#one person who gives a shit *can* pull off the sort of work I am talking about! I wouldn’t say so if I hadn’t done it myself!
hauntedfalcon · 2 years
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@nonhoration right?! every time I think about how much a meatspace nonprofit could accomplish with the money AO3 is doing nothing with, steam comes out of my ears. flames! on the side of my face!
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livinginshambles · 1 year
How much are we worth? | James Potter
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Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Word count: 5.8k
Summary: Sirius bets that James can't get a girl to go out with him. James pursues you and falls for you. You are hurt when you find out that you were just a bet, even more when you realise how little they bet on you.
Notes: A classic: Strangers to friends to lovers, Angst, Bet trope, Fluff and happy ending because yey, I believe in second chances :) Existence of a wardrobe that works like newt scamanders suitcase and SPeLLing Mistakes
In hindsight, you should've known.
"Have you maybe considered giving up on her?" Remus' question caught James off guard when he returned to the marauders at the Gryffindor table after another failed attempt and rejection by Lily.
"Not until she's given me a chance at least," James responded, eyes trained on Lily's retreating figure. "Besides, this chasing game is sort of our thing now."
The marauders nodded sceptically.
"Not particularly the dynamic I'd want to have with the person I fancy," Peter whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear. James shot him a look as if Peter had just committed the greatest betrayal of the century.
Sirius snorted out loud. "Dynamic my ass, yeah." He threw a piece of bread across the table in James' direction.
"He's stuck with Lily now because if he decides to chase some other poor girl and inevitably get rejected, it'll prove that James Potter just can't get some," he added, wearing a shit eating grin on his face.
James pulled a face at Sirius. "Oh please I can get girls. It's just that contrary to you, I actually show commitment to only one," he huffed.
Sirius shrugged. "You say that, but you've never even had a girlfriend. Been pining over Evans since first year. Besides, commitment or being stuck," he weighed his hands in the air. "Same same."
James rolled his eyes and got up. When he turned around, he crashed into someone who had been standing behind him, tripping her, and he sent her crashing into the Ravenclaw table behind him. The Ravenclaw sitting at that table ducked out of the way. She stuck her hands out to brace herself and loudly hissed when her hand ended up in someone's scalding soup.
"Godric, I am so sorry," James scrambled to offer her a napkin. She snatched it out of his hands and dried her hands. James saw that they were scorching red and more apologies stumbled out of his mouth.
"Let me help you get to madam Pomfrey," he offered, concern lacing his tone. He reached his hand out to her and she jerked away.
"Fuck off Potter, I'd rather take a bloody bath in boiling water than go anywhere with you." She spat, and left, hand pressed against her chest, covered by the napkin.
The commotion had everyone turn their heads at him and despite usually being a fan of being at the centre of attention, he embarrassedly sat down again.
"Guess really no girl wants to go anywhere with you, Prongs," Sirius snickered. James offered him a sour look.
"This was just because I literally burned her hand, Pads. Any other time, she would totally go out with me." James boasted, but guilt and concern for the girl who he didn't know, lingered in his mind.
"Right, you wanna bet?"
"The usual?"
"The usual."
They sealed the deal with a nod. Peter and Remus shared a look but they knew that was no use trying to tell them to stop it already. Remus thought back to the scowl on the girl's face and prayed that she would stay headstrong and reject James.
After all, Sirius and James were from wealthy families, so money has never actually played a role during these bets. It’s just the principle of it that counts and is the reason why they only ever bet one galleon. It meant someone would get hurt.
The scowl on your face disappeared with the cool relief of the running water from the girls bathroom on your hand, but the bitter feeling remained when your mind wandered to James Potter. You scoffed to yourself. Arrogant, self pretentious, blood boiling bully. Though never having been a victim of their pranks, you lost several friends to Beauxbatons because of the marauders’ cruelty.
You glanced at yourself in the mirror one last time and left for your Ancient Runes class where you walked to your designated seat next to Lily Evans. You two unsurprisingly got along. Though your personalities were nothing alike, you being rather reserved, you could both value each other’s calm presence and even ‘maturity’ to a certain degree.
She offered you a smile and you nodded at her in acknowledgement. “I’m embarrassed to ask this, but could I maybe share your book? I didn’t have time to pick it up after lunch.” Lily gave you a surprised look but quickly assured you that you could to which you offered her a small but grateful smile.
She opened her mouth to tell you something, when something else, or rather someone else, caught her attention. Before he even reached the table, she had already attempted to ward him off in a monotone voice. “Go away Potter, I’m not interested.”
“Not here for you, Lilypad,” he smugly said and stopped right next to you. Lily raised her eyebrows and looked at you with a concerned look. Without looking up from Lily’s book, you also repeated Lily’s words. “Fuck off Potter, I’m not interested either.”
“I haven’t even said anythi-“
“And I don’t want you to.”
“Okay, but here me out, I-“
“I. Don’t. Want. You. To,” you pronounced every word clearly.
“Come on, just listen-“
You turned around, an incredibly sour look on your face. James couldn’t help but admire you for a moment. You looked pretty, contorted face aside. Especially when you had smiled at Lily. It had caught him off guard.
“Can you spare me a second?” He tried again. For a second, he thought he saw a look of appreciation cross your face at his formulated words, but it was gone in a split second.
“No. Class is starting, get back to your seat Potter,” you dryly responded. You turned back to your book and James walked back to his friends.
James potter was determined though, you had to give him that. You abruptly turned on your heels, ready to walk in the opposite direction, even if it would mean a detour of about 8 minutes to your destination. You were really not into his crap today.
“Y/N!” James called out to you and chased you.
“I told you to call me by my last name. We're not friends, Potter. I don’t want to be. In fact, I don’t want anything to do with you. So, for Merlin’s sake, leave me alone, or I swear on his balls that I will hurt you.” You spat the last part out through gritted teeth and
James took a step back in surprise. He looked at you for a moment, carefully considering his next words. “L/N.” He settled on, voice quieter. When you didn’t immediately walk off, he took it as a sign to continue. “I was wondering if you would allow me to sit next to you during our free period between Transfiguration and Potions.”
You raised you eyebrows.
“My friends all took classes and there’s like a two hour gap and I like company, that’s all,” he hastily explained before you could go and reject him.
“What are you, six years old?” You sarcastically asked him. “Can’t spend what, two hours on your own?”
James’ eyes averted to the ground. “Just not enjoying being alone,” he mumbled, almost embarrassedly. You looked at him, great, now you were being an asshole yourself.
“You know the big old wardrobe in the abandoned classroom on the seventh floor?” you eventually asked. James’ eyes lit up and nodded.
“It’s bigger on the inside.” You said.
“A secret room?” He asked while trying to recall seeing an extra room on the map. You nodded. “Not even visible on your map because it’s not Hogwarts. A pocket dimension, Dumbledore said.”
James’ jaw fell slack. “You know about the map?” he whispered.
“You can join me there between classes next week if you want, but I can’t promise you that it’ll be any different to passing the time on your own.” You said, completely ignoring him. You stopped in front of the library. “A word about the wardrobe and I swear-“
“-on Merlin’s balls that you’ll hex me, yeah,” he waved you off with a triumphant smile.
“Witty, are you now.” You looked at him. A small smirk lingering on the corner of your lips. James heart skipped.
“Just one of the effects you have on me, darling,” he winked at you. “L/N,” he quickly corrected when your face fell into a scowl again.
“I’m not kidding though, this is my spot to get away from everything. I don’t feel like sharing it with people.” James felt flattered. So you would share it with him?
“I solemnly swear I won’t tell,” he assured you, a serious expression on his face. “You can trust me, L/N.” He cringed at his own words. Trust him? He was only talking to you to prove Sirius wrong.
“I’ll hold you to it, Potter,” you nodded and entered the library. The door closed and James slouched against the wall next to him. A giddy feeling fluttered in his stomach at the thought of hanging out with you.
“So what happened to rather bathing in boiling water than going anywhere with me,” James couldn’t help but arrogantly ask while trying to keep up with your ridiculously fast walking pace as you two were on your way to the wardrobe. “I’m not going anywhere with you, you’re going somewhere with me,” you denied, your eyes narrowed at him. James put his hands up in mock surrender. “Lead the way, L/N.”
“I am,” you deadpanned.
James sceptically looked at the oak wardrobe. He and his friends had rummaged through this room already. It included the wardrobe, but it had looked pretty normal.
“Doesn’t look very special,” he said while you were busy locking the door behind you. You made your way over to James and pushed him out of the way roughly. He gaped at you with an offended look on his face. “You know, being a bit more chivalrous wouldn’t hurt you,” he exclaimed.
You shrugged and opened the door. James stared in amazement as he realised that the inside was in fact bigger. He walked to the wall that the wardrobe was standing against and squeezed his hand between the wall and the wardrobe.
“Why are you so surprised?” you asked. “We literally learned about the Extension charm yesterday?”
“We did?”
Maybe hanging out with James Potter wasn’t as terrible as you had expected it to be and so, it became a routine. James had finally realised that his persistence to flirt with you or try to impress you wasn’t getting him anywhere and had opted to actually be considerate of you.
He respected you when you not so kindly told him to fuck off and was sitting next to you quietly while you studied between hours in the wardrobe. He had read the book that he’d seen you read in the courtyard- and was surprised to find himself interested in the story- so that he could talk to you about something when your demeanour told him that he could speak again. He stuck to calling you by your last name and learned to read your mood when he could joke around.
Most importantly, he’d learned to enjoy himself in a comfortable silence that didn’t require him to do or say anything and just let him be.
You two were laying on the couch again, feet propped up, both on opposite sides, but feet touching in the middle. James was admiring you. The way your eyebrows crunched up in a frown, eyes squinted, and lips mouthing the words you were reading.
“You’re careless with spelling, Potter.” You eventually looked up from correcting his assignment. “But that’s a brilliant essay.”
James beamed up at you, relief, pride and happiness all washing over him at once.
“Also, you have a nice handwriting,” you added after considering whether or not you should mention it.
James was now fully grinning, pushing himself to sit up from his relaxed position. “Two compliments?” he asked teasingly and you immediately huffed and looked away. “Don’t let it get to your head, Potter. It’s big as it is.”
“But you think I’m brilliant and that my handwriting is nice.” He repeated happily.
“Your essay was brilliant,” you attempted to correct him, but he seemed to be lost in happy thoughts. You looked at him. He had his arms up behand his neck because he had laid down again. He was grinning from ear to ear and his eyes squinted in delight and satisfaction. He looked so... harmless.
“You know,” you began and James looked up at you, propping himself up a little in curiosity at the fact that you were starting the conversation for the first time.
“I used to think you were the biggest asshole ever. Astoundingly stupid and good for nothing but hurting people.” You were looking up at the ceiling now and missed the way James eyes flashed with mixed feelings.
“I had a few friends, you know. They were great, but everyone called them boring and a stick in the mud.” You turned your head towards James. “You and the rest of the marauders used to tell us to “lighten up already,” and pranked us separately, one by one until all five moved schools.”
James looked down, feeling horrible and guilty. It was true that in his early years at Hogwarts, he and his friends had been going too far with pranks. That kind of stopped after that prank.
“So I’ve held a grudge against you, like any good friend would do,” you smiled to yourself at the thought of your friends. “I think maybe I no longer have to.” James heart melted at your confession. Over the course of weeks, he’d become desperate for your approval and friendship.
“You’ve changed since then,” you concluded out loud. “Not cruel anymore.” You hesitated for a moment.
“James?” You then asked and James looked up at you with wide eyes. He knew that this was the first time that you’d addressed him by his name instead of ‘Potter’.
“I really value our friendship,” you whispered. “It’s worth a lot to me.”
James heart both warmed and tightened. “It’s worth a lot to me too,” he whispered back.
“Where were you,” Remus asked when he returned to the Gryffindor common room. “We looked on the map, but we couldn’t find you.”
“And we couldn’t find Y/N either.” James fought the urge to correct them and say that they shouldn’t use your first name like that. That he had worked for your friendship to stop calling you by your last name.
“Do I owe you a galleon now?” Sirius popped up from behind him. “What? No,” James said, thinking of another subject to talk about, wanting to ignore the existence of the bet in the first place.
“I was hanging out with Y/N,” he admitted. “But because we're friends now.”
“Yeah, but where were you hanging out?” Peter asked. “Because we weren’t allowed to leave Hogwarts today.”
“Did you find another secret passage?” Sirius gasped and James immediately shook his head to deny it. “Oh come on, we’re your friends, you have to tell us!”
Remus watched James shift uncomfortably and tried to intervene. “Let him be, Padfoot.” Sirius wasn’t having it though, and when James said that he promised not to tell, he responded with, “What, you value your fake friendship with that stick-up-her-ass girl more than us?”
“It’s not a fake friendship,” he weakly fought back. “Don’t call her that.”
Sirius sighed. “I’m sorry Prongs. I didn’t mean to call her that, hell I don’t even know the girl, she’s probably alright. But you’re keeping secrets, it’s not fair.”
You stared in disbelief at the marauder who wasn’t James, having a hook-up in your wardrobe. When he noticed you in the entrance, Sirius merely held his hand up at you in a greeting. “Thanks for letting me borrow this, this is the best spot for not getting caught.”
You backed away and slammed the door shut. James.
“Potter!” you yelled at him when you saw him leave the Gryffindor chambers. Your face was contorted in anger and you were seething.
He looked up at you, happy feeling in his chest and he was itching to show you the paper behind his back.
You stabbed your finger in his chest, effectively wiping the happy grin on his face off. “You promised,” you hissed. James immediately knew what you were talking about. “I’m sorry, I had to tell him,” he tried to justify his actions and you scoffed. “Fuck you,” you spat and walked off.
James stood there, frozen and stared at the empty spot in front of him. His arms hung by his side and he looked down at his essay which wore a big ‘O’ mark and right next to it in Professor McGonagall’s handwriting, ‘Keep this brilliant work up, Mr. Potter.’
James was watching you, sulking. He had made such progress and now it felt as if all those baby steps were for nothing, instead taking eight long strides back. You had closed yourself off again and James was too intimidated by your glares every time he walked in your direction, so he would change directions last minute every time you burned a hole through his head with your eyes.
‘This is so stupid’ he thought to himself when his body automatically steered him away from you again. He mustered up all of his courage and headed straight for you. He would rather face your wrath head on than go back to being strangers. Especially when tomorrow was free period again.
“Is it okay if I talk to you for a moment?” he asked, nervous.
You scanned him up and down. Everything about him looked remorseful, from his posture to dull eyes to his tone when he asked you if he could have a word. You waved at him to take a seat next to you, and he gratefully took the opportunity.
“I’m sorry. I swore I wouldn’t tell and I did and I shouldn’t have. I would go back in time and stop past me from telling Sirius, but I can’t, but I also don’t want to lose you because I meant what I said. This friendship is worth so much to me.” James took a deep breath. “So please let me make amends?” he finished.
James blinked. “Okay?” he dumbly repeated.
“That’s what I said.”
“Wait, so that’s it? No grovelling? No conditions?”
“Would you like me to add conditions?”
“I mean..” James stuttered. “Sure?”
“Fine. Consider this your second chance , even though it technically is your third after your horrid behaviour towards my friends. It’s also your last.” You said that last part sharply. “Do you accept those terms?”
James nodded in relief and agreed. It was only when he laid in bed at night that he realised that he should’ve probably gotten clean on the matter of the bet right when he had the chance. He was on his last chance after all. But it would be alright. He would simply call off the bet and then it would be as if nothing ever happened. No one had to know, no one had to get hurt.
He waited after Transfiguration and grinned at you when you made your way to him. He had really looked forward to spending time with you again at your spot. Even if the marauders knew its location now, too.
“Lead the way, Y/N.”
“I am,” you retorted with a hint of amusement in your voice. James grinned and followed you, only noticing after a while that you were walking around on the third floor instead of the seventh. “Did you find a new spot?” he curiously asked.
“Yes. And no.” James huffed at your vagueness, imploring you to explain. “Let’s just say that Dumbledore got himself off my blacklist.” You turned the corner and moved a portrait to the side. James knew of the passageway. It was moist in there and cold so it hadn’t interested him and his friends very much. But behind the door you just opened, stood your wardrobe.
He looked at it, amazed. “You got Dumbledore to move a wardrobe for you?” he asked incredulously. You slyly smiled but didn’t say anything except for “I did the cleaning myself.”
“So what’s going on with you and James,” Lily curiously asked you. You shrugged and brought your water bottle to your lips. “Kept bothering me into a friendship, I guess.”
Lily laughed. “Well, whatever keeps him away from me,” she joked and you let out an audible laugh. She leaned in towards you. “But if he’s no longer fighting for my attention, but yours, I think it might mean that he fancies you.”
You choked on your water. “Most certainly not!” You strictly assured her and composed yourself. Lily laughed. “No need to get so defensive over his feelings. You make it seem as if I suggested that you fancied him,” she said, chuckling. You turned your head away and she gasped. “Do you fancy him?”
“What’s with all this gossiping and boys talk,” you grumbled, unpleased. “But for the record, I don’t think so.” You stuck your nose up.
“You don’t think so?” Lily repeated. “What do you mean?”
“I gravely appreciate him and I feel very comforted in his presence. We’re friends. It doesn’t mean I fancy him.” You answered. “Besides, I’ve never fancied anyone. Not sure I know what it’s like.”
“Okay, how would you feel if he starts dating someone, right now?”
You pondered over the question for a bit. “I guess he can do whatever he wants, but don’t expect me to share our spot with some random girl,” you said, the last part coming out more bitter than you expected. Huh. ‘Did you fancy James Potter?’ you wondered.
“I fancy her,” James told his friends while they were out in Hogsmeade.
“L/N?” Peter asked. James nodded in affirmation. “Well damn Prongs,” Sirius started. “What happened?”
“Y/N and I are good, I think. We fit and it feels amazing. It seems surprising, but we can talk for hours or sit in silence together without it being weird at all. Everything is comfortable with her, in like the good way,” James struggled to express all his feelings about you.
Sirius whistled. “Almost envious of you, Prongs. What about Evans though?”
James shrugged. “Not the kind of dynamic I want.”
“So are you going to tell her?” Remus asked. James puffed his chest. “Of course. I’m not shy about my feelings. I publicly chased after Lily for years,” he reasoned. But despite his big words, he felt like a nervous wreck. Because what if you rejected him?
James found you in the library. “Is now a good time?” he asked. You sat up straight. Last night, you had done a lot of thinking and came to the conclusion that yes, you fancied James Potter. “Yes, actually. I wanted to talk to you,” you replied. You got up and and started to gather your belongings. James grabbed your books for you and you left the library.
“I fancy you.”
James blinked. Were his ears deceiving him? Were you joking? Did you have a bet of your own going on with someone?
“I’m sorry?” he managed to get out, his voice an octave higher than usual.
“I fancy you,” you stated again. Matter of factly. “I came to the realisation yesterday and they do say honesty is the best policy.” James laughed softly at your sad attempt to lessen the awkward atmosphere.
“I actually wanted to talk to you to say the same thing,” he breathed out in a relieved manner. You stared at him in surprise. Okay. Definitely not what you expected.
“So you fancy me.” You repeated to make sure.
“And you fancy me.” James nodded.
“Do you want to go out with me?” you asked.
James’ heart leaped. He had spent so much time asking that question, he realised that how amazing it felt to hear the question directed at him. He grinned. “Glad you asked, darling. Yes, I’ll go out with you.” He reached out to you carefully wrapped an arm around you. You fully leaned into him in a hug and breathed him in.
“Think our relationship just went up in value.” You mumbled, your words slightly muffled by your face, hidden in his sweater.
You felt him laugh. “Well, we upgraded from friends to couple. How much are we worth now?”
You pretended to think about it. “We’re worth all the money in Gringotts bank.”
“That’s a lot of money,” he hummed.
You had taken James out on a date in the middle of the Gryffindor Quidditch stands at night, after curfew. James was the first to lean in and kiss you and when he did, he practically melted into you, your arms slung over his broad shoulders. He’d muttered something about how lucky he was and you’d told him that he better know it, before admitting that you felt the same way.
After you had left him several hickeys, scattered across his neck, he had insisted on returning the favour. He was only on his second when you two were interrupted by Filch, who had spotted you two. You two ran off to the third floor and decided to hide out in your wardrobe until he was gone all while continuing making out. You and James fell asleep in that position. You on your back on the couch, James draped over you like a weighted blanket with his face nuzzled in your throat, and your legs entangled.
