#also about them being the sun and the moon
lichenes · 3 days
Nasty Dog
This one is for @kennedyabraxas123 :D They requested: "idk if u did this maybe like a cute little human doing cute things w a big scary monster and they know that they could kill tjem super easily but they still love them and everything despite the strength/size difference" and ofc I couldn't refuse<3 Nothing like good ol' size difference istg. The monster of choice is a werewolf. If we're going classic, we're going classic. I love running errands with people so I decided this would be a great prompt lol?? IDK I can re-write this if you want kennedy cuz this ain't my best work :3! HOPEFULLY there aren't that many incosistencies dude cuz-
CW: SIZE DIFFERENCE!!!, established relationship, vulnerabilty???, (petnames: little one, lovely), brief mentions of werewolf sex, other than that SFW
wc: 763
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Walking hand in hand with him you couldn’t stop thinking about how lucky you were. Your eyes drifted to him as he scratched his chin. The beautiful fur he was sporting was radiating a pleasant, warm smell and the sun was hitting his form just right to make you fall in love all over again. For a moment you forgot where you were going.
The shop was a short distance away from your house and given the nice weather you decided to take the walk. The streets were bustling with people despite the sun almost setting. The produce you had to buy were too heavy for you to carry all by yourself so you decided to employ your boyfriend, who in addition to being freakishly strong also valued quality time spent together. 
He was usually a quiet person, never showing any strong emotions aside from occasional anger when something wasn’t going his way. Today wasn’t any different. His stoic face had his usual expression on, impassive and even, uninterested. You were talking to him as he nodded along humming occasionally to show his engagement. 
Despite his demeanour, he was enjoying his time with you. You were picking through the apples you planned to take home with you, looking for the perfect ones. You didn’t realise how menacing he looked, looming over your much shorter form. You, of course, understood people being scared of your boyfriend. He was almost 8’2” which made anyone pocket-sized to him. 
You walked along the dairy aisle while he was pushing the shopping cart along. “We should get the regular milk this time.” You said putting the carton into the cart. “You always drink oat though?” He spoke up, questioning you. “You need your protein to maintain your muscles, you know.” He nodded, a small chuckle escaping his lips. “I’m not losing them any time soon, little one.” You walked to the next aisle. He continued. “After all, who will help you with your groceries if I become thin and frail?” He put his hand on the small of his back and leaned forward to simulate the hypothetical situation. You rolled your eyes playfully. Something ignited within you. A joke? From him? That was… unusual
You continued your shopping trip with a sweet treat for both of you that he paid for in the end. For a beast that had to chain himself up during the full moon he was a gentleman. 
Once during a full moon he broke out of the chains and scared the ever-loving shit out of you when he burst into your shared bedroom in his fully transformed form with a foaming snout and eyes so predatory you felt like a bunny being chased through the woods, only at his mercy. He didn’t have bloodlust on his mind this time though and after a moment of standing in the threshold he lunged towards you and ravaged you that night like a man starved. 
The next day he, of course, apologised for his behaviour and massaged all the areas that were sore. You mentioned once or twice that you’d love for him to break the chain once more but he categorically denied you access to him when the full moon was in the sky. He was so, so scared of breaking you because he knew how delicate human bodies were, not used to knots and all the other parts of being with a werewolf. 
Your mind came back from reminiscing and focused on the type of flour you had to purchase for your baking endeavours. “Why are you so distracted lovely?” He lowered his face to your ear as he didn’t want anyone to hear you. He knew exactly what had you so preoccupied. Your face got hotter for a moment but you regained your composure. “Cookies are best made with coarse-grained flour right?” You smiled innocently. 
The cashier looked horrified with the amount of items on the conveyor belt. You send them an apologetic look and began bagging your items. Just before you finished your boyfriend pulled out his card and pressed it onto the reader. You insisted on paying him back for at least half of your shared groceries but he refused to listen to you.
