#bro I once got up at 6:30 in the morning to try to claim a Gates Foundation grant because they were giving away a total of $250mil
hauntedfalcon · 2 years
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@nonhoration right?! every time I think about how much a meatspace nonprofit could accomplish with the money AO3 is doing nothing with, steam comes out of my ears. flames! on the side of my face!
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
Moving on to Episode 4 of Word of Honor, and y’all.
Wait, first: If you’re new or just visiting, this is a re-watch, so there are SPOILERS not just for this ep but for the ENTIRE SHOW. Maybe a lot of them. Scroll away and come back later if you haven’t seen all 36.5 eps and want to watch it unspoiled. (They’re all gonna be tagged “word of honor episode reax”)
A couple of big things, first:
So, right up front, I don’t know for sure that this is the first time we’ve heard the word, but it’s the first time I’ve twigged to it in this re-watch. As Zhou Zishu and Chengling are leaving the inn in the morning, at the very beginning of the ep, Wen Kexing asks why ZZS continues to call him gongzi and wants to know if he’s still too much of an outsider for a less formal form of address. He uses the word 外人 (wairen) (at 2:30) for “outsider,” which is how the subs translate it here. Anybody who’s been around for these flailing reactions since the first time I watched the show might remember that I made a deal about this somewhere around in the late 20s of the episodes, based on a post from someone that I scrolled quickly past while avoiding spoilers and that I have NEVER FOUND AGAIN and am STILL LOOKING FOR, that alerted me to the use of this word and its nuances in ep 25. There’s a conversation there about WKX possibly taking over some of Chengling’s training at Siji Manor, and WKX demurs, calling himself “外人.” Youku translated it there as “someone else,” as in having “someone else” train your disciple, and ZZS responds with “And you’re 外人?” again translated as “someone else.” This actually seems to mean “stranger,” or “outsider,” as they do actually translate it here in Ep 4 - presumably someone who’s from outside your sect, at least in the Ep 25 instance, in which WKX is labeling himself that while he’s in the midst of his upcoming crisis, trying to keep his emotional distance from ZZS and Siji Manor. It’s used again in Ep 26, when ZZS finds WKX giving training advice to Chengling, and it’s one of the ways they have WKX and A-Xiang reflect each other, when she uses it in Ep 29, and rejects it as a description of herself, in order to claim a place in Cao Weining’s sect/family (which, now, knowing … GOD. My HEART). Anyway, I found it super-interesting that WKX is using this word here in Ep 4 to push against ZZS’s boundaries, in contrast to the way he’ll use it later, to try to fortify his own walls against ZZS and Siji Manor. I begin to suspect that he doesn’t want to tell ZZS who he actually is because, maybe, just a little bit, he wants ZZS to figure it out, to recognize him, to truly know him (zhiji) without him having to spell it out. We kind of travel back around to this idea near the end of the ep, when WKX is questioning ZZS about the Baiyi sword, and ZZS tells him that their relationship is like the fish that ZZS unsuccessfully tried to cook and threw on the ground – raw (i.e., unacquainted) – to explain why he keeps shutting out and shutting down WKX. Only we know now that isn’t entirely true, and WKX certainly suspects it isn’t entirely true. (Also, just an observation, ZZS says in that later scene that he’s not interested in who WKX is. DON’T TELL HIM THAT, my dude, now it’s going to be 3,246 episodes before he’ll give you any personal info.)
Also, just a note – I think we make the switch from Zhou-xiong to A-Xu in this ep. (ETA: No! I have been reliably informed by @janedrewfinally that this switch happened back at the end of Ep 3 (at 41:18), and it seems to be part of what precipitates the Completely Reasonable, Not At All Flirtatious, Utterly Heterosexual No Really, Like Bros way that ZZS takes WKX's wine jar. You know the incident we mean.)
The second thing that I really started turning over in my head here is the developing relationship between WKX and Chengling, and this is one of the things that took me so long on this one, because I wanted to go back and look at those two, specifically, in the previous eps again, and revisit their interactions both with and without the mediating factor of ZZS. The first time WXK sees Chengling is in the marketplace at the end of Ep 1 when Chengling ends up giving his token to ZZS. But I think the first time WKX sees Chengling is maybe when WKX’s sitting in the cutout window with his drinkie during the massacre of Mirror Lake and ZZS draws the Baiyi sword to protect Boatman Li and Chengling, just before they make it to the boat and float away back to the mainland. I don’t know how much of the beginning of the fight in the abandoned temple WKX then sees before A-Xiang makes her entrance, but there’s a lot of Chengling flinging himself in front of Boatman Li and ZZS in a way that’s not entirely dissimilar to the way Zhen Yan will fling himself at his parents’ bodies in flashback in a later episode, and then WKX definitely sees dying Boatman Li charge ZZS with Chengling’s care, then make Chengling bow, in a parallel to the scene we’ll get later when Qin Huaizhang accepts Zhen Yan as a Siji Manor shidi. In Ep 3, there’s a lot of weird sympathetic looks from WKX as A-Xiang berates Chengling over dinner (she doesn’t quite have this jiejie thing down yet, and she’s probably never had someone younger than her to take care of) for not taking care of himself so he can be strong and get his revenge for his family’s deaths. This time out, Ep 4, we start with the beggar gangs coming after Chengling, which has some resonance with the former Ghost Valley Master and his Ten Devils standing around the bodies of Zhen Yan’s parents and debating what they’re going to do with this kid before they steal him away. You can see WKX’s eyes start to narrow as the lead beggar dude talks, and he eventually even asks them, “What are you going to do if he doesn’t want to go, take him away by force?” We get a LOT of cutting to WKX in this conversation, even though he ostensibly has nothing to do with this, it’s really a convo between Beggar Guy, ZZS and Chengling. WKX pulls focus, and he eventually provokes that fight, and sure, he wants to see ZZS fighting and hopefully get a look at the Baiyi sword, and he even may think that’s the extent of his ulterior motives, but I’m not sure that actually is the full extent of his motives, there. This episode is also when we really see WKX start to encourage Chengling to continue to press at ZZS about taking him as a disciple, including the first use of the infamous “Tough women can’t resist clingy men” saying. Chengling comments that he was just supposed to be Son #3 who stayed home and took care of the old people, and WKX comes back with the Extremely Significant Comment that “When the children want to fulfill their filial piety, the parents have died,” which is not only Extremely Significant, but also sounds like it may be a quote from a poem or other literature? Anyway, a lot of this is just to say, KINDLY AU ANON WHO WAS THINKING ABOUT WRITING THE STORY IN WHICH WKX GETS CUSTODY OF CHENGLING BECAUSE ZZS IS NOT AT MIRROR LAKE, ARE YOU STILL OUT THERE? Hopefully you are hard at work, writing, because I have been having thoughts about this relationship.
What else? Kind of chronologically:
First of all, it continues to physically pain me to have to look at that horrifying facial hair, ZZS. I cannot WAIT to hit Ep 6.
We open this ep on WKX rolling walnuts in his hand in a way that is reminiscent of SOMEONE who we’ve seen do that before – multiple times, given they put that shot of Ghost Valley Master in the opening credits. Nevertheless, I didn’t catch this right away on my first time through. It took me a few episodes, and then I FINALLY noticed the opening credits shot right in front of my face. Point to you, show. Once you know, this ep practically shoves it in your face, recreating not only the walnut rolling, but a dude getting held up in the air and choked out (which we’ve seen before, in Ep 1 (and will see again)) before being slammed down on the ground with WKX crouched over him (which we’ve seen before, in Ep 1). Later, WKX is concerned about his manicure (which we’ve seen before, in Ep 1). It’s actually a little bit funny that both he and ZZS - a master assassin and a guy who literally skinned another dude (and maybe ate him?) to take his throne – are both so prissy about actual, literal blood. Anyway, is it significant or a coincidence that WKX waits until ZZS and Chengling are out of sight before actually going wild-eyed? You know the look I mean.
OH MY GOD, it’s Lovelace. I had blocked this dude from my mind. Eurgh. Nevertheless, there are a number of things I love about his scene, and all of them are related to A-Xiang, my feral beloved - from the way she clomps into the room, completely unworried about stepping the least bit gracefully while making her presence known and stomping (lit. and fig.) all over his dramatic little bit, to the way she berates him, threatens him with “Aunt Luo,” bares her teeth at him, and makes the eye-gouging motion at him. She is the best, and I adore her. I also love how she literally laughs in WKX’s face at his comment that maybe he just wants to be friends with ZZS, OK, is that alright?
The fight with the beggar gangs in this ep may be the first time we see something similar to the cage of spears maneuver in Prince Jin’s throne room all the way up in Ep … what? 30? … although it won’t be the last time we see it, and each time we see ZZS is perfectly capable of avoiding it or escaping it, making me suspect that Tian Chuang only “trapped” him in it because he let them, just like he only got taken back to Prince Jin in chains, in the first place, because he let it happen. We see it at 5:30 with the beggar gang’s staffs, when ZZS breaks it up by literally flinging another dude into the middle of it. We see it at 5:41, when he kicks his way out of the formation. And we see it at 8:15, when the sheaths have come off the swords, and he feints under them to break his way out. Just noticing.
When WKX is talking about the Baiyi sword as they all sit around ZZS’ sad little raw fish in the dirt by the lakeside, he mentions that Rong Changqing created three master works – the White Cloth sword, the Dragonback, and the “Great Wild Land,” per Youku’s translation. ZZS has the Baiyi sword, I assume the Dragonback is Ye Baiyi’s sword. Is the Great Wild Land actually the Ghost Valley? Given what we learn from Ye Baiyi in the back nine about Rong Changqing and his plans for Ghost Valley? Anyway, then we get some magic pipa playing, and ZZS (trying to, apparently) play WKX’s xiao in musical self-defense, and even though he leaves his opponent bleeding, WKX takes the opportunity to make suggestive comments about teaching him how to blow properly, just in case WKX’s been slacking on his act as a cheesy pick-up artist and anyone’s beginning to see through him. ZZS yells at Chengling for his lack of martial skill, then yells at him for crying, because that always works, particularly with traumatized teenagers who have had their entire family and sect massacred like, two nights ago. As a shifu, I’m not sure how you manage to inspire such devotion, my dude. WKX plays the indulgent parent, but also reassures Chengling that ZZS has good reasons for yelling at a traumatized, newly orphaned kid. I suppose he is getting him ready for all the yelling that’s going to go down once they get to Five Lakes Alliance and Chengling has to deal with Gao Chong and Shenshen. Chengling’s response, with WKX’s encouragement, is to ask to be ZZS’s disciple again. Was Han Ying (who I guess we’ve yet to actually meet at this point (EDIT TO ADD: NO WAIT, he was in Ep 1)) this much of a little dumbass to 24-year-old ZZS when Han Ying was 14? (EDIT 2 TO ADD: And who is writing this story, omg.) Although, ugh, that makes me realize that part of ZZS’s bad mood is that Chengling asking to be a disciple must be bringing up a shit-ton of bad stuff for ZZS about how he got all the other Siji Manor disciples killed. (Wen Kexing sees himself in Chengling, making his bow to Qin Huaizhang, one of the few good things that ever happened in his life, while ZZS sees all those red flowers on the mural back in his rooms in Prince Jin’s palace.) A final lakeside observation – A-Xiang pokes at ZZS’s uselessness as a cook here, and WKX will later ask him why he’s so utilitarian about food and drink, when they’re the greatest pleasures of life. (Really, WKX? THE greatest pleasures? Although that’s certainly an interesting comment given where we end up, in the end.) And it makes me begin to wonder – is ZZS so bad at cooking, and does he continue to avoid it, at least partially because he’s already losing his senses enough so that it interferes with preparing a tasty meal?
Also, we meet the Four Scorpion Assassins, and Pretty Arhat and Evil Bodhisattva have some pretty bold names, but now I’m back on my thing about the women in this show, and wondering what kind of enlightenment or release these two feel like they’ve had, and how it may or may not resemble the mindset of the women of the Department of the Unfaithful in Ghost Valley. I’m not well-versed in Buddhism, though, and am maybe not the person to take on how that religious symbolism is or is not used as a metaphor for female freedom in this show.
This is getting kind of long, so one last observation for now, and I think I may have mentioned this before: WKX has color-coded ZZS and Chengling as a unit in the robes he bought for them when he also rented out the entire inn. He’s not in the same color, but he is in a complementary shade and tone, which I find interesting. Also, his sash is sort of salmon, not the red of his Ghost Valley getup, but not completely divorced from it, either.
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obx-adventures · 4 years
The Introverted Twin
Summary - Being John B’s bookish twin isn’t easy. Especially with my best friend, Pope, being weird about me getting closer with JJ.
