#and believe me that’s a big fuckin deal. do you know how hard it is for me to outright have vehement hatred towards people??
redhotarsenic · 4 months
It’s so fucked that the main source of unease I felt building up over the past several months was me feeling pressured to perform femininity to be seen as desirable to other people. It was never ever said said out loud in that space but I could FEEL it and I never knew until it was pointed out to me.
#it’s so agonizing to want to purposely appear desirable and never feeling like you’ll measure up#compared to everyone else#because of eurocentric beauty standard bullshit#like unironically a giant portion of those people in there were white/white passing/fell nearly within those lines#and it was fucking with my head so so bad. because I don’t have ‘dainty faerie like’ (heavy air quotes) facial features#a good portion of what exacerbated the problem is that I have a very good feeling that most of how those people are acting#or how they’re trying to appear physically#is them trying extremely hard to look sexually attractive to that individual#now mind you I’m sure that isn’t all of them but fuck#feels like shit too when you’re very much brushed past 80% of them time on the rare occasions you take a selfie#for the ‘pretty boy with socially favored facial features’ (even heavier air quotes here)#it’s for the best that I’m not in there anymore#some of those people were annoying as shit anyway abd a select few are on my shitlist forever. which could be an entire nother post lmao#and believe me that’s a big fuckin deal. do you know how hard it is for me to outright have vehement hatred towards people??#im not even trying to appear all angelic and pure n shit here I just have a hard time not trying to think positively of people#something something people pleasing tendencies adjacent shit#ESPECIALLY because someone from that space went outta their way to harass my friend. as far as I’m concerned the majority is gutter trash
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sylveon-official · 7 months
thoughts on angel's heartbreak
viv has already said that angel is gonna get his heart broken sooo
i imagine husk pushes a boundary. we've already seen husk push angel's limits quite a few times. he's obviously really judgmental and i think that's one of his biggest flaws. it almost seems like a defense mechanism, that because he's already given up on himself, he doesn't want to waste angel's potential and so he's harder on him.
we've got tons of examples of this in masquerade, with husk calling him fake. and even in welcome to heaven when angel is considering taking drugs, husk totally plays a guilt trip - "go ahead if you wanna mess up all your progress, i just thought you were better than that"
i think that's how the 'heartbreak' is gonna happen. angel can't believe he's got a someone like husk in his life and he's so smitten, coming to terms with his feelings for husk and tentatively getting hopeful that they're reciprocated. like husk has built him up enough to the point that angel feels he can break down his walls around him, so they're getting closer, more flirtatious in a really sweet way, sometimes even a little touchy.
so imagine them being at this stage, where angel so fully trusts him, which is a big deal for him. and then angel fucks up real bad. he's been clean for almost 6 months and him and everyone else in the hotel are super proud. but after a hard day in the studio he just breaks and goes on an all night bender. like he's out so late husk starts to worry and texts him, but all he gets is a belligerent phone call like "huskYYY BAaaby don' worry i'm jus' out w the girls from the studio u should be here miss yoo-" and then some guy cuts in like "angelbaby, i thought you were gonna show me a good time?" and angel's like "mmm oh ya cmere daddy~" and the call cuts off.
husk is fuckin pissed, not just bc angel is off the wagon after making so much progress, but he's also jealous. like they were obviously heading in the direction of something more, or so he thought, but here's angel back to his old self-destructive habits, getting fucked up and fucking random guys.
the next day, husk finds angel passed out on the on the couch. usually he would wake him up with breakfast or coffee if he knew he'd had a long night at the studio, but this time he just rolls his eyes and gets to work on the bar, maybe stuffing glasses back into cabinets a little louder than usual.
that wakes angel up and he's like, "huuusk what the fuck couldya keep it down?"
"it's almost noon. don't you have something to do? or someone..." he mumbles the last part, but angel hears and is wide awake like, "fuckin' excuse me?"
"what? you don't remember callin' me last night? sounded like you scored a real charmer"
angel is stalking up to the bar getting embarrassed and defensive, "wtf? since when do you care who i'm fuckin' in my free time?"
"i guess since it obviously wasn't a choice you made entirely sober! what were you thinking?! you were clean 6 whole months, and you gave it up to what? snort coke off of some hunk's abs?!"
angel's mouth drops open and he doesn't know what to say but his heart stings. he knows he fucked up real bad, but it was a hard day and he guesses old habits die hard... it's his first real attempt at getting clean, and of course he's disappointed in himself. and honestly, he was planning on talking through it with husk, but now...
"well that is just rich coming from you," angel says, shaking, rolling his eyes in the direction of husk's bloody mary.
"yeah, well, i'm not the one trying to get into heaven-"
"fuck off with that shit husk! you don't think i know i fucked up?! i'm not an idiot! you don't gotta keep that line in your back pocket for every time i screw up! i already know it's fuckin' pointless, you don't need to keep reminding me, asshole, get over yourself!" and he starts storming off upstairs, eyes welling up.
husk does feel guilty, and wants to continue the conversation, but he's still firmly of the belief that if angel just pulls himself together, he's a shoo-in for redemption and it's frustrating to see him self-destruct after making more progress than ever before.
"angel, wait-"
"NO, fuck you husk!" angel turns around, tears streaming down his face, pointing an accusing finger. "i thought if anyone could understand, it'd be you! i know everyone else is gonna be disappointed in me, but you-" he pauses, gulps down his tears and steels his face, "i guess i don't know you as well as i thought i did" and then storms upstairs.
then angel would have a few consecutive weeks of totally self-destructive behavior on a whole new level than anyone else at the hotel had ever seen. maybe he even moves out of the hotel and back in with val, having given up not only on himself and his grand delusions of getting clean and redeemed, but also his "stupid school-girl crush" on husk.
this turned into something way longer than i intended lol, but my point is that since angel is gonna experience heartbreak we know it has to involve husk, and with husk's habit of guilt-tripping angel... i think it will need to blow up at some point and be seriously discussed.
i also think we need to see the 'it gets worse before it gets better' side of recovery bc obviously it's unrealistic that now that angel is a serious resident of the hotel, his addictions are just gonna magically disappear. and i think that's gonna cause some misunderstanding and turmoil with not only husk, but also our main cast.
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Succession Preference: Their Marriage Proposal
Requested: hey!! i looove your succession preferences!! can you please do some about the roy siblings asking/reacting to a marriage proposal, moving in with reader, something like that? thanks :) - anon
A/N: Hi my love!! Thank you so much!!! You're a sweetheart!!! I picked proposal, I just couldn't resist!!! It's just too cute of an idea!!! I hope you like it!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
Succession Masterlist
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Connor has been planning this forever. From the moment he met you he knew you were the one. He fills the house with roses of every color and hires and band to play. He gets the biggest diamond he can get and your favorite wine. When you walk in the house after a long day, you're sorta bombarded by classical music. Connor's down on one knee, telling you all the reasons why he loves you, why he fell for you. You're not expecting it at all. He would have asked on a beach in Italy or Spain, but that would have taken longer and he just couldn't wait. He's got a photographer taking pictures, too. Of course you say yes, yes, a thousand times yes! He hugs you so tight you can barely breathe. Connor never thought he'd feel as loved as you make him feel. No one in his life ever gave him the thought or time or anything. You proved him wrong: that he is a loveable person. Now you'll get to spend the rest of your lives together.
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Kendall, why isn't babygirl allowed to be this happy all the time he asks you to marry him when you're both in bed after a long night of drinking and partying. You're covered in glitter, too tipsy to get out of your party clothes. He's all smiles and giggles. When he asks you, you pinch him lightly. Don't joke like that, you say. You've been dating forever, it feels like. You'd love to marry him. He knows how you feel. Suddenly, he gets this very serious look about him, almost sober. I'm not joking, I mean it. Marry me. You look at him, the room spinning. You laugh, trying to figure out if this is real or not. He would never joke about anything like this. He's serious. Of course, you answer. He doesn't have a ring or anything, but he kisses you anyway, hard, tasting of booze. When you wake up in the morning, wondering if it was even real, he can't stop referring to himself as your husband. He gets a ring and asks again properly, but only you two are aware of the first time he actually asks you to marry him.
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Shiv asks you not-so-romantically over the phone. She's weighed the pros and cons. You're already living together, you share everything. Why not? You don't love how analytically she's looked at this, at your love, but you say yes regardless. When you hang up you can't stop smiling. You and your Shivy, forever? It didn't seem real. When you get home from work she's got a bottle of wine and a little black box waiting for you. She admits maybe that wasn't the best way to go about it, that she'd like a redo. Will you marry her? Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Shiv can't believe it. She thought Tom would be it. That she'd be stuck in that loveless entrapment for the rest of her life. But then she found you, the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with. You call everyone you know, wanting to brag that you're going to be a Roy, that you're lucky enough to call Shiv your wife. She knows what her family will say of course, that only Connor will the excited, so she makes a note to tell everyone tomorrow. For now, it stays between you and the people who will be excited for you.
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Roman doesn't ask you, he more tells you he thinks you should get married. One night when you're both getting ready for a party. You're fixing his cufflinks when he says it like it's no big deal. We should get married. You look at him, wondering where all of this is coming from. I, I don't- it's not- if you don't want to. . . Rome, of course I do, I just didn't think you wanted to. From under the sink he pulls out a little box. Here, it's fuckin- if you want it- I don't know. You cup his face, making sure he's looking at you and really listening. Roman Roy, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. He gets quiet after that, like he can't believe it. Really, he can't. He's not sure why he asked now, when you're already running late and needed to be at Shiv's by ten, it just came out. He's had the ring for weeks, checking on it every so often just to make sure it's real, that it's still there. He's not very romantic or affectionate, it just sort of happens.