“Not only are you stubborn but also extremely helpful.” You said with faux exasperation as he took all of the bags into his hands. “Oh no! Whatever will I do now that you’ve upset me so badly?” You beamed. He warmed up to you enough to make jokes, a rarity for him.
“I might have a few ideas…”
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brightstar2000 · 3 days
"Your past doesn't define you"
I think some people need to take this to heart. This applies to, not just Moon, but Nexus too.
Yes, Moon did horrible things in the past, i will not try to sugarcoat or gloss over that, but he is and has been making a genuine effort to be better than he used to be, and he is better than he used to be. He even acknowledged how he dislikes being so short tempered when Goliath made that poke at Sun. He's aware of what he's done and wants to improve.
Nexus, on the other hand is the opposite. He started good, that is undeniable and he kept it up for a while until he began to deteriorate after Solar died. He's made it very clear now that he intends to harm Sun's family. If infecting Moon a little bit with the negative star power first didn't make that clear, him nearly killing him the other day made it abundantly clear. He refused Solar's help as well. He doesn't want to change back to how he used to be, but people continue to defend him and hate on Moon.
I'm not saying to ignore the abuse that Moon put Sun through, but at least look at him now, making an actual effort to change and be better. Look, if an ex abuser is making real genuine efforts to become better as a person, and even acknowledges their slip ups when they happen and takes the steps to prevent them from happening again, i see that as a redeemable person. Moon is redeemable in this sense and i am willing to give him a chance.
Nexus? I do not see any redeemable qualities about him anymore except the very vague hope that he may still come back. That New Moon is still possibly in there somewhere. Yet with each encounter so far, that small hope i have dies more and more and is genuinely almost entirely gone by this point. For me, as of right now, where the lore stands, Nexus is irredeemable. His past does not define him. Same with Moon. The differences between them are that they both are going in opposite directions from eachother. Moon getting better, Nexus getting worse.
Moon had a kill code that influenced his actions. It is clear that he did not want to do the things he did himself. He expresses extreme guilt and regret, going so far as to say he would trade his life so the victims he killed could live again.
Nexus did not have a kill code. He still doesn't. He chose to start doing all of the things he is doing himself. I know Dark Sun helped it along, but i seriously doubt Dark Sun pitched the idea for Nexus to start injecting himself with negative star power. And i said it so many times before, but grief did not give Nexus the right to do what he did to his ex family. Not even when he had his psychosis snap. His ex family still are not to blame for that. They also had their own grief to get through at the time. Nexus didn't let them try to help him. Nexus had no outside influence before Dark Sun got him to make him become like he was when he nearly killed Earth. It was all himself and that is why i have such a hard time believing he is still good inside.
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thedemonsurfer · 5 hours
Back on my bullshit with trying to guess character motives feat. Dark Sun
Sooo Dark Sun (or 'Just Sun') finally rolled up to talk to Sun in todays SAMS ep, and naturally I'm putting him on the high-speed cycle in my head trying to parse what his motives are. What does he GET out of this?
Because he was leaning on Sun really hard to kill Nexus-- specifically, he wants Sun to see Nexus as a representative of the worst kind of person Moon can be, and to recognize that as a threat that needs to be killed.
But-- why?
Roll back a bit: Dark Sun has been involved in every step of Nexus' fall from grace.
He did something to New Moon at their very first meeting.
He provided Eclipse with the means to bring back Solar, and then prevented him from acting until Dark Sun wanted him to.
He dropped Ruin off on New Moon's doorstep when Moon was at a point where he could have accepted Solar's death, causing Moon to double down on his efforts.
He plucked New Moon out of space and pulled the chip containing Old Moon out of his head and left it for Monty to find.
He's provided Nexus with a new base of operations and enables his monkeying around with dark energon dark star energy, despite the damage it's doing to Nex.
Dark Sun needs Nexus to make himself into a threat. Because that's what he does, he sets up the dominoes and pulls the strings, but he doesn't outright tell others what to do (unless it's bossing Ruin around, but Ruin is his bitch so he doesn't count.)
And today, he was leaning real hard on Sun to see Nexus as a threat. to see all Moons as a threat (though, curiously, not mentioning Old Moon).
