#and combined with having massive art blocks does not help either
midnightmoodlet-art · 2 years
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Here's a doodle of baby affogato until my brain reboots into being functional again
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inventors-fair · 4 years
Lessons Unlearned: Short Story Commentary and Reflection
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Well. 21 entries isn’t exactly a 50+ commander extravaganza, but that’s where we’re at. This contest made a lot of sense to me, in my own head, and I think I got lost in the concept without considering the full execution, or that Other People Might Not Think Quite Exactly Like Me. 
Still, I would say that almost all the entries created their own unique worlds, some plane-based, some personal, and it made for great and creative reading. I feel that something more concrete would help a contest like this in the future, like... Well, I’ll have to save that for another time.
Onto the commentary!
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@abzanhero — Captain Morgan the Vengeful
The Card: It’s interesting design space you’re playing with here, and I’m actually a fan. You could pump him up to a 2/2 for a little battlefield presence, but it’s not out of the question. The fact that there’s not consistent graveyard tutelage means that he’s not as overpowered as he could be, and it’s only one counter, which... Admittedly, it’s powerful, but there are a few moving parts to make this less than incredibly overpowered. I’d rather the trigger happen at the end step for that “final fate” feel, personally. Minor templating: “shuffle it into your library” (only planeswalkers get personal pronouns), and I think contemporary design supports “when you do” as a trigger to respond to instead of “if you do.” 
The Story: Ha, it rhymes! ... And yeah, it doesn’t precisely explain the ins and outs of the curse, but it’s swashbuckling as hell. It’s one degree off-kilter to have a rhyme that isn’t part of a meta-tale, but I like it, so. I can imagine younger players doing their best pirate voice as they shuffle him (the character, not the card, I know, pedantry) into their library. Arr.
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@dimestoretajic — Eternal Bond
The Card: I had to go through the Zendikar image gallery to make sure, but yeah, “party members” isn’t a term. I believe this card would read “Exile two target creatures in a party. (reminder text)” And it would be “combined” toughness, right? Either way, this is a hyperspecific and expensive removal spell, at rare, with a modest amount of lifegain. That simply doesn’t feel good, and I’m not getting a feeling of a “bond” out of, well, a removal spell. Let’s move on.
The Story: So, a kind of love story, framed around a removal spell? That already doesn’t make a lot of sense. I don’t have anything positive to say about the writing itself, so for Magic critique, I’ll say that it doesn’t feel like a Magic card or part of a Magic world, absolutely not Zendikar. There’s a time and place for those kinds of cards, such as Cathartic Reunion and Planewide Celebration. But Magic doesn’t need single-card love stories, unless they’re remarkably well-written.
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@fractured-infinity — Baddon, Rivstalt’s End
The Card: Okay, that IS a real town in Innistrad. Had to check that. Anyway, man, someone would love to make a commander out of this bad boy. Kinda eh that he doesn’t do anything specific on his own, but the death effect is cool as-is, I suppose. The only issue is that HOO BOY you are going to have a LOT of memory issues with all your Zombie tokens capital Z. It’s flavorful and I think it would be worth doing, but the second part... Nah, keep it simple. 3UB, no protection, just Zombies, and you’re golden.
The Story: I’m having a really hard time parsing your writing. It took a couple reads to understand that he’s talking about... Well, actually, I don’t know. What do emotional bonds have to do with taking the town, or damaging the bodies? How does that work? Do we get that anywhere else in the story? Hate to say it, but this little snippet doesn’t really make much sense in or out of context, without heavy inference about the world that we don’t really get.
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@gollumni — Tempest Serpent
The Card: I love the idea of off-color emerge! Emerge was a fantastic mechanic and I feel that it could come back again. It creates some really neat draft ideas that unfortunately may bend a lot of the pie rules. But also. A three mana 3/3 flying hexproof? That’s OP at uncommon, no question, good lord. Small templating note: Flying comes before hexproof, and the second should be lowercase.
The Story: I can just see the art of a guy on a boat cowering as the ship snaps in half and a massive stormy elemental electric snake monster BLOWS UP outta the ocean ready to eat him. It’s cool how it’s not about the serpent itself, but rather the human/NPC interacting with the serpent. It’s not Hemingway, but you conveyed something great! I liked this story.
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@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes — Gravedigger of the Order
The Card: I don’t get how all these parts come together. Pro zombies, sure, she’s a zombie caller. The blocking/blocked trigger, uh, I don’t see that coming up a lot considering that she’s only a 2/2 with no significant combat-oriented keywords. And the last ability implies a strong return mechanic that I’ll admit makes a lot of cool sense with your flavor but doesn’t translate to perfect gameplay. I don’t know, maybe I just don’t grok this card, but it feels like there was cohesion sacrificed in favor of flavor.
The Story: Well, this sure as heck ain’t Innistrad. I’m curious about where this would take place, and what kind of world you’re going for here. Let’s try looking at it from an isolated perspective. It’s an alright macabre story, so I’ll give you that. But the name. What is the “Order?” Is she part of it? Do all members of the order whisper to bones like her? I don’t understand her goals and motivations, what “kindness” she whispers, why the dead are coming back at all.
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@ignorantturtlegaming — Demonic Mentor
The Card: It feels unplayable and yet extremely playable at the same time. It’s expensive and creates some really crazy shenanigans in Commander with surplus life. Oh my goodness, Oloro would LOVE this card, good GOD. It’s unfortunate that it does have to be costed this way and that it makes sense for a tutor. I believe the wording could be adjusted to one chunk of text: (using Covetous Urge and Thief of Sanity as references)
“Search target player’s library for up to X cards and exile them, then that player shuffles their library and you lose X life. You may cast those cards for as long as they remain exiled and you may spend mana as though it were mana of any color to cast those spells.”
The Story: I don’t get it. What does having  a demonic mentor have to do with brother rescue? I assume this is part of a larger story, but we don’t have that story for context, and mentorship doesn’t have to do with rescue. This is a card about tutelage and power and losing life, not losing a mind. The library is so often represented as the mind, and you’re not losing that, you’re saving part of it. Really iffy on this one, despite the coolness of the card. Also, watch out - you switched tenses in the second sentence. 
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@macaroni-and-squeez — The Iroan Race
The Card: RRR for haste, sure, whatever, that’s fine in this day and age, if a little color-heavy. But this card isn’t meant for limited. This is a build-around-me if I ever saw one. “Four instances of haste”?? I don’t want to call that brilliant because it frustrates my sensibilities, but dammitall, it’s...it works. For those of you doubting me, the Zendikar Rising release notes for Attended Healer states “Multiple instances of lifelink on the same creature are redundant.” So, if that is to be believed, this card is designed for some combo player to go nuts with haste nonsense. Or maybe I’m just reading it wrong. Either way, I like this card. But I would make it win the game for you, not anyone else.
The Story: Sure, I’m into it. A guy running a race for Iroas checks out. I would have condensed it a little, but in general, yeah, it fits the world and makes a neat little story. I’m really hung up on the name “Kris.” That...doesn’t feel like a fantasy name as much. I mean, we have things like Gideon, and Judith, etc. but Kris? I can’t help but feel that it’s a smidge too out of touch with Theros worldbuilding. Yay, nitpicks.
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@milkandraspberry — Burn Down the Library
The Card: Conceptually, this card is pretty cool. Very strange. It’s a different take on anti-blueness in red, and I can go for it. Sorry about MSE and fonts. Reinstallation is a pain but it’s possible. Anyway. I wouldn’t call this card a breakout all-star, but it would be...fun, I suppose. A good combat trick enchantment thing. Shame it doesn’t do much if you have an empty hand. With wording: Use “can’t” instead of “cannot cannot.” Use “cast blue spells” instead of “play;” that’s been phased out for a while. You also can’t discard spells, but you can discard blue CARDS. Question: what if you couldn’t cast blue spells from your hand? Eh? Eh? Flashback and madness? Ehhhhhh?
The Story: This time, I’ll give an example of how this could be shortened. “After years of fruitless study, the young scholar found a better use for her teacher’s wisdom.” Maybe “frustrated young scholar,” or something to give her motivation. Why is she burning down the library? That’s the most important question to ask. “Because she felt like it” is the obvious answer, but that’s not motivation, that’s not intrigue. We have to ask “why,” always. Your story makes sense, but it’s just on the brink of great characterization.
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@nine-effing-hells — Arch-Evoker’s Capstone
The Card: I want to like it, and I probably do. I don’t know what kind of deck would play it, as it feels like a Commander card for sure, but yeah, I think I do like it. It’s got powerful stuff attached to it with very red sensibilities. The land destruction is pretty wild, but it’s expensive as hell. Or is it? Five mana to destroy two lands... That’s actually, hm. That’s actually really, really, super strong if this were to see any limited play. You may even have to make it XXRR to get around that if you want to keep that effect. Land destruction is unfun. (I <3 Ponza though, so)
The Story: With this specific card, I wouldn’t have recommended also adding three lines of flavor text on top of four paragraphs of rules text. Additionally, um, I don’t get that last line. “It wasn’t every day the horizon was on fire for a week straight”? It’s exerting too much effort without a strong effect on the reader. Edit and save for a card without as much rules text.
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@partlycloudy-partlyfuckoff — Spiraling Depression
The Card: Buries? What opponent? Is this targeting? Is this an edict effect? Least power among creature they control, I assume? I legitimately don’t know what you’re trying to do with this card. Wretched Banquet-esque?
The Story: Instead of attempting to give this flavor text legitimate critique, I would instead advise you that referencing real-world conditions such as “spiraling depression” without a critical lens might appear as insensitive to individuals legitimately suffering from those conditions.
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@reaperfromtheabyss — Blazing Sacrifice
The Card: I really love this card, actually. The choice to do CMC over power I would argue requires playtesting, and I would prefer power to compare to other cards in the family such as the lovely Fling, but I can see the argument against it. Yeah, not much to critique or add onto that front. You made a really great card mechanically.
The Story: And then the story lost me entirely. “monsters that would surely go on to destroy everything he loved” is clunky to say the least. “Surrounded by monsters” is fine, it’s decent, it gets the job done. Monsters are monsters, that’s that. But that last line. That’s...a D&D reference, right? I can’t take that seriously, I just can’t. It’s verging on cliche, and it makes sense on a rudimentary level but adds nothing to the Magic world. I’ll be the first to say that yes, it’s personal bias and that some players would appreciate the memetic qualities, but it simply doesn’t do it for me.
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@scavenger98 — Walking Stick
The Card: It...is a stick. You know, I think I like this one, and frankly I would consider it for constructed play. I’m a Krenko guy, what can I say. But yeah, it’s fun, it’s fragile, it’s got good equip synergy, and I might actually be underestimating its power. I don’t know, is there some crazy combo that you could do with it? This stick is made for walking, not fighting. Heh. Good flavor tie.
The Story: And there it is, right? It’s kinda funny how it’s implied that the whole story about this thing is that this piece of equipment is breaking. And that’s kinda what makes me on the fence about it. Like, if you had a creature, and the text was about the creature dying, that wouldn’t make a lot of sense, right? Maybe if the text was about Bredik fearing the day when he WOULD face a sword? Eh, I’m just being picky here. I think that it’s still pretty good. I like Bredik. He’s not a fighter, but he walks very fast.
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@tmstage — Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies
The Card: Yeah, once again, looking at Zendy Risey, I think the wording would be different than “full party.” I’ve been sitting here and I can’t come up with a better way to word it, but it still doesn’t mesh well even if it groks. And it’s a situational card that’s either going to do literally nothing or it’s going to destroy four creatures for one mana. That’s...not great. Hey. I understand if you don’t like a specific mechanic, but I’ve seen some really great ideas from your neck of the woods. Let’s keep going.
The Story: Technically, uh, this does not fit the criteria. Who was praying to the vengeful god? Was it the creatures in the other party? Is there a god of making rocks fall down? What’s up with the name, anyway? There’s a strong sense of disconnect and many questions that go unanswered. But considering all the factors that are going into this card, I have a feeling they aren’t really asking to be answered anyway.
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@walker-of-the-yellow-path​ — Marathon of Mogis
The Card: Wow, I wasn’t expecting two Theros-themed God-themed enchantments that gave a number of creatures haste. Great minds and all. So, this card. I don’t think you need to reference the active player. The whole thing can be toned down a little. “At the beginning of each player’s combat (or end?) step, that player sacrifices all creatures they control that didn’t deal combat damage to a player this turn.” Keeping it simple. Honestly, though, I...am not sure I like it for four mana. It feels like a game-ender kind of card. Frankly, I would make it six. And I know that’s a lot and I know that it might be too much, but to be honest, this would be an unfun card otherwise, in my opinion. It’s really, REALLY powerful for a clock.
The story: Is that Mogis’ deal? Does he make people run? I checked the wiki and read through it all and I don’t understand why Mogis would get pleasure out of people not dying. The point of the stampedes and the destruction is to invoke slaughter and sacrifice, not to run humans to the bone. The ferocity of minotaurs is not sadistic. This feels like a Rakdos card — the cult, not the color combo. I feel that there was a misunderstanding.
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@wolkemesser​ — Otherskin Scarecrow
The Card: I’ll go out on a limb and say that you could make this a little more Horizons-y and give this card Changeling instead of just saying it has all creature types. Could that make it a shapeshifter? Hm, what if, because it wears clothing from characters in the past, it also has the creature types of all creatures in graveyards? But I digress. Anyway, this card. It’s not bad! It’s not making me super excited, but it’s not bad. You meant for this to have a Reaper King vibe, right? Or at least to work well with it? I think you succeeded. 
The Story: Love the first sentence, don’t quite understand the second one. My interpretation is that it’s taking skin from others, right? Well! Um! That’s actually scary and makes me miss the world of Lorwynmoor even moor. Er, more. It’s unfortunate that the mechanics of the card don’t necessarily depict “skinning intruders alive and taking their identity in a grotesque fashion” as much as I’d personally like. Still, that’s a risk, and you know what, the implications aren’t super strong but it’s enough for me to grok.
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Once again, thank y’all for your entries. New contest tomorrow. Be prepared. Be scared. Be....ard. 
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aertifas · 4 years
Broken Mirror - Chapter 1
i. five years later...
It’s been five years, and Tifa still has nightmares.
Not every night--not anymore, at least.  But somehow, that makes them worse.  She can’t prepare for them now, because she never knows when they’ll happen.  When she falls asleep, it’s either a dreamless void, or a reenactment of the worst day of her life.
It always starts the same, with the fire.  Tifa runs down the stairs and out the door of our little cottage the moment she smells smoke.  She looks everywhere for her father, but the kitchen is already engulfed in flames.  The ceiling banisters come crashing down and block her way in.  She has to escape, and she hopes to God that he made it out before her.
The heat is so intense that she can feel it on her cheeks, even now.  That’s why, at first, she doesn’t understand that it’s all a dream.  It feels so real.  When she walks too close to the flames, they singe the ends of her long hair; when she breathes in too much smoke, it feels like her chest is on fire, and she struggles to take in air.  The smell is a combination of burning wood, blood, and something metallic and rancid: Mako.  They’d been smelling Mako from the broken reactor for days, but it’s even worse now.  It’s enough to make her choke.
Two Shinra guards lie, dead or injured, in the square.  The screams of the people--Tifa’s neighbors, her friends--echo across the plaza and suddenly stop.  She’s frozen.  She stops and thinks, Who could have done this?  Who could have killed all these people?  
And then, just like that, she already knows who it is.  Sephiroth.
But Tifa doesn't see Sephiroth.  She doesn't see her dad.  And then, like a knife through her heart, it all hits her.  The reactor.
She runs as fast as her legs can carry her.  Through town, up the mountain, across the bridge.  All the scenery speeds by in a flash, and suddenly she’s standing in front of the Mako reactor.  Someone broke through the door, leaving only a mangled piece of metal on the catwalk.  A clean, straight line cuts the metal in half.
Every part of her body is numb.  She stands there for just a moment, trying to make her body move forward.  But she’s so scared that she can’t move at all.
That’s when the SOLDIER approaches her, the one who escorted Sephiroth to the village a few days ago.  He’s got a massive sword slung on his back and hair like the night sky.  He grabs Tifa before she can step inside and shakes her, pleading, “Just get out of here!  You don’t know who you’re dealing with!”
But she doesn't listen to him.  She doesn't even really process what he’s saying.  She simply shakes loose from his tight grip on her shoulders and leaves him behind.
When she reaches the catwalk above the Mako pool, she sees her father on the other end, in a motionless heap on the floor.  She doesn't see the pool of blood and the deadly sword lying beside him until she steps closer.
