#and dogmeat is there being support
fuzzydreamin · 1 year
Fo4 Companions MTG Colours
⌨ Ada: Izzet (blue/red)
☘ Cait: Gruul (red/green)
⚙ Codsworth: Abzan (white/black/green)
⚕ Curie: Selesnya (green/white)
♞ Danse: Boros (red/white)
🕶 Deacon: Jeskai (white/blue/red)
𓃡 Dogmeat: Colourless
☠ Gage: Rakdos (black/red)
☣ Hancock: Orzhov (white/black)
☸ Longfellow: Simic (green/blue)
⨁ MacCready: Temur (green/red/blue)
♥ Nick: Esper (white/blue/black)
✉ Piper: Rainbow (white/blue/black/green/red)
☀ Preston: Bant (white/blue/green)
☢ Strong: Golgari (black/green)
☾ X6-88: Azorius (white/blue)
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sosorryjack · 4 months
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I believe in DogMeat being Nick’s emotional support dog supremacy.
(My version of dogmeat is a months old pup.)
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If Fallout 4 companions had TikTok accounts
Cait would have an account dedicated to fighting and thirst traps (aimed at women mostly). Teaches women self-defense techniques. She earns a spot in the algorithm of muscle mommies. She also raises awareness for addicts and former addicts, educating on the effects of drugs and the reasons people seek them out in the first place. Honestly, it's a very good account to follow.
Codsworth is just confused about TikTok. He's like "oh so what are the children saying these days? Aura? I'll have to add a new word to my vocabulary banks! Cheerio, mum!"
Curie makes educational videos for all ages and all subjects. She has a series of learning Japanese, a series of vaccines and the science behind them, a series about the effects of different types of parenting, you name it. She also takes suggestions from her audience on what new things to research.
Danse has unintentional thirst traps. He talks about power armor and the Brotherhood of Steel but also posts workouts. These are what get the most attention out of everything he posts. The BookTok girlies find him and all hell breaks loose in the comment sections. He responds to this with, "Thank you, civilians. I am not sure what you mean, but I am glad you are supporting the Brotherhood of Steel by being on my page. Thank you for your enthusiasm for our righteous cause. Ad victorium." People armchair diagnose him as autistic.
Deacon does "GRWM as i tell you about the time i ______" videos where each day he looks completely different and you can never tell if he's telling the truth or not. He also does head shaving videos that double as story times or opinion pieces. You can't tell if those are true or not either.
Dogmeat has a viral account followed by millions. Get's a lot of "I can't imagine liking this guy" comments with the op replying to their own comment with "anymore than I already do. Huge fan!"
Hancock does subtle cheeky thirst traps and dance challenges. This entire post was inspired by the FACT that Hancock would participate in the brat summer trend and would do the Apple dance with Fahrenheit filming it. He also tells stories, mostly of him being high. He gets a lot of requests to cosplay Deadpool.
MacCready has a lot of things he does. Some videos are sniper trick shots, some are Grognak the Barbarian yapping (he does short lore deep dives when he can), and some are about being a young single dad. He doesn't show Duncan's face because he's extremely protective. Casually drops the most insane lore about his childhood which leads to comments like "are we just ignoring that he said he grew up in a cave?"
Nick Valentine would be a very popular fashion and "a day in the life of a detective". He'd do vintage fashion looks, like loose slacks and suspenders with a trench coat to top it off. Sometimes does a deep dive into detective history. Gets a lot of thirsty comments to which he replies "that's one way to get the coolant pumping."
Old Longfellow has the appeal of the New England, stormy weather, sweater-wearing fisherman aesthetic, and he tells stories of his youth while showing people around the area he grew up. Learns mobile phone cinematography to make it look cooler. Every video has either a lesson or a skill for survival.
Piper's account is solely focused on news and truth, posting every source she uses. She uses the trend of an insane video, like someone falling badly on the ground or getting splashed with water, and stitches it to look like a seamless transition of her rolling from the fall or being splashed to start talking about her news stories. It gets traction so she continues.
Porter Gage has a side gig of running TikTok accounts for different people. Gets the money, doesn't get the backlash when they get canceled for racism or worker exploitation.
Preston has an account dedicated to charity work and social activism. He makes sure to highlight organizations he feels are doing the world a service and regularly has fundraisers. He's well-known for always sharing content from people in dire situations and raising money for them. Has a master document of Go Fund Me pages and vets every one of them.
Strong has a lot of those unintentional boomer tiktoks that are 1 second long and he's just looking at the screen in confusion.
X6 cyber bullies the rest of them because he thinks having a TikTok is cringe and stupid (he is currently writing hate comments with his TikTok account)
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avalon-of-babylon · 5 months
Am I playing Fallout 3 wrong?
For the most part, I'm having fun, but the game feels weirdly empty to me. Just large expanses of nothing sprinkled with the occasional building and a surprising lack of quests compared to Fallout 4.
I have around 2000 hours put into Fallout 4. It's one of my favorite games because (weirdly) just like Stardew Valley, there's always something driving you in between quests and exploration, and the game is designed to encourage further exploration without you realizing it.
In Stardew, it's improving the farm, expanding your house, gathering ingredients and resources, improving your tools, or gaining hearts. You can do pretty well for yourself off fishing alone but the desire for more is there in the back of your mind. The game doesn't tell me to make Iridium sprinklers and find the best sprinkler to scarecrow formation for my farm layout, I choose to do that because I want a giant stack of bread and berries on me at all times and watering by hand bores me. Also I want Sebastian to love me, and in my experience, there's no faster way to get frozen tears than to lob bombs everywhere on floors 40+.
In Fallout 4, it's the settlements. As Preston says himself, there's always someone who needs help, and settlements are not only an investment but also a constant incentive for me. Half of all mods I have for the game are around settlements: removing the build limit, scrap dead bodies, adding balcony supports, creative clutter, expanding Jamaica Plain, making Coastal cottage less of a shit hole. Normal stuff. And when I'm out I am constantly on the lookout for scrap I can use to improve settlements and traiders I can get supply orders from.
Even when I'm not questing, I'm still on a mission the game gave me to leave or take.
