#and as i mentioned before he doesn't know where he stands with marinette
kawaiichibiart · 4 months
Continuing my Felix becomes Argos early AU (which I'm currently referring to myself as the Early Bird AU not sure if I'm keeping the name officially)
Seeing as one of his main (and likely only) goals for attending DuPont is to look after Adrien, he very much steps in to remind Marinette (and potentially later on the rest of the Akuma Class), after he (Adrien) suggests they take the high road when it comes to Lila lying, that Adrien isn't her boyfriend. He is not her keeper. She doesn't have to agree with him. But fuck her if she drags his cousin under the bus because she can't get over a silly little crush and has that affect whether or not she can actually disagree with him. If she wanted to go with it, fine, but she should have laid her own terms. Like if Lila does something drastic, she's going to tell someone, an adult she can trust to do the right thing. Or if Lila doesn't stop soon, even with the more minor lies, she's going to say something. And for love of everything, actually get evidence before you say shit because you're just sounding like a bitch whenever you say Lila's lying with no proof.
Felix: Literally no one but her has claimed she was telling the truth as far as we know. We all just think her stories are interesting and considering this class, what with Miss I'm The Mayor's Daughter, my cousin the Famous Model, MX. I Live in a Museum and YOU, Miss I Actually Have Connections But I'm Too Humble About It And Don't Wanna Brag, is it really hard to believe what Lila says?
Marinette: But, it's not fair that I have to-
Felix: Have to what? Back up your claims? Yes. It is fair. BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONE MAKING THEM!!
Marinette: Felix.
Felix: Marinette.
Felix: Listen, like I said, I'm just here for Adrien. And for whatever reason, he likes you and wants to be your friend.
Felix: And I'm not going to stop him from being your friend. But if he gets hurt, just because you can't get a clear head when he says something to you, when he suggests something you don't agree with, I don't care what connections you have.
Felix: So, either come up with terms for the honestly very likely time the highroad comes to an end, or tell Adrien you can't take the highroad at all.
Felix: Do I make myself clear?
Marinette:...yeah. Yeah, okay. Give me a few days.
Felix: I'm giving you two at most.
Marinette: But-
Felix: I was going to give you until tonight. Would you prefer that?
Marinette: Ugh, no, fine...
Marinette:...it's hard to like you.
Felix: So I've been told.
Marinette: But I can't hate you, when...ughh, when I know you're right.
Marinette: I'll see if I can come up with any terms, and if I can't... I'll tell Adrien I can't take the highroad.
Felix: Good. I'll hold you to that.
#felix graham de vanily#miraculous au#like seriously felix is only here for adrien#he doesn't care about anyone else at dupont#and he's very much aware of what social cues adrien knows and doesn't know#he knows how adrien was taugh to deal with situations like the lila one#and that is: do not interfere at all if possible. just stand back and let someone else handle it. don't get dragged into it-#-and soil the family name.#it's not something he agrees with but he can't do much about it other than try to get adrien to see it's not a good thing to follow#and as i mentioned before he doesn't know where he stands with marinette#he can't tell if she'd be a good friend for adrien (what with her crush and again where the fuck did she get adrien's schedule?) or not#and he has a feeling she agreed to the highroad simply because she has a crush on his cousin#not because she agrees it's the best path to take#and felix isn't about to let her stupid little crush potentially hurt the only person in this school he cares about#and he isn't going to be nice about telling her these things#he's going to be blunt and mean and rude. she needs to know he's being serious about it and being nice#just won't get that message across for him personally. he has to lay it on thick for her to understand.#and she does eventually understand and tells adrien that she can't take the highroad. she can't stay quiet about what lila has said and don#but she also acknowledges that she's been digging herself into a hole and crying wolf#if she wants others to believe her she can't just use her words and hope that's enough. she has to find things to back her up.#and while she'd rather not#if she has to use her own connections#she will#in short: if felix isn't taking anyone's bullshit as argos he isn't taking anyone's bullshit as felix#his motto: fuck around and find out bitch#early bird au
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ggomos-maribat · 2 months
Soul-Stitching: The Heir and the Guardian
Chapter 5: death and revival | AO3
CW: Human experimentation, mentions of religion, cult-like behavior, child abuse, childhood trauma, mentions of death, grief, killing, blood, violence, injury
“Adrien, why are you screaming—oh.” A girl steps up to the top floor, and her face instantly morphs into disgust when she sees him. Her hand reaches up to her choker necklace. “It’s him.” 
“Who?” The boy, Adrien, turns to her wide-eyed after stepping over the spilled milk and cereal.
“Damian al Ghul. Or should we address you as Wayne?” 
Damian takes a tentative step back, looking down on himself to realize that he rushed out of Gotham without a mask on. But his head snaps up when it dawns on him that the girl called him ‘al Ghul’, which means they must have heard it from Marie. 
Which means she hasn't forgotten. 
“ That Damian?” Adrien puts a hand over his mouth. “Wait what's he doing here anyway?” 
“I don't know, but it might have something to do with that thing she's telling us.” 
Before Damian can try to comprehend what that meant, another figure emerges from the shadows. 
Marie. Marinette. 
What is she doing here? Damian is frozen with shock. 
Marie seems surprised by his presence as well, but she quickly schools her expression and stands behind her two friends.
“Should we kick him out, M'lady?” Adrien frowns. 
She sighs. “No. I'll talk to him. Kagami, please help Adri clean up the spill. I'll pass a message to Fei that we have a guest.” 
Damian follows her quietly down a winding flight of stairs, with only a bit of the moonlight guiding them. His eyes end up on her hand, which braces against the wall—there are crimson marks around her wrist.  When she doesn't utter another word, he breaks the silence himself instead, “What are you doing here?” 
She halts and turns back to him, making him stumble back. Her eyes shimmer more luminously in the dark. “I escaped for a while. There's a decoy up in the Watchtower.” 
That explains one of the questions he had. She can escape on her own after all. Of course, he's not telling the others this. She must have been shaken up after the memory projection. 
They reach a landing that extends into a carpeted hallway. If the place isn't so dark or badly damaged, the temple's design can rival that of the League. She leads him to a set of double doors and into her bedroom. 
“What are you doing here?” asks Marinette. 
“I—I saw what they did . . . and um, the Order . . .” He trails off, hoping that she can fill in the blanks. 
She sits down and beckons him over. Normally, he wouldn't blindly follow anyone, even if he has known her in his childhood. But something about the temple makes him feel safe. It's not enticing , but rather comforting. It's like his entire being knows there's no danger around him. 
“If you're looking for the Order of the Guardians, I killed them,” she says plainly. 
“I guess I should start from the beginning huh?” 
The Waynes decide to give Damian his space and instead focus on investigating the case. Mainly, it's Barbara immersing herself into research, with Tim helping in the sidelines. Five hours later, she calls everyone to the cave. 
“Where's the old man?” Jason strolls in, tugging off his helmet. 
Dick pulls his lips into a thin line. “Watchtower still. I think the JL is investigating on their own too.” 
“Well, he has to be here, ‘cause this is all fucked up.” Jason leans against the railing as the rest of the family gathers around Barbara. 
“What do you mean? You're caught up in this case too?” Tim is about to lift his cup to his lips but Cass is quick to snatch it away from him. 
“I asked Jay to look into it too,” Barbara explains calmly. Her tiredness is evident in her eyes, but it's coupled with an air of rage. “Marinette's past is more complicated than we think.” 
“There is a small village in Tibet inherently blessed by the gods. The records date to several hundred years ago,” she begins. “Every two decades or so, a child called the ‘Guardian’ is born in that village. They possess every power we know that is manifested through the miraculi.” 
She pulls up several pictures: a few photos of children, but most are paintings. A striking feature appears as a pattern. “The Guardian always has these blue eyes. They're not from any specific family; the children appear randomly from different lineages. And there can only be one of them at a time. If the previous Guardian dies, a new one is reborn.” 
“My eyes . . .” 
“They weren't as blue,” Damian breathes out. 
Marinette touches the corner of her eyes, chuckling humorlessly. “Yeah, they weren't. This is where the Order of the Guardians come in. They operate under the guise of a religious group who worship the Guardian and the gods so that tragedy doesn't befall the village. Every time a new Guardian turns four, they fetch the child from the village.” 
“In reality, they're just a sick disgusting cult of old men,” Jason spits out. “People who know about the miraculi believe that they came from a mage that put the power of the kwamis into the magic jewel. That's bull. The Guardian is the source of that power.” 
Stephanie draws in a shaky breath. “So . . . so when they were drawing blood . . .” 
“It's some kind of ritual,” Barbara continues. The tension in the air multiplies. “With magic, the blood mixed with an accessory creates a miraculous.” 
“But each miraculous is only one of its kind,” Dick points out. “Unless there are duplicates?” 
“The ritual doesn't work all the time, that's why they have to—to experiment which methods will work to combine the jewel with the power.” 
Damian swallows a lump in his throat as Marinette speaks monotonously about the Order. “The monks weren't strategizers so they usually tried every variation of the ritual they could think of. For instance, to extract the power of Emotion—the Peacock—should they make the Guardian cry? Should they anger the child or subject them into an assortment of emotions? What about the power of Destruction? Will breaking every bone in their body work?” 
He hasn't noticed how hard he's clutching the sheets. 
“Multiply that with the variations in the jewels. Which power will work with earrings? A necklace? That's one vial of blood for each variation.” Marinette rubs her arm. “Over the course of seventy years, they ran their experiments and created all the miraculi you know that showed up in Paris.”
“That's why they're unique,” Damian mumbles. 
“Not entirely. Some of the ‘failed’ jewels worked, only they don't possess even half of the Guardian's power. They are like . . . disposable miraculi. Their power can only be used once and it doesn't even transform the user. The Order produced hundreds of these—they call them miraculous-adjacents.” 
How many children did they sacrifice? He wishes he can revive the Order just to subject them to torture himself. 
“How did you end up in . . .?”
“How does Marinette fit into all of this?” Dick asks. 
“She's a Guardian, isn't she?” Tim guesses. 
“It's not as straightforward as that.” Barbara adjusts her glasses, opening another file: a picture of a dark-haired girl with bright blue eyes. 
Yet it's not Marinette. 
“Like you saw in the memory projection, Marinette came from the League of Assassins. There's a League base not too far from the temple; it's where she and Damian escaped from. When she died, I'm guessing they found her body. This girl was the Guardian at that time.” 
“She didn't have a name. Guardians usually weren't given one. She fell into a coma because of their experiments,” Marinette leans back. 
“Did they not kill her?” 
“They can't draw any more blood or directly kill her, because they risk waiting for years until a new Guardian is born. I don't know the exact rebirth cycle—the life expectancies of Guardians are already low but that girl was too young to die. Bottomline is, they refused to kill her but they couldn't wake her up either.” Marinette waves her hands around. “Lucky for them I guess, they found me.” 
Dread settles on Damian's chest. “But you . . .” 
“Were dead? Yes, but I had the body strong enough to withstand the Guardian's power. They performed one important ritual. I'm not sure exactly how they did it, because I was—obviously–busy being dead, but they joined the two of us somehow. Her soul, my body. When I woke up, everything was healed–my leg, the wound from the knife, my scars. I had memories that weren't my own but at the same time, I knew I lived through them. They called me a vessel.” 
He can only imagine the confusion, the stress taking a toll on her that time. 
“You—you don't have to tell me if it's too much,” Damian stammers. 
“What? No, it's okay. I owe you this much.” She seems surprised at his interjection. “I've told this story a few times already.” 
He gives a nod and she continues, “Even if I was healed, I was still weak from the cold and hunger. I stayed quiet the whole time, gathered as much information as I could, and let them get blood from me. One day, I saw an opening.” 
She pauses. 
“I killed them.”
She waits. Perhaps for judgment from him? 
“I killed them all, Master. I had all the powers at my disposal anyway. I knew I was an assassin first before a Guardian, so I made sure I got rid of all of them. I made this temple into what it is today.” 
Damian remembers seeing the powers of Destruction manifested through the ring in the videos of the akuma attacks. She must wield a greater degree of power than that. He moves closer to her and takes her hands into his, telling her slowly, “I would've done the same.” 
“Do not call me that,” he cuts in. “You cannot call me that after what I've done to you.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“It's my fault you died.” Damian starts to shake. “I treated you terribly even when you protected me. I was too arrogant to see that you were in pain—” 
“What are you talking about?” Marinette frowns, this time covering his hands with hers. “You never treated me badly. You were the reason I remained in the League.” 
“I . . .” 
She runs her fingers over his knuckles. “You protected me even if I was weak. You made sure I ate and slept. You would protect me in fights just as I tried to protect you.” 
“Climb on my back.” Damian crouches in front of the girl. He has noticed her labored breaths since they started walking through the snow. 
“Master, I can't possibly—” 
“It's faster this way. They made you work too hard, didn't they?” he hisses. “I will tell Mother this time. You have no other business in the bases except to serve me.” 
Marie reluctantly goes on his back, locking her arms around his neck and burying his face on his shoulder. His breath hitches when he realizes how light she has become. 
“Why are you sitting over there?” 
She blinks at him. “To guard the entrance, Master. You can go ahead and sleep.” 
“No. Stay here by the fire.” 
“But what if the enemies—” 
Damian sighs and digs into the backpack to retrieve the heat packs. He tosses two to her and tells her to wake him up at midnight so they can switch. But when he wakes up, he finds that it is dawn and Marie has dozed off by the cave opening, shivering. 
“Tt. Foolish girl.” He rushes to wrap her up in a blanket before carrying her into the sleeping bag and taking her place. 
“Marie!” Overcome with panic, he kills the assassin quickly and tosses him over the edge of the cliff. He tries to look for the backpack but then she grabs him by the sleeve. 
“I'm sorry, Master . . . it fell when I was . . .” she sniffs. 
“Ssh, none of that.” His heart is racing as he tries to look for a makeshift bandage and splint. 
“Please don't worry about me. We have to go—” 
“I will worry. What were you thinking? Why didn't you wake me?” He hoists her up again, taking care not to move her injured foot. 
“Master—I mean Damian. ” Marinette reaches up to cup his cheek. “Have you forgotten?” 
A sob comes out of him. It all starts coming back—his dreams have overshadowed his memories, painting him as the ruthless child who was indifferent to Marie. He was too overridden by guilt to remember correctly. He starts to cry while inwardly scolding himself for forgetting everything. 
She doesn't say a word but lends her shoulder, holding him close. Damian realizes it has never felt this liberating to cry. 
“I never blamed you for anything,” she whispers. “I did it to myself.” 
“I’m sorry—” 
“It's not your fault.” Her voice is close to his ear. “It's okay. I'm okay now.” 
“There's no record of what happened to Marinette after she was taken by the Order,” says Jason, “But after a year or so, she was found walking into the village alone. There was no blood on her or anything but she didn't speak at all. The monks weren't seen again after that and the temple was abandoned. Protective services picked her up months later.” 
“This is all just a theory, but she could have gained the powers of the Guardian.” Barbara rubs her head. “Must be why Constantine was so alarmed.” 
“So the Hawkmoth thing . . . actually checks out?” Stephanie says. 
Jason scoffs in reply. “No, it's the opposite of that. If she had the powers of the miraculi at her disposal, why the hell would she terrorize a city?” 
“Jason and I found another reason for the evidence against her,” Barbara explains. “Marinette is the Guardian in the sense of her powers, but also in the sense of being the keeper of the magical jewels.” 
“Marinette is—” 
“I'm Ladybug, by the way.” 
Damian's eyes widen while he tries to wipe the last of his tears. “Why didn't you say that in court?” 
“We had a plan, don't worry.” She smiles a little. “It's also dangerous to reveal my identity that easily. I have more duties to fulfill as Guardian.” 
←Previous Chapter | Next Chapter →
Did I just make Marinette Gojo Satoru? Yes. Yes I did. Taglist: @noisydreamlandkoala
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
The whole system for the Miraculous is wonky as hell and much of the writing feels like they're still on that whole Good/Bad Luck concept from the show's planning stage. LB's power is literally Lucky Charm, and the symbolism of Ladybugs are good luck symbols not creation symbols. Same with the Black Cat symbolism (though the Miraculous borrow from Chinese culture and Black Cats are good luck symbols in China) I'd be more than willing to wager that the Peacock and Butterfly were concepted out before the change and no one went "Hey shouldn't we change the peacock"
Originally there was no Peacock. They were planning to do Bagua instead of Wu Xing. So a couple of miraculous from concepts were able to make it in.
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But yeah, I have a growing list of what I noticed to be concepts that got changed, but weren't fully implemented to match those changes, so it's like they're still working off those old concepts despite the changes and it's not working as well, at least, how they're going about things.
As you mentioned, yeah, there's still the Good-Bad Luck theme going on (which both animals are European exclusive in terms of lucky view, an unlucky animal in Chinese should've been an Owl or Wolf).
Marinette's Luck and Tikki's treatment of her.
Now older concept Marinette was a lot more problematic. She was invasive of Felix's company and would try to force kisses on him. She also used her good luck powers selfishly, which brought bad luck as consequences. So being more pushy with her interest and being more selfish, it warrants Tikki to be criticizing and more questioning of Marinette and her choices.
Marinette now though is very selfless and considerate of others, and hardly ever abuses her power or use it selfishly. Despite the changes to her character, she still suffers a lot of bad luck (much of it played for comedy which sometimes goes too far), and Tikki is very criticizing/nitpicky of Marinette's choices and actions.
2. Chat still pursuing LB despite the clear no
Felix still pursued LB despite the clear no because he was cursed with bad luck. His actions aren't ok, but you get his reasoning on why he still tries.
Adrien though is curse free, still pursues LB despite the clear no and its because he really wants to be with her and is trying to wear her down and is dismissing her answer and feelings. That's not good.
3. Hawk Moth and His Son
Felix actually was not HM's son. Between that and him not having a desire to be a hero, it made sense why Felix wouldn't actively look for HM. He doesn't have that close connection nor did he have that drive.
Adrien is HM's son, and he has that close connection and could get that plot moving. And yet 5 seasons now, Adrien is none the wiser. It's a weird placement where they know he is HM's son, but they're also acting like Chat still isn't his son so has no reason to look into HM and discover things and get this plot moving.
4. The Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Civilian Side Burn
When it was Felix and Marinette, he couldn't stand her (understandably) so he avoided her while she makes all the effort to try and get closer with him. It's understandable why the civilian side of things would be slow going.
Now, Adrien is friendlier and does like Marinette, and she still makes a lot of effort to confess to him and get closer with him. But it fails or goes nowhere, which just sets up this impression that she is far under his radar. And introducing Kagami didn't help cause you could pass off him being too blind/set on LB, but Kagami shows that he can notice other girls, so Marinette just isn't a romantic option. I do hear they finally reversed the LS in s5 but it feels way too late.
