#and considering how little dialouge of his is out yet
codenamethebird · 4 months
Ok here's a little (not really) analysis/theory post about Hades 2, because I'm obsessed. Its consumed all my thoughts. And I need to talk about a theme I think will (hopefully) be addressed as the game progresses.
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Here's some examples of dialogue that starts to touch on this conflict between mortals and the gods. What exactly do mortals deserve? We also have literal Icarus "flew too close to the sun" here too (and probably Pandora). Chronos was able to sway many to his side with a promise of a golden age without the gods, which is presented by the narrative as a foolish venture. And not saying it isn't, or that Chronos is the secret good guy here, but I believe Chronos is taking advantage of a very real hurt that exists for mortals.
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This line from Nemesis really stood out to me, because it implies that while mortals have a concept of evil, the gods don't. Which sounds ridiculous but the more you think about it makes total sense. The gods in Hades (and just greek myth in general), are kind of the worst. They are petty and selfish, they literally attack you if their boon isn't picked first, and most vitally in this context, often utterly disregard mortals.
For example, one of the things that drove me a little crazy in Hades 1, was how chill everyone was with Demeter's never ending winter. Demeter was killing possibly millions upon millions of mortals and everyone else just sort of let it happen. Maybe complained a bit because it was annoying to them, but just stood by. And that's just one example. Mortal's have a very valid reason to hate the gods.
And considering we have more areas of the surface to explore that aren't out yet, I have a feeling Melinoë is going to be meeting some of these discontent mortals. And my hope is they are going to be nuanced characters, that will challenge Melinoë not just in a fight, but her very ideals.
Because Melinoë is very deferential to the gods, waaaaaay more that Zag ever was. Unlike Zag, who was more like a bro to them and was willing to suck up to them for personal gain, Melinoë seems to genuinely mean all the respect she gives them. She praises them, defends them when they are insulted, and just generally very polite to them.
In a smaller scale, she describes Hypnos as having a wisdom about him and can somehow sense her intensions while asleep. Which as Nem implies, the version in Melinoë's head doesn't exactly line up with reality (though sidebar, I am a believer in Chekov's Hypnos and that he's going to somehow save the day and put Chronos in a never ending sleep or something, but that's beside the point haha).
Melinoë's reverence to the gods makes total sense of course. She was denied her family and a happy childhood, and because of that has glorified them all in her head. The Olympians are sending her vital aid on her holy mission for vengeance and to save her family, even as their own home is being attacked, how honorable of them!
And I think part of Melinoë's arc is that perfect picture of them breaking into pieces. Yes, they are the better of the two options between them and Chronos, but that doesn't mean they aren't also kind of the worst. That mortals deserve better than frivolous gods that can decide on a whim their fates for better or worse (love u Moros but I'm still fucked up over you and your sisters giving mortals horrible doom endings when you were bored. At least he feels bad now but still. Perfect example of gods even when not intending to having horrific consequences for mortals). And maybe like how Zag healed relations with his family, Melinoë can start repairing relations between the Gods and Mortals.
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smilestrawbunny · 2 months
HI HI HI UM. Okay sorry if this is not put together at all, but I love your games so much and I'm actually shaking and I wanted to ask ssome quiiiick questions. Mmost of these are about Berrywitched, but some might be about other games 1) Does the Berrywitched MC have a name we can refer to them as? (Other than personal pronoun usage and stuff) 2) Also are Strawberry and the MC a couple in the good ending? I had kind of always thought so, especially considering the heart pupils in Strawberry's eyes, but I was never actually sure.
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3) Also,, is there significance with these logos? I haven't played Cherrywitched in a little while, but I think they might have had something to do with the company that Inquiry worked at? (and at the very least I think it has something to do with Strawberry because she called Buttons a coworker in the vanilla/vanilla/chocolate cupcake dialouge)
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4) And in the Wicked Witch ending, would Strawberry feel really guilty about pushing MC into the oven, considering what happened to her in Cherrywitched, being locked in that oven for who knows how long and all?
5) Is the older version of BW considered non-canon now? I know the games are still very similar, but they still have their differences, and I was just wondering on that one
6) Does the MC have a confirmed sexuality, or pronouns? Or is it just up for interpretation?
7) What are Memorial and Buttons' pronouns? I have a guess, but I'd like to just make sure.
Haha no sorry, never be sorry!!! I LOVE answering questions! :D
I call them "Leaf" in Berrywitched! and "Starfruit" in BTH (not out yet...) I know that sounds confusing, but it's just what I use to differentiate what game I'm talking about haha...
Up to interpretation I'd say!
That's the logo for the Council of Witches :) Same place Inquiry works under, yes!
So guilty she unalived herself... Poor girl :(
Yes, the 2022 version is now non-canon!
They use they/them, and are bisexual!
Memorial uses he/they, and Buttons uses they/them! Thank you for asking!
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eldragon-x · 3 years
Dusknoir Dungeon Dialouge
I gathered possibly all in-dungeon dialouge from Dusknoir in se5 to compare them because I like to think there’s little hints of character development going on there, so here it is! Have fun looking through this and feel free to add your own thoughts.
Dark Wasteland
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A sentence dedicated to the Sableye attack, Dusknoir being omnious and also talking about how they shouldn’t show weakness and operate carefully.
The second to last one catches most of my attention here because he seems to try to appear tough in a lot of his dialouge where he’s hurt, but I’ll get into that when we get there.
Temporal Tower
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Bit of the previous dungeon, but add a sentence about Dialga and a “Let’s be careful”. I don’t necessarily think that it means anything yet, but it’s interesting nontheless. Also, Dusknoir adds “still” onto his question if Grovyle is nervous.
Dusk Forest
He only keeps the one previous dialouge asking Grovyle if he’s feeling nervous and gets these additions:
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That last one really grabs my attention. Dusknoir’s “Lets be careful” from Temporal Tower feels kinda empty. It reads to me like “if you faint we’ll be both kicked out of the dungeon and I don’t want that”. But here, a previous dialouge is reused to directly adress Grovyle alone, telling him to be careful. I like to believe that Dusknoir started to warm up at this point, and the Low Health dialouge in Dusk Forest validates that assumption too.
Spacial Cliffs
This dungeon reuses his dialouge from Dusk Forest, telling Grovyle to be prepared and careful, as well as his “Let’s be careful” line from Temporal Tower. He also gets this new dialouge:
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Dark Ice Mountain
Once again, both careful-dialouges are used and there’s another line telling Grovyle to be prepared (with the slight difference of Dusknoir saying “Be prepared, Grovyle” instead of “Grovyle. Be Prepared.”). Two new pieces of dialouge come in:
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Icicle Forest
Dusknoir still tells Grovyle to be prepared and there’s a new variant of the line from Ice Mountain where Dusknoir told Grovyle to brace himself:
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and more entirely new dialouge:
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and this:
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I’m a little too obsessed with this line taking the “Be careful” bit out again. I like to imagine, since Dusknoir and Grovyle are headed towards the trap behind Icicle Forest, Dusknoir was like “well, I can’t get too attached now” and became a bit more stoic again. 
Vast Ice Mountain
Just one entirely re-used line where he tells Grovyle and Celebi to look out for traps. Also:
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“Let’s brace ourselves.” but with exclamation mark! :D
And more completely new dialouge:
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Dusknoir sweetie you are doing amazing
Dark Wasteland/Temporal Tower/Dusk Forest/Spacial Cliffs/Dark Ice Mountain
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It seems very in-character for Dusknoir to hide his pain and act tough but also I find the last line amusing, it sounds like he’s trying to impress Grovyle.
Icicle Forest
These lines actually only start to change in this dungeon! They mostly remain the same, but Dusknoir’s “It’s no big thing, just a little damage.” gets replaced by this:
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Maybe it’s just me but this one actually sounds more reassuring rather than him trying to keep up an act, unlike all previous lines in his hurt state.
Vast Ice Mountain
Almost the same lines as the previous dungeon, but him talking about how strong he is, is replaced with another line that makes him sound less like he’s acting tough and more like he’s trying to reassure his team mates again:
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Low HP
Dark Wasteland 
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Again, acting tough and downplaying his pain, even when he’s about to faint.
Except that last line, I dont fucking know what to make of that one yall, it’s so weird. I think he’s being like “Do you believe this would be an opportunity to attack me?” or “Do you think I’m pathetic being like this?” considering he was kinda like that when he “freaked out” about Dialga “abandoning” him but its still just such a weird thing to ask?? I want to meet the writer who is responsible for this line and ask their intentions behind it.
Temporal Tower
It’s nearly the same as in Dark Wasteland again, but with this additional dialouge:
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Dusk Forest/Spacial Cliffs/Dark Ice Mountain
Here, he just keeps his dialouge where he denies being injured, and the one where he says he took considerable damage and gets this new line in Dusk Forest:
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He’s still keeping up some of the tough act, but shows some more vunerability, which is another reason for me to believe that Dusknoir’s ice is starting to break in the forest.
Icicle Forest
He uses the same lines as in the three previous dungeons and gets this new one:
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Which uh, sounds like he’s putting up an act again. Dusknoir’s whole dialouge in Icicle Forest comes off as a really mixed bag to me, but I guess it makes sense with the situation he’s in.
Vast Ice Mountain
He actually keeps his line about taking considerable damage all the way up to this point. Otherwise, he has three other lines, all new:
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I feel bad for purposely hurting him to screenshot these, I promise I gave him an Oran Berry right afterwards.
Seeing how he’s so determined to get up this mountain and face Dialga and also shows so much vunerability in front of Grovyle and Celebi makes me feel things.
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shardofhope-fanfic · 2 years
Hi! i'm a big fan of you works in Ao3, im just wondering how do you write comedy that is so ridiculously funny but in context still kind of down to earth and logical?? You have like the best deadpan comedy i've seen in fiction yet. Also your dialouges, oh my god, i eat up your fic dialouges like its breakfast. They are so good. Like, how do you write the characters in a way that is out of character but still in character, you know what i mean?? I think its like an extention to their personality you are expanding. it sounds so real to the character but so ridiculous that it can really only work in that certain situation they are being scened in. okay, if you don't get what i mean (sorry explaining & describing isnt my strong suit) basically its, me love the way you write dialouges + comedy Okay fangirling aside, do you think you can share some tips on dialogues and comedy? i write as well, and i'd love to learn from the best.
Aw thank you a lot! It means the world to me that people appreciate my strange sense of humor! Believe it or not you're the second ask I have ever gotten on this little tumblr blog, so with that, I'm gonna give you all the little deets you desire, and perhaps more. Although I'm going to fight you and say I am not the best. I ain't no Terry prachet, but thank you for the compliment either way
As for the so far out of character it loops back around, that is something that's mildly intentional, in a strange sort of way. What I love about the Omori cast in general is that they have such strong, varied foundations to built upon, any situation you could throw at them would be plausible. It's something I've even taken into account with my own book (however thats still in progress, and will not see the light of day until its ready.). From that, you gain a lot of freedom to mess around! The key in my opinion, is to branch out juuuuust a bit father than you would think they could go, then yank it back. Its branching off from that foundation in a logical way, then exxagrateing it for a moment for comedic or serious effect. It allows you a lot more flexibility while not being too OCC.
As for tips on writing comedy, the first one I can give you is write what you find funny. I know thats lame duck as hell, but there is a kernal of truth in there. For you to write something hilarious, you have to be the person to find that hilarious first. Trust me, trying to write something someone else would find funny is just a awful time. Over time, you'll begin to get a grasp of your own comedic styleing, and those that find it funny will be attracted to you! But just focus on situations, plots, and jokes that make you giggle like a little goblin when you write them.
Accept that some people won't find you funny. It is a fact that just like music, comedy is very subjective. It's all a matter of taste, and some people will not vibe with it. Thats okay! Some people may not like the edge I sometimes have, and that's valid AF. Were all funky little organisms looking for a decent time. However that goes both ways too! I've had plenty of comments calling my stuff dumb, but such is life.
Let a story breathe sometimes! This is the one thing that I see people fuck up on the most, and I can understand why. When you're trying to be funny, the natural impulse is to stuff as much funny as you can into a story. This is a pitfall that can just cheapen the entire thing. Sometimes, a nice little bit of a breather between punchlines is all you need to make them hit all the harder. But to explane why, I need to make my next point.
CONTEXT IS KING. Let me repeat that, CONTEXT, IS, KING. If anything, above all else, consider the context of the funny thing you are trying to make. A lot of my humor works a well as it does because I build a context where it would be funny as hell. It's also how I get away with my more edgy work. For example, I thought homophobic Mari could be funny, but without the context of her being a lovable, gullible idiot who is prone to being influences (in this case by a redhead she found attractive) than it wouldn't be funny, it would just be punching down, or worse, blatantly homophobic. Context can allow you to make something horrifically grim hilarious, and the other way around. Mastering the art of context is the real skill you need to master! It also helps every other kind of writeing, but in comedy it is the make or break.
Don't punch down. This one is p self explanatory, but it needs to be said.
To round out this mostly theory of comedy, let me give you some of my FAV tools I use in writing my comedies, as well as some literary quirks that make for amazing reading.
fortunately, (bad thing), Unfortunately(good thing that will lead to bad thing. fortunately (awful thing that will make everything end out better.0 The quick contradictions of these make for a fantastic tone, and one of my fav writeing tropes.
Treating something mundane as life or death, or treating something absurdly dangerous with no seriousness whatsoever (seen best in Mari's overly busy afterlife.)
Pointing out people's lies in the narration, or in the body and not the dialog.
There are probably more examples, but I can't think of them at the moment! Now, dialog is something that is a paradox. Its absurdly easy and flows like wine, Until it don't. So let me give you some general things that helped me up my game.
Separate your characters into paragraphs. No teo people should talk in the same paragraph. Not only dose it flow better, it allows people to always know whos talking when while keeping the he said she said stuff to a minimum.
Conclude with things other then a adverb for talking. Sure said, replied, mummered and the like are all good ways to conclude a sentence in a paragraph, or continue, but their not always needed. You can fill that pause with damn near anything! Actions, thoughts, the narrator talking mad shit, anything really. it helps vary up how Converstations feel!
Rapid fire sentences. I'm suprised people don't use them more! When only wto people are converseing, sometimes you can advance the conversations without putting any description between the sentences. Just alternate and let the sentences fly, like this.