But with Fallout 3, I can't find much to actually do, and worse, I can't find anyone to do it with. The only companion I've met in my ~70 hours so far has been Charon, and that's because I was lonely, saved up 2k caps, and went and got him. I haven't even met dogmeat yet despite him being like 15 minutes at the most into Fallout 4. Don't get me wrong I like Charon's grumpy ass always grumbling over shit but ultimately the man is just a very tall, overcooked hot pocket with a shot gun. He's not man's best friend or my best friends smoaking toaster oven, sarcastic lesbian Lois Lane or Mayor over cooked hot pocket with free molly.
I am genuinely struggling for things to do. I'm just heading in any direction, hoping a deathclaw isn't over there.
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fallout4-reacts · 9 months
An actual prompt this time! I know you're busy and have plenty of things to write yet, take your time.
Soo I was thinking that maybe companions (and Maxson) horribly failing at confessing to Sole. Like for example they could clear out some Raiders, companion is impressed, tries to confess BAM Sole gets fucking decked by random raider they didn't kill. I feel like you could get pretty creative with that one. Like deathclaws, something exploding, just settlers running in, other companions interrupting etc.
Yeah! Sorry for my waiting list but this one just take me out of my bed literally Maybe it's better then just writing nothing and you all will forgive me... I will not taking it as an habit but it was just what I needed I think And maybe an EPIC ask... I think it will be (not in the sense I'll do an epic job, in the sense hmmm Titan Quest like the F.E.V. one and all) Oh, and take note you ask for... horribly
Part 1
Danse / Deacon / Nick Valentine
(Part 2 : Hancock, Preston, Strong)
(Part 3 : X6-88 alone because of a bug)
(Part 4 : Gage, MacCready, Piper)
(Part 5 : Cait, Curie, Codsworth, Dogmeat, Elder Maxson)
Danse : Sole returns. Sole returns to the bunker after a few days. Danse had time to clean and make the space more comfortable. He didn't consider establishing his new camp there because, after all, he didn't consider living at all.
But now he did.
And Sole came back.
Danse kept himself occupied during his few days alone, trying not to worry about what was happening to him. But he pondered his new envision of himself. Beyond the initial distaste, he felt a sense of conviction, similar to how Sole stood.
Whatever he is, he is a person with convictions for which he fought. He was a man of honor —a synth?— whose his brothers and sisters could trust.
He'd come a long way. His damned way into this group that turned his back on him after he had dedicated his blood and soul for them. And Maxson, whom he almost considered a friend, treated him as if he were a worm to be crushed.
After being reassured that he agreed with Sole on his right to life, his thoughts couldn't help but wander.
He recalls Sole standing in front of him, defending him against Maxson.
And even more.
More, a lot more.
He can't help but replay in his mind all of these events, all of these moments. When Sole emerged as an avenging angel, slaying all the ghouls in their way, Danse was convinced that his squad's final hour had arrived. They entered the paladin's life as a mythical entity, too great for regular mortals, an enigmatic spirit of the times sent to save them.
Then there's how they forced a comedy at Fort Strong while killing mutants. Danse had admonished them a few times for their lack of seriousness in the face of a critical assignment, but he couldn't keep a smile from rising on his face in the midst of their antics.
And all of their nonsense, every time they could.
Danse had pieced together Sole's intentions and the horror of their past, and he couldn't help but admire this person's trustworthiness. When Danse expressed concern about Sole's moral status following such heinous ordeals, Sole merely grinned and remarked that the companionship they were blessed with helped them get through.
Even after they returned from the Institute, learning the injurious truth, they had held on, had rounded the corner, and Danse felt better to know he had been by their side to help. To morally support them.
And now that Sole is standing in front of Danse again, slightly smiling and wondering what's next for him, Danse feels his throat tighten.
Because Danse has realized that he has strong affections for Sole.
Much more than a simple friendship.
He nods slowly.
"Perhaps we should consider venturing to Sanctuary. I am unable to endure it any further. First and foremost, I am a soldier, and a soldier without a purpose doesn't progress very far. I humbly express my desire to align myself with the esteemed Minutemen's structure. In the utmost, their cause is righteous, and they shall not forsake me nor open fire upon me. I have received word that their General harbors a troubling acceptance towards synths."
"They tolerate and love them a lot," Sole admits with a half-smile.
They proceed without adding anything. Thus far north, there is no road that crosses directly, at least not according to Sole. As best they can, they cross the countryside in wreckage, cutting valleys and hills.
And Danse remains quiet, lost in introspection.
Yes, he likes Sole a lot more than simply as a friend. There's a lot more. Soon, Sole will return to their Rail Road operations, to which Danse has never been requested (and he now understands why), while Danse will begin his Minutemen duties, most likely limited to the Castle for the time of his training. And, while it appeared to him at first to be the finest way to fill his days, he now has a peculiar uneasiness at the prospect of leaving Sole without delivering anything of what he feel upon them.
They are in the midst of the wreckage of a plane that crashed there two centuries ago. They passed through a few Minutemen (apparently, it is in the profession to check out every nook and cranny of the Commonwealth), but they are now alone and isolated in front of the cabin of the downed craft.
He clears his throat slightly in an attempt to catch the attention of his partner.
Sole looks at him.
"Something's wrong, Danse?"
When the realization occurs to the fallen Paladin that he would never again have his title before his name, he swallows hard. But that's not the issue he's having right now.
"I…I'm not really a man of words but…"
Sole erupts in laughter.
"Are you not a man of words? Yes, you ate a dictionary at birth!"
For a few whiles, the poor man panics, unable to restore balance after the sting of Sole. He had seized his courage in both hands in an attempt to open his heart, and his partner had fallen back into amusement. But he needs to tell them. He has to. He knows deep down that he has to.
"Sole, please."
They instantly calm down, recognizing that the man in front of them appears to be death serious.
"Oh, sorry."
"Don't be like that. What I'm trying to say is this—
Sole's expression shifts from calm to dread in an instant, while Danse hears the anger of a beast he despises beyond all in his back. He despises her much more now that she's interfering in such an important situation.
He turns, weapon in hand, to fully answer to the deathclaw, and then follows a long and deadly combat. The beast is fierce and perhaps ancient, and it not easily defeated.
