#and everyone who graces fandom with their talents deserves praise
escriveine · 5 years
Good Omens Author and Artist Recs
In honor of the tenth month, here are 10 Authors & Artists in the Good Omens fandom who are absolutely giving me joy and life right now. They each have published multiple pieces, and the intended audiences of these works range from general to mature-but-non-explicit to mature-and-quite-explicit.
The stories I most favor — including these recommendations — have happy endings, though not necessarily all works in the portfolios of the authors/artists will, so do read the tags and such for yourself.
(NB: The lists are alphabetical by username; it was hard enough selecting only 5 of each, don't ask me to rank them.)
ARK | @et-in-arkadia | AO3 Good Omens top-level: Ark
Start with the fic that pulse of my nights and days, a gorgeous, explicit romp that revels in revelations of pining, and love, and literary recitations.The way Aziraphale and Crowley gradually reveal themselves in confessions more naked than their bodies, in their desire to please one another in ways that augment, but are not strictly subject to, the sensual pleasure of the flesh is deeply engaging and soul-satisfying.
If you'd rather plunge into the fic that seared me with Aziraphale and Crowley's adjacent yet solitary pining, splintered me with mutually-recognized reciprocal angst (and Someone have mercy that I know that's a thing now), and finally made me actually cry when all hearts were mended (even mine), try this: these furious passions, these chances. It’s an exquisite agony and fierce, cathartic joy; a true paean to love and desire.
DRAWLIGHT | @drawlight | AO3 Good Omens top-level: drawlight
Start with the series Chiaroscuro, a kaleidoscope array of myth and legend and stories from time out of mind lived by two who would be lovers, would be loved, did they but know it. The tales take us from memory and starstuff, through living and revelations, to futures and syncretism; all of it suffused with light, light, light.
If Crowley's fears hurt, it is because I have held them, sliver-sharp and lying inside my own heart; when Crowley's rapture resounds, it is because each of us secretly knows the sound of blessed water falling on the desert — the echoes of love are built into our very fabric, waiting to reverberate. drawlight takes us through the moments, the tesserae of many colors with an intimate eye for hope, then shows us how the jangled tumble resolves into utter delight. It ends (though their story never really ends) as it begins (where all stories really begin) — in the stars.
FYRE | @amuseoffyre | AO3 Good Omens top-level: Fyre
Start with the series Crossing Paths, a sprawling, currently-41-chapter saunter Through the Ages with Aziraphale and Crowley. Each morsel of backstory is canon-compliant and richly evocative of its particular era, laced with enough detail to make this fellow history nerd’s heart soar (seriously, there are even endnotes giving specific context to the setting and pivotal flow of events).
But these are no dry ostraca, no cryptic, lifeless castoffs; these stories fairly shudder with the countervailing magnificence and wretchedness wrought by humans, each extreme alternately and seemingly arbitrarily condoned by Heaven and Hell. And this crucible of life on Earth refines something unexpected in the natures of both Aziraphale and Crowley — a tiny mustard seed of compassion that may have been intrinsic to their natures, but would never have come to fruition without being deliberately nurtured, sheltered, encouraged. It is something the other angels dismiss, and the other demons forswear. But over and over it draws these two incarnate immortals together, and the adversity that could have seared the heart right out of them instead makes them kind. And every bit of is in character. These stories made me cry and laugh and quail and hope and long for ever, ever more.
JESS THE RECKLESS | Twitter JessWhitecroft | AO3 Good Omens top-level: jessthereckless
Start with the series It's Not The End Of The World, Dear, a light-hearted romance exploring what happens when an ethereal and an occult being come together and have to navigate the supernatural repercussions of their involvement. The opening story picks up where canon left us, in a world saved and remade and spinning on. Aziraphale and Crowley work through what it means to be on their own side the way they do everything else, with snarky bickering and displacement activities and gravitating toward each other like two celestial bodies on close approach.
That delightful domestic fluff, with all its attendant joys and frustrations, gives us the opportunity to fall in love again with our pair of ineffable idiots even as they realize they’ve fallen in love with each other. There are picnics and portents, kisses and divine ecstasy, seduction and human pleasure. And so much outright hedonism, sexual exploration, and joyful fucking it feels positively sybaritic. Yet that’s not the end-all be-all here. Life is infinitely more interesting together, even as they tackle kitchen renovations and making dinner and assembling furniture. As Aziraphale quotes, Come live with me and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove… The series is an ongoing indulgence, with another update posted just today (Oct-3).
