#and be positive they have not said dumb or offensive shit
stupendousfoxthing · 9 days
Oh please who are you kidding? Taekookers would ofcourse come to his defense not because they really care about Jk getting hate but because taekookers have always supported that group and MHJ because of Tae’s involvement with her, that’s the truth. Even before Jungkook said anything and while everyone hated everything MhJ stood for, tkkrs and tae stans still supported her and an added bonus to you guys is because you think he is standing up against his company and bang pd who you hate with a burning passion. You wanna see taekookers go against him, let him praise or support someone they think has an agenda against their ship and that is when you will see tkkrs real colors. RN tkkrs associate NJ with Tae so Jk supporting them is another win in taekook land but don’t mistake that for true and genuine support.
You're an actual idiot. Taekookers ARE supporting Jungkook out of love for Jungkook. Always. We defend both of them, all the time because they're always getting hate from somewhere. I don't give a flying fuck about NewJeans as a group. I've never listened to a single song of theirs, I've never even accidentally seen one of their videos. I'm not a fan of any other Hybe groups and I don't feel obligated to support them just because they were promoted as BTS's brother/sister groups. What I do care about is a predator like MHJ, and a heartless corporation like Hybe targeting children. That's why I'm so proud of what Jungkook did, and he's absolutely right. MHJ can go to hell. That woman is problematic so many different and disgusting ways. I would never defend her. And the Taekookers I've seen stepping up on Twitter today have been making it clear that he was defending NewJeans and not her. That's the entire point. She's using them too, and she's got some kind of hold over them where they think they can't survive without her.
I don't know what side you're coming from, but trying to say that Taekookers don't actually care about Taekook is a braindead take. Absolutely offensively false. I've been in this community for almost eight years now, and I'm way more confident in my position than you so you're not going to gaslight me into believing this bullshit. There are problematic Taekookers but they are pushed to the fringes and none of the people I fuck with take them seriously. They don't run the conversation either. Taekookers have always policed this space to protect Taekook. Side effect of being public enemy number one in the fandom. You say some dumb shit, we're done.
We're done.
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catwalkvivi · 6 months
well hey, since hardly anyone's looking at this corner of the website anyway I might as well take the opportunity to vent (it's annoying to do it on twitter with the character cap)
Man, social media is hard.
I see so many people posting regular content consistently for years and years without even seemingly breaking a sweat, while it's always been so difficult for me... Calculating engagement, deciding the best times to post, or, hell, even just sharing what they think/feel/made/fucking ate that day just seems, like, so easy and second nature for pretty much everyone around me. It's genuinely incredible to me that somebody can share what they've learned about idk shitty impractical tanks made in WW1 on this website and make it such an interesting read that hundreds of people engage with it!
But I've tried keeping social media accounts for art and stuff so many times now, on here, on Instagram, on Artstation, on Xitter, and eventually it just- kinda- fades away, it just feels so exhausting to keep track of all the things necessary to Chase the Algorhythm™ if you wanna have any relevancy. Is it a charisma thing??? Where do I grind to get a stat boost on my Cha???
I'd love to say it doesn't matter to me, since I've been drawing shit for myself for years now, but unfortunately artists do need social media presence if they wanna get work. Not to mention, well, I wanna reach people with the stuff I do! I want people to react to what I made, to say what they liked about it, or how it made them feel, and then when I post something I worked on for hours only to get, like, almost zero visibility? idk, man, it just kinda hurts. It's probably selfish and immature for me to say it, I know that it takes time and effort to build an audience and all that, but damn I get happy when people show me that something I've made has affected them positively. I like the connection, I like the conversations, I like meeting people who enjoy the same nerdy trash that I do!
(I was very fortunate to have an art post of mine reach a lot of notes here years ago, which was amazing, but it's such a rare thing)
God, and, like, there's all these weird unspoken rules about interacting on social media too.
The other day a friend of mine came up to our friend group and was like "oh my god this girl liked my stories on instagram it means something does she like me" and I was SO confused and then they were like "well, when somebody not on your friends list likes your stories, it means they're interested in you"
Then some time later another friend was telling me that somebody stopped liking her posts and unfriended her and how that is a horrible offense and my fucking brain hurt, like- okay I get the unfriend part kinda but there could be a hundred reasons for it??? it's not like you have a deep personal connection to all 300 friends you have on your account???
Then I see so many people out there simply sharing something they think or did only to have some rando twist what they said and come at them like they're the shittiest person on the planet that deserves everything bad in life actually (except the ones that are willingly spouting/promoting hateful shit to begin with. Those can rot in hell and I shall not mourn their demise)
Like??? It might be the Power of Autism™ in me but it always feels like I'm one step away from either making a fool of myself or offending twenty different people or both. It's both the fear of having hundreds of thousands of eyes on me and the fear of having none at all. And that makes it really difficult to share anything on the internet for me. I already have to deal with my entire existence as a trans woman making some cunts around the world mad, it sucks that I have to risk it in places where I just wanna post dumb drawings and talk about dumb things that make me happy with others.
I dunno. Word vomit I guess. Social media is hard. Interacting with humans is hard. Sharing stuff is hard. I prefer Pokémon
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tyrianluda · 5 days
Dell Conagher destroys bigots with facts, logic, and God's honest truth, that conservatives love to claim they follow, but would shit themselves, when someone who actually knows what he's talkin' about verbally rips them to shreds. Even though he very much would like to do so literally.
That man will build his own damn bar before he ever goes to one flying a conservative flag. Assigning him the bigoted Southerner stereotype, no matter how loud those types of people are, is an insult to his intelligence, and people living in the South in general.
I don't know every single detail behind the confederate flag. But I do know there are a thousand images of bars to be used as reference, inspiration, or the base for a piece depicting Engie. The people flying it do not deserve any attention, or positive associations with the kind of man who would despise them all.
- Penis Anon.
That and also most southern stereotypes along the lines of "dumb racist/republican hick who lives in a trailer park and dates their cousin" just doesn't make sense for him in general. And the reason why is obvious by simply looking at him.
The entire point of Dell's characterization is that he subverts the stereotypes that others outside of the south have for southerners. He subverts the "dumb hick" stereotype by having 11 phds and canonically having a favorite equation. He subverts the concept of "southern hospitality" by him having a god complex and using that said idea as a facade to hide his unhinged behavior.
Literally just analyzing the 'Meet the Engineer" is all someone has to do to understand him (since the shorts are also like a tl;dr of the mercs' personalities).
Not only is it offensive and out of character, it's also just lazy.
"Yeah let's slap this stereotype on him! most people in the south are like anyways" - said by someone who doesn't even live in the south
The only reason someone would headcanon engineer as being racist or think positively of the confederates (the flag or in general), is because they think most southerners are like that; regardless of if it's actually true. And it doesn't do anything except hurt the black southerners that are still forced to feel the historical effects and impact from the confederates constantly.
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99tech99 · 3 months
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Second Part of my Nolan Sorrento Ready Player One fic. Part 1 here.
WARNINGS: kissing, over the clothes action.
890 words under the cut
In the few weeks after your performance review, Nolan found more and more excuses to interact with you under the guise of tutoring IOI’s top employees, but you knew for a fact he wasn’t meeting with anyone else below senior management.
It was actually very endearing how hard he tried not to show how interested he was in you, but could feel him watching you when he thought you weren’t paying attention. You decided to turn it into a game. Shorter skirts, lower cut blouses, tighter pants. Still, incredibly, Nolan maintained his professionalism.
“It’s almost offensive that a man of his personality and position hadn’t made a move,” you thought jokingly to yourself one day. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and by now you were very desperate. You ran home on your lunch, changed into a sheer black lace corset under your blazer, and hurried back to IOI.
You marched up to the door of Nolan’s office and knocked. Without waiting for an answer, you walked right in. Thankfully, Nolan was alone, sitting at his desk. You almost felt bad; he actually seemed to be working for once. His jacket was off, his shirt sleeves were rolled up, and—holy shit—he was wearing glasses. You practically swooned.
“Hello Nolan,” you said, getting ahold of yourself. “Busy day?”
He looked up at you. “Fairly busy, yes,” he said distractedly. “Did we have a meeting scheduled?”
“No,” you replied casually. “I just had a question.” You shut the door and strode purposefully toward him.
He was clearly torn between you and whatever he was supposed to be doing. “Will it be brief?”
“God I hope not,” you replied with a laugh. You paused, giving him a smoldering look.
“Would you like to have sex?”
Nolan jumped about a mile. “I—I—Well, it’s not, it’s just, I shouldn’t, we shouldn’t…”
As he continued to stutter, you took off your blazer and draped it on his desk, revealing your corset underneath. Nolan’s jaw dropped and he finally shut up. Leaning over him, you put one hand on the back of his chair and the other on his desk. “Do I make you nervous, Nolan?” you asked, echoing his question to you at your first meeting. He didn’t speak. Mouth still agape, his eyes roved over your body taking in every detail.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you said, sitting down on the edge of his desk and leaning forward to accentuate your cleavage. “I have to say I’m a little surprised, Sorrento. You don’t seem like a man who would be easily intimidated.”
“I’m not intimidated,” Nolan said a little defensively, finally meeting your gaze. “You’re different than anyone else…You’re extremely intelligent and funny and gorgeous…”
“That’s true,” you agreed nonchalantly. “So what you’re saying then is your type is dumb, pretty girls?”
Nolan was looking extremely uncomfortable.
“Alright,” you sighed. “I thought you might be interested,” you said turning to collect your blazer and go. “But if you’re not, I suppose I’ll just—“
His lips were on yours in an instant. His hands found your waist and pulled you close. “Finally,” you murmured. You reached up to tangle your fingers through his hair. You parted your lips and felt his tongue slip past yours. Your needy moan was muffled by his kiss. Nolan’s hands wandered up your body, caressing your breasts through your corset. You felt his erection hardening against your thigh.
“Fuck me, Nolan,” you pleaded. You started to unbuckle his belt.
“Don’t you want to do this properly?” he asked between your kisses.
You pulled back, panting slightly, looking at him a quizzical look. “Properly?”
“Not at work,” he responded.
“Ooh, no it’s fun at work,” you smiled.
His eyes searched your face. “After a date.”
You blinked. Then instantly everything clicked. You gave an exaggerated gasp and your face lit up with a grin. “Nolan Sorrento!” you exclaimed in delight, “You like me!”
He shook his head, his face turning slightly pink. “It’s just dinner—“
“Mr. Bossman69 actually has a crush! I literally just marched into your office and asked you to fuck me. You don’t have to try to get me to sleep with you; you want to take me on a date because you want to!”
Nolan was very determinedly looking anywhere but at you.
“Ooh it all makes sense now. I can read you like a book, Sorrento! That’s why you never made your move. You’re not intimidated by me, you’re intimidated by your feelings!”
By now Nolan was looking very self-conscious and you absolutely loved it. “We can’t just be mature about this?”
“You love me!” you teased. “You want to get married and buy a house with a white picket fence and have ten kids!”
Nolan held up his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright, let’s not get ridiculous.” He looked at you earnestly, tucking your hair behind your ear. “You deserve to be treated properly. Will you go out with me?”
You smiled mischievously. “You’re cute when you’re flustered.”
He rolled his eyes. “Great,” he grumbled. “I must be downright adorable now.”
You giggled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and went to collect your blazer on your way out of his office.
“So…is that a yes, then?” Nolan called after you.
You turned around, ginning broadly. “Oh-ho, no way! It’s not going to be that easy. Now that I know I have you wrapped around my finger, I’m going to make you work for it, Sorrento!”
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@empresskrennic @allthebestscreennamesaregone63
Part 1 Part 3
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storiesbyrhi · 2 years
Angel of the First Degree - Chapter 10: Royalty
Eddie Munson x Chubby!Reader 8055 words Series Masterlist
Warnings: Anxiety; fatphobia including internalised; drug use; bullying; body issues; discussion of body function and fluids; period shame/stigma; disclosure of sexual assault (chapter 2); disordered eating and thoughts of food; shitty/abusive/critical parents; porn magazines; smut; reference to suicide (specifically Virginia Woolf’s); no beta; grief/mourning; warnings updated each chapter
Synopsis: When Eddie Munson finds you in the midst of a panic attack, it is the beginning of something. A fic featuring body and sex positivity, Eddie in a dress, soft small moments, scary big truths, and all the usual special feelings you’d expect from one of my stories.
Chapter Summary: The dream keeps on getting better, but really… how long can this last?
Author’s Note: Sorry that this chapter came a bit late but I promise it's a good one. The next chapter may be delayed too; I have a bit going on IRL. I'm typing out my soft romance as fast as I can though =^.^= I think I missed a lot of typos in editing too, so forgive pls.
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With Halloween gone, Hawkins High turned its attention to the next event on the social calendar – the end of year dance. The biggest night of a Senior’s year. The last blowout before exams and graduation. The kind of ceremony that people planned all through high school, hoping for dreams to come true. However, not really the usual talking point of the Hellfire table. For this reason, you were surprised when the conversation turned to the dance.
“We’re going,” Jeff said, speaking for him and Esther. “Might be dumb, but we don’t want to look back and regret not going,”
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re really living the all-American high school dream otherwise?” Dustin joked.
“Excuse you, Dustybun, but to deprive the world of me in a flowing powder blue dress and a matching corsage would be criminal,” Esther said, pointing her fork at Dustin menacingly.
“What about you guys? You gonna go since it’s like, your actual final Senior year?” Gareth asked.
Your head had been down the entire conversation, buried in your Classics notes. Although the question had been posed to you both, Eddie didn’t look to you for an answer and you didn’t look up from your notebook.
“You fucking serious? There’s a reason why I’ve never gone to something as mind-numbing as the dance,” Eddie started, voice full of disdain. Everyone at the table felt a Munson rant coming on. “Have you heard the music they play at those things? And the fucking… costumes those conformists wear. No offense, Esther, but everyone looks the same. It’s always blue and pink. King and fucking queen. I would rather have a prostate exam from a bear,”
“Jesus Christ, Eddie,” Jeff said, looking at his girlfriend to see if she was hurt.
Esther was kind of immune to shit like that. She scoffed. “Edward, you honestly couldn’t offend me if you tried. And for real, it kind of just sounds like the excuse of someone that has never been asked to the dance.”
The boys all oooooohhhhh’ed. Eddie grinned at Esther, she smiled back. “I like her. Glad you kept her,” he said to Jeff.
“For fuck’s sake. Nobody keeps me,” Esther proclaimed. “Come on. Let’s go shopping for a costume for you to wear to the conformist parade,” she said to Jeff. Everyone watched them leave.
“I don’t know, man. I just thought you’d wanna go now,” Dustin said, chewing on what he hoped was meatloaf. “Because-”
“I have to go to the library,” you said loudly and suddenly, leaving before anyone, including Eddie, could reply.
It had hurt. A lot. You were heartbroken, bypassing the library and speed walking out the building, across the field, and into the forest you’d hid in at the start of the year.
Back at the Hellfire table, Eddie was unnerved by the sudden silence. “What?” he demanded of his peers. They looked around anxiously, trying to figure out who would tell him. Gareth cleared his throat. “Uh… Dude, I think what… Henderson is sayin’ that, you know, you have a girlfriend… Girls like dances?”
Eddie froze, a million and one thoughts all smashing into each other, nothing coherent. “Yeah, but she’s not… like that,”
“Like what? Just because she’s not a cheerleader anymore, and not all… Plastic or whatever, doesn’t mean that she’s as anti-the man as you,”
“Are you telling me how to be a boyfriend now?” Eddie said, too much venom in his voice, entirely on the defense. He’d messed up. As Gareth rolled his eyes and looked over at Dustin, Eddie narrowed his at the Thinking Cap kid. “Something to add?”
“You dressed as a cat for her, but you won’t take her to the most important part of the Senior year experience?”
“You’re a Freshman, what do you know about the Senior year experience?”
“I know that girls in my classes are already talking about their dance,” Dustin offered in kindness, not trying to make Eddie feel guilty. None of them were, they just loved you and thought it would be your thing.
“Whatever, you don’t know her like I do,”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re right, Eddie. We don’t. Sorry.”