When they eventually prevail against the monster, with a few bites and scratches here and there, Danse don't dare trying again to express himself. And Sole now has to patch them up as soon as they find out a settlement, so they regretfully didn't think to inquire furthermore.
Deacon : His deathly bunny and he jumped into a plethora of wolf dens. Nothing, however, tops being in his favorite den.
The spy like it when Sole stays for the evening and then retires to the back of the HQ for a well-deserved rest. Despite the fact that he does not require sleep himself —as a synth, eh— he enjoys lying on the mattress next to Sole when they ask it, with a roll of the eyes at his answer.
They normally spend a few more moments on their mattresses talking about everything and nothing until one of them falls asleep —more often then none Sole, because Deacon is a synth, yup.
"Tell me again how he almost swallowed his beard."
Sole bursts out laughing.
"I told him to go to hell. That I was only in their camp for my friend Danse, and that by turning their back on him, the entire organization may roast, I would never support them again. Anyway, it's irrelevant now. Let them go to fight like the big boys they are against this blasted Institute and get the heck out of my territory."
Deacon like it when Sole becomes engrossed. The fire in their eyes awakens his heart's hearth. He would never have confessed to them. Never. Never previously has it's not have seems important.
There is still a serious moment, which Sole elaborates on.
"It's very little Deacon, to remain silent and, moreover, serious. What's the matter with you?"
"Nothing, you know. There isn't much to eat here. Perhaps a programming error. Perhaps I should run a diagnostic."
Sole's chuckling is priceless. Deacon smiles quietly as he listens to the pleasant melody in his ears. They stare at him again when his friend grows still serious.
They sit on the mattress and motion for Deacon to do the same. As he straightens, the spy stares down. Sole is right. He has words on the tip of his tongue, but he doesn't dare to voice them for the first time in his holy life. Sole gently takes his hands in their, searching for his eyes.
"Deacon, you know you can tell me anything?"
The man glances into the other side and swallows cautiously. Yes, he has the right to tell Sole anything. But what about that? Can he? He has to. He has a debt to Sole. He owes them a frank and honest sincerity. And even the thought seems weird to him. A straightforward and open sincerity? He has no recollection of what it tastes like.
"I'll be honest then," he says, hesitantly, as if he must step into the void. "It's been a while since I should have told you."
He takes a deep breath, ready to blow it all, when an unusually powerful vibration is noticed.
Sole turns their gaze towards the headquarters, and suddenly they hear screaming and gunshots.
Deacon leaps to his feet. This kind of roar his still heard in his worst nightmares. Just like the day the Coursers assaulted the old HQ. But isn't Tinker Tom meant to put cameras? How did the Coursers gain access to the facility, this time?
"The Brotherhoods!" yells someone from within.
Sole and Deacon are already on the front lines of defense, positioning themselves to hold the soldiers for as long as it takes for the others to flee. They didn't even need to talk. With Gloria, they hold the line and exchange gunshots with their enemies, keeping them in respect for so long that Deacon is confident their friends will have no problem to disappear in the ruins of Boston. Gloria then makes a strangled gasp and collapses to her knees, her gun no longer firing shots. Deacon peers at her, fear on his face as he realizes his friend has been badly shot.
A grunt and a thud behind his back make him fear the worst. He attempts to hold the BoS at bay, but his weapon is too slow without Gloria's gatling and Sole's assault rifle.
Desperate, he throws a couple of grenades into the tunnel to gain time, and he manages to push the invaders back slightly.
He rushes alongside Sole right away.
His friend clutches their bowels in agony, or what remains of them. Deacon wraps his arms around them and softly cradles them.
"Don't worry, everything will be alright. Let's go locate Carrington."
As he glances around, searching in the room... he realizes that the doctor is among the casualties. He growls and attempts to drag Sole further away, hoping to hide them.
"We're going to get through this," he said. "We're going to get through this, I promise" he repeats dejectedly.
“Liar,” breaths Sole before becoming limp in his arms.
Nick Valentine : They came to a halt near the GNN, in the ruins of an abandoned house of which he believes was once a settlement.
He finds it weird that the occupants simply vanished overnight, leaving no trace.
It happens occasionally, such as at University Point, although there are traces. There are dead settlers, downed synths, evidence, and clues.
But here, just the emptiness of tranquility, as if no one had lived there since the war.
But Sole is worn out, hungry, and thirsty, and all he wants is one evening off, possibly one night.
While his companion actually runs aground on a dingy old mattress in the living room of the modest house, Nick ensures that nothing threatens them. When the synth returns from his excursion, his partner hasn't moved one inch.
He moves careful closer.
"Well, ya gotta keep that belly of yours satisfied. And imbibing a beverage would assuredly be a wise course of action."
He was met with a growl in response. He looked around. The previously residents provided a fire pit. He reaches over, takes Sole's bag, and begins cooking something for them.
"I'll rouse you from your slumber once the soup is ready."
Another grunt joins in. He can't help but sneering. Of course, he finds a cauldron (even two) and every necessary instrument in Sole's backpack to prepare the thrifty dinner. Water canes, carrots, and a piece of meat that he starts cutting into small cubes. He whistles merrily, converting himself into a maid of the household, as he frequently does with Sole.
"Ah, the pangs of nostalgia for the flavors of garlic and cilantro doth visit me on occasion. Parsley and mint!
“Salt, pepper,” Sole mumbles under their arm, their head shifting slightly to reach a more comfortable position.
Nick digs deeper into the bag and uncovers a pepper and salt shaker.
"Well, I must say, this here stuff seems to possess quite the remarkable dose of radiation, and it should lacks any discernible flavor."
“Still good,” corrects the other.
Nick chuckles a little and adds the condiments, pleased to be able to improve the soup he's making.
He sits down and glances around the room while waiting for the meal to be ready. It had to have been a nice house. Here had to live a lovely little family. He takes note of the stairs. The bedrooms should be on the second floor. Children, most likely. A pleasant existence.
His gaze is drawn to the limp figure on the mattress. His artificial lips slowly form a tiny smile. Sole, in all their magnificence, is a stunning, authoritarian, and noble individual. But the visual of Sole spread out, blindly trusting their companion for safety, entirely abandoned to the sleep that stole them, is something that few can boast of seeing.