5. Marinette and her Parents
Earliest concept of Marinette actually had her coming home finding her father dead. And I didn't see much else of her having parents or them talked about. And given that Marinette is written to be independent, self-reliant, hardly turns to adults for help and advise, and seems to turn to Tikki as a mentor; to me it seems that Marinette's parents were just never meant to be in the picture or factored in. Mindful, I think Marinette was originally meant to be college age. If she and Chat Noir were always meant to be a romantic pair, well, there is no way this Chat is a young teenager.
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Either way, she now officially has parents, but they are hardly in her life, she never really turns to them for help and advise like a 13 yo should, and she's still incredibly independent. Mostly, she turns to Tikki for help and advise. At It's almost like her parents aren't there.
This way of writing how uninvolved and absent her parents are, it could be a left of to them possibly being dead, or it could be a left over from the earliest thought that Marinette was going to be older and not need them around as much. They made a change, but it's not fully implemented, especially with Marinette confirmed to be 13 at the start of the show. I don't know how much independence 13 yos in France get, but I'd expect they still rely on their parents quite a bit.
So, this is my list of things I noticed that were changed concepts, but they didn't fully change everything to really make it work, and it feels like they're still working off those old concepts despite making changes. Or they're just trying to have their cake and eat it to. They do that a lot.
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auspicious-lilana · 2 years
Two Cats, One Heart (Chat Noir x Reader)
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Summary: Y/n Ross and Adrian Agreste are childhood best friends, they’ve been through thick and thin, including losing their mom, and dad. Since then Y/n's mom made her live with Adrian at his mansion and forever leaving her life. Watch as their lives Change as they become the new heroes of Paris alongside Ladybug and see how Romance sprouts between the two models. 
Part 1 |  Part 2 |  Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7  | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
here's the long-awaited (and overdue) chapter! Enjoy! 
"Yes, I'm busy. I was right in the middle of something very important. What do you want?" Gabriel spoke on his phone as he was standing by a painting of his wife, holding the book containing records of the miraculous holders.
Adrian and Y/n who were about to head out overheard the phone call and decided to snoop on the man, watching him as he placed the book in a safe. 
" What?! This is unacceptable! The sample garment doesn't match at all! All you had to do was follow a pattern. . . Imbeciles! What am I supposed to do? The show is in three days!" He closed the painting, noticing it was one of Adrien's mom. " No, don't use him, he's completely useless. Call my assistant, She'll give you some other names." 
"He hides stuff behind the painting of mom?" Adrian whispered to Y/n. As his father left the room, their Kawamis peeked out to watch with them. 
"I love dirty secrets!" Plagg exclaimed as they walked over to the painting. 
"Right?" Alpha nodded. "adds spice to life." Adrien opened the painting to see the safe that was hidden behind it. 
"Ooh! Go on! Open it! Open it!" The two kawamis urged on. 
" I can't do it. My dad wouldn't like me going through his stuff. Besides, I don't even know the code, and my fencing class is about to start." 
"Not to mention how much trouble we'll be in if we got caught." Y/n agreed. 
"You're such a party pooper," Plagg said as the two phased through the safe door. 
"Plagg/Alpha, No!" The teens exclaimed. 
" My, my, what have we got here?" Plagg's muffled voice was heard. 
"A book on Tibet, an old flyer from a hotel, a load of junk," Alpha was heard after. 
"Come on! Where's the good stuff?" The safe door was cracked open as the two glanced at each other before opening it to see the two kawamis looking through a paper before knocking over a book, Adrien quickly catching it as they looked at the cover.
"I've seen this book somewhere before," Plagg said. "But who cares? I'm famished! I need Camembert!" 
"Why is my dad keeping this locked in a safe?" Adrien questioned, flipping through before stopping at a page with Hawkmoth on it. "Hawkmoth? What's this monster doing in a book about superheroes?" 
"We aren't sure if it's the Kawami's fault for the user's evildoings though," Y/n said. 
"Cheese!" Plagg interrupted. "Didn't you hear me?" The two gasped at the sounds of footsteps and Adrian stuffed the book in his bag as Y/n closed the picture just as Natalie and their bodyguard entered the room. 
"Adrien? Y/n? You're going to be late." Natalie scolded. 
"We were. . . looking for my homework." Adrien nervously chuckled, Y/n quickly nodding with the lie. 
"Gosh, I keep telling you to stop misplacing it so much." Y/n laughed along. 
"Can you believe Lila knows Prince Ali?" Rose exclaimed, Marinette passing by at Juleka and her conversation before looking at Chloé make her next tantrum as she passed her. 
"Why did Jagged Stone write a song about Lila when he could've written about me?" She grumbled, walking off with Sabrina trailing behind her with both their things in her arms. 
Nino soon passed by her talking to a few people from class, "Lila knows all of the Hollywood directors. She promised she'd mention me to Steven Basielberg himself!" 
"Lila?" Marinette asked, after catching up with Alya. 
"Yeah, she just started at our school." Alya pointed to Lila, who was on the second floor with Adrian. "She even gave me an exclusive interview for the Ladybug 'cause Ladybug saved her life once! Watch!" She showed Marinette the video of Lila in her blog. 
"She also said she's been friends with Lady Wolf too," Maya said, overhearing them and joining their side. "She offered to try and get an interview of Lady Wolf for me, how cool is she?" 
"Why is she with Adrien alone? I thought Y/n usually walks with him to class?" Marinette questioned. 
"Y/n was just with me, she had to go to talk with her biology teacher before class." 
Alya and Maya soon walked off to talk about some future collaboration as Marinette stood in suspicion, watching Adrien and Lila go in somewhere alone. 
"What's going on? I mean has this Lila girl hypnotized everyone or something? What if she's trying to steal Y/n's boyfriend now!" 
Marinette ran after the two to be led inside the library to see Adrian sitting alone at a table as she headed behind a nearby bookshelf. 
"Where is she?" She mumbled. Adrien took the book from his dad's safe out of his bag and Tikki gasps and left Marinette's purse. 
"Marinette, Adrien's book! I need to get a closer look at it." 
"Why are you so concerned about his book?" Marinette stopped talking to see Lila head to the table. "Hide, Tikki!" Tikki flew over to a bookcase right next to Adrian. 
"Now were can get going on our history homework. it's so much more fun doing it together, don't you think?" Lila noticed Adrien's book and grabs it under the book he was using to hide it. "What's that?" 
"Uh, nothing! Just stories about superheroes." Lila then put her hand on Adrien's. 
"I love superheroes!" 
Marinette gasps, "I knew it, she is trying to steal Y/n's boyfriend—   " She accidentally bumped into a book cart, pushing it by accident. Tikki watches Lila as she flips through the book turning to the page on Lady Wolf. 
"Lady Wolf!" 
"She's amazing." Adrien smiled, thinking back to their last date night.
"A girl doesn't need to wear a costume to be amazing, you know." She said, scooting her seat closer to Adrien who broke out of his daydreams from the sudden uncomfortable feelings. 
"Uh, I don't know—I mean, I— " 
"So you got a little soft spot for the wolf, huh?" 
"Me? I mean she's great, but no-no-no." 
"You know I happen to be very close friends with Lady Wolf." 
"Really?" Adrien asked, slightly confused. He'd have to ask Y/n about this later. 
"We can chat about it if you want. Not here though. Why don't we meet up at the park after school and I'll tell you everything." 
Adrian soon got an alert on his phone, "I gotta go! I've got a lesson in 58 seconds." Amid his rush, Lila caused him to drop his bag. 
"So the park?" Lila asked, pushing the book on superheroes away from Adrien's bag with her foot. 
"Uh, Sure!" He ran out before another word could be said as Lila picked up the book, opening it to a page on a fox-related heroine. 
"A vixen superheroine? Hmmm, interesting. . . " She left the library with a scheme in mind. 
"Marinette!" Tikki ran back to her. 
"I know. I gotta talk to Adrien before he meets up with Lila in the park. He has to know that she's a total thief." 
"No! You can't say anything to Adrien. I need a chance to check out the book first. If it's the one I think it is we have to get out hands on it!" 
"I don't get it? Exactly why would we need it?" 
"I'll explain to you once I know for sure. Please, we mustn't let Lila out of our sight."
"Lady Wolf and me?"  Lila grinned, Marinette watching the latest video on the Wolf Blog Maya hosts. "We're like this." 
"I bet she's lying about that."  Marinette huffed, "Does Lady Wolf even know about this?"  
"Lady Wolf know about what?"  Marinette let out an 'ah!' and jumped to the side frightened by the sudden arrival of her dear friend Y/n who was peeking over her shoulder.  
"Y/n! hey!"  
"Well. . .?"  
"What's Lady Wolf got to know?"  
"You haven't seen the video yet?"  
"Video? Oh, you mean Maya's blog. I saw the notification but I hadn't seen it yet."  Marinette handed over her phone to Y/n, playing back 10 seconds. ". . .wow."  
"She's been lying all over the place!"  Marinette let out her fusterations. "Do you actually  think she's like this?"  Marinette crossed her fingers. "With Lady Wolf?"  
{Y/n's POV} 
I haven't even met this girl as Y/n. How would Lady Wolf know her? This I gotta investigate. Marinette started looking back nervously as I glanced, realizing she must be following her. 
"oh wow I'm real late, I uh, gotta go."  Marinette sheepishly smiled pointing forward. "See you tomorrow!"  
"Wai- " She ran off before I could stop. I sighed as Alpha peeked out from my bag. 
"Didn't know you had a new BFF. Who's gonna tell Ladybug you're already cheating on her?" 
"Oh, hush. Nobody's cheating. What I'm more curious about, is why she wants to lie about this?"  
"Humans do things for popularity. That's something that hasn't changed about humans for centuries. Like that one time in the 9th century in Europe, there was this one criminal who had- " I stuffed a brownie in his tiny mouth before he can go on a long 2-hour rant about who knows what. 
"Let's just go find a place to transform."  I ran to the nearby park and went straight toward the portable bathrooms. 
"Oh c'mon, isn't this a tad dramatic? I mean there isn't even an Akuma. This is just an abuse of pow- " 
"Alpha tails out!" 
I peeked out the door in case anyone was there before sprinting out and climbing up a nearby building and bringing out my baton. If I could remember  Marinette was headed to the park, so that girl must be here too. The top of my baton slid open to reveal a screen as I used the telescoping feature to zoom in and look around the small park to see Adrien walking toward the girl. What's he doing there? I looked closer at the girl to see her through away- isn't that the miraculous book? They chatted for a while before she showed a necklace that looked awfully like the one that one superheroine had in the book. Does she plan to fake an identity? Or. . .is that real? 
Not much longer Ladybug swooped in, surprising me further. Whatever Ladybug went on about left Lila in tears before Ladybug left. I closed my baton and leaped after her. 
"Ladybug!" I called out, making her stop in confusion. 
"Lady Wolf? What are you doing out here?- Did you come out because of that blog video?" 
"Yeah, but you seemed to have handled it, a bit harshly too,"  
"I don't put up with lies." Ladybug frowned. 
"Yeah but, you left her crying. I don't think she deserved to be stomped on like that. You could have gone softer. After all. Aren't we supposed to preserve positivity in Paris? With Hawkmoth out there, a broken heart is dangerous." 
". . You're right."  Ladybug sighed. "I have to go now. See you next time." 
"Try to soften things up next time you have a run-in,"  I suggested as she swung off. I watched her before turning around to head home myself. Right before I could reach my room a meteor suddenly came in, closing in. "A meteor!?"  I exclaimed. Quickly made my way towards it only to see a flash of orange go by, a girl grabbing the meteor and sending it back out of the atmosphere. What strength. . . 
"I am Volpina!" The girl in a fox suit proclaimed out to the crowd. "The only superhero Paris needs!" 
"Volpina?" Ladybug questioned, landing next to me. 
"Looks like we've got a new partner."  Chat said, dropping on my other side. 
"Don't you think it's weird this superhero just appeared out of nowhere?"  
"Well, at least she got the job done." 
"I could have easily stopped that meteorite myself." Ladybug crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at Chat. 
"Volpina is giving me very. . . odd vibes. She doesn't seem like a team player either." 
"Hey, guys." Volpina suddenly intruded, standing before us. "Glad you dropped in. I need a hand. Come on."  She suddenly ran ahead, the three of us exchanging confused looks before following after her. Only to lead us to a shock. 
"I can't believe it." Chat Noir stared amazed. "It's Hawkmoth, in the flesh." 
"He never shows up. Something big is going on." Ladybug said. 
"We can take him down, but it'll take all of us."  Volpina encouraged. This whole thing seems a bit rushed to me. a meteorite suddenly almost crashes, Hawkmoth is standing right there! Something tells me this little fox has something to do with it. "We better make the most of our individual talents."  
"Count on us." Chat nodded, I love him. I do. But he's too trusting. 
"Very nice to meet you, Chat Noir." Volpina suddenly got close to him, ticking me. "Cool outfit."  
"Why thanks." Chat rubbed his head bashfully. "You too." 
"Why thanks, you too."  I quietly mocked under my breath, Ladybug gagging in response. 
"First the meteorite, now Hawkmoth appearing." Ladybug listed out. "Both on the same day? Isn't that unusual?" 
"That's what I was thinking."  I agreed. 
"Why would you say that?" Volpina chortled. 
"I was asking my partners." 
"I'm finding you unusual today, everything okay?" Chat Noir asked. 
"I don't know kitty." I stepped by Ladybug's side. "Everything seems a little suspicious." Especially how that girl should be akumatized, she was crying. Hawkmoth wouldn't give up that prime chance.
"I'm fine." Ladybug reassured, before going up on Volpina. "Say Volpina, what's your miraculous?" 
"My necklace,"  Volpina answered. 
"What power does it give you?" 
"Flight and super-strength." Volpina looked over our shoulder and gasped. "He's getting away!"  Volpina flew after Hawkmoth, us catching up to see him on top of the Mayor's mansion. "Ladybug go left. Chat Noir goes right. Lady Wolf keep an eye on Hawkmoth from here, I'll come from behind." 
"No! I'll go right." Ladybug corrected. "Chat Noir and Lady Wolf from behind, and you. . . go left." 
"Fine." Volpina smiled. "No difference to me." 
"Good." Volpina leaped off to engage from the left. 
"Can you chill out?" Chat asked. "She's one of us." He left, I offered an apologetic smile before following after him. We snuck up from the right only for him not to be there. "Where did he go?" 
"There,"  I whispered, pointing to the building across from where he was. 
"I'll take him."  Chat extended his baton to go after him. 
"Wait- ugh."  I jumped after him, both of us chasing Hawkmoth. Suddenly Ladybug rang us, and we both answered into a three-way facetime. 
"Is Volpina with you guys?"  Ladybug asked. 
"No, we can't find Hawkmoth either."  Chat answered. 
"Forget him, he was never there in the first place."
"What? But we saw him?" 
"Unless it was an illusion,"  I answered. "It makes sense. The meteorite starts crashing, miss hero swoops in, and then suddenly Hawkmoth shows his face? It's too good to be true."  
"That's right. Volpina creates illusions. The Hawkmoth you saw wasn't real." 
"What are you saying?" Chat Noir looked confused. 
"She's not a real superhero, she was akumatised by Hawkmoth." We both clarified at the same time.  
"I don't get it. Why?" 
"I think it's my fault." Ladybug looked away guilty. "I humiliated her in front of a guy she liked."  
"Like?"  I raised an eyebrow, side glancing at Chat Noir who swung his arm as if trying to express he could explain. 
"She is going to his house." Ladybug cut in. "I'll send the address, meet me there."  
"You got it." Chat said as I nodded. 
"So you were spending time with a girl who likes you?" I questioned as we started heading over to the Agreste Mansion. 
"I swear I didn't know! I mean yeah I thought it was a bit weird she was getting a little close and stuff- " 
"A bit?" 
"Okay, a lot. but you know I only have eyes for you."  I sighed, I can't blame him. He's too trusting after all. 
"I'll overlook it, this time." 
We jumped into the open window in Adrien's bathroom as he changed back. 
"Wouldn't Chat Noir be more useful in this situation?" Plagg questioned. 
"If Volpina's got a thing for me, I can make her see sense."  He reasoned. 
"What, you going to do true love kiss or something," I mumbled. 
"Aw, jealous?"  Adrien started petting my ears, my tail starting to swag before I swat his hand, embarrassed. "I'm just gonna try to talk her out of it, nothing past that. Promise." 
"You really think you can take down Volpina without your powers?" Plagg doubted, "Without me?"  
"Hide, Plagg. She's coming." Adrien opened his unbuttoned shirt to let Plagg hide inside. "You too, mon chéri." I felt my cheeks start to warm at the nickname before going to hide in the bathroom to overhear and come out if I had to. 
"Adrien!" Volpina exclaimed. 
"Hey,"  Adrien awkwardly waved. "Who are you?"
"Do you remember this necklace?" Volpina lifted the pendant. I didn't know how to tell you the truth but at least this way you can see for yourself that I'm not lying. I am a superhero." 
"Lila!?" Adrien faked his surprise. 
"You can call me Volpina." 
"I'm sorry about the scene in the park earlier. Ladybug's jealous because she's not as powerful as me."  I continued to listen before my baton started to ring from my waist I hastily went to answer it before it gave me away. I moved far from the door. 
"Yeah?" I whispered. 
"Where's Chat? He's not answering?"  
"Oh um. I don't know. He disappeared on me. He'll show up soon probably." 
"Well, I'm going in the Agreste Mansion and Volpina is in here, get here now." 
"Well, actually I'm already- " Ladybug already cut off before I heard her voice in the room. 
"See what I mean?" Volpina glared. "She's jealous of me, of you, of us!" I irked at the obvious flirtation in her words. Doesn't she know he's taken? I left through the bathroom window and circled to the open window to join Ladybug. "But this time you won't ruin our date, Ladybug. And neither are you, Lady Wolf!" 
"Excuse me but it wasn't really a date. . ."  Adrien tried to correct, noticing my visible annoyance. Adrian got more nervous when Volpina turned to him. "I mean what I meant was you know I have a girlfriend and not a cheater, no need to get angry we all have miscommunications right?" Adrien finished his nervous rambles trying to keep her from pointing her staff at him. 
"Excuse us," Ladybug interrupted. "We need a chat with Super-Liar."  With Volpina distracted Adrien ran into the bathroom. "You! Stop thinking your illusions are reality!" 
"Being a homewrecker is frowned upon you know?"  I retorted. Ladybug swung her yoyo at her as Volpina jumped out of the way, sliding down Adrian's skateboard ramp. 
"Sorry, I'm late." Chat was heard behind us as he jumped in. "I had trouble finding the place." Volpina played her flute before making multiple illusions of herself. Ladybug swung her yoyo to realize they were all fake. 
"Illusions." Chat awed, seeing it first hand. 
"Chat Noir, she's taken, Adrian!" Ladybug pointed to the window. 
"That's an illusion too." Chat and I said. 
"How are you so sure?"  
"Uh, My feline sixth sense." Chat made up. "It's legendary."  
"Canine instinct, we're emotionally intelligent. Can sniff out a lie from a mile."  
"Really? You don't say."  Ladybug threw sarcasm as she opened the bathroom door. "Adrian's gone!" Ladybug rushed out as Chat sagged his shoulders with a defeated look. 