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macbooth · 1 year
full of childish whimsy in a hostile fashion tonight so here’s every shakespeare clown i can think of and whether or not i think i’d beat them in a fight
(i do not mean fools i mean clowns. they do not need to be the secret genius of the play. if they are stupid in every way shape or form i am including them here)
Puck (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) No chance. Bro’s got that magic and ALSO has a big strong scary fairy king as his bear, like, do not separate them. If I even tried throwing hands at this cunt I’d get torn to shreds and used as glitter dude, I’d be over. 0/10
Nick Bottom (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) I could but I’d feel bad. I also think he’d put up a really solid fight. Like this is out of donkey form, bro was a physical worker. Like I reckon I could win a fight with some of the tradies I’ve seen but I don’t think it’d be easy. Also he’s just really dumb so I would feel a little bad. Donkey form though, I’m running away. Scary as shit. I am afraid of horses though. 6.5/10
Touchstone (As You Like It) Absolutely I could beat the shit out of this man. I hate him so much. Full of hostility towards this fucker. His clothes aren’t even subtle I could find this bitch in the forest no time and hunt him down and rip him to shreds, fuckin court jester doesn’t even have the roughness of the country on his side. 9/10 (-1 point cause he definitely fights dirty but I just hate him so much I’d win)
Jaques (As You Like It) First off he’s absolutely a clown. Second off I’ve played him before so my word is gospel. Third off bro has no fucking chance against me. He’s a podcast bro who thinks I don’t know that Tame Impala is one dude. I’d ask him why we can’t print more money and he would explode instantly and it would be the funniest thing he did with his life. 10/10
Audrey & Corin (As You Like It) I’m lumping these two together cause in the show I did they were one character (and I also played them). I wouldn’t even want to fight these two. And even if I wanted to Audrey would absolutely be able to beat the shit out of me and I would thank her. Our setting was in semi-modern country Australia, that girl would have a shotgun. 2/10
Autolycus (Winter’s Tale) Just like Jaques to me. He might be a little bit harder because he’d change costume and I’d get confused because I have no object permanence but other than that what has he got. Bitterness? Resentment? Bitch so did I when I was 15 grow up experience love. 8/10
Falstaff (Henry IV parts 1 & 2, Merry Wives of Windsor) I don’t actually know about this one but he is very punchable. I feel like he’d let me punch him and I think one punch would be enough for me. I think that would satisfy my urge to punch him. He may be a knight but let’s be honest he’s shit at it so I stand by this. 4/10 (just cause I don’t really give a shit)
The Dromios (Comedy of Errors) I absolutely could beat them in a fight but I would feel So Bad. You see how they’re literally already treated in the play, I wanna give them a break. That being said they’re both kinda dicks but they’re going through it already so I’d wanna give them a breather. I would win though, even if they both were attacking at once. 7/10
Launcelot Gobbo (Merchant of Venice) He’s such a prick but I would be laughing too hard at his name to fight him. Bro’s name is Gobbo. Bro’s name is basically Gobby. Imagine being named Blowjob. I would lose my mind. I would laugh so so hard I would collapse. My heart would fail. Biggest L name out there bro. Launcelot Gobbo oh my god. 3/10
Launce (Two Gentlemen of Verona)  Nah man he has an attack dog. I don’t care what breed of dog Crab is in a production I fully believe he would kill for Launce, that’s just their dynamic. I understand them better than anyone else (I have a dog). Also he’s already working for Proteus, is that not punishment enough? 4/10
Speed (Two Gentlemen of Verona) I mean I definitely could fight him. I don’t imagine he’s got much fighting experience. But once again, he has to deal with Valentine which does feel like it would be cruel to inflict more onto him. Like Valentine’s not as bad as Proteus but fuck is he stupid. Also if I accidentally flubbed a punch Speed could absolutely tear me a new asshole with his words and I would sob and cry and literally never recover. 4/10
The Porter (Macbeth) Fuck no. Bro definitely has a knife on him at all times. I can’t explain why I think this I just do. He works night shift, he definitely doesn’t get paid enough for his dog shit job, he would absolutely try to stab me just to spice up his evening without me starting a fight. 1/10
Trinculo (Tempest) Yes. Sorry, you’re Russell Brand? L. I could kick your ass. And he’s like drunk for half the show, and almost fucked a fish. I doubt his judgement is good enough to say the alphabet backwards let alone dodge a punch. He couldn’t even get Caliban to kick my ass (who definitely could by the way) cause Caliban fucking hates him. Bro, failwife to Stephano should pay more. But it doesn’t. 8.5/10
Dogberry (Much Ado About Nothing) Without Verges? Yes. With Verges? No way. Those two are a power couple in the dumbest possible way. He would absolutely try to get me arrested though but I simply would not go to prison. What’s he gonna do? Send me to prison? I’m already not going. 7/10
Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet) No chance. Unless Romeo fucked up so bad like he did in the actual play, I would have no chance against this dude. I wouldn’t even want to even if I could. I’m a Benvolio stan first and foremost and a person second you think I’d wanna fight his bestie? Only exception is if it was an actual fight club and not just a pure fight out of hatred. I feel like Mercutio could give Brad Pitt Fight Club Realness, outfits included.  I would still lose though. 2.5/10
Don Adriano De Armado (Love’s Labour’s Lost) I reckon I could wreck this dude’s shit. You know that gif where the fuckin dude is doing all these cool sword moves and then he just gets shot? You know the one. I forgot where it’s from but you know the one. That would be this fight. Armado would bust out his flair, his razzle dazzle, his pizzaz, and I would just deck him I think. That’s the power you need in this world, I think. Power of fist to face. Peace and love. <3 8/10
Costard (Love’s Labour’s Lost) I do not think Costard would realise he was being fought even as he was actively getting hit in the face. I know how to say honorificabilitudinitatibus, he doesn’t even have that against me. Bro couldn’t even confuse me with that, I learnt that, like an adult. Anyway yeah I’d kick his ass. 9/10
Holofernes & Sir Nathaniel (Love’s Labour’s Lost) This is the same man to me. I would destroy them both. Fuckin nerds. Flowery ass language nerds. I support gay rights and gay wrongs but the only reason I couldn’t fight those two gay muppets who heckle is cause they’re too far away (in a theatre booth), these two gay muppets who heckle are right in front of me. I’d kick their tweed cladded asses. 10/10
Jaquenetta (Love’s Labour’s Lost) She is just like Audrey to me. I could never bring myself to hurt her. Also she’s pregnant and I feel like it’s fucked up to hit a pregnant woman just for fun. Also she could absolutely wreck my shit. Please wreck my shit Jaquenetta. 0.5/10
Moth (Love’s Labour’s Lost) This little fucker should be an INSTANT knock out but I just know this fucker bites. He’s a shit talking 8 year old? Oh he plays wolves on the playground, I just know it. He plays wolves and he’s definitely been suspended for it, I just know it in my heart. Sure, I could kick him, but he would grab hold of my foot and try to rip it off. We would shake hands and agree to part ways, having met our match. He, who plays wolves, and me, who played fairies, leave the fight with our heads high and respect in our hearts. I am kidding of course but I do think we would tie. 5/10
Lear’s Fool (King Lear) There’s already so much fighting going on, I don’t even think they’d notice if I just started kicking this dude. Not only could I fight him and win, I think I’d get away with it too. I’d win not only physically but socially too. What’s he gonna do? Tell his boss? Bro he’s preoccupied with his whole kingdom crumbling, grow up. 9/10
Lavatch (All’s Well That Ends Well) This is more meta but my hatred of this play would fuel me here. I would fight literally anyone in this play if given the chance, not a joke. I would get in the ring with literally anyone from this play, but honestly, out of them all I weirdly respect Lavatch the most, maybe because he at least knows that he’s a cunt, unlike literally everyone else who Just Suck. I do think he’s probably scrappy though, so I wouldn’t leave unscathed. I also think if he got the upper hand he would be so so awful about it, so I’d really have to fight. 6/10
Sir Toby Belch & Sir Andrew Aguecheek (Twelfth Night)  Andrew is canonically bad at fighting, and honestly I do not believe Toby would be any better. Love both of these guys but if I had to fight them both at once I think I would be able to just move out of the way and they’d bonk each other on the head like a cartoon. They’re just silly guys. 9/10
Maria (Twelfth Night) Every woman clown could beat my ass. Audrey, Jaquenetta, Maria, they are all so special to me and would all also fucking destroy me. Maria especially cause I just know she is full of hate. You don’t hatch a plan like the Malvolio plan unless there’s something deeply worrying about you. She’s a Scorpio to me. <3 I do love her, she’d demolish me. 0/10
Feste (Twelfth Night) Would actually kill me. -5/10
I know I’ve definitely missed some but uhhh don’t expect me to remember every clown even if I’m neurodivergent about these plays please. <3
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
for the prompt thing: "i'm better now that you're here"
alternatively, "i'm not going anywhere", whether that's angst or fluff is up to you
Unlatching Tim's skylight locks with a flick of TTK is as easy as breathing. Kon slips into his apartment like he's done a thousand times before, hovering near the ceiling for a moment to take in the glorious sight below him.
Tim's holding a PlayStation controller and glaring at the TV. He has his bad leg propped up on the coffee table, an ice pack on his swollen ankle; he's wearing one of Kon's old, faded Smallville Daylily Enthusiast Club T-shirts and a pair of atrociously purple gym shorts that can only have been a gift from Steph, and his bangs are pinned back to the top of his head with a big, sparkly Wonder Woman barrette. His grumpy scowl and puffed out cheeks only add to the spectacle.
What a fucking mess. Kon is so in love with this man it hurts.
Grinning like the besotted fool he is, he swoops down from above, sets the tote bag full of homemade baked goods on the table, and plops down next to Tim. "Hi, sunshine. How's my poor flightless bird doing?"
Tim flops into his side. Kon wraps an arm around him and coos sympathetically, and Tim sighs. "Better now that you're here. ...As long as you did bring Ma's apple pie like you promised."
"I did bring you Ma's apple pie," Kon assures him. "And chocolate croissants, and blueberry muffins, and almond twists. We went all out on the baking to support you in recovery from your horrible injury, and now I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, so you have both good food and good company."
Tim's lips twitch, and he gives Kon a long, contemplative look, one that Kon can easily read as him not knowing whether to be pleased about the sweets or grumpy about the teasing.
Well, Kon can help him make up his mind real easy-like. He gives Tim a fond squeeze, smushes a kiss to his temple, and grins.
"I still can't believe that despite being a superhero every single night, you managed to fuck up your ankle doing skateboard tricks. You're a fuckin' riot, man!"
Yup. Tim's face goes flat, and he huffs (although in both entertaining and endearing news, he doesn't stop snuggling into Kon's side). "Shut up, asshole. Dick and Cass have been making fun of me in the group chat all day. I don't need this from you, too."
"Awww." Kon kisses his hair. Tim leans more heavily into him, and he has to fight not to melt completely into a puddle of fond laughter. "Okay, okay. Sorry, Tony Hawk. I know this must be hard on you."
"One more skateboard joke and I'm divorcing you," Tim warns.
"We aren't even married yet." Kon squeezes him affectionately. "You'll have to marry me first."
Tim heaves a very put-upon sigh, glancing up at Kon through his eyelashes. Then he casts a meaningful look at the tote bag and hums. "Hm... keep that up, and I might just."
Grinning harder, Kon lays his cheek against Tim's hair. "Well, sunshine," he says, "if you ask me, I think we've got a deal."
♥ angst/fluff prompts ♥
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dramatic-delirium · 5 months
It shows that some people really don't get how much stuff is bothering Migs through the whole movie.
You know what?
Let's make a list.
Constantly made fun of by being called not-spiderman when he also have gone through stuff and he is the cannon spiderman of the universe (while, the person whom he considers an anomaly is welcomed with compassion until he orders everyone to restrain). Oh it doesn't look like a big thing to you? Fuck off
Having to be stern so people take him seriously
Having to herd people who are either teenagers or teenage minded,... or stupid (looking at you Peter b)
Having to deal with his meticulously done plan broken again and again and having to steer everything back to track
Being the fucking leader, if something goes wrong it's your responsibility, it's like a lot of pressure, constantly
Recent grief. Ya... It doesn't exactly look like his daughter didn't die recently. And does it look like he processed it anyway? Guy's avoiding it like crazy.
Is dealing with a person who is not listening to him at all. He is asking Miles repeatedly to consider the logical part while Miles is just keeping on saying "That's crazy". Sure, Miguel is not exactly ready for a discussion, but Miles isn't listening! And a lot of people will snap in that situation. I know I would.
And yes he's angry to see Miles, but most of the time he keeps the anger to himself (quite mutterings etc) and tries to explain.
But sometimes the camel's back breaks ye know?
Yes I still hate Miguel O'Hara. But not for BS reasons like OMG he got angry at a child— dude that child can electrocute people, also the child had sighed up himself for this. Let the boy live life.
I mean what Migs did was pretty fucked up, restrain me like he did Miles and I'd have a panic attack. Just the scene was making me feel queasy. But at the same time that's exactly what I'd do so... Can't blame much. The point of this film is that humans aren't saints, there's no 'right' side, because all of them are fucking up very hard, try to enjoy that part of the whole thing too.
This is cause I saw @obi-mom-kenobi 's tags here
And did a bit of reading about reasons people hate Migs...
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Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Subaru [Heaven Scenario]
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ー The scene starts in the hallway of the Sakamaki manor
Yui: ( Uu...I can hear the storm raging outside. )
( I got scared and instinctively came to Subaru-kun's room but I wonder if he's even awake? )
*Knock knock*
Yui: Subaru-kun, are you awake?
Subaru: ...What do you want at this hour?
Yui: I'm sorry. But I'd really appreciate it if you could let me in...
Yui: Kyah!?
ー Subaru opens the door
Subaru: Oi, whatcha screamin' for? Don't tell me you're scared of the thunder?
Yui: Y-Yeah. I am. That's why I want to be with you...
Subaru: You're such a scaredy cat. This sort of this has you pissin' your pants?
Yui: I mean, I can't help it.
Subaru: Guess I have no other choice. Come on in.
Yui: Yeah. Thanks.
ー The scene shifts to Subaru's room
*Rumble rumble*
Yui: Quite the weather we're having today. I feel as if it keeps on getting worse...
I wonder if this'll end well? It looks as if the window will shatter any second.
Subaru: It's not that bad. Stop worryin' so much.
Yui: But...
