#and everyone calls Thomas TJ
bruciemilf · 2 years
I feel like Bruce and Tommy Jr would be the kind of siblings to at times just fight each other on site
Holy shit, YEAH. Have you ever seen two cats engage in a combat so vicious they'd make a lion cry? That's Bruce and his brother. Damian saw TJ flirt with Talia once just to piss Bruce off. A flying knife, yelling, swearing, illegal insults occur, and for someone who hates guns, his Baba's aim is OFF the charts
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ram-de · 10 months
fuck it, ravensong rant
More like Thomas Benett hate but same thing
😭 I can't stop thinking about ravensong. And not in a good way. The more I thought the more stuff I didn't like about the book. Fuck me. Don't take this to heart, Gordo...
Ravensong: Gordo's Emotional Torture Pack
This is so messed up in a lot of ways. I fucking hate Thomas. I don't usually swear often I swear...
Gordo's father pushed the knowledge of magic upon an 8-years old kid arm by drilling tattoos all over his body. And who held it down while the kid is tattooed? His father, his pack's Alpha, and... I'm fuming... FUCKINGSHITASS THOMAS. I'll get to you later Thomas you prick. THIS IS CHILD ABUSE!!
His mother is telling her the truth when she said wolves lies, wolves would used him. In both instance during his time of Abel's and shitass Thomas' pack.
His dad cheated. He knows about it and he saw it.
He saw his mothers memories being manipulated, literally by magic.
Having to be a complicit in believing the crazy disease of his mother.
His mother turned to be a murderer because of, yes, his father is a power-crazed cheating scumbag who doesn't care for her or his son or the family.
His grandfather taught him fixing cars, and then somehow dies before they could hey awah from town.
Being put into the responsibility of the packs witch at the age of 12 just after he's turned into orphan. This is violating child labor laws... Fucking Abel I hope you rot in pieces.
Choices, choices, choices, all the choices that pushed into him. Once again wolves are liar about choices.
Abandoned by his pack. FUCKINGSHITASS THOMAS decided that he should leave the pack. Because others didn't trust humans. BUT DO YOU, THOMAS? DO YOU TRUST HIM? All of this without talking to Gordo first. Fuck him.
Being put into a /mate/ position and then ghosted for months. Having told to wait for YEARS! Barely contacted by the bennets and even more so Mark because what? And even after he said he regret it, I still can get around why can't he text? Send letters? Say hi? Fucking send pigeons??? Liars, Mark. Whether he intend it or not he still broke his promises to Gordo.
His father figure Marty died and. Fucking bennets don't even answer calls. HE IS GRIEVING AND WHERE IS HIS PACK? WHERE IS THE HOWLING SONG OF SORROW? FUCK YOU ALL. Rico Tanner Chris my loves...
Having his tether being taken away by who? FUCKING BENNETS AGAIN. Thus basically dragging him into their whole business. THE AUDACITY TO ASK FOR GORDO'S HELP WHEN THEY. LEFT HIM. UGSHSHS
Thomas first contact with Gordo after leaving was to. Fucking threaten Gordo for a help. SLIME. SLIME. I don't care that he begged for it. He can't even. Fucking apologize.
Kept being pushed to "make talks" with Mark despite Gordo being the one wronged here. Everyone is complicit. Fucking Team Humans. Joe and Ox. Carter and Kelly. FUCKING ELIZABETH. Y'all have no rights.
Fucking Mark stalling his apologies and even when he touched a bit on why they left, it was when he's turned gonna be turned into omega💀 he's better tho because THOMAS?? Saying sorry after death over dreams like what was that
RELIVING HIS PAST AGAIN and seeing it unfold once again. fuck. tj klune....
Ugh... UGH... I'M SO... I MISSED A LOT. I KNOW. UGH... I HATE IT HERE. I HATE THOMAS BENNETT. this book is just. Torture. For gordo. Am I babying gordo too much. Yes, and what about it???? THE BENNETS GOT AWAY WITH BEING EMOTIONALLY MANIPULATIVE AND I. I HATE IT HERE. UGHH.....
Ok I think I'm good now. Writing this was liberating.
Are they gonna. Are they gonna redeem Thomas because I will SKIP.
then again Elizabeth... She's like... The queen. And also the mom to joe. And Carter and Kelly... I will read it for you queen...
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tjhammondrp · 2 years
T.J is a loveable but vulnerable adult who struggled with drug and alcohol abuse with him being on and off the wagon throughout the series.
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Hey everyone I RP as TJ Hammond, portrayed by the lovely Sebastian Stan.
Name: Thomas James Hammond (TJ)
Age: 30
I own a night club called The Dome.
Thomas James "T.J." Hammond is the son of Bud Hammond and Elaine Barrish. He has a twin brother named Douglas Hammond. 
T.J aspires to be a club owner and to make his parents as proud of him as they are his twin brother Douglas. In the series despite his parents not trusting him, Douglas decided to invest in his idea for the club and gave him a generous loan.
DM's and ASKS are OPEN
All storylines and interactions are SEPARATE and DO NOT intertwine unless agreed between both parties.
NO interactions with people under the age of 18. This blog is 18+.
LGBTQ+ friendly (TJ is gay but is open to women too)
SFW, NSFW and BDSM are welcome.
NO scat or water sports.
My sweet girls 💚
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katielovably · 6 months
his alarm being the three year plopping his boney butt on Tord's back listening to the men at base talk over it at full volume pretty much.
Oof. Tord complained glaring up at the toddler.
TJ, get off. Tord said.
No. TJ said.
Your such a... bacon? Tord said after smell bacon.
Wiggling out from under TJ (and the blanket) and crept to the kitchen to find Edd cooking bacon for himself before looking over to Tord.
Oi, make your own. Edd said getting a plate and putting the bacon on the plate.
I'm getting déjà vu. Tord said to TJ who paddled up.
About what? The three year old said looking up.
Never mind, what do you want to eat? Tord said walking into the the kitchen with TJ paddling at his side. Tord looked for bacon (of course, only the package remained)
Not that. TJ said peeking over the counter to where there what a loaf of moldy bread.
Morning, Tord. Mini Tord. Matt said.
Morning, Matt. Tord said find pillsbury cinnamon rolls and start baking them.
There's moldy bread. Dispose of it. TJ said (English).
TJ. Tord said ruffling the three year old's hair TJ swatting at his hand away.
Eh, looks fine too me. Matt said cutting off the moldy parts and making toast.
Nope. TJ paddled to the window pushing the chair under it and hopped on it, looking out before gasping and lowering himself in a way where he could see but can't be seen.
Tord, he's outside. Shot him! TJ said before checking if the back door was locked before going back to the chair.
You shot clones one time. Tord sighed.
I never forget. TJ hissed Tord rolled his eyes sitting with the radio listening to the men talk.
It's like hearing someone from another planet... not to insult. Matt said.
We're insulted, Matt. TJ said (English).
Awe. Matt said.
It's alright, Matt. It's like hearing English after hearing only Norwegian.Tord said.
TORD! I FOUND WHAT TJ DID! Tom called from his room.
Oh-oh. I'm not here. TJ said disappearing under the table to Tord's feet as Tom appeared.
My underwear drawer Is full of chilly powder! Tom said placing the almost empty bottle of chilly powder before Tord who glanced at it then him.
You knew, Thomas. It's alright to fight me but it's another story to make up stories to fight a three year old. Tord said as he stood after the alarm for breakfast. TJ walking with him before disappearing to the living room.
I saw that. Tom said.
No you didn't. TJ said.
Tom, have a cinnamon rolls. Tord said holding out a plate as if to say eat or we'll fight like we did in the past. TJ peeked around his leg. Before getting a cinnamon rolls himself.
They begin to eat, TJ sitting beside Tord with the radio (which Tord turned down because he was goingto lose it otherwise... also manners not militarymen talking Norwegian isn't everyone's cup of tea).
So what's the plan for today? Matt said.
I have to go to the office today. Mandatory meeting that everyone has to come in for. Tom said with a sigh.
Tord? Matt said.
We're going to be watching helicopters taking a down plane to base... TJ said before getting shushed by Tord making him glare at him.
Let me talk! Don't shush me! TJ snapped before giving a sniffle like he might cry before hearing "the children" theme song making him dash into the living room.
Why did you shush him, Tord? Matt said.
You never know what is private information in this line of work, Matt. So it's better to treat all information private until he get the ok to share information. Tord said.
Like a secret. Matt said.
Yes, Matt like a secret. Tord said.
Have anyone seen Corporal Larson? We're about to heas to London and I heard he will be with us. Private Trond Aker said.
Did you check the gun range?
He might be doing his morning run.
He might be in London eating breakfast listening to you clowns wait to get information on what's going on.Tord said in to the radio.
He talks so fast. Matt said TJ peeking at him from the door of the kitchen to Tom.
Oh, shit I'm going to be late. Tom said dashing out.
How come it's when I leave to watch my show is when they give the information. He grumbled hoping into the chair.
Awe, you're so cute, mini Tord. Matt said getting glared.
I'm not mini Tord. I only go by TJ because it's confusing otherwise. TJ said as Edd came in.
What are guys doing? Edd said.
Thank you, private Aker. See you soon. Tord said getting TJ's attention.
What? TJ said.
We need to make space for the helicopters so their bringing machinery to get rid of the trees around the air plane we found yesterday. We'll need to meet them to lead the way. Tord said (in Norwegian) to TJ.
Ok. TJ said sitting on his knees for more hight and to be closer to Tord to listen.
It's so cute hearing you talk in Norwegian. Matt said getting glared at.
You too, Corporal Larson. Is there any landmarks we can use to notify you to come meet us and a location to meet? Private Aker said (sounding like he got into a vehicle).
Hum, landmarks outside of London. Edd, you grew up in London, do you know any markers or differences outside of London. Tord said (pointing in the direction they will be coming) as Edd was about to take a bite from the cinnamon roll.
Hum, well there is a statue of a fox at the end someone's driveway. Edd said.
That could work... as long as they're only one... why am I drawing a blank on locations of gas stations? Tord said thinking.
It is. Edd said
There's a gas station on Vauxhall Street and Whitechapel road. The one on Vauxhall will be closer. TJ said.
Sometimes I wonder how all that information is contained in that little head. Tord said before passing on the information.
Did you write that all down, Private Aker? Tord said (who private.
I did, Corporal Larson. Private Aker said.
Make sure! Private Hermansen (the driver with Private Aker) was heard saying when Private Aker was talking.
Read it out, private Aker. The low gruff Norwegian voice of Corporal John Aunan said.
Whoa. Edd and Matt said.
Yeah, Corporal Aunan always gets that impression. Tord said.
Tord, we should probably also figure how to get me back to normal. That is half the reason I'm here also help my friends... and watch you shot zombies and bad guys. TJ said.