Flashbacks in italics
Warning: Mild smut at the end 😁
Catch up here: Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4
Chapter 5
When I get back to the Chateau, I run inside to find JJ. John B calls out for me but I ignore him. I’m on a mission and not even my brother can stop me. Once I determine JJ isn’t at my house, I jump back in the van and drive to the beach. I finally find him 30 minutes later sitting alone on a pier, lost in his own thoughts.
I give myself a pep talk and remember what Sarah told me. I walk over and sit beside him, nervously reaching out to take his hand.
“Hi JJ,” I start tentatively. “I’m sorry I ran from you earlier.”
“It’s ok, Y/N,” he mutters. It makes me anxious that he is using my real name. “It’s probably best that you left.”
“J, what’s wrong?” JJ’s eyes are red and tears are streaming down his face.
“John B and I got into it after you left. He called me out on some stuff and then told me to leave.”
“Was it about me?” I whisper, afraid that I’m the source of his pain.
He doesn’t answer but turns to look at me. I reach out to brush away his tears and he shudders at my touch. We get lost in each other’s eyes for a few minutes. His are filled with emotion but he looks so conflicted. I’m overcome with the desire to kiss him, but I can’t risk doing that until I know where he stands.
“JJ, you’ve known me for a long time,” I begin anxiously. “You know that I have a hard time expressing how I feel, especially when it’s something big. But it’s you so I’m going to take a leap of faith. Is that ok?”
“Sunshine, you can tell me anything.” JJ gently squeezes my hand to encourage me.
“I… umm, shit, ok… I… damnit, I don’t know why I can’t just say what I want to,” I exclaim, frustrated with myself.
“How about I go first? Give you some time to find the words?”
I can only nod in response, frozen in my own anxiety. He’s staring into my eyes and it’s the most intimate moment of my life. It feels like he’s boring into my soul and I’m worried he won’t like what he sees.
“I want you,” he confesses. “All of you. Your amazing brain, your beautiful heart, your gorgeous eyes. I want every part of you even though I know I shouldn’t. I know that you deserve so much more than I can give you. You are supposed to be the one to get out of here and I would be an anchor around your waist. I’ve been trying to push this down and let you go. But then you look at me like you are right now and it takes everything in me not to kiss you.”
His admission gives me the boost of confidence I need to act. Before I can think too much about it, I lean in and kiss him. His lips are salty from the ocean and his tears, but they are soft and gentle. Our lips move together slowly at first and I feel his hand reach up to cradle my cheek. His thumb brushes along my jaw while he runs his tongue along my lower lip. I open my mouth to give him access and he deepens the kiss as my hands reach up to run my fingers through his hair. When we break apart to catch our breath, I lean my forehead to his and sigh in contentment.
“JJ, I think I’m in love with you,” I whisper.
“But I’m not good enough for you, Sunshine,” he whines as he pulls back from me.
“I’m the only person who gets to decide who’s good enough for me. And you’re the person I want. You pull me out of shell and pay attention to the details of my life. You planned this amazing trip to the planetarium for us even though I haven’t talked about going in at least a year. You can tell when and why I get lost in my own head and help me come back to reality. You make me laugh more than anyone else. You have this vision of yourself as a fuck up who isn’t worthy of love. But that’s so wrong. You are so amazing.”
JJ stares at me in awe. I can see that he’s trying to process everything I just said so I give him a minute. Without warning, he stands up and drags me up with him. He continues holding my hand as he walks down the pier back to the beach. We walk in silence for a while and I begin to get anxious. Suddenly, he stops walking and moves to stand in front of me.
“Sunshine, John B basically banned me from dating you,” JJ tells me as he looks down to the sand.
“Wait, what?! That chauvinistic ass! He does not get to dictate my life.” John B has always tried to protect me but this is way out of bounds.
“Let me explain a little better... After you left the Chateau, I went inside to find out where you were going. John B said he wanted to talk to me.”
“Dude, what’s the deal with you and my sister?” John B can’t unsee the confused expression on Y/N’s face when he asked if something was going on between them.
“I like her, JB, a lot,” JJ admits. “But nothing has happened between us. Sometimes I think she likes me too but then she pulls back. I don’t know, man.”
“JJ, you can’t fuck around with Y/N,” John B knows JJ wouldn’t intentionally hurt his sister, but he also knows that JJ has never committed more than one night to a girl. “You know her, and you know how you are with girls. You can’t just mack on her and then disappear. That would kill her.”
“Bro, that is not what I want.” JJ run his hand through his hair, trying to contain his temper. He can’t believe his best friend thinks that he would do that. “She isn’t the type of girl that you just mack on.”
“What happens when it falls apart? You’re my best friend but it doesn’t mean I won’t beat your ass when you hurt her.”
“Why do you think I’m going to hurt her? I’m not stupid. I know how special she is.”
“Right, she has a chance to get out of here,” John B responds quickly. He has always known that his sister’s destiny is outside the Outer Banks. “She’s crazy smart but once she commits to something, she doesn’t let it go. I don’t want her to get stuck here.”
“I don’t want to hold her back! I want more for her than this bullshit, scrimping and scraping all the time to make ends meet.”
“But she’ll stay” John B explains. “For you, she’ll stay, and she’ll never do all the shit she wants to.”
“I could go with her,” JJ pleads, unsure if he’s trying to convince his best friend or himself. “I could be part of that life.”
“JJ come on. You and I, we’re lifers here. You can’t drag her down to our level. Go think about it before you do anything stupid. I need to try to find my sister.”
I am shocked at my brother’s behavior. Shocked that he would say such hurtful things to his best friend. He knows the verbal abuse that JJ gets from his father. Why the hell would he add fuel to that fire?
“JJ, listen to me,” I tell him as I gently grab his cheeks. “Do you want to be with me? And I don’t want you to think about the reasons why you think you shouldn’t. Just a yes or no.”
“Yes, of course I do,” JJ replies earnestly. “But –”
“No buts, JJ. If you want to be with me and I want to be with you, that’s enough. The rest of the shit will get figured out.”
“What about JB and Pope?”
“I’ll deal with them. John B was right about one thing, though. Once I’m in, I’m all in. Before I fully commit, I need to know that you aren’t going to bail. Are you in this for real?”
JJ pulls me in for a passionate kiss. He’s holding my face gently with both hands and claiming me as his own. He tilts my face slightly to gain deeper access as he slowly slides one hand down to my neck and the other down to my lower back to pull me closer. With my whole body pressed against his and his tongue exploring my mouth, every part of me feels like it’s on fire. I place my hands against his chest and roam over his rippling muscles, trying to memorize every dip and curve. He slowly pulls back and returns both of his hands to my face.
“I am in, 100%. Let’s go back to my place to figure all of this out. My dad is out on a fishing trip so we don’t need to worry about him.”
“JJ, we can go to the Chateau,” I tell him, thinking he’s anxious about seeing my brother again. “I told you I’ll deal with John B.”
“Sunshine, can we just have some time together before we bring our whole world into this?” The idea of alone time with JJ sends a shiver through my body. It feels like we are in our own delicate bubble and I realize that I’m not ready for that bubble to pop yet either.
I nod at him and he pulls me along to the van. I don’t want to leave John B stranded at home, so he follows behind me on his bike back to the Chateau. I hastily write a note telling my brother that I’m ok and I’ll be back in the morning. I leave the keys and note on the driver’s seat and run over to JJ. I’m a little nervous about riding on his bike but don’t hesitate to climb on behind him and wrap my arms around his torso.
When we get to his house, JJ leads me by the hand to his room. Even though he knows his father isn’t home, he locks his bedroom door as a precaution. I haven’t been in JJ’s room since we were kids and I take a moment to explore the one space in the world that is completely his own.
I’m surprised to find so much of his personality in the room since he spends so much time at my house. He has a wall completely dedicated to the Pogues, covered in pictures and mementos of all of our adventures. I stop exploring when I see a piece of art that I don’t recognize. It’s a pencil drawing of me hunched over studying. I’m in profile, so he must have been sitting on the couch while I was studying at the table. My hair is thrown up into a messy bun, held in place by two pens. I’m wearing one of my dad’s old sweatshirts and have a pencil resting on my temple while I chew on my bottom lip.
“I didn’t know that you draw,” I say quietly as I continue to take in all the details of the picture.
“Only when I’m inspired. You were studying for the SATs the first time you took them. I think you sat in that position for 6 hours. I’m pretty sure you didn’t even know I was there. You were so focused and intent, I couldn’t help watching you and sketching. That was when I realized I have feelings for you.”
I turn to JJ and study his face. He looks vulnerable, something I’m not used to with him. I walk over and pull him into another kiss. This kiss feels different than the others we’ve shared today. JJ slowly walks me backwards until my legs bump into his bed. He guides me down to the pillow and settles next to me with one arm tucked under my neck. I turn so I can look at him and our noses are inches apart.
“You are so damn beautiful,” he whispers as his hand slowly glides down my cheek to feel along my neck. He traces his fingers along the exposed skin on my chest and I rest my hand on his waist, feeling his muscles contract as he breath shallowly. I move my hand slightly to get under his shirt and touch his soft skin. I smile when I feel goosebumps form. He follows my lead and trails his hand down my side, and I can’t help the small gasp that escapes as he brushes along the side of my breast. His hand continues down to the hem of my shirt and I sigh when his warm fingers touch my bare skin.
I lean towards his face and press delicate kisses along his cheek bones and down his jawline. I’ve never kissed someone like this, so I rely on instinct and JJ’s reactions as a guide. My mouth travels down to his neck and I slowly work my way up behind his ear. I lick along his ear lobe and he hums in response. I nibble gently along his ear and feel his hand tighten on my waist. I give him deep kisses down the side of his neck and then leave feather light kisses as I move back up to meet his mouth.
When our mouths connect, it’s like an explosion. His tongue slowly runs along my lower lip and then he catches it with his teeth. I moan as he tugs my lip slightly and I move my hand up his back. He swipes his tongue into my mouth and kisses me hungrily. I dig my fingers into his back, and he smiles against my mouth. He kisses along my cheek and then moves to the spot behind my ear. I shiver at the contact and scrape my nails down his back. He pulls me closer to him as his hand roams up my side, under my shirt. He hesitates before touching my breasts until I nod in consent. He then firmly cups my breast in his large hands and trails his finger under the top of my bra to brush against my nipple.
I throw my leg over his hip and use the momentum to flip him on his back with me straddling his lap. His hands automatically rest on my waist and his eyes are filled with lust. I grab the bottom hem of my shirt and pull it off in one smooth motion. I watch JJ take in my lace bra as his hands roam up to touch me. I lean forward and meet his mouth again as his hands explore my body. I feel his erection under my core, and I rock slightly against him, eliciting a moan.
He rolls us over and trails kisses down my neck and makes his way to my breast. He sucks my skin on the top of breast while his fingers tease my other nipple through the lace. I groan and arch my back to give him more access. He roughly pulls down the lace to swirl his tongue around my nipple while he continues to the tease the other. I drag my fingernails up the bare skin on his sides and feel him shiver. I move my hand along his waist band and hook my fingers into the top of his shorts to pull him closer.
“Wait, wait, wait,” he says as he pulls away.
“Did I do something wrong?” I ask timidly.
“Fuck no, Sunshine... we just need to call timeout.” I’ve never heard JJ sound so unsteady.
“You don’t want to keep going?” I can’t hide the insecurity in my voice.
“No, I definitely do.” He rubs my cheek tenderly with his thumb. “But I don’t want to rush into this. I want this to be different. I want your first time, our first time, to be special.”
“JJ, everything I do with you is already special,” I insist as I cup his face. “It’s not the circumstances that make something special, it’s the person that you do it with.”
“I know, I just want to do this right, is that ok?” I can tell from his voice and the way he’s looking at me that he’s as new to this as I am. He may not be a virgin, but this is still a totally novel situation for him.
“Of course, J” I cuddle into him and enjoy the feeling of his strong arms around me.
“Can I take you on a date tomorrow, Sunshine?” He traces his fingers over my still exposed skin while he awaits my answer.
“I would love that, J. I just need to go home first for a bit.”
“You going to talk to John B?”
“Yes, my brother and I will be having a firm conversation about his role in my life.”
“I don’t want to get between - ” I stop JJ with a kiss.
“Stop, don’t worry about me and John B,” I insist. “We’ll be fine. And you two will be fine.”
“What about Pope?”
“I’m not sure... The last thing I want to do is hurt him even more. He’s my best friend but I can’t make myself feel something that isn’t there.”
“He’s one of my best friends, too.” I hear the guilt in his voice. “But Pope is a good guy, he would want us to be happy, right?”
“I hope so. I’ll try to talk to him tomorrow too.”