Though very surprised at first, your fellow Hogwarts students quickly got used to the idea of you and James in a relationship. It wasn’t long before you were walking down the corridors together, James hand on your lower back and inching lower. You shot him a warning glare and he bit his check when he splayed his hand over your ass with a cheeky smile. You elbowed him in the ribs, earning a huff and let your hand rest on his ass in turn.
Everything was perfect, which is of course why everything had to become a disaster very quickly. James wasn’t even sure how such a perfect night had turned so horrible. One moment, you were partying, everything had been great, and he had been envisioning you and him for the rest of your lives, and the next, he was pleading with you through a locked door.
“Y/N, we can call you Y/N right?” Sirius had drunkenly slurred. You had rolled your eyes at his antics, but nodded. Though you would never admit it out loud, you appreciated the elder Black.
“I like you. We all like you and we’re happy that it’s you and not Evans anymore,” he mumbled on and he stumbled over his own feet, barely reacting in time to not drop to the floor.
You internally smiled at his words.
“I’m sorry that I was an asshole to you. You’re really great. If I had known, I wouldn’t have targeted your friend group for pranks or risked your feelings by making you part of a stupid bet.”
It was as if the world stopped spinning for a moment, music only barely in the background. “A bet?” you spoke in a dangerously low voice.
Sirius seemed to catch on to your change in demeanour and sobered up at an incredible rate. “Shit, no-“
But you had already turned around to find James, Sirius stumbling behind you to try and stop you.
“How much?” you spat out angrily when you found him. The music was luckily loud enough to hide your argument from other students.
James looked at you, confused. “How much?”
“How much are we worth?”
James frowned at you question. “All the money in Gringotts bank,” he calmly answered you and moved to embrace you, thinking you were just very drunk.
You pushed him away and he stumbled a few steps back.
“No,” you hoarsely responded. “That’s how much I think we’re worth. How much did you bet on me.”
James’ blood ran cold. “I-“ His words opened and closed like a fish. “Because the amount better have been fucking worth it, James,” you cut him off.
You felt numb. “How little?”
“A galleon.”
You nodded and stepped back. “I was wrong,” you shakily breathed out. “You, James Potter, are still cruel.”
James chased you. “Wait, please,” he begged. You ran out of the room, towards the third floor and into the wardrobe hidden behind the door behind the portrait.
James followed you and pulled on the knob to open the wardrobe that you had locked. He sunk down against the doors and took a deep breath.
He had to explain. He had to let you know that you meant everything to him. And that everything was real. Honesty is the best policy after all, right?
“I’m sorry. Darling, I am so sorry. It’s so stupid how it happened. They were saying that I couldn’t get anyone to go out with me and then I accidentally hurt you with the soup incident, so Sirius bet with me that I couldn’t get anyone you to go out with me. I was never planning on hurting you, I swear,“ James rambled.
“I wanted to apologize and make up for your hand anyway. Not that it was out of pity or anything,” he immediately added.
“I did think you were beautiful. I did want to talk to you. And when you rejected me at first, yes, I did want to prove Sirius wrong. But then you were everything. I wanted so desperately to be friends with you because you were right. The bet was stupid, but it was never about money. It was never even about you per se, but I’m so fucking happy that it ended up being you, because I’m in love with you. Please believe me.”
You sucked in a breath at his words. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
James jumped at your voice from the other side of the door. “I wanted to, I really did. But I had already screwed up once and you weren’t going to give me anymore chances, so I thought that if I just never told you and called of the bet, pretending it never happened, I could keep you.” He leaned back against the door, eyes tightly shut. “And if we break up, then I don’t regret it, because the past months with you were perfect,” he whispered.
The door abruptly opened from inside out and he stumbled back, having leaned against it. He looked up at you, hovering above him. He knew you. He knew how to read you and right now, you needed space. “I’ll wait for you,” he said, hesitantly and left you alone.
You needed your friends right now.
When James didn’t see you the next day, he accepted that you didn’t want to see him. But by now, almost an entire week had passed and James and his friends were itching to apologize to you at least once more. He decided to ask Lily where you were and was absolutely not prepared for her answer.
“She went to Beauxbatons.” Lily pursed her lips at the boy in front of her in disdain. She knew what had happened but couldn’t help but pity him a little bit when he looked at her like that. Devastated.
James’ world stopped and for a moment he thought he couldn’t breathe. Did you leave? Had he managed to push you away to a whole different school? He thanked Lily for her answer and sat down at his own desk in a daze. His body moved on autopilot for the next few days. He was falling into a routine that he didn’t like.
During free periods, he hid out in the wardrobe, face up towards the ceiling as he imagined you were lying in his arms right then.
You had been gone for a week and a half and had returned to Hogwarts. Feeling lighter in your heart and decisive steps carrying you towards the Gryffindor Quidditch stands, right on time for the match.
You saw James and your heart jumped. He looked good. He had definitely looked better before, but all in all, he looked good. You bit your lip, suddenly insecure and doubting his promise to wait for you. Another twenty points for Gryffindor and admired James from the distance.
When you had arrived at Beauxbatons, you had wallowed in self pity for a day or two before your friends had pulled you out of it and reasoned with you. Surprisingly on James’ behalf.
You knew they were right. You were madly in love with James and he was undoubtedly madly in love with you too. Though it had all started off as a bet, how could you stay upset when it only brought you and James together.
James eyes scanned through the crowd, automatically trailing to the spot where you two had been sitting and kissed during your first date. He had to do a double take when he saw you in the crowds and almost fell off his broomstick when he rubbed his eyes with both hands to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
He started making his way towards you when his eyes locked onto the golden snitch. His eyes flickered between you and the snitch, but you had seen it too, so you flashed him a grin. His shoulders relaxed, and he started the chase.
“Darling?” James appeared in the doorway to the boy’s changing rooms.
“James,” you nodded. You were smiling at him, and your warm, inviting tone had him move forward until you were within reach.
“I’ve missed you so much, I thought I lost you.”
“Hm, you’re just lucky that I really really love you too.” You sassed back. James was in front of you in two big steps. “Yeah?” he asked a twinkle in his eye. “Just like that? No grovelling? No conditions?”
You kissed him. “Would you like me to include grovelling?” you laughed at him.
“Yeah actually. You see, I’ve already prepared at least eight different ways to make up to you.”
He pressed his lips to yours again.
“Get a room!” Sirius yelled and you shot him a sour look. He held up his hands in surrender, a shit eating grin still present on his face.
“Fine, but don’t expect your captain back for the celebratory party. He’s mine tonight,” you shot back.
“And every other night, I hope?” James coyly smiled at you. You shook your head in amusement and dragged him away, hand slipping to rest on his ass, his own hand finding its way to yours.
“Lead the way, Darling.”
@elsie-bells @charlie-weasley-is-underrated @dreamingofmarauders @moonyslibrary98 @wildernessflora @hollandweather @queerqueenlynn @locklyebrainrot @thisrandombitch @moonys0chocolate @grac3aph3lion @someonesuggestmeaname @mel-yldrm @yrseline @apiec @earfquak3 @yourvvenicebitch @venomsvl @leyla-ravenclaw @spacedangel @darrarii @shrekscrustybudassy @unsleptwriter @middle-of-the-earth @sirene-noir @bettytaylorversion @littlepoisonmushroom @faumpje @iloveutwice @katelebate @moonysupremacy01 @marina468 @fangirl-kimora @bellesowl @badasswlthafatass @sjprongs
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k4marina · 5 months
this was supposed to be a drabble, but fuck it, we ball.
bassed off of this.
warnings: gotham. moral of the story is don’t walk the streets of gotham alone at night
"i don't get it," you say into the phone that's pressed in between your ear and shoulder. your best friend on the other line hums in agreement. "it's like he's living like a double life y'know? rich corporate dude by day, and then some sort of street thug by night."
she laughs on the other end. "that would be an interesting movie plot. but for real, i'm glad that i'm not in your shoes, no offense-"
"none taken,"
"-i'd drive myself insane trying to figure out who my soulmate was."
you shake your head, smiling, "careful, keep talking like that and you'll end up in arkham."
her laugh fades for a second before coming back to the phone. "speaking of which, has your little thug boyfriend run across the batman yet?"
you shake your head, not that she can see anyways, "no, not yet. i wonder what that would be like though. maybe then he'd stop running around in the streets like an idiot."
"a little intervention by the bats?"
"totally," you laugh. you glance back at the little wall clock you had, groaning. "i'm gonna have to go, gotta head to work. talk to you tomorrow?"
"okay, stay safe, byeee," you could hear the sound of her kissing on the other end, you doing the same before ending the call and getting ready for work.
by the time 4 am had rolled around you had finished your shift and were steadily making your way back home. was it risky to walk alone in the dead of night in gotham? yes. but at least you have your pepper spray.
the streets are dimly lit, casting an orange hue onto the pavement. the second you turn the corner you could already tell something was off. your hand reaches into the bag, pulling out your pepper spray, uncapping it.
your eyes shift around, scanning the area in front of you when a hand reaches out, pulling you back by your shoulder. you hit the persons chest, instinctively pulling back to see who it was.
some street thug who looked like he hasn't taken a shower in days gives you an eerie smile, sending shivers down your body and paralyzes you.
"don't cha' know betta then to walk around at night?" his nasally voice makes you want to recoil into yourself. his rancid cigarette breath doesn't help when he speaks up again.
"hey, i'm talkin' ta yah. you not gon' answer me." he steps forward and you step back in fear. "what? you think you too fuckin' good?"
he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a switchblade. "no like's a fuckin' bitch, yeah?"
before he could do anything, he stops, looking past you. you find the courage to turn, craning your head at the shadowy figure, spotting the symbol on his chest.
his eyes lock onto yours and you take a sigh of relief. he grunts, softly grasping your shoulder and pushes you behind him. only, when his hand makes contact with you, a white flash comes over your eyes and when it all fades away your met with the thugs face.
except, it's like you're in another persons body.. sort of how when you and your soulmate see out of the others eyes...
you watch as the thug gets beaten into a pulp in an all familiar way, now finally taking notice of the gloves he always wore and how thee thug rasps his name.
by the time the beating is finished your sight has returned to you and you stare into batman's back, your heart racing. he turns, and by the look in his eyes he knows too. he steps back to leave, but you're quicker.
"wait," you reach out, your hand just briefly making contact with his gloved hand. but it's enough for your sight to switch, momentarily seeing your own shocked face from a higher angle.
it was the batman.
"no fucking way," is all you're able to say. your soulmate wasn't a rich street thug.
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i tired to make the creepy dude have a new york /jersey accent, but i've never written one before so it's probably shit lol.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
sad avery head canons
@ariscats requested this in a comment under my sad grayson hcs, and i'm more than happy to do it for my fav girl avery. trigger warning for self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and sexual assault. pls don't read if this might trigger you, and if you ever need help, there are helplines you can contact for free. family and friends are obviously also an option (if you'd rather talk to a stranger, you can always dm me (or whoever you feel comfortable with) <3). sorry if some of this doesn't make sense. i wrote this at 1 am. hope you enjoy<3.
avery used to pull out a guitar (cause i hc she can play the guitar) and sing songs for her mom when she was on her death bed
she now visits her mom's grave and does the same thing. she sings her mom's favorite songs on the verge of tears (if she isn't already crying).
avery used to wear an elastic band around her wrist and would snap it repeatedly until her wrist became sore and red (it didn't always make her stop though) when she was feeling overwhelmed or did smth she deemed wrong.
whenever avery would drive across bridges or anything really high up, she would think about jumping off of it.
she used to get her mom or libby to help her bake cookies that she would bring to school to try to get people to become her friend (it never worked)
she used to eat lunch in the back of the courtyard in a secluded place most of the time bc no one wanted to eat with her (until she met max obviously)
i'm currently rereading tig and i can't help but notice how uncomfortable she becomes when someone touches her so i hc drake or some other random creep sexually assaulted her once (or multiple times) and that's the reason why she seems so uncomfortable with physical touch.
she used to cry in her mom's arms wondering why she wasn't good enough for people to want to be her friend
when her and libby were struggling to get by and couldn't afford food, she would save the food for libby and not eat (she would tell her she ate at the diner she worked at but didn't)
when she realized, at the age of six, that her father was a piece of shit who didn't actually want her, she started trying to find faults in her to explain why this might be (she thought that if she could 'fix' herself, her father might want her)
she sometimes purposely gives herself papercuts when she feels really numb just to make herself feel something
when she would live in her car, she would sometimes continuously bash her head on the steering wheel wishing her life could be different.
when she was younger, to get people to like her, she would give them everything she had. she would do their homework for them, would cover for them when they wanted to cause trouble in the school, etc, but, in the end, it was always temporary
whenever she comes across someone who looks like sheffield grayson she freezes up in fear/shock. a little voice in her head tells her she's in danger and they'll hurt her.
after all of the almost-death experiences she's been through, she developed a panic disorder (this is already sort of confirmed) that she has to treat with pills.
she sometimes takes the haters' comments to heart (the comments about her weight, etc). she would start telling herself that skipping one meal wouldn't hurt. jameson noticed really early on though and stopped her before it became too severe.
she's convinced people would be better off without her and that she only causes pain and destruction everywhere she goes (bc of what happened with toby)
she actually hates getting drunk because it reminds her too much of her father. jameson started to notice that she would get really uncomfortable whenever he got drunk so he started to drink less. when he did drink though, he made sure it wasn't enough to get drunk.
because of everyone comparing her to emily, she's convinced herself that she's just jamie's second option and she'll never measure up (personality wise, looks wise, everything). jamie and her talked about it a lot and she's now less insecure.
she gets terrified when she hears noises at night bc she's convinces someone's there to hurt her
she forgives people so easily bc she desperately wants people to actually like her.
in the books she says she doesn't allow herself to want to want things bc it could potentially distract her/hurt her. i also think she doesn't allow herself to want things bc she doesn't think she deserves to want anything.
when she's in a stressful situation or she's having a panic attack, she'll start scratching her arms really roughly until they start to bleed to get herself to focus on anything other than the stress/panic.
the scratches on her arms became too obvious so she started scratching her sides instead.
she can't watch any tv shows with violence/war bc the loud sounds remind her too much of the shooting.
one of the reasons why she realized her father was a piece of shit was bc, once, he got way too drunk and slapped her. that was sort of like the catalyst for her.
bc she grew up so isolated, she's afraid of emotional and physical intimacy. she's afraid she'll start liking feeling loved/close to someone too much since she believes it'll never last (jamie showed her she was wrong)
i'm an averyjameson stan so don't take this the wrong way but avery was affected by jamie thinking of her as only a game way more than she lets on. even after they got together, she was paranoid that he had ulterior motives.
she blames herself whenever something goes wrong in the foundation or hawthorne house even when she had nothing to do with the problem.
she's extremely paranoid when it comes to locking her bedroom door and stuff like that bc of how often her privacy is invaded.
i said this in another post but, especially before she inherited the money, she would sometimes smoke weed to lessen the stress she felt for a little while.
she hates going to sleep bc her sleep is always invaded by horrendous nightmares. it became so bad she ended up in the hospital (jamie was absolutely terrified and made her promise to talk to him more).
she has this one stuffed animal that her mom gave her not long before she passed that she cries into whenever she feels like her life is going to shit.
before she inherited the money, she was actually near her breaking point. she was seriously considering if staying alive was actually worth it.
before she inherited the money, she used to count on her fingers how many people would miss her when she died to convince herself to stay alive (the number was never more than three). the fact that the number was so low made her feel even shittier and made her spiral.
her grief for her mom is so intense sometimes she can't get out of bed. she doesn't eat, sleep, drink water, etc. alisa had to contact a therapist/psychiatrist to help avery get out of bed.
to end on a brighter note, here's a happy avery head canon:
she used to dance all the time when she was younger. she would pull out her mom's phone, start playing some music, and jump around waving her tiny little arms everywhere whilst singing along. she would pretend she was a popstar. her mom would film her and send the videos to libby. the brothers have seen all of them bc libby showed them.
not proof read so i apologize for any spelling mistakes<3. again, pls contact someone/helpline if you ever need help. speaking from experience, things tend to get better. sending everyone lots of love (and my girl avery).
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littledigits · 3 months
What is your take on the current animation industry and the way its heading for AI and job hiring? Ngl its looking a little bleak and I would love to hear your insight!
HOO. This is going to be a long one, but good question. Please keep in mind I am but one person with my one opinion.
I'm going to give you a little context to what was leading up to the job bust, the shit reality, and the hopeful conclusion.
Its always been a completive industry and unfortunately it will more-so for the next little while, even compared to when I graduated. The reality is, the animation industry GREW SO MUCH over the streaming services greenlighting projects to a point where I was like . WHERE ARE ALL THESE CARTOONS GOING. It felt like we went from nothing to a ton and was amazing that so much work was going around (looking back we see why it was too good to be true) A lot of schools and studios responded to this by growing as well. This means while it may recover, I dont see a way that it could reach the highs we had in the 2015-2021 period - because that wasn't representative of a sustainable model or a model they were planning on sticking with forever.
So the streaming bubble popped, and a lot of the reason why it popped was because streaming wasn't as lucrative when everyone joins in. This is the reality of working under the umbrella of Hollywood companies. Mergers happened, projects got pulled - and it probably wouldn't have seemed as big if we didn't have THE MOST JOBS EVER like, just a year before. It was a big rug pull. With the huge growth came a steep fall and all of it because of bad investments and choices of the people with the money. aka, we all wanted to chase someone elses idea thats making money for them and it didnt pay off - which leads me to AI.
While AI is scary and will do/is doing damage, it will not last forever. The industry only looks like its heading this way because the people who like AI are desperate to make it work, so they're pushing at it from all angles despite no AI company being profitable. ( once companies see that its not going to make them money they will drop it ) Its really nothing but a glorified pattern and predictive text machine that of course looks impressive when you feed it oodles of data. People who live on linked in and drink management courses like its water think that sort of shit is impressive, but they dont actually know how it works and just buy into the tech industry hype cycle . What we're seeing is them trying to make fetch happen, and it wont. (some useful bits will stay around but it doesnt 'think', a lot of this is just pure fakery)
You can trace a lot of things that lost jobs to bad investments from people higher up, who just jump around to different jobs when they make a mistake, or just simply get a bonus.
Its a symptom of the greater issue which is the monopoly of people in media and tech, which have been merging over the years with digital streaming. Lack of regulation in industries since the 80s has lead to a lot of the shit you see all around you, and it starts to be controlled by people who only want numbers goup. Overall , I think the animation industry in north America is entirely too controlled by the major studios and broadcasters, and that's going to be a tricky thing to navigate since they're very mask off about what their intentions are at this point. Its a growth-at-all-cost mindset that leads to things like AI, so while im confidant that what we see as 'ai' will die , we do have to realize as artists that as long as these people are in charge they will always try to find a way to cut the bottom line and not invest in the industry.
Its totally reasonable to feel bleak, but that's the intent. They want people to have to settle for less, and they want them to forget a time that it was better. Demoralization is part of the tactics, and 'starving' people out of jobs so they're easier to negotiate with is extremely common and pretty much what is happening right now. And this is exactly why you're seeing more union push from lots of industries because we're ALL being taken advantage of here. While it feels hopeless, this actually puts us much more in line with the artists and storytellers before us. They were up against the same people fighting the same fight, they were just called communists haha. Different words, same tactics, but the history of moments like this in the entertainment industry is more common then the shiny package we tend to grow up idolizing . ( its good to admire but we do often put these products up on a pedestal to our detriment )
The industry will survive, and it will change into something different which is GOOD. Because what it is right now, while workable and still full of things I enjoy - is NOT sustainable. And if we want to keep the skills of 2d animation, stop motion or any sort of creative trade to continue, we NEED sustainability. This is why collective action is so important, and so is diversity in the amounts of media we have! For example
And while there are ups and downs regardless if you work in a small studio or a large one, I am hopeful that the conversations I've been seeing will spark change. Because as sucky as it is , compared to the rest of my time in the industry ( i think im on like 16 or 17 years now ) , I've never seen so much engagement or even discussion on the topic which says a lot. I think as artists we are always up for putting a lot of hard work into our skills, I think if enough of us point that passion into our community and collective action, we can start building an industry that does not have such a power imbalance, and that starts with community, education and engagement ! ( learning about the history of unions/animation/hollywood/workers rights,and then sharing that stuff! just through convo like this !) I hope this gives you some perspective, its something we're going to have to work at, but not something that is impossible. A lot of how the animation industry functions is not great, but what matters is that we work to make it better and the people who HAVE been doing that work are the ones that you want to find. They are the people with the proactive solutions to show you how to take power back. It helps fight the bleak feeling <3 tldr :
the solution is that as much as it sucks we try to make it better for those who come after us - and you can be involved in that job or not ! even just by supporting or being aware. This isnt animation is all careers, we're all effected by the same thing.
never forget.