Subaru: I'm right here, see? But you're scared regardless?
Yui: ...No, I'm not scared when you're with me.
Subaru: ...! I see.
Yui: Subaru-kun...? Are you flustered, perhaps?
Subaru: Fuck off! I'm not! Stop starin' at my face!
Yui: Eek...!
Subaru: What? Seems like you're still scared after all.
Yui: I mean, I didn't expect the thunder to be this loud...
Subaru: So I just gotta make it so you can't hear the thunder anymore, huh?
Yui: Eh? Yeah, I'd be very grateful if you could but...
Subaru: Come on, scoot this way. I'll give you special permission to get inside of here.
Yui: Inside of here...You mean your coffin!?
Subaru: Yeah. It's completely soundproof to the point where you can't hear the rain or wind at all, so feel free to use it.
Yui: ...Yeah, thanks, Subaru-kun.
ー Yui glances at the coffin
Yui: ( His kindness really shows in the way he'll look out for me despite his rough personality... )
( But the inside of a coffin is pretty narrow and dark, isn't it? )
( I feel as if having to get inside of here all alone will be scary in its own way... )
Subaru: ...What? Why are you looking back and forth between me and the coffin?
If you've got somethin' to say, then tell me.
Yui: ( It's a little too embarrassing to ask him to join me so...I can't bring myself to say that. )
( But I'm sure I'd feel much more reassured if he were with me. )
Subaru: ...
Aah! That's fuckin' unfair! Don't gimme that kinda look!
Yui: Eh? What kind of look?
Subaru: You know...The way you're lookin' at me right now!
Fine! You want me to join you in there, don't you?
Yui: Eh? You don't mind?
Subaru: I just offered it myself, didn't I!? Don't make me repeat myself a million times.
Yui: That'd be incredibly reassuring. Thank you, Subaru-kun!
Subaru: No need to make such a big deal out of it, is there...?
Come on, get in. God, you're such a handful.
Yui: Fufu, pardon me.
ー The two of them get inside his coffin
Subaru: How's that? A lil' better?
Yui: Yeah! This coffin really is amazing.
I think I understand why you like spending time in here so much now.
Subaru: Guess so.
Yui: The soundproof walls are remarkable as well. When you put on the lid, you actually can't hear anything anymore.
Subaru: Duh. Whose coffin do you think this is?
Yui: ( It really puts me at ease. So quiet and cozy... )
( But that's mostly because Subaru-kun here with me. )
( This is bliss. I'm no longer afraid of the rain or the thunder. )
( Fufu, it's almost hard to believe that I was so anxious earlier, cowering in fear at even the slightest sound. )
Hey, Subaru-kun.
Subaru: What?
Yui: It's surprisingly comfortable inside a coffin.
Subaru: Right? I optimized its comfort after all.
I didn't just consider how sturdy it'd have to be, but I thought very hard about the interior as well.
I chose an upholstery which would allow one to lie down for several days on end without it putting strain on the body. The softness of the fabric shouldn't disappoint either.
Yui: ( He's being unusually elated. I guess he really puts a lot of thought into his coffin. It's kind of cute. )
Subaru: Oi, are you listenin'?
Yui: Ah, my bad, I spaced out. What did you say?
Subaru: ...No, it's nothin'.
Yui: ...?
What has gotten into him all of a sudden? He turned away...
Subaru: I said it's nothin', 'kay?
Yui: Nothing? ...Ah!
( I only just noticed that when inside this coffin, we're naturally huddled up together and our faces are close to each other as well... )
( Did he perhaps look away because he got embarrassed? )
Subaru: ...Ugh.
Yui: Subaru-kun, are you perhaps...?
Subaru: L-Let's call it a day already! This coffin is very comfortable to sleep in as well, you know!? I'm sure you'll be able to sleep soundly.
Yui: ...Yeah. You're right.
( He's going to sleep already? ...I feel a little sad. )
( I would have liked to chat for a little longer now that it's just the two of us.... )
I'm sorry, were you actually about to go to bed?
Subaru: Not really. I wasn't, but...
What's your problem? You can no longer hear the thunder, right? But you still can't sleep?
Yui: No, I just thought this was a good opportunity to talk a bit longer.
Is that too much to ask?
Subaru: ...
Yui: Subaru-kun...
Subaru: ...
Yui: ...
Subaru: Ahー God. What's your problem? Stop starin' at me like that!
Yui: Eh!? I'm surprised you could tell while facing the other way?
Subaru: Your gaze is bothering me. I can't sleep like this.
Oi, Yui!
Yui: Eh? Ah, yes!
Subaru: Just how defenseless are you, cuddlin' up to a guy in a confined space like this?
You really need to start bein' a little more aware of potential dangers! How many times have I already told you this!?
Yui: Ah...What has gotten into all of a sudden?
Subaru: It's not sudden! Clingin' onto me like that while givin' off that delicious scent...
How do you expect me to keep myself under control under these circumstances!?
Yui: Subaru-kun, why are you upset? Did I do something...?
Subaru: You still don't get it? Guess I have no other choice but to teach you once more then. I'll suck you thoroughly from your neck.
ー Subaru bites her
Subaru: Hah, nnh...
Yui: Nn...Wait, Subaru-ku..Nn...
Subaru: Nn, kuh...Nnh...Why would I wait? You're the one who pushed me this far.
Yui: ( His fangs...are sinking in incredibly deep... )
Subaru: Haah...How's that? Do you realize your mistakes now?
Yui: Nn, my mistakes...? But I haven't done anything wrong...
Subaru: You're still sayin' that? I don't know if you're actually just ignorant, but you seduced a guy, didn't you?
Yui: S-Seduced!? I didn't!
Subaru: Aah!? You totally did! What if one of the other dudes attacked you instead!?
Yui: That wasn't my intention...I just wanted to talk and feel your touch because it's you...
I would never do this with another guy. I wouldnt like it if it's with someone other than you.
Subaru: Y-You...
Hah, is that so? In that case, I'll drink your blood even more, as you wish. From this side next...
Hah, nnh...Nkuh...
Yui: Ah...!
( He's being really intense...I fear that I might lose myself in this feeling... )
Subaru: Nnh, nn...Hah, nn...
Nnh...Hah, nn...Haha, your blood really is on another level. I seriously feel like I might go crazy.
Your body twitches just from running my fingers across your neck like this...
Yui: Ah, you can't, it tickles...
Subaru: Hehe, you don't actually dislike it, do you? Tell me that it feels good and that you want more.
Yui: I-I can't say something so shameful.
Subaru: Little late to get embarrassed at this point, no? We both know that you love it when I suck your blood like this. ...Hah, nn.
Nn, nkuh...Phew...Nn, haah...
Yui: ( Ah, oh no...I'm about to faint already... )
ー Yui loses consciousness
Subaru: ...Ah? Shit. Did she faint?
My bad, I had too much! Oi, wake up.
Yui: ...Zz, zz...
Subaru: ...Oi, don't tell me you're asleep? Fuck, this sucks.
Yui: ...Zz, zz...
Subaru: I'm all alone with her in this narrow space right now.
And you're tellin' me I have to hold back!? You've gotta be shittin' me!
But she'll definitely get angry if I try anythin' funny while she's asleep, right...?
Haah...What am I supposed to do about this...?
ーー THE END ーー
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palmtreesx3 · 1 year
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Act 1 - Foreplay
Aphrodisiac (Robin's Chapter)
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Summary: (6.8K) The pair are settling in at The Hideout but not without some bumps in the road, and are exploring the city and sampling a bit of all that it has to offer. Steve is trying hard to find things that he likes to do and he's totally baffled to see Robin so effortlessly spreading her wings. Robin's got a date. A real legitimate, public date and she quickly gets fixated. Meanwhile Steve's got another lonely evening by himself. The pair - well maybe just Robin - gets in the mood in this Robin-centric installment of Act 1. 
Warnings: it's a sex shop and generally just NSFW so 18+. Sex toys and self-exploration, female masturbation, shop talk, fluffy affection, LGBTQ acceptance (which isn't much of a warning, it's a goddamn right), self-loathing, mild depression and *you* make your first appearance.
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Almost-July, 1993
What Robin failed to consider when wagering a digital pet bet with Steve Harrington is that this boy was born and raised competitive. She forgot that in the Harrington household "lose" wasn't in their vocabulary. She also forgot just how forgetful she is. Ironic. So it should have been no surprise that in the last 24 hours, her Tamagotchi has been sick three times and was always beeping incessantly. 
"Rob, you're a horrible mother. You're gonna owe me 5 drinks before we even get our first paycheck." Steve gloats, tucking his healthy, happy, bouncing pet into his pocket before sitting down to lace up his sneakers. 
Meanwhile, Robin who is shoving her feet unceremoniously into her Chucks ignores the shit talking and dishes out some of her own. "Dude, we have to do something about this." She kicks her chin in his direction as he smooths out his clothes. 
"What?" Steve snaps back.
"I can't believe you still dress like that. Honestly. 1984 called, they want their Sears Catalog back." 
"Ok Robin, sorry I didn't know you also got a job as the fuckin fashion police."
"I'm just saying, small town Indiana polo fashion ain't gonna cut it in the big city, boy. You wanna keep bagging hotties like you did the other weekend, we'll have to do something. You don't have to dress for mommy anymore." And as she says the last bit she immediately winces "Sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean … "
"No it's okay, Rob. I know what you're trying to say. Maybe. Maybe once we have some extra money I'll get something new. You can help me. Deal?"
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After a few weeks of exploring, Robin and Steve have zeroed in on quite a few of their own places. A bench they prefer in the nearby park, nestled in the shade of a swaying willow tree; a greasy corner store that sells the best breakfasts to sop up what's left of an evening out; an arcade that makes them nostalgic and think of the kids at home and gives them something to talk about when they call; and this place - a nice little coffee shop tucked in between towering complexes and quaint stores just one block over from their place. There are always records playing of the baristas favorite bands, the coffee is good and strong and cheap and they're always open when they need it. 
Steve and Robin have gone to the coffee shop almost daily since they found it. But this time Robin was out on an errand herself so she popped in on her own to grab two cups to-go and bring back to the apartment, where Steve, no doubt, was still sleeping. Perusing the wall of records in rotation while she waits for her order, Robin is startled by a quiet voice beside her, whispering closer in her ear than she's used to from a stranger. "This week it's good stuff, huh? I'm loving The Smashing Pumpkins new one." the voice says. 
Robin's eyes dart to her left and quickly back up to the wall of vinyls, the stranger's proximity and attention making her squirm just a bit. "My last .. girlfriend. She was into all the pop stuff. Not really my vibe, ya know." And at that, Robin's eyes rise to meet the womans who is standing next to her. There's not much that can actually shut Robin Buckley up, but here's a few: a really fuckin' beautiful girl, eye contact and someone casually talking about their sexuality. It was the perfect storm. 
Robin bit her plump, pink lips and nodded at the stranger, feeling a little ridiculous at the interaction so far. What is she supposed to say? Do I ask her about her ex- GIRLFRIEND? Do people really talk that openly here in the city? I don't even know her name! Robin's voice may be silent but her brain is going a mile a minute.
"Alex." The stranger says. Just as the barista shouts Robin! Your order is up! in the background. 
As Robin reaches across the counter for the two steaming cups, Alex counters "And I'm assuming you, are in fact Robin." with a grin. "No boyfriend today?" She says, and as Robin's eyes twist in confusion, she pipes up again "No no, I'm sorry, I'm not being weird I swear. I just come here a lot and I've seen you guys. Nothing freaky I promise."
"No." Is all Robin awkwardly says, totally deadpan. 
Alex waits for more, but nothing comes. After a moment she chuckles, picking up her own cup of tea and raising it to her lips to take a sip, but not before whispering out "No, what?" in a question. 
"Ha. No. No he's not my boyfriend." Robin says as she plays with the hem of her denim cutoff shorts. 
"Ah, too bad. He's a hottie." Alex shrugs and Robin stands confused. It's happening before she knows it started and Robin's dumpster fire of a brain starts rambling. 