LAURA SHAPIRO | @laurashapiro-noreally | AO3 Good Omens top-level: laurashapiro
Start with the series Leaves of Grass and the not-to-be-missed follow-on stories in the same universe: Working Hard in Damp Places and As Time Goes By. This extended series is everything great sex (and stories about great sex) should be — playful, joyful, loving. Daring. Scorching. An utterly delightful mix of banter and banging, pleasure and emotion, exploration and re-discovery with excellent character voices and interactions. It's incredibly fucking sexy and emotionally satisfying.
And lavish attention to detail makes Aziraphale and Crowley shine through as genuinely supernatural beings sharing the joys of their flesh (and all the very human transcendence that can bring). But there’s so much more, too. Laura weaves the most glorious, fulfilled and fulfilling yearning through every part of these works, and it's breath-taking. It's not just the scope of years for these immortal characters, but the depth, the breadth, the texture of their longing that's so amazing. Those first, nearly invisible tendrils first introduced in nearly offhand ways as "they talked, and they argued, and they dined and drank" ineluctably gather and twine into a great ribald ribbons of longing running through the fabric of their relationship — fascinating and inextricable.
Enjoyment of the wicked wordplay and cackle-inducing snark is left as an exercise for the lucky reader.
DRAWLIGHT | @drawlight | Good Omens Art Collection on AO3: as beautiful to me as lightning
Start with the piece I’m never getting over: and there, where my head pushed backwards (Original Tumblr post) (Full image on AO3)
Shared breath, shared gaze, shared being. Desire and connection flow through every line, thrilling the senses and stirring the soul. We are gorgeously suspended in the moment with them and know, in drawlight’s words, this is only the first time, never the last. I get happily lost in their soft blush of discovery and joy.
The rest of the collection well repays the looking with sweet heat, tender gestures, and the dawnglow of genuine love.
GEMENNAIR | @gemennair | Redbubble Shop: gemennair
Start with the piece I’m never getting over: Forbidden Friendship (Original Tumblr post)
A glimpse of their first picnic, in Eden. There is absolutely luminous joy in every shaft of sunlight, each dappled fruit, every green-gold leaf. And, of course, in the faces of Aziraphale and Crowley. And there are secrets awaiting notice: lily of the valley, first sprung in Eden, a symbol of hope and return to happiness; the possible origin of Aziraphale’s love for pears; Crowley amiably sheltering under the angel’s wing again.
Everything is soft and nothing hurts and I treasure the time I get to spend there.
GINGER HAOLE | @gingerhaole | Tumblr art tag | Good Omens Art Collection on AO3: Polaroids | Etsy Shop: gingerhaole
Start with the piece I’m never getting over: [CW: This kink is not everyone’s cup of tea. You may wish to preview the SFW Tumblr snippet and description first.] Sounding (Original Tumblr post) (Full image on AO3)
Even the SFW snippet gives me a heartrush. The long, accepting lines of Crowley’s body, the way he’s opened himself entirely to the pleasure being given to him, giving over control even to the point of allowing his halo to manifest.
In the full set of Sounding images, the depth of well-worn affection and tenderness between Aziraphale and Crowley, their reciprocally earned and returned trust absolutely shines. Aziraphale’s Botticelli hands fascinate; his intense concentration captivates. The contrast of a fully clothed Aziraphel reverently pleasuring an enthusiastically nude Crowley is beyond delicious. And Crowley’s trembling compliance enchants; his erotic exaltation thrills.
And the various nonbinary, genderfluid representations in the rest of the explicit Polaroids collection feel as genuine as the mindful, existential bond between the ineffable lovers. The same goes for the non-explicit artwork featuring them on Ginger’s Tumblr, too. Exquisite.
JASMINE TWIL | @jasminetwil | Tumblr Good Omens art tag | Etsy Shop: JasmineTwil
Start with the piece I’m never getting over: The first comic adventure of Aardvark!Crowley and Aziraphale (Original Tumblr post)
Playful, snarky, delightful comic-style fanart. There are details that callback to canon (like Crowley’s particular relationship to houseplants and Aziraphale’s tartan bowtie and camelhair coat), and others that exist purely for the joy of them (like Crowley’s demon tattoo appearing on the aardvark’s fur, and the UPC code on the plant pot — seriously, read the last 3 digits…).
