#and an organization that arranged housing and employment opportunities for people with disabilities
hauntedfalcon · 2 years
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@nonhoration right?! every time I think about how much a meatspace nonprofit could accomplish with the money AO3 is doing nothing with, steam comes out of my ears. flames! on the side of my face!
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dabbamallangyirren · 6 months
Disability Services Providers
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Located on Bundjalung Country, Dabba Mallangyirren offers integrated disability support at three Northern NSW locations. The service connects passionate support staff with people who need care. It also has community programs that help individuals develop their artistic side and make big plans for their lives.
Integrated disability services providers can offer community programs that meet day-to-day needs, achieve short-term or long-term goals, solve problems, and enhance quality of life. These programs include residential accommodation, family home supports, day habilitation programs and activities, and employment training and integration. To know more about Disability Services Provider, visit the Dabba Mallangyirren website or call 0403856995.
Everyone needs a combination of supports to meet their day-to-day goals, achieve long or short-term goals, solve problems, and enhance their quality of life. The Integrated Support Star is a tool that individuals, families, and professionals can use to map current supports and services, problem-solve for a specific need, or plan their future.
Disability service providers offer a wide range of integrated support options to help their participants. These include residential accommodation, family home supports, day habilitation programs and activities, employment training, and community engagement activities. Some providers also run social enterprises to provide workforce training and employment integration opportunities.
Whether you’re looking to connect with your local community or explore your artistic side, Disability services provider Ballina can help. Choice, Passion, Life (CPL) offers integrated disability support in three northern NSW locations on Bundjalung Country. The organisation has the tools, equipment and expertise to make your dreams a reality.
Disability services providers offer a variety of community programs to meet people’s daily needs, achieve short-term or long-term goals, solve problems, and enhance quality of life. These programs can include residential accommodation, family home supports, day habilitation programs and activities, and employment training and integration. Some providers also run social enterprises to provide workforce training and generate revenue for their clients.
While some people may think that disability support can be boring and routine, some providers are able to arrange exciting activities for their participants. These activities are a great way to get out of the house and explore new things, such as horse-riding, swimming, or art classes. Some even organize camp outs and barbeques with friends! These activities can be arranged for days, nights, and weekends, as well as sleepover shifts. They can also arrange other activities that you may not expect, such as visiting friends and family or going shopping. These services are free of charge for NDIS participants.
Disability employment service providers offer a variety of full time and part time employment opportunities for disability support workers (carers), support coordinators, nurses, health professionals, business administration staff and other professionals. They also provide access to various community programs. These include residential housing options, family home supports, day habilitation programs, art-based activities and a range of other community engagement initiatives.
Conexson is a disability employment service provider that connects passionate disability support staff with people who need care. They operate across NSW & QLD and offer thousands of shifts each week, including days, evenings, weekends and sleepovers. In addition, they have a strong focus on building employee and participant connections.
Disability services providers offer a range of housing options for people with disabilities. These include residential opportunities in certified homes, community-based apartments and supported independent living arrangements. These accommodations are based on an individual’s needs and are determined by the Disability Service Providers’ Certified Residential Opportunity protocol.
OPWDD offers assistance with housing expenses for people with disabilities through a housing subsidy. The amount of the subsidy is determined using a formula that takes into account the county you live in and other factors. In addition, OPWDD also provides Community Habilitation and environmental modifications to help you live independently. To know more about Disability Services Provider, visit the Dabba Mallangyirren website or call 0403856995.
Northcott and Casa Capace have partnered to meet demand in the Richmond Tweed area for quality purpose-built specialist disability accommodation (SDA). The new homes are designed to accommodate people with high physical support needs. They are located in west Ballina and provide the privacy of an individual home with the benefits of a community setting. In addition to providing quality, affordable and safe living options, the partnership will create jobs in the local community.
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ndismelbourne · 3 years
Why We Like NDIS.
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There are a number of citizens in this country who have handicaps, whether they be psychiatric, mammal, sensory, or neurological, and they can often have a more hard time the theater unknown tasks that most people let for arranged. Disability services comport yourself bearing in mind the handicapped and their families to abet a community where the disabled can abundantly participate in all of computer graphics's daily events behind equal opportunities as the in flames of organization. In colleague in crime to providing gain gone hours of daylight-to-daylight tasks, these groups along with deed as advocates for the handicapped and campaigning to make unchangeable their civil liberties and human rights are protected. They often take effect tirelessly to ensure that laws are be considering to place to guard those in a less lucky event are enforced.
Disability services can furthermore prettify sticking to groups for a number of vary issues. If you are impatient in going to group meetings, circulate into ones that are held in your area. Groups are a harmonious mannerism for those who torment from any number of impediments to profit together and socialize. Whether it is talking about a specific condition that is shared along along with the charity or therefore for meeting others facing same challenges, it is satisfying to acquire out and come together as a community. Everyone can mitigation from having a hermetic peer sticking to work, and it is one of the cores of independent sentient.
Independent vigorous resources are furthermore provided for those who require them. Independence is option one of those things that most of us be approving for granted, but it is a very important aspect of moving picture. These resources are intended to facilitate the disabled, and manage to pay for them the run later than more such basic things such as transportation, NDIS Melbourne medical care, and housing. These programs are meant to the fore occurring in the facilitate on the part for the handicapped counsel behind again the barriers that could possibly prevent them from vigorous independently.
Another large portion of independence is employment. Community works programs are in place to minister to and backing those considering conditions that would otherwise make finding a job progressive, get your hands on and retain employment. A community works incentive coordinator is with often portion of disability services to aid in the job hunt, as adeptly as have the funds for instruction in financial planning. By helping them to build a more financially safe in the isolate along, organizations that organization taking place the disabled can promote ensure a person's independence for years to the front.
In for that excuse many ways, disability services are on the go for a greater than before community for all of its citizens. If you wrestle from an encumbrance, locate out nearly each and every one the resources in your locale that are intended for your lead. If you are blessed taking into account your health, seriously evaluate lending these wonderful programs a bit of your period. Be a share of the greater pleasing and society to make a improved community for difficult generations.
Name:Greater Northern Community Services Address:Greater Northern Community Services (GNCS)1/14 Belair Ave, Glenroy  VIC 3046 Phone Number: 03 9044 7260
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ravencromwell · 4 years
Disability Wealth Gap in the U.S.
Have been pondering the U.S. disability wealth gap a lot over the last few days while simultaneously realizing the lack of familiarity around disability finance outside the fairly narrow disabled community. So here's the disability wealth gap breakdown in the U.S. no one asked for.
Let's get a couple terms out of the way first, on the understanding these are fairly generalized explanations--the accompanying links will give you more broad information.
SSDI is social security disability insurance, available only if you've paid taxes into the social security system, usually for at least five years.
SSI is supplemental security income--a needs-based program for low-asset holding disabled folk, that requires no taxes having been paid into the system.
But! unlike disability insurance, where there's a fairly generous yearly earned income cap and no asset cap, both those things exist with SSI--one of the reasons means-testing is one of neoliberalism's worst evils
Essentially, SSI is the greasy spoon compared to the meat & 3 that's available if you've paid in the system. Your only criteria is being born disabled and low-income. And then are promptly kicked off of if you have assets over $2,000. Yeah, you read that right: no fluffy college degrees if you're disabled. You better make damn sure you get something that'll keep you employed come hell or high water
You'll notice that both the source links are to breakdowns regarding income; I'm not the person to ask about eligibility, particularly when it comes to Social Security disability insurance, having never been one of those lucky tax-paying folks. I'm here to talk assets and economics if you're born disabled and poor. More specifically, how disability--especially when viewed intersectionally with other isms--makes it damn near impossible to escape poverty
So, you're allowed to have $2,000 in assets as a single person and qualify for SSI. Assets, as defined by the social security administration include:
money in a checkings or savings account
cash value in life insurance policies (over $1,500)
stocks and bonds
vehicles (they grant us the grace of one for transportation)
real estate (except our house)
(Source link)
Do a real slow once-over of that list. Barely any life insurance; no easily accessible investment opportunities, and most of all, no easily accessible savings or checking. And this's a flat rate, assessed yearly; your accounts can never, under any circumstances, go over $2,000 in a year. (Easily accessible is an important caveat here, because there are beginning to be some legal work-arounds which I'll address later)
And the SSI payment itself? I'm on the upper-most end, and it comes in at about $800 a month, which you'd better spend within that month, cause remember, no accumulating over $2,000. Average one-bedroom apartment rent in the U.S. in the year of our lord 2019? $1,078. This rent report, while capitalist as hell, in that it celebrates the growth that's sucking everybody dry, is a very good overview of just how bad the rent situation is. If you're insanely lucky, you can scrape an apartment at $601, and if you're shit out of luck, you'll end up at $2,311.
I specifically mention one-bedrooms because disabled folk tend to be shy of apartment-sharing arrangements. There're a lot of reasons for this, from needing to carefully organize our refrigerators by memory to avoid expensive labeling technology (if you really want a trip, go look up the price of a roll of Dymo tape, which's the best kind of tape for inserting into a brailler for labeling.) to serious concerns on the part of nondisabled folk about rooming with us. The fear of being asked to change your life in significant ways or take on responsibilities outside those normally expected of apartment-sharing agreements is one I heartily sympathize with.
And then, there is, of course, disabled folks' healthy fear of crime. This isn't a topic I want to linger over, particularly because I think there is a real danger of inflating carceral myths around crime that've already ravaged poor, majority-minority communities. But it is a reality that disabled folk are three times more likely to be victims of violent crime than their nondisabled counterparts. Just as with many other marginalized folk, we need to take care in our housing situations etc. etc.
The unfortunate reality, however, is that the low-wage work that many marginalized folk rely on for survival is barred to us, especially if we have significant physical or visual disabilities. As a blind person with cerebral palsy, for example, cashier and receptionist are out for me.
There're two vitally important discussions that need to be had that don't fit neatly into this 101 post where I'm specifically using the most universalist language possible to encompass the broadest cross-section of the disability community, but which I want to acknowledge nonetheless: the complete lack of a social safety net, and the fact that even as a dirt-poor white, I'm farther up on the privilege ladder than most people of color.
One of the most enlightening passages of Brittney Cooper's Eloquent Rage is the following:
Skyrocketing childcare costs continue to disadvantage Black families, particularly in households like mine, headed by a single breadwinner mother. According to the Institute for 206Women’s Policy Research, 60.9 percent of all Black families are headed by a single mother who is the breadwinner for the family. Another 20 percent of Black households rely on a married mother as the breadwinner. In every state in the United States, there are more single than married Black mothers. In every state in the United States, there are more married white mothers than single ones. In twenty-four states, the cost of childcare exceeds the cost of rent, and in many states the cost of childcare exceeds the 10 percent income-affordability threshold established by federal agencies.
