#and am very free this weekend
csuftitans · 8 months
CSUF's Official Review of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley.
Minor spoilers for episode 1 and an ending for episode 2
Having complete the burial ending (will be doing decay later when I finish more work) I have to say that this shouldn't have been a game, but some sort of animated series. No one talks about how good the puzzles or gameplay are. The dialogue and plot are the main draw, and I think a game is almost a waste of them. Obviously the multiple endings could only work in this medium, but that could be fixed the way Evangelion handled it.
I also think calling it "the incest game" is like calling The Last of Us "the hospital game" because yes, that's a major plot point, but that is far from the only thing the game has going on and honestly doing so doesn't do anything but hurt the reputation of the game among outsiders who would otherwise be interested in the game.
Ashley and Andrew have some of the best chemistry I've seen in a fictional duo and I hate it. You can tell they spent most of their lives together and aside from, you know, it's pretty realistic. I can tell the creator has a sibling because normally this type of relationship wouldn't be done in such a believable way. They know exactly what makes the other person tick, and they are not afraid to piss each other off if need be.
I'll say that I don't really like the occult in media cause it's a really easy cop out to make something edgier, but I'm honestly fine with the way it's more of a thing that happens than the two being these Satan worshipping cannibals. I'm interested to see how the cult plays a role in the next episode, especially since Andrew's palm marking hints at something big.
This game also has a few moments where the author's a bit too edgy. Not like creepypasta blood everywhere type of edgy, but in a "You're not concerned with a demon saying you have a tar colored soul" way. This isn't often but it's enough to where I don't feel like it's trying too hard.
Lastly, yes I think the incest dream is weird. It's supposed to be weird, they're psychopaths who kill and eat their parents. The dev isn't trying to normalize incest, he's trying to show how their lives have become so reliant on each other that any intimate connection with another human has to be between them. It's not healthy, and it shouldn't be supported. The creator isn't condoning it (imo the "Cry about it" art is meant to be him saying that he can put whatever they want in their game) and as I said before, it's not what the game should be known for.
Overall, I think if you're not turned off by the idea of cannibalism, the occult, toxic codependency, and of course, incest, then you'll find that the 10 dollars is well spent, especially since the fandom is not only growing but there's still a lot to happen between now and the release of episode 3. 8/10
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garoujo · 9 months
gojo loves the marks you leave behind on his skin. it’s like they’re proof you were there, underneath him as he presses his cock deeper into the tight hug of your pussy— feeling your nails burn vermillion lines along the smooth skin of his back and shoulders with every orgasm he pulls from you.
he likes to admire them in the mirror, feeling a little smug despite the way he hisses when the steady stream from the shower head makes them burn slightly — aching everytime he’s trying to sleep at night.
but with every little shock of pain, gojo can remember the pretty face you made as your walls hugged around him— crying out his name in quick pants as his hips smacked against yours and he wouldn’t call himself a masochist but he loves it. he loves you.
even when he’s got you bouncing on his lap, his long fingers squeezing into the space where your thigh meets your hips, he’s intoxicated by the way you bury your face into the crook of his neck— his free palm curling at the back of your head, pressing you deeper until he can feel your teeth nipping at the skin there. his crystalline eyes almost roll back, snowy peaks of his hair framing his flushed features and he’s never came as hard or as fast as he did when you laved your tongue over the blooming marks you left across his throat.
gojo can’t help but press his fingers against them as he looks at himself in the mirror, hissing at the sting but he sees it as a silent little claim — teasing you about it later on, about how you “want everyone to know i’m yours, huh sweet thing? ‘ts cause i’m so handsome, right?”
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 2 months
Expect clip posting to slow down due to irl nonsense.
Also from the 11th to the 18th I won’t have any computer access and very little internet access but I’ll schedule a couple clips beforehand for that week 🫡
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 9 months
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ready to be funky!
