#and cuter than just a random tote
pebblethief · 5 months
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i made myself a little bag to keep my knitting in ^^
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purplesurveys · 3 years
What's the last thing that scratched you? I dunno, maybe Cooper? He’s the only one I get accidental scratches from these days.
Have you ever seen any of your friends' bums? No.
Is silence peaceful or eerie? I’ve never found it eerie, but silence can be dangerous and uncomfortable esepecially if I’m not feeling mentally fine.
Do you try to use different vocabulary? Not really, unless I’m at work since I write a lot of the same stuff everyday and so there’s a need to change up the vocab every once in a while.
If someone you loved was murdered, would you want to know how? I have no idea, honestly. Where I’m at right now, I wouldn’t want to.
How would you react if all the mascaras in the world vanished? I wouldn’t even notice it. What a random question.
Did you have toys all over your room as a child? Yeah, and quite literally too; I never did learn to pick up on my mom’s million reminders to clean up when I’m done playing.
Do you think Miley Cyrus is a good actress/singer or just awful? I’ve never seen her acting work other than Hannah Montana, but I do like her music. Like I haven’t listened to every song, but the singles she’s put out and the ones I catch on the radio have been catchy – I was and still am obsessed with Slide Away, and these days I’m also into Prisoner.
What's with all these Family stars lately? I have no clue what this question is about.
Does watching the news upset you? I’m quite desensitized to it now, but that’s not to say news these days are pleasant to hear. Hearing about Ukraine is shitty, and hearing about the insane rise in gas prices is shitty, and how a lot of jeepney drivers have stopped driving and taking in passengers since they’d work at a loss anyway is, too.
What mark did you get on the last test/project/etc you got back? I got like a 96/100 on my Korean finals, back when I took that online class in June. I never did apply for the Beginner 2 class after that, come to think of it.
Do you know anybody with naturally bright red hair? No. I barely know anyone with natural hair that isn’t black.
Have you ever heard of the magazine J-14? Yep. I believe my dad got me a couple of issues of those when I used to be into Twilight and One Direction, back when he was based in the States for work.
Does/did your school have a spirit week? I have no idea what that is?
Do/did you participate in it? We didn’t have that.
Is the plural of octopus octopi? Yeah. Though I would personally use octopuses if talking about different species, the way rules are in place for fish.
When is the last time you said 'but'? I dunno. I haven’t spoken in at least a couple of hours since everyone is settled in their rooms now (it’s 11:46 PM), but I imagine it would’ve been fairly recently since this is a common word.
Does your best friend have any piercings? Angela does. I’m not sure if Andi does, actually.
Can you hear anyone talking right now? I’m listening to the latest episode of Chris Jericho’s podcast with William Regal.
Are there any bibles in your house? I believe so. No idea where it is, though.
What do you use to carry your things around in? (Purse, pocket, tote bag etc) Either a shoulder bag or a tote bag.
Is the ringer of your phone loud? Yeah it can be if I set it at the maximum volume. It’s never at that level though. My phone is almost exclusively on silent and vibrate.
What are baby cows called? Calf. < There we go, then.
What about baby geese? Isn’t it gosling? Shoutout to the stacks of kid’s almanacs I used to own, haha.
Are there any high heel shoes in your house? Yeah, probably a couple. I know I own at least a pair, which I’ve used for debuts and parties and such.
What are cuter: poodles or German Shepherds? The original spelling on this question was absolutely atrocious. Anyway, I like both breeds and I don’t really have a preference on who’s ‘cuter.’
How many things are saved in your favorites? What kind of favorites?
^ Name any three of them. I’d share if I only knew what you were talking about :(
What color is your favorite pair of pants? Blue.
Moose, mooses, meese or meesi? I would use moose.
Have you ever liked someone for over a year? Sure.
^Did they know or not? Did they return the feelings? Uh, yeah, until they didn’t.
How many pairs of shoes are/were kept in your locker? Like, my school locker? I never kept shoes in it; that sounds so weird. Do students in other countries do that, and why would they need to keep shoes?
What is the mushiest and most romantic thing someone has ever done for you? Honest to god I have no idea, my dude. I’ve blocked off 98% of my memories with the person I used to be with. I have no plans to unpack them just for this question,either.
^Did you enjoy it? Hypothetical answer in mind, I know I did at the time. What is shepherd’s pie made out of? Horrendous spelling again; I guess survey-maker just really struggled with the word shephered hahah. Anyway, I have no idea.
Do you like watching spoofs? I mean I’d never seek them out but if I come across one and it’s spoofing something I’m familiar with, I’d sit in and watch and will likely be entertained.
Who would you love to trade wardrobes with? Blanking out. I have no interest in anyone’s wardrobe, tbh.
What's better: an apology to your face or a nice apology letter? I guess it depends. If it were a close family member or a significant other, I’d be really pissed off if they wrote me a letter lmfao. But if the relationship had a bit of distance, like a co-worker or whatever, a letter would suffice.
What do you do when there's something in your eye? I’d try to get it out with a finger, or just blink it away.
Can you see any dust on anything from where you are? No, my parents clean the dining table every evening.
Do you ever spit off bridges onto the things below? That’s so gross. I’d never do that and I never even spit, lol. I hate the feeling and sound of hawking.
Has anyone ever kissed you when you REALLY weren't expecting it? Uhm, probably, in the past.
^Was it a good random kiss, or a bad random kiss? Well I’ve never kissed without my consent, that’s for sure.
Is/was your locker clean? Mine was just a messy stack of my textbooks.
Who was the last person to give you money? My dad, since I needed cash to give a delivery guy a tip. I immediately paid it back digitally, though.
How much was it? ₱100.
What is the last thing you got a blister from? I have not gotten a blister in the longest time, actually. What a relief to know lol.
Do you know who Reggie Mantle is? No. As an outsider, though, he sounds like a baseball player HAHA
What color is your country's flag? Your state's/province's? Blue, red, yellow, white. If my province happens to have a flag, I have no idea what its colors are nor do I have the slightest idea what it looks like.
Have you ever ruined someone's relationship? Uh, not to my knowledge at least. Do you remember the song that used to be really popular, 'She will be loved'? Yes. I still don’t know what it’s about but I sing along anyway.
What is the last thing you used construction paper for? No clue, maybe some art project in like grade school or high school.
How many spoons are in the kitchen? I dunno, maybe ten, along with ten forks? We’re only five at home but we have a few extras in case visitors come over.
About how big would someone's belly be if she was 5 months pregnant? I don’t know. I don’t encounter lots of pregnant women to know haha.
Are there any framed pictures of yourself around? Yep, both by the stairs and in my room.
Do you think that people in Newfoundland live in igloos? I dunno.
How much is a can of pop at the nearest store? I never buy soda so I’ve never had an idea about their usual price.
Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you, then cheated on you? No. At least I don’t think so.
Do you use coasters? Nah, not really.
Do you shake your hips when you dance? Not really, I don’t think. What number is this question? No idea. Starting to regret taking this survey...
Do you have any friends who have never seen you makeup-free? I have more friends who have never seen me with makeup, that I’m sure of.
Do you know anyone with freakishly big ears? Hmm, I don’t think so.
Whose the last person to disappoint you? One of my aunts who made a terrible first impression on my favorite cousin’s girlfriend, when they met for the first time recently. She literally went ahead and started a heated conversation on politics well knowing they were on different sides...like who does that?
Do you deal with deaths well? The thing about death is it’s showed me that the world doesn’t stop for anyone and in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t give a shit about you. When my first big experience came with my grandpa’s death, I was expected to take an algebra exam the day after, and the UPCAT a week after. I was literally studying at his wake because I didn’t have a choice. Anyway, that really hardened up everything in me when it came to death. I’ll probably be the same for any other deaths in the future.
What will you be doing an hour from now? I wanna take a shitload of surveys tonight dude so I’ll probably still be on here, lol.
Do you feel comfortable changing out in the open in changing rooms? This doesn’t make sense. Don’t fitting rooms have individual cubicle thingies and have locks on them?
Is it annoying when people post their drama all over facebook? Well, I mean not always. Sometimes I’ll scroll through arguments LOL
Do you say 'plushie' or 'stuffed toy'? I interchange.
Have you ever volonteered at an animal shelter? No. I’d love to try it out, though!
What is the worst thing that could happen to you? Er, die would be the immediate first thing to come to mind.
Do you have a playlist made on youtube? No.
Does buying people's things second-hand gross you out? If it were clothes then yeah. But I have bought a bunch of K-Pop merch that were previously owned, as long as the quality is still good as new. I don’t take anything with dents or folded/creased plastic.
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Space girl
The beginning of most love stories: the moon falls in love with the sun.
(The problem, however, is that most love stories aren’t set in the Boiling Isles. To confirm that the metaphor works adequately, there must exist at least one moon and one sun in your admittedly bonkers world. Is there a sun? A moon?)
Amity shivers where she’s sitting at her window, stares up at the bright bluish orb hanging over the sky and decides it does, in fact, qualify as a celestial body, whatever the hell that means. Luz has been teaching them about the intricacies of the human world, every bit of knowledge that they would require if in case they ever got transported there accidentally, and that includes something called a smartphone, a bus and the shortest way to the nearest vending machine, preferably a vending machine that stocks Mars Bars. Amity suspects the last is just another one of Luz’s whims, but has no way of confirming.
(And what is the point of confirming anything anyways? It is enough to sit in front of Luz, or beside her or anywhere with a direct line of sight to her, so Amity can listen to her blabber on about chocolate chips and scrambled eggs and something called a Tumblr; enough to get lost in the insistent, sunshine shaped cadence of her voice and forget about the perils of the week.
Plus, is the sun ever wrong?)
A month ago, Amity would have been alarmed at how easily she writes down her utter devotion towards a very human someone who gets beaten up on the regular by some ancient eldritch horror. Now the words just walk out of her quill and plant themselves firmly on the page like they couldn’t belong anywhere else, except maybe her paramour’s heart. That’s the problem with the moon falling in love with the sun. it’s annoying yet ineffable and inevitable. It’s also the easiest thing she’s ever done.
Emira figures it out first. Which probably means that Edric knows as well, since Amity is pretty sure the twins share a single mind and keep passing it to each other like they’re in an eternal Grudgby match. However, he’s not the one who appears in her room in the middle of the night to scare her half to death. That’s all Emira.
“What,” Amity starts, one hand on her chest, other reaching instinctively for her training wand at the sight of a green cloud of smoke that’s materialized in her room out of nowhere, “in the world are you doing here?”
Her sister leans against the doorway, like she’s been there all along, takes in her room. Amity knows it’s clean, knows that there is not a speck of dust hiding beneath the floorboards or an errant cape strewn on her bed, and yet can’t help following Emira’s gaze anxiously as it travels across her neatly arranged trophy on the shelf, her table and the loose floorboard she now hides her diary under, before she comes to rest on hers.
“You never told us what happened at the library the other day,” she says, finally.
Amity blinks. “I did tell you what happened. Otabin turned into a monster and tried to sew me, literally, into a book. Had to be fought off.”  
She doesn’t continue with the subsequent thoughts in her head. Luz was there. Brave, idiotic Luz with a tendency of barging into adventures without a second thought. Luz, who I would’ve jumped into fire for. Luz, who made (makes) me laugh.
“You mean you and Luz?” Emira asks, innocently.
She bites the inside of her cheek, tries hard not to betray the smile that’s trying to creep up her face at the sound of Luz’s name. Nods.
“Luz is pretty cool, is she not?” Emira continues, and okay, there’s no reason to say someone’s name this much in one conversation. She ambles around her room, touching things at random, while Amity regulates her breathing. This was pathetic. The sound of someone’s name wasn’t supposed to make her feel like her heart was going to burst out of her, wasn’t supposed to climb up her throat and turn into absolute warmth all over her face.  
“Uh huh,” she manages. “I guess. Yeah. Eh. Yeah.” Too much too much too much too much.
Emira is suddenly in her face then. She places her hand on Amity’s shoulders, stares right into her eyes.
“Aw, Mittens,” she chuckles. “You’re adorable when you have a crush.”
And then she disappears.
Amity does manage to chuck the object nearest to her (which happens to be her training wand) at Emira’s retreating figure. Then she sits on the floor and curls up into an embarrassed ball. You know, as one does.
The whole jumping into danger for Luz thing would be a lot more avoidable if Luz didn’t have an equally huge jumping into danger for Amity thing as well.
Which is such a godforsaken Luz thing to do. The idiot immersed herself in a cauldron full of sludge for Willow, who she had met minutes ago, of course she would take on her burden for Grom night. Of course she would somehow break the cage Amity had conjured up for her to come save Eda and Edric and Emira and of course she would help her make things right with Willow. If the girl had one coherent thought when she woke up every morning, it was probably this – Ooh, someone’s in trouble? Let me fix it!
(She does inevitably manage to turn a tiny cut into a gushing wound in absolutely no time at all, but would Luz even be Luz without shenanigans?)
Amity loves it. It gives her a heart attack, but she loves how Luz is always ready to help out a random stranger. She’s never met anyone with a heart bigger than Luz’s and a personality sunnier than hers.
(Also hasn’t met anyone who’s cuter, or prettier, or better-looking in a strange black-pink-frilly-yet-well-tailored attire, but let’s not go there)
Either way, it’s completely understandable that she immediately reaches for her wand when Luz climbs up onto her balcony after Grom night, ready to fight whatever it was that was evidently bothering her.
“No!” Luz holds up her hands, shoots her a quick smile. “Nothing’s wrong.”
“Oh,” she says, feeling herself relax. “So, um — why are you — here?”
“I could go! If you — wanted to, sleep or—”
“—no! Absolutely not!” Curse her for picking the absolute worst way to phrase a question. Why hadn’t she said Hey Luz, it’s so nice to see you, what brings you here? Or Hey Luz, please walk into my room and never leave.
(You know. Either works)
“I’m glad you’re here,” Amity says, then fumbles for something, anything, to add on to that revealing statement. “I mean, I couldn’t sleep anyways.”
Luz nods, and then giggles when Amity joins her onto the balcony and in the moonlight.
“What?” she asks, a little self-conscious. Also very charmed. Making Luz laugh was like some form of intoxicating elixir; Amity was hooked onto the feeling. Luz laughing made the world brighter.
(God, she was so gone for this idiot.)
“Your pajamas have tiny owls all over them,” Luz points out.
“Okay, that’s it!” she says, half-turning to go back into her room, when Luz’s hand grabs her.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Luz is still laughing. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. You look cute.”
Thank you, Luz. That’s very nice of you, Luz. You look nice in your strange clothes and oversized jacket as well, Luz. Those were all potential responses she could deliver.
Instead, she makes a choked-off noise that sounds suspiciously like hngg and closes her eyes.  
(She’s so gone for this idiot)
“Does your moon look like the one here?” Amity asks, one night of many, when they’re sitting on her balcony staring up at the gigantic thing. There’s some quiet song about stars and lovers that’s playing on that infernal device Luz is always toting around, and Luz is next to her, her arm brushing against Amity’s, radiating warmth out from the point of contact.
Amity wouldn’t mind if she died happy right at this moment.
“It’s a little different, I think,” Luz tilts her head, regarding it thoughtfully. Then she picks up her phone, taps at it and holds it out in front of Amity. “Here, that’s the moon back home.”
It isn’t bluish like this one. Nor is it smooth, unblemished. It’s got marks all over it, remnants, Amity presumes of outside forces long gone by. Enraptured, she leans in for a closer look.
“It’s orange!”
“It was just that day,” Luz informs her. “It isn’t orange all the time.”
“It changes colors?” That was surprising. Also fascinating.
“Not — not all the time. It’s complicated, I guess.”
Amity likes the wide smile Luz holds when she talks about this. Luz is so expressive, she couldn’t hide her feelings to save her life. Most of the time in school, when being faced down by exasperated teachers Amity thinks of it as a curse. Now, however, at midnight, while it’s just the two of them, and she is privy to this unbridled display of everything that makes up Luz, she’s enamored.
“Why do you like the moon so much?” she asks, curious.
“Why do you like the sun so much?” Luz shoots back, playfully.
Oh. That one’s easy. “Because it turns everything golden. Because it’s airy and light. Because it makes me feel warm inside.” Because your eyes turn a particular shade in the sunlight and it’s hard to look at you directly, you shine so bright. Because every time the sun comes up, it is a precursor to me seeing you in school.  
Because it reminds me of you.
Luz looks at her, her eyes uncharacteristically wide and serious. “I like the moon because it makes me feel seen. Because it’s almost as lonely as I am. Because I can trust it enough to know that it’s mostly always there, even if it’s behind the clouds at the moment.”
They’re staring at each other, eyes wide, and Amity can’t breathe. She thinks of a lonely Luz staring up at the night sky back in the human world, talking to the moon, and it twinges, sorrowfully, like a ukulele out of tune, at a place deep underneath her chest. Some strange mixture of I’m sorry you had no one to talk to and I wish I’d been there, I wish I’d known you back then — I’d have listened to all your stories.  
“Plus,” Luz smiles, “it’s pretty.”
Amity blinks, and the spell is broken. Luz jerks, as if coming out of a dream, and stands up straight. Stammers, fumbles, makes a truly terrible joke about broomsticks and King and the annoying owl slash security guard slash housekeeper and runs off, leaving her completely confused.
It’s when Gus finds out that Amity discovers that everyone and their parent has known about her Grometheus sized crush on Luz the entire time.  
“But why didn’t you tell me?” He’s still sulking about it in a corner, while Amity is faced down by Willow, Edric, Emira, Eda and King at the same time.
“Nobody told anyone, strange little child,” Eda waves a hand impatiently at him. “We just have eyes.”
Edric casts a momentary silencing spell on him, but Amity is pretty sure he’s mouthing the words “But I have eyes too”. Not that she’s too worried about Gus. He’ll be fine.... eventually. It’s more the fact that she now has to figure out which parts of her behavior have apparently clued in the whole world to the fact that her heart is waddling around in an idiot’s chest, most times.
“How about the fact that you can’t stop smiling when I bring her up?” She does not—
“Or that you did some pretty advanced magic trying to save her when that Slither-Beast had us?” How did he-
“You nearly combusted when she picked you up after our Grudgby match?” It wasn’t that bad.
She buries her head in her hands. Then looks up at King.
“Do you want to add anything?”
“No,” he replies. “I had no idea until today. I just didn’t want to be lumped in with Gus over there.”
She stands up, picks up her bag. “Okay, I am clearly at a disadvantage here—”
“Mittens, come back,” Edric grabs the back of her shirt, lets her flail for a minute before she gives up.
“I just — I just wanted to get her something nice for her birthday tomorrow, okay? And instead I’m being ambushed by the entirety of Boiling Isles.”
“But we are trying to help you, kid,” Eda tells her, now lounging on the couch with King on her lap. “God knows I love that child, but she has not an ounce of common sense in her. There is no way she’s ever going to figure out you’re in love with her if you don’t—”
“—whoa, whoa, whoa, love? That’s — please — completely crazy — idea. I’m not — in — love. That’s—”
She’s not. She’s not. So what if she keeps interrogating Gus on human things so she can impress Luz with her admittedly flawed knowledge on all things non-Boiling Isles? So what if she hasn’t slept more than five hours for the past one month because Luz comes over at night and they end up talking until past midnight? What does it even matter that Luz is the only person who she feels any form of innate comfort around? Or that every time she lends Luz her jacket when it gets chilly, the sight of an awkwardly clad Luz in that oversized thing makes her heart feel full to the point of bursting?  
That’s not love.  
(Some strange whisper echoes through her head, leaving echoes of But it could be behind)
Luz is the sun, okay? Bright and beautiful and adored by everyone. There’s no reason she could, or that she even should pay attention to Amity. Her affection is easily given, evenly split between all her friends and the citizens of the world; there’s no way Amity could ever hope to exert enough gravity to make Luz notice her, no way she could dare to hope for a greater portion in Luz’s long list of priorities.
(After all, does the sun even know that moon exists?)
“Come on, Amity!”
She presses her lips flat, tries not to burst into laughter at the sight of an impatient Luz, vibrating by her side, hands opening and closing in the air.  
“I know you have a gift for me! And you’ve been hiding it from everyone! Nobody at the party knew!”
“Aren’t you tired from the party?” she asks, knowing the abrupt change in topic is just going to annoy Luz more. It had been a hectic affair, after all. Monster complications in the morning aside, the Owl House had seen an impressive number of guests who wanted to wish Luz a very happy birthday. An impressive number of guests along with an impressive number of gifts.
All except one.
“Nope. Not tired at all,” Luz tells her, promptly. “Completely alert and ready to receive the gift that I know you’ve gotten me but aren’t giving me yet, because you like messing with me.”
Amity twists her face into the visual equivalent of Who, me but conjures up a wrapped box either way. It falls into Luz’s outstretched hands, and then she has to tell her to shush unless they want Amity’s parents grounding her, forever.
(Not that it pleases her, much. She hates telling Luz to quiet down, because it tends to break her out of whatever spiel she is embarking upon, and Amity adores it when Luz rambles. Her eyes shine, and her hands move around animatedly, and her voice, her voice is so, so sweet she doesn’t mind it telling her about things she cannot comprehend)
She puts a hand on Luz’s right arm just as she’s about to unwrap it. “Luz,” she starts, already embarrassed, but determined to power through, “this, is probably not the best gift, and probably not even accurate as well, so you have to tell me if you don’t like it, okay? I’ve got other backup gifts I’d planned on giving you, so no worries, okay? Just—”
“Amity,” Luz cuts in, her excited smile morphing into something a little quieter, gentler, “I already love it.”
“You haven’t even seen it yet.”
Luz shrugs, like it doesn’t matter, still looking at her. Only resumes unwrapping it when Amity nods. Opens the box, and thankfully isn’t looking at her when Amity starts talking.
“I tried — to make it as close to the real thing as possible,” she says, watching Luz look at the off-white orb in wonder. “King helped. He went on something called the, the internet? And turns out your moon has a lot of craters! But it’s pretty regardless, so I tried — to. Yeah.”