"I'm not gonna try to get outta this." 
"At least I believe you." I comforted, patting his back before going to follow after Ladybug. We found Volpina on top of the Eiffel tower, holding 'Adrien' with one hand, ready to let him fall to his doom. 
"Give me your Miraculous now, or I will."  Volpina swung up around as 'Adrien' yelled out of fright. 
"I thought you loved him!" Ladybug questioned. 
"Not as much as seeing you three defeated. No hard feelings, right?" 
"You're bluffing." Chat shouted. "It's another illusion."  
"You wanna bet on that?"  Volpina slowly let go of two fingers as Ladybug shouted, 
It almost felt like an over-dramatic soap drama with how fake everything was. Not to mention the comedic point that the Adrien she thinks she has is right here as Chat Noir. And yet Ladybug was the only one agonizing over this whole ordeal. 
"Don't do it!" I shouted, stopping her before she can take off her miraculous. Chat threw his baton, making the illusion of Adrien disappear. 
"There she is!" Ladybug pointed. We climbed up to the top of the tower after her as she blew her flute, making more illusions of herself. "Lucky Charm!" A chocolate ice lolly fell into her hands, she unwrapped it wincing at the brightness of the silver inner wrap. "I've got an idea to take down Volpina."  
"With a chocolate ice lolly?" 
"Trust me." Ladybug said, she nodded at Chat. 
"Cataclysm!"  He shouted, jumping up to touch some parts of the metal tower as Ladybug lifted the wrapper open for one of the Volpina to wince, enough time to trap her in the deteriorated metal pieces. 
"Trapped, like a fox." Ladybug taunted as I grabbed the pendant from Volpina. 
"The honors?" I held it out for her. 
"Thank you."  She took it and smashed it on the ground. "Your days are over, Akuma." I stepped back to watch Ladybug open the yoyo to do her thing with a grin. "Time to de-evilise!" She captured the Akuma. "Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly." We watched the pure butterfly fly away. "Miraculous Ladybug!"  Everything turned back to how it was before. 
I gestured towards the recovered Lila, letting Ladybug take the hint as she nodded. 
"Lila?" She called out. 
"I totally overreacted." Ladybug kneeled, touching Lila's shoulder. "And never should have spoken to you like that, I'm sorry." 
"Forget it Ladybug, you were right. We'll never be friends."  Lila shoved her hand away and picked up the repaired pendant, leaving. 
"Ouch."  Chat frowned.
"There's one problem we still have to solve." Ladybug said. "Where's Adrien?"  
"Ehh, everything's been put back to normal, so he must be back at home!" Chat tried to explain. 
"I should check to make sure!"  
"Uh no!"  I stepped in. "You both are about to change back soon, I still have time. I'll check on him and let you know."  I offered. 
". . . Okay." Ladybug sighed as her earring gave a warning beep. "I trust you."  She swung off in a different direction as the two relaxed. 
"Let's get home before you change back."  I said, "Hate to have to carry you home."  
"I don't know, I might like that." 
"And smell like rotting cheese? Please."  I extended my baton to leap off the tower, heading home. 
"It's not me, it's Plagg!" 
*** {Third POV}*** 
"I'm not going to be returning this, am I?" Marinette sighed, the book opened on her lap as Tikki looked through it. 
"I'm really sorry, Marinette. But its information is invaluable."  Tikki apologized. 
"Information? But it's all written in code."  
"Someone's been looking for it for a long time. He knows how to decipher the codes." 
"So what exactly is so special about this book?"  
"It contains all the secrets of the Miraculous powers. Sacred, and extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. He needs it back." 
"I don't get it, Tikki. Tell me what's going on. Who is he?" 
"The Great Guardian. And I think the time has come for you to finally meet him."  
"Did you take my father's book, Plagg?" Adrien turned to Plagg who was enjoying the mountain of cheese on the coach. While Adrien on the other hand was dumping out his bag. 
"Of course not."  
"If he finds out it's missing, we'll have a lot worse than Hawkmoth to deal with."  
"I'm sure we'll find it,"  Y/n reassured, helping him look around. Mostly because they'd both be in trouble. They did break in together after all. She was about to keep searching before it hit her. "Wait, I think Lila threw it in the trash back at the park." 
"How do you know for sure?"
"Miss girly was getting all jealous about your date and decided to spy on you from afar!" Alpha replied from the armchair as he gobbled down another brownie. 
"I was not spying! I was just. . . concerned."  
"Let's just hope it's still there."  Adrien groaned.
Marinette stood at a door nervously, holding the book tightly to her chest before opening the door to see an old man, wearing a red Hawaiian shirt, a man she recognized to be the one she helped all that time ago.
"Hello, Ladybug."   
and that concludes the first season of the show! This one took some time for me to bring out due to unforeseen circumstances. But I haven't given up on you all yet! You must have noticed I skipped episodes here and there. I plan to cut off parts that aren't important to the main plot of this book. 
Now that the main couple is together. They have new problems to face. I have been coming up with plans and such, and I'm excited to introduce Luka and build into the other superheroes that appear in the future seasons. 
What would be your favorite moment thus far and why? How do you all feel about Alpha? And what are something you look forward to in this book? I love hearing from you all. 
TAGLIST: (crossed out if the tag wasn't working, please let me know.)
@laic2299 , @oddobbessionbutotay
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trashyangelic · 2 years
MLB Request #12
I've seen alot of Lila x Felix on Gacha Youtube but never on fanfics here in Wattpad or AO3. So I want this to happen if anyone is interested to make this.
SALT: Alya Cesaire, Caline Bustier, Adrien Agreste SUGAR: Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Gabriel Agreste, Nathalie Sanceour REDEMPTION: Lila Rossi, Nino Lahiffe, Chloe Bourgeois, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Le Chien Kim, Alix Kubdel, Sabrina Raincomprix PAIRING: Lila x Felix / Marinette x Damian / Chloe x Jon / Juleka x Rose / Kim x Alix / Nino x Cass / Sabrina x Delmar
Lila's mother decided to take her daughter away from the toxic school she been hearing about from mainly Tom & Sabine Patissiere Bakery she always goes to. She wanted her daughter to stop with her lies for once too so they move to London for her daughter to attend a new school. Where Lila meet Felix Graham de Vanily they got on a good start. Lila was shock that Felix is Adrien's cousin now thinking that she should change her attitude to Felix to gain and stay on his good side.
But what Lila didn't know that Marinette, Nino, and Chloe moved to a different new school in New Jersey so she didn't even think about it until Felix mention about Chloe's name and Marinette. Lila did feel bad for bullying Marinette she still wonder whatever happen back in her old school back in Paris.
News spread wild fire on international and social media about Lila Rossi is now dating Felix Graham de Vanily, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is dating Damian Wayne, Chloe Bourgeois is dating Jon Kent, and lastly Nino Lahiffe is dating Cassandra Cain. It appears that Sabine was a former assassin from League of Assassin with her friend Talia Al Ghul yet they stand as rivals.
As for Alya she seems to be on clutched with Lila Rossi's tales but never check her sources properly but what she doesn't know that she had a restraining order from Marinette, Lila, and Nino.
As for Adrien well he is no longer a sunshine after giving the advice to Marinette about 'high road'. He also got a restraining order from Marinette and Chloe.
Yet Marinette and Chloe still visits Paris as their alter ego to defeat Hawkmoth and Mayura with a help by Nino as well. Marinette told Nadja that Rena Rogue is no longer to be trusted with miraculos if she doesn't fact-check her sources. She does not tolerate people who are tabloids.
Marinette is the guardian of the Miraculous which means that she took the Black Cat miraculous from Chat Noir last night before leaving for her new school that her parents and Chloe's dad set up for her, Chloe, and Nino to leave Paris. She gave the Black Cat Miraculous to Damien...
But the rest is up to you!
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yolowritter · 4 days
In Offense to Wang Fu and Su-Han Part 2: Yoda did it better!
Hello there everyone, and welcome back to part 2 of this post! Yes I know I said they'd be days apart but I decided to just post them together. It's time to talk about Su-Han, because I have a lot to say about him! This man...the supposed "Celestial Guardian"...genuinely drove me to near-insanity over the course of Season 4. Su Han and his Order are basically the Jedi from Wish, but before I get into why he's an utter waste of screen time...let's at least look into who he's presented as, shall we?
We first meet Su Han during the "Furious Fu" episode of Season 4. From the first moment of his appearance on screen, the archetype he's supposed to fit into is blindingly obvious. Strict mentor who wants things done the "right way" and is about to argue with the more open-minded and flexible protagonist about it. This type of conflict is super common in media, and to give Su Han some credit...it's executed decently enough here. When he first meets Marinette, notice how he stands off to the side of the room, protectively clutching Barkk and the Box. Additionally, Su Han isn't immediately aggressive like many would be in his situation. He makes no move to threaten Marinette, doesn't even raise his voice at her when she questions who he is. He also doesn't ever blame her for "stealing the Box" or anything of the sort. Instead, Su Han calls this a misunderstanding, calling on the Order's knowledge on the Kwami to prove that things have changed, and are not "the way they should be".
Su Han only begins to raise his voice once Marinette reveals that it was Fu who entrusted the Miracle Box to her. Again, he isn't angry here, mostly sounds indignant at the thought that the Temple's worst disciple would be the one who held onto their most treasured artifact. Su Han sounds genuinely worried the more Marinette tells him about their current situation, and the man has every right to be! Two Miraculous are missing, which Su Han knows could lead to untold devastation and destruction if they fall in the wrong hands! And to validate his point, they have fallen in some of the worst hands imaginable! Look at what Hawkmoth has been doing to Paris on the daily! Stormy Weather 2 created an erupting volcano in the middle France's capital city, Syren raised the waters to rooftop levels, potentially leaving hundreds of thousands to drown, not to mention that for said water to actually stay where she raised it, the level would have to be consistent world-wide! Hawkmoth threatened to start another nuclear apocalypse in the New York Special (not that Su-Han knows what that is but anyway), and Mayura leveled half of Paris to the ground as bait for Ladybug and Chat Noir! Hawkmoth akumatizing the Guardian of the Prodigious in Shanghai led to untold death and devastation! The only reason half the world is still standing is because Marinette has a magical reset button!
As the Celestial Guardian, it would be Su Han's job to prevent any of this from happening in the first place, but he and the other Masters were literally dead during those events. To learn of the mere possibility that such catastrophe could have occurred should have sent the man into shock! I'd be surprised if he doesn't have a heart attack when he catches up with everything Hawkmoth has been up to! Of course he would think ill of Fu for losing two of the most powerful Miraculous on the planet! Of course he would demand to take the jewels away from a girl who is both too inexperienced and too young to bear such responsibility! Mind you, Su Han doesn't try to (immediately) take Tikki away, even though he voices concern over Marinette's wellbeing! And this is all because he treats the Kwami as exactly what they are! Celestial Gods with the dormant powers that once created the entire Universe! And then...Su Han realizes that Plagg is roaming free. Plagg, who has historically been responsible for the extinction of entire species! From his point of view, there's two children running around with cosmic powers, one of whom is the Holder of the Kwami who could snap the whole Universe out of existence if he so much as sneezes wrong! All in all, I think he's right to be concerned and try to rectify the perceived mistakes here.
Unfortunately...Su Han loses almost all credibility in the next five minutes. Yes, Adrien is the first to pull out a weapon, but the man is an adult. He knows that it's children he's dealing with. Teenagers are emotional, which is why the Miraculous are only supposed to be given to adults. He knows this, because it's one of the arguments he uses literally a minute before the fight starts. And when Ladybug urges Chat to calm down, Su Han instead decides the best course of action is to beat on a child who hasn't attacked yet and is clearly far, far below his own skill level. Adrien loses instantly, and when Marinette jumps to his defense...Su Han decides to beat her up too. I'm sorry, is this a joke? This man is an adult and allegedly the Master of an extremely well-disciplined Order of protectors! And his first thought is to use violence against two children who clearly stand little chance against him?
This and later scenes are where Su Han shows his true colors, and what lays underneath his role of Celestial Guardian. He's a scorned authority figure unfamiliar with the modern world, whose primary method of course-correction consists not of dialogue or serenity like his tenants say, but rather violence that he could have stopped at any moment. Su Han has no reason to go on the offensive here, all he'd have to do was dodge a few blows until Ladybug and Chat Noir stopped, put his staff down and open a discussion! Despite him making reasonable points with the precepts earlier, which to be honest seem more like common sense than actual practices, he clearly has no idea how to act once encountering something even slightly unexpected. When Ladybug and Chat Noir are fighting Furious Fu, Su Han hides in the background and hollers useless instructions at them as they do all the work. He actively caused this Akuma to happen by allowing his bias against Fu to overtake him, even when Marinette told him that the once-Guardian had relinquished the Box and therefore all his memories. Fu has no idea who this random man is, and Su Han can come up with a thousand excuses to borrow the cane, find the kids, have a conversation with them, and then return it a few minutes later.
There was literally no reason to act like that with Wang except for the fact that this is how Su Han always is! He places ridiculous, impossible expectations on his young students, and when one of them inevitably fails the tasks, he ridicules and singles them out instead of actually helping! A thousand finger push-ups? Going an entire day without eating? Those tasks are ludicrous, most especially for a young teen like Fu would have been at the time! And what exactly happens when Su Han loses control of the situation he's in right now? Why, he throws a temper tantrum comparable to the local Karen! And that is never a good thing! At the very least, we do see he has a method to resist Akumatization, and also knows what it is. Most likely because Gabriel isn't Nooroo's only evil Holder. But once again...he never tells Ladybug about it! Never bothers to teach her! Or even tries to communicate information the Guardians would presumably have on Akuma, considering that Su Han immediately recognizes one at a single glance!
Thankfully, he does acknowledge that Marinette's knack for problem-solving and adaptability are what's needed in this new, modern world. And he recognizes that he needs to adapt to these circumstances, giving Ladybug his trust and promising to watch over her. You'd think he's learned his lesson. You'd think this is the case of a once overbearing authority figure slowly learning that sticking strictly to the book may not always be the correct solution. You'd assume that Su Han is going to improve himself moving forward, right? I hope you can all hear my sarcasm through these sentences. After making this vow, he then proceeds to be completely and utterly absent for a grand total of...sixteen consecutive episodes! Lila better watch out, she's got competition for the fewest appearances in this entire show!
Thomas, are you actually kidding me right now? And after this, he only shows up to give the "Ladybug has been right all along" speech in Multiplication and then in Re-Creation for the final fight. So...Nooroo be willing, let's take a look at this scene, shall we? Su Han appears and is furious with Ladybug for losing all the Miraculous! Understandable, fair point even. Marinette questions where he's been all this time...and Su Han says he got distracted by...cat videos. The reason why the literal Celestial Guardian wasn't there to help them throughout Season 4 (except Ephemeral, but we don't talk about Ephemeral)...is fucking cat videos! I know this is played off as a joke. I understand that Thomas and co. thought it would be really funny! It isn't! Do- do you want me to have an aneurysm? Should I lose my last braincell and re-write the entire show while I'm at it??? What in the un-ironical, Nooroo-defying Hellscape of modern media do you mean cat videos???
Okay...I'm fine. Totally fine. Anyway, Su-Han decides to actually be sensible and return to Tibet to get reinforcements! Incredible, an adult using common sense! In this show? Truly Miraculous! Suffice it to say, we don't see him until the Season 5 finale. Because of course not. Speaking of the Temple, it's about time we pivot back to what we know of Guardian Training, the Order in general, and my reasons as to why Su-Han, as the Grand Master, is the reason why the Tibet Temple fell! As I said in Fu's post, the training regiment for Guardians is completely ludicrous. Genuinely more ridiculous than Lila's lies, and we've all seen Chameleon! A thousand finger push-ups? Going days without eating? For young teens? I assume this was intended to teach self-control, but their methods border on child abuse! Not to mention that they clearly don't even work! Even aside from that can of worms, Su-Han's methods of teaching are also extremely unsafe for the young Guardians in training!
Let's take the very day that the Temple fell as an example, shall we? Fu is being tested, and his job is to hold onto the Miracle Box for one entire day without drinking, eating, and/or moving from his spot. First of all, this test is unironically the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. I'm assuming this is supposed to, again, teach patience, discipline self-control, etc. Before I get into how damaging this is for anyone to be doing, I'm going to ask a rather serious question. Literally why is this the real Box? No, hear me out! This test is supposedly something that every Guardian has gone through at some point in time. Cool, okay. But why is this real? This Order has allegedly existed for at least a few centuries up now, and you're telling me that in this time-frame, it never occurred to any of these wise and venerated Masters that a disciple could...I don't know...open the damn thing and use a Miraculous? These things are extremely dangerous! Fu accidentally wiped out the entire Order, because he was hungry! He's a child! Of course he wouldn't understand the complexities of Duusu's powers, or how much his emotions would affect the sentimonster! The poor kid probably wanted to make like a little carrier bird or something go fly over to the kitchen and come back with a piece of beard! And Feast was the result! So why the hell did Su-Han never think that they should make a fake (empty) box for the pupils to be given?
Can you tell why this is an extremely stupid logical fallacy? I get the basic premise is all about controlling oneself and resisting the temptations of power, but the very real security risk doesn't need to be present! Did these idiots forget that locks have existed for like 6000 years??? If you are going to be braindead enough to not just give out a fake Miracle Box, at the very least use a basic method of theft-prevention! Fu had full access to actual Gods at age 14! Since I brought up Yoda in the title, and the Jedi at the start, let's draw some really quick comparisons. Because the "inspiration" for these guys had to come from somewhere, and we all know Thomas never does cultural research into anything. The Jedi are magic space wizards with laser swords. The Jedi have Padawans in their Order. These are kids who are selected as apprentices at age 13 at the latest, and are taught how to use laser swords that can cut through solid steel doors. Lightsabers melt through most things like a hot knife on butter. It would be incredibly stupid if these things didn't have some kind of training mode, right? Well yes, that's why they do. Lightsabers have "low intensity" settings meant specifically for training. And sabers used by Padawans are locked in said modes before the apprentice is considered ready for real missions outside the Temple.
Naturally, it's a bit unfair to compare laser swords to the literal power of God(s). I don't want to go on a tangent here, but Jedi training has many, many more safety measures that keep in mind the well-being of their students. The Order of the Guardians. Has a total of 0! Isn't that just lovely? Plus, they also overtax their students, working them to the bone! When Yoda was training Luke in "The Empire Strikes Back", we clearly see them taking breaks in between physical activities. We see Yoda advise Luke, imparting wisdom and encouraging him to use critical thinking. He tells his apprentice to be patient and thoughtful instead of rash and hot-headed. To be mindful of the future but always keep his mind in the present. To be adaptable, and that he can do anything he puts his mind to. Those same lessons would apply to the Guardians! Even more so, considering the extremely important nature of their work! Yet we never see, hear, or even are told about any of this happening during Fu's training! The Order works on a "can't do it? get out!" system...except Fu was taken from his family as a child! Even if he was allowed to leave and possibly take their "sacred" teachings outside the Temple, he has nowhere else to go! The Guardians are forcing children into servitude, overwork them, borderline abuse them, and also are extremely careless with the magical world-ending magic they're supposed to be protecting!