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littlemizzlinguistics · 5 months
The thing about being neurodivergent and trying to be funny is just that… I could be giving my BEST material. A proper standup act! True hilarity (like that in my bio, thank you very much!) and… nada. Zilch. లేదు. לו. Total crickets!!!
But then, I just… say something. Completely random, somewhat serious. Just a regular old response to something. And then like… people are like “OMG UR SO FUNNY!”
And I’m like… I made THE BEST pun five minutes ago and you looked at me like “oh, sweetie…” but then I just… respond naturally to whatever you just said and suddenly I’m a comedian!!!
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lupismaris · 2 days
Happy Baltimore Pride, the parade starts in 3 and a half hours and I'm already exhausted
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backslashdelta · 4 months
me: I should create and run a brand new fandom discord server that would be so much fun!!!
also me: running fandom things feels like a job rn I need a break
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lavendelhummel · 9 months
There was so much in these first WoT episodes that my head couldn’t deal with it until I had written down at least my basic thoughts about them. So here is what my brain made me scream into the keyboard before being able to watch on (ep1&2) - for obvious reasons it’s 75% Moiraine, but I mean have you looked at her??
Where is the dark friend social? Because they have the aes Sedai symbol in stone on the ground outside.
Love the phrasing „The one who walks the world, the one who was and will be, but is not yet the dragon“. Because Rand is but is not yet the dragon!
Obviously the „we are in the middle of a meeting, a quite important one, really“ is great and hilarious. Also I said it before and I will say it again I love Ishamaeals nihilism and I think it wasn’t used as good as it could have been in the books, the ending about what good and evil and grey even means couldn’t have played more with him, I hope the show goes there. And his speech is great. But I really thought he would feed that girl to the trollocs for a second.
Also he says „monster“ not trollocs, which strikes me as AoL -speech? Children in the 3rd age know what trollocs are, in his childhood, they wouldn’t have known, they didnt have „monsters“ outside of stories…
Also i noticed for the first time „father of lies“ is an interesting name for the forsaken, who in his own mind is simply saying the truth, „Life is an endless, pointless repetition“. He doesn’t really lie, does he? Here at least he does not towards the girl, while many people probably would have.
Obviously the first Moiraine scene is devastating, what else can be said? I mean except for the fact that she es so beautiful still, that i may have stopped breathing. Her movements are so precise. She has a task and she does it and no matter what’s going on inside here, she is determined to fulfill the selfmade task without delay. 
Also her outfit- the hair-thingies that are of the Lady Moiraine Damodred and look expensive and the physical work clothes she wears, show so nicely the different aspects of her character. 
Light, how many buckets this bath must need. And why does she need this big bath? She does, because she is her and she would never take a smaller one, just to have less work but, Light, Moiraine!
Also what is that necklace that she doesn’t take off during the bath?
It is good to see her focused on herself and not in daes daem‘er mode.
I can‘t with the way she looks at her hands. Those slow movements as she stretches them, holds them. It is more than devastating. You can feel her loss through these movements. So precise still, and such controlled movements! The looking at her hands, because feeling them is not enough, doesn’t work, because they do not feel right, are not working as they should, but they are, they are doing her bodies movement so precisely. And yet not enough. And her eyes. The way she looks at them. So present and absent at the same time. Such horror and resignation at the same time. And then the hand sinks in the water and — and her eyes again, drawing upwards in that last sequence, its so devastating. 
Ahhhhh she is so pretty! Love Moiraine surrounded by books! Ahhh her voice! I mean, her voice in general, but how she sharpens it and how it is her voice and the same but its different from how it was before. Especially towards Lan. And she doesn’t look at him. 
„Everyone has a choice. And every choice as a consequence.“!!! That is such in important sentence for life in general. I want to print it on a tshirt (and give it to my sister). Also Moiraine is so pretty. Also „Door.“ The hurt. Uh, she is hurting so bad and hurting him so bad because she doesn’t know what else to do. 
Egewene in the Amyrlin‘s study 👀. Interesting. But where is siuan? Love the White tower optics. 