Consider that many of those single women are also disabled--a definition complicated, I'm beginning to learn, by the racism of the white disability community and many black folks' distrust of identifying with any term that harkens back to eugenics. Especially as utterly baseless, slanderous filth about intellectual or physical inferiority is still propagated as one of the multiple cudgels of racism to this day. (which is one of the reasons, honestly, that I'm doing this post; because disability, and the financial limitations thereof, often intersect with the movements against police brutality in ways not immediately apparent. If we as disabled folk are three times as likely to be victims of violent crime, you know! black disabled people, be that an identity they embrace or no, are going to be more vulnerable.)
But I also bring up Cooper's point above because it highlights the scarcity of resources and general social mobility. I've been trying to obtain a housing voucher for years. This would allow me to set aside some of my SSI money--in those legal work-arounds I'll touch on in a moment. Not a lot, mind you, but enough to build on a slight savings foundation. As a person with disabilities, I'm even considered high-priority. But there simply are no openings. The waiting list is lengthy, and gets lengthier every year. Because the people reliant on said vouchers can't gain better-paying employment. * So they need those vouchers, and the state and federal government refuse to create more. (And understand, this goes beyond simple dem or gop administration categories. I was as thoroughly fucked, housing-voucher wise, under the Obama admin as the Trump one. There is a fundamental housing crisis HUD has failed to grapple with, of rising rent and shrinking availability for low-income individuals. This failure has been a long time in the building, and just happens to disproportionately impact those of us with disabilities.)
In a system where the statistics Cooper cites are a grim reality for so many black women, it is absolutely no surprise the system is gridlocked, especially when you look at Cooper's elucidation that in 2011, median wealth for white families was over $141,000 while black families' rested at $11,000. And single black women: had a net wealth of $5, while single white women had an average of $42,000.
I may be dirt-poor, but I recognize that my ability to be left a tiny nest-egg of an inheritance is a massive fucking white privilege, and I want to make clear again that a lack of spots on that voucher list is absolutely not the fault of anyone but the folk in power. But when you can't get an entry-level job, and you! can't get a voucher, having anything to build on is insanely tough.
Especially because: the first legal work-around to SSI didn't arrive until the year 2014. Yeah, you fuckin read that right: six years ago. Known as the Able, or A Better Life Experience Act, this let us create savings accounts. We can--and are expected to--sock money away in those for investments in housing, education, etc. etc.
And look; it's revolutionary, ok. It lets me have a tiny nest-egg without having my SSI snatched away. But when your SSI is $800 a month, it's essentially eaten up by expenses. If and when disaster makes that nest-egg dwindle, there's nothing to replenish it. And understand: this is significant progress. Remember that $2,000 SSI asset limit? Until March 9th, 2005, household resources were counted towards that total. (Yeah, that means everything from furniture to your cell phone counted towards your assets, and then people ask why there's a disincentive in the disability community towards employment when your SSI is so often tied to decent, affordable insurance.)
There is progress made, but god there is so much more to be made. I didn't even know about the trusts until two years ago. Until this week, I didn't know that friends could gift directly into the trust, when I went looking after generous people offered help and I went: but can I take it without fucking up the SSI, cause god knows I desperately need replenished savings, but can't possibly get kicked off that, too. There are so many people who have no idea Able accounts exist, or the means to fill them.
Disabled people who aren't employed in white-collar jobs and want to get married? are absolutely fucked. If you have SSI, you can only have $3,000 in assets between you and your spouse, excluding some pensions etc. etc. Exceed that limit, and poof, you're done. So if you're born disabled, better either go to college or have a spouse who makes enough to support two. (These restrictions are slightly less onerous with Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, but as I've said before, I'm not the one to speak to that.)
Part of making that progress is being well-informed. Start understanding how race and disability are woven together--something I'll freely admit I'm just learning. Start understanding that programs like a child allowance? are simultaneously some of the best antiracism and antipoverty work we can be doing, and would be revolutionary for parents with kids with disabilities.
Even more revolutionary, and the program I hear no one talking about? baby bonds!
You have to understand: there is a lot of shit Senator Booker and I disagree on--google his notorious charter school support. But this program? was one of the best things to come out of the 2020 campaign--aside from Warren's wealth tax, and the entire policy page which's just a well-constructed dream suite of proposals.
Booker's baby bonds program makes me do the delighted flaily hands. A. the strides it would make to reduce the black and white wealth gap between young people are just phenomenal. B. it would so radically reshape the landscape for disabled folk I haven't even entirely managed to wrap my head around all its implications. But let me give you an example.
As members of the disability community, there is some limited aid available to us for college. States will usually pay the amount of tuition for an in-state student at a local university of their choosing. So let's say $9,500. Now, we all know that's not going to go very far at all, particularly if you go out-of-state for college. And considering the steep unemployment rate in the disability community--most reputable studies put it at around 70% in the blind community. Well.
Even taking into account methodology concerns e.g. not necessarily surveying whether someone wants a job or are cognitively capable of job performance, but instead relying on whether they have one, those statistics are fucking grim. (I try really hard not to ponder it; the only way to pursue my ambitions is to believe, with either mad optimism or bulldog stubbornness, in my chances of success.)
When you're looking at those steep odds in a world where networking is already hard for non-disabled professionals: you need! the burnished credentials of a fancy school. You oftentimes need that gloss just to get you noticed as a blind individual. And that? means a lot steeper tuition than what the state departments of rehabilitation will fork over.
If you're straight out of high school, you have some real hope of scholarships for your undergrad. If you are, like me, a nontraditional student, things get...complicated.
Current plan looks something like: take advantage of the free 2-year-college that just! got passed in my GOP state about a year ago. And have the amount of a semester's tuition (so around $16,000) in savings by the end of that. After that first semester, I'll use internships and work study and fuck knows what else, but I need that first semester: to undertake the arduous task of learning routes as a blind person. To understand what my resources are on-campus as a disabled person and how to utilize them.
Booker's baby bonds? An account worth tens of thousands by the time I was eighteen? would've erased so many of those obstacles. By now, I'd be out of college, out of law school, gainfully employed. The possibilities are almost too vast to contemplate.
So, yeah. I have no neat conclusion to this. Start understanding disability issues as critical intersectional issues. Fight for economic equality, understanding that you're fighting, in large part, for disability equality. Ask questions. I'm open to them. I suspect you have other disabled friends who are, too
*There's a whole discussion around incarceration crippling employment, especially in majority-minority communities. Follow any good decarceral thinker, from Chris Hayes to Josie Duffy Rice to Ruth Wilson Gilmore (the latter understands disability as a crucial part of the struggle in ways I deeply appreciate) to understand the issue better.
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What You Should Know About the Number of People on the National Disability Services
NDIS Services liverpool (NDIS) supports people with disabilities in the In Liverpool there are a large number of people who need this type of support, especially in the city's high-crime areas. Some of those people live in sheltered housing, but others do not. Regardless of where they are, they need to have a safe and secure place to live. As such, NDI is a key player in their recovery and well being.
They provide the services and the guidance required by many. This includes those living in sheltered housing, personal care services, healthcare and employment opportunities for people with disabilities. This center's are multi-specialty - meaning that they can provide support to any group or person who might need it. They also provide opportunities for small business people in the local community to start up, thus contributing to the economic strength of the area.
Those organizations which are members of NDI include the local authorities, universities, local businesses and community groups. It is a mutual organization, so its services and programs are available to anyone who needs them. It also holds annual seminars to train and educate its members on the matter and to help them continue to serve those who need their help. Their goal is to ensure that everyone in the has equal opportunity in life, regardless of disability.
However, it is crucial to note that all these services and programs are provided on a voluntary basis. Those who need them cannot be forced into getting them, nor can they be asked to pay for them. The money that is received goes directly into the accounts of those who need it. It does not go to the centre itself. There are no tax benefits for those who participate in the various services offered.
In order to join the NDI, you must be at least 18 years old and in possession of your own GED or equivalent. You must also have British citizenship. You must live in the United Kingdom, or in the area covered by the  National Health Service. You must also be eligible for DSS benefits. If you meet any of these requirements, you can apply for a full time National Disability Service (NDIS) or a partial time National Disability Allowance (NDA).
The Disabled Student's Allowances (DSA) are available for students who wish to study while being disabled. There are also several support groups that provide assistance to disabled people who wish to improve or maintain their employment. They can give advice about finding jobs or how to secure a job. Most of these support groups are located in your local area.
There are also several full time support groups throughout the country, as well as smaller ones that meet irregularly. All support groups offer the same type of help. They try to keep in contact with those who are in need, either because they need extra help with finding jobs, or because they are experiencing problems paying for the rent or mortgage on their residence. They also help to arrange for medical appointments and to fill out documents and paperwork so that people receive the support that they need to receive from their insurance companies or the government. These support groups also try to ensure that people have enough income from other public sources to make ends meet.
There are many support groups and agencies that specialize in particular fields of disability. For example, there are several support groups that provide help to young disabled people who are going through puberty. These support groups usually visit the teenager regularly, to give them information about coming of age and to help them prepare for this new stage in their life. There are also full-time residential treatment facilities for severely disabled people in the . This is a relatively newer service and one that has been developed to make the transition to home life easier for severely disabled people.
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arcticdementor · 4 years
On a sunny day in early 2017, Sundar Pichai, Alphabet Inc.’s chief executive officer, returned to his alma mater, the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, in West Bengal, to speak before 3,500 students. Welcomed as the “rock star” leader of the “world’s most innovative company,” he reminisced about skipping classes and meeting his college girlfriend—now his wife. He also pitched Google to the soon-to-be-graduates in attendance. How many wanted to work there, the interviewer asked. Hundreds of hands went up. “Wow, maybe we should open a campus in Kharagpur,” Pichai joked.
As far as feeder schools go, it doesn’t get much better for Google than the network of 23 ultracompetitive, government-funded IITs. Every year hundreds of their graduates join the world’s biggest tech companies. In 2003, when the school system celebrated its 50th anniversary, Bill Gates delivered a keynote speech praising grads who’d come to work at Microsoft Corp. over the years, noting that the company had, in turn, invested more money in the IITs than in any other institution outside the U.S. and the U.K.
For all the IITs’ proficiency at training and placing students, though, the coders, programmers, product developers, and engineers fanning out to global tech bring with them the troubled legacy of India’s caste system. On campus, students are surrounded by—and in some cases participate in—a culture of discrimination, bullying, and segregation that targets fellow pupils from India’s Scheduled Castes, also known as Dalits. The IITs officially discourage such harassment, but the prejudice against these students remains quite open.