"Wait. What? No he's not my boyfriend he's my roommate and yeah we come here, we're still kinda new in town. We're actually from a small town - Hawkins - but what… I'm sorry I thought you said your ex-girlfriend liked pop music so… "
"Yeah. That's what I said." Alex takes another nonchalant sip of her steaming mug. 
" So .. but Steve. He's… " Robin stutters out. 
"Well he is hot isn't he?" The woman counters. 
"I mean, yeah I guess. He has no trouble with the ladies if that's what you mean. Always Mr god-damned Popular cause he has perfect fuckin' hair but I swear they should see him in the morning, it's not all rainbows and butterflies then!" and the words just keep spouting out of her mouth uncontrollably. 
Alex looks on at her, almost endearingly, as she lets her go and spit it all out. "You done?" She asks. 
Robin nods, mutters an apology for her rambling and starts to head towards the door "I should go. Nice to meet you, Alex."
She shuffles her steps quickly in an attempt to bolt as far away as she can from the pretty girl who she just made a fool of herself in front of. God, I'm gonna have to tell Steve we need to find a new coffee place. Shit. 
"Wait! Wait, sorry. I can be intense." Alex muses, kicking her feet at the chair next to where they stand, before looking back at Robin's flushing face. "Yes, I did say ex-girlfriend. I also said your whatever he is is hot. I'm not stalking you, I just must get my tea when you guys get your coffee and, I hope I don't make you totally run off in terror when I say this next part, but I'm gonna anyway - I have just been distracted by you guys. I thought you were both pretty hot and I was distracted by the coffee shop couple every time I'm here. You were solo today so I thought I'd break the ice. Sorry. I hope I'm not making this weird "
Robin's mouth is absolutely hanging open right now. 
"Yeah, so the tables turned pretty quickly and I'm thinking I'm the one that should be embarrassed right now so, hopefully I see hot coffee shop couple around and I didn't totally scare you away from this place. " 
"Oh God, no. The coffee is too good and too cheap for us to stop coming here. He's not my boyfriend. Steve is 100% my roommate and that's it, no coffee shop couple here. Yeah, he's hot but don't you ever tell him that. Christ, he doesn't need a bigger ego. And the last time I talked to a girl like you I think I peed my pants, so excuse me I'm going to go hurl myself off the Willis Tower, if that's okay with you?"
Alex lets out a deep laugh. A genuine one. She reaches out to touch Robin's forearm, to keep her there… or ground her, she's not sure which. "Please don't. I can't have you falling if it's not for me." and at that Robin's eyes go wide as saucers. "Are you free tomorrow? Maybe we could get dinner? Downtown. Meet here so it's not weird and sketchy first…that is, if your hot roommate doesn't mind I borrow you for a bit?"
She's stunned. Robin has never been asked out on a date before. Is this a date? Holy shit.
She musters up every ounce of courage she has to smile and nod. "I get off work at 6, so can we make it 7?" Only to be interrupted in that moment by the shrill chirping on her keychain signifying yet another dead digital pet. 
A wide, sparkling smile spreads on Alex's face as she starts to head out the door, turning back to shout out "7:00, meet you here. Can't wait! "
And as soon as the bell on the door dings and she's sure it's shut, her brain starts catching up and Robin drops both cups of coffee on the floor. 
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Today, Murray is not entertained by Steve. Usually the banter between the pair has remained humorous and for the most part, friendly. Today Steve is just pissing him off. 
First Steve dropped an entire shipping box of condoms, spilling single wrapped rubbers all over the floor. It took him an hour and twenty three minutes and three side-eyeing customers stepping over him to clean them all up. Then Steve knocked over the mannequins like dominoes after he struggled with the BDSM display Murray assigned to him for the second part of their shift. Robin snickered as Murray delegated the task to Steve, knowing damn well it was just to make the boy suffer. Robin watched gleefully, sitting at the register, resting her chin in her hand as Steve grumbled through the entire task. At one point, he was fumbling so much with all of the straps and buckles and ties that before he knew it the head of the mannequin he was attempting to gag toppled off its shoulders and knocked three other mannequins down in its wake. All Steve could do in response was throw the ball gag to the side as he stormed off, yelling back "Tell that asshole I took my 15! I'll deal with the bondage when I get back!" 
As he marches off in anger, Murray does in fact slide over and lean down next to Robin. "How's Casanova doing? BDSM not his thing, I see?" He chuckles. Robin cocks a sideways grin at him shaking her head. "He doesn't even know what his thing is, Murray. He's just a lost little puppy."
"What about you, Red. You doing good?"
"Yeah, yeah I am. I think he's stressed because he's not really finding his thing. He's used to things coming easy for him and they're just… not here."
"What does Mr Hometown Heroes' emotional journey have to do with how you're doing, huh?"
"A lot, actually. He's absolutely a bumbling fucking idiot, but he is the kindest person I've ever known. He has a weird way of showing it, but that's because his parents are Grade A assholes. He's been more supportive to me than anyone on this planet and I am trying so hard to help him but I don't know how." 
"Well, Red, this is a journey of lifelong self-discovery. Ya gotta learn to love thyself before you can love another. That goes for both of you, ya know?" and with that, he pushes off the glass countertop and saunters back to his office while humming an indistinguishable tune. 
When Steve returns from his break Robin recognizes the look on his face. It's the one that comes back ready with his head in the game after an excruciatingly awkward pep talk he gave himself - out loud. If anything, all those years of organized sports at least gave him a method to get himself back on track. 
That's why it was so abysmal to watch as he confidently tried to help a young customer, flowing brunette hair curled and brushed out into bouncy ringlets, asking in a tiny voice behind batting eyes to be pointed in the direction of the Ben Wa. 
"Oh yeah, I got you covered on this! Haven't been here long and I never heard of those before our manager got one for us and just the other day I stopped in at this place that looked interesting… "
The customer's eyes narrow, not sure where Steve is going with this conversation just as Murray joins in next to Robin to watch the drama unfold. He brought popcorn this time and was audibly chomping on it with an open mouth behind a gaping smile. "I gotta see where he's going with this." Tilting the bag towards Robin in an offering as they watch. 
"Yeah, so if you just go down the block a few more streets you'll see a place on the corner. It actually says Ben Wa on the window, so you will definitely see it when you get there. I was surprised at how much I liked it!" Steve says to the miffed young lady as she is heading for the door. "Have a great day! Enjoy!" Steve yells after her.
"What the hell man! Where'd you send the good paying customer!" Murray outstretched his arm towards the door before reaching into his bag to throw a kernel of popcorn right square into Steve's forehead. 
"What the fuck, Murray. She wanted to know where to get a fuckin sandwich. Last time I checked we don't sell sandwiches!" He yells as he spins his outstretched arms from left to right, showing off the wares inside the shop. 
"A sandwich? You fuckin' small town nincompoop, no! Ben Wa. Ben Wa balls. She wanted to put 'em up her coochie you idiot!"
Beet red from holding back, Robin finally lets out a cackle that fills the entire store. "Oh my God, someone get me a white board! You gotta be shitting me. This is better than watching him sink at Scoops, hands down."
"Wa-what are you talking about? Ben Wa - like the sandwich from that Korean place? You got it for us for lunch three days ago!"
"Oh for the love of God. You're pretty but you're dumb. BAHN MI. Say it with me BAAHHHN MEEEE" he overemphasized.
"I-i… well.. what… what the fuck man! I don't know!" 
Meanwhile, Robin is on the floor with tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. 
After Robin gets her shit together and Steve returns to his normal shade of sun kissed peach, ever the educator, Murray fills the pair in on what the customer was actually looking for. Pulling them over to a display case in the rear, a menagerie of colorful metallic, glass and silicone balls are laid out for viewing. All the sizes as big as or smaller than an egg, Murray explains both their practical use as well as how they can be used for pleasure. 
"See some ladies come looking for these after they have a baby, nothing to do with getting off… for now at least … everything to do with tightening things back up again. Just a run of the mill afternoon at the vaginal gym shesh." Steve grimaces as the analogy but nods in understanding. "Girls …or guys - might use them to stretch themselves out a bit and train their holes." Robin looks on, fully engaged and taking all the information in earnest. "They have little weights inside though, so if you're wearing them for a while or they're jostling around there's a whole lotta movement in there if you know what I mean. A few tugs on those strings and you got yourself a party." 
The rest of the day goes off without a hitch, but gnawing at the back of Robin's mind are a bright red pair of Ben Wa balls from the display case, round and smooth and silicone, shaped like two cherries on a lime green stem. She's never owned a toy before, and she's feeling kind of intrigued, so while Steve is in the employee room gathering his things and clocking out, Robin seizes the opportunity to pull the toy from the case and ring it up quickly. She rings up the amount, and hastily keys in her employee discount before slipping them into her satchel just before Steve returns to the floor. 
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Robin has increasingly spent her free time idling around town and making her own discoveries. She finds herself often at a community park enjoying some local outdoor music that pops up regularly on the weekends and has stumbled upon a vintage bookshop a few doors down from the coffee place that she has made a comfortable home in their reading nook a few days a week while also making fast friends with the laid back cashier there on the weekends. 
Meanwhile Steve has failed at any attempt to casually find something he likes to do on his own and, as evident today at work, there's something that's got him stressed and Robin thinks this is it. He tried to join her at the community park, but he has yet to get into any of the music they're playing and he joined her once at the bookstore when she excitedly wanted to share her big find with her friend, but he just didn't get the hype after sitting there thumbing through a book he had no interest in actually reading. The apartment doesn't have any cable, and there's only so much coffee shop and Tamagotchi a guy pushing 30 can handle. Needless to say, city life isn't coming as naturally for Steve as it is for Robin and that is throwing him for an absolute loop. 
After a long talk on the fire escape over a cigarette, Robin actually had some wise insight into Steve's problem. "Dude, it's because you don't have any hobbies! Tell me one thing you've ever done because you chose to do it?"
"Robs, I played sports for years! Of course I have hobbies!" 
"No. That's not what I mean. Who signed you up for those? Who made sure you made the varsity team your first year? Who told you to run laps? Do you still play them now? Just cause you convinced yourself you liked it, doesn't mean you actually did."
And that resonated with Steve. He thought about why he actually liked all the baseball, all the nights on the basketball court and all the swim meets - it wasn't because he actually liked the sports, he liked how it made him feel to win. For his dad to give a shit every once in a while. For his teammates to need him. So Steve stayed up late that night, gazing at the stars on that fire escape and thinking long and hard about how he has spent his time - team sports that his dad got him into that eventually made himself feel useful, dialing up radio stations that played music he heard at other people's parties and cassette tapes of other people's favorite songs in his glove compartment, cooking meals that he has to or else he wouldn't be fed. 
The only damn thing he ever chose to do himself was watch out for those godforsaken kids back home and even through all his griping about them, it was always worth it. But driving a bunch of preteens around doesn't constitute an interest. "Fuck man, I don't even know myself." He muses into the late night sky, taking one last long drag before closing the window behind himself and idling off to bed. 
The next day, the two had a late start at The Hideout, and Robin threw her satchel over her shoulder while yelling out to Steve "Dingus, I'm going out to the bookshop for a bit. Need anything while I'm out?" 
"Nah Robs, I'm good."
"Kay - don't miss me while I'm out and you're home sulking!" She pokes, and the door clicks shut behind her leaving him in the quiet. Steve reaches for the radio and as he dials the station over to filter out the static and he's immediately back to thinking about last night. Why am I even putting on this station? I don't even think I like these songs, do I? He thinks to himself. So Steve sets out that morning to try and figure something out about himself. 
Inspired by the records displayed every week at the coffee shop, Steve finds himself fingering through bins of Vinyls at a record shop he found as he walked about the neighborhood. "Anything we can help you with, man?" the employee asks as he approaches. 
" Uh yeah. Actually I think…I mean, I think I want to get some records."
" Oh bud, happy to help! What are you into and what kind of player do you have?"
Steve stares at the man, stubble on his jawline, in a fitted yellow Queen T Shirt that looks worn and soft coupled with his ripped denim. A man that looks like he knows what he likes. Steve's stare is blank and he's absolutely at a loss. "I'm sorry, I have no idea. I should go."