Never underestimate the power and worth of laughter.
KHIROPTERA | @khiroptera | Tumblr art tag
Start with the piece I’m never getting over: making sure Crowley has lovely dreams about whatever he likes best (Original Tumblr post)
This is so meltingly soft and tender, I get all misty every time I see it. The deepening crepuscular colors, the scattered twinkles from stars Crowley likely hung himself, the smitten smile curving Aziraphale’s lips, the tender blush of sleep on Crowley’s cheeks give the scene a wonderfully dreamlike quality. I particularly adore this reminder of Aziraphale’s first act of service for Crowley: offering comfort and shelter under the curving expanse of angelic wings. In canon, Crowley’s acts of service tend to be fairly dramatic, increasingly overt gestures impelled by accretion of yearning and dire circumstance, so this homage to Aziraphale’s comparatively understated offerings is particularly sweet.
All the pieces in her portfolio make me squee, every time I revisit them. Truly, every single time. In fact, I was so inspired by her adorable Ineffable Husbands in scarves in the snow (Original Tumblr post), I ended up writing a vignette of ineffable fluff about it.
Postscript to the authors and artists mentioned here: If you would rather I present different links or other information, or if I have in any way mischaracterized your work, please tell me, so I can make corrections. While my words come from a place of love, it would be no kindness for me to gloss over mistakes or cause any of you discomfort. Thank you all. ♥
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hopeshoodie · 4 years
I feel so bad letting this sit for so long, but better late than never I suppose! Thank you to literally everyone who tagged me in this. Literally every time I see these posts it makes me grin like an absolute dope at my phone. This is one of the best fandoms I’ve ever been in. I know I joke that I’m just sitting in my corner making garbage, so thank yall for making the room my corner is in so lovely.
So here’s a shoutout to the people who made my 2020 better. If I’m following you (from my main @hyperspacial because despite being on tumblr for nearly a decade I still hardly know how to run a sideblog) I 100% like you. I’m sorry if I forget to tag people :( Also this is about to be a long ass post- don’t feel obligated to reply or like or whatever just because you’re tagged :P
@garyandhisnan. I just…. I adore you. Highkey would walk to the ends of the earth if you asked. Your writing, your posts, everything is top notch (and you’re an awesome person to boot which like… shouldn’t be allowed). Thank you for letting me rant about American late-stage capitalism and all the other nonsense I flood your inbox with. If yall aren’t following them, go do it now.
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@ariendiel Why you would want to collaborate with me, ME, of all people? Still astounds me. I pinkie promise we’re gonna do it though, and it’s gonna be so good. I’m so excited. But seriously, your fics are some of the only ones that I can keep coming back to. Your writing is *chefs kiss* and your edits/moodboards are literally so pretty. I love your blog and I cherish you, you slut cheat.
@kiki-the-creator same brain saME BRAIN SAME BRAIN how do we have the exact same brain!? Your fics literally are the best thing this fandom has produced- I come up with these half baked concepts, you make them actually good, then I play dollhouse with them over and over again in my head forever :3 That Erikah fic? Literally every Marisol fic you write?? I love them. Also you’re highkey so funny and ugh. Te adoro.
@bubblelaureno you’re literally too good for me. For real. I’m sorry I’m so shitty about keeping up to date with fics and edits, you deserve way more than my shitty memory and my 2 second long attention span. Your blog is literally a beacon of positivity and it’s absurd how much I admire your drive and your analytical way of thinking. This fandom is so lucky to have you.
@codename-mango controversial yet brave opinion- your blog is the best LITG blog on tumblr. Your headcanons, your jokes, your route overviews? All immaculate. Even your reblogs are the best of what everyone else is posting. You’re the only reason I have notes, and I appreciate you sm.
@oneflewoverthecuckoos my comment to mango is controversial only because if not her, then your LITG sideblog for sure. For a ‘Lucas’ blog, the diversity of content and LIs you talk about is refreshing. I fucking love seeing people talk about non-LI characters.
@inthenewblood thank you for letting me bitch about the reddit oml it’s needed. Also having someone to be salty with? A new but not unwelcome experience lmfao
@noahssidechick you are literally so sweet oml I treasure our chats and the pictures of your dogs. You bring such a chill and earnest vibe to the fandom and ugh, I’m so glad to have you.