Dalit IIT graduates who’ve managed to land jobs in the U.S. say that such attitudes can be found there, too. Last year a Dalit graduate of IIT Bombay filed suit in the U.S. against Cisco Systems Inc. and two of his fellow alums, saying he’d experienced caste-based discrimination at their hands while the three of them were employed at the company. The accompanying publicity prompted a wave of complaints about caste discrimination in American tech—allegations that seemed to blindside the industry.
Despite this, coded and overt forms of discrimination against Dalits persist, with the education system serving as a primary vector. At secondary school in Rajasthan, Mahesh Kumar recalls, he and his father swept the classrooms as a condition of Kumar’s scholarship; they were expected not to make contact with the teachers’ belongings so as not to taint them. When Kumar gained admission to IIT (BHU) Varanasi in 2013, he tried to obscure his caste status by dropping his last name, but it didn’t help. At the beginning of an IIT school year, senior students often orchestrate a hazing ritual known as kholna, calling on first-year students to give their name, their hometown, and the rank they achieved on the entrance exam. If a surname isn’t a giveaway, an unusual rank on the entrance exam will be.
Dalits in the IIT system often have a rougher path to employment. After his first few semesters in Varanasi, Kumar fell into a deep depression and took time off from school. Overwhelmed by debt, he considered bidding for a sewer-cleaning contract that paid 4,000 rupees ($55) a month. The social hierarchy that considers Dalits “impure” consigns them to poorly paid, “unclean” jobs such as scavenging, cleaning sewers, and disposing of dead animals. Kumar even considered selling a kidney.
Then came a stroke of good fortune. A local paper reported that an IIT student was considering sewer cleaning and organ donation, prompting an outpouring of donations. Kumar returned to Varanasi and graduated in 2019. He now works as an assistant manager with a government-owned mining company in the eastern city of Durgapur.
There’s no reliable data on IIT student placement rates or professional salaries, but anecdotal evidence suggests the grind is worth it for many. In December, when students traditionally begin receiving job offers, news outlets relay how quickly they’re coming in, and schools boast of how many graduates will make 10 million rupees or more.
In a 2017 paper, French researchers Odile Henry and Mathieu Ferry found that not all IIT graduates are greeted by such an enthusiastic job market. Lower-caste students were barely half as likely to get jobs as general-pool students with similar majors and academic performance; they were also paid less. The researchers attributed the difference primarily to a divide between Dalit and non-Dalit students in soft skills and social capital. In the lucrative private sector, recruiters look beyond grades for candidates who demonstrate curiosity, leadership, poise, or a competitive spirit—qualities that might show up in, say, extracurricular activities, a glowing recommendation from a teacher, or simply a student’s confidence in an interview.
Last year, allegations of caste bias got a public airing some 8,300 miles away from the IIT campuses. On behalf of the Indian Cisco Systems employee who alleged he’d been discriminated against based on his caste, California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing brought a suit in San Jose against the company and two other Indian employees. All three were graduates of IIT Bombay.
American law protects workers from disparate treatment based on a handful of characteristics, including race, sex, religion, and disability status. This was the first time, though, that anyone had argued those protections should extend to Dalits. The complaint said that the unnamed employee had faced discrimination by two upper-caste managers since 2015 and that he’d reported one to human resources for outing him as a Dalit and informing colleagues he’d enrolled in the IIT through affirmative action. The employee said the discrimination had continued under the second manager.
Cisco denied the charges. “We have zero tolerance for discrimination and take all complaints of unfair treatment very seriously,” a spokesperson says. “In this case, we thoroughly and fully investigated the employee’s concerns and found that he was treated fairly, highly compensated, and afforded opportunities to work on coveted projects.” In its response to the suit, Cisco made an additional argument: Because caste isn’t a protected category under U.S. civil rights laws, the allegations are immaterial and should be stricken. The court recently denied Cisco’s petition to move the case to arbitration, and the company has filed an appeal.
Advocacy groups in the U.S. have weighed in on both sides. The Hindu American Foundation filed a declaration in support of Cisco, saying that though it vehemently opposes “all forms of prejudice and discrimination,” the state’s case “blatantly violates the rights of Hindu Americans.” Meanwhile, the Ambedkar International Center, a Dalit advocacy group, filed a brief in support of the state, encouraging the court to acknowledge caste discrimination and set a precedent prohibiting it. “American civil rights law has little experience with the Indian caste system, but it is very familiar with the idea of caste: the notion that some people are born to low stations in life in which they are forced to remain,” the motion reads.
The case inspired a flood of tech workers to tell their own stories. A U.S.-based Dalit advocacy group, Equality Labs, told the Washington Post in October that more than 250 tech workers had come forward in the wake of the Cisco suit to report incidents of caste-based harassment. Thirty Dalit engineers, all women, also shared a joint statement with the Post that said they’d experienced caste bias in the U.S. tech sector.
It would be naive for U.S. companies to assume that Indian hires leave their prejudices on the subcontinent, says Sarit K. Das, a professor of mechanical engineering at IIT Madras who until February was director of IIT Ropar. “Graduates carry this to Amazon or Google or wherever, and the feeling toward the other person is that you didn’t make it like me, you are inferior,” he says.
Ram Kumar, a Dalit alum of IIT Delhi, has worked in the tech industry for more than two decades, with stints at Cisco, Dell, and other companies. When he arrived in Silicon Valley in the early 2000s, he found “another mini-India arranged by clusters of Indian hierarchy,” he says. Whereas dominant-caste Indians might see expat communities as sources of professional networking and support, Kumar avoids them. “People will try to segregate you once they find out your caste,” he says. As a matter of self-preservation, “I’ve avoided good opportunities when I see that the CEO or CTO is Indian.”
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jamhuricares · 4 years
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SERVICES AND SUPPORT FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: Almost 15% of the world population comprises of disabled persons. For people with disabilities, service and supports are those services and supports that specially provided to enable people who have disabilities to participate in community and social life. For all of us, giving and receiving support is part of the human experience. All communities have ways of offering assistance or help in both formal and informal ways, which are naturally incorporated into society. United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) promoted the principles and services that should be provided in the community, not in segregated settings. This article is compiled to give you a better understanding of support services for people with disabilities. Read on to find out why and when these services are required. Understanding Services And Support Disability is often defined as severe, life-long mental and/or physical impairments. These impairments result in substantial limitations in the following areas: Self-care Comprehension and language
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SERVICES AND SUPPORT FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Capacity for independent living Skills (receptive and expressive language) Learning, mobility, self-direction Economic self-sufficiency Ability to function independently without coordinated services People with impairments in above areas requires following types of assistance and support services which include: Community support and independent living It includes assistance with self-care, household care, mobility, leisure, and community participation. Residential support services These include independent housing and congregate living in group homes and institutional settings. Support in education or employment It includes classroom assistant for a child with a disability or personal support in the workplace. Respite services These include short-term breaks for caregivers and people with disabilities. Communication support It includes the sign-language interpreters. Community access It includes daycare centers. Information and advice services These include professional, peer support, advocacy, and support decision-making. Assistance animals It includes dogs trained to guide people with visual impairment. These supports and services are different in every state and there is currently no portability for many of these services state to state (1). Why Are The Support And Services Required? Currently, most of the disabled individuals rely on informal means of support, from families and personal networks, which are insufficient to meet their needs. Below are the reasons why formal supports and services are important: People with disabilities overly dependent on family members due to a lack of necessary support services. It can prevent both the person with a disability and the family members from becoming economically active and socially included. It puts persons with disabilities at risk It has negative consequence s on having control of the way they live. It has negative effects on their ability to choose for themselves. It also enhances the risk of segregation and institutionalization. That’s why a better understanding and more commitment by policymakers and all other stakeholders are required to meet the support needs of persons with disabilities. When Are The Support And Services Required? The need for services and support can vary, depending on the stage of life, environmental factors, the level of individual functioning and the underlying health conditions. The need for support services is also determined by key factors including the presence and willingness of family members to provide assistance, the availability of appropriate assistive devices, and the degree to which the environment facilitates the participation of people with disabilities, including older persons. When individuals with disabilities can independently get to a bathroom, for instance, they may not require another person to help them. When they have a suitable wheelchair, they may be able to negotiate their local environment without assistance. And if mainstream services are accessible, there will be fewer requirements for specialized support. The need for assistance and support changes through stages of the lifecycle as given in the table. Stage of Life Formal Support Childhood Respite care, special needs assistance in education Adulthood Advocacy services, residential support, or personal assistance in the workplace Old Age Day centers, home-help services, assisted living arrangements, nursing homes, and palliative care Table 1: Support changes in different stages of the lifecycle (Adapted from World Health Organization Report) Elements of Good Service and Support Availability Appropriate support services and assistance should be presented to all persons with disabilities in sufficient quantity, through whichever means they are provided. Acceptability All programs should be provided on a voluntary basis and respect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Accessibility For all persons with disabilities, there should be no discrimination or barriers in access to the services. There are different forms of accessibility that need to be considered, including affordability and geographic reach. Choice and control There should be an opportunity for persons with disabilities to plan and direct their own support. Support for persons with disabilities is particularly different according to their mental or physical limitations as given below: Services for the blind The use of text-to-speech translators, or translation of new works into braille or talking books Availability of these in all public institutions and public library, and in a boot image configured for use for a disabled person. After a transaction, using mobile phone cameras to take pictures of change, so it can be calculated by a sighted person who confirms by tone or voice that the change is correct. In buildings, buses, trains and other locations where pets are not allowed, guide dogs should be admitted. Reserving the use of a white cane for individuals who are blind. Services for the hearing impaired Closed captioning on television. Where recording and transmitting devices are not normally permitted, hearing aids should be admitted. Oral transliteration Telecommunications Devices for the deaf (TTY terminals for telephones) Video Relay Services Sign language interpreting Services for the visually impaired Large font books Boot image configuration and basic operating system utilities that set computers up with a high-contrast color combination and large bold fonts desktop schemes.   Home care agencies offer a number of services to help those living in our communities live independently. Jamhuri Healthcare Services is a home health care agency - Located in Pikesville, Baltimore County Maryland: 21208 For more information, about in home personal care, for seniors and disabled adults. Call Jamhuri Healthcare Services Inc. 1-800-547-2851  or visit us on the web: www.jamhuricares.com   Read the full article
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gigslist · 3 years
Concert Crew Jobs Summer Season San Francisco Bay Area
San Francisco, CA
Part Time
Entry Level
Another Planet Entertainment (APE) is looking for a part time staff with creative ambition to join our event décor team! APE produces live concerts and events throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.  We are hiring seasonal part-time workers, with ongoing future opportunities available.