We spend the rest of the evening talking and cuddling. I feel safe in JJ’s arms and fall asleep listening to his steady heartbeat as he combs through my hair with his nimble fingers.
Ch 6
Taglist: @agirlwholovescoffee @obxlife @meaganjm @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @velyssaraptor @lunaposey @http-cherries @prejudic3 @love-youu-softly @rudyismymanperiod @justcallmesams @celestialmaybank @yasminesameh @chaoticbisous @liloddcora
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ghstandpucks · 4 years
Misguided Ghost ~ Zak Bagans Ch. 10
A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well! Student teaching, plus class and working on my TPA's is insane right now! My cooperating teacher decided to forgo the original plans for her 3rd graders in math, and tasked me with making the lessons for this week from scratch...and I'm being observed later today. Distance learning has been interesting to say the least lol
I am working on the next chapter of my Nathan MacKinnon story so hopefully I have that out around Friday/this weekend!
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Chapter 9
Catching Flights and Feelings
“Mia, have you researched anything on Mickey’s Tavern in Georgia yet?” Zak asked as he walked into my office Monday morning, a week after being back from my first lockdown. Things have been back to normal between Zak and I, if you call what we had before normal. I could tell he was getting used to me being around and the snarky comments had subsided. He spent most of the days walking between my office and his, usually to end up sitting on the other side of my desk with his laptop. I had placed a new air diffuser with the same scent I had in his office, but he still said it wasn’t the same and would just stay in my office. Aaron has been teasing me, but I just brush it off.
I nodded and held up a pile of papers while I was reading through an article for a different location. Zak took them from me and sat down in his newly claimed spot in my office. Once I finished the article and highlighted what I thought stood out, I looked over my laptop at him. “Why did you want that one? I’ve done research on like 10 other locations that came in before them,” I asked, curious because he hasn’t before asked me for information on a specific site. Zak sighed and looked up from the papers. “The owner emailed me last night, then called me this morning. I guess the activity is really becoming too much to where it’s affecting his business. He was hoping we could investigate it sooner rather than later,” Zak informed me. I nodded. “Ok so, I researched that one on Friday and from what I can remember the reports are kind of crazy. Are we going to go?” I asked, taking a sip of my tea. Zak smirked at me. “Crazy is what we do here Mia. Nervous?” he asked. I laughed at his tease, as I knew now he didn’t mean anything by it. “Put me in coach,” I smirked back. Zak let out a chuckle and with a wink, left my office to presumably tell the others. ~ ~ ~ Two days later we were all at the airport, waiting to board. I had just met Jay Wasley and he seemed nice. Our flight was at 6:30 in the morning, which means I had woken up at about 3:30 to make sure I was ready when Zak and Aaron picked me up at 4:30. I was listening to my music while everyone did their own thing when Nick walked up to me and nudged my foot with his as he sat across the aisle from me. I opened my eyes and saw him holding out a tray of coffee, with one marked as a decaf pumpkin spice latte. I smiled and reached for it. “Bless your soul sir,” I said, Nick laughed and handed everyone else their drinks. Zak came over and sat next to me. “So you do drink coffee?” he asked, taking a sip of his. I smiled and shrugged. “Decaf when I know I can handle it,” I informed him. He gave me a quizzical look. “What do you mean by that?” I sighed, debating if I should tell him the whole truth. I didn’t mind talking about my anxiety, but it was also a conversation I try to avoid at times. “Caffeine messes with my anxiety. In grad school I developed really bad separation anxiety from my family. I had no one in San Francisco and apparently that is not good for me. I was already stressed out with school that everything just came to a head and I actually would get sick all the time and lost about 20 pounds. It was to the point I would shake and feel light headed when I didn’t eat at regular intervals. I stopped drinking coffee and I was able to manage it better. Turns out I always had separation anxiety when I looked back to elementary school with my mom. No one just really talked about it then,” I looked down at my coffee, unsure of what his response would be. “Do you need to eat something now? I can get you a bagel or something,” Zak asked softly. I looked back at him and he looked a bit concerned. I laughed lightly. “No, I’m better now. I gained a few pounds back when I got home from school and it helped. Also keeping myself busy and being around friends takes my mind off of it so, hence why I can drink decaf at least. Thank you though,” I smiled at him. “Oh so we’re friends now?” he teased me, and I bumped into his shoulder. “Well I was talking more about Aaron, but I guess I would consider you an acquaintance” I teased back. Zak put his hand to his heart in fake hurt. “Ow! Ok, I see how it is.” He laughed. “But seriously, that doesn’t sound great. Why chose to come to Vegas and leave your family again?” “It was time to branch out again. I don’t want my anxiety to control me, and it honestly isn’t as bad as others. I’m lucky that way. Plus, I figured a three in a half hour drive from home was better than a seven in a half one so I thought I would give it go,” I explained. Zak nodded. “Well, thanks for sharing that. I’m sure I didn’t help in the beginning,” he said, looking a little upset with himself. I was starting to see the guy away from the cameras that Aaron had told me about, and I wanted to see more.             “Not really. But you’ve gotten better,” I smiled at him. He chuckled and took another sip as our boarding time was called out.         
    Perks of traveling for the Travel Channel, business class seats! Instead of being crammed in a three-seat row, we had spacious two seat rows and I was ready for our nonstop four-hour flight to Atlanta, Georgia. I sat next to the window as Aaron sat next to me as our tickets stated. Zak and Nick were in front of us, with Billy and Jay across the aisle. Aaron settled into his seat, then turned to look at me. I was staring out the window, but I could feel his eyes on me. I turned to him and raised my eyebrow. “Can I help you?”      
      “You and Zak seem to be getting cozy,” he whispered with a smirk. I looked toward Zak and he had his headphones in so I don’t think he heard. Looking back at Aaron, he had a look on his face like he knew what I was thinking.             “We’re just becoming friends. Leave it alone,” I whispered hissed at him. Aaron rolled his eyes but kept his smile. I laughed and shook my head, looking back toward the window. I felt him shift next to me and when I turned to look, he was leaning forward tapping Zak on the shoulder. I stared at him thinking he wasn’t doing what I thought he was. Oh…but he was.      
      “Bro I need to talk to Nick about something. Mind switching?” Aaron asked Zak. Zak looked at me as I tried to hid in the hood of my jacket and hoped my cheeks weren’t too red. I wanted to shove Aaron.     
        “Not at all,” I heard Zak say. I looked up as they switched and Aaron winked at me. I shook my head slightly, then tried to smile when Zak took a seat. “Hope you don’t mind,” Zak said with that charming smile of his. I shook my head and smiled back, bringing my knees up to my chest as we got comfortable and ready for takeoff.      
       About an hour into the flight, I had drifted off to sleep only to be woken with a start when the plane became bumpy and the captain came over the speakers to ask all passengers to put their seatbelts on. I looked around with wide eyes and Zak must have realized I had no clue what was going on. “Hey, hey it’s ok. We just hit some turbulence,” he said, reaching for my hand. I let him intertwine our fingers as my heart started to slow back down. I smiled lightly at him, slightly embarrassed by my panic.        
    “Sorry,” I said quietly. He smiled and shook his head.      
      “Don’t be,” he stated, and went back to looking at his phone. I looked down at our hands and I could feel myself start to blush. It was strangely comforting knowing he was right there. I squeezed his hand reflexively as the plane gave another jolt. It’s not like I’ve never been through turbulence on a plane before, but it still didn’t mean that I liked it. Zak gave a reassuring squeeze to my hand and put his phone down, shifting his body so he was facing me more. “Why don’t you tell me about the history of this bar we’re going to,” he asked lightly.             “I’m ok, honestly,” I said, feeling bad I took him away from what he was doing before. Zak smiled.       
     “Who said I was doing this for your benefit?” he winked. I rolled my eyes but smiled none the less. I quietly began listing off what I remembered about the site, Zak asking questions here and there. Thirty minutes later the seatbelt sign was turned off again but Zak didn’t let go of my hand, and I would be lying if I said that didn’t make me feel like there were butterflies in my stomach.             About an hour later, we were getting ready to land. Only then Zak let go of my hand to put his backpack away and I couldn’t stop myself from feeling slightly disappointed. Though we had started talking about the location, we then started talking about music and concerts we’ve been to, and just life in general. We were really starting to get to know each other, and I was happy he was trusting me enough to open up.       
      Once off the plane, we claimed our luggage and all the tech equipment, heading off to the rental car area. Because there were 6 of us and many bags, we ended up with two SUVs. Billy and Jay in one with all the tech equipment, and the rest of us in the other with the luggage. I sat in the back with Aaron as Nick drove and Zak was in the passenger seat. I was watching Aaron as he was trying to hid his phone from me, but kept looking up with a goofy smile. I laughed at him as my phone and Zak’s both rang with a notification. Aaron gave me a huge smile as I looked at him suspiciously. “I’m scared to look at that,” I whispered and Zak shot around.     
        “Dude, seriously?” he didn’t seem mad or irritated, just slightly chuckled and shook his head. I looked between the two of them. Oh God…I picked up my phone and saw the Instagram notification that Aaron had tagged me in a post. I opened it up and my jaw dropped. Crap…
Aarongoodwin: The newbie can’t handle early morning travel #ghostadventures #travelbuddies #adoptedlilsis
Above the caption was a picture that Aaron shot over his head with him making a laughing face. I was fast asleep on Zak’s shoulder, with my knees curled up to my chest and leaning in his direction as well. Zak looked unphased, face in his phone, not noticing what Aaron was up to. To be honest, the picture was cute. But I was slightly mortified. What is Zak thinking? What are the fans going to think? Aaron just posted the picture two minutes ago and it already had over 400 likes and 53 comments. But one stood out.
Realzakbagans: What can I say? I make a good pillow. I looked up to see Zak watching me. When I caught his eyes he winked at me, then turned back around. I laughed and shook my head. 
NotMiaThermopolis: OMG! @realzakbagans sorry! @aarongoodwin I hate you. #notamorningpersonBoth Zak and Aaron checked their phones at the same time. Zak let out a bark like laugh as Aaron yelled “Hey!” Nick stopped at a red light and turned toward us.     
        “Will someone please fill me in?” he asked. Zak showed him the post and he started laughing. “Ok, that is a cute picture though. I will have my two cents in about it once we get to the hotel.” I looked at Aaron and shook my head as he gave me puppy dog eyes.          
   “You suck,” I laughed and smiled at him. He gave me a big smile as we all settled back into our seats for the hour drive out of Atlanta.    
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softyoongiionly · 6 years
Fear and Dumplings: Chapter Six
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Confronting your fears for a final grade sounds unappealing but, with Yoongi as your partner, things might not be so bad.
Summary: You’re in your final semester at University when your Abnormal Psychology professor assigns you a partnered project surrounding your greatest fears. Lucky for you, your partner just so happens to be a cute boy named Min Yoongi.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: College Au, Underground Rapper! Yoongi, Soft!!! Yoongi, Fluff!!!, some moderate angst (later), smut (later later),  slow-ish? burn
Word Count: 5.1K
A/N: I’m literally on fire after writing this chapter lol. I hope you like it!😊
Warnings for this Chapter: mentions of fear, anxiety, sadness, some angst aka Jimin is an insecure boy who is unaware that he is literaly heaven on earth, swearing, suggestive situations/concepts, if you squint really hard you can see the beginnings of smut.
Warnings for the Fic: mentions characters confronting their fears, characters in uncomfortable situations, emotional moments between characters, mentions of bad parenting, explicit language throughout the fic, moderate angst, and very explicit smut later in the story.
Chapter 6: Doubt and Shadow Demons
You’re lying on your bed in one of your many baggy t-shirts, smiling like an idiot at your phone. Jimin had sent you screenshots of what he believed to be Yoongi’s twitter. If Jimin wasn’t aiming to be a dancer, you would have suggested a career as a private investigator because,  he could literally find anyone. You hadn’t asked Jimin to go looking for more information on Yoongi but, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t interested. His Twitter was mostly black, no bio and, no location but, the avatar was a picture of Yoongi wearing headphones, his newly blonde hair disheveled as he smiled at the camera. He really had no business being that cute. ‘@agustd93’ was his handle and you furrowed your brows in confusion as you tried to decipher what it could mean.  Yoongi didn’t seem to tweet much, he just retweeted a lot of music equipment accounts however, there were a few scattered tweets here and there that made you laugh.
“Roommates are drunk, again. They can’t hold their alcohol for shit.”
“Update: Drunk Hobi is obsessed with my cheeks and, I swear if he pinches them one more time, I’m going to cut his hands off.”
“Another Update: Joon just started crying after explaining to me that, “we are all just little flowers in the garden of life, trying to find our bees.” What the fuck does that even mean?”