And who exactly is responsible for moderating their practices? Who is meant to be a role model and teacher to everyone else in the Tibet Temple? Su-Han, that's who! Now, I understand that he was most likely raised the same way. I understand he may have grown up to consider all this "normal". It's reasonable to say that about him. But at the very least, he had a responsibility to see to his students' safety! All of them died because nobody thought to put forth even the most basic of security measures! And this isn't a scenario where they get tricked by some grand threat on the inside, this is a case of extreme neglect, which causes a catastrophic accident! Can you tell why this entire organizations screams OSHA Violations??? Can you tell why I'm halfway through dialing knockoff-Jedi CPS??? Can you tell that this entire idea was incredible, yet comes off as unimaginably stupid and illogical the moment anybody even blinks at it for more than 0.2 seconds??? And every last bit of fault rests on the Order's Grand Master! Because unlike the Yoda and the Jedi, who got caught up in some really terrible circumstances, Su-Han had absolutely no excuse for how badly he treated his students, how terribly he failed his own life's purpose, and how far deep in the mud he let his organization fall! It's as if this man was given a castle to renovate and came back with two sticks and a rock!
The worst part is that none of this is ever addressed! Nobody talks a single sentence about the Guardians expect for those few instances I already mentioned! And in Ephemeral, the one time Su-Han actually has a point, the show immediately pivots to the "Ladybug is always right, the kids have to do this on their own" narrative! Why? I could go on a whole separate rant about this stupid episode and how little god damned sense it makes, but why is it that the moment the slightest bit of character complexity rears it's head, the second a lesson decides to step up for our heroine to learn, it is instantly whacked over the head with a steel chair and kicked off a cliff??? Su-Han could have had a moment with Marinette here! Instead of apologizing and exclaiming that she can do no wrong, Su-Han should have sat down with her and explained his reasoning for the identity reveal he suggested. He should have actually mentored Ladybug, instead of crying about how useless he is and watching cat videos on whatever the legally distinct version of Youtube is in the Miraculous-verse!
And what happens when he finally comes back with those supposed "reinforcements"? Why, it's Luka and Jagged Stone of all people! I may love these two to hell and back, and tell me why does Su-Han decide to train them in "thousand-kick-dragon-jutsu" or whatever other nonsense they have him spout in Furious Fu, instead of other Masters of the Order??? Also, wasn't Luka supposed to be in Brazil for some other stupid reason I don't have time to get into? And yes I know they left Paris because Monarch knows he knows Ladybug id, but why'd they go to Tibet of all places? How does this make any sense? Why aren't there twenty billion ninjas in red hoods or some TMNT shit ready to kick Gabriel back into the basement he crawled out of during Re-Creation??? Tell me why, Thomas! What level of incompetence do you have to reach for something this easy, with such a massive volume of things to literally copy-paste into your story, to end up as a bigger incoherent mess than half of the Season 5 retcons you did???
The saddest thing is that I can't even try to fix this! Because the story is literally structured in a way where for Fu's accident to happen, the Guardians needs to suck. And okay, let's keep everything until Furious Fu. Su-Han shows up, whole episode plays out like normal, and then he actually keeps his promise! Pops up in a few episode, maybe Chat Noir does some handstands with him if Zag's laywers think they can copy Lucas' homework. Have Ladybug actually talk to the guy without immediately going down the line of "Marinette has girl power and can do no wrong". And yes, I know that requires more explanation but we've gone on long enough. It just peeves me when she only wins or is correct because the writers say so. Making your main character have a point isn't hard! She can still win the argument while learning a thing or two from Su-Han. That's the point of debates! 1And then the guy might actually be able to escape his cat video addiction! What else am I supposed to say here? They said some things would happen, then none of that did, so Su-Han turns out sucking. If he'd had a couple lessons with Ladybug and Chat, including the Akuma resistance skill, I'd like him much more.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and watch an actually mentor on my screen. Probably Yoda, considering he (in the OT) does his job right. Anyway, sorry for all the Star Wars nonsense this rant, it's just the most widely-known pop culture thing I could think of which fits for a comparison to be made. As always, feel free to shoot me an ask with any thoughts. Discussion is important in this fandom, especially since we're all hibernating till the London Special drops. Also, I swear if Felix isn't in it... anyhow! I'll see you all next time with "In Defense of Alya Cesaire", because the writing screwed my girl over and she doesn't deserve the hate! Until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!
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fragileizywriting · 1 year
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god dear god. how will sas luka even look at sas adrien after all of this? how?
they’re the same person. he didn’t have his adrien in front of him, no, but they’re the same person. same green eyes, same smile (his adrien is missing those fangs and that hauty pretentiousness, but it's something so similar to mister bug's confidence and battle-seasoned calmness that it's basically the same) same name and if this adrien rolls his eyes back like that, that means that his adrien would, too.
adrien makes a show of licking his teeth clean after luka's made such a mess out of his mouth. dark kissable lips are swollen from how luka hadn't kept still— he'd tried to be polite, to not immediately jizz all over just seeing adrien kneel (hadn't this adrien mention being a prince at some point? seriously a prince? there was a prince on his knees for him?) but christ. god. luka can't do this. this has to be one of the best wet dreams of his life, an adrien and a marinette so interested in him that its concerning.
"if marinette were here, she'd say 'thank you for the meal'," adrien muses, though the humor is kind of lost on him. he's feeling so dazed. those plates on the wall aren't changing shape, are they? that's just him feeling dizzy?
luka wheezes in a breath. "i can't... wow."
"that good?" he looks so smug.
"that was incredible."
adrien's laugh is so, so sweet, and yet there's an edge to it that gives luka the impression that he's still unsure if it's okay to laugh at all whenever he wants. "i'm glad that you're so honest and so willing to be honest. wish my luka was like that."
standing back up, adrien dusts off his pants; their height differences are so much more apparent when adrien is back in his personal space. a gentle kiss on the cheek and the impulse for luka to angle his head the right way has adrien surging for another heated, tongue filled kiss, one that makes noise and white flashes pop behind luka's lids.
they haven't even pulled his pants back up.
adrien's hands are moving again, pulling and peeling off his shirt and helping him shuck off his socks, pants and underwear. each garment is thrown over adrien's shoulder, not giving a second thought— luka at least would want to fold them, keep somewhere nicer and not sprawled all over the living room, but adrien is insistent with the way he tugs off luka's underwear, kissing his shoulder with a good, good.
the prince himself still hasn't taken off a single item himself, yet luka is so unbelievably hard.
"look at you," adrien murmurs, pulling away to appraise. luka's eyes won't leave the front door, because knowing his shit luck, this is where they're interrupted and he's embarassed himself in front of other people by being completely naked. and yet his focus is diverted by another noise of approval; adrien's finger is moving up his arm and down chest, wonder and something genuine bleeding into those green eyes. "i was wondering where your tattoos finish. so symmetrical."
luka tries to smile. of all things, he tries to be present. who knows when the next time will be, if there ever is one, to have adrien's eyes focus on him and him alone. "your luka doesn't have any?"
"he does." sweeping lines of his fingers across his chest and abs, adrien paints it on his skin. "it's hidden underneath his shirt. i kind of like your tattoos showing from underneath your sleeves, though. it's so teasing." before luka is able to talk, adrien looks back up. "come on, let's go bck into the guestroom. no one's going to walk through that door for a while, but you're not focusing, and i want all of your attention."
they leave his clothes on the floor.
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wolfprincesszola · 10 months
Lovesick (Miraculous Ladybug Adrinette)
Heyyyyyy, sorry for being absent for 8+ months. Here's a fic to ease your worries. For context, Kagami is a pediatrician, Marinette and Alya are roommates, Nino Felix and Adrien are all roommates, and they're all aged up and out of college by this point. Ladybug and Chat Noir never happened in this AU and this is what I call a mediocre AU where nothing happens to the protagonists because it's a lot like the rest of us. This is a lot like the love stories we have in real life with the mediocrity of life and that's beautiful <3
Masterlist ——————– Summary: Adrien's been feeling all sorts of symptoms recently that all root down to one problem: Marinette. He thinks it's sickness, but his friends help him realize that it's much more than a common cold.
Trigger Warnings: None
Content Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Food ——————–
"Hey, Adrien. What are you doing here?" Kagami raised an eyebrow as Adrien walked into his friend's medical office. "It isn't like you to show up to my office when I'm only a pediatrician."
"No, it's not that. I just need some advice."
"Hm?" Kagami raised an eyebrow as she glanced at the time on her phone, "I guess I have a few minutes to spare before my next appointment. What's going on?"
"You can check me for colds, fevers, and all that, right?"
"Yeah, but I may not be able to do much, since I only work with kids. You should go to your regular doctor for that."
"I just need some advice from a friend before I go spend money on a hospital visit. I feel like I'm sick, but I've checked my temperatures. I'm perfectly fine, but my stomach's being weird, my breathing's abnormal, my heart keeps beating faster than normal, and there's just so many things I feel like is wrong with me. Do you think it has anything to do with my injury?"
Kagami placed her hand on his forehead before shaking her head, "I doubt it. It doesn't seem like anything's wrong with you. No cold, no fever."
"That's not really the answer I wanted to hear." Adrien grumbled.
"How much rest have you gotten? Water? Food?"
"Less than I'd like to admit, but water and food intake is fine."
"Why don't you try getting some rest and seeing if that helps?" Kagami forced a friendly mouth upturn, "If it doesn't, go see your regular doctor, okay?"
Adrien nodded, standing up stiffly, "Thanks anyways, Kagami."
"Of course. Let me know if anything gets worse." Kagami nodded as Adrien exited out of the office. He was in his own world when a voice broke his thoughts.
"How's your sickness?"
Adrien jumped at the voice, looking around to find Marinette in front of him. She was staring at him worringly.
There it was again. His heart beating faster than normal, his stomach turning inside out, him needing to manually breathe in order for it not to be abnormal.
"What?" Adrien asked, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat awkwardly, wondering why his voice was like that. Marinette was one of his best friends, just a friend. Why was he acting like this around Marinette? Why only Marinette?
"How's your sickness?" Marinette repeated, "I'm guessing that's why you came to Kagami, right? I remember you mentioning something was wrong."
"Oh, yeah!" Adrien chuckled, lying through his teeth. "What are you doing here?"
"Kagami forgot her lunch she packed, so I'm bringing it to her." Marinette shrugged, "Have you eaten lunch?"
"No, not yet."
"Great, I haven't either. I can give this to Kagami and then we can go eat something together. I feel like ramen today."
"That sounds great."
After eating ramen together, the two played Ultimate Mecha Strike III for a little to cure their boredom. Adrien found out early on in their friendship that he enjoyed hanging out with Marinette. Even if they were doing boring work stuff like scheduling, Adrien found that he was always entertained by Marinette's exclamations of boredom. Everything about her was so interesting to Adrien, and he couldn't imagine why he was feeling the way he is.
Even after 16 hours of rest over the next few days along with a regular schedule of 8 hours, nothing was working, so he decided to try and make an appointment with his regular doctor, only to find out that the only appointment he could book was 5 months later.
"I'm home!" A voice called out and Adrien jumped up from the couch he was sitting at. Alya walked through the door, surprised to find Adrien in the apartment.
"Oh, sorry, Adrien. I didn't know that you were here." Alya remarked as she placed her stuff down on the kitchen counter. "Did Marinette invite you over? Where is she?"
"We were going to make cookies, but she forgot the sugar, so she is going to buy it." Adrien replied, "She'll be back soon."
"Okay." Alya nodded before staring at Adrien with his open phone, "Doctor's appointment? Did you break your arm or something?"
"No, it's not that." Adrien sighed, "It's this weird thing where my mind is whirling at 60 miles an hour, my heart starts pounding, I start losing control of my breathing, my stomach keeps doing twists and turns and it feels like something's fluttering in there..."
"That sounds worrying." Alya raised an eyebrow as she took off her jacket to hang on the coat hanger. "Did you get an appointment?"
"Not for 5 months. I haven't booked it yet."
"I see."
"I already went to Kagami, but she said it isn't her specialty and I don't know what else to do. You want to know the weirdest part?"
"What?" Alya asked as she was unpacking her lunch box to place the tupperware into the sink to wash.
"It only happens around Marinette."
Alya paused, putting down the last tupperware in her lunch box before walking over to Adrien to talk to him face-to-face, "What happens around Marinette?"
"You know...the symptoms."
"Can you repeat them again?"
"My heart races, my stomach flutters, I can't control my breathing, my hands start to get sweaty, recently I've been stuttering around her. I don't even know why. I think I'm sick but the temperatures say I'm not."
"Oh." Alya's face broke into a grin, "You are sick."
"I am?" Adrien perked up, "Wait, why are you smiling? Shouldn't you be sad or scared that I'll spread it to you?"
"I doubt that would be possible. This type of sickness isn't contagious." Alya snorted before gasping in excitement, "Should I make heart macarons for the occasion? No, I'd probably just burn them..."
"Wait, what? What are you talking about? Slow down!" Adrien flushed in embarrassment. Why was she keeping him in the dark?
"I'm surprised Kagami didn't diagnose it. She caught this sickness too." Alya raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"I might've left a couple of details out..." Adrien was relieved that Alya knew what was wrong with him, but he wished she would just cut to the chase and tell him what it was. "What sickness is it? How can I treat it?"
"Adrien, you're lovesick." Alya remarked.
Nevermind. Alya doesn't know what she's talking about.
"What are you talking about?" Adrien scowled, "I thought you had an actual diagnosis for me. Shouldn't it be worring how I'm feeling?"
"I was until you told me what you were feeling. Faster heartbeats, butterflies, thoughts running at 100 miles an hour, only triggered around Marinette? That's lovesickness. I should know, I've experienced it with Nino. Look at us now."
"Listen, if you're not going to be any help to me, I'm leaving." Adrien stood up, frustrated. "I'm not lovesick, especially not to Marinette!"
"If you say so~" Alya hummed, "I'll buy heart macarons and tell Marinette to deliver it to you then."
He stormed out of the apartment, knowing that Alya was probably bluffing to troll him. Shooting a quick text to tell Marinette he's sorry but he had to go somewhere, he called an Uber to go back to his apartment.
"You're back home already? How did the cookies turn out?" Nino asked as soon as Adrien walked through the door.
"I don't know. I left before we could bake them. Your girlfriend's being an asshole. Can you tell her that?" Adrien grumbled to his roommate.
"What did she do this time?" Felix walked out of the kitchen into the living room before turning to Nino, "Please tell me she didn't blame me. I can't have Kagami scolding me again. It'll break my heart."
"I don't know. I don't keep tabs on her." Nino rolled his eyes as he opened his phone to call her to see what's going on.
Adrien put his keys on the counter before walking over to the couch, sitting down to face the two boys.
"Uh huh...alright, thanks. Love you." Nino nodded before hanging up on his girlfriend. Turning to Adrien, he spoke up, "So how long have you been feeling sick?"
"I don't know. A couple of weeks, I guess." Adrien shrugged.
"And when did it start?"
"Do you remember going to that one reunion with the rest of the class earlier this year? I guess after that."
"I know Kagami mentioned that you were supposed to get some good sleep, but you kept saying that it wasn't helping. Did Alya figure it out?" Felix raised an eyebrow.
"Well...it only happens around Marinette." Adrien hesitated, hoping that Nino and Felix wouldn't come to the same conclusion.
Realization dawned on Nino's face as he jumped up, "You're lovesick! That's what this has been about!"
"I'm not lovesick!" Adrien flushed, trying to defend himself, "Both you and Alya are crazy!"
"Not crazy. They're correct." Felix remarked, "It makes sense. You've never been in love, so of course you wouldn't know what to look for, but what's happening right now is actually a classic case of falling in love."
"Marinette's my best friend. Nothing more."
"Ah yes, I remember stage 1: denial." Nino sighed, reminiscing. "Next is anger, then bargaining, depression, and then acceptance."
"That's the 5 stages of grief." Adrien raised his eyebrow. "Besides, why would I like Marinette as more than a friend? I like our relationship now."
"You've never wanted more?" Felix raised an eyebrow.
Adrien thought about it for a long time. Sure, was Marinette cute? Yes. Was Marinette funny? Absolutely. Would he date her? Yes. In fact, he had thought about it a while back and wasn't opposed to it at all. But he couldn't be in love with her.
They were best friends. That was it.
"I'll take that answer as a no." Felix smirked, standing up.
"Wait-" Adrien started, his voice faltering. "Where are you going?"
"We are going to help Alya make it." Nino put his jacket on, "I'll drive us there. You will stay here."
"You're just going to leave me here?" Adrien asked in despair.
"You're staying here to process your feelings and understand where you are with Marinette. We'll come back, don't worry." Felix remarked as the two walked out the door.
Adrien sat in the same spot for a long time thinking about what Marinette meant to him. She was his best friend, and he couldn't imagine living without her. He wouldn't mind hugging, cuddling, or even kissing her, but everytime he thought about it, the symptoms came back up.
Shit. Maybe they were right. Maybe he was in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
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sturchling · 3 years
Adrien salt where Adrien tries to date a girl he thinks is Ladybug, but she's already dating someone and honestly doesn't like Adrien since he keeps pulling the poor little rich boy act. Adrien doesn't give up and it gets him in trouble.
Adrien was practically vibrating with excitement. Today was the day. Today was the day he would ask his lady out on a date as civilians. He had been working for weeks to determine who her civilian identity was. Adrien was sure that would prove to his lady that his affections were genuine. It had taken several weeks, but he was sure he had figured it out.
He had spent weeks pouring over security camera footage surrounding akuma attacks, and any students in the city that had unexplained absences or were frequently late. At first he didn’t see anything, and began to feel like it was pointless. Then Adrien noticed the same girl showed up on different security cameras around the city, near where Ladybug had just disappeared to detransform. 
At first Adrien thought it had to be a coincidence, this girl didn’t look  like Ladybug. Sure, her hair and eyes were the same color, but her hair was much longer. And she was more tan then Ladybug. But the more times she appeared on camera, the more Adrien was sure. After all, his miraculous makes his eyes completely green, who is to say the miraculous couldn’t shorten his lady’s hair and make her more pale. This had to be her. Adrien was sure. Plagg kept trying to talk him out of it, but Adrien was sure that Plagg was just trying to keep the secret. But it wouldn’t matter soon, once Adrien and his lady were dating, they would deal with whatever consequences came from knowing each other’s identities. He was sure their love could overcome anything.
After a little more research, he found that the girl from the security cameras attended his school, and even used to be in Mrs. Bustier’s class before she transferred to Mrs. Mendeleiev’s class. Now it all made sense why Ladybug’s kwami had been at his school, Ladybug herself went to his school. That even explained why the kwami had been in Mrs. Mendeleiev’s classroom, because that is Ladybug’s classroom. Everything made perfect sense now. This girl had to be Ladybug, it was the only thing that made sense. 