Omg Alanna. she is even more than she is in fanfics and that says something. 
It’s so great that they adapted the „novices watching the wardens train“ from New Spring. Just because of the sillyness and New spring-ness. And also shows that Egwene is not that much in with the other novices. 
Obviously the Nyn/Egwene convo is great, Dont smile, I have enough character, etc. It’s Them!! And they introduce more aes Sedai lore. „Even the amyrlin“ haha, they dont know Siuan Sanche at all do they? 
Love serious Alanna. Good to see she’s more than sex and snacks again. Why isn’t Egwene using her hands? As a challenge to herself? because of her her cultural exchange later? Did she hurt them? 
Who is that bald grey sister? She is intriguing me. 
„Who’s ever been hurt by a little talk (BY AN AES SEDAI!!!)? Hmmmmm.
OMG How is Moiraine this pretty? Poem in blood! In old tongue! Omg Moiraine‘s hands. Her nod ahhhh. Her smugness, ahhh I love her. 
I really like show Nyneave more than book Nyneave! She is as headstrong but at the same time more reflective and less caricature. 
I do get the disappointment that its not Siuan who throws Nyn at the wall but I think its so interesting that it‘s Liandrin! Does she do it with the same intention? This Liandrin is so much more than a dark sister! She might be evil and she is unlikable but she cares. I think? Because we dont really know if it‘s an act so we? But it feels as if she really cares about other aes Sedai, including Nyneave as she is a woman who can channel. And that fits but is also messy and interesting. And the thing about wanting Nyneave to reach that power, that no one, not even her can take from her is great. And the thing about not everyone accessing Saidar the same way, that anger can be a way and that the teachings of the White Tower are not always the only way. 
The talk Perrin has with Ingtar is great too, because it gives actual substance to the whole violence thing. Anger is scary! Anger can make you use violence, that makes so much more sense than the „i am a big guy“ thing from the books. Also good that they mentioned Laila again. And it takes away the whol Nyneave = anger personified away. Other characters obviously deal with this too! I really like this non-caricature version of her better. 
Moiraine!!! + Lan!! Also the little eyebrow movement she does when he walks out. saying „its fine. It’s not fine but i deserve this. I am too stubborn to cry. I am distancing myself from him and from myself and i will not even think about it. I will work now.“ Her little eyebrow movement that says „I hurt but i wont show it“. 
I love that it‘s Bel Tine again. I love their lanterns and lights and it all. Also interesting that Egwene remembered and Nyn didn‘t. Because as much as Nyneave is about community and protecting her wards, so is Egwene, Egwene is about glueing together old traditions and new ways of life, here as she is building a Two River lantern in the White Tower, and later when she is wielding a trident. 
Question: is that Aldieb? Also Dagger Moiraine!! Is she for real fighting two *fades* alone with nothing but a knife? And getting him by staying calm and observant. 
When she says „Lan.“ And you can har that she has not said it in months. It is her voice, the voice that has interviewed Boyle Damon and the other 19 people but this is *her* voice saying „Lan.“ Adressing *him*. Getting his attention. And this voice is hoarse (ok maybe also because she cant really use her breathing muscles with her sliced abdomen, but) because she hasn’t talked to him in months, not really, not to *him*, and now she is saying his name. 
This is the most brutal thing ever. It’s simply brutal. Her face. The power, she feels it and then it isn’t hers and i mean good that they live but this is the most brutal thing ever. What aren’t you telling me? Everything. That it’s impossible but it mustn’t be impossible. This is brutal. 
Rand having acoustic hallucinations while working in the mental health asylum has very strong me-during-my-psychiatry-rotation-vibes (the difference being he went and got a job there and me deciding not to stay, no, nope lets stay with my lovely lymphomas)
But it fits his character very well! He is good at that!! And I also love how we are getting introduced to the sword forms this way! It’s a good way do put them in words. 
That asshole reminded me of the girl internet anxiety disorder lecture mocking how you could be afraid of these things, with people with this disorder sitting there and having to listen. People suck.