So what is he getting out of this? Why does he also need Sun to see Nexus as a threat that needs to be stopped? Why does he want Sun to 'understand' that he has to kill his brother?
Dial back the motives. The most compelling and strongest motives are Simple and Selfish: Eclipse didn't actually want power, he wanted Moon to pay attention to him. Ruin did want to prevent a total catastrophe, but he also wanted revenge on the Creators for destroying his life and world.
(As an aside, this is why I feel that Bloodmoon didn't make a good antagonist, and why Ruin's initial appearance was kind of boring. 'I'm here just to fuck shit up' isn't a very compelling motive.)
What do we know about Dark Sun?
He lied about having killed his Moon and actually kept him to torture-- or he DID kill his own Moon, and the one Ruin met was a substitute
He never gets his hands dirty, he gets others to act for him
He's obsessed with Sun
He fucking hates Moon
Dark Sun tells Sun that 98% of dimensions lose their Sun, and Moon is often the one that kills them. But it's not exactly that straightforward, is it?
Atlas points out that Dark Sun is counting dimensions where Sun was reset as him being 'dead'. Dimensions where Eclipse has a hand in Sun's death could be considered Moon's fault, since Eclipse is a byproduct of the killcode. Ruin's situation resulted in the ego death of both his Sun and Moon, on his Moon's suggestion. Ruin also wiped out 5000 dimensions and I think that's gonna skew some of the numbers.
And... how many dimensions have we seen a dead Sun in the show? Two, I think? The one where they never split up and Moon consumed Sun after the killcode took full control, and Solar's. And in Solar's, that Moon went mad trying to bring his Sun back.
Almost every instance we've seen, Sun and Moon coexist just fine once they're in separate bodies.
And I think that's what Dark Sun wants. I think he's trying to justify killing his own Moon before they ever got a chance to get along.
Moons MUST be evil and unable to change, they MUST be cruel. It's impossible for a Sun to get along with a Moon for any length of time, and that Sun is in the right when he has to kill his Moon.
And he's going to use Sun and Nexus to prove how right he is.
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cemeteryvalentine · 15 hours
astro observations part 4 !!! ^____^
(specifically based off my family :3 pleaseee don't get offended at anything that doesn't resonate)
🗝️: one thing about a sag placement, they are gonna hang up FIRST !!! i swear, if anyone misses flip phones, it's a sag placement/dominant. i just know they miss snapping that phone shut in a petty manner LOL. my mom is a sag moon AND rising, and she'd call me and demand me to do something in such a bitchy tone and then hang up on me like girl who tf do u think u areee 😭😭😭😭 LMFAO. but honestly good for her, i love being petty like her.
like i swear i take after my mom because everytime she does that annoying hang up before i can respond thing, i call her again just to say a snarky remark, and hang up on her back!
🐇: i swear, virgo placements have no problem being the grossest people alive, but suddenly it's a problem when someone else does it :/// it's really annoying. my brother has a pigsty of a bedroom, doesn't wash his hand when he pisses unless i make him, and leaves his trash everywhere, but constantly gets on my sister for the same things 😭. like the calls coming from inside the house !!! i think basically, (some) virgos are like picky(?) with what areas they'd want clean. like they're only really comfortable with THEIR mess and no one else's.