The only problem now was during his research, Adrien found out that this girl, who he learned is named Chantelle, is already dating someone. Of course Ladybug had told Adrien that she was already in love with someone else. But Adrien believed that she had said that to try and keep them from knowing each other outside the mask. Once Chantelle knew the lengths he had gone to prove his love, and that he already knew her civilian identity, she would leave her boyfriend and then they could finally be together.
Sure in his plan, despite Plagg’s best efforts to convince him otherwise, Adrien left for school, excited to profess his love to his lady. He got to school early, hoping to find his lady alone. He got lucky and found her in the library, reading. He walked up behind her, and said, “Good morning my lady.” Chantelle whipped around to face him, looking confused. “What did you say?” Adrien smirked, “I said, good morning my lady.” Chantelle rolled her eyes and turned back to her book. “I am not your lady. I’m not your anything.” Adrien hesitated a moment, before reassuring himself that his lady was just playing hard to get, and wanted to pretend at still have a secret identity. If that is what she wanted, he would play along.
Adrien switched gears, putting away his Chat persona for now. He and his lady could discuss their identities another time. All that mattered is that he made her his girlfriend. “I just wanted to tell you that I like you a lot and would love to take you out sometime.” Chantelle stood up, gathering her things since the late bell had just rung. She was just going to reject him as nice as she could and then leave. “Look, your Adrien right? While I am flattered, like I said, I’m taken. And while I’m flattered, I don’t feel the same way. All I ever see or hear you do is mope about how your father doesn’t treat you well. And while I feel bad for you, I don’t like this poor little rich boy act you do. So, sorry, but I don’t like you the same way. I have to go, I’m late for class.” Chantelle leaves the library in a rush, and Adrien is left standing there wondering what had gone wrong.
By the end of the day, Adrien was frustrated. He understood her wanting to keep identities a secret, and had even played along. But she still rejected him. Surely she could feel that they were destined to be together. Why didn’t she react to his confession the way she was supposed to? She must have thought that Adrien wasn’t serious. That he was just being Chat and playing around. But Adrien would show her she was wrong. He would prove his love. No matter what it took, she would be his.
The next several weeks, Adrien would constantly try to contact Chantelle. He had found out her phone number, and her email. He texted and emailed her constantly. And he still tried to talk to her during school. But Chantelle continued to play hard to get and wouldn’t give him the time of day. She even had the nerve to start running from him when she saw him coming. She had even started having her friends escort her to and from school. Like she was afraid of him. But Adrien knew it was all part of the game, and she was making him prove he loved her. 
Adrien started to become angry. As much as he enjoyed this little game, he wished his lady would just stop with the nonsense and admit she loved him too. So he decided to prove his love as best he could. He had found out Chantelle’s home address by following her friends when they went to pick her up one morning. Adrien decided to send her a dozen roses. When Chantelle went out that morning and saw the flowers, she initially hoped they were from her boyfriend, trying to cheer her up. But deep down she knew they weren’t. The note on the flowers simply said, I hope these flowers prove how much I love you. I will never give up on you my lady. - Adrien. Chantelle was horrified that Adrien had found out where she lived. She slammed the door shut, and locked it with shaking hands. She started to panic at the realization that Adrien was truly stalking her and wouldn’t stop. Then an eerie calmness washed over her and a soothing voice introduced itself as Hawkmoth.
Adrien arrived at the akuma fight slightly late, but was happy to see his lady. Surely after his gift this morning, she would be willing to speak with him after the battle. The akuma was a girl scared of a stalker. They quickly deakumatized her and Adrien was shocked to see Chantelle sitting there. Ladybug offered to help her with the stalker and Chantelle instantly burst into tears and explained the whole situation to Ladybug. Marinette was shocked to hear what Adrien had been doing to this girl, it didn’t seem like him at all. But this girl was obviously scared, so she knew something had happened. And when Chantelle mentioned that Adrien kept calling her my lady, Marinette felt the pit in her stomach grow as she realized that Adrien and Chat Noir were one and the same. She turned to face her partner, who was still staring at Chantelle in shock.
Adrien was standing in shock, just staring at Chantelle. She isn’t Ladybug? She had to be! It was the only thing that made sense. Adrien was so shocked, he didn’t notice Ladybug approach him and remove his ring. The transformation dropped, revealing himself to everyone watching. He turned to Ladybug, “Why did you take my ring!?” Ladybug glared at him, speaking in a cold tone. “After what you did to her, you don’t deserve this ring.” Adrien desperately tried to plead his case. “Please, I thought she was you! I was just trying to prove my love. I didn’t mean to betray you!” Ladybug’s glare somehow became colder. “That isn’t the issue. The issue is you have been stalking this girl for weeks and terrifying her. Someone who does that isn’t worthy of a miraculous.” Ladybug signaled to officer Roger, who had been observing the scene for a while and heard everything, for him to come over. Officer Roger placed Adrien under arrest for stalking and took him down to the station. The whole way to the car, Adrien pleaded with Ladybug to reconsider and to help him, but she just turned away from him. As Adrien sat in the police car, he wondered how things could have gone so wrong. 
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to GLACIATOR 2
Watched it earlier but didn't have time to rewatch for a second time while I write a post up like usual, so it's a little late. Also a heads up, this is a really long post. Like insanely long. I'm so sorry, but this episode was PACKED. Wow, so right off the bat, if it wasn't for Chat Noir being distracting with his flirting in Oblivio.... Chat Noir wouldn't have been so hurt this episode. 😬 Actions have consequences, who knew it would be such a big one...
The flirting in Oblivio led to distracted Kitty who Ladybug was distracted by causing them both to get hit and lose their memories, which led to the kiss, which Alya took a picture of, which ended up all over the internet that was then used to push Ladynoir as Couple of the Year with said picture everywhere, which led Chat Noir thinking he could try his usual flirting distracting ways to sway her, which this time she wasn't going to let Oblivio happen again, so she threw him in the trash can (that she called his basket, kitty in a basket omg) to keep him from distracting her and putting himself in danger to take care of the villain herself. Which... does make him feel he's not as needed, but at the same time I don't blame her for needing to get him out of the fight. He should know better by now that it's really dangerous. Also super curious as to what got Glaciator akumatized at the beginning of this episode.... "What the heart has forgotten, ice cream remembers." Wait. If they got blasted, they wouldn't have remembered what happened in Oblivio... would they? Hmmm. Interesting concept. o.o "Wait, if we kiss, maybe we'll get our memories back?" Yeah okay, I totally see why she'd want to throw him in the trash bin. Not only because he's super distracted, but he knows where she stands on a relationship with him and to keep talking about kissing like that isn't cool. I don't blame him for wanting to keep trying - especially since in these forgotten memories they know they have that they were together to know it's very possible and was being talked about at that moment - but everything about that scene from the situation to the timing of it and what's going on just calls for him to be taken out of the fight at that point. Ladybug's anger at Glaciator because he keeps pushing Ladynoir 😂
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*He sees her start to walk towards him, grimaces, then hides. 🤣 I absolute lost it when he was crying out jostling in that bin while she pulled him up onto the roof and threw him out. XD This Ladynoir scene gives me angry girlfriend vibes. Which... is exactly what she says she doesn't want, but come on. And here we go, a total 180. I went from laughing away to going OUCH POOR KITTY Marinette's sure getting super angry and defensive about everyone talking about Ladynoir as a couple or assuming that they had been one. I get it can be irritating, but this is even worse than when she got all upset when she thought Chat Noir moved on so easily from Ladybug to Marinette. Adrien: Nobody can help me Kagami. Uh huh, we'll see about that. :D But really, he started to cry and had to contain his pain long enough to get out of the car so he could deal with it before going home. x.x Adrien's breaking my heart this episode. As soon as Adrien sat down, I said "This is where the akuma usually comes" expecting it to just cut to another kind of scene, and then it cut to Shadow Moth's lair. Which I wasn't actually expecting to happen! And because I was watching with my sister and said that, I missed Adrien's sobbing the first time. Rewatching it again, I get to hear it, headphones and all. That absolutely BROKE ME. To think I'll be hearing the English dub of it later... ugh. "Immense disappointment doubled in guilt." Which are really awful, but notice he doesn't mention heartbreak? At least our boy's heart wasn't broken and he still had hope deep down! Marinette: I want to pay to remove the billboards of Ladynoir! I love how Marinette walks by whistling and he's just so curious about what she's doing that it took him away from his thoughts. xD Also, I guess it makes sense with everything going on with Adrien at that time, but not once did he stop to consider that the boy she was talking about was him, when she literally just saw him, acted all nervous and jumbled, and gave him a gift she just so "happen" to have to cheer him up. I thought the gift scene was real until the pink bubbles. Then I was like "DANG IT, NOT AGAIN!!" She's like "NO WRONG GIFT! *yeets potter's wheel into trash like she yeeted Chat Noir into the trash earlier* It's not the ideal gift!" "It's a shame, a really beautiful potter's wheel..." BOY THEN TAKE IT, IT'S FROM MARINETTE :D "It's place is in the trash with the other things that are better to forget." Wow it's a good thing he doesn't know Marinette is Ladybug because that would hurt way more than that comment already did. "Ending up in the trash, I see..." well he was feeling a bit better temporarily, anyway. Gabriel? Being a good father for once without selfish motives and asks how he is, also wanting him to know that if he needs to talk, he can come to him? Whoa, what's going on :O Usually French Plagg gets on my nerves but he was adorable in this episode. x3 "I don't want to live like my father! A prisoner of a memory that is no longer! Wow. This really hits deep on a personal level. I love that Kagami pulled up seeing that Marinette's talk with Adrien didn't go well and had to step in. I was wondering where Kagami's sudden interesting choice of words was coming from when usually that kind of talk is more Marinette's thing. Never ever would've guessed the reason we got such awesome Marichat today was because of Kagami. "Find someone you don't have feelings for. You can practice your seduction technique on that person without your emotions bothering you!" "...Isn't that a little bit weird?" "At least it's less weird than what you normally do!" I...I can't 🤣🤣🤣 "This method is a proven method; there are even books about it!" Me, thinking she means actual books with studies backing it up, because she's Kagami: 🤡 "Okay, but what if the person who I'm telling it to falls in love with me?!" 👀 Oh. I smell the foreshadowing from this part of their conversation. Also I totally love their friendship. It's sad that when she's with Adrien, she just completely irks me but when she's with
Marinette, it's like she's a different, more likeable person. When it's the three of them together I think it's cute too. Remember Marinette wanting to pay to remove the billboards? Chat Noir: We won't stop until we have deleted all traces of my love for Ladybug! (You know the reason he's doing it is because his guilt about how Ladybug's feeling seeing the pictures, rather than him not wanting to see the picture himself. Even though it makes him sad.) Also poor Plagg, there were 11 billboards just in that one shot alone. :/ "Chat Noir! He's the ideal candidate! There is no way for him to fall in love with me! Well, the other me, yes! But not the real me!" Again with the foreshadowing! How many times are they going to hint at Chat Noir falling in love with Marinette in this episode? Tikki observing how weird it is that he's out there without an akuma and she's just like OH WELL seems normal enough to me! CHAT NOIR! MINOUMINOUMINOUMINOU 🤣🤣🤣 "Is there a problem?" "No, but I do need something from you... I just need a lover." Chat Noir: A lover?! O.O *Weredad flashbacks* NOPE I'M OUT Listening to her explain and him saying he doesn't love anyone, I could hear a faint siren in the background. What interesting detail :O "Dear Chat Noir..." "Marinette, sorry I feel honored, but like I told you I'm in love with no one at all." Lies but you're trying, poor boy. "Yes, of course, but I'm not talking to you, but to my lover who isn't my lover yet!" Right. She's not talking to you, but to her lover, who happens to be you. But neither of you know that yet, so it's not to you. 🥴 "Ah, I understand! But since you said Chat Noir, I thought you were talking about me." Oh but Chat, the first thing she said was it was supposed to be directed at the guy she likes, which she's said isn't you. You mistake that she likes you here, but in other situations you deny it? Aw boy. "What's the name of your lover?" "That's private!" "Well that's not really helpful." omg were you hoping to help her if you knew the guy, Kitty? "Okay then. Buttercup." "*laughs* Wait, his name is Buttercup?" "Of course not! It's not his real name, it's a code name! *pushes him to sit down*" oh dear she's already getting frustrated lol LOL he can't get over the codename Buttercup. 🤣 Also now I can't help but wonder if he's going to find out that Buttercup = Adrien and then he'll know what that means and freak out. Back in school, I had a codename for the guy I liked who unfortunately popped up at times silently without me knowing he was there. Somehow he found out what his codename was, either he figured it out or someone told him. His method of letting me know he knew was absolutely brilliant and entertaining but I was so beyond embarrassed and I never spoke of it again. For entertainments sake, it'd be hilarious if Adrien found out. But for Marinette's sake I sure hope he doesn't think or learn about it until after they're together. *music cuts off, Mariette's eyes go wide...*
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It doesn't matter how many times I see this face, I burst into laughter. What the actual heck, Adrien! "What's going on, are you hurt somewhere?" 🤣 "Oh no! It's only my serious face." WHAT KIND OF A SERIOUS FACE IS THAT, YOU LOOK HORRIBLE. Seriously, you're either bursting into laughter giggling at "Buttercup" or you're looking like you can't stand the person that's speaking to you. Is there no in between, Adrien? *interrupts for the forth time* Sorry Marinette, but what face do you want me to make? IDK MAYBE ONE THAT ISN'T DISTRACTING AND INTERRUPTING HER EVERY TWO SECONDS. "But you said-" "Oh yes! I know, but what you feel isn't important! Because I'm the one who's training! Act like you are interested a bit in me! It never hurts to be interested in others from time to time!" Okay so like... in this context, her saying "act like" implies in a romantic way, right? Then her saying it never hurts to be interested in others from time to time... so is that yet another hint he's going to take from her to be interested in someone else? 🤔 "Dear BUTTERCUP!" oh the frustration. *Chat Noir interrupts yet again* I mean. I can see why Ladybug loses her patience with him, I'm so sorry. 😂 "You didn't let me finish." "I know, but the way you open your mouth is so moving. *launches into descriptive in-love language*" "Ugh, it's too much now. 😑" It's always been too much, Marinette. It took Chat Noir saying it to you to realize? xD *Marinette starts again, Chat Noir starts to interrupt yet again* "WHAT NOW?!" "Well, this time I'm under the impression that you are madder at me, than in love with me!" Gee, I wonder why. 😂 I've actually lost count at how many times you've interrupted her! 5? 6? Well, Chat Noir delivering those lines sure showed her up. And showered her how bad they sound. XD "Let's take a break. *simultaneously suggests going to the cinema*" Are you... are you two serious right now? The movies? You know, that in this show has been used almost exclusively as the place couples (or unrequited lovers end up hoping for something more) go to? And you both just thought that'd be a good idea for some reason? Oh you adorable dorks. The way Marinette looks at him when she knows he doesn't know it's Ladybug/when he's out of sight is just... girl why. Why do you have to do this to yourself. FRIENDS DON'T LOOK AT FRIENDS THAT WAY. No romance, no superheroes. Let's watch this sci-fi/fantasy type film! *has romance anyway* It always be like that, huh.
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Chat looks genuinely sad. Marinette just looks done with everything. xD The facial expressions and body language in this episode are absolute GOLD. I've never stopped to look and laugh at so many in a single episode before. Marinette talks about how saving the world is easier (or ahem, must be easier) than telling someone you love them, you just use the Miraculous Ladybug and what's broken is fixed. Because once you do tell someone you love them, and it doesn't work out and they don't love you back, "The cataclysm is in your heart and Miraculous Ladybug can't fix it." Wow, that's deep. I love how she's opening up to him and explaining how she gets around guys when she likes them. That's good info for him to know later. Chat Noir: "I also like hamsters-" Random theater guy: "And I like to watch movies in silence!" EXCUSE ME DUDE. I'D LIKE TO HEAR THAT CONVERSATION. I'VE WAITED SINCE SEASON 2 FOR HER TO FIND OUT THAT CN OR ADRIEN LIKE HAMSTERS AND YOU INTERRUPTED THAT, HOW DARE YOU! THAT'S THE HERO(es) OF PARIS YOU'RE YELLING AT. That could've been the conversation where we could've found out the name of what she wants her hamster to be! 😤 His baton had an umbrella built in. Who knew! But look how much effort they put in to giving us an umbrella scene with these two. When they get to her house it stopped raining. Very purposeful, very meaningful! "It's funny, because I'm the opposite of you." Ahh yes, that Yin and Yang at play. "I wish I could love someone else, but it's impossible." Nothing's impossible! Especially when the girl you love is right next to you and you don't even know it. Not sure how things will go with this, but this episode sure hinted at him potentially falling for Marinette an awful lot. "And now because of that, she hates me!" "She doesn't hate you, Chat Noir!" "Today she threw me in a rubbish bin!" It was purely to keep him under control, he was being a distraction during an attack and a distraction is dangerous. "You're a good Kitty, I know that you will find a solution." As she takes his arm ahhhh. And ooh, see now this makes me curious as to what this means. What's he going to do? Andre, it's okay! You're not wrong, Ladybug and Chat Noir really are meant for each other. She isn't even being romantic with him and they're talking about Ladybug. This is why it's bad to assume! "Thank you for traveling Air Chat Noir. We're hoping to see you again very soon!" Oh? 👀 You're hoping to see Marinette soon huh? Ngl was a bit disappointed that it was a goodbye kiss, but that was the most natural goodbye kiss these two have had so that's really nice. Also interesting how the main akumatization (not when the episode starts, or an almost akumatization) in the episode happens with 5 minutes left in the episode. That's an unusual turn of events. OOPS Ladybug was so peeved at Chat Noir's antics that she didn't give Andre the lucky charm. See, those distractions are dangerous!! "Glad to see you again! Uh, my dear friend that I respect! And for whom I don't feel anything except an honest and uninterested friendship!" "Are you making fun of me?" LOL these lines! But actually, the "glad to see you again!" caught my attention in the way that, well, it sounds like he wasn't expecting to see her again at least for awhile? An akuma just showed up so that's really interesting, she doesn't flake on akumas. Then when you know Hack-San takes place after this and that's a whole other thing and makes so much sense for his behavior in that. x.x Lucky Charm! *actual car crashes down* But wow, she came up with her plan based on memory of something somewhere else in the city. That's amazing :o *screams out the sports car window that he's driving at 14 years old* STOP IT WE'RE JUST FRIENDS"
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Excuse me. But I'm pretty sure this is not a "Oh yes, we're just friends!" look. Ladybug sees his efforts already. But what's he going to think if he catches you look at him like that one day, hm? When these two go to get their licenses, watch them both get it with ease. That's so impressive. Chat Noir threw himself out a speeding sports car. O.O I get he has the suit but NO FEAR. "Good riddiance (aw :c)! I am ready m'lady! Uh, it doesn't bother you if I call you m'lady?" "No, no problem! You know, if I tell you something is bad then stop and that's it, it's simple!" I mean she's right, it really is that simple. A lot of people could keep this in mind about a lot of things 😛 Everyone over here wondering how she's going to throw an entire car in the air. Ladybug: Duh, I'm just going to throw the car keys, that's all I need to do! We probably should've realized from episodes where she's only thrown part of a lucky charm into the air lol. xD Chat Noir: welp bye Ladybug, I still need to help Marinette! Who would've thought we'd have an episode where Chat leaves Ladybug to go see Marinette instead. 😂 Ladybug: yeah well, I need to get home before you get there so I better go too. "What's wrong is that doesn't sound like me." Yeah no, these attempts have never sounded like you! But this one: "The day we first met... I judged you badly. I found you pretentious and superficial. And I got to know you better, I saw who you truly were inside. Someone gentle, honest, and generous! And ever since then, I've been trying to tell you something! (Except every time I try, it's like my brain is breaking!) 🤦But this time, I think I'm ready! I love you." 100% authentic Marinette, super meaningful and deep, it made Chat Noir go from smiling to an expression that was touched, even though it wasn't meant for him. And them telling each other that anyone would be lucky to love them hahaha come on guys, wake up! "MARINETTE?!" "AH, that's my dad!" Chat Noir: Lol NOPE not again! Adrien's in a much better mood now, which is wonderful! And I see you over there adorable DJWifi. Marinette getting kidnapped by Kagami Part 2. "Did you do what I told you?" "Partially, I didn't get to the end but-" omg what was the end? o.O You already said "I love you", what else was there to cover? Using his name? Darn it Tom, why'd you have to interrupt and scare Chat off! "Perfect, I was worried because it's a risky technique!" well girl why'd you suggest it then? 😂"While training with a guy, you might fall in love with him..." I mean... is this the foreshadowing of her really starting to fall for Chat Noir? Did this episode really give us numerous examples of possible Ladynoir/Adrienette/Marichat verbally announcing to the audience reciprocating feelings for each other in the future? Kagami: Proven methods that work to seduce a boy. Also Kagami: I didn't finish volume 3 of the manga I got the idea from to know if it was a good idea, but I just learned it's risky because you could fall in love with the boy you practiced confessing to. Well. I mean, because of all that, Chat Noir's in a better place, which means Adrien's in a better place and will be changing how he expresses his feelings. And Marinette realized that her method of expressing her feelings is wrong, too. All from a manga. Who knew? 😂 "I thought you gave up on Ladybug." "Marinette opened my eyes! In fact, with her I always play my role of being Chat Noir!" OHHHHHHHHH. That's big right there! He's saying he's really comfortable with and feels like he can be himself with her, and he now knows and acknowledges it! {✔️} Marinette's super important to him and he'll do anything to make her happy. {✔️} He'll always be there to protect Marinette, having shown he'd even sacrifice himself for her. {✔️} He feels the most comfortable when he's around Marinette. Hmmmm. What does that sound like? I wonder.... 🙃 "Maybe if I show Ladybug who I truly am, she'll fall in love with me." She already knows you as Adrien and loves you, so yeah, that'll do it! I wonder if at that point she'd figure it out
who they are by piecing it together. If she's not going to have to find out who Chat is first, that is. Also Plagg is so done with this. I don't blame him, that's got to be beyond frustrating knowing.