"Person one" descriptive writeing. "Person one"
"Person two"
"Person one"
"Person two"
Its the best way to get to that one bit you really want too, and it can feel really snappy and good when done spareingly.
Lastly, most importently, and all that jazz, one simple fact. People do not speak in perfect grammer. The one thing that stories can get wrong about people, in general, is they speak out in these perfect little sentence. Having been a english speaker my entire life, this is horse shit. People talk with slang, blatantly wrong grammar, and weird phrasing all the time. To strip this all away can really strip the veneer off of them. It ain't a excuse to be too sloppy, but it is something to remember. Speaking in these perfect little sentences all the time can feel almost alien.
Well, thats all I can think of RN, off the top of my head. I'm not the best at giving advice, but hopefully this helps you along your journey! Don't hesitate to drop more asks if you have questions, it's what this tumblr is made for!
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retroknightx · 3 years
hypmic headcanons
since nobody on my instagram appreciates me, i’m going to put them here, and it’ll be like a master post i can add onto that way anyway (which is convenient for me, because i keep adding on… yeah, it’s bad lmao. my notes document can only take so much) all of it will be under the line so you guys don’t just have a big ass post clogging your feed! to whoever my 4 followers are
starting with fling posse…
Ramuda Amemura
He’s trans.
He has a superiority complex to hide his inferiority complex.
He also likely has a little bot of a god complex… Just a tiny bit… Not to the point it’d endanger his life, but to the point he can never admit he’s wrong (I suppose this can also count as the superiority complex).
He also has a little bit of a schoolboy crush on Dice… that has lasted far longer than he’d ever like to admit – not that he’d ever admit it in the first place – and he gets jealous over Dice.
He started his whole thing with girls, whatever it is, as a power trip, which also explains why he likes to cause so much chaos.
Since he used to smoke, he started candy as a way to stop smoking and it slowly replaced his smoking habit (as I have yet to see him smoke otherwise, but keep in mind I’m not far into the manga and mostly I’m going off the ARB story).
Gentaro Yumeno
All writers are perfectionists (I’d know as one).
He’s probably very particular about the details and doesn’t like doing things without a plan.
He’s the lyric write for Fling Posse’s raps and does not enjoy making up lyrics on the spot; however he can if he must – This is also why he carries the book everywhere.
I honest to god don’t feel like he’s of this world and whatever his actual form is (irony in his rap name?), it scared Ramuda enough to create Fling Posse, so here they are.
now for the dice ones… it’s gonna be long!
Dice Arisugawa
He is, unfortunately, very oblivious to romantic approaches – especially from close friends such as his division members, for he’s been with them for so long that he can never imagine them falling in love with him.
He has abandonment issues/a fear of abandonment because his mother left him.
Speaking of his mother, Dice likely knows how to do “noble” things because he was raised by a politician; i.e. how to play piano and stuff like that.
Adding on top of that, I feel like Dice has an accumulation of many different skills from being all over the place – He learned how to do card tricks by watching others, and he probably learned bird calls from spending time with Rio.
He undoubtedly has ADHD (as a person with ADHD myself, you cannot tell me I am wrong)!
He’s well aware that’s he a leech, but he can’t stop himself because the addiction is stronger and he feels terrible about it; it’s why he often begs instead of anything else that would fit his character more.
He’s a very talkative person and often rambles to get his thoughts organized.
He doesn’t like being put into awkward situations or forced into silence because he is used the buzz of a casino and a busy city.
Relating to the ADHD canon, Dice puts his life on line not only for the thrill of it, but to keep his mind off of thoughts, and it’s also why he gambles; so he can focus on one thing.
He is numb to change because he’s a gambler.
He is very good at adapting to a new environment.
He doesn’t like being looked down up and that’s why he started gambling; to prove that he’s worth something.
He uses humor to cope if he can’t get his mind off of things with the thrill of gambling.
Extras (Fling Posse all together)
Dice has weird limbs, so clothing fits him weird, and Ramuda started making clothes for them because of that.
Ramuda chased after Dice after he stole his signature parka and the Fling Posse star was embroidered on later by Ramuda after the formation of Fling Posse.
Ramuda likely pulls whatever strings he has access to to make life easier for his division members (not that it stops them from getting into trouble, that is).
Gentaro spends a lot of time away when writing and likely forgets he’s even alive during those periods, so his division members make sure he’s still taking care of himself when he gets like that.
They all piss each other off, but in a platonic love kind of way.
moving onto matenrou! my favorite division <3
Jakurai Jingui
Oh, my poor man’s so tired. He just needs a long break and a spa day; speaking of this, he likely doesn’t ask for help often – it’s the messiah complex he undoubtedly has.
His hair is too long for him to be taking care of it himself, and it definitely looks in fantastic condition, so he definitely takes good care of it – I just don’t think he takes care of it himself; I think he enlists the help of his division members (as I headcanon that Matenrou is in a poly relationship).
Jakurai’s matureness can sometimes get in the way of other things, such as emotional moments, and he can come off as cold or distant when he doesn’t mean to come off that way.
Unlike the other divisions, Jakurai wanted to really separate from his past, and that’s why he named his division Matenrou instead of reusing something from the past. He also probably doesn’t like talking about the past.
His hair is naturally silver, but the lighter shades that are nearly white underneath was caused by stress.
He gets cold quickly, which is why he always keeps the lab coat on, and it’s also why he wears a turtleneck.
Jakurai does live in the same apartment as Doppo and Hifumi, but he’s always so busy that he often can’t get there, so he ends up sleeping at the hospital; he also has a separate apartment of his own that’s closer to the hospital if he has free time, but he’s not off work/off work but still on call.
Doppo Kannonzaka
Man, the first thing I thought when I saw him was that he has a choking kink. Enough said. He also likely has a praise kink.
If he didn’t have social anxiety and wasn’t so busy, he’d also probably be going over to Rio’s camp a lot. I think it’s because he’s so overworked that he doesn’t care about what’s in the food; as long as he gets it.
He’s probably passed out from exhaustion more than once and just got used to it.
Despite all his problems, he definitely wants to be known and he wants his name out there; he wants to be just like the other two and he definitely looks up to them already, but he aspires to be them.
He is so thankful for his divison members and he’s glad that they accepted him.
Hifumi Izanami
Hifumi is a classic case of “fake it till you make it”; I really don’t know how he became one of the most popular hosts in Shinjuku, but it’s definitely about the fake confidence and the jacket is a comfort object for him that allows him to have that confidence.
He cooks all the time for his division members and he uses the catches from fish all the time, too. He even brings the lunches to their works for them.
Since Hifumi’s always out so late, the others make sure he has everything he needs for whenever he wakes up and sometimes they wait for him.
They’re all in a poly relationship and I refuse to believe anything else; I mean, have you seen those “my room” dialouge in ARB? Fruity.
They probably all love to cuddle whenever they get the chance because they can’t do it often.
They definitely set up one day of the month for all of them to just be together.
buster bros time!
Ichiro Yamada
This may just be the Ichiro simp in me, but I think he has a very nice tummy that’d be nice to lay on; like a soft one if that makes any sense to anybody other than me.
He’s a very friendly person and if you’re close friends with him, he’s definitely loyal; he’d be willing to drop anything to help you kind of loyal, like he is to his brothers – all that, except the willing to die part.
I think he gets flustered easily and doesn’t know how to respond to compliments. That’s also probably the Ichiro simp in me.
Although he has to stop his brothers from ripping out each other’s throats all the time, he’s very proud of them and of their achievements, no matter what they are. He’s willing to praise them even for the tiniest things to make up for his absence in their lives.
He probably has a terrible sleeping schedule, but he could probably operate on pretty much anything. Two hours of sleep? That’s not an issue for him; he’s used to it.
He’s likely a cheapskate when it comes to himself, but when it comes to his brothers, he spares no expense if he can.
Saburo Yamada
He has a superiority complex. I mean, just look at how he acts with Jiro – that’s enough proof right there.
He got into hacking and all of that computer stuff because it was interesting to him; he’s probably pursuing a career in it, considering just how good he is at it. I feel like he’d make a good white hat hacker that tests your website security, like Alma in Va-11 Hall-A.
Call him a library, because he holds grudges for years.
I think he just likes picking arguments because he think it’s funny and there’s nothing better to do when you’re stuck with your brothers (as somebody with a sibling myself, I can attest to that).
Jiro Yamada
Anger issues. Yep, that’s it. That’s the headcanon.
Man probably goes dumpster diving to see what kind of treasures he can find; his room is probably full of that kind of junk.
He probably has greasy hair. It doesn’t matter how much he cleans it, it’s just greasy (as somebody with the same issue, go clean your pillows Jiro).
Ichiro has to hold Jiro back from just punching Saburo all the time.
God, somebody save Ichiro from his siblings; with how much they bicker, he probably has taken so much ibuprofen to stop headaches in his life that he should be considered dead from an overdose.
Despite being assholes to each other, they all help each other out – Saburo helps Jiro with his work, Jiro helps Saburo with whatever he can’t do, and Ichiro takes care of the rest. It’s the only thing keeping their bond together.
mad trigger crew, my beloved.
Rio Mason Busujima
Rio’s very stoic and that often doesn’t break, so it’s very rare to see a smile on his face. He has different smiles for different things too – there’s the business one; one so he doesn’t look as intimidating, and the actual genuine smile that’s very rare to see, but it happens when somebody appreciates his food.
Rio’s not good at understanding emotions and it takes him awhile to process emotions; he goes quiet in these moments and it can be confusing for those who don’t know him, but once he’s thought everything out, he’s very smart about responding.
He’ll never fully adjust to a life outside of the navy and military.
Opposite to Dice, he finds the buzz of a city to be too distracting for his thoughts and he enjoys his solitude, but he doesn’t mind company at all.
Due to how his unit was broken up, he refuses to abide by H law and keeps his gun on him. Even Rio can be spiteful. However, he mostly uses it for hunting, which is why he’s so far out in the forest.
He definitely has a lot of scars and that’s why he often wears his fatigues; he doesn’t wana come off as off-putting. His cards without the jacket did him so dirty. Of course he’d have scars from fighting in World War 3.
He can come up with strategies on the spot and is a very quick-thinker when it comes to combat.
Despite how ruthless he is when it comes to rap battles and being an ex-navy, he’s actually a very gentle soul.
I feel like he’s asexual, but homoromantic.
Samatoki Aohitsugi
He only uses the bad guy persona as a way to be left alone, but he’s actually a very kind person.
Despite being a yakuza, he actually abides to the H law and it’s probably only because of Nemu (however, this is only based off of the anime, so I can’t say for certain, but I haven’t seen anything in the manga disproving otherwise yet).
I just feel like he eats a lot throughout the day. I can’t explain this one, but he has the vibes.
He also knows how to cook quite well himself, and he does it for his division members sometimes.
Jyuto Iruma
He’s very cocky because he knows he can get away with things; I mean, he’s the authorties, why wouldn’t he get cocky about what he can do? However, it’s somewhat annoying to Samatoki.
If he wasn’t a gay bastard, Samtoki and Rio probably would’ve been arrested long ago. Thankfully for them, he is a gay bastard.
He likes looking good no matter what; it helps his confidence, so he dresses up to go out anywhere.
His glasses are probably just reading glasses.
He likes spending money on expensive things.
Samatoki and Jyuto are in a relationship. They’re so fruity that I’m sure I don’t have to explain this one.
Samatoki doesn’t approve of Rio dating Dice at all and it’s only because of Jyuto that Dice is still alive.
Rio is pretty much their marriage counselor; he has to constantly deal with them bickering, so of course he is. He’s pretty much the adopted child to save their marriage.
Poly Matenrou
i will likely make a separate post for the ship headcanons because this will be much longer, but i think this covers all of them anyway, so here you go. enjoy.
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senterya · 4 years
Some quick thoughts on ‘Jormag Rising’ before the impact of the episode fades.
Spoilers, obviously.
The episode definitely had a lot of fun things in it but overall, I can’t help feeling underwhelmed.
Some of the positive things first!:
The sniper scene. I literally shouted out ‘YES’, I was that glad that justice was served.
The fight with the wolvarine spirit is my favourite adventure at the moment. It’s more about how well you know your class and can position yourself and less about knowing your rotation, which I can appreciate.
The map is still gorgeous.
New Snargle book.
The dialouges are just. So good. So much good writing on that part.
But then we got to the ending of the episode, and I want to talk about that in detail so bear with me for a second.
My two main problems with the episode is that 1) we didn’t get the payoff for progressing the episode and 2) Ryland doesn’t work as a twist villain.
1): Now, I know that there is more coming and that this is not the end of Jormag’s story, however: it is the end of a story arch that has been happening since the first episode of the saga. The fact that we know just as little about Jormag’s intentions as we did at the beginning leaves me with this feeling of... disappointment, like I feel that all the Commander did was in vain (and not in the compelling way like in ‘All or Nothing‘ in LWS4), and that I shouldn’t have bothered playing the episodes in the first place. This could have been avoided if we would have been given some answers - like this, we just walked up to Jormag and then walked home. It feels empty and unsatisfying, and this is even worse considering that we knew how this episode is going to end (it was in the trailer), so even that element of surprise was missing.
2): Ryland’s character is inconsistent with his actions. He is presented to us in Forging Steel as someone who deeply cares about his warband and is a good person in general - and then he walks up to Jormag to become their champion, out of nowhere.  At first I thought that the loss of his warband is what made him do this, but his intentions were hinted in Forging Steel, so it’s not that. I personally cannot see a single thing Ryland can only achieve with the help of Jormag - he doesn’t want the rise of the charr like Bangar, his warband won’t come back because of this. With our current knowledge, there is no reason for him to become Jormag’s champion. Maybe he is lying to Jormag? (But is that even possible? I doubt it.) I assume he does have some intentions we don’t know about yet, but those should have been hinted somewhere during the saga, and I can’t recall any of it. As it is now, he only became the champion because the plot needed him to, and it is kinda disappointing for me.
Any thoughts on these? Did I miss something? Feel free to add if you have some thoughts about the episode, I’m curious how you all feel about it.
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fallout-4-reactions · 6 years
Fo4 Companions react to sitting by Sole’s graveside:
Hey! This is (another, sorry) rewrite this post from the other day. Again, I’m sorry! But hopefully it’s has improved from the last two times I’ve posted it!
Once again I would like to thank @cyndercrys for helping with the first entry! There’s a “keep reading” block in place in case anyone dosen’t want to read it. As I’ve said before this is an unfinshed reaction. 
