#and even then it probably won't rly happen lol
kuiinncedes · 19 days
me puttingon the filters "remote" and "data science major" on this job site from my university and just scrolling thru and applying to a ton that don't need cover letter without reading the qualifications/requirements 😀
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bravewolfvesperia · 4 months
/ so I've been thinking about how to handle Transgressor Yuri in terms of his canon, and like... I really can't do much with it. I'm probably just going to toss what existed as far as my muse goes because like... after the tree was destroyed we:
A: had no confirmation it was Yuri who did it or if he was just there at the time (i.e. could have been trying to stop someone from doing it)
B: had no confirmation on why he did it if he did (and how long it'd be before we even saw him again or if he or Lloyd's group would have run into Kanata's group) and why he would be working with Kasque unless he knew something Milla somehow didn't in this context (i.e. Milla having the wrong idea about the trees and what they're there for/what they do). that or he was doing it because he was in a situation of being forced to do it for some reason (bc basically I can't see him just being on Kasque's side because he agrees with her, and without further context I'm stuck)
I guess it really depends what the manga does as far as the trees go at this point, because the manga has skipped so much content and is literally making chapters 5-7+9 happen simultaneously and it's honestly a mess. they've skipped crossover related stuff too (without putting in replacements), which the trees were relative both to Kasque and crossover content, hence why I don't know what they'll end up doing with them and if I should wait for them to get there and cover that stuff.
they've already added in the whole "explosion we're gonna blame on you guys" thing despite Sonia not even existing in the manga as of yet if she will be, so I really have no idea what's being kept and what's not (because at this point they've already tossed a slew of non crossover content out the window - if I sound bitter it's because I am LOL).
that said if they do get to the trees and keep them and have a replacement for Yuri (which I'm doubting they will at this point), I'll probably be able to figure out what to do with him better. if they ignore that aspect since it's partially tied to Milla (and Lloyd's side story and evidently Lloyd's group's main story), I'm probably just gonna yeet it for my muse because there's literally nothing I can do with the information we had before the game shut down. most unfortunately too, that was the legit last fucking thing that happened before the story was canceled.
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simpjaes · 6 months
ok but who would baby trap you. need that mtl rn
oh man, oh man. in my very biased opinion:
warning: abortions :|
jake: he's a good boy, always has been and probably always will be. the only thing about him is like, he's kinda toxic about it. like he wants a wife. a woman. someone to be with him forever. so like, maybe his good boy ways will always turn into him poking holes in condoms, or tossing out those birth control pills. To him it isn't manipulative or gross, to him it's just him wanting to keep you, and breed you, and have kids with you so he can never leave. esp if you happen to be a perfect match in his head. why wouldn't you want him to be with you anyway? he'd be a great dad lol
heeseung: will 100% try to breed you from the very first date. like no joke, he's got your legs spread in the back seat of his car plunging in as deep as he can go. doesn't wear a condom, won't wear a condom, and won't ask if you are on birth control. to be fair, he doesn't rly care, he just wants his nut deep in a pretty girl. it's not even that he cares if you'd stick around either, again, he just wants to fuck you full, that's it.
sunghoon: will breed the FUCK out of his girlfriend solely because he loves the idea of like, a domestic life but like a rly kinky one. You're on birth control? why? You want to use a condom after getting off of it? Why? like if you're dating him, you might as well go all the way, he ain't gonna fuck his cum into anyone else anyway. might as well commit now or fuckin' leave.
jay: 100% would do it, panic, and pay for you to get rid of it. would probably be obsessed with hitting it raw, hard too. He would be enamored with the way you feel around him, obsessed with how his cum spills out of you, and totally willing to do it again in three hours. If you fall pregnant, he would absolutely be shocked by it. Like "what? that's a thing?". Jay fr couldn't pull out if he wanted to, and would probably ask you to get on the pill so he doesn't have to give up his own pleasure.
least (?)
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galexibrain · 1 month
Something that bugs me a little is the insistence that Gohan actively hates to fight period. Bc that's not true!
(This ignores everything that happened outside the original manga/the DBZ anime)
Yes, he lacks Goku's or Vegeta's laser-focus on all things martial arts, but let's be real, all half Saiyans do. Goten & Trunks sure have more passion for fighting than Gohan does but they're much more "human" about it than their dads and have other interests in their lives too.
But while Gohan originally became a fighter out of necessity and had little choice in the matter there are instances when he clearly shows that he is totally capable of enjoying himself in a fight.
For once there's obviously his fight against Cell - once he snapped his "Saiyan side" took the lead and he was enjoying himself a little too much (and ruined it, like a good Saiyan must).
But it also becomes clear in the early Buu arc. Yeah, initially he's not rly interested in the tournament and wouldn't have participated if not for Videl forcing him.
But once he was in he was in. He even got a little annoyed by Videl interrupting his training, and he did want to win. If he really hated it so much he could have entered with the plan of failing the preliminaries, or losing in the first round. But the thought never crossed his mind. I think if you'd suggested he botches it deliberately to get out of it he'd been horrified.
He was going to have fun with it! I think his most "Saiyan" trait is that he's a bit of a showman lol. He likes to be flashy! And he likes to boast! He COULD have just used a plain costume and mask to hide hid identity but nope, Great Saiyaman it is! He likes being seen and being known as a crazy strong superhero. Maybe he'd have been into pro-wrestling with their fancy costumes and showmanship
Even before things went off the rails at the tournament and Buu arc was set in motion he was ready to go. And yes his crush on Videl might have served as motivation: "haha cool she won't be disappointed if someone beats her dad! (I can date her if I beat her dad)" -> he WOULD have thrown Satan out of the ring if he'd gotten to fight him, no questions asked.
And once he, Goku & Vegeta are in Babidi's spaceship it gets even clearer: now, no one is forcing him to fight. Ofc Gohan always wanted to fight when it was necessary, even at 5yo he wouldn't stay home, he made it very clear that he was going to Namek.
But while they were going through the levels in Babidi's ship this still wasn't a serious thing. Pui Pui and Yakon were a joke for them. Vegeta was getting pissed, ok, but aside from that it was just fun and games for them, and Gohan could easily have said "nah have at it you two, I'm sitting this one out" but never once did he so much as consider NOT taking part in rock-paper-scissoring it out to decide who gets to go first.
He was eager to fight Dabra! Dabra told them to take him on 3:1 and Gohan flat out told him "no way, this is MY fight!". And if Vegeta had interfered with that fight to end it quicker I'm 100% sure Gohan would have decked him in the face and told him to fuck off. (Maybe that would have cooled Geets' mood a little lol.)
The problem isn't that Gohan hates fighting from the bottom of his heart. He doesn't. The problem is he grew up with a dad who was 100% a fighter and a mum who was 100% into education, and he didn't find a balance. He didn't even know that might be an option! He thought he'd HAVE to choose one thing, and one alone, and so he chose education.