🗝️: i love how pisces mercury communicate because it's like what the hel are u awn about 😭 in the NICEST way though :3 they're so kewl and interesting to talk to, plus they're so nice and understanding. maybe because they're water mercuries after all. speaking of, my favorite artist ever kurt cobain was a pisces mercury and it SHOWSSS. a lot of nirvana lyrics feel artistic and metaphoric, or just realllyyyy silly. liiike "angel left wing, right wing, broken wing. lack of iron and or sleeping" from milk it, one of my nirvana faves. and "i vomit C*M and DIARRHEA". like girl whatever that means !!!! (song, mexican seafood)
🐇: mars influence on the asc makes for prominent features. especially eyebrows. my brother has an aries rising and he has such a bad case of RBF. i swear he never looks happy 😭 his virgo sun and cap moon definitely don't help at all either. then im a mars rising and i have big eyebrows like my brother. like we're the only ones with big eyebrows, while our parents brows look invisible LOL. also i'm a virgo rising !! and ppl are always saying i look mad which honestly pisses me off :P so in conclusion, mars influence + virgo placements = major rbf
🗝️: i HATE to add on to the cancer hate train since i'm one myself and i loveee being one + we get soo much hate, but i feel a (unevolvled) cancer makes for the worst pick me girl ever !!!! this def doesn't apply to all cancers, but the few cancer women i know can be so mean to other women so unprovoked. especially my mom, it gives me the ick when she calls random women b*tches or makes fun of them to me for their features or success or soemthing. i used to be a pick me too up until i was like 13 (im soooo happy i grew out of that mess QUICK!). i would constantly strive for male attention, it was embarrassing 😭. ik another girl who values her shitty boyfriend over her (girl) friends and i haaate it. like ive only known a few cancer women, but a lot of them are like the meanest pick me bitch ever, or such a sweeet, caring soul :). i feel like being a pick me stems from cancers being feminine AND traditional. yk? i pray i make sense, but yk how it's traditional for girls to be perfect for her man, and value him no matter the circumstance ?? and cancer/moon being **traditional** ? yeahhh 😭
anywayzzz that's all :3 tyyy for reading !! i had sm making a new observations, considering it's been a year since my last LMFAOO. and again, if it doesn't apply, let it fly. ty bye ^__^
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litiyerses · 2 days
~by an aspiring astrologer♡
pls keep in mind that these are my personal opinions, if you don't agree with these that's completely okay. this is based on my experience and knowledge not their canon birthdays. sun sign is our ego, moon sign is our emotions and relationship with our mother and rising sign is our physical appereance and how people perceive us at first glance.hope you enjoy!!`
-percy- leo sun cancer moon leo rising
sun: confident but insecure at the same time, extremely stubborn
moon: very good mother figure, mood depends on other people or the vibes, introvert but thrives with friends, hides feelings a lot
rising: charming presence, luscious hair, captivating eyes, gets attention without even asking
-annabeth- virgo sun aries moon cap rising
sun: needs structure and reliability in life, plans everything 5 years in advence bc "just incase", very understanding to others but too hard on herself
moon: dominant mother figure, resentment towards mother, good at making new connections, needs physical outlets for anger, jealous in love
rising: mature and reserved look, serious case of resting b face, doesn't realize she looks scary and gets offended when pointed out
-hazel- aqua sun scorpio moon aqua rising
sun: stands out and good with people but not very social
moon: very traumatic childhood/parent, very observant, hates being lied to or being deceived
rising: you'll notice her immidiately bc she looks like she doesn't belong, very much alien energy, ppl will say something's "off" about her but can never pinpoint what it is
-leo- sagitarius sun pisces moon gemini rising
sun: very fun, adventurous and energetic,
moon: really funny and good with words, prone to romanticizing toxicity or his pain, needs to feel loved to thrive, hard to really get to know him very good at acting/pretending
rising: fun and charming demeanor, amazing smile, long limbs short torso, really funky and uniqe sense of style
-frank- taurus sun taurus moon cancer rising
sun: extremely chill, avaoids drama like the plague, very reliable, enjoys luxury and finer things in life
moon: overbearing and overprotecting female figures, bullying due to body image in early ages, seeks comfort
rising: moon-like features, very emotionally expressive face, look like you can trust them w your social security number
jason- cap sun sag moon cap rising
sun: likes being in control but very fun once you get to know him
moon: feels better living abroad or with different cultures, seems opinionated and tough but is actually really understanding, attached to his hobbies, often misunderstood
rising: angular and sharp features, rbf, looks like has his life together but crumbling inside, hard to open up but funniest person once opened up
-piper- libra sun gemini moon libra rising
sun: very indecisive, witty and inteligent, has her way with words, flitrs without even meaning to
moon: can socialize with many different types of groups, too many thoughts, switches between shy and straightforward, nervous inside, very witty