"My brother, music is for everyone. Let me hook you up and we'll figure it out. No need to stress."
The man spends the next hour showing Steve how to use a basic model record player. They try out a few different vinyls to see what he might like. After a while, the pair have a stack piled up next to the record player - Queen, Fleetwood Mac, Tears for Fears, Red Hot Chili Peppers and a few others littered with popular music and rock artists he didn't really know by name before - and Steve is checking out. 
As he's getting ready to hand over a stack of cash to the man that helped him discover what kind of music he likes, they're interrupted by a deep hum, "Now that's a nice stack you got there." Steve turns around and is a little taken aback by what he sees. It's you…and you're standing there all casual and comfortable, looking very at ease in the record shop. "Hey Brian. What's up?" You nod in the kind man's direction.
"Hey hot stuff, I got what you came for back here. Just let me finish up with this guy and I'll get you taken care of. "
"Hi" Steve waves in your direction. "I'm sorry." No one quite sure what he's actually apologizing for in the least.
"No need to be sorry, you were here first. I just came to pick up the new Pearl Jam record and I am in absolutely no rush."
"Pearl Jam?" Steve questions. 
"Yeah man. Eddie Vedder? You might actually like it, all things considered." The man named Brian motions to the eclectic stack Steve has accumulated during his visit. 
Looking back at you standing there, not impatiently, just smiling brighter than the sun, he mutters "Yeah cool. Yeah I mean, if you have another can I add that? I'll give it a try."
And as Steve loads up his wares in his arms and turns to leave, your charismatic smile finds him one last time, " I hope you like it… ." You draw out waiting for him to fill in the blank. 
"Steve." He finishes for you.
You nod, "I hope you like it, Steve"
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The next night at the apartment, Robin is gearing up for her date and she is absolutely in her head about it. She has asked Steve one hundred times today if he's sure this is a date. "But Stevie's she .. I really think she might just want to hang out and be friends." 
"Robin, I swear to Christ if you don't just STOP this." Steve sucks in a clipped breath before continuing on. "It's a date. I'm one hundred percent sure this girl asked you on a date and you're going. Relax, please! Fuck, you're stressing me out and I have nothing to do with any of this!" Steve shouts for the last time tonight, leaving Robin in the bathroom doorway, staring at herself in the mirror trying to make herself presentable.
Through the damp hair falling into her vision and the steam still speckling on the mirror after her shower, the girl is trying desperately to hype herself up and get ready to spend time with Alex. But Robin is not a confident creature. She's starting to feel herself crawl back inside the cave forged deep in her personality and carved into the bedrock of Hawkins, Indiana. "I gotta fuckin' snap out of this." She says to her reflection, splashing water on her face and retreating back to her bedroom. 
She hears the new and welcome sound of vinyl scratching from Steve's bedroom, before the reverberation of Fleetwood Mac's The Chain blares loudly through the walls. She sighs, sitting there still wrapped in her towel from after her shower, mind wandering to Alex and her tall, thin frame. Still not sure how a girl like that was referring to her as the hot one, Robin's thoughts drift to the deep black of the woman's mascara, fanning her eyelashes out and emphasizing her deep green eyes. She thinks about how she was too much of a spaz to appreciate the curve of her cupid's bow and she's still not sure if she was imagining the softness of the swell of her hips or not. 
Mixed up in thought, Robin's forearms graze the front of her towel and the rough material scratches at her exposed nipples underneath. She lets out a wispy gasp, not realizing just how turned on she was until that second. Her mind is racing. She looks at the clock and sees she has 20 minutes until she needs to head downstairs to the shop to meet Alex. Immediately she eyes her bedside table, knowing those deep red, cherry Ben Wa balls are sitting just inside. She thinks about what Murray has been saying and all of his preaching about “loving thyself before you can love another, Red!" and with one last racing thought of the woman who actually wants to take her on a date… out in public, she's clamoring for the drawer. 
She has never been more grateful that Steve has picked up a new interest, and that it was a loud one, because as she lets the towel draping her body loosen while she's leaning back into her soft cotton pillowcases she lets out a soft whimper before she's even touched herself once. Robin tentatively lets her soft hands and glossy nails trace the outline of her slit, delicately rubbing and pressing on where she needs it most and experimentally flicking the hood of her clit. After considering things one last time, she purses her eyes closed tight and holds her breath as she guides one of the cherry balls inside her opening. 
The gasp that leaves her throat this time isn't soft and quiet and she finds herself gyrating and writhing as she rubs and tugs at the cherry stems attached to her toy. The weights inside are rolling and undulating just like Murray said they would, sending vibrations up and back down her body. Robin feels filthy, thinking about Alex as she uses her free hand to rub at her clit while still pressing in and tugging at the ball with her other, but not filthy enough to deny how much she is enjoying this game she is playing with herself. 
Robin's eyes are rolled back in her head as her orgasm rushes over her, the weights of the ball continuing to move and rattle inside coax her through her comedown. Thighs shaking and breath stuttering, she lets out a deep sigh "Holy fuckin' shit. I love my job." 
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Fumbling and running late after her little self-love session, Robin bounds through the doors of the coffee shop a little dramatically. As part of her grand entrance, she knocks her hip into the chair of the two-top situated right inside the entryway and doubles over at the pain. "Shit." She means to whisper, but instead says at a volume loud enough to reach the back of the shop, and if the entrance alone didn't alert Alex to her arrival, she certainly would have heard that.  
The barista greets Robin cheerfully by name just as Alex walks up to greet her with her hand outstretched, coffee cup there as an offering to break the ice. "I thought you might need a pick me up after work. She hooked me up with your usual order, so… "
Robin feels her freckles burn at the gesture, like they do after a day at the lake in the sun. She catches Alex's eyes scanning her body and she feels her chest flush, no doubt accentuated by the emerald green satin tank that's cut a bit lower than she usually ventures. The deep color making her hair, her eyes and her fair skin pop, covered by a cropped denim jacket DIY frayed at the edges has definitely caught her date's eye. 
"I wanted to pop into this Gallery I really love, if you don't mind indulging my creative side tonight? It's a great spot and… there's a graphic artist showing there now I just gotta check out before it's gone. It's this amazing social commentary on pregnancy as a lesbian. Like a totally butch lesbian decides to get pregnant with her partner, so what now? It's just… I gotta see it. The diversity at this place is phenomenal."
Robin's wide eyes are not white in astonishment this time, but instead they're with pure intrigue and reverence. Knowing that not only are there people like her in this city, but enough people that feel the same or respect it enough to go to an art gallery to check out doodles about a pregnant butch lesbian and it's not the butt of a homophobic joke is… enthralling to her. She nods vehemently "Hell yeah, that sounds…  really amazing. I mean… I'm not used to that kind of transparency, so, yeah. Let's do it."
And as they turn to leave the shop, coffee and tea in respective hands, Robin feels the tickle of a finger brushing her open palm. Barely registering what is happening, she finds herself in a brief yet unnecessary panic as she feels Alex's hand settle in, intertwined with hers. She can't help but scan her surroundings for passerby oggling the two women holding hands and walking down the sidewalk, but she saw not one the whole walk down the block to the train platform. The thrill of holding a pretty lady's hand out in public is sending tingles up her spine, or maybe it's the gentle, internal humming of the Ben Wa balls she opted to keep inside for the evening, but Robin could definitely get used to this. She smirks at herself as they ascend the steps towards the incoming train and asks curiously,"So tell me, what's this artist's name?
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Meanwhile, Robin just missed Steve on the same platform not 10 minutes earlier. Shortly after Robin finally headed out, Steve found himself standing in the kitchen staring at a barren refrigerator - nothing more than a carton of milk, some OJ and a row of eggs left in there for him to choose from. He tries not to be irritated at his current situation, but he can't help the groan he lets out as he reaches for the phone, readying himself to order way too much pizza for one lonely guy on his couch late at night. 
Before he finishes dialing he shakes his head, thinking about how he doesn't have to keep himself cooped up here. He has done so much on his own, but all of that was such a… necessity. Is it really that crazy to go off and do something alone without it being totally pitiful? "I mean, Robin goes places by herself all the time." He muses to himself. 
So that's how he found himself hopping off the train downtown and wandering into the first restaurant that looked reasonable and …  good. Not just food but something he might actually enjoy tasting. It's a quaint Italian place. Authentic, by the looks of it. Walls lined with corked bottles of olive oil and limoncello, twinkle lights strewn over the white lattice work ceiling, the unmistakable smell of carbohydrates and garlic. 
This is yet another something he hasn’t ever done before. Not just a quick bite or a fast food, but instead going out to a proper restaurant and sitting down for a real meal. Solo. Alone. Alone but NOT lonely, he thinks. In the past 24 hours since Robin pointed out that he never does anything for himself that he enjoys, he has done a lot of introspection and has made it a point to seek out new experiences hoping something will stick. Sitting at the cozy little restaurant place downtown adorned with faux plants, and filled with tables of other guests, he finds himself so grateful to have Robin’s perspective and support. So instead of worrying about how he's not sharing the table with a date, or Robin or anyone else for that matter, he's toasting to her, in absentia.  
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On the other side of town, Robin and Alex find themselves tucked into a booth at a dimly lit, definitely more trendy than she’s ever experienced before in her life, kind of bar. Alex has the table filled with an assortment of bites to eat and has ordered up all of the bartender's signature drinks on a mission to get Robin to broaden her horizons and shake that small town dust off of her coattails. “Ok, so, we have to find something here that you’re into. You can’t just tell me warm beer or straight shots are your drinks of choice - every city girl’s gotta have their go-to cocktail.” 
Robin first confidently grabs at the Manhattan from the selections laid out in front of hrr, recognizing the deep amber of the liquid and the familiar smell of whiskey that reminds her of Steve. It is quickly after she brings it to her lips that she sputters it back out, spraying the cocktail over her hand and most likely, her date. Alex says nothing about it, eyeing the ruby red blush on Robin’s cheeks and chest, but she stifles a small laugh before she says “Got it. No whiskey cocktails. Check. Here, here…cleanse your palate.” She says, handing her a small plate filled with creamy green, roasted artichokes splayed out like a lotus flower. “They’re the best in the city. Stuffed artichokes - ya know? They’re my favorite. Doesn’t hurt that they’re an aphrodisiac, huh?”
And if Robin hadn’t already spit out that whiskey drink, she definitely would have at that. So bold. So brazen. Dumbfounded that even at how blatant Alex has been with her flirting all night, it didn’t prepare her for that comment and the implications it held behind her eyes. And when Robin didn’t move to immediately grab a bite, Alex instead responded by picking up a delicate stuffed petal and holding it out to Robin’s pillowy lips, urging her to open up. She tentatively parted those lips and took a bite, wide-eyed at the flavor and simultaneously at the way Alex’s eyes remained locked on hers. 
Before the end of the date, Robin had successfully spilled a cup of water, knocked over the salt shaker and tried sips of 6 different cocktails before she settled in with a bright orange and red drink in a highball glass, lips wrapped around the straw and playing with the stem of the cherry hanging over the side of her glass. “This one is definitely a winner.” She grins, as she turns to look at Alex, excited to have found something that she likes while simultaneously excited that she finds she doesn’t really care that she did no less than 10 embarrassing things on this date anymore. She doesn’t feel embarrassed in the least and that is still a pretty new feeling for her.
“Why am I not surprised? I should have known.” Alex laughs out.
Robin shrugs, a questioning look in her eye as she sucks down the last of the drink, rattling the ice as the straw drains the cup of the last of it, loud enough to turn a head in the booth next to theirs when she forgets she’s someplace a certain level of chic that Hawkins must repel just by its sheer podunk nature.
Alex leans in close, right next to Robin’s ear to whisper, but makes sure she pulls back just as quickly to watch the flush spread over her freckled face like she knew it would “I should have known you’d like Sex on the Beach.” Sealed with a wink. 
And with that, the ice wasn’t the only thing rattling anymore, as Robin is keenly reminded as she feels the shudder travel up and down her spine that she chose to keep those Ben Wa balls.