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Probably my favorite ending card to date. Very simple, but a lot of meaning in this! Ladrien looking at each other, Marichat being back to back (and super close that it looks almost cuddly lol you dorks) while Ladynoir faces each other and Adrienette faces each other, but not really looking into each others eyes. Very interesting! This was an insane episode, so much to observe and take in from it. I also really hurt in this episode because of Adrien's pain, but laughed a crazy amount from it too. It felt very rounded and great, I absolutely loved it! Maybe it was for the best we got this episode right before Ephemeral. To soften the blow that sounds like is coming. Woo, I'm not ready! :D
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ggomos-maribat · 2 months
Soul-Stitching: The Heir and the Guardian
Chapter 6: fight and surrender | AO3
CW: the Order of Guardians appearing, mentions of death, wanting to kill, blood, violence, references to childhood abuse and trauma
Damian holds Marinette in his arms for the night as they lie in bed. He'll die first before he lets her go again. There's relief and comfort in burying his nose in her hair and running his thumb over her  shoulder. 
“The Order rebuilt themselves over the years with the handful left. They want the Guardian, so they're planning to hold Gotham hostage,” Marinette yawns. “Something like that.” 
His hold around her tightens. “Why not let us handle it?”
If they do, he'll skin every one of their enemies alive before they can even look at Marinette. 
She snorts. “They have a supply of miraculous-adjacents. Mostly brooch ones to help them make a sentimonster army. I don't think you bats and birds can handle that crisis very well.” 
“Will you be alright then?” He says softly. 
“Mhmm. We have a plan. Are you coming with us?” 
Damian thinks for a minute. He doesn't have combat experience with miraculous magic, and Marinette's team seems to have solid chemistry with each other based on what she has told him. If he gets involved, he might just end up interfering.
“I will return to Gotham as well, but I'm not sure how I can help.” 
She laughs. “It's not too different from slashing bad guys.” 
“I know but what if I disrupt your plan?”
“If I propose that you hold off the Justice League, can you do that?” 
“Of course.” 
He looks down at her, brushing stray hairs away from her face. Her eyes are closed but she's still tracing her fingers on top of his chest. He never expected to let someone in so easily but this is Marie. She's the one he went through hell with, the one who took blows for his mistakes, the one that has been haunting his dreams since she died. 
She has lived her own life in France, even became a hero, and yet she never forgot about him. He's happy she never forgot. 
Slowly, Damian moves his head to plant a small kiss on the crown of her head. 
Marinette stands at the top of Wayne Tower, tugging on her billowing ceremonial robes for the ritual. On the concrete, she traces over an intricate Guardian symbol with chalk, which is to be overlaid with the real material. A transformed Fei stands at her side, one hand over her earpiece. 
“Chat says it's a three-kilometer radius,” Fei relays. “Nothing too far out; they're moving as one like you predicted.” 
Marinette nods. She sent Adrien to scout around Gotham city and detect the activity of the brooch-adjacents using the Peacock miraculous. Her own power can sense them within a certain limit, but she isn't certain where the Order is scattered. “Let's begin,” she announces, pointing one hand straight upwards at the sky. 
Marinette calls upon shell-ter, which manifests a green barrier around a part of the city, capturing the distance of three kilometers. That way, combat is restricted in the city—the civilians (those without miraculous magic) can vacate outwards, but it is untouchable from the outside. Luka and Kagami will survey the barrier's outer perimeter while Adrien and Fei will stay inside and make sure Marinette's untouched during the ritual. 
The Cleansing Ritual is something she has picked up from the temple, though the exact method of performing it is something she owes to the previous Guardian's memories. It will break down the Order's defenses first; having the capability to remove miraculous magic from adjacents within its proximity. After eliminating their weapon, she’ll deal with the sentimonsters they have already created.
 Fei steps forward to hand her a thick book. “This is all we could find from the temple.” 
Marinette glances down. It is an incomplete copy of the Grimoire; nothing too special but it should be enough for the ritual. She was hoping for some spare adjacents but the temple has nothing of the sort anymore. “Thanks, Fei, this will do.”
She summons her cataclysm and crushes the book into heavy ashes, which she uses to trace over the symbol. It glows just faintly, signaling the effectivity, and she settles on the center. The most important thing is that the ritual is not disturbed, or else she’ll have to start all over again.
“I'll stick close by to fend them off,” Fei assures her softly.
“If it comes to worst, just come tell me.”
“But I thought—”
“It doesn't matter. You can interrupt me.” She doesn't know how they made their sentimonsters or if they will be harder to deal with than the creatures they fought before. She only knows that the adjacent-born monsters don’t operate by amok—once they are destroyed, that was that. But Marinette isn't willing to take any chances, especially if her team is in danger.
Marinette wipes her hand on her sleeve. Like Chat, she bears the power of destruction at the tip of her fingers. If she can, she would take the Order out with her own touch, but she obviously can't in that situation, where civilian lives are at stake.
After bidding her goodbyes, Fei leaps away to take her position. From her pocket, Marinette pulls out the thread that is tied to her senti-double's existence. Now, for the distraction. 
She crushes it in her palm with the power of destruction.
Damian returns to the cave, breathless. Only two bats seem to be holed up in there, but the youngest Wayne wastes no time starting to explain roughly about Marinette's background. 
Tim and Cass look at each other before the former speaks, “We know.” 
Damian stops. “You know?” 
“Hood and Oracle investigated on their own. They sent in a report to the JL hours ago,” Tim turns to the computer. “Speaking of the JL, they're a mess right now. Apparently, Marinette disappeared from her cell . . .” 
“She's here. In Gotham.” 
“She's what? ” 
“You will not tell Father,” Damian demands. “Send a message to Oracle not to alert the League if she catches her here. There are members of the Order of Guardians attacking tonight, and Marinette will be facing them herself.” 
“W—what?” Tim clicks on a screen to see a green barrier materializing over downtown Gotham. “Is this what it is? We should—” 
“Do nothing,” says Damian. “They have a plan.” 
“Dangerous,” Cass pipes up, frowning. 
“It will be more dangerous if we or the Justice League interfere.” Damian shakes his head. “We cannot let them compromise this. Both sides will be operating by magic as well; it's best not to get caught up in it.” 
Damian's fingertips are cold, hoping that nobody has alerted Bruce yet. He needs to make them understand that he was desperate—that he was asking not as Robin, but as their brother. 
The screen shifts, showing what looks like an army marching down the streets. The sentimonsters have taken every kind of form: human-like, giant crawling insects, mechanical figures, fanged creatures. A collective chill passes over the three as they think that this must be what Paris has endured over the years. 
“I sent a word to Babs but . . . are we really sitting here doing nothing?” Tim asks. 
Damian purses his lips, remembering Marinette's words to him. “We can help protect the barrier and evacuate civilians. But we must stay out of the fight.” 
Cass nods and disappears into the shadows to collect the other vigilantes. Meanwhile, Damian hovers near the screen, swallowing down his worry. They watch through the cameras as a white ring of light radiates from the top of Wayne Tower. 
Kagami knows a thing or two about being restrained. She has suffered under the tortuous rule of her own mother, forbidden to do this or that, and for years she hasn’t realized just how caged she was. She hasn’t seen a mirror of her own life until she met Adrien, who suffered under the same predicament. Although she is already somewhat free and exploring the world on her own, she knows she can’t forget the memory of her shackles. 
So when she first heard about Marinette’s past, she was livid—this is Marinette, the same person who once taught her about freedom and she hadn’t known how much the Guardian suffered in her youth. After Marinette told them, there were things about her that started to make sense: how she’s somehow a natural at fencing despite claiming that she has never touched a foil before, how she sometimes stares too long at her arms, how she knows an akuma is nearby before it becomes fully visible. 
That is why Kagami has vowed to become Marinette’s support, like Adrien, Fei and Luka are. 
“There are sentimonsters on my side, Ryuko.” Luka’s voice crackles from her earpiece. “Bats incoming too.” 
Kagami lowers her sword and scowls at the group of sentimonsters on the street below the ledge she’s perched on. They’re more grotesque than the ones they had in Paris. Marinette has warned them that not all the monsters will be captured inside the barrier, but Kagami didn’t expect that there will be this many of them. 
She stares off at the wispy light from inside the barrier. At least there are less of them that can attack Marinette during the ritual. 
“On my side as well,” she reports back. “There are many, but I can deal with them.” 
“Mmkay, be careful, my aria.” 
Kagami jumps down to intercept the bunch trying to claw their way into the barrier. She feels only a bit of resistance while slashing them with her weapon, but she figures that their strength is in numbers. Since they’re made only from brooch-adjacents, they should be weaker than normal sentimonsters. But she can tell they’re still dangerous for anyone who doesn’t wield a miraculous. 
She sidesteps and punctures another centipede-like sentimonster. They easily dissolve into nothing as long as her swing is lethal. She can’t quite pinpoint yet where they’re coming from but more hordes are appearing faster than she can eliminate them. 
She grits her teeth, debating if she should use the Dragon miraculous’ powers. Transforming into any of the elements can take out many sentimonsters, but using the power too much—though she doesn’t have a time limit anymore—can drain her own energy. If the sentimonsters can easily multiply, that effort is futile. 
“Hey kid, need some help?” A voice asks from above her. 
Kagami whips around. A vigilante is crouching behind a gargoyle on the building closest to her. His helmet, guns, and leather jacket tells her (if she remembers correctly) that this one is Red Hood.
She ignores him and continues attacking. Meddling bats. Apparently, Marinette has allowed the Robin boy to help them out, but she can’t see how they can be anything more than a liability in the miraculous-driven battle. It seems that Red Hood doesn’t understand this at all and comes down to fight with her. 
“Shouldn’t you be rescuing civilians?” Kagami dodges out of the way and decapitates a wolf-like sentimonster. 
“That’s all done.” Hood procures a knife from his belt and throws it at another sentimonster . . . 
Only for it to bounce and clatter onto the ground. 
The vigilante lets out a slew of colorful swears. “Normal weapons don’t work on them?!” 
“Obviously.” Kagami rolls her eyes. 
“Uhh, then how—” Red Hood stumbles back when one of the monsters pounce on top of him, but Kagami drives her sword into it before it can maul him. Her breaths quicken as she tries to keep up with the pace of their overwhelming strikes. 
While she’s jumping from place to place, she keeps an eye on Red Hood who’s now attempting to shoot at the monsters. She notes his agility and swiftness—he’s good enough jumping out of the way and keeping himself uninjured. The only problem is that his attacks aren’t working. 
Kagami lets out a deep sigh. 
“Here, use this.” She tosses her sword to the vigilante, who catches it with surprise. 
“I can use this?” he quizzes. “What about you?” 
“I can fight them without my sword.” The important thing is that you can make yourself useful now. “Do not worry about me.” 
To prove her point, she activates Water Dragon and transforms into a wave that drowns several sentimonsters at once. She changes from one element to the next, blowing a strong gust of wind and then finishing off another horde with a bout of lightning. Luckily, Red Hood seems to have experience with the sword as he’s able to take down the sentimonsters with the Dragon miraculous weapon. 
Kagami leaps up onto a window ledge to get a better look at the situation. The numbers are dwindling, but there are still a lot of them. She glances at the Wayne Tower again. The ritual must be nearly completed—then the miraculous-adjacents can’t be used anymore. 
She turns to see that Red Hood has grappled up to the next ledge. 
“Oracle’s asking if she can connect your comms to ours.” Red Hood taps the side of his helmet. “We haven’t told the Bat or the JL either. We’re here to help.” 
Kagami wipes off the sweat from her forehead. “I will ask the others.” She turns on her earpiece. “Red Hood is with me. They’re asking—” 
“If they can connect to our line.” It’s Fei who answers her. “Yes, I heard. Luka got the same request from Red Robin. I don’t know if we can trust them right now. The ritual—” 
“Let them.” Another voice buzzes in. 
Kagami inhales sharply. Marinette. 
Adrien chimes in. “M’lady. But the ritual—” 
“Is finished,” Marinette says. “It’s okay, let them connect. They can help; if you can’t let them borrow your weapons, I give my permission to have them use the miraculi.” 
Fei audibly gasps. “What?!” 
Kagami surveys the street. They do need the manpower at this time. She knows the vigilantes can easily connect to their comms, since their line can link up normally to non-miraculous ones. The problem is having strangers wield miraculi for the first time. 
“It’s okay,” Marinette says gently. “Kagami, Luka, finish off the remaining ones outside the barrier first. Take the vigilantes with you and convene at one location. Fei, please portal to the outside and help them in. Give them any miraculous you see fit—Adrien please help in choosing. I think the Order is nearby—I’ll join you as soon as I can.” 
“. . . Yes, okay. Fine.” 
“Got that, M’lady. Cool, I get to hand out miraculi this time!” 
“Copy that.” 
“We can meet up at the park,” Kagami suggests. “We’ll finish up in ten.” 
She hears a second voice above them—a vigilante clad in blue and black who has begun bantering with Red Hood. “Make that five,” she corrects herself. 
Fei can tell that Adrien can sense her hesitance. She looks up at him after he takes her hand in his. “You've got the miraculi?” he asks. 
She nods, holding up a small satchel where the Miraculous Box is safely kept. 
“Are you sure we can trust them?” Her hand hovers the satchel. 
“If Marinette trusts them, then we can trust them,” he squeezes her hand. “Anyways, if they try to take the miraculi for themselves we can easily snatch them up again.” 
She cannot argue with that logic—they're handing out the miraculi just so that the vigilantes can fight the sentimonsters. They will have no problem using the weapons, but they are inexperienced at handling a miraculous in general. That gap alone will make it easy for them to take back the miraculi if the jewels are not handed back willingly. Not that she hopes it will ever come to that.
Fei carefully takes the glasses from the box and unifies the Prodigious and Horse miraculous to create a portal. She peeks at the swarms of sentimonsters still lingering around the streets below them. “What about . . .?” 
“Mari will take care of them,” Adrien— Chat— tells her softly and nudges her forward. 
They traverse through the portal, reaching the agreed meetup point outside the barrier. In that moment, a crackle rings from Fei's earpiece, followed by an unfamiliar voice. 
“Aha! I've got it,” the voice says. “This is Oracle. Can everyone hear me?” 
“I think you are connected to our line now,” Kagami's voice answers. 
The group is gathered as agreed. Fei tears her eyes away from them and looks expectantly at Chat Noir, waiting for his instructions about the miraculi. If it were up to her, the miraculi shouldn't be in her care in place of the Guardian; the Parisians know more about the jewels than she can ever read from the Grimoire. But she knows Adrien still has a heavy heart about taking that responsibility, so she trusts him to choose the miraculi to hand off at least. 
“Hmm,” Chat taps on his chin with a clawed finger. “Mouse, Bee, Horse, Peacock.”
She freezes. “I'm sorry, the Peacock? ” 
“What? We can fight fire with fire in this case, right?” 
Fei concedes; the sentimonsters from the real Peacock should be stronger than the adjacent-born ones rampaging in the city. But she's surprised Adrien doesn't seem to have any reservations using it again after it was taken from Hawkmoth. 
“Aegis, sorry, but can you switch back to the Snake? I need the Turtle.” Adrien requests Luka, who has donned the Turtle miraculous for the night since his original miraculous offered little in head-on solo combat. Luka complies wordlessly. 
Fei watches as Adrien tosses the miraculi one by one, telling the still-puzzled vigilantes that their kwamis will explain everything (and not to worry because he, too, barely received instructions when he first used his own miraculous). The Mouse pendant is handed off to Nightwing; the Horse to Red Hood; the Bee to Black Bat; the Peacock to Red Robin; and the Turtle to Robin. 
Fei notices that she, Ryuko, and Viperion share the same curious looks at Chat's choice. 
“You don't get it.” He shakes his head. “It's all about the vibes. That's how M'lady used to pick them.” 
