#and i dont mean to hate on tv shows or sagas here
You know, I think we should all take a step back and remember that a good, finished, singular piece of media can actually be. Just that. A finished piece of media.
A good book or movie doesn't need tons of sequels or a whole series or show based on it.
Honestly I think we lost something when everything had started to be made with thought about how much you can make out of something instead of how good you can make it. I mean, many pieces of classical cultural works are exactly this, oneshots, singular novels, one single movie that this director did well.
And I don't mean it as some kind of attack on fanfiction, because I love fanfiction, I write fanfiction myself and I have committed a few "fan continuations" of stories. But well, we should remember that sometimes, fanfiction is best left to be just fanfiction. And it's not like this is a completely made up compliant, I mean think about how many times a sequel or a spin off ruined something? Or have a series started to get worse and worse with every season? Or when a sequel/spin off/continuation completely didn't meet the hype and expectations? If a story leaves you wanting more then, perhaps, this is what it was meant to do, it was meant to make your brain work, get you imagination running. An open ending is still an ending! Even if it leaves you unsatisfied, sometimes this is what the author wanted.
Really, the whole point of fanfiction is that it's not made by the original creators, that it's something that fits you. So if what you want is to see the story go a specific way, see a specific scenario isn't it better to just write/read fanfiction than ask for an official continuation?
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missmeinyourbones · 3 years
jjk characters x icks!
the ick saga continues but this time its applied to the jjk characters :3 you can read my aot icks here and here :) in conclusion, they are all so so SO embarrassing, your honor 
fully says saturdays are for the boys. like genuinely uses it as an excuse. ur like babe i found this really cute ramen place i wanna try, lets go on saturday for lunch :D and hes like im sorry baby but saturdays are for the boys, i have plans w megumi and toge😕 he definitely has a tapestry that says it hanging in his dorm room, when you guys move in together after college he half jokingly suggests hanging it up in the living room, you make him burn it
is an ipad baby. always on his damn ipad. he cant focus on anything without simultaneously playing a game on it. ur watching a tv show together and he is watching it, but hes also playing candy crush. you are in the bathroom getting ready for bed and hes already in bed playing subway surfers. he also never cleans the screen so its so greasy and has crumbs in the crack of the buttons / case 
hes a sneaker head LMFAO he is so annoying about his shoes. has like 100 pairs of sneakers. ones he only wears to work out, ones he wears on special occasions, ones in certain colors, ones from certain athletes. he REFUSES to let you even breathe near them. places them so delicately on the doormat of your apartment and then gets mad when you just kick off ur own shoes and they almost hit his. “BABE DONT CREASE THOSE IVE ONLY WORN THEM 5 TIMES” 
REFUSES to order at starbucks because he hates the way their sizes are named. you guys go to starbucks together and ur like can u get me a venti iced coffee??? and hes like ok is that a medium or a large. and when you tell him to just say venti he gets irrationally annoyed. “its so stupid that i cant just say large? why would i say venti? grande literally means big in spanish and its equivalent to a small?” idk baby i didnt make the menu <3
he never waits for hot foods to cool down. he just immediately takes a bite and then does that icky thing where his mouth is open and he’s breathing so fucking loud so it cools down in his mouth LMFAO BYE he looks so stupid. and you would think he’d be like a normal person and wait for it to cool down a little before he takes his second bite but hes an idiot!!! and does it again!!!! and repeats until the food is either gone or at room temp!!!!!
makes fun of what you watch but low key watches it with you and likes it??? but hes too stubborn to ever admit it so he has to pretend to make fun of it as you watch it so he can continue to see what happens LMFAO. ur watching a cheesy show like teen wolf and hes like “this show is so stupid and not realistic.” hes all “teenagers don’t even look like that, those are 30 year olds” and “this is so cringey why would they make that a plotline” so ur like OKAYYYYY then leave🙄 and he just pouts but continues to watch it because he needs to know how the season finale plays out 
this bitch laughs at the most inconvenient times and everyone around her is like😐 shes ordering ur guys food through a drive through and literally cannot get the order out bc shes laughing so hard for no reason???? the person taking the order is not amused thru the box and u get so embarrassed that you have to take over lmfao. she also does this when presenting something in class. shes just laughing and giggling and looking at her friends in the audience. BE SERIOUS BABES PLS
cannot apologize. says “i’m sorry you misunderstood what i meant” or “im sorry that you feel that way” whenever you are mad or upset with her. FOR THE LIFE OF HER cannot put herself in your shoes for the sake of an argument. will go to the grave thinking that she was 100% correct and that you were overreacting or took it too personally 
she says that she is “really good w kids!!!” but in reality gets violently bullied by them LMFAO you guys are babysitting your cousins or something and shes hyping herself up, talking about how great she is with them, how smooth the night is gonna go, and you get there and they just completely humble her. say her haircut is ugly and her clothes are weird and that she smells. she pouts for the rest of the night and ur like baby theyre 6 and shes like “thats how you know its true, they dont have a filter they just speak the truth :///” 
refuses to ask for help in any capacity. so fucking stubborn about it. imagine him following instructions he found on google for how to fix ur washing machine and getting mad LMFAO like he kicks it and throws the screws around while sighing loudly. ur finally like satoru please lets just call someone, like a professional, whose literal job it is to do stuff like this. hes hurt that you would even suggest that lol