Lunch continued, finding its normal rhythm quickly, but Eddie stayed quiet, sorting through his thoughts and trying to work out how he could possibly unfuck what he had royally fucked up.
After school that day, Eddie felt like a weight had been lifted off him when you were waiting at the van like usual.
“Angel,” he greeted, hugging you tightly. “I’m so fucking sorry. I don’t- I should’ve- I-”
“What are you talking about?” you asked straight-faced. You’d practiced the expression all afternoon.
Eddie could see through it, obviously. He could also see that you’d cried off the makeup you had put on that morning. Fresh mascara coated your lashes but the eyeshadow was gone.
“If you want to go to the dance, I do too. You know that I want whatever you want, and-”
“Eddie,” you interrupted again. “I don’t want to go. It’s just before exams. I don’t wanna get all fucked up, then not be able to focus. Or like, drink all my revision out my head, you know? And also, it’s totally going to be the Hayley show. And Chrissy and Jason will be King and Queen. Super predictable. Honestly. I don’t want to go.”
Eddie frowned and tried to figure out what you were thinking. Everything you said was technically true, but he couldn’t find it within himself to believe you entirely. He didn’t have any way to make it up to you though, so he dropped it. Eddie nodded and kissed you gently.
“Do you promise? You’re not just saying that?” he asked. You nodded into him, giving him no verbal confirmation, which he knew meant you weren’t promising at all.
When your general mood that week didn’t change, didn’t dip into sadness and exhaustion, Eddie thought maybe he had overthought it all. Maybe the guys were wrong. Maybe you really didn’t want to go.
He went round in circles trying to figure it out. Eddie’s best theory was that you thought you wanted to go, because you had wanted to once upon a time, but since Eddie and your new life, something had changed. But you didn’t figure it out until Eddie said what he did. In a way, he woke you up to your own truth.
Bullshit, he called on himself.
Another week went by with nobody mentioning the dance. Eddie was still waiting for the other shoe to drop. That, it did. It was a school night, the coldness of winter setting in early. You and Eddie had been cuddled up on the couch when he watched you shiver.
“You want the fuzzy cardigan or Fangoria hoodie?” he asked.
“Hoodie!” you yelled as he went into the bedroom.
Eddie was definitely not the type to go through your things. He’d been so careful about making space for you when you’d moved in. Letting you have what privacy you could, given how small the room and trailer were. However, you were the last to wear the hoodie. He opened the wardrobe but it wasn’t hanging there.
He started to dig through a pile of clothes on the wardrobe floor when the sparkles caught his eye. A voice in his head screamed DANGER DANGER, but he couldn’t help himself. The pile of clothes was hiding a bag from the fanciest store in Starcourt. He knew what it was as soon as he pulled the dress from the bag.
Eddie sat on the bed and held the dress in his hands. It was so glittery, so you. You would look so fucking cute in it. If he were alone in the trailer, Eddie probably would have cried.
You were wondering what was taking him so long when Eddie finally emerged from your room, not with a cardigan or hoodie, but wearing the gown you had planned to wear to the dance. It hung from his shoulders with a grace you’d never have predicted.
“I think this is what I’ll wear. What about you?” Eddie said casually, swirling the hem of the dress left then right then back again.
You didn’t want to have the conversation; once you knew Eddie’s opinion on school dances, that was it. Call it embarrassment or enlightenment or whatever you wanted, you didn’t care anymore. At least, that’s what you’d been telling yourself.
“Angel?” he asked when you didn’t laugh or give him any response at all. He moved to kneel in front of the couch, which you had laid down on, belly to the sofa and arms crossed under your head like a pillow.
You mumbled out a, “Mmm?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think before I said all that shit. I should have known you’d want to go. Should’ve talked to you first,” he told you.
“Should have known because I’m a conformist?”
“No. Hey,” he said, holding your chin and making you look at him. “I want to do whatever you want to do. I thought you knew that,”
“Doesn’t matter. I don’t want to go anymore anyway,”
“You do. You got this,” he argued, motioning to the dress.
“That was before everything happened. I’ve had that forever,” you lied.
Eddie knew you hadn’t moved in with the dress. He knew it was new. But he knew you lied when you felt backed into a corner. “Okay,” he agreed, nodding and feeling like absolute shit. “For the record – you would look beautiful in this. And I do want to take you to the dance, you know, if you change your mind.”
You said nothing, so he got up and returned to the bedroom. As neatly as he’d ever folded anything, he put the dress back where he found it and sat on the edge of the bed for a bit. He was going to take you to the dance. He was going to make it good. He just needed to figure out how to make you believe that’s what he really wanted too.
In the depths of November, your mood began to change for the worse. It was a combination of too many things. The fear of the future. Exams. The fact that you saw your mother in town and she turned around to avoid you. The goddamn fucking dance.
It seemed like every conversation you overheard was about tulle and silk, about pastels and limos and afterparties. With only three weeks until the event, all of Hawkins High was in an absolute tizzy about it. Gratefully, the Hellfire table knew better than to bring it up. Although, nothing would deter Esther.
“I don’t believe you, you know,” she said when you were fixing your hair in the school toilet mirrors.
“About what?”
“The dance. You do want to go,”
“Nope,” you replied, popping the P and trying to be as casual as she was.
“And,” she continued. “I think Eddie knows you want to go too,”
“Can you just drop it? It’s fine. I’m fine.”
Esther turned and looked at you. “I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but if I can tell something’s up, you can bet your ass he can. I’m just saying… It’s not too late. You just have to not be so stubborn.”
Stubborn? You didn’t think that’s what you were being. Then again, you weren’t sure what you were being. After a couple days of thought, you realised Esther was right. You were being stubborn despite what you really wanted and entirely in spite of yourself. Ultimately, it was because it was scary to admit that Eddie had done something wrong. That, even by accident, he had hurt you.
Having time and space between the toxic friendships you had in previous years, and the relationship between you and your parents, it was easy to cast them as villains. For all intents and purposes, they were. However, that meant casting Eddie as your hero. Faultless. Invulnerable. Just. If you admitted to yourself that he’d fucked up, even in that small way, it could threaten to tear down the safety you pinned so dangerously to the idea of perfect Eddie. So, you carried on as you had been.
When the countdown hit the two-week mark, Eddie decided to try to get you to talk. He knew you always felt better when you stopped bottling it all up.
You had put yourself to bed early, it was somewhere between 9:00 and 10:00 pm. Wayne was at work, and Eddie was cleaning up after dinner. When he walked into the bedroom, the door ajar, he watched the way your body moved under the blankets. He’d never tell you, because he was sure it was creepy, but he could tell the difference between the way you breathed in your sleep versus awake and just lying in bed.
Eddie pulled his clothes off and got into the bed. As he reached out and ran the knuckle of his index finger down your spine, he asked, “Do you want to talk about it?”
If you wanted space, you would have not answered. Instead, you shook your head no.
Eddie moved closer to you, wrapped one arm around your waist, and felt a surge of happiness when you took his hand in yours. “Do you want to… kiss about it?” he alternated, pressing a kiss to your neck.
It made you smile, then you felt annoyed he’d pierced your grumpy mood. Then you felt guilty for trying to keep yourself grumpy. What the hell was wrong with you?
“Do you want something from my secret stash of presents for you?”
It was an admission you couldn’t ignore. Turning to lay on your other side, facing Eddie, you made a face at him. “You do have a stash. I knew it,”
“Thought you might have gone looking for it,”
“I don’t go through your stuff,”
“Yeah, but, I don’t know. The curiosity would’ve killed me… Anyway. Something to cheer you up?”
Eddie jumped from the bed when you nodded and started rifling through a drawer. With the bedroom light back on, he handed you a frame about the size of one of your notepads.
“Figured it was the end of the collection,” he explained. Inside the frame was a white piece of paper with the pressed flowers you’d been storing in your History book taped to it. “I saw you take them all out a while back. Thought you might do something with them, but you didn’t,”
“I didn’t know what to do with them. I just put them-”
“Yeah. In The Hobbit. I found the frame when I was going through shit in the hall cupboard.”
You remembered the first time Eddie handed you a little wildflower. It felt like years prior when really it wasn’t all that long ago. Things had moved slowly at first, then quickly by anyone’s standards. Living with Eddie made everything before that seem ancient.
“I love it,” you told him, eyes glassy with happy tears. You could see where Eddie had struggled with the tape, it folding and creasing in places, his fingerprints visible in a few spots. It made it more special.
Eddie watched you put it on the bedside table, leaning against the wall so you could see it from any point in the room.
“I know I can’t make you feel better about everything,” Eddie said then, suddenly serious.
“You shouldn’t have to,” you replied.
“Yeah, but… I just need you to know that when I can, I will,”
“Okay.” You didn’t know exactly what he was talking about, if it was a reference to your parents and taking you in, or the valium slipped before class presentations, or if he was still thinking about the dance. It didn’t really matter. You believed him. “I love you,”
“I love you too, angel. So fucking much.”
The two of you stayed in bed, melted into each other. You touched each other slowly, with more intensity than any of the previous encounters. For hours, you messed around in the dark, practicing ‘everything but,’ until you fell asleep naked, fulfilled, and in love.
Two weeks later, there was a car outside the trailer you didn’t recognise. It was the type of car that made it onto the bedroom walls of teenagers, so cool and sleek, a deep red colour. Wayne almost never had visitors and you knew for a fact Eddie didn’t know anyone who could afford a car like that. You were still staring at it as you climbed the steps and entered the trailer.
A started gasp. Your eyes went wide. There were stars made of silver paper hanging from the ceiling; you looked up at how they were stuck there with fishing line and duct tape. Eddie stood next to the kitchen counter, where he had been waiting for you to get home.
He was in a suit. Like, for real. He had black tailored pants and a suit jacket. A white button-up sat underneath, fitted, and tucked. Eddie still looked like himself. His Chuck Taylors ‘for special occasions’ had been selected, rather than dress shoes. His hair was still curly and free and beautiful. Eddie picked up a red pocket square, tucked into his suit’s pocket like Wayne had taught him in preparation for this moment.
He held out a floral corsage.
“Angel, will you go to the dance with me?”
You were nodding before the doubt or the fear or anything bad even had a chance to spark alive at all. When you threw yourself into Eddie’s arms, he spun you around the room.
“Is that what the car’s for?!” you squealed, looking back out the door.
“Of course. Only the best for my baby. You’ve got about an hour to get ready. Go,” he ordered, smacking you on the ass as you squealed again and ran off to do your makeup.
Eddie lit a joint and stood in the doorway of the trailer, proud of himself for fixing the fuck up and genuinely buzzing to spend the night finding all the ways to make you happy.
Eddie made you laugh so hard that you got lightheaded. He kept saying stupid shit about the fancy car he’d rented, “She purrs like a kitten,” and honking the horn for no reason. By the time you got to the school, you felt high on love.
While you gathered the skirt of the sparkly pink dress in your hands, Eddie parked and came around to open your door.
“Angel,” he said, offering a hand for you to take.
The school gym had been transformed into an entirely over-the-top and very cliché winter wonderland. Eddie held in the urge to roll his eyes and gag; it was easy once he looked over at you and the ear-to-ear smile on your face.
“We should get photos first, before my makeup wears off,” you suggested.
“Anything you want.”
Although Eddie felt self-conscious in front of the camera, classmates watching from the line, he could feel how excited you were. You stood spooned together and smiled as the photographer tried to make you say ‘cheese.’
“Alright, one for me now,” Eddie said, turning you around and picking you up in a big bear hug. The camera flashed and you laughed.
After photos, you found your way to the table Jeff and Esther were seated at.
“You look so good!” Esther yelled, standing to hug you.
Jeff and Eddie quickly got lost in their own conversation, no doubt judging the sorry excuse for a band playing on stage.
“You can say ‘I told you so.’ You look like you’re gonna burst,” you offered Esther, an olive branch for brushing her off so coldly whenever she had tried to talk to you about the dance.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” she replied. “I will, however, take my payment in the form of a dance?”
The guys watched as you and Esther slow danced together, all giggles and glitter.
“Dude,” Jeff mused.
“I know,”
“This is not how I thought my Senior year would end.”
Eddie snorted. “Which part? The girlfriend? School dance? The miracle that is your predicted exam grades.”
Jeff looked at him. “How’d you know about that?”
“Those girls tell each other everything. Congrats, man. On it all. Couldn’t think of a more deserving man,”
“You getting soft on me, Munson?”
Eddie grinned, and put his arm around Jeff’s shoulders. “I’ve always been soft on you,”
“Fuck off,” Jeff replied with a laugh.
“Love youuuuu,”
“Yeah. Yeah. Love you too. Now gimme back my personal space.”
Eddie held his hands up in surrender, then kicked back in his chair. “They’re happy,” he noted, going back to watching you and Esther.
“Yeah… And, uh, you? You’re happy?” Jeff asked, not sure of the words coming from his mouth.
“Yeah, man. She’s…” My moon. My stars. My sun. My everything. “Cool. I’m happy.”
There was mediocre punch, then there was spiked punch. Swinging across the dancefloor to songs neither of you really liked. There was party food and bored parent chaperones.
When the band stopped playing and Principal Higgins took centre stage, everyone knew what time it was. From your table, you looked around the room. Hayley was clearly pissed that she wouldn't be queen. People might be nice to her face, but most of the cohort feared her. An anonymous voting system ensured she’d never reign. Besides, nobody stood a chance against Chrissy and Jason, already deemed royalty by most people.
“We’re just having some technical issues. Hold on a moment,” Higgins said into the microphone. You and everybody else watched as people ran on and off the stage, whispering.
“I’m gonna get food,” Eddie whispered to you.
“Wait. Something’s wrong?”
“What?” He looked you up and down, and when you turned and saw the concern on his face, you almost laughed.
“Not with me. I think… they’ve lost the crowns?”
Chrissy and Jason were still crowed, albeit without actual crowns. Jason held a plastic scepter, and Chrissy a bouquet of white roses. Some people cheered, but most half-heartedly clapped.
Eddie was entirely uninterested. “I think they’ve got chicken nuggets. I’ll be back.”
The rest of the dance you watched your ex-friends monopolise most of the dance floor and attempt to make everyone else feel like shit. It wouldn’t work on you. Not then. Not that night. Not with Eddie.
Eddie, who kept asking you to dance, pretending to be some nervous kid. “I can’t believe you danced with me,” he said, funny voice. “I’ve like, had a big ol’ crush on you and thought – tonight’s the night. I’m gonna ask her tonight.”
It was stupid but it made you laugh. It made you blush and bury your face in the crook of his neck while he held you close, slow danced with you like he was born for it.
“Babe, you’re the hottest girl in this room. A walking piece of art,”
“Never,” he replied immediately. “You’re pretty and smart and kind and beautiful and funny and sweet and you always smell good and are just… I fucking love you,”
“I love you too. I love you so much. Thank you. For tonight. And every night. And knowing how to…” You didn’t want to say ‘look after me’ because it made you feel childish and broken, and Eddie was teaching you that you weren’t either of those things. “Knowing what I need, before I do sometimes.”
Eddie smiled softly, let go of your hips, and held your face in his hands. He kissed your forehead, then nose, then checked on you for a second before kissing you, deeply, letting you kiss back and decide when you wanted to part your lips, let him in.
Later, as the gym was beginning to empty and students found afterparties to attend, you were waiting for Eddie to come back from the bathroom. You spotted him as he re-entered the gym, getting stopped by one of the techy Seniors that bought weed off him sometimes.
They whispered, something exchanged hands, and Eddie was back before you knew it. He looked at you, smirked, and you thought he might say something about it. Normally, Eddie would use his weirdly amazing intuition to see straight through you, see your mind filling with doubt.
Did he change his mind about the dance just so he could come and sell?
That was the old you, though, right? The old you would fixate on the thought. Sabotage happiness.
“You ready to go, angel?”
“Yeah. My feet are killing me,” you replied, looking down and twinkling the toes sticking out of the heels you wore. You should have donned matching Chucks.
After bidding Jeff and Esther a good night – they were off to Esther’s parent-free house – Eddie wrapped his jacket around you before disappearing into the cold night to get the car; he wouldn’t let you walk the short distance across the parking lot. You lost track of him in the crowd though, couldn’t see him until the red car came roaring around the corner.