You giggle, shaking your head, your thumb scrolling down to search for more tweets. There were more scattered between retweets of what you assumed to be the latest music equipment as Yoongi quoted some of the them with captions like ‘Dream Studio’ and ‘if only I wasn’t broke.’ You kept scrolling before coming across a tweet that made your stomach flutter.
‘Where? Everywhere.’
Fuck. He tweeted that last night. After you and Yoongi got off the Ferris Wheel, you actually ended up having a pretty decent time. The two of you got dinner at the park and wrote your experiences down in your research journals. Yoongi acted like the conversation on the Ferris Wheel never happened but, he seemed to warm up to you more and more as the night progressed. But still, nothing flirty occurred between the two of you and, Yoongi was very careful not to get too close to you. The whole thing was very confusing, one minute, Yoongi’s admitting that he would kiss you ‘everywhere, if you let him’ and, the next minute he’s treating you like he normally did. This tweet was sent at 11:30 which would have been around the time he got back to his place. Maybe it wasn’t about you, Yoongi seemed to have a habit of being vague and, he easily could have been talking about something else but, none the less, it made your heart skip a beat.
Did you like Yoongi? More importantly, did it matter? You shook your head, trying to rid yourself of your complicated thoughts as you rolled out of bed. Marzipan throws a complaint your way as you walk past her lounging at the end of the mattress. Normally, you would be out at your favorite crepe café gossiping with Jimin over some iced coffee but, Jimin had texted you the night before saying that his showcase rehearsal was running late and he didn’t think he’d get any sleep if he met up with you. You had of course met this with an abundance of understanding as you knew better than anyone how hard Jimin had been working at his showcase routine. So, instead of meeting up with your best friend, you planned on working on your final paper for your International Relations course. You had been working on it all semester and, felt accomplished that for once, you didn’t procrastinate. Green tea was essential for today’s writing session so; you brewed a decent sized pot before, continuing your paper. Marzipan eventually made her way out into your living room, opting to sprawl out on the couch, claiming her space as usual.
After writing for some time, you glance at the clock at the bottom of your laptop and your eyes widen. Shit. You had been writing for 4 hours. How was it possible that much time had passed? You had gotten a lot done, adding an additional 6-7 pages to the giant that was your final paper. Just after leaning back in your chair and stretching your limbs, your phone lights up with a text message.
BROS 4 LYFE (Jungkook): I miss the squad tho.
You giggle at the message, your heart warming as you reply.
BROS 4 LYFE: me too tho :/
BROS 4 LYFE (Taehyung): me 3 tho :/ :/
BROS 4 LYFE (Jimin): MY BABIES :( i miss u guys.
A hint of sadness plucks at your chest as you read the messages being sent in by your friends. You had made new friends in school and, college had been an overall fun time but, you had to admit that you never stopped missing having all three of your bestfriends in one place. The past four years hadn’t been the same without them and you couldn’t wait til the four of you graduated so, that you could finally have your group back together again. Jungkook had been drafted to play pro ball on a minor league team in your current city and, Taehyung had made the decision earlier in the semester to pursue his masters in art history at the school you and Jimin were currently attending. This meant that in a few short weeks, everything would back to normal for a little while.
BROS 4 LYFE: only a few more weeks my dudes, we got this.
BROS 4 LYFE (Jungkook) stay on that grind squad, college grad hours are about to be open.
BROS 4 LYFE (Jimin): kookie and tae, will you be here for my showcase? It’s two weeks before graduation.
BROS 4 LYFE (Taehyung): duh. We wouldn’t miss it for the world Jiminie.
BROS 4 LYFE (Jungkook): yea we would never miss a chance to see the world’s shortest ballerina.
Your eyes widen as you laugh, already imagining Jimin igniting in fury when he reads the message. His reply comes before you are able to chime in.
At this point you’re in a full blown laughing fit, shaking your head as your fiery best friend pops off in the chat.
BROS 4 LYFE:  go best friend, that’s my best friend.
BROS 4 LYFE (Taehyung): let the record show that Kookie bought 12 of the limited edition Jimin shirts that your school sold after he won the championships.
BROS 4 LYFE (Jimin): >:)
BROS 4 LYFE (Jimin): love u kookie
BROS 4 LYFE (Jungkook): …love u too…
The responses eventually dwindle down and, you decide to hop in the shower to tend to the mop of hair that was growing slightly greasy on your head. Afterwards, you throw on a cozy sweatshirt and your favorite pair of fuzzy pajama shorts and, settle on the couch to watch some Netflix. You hadn’t had a night in to yourself in a long time and, it felt amazing to be able to sit around and, do nothing.  Marzipan made her way up your body before, snuggling up in the free space between you and the edge of the couch. As your fingers absentmindedly stroke her fur, you feel your lids becoming heavier and heavier and, finally, you drift off into a much needed nap.
Needless to say, the nap turned into you passing out around 7:30 and, sleeping through the night until, finally, you awake to the ethereal sound of the never-ending city construction. You grumble as you pull the covers over your head to drown out the noise causing Marzipan, who clearly hadn’t left her spot all night, to flee from the couch.  Checking your phone, you noticed a few messages from your group-chat and a snapchat or two from some of your other friends. After responding to the majority of your missed messages, you drag yourself off of the couch and into the kitchen to make some coffee. The microwave displayed the current time: 7:45am; an unholy time to be awake on a Saturday morning. The coffee was finishing up before a loud knock at your door caused you to jump out of your skin. Who the hell was at your house at 7:45 in the morning? You gingerly made your way to the door, hoping that it was just someone from maintenance. Opening the door, you nearly scream as a tuft of pink hair practically collapses into your arms. It was Jimin and, he was crying.
“Jimin, babe, what’s wrong?” You hold him to you, your eyes wide with concern as you usher him into your apartment.
“I can’t do it y/n, I can’t do anything right.” He cries into your t-shirt, his hands clutching you as if you’re about to slip away.
You rub his back, maneuvering you both onto your couch, Jimin clinging to you all the while.
“Hey, hey, that’s not true at all.” You murmur soothingly. “Jimin, what brought this on? Did something happen?”
Jimin, still crying, nods, as the tears stream down his puffy cheeks.
“I’ve been rehearsing for…for 36 hours…and I ca…can’t….do it…I can’t get it right. I ke…keep messing up. I’m n…not getting it…they’re…they’re going to drop me from the showcase if I can’t do it….they…they will…” At this point, your heart is broken, your usually smiley best friend is completely shattered, sobbing, into your arms. You hadn’t seen him like this since he had his first serious breakup sophomore year and, even that couldn’t compare to what you saw before you.
“Shh…minnie…it’s ok, it’s ok, I got you.” You gingerly tilt his swollen face towards yours, your eyes holding an immense amount of emotion as you gaze into his. “Listen to me ok? You can’t rehearse like that, you’re going to burn out and, get hurt. You have to rest. You’ve been practicing non-stop for the entire semester. You could do that routine in your sleep babe. The only reason you probably messed up is because you are exhausting yourself.”
Before you can even finish, Jimin’s eyes well up with tears once again as he shakes his head.
“No…no…you don’t understand…y/n…the coaches came to watch me last night and, I fell…I fell and they…they said that they were disappointed with my progress…and that I need to do better…so…I had to stay to re…rehearse…cause I failed. I failed y/n, I failed.” Jimin bursts into another fit of sobs as he clutches you tighter and, you actually have to hold back the tears that are pricking the corners of your own eyes.
“Dancers fall all the time Jiminie, it’s ok, you had been rehearsing all day. Every free moment you have, you spend in the studio practicing. I know it must have been so hard to fall in front of your coaches but, hey,” You tilt his face to you once more before he can hide away in your arm again. “You are Park fucking Jimin. You are the youngest collegiate dancer to win the national showcase and, the ONLY dancer to win it three years in a row. Dancing is like breathing to you. Audiences are mesmerized as soon as you step on the stage. You did not fail. You are exhausted. You can’t work yourself like this or, there won’t be a Park Jimin to win the showcase four years in a row.” As your words tumble out of your mouth, Jimin begins to calm down, still sniffling lightly, he hugs you again, his normally sparkling eyes, heavy with exhaustion.
“I’m so scared…y/n…there’s so much pressure and, I don’t think I’ll be able to bear it if I disappoint anyone.” You place a chaste kiss to the top of his bubblegum hair as you nod.
“It’s ok to be afraid, this is something you really want and, when we really want something, the thought of failing can be crippling but, you have worked so unbelievably hard.  No one deserves this more than you do. Try and have a little faith in yourself ok? There is nothing you can’t achieve. You have something so magical within you.  Working hard is good but, everyone has their limit and, if you keep pushing yourself like this, you won’t be healthy enough to achieve all of the amazing things I know you are capable of.” Your voice has dropped to an even lower volume as you continue rubbing Jimin’s back. He is looking up at you with intense focus but, you can tell he is on the verge of crashing.
“You promise? You promise you believe I can do this?” He whispers and, your heart shatters in pieces that someone whom you care so deeply for, is in so much pain.
“I don’t just believe Jimin, I know.” You whisper back before jerking your head to the other end of the couch. “Can you please try and sleep for me? When you wake up, we can go somewhere, or we can stay in,its up to you. Just try and rest of a while.” At your request, Jimin lets out a yawn, his lips pressing to your shoulder once more before he flops back onto the couch, still sniffling lightly.
You help him out of his shoes and his coat before grabbing a blanket and, literally tucking him in.
“Thank you y/n.” Jimin whispers, practically half asleep, his hand holding yours lightly.
“You don’t have to thank me, that’s what best friends are for. I’ve cried on your couch a few times too, remember.” You smile fondly as Jimin lets out a twinkling giggle, happy to see that he’s feeling somewhat better.
“I love you.” He whispers, his eyes beginning to shut.
You squeeze his hand lightly before replying.
“I love you too Jimin.”
Jimin drifts off a few moments later, his light snores filling your living room. Your heart feels achy as you reply the last few moments over in your head. You knew your words wouldn’t be enough to completely take away Jimin’s uncertainty but, you were so grateful that he came to you instead of suffering in silence. Jimin had a history of feeling this way right before a showcase. He had done something similar to this your freshman year before, winning and subsequently making history. It absolutely devastated you to see him hurting but, you meant everything you said. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that Jimin was going to go far in life; you just hoped one day, he could see it for himself.
“The dark and the ocean….I think maybe it’s time that we start tackling our fears one by one, what do you think?” You look over at Yoongi, who nods from behind his phone.
“Yeah, I think so too. I don’t know how we’d combine the dark and the ocean anyway.” His voice was slightly scratchier than normal but, when you had asked if he was sick, he told you that he had lost his voice at a concert he went to the night prior. For whatever reason, you didn’t believe him but, rather than prying, you opted to enjoy the sound of Yoongi’s raspy voice becoming even raspier.
“If we did, it would be terrifying and, I would probably die.” You state bluntly, causing Yoongi to scoff in disbelief, shaking his head at you.
“You’re so dramatic.” He chastises, smirking lightly, tapping away at his phone. You shrug, not bothering to disagree with him as you doodle on the corner of your paper. “Are you comfortable confronting this fear directly? I don’t know how you would imagine it, unless, you just imagine yourself in a dark room.”
The shudder that passes through your body was completely involuntary and, Yoongi notices it.
“You don’t have to, we can think of something else.” He assures, his almond shaped eyes, wrinkled slightly in concern. You shook your head insistently, putting on a brave face.
“No, its ok…I can do it. I won’t be alone so, it will be a little easier.” You force smile onto your mouth but, Yoongi isn’t buying it. Thankfully, he decides to accept your statement anyway.
“Does tonight work for you? I have a free Tuesday for once so, I figured we could do yours today and mine on Thursday.” Yoongi’s suggests, his demeanor returning to normal. You nod, leaning back in your chair, attempting to look casual but, your heart jumped slightly in your chest.
“Yeah, that’s fine, what time?” You needed to know how much time you had to straighten up because, you definitely left dirty dishes in the sink and, you were quite certain that you dropped a pair or two of clean underwear whilst running late this morning.
“Well, it doesn’t get dark until 7:30-8 so, maybe around then?” Yoongi cocks his head slightly, his eyes sleepy as usual. You had never had such a strong urge to tuck someone into bed and, kiss their forehead until you met Min Yoongi. That boy needs more sleep.
“I’m good with that yeah. Are we eating together or do you want to eat before you come?”
“I’ll bring something, I have a lot to make up for since somebody, decided to buy our tickets last week.” He gives you a pointed look, disapproval gracing his features. You laugh, shrugging shamelessly, looking up at him.
“I guess you better bring something good then.” You insist, smiling, nudging his desk with your foot.
It was that very conversation that led you to where you were now:  belly full of That’s Amore’s pasta, apartment tidied up, and Yoongi glancing over at you curiously.