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littlelesbinonny · 5 months
The Devil's Den
Chapter 45: In Which Quicksand Is Less Than Quick
You can read this also on Ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46831621/chapters/117962293
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"Don't make it weird."
"What do you mean?"
"Just... don't make it weird."
"Make what weird?!"
Cassandra gave Daniela a look as she sucked her blood cocktail through the glass straw in her tall cup, tilting her head causing the messy bun atop to flop, "when they come out tonight; don't. Make it. Weird."
Daniela narrowed her eyes still leaning on the marble countertop with a near-scowl at her sister, "why do you think I'm going to make it weird? When did I give the inclination I'm going to make it weird?"
"You haven't," Bela added with a sly smile, "you just tend to get excited about stuff. Sometimes weirdly excited."
Daniela pushed herself off the countertop and threw her hands in the air with some exasperation, "is weird my new default adjective? When have I ever made something so weird that you two speak of?"
Cassandra and Bela exchanged glances.
"Dani." The brunette enunciated.
"CUH-SAAAWN-DRUH." Daniela exaggerated back.
"Dude!" Bela hissed, "shhh, they are still sleeping - let it go -" she pointed at them both, then to Cassandra, "don't be a pest," pointing now to Daniela, "just be chill... k?"
Daniela tsked, "I will, god," she huffed leaning back down onto the countertop, "am I like the only one interested in mom's new girlfriend?"
"No, I'm excited to get to know her," Bela replied, "this one is clearly not going anywhere and I, for one, am happy for mother. She will more than likely be a big part of our lives now, at least, if she isn't ready to run from her first introduction to our world." She giggled.
"Yeah, Mother Miranda certainly gave her a dramatic welcoming, if you can call it that. Not sure how I'd feel getting sucked into a war that had nothing to do with me, then have to kill said person who sucked me in, tried to kill me, and then... yeah wow, what the fuck, that poor girl is probably traumatized as shit."
With a large dramatic sigh Cassandra pulled her other knee up to her chest on the bar stool and put her glass down on the counter, tugging at her oversized forest green zip-up hoodie back around her angled shoulder, "most likely, and with what they both went through the last three days I'll actually be a little surprised if they make it out of the bedroom tonight." She wiggled her eyebrows playfully at her sisters.
"Ew. Gross. Why."
"Oooo, so they didn't do any of the nasty last night?" Cass grinned at the redhead, "I figured with your bedroom being the closest you'd have - "
"Oh! My fuck!" Daniela spat, "No! I didn't hear anything. That's the last thing I'd ever be listening for, Jesus."
Cassandra cackled and Bela shook her head.
Waking up to Alcina like this was a whole new sort of feeling.
You were in her bed, in her home, in the underworld, safe under her watch and care.
Some sort of twisted invigoration spurred through you, and with that sleep drunk smile on your face you nuzzled back into her with a sigh of contentment. This really felt like home.
"Mmm," Alcina hummed sleepily herself, "my mighty warrior, awake..." she grinned with her eyes still closed as she wrapped her arms about you tightly, brushing her lips over the top of your head nestled under her chin, "have you slept well?"
Nodding mutely, you took a deep breath and sighed, "you?"
She hummed low in her chest and it rattled lusciously against your cheek.
"When you are in my arms, the dead have nothing on me."
You chuckled, still very groggy, "I give the term sleeping like the dead new meaning, huh?"
"Definitely new and improved."
Pressing your face further under her neck, you relished how relaxed and comfortable you were, knowing if you were to stay here for much longer you'd likely pass back out. It didn't sound like too bad of an idea, really. Before you'd both climbed into bed, you were worried about getting back to your life above ground; stressing over what kind of mess you would be facing to clean up. Now, in the bliss of this, you were on the brink of forgetting it all.
"What time is it?" you eventually uttered begrudgingly against yourself.
Alcina, just as procrastinating as you, lazily looked to the golden clock on the far wall in the dim light and squinted, "it appears to be midnight."
"Dammit all," you mumbled, "I don't want to go."
"So don't," Alcina replied softly, "stay. You needn't leave for any reason unless you just want to."
Again you sighed and closed your eyes, "just up and leave my life like aliens abducted me?"
"Why not?"
A stupidly completely valid point. So valid you couldn't, or maybe perhaps didn't want to, counter it with reason. Were you really going to go back to your job? Your desk prison? What was left up there in the human world aside from Malka? Nothing would ever be the same now.
"Listen, you're taking advantage of my sleepy state and making too much sense. I've at least got to go get my plants and clothes."
Alcina chuckled deliciously and rolled you over, peppering you with slow sweet kisses everywhere, "draga mea, I can't help but indulge my selfishness," her nose nuzzled your earlobe, "I promised to take you home, and so I shall, as much as I'd like to keep you here. Decisions can be made later, if you must keep me pining."
"Well I certainly don't want to be the cause of you pining."
"Oh," she moaned, "but you're sooo good at it dragoste."
You both giggled and gave into the last few minutes of unbothered happiness before finally rising and getting ready. Well, Alcina got ready, you made a half-effort attempt at just making yourself presentable to make it out of the underground and to your apartment.
Though, you did get to watch your lady of the night dress and put on her makeup, and that was a treat that made the choice of choosing to live down here so much more tempting.
She was meticulous but fast in all her application. Now whether that was from your necessity to get home or just how she did this every night you weren't sure, but the woman had you captivated in the simple tasks and you blushed without regret when she caught you studying her in the mirror.
Alcina smirked through her last swipe of red lipstick and hummed, "see something you like?"
Her voice was cool and tinted with the bedroom tone that made you all but swoon, and you shook your head through a nasally huff, "only everything," you smiled.
Rising from the vanity bench, you took your bottom lip between your teeth as she stood before you now fully prepared to take on the night. She wore a pair of loose black pleated pants, much like the ones she'd taken Mother Miranda down in, looking flawless as she did, and a maroon chiffon blouse that was tucked into said trousers with a simple yet elegant black belt with a gold buckle cinched around her waist. If the underworld had a Miranda Priestley, Alcina would be it. She looked like an unintended seductress; too regal, too beautiful, to not be completely dangerous.
Alcina smirked and sauntered over to you perched on the chez lounge, leaned down and took your chin into her grasp, "you make this too easy." She sighed as she kissed you through a smile.
"What?" You inquired as you caught her glimmering grey hues.
"Adoring you."
Her daughters were in the kitchen as you two were leaving, and it seemed they were even more awkward about the whole thing than you were, at least in Daniela's case. She knocked over her wine glass on the attempt to straighten her posture and address you and her mother as you passed. Alcina merely rolled her eyes as she went to grab her trench coat.
"I shall return shortly, girls." She stated, trying to hide her amused grin.
Tangled 'ok's' and 'mhm's' were muttered in response. Cassandra and Bela gave you kind nods and small smiles. Daniela gave a weak, unsure kind of wave of her hand and more of a toothy grin, and then Alcina was tugging you by the arm out of the manor.
You did not ask for clarification on that situation.
Meanwhile, not moments after the door had latched, Cassandra grinned smartly. 
"Told you you were going to make it weird."
"Oh shut up!"
Bela with a huff and loud eyeroll, she removed herself from the counter, leaving her sisters there to do as they may and headed upstairs to the turret.
Now that you were able to really take in your surroundings, the underworld city of vampires and lycans was seriously impressive. The cavern in which this place was so intricately built made you genuinely question what else about life was hidden under human noses. To think that an entire city hid under the bustling state that was New York made you feel childlike in the wonder of it all; a world within a world that no one knew about. You loved it. It was so beautiful, so terrifying, and so meticulously kept. There was no trash to be found in any corner, nothing broken, or run-down, no stains on the cobblestone or cracks in the sidewalks, let alone the buildings that still looked brand new aside from their ole world architecture. And, there was no vegetation either you realized. The street lamps were bright, and the buildings emitted light of their own from windows, but there was no natural occurring light down here at all. It was a little claustrophobic at first, but overall it was a wonderous sight. 
As the two of you walked, you noticed it was rather empty and quiet. Either everyone was still slumbering or they were out in the city feeding or doing whatever it is vampires and lycans do. Eventually you did pass a couple vampires as you got closer to the edge of the city; their glances were long yet attempted to be understated as they eyed you, but shallow bows were offered in silence as Alcina lead you on.
She held your arm on hers proudly without any noticeable disturbance from how they gazed at the two of you. You smiled. That aura of pure prowess of hers emanated at great length.
Getting out of the underground was even more intriguing to you since you'd been unconscious when Miranda's heathens brought you here. The tunnels were pitch black in some areas as you went and you held just a little tighter to Alcina's arm. You couldn't see it but you were pretty sure she was smirking stoutly at your literal blind trust.
As light began to syphon slowly down the current corridor you walked, your eyes adjusted accordingly and your grip loosened, and before long you were coming up several sets of stairs and into the belly of a church. This must be St. Patrick's. The events that took place last time you were here set off the tumbling of dominoes that oddly enough lead you to this very moment. You wondered how that situation had been handled and if -
"What in Gods name has been happening?!"
A voice halted you and Alcina with a jerk.
Alcina didn't miss a beat.
"Ah, and good evening to you as well, Father."
A disheveled looking priest was now in front of the both of you, his wide bloodshot eyes and tired expression trying to hide under the facade of, well, several expressions. You recognized him from before and he looked even worse for wear than last time.
"What has happened?!" The father asked again, throwing his gaze between the two of you, finally setting to staring at Alcina as though he was parched, "I've had to shut the church down for two days! The - the - those things! Hundreds of them! Came barreling through here! And the rumbling and - and - explosions? Th-the sounds coming up from the tunnels! I've not had any sleep - I haven't left - I sent everyone home - I -"
"Father," Alcina said, halting his rambling and heavy breath, "rest assured, everything has been handled."
His face went blank before erupting into another twisted grimace, "what does everything mean!?"
Alcina, in a most uncharacteristic fashion, placed her palm on the priests shoulder and squeezed it softly, "you will give yourself a heart attack if you do not relax," she mused, tilting her chin upwards slightly before taking another paused breath, eying him intently, "the everything of which I speak is that very threat we all faced. The ones who mauled and killed your deacon? Well, they have been neutralized. It's over, Father."
Watching the worry and tension melt off of him was nearly comical. You weren't sure if he was going to collapse to the floor by the news and you glanced up carefully to Alcina who looked all the more pillar-like as she seemed to hold this man together somehow.
"Oh..." the word fluttered from his parted lips, "I... that is... that is wonderful news," he sighed and dropped his gaze most heavily, "I feared the worst... the silence over the last several hours has had me on edge - I - I assumed those... white-eyed creatures would emerge from the underground again and it would be over."
Straightening her spine, Alcina cocked an eyebrow, "Father Sullivan," she uttered slyly, though you could hear the hint of playfulness, "that might be the most hurtful thing you've ever said to me."
You watched as the horror and worry returned to his face as he peered to Alcina with his jaw dropped again in the need to defend himself.
Alcina grinned most eagerly, "to think we, and I, have defended this world and your church for so long, and you assume some fancy-fangled new breed of vampire could swoop in and take us down?" She placed both hands on her hips and huffed, "I must say I'm a little disappointed in you."
Her wink finally lessened the leash of his fear again. 
He started to laugh, taking his quivering hands and running them along his weathered cheeks with a smile emerging, "I doubt I will ever be able to fully follow your wicked calm and sense of humor, Lady Dimitrescu, but I am grateful to you, as I always have been, despite our differences and disagreements."
"Think nothing of it, Father. Relax. As I have told you many, many times in the past, you are far too uptight for your own good. Everything is under control. You are safe, your priests and deacons are safe, your church is safe. And now, I really must be getting this lovely lady home." She smiled over at you.
"Oh, oh yes," he sputtered and swallowed, nodding at you with a weak smile, "forgive me, how rude I have been," he outstretched his hand for you to shake, "I am Father Sullivan... and you are?"
You took his hand but before you could reply, Alcina was introducing you for you, proudly.
"And she is half the reason for the armies defeat and that we are all safe... she is to pass freely in and out of your church without question."
Father Sullivan nodded, "yes, of course. You may come and go as you please. The side door where Alcina will lead you is always unlocked for her kind, you may use it the same."
Alcina smiled once more before taking your arm in hers, "thank you, Father. Now go home and rest. I will visit you soon to discuss matters."
You could tell he was far too exhausted to say anything else. He folded his hands in front of him, bowed his head graciously, and then you parted ways.
Your apartment looked very much the same as you left it. But the notifications on your phone were anxiety inducing. 
16 missed calls and 4 voicemails. Work, Malka, and your co-worker Blair. Oh boy.
While you were looking through your texts and listening to your voicemails, Alcina was checking to make sure all locks on your windows and doors were still operational and nothing was broken from your kidnapping. Perhaps the best of news was that everything seemed fine.
She turned to you as you sighed heavily while leaning against your kitchen counter, plopping your phone onto the surface while rubbing your face with aggravation.
"That bad?" she asked resting her hand on your shoulder, eyeing you sincerely.
"It's not so much bad, it's just chaotic," you mumbled, finally locking eyes with her, "everyone is freaking out that I've vanished. I've been gone two days, going on three. Blair said my boss is reaching out to authorities, soooo I've gotta come up with some kind of story as to where I've been, and dear god I do not want to deal with police. I have no idea what I'm going to tell everyone. And then there's Malka who is worried as hell, especially since she... erm, well, knows about you and what's kinda been going on. I texted her first and told her to call me when she wakes up."
Alcina narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips, trailing her hand down your back while leaning on the counter next to you, "let me worry about the police," she instructed, "I'll deal with that if your employer has contacted them."
You tossed your eyes to her with confusion, "how?"
"Draga mea, you forget already how far my reach is?" She smirked, "the deep city officials and our kind have worked together for over a century, remember? Who do you think has to play clean-up whenever a vampire or lycan gets out of line and causes a disturbance? Don't worry about them, I will take care of it for you."
Shaking your head with a bit of relief, you chuckled at her, "you never fail to blow my mind."
"A cherished pastime," Alcina smiled brighter, grabbing for your hands and holding them to her lips, "now, about your story."
Staring with a sigh, you shrugged your shoulders, "I'm drawing a blank. I'm a shit tier liar."
"Mmm... perhaps you were struck by a vehicle in a crosswalk and have been in the hospital. You of course asked said hospital to call your work, but we all know the incompetence of the medical profession from time to time, so the call was never made, therefore it isn't your fault you've been "missing", but you are mending and will likely need... two, three weeks off work to recover?"
Her twinkling eyes and greedy smile made you giggle, not to mention the decently detailed story fabrication.
"Have you been concocting this for a while?" You chuckled.
Alcina grinned, "the walk may have given way to some inspiration."
"And I'm sure the two to three week recovery period has everything to do with my injury and not your ploy to spend more time with me, right?"
"What an insinuation!" Alcina pursed her lips, "of course it has to do with your injuries. You may have a horrible concussion, draga! Perhaps whiplash, broken bones even? The possibilities of such an accident really are endless... you may even need a month to fully recover, but I must speak to your doctor to be sure."
You were fully laughing now, "and who might my doctor be, ma'am?"
"Well that would be the Attending Physician Dr. Beneviento; Donna Beneviento, draga mea - we've known each other for many years, you know. She's brilliantly smart, one hell of a physician."
Her unwavering smile made the majority of your worry dissipate as the story did hold merit if it could be pulled off.
"So what, you give Donna a call; give her the details; she works her magic, and poof - I have a doctors note?"
Alcina nodded, "that's about it, yes. Just say the word and it is done."
"Well, this makes more sense than anything I could probably come up with. I guess it's a couple week long recouperation for me under your, erm, Dr. Benevientos' watchful care, huh?"
"Mm yes, I think so."
"Good," you said as a twinkling of mischief appeared in your own yes, "that'll give me plenty of time to get my shit in order and for you and Malka to meet."
The sharp turn that sentence gave Alcina played out perfectly and you were fighting your urge to laugh. Watching her struggle with the glee that you were free for several weeks to a very clear 'damn you' was everything you needed right now.
Draping your arms over her shoulders you kissed her cheek over and over, "I think it's cute."
"Mmm?" She hummed, securing her hands on your lower back.
"Your jealousy."
'"I am not jealous," Alcina replied all to quickly, looking at your smirking face inches from her, desperately trying to believe her own lie, "I am simply protective."
It was your turn to raise your eyebrow, "well then meeting her should put all of that at ease."
Doing all she could not to roll her eyes, Alcina narrowed them and pulled you tightly against her, kissing your lips light and tender, "if it pleases you, draga mea... I shall."
"It would please me greatly."
Kissing her through another smile you sighed once more, feeling like there was some control back in your grasp.
Alcina returned the smirk, but hesitated to let go of you, "I suppose this means I need to get back to the underworld and speak with Donna," she sighed, "my life is going to be very interesting over the next few weeks... will you be staying here?"
You tilted your head in contemplation briefly, "maybe I should until it mellows out down there?"
"Your presence will more than likely be demanded when the clan leaders show up in groves."
Your eyes bugged, "I have to meet more leaders? Didn't I already do that?" 
"Only the local branches of my area, the rest will undoubtedly be on their way as the news of Mother Miranda's death reaches far and wide. Remember, there are nine clans."
Your head spun for a second, "wait, I thought the council members that I met were those leaders?"
"Mm, no draga, those are the local heads of this particular section of the underworld; vampire and lycan. The ones I speak of are like me; matriarchs and patriarchs of their own cities."
"Oh god," you dropped your head, "I dunno if I'm cut out for vampire politics."
Alcina chuckled brightly, "you aren't being put on trial dragoste, that will be for Ethan and Mia. You will simply be a local celebrity, as it were. You helped me take down one of the oldest and most infamous of our kind... that in itself, outside the fact you are a mysterious creature yourself, will have curious admirers dying to meet you."
Your visage flattened, "a terrible, terrible pun."
She kissed the tip of your nose, "if I must meet Malka -"
"That is COMPLETELY diff - "
Alcina placed a long slender finger to your lips and smiled, "you'll be wonderful and well received, I promise you."
The scowl you bore weakened and you huffed once more through her immobilizing beauty, "Un. Fair. You forget I'm just a boring tiny human in a big world of beautiful vampires and fearsome lycans. I'm not used to the glamourous, big to-do's you all... do, or whatever."
"Dragoste," she cooed, "you are not human, and the life you have lived has not been kind nor nurturing of you and your power. You - are a mighty Fae - and the world in which I govern is more for you than I think you might realize. Give it a chance. Believe me, it is not all grandeur and glory. But being with those more of your calibre might suit you."
You considered her words. Maybe she was right.
"It's still scary," you admitted, "I feel like a flopping fish out of water in pretty much every aspect of my life right now... I haven't had a lot of time to really digest it and... it's pretty surreal. Everything has happened so fast. I was like, normal last spring, before I met you," you teased, "then I find out vampires are real. I fall in love with you. I start to change and have no idea what's happening. Malka tells me I'm magickal - then all of a sudden my powers show up - THEN mutant vampires attack your city, we take on a deranged vampire and kill her, aaaand now life is supposed to... what, go back to normal? What the fuck even is normal now?"
Her smile was soft as she caressed the side of your face, "I understand. You're right, what is normal? But you have me. And... Malka, and Donna, and even Karl, Angie, and anyone else you choose to confide in - you won't be alone in the journey, draga mea. I am with you the whole way."
The surrealness really was setting in now that you'd said it out loud. Grasping it was harder than holding sand.
You plopped your head into Alcina's chest and held her tight, "thank you... It feels so strange."
Alcina understood the conundrum well. She too had her whole life flipped upside-down. From one moment dying in bed, to a choice that gave her immortality. How does one not go mad at the thought?
"If it is any consolation, you aren't strange. You are simply walking a very unique path now," she squeezed you firmly, "a whole new world and life is at your fingertips."
While it felt like a blip of an eternity had gone by standing in your kitchen embraced by your vampire in silence, you pulled back and looked at her, "so... what now?"
"As I said earlier, I need to get back to speak with Donna to get your work off your back. Then find out what knots in the city need untangled, deal with the mutant problem, see the hidden underground where Miranda was hiding all this time with said mutants, and meet with the clan leaders as they show up. There will also be a very interesting trial for Miranda's little nuisance minions; Mia and Ethan."
Her wicked glimmer of a smile said without words she couldn't wait for that. 
Once more Alcina traced her finger over the side of your face, "if I don't see you until then, I will be here tomorrow night." She then eyed you firmly, "what do you need from me until then, draga mea?"
"Nothing, you've got it under control babe. I'll wait patiently for my Queen of the Underworld to return to me."