Who could have taught him otherwise? Maaaaybe Piccolo (post-reunification with Kami), but tbh I think he didn't want to give Gohan the feeling he had to fight. I think Piccolo feels a little bad for putting 4-5yo Gohan through the wringer so much.
Like idk. Let my boy be both. Let him have Goku's legacy as well as make his own!
(I've read about Dragon Ball Online a little and tbh Gohan writing a book on ki and making it widely known? Perfect. I love it. Best idea ever. Probably the best thing that happened to DB since the original manga and Z anime ended. I am accepting this as canon 100%.)
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jungwnies · 1 year
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syn ' a-z nsfw with beomgyu genre ' romance, smut, fluff, suggestive, a-z headcanon req ' yes
word count ' ~0.8k warning ' smut, suggestive
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a ⤖ aftercare (how he is after sex)
he's a tease
he's so unserious omg
but he takes care of you while cracking jokes
he loves to joke, he loves to love, you name it, he loves it
takes care of you and then goes to bed
he prob lays in bed with u and makes jokes lOL
b ⤖ body part (his favorite body part)
he's a lips kind of guy
he loves ur pillowy soft lips
you leave him longing for them
c ⤖ cum (anything to do with cum)
he loves coming in you
he loves the way he fucks it back into you
d ⤖ dirty secret (his dirty secret)
he lowkey wants to fuck you in public
e ⤖ experience (how experienced is he?)
not very in the beginning
but you guys kept experimenting and figuring out each others body's
and now he's very experienced
f ⤖ fav position (sex position)
he loves the intimacy
g ⤖ goofy (how he acts in the moment)
he's very goofy
like i said
he's a very unserious guy
h ⤖ hair (how groomed is he?)
he's groomed but like
he's got hair down there
it's like trimmed though 😭
i ⤖ intimacy (how passionate is he?)
he's so passionate
it's just so hard to take him seriously
j ⤖ jack off (how often he masturbates)
if mutual masturbation counts... then
k ⤖ kink (one or more)
breeding kink lowkey
he doesn't want kids
but enjoys the idea of his sperm in you
he enjoys the what ifs
l ⤖ location (fav place to do it)
the house
the bedroom
the bathroom
anywhere in the house tbh
maybe not the kitchen
or maybe...
m ⤖ motivation (what keeps him going)
the way your body responds to his touch
and the way your hands grab at his hair
YOU make him go
n ⤖ no (something he would NOT do)
honestly i fear there is nothing he won't do
as long as everything is consensual he's down
o ⤖ oral (giving + receiving — is he good?)
yes hes good
he prefers giving rather than receiving
he would never turn down a blow job though
p ⤖ pace (fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
lowkey fast and rough like
i can't even lie
he likes it like that...
sometimes he likes it slow but it'll still be rough ...
q ⤖ quickie (his opinion on it + how often they happen)
he does NOT like them !!!
they don't happen aften
if anything, they don't happen AT ALL !!
r ⤖ risks (is he willing to experiment, does he take risks, etc.)
he loves trying new things
he usually doesn't like them after
but he's down to try !
so that's definitely something
s ⤖ stamina (how long can he last?)
not long
but while he's lasting
it's mindblowing
he just can't be that mind-blowing twice !?!?!
he likes to rest.
t ⤖ toys (does he use/own any?)
he tried
but he prefers using his body on you
and using ur body on him
he likes how vibrators work though 😭
u ⤖ unfair (how much does he tease?)
he's a tease
but not in a sexual way
so probably not often
if anything, he does it subconsciously
and he's like uhhh what the hell
when ur horny LOL
v ⤖ volume (how loud is he + what noises does he make?)
oh he's loud
his deep voice...
the low deep sensual grunts that escape his mouth
w ⤖ wild card (random headcanon for him)
when he forgot to take care of you after he completely destroyed you
probably laughed about it tbh
but then he felt bad
so he gave u lots of love
he just didn't clean u up goodbye
x ⤖ x-ray (what’s under his clothes?)
yeah ngl
i feel like he's just not shaved down there
there's definitely a bit of hair...
but he's clean... i think
his body is also very nicely figured...
doesn't rly work out but maintains an amazing figure
it's all that dancing he be doing fr
y ⤖ yearning (how high is his sex drive?)
it's high
but it's not long
once he fucks on out he's slumped
ready to sleep fr
he like always wants to fuck though ngl
z ⤖ zzz (how quickly does he sleep after?)
quick af
but it also depends on the time of day
his sex:sleep schedule is lowkey like
when a sim woohoo's and then they take like a power nap that doesn't even like.. recharge their energy
he just be sleeping just cus 😭
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2022 © jungwnies
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rontra · 4 months
I have never played persona so I wasn't sure if I would understand your failteacher comics but I just looked up the characters for a little bit of context and I'm 👀👀👀👀 at it now xD
Without being too spoiler-y, why would you say they'd have a messy relationship? (Besides the fact of Becky taking advantage of her client's loneliness)
HAHAHA yea i think the like dramatic irony enjoyment of knowing (even just roughly) what's going on with becky is very strong so good on you there (obviously toriumi has no idea what's going on with her and becky is doing her best to Handle It, but it contextualizes her behavior for Us...<3)
it's yummy isnt it... its yummy
anyway, the rest of this very long post is just me analyzing a fictional situation i myself engineered, so if that sounds boring please dont click the Read More LMFAO <- cursed to put a lot of thought into Character Stuff
basically they have great potential for mess, which they're Currently keeping a lid on, but would exponentially increase with time. teehee.
as for what WILL happen, im not spoiling anything concrete of course… (winks at the Knowers who already know my Vision….
well, this AU isn't ever going to devolve into a "super destructive toxic nightmare" mess or anything, just to get our working definitions of 'mess' sorted out at the top of the post. not this time. atm (as of comic #3) it's shaping up more like a "this seems . inadvisable and absolutely Don't Try This At Home, but i guess it won't…kill you" mess (LMAO)
to assess their situation at present… there is one half who wants money (and can't ever make enough of it to satisfy her extortionists), and one half who wants intimacy (and is scared and unable to get it on her own). on its exterior face, it's simply a lonely person hiring a professional to keep them company, which is a fairly common thing n not rly super noteworthy; the parentheticals are what make things a bit uh thorny for these characters
the "problem" here is not the transaction itself; they're both willing to supply their half of the trade just fine, and neither party is doing anything wrong by engaging in it. but for these two specifically, there is also a mutual willingness to bend the rules of their transaction—because they're both cornered in some way, and desperate for what the other one is offering to trade
to elaborate on "rules", i mean, first and foremost, that their relationship is not "real"—these people Don't know each other personally and intimately, and they're Not Supposed To. their relationship should never be "real"; they're not friends! (or lovers, for that matter!) they're in a conditional exchange of money for services. right now, these characters are participating in and maintaining a kayfabe; they should operate under a tacit understanding that A) this is not real, B) they both fully know it's not real, and C) following the script is the comfortable way to get what they both want without causing undue risk to either party. creating and then maintaining a fake "reality" together is regulated by a contract between them, and it ends when their booked time ends (and not a minute over time!)