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"And she said what to you? Oh yeah, your date wants to get in your pants. For SURE.” Steve said as the cool edge of a frosted mug hit his tongue. It was a long day at The Hideout and they barely had time to shoot the shit between odd jobs and a colorful group of customers, and Robin got in so late last night that he didn’t even get to grill her about her date when she rolled in. Disregard the fact that Steve was tucked soundly in his bed after a nice warm belly full of pasta and red wines (who knew, he liked red wine? He sure didn’t). After such a long day, and the bet hanging in the air, the pair stumbled upon a local dive bar on their walk home and that’s where they find themselves now - unwinding and finding themselves totally relaxed in the warm, dimly lit and unceremonious Benny’s Taproom.
“God, Steve, I don’t want to talk about it!”
“What do you mean, you don’t want to talk about it? You owe me three drinks and you’ve gotta spill your guts, Robbie.” 
“Ahhh, I don’t want to hear about the bet, Steve! I’ve been a little distracted. My keychain has been the least of my worries, genius.”
“Excuses, excuses.” he winks, the beer tasting even better knowing it was his prize for caring for his tamagotchi much better than his friends, just as he suspected. Robin cycled through three whole pets so far, while Steve’s has grown into a thriving, young thing and he gloats about it every moment he can. “Now, spill it. I need to know the details about your date, Robin. Stop avoiding this.”
As they sit there arguing over digital pets and sharing (or avoiding) stories of their night prior, a gravely ahem comes from over the bar as the gruff, stone faced and bearded man behind it places his hands wide on the counter in front of the two friends. “If you’re in my bar, drinking my drinks, then you gotta share, missy. This place is boring lately, and you guys are fresh meat, so please…entertain us with your stories. I gotta live for something around here.” he sternly says to the two, before he smiles wide and says “If you’re here, you’re family, so listen to your friend and give us the scoop, for God sakes!” 
Robin tells them about her first date - about all of the coy flirting, about all of the embarrassing things that didn’t feel so terribly embarrassing in front of her date, about all of the appetizers and cocktail tastings, about the menu items spread out on their table with double entendres and that Alex kept ordering things she kept referring to as Aphrodisiacs “I swear I thought aphrodisiac was another word for Oysters, and then I thought that it meant something sexual just because … oysters. They’re like…ya know.” as she blinks her eyes downwards to her lap.
“Oh honey, he is into you.” Jim breathes out as he adjusts to lean back against the sink with his arms crossed.
Maybe it was Robin’s tight-lipped smile in response to that, or maybe it was how Steve gargled his last sip of beer right back into the mug before setting it down on the ratty old, stained coaster on the bar, but Jim’s eyes flitted between the pair looking for the information he must certainly be missing. 
“Ah!” He claps his hands together as he takes Steve’s mug, swirls it around eyeing the backwash, throws it in the sink and fetches another one. He immediately moves over to the tap to refill it while noting “Alex…. He’s a she…isn’t she?” 
Jim leans over the bar, braced on his elbows and spends the next twenty minutes telling her that she's just had a taste of what the city has to offer. .. a taste of dating. A taste of Alex. And if she's feeling like that - if one taste is making her feel so so good, it's worth embracing it and diving right in.
TAGLIST: @livsters @katie-tibo @johnricharddeacy @angywritesstuff @k-k0129 @tisthedamnseason69 @middle-of-the-earth @thebrazilianatheist  @mochminnie @micheledawn1975 @falling-throughthe-hourglass @rafaaoli @ash5monster01 @gabessock @onyxslayss
The artist referenced in this Chapter is A.K. Summers who did, in fact host an exhibit at a Chicago Gallery in 1993. See her work Pregnant Butch here
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haikyuuwaifu · 1 year
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Genre: Drama, Angst
Warnings: Swearing
Y/n felt her heart rate increase as she took in the sight of Himiko’s grandmother. “Mimi, what are you doing here?” Himiko simpered, fluttering her lashes at the older woman. “Don’t give me that bullshit Himiko. I heard everything you were spittin just now. Always knew you were a little bratty shit.” The old woman hissed, stepping further into the restaurant. Looking over at Y/n, Himiko’s Mimi smiled. “Come here sweet girl.” She called, ushering the woman over. Y/n made her way over, pulling the old woman into the tightest hug she could muster. “God, It’s been a while Mimi.” She laughed, her eyes watery. “It sure has. I hear ya been busy, makin a life here in the big city.” Y/n nodded against the woman’s shoulder as Osamu’s mother gave her a friendly squeeze on her arm. 
“After ya called me, I had to go get Mimi and bring her here. There’s no way I’m lettin that witch, her parents, or your shitty parents ruin all the hard work the two of ya been puttin in here.” Osamu’s mother stated, glaring at the other occupants in the restaurant. Mimi let go of Y/n, and motioned for Osamu to make his way over. “It’s nice to meet you Osamu, I’m that wretched girls grandmother. Y/n’s Nana was my best friend.” She informed, as Osamu bowed. “No need for that. You’ll be my grandson-in-law someday if I have anythin to say about it.” She teased as Y/n let out a noise. “Mimi! You’re just as bad as Nana.” The woman scoffed shaking her head. For the first time all morning, Osamu smiled. “Can I get ya anythin to drink while we wait for the police?” He whispered, leaning down so he could hear her better. “How bout some tea and a plate of your best Onigiri. Throw some dumplings in there too sweet boy.” She stated, giving his cheek a pat. “You idiots find a chair and park your asses.” She bellowed, causing the other adults in the room to shudder. “We’re dealing with this dirty laundry now.”
Himiko’s grandmother drank her tea and munched on her food. Humming and complimenting Osamu between every bite. Himiko, her parents, and Y/n’s parents were nervous. Y/n’s parents wanted her to quit this silly dream she had wanting to work in the food industry. They felt that it was beneath them and they had prepared her to take over. Himiko’s parents spoiled their daughter too much, and had no qualms with setting up their future son-in-law with a job they felt was more fitting of his future station. Himiko was just a selfish bitch that wanted to see Y/n suffer. Unfortunately for the group of them, Himiko’s Mimi was no fool. Finishing off her tea, the matriarch of Himiko’s family sighed, deeply. “When Y/n’s Nana died, I promised her I’d look after Y/n.” She began, leaning back in her chair. “I did the best I could, trying to be fair between the two of you.” She stated, glaring at Himiko. “And it is absolutely disgusting that you would steal her confession and take it for yourself.” She hissed, causing Himiko to shrink into her seat. “It was a long time ago Mimi.” The woman whispered, her voice small. “You say that like it wasn’t a big deal, and I’d believe ya, if I knew ya really loved him.” Her Mimi scoffed, rolling her eyes. “She does love him!” Himiko’s mother sniffed, causing her mother-in-law to snort. “We all know it’s bullshit. She’s just a selfish brat that’s treatin this poor boy like he’s just a piece of property and not a person.” 
Glaring at Y/n’s parents, Mimi hissed. “And the two of you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Getting involved in Himiko’s scheme. Against your own daughter no less!” She shouted, shaking her fist. Y/n reached out to settle the woman, worried she might hurt herself. “She wasn’t meant to work in a hovel like this.” Her father sniffed, causing Y/n to roll her eyes. “This isn’t just some fucking hovel.” Osamu hissed, slamming his hand on the table. “This is my place of fuckin business. This is my fuckin dream, and if it wasn’t for Y/n, I don’t know where it would be no thanks to ya no good fuckin daughter.” Osamu glared, as Y/n’s parents shrinked back. “Ya have no fuckin idea just how smart ya daughter is. How amazin she is and how much this place has come alive with all her fuckin help.” Y/n’s parents had always pushed their daughter to follow in their families footsteps. They never understand why her grandmother was adamant to teach the girl how to cook. “She was meant to run the family business.” Her father snarled, standing up to Osamu. “I’ll let that business burn to the fucking ground.” Y/n scoffed rolling her eyes. “I don’t fuckin want it. I never fuckin wanted it, so quit trying to force me to do it.” The police had finally arrived, and Y/n sighed in relief. “I’m done havin this conversation. I’m not dealin with the business anymore, so the two of ya can take your asses home and fuck off.” Y/n’s parents were going to argue, but Himoko’s Mimi gave them a glare. “Don’t even think about it. You two are in a shit load of trouble.” Osamu was going to say something to Y/n, but she was already making her way toward the door.
“Take care of this.” Atsumu grumbled, patting his brother’s shoulder. “When she’s ready, I’ll let ya know.” It’s not what Osamu wanted to hear, but if it’s what Y/n needed, he would respect it.
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nonotnolan · 2 years
Fiverr Warlock: Saturdays are for Recovery
“Hey, Gus?“  Waking up with a killer headache was bad enough, but for some reason my roommate was shaking my shoulder.  “Gus, wake up.  You... uhh, you’re not gonna believe this, buuuut... we’ve swapped bodies.”
I sat upright, trying and failing to rub the sleep out of my eyes.  “Dude.  Preston.  What the fuck?  You, of all people, should understand that Saturdays are for recovery.  I was up until 4am playing League, and you were out drinking or whatever.  Fucking hell, why does my head hurt?”
“Probably because you’re dealing with my hangover,” he said, handing me a glass.  “Drink that, it’ll help.”  I gratefully downed the entire drink, and handed it back to him.  To... me?  I looked up at him, only to find that I was looking at my own body.  “I wasn’t kidding,” he said, laughing at the look of confusion on my face.
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“Why are you so calm?” I yelled, looking down at the chest that was clearly not my own.  I found myself grasping at my new face, as if I was going to be able to feel a difference in its shape.  I couldn’t get past my sudden lack of facial hair.  “How the fuck did this happen?”
Preston just shrugged.  “Hell if I know.  It’s not like Web MD has a tutorial on this.  My best guess is that if we just go about our business like normal, it will reverse itself just as quickly as it happened.  I’m just hoping it’ll go away by tomorrow.��
I could scarcely believe what I was hearing.  “Tomorrow!?  Are you shitting me?  You want me to just keep going like nothing is wrong, and maybe it will fix itself?  Fuck that!  We need to do something!  We need to-- I don’t know, research this, or, or... tell someone who can help us, or... I don’t know... but, but something, dammit!”
He reached out and placed his hand on my shoulder, “Look, it’s not that I’m somehow okay with this.  I don’t want to be stuck in your life just as much as you don’t want to be stuck in mine.  But you just woke up-- I’ve already had several hours to come to terms with this.  If we try to tell anyone, they’ll just claim that we’re full of shit.  I can’t find anything relevant on the internet about this, and frankly, I wouldn’t have trusted it even if I did.  And it’s like you said-- Saturdays are for recovery.  We don’t have to do anything important today.  No one will be any the wiser if we just lay low.”
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“But... yeah, alright,” I said.  It wasn’t what I wanted to hear, but I had to admit that it made sense.  It wasn’t how people handled this sort of thing in the movies, but... well, this was real life.  It wasn’t like we’d gotten into a shouting match in a Chinese Restaurant, or whatever.  I glanced around Preston’s bedroom, trying to figure out where he kept his clothes.  “So, uhhh... I’m pretty fuckin’ hungry.  Do think it would be a big deal if I went out to grab food?”
Preston just shrugged his shoulders in response.  “Should be fine.  I mean, what are the odds that either of us manage to run into someone we know?  It’s a big town.  Even if we go out in public, I think it will be fine.  Honesty hour, I was about to grab McDonalds, maybe go out and see a movie.  Do whatever you want today.”
I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes.  “Bending the facts to reach the outcome you want?  My body must be wearing off on you.”
When Preston asked me to use my warlock powers to swap his body with that of his roommate, I was hesitant.  Not that I was afraid or unwilling to use my powers, mind you-- it wasn’t all that hard.  Most of the difficulty with body swap magic is making things permanent.  A 24 hour swap is the sort of thing I’d charge $50, maximum.  I just didn’t want to get in the habit of casting spells on my boyfriend.  We’ve only been dating for a few months, and I really hate the relationship imbalance that happens when one person is constantly relying on me for spells.