She scoffed, but smiled, "more power was everything I didn't want, and now look at me."
"I think it's kinda hot."
"You would," she shook her head, cupping your face, "and indulging you is hard to resist."
Upon reentering the underground, Alcina reached into her trench coat pocket and retrieved her small brass cigarette case; plucked one from the lip and lit it with a similar lighter as she walked, eyeing her surroundings with a new sensation.
This was all hers now. Untampered. Without an absent thumb pressing down upon her any longer.
She would reign over her people with more understanding and openness than ever before. Her hands would no longer be tied by a tyrant who wanted her to bake her a cake with half the ingredients. These were her people, all of them, and she would do all she could to be the leader they all deserved and more; not for her vanity, but for the good of their livelihood and the future that was inevitable. Her role didn't seem so cumbersome anymore. Somehow, in the dramatic events that had occurred, she felt sturdy and honored with her title. The once looming threat of her silent, lurking enemies seemed far from her now. She didn't feel the poisonous glances she'd experienced for the last several decades, no, she felt no lingering trace of danger at all. She'd made her stake. Her claim. A bloody, deadly demand for respect that would echo for centuries to come. If one were to be so bold to challenge her now, somewhere in the depths of her soul she felt no qualms with fear or hesitance. Why that was she may never know, but it felt good either way.
Change would come, and she would meet and forge it. And she wanted you by her side through it. If it were at all possible.
Turning down the cobblestone towards City Hall in her quest to find Donna, Alcina heard commotion as she approached the inner city. She came to find several groups of vampire and lycan alike, huddled and gathered around large amounts of stone and construction gear, blueprints being passed and scoured over, and sounds of work being executed further off down another street. Repairs were already underway; she loved how quickly things were happening.
Almost on cue as she thought about who was responsible for such promptness, Dmitri, Mitch and Sylvia came out of City Hall conversing amongst themselves, handing off more papers and orders to workers and continued on with their task. She stopped and stood to admire the scene, but as her eyes moved around something different about City Hall caught her eye.
Narrowing her vision as she looked up the facade of the grand building, there above the large stone entrance was a bloodied, mangled mess of long blonde hair tacked just above the towering double doors.
Alcina took a very long drawn out drag as she studied it.
"I see you've found Angie's handiwork," Donna stated unamused as she approached her friend from behind, coming to stop at her side and look as well.
Without a breath of an expression on her face aside from her narrowed eyes, Alcina let the smoke blow from her red lips as she tapped the ash from the tip of her cigarette onto the stone at her feet.
Donna wasn't sure if she should panic, "I can have it removed immediat -"
"No," Alcina cut her off, a smirk tugging now at her lips, "leave it," she looked over to Donna taking a shorter puff, "but at least confirm the rest of her body, whatever might be left after your vulture of a sister, and no doubt Heisenberg took from it, made it to the sun tower?"
Unable to hide her own smile, Donna nodded but didn't get to answer.
"I can confirm that on behalf of Miss Beneviento," Dmitri offered approaching the women, tucking his long white hair behind an ear, "that tower was sealed over an hour ago with my supervision. Miranda's jaw remains in Karl's possession, I'm not entirely sure what Angie took, but the skull fragment," he motioned to the hall, "is all that's left otherwise. Not my choice of decoration, but, it does make a suitable statement."   Alcina shook her head and tongued her teeth, "I suppose there is no subtlety about her death. Perhaps it's a statement that needs made... I'm sure the clan leaders well let me know." She smiled.
"Yes, and speaking of that," Donna began, "Marguerite will be here by the end of the night. I've received word from a few others, but I assume in no more than three days time, all clan leaders will be accounted for. The council will adjourn to address the happenings and I've been busy gathering all intel for it. I sent Mateo with several of Karl's military to Miranda's manor in Connecticut, and Dmitri has several of his people working with Salvatore in the secret lair Miranda built here collecting whatever we can."
"Ah, yes," Alcina remarked, "I would like to see this place as soon as it is feasible."
"I can take you whenever you are ready." Dmitri affirmed with a nod.
"Excellent, but first I must speak with Donna." Alcina said grasping her arm softly, "Dmitri, may I meet you here in half an hour?"
He nodded graciously and the two women set off inside City Hall.
The half hour that was spent inside the disheveled council room seemed to take much shorter than Alcina realized. Donna was happily running 100 miles an hour to get your needs in order. She was carrying the cell phone Angie had hidden in the house and used it to contact her and explain her duty in the workings for your cover. Alcina proclaimed she was judging her quite harshly, as she knew if her daughters found out she'd never hear the end of it. Donna simply shrugged and begrudgingly admitted cell phones were handier than she cared to admit. But they finalized and mobilized to get you taken care of and Alcina was then seeking out Dmitri.
Miranda's hideout was quiet literally next door to them. In the furthest reaches of abandoned tunnels at the North end of the city, hidden behind a faux wall, lay one entrance to her lair. It was a ridiculously obvious choice to make as she normally came from the North East tunnels from her Connecticut abode. But, no one had any reason to go looking or snooping, though the agitation remained for Alcina that this had all been done right under their noses.
There was a steep drop to a long set of winding stone stairs that lead to the belly of the cavern. The ceiling was no where near as tall as the city's, and it felt cramped for all things considered. But it was large. Easily half the size of Alcina's city. Which made for a nice fit for her army that were standing about mindless, unmoved, and vacant of all light behind their eyes under the watch of several of Dmitri's soldiers. 
Alcina couldn't help but seem a semblance of sorrow for them as she walked through, following Dmitri to what she assumed to be an important area of this whole debacle.
Through the vast, dim, elongated cavern, they came to an area to the right that had a single red door that was halfway open. As they approached, Dmitri motioned for Alcina and ushered her in.
This room looked nothing like the rest of this place.
Clearly this was Miranda's chambers. The walls were covered in papers with notes, maps, and pictures. The myriad of tables and benches were filled with similar paperwork. Off in the far corner was a bed well made, a small vanity, and a wardrobe with several articles of clothing. Alcina gritted her teeth briefly before Dmitri approached her with a leather back journal.
"We've found countless, heavily detailed, hand-written documentation of Mother Miranda's escapades down here... this is one of her personal diaries. I thought you may want to look it over," he said handing it to her. 
Taking it slowly from him she peered down and began to flip through the article. Her handwriting was very clean for cursive, and Alcina mused only a little on the words as Dmitri continued.
"I've not gathered this room up entirely as I wanted you to see it."
"Have you given your people any time to rest, or did you begin this immediately after my command to go and rest?" She smirked with a knowing gaze.
Dmitri bowed his head shallowly with a smile, "you know me far too well to know that I sit by idly when things need done. These matters needed attending to. I won't deny my gnashing curiosity for Miranda's activities lead me on to find answers. I feel we're scratching the surface at best; the piles and stacks of... all of this has been extensive. And, there's many more where that came from, but the journal you hold is the most recent. The more we dug, we found some dating back nearly twenty years."
"Twenty years?" Alcina repeated looking up from the pages with disbelief.
Dmitri nodded, "this has been in the works for a very long time, it seems. Though, this is not the worst of it."
"I would assume not. What else have you discovered?"
"An experimentation room."
Those three words made her stomach churn.
"Show me."
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All Tied Up 2.0 (Babygirl Edition)
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Summary: Now you get to tie up Nicky! You only managed that because you made a deal with him. (18+) Kinks/Tags: (light) bondage, (kind of) edging, begging, dirty talk, fingering, orgasm (giving) , oral sex, desperate kisses, daddy-ing, babygirl fingered to (a few) tears, implied prior sexual relationship of some kind.
First Person POV (no y/n inserts) This was done to allow for a non gender, sexuality, or race specific reader.
“Chair, are you sure a chair?” You asked, looking over at Nicholas. Taking a moment to look over his broad frame as he pulled off his shirt. “I said chair, I meant chair,” he clarified, watching you now as you struggled with the toy chest, his toy chest. “Can you not find the ropes?” he asked. “No sorry, I was distracted by the chair request. I am entirely confident you could escape from a chair.” You said before tugging the bundle of ropes out of the box. “Got them.” Nick gave you an approving nod then and started walking toward the sitting room. “I could get out of a chair, or at the least knock it over, but I the point is that won’t, I thought that this was about submission?” he asked looking over to you catching up with him. “Yeah but, are you actually going to take everything I dish out?” You teased, “You don’t typically /submit/ well Galitzine.” He shrugged a shoulder, “I said I would.” He said stopping in front of an open backed chair, “This one will do.” He said nodding. “Yeah, you said you would because you want to do kinky shit to me. And I said only if you do this.” You quipped, “Correct,” Nick nodded, “That’s how these sorts of things work, I stroke you, you stroke me back..” You heaved a little sigh, “Pun intended?” “Absolutely, are you ready?” He asked taking a seat in the chair.
“You know I don’t think that taking a crop to my ass counts as a ‘stroke’ Babygirl,” you teased taking a finger and booping the tip of Nick’s nose. “Mhn, your perfect ass sweetheart, don’t forget that it’s perfect.” He said it wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. You couldn’t help but giggle as he lifted your shirt, dipping his head under it and giving your stomach kisses, soft little nips. “Stop, you’re not in charge here,” you said pulling your shirt back. “Right sorry,” Nick said despite resting his hands on your waist, giving your hip bones a lil squeeze, looking up at you, “Bonus points if you undress for me, gorgeous.” He said flashing that charming smile. “Alright alright,” you said shoving him to sit back in the chair some, undoing the bundle of ropes, “Hands behind your back.” Nick flashed another grin, and nodded, sitting back and putting his hands behind the back of the chair. “Work down, start at my shoulders,” he began and you cut him off, “I know, I know,” But Nick kept talking, “Back of my arms, yes, wrap down, wrap around the chair when you reach a part of it, taught but not tight.”
“Does the daddy switch ever fucking turn off?” You teased as you tied his arms back behind the chair, “No,” he answered cooly. “Wait,” you said pausing as you tied his wrists together now, adding a lil bow for good measure, “How am I supposed to do this without breaking my back?” You asked stepping back in front of him. This earned you a laugh from Nick, cool, amused, a soft chuckle. “Well, there’s always the option to get on your knees for me, pumpkin.” You cocked your head and reached up, popping his cheek, it wasn’t really a slap, more just a ‘stop being annoying’ gesture. “Mhn, now now, love, if you’re going to hit me do it right.” He said, his jaw tightening as those familiar bedroom eyes and confident smile focused on you. “Serious?” you asked, “As a heart attack.” He answered immediately, and you nodded to him, before pulling back, and slapping him a bit harder this time
Immediately his eyes fluttered, pale cheek already reddening as he looked back up at you, “Impressive for someone who’s begged me to breed them before.” He teased, and like that, another slap. His opposite cheek already reddening. “Mhn, thank you.” He said in a purr. But as you stepped closer, hand on hip, giving your best threatening look as you grabbed his chin between your fingers. “Are you going to really submit to me? Are you going to be a good boy?” You asked in your best stern voice. “I’m.. certainly going to try.” His voice was lower, softer, dangerously close to his morning voice, and it sent shivers down your spine. “Well, good.” Was all you could manage, and you noticed his faint smile. “Do you like that? Being in control of me?” He asked, and you pressed a finger against his lips, “Stop saying things like that, you’re ridiculous, and I’m determined to be the one making a mess of you, not the other way around.” And he gave a soft ‘Mm’ noise, like agreeing but opening his lips, eagerly sucking at your finger in such a graphic way as he watched you. “God you’re such a whore!” You scolded with a laugh as you took your hand back. “Don’t make me punish you.” Both of you knew it was an idol threat, you were barely managing the domination, but it was worth it to say it.
You did step back now, finally pulling off your own clothes, discarding them to the side as Nick watched with such an enamored expression. “Incredible, darling.” He said running his eyes up the length of your body, “Like artwork.” You couldn’t help but laugh, it was that or blush. “Silver tongued bastard.” You said stepping closer, resting both hands on his face, making him look up at you. “Mhn, I am.” He hummed, “Which is why you should be sitting on my face.” He almost purred those words, smiling up at you. “Shut up,” you whispered half against his lips, leaning in to kiss him then. This silenced him though, as he gave the softest groan into that kiss, sitting up straighter so you wouldn’t have to bend over as much for the kiss. The kiss was desperate, hungry, and tongue-y, licking into each other’s mouths, as your hands found his hair, playing in it all the while.
Once you finally broke the kiss though, catching your own breath, Nick was looking up at you, panting himself. His eyes starving as they watched you move. “Pillow, if I’m going to be on my knees?” You asked but he shook his head, “Of course, get whatever you like darling.” With a nod you stepped to his couch, grabbing a pillow and tossing it on the floor in front of the chair he was strapped into. And once you got on your knees in front of it, you couldn’t help but notice Nick grinning down at you, “So pleased with yourself aren’t you?” you asked, your hands running up and down his still clothed thighs. “How could I not be?” he cooed. “We’ll see how long it lasts,” you said, reaching up to tug off the pajama pants he’d been wearing, so cozy from this morning. They slipped down rather easily, the stretchy material making quick work of it. And once you tossed his pants aside, you quickly tugged his underwear down and tossed it aside as well.
“Mhn, I always forget how pretty your cock is.” You said softly, running your hand over his still half soft length. “You’re so sweet,” he answered in such an affectionate way. At your touch though, Nick was immediately spreading his thighs wider, sliding down some in the chair, just so everything was a bit easier for you. Admittedly, how easily he submitted like that surprised you, but you reminded yourself it didn’t mean anything yet. “Let’s get you hard first, or it won’t be any fun right?” You asked. “Of course sweetheart, you’re in charge.” He hummed in response, watching as you picked up the bottle of lube you’d brought in with the ropes. After flipping the top open, and using your free hand to gently hold Nick’s cock, you drizzled a thin line of the lube down his length. “Holy shit, that’s.. so cold.” He laughed, giving a little shiver, and looking down at you with an amused look, “Imp.” He scolded you, and you couldn’t help but laugh at him. “I couldn’t resist,” you admitted as you used both hands, massaging the lube over his skin, before wrapping both hands around his length, slowly moving up and down his cock. Your eyes shifted between his face, how his eyes fluttered shut and his full lips parted silently, the softest smile on them; and his now hardening cock in your hands. It really was so pretty to you, so very now hard and… pink.
“That feels nice,” he whispered after a moment, his eyes opening back up to look down at you. “And you look so fucking good on your knees for me.” Even from this stage, he was still trying to play daddy. “Glad you like it, and the view,” you teased, one hand holding his cock now as the other slowly worked up and down focusing just at the head. “How’s that feel?” You asked quietly. “Incredible.” Nick panted, as if you couldn’t tell, as if he wasn’t completely hard at your touch now. “Good, now you can wait!” you said playfully, wiping your slick hands on his thighs, partly to clean them, partly because you knew he’d follow that with an ‘Oh gross, come on!’ and he did.
“Shh,” you cooed, your hands moving to pull at his calves some, “Scoot closer, I want to get to your ass easier.” You said, and Nick happily obliged. He scooted as much more forward as the restraints allowed, but it was plenty for you to have room to complete your next task. Your hands reaching to spread his ass and crouch even lower, almost underneath him. It wasn’t exactly like he was sitting on your face, but it was enough to bring that memory to mind, as you pressed your lips against his skin, kissing gently, and beginning to give soft licks at his entrance. You heard him curse above you, giving a low groan as you began to use more focused, intentional licks. “Thank you darling,” he panted, “That feels amazing.” You didn’t really stop to answer him, just mumbling a soft ‘welcom’ Nicky’ against his skin, before pressing your face tighter against him. Both hands keeping his cheeks spread as you teased his hole, your tongue poking and prodding, lapping over him, completely fueled by the beautiful noises he was making as you did.
He wasn’t shy about it, moaning loud, and desperate, peppering in ‘so fucking good’ and ‘just like that’ in between his compliments to you. Once you did finally pull back, fingers massaging over that hole as you sat back up in front of him, he was already panting heavily. “Want more Babygirl?” You couldn’t help but pull out that nickname, and he was far too worked up to care about context at this point, “Please.” You grabbed the lube again, this time applying it to your fingers, and to his entrance, massaging it for a moment before pushing a finger into him. He made the softest groan as you did, quite like he was adjusting to it. “It’s just a finger Nicky, it’s not too much right?” You teased. But again, Nick was far too worked up to feed into the banter, “No,” he panted, shaking his head. “Good.” You cooed, pumping your finger into him steadily, resting your free hand on one of his thighs, keeping his legs spread apart. “Will you touch my cock, please?” he asked after a moment. “No,” you said flatly, “Not until I decide you deserve it.”
Nick whined at your denial, “But I’m being so good for you,” he pleaded. Your answer came in the way of pushing a second slick finger into him slowly, smiling as he made a more desperate sound. “Fuck, please.” He whined again, his voice growing more desperate. “I said no Nick,” you said more firmly now, but that didn’t stop him from giving a whimper. “I’m going to keep asking,” his words almost broken as you worked those two fingers into him. “Shit,” he gasped, his head falling back against that chair, biting his bottom lip as he just whined against it. “I know it’s so much,” you soothed, “But you can handle it for me.” It didn’t seem to help, all it did was make him give a pathetic groan, “I really can’t, I need more, please.” You pretended to think about it for a moment, “Like another finger, you want another finger?” You asked, picking up the lube to make sure a third was well lubed and ready for him. “No,” he whined, and it sounded more like a dry sob, “Like you playing with my cock, just a little, please.”
“Mhn, sorry Babygirl, best I can do is another finger,” you teased, pushing the third into him gently then. As you did, Nick made an almost choked whimper, tossing his head to the side, resting it against his shoulder, like trying to hide it there as he whimpered. “Oh, so dramatic,” you cooed. “I’m sure you’ll be okay when I find your sweet spot baby,” you said as you worked those three fingers into him. “I won’t be!” he sounded so exasperated, like you were literally killing him. “Fuck!” he was a bit louder then, almost yelling it, but in such a desperate frustrated way. Your fingers were working into him steadily now, pumping into him constantly as you pressed your thumb against his skin, just under his balls. Adding the slightest massaging pressure in unison with your fingers. All it got from Nick was a choked sob, and you could feel him clench against your fingers, but he sounded on the verge of tears.
“I.. swear to fucking god.” He began pleading already, “Every time your fingers… fuck.” He whimpered again, lips falling open in a desperate moan as he tried to speak. “Every time your fingers… hit just the right spot..” he gasped, biting his bottom lip before speaking again, “It’s like I’m seeing starts, I’m so..” and he whined again, “Fuck baby!” his tone was so desperate you couldn’t help but smile, even if it did just make you move your fingers faster. “You said you could take it Nicky,” you shot back at him, recalling all the times he’d said something similar to you when you got overstimulated. “You have.. no idea.” He panted, “It’s like having your back scratched everywhere except the spot that itches.” He gasped, “Except it's a fucking orgasm!” That came out as another dry sob, and you could tell he was on the verge of tears now. “Well, can you beg for me?” You asked him, your hand on his thigh beginning to rub up and down his inner thigh, just teasing him with that stimulation so close but not quite close enough.
Immediately he broke into those begs, “Please.” He gasped, “Please, fuck please, please touch my cock, I’ll do anything.” He whimpered so loudly, looking back down at you now. His expression desperate, brow furrowed, he looked a mess, red cheeks and swollen lips. You could feel him clench against your fingers again as he made such a pathetic whine, “Please… baby, please, please touch my cock. I’m sorry, I’m sorry for teasing earlier.” It was another dry sob. “I’ll.. please I’ll do whatever after this, get you off however you want, please. I need it, I need to cum for you so bad, please.” There was a smile on your lips as you raised your hand JUST above his cock, not touching him yet. “You promise to fuck me extra hard after this?” You asked. “Yes!” he exclaimed, “Yes anything please!”