“Angel,” he greeted, leaning across to open the passenger door. As you climbed in, quickly pulling your shoes off, Eddie continued. “So, I have two more surprises for you. First one is in the back seat.”
He was pulling out from the lot, following other car loads of students until they turned down other streets and went loudly into the bitter Hawkins evening.
“Oh my god! EDDIE!” you screamed, getting on your knees and balancing precariously to pick up the crowns. You bounced back into your seat, put your seatbelt on, and looked at the cheap plastic things. “You stole the king and queen crowns?!”
“No. I’m not sneaky enough for that. I paid someone else to steal them,” he clarified. Oh. That’s what that was. “Figured we deserved them more. You deserved it.”
Having a boyfriend who would do something so audacious for you was way better than winning a popularity contest. Being crowned a queen by Eddie was infinitely more rewarding than walking that stage ever could have been.
You put your crown on and Eddie’s too. He wore it well, lighting a cigarette with one hand and holding it out the open window.
“Can you drive faster?”
“Anxious to get home?” he asked with a grin. You nodded. “Well, first thing’s first: we aren’t going home. And secondly: no. I have a long list of things I wanna do to you, my queen, but putting you in the hospital sure as fuck isn’t one of them,”
“We’re not going home?” That’s what you had locked onto. Surely Eddie wasn’t going to gatecrash an afterparty. You didn’t want to be around anyone but him.
“No, we’re not. But don’t worry. You’re gonna like this.”
He was right, because Eddie was always right about you.
“Now, it’s not the penthouse suite at The Ritz, but it is very literally the best money can buy in Hawkins,” he introduced as he pulled up to the one nice hotel in town. It had valet parking, which was a novelty to both you and Eddie.
A man, wearing the hat and everything, collected the bags from the car’s trunk. Eddie had packed them in secret. Inside everything was classy, all gold Art Deco and Gatsby. Eddie checked in, and you listened to the interaction. The person at reception spoke to Eddie as if he was any other hotel guest, respectful and helpful. Part of you was expecting to be kicked out on sight.
“Technically, it’s the honeymoon suite,” Eddie said as soon as the door had been closed behind you both, welcome champagne and strawberries pointed out upon arrival.
“Do they think we just got married?” you asked him, your speech a little slow, distracted and in awe at the size of the room. The bed alone was probably bigger than the whole bedroom you and Eddie shared. The suite itself could rival the trailer.
“Nah. We’re pretty obviously dressed. The crowns and all.”
You gasped, grabbing the plastic on your head. “What if they hear about what happened? What if they tell someone?”
Eddie had dropped the bags on the floor near the built-in wardrobes. “Don’t think people outside of high school give a shit about that kind of thing. Besides, I think discretion is part of their job.” He turned around just in time to watch you launch yourself face-first onto the bed.
“So soft,” mumbled into the fresh, crisp linen.
Eddie laughed, then turned his attention to the radio. Once an acceptable station had been found, he poured two glasses of champagne. “Are the strawberries, like, for the champagne?”
“What do you mean?” you asked from your position on the bed. You’d pushed back the top sheet and quilt and perched yourself against the plush velvet headboard.
Eddie thought you almost looked like a fairy. Pink organza and sparkles sitting in a field of white. A fairy queen.
“Like, does it go on the glass, like a slice of lemon?”
“No. You just eat them with it. Like how cookies and hot cocoa go together.”
Eddie made an oh, okay face, and brought the glasses over, placing the bowl of juicy strawberries on the bedside table. He kicked off his shoes and carefully hung the suit jacket on a coat hanger. When he climbed next to you, you handed him his glass.
“Cheers,” he repeated.
A soft clink of crystal and you downed your glass. It took Eddie longer; the bubbles fizzed in the back of his throat and it burned in a different way than cheap beer or whisky.
He let his head roll back and rest on the velvet, eyes following your hands as they picked up a strawberry and brought it to your mouth. As your lips wrapped around it and you bit into the fruit, juice ran down your chin. Eddie shot his hand out and caught it before it could fall to ruin your dress or the linen. He sucked the juice off his hand, happy to taste anything that came from you.
“You don’t like the champagne,” you observed, breaking the moment’s spell.
“Never had it before,”
“I don’t normally like it, but this is good,”
“Guess it’s one of those things that’s only good when it’s good, you know? Like, when it’s quality,”
“Makes sense,” you agreed. “What are you going to drink?”
“Don’t worry about me, angel.” Eddie was on his side, pulling you closer and kissing your neck. “I’ve got a couple tricks up my sleeve,”
“Are you gonna raid the minibar?”
“I’m gonna raid the minibar.” And he was up and kneeling in front of the small fridge, rifling through it.
You got up and poured more champagne, popped another strawberry in your mouth, and watched Eddie move on to searching through all cupboards and drawers in the suite. He took all the teeny tiny shampoo and conditioners, and anything else that wasn’t glued down.
Eddie finished his quiet rampage, turning his attention back to you. He started to blush, and it hurt when he started to justify his actions. “For Wayne. Like, a souvenir. ‘Cause he helped pay for-”
“Eddie,” you interrupted softly. It’s okay. You don’t need to explain yourself. “I love you.”
His posture visibly relaxed. “I love you too,”
“Can you do me a favour then?”
“See those big fluffy bathrobes?”
Following your request, Eddie got undressed carefully, hanging the rest of his clothes with the jacket. He pulled one of the robes around himself and jumped onto the bed.
“I think Cuddly Eddie is my favourite,” you told him, smiling up at him.
“Come ‘ere and tell me that again,” he replied, holding out grabby hands.
“Let me just cha-”
Eddie hopped from the bed to land in front of you, stopping your path to the other bathrobe and eliciting a small yelp from you.
“Sorry, but, ah, I’m gonna need you to stay in this for just a little bit longer.”
Goosebumps broke out along your arms, and you sucked in your bottom lip. “Okay,” you whispered.
Eddie nodded at the bed, and you climbed back in. He turned the lights off, leaving only moody lamp light to see through. He returned to you, and you both got comfortable laying on your sides facing each other.
“So… did I do good?” Eddie asked, his voice gentle, his hands taking yours so he could cover them in kisses. He looked at you with those big brown eyes.
“Yep, you did the absolute best,” you praised, turning your arm so it would be wrist-up, letting him kiss along your veins.
“Can you… tell me?” There was a rare tone of nervousness in Eddie’s voice. If he was even a little bit nervous, it meant he was vulnerable. It meant he trusted you.
“You want me to tell you that you did good?”
You just wanted to be sure, wanted to give him precisely what he was asking for, and judging by the way his pupils blew out and the barely-there nod, you were. You knew what he wanted.
“You did so well, baby. Everything’s been perfect. You’re perfect,” you started, voice low but not a whisper.
Eddie wriggled closer to you, held you close, rested his head on your chest. You began to play with his hair, aimless and tender.
“And, all the other girls I know had to basically tell their boyfriends or whoever to ask them. But you had a whole plan, because you’re… ridiculous like that. You make everything special. Even the car ride and taking photos and just everything.”
Eddie was glad you couldn’t see his face. His eyes were welling up with tears. He thought hearing the praise would be good foreplay. Instead of the words going straight into his pants, they were settling in his heart.
“And you looked so hot in your suit. Kind of strange to see you all dressed up like that. But I guess you have to get used to it because that’s what you gotta wear to music award shows and stuff, right?”
He chuckled at that.
“Oh! I don’t know if you planned it or not, like maybe you just couldn’t get pink so close to the date, but the red corsage matched-”
“Your ring,” he cut in. He’d wondered if you had noticed.
“You did it on purpose?”
Eddie nodded into you. “Always thought pink and red go good together,”
“They do,” you agreed, holding your hand up and watching the ruby catch the light at different angles. For a second you forgot you were on a mission. “And the crowns! I thought I saw you selling, but you were being a different kind of bad.” Eddie liked how you said bad. “It’s so… you. It’s like, this super romantic thing but it’s a big fuck you to the whole idea of school dances, and you know Jason is probably gonna be bitching about it for the rest of the year. He’ll probably bring it up at the ten-year reunion,”
“We coming back for that?” Eddie asked bravely.
“No. We’ll be too busy,”
“Doing what?”
“I don’t know… Being in love,”
“Sounds good,” Eddie thought out loud. “Sounds really fucking good to me, angel.” Your red-coated nails scratched against his scalp, making Eddie’s whole body tingle.
“Do you want me to keep going?”
“Please,” he whispered on a breath out.
“Then, after all that, you bring me here. This must have cost you so much…”
It didn’t start so emotional; you’d honestly just tried to call him a good boy and get him all worked out, the same way he could do to you. But then you started to think about it, started to ramble, and you were reminded of how goddamn special Eddie was. How the night was perfect, ripped from the pages of your Eddie-coded love stories.
“All the kind and thoughtful and weird things you’ve done for me, not just tonight but all year… It’s like, made up for everything else that’s happened to me, you know?”
There was something in that. Did Eddie treat you like a queen because the world owed you and he was doing his part? Or would he be the same doting boyfriend even if the rest of your life had been peachy? Did one mean more love than the other? A different kind of love?
Eddie’s brain was going around in circles and he decided to shelf the thoughts, and come back to them another time.
Giving yourself a couple beats of breath, you reigned yourself in from the emotional cliff of love, setting yourself back on the path you had intended to take.
“On top of all of that, you make me feel so warm… and tingly… and like, I get this weird heavy drunk feeling sometimes when you do stuff to me.”
Eddie smooshed his face into your chest, dramatically groaning. “Tingly?”
“Where?” he asked, untangling himself from you and sitting up against the velvet headboard.
You followed him, obeying his commands as he held his hands out for you to take, and he brought you over him to straddle his lap.
“Um, well, it starts in my nose,” you explained, watching Eddie’s amused expression. “It goes down and I can feel it all across my neck and chest.” You used your hands to show him, open palm mapping out the hot spots. “It’s like butterflies in my tummy.” A year ago, you never would have willingly drawn attention to your stomach, but you hadn’t even given it a second thought. “Down my spine, and it doesn’t matter how much I arch or bend, it’s always just… I don’t know, running up and down.”
Eddie hadn’t blinked, mesmerised by the very cute and very hot show you were putting on.
“Then I feel it in my thighs, but like, just on insides, where I’m soft,”
“So soft,” Eddie involuntarily repeated. His breathing was getting heavier by the second.
“Yeah. And, uh, where it’s most like that, most tingly, is in my underwear, where only you’re allowed to be,”
“Where exactly is that?” Eddie asked, desperate to hear you say any word that could be deemed even half dirty.
None of the words felt right, either too obscene, too clinical, or too childish. But Eddie was hanging on your every goddamn syllable, and you wanted to see what happened when you said something… like that.
Leaning forward, you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought yourself close to him. It would be easier if you didn’t have to watch him watch you. You kissed the side of his face, then behind his ear, letting your hot breath do some of the work for you.
“Eddie-” He shuddered under you. “You make me… You make my pussy tingly, and warm, and I want you so bad,”
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” was all you heard before he had you flipped onto your back, legs spread, and underwear coming off. You were giggling when you felt his lips come into contact with you.
“See… Just… like that,” you praised. “Jus’ like…”
Eddie made you cum once, then afraid to ruin your dress, he helped you up and lifted the dress over your head, putting it on a hanger next to his suit. You watched him, heart all aflutter.
“Again,” he ordered, manhandling you back onto the bed.
“‘Kay,” you agreed happily.
The second time, Eddie had lost himself in the taste of you and how your feet curled and the sounds you made. He watched you more carefully, lifting his head from your body to watch you as he slipped a third finger into you. You grabbed the sheets and pulled, whining and panting and then, pressing down onto Eddie’s hand, doing the work for him.
“Ah, fuck, good girl,” he murmured not loud enough for you to hear. Eddie was grinding himself against the bathrobe and bed, the fabric of the robe creating perfect friction. As you got yourself closer and closer to orgasm, fucking yourself on Eddie’s fingers, he quickly caught up.
You were saying his name over and over, voice getting higher and back lifting from the bed. He took over from you, pumping hard and fast, pulling not just the orgasm from you, but a wave of warm, clear liquid that Eddie immediately started to lap up, making you writhe against his mouth as he wrapped his arms around your thighs to stop you from crawling away from him.
Senses coming back, you could hear first. Eddie swapping between your name, angel, various praises about doing such a good job, and something about the word ‘gush’ which would have made you embarrassed under any other circumstance.
Rich strawberries and fresh clean linen. That dominated the scents of the room. Distantly, Eddie’s shampoo and your perfume.
Your vision was a little fuzzy, so you focused on the ceiling until you had enough energy to sit up on your elbows and look down at Eddie, who had rested his head on one of your thighs, closed his eyes, and wore the sweetest smile. It was completely at odds with what he was doing only seconds before.
Everything felt soft, lavish under your fingertips. And, your mouth tasted of nothing, instead your tongue pressed against your teeth, begging you to find Eddie’s lips and kiss.
“Already did.”
It was stupid but it made you laugh. “Okay, good, but come here, to me, please.”
Eddie stood, taking off the robe he’d made a mess of, then came to where your arms were held out in wait. He pulled the covers down and brought them back over both of you, finally cuddling up with you. He kissed the top of your head, more content than he’d been in… He couldn’t remember.
“I want to have sex,” your small but sure voice came from under the covers.
Eddie couldn’t help but laugh at the finality of your statement. All business.
“Why are you laughing at me?” you squeaked, looking up at him with the cutest angry face.
Eddie leaned down and kissed you. “Mm’not laughing at you. Promise. You just sounded… I don’t know. I’m not laughing. I swear.” Pulling another cute, angry, and suspicious expression, Eddie kissed you again. “We-we can, yeah, do… that,”
“Only if you want,” you said then, a little thrown by his reaction.
“I want!” he almost yelled. “Sorry. Fuck. Sorry.” He lowered his voice. “I want. And I like… No, wait, I’m proud of you… you know, for asking… None of that came out right,”
“It’s okay. I know what you mean.”
Eddie meant ‘for you to get to the point where you can verbalise what you want is so fucking massive, and I am infinitely in awe of your progress and entirely in love with you’ and you knew that.
“Um, I might have, planned… for this… just in case, you know?” he told you, trying very hard not to sound like he did all of it to earn sex, like you’d ever think that.
Eddie paused to look at your face. You were glowing, happy, excited. Eddie nodded, “Yeah.” He retrieved a packet of condoms and bottle of lube.
You’d never really seen either, so were curious, took them both from him and read the packaging. “Strawberry flavour? To match the champagne?” you joked.
“No. Not even I’m that cheesy. It’s all they had. Hawkins, you know?”
“What could you get out of Hawkins?” you wondered out loud.
“Any other flavour. No flavour. Glow in the dark. Some that feel real cold. Some that feel hot. Sky’s the fucking limit,” Eddie answered, no comedy all education.
“Oh… Where… from?”
You’d trapped him. Eddie grinned and scrunched his nose up at you. “There’s, ah, a sex store… in Lafyette,”
“Can you take me?”
Eddie’s eyebrows rose and his grin got wider. “Yeah? Absolutely… Jesus, you’re killing me in all sorts of ways tonight, angel.” Eddie pounced, tickling you and making you kick the air and squeal. When tears were running down your cheeks, he stopped to watch you catch your breath. “You good?” he asked, brushing hair from your face.
“I’m good,” you whispered back, looking at him like he was your whole entire world.
“Good. Come ‘ere.”
Eddie devoted a lot of time to making sure you were ready; mind, body, and soul. He wanted jelly legs and dripping wetness. Heart beating fast. Clammy hands. He wanted you begging, which you did. You whined his name, pushed at his face with your nose.
“I got you,” he said, getting himself between your legs. Everything about your body was screaming please and ready. You were so warm and open, and his mind was going to short circuit if he didn’t pull himself together.
You wriggled under him, getting comfy, then wrapped your legs around his waist. Eddie hissed at the feeling, making you smile.
“Here, put this under your butt.” Eddie placed a pillow there, and two under your head. He was fussing over you, then the condom, and it was adorable.
“Eddie, hey, hey,” you almost clicked at him like a puppy. “I’m good.”