claps when planes land i literally hate him so much LMFAO he thinks hes doing it ironically but it does not come across that way AT ALL. hes whooping and hollering from the window seat as the plane slowly descends and ur hiding ur face in embarrassment next to him. as you guys gets off the plan he personally shakes the pilots hand and is like “thank you so much for your service, for safely landing us, for letting us live another day” and you have to pull him by his ear to get him to stfu 
looks at himself in every reflection he passes. EW i hate him. he physically cant help himself from looking in every single reflective surface he sees. he passes the mirror in your hallway??? checks his hair. walking by a display window in the mall??? smiles at his reflection. he has no shame. its so humiliating to see him from afar checking himself out
tries so fucking hard to be funny in class that it comes off as such a force. this man wants to be the class clown so bad hes shaking in his seat waiting for the right opportunity to say something. hes gotten a few chuckles a handful of times, but most of the time no one laughs and the prof is like ...anyways 
thinks driving his car fast is a flex.... bye LMFAO like purposefully revs his engine thinking its gonna make the girls panties drop. goes 80 in a 45 because he thinks it makes him look cool and dangerous???? living for the bad boy aesthetic but he just looks like a dick lol 
falls asleep right after sex. yes im saying it. he doesnt do it in a mean way, its not like he doesnt care enough to check in on you or talk to you. he is just an exhausted man LMFAO. you roll over to crack a joke or something and hes already out like a light. put his ass to sleep now he calling me nyquil type beat 
thinks a “natural makeup look” is a full face with no colored lipstick LMFAO like he does not know what makeup looks like. so when he sees a picture of kendall jenner with a full face of natural makeup hes like “i love when women wear no makeup, shes so beautiful bare faced” like she doesnt have full coverage foundation and fake lashes on??? you guys are out getting lunch or something and you have ur usual makeup on but a little lighter (maybe no eyeliner or lipstick) and hes like you look so pretty naturally today :) ENOUGH
going to the gym is his only personality trait. hes the guy that carries around a gallon of water for no reason???? like not a special water bottle, but a genuine plastic poland springs gallon straight outta the supermarket??? just so everyone knows that he works out?? only eats grilled chicken, white rice, and broccoli every single night for dinner. his friends go out to eat and get pizza and hes like “...you know thats bad for you, right?” shut up meathead. 
he has a wallet phone case LOLLLLL like the velcro or magnetic kind thats leather and holds your phone and your money/cards. major dad/grandfather energy. it also has a touchscreen pen attached to it so he “doesnt get his screen dirty.” gets mad when you don’t use the pen. ur in public and hes like can you check my phone to see if gojo texted me and you go to slide it open and hes like “...with the pen”
LONG ASS NAILS THAT HE DOES NOT CUT OFTEN ENOUGH. theyre not even dirty or grimey they are just long???? sometimes he bites them off and then they are all jagged and uneven and he accidentally scrapes you when he’s rubbing your back or scratching ur head :/ refuses to let you actually file them or cut them with clippers because its “too high maintenance” or “why would you when i could just do it with my teeth?” barbaric
also puts his cold ass feet on ur shins when ur going to bed. i can feel myself gagging while writing this. ur in bed and its all warm and snuggly and just as ur about to drift off to sleep he puts his COLD ASS DOGS ON UR CALVES???? like fully pressed up against ur legs. he’s happy bc ur warming him up but you feel like you have two nasty ice cubes tangled between ur legs now 
still plays among us and makes imposter jokes :/ *crowd boos* but he doesnt even do it in a funny ironic way he does it in a hes deadly serious way. like finds a picture of a dog looking guilty and sends it to you being like “when the imposter is sus XD” he is so embarrassing goodnight 
the type to try waaaaayyyyyy too hard in gym class. like yells at you in dodgeball if you are not breaking a sweat or giving it ur all (maki baby i’m just trying to pass the class) her face is red and she’s sweating bullets and when you are on her team and get out she's genuinely livid. as if winning a gym class dodgeball game means anything????? 
she is so stingy when it comes to certain things. like the heat in your apartment. shes a dad w the thermostat. you are freezing and the thermostat says 60 and ur like babe its winter lets turn the heat on and shes like “no, we dont need to pay for the heat, put a sweater on” or you guys go out to eat and she’s letting you get whatever you want but then when it comes to her shes like “just water and the free bread is fine” BABY WHAT??? 
doesnt wash her face. her skin is really nice and you are jealous. but DOESNT WASH HER FACE??? you guys are getting ready for bed and you have all of your skincare out and shes like wtf is all of this and you explain the differences between toner and moisturizer and all that fun stuff and then she hits you with “huh, i just use water” WDYM U JUST USE WATER  
never knows which way a door opens LMFAOOOOO PLEASE like its either push or pull. he has a 50% chance each time, but he somehow always gets it wrong. imagine him walking into a store and he goes to pull the door and stumbles back a little bit because its a push to open BYE
makes pic collages of you guys and posts them on ig :/ like do you remember in middle school when it was cool to make a flipagram for ur friends birthday? yeah🙂 he does that put for like every simple activity you guys do. hes like heres a flipagram of me and y/n when we went to the aquarium the other day <3 and its just awkward pics of you two w bad lighting lol. or he loves a good pic collage like the ones where you just make a grid of photos? he is an 11 year old little girl in 5th grade who just got an ipod touch 
yells stupid shit when he jumps into the pool LMFAOOOO like the most corny things. hes doing a cannonball and he genuinely says “GERONIMO!!!!” LIKE WTF IS WRONG W HIM???? also says “look out down below” or “incoming” then bellyflops right next to you when you were just trying to relax on a raft :/
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duhragonball · 4 years
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Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them: I think the main appeal to the character is that she doesn’t take any shit from anybody.    The blue version of Launch is pretty passive, but she also knows that anyone who messes with her for too long is going to have to deal with the blonde version.
