodded at his words first, then cleared his throat -- then suddenly let out a small laugh. "God, and I had this whole fucking plan to wine and dine you on Wednesday and have a mature conversation about this. It's your stupid face that did this to me."
Rory Flanagan
Rory hummed in response but he rolled his eyes playfully at the threat, blowing a kiss in response. He knew there was a lot that they needed to unpack, to talk about, but in this moment, the Irish lad just wanted to be happy. Just wanted to enjoy the fact that the guy he had been yearning for returned his affections. His heart panged at the reveal of Mat's plans, and he reached out to stroke his arm in an assuring way, no longer worried about him freaking out at such a gesture. "I mean, you still can. I'm very good at acting surprised. And the whole mature convo, that can come too." He grinned a mischevious grin at the accusation, "Aye don't blame the stupid face you're insanely attracted to, it did nothing but develop out of a good pool of genetics."
Mateo Weston
The grin on his face widened, losing all of its unsure edge. He'd been so concerned that things would change, that they wouldn't be able to be them anymore once this was out in the open and he was so relieved to find that being untrue. "Alright, I'm gonna kiss you now," he announced before leaning in to do just that. It was soft at first, gentle lips against Rory's as his hands came up to cup his face. While Mat may not always choose the gentle approach, he wanted it for this -- he wanted to savour the moment and be able to remember it later.6. März 2021
Rory Flanagan
The Switch was about to make a smart comment about the time between Mat announcing his feelings for him and the lack of kissing, when it seemed like the Dominant had read his mind, and suddenly his lips wre on Rory's. It was much more gentle than Rory had expected, but it was welcome all the same, and he kissed back eagerly, whilst trying to keep things at this same, soft level. The Switch's arms found themselves draped over Mat's shoulders, and it could have been seconds, minutes or even hours by the time they broke apart. "That was nice," He said with a chuckle, feeling like his brain had fell out of his head.
Mateo Weston
Letting out a breathy laugh once the kiss broke, Mat nodded in agreement. "It was." There was a brief pause before he went back, more passionately this time. As ridiculous as he'd felt the past couple of nights, rolling around sleeplessly and thinking about kissing Rory like some sort of innocent schoolboy, he had to admit -- the real thing beat the fantasy. A hand slipped from Rory's jaw into the hair at the back of his head, tilting the other's head in a way that allowed him to deepen the kiss. He could spend forever doing this.
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amnachil · 5 years
To the Perfection Chapter 1 Part 11
I’m a little late (like always) but here is the next part !
Thomas Friday February 22
"To me, it looks like hazing." mumbled Cody.
Will you shut up already ? He was so annoying.
"We made a bet." replied Joël. "And I lost. Thomy wants me to carry his stuff for a week, and I'll do it. I'm a man of my word."
It was what Thomas had demanded after the bet. To be honest, it was just a way to humiliate the cocky lad. Maybe this way, he would understand he wasn't that great.
"You sure are a stupid and exploited person. Like a slave." retorted the dark-haired lad. "And where is Ilhan ? We are supposed to work on our assignment together..."
"You're always exaggerating." smiled Thomas. "I will go get Ilhan, just wait here."
Their friend was still in the lockers room. The ginger joined him in silent, and watched him discreetly. Apparently, he had some troubles to close his pants. Ironic. Thomas had more than succeeded with Ilhan. This one looked out of shape, with a soft and doughy belly which was hanging over his clothes. Most of his t-shirt were too tight now, and showed pretty well his new curve. All their classmate had noticed the gains, but since Thomas had asked them to be quiet, no one had made fun of Ilhan. Not even Joël, now that I think about it.
"Are you coveting me ?" asked his friend when he glimpsed him.
"Not really. Cody is starting to get impatient."
Ilhan mumbled something inaudible. He wasn't really happy about his growing waistline. But he couldn't control himself anymore. He was completely under Thomas's control. A true piggy slave.
"Dude please stop joking with all that..." begged the poor feedee. "You don't realise how bad this is, do you ? It have been one month and I'm up to 79 kg (174 pounds). I gained 6 kg (13 pounds) ! My grades are dropping, coach told me to get back in shape, my parents made me see two doctors and I feel like a piece of trash. This is not funny, stop smiling please."
The ginger only laughed. A warm, sweet laugh which could appease even the angriest person alive.
"You're freakin' out for nothing." he explained cheerfully. "As long as you please me, what's the matter ? You're here to make me happy, got it ?"
Since Ilhan didn't answer, Thomas came closer. His face became scary. His eyes shows rage. Around him, the atmosphere became terribly frightening.
"Your whole purpose is to fulfill my desire." he repeated slowly. "Do you got it ?"
"Su... Sure." whispered a more than scared Ilhan. "I'm... I'm fine and I'll please you, whatever you want."
On his way home this evening, Thomas thought about what happened during this month. He was fond of Dan, there was no doubt about that. At start, he had thought it was impossible for him to be in a relationship with his crush. But now, he was seriously considering it. First of all, Raphaël was far away most of the time, and he couldn't control them. Besides, Thomas was learning to be more dominant, because he understood it was the kind of personnality Dan liked. He's a submissive guy. I can get him, I know that. So he was bossing Ilhan and Joël around. He started to appear more in class event, and to lead the whole 12th grade. They were all licking his boots. As a bonus, Dan couldn't stop himself from eating. He was always stuffed. I can't even imagine the amount of calorie he's gobbling daily. Needless to say, the junior was now fat. He had said yesterday he was weighting around 90 kg (200 pounds), that was to say a gain of 8 kg (18 pounds) in one month. That's impressive. But Dan didn't show any will to stop, and Thomas neither. Usually, he wasn't in favor of too much fat, because it was kind of unhealthy, but now he hoped Raphaël would be disgusted. Thomas's phone rang suddenly. He picked up when he noticed it was Cody.
"Thomy." this latter began with a hesitant voice. "Can we talk about something ? I'm worried about Ilhan. He looks really down these days."
"At this hour, for real ? Look, I know you're always worried about our friendship and all but c'mon, you're starting to get annoying."
A silent followed.
"Sorry..." whispered his friend. "I just wanted to talk with you since you are..."
"I'm not a shrink or whatever." cut Thomas. "If Ilhan or you have problems, go see someone else, I don't care. Stop being such a leech Cody, and just leave me be. Clear ?"
"O... Okay."
Thomas hung up, pretty upset. What a waste of time. Ilhan is perfectly fine, and you're just being annoying. And Raphaël who is coming back tomorow. Damnit, that make me so mad !
Dan Saturday February 23
I look like trash. He didn't find a single shirt pullover loose enough to hide is belly. He had to worn sweatpants, since only they fit. He had shaved and dressed his hair, but he still felt ugly. Since Shirley had told him the harsh truth, he was seriously thinking about it. Why on earth Raphaël, a national player loved by tons of people, was dating someone like him ? He's handsome, bright and gifted. Everything he tries is always a success. I'm nothing in comparison. His boyfriend was coming back today, but these thoughts prevented Dan to be excited. Besides, to get distracted, he hadn't found any other way than stuff himself until he was barely conscious. He started the day with a more than copious breakfast which left him unable to move. Afterwards,he would gorge himself as much as possible in order to not think about anything else. Thomas helped a lot. His friend was always reassuring and sweet. He also encouraged him to eat more. No wonders I'm almost obese. Dan hadn't attend his lessons since wednesday. He didn't visit Darren, nor went outside the house. He just stuffed himself. And the more he was doing that, the more he felt unworthy of Raphaël. And of course, the more he thought that, the more he ate. He heard the door open. He's here. His boyfriend was here. Raphaël entered in the room with a smile, but when he saw Dan, he frowned.
"I know." mumbled miserably this one. "I'm out of shape and downright fat. This is bad because it's dangerous for my health and it's wrong for your public image."
The ginger opened his mouth, but his boyfriend continued.
"I know, the place is a mess. I didn't do the housework and there are wrappers everywhere. Plus it smell awful. You hate it, I get that."
"I know, I skipped most of my class and I gonna fail this year. I'm a stupid lazy fatass and you definitely deserve better."