but to return to the earlier point, they're also both cornered and desperate, which drives them both to go beyond what might be considered appropriate. i think this is compelling; it's probably unnecessary of me to add this paragraph but i want to underline (just in case) that i don't think either of them is like "at fault" or w/e (there is no "villain" between them). they're showing Signs Of Mess that could snowball into something much more messy, but it's not something they're doing to hurt each other; they're making decisions based on skewed risk/reward estimations that might not be healthy, and could realistically have harmful consequences for both parties, but they're not, like, Evil (lol). two women getting wrapped up in each other's personal graveyard spirals…it's yuri, isn't it?
with that squared away, and putting it plainly;
toriumi should not be asking her to "break character" when the character itself is what she's paying for; this nudging of their little kayfabe, if indulged, could easily snowball and erode the professional boundaries between them (what she calls "distance" in #3). she is paying 'becky' to 'be here' (paying kawakami to conjure 'becky' into existence by pretending to be her), but she isn't really being mindful of the type of role that this necessarily demands of her in turn. the built-in emotional walls between them are there to protect both of them, but she doesn't fully respect them (despite instinctively sensing their protection in how "safe" becky feels to her). in the end, toriumi is bad at "staying in character" herself, and she can't help but try to root out the actual person behind the mask—despite the fact that no one wants this erosion to happen! possible dire consequences for her wallet aside, losing sight of the line between "transaction" and "investment" (pardon the pun) is a one-way ticket to a very messy place where one or both of them is likely to get hurt...
on the other end, and not helping the situation at all, kawakami identified toriumi as a soft target pretty much immediately, and is actively trying to elicit sympathy and endear herself to her (she is being quite choosy about what vulnerabilities she "lets slip" in #2) in order to make her keep booking and paying. of course some amount of "salesmanship" is part of the job—#grindset always be plugging smash that like button comment n subscribe—but the major difference here is that she's overtly attempting to foster in her client the exact kind of dependency/personal attachment she should be discouraging (for, frankly, both of their safety). like not only is she out fishing to get toriumi hook line and sinker on purpose, but it's also alarmingly reckless behavior on kawakami's part; there's a lack of regard for her own wellbeing involved here on top of it all. again, a messy place where someone, maybe everyone, gets hurt in the end
crucially though, as comic #3 finishes setting up, they're both willing to endure these shenanigans from the other half. at this stage, toriumi does realize that kawakami has her unilaterally wrapped around her finger, and nonetheless agrees that she'll call her again; while kawakami knows very well how this kayfabe is supposed to work, but is indulgent (even rewarding) towards toriumi for her clumsiness. that mutual willingness to keep playing this game would—if the AU continued on these tracks uninterrupted—probably compound until the situation they've made becomes super confusing and unclear for them emotionally...
of course "taking advantage" is sort of a loaded phrase colloquially… but i would say in many ways they are "taking advantage" of each other, yea. the "we both benefit, so it's okay" logic was already vaguely raised as justification in #3; if elaborated a bit with the above in mind, their situation is one where "even if they're both overstepping what is considered appropriate for their arrangement, they've also both decided the benefits outweigh the costs by a wide enough margin to make it worthwhile"
it's got the marks of a sort of symbiotic relationship... their individual motivations for being involved w each other are totally unrelated (cue the "hold on, does. kawakami even like women???" question), but they both feel they benefit enough towards their priority goals to be OK with the other one taking something "less valuable" from them (toriumi even calls out the “sales pitch” becky is doing in #2, but ultimately decides that’s fine because she’s willing to buy). i think each and every moving part here has great capacity to go "too far" and ruin things (perhaps even causing Severe damage in the collapse), but if the situation were to continue in this same rhythm, without that kind of dramatic change, i would say "they're both evaluating the scenario with their own personal goals in mind, and are extracting what they want from one another relatively(?) peacefully(??)". like it might ultimately be a selfish game but they're adults they'll figure it out probably idk its none of my business what they choose to get up to. wouldn't get into that type of shit myself though LOL
women are playing kind of dangerous games with each other but i forgive them because it's interesting to rotate in my mind...<3
another thorn to consider for their future bonding endeavors from here on ofc is that without being "cornered" the way they are, they would not be running this type of "risk math" in the first place. it's hard for either of them to fully back away at this point because they're already cornered in their personal lives; toriumi is incredibly isolated and lonely with a pretty insecure lifestyle even when she's NOT actively sawing through the branch she's sitting on, and kawakami famously MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE, NEEDS A LOT OF MONEY RIGHT NOW because she's being extorted by an unrelated third party. looking ahead it does kind of start to look like an ouroboros of "taking advantage of each other" bc it's hard for both of them to leave their individual situations; it's kind of like, if they weren't here with each other they'd be ... well, they'd be here—just with someone else...
they didn't put each other in this jam—it was unrelated personal circumstances and sheer coincidence that pushed them together—but now that they've committed to each other, it's hard to reverse back out, if that makes sense. i think that kind of thing is interesting too, because it makes me want to see them recognize this, connect, and help each other pull out of their Greater individual personal messes. you know? we can make it if we try... just the two of us... 😔
(unfortunately step 1 of that is ofc to make a genuine personal bond that isn't wrapped up in all this for-pay roleplay stuff. drat!)
tl;dr they're both simmering under high pressure and don't try this at home, but they do already have a sort of tacit agreement forming that this level of messy play is OK between them—as long as the rewards continue to outweigh the risks. at the end of the day, it's a delicate balance ultimately hinging on a money-for-services transaction, so if either of them stopped feeling like paying their half was worth it, it would rapidly come apart. i guess it's kinda like the ways you can tell if animals are genuinely beefing or just playing rough—are they willingly coming back? 💀 ...
no lmao where's that post thats like "this would be terrible if it was anyone else, but considering the people involved this is actually the best option" HRBHJDJG that's kind of how it feels. like if they're gonna be stuck with Somebody (and they would be), its probably good luck that they got Each Other. at least the narrative can sustain the balance of this one and maybe even solve it down the line. heart
to round this post off i would say if i had to nominate one of them, kawakami is probably the most "in control" atm—since she figured out very quickly that she was dealing with an easy mark and moved in to make her a regular customer (quite successfully i might add per the end of #3 lmaoo). i think that's been kinda fun, since in her SLink she's immediately on the back foot due to being unmasked by the inciting incident. we know she will lie and attempt to play to the listener's sympathy, so unleashing her with her Mask Still On has been fun 😭 for her part, toriumi is not only taken with the funny maid (& emotionally invested in her IRL situation to boot), but also very clumsily trying to obtain something she's scared to have, which makes her very impulsive/erratic in her rulebreaking compared to kawakami's much more intentional plays...