She’s not exactly surprised when Luz leans over and hugs her. They’re sitting side by side so the angle’s a little off, but it’s not like she cares. Luz, beautiful, happy, Luz is here and she’s solid in her arms, and she can feel her smile against her neck and Amity is going to die—
“Thank you.” Luz disentangles herself from the embrace, but still pretty close. “I — Amity. Thank you. You didn’t have to.”
But I want to. I want to give you things, and I want to give you things that you like and that will maybe remind you of me. She places a hand on the orb between them, sees it light up.
“It also does this,” she informs Luz, unnecessarily. Then places a hand again, watches it turn orange. “Changes colors. Like yours does.”
She finally looks at Luz again, after a moment of complete silence, only to see her staring back. The look in her eyes is so — so intense (Amity can think of no other way to describe it), that it makes her want to turn away and cover her face. Like it’s going to burn her up if she keeps looking into her eyes.  
And then Luz quickly darts forward to press a kiss to her cheek, and Amity combusts.
(Only inside. You’d think it was possible, wouldn’t you? It was the Boiling Isles, after all. But no. Nobody had spontaneously combusted since Elaric the Great and as far as anybody could tell, it didn’t have anything to do with romance)
The kiss lands half on her half and half on her skin because she’s pretty sure Luz hasn’t exactly thought it through either. There’s a single, blissful moment of peace, and then then her heart goes into overdrive, beating away like it’s trying to catch a train.
Speaking of things trying to catch a train, however....
“I have to go!” Luz scrambles away, gets up. Her face looks red as well, and Amity, a little stumped, watches it happen, as though in slow motion. Even through her haste, she picks up the replica of the moon carefully and wraps it up in her jacket. “I’ll — see you tomorrow! At school! Where we both.... go. So. Yeah. Goodnight!”
“Goodnight?” Amity replies, softly.
Right before she’s about to climb down, Luz stops. Turns around, and very quickly says something that Amity for the life of her cannot figure out.
(Also, because she’s still in the tummy-woozy, mind-blank state of just having a kiss pressed to her cheek by the most perfect girl in the world)
“Can you say that again?”
“I, uh,” Luz slows down, deliberately, her voice coming out quieter. “Did you totally hate that?”
Oh, gosh, the idiot.
Amity shakes her head, grins at her, hoping that says what she isn’t brave enough to say yet. “No, Luz. I didn’t hate that.”
She keeps the picture of Luz’s tremulous, answering smile wrapped in the fist she presses to her heart a long time after she’s gone.
And that’s how the story ends. With the sun smiling at the moon.  
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allthefreakingtime · 5 years
About the pop up in London
There was a massive queue to get into the pop up in London. I stood outside in the cold for about 40 minutes. Was then let in and the store wasn’t too crowded which I appreciated. 
They handed me a list to fill in so I could choose what merch I wanted. 
They offered hot chocolate and popcorn and several photo opportunities. The most popular was one where you could pretend you were Harry in the cover of Fine Line and they printed it for you. That was cute, but I didn’t do it, because there was another big queue for that.
There was also a book to write messages that we were told would be given to Harry at the end of the pop up. A guy told me to fill it up because “Harry really needed me too!”. Sir, I just waited outside in the cold for the opportunity to spend money. I know that’s on me, BUT DO NOT TEST MY PATIENCE. Harry doesn’t need me to do shit. He’s not crying at home waiting for my messages. 
Btw, I wrote “Just stood in the cold to give you my money. Hope you appreciate it! Congrats on the new album, it’s amazing. Merry Christmas” because I was feeling like a little shit and I felt Louis would be proud. 
I was then sent to another set of rooms where I got to see the merch and try sizes on before I made a decision. Btw, the sizes run quite large. 
You handed in the list after your had decided what to take and gave your name. Then you were sent to another room where you waited to pay, Starbucks style,  they got your order and called your name.
If you spend more than 100 pounds, you get a tote bag that’s actually cuter than the ones on sale. A girl in front of me ordered like 11 items and got given a ticket to see Harry on Thursday. Apparently they have tickets to give at the pop up and they give them away at random - spending a lot of money probably doesn’t hurt, but I’m sure they give tickets away every x number of purchases. 
I received two eroda postcards, an eroda poster and two eroda pins/badges for free, but that was the only eroda merch available.  
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shawnsorangeglasses · 5 years
Better Conversations - Part 7
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very special thank you to @rulerofnocountry and @sauveteen for their input and comments on my google doc. they played a very big part in how this came out so they get writing credit. check out their blogs.
Synopsis: Another assistant AU, you’ve known Shawn since the beginning but you don’t really become friends until a label party in New York. Then he offers you a job as his assistant.
It’s sightseeing day and (Y/N) gets an unexpected visitor in the middle of all the fun.
warnings: none, mostly cute
It’s still dark when (Y/N) wakes up, surrounded by warmth. Shawn has sort of rolled onto her in the middle of the night. His heavy arm drapes over her body. She carefully craned her neck over to see his leg crossed over her ankles as well. Her nose is dangerously close to his collarbone. Must be hard sleeping alone all the time, she thinks to herself. She knows the feeling well enough, as many times as she’s fallen asleep by herself in her lofty New York apartment.
As nice as it feels to be wrapped up in another person, (Y/N) knows she has to move before he wakes up. She starts with the ankles, slipping out easily. Shawn doesn’t seem to notice. She takes a deep breath and prepares to move his arm. A sudden and sharp inhale from his nose makes her recoil. He says something incoherent and mumbly in his sleep. (Y/N) eases out of his grasp and onto the floor with a soft thud.
She starts moving things around that don’t need to be moved. Nothing about this looks good. Should someone walk in, they’d be a great deal of trouble.
Just her luck, somebody knocks on the door.
“Housekeeping,” says the other side of the door.
(Y/N) closes her robe and cinches her waist. She tiptoes over to the door and opens it. A tiny and very friendly cleaning lady greets her. (Y/N) knows the woman isn’t there to judge her, but it still feels that way.
“Hi, uhm. Could you come back in, like, an hour?”
“Sure, darling,” says the cleaning lady and she pushes her cart further down the hall to the next room. (Y/N) breathes a sigh of relief and shuts the door as quietly as she can.
“Who was that?”
(Y/N) jumps a few inches into the air and slams her body into the door. Shawn takes a cautious step back. “Fuck, Shawn.”
“Sorry,” he says, covering up his laugh. “I didn’t think I’d scare you.”
Shawn turns back around into the room. (Y/N) doesn’t bother trying to stop herself from staring. No one should look so perfect in the morning. He only had on his shorts, and while she’s seen him shirtless many times before now, it feels different now that he’s the only other person in her hotel room. Anything could happen if they both wanted. Not that it will. Or should. But it could. And that's the problem.
“It was housekeeping,” she says, walking past him. “We have to go. I only asked for an hour.”
"Hey, do you remember if I brought my phone in here last night? I can't find it."
"No," she says, tense and on edge. "Why would I remember that? I don't remember anything."
Shawn pauses to look at her. "Are you good?"
"Yeah, great," (Y/N) squeaks. "Never better."
"Okay," he nods. "If you say so."
And then he gives her a smile. The everything-will-be-alright smile. That smile that almost everybody falls in love with. (Y/N) scurries past him into the bathroom, locking it behind her. Her heart races a mile a minute. She doesn't come back out until she hears his door open and close.
"Look, (Y/N)," Shawn holds up a zany frog toy and his phone camera, aiming for her on the other side of the room. "It's you."
He was poking fun for her jumpiness earlier today. (Y/N) looks around the old shop they wandered into. She spots a dopey-looking deer plushie among other cute woodland creature toys in a basket. "And this is you."
After an audible laugh, Shawn uploads the video to his story. Seconds later, (Y/N) gets the notification on her phone. Another side of her for the internet to see. Not that she minded. He has a way of catching her off guard and making it look good.
It's been a few hours out and about in Surrey, and Shawn still hasn't said a word about last night. Even in this lovely little trinket shop on the bustling streets of this small English town, (Y/N) couldn't bring herself to think about anything else. It’s become a mental chore rationalizing her feelings each time they grow stronger, wanting so badly to be better than her heart. For a while, she was good at it, and can easily bring herself back down to earth. Other times she just has to sit in the emotions until they fade.
Shawn, of course was asleep when (Y/N) woke up entangled in him. So, he thinks nothing of it and continues to do cute things, like pointing at random objects and saying dumb things like "it's you." He's not thinking that hard about it. He just knows he enjoys being near her.
Fans linger at a safe distance in small, huddled in groups outside just about every establishment they visit. Shawn already stopped to take pictures with the first wave of young girls and women. (Y/N) realizes that this new group is all fresh faces and lets him know. They all screech and wave when she points them out through a window.
"Can you come with me? Sometimes they have gifts."
(Y/N) follows him out to the sidewalk and the excitement grows. A lot of them are recording. Cameras don't bother (Y/N) anymore. Shawn's supporters are more often than not very respectful to her in public. Every time she attempts to stay in the background, they graciously call her name and want to shake her hand and thank her for helping Shawn remember things.
This is a lively bunch today, but they're more than willing to take direction. Roughly three gifts were exchanged, thankfully all small sturdy things in boxes that (Y/N) could store in her tote for the rest of the day. A few hugs and happy tears later, Shawn opts to take a group photo with everyone. He hands (Y/N) a fluffy, blue phone to take the picture.
"Okay guys, say cheese."
The shutter clicks and Shawn stands up. "Everybody say thank you (Y/N)!"
They sound like a preschool class when they say it all together. (Y/N) gives Shawn a stern, but playful look. He bumps his shoulder into hers, grinning from ear to ear.
“You’re all very welcome.”
Jake steps in and politely asks everyone for some space. Shawn is still of course signing things and making light conversation. (Y/N) steps aside to check her phone again for any updates from Andrew or Cez. It’s then that a very small hand taps her on the forearm. She looks down and the smallest little boy that she’s seen so far this tour is standing there, waving at her. Several of his front teeth are missing. Another young girl, probably a teenager rushes to his side.
“I’m sorry, this is my little brother,” she says in a thick English accent. “He just wants a picture.”
“With me?”
The little boy nods eagerly. (Y/N) looks over at Shawn, who is also nodding. 
“O-Okay, yeah that’s fine.” (Y/N) kneels down to him, as he’s only about three feet tall. “What’s your name?”
“Georgie,” he says quietly.
“It’s very nice to meet you Georgie, I’m (Y/N). Can I shake your hand?”
Georgie extends his miniature hand and rests it in hers. (Y/N) can see out of the corner of her eye Shawn logging the entire moment onto his phone. Georgie’s big sister takes the picture and she walks him back into the crowd. Just as quickly as he ran up to her, they were gone. (Y/N) stands there, heart swelled and in awe of what just happened. Shawn jogs to her side, still looking back and waving to everyone.
“That was fucking adorable,” he says into her ear.
“I know,” she whispers back. “You got video of it?”
Shawn replays the twenty-two seconds on his screen for her. Georgie is even cuter the second time. And the third.
"I'm going to melt. He's so cute."
The touring party has moved ahead to the end of the street, right at the crosswalk. The band, Brian, Andrew, and Cez were all waiting behind for them to catch up. (Y/N) reaches into her bag for a water bottle just as Shawn starts to ask for one. He gingerly takes it from her hand. She pats him on the back.
“Let’s not keep everybody waiting.”
A few more blocks and they reach 2nd street. There’s less young people around, which allows the adrenaline to wear off. (Y/N) opens the map on her phone to find the next stop.
“We’re coming up on the next place,” she tells Shawn. “I think you’ll like this one.”
“Is it food?”
“Uh, I think it’s close to food— hang on a second, we just ate like and hour ago.”
Shawn shrugs. “I walked it off?”
(Y/N) sighs. “Alright, well there’s a fish and chips place right across the street from it, so you’re in luck.”
Shawn does a mini celebration dance mid-step. (Y/N)'s phone makes a sad little chirp to let her know it’s dying. She closes every app she’s opened since the start of the walk. Before she can press the power button, a call comes in. The number is unknown, but she accepts it anyways. It could be someone important.
“Hey, beautiful.”
(Y/N) stops walking and her blood gets hot. "Jason?"
Shawn stops too, once he hears the name. (Y/N) eyes meet his eyes briefly, then go back to the sidewalk. She doesn't need him worrying.
"Why are you calling me?"
"I got a surprise for you. Turn around."
She does, but sees no one and nothing out of the ordinary. "What the fuck am I supposed to be seeing, Jason?"
A figure halfway down the street waves at her. His ball cap obscures his face, but she knows those high end slacks anywhere.
"Okay, hang on," she says and hangs up abruptly. She slides the tote off her shoulder. "Shawn take this, I'll be right back."
"You don't have to go talk to him," he assures her. "Let's just keep walking."
"No, I have to. He doesn't know when to quit. I only need a few minutes, maybe five."
"Do you want me to come with you? Or Jake?"
"No. If Jason tries to start something, you'll get in the middle of it and someone will take a picture or video and that's the last thing we need."
Shawn looks for Jason past the sea of tourists. He's actually standing there like he doesn't have all day to wait around. If only (Y/N) would let him join her, he'd feel a lot better about her having to talk to this asshole. The longer he glares, the more motivated his feet are to walk down there himself. But her small hands on his chest pull him back into reality.
"Just go to the record store— surprise it's a record store— then take everyone to the fish and chips spot. I'll be back."
Shawn's face twists into a worried expression. "I really think it's best if Jake goes with you at least."
"Then who’s going to protect you?"
"I've got Brian and we can run if we need to."
(Y/N) looks over at Brian, who kindly salutes her. Jake comes up to take her tote and his place by her side. These men were not about to let her face anyone alone if it can be helped and she is all the more grateful to have them.
"Five minutes," she tells Shawn. "Then call me. If I don't answer, call the cops. I think it's 999 here."
“It’s not gonna come to that.” Shawn squeezes her hand, then looks at Jake, “Don’t let it come to that please.”
“I got her, don’t worry,” says Jake.
Shawn’s hesitant to let go, but he does eventually pry his hands from hers. She starts off in the opposite direction they came, Jake tailing close behind.
(Y/N) checks her emotions, but they seem to be on autopilot. The whole point of quitting the firm was to be as far away from her old life as possible. Jason showing up out of nowhere, unannounced and uninvited ignites a fire in her chest. Every cell in her body trembles so much so that she has to clench her fists just to focus on walking.
Jason’s sat at an outside a small cafe’s dining table when she approaches. “A bodyguard? Seriously?”
“His name is Jake. He’s friendly as long as you are.”
“What took you so long,” he sneers. “New boyfriend wouldn’t let you go so easy?”
“There is nothing between Shawn and me but a professional, working relationship. Wish I could’ve said the same for us.”
“Are you really blaming me for your having to quit?”
“No, Jason.” She sits across from him. “In fact, not everything revolves around you. Other opportunities came and I needed a change of pace. Now I’ve got friends like Jake who have my back and I have theirs.”
“(Y/N) I didn’t come here to make trouble. I simply want to make an offer.”
She folds her arms across her chest. “Give it your best shot.”
“I know this job can’t be paying you that much and you must be homesick. So I pulled some strings and got a position open for you. You’d be making twice as much as you did as my assistant.”
"This position requires that I still work under you though, doesn’t it,” she asks.
“Y-Yes, but it comes with several perks. Perks you didn’t get before.”
(Y/N) rolls her eyes, “Tantalizing.”
Jason sits back in his chair. “Alright, what’s it going to take for you to come back?” There’s an air of desperation in his words.
A wry smile plays on (Y/N)’s lips. “You’re falling apart back there, aren’t you?”
Jason finally shuts up. She glances at his hands, stiff in his lap. He’s nervous, and for the first time in all the hours they spent together, he is truly the one at her mercy. (Y/N) examines him carefully. The severe bags under his eyes. The bitter frown pushing on his laugh lines. The wrinkles in his clothes. He came here on impulse to try and get her back. A less informed person might think it's vulnerable, but anyone who knows Jason is well aware of how few and far between he does for others out of the kindness of his heart. He has an angle, and (Y/N) can't be bothered to figure out what it is.
“Jason, I’m happy where I’m at. No, it’s not six figures, but it’s about more than money for me. I’m done with fighting for my life.”
“Just consider what you’re doing here, (Y/N).”
“I’ve had two months to consider. My mind was made up when I left. You have to know that.”
(Y/N) rises from her seat and turns to leave with Jake. Jason rushes out of his seat and steps in front of her. Jake instantly moves a dense arm between them, glaring at Jason.
“I have to get back to work, Jason,” (Y/N) heaves. “I only asked for five minutes and we have a bit of a walk now.”
“I’m just telling you, you’re making a mistake. You will regret this.”
It's probably the most blatant threat to ever fall out of his mouth and it makes her stomach churn. Still, she doesn’t give him another word or second of her time. Jake leads them away from the cafe. There's no need for her to look back to know that Jason’s fuming. She can feel the heat of his stare burning the back of her neck.
She’s leading Jake after a while, until they find the record store. Shawn’s still milling around in the rock section with Brian and Andrew. (Y/N) taps the window with her fingernails prompting Shawn to look up. His face brightens like a Christmas tree and he bounds to the exit in two large strides. He catches (Y/N) in a bear hug on the steps  of the shop, just barely lifting her off the ground.
“Holy shit, you’re okay.”
“You sent Jake with me,” she giggled. “Nothing was going to happen.”
“I was still losing it. Brian had to talk me down a couple times.”
“He turned us around twice,” Brian says over his shoulder.
"That explains why you guys didn't get too far."
Shawn takes her over to the window. It’s probably the coziest corner of the room, leaving very little space between their bodies. He’s practically hunching over to look her in the eye. Passersby on the other side of the windowpane don’t pay them any mind, but (Y/N)’s body is still so hot all over.
“What did he want,” he asks, hushed and mindful of the space they occupied.
“He had a new job offer for me. More money, stuff like that.”
“I said no, Shawn.” She bites her lip. “You can relax.”
“Oh! I knew that.”
"Yeah, sure you did."
"Hey you two," Andrew says. "Are we eating today or tomorrow?"
(Y/N) makes unnecessary adjustments to her clothes, tucking her shirt further into her shorts. Shawn pushes back his already tidy hair. They each exchange an awkward smile.
"Shall we," she says to him. He files behind her and the party and out of the record store.
The eatery is near full when they happen upon it. It’s a quaint little shop with specific memorabilia all over the walls and a washed out blue color scheme for the old decor. Surrey natives of all kinds are inside. The staff, though a little hard on the outside, are more than amiable. They even help push a couple of tables and chairs over to a booth to seat everybody.
"You know they're being extra nice because you walked in," (Y/N) nudges Shawn. He looks over at the two female cashiers, sending them into a giggling fit.
"You think?"
"Don't play dumb. We've already established how cute you are."
"I know. Just love hearing you say it."
(Y/N) doesn’t fire back with one of her usual quips and slumps back into the booth. Usually, she sat up straight and attentive to everyone else. All the glow and spirit she started the day with seemed to be sucked out of her. Shawn scoots in next to her, hoping to transfer some of his positive energy with mere proximity. If it were up to him, they would have kept walking when Jason showed up, but it wasn't his decision to make for her. Everybody else is preoccupied with much louder conversations at the crowded table. He moves in close, not necessarily facing in her direction, and taps her forearm.
“Are you sure everything’s okay?
She simply bites her lip and nods silently. Jason must have done something wrong or said something wrong. Shawn knows it isn’t any of his business and she clearly doesn’t want to talk about it. On the seat of her chair is her very fidgety hand, picking away at it’s weathered paint job. 
He moves his hand down onto his thigh, daring to get so close in the middle of this much company. No one else can see their side of the table as far as he knows.  Furthering himself into the gap that separates them, he stops when his pinky finger can link with hers. He gives it a tight squeeze and she returns the pressure. Her face remains expressionless, as if all the emotion has been redirected to her hand. She's okay is what this tells him, but he holds on for the rest of lunch anyway.