“What?” You giggle lightly, confused at his intense gaze before, he nods over to you.
“Why are you afraid of the dark?” He murmurs, his tone cautious but curious.
You bite your lip, as you feel your body grow slightly uncomfortable. Meeting Yoongi’s gaze, you attempt to sound as brave as possible before, answering his question.
“I…used to have really bad nightmares as a kid. I had them every night for almost two years.” You admit, your eyes moving to stare at the couch instead of continuing to look at Yoongi. “My parents finally took me to a doctor and they told them that I would eventually just grow out of it. They gave me something to help me sleep through the night and, over time, the dreams finally stopped but, I slept with my light on until I was like 14.” You giggle, trying to lighten the mood, not really enjoying the serious tone of the conversation.
Yoongi nods, regarding you earnestly from the other end of the couch.
“I’m sorry.” He says softly and, you can tell that he means it. You smile over at him, brushing it off.
“No, its ok, it happened a long time ago. I’m just still not a huge fan of the dark.” You explain, finally meeting his gaze again.
“You don’t have to do this, you can just keep talking about it…I don’t want you to feel afraid.” He insists, his tone firm and certain.
You nod, your smile growing more genuine.
“I can do it. I think it will be good for me and, like I said, I won’t be alone so, I don’t think it will be too bad.” You’re lying. The dark terrified you but, logically, you understood that there was nothing dangerous about it. You know you can do this.
Yoongi nods but, you can tell that he’s uneasy, his movements cautious and hesitant as he looks around your apartment.
“Ok, do you want to start slow? We could just turn off the lights first; the streetlights shouldn’t make it too dark.” He assures you, nodding toward the window but, you shake your head at his suggestion.
“No, I think it’s better if we just do everything now. I think prolonging it will just make me more nervous.” Your voice is growing smaller and, once you catch that, you sit up straighter.  As if, sitting up straighter would lessen the fear you felt. “Let’s do this.”
Yoongi nods and the two of you move to start closing the curtains and turning off the few lamps that you have on in your apartment. You both stand on opposite ends of your living room as Yoongi’s hand hovers over the main light.
“Are you ready?” He calls softly, his face littered with concern.
You nod, smiling tightly, bracing yourself for the darkness.
“You have to protect me if a shadow demon tries to eat me!” You insist, giggling, trying to lessen the tension as Yoongi rolls his eyes.
“There’s no such thing as shadow demons.” He counters, smirking before, he nods anyway. “But, yeah, I guess I’ll protect you if that happens.”
Your heart is picking up its pace in your chest as you attempt to pull a deep breath from your nose.
Yoongi looks at you pointedly and, before another question can pass his lips, you nod to the light.
“Go ahead. I’m good.” You assure him, putting on the bravest voice you can find.
There’s a click and then, darkness envelops your apartment. You could never have imagined that your apartment could get to this level of darkness. The room was pitch black, you held your hand out in front of your face and you saw nothing but a faint blob.
“Are you ok?” Yoongi calls softly from the other end of the room.
Another shaky breath passes your lips as you attempt to calm yourself.
“Yeah, I’m good. I’m ok.” You assure him but, even you could tell that your tone wasn’t convincing. There’s a shuffling on the other end of the room that causes you to jump out of your skin. “What was that?”
“It’s just me; I’m trying to find my way to the couch.” Yoongi’s voice calms you and, you curse yourself for being so obviously afraid.
“Yeah, I should probably do that too. I don’t want to just stand here…vulnerable…where literally anything can attack me if it wanted to.” You muse casually and, this causes Yoongi to finally break out in his rickety laughter.
“Nothing is going to attack you, just come here and, be careful not to trip over anything. That’s the only real danger you need to worry about.” Yoongi’s voice is practically a whisper and, you use it to guide yourself to your sofa. You finally feel the familiar fabric and make your way around the arm of the couch before, tucking your body into one of the cushions. The heartbeat in your chest hasn’t lessened its pounding but, you feel slightly better that you’re not doing this alone.
“I made it.” You whisper but, Yoongi could already feel you sit down at the opposite end of the couch.
“How are you feeling?” Yoongi whispers back to you and, you feel yourself relaxing slightly at the sound of his voice. He really should be doing ASMR in his free time. Your mouth opens to lie again but, you end up sighing in defeat.
“I’m scared.” It’s the first time either of you have uttered this phrase since beginning your project and, you grow uneasy as you wait for his response.
“That’s ok.” He assures and then he falls silent for a moment. “I know it’s difficult for you. We can stop whenever you want.”
“I’m ok right now; my eyes are starting to adjust.”
Another moment of silence passes between the two of you and, you feel a familiar thickness in the air that seems to occur a lot when you and Yoongi are alone. You close your eyes for a moment, stifling your desire to mention it to him. He had made it very clear on the Ferris Wheel that he wasn’t interested in being with you that way… ‘right now.’
“You can…move closer to me, if you need to. I’m not sure if that will help but, you can try. I don’t mind.” Yoongi whispers and, his offer catches you completely off guard. Should you move closer to him?
Silently, you scoot your body down the length of the couch until you feel your shins meet Yoongi’s feet. He must have been sitting cross-legged on the couch and, now that you’re closer to him, you can make out his posture. He’s sitting with his legs crossed, his body turned to face the direction you were sitting, while his hands rested in his lap.
“Thank you.” You whisper, and you can sort of make out the faint smile ( :] ) on his lips.
“Is it any better?”
“Yeah, it is, actually, thanks.” You repeat your gratitude and you finally start to feel the anxiety subsiding from your chest. Yoongi was warm and, he smelt like berries and the ocean? An odd yet tantalizing combination that, in all honesty, made your stomach tighten. His hands are adorned with a few rings and your eyes squint in curiosity as you try to make out what they look like; regretting that you hadn’t checked them out when the lights were on.
“What are you trying to look at?” Yoongi’s whisper causes you to smile as  you realize that his eyes were also adjusted to the darkness and, he was probably wondering why you were staring intently at his lap.
“Your rings.” You giggle, your head jerking their direction. At your answer, Yoongi’s fingers flutter lightly in response, his head turning down to look at them.
“Oh, yeah, I don’t wear these a lot but, my roommate Namjoon got them for me and, started giving me shit for not liking them. So, I made a point to wear them more.” He explains his tone one of fondness and annoyance. Another laugh passes your lips as you nod in understanding.
“They look nice. Namjoon has good taste.” You compliment, feeling far more comfortable.
“Yeah, he’s alright, I guess.” Yoongi jests but, you know he doesn’t mean what he says, always hiding behind a snarky comment. Before you can speak again, Yoongi holds one of his hands out to you. “You can look at them if you want.”
Your heart stalls a moment as you look at Yoongi’s out stretched hand. The hand that had been on your own lap comes up to bring Yoongi’s closer to your view. The rings were actually beautiful and, you were thankful that the tiniest amount of light had escaped through the curtains so you could properly see them. There were four of them each covered in silver, the engravings depicting the four elements: Earth, fire, water, and air. You smile as your fingers gently examine Yoongi’s rings (hand). His hands were one of your favorite things about him. They were nearly double the size of your own, blue and green veins pushed slightly against the surface, fingernails bitten out of what you could assume as nervousness.  There is a light increase in your heart rate as you continue to examine Yoongi’s hand and, if he had noticed that you stopped looking at his rings, he wasn’t showing it. You tilt his hand up so, its perpendicular to your own, your fingertips only reaching the middle of his fingers, as you place your palm against his hand.
“Your hand is small.” Yoongi whispers but, this time, you detect a different tone from him that you can’t say you’ve ever heard before.
A small smile graces your mouth as you nod.
“Against yours it is.” The whisper that leaves your lips is almost in audible, your eyes find Yoongi’s and, you find him staring back at you, the faint streetlight illuminating his face. The two of you stare at each other as you feel Yoongi’s fingers lace with your own. Your heart beats wildly in your chest as you lick your lips in attempt to compensate for the dryness in your mouth. Without warning, the two of you are leaning towards each other, your shaky breathing intertwining momentarily before, your lips press together. Yoongi audibly lets out a sigh of what literally sounds like relief as he mold his lips against yours. You rise up on your knees lightly, in an attempt to get closer to him, your free hand coming up to gently touch his face. The butterflies that had been taunting you for the past month erupt in your stomach, your heart racketing against your sternum. Yoongi’s hand that was interlaced with yours slips out of your grip and, settles on your waist instead, pulling you into his body. Your lips are beginning to move against one another and, you actually feel Yoongi’s heartbeat rattling against your hand. The thought of you having that effect on him, makes you clench between your thighs. Your body moves to make its way into his lap but, before you make it there, Yoongi is slowly pulling away. He seems reluctant to stop, his swollen lips still pecking against yours as he presses his forehead to your own.
“I don’t want to stop but, I think…”His breathing is too ragged for him to speak properly, and you press your lips to his cheek in an attempt to sooth him, even though, your breathing is just as bad. “We….should slow down….”
You nod in agreement but, relish in the fact that Yoongi is still holding you close to him, your body leaning into his chest.
“You’re right.” You whisper in return, your breath just as shaky as Yoongi maneuvers you so, that you’re tucked into the side of his body. Your hand rests on his chest and you smile as you feel his heart pummeling against the palm of your hand. The two of you lay there for a moment in complete silence, Yoongi’s fingers play with your own  as you wait for the other to say something.
Surprisingly enough, it’s Yoongi who breaks the silence, his raspy whisper penetrating the darkness around you.
“Are you still scared?” He whispers softly, his eyes finding yours.
You look up towards him, a soft smile on your lips.
Yoongi smiles back at you and, you can’t help but notice how shy he’s being, his eyes softer than you have ever seen before.
Maybe, the dark wasn’t so bad after all.
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mnemehoshiko · 5 years
I Really Should Just Invest In Naps + TMI: HEALTH STUFF (x-posted DW/PF)
I'm so tired. I really need to think of a better way of starting these beyond, "hi hello. i am tired. ONCE A FUCKING GAIN."
My parents came Thursday evening to help my brother move on Friday. He's moving apartments and i'm lowkey jealous because he has
a fucking washer and dryer in unit
all utilities covered except for internet
for fucking 950/month. T___T
The only con is that he's farther from things compared to his, now, prior apartment. Also it's carpeted which is a downside for me (and probably him). But ughhhhh.
But he did most of the movie on his own before they showed up on Friday? So they didn't have a lot left to move.
Mama brought me pillows?? Which are Nice and Lovely and I like the Color but it was also just weird to go downstairs to let them in and have the exchange of
Mother: Salaam, I have your pillows. *thrusts garbage bag filled with pillows at moi*
Me:*blinks* (thinking....when....did I....ask....for pillows??? In retrospect, it was probably one of those things I like claimed when grandma posted stuff to the family WhatsApp group?? And I probably?? Forgot???) Mother: *squints* you just woke up didn't you. Me, who got dressed in like 3 minutes immediately after she called saying they were here: *takes pillows* =__= (I had Not Just Woken Up. I had woken up and then rolled over. VAST DIFFERENCE!! ....there is no difference.) (In my defense, my period has literally Just Started and I'm like Not Happy By This. T_T) They ask if I want to come to my brother's place to move stuff and I'm like, "i'll go on the second round." (also known as attempt to clean my apartment, haahhahaha) I help with the second round of stuff and we all pile into the mini-van to go my brother's place and it's NICE and I am Not Envious but I'm Not Not Envious. =___=
He has Actual Windows. T__T (my bedroom does not. my apartment...has A Lot of Flaws but It's Walking Distance From Many Things So I'm Paying for Convenience) (is this my current mantra? MAYBE.) Anyway, afterwards we go to Costco because like That Is What I Care About. And we Costco'd up. And had minor rage that a pack of 3, clinical strength "lady" deodorants were 12.99 vs 10.99 for 5 pack of "men" clinical deodorant. My brother concurred and has like also read up on the "pink tax" before and like if he ends up marrying a lady, I'M JUST LIKE??? CONGRATS?? WE HAVE TRAINED SOME SEMBLANCE OF A WOKE BLACK MALE. PLEASE DIRECT PRAISE TO MY MOTHER AND MY SISTERS. (no really, he can cook, clean, grocery shop, basically function as a decent human being and like LISTENS WHEN WOMEN TALK IN A THOUGHTFUL MANNER. He also is willing to openly weep during movies, so like congrats.) Anyway, then we went to Sprouts?? Which is like the Large Hippie Grocery Store in Durham and I uhhhh had never been there properly and now I understand why little brother sometimes grocery shops there. There were So Many Types of Almond Milk I Was In Heaven. (update: have discovered that Sprouts....instacarts to my area......as does Sur la Table. This Is Dangerous Information.) Then we went to the hardware store to acquire somethings for little bro's apartment and then we popped back to my place and my mother was like LET ME HELP YOU WITH THINGS. Me, aware my apartment is still disastrous: "That's....not....necessary." Narrator: The mother was undeterred. She did not have a conniption but she did go into Deep Maternal Worry Mode with Bonus Overbearing and Meddling Steamrolling. Internal Me: She means well. She means well. She feels guilty that she's not Around More Often Even Though I Made The Choice To Move Down South. Mother: are you okay? I know you have the anxiety and depression but has anything else happened?? You know?? You'd feel better if this place was cleaner. Me: *pained nods* Mother: Has anything else happened that you haven't told us??? I know you have the health things but anything else? Me: ...no??? (Beyond health and like my inability to like sleep properly, nothing else has happened but stress of my grad life. =_=_ Mother: LETS TAKE JUST 5 MINUTES AND TIDY THINGS UP A LITTLE
Me, who's hungry and still Has Not Eaten In Spite of It Being 5pm: mother Mother, with broom and dustpan and trashbag: COME ALONG. Internal Me: She means Well. At Least She Is Here And Alive. Appreciate The Time You Have With Her. She Means Well. *grits teeth* We clean. WE ALMOST THROW AWAY ONE OF MY ROTHYS BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T LOOK INSIDE  BOXES BEFORE THROW SHIT OUT!!! And then we go to the restaurant for dinner....where the kitchen messes up my little brother's order and has chapati on the plate and he has a severe wheat allergy. So he takes Benadryl and my mother....goes into....deep worry mode Again. SHOULD WE LEAVE HIM AT HIS APARTMENT BY HIMSELF???? SHOULD WE TAKE HIM TO THEIR HOTEL??