“Wait, do we even have feathers for the Peacock?” Fei whispers to Chat. 
“Ah, right.” Chat smiles widely at Red Robin. “Sorry, you might have to catch pigeons or something.” 
Fei looks over the group. “Are you sure the JL won't be stepping in soon? Batman?” 
Robin crosses his arms. “Even if he tries, this isn't his Gotham for tonight.” 
After giving her commands, Marinette jumps down carefully from the tower and onto the surrounding buildings. She keeps her comms on to monitor her team and hears that their line has been connected to the Bats’. Though the ritual was a success, there is still much to clean up in the mess—their goal is to cause minimal damage and keep Gotham as it is, since the restoring power of the Ladybug doesn't apply to adjacent-born sentimonsters. 
Hands in her pockets, she drops down on a window ledge. Most of the civilians have been evacuated, and the sentimonsters are more focused on her anyways as if she were a beacon. With a swipe of her hand, she summons the Turtle's barrier and the Tiger's clout to herd the sentimonsters in one place before coming near them to use her Cataclysm. 
She clenches her jaw when she feels the presence of the Order coming closer. 
She has not regretted killing off the members of the Order when she was taken. The memories of the previous Guardian have become hers after all, so she has relived the futile struggle of the girl and the ‘experiments’ they've done to her in the guise of ‘rituals’. But she dislikes the lack of remorse she feels after killing—it seems hypocritical considering that she's the heroine of Paris. 
Marinette walks down the street, sensing the movements of the Order. She shouldn't be complacent about the situation; she doesn't know what the enemies have as an upper hand. On her way, she extends her hand to pulverize the sentimonsters coming at her with just one touch of Cataclysm. 
“Marinette, we're inside the barrier. The Bats have their miraculi. We'll start clearing off the sentimonsters,” Fei's voice reports loud and clear from her earpiece. 
“Good. Please steer clear of my location,” Marinette replies. 
“Please be careful,” Robin's voice cuts through. 
Chat snorts out a laugh. “What he said.” 
“I will. Thanks,” she takes a deep breath, ignoring the teasing jabs of the other voices. 
She sees the familiar burgundy robes up ahead, shielded by an unmoving line of sentimonsters all in the image of animals: tigers and panthers with glowing eyes; predatory birds hovering above; and oversized wolves. Marinette plants her feet firmly on the ground and holds her knives. These sentimonsters are not like the others; they are made with stronger, more potent adjacents. 
“The Guardian,” a raspy voice echoes from down the road. 
Marinette's grip tightens on the hilt of her weapon. Those grating voices have followed her in her nightmares for so long, even coming to life in one encounter with Sandboy. Though she has finished off their Tibetan base, there are still some who have escaped and some who have been hiding away in other parts of the world. 
The thought of them sickens her to no end. 
The sentimonsters lunge forward. 
And so does she. 
Marinette runs, infusing Destruction into her knives and throwing them at the creatures before they can touch her. Then, she calls on Fetch, from the power of Adoration, to pull back the knives into her hands. The hooded figures are closer now—she sidesteps one sentimonster and jumps over another. She's about to come face to face with the Order when she's suddenly knocked back by one of the wolves. 
She grunts while trapping one knife between the sentimonster's sharp jaws to keep it from biting down on her. Its claws have trapped one of her arms, scratching through her skin deeply. Marinette clicks her tongue in annoyance. These ones can fatally injure her, and she's already slowly losing energy. 
Finally, she gains the momentum to kick the sentimonster away and open up a portal behind her back to slip through it and escape its hold. She transforms into a large wave of water, followed by a bolt of lightning to kill off the whole pack. 
“What misuse of the Guardian's blood,” a voice snarls from behind her. 
Marinette catches her breath, turning around with fury in her eyes. Misuse? They talk about misuse when they were the ones who drew her blood for power. They preach so passionately about saving people with the Guardian's blood when they were the ones who handed off the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculi to Ra's al Ghul to abuse. 
“You have desecrated the blood of our Guardian!” Another monk cries. “Give back what you've stolen from us!” 
“Ungrateful vessel!” 
“They should have drained you dry when they had the chance!” 
“It was a mistake to bring you back!” 
“Assassin's dog!” 
Marinette shuts her eyes for a second. She keeps a firm grip on her knife and asks coolly, “Why are you mocking me when I am your Guardian?” 
“You are an impostor! Give us our Guardian's blood back!” One growls. 
“For you to use in your crimes?” 
“They are not crimes. We are creating jewels for the protection of humanity.” 
Marinette's jaw twitches. The years Paris has suffered under Hawkmoth—they called that protection? 
“And yet you keep the jewels for yourself,” she mocks. 
“Because there are those more deserving of that power.” 
Bullshit. She isn't ignorant of their misdeeds. For so long, adjacents have been circulating around black markets and underground auctions. They were practically using the Guardian as a human factory. As for the real miraculi, they have been given to the most vile identities just like how the Butterfly and Peacock that were thought to be ‘missing’ was given to Gabriel Agreste. 
Marinette tries not to let her anger run rampant. There are already many voices coming from her earpiece, both from her team and Gotham’s vigilantes each cursing out the Order—
She gasps, tensing all over. 
She hasn't noticed. 
The prickly feeling she has felt many times back in Paris.
Marinette looks down on her knife to see that it has changed its appearance. The monks continue talking down at her, but seem to be waiting for something. 
“How dare you taint the blood—” 
Don't you want to kill them? 
“---a worthless—”
It only takes one touch. 
Her head is pounding as she tries to blink her vision back to focus. 
“The poor soul of our Guardian—” 
You've had blood in your hands before. What's a few more victims? 
“The poor soul of our Guardian wasted on a killer.” 
What will your Master say seeing you this cowardly?
Marinette draws out the knife and kicks it down to the ground, shattering it into pieces. A dark violet aura floats up from it—a remnant of the Butterfly's power. With a shuddering breath, she calms herself down. This is their plan. It's just an adjacent. It's not as powerful as the real thing. They must have had one stored too far from the range of the ritual. 
She turns to her enemies— 
I am not a killer. 
—And forces down her powers—
I am an assassin. 
She pounces forward with suppressed miraculous magic and launches attacks at them with her bare hands. Without their miraculi rip-offs to play with, they are mere powerless humans anyway. She kicks and punches, just enough to have them immobilized but never too strong to meet death. She remembers Adrien's words about his father: ‘ death is too merciful of a punishment’. 
It's the same for the Order. Death will be too forgiving. Even a slow death. She dodges a loose attempt of a hit and flips one over her back. 
The only thing that will destroy them is seeing her being the ‘blight’ to the line of Guardians.
Unbeknownst to the miraculous holders and vigilantes, there have been watchers witnessing the attack on Gotham and listening in to Marinette's conversation with the remnants of the Order. 
They��ve made a terrible mistake with imprisoning Marinette. 
And now they have no right to interfere.
The Justice League observes silently as Marinette brings the Order to its knees, without any trace of magic or weapons. Just her bloodied knuckles and pure strength. They recognize the anguish in her movements—careful and precise as someone born in the League but ferocious like someone delivering vengeance. 
Finally, she binds the enemies in ropes just as the last of the sentimonsters are finished off by the rest. 
The three founders are particularly tense. 
It must be them who will make sure that the Order will meet its justice.
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dragonbugsuperior · 3 years
Adrien's Manipulation and How He Manipulates
As you can see, I have spoken about the things the ml writers have done and attempted to get away with however I never dug deep into how manipulative Adrien is and how he has manipulated people. I have provided real transcripts from the episodes. You can look it up yourself they're there for everyone to see.
In Malediktator (season 2, episode 24) Chloe threatens to leave Paris, Mr. Bourgeois gets akumatized into Maledikator; invested with absolute power, he wants to make his daughter's dreams come true so that she stays with him. In the episode, Chloe announces that she's leaving Paris to the entire school and the students are thrilled. They were celebrating the fact that their school bully was leaving Paris. Including Marinette, who was also relieved to know her bully/tormentor was leaving Paris. The same girl who's been bullying Marinette for years.
Here's some real transcripts from the actual episodes
Chloé: (from the helicopter, through megaphone) Hey there, losers! I'm headed to New York with my mom. (throws flyers) I'm leaving you all behind in your pathetic little school and your pathetic little city. Adieu!
(Marinette picks up a flyer showing Chloé in front of the Statue of Liberty.)
Nino: Chloé's leaving?
Nathaniel: Forever?
Marinette: Looks like it.
Alya: Yeah.
(Everyone jumps in the air out of happiness; confetti appears out of thin air and there are fireworks for no reason at all. Everyone, including Mr. Damocles, dances and parties.)
Marinette: Without Chloé around, Paris will be filled with a lot less negative emotion!
Tikki: And less akumatizations.
(Adrien walks up to Marinette from behind.)
Adrien: Hey, what’s going on here? What are we celebrating?
Marinette: Chloé’s gone! She’s moving to New York!
Adrien: Chloé left…? For good?
Marinette: (still excited, not realizing that Adrien is not sharing everyone else’s enthusiasm) Yeah! Isn’t it great?
Adrien: Uh… no. I think it’s terrible! How can you celebrate a thing like that?
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There's the manipulation. Adrien guilts Marinette for being happy that her tormentor is gone. He guilts her for being relieved to know that her school bully is leaving Paris. Not only did he make Marinette feel guilty for feeling the way that she did. But the episode also deems Marinette as if she's selfish for feeling glad that Chloe is gone. While Adrien completely invalidates Marinette's feelings, and does not take into consideration that Chloe has bullied and made Marinette's life a living hell for years. Adrien knows Chloe has been bullying Marinette for years and instead of letting her feel happy that her bully is gone he guilts her and shames her saying that she shouldn't be celebrating something like that. Not contemplating the fact that Marinette has been bullied, shamed, taunted, and tormented for years. All because Chloe's his childhood friend and she was his only friend. He continues to support Chloe, and guit-trips Marinette for being happy that her life-long bully is finally leaving, because he doesn’t care about how Chloe torments everyone in the class or how she’s literally abusing Sabrina, all he cares about is how her leaving affects him.
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In Glaciator Chat Noir imposes a date with Ladybug.
Cat Noir: So, uh, Ladybug? What would you say if you and I met up tonight for a little dinner? Rooftop style?
Ladybug: For dinner? As superheroes?
Cat Noir: Well, uh, yeah. That's right. We're only together when we're saving Paris. I mean, wouldn't you actually like to get to know one another?
Ladybug: I... That's so thoughtful of you, but I can't. I have to, uh, I already have plans with some friends.
Bus driver: (steps out of the bus and shakes hands with Cat Noir) Thank you. (shakes Ladybug's hand) Thank you, Ladybug.
Cat Noir: Well, if your plans end early, come and join me.
Ladybug: We'll see.
Cat Noir: I'll be waiting, my lady.
(Ladybug uses her yo-yo and leaves. Cat Noir smiles at her for a moment before he leaves too)
Ladybug tells Chat Noir that she has plans with friends, Chat Noir still insists that she comes if her plans end early. Ladybug never says yes to him nor does she confirm she will show up while he says he'll be waiting.
Alya, Nino, Marinette, and Adrien were planning on having a date together, Adrien lies to his friends and tells them that his father said he couldn't go. Actively upsetting them and ruining their date, because 'Oh! Poor Adrien couldn't make it!. The thing is-
Adrien could have made it.
He himself, chose not to.
He didn't even inform his father about going out with friends.
Adrien never mentions going out with friends to Gabriel. He never tells Nathalie nor the Gorilla anything just so he could prepare a date with Ladybug, who also never confirmed she was going on the date.
[Next transcript is very important to read]
(Adrien sighs before he takes out his phone to text Nino. He then checks the time)
Nathalie: There's no point in waiting for your father, Adrien. He'll be eating in his office.
Adrien: (stands up from his chair, quietly angry) Then what's the point of keeping me here if he's never gonna show up, Nathalie? (walks away to go to his room)
Nathalie: Don't forget to practice your piano before you go to bed.
He doesn't tell Nathalie or Gabriel. He tells Nino that he won't be able to make it because his father wouldn't allow him to, yet Adrien didn't even see Gabriel because he was in his office the entire time.
Scene: Adrien's room.
Plagg: You could've at least grabbed the piece of Camembert on that platter!
Adrien: (tosses a piece of Camembert to Plagg and he catches it) Fuel up, Plagg. (He turns on some piano music from his phone. He then places the phone on top of the real piano) Adrien may not be allowed out of the house, but Cat Noir is!
Adrien's off to his date with Ladybug, which she never agreed that she would come, lying to his friends and telling them that his father wouldn't let him go out with them.
Plagg: You seem in a hurry to get stood up.
Adrien: She didn't say she wasn't coming.
Plagg: But she didn't say she was either!
This is also important to take in mind, it doesn't matter if she didn't say wasn't coming, she also didn't say she was coming like Plagg said. She told him she had plans with her friends.
Scene: Trocadéro. Marinette meets up with her friends
Marinette: Hey, Alya!
Alya: Hey, Marinette! (Both she and Marinette kisses each other's cheeks)
Marinette: Where's Adrien?
Alya: Don't get upset, okay? But Nino just got a text. Adrien's dad isn't letting him go out.
Again, Adrien tells Nino his dad won't let him go out. Lying and upsetting his friends, which automatically makes them feel bad because they're poor friend can't come out with them.
Marinette: Once again...
Nino: Yo, Marinette!
Ivan: What's up, M?
Mylène: How are you, Marinette?
Marinette: I'm fine. Thanks. Hehe. So, do you know where André is today?
Later in the episode, they have patrol
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And this is what Chat Noir says to Ladybug
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Ladybug: Hello, Kitty. Did the bad guys leave you cold?
Cat Noir: (harsh and enraged) How was your amazing evening with your "friends"?
(Ladybug looks confused at Cat Noir, shocked by her partner's harsh words. But she gasps when she hears Glaciator's voice.)
He gets passive aggressive and sarcastic with her. He's angry because she didn't show up to a date she never agreed to going on.
Ladybug: Are you mad at me because I didn't show up?
Cat Noir: (furious) What do you think?
Ladybug: I didn't mean to hurt you.
(Glaciator jumps over them and continues walking. Ladybug and Cat Noir take shelter behind a car)
Cat Noir: And I also had a surprise for you, too!
Ladybug: I really am sorry.
Cat Noir: No... I'm the one who's sorry. Maybe another time.
Ladybug feels bad for not showing up. Ladybug shouldn't have to apologize for not showing up. She never agreed to going on the date and Chat Noir knows that. He knows she had plans with her friends and guilts her because apparently she didn't show up to a date she never intended on going on. While he was the one who gave her the cold shoulder the entire time they were fighting off Glaciator and acted like a 5 year old child.
The blatant manipulation
Chat Noir guilts Ladybug because she didn't show up to a date she never agreed that she would go on. Resulting in her feeling bad and apologizing to him as if she said she'll go. She never confirms she'll make it. She tells him she has plans with friends and they'll see. That doesn't equate to yes. Adrien lies to his friends and tells them he won't be able to make it because his father wouldn't let him go out, meanwhile Adrien never tells Gabriel anything about going out with friends.
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In Syren
Adrien gets tired of all the secrets Ladybug had to keep from him and threatens to quit. Blackmailing Plagg threatening to quit as a superhero if Plagg doesn't tell him what secret Ladybug's been hiding from him.
Adrien: (imitating Ladybug) Hey, Cat Noir, do you trust me? (as himself) Sure, Ladybug; do you trust me, too? (as Ladybug) Are you kidding? I will never trust you! Ha ha ha ha! (normally, to Plagg) You must know what Ladybug's hiding from me, Plagg.
Plagg: I'm just a kwami, Adrien, and we kwamis have a right to remain silent.
Adrien: Pity. (gets out his phone) Just when I was about to order you some very tasty cheese. Have you ever sampled La Trappe d'Échourgnac? It says here it tastes like walnuts.
Plagg: (swallows some Camembert) I can't be swayed, sorry.
He bribes Plagg with cheese to get information out of him about Ladybug
Cat Noir: Wait! Where're you going?
Ladybug: (hesitantly) I can't.
Cat Noir: (disappointedly) Say anything. Yeah, I know. But we are a team, aren't we? (turns away from Ladybug) I'm tired of all these secrets.
Ladybug: I'm sorry. It's not exactly easy for me either, trust me. (she leaps away while Cat Noir turns to see her leaving him)
(Cat Noir sits down on the roof to wait for Ladybug to return.)
He himself admits that he knows she can't tell him anything. He knows she's under restrictions and he pulls this.
Cat Noir: This is so dumb! (stands up) Claws in. (detransforms)
Plagg: (groans) What's taking her so long? (Adrien holds up his hands to Plagg, and starts to pull off his ring a little bit) Whoa, easy! W-What are you doing?!
Adrien: (grimly) If you don't tell me what Ladybug is hiding from me, I'm done!
Plagg: You can't do that!
Adrien: (bitterly) Why not? No one'll know if I quit. No one'll care!
Plagg: I will!
He blackmails Plagg, and threatens to let millions of people drown just because he wants to know a secret he isn't worthy of knowing.
[Transcript for Frozer]
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In Frozer he gets rejected for the hundredth time
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Ladyice: Cat Noir. We need to set up a trap for whoever turned the city into a giant ice rink. (throws yo-yo)
Icecat: (bitterly) My feline instincts prefer to track and observe before I attack. You go your way, I'll go mine.
Ladyice: Please don't tell me you're mad at me about the rose.
Icecat: There may be a certain chill now between us.
Ladyice: I get it, but we should really focus on saving Paris
Icecat: We don't always have to do everything together, after all. It's not like we're a couple. (skates away)
Ladyice: Cat Noir, don't get all pouty on me! (groans and takes off on her yo-yo)
(Ladyice and Icecat separately search for Frozer)
Icecat: (notices Frozer's skate marks on the ice) This way.
Ladyice: I need to set a trap, but what could I use as bait? (while Ladyice thinks, Frozer prepares to sneak up behind her, but Icecat spots him attempting to do so and pulls Ladyice out of harm's way)
Ladyice: Thanks, Kitty.
(Icecat winks)
Once again, he makes her feel guilty for turning him down for the millionth time in a row as if he doesn't know she's in love with someone else. Acting like an asshole the entire time they fight off Frozer.
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In Copyat, Chat Noir arrives at a ceremony.
Scene: The Place des Vosges. The ceremony has just ended.
Cat Noir: These statues are amazing. One thing's slightly off though— I'm actually taller than Ladybug.
Théo: Ladybug didn't show up. I just wanted to express my adoration for her. Let her know that everything I had went into her statue. I'm sure if she took a little time to get to know me, she would see how much we have in common. Our devotion to the things we love.
Cat Noir: Hey, don't mean to burst your bubble, but you know, Ladybug and me, we're a thing, you know?
Théo: Really?
Cat Noir: Yeah, we're like this. (crosses his fingers)
Théo: (growls; walks away angrily) What does Ladybug see in him?
He lies to Theo about the relationship he has with Ladybug leaving Theo angry causing him to become akumatized.