play of the game 🧹 (<- there's no maid emoji idk its housekeeping)
of course, my future plans will immediately jostle this entire dynamic into something else and make this whole post obsolete, but i don't wanna lay that out ahead of time. smiles.
anyway, otome dissection on the playlist or whatever
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itoshi-s · 1 year
Most to least who do you think would pimp reader out to their teammates?? (and would they say yes to a gangbang bc i dont think this would be a regular thing, maybe a once in a lifetime chance sort)(they (s/o) would be like who do u want to fuck in my team) - 💔
NONNIE i am on a spree answering ur asks lol but holy shit this is a vvvv good thought !!!!!!!
FIRST AND FOREMOST REO.. helloooooo !!!! i mentioned it before a lil but he's so possessive of you, his mind works in mysterious ways.. he wants to flaunt u as much as he can. wants to make sure everybody knows just how good u are to him, and that NO ONE else is ever going to have you for themselves <3 he's all that matters to you. there's no one else that will get to be w/ u. it's only ever him until the end of time. if you're adventurous enough, he DEFINITELY lets the team get a little glimpse into what's waiting for him everyday. u saw that reo spin off previews? where he let his high school team try out the life that all the pros live daily ??? the best med care, food, training etc. yeah that sticks to him in his adult years. he's soooo generous! wants his teammates to see what being worlds most wanted midfielder gets u! (reo is going to end up being a mf btw i don't take no criticism lol)
i'd say prob ryusei bc hellooooo mans a freak. he absolutely doesn't mind it one bit, he's confident in himself and your relationship enough to know that you won't ever have eyes for anyone else. sex is just meant to be all fun and pleasure, and he absolutely LOOOOVES seeing n hearing you all messed up <3 making u feel good is enough to make him cream his pants honestly. so ofc the thought passes his mind once,, and he's quick to ask you about it. depending on the rules n boundaries you put up, he might let his teammates go absolutely feral on u !!! he makes sure he's the one to make u finish last tho. the recency effect if u will lol
also sae if u ask sweetly enough - but only a few years into the relationship and most likely only w a trusted friend of his ! needs a bit of alc beforehand lol but he ends up loooooving to watch you get taken care of. he's never rly had the chance to do it before, always saw you through the filter arousal put up in front of his eyes, but now you look even prettier than ever before and he catches on the details he's never seen before. all the second thoughts he's had aren't there no more when it's over lol he loved the experience !! but it would be an one time only for sure!
rin on the other hand is a hard no LOL he'd feel insulted if u ever brought it up. he doesn't share whats his, there's no way he'd let anyone else see you that way </3 he's insane but we love him that way!!!!
also bachisagi hello ???????? u cannot tell me they didn't share u before. doesn't matter which one u're with. it probably ends up as a drunken shenanigans type of thing but they enjoyed it sm !!!! they don't really ever make it happen again but making out w one of them while the other watches is a reoccurring thing on parties lol until they get a partner as well. not really a gangbang tho just a 3some,, but it makes sense so i couldn't pass up on including them lol
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straycalamities · 1 year
Oh my okay I've got several... no I've got plenty of questions abt Truffula Flu lol
So... I'll ask all I remembered I wanted to ask, I hope it won't be too much..
1. Why guns aren't allowed in camp Entre? Maybe I skipped few posts, but I didn't see explanation for this one
2. About zombie mutations. Is they're really become stronger or is it just Rocky and Entre become weaker cuz of their illnesses?
3. Swags mod said that Swag would probably leave camp and die somewhere in quite place, while trying to survive. Why would he leave people that he cares about? Im a little bit dumb and don't exactly understand his planned ending 8(
4. There was a moment when One-ler tried to convince Bitter to put him out of his misery, but he escaped that. And I was curious, if he actually killed him then, would Entre blame himself for that? And if so, would it be worse then he blamed himself when he killed Bitter by his own hands?
5. After Rockys planned death, would Swag blame Entre for this? I mean, emotionally shocked, blame him again about this apocalypse stuff, that Rocky wouldn't die if he wasn't infected and etc.
I hope I made myself clear cuz I dunno how to put some questions ughh😭😭
And again Im sorry if its too much questions!
1. guns are loud and the infected are drawn to loud noises so if you shot a gun you’d be ringing the dinner bell basically. i feel like maybe we touched on it directly? but if i’m wrong it’s probably bc it’s a common thing brought up in zombie apocalypse stories so we might’ve assumed ppl just Knew why none of them used or wanted to use a gun
2. they do become stronger! i actually have a whole list of mutations (and more can be added as ppl come up with them! it’s open lore basically)
i made a whole google doc explaining the actual truffula flu and the symptoms, risks, etc (content warning for if you’re sensitive to medical discussion?? i don’t know how to word it but i wrote it like ur typical online disease info page. also content warning for zombies bc. it’s entirely abt zombification.)
rocky and entre being weakened definitely didn’t help their situation but yes. it’s mainly bc the spiky zombie is faster and stronger than ur typical sort
3. this is kinda hard for me to answer bc i’m not the one who originally wrote it. i don’t rly know why it was planned for it to go like that. i guess out of irony? i know the original plan was for swag to be the sole survivor at the end, but that kinda clashed w other plans so it was changed. so maybe this was the compromise to that
i will say tho that. things had been discussed since that post was made and his story goes differently than was broadcasted. howso? you’ll just have to see :)
4. yes, entre still would’ve blamed himself because ultimately: this is all his fault. regardless of who dies how or where. they wouldn’t be in that situation if it weren’t for him. especially if it’s connected directly with the infection. especially if it’s right in front of him where he can’t ignore it
he wouldn’t have been AS devastated by bitters death if he weren’t the one that had to kill him tho, because the thing is: that was the first time entre had directly killed someone who was still “alive” (unless i’m forgetting some obscure shit i did or said idk it’s been over a decade) and not only that, it was someone who was still his friend despite what he’d done? and even more layers: he had worked so hard to get bitter to come out of his shell prior to the infection and actually be his friend and then this happens. and he has to be the one to end it. bc he was pressured into it
so honestly entres descent into immense self-loathing and all that would have been Very different from how we saw it if someone else had taken care of bitter
5. nah i don’t think swag would’ve like actively started pointing fingers at entre again at that point. like deep deep down swag can’t ignore that this IS entre’s fault and this WOULDNT have happened if not for his mistake, but…swag realizes in the story that it’s not gonna get them anywhere if he keeps holding on so hard to those facts. like if he keeps berating and belittling entre as payback for everything what’s actually gonna get better for that? nothing. all it does is give him temporary catharsis and even that gets cheaper and lasts less time every time he does it
entre wants to fix things so earnestly and tries and swag sees that and wants to help because obviously he also would like this to be undone or at least, cured. and they can’t help each other if they’re at odds. and so even if it’s really hard on him to lose rocky like that, i think at that point it’s just chalked up to “this bitch of a situation” and not “entre did this”
not forgetting the fact that at that point, entre is going to mean a LOT to him because of how their relationship has deepened. so he’s not gonna turn on one of the only ppl he has left
thank you for the questions!! 😊
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whumpsday · 8 months
i've got some au ideas that i'd really love to see:D you obviously don't have to do anything with them, but i wanted to share anyways
one where jim is a vampire and kane's childhood best friend instead and comes to rescue him rather than bellamy, who is the human he kept captive for five years. thinking the Bellamy saves kane au but with vampire!jim instead basically
bellamy saves kane but kane is tiny
liz picks kane up instead of jim, though i assume jim would say no to liz doing that if he knew and if he didn't, she'd most likely kill him
jim and kane's roles are reversed. jim is a vampire, born without persuasion and all that. kane is a gift from jim's parents to him, and he eventually escapes. somehow jim is then captured by the hunters (perhaps accidentally walks too far into human territory looking for something or is caught trying to save a human but to the hunters it looks as though he's hurting them), prompting kane to rescue him five years later...