"Yeah, I know, my sister is doing illegal stuff and I'm having her back. It makes me a criminal, and this is very bad for your career. And I know I've been spoiling Thomas too much and he does litterally whatever he wants. I'm an horrible brother, an horrible babysitter and an horrible boyfriend. I should just leave."
Raphaël suddenly put his cold hand on his belly, and Dan let out a not very manly cry.
"Dan, can you stop that ?" he asked (ordered). "I don't understand what is going on ?"
It took two hours for the junior to explain what he had in mind for a few days. He decided to be honest with his feelings, and told everything to Raphaël. Thanks to his boyfriend, this moment went well. They went to the bedroom, and lied down onto the bed. There, the ginger gently cuddled his lover while this one confided. Once he finished, Dan felt relieved. Get all this off his chest felt nice.
"I'm sorry." commented Raphaël. "I was so focused on Thomas, I didn't pay enough attention to you. I should've see you were feeling overwhelmed..."
"But I just spent about two hours telling you I'm not worth enough to..."
A cold stare made Dan quiet. Okay, not my turn to talk anymore. His boyfriend definitely was authoritarian.
"Let's be clear." stated Raphaël. "I love you, and I want to be with you. Nobody else. We're together for more than one year and half and I loved you for even longer. I never thought you were unworthy. Please trust me."
Dan nodded slowly. He knew his boyfriend was sincere. He also noticed his hands were freezing.
"Besides, I feel way better when you're around and I miss you too. I mean, I'm happier with you, because you made me feel comfortable. And to me, you're not stupid or lazy. I think my family counted way too much on you."
The junior lowered his eyes. I know you're trying to confort me but... Seeing Raphaël so nice made him feel even worse. He was here, complaining and whining like a baby, while his boyfriend was already an accomplished celebrity.
"Dan stop that please."
Surprised, the junior glanced at Raphaël. This one was impassive. He had a cold look, but he seemed hurt. Or annoyed, Dan couldn't say.
"Stop what ?" he prudently asked.
"Thinking of me like if I was perfect. Please, don't do it."
His tone was deeply honest.
"Just... look at me." he ordered. "I want to comfort you but I can't show any facial expression. I'm as cold as ever, just as an impassive doll. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm not a moving statue just because I can't express my feelings like everyone else. But I do feel. Right now I feel helpless, insensitive and aloof. I don't like that."
Dan looked at him, surprised. He had never voiced his feelings like that before.
"I know what people say : I'm awesome, smart, good-looking and all..." continued Raphaël. "But does that mean I must always be perfect ? I can't do it Dan. For real, I can't. Don't think that of me too."
The brown-haired lad put an hand on Raphaël's head.
"Hey love. It's okay."
His boyfriend seemed tired. Really tired. He slowly closed his eyes.
"You're right, you're not perfect and neither I am. But we truly are better together. I'm sorry I worried you. I'll do better from now on, and when I have doubts, I'll talk to you okay ?"
He noticed Raphaël had fallen asleep. Dan decided to let him rest, reassured to know their relationship was fine. I'm very lucky to have him... Maybe he doesn't want to be perfect, but to me, he's truly the perfection.
To be continued
Some feelings here. Dan is one self-conscious dude, but Raphaël is here to make him feel better. Btw Raphaël only wants to be treated like a normal person. He knows he’s different (who the hell can emmate such a cold aura ?) but he doesn’t want to be considered special.
As for Thomas, his ambitions are getting the best of him... Beware of the unleashed feeder !
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winterhcwk · 6 years
Dear Diary Part Two - October
Paring(s) - Eventual Peter Parker x reader; Mentions of Ned Leeds x Michelle Jones
Word Count: 1.3k+
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts, mentions of self harm, mentions of abuse, angst, little bit of fluff, and a cliffhanger(if you see anything else please tell me)
A/n - Anything that is like this is an old entry. Hope you enjoy :)
Masterlist in bio, along with part one
* * *
10/1/18 Monday morning 7:28am
Dear diary,
Homecoming was amazing? I’m not really sure? I kinda did something stupid and I’m really nervous to go to school today.
10/1/18 Monday afternoon 5:30pm
Dear diary,
So, Peter kissed me at homecoming and I, of course, kissed back but when we broke apart I ran out of the gym and had my mom pick me up cause I’m a very stupid idiot. I feel bad about what I did to Peter. I really like him :( I was so embarrassed today at school. I avoided Pete like he was the plague I don’t think I’m ready to talk to him yet and even if I was what would I say?
10/4/18 Thursday morning 7:10am
Dear diary,
So I somehow managed to avoid talking to Peter for the last 2 days. I talked to Mj today she told me she had loads of fun with Ned. I think they’d make a really cute couple. She asked if I had fun and I told her what happened. She told me I should talk to him about it. But I don’t know if I can. I’m really nervous.
10/4/18 Thursday afternoon 3:00pm
Dear diary,
I talked to Peter today and he was pretty understanding. I’m kinda surprised he wasn’t mad. Although, I probably shouldn’t be he is Peter Parker after all. He said it was ‘totally okay’ and that he was also just as nervous as I was. And I told him that I was happy he understood. After we talked he kinda maybe askedmeout. Being his shy nervous self he stuttered a little but it was so cute! I thankfully, this time, didn’t run away but I told him that I wasn’t ready just yet to start a new relationship. I told him that I just needed time to heal and that I really do like him but I’m just not ready. I didn’t totally say no though I also said that maybe in a month or so we could go out. Just not yet. It’s too close to what happened. I’m not ready. He looked a little disappointed but he understood. He’s so nice, do you think I should tell him? No. He’d just ignore me afterward.
10/5/18 Friday morning 6:45am
Dear diary,
I couldn’t really sleep last night. Too much stuff running through my head. I thought about what happened at my old school and what I used to do to myself. I’m not sure if I’m ready to talk about it just yet. Or even write about it. And as I was going through some of my old entries I realized how much this school and my…. friends? Have done for me, especially Peter maybe he would be good for me. Maybe he’ll be able to help me. But not yet. It’s too soon.
1/6/18 Saturday afternoon 12:00pm
Dear diary,
I hate my life. Sometimes I just wanna end it all. Everything would be so much easier you know? No more having to worry about school or boys or you're reputation. I don’t know.
2/18/18 Sunday afternoon 2:43pm
Dear diary,
I really don’t want to go back to school. It causes me so much stress and there is so much drama. And on top of that everyone hates me for what I wrote in the school paper. Apparently it was too ‘real’ and some kids didn’t appreciate it. What the fuck??? I don’t appreciate being bullied or watching people be bullied but I have to deal with that so why can’t you deal with this? My school is really fucked up.
3/4/18 Sunday morning 11:00am
Dear diary,
Everyone at school hates me. Even the teachers. I really want to move. Everyone keeps pushing me, tripping me and calling me names. And I have no friends. I really hate it here.
3/10/18 Saturday afternoon 4:00pm
Dear diary,
I almost killed myself today. Everything at school just got too much. I couldn’t handle it. The name calling, the pushing, the way the girls talk about me like I’m not even there. ‘Oh look at her outfit it’s so ugly’ ‘does she even brush her hair?’ ‘Sweetie you should try something called makeup it’ll do you wonders.’ They’re just so annoying I couldn’t take it anymore. And I broke. So I cut and I almsot let myself bleed out. But I changed my mind last minute. Guess I really am a coward like people say.
6/13/18 Wednesday afternoon 4:32pm
Dear diary,
Today was terrible. I know I say that a lot but today was really fucking horrible. Scott he tried to…. I can’t say it but I didn’t like it. I think I’m gonna break up with him.
6/16/18 Saturday morning 10:37am
Dear diary,
I tried to break up with Scott. But when I told him he, he hit me. He said I couldn’t break up with him and that he wouldn’t allow it. I’m really scared.
7/18/18 Wednesday morning 9:32am
Dear diary,
I’m so happy. We’re moving. I can get a fresh start in a new school where, hopefully, everyone doesn’t hate me. And I can finally break up with Scott and get out of our… abusive? No not abusive he does it cause I deserve it, cause he cares. Right? No yeah I’m right.