And Nick owns it.
He has it all and meticulously details his friend.
And once more, this odd sensation arises in the hollow of his components.
It happens from time to time. Often. More and more. When their gazes cross. When they cheer at a triumph. When a file is closed. When they're simply the two of them at the end of an evening by the fire. When Sole departs for a while and then reappears on his doorstep.
And Nick can no longer mislead himself.
He experiences a feeling. This is not a programming error. His circuits are flawless in that. It's just a true, intense, genuine emotion.
He serves a bowl of soup and kneels next to Sole, softly shaking their shoulder.
"Stand up, Sleeping Beauty, lunch is served!"
Sole scolds and growls but sit in front of Nick, gratefully taking the bowl that their friend hands them. They begin to eat it carefully, as if lost in contemplation. And Nick can't stop admiring them, always fascinated by the elegance of their features and the brightness in their eyes.
His companion frowns as they glance back at him. "I got something stick in my teeth?"
Nick sighs and laughs a little.
"There's absolutely nothin' on here. None of it, pal."
"So what?"
"It seems that this, ah, old carcass of mine hasn't been spinning as smoothly as I'd prefer for quite some time now."
Sole places the dish on the ground, their face etched with anguish and earnestness.
"Nick, what's wrong?"
The synth is astonished.
"Oh, nothing to be awry. Not quite how you're envisioning it. It's just a tough nut to crack."
"Say so, and we'll figure it out together. Perhaps I am able to help you."
He places a sympathetic hand on Nick's metal one, the synth constantly amazed at how tactile Sole is with him despite his nature.
"How can you…help me?"
Even though Sole is the organic, it's Nick who swallows with difficulty. He lowers his head, his eyes hidden by the brim of his fedora, but Sole's hand rises from his to tuck beneath his chin.
"Hello, I'm here. I will always be there for you. No matter what."
After getting some good breaths, Nick takes the plunge to opens his bag. He opens his mouth to respond, but then a radroach erupts between them, knocking the bowl of soup over and driving both to rush to their feet and draw their weapons.
After the "vicious" opponent is dispatched, a nice laugh and a new bowl of soup, Sole raises an eyebrow.
"But what did you want to tell me, before our surprise guest wasted your delicious soup?"
Nick swallows and makes a dismissive hand motion.
"Nothin', absolutely nothin'. Drop it..."
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commonwealthcass · 1 month
have you seen any fallout london things? the Thamesfolk and Thameshounds are kinda neat. Cass, to a Thamesfolk: "While i still prefer Dogmeat, i have to admit an amphibious pet has its benefits, but are you Sure these are descended from Dogs?"
Tbh, I haven’t tried out Fallout London yet but it is something on my list! I’m currently doing a stay at a hotel til works finished on my house and am hoping to work towards a good PC down a line to play it. I did want to play it on console but was a bit worried since mod support is a bit tricky. If anyone has advice, let me know! I have both PS5 and XBOX but it just might be a bit til I can try playing since the hotels a bit limited unfortunately.
That being said the concept art and screenshots I saw were really neat and its so cool that they were able to make some unique creatures and peoples for Fallout London! I saw something about it being so successful that they’re planning to launch an indie studio so that’s really exciting. Looking forward to playing it though and seeing what new adventures there are ^^
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Fo4 Companions Favorite Settlements To Stay At
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » Slight spoilers in MacCready's
MacCready really likes the Finch Farm. It has always been a place of comfort for him. There's something about the family that lives there that almost reminds MacCready of the family he and his son are never likely to get. He hopes that one day when his son makes it to the Commonwealth that they could hang around the place for a little while longer, maybe even live there with them permanently.
Nick's always been fond of the Starlight Drive-In. Human Nick spent a lot of time in these types of theatres, so he's always felt weirdly connected to them. Nick also likes to stand behind the counter and serve drinks while all the other settlers gather around on the stools. It's just a naturally nostalgic place for him.
Cait has never been particularly excited to visit the settlements, they're all too open and the settlers are wayyy too in her face for her to have fun. That's why Hangman's Ally is the only one she ever agrees to go to. Not many settlers like living there, and it's almost invisible to the rest of the world.
Danse's favorite settlement to be at will always be the Boston Airport. There's nowhere he'd rather be than near his fellow soldiers—they're like his family.
Preston loves all the settlements you work on, but The Castle always wins. In his opinion, there's nothing better than the space, people, and artillery that the Castle holds. It's a natural place for any Minuteman to want to be in. He especially loves the history of it all. Looking back at old pre-war artifacts that have been scattered across the castle makes him feel so intrigued.
Codsworth loves sanctuary for sentimental reasons, but greygarden is a place he really feels at home. It's just him and all the other Mr. Handys, cleaning and gardening, his favorite things to do <3 (and sometimes they have really good gossip)
Piper spent a good while trying to solve the mystery in Jamaica Plain, and in doing so, set up her own little shack to call a temporary home. She made pretty good friends with the settlers who currently resided there and likes to visit every now and then to see the home she lived in for a week serve a different purpose.
Curie's very interested in all the ghost stories that surround the Croup Manor. She can't help but get excited at the thought of spending the night there or starting a little campfire just outside the place and going back and forth telling each other myths and legends.
Strong likes a lot of the settlements, but Sunshine Tidings Co-Op always makes him satisfied due to all the raider camps that are scattered nearby. Even Nuka-World's close. He can eat as many people as he wants down there, what more could he ask for?
Hancock loves supporting his fellow ghouls, so the Slog is a personal favorite of his. He always tries to help the group down there out as often as he can, especially security-wise. He wants to see this group prosper. It's refreshing to see others working toward the same goals as him.
Deacon, against Desdemona's wishes, turned the Taffington Boathouse into a frat house of sorts. He's always trying to recruit people but he's only managed to convince Tinker Tom to get on board. He's also the only one who knows what a frat house actually is so everyone just ignores him.
X6-88 hates them all. They're all too grimy for him to ever willingly be near. Although, if he had to pick, it'd be Covenant, only after he's killed everyone else in it. He'd much rather it be just the two of you in that semi-secure township. 
Dogmeat likes all of them, although Sanctuary and the Red Rocket Station are his favorites. Both settlements always hold such friendly people and tons of junk for him to play with!