the call between kane and jim all those years later in the bsk au when they hash things out and kane apologises.
what a ptsd episode looks like for human!bellamy after kane moves back in.
once again, don't feel pressured to do anything with these or even acknowledge them. i just got really excited and instead of working on my own stories decided to focus on k&j instead >.<
OOOOH ANON there's some fun stuff in here!! here's the likelihood of me doing these
this is not gonna happen bc tbh i just cannot imagine kane and jim ever being friends naturally. they would hate each other lol. in the human bellamy au, jim didn't show up, but he's a vampire and his parents work as servants for kane's parents. jim haaaates kane.
this is so cute!! this one i prob won't do bc i've already done tiny kane and bellamy saves kane so it'd be p similar to stuff i've already done, but i am rotating it in my head
thissss i'll give a solid Probably Eventually. i have some Ideas for this
this i've been actively planning on doing for a very long time. it's been on the list for over a year i prommy it will happen at some point. except without the gift stuff, the circumstances in which they know each other are very different than how you described, but i do have it planned
this one i prob won't do, but similar things will happen in canon anyway
tbh i don't rly plan to do more with the human bellamy au i'm sorry!
so the ones i'm planning on are 3 and 4, especially 4.
have a good time working on your own stories!! :)
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e77y · 1 month
relating to that vent, i getchu so bad. i feel like in general, the internet might worsen compulsions & obsession within ocd + etc. i have a similar feeling (wouldnt say identical cause i know u from tumblr n yaknow yaknow) that tells me everything i do needs to be 100% morally correct or [insert awful things] will happen to me or someone i love. and this is easier to deal with when you're offline, because there's a limit on the people that can get mad at you. half of the world won't get mad at you because only 0.00001% (or whatever) of the world knows you, yaknow. on the net, it feels like everyone who has an account knows you. your brain telly you anyone who has an account on here might see what you posted & they might be mad at you & they might make a callout post or whatever. even though they don't know you. which is a terrifying thought for many. i dont think youre alone in this, genuinely. and i feel it can be improved. some stuff that's helped me: - making separate accounts w private stuff (doesnt rly work on tumblr but like a private account on insta & etc etc) - rationalising thoughts (an example of this would be thinking: is it really likely many people will agree with someone being mad at me? or: how many people actually do see my posts? is that proportional to the amount of followers i have) - and talking ab it w friends. genuinely, the communication + processing of these thoughts & feelings is soo helpful. sending u soo much love <3 if u wanna chat a bit ab it you can dm me :) (ask can be published or responded 2 privately, whatever u prefer!)
Thank you so much for this message omg :’) ❤️❤️❤️❤️ So thoughtful. This made me tear up a little haha. I’m posting it here so I can look back at it later; hopefully that’s okay.
I’m really glad to hear other people feel the same way/have the same worry… like logically I know that it’s something a lot of people worry about, but idk; my brain has a way of convincing me I am the only person in the world who has done anything ‘bad’ ever LMAOO. So this was really nice to hear
Also I’m a very talkative person! Like I’m definitely an introvert, but I do like to talk about myself and my interests and my feelings etc. Especially when I have a forum (cough Tumblr) to post into the void 😭😭 So I guess that’s part of my issue; IRL, there are less people to be upset if I do/say something ‘bad’, and most of them are my close friends and know I don’t have bad intentions. But online, I walk on eggshells bc 1) strangers online DON’T know my intentions and 2) I just think my mutuals are really cool lol. So I don’t want to do/say anything ‘bad’ or even embarrassing in their presence yk? And online, their ‘presence’ comprises literally all the time w everything I post
I should probably make a more private account 😅 This one is kind of that (just bc it has far fewer followers than my other blog), and I have one on Instagram with like two people following it that I haven’t touched in a while, sooo maybe I will go back to that for more personal vents and whatnot 🫡 I try not to post anything TOO personal on Tumblr, anyway. I just also really like creating fan content, which sort of inherently puts me in a public space even if I don’t WANT to have an ‘audience’ (regardless of how small that audience is; ik there are people who look up to my writing, and that puts a lot of extra pressure on me, but I don’t want to stop writing, either…. Agh)
Idk this is probably overly personal and also very disjointed bc I just finished writing a 1,800 word essay and my brain is mush lol. I’m just sort of reiterating everything you said. Sorry for making you read all this lmao 😭🙏 But thank you for the kind words, seriously ❤️ I really really appreciate it :’D !!!!!!!
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ultequivocator · 10 months
SO. as a PROPER return to this blog, here's an overview of what's same, different, added, removed. the whole shebang
-A lot of the lore for this blog (and the ones connected to it) is still the same. Just, like, in general.
-D.I.C.E. is p much the same! Any changes are mostly to the individual characters themselves.
-Sakako is also still here! And all of her class! Yay!