my mother, once again, making plans without idk ASKING EITHER PARTY INVOLVED: MNEME, YOU SHOULD STAY AT HIS PLACE OVERNIGHT!! HE HAS A WASHER AND DRYER SO YOU CAN DO YOUR LAUNDRY THERE FOR FREE!!! me, a known cheap but is fucking exhausted and trying desperately to Not Snap At My Mother Because That Is Not Respectful But Also Looking Forward to Flopping on Her Fucking Couch and Maybe Even Getting A Waterbottle for my tummy: ....yes mother. =___= My dad upon seeing my mother and I exiting the apartment complex with my laundry: ???? Me, wordlessly pleading for salvation: o__o My mother, once we get to my brother's apartment: ....you know I probably should have asked before making this plan... My brother and I having Just Accepted Our Fate: *crickets* I give my brother the air mattress to blow up until he gets a Real Bed, (the place came unfurnished--which is the other reason I haven't moved because i'd need to like Get Furniture And At This Stage of My PhD, It's Just Not Worth It--so he has No Furniture At All). I sleep on the floor instead of telling my brother to just scoot over and let me ALSO SLEEP on the mattress which is a Queen-sized mattress. Nor does it occur to him to offer it to me. *stares into the void at my back* (In her defense, she did message us apologizing and I know she wasn't doing it maliciously and she's over zealous at times because she feels bad that like I'm a few hundred miles away. Alone. By myself. Single and thus don't have like anyone who's there for emotional support which like does suck but also I AM DOING... Not Amazing But Not As Bad As Undergrad? So...yeah.) I do all my laundry except for like One set that I do in the morning because my father is slow as molasses for Anything and I Know That While My Mother Wants To Leave Early they will not be here early and I have accepted this reality. Mother: WE'RE GOING TO BE THERE By 7:30 AT THE LATEST Narrator: They arrived around 10ish. We still managed to get to the farmers markets though? WHICH IS WHAT I WANTED HER TO EXPERIENCE. NC may not have Many Good Things but The Farmer Markets are So So Nice?? And big??? I have also realized if you wear a shirt that says "Ask me, I'm a scientist!" Shockingly, people read it and like ASK. Me, who slept in this shirt and threw a cardigan on because I was Too Lazy To Put On A Real Adult Shirt: ????? ! oooohhhhh... i do science. yes. yes, i do. Also got my brother to change his address because the voter registration folks were there and like IT'S EASIER TO DO IT THERE then like Figure Out Where To Go, so like We Did Our Civic Duty Today. *finger guns* Got some loaves of GF bread from the bread seller that sells Actual Edible GF bread. Sadly, they were out of raisin because it was 11am and like they open at 7am. T___T
Then we grabbed my dad, who went to the coffee shop....to work. It's been almost a full year since his open-heart surgery and he's back to being a Workaholic. =___=
Then we went to Lowes because he needed something and my parents FAILED TO COMMUNICATE PLANS and he was like...."oh I thought we were going to do it on the way back to MD??". Either way, I now have an adapter to make a three pronged plug into a two pronged one? So yay?
Then we took me, and my laundry, back to my place. My mother gave yet more instructions. I just smiled and nodded and reminded that she meant well.
And then ran back to the car because SHE WAS SO INSISTENT ON LIKE MOVING MY LAUNDRY BASKETS THAT SHE ALMOST LEFT HER MEDS BEHIND!! Me, ....this...is why....i said.... i could do it.......
But they are now back safely in MD, along with my brother because he has an orhto appointment. I was debating going back with them but I uh can't because I have a meeting with my PI on wednesday. And thus, I stay here. But I have a lot of article revisions and analyses to do so it sadly makes sense.
Maybe I'll try to go NY in Aug or mid-July?
IN FUN HEALTH THINGS, new game that I hate; "is this blood from my period or from my ass?" Spoiler: It's both~~~." Which now makes me regretting uh telling the gastro office that "no, I don't have symptoms so I don't think the steroid is necessary??" But in my defense, I DIDN'T HAVE SYMPTOMS ON WEDNESDAY WHEN THEY CALLED. Also they uh, usually are 3-6 months apart not 1.5 months...apart. So that was an unpleasant surprise which led to me pass out in bed when my parents left because ahhahahaha blood loss is v v exhausting and I forgot to pack my iron pills last night.
So, my mother is coming down again in July to take me to my sigmoidscopy. In which, they'll see things. Or they won't. I hope they see something? Anything? I don't want UC but I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW
- why i've been constantly inflamed since 2015?
- i know what hemorrhoidal bleeding looks like and uhhhhh i'm sorry but I shouldn't be dropping Actual Clots Out Of My Ass
*lies down*
i just want to not be tired and my intestines to not hate me as much. =_=
Okay, I am Going To Actually Sleep After I Knock Back Some Licorice Tea for my throat. (it's....super sore for some reason which is Not Great since I have D&D tomorrow most likely.)
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5sos-kingsandqueens · 7 years
Mr. Book Store~chapter36~Luke Hemmings
I was running around the apartment cleaning trying to hide anything that wouldn't be appropriate for an 11 year old to be around. Audrey was coming today and I was super nervous. Her and her parents would be the first ones to see the apartment that I shared with my boyfriend.
Thankfully Luke was at work so that I could get this done and he would be at work when they got here so I could show them around without him being here. They were going to be here any minute and I was getting super nervous. They would be staying for lunch and then they were heading over to the airport.
Petunia was waiting at the front door patiently and got super excited when the doorbell rang. I walked to the door and opened it.
"Hi!" I smiled letting them inside. I hugged them all before closing the door behind them. "I'll show you to the guest room." I commented showing them the guest room. "And then our room is across the hall if you need anything. The bathroom is there," I opened the door to show her. We had to keep the door closed because Petunia liked to eat towels. "And then the kitchen, dining room, office, and living room." I smiled.
"This is a fancy place you got yourself." My uncle said sitting down at the island.
"Well actually, it was Luke's and I moved in when my lease was up." I answered pulling the homemade pizza's out of the oven and offering drinks to them.
"Where is Luke?" Audrey asked.
"He's at work." I answered. "He got a new client today so I might to go bring him dinner." I commented cutting up the pizza and putting it on plates.
"I wanna go!" She said. I had gotten the week off that she's going to be here but promised Courtney that I would work from home for a few hours a day. I'm sure she was going to sleep in so I could just work while she was sleeping.
"You can come." I had no idea who's Luke client was, he usually never said who came into the studio and I just prayed that it was someone who was just starting out so Audrey wouldn't freak out over whoever it was.
We ate lunch before my aunt and uncle said their byes to Audrey and they were off to the airport. They promised to text when they landed.
"So, wanna go shopping?" I asked her and she nodded her head.
"I'm gonna go change!" She shouted running down the hall. I giggled a little while I got on my shoes.
"Something warm! And shoes that you'll be able to walk in." I shouted down the hall before grabbing my purse and phone. I texted Luke to let him know that she was here and that I was taking her shopping. She came out in an oversized sweater, leggings and a pair of knee high boots. She then had a jacket over it. "Ready?" I asked.
"Yeah." She smiled. We walked into the city and then would take a cab to the studio and would probably stay until Luke was ready to go home and he would just drive us. I took her to a few stores I knew she would enjoy before we went to Target.
"I just need a few things." I commented.
"No worries." She smiled as I shopped and she stayed close. I was standing in the tampon aisle trying to decide on which ones would be best. "What's having a period like?" She asked.
"Mine aren't that bad." I shrugged. "Some are worse than others. I know some people who have a hard time getting out of bed and other's who go about their day like nothing is happening." I commented. "Have you gotten yours yet?" I asked. I should probably buy some pads just incase she needs them while she's here.
"No. Mom thinks it's gonna happen soon." She said looking around. "How old were you?" She questioned.
"I was 12. That's also when I grew boobs." I laughed. Growing boobs isn't the worst part of growing through puberty. It was everything else that came with it.
"Does Luke think your period is gross?" I was surprised she felt so comfortable asking me these questions. I haven't been around since I left home at 18 and she was 6.
"No." I shook my head. "Usually he's relieved when I get it." I put a box of tampons in the cart before grabbing a thing of pads.
"Because then he knows I'm not pregnant." I commented moving on to the next aisle. I was the type of person who wasn't embarrassed to answer these questions. If it was just her talking to me, I was fine, but the second my grandmother starts questioning my love life, I get weirded out.
"At Christmas he said you have a lot of sex." I looked at her.
"He said that?" She nodded. I was going to kill him. He should have just kept his mouth shut. "Our sex life is fine. We do it a lot but let's not talk about that. You shouldn't be having sex until you're at least 16." I first had sex when I was 16 so I wasn't going to say she couldn't because I did but at 11 she doesn't need to be worried about it.
We finished our shopping and we stopped by the apartment to drop our bags off and since we were here we just took my car to pick up dinner and head over to Luke.
"Hi, Amanda." I smiled as I walked in.
"Hi, here to see Luke?" She asked.
"Yeah. I brought over dinner." I smiled. "Oh, this is my cousin Audrey. She's staying with us for the week."
"Nice to meet you." Amanda said. "Ever been to the city?"
"I haven't. It's so fun." She giggled. We chatted for a few more minutes before I walked down the hall and pushed his office door open.
The door opened behind me and without even turning around I knew it was McKinley. She was the only one who never knocks. She claims that if I'm doing something naughty she doesn't want me to have time to get my clothes on.
"Hi, babe." I smiled turning around to look at her. "Hi, Audrey."
"Hi, Luke." She smiled and she sat down.
"I'm with a client so give me a few minutes to wrap this up." I commented before turning back to my work. Once the client was finished, they left and I turned to the girls who were setting out dinner on the table. "What are we having?" I asked.
"Chinese." McKinley answered and handed me a fork because I couldn't for my life figure out how to use chopsticks. I wish I could but I couldn't. She tried to teach me and I just couldn't figure it out. We all ate and chatted about our days. "What movie should we watch tonight?" She asked.
"What do you wanna watch?" I asked her and she shrugged. She usually picked horror movies but with Audrey here she was probably going to pick some chick flick. Not that I minded, love stories always reminded me of my relationship with her.
"Just Go With It!" Audrey said excited.
"That's a good movie." I commented. "I'm pretty sure we have it at home." I answered eating.
Once we were done eating we all cleaned up and they left while I finished a few things and stood up. I grabbed my laptop and locked the office door before heading out and locking the front door. Amanda had left at 4 since she came in early.
I unlocked the front door to the apartment and went inside. I walked into the kitchen to find a note that they had taken the dog for a walk and I quickly rushed off to take a shower. When I got out they were in the kitchen scooping ice cream into bowls and adding tons of toppings.
"Hello, ladies." I commented drying my hair with a towel. "What are we having?"
"Peanut butter cup ice cream." Audrey answered. "Want some?"
"I'm good. Thanks though." I grabbed a beer and went to the living room where blankets and pillows were thrown around and there was popcorn on the table. I found the movie and set it up and waited for them. They came in with drinks and sat beside me.
We watched the movie together before I headed off to bed and they stayed out to chat or whatever they were doing. I watched a few episodes of a show before laying down and shutting off the lights. I heard them laugh every so often but soon fell asleep.