To go a little deeper, I think there’s an enigmatic quality to Launch that draws people in.   We have no idea why she changes hair and personality when she sneezes, and we don’t know where she came from or what she was up to when she dropped out of the Dragon Ball story.   This sort of ties into something I’ve always maintained about the Vegebul ship: the main fascination lies in how much we don’t know.    The audience is left wanting answers, and has no choice but to invent those answers for themselves.   
I decided to look for information on sneezing in Japanese culture, just to see if I could find some insight into the character.    I had a hunch that there must be some figure of speech about a volatile person changing moods as often as they sneeze, or something like that.   What I found instead was the superstition about a sneeze meaning that someone must be talking about you.    I didn’t think this had anything to do with Launch, but then I found out the superstition goes a little deeper.    If you sneeze once, then someone must be saying something nice about you, but if you sneeze twice, then someone’s saying something bad about you.  
So that might be what Launch is based upon.   When she sneezes, someone must be saying something nice about her, and she becomes nice in turn.   But on the next sneeze, she turns bad, just as someone must be saying bad things about her.    Really, though, she turns the whole superstition on its ear, because of all people, no one’s ever talking about her while she sneezes.   They’re always watching her with breathless anticipation.    
Anyway, I think it’s her lack of a coherent character arc that intrigues people.   You can sort of piece something together, but nearly all of her appearances in the anime are filler scenes, so it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll be putting more thought into it than the writers. That scene where she’s working in a food truck could mean that she’s gotten her life in some kind of order, but with her, there’s really no telling.  
Why I don’t: I find the lack of hard information about Launch frustrating at times.   I feel like there’s some awesome throughline that I should be able to find that would define the character in some profound kind of way.    Mark Waid could figure it out, I bet.   I still need to read his run on Archie.   He probably did some 4D-chess character study on Coach Kleats or something that would blow my mind.    I’m sorry, this is supposed to be griping about Launch and instead I’m griping about how envious I am of Mark Waid.    Uhhhh... I dunno, maybe she shouldn’t be stealing stuff all the time.  
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I can’t think of anything better than the episode where she’s getting drunk over Tien’s death in the Saiyans Saga.   It’s a great followup to their last encounter, where she wanted him to join her in robbing banks, and he wasn’t interested.   
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Death wasn’t that big a deal for TIen in the long run.   He just ascended to the next plane and trained under King Kai, just like how he trained under Kami in the year leading up to the Saiyan invasion.    But for Launch, it’s a big deal, because he’s finally gone somewhere she can’t follow.    And at last, she begins to understand why Tien isn’t interested in stealing money.   
And then... nothing.   She shows up again at the end of the Kid Buu fight, giving zero indication as to what’s happened in between.   What happened to her?   You decide, because Mark Waid costs too much money to hire, and I sure got no clue.  
Favorite season/movie: Probably the Tien Shinhan Saga by default, since her fascination with Tien is probably the biggest character development for her.   And she figures into this weird glitch between the anime and the manga.   See, the manga version of the 22nd Budokai is much shorter, so Launch never leaves the hospital after they take Yamcha there to deal with his broken leg.   You don’t even see her until the final match, where she, Bulma, and Yamcha are listening to the play-by-play on the radio.   But in the anime, the tournament is drawn out over a few days, and she watches all of Tien’s matches in person, and even attempts to murder Chiaotzu.    So it’s a weird deal, which is perfect for Launch.
Favorite line:  Probably the line where she explains what happens to her when she sneezes, since it’s the only concrete evidence that she’s aware of her double personalities.    Blonde Launch sometimes goes “awww, no!” when she feels a sneeze coming on, but that could only mean that she hates sneezing, even without knowing what it means.   But Blue Launch knows she has another self, which means the Blonde one must be aware of this as well.  
Favorite outfit:
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It gets no better than the black shirt and army surplus pants.  
OTP: Tien.   There’s so little we know about Launch, so I’m inclined to hang on for dear life to the one thing we do know, which is that she’s very interested in Tien.  
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Brotp: None.  Launch is a very solitary character.   She’s the wind.  
Head Canon: Not really a headcanon, but a story idea that I couldn’t really work out, but I thought it might be interesting if Launch’s Launchness was like a physical condition that could be imparted upon other people.   Like, Bulma gets it, and then she ends up alternating between robbing banks and standing around going “Oh my!”  But I wasn’t sure I wanted to reduce the original Launch to that sort of explanation.   “Oh, we know what causes this, and it’s something we can turn off.”   
This may be why I struggle to come up with story ideas for Launch, because my impulse is to try to invent some neat and tidy explanation for Why She Is Like That, but doing such a thing would force me to choose one possibility and exclude any other, potentially better ideas.   
Unpopular opinion: Toriyama forgot about her because there was really nowhere left to go with her at that point in the story.   Once DBZ started, the story became less about Goku’s friends and more about Goku’s family, and Chi-Chi basically took Launch’s spot.   She was introduced as a foil for Master Roshi, and then got a stint as Tien’s love interest, and then the series progressed to the point where Tien and Roshi were both afterthoughts, so of course Launch was going to become even more of an afterthought.  
And this is okay, because this is what happens with supporting characters.   Like I was saying, if she actually stuck around, and showed up in every “All-the-side-characters-watch-what’s-happening-on-TV” scene, I don’t think she’d be as interesting as she is with her long, mysterious disappearances.  
A wish: I hope my next attempt to write Launch goes well.  
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I don’t really have anything to put here.
5 words to best describe them: Enigma wrapped in a mystery.
My nickname for them:  Ain’t got one. 