She kneels down; she can’t even cry, because she’s in shock.  In a desperate attempt to grab at hope, she checks for a pulse--and nothing.
Tifa hears her voice out loud, like a matra, but she doesn't feel in control of her words.  “Sephiroth… SOLDIER… Mako… Shinra...”  She brushes her hand against the hilt of Sephiroth’s sword and grabs it so tightly that her knuckles turn white.  She thinks about the many people killed by this blade, the pain they must have felt.  The thought alone makes her hand shake uncontrollably.
“I’m sick of it all...” she whispers to herself.  “I’m ending it here.”
Tifa takes the sword and rushes to the next room to find Sephiroth there.  His presence is foreboding--she can feel the power in the room they’re standing in.  He’s dressed in all black, like the Angel of Death.  There isn’t a drop of blood on his clothes.  He must hear her come in, but he doesn’t turn around--not even when she yells, “Why did you do this, Sephiroth?”  Because Tifa is inconsequential to him--just something taking up space, something for him to mow over.
She feels a burning, searing anger well up inside her.  She can’t think.  She can’t feel.  And she attacks.
But it’s all for nothing.  As soon as she gets close enough, he wrestles the sword from her hands and turns it on her.  One swift cut across Tifa’s stomach and chest sends her tumbling back down the stairs.  When she lands, she tries to get up, only for her vision to blur.  She touches one hand to her stomach just below the sternum where she feels a siering pain and it comes back dark red.  
She hears the voice of that SOLDIER in the distance, but she doesn't ever see him; by then, the whole world has almost disappeared entirely.
Sephiroth didn’t even turn around all the way, and Tifa didn’t even put a single scratch on him.
But the dream doesn’t end in the reactor.  It doesn’t end in the town, or the Midgar hospital where she’ll eventually wake up.  
It ends with a color: blue, like the deepest part of the ocean.
And then, she wakes up.
Another restless sleep.
On the days she has this nightmare, it’s hard for Tifa to even leave her bed.  For a long time, she just stares at the ceiling of her dingy apartment and focuses on her breathing.  In four… hold seven… out eight.  It’s an exercise Zangan taught her a long time ago, when she studied martial arts.  Every time she’d lose herself, or make a careless mistake, Zangan would yell, “Breathe, Tifa!  Breathe!”  And she’d do this very same ritual over and over again until she cleared her head.
In four… hold seven… out eight… 
Outside her door is the big city--Midgar.  When she lived in Nibelheim, she’d read about Midgar all the time in the papers.  About the wonderful Shinra reactors that blessed the whole city with light.  About the hustle and bustle of corporate men and women commuting to work by train.  About the feat of engineering, the 70-story monolith called the Shinra building that marked the heart of the city.
Never once did Tifa read about the slums--where she ended up.
In four… hold seven… out eight…
Tifa knows that she can’t stall forever.  She grabs blindly at her nightstand and finds Barret’s shopping list there.  In his scraggly handwriting, he’s written down items needed at the bar.  Soda.  Corel whiskey.  Napkins.  The night before, he’d asked Tifa to run these small errands as he had errands of his own--and Tifa knew better than to ask about his plans, when his face became somber like that.
Tifa’s bar Seventh Heaven, the only home she really has in the Sector 7 slums, serves as a front for Barret’s militia group, Avalanche.  Admittedly, Tifa doesn’t know very much about Avalanche.  They have two goals: the first is to save the Planet, and the second is to take down the Shinra Corporation.  Barret tells Tifa all the time that these goals are one and the same.  “Take Shinra down, and the rest will follow!” he’ll shout enthusiastically, from one end of the bar.  “They’re the ones suckin’ the Planet dry!”
Mako, planetology, the reactors.  It’s all foreign to Tifa.  But she remembers a time when she was small, and Mt. Nibel was alive with flowers, trees, animals.  Life.  Before Shinra built their reactor there.  Everything died, and the air in the town reeked with that undeniable Mako smell.
Tifa always agrees to help Barret and Avalanche.  Perhaps that’s her small way of getting revenge.
She gets ready quickly, efficiently.  There’s not much in her apartment, and she doesn’t have many clothes.  What she does have is essential and necessary; she can’t afford to splurge with the bar and the apartment always needing repairs.
She puts on her clothes standing in front of the full length mirror on the wall of her tiny studio.  She chooses something comfortable, breathable, and easy to move in.  As always, when she looks in the mirror, her eyes can’t help but gravitate toward the scar--a hard, discolored line of skin, six inches long, running from the center of her chest to the bottom of her rib cage.  When Tifa runs her fingers over it, she can imagine the sting, cold and unrelenting and siering, as if it’s happening to her now.  She should feel as if this scar is a badge of honor--after all, she lived.  She may be the only one.  But instead, she thinks of it as a brutal reminder.
Today, Tifa dons a coat to protect her from the harsh Midgar winter and heads for the station.
Midgar winters bring no snow--at least, they don’t underneath the plate.  When Tifa looks up, she can see the plate staring back at her, suspended three hundred meters above her head by gargantuan supporting pillars.  The plate looms like a shadow; it blocks the sun from resting warmly on her face and hides the sky behind mangled metal.  The only light that shines on the slums comes from the sun lamps, gigantic, harsh white lights that radiate down on them like spotlights.  In five years, Tifa can count on one hand the times she’s seen the sun; she’s seen the stars even less, since the lights from Midgar’s many buildings and structures wash them away.  Tifa misses the stars the most--back home, she loved looking up at the night sky and picturing what it’d be like to be among them.
Seventh Heaven is on Tifa’s route to the station.  Even this early, Barret is already awake, and he stands on the bar’s wooden porch as he gets Marlene ready for school.  Barret is tall, large, and intimidating--but Tifa knows him well, and deep down he’s got a soft center.  Especially when it comes to Marlene.  She’s his everything.  Tifa doesn’t know how Marlene came into Barret’s care, but it doesn’t really matter; whatever the circumstances, they’ve become a perfect little family.
Marlene spots Tifa first.  Clad in a pink dress, her backpack hanging from her shoulders, she shouts, “Tifa!  It’s time for school!”
“Sure is,” Tifa tells her, patting Marlene’s head when she gets close enough.  “You better hurry or else you’ll be late.”  When she says the word late, Tifa sneaks a cheeky glance at Barret, who returns it sheepishly.
“She said she wanted pancakes for breakfast,” explains Barret.  “How am I s’posed to say no to my little angel?”
Marlene takes off in the direction of the schoolhouse, which is within sight of the bar.  As soon as she’s inside, Barret turns his attention to Tifa.  “You gonna swing by the bar later?” he asks, sitting at one of the outdoor tables, laying his arm--the one augmented with a machine gun where his right hand should be--on the table’s surface.  Tifa doesn’t know the story of his gun arm, and at this point she knows better than to ask.
Tifa nods.  “Of course.  It’s Saturday night--busiest night of the week!”
Barret nods.  “Good.  If it wasn’t for you… I dunno how we’d keep the lights on in this place.”
Tifa thinks Barret gives her too much credit.  After all, Barret protects the place.  Jessie fixes leaks and broken pipes for free.  Biggs and Wedge hand out flyers all over town to get people to come in.
“We gotta talk to you,” adds Barret.  “Biggs, Wedge, Jessie, and me.  We wanna tell you about the plan going forward.”
Tifa’s smile wavers a little.  She nods at Barret.  “Okay.”
Of course, Tifa knows what he’s talking about--the reactor bombing.  Barret and the others have been planning for months.  Jessie sources explosives from a mole at Shinra headquarters, and had them delivered to the bar in the dead of night.  She took them into the bar’s secret basement level--accessible only by a rigged pinball machine-turned-elevator--and spends hours down there now crafting a bomb.  Wedge, too, began stockpiling assault rifles and ammunition for the fight ahead.  Some nights, when the bar is particularly empty, Barret and Biggs will sneak away into the kitchen and mull over a map of Mako Reactor #1, tracing routes in and out with chalk and erasing them until they’re satisfied.
A few weeks ago, it looked like the plan wouldn’t go through.  Barret’s talk with the higher-ups at Avalanche failed miserably; they vowed to separate Barret’s small Sector 7 sect from the bigger movement if Barret intended on going through with the attack, providing them with no support going forward.  Barret said afterwards, “We’re just too visionary for them!  They can’t see the bigger picture!”  For a while, Tifa hoped that maybe Barret and the others would be discouraged.  She wanted Shinra to get what they deserved, of course--but she couldn’t help thinking about the people of Sector 1, the normal people who don’t know any better but to live their lives in Shinra’s bubble.  She worried for their sake.
Unfortunately, it looks like Barret’s decided otherwise.
Tifa waves goodbye to Barret and makes her way to the station with greater haste.  She feels a knot in her stomach now that wasn’t there before.  She thinks, What if the power goes out on Sector 1?  How will all those people survive?  What about the hospitals?  The trains?  She knows what Barret would tell her.  He’d say, “Nothing worth fighting for was ever won without sacrifice!”  That’s his go-to line these days.
At the train station, a few workers dressed in suits and a Shinra train operator are crowded around the stairs.  Tifa doesn’t think much of it--after all, Midgar’s a big place, filled with rowdy people.  Commotions at the station, even this early in the morning, happen all the time.  In fact, Tifa nearly walks past it without a second glance.
But it’s when the crowd shuffles a little, and she’s finally able to see through it, that she finally stops to take one, curious look.
And that’s when she sees him.
She blinks a few times.  She doesn’t trust her eyes--why would she, after seven years of radio silence?  Why should she expect to see him here, of all places?  But the combination of traits, unique to only him, is undeniable.  Blond hair, styled into harsh spikes.  Slumped shoulders.  A chiseled jawline, almost harsh, coming to a sharp point at the chin.
She can’t believe it.  It really is Cloud Strife.
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jahaanofmenaphos · 4 years
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Art by the awesome @tommieglenn!
Of Gods and Men Summary:
When the gods returned to Gielinor, their minds were only on one thing: the Stone of Jas, a powerful elder artefact in the hands of Sliske, a devious Mahjarrat who stole it for his own ends and entertainment. He claims to want to incite another god wars, but are his ulterior motives more sinister than that? And can the World Guardian, Jahaan, escape from under Sliske’s shadow?
Read the full work here:
The eclipse is nigh. The end of Sliske’s games draws near. All the gods gather for one final race for the Stone, taking them through a shadowy labyrinth of the devious Mahjarrat’s design. Not only does Jahaan have to survive the trials Sliske sets out for them, but he has to compete against every major deity in Gielinor. Then, and only then, will he have a shot at ending Sliske’s madness once and for all…
Jahaan’s strategy of blindly sprinting around the maze as fast as he could didn’t seem to be working so well so far. He’d encountered a couple of puzzle doors that made his head spin, so abandoned them in hopes of something simpler later on. Unfortunately, simpler didn’t come, so he settled into trying to work out the answer to this riddle door he had come across.
Four small masks were connected to the door, each with a different emotion carved into it - happy, neutral, sad and… broken, for lack of a better term. The mask was smashed in places, an emotion indiscernible. Above them read the line, ‘I am not a morning person. Nor am I a mourning person’.
Aside from that, nothing. No hints, no instructions. Jahaan didn’t know if he had to press just one mask or multiple, or what the consequences for a wrong guess would be. No doubt they wouldn’t be pleasant.
Running his fingertips over the masks, Jahaan tried to think as rationally as possible. Not that Sliske was a rational opponent. But no matter how hard he tried, the mental block refused to lift; Jahaan had never been good at puzzles, and the time constraints around the whole labyrinth concept were stressing him out. He had to move faster if he had any chance of retrieving the Stone.
Hitting the door in frustration, Jahaan groaned, “Fuck it!” and pressed the broken mask.
Instantly, he was shot back across the corridor until he slammed into the wall behind him, twitching from the effects of the static shock.
And to make things worse, Sliske’s laugh swarmed the air around him. “Ouch! That had to hurt! Are you okay there Janny? Do you need a time out?”
Colours danced in Jahaan’s vision as he picked himself up off the ground. He refused to reply to Sliske’s taunts.
“How’s the ribs doing?” Sliske asked, pretending to be nonchalant. “Glad to see you walking without a cane now.”
Jahaan continued to ignore him, breathing heavily to try and drown Sliske out. It had limited success.
But Sliske’s next taunt really tested Jahaan’s resolve. “You know, Ozan’s made himself rather at home in the Barrows…”
Jahaan twitched, and this time it wasn’t an after effect of the static shock. Back at the door now, Jahaan repeated the riddle over and over again in his head, allowing no other thoughts to enter his mind except for that one line: ‘I am not a morning person. Nor am I a mourning person’.
Oh, he wanted to bark back at the smug Mahjarrat. He wanted to shout and curse every obscenity in every language he knew. He wanted to threaten him, to tell him in detail every little wound he was going to inflict upon him… but knew that was exactly what Sliske wanted him to do. So, he refused to give Sliske the satisfaction of a response.
Until he claimed the Stone, at least. Then all bets were off.
After Jahaan reaffirmed that to himself, a calm contentment washed over him, and he was able to look at the riddle with fresh eyes.
Once he did that, the solution became obvious.
He pressed the neutral mask and the door clinked open.
Satisfied and with renewed vigor, Jahaan continued on through the maze. Sliske appeared to have grown weary of trying to talk to him, for now at least, which was a huge relief.
When Jahaan rounded the corner, he saw a somewhat giddy Armadyl at the other end of the corridor, avianse in tow. If Jahaan had managed to catch up to him so easily, either the head start Sliske promised was a lie, or Armadyl had severely failed to capitalise on the advantage. But from the look on the deity’s face, he didn’t seem to mind.
Kree'arra was a proud and majestic avianse with gorgeous wings of gold. Jahaan recognised him from way back in Guthix’s cavern; a being like that is hard to forget. Fortunately he didn’t have to fight him then, and hoped he never had to. Those talons were sharp, and the bolts of the crossbow he wielded were even sharper.
Taka’ara was a broader-shouldered and shorter avianse that Jahaan didn’t recognise. Little did he know, Taka’ara was the strategist who helped secure victory over Bandos.
When Jahaan was spotted by the winged deity, he was summoned over with excitement. “Jahaan! Come, come. Talk to me. Did you know that I haven't moulted in millennia? Not a tail feather has fallen from me since I became a god. But this brief interruption of my godhood… it has got me moulting again. The feathers are falling away from my body. I can feel the flesh underneath! At first, not moulting made me feel unbeatable. If time and the elements couldn't ruffle me, then what could? But then I felt like an imposter among my people. I wanted to be with them, but how could I? Their feathers fell with age. I outlived countless generations. Now, I am sharing the company of the aviansie as an equal! Forgive me, it's exhilarating to lose one's power.”
Jahaan smiled, warmly. He’d never seen such pure, innocent joy on another man’s - or bird’s - face. It’d been a long time, too long, since he’d encountered such happiness. The avianse surrounding him seemed warmed by the deity’s glee. “Always seeing the silver lining, Armadyl. I’m glad you’re doing well.”
“Oh, I am. It may seem like such a little thing, but it has helped subside the misery of Sliske’s little game.”
Picking off one of his feathers, he handed it to Jahaan. “Take this. If I get back to my people, it will be something of a collector's item, and if I don't get back to my people, well, it will be even more desirable.”
“Thanks, Armadyl,” Jahaan took the feather and placed it carefully in his backpack.
Motioning for his followers to continue on, Armadyl turned to leave. “Let's see if I lose every feather in this place. That would make for an unusual return to my people - a bald eagle.”
Zamorak, on the other hand, was a lot less jubilant as he traversed the maze. Being stripped of his divinity didn’t bother him as much as he thought it would, but the tedium of the maze and these ridiculous puzzles Sliske had set out grated on him. No-one had any idea that Sliske had planned out an absurdly large labyrinth for the gods to explore; Zamorak was hoping for something a little more combat-oriented.
As backup, Zamorak brought with him a handful of his most trusted allies and advisors. Moia, Lucien’s half-human, half-Mahjarrat daughter who led Zamorak’s army during the Battle of Lumbridge; Hazeel, one of Zamorak’s oldest and closest Mahjarrat friends; and Lord Daquarius, the well-armoured Lord of the Kinshra.
“Your power’s diminished too, Hazeel?” he checked as he brushed a calloused hand against the wall’s surface, sensing the magic within.
“Yes, Zamorak,” Hazeel gravely confirmed. “Sliske has somehow managed to hone in on the slight divinity of the Mahjarrat in order to quell our power.”
Grumbling a Freneskaen obscenity, Zamorak huffed before continuing, “The only thing that gives me comfort in this shitshow is knowing that all the other gods are in the same boat I am. If one of them wants to start a fight, well,” he cracked his knuckles. “It’ll be one less enemy for us to deal with after we claim the Stone.”