I miss the intro!
Ok Moiraine in this outfit is killing me. How am i supposed to follow any dialogue when she is sitting there looking like that? But Light! Not only Lan (her responsibility! But she couldn’t! She couldn’t protect him, heal him, she could do nothing!) but also herself must have been healed with the One Power, and yes she has had that done before and wouldn’t have been able to heal herself either way, the situation is so different. That must have been such an awful situation. Feeling the power, knowing it touches you, but you cant touch it. Not only having someone use it in your presence but *on* you. Oh Moiraine. Oh Moiraine. 
She has been exiled from the White Tower!!!!!!! And Verin knows!! I cant continue  watching this show. The difference between her „I“ now and her „we“ in season 1 and Lan’s continued „we“! And how she doesn’t manage to block the tenderness out of her voice, when she says „you are still weak from the healing“, and then noticed her slip up and voice slightly changed but not too much for it to be obvious adds that little quip to drive him away. Oh Moiraine. 
I don‘t really like what they are doing with Perrin‘s senses, why is it visions suddenly? Not only to portray on screen but also him thinking it is happening now, and Elayas calling it visions? I like him and Hurin merged though, it makes sense. 
Liandrin bringing Nyneave to the Yellows!! She gets her, and she knows what it takes and she really wants Nyn to break the block! And Nyn‘s awe!!! She found the thing Ivon and Maskim asked about last episode! It’s great to see this this early on, and not just later as in the books where her blind rage over Moiraine takes up most her motivation so long. But, Liandrin saying healing is a response to symptoms and disease… hmm. I mean sure it can be, and honestly its super important because easing symptoms is important?! But you can also treat causally as they did right there, that was not a symptomatic treatment on the girl. Plus prevention is a thing. Sorry Liandrin, I do see why the yellows wouldn’t have wanted you. The way she says „I am allowed to teach Accepted“ hahaha Liandrin trying so hard being cool. 
Some of the greatest pairings in the history of the world were formed between novices in adjacent rooms!!! Yay for the pillowfriends?!?!! Who is Elana Katab though, do we know her?? But really this is so cute, her wanting to be close to Egwene immediately and proposing it like this and talking about a shared future (seconds after meeting *cough* seconds after introducing herself as daughter heir *cough cough*) 
Ouhhhh the foreshadowing in the convo between Alanna and Sheriam!! Ouhhhlaa this show is too much for me. 
Omg Verin talking about oath loopholes!?!?!?!?!
P.S. Why is Moiraine so pretty?
The pond!!!! The pond story and they tell them!! And they are smiling. 
So much foreshadowing!! Mat!!
She didn‘t! Did she really say „When i am with you, I can pretend i am with him,“?? Ouhh she‘s bad. „Pretend I am whole again,“ you mean pretend you never bored that freaking hole in the dimension or what?! Also yeppp she is hot. Shit.
„I knew when the time came, you‘d be able to survive on your own.“ Thats what she wasn’t telling you, Lan. For 20 years and she never planned to survive this with you. She knew you‘d survive on your own. (But doesn’t this contradict the Myrelle plot?)
*Her loyalty is with the dragon reborn.* Thats Moiraine. Always and *always* will the dragon, will the world, will fate itself come before anything. 
And then she says his name „al‘Lan Mandargoran“ and rides away. Oh my heart. Oh Light.
Fuck, the suldam and Damane are creepy. I mean, they should be and they are creepy-creepy-creepy in the books too, so… but unexpectedly seeing them on screen? Yeah mission accomplished they are creepy. 
Also creepy: Rand’s little smile at the end. I guess things are going to happen.