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rvb-is-gay · 4 years
ok so now that the final episode of rvb0 is out for everyone, lets get into some discussion about it! please note that post isnt a topic of debate but rather just my personal thoughts about everything, so dont go arguing in the replies
(fair warning ahead of time for any fans, this is mostly criticism and negative feelings about it, so keep scrolling if you dont wanna read it)
When RVB0 was first announced, I remember everyone was first upset that the Reds and Blues weren't in it, including me. But now that I've watched the whole thing, I can say with confidence that my only issue with RVB0 isn't the lack of the Reds and Blues, but rather everything. the dialogue, some of the animation, the characters, the delivery, the pacing, the ridiculous amount of clichés, etc. I don't dislike RVB0 just because there's no Reds and Blues. I dislike it because I just found the entirety of it bad.
When I first started watching it, I went in with an open mind that maybe this season could actually be really good. I’d also be lying if I said that there wasn't a single scene that I liked. There were actually a few, but they still didn't make up for just the overall badness of the season. But please note that I don't blame the voice actors for any of this or even just Torrian Crawford for the season coming out a giant mess. Many people worked for this season and always had the opportunity to improve or change things but didn't. But anyways, let’s get into some of the criticisms I have for this season.
1. Smaller and more opinion oriented criticisms
This isn’t really criticism or anything important, but rather just a few things I found a bit weird to me personally.
First, the term “ragtag team of misfits” was used to describe Shatter Squad (and was even actually said out loud by One in the last episode, which sounded just so cliché and dumb in my opinion). I don't think this describes them at all?? Everyone has, at the very least, decent relationships with each other (save for One and East who were competitive with each other (which I also fucking hate in RVB that all the girl characters are always competitive with each other)), but that still doesn't really fit the term ragtag) and they all fight very well. I think ragtag fits the Reds and Blues more than it does Shatter Squad; they're bad at fighting, they argue and fight all the time, they're idiots, and that's why we love them. If they had just stuck with “a team of misfits”, that would've made more sense, but again, this is more of a personal opinion than genuine criticism.
Second, I don’t really like the aesthetics this season had. Everything felt a bit too neon and bright and then some stuff just felt like it came straight out of World of Warcraft or something. It didn’t really feel like RVB.
Third, my feelings about Carolina constantly calling Wash David can be summed up by what Michael said in the first episode of Halo 4 LASO: “Now we’re just gonna throw his name around all willy nilly. It used to be a secret.” When someone is called by their real name in RVB or just any story in general where everyone goes by code names, it’s usually a big deal and indicates something serious. Carolina wore out Wash’s name the first time she said it and it just got more and more irritating from then on out and lost its value.
Fourth, who was the blue and purple soldier in the first teaser we got? Was that One? Did they decide to change her armour colour? I don’t know, I just randomly remembered that and thought it was weird but I guess it must’ve just been a colour change.
Now, onto the more serious criticism.
2. Animation and dialogue
The second thing I wanna talk about is the animation. Don't get me wrong, the fighting animation is probably the best compared to everything else and it was pretty good to watch, but the talking and idle animations and gestures were..... kinda yikes. I know that it could be chalked up to “well we’re not used to seeing animated gestures since all of RVB usually has everyone just holding their gun and using the regular Halo models” but there were still some pretty bad parts.
Take the scene from Encounter at 3:26 as an example (I uploaded the scene to YT to put here, but obviously it was blocked for copyright):
This scene is probably one of the worst when it comes to not only the animations, but the dialogue, pacing, and delivery. When I first saw this, I honestly laughed. Here's a list of my problems with this scene and what made it so laughable:
The overexaggerated hand gestures. I get that because everyone's in armour and a helmet, it can be hard to show expression, but this feels like a bit much. Especially when One says “what? You’re pulling us off the mission? You cant do that!” I think that one scene in season 15 when Grif stays behind on Iris while everyone leaves and it slowly zooms in on Simmons’ visor somehow does a lot better at expressing feelings than this.
East immediately making the connection between Axel and Zero feels weird. I don't know if its just me who feels this way, but I think it should've been a little bit longer before she immediately is just like “you know Zero don't you”
Axel saying “I... I do... I did”  also sounds weird and like he was trying a bit too hard to sound dramatic. I don't really know how to describe it its just such a weird delivery of the line.
The way they all immediately start yelling at each other.
One saying “Axe, I trusted you” right after saying “tell us the truth”. Girl, you gave him no opportunity to explain and just immediately jumped to not trusting him anymore. Speaking of which, I don't think this was ever really mentioned again and had no meaning or importance to it.
The echoing of “I trusted you” also feels cliché to me, but this is more of a minor thing.
I think this one comment on one of the episodes on the RT site that says the dialogue “seemed acted rather than natural. It didn't really sound like how people normally talk, more how actors talk in plays” is how I feel about all of the dialogue in RVB0.
3. The villains
Zero and Diesel both felt like they didn't really have any motivation at all for being villains. Phase is probably the best when it comes to this. She was essentially abused by her father as a child and forced to undergo being experimented on. This is an actual good and understandable motivation.
Diesel we know basically nothing about, and then on the other hand, all Zero wants is power. But for what? Why? I can understand that power is a pretty common thing for people to want, but it still kind of felt like there wasn't really anything there.
Some previous good villains in RVB include:
Temple: Temple witnessed his best friend be brutally murdered right in front of him by 2 soldiers who didn't give a shit and just left him to die, especially right after he told him he was having a baby. Of course it’s understandable that he has a hatred of Freelancers after this. Any normal person would.
Felix: Felix was probably the best villain of all of RVB, to be honest (right beside the Director). He was just somehow so likeable and had so much personality, despite being an asshole. His ultimate motivation was money and being rich, which is another thing I can understand; the more money you have, the more you can essentially do whatever you want and live in luxury. I mean, even so many people in real life do horrible things just for money. I don't even have to give examples for this. Felix in general is also just a psychopath.