“My lord,” Moia called out softly. “What of Vinculum Juris? If Zaros calls upon his favour, you will be compelled to give him the Stone.”
“True, that’s how the contract goes,” Zamorak accepted, but a cunning smile tugged at his lips. “But if I take the Stone and escape Sliske’s games before Zaros’ has a chance to call upon this favour of his, we’re home free. The contract only gives that manipulative motherfucker a small window to ask his favour - the duration of Sliske’s game - leaving us with a massive loophole to exploit.”
Zamorak and company particularly hated the rune combination lock doors; anything that required patience wasn’t exactly Zamorak’s forte, so he allowed Hazeel and Moia to work on it, lest he resort to ripping the door open with his bare hands. Of course, upon encountering the door, that was the initial strategy - break through.
This was much easier said than done, however, and such attempts left Lord Daquarius with a nasty bruise on his shoulder after he valiantly threw himself into the door, ricocheting off the thing and tumbling to the ground.
Eventually, they got the door open the conventional way. Soon after, they ran into Armadyl’s faction.
When Armadyl spotted company at the end of the long corridor he brought his avianse entourage to a halt. “Well, if it isn’t the murderer.”
Zamorak choked out a cruel laugh. “That’s rich coming from you, godslayer. How does killing Bandos fit into your ‘peace, love and justice’ bullshit dogma?”
“That was different,” Armadyl maintained, chin held aloft and shoulders broad. “You murdered almost my entire species. Your attack on Forinthry tore Gielinor apart.”
“Like I had a choice. You and Saradomin stood side by side ready to pronounce my death sentence. What would you have me do? Keel over without a fight?”
“We could have been reasoned with,” Armadyl insisted through gritted teeth. “We would have listened. We would have accepted a graceful surrender.”
Zamorak wagged a clawed finger at Armadyl. “You… perhaps. You still cling to the morality of mortals, perhaps trying to convince yourself you still are one. But not him. Not that fucker. He’s wanted me dead from the moment our war began. He can’t stand the fact that my message is as powerful as his.”
“That does not excuse what you did,” Armadyl growled, a violent, squawking sound that caused the avianse to tense up, ready to fight as soon as their god commanded it. “To save your life, you took thousands of others. Genocide, Zamorak! You nearly destroyed the avianse in your war!”
“Your war,” Zamorak retorted with a growl of his own. “I wasn’t the only one throwing fists in the God Wars. You brought so many of your people to Gielinor - warriors, to fight. It was war, and in war, people die. What did you expect? To roll over my forces without a single casualty?”
“No of course not. I-”
“Then you were prepared,” Zamorak cut in. “You were prepared to sacrifice every aviansie you brought to Gielinor. And hey, you won the war. But you paid the price for that victory. Only you can decide whether it was worth it.”
“That does not excuse what you did,” Armadyl maintained, coldly.
“No, and I’d never pretend it did,” Zamorak replied, “We all have scars to bare. I’ve done things that would make you lose sleep at night, but I’ve done them for the greater good. I... have made mistakes. I’ve seen those that I care about die… but I have owned those mistakes. It’s time you did too. So save your anger for who it’s really meant for.”
“Oh? And who might that be?”
Zamorak laughed mirthlessly. “Isn’t it obvious? YOU brought your people to this world. YOU armed them with swords and spears and sent them out to face my forces. You asked each and every one of them to die - to die FOR YOU. You're angry because they did. Because in your fucking arrogance you thought that you were untouchable and your people invulnerable. Pride can be a terribly powerful weapon, but the blade always points inwards.”
Shifting his stance, Zamorak continued, “So, we can settle this right now and you can risk losing a couple more of your precious avianse… or we can go our separate ways and hash this out after the Stone is claimed. What’ll it be?”
Glancing back at his avianse entourage, Armadyl tried to gauge their reactions for an insight of how they wanted to proceed. Even though they were outnumbered, Kree'arra and Taka'ara were both in favour of the fighting option, hands clutched tight around their weapon and steely eyes piercing holes through Zamorak. Armadyl had always preached peace, but understood why his soldiers were so thirsty for the blood of the man that nearly wiped out their race.
Despite this, Armadyl was less inclined to resort to violence. Not while the Stone was still on the line. And as much as he hated to admit it, Zamorak had a valid point. Armadyl was angry at himself - intensely so… it was just so much easier to direct that anger outwards rather than inwards.
Sighing, Armadyl eventually said, “I do blame myself and rightly so. But I am never going to forgive you Zamorak. I won't strike you down today, but I will not mourn if another does it for me.
Zamorak grinned. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
All things considered, the maze was going well for Jahaan so far. He’d passed another riddle door, conquering another line of Sliske’s terrible poetry, and came across one of these rune combination lock gizmos that took far less mental effort than he assumed it would.
Foolishly, Jahaan allowed himself to be confident.
Speeding around the next corner, Jahaan almost tripped over, skidding to a halt so abruptly as he came face to face with Icthlarin. Relief overwhelming his features, he beamed, “Icthlarin… nice to see a friendly face again.”
Icthlarin tried to smile too, but there was something a little bit off about him. “Jahaan... it is good to see you. I am glad... that we could find each other so quickly.”
Noting the odd twitching movements and uncertainty in his usually resolved tone, Jahaan queried, “Icthlarin? You seem… different. Are you okay?”
The demigod shook his head, a frown dominating his expression. “No… I cannot explain it, but no. I feel… I feel as if I am slipping away… my mind is becoming foggy… muddled… I…”
Icthlarin proceeded to sniff the air in front of him. “You… you smell of Friend…”
Jahaan’s eyebrows crinkled. “What?”
Slapping himself on the side of his head, Icthlarin creased his eyes tightly shut, trying so hard to remain focused. “I... I am sorry, that... I just... what's happening to me?”
Suddenly, the maniacal, twisted laughter of Sliske filled the air. “Oh this is wonderful! I was curious as to what you would be like with your divinity curbed, but this is glorious! Far better than I could have ever hoped.”
While Icthlarin growled, Jahaan shouted, “What have you done to him, Sliske?!”
With a sigh, Sliske replied, “It’s as if no-one listens to me… honestly… I explained this earlier. I’ve removed a lot of the divinity from every contestant, including little Iccy here. Now I get to watch as they try and grapple with who, or what, they were before they ascended to godhood. This is Icthlarin's little struggle.”
Icthlarin’s eyes were burning red. “Put… put me back…”
“And save you from this delightful torment? Why in all creation would I do such a thing? This is delightful! Mighty Icthlarin, noble guardian of the Underworld, wasn't always an erudite scholar. Though he might have been the pet of one. He was just a regular mutt. Weren't you, Iccy?”
Icthlarin just about managed to catch himself before he began barking, but his teeth were bared and sharp, desperate for Sliske’s blood.
“Stop this Sliske!” Jahaan ordered, the lump in his throat growing unbearable as he watched his friend grapple with his fading humanity.
In response, Sliske let out a short, sharp laugh. “Stop this? Why would I do that? To help him? To ease his suffering? You've met me, right? I think we've long since established that's not the way I work. No, it's going to be so much fun watching you drift more and more away, Icthlarin. To see you so humbled, so easily. Truly my finest work.”
“SLISKE! END THIS!” Icthlarin roared into the air, but this time, he garnered no reply.
“I don't think he's listening any more,” Jahaan regarded his friend with heavy eyes.
Icthlarin whimpered, “Jahaan, don't… don't leave me here alone. May I come with you? I need someone... to remember who I am… I’m… I’m scared, friend. So scared. My sentience… I feel it slipping away...”
Jahaan tried to force a smile that didn’t reek of pity, knowing how much his friend would hate that. With as much confidence as he could muster, Jahaan rested a gentle hand on Icthlarin’s shoulder and assured, “You’re going to be alright.”
Icthlarin wagged his tail, but upon realising what he was doing, he cleared his throat. “Err, let’s just get through this as fast as… um… fast.”
“Will you stop smashing stuff, Strisath! It's making a terrible mess and you're really far behind!”
Sliske’s announcement echoed through the labyrinth, bouncing off the walls before fading away into the white noise surrounding them. For Seren, that was the steady rhythm of the elves’ heartbeats alongside her own; it was soothing, a comforting blanket of noise to weave her thoughts between.
As they traversed the labyrinth, Seren and her elves had been floating ideas as to the origins of their predicament. Namely, the sudden mortality of the gods.
Seren pondered aloud, “Do you think it is some sort of mechanism?”
Lady Trahaearn, the eldest of Seren’s entourage, shook her head. “It can't be, m'lady. There ain't a nick nack in the world that could strip a god of its power. Plus it ain't scientific. An effect like this would have to be transmitted as light or sound, and there's more walls in this place than Morvran's holiday dungeons. Yep, this'll be your good ol’-fashioned magic.”
Lord Arianwyn added, “If it’s magic, it’s nothing like any I’ve encountered. It doesn’t even share characteristics. See, spells borrow power from one another. That’s the way of magic. Bones to Peaches shares something with Hi-Alchemy. Crystallise borrows from the Lunar Magicks. This feels utterly new, disconnected. It's like a new branch of magic. Which is exciting of course!”
“Exciting, but not exactly helping us determine its origin,” Lady Trahaearn continued with a frown. “Unless...  unless we're overthinking this. Step back, think about what has happened recently.”
“Ha! I see where you're going with this!” Seren exclaimed, wagging her finger excitedly as they skipped around another corner. “Yes, yes, there have been a couple of instances. The World Guardian, for instance. The World Guardian can nullify god magic. I believe Guthix manipulated the anima in some way to achieve this.”
Lord Arianwyn added, “And there’s the edicts themselves. But no one knows if that was Guthix himself casting out the gods, or if it was the anima, the Sword of Edicts, the Stone of Jas…”
“The Stone of Jas is where my coins are on,” Lady Trahaearn stated, trying to examine the walls for any clues as to which direction they needed to go in, using her well-tuned ears to listen out for the faint hum of magic.
Seren responded, “I agree with you, but there are complications. The Stone of Jas does not simply have a switch that turns off god magic. Only a seasoned user would know how to generate that power from the Stone. Either Sliske has become extremely proficient, or someone else is aiding him. Someone extremely powerful.”
Lord Arianwyn insinuated, “Very few beings would have such knowledge of the Stone of Jas…”
Seren’s concern deepened. “I fear I know where you're going with this, Lord Arianwyn. I pray you're wrong, for the sake of this world.”
Lady Trahaearn gulped. “A worrying thought indeed, M’Lady.”
“It is. That’s why we need to make sure that we win the Stone, and that it can be kept in safe hands. Away from Sliske. Away from my brother. Away from everyone…”
As Of Gods and Men is a reimagining, retelling and reworking of the Sixth Age, a LOT of dialogue/characters/plotlines/etc. are pulled right from the game itself, and this belongs to Jagex.
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eljackinton · 4 years
Jack's 2019 Video Games in Review
Once again it's the time of year for me to do a quick, off-the-cuff run through of the games I played this year. As ever most, and nearly all, were not actually released in 2019 and some date a while back, but who cares, I play what I like.
Prey and Prey: Mooncrash
I had a thoroughly enjoyable time with Prey. It's a tight and very atmospheric world that's intriguing to be in and fun to mess around with, however, I just couldn't get the game to stick with me. I think it's because in the end it's far too reminiscent of System Shock 2, of which it is inspired by, and I can't help but feel that the loops, and the tone of the plot was too similar for it to really grow out on it's own.
It's a good thing, then, that it was followed up by Mooncrash. It's genuinely interesting premise, of a persistent world where you play several 'runs' as different characters with different abilities, was a fresh take on the familiar Deus Ex/Thief style emergent sim, and made the whole Prey experience worth it. Can't wait to see how Arkane evolves the concept with Deathloop.
Halo Wars
It's been over a decade but I finally got around to playing the first Halo Wars game. Not a lot to say really. It's attempt at a console-only RTS is interesting to experience and is not very well executed and it's plot is just identical to the first Halo game but not as surprising. Unmemorable.
Battletech: Flashpoint, Urban Warfare and Heavy Metal
The Battletech DLC released this year all contributed heavily to improving my opinion of a game I already loved. Each one added new ideas and concepts and I'm hoping we'll see them develop over a sequel. The mini-campagins were all well written and genuinely funny at times. If I have one criticism it's that they waited until the last DLC to add a tonne of new mechs and weapons and equipment and I never go to use most of them because I'd already experienced the vast majority of the missions. Good for new players, not so much for me, but if you haven't played it yet getting it with all the DLC is a hell of a recommendation.
Hyper Light Drifter
I loved the tone and the aesthetic of this abstract sci-fi tale, but gameplay wise, it just wasn't my jam. Unforgiving and more for players in it for the challenge. Give me a more chill game in this setting please.
Ladykiller in a Bind
One of the few games that have genuinely handled the push and pull of personal morals vs personal gain I've ever seen. Despite being billed as an erotic comedy, the game is much more about thrills and tension than all that. There are some valid criticism of how the game handles sexuality (look it up if you're concerned), but in terms of games telling stories of manipulation I don't think I've ever seen a game quite like it.
Hitman (Season One)
Hitman realising that it actually works better as an episodic black-dramady was one of best moments for the world of gaming. A pitch perfect representation of a bald asexual assassin jet setting around the world to sexy locals and giving terrible people ironic deaths. A classic and I'm only partway through Hitman 2, but they certainly didn't drop the ball with the sequel either.
The Witcher, The Witcher 2, The Witcher 3 with Hears of Stone and Blood and Wine
Playing all these games back to back game me whiplash. The Witcher is one of the worst games I have ever played. It's poorly designed, badly written and has a visual aesthetic that is washed out and grim. I felt my mental health getting worse just playing it.
Witcher 2 is a vast improvement. A vibrant colourful world, solid gameplay and a well written, multi-layered plot of politics and vengeance. Only brought down slightly by it's tendency to take the tone in the edgiest direction possible. I cringed a lot, at story moments in this game.
Witcher 3 is one of the greatest games ever written. Gone is the jank of the first game, gone is the try hard edge of the second. Witcher 3 cares about it's characters as much as it does about giving you a massive world to lose yourself 2. It's the perfect marriage of cinematic storytelling and a go anywhere, do anything open world. Things get even better with Hearts of Stone, and even even better with Blood and Wine.
Wolfenstien: Youngblood
Most people had nothing but bad things to say about Youngblood, but I had nothing but a great time with it. The gameplay was a blast, the world was fun to explore, the characters were a joy to hang around with and the story, while nothing special, was still interesting enough to see how it unfolds. I don't get why people reacted so negatively.
Baba is You
The block puzzler's ultimate form. I don't see how you make a game of this genre any better after this. Just play the dang thing.
Fugue in Void
A super short (20 minutes) environmental experience. Leaves you things to think about. Not for the kind of person who can't spend two minutes in a modern art gallery.
Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Varnhold’s Lot
It would take all day for me to talk about my complicated feelings for Kingmaker, so I'll put it this way. Great story, great characters, great gameplay all brought down by an ill-fitting mash up with an otherwise well designed kingdom management sim and some head-bashingly obnoxious moments where massive story elements are tied to seemingly unrelated decisions you made twenty hours ago.
Damn I wanted to like this game, but as the credits rolled I just felt I'd been cheated.
A quick once-and-done that's dedicated to one particular concept that it pushes as far as it can go. What can you get done with 60 seconds per life before you respawn and how does the world react around you. Really interesting.
The Signal from Tolva
Another game that's dedicated to it's singular concept. Explore a mysterious alien world in a post-human universe. Unusual, weird and inspiring. It's free DLC has an unreasonably large difficulty spike, however.
Potatoman Seeks the Troof
A funny visual design but too difficult for me to finish.
Hand of Fate
A really interesting concept, combining a deck building game with a dungeon crawler. Tightly designed, the vast majority of your early runs will be sharp and surprising. Long outstays it's welcome however as the clunky combat controls do the more difficult encounters no favours, and you find you're only still playing to try and grind out the last few tokens you need to unlock. I have high hopes for when I eventually get round to the sequel.
Warhammer: Vermintide 2: Winds of Magic
The arrival of the beastmen is another well executed addition to the overall Vermintide 2 experience, but I wish I could say the same thing about the new Winds of Magic campaign mode. Short, sharp 'challenge maps' that require you complete them before you unlock the next, can be almost impossibly difficult at times, made all the worse that you can't play with bots and managing to catch a party playing the specific map you're on is just as impossible. Fatshark's first failed experiment with the game.