My alarm went off at 7 and I groaned. I so did not want to go to work. I dragged myself out of bed and into the kitchen to make coffee. I stood at the door looking into the living room where Audrey and McKinley were asleep on the couch with snacks all over the place.
I sighed and went to get dressed before going to make myself something for breakfast. They better clean while I'm at work. I packed a lunch and left a note for McKinley before heading on my way.
Michael was already at the studio when I got there and hopefully Ashton and Calum would be on time. They had issues with that.
"Hey." I sat down in the recording area. "How's it going?" I asked Michael.
"Good. Just trying to figure out what order we should put the songs in." Michael was always hands on when it came to work. He was always right there telling me his opinion and what he thought would be best. I enjoyed having him working here and it was nice to have someone fight me on what I wanted. Ashton and Calum very much just agreed with whatever I wanted.
"What were you thinking?" I asked moving closer to see the paper he was writing on. He handed it over to me.
"I think we should do two upbeat songs first, then a few of the slow ones, and then end with the sadder songs. Also, we need to pick which song should be a single and we should announce the single soon."
"Yeah I agree. Did you ask him what song he wanted as a single?"
"Not but he should be here soon and we can ask then." He commented. I filed some paperwork while he was busy putting some of the songs together. Ashton and Calum came in together a few minutes later.
"Good morning." I commented looking over at the clock. It was nearly ten and the client was coming in soon. "You're late."
"I've been here since 8 and Michael has been here since 7:30. Can you guys take this job seriously?" We had all decided to start this company together but they have been slacking lately and it was really annoying. "Michael and I do so much work and you guys always show up late and leave early. It's unfair."
"Bro, calm down." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"Luke? Someone's here who wants to speak to you." Amanda came into the room.
"I'll be right there." I commented and finished filing the paperwork before heading out to the lobby where a young girl was sitting reading a magazine. "Hi, I'm Luke." I smiled shaking her hand.
"Sam." She smiled. "I was wonder if I could speak to you about an internship?" I had never had someone come into the building and ask. I usually got phone calls about it but when it came time for me to meet them in person, they never showed up.
"Oh. Yes! Yes of course. Let's go to the conference room and we'll talk." I smiled at her then turned to Amanda. "Chris is coming in soon, just tell him to go right to my office." I told her.
"Alright." She smiled as I led Sam down to the conference room. I sat down and she sat down across from me.
"Okay, so what exactly are you looking for?" I asked grabbing a note pad to write down some notes.
"I would like to go into producing so I just want to watch, see what it's like." She answered. "My parents are big into music and I am too so seeing the process of how music is made would be cool." She commented as I wrote.
"Okay, I can get you in. How long would you like to be here?" I asked her.
"As long as you'll have me. I graduate this year and I would like to get some experience." I nodded.
"Okay, I cannot pay you as much as I pay my guys but I can pay you something at least." I smiled.
"Wait, its paid?" She asked.
"Well, yeah." I looked at her and she seemed surprised. "It's not going to be a ton of money but it's something. And if you come to me after you graduate, I'll hire you."
"Really?" She smiled.
"Yeah. Now, what hours would be good for you?" I questioned.
"Any hours." She said.
"Okay, how about we do 9am to lunch? Let's do 3 days a week. Let's do Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays." I wrote it down. "I came in late on the other days so let's do that. Is that good?" I asked her.
"Perfect." She smiled.
"Okay, I'll show you around and introduce you to everyone." I stood up and she followed me. "This is Calum's office, Ashton's, Michael's and mine. The room we were just in was the conference room. The bathrooms, and then the actual recording studio." I poked my head in where Michael was working with Chris. "Can I interrupt?" I asked.
"Yeah, what's up?" Michael asked.
"This is Sam. She's going to intern with us for a while and then I might hire her." I commented moving to the side so Michael could see her. "This is Michael and Chris. Michael works here and Chris is a client."
"Nice to meet you." Sam smiled and walked into the room to shake their hands.
"Same to you." Chris smiled. Michael shook her hand but quickly got back to work. I chuckled a little.
"When would you like to start?" I asked her. She was pretty much going to be doing Ashton and Calum's job while she was here.
"Whenever." She shrugged.
"How about you stay and hang out for a little while?" I asked.
"That would be great." She smiled.
"Perfect." I commented going to my office to grab and extra chair. When I came back she had made her self comfortable and she was chatting with Michael and Chris about an album cover. "I continued to fill out paperwork while they rest of them chatted. "Where's Calum and Ashton."
"They're making remixes." Michael commented. "For this album not just random ones." He confirmed.
Once Sam helped us decide a few things, I told her that it was okay for her to go home and that I would see her on Monday. I was leaving early to go home to Audrey and McKinley who I haven't heard from all day so I hope they were still alive.
"Hello?!" I called when I opened the front door. The living was cleaned and the blankets were folded on the couch. Petunia came running out to greet me.
"Hi." Audrey smiled coming down the hall.
"Where's McKinley?"
"She got called into work for a meeting." She shrugged. "How was work?" She asked.
"Good. Thanks for asking." I went to kitchen to find something to eat and she sat at the island. "We don't have any food." I looked at her.
"I know." She commented as she looked down at her phone. "McKinley said she was going to go after work."
When McKinley got home I helped her with the groceries and then I began cooking dinner for us.
"How was work?" She asked kissing me once Audrey had gone to take a shower.
"Good. Interviewed with an intern today." I smiled. "She is going to be great. She's already more reliable than Ashton and Calum."
"It's a girl?" She asked.
"Yeah. About to graduate and it would be awesome if she would want to work for us. I could literally build her from the ground up." I commented. "And my boss is thinking about opening a studio in California so that'll be awesome."
"That's good." She half smiled at me. She turned away and got something from the fridge.
"What's wrong?" I asked her and she sighed. "Just tell me what you're thinking."
"Are you going to move to California if you're boss opens a studio there?" She asked. I had never really thought about it but if it meant moving up in my career, I would seriously think about moving there.
"I haven't thought about it." I commented. "Don't worry too much about that, babe." I commented as I pulled the fried chicken out of the pan.
"If he were to call you tomorrow and told you to move to L.A, would you?" She questioned. I hated when she did this to me.
"Honest?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes. I would move." I could see the hurt in her eyes. "Babe, it's my job. If your boss moved you to Florida and you were making a lot more money would you go?"
"We don't have any offices there." She commented.
"Okay, smartass." I rolled my eyes.
"You would just leave me here?" She asked. I hated being put on the spot like this.
"It's not that I would leave you here. It's that my job is over there." I wasn't even sure why we were having this conversation it hasn't even happened yet. She sniffled and I looked at her. "Don't cry."
"I'm not."
"Listen, the odds of that happening are low right now. It's still in the works." I commented to her. "You don't have to worry about that." I commented pulling her into my arms. But I lied, I knew my boss was over there making plans and buying space to start building. He just wasn't sure if he was going to hire new people, or transfer me over there. I decided to keep that to myself.
*I just wanted to let everyone know that I got a job! I start on Monday so please be patient with updates as they're going to be slower. I cannot believe how far this story has gone. I posted this for the first time back in December of 2015. It's been two years and I'm still going strong. It's one of my favorite stories to write and I just wanted to thank everyone who reads and enjoys it! You're amazing.*
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Jacksepticeye Characters: The Ultimate Video Masterlist (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
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Following the popularity of my Markiplier character/ego video masterlist, I decided to make a masterlist of videos featuring @therealjacksepticeye characters!
I know that there aren’t that many of them - you guys could probably easily find them yourselves, and I probably put WAAYY too much effort into this, but once I start something that’s relatively simple to do, I can’t stop doing it for awhile. And despite all the hard work and resulting sweaty eyeballs, I enjoy making these lists. And, heck, I love these characters! I can’t wait to see Jack do more with them!
Unlike with my Markiplier masterlist, I don’t have much of a criteria for these videos, if only because there are so few of them. One rule though: Jack being creepy in a video does not mean that it's an Anti video. Unless it's got Anti’s signature glitches, I ain’t counting it until it's confirmed by the man himself.
If there are any videos you guys think I missed, please let me know! I’m rather behind on a lot...
@overnightwatch for reminding me of a certain Anti moment
XCatWarrior X and their video ALL ANTISEPTICEYE MOMENTS! #3
Anyway, without further ado…
Bizarre Moments Currently Unaligned to Specific Egos
Barry Has A Secret - 12:20 I have nothing to hide (May 6, 2018)
WATCH THIS WITH THE LIGHTS OFF | Stories Untold - Chapter 1 - 22:04 Did you guys hear that? (May 5, 2018)
THEY ARE LISTENING | Stories Untold - Chapter 2 - 30:27 they are watching (May 6, 2018)
IT WAS ALL CONNECTED | Stories Untold - Chapter 4 - 45:07 I remember what he did to me… (May 8, 2018)
Try To Fall Asleep! - 20:05 It was all just a dream (May 9, 2018)
EXPLORING AN ABANDONED HOSPITAL | Exiles - Welcome to Exiles, I gue– (May 16, 2018)
QUIT THE GAME TO WIN - 26:40 Still here, I see… (Dec 16, 2018)
Sͮ̏̿ͯ̈͐̈́̚̚͏͖͔͞ǫ̆͋͂̈ͯ̂̉҉͕̪͈͎̙o͊҉̛̜͔͚͓͔͈̗͠n̾́͂̾ͦ̓ͥ͏̪̖ - He’s ge͟t͜t͘in’ ̛c͟l̀o̷s̀e̷r͠ (Oct 18, 2016)
S̺͍͉͔͉̞̪Ḁ̸̰̮͝Y̶̪ ̳͇̭͍̥̭͉ͅG̕҉̡̦̲O̤̫͖͎̗͜͞ͅÒ̴̬̠̺̪̥͉̳͉̥͝D̨̺̦̯͙͙͔̯͚͠B̸̬̻̝͉͍̻̀͝Y҉̫̝̖̹̝̠͠E̲̩͟͝ͅ - It’s the spookiest time of the year, Jack’s here to show you how to carve a pumpkin, and someone’s ready t̵̴o̶͠͞ ͢s̕h͏o̴͟w ҉h̀͘im̧s͜͞e̢͟l̷̶͜f͘ (Oct 31, 2016)
A̶͖͔̰͕L̩̲͍͓͕W̴͓͉A̢͎̗̫̹Y҉̻̲͙͇S̪̝̭̗̙͖̜ ͚̰̻̱̟̭͜W̹̥̦̙̰ͅA̗͖͇̻̠̳T͔̰͔̖̥͖͠C̦̜̣H̴͓̣̘IN̢͇̯̩̤͔͖̙G̴̝͖ - Jack’s 2017 PAX panel intro video, featuring a şurpri͏s̴e͝ g̛ue̵s̡t͜ (Mar 8, 2017)
DARKIPLIER vs ANTISEPTICEYE - Who will win the ultimate evil YouTuber showdown? (Jul 28, 2017)
KILL JA̶CKSEPTICEYE | Bio IN̵̛c Redemp T̨I̶̢on - Something is kil̢li͞ng ́Ja̸ck͢s̨e̶p̛t͜įc͝ey͠e! What could it possibly be!? (Aug 4, 2017)