rising: doll-like features, really pretty and sensual, infectious laugh, just overall really pretty and feminine looking, often feels unsure and confused
-nico- aqua sun scorpio moon scorpio rising
sun: doesn't really fit in, reads people really well
moon: same as hazel, also very secretive and private, sonetimes too perceptive or obsessive
rising: very intense eyes, mysterious and powerful presence, his mystery either draws people in wanting to know more or scares them away
-calypso- leo sun leo moon taurus rising
sun: basically the same with percy perfect hair, charming eyes except she DEMANDS attention and rest assured she WILL get it, wants to be in control of everything in her life and extremely stubborn w it, gets really dissapointed when thing don't turn out as she excepted
moon: needs to feel attractive and productive to thrive, prone to trust issues, clingy but won't show it
rising: looks best with no or minimal makeup, think brooke shields and gigi hadid love child, has a very nature-y type of look -idk if that makes sense-
-reyna- aries sun capricorn moon aries rising
sun: values her friendships deeply, very initiative, go big or go home, doesn't stand any bs
moon: had to grow up fast, too individualistic, the wounded healer, sensitive but hates seeking comfort, very creative and initiative
rising: angular and sharp features, athletic build, bold and confident presence
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
The cutest reminder ever that the way family works in TSAMS canon is that two parties have to be in mutual agreement that they are family. If one party doesn't agree then they aren't family. Parties can revoke familial ties whenever they want and that means they are no longer family.
"Code Relation" theory is stupid because you're then implying that Eclipse is Sun and Moon's child. Which he isn't. Or that Killcode is somehow Moon's child and his brother at the same time that he's Eclipse, Lunar and Bloodmoon's "father" at the same time that they're Sun and Moon's grand children. Like, we're seeing the issue here, right?
Don't make things more complicated than it has to be. Just accept the fact that family is literally determined by a verbal agreement between two animatronics and nothing else because none of them were born from wombs. That means respecting canon when characters in canon decide that they aren't comfortable being family (like Eclipse) or just straight-up disown everyone (like Bloodmoon). It's okay to have headcanons, but don't try to push them onto canon.
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pineappical · 1 year
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would calling this something like "the sun to his earth" be a little bit too cliche? maybe...
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skrunksthatwunk · 8 months
losing my shit at this shot
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noooo eiji im sorry you have to leave you're in danger you'll slow me down ohhh ok ash sorry im such a burden noooo you're not a burden we just live in different worlds and i don't wanna drag you into that distance distance distance meanwhile they're closer than ever. look at that you gay fucks your shadows are overlapping no matter how much you're in separate frames. jesus
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crabsnpersimmons · 6 months
Who has the other pair of his shoes. I don’t believe you can buy a red and black pair
good question! i hadn't thought about it until you asked so here's the answer i came up with:
he got them at a discount at the thrift store
the cashier just saw his excitement and couldn't bear to charge him the full price
they aren't even the same style of slides, this silly guy just marches to the beat of his own drum
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mangofanarts · 8 months
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I wanted to draw them playing with ponies so that I could ramble my headcanons in my tags
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beaulesbian · 8 months
wano spoilers
feeling some kind of emotional about rayleigh and roger flashbacks in wano, with smol shanks and buggy. and later oden and toki and their kids :'(
rayleigh has so much patience for them lmao
just few of my favorite panels:
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(their captain is an idiot; a shared sentiment by whoever's captain wears the strawhat, probably)
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(this is so cute and sad especially knowing this playfulness and love from roger never reached ace ;-; sorry)
"reminds me of the old days." - i wonder if rayleigh means by this shanks or buggy (or both? im not that far yet, if we know more of their backstories, but they were already very young on the roger's ship, so it would make sense if they found one of them as a baby and basically were raising him together ;-; *cries again*)
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no really, these flashbacks said rogerray with kids rights, and rayleigh was the only one with a parenting braincell
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and this last thing reminds me how often it's one of the strawhats (cough. zoro) reading luffy the news, mostly about their new bounties
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smth smth captain and his first mate
and then this angst.... with the goodbyes, and rayleigh possibly keeping roger's pirate hat after he left.