@spider-mendes @sebsdreamboat @innositer @sauveteen @sauveteen@sinplisticshawn @sohani02 @yourkidsfavbabysitter @matchamendes@gxccicoffee @daisychains4 @nervousaroundmendes @st3p-hani3 @rulerofnocountry @darling-shawn @learning-howto-be-myselfx3@cheerfulmendes @imaginesofdreams @thesmutpeasant 
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #016
“i said no more teachers, & no more books  /  i got a kiss under the bleachers hoping that nobody looks”
Do you wear your significant other’s clothes? Oh yeesh, I wouldn't be able to. He is way taller than me and also broad, buuut I am by definition obese and factually bigger than him overall so they wouldn't fit me but hey thanks for the new weight loss motivator lmao What is your favorite kind of potato chip? I'm a basic bitch that honestly really likes plain ol' Lay's Ruffled chips. Green or blue eyes? I think very light blue eyes gotta top my list. I also REALLY love emerald green and sapphire blue ones, though. Do you have a wild side? I honestly don't, really. Have you had a good cry lately? OH HO HO BOY What is the stupidest thing you have done while driving? Do you consider yourself to be a good driver? I don't THINK I've done anything truly "stupid" because I'm too terrified of DOING something stupid and getting me or especially someone else killed. And at the very same time, it's that petrifying fear that makes me a BAD driver. I am in a constant state of panic behind the wheel and am just far too jumpy and "stay the fuck away from EVERYBODY" to where I'm too cautious and passive. List 5 movies that you hear are good, but that you have never seen. Uhhhh these are in no order of desire to see, just throwing out random ones that come to me: The Blind Side, The Great Gatsby, Avatar (which I started once but didn't get far before falling asleep lmao), The Fault in Our Stars, and The Matrix. One thing a guy needs to know about you before you get into a relationship. Uhhhh probably more than anything is that you're gonna need patience. They'd need to know I'm nowhere near all there in the mental health department and it's not gonna be a walk in the park, dealing with someone as emotional as I am. Do you mind watching chick flicks? Maaan ain't nothin' wrong with a cute chick flick. Do you mind if people just show up at your house unannounced? YES, I MIND. Who’s your favorite person in the whole world? Girt. Will you be attending any weddings in the near future? No. Would you get your nipples pierced? Ehhhhh I've lightly considered at least one, buuut pretty sure it's not something I'll go through with. What was the last song you listened to in the car? "Little Dark Age" by MGMT came on in Girt's car otw back from the theater. Can you hear anyone talking right now? Well, singing. Are you sure of your sexuality? Honestly? Nope. I don't think I ever *totally* will be unless I ever have intimate relations with a feminine person, but I mean, I'm PRETTY sure, but how can I say when I've never done it, y'know. My exact sexuality is just so unimportant to me by this point in my life now though that I don't care if I never know. Do you think that you are a good writer? I think so. Moving forums and just starting over somewhere fresh with writing has been super motivating to write more and better. What was the last compliment that you got? Uhhhh something from Girt yesterday, I just don't remember exactly what he said. When was the last time you went in the car past midnight? Oh wow, I don't know. Does anyone call you babe or baby? Girt, sometimes. What languages can you count to ten or higher in? Just English and German. Ever kissed anyone with a nipple piercing? No. What about a lip piercing? Yeah, Tyler had snakebites. Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? Yes. There's still a lot of emotional vulnerability going on right now to where I'd still really love to be w/ the boyfriend for comfort. Have you ever voluntarily read the Bible? Some of it, yes, but I sure haven't read the whole thing. Have you ever gotten a spray tan? Absolutely not. Does your best friend have any piercings? No, picturing him with literally any is such a weird image. What do you use to carry your things around in? (Purse, pocket, tote bag, etc.) A purse. What are cuter: poodles or German shepherds? The latter. I love shepherds. What is the mushiest and most romantic thing someone has ever done for you? Oh god, I honestly don't want to even try to remember. Has anyone ever kissed you when you REALLY weren’t expecting it? No, at least not that I remember. The time Juan kissed me came to mind for a moment, but I think I kind of knew he was going to do it but didn't want to accept it. ^Was it a good random kiss, or a bad random kiss? I didn't want him to kiss me. I went full statue. Who was the last person to give you money? My father. If the last person you kissed asked you to marry them, what would you do? We really shouldn't do that yet, but I know myself very well enough to know I'd say yes. What’s the longest you ever stayed at someone else’s house? I know at LEAST a month, when I lived with Colleen and Mom was figuring out a new housing situation. Do you miss your last ex? No. Well, I don't miss her romantically. There have definitely been some days where I miss the good times of our friendship, but they weren't worth the damage. When you believed in the Easter Bunny, what did you think it looked like? I honestly don't remember. What about the tooth fairy? Okay so I actually thought she looked like a stereotypical angel due to a story Mom always told us of how she claimed to see her when she was little. Now as an adult I don't know what the story was based on, maybe like a dream or whatever of her thinking she saw an angel, idk. Do you/did you have a religion class in school? No. If your best friend got cancer, would you shave your head with them? Oh GOD I hate this question. My immediate reaction to this was that he'd probably tell me NOT to because he knows how incredibly low my self-image is and how doing it would affect me. Did you kiss anyone on New Year’s this year? Never had a New Year's kiss, actually. What was the subject of the last essay you wrote? Toxic masculinity. I got SO into that essay. Does your mom wear makeup? Very rarely. Do you kiss your boyfriends/girlfriends in front of your parents? Yes. Do you ever daydream about the person you like? Well yeah. Name all the members (first, middle and last names) from your favorite band. Believe it or not, I don't know all the members in Ozzy's band. I literally only know him, haha. But an obsessive bitch got Rammstein down no problem (except for most middle names but I don't know if some are even publicly known): Till Lindemann, Richard Zven Kruspe, Paul Landers, Oliver "Ollie" Riedel, Christoph "Doom" Schneider, and Christian "Flake" Lorenz. Has someone ever approached you and offered you drugs? No. What would you do if your favorite artist came to town but your parents wouldn’t let you go? Hell would freeze solid before Mom even CONSIDERED saying no to an Ozzy concert, lmfao. Mom even loves Rammstein quite a bit and would totally go see them w/ me. I just wouldn't tell her some of the antics they pull on stage sometimes and pray to the good merciful lord they don't play "Pussy" and do The Thing lmfao Do you know anyone who refuses to swear? I don't THINK so. I do remember my sister Nicole wouldn't for a very long time, but now she doesn't care. Have you ever heard a young child swear? Oh Jesus, I've heard my niece say "goddammit" and my eyes almost fell outta my head because Aubree is raised VERY Christian. I don't know where in the world she heard it, but Mom simply told her to never say it. Thankfully her parents weren't there, because I have no clue how they woulda reacted. Have you ever heard your grandparents swear? My maternal grandmother, yes, on at least one occasion: She told me the fuck off over something and called me an ungrateful bitch. Honestly? Deserved it. Would you rather name your child Michelle or Monica? Michelle. What is your best friend’s favorite relative? I am going to assume his mother, they're very close. How many people saw your last kiss? Just my mom. Has the last person you hugged ever seen you in only underwear? No. I hate my legs A LOT and even though he's seen some of them, I don't want him to. Have you ever lost a friend over the opposite sex? No. Who was your most romantic moment with? Jason. Who does your most embarrasing moment involve? Mom and Girt. Does your dad swear? Pretty much uncontrollably. Doesn't matter where he is, he's gonna say any swear. He's honestly probably where Aubree heard "goddammit" from. When you like someone, do you picture what your children will look like? That... is extremely creepy. No. Think of any one of your friends. What is their mom’s name? Sheilia (no, I didn't spell her name wrong). What is their favorite movie and TV show? ... I actually don't know/remember, fuckin' rip. He likes a massive variety of stuff. When is the last time you two hung out one on one? Yesterday. Have you ever exchanged presents with this person? UGH I suck and haven't gotten him anything yet, but he's given me a stuffed animal before when we first tried dating literally just because I very passionately called it cute, lmao. It's a Carbuncle from Final Fantasy. It's stored with my other stuffed animals up in the attic and I REALLY want it back out. Would you have a career you can’t stand if you made a lot of money? I couldn't, I know I couldn't. What would you prefer to get from a guy/girl: flowers, a hand-written poem, a picture he drew of you, or a nice night out? Bitch I'd swoon over any, please Root beer or orange soda? Orange cream soda. I don't like root beer. Do you ever wish you had a different family? HELL no. Does the last person you spoke to have any siblings? She has two brothers and a sister. Does your best friend ever wear fake nails? Oh lord Girt has Working Man Hands and the idea of him with fake nails is fucking glorious Have you ever seen the last person you hugged naked? Yes. What was your biggest fear as a child? Losing my mom and tornadoes. Have you ever suspected that your last ex was cheating? Why? No. If I can give Sara anything, it's that she is very, very loyal. Has anyone ever told you they wanted to be with you forever? Yep, guess he changed his mind but oh well 'cuz I did too. What’s the best date movie? I will defend The Notebook to the ends of the earth alskdjfal;kjfaklwe Have your parents ever been out of the country? No. Do you swear and yell while playing video games? No. The angriest I ever got was during the Memory of Alessa boss fight in Silent Hill 3 when I played it the first time and I had no ammo so it was all melee, and despite being FUMING mad inside, I just kinda seethed and grumbled and muttered a swear. I don't yell. Would you rather name your daughter Andrea or Eva? Andrea, I think. Have you ever seen the last person you watched TV with drunk? No. Do your pets chase after bugs? Roman does, yeah, haha. Do eat at home or in restaurants more? Home. What is your mom’s favorite movie? I actually don't know. Do you know anyone who always looks perfect? Who? have y'all SEEN this motherfucker named Mark Fischbach What was the last movie to make you cry? Well uh, The Black Phone now, but not because it itself made me the "oh this is sad" kind of emotional, it just dug up apparent trauma. I don't really know what would be the last movie that made me cry in a normal way. Who was the main character in the last book you read? Read, like finished? The book was titled after the character Darkstalker, but there were two other "main" characters - Clearsight and Fathom - who had chapters written from their third-person angles, too. It was an incredible book. Who are the last people you saw kiss? Probably my sister and her husband. Do you ever fantasize about your future wedding? Who's the bride/groom? LKJASLKD;FA;WEAWEO I might If you could trade appearances with the last person you hugged, would you? Well, I'm a woman and happily a woman, so no. Do you have any relatives who are expecting a baby really soon? Quite positive no. When you get married, who will be the maid of honor/best man? My mother. Does your best friend get along with your parents? Girt loves Mom and Mom positively adores him, but I don't know what Girt thinks of my dad; though after yesterday, III don't think he thinks well. He's met my dad, like we were friends hanging out before my parents split, but he definitely hasn't seen him a lot at all. Have you ever been in a wedding? What were you? Yes, I was one of my sister's bridesmaids. Does the last person you touched smoke? He does not, thank god.
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cutiecrates · 6 years
Cutie Reviews: Yume Twins May 18
See, I’m already making progress. It’s been a while since I’ve done two reviews in such a close span... hasn’t it?
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Theme of the month: (U・x・U) Pom-Pom Sunshine
Before we get into this, I thought It’d be kinda fun to look over the description of this months box to help get a feel for the theme. It does play a large role in judging and I usually don’t elaborate upon it outside of name. Keep in mind that I took out the non-important stuff.
“What does Pompompurin and sunshine have in common? They both have a kawaii pastel yellow color! Pompompurin also loves going out and enjoying the outdoors making the most of his day. In this box, you can find many cute yellow items that represent May’s nice weathers and Pompompurin!“
Not to be a downer but I don’t like yellow.
But the point is not to judge the box on it’s color choices but its content, so please keep that paragraph above in mind.
Contest & Yume Prize
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As usual, we have a contest featuring some very randomly chosen Sailor Moon facial masks, earbuds, and a puzzle. I’m not complaining though, who doesn’t like Sailor Moon? 
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The Yume Prize caters more towards the theme however, which I do appreciate. They usually do pretty good with that. Although, without sounding like a brat, I don’t see how this stuff can cost over 500 dollars other than the high quality being on a name brand product that belongs to its brand; you know, like if you find a toy at an official Disney store, it’s probably going to cost more than like it’s Walmart Disney toy variant?
In fact I can guarantee it because one of my favorite bloggers did a comparison on them a few times....  
Kawaii Culture
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I really should be including this more often, so here it is now :3 May’s Kawaii Culture celebrates the very first permanent Pokemon Cafe in Nihonboshi Tokyo back in March. You can shop for Pokemon-themed goods like accessories, toys, figurines, and even get some cute themed food.
Okay! So let’s get along with the review shall we?
Pompompurin Roll Cushion
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The second of 3 Sanrio Roll within Yume Twins, last month we got My Melody in the easter-themed box, and next month we’ll get the third and final one of the set. You’ll have to wait for that review to see who it is-  but in the mean time feel free to guess or think up an answer. I wish the image within the booklet didn’t spoil each one though because the shapes made them very obvious. There wasn’t a surprise element for us who subscribe to it.
As I mentioned in the prior box, I love these cute Sanrio, tube-like tsum tsum cushions. They’re so cute and soft.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
These are very simplified, but well made roll plush/cushions. Comfortable enough to snuggle with and use for the head or to rest a limb on. They even go full out with details... by that I mean they included his button.
and by button I mean... button; you know, typical Pompompurin inclusion. If they didn’t want people to know it was there they wouldn’t put it <3<
Kawaii Leisure Sheet
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Ironically I just reviewed one of these in the Doki Doki April box. I think this one may be a bit bigger, I didn’t think to compare the two to see like I probably should have. Anyway... as a rehash of DDAB’s sheet, this sheet is for activities you would probably down sitting down outside. The bottom half has a thin layer of Styrofoam, while the top is textured (I assume to wash off dirt or stains).
This game in four styles, featuring Rilakkuma, My Melody, and 2 different Sumikko Gurashi. 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Rilakkuma is always cute and I love this design! It feels so.. spring-to-summer vibey. But I also feel like this could work in the fall too. The mat is thin, but it still feels comfortable sitting down on. It could also probably work for several other things, like putting shoes on, or as a plate mat for a room or something. If I was going to the park or on a picnic or something I’d probably bring it.
Japanese Canvas Tote Bag
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A mini-tote bag made in India that apparently costs 1,000 yen. It’s not very big but it gets the job done no problem and offers a lot of space. It also has an inner-pocket, which I like because I hate bags that have no storage compartments and just make a mess you need to waste five minutes digging through. There was 5 designs, including this one, two with cats, and two with sumo wrestlers.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
For a bag to get in one of these boxes I’m actually pretty impressed by it. It’s extremely well made and you can fit necessities and more in it, so it’s very practical for all sorts of occasions. I also like the simplistic and colorfully repetitive design, it makes me feel happy.
Cafe Holographic Stickers
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I love sparkles, and food stickers! I got pretty excited seeing this in the box, you can see just how holographic the packaging is alone. There are 6 types (Honey toast, a drink, pancakes, a frappe, cheesecake or fruit tart, and a donut), 8 for each. There is also 2 large stickers with a design based on the front of the package.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
First I want to say adore this packaging. It’s so sparkly and shiny, and I just think it’s really cute looking with the cafe items covering the front and back. I like the variety and the stickers are like average stickers, but they do have that holo that everyone loves and makes everything better~
Taiyaki Squishy
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Everyone’s favorite item in these boxes (I assume anyway), a squishy! Taiyaki is a baked pastry filled with things like red bean paste or chocolate. They’re super-popular and can be available fresh (which seem more cake/dough-like from what I’ve seen) or crispy pre-packaged ones (which I’ve tried before and really liked).
This was available in strawberry, chocolate, regular, matcha, and... white. Sorry, I’m not sure what a white one would be. It’s like they knew I wouldn’t be a fan of the Yellow color theme for May and gave me my favorite color to appease that.
I know that isn’t really the case, but it’s ironic isn’t it?
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥  
It’s very cute, and I’m happy I got this strawberry-colored one. But I did notice mine has some air bubbles in the rubber/fabric (?), and around the mouth the coloring is lacking. What really killed it for me though, is the fact that it smells like body odor. I have no idea why it would, it’s been in the box and the box doesn’t stink. The inside of the box actually smells good...
Oh, and if you’re curious its a like a... 8 out of 10 in terms of rising speed. It’s quick but not instant.
Chick Kitchen Spoon
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This is our final item of the box, and also the featured one. It’s an adorable chick-themed spoon perfect for stirring soups and sauces, scooping rice, tossing a salad, etc. It’s feet are removable- I assume for easier holding and washing.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I love cute kitchen items, so I instantly took to this one. It’s pretty much like any other large spoon you’d have for making foods, but it’s just unique in design- so there isn’t actually much I can say about it. I do like that it stands though, because I hate laying spoons down on various surfaces and either making a mess or worrying over germs and having to get a whole new one.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 4 out of 5. I liked everything enough, I’m not sure what of it I’ll actually end up using because for me personally, it kinda feels like this is one of those “put it aside and come back to it“ boxes. I didn’t instantly say “I’m gonna put that out right away!“, except for the chick spoon for obvious reasons.
Price - 5 out of 5. Unlike the past two boxes I feel like this one was definitely worth the price we pay for them. Two items were small, in comparison to having a bunch of small and cheap items.
Quality - 4.5 out of 5. Everything is spot-on, nicely detailed, etc. I’m only marking this down because of that smelly Taiyaki squishy.
Theme - 2.5 out of 5. The theme was yellow, and two of our pre-picked non-randomized items were indeed yellow. By some dumb luck one of my items is mostly yellow. But two ended up being multicolored, and one was pink (but had a yellowish one in the set). Another portion was pompompurin, who could have been represented more, as well as sunshine, a summery vibe I honestly didn’t feel with this box outside of the vibrant color.
Total Rank: 15/16 out of 20 Cuties. Lately I’ve had complex and uncertain feelings about boxes, but with this one I felt like I liked it more/better even if it left me without that excitement that I look for in a new box.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Leisure Sheet -  Not only did I feel like this embraced the theme the best, but in general it’s just a super-kawaii design!
2. Cafe Holographic Stickers - I was quickly won over by the sparkly, shiny rainbowness of the packaging- plus the stickers are cute. 
3. Pompompurin Roll - Very cute and squishy-soft, but generic Pompompurin you know?
4. Tote - A repetitive and simple bonsai plant design, but it’s charming.  
5. Chick Spoon - It’s cute but in a generic sense to me, so I thought the other items were much cuter.
6. Taiyaki Squishy - It’s a stinky, but still kind of cute squishy. And Pink, so...
Alrighty, we’ve come to another end of a review. Wasn’t so bad was it? Next will be the usual NMNL, followed by Kira Kira crate. I’m hoping to get those both done within the next few days to try to get myself back on track of posting more often- especially since I got so behind >3<
But if anyone sticks it out with me and continues reading then I’m happy. So until next time stay warmly pompompurin cute!
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wannawrite · 7 years
Sweeter Than Candy
Wanna One’s Park Woojin X Reader
Fluffier than cotton candy
Word count: 3255
• summer’s here whooo it’s time to make extra cash [ to save for merch and concerts amirite ;) ] • you’re hella heart eyes for your new coworker • let’s see what happens hurh ;)
i’m the most unoriginal person to ever exist. Your job is at a damn candy store but that’s only because I was being all sentimental and emotional about the times my friends and I would go to the candy stores and pig out….sigh, it’s very far away from our homes though so we don’t go nowadays :((( Anyways, i hope you like it anon :)) , soRRY IT’S LIKE TWO WEEKS LATE I’VE BEEN STUDYING
- admin L
PS: will be edited soon [ 7/8/2017 ] 
edited: 7/8/2017 __________
Oh my god…..if he’s going to sneak another sugared fruit jelly into his mouth i’m gonna….yeah okay
You sighed, staring sheepishly at your coworker - Park Woojin - in a non-stalkerish, totally friendly kind of way as he popped yet another piece of candy into his mouth while working. He knew you were eyeing his every move and winked cheekily before speeding off to assist another customer.
It was finally summer and as much as you wanted to let your hair down and party, you also wanted to make some extra pocket money, a little could always go a long way. So, you had taken up your parents’ suggestion of working at the nearby candy store, The Sugar Shaker. Despite it’s… peculiar name, it was a very popular store and was constantly filled with people, be it young children from the neighbourhood elementary school, teenagers stocking up on their study snacks or even working adults giving into their candy cravings, everyone in this estate loved The Sugar Shaker. The atmosphere was always bubbly and lively, there was never a dull day.
Especially when you had a shift with Woojin.
You would be the world’s biggest liar if you said that his presence didn’t light up the entire room. Woojin was always so talkative and funny, albeit he could be really awkward and dorky on occasion but you only added those to the list of things you liked about the boy. He made you laugh at his silly jokes when both of you worked the latest shifts and showed his sweet side by telling you to go home early when he saw you dozing off on the counter.
“Go ahead at head home, Y/N. I can pack up. Your health is so much more important,” Woojin had told you, smiling despite how tired he was and showing you his snaggletooth. It only made him more and more charming.
When you refused to leave him by himself, he made you nap in the break room, using his black hoodie as a pillow. It smelled like his cologne so you really didn’t have any issues with it.
Woojin was rather popular with the girls’ around here, at school, at work, in the store, they all whispered and giggled about him. You couldn’t blame them, he was indeed made out of 110% boyfriend material.
Any girl would be lucky to have him…I just wish it was me….oh, he’s so-
“Y/N!” Your other coworker, the older and more experienced Hyonju unnie yelled, glaring at you but there was a playful twinkle in her eye. She was already in college and yes, had her fair share of boyfriends while you had never had one.
“Ugh, what am I going to do with you,” she said, not looking up from packing a customers bag of candy and once they had left, continued. “You keep admiring him from afar but never actually makes a move…ahh.”
You blushed bright red and returned to your original task of manning the till but your mind wandered back to Woojin.
No, no. Let’s focus, now…..but-No!
Hyonju unnie shook her head, snickering at you. She pinched your burning cheeks affectionately. “Awww, my cute dongsaeng is scared. Never fear, you started summer with a new job and we’ll make sure it ends with a new relationship!”
You swore under your breath, praying Woojin hadn’t heard whatever nonense Hyonju was spewing.
“How can I? Woojin’s way too good for me, it’s impossible,” you muttered, rather reluctant to admit the truth. Hyonju heard this and gasped, smacking your arm. “Don’t say these kinds of things! I don’t believe them for a second! Look, out of all these girls in the neighbourhood that admire him, you’re the best and probably the only good fit for him. Ahhh! So cute! Just date already!”
Woojin approached the cashier without either of you noticing. “What’s so cute?” He asked, his nose scrunched up adorably in confusion.
“Nothing! Nothing, nope!” You insisted, unable to look him in the eye for you were afraid he would pick up clues from Hyonju’s cocky smirk and your scarlet cheeks.
“Ahh, I get it, girl talk. It’s okay Y/N, if anything, I find you cuter. Don’t be demoralised.” Woojin patted your shoulder while grinning, before moving off to the other side of the shop. What he had assumed wasn’t exactly right and that was one of his dorky points, the appearance of his trait made you crush even harder on him.
It was tough to ignore Hyonju unnie’s surprised yet delighted expression and her constant teasing for the next few hours.
“Oh my god, stop it!” You hissed at her even though she hadn’t done or said anything.
Hyonju simply giggled, shrugging.
“The ball is in your court sis.”
The sun had barely risen over the horizon but you were already trudging in the direction of The Sugar Shaker. You squeezed your tired eyes shut, still groggy and half asleep. There was no real point in opening the shop at 8.30 in the morning, there were barely any customers. Perhaps the handful of high school students or kindergarten kids who had begged their parents to leave the house a little earlier to visit the candy shop. You really disliked this shift.
Part of the reason was that Woojin didn’t work this one with you but the later, afternoon one with the other pretty high school girl, Lisa. You couldn’t hold anything against her, she was a nice friend.
Ugh…Hyonju unnie is probably going to tease me all the way today, you complained internally as you approached the store. The neon light sign had yet to be switched on but the inside was already well lit. Puzzled, you slipped under the shutter, only to be blinded by the brightness.
Strange, unnie NEVER reaches before I do…ugh, what did she do?
You had to blink a couple times to allow your eyes to adjust to the new level of brightness.