As soon as you lowered your hand, wrapping it around his cock, he made the most pathetic sobbing noise, whimpering as his hips arched toward you some, “Thank you, thank you, please more, please.” He begged immediately. But as you began moving your hand, slowly up and down his length, that was all Nick needed. He was giving those dry sobs, nodding to you with that same desperate look, “Thank you so much yes, just like that, can I cum baby? Can I cum for you please?” It made you giggle, and not in a mean way, because honestly, he was so endearing like this. “Of course Babygirl, show me what a big load you worked up for me.” As soon as you gave him permission though, stroking him a bit faster, your hand just tight enough. Your fingers still working inside of him, pumping just hard enough, and he was crying out, sO loudly. His head fell back his shoulders seeming to arch against the restraints as he reached his orgasm. And he made such a mess, shooting ropes over your hand, and wrist, over his stomach and thighs, some even managing to reach his chest. For a brief moment you noted how close it got to his perfect lips, maybe you should try that again later. But Nick kept making those pathetic little sobs as he rode it out, his body jerking with each slight touch of either of your hands, whimpering, and whining. And as you slipped your fingers out of him, you wrapped both hands around his cock. Using both to stroke him now, letting your wrists twist slightly as you moved them up and down his cock. If you thought he was loud before… oh now, it was obscene, he gasped and yelped, immediately launching into more pleading, “Okay okay stop! Please no more!” His voice sounding so much like a sob you had to look up to see if it actually was. “What’s wrong baby, I thought you wanted me to touch your cock?” You teased, but the only response you got was a soft, desperate, “Please stop.” Just so defeated sounding that it did make you stop. “Oh Nicky, okay, it’s okay I’m stopping.” You cooed as you took your hands off, “It’s okay baby.”
Once your hands were off him, he was relaxing some, just panting softly as his body almost went limp. And you grabbed your shirt from the floor, wiping your hands just to stand up and cup his face in your hands, “It’s okay baby, you did so good.” You soothed him, petting at his face lovingly, your thumbs wiping at the moisture in the corner of his eyes. He gave you a soft nod, “Kisses, please?” How could you even think about saying no? Leaning down you kissed him, reaching behind him to start undoing those ropes, untying them as fast as you could, kissing him so gently. His own kisses were soft, but desperate, like he thought he might die if you didn’t keep kissing him. Once his arms were free, he wrapped them around you, pulling you to sit on his lap, just pulling you close up against his body. After a moment he broke the kisses, nuzzling his forehead to yours, his face against yours. “Sorry, I’m getting you sticky.” He whispered, seeing as how your body was pressed against him.
It made you laugh softly though as you rested a hand on his chest, “It’s okay baby, you’re gonna fuck me into oblivion soon anyway right?” You teased. Nick gave a soft nod, still pressing his face against yours, finally seeming to recover some now, “Of course,” he said softly, smiling as he leaned in for more kisses. “Did I do okay?” he asked against your lips, making you smile. “You did amazing,” you said your free hand resting on his cheek again, “I didn’t know you had it in you.” You said playfully. “Mhn told you I could do it.” He said just as softly, before pressing his lips against yours again.
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Part 5!
Werepanther!Billy Russo x Female Reader
Warnings: Anxiety, stalking, job shenanigans, Billy wiling to protect you in every way possible.
A/N: Babes, I am having the worst day possible. I could use some love. Please, please, send something, anything my way if you have any appreciation for me. ❤
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'Billy, it's what my friends call me.'
Was that what you were? Friends?
Or was it an accident?
'Right, sorry for bothering. Just curious.'
Okay, that was a good place to end.
You put your phone down, moving to grab a glass of water, but spinning back excitedly when another alert comes in.
'Don't say sorry. Or else.'
Fucking shit, was he flirting?
No way.
'Or else?' you ask.
Your heart pounds.
'Or else, I'll demand your apology in person, preferably over dinner.'
Holy fucking shit he was.
He liked you?
No, no way.
You let out an exasperated sigh.
Dammit, he was still a client.
Shit, you shouldn't.
'Sorry, Mister Russo, but I don't want to-' You begin to type it, but quickly backspace.
'Can we do it as friends?' You erase that too.
Yes, you wanted to say yes, yes sir, take me into your arms and then preferrably your bed.
Damn, you didn't know what to say.
the typing bubbles pop up, and you wait patiently.
'Let's table that conversation though, at least until our work relationship comes to an end. Yes?'
You breathe a sigh of relief.
'Yes, that sounds great.' You answer.
You move toward your window, looking over, hoping to catch sight of him.
He's there, shirtless once more, black joggers wrapped around his legs, wide shoulders and large hands.
He sips at his coffee, holding his phone up.
You look down, typing out a little message to send to him. You watch the corner of his lips pull up into a smile as he reads it.
'Happy Sunday.' Is all you'd said.
"Anvil accepted the proposal."
You breathe a sigh of relief.
"Good work." Andrew informs.
"Thanks, I thought I was on thin ice for a second there." You say, taking a sip of water in your relief.
Andrew nods in understanding.
"So we'll pass the project on to someone else so you can focus on other things." He says casually.
Wait, what?
He was giving the project to someone else?
"Wouldn't it be easier if I held on to it? I mean, I did all the grunt work for the assessment, I know the building better than anyone else here."
Andrew shrugs.
"It's just a building. Won't be that hard for someone else to pick up. We really need you focusing your skills elsewhere."
No room for argument.
Your shoulders drop, you nod in compliance.
You'd worked so hard, and that was it, someone else would get the credit for your work.
You were going to quit.
Maybe this was for the better, William wasn't a client to you now, maybe you could finally take him up on dinner.
You shake your head angrily, maybe he was the one who requested you be taken off. Maybe he'd only entertained the thought of you because you were a woman.
What if his only goal had been to seduce you?
You sigh, shoulders dropping as you approach your desk, noticing a couple of work documents come in.
You open them absentmindedly, sorting them into the right area on your desk, still deep in thought about what you should do.
Realistically, you should quit, if they didn't respect you now, they probably never would.
Very infuriating, maybe your place of work could use a little brushing up on ethics too.
You pull the last document from the last envelope and you frown.
This.... was a photo of you.
Billy was pissed.
He'd been invited in to sign contracts with your company, and discuss lead times and security protocols, and he'd just discovered that you'd been pulled from the project.
For once, he and the predator were in agreement.
He was going to raise hell.
"Unfortunately gentlemen, we have a problem."
He heard Andrew's heart pick up speed.
"What is it?"
Billy leans back in his seat.
"I'd prefer your old specialist, I've had time to watch and assess her work. She's able to answer almost any question I ask, and where she is unable, I don't have to wait long for an answer."
Andrew swallows.
"All my specialists are very much equipped to handle your questions." He protests.
Billy leans back, nods his head.
"I'm sorry, then I'm not interested in accepting your proposal," He leans forward, rises to a stand, "Pleasure doing business with you." He says, extending a hand to shake.
Andrew is sweating now, the stench of his anxiety permeates the air.
"We can come to some other arrangement, keep her on the project, so that she has time to focus on everything she needs to."
Billy hated that idea. It meant you would have to ask someone else's approval for your ideas, that someone else would be able to take credit for your hard work.
In every aspect, Billy found himself protective of you, and he wanted your complete involvement, or none at all.
"Then we don't really understand each other very much now do we?" He says, dropping his hand and turning away.
"Be reasonable, Mister Russo-"
"-I'm not being reasonable? I want the specialist that assessed the weak points in my company and drafted a plan to take lead on carrying out that plan. How is that unreasonable?"
Andrew hesitates, he swallows, the predator pulls hungrily at Billy, demanding blood, enticed by the scent of fear.
"She- she resigned a few days ago. Doesn't work here anymore."
The news shocks him, a little bit of worry snakes down his spine though he keeps himself calm.
He checks his watch absentmindedly.
"We could have saved a lot of time if you'd just told me that from the start." He nods his head at both men.
"Have fun finding someone half as good as her. Goodbye."
He turns finally, walks out of the office, smiles in satisfaction as he hears Andrew swear angrily.
He pulls his phone out of his pocket, a quick text in your direction.
'We need to talk.'
Except you didn't want to talk to him. You'd been hiding in your house for the last few days, ever since you'd quit your job. The photo sitting on your kitchen counter.
It was you, leaving Amy's apartment a couple of weeks ago. It had worried you, that when you'd felt like you were being watched.... you were actually being watched.
You didn't say anything, wondering if it was just a one time thing. One single photo was barely enough to go to the police with, you'd be overlooked for more important things no doubt, and worse yet, what if things got worse because you reported it?
It just wasn't a good enough risk to take, so instead, you'd rushed on quitting your job, and decided to get back into the job market.
You're studying the photo when his text comes in, you wanted to burn it, pretend it didn't happen, and move on with your life. It was just one photo after all.
You reach for your phone, reading his message, the ominous nature of it sinking into you.
You try to be professional in your response.
'Sorry, Mister Russo, but I'm not available today.' Is your response.
'I just heard you quit your job.'
'Why didn't you tell me?'
You blink, you don't know how to respond to that. You were barely acquaintances, you didn't owe him anything.
'Why would I have told you?' You ask.
You can almost sense his frustration.
'Let's meet. There's a café a block away.' He follows up with a location.
'6 p.m? Yes?'
When you don't respond, his next message is just your name, you find yourself clenching involuntarily, you can almost hear his voice in your head, the casual way he demands compliance.
'Okay.' Is all you say.
You still feel like you're being watched. From the moment you step out into the street, your heart is pounding, your lungs squeeze in your chest.
Was there someone watching you right now?
Would there be another photo?
You look around, and you check your peripherals, and though nothing is amiss, you still feel watched.
It's terrifying, you stop halfway to the café, you almost turn around and run back home.
Despite being afraid of outside, you knew that you were safe inside. You'd done a full assessment of Anvil's security, after all, you knew the weak points, and though there weren't many, you're sure Billy- William would have compensated for most of them by now.
But out here, there were too many places for an assailant to be hiding. It was scary, and you were almost petrified by the thoughts. There was a stalker, or even a new serial killer, just around the corner.
You really needed to book another session with your therapist.
You sit in the back corner of the little café, a very rustic interior decor, filled with stained wood countertops and paintings made out of coffee on the faded red walls.
The sound of the coffee grinder goes off every now and then, the steamed milk foamer next, and you find yourself relaxed by the repetitive sounds. No one looks at you, spares you a glance, and there's even a comfort in that.
But he takes the air out of the room when he walks in.
Your stomach, as knotted as it is, knots even more at the sight of him, heart fluttering, begging for something you've never had before.
Dressed down, grey shirt, black jeans, you want to sit on his firm thighs if only for a moment. He's not wearing a coat, or even a jacket, despite the chill in the evening air. He probably runs hot, and you think about what that would feel like, in bed, beside you, before you come to your senses.
"Would you like something?" He asks, when he comes up to the little booth you're at, palms braced against the table, eyes glancing at the menu in explanation.
"It's on me." He says easily.
The corner of your lip rises.
"Why? Because I left my job you think I can't afford a vanilla latte?"
Something rises in him, amusement perhaps, his eyes move slowly down your body, and then back up to your eyes.
"You think you're funny, but don't worry, I'll get you your vanilla latte."
He straightens, eyes lingering on your burning face. He turns, and walks to the counter.
You gulp.
Jesus Christ.
He comes back, with a cup for you, and one for himself, and you thank him easily.
"Tell me what happened." He starts, and you look up at him, his face composed, no room for argument.
You swallow.
"They pulled me from the project."
He nods.
"And... it made me feel undervalued... overlooked."
He takes a deep breath, you can't tell what's going through his mind.
"I turned the contract down."
You blink in surprise.
"Because I wanted your expertise, not some idiot who would lie to me and think they're getting away with it."
You lean back, sighing.
"They're going to think we're involved."
He shakes his head.
"Because I value your opinion?"
"Do you? Or is this-" You cut yourself off, glancing away.
"Say it."
"Is this... only because you want to be involved with me?"
A long moment of silence, your heart drops. He was going to make fun of you for assuming something like that no doubt.
"It's not that. It's the way you think. It's the way I can see you thinking ten steps ahead. Most people, are too focused on the brushstrokes, when you're looking at the whole painting."
Tears spring to your eyes. You look up, blinking fast to push them away. Your throat tightens.
To be seen like this, shook you to your very core.
"Thank you, I appreciate that." You say softly, voice barely above a whisper.
No one, had ever seen you like this before.
It made you want him. You'd been thinking this entire time that he couldn't give two shits about you, when he'd been appreciating your work ethic from a distance.
Did he like you? Probably not, but that was okay, because this was a good alternative.
"I want to hire you as a consultant." He follows up, smiling at you when your eyes widen.
"Mister Russo-"
"-Billy, please."
"Mister Russo," You emphasize with a shake of your head, "this is too much."
"How is it too much?" He asks, leaning back, "You're experienced with the innerworkings of my company, you know the layout, you know the problems. Name a price, and be there on Monday."
You clap a hand over your mouth, a soft laugh of disbelief bubbling through.
"You're insane." You say, eyebrows raised, daring to speak to him in such an informal manner.
He grins, beautiful and alluring, leaning in, eyes filled with mirth.
"I know I am. It's why I'm good at what I do. Think about it."
You nod, deep in thought.
You had a couple months of rent saved up as is, you would be able to survive for a little while if you turned him down.
On the other hand, Anvil was one of the best security companies in New York. There was no safer place. Any potential stalkers would find difficulty in getting random letters to you.
Plus, he valued you, he saw your worth, had made it extremely clear.
Only a fool would turn down what he could offer- or someone extremely smitten.
"To be very clear," You say, avoiding his eyes, "You're not offering this because you're interested in sleeping with me, are you? Because if you are, then I don't want it."
"I'm not interested like that." He lies, feels the predator roar in anger, curling one hand into a fist in his lap to fight it.
Her safety matters most, he tells himself, job safety included.
He would protect her.
Even if it meant he couldn't touch her again.
You can't help looking around.
It's dark now, and you're so on edge, looking behind you, studying each alleyway you pass, the paranoia pulling at the seams of your sanity, demanding you panic.
"We're not being followed." William says calmly from beside you.
You swallow, looking over at him.
"How do you know?"
He smiles softly, gazing forward.
"Before Anvil, I served ten years in the Marines. Three tours. I know when I'm being watched."
So you were just paranoid then.
You squeeze your fists tightly, releasing the tension in your body before confessing.
"A couple of months ago, someone tried to kill me." You say to him, eyes glued to the ground.
"I'd been camping in the woods with my friends, we did it every year, this time-" The words die, you can't find the strength to speak.
"I know. Anvil runs background checks. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
You breathe a sigh of relief, you'd figured the company had looked into you. Ensuring you weren't a security threat was very important. If it wasn't being done, you would have suggested it yourself.
"Yeah, thanks. After, it's just hard to relax when I'm outside. It's hard to do anything."
He nods, deep in thought.
"It's a good thing you work for a security company then, no safer place to be."
Later, into the night, when you're fast asleep, the predator visits you in your dreams.
"I'll keep you safe," He whispers into your ear, lays a soft kiss on your cheek.
You hum in bliss, arms curling tighter around the pillow you're holding, yearning for something you could only dream of.
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haesunlover · 1 year
long to be home. (intro)
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pairing: huang renjun x female!reader
series genre: fluff, angst, suggestive, eventual smut
word count: 2.1k words
chapter warnings: fluff, light angst, reader is an aspiring writer, renjun being the best bf ever, mark talking about his dick for a second, nothing else really.
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the page on the computer screen remained blank, like your thoughts as you tried to remember any childhood memories. you threw your head back groaning, trying to rattle your brain for any sort of progress. giving up, you opened the facetime app on your computer and dialled the only person who can help in this scenario.
"hey sexy," your high school best friend says as she answered the phone. "to what do i owe the pleasure?"
just hearing her voice instantly made you burst into tears. "i'm trying to write but i am fucking clueless. i'm trying to put together my childhood but it's so blurry. i can see it but i can't at the same time. it's so stupid but i'm so fucked. my brain is absolutely fried." you blurt out, holding your head in your hands.
"woah, wait. is this about your show that you're writing? the one about your life?" lia asks, confused and concerned at this sudden outburst bringing the phone closer to her face.
you nodded your head, pushing your hair away from your face and now properly looking at the camera. "yes. i'm like.. stuck. i'm not getting anywhere cause i can't remember all the details." you huffed after taking a deep breath in, trying to calm yourself down. "i'm getting so frustrated."
lia nodded her head before pulling a naughty smirk at the camera. "you know what i think?" she asked.
"i think you need to come home. you've been gone for too long and can't remember anything. you need a memory refresher. and a holiday to come see me." she said, looking pretty proud of her suggestion.
you let out a chuckle, shaking your head at her. "i'd love to but i can't just drop everything and come over."
confusion flashed over lia's face. "why not? don't you have like a whole month off? and doesn't renjun get a two week break soon?" she asked, making a very valid point.
you thought about it. a trip back home to australia with your boyfriend and getting to see your best friend after four years. sounds great in theory but.. "i mean, i'm not sure. i don't know if i'm mentally rea- '' you started to talk and tear up but was cut off by the sound of the keypad to the apartment being used. 
"shit, i gotta go. i'll keep you updated. talk to you soon!" you quickly exclaimed, shutting the lid of the laptop. you quickly wiped the tears away from under your eyes and smoothed out your hair as if you weren't about to rip it out moments before.
"y/n? you here, my love?" you hear your boyfriend, renjun, call out for you. you quickly jump out of the desk chair and walk out into the living area to see him and the rest of the dream members. 
"hey guys, i'm sorry for staying for so long. i lost track of time. i'll head out now so you guys can rest up after working hard today." you explained, jolting your fist in a little 'fighting' sign as you look around at them all.
mark shook his head and asked, "what are you talking about? it's movie night! it's my pick tonight. plus rina will be over soon."
your face dropped a bit, knowing that you weren't in the right headspace to be around the boys. you just wanted to go lie in your own bed and contemplate the previous conversation you had with lia.
renjun's eyebrows furrowed as he scanned your face, coming closer and grabbing your hand. "have you been crying?"
feeling called out, you mirrored his expression. "no? what makes you think that?" you ask defensively.
his face remained firm, giving you a look that showed he knew you were lying. "your nose is red. that is such a tell tale sign for you crying."
you muttered a quiet 'shit' under your breath and tugged his arm that was still attached to your hand towards the front door. "can we go on a walk please?" you say, the room falling completely silent out of nosiness and concern. renjun silently nodded and followed you out of the front door and into the elevator.
the elevator ride down was silent. it was silent until the two of you walked out of the lobby and down into the street. "should we go to the park?" renjun asked, squeezing your hand that he has not let go of since he first grabbed it. you nodded, slightly swinging your hands together. 
after walking quietly for about five minutes, the two of you reached the park and sat on a familiar park bench that you and the boys go to often.
renjun let go of your hand and grabbed a seat first, putting his arm over the back of the bench as if he was inviting you to cuddle into him. you flashed him a shy smile and sit next to him, throwing your legs over his lap and snuggling into him.
he has yet to say anything. he's learned over the year of being with you that you'll open up when you're ready and not to rush you. 
it took a few moments before you found the courage to speak up, "i want to go home."
"but we were just at home?"`
"no. 'australia' home."
you stared at him, puzzled. "that's it? you're okay with that?"
he nods his head, grabbing your hand. "i'm okay with it. the real question is are you okay with it? are you ready to go back?"
and that's exactly why you're stuck. you had thought about going home a lot recently, even before lia brought it up. the last few years in australia were life changing to say the least. you knew you'd go back eventually and face the past but not this soon. but over the last few days, you've realized it's something you must do in order to move on.
"honestly, renjun? no, i am so scared. but it's something i need to do." you answered, shakily while leaning on his shoulder.
you felt him nodding his head with a small 'mhm..' vibrating through his body. "may.. may i ask what's brought this on all of a sudden?"
you turn your head up to look at him, faces close together. "i've been trying to write but it's almost like i have writers block. except with my childhood memories. i can't seem to remember a lot. it started a few days ago. i thought about going home once. but then i thought about it again and again. then i called lia.. and she suggested the same thing. i think it's time. it's kind of bittersweet, thinking about going home. part of me longs to go back home but the other part is scared shitless." you rambled.
renjun peered down at you, looking between your eyes. "alright baby. it's no problem. we'll go back to the dorms and figure out the logistics soon."
you nodded at the start of his suggestion but looked at him confused as he finished it. "soon? why soon?"
he smiled and leaned down, kissing you softly. he put his free hand on your chin, holding you as you kissed. renjun then pulled away, "i don't know about you but i hear the playground calling our names." he said with a childish smile plastered on his face.
"i am so in love with you." you mumble, staring at him lovingly. you quickly looked around the park, making sure there was nobody around before laughing and jumping off the bench to run towards the playground. "last one to the swings is a rotten egg!"
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by the time you two got back to the apartment, the lights were off in the hallway. only the tv light could be seen shining from the living room. you guys walked into the room and saw that the group were already about halfway through the movie and mark's girlfriend, also one of your closest friends, had joined.
spotting a spare seat next to mark and rina on the three seater couch, you let go of renjun's waist that you were previously holding and head towards the couple quietly. rina lets out a small sound of surprise as you fit yourself into the couple's cuddles. "hi, my rainbow. where've you been?" she asked as she leaned over and gave a quick kiss to your cheek.