Nice save. We'll try to help you, TJ. Just let's figure this out first. Tord said.
We'll figure this out? I hope that's referring to your soldier buddies. Edd said.
Tord gave him side eye.
Really, it's an adventure. Besides look at that face. Tord said, TJ looking cute before going back to his usual gloomy look.
Besides you would basically be saving the three year old version of yourselves whose cute and kind... mince Tom who's a dick and will probably fight me or Tord would have to hold me back from not kicking his butt. TJ said folding his arms.
Why, TJ? Edd said.
He's a jerk to Edd and Matt who are my friend .... Tom came with them. TJ said.
I know you're talking about my clone but I take offense. Now I'm going i'll be back around 2 or 3. Tom said slipping on sunglasses wear a dress shirt, checker pattern tie, black pants.
You dress up nice. Tord said TJ gaged.
You ok? Tord said.
Yeah, I'm fine. TJ said walking off to watch the telly.
They made me miss the show! TJ said.
It'll be in at 6. Tord said stretching, doing the dishes before changing into the camouflage cargo pants , white undershirt under his red hoodie which in away he missed because it's nice and he fits back with the group again... yes, it's unprofessional but Tord was professional for three years.
TJ also changed into red t-shirt, back corduroy overalls pants and a black windbreaker before paddling out (white sock).
Awe! You're even cuter! Matt said as TJ walked by pausing to glare at him before sitting.
Tord leaned against the couch.
There's our Tord. Edd said making Tord smile. After last night Tord (a tired version of himself who had to put up with TJ) behavior, he needed to shape up a bit.
Tord cleaned up TJ's mess with complaints along with kicks and hits coming from TJ himself. Tord was able to catch most of the toddler's feet and hands ending in TJ being wrapped up in a blue blanket, TJ wasn't a happy burrito but Tord could finish with only hearing TJ screams of anguish and trying to free himself (Edd of course had see what the yelling was about and if TJ was ok).
TJ was put into time out. Tord had silence. Except for whimpers and TJ asking if he could get out of time out after an hour, which Tord did take him out. Just as Tord got the code word (convenient).
(4 of ???)
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the-tj-hammond · 2 years
*i grin as i walk back over to you with Bucky in tow. He extended his gloved hand and shakes* its nice to met you to TJ. what does the TJ stand for? Stevie? He has told alot about me? What did he say? *buck gives a look to me i rub my neck* just the general things punk. *buck rolls his eyes* dont worry my bite is not worse then my bark im trying to warm up to people want to sit down? Or do you want anything TJ?
*I smile back at Bucky as I shake his hand. I notice it's cool to the touch even though it's gloved. I make a note not to bring up his prosthetic since you told me he's sensitive about it and move on to answer his question.* My full name is Thomas James Hammond, but everyone just calls me TJ or Teej. *I let go of his hand and lean instinctively into your side as I talk to Bucky. *Stevie said that you guys have been friends for over 70 years. He talked about how the two of you served together and how you used to protect him before the serum. He speaks so highly of you, Bucky. I can tell you're a wonderful person. *I smile and look up at you so I don't get more nervous.* Um...maybe just some water, please? And yeah, I don't wanna get in anyone's way, but I'd love to sit down. *I hold your hand tightly, still a little nervous that I'll mess up.*
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arrowverse-next-gen · 2 years
Just thinking about how Q has this Oldest child supremacy going on but shares a name with his sister & a middle name with his "cousin"
And then he finds out he has more siblings and he's actually not the Oldest child (still oldest brother)
And then he finds out that his middle name is also being shared with Another person who Is older than him
And I just 🥺 bb u are so so unique by your issues alone you don't need anything else
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doafp · 6 years
imagine cyrus going to tj’s house and tj’s mom using his full name nd cyrus is like “who’s [tj’s full name]?” and tj sheepishly bein like “uh yea that would be me”
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multifan2022 · 2 years
His Love
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during the later part Bold is Sean Reeves, Italics is you, while regular is obviously none conversation. Small smut towards the middle.
The sound of your phone ringing pulled you from your light sleep. 'Talking to the moon' bouncing off the walls indicated your husband, Tj Hammond was calling you. That's right your married to the infamous Thomas James Hammond openly gay son of the president. Your life long best friend and now husband. The pregnancy test you took last week also showed the possibility of him being your baby daddy but since you hadn't seen him in almost two weeks he didn't know that. Rolling towards the sound your fingers fumbled causing you to drop your phone, so as you answered you were hanging off the side of your bed with only one eye open. "Hello?" your voice came out thick and groggy.
"Y/n??... I need.. I cant.." Tjs voice came threw and it was clear he was sobbing. That was all you could make out was the clear sounds of his sobs. You quickly got out of bed setting the call to speaker as you pulled leggings and one of his sweaters on. "Sweetheart I need you to turn on your location so it shows me were you are on our 'Life360′. Ill come get you and we can figure out whatever's going on in the morning." You said soothingly walking towards the kitchen trying to pull shoes on, find keys and fix your hair all at once.
Without words you watched as his location popped up on your screen. "Alright Teej, Im twenty minutes away stay there" was the last thing you said before he hung up.
When you found him, it was pouring rain.
He was soaking wet, had no shoes on and looked destroyed.
Throwing the car in park you blasted the heat before practically jumping out of the car and running to him. Knowing he was lost in this moment you pulled the hood up and sat next to him forcing one of his hands into your rubbing it. Hoping that any amount of heat would escape you and warm him even slightly. "Im here when your ready. Take your time TJ." You said softly as you started to think about how you ended up here.
He didn't even look up when you approached him, these moments always scared you. He had never laid his hands on you, but he had screamed at you. Normally how he didnt want to be married too you, or how he didnt love you the way you loved him. All things you knew, but you did all of this for him.
He didn't know about the groups that were threatening his life if he didnt marry a woman. And when His mother had come to you six years ago begging for you to help her save him... You didn't think twice. It didn't matter to you that he would never love you how you loved him. It didn't matter how many times you picked him up from parties, or the station. You did what you could to save him from not only himself but everyone else.
You played the good wife at parties and events.
You went to everything his mother sent invitations for, always making plausible excuses as to why TJ wasn't there with you. Of course everyone knew they were lies, everyone knew he was gay. Everyone knew he was probably at a party or passed out in some guys bed. The after parties where his parents insisted on driving you home were the worst.
Are you pregnant yet? Why aren't you forcing yourself on him? When are you going to carry out your duties as his wife? Why cant you make him love you?
The only savior these rides had to offer was TJs twin brother Doug. Even though they hated each other, he was always there as a buffer between you and his parents. Sometimes he was a little pushy too, telling you just to throw yourself at his brother when he was high or drunk and hope for the best. But they couldn't understand you would never take advantage of him like that.
Your love for Tj was pure, and from a good honest place. You had fallen for him as a child, in a puppy love type of way that grew over time. Eventually you became numb to watching him kiss men, the pain of him never coming home faded. Only to be replaced by fear every time your phone rang.
The fear that he was dead. Fear that he had overdosed, or gotten some bad drugs. That someone had taken advantage of him and killed him. The day he overdosed was the worst day of your life, even though he was alive. Watching his chest rise and fall while waiting for him to wake up was horrible. His eyes opening of course came with all the false promises, you wouldn't call them lies because you believed he meant them.. In the moment.
When he woke up promising to go to rehab, to stop the drugs and the drinking and the partying. When he promised to be home, and go to the events and try to be a good husband.. He really meant it when he said it, but you knew better. He was broken and lost, he wasn't ready to be brought back yet. But when he was you would be there to hold his hand and walk him down whatever path he needed you too.
You where pulled out of your thoughts when his head swung towards you, squinting from the rain and the bright headlights of your car. "Y/n?? Why are you all wet??" He said pulling you towards him like he wasn't soaked as well. Allowing him to pull you in you joked about how it was raining and you were both sitting outside. That seemed to pull him far enough out of his head for him to stand with you and follow you to your car his bare feet smacking loudly threw the puddles.
Once in the car you turned on soft piano music and pulled away from the curb, driving towards your house without a word. Knowing Tj wasn't in a good place to talk, he needed a warm shower and cuddles. You could feel his eyes on you the entire way home, opting to just hold his hand letting him know that it was ok that he wasn't ok.
You stood in the shower holding Tj while lightly stroking his back as the water rained down from the ceiling. You heart was so broken for the man standing in front of you. No longer was he the carefree piano playing teen who loved to dance and sing. You knew one day he would get back there if he made it threw all this alive.
The small moans that came out of his mouth as you massaged his scalp were making it difficult for you to care for him tenderly. Gulping you pulled his head back by his hair to rinse the soap out before it reached his eyes. His hands moved from your back to your waist fingers squeezing as he moved to stand closer to you. Bodies now pressed together from hips to chest.
When the soap was gone and your fingers trailed down his arms you found a spot of the wall to stare at instead of his incredibly blue eyes. You knew you needed to end this shower, before it ended with you pinned against the wall. Just as you opened your mouth to tell him it was time to get out his lips crushes against yours.
You instantly kissed him back, let's be real you were sexually touched starved. It had been two months since you at Tj last had sex. But before that it had been years. Even taking care of yourself didn't compare to someone elses touch. It didn't compare to your husband's touch.
Even if he didnt love you like that Tj was plenty experienced in sex both with men and women. You couldn't recall when you felt yourself numb over to why he would sleep with other women and not you, but it had happened. You had seen plenty of pictures in the tabloids of his kissing both sexes, it just couldn't hurt anymore. Tjs hand moving from your hips to your thigh reminding you that your both still standing here making out.  
You had been together six years and had been together completely so few times you could count them on one hand. When he was like this you knew he needed to feel loved, you knew that's what he was seeking. The only way you could give that too him without completely feeling like a second rate rebound was a blow job. And lets just say over the years you had become very skilled in that area.
He always tries to have real sex with you in times like this but it feels wrong. Like he is doing it because he feels guilty that your taking care of him. Or because he feels like that's what he should do in return for his own release. He doesn't understand that someone can do something for him without needed or wanting something in return.
You kiss him for a while before either of you move, you swat his hands away from your thighs as you kiss down his neck. Those small moan growing with every press of your lips, every time you suck leaving little marks on his skin. You trace your hands down his chest and stomach wrapping your fingers around his hips digging your fingers in while your tongues swirl around each other.  
As much as you want to tease him, and make him beg for your touch you know it would only be damaging at this point. So you move one hand down to wrap around his cock, causing him to gasp into your mouth. His hands flying into your hair as if he thinks your going to stop kissing him. 'When will this man realize I am not going anywhere?' You think to yourself as you start pulling your hand back and forth in a steady rhythm.
You only do this for a few minutes, allowing yourself just a few more minutes of passionate kissing with the man you love so deeply. When you pull away you start trailing kisses again down his throat to his collarbone. Across his chest down but as you went to kneel down he pulled your face back to his. "You don't have to do that Y/n, we can have sex its ok."