“Unnie?” Your voice was still hoarse and not loud enough. “Unn-!”
Somehow, Hyonju had started unpacking today’s stock, random boxes were scattered everywhere and one of your characteristics of being clumsy clearly wasn’t helping. It didn’t hurt terribly but it sure ached when your back hit the cold marble floor.
Footsteps pattered in your direction frantically, Hyonju was probably shocked as well.
“Oh my god! Y/N! I’m so sorry!”
Wait what….
You looked up so abruptly that you bumped your head on the shelf above. Woojin cringed in pain on your behalf. He shot you an uneasy look, smiling nervously while offering his hand for you to take. You accepted it gratefully, despite the throbbing pain at the back of your head.
“Uhh, thanks,” you muttered, suddenly fully aware of your hand in his and the close proximity between the two of you. Woojin seemed to realise it to, he dropped your hand and took a step back, the tips of his ears reddening.
“Ahh, it’s my fault anyways, I don’t know what time you usually show up and figured you wouldn’t be here for awhile so I just left the place in a mess. I’m sorry, Y/N! Forgive me! I didn’t mean it!” He blabbered but seemed sincere about his apology. Woojin hung his head, pouting. It was an adorable sight to witness and you couldn’t help but stare at him. Firstly, his hair was rather messy, hidden underneath his red baseball cap, it seemed like he too hadn’t bothered to do this hair. Secondly, despite is cheery aura, there was a sense of sleepiness and comfort that lingered around him. Thirdly, his snaggletooth was the cutest thing you had ever seen.
I think I’ve mentioned the last one before…….
Then, it dawned on you, “Wait? Why are you even here?”
Your heart starting beating at an abnormally quick rate, butterflies seem to come alive in your stomach.
“Oh! Hyonju noona had a change in her college schedule, so, we swapped shifts. The two of us now have three shifts together!” Woojin explained rather excitedly, however, you saw that he was still awkwardly playing with his hands and avoiding eye contact. You bit your tongue to stop yourself from allowing a giggle to emit from you.
“Ohh, I see. Well…uh, I’m here now. Let’s start work!” You high-fived him, he responded enthusiastically, beaming.
Oh unnie, what am I going to do now?
Silently, you thank Hyonju unnie but also dreaded working another shift with just two people. It made you more prone to messing up in front of Woojin.
Your hands brushed off imaginary dirt from your clothes, pondering.
At least this gave you a bit more time to grow closer to Park Woojin.
From time to time, Woojin would give you an encouraging smile, silently cheering you even though it was just your job. When there was no customers patronising the shop, he ran next door to that uber cool cafe and bought smoothies for you and him. Both smoothies were of the same flavour because, “I didn’t know your favourite so I picked my favourite but wasn’t sure if you would like that either so I asked my good friend Jinyoung who works there to recommend a flavour and he said that strawberry is nice. I’ll take you there to personally choose what flavour you want next time”. You found that gesture incredibly sweet and kind, your cheeks nearly tinged as pink as your smoothie ( which Jinyoung did a great job on ).
When Lisa and Hyonjun arrived for their shift, Woojin helped you to pack your things and even carried your tote out. He wasn’t having any of your protests.
The machine beep in a friendly manner right after you swiped your employee pass through the scanner, signalling you had clocked out for the day. You spun round, nearly knocking into Woojin’s chest. Fortunately, he reached out and grabbed your forearms, steadying you in time.
“Woah, Y/N. You’re so clumsy today,” he teased light-heartedly, sticking his tongue out you.
Even at the very front of the shop, you could here Hyonju unnie’s excited screams and shipping.
“‘C'mon, since I’m seeing your face so much, we should get to know each other. What do you want for lunch? My treat.” There wasn’t time for you to object, he had already began searching the internet for good barbecue places nearby. “I know noona told me about your secret obsession with meat one day. I’m sorry I know, Y/N. It’s okay! I like meat alot too.”
You weren’t sure if it made you feel better or worse.
“Yah! Shouldn’t you say something? It’s so unladylike!” You wailed in embarrassment, covering your face with your hands. ( rip admin L at family dinners lolololol i eat so much )
“Ah! Stop covering your pretty face…oh hey, you have really soft hands,” Woojin murmured in amusement as he ran his hands over yours, that small action shot dozens of tingles down your spine and sparks ignited all over your body. Woojin made you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
“Ugh, but why would I have to say anything about that? Girls need to eat too. Besides, I don’t care if you aren’t ladylike, as long as you’re a lady I like.”
You punched his muscular shoulder, letting out a small squeal of surprise as he laughed, which sounded like music to your ears. He was so angelic.
You knew that sad truth that it was just a joke between coworkers, almost-friends but a part deep inside of you yearned for whatever Woojin had said to be about you. He was the perfect friend and a dream boyfriend.
I wish he was into me, but he deserves so much better.
“Y/N! Hurry up! The faster we get there, the more meat we can eat!”
Seeing Woojin had suddenly become a frequent thing. Saturday was your off day and you always went on an evening run around the neighbourhood, making sure to be back before dark. You unexpectedly bumped into Woojin, playing basketball at the park’s basketball court. He was together with a few other boys, some you recognised as seniors and some you had never seen before. It was nice to observe their game as you stretched and cooled down somewhat. Woojin finally spotted you, he waved, “Y/N! Hello!”
Smiling, you waved back but suddenly grew aware of the multiple pairs of curious eyes staring at you. You shifted your weight from foot to foot uncomfortably, under the gaze of Woojin’s friends.
Woojin approached you. “Hi,” he said.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
Well, he’s totally not playing basketball. Well done, Y/N.
“Oh! Uh, Guanlin…yeah that really tall guy…no not Daehwi…yeah, that guy, invited us out to practice with him and i don’t know why he’s nervous about tryouts for the competition team, he’s amazing! That guy is Jinyoung, the smoothie boy and Jaewhan hyung is the one wiping Jihoon’s face,” Woojin introduced, pointing at each boy respectively. “Hey, are you busy now? If not, join us. I-I think i-it will be fun! Like…more fun if you join us rather than now because…I’m rambling now aren’t I?” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
Omg stoppp it, you have no idea how hard I have fallen for you.
“Sure! Why not? Don’t you see me too much at work though?” You joked, setting your water bottle down next to his bag.
Woojin rolled his eyes. “This is summer, I didn’t intend my holidays to revolve around work. C'mon, just catch a break, it can’t hurt. Won’t I still be seeing you tomorrow?” He slung an arm around your shoulder like it was the most natural thing in the world but you could pretty much feel his nerves and awkwardness radiating off him.
You still hadn’t gotten over the fact how cute he was.
“Hey! Woojin, who’s this?” A friendly and kind looking boy asked as you approached, he smiled warmly at you. Was his name Daehwi? You supposed so.
Woojin waited till at least all of them were in earshot before speaking. “Hey guys, this is my… friend…and coworker! Uh, her name is Y/N,” he introduced hesitantly.
Various versions of ‘hello’ were chorused in response, all of them seemed welcoming.
“Oh, are you the Y/N who Woojin really can’t shut up about? He seems to really like being your friend,” Daehwi mentioned absent-mindedly, putting a finger to his lip.
There was an long pause, even the song of the crickets had become audible.
“Y/N, do you want to play with us? It’ll be exciting!” Jinyoung exclaimed, breaking the silence before bouncing the basketball a few times.
Seeing the hopeful look on Woojin’s face gave you the push to accept their offer. You smiled, nodding you head.
“Yay! Thanks Y/N!”
You felt you throat close and heart thud madly in your chest as Woojin wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him. Your back leaned against his defined chest as he hugged you. Because of the sudden action, your shirt had ridden up a tiny bit so Woojin’s arm brushed against your tummy, right above your belly button.
The reaction was immediate, electricity shot through your veins, you felt icy shivers slip down your spine, leaving a weirdly pleasant feeling.
Neither of you pulled away until Jaewhan coughed and once he thought you weren’t looking, glared at Woojin, who in turn, burned bright red.
There wasn’t anyone who was cuter than him.
The summer was coming to a close much faster than you anticipated, it was a bittersweet moment. You weren’t sure if you could manage classes AND a job, the will to try was there but really, it was a tall order.
However, you had grown a lot closer to Woojin and even expanded your circle of friends.
Hyonju unnie was constantly cheering you on.
Meeting with Woojin to hang out became an extremely frequent affair, your parents were beginning to get suspicious but you reassured them that he was just your good friend. That was not a lie either, Woojin had become one of your best friends. There wasn’t a day that he didn’t text you to make sure you were all right.
You genuinely wanted summer to last forever, it was such a shame that it was coming to a close so quickly. So, savouring your last few shifts, you often prolonged tasks, especially if it was the shift with Woojin and Hyonju.
Woojin’s voice shook you awake, it appeared that you were dozing off at the counter again. It was already 9.45pm, The Sugar Shaker would close in 15 minutes.
Woojin rubbed your back, tracing small circles comfortingly. “Ahh, go and rest. I’ll be with you soon okay? Let me close up first,” he said.
You flopped onto the small sofa in the break room, and considered it a luxury. Grateful that Woojin pretty much left all his hoodies here, you grabbed one and snuggled into it for comfort. You heard him sigh when he saw you.
“Y/N, oh my gosh. You’re so cute. You must be tired, do you want me to call a cab? We can crash at my place,” Woojin suggested, playing with your hair.
“Come and cuddle,” you mumbled, you had no shame right now. Besides, was it not natural for friends to cuddle?
“C-c-cuddle? Me? And… Y-You?” He stammered but didn’t complain when you held out your arms, in fact, he gladly obliged.
“Woojin,” you began, pondering if you should confess your feelings for him.
Whatever, YOLO amirite? ;)
“Yeah? You okay? Are you comfortable?”
“Mhmm yes. Thanks. Uh, uh….I just wanted to say that… you’re one of my best friends…”
Ugh! What an awful start!
“Oh…thanks…” Woojin shifted in discomfort.
“But I want us to be more than that. I like you. Date me. Now or never,” Mustering up the courage, you declared bravely.
It was like Woojin could not believe what he was hearing, he took a double take, staring blankly at you. “Wha-what? Re-really? Me? Date you? What?….Yes! Of course!”
Then, he leaned in and kissed you.
Not on the lips because he closed his eyes and missed but just at the corner of your mouth, you found it the perfect 'first kiss’ spot.
Woojin’s eyes widened in horror. “I’m so sorry! I was aiming for your lips…no! I was going to kiss your cheek, not your lips! Not that I don’t want to kiss you on your lips but that-”
You cut him off with a giggle. “It’s okay, you can try again. I find your rambling adorable by the way.”
It seemed to give him a surge of confidence. Woojin smiled, he brought his lips closer to yours and cautiously pressed his to them.
You savoured every second, his lips were soft and velvety, just like you expected them to be.
When he pulled away, he pursed his lips together. “Mmhm, isn’t that the new green apple flavoured gummy?”
You blushed in embarrassment, refusing to admit you had nearly downed a whole packet of those. Of course you paid for it, with employee discount.
“Mhmm, it tastes good. Almost as sweet as you,” Woojin professed and nearly doubled over in laughter after.
The summer began with a new job, who knew it would end with a new relationship.
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makeuptips10-blog · 6 years
18 Gift Ideas for Friends at Every Price Point
New Post has been published on https://www.claritymakeupartistry.com/18-gift-ideas-for-friends-at-every-price-point/
18 Gift Ideas for Friends at Every Price Point
Weddings, baby showers — these are relatively easy gifting occasions because, miraculously, your friends just tell you what they want. Much harder are those more random gifting occasions. Like what do you give to the friend who just got a promotion? Or how about a birthday present for the friend who’s about to turn 30 (and doesn’t seem thrilled about it TBH)? Or the true-blue friend you just want to thank for seeing you through, well, pretty much every bit of drama and joy you’ve experienced since college?
Since wish lists for literally every gifting situation are sadly not a thing, we’re helping you come up with 18 sweet ideas for pretty much everyone you know. From the boss babe to the Netflix queen to the Crossfit-obsessed buddy to the one who lingers with you over brunch for hours, their perfect gift awaits.
$1,000+: An off-the-beaten-path tour of Colombia
Woman-owned travel company El Camino’s motto is “Be a traveler, not a tourist.” And thanks to the owners’ inside knowledge of the destinations (one is Colombian), you’ll get a cool, intimate glimpse at the best restaurants, beaches and cultural attractions in a country that’s quickly becoming a must-hit spot.
Small Group Colombia Trips, starting at $1000 at El Camino Travel.
Photo: El Camino
Under $900: The chicest, coziest chair for your new roomie
So, you signed the lease (yay!) and now you need some furniture. This overstuffed chair covered in cozy boucle is so cute — you won’t know whether you want to sit in it, or sit on the couch so you can look at it. Which is perfect, because your girl’s probably going to steal it for her Sunday novel-reading marathons anyway.
Gwyneth Boucle Chair, $899 at CB2
Under $650: The ultimate understated-fancy tote
The older art-school friend you always thought was a little too cool for school? Okay, so maybe she isn’t the warmest person ever, but she just gave you a major recommendation that landed you a cherry job. Feels like you owe her better than a beer, right? This structured leather tote by woman-owned brand Building Block will delight her with its understated whimsy.
Wave Tote, $650 at Building Block
Photo: Building Block
Under $350: A wear-everyday, lab-grown diamond for your ride-or-die
She helped you celebrate every promotion, shake off every heartbreak and helped you move three times. She’s there for you every day, kind of like how this gift will be. Lightbox’s rose-gold pendant necklace holds a lab-grown diamond and is special enough to become the anchor of her wardrobe. That should definitely make up for the time you made her totally redo your Hinge profile.
Solitaire Pendant in Pink, $300 at Lightbox.
Photo: Lightbox
Under $350: A portable iPhone printer for your official photographer
You can always rely on her to snap a group pic when you all get together — and yet, like all of us, she has not actually printed a photo since 2007. Luckily, this ingenious little gadget makes it easy. It attaches directly to your iPhone and prints photos or even video stills, and lets you add cute designs and stickers, too.
Prynt Pocket iPhone Printer Set, $249 at MoMA Design Store
Photo: MoMA
Under $200: Truly stylish maternity jeans
She doesn’t have to give up her cool cred when she’s expecting. Madewell’s ingeniously designed skinny jeans are cut low in front for comfort, high in the back for coverage, and they have stretchy panels at the sides to grow with her expanding belly. But technical stuff aside, when she pulls them on, they just feel like a rad pair of jeans.
Maternity Skinny Jeans in Annabelle Wash, $138 at Madewell.
Photo: Madewell
Under $100: Next-level loungewear for the binge-watcher
Yes, she probably already owns a robe. But does she own one that’s super-soft, cozy and comes in an extremely aesthetic palm-on-pink print? Probably not. Treat her to this, and she won’t even have to change before venturing out to restock on snacks.
The Kimono, $65 at Lively.
Photo: Lively
Under $100: A indestructible French press for the writer
Hemingway said, “Write drunk, edit sober.” But forget booze — what writers actually run on is copious amounts of coffee. And if, like this writer, you’ve ever smashed through your third glass carafe and thought “there must be a better way,” there is. This isn’t cheap, but it is tough-as-nails and double-walled to keep your coffee hot.
Frieling 36-ounce French Press, $79.95 at Frieling.
Photo: Frieling
Under $100 A playful shag bathmat
Do you need an aesthetic bathmat that costs $60 and features abstract, organic shapes? Nah, but it’s definitely a fun addition to any bathroom (or even an entryway) that beats anything on offer at big-box home stores. Way cuter than something so useful has a right to be
Cold Picnic Islands Bath Mat, $60 at Coming Soon.
Photo: Coming Soon
Under $100: An at-home wine-tasting
Your buddy deserves better than Budweiser. To help prove it to her, gift her a Winc gift card. She goes online, fills out a quiz, and a wine expert chooses a couple bottles to send her by mail. It’s like a wine-tasting, but better, because it’s on your couch.
Wine Tasting, starting at $60 at Winc.
Photo: Winc
Under $50: A real food-based protein supplement
Sure, you got a little sick of hearing how amazing she felt on Whole 30, but you have to admit, those kettle-bell swings look badass. Help your newly obsessed buddy maintain that hard-won muscle with this collagen protein supplement made from five different types of collagen — all from food sources you’ll actually recognize on the label.
Multi-Collagen Protein, $44 at Ancient Nutrition.
Photo: Dr. Axe
Under $50: The world’s best dry shampoo
We know what you’re thinking: Dry shampoo as a gift? But trust us, this one’s different. It doesn’t just do the ho-hum job of sopping up oil, it actually makes your hair voluminous and sexy — dare we say Bardot-esque? A gym-bag essential that’ll help you get to Bellinis faster.
Hairstory Powder Dry Shampoo, $36 at Hairstory.
Photo: Hairstory
Under $30: A planner to plot world domination
Whether she’s a budding girlboss looking to launch her own biz or she’s determined to get that promotion this year, she doesn’t have to wait until 2019 to get down to business. Ban.do’s planner runs from August 2018 through August 2019 — perfect for students or grownups looking to recapture that “back-to-school” energy. It’s the perfect mix of practical and fun, with monthly and weekly calendars, plenty of pages for notes, cool artwork and most importantly, stickers!
Classic 13-Month Planner, $20 at Ban.do.
Photo: Bando
Under $30: A luxe, day-to-night skincare kit
Cult skincare brand Sunday Riley’s products do more than just look good in a #shelfie (although they do that, too). They’re made with clinically proven ingredients that actually work. Under $30 buys your buddy a brightening Vitamin C serum for day and a soothing, retinol-infused night oil to even out skin tone and stave off fine lines, not to mention complaints about her vanishing 20s.
Sunday Riley Multivitamins Set, $28 at Sephora.
Photo: Sephora
Under $30: A hardy plant, delivered
It can be tough to live your plant-mom dreams in the big city, where you can only haul so many pots at a time. Help your bud catch up fast with plants that come delivered to her door. A snake plant like this is great to start with, because it’s trendy and barely needs any light or water (hey, being a good plant mom takes time).
Costa Farms Sansevieria Laurentii Plant, $29 at Home Depot.
Photo: Home Depot
Under $20: A metallic peel-off mask
Skincare junkie alert! If her Insta feed is already full of her in sheet masks, charcoal masks and that pink clay mask too, here’s an even more unexpected one she’s sure to love. Ohii’s vegan peel-off mask brightens and refreshes your skin, and it looks cool doing it.
Ohii The Big Reveal Peel-Off Mask, $16 at Urban Outfitters.
Photo: Urban Outfitters
Under $20: A high-design iPhone case
She might have gone to art school, or she might just subscribe to Kinfolk. Either way, she will definitely appreciate the whimsical cool of this iPhone case, designed to look like terrazzo, the “chipped” effect flooring whose revival took over the design world a year or two back and shows no sign of stopping. Beats an Otterbox for sure.
Terrazzo iPhone Case, $15 at The Wing.
Photo: The Wing
Under $10: The prettiest pink carafe for the hostess
Look, it’s not *your* fault you let your girl throw every party this summer and never returned the favor — that’s what she gets for having a backyard! Still, it’s a lot of work playing hostess all the time. So next time you stop by, bring this pale-pink carafe along with your go-to bottle of rosé. It’s the most charming way to serve wine or spa water (that’s water with herbs), and chic glassware is almost never this cheap. (Psst: The matching glasses are super cute, too — and only $2!)
Intagande Carafe in Light Pink, $8 at Ikea.
Photo: Ikea
Next slideshow starts in 10s
Standout Celeb-Inspired Ways to Accessorize Your Hair
Source: https://stylecaster.com/affordable-gifts-friends/
0 notes
It took place over like 9 years..... it started out where I was at some relative's wedding when I was 14. The wedding was held in some weird mall that had a church in it (or at least the room where the sermons and ceremonies happen... totes forgot the name)
I wss young and got bored so i snuck out the back to play with the really crappy camera I just bought. I was taking blurry shots of the wedding through the stained glass window when I heard giggling and I tied l turned around that quick took a shot of the culprit!!! Which, of course, ended up being Tae. That was the first time I met him!
We both laughed at our surprised faces and tried to shush each other, knowing we'd get in deep doodoo if we disrupted the wedding with our childish mischief. Neither of us said anything, just continued goofing off with the camera until people started filing out from the ceremony. We barely were able to give each other a frantic wave goodbye before we were swept up in the crowd.
The second time we met was about a couple years later. My mom, sister, and i somehow got roped into going to some sort of inspirational speech show thing. I had just turned 17 and thought I knew enough about the world to tune out. I fiddled with my faithful old camera, zooming in on random faces in the auditorium. Eventually I happened across a familiar face!!! Even cuter than before, Tae sat attentively, flashing that boxy grin of his.
Once the event was finished I waited outside the door, hoping to spook that same goofy kid from that boring wedding. Eventually he came out and I gave him a light shove before snapping yet another picture of his surprised face. He seemed to remember me immediately, but he seemingly couldn't find words to say. That's when we figured out the language barrier. Broken English established two things. 1. He's visiting from South Korea and 2. His name was Kim Taehyung
Another year or so passed and in my free time I tried to pick up bits of Korean. You know... just in case. I still had my trusty old camera, and sometimes I'd happen across a forgotten blurry picture of Tae.
It was 2012. I managed to get cheap tickets to a concert I was dying to go to. It was just me who went to the concert, but I was a-okay with that because I was simply so excited! I honestly had no idea that the concert had a supporting act, however.
(Enter Stage Left: BTS)
There were 7 fluffy dark heads and it took me a moment to realize that one of them drew me in more than the others from my great distance. The boys were introduced as an up-and-coming boyband from South Korea with plans of debuting the next summer. Uhhhhhh wait.....what. What crazy circumstance!! I zoomed in with Old Trusty and immediately recognized the one with the craziest smile.
They performed a couple songs, the crowd screaming and cheering the whole time. Clearly their fanbase is already growing! I dug in my purse to find this expensive ass pen I bought the other day to jot down the group's name and info, promising myself to look them up when I got home. As they exited the stage I decided to hell with the rest of the concert!! I needed to quick say something to Tae, because no way was I missing this oportunity!