The Jacksepticeye Power Hour - Jameson Jackson - p̨up̧p̧e̶t͘s ͢s͞til̶l͝ he̵r̢e S͞TILL ̧HERE WA̶T͢CH͝IN͡G҉ S͠MI͟L̢E͜ (Oct 31, 2017)
Overnight Watch - A massively long livestream that can’t actually be found on Jack’s channel anymore. It featured only a bunch of security camera footage, capturing (and displaying) several… a҉͘ǹ̀o̧͞m̶al̶i̵e͘s. Fortunately, these anomalies have been faithfully recorded by the eagle-eyed and tireless members of @overnightwatch . /zo̢o̷m̢ (Dec 15, 2017)
Dark Silence - 20:35 Who̡'̵̧̕s͘ tḩ̷̡e͜r̸e̷͞!͘?̢͟͝ (May 14, 2018)
Playthrough ǵ̢̣̳̦̼̹̫ͅl̨͔i̷͓̩̮͚͍ț̬ͅͅc̗͍͢ḥ̢è̷͇̘̱̹̫̘̙͝ͅs̲̜̠͢͡
SOMETHING DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #1 - 8:20 ZAP! 15:29 What the f*ck? 20:18 Don't make eye contact 26:25 Be very quiet 31:28 GET THE F*CK BACK THERE 33:23 You don’t hear anything 34:10 Shift complete! 35:28 Lets play 36:52 Descend into madness and depression 39:28 See you in the next video (Oct 10, 2016)
THEY HAVE AWOKEN... | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #2 - 3:59 Wait for it... 9:09 F*ckin' twitchin' all over the place!̛ 9:19 Blink and you'll miss it 12:57 Getting a little tense 16:27 I see YOU 17:08 Did Jack fail? 18:07 This was fun! 19:00 RELEASE ME (Oct 13, 2016)
SOMETHING INSIDE | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #3 - 0:01 Top of the morning! 1:13 A pain in the ass 2:34 Talking forever 5:27 What's happening!? 8:22 F*CK 8:36 I AM HERE 10:43 Sudden death! 14:30 Still here 14:41 Happy dance! 17:28 KEEP WATCHING (Oct 18, 2016)
The Temple of No! - 11:09 We all know about Anti, d͏o̵n͜'t͜ w̛e̡? (Oct 18, 2016)
PLEASE DON'T KILL ME | Hello Neighbor #2 - 9:44 The game crashed! (Oct 19, 2016)
MERGED TOGETHER | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #4 - 1:18 Oh yeah! 2:39 They got hung! 3:15 Who hanged them? 5:13 There's something bad inside of me 7:29 I AM NEAR 10:04 Going through this shit again 10:23 Do as you're told 20:11 See me everywhere 22:00 Glitchy weird shit 27:33 Jack doesn't feel so good... (Oct 22, 2016)
CHOOSE YOUR OWN GOAL | Clustertruck #16 - 12:36 Jack appreciates your c͠o̵m͢m͢e̵mo͏r͡ati̧ons (Oct 23, 2016)
GRANNY DAB | Stuntfest #1 - 8:33 Jack's dead! (Oct 24, 2016)
SWIMMING IN POOP | Pipejob (HTC Vive Virtual Reality) - 12:13 hi there (Oct 24, 2016)
ROBOT WARS | Manual Samuel #3 - 21:32 We killed the orphans! (Oct 25, 2016)
MEET THE YANGS | Guts And Glory #5 - 6:57 So much fun! (Oct 26, 2016)
ALONE AND AFRAID | Layers Of Fear - Part 1 - 20:30 Double faced freaks! 20:39 Boo! 22:08 What the hell was that? (Oct 28, 2016)
SORE FROM LAUGHING | Stuntfest #2 - 2:18 Feelin' sick, Jack? 5:00 Twitching eyes! (Oct 29, 2016)
BULLETPROOF CHEST | Mr. President #3 - 1:08 Whatever!̶ 11:14 Wish you were dead, Jack? 15:48 Smooth jazz keeps you from wanting to kill yourself (Oct 29, 2016)
SCARIER THAN IT LOOKS | The Cubicle (HTC Vive Virtual Reality) - 1:39 Stuff is changing... 3:44 don't look behind you 7:22 What just happened?! 9:16 I COME (Oct 30, 2016)
THE SIGNS ARE THERE | Layers Of Fear - 2 - 4:39 Don’t make me beg 7:50 Jack should be beyond schizophrenia! 10:20 Question nothing 13:03 Look at all the foreshadowing 26:03 Gonna leave, huh? (Oct 30, 2016)
I'M SO SORRY | Detention 返校 - Part 2 - 3:46 Forgotten or just too afraid to remember? (Jan 25, 2017)
BROKEN INSIDE | Detention 返校 - Part 3 - 8:51 He's gone 9:04 All f*ckin' weird 22:12 Possible unedited Anti moment (Feb 4, 2017)
BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS | Detention 返校 - Part 4 (END) - 2:05 Exit stage left, enter stage right 5:30 Prepare for execution 5:50 Gone 27:49 Reflecting the true likeness of your soul (Feb 16, 2017)
SPREADING THE SICKNESS | Epidemic - 8:37 Laughter is the best medicine f̨͟o̸͝r̷ ̨d͢͢e̷͏a͡͏͞t̴͢h̨ (Jun 12, 2017)
Opening Tour Gifts - 8:26 Isn't plush Anti so̸ a͜d̀o̡ŕa͞b̵le? 19:11 It's yoùr̨ ̕b̧o̧i! (Oct 25, 2017)
MEMORIES OF UNDERTALE | Heartbound - 21:47 ...what kind of person Ya҉̴Oŗ̵̶̀Uę̸ y̷̷Aó̷̢Rư̸̡̡͘E... (Nov 22, 2017)
EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 4 - 5:03 Too LATE 5:18 WHAT THE F*CK 10:05 [character not found] 12:35 That’s SJ̴̸̛aC̵̨̀͘K̸̸yori trying to get through! 38:17 Why don’t we step outside for a little bit? 40:20 Kinda sounds like you don't want me around or something 1:10:42 Guess we'll see you next time (Dec 3, 2017)
JUST MONIKA | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 5 (END) - 13:02 Like the edge of a knife? 25:19 Aren't I the most thoughtful person? 30:15 Can you hear me, Jack? 30:54 Who's talking? 46:27 Time to restart 1:06:46 Help me, Jack! (Dec 5, 2017)
Jacksepticeye's Holiday Special - Day 1 - 34:48 - Anti donated! (Dec 16, 2017)
Jacksepticeye's Holiday Special - Day2 - 0:24 G̵̡li͘tć̢͜h̕ G̨͜r̴͘i̛̕̕nć͝h̶͝, here to s̢̡͠po͡įl the cheer (Dec 17, 2017)
I AM SO CREEPED OUT BY THIS | First Winter - 15:00 You opened the wrong door (May 18, 2018)
HOW DID HE GUESS THAT!? | Akinator - 17:59 Has your character ever killed someone? (Aug 3, 2018)
I Quit Youtube For This - 11:48 Behind you... 12:30 Behind you times two 13:30 Do you ever feel like there’s something more? 15:53 It all makes sense now… 16:53 E̵͡Ŕ̷̡Ŗ͠Ò͡Ŕ̵͢ (Sep 16, 2019)
Happy Halloween! - Jack talks about the inspiration and ideas behind Anti (Oct 31, 2016)
Bloopers & Outtakes #1 - Includes outtakes and unedited clips from SAY GOODBYE and the playthrough glitches throughout October 2016 (Nov 26, 2016)
Bloopers & Outtakes #2 - Includes outtakes and unedited clips from ALWAYS WATCHING (Apr 20, 2017)
Bloopers & Outtakes #3 - Includes outtakes and unedited clips from KILL JACKSEPTICEYE (Aug 23, 2017)
ANTINATOR | Akinator #8 - Can Akinator guess Jack’s opposite? (Sep 30, 2017)
Jacksepticeye Animated | JACKIEBOY MAN BACK IN JACKTION! - Look out, Jackieboy Man! There’s someone b͡è͘̕h͟i͏n͞͠d ̛th̷ȩ̧͡ scè̢͟n̵͝͠e̶̢s! (Nov 17, 2017)
Come Closer - Antisepticeye Song REMIX - Pay attention to this spoooooky Jacksepticeye Recognized (TM) remix by DayByDave! (Mar 3, 2018)
Jacksepticeye Animated | Doki Doki Literature Club - just monika just monika just monika just monika just mon̵i͠͞ḱ͘͜a͞aá̧̕aa͏n͜t͢i͝ (March 25, 2018)
Dr. Schneeplestein
The Jacksepticeye Power Hour - Dr. Schneeplestein - Dr. Schneeplestein, a totally real doctor, makes his debut as he performs an operation on poor ol’ Peter (Sep 15, 2016)
CHRISTMAS DOCTOR | Amateur Surgeon Christmas Edition - Jack knows nothing about surgery, so it looks like this is a playthrough for Dr. Schneeplestein (Dec 24, 2016)
TRUST ME, I’M A DOCTOR | Bio Inc. Redemption #4 - The Doctor of Death, yes, that is one of Dr. Schneeplestein’s many titles! (Jun 24, 2017)
KILL JA̶CKSEPTICEYE | Bio IN̵̛c Redemp T̨I̶̢on - When something is trying to tear you apart from the inside out, the only cure is SC͞H͠N͝E̵EPL͡E̷S͢TE͟IN͟! (Aug 4, 2017)
100% REAL DOCTOR | Gastric Bypass, Liposuction Surgery - Jack DARES call himself a real doctor!? GUESS WHO'S BACK TO REFUTE ZAT CLAIM! (May 4, 2018)
Jacksepticeye Animated | JACKIEBOY MAN BACK IN JACKTION! - Schneeplestein, GET OFF THE ROOF! Jackieboy Man doesn’t have time for your shit! (Nov 17, 2017)
Chase Brody
The Jacksepticeye Power Hour - Chase Brody - Welcome to Bro Average, where all is fun and games and there are no depressing marital problems whatsoever! (Apr 11, 2017)
THEY'RE HERE! | Stories Untold - Chapter 3 - 41:10 Someone's calling you, Jack! He needs you to wake up! (May 7, 2018)
TIE - A Game About Depression - I want things to go back to the way they were... (May 11, 2018)
CHASE - When did things go so wrong…? (Oct 13, 2019)
Jacksepticeye Animated | JACKIEBOY MAN BACK IN JACKTION! - Can Jackieboy Man save poor Chase from the fire?! (Nov 17, 2017)
BACK FOUL DEMONS! | Exorcist Legion (HTC Vive Virtual Reality Wireless) - Jack nails a virtual wastebasket shot and the Bro Average logo pops up while the Bro Average theme plays (Nov 29, 2017)
Jackieboy Man
SPIDERMAN STEALS ALL YOUR STUFF | Very Organized Thief - The narrator says he’s Jackieboy Man while the man himself says he’s Spiderman, but whoever he is, he’s here to save the day! (Oct 25, 2015)
JACKIEBOY MAN RETURNS | Welcome To The Game #2 - Jackieboy Man is back, and this time he’s got his own costume! (Jul 10, 2016)
THE HERO WE NEED | South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Part 2 - The world needs a hero, and Jackieboy Man is that hero! (Oct 23, 2017)
SHIELD YOUR EYES | South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Part 3 - Jackieboy Man: saving the world and tracking down strippers! (Oct 26, 2017)
BEATING UP KYLE’S MOM | South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Part 4 - Jackieboy Man: saving the world and beating up parents! (Oct 29, 2017)
STOP TIME WITH FARTS | South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Part 5 - Jackieboy Man: saving the world and fighting towels! (Nov 1, 2017)
THIS IS NOT PC ENOUGH!!! | South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Part 6 - Jackieboy Man: saving the world and catching microaggressionss! (Nov 4, 2017)
CHAOS WILL REIGN | South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Part 7 - Jackieboy Man: saving the world and fighting chaos! (Nov 8, 2017)
THE SECRET MASTERMIND | South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Part 8 - Jackieboy Man: saving the world and unveiling shit! (Nov 11, 2017)
THE THERAPY KIDS | South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Part 9 - Jackieboy Man: saving the world and overcoming issues! (Nov 14, 2017)
HARDEST FIGHT SO FAR | South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Part 10 - Jackieboy Man: saving the world and facing his greatest challenge yet! (Nov 18, 2017)
SEAMAN AND SWALLOW | South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Part 11 - Jackieboy Man: saving the world with the help of the epic duo, Seaman and Swallow! (Nov 21, 2017)
HE’S BAAAAAACK! | South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Part 12 - Jackieboy Man: saving the world and killing his mother! …Wait, what? (Nov 24, 2017)
JUST IN TIME! | South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Part 13 (END) - Jackieboy Man: saving the world one last time! (Nov 27, 2017)
Cool Patrol - NSP - The Kid is getting picked on, and the Cool Patrol is here to help him out through instructional dance; Jack got to keep the red suit, which later became part of the Jackieboy Man outfit, after wearing it in this video (Oct 18, 2016)
Jacksepticeye Animated | JACKIEBOY MAN BACK IN JACKTION! - A fire is holding a building hostage! Who could possibly save the day!? (Nov 17, 2017)
Jack/Marvin the Magnificent
The Jacksepticeye Power Hour - Marvin’s Magic - Magic is a LIE and Jack the Magnificent is here to tell you why! (Aug 11, 2016)
SO MUCH FANART | Septic Art #1 - Jack apparently completely forgot that he called himself Jack the Magnificent, so after a lot of confusion as to what the character could be named and an assumption that the FANS had made up the name ‘Jack the Magnificent’ after seeing it in fanart, Jack asserted that this character is now called Marvin the Magnificent (Aug 4, 2017)
Jameson Jackson
The Jacksepticye Power Hour - Jameson Jackson - By golly, it seems that Jack’s pumpkin carving video must be silent this year! Jolly good show, old chap! (Oct 31, 2017)
Can You Figure Out Who DID IT? - Jameson Jackson’s Jolly Jaunts - Join Mr. Jameson Jackson and his finger puppet friends on this jolly jaunt of a mystery, fun for all ages! (Oct 31, 2019)
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