@fuseboxmusebox I feel like you’re so consistent in the fandom, like you were here when I first joined and you’ll be here after I inevitably lose interest and leave. Your reblogs are top notch, the takes are even topper notch, and it wouldn’t be a ‘litg blogs that made me happy’ list without you.
@crvsh-culture I will never not sing your praises. I love your blog, I love you perspective, I love your vibe. I consider you a friend even though we’ve talked like… once.
@radiantdae your artbreeder edits were the first thing in the fandom that left me genuinely astounded. Like holy shit they were so good. Kassam??? That was a REAL MAN. Obviously the stuff you post now is really good too and your blog is excellent. But tbh when I think of the LITG fandom, the first think I think of is your artbreeder pictures. Also your ‘filipino words that make me think of the islanders’. I still think of that often. 
@therealityofthematteris seeing you in my notes makes me smile every time. That’s basically all, just needed to say it lmao. Also if anyone has almost convinced me to start playing TWC, it’s you and Seliné.
@bellarxse my dash would be dry af without you. Same with TWC- I’m so tempted to play because of your posts (I have it downloaded on my phone but like…. I haven’t finished a single route in Arcana and starting a new thing is overwhelming). But also your prompts are one of the few things that makes me want to write lmfao.
@lahelakoh I feel like I’ve said it before but your posts SEND me oml. The tiktok references, the chaotic energy. Both the taste and the flavour is immaculate.
@kiwi-tai we haven’t talked that much but oml I love your content so much 15/10
@confused-inalltheways-human you’re literally so cool and I think about that Harry fic all the time. Am I ever gonna get around to writing it? Probably not. But it was such a good idea. Also thank you for lighting up my notification.
@oceanatydes you come here, you post literally spectacular content, and then you peace out like bruh I wish I had your mind. I adore your edits, but my favorites are your posts/headcanons.
@voile-de-lune your aesthetic is everything I aspire to be and your headcanons/edits are such a refreshing take on characters that we’ve all gotten so stale with. I still live for that Rahim moodboard you made. Also your headcanons are so fantastic.
@lasswithumor this fandom desperately needs more Carl stans, thank you for doing the lords work. Also I highkey stalk your blog on a regular basis jsjsjsjsjsjs every chat we’ve had has been lovely and ugh, you’re just lovely
@bobbysapron your vibes are literally so immaculate. I know it’s been awhile since we chatted but I highkey adore your content and ugh. You’re such a cool person.
@beebips I feel like you’ve vanished off my dash, but you made up for it with that 3rd chapter of The Other Side of Seventh Ave made up for it.
@nerdferatum I don’t think I’ve ever breathed a word in your direction but oml you’re so sweet and supportive and every time your posts cross my dash I *pleading emoji*
@mrsgaryrennell I’m still agog that we’re mutuals because like… You are so talented. It took me waaaayyy too long to get into Blue and Hazel but now that I have… It’s highkey better than the actual season skskskskss
@kingkassam Like the above, you are waaaayyy too cool to be following me sksksksk. I’ve still got a few edits you had ideas for in the pipeline, and highkey the Kassam icons you requested are my favorite edits I’ve ever made. I live for someone else playing Matchmaker.
@hermitclaw  hello?????? You’re so funny what the FUCK are you doing following me. Ik you don’t post that much anymore, but every LITG you grace us with is a knockout. It feels unreal when you reblog my stuff. Basically the same to @mchamster. Like you’re both so funny and have been in the fandom for so long that it fully feels like royalty whenever yall interact with me.
@ravenadottir I am fully unworthy to even mention your name but oml. Your guides are the only thing that help me retain information about the season, and your recent outfit edits? Oh my god they’re so good. Hope’s especially, with the brightly colored swimsuit, left me absolutely speechless. You’re just above everything in the fandom and I admire that so much. Plus you really don’t have to flex that hard in your fics, and yet-
@smaiihands saving the best for last because you are one of the single most talented people in this fandom. Your art is the strongest life support for the fandom and like I know we haven’t talked in awhile but you’re also such a dope person. So.