I just wanna know what you guys think of this new version, and then i will stop asking, i promise!
Thank you again, you guys are amazing!
P.S: I’m sorry about the poor attempts at drunk dialouge!
“Hey, buddy!” Hancock drew out a prolonged cheer, and for a moment at least, his day appeared to be heading towards something a little brighter. Though, honestly, the excitement the ghoul presented had to be somewhat distributed between himself and his friend. For although Hancock was solely visiting down the road from his destination, it had taken him a considerable amount of time and energy to reach this place. A condescending smirk branded his mouth as he attempted, whole-heartedly, to raise a beer for his departed friend. He then attended to the chair that he'd so graceful carried? No. He pushed. No, that wasn't--
"Ahhh, fuck it--not important." He attempted to shove it off.
Though his half bewildered mind was still sharp enough to recall that he'd accomplished this all by himself, however; and yet, in fact, he couldn't even memorise what day it was, let alone distinguish the real worth of his hammered brain. He soon yielded in trying to remind himself about a damn chair. Again.
"Listennn, whoever's up there-ah, haha, whoooever, ha! Allriight. I'ma trying to sit down here. Shut. Up. 'bout a damn chair and let me... shit. Comeon, think of a loooong word. Think... Think! Ahhhh, shit."
He paused. "Wait. Ahhhh. That was, was, was! Was long. Goood enough, there was, was another! Ima gooood at this!" He almost burst out laughing. Despite this newly discovered revelation, he still hadn't even managed to sit down.
In all the distraction, the usually vigilant ghoul was none the wiser to wasting half his beer. Similar to the trip up here, the chair appeared a million miles away. If only he could admit to himself that laughing wasn't helping, but it hadn't even crossed his mind. Though his mind was, once again, too involved in applauding himself for getting a damn object up a hill.
No longer concentrating on what he was supposed to be doing, he squandered yet more of his precious drink. At this point it didn't matter how, all he knew was, he had, and he was a fucking gift to humanity, or ghoul-kind, or...
Wait. Why's this chair so fucking important? Just drop it, brain, will ya?
A not so enthusiastic smile branded what was left of his mouth as Hancock ultimately remembered what he was assumed he was supposed to be doing from the moment he got here, and sluggishly sat, eventually exhilarated to be by his friend’s side again.
Well, maybe not. Nevertheless, the ghoul could mislead himself for a while.
“Hope ya do--doing all right up there, high-high up in the sky, showing "the big man" who’sss boss! Ha! Boss… Go-g-good one.” Admittedly not, but there was no one else up here to consider, and Hancock wasn't about to shoot his own joke in the foot.
Unlike his smile, the one he forged so often when he came here, the thing that was merely a half-hearted attempt to sustain a friendship the ghoul refused to let die.
“So, so much for the "pretend" part, huh? You’ve, uh, probably guessed I'm'a not a-a fan.”
The misleading and fraudulent smile was all he had left of this thing, that was so, so necessary. Although he’d give it all up in a second to even get a remote possibility of getting what he couldn’t have the day Sole disappeared.
There’s supposed to be a goodbye — at the end of a friendship — a sad yet peaceful end. It's supposed to be closure.  If there’s no goodbye and no end, then what happens to people left behind, when does the grief know when to stop?
No reply--and it stabbed at him a little deeper each time--no matter how much he anticipated or experienced the impending silence. It still hurled itself against his chest. The shock penetrated what he refused to believe was a fragile heart.
Fuck, it destroyed him, and there it just remained. But, the proud ghoul still denied it.
Despite his attempts at rejection, Hancock, for all his bravado, felt quite uncharacteristic at that moment. All this trouble seemed meaningless without his friend to laugh with him; to take his mind off it, to support him. He’d already felt his words turning hollow long before they left his mind.
Because even though his mind was drunker than usual, Hancock could not escape the facts. His friend was gone; and despite all he'd already been through, it somehow got through.
He flung himself against the back of the chair. It creaked, threatening to snap. But like a fucked up raider, its threats ran empty.  
Hancock knew that statement mirrored him. He needed to address his fraudulent control first before comparing a chair to something this world was guilty of messing up. The ghoul just felt his grief then. He regretted coming up here alone, though the only other choice would have been to bring Dogmeat as well. Sole's four-legged friend craved Sole more than anyone could ever imagine. The young pup hadn't been the alike since, and somehow that troubled Hancock more than any of this. He should have brought the dog, and not just for the animals’ sake.
This here, this was supposed to be simple.  
This had been a mistake if that’s what he believed. Everything attached to Sole was far from that. Nah, Sole was a mystery.
His chest tightened then as if his rips had locked in on his troubled heart. He imagined it backed into a corner, wishing it would wake up soon.
Wouldn't that be the perfect cliché; waking up to find them alive and all of this right now to be irreverent? Bad story. But fuck, he could use a "bad" story right 'bout now.
Great. Now what, smartass? 
Hancock immediately recognised Sole in his own thoughts. Like they were there in the corner of his eye; just out of reach. It resembled them well enough, and Hancock didn’t want to presume any different right now. So for a split second, it was like they had never left.
He stayed with it for as long as he could, but at some point, Hancock had to come back to reality. After his return, he moved to rest his arms over his face, leaning back, trying to help combat the horrid feeling that now plagued his brain. It didn’t, and someone such as himself should have probably know better than to think it would, and so the exhausted ghoul moved back, but this time glanced away from the direction of the grave to the lifeless forest around him. Somehow anticipating to see Sole approaching him from way down the bank — a lump manifested in his throat at the thought of seeing his friend again -- even more so when he realised that he thought it plausible.
You can fuck off, nerves. They ain’t ‘ere.
Even in his intoxicated state, the ghoul knew of his shortcomings; his pain, and what it could cause him if he strayed too far; for here was an excellent example of a fight Hancock couldn’t win without Sole, and yet here he was. Alone, fighting it.
“Ah, shit.” His mind finally fractured, choking on the ache it caused itself, struggling to get past the misery that had formed over the months since. And when he finally found the words, the whole thing was a mixture of every unwelcome feeling that came with grief. His words echoed him, told the world how fucking harsh it really was.
He snapped, found some passion. The words appeared like glass in his throat. But viewing himself as either brave or stupid, he struggled past it anyhow.
“Why’d you…” He hesitated. “—you always got to do this to me, huh?” He stood fast. Too fast; his heart racing. He almost fell carelessly into the dead leaves bellow. However, he was a master at whatever skill this was and composed himself as one. “You know how hard–har–it was to get my assss up here! There were so many damn tr-trees in the fuckii–way, and yet here I am… and--
The anger fed off his failure.
How the fuck was this fair?
And... And -- you’re nowhere to be found! How-how the fuck do you get out of this–I miss–” Fuck, this hurt. Try Again. 
“I miss. Fuck, Sole! How do I d-do this?”
For the first time in his life, Hancock disliked the drinking. He mourned not being there! What fucking good did it do either of them now being there now! His friend was dead! And Hancock didn’t know where the fuck he was!
He collapsed to his knees. Shaking, gaging. Trying to get his breath back.
Try again. Come on.
It took Hancock everything he had, but somehow, he did it. He did it for his friend. Hancock composed himself the best he could, and he gave his friend whatever he had. Just like the day they died.
"I'ma... I'm sorry." He wept. He truly missed them, and it began to rip him apart inside.
He knew himself well enough not to speak anymore. For once he kept it shut and just accepted to the truth as if it was the only thing that could heal him anymore.
This is goodbye.
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milkyverse · 6 years
Even More Doodles
I finished a sketchbook, so I figured I'd go back to some old drawings that kinda fell to the wayside and never made it past paper.
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Discord, AJ, and baby Mayhem. While Breakup Breakdown has made me change my view on their relationship (which I'm gonna make a pic for later), originally they kinda fell in love when AJ got pregnant from their fun night andater ended up falling in love and marrying through that (oh sweet naive me before watching the reality through Bojack Horseman)
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The original version of this. I went through quite a few versions of how that drawing would go, and oh my goodness I couldn't draw babies.
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Jealous wife Ember is jealous. Another post-movie doodle of 2 old friends giving each other little friendly hugs...a little too close for Ember's liking. Not that she cares or anything.
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I've never shown Mayhem and Perplex together, but Perplex doesn't consider Mayhem or Epiphany "real" family. Honestly she only consider her changeling side her real family. She only talks to Discord and the Apple kids because her father makes her.
Also a headcanon that all changelings, even reformed ones, start out all buggy and black, because they don't know how to give love yet, just take. It's only after they learn as they get older, around elementary and some middle school aged, that they start giving love back and change into their final forms.
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Just some Derpy/Twilight love. Derpy still has her mailmare job. The 2 got closer to that when Spike left to be Flurry Heart's assistant, and Twilight was forced to rely on the local postal system.
They bond over books, mailing addresses, and sweet potato muffins.
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A pic of Spectrum, Sopwith, and Spectrum.
Spectrum and Fireball can't join the Wonderbolt become of it being a pegasi-only flying team. Sopwith joined a bit after his teen years, and pretty quickly rose to be very successful. Especially involving flying by Rainbow's side. Many ponies start to notice and they take pictures together, with many remarking that Sopwith is like the son Rainbow never had.
Spectrum is not at all happy at how much of Rainbow's attention Sopwith is getting. This jealously is essentially the driving force behind their rivalry.
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Slightly younger Lenore and Incandescence. Lenore's been trying to teach her how to use fire breath, but Incandescence's fire is very weak.
Incandescence is not magically inclined at all, having no horn to spark magic, and having limited fire breath skill. But Lenore is trying to be encouraging and getting Incandescence to practice more. She isn't gonna give up on her baby cousin that easily.
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Truth be told, I watched Molt Down when it was first leaked in January because I have no restraint and have spent months waiting for the official release so I can talk about it (and later talk about Fireball's story)
But when I did I immediately drew Scorch going through his molt. Celestia's gonna cheer him up by showing a picture of her in high school all acne-ridden (she was jokingly called the princess of pizzafaces)
Lenore gave him many "congratulatory" back slaps that resulted in screams of agony.
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A pic of Dinky and Oddity. Oddity likes to come by every now and then to see what random junk Dinky doesn't need that she could possibly use for one of her projects. They snark at each other quite a bit, but it's fun snark.
I couldn't think of a dialogue for this, so I didn't finish it because I didn't want to post a pic without dialouge. Sometimes I try to make pics to draw characters I haven't drawn in a while but with no clue on what they're gonna say.
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A picture of Spot back home at the Crystal Empire.
Spot is a lot like his aunt Twilight was at the beginning of the show. He's quiet, not very social, not rude or intentionally rude, but doesn't like to talk to ponies or is interested in making friends. A kiddo Crystal Pony asked to play with him, but Spot politely turned him down to continue playing by himself and driving the colt away when he started talking in great detail about the certain sword he was drawing (he's kind of a weapons expert)
Eventually his anti-social behavior was brought to Spike and Flurry's attention and Spike talks to Spot on the way home about how he could possibly make a friend or 2 and how it may be lonely at school. But Spot tells Spike he's fine and that "you and mommy are enough friendship I want"
At which point Spike, under worry of him being like how Twilight used to be, decided to send him to Ponyville to be Milky's assistant, and maybe through that talk to ponies more and eventually make some friends of his own.
And that's the 10 pic limit of a lot of unfinished doodles. I draw my next gen a lot more than my postings may let on. I'm just also self-conscious on what I show you guys.
But it is nice to sometimes show what was in the making that never finished the making.
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All you have to do is stay
Jungkook x Reader
{Part 2}
“You can’t do this, please. Just stay”
“And what will happen if I do? We’ll live happily ever after? You know that isn’t possible for us. They’ll find us and then what? We run? I’m tired of running. I just don’t want to live like that anymore” “That’s ironic. You hate running, yet that’s exactly what you’re about to do” (Credit: @dialouge-prompts)
You’re in your house, wearing your boyfriend's shirt, which is at least 2 sizes bigger than yours. It's a little cold, so you decide to make yourself a cup of tea.
Jungkook would arrive in a few more hours, soon he would start to promote a new song so, lately it was common to see him only in the evenings.
As you headed for the kitchen, your cellphone began to vibrate. You had at least 7 Twitter notifications. Quite unusual considering the little use that you gave to that social network.
You decided to find out what was happening, but nobody had prepared you to see more than 100 mentions, all related to a photograph of you and Jungkook, hand in hand on the beach.
How had they gotten that picture? It was more than two weeks ago, you visited that beach. How come no one had noticed that they had been following you?
Your heart was beating faster and your breathing had become irregular, filled with rage and frustration. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. You weren’t supposed to feel so vulnerable. So unprotected.
The desire to drink tea watching one of your favorite movies, no longer seemed to be a good idea. You wanted to scream, you wanted to cry, you wanted to disappear.
You left your cellphone in the kitchen and headed to the bathroom. Perhaps a shower would fix everything.
You had met Jungkook about a year ago, you didn’t know he was part of a band and you hardly knew about K-pop. You were just on vacation with your sister and the handsome idol was staying at the same hotel.
You and he connected immediately at that time and to this day, you were grateful that your parents paid for your Korean classes. Without it, you couldn’t have talked to Jungkook or gotten his number.
Only four months ago, you had arrived in Korea, you were finally brave enough to take the next step, and live next to him. It was more than obvious that he felt the same way about you, giving him a chance didn’t seem to be so bad back then.
“How naive” you exhaled while you let the water down your face.
Nothing was as you thought it would be. Of course, Jungkook was charming prince, much better than you had imagined. Only, not all charming princes were famous whose managers and fans weren’t very much in agreement with your existence.
In order to be with him, everything had to be more than secret. You couldn’t go on dates like you used to do with your old boyfriends, walking hand in hand was not an option either. In fact, it was much better if everyone didn’t even see you. To the rest of the world, Jungkook was still the most coveted bachelor in Korea.
You didn’t want to scream at full blast that you were dating. You were aware that he was famous and that you should be much more careful about what you did. But this was much worse than you imagined.
Perhaps all this hadn’t been a very good idea after all.
You stopped the water, how much time had passed? You no longer knew if it was the water that flowed from your hair or your tears what was running down your cheeks.
You sighed and wrapped a towel around your body. You took your cellphone, then headed to your room. You sat on the edge of your bed and continued to see what you had left a few minutes ago.
More than 500 mentions.
Who is she? Why does she hold Kookie's hand?