He nodded, suddenly nervous. You, on the other hand, were somehow the opposite. No nerves. No anxiety. You just really, really wanted to feel him.
The kissing started off slow, then needy and messy. You felt caged in by his arms, pressed into the mattress by his hips; you loved it. Safe in a bubble.
“Uh-huh, yes,”
“‘Kay, just, ah, tell me… if… anything,”
“I know. I will.”
Eddie nuzzled into your neck, kissed your skin lazily. He was painfully hard and just a little terrified that he’d cum within seconds. You felt him glide himself over your clit, and down, lining the tip up. Eddie looked at you as he slowly pushed in.
Your eyes were closed and your mouth opened, a happy gasp escaping. He couldn’t read what it meant when your eyebrows pulled together, but he knew the look of pleasure on your face. Eddie stopped himself from asking you if you were okay; he didn’t want to ruin the moment for you.
The arch in your back. How hard your fingers were gripping his arms. The smile forming on your face.
Then, he had bottomed out, whimpered, and the sound cut through you. You needed him to do it again, so you bucked your hips. It worked, a string of chaotic noises coming from him.
“Are you gonna move?” you whispered.
“Um… No… I’m gonna fuckin’ cum,” he admitted, a bark of laughter ending his sentence.
“It’s okay if you do. Honest. This feels really good,”
“Doesn’t hurt?” he asked. You shook your head. “At all?”
“No. I read in a magazine that it’s a myth that it’s normal to hurt. Like, it can. But not like how people always say,”
“Oh… okay,” was all he could say. How the fuck were you forming full sentences? “Jus’ tell me… if, ah, faster… or whatever.”
You nodded at him, let go of his arms to reach up and fold his hair behind his ears. When you ran your hand along his face, he rubbed his cheek in your palm.
“Kiss,” you ordered.
Obeying, Eddie shifted his weight onto his elbows, let his hands find your hair, then kissed you. Slowly, he started to move, careful, deep movements. He was able to find a rhythm that made you bite back a stupid grin.
“Faster,” you asked, breathy.
“If I do… I won’t… last,”
“S’okay. Please.”
Faster felt deeply right. Like you were exactly where you were meant to be.
Your mind went blank, and you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled Eddie down against you hard. He was panting, swearing, and just over a minute later, he came harder than he ever had before.
Almost all of Eddie’s weight was on you, but it was comfortable. Before he could speak or check on you, or even pull out, you’d sighed happily and then, much to Eddie’s amazement, passed out.
When he got up, respectfully cleaned you best he could, and tucked you in, Eddie kissed your forehead and whispered, “I love you, lightweight.”
Next Chapter: 11- Afterglow
Fic Taglist: @ajeff855 @b-barnes04 @eddie-munson-is-a-sweetheart @nerd-squad-headquarters @word-wytch@harrys-tittie @munsonsmel0dy @sidthedollface2 @eddiethesexy @bardicfrustration @orpheusredux @munsonsgirl71 @a-time-for-wolvess @rosaline-black @thegirlwhohides @emotionaldreamer @e0509 A@briasnow-blog @kiyastrf94 @erinsingalong @rainylana
Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @munsonlives @sweetpeapod @depressooo---expressooo @thorfemmes @hawkins-high @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob @mymoonisalways-in-scorpio @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair
258 notes · View notes
fruitbasketball · 10 months
everyone said paige can play any position and could carry her team but now they’re complaining that she has to do that. Literally the same ppl who said she needs to get the ball every time so she can be npoy are now complaining that she needs to drop 30 a night
I get that she shouldn’t have to, but why does she get excuses no other player gets? I don’t see how her at PG would’ve helped her shoot any better or not get shut down by Rori ya know?
I don’t mean to hate on Paige but I feel like every other player gets dragged tf through the mud for an off game. Ppl said Azzi should come off the bench bc she wasn’t being aggressive enough, when homegirl was clearly just trying to prevent an ACL tear
But when Paige has an off game, it’s everyone else’s fault?
Not by any means saying it’s all her fault, but I also don’t think she’s the only one above criticism
i literally feel like no one has EVER SAID that paige should carry uconn because that’s like… dumb. why does any uconn team in the history of uconn need to be carried??? it’s fucking uconn
i think her running the floor and at the pg rather than being in a position where her current pg (nika) is a little TOO reliant on her for scoring is more productive for the team
paige is by NO MEANS above criticism. she played a shit game last night. my issue is that this is the kind of team that SHOULD NOT NEED a singular star player to play an insane game every night. this is a GOOD. ASS. TEAM. i want to know why they are not PLAYING LIKE IT.
i think for this game tbh rori just played a good fucking game and i’m down bad for her because of it and there was nothing the guards could have done in that case. but texas is a pretty big team. we start amina taylor and madison and rori has the ability to really elevate on her middy shot. i think the solution here was bigger presence, but ice wasn’t really doing that the way she should have.
idk this team is playing like they’ve never set foot on the floor together. so many missed opportunities for transition offense, paige getting frustrated and allowing it to affect her game, no one looking at the SCOUTING REPORT?? giving rori AND MADISON space in the midrange?? it’s just frustrating to see a team we KNOW has the capability to terrorize the league and not doing it.
FUCK injuries bro FUCK this fucking uconn curse FUCK this season
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evakuality · 1 year
4 years of Druck s3 - week 9
Things of note this episode:
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1.  The relief, honestly.  Seeing them at this point, all ;yep we love each other’ was so cathartic.  We’d all been through the wringer this week (the pacing!! was so frustrating!!!! even without the emotions that came with it) and we all really really needed this!  To that end, the yelling and the huge emotions in this scene were also really needed and cathartic.  But it wasn’t until the ‘I love you’s that I was able to relax.  The follow-up social media was really good too, and definitely cemented this feeling, and I just love it all so much.
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2.  I love the way this relationship with his mother has developed.  Over the last three episodes, Matteo has become more understanding  of his mother and her issues.  And through this whole thing with David, he’s just wanted to reach her.  He’s talked about her or to her so much lately but it’s not until now that he really allows himself to feel his emotions around all of this.  
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3.  Before the relief we had sad boy time again.  It still makes my heart hurt how strongly he feels everything.  I mean, it’s good in that at the start of the season his sad boy aesthetic was much more about being checked out and apathetic, but he’s still not happy, he feels that on a bone deep level, and it hurts.  Even if, as I remind myself, he gets to be happy at the end of the episode, it’s hard to watch these earlier bits.  The one really positive thing is that he has people supporting him now, and those people are fully aware of who he is and they’re still there for him.  There’s also a sort of relief in that as well - AND that allows him to be all ‘actually David, I don’t promise it won’t be shit because it probably will, but you have me and you have this whole support group so you have time to deal now’ and I kind of love that he keeps taking lessons he’s learned for himself and gifting them to others.  
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4.  Speaking of people supporting him, I do really love the bond he has with this little group of guys.  They really are, as he says here, the best friends a guy could have.  They’re chaotic, often dumb, occasionally offensive and yet they have hearts of gold and they are totally there for Matteo particularly now they have all the details about what’s going on with him.  Plus, even now they are ready to welcome David 100%.  It’s sad to read Matteo’s messages about ‘hey David will be back by then, can he come too?’ when we know what’s going to happen.  But the fact the boys are all so chill about having him there is lovely.  They’re lovely.
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5.  Amira’s brand of pep talk actually works here because Matteo is in a better place.  And also because they did their little clarification the previous episode and so there’s no simmering weirdness between them around religion and homosexuality.  I really love the ways in which they changed and grew both as separate people (which obviously continues for Amira into her season) but also as friends.  They always liked each other well enough, but now I think they respect each other far more and it’s nice.
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6.  I couldn’t leave without some further relief.  After so much emotion, even in this clip itself, it’s so nice when they crack smiles together and recognise that whatever else happens, wherever else this goes, they’re on the same page and even though at this point David hasn’t said it yet, they’re giddy with delight together - and we as an audience know for sure that it’s all going to be okay.  There are still issues, David has made that very clear, but they can deal with them as a team and that’s what matters.
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womanonthehill · 2 years
To the brainless coward who sent a hate message to this account,
Build's gang rape allegations and his rape allegations have been disproved by law . Under Thai Law, defamation is a criminal offense. Since you don't have the required brain capacity to understand let me show you with proof. At least if you are sending hate, send valid reasons .
Your clear lack of comprehension and common sense amazes me. I hope that you are capable enough to comprehend the proof. If you are still unable to comprehend this please reevaluate yourself and try to improve your understanding capability.
I have given some screenshots of the apology. You can read all the tweets and try to comprehend the gist of the situation. The link to the account will be provided.
I have not posted their photos because all the people who received court summons until now are underage from the ages of 12 to 14.
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i hope that person sending me hate asks will see this, because they clearly don't have common sense and don't wanna accept the truth that the rape allegations were all false and a rumour spread by a teenager, who admitted she defamed build by spreading such horrifying rumours for clout, three people have already apologized for spreading misinformation to defame build, and these rumours played a huge part in defaming him because thousands of people actually believed them, kp is a huge fandom and the rumours were spreading like wild fire,
this person who was spreading rape rumours was just 17 and the rumour she was spreading got a huge engagement, at that time when it was happening, i knew it was fake because it was obvious literally because it was a stupid little fanpage posting this shit so it was obvious it was fake, but majority of the people on the internet are so dumb they immediately believed all this without seeing any evidence. and the big problem is stupid fanpages with a huge amount of following, they were spreading these rumours all around without thinking, so like i said these rumours played a huge part in ruining his image.
Parents need to educate their kids about the positive and nagative use of the internet, anyways majority of the allegations are all turning out to be rumours spread by teenagers for clout, it should be a lesson to everyone that dont believe everything you see on the internet.
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cor-ardens-archive · 11 months
On the other anon - ik that the ppl hating on EC are mostly transphobes, but genuinely i think she wasn't trying to single anyone out and the “coarse hair” and “beast” thing was directed at all women because that's in fact what we as humans, without socialization, all are. on the surface level there's definitely a lot of ways you could interpret this as insulting, esp as the stereotype of the feminist is often perceived as masculine, but one minute of rational thought will tell you that EC had no reason to just be misogynistic out of the blue. in fact, i think i remember a popular post making the rounds a while ago on here where someone said 'women are supposed to be delicate' MF we're all animals covered in hair that eat and shit or something like that. EC probably saw that post and now what she said is being taken out of context.
yeah someone had to very wilfully misunderstand the post to feel offended. the point wasn't that female bodies are gross, but that transphobes will often use a trans woman's body as an offense, and point out masculine traits in a way that positions the female body as its complete opposite. there was a context to that post. it might have been dumb, and it might have sounded misogynistic, but i think you have to at least take the context into consideration if you're going to argue that.
the fact that the comment that sparked this was complaining about her "aesthetic" pissed me off too. i just found the whole thing very mean, and it's like they provoke her until she says something problematic so they can have a reason to condemn her.
but it's whatever. it just pissed me off, but i don't want to talk about it anymore.
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selchwife · 1 year
this is maybe not the blog to have this little bitchfest on but here we go. because i love bitching and am a hater.
i do get angry pretty often that nuanced conversations about things like abuse in fiction as a reflection of and dialogue with the society in which said fiction is created and how certain common narratives can genuinely influence people's thinking and how they interact with other people in subtle ways and how to create art as ethically as possible given all that have been like. kind of subsumed under this really simplistic shipcourse debate where i think both "sides" have, to a degree, kind of lost the plot (in that i think vocally profiction people are generally really noxious and horrible and morally indefensible, and antishippers who identify strongly with that label and who get really invested in Doing Discourse frequently stoop to the level proshippers often dwell at and fail to make actual cogent points, NOT in that i'm neutral or something obvs).
because the reality is that there is a deep and wide and vast can of worms opened when the base discussion is like, "what is and isn't okay to write and what should the consequences be for people who do write something that isn't okay?" because i think the reality is there are a myriad of positions to take in relation to those questions between the two extremes of "being offensive is COOL, actually," and "no one should ever write anything." like, an entire world of nuance that gets lost there. especially because the whole hashtag Debate is confined to the sphere of people's fucking dumb ass fanfiction. i don't think fic has no literary merit or something but it's so deeply entrenched in the realm of arguing over shit that largely is like. i don't know. i don't want to be insulting to fic but having read so much of it it astounds me that so many people argue on the side of like "but the ARTISTIC MERIT!!!! of these depictions!" and then you read some piece of Problematique Erotica with about as much Artistic Merit as the back of a box of cereal and you just have to stare out your window and wonder about the general state of intellectual discourse
anyway of course you guys already know this but i think in evaluating whether or not a depiction of a taboo subject like abuse is valuable one has to figure out what it is that the narrative is ultimately communicating first and how that message, like, idk gels with social discourses that already exist about the subject. this is why i tend to be more sharply critical of these elements in fanfiction; typically i feel like the only message is like "what if there was an excuse for this behavior/what if it was desirable" because it's, you know, erotica, or it's poorly-done Dark Romance, or whatever, and then there's a whole further debate to be had about like "well if it's just kink etc and clearly labelled as such does that actually feed into the dominant social narratives you're complaining about" but generally i think like, just the sheer volume of this stuff portrayed in a positive light is kind of concerning and there needs to be some kind of wider analysis of like, how that potentially perpetuates and is certainly perpetuated by external elements like rape culture or a society that largely has a lot of discomfort with actually criticizing behaviors it outwardly condemns when those with power and social capital are the ones doing the abusing.
but like i said, yknow, that's all complicated shit and i think your average like ~problematique darkfic~ writer has not really attempted to wrestle with any of those points in relation to their own work. or even cares about them or finds them valuable questions. it's really readily apparent too when people from this general "camp" are like "but what about when people like hannibal from tv show? he ate people???" like, as if there's the same sort of cultural defense of cannibalism as there is of fucking rape that makes idealized depictions of rape dangerous. like, get real.
also ive bitched about this on my personal but 90% of people who are not incest survivors like just in general have not even the barest understanding of what is actually objectionable about incest, so i don't tolerate its incursion into fandom shit basically at all. not to mention that debates about it tend to be massively offensive toward actual survivors on both sides (protip: try not to rely on arguments about how it's 'gross,' it's really fucking stigmatizing to hear repeatedly that abuse you have endured is primarily objectionable because other people think it's yucky rather than because it causes extreme harm physically and emotionally).
anyway tl;dr i am just really tired of people being dumb and knee-jerk in their endless quest to find justifications for being just as utterly offensive and vocally reprehensible as possible without any criticism or repercussions and how said desperation has really watered down any useful dialogues that could be had about fiction and its impacts on survivors of abuse in favor of, like, having to anticipate utterly inane bad-faith arguments from people who do not give a shit about anything but their own sense of being pleasurably naughty and transgressive. like the majority of proship arguments have all the intellectual honesty and depth of "but i WANT to stick my hand in the cookie jar!" to me.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 2 years
(serious post) talking bout things i need to.
alright, this isnt going to be some "oh haha funni" post like i always do. i need to speak out or it feels like no one else will. you can not read this if you want, i just want to talk about them. (organized into paragraphs) there will be triggering topics i'll speak about and ill try to trigger them appropriately.
theres a surplus of youtubers who react to "fat tiktok" and its never any positivity. these videos get hundreds of thousands of views, and im pretty sure no one sees whats wrong with it. i am considered to be in a "plus size" range, and the videos fucking hurt. its stupid because the whole idea of that side of tiktok is to show that being okay with not being barbie is okay, and its always judged negatively. no, im not fucking over reacting when theres videos talking about how that entire side of tiktok should be gone. yes, there are toxic parts on that side, but i dont tell you to get off youtube or whatever your on because something you like has a toxic part of it. its fucking stupid that these guys (its like all guys) think they have the right to look at these videos and call them cringe over and over and over and then think theyve made a good video or done a good job. i agree, promoting obesity isnt that good a thing, but dont shame the entirety of a community because one person did it. no one who has done these videos has tried to apologize if theyre being offensive, theyre just like "dont hate us if these guys are cringe lol". its not hard, this is just restating the idea of barbie bodies being better. its not hard to let people be happy with how they look. like i said, "fat tok" is not an angel and has problems which can be addressed but judging the full part and saying it should be gone as a whole is just fucking fat phobic. can we stop mixing bisexual and pansexual? they have different names for a reason. bisexual and pansexual arent the same and yet theyre still mixed FOR NO REASON. bisexual is where you feel attraction for 2 genders (thus the prefix bi which means 2) and pansexual is attraction is regardless of gender. my sibling is the main reason i want to talk about this, being bisexual and being pansexual arent the same. if your bi, that doesnt mean your pan and vise versa. i struggled with labels for a shit ton of 2020-2021 and even this year, and hearing labels made so people can actually make sense of how they feel and know theyre not alone (i feel like it for me) getting mixed around with each other hurts. to me, its erasing identities by just saying theyre one. idgaf if you or someone identifies as both, thats fine. saying theyre one in the same is not. i hate those memes of "girls vs boys". they arent even fucking funny, theyre just cringe sexist stereotyping "jokes" put out to be consumed and for those who watch or see them to believe that theyre good and funny and okay. they arent. stereotypes arent cool, going "haha woman stupid" isnt funny, shut up. the boys vs girls memes always make the girls do something "stupid" first, then shows the boys being chads or some shit. for example, that boys vs girls time machine meme. the girls always go to see an ancestor of theirs, while the boys go do some crazy shit in the past. you may think theres nothing wrong, but there is. the way its shown and made is to show that girls are weird but boys are cool. the entire idea of the joke is that girls are stupid. its with every topic these memes have that the girls are in the wrong because theyre dumb for doing this or that. i know what some people think: "oh, your biologically a woman, so of COURSE this isnt funny to you and your just taking offense cause your a drama queen" or whatever shit. the reasoning there is fucking stupid, me being a woman that takes offense shows the joke is offensive and shouldnt be made. also, i bet some guys with brains would find the jokes uncomfortable. sexism isnt funny to anyone but 60 year old boomers that make "i hate my wife" jokes. if your wondering why its not that many, im shortening it so it can actually post. the other triggers will be added in the reply to this, dw.