10/5/18 Friday afternoon 3:28pm
Dear diary,
I talked to Mj today and she told me that her and Ned are going out. I’m so happy for them!! I told her about Peter asking me out and how I said I wasn’t ready yet. She asked why and I told her it was cause of what happened in my last relationship. She asked what happened but for some reason I, I couldn’t talk about it. I don't know what’s wrong. I’m worried because I really like Peter and I do wanna go out with him but I’m also scared he might turn out like Scott. I don’t know what to do diary.
10/7/18 Sunday afternoon 2:57pm
Dear diary,
Peter and I talked a lot this weekend. Thankfully he didn’t say anything about asking me out. Not once. He’s such a kind person. And he’s so cute and really handsome. He respects me and my boundaries I like that. I like him. I want to tell him. But I don’t think I’m ready yet. What do I do?
10/7/18 Sunday night 6:54pm
Dear diary,
I thought about it and I’m not gonna tell Peter. Not yet.
10/9/18 Tuesday morning 7:25am
Dear diary,
Everything thing with Peter and I is like how it used to be (kinda). He’s so patient and caring. I wouldn’t be surprised if another person started dating him before I was ready.
10/9/18 Tuesday afternoon 3:00pm
Dear diary,
Today was a good day. Nothing really happened. We had a test in gym. Yes an actual written test. In GYM. It was really stupid.
10/11/18 Thursday morning 7:17am
Dear diary,
I think today is the day we get assigned partners for art. I really hope we aren’t being graded on how good it looks cause my art isn’t the best…
10/11/18 Thursday afternoon 3:20pm
Dear diary,
I got my partner for the art project. It’s Mj and I’m really relieved cause she is awesome at art. So our project won’t totally suck.
10/12/18 Friday morning 7:20am
Dear diary,
I think I’m getting better. Now that I have real actual friends that care for me I’m progressing and getting better. I’m really happy. Hopefully soon I’ll be ready to go out with Peter.
10/12/18 Friday afternoon 4:30pm
Dear diary,
Life’s good. I’m happy. I wish I could stay like this all the time. Being content with my life.
10/14/18 Sunday afternoon 1:00pm
Dear diary,
I thought life was getting better. Guess not. That’s what always happens. I think I’m good but the universe just hates me and makes something bad happen.
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Seventeen college AU- HOME part 13 (last part)
Seventeen college AU Jeonghan x reader.
What happens when hometown acquaintances meet again in college? Y/N and her best friend from back home stumble upon the obstacles of hatred and love in college. How will they handle it?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 4.5 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 6.5 - Part 7  - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 
“Casual cute” he said, “but make it sexy” he said, probably as a joke. How the heck am I going to interpret that?” you thought to yourself. It was kind of your first real date, but how does one dress casually sexy-cute? And what activity is appropriate for that? Minyoung was busy out at campus doing god knows what, probably hanging out with Chan or someone else, so she couldn’t help you. “It’s not like your fashion sense is bad, Y/N, just put on something, he probably doesn’t care” Minyoung said as she left the dorm room, leaving you to yourself and your constant outfit crisis. An hour went by as you danced around to your favorite playlist, finally deciding on a mid-thigh moss green skirt and an orange low cut v-neck long sleeved shirt. You also wore a pair of see-through black stockings in case it got cold on the date. You left your hair down, but opted for orangey-red makeup to go with the shirt. Picking a jacket and a pair of shoes seemed harder than it should. Jeonghan was always the fashionable type and he always looked on point, it didn’t bother you before the two of you started dating, but now it somehow intimidated you. It’s a crippling fear in the back of your head ´”what if I don’t look good enough for him”, a though you never thought you’d have. “It’s not like me to get this insecure” you thought, stopping in your tracks. You looked through your hangers with jackets and outerwear to see your options again. The autumn weather was upon you, and the choice was between a long beige-nude coat with black buttons or an oversized black puffy jacket. Jeonghan was going to pick you up at the dorm, so you thought it would be best to see what he was wearing before deciding. Along with it you chose a pair of peach ankle boots, thinking it went well with the autumn weather colour-scheme, also they’re comfortable as heck, you thought. You had just put the shoes by the coat rack when someone knocked on the door. You didn’t have to think twice about who it was since it was almost time for the date. That, and a few seconds later Jeonghan shouted “let me in”. In an attempt to tease him you sassy said “no” which only resulted in him flatly saying “then I’ll just leave again”. It didn’t take you 2 seconds to open the door to the dorm, to face the taller and beautiful looking boy in front of you. Jeonghan’s hair was getting a bit long, but it framed his face perfectly. His pout quickly turned into a toothy smile when he looked at you. “You ready?” he said, not breaking eye contact with you. Without even thinking you responded “Yes, but will you help me pick out my jacket?”. You turned around just as soon as you realized what you’d said, and stood in front of the coat rack with the two choices hanging on there. You had to play it cool, and when Jeonghan appeared beside you, you pointed to the jackets on the rack. “These are the choices, what do you think?” you said, catching a glimpse of him looking intensely at the coats. He looked between you and the coats a few time before announcing that the black puffy one was too winter like, and the beige coat was better for the autumn weather. You slipped on the shoes you placed there earlier,  as he took the coat off the hanger and helped you put it on which made you physically snort. “What??” Jeonghan said with a forced sadness in his voice, which only made you laugh more. Jeonghan stopped in his tracks and moved to stand in front of you with the biggest frown on his face. “Here I am, trying to romantic and gentleman-y and you just laugh at me? I am offended Y/N, I thought you were better than this” he spoke, pulling the most offended looking face and voice. You shook your head at his statement, not responding but grabbing his hand and walking out of the dorm room. After you had locked the door you took Jeonghan’s hand and intertwined your fingers, making you blush even though you took the initiative. “Sorry Snakey, I just find it funny when you act all cute” you giggled, looking up at him “anyways, where are we going?” you skipped, smiling to make him warm up, which of course worked. “You’re gonna love this day then” he whispered, barely loud enough for your ears to registrate it. “We’re going apple picking, you mentioned once that you haven’t gone before…” he said, which made your insides go to mush, because that’s literally 3 years ago you said that. “Well, I don’t know if you’ve been since... “ He said a bit shakily, looking at you. “-So I don’t know if this will be your first time, or, but I thought it’d be fun anyway” he followed, smiling. “I haven’t been before, so it is my first time” you said swinging your hands, because this was something you’ve been wanting to do for so long, and now you got to do it with Jeonghan. “Oh okay, good” he smiled, probably relieved that this wasn’t a terrible first date idea for the two of you. These past few days has been quite weird, but also filled with butterflies and smiles and blushing and kisses. Things you weren’t used to, and especially not with the boy who you, not too long ago, considered your enemy. Even though he hadn’t said it, you knew you guys were headed for the bus and as he could read your mind he said “we’re taking the bus, and it will probably take about 40 minutes to get there..” he trailed off, “I brought earphones because I have some songs I’d like to show you. - But I don’t know if you’d like that”. You looked up at him and he was blushing, looking at his shoes as you walked. “Jeonghan” you said softly, but he didn’t lift his head, “Jeonghan” you said again “I don’t mind.” He lifted his head to look at you, as you reached the bus stop. You took both his hands in yours, looking at him, it wasn’t like him to be like this, nervous. “I like being in your company, whatever we do. Okay?” you swung your hands a bit, and it made Jeonghan smile. “I just want this to be perfect” he said softly, his dark eyes looked so soft and round it almost made you melt. Paired with the following words he spoke, you could have sworn that your stomach did a flip “I’ve waited so long for this, I don’t want to mess this up”. You face felt warm and your smile gave away how happy this made you. Never would you have thought that the two of you would end up like this, but it was much better than you expected.