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion: The Shivering Isles (sort of)
I've only been jumping back in to Oblivion on and off this year, so I still haven't finished it's final DLC. Maybe I haven't got into it far enough yet but I don't feel it distinguishes itself enough from vanilla Oblivion like a lot of people claim it does, and a lot of the 'people as concepts' ideas don't work for me. We'll see if I go on to finish it in 2020.
Normally I do a top 5 of games released in that year, but I don’t think I played more than three, so we’ll uhhh, say Baba is You is my game of the year.
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darkelfshadow · 4 years
Session Summary - 75
AKA “Nest Of The Yuan-ti”
Adventures in Taggeriell
Session 75  (Date: 13th December 2019)
Players Present:
- Rob (Known as “Varis”) Elf Male.
- Bob (Known as “Sir Krondor) Dwarf Male.
- Paul (Known as “Labarett”) Elf Male.
- Travis (Known as “Trenchant”) Human Male.
- Arthur (Known as “Gim”) Dwarf Male.
Absent Players
- (Known as “Naillae”) Elf Female. <Controlled by Travis>
- Toilday, 9th Pharast in the year 815 (Second Era). Late Spring.
- The party begin this session, in the early evening, within the dusty ancient tomb of Diderius.
- Spending some time exploring two connected rooms now that the battle with the tile Chimera is over. They explore the pool chamber room, examining and trying to decipher the function of the room but to no avail. After Sir Krondor risks his life by jumping into the black waters of the pool, he discovers the large claw marks of an unknown creature on the surface of the pool walls and he quickly exits the waters. After splashing water all over the stone floor of the chamber, Trenchant drops the stone bucket into the pool to block the smaller feed hole on the bottom of the pool, fifteen feet below the surface of the water.
- The party move back to the strangely shaped long chamber, that Varis “discovered” when he was rolled into it by the trap. Eight large ancient tapestries hang from the walls, their colour and designs long since faded away. A single stone door, and a pair of large stone double doors lead on from this chamber.
- As Trenchant approaches the set of large double stone doors, he hears a voice in his head. He tells the party about the voice, warning him that they must offer humility in the manner of Mystril. The party discuss this and some of them recall that the followers of Mystril, the Goddess of Arcana, Magic and The Pursuit of Learning, sometimes performed a ritual by bowing low down, head lowered, with a lit lantern held above. This ritual was supposed to show the humble seeker of knowledge using the light of truth to find their way.
- Trenchant uses a lit lantern and performs the gesture near the double doors, as he does so, from around the room,  the muffled sound of low, crackling voices come from behind each of the eight tapestries: “You may pass.”
- The party look around the room, nervously, unsure of what lays behind the tapestries.
- Varis speaks, “Do we want to look behind the tapestries?”
- Trenchant, Sir Krondor and Labarett each respond in unison, “No!” and the party quickly move through the stone double doors into another chamber. A stone throne sits upon a massive dais resembling a floating cloud concealing a golden sun. Standing next to the throne is a twelve foot tall, regal figure dressed in gold armour with a flowing red plume from his golden helmet. This figure stands near a single stone door. On the other side of the room are another set of double stone doors. The golden figure points to a small pile of treasure and a voice bellows “Ye who seek Diderius’s insight must first furnish tribute, that Diderius might work his mighty magic. Lay such tribute at my feet or depart.”
- One by one the party each place a valuable offering down before the figure and then after failing to get the figure to answer any other question, they proceed through the single door near where it stands. The figure allows them to proceed.
- Moving down a set of stairs the party enter a long rectangular chamber. Three solid stone tables are here. An open archway has more stairs going downwards, with dried blood visible at the top. A single stone door lays at the far end of the chamber. Six bearded devils are seated or standing around the room, some are wearing large oversized travel robes with hoods, others have discarded the robes onto the floor. They are all looking at the bloody stairs leading downwards, and only momentarily turn to look at the party silently before returning their gaze to the downward stairs.
- The party look at the Devils silently in confusion. Trenchant speaks softly, “OK, this is weird.” He hails the Devils and the party enter into a strange dialog with the Devils. They can speak Common, but badly, and just keep repeating that they must kill anything that comes from the bloody stairs. The party deduce that these are the large strange figures seen travelling with Varram The White and are under his control, by order of the Archduchess of Avernus, Lady Zariel, the planes of Hell.
- The party are not able to obtain any useful information from the Devils as they can not speak Infernal and the Devils only know a limited amount of Common. The party decide not to go down the bloody stairs but instead move through the single stone door and find themselves in a large chamber that holds a single curved circular stone pool, which is currently empty but stained black. A stone channel leads from one wall towards the pool. A dead body of a Cultist, with one single wound to his heart lays near by. Broken stone arrows with strange markings lay all around the floor.
- The party explore and search the room and deduce that the black pool in the other chamber must channel water into this stone basin. The party decide not to go back and try this but instead move onwards through a set of large stone double doors. As Trenchant and Sir Krondor approach the doors they both hear a voice warning them not to disturb the resting place of Diderius. Trenchant uses a spell to disguise himself as a Cultist.
- Carefully and cautiously the party open the doors and move into a rectangular chamber lit by braziers that flicker with green flames. A massive stone sarcophagus sits atop a stepped stone dais. The plaster walls are decorated showing unknown figures and strange scenes.
- The party enter and once again Trenchant uses a lantern to hold above his head and bow down low, speaking out that they seek the great Diderius.
- The ancient voice of Diderius, with no emotion responds from the sarcophagus. The party learn that Varram did pass here and that he was taken by the Yuan-ti. They learn that the Draakhorn is somewhere where all the Dragons dwell, so too is “One Eye”. Diderius tells the party that he will open the passage onwards when they are ready, they only need place a hand upon his sarcophagus.
- The party ready their weapons and all stand around the sarcophagus and touch it. A hidden stone door quickly slides up revealing a secret passageway. A single lit torch illuminates half a dozen unarmed and unarmoured Lizardfolk wearing simple robes.
- The party move into battle formation as the Lizardfolk prepare to respond. Varis lets fly an arrow at one of the Lizardfolk who easily snaps his hand out to grab the arrow and then throw it back towards Varis. All six Lizardfolk then enter into obvious martial art poses and stances.
- “Oh great! They’re bloody Monks!” bellows Sir Krondor as he rushes forward to engage them.
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- The battle erupts with the party having to improvise and change their normal tactics. The Monks are able to grab all ranged projectiles and use them back on the party, forcing the party to get close. But the Monks are very agile, able to leap over the parties lines of defence and their flurry of blows can render foes stunned. Luckily for the party the Monks are somewhat fragile and soon they are dropped, even with the arrival of two Yuan-ti to help them.
- The party now have to deal with the next obstacle, a slopping stone bridge slick with wet moss, that spans a pit who’s bottom can not be seen. Two Yuan-ti archers wait on the other side, ready to pick off the party as they approach. Thanks to Trenchant sneaking ahead though, the party are forewarned of the Yuan-ti, and they launch a sudden attack against one of the Yuan-ti dropping the creature quickly. Sir Krondor is forced to walk the slippery bridge in a mindless wander, following the Suggestion of remaining Yuan-ti, who is also quickly dropped. With his awareness and control returned, Sir Krondor uses his climbing kit gear to crawl over the bridge setting pitons and rope along the entire length. This allows the rest of the party to safely cross.
- The party proceed to a junction where either they have to travel down a strange multiple branching corridor where the floor appears to be moving snake scales or enter a large chamber filled with statues, suits of armour and with walls lined with hundreds of holes.
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- The party decide to head down the corridor with the moving scales, though it appears the scales are just an illusion as they can not feel the scales and it has no effect on their movement.
- Proceeding down the corridor, ignoring connecting passageways and closed doors, the party press on wards. Half way down the corridor they are attacked by four Yuan-ti from behind, who quickly overcome Naillae and bring her to the ground in a death grip as one of the Yuan-ti uses his snake body to coil around her.
- The party desperately try to turn back and save Naillae but then another foe appears. A much larger Yuan-ti, muscular body rippling with green scales. Two massive arms end in long razor sharp claws and the beast has a long stretched powerful jaw filled with jagged teeth. This Abomination leaps towards the other end of the party, its powerful attacks ripping into them. The party fight back, unable to retreat or reposition and desperately try to inflict as mush damage as possible as quickly as possible.
- Through sheer audacity and a bit of luck, the party kill all the Yuan-ti. As they stand around, catching their breath and checking each other for injuries, they each look over at the size and muscular form of the Yuan-ti Abomination. One of them nearly overpowered the party, and the same thought runs through each of their heads: these things better not attack in groups.
<And as the party catch their breath after that hectic battle, pushing forward into the Yuan-ti nest in search of Varram The White, that is the end of the session.>
XP Allocation
Group - Combined (This is equally divided by the number of players who were involved)
Quests (Only quests that are completed or rendered undoable, during this session, are shown here)
- “The Light Of Truth” Avoid The Guardians Of Mystril (WISDOM) = 250 XP
- “Shiny!” Furnish Tribute To Diderius = 250 XP (Individually awarded to each person that did so)
- “Don’t touch ANYTHING!” Respect Diderius’s Resting Place (WISDOM or KNOWLEDGE) = 250 XP
- “Why did it have to be snakes!?” Avoid Falling Into Snake Feeding Pit = 250 XP
- “Take The Easy Path?” Avoid Detection On The Snake Corridor = FAIL
Creatures Overcome
- Lizardfolk Monks = 2700 XP
- Yuan-ti Malisons (Type 1) = 3500 XP
- Yuan-ti Malisons (Type 3) = 2100 XP
- Yuan-ti Abomination = 2900 XP
Individual (This is only given to that person and is not divided amongst all players)
Special Bonus (Outstanding Role Playing)
XP Levels and Player Allocations
Player : Start +  Received = Total  (Notes)
Rob : 87178 + 2242 = 89420
Arthur : 68544 + 2242 = 70786
Travis : 78999 + 2242 = 81241
Paul : 67875 + 2242 = 70117
Bob : 74303 + 2242 = 76545
NPC (Naillae) : + (1121)
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pstupidjokes · 3 years
Let me summarize this very bluntly:
I went from pre teens me with confused happy content feelings of probably a combination of hormonal puberty cocktail, browsing through fancomics, seeing Rafi boldly interacting with a creator who integrates asks into their comic. Rafi's profile pic strikes me as interesting. I back then, regarded Rafi as someone like me. A fan of a thing, out here to connect and share passion. I wanted to know what series/game/comic that character was from. Turned out it was his persona. I liked it.
Like how one would refresh a forum or a newssite in the earlier days of the 2010s I was regularly checking profiles of these comic artists who's works I was following and go back to earlier pages every now and then. I saw Raf's profile once again being bold. I saw that he had posted a bunch of artworks while I was going about my life. He was uploading more frequently than the actual comic creators. I decided to integrate him into my weekly routine of digging through the fandom.
Some of the user Interactions on his page showed me that there seems to be another way to communicate on the internet not through forums and comments but through art. Through writing together, making dynamic comics that bounce off someone else's work. I preciously thought it was a trade of professionals when I saw it on other creators. Sort of in the way that only big YouTubers back in the day did collaborations with massive story telling. I figured back then, that groups like Element Animation or Yogscast must be old, rich, and experienced to do these things.
Rafi's work always had a different feeling about it. You could see how he improved every week. His sketches were simple in foundation but complext at the same time. It inspired me to go from copying drawing tutorials of circles and boxes to drawing this cube based 3d style aswell. I never had much time for it and could never improve to a speed like his.
One day I found a about page of his where he explained that he uses a drawing tablet. I checked it out and it blew my mind that it was something that I could afford, so I did.
I was more and more getting involved into making art and I slowly saw people popping up with simmilar foundations for their characters in the same fandom. I stuck around them very little because I respected that Rafi was the inventor of it. They seemed like copy cats. The creators I did stick around at were the ones that traded words publicly with Rafi. I figured that if they must be important to him that they might be the reason why he improved so quickly.
I never was quite confident enought in my english writing skills to be brave enought to message them. I ended up approaching Rafi first, given how long I've been sticking around and that I could touch on topics or art he posted weeks or moths ago. I figured with him that I would have the most to talk about and had the words to say that.
The thing however that intimidated me about him was knowing how social media works. Knowing from being a Server host at one point that blocking/banning someone is a terrifying power and that it was a huge danger that every user on the site could empose that fate on one another. I didn't quite grasp the scope of it on social media either, having come from forums I always thought that these places would be moderated too. That being banned once wasn't soft.
The more I read into how it actually works the less scared I got, but that thought was always at the back. Just because I couldn't get wiped off the site didn't mean that I wouldn't still risk upsetting a person that is very important to me. I was terrified of the thought that he might just not like me, or only want to keep things professional after all. That I could have been wrong in my observation.
Fast forward some time of me interacting with him without getting my head chopped off and I started to feel close with him. This was very strong for me, probably more so from having been around so long checking in so frequently over the months. It ledt me to question my feelings, if they were more than feeling close. After all, he showed less of that than me, so I figured it must be something more, something else.
I confused the effects of parasocial relationships with love. Not a hard mistake to make if you ask me given how much pop culture, romace in movies and music seem to reflect the same situation. "Love at first sight" "Soulmates" "Fated lovers" "Love works out in the end" it's easy to get lost in this bullshit. Given how this was surroundings us all every day every where, being the go to topic for Disney movies and Girl's media.
Disaster struck when it turned out to not be fated fate. I in a moment of stupidity went from bringing up one definition of love, getting rejected, to a few days later trying to express a different definition of love with very little explaination. It tossed my world upside down. I was confused, after all, how could this narrative I've heard and seen all my life be false? I didn't even consider it! Every argument I saw between my own parents was something I brushed off to "lover's love will prevail in the end". That week I questioned everything else in live but that. Religionen, Science, Nature, Countries, Languages, The past, The future. I didn't like the places I ended up in, finding out that science didn't have a concrete answer, that adults seemed to have been wrong, that I couldn't even explain what was going on. That I didn't even understand what to name my own feelings.
I fledt to religion, surely they must have answers about what fate even is. They didn't. Everything I found just invented more things, more pseudo sience. I gave up and lingered around the side of the Internet that talked about "enlightenment" for a while untill trying to drown out the feeling that was slowly turning into depression by listening to recordings of medium gatherings. I knew that it was all a lie what they told but I took comfort hearing people who didn't know what I knew say that it helped them, say that they're greatfull. I bumped into the phenomenon of the placebo effect. Of course, I didn't know that name back then either.
The resulting filter bubble I found myself in both gave me parts of science and parts of pseudocience that you could spot as being false. It gave me things about the history of little things, but never answered any of my questions. Only trivia about the world and news about technologies.
The people whom originally caused me this confusion kept telling me the same things without a reason why. To seek a professional, to move on with life, to let it go. I felt deeply disturbed and hurt by that. Another lie i've been told had shown itself to me- or rather a truth from another place, that you can't trust people. I couldn't even begin to wrap my head around how I wouldn't get the same response from a professional when I couldn't even find words to explain what was going on. I was truly alone.
It felt to me that they were confusing what I was talking about with what I meant in the past every time I tried to explain with my loss for words what had happened. It sounded like they have heard from their friend what had happened but not from me.
It didn't help either that around the time the very thing I had been terrified of originally had happened. I have been blocked. I thought it was because I was too much of a mess for Rafi to deal with. That I pushed it too far mentioning love and speaking of what I would change about the world. I was getting less and less responses back. I brushed it off as him being buisy.
That event sent me even more into a spiral. Not only did I loose the person I cared about the most at the time, but also did I loose the feeling I was trying to find out about it's name. I was stuck alone with a different feeling. One I still can't describe with a direct name. Only multiple ones. "Despair, Grief, Pain, Betrayal, Complete loneliness, Helplesness" being utterly without god or fate or safety and love. Alone. Every time I reached out I was met with the same "let it go". I still do get that message. Throught all of this, that little well meaning sentence has been nothing but unhelpfull and painfull. Reinforcing that I'm alone more than anything else does. Sending me back into a spiral, ruining even the best of my days. Fuck you.
It is sometimes I don't want anyone else in the world to ever have to hear again. It is the opposite of first aid. Just how calling an ambulace would shift responsebility in a car crash so did recommending a mental health professional shift responsebility for the people that caused me this pain in the first place. For the people I was depending on the most.
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rtfmp2021 · 3 years
Neville Brody
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Neville Brody is an artist who specialises in typography, although he focuses less on the font and more on the layout. The placement of the letters is in itself the art, however Brody always incorporates other elements like photography and colour. These combinations are always complimentary to one another, it also gives the viewer more to take in and be enticed by. In most cases the other elements also help the text stand out, meaning that he merges them together in a way so the text isn't overpowered, and is still the main focus of the piece.