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penisbilt · 1 month
the bittersweet but absolute flood of relief that comes from admitting defeat at living independently, to have to move back in with parents. we tried! we gave it our best shot for almost 3 years! but living like this (being on our own) is just not possible for us at this time of our lives. we've finally proved it to ourselves that we can't do it. it'll be okay to let ourselves rest now
#latimers parents not mine!!!! i am NOT moving back to florida LOL#really hope that the changes will be good for my mental health. this apartment is toxic to us#ive been on the verge of meltdowns Kind Of A Lot lately. imnot doing great#extremely dependent on substances. just to reach a baseline level of functioning. but even that isnt working as much anymore#the only things i do on my phone or tablet these days is like. 2 mobile games. and skirting past my dms to check latimers blog#its too overwhelming to even open discord these days yknow. everything on earth is too much for me right meow#i havent been drawing i havent been social online OR irl i havent been cooking or creating#i havent been keeping up with personal hygiene like at all im particularly ashamed about that one#i've been really bad about doing my T the past few months which is a HUGE shame because im SO fucking hyped to be on it#theres just. too many obstacles in getting it done half the time. and the other half of the time i just forget#anyway. anyway.#our lease ends in july so between now and then we're just gonna try our best to tolerate our living situation enough to get by#there's a light at the end of the tunnel. and its called 'i only have to be in charge of like 2 rooms at most. and not a household!'#we're gonna try to slowly comb through all our things between now and then so the process of moving wont suck as bad#cuz listen. its pretty fucking bad right now#maybe not for other people. but it is for me. and its okay to let myself come to terms with that#im just. so relieved. still very stressed! but theres at least light at the end of the tunnel and its only like 2 months away#ill be able to draw guilt-free again. ill be able to just EXIST guilt-free#i dont think ive felt guilt-free for just existing the way i do since like. turning 20#i know my mom wouldve loved if i stayed home forever. and im sad i cant be there for her#but ever since i had a fight with my dad at 15 or 16 it just really felt like he didnt want me there more and more#maybe as the youngest he was resenting that i was preventing him from becoming an empty nester or something. i dont know#because all the other kids had been moved out and on their own at least once but i had never left home before#i dont know if he'd be heartbroken or not to hear that i feeling like he was resenting me. but thats the energy i was picking up for years#i dunno. i dont know#anyway. back to housing. for now im going to try to relax and store energy for the moving process#the huge pile of things by the kitchen? i dont have to worry about that becoming permanent because we're leaving in 2 months#the general discord of the state of our possessions? we have to go through everything to pack it all anyway. we can move in RIGHT this time#when we moved in here we didnt have a car or license so we were dependent on latimers 3-hr-drive-away parents to help us move#just /across town/. and we had a whole month between leases! but it still had to be done in a weekend
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justashadetalkative · 8 months
I don’t know what next week will bring, but work has calmed down this past week, and I’m feeling much better rested.
So! I’m hoping to tackle some writing and housekeeping stuff this weekend.
If there’s a thread you’re interested in continuing and you’re worried it may have slipped through the cracks — which is most likely if it was a new thread (less than ~6 replies) or a starter I haven’t replied to yet — then please do let me know!
Similarly, if we have multiple threads going and there’s one in particular that you’re most excited to continue, let me know and that will help me decide what to prioritize. ^_^
(Times like this when I’ve had a bit of a break from writing are also a good time for me to try to break past replies I may have gotten stuck on in the past, so feel free to bring up threads even if it’s been a long time since I last replied!)
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defiledtomb · 2 years
writers update 05/08/2022
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Oh no she's been writing a new intro path
First of all, I'm sorry for my recent silence and lack of responses to your asks; I read and appreciate them immensely but I haven't had the time or energy to interact properly. Silence and avoidance is often something I fall back on when times are tough, which the past two months really proved to be. I'm trying to fight it, but I had to prioritize healthy behavior outside of my hobbies before doing it here. It was just a bunch of things that piled on top of each other... Exhausting.