Naturally, Old Longfellow prefers his cabin. He has the most detailed mental map of his little island—knows where all the traps are set and everything. Besides all his weapons and alcohol being stored there, why wouldn't it be his favorite?
Gage doesn't have much of an opinion on any of them, although, he thinks Hangman's Ally has the best cover. It doesn't matter to him though, everywhere's home if you can take it from the original residents.
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mysterymogai · 5 months
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Dissodogmeat — Dissocharacter subterm related to thinking one is Dogmeat from the Fallout series, which makes the person, whether it be because of delusional or IRL attachments, being an alter based on Dogmeat, psychosis, etc., feel disconnected from their external body. This is not for "fun" or voluntary "I wanna be this", this also doesn't override the external identity of the person.
This identity does not support "transitioning" tips / subliminals / advice / etc in cases where it's harmful, furthers misinformation, or appropriative. I don't support the fetishization, romanticization, misinformation, etc. of mental illnesses, disabilities, professions, or experiences.
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FOUND FAMILY LUCY & THE GHOUL SUPREMACYYYY!!! your fic is perfect in every way… a shining beacon of light in these dark times. idk if you’re going to write a long story with them or anything but i fucking love your mind and already know i wld be eager to read whatever you might write about them <3 !!
thank you! i'm a found family bitch til the day i die, i simply cannot help it. i am technically working on a full length fic with them, but i'm not sure if/when i'll ever string it all together into something coherent lmao
but hey, here's a scene in the meantime!
About halfway through their journey to Las Vegas, nearly perfectly sandwiched between a week’s worth of miserable walking to the west and another week’s worth of miserable walking to the east, they stumbled upon a small town in the middle of the desert that called itself Delta. There was a sign and everything—a really old one with faded grayish lettering on faded reddish stone, all of it bearing more than a few well-worn cracks. But there was also a painted sun on it, half a shining sun rising above the town’s name like it was just peeking over to say hello, and that sun was almost still yellow.
Someone must have cared enough to maintain it, she thought, even just a little, and something about that felt important.
Lucy never bothered mentioning any of this to her companion, of course. He probably would have blown it off as nothing if she did, especially if his standoffishness ever since they entered the town was any indication.
Speaking of which.
She shifted, turning over onto her side on the twin bed she’d rented for the night—a real bed, and after so many nights of sleeping in the sand, she wasn’t even turned off by the musty smell of these sheets—and she wound her arm underneath the poorly stuffed pillow for some extra support, looking across the little motel room. He was still sitting up on his own bed, one knee bent up and his gun propped up against his thigh, and he was still looking at the door.
When she moved, though, it did get his attention. He glanced in her direction and frowned, as if to ask, What the hell are you looking at?
“You know,” she said, before he could say that out loud or tell her to go to sleep, “we’re not in the middle of the desert anymore.”
“Is that right? ‘Cause I could’ve sworn—”
“We’re not out in the open in the middle of the desert anymore,” she cut him off, rolling her eyes. “I’m just saying, we don’t really have to take turns sleeping tonight. We’ve got a door. With a lock. You could actually go to sleep, too.”
“Mm,” was all he said to that, and he returned his focus to the door.
Lucy sighed, and she rolled over onto her back, frowning at the ceiling. She really didn’t know what his issue was. This town was actually nice. Don’t get her wrong, it wasn’t like anyone had rolled out a red carpet for them and sprinkled flower petals at their feet, but no one here had shot at them, no one had tried to steal from them, no one had even said anything particularly mean to them. The woman who owned this motel—a lady named Josie who might have been fifty or might have been a very healthy ninety for all Lucy could tell—had barely even spared either of them a second glance, let alone turned him away for being a ghoul, and they were even allowed to bring Dogmeat into the room with them for an extra ten caps.
She folded her hands over her stomach and tucked her toes under Dogmeat’s side. Dogmeat didn’t seem to mind; she just let out a soft groan, stretching her legs out and settling back down with a sigh.
“Not everyone is trying to kill us,” Lucy said. “I know a lot of people are, but not everyone is.”
“Is that right.”
“Yes! Some people really do just want to help others. There are good samaritans out there. Just because you don’t see them very often doesn’t mean they don’t exist.”
“You wanna bet on that?”
“Yeah, actually. I will.”
“Go on, then. What’s your startin’ bid?”
She thought about that for a moment. She was certain that she was right about this, but technically, given that they were walking through a desert from one end to the other, they weren’t likely to run into very many people, period, so the odds weren’t exactly in her favor.
Finally, she offered, “One bottle cap.”
He actually huffed a laugh at that, and when she turned her head, she saw half an amused smile on his face. “One whole cap, huh? You better watch yourself. You go making gambles that big and you gon’ be broke as a joke before we even hit Vegas.”
She shrugged, looking back up at the ceiling. “It’s more about the bragging rights than the money anyway.”
“That so?”
“Well, now, no one here in Delta counts, y’know,” he said, “seeing as we paid ‘em for the help.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s fair,” she admitted. “But even if they’re only helping us because we paid them, they are helping us. Right? That’s something. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t see any of these people breaking down the door in the middle of the night after that. I don’t even see why they would want to.”
He was quiet for a moment.
He was quiet, actually, for long enough that Lucy felt the need to look at him again. When she did, she found him exactly as he was before, looking straight ahead at the door in exactly the same way he’d been doing since they got to their room over an hour ago. Something had changed just a tiny bit, though—it was in his eyes, like he wasn’t looking at the door so much as he was looking through it. He was thumbing the safety on his gun, though not enough to switch it on, and she wondered if he was only doing it to remind himself that it was off in the first place.
Finally, quietly, he said, “People always got their reasons, Vaultie.”
Lucy blew out a raspberry through her lips and pouted, looking up at the ceiling again.
It was true, of course, that she didn’t know even half of the terrible things that people up on the surface were capable of—actually, no, that wasn’t fair. Not just people on the surface. As it turned out, she didn’t know even half of the terrible things that anyone was capable of, up here braving the radioactive wasteland or tucked safely away in a Vault or anywhere in between.
But even knowing all that, even knowing the sort of terrible things that certain circumstances could drive a person to do, she had to believe that most people still had something altruistic and selfless and good underneath.