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these flashbacks were so emotional! so good and informative how roger's pirates worked, how oden went with them and their journey to the places we've seen luffy and strawhats travel from beginning of one piece - skypiea and the poneglyph text that oden wrote there for roger. water 7 and meeting young franky!, fishman island and roger and oden hearing that voice but rayleigh not hearing it. that was all so interesting.
it was both so fun and joyful, but also sad and devastating, what it must have been to part in the end, for the rest of the crew (and rayleigh especially.)
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dent-de-leon · 2 months
Something about how Ayden is only 15 and the Moonweaver is also often represented as a young girl. The Sun and the Moon being young, curious, and so in love with the mortal world. Does the Dawnfather ever take the form of a child still, like his sister? Are there moments when he lets himself be the same hopeful, soft, carefree soul? Do they see themselves reflected a bit in each other--?
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byfulcrums · 9 months
The sun and moon symbolism was used so well in LMK
I love how it wasn't used as a way to tell us about their personalities but instead as a way to reflect their beliefs, their places in the world and how their relationship with it can vary
When you think about sun and moon characters, the first things that comes to mind are "extrovert and introvert", "loud and quiet", "optimistic and realistic (or straight up pessimist)", etc. You think of two labels that are used, to put it simply, as a way to tell us that oh, this character is bright and nice and this other character is quiet and follows them anywhere. And depending on what you think about Shadowpeach, this might suit them! But if we're talking about canon, then it's just... not them
Macaque isn't a shy, timid guy who while he's smart and clever, he doesn't stand up for himself. SWK isn't a happy and cheerful but also dumb guy who tends to be the one to defend Mac when he doesn't do it himself
Here, the sun and moon symbolism is used to explain the nature of their relationship, not their personalities. It's used to give us a simple explanation of why they're that way without showing us a 20 minute backstory scene to make us understand what the fuck happened (though that wouldn't be unwelcome)
The sun shines brightly and gives us its warmth, but in the end, he'll always be alone; no one can get close to her without burning. The moon's brightness comes only from the sun, and she's most noticed when it's night, while the shadows cover the earth
The moon needs the sun to shine, but the sun wouldn't change at all if he wasn't there; Macaque needs SWK to be there for his character to be important. but Sun Wukong's story would have remained almost the same if Macaque had never been his friend. If you want a story where they never knew each other, just read JTTW!
However, while the sun doesn't need the moon at all in real life, these two characters are supposed to be actual people, not a rock and a ball of gas in space. Macaque can be his own person without Sun Wukong being there, and Wukong is strong enough to not need someone fighting by his side but still wants it anyway
They're not soulmates, at least not in the way the wind and the sea are. Sun Wukong's love for Liu'er Mihou isn't a thing destiny wrote. It's not heaven's, not space's, not faith's: it's his. And his love for Macaque is what makes him need him by his side
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getaroomryden · 21 days
Ryden + Lyrics from Folie à Deux by Fall Out Boy
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copepods · 10 months
i love suns and pebbles canon dynamic in my head its kind of weird and fucked up and i wish more people depicted it as that (tag ramble incoming)
#i have a lot of thoughts about suns as a character#since theres not much from them in the story its mostly headcanon though#i think suns is someone who desperately wants to be liked and admired#like maybe theyre one of the youngest in their local group (i think theyre in a separate neighboring group to moons)#and they're not really used to being looked up to in any capacity#so pebbles is the first person who really respects them in that way and because of that they have this weird contradictory relationship#where sometimes suns relishes in that dynamic a little too much and holds the power over pebbles head and gets a little mean#and sometimes because suns still wants pebbles to keep liking and admiring