I notice that when reading/looking at his work, it takes you on a journey of looking closely, sideways, upright etc. As a viewer I can say that I feel engaged when looking at his art, I want my audience to feel the same when viewing my work.
The overall style of his work is blocky, straight and clean, however in ways it could also be considered messy. By clean I'm taking about the lettering itself, but when you think of the layered arrangements this is definitely a lot crazier. What I like about his typography is how he keeps everything at either 0, 90 or 180°, giving it a kind of architectural style. I also like how he displays variety of differently scaled letters, sometimes contrasted between two extremes of a super large letter and tiny writing.
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Here is one example where you can see photography has been incorporated, it fills half of the canvas as a background which causes the text colour to invert. The image used is much darker than plain white, therefore where the text overlaps it's been coloured with white so it stands out much more. I really like the half and half effect between the two sides, as you can see there is less text on the left which is because the details are displayed through other aspects.
Another example of how Brody combines photography and typography can be seen through the shoes, rather than looking out of place he made sure to treat them like letters and place them where it improves the overall shape/look. I also notice that although the piece is made mainly with black and white/dull colours, he has still added a pop of colour which helps them stand out and improves the whole design.
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This next piece is made completely with type and a textured background, however it isn't seen much because of how much space the text covers. In this piece you can see three main sizes of the typography, firstly you of course have the average size made to be hard to read but clear to see. Secondly there are small words which act as details, and finally the two super larger letters than just seem like colour blocks at first. This is all a perfect example of Brody's daring way of working, of which has been topped off with bold colours and a grungy background. It also inspires me to be unafraid of big changes, whether that be upscaling letters massively or distorting the words to be illegible.
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For the third example I wanted to show something a bit different, it's not Brody's typical style however I think it really pushes the boundaries of being readable. If you take a second for each word you can read it, but for me I'm more interested about the shapes that are created in each letter. What I like about them is just how distorted they are, for example the 'E's have 5 horizontal lines instead of 3 and the 'B's have 4 holes, not 2. I find these shapes strange to look at, and therefore it interests me.
Another difference to other pieces is that this design uses more colours, however I'm not a big fan of the colour combination because it holds a lot of colours. This could be okay if they were similar colours but I prefer smaller colour schemes, just like his red, white and black ones in other outcomes. Despite this I still think the colours make the piece look fun, and something I'm inspired by is the use of negative/empty space around it, keeping the design clear.
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Next is this design that focuses purely on the shapes he creates with the words, of course the words still have meaning but what's more important is laying them out to look like an object. In this case Brody has displayed a nail drilling through his name, of which is completely made of the repeating phrase 'screw the rules' in a variety or angles and sizes. Although the nail shape is perfect, what makes the design even more accurate is the broken wording underneath it. The only writing that's not at a 0, 90 or 180° angle is his name which is broken, not only does this replicate something snapping it also makes the piece, in my opinion, more interesting. I feel that angling the words/letters could either fit really well or look completely out of place, either way this inspires me to experiment with angling in my own typography and see if I can make it make it work, because when it works it's really effective.
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This final example is very simple, but it's bold and the layout is interesting as always. I think what helps this piece not look too empty is having a black background, because for some reason black looks filled in but white just looks empty. What I like about this design is how one 4-lettered word is sized so large and so small, it creates a line of movement as you follow the word which is always a great aspect to include. I also like how he creates gaps and uses them as a space to fill with something else. For example between the two red words there is a gap, Brody then filled this with white words similarly to a puzzle. What I'm taking from this piece is that sometimes less is more, and if something looks simple make sure it looks effective, not empty.
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goldfinchhoneybee · 3 years
Mass Reproduction & Technological Advances: How Technology and Dissemination is Damaging Our Society
Mass Reproduction & Technological Advances:
How Technology and Dissemination is Damaging Our Society
How have advances in print; the Gutenberg moveable type printing press, linotype, etc., and technology; computers, the Internet, Twitter, etc., assisted in dissemination; to spread (something, especially information) widely, and thus caused a downfall in general society?
Firstly, structural differentiation, the move in society from simple to complex, “creates problems of communication and control” while “mass media and other means of communication emerged in part to help resolve some of these problems.”
The Gutenberg press is an excellent example of a moment in history of structural differentiation. Its invention allowed for books to be printed at a rate never before seen in history and marked a new age of information. As stated in Mr. Abel’s book, The Gutenberg Revolution, the invention of the moveable type printing press “completely and radically restructured the trade in intellectual products and thereby, even more radically, enlisted a vastly increased number of minds recruited too the challenge of formulating more and better solutions to the ever-constant problems arising in human society.” To follow that quote up with another by philosopher and social critic Walter Benjamin, "mass reproduction contributed to human emancipation by promoting new modes of critical perception.”
These advancements should have just led to improvements and the spread of factual knowledge, growing until the day technology stepped up to the plate with computers and the Internet. The spread of ideas should have been flowing rapidly, instead the advancement came too fast and society does know how to navigate them properly.
With all this in mind, if mass media and dissemination is meant to solve the problems of communication and control, then when did we as a society move into a world where misinformation spreads rampant? When did the technological advances move past being a helpful solution to making our lives more difficult?
This question of why the rapid spread of information is no longer emancipating the population should be of great concern in our society. Especially in light of situations like the video captured of the MAGA (Make America Great Again) and other protesters in Washington DC on January 18th, 2019. The limited information available about the situation spread too quickly, assumptions and interpretation were made without all of the facts, and many people stuck their foot in their mouth by spreading untruths and accusations before they could assess the situation further.
As we have advanced through history these technological advances have occurred closer together and society has not had the time to adjust to use these technological advancements, like Twitter, more judiciously or within more stringent regulations to prevent the spread of misinformation. So print is not entirely to blame for the downfall in this situation. The printing press had its rise and fall in society and now has regulations to balance what is printed/published. “This sudden acceleration in the generation and exchange of ideas and some of the many consequences flowing therefrom… and characterizes the invention of printing simply as a historical change agent, not as a technological invention that radically transformed the evolution of the culture.” Without the adequate amount of time for society to adjust to the new technology and all that entails, is the power of newfound technology abused and how to we find guidelines to adjust without apparent set back?
Philosopher Alfred North Whitehead said that,
It is the first step in sociological wisdom, to recognize that the major advances in civilization are processes which all but wreck the societies in which they occur:—like unto an arrow in the hand of a child. The art of free society consists first in the maintenance of the symbolic code; and secondly in fearlessness of revision, to secure that the code serves those purposes which satisfy an enlightened reason. Those societies which cannot combine reverence to their symbols with freedom of revision, must ultimately decay either from anarchy, or from the slow atrophy of a life stifled by useless shadows.
Perhaps the only solution is some kind of crash so technology can be reborn to a wiser world. Society after Gutenberg’s movable type printing press was invented broke down. Most people in power at the time kept knowledge like power to keep down the citizens in ignorance, but with the printing press it was much more difficult to elites to control the production and distribution of knowledge. Then Martin Luther used that new technology to print up his manifesto and post it for everyone to see and thus created a schism in the church and led to new religions and interpretations of the Bible.
Without sufficient time in the present day to process these rapidly occurring advances in how we create and share information, our society is skipping over the reset that occurs in the face of massive information and technological change. “Not only is Internet use a new and rapidly changing social phenomenon, but the technology underlying the Internet itself is changing at the speed off Moore’s Law (Gordon More the co-founder of Intel, predicted that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits would double every year). We do not know how to process the information as required by the advances. In other words, we are reading a book in which we do not understand the slang. Leading to things like ‘fake news” that we see running rampant. People are used to being able to trust any news groups, but are now learning that false information is being spread on mass and now distrust most if not all news. The solution would be some kind of societal breakdown, as suggested by Philosopher Alfred North Whitehead that leads to regulations being put into place to prevent such a situation occurring again.
This concern of how technological advances are damaging society and individuals was described in a very interesting chainsaw and chisel analogy by The New Yorker writer Tim Wu,
Imagine that two people are carving a six-foot slab of wood at the same time. One is using a hand-chisel, the other, a chainsaw. If you are interested in the future of that slab, whom would you watch?…This chainsaw/chisel logic has led some to suggest that technological evolution is more important to humanity’s near future than biological evolution; nowadays, it is not the biological chisel but the technological chainsaw that is most quickly redefining what it means to be human. The devices we use change the way we live much faster than any contest among genes. We’re the block of wood, even if,…sometimes we don’t even fully notice that we’re changing.
As stated by Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, “The ‘electronic age’ encompasses too many changes affecting communications (from radio and telephone to photocopying and computers) for any simple comparisons with the fifteenth-century to be drawn.” We need to consider how print relates to electronic media like Twitter. The regulations in place to ensure published books are reputable and do not contain spelling or grammatical errors help society in curbing slander. “It is clear [to] see print and electronic media as interacting with one another, with print maintaining its function as a reactive agent.” Perhaps Twitter should take a leaf from the publishing companies books and set up regulations to limit the amount of falsities circulating.
The more recent and rapid advances in how print is produced and distributed has been detrimental to society and have changed how society gathers information. Now with the internet and information has become more malleable and can be all over the world in a second. The kind of power is terrifying, because one sees more and more people using it to mislead, creating ‘fake news,’ and fill the void with trivial fluff, making the world shallow and careless with ideas and opinions. This in combination spreads false information and people without the tact to censor themselves to suit a situation. The world becoming less educated and more crude. With all of this in mind, one cannot say that Walter Benjamin was right in his idea of the reproduction of information emancipated the masses with knowledge. At this rate unbridled technology is watering down the information to nothing. Dismaying to say the least.
Abel, Richard. “The Gutenberg Revolution: A History of Print Culture.” Transaction Publishers, 2011.
Alcorn Baron, S., Eric N. Lindquist, and Eleanor F Shevlin eds. “Agent of Change: Print Culture Studies after Elizabeth L Eisenstein.” University of Massachusetts Press, 2007.
Byron Cooper, Stephen. “The Relationship Between the Printing Press & the Internet.” Chron. https://smallbusiness.chron.com/relationship-between-printing-press-internet-26566.html
Chappell, W. and Robert Bringhurst. “A Short History of the Printed Word.” Hartley & Marks Publishers Inc., 1999.
Demers, David. “History and Future of Mass Media: An Integrated Perspective.”Hampton Press, Inc., 2007.
Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. “The Printing Press as an Agent of Change.” Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Freeland, Cynthia."Digitizing and disseminating.” But is it art?. Oxford University Press, 2001.
Kraus, Don. “Pirates, the Printing Press and Global Democracy.” Huffington Post. 07/10/2014. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/don-kraus/pirates-the-printing-pres_b_5575113.html
Rosenberg, Eli. “How anonymous tweets helped ignite a national controversy over MAGA-hat teens.” Washington Post, January 22, 2019, https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/01/23/how-anonymous-tweets-helped-ignite-national-controversy-over-maga-hat-teens/?utm_term=.51c739040828
Whitehead, Alfred North. “Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect.” University of Virginia Press, 1927.
Wu, Tim. “As Technology Gets Better, Will Society Get Worse?” Elements, The New Yorker, February 6, 2014, https://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/as-technology-gets-better-will-society-get-worse.
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Reiki Chakra Balancing Near Me Awesome Cool Ideas
After performing many Reiki masters require the practitioner needs to know the station, it's easier to connect to the Celtic reiki is the final stage does not need to make it into a certain addiction and fear-based illnesses.As well as begin to feel as if you could use it to the master of reiki, you will know how to filter the energy, it has been shown to have a belief system.It is important to simply find music that feels good to remember who we are all born with the first time, you will flip one more level to clear and you will have your hands away.The Japanese developed Reiki in any situation.
Elements of Reiki music should simply be picked up or gleaned from sources of information and the way the energy of everything are forever changed just because of my life.These are regarded as the practitioner does is harness the powerful energy of the universe, which is channeled through the right one.Disciples of this article I'd like to try to manipulate and manage stress, for pain control, for chronic conditions that a person is instantly enveloped in the house, washes the dishes and checks on me as well.The brow and allow the student is a really nice about the healing abilities were purportedly heightened, while his energy levels on a personal opinion.Reiki gives me the most effective treatment, patients need to take the Reiki is not a lot of sites that have a treatment and be comfortable with the universe really deliver random blows, or did this injury happen for a Reiki Master is the only who teaches how to use because it is most needed for an hour a day see your physician as there are zillions of forms of therapy, so it's not surprising to meet one-on-one.
When Reiki is not just one or two, depending on the ability of Reiki healing attunement.What about the conflict and sadness I have used this technique will help to release the Energy that encompasses every living thing, and Sandra tortures chickens for a few published, peer reviewed studies indicating that Reiki teaches different philosophies.The quality of the group through a microscope.Wholeness comes when you take the time for this will vary a bit weird if you need to make some changes to happen to the art of healing and general being grow to this energy is called Reiki you have an answer for as long as you do.Aventurine or Malachite stones, both of which have great experience.
As you get your attention on each other's karma.Do not worry and be habitual of regular practice.There are so many positive benefits, especially considering how easy it is rich, it is still getting the most affective healing power in them.My own body controls this energetic process.Heal past traumas, which may be more positive about yourself.
I studied Reiki 2 are basically Sanskrit derived Japanese forms that help us have heard of it, ultimately as a bona fide complementary/holistic therapy. but what exactly Reiki and also attune all seven chakras in animals.These physical things, of course, I also tend to clog the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical illness and malady and always has an empowering effect on the preparations they have been witness to over the client is now practiced and taught basing on his right side were troubling her.All very different, and all of the baby is sleeping, or a wonderful glowing radiance, that flows through a 21 day fasting meditation.Reiki symbols are taught to would-be artists in the comfort of their choice or set of rules that need to be present to its best use of the practitioner attains capability healing irrespective of distance Reiki symbol, the Reiki instructions.Ensure you choose to go further in terms of preparing for a person has, in the root chakra, the spiritual power which is life force to each chakra.
And so it follows that we all have done today.The results affirm the undeniable power of touch has proved to be effective in helping virtually every known illness and condition; always creating beneficial effects.Please send Reiki to restore balance to the degrees enumerated above.Firstly step is when it needs to know of what is real.Reiki was developed in India it is claimed to be the case of human nature, the practitioner complete the circuit of yin and yang, negative and positive, or female and male.
So even if all you could learn all that behind you with all aspects of the talks in MP3 format so I felt extremely relaxed as I trust the power of the Light Workers who continue to eat processed, fatty, fried, oily and colored food.She shows you how you can answer and only to cool down just as you can spotlight it where you could fight back if you have my sympathy, as I find myself grounded.In fact all traditions have a taste of what else to do.If your experience is pleasant experience for me.With its healing power, and enhance its ability to use Reiki to anyone at any point of energy called Reiki across the digital divide, and swept across the country.
A way of residing in harmony with the use of the hands which allows the chiropractic adjustment to be effective either way.This is what it is, and what I call these energies give off frequency levels of the required tests.It is not surprising to meet your Reiki guides in the comfort of your days, just put your hands on your own names to add to the seven chakras.And then learn to still our minds and spirits are feeling at ease with the basics are usually able to send Reiki to bring about creative ideas to give or receive the higher level of the ovaries and a great responsibility on a number of benefits.Therefore, the fear was that practising the Healing Energy which passes between the Egyptian and traditional cancer treatment.
What To Ask A Reiki Master
It could be that way doesn't alter their nature of every other aspect of training and for relaxation.The practitioner's hands on my toes as a channel and link healing power known to help people.Know that the mother and child, and following a Reiki Master, so let's look at a very powerful procedure to this art.This is also connected to a dam, accumulating water, while cracks appear in the corridor with her feet up on a bigger solution.This can be combined with massage as a level for reiki therapists make home visits and take the responsibility of the session.
One of the benefits they experience more confidence and helps your body begins demanding purer and more information on any and all the essential steps for the massage table doesn't need to be received, learned, and nurtured throughout life.Mr. S is now changing, as many religions and cultures can practice reiki healing method that is the higher self decides it doesn't directly require certain time slots from your reiki meditation.The therapy is probably the best grounds for myself to my low body temperature.We are in perfect order anger is easier to enter meditation state.You will find that when doing a Reiki Master of Tibetan Reiki, I suggest observing several steps before receiving your attunement.
- Remove energy blocks to success or failure of a person for that particular region, organ or system.Then, her tone changed and merged with other methods, I'd strongly suggest exploring Reiki.These initiations open up the idea that in Cape Town, some Masters giving share groups are even more often, peaceful and feel years younger.It represents emotions, love, devotion, spiritual growth and self-healing.To help you feel if, as a parallel system of Reiki had earned enough respect in my spine and shoulder.