Shaking your head you press a soft tender kiss to his lips pulling away just as he tried to get back into it. "Tj.. You deserve someone to love you and please you without expecting something in return. I expect nothing, I just want to help make you feel better. You don't have to lay in bed with me tonight, you don't have to cuddle unless YOU want too." You could see the tears  forming in his eyes at your words, you knew he didn't believe them. But you did, with every fiber of your being you believed them.
Staring straight into his teal blue eyes you slowly sunk down to your knees. Kissing both his hips before licking a thick strip up the underside of him. From the base all the way to the tip, feeling a drop of precum hit your tongue. Wrapping your lips around the tip you sucked softly causing Tj to buck his hips forward. Shoving his cock half way into your mouth.
You knew he was about to apologize so you hollow your cheeks and suck harder so that nothing leaves his lips besides groans. One hand left your hair to steady himself against the wall, while the other stayed twisted in your wet hair. His whimpers as well as your desperate need to make him feel better spur you on.
Soon his entire cock is planted in your mouth and throat, your nose hitting his pelvis every once in a while as you bob your head. Pulling back and kitten licking the tip you look up at the gorgeous man standing tall over you. You can see the pain and frustration still written across his features. "Tj.. I want you to use me.. Make yourself feel better.. Im right here."
You watched as the apprehension played across his face, that was the last thing he expected you to do or say. But when you slowly pushed your mouth all the way back down on him, deep throating him something snapped. Gripping your hair harder with the one hand, he placed his other hand around your throat. The fact that he could literally feel himself fucking your throat was enough to make him cum. But he held on.
You couldn't even guess at home long it went on, Tjs brutal pace pounding your throat until you were sure it was raw. Tears streamed out of your eyes from the lack of air, but you squeezed his thighs encouraging him on every time he slowed. You knew he was close by the lack of his moans, his mouth had fallen open and his thrusts were becoming sloppy.
"Can I cum in your mouth?" He said so softly you almost didn't hear him, you responded by moving your hands up to his ass and digging your nails in. You obviously had never had anything this rough before but you kinda liked it. Knowing that not only were you giving Tj the relief he needed sexually but he was pounding his frustrations out.
It wasn't long before could felt him twitch, a loud deep and very sexy moan coming out as he shoved deep into your throat and held himself there. As soon as he pulled out you swallowed before finishing washing both your bodies. You could see some of his stress melting away though and that was what you wanted.
Soon you both were dry and pulling clothes on, you allowed Tj the option of where he wanted too sleep. He could sleep next to you or the guest room you always had set up for him. Secretly you were hoping he would at least lay next too you but again you would never push. When he followed you too your room and climbed into bed next to you it was hard to hide your smile. What happened next made your heart almost explode.
He laid his head on your chest wrapping his arms around your waist and stared into the distance. You ran your fingers threw his hair for hours, long after he had fallen asleep the only sound in the room his soft sighs as he snuggling further into you. You woke long before your alarm was set to go off, sighing knowing you got less than five hours of sleep.
At seven am you stood in your kitchen starting coffee and tea, when someone started pounding on the door. Confused you walked towards your bedroom grabbing a robe  to wrap over the tank top and shorts you were currently wearing. Tj rolled towards you making grabby hands with his eyes closed, soft grunts escaping his lips as he tried to get your attention.
Bending over you pressed your lips softly too his forehead before speaking while running your fingers threw his sleep tangled hair. "Someone's at the door, I'll be right back then we can cuddle more." Tj sighed dramatically rolling over pressing his face into your pillow, you chuckled and rolled your eyes. "Teej, stay in here ok? Let's not tell people you're here yet, so you have some time to recover." Without removing his face from the pillows he nodded before falling back to sleep.
The pounding at the door pulled your attention back to focus as you made your way across your home. Peeking out the window you saw the person you were sure was at the center of last nights break down. Leaving him to stew for a few more moments you poured your tea adding honey for your sore throat before slowly walking towards the door.
As you opened it Sean had the audacity to try and step inside only to have his way firmly blocked by you. His eyes going straight from the robe that barley hit mid thigh all the way to your clearly sexed up hair. Scowling at you he tried once more to push past you.
"I understand your use to storming into Tjs apartment whenever you please but this is my home, and your not welcome inside."
Sean rolled his eyes and stuck his hands on his hips while looking at you condescendingly.
"Is he here?"
"Seriously Y/n.. Tj.. is Tj here."
"Do you know where he is?"
Sean knew that you were lying, the smug smile on your face and the way you stood in the doorframe telling him everything he needed to know. Laughing he shook his head at you. You didn't hear Tj walk quietly out of your room at the sound of his Ex lovers voice. He wouldn't say anything, because he really didn't want anyone to know he was here. He needed to be alone with you, to talk and try to recover some part of his sanity. But he wanted to know what Sean had to say.
"Your trying to tell me you don't know where your husband is? Not a very good wife Y/n."
"Sean I don't know where he is 90 percent of the time. We have tracking apps, he turns his location off. He doesn't answer his phone, doesn't text me. He has me blocked on all his social media and Im not aloud at the club. So no I don't know where he is. When he is ready to talk I'm sure YOU will be the first he calls."
"Its kinda pathetic how you wait around for him like a puppy dog, he will never want you the way you want him Y/n."
"I am well aware of that Mr. Reeves, Tj loves me in the best way he can. Unlike some of us that's good enough for me. Any of his love in any form is good enough for me. Now I've told you that your not welcome in my home so I think you should take your leave."
"I think I will wait, Im enjoying conversing with you. Have you told him yet that you are pregnant?"
Your muscles tensed as soon as the words left his mouth. You wanted to wonder how he knew, you haven't told anyone besides your best friend. But that's how it worked being the daughter in law of the president. Everyone knew your business, sometimes even before you. Taking a sip of your tea you started picking your words carefully.
"How exactly am I supposed to tell him anything when I haven't seen him in weeks? He missed his parents anniversary party as well as Megans baby shower. He hasn't answered my calls in at least two weeks, so I'm not sure when exactly I was supposed to tell him. He was to busy being shoved up your ass.. Literally."
Seans face reddened at your words, the blood in his veins heating up. He had always hated you, you didn't really know why other than he thought you were trying to force Tj to be straight. Which if he paid even the smallest amount of attention he would know was untrue. Behind you sitting on the couch TJ smiled, holding in his laughter until what Sean said about being pregnant clicked in his head.
"You know he loves me, tells me all the time how he wishes he never married you. He never wants to have children with you, so I'm not sure what your going to do with that thing growing in you."
"Sean, how many times do I have to say I am aware that he isnt in love with me. Your right he does love you, and all you do is play with him. He is a pastime too you and that's unacceptable. I am aware that he didn't want to marry me, I didn't exactly grow up thinking my marriage would be like this. But it was necessary to save his life, so that's what I did. It's a decision  I have never once for a single second regretted. As for not wanting children we have obviously never discussed it so I'll have to take your word. But I will not pretend to be upset that I'm pregnant. I've spent the last four years lying to everyone saying I have fertility problems so I don't have to tell them he doesn't even look at me. SO if you don't have any new insults to throw at me please get off my front porch so I can make myself some breakfast."
"What do you mean it was to save his life? His parents forced him into it!"
"Sean.. The circumstances of my marriage are between my husband and myself. The reasoning is between me and his parents, if Thomas ever wants to be involved and know what's going on he can ask his mother. Now I wont say this again you need to leave. Do not show up here again or not only will I call the police but Ill call your wife."
As you finished speaking you slowly shut the door locking it for extra measure, you leaned your forehead against the cool wood. Setting your teacup on the table next to the door your brought your hands up to cover your mouth. While you knew everything Sean said was true it still hurt. It hurt that in six years your husband had only touched you sexually maybe three or four times. They were all after huge fights with Sean or his parents in the small stretches of his recovery where he used sex to fight against the urge to do drugs.
The thought of how he was going to react when he heard his child was growing inside you terrified you. You honestly hadn't even thought about it yet, you were so use to being alone sometimes you forgot to figure him into the situation. You hadn't thought about how you were going to handle this alone, how you were going to handle his parents alone. How you were going to deal with the press wanting pictures and asking where he is.
You had not been seen together in who knows how long, rumors were going to start spreading you could smell the tabloids. TJ was going to run you were sure of it. You barely saw him now, it was bound to be never soon. Holding both hands over your mouth to muffle your sobs you could taste your salty tears. You still hadn't noticed your husband sitting on the couch.
Tjs heart was pounding, between the fight with Sean yesterday and now this morning he thought he was going to pass out. His blood was boiling at how Sean had spoken to you. His heart was breaking watching you cry against the door when you knew he was a few feet away laying in bed. It showed that you thought you couldn't come to him, which he understood now. He hadn't been a good husband he knew that, but at this point he wasn't even a good friend. He hadn't ever wondered why you were so willing to marry him. He never asked if you wanted children. He never thought past how all of this made him feel.
He was realizing now exactly how selfish he had been with the woman he was supposed to love and care for. The fact that you had to lie to everyone hurt him, but he knew it was his fault. He never thought about how it looked to everyone that after so long you didn't have a baby together. He never thought about how since he clearly has been seen with women people would assume it was something wrong with you.
His stomach turned at all the pain he was suddenly realizing he put on you. Not only were you dealing with him, but his family and the nation. And he left you to do it all on your own while going out making it worse.
Standing slowly he made his way towards the woman who was carrying his child. The woman who had saved him from himself so many times since they were children. The only woman he thought he could ever be with romantically. Why he never let himself try is beyond him, he figured it was because he didn't want to taint her life. But he was now realizing he already had, not only was she tainted by his bullshit but she was hurt by it. He had left her to fend for herself in a world that wasn't hers, a world he had drug her into.
You were so focused on trying to be quiet you didn't hear the footsteps behind you. Didn't notice Tj until his hand was on your shoulder turning you towards him. You could tell by his face he had heard at least the end of the conversation. Pulling you into him, you took your turn burying your head in his chest. Crying softly as Tj placed kissed on the top of your head and held your tightly.
"It sounds like we have a lot to discuss"
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the13colonies · 3 years
I have a funny story. I love making fun of TJ. I took a quiz called which founding fathers are you. And I got THOMAS fucking JEFFERSON.
Everyone seems to be getting those
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droo216 · 3 years
finally fall book tag
tagged by @wormwoodandhoney (not really, she tagged everyone, but I wanted to do it), and she got it from Elliot Books on youtube!
1. In fall, the air is crisp and clear: name a book with a vivid setting! Gilded by Marissa Meyer! I was lucky enough to read an ARC of this one, and I’m already itching for the second book in this duology!