-Katsuo is also still here. sorry
-verse-wise, things are also mostly the same, except for the killing game verse. this one is being split into two: one where kokichi is alone in the killing game, and one where sakako is also in the killing game. the former will be majorly canon-compliant (barring any personally-made divergences w/ other people), while the latter is obviously going to be different. i will not specify how, yet. its Secret :3c
-relationships with muses previously established (yknow. with whoever's still active dfghkbdf) are still blog canon! unless u specifically come to me saying "hey wanna fully reset and see how they develop this time"
-gonna try to make his personality more properly like canon! which means None Of You Are Safe :)
-he's still a sweetie deep down, tho. u just gotta. get there
-sakako exists no matter what, bc fuck canon lol. so he's a tiny bit more chill than canon bc of her influence. not entirely tho (bc he got his mischief from SOMEWHERE). and esp not in the canon-compliant killing game verse bc she's not there to reign him in fgkdfdfh
Sakako + Class 75
-they're all still relevant! i'll be revamping their blog as well later on, just wanna focus on my boy rn. but they're still here
-for the newcomers: Sakako Ouma is an OC of mine, who is kokichi's elder sister and right hand, partially made bc of that whole "wait kokichi's motive video said 10 subordinates but there were 9 in the pic what gives" thing people often bring up, partly bc i wanted to give him someone who genuinely cares abt him out of spite towards canon fghdkfbg Class 75, meanwhile, is, obviously, sakako's own class. as the number suggests, they're third years (same grade and general age as the SDR2 cast)
-so is their story! 'The Killer Rink' is still being worked on! idk when it'll properly happen, but on god its gonna!!
-i'll eventually make a post for this on that blog, so keep an eye out for that
-i'm so sorry i need to talk abt him. christ. i hate him so much
-anyway. he's still here. he's an asshole. he (and his main lackeys) also has his own blog so yall won't rly need to deal w/ him on this one thank god
-again for newcomers: Katsuo Ouma is another kokichi sibling OC, except he's. well. Not A Good Person At All. inspired by a few lines from one of kokichi's FTEs.
-on a more specific note, katsuo is now sakako's twin brother, rather than kokichi's. i just think it makes sense for him to be a bit older.
-kokichi's still scared to death of him. doesn't wanna talk or think abt him Ever. very much a "will not talk abt to your muse unless he trusts them with his LIFE" topic. if he doesn't want to tell your muse abt him, he'll repeatedly avoid the topic, and lie his way out of escaping the conversation entirely if they keep pushing it.
-the biggest one: when i was still active, i regularly brought up a 'confrontation' that happened between kokichi and katsuo a little while back, that ended.....not so great. this confrontation still happened, but did not end the way it previously did, though it came very close. sakako managed to realize something was up, broke in and saved kokichi (and also punched katsuo in the face and broke his nose. queen shit)
kokichi is still heavily traumatized by this, though, considering what almost happened. even if he trusts you enough to talk abt katsuo, he won't bring up this specific event unless something prompts it specifically. trying to push him here will result in him just. leaving. and probably avoiding your muse for a while. Don't.
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noa-ciharu · 1 year
8 and 13 for the latest ask!
Yooo such salty ask numbers, must try to answer polite 😂 you're trying to get me canceled lmao
8 - ship you hate and would never write
Tbf I rare hate a ship? There are ship I wouldn't write cuz I don't think I understand their dynamic well enough (like douwata) or ships that just don't interest me enough to write (like syaosaku). But I don't hate those, I actually like them. Out of clamp ships those that I can think of rn that I dislike are probs all those with teachers and adults in ccs and Kurogane/Tomoyo. Or Kurogane/Souma or Kurogane/Kendappa. Something something, I only have one(1) joke about Kurogane's home town.
I won't include Fai/Chii here because Bee train including accidental incest is just, too hilarious to dislike. Epic truly, I wonder how clamp sleeps at night knowing Bee train topped them in problematic content lmao Funny thing is, I can imagine Fai with someone who isn't Kurogane but not vice versa. Guess that's because beside seeing Kurogane as gay, I view him as aspec too. Maybe demi
Beside Clamp I genuinely dislike Ciel/Elizabet from Kuroshituji. Cute ship rly, but I just, rly rly don't like Lizzy. This is probably the bravest thing I've said in last couple of months lol since she's so beloved in the fandom. Do I think she's nicely written for girl her age and status? Yes, truly amazingly. And her reaction towards certain plot twist in series is also very much in character. Also I'd say she's even a bit more mature than regular girls her age and status (them sword skills 🙏). It's just, as I've been saying: greatest offense fictional character can do to me is annoy me or be boring. She did the former and my own annoyance is a very real emotion so 😂
13 - a ship you liked but stopped liking or even started hating
Tbf only fandom can make me actually hate the ship and that's what happened with sns. Nothing really against ship, there rly were moments when I was reading naturo and being like "wow these gays are so wild" but now I associate ship with countless bs that happened in the fandom
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bubble-popping · 2 years
Just wondering, are you planning to do a part 2 of that LiXuan fanfic you did based off of Rowdy Boy Ling? Cuz i can imagine how he saves Xuan from some opposing gang guy or something but he just ends up in the hospital again and this time Xuan can treat him a little more focused but he's thinking about how cool Ling looked fighting
To be completely honest bc I don't wanna get anyone's hopes up, I probably won't. I didn't intend to do another part to it in the first place, it rly was just some crazy au my brain thought of when I was thinking out loud. But now especially since I've lost motivation to write them, (tho I do still love them) I don't see it happening.
I didn't expect ppl to like it sm, so if anyone else is rly interested in the au they can write what they envision the next steps to be. I don't mind anyone writing for frankly any au I come up with, lord knows I got too many that even I can't keep up with, lol
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drewsaturday · 5 months
played landlord of the woods
mixed feelings.
good things:
loved the aesthetic and art style
music was nice. it sooooorta felt unfitting in a way? like not what i expected, but it was pretty and i enjoyed it.
the puzzles were interesting
i did like the little world it lives in. your normal city job still being quite macabre and despite the plague doctory aesthetics going on, you still have that relatable "you're 25 and lost in life" thing going on.
the humor was mostly in-line with mine
i liked the little character creation screen. choose your plague doctor beak, cloak, and little hat :>
short game! took me like an hour
i got it for less than $1 a while ago so the bad honestly doesn't mean a ton since... you can't expect all that much. but i do have some bad thoughts too i wanted to word out.
it's a bit buggy and not very intuitive? i had to look up how to do a couple of things because i wasn't sure if it was glitching or i was just missing something. i don't think anything was glitching at least, and the creator does seem very responsive when people do report glitches.
some of the unintuitive stuff comes from like... when you find an item, you have to click it Again to add it to your inventory after it's highlighted. so i had to go back to screens i thought i was done with to grab an item again.
another part of the unintuitive i think comes from the color scheme, like it does take a minute to figure out where your attention is supposed to be drawn to so you can start figuring out what to do. but at the same time that's... probably because it's a hidden object and puzzle game. however, i do get a bit irked when it's for non-puzzle elements, like oftentimes i would miss the arrow cueing that i was done in an area.