That said, he’s been really good about not begging me for trivial favors, and he really wanted something different for our three month anniversary.  We both enjoy a bit of roleplay in the bedroom, so why stop at costumes?  Gus’s body was... certainly different.  His body is a lot more nerd-punk than I expected, and seeing it makes me wonder how on earth the two of them can stand being around each other.
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“What do you think?” he asked, lifting up his shirt.  “Pretty good for a computer geek, right?”
He stared at me with the same sort of confident swagger that had enticed me all those weeks ago, confirming without a doubt that this is Preston in Gus’s body, and not just Gus trying to pull a prank.  I could feel myself falling for him all over again.  “Pretty good, indeed.  And here I was wondering if I was going to need to use magic to change this body into something serviceable.”
He placed his other hand at his waistband, and slid his pants down to his knees.  “Not in the slightest,” he said, letting Gus’s manhood flop free.  Preston laughed at the look of shock on my face as he started to grasp it in both hands.  “It’s somewhere around eleven inches when hard,” he said.  “Sometimes he’ll leave the shower naked when he thinks I’m still at the gym.  I’ve wanted to try it out for myself for so long... and now it’s mine for an entire day.”  
He kissed me full on the lips, the stubble of his beard scraping against my skin as his tongue probed my mouth.  My brain knew this was Preston, but my senses were convinced that this was some sort of sandalwood-scented stranger.  “I can’t wait to show you my appreciation,” he said, whispering into my ear.  The heat of his breath caused my hair to stand up on end.  Eleven inches of rock-solid cock was going to completely wreck my ass, and I didn’t even care.  It’s not like I had any other plans this weekend.  Besides, Saturdays are for recovery.
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groven4 · 2 years
Markiplier Egos with an Aromantic DA / Viewer
a/n: I randomly decided I really wanna get something out for aro week, so I've got a oneshot mayhaps involving a certain adventurer in the works, but knowing me that might take a while (if I even finish it all) and these tend to be easier for me. So, that's why this exists...not that you asked.
(edit: made one for Ace hcs.)
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He wouldn't really care, but in like a supportive way.
He may not look like it, but the guy's got some common sense.
I can't see him as the type to ask a lot of questions especially if you're visibly uncomfortable around the topic. (tho ig he might if it's for an interview, not sure)
A big part of Wil's character is just accepting shit as it is and not questioning what you can't understand because falling down that spiral is ultimately unhealthy; so if you were to come out to him as any sexuality/gender identity, he'd most likely just accept you immediately and move one.
Expect to receive a lot of aro themed stickers on pride month though.
Also doesn't care, but it's less him being supportive (tho he is) and more: it doesn't affect him, so why should he care?
Like you do you. Your love life is none of his business.
Quite frankly, he couldn't give a shit.
Though, he might find some relatability with you.
Despite how one might interpret ADWM, I cannot see Dark as an entity with the capability to feel much of anything. (other than rage, vengefulness, etc.)
There are some vague memories of past feelings from both Celine and Damien (and possibly the house entity, idk) mostly shown through his clear favoritism for Wil.
However, I don't think he really can feel romantic feelings, nor does he want to.
Being loved sounds nice, but ultimately it would just get in the way.
So having someone around that's kind of like him in that regard is almost nice...cathartic even.
You both like to watch 'marriage gameshows' (the bachelor, love is blind, etc.) over wine and laugh about how you'll never have to deal with relationship problems. (idc if that one's ooc)
He can't really feel romantic attraction himself, yk being a robot and all.
If you tried explaining aromanticism to him he'd probably just be like: "Yeah, and??".
He's supportive in a sense, that sense being: you not having a partner would mean one less meat sack he has to deal with once he manages to get admin privileges.
Kinda stumped on this one ngl.
I just can't find a reason why he'd care whatsoever.
He'd just be like: "Oh...siiiick, brah." with total Bill and Ted energy.
(edit: this is pre-wkm btw. idk why I did that, it doesn't really fit with the others that way. so I probably won't do it again in future hcs. sorry ig.)
I imagine it comes up at a party.
He starts asking you about your love life.
You tell him that you've never really been interested in that kind of stuff, and you probably never will.
What does he do?
He calls you boring.
In all seriousness, he's mostly chill about it throughout your friendship, but it's hard for me not to picture him as the type to think you're just being naive and that 'everyone has to find someone someday'. (I believe WKM takes place in the 1920s, so like, what were you expecting?)
That is until Celine cheats on him.
It was just such a world shattering thing for him, he genuinely loved her more than anything.
It's not a complete 180°, he doesn't suddenly understand your lack of attraction from this, but one night you check in with him to find him wasted in his wine cellar and he's basically like: "You had it right all along, my friend. Love...Love is not for everyone. ...Certainly not the faint of heart."
Which like, you didn't choose this, but you were more focused on making sure he was okay at the time to care.
A part of me wants to think he'd be a little confused at first just cause the idea of having to explain aromanticism and/or asexuality to him because he's just genuinely curious is really adorable to me.
However, the rest of me refuses to believe his friend group isn't entirely comprised of both people in the lgbtq+ community and hardcore allies who would happily beat the shit out of aphobes on a daily basis.
Not to say that they think of you as child-like because of your sexuality, but it's a prison family and you're 'fresh meat' so you're their little aro-bean now whether you like it or not.
Yancy especially is protective of you in an almost older brother type way.
So if after/during coming out to them (or just him) you mention how scared you were/are because you've had a lot of bad experiences or something, he's like constantly ready to sucker punch and/or ballerina kick anyone giving you flack over just being who you are.
He's always willing to tell you how valid you are when you need to hear it, and overall is just a really great friend.
...Even with the stabbing.
In an odd way, he almost feels...relieved?
Call it a humble brag, but literally all of his past work partners had fallen in love with him at some point, and while the attention certainly feeds his ego, that kinda thing just gets tired and even annoying after a while.
So knowing that'll never happen with you is actually a nice break from what he's grown so used to.
He's never had someone around who genuinely enjoys adventuring as much as he does.
And who isn't like constantly ogling him. (I mean probably anyway, idk what it's like to be aroallo)
Having you around may also cause him to start questioning some things about himself, particularly when you're explaining your orientation.
But that's a topic we'll be getting into at another time! (*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* *stares at empty draft*)
He's still used to trying to fluster people cause he finds it funny and in general is just the kind of person to be a bit touchy with his friends (meaning: platonic hand holding, hugs, head/back pats, standing weirdly close a lot of the time just naturally, etc.), so if you're ever uncomfortable just tell him and he'll cut it out straight away.
You're both just kinda really good friends, and he's not at all weird about it like you thought he might be.
Supportive Pirate Dad! 10/10!
You definitely have to explain what it means to him, but he verbally accepted you before he even asked.
Kinda like: "That's great!...What is it?-"
Would have the crew sew you a flag if it would make you happy.
They are still pirates who have been sailing across the deep blue their whole lives with presumably no contact with the mainland however.
So unless you for some fuckin reason told them what it looks like, you can expect to receive a relatively small, plain black flag with the word 'Arrowmantik.' spelled incorrectly and somehow sewn on in perfect white Helvetica.
You hung the flag right above your hammock.
It is your most prized possession.
Might be a little discouraged at first. His crush on you was a tad obvious.
But he figures it's for the best. You are the captain after all. Pursuing that relationship wouldn't have been professional in the slightest.
It does take a bit but he gets over it eventually.
He still genuinely loves you platonically/as a person, so things don't really change all that much.
You still have a strong friendship and work really well together.
He tends to go a bit overboard now about giving you personal space cause he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. So you may have to reassure him multiple times if it wasn't an issue.
During when pride month would be on earth he might gift you little aro themed stuff, like a patch you can't actually add to your uniform for work reasons but love and appreciate anyway.
He may not fully understand how you feel, but he never stops trying to, and either way he's always gonna support you no matter what.
Your orientation could never change how much he loves and trusts you both as a captain and as his friend.
He doesn't really care since it doesn't affect what you guys do, though he is openly accepting, especially if it seemed like you needed to hear that it wasn't something that bothered him.
In a similar vein to Illinois, he's strangely grateful.
He's not sure how he would've dealt with the situation had you developed a crush on him. Such emotions tend to get in the way more often than not in his line of work.
He didn't wanna have to kill you just to make his life easier. Taking a life out of necessity isn't as much fun, plus he'd grown a tad fond of you.
I like to think he cares quite a bit about your mental health, it would make sense given the whole murder thing.
So if you often go through periods of doubt or even internalized self hatred regarding being aromantic, he's gonna be there to help you through it.
He goes with you to pride parades and if anyone tries to tell you that you don't belong there, they're immediately getting put on a black list.
He got you a nifty little keychain once while you were there.
Overall, surprisingly wholesome.
a/n: I went back and forth on whether or not I was gonna use the pronouns I hc them all as using, but in the end I just said 'fuck it, appeal to general audiences, why not at this point'. I'm really fuckin' tired, dude. Just- HAPPY ARO WEEK! ig.
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This might sound a bit dumb, but I have an AU idea where Pepper Mint somehow manages to retain control of his Pepperminteppi form & escape with Cadebra. Cadebra: "So my friend is now an immortal Primordial being that can use massive amounts of black magic. Nice." The Cult has to deal with their God not wanting anything to them (& also being in Wizard Jail for, y'know, murdering children).
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absolute delight and excitement and beige comics under the cut let's go insane
first off this is such a fun idea but i kept getting stuck because how did they get out if he didnt get at least a little violent? they were in a Situation. thats why he started blasting in the first place in the movie! he kills everyone holding cadebra and then kills everyone else who is looking at the two of them funny, and he tells her to get out before he starts hurting her too. but anyways i digress. au! my polite little boy uou (transcipts in image descs to save on space. i realize i should be doing this in the first place to be more accessible but i dont do it. ay. someday ill get over that brain hurdle)
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the profs are so. blank eyed about being Stopped. that’s their GOD. they want him to do the prophesied deeds! but he’s not. “aren’t you our god now” no I’m just that kid but I have this primordial god deity chilling giving me horrible advice now in my head. awful. thanks. i just learned real fast real hard how to love and trust myself
and then also i was like. well like. w. what is everyone gonna say. not nice things. thats a scary insect boy (WHY HE INSECT? IVE NEVER DRAWN PEPPERMINTEPPI PROPERLY BEFORE AND ITS KILLING ME WHY IS HE A BEETLLEEEEE).
and also also. also. ???? drinking the ichor SUCCESSFULLY, is quite literally what og peps just,, keeps saying will Recreate Him, OG Peps, so i guess he did that (?? HELLO) or something similar when he was little but as you can tell he did not uh. keep the scary beetle body. maybe he didnt have a bestie to protect
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anyways. so. pep likes being big. :)
also have this
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poor pep trying to mediate between the gay idiot he used to be in his head (not the gay idiot he still is) and the giant scary monster from the before-nothingtimes he just willingly added to the vr chat
and his poor fuckin teachers
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(ron james is too old and anxious for this shit and life giving magus has a thing about not letting people feel sad :( hes an Emotions Wizard being sad makes him do Evil Magic did you watch the episode Little Dude? gotta keep his students feeling loved and safe or else. especially when they’re um. imbued with massive amounts of dark magic. sorry I like the them)
i also have this from discord
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I don’t know how to end this post this au is fun. none of the kids and few of the adults know the significance of this guy. pep is like hnnnnn just wanna be a normal kid but also scarypowerfulbig. enough. to protect. blaines over here like we are not letting him in the school like that are we and weaponhead is like well. the important thing is we aren’t letting the murderers back in. Blaine.
Maybe larry (cousin got fucking murdered by the teachers) and pep (reached level 100,000 just by drinking juice and now kinda scares everyone) drop out together. just chill quiet together. what do wizards even DOOOOOO, get COFFEE??? make up entirely new schools of magic kinda like those jerky secret societies but less jerky (ron James s6e13 “thanks for the crabapples giussepe”)????? just sit around and wait for Blaine (RULES GUY) and Deb (needs structure in her life and thinks school is fun) to get out of class so they can go do things?
also also I was gonna be Sad tm that you said pep was immortal now, but I insist on believing that wizards have long lifespans. so it’s not like Deb and blaine and larry just fucking DIE ten seconds into pep’s infinite life. they’re there. for a while. (:
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evansbby · 3 months
OH MY GOD MENS ICKSSS- like there are few for me but when i get them its like an allergic reaction!