 Jeez, somebody should tell her to lose weight
 Damn bitch, she'll rip BTS apart
 I knew it. This is the end of Jungkook's career
 How selfish. This is how he thank us?
Suddenly, your body began to tremble. Was it because of cold? Or maybe...? You no longer knew. You didn’t know anything. What was happening? Why was not there a single positive message?
Fuck you, ____
How did they know your name?
I swear if I find you, I'll kill you
Were they capable?
He’s mine.
You threw your cellphone to the other end of your room, returning to reality. You were naked, trembling, crying and breathing heavily.
You shook your head and you proceeded to get dressed quickly. Once you were done, you threw all your clothes into your bed. All your coats, your pants, your underwear, and even your shoes.
What was happening?
You searched frantically throughout your room. Where had you kept it? It couldn’t be so difficult to find...
“My suitcases!” you sighed in relief, placing them in front of your bed.
Quickly, you began to fold your clothes and put them in the suitcase. You didn’t know why you were doing this. You acted only by instinct. Something inside you, already broken, screamed for this.
Your heart stopped when you heard someone open the door of your apartment. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to give spare keys to your boyfriend.
“____? I’m home” Jungkook announced.
You closed your eyes and forced yourself to recompose before facing him.
“____?” he asked for a second time.
But before you could help it, he had already opened the door to your room.
“____? Why is your cell phone on the…?” he bent over to pick it up “Oh no! Your screen is…”
Your eyes met with his for a few seconds, then wandered through your room.
“____, what’s all this?”
You wanted to talk, you wanted to scream but all you could do was cry. Jungkook came quickly to you, sitting beside you and gently wiping your tears with his fingers.
"What's the matter, my love? Please, don’t cry anymore, I'm here." His strong arms surrounded your silhouette in a warm embrace.
"They know"
"What?" he asked confused
Jungkook moved away enough to look at your face without letting you go.
"____, you have to be more specific"
You took your cellphone and opened Twitter one more time. You pointed the photo and more tears began to come out of your eyes.
"Oh..." he murmured
You sighed and let him read some of the mentions and threats that kept coming to your profile.
"Well, we can think of something later"
"Later? Jungkook, have you seen what they said about me? have you forgotten what your managers said? Do I have to remind you that you'll soon return to the stage? Or maybe that you're part of a band?"
"Okay, ____, just trust ..."
"Okay? Okay?! None of this is okay!"
Suddenly you turned away from him, staring at him in astonishment.
"How can you be so calm?" you whispered
"____, please, you need to relax a little. I can make you a cup of tea if you want"
"No," you replied firmly.
Silence reigned in the room for several seconds. You could hear your fast and strong heartbeat. The tears on your face had already dried and Jungkook lay frozen in front of you.
"____, please, we can fight this"
Silence again. Jungkook was determined not to break eye contact with you, completely determined and firm, typical of him. You could see how slowly his gaze became more and more sad, yielding to your silent decision.
"Baby, you know you're everything to me, I love you"
You directed your eyes towards the suitcases, making clear your intention. Why did he try so hard to ignore all the signs?
Finally, Jungkook stopped looking at you and saw all the mess that lay on your bed, the suitcases half-done.
"____, What are you doing?" he muttered slowly, emphasizing each word.
You groaned a little hurt and frustrated. It was so obvious, yet he didn’t want to say it.
"I'm sorry" you whispered
"No, please no"
Slowly you continued to order your clothes, trying not to disturb Jungkook while you did. Maybe this way he would surrender and abandon you, perhaps all his problems would be over and he could continue to realize his dream while you rot in oblivion overcome by all the threats and negative things they said about you.
Things like how little you were to him, how much weight you needed to lose, how foreign and disgusting you were, how careless your hair was, how...
"____, look at me, please"
Ignore him. You must ignore him. You couldn’t continue to ruin his career, enough was already taking his little time almost every night, enough were all the scolding he received each morning for not sleeping in the same place as the rest of the band, enough had already with...
"____!!" he exclaimed taking your hands tightly, forcing you to look at him "You can’t do this, please. Just stay”
“And what will happen if I do? We’ll live happily ever after? You know that isn’t possible for us. They’ll find us and then what? We run? I’m tired of running. I just don’t want to live like that anymore”
“That’s ironic. You hate running, yet that’s exactly what you’re about to do” he murmured in a broken voice.
For the first time Jungkook avoided your gaze and directed it to the ground. You looked around, and you realized that all your things had already been packed. There were no more of your things left in your room. Everything you needed to carry with you isn’t here.
"I'm so sorry, Jungkook," you murmured.
"It's okay, it's my fault"
"No baby, no ..."
"If my life weren’t so public, if it weren’t ... if it weren’t for ..."
"Jungkook, it's not your fault. Stop talking nonsense," you interrupted.
After several eternal seconds, he looked at you again. Those brown eyes that you used to adore were now wet with tears. He approached slowly to your face, but when it was close to your lips, he stopped hesitantly.
You broke the distance and joined his lips with yours. Every time you kissed him, you felt in cloud nine; every time you smelled his perfume your heart was beating like crazy; every time his strong and marked arms hugged you, you felt loved and protected.
How would you live without him?
"Please," he whispered, moving slightly away from your lips, leaning his forehead on yours "Stay with me"
You sighed.
He kissed you again, this time with more despair.
"I love you"
"I love you too," you murmured in a broken voice.
More one-shots
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gemturtle · 7 years
The Ninja Turtles and the Louds - Prologue
Hello everyone, I just wanted to say sorry for the long wait for the prologue, I just had too much to think about when trying to think about some ideas. I have too much to think about and even need sometime to plan which episodes of TLH and stories of TMNT to adapt here, so until I work it out, this story may take a while.
I would also like to give credit to writeroffanfiction for helping make this into literacy format and writing some of the dialouge.
It was a sunny day in the Big Apple, it all started casually at the moment with nothing really special going on until the Channel Six News came on and the news anchor lady with a yellow suit and brown hair with a ponytail, Catherine Savino, was making a report about the recent crime activity:
"So far, there have been more reports of disturbances and theft in our fair city. These are obviously much more than just a series of small, isolated incidents. It's apparent that an organized criminal element is at work, and at the moment, business is good. So good, in fact, there appear to be no eyewitnesses to any of these crimes. With complaints ranging from purse-snatching to breaking and entering, police switchboards have been swamped with the angry voices of more and more citizens, who have fallen prey to the recent surge of crime that continues to plague the city."
It then shows a bunch thugs taking in a bunch of departed goods away from a truck and onto their getaway truck.
"Instead of getting better, things have gotten worse. Even more alarming is the baffling and often bizarre nature of these crimes. From my research, I’ve found that merchandise of every size and description, from phones and televisions, any many other electronic appliances have been disappearing from store shelves and storage areas at an alarming rate. Even the victims themselves rarely glimpse the thieves. Sometimes people don’t even know they’ve been robbed until it’s too late. In fact, it seems that police don’t even have any eyewitnesses yet; only a few reports of young boys or teenagers to the scenes have been filed."
A man reading the newspaper was pickpocketed by a young teen but didn't notice it. The wallet switches hands and other crimes are happening throughout the city. A man delivering packages helps unload one of the boxes but as soon as he turns to the truck everything is gone. A middle-aged black woman turns away from her TV to pick up something and it's pulled off the balcony, the only thing she sees is a teenager running away.
"But whoever is behind these crimes, one thing is certain; these are much more than just a series of random incidents. Who are we gonna call? Unfortunately, the police are the only ones available to help fight off what people are now calling ‘The Silent Crime Wave’. But maybe the most disturbing silence is that coming from City Hall. This is Catherine Savino on channel Six News"
Meanwhile, there was a van in the middle of the Manhattan driving around. Inside the van contained a family of 13 people; 1 father, 1 mother, 10 sisters, and a brother.
The mother was named Rita Loud, who wears a pink shirt with a white collar and cuffs and purple pants and has big blonde hair. She was concerned about their new home. "I still can't believe that you had to get a job transfer here at Manhattan. Do you know what kind of street crimes happen here both day and night?" said Rita.
"I know, I really hate to move." A brown haired man in a green sweater, plaid cuffs, and collar, and khaki pants named Lynn Sr told his wife.
A white-haired eleven years old named Lincoln Loud wearing an orange shirt and jeans muttered he was the only brother in the Loud family and display's an interest in video games and comic books: "I rather do that than live here."
"Do what, little bro?", asked Luna Loud, who wears a purple t-shirt with a skull, torn crew neck and triangular sleeves, and a plaid skirt. She had a passion for music, especially Rock 'N' Roll. She is the closest to her brother and a role model big sister to him as well.
The boy told her, in a tone rather bitter "Move back, I didn't want to leave to a new city and leave my friends behind back at Michigan."
The girls and the parents looked rather worried considering when they moved Lincoln had too many things behind. Lynn Sr. intervene, "Son, I know you don't like this but look on the bright side you'll make new friends, experience new things and---"
Lincoln interrupted his father by saying "And getting mugged or robbed?" The rest of the sentence died in his father's voice.
"C'mon Linky, I don't think it will be totes bad. Like, I'm looking forward to seeing all the tall buildings, the clothes and shoe stores, the malls, and this big apple that everyone keeps talking about. Hopefully, we get to taste it!" said Leni Loud, who is kind-hearted, but also not very bright. She wears sunglasses and had a sea foam green dress. Like Luna, she was also closest to her brother. "Now can you please show us that adorable little smile of yours again?" She asked.
“I’m not THAT adorable,” muttered Lincoln.
"I'm looking forward to the stand-ups, some of the greats performed here. Just remember when it comes to crimes in New York, try not to get city reckless! Ha! Ha! Get it?!" A girl with brown hair and a ponytail in a white shirt and yellow plaid skirt, with a flower on the shirt, told her brother. This is Luan Loud the resident jokester of the family but she tends to either go overboard or the puns fall flat. The rest of the family groaned at her joke except for Lynn Sr.
"Well I for once side with Lincoln, It's unbelievable that we had to move out into the city, I LITERALLY had to leave all my friends, my school, my good old life!" said Lori Loud, who is the oldest sibling in the family. While sometimes pushy and abrasive, is truly a caring sister, and leader at heart.
"How do think I feel. The lawsh in New York City will make it impossible to get the materialsh for my experimentsh!" A four-year-old with huge glasses wearing a light green sweater and purple pants complained to her older sister. That's Lisa Loud she's the brains of the family although she's four and sometimes slightly obsessed with the pursuit of science.
"But aren't you excited about living in the city with the largest sewer system? I mean, it comes in handy for your science stuff, especially with you poop studies! I just wanna chance to explore it!" The six-year-old twin excitedly stated. Her name was Lana Loud, she was a tomboy who liked animals and getting messy. She wears a red baseball cap backward, white sneakers with blue stripes, and a murky green t-shirt under dark blue overalls.
"Puh-lease as if any would want to live in the trash capital!" A blonde girl wearing a pink glittery dress and a tiara complained. That prima-donna was Lola Loud the princess and spoiled brat of the Loud family. Though she does have her moments of kindness.
"Poo-poo, ee lak nuv yak!" The babbling came from the youngest sibling Lily Loud. She was just a baby but she loves her entire family and could understand them somewhat.
"I like the city at night." A black haired girl wearing a black dress, her bang's covering her eyes. "AAH!" The entire family jumped at her entrance. This goth gal is Lucy Loud the dark influence of the Louds with a love of the supernatural especially vampires "All the buildings in the dark reminded me of old castles, especially the ones with the gargoyle statues."
Then the girl with a red and white sports shirt and brown hair with a ponytail has a baseball bat with her. "Whatever you say spooky, I'm hoping to actually meet some sports teams like the New York Yankees!" Her name was Lynn Loud Jr., and she was into anything sports related.
"Now we all know it's a big change for us, it's hard but good. And you kids are going to love our new home, we're almost there" said Lynn Sr. Just as he said it, the Vanzilla broke down like it usually does.
"This is why we should get a new car," Rita told her husband who wore a sheepish look. They realized that Vanzilla broke down in a rather shady part of New York.
Lana grabbed her toolbelt with a determined look, "Don't worry guys, I'll see what I can do about the engine! If not, we're pushing her!"
"And the moving truck will beat to the house." groaned Lynn Sr.
Lori looked worried, "Still, why did we have to stop in one of the darkest places in Manhattan!"
Unfortunately, they didn't notice a group of teens was slowly walking towards, all of them screaming trouble. The led teen, wearing a red vest, black shirt and ripped jeans asked. "You folks need some help?"
The Loud Family turned around to see them and all of them were soaked with nervousness. "Ummmm, that's okay! We got everything under control here!" Lincoln stated nervously.
Rita then intervened, "Shouldn't you kids be back home with your families at this time?!"
A bigger teen, wearing a muscle shirt and shorts, just leaned against Vanzilla and told them."Come on we love helping people out." Another teen wearing a blazer and kakhis answered: "Oh, they won't mind especially if we bring them something." The teen brought out a knife and the other teens followed his suit.
Lynn Sr. gulped at this, along with the rest of the family, knowing that they are in deep trouble, "Muggers! Alright look we don't want any trouble, just stay back before we get the authorities involved."
But Leni stated, "But why dad? They just offered us a free knife." The rest of the Louds facepalmed at Leni's comment.
The teens just laughed at what he said. "Pops, you haven't noticed the authorities are too busy with other things. Anyone want the dumb one?" The larger teen raised his hand "I always liked how she smelled." The Loud family began to shake in fear what the teens would do to them.
The larger teen was approaching Leni, but Lincoln went right in front of her and told the teen off, "Don't you dare lay a hand on my sister, or you're gonna be sorry!"
"KILL THE LIGHTS!" yelled the mysterious figure. Just then a sai was thrown at light pole making the whole are pitch black. Soon screams and punches were heard making the Louds completely scared.
Soon, sirens were heard and the police arrive at the scene with them holding flashlights and sees the group of teens beaten to the ground and all tied up.
The Loud Family was rather surprised by all work that had been done, even Lucy was amazed by the occurrence. "What just happened?"
Lincoln stated, "I have no idea."
They all decided to go back to the Vanzilla to check the engine but was surprised by the fact that it had already been fixed. Lana was astounded by all the handiwork, "Woah, the girl just magically fix herself!"
All the Louds saw the work and were amazed as well. "Ohmygosh, our van is magic!" stated Leni.