The Director: The whole reason the Director did what he did was because he lost the person he loved most in the world: his wife. He was willing to do literally anything to bring her back, leading to all of his actions in the Project Freelancer saga. You can find many examples of movie/TV/book/etc characters/villains seeking vengeance as a result of loss of a loved one and grief. Despite being a horrible person, the Director actually managed to be a villain you could even sympathize with, making him even better.
Sharkface: Although a bit of a more minor villain, similar to Temple, Sharkface is a villain because he wants revenge on the people that killed his team, the people he considered to be the only family he’s ever had.
4. Tucker & the swords
The fourth thing I wanna talk about is the whole thing with Tucker and the swords. I always found it kinda weird how both Tuckers sword and now Locus’ sword in the chorus trilogy were the same, but then in RVB0, Zero’s sword looks and acts completely different, but that might just be a little nitpick of mine.
As for Tucker, it was so good to see him. Although I don’t know if it was just me, but he seemed a little OOC. What I didn't like about seeing Tucker again was that he did literally nothing the entire episode. He was useless. He said “I can fight” at one point but then all he does during the battle is get held at knife point, run away, and then get stabbed and have his sword taken. Tucker isn't an amazing fighter, but he’s definitely a lot more capable than just this. We’ve seen him in action many times and I just feel like he could've done a bit more. It almost feels like he was purposefully nerfed and tossed aside just to advance the plot.
Another thing that I and probably a lot of people are upset about is the fact that Tucker might not even own his sword anymore?? When East stabbed him, he apparently died and the sword was rebound to Phase, but it wasn't very clear that this was the case. Although the beginning of the next episode starts with hospital beeps and a flatline, I don't think it was still really clear enough that Tucker actually died long enough for Phase to reclaim the sword because I saw a handful of people confused in the comments and, like me, even thought it was just bad writing at first and that the writers completely forgot about the rules of the sword established over several prior seasons.
When in the hospital, Wash tells Tucker that he almost died. Although I actually liked this scene because it was nice to see wash and tucker bantering again, I think it could've been made better and made the plot clearer if instead of saying he almost died, Wash said something along the lines of “Tucker, you died. Your heart stopped, but they were able to bring you back thanks to their advanced medical tech” and then in response Tucker freaks out because that means his sword will now work for Phase and now they know how urgent the situation is.
I really really hate that Phase just has Tucker’s sword now and nothing is even said about it. If Tucker was to give his sword away to someone, I think many people would prefer that it was at least someone close to him, like Junior for example, but instead it goes to a random girl he hardly knows.
5. Pacing
The fifth thing I wanna talk about is the pacing. This season was definitely a lot shorter than normal and I think that’s one of the things that really prevented it from being good. The entire story just feels rushed and while I understand that it can be really difficult to build a good story and characters in such a short time, I think there’s still ways you can do it without it feeling like there’s so much missing. I think the long intros and outros are also responsible for less time and maybe they should’ve considered cutting them to give more actual episode time. Here’s a few things that were poorly done as a result of bad pacing:
The final battle against Zero: The whole battle just somehow felt like a typical video game boss battle that ends super quickly to me. Shatter Squad didn’t even defeat Zero, he just up and got disintegrated or whatever from Black Lotus.
Shatter Squad giving up on their mission: After receiving the silly deep voice filtered message from Zero, everyone on Shatter Squad just immediately gives up on finding him.
One’s speech: One’s speech wasn’t awful or anything and I didn’t really have any problems with the speech itself, but rather just how quickly the team went from “we can’t do it.. it’s over..” to “you’re right! I’m in! Let’s go get them!” Compare this to Doc and Sarge’s speech to the Reds and Blues after Church and Carolina leave in season 10 episode 20. It just felt a lot more genuine (this is probably because the Reds and Blues had a lot more time to be developed, though) and was only given after some time passed rather than 2 seconds later. The scene and context also transitioned well into it and at first, nobody was on board with what Doc was saying, which is more realistic in my opinion. People’s minds won’t just instantly change, they’re still gonna think about it and maybe have a few doubts at first.
Phase and West: During their fight, West talked a lot about how he regrets giving Phase away to Starlight, that he won’t hurt her, and is even willing to die for her. Their scene together ends with Phase punching him in the head and then leaving to join the others and nothing else about them is mentioned. We don’t know if Phase forgave him or not, we don’t know how West feels, etc.
Tucker’s sword: Phase still has Tucker’s sword and like the scenario with West, nothing about it is mentioned. We don’t know what she’s going to do with it, if she’s going to keep it, if Tucker’s gonna do anything about it, etc.
6. Clichés
Clichés aren’t inherently bad and can be really impactful and good if done right. But when it comes to RVB0, it’s jampacked with clichés that aren’t good. Here are a few examples:
Everyone gives up until a speech is given: All of the points for this are the same as above, but I wanted to include this scene as a cliché as well.
Every female character is competitive with each other: RVB falls into this a lot, like I mentioned earlier. It happens again with East and One, although luckily they seem to resolve it, but not until literally the end of the season.
West’s fit about East: All of the lines and delivery in this scene were just atrocious and cheesy. I think West’s dialogue just could’ve been a bit more original, but instead we’re given this boring predictable “I won’t lay a hand on her. I promised her. I promised her mother. I promised she’d be safe” spiel that has no emotion to it in his voice.
The whole “I got this, you go ahead” thing: This isn’t like a super cliché thing, but I found it pretty interesting how it happens twice in the same episode.