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papirouge · 3 months
I hate seeing positivity post for males and i'm glad you agree as a christian woman 😭 i don't like being mean to anyone but seriously why do we need to see those positivity posts in a female-dominated website lmao are men on reddit or 4chan making female positivity posts? no, they aren't
seriously ill always say it but men don't need defending like aren't they supposed to be the leaders and strong and stoic? some of these men getting their feelings hurt because a teenage feminist said men are ugly and stinky i can't stands these weak ass dudes.
in fact, shouldn't it be males the ones defending women since theyre supposedly our protectors? that's not only for the extremely unlikely scenario of a lion or wolf intruding the house but in general.
the incredible thing is that i know it's not natural things got like this. in the animal kingdom males do the most for female attention, even endangering their lifes for it. males fight other males sometimes to permanent injury or death just to get a crumb of pussy yet males here think it's too much to take a woman on a coffee date and her not putting out i can't with this cringe ass fallen world.
You rightfully pointed out the irony in conservative/trad space that won't shut up about how male need to be left space to express their masculinity.......while babying them like there's no tomorrow. You want protector? Treat men as such and rise your expectations about what they can do for you - not the opposite.
"Oh look Hollywood is making a mockery of white men 🥺" why are you, Stacy, telling this to ME? A (Black) woman. That's White men struggle. And funnily enough, the same Hollywood execs writing and validation those scripts demeaning White men are ALSO White men..so I really don't understand the pathetic anti white conspiracy cope many White conservatives & contrarians entertain these days...
They are the ones making fun of black people killing/harming each other in gang violence, baby mama culture, and constantly they are we're too stupid to sort that shit out by ourselves because that's our problem - and tbh that's fair. But when the same phenomenon of self harm that White people do, with White Hollywood getting off ridiculing white/straight men... suddenly there's an anti white conspiracy and it's EVERYONE'S problem. Nope. I'll let the White men sort that shit out. And I don't wanna hear them play victim when other demographics make fun of them because they themselves have no issue making fun of non white demographics cannibalizing themselves 💁🏾‍♀️
I always said 99% of the woke panic was sanctioned by cis straight White men themselves. Conservatives/anti woke are just too stupid or dishonest to realize that. Who vote those laws? Who are the CEO of the biggest movie or entertainment companies? Aren't they straight white men?
And we (non whites) are supposed to insert themselves in that catfight and defend white men from.... themselves??
And no offense but I'm EXTREMELY wary of comparing human relationship dynamics to animals. That's extremely reductive and dumb imo. We are not animals, we are humans. And what's bothering me especially is how everyone doing it picks and chose what's convenient for their point while ignoring the gazillions other models in the animal kingdom refuting their point.
I understand why you talk about wolves though bc incels/moids LOVE using them as behavioral model, so I actually think it's clever to use it up against them lol They wouldn't survive one day if human relationship where like wolves though. Wolves aren't there watching porn and harassing women (online). They would be bored to death.
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kuiinncedes · 3 months
big baby rant teehee :]]]]
am i just naive and dumb and delusional to have absolutely no plan for the future ,make dumb decisions like staying in my college city next yr w no job lined up, apply for jobs w the intention of staying in that city, not apply for jobs w all that much urgency or motivation, have this interview and tell them i cant relocate next yr which my mom thinks was the worst offense ever apparently, and fucked myself over and idk why she started yelling but i was like well i'm fucking myself over leave me alone basically
i don't even fucking care jfc whatever but when everything is telling me that this was a bad decision am i fucking dumb to still be like i think i can get a job for next year remote or in this city what the fuck i don't even fucking care rn whatever she can fucking deal with it i'm being a fuckup
i'm gonna still fucking apply for jobs ffs idk like do i fucking need to tell her everything abt my fucking job search why did i even tell her abt hte relocation thing i didn't even want to tell my parents i had a fucking interveiw today but i had to tell my dad since he was home today and ig he told her i shouldve just like said it was whatever when they asked and then said they rejected me like the other one
i'm gonna keep fucking applying idk what fucking choice i have but also like the one part of me that's like whats the fucking point idk why i was rejected the last time not that i htink i was perfect for the position but how am i supposed to do anything better and improve anything and actually get a job
it feels like i'm just submitting resumes to no response and writing cover letters for no reason and getting interviews and stressing and preparing for them and im just gonna get rejected so what's the point
ig i need to have a better mindset abt it like i'm not that like That hopeless abt it ig but now it feels like i'm being naive and overly not rly confident but like . indifferent abt it
idk fuck this whole thing i feel like my mom judges me for everything i'm doing w job search so when she asks me abt stuff i get super sensitive and annoyed and i don't want to tell her which idk if that's fair bc ig she wants to know what i'm doing but idk man like why do i need to tell her TT
this is why i don't wnat to stay here even tho she's like y dont u just stay at home no ones gonna bother u like bro UR gonna bother me when u come home from work u know who's gonna bother me at my apartment ACTUALLY no one or i can work at a nice campus building or cafe and be around my friends
i just don't have the fucking energy and motivation and skill to somehow be one of those ppl who applies for 2384963948732 jobs a day but i feel like i need to be doing that whatever i'm still like i think i can get a job but am i just dumb for being somewhat optimistic abt it still lmfao TT everyone saying the job market for like cs adjacent stuff is shit rn and it's not like i'm an incredible candidate and maybe i've just had stuff easy in the past where i've gotten into good college and shit and gotten good grades
what the fuck am i even talking abt anymore lmfao u know what im gonna shut up and send in some resumes to things that dont need cover letters and idk ugh i just want my parents to stop talking to me abt job search lowkey just let me figure it out and do it at my own pace but is that dumb also whatever i'm going back to campus tmrw and can i just stay for a long time :l and i HAVE AN INTERVIEW ON MONDAY WOWOWOWOW MOM R U PROUD R U LISTENING
what the fuck is the problem if i dont relocate ppl job search w the intention of not relocating right
i may be delusional thinking that i'll get a job but that's better than the alternative i think :DDDDD
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truetraumadumping · 2 years
finally something positive but like super long because it has been a while
I usually come on here to rant the worst and be negative because there isnt really any other outlet for me to do that. We often have the worst luck and live the saying “when it rains, it pours” through and through. But for once the overall of this post is positive and celebratory, after some bitching and dumb shit of course lol 
We have been stuck living with my SIL&her boyfriend since April 1st. Jack has his own small room, a tiny toilet&sink room between his room and ours. Our room holds us, our 2 dogs and 5 cats, then all that comes with it i.e. litter boxes, bed, desk for when I was working my last job. It is just cramped and annoying and rough. It isn’t our 1st choice at all, but with our animals and what our bring in money totaled to, we could not get approved anywhere. We have spent almost a grand on application fees this year alone. About a week ago or so, we were talking about something else to do with my new job***(connects below with same symbols) and she fucking said “ No offense but how much longer y'all tryna stay? “ literally word for word what she messaged....... fucking seriously bitch? 1st of all, every single animal except 1 cat, we have because of her, we have a child to care for financially and all aspects, because she had him and CAN’T DO IT HERSELF, 2nd WE DON’T WANT TO BE HERE EITHER not only are we all smushed into these rooms, we have 0 privacy, they don’t take care of their own cat litter boxes as they should so it always smells terrible out there, so I cant even have anyone over if i could get over the dogs and the room and such, they own this trailer and are just letting things fall apart and there is so much mold growing in the bathroom its terrible for everyone’s lungs. They sell weed so our anxiety is ALWAYS high because we have a child here so god forbid they got busted we would all be fucking screwed and the dogs barks every time someone knocks to come pick up so we have to tell them to shut up multiple times an hour every single fucking day and finally 3rd of all they cant even afford their own lives without us, literally, they do not make enough money and depend on the people staying here rent money for their bills. so like why you asking that shit?? she also could’ve worded it so many different ways, saying the same point without the attitude, and we all know things that start with “no offense...” are always fucking offensive. 
So I got laid off from Premier 10/31; I took that week to just do nothing and kinda wallow cause it fucking sucked and all that. I knew I would get approved for unemployment, my boss already told me to apply and claim it, but my ID expired a few months ago and it hasn’t been an issue so I hadn’t looked into what I needed to do for a new one. However to apply for unemployment, I needed a valid form of ID.... so they recently combine the local offices into 1 location and the next appt when I looked wasn’t for like 3 weeks out  uuggghhhh so I booked it in case I couldn’t find a way there for a walk in before then. I did when Billie finally went and got hers done by appt ((side rant, she went unemployed for like 4 months July-mid October, did NOTHING, didn’t apply for unemployment, actively look for a job, NOTHING)), I had to wait there, well outside the building for over 3 hours. finally got called to the inside waiting room so even if they closed i was going to be seen that day. I brought cash to pay since paying with card had a percentage surcharge and over course out of 15 clerks only 2 handled cash, so I had to wait a little longer for that aspect, but once I was finally in front of the clerk the entire interaction from start to walking out was maayybbee 15 minutes, it was insane. Side note I not only was able to update my address finally but also my middle name was spelled wrong on it so I finally got the corrected too. Anyway with the new type of ID cards, they don’t print them right there, they give you a temporary paper and you have to wait she told me 2 weeks for the state capital to send it out to me. JFCCCCCCCC so when I went to try and apply for unemployment I couldn’t because they wouldn’t accept the paper temporary ID and they wouldn’t accept the expired ID I still had because the address has changed, this was all online. So I tried calling and its an automatic system of course, so they ask for an 8 digit pin with your SSN, and if you are new enter a new one, and they saying checking it, then it restarts the whole process, over and over and over and over again. I did it 15 times before I just lost my mind and hung up. There was no operator option, pressing 0 over and over did nothing like some systems triggers you to an operator. The only other option was the unemployment office itself; since COVID they do appointment only but you can’t schedule an appointment without an account so online and by phone were not an option for scheduling and they won’t even let you inside the building without an appointment confirmed on their end by your name over the door speaker. So there I am unemployed, not able to bring any money in for however long because even after I finally get my ID I have to wait the employer dispute period after applying. 
Oh, also before the day spent waiting to do my new ID but after my wallow week, I spent an entire day redoing my resume. It had been so long since I had updated it, the expected style has changed and I had to track down some info to update it. I also had to go over dozens of phrases and skills to build it just right for the positions I wanted to apply for. It was brain melting but I did it and it looks great. So the next day I applied for 25 jobs, this ranged from just sending my resume and answering some basic contact info and availability questions to like full blown tests with math and science questions. It was wild how different the process is from the last time I did it all. With Premier I got the job because I knew someone working there and she knew I needed the job, the boss knew Max from way back in and was like “yeah she’s hired” I didn’t even fill out an application for the job until like 4 days into training lol! Then with Schedule It, I was hired for call center originally and storm season was fast approaching so I would’ve been hired pretty much no matter what and only applied to a couple other places. So this latest was the most I have ever done job/career wise. I really wanted something remote and like data entry or such, not on the phone because in this space, all of us cramped and the dogs always braking from their sale traffic, calls would just be insane. Outta those initial applications I got back like 4 immediate nos and 1 to move on to the next step of their process, which I did but it ended up being a sales position with pay based on how many sign-ups you got, no thaankkk you. Then I got a couple more “no we went with some one else” emails, was still waiting on my ID to apply for unemployment and just all around in the dumps over it all. ((side note SIL got a job at Murphys purely on a friends word and they didn’t treat her great, had some staffing issues then messed up her 1st paycheck so she no call/no show quit because she supposedly had a management position with Dominos but never started it, then got told it is actually part-time nights hahahahahaha after waiting around for this new Taco Bell location to open up because she supposedly knows the GM and will get hired as management there when they open)) I finally had to tuck my pride and ask my Dad for help buying some groceries because little man got super sick during all this and so was home for all 3 meals and I had no moeny coming in for sure until the beginning of the month with Max’s check; Dad of course helped us majorly, so grateful for him and we haven’t had to ask him for help in a while so it wasn’t a big deal really. 
So finally I got my ID, earlier than anticipated luckily and finally got unemployment set-up so the waiting period could start. Then I got an email that someone finally wanted to interview me for their available position, a basic into interview really. They told me about the position, expectations/tasks and pay after going over my work history with me. Fully Remote Customer Service Representative for PNC Bank! Not only remote, but for like a real legit sold company instead of a start-up or some sketchy fly-by-night one. Issue being it is phone calls, I am supposed to have a fully closed off space with no distractions i.e. ours will not work at all between smushed in 1 room and the dogs. But the pay is literally life changing for my family, it will get us out of poverty and living paycheck-to-paycheck, it cannot be passed up. We could get out of staying here with just a few paychecks easily, it is just getting set-up and doing it a bit. So Max and I thought maybe putting a shed up, set me up out there in it to avoid all the issues and we would move it with us since we were planning to get into one of the new trailers right in this same park. *** so we bring this up to my SIL and supposedly sheds are not allowed per lease even tho we have watched a few neighbors put sheds up since we started staying here. Now we have 0 clue wtf we are going to do because my set-up just cannot be worked in here, simply cannot and I NEED to get and keep this job, it is too big of a chance for us all. So I think “hrm, well dad had talked about helping us with the move-in cost of a place, we just hadn’t done it cause my previous job wasn’t enough for rent every month, but with this new one it will be, so maybe he could get us in one of these new trailers in the park and boom there we go”, so the next time I see him I bring it up. Now quick side note, his girlfriend was in a major car accident several weeks ago, like a really bad one, in a wheelchair, back brace all of it. Also they have been building their dream house out on my Dad’s lake property, I knew it was really close to done, but it is actually finished and with her being in a wheelchair and all, his old place didn’t let her get around well. So when I brought us needing out to Dad, he suggested his old place. He owns the land its on, it’s all fenced in, the trailer on it isn’t amazing but it is livable and will be ours! We are going to pay him “rent” to go towards buying the trailer and land, it’ll be ours in just a couple of years, then we can work on getting our new custom trailer on the land. It is on the edge of the bigger city, puts school in a better school district and we won’t be in the same park as where we are now so we can avoid my SIL for a while! 