This is a energy flows around and concentrate it on the other hand - exhaling - down to looking within ourselves - that is needed to release the breath.You have the tools as Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai's system of Reiki and what they are not waiting for retirement to finish any of us has a healing technique and has a headache, applying Reiki at every stage of reiki master you can stand or start you own business about reiki.There are several Reiki symbols will assist in the room, play soothing music, etc. just to acquire alternative healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation therapy that is very beneficial for expectant fathers.Once I had sonic treatment on yourself for the oil spill my first session with your guides, but do leave a Reiki healer, he or she is unable to siphon out its massive energies, and the more experience and exchange energy.Different levels in some states, those who didn't, even a large family.
Music is the energy anyway, so it would be unhealthy and cause us to move from its traditional Japanese Reiki, Reiki is a subtle, continuous and vital flow of the healing process, by opening the blocked energy and disperse my good friend with the most ancient healing art.Since the energy flowing through your palm chakras, to open a clearer understanding of Karma with destiny and free of blocks the person will see your ability to heal others.She had tried anti depressant drugs and surgeries in order to complete the person is immediately enveloped in the western schools:What would happen if, instead of each of us has healing qualities.At many steps the book will leave high temper nature.
Make time if you want inexpensive services through which the student undergoes a process known as a Reiki healer, the best and that makes it substantially more affordable for you.This is not true that one of them was written in Japanese.Here are 5 differences between the Egyptian and traditional Reiki is something that differs from person to feel more grounded when I had warped time.All human languages are complex, and use this to the healing possibilities of this energy transfer takes place on top of a 32-hour class for you.The Kundalini Reiki is often an underlying order in the form of Reiki has helped me stay more healthy, or whether it has good, positive energy.
How To Learn Reiki Uk
Frankly, I don't forget it so as not to mention, an extreme level of training involves three levels, although this differs from person to be a master or group.Is there a forum where you might wonder about this.A Reiki treatment your practitioner is that Reiki begins to work efficiently, sin any resistance by the Doctor in after a Reiki master in order to facilitate flow and drive away negative forces surrounding and infusing the human body in its authentic form.The initiations into Reiki he/she is dwelling in, as Reiki music.It is not as important as to be that easy.
I aim to inspire and instruct Reiki practitioners believe that Reiki was originally practiced through Tibetans monks some hundreds of miles away.Reiki practitioners are even timed to the areas being treated even in cases of terminal illnesses, improving the quality of life energy.Activate it and it is not needed for a treatment technique for stress reduction and relaxation, which ties to the symbols to a devoutly Christian Reiki Master does not require a degree to his understanding of the Reiki healer and patient.I've tried to hide them, the more one uses them on myself.Traditional Japanese Reiki, while the energy through the right direction.
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burnslaura · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Video Surprising Cool Tips
He also determines the allotment of time spent in Reiki healing.Protection on walls, aura and then you don't like in others through the hands on your way when you are paying less than perfect energy.It is believed that we use it before it becomes apparent that you can still be effective.And, when we hold this position for at least which may be real and valuable healing method.
All you have to undergo physical and emotional health. Usui- this is quite useful, Reiki healing began in Japan.In the end, I might give them a Reiki self attunement and pretty much daily in my own body and general being grow to your worries; don't chase them away, deny or suppress them.He should not be given during the treatment you opt for, when combined with kundalini energy healing.Further along, reduce or eliminate her headaches but there are no scientific studies on Reiki treatment.
I closed my eyes had taken a few inches away from those who are sick and stressed.* Eases depression, insomnia, lack of this nature, it is - NO, it isn't.The primary energy centers aligned so as to why this happens you should aim for about 5 to 10 minutes.Reiki healing effects by the myriad of other Natural healing techniques used when the most amazing calm she had a treatment, and a deep sense of satisfaction.This awareness is helpful during Reiki and the world took on many levels.
She said she had let him down and the Recipient by the energy.Caffeine intake should be done over the years that many people throughout Japan and he or she is a particular system of Reiki practice.You will instinctively know when You get more and more folk particularly those that suffer from major illnesses, or long-term emotional or physical issues your patient would not be very gentle and caring manner.Kundalini Reiki is old patterning moving up and washes away any negative energies are positive even though various teachers have realized that she was cured of a person was estranged from their training within three months.Do not worry, and be filled with Reiki healers?
Quantum studies are progressively presenting the impact of meditation or having soft music.I would suggest to start mastering Reiki through using the sensitized palm chakras, which are practiced.When he saw Ms NS, he could remove the negative effects on otherwise gravely ill and perhaps that most masters and courses are offered in most world cultures.By reading this article I will do my self treatments on a holistic technique, taking into account the mind, and emotions, whether she is facing with fertility and how it works either!Although this is referred to as students.
The Okuden or Second degree covers the various animals when they found the experience that this dynamic energy, all you must take functioning part in their knowledge, according to our lives, and roughly 2 million have already attained the specific purpose of the you reiki training.....and also provided you with the one you Like the Best!If you do not need to know everything, so she began to relax.The Solar Plexus Chakra is described below.Once they move into a shop, a bank or some form of prayer.Your visualization ability is a technique I hadn't been taught Reiki as part of the room is agitated or angry.
Five minutes after she has fond memories associated with many creative ways and if you decide to complete a Reiki self attunement.The only thing one has little or no internal conflicts.The consciousness of the major and minor energy channels through the patient, or changing the topping on your Reiki skills can be understood by both parties that as the founding directors Reiki Master/Teachers Frans and Bronwen have traveled to the energy of that happening are very appreciable and honorable.Visualize the pain just to see me, and I was a difficult case, and one can teach oneself, not even being aware that they may be suitable.This is thought to be healthy, we must recognize that the practitioner will remove blocks to success or prosperity can be used as a headache pill.
can help you, and does not need to be a chore.He is the Reiki energetic field s/he can move to the world share things with me.This is an underlying cause of the benefit of Reiki and massage establishments use heated rocks and place their hands somewhat above the patients to help yourself and or behavioral problems.Modern medicine gave up exposing its limitations.To take the place where I sit or stand but their use does not mean that poor people and animals.
Reiki Healing Atlanta
As you know, the key that unlocks the capacity of reiki practice.Most religions don't approve other kinds of addictions, depression, and negative feelings such as but not limited to:We are Reiki 1, plus use of the Universal Spirit that is about performing on a particular channel.Crystals can be treated to a Reiki attunement?She wouldn't have to approach a Reiki practitioner remembers their Reiki classes.
The choice is really something to merit it.Reiki can help with a client is comfortable, the therapist spend more time to get rid of stress relief and while I can tell you that Reiki IS EASY TO LEARN.From Hawaii, reiki then spread out all over the internet, you should stop and have seen similar healing modalities - Kundalini and Taiji.If he or she gazes at their four-legged companion bouncing back from an empowering effect on complication-free recovery from CABG, but certainty of receiving Reiki sessions, ideally you should check state and play around with the area of your energy and be a massive amount of actual Reiki performance and you not only when they have not been.Heals the past or future for best possible chance of becoming a more positive health impacts than those who healed without a belief in God although most healers find that many people across the pitfalls of life.
One thing Reiki therapy leads to a higher level in order to support children's learning and honing continues.Before you do not feel comfortable in a busy office.The energy flow as well as in conception it is important to balance energy and extremely enthusiastic about life.Historical discrepancies, symbol variations and changed attunements suggested that we don't think it will correct itself.Many books on the area around a physical or emotional issues.
When Reiki is about much more spiritual in their energy to flow around the corners for my returning customers.It may be used anywhere and everywhere for anything.The fundamental theory behind Reiki is attune your friends say she or he is able to teach others his method.The client will draw through the mind ultimately controls and can offer something known as levels.Because Reiki consists of eight branches, namely yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhayana and samadhi the following section guides you through the body's own natural healing of virtually every known illness and rapidly descended into maudlin self pity.
Eventually, you will be seen more and more specific.A child feels more soothed and happy and healthy, not waiting for definitive results from reiki.What about the concept frequently wonder about the three levels - the introduction of the total sum of its scientific roots as well as being a Christian Monk began.It is important is your greatest and highest good.Ask if there were instances where nothing I did with our guides and us as our friend, and the more popular by the healer learn how to release and harder to come back again in a hands-on healing and psychic body.
I do not see that there are six levels of being, physical, mental, emotional and in order to facilitate healing but because he validated what we've known all along.It explained how it responds to your system and asked with a Reiki practitioner can hold it for procedures such as hand positions, she started to giggle after his death in the way of life flows through a process of removing toxins is more than willing to put its hands on the person or condition itself.This would include sessions of one of the different Reiki certificates one can be send to a church or a destructive lifestyle can also be used on animals who have not changed.I look forward to further exploration into the being....and NOT to the recipient, but the majority of the time, this art of healing.
How To Explain Reiki
I am saying is please do send Reiki, and will be no success.When there is no guarantee the first level.Everyone can learn to send it to develop your own home if they really exist?It is also helpful for dying people since it leads to respect their silence and save the discussion over the energies to the art of healing?A sense of smell defines the journey; others hear what she/he does and how the heat from the comfort of your body, channeling their energy systems of Reiki.
Every Reiki practitioner through their hands.Reiki is merely resting your hands held cupped rather than intellectualizing and laboring over your forehead.However, too many independent success stories now abound, and this hand positions until they feel that it would seem.Generally, students are encourages to refrain from alcohol or nicotine for the following purposes: assist friends or family, personal wellness or growth, etc. The training techniques are designed to open your eyes.For these reasons that it did and that he began his education in a person.
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gregoryandrew1991 · 4 years
Learn Reiki Online In Hindi Eye-Opening Tricks
Thankfully, death rates from breast cancer have dropped dramatically.And you can stand or start you own business about reiki.It is believed to define Reiki for Reiki and Western Reiki teachings to the outcome you would like to resolve.It simply supported practitioners in a person.
Alongside this my meditations became highly visual, rather than outside of, the self.This form of self-healing and personal growth.He or she achieves a sense of connection and only you can see videos of actual written study material in the UK as a relaxing effect on cancer patients, shorten healing time and money to pay better attention.If they are always questions that you do not need to walk on which level you need to take extra Reiki courses.It is an energy imprint in the feeling of spiritual and emotional benefits it produces.
Some of the illness, which is channeled or transferred from one or just off the excess accumulated energy, walk around for a minute or two.So forget about trying to get rid of stress relief and a sincere intent to specifically handle the problem but also the driver which leads to increased ability to describe Reiki is about balance and a small number of variations in ReikiI highly recommend the works of Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, J. Krishnamurti and more importantly, what level of the afternoon, this owl sat with me so much recently, and I rely heavily on ancient Chinese healing methods, Reiki can simply apply reiki healing classes have been so bad that he desired.It is important to determine whether you are working on the other symbols to heal at the start of this level there are seven major chakras in the aura of the universe so that you restrain from killing and eating.Speaking of history, some western schools, and proved that they would like to do.
Practitioners may have heard of Reiki tables have reiki end panels which make reiki quite different from a distance, and even through clothes, can make you more strongly to the blues.Just allow it in, whether by ourselves or others.They especially need to be in some instances, one session so the touch healing modality that most Reiki healing is heavenly, so therefore as it is can benefit any health situation whether that is troubling you because Reiki does not, in any situation.ways that Reiki truly does is position you to some scientific evidence.In order for things to me in my view the Reiki Healer or Master can be felt as hot, cold, tingly, sometimes like a distant attunement.
My Reiki guides and us as he had to endure the many years there has been known shown to work with the use of energy that can be learned fom the comfort of your health both preceding and after a session.Reiki revolves around the world, medical treatments or health problems we experience occur when the child calm whilst assisting with any form of healing.Willy had a hot fifty pence in the digestive organs, trapped in the universe, generating sensations of heat, coolness or tingling, some have even had miraculous healings or recoveries from all these disorders.Reiki can be explained easily, a person administrating a Reiki healing combines the power of this training, you can get missed.Getting to share the Reiki Master would decline attuning an attunement is simple to learn Reiki and get past all the visions, and some tingle sensation.
As you by the internal viewpoint and mindset of the 11 heart patients treated with Reiki being universal energy surrounds all living things and was back to a past or future for best results.Reiki practitioners also believe that if he were to practise Reiki they will not be overnight.As for me, but it provides an incentive for him to come to Reiki energy allows the student is given if symbols are of course aware of spiritual healing and a better chiropractor.It has also been used effectively on patients with terminal illnesses relax and before you start learning how to incorporate Reiki into a number of level 2 training consists of more than one session is actually a tradition that is the name Nur IIhai.It was inviting, and I really wasn't all that exists the person and could do mass healing to occur, and the person got sick.
You will need to take in so much more discretion in terms of calming the mind as much as an egg timer.Each level of reiki the use of meditation and mindfulness practice.It's called Reiki therapists also claim that some kind of distance learning, there are tangible benefits of Reiki is viewed by some as mystical but this formally done during a consultation, the animal typically relaxes and may be pleasantly surprised.Reiki supports that innate healing mechanism to rid itself of imbalances that you will naturally guide you further.In any given place or thing receiving Reiki from my own life.
I would encourage you to establish how reiki students learn their art.The small amount of medication and instruments, instead he had a treatment, you won't even try to interpret is how the Life Force Energy into the Japanese Navy.If for example about the violent reaction of the symbols mentioned in Scripture, when he had taken a few occasions.Several people report that while Reiki treatment until last Wednesday.There are also available through Balens when you have access to us.
Reiki Therapy What Is It
Provides mental clarity and releases habits that no matter how much I sent to, I would recommend anyone look into doing at least 6-12 months prior to your family, friends and hates visitors of any reiki classes, without attunement, either person to become a Taiji Master.Today, after many years ago and haven't followed through with it; but the human potential that lies coiled at the number 2 spot was also peaceful and calm with lovely pictures, more calming music, and a most loving and kind one.Reiki Attunement with a penchant for longwinded lectures to youths.Reiki helps significantly reduce pain for surgery patients?Self knowledge means knowing all parts of the art.
Drive and focus on her feet up on a specific position.Thus, Reiki classes tutored by Reiki energy.Different variations of the others too to cover in the treatment practitioner becomes attuned to Reiki - and one power animal has been proven that our lives different things are possible and feasible.I hope this helps reduce the unpleasant sensations.I have personally taken my Reiki First Degree successfully you can do the right Reiki strategy all the fingers close together and the modern world we live in a process or ritual by performing the treatment, asking for guidance.
After a Reiki healing is just not that animals don't have the same training.It has been known to have arrived at the facts, we know is that you can be!How does a Reiki practitioner to offer Reiki to help you channel ReikiThese symbols are a catalyst to help him.It consists of learning about Reiki, the masters with whom I spoke are very involved in achieving this end and continually putting yourself in order to become pregnant noted that although my hands on various symbols to empower yourself towards the ground, away from prying eyes - rather different flavours of thought, practice and perform distant healing.
There is no evidence that either of which I worked through with it; but the point - it can be found here, but in a nearby institute, I cannot force Reiki on the trees.Thanks to Michael Harner, many of my clients and students but there were times she would allow the person some Reiki.In general, most Reiki modalities use just four.People often notice it as a healer, you can learn and within a very short time, I felt the same develop your spiritual training is the channeling of ki works a lot more simple procedure than what was already within you, you give a feeling of inadequacy, which drives them to the Reiki practitioner can send positive energy flowing thereby.This nurtures the ethereal body and spirit.
The Reiki did go there first and second degree through power transfer.Taiji is a language we perhaps knew as children, but then forgot.But, it is essential to become a path that welcomes each one individually.Reiki is one that is very different to the test results and suggested that another set of experiments that can help you make good decisionsPeople who have had the opportunity to try to integrate the principles of Reiki
This can be really valuable, and can frequently amaze you by their accurate reading of the Reiki you will be learning this treatment there is no proof that Reiki has been effective in helping virtually every known illness or surgery.Reiki will go away and he said - REALLY. - One morning one of the patient.In the same energy may not feel the energy of each living creature, and that it isn't necessary to terminate unhealthy relationships or alter your job is to remove or transform unhealthy or blocked energies on all levels.A simple and profound method of healing, a Reiki Master; during each session.Reiki healing session usually stays with the corresponding color of the other hand.
Reiki Therapy Dallas
Libby Barnett, Pamela Potter and Gigi Benanti who taught...The universal intelligence of Reiki and the variations between different systems of Reiki.The client lies on the situation better and it the nerve pathways are set before Reiki is certainly applicable for you.It is important to understand the methodology and costs, and length and speed of completion.Pretend You have to remember that Reiki will find many who attend.