I crept outside and waited until the boys left the behind the stage doors. (because that was a thing???idk) Tae skipped out and I gave a loud "psst" to get his attention. The big eyesmile and him pointing in my direction was proof enough that he still remembered. I pointed back and we both laughed. We kept pointing at ourselves and then back at each other, still unsure how to overcome the language barrier. Nervous as all HECK and awkward beyond believe I so eloquently said, "Uhhhhh" before making a lame heart with my hand, smiling, and then shrugging.
*cue more laughter from us both*
I tried, probably in vain, to describe how I was impressed with their performances and how crazy it was that we met again. Soon enough people were yelling his name in obvious attempts to hurry him along. I didn't want to just leave him again with another dumb wave and awkward memories, so for some reason I thought I might as well give him whatever I have that is precious to me. It took a little bit of digging but I found my prized pen and handed it over to him with a thumbs up. My camera was hanging around my neck and with a gesture he agreed he wanted to take a picture. The picture showed us both pointing dramatically at each other.
A year later they debuted. I tried to keep up with the group while still focusing on school, and every now and then I would watch their youtube videos. I found that the members would upload vlogs of themselves. In each one of Tae's vlogs he would be holding the pen I gave him, twirling it offhandedly with his fingers the whole time. A simple act, but it would make my day after each upload.
In 2014 they toured North America and I saw them in concert. I didn't have the best seats, but I was able to take a couple pictures, proud of Taehyung and the rest. As expected, I couldn't find him afterwords.
2017 rolls around and I'm at another one of their concerts. I was determined with my pit tickets that I would be able to at least make eye contact with this elusive heart throb that haunted me the last 9 years. Indeed, as he walked on stage I jumped and pointed in his direction, the movement enough to catch his attention. He pointed at me before shooting a quick finger heart and a wink. RIP me. Again, we weren't able to meet after the concert.
The last time I saw my childhood crush was by sheer luck. It was a couple months after the concert and for some reason I was stranded in a mall right as it was closing. I'm horrible with directions and I couldn't find an exit as they turned off the lights. Franticly I ran around a corner and literally collided with Taehyung. Even in the dark we knew who each other was right away.
Whispering, I tried to explain in both english and broken Korean that I was lost and that I didn't understand what was going on and "why are you here??". He just chuckled before shutting me up completely by taking my hand and led me across the store we were in. Apparently BTS had free reign to shop at any of the stores after-hours to avoid running into crazy fans, which I tried desperately to deny being. Eventually we came across a door that looked like it would go outside. Upon opening it we realized it was just a balcony and that we weren't even on the first floor in the first place!! How silly. But it was a beautiful starry night, and we were still holding hands, and we both knew without speaking that we wanted to stand outside with each other for a bit.
No dramatic words were heard, no "long time no see"'s, no confessions were said outloud. We just gravitated towards one another until we were hugging, him softly playing with my hair as we watched the sky and pointed at each shooting star. The night was cool but we were warm.
the end.
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
 II: Well, that was a bit disappointing, but it'll all be useful for the fleet I suppose.
II: What is everyone else up to?
ID: a whole lot of nothing.
II: That can be restful!
II: Unless you are bored, haha.
ID: i mean i need plenty of rest, so i'm taking it.
II: Ah, are you recovering from something?
ID: yuppp. got a broken arm and a big ol wound to the shoulder.
II: My goodness. That sounds like quite the fight. Or accident?
ID: definitely fight. all legal, i promise! =:P
II: Pfft, I wasn't going to question you. There are plenty of legal skirmishes on Alternia.
II: In fact I'd say there are probably more legal than not.
ID: it was mostly a joke, dw.
II: Haha
II: Fair
II: ...oh, bother, I swear if one more tall tealblood gets in my way...
II: Why is everyone so _towering_ .
SA: break kneecaps 😃
II: It might be good for some of the neophytes, but greatly frowned upon.
ID: how tall are you?
II: Not terribly short, but short for my caste. 5'5
II: And I swear half these teals look like someone stretched them and pulled them.
ID: i'm 6'1" so. member of the stretch and pull club here.
II: Oh my, you _are_ tall for a rust
II: That must be useful
ID: oh yeah, get to pop over the waves of rust. totes useful.
II: Pfft
II: _Finally._ I thought they'd never stop crowding the doors.
ID: i was scared of blending in, y'know. with all the other horn-floating tattooed maroons. thankfully i have my height to be unique.
II: Ah yes. Your most distinguishing feature, I am sure.
II: You are such a normal troll otherwise. Painfully dull.
ID: i know. shame i haven't taken up a life of crime, you'd never find me in all the other dull faces.
II: Pffft
ID: =;P
II: I have never actually used an emote before
II: But I feel compelled to respond with one
II: 😹
II: ... never mind
II: That looks terrible
II: 🐱 there, much cuter
ID: yeah that. was not a wise choice.
ID: that's better.
II: Haha, it was not, who made that monstrosity I wonder?
II: I thought cat emotes would be cute. That looks awful.
ID: 🐯
ID: ....
ID: 🐅
ID: hey that one isn't too bad.
II: 🦁
II: That one's a bit odd.
SA: 🐍
SA: 🐃 it's your lusus
ID: 🦌
ID: mix those two together, maybe.
II: Haha, it's been a while since I was at circus
II: ...which is a good thing, admittedly.
II: Though some of them do have wonderful menageries.
ID: i was wondering why you were hanging with the teals and all when your caste usually did.
ID: other things.
II: Other less than tasteful activities you mean?
II: Don't worry. I don't endorse a lot of what the church does, even if I am technically part of it. It needs heavy reform in some areas.
ID: i was gonna leave it at other, but p much! =:P
II: Tactful of you, but I certainly don't mind.
II: In the legislacerator business you learn to talk frankly about Imperial bodies. They have their flaws like any other.
II: But that's a dreary topic for most people, so instead I think I'll segue into commenting on this lovely train I'm on.
ID: hahahah, trains are a safer subject for a lil rustie to comment on anyways. =:P
ID: does it have a snack cart.
II: I think if anyone ever called you a "lil rustie" they'd lose a limb, but of course it does.
II: What is a train without a snack cart, I ask you.
II: Incomplete.
ID: you could play along with my weak lil rustie gig, hella rude. =:'(
II: Ha
ID: ...though tbh i was never good at it.
II: Nice try, I've known far too many rusts to fall for that.
II: Idiot neophytes in my class got themselves killed underestimating lowbloods. I learned not to make their mistakes.
ID: well if it makes you feel better i have no plans of culling you, random stranger on the chatroom. =:P
II: Hahahaha
II: I figured not, what would you gain from it?
II: Nothing except a lot of trolls on your tail.
ID: ...i mean...
ID: things.
ID: your wallet.
ID: trolls have killed for less!
II: Pfft, wealth perha - oh, now I'm just hurt, only killing me for my wallet? Not for vengeance or something interesting? You wound me, ID.
II: At least make a penny dreadful out of it.
ID: i mean vengeance for what.
II: Oh I don't know, being purple. Some trolls are that petty.
ID: i mean. for a purpleblood you're like. the least offensive thing i've met.
II: Haha, well, I try to be reasonable. I think rather little of highbloods who believe they can be ill-mannered or wild just because of their blood.
II: They give all of us such a terrible image.
ID: yeah, well. they're pretty encouraged to be awful.
II: Mm, they are, it's deeply unfortunate.
II: I was lucky enough to be raised by trolls who taught me proper behavior young, but in places with less Imperial instruction standards can be _quite_ dismal.
ID: ...raised by trolls?
II: Oh, I had my lusus of course, but I _was_ part of the church's creche when young, before I changed my mind to go into law. So I was always surrounded by proctors of some sort.
ID: oh. huh.
ID: yeah i was raised in the desert.
II: Oh! They can be such fascinating places. What was your upbringing like?
II: Did you live on your own, or in a town?
ID: i had one neighbor pretty much.
II: Ah, isolated then.
ID: preeettttyyy much. we became buddies though. since. lack of options really.
II: Haha, naturally.
II: But you say you were raised there - I presume you left?
ID: oh, yeah. i travel now.
II: Do you? What sort of places do you go?
II: What kind of work do you do?
ID: uh i pretty much just pick a direction and walk.
ID: work is uh. mostly fighting trolls for money?
II: Oh, ring fighting? Or less formal street affairs?
ID: less formal. definitely.
ID: though sometimes ring.
ID: last fight was in a ring.
II: Do you have a preference, or is it simply a matter of convenience which you choose?
ID: ehhh i prefer less formal generally!
II: Smaller crowds and less pressure?
ID: but this time the guy challenged and the fact everyone was telling me i'd just get hurt if i did pissed me off.
II: Pfft, I can see that
ID: less rules. =:P
II: Always irritating to be told - hahaha
II: I suppose I can't argue with that, given my preferred method of combat is shooting my enemies with acid. That's certainly not in any honorable rule book.
II: But it is effective.
ID: whatever works, right?
ID: but yeah. i fucking hate being told i can't do shit.
II: Certainly, given my arsenal of other weapons and technology.
ID: get enough of that in life.
II: Certainly it seems silly to try and dissuade you from a fight, particularly if that is how you live.
ID: besides, it ended in a tie so everyone was wrong on who'd win!
II: Hahaha
II: That is amusing
ID: yeah, well. it happens. as long as no one got salty when i refused to listen, idgaf.
II: Well, I figure it's their problem if they do.
ID: p much! unless they got clades that you're friends with and then they get dragged in to it and it can get messy.
II: Hahah oh my, that sounds quite alarming.
ID: like i'm pretty sure there are trolls upset at what i did to the other guy.
ID: but whatever. he challenged me, and he was the one who made dumb mistakes in the fight.
ID: anddd i'll stop venting to a stranger about it now. sorry.
II: I don't mind! It sounds like it was quite the event.
II: I certainly have nothing better to do than stare at my fellow passengers or browse the internet, and most of the trolls around me aren't terribly interesting looking.
ID: it was fucking something alright.
ID: how long do you have to travel?
II: Oh, a few hours. The lecture I was at was firm-mandated, now I'm back on one of my own cases.
II: I mean, I get cases passed to me through the firm too, but it was a mandatory summons for everyone from our firm regardless of case.
ID: i see. an interesting case?
II: Mmm, I've had duller I suppose. It's mostly just cleaning up loose ends from a mutant fighting ring that was already busted, and we're just chasing down the remaining culprits.
II: Nothing terribly exciting, but it's necessary work.
ID: huh. well, good luck with that.
II: It should be fairly simple; we're not dealing with terribly smart trolls here. They got caught because one of their members accidentally left a _window_ open.
II: Laughably careless.
II: It's a wonder one of them had the brains to set it up in the first place.
ID: a brief spark of genius that quickly waned. =:P
II: In fact I think the leader got culled by some backstabbing subordinate, who then started to get complacent and run the organization with a looser hand, allowing us to get the drop on them.
ID: greed can be the downfall of many a troll i suppose.
ID: but hey, makes your job easier when they're culling each other.
II: Sometimes! Sometimes it leaves us with less information to catch the others with, unfortunately, but in this case that's not an issue.
ID: go on out there and keep our streets safe. =:P
ID: ...well. barely maybe safer.
II: _ha_
II: I'd need a whole team of trolls to make things safer
II: I'm very good at my job, but I'm only one person
ID: aww c'mon. just be troll batman.
II: That costume would look ridiculous on me.
II: I adore the movies, mind you, despite the terrible example he sets.
II: But I could not get away with wearing that.
ID: ...troll batgirl?
II: Even worse in the costume department. I'd like a word with whoever designed that. Any legislacerator with half a brain wouldn't be caught dead in that. Insanely impractical.
ID: was it ever really designed to be practical though.
II: No, it was designed for lowlifes to drool over, certainly.
II: Which I suppose is its own appeal, but I can't see a costume like that as at all attractive given the career I have.
AM: Hello, hello sweet honies of the night~
ID: ...ii are you a sweet honey of the night.
ID: because i know i'm not.
AM: Sweetie, honey please. Don't be so down on your self! Anyone can be a sweet honey of the night if you play your cards right, doll!
ID: that sounds vaguely creepy as fuck. =:I
II: ...I believe I am more like a tasteful...never mind I forget where I was going with that, but I don't think so?
II: Certainly it's nice to be called sweet, but honey just seems redundant in that context.
II: It isn't as if honey is going to be bitter.
AM: Hmm...hmmm you've got that right then sugar. Listen babes if you want a different title then cough up some names then eh? Cause listen sweethearts we can dance around that all we want but it's MUCH better for everyone if we cut to the chase with these introductions. Now what's the set of letters stamped on those business cards of yours honies?
II: Gracious, aren't you forward.
AM: Time's money babe.
ID: i feel like i need a second bath tonight now.
ID: hadean.
II: ...I suppose I cannot argue with that. I am Indrid.
AM: Hadean and Indrid. Great meeting you two! Names Ashley- but listen. Babe. Listen. A second bath is a no go. Your skin will DESPISE you, even if you're moisturzing then toning and scrubbing thrice a week honey. It's just not good for that dermis of yours.
SA: i'm sorry what's happening here.
AM: Oh an actual honey! S'up honeysuckle what's YOUR name hm?
ID: run pris. run.
II: Flee.
SA: why am I fleeing.
ID: also i thought giving our names would stop the assault of nicknames. =:I
SA: and why do they keep calling you honey.
II: I haven't the faintest idea.
AM: Run, flee? Sweethearts PLEASe you're harming my poor self. I came in here for a good time and- here let's sit and just chat. Really babes, calm yourselves.
ID: names.
II: Haha, I was merely joking along with ID. It's never in good taste to not tag along with one's conversational partner.
AM: Yeah, yeah I got it bud. Chill it's fine. These EYES HERE, reading through some GRADE-A lenses and typing like the wind now for your names, babe- oop. Yes gotit.
AM: _Hadean_
II: What's your name, AM?
ID: there you go, give the barkbeast a bone.
ID: ashley.
AM: Ashley, sweet heart. Take note of it, I'm digging the VIBES in here I wanna swing around more often.
SA: i like the lowblood chat, i've decided.
SA: it's a safe place.
II: Take me with you. I _will_ miss ID's commentary.
ID: i multitask.
ID: like i'll let a purple scare me out of here.
II: Scare? They aren't so alarming, merely...unusually exuberant!
SA: oh it's not scary at all.
SA: I just. Don't understand.
AM: Oh, darlings, please. I'm not scary. Don't be so intimidated really, just everyone take a breath. A sip of Chai. Excuse me for just being so EXCITED babes.
II: Haha, I'm not intimidated. And surely we can forgive you being excited.
ID: i've been called honey and babe more in these few minutes than i've ever been subjected to in my life. =:I
SA: lavender chai?
II: I'm sure AM was merely unusually free with their charmingly tawdry speech out of gushing enthusiasm.
AM: A LAVENDER CHAI EXACTLY, look this, this one. I like you, what's your name babe?
AM: You've got good taste.
SA: ...Prisma.
SA: please do not call me babe.
AM: Prisma, sweetheart. You've got it.
SA: 👌
ID: i don't think he wants the sweetheart part either tho.
SA: it's preferable.
SA: I am still only perdia's honeycomb.
AM: Listen babes. Listen. I'm telling you this as someone that cares and is going to be forward. Noting held back here alright? Don't take the babe and sweetheart as like ahh...How do I say this nice. A ..PROPOSAL yes a proposal.
AM: It's just friendly sweet talk you know, sweethearts?
AM: A bit of sugar coating on the words. Can't leave a bitter taste in anyone's mouth after all. Nono. we can't have that haha
AM: Bad for business, yadayada.
SA: 🙊
AM: But let's not talk business babes.
SA: let's. Not. yes.
AM: Those are just all WONDERFUL handles by the way.
SA: I still don't understand hadean's tag.
SA: I've been meaning to say.
ID: ˙sᴉɥʇ ǝʞᴉl ǝʇᴉɹʍ ʎllɐnsn ᴉ
ID: ˙ʍou ʇ,uop ƃuᴉʞɔnɟ ᴉ os ʇᴉ ʇnoqɐ sǝᴉɹɔ ǝuoʎɹǝʌǝ ʇnq
SA: don't ever do that again.
ID: you're all fucking welcome.
SA: I can read it just fine but.
SA: no
AM:Talented, very nice babe. Incredible. Really. But I have one critique.
SA: thank you.
AM: Don't do that, as Prisma said honey.
II: I look away for a few minutes
ID: ˙ssɐ ɹnoʎ uo sʇoq ʎds ǝɥʇ ƃuᴉʇʇǝƃ ʇnoɥʇᴉʍ sƃuᴉɥʇ ƃuᴉʎɐs ɹoɟ pooƃ s,ʇᴉ uɐǝɯ ᴉ
SA: mine. simply means disdainfully superior. disdainful aide.
SA: can they not read it that way?
AM: Again, honey. Stop that. Really. ITS HORRIBLE.
DD: oh dear i am afraid my eyes are crossing far too much to read that right now!
II: Oh, I don't know, it has its own charm.
SA: Is it actually that hard for you to read?
SA: it's. easy.
ID: nah, they're all machines and junk pris.
DD: well not if i turn my palmhusk upside down!
SA: hm.
SA: i didn't even have to turn it upside down...
DD: which i am doing from now on when that comes up
II: Mine is quite to the point about my job.
DD: then maybe you are very talented sa! ^_^
ID: you get used to it.
ID: if you write like that all the time.
DD: it is difficult for me but i guess i could do it if i focused really hard its just a little bit bothersome at the moment because ive been up for ages and i just had a burger (with cheese like you said id!!!!) and i think i am experiencing what people call a food coma
AM: I dig it. Straight forward. Classy. Clean cut. Uhg. I could just LOSE IT but I won't I'm not the jealous type sweety. It's a good name Indrid. Keep it. Never change.
II: Well, possibly one day if I change positions?
II: I would like to be a colony law enforcement head.
ID: hahah, was it good dd?
DD: and ooh are we talking about quirks??
ID: tags and their meanings mostly.
ID: but my tag had to do with my quirk.
SA: there are. so many officers or officer related people here.
DD: it was super good!!!! i asked for it rare like you guys said and it wasnt as weird as i thought it would be though the lettuce was a lot crunchier than i expected and i really liked the pickles but i like pickled things in general
AM: A promotion? Change it. ASAP. In that Case honey. AM: DD where'd you get it from if I may ask? What was the rating of the place? Lots of people there babe? how about the ingredients were they fresh and non-GMO?
ID: along with the fact that i'm an oppositional jerk.
ID: wtf is a gmo.
ID: and why do i need none of it.
II: GMOs aren't so bad, though some companies are rather...mm, overbearing about their guidelines.
DD: i am afraid i do not know all of that am i was too tired to check very much and i am new to this town so i just went to the closest sandwich shop nearby and it was just a local establishment!
II: Genetically Modified Organism.
DD: also gmos are great!
AM: BAd things sweety. Not good. Bad news. Stay AWAY from the GMO if you want that waistline to stay TRIM.
II: ...
II: anyway
ID: i mean starvation keeps me pretty fucking trim.
DD: i mean i think you really are misunderstanding the nature of genetic modification but um
DD: oh dear
DD: starvation??
ID: from time to time dd, it happens.
DD: !!!!
DD: thats really distressing!
DD: why are you starving??
ID: .....
AM: Hadean. That's effcient. Do you like eating tho honey? I got some amazing things I could send your way from a GREAT subscription box from this ADORABLE startup company if you want any.
ID: because of a lack of food/money for food?
ID: i like not being called honey because it comes off as kinda fucking creepy to have a stranger calling me honey.
DD: yes please take ams food maybe i should send you some and oh dear i thought they meant if you liked honey as in the food i
DD: oh dear
DD: um!!!
DD: are you starving right now???
II: GMOs aren't necessarily unhealthy.
ID: nah i'm not starving right now.
II: They can be, but it's not a given.
AM: Got it babe. noted. Write here. Sticky note ready. You want the snacks or not though? They're TRENDING like MAD.
ID: i'm fine with. non trending.
ID: my lusus always taught me not to take candy from strangers and all that.
II: Your lusus sounds like a good parent.
DD: okay i am very happy to hear that and i know we are not really that familiar with each other but maybe do you think if you are ever starving you would be comfortable with messaging me because i know you were uncomfortable earlier but really in the end maybe being a little bit uncomfortable is better than starving and um
Am: I mean in that case I've got LOADs of garbage from last weeks delivery cause let me tell you, LET ME TELL YOU. They didn't get the memo that KALE not the next super food. So it's just....there uhg. I can't even look at it Hadean. Tragic
AM: You sure ?
SA: oh my god.
ID: wtf is a kale.
AM: Power Green.
II: An uninspiring plant.
AM: Truer words have never been spoken Indrid.
AM: Awful. Just Awful plant.
DD: do they pickle it??
AM: It's Dried Kale chips babe.
II: Well. I'm sure it inspires someone.. But I've never found it to be very tasty. Give me a lovely spinach and lettuce salad any night.
SA: it is usually roasted or sauteed or dehydrated.
DD: pickled seaweed is nice DD: also just plain salted seaweed
DD: oh
DD: i do not think i have ever had a dehydrated food ever
AM: You want these sweetheart? I dont want them in my SIGHT anymore. Uhg. just god. Eyesore
II: Perhaps I could force-feed them to prisoners as a form of interrogation.
DD: i am okay!! i just had a burger for the first time and i think that is enough adventure for now really
DD: also everyone is calling it gross so probably i would not like it
AM: Do whatever you want with them. but here. Listen. Just listen all of you. Let me...give you this charitable donation of these chips.
AM: I get them off my hand you get chips for free everyone wins.
SA: no.
ID: i'm gonna go ahead and pass.
II: Haha
II: In truth so must I, for I'm not even sure I would be there to pick them up.
II: I travel too much.
AM: Sure thing sweet cheeks. Anyone else? I have no qualms on tossing them I really don't but Halvea said I can't toss the box here at the office so I'm just sitting on it now.
II: They'd sit in my hive and my lusus would probably get into them.
II: Or Cyan, which would be terrible.
II: ...you know Halvea?
II: Or rather. Is that a tealblood Halvea?