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kooktrash · 2 years
between roommates | jeon jungkook au
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summary | you’ve got a crush on kim namjoon. Namjoon being jungkook’s friend, jungkook being your roommate. things get complicated somewhere down the line that leaves him regretting pushing you toward his own friend when he wants you just as bad. as roommates he knows you shouldn’t, but damn did he really want you.
warnings | roommates one shot!, fluff, SMUT, Namjoon is kinda a fuckboy, jungkook is too but not as bad, drinking, heavy makeouts, a little bit of Namjoon x reader, safe sex, cunnilingus, pet names, oral (f recieving), missionary, they break a headboard, not that many warnings idk, not edited.
“No offense, but I don’t think you and I will ever work out. I need someone I can actually hold a conversation with on a more philosophical level.”
The front door slammed open, keys jingling as they were yanked out of the door handle before the door was shut again. Quiet, angry mumbles traveled through his ears followed by heavy footsteps in his direction. “Shi—“ his thumb slipped, he couldn’t press buttons fast enough as bullets came flying at his avatar. The couch dipped and from the corner of his glossy eyes he could see your slumped back positions, arms crossed over your chest, slight lip out.
You stared at him releasing a sigh turning to the floor and producing another sound similar to the first. His controller vibrated in his hands as he feared close to death. He was cursing now fidgeting in his seat as he clicked faster. Another sigh but he couldn’t listen, not now when he was close to the end, not whe—“Fuck!” He yelled falling back into the couch letting his controller slip from his hands.
He rubbed at his dried out eyes and finally glanced over to you, “What’s up?”
With another sigh you followed it with a whine, an actual foot stomping whine, “I could fucking kill him! How could he? Why would he even say that? Am I really that bad?” You turned to him, hand gripping his arm tightly, “Jungkook! Am I stupid?”
His brows furrowed, blinking rapidly and nervous as hell. Was this a trick question? “No?” He placed his hand over yours pushing you away until you were no longer touching him. That was weird. You hated touching him, he shuddered at the thought of you grabbing him like that again. “What are you even talking about?”
“Kim fucking Namjoon,” you threw a fist at the couch cushion, “He basically said he’d never take me seriously because I’m stupid.”
“He said that?” Jungkook sat straighter, game in front of him completely forgotten as he moved off the couch till he was sitting on the edge turning to you. You sat on your knees moving closer to him, “He said that if he were to settle down it couldn’t be with me because he someone he could connect with on a ‘psychiatric level’ or something like that.”
“I don’t know, whatever but be honest, am I actually dumb?” You asked him in much more serious tone, “Like, do you feel like you can’t talk to me because I’m slow or something?”
He blinked nervously again before he was shaking his head no looking for words of reassurance, “No, you’re like the smartest person I know.”
“Wow,” you tucked your hair behind yours ears suddenly on the defensive side, “Okay no need to be sarcastic. I know I’m not that smart.”
Shit. He messed up somewhere along the lines but he had no clue where so he backtracked. The last thing he needed right now was his roommate hating his guts. “I mean, you’re smarter than me and actually, I think you and me always have conversations in a ‘philatelic level’. Even if I didn’t think you were smart I’d never call you dumb.”
You nodded taking his words for it as you puffed air out of your cheeks sitting back on the couch, knees drawn in to your chest and arms thrown around your calves, “So why do you think he’d say that? Like I get not being his type but for him to practically say it’s cause I’m not smart, that annoys the fuck out of me.”
He agreed with a simple nod as he reached for the bag of lays he’d left on the coffee table and opened it up to you, “I’d be pissed if someone told me that. You should tell him to fuck off.”
You should. You both know you should but for different reasons that is. For Jungkook it was simple, he was friends with Namjoon and though he didn’t care about you having a little crush on him it made Jungkook uncomfortable. Mostly because he’d watch Namjoon flirt with everyone and anyone acting like the good guy while telling you he’s only interested in you. On top of that he likes to keep you on your toes, one second he says he likes you the next he says you aren’t right for him. Jungkook has to put up with it all on both ends.
“I know,” you hid your face in your hands, “But I can’t just let him think I’m dumb when I know I’m not. It’s bullshit. How is he gonna assume something about me and expect me to just take it?”
Well fuck, Jungkook thought as he listened to your reasons to still be going after Namjoon. He was tired of Namjoon messing around. He talked about you almost all the time so he clearly felt something for you so why is he now acting like you two would never work out? Plus, Namjoon’s still caught up over that time you drunkenly fucked a couple months back so maybe he was only interested in you physically. Either way Jungkook wished you both would just stop fucking around.
He did sort of feel bad for you. Not because you were the type of person someone should pity but more so because he knew Namjoon had it all wrong. So as of now he’s a little annoyed Namjoon would even say that to you, what kind of guy actually says that?
And okay maybe he’d been bluffing when he said he was annoyed with him because he still showed up to the guy’s house party looking to get fucked up. “Kook! Just the guy I wanted to see, hey man,” Namjoon greeted him pretty early on in the night after spotting him hanging out with a girl on his arms. Her name was Jisoo and Jungkook had just met her a few minutes before. He smiled, “Namjoon hyung, what’s up?”
“Where’s Y/n? I sent her a text inviting her, she didn’t come with you did she?” As a matter of fact you didn’t. Jungkook tried and tried to see if you’d wanna come out but you said you rather swallow a hammer than see Namjoon right now. Funny enogh though you told Jungkook to keep a close eye on who Namjoon flirted with so safe to say you still had an attraction toward the guy.
Jungkook shook his head ignoring the way Jisoo looked at him curiously, “She had some essay to finish.” There. You should be happy. He was making you sound studious. Namjoon just nodded closing in on Jungkook as if he were gonna share a secret, “She hasn’t told you anything, right? Like, she doesn’t seem upset?”
He thought for a second on how to respond. Look, he much rather would have preferred to pay his attention to the girl on his arm but Namjoon was persistent. Okay and maybe he wanted to hear what Namjoon said so he could go ahead and relay the information to you. The faster you get dicked down the quicker your attitude will perk up. He’s tired of getting your gremlin side when everyone else sees you laid back. Lately you’ve been so feisty that there are times where he’s wanted to throw you over his shoulder, take you to your room and put you in time out or something. You’ve been super cranky lately and he’s a firm believer in a healthy sex life therefore he is making it his mission to help you out of your dry spell. 
So he waited on taking Jisoo home so he could try and hype you up to Namjoon like nothing was wrong. He didn’t want Namjoon to know how mad you’d actually gotten so he lied, “She seems pretty normal, still annnoying but it’s cute. Actually she’s been in a good mood all weekend.” 
Obviously that’s a lie but who cares. Namjoon seemed almost defeated over that response and he was just backtracking, “Oh, okay.” 
Jungkook caught onto his sudden mood change and couldn’t help himself from asking. “Why? Did something happen?”
He watched the flash of something run through Joon’s eyes before shaking his head, “No, I-- I just wanted to know why she didn’t want to come.”  “Probably just has better things to do.”
It didn’t take much convincing to get her to go home with him once he’d gotten rid of Namjoon with his last comment, a flash of a smile and just a simple ‘wanna get out of here?’ And she was sitting in his car as he drove to his apartment. He was filled with excitement to get home so he could tell you what happened tonight. 
He led her to his room with the excuse of needing something from the kitchen and he was knocking on your door despite how late it was. He could hear your groans and sheets being kicked before the shuffling of feet and then you were in front of him rubbing at your tired swollen eyes looking ready to murder him. “What?” You grumbled eyes squinting due to the light pouring into your room from the hall and he was letting himself in closing the door behind him.
“I’ll make this quick,” his back was leaning against your shut door as he watched you crawl back into your bed trying to ignore the fact you were quite obviously not wearing a bra. “Namjoon asked bout you tonight, he was trying to figure out why you didn’t go and if you were mad at him.”
“What did you tell him?” You asked him suddenly more alert despite sinking into your covers for warmth squinting your eyes at the light coming in from the hall. If Jungkook embarrassed you over how frustrated you’d been you swore you’ll murder his pretty little face.
“I was like playing it off like you had better things to do and then when he asked if you acted upset I just said you’ve been normal and in a good mood.” He winked at you, “I know the game you girls like to play, come on now.” 
You opened your mouth to tell him to shut up before a distant voice cut you off. “Jungkook!” You looked back to him, brows furrowed as Jungkook shyly scratched the back of his neck, “Oh right. I forgot I brought someone home tonight.” He stood up abruptly looking back to you, “Just figured I’d let you know what I heard.”
With that he left your room and you laid in bed now fully awake trying to tune out the sound of his apparently exciting sex life if you went by the girls loud moans throughout the night.
By Monday morning you came to the conclusion that Namjoon just simply didn’t know you enough to tell what kind of person you were. How could he know you’re not right for each other if the most you’ve seen of the other are in class or that one drunken fuck you two had. Something deep down was telling you that you wanted to get to know him better and see what he was really like and surely he’d agree to it if he gave you a chance.
“Y/n!” His arm flew around your shoulders pulling you into his side as the two of you walked, “Missed you on Saturday, why didn’t you come to Hobi’s?”
How could you tell him you really weren’t in the mood to see him since he told you you’d never work out. You just shrugged remembering Jungkook clearly inviting you triple checking that you really didn’t wanna go. In truth you just didn’t want to see Namjoon probably flirt with other girls while you’re trying to figure out how much you actually like him.
Why was he even approaching you right now? You weren’t friends, you were just roommates with Jungkook and Namjoon never really went out of his way to talk to you unless he needed something. Stuck in your own head you missed Namjoon’s words, “Well, are you?”
“Am I what?” You asked freaking out on the inside because you had absolutely no idea what he’d just been talking to you about. He just flashed you a smile and led you to the lunch room where you had been headed to before he came to you. His arm around your shoulders pulled you closer, “Are you mad at me? I wanted to apologize for what I said the other day, it came out wrong and I honestly hadn’t even realized how much of a dick I sounded. It’s just, well I consider you one of the few girls I can talk to without feeling weird and I’d hate for us to no longer be comfortable around each other because we tried something different. You can understand that right?”
You didn’t say much to him, shrugging your shoulders and walking ahead without him. With furrowed brows he stood there looking after you as you just left him without another word. He came trying to apologize for possibly sounding like a dick the last time you spoke but he couldn’t even do it properly. Look, he did like you, he thought you were one of the most laid back people he knew. It helped that he found you attractive enough that he could look over your slow responses in lectures and barely passing grades. He just really expected you to be a shallow person and he just couldn’t see himself with someone like that. 
It was easier to set boundaries early on and let you know you weren’t his type. But now that he looks back on it he probably should have worded it better but he definitely didn’t expect you to be giving him the cold shoulder when he tries to explain himself. It was kind of embarrassing the way you just walked away from him quite literally shrugging him off. He didn’t like you ignoring him, you were just to say it was fine and he was supposed to still keep you on your toes to make sure you never leave.
      “Please! Y/n I will wash your dishes for a month!” Jungkook pulled on the sleeve of your hoodie keeping you from leaving the kitchen. His socks were sliding against the tile floor but he wasn’t going to be backing down. You rolled your eyes at his desperate begging and decided to play along, “Hand wash or dishwasher?”
He thought pulling your arm against his chest practically hugging your side praying his cute factor would help persuade you, “Hand wash, I know you don’t like the smell of those detergent pods. Please! What do you say?” 
You gave him your other hand, “Shake on it and it’s a deal.” He smiled giddily as he let go of you with one arm to shake your hand, “Deal.”
You retreated to your room, “Also, I wasn’t going to stop you from throwing a party here anyway, but you insisted on doing something for me in return and I just couldn’t not go with it.”
His jaw dropped realizing how stuck he was doing the dishes now for no reason. Whatever, he just got the okay from his roommate for him to throw a party this weekend and he had planning to do. It’d be the first one he’s tried to throw since you moved in together. Since you got stuck signed to this co-lease together he wanted to at least respect you enough from having his groups of friends come over and get fucked up. Now he’s known you for about a year and you’ve met enough of his friends in different occasions for him to decide it’s time to throw a party. Plus you’d obviously have friends over too that he’s met so it should all be good.
When the weekend came you couldn’t even be surprised by how packed your apartment was. It was no secret that Jungkook was popular but you felt like you were fighting someone every five seconds so they wouldn’t fuck in your bed. Thankfully you lived in a small, cheap duplex so you really didn’t have to worry about noise complaints but still, you wanted to at least be considerate.
“Come on Y/n, it’s fun, we’re making the other host do it too,” Namjoon chuckled pulling you into him again. The smell of alcohol was heavy on him when he leaned in to whisper in your ear. You just nodded your head finally giving in, it was late and you were already a bit tipsy so you saw no reason to say no. He smiled in triumph as he led you to where Jungkook and his other friend Hoseok had been. Hobi greeted you with a huge grin and pulled you into him as well, the drunk men passing you around like it was nothing. Jungkook was flirting with a blonde and uninterested in whatever else these guys are doing. Your friend Jimin was off making out with someone and you were stuck with these drunks. 
“Who first?” Namjoon asked as he cleared the table and ordered you to lie down on it. Jungkook watched you begin to lie down, rolling your shirt up enough to expose your lower stomach and Hobi was passing you a lime to put in your mouth while he asked where he could put the salt. Namjoon looked to Jungkook as he watched you but made no move to get closer. Instead, Namjoon stood beside you taking the turn himself and pouring a small amount in your belly button. 
A small crowd surrounded you as Namjoon’s large hand rubbed your sides as he licked the salt off your chest, drank the shot quite noisily and brought his mouth down to yours. He took the lime, squeezing the juices out before spitting it back out and bringing his lips down to yours catching you by surprise. The kiss was longer and more intimate for what was necessary but you didn’t seem to mind nor did he. When he finally pulled back wiping the corner of his mouth he flashed you a smile and turned away like nothing again.
“Jungkook next!” Hobi’s hand was already against Jungkook’s abdomen through his shirt as he looked around at some of the girls crowding around, “Who’s the lucky one who gets to drink off these!” Jungkook chuckled when Hoseok raised his shirt exposing his muscles before the younger could yank it back down. 
Once you were off the table with Namjoon’s help you stood back watching Jungkook hop on. You searched around for JImin to make sure he wasn’t off anywhere mad you’ve ditched him but he looked perfectly content with two girls on his arms. Watching closely you saw Hoseok line salt along the ridges of his abs and then the girl he had been flirting with was taking the shot off his body. Everyone wooed when they kissed and Jungkook’s smile was too wide and knowing. Hoseok pulled you forward, “Y/n’s turn!”
Your brows furrowed looking back to him as some guy named Jin ushered Jungkook to lay back down. Hoseok just smirked as he led you forward while Jungkook lied there perfectly still. He looked to you with his lip caught between his teeth before th elime had been handed to him, “You don’t ha--”
“Come on Y/n, just do it,” Hoseok told you as a small chant began urging you to quit being a pussy and just going for it. Unlike the way Hoseok had put salt along his abs for that girl, Jin put it above his deep v-line. Jungkook was probably too drunk to protest and either way he loved having his body on display so you doubt he even had a problem with it. Still, you felt weird doing this but falling victim to peer pressure you took a deep breath and went for it. 
His legs hung off the side of the table so you went ahead and moved between them so you could be closer. You leaned over him enough for your head to dip down and feel the fabric of his jeans rub against your chin. You planted your hands on his thighs doing your best to ignore the slight flex of muscle you felt from him and used it to support yourself from crashing down onto him. Your tongue poked out enough to dip into the salt before going ahead and licking the trail off his smooth, v-line. You could hear everyone going crazy for a reason you couldn’t understand and instead went straight for his stomach where the puddle of alcohol would be.
You held your breath as the reeking stench of liquor filled your senses and sucked harshly against his belly button until all the liquid was out. You did your best at avoiding the harsh taste and before you could reach forward to take the lime from his mouth, he was sitting up to meet you halfway and spit the lime out before you could get it. His hand came behind your neck and he was pulling you into a kiss before you could react. It ended abruptly mostly due to you both suddenly pushing the other away and pretending it wasn’t kind of weird for you both.
Jungkook regretted it almost instantly. Mostly because it was him who apparently made the move for it when he spit the lime out before your lips could even touch. It was weird for him to even do that at all. For now he believes it’s because he’s pretty drunk. He’s never felt the need to kiss you other than tonight so it just didn’t make any sense. He went back to his blonde girl for the night and tried his best to ignore your presence when Namjoon was whisking you away.