The bus ride didn’t take as long as you would have thought, or at least that’s how it felt. You spent the entire 42 minutes sharing music with each other, taking selfies and joking. It felt so natural to be in each other's company like this. It made you feel at home, something you hadn’t felt in a long time. A normal Wednesday turned into the most beautiful scenario when you reached the apple field. The sky was blue and as the evening rolled in, an array of gold, yellow and orange flushed over the sky. “Wait!” Jeonghan shouted as you took a few steps forward, and as you turned around you noticed Jeonghan pulling out his phone to take a picture, something he’d done a lot on this trip. He made sure to point out that he wouldn’t post them anywhere, but keep them to himself. You whined a pit and pouted at him, you just wanted to see more of the field and not take more pictures, “just one more babe” he said, and the both of your expressions turned into shock as you realized what he had said. “Okay, babe” you said to mock him, it only resulted in him running towards you in a chase. He only managed to catch up to you because you almost stumbled over a stick on the ground. Laughter filled the air around you, this was the happiest you’ve been in a long time. The golden sky made this the perfect scenario for the two of you, nothing could take this moment away from you.
“You’re all I’ve ever wanted” Jeonghan said before kissing you softly. “Home is where you are.”
This is the end of Jeonghan’s college AU - HOME, we hope you guys liked it as much as we liked writing it..
NOTE: for some reason, this was not posted at scheduled, and I’m very confused as to why, but its here, 3 weeks late.... Sorry  - Rosea 
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generalkenobi22 · 7 years
Charted: Domesticity Stateside - Part 2
It’s been nearly a year since I posted the first part of this series, Charted: Domesticity Stateside, which documented my need for a happy, domestic ending for the Adventure Family even before I played Uncharted 4. Since then, I’ve played U4, let it change me as a person fundamentally, and almost immediately started on a sequel, which after close to a year, I’ve finally completed. So please enjoy Charted: Louisiana, Libertalia, and Lemurs! (Or, the running tally for life after Libertalia goes as follows: one marriage salvaged, two family members gained, and three attempts at trying to convince your wife that a lemur is a suitable house pet.) 
It can also be found here: AO3 - Fanfiction
The move to Louisiana is an exciting and somewhat stressful affair.
The offer for their current house comes in on a Tuesday at the close of the business day in early June. It comes in at a decent amount over their asking price, so even though they haven’t finalized anything on the new home—let alone put in an actual offer yet—Elena assures the realtor on the other end of the phone (through the smile that’s threatening to split her face in two) that she and Nate accept. When Nate hears the news, he spins Elena around, his smile mirroring hers.
“We’ve never had a plan before,” he says in response to her concerns about the timetable for the move. “Why should we start now?”
So Elena hands in her two-weeks to WFTV ABC 9 that Wednesday, much to the disappointment of Gary, who works in editing (“Viewership is gonna go down without you providing a weekly dose of explosions overseas.”), while Nate focuses all of his energy on packing up the inordinate amount of books and artifacts they’ve come to accumulate within the last three years (“How do we have seven copies of The Science of Adventure?”). They try to goad Sully into helping by offering a box of Cubans and a bottle of really good scotch. Eventually, he caves, but only in helping them load the packed boxes into the moving truck (“There’s not enough treasure in the world that could convince me to get in there; Nate’s a damn hoarder.”). They try the same thing for Charlie and Chloe, but they’re both in Berlin, no further details given (“Keep us updated though, will you?”)
Before they know it, Elena takes one last video of the old place—including reactions from Nate and Sully (which she promptly uploads to Instagram, Chloe and Charlie her first two likes)—and they’re traveling down I-12, everything packed and ready for Louisiana.
About an hour into the drive, Elena receives a call with a ‘225’ area code. Over speakerphone, the realtor tells she and Nate that their offer has been accepted, and they’ve barely hung up before Nate comments, “Guess this means we can cancel the hotel arrangements, huh?”
It’s nearly dusk by the time they finally arrive at the new place, legs and arms stiff from the close to ten-hour drive. Once they’ve done the walkthrough of the new place, they make a pact to start tackling the unpacking tomorrow. In the meantime, they both collapse on the front porch, grinning lazily into the setting sun. Nate procures a small bottle of champagne, that’s regrettably lukewarm since the ice in the cooler melted about two hours ago. He pours it into their empty Popeye’s soda cups, and they toast to their luck and their new home.
“You know what would make this place even better?” Nate eventually asks. Elena’s at his side, her head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of it.
“Hmm?” she asks as she snuggles up against him, her eyes closed against the deep orange glow from the horizon.
“If we got a pet lemur.”
Admittedly, leaving the life and moving to Louisiana ends up affecting Elena more than she thought it would. She still writes, of course, and everyone in the neighborhood is pleasant enough, but it doesn’t take long for a desire for the familiar to set in, which is how she ends up buying a pre-owned PlayStation 4 after she runs out of excuses to give to Chloe and Charlie for not getting one in the first place.
Apparently, Chloe and Charlie play shooters online
“I’m telling you,” Chloe says over Bluetooth. Elena’s still trying to work out how to turn the system on, not quite able to wrap her head around how the machine has changed in a few generations. “You’re going to love it.”
After randomly pressing buttons, Elena hears the faint beep and sees the blue light turn on when she presses the right one. She smiles at the PlayStation logo that appears on the screen and the low hum of the console. “But I don’t play competitively.”
“Yet,” Chloe assures, her voice tinny over the earpiece. “You don’t play competitively yet.”
“I don’t know, Chloe,” Elena counters. The screen is asking for her login information and a bunch of different setting preferences, and since when did a game need to be connected to the wireless? Apparently, video games became a lot more involved than the last time she played. “I think I might just be a bandicoot and fruit collecting kind of girl.”
Chloe sighs. “You’re only saying that because you’ve yet to experience the utter satisfaction of completely destroying insecure men at virtual combat and then trash talking them afterward.”
It had felt pretty great schooling Nate with Crash Bandicoot. Maybe Chloe has a point.
“Fine.” Elena’s shoulders sag as she lets out a sigh, her eyes on the screen. It’s asking for some kind of username? She wracks her brain for a moment before settling on Sunshine. The screen informs her that the name has already been taken when she hits enter, so she amends it to Sunshine07, adding the year she met Nate and Sully. That works. “But you can’t make fun of me when it turns out that I am terrible at this.”
Chloe laughs on her end. “I can make no such promise!” she protests, as if the mere thought goes against who she is fundamentally as a person. “But if it makes you feel better, Charlie is absolute rubbish at it, and I keep him around anyway.”
Another line emits static as it comes to life. “Oi, watch it!” Charlie’s voice comes in over the mic. “I hold my own well enough, thank you very much.”
“Oh, is that what we’re calling it?” Chloe asks, her smirk audible.
Charlie shrugs, or at least, that’s what Elena imagines he does. “Absolutely we are,” he assures her. “And it’s no worse than bullying children online, which I believe is your claim to fame.”
“That is absolutely not fair; it was one time!” Chloe protests, immediately on the defensive, despite Charlie’s laughter in the background. “How was I supposed to know? The foul nature of his username suggested someone nearly twice his age. All the more reason, I say, to keep young children from playing games made for adults.”
“Oh, sure,” Charlie says, still laughing, “blame the parents.”
Elena lets their back and forth play out, before focus naturally swings back to the game they’re trying to play. Turns out, she has to friend both of them before they can start playing. Within moments, she receives friend confirmations from brighteyezz and Charles_of_Arabia, and after a minimal amount of coaching, she manages to get the game inserted and loaded.
“Okay,” she says, Bluetooth mic in place, her legs pulled up and under her on the couch, and the game’s home screen illuminating the TV, “let’s take these knuckleheads down.”
There’s only a minimal amount of snickering that comes through her mic in response.
“Tango on my six. Someone take this douchebag down.”
“Say no more,” Chloe responds. Like clockwork, the guy behind Elena takes a head shot. She watches the screen as his skull explodes in a truly gratuitous display of violence and guts.
“Oh, beautiful,” Charlie chimes in. “That guy’s been a right arsehole since we started, camping at all our spawn points and mowing us down, no mercy whatsoever. Humiliate him, Bright Eyes.”