them they can get a little too indulgent of him#hence the gold pearl. i think suns gave it to him bc they wanted him to find some kind of happiness but there was also a selfish element#'if i give this to him he'll like me more' etc#i dont think suns is intentionally cruel i just think they had never had that kind of relationship before and fucked a lot of things up#after spearmaster they start to get better at it esp since spearmaster is kind of a second chance for them. so suns learns to be kinder#on pebbles' end. i like to think pebbles was a lil infatuated with them. esp because he felt like they were the only one who understood him#unreciprocated tho. suns cared about him but more from a mentorly point of view than anything#kind of a weird thing where he looked up to them as an authority figure but also really kind of wanted them to be on the same level#in conclusion: toxic robot yuri can be cool sometimes#text#rain world
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teabiscs · 6 months
here are some of my KaiMax HC's
How i see them getting together
Kai is oblivious to Max’s affection, he thinks it's just Max being Max when the blonde starts clinging to him and touching him. He does think its weird that Max has all of a sudden started touching him so freely. He brushes it off Max isn't scared of him anymore or intimidated by him
Max grows increasingly frustrated by how dense Kai is. And works to find more obvious ways (without straight out saying it) that he has a crush on Kai. Showering a confused Kai in praise ("Oh Kai, you’re so handsome with huge muscles" because he opened a jar) [insert Rei and Hiromi rolling their eyes] and affection (practically sitting in Kai’s lap while they're all on the couch watching a movie. 
(watching their little game is a serious form of entertainment for everyone else. they make bets on it)
Max confiding in Rei, that Kai is actually kind of dumb and he doesnt understand why Kai cant see Max's crush. (And rei being like 'why dont you just tell him outright?' "BECAUSE THATS EMBARASSING")
and THEN Kai confiding in Rei about Max’s odd behavior and them laughing/giggling at him.
Okay so. Kai finally FINALLY puts two and two together when one night it’s just the two of them, everyone else has disappeared at the dojo. Sitting together. Alone. Max says somethings that go over Kai’s head. And Max has had enough and grabs Kai’s cheeks in his hands. His thumb smudging Kai’s painted cheek.Telling him to push him away if he’s not okay with it. And kissu kissu.
When they get together, Kai has to get used to how touchy Max is. He’s not used to it at all. He’s not used to gentle touches or the way Max will smoosh their cheeks together and affectionately rub them up and down. It makes Kai go red and a little embarrassed to be so loved on so openly in front of the others. (He does get used to it.)
They show affection in different ways. Kai’s is more muted, while Max’s is obnoxious and obvious. In your face affection. PDA expert. The first time Kai initiates them holding hands it shocks Max. 
A moon/sun ship
Grump Edgy/sunshine energetic
The grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one
Max is the possessive one
Kai knows that Max is touchy but Kai is the only one who has his heart. It doesn't bother him (initially it did) when Max clings to Rei and Takao. Doesn’t mind when Max cuddles up with Rei on the couch. (Also because as soon as Kai sits down, Max find his way into Kai’s lap)
Max on the other hand? Is kind of insecure (DONT KNOW WHAT FOR). He hates the way people will look at Kai with hungry eyes. He hates that people don;t take him seriously, and continue to flirt with (an oblivious, uninterested) Kai.
Also the idea of Max’s eye twitching over Kai’s obsession with Takao. Is so… funny.
IMO it stems back to Judy, so now that Max has someone who clearly loves him and gives him his attention, he refuses to let go or let anyone take that from him. 
Kai doesn’t think that Max is possessive/jealous and that its him showing affection. 
Idk it’s funny to me if the ONLY ONE that makes Kai a little nervous (read: jealous) is Rick. Like that’s the only person Kai does not like Max getting cozy with. Something about it makes Kai itch. 
Max is always able to get Kai to do things he would NEVER do otherwise. (I picture them wearing matching animal costumes with fluffy hats with ears. Max getting Kai to eat really cute. 
Max pouting is Kai’s biggest weakness. (He cannot say no to Max, in general, but the pouting? Seals the deal. Kai is so weak to it. Max makes him so soft)
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