Deep underneath, in some cases.
Very, very… very deep underneath.
“Okay,” she conceded, because there was a time and a place for debates about the nature of humanity, and this probably wasn’t it. There was also a certain type of person that it was worth having said debates with, and it almost certainly wasn’t him. She pulled her feet out from underneath Dogmeat, and she turned over, putting her back to the ghoul and his gun and the locked door. “Wake me up in six hours?”
“You know I’m gonna.”
She half-buried her face in the pillow, waiting for the exhaustion of ten-plus hours of walking to finally take her under.
She didn’t have to wait long.
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hearteyedbunny · 8 months
I've mentioned that Arty gets a little bit better/nicer after being exiled from the BoS (at that point he's made friends with Nick and Danse and Preston and he has dogmeat. it helps to have a support network lol) but he definitely definitely still has his bad days and bad outbursts. when he gets so angry he's seeing red he just has to have a breakdown and smash things and Danse just has to Let Him so he can get it all out. afterwards Danse just takes care of him and lets him rest as much as he can.
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Introduction to Gwenora Rose Isham (OC/FO4)
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*reference for first image, Jungkook's new Calvin Klein photos ♥
This post is all about my darling OC, Gwen, my overly-stressed people-pleasing Sole Survivor. ♥
Gwenora Rose Taylor (maiden name)
Gwenora Rose Isham (married name, prewar)
Gwenora Rose Hancock (married, postwar)
"Nora" (prewar nickname, Codsworth solely uses it)
"Gwen" (postwar nickname)
Age: 27 (137 after emerging from Vault 111)
Birthday: November 10, 2060 (Scorpio)
Enneagram Type: 2w1
Height: approx. 5' 6"
Weight: 164 lbs. prewar, 125 lbs. postwar
Pronouns: she/her
Factions: Minutemen & Railroad
Occupation: bankruptcy lawyer prewar, General of the Minutemen postwar
Gwen is a hard-headed, moralistic type of person. She deals with stress pretty well, until she doesn't. Her overly-stressed brain tends to shut down and she stops hearing and stops thinking. Unless she has someone close-by that can catch any signals that Gwen's having a silent meltdown who can step in and take over, she eventually overloads and removes herself from the situation, ignoring the problem altogether until she can clear her head. Gwen stays too busy to find downtime, but she used to like reading. Nowadays, she spends her downtime working with Sturges on various projects around Sanctuary. She tends to gravitate toward the people who support her endeavors and whose morals align with her own. She inevitably falls for Hancock after he helped her travel through the Glowing Sea to find Virgil before the downfall of the Institute. She's been told often that she's uptight and needs to relax (mostly by MacCready), but she insists that the moment she relaxes is when all hell will break loose. No, no, she'd rather be prepared for anything at a moment's notice, which makes her the perfect Minutemen General. Well, when she's not busy being Mom, anyway.
Fun Facts:
Gwen has oculocutaneous albinism type 2; her skin, eyes, and hair are extremely pale. Hancock's first impression of her was comparable to a porcelain doll posing as a merc.
Gwen's eyes are pale blue, almost light purple, and look red in certain lights and angles.
Absolutely hated her job as a bankruptcy lawyer. It was soul-sucking work. Her dad and step-mom, however, paid for her college. If she could have chosen, she would rather have been a policewoman. The closest thing she gets to that is working a few cases on the side with Nick.
Has suffered two major injuries so far: severe radiation burns from her elbows to her fingertips, and a sniper bullet that pierced through her right bicep (thank God for Stimpaks and Dr. Amari)
Hancock got Gwen a young Rottweiler as a way to say "sorry" after an argument, so she has two dogs in Sanctuary now (Dogmeat and Isabella) who spend a lot of time with "Shaun"
Gwen is actually a grandmother. Shaun, the Synth, is actually Liam, her grandson, who was born in the name of science. He was the model for Shaun's child Synth experiment, not Gwen's biological son.
Her weapon of choice is a 10mm pistol because it's light, easy to use, and the ammo isn't scarce. After practicing enough, he starts using two.
It still bothers her that she has to teach her kid how to shoot. It bothers her that her kid loves to tinker. It bothers her that her kid likes experimenting with radiation. It bothers her that she can't get nice things for him (nice clothes, nice food, etc). It really messes with her. Hancock helps her in that regard, reminding her that the world's not the same as it was, and offers to teach Liam (Shaun) what he knows that is within Liam's skill level at his age. (Liam really, really, really wants to know how to spin knives like Hancock does, but Hancock won't teach him yet; says he'll cut his fingers clean off.)
Still has deep-seated guilt that she wasn't holding Shaun that day in the Vault and strongly believes that her husband, the soldier, should have been the one to survive.
When Sanctuary didn't survive a Brotherhood assault, she decided to turn Sanctuary into the "Sanctuary Memorial Garden and Cemetary," which led to Vault 111 becoming the "Sanctuary Vault." She and Sturges spent A LOT of time fixing it up to working conditions to house Sanctuary's remaining settlers.
Secretly looks up to Marcy but is terrified of her. Had been wanting to work herself up to asking Marcy to trim her hair, since Marcy cuts her own hair, but never got the courage to bother her about it.
Deemed Sturges Liam's uncle. No explanation is necessary.
Kinda slept with MacCready that one time they were hammered on whiskey and they refuse to talk about it.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Stats:
S - 2 | P - 4 | E - 3 | C - 5 | I - 6 | A - 6 | L - 2 (based on standard 28-point distribution)
I would love to answer any asks about her. I'm working on two other OCs as we speak and will post character profiles when I can. ♥
You can find her story here.
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Thursday again: week from hell edition
do not ever come to Vegas when Taylor Swift is in town. traffic is hell on wheels.
on the plus side, as you can tell by there being a title I've finally gotten around to doing Tumblr on desktop again. some time when I have two nickels to rub together I will genuinely buy the 40 dollar support-Tumblr thing
during the aforementioned traffic, high energy Scandinavian metal was the only thing to keep me sane
Port Lookout's remake continues to impress me: I don't know *why* they chose to perfectly emulate the weird loot tables with fishing poles in every wardrobe, but it's bang on.