"yo, why did my dick twitch a little?" mark mumbled, watching the two of you. both rina and you rolled your eyes at him. renjun walked behind the couch, heading to the only free seat in the room on the beanbag but not without smacking mark across the head first.
you couldn't help but laugh at the stupidity of them, knowing mark meant no harm. "renjun and i were at the park, having a chat." you explained, nuzzling yourself into rina. your friend shifted in her seat, turning her full attention to you.
"shit, what about?" she asked, pulling the blanket away from mark and onto your legs instead.
"well, we wer-"
"oh my god, here we go again. can you guys talk in another room please? you do this every time you see each other. the two of you literally talk for hours." chenle groaned, throwing his head back before looking at the pair of you. there were mumbles of agreement, even from your boyfriends.
giggles fell from both yours and your friend's lips as the two of you push off the couch and into the kitchen to talk. rina pulls herself onto the kitchen bench and you mirror her action but onto the kitchen island. "alright, spill." rina says, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl next to her.
"i'm going back home to australia for a while." you say, scanning rina's face. 
she stopped peeling her banana and slowly nodded, thinking about what to say. "okay.. and am i invited?" she asked, taking a bite of the banana.
you looked at her confused at apparently her only thought. "you don't have anything else to say? any advice? am i being crazy?"
"well shit, if you're going back there then you'll need moral support. which will be me!" she exclaims cheerfully.
you thought for a second. you two had been talking about going on vacation for awhile and she is actually incredible support. it'll also give rina a chance to go back home too. "i mean, i don't see why not? renjun and i decided on going during his break. would mark be okay with that?" you asked. rina quickly shoved the rest of the banana in her mouth, letting out a muffled 'let me ask.'
she jumped off of the kitchen bench and walked back into the living room with you not too far behind her. "mark, wanna go to australia with us?" she asked quite loudly over the movie. the room erupted in noise, some of the boys talking amongst each other and others trying to talk to you two girls.
"shit, i didn't know i'd cause that much of a fuss." she awkwardly mumbled, returning to her seat next to mark.
chenle spoke up loudly over the noise, "why are you guys going to australia?" he asked looking between you and rina. you groaned, walking to the lightswitch and turning it on so you can actually see everybody properly. you grabbed the remote off the table and quickly paused the movie.
"me and renjun are going back to australia to go sort things out. some family things." which wasn't entirely a lie, "rina wants to come because we've been planning a holiday together long before renjun and i even started dating. she'll also be going home to australia so obviously she wouldn't go without mark." you continued to explain.
it was jeno that spoke up next, "well, can we come too?" he asked softly next to jaemin. the two of them both showing you a very similar innocent, boyish look. you look at renjun, silently asking for help. 
he pushed himself out of the beanbag and made his way over to where you were standing by the tv, "well, how about we go, just us, for the first few days and then the rest of them can join us later?" 
you nodded in approval, look at everyone else to see if they give the same approval. everyone was showing some way of saying yes. it was jisung who spoke up next, "where are we even going?"
"we're going back to my hometown on the gold coast." the room erupted in noise again, but this time in excited chatter. whilst everyone was talking, you turn to renjun with a half excited and half scared look on your face.
"i guess this is it. i'm going home."
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Personal stuff from work
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I think I am going to leave this job and seek another one. I don't know how I am going to pull this off with my absurd medical expenses recently, but this is just impossible to work here anymore!!! I actually should be at work right now, but I went back home crying, just. straight up left
Remember that story about an ex worker who constantly got at work drunk and snapped at everyone for smallest reason? Where one time he came at work so full of vodka the smell was all over the office, got super angry at smallest things and screamed at the boss and her vice that he would "smash her face with the keyboard if she doesn't shut up" before other workers and customers? And everyone was either scared or passive, but I straight up told him that he should just go home and sleep instead of getting in THIS state at work and causing god knows what? That resulted in the day worth of him distracting me from working bullying me like 'lmao are you feminist or something?!', 'have you believed in yourself or something?!' etc etc, that progressed in a STUPID verbal fight where he kept saying dumb shit, I was objecting, he was yelling at me to shut up, I objected that if he wanted me to shut up he should not have prompted the discussion with dumb shit to begin with etc etc etc.. That then ended in physical fight too, while all coworkers who were much more capable and strong than me just hid like rats and let me fight him alone 🤦‍♂️
Or another story, kinda recent, where another coworker smashed my head against the deck from a likewise long verbal argument that started from her genuinely giving customers and us troubles by refusing to do her job right and me pointing it out? There were a lot of threats prior, like throwing a can in my face if I don't shut up, when she genuinely was wrong and refused to take request from the boss over stupid petulant reasons? (by the way later after that situation turned out that she also did fight with THE boss physically before, and with one of the regular customers that sued her later)
It is more like 'three times is a charm' situation because today something very similar happened, and with a DIFFERENT person again. She has been working here for a while, and also had problems with alcohol and such, but after previous boss left the job and new one arrived she befriended her a lot. That resulted in them constantly dumping all work on me while they CONSTANTLY leave to smoke, drink at the work place (!) or bring their stupid equally alcoholic friends at the office (!!!) 🤦‍♂️ However, today was ANOTHER time where she was STUPID late at work all because she got drunk shitless yesterday (also at work while I was left with customers alone).. I addressed that, and... yeah, you guessed it, more insults, yelling, threats of physical violence etc followed. This time we surprisingly did not end up in a fight, I kinda just ran away..
Like, this workplace feels like abusive relationship I know, I just bothered to carry on because it is stupid hard to find a job in my city.. But I swear they hire any sort of deranged, violent, stupid people without even a minimal check fdhfdhs These are just the three I've had open fight with! And in each and every situation it is basically 'a person who is like 50, the third one is 60 wants to beat up a frail young girl for pointing out something that was GENUINELY wrong while other coworkers are either passive or claim that the girl is insane and inadequate in this situation' 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I am dead serious, the third parties always act like /I/ am the bad person here for pRoVoKiNg (if this is what you call seeing a bad thing and saying it is bad). And also for "arguing"??? Bitch you say the dumb shit that makes no sense and expect me to stay silent or how that Tweet went
I just really can't work with these idiots anymore. Though to think of it, it isn't just here.. to look back on it, all my enemies happen specifically because I point out something genuinely wrong about them and they can't take the L. When I am not like, holding them at the gunpoint or posing any threat to them (looking at YOU, online cancel-culture mobs who might THINK you can relate!!!). Heck, my worst online drama happened all because someone in the fandom straight up bullied another fan and I jumped in to obliterate them with facts and logic for that behaviour, and not the "noble fight" reasoning they ended up making up to justify harassing me. It is not like I am some noble fighter for justice ffs!!! I am just a kicked stray dog that barks at the things it doesn't like, I won't and CAN'T make any change in this world. But it is always enough to end like this. I just can't play by this world's rules at all if you are supposed to "just ignore" people who are so deranged. By this logic I could also keep everyone in fear with threats and inadequate reaction to objective, non-threatening, justified criticism, but I am not doing this!!
At the same time, hating petty bitches that will either openly get hostile like my coworkers, or plot revenge like Alfred-chan or A, over the justified "attack" on them made me overcorrect myself to the point I tolerate shit like this more than I should. Like you know how unwillingless to become the very thing you hate might put you on the opposite extreme? Because it should not have happened three times for me to be done!!! (especially since none of these idiots got fired for their behaviour) Not to mention less extreme conflicts and these idiots doing god knows what at the WORKPLACE 🤦‍♂️
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bloodpen-to-paper · 9 months
Heya, I don't plan to talk about it much but due to what happened with forever, who was my fav and really the heart of the project for me, I'm probably not going to post about Qsmp much anymore. Or if I do, it'll take a while. But please read if you're in the same boat as me, its kind of a ramble and you can skip certain parts but I'd like to hear your thoughts. The last couple of paragraphs touch on some stuff that I hope can help be worth your while, whether you're here for the Qsmp stuff or the mental health part.
Now this is absolutely not to say the rest of the project doesn't matter or that people should give up on it. The Qsmp is incredible and should be known for what it has achieved: breaking language barriers and uniting communities. Its wonderful, unique, and still has so much to offer in terms of content creation, so please don't let the whole of it be tarnished for what happened with one creator (we've seen that before already and it sucks). Personally, it got me back into streaming content/mcyt and I'd like to stay more present this time, its so much fun and its nice knowing I can sort of drift back and forth when new things pop up. If you're in the same boat, I encourage you to not feel like its all over immediately if you still feel a passion for this kind of work, maybe you won't get back into it but maybe you just need a bit of time. Whatever you feel, as long as you're happy and having fun you're doing it right.
So, personal feelings (which I suck at but its better than bottling my thoughts and I encourage others to do the same). I'm fucking devastated lmao. His character was my absolute hyperfixation, I'm talking 24/7 brainrot for months. I haven't felt this passionate for a character since dsmp, I honestly didn't know I could still do it. But there's another layer. I live in the U.S., and I'm Brasilian-American. In the U.S., you don't hear anyone saying shit about Brasil. You hear a lot about Mexico, but nothing really south of that, and if you do its usually about sexualizing Brasilian women or narcotics and gang stuff. Not the best representation for little me, admittedly. When you-know-who won the Qsmp Election, y'all I felt something in me spark to life that I hadn't felt since we won the Olympic soccer tournament in Rio in 2016. I'm proud to be Brasilian, I've always been proud of it, but its a pride that's been limited to sports and my own personal experiences. To see myself represented, to see Brasil naturally enter the conversation for a piece of media I loved that I didn't know would have us, and to see us win something, phew, shit got me higher than my wisdom tooth removal. We Brasilians banded together to secure the win, and what's more, my fav cc on the project was the one at the center. I felt so happy, for my country, my community, and for myself. And I know recent events might taint that memory for some of us, but I refuse to look back on my feelings from back then negatively. That was one of the best damn moments in my chronically online life, and I will always remember it with pride and joy, along with the many other moments when this wonderful server made me proud to be me.
So, naturally, when the news hit I was pretty fucked up over it. Still am tbh, but better now that I've had sleep (though it took me a while to fall asleep because of course my sleep gets ruined by bad feelings, bleh). All this to ultimately say it sucks. Like, it really fucking sucks. The anxiety, the disappointment, the sadness, and the uncertainty of "what now?". Might be sounding dramatic but again, 24/7 brainrot/serotonin supply for months that connected me to my culture abruptly cut off because of pedophile allegations. C'mon Satan, I already have to go to therapy, you didn't have to kick this horse while it was down. Joking aside, if you feel as absolute dogshit as I do and have that kind of anxiety where the world feels like its about to end because moments like these leave you with the rug pulled out from under you and the uncertainty leaves you not knowing what to do with your life after this... well, welcome to the boat, bathroom's on the lower deck and snacks are in the lobby. And also I'm here, and everyone else who's been left in the same crummy place emotionally. We're here together, and I hope that can help you, cause I know for me the worst part is feeling alone in it all, but I'm not, and neither are you. We're here, holding hands and cursing existence for putting us here and making us so sensitive and giving us something great only for it to end up hurting us. We're here, and if you wanna say anything, my DMs, comments, asks, whatever you'd want to talk through, are all open.
Now comes the hardest part: acknowledgement and playing the waiting game. Like I said, if you're feeling like me, this kind of anxiety and disappointment has you feeling like its all over. So now's when you gotta remind yourself that the only thing that's over is this moment in your life when you enjoyed a Thing. That Thing can have meant a lot to you, it could have gotten you out of really dark places, and it could be something you'll still think about down the line. It can be something like minecraft cube people that you (I) got way too emotionally attached to. And for whatever reason, that Thing could have meant the absolute world, whether other people would've understood it or not. Its not your fault it ended the way it did, life just does that sometimes, as unsatisfying of an answer as that is. But its true, and its an important lesson. The Thing is over.
You know what's not over though? You. You're life. Whatever the hell you are doing and will do in the future. If this was the best thing in your life you had going for you, I am so fucking sorry. You deserved to be happy with it, we both did. But I promise you, this Thing is a moment in your story, not the whole story. This really was the source of my joy for the past few months, and if its the same for you, I see you. We can feel like shit together, along with the rest of this wonderful community who understand it too. And you know what else we're gonna do? Live, and move on. Not now, maybe not for while, but we're human beings, we persist (sometimes that might look like you're dragging your battered self out of a trench smelling like depression and expired cheese, but you'll get out of the trench, we both will). There's too much to life for this to be what stops you from finding the rest, whether that's some dramatic life change that completely changes the world as you know it for the better... or just figuring out what comes next. Taking a shower, watching that movie you were waiting for the right moment to watch (I'd say this qualifies), setting up a therapy appointment maybe. Whatever you do to feel like a person again, you have that to do, and later down the road you'll have new Things that give it all meaning. So keep yourself going, hit up me or others who would get it, and do what you gotta do to let it pass. Because it will pass.
Deep breaths friend, I'll be cheering for you when it does
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foone · 2 years
I closed the cell door behind him. The handcuffs were gone again, of course, but we'd long since run out of real pairs and zip ties we had on us, and didn't particularly feel like exhausting the storage room's supplies. Davis started giving him the talk about getting a phone call and all and the perp suddenly says "Look" with the kind of loud voice you can hear in your teeth.
He pulls out a locket from under his shirt (didn't Davis already search him? Why am I surprised...) and holds it up to the bars. "Look here, and listen."
I step forward and look at the odd object. It looks uncomfortable to wear against your skin, but I was never much one for jewelry anyway. No one was much surprised the tomboy became a cop, after all.
It's a crystal shape, like two pyramids attached together. It's a sort of shimmering black color with a tinge of red around the edges. But in the middle...
I look closer. There's a circle, beige, with wispy lines of white and orange mixed through it, like a badly mixed coffee with way too much milk. I momentarily get the feeling like I'm looking down from a great height.
I shake my head. Davis is asking what it is. The suspect shakes his head and puts it back under his shirt. "Just tell your boss this: Where is Venus?"
Weird little creep.
You go back to your work, trying and mostly failing to explain how that arrest went. You're pretty sure an official support shouldn't use the phrase "somehow" and "apparently" that many times. You're certainly going to have to explain this one, no way is this going to be accepted without further review.
Your near-antique desk phone rings. It's the chief. "I just got off a very stern phone call. I need you to let out the prisoner in cell 13 immediately. Don't worry about procedure, I'm sending this as an order in writing, just give them any shit you confiscated and show them the door. And I mean immediately. I'm coming down there now to sign the release papers that were just faxed to me, I want them out of the building in less than 5 minutes. Is that understood?"
You gulp. "yes sir. I'm on the way over now."
You're not even surprised when you unlock the cell that the fucker is in there playing on his phone. You personally confiscated that, you're sure. Maybe the geek had a couple phones, and hid one of them? You did a pretty comprehensive pat-down... Ew.
Davis walks up with the goods bag, but he's got his usual confused look twice as bad at the moment. Before he can even say the problem, you can see it from what he's holding. Or rather, what he's not. The transparent bag is empty, the seal is still in place.
Before you can even explain that you've somehow lost his stuff, the perp is standing up and telling you not to worry about their stuff. The Chief is still on the way and he's supposed to be here for this, but from that phone call it sounded like he didn't want any delays. You turn the key in the lock, and the mechanism engages, automatically sliding the door open.
Your oddest arrest of your career (and there has been some competition!) walks out the door, tugs at his shirt, and says a quick dismissive thanks, before heading down the hall towards a glowing exit sign.
The Chief finally shows up as he's walking away, and is visibly out of breath. You hand him the clipboard with the papers to sign, and he wheeze out a thanks, after a coughing fit that leaves him buckled over and giving you the most marvelous view of his shiny, shiny bald spot.
"so who was it who called to spring that jerk, if you don't mind me asking?"
"it was a conference call. That was the director of NASA and the President"
"of... NASA?"
"no, of the country."
"oh, my. Can he order the release of a prisoner?"
"I mentioned exactly that while I was on the phone, and I'm not sure of his exact wording but it was something like 'shut up, do it now, or there'll be a Black Hawk dropping a squad of marines in your parking lot in 15 minutes, and they'll do it for you.'"
"so I said 'yes sir, will do'. He said the DOJ will figure out the justification later."
"This isn't over, is it? We're gonna be doing paperwork and lawsuits over that little fu... freak for a while, aren't we?"
"probably. But get this: The president himself told me not to mention this to anyone, but since you were there I think you should know. Besides, I haven't signed anything yet... Remember how the director of NASA was on the line too?"
"yeah, that was odd. What's this guy, some renegade astronaut who's late for his flight or something?"
"no idea. But apparently his magician talents don't end with pulling rabbits from hats and escaping from your handcuffs. They think he somehow palmed the planet Venus."
You blink slowly. "what"
"yeah. Whole damn planet is gone. NASA is not happy. The military is very worried."
"about Venus?"
"No, more about what else he can do, I imagine. If he can grab a planet out of the sky, what could else can he do? Borrow a tank? Steal a nuke? Drop the moon on DC?"
"I see their point."
Your walk-and-talk comes to its end as you arrive back at your office. You look at the big windows, and you can see the strange man still crossing the parking lot. He pauses by a squad car, then looks back at the window, before giving you a big thumbs up.
The Chief has to stop you from running after him, as he opens the door to your car and drives off. "Don't. We'll figure this out, I'll get you another vehicle. I am not getting an angry call from the dang president TWICE in one day."
You're never going to finish the paperwork from today, you can feel it in your bones.
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scorching-earth · 3 months
Silent ticking
Tw: swearing.
Grim Pov:
Grim grumbled. "Meh now that I've gotten in I have to take one of the robes." The small dire beast said to himself. Looking around Grim looked for an easy coffin to open. All of them looked locked tight. Then Grim spotted one that looked a bit smaller. Most of the coffins had the same engravings on them, but this one was a bit different. Some of the engravings looked sort of like a fire. This piqued Grim's interest as such Grim chose to open this one. Grim pulled at the coffin's lid. "Meh it won't budge!" Grim pulled at once again, this time Grim pulled at it harder. "Ugh the great Grim won't be defeated by some stupid coffin! I guess I'll just have to bust out my secret move!" Grim announced. After which Grim spat out fire to burn the lid off the coffin. "Ahh!" That's when whoever was in the coffin screamed.
"Woah! You're not meant to be awake!" Grim said, crossing his arms. "Shit, I mean uhhh where am I? I'm not in some lunatic's hideout am I?" The person asked. "Hay don't ignore the Great Grim! Or I’ll torch yah!” Grim demanded. “Torch me!” the person said. Grim guessed they were surprised, their voice was hard to understand, and the fact that their face was fully covered by their hood didn't help. “Now gimme-” Grim was cut off. “I’m talking to a cat! I must be going crazy.” the person said. “Hey I am not a cat now gimme those robes! Or I’ll-” Grim was cut off again. “You’ll torch me, I get it. You don't have to make such a big fuss over it. Get better material. It worked the first time, it won’t the second.” the person said. Grim then huffed. “I’m not joking, you saw how I blew the lid off your coffin!” Grim said. “Sure I did, it got me out.” the person said, walking to the closet door. 
“Hey I said give me those robes or I’ll-” “Torch me, I said get better material.” the person cut Grim off again. “Grrrr! I-” the person looked back. “Go find your robe somewhere else. This one won't fit you. It doesn't fit me.” the person said showing how they rolled up the sleeves. “Huh! What do you mean by that! Not fitting I thought they were meant to fit anyone who wore them.” Grim said, confused. Grimm jumped up on a nearby wall. “They don't fit me. The hood is blocking my sight… not that it matters much.” the person said. “... well then who- who are you! You stood up to me, you must have a name. The Great Grim will permit you to tell him your name!” Grim said. “Dante. My name is Dante.” Dante said. “Dante huh that's a weird name.” Grim says. Dante shrugged, “not the first time I’ve gotten that.” Dante said. The two stopped for a moment on their walk.
“... or at least that was the name I was told was my name. Now that I think about it… is Dante my real name?” Dante seemed lost in thought. “Hay how do you-” Dante was cut off. *thawack* “MEH! What is this!” Grim yelled as a pink wip warped around Grim. “You're impatient, couldn't wait for a minute to make your grand entrance.” a deep male voice said. “Huh entrance?” Dante asked. “Do you really have nothing to say for yourself young man? Letting an untrained familiar run amuck. Both you and it need proper discipline later.” the man came into Grim’s view. The man linked a lot like a crow. Which made this all the more humiliating for Grim. 