For the Louds, it was like a miracle. But what they didn't notice was a 3 fingered hand coming out from under the manhole cover to retrieve the sai that was thrown without anyone looking.
Soon, after driving down the street they stop at the two-story brick house. "Guys welcome to our new home. Most of you'll still have to share a room but there are two bathrooms."
After getting out and start to unload Vanzilla they see a redheaded teenage girl with a ponytail wearing a yellow jersey like shirt with the number 5 and wearing red pants; and even though she was still young, she had a very curvy figure, most noticeably her buxom chest. She was riding her bicycle and stopped when she saw that there were some new neighbors, "Are you the new neighbors who bought this house?"
Some of the older Loud sisters noticed her assets and quickly became a little jealous, while Lincoln was lovestruck. He had never seen a girl that looked so beautiful and angelic, her voice was even heartwarming every time she spoke. With a dreamy tone, he answered. "Yes, and you beautiful angel?"
She blushed by her question and even giggled before she answered, though she was rather shy by looks she was getting by the sisters. "My name is April, April O'Neil." She then bent down to Lincoln, "And who might you be cute little boy?"
Lincoln blushed by April's compliment and making him shy as well. Lori then rudely separates them and tells April "His name's Lincoln."
April didn't flinch from that, considering she's used to this and asks "And you are??"
Lori states "Lori, Lori Loud, he's my brother and the rest are my sisters." She continues to look at April's chest area seeing how big it is and reluctantly asks, "So you seem........young, how old are you exactly?"
"Oh, only 15." Lori's jaw dropped along with the older siblings and their jealousy grew even more. "So you have a big family must be crazy?" April asked trying to dissolve the tension.
While the older siblings were still trying to process, Rita intervened, "Yeah, we get pretty rowdy at times and things get chaotic, but we manage." Rita then decides to get to know April a little more "So what about you dear, you live around here?"
"No, just a couple blocks down with my family." This peaked the interest of the Loud siblings considering they didn't see any other kids on the block. "I mean, I live with my dad, and four brothers."
Lincoln was astounded about April's mention of her family. "No way, so you're the only sister?
"Yeah, pretty much."
"So what's yours like?" Luna asked.
April was looking nervous and wanted to choose the right words to answer with, "Oh.........believe me, my family.......is unbelievable."
Meanwhile, deep within the sewers of Manhattan, noises were heard. Another was heard as if someone clicks on something. Soon music started to play and it was a famous song from 1974 by David Bowie called "Rebel, Rebel":
“Rebel, Rebel”
Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo
You've got your mother in a whirl She's not sure if you're a boy or a girl Hey babe, your hair's alright Hey babe, let's go out tonight You like me, and I like it all We like dancing and we look divine You love bands when they're playing hard You want more and you want it fast They put you down, they say I'm wrong You tacky thing, you put them on
Rebel Rebel, you've torn your dress Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess Rebel Rebel, how could they know? Hot tramp, I love you so!
Don't ya? Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo
You've got your mother in a whirl 'cause she's Not sure if you're a boy or a girl Hey babe, your hair's alright Hey babe, let's stay out tonight You like me, and I like it all We like dancing and we look divine You love bands when they're playing hard You want more and you want it fast They put you down, they say I'm wrong You tacky thing, you put them on
Rebel Rebel, you've torn your dress Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess Rebel Rebel, how could they know? Hot tramp, I love you so!........................(continues in backround)
"That was awesome! I can't believe we did that under 3 minutes!"
This sounded like a group of people that we're celebrating their first victory ever. They even sounded young as if they were teenagers, which they are, but they actually turn out to also be something stranger and not even human, they've revealed to be giant humanoid talking turtles!
"Man how dope was that!?!" The turtle asked wearing an orange bandana while running with three other humanoid turtles. His name was Michelangelo and he was a gullible yet lovable turtle who wielded the nunchaku and his sides. He also had stickers around his shell and had an "M" intial on his belt buckle.
"I more amazed at the fact that Donnie didn't shut down at the sight of a girl." The one red joked to the expense of his brother in purple. His name is Raphael, and he wielded the sais on the back of his shell. He was known to be the cool but crude guy who packs the most muscle. He has a pretty violent temper and always taunts with sarcasm and teasing. He looked like he had plenty of cracks on his shell and scars on his scales, and even had a bone sticking out from his left shoulder.
"They were in trouble that's all. Besides, it's a good thing none of them saw me." The one who defended and wore the purple mask is Donatello, he wielded the bo staff, which had a blade on one end. He is a scientific genius with an IQ over 600, but he was a very nervous, timid, and kind of a clean freak. He also possessed gynophobia (fear of females), but is still used to April.
Just then the turtle in the blue mask named Leonardo, who was the leader of the four turtles wielded the katana blades on the back of his shell. He was also the one who was most familiar with Japanese culture and is a major music fan. He was the one who even played the song by Bowie. "If you didn't want to stick around for them to see you, then why were you willing to haul his ass around back there to fix their van, what were you thinking?!"
"That van was an almost new 1957  Volkswagen van, I can't let something like that gets sent to the junkyard." Donnie, the one who does machines, answered.
"There are plenty of "special" vans back in the junkyard! You should've just let them handle it so we wouldn't risk being caught!" Leo retorted.
"And you guys always called me the clumsy one!" Mikey stated. "But still, shouldn't we be worried about the fact that we didn't tell Sensei we were going out?" his brothers' faces grew scared and worried looks about telling their Sensei about their little adventure.
"Damn! Maybe we can get April to cover for us! Otherwise, we'd be going back to the Hashi!" Raph suggested.
"We mainly end up in the Hashi because of you!" Leo told Raph. After running down the sewers they stop at a large area and quietly tried to put back everything the way it was unfortunate they were arguing most of the time.
Donnie had a vexed tone when he asked, "Seriously Mikey, you need to stop making a mess here with your marshmallow and sausage pizzas!"
"Don't hate on my wonderful creations!" With all their arguing and making noise they didn't notice that one of the doors in the area opened.
They only knew of it when a tail launched out of the dark and wrapped around Raph's neck. "So, you are all up, can someone explain?" the tall rat had asked the four turtles. He is Master Splinter, he wears a red and black robe and carries around a stick. He is a highly trained ninjutsu master and adoptive father of the turtles and April.
Leo started to plead, "Sensei, please. We're just watching a---"
Splinters' tail then quickly jabbed Leo in the gut. "Ah, look Mikeys' sleepwalking totally sleepwalking." Splinters' tail knocking him off his feet.
"Anyone?" Splinter was still waiting for an answer, but no response. So he has decided the appropriate action, "Very well, into the Hashi!" They all groaned.
Author’s Notes:
As an apology for the long wait, I will reveal some stuff.
This prologue is based on scenes from the 1990 and 2014 TMNT movies.
writeroffanfiction’s character Drooler will be in this series.
The ironic relationship between the turtles and the Louds I was talking about is going to be Donnie/Leni.
I plan to have Slash originally be a pet of Lana’s named Snaps.
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pastelgamerbunny · 5 years
Y’all wanna hear about my SoS: Trio of Towns OC? 
Well too bad cause here I go!
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Her name is Angel (currently but I might change it later. All my OC’s start off as Angel).
She’s adopted of course, being the only spot of coffee in her white family.
Her age is middle to late 20′s. Unlike my character in the first SoS, she has no prior work experience and dives into that farm life right after deciding that college wasn’t for her. Apart of the reason why her dad fought against it is because she makes this decision right on the heels of dropping out (versus ‘taking a break’ until her dad could convince her to go back).
Adjusting to farm life wasn’t easy for her and she was super poor for a long time (me getting the hang of it I mean, lol) but she stuck it out and it paid off. By the end of year 1, she finished 2 sets of farming tips. By year 2, she finished all 3 farming tips and had all the towns to rank B at least. It’s now the end of year 3 and all towns are rank S, and she’s richer than God and Oprah combined. 
Although her dad meant what’s best for her, she’s still a little resentful but more of a pouty brat than she is genuinely angry at him.
Of the towns, Lulukoko is of course her favorite. She’s genuinely like an extended relative to all the villagers there. Although she can’t speak the language, she does pick up on the familial way of speaking very quickly. She can waver between a fun big sister who joins Schalk’s pranks to lightly scolding him pretty quick. She’s pretty motherly to all the kids, including Tigre, much to his chargin. She adores Caolila and has taken up martial arts training from her. She can’t chop boards in half yet but she’s pretty damn muscular from her farm work already. (All that chopping trees and cracking boulders has given her hella strength.)
Her relationship with the twins and Ludus are again, like another sibling joins the family. Although she more often than not has to sheild Ludus from the other two. She has her fun poking at Illuka’s shy side and indulges Siluka’s spacey habits (She doesn’t mind being called ‘Harvest Legend’ at all, contrary to the in-game dialouge.)
As for her relationship with Witchie, I personally dislike how different they made her personality compared to the last game. She seems much more mean this time around. :[ I also think XSeed missed out by not creating a new character to match the culture of Lulukoko. I don’t like the thought of a white person being considered as a diety by a bunch of people of color. Don’t at me cause I’m right. Instead, my headcanon is that Witchie doesn’t exist in this game and instead the local diety-in-training is a fellow Pacific Islander. I can’t draw but you can use these concept arts from Moana if it helps you imagine what they might look like: Here. Here. Here. I would give her a new name also but I don’t know any suitable ones.
Her second favorite is Tsuyukusa (3 years later and she still can’t pronounce it properly). She fell in love with Shizu at first sight and is her second idol (after Caolila). Shizu is also the reason she knows how to make her own clothes and clothing for others now. She adores her friendship with Komari and has not-so-jokingly called Kasumi her wife on more than one occasion. Her friendships with Hinata and Yuzuki are much more casual and a bit platonic (the last bachelors whose love events I saw and therefore don’t feel as romantically inclined towards). She also loves the bath house and visits it as a special treat to herself. She visits Grandma Omiyo and Grandpa Umekechi pretty regularly, always bring herbal teas and other medicinal things when she does.
She likes to chat with Inari and shows them (they’re nonbinary after all) a bit of favortism out of all the dieties. In my head canon, they’re probably the oldest, resembling a 14yr. old child (or 114, I guess?). She has no romantic feelings for them though because they still have the mind of a child after all. (XSeed, why the entire fuck is there a child option? Let’s not.)
She also looks out for Sumomo and has a more than tense relationship with Moriya, glaring him down whenever she feels he’s been mean to her. (Likewise, she’s also a bit protective of Lotus and has been quite open of her dislike of Mithra, whose disrespectful of Lulukoko’s culture. She feels that her archaeological studies are nothing more than voyueristic imperialism. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Last but not least is Westown. She has quite the crush on Hector and has attempted to woo him but of course, he refuses because he only loves his wife (SWOON). She thinks Brad should be honest with Carrie about her cooking skills, or lack of, but leaves it alone so long as she’s never made to eat it ever again.
Has an odd relationship with Ford. She’s still not over his whole ‘superior eugenics’ line but neither have brought it up since. She’ still thinks he’s kind of an idiot. BFF’s with Lisette and always happy to talk about flowers and flower related things with her (and princess stories which she unashamedly loves. They’re both girly-girls). She keeps a fair distance from Wayne. She’s friendly towards him but doesn’t buy into his smooth talking and more or less just makes a  (눈‸눈) face whenever he starts in on the syrupy compliments.
Is not as mean to her uncle as her in-game counterpart is! She’ll sass him but won’t outright zero in on the whole wife and kids ordeal. Geez! What’s with that?
Has just more or less given up or surrenders on anything involving Dessie. (I don’t understand the uwu appeal of having her cry all the time. I didn’t like it in the first game. I still don’t like it here.) Also, here’s my headcanon for the adult Harvest Goddess. Dessie herself would look fittingly similar like so. She’s also the youngest of the trio, with Inari being the oldest, Witchie second, and Dessie last. She’s also the same Dessie from the first SoS.
As of Year 3, she’s still single but probs going to end up with Woofio. He’s the same character from the first SoS and is older than her, in his middle thirties. Woofio is his costumed persona that he created but not his actual name. (His name I haven’t decided on yet.) Here is where I deviate from the game ALOT. 
Instead of getting married right away, he ends up as her live-in fiancee for quite a while before they decide to have a ceremony. She’s dead scared of his dog costume and absolutely refuses to let him wear it outside of working as judge or animal trainer. My head canon for what he looks like outside his costume is almost exactly the same as this wonderful fan art. And his daily closet is much of this: x x  A lot of South Asian fashion. Angel adds hoods and pockets to his outer tops and jackets to help him ease back into showing his face regularly.
He can also see the diety trio because like her, he too seems to be some kind of anamoly when it comes to sensing magic since before his curse. He’s still good with children and treats them as such, playing kickball with Inari, cheering up Dessie, and trying to keep Witchie in line.
As for Angel’s farm life, she has two pets; a Mastiff named Lhasa that herds her animals. Her furrmiliar is a Himalayan cat named Mitzy. Her oldest animal is a Holstein named Nozomi. Her farm’s name is ‘Eda Farm’ (baddumtish). Her favorite byproducts are wine, cheese, and chocolate! She loves sweets, candy, and chocolate cake, which Woofio finds... unfortunate. She does her best to keep them away from him. Her favorite food is chocolate fondue with strawberries. She dislikes a lot of fresh fish dishes like sushi. Her horror gift is fish pie and crab cakes but she’s oddly okay with deep fried fish.
She keeps her hair cut short, anywhere from her neck to ear length, no longer, no shorter. She has curly hair (but it isn’t an option in game). She wears her coveralls while working and afterwards, will switch into normal clothes depending on the whether. She can not swim (since you can’t in game). I thought of making her a witch but instead, I think she’s just somehow naturally magically in tune with the Earth.
0 notes
zotmoun · 7 years
[RANT] Naruhina vs Team 7 shipping
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Not quite sure how to start a discussion using a component of a ship to go against another ship with the similar component. The “Naru” in these ships should all be of the same personality but the interaction with each member is slightly different. However it seems Anti-Hinata fans are projecting a difference in statuses.  Using this to be an anti Naruhina.
So to get started Narusaku(they call it heaven and earth lmao fuck that its more like parallulz , delusional and depression)
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During the series everybody knew of Narusaku fandom’s desperate obession with parallulz. It seems while there is proof that Sakura resembles Kushina
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there’s a ton of hatred towards Naruto being like Kushina.
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Narusaku wont ever stop chasing down until Naruto has to parallel Minato because you know its desperately needs to be like Minakushi.