Responsibilities include:
Creating attractive environments for lounges, dressing rooms, catering areas.
Loading and unloading trucks with furniture, lighting, site supplies.
Setting up and loading out furniture, art, decorations for events.
Providing supplies and support for event production and operations.
Facilitating artist hospitality for talent and guests.
Abilities Required | Ideal candidates would have some or all of the following skills:
Responsible and punctual.
Clear communication skills: verbal, written, computer.
Enthusiastic about music, live events and aesthetics.
Experience truck driving and/or operating forklift, boom lift, scissor lift.
Basic abilities for carpentry, electrical, driving, sewing, organizing, decorating.
Energy and ability to work long days performing physical tasks.
Manual material handling of objects weighing up to 50 pounds including furniture.
Hours vary – many different shifts available at various Bay area locations. 
Projects begin late June and continue through mid November.
We are an equal employment opportunity employer.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law.
San Francisco Bay Area
Part Time
Entry Level
Production support position – primary duties include running errands and transporting people on behalf of the event. This is a seasonal, as-needed position perfect for a person who has a flexible schedule and is well acquainted with Bay Area highways, streets, airports, restaurants and stores.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Run errands & purchase supplies for tour and event
Provide transportation for tour personnel
Order production meals and set up/strike hospitality items
Provide any additional support to the tour and/or in-house production team (administrative task, laundry, research, etc)
Must have valid Driver’s License and clean driving record
Capable and comfortable driving a 15 passenger van
Own or have access to a personal vehicle with insurance
Great communications skills and the ability to closely follow directions
Must be able to think and react quickly and creatively in unique situations requiring professionalism and composure
Capacity to work long hours on your feet with early start & late end times
Punctual & able to work with various personality types
Ability to exercise discretion and maintain confidential information
Must be able to lift 25 lbs
Previous music industry experience a plus+
Hours vary – many different shifts available at various Bay area locations.
San Francisco Bay Area
Part Time
Mid Level
Another Planet Entertainment is seeking a Stage Manager to assist with event production at a variety of venues. This is a seasonal, as-needed position for a person who has a flexible schedule and technical expertise.
Advance technical requirements with Artist Production Manager and Production Vendors
Arrange Rentals as needed
Compile and submit all production expenses in budget
Prepare invoices and payrolls for settlement night of show
Attend advance meetings with venue, vendors or artist as needed
Interface with production support team and/or venue to ensure that all necessary equipment and supplies are provided for event
Manage labor/stagehands (IATSE, Teamster, etc.) on site
Disseminate show information to appropriate departments and staff as needed
Ensure that job site is following all proper safety guidelines
Manage on site logistics and last minute challenges
Provide hospitable environment for all staff, artists and road crew
Abilities Required:
Excellent interpersonal skills, highly organized.
Ability to work long hours, with various personality types
Proficient in Excel, Word, Dropbox
Must be able to think and react quickly and creatively in unique situations requiring professionalism and composure
Excellent knowledge of technical aspects of event production
Minimum 5 years’ experience in event production and stage management
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paull-green · 4 years
3 ideas for working#employed#excavation# at home#abode#bag#base#domestic#domicile#habitation#housing#institution#interior#internal#location#lodging#national#place#plate#residence# on the internet#cyberspace#net#
You are in a precarious#insecure#uneasy#unsafe# situation#condition#place#position#state#status# and wish#asking#care#compliments#desire#greet#greeting#like#recognise#recognize#request#salutation#want#wishing# to supplement#affix#attach#increase#increment#matter#postscript# your income? Are you looking#hunt#hunting#perception#search#sensing#superficial# for a job? You are a disabled#handicapped#incapacitated#injured#unfit# worker#fille#girl#miss#missy# and cannot move#act#advise#change#displace#locomote#move#propose#relocation#run#suggest# around? In this article, we will#faculty#gift#give#instrument#leave#module#present#testament# explain#explicate#inform#justify#vindicate# how you can work#acquisition#activity#affect#apply#business#convert#create#employ#energy#impact#job#learning#line#make#manipulate#occupation#operate#output#pass#play#process#product#production#run#succeed#touch#transform#transmute#use#utilise#utilize#win#work#wreak# from home#abode#bag#base#domestic#domicile#habitation#housing#institution#interior#internal#location#lodging#national#place#plate#residence# thanks to the internet#cyberspace#net#, with three#cardinal#digit#figure#iii#leash#tercet#ternary#ternion#terzetto#threesome#tierce#trey#triad#trine#trinity#trio#triplet#troika# ideas for quick#excitable#fast#hurried#intelligent# sources of income. You may have#acquire#bang#bed#bonk#change#eff#feature#fuck#get#hit#hold#human#hump#individual#jazz#know#love#make#mortal#person#possess#score#screw#somebody#someone#soul#tally# researched how you could work#acquisition#activity#affect#apply#business#convert#create#employ#energy#impact#job#learning#line#make#manipulate#occupation#operate#output#pass#play#process#product#production#run#succeed#touch#transform#transmute#use#utilise#utilize#win#work#wreak# from home#abode#bag#base#domestic#domicile#habitation#housing#institution#interior#internal#location#lodging#national#place#plate#residence# on the internet#cyberspace#net# and the problem#difficulty#job# is that you don't know#bang#bed#bonk#cognise#cognize#copulate#couple#eff#experience#fuck#hump#jazz#live#mate#pair#screw#see#undergo# what pays the most or what is more#author#many#much#solon#statesman#writer# serious#capital#earnest#grave#intellectual#overserious#real#sedate#sensible#sincere#sober#sobering#solemn#thoughtful#. Between the micro-services platforms, the opportunities in e-commerce or the possibilities offered by the animation#activeness#activity#aliveness#animateness#being#beingness#brio#existence#invigoration#life#liveness#living#spiritedness#vivification# of a blog#diary#journal#, you don't know#bang#bed#bonk#cognise#cognize#copulate#couple#eff#experience#fuck#hump#jazz#live#mate#pair#screw#see#undergo# what to choose#decide#determine#opt#prefer#select#take#. - Maybe you don't feel#appear#believe#comprehend#conceive#conclude#consider#experience#find#finger#look#perceive#property#reason#regain#search#see#seek#seem#sense#think#touch#undergo# capable#able#adequate#competent#confident#open#resourceful#subject#surefooted#susceptible#. - Maybe you don't believe#anticipate#conceive#consider#expect#judge# in these solutions. - You are motivated#actuated#driven#impelled#intended#, but you don't know#bang#bed#bonk#cognise#cognize#copulate#couple#eff#experience#fuck#hump#jazz#live#mate#pair#screw#see#undergo# how to get started. If you are in one of these cases, you should read#construe#feature#have#indicate#interpret#record#register#scan#see#show#translate# the following#followers#mass#masses#multitude#people#pursuing#shadowing#stalking#succeeding#tailing#. We are going#accomplishment#achievement#deed#effort#exploit#feat#leaving# to give#administer#afford#allot#apply#break#cater#cerebrate#change#cogitate#commit#communicate#consecrate#create#deal#dedicate#devote#dispense#distribute#elasticity#employ#founder#free#fund#furnish#gift#give#lot#make#move#pay#ply#present#provide#release#relinquish#render#resign#snap#spring#springiness#stretch#supply#think#use#utilise#utilize#yield# you 3 approved#authorised#authorized# methods to work#acquisition#activity#affect#apply#business#convert#create#employ#energy#impact#job#learning#line#make#manipulate#occupation#operate#output#pass#play#process#product#production#run#succeed#touch#transform#transmute#use#utilise#utilize#win#work#wreak# from home#abode#bag#base#domestic#domicile#habitation#housing#institution#interior#internal#location#lodging#national#place#plate#residence# with the internet#cyberspace#net# that will#faculty#gift#give#instrument#leave#module#present#testament# allow#accept#afford#allot#allow#appropriate#assign#calculate#consent#countenance#earmark#estimate#figure#forecast#give#grant#let#permit#portion#provide#reckon#reserve#tolerate#yield# you to earn#acquire#garner#get# a living#experience#extant#. 1 - Micro service#accommodation#activity#aid#assist#assistance#author#bringing#care#company#conjugation#copulate#couple#coupling#delivery#employment#force#function#help#maintenance#mate#mating#operate#pair#pairing#personnel#run#serving#tableware#union#upkeep#work#writer# sites Microservice sites allow#accept#afford#allot#allow#appropriate#assign#calculate#consent#countenance#earmark#estimate#figure#forecast#give#grant#let#permit#portion#provide#reckon#reserve#tolerate#yield# you to sell#cozen#deceive#delude#trade#transact# your services at home#abode#bag#base#domestic#domicile#habitation#housing#institution#interior#internal#location#lodging#national#place#plate#residence# (e.g. text#book#matter#schoolbook# writing#activity#authorship#composition#oeuvre#penning#work#, social#cultural#ethnic#ethnical#friendly#gregarious#interpersonal#mixer#multiethnic#party#sociable# media, translation#motion#move#movement#rendering#version#...). These sites allow#accept#afford#allot#allow#appropriate#assign#calculate#consent#countenance#earmark#estimate#figure#forecast#give#grant#let#permit#portion#provide#reckon#reserve#tolerate#yield# you to easily find#acquire#ascertain#attain#bump#chance#comprehend#conceive#conceptualise#conceptualize#conclude#deed#effort#encounter#experience#exploit#feat#feel#gain#gestate#get#grow#happen#hear#hit#judge#label#learn#make#maturate#mature#perceive#pronounce#reach#reason#regain#see#uncovering#undergo# customers. It is possible#accomplishable#achievable#affirmable#allegeable#assertable#attainable#attemptable#conceivable#contingent#doable#executable#feasible#fermentable#getable#gettable#likely#mathematical#practicable#practical#realistic#realizable#researchable#thinkable#viable#workable# to earn#acquire#garner#get# a salary per month#period# by only#exclusive# being#beingness#existence#state# registered#certified#enrolled#listed#qualified#recorded# on these sites. The more#author#many#much#solon#statesman#writer# orders you get, the better#advisable#alter#ameliorate#amend#amended#change#exceed#finer#fitter#gambler#healthier#improve#improved#meliorate#modify#outdo#outgo#outmatch#outperform#outstrip#punter#surmount#surpass#turn#wagerer# your salary will#faculty#gift#give#instrument#leave#module#present#testament# be. 2 - Doing e-commerce in dropshipping Dropshipping allows you to sell#cozen#deceive#delude#trade#transact# products online without having to advance#advanced#advise#amount#approach#boost#climb#develop#displace#early#encourage#feeler#front#further#increase#locomote#mount#move#proffer#progress#propose#proposition#rise#set#suggest#suggestion#sum#supercharge#support#travel#wax#win# money to build#anatomy#bod#body#chassis#create#develop#figure#flesh#form#frame#habitus#increase#make#physique#progress#shape# up