2. Nature is beautiful… but also dying: name a book that is beautifully written, but also deals with a heavy topic like loss or grief. I recommend this book all the time but Grounded: The Adventures of Rapunzel by Megan Morrison deals with these topics in amazing and unexpected ways.
3. Fall is back to school season: share a non-fiction book that taught you something new. As You Wish by Cary Elwes taught me a lot about behind the scenes of The Princess Bride. I suggest listening to the audio book because the excerpts provided by the other actors from the film are actually read by those actors! So you get to hear from Robin Wright and Carole Kane and Wallace Shawn and a bunch more!
4. In order to keep warm, it’s good to spend some time with the people we love: name a fictional family/household/friend-group that you’d like to be a part of. I want to join the found family in The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune!
5. The colourful leaves are piling up on the ground: show us a pile of fall-colored spines! 
6. Fall is the perfect time for some storytelling by the fireside: share a book wherein somebody is telling a story. Ohhh, I highly recommend the graphic novel The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen.
7. The nights are getting darker: share a dark, creepy read. I’ll say Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas. I don’t know if I’d call it creepy because I don’t read creepy books, but it has some darker elements.
8. The days are getting colder: name a short, heartwarming read that could warm up somebody’s cold and rainy day. I think Never After by Rebecca Lickiss is a lovely book that not a lot of people know about!
9. Fall (luckily, it’s my favourite season) returns every year: name an old favourite that you’d like to return to soon. I’ve been thinking lately about rereading Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire and Bound by Donna Jo Napoli!
10. Fall is the perfect time for cozy reading nights: share your favourite cozy reading “accessories”! Oh, I don’t know! I’ll just pillows and blankets because I like to be super comfy when I read!
I tag @intelligencehavingfun @cinderellasfella @korra-of-the-watertribe @padmeisqueen @luucypevensie @fantasticalnonsense18 @shirewalker
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hannahshattuck · 4 years
A Birthday Getaway
Pairing: Bi!TJ Hammond x Reader
A/N: My first prompt for helping @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ clean out the archive. I teared up when I came across this prompt. The B&B is an actual place in West Virginia and I would love to visit. Send in an ask or DM to be part of my taglist. Enjoy! This is gender neutral although if there is a slipup please let me know.
Warnings: angst, slight smut (blowjob), curing, mention of drugs and alcohol, mention of suicide, TJ deserves all the love in the world, 
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TJ has always had a hard time finding love. The deep, meaningful connection of love. With being the gay son to a president and having his life mistakes being plastered for all to see, TJ has had many people use his unwanted fame for their own gain. Well that was until he met you.
You were the most kind and selfless person he’s met. He ran into you, literally ran into you, when he was stumbling out of his club. You helped him get to his home and stayed with him until he was fully sober. He cried in your arms when he realized that even though you knew who he was you didn’t take advantage of him in his inebriated state. You two exchanged information and you were the one he called when he needed a savior or someone to talk to so he didn’t make a mistake. After about two years of being friends, TJ confessed that he had feelings for you through tears streaming down his cheeks. That night was spent making love with tears from both of you. 
TJ didn’t celebrate his birthday when he was on his own. He usually spent his birthdays high, drunk, with a hook up, or all the above. This would be the first birthday you spent with him as a couple. You reserved a suit at the Hillbrook Inn and Spa in Charles Town, West Virginia for the two of you for his birthday. You reserved a whole week that way the two of you could relax without feeling rushed. You decided to surprise him with it before the club opened. You worked with him at said club mainly taking care of stuff behind the scenes. 
You walked in and saw TJ stocking up the alcohol behind the bar. Even though his parents believed that owning a club would be detrimental to his recovery, you’ve seen first hand how well he’s been doing.
You leaned on your elbows on the bar, “Hey sweet thang. How’s set up going?” 
TJ turned around and lit up when he saw you, “Hey baby! It’s going good. We’re running low on a few things but we’ll be good for tonight. I made a list so we can make an order tomorrow.” He leaned over and gave you a quick kiss on the lips.
“Well, you’re gonna have to give the list to someone else because tomorrow morning we’re heading to a B&B in West Virginia for a week for your birthday.” You smiled.
TJ’s jaw dropped, “What?”
“You. Me. Birthday trip. West Virginia.” You could see tears well up in TJ’s eyes and knew in that moment this is the first time anyone has done something like this for him. “Oh baby.” You grabbed his hand. He laid his head down on the arm you weren’t holding and cried. You ran you fingers through his soft, fluffy hair and just let him get his emotions out.
TJ sniffled as his cries subsided, “Really? Just the two of us?” It broke your heart to see how doubtful he was. To know how many people took advantage of him. To know that he most likely didn’t get the love he deserves. To know how many times he’s been ‘just another hook up’.
“Yeah baby boy. Just the two of us.” Your thumb rubbed the back of his hand in comfort. He looked at you and then a teary smile spread across his face. He jumped over the bar and pulled you into a tight hug. You laughed and hugged him tight as well.
“Hey, T. We open in 15.” One of the bouncers yelled across the club. TJ gave him a thumbs up as an acknowledgement. TJ grabbed both sides of your face and pulled you in for a big kiss. You smiled into the kiss knowing this would be the best birthday for him.
The next morning you two got up bright and made the 5 hour drip from D.C. to West Virginia. You drove and let TJ sleep since he had a late night. He woke up as you pulled into the entrance of the B&B. 
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TJ gasped, “It’s so pretty.” You giggled as he acted like a little kid in wonder. He probably didn’t get to act like a kid when he was a kid but you didn’t mind. You found a parking spot and got out. He got out as well, jaw still dropped at the sheer beauty of the place. You started to grab yours and TJ’s bags when he snapped out of his wonderment.
“Nooo! Let me grab them!” TJ ran around the car. “You drove! I can get them!” You laughed as he grabbed the two duffle bags out of your hands and swung them over his shoulders. “Let’s go!” He grabbed your hand and dragged you over to the front entrance. You two checked in, got your room, and chilled for a bit before exploring the place.
The day of his birthday he woke up with his dick in your mouth. His hand flew to your hair and tangled his fingers, “Fuck babe.” You kept going until he warned you, “I’m gonna cum.” You doubled down your efforst until he released into your mouth, “Fuck. That’s a way to wake up.”
You swallowed and kissed up his naked chest, “ Happy birthday, baby boy.” A kiss to his lips progressed into a slow make out session. “Today is all about you so we can do whatever you’d like.”
“Does that mean we can stay in bed all day?” TJ smirked.
You giggled and kissed his nose, “If you absolutely wanted to.”
He shook his head, “Nah. I just wanted to know what you would say.”
You playfully slapped his chest and rolled your eyes. You got off him and headed to the shower. “You gonna join me, birthday boy?” TJ scrambled out of bed so fast he felt out of bed. You giggled. He stood and took a step but fell again because you left his boxers around his ankles. You doubled over in laughter as he kicked them off and ran to you carrying you the rest of the way into the shower. 
After a wonderful day of exploring, sex, lunch, more exploring, presentation of gifts, and a wonderful dinner at a nice restaurant you had one last surprise for him. He called the club to make sure everything was running smoothly and you took that moment to set up the bathroom. 
A bubble bath. Candles lit throughout the entire space. Bubbly apple juice because he’s done so well to stay sober and didn’t want to ruin that. Good smelling soaps. Soft towels and warm, fluffy robes. You make sure the water was hot but not scalding and walked out the bathroom just as he hung up.
“Everything is good at the club. What’s on the itinerary now?” TJ walked over to you. You just smiled and grabbed his hand dragging him to the bathroom. He gasped. His eyes took in everything around him as you silently began to strip him. Once he was naked you helped him in the tub and started to wash his body from outside the tub. 
Once his body was cleaned you took off your clothes and climbed in behind him. You got his hair wet and started washing it. Taking your time to run your fingers through his ultra soft hair. He was quiet the whole time but you noticed silent tears streaming down his face when he leaned back against you. You didn’t bring it to attention but instead continued your movements. You grabbed the plastic cup you set aside and started rinsing his hair. After all the soap was out of his hair you wrapped your arms around his shoulder and held him while he cried.
The two of sat there with you placing kisses in his hair and whispering affirmations. Just letting him know you were proud of the choices he made to change his path. How proud you were even though he was dealt a bad hand. How proud you were of in with the success of the club. How proud you were of him in general.
The water started to get cold so you gently sat him up and got out before you helped him out. With your frame wrapped up in one of the robes, you grabbed the other and wrapped it around his tying it at his waist. You grabbed one of the towels and wiped his face of tears and dried his hair. You giggled a bit because of his hair sticking out in many directions which made him smile. You walked him over to the bed, pulled the blankets back, and pulled him into bed with you. TJ laid on your chest as you cuddled him nails scratching against his scalp. 
“That’s the first time anyone has be gently with me. It wasn’t sexual. It’s wasn’t for drugs. It was just-” He trailed off not knowing how to describe it.
“I know baby.” And you did. You’ve seen the aftermath of what non-gentle touches have caused.
“Sometimes I wonder how different my life would be if I didn’t fuck up so much. Maybe my parents and Dougie would be proud of me. Maybe my mistakes wouldn’t be broadcasted for everyone to judge. Maybe if my suicide attempts worked people might say nice things about me.”
That last phrase set you off, “Thomas James Hammond,” you sat up pulling him up with you, “You know how I feel about you talking like that. I know how sucky life was to you. I’ve been with you through a lot of it. But there are people who are proud of you. Hell, I’m so damn proud of you there are no words in any language that can describe the feeling. You’ve managed to push through the worst life has thrown at you and come out on top. I love you so damn much it hurts every single time you doubt your accomplishments. I know none of what I said will change your mind overnight but I will keep telling you everything and anything until the end of time.” You lifted his head to look at you, “I love you so, so much Thomas James.”
You pulled him into a teary kiss. When you pulled back you saw a small smile grace his face. “There’s that smile I love so much.” That caused a bigger smile. You kissed his nose and he scrunched his face. You pulled him to lay back down and cuddled him close. You laced your fingers with his and laid in silence. After a few more silent moments, TJ looked up at you.
“Thank you making this the best birthday.”
Tags: @patzammit​ @sherlocksmanwatson​ @katiew1973​ @bugsbucky​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​
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bellamyblakru · 4 years
6, 9, 17 ily💖
omg ilyy more🥺💖💖💖i apologize in advance how long and surprising sappy i got?? thank you for letting me rant at you. this has been a highlight of my day🥺❤️
long answer asks, care to help me procrastinate?