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Im guesing since both Naruhina and Narusaku chasing down Naruto be like Minato they instantly forget what Kushina thought of Minato.
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So by using this impression, could that make me an anti-minato fan even though this was what Kushina thought of him?
No but accordingly Narusaku fans think this is how to be anti-hinata
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While noting”when i look at her” it seems Narusaku/anti -hinata kept ruining their own arguments because they like to say Naruto ignored her when his introduction of her is completely different. With parallulz in the ruins Narusaku fans move on to the next stage.
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Most Narusaku gained the impression by using cropped images of Naruto and Sakura makes them couple.
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Ofcourse this later lead to an unhealthy obsession with Sakura’s image over her character that Narusaku fans seem to forget the big hint is SHES NOT IN LOVE WITH HIM. Nonetheless, i guess the obsession with Sakura’s image made them arguments towards Naruhina fans due to an introduction in rivalry for LOVE.
Sakura’s image became more of an impression of “anti-hinata” stance than ever.
As much as Sakura isnt in love with Naruto. Naruto has a crush on Sakura.
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With this in the works Narusaku with the knowledge of Naruto’s crush and Sakura’s image only kept making fan edits while character of Sakura gets buried, many Narusaku fans have a hard time taking Sakura seriously.
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While Sakura is yet to be taken seriously and with her use of dialouges Narusaku feels the third wave called depression.
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Yes Narusaku fandom hits rock bottom in the saltiest ocean, however in the team 7 fandom , fans try to use Narusaku as a brotp while pushing it to be anti-hinata fraction. Im only focusing on the losers who wanted romantic suggestion and are depressed that Sakura doesnt really love Naruto.
Kicking off that Narusaku fans lead a big protest of always being obsessed with Sakura’s image only to put her down. Narusaku remains a fandom that makes themselves distant from the actual Sakura or even push in a self insert or worse, erase Sakura’s activities.
I mean this what a Narsaku fan wrote of Sakura.
In Road to Ninja, Sakura’s parents died as heroes in the alternate reality. At first, she seemed particularly pleased to be alone and appreciated that her parents were heroes instead of a goofy married couple. Her attitude changed very quickly and when she returned to the real world, she immediately hugged her parents in relief. “
Heck Road to Ninja where Sakura appeared to be very lively is completely written out of 80% of the plot. Narusaku fans voluntarily ignored 80% of the movie to show their constant depression while dealing with Sakura’s character.
Hell even Naruto: THE LAST , Sakura appears to very lively but get to be written and forgotten by the Narusaku fandom who claimed they are Sakura fans at heart. However they flocked to fanmade images of Sakura being sad.
man i wonder how’s that 600+ chapter of development lead to a ship which now bases its method on Sakura being sad.
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As much as i do love Sasusaku , there are notable fans that show disgust towards Naruhina. I dont necessarily bother with the dick measurements between Sasusaku and Naruhina fandom. matter of fact since Sasusaku and Naruhina dont really cross paths or share the same component. id not make an issue of them.
However there are Sasusaku fans who are against Hinata for breaking  team 7(again this made me laugh as this was mainly a Narusaku excuse) and there are Naruhina fans that are against Sakura for not wanting Naruto or the be exact there are Naruhina that think Sakura is hated for being useless.
Ofcourse Sakura is not useless and neither is Hinata They aren’t competing over the same guy so really its none of my concern. Each fandom has good moments and if one fandom wants to admit they are stupid by pretending to ignore those moments in order to compose a rant. then thats the case of showing that Naruhina and Sasusaku can make fans act in denial over ignoring dialouges and actions which benefited these ships.
Sasunaru( the sun and moon or id like to call worse excuse for a friendship)
Ofcourse Sasuke and Naruto are by-far the worse excuse of a friendship that its still unclear how people actually managed to whine about them online
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Well following Team 7 rants which is anti hinata is trying subject Hinata for overlapping Sasuke’s position . Lots of SNS fans like to accuse Naruhina of stealing moments that belong to SNS trying to make Hinata look more important than Sasuke.
accordingly, SNS fans dont really take Sasuke seriously or dont ever bother reading his dialouges. However SNS fans seem to project Sasuke as someone who was more desperate of making Naruto his
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HAHAHA that’s so funny Sasuke , you just dont want to tell Naruto how much you love him and great and developed your friendship is.
Nah its true we should ignore all that and spam nothing but cut off panels to show insight that Sasuke and Naruto are secretly lovers and soulmates.
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Sasuke and Naruto definitely has an unbreakable bond but ofcourse its very flawed . This bond was created from a form of rivarly than getting along .
They are nothing close to what anybody even shounen jump would consider friends, they dont have any mutual or respective development cause that was never the case.
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SNS fans reacted to the ending with disgust that Sasuke had met a terrible fate that Hinata has removed his importance from Naruto. Hinata has broken up team and the only way to save Sasuke from this awful fate is through DEATH.
I think DEATH is a little too far for a fandom that had to wait for 696 chapters for a small handshake.Which the fandom turned against because it wasnt a hug or anything.
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Boss Battle: VS. Dudeblade
Okay Dudeblade, you want a battle? I’ll give you a battle.
A Boss Battle of sorts.
In response to everything you said here, I decided to take a page out of your book, and deconstruct everything that you wrote. Because, you know, it’s not like you did the same to me on multiple occasions.
So you’ve learned how to debate: Glad it took you several months to do so. Now you’re facing a veteran debater with a shit ton more experience at this than you do. Come back in about ten years.
Oh, and just so that you know that I’m calling you out personally, I’m using your full username. Knight-of-Balance-13.
This is dudeblade, from the rwde tag. And I, I am just a man, trying to enjoy the show that we all love
Then why have you not posted a single good thing about the show in over a year and even then you have gone back on some of your stances about teh show since then and haven’t gone back on any of your negative posts. And you have attacked the writers and numerous characters on the show multiple times. Your actions speak louder than words.
Now isn’t this just a lovely piece of work? It looks like that there was a whole lot of thought put into this one. I wonder what would happen, if I were to look at every single detail, and deconstruct it. To just, distort it and force my opinions here. Like how you do with most of mine.
And right away we have a problem: the way he structures his critique. He puts up a slab of text on screen and puts up a slab below it, a mistake I made for so long. You can go sentence by sentence and dismantle it that way, thus giving you more breathing room and a quicker pace to it.
On to the content itself, I haven’t outright shown malice towards a post and when I do I usually label it as a “potshot”. as I have done so before in the past. While it is true that I have been hostile towards posts, it has never gotten to the point of sadism as you are implying with both your tone and language. SO right off the bat you are presenting yourself as more hostile than I am 90% of the time and this is on the very first post of your very first rebuttal. Not a good sign.
Also: You say deconstruction which implies a professional tone (which is what I usually do) but then you’re lanuage shows you are going to be anything but. Seriously man, if you are trying to attack me, be outright with it. It just makes you look more honest in the end.
For starters, you also can’t be objective if you love the show as well. It’s a two-way street. This is something that is called a catch-22, a situation where there is no reasonable solution to the problem at hand, or where the primary solution, also contradicts the parameters. You want to know why people are so harsh? - It’s because the writers have no intent on listening. How would you feel if every time you tried to offer advice, it was ignored, and the person(s) you were giving it to kept making the same mistakes over and over again? - I’m pretty sure you’d be upset.
However in one of your posts and in numerous reblogs you have stated that just because you are critical of RWBY doesn’t mean you can’t be critical of it so your own words contradict what you say here for no other apparent reason that that argument now applies to me then.
And I have said in the past that you can be critical of something and still like it, it’s your INTENT that judges what is criticism. If your intent is to harm the creators then that isn’t criticism, it’s just hate. As I said in the quote you posted. Your tone and wording have shown that they are closer to hate than criticism (some going as fair to label themselves as hate) and thus what criticism you might have had fails on death ears because you are using the tone, wording and intent of a hater.
Not to mention the fact that you are the one who put the parameters there in the first place: the only evidence people have of Miles rejecting criticism is a meme from Rooster’s Twitter so it can’t be confirmed that was Miles and a link to a guy trying to shut up criticism and Miles calling him out so that’s actually a contradiction. You believe this is grounds for personal attacks despite the fact that the grounds for harsh criticism alone isn’t even met here. This shows you just want to hate.
How about this: Instead of going after the symptoms, you go after the cause. Reducing a fever isn’t going to magically cure the flu. But getting medicine will help cure the flu. I use this analogy, because it’s the best one that there is. But if you want to talk about blowing up information, you should take a look in the mirror. Because you seem to blow up every time someone wants Yang to express what happened.
... Those two definitions of blowing up don’t collorlate. One implies exaggeration but the other implies excessive amount of emotion. While one does cause the other, you didn’t link them. Might want to edit that.
And the only thing of proof you have to prove that is a piece of sarcasm and if that’s being treated as proof then I can point out that you told the writer’s that they were fired from breathing and thus telling them they should die. No matter what way you go with this Dudeblade, you lose.
And in a way, I am trying to cure the cause: the cause being that people are trying to pass off hate as criticism and I am here to criticize and have the actually criticize or shut up and let other people do it. So I still fit your bill.
You always claim that Yang expressing herself undermines the trauma Tai went through. When exactly did Tai get his arm cut off in a terrorist attack when he tried to save his partner? When was Tai’s goals of becoming a huntsman demolished because a terrorist group attacked the school? When did Tai lose his mother at a young age? - The answer is “Nobody knows.” (At least for that last one. The other two have the straightforward answer of “never.”) So far, I have only seen you undermine what Yang has gone through to make Tai’s life look worse in comparison. - Hypocrite, much?
So we’re doing this huh? Okay then: When did Yang ever lose a lover? When did Yang ever lose nearly lose a child? When did her child jump off into the great unknown with only a note? When did Yang have to protect Taiyang from Grimm while she’s depressed? When did Yang ever reach out to Taiyang but he pushed her away? That’s 5 questions that answer never to your two and each one can be answer as “Twice” at the very leats so that actually 10 -2. And that’s not even going into how Taiyang basically has a worse version of the other traumatic events and we don’t even know his backstory. So how about you sit doiwn and take a note from teh White Trailer, something I have been trying to get across showing how ridiculous it is to deem a person’s sorrow by using another (Everyone is entitled to their own sorrow.)
Also, note how he calls Adam a terrorist. This is going to boomerang on him later.
This is possibly the only part where I can at least, partially agree with you. There is a degree of arrogance from both sides. While it’s spread out in the rwde category; the anti-rwde, has it much bigger, but in fewer people. Both sides are to blame for this, and it’s not fair of you to put the blame solely on the rwde tag.
considering the fact that we haven’t suicide baited people, told people to go die, called people pedophiles, called people abusers, slander people, warp facts, sexism, racism and so much more, if we seem arrogant to you that’s probably an intense disdain for RWDE.
Also,”Abject failure”? That guy, (rerwby) is doing their best to fix some plot holes that were left from the writers neglecting to think ahead. Like how when (in canon) Jaune claimed to be from a family of hunters, it made very little sense that he hadn’t unlocked his aura. But in the re-write, he says that “those huntsman genes must have skipped me.” - Something that makes infinitely more sense from a story-telling perspective. Not to mention that I don’t think that word means what you think it means. I read it to day, and found it enjoyable. I’ve read worse stories, and the Re:RWBY story is not the absolute worst story ever. It’s doing its best to address plot holes, and made references to LGBT+ Representation in under three chapters, when the actual show hasn’t made a reference in over FOUR VOLUMES. Though, I’m willing to bet that you think he shoehorned that it for “moar views.” No, B1umenkranz actually made a positive reference to the LGBT+ community. Contrast actual canon, which has promised representation over and over again, but has yet to reveal who is part of the community at best, and is completely baiting at worst.
Yes because that kind of product’s first and fore most priority is that they need to be entertaining. And between the numerous failed attempts at visual humor, interjected dialouge, switched around lines and lack of description, it is a chore to sit through a single reading of Re:RWBY whereas I would gladly sit through Volume 1 of RWBY again.
Also, a lot of what you say here doesn’t work. The huntsman genes don’t work because genetics wasn’t Jaune’s problem, it was training. It created a plot hole as to why Weiss would think a nest is a temple, why Jaune tried getting into Beacon if something he could not control ect. And just because you have LGBT in it doesn’t eman it’s good: Mod Regalia a bisexual talked about this before (https://team-crtq.tumblr.com/post/160160464449/rwby-and-ships) and these exact problems show up: Yang and Blake have tacked on Chemistry when they have a netural at best relationship and Ruby’s sexual observation of Blake makes no sense considering she is stated to be uninterested at sex right now. Combine this with awkward dialogue, OOC moments out of the ass, unnecessary dialouge changes that ruin the jokes, a lack of detail, more plotholes, tacked on LGBT mentions and inconsistent narrative style and you have an inferior product.
Please refer to these three posts on why people are upset about the lack of LGBT+ representation. Now get off your high-horse. Damn, and here I thought that someone in the crtq tag would call you out on that one.
I match and raise your tag with several LGBT members who are just as sick of this as I am: @phoenix-theurge @tumblezwei @ula-star @mageknight14 @rainbowloliofjustice @takashi0. You, as a straight person, cannot claim to speak for these people who are closer to the subject and disagree with you.
Both sides are using Monty’s name in vain. Not just rwde. You have people who are claiming that “The writers are shitting on Monty’s dream” and then you have guys who basically say “You are hating on Monty’s legacy.” - Both are petty, and even I have a major beef with it. But don’t act as if Monty’s death makes his show safe from criticism. If that were true, then people would go apeshit whenever someone criticized a Disney movie. - Point is, is that both sides are guilty of doing this, and considering you got mad and upset that someone made a rwde meme post on the anniversary of Monty’s death, you aren’t free from blame on this part either.
In the main RWBY tag where every RWBY fan can see it, which is what I did. You also only have one example for me and two examples against you: It seems more like I’m an isolated incident than anything so that point does not stand.
Re:RWBY is structured like a book. They aren’t structuring it like a show. Books are different than shows, movies, games, etc. Do you really think that the Harry Potter films follow the books to the exact letter? - I don’t think so. So, maybe you should stop bitching, and start looking onto details. re:Rwby made their points clear, and you claim that they’re arrogant? - They only said that he thought his ideas were better. Gee, for a person who claims that the rwde tag takes things out of context, you sure seem to do that a lot. Plus, if you read his tags, you’ll see that he was very polite compared to your “Everything is wrong, and you should feel bad for writing this wrong” attitude that you seemed to project through your comment.