And a big shoutout to all the people I follow who I don’t talk to but have nothing but good vibes. I appreciate yall way more than I can articulate: @richhdesire @needsomesorrel @ficticiouspastry @cranesandshipyards @litg-ish @princesslove19060 @fictitiouspastery​  @icedcoffee-please @demons-dogs-and-puns @sparklydinosaurr @mountainmanxoxo  @diamondsdiary @bucket-bill@another-lottie-simp @bobbys-darling @cyn-onlyyou @mikcove @officialpapa-johns @Amaxn @dxncingthroughlife @myfictionalobsessions  @screw-u-vaanu @kittidot @chichiguitarist123 @myfictionalobsessions @Azibear @amelia-w @lilithlibrxa @litghoe @priyas-tiddies @daisybarks @ajs-wife
At this point this post is just a directory of the LITG fandom lmfao but genuinely. Thank every single one of you. 2020 was hard as shit, but I’ve been hyperfixated on LITG for like a year and I treasure your content sm.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Little Drummer Boy
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Katsuki Bakugo, Nejiro Hado
Requested By: Triton0501 (FanFiction) 
"Congratulations on your victory, Nejire!" 
"Kyaaa! Nejire-senpai, you looked so beautiful during the pageant!" 
"Look! Look! It's Nejire Hado! Isn't she so pretty?" 
Nejire tried not to let her ego inflate after several days of hearing nothing but compliments and squeals wherever she walked. Alas, it was difficult not to feel at least a little pleased with so much positive attention! With a serene smile gracing her face and her chin primly raised, Nejire basked in the praise as she strolled through the halls of U.A. High School. As usual, Mirio and Tamaki accompanied her. Typically, the three hero hopefuls would retire to their dormitory or take to the town, but this day was a bit of a deviation. The three of them were headed to Class 1-A's dormitory to visit the rescued orphan, Eri. 
Normally Mirio would jaunt off to visit the girl by himself, but as of late, Nejire had been accompanying him as well. Being such a young and impressionable lady, Eri deserved a female role model whom she could approach for issues she may not be comfortable discussing with Mr. Aizawa, Izuku Midoriya, or Mirio. Though still a long way from her turbulent teens, a little girl Eri's age still possessed a plethora of girls' issues, like crushes and identity and the pros and cons of princesses, that Nejire was more equipped to handle. The boys were at least very willing to dress up in pink tutus and cram around Eri's tiny tea table for a bit of play-pretend. Nejire's mind soon became absorbed by the adorable little girl, and she quite forgot about all the big hullabaloo until Tamaki spoke. 
"E-everyone seems quite taken with you ever since the pageant," he said with that quivering frown that Nejire found charmingly adorable. She laughed daintily and flipped her periwinkle hair over a shoulder. 
"Yes, it's quite lovely! Though, I do wish they would show as much appreciation for the other contestants. I won, but everyone is deserving of praise!" she smiled radiantly. Nejire wanted to avoid all the compliments from rushing to her head, of course, but that didn't mean her statement was fluff. All those who participated were brave for putting themselves out there. Thus, she made a point to say so every once in a while just to remind people. 
"Yep, yep. Very true," Mirio quipped as he scrolled through his social media feed. The blonde's favorite pastime was brushing up on the latest hero news; he and Izuku often spiraled into in-depth, enthusiastic discussions about various articles. Nejire thought it quite endearing. Mirio suddenly stopped walking, frowning at his phone screen. Nejire peeked over his shoulder to blatantly read it, finding that he was texting Mr. Aizawa. 
"Aw! They're gonna be late?" Nejire pouted. She had been very much looking forward to painting Eri's nails, but it seemed Aizawa was hung up in a board meeting. He often took the child with him to his office hours and meetings; she needed a change of environment now and again. She usually sat at his feet, coloring the cat-themed coloring book Denki Kaminari had bought him for a joke. Mirio and Nejire had burst into laughter when they'd learned he'd kept it, for how else could he pass it on to the small girl? 
"Yup," Mirio frowned and closed out of the conversation. Tamaki frowned and began to fidget. 
"Sh-should we go to our dorms and wait for them?"
"Nah," Mirio shrugged and resumed his leisurely pace. "We're nearly there, so we can just bug the first-years until they arrive!"
"Ooh! Ooh! I call Bakugo!" Nejire trilled and lunged forward into a sprint. The volatile boy had caught Nejire's eye when she viewed the playbacks of the first-years' Sports Festival, but her interest had truly been piqued during class 1-A's musical performance at the recent school showcase. Nejire was simply dying to converse with the boy, for he seemed like he would be so much fun to tease and coddle! Oh, she could imagine the blush alighting his scowling face already… 
Teehee! He's such a cutie! I bet he's got that big tough exterior but is a total softie inside! she thought giddily, sticking out the tip of her tongue as she hopped up the steps of the dormitory. She pushed the doorbell buzzer, holding it for a few seconds, before unabashedly throwing the front door open. "Hellooooooo, everyonnnnne~" she sang jubilantly and spun on her foot with a flourish. Twenty pairs of eyes peeked at her from the common room couches. 