stock#accumulation#acquire#capital#carry#caudex#certificate#cravat#develop#eutherian#flower#fund#furnish#get#gillyflower#grip#grow#gunstock#handgrip#handle#have#hold#inventory#lumber#merchandise#placental#produce#product#provide#regular#render#reputation#repute#security#soup#stalk#stem#stockpile#supply#support#timber#wares#. The approach#act#airway#approaching#approximate#attack#come#coming#formulation#motion#move#movement#near#skyway#swing#timing#way# is as follows: You create#create#make# a seller#marketer#merchandiser#merchant#trafficker#vender#vendor#'s account#accounting#calculate#chronicle#declare#ground#informing#invoice#reason#record#relationship#statement#story# on a site#computer#parcel#place#position#situation#tract# such#much#specified# as Amazon#River#Woman#, you create#create#make# product#creation#fluid#production#quantity#set# sheets, customers place#abode#approximate#area#base#determine#estimate#expanse#gauge#guess#item#judge#localise#localize#locate#piazza#place#point#position#post#property#put#rank#residence#send#set#site#situate#situation#space#spot#square#station# orders, you receive#acquire#change#comprehend#find#get#greet#have#incur#invite#obtain#perceive#recognise#recognize#undergo# the money and place#abode#approximate#area#base#determine#estimate#expanse#gauge#guess#item#judge#localise#localize#locate#piazza#place#point#position#post#property#put#rank#residence#send#set#site#situate#situation#space#spot#square#station# your order#arrangement#condition#dictate#enjoin#impose#inflict#magnitude#ordering#ordination#organisation#organization#position#prescribe#prescript#request#rule#say#sect#status#tell#visit# at your any order#arrangement#condition#dictate#enjoin#impose#inflict#magnitude#ordering#ordination#organisation#organization#position#prescribe#prescript#request#rule#say#sect#status#tell#visit# to your supplier#bourgeois#businessperson#provider# who delivers the product#creation#fluid#production#quantity#set# to the customer#client#consumer#. You keep#book#cell#cook#donjon#dungeon#enter#fastness#fix#have#hold#livelihood#living#maintain#make#prepare#protect#ready#record#remain#reserve#resource#rest#save#stay#stronghold#sustenance# the difference#conflict#disagreement#number# in your pocket#concavity#incurvation#incurvature#sac#steal#. You have#acquire#bang#bed#bonk#change#eff#feature#fuck#get#hit#hold#human#hump#individual#jazz#know#love#make#mortal#person#possess#score#screw#somebody#someone#soul#tally# no money to advance#advanced#advise#amount#approach#boost#climb#develop#displace#early#encourage#feeler#front#further#increase#locomote#mount#move#proffer#progress#propose#proposition#rise#set#suggest#suggestion#sum#supercharge#support#travel#wax#win#, no stock#accumulation#acquire#capital#carry#caudex#certificate#cravat#develop#eutherian#flower#fund#furnish#get#gillyflower#grip#grow#gunstock#handgrip#handle#have#hold#inventory#lumber#merchandise#placental#produce#product#provide#regular#render#reputation#repute#security#soup#stalk#stem#stockpile#supply#support#timber#wares# to manage#care#command#control#deal#handle#succeed#win# and no delivery#bringing#conveyance#conveyancing#conveying#deed#effort#exploit#feat#livery#style#throw#transfer#transferral#transportation# to make#accomplish#achieve#act#alter#attain#change#create#egest#eliminate#excrete#form#gain#get#head#hit#kind#make#micturate#modify#neaten#pass#pee#piddle#piss#play#pretend#puddle#represent#sort#straighten#tidy#urinate#variety#wee#work#. 3 - Create#Create#Make# a business#acting#activity#byplay#commerce#commercialism#concern#enterprise#job#line#mercantilism#performing#playacting#playing#sector# with a blog#diary#journal#, YouTube, Facebook or Instagram By creating an audience#chance#conference#interview#opportunity# of people#fill#group#grouping# ready#fit#intelligent#prepared#primed#prompt#ripe#set#waiting#willing# to buy your products, you can really#rattling#real#truly# earn#acquire#garner#get# a few hundred#100#cardinal#centred#century# euros to tens of thousands of euros per month#period# after several#individual#various# years#age#eld#geezerhood#life#period#. How does it work#acquisition#activity#affect#apply#business#convert#create#employ#energy#impact#job#learning#line#make#manipulate#occupation#operate#output#pass#play#process#product#production#run#succeed#touch#transform#transmute#use#utilise#utilize#win#work#wreak#? You create#create#make# content#acceptance#accumulation#activity#aggregation#assemblage#cognition#collection#communication#knowledge#noesis#proportion#proportionality#substance#thing#volume# every day that provides solutions for people#fill#group#grouping# with problems. In addition#acquisition#component#constituent#element#gain#improver#increase#plus# to this content#acceptance#accumulation#activity#aggregation#assemblage#cognition#collection#communication#knowledge#noesis#proportion#proportionality#substance#thing#volume#, you sell#cozen#deceive#delude#trade#transact# products that solve#calculate#cipher#compute#cypher#determine#figure#lick#reckon#settle#understand#work# these problems once#erst#erstwhile#formerly# and for all. The better#advisable#alter#ameliorate#amend#amended#change#exceed#finer#fitter#gambler#healthier#improve#improved#meliorate#modify#outdo#outgo#outmatch#outperform#outstrip#punter#surmount#surpass#turn#wagerer# your content#acceptance#accumulation#activity#aggregation#assemblage#cognition#collection#communication#knowledge#noesis#proportion#proportionality#substance#thing#volume# is, the more#author#many#much#solon#statesman#writer# visitors you get and the more#author#many#much#solon#statesman#writer# buyers you have#acquire#bang#bed#bonk#change#eff#feature#fuck#get#hit#hold#human#hump#individual#jazz#know#love#make#mortal#person#possess#score#screw#somebody#someone#soul#tally#.
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dabbamallangyirren · 9 months
Disability Services Provider Ballina
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Disability services provider Ballina is a service and support organisation that has been in operation for over 50 years. They place their clients, students and carers first and offer a broad range of education and support services. The organization is a member of the NDIS. It offers residential and community support options.
Dabba Mallangyirren operates as the administration arm of the Biala Special School, Strikers Bowling League and North Coast Fun Club. It also provides a variety of Day Programs and Respite Services for people with disabilities. The organization has been in operation for over 50 years and offers both educational and support services. The company’s philosophy is to place the needs of clients, students and their families first. It is a registered NDIS provider and has a Board of Directors that bring a wealth of business, community and family knowledge to the organisation. To know more about Disability Services Provider Ballina, visit the Dabba Mallangyirren website or call 0403856995.
The company is headquartered at Fox Ballina Street in Ballina and has 14 employees. It has been a Paradise Partner for the past three years and is committed to providing high quality services to their clients. It also partners with volunteers to assist in delivering its programs. These volunteer programs are designed to create a sense of accomplishment for the individuals served by the organization.
Dabba Mallangyirren (formerly Cerebral Palsy League) is one of the biggest disability service providers in Queensland. They’ve been supporting people with disabilities for over 70 years. They help them see beyond their limitations, chase their dreams, and make big plans a reality.
They provide home support, employment services, allied health, community access, and creative and life skills programs. They also offer equipment and aids, and housing options. CPL has over 20 NDIS registered services in Australia.
Their service coordinators are well trained and knowledgeable about the NDIS, and can guide you through your NDIS plan. They will assist you with your goals, plan management, and budgeting. They will also arrange community and recreational activities for you.
They have a wide range of disability services in Ballina, including home support, physiotherapy, employment services, allied health, community support and life skills programs. Their staff are friendly and welcoming, and will help you find the right disability services for your needs. They have flexible hours and can meet your schedule. They can even arrange for you to volunteer. They are also accredited with the Quality and Safeguards Commission, which means they’re a trusted provider of disability services.
Dabba Mallangyirren is a not-for-profit disability services provider that provides everything from affordable housing to workforce training and support in metropolitan and regional locations across NSW and the ACT. The organisation has more than 90 years experience helping people with disability live life the way they want to. To know more about Disability Services Provider Ballina, visit the Dabba Mallangyirren website or call 0403856995.
In November 2017, Dabba Mallangyirren took over the operation of 109 specialist disability accommodation and respite services from NSW Family and Community Services. The change meant that Montrose customers and staff became part of the Northcott family and were now able to access more opportunities.
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kaitlynkristyk-blog · 4 years
Bitcoin to PayPal
01.Crypto Market Floods Over $200 Billion As Bitcoin, Ethereum, Wave’s XRP And Litecoin Take off—Here’s The reason
Bitcoin and other significant cryptographic forms of money are taking off—pushing the joined estimation of the crypto advertise back over $200 billion.Bitcoin, alongside top ten tokens ethereum, Wave’s XRP, litecoin and bitcoin money have all move somewhere in the range of 6% and 12% throughout the most recent 24-hour exchanging period, adding over $10 billion to the crypto showcase.The bitcoin cost has this week revitalized back above $7,000 per bitcoin—moving toward levels unheard of since the coronavirus pandemic sent worldwide markets into emergency last month.MORE FROM FORBESIs This When To Purchase Bitcoin?By Billy Bambrough.
Transfer Bitcoin to PayPal
The bitcoin cost has arranged a solid recuperation since its overwhelming auction a month ago as worldwide markets … [+] smashed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Bitcoin has move back above $7,000 per bitcoin this week in the wake of falling under $4,000.Bitcoin’s meeting comes after web based life monster Facebook uncovered its troubled libra cryptographic money venture will push ahead with a pared-down rendition trying to fulfill worldwide regulators.Libra now looks set to be separated to help different coins sponsored by singular monetary forms. Libra’s blockchain will likewise be altogether more incorporated than anticipated, driving organizations to agree to guidelines or face expulsion.
The bitcoin and digital currency network responded to the news, declared by the Facebook-drove non-benefit Libra Relationship, with a blend of happiness and scorn.”This is useful for bitcoin,” said Mati Greenspan, the organizer of money related warning firm Quantum Financial aspects, in a note to clients.”Facebook’s new watered-down form of libra is a confirmation that even they can’t recreate the faultless origination of bitcoin and that their blockchain will never again be a genuine contender to any current crypto-resource. It will anyway be a genuine contender to Paypal, Venmo, and Square,” Greenspan stated, including he’s “not shocked that bitcoin is up 6%.”