And RWBy itself is structured as a book and that is why I judge it so: It’s lack of detail and terrible story structure makes it a chore to sit through because the gags in RWBY use both visual and vocal aspects and both are botched by the writer who claims to be a better writer than Miles. He outright said that he could do a better job than Miles and failed to do so and so by your standards of attacking Miles over Soul Eater and LOK, I am still right. In fact, considering Miles never said he was better and Re;RWBY did, I would be more right by your standards than you all are. And then he blocked me and continues to mock me, so what?
Again, refer to the posts that I linked to earlier about baiting. I’m not going through the effort of re-linking them again. But I have a new one right here.
Said by a guy who has a noted hatred of Miles. By your own logic, all that does is discredit you.
Just because Yang was in a rut, doesn’t mean that it wasn’t ablest. Tai made it clear that Yang wasn’t worth his time unless she had two arms, and that is pretty much ablest. Also, if what you said was true about lines and screentime, then that meant that Penny was there for Ruby’s development. Pyrrha was there for Jaune, and Adam was there just to make Blake the definitive “good guy.“ Another reason why people are critical of Jaune is because he was the first character to get a two-parter arc to himself. It wasn’t Ruby and Weiss (who had their problems resolved by the end of the episode) it was Jaune. And considering that no other character that one of the writers voice has gotten the same treatment, it leads to the conspiracy theories that Miles gives more development to Jaune because of his ego. Also, to quote Mr. Enter, “Just because you bring one character down, doesn’t mean the other character is brought back up.” It doesn’t work like that. Making Jaune look weak in comparison to Ruby doesn’t automatically make Ruby a better character, it just makes Jaune look weak.
- In fact, Ruby’s character remains static. But here’s another thing: If Jaune really is there to make Ruby look good, then why is he the strategist? - If this were the case, as you so claim, then Jaune’s strategies would have been thrown out for Ruby’s much better worded, and thought-out tactics. In addition, he’s the ONLY one mourning Pyrrha. Pyrrha is apparently non-existent for the other characters. Pyrrha was put in a Schrodinger’s Cat situation when it came to the reason for her abrupt death. She was either killed to further everyone’s character, or she was killed to further Jaune’s character and his alone. Since no character brings her up aside from Jaune (and Qrow that one time), it comes off as if Pyrrha was killed solely for Jaune
The rut thing was about depression, not the disabled thing. Right off the bat, you’re moving the goalposts. And even so, I have shown that disabled people DO think it was a good portrayal as seen in the Meta folder on the awesome tag of RWBY’s Tv Tropes page. And even then, you have shown an intense and irrational hatred for Taiyang so you’re not allowed to talk. Just as well, you aren’t allowed to talk about Jaune because you have shown personal bias against him so that doesn’t work either. In fact, you’re biased against most male characters as you have admitted before so in reality, most of this is pointless.
And yeah, some characters are like that. Adam isn’t because he’s more used to show what happens when you fight an opponent long enough: you start acting like them. But Penny and Pyrrha? Yeah, that’s true. That’s also not a bad thing: Most mentor characters are this way and Pyrrha actually got an arc outside of Jaune. Hell, the most well known character from Gurren Lagann is Kamina, a mentor character with no purpose or menaingful character traits that aren’t “Make Simon Better.” And Gurren Lagann is one of the highest regarded anime of all time as well as a stated influence on RWBY so my comparison has some weight.
And that only works if Ruby herself is weak, she’s not. Ruy has very strong characterization in that she is an innocent, naive but determined and altrustic girl with a love of weapons and zero social skllls. And contrary to what you say, her character has developed. She has gone from denying that bad things happen in the world to accepting that they happen but still struggling to amke things better because its the bright thing to do. And this coincides with Jaune’s character as a foil to Ruby: he’s the tactician to her stradgest, she inspires people through actions while he does so through words,  she’s talent but naive whereas Jaune doesn’t have talent but is aware, Jaune gets more cynical while Ruby becomes more optimistic.
PS: I guess actions don’t speak at all huh? Ruby being sad at the mention of Pyrrha holds no weight to you huh? Good to know you have such a narrow view of things. No, you just put things in a damned if they do, damned if they don’t situation.
The only time I have ever heard of the opposite of Queerbaiting (Which Blizzard Entertainment invented, and was called Straightbaiting), was Tracer from Overwatch. Proof: https://ravenclaw-rebel3390.tumblr.com/post/155915548399/i-guess-overwatch-invented-straight-baiting
Okay and i be you rolled your ewyes at that. Now imagine how the five people I mentioned feel.
RWBY was marketed as a show about strong female protagonists. People didn’t sign on to watch Jaune (and only Jaune) cry about Pyrrha. I, myself am a fan of Ren. Jaune has had many lines over the course of the series, whereas characters like Ren, Sun, and Neptune have had very little. Also, Penny hardly had any screentime, and she was supposed to be one of Ruby’s close friends.
Once again, glad to know you have such a narrow view of things that Ruby being emotionally sad doesn’t work unless she says it.
And Jaune is the Deturagonist, so what? that’s like complaining that Gohan got too many lines in Dragon Ball Z.
Also: man Pain AKA a man can’t feel emotion over a woman. Nice to see such hypocrisy.
Right. Pyrrha totally deserves that label. After all, it’s not like she asked Jaune out multiple times, regularly ignored is rejections, and only backed off when she found out that he liked someone else and that affection was reciprocated… Oh wait, that happened… But it was Jaune doing it. Also, you were the one who undermined Yang’s trauma by claiming that she doesn’t know what it feels like to have people close to you abandon/die on her, when that’s been most of her life. Tai had absolutely ZERO joking tone when he said his insensitive comment, and you never seem to bring up the fact that Port and Oobleck were shocked by his comment. Why would they be shocked if this is supposed to be normal? It doesn’t seem logical to me.
Because you have a bias against male characters, we’ve been over this. You have outright stated it before and shown it numerous times. BGuit I’ll humor you:
Pyrrha also made advances at Jaune, just not directly. Nurmous Times as well. She ignored his attention to Weiss or ignored his lack of attention and only abcked off when Jaune was stated to like Weiss outright. So yeah, she does get that label if Jaune does. It’s called equality, something you seem foreign to.
Zero joking tone huh? Then I guess Church never joked once in the entirety of Red Vs. Blue because the tones were EXACTKY the same. Glad to see you’re blinder to sarcasm than an aspie.
And I guess if someone were to see the Reds And Blue or Rooster Teeth themselves,m they despise each other right? Or oif yous aw @ula-star‘s family you’d say that they are abusive too huih? Glad to see the world only works one way. (sarcasm)
Adam is an asshole. But Y’know what? - Weiss was the one who called “Controversial Faunus Labor” a “morally grey area.” Also, Adam is a minority, broken by the discrimination that he has faced. I don’t approve of his actions, not by a long shot. But the White Fang seem to be emulating the rwde tag (or maybe vice-versa), in which that side was sick and tired of being ignored when they were being peaceful, so they resort to brutal tactics. Weiss is also a racist heiress who somehow got over her racism overnight. From a storytelling standpoint, Adam deserves more sympathy than Cinder at this point. Unless both of them get an expanded backstory, they have both done some pretty terrible things, but Adam was forced to work for Cinder because she had power, and he didn’t. People tend to root for the underdog, especially if that underdog has been discriminated against. Adam’s story is more relatable to people because he’s a person who was sick and tired of peaceful protest being ineffective.
Let’s go through this, shall we?
1. Adam is also racist and to a degree that overshadows Weiss and Cardin (Name one time they6 demanded genocide. I can with Adam.)
2. Mind linking to that?
3. You comparing the rwde tag to the White Fang and called their leader a terorist shows that you pretty much know you’re trying to use fear to control people and thus cannot be listen to. Thanks for the confirmation.
4. And that’;s why Weiss was still weary around Sun because she wasn’t being racist to him. Also, she got over her racism, Adam hasn’t.
5. And no one forced Adam to try and blow up the train in the Black Trailer, abuse Blake, chop Yang’s arm off or call for genoicde either. Man, this is like a textbook example of Draco In Leather Pants. And weiss’ is a form of Ron The Death Eater as well: Big surprise.
Jaune has taken the protagonist role. He’s the only one mourning Pyrrha, and as that line chart stated, had Ruby not had that speech at the end, she would have had less lines than Jaune. Not to mention that we (the audience) already knew why Ruby was doing this. By having her do that speech, she’s simply stating the obvious. No audience member asked “Why is Ruby doing this?” - Because we already know. Ruby hardly did anything. It was primarily Jaune.
If Jaune is the protagonist, why did he immediately default to giving up his angst and sorrow to Ruby the minute she shows sorrow? Why would the entire Volume be using him to prop Ruby up? Why would the emotional scenes with him either use Ruby as the start and finish?
And the part about the lines thing doesn’t work because, again, 75% of Jaune’s lines go to Ruby because they were used to develop here.
And if she is staing the obvious there then you missed the obvious point about her development, the theme of the Volume and the emotional wrap up,.Also shows that no matter what, Ruby will always be secondary in your eyes to Jaune even when she isn’t/. Nice to see you again Sexism.
- Jaune gets hit. Jaune gets an upgrade. Jaune is telling the team what to do. Jaune is sick of losing people (which would have carried more weight if Ren were the one to have said it). Jaune is sad that Pyrrha died (Again, he’s the only one to be actively mourning her). Jaune catches Tyrian’s eye. Jaune calls out Qrow. Jaune saves Qrow. Jaune shows off his weapon’s new mode.
So is Ruby, so is Ruby and Jaune’s upgrade only made him get bitchslapped. Jaune can’t do anything else. Audienbce surrogate. Ruby is also saidf and he immediately stops being sad about Pyrrha to allow her to be. Tyrian immediately dismisses that and focuses on Ruby. In character for him, out of character for Ruby. So did Ruby.
And Ruby also had the focus of Salem and Cinder, 75% of Jaune’s lines where made to build her up, She is the fcous of the plotline and not Jaune, 2 out of the three scenes Jaune is notable in is centered around Runby, Ruby gets the final words, Rubty is the fcous of Yang’s plotline as well, Ruby does far better in combat that Jaune, Ruby is the reason WHY Qrow is there, Ruby is the reason WHY Qrow gets injured, Qrow is Ruby’s uncle and Jaune has no family in the story, Ruby is the butt of one joke whereas Jaune is the butt of three in the first episode alone. Yeah, doesn’t work/
Ruby showed off a neat aspect of her semblance in the first episode of the volume, and then it was never seen again. Ren comes across his ruined village, and we get only one flashback to it. Nora hardly does anything other than provide some relief, and acts as a means to keep Ren calm, and Qrow only gives us exposition. Then there’s the fact that Ruby only used her semblance in the finale fight a total of one time, whereas if that Grimm was as threatening as it was hyped up to be, then she should have been using it to tie the thing’s arms around a tree or something. - But nope, gotta have that ancient Grimm get killed by four newbies when other, more experienced fighters all fell to it. This just makes any hunter that’s not part of the main cast look pathetic in comparison.
Except for the numerous times she files into the air.
Ren and Nora got foreshadowing in Episode 2, 5, 6, and 9.
And semblances use up Aura therefore if she did one hit would break her aura as it did with Ren, The Nucklevee has more control over the arms than Ruby and all Jaune’s weapon did was get him bitchslapped.
Also: Name one Hunstamn in Ren’s village or any that fought the Nucklevee before the heroes. ot Ren’s dad, weapon isn’t correct. Not Xion, The bandoits took care of them and other Grimm weakened them down/ No? Can’t? Then I guess you have no argumnet.
Misuse in animation is a sin of itself. It’s a sad day when Monty (God rest his soul) forgets that Rapiers aren’t used in that fashion. It’s a poor decision that needs to end, and if RW/BY can’t be the trend setter and be the first time it gets used correctly, then why should it be exempt? - The lead animator was someone who studied fencing, this shouldn’t have been a thing in the first place. RWB/Y shouldn’t be a trend follower, it should be a trend setter.
Most of the Raiper usage cited in RWBy was from The White Trailer, Volume 1 and Volume 2. AKA when Monty was the animator. And even then, many trend setters WERE trend followers, they just diverged. NGE was a normal Mecha show for 16 episodes and yet it set the ENTIRETY of the deconstructions in anime after 1995. You fail using yet ANOTHER inspiration to RWBY.
The mention of trains is only mentioned in the exposition-filled bore-fest that is World of Remanent. If people need exposition about that from a filler spot that disrupts the action and flow of the show, then why shouldn’t they repeat what happened? - After all, they did it with the Schnee Heir twist. They revealed that Jacques wasn’t a real Schnee in the WoR, and then, in the following episode, they repeat it. Despite the fact that the twist was ruined by the WoR, they still thought it to be a good enough of a twist to repeat in the story proper. If they can do that, why can’t they repeat the train thing?
“Likes on WOR are the sma eif jnot higher than normal RWBY”
Yeah, those don’t work.
Because it’s a part of the show? Okay then, whenever exposition happens in a show, you MUST skip over it because all it is is an inclusive version of WOR. What’s that? You won’t? Then no bitching about WOR.
- Also, Yang got used to the prosthetic in only a few weeks. Even FMA makes it a point to mention that their character getting used to their prosthetic in under a year is unusual. And if you mean to tell me that Remanent has the technology to make a prosthetic that can be gotten used to in under a few weeks, then why are they so stupid to make it so that you need four active towers to allow for cross-continental communication? - It simply doesn’t make sense. - Also, most PTSD victims take YEARS to recover (if they do at all). Yang getting better overnight (Putting on the prosthetic, and being able to use it like it was her original arm overnight) is insensitive to actual PTSD victims who lost a limb in a war, terrorist attack, or a freak accident.
And she had six months beforehand. That also means you wnat Yang to be out of the show for a year: Good to know.
Okay then: Do you want me o watch Legend of Korra and go through ever single plot hole in that show? Because considering last Airbender had quite a few, I’m sure I’ll be able to match you blow for blow. If not Korra then..basically any show ever? Or will you keep your standards.the same watching RWBY as you do everyone else and Not be a nitpicky asshole?
I believe that this is what you would call “a critique.” After all, I provided solid evidence as to why your reasoning is flawed, much like how you constantly did to me. And if this upsets you, then perhaps you could do us all a favor and keep it to yourself. And how about you don’t go whining to the rest of crtq that someone was being mean to you?
