#and being left with a bad aftertaste and unsympathy towards the original
You know, I think we should all take a step back and remember that a good, finished, singular piece of media can actually be. Just that. A finished piece of media.
A good book or movie doesn't need tons of sequels or a whole series or show based on it.
Honestly I think we lost something when everything had started to be made with thought about how much you can make out of something instead of how good you can make it. I mean, many pieces of classical cultural works are exactly this, oneshots, singular novels, one single movie that this director did well.
And I don't mean it as some kind of attack on fanfiction, because I love fanfiction, I write fanfiction myself and I have committed a few "fan continuations" of stories. But well, we should remember that sometimes, fanfiction is best left to be just fanfiction. And it's not like this is a completely made up compliant, I mean think about how many times a sequel or a spin off ruined something? Or have a series started to get worse and worse with every season? Or when a sequel/spin off/continuation completely didn't meet the hype and expectations? If a story leaves you wanting more then, perhaps, this is what it was meant to do, it was meant to make your brain work, get you imagination running. An open ending is still an ending! Even if it leaves you unsatisfied, sometimes this is what the author wanted.
Really, the whole point of fanfiction is that it's not made by the original creators, that it's something that fits you. So if what you want is to see the story go a specific way, see a specific scenario isn't it better to just write/read fanfiction than ask for an official continuation?
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