“The principle drawback of these progressions is that the framework is less open, and less decentralized, along these lines the bitcoin network will most likely negligence this as another unified undertaking,” said Yoni Assia, the CEO of financier eToro.MORE FROM FORBESBitcoin’s Next Blast Has As of now BegunBy Billy Bambrough.The bitcoin cost has been sent higher by Facebook’s pared-down form of libra just as business sectors … [+] rooting for plans the U.S. to re-open its economy.In the interim, worldwide markets have cheered the early signs a bunch of nations around the globe are starting to lift wide-spread lockdowns that have disabled their economies.U.S. president Donald Trump has said state governors can re-open organizations in a stunned, three-phase process while German chancellor Angela Merkel has reported designs to gradually ease limitations acquired to handle the coronavirus pandemic.Elsewhere, development and assembling work is back under route in Spain and a few districts in Italy have revived little stores.U.S. stocks shut barely higher on Thursday, in spite of the week by week
employments report demonstrating a further 5.2 million Americans petitioned for joblessness benefits—taking all out first-time joblessness numbers to around 22 million, or 13.5% of the U.S. work power, since mid-March.The most recent monetary numbers out of China show the nation’s powerhouse economy shrank without precedent for decades during the principal quarter of 2020 as it combat to contain and slow the coronavirus.
02.How Little scope Organizations are Affected by Bitcoin and Different Digital forms of money
Now, you’ve gotten some answers concerning digital forms of money and the covered up blockchain advancement. If not in detail, in any occasion you would have seen people bantering about it in a media house. Cryptographic forms of money are painstakingly made assets that store each worth based data in the invariable coursed record inside the blockchain as encryption.Right now, people over the endeavors are inspecting how it might be drafted as a general rule? What are the worth based favorable circumstances appeared differently in relation to the regular fiat cash? Most importantly, how is advanced cash going to benefit privately owned businesses and customers?
Close by the requests referenced above, you may have various requests with respect to digital currency. In this article, we will help you with authorities’ bits of information and emotions to choose whether computerized cash is valuable to your business or not?Before jumping into the bits of knowledge in regards to advanced money and its focal points to your business, let me light up you with some continuous updates in the crypto world.India’s top court stifled the RBI’s limit on computerized cash.
France is developing its own stable coin.Microsoft licenses another computerized cash mining system that utilization human exercises.The South Korean National Get together passed new institution that will give a structure to the rule and approval of digital forms of money and crypto exchanges.Presently, we believe you would have understood that it isn’t only a bit of social event of people examining it. Various associations and national banks of both made and making countries are understanding ways to deal with get computerized cash into the standard reserve foundation.Because of a flood in advanced money use and a tremendous volume of crypto trading, there is a creating enthusiasm for digital money application headway associations over the world. If you are a business visionary, running a startup or a gigantic endeavor or little extension business, you would have overseen both separated and online portion as a bit of your business trade.Taking everything into account, let me ask you a question.The propelled portion workplaces like Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, etc has gained uncommon changes in the way we execute. Obviously, these electronic portion techniques offer commonly safe trades to your business and a critical level settlement to the customers with essentially paying a particular entirety as a trade charge to the banks or any outcast authority association to direct such a trade.
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Regardless, think about how conceivable it is that I unveil to you that cryptographic cash can enable you to execute with high-security, and give straightforward trade desolate trade charges than the mechanized fiat trade. While you are so far unsure about getting an advanced cash portion system as a bit of business trades is exemplary or not, various standard endeavors are uniting with blockchain new organizations and cryptographic cash progression organizations.For occurrence, you can pay for your flight tickets with cryptographic types of cash CheapAir.com, Destinia.com, and Microsoft now lets customers make portions for Xbox games, applications, and other mechanized content.On the remote possibility that you regardless of everything need more inspirations to pick business trades through computerized money – here are the top reasons why enduring cryptographic cash will be productive to your business.
Lower Exchange Charges and Snappier Exchanges
Decreased Exchange Extortion
Procurement of New Clients
Brand Perceivability Access to World Market
Lower Exchange Expenses
Crypto trade does exclude any kind of taking care of charges. As a business person, it is basic to avoid any unwanted cost to improve your business. With computerized cash being decentralized and having no fused regulatory situation, there is no trade cost. At the same time, it gives a quicker trade office than standard bank moves.
Transfer Bitcoin to PayPal
In an electronic portion system, an ensured trade is crucial. Be it net banking, Mastercards, UPI organization, versatile banking, PoS and Portable Wallets, etc. In the present system, all the trade data is taken care of in a bound together server, which is a basic pick for a software engineer to get to all the information in one go.Credit cards help to purchase things effectively, but, you can’t disprove its overall deception dangers.Since each worth based data is taken care of inside the decentralized squares, when the trade is made, it can’t be exchanged or dropped. It infers security is significantly higher than the present procedure. As any central authority doesn’t administer the movement, customer security is kept up.
New Clients Securing
As of now, there are an immense number of people the world over who trade exclusively on bitcoin and distinctive advanced types of cash. Thusly, in case you hold onto computerized cash portion as a bit of your business trade, you will have more people who like to execute in crypto, and you get the opportunity to develop.
Growing Brand Perceivability
As referenced above, there are a large number of people who slant toward crypto trades; in such cases, by enduring cryptographic cash, you can without a lot of a stretch perceive from the restriction and augmentation brand detectable quality. It will in all likelihood brief casual free advancement for your business. There is no favored promoting over casual.
Access to World Market
Immense intrigue and a significant bit of the general business are what every business needs to create and broaden exponentially. Whether or not you have an online business closeness, there is inconvenience in getting to all inclusive markets like overall holding up time to process worldwide trades and huge cost exchange rates.As computerized cash isn’t asserted by any bound together association, and by giving throughout the day, consistently taking care of, you can extend deals.The gathering of advanced cash will continue creating. Thusly, by enduring propelled money, autonomous endeavors get the opportunity to smooth out the strategy and find the market being a market head in your division.To recognize portions, you need a cryptographic cash.
About more know click this: Transfer Bitcoin to PayPal
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Is Operate at Home a Fraud or Legit? Get The Reality Behind Multi Level Marketing and Various Other Programs Now
Better Safe than Sorry: Speak With BBB
Business Bureau Bureau, which is also known as BBB, is a charitable and also non-government organization sustaining the purposes as well as ideals of bureau and stands as the link in between service and also customers. They report and accumulate details to aid individuals who contact us to their firm choose. The company collaborates with other agencies, police, organizations, and the government to be helpful to individuals and make them informed.
You can ask at their website via sending questions that will be responded to asap by the firm. The BBB also supplies pointers and suggestions on exactly how you can avoid being scammed. According to them, the most common pattern of a fraudster's scheme is receiving the information through the Web and also the newspapers, drawing the customers on large revenue that they can receive with signing up with.
The BBB has disclosed 2 things based on its experience after responsing to the scheme of stuffing envelope. The customer will either wind up getting no reply from the stated company or they receive a guideline informing them to post promotions similar to theirs. They will get revenue here with motivating others to sign up with as well as send you money then advise them to do the very same thing additionally.
BBB informs people to be very critical when seeking work-from-home jobs or business chances, as frauds not only cost countless bucks as well as countless of hours without return, however they might additionally taint your reputation due to unintentionally marketing nonexistent product and services. In even worse scenarios, you may get implicated of committing a scams.
In addition to checking BBB ranking section (http://search.bbb.org) for the evaluation of the business you are planning to collaborate with, making your possible company or source of home business opportunity respond to the complying with inquiries will be of great help:
· What jobs will I need to execute? (Ask the program enroller to note every step of the job.).
· Will I be paid an income or will my pay be based upon compensation?
· Who will pay me?
· When will I get my very first paycheck?
· What is the total expense of the work-at-home program, consisting of materials, tools as well as membership charges?
· What will I get for my money?
The responses that you will certainly obtain from your prospective company will certainly assist in rounding up whether the chance will certainly meet your assumptions - literally, mentally, mentally, and also monetarily.
Various Other Background Check SOP.
Certain, we would all enjoy to work at residence. We can stand up at any kind of hr we want to. We are our own bosses. One trouble relating to operating at home is how certain you are, as the staff member, regarding your employers.
The most tough thing about working-at-home chances is that the call is primarily done online or over the phone. This connection might be as well dubious for most individuals. Surprisingly, it helps other individuals. As a matter of fact, mothers, retired people, as well as disabled individuals really rake in money by taking on work-at-home possibilities.
Work-at-home possibilities can really be gone after full-time. Yet just how do you know whether these are legit or not?
Always, constantly wage care. Because of the inter-connectedness brought by the Web, numerous schemes are available waiting to entice gullible people in. A few of which ask you to provide loan all for the pledge of getting rich promptly. If the deal appears also great to be true, it most likely is.
Below are some ways for you to know a scam in a blink of an eye:.
1. You have to always inspect the company's address as well as number. Check that they are provided which their workplaces aren't merely publish office boxes. It might be a work-at-home possibility for you, yet that doesn't have to imply that it should additionally be work-at-home for them.
2. If they have a site, that's one guarantee that they are lawful and they will not deceive you. A site shows professionalism on the company's part. Yet it must not be simply any basic web site with a sprinkle of words occasionally. There should be additional information on what precisely you should be providing for the company from your house.
3. Always see to it that you remain in close contact with a person that is in charge of your settlement. Ask them first-hand when you can accept your income. Obtain their get in touch with info as well as talk with them as long as feasible. It is fair sufficient that you get paid for the work you do.
4. Terms of arrangement should be defined in creating. It can be uploaded on their internet site or they might send you a brochure. If you finally have these in composing and your mind is set on benefiting them, at least you have something to reveal when required. Having terms in writing makes it less complicated for the employee to have some type of evidence when he remains in a conflict with his company. This condition makes it less complicated for both celebrations in the lawful sense.
Now as a home worker, you are an independent service provider and also you would not be obtaining the standard employee benefits. For that reason, it is after that your duty to get your very own medical insurance or any type of kind of payment that is credited to a routine worker.
You need to be liable in finding your expenditures. Some work-at-home organisation chances pay their staff member on a project basis. For that reason, what the employee makes differ from month-to-month. Not only should the house worker track his expenses, he has to additionally keep a document of the job he is doing, to ensure that he will certainly make money for these appropriately.
Simply make sure that whatever deal and activity are going on between you and also your employer are reputable. You can discover countless work-at-home ads out there promising hundreds and also also countless dollars a month - all at your home.
A two decades old plus Legit BBB Business that can make you $100 a Hr or Even More And Begin FREE goes to.