You see, he was the one in the wrong just now. You wanted wanted Namjoon. Yet he found himself watching your every move for the rest of the night despite telling himself not to. He watched when you drunkenly made out with Namjoon, when you wrapped your arms around his neck and when you disappeared with him in your room for the rest of the night. 
Your eyes were on Namjoon, and his were on anyone who caught his attention for the night. Plus you were roommates and it was never good to get involved like that.
So he spent the next couple weeks trying to help you out since Namjoon still wanted to play games. Jungkook was getting annoyed as well, you’ve slept with the guy twice, you’ve been hanging around him anytime he asks you to and he still can’t make it official between you two. It’s like he just wanted to have you stringing along behind like a lovesick puppy. 
“Who are you so busy texting that you can’t do one solid kill?” Jungkook asked a random Thursday night that he was hanging with his friends. Namjoon just shrugged putting his phone away and trying to get back into the game, “Just some chick.”
Jungkook instantly grew curious, was he talking about you or another woman in general? He tried to play it off and work his best acting skills, “Y/n?” And obviously he was not an actor so he was lacking. 
His friend, Taehyung chuckled as he sunk further into the bean bag, “What are you? Y/n’s wingman? We all know she’s got a little crush on Joon here, are you trying to set them up?”
Jungkook shook his head suddenly embarrassed and hoping Joon wouldn’t think that’s what he was actually doing. If Namjoon told you Jungkook would be deader than his opponents in Overwatch. The latter didn’t even seem to care though as he just went on like it was nothing, “No, some girl in the Literature department, she’s hot and we were partners on a paper last week.”
When Jungkook arrived home he was not at all surprised to find you in your bedroom with some friends over yourself. He made a move to go to his bedroom directly but had been stopped, “Jungkook, come join us!”
He looked inside your room, the door had been opened and he could see Jimin and your friend Ara both in there with you.The three of you managed to squeeze into the bedroom and he found person who called for him was Ara and not you. 
To be honest he’s been acting kind of weird around you since the party. It probably had been because he was so eager to kiss you after you practically licked him up on a dining table, and mixed with the alcohol in his system you’d looked all too appealing to him. He looked to you for permission and when you scooted closer to the middle of the bed to make room for him he took a spot next to you. Jimin was on your left, Ara just a bit below you guys closer to the edge of the bed and Jungkook easily slid in next to you. You were facing Ara and Jimin but your back was to Jungkook. You had some horror movie playing and he was able to sink into the comfort of your bed. 
You see it was all okay as long as he didn’t think about those cute lavender colored booty shorts you wore that left very little to the imagination. This is why he wanted you to be with Namjoon, that way he wouldn’t feel like it’d be easy to break down the wall between you as roommates.
You, on the other hand, had barely flinched at your drunken body shot kiss from the party. You also did it with Namjoon and considering you slept with him that night you obviously didn’t have anything to worry about with Jungkook. You leaned back into Jungkook feeling the urge to snuggle against something and since you were comfortable around him it was pretty easy to get close to him. He stiffened when you leaned against his chest and his arm was trapped between your bodies. He pulled it out from between you two cautiously before sliding it around your waist as careful as possible so you wouldn’t freak out. His hand touched your bare stomach from where your shirt rode up and pulled you further into him.
Jimin pretended not to notice the way Jungkook’s other hand came to your thigh, rubbing small circles with his hand into the flesh while completely focused on the movie. If you were to ask Jimin who he thought you should be spending your time on he’d say Jungkook. He liked Namjoon but he clearly wasn’t looking for anything more than a quick fuck and he was rude sometimes. Jungkook was cute, he knew you better, he was considerate of you and obviously looked like the best match. Now if he could just get both of you to see that it’d be great.
“It’s late,” Jimin forced a yawn out nudging Ara with his knee, “I’m ready to leave so you either come with me or walk home, you decide.”
Ara whined annoyingly as she followed Jimin off the bed. You made a move to get up but honestly you were too comfortable so you just asked, “You sure? The movie is just getting good.”
“I’ve got that lecture tomorrow morning I can’t miss, I’ll text you later though, why don’t you two just finish the movie and tell me how it ends?”
Jungkook tried to leave once the other two left. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to keep his cool with just you alone. How had he managed to live with you for a year and completely ignore how unbelievably attractive you were? It’s like seeing you with Namjoon and then doing that stupid body shot with you opened something up inside him and he needed to shut it down quick. You were a logical and pessimistic person, there’s no way you would ever feel up to trying something with your rommmate in case it went bad. You just renewed your lease and he can imagine you two arguing and wanting to split but being forced to live together still. 
“Don’t go! I wanna finish the movie but it’s late so if I finish it by myself I definitely won’t be able to sleep,” You begged him stopping him from getting up. His hand was still around your waist but the one tracing patterns on your exposed legs was now on your waist too.
As if thinking it over he stayed quiet for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh, “Fine scaredy cat, but scoot it over. Half my ass is hanging off the bed and they’re gone so there’s room now.”
You cheered happily as you did what you were told and gave him the room to get comfortable on your bed. He surprised himself when he reached out for you, hands on your hips and dragging you back to him but this time in the middle of the bed. He is also going to ignore the fact that he has more interest in the softness of your thighs than the actual movie.
Not more than an hour passed when he was so rudely jolted out of a sleep he hadn’t known he’d fallen in. His mouth was dry, sleep still lingering in his eyes as he rubbed fists into them to try and wake himself up. His arm had fallen asleep trapped under you. He looked down at you sleeping peacefully on his chest, you felt warm and relaxed. He contemplated going back to sleep and waking up in the morning just as surprised as you that you slept together. Checking the time though he knew he should leave. He turned the TV off for you and as careful as he could he slipped out of your hold. You hit the pillow softly mumbling as he shushed you back to sleep pulling at the end of your covers and draping them over you.
Now that he was on his feet he couldn’t ignore the ghost of your warmth lingering on his arm that had been trapped under you. He searched for his phone and left as quickly as he could. His phone had a group of messages from earlier.
namjoon: I think I’m gonna ask Y/n out this weekend
hobi: what about that chick u were texting
namjoon: ehhh thought she was my type but she sucks in bed
hobi: so now ur gonna try y/n????
hobi: jungkook what r ur thoughts
namjoon: yeah kook
namjoon: should I ask y/n out or what?
Jungkook’s fingers hovered over the keyboard. The messages had been sent half an hour ago but he still wanted to give a response. In truth he wanted to say no, mostly because he was tired of you being Namjoon’s back up plan, but also because he suddenly didn’t want you to be with him.
jungkook: not if ur just gonna keep leading her on
It was too late but he doubt he even wanted to. It’s true, all Namjoon did was flirt with you, hook up, move on to the next, then come back to you when he was bored. Jungkook sighed as he fell into his own bed now slightly more awake since he left your side. He didn’t think he’d be getting a text back but he was so wrong.
namjoon: wellllll let’s see if she even wants to go out and if not I won’t bother her anymore. how bout it?
Jungkook wanted to tell him no. Tell him that it’s not fair that suddenly he’s realized how great you are and wants to try it out when all he’d done so far is tell you he’s not ready. He hates that Namjoon thinks you’re just waiting around for him to pick you and he hates that you very well may be.
He didn’t answer back for the night deciding to ignore them all and just try to get some sleep.
Jungkook had been acting weird this weekend. He didn’t go out to some party or bar and he barely even left your room. Last night Namjoon asked you out on a ‘proper date’ or so he calls it. You weren’t sure what you’d been expecting but suddenly you’d grown too confused to actually answer him.
So you told him you had to work Saturday night but then he asked you to come out for drinks with them when you were off. You’d look stupidly desperate if you jumped at the first chance he’d given you to get serious and settle down. And honestly you weren’t even sure if you wanted that anymore. Ever since the last time you hooked up when there was a party at your place things have been different. Like suddenly Namjoon was extra curious about you and you couldn’t even understand why if he was still hooking up with other girls. Nevertheless you’d probably still go out with them tonight just to get drunk.
When you got back from your shift, you were surprised to find Jungkook in the living room playing some video games. He barely acknowledged you when he shook the controller violently pressing on every button possible.
“You’re not going out tonight?” You asked Jungkook when he’d slowed his match enough to actually respond to you. He shook his head not bothering to actually speak to you.
He was going to go out tonight, earlier he’d been all for it until Namjoon was texting in the stupid group again talking about you. He went on and on about how tonight you two would probably fuck and then he’d make it official and Jungkook had absolutely no interest to know more.
So instead he stayed home, took out his pent up anger over something he didn’t know on his game, and unknowingly waiting for you to get home. He’s been a little distant lately mostly to contain his suddenly changing feelings for you out of fear it’d draw you away. You were roommates, throwing in any feelings into the mix definitely wouldn’t end well. Taking his silence as an indication that he wasn’t up for talking you left with the excuse of getting ready and he was alone again.
It felt weird that you’d be going out with Jungkook’s friends without him but Namjoon had been steadily texting you since you got off work making sure you’d still be coming. At this point you couldn’t come up with another excuse not to do you left to your taxi with a simple goodbye to Jungkook. You wanted to know what was up with him, why was he so quiet lately?
It wasn’t till later on at night that Jungkook heard from you again. Okay, to be honest, maybe he’d been struggling to sleep all night and it probably had something to do with his mind racing to figure out what you were doing. Were you dancing with Namjoon? Were you kissing him or worse already at his place? He had no right to be thinking like this he knew but it still left him pacing his room searching for answers when you called him.
“I know it’s late, but there’s no busses out this late and I really want to go home now.”
He didn’t even need to hear more from you before he was grabbing his keys and running out the door going to the address you’d texted him. He didn’t ask why you weren’t with Namjoon, or why you wanted to leave, or why you’d called him instead of getting dropped off. All he cared about was going to see you and trying to figure out where your head was at. He hadn’t expected how difficult it’d be driving home now with you in the passenger’s seat.
It was getting harder for him to focus on his driving. You were sitting there in that short miniskirt, hair pinned back, and lashes batting in his direction. Fuck, this was not supposed to be happening right now, not to him and definitely not with you.
He cleared his throat pulling his gaze away from you again, “So what happened? You just weren’t feeling it anymore?”
“Eh,” you turned your legs away unbeknownst to the way it made your skirt rise giving him a peek at more of your thigh when he didn’t mean to look, “Namjoon was acting weird and I really wasn’t interested in putting up with it tonight.”
It was quiet between you two again when you reached a hand out to his shoulder drawing his attention back to you again, “I’m sorry for making you drive over here. I could’ve just asked one of them to bring me home but…”
He sighed, licking his lips nervously, “Couldn’t sleep anyway, plus you know you can call me for anything.”
His brows furrowed as he turned toward you breath hitching at the sight of your lip pulled between your teeth. Had they always been so soft? Your pretty lips were parting and he found himself doing the same. Ever since he got a small minuscule taste of your mouth on his he’d struggled not to think about it every time you two were together. It was easier to ignore when you were so caught up on Joon but lately it feels like you don’t even like him as much giving Jungkook no alibi to harbor his growing feelings for you.
“Yeah but then I feel bad cause you have to deal with my shit all time,” you went on. His mouth shut gripping the steering wheel a little tighter while he questioned what the fuck was going on. Why was he thinking about your mouth so much and why were you talking like that?
When you arrived home he pushed you into the elevator and went for your floor. He looked down at you, “Did you drink too much? Is that why you wanted to come home?”
“I think I took one drink,” you told him leaning against the elevator wall looking at him, “And I just wanted to come home, no other reason than that. Why? You don’t want me home?”
Suddenly more alert you stood straighter, “Do you have a girl over?”
“No!” Jungkook spoke out a little too quickly trying to shut it down, “No, no I was just by myself. I just wanted to see what might’ve happened tonight.”
You chuckled, “Nothing happened, what if I just wanted to come see you?”
He knew you were only teasing but he couldn’t deny the way that made him feel. When you got to your apartment he went to leave straight to his room completely surprised when you followed after, “Are you going to sleep yet?”
“Probably not,” he answered truthfully letting you crash onto his bed and stretch like a cat basking in the sun. He began to shed himself of his outer layers until he was in his t-shirt and sweats again. He tried to ignore the way your foot ran along your other leg in a stretch that had him captivated. He needed to know what you had on your mind before he acted out what he had in his, “What’s up with you though? You’re not going to bed.”
You shrugged leaning further into his pillows, “Not tired, and if you’re not either I figured we could hang out or something. If not I’ll just go to my room.”
He nodded coming around the other side of the bed. He lied down next to you with a foot of space between you as he decided to turn on a movie in hopes of drowning out his sudden impulsive thoughts. He regretted getting close to you over time because it was so easy for you to cuddle into his side to watch a movie. He needed to stop you before he let his feelings for you known.
“Y/n, I don—“ he stopped, feeling your hand in his hair scratching at his scalp with your manicured nails that left a shooting pleasure running up his head.
“Kook, I want to apologize for dragging you into my mess with Namjoon,” you finally said gaining the courage to tell him the real reason you were still trailing after him tonight. You sat up turning to face him directly, “It probably put you in a weird spot and I feel bad about it mostly since I don’t like him anymore.”
“You don’t?” Was all he could say trying to understand what was going on and avoiding looking down at your position with your hands between your legs as you sat up hiding the gap from your skirt that would surely expose your underwear to him.
Your hand was on his leg now just absentmindedly playing with the drawstring of his sweats unbeknownst to the way his breath hitched. You shook your head, “I was just thinking it over and even if I did give it a chance I’ll probably never be what he actually wants and then we’d both just be wasting time.”
He nodded trying to understand you but it was hard to focus when you were leaning down resting your head on his stomach. He wanted to ask you again if you were you didn’t drink a lot but he also didn’t want to spoil the moment. He was learning quickly how much he liked having your hands on him.
Wanting to live in the moment a little longer he brought his hand down to your hair pushing it out of your face so he could get a good look at the way the side of your face pressed into his abdomen. The way he saw it, he had two options. He could either lie and say he’s tired and kick you out of his room to remain neutral and proper roommates. Or he could try and go for it and pray it was worth it when you reciprocate his affections. Either way he ran the risk of never getting close to you or getting rejected.
From this angle you could see how insanely attractive Jungkook was. Obviously you already knew your roommate was hot, it’s why you struggled the first couple months to even talk to him but over time the feelings went away. Lately though he’s been on your mind even more and right now you liked the pace of his beating heart against your ear. His muscles flexed under your head and you decided to either do something or leave because right you were both just wasting time.
Before he could reach out for you again you dug your face flush against his chest letting out a sigh that had him trying to decipher the cause of, “Something’s on your mind Y/n, just tell me what it is and maybe I can help.”
You shook your head ruffling his shirt in the process but he just continued to run his fingers through your hair. Your head shot up, “Jungkook, don’t freak out okay? I just want to try something?”
“What is it?” He asked suddenly nervous as he looked into your eyes feeling on edge.
He doesn’t say anything else, only holds your gaze. It’s difficult to tell what he’s thinking. You notice the way his soft lips are lightly damp from swiping his tongue across them nervously. He might’ve caught on what you’d been implying when he suddenly took a deep breath. He closes his eyes as he leans towards you slowly. In this awkward position you pushed against his chest to move closer to him and inhale as his lips hover in front of yours, just millimeters apart. Your lips touch lightly which makes your body melt against him. Unable to hold the tension anymore, he pressed his lips to yours with more pressure until your mouth parted against his taking him in.
Once you kiss him back you both become desperate, your lips moving faster. Your bodies press together, his hands rest on your hips as one of yours travel to his hair, the other slowly running over his chest. You exhale through the kisses and slow down, feeling Jungkook’s hand which was holding you close against his chest trying to get you even closer than that. Your crotch presses against his own making it evident he was getting affected by you quickly. You swing a leg over his waist until you were straddling him and his hands found themselves wrapping around your waist securely.
Jungkook pushes you onto your back on the bed and his body comes down with you. He presses his growing bulge between your legs and begins a slow grind through your clothes as he continues to kiss you. You pull away in an attempt to catch your breath and angle your neck up. “Is this really okay?” You mumble through a moan as he kisses your neck and trails down with kisses to your shirt all the while still grinding on you.