although i did say the puzzles were cute... i can't say i had fun with them? i appreciated the game and what it was going for, but many of the features were just... reeeeally clunky or boring or confusing. some genuinely weren't coded well, but generally i don't rly like puzzles so someone else might appreciate it more.
the ending is... choice jlksdklfj. i want to appreciate it, and we hate landlords lol and it DOES fit the bizarreness of the little world we've seen. but i really did love the hook of "you're 25 and lost in life, maybe you can do a little bit of good somewhere :)" which i think would speak to a lot of sad 25-ish year olds who need some escapism, so the ending wasn't... very nice for that :( it wasn't totally out of nowhere since i mean, something had to have happened to the last landlord, and we know all these little forest fuckers are messed up and don't know you well enough to actually want you to join them. so i think other people could appreciate it. i think, although the plot twist tm of it does hinge on how the game is presented, i wish the game had been presented differently so i wouldn't have had lighter expectations for it.
anyway no save button :( and it's not clear that it won't autosave exactly where you left off so i had to redo a bit than i hadn't expected to do.
tl;dr not my cup of tea and kinda buggy but not a bad game. i think other people might enjoy it more, esp when you're paying pennies for it.
i am kinda sad bc i wanted to try the other game the creator has, birth, but i don't rly think i enjoyed this game enough to give it a go for its price point. it is pretty cool that they were able to make this little game (it kinda makes me wanna make a little game!) and i think from a marketing standpoint it is quite smart to give people a cheaper taste to try out your game-making style with to get their foot in the door. i hope they can keep developing n getting better at these things bc i would like to at least keep up with their work, even if puzzle games aren't for me.
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crushed-starlight · 6 months
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ok !! yall need so many updates from me aaa i'll try to speedrun them n not give u too much junk to read hehe
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the main thing is, today i took a huuuge train ride home from uni !! i was on the road for a super long time but i got tons of reading done :3 but for about a month , i won't be seein any of my uni lore people in person ;; it's gonna be weird for sure since i've spent so much time around them recently, but i think in some cases (ie meadow lol) the distance will be good to help me rly evaluate what i'm getting out of that closeness n whether it's worth it.
plus, i'll get to hang out with my friends from here more too !! theres TONS of interesting stuff goin on with them too, so i'm sure there'll b more of that !!
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anyway, here's a mini recap of some stuff that's happened since my last entry !!
i had a big night out with a bunch of people !! my first stop was an indie music night with odie and jiji, then after that down to a queer club night where we met meadow and one of their friends !! we also ran into another classmate who we didn't know was even queer, n he ended up joining us for the night :D
i also ran into a bunch more people i know !! specifically winter and (new character time) wave, who i'll add to the masterlist sooon :3
overall it was super fun n they played a bunch of my favorite songs :3 i love gay people <3
remember how i said 'as per jiji's advice i'm gonna try n keep some distance from meadow'? yeah i for sure did not do that. we explored a retail park n saw a movie on one day, did field work in the city another, n kept walking to class together almost every day !! i am ,, so tired !!
honestly, the crush might be beginning to fade, or just shapeshift into a friendship. i'm becoming more n more aware of potential red flags or just reasons i might not personally want to date them.. mainly, we're just really different in terms of personality. compared to when i'm hanging out with jiji and odie, i just mask around meadow a lot more. i overthink a lot, they tease me over my silly cringe interests n traits (of which there are a lot lol) instead of hyping me up , and i know they don't mean anything of it but i'm tired of being constantly reminded of how Different i am from them ,, and by extension from most people.. ok but wait there was last night .......
we went to a candlelight concert !! to any pair of people other than us, it probably would've been super romantic. what a waste of a perfect night, right? but it was still nice. we dressed up extra pretty, the music was nice, we sat right at the back of a beautiful church and listened to basically a classical music concert. i drank mulled wine in the intermission, there were about 20 christmas trees all decorated and themed after different charities and local organisations. crush thoughts aside, it was a really magical experience for what it cost (15 pounds yippee) :3
but , of course , since i knew that if i got home after that i'd have the most miserable yearning-filled night, i helped set up a pizza party with my flatmates (and odie) instead !! so jiji, comet, and our fourth roommate chipi !! i'm surprised i haven't mentioned him yet, at some point he should get a loredump post of his own since there's a lot to unpack with him lol
anyway the pizza party went great , save for the worlds worst phonecall with the pizza place which i foolishly volunteered to have. that pizza place employee in particular encompasses all the reasons i get anxious about phone calls.. yikes!
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ok i think that's everything interesting that's happened so far !! here's to hoping i can have a nice relaxing (but still productive !!) month off. well , aside from the 6 giant essays i need to research and write >< but it's fine, i'll cope :,) bye for now !!
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castle-dominion · 9 months
Castle 6x21 law and boarder
the skateboard episode liveblog
Foggy Skateboard motorized bike Love a good chase scene, u'd never be able to run away on board tho. Construction work? wet concrete or smth?
Castle totally would have gone through every permutation. (there is only one combination.) If you brag like that I wouldn't care if you lose Alexis & beckett <3 (someone already giffed) Caslt mr word man would NOT lose to beckett tho, unless he just got really unlucky with his words.
Becks is so pretty! (I miss s1 beckett tho) RC: Sounds like a scene from an action movie. JE: Yeah. I know. Especially when the biker started shooting and Logan crashed through that window right there. Wow cool casts. He's a young man, 2-4am he'd totally be out that late.
Always a sus key, why around the neck tho? KANIE LOVE KANIE LOVE KANIE LOVE I LOVE THE GIRLS girling out for a sec there & I'm so happy. Oh. I forgot that this episode was the one with ryan & esposito fighting like that... Actually since watching this ep, my fam was in a situation like that. My older (trans) brother is my dad's best man. Esp since dad's last best man was probably hella catholic & hates dad now for leaving his wife. which valid.
"Congratulations lanie" Thanks! Also idk who castle picked I'm not a boy! You really think it's one of you two? rysposito argument. he HAS spent every day lol KR: Oh Javi, I’m the obvious choice. If you can’t see it I can’t explain it to you.
Cool wall at her place! Ah tsa crap. Ooh skateboard tools! No wonder tsa would hate him. I know ppl who went to china for martial arts training (the sifu was some sort of ambassador & made good relations b/w canada & china) & came back with weapons. on the plane. Performance items, we called them.
Oof. I mean yeah that's like being a skaster for ya. (I should pic outfits. I like ryan.) Becks knows bikes! KB: Oh. A reigning champion unable to cope with defeat. (she looks to CASTLE with intent) That sounds familiar.
Wow a fight.
Wow cameras! I wonder who did the filming! She owned a motorcycle! Extremely handsome with a high degree of difficulty.
Like his hat & outfit. & austin. & tampa.
it looks like what it is what it looks like. (Yeah that's the definition of looking like smth) "omg life & death" ok shut up.