"O-oh! Nejire!" Izuku finally squeaked and hopped up from his seat in the armchair. Mirio and Tamaki had finally caught up, and so Izuku's pine green eyebrows crept further up his forehead. "Oh! You're all here! Mr. Aizawa and Eri are hung up in a faculty meeting…" 
"We know!" Nejire smiled as she skipped over to the sofas, clasping her hands behind her back with a gleeful bounce of her body. "We were already here, though, so we thought we would check how our cutie-patooties are doing!" She giggled. Izuku flushed and fiddled with his fingers as he delved into anxious mumbles about training and grades. Mineta leaped from the couch to cling to her thigh, drooling, and Nejire discreetly flung him into the kitchen. No one seemed to react to his pained scream or the sound of several boxes tumbling on top of him. Beaming, Nejire raised her hands to press her fingertips together. "I was so very impressed with the concert you all put on! It was a smash hit!"
"Really? That's awesome!" The adorable little electric boy, Denki, grinned as he draped himself over the back of the couch. He nearly fainted when Nejire patted him cutely on the head. He was as much of a skirt-chaser as Mineta, but at least he had some sense of social etiquette and boundaries. 
"Mhmm!" Nejire nodded as she skirted the coffee table, blue eyes locked on a certain blond ignoring the conversation. With a disinterested frown, the boy tapped his phone screen repeatedly, obviously playing some sort of mobile game. "In fact, I was most impressed by your talented drummer!" She smiled. Katsuki's crimson eyes slowly drifted to her as she perched herself on the arm of the sofa closest to him. Daintily crossing her legs and resting her cheeks in her hands, she fluttered her eyelashes demurely. "I would be oh-so-honored if he could teach me how to play!"
Wearing a concerted frown, Tenya Iida leaned in to whisper in Mirio's ear, "Is she… flirting?"
"Nah. Nejire's just like that," the blonde shrugged nonchalantly. Then, a second later, he narrowed his eyes and frowned. "At least, I don't think she's trying to flirt," he added uncertainly. Katsuki continued to glare silently at Nejire, while she just stared brightly back. 
"Can I help you?" The ash-blond growled gruffly. 
"I said-" 
"I heard what you said, Tinkerbell," Katsuki snarled, dropping his phone into his lap and sitting up to bring his face close to hers. Nejire did not retreat from his boldness, only smiled wider. 
"If you heard me, then why'd you ask?" The corner of his mouth twitched, and she wasn't sure if he wanted to scowl or smirk. His red eyes traveled the planes of her face for a few brief seconds before he snorted seditiously and stood from the couch to start heading for his room. Nejire dourly pursed her lips, thinking him to be annoyed. She raised her eyebrows when he glowered over his shoulder at her. 
"Well? You comin' or not, Tinkerbell?"
Squealing with delight, Nejire hopped down from the couch and scampered after him. Her periwinkle hair swished behind her as she scuttled along, flashing Mirio and Tamaki a victorious wink as she passed them. The other first-years were in various stages of shock as they watched Katsuki lead Nejire upstairs. As she turned the corner of the landing, she heard Mina cry, "Pardon my French, but what the hell just happened?!" followed by Aoyama muttering, "That wasn't French." Nejire snickered and hopped up a few of the steps so that she walked in pace with the explosive blond. He clicked his tongue and glared at her out of his peripheral vision.
"What's that look for?" she inquired innocently.
"Enough of the cutesy act, Tinkerbell. What's your game?" Nejire blinked puzzledly. To be honest, she hadn't thought she would get this far; although flustering had been her initial motive, the new development certainly wasn't unwanted. Nejire loved to try new things, so her pleas to play the drums were honest. 
"There's no game!" she insisted with a serene smile. "I really was impressed by your skills and just want to try it out, that's all." Katsuki stared at her a moment, searching her face for a lie, but of course, he couldn't find one in her pretty visage. With a small tch, he stopped to push open a door with a sign that read, "Keep out or die!" 