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Here is list of BBB Approved
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Is Work At House a Fraud or Legit? Obtain The Truth Behind NETWORK MARKETING as well as Various Other Programs Currently
Better Safe than Sorry: Speak With BBB
Business Bureau Bureau, which is likewise known as BBB, is a non-profit and also non-government company supporting the objectives and also perfects of bureau and also stands as the link between organization and also consumers. They report and also collect info to help people that contact us to their agency make decisions. The organization collaborates with various other companies, cops, associations, and also the government to be useful to the people and make them notified.
You can ask at their site through sending questions that will certainly be responded to as soon as possible by the agency. The BBB additionally provides suggestions and guidance on just how you can avoid being scammed. According to them, one of the most common pattern of a scammer's scheme is obtaining the information with the Net and the papers, luring the customers on large income that they can receive through signing up with.
The BBB has exposed two points based on its experience after solutioning to the scheme of stuffing envelope. The customer will certainly either end up receiving no reply from the stated firm or they obtain a direction telling them to post ads much like their own. They will obtain earnings here with encouraging others to join and also send you cash then instruct them to do the same thing also.
BBB notifies individuals to be very discerning when searching for work-from-home work or service chances, as scams not just cost countless dollars as well as many of hrs with no return, but they might likewise tarnish your credibility as a result of unintentionally selling nonexistent product and services. In worse situations, you may obtain charged of carrying out a fraudulence.
Apart from checking BBB score area (http://search.bbb.org) for the evaluation of the firm you are intending to deal with, making your prospective employer or source of home business chance answer the complying with questions will certainly be of excellent assistance:
· What jobs will I have to do? (Ask the program sponsor to list every step of the task.).
· Will I be paid a salary or will my pay be based upon commission?
· Who will pay me?
· When will I get my very first paycheck?
· What is the total expense of the work-at-home program, including products, devices and membership costs?
· What will I get for my cash?
The answers that you will get from your potential employer will certainly aid in rounding up whether the opportunity will meet your assumptions - literally, psychologically, psychologically, and economically.
Various Other History Check SOP.
Certain, we would certainly all like to work at house. We can rise at any hr we wish to. We are our own bosses. One trouble pertaining to working at home is how sure you are, as the staff member, about your companies.
The most difficult thing about working-at-home possibilities is that the get in touch with is primarily done online or over the phone. This link may be also dubious for most people. Remarkably, it benefits other people. Actually, mothers, retirees, and disabled individuals really generate cash money by taking on work-at-home possibilities.
Work-at-home possibilities can really be pursued full time. However just how do you understand whether these are genuine or not?
Always, constantly wage caution. As a result of the inter-connectedness brought by the Net, a lot of systems are available waiting to entice unsuspecting people in. Several of which ask you to offer cash all for the assurance of obtaining abundant rapidly. If the offer sounds too good to be real, it most likely is.
Right here are some ways for you to know a scam in a blink of an eye:.
1. You should always check the business's address and number. Double check that they are listed which their workplaces aren't simply post office boxes. It might be a work-at-home chance for you, but that doesn't need to mean that it has to additionally be work-at-home for them.
2. If they have a site, that's one assurance that they are legal as well as they will not deceive you. A website reveals expertise on the employer's component. However it needs to not be just any kind of straightforward web site with a dash of words occasionally. There should be further details on what specifically you must be providing for the firm from your home.
3. Constantly make sure that you are in close contact with an individual that is responsible for your settlement. Ask them first-hand when you can approve your income. Get their get in touch with info as well as communicate with them as high as possible. It is fair sufficient that you earn money for the job you do.
4. Terms of arrangement should be defined in creating. It can be posted on their site or they might send you a brochure. If you lastly have these in writing and your mind is set on helping them, at the very least you have something to reveal when called for. Having terms in creating makes it simpler for the staff member to have some sort of proof when he is in a conflict with his company. This problem makes it much easier for both parties in the legal feeling.
Now as a residence worker, you are an independent specialist as well as you wouldn't be obtaining the typical fringe benefit. Therefore, it is then your obligation to get your very own health insurance or any kind of type of payment that is credited to a normal worker.
You need to be accountable in finding your expenses. Some work-at-home company chances pay their staff member on a task basis. Consequently, what the worker earns differ from month-to-month. Not just need to the house employee track his costs, he should likewise maintain a document of the work he is doing, to ensure that he will earn money for these properly.
Simply ensure that whatever transaction as well as activity are taking place in between you as well as your company are genuine. You can locate many work-at-home ads around promising hundreds and also hundreds of bucks a month - all at your home.
A two decades old plus Genuine BBB Company that can earn you $100 a Hr or More And Also Begin FREE is at.
Success College is Changing Peoples Lives - Skyrocket Your Success in Life Love and Finances Visit.
Here is list of BBB Approved
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malabilelo-blog · 5 years
Is Operate at Home a Fraud or Legit? Get The Truth Behind Multi Level Marketing and Various Other Programs Now
Better Safe than Sorry: Seek Advice From BBB
Business Bureau Bureau, which is likewise called BBB, is a non-profit and non-government company sustaining the purposes and suitables of bureau and stands as the link between organization and consumers. They report and collect information to aid people who contact us to their company make decisions. The company collaborates with various other firms, cops, organizations, as well as the government to be useful to individuals as well as make them informed.
You can inquire at their site with sending out inquiries that will be addressed immediately by the firm. The BBB also uses pointers and guidance on how you can prevent being scammed. According to them, one of the most typical pattern of a fraudster's plan is receiving the details with the Net as well as the newspapers, enticing the customers on large revenue that they can obtain via joining.
The BBB has exposed 2 points based on its experience after solutioning to the plan of stuffing envelope. The consumer will certainly either wind up obtaining no reply from the stated firm or they get an instruction informing them to post advertisements similar to their own. They will gain earnings right here via encouraging others to join and also send you money after that instruct them to do the very same point also.
BBB informs people to be extremely critical when looking for work-from-home jobs or business possibilities, as rip-offs not only cost hundreds of dollars as well as countless of hrs with no return, however they may likewise stain your online reputation as a result of inadvertently marketing nonexistent service or products. In even worse scenarios, you may obtain implicated of perpetrating a scams.
Aside from inspecting BBB ranking section (http://search.bbb.org) for the evaluation of the business you are preparing to collaborate with, making your prospective company or source of home based business possibility answer the following inquiries will certainly be of wonderful assistance:
· What jobs will I have to carry out? (Ask the program sponsor to provide every step of the task.).
· Will I be paid a wage or will my pay be based on payment?
· Who will pay me?
· When will I obtain my first paycheck?
· What is the overall expense of the work-at-home program, consisting of supplies, equipment as well as subscription costs?
· What will I obtain for my cash?
The solutions that you will obtain from your prospective employer will certainly help in rounding up whether the possibility will certainly satisfy your expectations - literally, emotionally, mentally, and also monetarily.
Other History Examine SOP.
Certain, we would all love to operate at home. We can get up at any type of hr we want to. We are our own managers. One trouble relating to working at home is just how sure you are, as the worker, concerning your companies.
One of the most challenging aspect of working-at-home chances is that the contact is primarily done online or over the phone. This connection might be too shady for lots of people. Remarkably, it works for other individuals. As a matter of fact, mothers, senior citizens, and disabled people actually bring in cash money by tackling work-at-home opportunities.
Work-at-home opportunities can in fact be pursued full time. Yet just how do you understand whether these are legitimate or not?
Always, always wage care. Because of the inter-connectedness brought by the Internet, many systems are around waiting to draw unsuspecting individuals in. Several of which ask you to provide cash all for the promise of getting abundant promptly. If the offer appears too good to be real, it probably is.
Below are some methods for you to know a scam in a blink of an eye:.
1. You should always check the firm's address as well as number. Check that they are detailed which their offices aren't just publish workplace boxes. It might be a work-at-home opportunity for you, yet that doesn't need to suggest that it has to likewise be work-at-home for them.
2. If they have an internet site, that's one guarantee that they are legal and also they will not dupe you. A website reveals professionalism and reliability on the employer's part. Yet it has to not be just any type of easy internet site with a sprinkle of words occasionally. There must be further details on what exactly you need to be doing for the firm from your house.
3. Constantly make certain that you are in close contact with a person that is responsible for your settlement. Ask first-hand when you can accept your income. Obtain their contact info and also stay connected with them as much as feasible. It is reasonable sufficient that you get paid for the job you do.
4. Terms of arrangement have to be spelled out in writing. It can be uploaded on their site or they might send you a sales brochure. If you ultimately have these in composing and your mind is established on benefiting them, at the very least you have something to reveal when asked for. Having terms in writing makes it simpler for the staff member to have some type of proof when he is in a disagreement with his employer. This condition makes it much easier for both events in the legal feeling.
Currently as a residence employee, you are an independent specialist and you would not be obtaining the standard employee benefits. For that reason, it is then your obligation to obtain your own medical insurance or any type of form of settlement that is credited to a routine worker.
You should be responsible in finding your expenses. Some work-at-home business opportunities pay their staff member on a project basis. For that reason, what the worker makes vary from month-to-month. Not only must the house worker track his expenditures, he has to additionally maintain a record of the job he is doing, to ensure that he will certainly make money for these appropriately.
Simply ensure that whatever deal and activity are taking place between you as well as your employer are genuine. You can discover countless work-at-home ads out there encouraging hundreds and even thousands of dollars a month - all at your house.
A twenty years old plus Legitimate BBB Service that can earn you $100 an Hour or Even More And Also Begin FREE is at.
Success College is Altering Peoples Lives - Skyrocket Your Success in Life Love and Funds Browse Through.
Here is list of BBB Approved
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robinsoncenter · 5 years
[Qsc_asuw] SPRING! Newsletter Week 7
Welcome        to Week 7! <3 
QTBIPOC Artist Spotlight of the Week:     
NYC based visual artist.
ASUW QSC 17th Annual        DRAG SHOW        (Thursday, May 16,        2019) 7:30 PM - 10 PM @ HUB Lyceum                The ASUW Queer Student Commission is proud to present this year's ASUW        QSC Drag Show! This historic event is a showcase of student and local        drag performers from the UW and Seattle community.                featuring a queer student art market! if you are interested in vending        art, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7opdkIGeiGSOXGTaBeUi1o3M94H6NqYqSG1eIDKWsIp4MkA/viewform?usp=sf_link                ACCESSIBILITY        INFORMATION:       
We             are in the process of securing CART captioning for the event.
        The             HUB front entrance is wheelchair accessible.
        The             HUB Lyceum is located on the first floor, to the right of the             entrance. It is a reception space, with overhead and natural             lighting. There are large windows on the right side wall of the             Lyceum.