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Cat Noir: Better help the fellow out. His crush just got crushed. (under his breath, as he leaves) That makes two of us.
Théo: Ugh... What am I doing here? Ladybug?
Ladybug: I'm sorry I couldn't make it this morning, Théo.
Théo: Can you autograph it for me?
Ladybug: Of course I can! You've got some real artistry here. You've really captured my essence.
Théo: Thank you, Ladybug. And don't worry. I know about you and Cat Noir. It's okay.
Ladybug: Huh?
Ladybug is left to apologize to Theo and deal with the rest. Theo tells her not to worry, he knows about her and Chat Noir to which she reacts with utter confusion. Chat Noir lied to Theo, causing his akumatization not even facing consequences at the end nor apologizing to Theo, instead Marinette does all the work while being left confused.
Adrien is a lying, manipulative, and conniving person. He has manipulated his friends, Plagg, and Marinette. This is not okay
And the writers portray it to be while making Marinette look bad
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theogygiaisland · 3 years
Birds of the Same Feather
Prompt: ''if you want me to kiss you, all you have to do is say so.''
Relationship: Marinette x Tim Drake
Word Count: 1,256 words
Warnings: Teen (13+)
Categories: Fluff, Romance, Slow Burn
1/3: The Set Up
Tim and Mari think they are creatures of habit. While the Wayne Enterprise (WE) employees argue that yes they are, but really, it's only when the said habit is mutually assured destruction.
Don’t get them wrong, birds of the same feather flock together, but these two were basically made from the same fabric of God-knows-what-chaos-energy and it rolls off them in waves.
If they can only stand each other long enough to realize this, that is. Whispers in the bathroom mentions the latest developments of both parties' latest antagonizing moments. Bets in the break room amounted to a large pot on who can guess if they’d end up together or murdering each other.
Because where Marinette is competitive, Timothy is unyielding.
While Tim is very headstrong in his work and his duty, Mari is steadfast on things she’s put her mind to.
Marinette stands up and greets the co-CEO before he even gets the chance to walk out of the elevator with the cup of coffee in his hand. Tim only grunts, making a beeline for the office.
“You’re up early today.” She chirps with an ‘I have to be cute to my boss eew’ smile.
“I haven’t drank this cup of coffee yet and have 0 sleep.” he replies with a 'I don't have time for you' tone.
Marinette’s nose scrunches in disapproval (not that she can judge, she’s just as bad as him, but at least she doesn’t look like a train wreck- thank God for make up), but acknowledges the warning nonetheless.
“HR?” She tentatively offers.
“HR.” He confirms, shutting the door behind him.
She thinks it’s a draw, no sharp wit at each other’s necks this time. Point counter for the day: Mari 0, Tim 0.
But then again it's only 9am.
She doesn’t remember when “HR” became synonymous with “I yield”, but it’s the only fun thing about their 6 month old dynamic. It’s their timeout calls when they get under each other’s skin (“Marinette, I’m too sleep deprived, can you please for the love of God stop tapping your fingers?” “Mr. Drake, I’m typing? That’s my job? To type?” “HR!”) or when they’re flushed (“Was that your friend?” “Yeah, that’s Kagami, she decided to facetime me and keep me company for lunch.” “She sounds hot. I’d tap that.” “Same” A beat of silence. “Drake! HR!”), or even just to acknowledge each other in passing, earning weird looks from WE employees (“HR, Marinette.” “HR, Timothy.”).
She almost did report him to the HR department too. Imagine, after enduring several gruelling weeks of scheduling and running errands and taking phone calls, and basically babysitting the man-child of a COE, only for the said child-man-child to dish out ungrateful snarky quips pre-coffee? No respectable woman would want to endure that, and Marinette can stand everything except anyone who thinks she doesn't know her own worth.
Though where others would fold, Marinette braces herself and just lets him dig his own grave. It was more spiteful that way. If anything, she deserves it. Email documentation, nicely played office friendships and a lucky incident of having HR at the right meeting at the right time during one of the “Tim-cidents’ (as she would call it) and she got a pocketful of reports and eyewitnesses against him. Like he deserves.
But before it escalated, THE Bruce fucking Wayne, approaches her to apologize for his son’s behavior out of nowhere. From the head honcho himself, he confirms that no, Tim isn’t this much of an asshole. Yes, he’s just very sleep deprived from work and fearing for some of their land and trade investments near crime alley. No, it’s not personal, there’s just some surprising circumstances in the family they didn’t anticipate and it's taking a toll on the Waynes (“Is it a death in the family sir? Please accept my condolences.” “Actually, quite the opposite, but I’ll still accept the condolence, thanks”.).
He practically begs her with his eyes not to leave as she’s the only one who’s stayed longer than a week as his assistant. The current record for fastest resignation of the position was half a day. Again, like he deserves.
During the day, they barely interact really, aside from him ordering an errand down to the department or her reminding him of his schedule. Most of the time, he barely glances at her and with the same frequency of her stopping herself from cocking a defiant eyebrow.
“Mr. Drake, two things: the department heads from this morning was grateful for the timely start of the meeting, thank you for actually arriving on time. Next, before you leave for lunch, I need you to look over this report for the board- I’ve already populated it with an executive summary of the accounting reports from Finance. I suggest you review it before your 3 o’clock as James mentioned that his team overlooked an overhead cost charge and had to rework some numbers.”
He raises a finger to stop her, barely glancing up from his computer and she has to keep herself from rolling her eyes. “First of all, Ms. Cheng-”
“--Again, it’s Dupain-Cheng Mr. Drake--”
“I’m always on time if I don’t sleep, so tell them to be careful what they wish for as it’s a double edge sword if they’re asking me for funding like that again. And secondly, who the hell is James?”
Marinette frowns. “James is from Finance, you might know him as James Belmont.”
“Ah!” He says with an amused grin and snapping his fingers together while he multi-tasks reading his computer and tap dancing on her nerves. “Tall dude? Ginger? Lanky and a shrimp-like posture?”
Marinette frowns at him but decides to not choose violence too early in the work day. “Wouldn’t describe him as that but yes, he’s the only redhead in the department.”
“That guy is hilariously awkward around girls- god he's still around right? Good, good. Tell me, what's the office gossip say? Does he still blush around those product managers?"
"I don't think that's gonna help you for your Finance meeting Mr. Drake."
"C'mon Cheng, you know I barely can keep away from my desk. Tell me, what did the girls from marketing say about him? Did he confess to them yet? That would be a sight to see."
“Well maybe those girls find that cute.”
Tim continues on without looking up. “Even if he showed the signs of asking them out, I’m pretty sure he’s just gonna get the swerve. Girls like being asked confidently and I’m not so sure he’s at that level of self awareness yet.”
“James is nice, he could ask properly and a girl might agree yknow.”
"Pity date from the pretty girl, then. That boy's as funny as he's kissable, which he is absolutely not."
"James is pretty kissable, I think."
"Oooh office romance. Spicy."
Marinette just huffs, extending the file in her hands to get him to even look at her.
“Sorry to burst your bubble, Cheng, but I don’t think you can even be called a representative of pretty girls, sorry. I can tell if someone’s pretty or kissable or not, and unfortunately for you and your crush, you are the least attractive girl on the entire eastern seaboar-” Amusement ghosts his face and he looks up to her, ready to throw back to her face of her poor taste in men. But he stops himself and frowns up at her.
From the unobserving eye, she looks like how she did any other day, hair in a bun, company sanctioned dress code and a lanyard with her bright-eyed ID. But Tim is smart, Tim is fast. Tim understands the power of the devil in the details. He takes on her higher-than-usual heels, her more form fitting pencil skirt and a lovely flower printed blouse.
He stares at her red lipstick, the color tantalizingly Red Robin-red with a lipgloss finish, and his frown deepens because since when did she wear red lipstick-
“Huh.” The snarky remark dies on the tip of his tongue, a beat too long.
“I think you’ve made your point and I've done mine." Marinette says smugly, handing off the file a little more aggressively than she should at his fumbling fingers. "You know, if you want me to kiss you with these kissable lips, all you have to do is say so confidently Mr. Drake.”
That shuts him up and Marinette smirks.
“Ah. Too early. HR.” Tim mumbles and turns to his computer.
“HR.” Marinette agrees.
Point counter for the day: Mari 1, Tim 0.
Tagging @boldlyanxious @i-love-being-weird @icerosecrystal @mochegato @khneltea @t1dwarrior-of-earth
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rjalker · 3 years
The show probably wants it to be seen how free Adrien feels under the mask and with Ladybug, but it kinda than completely invalidates all relationship he has as Adrien, it's been 3seasons, they could have him lessen up around his friends. He is still problematic this way, so there is no much to that. I actually wonder if they will ever make Adrien act like Chat in the future for longer than one moment, they make these two so different I can't imagine him act this way without the mask.
Yep. They tried to pass it off at first as him being "shy and sheltered" even though by the time the first episode came around, he's been at their school for months.
He knows that his classmates are (generally) good people, and he can be open with them about his feelings. They worship the ground he walks on. They'd be happy to see him happy.
Like you said it's been three seasons now (more than that,actually, considering all the Special™ episodes!), at least almost a full year, there's no excuse for having him act one way around his "friends" and another way entirely when he won't face consequences for it, and then expect everyone to just be fine with this.
There is no reason for Adrien to hide his real personality from his "friends" unless he knows that they would be upset by it. He knows his behavior as Chat Noir is wrong and that's why he only ever does it when he's Chat Noir.
He's not afraid that if he makes puns around people they'll turn on him.
He knows that if they know he enjoys sexually harassing women in his free time that they'll be rightfully disgusted and horrified.
He knows that if they know he's willing to let them all be crushed or drowned while he stands by purposefully doing nothing, that they'll rightfully feel betrayed and enraged.
These writers want us to believe that Adrien is some poor helpless socially awkward rich kid despite the fact that he's been hanging out with normal kids his whole life, and has been in their school for months before the first episode, where he allowed his classmates to be held hostage so he could have fun at their expense, came out.
He's been fencing for years now! That fencing class is filled with kids his age who are so friendly they don't even mind patiently explaining the rules to Marinette when she's confused, even if it means they don't get to focus on the fight in front of them!
And not to mention photoshoots are filled with people! They are not run by robots! Adrien knows how to act around people! He knows how to act around people his own age!
The people in his fencing class are friendly as hell and there's no way they wouldn't be friends with him if the show didn't want to insist he's never interacted with another kid his age ever in his life despite constantly being surrounded by them -.-
And! Not to mention the fact that the writers want to insist he's sheltered and naive, and yet simultaneously insist on having him hand out advice that we're supposed to think is correct even though what he is saying is the exact opposite of what people with morals would say.
But we're not supposed to be angry with him for guilt-tripping Marinette for being glad her bully is finally leaving her alone.
We're not supposed to be angry with him for telling Marinette that if she confronts Lila she's a bad person.
We're not supposed to be angry with him when he says that keeping your bullies happy is more important than standing up for yourself.
We're supposed to think he's right. We're supposed to think that he knows more about what it's like to be bullied than Marinette does. Even though he's also supposed to be sheltered and naive and innocent.
I'm just gonna predict right now June 29th 2021 that if we ever see him act the way he really wants to when he doesn't have the mask on, he'll probably be doing something horrible that we'll still be expected to make excuses for and justify. It'll be something blatantly cruel and horrible and he'll still be portrayed as in the right and we should feel bad for him.
The writers aren't having Adrien do horrible things because they want you to think he's a bad person and know not to emulate him.
They think that the horrible things he does--sexually harassing Marinette, goofing off in battle, refusing to take being a superhero seriously--are good things, and they want you to like him.
And that's the whole problem.
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Me, trying to fine the post: What the fuck was it tagged as? Was it tagged at all? Did I ever see it before? What do I have to do to find it?
God I can't find it because Tumblr sucks ass but here was the basics of the Mar///ibat saltfic deconstruction:
The premise was the setup for the fics, where the class goes to Gotham and Mari manages to charm Damian immediately.
But he's a kid with his first crush and not the healthiest upbringing so he's a bit.... possessive toward her and biased about the class's actions. So the cast's saltfic personas are just his opinion of them.
Mari is still Mari. She's wonderful, but she's not a perfect innocent angel. She still has all her flaws. But Damian's either ignores flaws because of the crush, or doesn't understand that their flaws thanks to his own flawed upbringing.
Lila is still a liar and a jerk, but she's not like. A sociopath. Just a mean teenager. But in all honesty, Damian has little to no reason to think Lila is a liar or a jerk or any kind of threat. More specifically, he has no reason to believe that Marinette is an innocent angel in whatever feud she and Lila have. For all he knows, they're equally assholes and Mari did do something to piss Lila off! Obvs she didn't, but he has no way of knowing outside of figuring out she lied about knowing him because duh.
Adrien is Mari's actual boyfriend. But since Adrien is overly affectionate yet stands by when Lila picks a fight(he comments and is on Mari's side, but doesn't publicly humiliate her and take her down), obviously this is a toxic relationship and Marinette deserves someone better who would 'fight for her' and 'respect her boundries'.
Alya still believes Lila is a good person. However, she is also still Marinette's best friend. Yet Damian sees this as someone's right hand man being a failure for falling for enemy tricks, so Alya must either be a moron, or a traitor and should be dealt with.
Same with the rest of the class.
The original post didn't mention Chloé but here have my girl too! Post-redemption and friends with Marinette! Since Chloé is much more confrontational against Lila, Damian sees her as a good replacement after Alya's 'failure'. And he sees the way she teases Adrien with the 'ugh can you stop making kitten eyes at Marinette for like five seconds?!' as 'calling him out on his behavior'.
So Damian has made some progress and knows he can't just kill them for harming his 'Angel', but he is a goddamn Wayne. And he has the connections to ruin people. So he's totally down to fuck them all over.
Obvs Mari would be horrified at all this, but right now they just think he's some edgelord teen who doesn't like any of them and are ignoring them.
Hopefully all this gets back to Bruce and he pulls Damian aside for a 'kid I understand you like her and you don't know how healthy romance works but this isn't okay!!!!" talk.
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mcheang · 4 years
Packed lunch
A prompt from @agent-numbuh-227
My prompt is: Lila claiming to know the Head Chef of The Grand Paris hotel but doesn't know that the Head Chef is Alya's mom. Lila starts sprouting a bunch of wrong information like calling the chef "he", having meet them when they visited Italy, being like family to them, etc. Bonus: Chloe is the one who tells Lila who the head Chef is and once Lil hears the surname Cesarie, she turns around to see Alya and Nino glaring at her.
Alya and Marinette like to bring food to eat at school. Not only does it save money, but considering their parents are in the food industry, the food tastes better than standard cafeteria food.
Anyway, Lila had joined Alya, Marinette and Nino for lunch as a forced get-along thing set up by Alya. Marinette promises to be nice if Lila doesn’t talk to her or mention her or anything related to her. It was slow progress but it was progress.
As Lila decided to talk about her feats, Marinette calmly listened and ate her food. It was rather like listening to a parrot blathering nonsense. Marinette could just ignore this stuff. By now, she had lost count of the number things Lila had made up which her friends believed. What was a few more lies?
Alya was smiling. This was progress. Marinette wasn’t reacting at all to Lila. Sure it wasn’t ideal; but it was better than scowling and calling her a liar.
Of course Lila wasn’t content about this. But how to provoke Marinette?
She noticed that both Alya and Marinette had lunch boxes. “Oh, your lunch set looks delicious Alya!”
It was grilled venison with mashed potatoes and gravy and carrots. On a restaurant plate, it would look impressive, but in a plastic lunch box, it looked cramped.
Alya: thanks. But my mother’s a Chef. Kind of goes with the territory!
Brilliant. Lila could use this.
Lila: say, I know the head Chef at Chloe’s hotel. Maybe I could introduce your mother to him and they could exchange ideas?
Lila didn’t know much about the Chef, but considering how Chloé once addressed him as Chef Martin (this is a girl who can’t remember her loyal butler’s name, let alone the mother of a disliked classmate), it was a safe bet that the Chef was a male.
Alya: what did you just say?
Lila grinned smugly. Marinette was still eating away, Lila’s voice had become background noise by now. Something to ignore. But not for long.
Lila: oh, he used to work for my family before he started working for the mayor at his hotel. Can’t blame the guy for wanting a promotion. And this way, he’ll get more recognition from hotel guests instead of my house guests. Still; I’m sure you all can agree that Chloe wouldn’t have her head Chef at her hotel if it weren’t for my mother insisting he come with us on every trip. Not to say that Chef Martin isn’t talented. He was once known as the most talented Chef in China before quitting to start a career in Italy. (A dig at Marinette’s uncle). My mom discovered him when she tried his pastries. They were divine. I tell you, Chef Martin’s pastries are probably the best in the world, he can make all kinds of foreign goodies.
Lila knew that Alya would think she wasn’t intentionally insulting Marinette’s bakery. But even Marinette has her family pride.
What Lila didn’t expect was that Marinette truly wasn’t even listening to her. The nerve! And instead of looking impressed and envious, and possibly even begging for an introduction, Alya was glaring at her and Nino was gaping.
Um... was Alya insulted on behalf of her mother? Family pride issue?
A mean-spirited laughed entered the classroom. Chloé stood there, delicately nibbling on a honey macaron. “News flash, Rossi. The hotel head Chef is called Marie Cesaire (ok, she can get surnames right at least). And I don’t know if I would boast about her baking skills if I have to get my desserts elsewhere.” Sabrina was holding a Dupain-Cheng box.
Lila froze. Reluctantly, her eyes shifted to Alya and Nino, both glaring at her.
Quickly backtracking, Lila said, “Chef Martin must have moved. He probably couldn’t stand Chloé’s tyranny.”
Alya: except my mother has been head Chef since before you arrived. There was no chance for her to be replaced by some Chef you made up! Marinette was right about you. You’re a liar!
Lila: no, I’m not!
Alya: oh, yeah? Prove it?
Lila: why are you being so mean to me? I’m telling the truth.
Nino: did you not just hear Alya telling you how she knows you’re lying?
Lila: I...I...i have a condition that makes me lie uncontrollably. Marinette can attest to that.
Markov: there is no such disease.
Max: but there is compulsive lying.
The argument had garnered class attention.
Rose: you don’t know Prince Ali, do you? But where have you been all those months you were supposed to be at school?
Lila: i do know Prince Ali!
But the class was interrupting her now.
“Let’s visit the embassy and ask them ourselves!”
“Um...we’re teenagers.”
Alya: I’m Vice President and I’m within my rights to ask Mrs Rossi on Lila’s health and attendance record.
Chloé: oh you’re all ridiculous. I can just ask daddy to inquire about how Ladybug saved the ambassador’s daughter.
Lila obviously runs away, hoping to catch an akuma. Adrien runs after and sends Plagg to cataclysm the akuma. He does so, but causes the ground to crack beneath Lila, trapping her.
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Lila makes the news, along with her misdeeds.
All the while, Marinette finally looked up when she realized there was an angry mob staring out the door. “What I’d miss?”
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