Though, I have to tell you that work on Ouroboros never quite stopped; the writing did, for a while, but the development is so much more than that. If I get over how embarrassing it is, I'll share my notebooks someday. 💀
These past days I've worked on writing a new intro path as you see above, and below:
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I love that MC gets the opportunity to lash out and get on their absolute worst behavior... It's one of those things I can't believe I didn't include from the start, and is only there now thanks to the feedback I get. Can you believe that the only path in the original demo was the canoe one? Me neither. MC being abrasive has become a huge part of their arc - but don’t worry, you can still be amenable and have a good story. If you choose this path, however, I’m stoked to see just how home alone-esque it gets for your MC when fending off the Serpent's mercs. And how different your introduction to the RO's is :snickers:
Anyway, I'm gonna get back to my comfortable corner on the couch and keep writing. I don’t know for sure when the update will be out, as it’s all a jumbled mess of half-finished scenes right now, but they are coming together -- I think I’ll be more comfortable giving you the status by the end of the month. Take care until then 💖
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blessings list for @brown-little-robin!!
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emmaspolaroid · 4 months
what a long day
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chiropterx · 1 year
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Adding to more horror thoughts concerning Man-Bat but despite his animalistic tendancies, he is absolutely intelligent enough to lay basic traps? Man-Bat can reasonably gauge threats and plan how to deal with them accordingly, focusing on the most dangerous threat first such as whether or not they're armed with a gun or why they may he pursuing him. He may leave objects of interest (or kidnap victims) in plain view situated away from where he's hiding, giving him the perfect vantage point in which to observe the situation or launch a counter attack from.
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asterdeer · 6 months
"free verse and not having to rhyme or keep a meter in poetry makes writing poetry more accessible for anyone to write it" we are surrounded by rhymes and meters the stupidest pop song on the top 40 is riddled with rhymes and meters anyone can do that shit anyone can fucking rhyme
you can rhyme
i can rhyme
rhyming is
a real good time
there rhyming poem done and dusted a single word over one syllable and it took me 7 seconds. it's a stupid poem but guess what it's still a poem. anyone can write fucking rhymed and metered poetry and it's insulting 2 me that people are still up free verse's ass when rhyming is so much fun and artificial restrictions that you choose for yourself can sometimes make creativity bloom so much more effectively than if you're only ever doing notes app poetry and calling it good. try doing a rhyme sometime or searching out different poetry forms. for gods sakes. can we be done with instapoetry yet are we over it can we move on can we have a new thing
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peachcitt · 2 years
stayed up super late last night with friends doing halloween stuff (getting drunk and spilling tea) knowing full well that i had to get up early today to go to a quince out of town . i am awake against my will and regretting many decisions
#peach rambles#not staying up late and getting drunk. Let me be clear. that is my natural habitat#i regret rsvping for this quince that happens halloween weekend which just so happens to apparently be the busiest weekend of my goddamn#life. im exhausted from a week’s worth of lack of sleep and i am also no where near done with three of my monday deadlines#and i am losing an entire day (?) of work to this quince.#also it’s halloween weekend i should be getting drunk and looking hot😭😭😭😭#instead i am in the passenger seat of my father’s truck attempting to pretend i am alive#he called me this morning to say how far away he was from my house#but i missed the call because i kept on pressing snooze because. Obvious Reasons. and when i saw that he called#i called him back and he was like ‘im ten minutes from your house’ bitch i hadn’t even packed for the night yet. i was still fully in bed#i feel like if i close my eyes for too long im going to have a category five sleep incident. whatever that means#i think i forgot to pack a bra? fucking. i don’t know#i brought my computer so that i could possibly work but there’s absolutely no charger to speak of in#this vicinity. fuck. and uhhhhh i look like death but the only makeup i have is a singular eyebrow pencil#and the remnants of my eyeliner from last night. also the fake blood still in my fingernails#speaking of fake blood i bloodied my shit up for real last night which was very high risk high reward for me#the blood was four bucks from walmart and said that it stained skin and i was like#what a perfect product to cover my face and body in the day before i go to a family function#it ended up working out because i looked fucking good and i took a shower before i went to sleep#(did NOT check how i looked before i went to bed so this morning when i looked in the mirror and say i was blood-free it was a miracle)#but anyway. yeah. i want to pass out
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