I think this is pretty much all I can think of at the moment. If I think of anything else, I’ll add onto this. Overall, I think RVB0 would’ve done a lot better as just an RVB spinoff so that it could have more episodes and seasons dedicated to developing characters and a good plot. I’m really disappointed with this season and I hope whatever comes next is better than what RVB0 was. I hope the team that worked on it can learn a few things that come from the good and valid constructive criticism given to them. And if I had to pick, I think I’d say Raymond was my favourite out of all the new characters. He just felt the most relatable and realistic to me.
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shyloft · 7 years
u should answer the rest of the 21p questions
god…..damn it this is why you guys should just send me these questions bc u KNOW avia is gonna come in my ask and make me drop this big ass post. learn from this
what are your top five favorite songs by them at this moment?holding on to you, fall away, forest, trapdoor, we don’t believe what’s on tv
have you ever introduced them to a friend or family member, and they ended up being a fan as a result?yes omg!! i’ve turned a few of my like….occasional listener friends into actual fans and i introduced my roommate to them and she really likes them?? she drew me josh for my bday like a few weeks after i love her
have you met any amazing friends because of twenty one pilots? tag them!@chalupacabras @slampoety @stalk-softly @vesselbf I HAVE MORE TREASURED MUTUALS!! I DO AND I LOVE YOU ALL BUT these ppl are the ones i talk to like….a lot. and i also have some AMAZING friends irl who i became much better friends with once we started bonding over 21pwhat other musical artists have you found because of twenty one pilots?FINISH TICKET BITCH OHHHH MY GOD i didnt get to see them live but all my friends did and my best friend played them in the car all the time so? thanks josh and tyler for bringing me finish ticketreese’s puff or waffle crisps?ive never had waffle crisps in my life but josh did get them rush delivered from amazon to my venue for my first show and made tyler put it in the trees speech and ruined my and courtney’s crying partywhat’s your favorite tattoo of tyler’s?i was going to say the cross and hourglass on his chest but when i googled them just now i found out that his roman numerals on his arm were his first tattoo and i almost cried because MY FIRST TATTOO WAS MY ROMAN NUMERALS? I DIDNT EVEN KNOW wow
what’s your favorite tattoo of josh’s?MOM
do you have any of their merch?yes unfortunately i spent a lot of fucking money on the uglyass ers 2016 shirt, the cute ers clique tank with the skull, the tdc hoodie, and the poster for the tdc nationwide show
which of their songs make you feel happy or “pumped”?ride, holding on to you, tear in my heart!! this list was longer until i thought about their lyrics i hate them
which of their songs calm you down?dude none of them what i’m either going hard or crying if it calms me down its only bc its like. the act of listening to the band in general was used to calm me down all of their songs can make me cry if they try hard enough
which of their songs make you feel sad, if any?all of them bitch. but goner especially. goner from blurryface gives me a special sad but goner from no phun intended should be illegal to play anywhere ever its the most upsetting thing tyler has ever made in his entire life i cant believe he put those fucking sound effects in it god i cant even think about it
what’s your favorite song off of no phun intended?not goner or tb saga they can both fuck offwould you ever consider being tyler or josh for halloween? what would the costume be like?no. i want to do a fever you cant sweat out panic! at the disco with friends that is my dream halloween costumewhat do you order at chipotle?corn in hand
any theories or hopes for the new album?MORE JOSH BACKUP VOCALS
who’s the tyler to your josh (or josh to your tyler)? tag them!im just a tyler looking for her josh and once i find them we’re getting married. but if ur asking who my best friends are they’re courtney @qodcomplex who never uses this site ever and savannah @sirrupybuzzard who lives here. we’re all friends we arent collectively best friends but. both of them are my best friends i dont think i ever told savannah that so guess whatwould you rather be attacked by 100 chicken-sized horses, or 1 horse-sized chicken?100 chicken sized horses but like why did they pick this question over the nipple-sized penis or penis-sized nipples oneHave you ever seen donnie darko? what about fight club? what did you think?no i havent seen either because im a fake film fan but i love jake gyllenhaal and i know fight club is gay so i pick fight clubwhich album era best describes your “aesthetic”?UHHHH NONE OF THEM if we’re talking about them collectively as an era like the whole thing none of them all are bad
what’s your favorite music video and why?holding on to you is their absolute best video because 1.) theres no concert footage 2.) the dancers 3.) the visuals of the hands clawing at tyler’s face 3.) the theatrics 4.) the black and white 5.) the noose to leash thing 6.) the transistions from being skeletons to real live people i just. every single thing in that video is perfect even if josh has the bad hair. its still not the worst josh music video hair. we all know what hair i mean. why didnt his family tell him
have you seen them live before? do you have plans to in the future?yes i’ve seen them 3 times (ers16 stl, ers17 little rock, tdc nationwide) and i plan on going to another hometown show if the date falls during my summer/winter break and i AM going to get ga for the next show in my city. im not fucking around. i’ve never been in the pit and i’m doing it im getting pit tickets and im camping out this IS happening i cant die without that experience im not kidding
are you a redbull person or a starbucks coffee person?red bull as of like a week ago fuck you tyler that shit is so good
favorite quote of tyler’s?“yeah my best friend is actually the Lord so yeah.”
favorite quote of josh’s?“I can’t believe how great this photo is my crops are flourishing my skin is clear the worlds order is restored i have 20/20 vision my grades are up I’m sleeping soundly at night i am sh00k”
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samanthasroberts · 7 years
The 9 Fights You’ll Definitely Have With Your SO When You Move In Together
This summer, I purchased my first home with my fiance. Wed lived together in my parents home for several months, so we figured having a place to ourselves wouldnt be much of a transition.