I'm playing a bit more hip-fire this time, having forgotten to reduplicate the series of mods that allows for FNV VATS style, which means that Nick and Dogmeat are doing most of the heavy lifting combat wise. I really need Armourer. And some ballistic weave.
(Hey, I played this sucker straight in TTW. This go is more touristy and Vibing.)
I assume Blackhall always had an attic. It was a bit !!!
The Doc Smith re-re-re-etc read continues. I do not have any desire to write fan fic about Kim. There is no fandom for Kim. Nobody else cares about Kim.
This makes Kim a very restful protagonist.
it's funny to check out Christopher Frayling while high.
assuming it can be done with relative safety, I might even recommend the experience.
edit: i mean his BOOKS not the DUDE. although the dude does sport an epic mustache, so don't let me discourage you if you're that way inclined.
I know I already posted about this but damn, Lead Dog's peanut butter stout is great stuff. Just what I always wanted, a stout that doesn't taste like sadness!
aside from this narrative about Boone, fallow.
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travelbystarlight · 2 years
👪☀️🕷🎞💙 mwahaha, gimme both ocs bestie I need the lore!!
hello I'm finally doing this after a few days of not being home lol
👨‍👨‍👦 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is their relationship to their family? do they have any siblings?
Sonja is the daughter of Russian immigrants and is a first generation American. Her family was very supportive and loving. She definitely gives the vibe off of being the eldest, has one younger sister. Along with Nate and Shaun she has a quaint and cute little family pre bomb.
Griselda is an only child. Mother was a traveling doctor so she wasn’t home much but taught her basic survival and medic tactics when she was. She disappeared when she was around 12 and was left to be raised by just her father who was loving and supportive of her. Devout Catholic, he made sure his daughter was well versed in the hymns, stories, and proverbs from the Bible.
☀️ SUN - what can easily make them happy or brighten their day?
Sonja: Dogmeat. A simple nudge from him and her bad mood is gone.
Griselda: a smile and a sunset sarsaparilla
🕷 SPIDER - what is / are their biggest fear(s)?
Sonja: so much in this new world scares her and it takes a while to adjust.
Griselda: being forgotten.
🎞 FILM - what is their greatest / happiest memory?
Sonja: When Shaun laughed and smiled for the first time.
Griselda: when everything is all over and she gets to walk though New Vegas in a sequin red gown like she always dreamed of as a kid.
💙 BLUE HEART - what is / are their love language(s)?
Sonja: for her to others it’s acts of service. She goes out of the way to cater to those she cares for. I think for receiving she wants quality time. She’s happy just being around those she loves.
Griselda: Touch. Hands down for both giving and receiving. It’s hard for her to express feelings and emotions post bullet so touch is the easiest way she can express it.
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crackinglamb · 2 years
I'm late for Dragon Age Day (I'm sick, so I haven't been around), but in honor of it, here's some shameless self-promotion of the OC's of What a Wicked Game to Play.
Imogen McLean
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Without her, there would be no fic. MGIT, lover and agent of Fen'Harel, reluctant badass. A physicist from Earth, transported via an experimental accident and in full possession of all the spoilers from the games, Imogen knows what she needs to do, but is Extremely Tired of doing it. She hates being a killer. She is disdainful of the Chantry as a cult and singular influence of the current political landscape. She does NOT like Orlesians. Armed with her foreknowledge, her smartphone and her determination to get a better ending, she's chugging along breaking canon all over the place and saving as many people as she can. Yes, including that damned Dread Wolf.
Eliana Hawke
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The years have not been kind to the Champion of Kirkwall. She enters WG as a bitter, exhausted, terrified woman who is still grieving over Anders and everything that happened in Kirkwall. She copes with functional alcoholism. Imogen can relate. Their friendship helps smooth her edges, gets both of them in a healthier headspace and gives her the impetus she needs to finally go after what she always wanted: Varric.
Terisin Mahariel
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The Hero of Ferelden didn't want to be here. He had his own agenda he was working on that was abruptly waylaid by a higher power. His secrets have secrets, and what he's going to do about them is still unknown. Still, he got to reunite with his son Kieran and repair his relationship with Morrigan after years of estrangement. He is a stoic, intense survivor of all Thedas has thrown at him. He would like some peace and quiet, thanks very much.
(He also became something of a thirst trap for my readers. Smol and mighty, he is my offering to the buff elf agenda.)
Dogmeat (Aju'ithanun)
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A wolf inhabited by a spirit of Determination, now evolved into Hope. Aju'ithanun means to act with purpose, resolution and/or determination (crafted by me using Project Elvhen, yes I'm aware of the Problems). In day to day, he answers to Dogmeat, since in Cole's words: "To you it means devotion, trust and companionship. Franchise doesn't matter". He was a 'gift' from Wisdom, so that Imogen would have more help than just Pride at her side. He's very doggy, but he's also a stalwart companion and gives Imogen strength she didn't know she had. A Thedosian emotional support animal, if you will.
Honorable mentions:
Guardsman Meuric - a Fereldan born commoner who joined the Inquisition in Redcliffe. Serves as Imogen's door guard and often has the best gossip. He was supposed to be a one-off kind of character, but he's grown on me, and ended up having several appearances, including one during WEWH.
Amund Sky-Watcher - yeah, I know, he's a canon character. But I took what little we see of him in-game and expanded it exponentially. He has become a mentor and support to Imogen, and a love interest to Cassandra. He gave me a reason to bring Avvar lore into the fic early and was half the reason Imogen went to the Frostback Basin when she did.
Inassan of Clan Soran - a member of Hawen's clan. She went with Taven to the Emerald Knight's Tomb. Technically she's a canon character too (she's the one who tells you to keep your distance, or better yet, leave). She is a prickly woman, justifiably distrustful of shemlen, but a proud, adept warrior who is ultimately impressed with Imogen and her open-mindedness. They aren't friends, per se, but they are certainly not enemies. In writing her, I also gave the clan a name since one isn't mentioned in-game. Inassan uses a longbow in the fic, and gave me the headcannon that each clan has a specialty. Since the Dalish clans take their names from the Emeralds Knights, and Soran was an archer, it seemed fitting.