“With pleasure,” she coos, changing her mic from their private party chat to the general lobby. When she finishes, they’re down one player in the lobby, and Elena beams.
As it turns out, Elena’s really good at shooters. To the point where Chloe and Charlie actually begged her to join their clan after a few months and play with them regularly. And even though it’s only ever been about having fun and relieving stress for her, Elena can’t help feeling a sense of pride that the three of them have developed a bit of a reputation in the online community for being pretty unstoppable. Her personal stats alone are enough to keep most trolls off her back, so she generally doesn’t have to verbally retaliate. But even if she has to, she can hold her own, thanks to Chloe’s tutelage. Charlie, on the other hand, is embarrassingly bad at trash talk, much to Chloe and Elena’s amusement.
Her attention is momentarily torn from the game when she hears the front door open. Nate’s not normally home this early, and Elena’s never been fully upfront about her new gaming hobby, so it takes him a moment to adjust to the sight before him, after he toes his shoes off and dumps his bag on the floor next to them. Elena’s sitting on the edge of the couch, her body leaning forward, her headset (a minor upgrade) on as she issues commands to Charlie and Chloe. She smiles widely when he sinks into the couch next to her.
“You miss me that much that you’re talking to yourself?” he asks as he wraps his arm around her shoulders, planting a kiss on the top of her head. It’s distracting enough that she misses her next shot, giving her opponent the chance to shoot her, which he does. Chloe has a stream of expletives in response, which Elena pointedly ignores.
“Hey, you. You’re home early,” she says, covertly muting the mic and snuggling into Nate’s side. He tightens his grasp in response,
“Yeah, pretty light day for salvaging,” he explains, idly tracing random lines on her shoulder. It’s super distracting, which is how she misses another shot. On cue, Chloe and Charlie have some choice words for her. Nate’s gaze is trained on the screen, which is how his next statement comes to pass. “Did that fox with pants join the army in the sequel?”
Elena snorts. “It’s a bandicoot,” she says reflexively. “And, no. This is a completely different game.”
“It looks violent,” he concludes, which she can’t help noticing the irony after everything they’ve been through. After a beat, he adds, “Can I try it?”
She hands the controller over to him willingly (recognizing this match as a rare failure at this stage, anyway) and watches in awe as Nate somehow outdoes himself by playing abysmally. Amazingly, his hand-eye coordination is pretty terrible for someone who used to require precise dexterity to swing across buildings and caverns. Hiding her laughter becomes an impossibility when, after five deaths in a row (two of which happened as a result of pushing the left joystick too far, so his character just kept running in circles), Chloe and Charlie go ballistic.
“Elena. Sweetheart,” Chloe says slowly, trying in vain to restrain her fury and failing. “Have you hit your head and become concussed? Because that’s the only explanation I can conjure for the shit show that is your current performance.”
“Absolute bollocks! Get your head out of your arse and play like you know what a video game is,” Charlie demands, decidedly more forthcoming with his frustration.
“Guys,” she finally chimes in, switching the mic from mute. She’s giggling too hard for anything to be very coherent, but she presses on. “It’s not me, it’s Nate.”
The sound of their collective outrage (“Bloody hell,” barks Charlie) is so loud that Nate can hear it, even over Elena’s laughter. When he asks who she’s talking to, she wordlessly switches her mic to external audio, the sound of Chloe and Charlie making fun of him now projected into the living room. Nate’s ears go slightly pink, and Elena only feels a little guilty for being unable to stop laughing.
“Ha, ha, laugh it up, guys,” he shoots off sarcastically, tossing the controller back in Elena’s lap. “I may not be able to play video games, but I did discover Shambhala, you know.”
Charlie groans, and Elena pokes Nate in the side, booing at him. Chloe actually blows a raspberry in response.
“Oh, come off it, Nate. That excuse lost its appeal the first thousand times you used it.”
“Yeah,” Charlie adds, “don’t make us dislike you anymore than we already do for you being a shit player.”
When Jamison’s wife, Carla, invites Elena to join her for her yoga class late one Thursday afternoon, Elena can’t say anything but yes. Jamison and Carla were the first ones to make Elena and Nate feel welcome when they moved to Louisiana, and they consistently invite the two of them over for dinner every month. Elena can’t ignore the small amount of guilt that may or may not be playing a factor in her decision.
She can, however, ask a friend to come with her. A friend who arrived from Berlin two days ago and is currently sleeping on their couch. A friend like Chloe.
“I simply don’t understand suburbia,” Chloe says, saying the last word as though it’s the most repulsive concept she’s ever heard.
“First of all,” Elena counters through laughter, “where we live hardly classifies as ‘suburbia,’ and second”—she gestures to her stomach—“you go surprisingly soft when you’re not running for your life from some mythical, collapsing city.”
“Yes, but why must I suffer because of your choice to leave the life?” Chloe demands as she holds the studio door open.
Elena thinks for a moment. “Because you’re working on being a really good friend?”
Chloe’s head falls back as she barks with laughter. “And you are apparently working on being a really bad liar?”
“Oh, come on,” Elena coaxes. She goes so far as to link her arm with Chloe’s before they enter the studio. “It’s gonna be great!”
It’s not great, for the record.
Carla neglects to mention that the yoga class she attends is hot yoga, which Elena can only compare to doing yoga smack dab in the middle of the Rub’ al Khali. Just when her body adjusted to the temperature inside the studio, the ventilation system would pump even more hot air into the confined space. She doesn’t even bother with the showers afterward, just pushes her way out through the front entrance, where she braces her hands on her thighs and gulps in the clean and comparatively cool air.
“It’s…gonna be…great, huh?” Chloe gasps, following suit as she slides down the side of the building, her legs sprawled out on the ground. Much like Elena, she’s drenched in sweat, droplets of it dripping from her hair into the red, water wicking material of her tank top. “Please be sure to engrave ‘it’s gonna be great’ on my… tombstone once they scrape my body off this sidewalk and…bury me in a shallow grave.”
“I’m so sorry,” she apologizes, unable to laugh like she normally would due to exhaustion. Unlike Chloe, Elena has on an old, baggy t-shirt, which is now plastered to her body, almost obscenely. “Remind me to—” She has to stop momentarily, her lungs stubbornly not cooperating with her desire to breathe. She collapses next to Chloe. “—Remind me to…forget it. I’m so exhausted, I forgot what I was going to say.”
“I won’t…hold it against you,” Chloe promises, trying in vain to keep her breathing even, “if you promise to never do this again.”
That makes Elena laugh. Then, it makes her cough violently. “Deal,” she wheezes.
Carla, freshly showered and rejuvenated, exits the studio, glimpses the two of them and chuckles, not unkindly, before going to get the car started.
Not even a week after arriving back stateside from Libertalia, and Nate refuses to drop the subject. Madagascar did nothing to change his mind.
“Elena—” he begins, still engrossed in whatever National Geographic article he has pulled up on the computer in her office. His furrowed brow and overall determination make her shake her head.
“No way,” Elena interrupts. One glance at the computer screen, and she knows. She just knows what her well-meaning, but beating-a-dead-horse husband is about to say. “We are absolutely not—”
“But they eat mostly plants, they’re mostly solitary, and,” Nate continues, as if Elena wasn’t speaking, “it says here…that many of them exhibit female dominance, so…y’know,” he explains by way of not explaining when Elena stares at him blankly, “they’re obviously feminists.”
Elena snorts so loudly, it covers her laughter. Mostly. “Sure, obviously feminists.”
“Yeah,” Nate says in response, grinning infectiously, “girl power and all that.”
“Nate, you are actually exceeding the levels of crazy I expect from you,” she admits. When it looks like he’s about to protest, she places her hand over his mouth. “I love you, but we are absolutely not getting a pet lemur.”
“Not it!”
Nate looks at his wife, exasperated, once they both realize they said it at the same time. Elena, mouth contorted into an ‘o’ of surprise and finger pointed accusatorily, tries to stop the grin that breaks out onto her face, but she fails.
“I totally said it first,” Elena claims, though it doesn’t help that she is laughing.
Nate scoffs. “You totally did not.”