"Whatever. Let's just get this over with." Trilling while she bundled past him, Nejire began messing with various things in his room. She found his All Might tee-shirt collection particularly cute. "Oi! Stop snoopin' in my closet and get over here!" He growled. She looked over her shoulder to find him hunched by the drum set in the corner of the room, pink-faced. He seemed equally embarrassed and irate, and it put an adorable little pout on his face. Obediently, Nejire dropped the tee-shirt she had been admiring to skip over. With pink cheeks, he gestured to the small stool seated among the large drums. "Well, go on." 
Nejire plopped down in the seat and picked up the sleek black drumsticks neatly laid over the set. She experimentally clacked them together a few times, remarking their thin yet sturdy structure. She then slammed one down on the cymbals, making Katsuki curse loudly and jump nearly a foot in the air. 
"I've always wanted to do that!" She beamed. The tapped the end of the drumstick lightly on one of the drums. The deep bass tune that followed made her eyes widen in admiration. "This is so cool!" she squealed and wriggled about on the seat. 
"You are remarkably easy to impress," Katsuki remarked with an amused smirk. "But come on, I said I was gonna show you how to play properly, so, shaddup and listen." His voice carried that hard edge that was notably Katsuki Bakugo, but it also possessed a soft undertone that hadn't been present before. Patiently, he instructed her through a simple beat, explaining to her when to push the pedals or strike the drums. She stumbled a few times, and though Katsuki would click his tongue and chastise her, it wasn't without a degree of amusement and affection. After some time, Nejire was able to play the tune with no guidance. She grinned animatedly as she drummed the sticks across the set to produce a joyful, energetic sound, finishing it off with a strike of the cymbals. 
"Ahaha! Look at me!" She squealed. Katsuki leaned against the wall beside her, arms crossed and smirking warmly. She whirled in the chair to smile brightly at him. "Thank you! It was enjoyable!" A pink haze rose to his cheeks, and he scratched at the stubby hairs at the base of his neck. 
"Not like I had much choice. You woulda relentlessly nagged me about it." The words seemed harsh, but the delivery cushioned the angry connotation with soft fondness. A smile tugged upwards on the corners of Katsuki's lips. I think he really enjoyed this too! she thought giddily and hopped up from the chair. 
"Yup! I sure would have." 
"Pushy, aren't'cha, Tinkerbell?" She smiled and pushed one of her cheeks inward with her index finger. 
"Yep! That's me, Little Drummer Boy!" Katsuki bristled at the ad-libbed nickname.
"Oi! Who're you callin' 'little'?" Nejire ignored his fuming to resume poking around his room, poring over his surprisingly articulate class notes and flipping through the channels on his radio-slash-alarm clock. Katsuki followed her around the room, scowling and loudly chastising her, but he made no physical move to stop her. It was only when she wriggled into one of his hoodies that he actually questioned her. "I showed you the drums, so why're you still here?" He whined while tugging on the hood of the jacket in an attempt to tease it off her shoulders. Nejire slid her arms out of it and darted to his desk, picking up a pencil and putting it atop her pursed lips like a mustache. 
"I'm trying to kill the boredom waiting for Eri, and you're very entertaining!" she explained while twisting the end of the pencil like a cheesy comic book villain. Katsuki scowled and plopped down on the edge of his bed. 
"Oh, that's nice. So I'm Tinkerbell's little toy, huh?" Nejire blinked and let the pencil fall to the floor, surprised by his tone of loathing and hurt. 
"No, of course not! You're my friend, right?" He stared up at her, taken aback. Nejire beamed and skipped over to throw herself down on the bed beside him. She laid on her stomach with her heels kicked up over her back. She plucked at some of the fuzzy fibers on his comforter. "I like you!" The bold and unabashed statement made his cheeks flush red. "I think you're interesting, so I want to get to know you. The perfect opportunity has presented itself, that's all." She rolled onto her side, holding up her head with a hand. "Teasing you is just part of the fun! <3"
"You're a diabolical woman," Katsuki snorted, but Nejire was relieved to see that the tension had melted from his shoulders, and that snarky smile was back on his face. The blue-haired girl giggled and stuck out her tongue playfully. She then whined loudly when he pinched the end of it between his thumb and forefinger. 
"Nnnh! Nnh! Le' go, Ka'suki! T'at feelth weird!" she protested, shaking her head back and forth a little. Katsuki laughed loudly and tugged on the pink organ.