I mean, we already lived together. We were going to be like two sexy little peas in a very overpriced pod! Except we werent. At least, not exactly.
Once its just the two of you, things do indeed change. By moving in with your partner, youre assuming the roles of husband and wife. But instead of being married to each other, youre mutually committed to this one, very expensive house thatll take the majority of your lives to pay off.
With such high stakes, theres a lot to gain and lose when you do finally move in. And as any couple whos ever lived together knows, you will find yourselves having a number of standard arguments over and over again.
Most of these arguments have no merit and brew from outside sources, but your partner gets the brunt of it because theyre, well, there. So lets get started on these arguments, shall we?
1.The conflict of the light switch.
Because I always grew up with pets, when I would leave the house, Id always leave the TV on for them so theyd feel less alone.
Since weve only had the house for a few months, I continue to leave the TV on when I leave. This INFURIATES my fiance, who, as soon as I step in the house, scolds me as if I were being reprimanded by a teacher in grade school.
Id then daftly counter with, Well, Im the one paying the electricity bill, so why do you care? and, as Im sure you can imagine, a whole other argument ensues.
2. Bills, bills, bills.
Money will always be a subject of contention for couples. Always.
Whenyou move in with somebody, you marry each other financially, so this contention can grow. Add to the fact that youre absolutely astounded by the amount of money youre now spending on bills that used to be spent on beer and just beer.
As such, your money becomes their money and vice versa. Your spending affects them and their spending affects you.
I should add here that bills arent often the source of an argument (at least in our home), but are instead used as a last line of defense in an argument.
For instance, if you pay the majority of the bills, you will undoubtedly use this against your partner when verbally backed into a corner. Its not a smart thing to do, but like I said, its a last line of defense. Its all youve got.
3. Settling on TV shows.
Im fortunate that my fiance and I like watching the same shows, but there are moments when we disagree and a lukewarm argument ensues.
For instance, I know my fiance doesnt want to watch a show when she innocently asks: Whats this? or What are you watching?
Knowing this is her method to vocalize her distaste for whatevers on, I surrender by delicately placing the converter on her lap, where shell then switch it over to The Food Network.
4. Accusations of ones laziness.
Since I work from home, my fiance likes to think I have the day to sweep the floors, do the laundry, fold the laundry and otherwise ensure the house is spotless.
To her, Im Cinderella with a laptop who writes the occasional boner joke in a Word document.
On the other hand, when my fiance comes home mid-afternoon, shell sit on the couch and eat a can of chickpeas, warm up some tomato soup and not do much else.
To be fair, she works as a baker and wakes up at 4 am, but when Im being accused of laziness, the claws comeoutand nobody is safe. Well poke at each other, accusing the other of being lazy, until an actual argument follows.
What you ultimately realize is that anyone can be accused of being lazy with the right argument.
5. The terrible, deplorable saga that is laundry.
Laundry. FUCKING LAUNDRY. Without a doubt, the worst chore of all chores.
While neither of us has any problem throwing a load in the washer or dryer, its the folding and hanging thats a pain in the ass.
There have been a few times where Ive washed, dried and folded the laundry, have gotten fed up and asked that she hang the laundry in the closet. This is where our arguments will usually begin.
Her side: Why not finish the deed yourself? Youre already 80 percent there. Mine: Ive done most of the work, just help me!
Conclusion: Laundry doesnt get hung but instead sits on the floor in a spare room.
6. Compromising on bedtime activities.
Because my fiance wakes up so early and I dont have a dedicated start time, our bedtime schedules are very different.
Though weve each compromised, we discovered many things about each other, such as: I like to watch TV in the bedroom; she doesnt. I like having a fan on in the room; she doesnt. She likes body contact; I dont. And so on.
I know were not alone on this one. I just know it.
7. Doing the dishes.
I actually dont hate doing the dishes. I really dont. I mean, I dont love it, but in terms of chores, its really not so bad.
I should add here that we dont have a dishwasher, so Ive kind of assumed this role myself. If you do have one and complain, youve got no foot to stand on. Im sorry, you just dont.
Like Ive mentioned, my fiances a baker and loves to bake at any and every given opportunity, so the dishes are seemingly endless.
I should also add that shes vegan and Im not, so to make sure that no animal product comes in contact with her food, our dishes are pretty much doubled.
When the dishes start piling on themselves, forming a steel volcano about to erupt with vanilla cupcake batter, Ill admit I get frustrated. Cue argument.
8. Whoever does the cooking holds all the power.
Like paying the bills, the person who cooks in the household will always highlight this fact when theyve got no other form of defense in an argument.
Its like a verbal stun gun: You bring it up, deliver the blinding impact that is your own pettiness and flee the argument hoping theyve got no retort.
9. Understanding that a womans beauty takes time.
Before living together, all Id see was my fiance walking down her driveway looking sexy and flawless.
Now that we live together, I understand that before she worked that driveway like a runway, she spent several hours doing her hair and makeup. Tack on another hour for the outfit.
Now that we live together, this becomes less flattering and more frustrating.
Here you are, all dressed, car keys in hand and should have left 10 minutes ago. But there she is, the love of your life, teasing her hair in her underwear with a glass of wine on the counter.
Like, come on. WEVE GOTTA GO!
Subscribe to Elite Daily’s official newsletter, The Edge, for more stories you don’t want to miss.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/the-9-fights-youll-definitely-have-with-your-so-when-you-move-in-together/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/02/15/the-9-fights-youll-definitely-have-with-your-so-when-you-move-in-together/
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adambstingus · 7 years
The 9 Fights You’ll Definitely Have With Your SO When You Move In Together
This summer, I purchased my first home with my fiance. Wed lived together in my parents home for several months, so we figured having a place to ourselves wouldnt be much of a transition.