“Oh, come on,” she tries again, nudging him with her shoulder. “I meant it when I said we would have to share doing paperwork.” She sighs. “If only you would carry your half of the weight.”
This time, Nate starts laughing. “Elena, you are so full of crap. I just finished a week’s worth of phone calls and permit applications for our dig in Malaysia yesterday, so don’t you start.” He scrubs a hand over his face before he catches sight of something behind her, and his eyes light up. “Okay, how about I play you for it?”
Elena’s eyebrows rise. “You sure that’s the smartest move there, cowboy?”
“Nuh-nuh-no, I learned my lesson last time,” Nate replies, leaning back in the desk chair. He gestures to the bookcase behind Elena. “No, I’m talking about those.”
She follows his line of sight to the off-brand Nerf pistols that had somehow migrated from the attic to their living room. Her smile grows larger.
“I guess if we’re completely overlooking the fact that I’m the better shot, then sure,” Elena concedes. She walks over to grab the guns and once she has, she tosses one over to Nate. He catches it singlehandedly. “Let’s get your humiliation over with quickly.”
Nate gets up from his chair and vaults over the couch, proceeding to load ammo into his gun. “You’re going to live to choke on those words, you know,” he informs her.
Elena just rolls her eyes. “Three hits,” she says. “The first one to shoot the other three times wins, and doesn’t have to do paperwork.”
Nate gives her a head start, but when he goes to search for her, he finds her almost immediately in their shared bathroom. Using some impressive gymnastics, Elena rolls past him, but he’s hot on her trail as they take their shenanigans throughout the entire house. Eventually, Elena ends up behind the couch, her gun trained squarely on Nate, who’s standing behind the island counter, his gun aimed at her.
“Well!” Nate booms, a cocky grin stretched wide across his face. “Look what we have here! Ruggedly charming adventurer, Nathan Drake, appears to be up by two, while his lovely, but losing wife, Elena, is preparing to fill out paperwork for the rest of the week.”
Without another word, Elena fires a round at him. Nate ducks, but the shot goes wide. When he comes back up, the annoyingly smug grin on his face is enough to give Elena an idea.
“Any last words?” Nate prods, spinning the toy pistol around like he’s some kind of outlaw. He has the nerve to come out from behind the counter. “Besides groveling for mercy?”
It’s Elena’s turn to grin smugly, as she watches her husband still in his tracks, the expression on his face fearful for a split second. Only when she undoes the second button on her blouse does he say something.
“What are you doing?” he asks evenly.
She responds with a full on smile, undoing another button in the process. “Let’s just say that in a war of sticks and carrots, I’m going with the latter.”
Nate’s Adam’s apple bobs once, his growing discomfort obvious. Elena takes advantage of his frozen state to approach him. “Hey!” he blanches when she undoes another button. His mouth suddenly feels dry. “We never agreed to partial nudity!”
“We never not agreed to partial nudity,” Elena corrects him, undoing the final button. She’s close enough to him that she can touch him, which she does, placing a hand on his chest. His heart pounds erratically. “I’m just playing up my strengths,” she explains with a wink.
He punctuates rolling his eyes by grasping her wrist, but he can’t seem to bring himself to actually remove her hand. “Yeah, your strength of cheating, you mean” he admonishes half-heartedly, his voice faltering as his gaze inadvertently lowers.
Sighing dramatically, Elena pulls away, and slowly starts to button her blouse. “Well, alright. I guess I can do the paperwork this week since you won. It’s only fair.”
Ignoring his pride, Nate tugs Elena back toward him and hoists her up onto the counter. “You’ll be the death of me, you know that?” he admonishes before situating himself between her legs with his hands resting dangerously high up on her thighs.
“I’m just willing to sleep with the co-owner of D&F Fortunes if it means I get out of doing paperwork for the week,” Elena admits, her smile wide.
Nate breaks into a matching grin despite all the extra forms he’ll have to fill out. It’s hard for him to think of paperwork as a loss, though, when his wife is kissing him as thoroughly as she is, their toy pistols in the foreground, completely forgotten.
“Hey—whoa, sorry!…Nathan, have you always had that birthmark on your ass?”
“Elena, good to see you again. Although, admittedly, last time it was with more clothing—”
When the door slams in his face, Sam takes his pitiful dish of green bean casserole down to the kitchen. He finds Sully’s down there among various pies and side dishes, filling a tumbler with liquor he’d helped himself to from the cabinet in the dining room.
“Can you believe all that, Victor?”
At his questioning glance, Sam tells him about his run in with his brother and Elena.
Sully slams his glass down in disgust. “The hell? What, do they have a yearly standing appointment?”
And that’s the story of how Sam accidentally walks in on Nate and Elena in a physically compromising situation the day before Thanksgiving.
“So in conclusion—” Sam begins, hands held behind his back as he rocks back and forth on his heels. He and Sully had just finished up a job and gotten back from Argentina last night, but his niece had been texting him back and forth about this presentation since before then. Sure, he was exhausted, but who was he to turn her down? Especially when her preparation work had been so impressive?
“What Sam’s trying to say,” Cassie interjects, looking over at her uncle for some guidance. He imperceptibly nods, and she finds the courage to press on, “is that a lemur would actually make a really great pet, given their herbivorous diets and our house’s close proximity to exotic flora, among other things.”
From her spot on the couch, Elena narrows her gaze, first at her brother-in-law, then at her daughter. It's hard to respond with much of anything when Cassie even included a visual aid in the form of a bar graph, which is propped up in front of the TV in the living room where they all are presently. Out of her line of sight, Nate gives two thumbs up, and Cassie uses all her self-control to stop herself from beaming proudly.
“Did your father put you up to this?” Elena finally asks, fixing her gaze at Cassie, then Sam. “Or your uncle?”
“Of course not,” Cassie blurts a little too quickly. Sensing her discomfort, Sam wraps an arm around her shoulders, squeezing.
“Look, Elena,” he says, giving her his most endearing smile. Nate clearly rolls his eyes in his periphery, but he still doesn’t have a pet lemur, does he? “I think if there’s one person who has really been advocating for this all along, it’s Victor.”
“Oh, no you don’t!” Sully pops his head out from the freezer, ice cube trays in hand. He pops a couple into his tumbler on the counter, and puts the trays back where they belong. It’s not until he’s pouring liquor into the tumbler that he adds, “There’s a reason I have no horse in this race, and it’s because, I’m staying far the hell away from this. For what it’s worth though, Cassie, your mother is smart enough to see through your father’s harebrained schemes.”
Immediately, Sam deflates, and Elena turns on Nate, poking an accusatory finger into his chest. “You are the worst liar,” she accuses him at the same time Sam says to Sully, “Way to not get involved, Victor. Truly inspiring.”
Sully goes on about how Sam started all of this, but it’s Nate that addresses his wife’s accusation by saying, “I couldn’t stand by and let Cassie’s dream of having a pet lemur be broken.”
Elena doesn’t budge. “You mean your dream?”
“Technically,” he amends, lacing his hands behind his head, stretching his legs out on the ottoman in front of him, and grinning, “she’s our daughter, so really it’s our dream.”
She snorts. “You are impossible. And you,” she directs at Cassie, “despite your solid argument and blatant treachery, my answer still stands. No lemurs.”
Sam whistles, long and low. “Tough break, kid.”
Cassie crosses her arms over her chest and huffs. “Well, can we at least get some kind of pet?”
Later, when Elena finally relents and says—after speaking with Sully, who used to have one—they can get a dog, Cassie fist bumps her dad and her uncle, her smile threatening to split her face. She tells Sully they’re going to name it after him for his central involvement. He offers her a cigar to celebrate, which Nate promptly and emphatically puts a stop to.
Eventually, curiosity gets the better of him, and Nate asks Cassie how she knew she could get her mom on board with a pet.
“Well, Dad, you always say that the best way to run a con is to get the other person to believe it was their idea in the first place,” she admits.
Nate pulls her into a hug, practically beaming.