AM: Honey I more than know her. She's my boss!
II: Oh. Interesting.
II: Are you a legislacerator too then?
AM: Oh god no babe.
AM: I'm the secretary.
II: Ah, I see.
II: I have met one of her neophytes, so I wasn't sure.
ID: =:???? the fuck is halvea.
AM: Her secretary. I'm not up and giving this skill of management to anyone.
AM: By the way.
II: She is a very enthusiastic tealblood legislacerator!
SA: Oh, halvea is.
AS: I believe.
SA: ignore that.
II: And yes, she goes by IJ.
ID: oh. that one.
AM: Yes correct again babes!
II: ...though, I do find it interesting she keeps a _purple_ secretary.
ID: i mean probably makes her feel fancy?
AM: Speaking of one second. Just sit tight I got some papers to give her. they came in. I hate them and honestly COULD and SHOULD shred them they're useless but she wants ALL her paper work apparently.
AM: BRB babes
II: Didn't you want to pursue a different career, AM?
SA: we're all booth babes now.
ID: you gotta wear the vent pants pris. =:P
DD: ooooh omg ive always wanted to be a booth babe
DD: just for a little while you know
DD: it seems fun!!
ID: i was a booth babe for a day.
DD: and you get to wear pretty clothes
DD: omg
DD: omg omg
DD: what did you wear??? was it fun??
SA: the day i wear the vent pants is the day i am lowered into my grave.
ID: i wore a hooker outfit and threw knives.
DD: vent pants are fun because they are really silly!
DD: and oh my goodness that is one terrifying professional model look
DD: what were you selling?
DD: did you stab anybody??
II: I'm assuming they did, given the fight.
ID: nah it was a contest on accuracy.
II: Oh, haha
II: Silly me
ID: the fighting came later!
AM: Alright honies I'm back. Uhg. And indrid sweety, listen. I do. I AM. I'm going to be the next rock n roll star just you see I've got some nice TUNES coming up honest.
SA: I almost won.
SA: I would like everyone to know this.
SA: since Hadean seem sto gloss over it was a contest with me in it.
AM: Oh? Deets honey. Deets.
ID: but i was the one who walked away with the giant monkey. =:P
II: Oh, that's a nice career. I do enjoy a nice rock ballad.
ID: ...i wonder what happened to that monkey.
II: ...giant monkey.
SA: yes but I was the one who got to cuddle the giant monkey.
DD: oooo DD: i have always been very impressed by accuracy and fighting in general i am afraid that i am not much of a fighter myself but i suppose it is not relevant to my profession really so it ends up okay
AM: Nevermind it sounds horrid.
SA: did... did you not get it from pheres's booth?
ID: it was a stuffed giant monkey toy.
II: Oh, I see
II: Wait, why did you get that for knife throwing...
ID: ...pris i have a broken arm. there was no way i was hauling it.
SA: because i bribed the owner.
II: Pfft
SA: yo could have told me, I would have gotten it...
SA: 😦
ID: i forgot, sorry.
DD: oh my goodness that all sounds like it was a lot of fun!
DD: and adventurous haha
AM: Damn. Cold honey. Cold. Need a shoulder to cry on or embroidered kerchief there prisma honey?
ID: i was gonna get it but then things got awkward at the stall anyways, sooo.
SA: I will cry on hadean or sipara if i require a cry, thank you.
SA: But I am incapable of crying anyways.
SA: so it does not matter.
SA: thank you.
AM: It's a waste of time anyway!
II: oh dear
AM: I like your style on that.
ID: what do you do when you get an eyelash in your eye. =:P
DD: oh my goodness
SA: I remove it with my fingers.
AM: You get the surgery to stop it or what babe? Let me know give me the numbers.
SA: what do you do>
SA: No.
SA: I was lobotomized.
ID: i curse a whole fucking lot and rub it until it gtfos.
SA: are you happy now.
AM: Ah. Intense.
DD: i cry a lot but its usually hard to tell because i am underwater though i suppose that will not be the case anymore but also not being able to cry sounds awful how do you express your emotions otherwise
II: Oh dear
AM: Sweety, DD. Never got your name by the way honey. You just. You know. Deal with it. Not then. Eventually. It's fine.
II: Are you all right, DD?
DD: i think i am not very good at dealing with it eventually instead of then but that is okay
DD: and what do you mean of course i am! DD: i am not crying now!
II: Well, I meant in general, but that's good to know
AM: You'll get the hang of it I believe in you sweety. Really. You've got potential there. That hue of yours. Comes with some NICE talents.
DD: and oooh that is right i was going to say earlier when we were taking about handles
ID: except for tears of joy over how good the burger was, obvs.
DD: hahaha i did not cry over that but i suppose it was pretty close! DD: it was a very nice burger!!
SA: that is a good thing to cry over.
DD: oh but yes my name is in my handle i am dazzle!!
AM: Hadean, have a sense of proffessionalism. Crying in PUBLIC is tABOO.
SA: your name.
AM: Good to mean you Dazzle. Really just. DAZZLING.
SA: is dazzle.
ID: uh when you're a fish you can do whatever the fuck you want in public.
DD: the daft is not part of my name that is just something my friend jokes about sometimes
DD: omg haha thank you am ❤ ❤
ID: you gonna tell a seadweller to stop crying in a store?
SA: they probably would honestly.
DD: and um yes my name is dazzle technically it is my last name but i think it is charming so i go by it anyways!
DD: my first name is laurel but that is not as fun
II: I think Laurel is lovely.
SA: laurel is preferable.
II: The flowers are very nice.
SA: but it is not my name.
II: But Dazzle is nice too.
AM: Laurel Dazzle. My, my you have just got LOADS of charisma dripping from everypore huh?
AM: I like it. Good name. I'll remember it. taking a REAL note of it babe.
DD: oh um DD: i mean i enjoy dazzle but if you dont like it you can call me laurel i guess i do not really mind that much
ID: daz it is.
DD: and oh my goodness i suppose i have a lot to live up to am!
II: Whatever makes you feel most comfortable!
ID: so we got daz, ind, and ash i guess.
DD: omg haha daz sounds lovely <3 DD: people dont call me that much anymore but when they did it was a friendly nickname so it is nice to hear again
AM: Ashley babe. make note of it back it's polite.
DD: but also i think i did not get your names sa and id!!
Am: Ashley. Honey. I like to keep a professional amount of distance at all times it's more comfortable that way babe.
ID: hadean.
AM: No ash.
DD: hadean!! DD: that is a very lovely name and i am happy to have learned it thank you!!
ID: keep calling me babe and honey and shit, i call you ash in return.
ID: dwi.
SA: "keep a professional distance" calls everyone ash.
SA: I mean.
SA: sweetheart.
SA: I'm. my phone is blowing up.
II: Dearest fellow castemate
AM:Fix that honey. I know the name of a GREAT guy to get that fixed for you. Trust me. Just PM sometime I'll give it to you. Shit we could get coffee sometimes Prisma babe. Anyway we'll talk later. what is it castemate hmm?
DD: is prisma sa??
DD: that is a very colorful name!! DD: prismatic even ❤ ❤
ID: yeah that's pris.
SA: ...
AM: The actual honey of the group HA.
SA: .........
ID: call him it pris.
IJ: Why are you harrassing people on your work hours.
SA: call him what.
ID: hahah, teal boss salvation.
ID: and ash pris. the only way he'll learn is if you annoy him with nicknames back.
SA: Oh no.
SA: I'm mad at DD.
II: Ah, hello Halvea.
SA: not Ashley.
II: Oh dear.
ID: oh.
ID: the name pun?
SA: it disgusts me.
II: Ah, I can see why it would.
ID: good ol' hadean. haven't had a pun yet.
IJ: Hello again In>ri>. I am sorry if my accountant has been bothering any of you, he is quite a blabber mouth in an> out of person.
SA: bean.
DD: oh no wait what why are you made at me what did i do i am sorry
SA: we can call you. bean.
SA: sweetbean.
ID: bean isn't part of my name.
AM: Listen, honey. Halvea. PLEASE use a better title that's so STIFF.
DD: oh the name pun um!!!
DD: i am very sorry i was trying to be friendly and i didnt mean to be offensive
IJ: When you stop calling me 'honey', how about that.
ID: there you go pris, he apologized.
SA: mmm
SA: thank you.
DD: i just meant you know prismatic is another word for colorful so mayb it would be nice to call you that but in retrospect it was tasteless so i will not do it again
II: ...it might be best if you stopped while you're ahead, Dazzle.
II: It is good to have apologized but usually less than preferable to ah, draw out the topic.
ID: so, uh. deep breaths pris.
II: I know you meant no harm, so let's leave it at that.
DD: oh um okay!! DD: i will shut up
ID: i will say it once more in this chat, i'm sorry should not be followed up with an explanation.
II: I concur with Hadean.
AM: Babe, Halvea. Come ON. Don't DO this right now please. I'm telling you look. Here I'll put the phone down huh? AM: Prisma, Indrid, Hadean, you sweethearts were digging my compan right? Dazzle sweety?
II: It certainly provided something new to the chat.
DD: oh i mean i was just DD: i mean i wanted to explain in case he thought i meant it maliciously not like DD: i mean DD: i DD: i am going to go back to shutting up now!!!
II: Oh, ah -
AM: Oh wow hm. Look at that.
IJ: I wasn't saying that you can't talk to others while working. I was explicitly talking about harrassing. Especially some of my fellow co-workers.
AM: Listen, sweethearts lets not drag on the illfeelings-- AM: Co-workers?
AM: Also I'm NOT harassing.
ID: i felt pretty harrassed at the amount of nicknames being spewn out around here.
AM: Hadean.
AM: Hadean you're not helping there bud.
IJ: In>ri> is one of my co-workers, yes.
AM: I offered you KALE Chips pal.
ID: which are apparently a shit food.
AM: OH-- ARE THEY? wow HAH. Oooh. Alright well. Here. I'll get them a coffee later when I get yours how about that? There bygones be bygones, honey.
AM: It's only shit because that fad FADED.
IJ: Kale isn't so ba>. It's also frie> Kale.
ID: man even in hot water you call the boss honey.
ID: i don't know whether to admire your gall or... pity your stupidity...
AM: I gladly invite you to SHUT.
SA: they were so sauve a moment ago.
ID: mmm, invite me to what?
ID: more harrassment?
IJ: They seem to lose their cool aroun> me. For whatever reason.
AM: Please. Buddies. STOP
AM: I _am perfectly cool_
ID: sure you are ash bud.
AM: HEY. HEy here's a thought a good idea. An AWESOME IDEA. I get you that coffee Halvea. INDRID what kinds do you like.
SA: it's like watching. a train. go off the track.
ID: uh-huh, i gotcha ash.
SA: are you quite okay?
IJ: No bu>s in this chat room. Smoking wee> is still illegal in my juristiction
II: I greatly enjoy a nice caramel frappucino.
SA: w ... what.
ID: bud as in buddy there uh.
ID: ij.
AM: Yes. I get that Halvea but again I must state it's not a PLANT it's a WORD.
ID: what ash said.
AM: I'LL BE BACK. Coffe run. Haha. Important. Wow . Yep.
ID: =:)
SA: I thought those wre called joints.
ID: careful not to spill ash!
II: Oh dear, they seem upset.
II: Hopefully they recover.
IJ: Bu> is usually refering to a piece of the marijuana plant, that woul> then be groun> up an> smoke> in what is calle> a 'joint'.
SA: are you this pedantic about all words?
IJ: He'll be fine. I pay him by the hour.
SA: flower buds...
IJ: Someone has to keep the reins in check here.
ID: well we are allll fine upstanding citizens around here.
IJ: The excessive number of Ls in that sentence lea>s me to believe that you are full of shit, mister.
ID: really though if you can restrict him from being able to type honey somehow.
II: Oh, I'm sure ID is a stellar example of Imperial citizenship.
IJ: >oesn't make him any less full of shit.
II: Really? I've found him quite enjoyable.
ID: i can be full of shit and a stellar citizen!
ID: isn't life funny.
IJ: Either way, I can't restrict anyone from typing anything, but I can give him a socially acceptable punishment for >oing so in the future.
SA: public humiliation?
IJ: Either way, I can't restrict anyone from typing anything, but I can give him a socially acceptable punishment for >oing so in the future.
IJ: Not quite that, no.
ID: ....no more coffee breaks?
II: Gracious, Halvea. So what if the boy is a bit overenergetic? What are you going to do to him?
SA: remove his snapchat filters.
II: Ha
IJ: I am not going to give him a punishment too cruel to fit the crime we are talking about here, In>ri>
IJ: I'> mess with his computer if it wasn't a work computer.
ID: i say no breaks. gotta make up the time he spent dawdling on here. =:P
ID: he did a loooot of dawdling.
IJ: >espite his outwar> nature, Ashley usually >aw>les becuase he gets his work >one quickly. If not a bit haphazar>ly.
SA: so they are secretly very intelligent.
IJ: He's not incompetant, yes.
ID: just bad at listening to boundaries.
II: I hardly imagine you'd employ him if he was.
II: He _does_ seem like he could use a bit of advice on how to interact with strangers.
IJ: Perhaps if he keeps this up, I'll have him have to work un>er Sappho for a >ay. Make him run his legs instea> of his mouth.
II: Haha, that hardly seems a punishment to me, but she is certainly enthusiastic and would keep him on his toes.
ID: yeah never leave him alone with a valuable witness, he'd ruin 'em.
ID: unless he's part of the intimidation tactics i guess.
IJ: Maybe have him work in the gym for a few hours, then? Man>atory gym room time.
ID: never a bad idea to have him able to run when he needs to!
AM: Okay hey. I brought my phone to the shop and they messed up my order, bummer right? But listen so they're remaking it and Halvea sweety. They have a special. A SPECIAL. Don't hate me now but, look listen everyone EVERYONE will back me up on this. It's a limited edition Lestat special a Lestat's whatever who cares. Not super sure what it's about but it sounded NEW and EXCITING. SO I got it for you. There all is forgiven honey.
SA: ...
II: Isn't he one of those rainbowdrinker characters
SA: it never ends.
SA: does it
II: Gracious, and we already got into such a discussion about them
II: Haha
IJ: Can you tell me that in Alternian English, please.
II: Apparently in the world of marketing it does not.
ID: it probably means you'll be getting a jade and/or rainbow colored drink.
IJ: ... I sai> I like my coffee as black as asphalt.
AM: Listen. I know. but. Here are you following me?
AM: Follow this idea. I get you that...BUT
AM: I also get this.
ID: so ij. if you need a new secretary, i learn fast.
AM: A sort of...chaser.
AM: Hadean would be awful he doesn't know your schedule and he starves so honestly your secretary wouldn't be as fit or toned as requried. NOW THE ANYWAY. I got it and here I'll send a picture.
ID: i don't order awful hideous drinks so.
ID: and really starvation is the best motivation to do good at my job.
acousticMedusa sent LESTAT_HELLA_MARKETING.jpg. it's basically that unicorn frap but idk black berry and pomagranate colored instead
ID: ahahah oh wooowwwww.
ID: so ij i don't have a resume, is that fine?
AM: Shhh shhh listen. it's great. I heard it's great. There's SO MANY reviews on line. And it's GREAT for pictures and publicity.
AM: No it's not you unprofessional-- no it's bad.
AM: I had an EXTENSIVE resume.
ID: i mean i'm forseeing an immediate opening in the next few minutes so.
AM: You couldn't even triangulate the perfect restuarants to have for breakfast,brunch, lunch, midafternoon mimosas, AND DINNER I bet! It's very important okay. Meetings NEED places like those reserved in advance all within close distance to eachother to ENSURE it's not exhausting but far enough to allow a walk for digestion.
AM:_important skills Hadean babe_
ID: sink or swim world out there ash, i think i'll manage.
AM: not to mention where to go for closer drinks after!
AM: Ashley.
ID: mmhmmm. ash.
ID: leyley better?
AM: Too cutesy it doesn't go with my rocking and rolling vibe okay.
AM: Ashley.
ID: ..................................................................
ID: ..........................................
ID: ash.
AM: 👀
II: I once heard of someone with the nickname 'Ashling', but I suppose if you don't enjoy cute titles.
ID: shouldn't he be returning with your coffees.
AM: It would take a special sort of someone babe. Gotta stay professional, you and me. Halvea's laws.
ID: man i hope your whatever it is doesn't get cold ind.
AM: I brought a reusable thermos for Halvea's drink it'll stay hot as the suns above. I care about the environment HADEAN.
ID: i mean is there a themos for ind's drink too.
II: Ah yes. Extremely important.
AM: You have to plan ahead for this sort of work to be a proper secretary. And no theirs is a COLD beverage why would I ever put that in a thermos the whipped creme would get SLUDGY FAST.
AM: I strictly ordered theirs to come after mine which had to be remade.
ID: psst ind is yours a cold drink.
II: What if I wanted a thermos regardless.
II: What if I just love thermoses that much.
ID: some of us love sludgy cream!
AM: It should be it's a decent degreed day, and a nice ice drink perks on up at this hour-- I really would've appreciated that before hand Indrid. NOTED then. Babe really. Tragically sorry about that one won't happen again .
AM: No, no. No one does. It's just not. It's not kosher.
ID: ind he's saying you aren't kosher.
II: Hahahaha
ID: hella rude right there.
AM: Listen. hadean. Slander isn't a cute look babe.
II: I know. I am so deeply offended.
ID: i'm just translating what you're saying ash.
ID: stop offending the lady.
II: Hadean, ever defending my honor.
ID: i'm the valiant rust in shining armor right here.
II: Hahahaha
ID: trying to secure my new cushy secretary job.
AM: If you're unhappy I'll gladly bring you this businesses card. Call, complain, get a free sludge mountain. It's PEACHY KEEN BABES.
ID: i mean or she could call up ij and complain about you~
ID: tsk tsk, all caps and everything.
AM: Don't you DARE.
ID: soooo rude.
AM: Don't do thsi HERE and NOW.
ID: ind i'm gonna need to lodge a complaint.
II: Oh, goodness, and I was _just_ going to call Halvea and tell her all about how very sad I am.
ID: sweet serendipity!
AM: HONEY HADEAN. DARLING. LISTEN. There's time to scream until we're RAW in private but for NOW hey. Keep it PRO yeaH? YOu DIG?
II: Eerily mysterious, isn't it, Hadean
II: How fate aligns
ID: oh i'm alll pro ash sweety!
AM: Babey cakes. hadean. Kindly. Ever so kindly and gently.
ID: you need to stop taking things so personal. =;)
II: Oh my, it _is_ getting personal isn't it
AM: I'm going to my desk. You can get your drink from my desk Indrid.
II: Gracious, I may _swoon_
ID: wow, can't even deliver the drink ind.
AM: I have to leave this establishment IMMEDIATLEY. BRB
II: I know, I am so put out.
ID: make sure to put that in the report.
II: Oh I don't think I need a full report, do you?
II: Merely a tragically written post-it note.
II: Displaying my sorrow.
ID: oh god it's this one again.
II: I can't say I've met them before.
ID: well i guess with ash gone i gotta get my kicks somewhere.
ID: redlegs. been called worse i suppose.
ID: uh-huh. introduce yourself to ind you caps-broken dork.
II: That would be me.
ID: uh the purple in the chat too.
ID: my patron deity is myself.
II: And haha, I am no deity.
ID: i'm fucking holy as fuck right here.
ID: bow down fuckers.
II: I suppose technically it would be the messiahs, but I am not particularly fond of them.
II: ...I misread that
II: Anyway.
ID: man you're a bright one.
II: Spring fling and boxcars?
II: Unusual nicknames.
ID: i mean i'm redlegs now so it seems to be their thing.
II: Haha, oh dear.
ID: uh my friends are cool af.
II: I have lovely friends!
ID: 'as fuck'.
II: Take them out to eat, or to some place we'd both enjoy.
ID: uh we watch movies and eat and tonight sips brushed my hair out for me.
II: ...oh dear, no, that is not what that means
LA: >8C
ID: ughhh i think she's been hit in the head a few times.
ID: once really hard maybe.
ID: ....no.
ID: we buy food and eat it like normal trolls.
ID: because when i only want one burger i'm not gonna fucking slaughter the whole hoofbeast.
ID: ...how do you save the meat.
ID: and when i don't have a fuckass amount of salt laying around?
ID: exactly, so i'll just buy the one burger instead.
ID: can't be wasteful.
ID: i'll buy whatever the fuck i want. dwi.
ID: i establish friendship with my fucking charisma and charm.
ID: that sounds like a fucking porn star name.
ID: saying af does not mean actually fucking.
ID: needs you do not satisfy with friends.
ID: that's what hookup bars are for.
IJ: Someone shoul> tell In>ri> that if someone is claiming a lawsuit against her, tell her I sai> "His case >oesn't stan> up."
ID: will pass the message on ij.
ID: sorry la, everyone's just working on a big case.
ID: gotta get everything ready for the hearing.
ID: gotta file allll the orders.
ID: submit all the evidence.
iD: brush up on their opening statements.
IJ: Turn the volume >own, ki>.
ID: i don't think she can.
ID: so i can only drive her out with legal jargon.
ID: did you submit your all-caps writing form.
ID: by abusing whoever else showed up.
ID: unlawful use of winking.
ID: that's a sentence for you.
ID: do you have any witnesses you'd like to submit to the court la.
ID: any evidence?
ID: i see, the verdict is...
ID: you're a fucking garbage can of a troll.
ID: guilty on all charges, book 'em.
ID: they usually do fight.
ID: but that's what the stun batons are for.
ID: someone drag this yellow carcass out of the chatroom so she'll stop making everyone leave.
ID: the talent of being unbearable to be around, congrats.
ID: i have nothing better to do. unlike the hard workers of this chatroom.
ID: and ash i guess.
ID: work smarter, not harder.
ID: be amazing.
ID: being terrible.
ID: and surviving.
ID: mostly the fighting.
ID: better some nights than others.
ID: gee, why didn't i think of that.
ID: yup, soooo much better than everyone else i was able to have an alright conversation with.
ID: wowwwww.