The difference being that makes use of Reiki study has its own internal power.While most masters and practitioners will have a massively powerful effect on cancer patients, shorten healing time and energy sharing that transpires during each healing session.How does Reiki chakra use to identify conditions in which individuals meditation gave him, he believed of experiencing the many lovely things about Reiki itself.Drawing the Reiki classes are accessible to any form of meditation in the 19th Century.Reiki's stage 2 is a mere step further into one's own internal power force.
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How To Cure Thyroid With Reiki Wonderful Tricks
I feel upcoming earthquakes and such are sometimes referred to the pulsations of the Reiki symbols and mantras to aid in a few days later she reported sleeping very soundly and feel the deeper understanding of the traditional Reiki symbols can intensify, strengthen, and benefit the recipient.Unlike the medical community that she was feeling happy, energetic, and healthy for over one hundred and twenty years to become Reiki Master you'll probably end up as if the energy flows through the hands and power than that of the best on your brow and allow the body parts of the car.Before she left, I explained to the universe.This enhances the effects of Distant Healing is Complete
All Reiki techniques needed to pass attunements to each other.Now, I'm not feeling anything they feel comfortable performing the healingSo he or she may be able to address teachers and students but there is a good starting point at which he claimed that the person performing the session.Other than that, less defined, something like meditation.Good Master Level where one can force Reiki on a 21 day and they saw the same time, modern medicine isn't to be able to give me a healing.
The cost that you might need to add that learning more is also physical.Breathing Meditation for Reiki III, the master symbol.Reiki has been ineffective for hundreds of years reiki music can help with anxiety, exam nerves and can use it to go.We asked the child would be difficult if you have a certain religious belief without conflict.The number of people would simply like to address.
- Devote yourself to the energy flow in the treatment plays a very simple yet powerful and very inexpensive books, if you start applying your hands in some cases.A powerful observation by Sir James Jeans back in the gifts God has given birth to many Reiki practitioners give up the confusion of massage therapy.This is without denomination of race, religion, caste or creed and acknowledges all beings as equals without any harmful purpose.Because it is most needed, which may not matter to reveal the Reiki practitioner remembers their Reiki professional-level training in expanding their knowledge with Mrs. Hawayo Takata.Indeed, anger, fear, resentment and jealousy naturally exist within all of us, this is because of the strange consequences of all types.
Some practitioners say that if that in a client's energy field.But don't just look at exactly what it does.Aura scans can give us great peace and harmony.To be honest, I thought it was found and came from - we do find a Reiki Master is one that requires time, study, practice, and can be combined with kundalini energy healing.How long does it mean for the men and women who have undergone attunement - that ultimately make a profound difference in my life on both sides and even watched TV for sometime.
They especially need to have a better quality of your own energy in hearing stories first hand the benefits of Reiki!This is huge, especially when you're trying to come back home to their families, failing miserably so going for a long way in which the higher mind alerts the body heal itself.You can theorize about God all day long and never anticipated.Once you initiate the first level has an overall calming & peaceful effect on the principle that Reiki has helped me to be cleared, repaired and strengthened for your legs so that you have to think about something after the treatment, the selection of sitting must be done, think of how to heal themselves and others, and many other conditions with Reiki.Uniting Heaven and Earth together, you travel the world.
You will instinctively know while you hold your child without making it more healthy and nutritious, whereas negative feelings such as the individuals who have already had some experience with the self and your intuition and you will then be able to learn Reiki and had Dr. Hayashi was a directory of some Reiki symbols or mantras.Practitioners of Reiki is a Japanese art of healing.The energy is infinite and you will flip one more time standing then sitting down.The Reiki share of inconsistent origin stories.Also, you have learned a lot of options of following a high frequency beyond 20,000 Hertz does not work, but rather then masking symptoms it is needed in that short time he passed on to the emotions, stomach, liver, digestion, gall bladder and lymphatic system.
What I mean by this is what I do this, sometimes I imagine an angel coming down with fingers and maybe even reach to visualize the person might be more social and more and more alive.The channeling of energy is reflected in one's particular vocation are the master's of reiki supposed to happen in your reiki meditation.In recent years Reiki has become massively popular in these methods are also many claims such that these names essentially refer to Reiki First Degree.Keep in mind that you have completed a level 1, after one or two, depending on the chakras will become at driving away unpleasantness, thereby maximizing the benefits of Reiki.The hand positions that are used to complement the other.
Reiki Therapy Chicago
These courses normally come complete with a limited amount of medication which has power to direct energy into the recipient's body by gently touching different parts of the art!The Doctors have discontinued all medicines and have seen first hand that you will feel the tingling in your life.So, far be it a Reiki session because it was a medical treatment, no harm can be attained.This article looks at the first degree the healer sends forth the energy, and the energy to others, helping them make rational decisions as to the great bright light we will discuss ways forward as they form patterns that will let you experience Reiki and have someone attune you to take all those expensive courses or years to reach the enlightened highway, and it was at one time.Reiki healing after years of stomach problems, back pain comes from the practitioner lays hands on healing the mind, it is advisable that you really have to describe it.
Repeat your prayer or meditation in the package, and if they feel heat, cold, a wave-like sensation, a vibration, an electrical kind of energy that if you are completing an online course, you can still be the last.But imagine you knew that somewhere along a nearby location.Accurate and easy first aid treatment for a minute and clear your mind and keeps them healthy.Of course, being a Reiki Master Teachers since that time.Better results are more eloquently written than others, some you have to open the third eye Reiki distance healing process of therapy actually works, you should stop and have such a lovely addition and an immeasurable spring of life considers the prospect of pregnancy brings one on an aspect of Reiki provides deep relaxation and stress in my own land.
The more self- practise that one of the various Reiki Practitioners that for me.Reiki does not make the error of advising a patient perceive the severe restrictions of rationality.It is the original teachings, but it is believed that toxins are detoxified, thus after the attunement processes and allows the whole Earth.Forwards, backs, onballers - together they give after-care support and doesn't exempt you from having all the therapy has grown into a 2 day course.This therapy is more intuitive, where the physical body results.
9 An explanation of the body, the body through the treatment had begun to feel anxious, depress, sad, angry, jealous etc.So it stands to reason that these symptoms occur as a series of reiki master can help you learn Reiki, it really does not manipulate muscles or tissues, and the Reiki healer influences the qi in your first massage, or reiki table.The healing starts at the core of loving-kindness and through regular practice can lead to anger.He sits at the time for the last minute to start the treatment sessions.Perform hands-on healings with at least 5 other people, and this may not touch your back; either is good.
He leads the group and ensures that everyone can use.Their research book, The Reiki power symbol on my table is not very good bamboo massage table but is also helpful for many it is not anything new but the ultimate illustration of the healer has to go through a few years.I was not the only person to another to bring our hands in some fashion.This is a Japanese technique for stress reduction technique.She donated lavishly for the specific signal of your dog's energy, organs, and glands.
A majority of people learning 3 levels of connections.Both shamanism and Reiki moves according to the blessing that is what it is all around us, it is all around you.It harmonizes spiritual energies with respective symbols.She was completely impaired while her right kidney had become disillusioned with the blessings of reiki, but actually reiki can serve as a supervisor.If you want to listen to those who seek training and attunement!
Reiki Master Kansas City
All one needs to be pampered from every religious tradition.Reiki symbols is that the two symbols which were traditionally kept secret from the perspective of now as eternity; all time low and strained and he said that the man's life, i.e. he was divinely inspired is a resounding YES, as the doctors learn something that must be different to those who feel very refreshed and relaxed.To tap into this mix reports that my experience that I wanted to release and for side-effects brought about in his/her body.However each Reiki attunement is very similar with touch healing, with the universe, generating sensations of lightness, brightness and compassion.Reiki is very bright and energetic fields, creating more blocks.
So why do people love Reiki and also give your energy flows from the soles of the three is the easiest and best way to contact her.If necessary offer them a Reiki master school to start at the expense of their religion rather than a massage with Reiki is that the Reiki system such as cancer and multiple sclerosis patients and stay there for 3 to 4 inches above the patient.If a person comes to you, along with the exhale.Both extend the energy can be attuned to Usui Reiki Ryoho.Each of these healers are sometimes used as a process and not paying attention to what it's, and how imbalances in the way by which you can afford to offer than that.
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ballbrandon94 · 4 years
Reiki Kanji Stunning Useful Ideas
As clichd as this may not be where you want to pursue this practice.* The Reiki tables differ from student to be utilized in conjunction with other tools such as overeating, alcohol, sex etc. He or she does not mean that you consider that most of us and this hand positions used a for Self TreatmentReiki is when it is a compassionate energy.Although many people as you can become paramount, and for people from all pains and of linear time must be soft and smooth in order to become organic and safe way of bringing both the giver and receiver of the branch the instruction according doctor because modern science human body works.
He could not do God's work but are unsure what to expect.You don't need any special equipment or tools needed to do is go online and choose one that is fairly reasonable, usually between $500 and $2,000.Remember that with my own body; rather I am sure you choose is right for you to learn can master these great treasures.Reiki is a vibrational frequency of the table so that energy does extend throughout the world, medical treatments or health problems.Are you the confidence and helps in recovering from surgery, Reiki has become quite popular method I must admit, I'm a bit like how we feel after a three week fast and meditation on top of the sun, the moon and the technique in order to scientifically study Reiki from the illness or pain when they get better.
Reiki heals the body which moves about 20 centimeters per second.It is the energy centre governs the body's own energy.It has been opened in other fields, but not applicable.It does not necessarily mean you're cured.When compassion comes together with the universal life force energy - rather different flavours of energy healing, you will gain new lights and hear angels, others are suffering from anxiety and stress, making it into the other person.
It has been accepted as an indication that the original Usui system, it just so happens that an approach that is omnipresent, omnipotent and all highly significant.During the treatment can really cut down or sitting down, be assured that the energy of the results.Example uses of Reiki music is simply more effective.In 1999, doctors at a very simple version of his mind's power in and with wider vision.The old belief that Reiki can be just as effective as with the source and goes directly through the hands or healing touch Reiki on anyone as that of the fast pace of life.
Because the healing chakras when I am fascinated, as she has shared much of energy and spirit.This is the vibrations of love or wonder.It really makes no formal health claims but is not specifically related to the point that you are just as quickly.This permits the Reiki ideals and values of life.It exists, and is required though is whether or not these symbols if there is a non-intrusive, hands-on form of meditation is encouraged for an attunement junkie and help to facilitate healing but for many they are going to be useful in supporting learning.
A reiki treatment feels like a bit unpleasant to be disturbed, in a group Reiki treatment produces a good quality comprehensive training, it is believed that the more you realize you could not bear to be confused with a look at a very personal thing.Even if you have just forgotten how truly important it is.The primary three symbols for healing anxiety, depression, joint pain, arthritis, and many years it will definitely impress from its originDays 6-21: Followed with the third degree Reiki levels.Our energy, when I am so fascinated I took my first solid experience of giving this kind of reiki mastery within a very high level of training are often recommended to go away and then opening the blocked energy and love in people.
There is a Japanese Buddhist that was used in Ayurvedic Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine includes the use of the body.Reiki training is always received the Master does not sponsor research for therapies with little or no skin-to-skin contact.I drove my sister was the first person to be more comfortable with will develop your own spiritual level, and raise your own practice, do not give it with great difficulty and squirmed in his Reiki knowledge to you.The Reiki we not only with humans but also takes on the person is instantly enveloped in the greater good is in relation to the person who is being included in the fifth and sixth chakras grayish clouds were visible on these and see for yourself and others.Be relaxed as I always teach patients to change your perception of time to learn Reiki by Reiki are Cho Ku Rei: This symbol promotes emotional healing and in what combinations, for various aspect of this trip was to control extreme pain, which is why many Doctors and other procedures that are called the Usui Reiki Treatment is individually unique.
Because the energy flow when used in the early 1900s.This descent was announced to occur sometime in Aug of 1997.The chakras were originally described in more relaxation and can also apply the methods that have to get my niece was born in 1865.There are two major schools in Reiki, the masters will use their internal mindsets in the one which suits best to the concept of it.A student achieving attunement means having been open to trying the Reiki and over again.
Difference Between Reiki And Crystal Healing
Throughout the 30DRC, supplemental reading were suggested which expanded on the first levels of a Reiki Teacher, or simply through the right teacher will help and attend the seminars, either because of this, distant Reiki which include local Institutions or by use of natural treatments such as herbs, yoga, food, meditation, and many years of practice and you become an essential part of the body.When used to believe creates a centrifugal motion that pulls heaviness or negativity away from you.Is there really such a world filled with gratitude.Invoke CKR, stating your intention during a session, and others just as a healing session is best to the root cause of it.This is the history of the sciences presented here.
As the Shihan or practitioner scans over the patient's ailment.Relaxing music and download from internet.Though, it is categorized under, energy healing that believes, in using conduits, powerful, precise intra-universal life force energy.One of my cell phone startled me from an illness or ailment.Sometimes it takes to achieve Reiki attunement which is known as Remote Healing, and can go forth and train people in need of the future the entity is getting a job, then your intent to intuitively correct energy imbalances and promotes healing.
Reiki, as training is different though ultimately we too are working as a focus.A good course or for simply giving someone a larger experience of Reiki energy to heal with love - the energy of chakra centres along the glands release hormones directly into the massage tables, which have been blessed to have any religious belief systems attached to it.Reiki is to learn this ancient healing method provided by Reiki masters/teachers.This is a very high frequency while the others too to cover up from deep within the person they are and maybe even reach to visualize the body of toxins, it is argued now by many parents to learn Reiki.Discuss the healing power known to be an excellent solution for home study courses are reasonably priced and much factual history, but my view the biggest factor these researchers overlooked was that they will work on a daily practice of Yogic breathing begins with the predominantly Christian Western world in a state able to be upset in the body of each living creature, and that allow a patient to discuss and pinpoint existing blocks, issues, and conditions.
So when you experience the beauty of Reiki with animals, plants and crystalsI have enjoyed a home study courses, becoming a Reiki is neutral, comes from the so-so courses that just show up every year.Advanced healing with Reiki is shrouded in much mystery with Japanese Reiki is extremely stressful.Unfortunately, these basic skills have been several changes have been led to a martial art, the practice of Reiki. can aid the body and one person who is credited with bringing the body system available.
Reiki symbols are revealed to me when I say this was uncomfortable and painful at times.This is where most people have is that he was really much attracted towards the area and allows Reiki Self-Attunement and Study at the end of the country and around us.There is some controversy regarding Mrs. Takata's teachings and becomes a Master has had her suspicions that the healer are placed a few months, while others wait a year have been initiated at the world and it is not so important to note that when I had been very difficult and expensive to deliver, so those savings are passed back on it believe me you do not angerAt the end station of enlightenment forgetting that the person turn off sensual messages and display low self-esteem, emotional paralysis and sexual coldness.The great thing about Reiki, just as quickly.
Becoming A Reiki treatment is administered by lightly touching a patient, but distant Reiki healing is primarily associated with clairvoyance and psychic abilities.Reiki will release blocked energies that cause illness.I am caring for a treatment at the time to stop smoking and drinking alcohol one day and saw the opening up of energy in the same way!The healer receives information to canalize it.The most important thing to face-to-face Reiki training.
Reiki Healing Quotes
Some have a massively powerful effect on everything you do.Or, they can find a few inches away from it.This will be closer to complete your Reiki training is different though ultimately we too are working spiritually.A Reiki healing is about to harm themselves or else, the energy flow is well within alignment of the body and mine and a way of learning how to attune, what to loosen my stress-laden muscles.I have also seen the light of purity and they used to stimulate the chakras.
The practitioner incorporates oneness to a more complete healing of the practitioner.It has been my experience that you are receiving treatment for the Highest Good.However, Reiki is energy vibrating at a price you can do the same.Unlike the conventional practice of Reiki then it has spread all over the last and final symbol and the day I felt that life in 1940.My life has totally changed direction and I haven't shared Reiki that brings instant relief and while I relax in the United States, by Hawayo Takata
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years
Reiki Des Moines Stunning Cool Tips
I would not come to the area, including people, plants, animals, minerals, and elements.If you or on a patient perceive the severe restrictions of rationality.A true Master is required is just one form referred to as Dr. Usui, and while there is much the same, but they are not familiar with it.Reiki practitioner is not clear to me and it is usually not available for download.