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softforhenry · 8 years
Dean’s Birthday Week
Now that they’re officially together, Cas wants to celebrate Dean’s birthday. For a whole week. Dean isn't really able to protest.
A/N: This is basically my excuse to shower Dean with love the whole week <3   I have one story planned for each day of the next week, but I gotta admit that only the one for tomorrow is written completely at this point and I’m terrible at keeping deadlines for my writing *hides* I hope I can finish this little series on time for Dean’s actual birthday, but I can’t make any promises.
There are some slight canon divergences, because I don’t like some storylines from s12 as of yet. Mary never pulled the disappearing act on her boys, but stayed with them at the bunker for a while before moving into her own apartment close by. She also bakes pie. Cas is human now, his grace having been torn from him along with Lucifer by Amara. Lucifer was defeated same as in 12x08, but never spawned Lucifer junior. So TFW got a much needed break over Christmas and Dean & Cas finally got together.
I hope you enjoy this first part :D
Also on AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9379160
Part 2 >>
January 18th, 2017
When Dean stumbles into the kitchen that morning, the first thing his sleep-addled senses register is the smell. A wonderful, almost heavenly smell, that puts his mind back in time shortly to when he was only four years old and trying to help his mom bake with his small hands, succeeding mostly in making a mess out of the kitchen. She never seemed to mind though, and the fleeting memories of those times are one of Dean’s most treasured ones.
As he peeks around the bunker’s kitchen now and spots a freshly baked pie on one of the counters, he can’t help a grin. His feet take him across the room on auto-pilot and ten seconds later he has a fork in his hand and moans around a mouthful of the most delicious pie he’s tasted in a very long time.
“Well, that didn’t take long,” comes his brother’s amused voice from behind him, but Dean can’t be bothered to stop shoveling that sweetness into his mouth long enough to form a proper reply. “Shut up,” he manages, a few crumbs falling from his lips. He watches them fall down onto the counter mournfully, while Sam winces in exaggerated disgust.
Sam comes to stand next to him and pours himself some coffee while Dean tries to suppress some of the more indecent sounds that threaten to escape him. Not that he would usually care about making his little brother squirm in embarrassment, but he can admit that he probably owns Sam a little reprieve after catching him and Cas practically naked on one of the library tables two days ago. Dean still can’t really muster up a lot of remorse about the incident, not with the way Cas had looked at him when Dean dropped to his knees in front of him just before the interrupting sasquatch appeared. But he can behave. For a few days. Maybe.
That doesn’t mean he has to like it, after all this thing between him and Cas is so new, like not-even-a-month-new, so no one should blame them for not being able to keep their hands off each other. Also they have lots of lost time to make up for and even more unresolved sexual tension and longing (“pining” was the word Sam used, but Dean chose to ignore him) to work out of their systems.
“Where did you get this?” Dean finally asks, as he puts a second slice on a plate and takes a seat across from his brother at their breakfast table.
Sam shrugs. “I didn’t. Cas dropped it off ten minutes ago.”
That brought Dean to a halt. “Why?”
He gets a weird look from Sam at that, but can’t ask what it’s about as Cas chooses that moment to stride into the kitchen, a smile breaking out on his face when he notices Dean being up and the half eaten slice of pie on his plate. “Good morning, Dean,” he greets warmly and then he’s already at Dean’s side, dropping a small kiss on his lips.
Dean can’t help the way he awkwardly rubs his neck after Cas pulls away and ignores Sam’s gleeful smirk at the PDA. “Morning, sunshine,” he replies, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth at Cas’ joyful look at the nickname.
Dean doesn’t even know when it’s started to become a thing, but putting that look on Cas’ face has become his number one priority every morning. It never even seems to take much for it to appear nowadays, it proved enough two days ago for Dean to bring Cas coffee in bed, which honestly had more to do with self-preservation than any kind of crazy urge to get out of their warm bed before five in the morning.
But Cas had promised Claire to drop by early for some research on a murder two towns over that might be one of their kind of cases. It turned out to be a lone werewolf and they hunted that thing down yesterday, getting back to the bunker late at night with only some minor scratches. Anyway, waking Cas up that early without caffeine in his vicinity turns him into one grumpy little guy with a permanent I’m-gonna-smite-you-look, and Dean tries to avoid that as much as possible since they started sharing a bed. It was much nicer to have Cas gaze at him with pleasure and affection, even if it means wandering the cold hallways of the bunker at such unholy hour.
“Did you sleep well?” Cas asks, still staring at him with a soft smile.
Dean nods, while he marvels shortly at the fact that he does sleep well lately. The nightmares still come and go, but they’re getting less frequent and not as intense as they used to. Sometimes Dean wonders if Cas has still some angel mojo left and uses it to help him sleep peacefully, but deep down he knows that the reason behind it is how content and – dare he think it – happy he’s been during the last few weeks.
Shaking himself from the curls of unease tugging at his mind at the thought that happiness never lasts long in their family, he eats another piece of his pie which proves to be the perfect distraction. He moans a little in pleasure at the taste. “Seriously, Cas. You gotta tell me where you bought this.”
“I bought most ingredients at the farmers market Sam showed me last week and baked it myself,” Cas replies like it’s no big revelation. At Dean’s incredulous look, he adds sheepishly, “Well, I had some help. Your mother allowed me to use her kitchen and gave me instructions.”
“You baked this yourself?” Dean still asks, surprised. He remembers how Cas almost burned down their stove when he tried to make some eggs about a month ago.
Cas only nods, looking proud.
“But why?” The question once again bursts out of Dean. A short look at the clock tells him that it’s not even nine in the morning, which means Cas probably got up in the middle of the night to drive over to the small apartment Mary rented close by after she decided to settle down for a normal life. Of course, Dean had hoped that she would stay with them at the bunker, but at the same time he’s relieved that she doesn’t actively hunt with them all the time. The anxiety over having something happen to her would probably give him a heart attack sooner or later.
“It’s your first gift,” Cas answers, as if that explains everything.
Gift? His first gift? For what? Did Dean already forget some kind of important date? They haven’t even been together for a month and he tries to remember if today is any kind of special occasion, but comes up blank. He risks a glance at Sam, hoping for a clue, but his brother is busy stealing a portion of his pie to taste it.
“Hey, get your own!” Dean exclaims and tries to grab at Sam’s hand, but he’s too slow to stop him from eating it. He glares darkly at Sam’s smug face for a second, before turning back to the more pressing matter of figuring out why the pie is even here to begin with.
“So, um, it’s a gift? And we’re celebrating…,” he trails off, trying to prompt Cas into finishing the sentence for him with the actual reason for said celebration.
“Yes, I have a few things planned,” Cas says unhelpfully, an excited glint in his eyes.
“Okay, that’s – that’s nice, Cas,” Dean stutters and takes another bite from his pie, while wracking his brain to figure it out.
It’s Wednesday. January. The eighteenth. The eighteenth? That makes him pause. The night in that barn in Illinois is suddenly vividly replaying in his mind. They first met on the eighteenth of September. Maybe, now that they are together, Cas sees it as some kind of anniversary.
He glances at Cas carefully, not wanting to offend him for trying to do something nice, but he doesn’t really get celebrating now in the middle of January. “Listen, Cas. I appreciate it,” he starts and notices Sam looking at him sharply at that, but he soldiers on anyway. “But don’t you think it would be better to do this at a later point?”
Cas frowns, obviously confused. “No. I’m planning to celebrate the whole week.”
“You’re plan- what?” He can’t have heard that right. Or maybe he’s dreaming this whole conversation. And the delicious pie. Which would be a shame, really.
“Dean, your birthday is in six days. And considering how many of them you haven’t celebrated, I want to do it right this year.” Cas fixes him with a stare that allows no argument, even while Dean gapes at him like a fish out of water.
Because, what the friggin’ hell? He hasn’t even given his upcoming birthday more than a passing thought, and now Cas wants to celebrate the whole week?
“That’s really nice of you, Cas,” Sam chimes in, trying to back him up. That traitor.
“Come on, you can’t be serious,” Dean scoffs, feeling very much uncomfortable with the impending attention all of this implies. His birthday is nothing special. They never did anything on that day, except drink some beer together if they’re lucky and not elbow-deep in some monster guts instead.