“To me it is,” he says while clasping the hem of your shirt and pulling it over your head to reveal a black lace bra “We can stop if you want to.” He says all while still kissing any part of skin that became exposed to his hungry eyes.
He didn’t want to stop, he was right, he liked the way you kissed him and you really were so soft under his rough fingertips. He’ll stop if you want to but he really hopes you don’t. He definitely won’t be able to bounce back from this not when your warm covered heat was grinding against his hardening member through his sweats.
You pull his shirt off him and take the time to admire his half-naked body eyes following the details of his tattoos trailing all up his arms and on his chest.
“You are so unbelievably hot, I don’t want to stop,” you say through light gasps when he nips at your skin just under your bra wire and pull him up to kiss his lips again. You bite his lower lip, pulling on it lightly which ejects a moan from him. His moans make you want to pull more from him so you make it a show to tug his lip with you as you pull away. He sits up between your legs and takes off your shorts leaving you in matching black laced underwear. His eyes look at you with desperation as he sits back on his haunches sliding further down your body kissing down your stomach.
He lingers for a moment at the slight bulge of your hip bone, just where your v-line would be if you had more muscle. Licking the corner of his lips he lets his hands pressed against your hips until he brought his mouth down to you. You watch slightly out of breath as he licks an imaginary line along the bone similar to how you did while doing the body shot. His free hand was playing with the hem of your underwear, lowering them enough for his trail of kisses to reach lower and lower.
You lift your hips enough for him to slide your underwear off taking note of how he follows the hem to the back letting his hands graze upon your ass when he yanks them down. Your lip was pulled between your teeth as he took your underwear off caressing your legs as he did so. “Jungkook!” You spoke up in surprise when he pressed the soiled panties to his face, the small patch of slick lingering in the underwear that he so easily held to his face taking in a small smell. He just smiled tossing them to the floor as he dropped down to his stomach crawling over to you like a predator hunting his prey.
He planted close mouthed pecks against your pubic bone, hand flat against your thigh digging his nails in just a little whenever you squirmed. With an easy swift motion he swung your thighs onto his shoulder tickling you with his hair. He looked down between your legs, glistening wet cunt staring back at him just as hungry to have him as he was for you. His lips parted, he swears drool would pool in the corner of his mouth if he stared any longer, “Fuck, you smell amazing, I wonder how you taste.”
Patience running thin you tightened your thighs around him for a moment watching as his nails dug into your meat but still his eyes rolled a little at the constriction. You brought a hand down sliding against your pussy rubbing against your clit for a quick moment as you gather slick on your fingertips, definitely wet and ready to fuck him, “Why don’t you tell me?”
He watched you closely in anticipation staring at the way you drew your fingers up almost taunting them in his face before you startled him when pressing them against the corner of his lips.
With his lips parted you were able to trace the soft flesh until he shook you off to take your fingers into his mouth sucking harshly on them, tongue swiveling between the two digits and gathering as much of your wetness that he could. You pulled back watching him lick the excess of your slick off his mouth before dipping his head down, “Fuck, amazing. You taste amazing, baby.”
The first lick was against your clit, a tiny tentative lick with his eyes locked on yours as he tested the waters. After waiting for your protests that never came he went for it again this time licking up past your clit where your folds were neatly tucked away but puffy. He brought the hand that wasn’t holding you still toward your folds. His thumb rubbed against your wetness using it to help him separate your lips further to give him more access to eat you out. With more room he became more reckless with his tongue, flicking at a quicker pace practically lapping up your slick. Your hips wriggled in his hold and without thinking he brought his hand down against your clit scaring himself when your hips jolted and a small whine left your lips.
His head shot up immediately, “Sorry, I—“ he practically growled at the way you tugged on his hair guiding him back down to your heat. You liked it. You liked him slapping your pussy like that and he knew it now.
“Oh my god,” you whined against him when his nose brushed against your clit and you couldn’t stop yourself from grinding against his face when his middle finger teased your entrance. Allowing himself in he leaned forward enough to give you another kiss as he guided a second digit in feeling you buck against his palm that rubbed against your clit. His fingers hooked inside you as his mouth pressed against yours not kissing you yet but swallowing your moans.
“You gonna cum in my mouth?” He asked kissing the corner of your lips avoiding your mouth in a teasing way that left you grinding against his hand even more. Deciding he’s done enough teasing he falls back between your legs and really goes for it.
The top half of your body arches off the mattress at the sudden quick pace his tongue flicked against your clit while his fingers hooked inside you. “Wai—“ you were cut off by another sting to your clit, he slapped you again urging you to stay still and you immediately complied letting him take whatever he wanted from you. It didn’t take much more to have you releasing around his fingers and mouth, hand in hair pulling harshly as you fucked his face until your high went down. When you released him he kissed above the hood of your clit in a reassuring way before drawing his fingers out carefully. He pulled them to his mouth groaning at your taste and you couldn’t help but catch the way the lower half of his face shined with your arousal, a small drop barely hanging off his chin.
You sit up to unbutton his jeans and wrap your hand around his neck bringing him down into a kiss. “Fuuu—“ he groaned when you let your tongue trail from his jaw to his chin then back to his mouth where the pool of arousal you had collected off his face was in his mouth again. He was swallowing around the kiss, tongue meeting yours in a nasty make out all while tugging on his jeans.
Jungkook takes them all the way off and to your surprise grabs you by the hips pushing you back against the headboard, bare ass against his pillows. You can see his cock bulging through his underwear. You make eye contact with him and say in an embarrassingly desperate voice, “I want you inside of me.”
He nods his head removing his underwear and his cock sticks out almost straight, he’s already hard. He reached behind you to remove you bra, eyes locking on the pert nipples he’d seen peaking through your shirt one too many times throughout your cohabitation.
“I want to fuck you so bad,” he sighs digging his face between the valley of your breast placing kisses over the mounds, “Will you let me fuck you?”
“With a condom, yes,” you bite back playfully and he nods his head understandably as he reaches for his nightstand and pulls out a string of condoms. You take it from him before he can tear into it and with a show of putting it into your mouth you rip it open and his cock almost stands at attention now. His head falls forward at the sudden feel of the rubber in your hand rubbing against his tip, covering it in the condom and easing it onto his angry, erect member.
You strokes his cock a few times making it harder if that were even possible and drew your knees up. He still had you sitting with your back against the headboard giving you no room to breathe as he sat between your parted legs with his dick aimed straight at your core.
 You take the lead letting his tip run along your exposed cunt gathering wetness as he watched your hand closely pushing him inside of you little by little. He gripped the headboard behind your head as you took him in inch by inch until he was sinking forward on his own accord not caring that your drenched pussy was directly over his pillow—his soon to be favorite pillow.
He draws himself back out when your face presses against his chest and reenters you again this time going further, his cock stretching you and your pussy becomes wetter. He continues at this slow pace and moans lightly with pleasure, but doesn’t enter all the way again. Your body becomes more desperate, hands coming to his back nails digging in enough to pull a sharp groan from him causing his cock to enter you more with the sudden burn coursing through his back. He pushes you left thigh back down firmly, he kneels his tight leg on top of your thigh and slowly enters your pussy again much deeper than last time.
Jungkook holds himself inside for a few seconds before pulling out almost all the way. He then pushes his cock inside of you faster this time and back out again, “Do it again.” He moans against your ear when you get the hint and let your nails scratch along the muscles of his back and moan his name louder this time. This urges him to go faster and harder, body jolting each time his hips smacks against your spread thighs.
His pace slows again as he reaches an arm out to grasp your tit. His hand teases with your nipple and he moans, “You feel so good baby.”
You didn’t miss the way this was the second time he’s called you a pet name. You didn’t mind it either whining a little when he reaches behind you and grips your ass roughly lifting you up and pressing you harder against the headboard so he could fit his legs under you to fuck into you better, “You take me so well. You’re so tight.”
“Just shut up and fuck me, love,” you tease him with a smile that has another animalistic growl leaving his lips as he tugged on the back of his headboard roughly hearing a light crack from behind you. It sends a shiver down your spine. He thrusts his cock inside of you at the same time that your hips grind back and forth in a fast motion, your stomach already beginning to tighten with the hopes of a release. Your tits jiggle against his chest, nipples brushing over his and he was circling your waist to keep you grounded on his fat cock lifting your lower back off the headboard but leaning forward enough for your shoulders to still be against it.
He couldn’t express how good you were making him feel right now letting him fuck up into you in this carnal position that had him wanting to bend you over wherever he could just to get his stiff dick inside you.
“You’re such a good girl” he moans head falling against your shoulder as he practically hugged your body.
“I’m your good girl,” You say back and his hands go to your hair tugging your head back suddenly. Your pussy tingles with delight and your legs shake slightly when he stares deep into your eyes almost searching for something’s when he speaks again, “Don’t say things you don’t mean.”
“Oh god, I’m going to cum” you exclaim. To this, he speeds up, fucking rougher into you and pressing you against the headboard again. With your back against it he place both hands on the edge of the wood using his thighs and the back to keep you in place as he fully pounded into you. His bed squeaked loud under you and the headboard banged into the wall repeatedly.
You watch as Jungkook’s face becomes scrunched from how tight your pussy squeezed around him and he wished for once that he didn’t have a condom on to feel every ridge in your walls around him. He moans slowly which sends a long shiver down your spine. Jungkook’s knuckles turned white against the wooden frame as he pushes it back again to help him move against you and with a squint of his eyes eyes his head fell against your collarbone. You let yourself go and become overwhelmed with an orgasm giving one final moan as your body cums around his cock, at the same time Jungkook let’s go with a final thud of the headboard and you both stop moving.
It takes him a moment to come back down, hand aching and tense from the grip he had on the wood and he drew himself out watching your release drool out around his condom and hit his rumpled pillowcase. He helps you down until your lying down and he gets the chance to look at the damage between you.
You looked up at the wall, mouth drawing open at the very obvious hole right behind the bedposts and he chuckles, “There goes my deposit.”
You chuckled in embarrassment as you covered your face with your hands and he laughed alongside you. He hissed as he tugs the condom off, chucking it on the floor and reaching for the pillow that was covered in both your arousal. He ignored the uncomfortable wet feeling around his dick from where he released into the condom and let the pillow fall onto the floor taking another one and lying you down on it.
You were on your back staring up at the ceiling as he curled himself around you resting his head on your arm like you’d done to him a while ago and let his hand play with the bulge of your hip bone again. He looked up at you, your silence scaring him, “What’s wrong?”
“Hm?” You asked looking down at him as he lifted his head to look at you, legs still tangled together.
He shook his head, not wanting to spoil the moment he just let his head fall back against you again letting his eyes drift closed, too tired to think and act.
When morning came he woke up in his bed all alone, all traces of you being there gone, all your clothes picked up and taken away. The blanket that had been thrown around his bare lower half was new considering he’d used your warmth to keep himself comfortable last night. With a disappointed sigh he found himself staring at his phone screen looking at the time before getting up. He quickly changed, leaving his room to see if you’d slipped back into your own but your door was left open, no trace of you there either.
You weren’t in the kitchen or living room at that and he couldn’t hide the pain in his chest when he thought about the look you had last night. It was already well into moon and he must’ve been so pussy quenched that he slept through the whole morning when you’d left. He didn’t bother answering any of the texts in his phone as he retreated sullenly to his room for a shower.
By the time he came out he’d assumed you’d left to work or were probably trying to avoid him. Did you regret last night? The look on your face told him you might but he tried not to think about it too much in the shower.
And imagine his surprise when you came home with take out and was already setting the table for two. He ran his fingers through his messy hair trying to tame it as you looked up at him, “You’re awake.”
“Where’d you go?” He didn’t want to keep waiting around for answers. If you were willing to try a relationship with him he wanted to know now. The faster he knew the faster he could cut other girls off and only make time for you the same way he hoped you’d make time for him.
You barely batted an eye in his direction as you motioned for him to come sit, “Namjoon asked to have breakfast this morning.”
He didn’t bother to hide his distaste as he stood right next to you, hand on the chair you were planning to sit in, “And?”
You looked up at him never seeing him this serious, “And he asked if I wanted to go out with him.”
“What did you say?”
“Jungkook,” your voice softened and he swears his heart would beat out of his chest. He knew this had been a bad idea, if he would’ve just listened to his instinct and avoided these feelings he had for you he wouldn’t feel so hurt right now at the thought of you still choosing Joon after last night. He literally made a hole in his wall fucking you and you still couldn��t see how he felt about you? He’s brought tons of girls over and he’s never fucked any one of them like he did you, never came so easily without at least getting his dick sucked until you.
“I told him to fuck off then I went and ordered us lunch—“ you sucked in a breath when he pressed his lips against yours again, hand in your hair and other on your hips. He pulled you into him further when you reciprocated the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. He place both hands under your ass and hoisted you onto the table hearing the silverware clank against the floor.
You laughed at his eagerness, “Shouldn’t we talk about last night?”
“Nope,” he kissed along your jaw nibbling on your ear, “You already said you’re my good girl.” He pulled away to look you in the eyes as he cupped your face in his hands, “Mine.”
Request 1
y’all why was this lowkey freaky
Taehyung fic next
idk if y’all have noticed but I like to alternate between Tae and JK fics
like if my most recent fic is of Taehyung just know there will be a JK fic after and vise versa
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transias · 3 years
Being in a Polyamorous Relationship with Druig and Makkari includes:
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Request: Can I request Makkari and Druig x reader in a polyamorous relationship?
Pairings: Makkari x Druig x Eternal!Reader (Gender Neutral)
Note: In the future i'll definitely write full one-shots for being in a poly relationship with them :D
- So, here you are! A newborn eternal in the body of a grown up.
- Everyone was so kind and friendly to each other, you quickly befriended them. But you were much closer to Druig and Makkari.
- Over time, you started having strange butterfly like feelings. It started with Makkari, you were both hanging out and just joking around when she gently brushed your hair and you felt it.
- That feeling never went away, you were lowkey worried since you didn't know what it was but you kept it a secret.
- Then Druig came and wrapped his arm around you, then that feeling erupted again.
- Now you were really worried. The feelings just grew stronger and stronger, so you went to Ajak and asked her if she could heal you.
- The eternal chuckled and shook her head, "My dear (y/n), I think what you felt was love. You're in love!"
- It was confusing. In love? With two people?
- For a while, you avoided everyone, trying to figure out your feelings and what to do with them.
- Druig and Makkari were really worried for you, they though they did something to hurt you so they cornered you and asked what was wrong and why you were avoiding them.
- You explained it to them. How it started, when you went to Ajak, how you're both in love with them.
- They pulled you into a hug and gently caressed your hair and kissed your cheek. They realized how overwhelming having to deal with all of this was for you.
- You felt like you could finally breathe, like the entire universe was lifted off your back.
- "Well, i'm sure we could find a way to make this work." Druig said.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "For what to work?"
"Us! I mean- we could try having a relationship, the three of us, you know?" He replied.
- You thought for a moment, it didn't seem like a bad idea. Plus, you had nothing to lose, so with Druig and Makkari agreeing with the idea you were in.
- The eternals didn't seem to mind, they were supportive. Although it took Ikaris a while to understand how it would work.
- Druig better not hear anyone talking shit about you and/or Makkari cause Arishem help him he will go insane.
- Makkari loves taking you on little piggyback rides across the world and show you so many places.
- Druig though- he gives the best hugs. He loves hugging you from behind and gently kissing your cheek and then moving down to your neck.
- You guys sleep in a really small bed so it’s CHAOTIC! Druig’s leg draped over the two of you, Makkari cuddling close to your side, and small little giggles from dumb conversations.
- Sleeping and cuddling positions change constantly.
- Makkari is really defensive of you both while Druig is more on the offensive side. It’s a perfect mix.
- The three of you are so mischievous, always doing things that might get you in trouble and pranking the other eternals.
- You’re probably the first poly couple in the entire world and it’s funny because a few more years later and there’s more polyamory couples !
- I feel like Makkari would want to befriend more poly couples and share each other’s experience.
- Druig is also open to hear them but he doesn’t care about anyone except Makkari and you <3
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