I mean, we already lived together. We were going to be like two sexy little peas in a very overpriced pod! Except we werent. At least, not exactly.
Once its just the two of you, things do indeed change. By moving in with your partner, youre assuming the roles of husband and wife. But instead of being married to each other, youre mutually committed to this one, very expensive house thatll take the majority of your lives to pay off.
With such high stakes, theres a lot to gain and lose when you do finally move in. And as any couple whos ever lived together knows, you will find yourselves having a number of standard arguments over and over again.
Most of these arguments have no merit and brew from outside sources, but your partner gets the brunt of it because theyre, well, there. So lets get started on these arguments, shall we?
1.The conflict of the light switch.
Because I always grew up with pets, when I would leave the house, Id always leave the TV on for them so theyd feel less alone.
Since weve only had the house for a few months, I continue to leave the TV on when I leave. This INFURIATES my fiance, who, as soon as I step in the house, scolds me as if I were being reprimanded by a teacher in grade school.
Id then daftly counter with, Well, Im the one paying the electricity bill, so why do you care? and, as Im sure you can imagine, a whole other argument ensues.
2. Bills, bills, bills.
Money will always be a subject of contention for couples. Always.
Whenyou move in with somebody, you marry each other financially, so this contention can grow. Add to the fact that youre absolutely astounded by the amount of money youre now spending on bills that used to be spent on beer and just beer.
As such, your money becomes their money and vice versa. Your spending affects them and their spending affects you.
I should add here that bills arent often the source of an argument (at least in our home), but are instead used as a last line of defense in an argument.
For instance, if you pay the majority of the bills, you will undoubtedly use this against your partner when verbally backed into a corner. Its not a smart thing to do, but like I said, its a last line of defense. Its all youve got.
3. Settling on TV shows.
Im fortunate that my fiance and I like watching the same shows, but there are moments when we disagree and a lukewarm argument ensues.
For instance, I know my fiance doesnt want to watch a show when she innocently asks: Whats this? or What are you watching?
Knowing this is her method to vocalize her distaste for whatevers on, I surrender by delicately placing the converter on her lap, where shell then switch it over to The Food Network.
4. Accusations of ones laziness.
Since I work from home, my fiance likes to think I have the day to sweep the floors, do the laundry, fold the laundry and otherwise ensure the house is spotless.
To her, Im Cinderella with a laptop who writes the occasional boner joke in a Word document.
On the other hand, when my fiance comes home mid-afternoon, shell sit on the couch and eat a can of chickpeas, warm up some tomato soup and not do much else.
To be fair, she works as a baker and wakes up at 4 am, but when Im being accused of laziness, the claws comeoutand nobody is safe. Well poke at each other, accusing the other of being lazy, until an actual argument follows.
What you ultimately realize is that anyone can be accused of being lazy with the right argument.
5. The terrible, deplorable saga that is laundry.
Laundry. FUCKING LAUNDRY. Without a doubt, the worst chore of all chores.
While neither of us has any problem throwing a load in the washer or dryer, its the folding and hanging thats a pain in the ass.
There have been a few times where Ive washed, dried and folded the laundry, have gotten fed up and asked that she hang the laundry in the closet. This is where our arguments will usually begin.
Her side: Why not finish the deed yourself? Youre already 80 percent there. Mine: Ive done most of the work, just help me!
Conclusion: Laundry doesnt get hung but instead sits on the floor in a spare room.
6. Compromising on bedtime activities.
Because my fiance wakes up so early and I dont have a dedicated start time, our bedtime schedules are very different.
Though weve each compromised, we discovered many things about each other, such as: I like to watch TV in the bedroom; she doesnt. I like having a fan on in the room; she doesnt. She likes body contact; I dont. And so on.
I know were not alone on this one. I just know it.
7. Doing the dishes.
I actually dont hate doing the dishes. I really dont. I mean, I dont love it, but in terms of chores, its really not so bad.
I should add here that we dont have a dishwasher, so Ive kind of assumed this role myself. If you do have one and complain, youve got no foot to stand on. Im sorry, you just dont.
Like Ive mentioned, my fiances a baker and loves to bake at any and every given opportunity, so the dishes are seemingly endless.
I should also add that shes vegan and Im not, so to make sure that no animal product comes in contact with her food, our dishes are pretty much doubled.
When the dishes start piling on themselves, forming a steel volcano about to erupt with vanilla cupcake batter, Ill admit I get frustrated. Cue argument.
8. Whoever does the cooking holds all the power.
Like paying the bills, the person who cooks in the household will always highlight this fact when theyve got no other form of defense in an argument.
Its like a verbal stun gun: You bring it up, deliver the blinding impact that is your own pettiness and flee the argument hoping theyve got no retort.
9. Understanding that a womans beauty takes time.
Before living together, all Id see was my fiance walking down her driveway looking sexy and flawless.
Now that we live together, I understand that before she worked that driveway like a runway, she spent several hours doing her hair and makeup. Tack on another hour for the outfit.
Now that we live together, this becomes less flattering and more frustrating.
Here you are, all dressed, car keys in hand and should have left 10 minutes ago. But there she is, the love of your life, teasing her hair in her underwear with a glass of wine on the counter.
Like, come on. WEVE GOTTA GO!
Subscribe to Elite Daily’s official newsletter, The Edge, for more stories you don’t want to miss.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/the-9-fights-youll-definitely-have-with-your-so-when-you-move-in-together/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/170892645632
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