6. Describe one of your favorite people.
omg only one?? hmm okay. so this person (my momma) is one of the absolute best human beings in the entire fucking world. she is my rock, my person. she is the light in my dark, dragging me above the water when im drowning, since the minute i was born. okay i may be crying writing this (can we blame the late time and how long ive been awake?) but she is just so so important to me and to who i am as a person. so, ill put this in perspective. in 2015, my nephew (who is my best friend in the entire world and i would die for him without hesitation) was born, and my older sister (his mother) lived with us for the first six months of his life. and by “us” i mean, me, my other sister, my brother, and my parents (that makes a total of 7 people in this house). and these six months was probably the one of the best times of my life since my nephew came into the world bringing my eldest sister and i closer (because our seven year age difference, we were never that close beforehand), my family was all home and safe and happy—but, most importantly, we were all together and nothing else really matters as long as my family is by my side. however, after six months, my eldest sister and nephew moved out, my other older sister went to college, my older brother went into the navy, and a few weeks later, my dad had to go to virginia without us to get my residency for in-state college there. so, that left my mom and i. my mom and i were always close, but something about facing everyone leaving at once together just clicked something and she became my best friend. my mom, before this, was always my number one supporter, she constantly help me with my battles facing my severe social anxiety in school, and she raised me to be strong, happy, and loving. my mom and i spent about two years alone in this house that i grew up in since i was five years old, and that solidified our relationship. she is my favorite human being. we have so many similar traits and mannerisms, and my sister even says at this point we sound the same LOL. i just love her so fucking much and i literally would not be here today without her in my life.
9. Talk about your favourite historical period
okay now im crying over answer 6 fluffy LOL i would say i have a few favorite history periods because i am a ✨nerd✨and i like shit like this😂 so, because of outlander, i have to say right now that early 1700s is pretty fab simply because of the dresses that ive been watching claire wear😩👌🏻gorgeous man. when learning history in school, i would alwayss take a side, right? so, for example, in the early 1800s when America is building the shitty foundation we have now, you had two sides: Hamilton versus Thomas Jefferson (i call him TJ because my ap american teacher did amskaak). now, hamilton was my dude and i picked his side (federalist papers, starting america’s banks, siding with the english, stopping slavery blahblah all that jazz) and i thought tj was annoying 😂 like this is how i remember so much when i take these types of classes LOL i just put myself there and think “if i was forced to, who would i side with?” and bam, you remember who tf is who and when. LIKE LMFAO OKAY so in 1835, Andrew Jackson was president, and america called him “king jackson” because of the fucking horrendous way he dictated everything (he also was horrible because of the trail of tears but that’s another story) BUT i remember him so clearly because he was so fucking petty that it, honest to god, made me laugh my ass off when i was reading. this white dude was from the south, like everyone else who was in charge back then, was so fucking pissed that the southern states were thinking about splitting off from the US that he took back a bill that helped them (even though that he was all pro-helping out where he was born and originally wanted this bill for them bc ‘pride’ shit) just out of spite for them even thinking about seceding (they were angry over some tax shit like always). he also threatened them with military force if they kept it up and idk,,, that always tickled me because he was such an petty asshole lmfaooo
17. Whats your favourite city and why?
i haven’t been to too many cities tbh!! i did go to new orleans once but i had my period, had a panic attack, and it smelled like piss🤔 LOL i will say that Norfolk (VA) is very pretty and near the water and i really enjoy it there🥺 this answer is so short compared to the other two omg im so sorry lksoakaka
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weaverlegaspi · 4 years
An October That Ends in August - Part 3/3
Kerry took a deep breath and pushed through the fence door. The sound on the other side practically knocked her over. It was loud. But joyus. Happy Birthday was being sung by a large number of people. Thankfully most of them were almost in tune.
Kerry watched as two cakes were brought out and placed in front of a pair of identical blondes. They blew them out and everyone hooted and clapped.
As the cakes started to be divied up by a woman who looked so much like the blondes that it could have only been their mother, one of the blondes looked up and met Kerry’s eyes. Then gave the other one a poke.
The second one strode towards Kerry with a purpose. “What are you doing here Kerry? I thought I was very clear in Chicago.”
“You were. I brought Sour Cream & Onion chips.”
Kim crossed her arms over her chest, “I’m going to ask you to leave now.”
Kim sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, “Carol. This is a private conversation.”
Carol laughed, “Not in this family Kimmy. Kim, she brought three bags of Sour Cream & Onion chips. Of course we’re letting her stay.”
Kim stared at Kerry for a long moment, then without another word, turned on her heel and rejoined the party.
Carol took two of the bags and held out a hand, “If you couldn’t tell, I’m the grumpy one’s identical twin sister. I’m older by five minutes, and also, I’m prettier, but, we won’t tell her that. Carol Legaspi, formerly Smith, but, we don’t talk about that.”
Kerry shook Carol’s hand, “Kerry Weaver. I know I’m just dropping in, but…”
“Was it Mom or Dad who said you should join us.”
“Ah, Thomas Senior. Your father.”
Carol dropped her free hand over Kerry’s shoulder as they started back towards the party proper. “He would. He thinks that our Kimmy wasn’t as understanding as she could have been. Reminded her that even in 2001 or before not everyone has the chance to find themselves as a teen in a massively supportive environment. On the other hand,” Carol smirked, “our mother would very much like to drop you in a well and seal it up for in her words, ‘breaking my little girl’s heart’” Kerry looked over, concerned, “I don’t think she’d do it.”
“Ah, she’s the former police detective and your father is still a Congregational pastor?”
Carol put her two bags of chips and the one Kerry had on the snack table. “And here Kim claimed that you never listened to her.”
Kerry shook her head, “I heard everything she ever said. Especially everything she told me about all of you,” she paused, “including TJ.” Both women were silent. “I can go. I didn’t think that I would swoop in here and it would be Hallmark endings and happy feelings.” Kerry watched Kim play with one of the children. “But, I love her. I’m in love with her. I was just too scared to do anything about it until now.”
Carol took Kerry’s hand in her own, “C’mon. Let me introduce you to everyone. Once they get over hating you on behalf of Kim, they’re going to love you.”
“Are you a baseball fan?”
“A bit. I went to some Brewers games with my father as a teenager when we got back to the states. The food was good.”
Thomas Sr. chuckled, “How are you doing?”
“I’m fine Reverend.”
“Tom, please. And that’s the answer that you give everyone. I love my daughter, but she is not always right.”
Kerry took a small sip of her drink, “Whatever she told you wasn’t wrong. I did nothing right during our relationship. You shouldn’t blame her. I don’t.” She took another sip, “Before that night I’d never shied away from a fight. Not even with Robert or Donald. I failed her and if she gives me the chance I would spend the rest of my life making up for my mistake.”
Tom shook his head, “That’s not a good way to have a life together. Love in a marriage needs to be unconditional and without imbalance.”
“If that’s what she believes too, then I probably shouldn’t have come here, because, there is no way I can make up for what I did.”
Tom waved a dismissive hand at Kerry, “You’ve gotten Carol on your side. That’s half the battle. Those two…”
Kim’s mother called to Tom. He clapped a hand on Kerry’s shoulder, then walked to his wife.
“Are you disabled?”
Kerry looked down at a towheaded boy that looked to be about eight or nine. “No. I was born with congenital hip dysplasia and so I use a crutch to make it easier on my hip.”
The boy studied Kerry. “Does it hurt? Your hip?”
“Sometimes.” Kerry paused, “More than it used to.”
He crossed his arms over his chest and Kerry realized that this must be Kim’s nephew Trip, Thomas Legaspi the Third. He confirmed it a moment later, “You hurt my Aunt Kim? Why?”
“I did. I was scared.”
“Oh--” He let his arms fall to his sides, “I’m scared of dogs and everyone at school makes fun of me for it. Why were you scared?”
“My entire sense of self changed in the span of a few months.”
Kerry smiled, “You wish you hadn’t asked.”
“Yeah. So. Adult stuff then?”
Kerry nodded, “Adult stuff.”
“Do you like her?”
“I do, yes.”
Trip shook his head, “Adults are so stupid. I’m gonna get more cake. Want some?”
Kerry hid a smile, “No thank you.”
And he was off, replaced after a moment by Kim. “Why’d you come here Kerry?”
“Because staying in Chicago would have been the worst thing I’ve ever done.”
“Because everyone knows you’re gay now.” Kim wrapped her arms around herself as if preparing for the answer.
Kerry took a step forward and unwound Kim’s hands, taking them in her own. Surprisingly the blonde didn’t pull away. “No. My heart went home to her family in San Francisco.”
Kim looked around, “You say that here, in my parents backyard, where no one really knows you, and no one cares that you’re a lesbian.” She paused, “Scream it.”
Kerry took a breath and lifted her head towards the sky, “I, Kerry Weaver, am in love with a WOMAN! Dr. Kim Legaspi is my soulmate.”
Everyone at the party went still, their heads swiveled to look at the two women. One of the older guys, either Tom or Kim’s Mom’s sibling gave an awkward thumbs up.
Kim cleared her throat. “I didn’t mean you should actually do it.”
Kerry laughed and brought one of Kim’s hands to her lips, kissing its palm. “I love you Kim. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” She let go of Kim’s hands, “So. I’ll go now. I’ve said what I came to say, but, I’m not going to pressure you.”
She turned and started towards the fence and front yard. “Wait.”
Kerry stopped and turned as Kim caught up, “Yes?”
“You don’t even like Sour Cream & Onion… anything. You actually very much hate the flavor combo. Why’d you bring it to the party?”
“Because you like them.”
“That’s it?”
Kerry nodded, “You have no reason to believe me, but me not standing up for you, for us in that damn meeting, that’s unlike me. It was so out of character.” She took a breath, “This last season of my life, this last year, was the best yet. When we’re together…”
“That’s just…”
Kerry cut Kim off, “I don’t mean the sex.” She smirked, “Although none of the men I’ve been with came close to what you made me feel. No. I am-- a broken puzzle piece, and you, you fill all the spots that are jagged so that we can fit into life together.”
Kim stepped into Kerry’s personal space and cupped her cheek, “You are not broken Kerry Weaver.”
Kerry swallowed, “See, I think you’re the only one in the world who would say that.”
Kim didn’t move her hand, but did close her eyes for a moment. When she opened them her other hand joined the first and she pulled Kerry closer, “Fuck it.”
Their lips met in a kiss that was tender and needy at the same time. Kerry’s arms went around Kim’s waist and it seemed like both women were trying to merge their bodies and souls.
They broke apart for a moment to take a breath, but, it was a short breath. They were oblivious to everything and everyone in the backyard.
On the other side of the yard Trip Legaspi, rolled his eyes. “Still say adults are stupid.”
His Mom ruffled his hair, “Just you wait kiddo.”
That’s all I’ve got for this fun ER Appreciation Week.
Thank you for reading (especially since I only sorta followed the rules 😂)
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What’s wrong? (Tj Hammond) (Pt.1)
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Characters: Bi!TJ Hammond x Asian!Female!Reader
Summary: You're an overseas worker and is in a relationship with TJ, but people can't seem to accept the differences between you both even by financially and background wise.