A pained look crosses Cas’ face and he clenches his jaw. “I am very serious,” he replies and takes Dean’s empty plate. Dean worries for a moment that Cas is so pissed at him that he’s going to take away the pie, because he can handle some pie as a gift, that’s totally okay, and Cas shouldn’t throw it all away because he’s being a jerk.
But Cas only cuts off another, rather big slice and sets it in front of him. His pinched expression softens again as he sits down next to Dean.
“I want you to enjoy this, Dean,” Cas tells him, so earnest and loving that Dean can’t form another protest.
“Okay,” he hears himself say and even though he has no idea what he’s gotten himself into by sort of agreeing to this whole thing, he feels something warm settle in his stomach that has nothing to do with the pie.
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Whirlwind of Fuckery.
😈Today is Tuesday. Saturday was the last day I wrote, if I'm not mistaken. What all has happened? Hmm.. Let me think. Tons of bullshit with that older man. Promises not kept. Lies that I KNOW are being told, but don't dare go in with full-blown accusations, because he has money.. & since I'm on a run, I always need dope. Whatever. He left me hanging all day yesterday while I kept stringing Chris along all day & he kept stringing HIS dude along all day... Finally, after getting dropped off at 10 AM, receiving a promise he'd return at 1 o'clock and we would go & get a bag... Then proceeding to wait ALL day while being fed some bullshit... I finally mustered up some mojo & formulated a plan to get my own shit. Had to create a huge Smorgasbord of a lie to convince my dad out of $40 for dinner & a movie with NA people. Yeah.... I'm bottom-of-the-barrel terrible & although that rhyme sounded cool, it's not meant to be lighthearted. For some reason when I wrote that down about my dad, I feel super awful & ashamed all of a sudden. Honestly, I fucking should, too. My parents have sacrificed so much to try and save me from my addiction to heroin & I have thrown it down the drain AGAIN. I don't know how they haven't caught on or kicked me out yet. My mom has asked me multiple times & all except once, several weeks ago, it's something I always deny. Still.... Can't help but wonder... A part of me feels like they have got to fucking know. I had Chris pick me up last night around 6, & the timing was perfect. I needed to leave before 6:30 and be gone until at least 11. Problem solved. We went back to his house, I smoked my whole sack up quick despite a weak willed promise to myself I'd save a LITTLE bit for the morning. Blazed a bowl & a joint of this weed also procured from this older man. Then we fell asleep on his bed until tapping on the ajoined bathroom window from the porch woke us up - it was just Abraham returning home from work in Royal City. I came home & passed the fuck out from midnight until basically 11 AM. I did wake up once around 6, managed to stumble out into the kitchen while my dad was sitting at his computer & bum a smoke from him. After several long drags, I smashed the smelly, cancerous slave-driver of a product face first into the glass ashtray on the stove ; small round and clear with a psychedelic heart painted in the center, it was a gift from my mother. I shuffle back to my bedroom shut the door dive back into warm covers turn a pill bottle over into my palm, two little hot pink ovals pop em into my mouth and away to sleep I go. Benadryl only works like that (for inducing sleep) whenever I'm high. While sober it didn't have that effect. Weird, whatever... Unimportant! Really, though, none of what I've written on this blog so far is important. Just the loaded ramblings of a 25 year old on-going, off-again junkie loser without a future, destined to die probably living in this same fucking room. When I finally woke up again, 5 hours after popping those allergy meds in hopes of them doing exactly what they actually did (sleeeeep💗) I hung out around the house with my Ma. A&E has started showing a trailer advertising the February 20th premiere of the new & FINAL season of a show we binge-watched on Netflix together & fell in love with... Sooo that means Netflix added new episodes of Bates Motel! We watched at least 6-7 episodes I think. Old guy hit me up saying he wanted to buy a sack; had $100. He didn't want to go pick anyone up other than me (which was a problem) because Chris wasn't answering & Kayleigh is in jail, poor thing. After bullshitting with Andy Packard for a bit on when his dude was going to pick him up & then meet us... I wasn't sure if I believed that was really going to happen, so I decided to take a chance. Instructed Romeo to swoop me and drive me up past the car wash. Had him park further back then normal, and decided to try my luck knocking on the bathroom window of the Naab house. BOOM. IT WORKED. I'M IN. Fucker was sleeping all day. I had just seen him the night before (he dropped me off just after 11) but apparently he didn't didn't go to bed until 9 o'clock this morning. Anyways. He called his dude. I told my ride / ATM to wait over at the gas station (GOD I'M AN ASSHOLE) and while waiting Packard called me ten times cause guys dude was in the way, I made up some story we got pulled over on the other side of town & "homeboy" got arrested on a warrant outta Kittitas County. The little Mexican teenager Chris goes through showed up (we heard his car crunching over snow & ice out in the driveway) so my buddy ran out, and minutes later returned with a nice hefty chunk of some super-fire, or as fire as it gets around these podunk parts. I smoked two pieces with him, as a peace offering for waking him up, broke off some more and put it in a second baggie hidden stealthily away in my right sock, and called my ride to swoop me back up. We get to his house, do all of the bag (aside from what I had hidden) and talk about my plan to get off this shit using subs - subs he got from his coworker that are waiting in his locker at work... Subs that he is supposed to be bringing me shortly after his shift ends at 7 AM Wednesday morning. This morning. Today. I hope to God he comes through with those. I worry, because while he HAS done alot for me he has also been pretty flaky on a couple occasions. I've actuality been sitting on a message in my FB inbox from him that I need to reply to NOW (not purposefully avoiding it, I just honestly keep forgetting) so he stays engaged and it's still thinking about me (so I can get those subs here in the next 6 hours). Very important. Pause all of this ; I'm going to reply to him now. OH, but I cleaned out my tooter less than a minute ago & it was funky full, for all variables considered... So honestly I'm gonna hit this real quick & THEN reply. &&&&& I'M BAAAAACK. 😈💗😐 So I'm back. One more hit real quick. Smoking my last cig for the night. Oh boy... I told myself I'd be going to bed early tonight; it's now closing in on 3 AM. I have to be awake at a quarter to seven (6:45- DON'T FORGET TO SET AN ALARM, DUMMY) to meet J. Romeo for those subs when he gets off work. Please, good lord, PLEASE... Let him come through. Please, please, pleeeease. 🙏 Soon as I finish this little blurb of a blog.... Well, what was supposed to be a quick daily check in / drug-a-log... I skipped the last 2 days since Saturday so this entry turned into more of an amphetamine-fueled nonsensical novel HAH! (If a statement could ever perfectly describe my style of writing... That would be it 😂) but as soon as I'm done with this cigarette, I have to be done with this entry. Then, I'm going to brush my teeth, put Neosporin on my face (which I picked to hell and back this evening...sad day) and try to pee one last time... Then I'm crawling into bed, setting a 15-minute timer, and doing a Stream of Consciousness exercise (S.O.C.). Basically the concept is just to set a timer and do not stop writing until the bell. Sense doesn't need to be made nor does punctuation really need to be used. The idea is just to spill your guts, your heart, your soul, out onto the pages. Free your mind from the hamster wheel of worry and thought by expelling it onto the empty lines of a journal. Cigarette is done. Think I might just do the rest of that bag right now... Fuuck it. One last hurrah; thirty dollar chunk of fuego and a few pages of chicken-scratch prose. Debating... Debating... I'm already pretty high... I don't know if he will come through for SURE with those subs... If he doesn't, & I smoked this all tonight, I'm screwed. I'm screwed either way without em, whether I smoke now or not... Totally irrelevant. If he does, I will be so relieved. I will be able to get off this shit, finally... After TWO FUCKING MONTHS. WHAT HAPPENED? WHERE DID THE TIME GO? HOW THE FUCK DID I END UP HERE? Why on earth did I decide to go back out? I don't want to live like this anymore... Please Goddess, hear my cry & help me. Please let him come through with those Suboxone, that is my one and only hope.
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