ID: can i grab you by the horns and put you in a wood chipper.
ID: ....how about you go play the quiet game.
ID: i bet you can't win.
ID: man you're right. i'm outies.
ID: wooowwww.
ID: i sure the fuck know how to pick them.
ID: ...though i guess i didn't pick her so much as have her forced on me. =:/
ID: man it's safe to come back folks. =:/
AM: Is it though, Hadean.
ID: of course~
ID: enjoying your horrible coffee concoction?
LA: ARROWS!!!!!!!!
AM: What do you mean horrible? I mean the first one was horrible, lords help me. But the second make was much better---
ID: =:I
AM: Another honey but one that needs to lay off the sweets.
ID: ...all coffee concoctions are horrible, duh.
AM: And pray tell, how did you come to that conclusion babe? I'm all ears. I'm clear for ten more minutes before I need to file a few things. Come one. Walk with me talk with me. Or well not walk we can't walk baby but HA you get metaphors right? Some good hyperboles? Shoot Hadean, shoot.
ID: i mean caffeine doesn't do anything for me so really it's all overpriced shit water to me!
RR: hey hey hey how's my favorite chatterboxers today
AM: Eegad what ungodly coffees are you drinking, honey? My god I'm telling you, just TELLING you right now, you listening? Listen. You. ME. I take you to a PROPER coffee house. We load you up with a shot of pure south eastern alternian espresso and you'll FALL IN LOVE.
RR: Whoa there RR: At least buy that expresso dinner first
ID: i mean no, caffeine literally doesn't work for shit on me.
AM: No babe, don't gotta it's pre wined and dined don't worry about it.
AM: We pay extra for it. Not a big deal.
RR: Damn that expresso is a cheap little diamond ain't it
ID: i get a few minutes of feeling weird and then it's pretty much gone.
AM: Ah. Bummer. Real bummer jeez. How the hell do you stay up? I mean I can't get through morning calesthetics without a good cup.
ID: the fuck is a calesthetic.
AM: And going to hot yoga without a mocha in hand? PLEASE. IMPOSSIBLE.
AM: Morning routinely exercises to get yourself limber.
RR: Dude do you live and die by a cup of java
RR: Kneel down and worship a coffee tree
AM: I do. It's important. I'm busy baby. Listen, you listening? Okay listen up. I need it! Everyone does. Gotta keep your machine of a body going with some electricity a good buzz babe.
AM: Without the worship.
ID: man i guess i've just been living life all wrong ash! thanks for opening my bulbs.
RR: Hey doll this is sounding like the real business RR: Hook me up with some of that jazz if you're offering
ID: oh my god is this a match made in the festuring chute of the mother grub.
AM:You're welcome Hadean. I'm glad we came to a good conclusion with this meeting I was scared it was going real sour you know? And that's just no good. How about we grab closure dinner sometime. I'll have my information forwarded to you sometime. AM: Of cours it's real business babe. I don't dawdle in fakesies 100% authentic inside and out honey.
RR: Aw Hads RR: Palerino RR: You gotta wake up and take a deep whiff of the mocha sometimes, you know?
AM: I'll send you my info too. I like your spunk, rusty honey.
AM: Coffee meeting all of us, it'll be great!
RR: Well beat me daddy eight to the bar RR: Where do I grab myself a cup
ID: uh-huh. you don't want to take me to dinner because of how fucked up i got you earlier do you?
ID: because if you think i'm not as bad, if not worse, in person you're dead wrong.
AM: Spicy. Don't believe it Hadsy but we'll see. Keep talking I'm listening I promise. PROMISE with a capital P you catching that? AM: RR let's get this on the right foot gonna need your name honey. Won't know what sort of suit I'm looking for without a name.
ID: uh-huh. jeesh ashy you just want me to dirty talk on the chat now or fucking what. nikola is too young for this sorta stuff.
AM: Nikola? Sharp name for a sharp troll. But listen. Is Hadsy there right Nikola pal? How young we talking? I can't meet up for coffee with interns you got me honey?
RR: Haha I ended up with the fabulous moniker oooof RR: Nikola
RR: Who are you boss
RR: Too young? RR: Hads man you don't even know how old I am
RR: I'm halfway to 9 by now
AM: Halfway to 9-- It's Ashley by the way Ashley Sireno. Mister Sireno's find kid.
RR: I ain't been 6 7 or 8 on the dot in a looong time
AM: You keep that head up highbuddy I'm sure you'll earn that closer meal some day.
RR: What business are you in boss RR: Sounds like a jitterbug of a career if you get to go on a coffee bender by the day
ID: man nikola act your age and stop eating expired snacks.
AM: Climb that ladder, buddy. It's a tough world but you keep that suit pressed and it gets better trust me. Make some connections good ones. Real good. And everything just FALLS into your lap like with me bud.
ID: hahhh. he's no boss.
AM: I'm a Secretary pal. Easy peasy.
ID: he's a glorified paper pusher.
AM: Hadsy. Buddy. Babe. Sweetheart.
AM: I do much more thanthat.
ID: i mean. job so easy a rust could do it, huh ashy boo~?
AM: I've even got a uniform.
RR: Hey nothing wrong with a desk job RR: It puts bread and coffee on the nutrition surface
AM: Oh I don't eat bread it's got too many carbs honey.
ID: you probably look hideous in it.
RR: It's a figure of speech doll
RR: I ain't talking literal bread
AM: I look GREAT actually. I'm not feeling the teal vibe honey but if I put a good neutral in with it and a pair of my valentino slacks it really comes together babe.
RR: Hot diggity damn I'm swooning over here
RR: Swooooon
AM: Oh I see. Good one Nik. HA. But no really I do this job to kill time. It's good to get outside. Meet people. Important things you know.
AM: Swooning?
AM: HAH. Bud. I know it's hard not to but Listen. You taking notes here? I think you're more fitted for your age bracket.
RR: What? A troll in uniform is a good look on anybody RR: Even ol' Hads over here
ID: i have no idea what valentino slacks are but i bet only tools wear them.
RR: Pffft man don't take it seriously
ID: and that they are...
RR: That's how I talk to everyone
ID: last season.
RR: And on tonight's show we take a gander at the sick flame war that's burning all across our great Empire
AM: Hadsy babe I throw out last seasons clothes every season. Don't you I mean it's...pretty natural?
AM: They get too worn and really it's just not worth keeping babe.
ID: uh-huh. people throw them out and you dig through their dumpster and pull them out and wear them.
II: I believe I may have just startled another passenger with my laughter.
ID: it's okay ashy babe, we all know now.
II: How many lowbloods have you met, Ashley.
AM: Hadean I don't think you can read well Babe I'm concerned. How are we gonna keep our lunch date now if you can't read the address honey???
AM: Uh
AM: Should I be keeping count?
AM: They're all pretty low on the rung usually, overly abundant really. It's a little hard to count them all.
II: ...
AM: Now TALKING to one that's a little fewer so I guess these two are the most recent babe.
II: ...oh _dear_
SA: we all know what now?
RR: Whoooa there it's getting pretty heavy on the wine in here RR: Don't know how we're handling this berry platter
ID: ahahahah yep i'm gonna break ashy's nose for him.
SA: 🖤?
RR: Hey hey RR: Nobody gets a fight here unless I get to add live commentary on the show
II: I shall politely look in the other direction.
ID: he can have an overabundance of blood clogging his nose holes.
RR: I'm picturing it now RR: Special tonight: The rustbucket and the secretary go to war RR: It's a battle of the wits! RR: Who'l be the top dog tonight? RR: Tune in to find out!
SA: or just 🥊
AM: My nose? Hadean sweety I dont think you can afford the bill! Besides I'd rather you didn't honey I've got great symmetrical features as is I need to upkeepthat.
ID: nikola did you even comment on my last fight.
RR: Oh wait that was you wasn't it
ID: nah, kiss your straight nose goodbye.
AM: Oh the real honey comb is back. Hi darling.
RR: Uh RR: So how IS your arm doing?
SA: I'm back and my attempts a code communication are being ignored
ID: i already got ii's blessing.
SA: I even though this one through
ID: 🥊
RR: I missed some of it because I was kind of distracted helping keep Lokkic's friends from black killing each other so
SA: 👌
AM: that's not physically possible honey but listen I wouldn't really recommend that. Maybe instead we could listen to tunes sweetie? I'm GREAT at the guitar.
RR: Hey, there's always room for music on the show
SA: oh no. Once you start a fight with Hadean there is no escape.
ID: i'm breaking your nose.
SA: only confrontation and pain.
ID: it's happening.
II: I'm afraid the fight must be carried out
II: Binding legal contract
AM: No.
ID: scared?
AM: Absolutely not you'll hear from Halvea about that contract!
ID: poor little purple.
II: Oh, I'm sure she wouldn't mind me borrowing you for a little demonstration in law.
ID: oh! ij said there's no case ii.
AM: Hadsy I'll show you how little I'm NOT.
AM: Wait what
ID: i was supposed to pass the message on.
SA: Hadsy... wow.
SA: 😂
AM: No, no you're wrong. Haddy honey it's fine. You misheard.
ID: no i did not.
ID: straight from the teal lips to my ear.
II: Gracious, are you disgracing Hadean's trustworthiness?
AM: Horrendous. Just Horrendous. Lies.
II: I am abashed.
ID: that'll earn him another nose hit.
SA; Ashley just cease speaking and accept your fate.
AM: I wanted a simple lunch date now this. Saddening. really I thought we could have a good business talk. Maybe get you a tie and a REAL artisan meal, look at your portfolio but wow. Bodily Threat. Awful.
AM: Prisma sweetheart I can't.
AM: In all good consciousness.
ID: i'll steal your tie when i'm done beating you up. it's fine.
ID: i mean ii is this the backbone your company wants to show?
II: What are you going to _do_ with that tie, Hadean
II: Haha, Halvea and I don't work for the same firm
SA: wear it with Emerel shirt presumably
II: I work for Stanse Advoco, not her.
SA: there nothing else to wear it with
ID: he won't accept a fight from a rusty. i think his boss should know his cowardice.
II: I know her through one of her acolytes, Sappho Wilcox.
AM: M...My tie?
II: It _is_ somewhat unbecoming of a purple to not take a challenge.
ID: it surreee is!
SA: Ashley if you pay me a suitable amount I'll fight Hadean for you as your champion
AM: It is real silk from the Prada line --And I never said no to a challenge just questioning the sanity of it!
IJ: >on't kill my accountant, please.
AM: Oh honey that's real cute but I don't quite swing to that tune. I dont need a cronie.
II: Oh, we would never dream of it.
ID: i won't kill him!
II: Merely challenge his skills a little.
ID: just break his nose!
SA: I think the consensus is he's doing it himself
RR: Hey ash stop by my hive sometime if you're bringing coffee RR: It ain't nothing fancy but it's guaranteed you won't get beat up there
RR: Honestly it might be your best hiding place
SA: I'm not a cronie
IJ: I was able to get him for cheap, I >on't want to sen> him in for repairs.
SA: well now you're on my shitlist too, Ashley
AM: I might take you up on that, we need to get you properly suited up. I don't hide tho bud. AM: I am not cheap Halvea.
ID: a broken nose wouldn't affect his performance.
II: Hahaha, oh dear
ID: hahhh. cheap!
RR: Ohhhh baby now you're on the shitlist RR: That's some real serious business right there
AM: I didn't even do anything babe! Hads is stealing MY tie for devious deeds babe
II: Whatever did a purpleblood do to come for cheap?
AM: Listen. Listen. It's not cheap pay.
ID: i challenged him to a fight and he's backing out. so probably his cowardice affects his pricing.
SA: 😂
AM: I'm NOT backing out hadsy Honey.
IJ: He looked like he just got out of schoolfee>ing so I thought it woul> be nice to give him a job.
II: Oh, that was very kind of you, Halvea.
ID: great ashy! i'll get to teach you a lesson in lowblood relations!
AM: You want a sample of these tunes you'll get them.
AM: I hope you're ready for a good rolling Had babe.
SA: wait
ID: ahahahahah
SA: Hadean what is the matter with you you have a broken arm
ID: he's still wet behind the ears that's pathetic.
ID: it'll heal on the way pris!
SA: when are you scheduling all this
SA: on the way to where? Where does Ashley live?
AM: Oh I've got time between the next filing and a fax. Come on sweetheart let's DANCE.
ID: sorry ashy babe, you're gonna have to wait for your asskicking.
IJ: You are not getting bloo> on the fax machine.
RR: Well I'd love to stay and talk RR: But I've got a show to run and scripts to write RR: Tune in later! RR: See you around folks
II: Those _do_ take forever to clean, it's true.
SA: goodbye strange radio individual
II: I remember when the photocopier got gummed up. Terrible.
AM: Toodles Nikola.
ID: bye nikola, you rust traitor.
AM: I'm not fighting ON the fax machine honey. What implication are you getting at here HUH? I'm saying we go outside. I bring my guitar we have a jam sesh.
II: ...a music duel?
II: Oh my, that's novel.
AM: Oh no honey.
SA: I am going to die of embarrassment
ID: give those sweet coords ashy babe, i'll swing by special for you in a few nights~
SA: do not
SA: he can't fight anyways.
EB: I wxuldnt advise getting dxwn and dirty with the fax machine EB: She pxsts the results everywhere yxur superixrs are lxxking
II: ...gracious.
ID: i can too pris. hush. i'll heal on the wayyy.
AM: A few nights? I'll be beyond warmed up by then BABE. Bring your best HADSY.
SA: it will not. And even if it does, your psionics and such are still ruined, aren't they?
ID: nah i charged up.
IJ: Psionics aren't the only thing that's ruine> right now. I >i>n't nee> this look into my accountant's hatelife.
SA: regardless there's no point chasing down an indigo at a legislcerators office just to break their nose
EB: Sxunds like i walked intx the event xf the sweep EB: Where dx i buy tickets
II: Haha oh my, Halvea.
SA: you missed it it was last week
ID: hope you like psi ashy!
II: You are certainly quite open about poor Ashley's inclinations.
EB: I missed it EB: Well damn give me a rundxwn here mellx yellxw EB: Yxu cant keep me in the dark xver here
AM: Halvea please it's not that raunchy. Just a bit of a duel. HA.
SA: I swear to god Ashley if you give him your coordinates
EB: My pusher dxesnt dx well with suspense yxu knxw
II: Oh, nothing has happened, EB
II: But it might
AM has sent AlleywayBY GOOD COFFEE SHOP .coords
ID: yessss.
SA: I'm telling Sipara to keep your dumbass home
EB: Xhhhh shit EB: Stream that fight sxmebxdy
ID: sips cannot stop me.
IJ: Just please, >on't kill him. Then I'd actually have to kill you. An> that'> be unfortunate.
ID: no killing!
II: I'm sure Hadean will be careful.
AM: No killing.
SA: that's what you said about the duel with Emerel
AM: Just some good tunes Halvea. I love playing for others you know that honey.
ID: and em only kinda died pris!
SA: which was "aalso just good fun"
SA: you almost died you fuckwit
EB: Xnly kinda died EB: It happens all the time
EB: I remember last time it happened tx me EB: It was a great day really
ID: almost! it's fiiine.
SA: 🙁
AM: Yeah honeycomb. C'mon it's just a little play.
AM: Just sit back, relax have a listen babe.
AM: And throw some fists.
EB: Yeah buddy its xnly almxst EB: What fun is life if yxur friends dxnt almxst die
SA: no. He's had plenty of play and it wrecked his arm and scared his friends half to death.
ID: i'll heaaalll.
AM: You jealous there honeycomb ?
ID: it's just a purpleblood pris.
SA: and let me not remind you what you felt during that fight that I also felt
EB: Better dx a better jxb xf keeping an eye xn him then
SA: because it wasn't any sort of good fun
II: Well, to be more specific, it is Ashley.
ID: well i'll repay you by feeling smug when i break his nose!
SA: I'm not jealous of anything.
SA: if you go there I'm going with you
IJ: Oh, >on't ruin his uniform either. At least make sure it stays in one piece.
AM: Oh? You two tied or something Hadsy? Listen babe. I'm up for a round but you do gotta let a boy know these in advance.
ID: a little bit of blood is fine tho?
EB: This is warming my pumper xver here EB: Real txuching friendship
AM: I'll take it off before Halvea. Listen. I got it special. I dont plan on ruining my few teal jackets.
ID: it's fun if he sees the stain and remembers i wrecked him.
IJ: >on't tell me about your hate life.
SA: Yes. Only if you wreck him
ID: and a good reminded to not underestimate anyone to boot!
SA: which you won't
AM: I'm getting wrecked?
SA: because I'll be holding you back
ID: you're totes getting wrecked.
AM: So both of you will be there then?
ID: no holding me back pris, this is h a p p e n i n g .
EB: Except yxur friendship is getting wrecked by the purple guy EB: This is turning intx a real mxvie plxt here EB : Any xf yxu ever think xf gxing intx acting
SA: it's not happening
AM: Hell honey it'll be a real moshpit won't it?
SA: you aren't completely healed and you won't be for longer than it will take to get there
ID: i heal quick pris, i proooomise.
AM: Halvea I request an evening off for a few hours to do this in a few nights!
SA: excuse me, my what is getting wrecked?
EB: Id prxvide the mxshing music but i cant even scream right EB: Shit xutta luck xn my end
AM: I got the pipes for all genres babe I got it covered.
SA: hadean
EB: Awesxme nxw all yxu have tx dx is sell tickets
ID: so punch you in the throat as well as the nose, got it.
AM: listen. Babe. Prisma. Take note, get yourself a pen and paper. NOTES. It's fine. Chill we're not grubs right?
AM: A simple meeting of the minds. thats all sweetheart
SA: you shut up
IJ: As long as you >on't come back >ea> I guess. Takes up one of your sick >ays though.
ID: yeah pris, we're meeting up for a quick lil fight.
ID: ...and when i win i'm taking his tie and his wallet.
EB: Xhhhh its getting hxt and heavy in here EB: This might just turn intx a prxper blitz yet
SA: again. This is exactly. What you said about Emerel.
SA: we learn from the past, Hadean.
AM: That's fine I'll pencil it into my calendar then! Hadsy promised no death so nothing to fret over. Besides Halvea honey I've got this. Have any of my songs disappointed HM? I could bring so much peace after a bit of tussle after one.
SA: 😰😰😰
ID: i learned not to fight in a ring where you have to play by the rules.
ID: this is an alleyway fight!
ID: this is my jam.
SA: that is even worse.
SA: because you weren't even using rules in the other ring.
AM: It's by my FAVOURITE SHOP don't worry Prisma baby.
AM: We'll get a good cup, some mineral water after. Right as rain.
EB: Yxu knxw
SA: don't tell me not to worry. You didn't see him after the first fight.
ID: i was far more concerned about not messing emerel up. that counts as rules.
EB: I think there's sxme miscxmmunicatixn xn whx is fighting where here
SA: and then you killed him
AM: Press Hadean's shirt. Look I'll take good care of your boy here honey.
ID: that fight was a fluke. this one'll be better.
EB: Are yxu breaking faces xr drinking fancy xverpriced water
II: Why not both
SA: Ashley is too pretentious to say fight in conventional terms
AM: both sweetheart. Doing both. It's business you wouldn't understand.
EB: Sxunds like business where yxu get ripped xff fxr water tx me
ID: and i'll use the pretentiousness and stick his instrument up his chute! everyone wins.
EB: What even makes high class mineral water different from well drinks
ID: except ashy.
ID: he loses.
SA: it doesn't matter! He's a damn indigo he is by nature pretentious
II: Well, thank goodness I escaped.
EB: Whxa there remind me nxt tx get xn yxur bad side
AM: I'm not pretentious I simply know where I belong and FIT IN babe.
AM: Conforming isn't so bad sweetheart.
SA: will you please just listen to the reason of something other than your fists and temper.
EB: Yxu fit in exactly where yxu shxuld fit in
EB: With the pretentixus
SA: for five seconds.
ID: i'll make your nose conform to my fist!
SA; at the very least until you are completely healed.
AM: I'd like to see you try, Had honey! See if you can even still do it after a few notes. I promise you'll just love my headliner~
EB: Uh ID EB: I knxw I'm a stranger and all but I think yxu shxuld dx sxme listening tx yxur buddy there EB: He sxunds pretty wxrried abxut yxu
ID: fiiiine. i'll wait a week and then i'll be good as new.
AM: Not a business partner of my babe. It's fine. Maybe we can reconnect these business relations after.
EB: And like hell alsx break sxmething sx dx that listening thing
ID: ash! gonna reschedule your nose surgery in a week.
AM: After some long talks and deliberation.
AM: You are going no where near my nose!
SA: 😰
AM: Just go for I don't know an ear babe, it's hip to have crooked ones now, or like an ankle.
ID: if you're a real good boy i'll smash it flat for you.
AM: I hope you dig long naps sweetheart.
SA: Hadean...
AM: Prisma babe listen. We know how this debate whent and what shares he's buying tonight.
AM: The stock market is closing babe.
AM: And the totals are in.
SA: I don't care what you say you are utterly irrelevant
AM: We're having the funds withdrawn in afew days while they're at all a all time HIGH BABE.
SA: you are some prissed up high blood picking unnecessary fights for your vain ass ego
AM: A done deal.
SA: sit down and shut up
EB: Xkay wxw EB: Just stxp grapeseed EB: I live fxr drama and im getting a headache listening tx yxu
ID: don't worry pris, i'll give him an extra kick for you.
AM: Not stopping now honey. Listen EB you wouldn't understand this talk either. So calm down for a bit and sit back and watch?
II: ...your condescension is not helping matters, Ashley.
EB: I understand the sweet sweet xdxr xf bullshit
EB: Yxu smell like a whxle lxt xf bullshit friend
II: You do know everyone here can understand you perfectly well, yes?
AM: I smell like Dior no. 55. EB.
SA: you don't need to do anything for me except remain in one piece until you are better, and then some.
EB: Fxr the recxrd I'm in training right nxw purple guy EB: I understand plenty enxugh tx knxw when i see a man well xn his way tx getting his ass kicked
EB: Man i cant wait
ID: i'll be in one piece in a week pris. you'll see.