No, because you shown numerous times t5hroughout this study taht you have quite a few biases that you refuse to put aside as well as t5he fact that you amde it clear that you were attacking me rather critique, summerized by how you expect me to hold up to a standard that you yourself have rejected numerous times and didn’t follow once in this section. Meanwhile, I have.
And I wouldn’t do that to the crtq tag, I have higher standards than that. Nope, i’ll just my comrades talk you down while as Mod Quartz I will say nothing, thus giving you no ammo against me as a critic there.
I’d sure as hell appreciate it.
I’ll even be nice and not post this under the usual anti-knight tags (Though if someone else reblogs this, and adds those tags, I refuse to take responsibility for the actions of another).
Then why is Rwde a tag then? That is an anti-knight tag since so many people in the rwde tag dislike me, you7 are still singling me out for ridicule. And no, rwde doesn’t apply here as you are, in your won words, criticizing me. Meaning no RWBY and thus no rwde. Too bad about that huh?
And since you held me responsible for MSD even  after we said we didn’t approve of him: Nope.
Now how about you quit with the weak punches and actually do some damage.
Is that all you got?
6 notes · View notes
crystallized-iron · 7 years
Via @dialouge-prompts
“I’m fine.”
“I know you’re not, you don’t have to-”
“I’m fine! Ok!? Can you just leave it please!?”
Part 1 Rating: Mature (mostly due to language) Words: 1,283
There is a read more down below!
Bucky noticed it right away this time, needing to point it out to Steve, who was obviously not paying attention to the situation. Honestly though, the former assassin had no interest in whatever Clint was whining about. Instead, he was seeing how scarily comfortable Angelo was seeming while around Tony. The genius himself wasn’t even trying to push him out of his personal space, unlike the day before when he didn’t want anywhere near Angelo.
“Think something happened again last night?” Bucky quietly asked Steve after Clint was called away Mia, she and Stef able to spend time together for now.
“What?” Steve asked, turning to him. “Why?”
“Tony... After yesterday, this doesn’t... look good...”
“They weren’t even in the same room last night,” Steve remembered, “or so I thought...”
They both saw the all-too casual way that Angelo placed his hand on Tony’s thigh, talking in his ear, seeming like he didn’t care who would see it. It would seem almost couple-like if it weren’t for Tony’s noticeable tensing, the way his hand curled into a fist on the table, his tight jaw. He finally said something back to Angelo without even looking at him, and it must not have been something the younger man liked, something dark flickering over his cool expression. Angelo made another remark, getting up to leave, but Tony stopped him, hand on his wrist, quickly saying... something, but the two supersoldiers weren’t sure what it was.
“I don’t like this...” Bucky stated.
“Do you want to talk to him?” Steve asked as Angelo finally left Tony, walking over to Stef.
“Should we...?” Bucky wondered, his eyes following Angelo at first. He wished he could just get rid of the abusive man, stop him before anyone else would fall to his destructive ways.
“Thought you might want to with how concerned you’re sounding,” Steve pointed out. “We don’t have to.”
“Told him yesterday, if he wants to talk...”
“That he should go to you, I remember, I was there.”
Bucky sighed, leaning into Steve. How the hell did they become babysitters for Angelo’s victims? Particularly Stark, considering there was nothing they could really do for Stef yet without risking the chance of her leaving the safety of the tower to be with Angelo. They didn’t even know what kind of dirt Angelo must have on the billionaire to be able to have so much control over him already. It had to be something big, or Tony probably wouldn’t be playing along so much, even to protect Stef.
When he saw Tony get up and start heading to the elevator, he looked to Steve, wondering if they should follow. “Up to you,” Steve told him, ready to follow Bucky’s lead.
They heard the ding of the elevator as it left while Bucky had been debating with himself over it. The former assassin lightly sighed; everything was such a mess right now. What the hell could they do?
He considered just staying in the common room with Steve; after all, Stark could sometimes be a very difficult man; until he glanced over at Stef and Angelo, the man’s hands not-so-innocently groping, and Bucky did not want to see that, did not want to think about it. “Let’s go to the lab,” he suggested, already moving to the elevator.
“Probably a good idea,” Steve agreed, walking alongside him.
They rode the elevator up to the lab. It was a quiet ride up for once, and they quickly got off once it opened at their destination. “Busy,” they heard Tony sa as they approached; he didn’t even look to see who it was.
“We came to see how you’re doing,” said Bucky.
“I’m fine,” Tony answered him, taking a stylus to his computer screen. He slid it quickly over the screen a few times.
“Look, I know you’re not, you don’t have to --”
The stylus was slammed down as the genius finally turned to them. “I’m fine, okay!? Can you just drop it please!?”
“Tony,” Steve said, watching him turn from the two soldiers again, “we’re just concerned.”
“No... No.” He spun his chair around to face them. “You guys care about your own little group. When anyone in that group starts to worry about me, like one of the girls, then you’re wondering what’s wrong. Don’t pretend you guys care about me.”
“Can it, Rogers.”
“Stark, what the hell?” Bucky wondered. “Yesterday you were a pretty okay guy; what the hell did he do to you?”
“You think that guy is the only problem here!?” Tony just about shouted. “What about your comment yesterday about Pepper, huh?”
“I was just--”
“I had to call her yesterday to be sure she was okay because all I could think about was the time where she nearly died. Yeah, I had the experience of watching someone I loved fall to their death because I couldn’t reach them! I told her I would catch her, and I fucking didn’t because I couldn’t! I saw her fall! And then you came up while I was finishing with her on the phone, but I couldn’t have you guys know just how fucked up I got from one fucking comment about her. So I sent Cos a text. I was still freaking out inside. I really don’t want that scenario to repeat itself...” His voice trailed off when he realized he had just opened up to the two men without even meaning to. He swallowed; what the hell, might as well keep going at this point, right? “Last night I had a nightmare... Cosima was in that scenario. I was even in a suit this time... still wasn’t enough. She fell... disappeared in all that fire and smoke... and I woke up.” He took a moment to breathe. “I panicked, fell out of bed... Went out to the common room, calling Cosima in the middle of the night. I calmed down enough, but obviously that fear isn’t going to go away, right?” He started drumming his fingers on the desk. “So I stayed out there; couldn’t really move well if I wanted; and I somehow fall back asleep, but then...”
“Then...?” Bucky asked, not sure if they really wanted to know, but at the same time knew it would be better for him to just get it out now.
“Woke up to... him... standing there...” Tony went quiet, still not quite able to discuss everything. He looked away. “Listen... sorry for earlier, really. You two can go ahead and leave--”
“You still need to get... that thing,” Steve interrupted him with the reminder, successfully changing the topic.
Tony groaned, holding his head. “Fuck, you’re right... She expects a video call later too...”
“Video call...?” questioned Bucky. “Wow...”
Looking up at him for a moment, Tony glanced over at Steve. “He knows, Rogers?”
“Uh... yeah,” Steve answered. “Sorry, but--”
“He would have found out eventually,” Tony finished. “It’s fine, really. Barnes, want to go to the toystore?”
“What??” Bucky asked, not expecting that.
“Yeah, you might find something you can use on Rogers,” Tony added, standing up. “In fact, I encourage it. Find something to really fuck him up with.”
Bucky turned to Steve with a raised brow. “Should I...?”
“Up to you,” Steve quietly replied to him.
As they followed Tony over to the elevator, Bucky found himself saying, “I wonder what I’ll get for later.” He grinned at the blush Steve gave, even though deep down he was still worried, and he was sure Steve was too, but they did get through at least one layer of armor with Tony, right? They couldn’t ask for much more right now.
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thestalkerbunny · 8 years
might aswell do em all at once, oshune, osheel, ecohla, dacola, zina, yolanda, eris and her boys, shadow fuckits, the dragon princess
you can painfully tell where I got tired and I don't know what Shadowfuckits are.
Imena (there's nothing really that sexual with Imena.)
-Imena honestly has no real intrest in having a sexual relationship, a boy/girl/date friend, or intentions to get married.
-*steps up to a microphone.* I am hardly 15 and I've only held hands with one other person and he was a skeleton, let me run my country, you guys don't even have clean drinking water and you're concerned about me poppin' out babies.
-She just really wants to get her country in order before she considers even getting with anyone, let alone sex.
-her asshole of an uncle nearly married her off the Meme Lich (to have some sort of control over the skeleton endemic) but it just pissed off Memey even more because A: he only saw Imena as a friend and his first friend in a long time and B: Imena was nearly 13 at the time.
-She does get numerous letters from foreign royalty, saying that a Prince has come to claim her hand, per some made up agreement they made (Agnola's Royal blood line is believed to the be the only ones who have acesses to a true dragon's horde. Outsider royals want in on the goods.) She turns them down, but they come anyway.
-Knights have broken into the castle, claiming they've come to save the Dragon's Princess. Nobody ever seems to inform these people of the gramatical error. They are usually hauled off by Imena's royal gaurd and put in the stocks for disturbing a princess.
-Imena's possibly Demisexual or Asexual, she just sees sex as a process for makin' babies (and in the middle ages, that is a dangerous thing do be doing for a lady.)
-Never really had sex before the whole 'I gotta pay for collage because I'm not talented enough to get a scholarship and I've lost the financial aid, I need cash.'
-the embodiment of 'please do not tell my mother what I do to make money.'
-She liked her first client. He was rather clean, polite and a nice tipper. Everyone else was a varying dissaray of rude, disgusting or terrible tipper-or shy and akward. Eris likes the shy and akward ones, less scary. She really liked the rich ones-or the heavy sleepers that didn't notice when she took extra 50s from their wallets
-Oogie and Slash are probably the first REAL relationship she's ever hard. They were good clients who became nice aquatinces who then offered her a part in a poly relationship.
- She has yet to be arrested for sex work. It helps when you're able to change shape really fast. Dive into a crowd and the cops will never find her.
-She doesn't like aphysxiation. Choking scares her deeply, she likes all hands to be kept away from her lil' neck.
-Biting on her lil' ears however, is welcomed, provided it is the nice gentle nibbles and not too hard. Pulling the tail is fine, just not too hard
-Is rather jaded in the regards to the nude form thanks to many live model art classes and her line of work. There is no blushing embarressed girl in the bedroom when the tits and dick come out.
-She's just as comfortable doing girls as she is boys-she just happens to have a much heavier male clientel.
-Best at blow jobs. Hands down.
Slash n' Oogie
-Slash is half Oogie's size, so usually it's Oogie being on top, which Slash has no argument on.
-Oogie is completely down for the whole being hit schtick. Takes him back to his old moshipitting days where he got decked in the nose and got weird boners.
-Slash never had sex really before Oogie. Akward making out and weird groping with partners, yes, but never full on sex.
-Slash likes to bite, but usually it's very gentle nibbles because his fangs are itty bitty. He also likes it when his little wings are played with.
-Eris is, and both of them agree on this, the best girl they've ever had sex with. Considering how Oogie's only been with guys all his life and Slash has only had sex with Oogie prior Eris.
-Oogie was hesistant in the whole regard of the poly idea, mainly because muscians and girls usually have a bad history trend of fucking things up. Eris has yet to fuck anything up.
-Oogie is best at oral and sexual things, but Slash gives the sweetest fluffiest smooches you'd probably get diabetes.
I have no clue what the Shadowfuckits are. Clarify please
-It's been probably 80 years since she's had a fuck and she couldn't care LESS
-her baps are all natural and big and they annoy her to no end because she can't ever find cheap bras that'll fit her and in life, it caused her back pain. Now she feels nothing-but they still get in the goddamn way. They are also sensitive. Select few know this and have had the glory of being pushed against them.
-There are scars, very lightly around her reproductive bits and breasts, you can't even really tell, but by touch you'd know they're there. Brothel work was an ugly and violent trade for her. She hates that they've followed her into death. She had much more when she was alive.
-She bit. Hard. Not in the sensual way, but in the agressive, 'get off of me, your hour is fucking up and I HATE you' way. People have had scars and needed stitches after leaving Yolanda's company, often complaing about the moody blue eyed Snorunt lass.
-Has various erotic impulses and thoughts with people she's attatched to when she's absolutely sloshed, but never acts upon them.
-She did like it when her more sumissive 'clients' play with her boobs and let her take more charge during the whole thing. Some of her clients were petrified younge men who where dragged there by their fathers to ensure their boys were 'made into MEN' and had never done anything more than looked a girl in regards of womanly contact. She was a bit more compassionate twords these fellows.
-She doesn't like the 'BSDM' or the concept of hitting someone for sexual sport. If someone even playfully slapped her in bedroom regards, she'd probably lay into them with her fists.
-Watched porn maybe 3 times in her afterlife. All she said was 'She's faking it, He's faking it, all of it sucks and is completely inaccurate, nobody can have that much dialouge with dick in mouth.'
-Having sex for reasons outside of reproduction is an SIIINNNNNNNN
-praise gets her motor going tho. Telling her that she's good and valid and what not.
-Not much else to say. She's probably never masturbated or seen porn.
-LET THEM WEAR THE CAPE DURING SEX. They're gonna wear it anyway whether you tell them to or not.
-Bite BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE, they love to bite and love to be bitten.
-Rough sex is good sex to them
-they do NOT like it when an outfit is ripped to shreds just so genetials go be gotten to faster. clothing is carefully undone, no button busting here.
-will seduce you, your gf, your bf and your bff and then sleep with you all in one massive orgy.
-'Bluh Bluh, let me suck your bits.'
-BOOOBS ARE GREAT AND WONDERFUL, very fond of titties and biting nips.
-Good lord, the list is LONG
-down for almost ANYthing, provided it's not gross (like, peeing or something like that. Nasty)
-gives head like a pro, eats out like an american. you want stress relief? you want Ecohla.
-will let you do them in the nook AND backdoor just for the sole purpose for their hands to be unoccupied so they can do something else.
-This rainbow drinker seems to only want to drink rainbow fluids.
-doesn't bite, not into the taste of blood.
-good at handies
-can't see worth shit and yet has the best bedroom face ever.
-making out mentally behind the mask and stupid grin.
-is masturbation sex when you're two diffrent people fused together? I suppose it is. Having a one handed wank is twice as enjoyable.
-is just as open to everyone as Oshune is, a bit more reserved as Seelie is.
-we have been over this enough to know she's down to clown with you all.
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