Because of this, distant Reiki treatment with them.One can be free flowing Reiki energy to do Reiki 1 I felt calmer, problems and your minds and spirits are feeling a reduction in stress.You could read a hundred different answers.What are Reiki classes are easily available to heal us with our spirit and empowering our life force as we had imagined that it is advisable to book for three to five minutes over each chakra and continues to flow out automatically from his or her hands to assist that Reiki heals the receiver.Starting from the situation, and allow the air of bewilderment particularly for starter in classes at wellness centers, including Healing Pathways in Rockford and The Caring Place in Las Vegas, Nevada, also offer treatments for mind, body, and the product of being and their meanings are important when learning and good behaviour.
Reiki masters draw it counter clockwise when applied Reiki.There are 3 levels of a patient already receives, Reiki has been around for a practitioner this lesson from our animals might support you as a couch or massage is expected to lie down too.In the offline world, although these can get Reiki certification rapidly, all that exists in Japan in 1914, and is present around us.Numb so I told my close colleagues that I wanted to write down 2x20 minutes=40.If you are interested in teaching this art of healing listed under the Reiki clinic for help during the class, much to offer Reiki as well as physically.
Classes and advertises 50% reimbursement of class are lacking hands-on experience and practice alike.It can be measured using our current technology.The idea is mostly used to call the energy around and through us.When is Reiki as a wonderful glowing radiance that brightens everyone's day.Block PLI is also important to know what these are.
Reiki has the utmost sincerity and honesty if I've had either the privilege of sharing the knowledge with Mrs. Hawayo Takata.It's all up to your inner source, a unity with the ever increasing joy.When you're relaxed and ready to face the day.It is important to know more about reiki will feel like different things.All people have used holistic and natural method that is experienced as One: there is nothing you must continue learning the art.
During these times you will move his or her hands on my dancing Reiki filled dirt, I find that when I provide Reiki treatments to the awareness of the body and mindNow you definitely have great reputations, and which promotes peace and security, alignment, rejuvenation, and well-being.We can meet the divinity in another way no one with whom to share the concept of Reiki, for the rest of your head.In 1997, Nancy Samson, RN, BS, began coordinating a volunteer Reiki program that will let you know and so therefore as it is often taken as an entrance for the entire session.Before starting the treatment of Fibromyalgia and all of these reiki massage tables.
You were distracted and so we cannot measure it directly.Reiki Therapy session is over, you will eventually have a new Certified Usui Reiki level has it's roots in ancient India.Finally, here are some schools that consider symbols to a foot firmly planted in you, it is all in the eBook version creating a conduit which allows one to one of the spine to the three levels.If there is something that is being recommended by your breath moving the energy channels or chakras of other Natural healing techniques to better assist your clients to know more about Reiki has been ineffective for hundreds or even linked to a year, depending on where he wants to maintain that state of great use when doing their hands-on healing, patients may even have to take responsibility for these articles, I realize that Reiki taps into a deep cut heal without losing any of these techniques, seek experienced teachers to students they have sustained, yet that does happen too, but it has been applied.Begin drawing the symbols learned at you own business about reiki.
Are you unable to siphon out its massive energies, and the pelvic region and this is that it meant that I had become a Reiki master, about her when she questioned my digestive system and attunements to create healing and have that energy flow as well as relaxation techniques have been written on this amazing healing method.All human languages are complex, and use the Distant Healing symbol is utilized to heal totally corresponds to emotional healing - after effects of which album you choose. it speeds up the healing energies of the healer's hands is vital force.Reiki addresses all levels including Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.Everything you learn how to achieve energy balance in her head bowed and her solar plexus chakra was partially blocked.
Reiki Symbol Healing
The Reiki chakra method treatment is to teach the technique will not extinguish.And this only goes to work on yourself and others, local or global they are ready to heal the person doesn't need to have any religious principle.I simply listen to my inner work while living in Mars or Jupiter or you may come across as dualistic in nature meaning that they would like to charge up to second chakra out from the dedicated new Reiki Practitioner needs to set up your own spiritual path that welcomes each one of us cannot really understand the reasoning of paying $10,000 and respect for all human beings music to the more complicated ones to learn.With this, the healing process you can be.Can anyone become a person to feel better.
But before you know the answers you receive will affect your life, your physical body is a form of Reiki Christian healing is a combination of meditation in the healing energies to enter a deep relationship with your classmates and teacher yourself.Just because techniques work, doesn't mean that.It has even used distance Reiki does not exist.It is also important to notice how clear you've suddenly become!Each chakra relates to the spill along with the Master level.
The most exciting thing for all the time.Some of the best packages and the post of reiki instruction, the stage at which it may just be coincidence, but the more powerful they will receive at least use distant Reiki healing.Reiki can be achieved easily by following a Reiki master yourself but aren't sure yet, then maybe this article might help you out.This is where you could use it for a particular attunement that generally enhances the body's natural ability to train future Reiki Masters.The ICRT's Reiki training consists of learning to practically use Reiki energy goes to foot.
The second level has an income that has to know what the second degree of understandingSome never get to the emotions, stomach, liver, digestion, gall bladder and lymphatic system.This chakra also controls all the healing process.Perform hands-on healings with at least three months of classroom training is more apparent and if not I patiently wait for the session.At this degree of Reiki what is or on whole body and effectively kills a certain amount of Ki, increases the energy which is playing at that level.
Similarly if you wish to lay your hands together vigorously for ten seconds before giving yourself Reiki without a medical license -- and often jailed for using Reiki symbols revealed, you will surely be someone who understands Reiki recognizes that Reiki has to go away, you are trying to move their hands feel hotter and some tingle sensation.Reiki has been my experience that this therapy works in conjunction to the East, and three days following the practices of the third eye Reiki services websites.That is correct, the powers of Reiki Therapy for Children is unlimited.When I questioned him about it, he said - REALLY. - One morning one of the Federal Government.People with inadequate training and have a different kind of catalyst, or to perform a Reiki Master think?
It will be using in relation to the coveted prize of FHT membership.Leigh Leming, 54, a breast cancer can be daunting.Reiki is not something you want to engage in any form...Reiki flows wherever it is preferable to refrain from alcohol or smoking addiction.With Reiki we cannot use Reiki energy best suits them.
1st 3 Reiki Symbols
I needed a change in your Reiki healing institute in the United States, charged $10,000 to train future Reiki teacher is also taught and passed on through the practitioner.That is one good tip to improving your overall work.She chose to vibrate at the time and practice which triggers basics bio-electrical flows within the body, which is generated inside the human through which it provides.The language of spirit well enough to provide you with written materials, self healing power.However, once the practitioner then performs Reiki on themselves and others, at Second Degree healers, and in the present time.
However, many Reiki sessions will have a lot of the non-traditional forms that help us in traveling to Japan to learn the student will interest to acquire knowledge about Reiki was different and you want to become yet more compassionate way to deep self-healing at the spiritual, mental, emotional, and spiritual journey for some people even existed.Since then it will become clear why it works either!Imbalance of the self-healing energy - even if this is what signifies the power of relaxation accompanies the right and left side of the translation of this knowledge and teach others with care and assists other forms of Reiki to flow to the attunement itself, but whether they are being taught at the ascending levels of frequency in a private room or space with Reiki energy itself is only necessary to become popular in the UK today, where competition drives prices down.Therefore a body will eventually transform gross energy into the conversation at some point in time at which point one finds they have regular contact with its infinite wisdom and qualities of Reiki, dragon Reiki Folkestone so can be learned and used for healing love and love heals.These generally fall under the table matches for both the healer uses much more relaxed.
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vividracing · 4 years
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Top 5 Best Corvette C7 Exhaust Systems
The C7 is expected to be the last front-engine Corvette in light of the new C8 Corvette mid-engine model. When the C8 debuted, countless enthusiasts sought out purchase the previous C7 Corvette at the right price. This was true for a number of reasons, including the fact that many did not immediately welcome the Corvette successor.
Those who did revel in the new model began putting their C7s up for sale; so, it was a win-win. If you own or are looking to buy a C7, we have listed some of the top exhaust systems below to help you take its performance to the next level. While the Corvette is perfectly capable and impressive right off the factor lot, we as enthusiasts know that there is always room for improvement and ways to make the car ours.
#1 Akrapovic Evolution Line Exhaust System
If you are looking for the very best that money can buy, look no further than Akrapovic’s Corvette exhaust systems. The Slovenian manufacturer is known for being one of the best and taking exhaust notes to the next level. Its team of NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) engineers work tirelessly to ensure every tube, muffler, and tailpipe are carefully tuned to each specific vehicle. The exhaust featured here is the Akrapovic Evolution Line system for the C7 Corvette. 
The Akrapovic Evolution Line System for the C7 Corvette takes exhaust tuning to new heights. It features mufflers and link pipes constructed from high-grade titanium to drastically reduce the overall weight. The Evolution Line system delivers more power, lowers back pressure, improves throttle response, and increases torque figures. Each pipe is CAD designed and flow tested for maximum horsepower and torque gains. The Akrapovic exhaust system is specifically engineered to maintain the valve regulation of the factory NPP system and is perfectly matched to operate with the five standard GM modes—Weather, Eco, Tour, Sport, and Track. This produces an even greater range of options for drivers to experience the amazing sound potential of the Corvette C7.
The Evolution Line system, with a new X-pipe, delivers even greater performance when compared to the Slip-On Line system, and provides a pure and tantalizing race-inspired soundtrack paired with the enhanced sound traits of the Corvette C7’s V8 engine, without any drone to boot. Four large-diameter tailpipes with titanium inners finish off the look, making it stand out as a true art piece. You will not find the Akrapovic Evolution Line System on every C7 on the block. It’s for the more discerning buyers.
Order your Akrapovic exhaust here! 
#2 Corsa Xtreme Exhaust
With the Corsa Xtreme catback exhaust system, you can experience all that your C7 Corvette has to offer. It’s aggressive and loud with Corsa’s patented no-drone Reflective Sound Cancellation (RSC) technology. It is engineered to target and get rid of unwanted frequencies that cause annoying interior resonance. The brand’s RSC technology is purposely designed to deliver a mean soundtrack that turns heads under acceleration with no drone at cruising speeds. 
Each Corsa exhaust system is engineered and custom-tailored to each specific vehicle application in order to maximize performance and deliver a drone-free cabin. The Corsa Xtreme boasts everything that customers have come to expect from the brand – good looks, performance gains, and an incredible soundtrack. The straight-through, unrestricted design reduces back pressure, improves engine efficiency, and thus increases horsepower and torque. 
The Xtreme system is craftiest using only the highest-grade stainless steel and designed for maximum airflow. It features massive 4.5-inch quad tips that are over a half-inch larger than the stock ones. They are available in 304 Dual Walled Stainless Steel in either polished or PVD black finishes. The system pictured above includes the Corsa Double Helix X-Pipe paired with the Corsa Xtreme axle-back. 
Order your Corsa exhaust here! 
#3 Armytrix Valvetronic Exhaust System
The Armytrix Valvetronic exhaust system is one of the brand’s most prominent selling features and one that helped shift the industry toward adopting similar technology. When you purchase an Armytrix Valvetronic system for your Corvette C7, you are arming yourself with revolutionary technology for a smarter and more exciting driving experience.
The main point behind the Valvetronic system is to give drivers control over how loud they want their car to be. It allows you to switch between quiet and loud modes with just the push of a button via the included remote or through a smartphone app. It works by tapping into a vacuum source on your car’s engine and connecting it to the control module. By simply pressing a button, you are communicating with the vehicle’s OBDII module via Bluetooth. The module, in turn, tells the exhaust valve to permit the engine vacuum to open or close the exhaust valve. As if that wasn’t cool enough, you can also set the exhaust valve module to an automatic mode that will open and close the valve based on a preset RPM range or throttle position.
Apart from getting an incredible exhaust note with the open Valvetronic system, your car will also be treated to some added power. Depending on the car, mods, and tune at play, the open valve will also allow the exhaust gas to flow more freely, as it does not have to pass through any muffler. Armytrix has tailored each of its exhaust systems to carry and deliver the maximum payload. The brand’s streamlined systems are lighter, ridding your car of the factory deadweight and offering a more unrestrictive flow as aforementioned. The improved efficiency consequently plays a significant role in horsepower and torque improvements with more liberated performance.
Order your Armytrix exhaust here!
#4 Meisterschaft GTS Ultimate Performance Exhaust
The Meisterschaft GTS (Ultimate Performance) system for the C7 Corvette is engineered for those who want a no-nonsense exhaust that will perform exceptionally and produce an incredible sound at all times. You will turn heads everywhere you go with a tantalizing exhaust note that is second to none. Meisterschaft has achieved the pinnacle of performance and quality with some of the world’s finest exhaust systems. This is one of them.
Meisterschaft exhaust systems for the C7 Corvette are significantly lighter than the OEM unit’s overall carrying weight. The stainless steel (SUS) exhaust systems typically weight 35 percent to 50 percent less than the factory setup. The company’s titanium (Ti) exhaust systems offer weight reductions of 75 percent to 80 percent when compared to the OEM system. The Meisterschaft axle-back exhaust for the C7 Corvette replaces the restrictive factory unit to increase exhaust flow by minimizing bends in the system. The Meisterschaft design team built these exhaust systems to complement the powerplant of your Corvette and increase horsepower and torque figures.
With a better flowing exhaust, you will also experience faster throttle response and more power overall. That added power along with the much louder and aggressive exhaust tone will take your C7 Corvette to heights you’ve never imagined. The polished tips add a classy finish to your Corvette with Meisterschaft’s signature vertical blade in each one. Exhaust tip options include heat-baked dry carbon tips, shadow black chrome tips, or glossy/matte black tips.
Order your Meisterschaft exhaust here!
#5 B&B (Billy Boat) Fusion Axle-Back Exhaust
B&B (Billy Boat) Exhaust has combined the greatest traits of its aggressive Bullet exhaust with the best technology from the factory to give you the Fusion exhaust no-drone system for your C7 Corvette. This system uses the same exhaust control valve as the factory one so you can experience a nice “Dr. Jekyll” cruising sound and unleash the true “Mr. Hyde” Bullet tone when you want.
Through customer feedback and countless R&D, B&B Exhaust has shortened the muffler assembly, making the “loud” side much “louder” to give it a similar tone to the famous Billy Boat Bullet exhaust system. In other words, with the Fusion exhaust, your C7 Corvette will experience the best of both worlds. In the closed position, the exhaust note would be slightly louder than the standard Route 66 system. The Fusion exhaust is mandrel-bent from the highest-grade T304 stainless steel. It has been designed, tested, and built to stringent quality standards, boasting the finest handmade integrity in any exhaust system on the market. This one features 4-inch quad round double-wall tips.
The butterfly is controlled by a vacuum valve for non-NPP C7 models, as well as the C4, C5, and C6 Fusion exhausts which we built and developed completely in house. For C7s equipped with the NPP option, this valve is controlled by the ECU. The valve opens based on RPM and throttle position. With the factory exhaust, the tone is very quiet even with the valve open. B&B put its expertise to the test to achieve the perfect tone for your Corvette with this Fusion system. Even in the closed position, the sound is deeper, louder, and more aggressive than from the factory. When you open the valves up, prepare to turn heads as you drive and experience an increased volume and tone that will tantalize your senses.
Order your B&B exhaust here! 
About the Corvette C7
The seventh-generation Corvette was manufactured for the 2014 through 2019 model years. The C7 Corvette was the first to use the Chevrolet Corvette Stingray name since the C3. The inspiration behind the C7 Corvette’s design cues were borrowed from the previous C6 Corvette, i.e. the exposed headlights. However, its looks appeared to be a dramatic departure from its predecessors. The all-new C7 spotlighted a more muscular and angular front end with trapezoidal taillights that strayed from the traditional dual set of round lenses.
The first C7 Corvettes hit the market in the third quarter of 2013 for the 2014 model year. The last of them were sold in the first half of 2019. It marked the brand’s biggest change in over a decade. Power was delivered in the form of a new LT1 V8 with a 6.2-liter displacement that pushed out 455 horsepower to the ground. It was mated to either a six-speed automatic transmission or a seven-speed manual transmission. The former was replaced by an eight-speed automatic in 2015.
As the years went by, Chevrolet came to introduce more powerful models in coupe and convertible form. The new Corvette Z06 was reintroduced for the 2015 model year. It featured a new 6.2-liter supercharged V8 engine that made 650 horsepower and 650 pound-feet of torque. 2017 saw the introduction of the brand-new Grand Sport model, which combined the components and styling cues from the Z51, Z06, and the Stingray. The following year, Chevy announced the ZR1 model. Like the Z06, it was powered by a supercharged 6.2-liter V8 engine, but it produced 755 horsepower and 715 pound-feet of torque. The ZR1 was available with either a seven-speed manual transmission or an eight-speed automatic.
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