Warning: Kisses. Public making out. Mention of threesome but no lemon. Lmao. HOT, SEXY GIF'S which can make your phone fly. No angst yet. Annoying racist journalist. Mention of doing the birds and the bees but it wasn't written. Heehee!
Words: 4000+ (IT'S LONG AF. 😂 There’s a part 2 which will be posted soon if ya want?)
A/N: I always tend to write long ass oneshots for TJ Hammond. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Because maybe I'm the only one enjoying this? Lmao. GO BE CRAZY WITH YOUR FEEDBACKS, TATER TOTS! IT’S TIME FOR SOME ASIAN FEMALE READERS!
Disclaimer: GIF'S and pictures used are not mine. Only the edits are and the oneshot of course. 😉 Credits to the owners of the GIFS.
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"They're not gonna accept me, Teej." Your heart sank from the moment those words came out of your lips, it was like a curse that made your heart feel heavier with every beat. Those were just the mere, honest truth that was inevitable to come out.
You didn't want to beat behind the bush. From the moment TJ asked you to be his partner for the engagement party that was soon to happen for Douglas and Annie, the anxiety crept up your heart, jumping towards your head that made you speak the honest truth.
You knew deep down that your ethnicity and your background was making it difficult for you, for the both of you and for everyone.
TJ immediately sensed the disheartened change in your voice as he was mindlessly trying to help chop the vegetables needed, standing in front of the kitchen island. On the other hand, you were preparing the beef for the Stir fried noodles you opted to make, in request to the whiny Hammond boy living in yours and his apartment.
You felt gentle arms snake around your waist and instantly you knew whose arms were that from. Tj leaned down, his head beside yours as he adjusted to your five foot one height. You felt his lip on your cheek, peppering soft kisses till he reached your ear. "Am I hearing you right? Was that a whine I heard? As far as I know, I'm the whiny boyfriend here," Tj whispered and chuckled, feeling his hot breath fanning against your ear made you quietly gush in his arms.
"Thomas! Stop, You know I got the tickles there!"
Tj felt the need to be playful, in account to your saddened state. He continued blowing at your ear, "Oh, so now I'm only Thomas to you?" Chuckles and giggles rang around your apartment. Joyful laughters that was perfect to record and watch at any time of the day. Tj haven't been that happy since his recent breakup. From a political fool who he thought had loved him, but end up abusing and using the love he has been giving in the end.
Despite of his crestfallen, past relationship, you suddenly came along. He was utterly depressed and went back to being a druggie. After months have passed of being clean, the addiction came along after the heartbreak. Yet, it was stopped once again from the moment you came along. Basically, you were the rainbow after his rain and he ought to see the light from you forever glowing.
"Hey, hey," Tj pulled you away from your wandering, negative thoughts. Never forgetting to give your head a kiss, feeling the warmth spreading all over your body, "You gotta stop being a pessimist," He cocked his head, an eyebrow rising as he collected his thoughts, "Just..relax, everything's going to be fine I swear,"
You turned the gas range off, sighing and whipping around once you did, meeting a very soft, sweet looking Hammond boy whose eyes were the prettiest out of all the blues out there. Your lip was now in between your teeth, biting the flesh from overthinking what was bound to happen soon. "You always say that, and I'd rather expect the worst, Teej because you're in a relationship with me."
"What's wrong being in a relationship with you? I don't find anything wrong about it," He sassily shrugged, caressing your hip with his thumbs in utmost tenderness, "Anne's Asian, from a different ethnicity but they don't get to say their complaints or problems about it, Y/N."
You bit your lip harder, eyebrows furrowing from thinking too deep, "Anne's from a wealthy family, Tj. And I'm...I'm..from trash,"
"Which I was lucky to find because I have rummaged a diamond in the dumps," He chuckled, his laugh sounding angelic to you. You fought off a smile, the anxiety was still swallowing you whole, making everything more complicated for you. "It's not funny, you're just making my anxiety worse,"
Tj had to put more effort in distracting you, and so he tried harder. "Come on, Baby. Lighten up, nothing's gonna happen, it's going to be a boring day for us because the party was probably a way to bring those stormtroopers all together," He licked his lips, looking at you straight in the eyes with such shine that could make your heart go all putty. "Just be my plus one, be the good girl you are while we suffer this together, Deal?"
"I dunno, Teej. What do I get in return upon agreeing to this so called...deal of yours?" You purred, tracing the outline of his pectorials bulging out of his tight black shirt. A lopsided smile on your lips.
"Hmm," Tj playfully hummed, his head falling till he reached your ear, never forgetting to give it a tender bite, "Maybe some steamy shower with me, I suppose?" The naughty Hammond boy suggested with a tiny chuckle, his voice dropping an octave lower, even with a suggestive tone that reached down inside your pantaloons, making you squirm in his grasp. "That is..if you're up to it?"
"But--how about the food--" You stammered, finding it hard to say no.
"We could always start with the dessert first, Love." and you certainly didn't object after that.
Tons of people with class that were worth a million dollars came lounging in. Small talks, and fake hi's were their main objective. Wealthy, power hunger crocodiles seem to sound appropriate for their understandable behaviors. Other people appeared to enjoy communicating with anyone whom they can see as wealthy and famous, making them look like a total gold digger or a social climber who likes to be friends with people whom are high-class.
Everything that was happening around you was making you shake your head in animosity. Another set of anxiety creeping you in. How did you even end up in Tj's home when everybody had given you the stink eye, jealous, thirsty women scanning your appearance and history from head to foot if that was even possible.
They were probably wondering how Tj was in a relationship with a substandard woman like you who lived in the eastern part of the world. Well, Sexuality-wise..They were certainly stunned to see the former first son gay icon renegade turned miraculously bisexual, acting all touchy-feely and having thoughts inside their judgemental minds as to why he kept staring at you, looking all lovestruck and whipped.
"Y/N!!! Sweetheart!" You jumped from the huge, beige couch as you lounged beside your boyfriend. A half empty Martini in hand. You could see Margareth, Tj's grandmother marching your way. Her hips swaying with her heels. Her smile never fading once she saw how you still kept your relationship with her complicated grand son, Thomas.
"Tj's keeping you all to himself! This kid can be selfish when he wants to," Margareth complained, her voice shaky and senile but a little bit too hyper for her age. She never forgot to playfully smack her grand son's head, "Aw! Nana!" Tj complained with a sweet smile drawn on his face. A smile that Margareth remembered when he was still a child back in the white house.
Finally, she thought. It was time she got her grand son back.
"Hey, Nana!" You chimed, a huge grin plastered on your face. Truthfully delighted to see somebody whom gave your heart that warm, familiar feeling. Margareth grabbed you in a hug once you stood up to hug her. Yet, you were too slow to be first. "Y/N," She murmured as she cut the hug. Staring right back at you with a sweet smile while she reached for your face. "I'm really happy you keep my grand son in check and completely elated like who he was back then," Nana muttered, taking glances back at Tj who was busy chatting with one of Elaine's friend.
"Please, don't leave him like how that asshole did, Y/N. I don't know what he'll do next when you do, sweetheart."
"I don't plan to, Nana." You gave a crooked smile, adding a giggle on the end. Your words repeating inside your mind like a mantra. Did you really not thought about that? Margareth smiled, lightly tapping your right cheek with a laugh. "Good," She grabbed another Margarita from one of the waiters who were strolling around, promptly sipping on it. "You're perfect for this family,"
You fit in the family. But, that was in Nana's humble perspective. What about Dougie? Elaine? Especially Bud's point of view? Do they accept you though?
The party went on. It wasn't late yet, though as the time went on, more familiar people came in and began to join in the party. As an awkward human being, you stood on the middle of the floor. All alone sipping on your second Martini. Tj asked you to give him a minute because he had to talk to someone and probably get something in God knows where. You immediately gave your approval, giving him a sweet, innocent, tiny kiss on the lips before practically shoving him away before it took much more than you intended to.
Loud chatters can be heard, controversial topics that reached your ear made you want to raise a brow because of their judgemental thoughts that should be kept locked inside their poisonous minds. 'You sure they ain't putting up an act to cover Tj's real sexuality?' 'I bet he's using her,' 'Or probably it's the other way around, girl.'
'She seems like a lonely bitch,'
You crossed your arms against your chest, the anger bubbling up till it reached your head. Giving you a minor, temporary headache. In your peripheral vision, you could see Tj from the bar, talking to Nana and her circle of friends, with a precious smile on his gorgeous face. It was all glitters and rainbows in his part.
On the other hand, yours were full of shit. You cussed inside the back of your mind. The thick-faced women giggled and they were quite close to you. They probably intended to let you hear their conversation, to stir you up and mess with your temper. Especially that journalists and reporters were around, waiting for something to happen so they could add it in their drafts.
You ignored them the best you can. Nonetheless, there was always one person who'll irk you and even try to stir up the kindness in you that could change into rage. You sipped on your cocktail drink while staring at the piano in curiosity. Does Tj know how to play? You mindlessly thought inside your mind. Oh, you were about to know and ask him about it. There was a lingering warm presence behind you, and you instantly smiled from ear to ear. Speak of the devil..
However, to your surprise a woman with blue eyes stood tall in front of you. Appearing to have this sense of pride that she was one successful woman. You could tell from head to toe and it made you feel so tiny and unworthy that you were welcomed to join in the party.
"Will you be so kind to answer these questions that I have for you? Ms..??" The lady humbly asked, an innocent smile that hid behind a wicked scheme she had in mind. You couldn't even believe her. How can she ask for an interview from a person whom she doesn't know his/her name?
What a fool indeed.
"Y/N." You kept a short answer, a tight smile on show as you sighed out loud which made the reporter raise a brow from your dissatisfaction. How dare you act annoyed when you should feel delighted to be interviewed even though you were one substandard woman whom Thomas Hammond obviously made his worst mistake. The woman thought through her fake smile planted on her thick, injected lips.
"So, let's start off with something simpler, Y/N." She paused, acting all modest with the fakest smile you have ever seen. "Tj's??"
If she wanted to appear stupid, then it was best to say the stupidest answers as well. You breathed in deep breaths. Take it with your big girl panties. You can do this. You can. "Supportive wife?" You spoke as a matter of fact. Snorting a little when you saw her jaw tighten.
The brunette woman couldn't help but snicker, sneaking a tiny roll of her eyes. "I don't see a ring," She snapped, laughing to herself and eyeing you from head to toe. "Or a collar?" She smirked when you kept your hands on your sides, fists completely tight, trying hard not to make a scene. No. Never stoop down to her level, Y/N.
"Hmm," She fixed the lapels of her black blazer, "Obviously, you're the girlfriend. I'm not an idiot, Ms. Y/N."