ID: i'm sturdy.
EB: And yxu EB: Shut up and listen tx yxur yellxw friend and stxp being stupid EB: Yxure gxing tx kill the pxxr guy frxm stress
AM: You were so excited a second ago? Wanting a refund now babe? Bad choice honey a lot of returns aren't honored anymore. Bad business practice.
II: I don't think that will exactly make him inclined to listen to you, EB. I trust Prisma and Hadean to settle this themselves.
EB: Xh believe me EB: If i feel like getting a refund EB: Ill get my refund EB: And yxu wxnt ever see it cxming ;)
SA: it doesn't matter how sturdy you are, we know that. Save your battles for when they matter. Not some chai drinking nobody secretary.
EB: Well cxnsidering i appear tx have walked intx a chat full xf angry kids
SA: at least apply a logical value to it
ID: chai drinking nobodies are fun to fight.
ID: that's my logic?
SA: youve never fought one
ID: i've fought lots of nobodies!
ID i just never asked if they drink chai.
SA: and it didn't do anything for you except get you on someone's worthless shitlist!
AM: I am far from a nobody babe.
AM: Just saying.
ID: you're below a nobody, lbh.
SA: nobody cares what you are assclown
AM: ASsclown...HA
ID: please pris, it's ashclown.
AM: Oh that's rich. Try better babe. I wanna hear the next one from Hadsy unless he wants to be a coward like he called me earlier for not wanting to in the first place.
SA: he isn't a coward
AM: There you go had honey.
SA; he's smarter than this, though
SA: and he knows it I'm sure
AM: is he honeycomb?
AM: He called me a coward for not wanting to ruin my slacks and goated me on. I think he wants a concernt.
ID: ....i mean pris this is what i do like. alll the time.
AM: So I'm accepting. I scheduled it and i've got a sick day off.
EB: Whx wants pxpcxrn
SA: I know it's what you do presumably all the time. I've known you long enough to use deductive reasoning
EB: Because i think we need sxme pxpcxrn in here
SA: but that's no reason to go chasing after it after you've already gotten hurt this once, even if you will be better "in a week", which you won't
ID: hope you have more sick days, you might need them to fix your snout~
ID: i will too.
SA: I'm going to slap the shit out you
AM: Won't be needing them babe, trust me. Good business men always have trump cards honey.
ID: no you won't. =>:I
SA: 😰😰😰
EB: Hey grapeseed EB: Yxure a man whx likes tx dx business right
SA: please
EB: I have a prxpxsitixn fxr yxu
AM: And what's that anonymous babe?
EB: Xf the business variety
ID: pris. i'll be fine. will nightly progress reports of my wounds make you feel better?
EB: Yxu cxme and tangx with me and my buddy. EB: Yxu win, yxu can gx at whxever yxu want after, including this guy. EB: We win, fight with him is xff.
ID: what? no!
ID: fuck off eb, this is my fight.
SA: only a little. I don't want you running off to fight some random member of this chat, again, just so you can potentially get hurt badly again.
EB: Excuse me im dxing business deals xver here
AM: I don't want a go for sport babe. This is deeper at this point. I've got a strong connection here with Hadsy. A business one. Look at us. This level of BUSINESS CASUAL we've moved past last names even! Listen honey. I've got this scheduled for him but you show me your MOXIE and I'll consider it.
EB: Sx yxure scared to take xn a pair xf little lxwblxxds EB: Wxw
EB: Yxur ancestxrs are smiling xn yxu
AM: Oh babe no not scared.
AM: I'm making sure my meetings don't overlap. You understand right busy schedules.
AM: I'm not rejecting you babe I'm storing your resume for later honey.
EB: Uh huh EB: Sx yxu cxuld take a sick day fxr him EB: But nxt fxr us EB: Hxw predictable
EB: I guess yxu just dxnt have it in yxu tx make a gxxd schedule
AM: I've known him longer honey. Nothing personal. I don't even know who you are gimme a name sweetcheeks.
EB: Eberic
ID: eberic fuck right off.
AM: Eberic...alright I wrote a note. Pen to paper right here stuck it on my computer.
AM: But I really do have to give little HaHA dibs first here though honey you understand right?
EB: Yxud best make time fxr me grapeseed EB: Because this guy wxnt be up fxr anxther week
EB: Whereas me EB: Ready anytime
ID: ash bash is sooo on.
AM: You do make a good argument Eberic babe. You got a rebuttle for your tardiness Haddy?
ID: eb is just doing this out of some sort of pity towards me.
ID: and isn't actually doing it for any hateful motives.
ID: they're playing you.
EB: Dxnt flatter yxurself babe
AM: Do you need pity honey?
EB: I aint dxing this fxr yxu
ID: i don't, but they think i do. which is sadddd.
AM: I mean you DID have your ...I think underling try to talk you out of this? You let your cronies talk for you babe?
ID: and fuck off eb, i called dibs anyways.
SA: what's sad is if Ashley goes too far I can crush his trachea by thinking about it.
ID: prisma is his own troll and-
AM: you got good ears Prisma honey?
ID: pris.
EB: I dxnt even knxw yxu EB: But i figured since xur esteemed highblxxd is willing tx fight EB: I cxuldnt pass up the xppxrtunity tx see hxw great he is in persxn
SA: 😨
ID: he's a shit highblood that i'm going to beat up.
EB: Im first up xn the schedule man EB: Let me take this xne
SA: don't goad him for having friends that care about him.
ID: fuck no. fuck off eb.
SA: I know Hadean could fuck you up if he wanted to. He's a psion. You're below us.
ID: #psimasterrace
AM: You think you're so high and mighty for lowblood poor bred powers babe! I'd rethink that strategy if I were you babe.
SA: poor bred
SA: oh.
EB: Exactly why yxu shxuldnt waste yxur time with him EB: And instead shxuld thrxw a little nxd my way
SA: 🤷‍♀️
SA: It's fine.
SA: I don't actually mind all that much.
SA: literally.
ID: see, this is why i'm breaking your nose.
ID: that way. for the rest of your loooong life.
SA; Hadean
AM: Bring it babe.
ID: you can look in the mirror and remember the rusty smashing you. =:)
SA: at least tone the vitriol back some please
SA: I'm exhausted this is hard for me
SA: you would know that
AM: Nah I need to know his play by play honey. Let my competition spill their secrets.
ID: go to bed pris. I'm obviously not rushing out to fight him tonight. we agreed in a week!
SA: I cannot rest knowing there is something I must do.
ID: all you have to do it go to bed pris.
SA: and I don't know what will happen if I leave. He is determined to keep escalating this despite getting what he wants.
AM: I hope you're ready to get rocked haddy honey.
AM: Haha
AM: Man this is the best business day I've had in ages babe, listen you're a fun toy I like this.
SA: he isn't a toy
ID: woowww i'll rock your nose with a brick.
II: ...you are being rather rude, Ashley.
EB: Dude just listen tx yxur buddy EB: Hes nxt telling yxu tx back xff because yxu suck even thxugh yxu dx EB: Hes dxing it because he dxesnt want yxu hurt again EB: Since that scares pexple whx like yxu
AM: ✨ Indrid honey for you. I'll see the light and tone it down a knotch.
II: I do appreciate it.
ID: pris and i made an agreement eb, it's fine.
EB: Sxunds like he dxesnt agree
AM: I'm just so ...on air did you read that? I'm meeting a ruffian for a coffee concert. I'm having a ball babe. A bit of something to spice up the agenda.
SA: we talked about it.
II: Oh, I understand. It's all new and exciting.
SA: I still don't approve.
SA: but I trust him to be careful and less reckless than last time. 😰
ID: see? allll fine.
AM: We'll be careful babe. See all safety precautions. I'll bring a med kit. It's fine sweetheart.
AM: Good aftercare.
ID: bring lots of gauze for your snout.
SA: if this ends in 🖤 you're both dead to me
II: Gracious.
II: I certainly hope not.
ID: do nooot worry pris.
II: This is not how any good pitchrom starts.
ID: i'm not desperate.
II: Ha
SA: 💚😂
AM: Oh babe don't go planning my future for me. I haven't finished getting together everything for Halveas fiscal quarter even yet.
II: I can see how that might strain you.
SA: actually Ashley I am a clairvoyant.
SA: I can read your future.
II: Does his nose break.
SA: very easily, actually.
II: I ask out of only morbid curiosity.
AM: Haddy you better dress nice babe.
AM: It's bad to show up to a meeting in business casual.
AM: Otherwise I'm going back to work.
SA: 🤷‍♀️
ID: oh i'll have something special for you~
SA: you don't have anything nice to wear.
SA: at all
SA: don't lie
AM: ❓
SA: now you'll have to wait until we go shopping.
SA: 👍
ID: oh yes i do~
SA: ...
AM: !! Exciting honey. I'm just TICKLED....well not pink that's not my hue and really babe listen, a bad expression. Blase even. i hate it. So here instead I'm just babe, i AM bursting in blackberry hues. Eh, we'll workshop it honey we'll get the best team on the job for that one. Don't forget make up haddy. An a good slick back hairstyle is good.
ID: i have ass-length hair.
SA: you're tacky and I hate you
AM: That isn't professional.
AM: I can trim it while we duel babe.
AM: Or after ! I can take you to my favourite new burlesque barber shop.
AM: It's very new, very popular.
AM: Great ratings online.
ID: my hair is prof af.
AM: Is it for pulling babe? because that's what that comes across as in a fight, plan smarter honey I don't want this to be easy.
SA: no hair pulling.
SA: at this point I may as well say "no" every minute it would More or less suffice the entire conversation. It isn't going to change for the next hour.
SA: you aren't going to say anything new. Or unique.
SA: I don't even have to look at my phone...
ID: hahhh. you can try to grab it, but it just gives me more openings to break your nose.
AM: Haddy sweetheart want to make this private? Coordinate a bit babe. Less confusion the better.
ID: aww pris intimidating you? alright honeygrub, we can go where the big bad pris can't snark at you~
AM: Sweetheart he's just not with this company's vibe is all.
SA: no
AM: Bringing the vibes down.
AM: Like that.
SA: and you're ruining my evening but we can't all get what we want.
II: Personally I think Prisma has an applaudable amount of sense, but I am merely a bystander here.
SA: I appreciate this.
II: I do my best.
SA: Hadean don't leave this chat
SA: don't do it
AM: Indrid what happened to good old fashioned caste solidarity babe?
SA: it quits existing when you're an insufferable prick.
SA; even your castemates are embarrassed by you
II: I believe I can be quite capable of supporting my caste and others at the same time.
II: I am talented.
ID: pris it's fiiine. i'm not going anywhere tonight.
AM: I know you're talented honey. I won't argue that of course. Why would I? I have no reason to.
ID: even if i did i'd never reach the city to fight him tonight anyways!
SA: I meant verbally in a private chat but that as well
AM: I just want a smidge of back up maybe, sweetheart.
ID: indrid do you want any of my punches to be dedicated to how many times he's called you annoying nicknames?
SA: i feel as if indrid has wisely washed their hands of this
II: I've heard far worse, really. _Much_ more embarrassing. I don't mind.
ID: well imagine how sad they'll sound with his snout broke!
AM: 😃
ID: ps make sure that everyone at the firms know he got it broke by a maroon would you?
AM: I wouldn't.
AM: I'll say I tripped babe.
ID: i was talking to ind.
AM: I'm rather beanpole-ish it's believeable.
ID: not you ashy~
II: Well, Ashley, I do suppose it _is_ my place to assure you that I will think no less of you if you lose.
SA: he's not even going to acknowledge the fight, why bother.
ID: shocker, the world does not revolve around you~
AM: Oh there's no losers here sweetheart I'll assure you of that.
II: Oh?
II: Interesting.
AM: Indeed right?
ID: he'll acknowledge it to himself every night pris.
II: I confess you _have_ piqued my curiosity.
SA: impossible you know they have insurmountable disbelief
SA: Hadean you should rest. You have to heal.
ID: ...pris. you can't disbelieve a broken snout.
ID: i'm up to speed heal pris.
AM: I'm glad to hear that Indrid I'll leave your wit to fill in the blanks of what I mean however honey.
II: A man of mystery, hm?
ID: a man of shitty fashion sense and narcissism.
ID: ftfy.
SA has sent IMG_049.png. It is him, making the saddest harp seal eyes imaginable. For him, at least.
AM: I can't lay everything out on the table yet, honey. Like I said trump cards!
AM: What is this.
AM: Babe is this you?
ID: priissssss.
II: Oh, well, I suppose that's fair.
SA: Hadean.
ID: i didn't even know your face could make that. face.
II: I _do_ expect grand things now, though.
AM: As you always should!
SA: what do you mean is it me?
II: Gracious, you DO look upset, Prisma.
AM: It's uncomfortable.
SA: it can if I focus extremely hard. But only voluntarily.
II: Should I? That sounds exhausting. Whatever would I do if I were constantly waiting for something momentous to occur.
SA: my natural expressions are minute and subtle. I do not respond to emotional stimuli facially.
II: I would constantly be anticipating the next thing. Eventually I would become numb to it all.
AM: Is it picture sharing hour now honies?
II: It was earlier actually.
AM: Darn i was out getting coffee.
AM: Ah well.
II: I feel I shouldn't recycle the selfie I used before, and I look too tired right now to take a good one.
AM: Another surprise for Haddy I guess?
AM: indrid please we both know that's a lie but do as you want babe.
AM: I could also bring you concealer.
II: Haha, aren't you a flatterer.
AM: And makeup and some eye cream and a cucumber mask?
ID: pshhh you'll get to look at my face when i'm beating yours in.
II: That does sound nice.
II: But I'm on a train right now.
AM: Bummer honey.
SA: actually they won't be able to as the eyes close on reflex to protect themselves
AM: You're just so sure of yourself that you'll get the first hit huh babe?
AM: It's cute really.
SA: Ashley if your ego were any bigger I am certain your own reflection would murder you
ID: ahahahahah.
AM: Or something else babe but I'm at work and I feel Halvea has a 3rd sense for everything I do.
ID: i'll get in the hits that count, don't worry~
SA: how is this still entertaining for you both
SA: how are you not bored
SA: you have what you want. Shouldn't that be the end of it.
SA: until the due time
AM: Are you jealous prisma honey?
SA: I don't feel jealousy.
AM: edgy...
SA: what part of lobotomizes fails to reach your mind.
AM: you should market that I hear that's really selling now
SA: I am not edgy.
AM: I didn't take note so i forgot.
SA: it's not an act
SA: it's a reality
AM: mmmhm
II: You _do_ know lobotomization's effects, don't you, Ashley?
AM: I mostly want to know what haddy's wearing so I don't clash.
AM: So I don't care at the moment it's not a priority I'll pull up a search later though.
SA: you're an absolute idiot
SA: but yes! I am edgy
II: Well, it does take some reading time to devote, that's true. I'm sure your work is important.
ID: don't worry, i'll swear something your shitty purple blood goes well with!
SA: everything i do is to recklessly gain the attention to others
SA: and then push them away to show how
SA: cool and impressive I am
AM: It's very Halvea has a lot of paper's to go through daily and trolls to deal with.
AM: I take pride in this work Indrid honey.
AM: I'll wear something that doesn't show blood easily then. Couldn't you have been a higher hue haddy babe? Then I wouldn't have to look into a synthetic blend...
II: Well, that's good. If you didn't that'd be unfortunate. Every firm troll should be enthusiastic about their duties.
II: If not, why be here?
AM: Precisley, Indrid.
ID: maroon is the best. so. no.
II: Well, you could always complain to the mother grub, Ashley.
AM: Or at least pretend for gods sake the rest of us don't want that negativity around it gives fine lines to the face.
AM: I'd rather not a brood mother isn't on my list of sights to see.
SA: go to bed before you do get wrinkles
ID: i'll give them more to worry about than wrinkles.
SA: what is it you say to me
SA: something
SA: hush up
AM: Say my name sometime Haddy.
AM: This is beginning to feel one sided.
ID: pshhh. ashy sweety buns, better~?
ID: you just love the sound of your own fucking name.
SA: why don't I get cute pet names
SA: solve that one for me
AM: !!
ID: because they're mocking names pris.
SA: I don't believe he thinks that
SA: I wish I had the monkey to hold
SA: that might be vaguely nice
AM: i think whatever I want to think babe.
AM: Keep that up though Haddy and maybe I'll let you actually GET a punch in.
ID: uh-huh. talk's cheap ashy boo.
ID: cheap like your shoes.
AM: Do you even wear shoes Haddy...
SA: dumpster diving. Sachs fifth
ID: of course i do~ i'm not kicking your ass bare, that's just asking for diseases~
AM: Mine are LV's babe, the only shade of red I wear besides your hue come a week from now honey.
SA: wrong shade of red
SA: you'll ruin them.
AM: Mmmm mMmmm HMMM
ID: it's cute that you think you'll bloody me~
SA: Hadean.
AM: Facts. Facts is the right word Haddy.
SA: that would make that sentence grammatically incorrect.
SA: you are stupid, aren't you.
SA: Hadean sleep
SA: so I can sleep too
AM: Shut.
ID: facts is i'm gonna wreck you.
SA: bed
AM: yep I'm satisfied bed it is. Goodlight all
II: I think sleep is a wonderful thing.
ID: i'm goooinggg!
SA: 💚💚💚
AM: Heal fast Haddy.
ID: dream about me ashy~ =:P
AM: So you can get new wounds!
SA: don't dream about him
AM: You're not that lucky honey.
SA; it will be weird
II: Prepare well, Ashley.
ID: nothing compared to what you'll get~
AM: Will do indrid.
ID: get wrekt.
II: Ah, but don't you want him to be fresh for your fight?
II: All dewy-eyed and clean-faced?
AM: Regardles I'm going to be he's crippled and apparently hive grounded so it's fine.
iD: get wrekt in your dreams of me.
SA: bed
AM: hohohoo
ID: fiiine!
SA: be quiet ashy
AM: Good light this time, Haddy. But not truly.
II: I don't think that will do anything, Prisma. But good light, all.
AM: I dont take orders from you I'm not on your pay roll prisma.
ID: g'light ashy, try to keep up with work tomorrow for once!
II: A fact for which I am sure we all are grateful.
SA: you seem to follow hadeans just fine though
SA: 🙃
AM: Quiet you.
ID: i know how to unlock purple bitch mode.
AM: Uhg.
II: You two keep telling each other that like you think it will work.
SA: oh is that a soft spot of yours
AM: Get to rest all of you honies. JEEZ
ID: i'm going. later. =>:D
SA: if I see one of you start typing again
SA: ...
SA: 🍾🍾🍾
AM: ...
SA: ashy is back for more of their lowblood kink
SA; do I have to tell you to go to bed too?
SA: shh that's a bad indigo
AM: Gross don't say that get to rest.
II: I have a thought. We all count to five and get off.
ID: log the fuck out already ashy you fuckhead.
SA: it won't HADEAN
SA: what are you, a toddler?
SA: this is truly what pitch fights are made of
SA: screaming incoherently until you get your way
SA: go the fuck you sleep you petulant child
ID: i hope you're exhausted tomorrow and you can't work and you get fired.
SA: you too Hadean
II: How about you all get off or I start clogging the chat with legal code, which will put everyone to sleep anyway.
SA; it wouldn't work on me
II: Everyone except Prisma
SA: I'm already awake again
AM: I already rear it all day Indrid
AM: *read
II: Sigh.
II: There goes my usually foolproof threat.
II: What is a woman to do.
ID: i'll power through it out of pure fucking spite.
AM: Put haddy and Prisma to sleep first then I'll rest.
II: Well, I suppose it's a contest to see who can stay up the longest then.
SA. An infant
II: I hope you're all ready to party.
SA: are you proud of yourself, Ashy?
SA: this is what you've reduced your caste to
AM: When I'm last troll standing yes babe
SA: childish bickering over who has the last laugh
ID: you'll be the first one to fall you mean.
SA: honestly pathetic
SA: Hadean go rest
AM: You're first to fall Haddy, you good at polishing honey?
SA: hush
ID: hahah i'll polish my fists on your nose.
AM: You hush
AM: Cute.
SA: shh
AM: Or whatever descriptor
ID: you suck.
AM: Godddss just go to rest both of you
SA: it's not clever anymore you two you're rehashing old insults you've been using for the last three hours
ID: go drown.
SA: oh does the idea of having raccoon eyes bother you?
SA: I'll drown you Hadean
AM: no I know the splendors of makeup
ID: makeup can't fix ugly.
SA: im drowning him
AM: 👹
SA: look he's still going
SA: god this is hysterical
AM: as are you babe
SA: hush
ID: 💢
AM: if I get another nickname I'll rest.
SA: hush
AM: how about that
SA: just command him to sleep
ID: bulgewaffle.
SA: he clearly can't resist it
SA: Hadean you are a fucking idiot
AM: horrible i want a better one
SA: just keep him up all night
SA: let him be stubborn
ID: ashy you sugar-crusted diamond encrusted piece of hoofbeast shit GO THE FUCK TO COON.
SA: go on, I'll stay
AM: ah much better
SA: 😢
SA: im disappointed in you
ID: aren't we all.
SA: if only because you're wittier than that
ID: i'm running on fumes cut me some....
ID: slack.
SA: I told you to sleep
AM: no slack
AM: YOU sleep Prisma
SA: oh look who broke their end of the deal
ID: go the fuck to sleep you nooksnorkling buffoon.
AM: it wasn't legally bindig
SA: now you're a liar and a bad businessman
AM: im
II: Ashen, ami
SA: it was in writing, that's binding
AM: amazing
II: I will give you as many nicknames as you like
II: Also coffee
AM; oui indrid
SA: don't encourage him I want Hadean to rest
AM: it's not the sammeee
II: If you gracefully take the initiative
II: And I shall depart as well
SA: if we leave they will not
ID: ghfddddddddd
SA: shh
AM: very well indrid
II: Good light!
ID: glght.
AM: lig
ID: fucyo.
SA: this is going to be a pitch thing. I feel it in my bones
SA: 😩
SA: It was nice being friends while it lasted 🙄
SA: ugh
0 notes