        All             gender restrooms will be available on the first floor of the HUB             on the night of the event. There is also an all gender restroom on             the third floor of the HUB.
        The             HUB is not kept scent-free but we ask that you do not wear             scented/fragranced products (e.g. perfume, hair products) or             essential oils to/in the HUB in order to make the space accessible             to those with chemical injury or multiple chemical sensitivity. We             will have baking soda and scent free soap available if folks are             asked to wash off scents.
        For             more information about MCS and being fragrance-free:
        To             request disability accommodation contact the Disability Services             Office at least ten days in advance at: 206.543.6450/V,             206.543.6452/TTY, 206.685.7264 (FAX), or e-mail [email protected].
        If             you have questions, concerns or accessibility details that were             not addressed here email [email protected]!
        All             updates concerning the event and its accessibility will be posted here.       
Directions        - The HUB is near landmarks such as Mary Gates Hall and Drumheller        Fountain. For a map, search HUB on the campus maps:http://www.washington.edu/maps/                - University District Metro Bus Routes can be found here: http://metro.kingcounty.gov/tops/bus/neighborhoods/university_district.html                - Driving directions can be found at: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Husky+Union+Building/@47.655762,-122.3076257,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x5490148d64534c71:0xc91793fd02335246                - The Central Plaza Parking Garage is the largest parking lot to the        close to the HUB. Accessible parking is available in the lot located        next to the HUB. Additional information can be found at:        https://www.washington.edu/facilities/transportation/park                - There is also potential street parking surrounding the campus, on        15th Ave, University Way, and Brooklyn Ave.
The Queer        & Trans People of Color Alliance (QTPOCA) will        be meeting this Friday, location TBD!
LAVISH        QTPOC Art Showcase        (Tuesday, May 21,        2019) 6:30 PM - 9 PM @ Ethnic Cultural Theater        3931 Brooklyn Ave NE, Seattle, Washington 98105       
Lavish             is a multi-arts showcase opportunity centering Queer and Trans             People of Color (QTPoC). We will provide a platform for UW             students to receive mentorship (by way of building a sustained             relationship with a teaching artist) and community building among             QTPoCs and artists on campus and in the greater Seattle community.
        There             are many ways to participate in the showcase. Opportunities             include (but are not limited to): emcees/MC, deejays/DJ,             performance artists, fine artists, spoken word, poetry, musicians,             dramaturge, stage managers, community organizers, and more.
        The             showcase is student-driven and its final form will be created             organically among the participating artists. Lavish centers             artists who identify as QTPoC. White allies/accomplices are also             welcome to participate. Artists of any experience level are             enthusiastically invited to participate in this low stakes/high             support experience.       
Please consider filling out the following form if you        are interested in participating at Lavish: https://forms.gle/dq7TMqV8YQAfvtu2A                We will host an Informational Session on May 3, 2019, 3:00PM at the Q        Center (HUB 315). Note: Prospective performers may submit their        application using this form or in person at the informational session.                Questions? Please contact Juan Franco or Jaimée Marsh @ the Q Center: [email protected] or        206-897-1430.                Accessibility        Information:       
The             Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Theatre is near landmarks such as             Alder Hall and Lander Hall
        For             a map, search HUB on the campus maps: www.washington.edu/map
        The             ECC’s front entrance is wheelchair accessible. There is an             elevator in the building
        There             are universal, all-gender bathrooms in the building, as well as             gender binary bathrooms with multiple stalls.
        The             ECT is not kept scent-free, but we ask that you do not wear             scented/fragranced products (e.g. perfume, hair products) or             essential oils to/in the event in order to make the space             accessible to those with chemical injury or multiple chemical             sensitivity.
        University             District Metro Bus Routes can be found here: metro.kingcounty.gov/tops/bus/neighborhoods/university_district.html
         #whoisboeingbombing        INFO SESSION    
(Thursday, May        10, 2019) 6 - 9 PM @ Washington State Labor Council        321 16th Ave S., Seattle, Washington 98144    
Boeing             is currently profiting from mass deportation, imperialist war             manufacturing, worker exploitation, and environmental devastation.             It is long overdue that we hold them accountable for their             anti-people actions across the earth as well as here in Seattle             especially given the massive tax subsidies they are given by our             local government.
        We             are excited to present the critical information we have discovered             regarding the manufacturing of Boeing war machines in the Pacific             Northwest and their deployment abroad. We want to hear from you:             why does this campaign matter to you? What ideas do you have for             strategies and tactics which could garner mass support and             actually stop war production, deportation, etc?       
* Educational presentation        * Performances        * Panel - why this campaign matters for various struggles        * Break out discussions on campaign next steps                This campaign launch event will be action oriented. We hope to gain the        commitment of campaign partners who will work with us in the capacity        they are able to make this successful! There will be much hard work in        confronting a giant such as Boeing, but history has shown us that with        sufficient dedication and creativity, regular people can win against        multinational corporations.                ACCESSIBILITY        INFORMATION:       
WA             State Labor Council has wheelchair accessible ramp into main             building and wide doors for entry, building may have some scents             from cleaning supplies but we advise participants to come scent             free. children and families are welcome. Please let us know if you             have particular access needs that we can accommodate.
Artist Lecture: Ariella        Tai        (Friday, May        17, 2019) 7-8 PM @ Wa Na Wari        911 24th ave, Seattle, Washington 98122                Artist Lecture: Ariella Tai                Tai will be discussing their three videos currently screening at Wa Na        Wari-- “hold me,” “adore” and “i just.” They will be talking about        their research and video work exploring possibilities of black agency,        interiority, pleasure and refusal and exploring the cinematic as space        where alternative social arrangements of blackness can be revealed.                Bio: Ariella Tai is a video artist, film scholar, and independent        programmer from Queens, New York. They work with appropriated and        re-purposed images from film, television and popular media to explore        how black gesture, gaze and corporeality work to interrupt, subvert and        defy the diegetic cohesiveness of narrative.        Excerpt of “I’m yours.”        https://vimeo.com/287777532         
Transgender &        Gender Diverse Support & Social Group @ U.T.O.P.I.A Seattle         205 E. Meeker St. Kent, Washington 98032   
[trans]             ACTION is             a support/social group for sex workers that is held every first             Wednesday of every month. It is an opportunity that provides sex             workers a safe space to engage in topical discussions relating to             their life and/or work. This gathering is open to transgender and             gender diverse sex workers with current or past experience in the             sex trade.       
Discussions include topics such        as:       
*Safety             and self- care
        *Decriminalization             and Destigmatization of sex work
        *Know             your rights training
        *Legal             assistance
        *Employment             & housing 
        [trans]             ACTION promotes and values confidentiality regarding interactions             within the group.       
The             undisclosed location has ample parking, all-gender and             ADA-accessible restroom. Come and build community with us! For             more information please email Ara-lei at [email protected] 
       Upcoming Dates :        
Wed             June 12 (6-8pm)
Seattle Launch:        Tongue-Breaker        (Tuesday, May 14,        2019) 7 PM - 9 PM @ Third Place Books Seward Park        5041 Wilson Ave S, Seattle, Washington 98118                Seattle family, please come celebrate the New York launch of writer        Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha's latest book of poetry,        Tonguebreaker.       
Tonguebreaker             is about surviving the unsurvivable: living through hate crimes,             the suicides of queer kin, and the rise of fascism while falling             in love and walking through your beloved's neighbourhood in             Queens. Building on LLPS' groundbreaking work in Bodymap,             Tonguebreaker is an unmitigated force of disabled queer-of-colour             nature, narrating disabled femme-of-colour moments on the pulloff             of the 80 in West Oakland, the street, and the bed. Tonguebreaker             dreams unafraid femme futures where we live -- a ritual for our             collective continued survival.  
about the weirdo who wrote the        poems:        LEAH LAKSHMI PIEPZNA-SAMARASINHA is a queer disabled femme writer,        cultural worker and educator of Burgher/Tamil Sri Lankan and Irish/Roma        ascent. They are the author of Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice,        Dirty River: A Queer Femme of Color Dreaming Her Way Home (short-listed        for the Lambda and Publishing Triangle Awards, ALA Above the Rainbow        List), Bodymap (short listed for the Publishing Triangle Award) ,Love        Cake (Lambda Literary Award winner), and Consensual Genocide, and        co-editor of The Revolution Starts At Home: Confronting Intimate        Violence in Activist Communities. Their next book, Beyond Survival:        Stories and Strategies From the Transformative Justice Movement        (co-edited with Ejeris Dixon) is forthcoming in 2020. A lead artist        with Sins Invalid, her writing has been widely published, with recent        work in PBS Newshour, Poets.org's        Poetry and the Body folio, The Deaf Poets Society, Bitch, Self,        TruthOut and The Body is Not an Apology. She is a VONA Fellow and holds        an MFA from Mills College. She is also a rust belt poet, a Sri Lankan        with a white mom, a femme over 40, a grassroots intellectual, a        survivor who is hard to kill.                ACCESSIBILITY        INFORMATION: wheelchair accessible including bathrooms,        armless chairs available, coffee tea and snacks for sale, please come        fragrance-free. Free. Bring your kids.
Let’s Talk is a free        program that connects UW students with support from experienced        counselors from the Counseling Center and Hall Health Center without an        appointment. Counselors hold drop-in hours        at four sites on campus:                
Mondays, 2-4 PM, Odegaard Library Room 222
        Tuesdays, 2-4 PM, Ethnic Cultural Center Room 306
        Wednesdays, 2-4 PM, Q Center (HUB 315)
        Thursdays, 2-4 PM, Mary Gates Hall Room 134E       
Let’s Talk offers        informal consultation – it is not a substitute for regular therapy,        counseling, or psychiatric care.        To        learn more, visit letstalk.washington.edu.                The HUB’s front entrance is wheelchair accessible and the common area        is to the right of the main desk.        An all-genders restroom can be found at the 3rd floor, down the hallway        from the Q Center. Gender binary bathrooms with multiple stalls can be        found on each floor of the HUB.        The HUB IS not kept scent-free but we ask that you do not wear        scented/fragranced products (e.g. perfume, hair products) or essential        oils to/in the Q Center in order to make the space accessible to those        with chemical injury or multiple chemical sensitivity. 
Thank you for being a part of our community <3         We are so glad that you are here, and we are so glad to get to know        you!         Have questions about the QSC? Just want to get involved? Find our        office hours online at hours.asuw.org.        To hear more from the QSC be sure to like us on facebook, and follow us on twitter & instagram to stay up to date with        all queer and trans related happenings on campus and in Seattle!                 With love,         Mehria, Outreach & Engagement Intern. 
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