Your nerves was seriously ticking like a time bomb that was ready to explode. "Really? You seem to be a much bigger idiot than me when you asked for my name, but the truth is..I know you knew who I was," You breathed out harshly, not wanting to start and send off rude remarks that could have endless rebuttals. "If I'm an idiot then why do I own a big advertising company..Unlike you," Miss reporter held her head high with her tall height, eyeing you from head to toe again like it was her nasty habit. "I don't work at any Ching-chong restaurants that spits rice, noodles or kimchi's,"
Well, that made you face palm.
"Do you have any more racist comments that could honestly move me? Because that comment sucks so bad," You held a finger under your eye, trying to wipe away imaginary tears. "Cry me a river, woman."
Tj laughed a boisterous one from what grandma Mercedith just said. She was one of Nana's bestest friend and a sweetheart indeed. Margareth noticed that Y/N wasn't with her grandson, and so she questioned.
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"Tj, where's Y/N?"
The latter smiled, those smiles that held teeth and was too picturesque not to ogle at. Nana couldn't help but lift her lips too. "Oh, over there." Tj gestured behind him, towards where the party was, never looking back. Margareth glanced where he was pointing to and saw that Y/N is being interrogated by the infamous reporter slash journalist slash owner of an almost bankrupt advertising company who had no good thing to do but make false hypothesis about every issue especially when it was about the Hammond family.
"Tj," Nana started, sounding disturbed. "If I were you, I won't go leaving Y/N in a place full of sharks wanting to munch on a bait," She pointed towards where Y/N and Rosalie Sparks where. They seem to be exchanging heated conversations because she could see how Y/N was keeping herself together. "The Sasquash is on the move, honey."
"What?" Tj turned their backs away from them. A stern frown appeared to be on show for the folks to see. Finally acknowledging what his Nana has been saying and there they were. His girlfriend and an annoying woman who was planning to offend and get something out of his girlfriend. What was new?
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"How's it feel to be unaccepted in the Hammond family? Especially that we know Bud doesn't take a liking on you because of how incompetent you are and how pitiable your family is," Rosalie Spark's chatted like what she was saying are compliments that was meant to fill the heart. Though, it was filling it with dread and anger. "Rich people deserve to only be with rich people too," She clucked on her wine glass with her fancy gold ring, grinning in the process. "While the peasants deserve to stay in the dumps,"
You zipped your mouth. Never stoop down. Never. Silence is the best way to talk back because you knew you were educated, matured and old enough to know how immature she was acting.
"I'm honestly disgusted by Tj Hammond's tastes are in women," She continued, more like talking to herself because you weren't speaking. "Or he's probably just confused for the second time and is actually really..reallyyy into men," The bitch exaggerated.
"Because if I'm in a relationship with you or--" She held her mouth, supressing a giggle that made you want to throw a glass at her. "--to be unluckily sleeping with you, I'll just be gay for all my life, Y/N."
You could feel your eyes turning hotter as each second pass by. God, you were such a pathetic baby. Why had you even agreed to go the party? Obviously because Tj begged you to come with him.
Not a second has passed by when you felt a warm presence snake beside you, and it took you long enough to realize that it was finally your Tj by the looks of his black dress shirt and all black attire. An arm moved around you, clutching onto your waist and Tj felt you were shaking. Probably from anger because that's just who you are.
You'd rather stay quiet despite of how people attack you, you'd rather be kind to rude people than to offend them back and that's how Tj knew you were one of a kind. A special one.
Before you knew it, your heart skipped a beat from the moment he held your jaw with his hand. Ushering your face to look at him, and with one dip of his head he had you enthralled in his spell that could calm you down in the sweetest way. Tj kissed you, right in front of that annoying journalist to probably irritate the heck out of her. He locked your lips with his, teasingly lunging the tip of his tongue inside your parted lips as he closed his eyes. Acknowledging the effect you could only give to him.
You couldn't help but envelope your arms around his figure as you kiss him deep, biting on his lower lip that made you both smirk from how she was certainly already uncomfortable. Physical contact makes people feel awkward. Tj preed his eyes open, seeing the woman with a pathetic aggravated face that made him chuckle as you both kiss.
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Oh, she wasn't going anywhere is she?
Tj gave her a grin, never forgetting to give your lip a tender bite that made your insides go mushy and another sweet kiss that made your heart twerk. He was yours and yours alone. Only yours.
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"Tiger twat," Tj answered so smoothly with that hot smolder as he looked deep into your eyes. Completely enticed by your spirit with an innocent smile written on his face that wasn't too innocent in your line of vision. You could see the grin and irk threatening to be shown on his beautiful features. Here, you thought he was calling you a tiger twat when it was actually sent to the reporter slash journalist who looked guilty because she seemed to be entirely shook.
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"Isn't that your nickname in DC?" He finally gave attention to the tall, angry Sasquash who happened to rudely interview you.
"News spread so fast, Rosalie."
Your loving boyfriend grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes that made her pride and dignity shatter like fragile chinawares. "What's it like to have teeth down there?"
"Your girlfriend's a bitch," Her ego was wavering yet that didn't stop her from trying to have the last laugh. Rosalie hardly bit the insides of her cheeks, remembering the awful night when the famous Tj Hammond who was out and wasted in his club and miraculously happened to reject her amazing, stunning self.
Oh, did she had a petty little crush on him so that was why she was acting so hostile towards you.
"No," Tj shook his head, a wicked grin threatening to come out and a lot of nasty sentences that could get her to crumble. "You're the bitchest out of all the bitch, Rosalie." He chuckled, his arm retreating from your waist as you saw him took a step forward till he reached her ear, bending down to whisper whatever he needed to.
"Don't come attacking my woman when you're still salty about that night," Tj harshly whispered on her ear, his voice turning an octave lower but definitely more harsh, breath hot and fanning, making her toes curl with want and hunger. "I remembered it so well," He chuckled, a sinister one. "I remembered how you were trying to get in my pants, yet my gay self didn't happen to find you attractive nor worth to fuck for a threesome,"
"Besides, I wouldn't want my dick to get chewed by that dry, loose, wrinkly, smelly twat, Sparks."
And just like that, she huffed and was in the verge of crying her frustrations out once she stomped her foot as she retreated. Making Tj form a wide smile that could make your insides turn a twist. What did he say that made the woman act like a bratty crybaby?
"Thomas," You started, seeing Tj walk back to you, enveloping his arms around your waist, leaning down to give you another peck on the lips but you were quick to maneuver your head, making him chase your lips with his. "Thomas," You repeated more sternly but quietly this time. He looked like he was a little smashed. Was he? you hoped he hadn't sniffed anything that could dissapoint you. "Nobody has the right to talk to you like that," He shockingly spat out in aggravation, looking deep in thought as he gorgeously stared into your eyes.
"What did you say to her?"
He shook his head, licking his lips as he whispered. "Nothing. It's not important, Sugar." His eyes was now trained on your lips, looking like he wanted to devour it all night. You couldn't help but smile. "Are you drunk?"
Your Tj drank in all of your beautiful features. Seeming to be mesmerized by your soul. "No, I'm not. I promise," He took a breather, caressing your cheek with his thumb. "I just love you too much. I can't stand them treating you that way,"
"Now, kiss me." He hastily puckered, dipping his head down for the third time and you were quick to adorably cover his mouth like the conservative person you are. "Tj, we're in the middle of--"
Tj didn't hide the roll of his eyes, showing you how much of a kill joy you were. "Do you think I give a damn?" He spoke against your palms, sounding muffled. "Y/NNNNNN,"
You internally rolled your eyes. He was such a baby. Your big baby. "Fine,"
He kissed your palms, planting a loud kissy sound that made people glance your way, his eyes turning adorable crescent moons once you dropped your palms off his lips. "I love youuuu," Tj puckered for the fourth time before grabbing your face in his hands. Kissing the daylights out of you in the middle of an engagement party. Apparently, it was Dougie and Anne's party yet it seemed like you were both having the engagement.
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arrowverse-next-gen · 4 years
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The Queen Family
For information read more (if you have any questions feel free to send in an ask)
Felicity Smoak & Oliver Queen: The Parents
Felicity runs a successful company called Smoak Tech while also running Team Arrow from the Bunker.
Oliver runs the city in the daytime & the nighttime as Mayor & Green Arrow. He does this while also making enough food to feed a college.
William Clayton: The CEO
William is married to Zoe Ramirez but is still very good friends with his ex boyfriend.
He helps Felicity run Smoak Tech & The Bunker while everyone is out on the field.
Thomas Jonas Queen: The Emerald Archer
Thomas is originally from another earth.
His mother died when he was young, his dad died on the Gambit.
He and his sister were separated from that point on until meeting again on this earth.
His girlfriend Jade Ramirez was with him through everything but when they jumped earths, they broke apart and lost each other for a few years.
Thomas is his name but Oliver is the only person who calls him that. Everyone else calls him TJ & Jade calls him Tommy.
Elizabeth Thomas Queen: The Teenage Runaway
Oldest daughter & Ada’s twin
Eliza’s first ever boyfriend, despite her father’s wishes, was Jason Todd. They had a strong relationship even if it was her first one. He died before her 18th birthday.
After Jason died, Eliza became anti-vigilante work and decided that if her family wanted to continue this business, she was going to transfer her college plans to take place down in Vegas with Donna & Quentin.
She had a rough 3 years (partying, rebounds, drinking, drugs etc) but by the time she turned 21 her cousin set her up with a friend’s friend and after they started to date all of those bad days were over
And then Jason came back...
Adaline Dearden Queen: The Star
Ada is a Daddy’s girl. She loves her mom but she will openly admit to Oliver being her favorite.
She met JJ a week after she was born and since they grew up together, they became very close and started dating as early as possible.
They broke up once or twice (Ada denies ever kissing another man during this time, Eliza takes the fall for her on the pictures released)
Ada moved to NYC after graduating High School so she could attend NYU and spend more time with JJ since he was there for work.
When Ada is home, she spends family time by dressing in leather and annoying Oliver on the field because she’s extremely cocky and has a crossbow that is purple.
Mia Donna Smoak: The Troublemaker
Mia is a Momma’s girl. Sorry not sorry @ Oliver
Though she is a momma’s girl, she is a lot like Oliver when he first came back from the island.
She is uncontrollable on the field to the point that she had to form her own team as a separate branch from TA so Oliver would stop telling her what to do.
Jason was like a big brother to her and when he died and Eliza left, she became even more uncontrollable.
She is “Dating” Connor Diggle but she refuses to admit it. She will however keep telling people she’s dating Jocelyn Anastas because she’s her soulmate.
Miriam Moira Queen: The Playboy
Oliver’s worst nightmare is having any child be who he was before the island..Miriam is his worst nightmare.
She’s the older twin to Owen.
She’s very musical.
But very bad at math.
She’s also a lesbian which is the only reason Oliver has not died of a heart attack yet.
She’s very determined to take over CEO from William while also playing every single Oliver Queen card in the book of Frat Boy(tm)
She calls herself one of the guys but Eliza is her favorite sister because she gets to play dress up and make a mess with make up
Eliza’s boyfriend is also another reason why Eliza is her favorite.