Malika 'Licker' Cadash - Varric's niece and heir. And daughter of Vera Cadash, who had been sent to the Conclave and died there. Mostly she serves as a bit of reality driving for Imogen, who makes the connection that if she had not interrupted Corypheus' ritual, someone else would have become Herald of Andraste. Making Malika Bartrand's illegitimate daughter, and thus Varric's only remaining blood relative, was just too fun to pass up. She shows up from time to time. Imogen does eventually get the story on the origin of 'Licker'.
Wisdom - anyone who's read the fic knows how much canon got yeeted here. She is equal parts maternal figure, mentor, friend and meddling in-law. Solas may be her closest friend, but Imogen is her beloved da'len, in all connotations of the word. Nothing more really needs to be said, I think.
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Companions reacting to sole coming out as trans!
Cait: cait is confused at first, she never really learned anything related to gender and all that but once sole explains to her she is definitely supportive of them! If they’re able to look past her aggressive personality and drug problem shes able to support them no matter what! Shes also very happy that sole came out to them
Curie: curie is very knowledgeable on the subject, she is very versed in medical and scientific studies after all! She is incredibly supportive and believes that you should be whatever makes you comfortable! She also will recommend sole with binders if needed, she also gives tips and advice on how to be comfortable and safe! Shes also very touched you decided to come out to her
Codsworth: codsy would’ve already known! Assuming that sole was trans before the bombs, since codsworth was their robot after all, but if its after the bombs he is very sweet about it and incredibly supportive! He’ll say stuff like “why that’s splendid sir/mum! You have the right to be comfortable with your body!” He is also somewhat versed in medical procedures so he could help with any surgery!
Paladin Danse: Danse knows exactly what it is, there are a few trans soldiers in the brotherhood of steel, he usually doesn’t really acknowledge it, hes not against it or anything he just focuses a lot on other stuff! He will offer to have the prydwens doctors look at sole to preform any surgeries if they want!
Deacon: deacon is constantly changing his face with surgeries to have disguises, so he jokes with sole about being trans himself! Which…might end up being true? Nobody knows, deacon is a mysterious son of a bitch after all. He just tells sole that he’ll always be around no matter what and that he supports them no matter what
Dogmeat: dogmeat doesnt understand the words sole is speaking but he can recognize that theyre happy with telling him whatever it is that theyre saying, so hes happy too! As long as sole is happy dogmeat is also happy! Just so long as he still gets his pets!
Hancock: hey, hancock is a ghoul, if sole can look past his missing nose, his skins all messed up and torn up. If sole can see past that he can definitely support their choice of being trans! He can supply some chems to em if they ever wanna do surgery, they’ll basically act as numbing for the pain, hancocks moto is “of the people for the people” hes all about fair treatment and equality, he’ll support anyone!
MacCready: okay so…he’s childish we all know this, he might make some jokes that…may make him look transphobic but I promise you hes just dumb and doesn’t know anything. He’ll quickly see how his jokes can be seen as him being against it, but he’ll quickly and embarrassingly apologize profusely and swear that he supports sole! Which he does okay? Hes just an idiot
Nick Valentine: nick…same boat as hancock! Hes a synth with missing skin and missing bits of his body. If you can still hang around him despite all of that? Well…he’ll always be by your side! He may be old fashioned and whatnot but that doesnt mean he does not support sole! He’ll always be by their side! He just asks that sole explains it to him a bit cause he can be a bit confused at first about the whole thing
Piper: she has some knowledge on the subject but not much, Piper needs sole to explain further a bit because shes worried about accidentally offending them in any way. Shes happy that sole came to her to come out, she doesnt show it but shes very giddy about it! She might even interview sole for her paper since some people in diamond city might wanna learn more about it too!
Preston Garvey: hah…hes trans too! And he’s actually extremely happy that sole is also trans! Preston is F to M trans, if sole is also F to M hes even more happy because its more they have in common, although he’s obviously happy and supportive either way, he makes sure others respect sole by saying things like “thats the general you’re speaking to, show them some respect”
Strong: to say hes confused is an understatement, he knows absolutely NOTHING about gender, he may sound uncaring after sole comes out but he’s actually not, he actually does appreciate that sole trusts him to speak about things even if he doesn’t know about it! He might end up saying something like “NO MATTER WHAT TINY HUMAN IS WE STILL SMASH THINGS” its…his own form of support i guess! Dont bother trying to teach him by the way, hes gonna get frustrated and break something-
X6-88: X6 is programmed to be by soles side at any point so he will automatically show support for sole, he obviously sounds uncaring but he does care, trust me! He’ll say things like “i am appreciative that you have decided to tell me about this sir/ma’am, ill update my data to fit this new information” he will also offer any surgery if needed because the institute is so advanced compared to the wasteland, you’d be crazy refusing it!
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faerune · 5 months
for butch/catherine: 5, 10, 11, 17, 25!
Is their joint future bright or bleak? Half and half honestly. For a few years after the Purifier, it's very bright. Cathy and Butch are adventuring, Cathy is a pivotal figure in the Capital Wasteland and is also doing research with the Brotherhood scientists. But once Lyons dies...and Maxson takes over? The Brotherhood starts putting a bad taste in their mouth. They travel out more and more, only ever coming back to Megaton. Cut ties with the Brotherhood...Wastes + relationship with the Brotherhood being on shaky ground? Outwardly, they'll have quite a few threats but at least they'll be together.
Who would win in a fight? Pre-wasteland? Butch but Catherine will make sure he comes out with a few scrapes and bruises too. Wasteland? Cathy has gotten TOUGH. Although, she's still a wimp so depends if she has her gun and power armor or not.
Who is a better liar? CATHERINE. It's scary how good she is at lying.
Who would bring home a stray animal? Cathy already has with Dogmeat :'). Butch claims he hates the mutt but in reality he loves that dog maybe even more than Catherine. They're buddies.
Would they ever be jealous of each other? In my opinion, Butch is already kinda hinted at being jealous of the LW! Catherine specifically she's so smart and gifted on top of having a relatively stable home life compared to him. A loving and supportive parent? That's everything.
I can see Catherine ironically being jealous of Butch's freedom in contrast. Cathy very much wants to make her dad proud and doesn't act out...or rather goes to great lengths to hide when she does something wrong.
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