#and eggman is gone
fernsnailz · 1 year
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it's their week!! happy late birthday to shadow and rouge and happy early birthday to sonic, eggman, and the badniks <3
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0vergrowngraveyard · 2 months
Friendly reminder that Eggman, while old and top-heavy, has not hesitated on absolutely YEETING a mobian at full force.
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Just shows that he has the ability to do more than he is willing to show, and what limits he could break if his rivalry with Sonic didn't exist :)
i love when they show that eggman really is a human guy living in a world with small animal people like
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picking the child up with one hand 😭
also i don’t think sonic is holding him back at all. my man just doesn’t do any of the fighting himself, that’s what his robots are for. the only times he ever physically engages with the mobians is either when he’s low on patience or he wants them out of the way (or both)
also also they don’t have a rivalry. they are just trying to get rid of each other in one way or another
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myymi · 11 months
eggman, lying to get in tails' head: your hero is finally dead at my hands. what's your next move now, fox?
tails: ..are you sure you killed him?
eggman: of course im sure! what kind of evil genius do you take me for?
tails: no, you don't understand. if sonic's dead that means there is nothing keeping me from killing you
eggman: what?
tails: my morals rely on sonic's wellbeing. if he's gone, then so is everything that's keeping me a hero
eggman, realizing this might backfire: uh..
tails, knew eggman was bluffing the entire time: so i'll ask again. are you sure you killed him?
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weirdofish · 1 year
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Oh, hey, another birthday image for the hog and the egg.
Sonic totally bribed Tails with extra cake to not watch the “gift exchange” XD (I know Tails witnessed greater horrors in the past, but come on. This is something that’s completely avoidable, so why expose the little guy to it?)
I like to imagine Sonic keeps all the Middle Finger Statues in a secret collection of some sort, purely to spite Eggman (and perhaps Eggman does the same thing for the same reason)
Basically, this:
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A closet full of f**ks?
This was made some weeks ago and I’m so glad I got it done on time! Happy Birthday to these two!
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larabar · 11 months
when sonic willingly is corrupted by the cyber energy its all blue because thats still him hes doing this for his friends and he will make sure theyre ok even if it means going all out. because he loves them
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antirepurp · 1 year
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hasn't thought before he's acted for 17 years and has no plans on changing that
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yellowvixen · 2 years
Finally had the chance to watch sonic prime! So here's my two cents before I read what everyone else has been saying:
We've seen three dimensions (red, green and blue), and I'm willing to bet there are another two (yellow and purple). Not including the empty dimension that Nine found - my theory is only dimensions that have a paradox prism shard will actually have any people
The Eggmans only seem to be in the red shard's dimension, with the others having no sign of any version of Eggman at all. Which is... weird. If there are five main dimensions (possibly) and five Eggmans, it would stand to reason there'd be one per dimension. But they seem as surprised as everyone else by the shatterverse's existence, so I guess for some reason they just weren't spread out when the dimensions came into existence?
The chaos emeralds and master emerald actually exist in this cartoon (unlike boom lol) but strangely no one seems particularly interested in them. The original Eggman cared more about getting the paradox prism, and Knuckles didn't seem too concerned with the master emerald's whereabouts. However it's only because Shadow had one and teleported that he wasn't split up into multiple dimensions, which makes me wonder if they'll be the key to fixing things
Sonic's original dimension is gone, with him and Shadow being the only ones left who remember it. Which means my theory before watching it that fixing the paradox prism and getting back home will involve erasing the other dimensions from existence might be right :')
And finally. Wtf is Shadow's deal lmao. Like fair enough for wanting to beat up Sonic because he keeps breaking shit (the mountain, the paradox prism, their entire dimension etc) but. Why is he there. Did sa2 happen? Is he friends with Rouge? What's his backstory? We got to see flashbacks of how Sonic first met Tails and Knuckles so I'm REALLY hoping we see ones with Amy, Rouge and Shadow in the next season
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robotnikium · 7 hours
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like grandfather like son.
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sage-nebula · 2 years
I'm replaying the Hero Story of Sonic Adventure 2 for the first time since I was a teenager, and it's wild to me how funny the plot of this game is when you play Hero Side. Like if you didn't know anything about the plot, and you started with the Hero Side, you would have literally no idea what's going on or why. Like you get vague things like "Shadow is working with Eggman" and "Eggman is operating from the Space Colony ARK" but you don't have any of the background information, because Sonic & co. don't have that either. They have no idea why this is happening! Tails just wanted to break Sonic out of jail. Sonic just wanted to not be confused for Shadow, and then wants to stop Eggman from blowing up the earth like he did half the moon. But so much of the context is just missing, no one on the Hero side knows why any of this is happening, it's so funny.
And then there's Knuckles! Knuckles is there but honestly he has no reason to be? Like the Master Emerald really just has no bearing on any of this. Eggman didn't want to steal it for a reason, he just stumbled across it and was like "well might as well." Rouge just wanted it because it looked pretty. Knuckles only ends up with the others because he happens to come across them when he comes up from a sewer grate, and just decides to tag along because why not. Heck, you don't even really know that Rouge is working with Eggman and Shadow . . . there's nothing on Hero Side to suggest that. It seems like just a random non-sequitur that ended up happening along with the main plot, which has a lot of holes missing from it.