“He's not my familiar, I don't have any familiars.” Dante said. “That's right, I am not their familiar!” Grim said. “That's what all the rebellious familiars say. Ah but you may keep it for I am gracious” the man said. “Who are you, where are you taking Grim!” Dante asked. Only to receive no reply from the man. “Hey! Hello, can you hear me!” Dante kept asking. “Now where's that sound coming from?” the man asked. Dante’s shoulders slumped. The three walked in silence after that comment. “Anyways you may have not made a big ruckus not being in your coffin, but that doesnt discount the severity of your crime.” the man said. Dante didn't say anything, from what little Grim knew about the other person they seemed to be a bit snarky. Yet there was no attempt at a comeback, at least not from Dante.
Grim took it upon himself to get back at this person. “What crime! I’m not Dante’s familiar!” Grim yelled. “Dante?...” the man questioned. “That's their name! And I am not there familiar! I only just let them tell me their name!” Grim continued. The man sighed at Grim’s struggle. The three then approached the door. Conversation happening on the other side. Grim didn't catch a lick of it, yet the man apparently did. “I do not! While you all were here I went out to find the missing student.” the man said. “Student! What do you mean by student!” Dante asked as Grim looked around the room. Several students' ears twitched. “Now you there. Step up to the dark mirror and state thy name. I will look after your furball for you.” the man said. “It’s not mine!” Dante said louder.
“Come on now we don't have all day.” the man said. “Fine after this though we're having a talk.” Dante said, crossing their arms. Dante stepped up to the mirror. “State thy name.” the mirror spoke. “Dante.” Dante replied. “....... state thy name.” the mirror repeated. “Dante! My name is Dante” Dante yelled. Several students covered their ears. “Well nameless one. The shape of thy soul is… odd.” the mirror spoke. “Pardon?” the crow man asked. “Their soul is a dark fire hiding a seed of light, a seed of mutual agreement. A lot is lost in this soul, even memories are lost. Even so this soul is directionless, lifeless even. There is no rhyme or reason, there just is. For this reason they are not suited for any dorm” the mirror spoke. “Dorm? rhyme? reason? None of this makes any sense! Most of all I said my name! Why is everyone ignoring my work? If Grim can understand me can't you guys?” Dante asked, turning to the Crow man. “If they are not able to be enrolled I’ll take their place!” Grim yelled, wiggling out of the pink wip. “I’ll show you all! My magic is the cat’s meow!” Grim yelled. 
Dante pov:
As Grim blew hot blue fire everywhere. Dante started to panic looking around to see other students. Panicking as well. One caught Dante’s sight. Dante ran over and put the fire out from a panicking student's butt. “Thank you so much you're a lifesaver!” a boy with red eyes said. They weren't as drinking as Vergilius’s red eyes. “Oh uh you're welcome…” Dante said. “You don't say a lot huh?” the boy with red eyes asked. “But I just…” Dante stopped mid way since someone ran over to the two. “Kailm! What happened!” a boy with calculating eyes said. “Oh! My butt was on fire but this person put it out!” Kailm said, ponting at Dante. Dante waved. “Thank you, from both of us.” the boy with calculating eyes said. Dante looked back to see two students caught Grim. They gave Grim to the crow man. Dante watched as the crow man walked to them. Dante panicked for a moment. “Get you familiar in line!” the crow man yelled at Dante. Dante was sick of this. “I am Not the owner of this animal! I never owned it! Stop putting words in my mouth!” Dante yelled.
Crowley Pov:
“Bringing an untrained familiar is how you get accidents like these! Someone could have gotten seriously hurt! I won't expel you for I am gracious” Crowley continued scolding. *tick tock. tick tock* the sound of that blasted clock got louder. When did they even get a clock in here? “Uh can someone shut that clock up!” Crowley demanded. After that it was only a moment, just one moment, one moment Crowley wasn't prepared for. *SLAP* Crowley felt as his cheek got warm. Then it started to sting, Dante had his hand up slightly. Crowley was about to go on about how Dante was ungrateful and how he assaulted a member of faculty. How Dante was about to receive a worse punishment than before. Yet Crowley stopped in his tracks...
After Crowley saw Dante’s face. Dante’s hood fell down. Dante’s head was… it was a clock! “How could you be so stupid they're literally yelling about how I’m not there familiar. You def!” Grim yelled. It dawned on Crowley that the ticking was Dante. That Crowley had told Dante to shut up. That he ignored and was muttering about how annoying it was to hear Dante’s voice. Not that slapping Crowley was the right thing. “There they just said it! I’m not theirs.” the little cat monster said. “You can understand them?” Crowley asked. “They're yelling how hard it is not to hear them. Also what does “bastard son of a bitch” mean?” Grim asked. Dante stopped… There was a small chime. Crowley gasped, he wasn't the only one. A few students actually fainted. “Such profanity would not be tolerated.” Crowley said, looking at Grim. “they said it.” Grim pointed at Dante. Dante’s arms were crossed and Crowley could understand what Dante was saying. ‘What are you going to do about it? You have no evidence that that is what I said.’ Crowley had a feeling that this year's entice ceremony would go horribly wrong. Yet he never knew the magnitude.
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stitchlingbelle · 9 months
Watching Halo, episode 1
Things I Know About Halo:
The Master Chief is a badass supersoldier who Doesn't Take Off His Helmet.* (I thought it had turned out he was a woman and the fan base rioted but apparently I mixed him up with Samus Aran?) There's a couple AI people, Roland the orange dude and Cortana the hot chick. There's a guy named Arbiter, I think he's an alien? Aliens destroy a lot of planets. There's some sort of mystical Old Ones leftover tech? (Is that the Halo part?) Names I have heard: Miranda Keyes, Dr. Halsey, Makee, Thomas Lasky, Chyler Silva**
That established, let's give this thing a go!
Nice opening scene. The costuming and set design are good, definitely have that Star Wars-esque vibe but are doing some of their own specific things that ground the world. The characters definitely gave you that lived-in-universe feel of established relationships and community right away. (Also I'm delighted by their use of Korean and their made-up alien language. Again, nice worldbuilding.) I am, however, confused. There's also an entire rebelling against the galactic empire thing going on? No one told me this. How do these people find the time with all the aliens?
The violence is really well done. The explosion plus blood splatter shot was great. Good use of camera work to minimize the more difficult to pull off FX shots while still getting the brutality across. The helmet-cam shots are a good storytelling choice while also being a fun nod to the games. I do not envy the stunt people fighting in these suits, though. They made them look powerful. They did not make them look dexterous, graceful or effectively designed for hand-to-hand combat.
Noooo they killed the little kid! ...and everybody else. Man, I liked those guys. Poor Kwan. (Is she in the games? Is she this ineffective? She was like, I'm going to help! and then just... didn't.) And then the Spartans just... walk off?
DO NOT TOUCH THE WEIRD ALIEN TECH. You're a Master Chief! I have it on good authority that keeping people from touching things they shouldn't is a major part of your job! Set a good example for your troops! Also, check your six.
It's Dr. Halsey! Mad scientist alert, this woman does NOT seem to adhere to ethical guidelines. Nice lab coat. I don't trust you. Why do you have a person in a pod? (Why do you have them right where your boss can see them if they're not supposed to exist?) Who's Miranda Keyes and why do you have beef with her? Departmental rivalry?
Wow, Miranda is a lot younger than I expected. Also, that was terrible. Take care of the girl, butter her up, THEN ask her for shit. And do it in person, the hologram thing was weird and off-putting. Not sure that Kwan thought this through-- there's a happy medium between agreeing to be their propaganda mouthpiece and openly threatening to lie and say they caused the massacre, sweetie.
Alien homeworld (or homebase, idk)-- very cool design, good effects-- why is there a human here? Oh, THIS is Makee? What is her deal? Great costuming.
HALSEY IS MIRANDA'S MOM??? Wtf. Also I like Miranda, I don't think she knows what she's doing outside of her (own) lab but it sounds like her heart's in the right place. Great parting shot at dad, but also, maybe that's why your parents worked (for however long. Are they still together or not?)
Great scene with Kwan and Master Chief over the meal. Humanize him with a joke and then WHAM, dead mom story. I like how they're not letting you assume that Madrigal's people were just wrong about the Spartans. Nope, straight up, this guy commits atrocities because he never questions his orders. (She implied that she was there? How did that part go down?) Fortunately teenagers question everything, especially orders! Just in time to make you question this one...
From here on out it's action action action, with a lot of quick character bits mixed in (Halsey and Captain Keyes exchanging looks, the Spartans all listening to Halsey above their orders, high command doesn't trust their own creations-- how many different ways of monitoring their own ships do they have? This is taking surveillance state to a whole new level.)
YAY for Kwan getting a useful moment! If human strength does not avail, use guns tools, that's what we invented them for. No, Kwan, this man does not have a plan. I'm kinda sad the alien artifact activated, it would have been entertaining to watch the other Spartans get involved. (John: "This is our new pet. No, we will not be handing her over to be executed. Yes, she hates us all for very specific valid personal reasons. Roll with it.") Aaaand off they go, escaping to where? Not sure they know and I, with approximately 1% knowledge of this universe, certainly do not.
Finally, hopping back to address the One True Issue that divides the fandom: the helmet scene. It depends on how much the Never Remove the Helmet thing is an irl game artistic choice vs an in-universe character choice. If it's not an actual THING for John-117 himself, then I don't have any problem with it. Different mediums and all that. If it's like the Mandalorian thing, then yeah, it felt a little rushed, but still a necessary moment for humanizing him and building trust ASAP with a hostile teenage girl with a gun.
In conclusion: this was much better than I was expecting! I really enjoyed it and will probably watch the rest of the season while I bake today. And honestly it's been so long since I watched scifi on TV that it was sort of nostalgic? I was just ridiculously pleased by things like establishing shots of Reach and futuristic teenager haircuts.
Thanks so much to ATBNL and @sarnakhwritesthings for talking me into this!
*Has anyone done a 'John-117 is a Mandalorian' crossover yet? Someone definitely has, right?
**The last two do not appear in the TV show and also one is dead, except they're actually alive and married because @authortobenamedlater is in charge here.
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pricetagofficial · 2 years
The Little Merman -D.G. Part Two
Warnings: Language, bits of angst, bits of fluff, typical shenanigans, Dick and Reader are too cute for words. 
Pairing: Merman! Dick Grayson x Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: I know it’s been a month and I am so sorry, work and school and life caught up with me (if you know, you know) but I’m all good and hope you enjoy this part of the story! And as usual, big thanks to my beta fish @offendedfishnoises​ for proofing this for me, and for putting up with my shit every day and mass spam messages. Love you!
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Your finger swirled your spoon around the cup of tea in front of you, the words of your advisor going in one ear and out the other.
“Y/N, are you even listening?” 
Lifting your head, you gave Rachel a sheepish look. Her face morphed into an unamused expression. 
“You asked me to be your advisor when you took over the throne, so maybe let me advise you?” she asked. 
Sitting up, you let out a sigh. “You’re right, you’re right.” Waving your hand, you motioned her to go on. 
Giving you one last look, Rachel turned back to her podium with her dark purple cape flowing with her movements. 
She was right, you really should be paying attention but how could you when you were worried? Your merman never showed up at your next meeting, and you were scared something bad happened to him. You waited until the sun was well behind the horizon, and the cool night air was rolling in before you decided to head back to shore. 
Did you do something to make him not show up? Were all those playful jokes and banter just that? Were you nothing more than a way to pass time? 
Rachel looked over and saw the upset look on your face and sighed softly. She had been friends with you for years, and she could see that you were upset over something. 
“We can pick this back up tomorrow, Y/N go get some rest.” 
At her words, your head picked up and instantly got concerned. “Rachel, I’m fine really–” 
“Y/N, you were never at this meeting. Whatever is going on with you, you need to sort it out.” Rachel smiled softly, and nodded her head towards the door. “Go take a walk or something, we can start early tomorrow.” 
Giving her your thanks, you headed out of the library and down the grand staircase before exiting the castle to embrace the warm ocean air, as the mists from the shore sprayed your face. 
The ocean always brought comfort to you, the sounds and smells of the sea bringing you back to the memories of your childhood sailing with your parents before their tragic accident a few years ago. 
It wasn’t too long after that, you learned of your merman friend and in an odd way he helped you deal with that grief explaining to you that the merfolk believed they all returned to the ocean when they died. 
On the days it was harder to carry the weight, you liked to believe your parents became part of something they loved. 
Without paying attention, your thoughts brought you to the shore. Kicking your shoes off, you made your way to the edge of the water and dug your toes in the sand. Slowly, you felt the relaxing take hold of you.
The song of the seagulls with the smooth rhythm of the waves lulled you into a sense of tranquility. It wasn’t long before you heard a sound to your left. 
Opening your eyes, you were greeted with the sight of a peculiar looking man who looked to be struggling to walk on the sand. Before you could speak, you felt something run past you and head straight for your visitor. 
Steadying yourself, you saw that your massive great dane had pushed past you to greet the new friend. 
“Titus! No!” 
Taking off after them, you caught up to the dog as it chased the man up onto a tall rock clinging to it for dear life. Grabbing the collar, you sat in the sand and pulled Titus down with you so he could sit. 
Once you got him calm, you looked up at the person hiding on the rock. He had shaggy black hair, and tanned skin with a sweet look on his face. But what caught your attention was his eyes, they were the most beautiful shade of blue you had ever seen. 
Making sure Titus was still sitting, you slowly got up and brushed the sand off. 
“Hello, I’m–uh, I’m Y/N.” you greeted, walking to the rock. You waited for a response, but there wasn’t one. Instead, he just kept staring at you. 
“What’s yours?” 
Dick realized at this point, he should respond. He was so excited that he had found you, he didn’t notice the massive black monster coming straight for him. Until now, Dick had his doubts. But now he knew that he made the right choice, Dick wanted to be with you. Hopefully you felt the same. 
Opening his mouth to respond, Dick’s face fell when he remembered Slade took his voice. 
Picking up on his dilemma, you gave him a soft smile. “Can’t talk?” 
Dick shook his head. 
“Well, good thing I can talk enough for the both of us.” 
Turning his head, Dick hid his smile and the slight tint of red to his cheeks. 
Seeing the thing you dubbed Titus, sat peacefully at your side, DIck slowly slid off the rock and moved to stand. Feeling the sand between his toes was an odd feeling he wasn’t used to yet, and Dick wasn’t sure he liked it. 
Watching him stand, you noticed there was something off about him. His stance was wobbly and if you didn’t know better you’d think he’d never seen sand or a dog before. Titus barked at your side, making him jump. 
A giggle escaped your lips as you knelt down to pet the great dane. “This is Titus. He won’t hurt you, just loves to play and cuddle.” 
Dick gave the animal a questionable look before turning it on you. He trusted you, but would this thing really not hurt him? 
Slowly kneeling next to you, Dick held his hand out flinching when Titus moved his wet nose and nuzzled it against his palm. Seeing that it was true that Titus wouldn’t hurt him, Dick smiled and rubbed his ears like you did. 
Before you could stop it, Titus barked happily and tackled him into the sand in a fit of laughter as the dog licked all over his face.
“Titus!” Getting to your feet, you couldn’t fight the laughter at seeing him wipe the dog drool off his face. “Sorry about that, dogs can get really affectionate and Titus is no exception.” 
Dick shook his head with a smile, trying to relay that it was okay. Looking at the dog –an interesting name for an animal– Dick watched as Titus sat by him with a proud look on his face as if to say that Dick was his now. Not that he was going to complain, even if he had his voice. 
Tilting your head, you were amused at the sight. “Why don’t I bring you back to my place? We can get you washed up and fed, maybe even learn your name?” 
Dick liked the idea of that, a smile forming on his face as he quickly nodded his head. 
Moving to step forward, Dick’s legs went out from under him. Darting forward, you were able to catch him before he hit the ground. 
“You okay?” 
Dick nodded, with a smile as he held onto you to steady himself ignoring the loud thumping of his heart. 
Taking your time, you walked back to your castle together making sure he didn’t take another tumble. All efforts were wasted when a rather large man rushed past the both of you, effectively knocking your friend to the floor. 
“Hey!” you snapped. “Watch where you’re going asshole!” 
What you didn’t notice was the way Dick stared up at you, watching as you muttered under your breath to help him up. “That guy was a real dick.” 
Suddenly his head shot up, moving out of your hold to help him up as his hands waved wildly in the air pointing to himself. Of all things, why did that get a reaction from him?
“Woah,” you chuckled. “Slow down, I can’t understand when you are waving all over.” 
“Start slow.” 
You watched as he took a deep breath before pointing at himself.
He nodded, then moved his hand in the air as if he was writing something. 
“You write? That’s pretty cool, I'm more of an adventurer myself but I–” You stopped, seeing him shake his head. Okay, maybe that wasn’t it.
Pointing to himself again, you nodded and watched him write in the air once again. If he wasn’t saying that he was a writer, what was he writing? 
“You–, Your name?” 
You chuckled as he nodded quickly. “Your name! Did I say it?” 
Again, he nodded, then pointed in the direction the man from earlier had run. 
“I said it on the beach? No, you would’ve reacted then. Did I say it just now?” 
There was another nod. 
Thinking back, you couldn’t come up with anything that could be a name other than…
“Are– are you trying to tell me your name is Dick?” 
Dick beamed, nodding happily. 
“You’re really telling me that your parents named you Dick? You must’ve had a rough childhood.” you chuckled. 
Dick didn’t care, you knew his name. That was the most important thing to him at that moment.
“Well, Dick.” You smiled, “Let’s get you home and washed up. I heard the chef is making something delicious tonight.” 
At the mention of food, Dick’s stomach began to rumble as you helped him to his feet. “Sounds like someone is hungry.” 
Dick’s face grew hot as it turned the lightest shade of pink. 
It didn’t take much longer to get Dick to the castle. It was so much easier now that you knew his name, instead of saying ‘Hey you!’ all the time, you could actually use his name. 
Upon arrival, your best friend and companion Donna Troy ran down the steps with a concerned look on her face. “Y/N, what happened?” 
“Found this guy stranded on the beach, he can’t talk let alone walk.” 
Donna gave him a once over and a look of pity crossed her face before she smiled and helped you guide him up the steps. “Well, I’m sure Roy or Kyle wouldn’t mind helping him out. They need something to do anyway.” 
Dick gave you an apprehensive look at their names, as if he was asking you to not leave his side. 
“Don’t worry Dick, they are great people and my best friends. You can trust them.” 
He seemed to relax at that as you and Donna led him in the massive doors, a look of wonder crossing his face. 
The ceiling was so tall, and Dick had never seen so much sunlight coming through like that before. The light shone on the floor in different colors from the window, matching up to the design above.
“You’ve never seen a stained glass window before?” 
Dick shook his head. 
“Well,” you chuckled. “There are plenty of those and more to see.” 
“Y/N, when I said you need to stop bringing home strays, this was included.” 
You turned on your heel to see Roy coming down the stairs, looking at the scene in front of him. Being your oldest friend, Roy knew you better than most. He was there for you through the passing of your parents, and through the coronation of the new Queen that’s due to happen within a few months. 
“You said stray dogs, you didn’t say anything about stray men.” 
“I hope you know how creepy that sounds,” he laughed, coming to a stop. Looking him over, Roy realized that Kyle wasn’t kidding when he said you were walking up the path with what looked to be a drowned rat personified.
“I’m going to assume he is staying for dinner,”
“Yes,” you nodded. “And for however long after he needs to get back on his feet.” 
Grabbing your arms, Donna huffed. “I need to talk to you, in private.” she hissed. 
Glancing back, you looked at Roy. “Could you and Kyle help him get cleaned up and dressed for dinner? I need to take care of something.” 
Letting out a playful sigh, Roy nodded. “Sure, I don’t mind helping.” Wrapping his arm around Dick’s Roy let him up the stairs and to the right where one of the empty wings of the castle was. Once the two of them were out of sight, Donna dragged you off to one of the nearby rooms.
“Y/N, what the hell were you thinking?” 
Kudos to Donna for holding in her disdain for as long as she did. 
“Donna, you don’t understand,”
“What don’t I understand? You brought home a random stranger, who looks like he has never walked a day in his life.” 
Crossing your arms, you pursed your lips. “He needed help, what was I supposed to do? Let him starve and die of heat stroke on the beach?” 
“No! Of course not I–” 
“Then what was I supposed to do?” 
Donna sighed. “I just wish you would have told one of us first, you never know who’s out there waiting at the beach waiting to steal a pretty girl away.” 
“Aww, you think I’m pretty.” 
There was an audible thump as Donna hit the back of your head. “Will you get serious for once?” 
“I am serious! You didn’t see him out there, the poor guy can’t talk and can barely get around. If I left him, it would’ve eaten me alive.” 
Letting out a sigh, Donna dropped her head. “I know, and that’s one of my favorite things about you. Just promise me you’ll be more careful?” 