Owen Quentin Queen: The Soft Boy
Complete opposite of Miriam
Looks like he would have f*ckboy energy but he doesn’t
His best friend sells drugs but he’s worried he’d get grounded or die if he even looked at them
Also very musical
Likes to travel a lot even though he loves his family
Better at math than Miriam
Claire Noah Queen: The Lone Wolf
She never knew her mom because her mom died not long after she was born
She was on the Gambit when it went down, but didn’t make it to the lifeboat
She was found on the island by Talia and raised by the League of Assassins until she ended up on Earth 1 on a mission and found Thomas.
She likes the idea of having a big family but she’s very hesitant to get close to anyone because of what happened and what she went through
She lives with Thomas 50% of the time at his apartment downtown in Star City because he and Jade are the most familiar to her.
Rosemary Blair Queen: The Baby
Rosemary was found not far from the Bunker when she was 4
She has the power of invisibility but she doesn’t use it because she’s sneaky enough on her own
Her parents were killed in a battle on her earth so her sister sent her through a portal to this earth to be with another family
Mia is her favorite because she had a Mia on her earth and so she immediately connected with her.
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Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard.
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The Ship of the Dead.
The third book begins with Magnus receiving an ocean survival lesson from Percy Jackson, a Greek demigod who is his cousin Annabeth's boyfriend. The two are there to help him gain skills for their next mission which is to try and capture Loki. The group of einherjars and a Valkyrie must aid in the recapture Loki before his ship Naglfar sets sail at Midsummer, or else Loki will start Ragnarok, a final war between the gods and the giants. 
Annabeth, Percy, Magnus and Alex have lunch, while Alex reminds them they should have already left to find Loki's ship located between Niflheim and Jotunheim. Percy gives Magnus some parting advice, sea gods are vain and possessive when it comes to their weapons, and also reminds him he has a good team.
After that Alex and Magnus take a trip to the Chase Mansion and yet he was wary going there having Alex with him made him feel a lot better, knowing he didn’t have to go alone. They end up finding  a dead wolf at the entrance and another, still alive, wolf is seen looking for a book but Alex kills it. Magnus finds some notes scribbled by Randolph, older notes on the Sword of Summer but Alex feels that the newer notes mean that Randolph may have made a possible plan to stop Loki and that these notes hold the key to defeat her father/mother.
After reaching Hotel Valhalla Magnus summons a ship given to him by his father, The Big Banana, named so by Alex because if it’s bright neon-yellow color. It has five rows of oars and a carved dragon figureheads. Mallory, Halfborn Gunderson, Thomas Jefferson Jr., Sam and Alex accompany Magnus, while they plan to pick Blitz and Hearth along the way. Their conversation is heard by the Nine Billow Maidens, who take them to the court of Aegir. Their father, Aegir, grants them guest rights and tells them they are safe as long as they don't have anyone named Magnus Chase with them. The crew is surprised to discover Hearth and Blitz are held prisoner but they manage to free them with excuses of Halal and vegetarianism. But soon Ran's eldest daughter figures out that the ‘blonde guy’ is Magnus Chase and shouts this. Upon being threatened, Magnus swears to defeat Loki in a flyting contest and to avenge Aegir's humiliation, and the Sea God tells them to escape while he isn’t looking but the crew is still attacked by Aegir's nine daughters. They escape with the help of Magnus' grandfather Njord who appears and instructs them and tells Magnus that the only way to defeat Loki would be by drinking Kvasir's mead. The crew continued on their journey, with Blitz and Hearth on their duo quest to retrieve Bolverk's whetstone and the rest of the crew head to Jorvik.
Mallory and Halfborn start acting weird because of where they died: Mallory died in Ireland disarming a bomb, and Halfborn died near Jorvik. TJ also had some bad experience: Since he was a son of Tyr, he could never resist one on one battles, even if it was a hopeless one, which was why T.J. died in the first place. He told Magnus that even he had a one on one challenge to face himself and he should start preparing for the flyting with Loki.
Since their quest falls with the Holy Month of Ramadan, and so Sam is fasting which baffels Magnus yet Sam explains to him that fasting makes her feel more clear and focused. 
That night Magnus lays down to go to sleep, putting Jack, his sword, back on his chain and tried to fall asleep but he was haunted my nightmares that lead him to wake up with a jolt the next morning. In his dreams he saw how smart and respected Kvasir was treated. One day, he met the dwarf brothers Fjalar and Gjala who needed his help with paperwork that needed to be done, but Kvasir ends up getting killed taking the bait. The next dream is about Alex who was literally kicked out of her house by her dad because he thought that she should be normal. She says that she is normal but her dad replies with having so much potential with something about craft and art. With that, he slams the door behind him, officially disowning Alex. 
When the crew arrived at Old York, an argument breakers out amongst the group and in the end Samirah, Halfborn, and Mallory decide to defend the ship while ‘Blond Guy’, T.J, and Alex go find the giant.
At York, Magnus, Alex and T.J stumble upon a shop called the Jorvik Viking Centre, which they decide to check out but when they tried to break in, Alex found out a part of a wall moved, which ended up actually being the stone giant Hrungnir perfectly blending in to the limestone. Magnus tries to bargain with the giant, and in return for the location of Kvasir’s Mead, Hrungnir wants to have a two-on-two duel with TJ. Alex seemed to know what he was talking about, so she was the one to accept and led them to a pottery studio. Once there Alex paid the owner for 24-hour exclusive use. Alex explains to Magnus that while TJ fights the stone giant, they have to create a ceramic warrior to fight Hrungnir’s warrior.
She gets to work with the pottery wheel and instructed Magnus to roll coils of clay and T.J to cut the slab using the kiln. Magnus asks if Alex has done pottery before, and she tells him about her family that use to have a company called the Fierro Ceramics, and her grandfather made pottery for a very long time but then her father took over, making tons and tons of pots that were bad quality, and the business went down. Magnus remembers in his dream that her father said that she had so much potential in using the craft so he wonders if this is what she was talking about and by evening, the ceramic warrior’s pieces were all laid out. 
They fight Hrungnir and his clay second and win. Just before he dies he tells them the location of the mead: Fläm, Norway. During the fight T.j is injured and Magnus orders Jack, his sword to help Alex while he tried to heal T.J.
While doing so he sees visions of T.J’s memories. He saw T.J's mother warning him not to play-shoot with a stick at a white man and how the white man can shoot you. Another memory was of a teenage version of T.J. staring at a flyer about military services. It then changed to a ship, where his friend complains how the Union put them on a ship, but T.J. was as eager and focused as ever, holding his rifle. Magnus then saw him running across no-man's-land, charging at his nemesis, Jeffrey Toussaint.
Magnus then also has to help Alex during the fight, who also gets injured. She doesn’t want him to o be he does and sees a memory of the time when he had breakfast at Hotel Valhalla but from Alex's point of view. Magnus was across Alex, and Magnus wondered why this was on Alex's mind at a time like this. 
After the stone giants heart explodes, defeating him, a piece of shrapnel ends up hitting T.J in the eye but he assures them that he can walk, and the trio head back to the ship to find Halfborn, Mallory, and Sam exhausted because they just finished fighting water horses. They then set sail for Flām to find Kvasir's Mead.
Magnus find out that the bomb Mallory tried to disable when she died was set by herself since she was encouraged to do so by her mates in Ireland, one of them being Loki, into doing it. Then an old lady, whom Mallory says was also Loki, gave the indestructible knives she has and told her to correct her mistake. Suddenly, Blitz and Hearth appear again and give them the news of Hearth is going to have to face his father one last time.
Blitz, Hearth, and Magnus, in a disguise, go to Alfheim, and face off against Hearth’s father who had been turned into a dragon by a cursed ring. Magnus end up killing the dragon by stabbing a chink in his underbelly armor but now they must decide whether or not to roast and eat the heart of Hearth’s father. Roasting the heart will put his father’s spirit to rest, but if he eats the heart he will take on his father’s knowledge.
Hearthstone asks Magnus to hold the spit that the heart is on, and the two argue over whether or not Hearthstone should eat the heart. As they argue, Magnus ends up dropping the heart into the fire and when he tries to catch it he burns his fingers and licks then to smooth the burn but ends up getting some blood into his mouth. From this, Magnus gains the power to talk to animals.
Back on the Big Banana, the three tell everyone about there mini-adventure Mallory takes the whetstone so no one gets hurt. The ship arrives at Norway, and the hide it in plain sight near a bunch of other ships to make it look like a tourist attraction. The one's who will be off to fetch Kvasir's Mead are Magnus, Sam, and Mallory, the rest will guard the ship.
Mallory spots an old lady, the same one that gave her her knives right before her death and immediately starts chasing after her, Magnus and Sam following. When they catch up with her, the woman revealed herself to be the goddess Frigg and Mallory’s mother. Frigg gives them advise on how to get the mead and gives them a magical walnut they can use to recapture Loki if they succeed in the flyting.
Mallory, Magnus, and Samirah follow Frigg’s directions to location of the mead, and find the meads guardians like she warned them they would. The guardians are nine giant slaves, who have the task of cutting down their master’s wheat field so Mallory offers to sharpen their scythes for them with whetstone and tricks them into competing for ownership of the stone. She throws the stone into the air, and the giants jump up to catch it, forgetting that their scythes are now sharp. They end up killing each other with their scythes and the trio successfully get the mead, and set sail again. They travel to the border of Niflheim and Jotunheim, where Loki has Naglfar docked.
Traveling into the icy lands of Niflheim nearly kills them, but they are given refuge at Thunder Home, with Magnus’s grandfathers ex-girlfriend, Skadi. She gives them cider made from the apples of immortality, which gives them enough will power to survive the frigid weather, then sends them on their way.
The group fights their way onto Naglfar, and Magnus challenges Loki to the flyting. In the beginning, Loki seems to be winning the flyting by insulting Magnus so badly that Magnus begins to shrink but Magnus tries to insult Loki back, but figures out that cutting someone down is not his nature. He focuses instead on building up his team, and points out that Loki has no team. Loki shrinks, and they recapture him in the walnut Frigg gave them. The group fights their way off Naglfar, and escape on the backs of water horses and return Loki to the gods.
Back at Hotel Valhalla the crew is welcomed back as hero’s and rewarded by the gods but Magnus said there was one more favor to ask Odin and in two weeks, Odin's lawyers managed to negotiate with the mayor of Boston and turned Randolph Chase's mansion into a residence for homeless youths now called the Chase Space.
The book ends with Magnus coming to terms with his destiny accepting that his work is never done until Ragnarok but in the meantime everything was fine for him. Magnus says Loki was right about one thing: We can choose to alter the details of the big picture and that's how we take control of our destiny.
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