Between this and how the camera controls in this game are just so bad, I'm realizing that a lot of my love for it really is nostalgia. Like, I still love it, but damn. This game could really use just a full remake from the ground up lmao.
(But if they do that, please get David Humphrey back for Shadow. Please. I'm begging. He's still the best Shadow voice by far.)
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appendingfic · 2 months
Is it insane to consider a headcanon where Maria is just Ivo's deadname?
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sonknuxadow · 10 months
okay another twitter takeover done. the only parts that were like outrageously bad/out of character was the weird ship teasing stuff i didnt like that it was annoying. and also the fact that they brought the swiftie stuff up again at the end the taylor swift thing in the frontiers one was one of the biggest "he would not fucking say that" moments of my life did they really have to bring that up again. but the twitter takeovers dont really count as canon imo so i will just look away and pretend i do not see it
anyway other than that it was just. fine . there wasnt really anything super special this time but there were still some fun answers in there, knuckles especially was pretty fun to have around a lot of my favorite moments were related to him . love that guy
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egg-emperor · 11 months
beyond the first ep Prime is 0/10 because they don't have enough of regular modern Eggman sorry. they really made an absolutely stunningly GORGEOUS model, gave him the most kissable looking lips a depiction of modern Egg has ever had (cus he usually doesn't have any lol), and had the chance to finally give us more modern Egg in a show again which I was waiting forever for- just to barely use him :'((( and he had great potential too
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mechieonu · 1 year
back in my sonelise feelings and smth that makes me so viciously ill is how sonic IMMEDIATELY INSTINCTIVELY puts himself between elise and the slightest hint of danger
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mintydeluxes-blog · 1 year
Small Sonic Boom skit
If We have an episode where Mayor Frank just has Sonic team help his campaign to remain Mayor of Heagehogs Village
And at some point, there was an argument between him and Sonic team only for this to happen
Amy😠: Do you realize that what you're doing? It's just lying to the people.
Frank😏: So what it's better to give yourself an edge than do things fairly. This is how politicians work
Sonic😠: Really because to me, it seems like this is something villains would do
Frank😠: Oh,what you know? Do you know how hard it is to keep people satisfied in this village? Browsing around hearing all their complaints. Even though I am doing everything I can?
At that moment, Sonic stood there, shock. It was only silent for a moment, and then he smiled, just started laughing, and then began to howl with laughter
Everyone in the room, they're perturbed at the hedgehog's actions They begin to back away, turn towards the other side of the room, get to the door
Only Tails stay behind, but the hedgehog still has one final thing to say.
Y-your not t-the only one Ppppttttfffff haha 😆
Through the door, they only saw Tails comforting him
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
I think very often about the fact that Silver doesn't have any friends from his own time. Even if he did make friends in the future, he would risk erasing them from existence any time he chose to go to the past; and not only would nobody but him realize the loss that happened, but also he would have nobody but himself to blame for causing the loss of his friend.
And that made me wonder: If Silver were to be rendered unable to (seemingly) ever return to the past and got forced to make a life for himself in the future, and then he did, but then suddenly he regained the chance to see his friends from the past again… Under normal circumstances he might've had little qualms about visiting the past again, but after spending potentially years accepting he'll never get to see them again but he's not gonna let that prevent him from living his life… would he be willing to risk losing the life he has now?
Exactly this is a dilemma I like discussing in some of my fics as well, like New Beginnings and Genesis. The choice to go back in time and making a whole world and its inhabitants not exist in the first place is definitely made more easy when that world is beyond rescue and its inhabitants are mostly gone or rapidly dying out anyway. Since the games never dive into Silver's life in the future except some vague mentions here and there, like Silver saying that the sky is blue and everybody's got a smile in Colours DS, I find it hard to infer what his social life would be like there. But indeed, if he brings forth an accidental change to the timeline, it is very likely that people he knew in the future are gone or get fundamentally changed. And if they don't recognise him with each timeline 'reset', I can imagine that for Silver it eventually becomes better to just not have any acquaintances there at all. It leads to too much heartbreak, too many goodbyes, and far too much guilt. No, in such a scenario, I really do think Silver might steel himself and ensure his only friends are ones that are safe in the past, where his control over their lives only extends to ensuring they can keep on living instead of being responsible for their demise. Stopping people from coming into existence is already a tough choice, let alone if it's someone Silver knows, and I think he's got a lot to grapple with conscience-wise about it all.
As for your question in your second paragraph, I'm afraid I don't have a solid answer. I think a lot would hinge on how likely it is his visit to the past immediately changes the entire timeline. If he were to visit on some calm weekend afternoon when there's nothing happening regarding Eggman and the like, I don't think there would be too much chance of things going wrong? But I do think he would be tremendously antsy about it all, both in part because he hasn't seen his friends in the past for so long and in part because he is afraid he's going to lose some friends all over again, but then in the future instead. All in all, it is a situation wherein I see only losses and problems, with no easy solution to ensure everything goes well for both people in the future and the past simultaneously. But somehow, I have faith that Silver can make it work!
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the-wereraven · 6 months
New tumblr app UI looks terrible
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