Giving your friend a lopsided smile, you didn’t miss the way she rolled her eyes at you. “All right, get out of here and go get ready for dinner.” 
Grinning like an idiot, you took off running to your sweet to wash up and get changed. Since there was going to be a guest for dinner, maybe it was time to dress up a bit. Normally you would wear your basic clothes, but for some reason you wanted to make a good impression. 
Calling one of your hand maidens, Tara, she quickly helped you into a floor length, ocean-blue, chiffon dress. You weren’t sure why you wanted this dress specifically, but the color spoke to you. 
Once your hair was styled, with not a single strand out of place, Terra smiled. 
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” Tara watched as you spun in the mirror, admiring how you looked in the dress. “You wouldn’t by chance be dressing up for our guest, would you?” 
“Don’t be silly Tara, I dressed up because I wanted to.” 
Tara made a face at your back, she knew exactly why. You’d been acting a little antsy since you got back from the beach, almost as if you wanted to be somewhere else and Tara had a good guess as to where. 
“Y/N, you and I both know that you don’t just ‘dress up because you want to’.” Folding one of the blankets, she watched you. “It has to do with that stray you brought home, doesn’t it.” 
“Dick is not a stray,” you huffed. “He is someone who needed help, and I gave it to him.” 
“Not even with the way he looks at you, as if you were the one who molded the world into existence?” 
You turned to look at her with a stern face, “My personal affairs are not of your concern.” you snapped. “Now, if you’re quite finished I have dinner to eat.” 
Walking out the room, you stormed past her and down the stairs missing her snide comments. 
“They are when you get a creature like that to fall in love with you.” 
Once you were down the stairs, there was a low whistle. You turned to see Roy was waiting for you, giving a look with his brow raised. 
“Since when do you clean up this good?” 
“Why is my appearance suddenly everyone’s concern?” 
Roy grinned, poking your forehead. “It’s not every day a stud like that walks through our doors, with you on his arm.” 
“You know I can still kick your ass in this dress and heels?” 
“You know I love women who do?” 
Before you could give him a retort, Roy was shoved out of your view by Donna who looked very unimpressed with his antics. “I doubt they love you as much,” 
Hiding your snickers, you watched as Roy stumbled and gave his friend a glare. “You’re a real bully today, Donna. Who hurt you?” 
“Go look in the mirror.” 
There was snickering coming from the stairs, looking up you saw Kyle and Victor leading Dick down the stairs. Dick was dressed in black slacks, with a white button-up, rolled to his elbows. His hair was still a disheveled mess, but much cleaner as it hung in his face framing it nicely. You tried not to let your eyes linger, but Dick looked breathtaking in formal wear. 
You were so busy looking, you didn't see the four pairs of eyes watching the two of you intently. 
Clearing your throat, you brushed off your dress before making your way to him. Dick’s eyes widened at the sight of you, in the same shade of blue his tail was. You were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen in his life. The way the dress fit your figure, and the chiffon sleeves and low cut neckline had him going a light shade of pink. 
“I hope you’re hungry, Chef Garfield has cooked us up a wonderful meal I hear.” 
Dick nodded happily, feeling Alfred poke his head out the pocket in his pants. Watching as you offered him an arm, Dick couldn’t fight the smile as he took it walking as you led him to the dining room. 
Entering the large hall, you led Dick to the end where you sat, and gave him the seat next to you. The meal was already laid out, on covered silver platters with Garfield standing by with a proud look on his face. 
“Come on in, come on in.” he beamed. “Geez, when Vic said you found a random guy he wasn’t kidding!” 
“Gar, is now really the time?” 
He just shrugged with a grin, “When is it not the time?” he countered.
Rolling your eyes, you took your seat along with everyone else. Roy was sat to your right, and Dick was at your left instead of Donna for tonight. “What did you make us tonight?” 
“Well, I know how you all are partial to seafood,” he started. You swore you saw Dick’s face pale. “So I made the exact opposite, and cooked up a fresh quinoa salad complete with tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, olive, pine nuts, and chickpeas. All topped with some feta cheese and olive oil.” 
Dick let out a breath, relief washing through him. For a minute there he thought he was going to eat fish, or worse. 
Everyone was served within a few minutes, and idle chatter flowed through the room with Dick listening to and hanging on every word you said. You were currently retelling the story of the day you met Roy, when his family came down from their kingdom to visit your parents. 
Dick rested his chin on his hand as he watched, smiling at the way you waved your arms telling about when the two of you got caught riding the horses through the ballroom, before shoving Roy off his seat when he made a snide comment. 
How he longed to tell you the stories of him and his childhood, when each sibling was adopted, the first time he rode a seahorse, when Tim thought it was a good idea to tie his fin to the back of a manta ray and let it carry him with it, to “see how it felt to be one of them.”, the day Jason came back from the dead, the day Damian was brought to them by his mother, the day Stephanie became someone he both trusted and feared; Dick had so much history. It killed him not being able to share it with you. 
Roy glanced out of the corner of his eye, the way Dick was watching you. A grin formed on his face. “Y/N, why don’t you tell your new friend the story of how you met Kyle?” 
“Why would I tell him that? I’m embarrassed enough just knowing you.” 
“Aww, but you love me.” he teased.
“Like a vampire loves garlic.” 
Dick was really confused now. Vampires? Garlic? What were those, and what did they have to do with Roy and Kyle?
You spared him a glance, and saw the curious look on his face which instantly made you melt. Dropping your head with a sigh, you conceded. “Alright.” 
Dick moved closer, ready to hear the story. 
“It was after I met Roy, he told me he was coming to visit with his friend. This was before my parents died and they came to stay here with me,” You started. “But, I didn’t know who this friend of his was, didn’t even know his name.” 
Everyone seemed to be silent, listening intently to the story they all knew by this point. 
“Anyway, I was a teenager at the time and I come down the steps to see this random guy standing there as if he was waiting for something. We get to talking, get each other’s names and um, well–” you stopped suddenly, feeling your face heat up at the memory. 
Tilting his head, Dick wanted you to go on ready to hear the rest of the story. 
Roy being the stellar best friend he was, grinned like a hyena. “What’s wrong Y/N, can’t remember how the story ends?” he teased. 
“Harper I swear, if you keep talking I will–” 
“What Y/N is leaving out is that not even an hour later, I caught the two of them alone in a closet with their tongues down each other’s throats.” 
Dick’s ears went pink right as you stood from your seat and grabbed Roy by the collar and drug him out of the dining hall. Ignoring the looks from everyone, you pulled him into the foyer and shut the door behind you. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” you hiss. “Why did you bring that up?” 
When he didn’t answer, you punched his arm. “Answer me dammit,” 
Rubbing the spot you punched, Roy only chuckled. “You clearly didn’t see the way he was clinging to every word you said. I wanted to get a gist of how smitten Dick already is for you.” 
Your anger was bubbling, ready to maim the red headed idiot in front of you. 
“So that gives you the right? I don’t care how anyone looks at me, what I care about is you sharing personal information without asking me first.” you snapped. 
Roy chewed his lip and dropped his head with a sigh. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
Feeling a little less angry, you crossed your arms. “It’s fine, just don’t do it again.” 
After another twenty minutes or so, dinner was over and everyone was retiring to their rooms for the night. Hanging back, you waved to your friends as the disappeared before walking Dick back to his room. 
“Sorry about what happened with Roy, he doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.” 
Dick only smiled, and shook his head to tell you it was okay.
Giving him a smile back, you clasped your hands behind you as you walked together. “So, what do you think of the palace so far?” 
At your question, Dick’s face lit up as he waved is hands around mouthing words you couldn’t understand. Seeing him so excited made you giggle, Dick stopping seeing that you were laughing at him with a blush on his cheeks. 
“We really need to find a better way to communicate.” 
Dick held his hand out, and wrote something in the air. 
“That is a good point, we could always write to communicate.” you smiled. 
Dick only grinned. 
Stopping outside his door, you rocked on your heels as Dick looked around at his surroundings. 
“So…” you trailed off, rubbing the back of your neck. “I wanted to see if you’d like a tour of the kingdom tomorrow?” 
Dick nodded vigorously, a bright smile on his face. 
“Great! I’ll be sure that Roy or Kyle leave some casual clothes for you tomorrow.” 
Unable to hide his excitement, Dick grinned like a fool in love. Which he was. 
He loved the way you looked in the dress, the color suiting you well. Not to mention he was excited to spend the day with you tomorrow. 
“Get some sleep then,” you answered. “We have a long day ahead of us.” 
Surprised he could nod even more than before, Dick smiled and kissed your cheek before bouncing into his room. 
Reaching a hand up, you touched the spot he kissed feeling your face heat up. How was he so cute and adorable? Walking back to your room, Tara was there to help you out of the dress before you slipped into a nightgown. 
“Tara, make sure my coach is ready to go for tomorrow please. I plan on taking Dick out on the town,” 
“Yes ma’am,” she responded, before lowering the flame on the lamp on your bedside table. “Will you need anything else?” 
You shook your head. “No thank you, have a good night.” you smiled before climbing into the bed. 
Tara nodded, exiting your room and shutting the door behind her. 
Walking to her own room, Tara locked the door behind her and walked to her vanity and sat on the stool. Checking the time, Tara tapped her foot. He was supposed to make contact within the next ten minutes, so she could give him an update. 
No sooner did the thought finish in her head, did the mirror in front of her swirl around and Slade appeared on it. 
“What’s the news kid? Did our merprince find his princess?” 
Tara huffed, “Oh he found her alright, and she is absolutely smitten.” 
Slade made an unimpressed noise, “You know, the only way for this deal of ours to follow through is if you hold up your end of it.” 
“You think I don’t know that?” Tara hissed, “It’s kind of hard when everyone is forsaken castle can see the googly-eyes they’re making at each other.” 
“So, give them a reason to not. Lie, steal, cheat, do whatever the hell you can to stop them from falling in love. It’s your life on the line here, not mine sweetheart.” 
“I know,” she growled. “Who’d have thought that eternal servitude to you would be such a pain in the ass?” 
“I did.” 
Tara rolled her eyes, “They’re going into town tomorrow for a tour. I’ll sabotage it the best I can, but I might need some help.” 
Slade tapped his chin, his features illuminated by the lime green emanating from his cauldron. Looking around, he smiled once he found what he was looking for. Grabbing a blue bottle from a shelf, Slade held it up for her to see. 
“See this? Just a few drops will ensure their trip does not go to plan.” 
Tara reached through the mirror and took it, the bottle was lighter than she thought it would be. “What am I supposed to do with it?” 
“A few drops in their drink should suffice,” he answered. “Remember Tara, don’t let them fall in love.” 
Tara nodded, watching as the mirror swirled again before she was met with her reflection. Looking at the bottle again, Tara let out a sigh. It seemed she had a job to do. 
Taglist: @bluejay-the-geek @offendedfishnoises @niggxrette @restwellsoon @urlocalpari
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magpiemoon6 · 11 months
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Love me in the dark
(Chapter one)
Dbf Simon “ Ghost” Riley x OC
Word count - 2113
Summary - she’s worse than nicotine, he’s someone she should never want. Let the chaos begin.
Theme - smut, angst, fluff
Warnings - swearing, smoking, violence, mentions of trauma, age gap (12 years) , bit of enemies to lovers, so much smut
Written by - me and my friend!!!
Hope you all enjoy it was our first time writing a fanfic!!! 💗💗💗
Do I want to be here? No. Do I have to go to my dad's wedding? No but that means confrontation and fuck that shit.
Shimming the fuel pump in my hand, I pop it back, thinking about how I’m going to survive a week of family I haven’t seen since I was 15. The honking wakes me from planning to light myself on fire with the fuel in front.
“Va bene!! Sto andando!! Vaffanculo!!” (alright I’m moving ,fuck off!! ) I respond, hopping back into my car. Scanning the radio my eyes catch the time. Being late will not help my situation, I hit the accelerator and I lurch forward. I’m so fucked when I get to the villa. Moving the car towards the exit, my eyes keep flickering back to the time, I have zero excuses for being late. I literally live here unlike everyone else. My heart almost stops as a truck swerves out at the same time and scratches my car. Swearing everything under the sun I turn to glare at the twat. He’s already beat me to it; his eyes pierce mine with a sense of coldness that stays in my chest. The bastard is the one to hit me, yet he’s angry? What a pig! I am way too late to deal with this. Not that it's going to stop me from yelling some absurd insult at him before I go. Mr. Scary seems to have lost his mind and goes to get out of his car to yell at me. Slamming my foot on the accelerator again I bomb it out of the petrol station. Leaving the bloke who can’t drive in the dust.
My heart is thundering in my ears, I can’t do this. Seeing a man who I haven’t seen in years now happy with his new wife and life. The shock that the invitation in the mail even came still confuses me. Why bother inviting your kid just because she now lives near the place you're getting married at? So, I am stuck because I still love him even though I want to strangle him with my anger. But that’s not what adults do so for the next week I will smile and lie and act okay.
Stepping out of my car I hurry towards the door that has become the epiphany of hell. Trying to sneak past family members is no longer an option. I begrudgingly plaster a stupid smile on my face and respond to their words all the same. With a constant stream of questions, “Maevis gosh how old are you now?” 25.
“No partner?” No. “Such a shame, you’re such a pretty girl, why don’t you date?” oh you know I’m just not ready. Complete lie.
“What work do you do again dear?” oh I’m between things right now. Another lie. Breaking away from the gawking, I wander aimlessly trying to find- or avoid, I haven't decided- my father in the garden and his fiancé. I can’t even hate her, she’s too sweet, too loving, she deserves better than him.
“Maevy?” I know that voice from anywhere. I turn to face him. He’s aged. I can see that the once black hair is entirely grey now with wrinkles deepening his surprise. Turning he stares shocked for a split second until he lumbers towards reaching for a hug. I’m squished and I can’t breathe, I love hugs but with him it feels like I’m hugging a stranger.
“You’re here?” he says conflictingly as if the person in his arms isn’t his daughter, but a sort of myth that was forgotten for a time. I feel like an exotic bird in a petting zoo. Letting me go, my dad introduces me to his soon to be wife Sofie. Her sweet perfume of roses gives her twinkling eyes a friendly face squeezing my arm reassuringly.
“So Maevy I want to introduce you to the wedding party”, my Dad boasts pulling me along towards more people. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. The long line of bridesmaids and groomsmen, then the maid of honour. Every single one of them is sweet but reminds me of people that are just about to go through a midlife crisis.
“Ah, here comes my best man, Maevis sweetie, to meet Simon Riley,” Dad says, turning us to see him.
He is so much younger than everyone else, he must be in his late thirties at most. And he’s way too hot for my dad’s friend. But then it clicks, and panic surges me. It’s Mr. Scary from the petrol station. For fucks sake.
Moving closer Mr. Can’t Drive extends his hand to me, he is so much taller than me. I probably look ridiculous with my mouth open. “… Cat got your tongue,” The way his arms are covered in tattoos winding up the exposed skin that’s littered with white scars, distracting from his insult.
“How was the drive here?” He smirks, as he holds my hand, taking it slowly to his lips keeping his eyes on mine. I want to punch his pretty face, smug bastard.
“Fine, only some dickhead scratched my car,” I quip holding his stare. I'm trying not to laugh in his face but his pissed off look is making it hard. “I’m going to go to my room and unpack maybe have a nap” I turn to my dad grinning, moving away from them all as I wave and speed up. Still a tiny victory over him.
The warm water from the shower drowns out any thoughts, washing away my annoyance. I can avoid people until the morning and blame it on a long drive. Meaning I also don’t have to deal with him. The shower is fogging up my thoughts and I don’t want to leave. For an old villa the water pressure is heavenly.
Clattering from the kitchen, brings me out of bliss and straight to panic. It happens again and I begin to contemplate my life choices. Turning off the shower and wrapping myself in a towel, I grab the long wooden loofah, in fairness it’s that or the lavender shampoo. My blood pumps too quickly as I open the doors to the lounge area. The clattering is coming from the kitchen side, panicking. I run out to hit the creep with the loofa. The stranger spins so fast and catches it mid air along with me and pushes me down to the marble floor. The cold stone shocks me even more at who it was. “Why are you in my room?” seeing the creeps face only to find Simons.
His body on top of mine holding me in place with a hand on my arm with my weapon holding it firmly above my head. The other searing through the fluffy towel near my hip. I’m stuck in just a towel under my dad’s best friend, what type of shitty karma do I have.
“I’m not going to repeat myself again, love” he murmurs, staring at me. Breathing becomes harder. All I can smell is him. Cigarettes and cologne.
“It’s my room, asshole!” I snap back, I need to get away from him, my skin is on fire from where he’s touching me which feels like everywhere. Wiggling to try to free myself, he grunts forcing my eyes back on him as his hand under my head moves to hold my waist.
“Stop,” he warns.
“Then get off you bloody giant” I quip, he rolls off me. As the words leave my mouth like a reality check.
Moving to stand holding my towel for dear life I glare at him as he stands. Slowly his eyes inspect my attire.
“What the actual fuck are you doing in my room Simon, get out” my voice rises, I’m not losing my room to a oaf with bad driving skills.
“I’m making a cuppa in the kitchen attached to my room,” he points to the door opposite of my room.
“No, no, this is my room. Not yours. I’m talking to my dad” turning straight for the door.
“Such a goddamn daddy’s girl. Christ'' he mutters.
This arrogant mother… breathe. My hands squeeze into fists, and I can’t calm down, he is driving me insane, and I’ve only known him for less than one day. And I am way too petty.
“Fine since my dad taught me to share with the less fortunate, we can share the lounge space. Stay away from me and i'll do the same for you.” Turning and folding my arms, smirking as I watch his face frown. We both stare at each other, the tension builds and for a split second I watch his eyes to my towel and back to me. And during that minuscule second the tension isn’t full of anger.
“Done” he grunts and takes his tea to go outside onto the shared balcony. Leaving me with my heart in my throat.
She is such a brat. How can someone so fucking small be such a big pain in the ass? I need to smoke something to settle my mind before I go back and end up arguing with her. My hands automatically find the box of cigs in my back pocket. Inhaling deeply as I light the end of a small light glows comfortingly. The harsh burn on the tip of my thumb keeps me steady, the heavy tobacco fills my lungs with warm sweet nicotine. But I can’t stop my mind from thinking about her. I’m reaching to call soap before I can think of the consequences of telling him about her.
“Aye what do ya want LT.? Missed me already ya sap?” Johnny's voice teases me through the line. Gripping the phone, it’s been five seconds, and he is making me rethink life decisions such as this phone call.
“Will you fuck off? I’m in a pissy mood as it is Johnny” huffing back. She is making me go mad if she is leading me to call this ugly mug.
“Do I wanna ken?” Johnny questions, moving closer to the speaker and from the sounds of it away from a toaster.
“English Johnny” I groan, dreading when we start work again. No matter how long I’ve worked with him, his accent doesn’t make sense. I’m pretty sure when he’s drunk he’s summoning something.
“Do I wanna know?” Nosey bastard as he is, he would nag me to tell him unless I jump the balcony.
“Paul’s kid, turns out she is a 25 year old brat who I have to share living space with.” I groan realising the reality of the situation, I am stuck for five days with her.
Eruptions of laughter break through the line and if there was a moment for the ability to punch Johnny through a phone to be possible I would want it to be now.
“Dinnae be dour, is the lass pretty?” Christ the bloke only thinks with his dick I swear.
“The fuck does that have with….she’s a pain johnny, this is becoming worse than our last mission,”
“So that’s a yes” soaps laughter is starting to grate my gears.
“What da ya do to the wee bonnie to ‘ate the likes of you then?” he inquires, the bastard knows me and my shitty driving, already prepared to mock me.
“I lightly grazed her convertible on the way here,” muttering, my thoughts move back to the bump and cringe at the very action.
“You fuckin’ nob no wonda she ates ya guts mate,” Soap mocks as if I am not aware of my own stupid decisions.
“I’m going now,” I’m done with this conversion, I can't deal with him reminding me how stupid I was since now I have her talking my ear off about it a few feet away.
“I like her” I can tell Johnny’s shoulders are shaking with laughter over my misfortune, I’m leaving him the next mission I swear.
“Fuck off Johnny”
His laughter is still in my ears as I cut the line. He isn’t wrong, as frustrating she is, God she is beautiful. Her grin is in my head like a spell, and I want to erase it. I need to erase it, for my sanity. She is my mate’s kid and also annoying as fuck. The cig burns my hands again as it dies in my grasp. Sucking in the tobacco, I need it to remove the memory of her. To wipe away any thoughts of what she would look like with my hand around her neck and my cock deep inside her. Fuck’s sake.
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