Wow early intro this time huh "My associate Mr. Castle"
"You hear about Logan's death or the break-in?"
Your GUN? Tony hawk my beloved. *looking up a pic of him bc idk what he looks like-- I can SORT OF picture him but idk if that's him. studying a photo of tony hawk every night before bed so I never become one of Those People.)
You remember the words exactly or are you paraphrasing?
Love the way castle walks with the coffee. Ooh castle is pretty! lol dark web moments THE-- THE ALBANIAN MOB? Albania is actually rly pretty.
lol esopsito OH RYAN'S FACE
mountain dew lol. Wow another semi-cool hat. Bummed? Look at this party. Ross De Koning: The albanian killed him? RC: what albanian? Me, speaking as RDK: you know, the albanian guy who yelled at him or w/e happened, isn't that why you're asking about the mob? Why else would you find a link to albanian organized crime?
Oh wait no it was 5 or 6 years ago. My man sent this guy to prison... the mom got seven years? enver who theoretically got the mom into it got less time? ugh.
Ooh lighting in this room, nice wood looking good... Found the Lord! I like it. You were willing to pay it? really? Get momma released early? That's kind of him! I like Enver!
RYAN GAVE HIM THE RECIPE? SECRET FAMILY RECIPE!?!? (even jenny's lol) Awkward pat on the back. Could clip, esp that facial expression. (but if I did i'd also clip ryan's face when esposito walked away after giving the novelty pen.)
Skateboarding with a heavy thing? Poor guy. I remember cycling to school with my backpack, lunchbag, zipper binder, & violin all on my back. Yeah. yeah...
Won't clip castle's eyebrows. Beckett totally let him win. Ooh it's a turntable of a scrabble game. Ah quixotic, idealistic to the point of unrealistic. Hm, they played an entire game of this, set design & writers, I wonder if it is legit.
I love the mythical Bill. They always say goodbye to Bill on the phone. I want Bill fanart. & by one of us I mean you. Ah true, bachelor party planning would probably be better by esposito. Ah true, Ryan is the high moral standing-- WAIT HE JUST CALLED HIMSELF PRETTIER XD "Did she beat you at scrabble again?" "is stephen king winning at texas hold em again?" "did somebody find naked pictures of you again?" (well the 2nd wasn't ryan but) JE: *pat pat* KB: ?
Wait I never grabbed an outfit pic! Noooo! Too late lol. Nice outfit today too but I think I've seen him wear it before & got a pic. Like how there was beckett's purple shirt that I saw in my clips when I was thinking about snapping a pic of it this ep-- turns out I got the shirt in a different ep already!
Ooh rock wall! I love climbing! Ooh maybe I should snap caskett's outfits. Oh. Good gravy. Lol there are easier ways to break in than lockpicks. Why go through the lock when you can just go through the door?
hi8? never heard of that. Hey becks is back to wearing that wierd beige thing...
That is why you never wear logos on your clothes.
Ah motorcross rider!
My man has adhd, motorcross performer? up in the middle of the night? jittering like that? yeah.
Ryan brought him a coffee sdjfoijsjjfkjlsdkjf *interrupts before castle can drink* *again* *almost again* *literally backs away* should I clip? no
that's where the 3k was from! He stayed inside? Why not escape with him? I mean yeah ask for a cut bro! *literally was criminaling right then*
Bacon brownies! "you had me at bacon" that was one of the last words he said bro. *lookingn ryan up & down like "you cockblocker" minus the cock* (actually new fic idea: ryan & esposito are trying to seduce Castle, & then at the end castle says "actually, I choose BECKETT!!" & the boys are like "well crap." & maybe it ends with "well now I have all this stuff for seducing men, whatever will I do with it?" & possibly *trying to impress eachother all along*) Ooh I can see names: sullivan-- WAIT SULLY'S STILL HERE! --& messer or w/e that one says (I saw it last ep too)
RC: Have you noticed anything odd about Me: ryan & esposito, yeah RC: ebosito & ryan Me: WHOM
OOoh love her hair! (Weird-nice. just sorry for you bc I beat you at scrabble.) My man looks like a baby. Or not I take it back.
HOO! I love ryan with a waistcoat that ties a bit tight on the lower back-- Mm! I'm gay but I'd be a lesbian for this man! (my 3d gender chess makes sense to me. except I suck at chess. I should post that.)
when they were looking around I totally thought that they were going to suggest a dead body. bc then it is a third person not them & also it's funny bc homicide detectives. but No Way.
Poor gal, her son is dead... Ah yes, the good old days. Neighbourhood stuff. Six years-- didn't we hear that? Oh wait it was 5 or 6 years ago that ever want to jail
It's that neighbourhood? of course they don't care abt the death of the 12yo. Love a good old camcorder cassette. CSU would have noticed that
6 seconds is a lot! Toory unrealistic tech magic moments. makes my baby bro mad.
Why NOW? why running out of time?
Tommy Fulton: *immediately assumes they are accusing him of murder*
What plan? Brett Zaretsky: You can’t kick me out of here. This man’s my client. TF: Youre fired.
Cute, skateboard video! Love it! lol me & my brothers. Little bro rly good, better than me, I feel like crap. At least little bro isn't loud about it. Oh heck you watched the murder!? Holy crap! & that's why the cam was on the ground, u dropped it as soon as u saw the attack to go help.
was this in present time? WAIT THIS WAS BACK THEN? WHAT KID IN A BAD NEIGHBOURHOOD HAD 5 MIL TO SPARE LIKE A DROP IN THE BUCKET? oh at least it was smth he didn't actually have As A Kid.
DK logo! De Koning! I like how in the back some ppl were still partying for a minute there.
RC: And to think all of this happened because Ross couldn’t bear being second best. (pause) So. Are you ready for another rematch?
Man-chat? After all ryan & esposito are basically one person. Best of both worlds RC: Um … guys, I’m, uh– flattered & honoured– KR: You’re welcome. JE: Yeah, you should be. RC: He chose alexis! alkjsdfhljksdfhsdjadfkjhhfdjeyb I am love love love love I am so happy. They look almost mad in their shock (just like my brother. dad's best man. except he's not a girl. tho he is trans so idk.)
KR: I did not see that coming. JE: I can’t believe I gave him my pen. KR: I can’t believe I shared our family’s secret recipe. JE: I can’t believe we just got beat by a girl. KR holds out a finger. KR: Let’s never speak of this again. JE: Speak of what? (won't clip)
A midnight sing-along of Grease? a What?
Why did you do that?
Oh yeah they used to play poker, I remember when the captain & everyone was at his place & then they caught a murder late at night... Yeah that was fun.
Ooh heheh, look at these two. Love them sm She has a bra AND a watch left!
Could you play strip scrabble?
that was fun
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