- when they do those internet dances FUCK ICK!! like the Dab or something fuck. (Except for that one video where benedict cucumber did it cyz that... that confused me. that made me produce an egg. NEXT.)
-slippers... idfk... sandals. mens toes are ew. with the fucking long hair on their toes and theyre so UNAPOLOGETIC about how thick and fat their toes are fucking GAG.
- when they flip their coat/shirt collars up (except for benedict as sherlock??? shit. AGAIN IDK WHY i might have to look into this and self refect.)
- when they have those super unfunny group chats with their friends where they talk as if theyre all geniuses ahead of the game wtf why do all men have those group chats??? and its never funny??? but they think it is??? everytime i catch a glimpse of it im like bitch the fuck 😭 im funnier than that surely. and they sound so fucking dumb everytime but PROUD. ick vicky wicky.
- when they cant deal with standing in lines. its like theyre too cool for it. bro no, you don't clean ur nails, stand in line like a normal human being and accept the shame u weirdly associate with being patient.
- when men barely talk to their children during family outings... thats just asking for me to commit a hate crime. not even an ick.
- cartoon shirts... anime shirts... quote shirts... id rather they wear banana patterns t shirts or something like... ITS FINE WHEN IM UNINTERESTED IN THE DUDE but like after fhat i cant help but look at it and wonder... "doth he hentai?" and then "is thee childish???" and then it makes me hate myself because im judging them way to hard and its double damage. coz im ick with him and ick with myself 😔
- SMOKING which is less icky then FUCKING VAPING WHAT. Both gives me loser vibes fucking pupping in a desolate corner every hour, begging for a light maybe. standing around awkwardly with people and delighting in your addiction. the whole thing is super mega ducky ick. Like WHY??? (the only exception is tommy shelby and sherlock- SPECIFICALLY the fictional characters. I saw benedict on the streets once and phsically cringed and crossed the street i wish i was joking thats how bad my ick was.)
- Long hair. no no i know some guys apparently look hot in it but i dont SEE it and i REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT. i had to INVESTIGATE for years why people found harry styles hot and had to cover the sides of his head with my hands to see him in short hair to understand he had potential. not. one. guy. with long hair looks hot. nope. even daemon i was like hUh? until he showed up in that one ep with short hair and i was like 🤤 Papa? Be my uncle ❤️ then his L'Oreal hair came back and he looked like a 🐴
- guys who try to be fashionable but they just look so shit. with the fuckin berets and big leather pants and vests and gun harneses 🙂‍↕️ my guy u look like what invented delete. like some dudes can do the shit out of and it just works but my guy... a clean shirt and some black trousers...
- guy sending sexy selfies... like who r u pouting for my dude 😭 just smile please 🤌✨
idk if these are icks but i felt these to my soul 🥹 im sorry its long i just had to get it off my chest HAHAH
luv u xoxo
oh wow bestie this is some list!!!
if by internet dances you mean like the tiktok dances then yes i wholeheartedly agree.. my man should ONLY have a tiktok for watching purposes. if he posts a thirst trap or him dancing to some trending song then that's it, he's not my man anymore lmfaoo. like that's so CRINGE tiktok dances are for the girlies!!! my man needs to have minimal social media presence hehe.
i kinda agree with the sandals one but i don't mind when men wear sliders sometimes in a casual way haha.
boys group chats are the worst most misogynistic cesspools of debauchery ever like truly boys are SO LAME when with their dumb friends so agree with that one.
i've never met a man who can't deal with standing in lines lol but tbh I HAVE ZERO PATIENCE therefore i myself hate standing in lines lmfaooo so my man would have to be the opposite of me. although i understand this one so this isn't an ick for me.
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Hi Halla, I feel kind of bad doing this because I don’t want to bring negativity to you but I kind of consider your asks a safe space and I just wanted to get this thing off my chest. You don’t have to read it, I just needed to rant about this to someone that wasn’t my journal.
I’m currently in the library at my uni, skipping the first of my finals. I basically didn’t study for it and just the prospect of entering the class in which the exam is taking place makes me want to vomit. I can retake it in two weeks, but it’s not the first time this happens this year and I hate lying to other people about it, whether the excuse is illness/grieving/a bad performance, and try to shift the attention on the ones I did pass (mainly thanks to luck). My anxiety is over the roof rn and I’m trying my best to study for my other finals but I currently just want to curl up and cry. I’ve always been the golden child with perfect grades so I feel like I can’t talk about academic struggle bc I don’t want to let down others, especially my parents. It’s been a rough couple of years and I basically lost all of my close ‘friends’ and I’m embarrassed to talk about this topic with the ones I still have because they’ve always seen me as the academic weapon friend and as someone they aspire to be (academically speaking) and I don’t want to crush their vision because I feel like that’s the only remaining piece of the old me. I know it’s not a big deal and that the world has thousands of bigger problems than a privileged white girl complaining about her life but I’m so tired of failing and feeling disconnected from reality and other people. I’ll shut up now, sorry for the rant, I hope you’re having a good day Halla, you’re a lovely person.
Hey baby. 💖
I’m so sorry you are having a difficult time. I understand how you feel cuz I’m in a similar boat myself. I think a lot of it has to do with that I’ve learned from people around me that my self worth is contected to my academic performance. So sometimes I feel like I’m shit as a person if I don’t exceed academically. I know that it’s toxic and even though I understand it “logically.” It can be hard to shake emotionally. So give yourself grace. The thing is, you are the same you who succeeded before. Which means you totally have it within your capacity to do it again. But self-deprecating talk has a very real impact and it can convince even a successful person that they are failing.
There’s a book that someone once gave me. I think it’s called “Elite Minds.” I don’t really do self-help much (and also the person who gave it to me is now my ex so it’s hard for me to pick it up now lol) but it essentially argues that whatever you believe about yourself is the truth. Like it doesn’t matter if you’re some fuckin genius. If YOU believe that you’re shit, you will indeed be shit. You could be Einstein himself. But if you think you’re not going to do well on a task, then you’re going to sabotage yourself into failing.
Honestly idk how to kill the negative self-talk. Sometimes it helps to remember that there’s sooo much more outside of academia. And that smart people come in all sorts of shapes and forms. I’ve met some brilliant folks who work office jobs. And some dumbass morons who have PhDs. Your grades and your school performance don’t define your intelligence.
Hang in there 🤍 exam season is almost over. Best of luck babyyyy 🤍🤍
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kharonion · 9 months
For the wip game: can I hear about "Danger Pretty" please?? 😗
[ ask about my WIPs ]
This is a fic series that is so self-indulgent, it's unreal. 😂 Danger Pretty centers around the alternate start of Vikt where he becomes a club dancer instead of a mercenary after his termination from Arasaka. During his time at Empathy, he meets Kerry, and it is a partnership that gradually teaches Vikt what it means to have something genuine—a rarity in this verse.
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Behind him, the door locks. The heavy bass of the music is muted in here, but that just… adds to it, really. Smoke wafts in the air, a backdrop for the cedarwood cologne and natural musk—an intoxicating combination, Kerry is quickly learning. Some of the plumes are fresh from the man waiting for him, sitting there on the sofa with his legs crossed at the knee, the perched foot idly bouncing to the faint beat. His makeup is pebbled and runny from sweat. A cigarette hangs from his lips, its cherry reflected in those hard eyes.
He takes a long drag but doesn’t move otherwise. “You’re becoming quite a regular.” The words sound like they’re being dragged through gravel, but it makes Kerry’s stomach damn near leap in his throat. It’s a voice that gives away that this man is far from a gonk; he’s seen shit, been through shit. Weathered, haggard.
And fuck, why is it so fuckin’ attractive?
“Eh, well,” Kerry tries to laugh—and not nervously, “keeps me from getting bored, I guess.”
“A man such as you, getting bored? I find it hard to believe.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He tries to inject some venom in there, but Kerry can tell it falls flat. That or this man isn’t much phased by anything.
He simply takes another drag. “Means I don’t believe that Kerry Eurodyne doesn’t have anything better to do than come to a braindance club by himself. Wanted to get your rocks off, you could’ve simply stayed in your personal palace.”
“You just invite me here to make this a big deal? Or do you actually have some point to make?” Kerry lets his tone dip into a growl. “If you do, I’d suggest starting to make it.”
The man’s propped leg slowly falls, his knees easing apart. Those eyes are scrutinizing—Kerry can fuckin’ feel them on him. It doesn’t much help the fire raging across his cheeks as he ogles at just how voluptuous those thighs look in that tight leather, their curves not at all left to imagination. A hand slowly wanders their insides; the fucker knows. And he so casually answers, “I’m simply curious why you’d risk coming here. Risk being plastered all over the screamsheets. You must have a reason… and I want to know what it is.”
“And it matters to you because…?”
“Call it a hunch, but…” He huffs the smoke one last time, tossing the butt somewhere, swirls curling out of his nostrils. Then, he stands—or more accurately, towers. Kerry’s stuck there, unable to move. Not even as the man starts yanking shit off. The hat’s first, then the sunglasses… and just like that, Kerry Eurodyne is exposed fully.
And, y’know… he can’t bring himself to care.
“Something tells me… I’m your reason.”
“Sounds like your ego talkin’.” That earns a tiny smirk.
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twinaurora · 10 months
1:56 AM
(I started writing this at the above time, this is future me at 3:30 putting a break so that it does not flood your timeline :3)
Damn, I am a creative person lol I like to write! I like to fucking sing and shit! And sometimes i do lil doodles and shit You don't have to do something crazy to call yourself creative :3 Just make something! Sometimes I think my shit is shitty But sometimes you gotta take a step back and just look at what you did And its like "Wow, I made that" It's crazy :) OH FUCK MUSIC TOO!! Man I love music, I love listening to shit, its fun Oooh, I should start tagging stuff lol, like what if someone else want to reblog something [looks off in distance, sitting at the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean glimmer, sunset setting the sky a beautiful orange hue, reflected too upon the sea] Lol what if Mallek wants to fucking rant about dumb shit on my blog :O Whoa, what would Mercer look at (⊙_⊙)? Or maybe a fucking sideblog, i've talked about that before ( *︾▽︾) Oughhh, im listening to Swank (off of brb) and there was this really soft synth in the background, that was really nice (I checked, it starts at 1:33) The Lavender Promenade? The Violet Fugue? I'll think of some more later, but i like the second one so far Ahh~, piroulines, the greatest snack ever made.... Man, sometimes it's hard to say stuff. I'll see people talking, but their in the middle of an already going convo, and its like, " Damn, maybe ill just wait a sec" and then u never do. Sometimes you respond to it verbally, but just don't message. Sometimes I just can't get the right expression through text (They might as well be dead (ROR2)) Im gonna put the music i'm listening as i write this down Aww man, we're all just a bunch of goobers ain't we. Some goofy fuckin goobers..... I'll look at Mallek, and sometimes I think that's the guy i couldn't be and then I'll look at Chixie, and that's the girl i don't know if i can be and the other two are something different (The King of Onsen (Rivals of Aether)) It's like, they both deal with people, in their own ways obviously (Take my breath (The Weeknd)) Marvus is very showy, as is for him, but damn can he talk to someone, and y'know, sometimes i can too. But he's good at it, and he's good at helping people And Mercer isn't! haha lol He's more worried about us, so obviously, more reserved But he could do the same i believe. Rougher maybe, more annoyed, but will get us away. I guess think of it like a bomb, Marvus would de-arm it, like talking down someone, while Mercer would run, cuz it doesn't know how to fucking defuse a bomb Oh man, funny analogy time I guess it's like... me mal and chix are like the lil sibling playing a game right, and ur on a hard level So you get ur big sib, in this case Mar and Mer, to help you beat the stage :) (I took another hit of cart, its 2:39 at this part of my writing)
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