"Ha! Not so fun when the tables are turned on you, huh?" he chided playfully. Nejire slapped at his biceps and shoulder with another keening whine. After another tug, he released her. She wiped away the drool that had pooled in the corner of her mouth. 
"You big meanie!"
"I'm only givin' ya a taste of your own medicine, Tinkerbell!" he shot back, grinning challengingly. His cry was muffled when Nejire grabbed his pillow and whacked him in the face with it. Hurriedly, she tried to scramble from the bed and flee, but he yanked her back by her ankle and made her belly-flop to the floor. She giggled piercingly when he lobbed the pillow at the back of her head. "You're a handful! How do those two put up with you?" 
"They find me charming and endearing!" She answered as she hugged the pillow and rolled onto her belly. Katsuki rolled his eyes and lounged back against his headboard with his hands behind his head, ignoring the sheets Nejire had tousled in her escape attempt. 
"You're like a toddler." 
"You're still putting up with me, though!" A blush rose to his cheeks, and he chittered his teeth, gaze sliding away from her. Still snuggling the pillow, Nejire jumped up and glanced at the clock on his bedside table. "I betcha Eri and Mr. Aizawa are here now!" She said and unceremoniously tossed the pillow at Katsuki. He caught it with a surprised look. "Can I come back again to learn more about the drums, Little Drummer Boy?"
"Uh, sure, but-" he began as she ran to his bedroom door to throw it open. She paused when he shouted at her to wait. Blinking, she stood in the threshold. He tossed the pillow aside and crawled off the bed to walk towards her. He hesitated for a moment, grimacing, before he reached up to gently tuck a piece of her periwinkle hair behind her ear. "... See ya around, Tinkerbell," he muttered in a small voice. His face burned red as he trained his gaze on his sneakers. 
"Teehee! See ya later!" she smiled and, on a whim, leaned in to peck him on the cheek. He sputtered a surprised obscenity and jerked back, pinwheeling his arms. He lost his balance and landed on his rump. His face burned the crimson color of his eyes, and he held his palm to the cheek she had kissed. "Toodles~" Nejire trilled jovially and flashed him a wink before skipping off down the hall. She hummed contentedly as she jaunted down the stairs; she was quite pleased with the way everything had turned out. Now, however, she was switching gears to big sister mode. She had come here to play with Eri, after all! 
Still, she thought with a coy smile and a glance up the steps, I definitely wouldn't mind coming back to see Bakugo again sometime soon! I knew he was a big ol' softie! 
She retrieved the bottle of nail polish she had tucked into her uniform pocket just as she rounded the stairs to see Eri running up to Izuku and Mirio. But first, very important business to attend to!
Sorry, Little Drummer Boy! You'll have to wait your turn!
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Tag List: @deliathedork​  @simplybakugou​ @sadistiks​ @wesparklebitch​
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kyogos · 4 years
kimi:) for the driver opinion
Raikkonen is a very underappreciated driver by fans. Maybe not by general audience or older fans, but I will say within the fandom and among newer fans
Going back to Ferrari in 2014 was a mistake in my opinion. Not because I don’t think he was good enough, but because he was better than just a number 2 driver. But lets go back to the start
He joined F1 with Sauber in 2001 after just 23 races in lower series. 23 races. He would never get a super licence these days, and he almost didn’t back then either. But when he tested for them, he was lapping half a second quicker than their regular driver (who’s name escapes me). Not bad for a very inexperienced driver. He finished his debut season 10th in the standings. not bad for a rookie in a Sauber
I think he was very unlucky to not win a title with McLaren, especially in 2005 - .12 podiums in 19 races. Or even 2003 - 10 podiums in 16 races. I will never forget Japan 2005 where he went from P17 to P1. Simply incredible and I think that really solidified him as a good racer for people. 
2007 was very overshadowed by Hamilton v Alonso and the spygate drama. But he genuinely had a very impressive season and fully deserved the title. 12 podiums, 6 wins. Even though he came 3rd in 2008 and no one remember his season, again he had 9 podiums. But (imho) by this point he was already being shuffled out the door by Ferrari (but thats for another time)
2009 was a very strange year and Ferrari were far from good, but Kimi still managed to get 5 podiums, including a race win. And then he just...left. And I was very sad. Similar to Alonso, he likes racing, regardless of what it is. He just isn’t necessarily good. He spent 2 years doing Rally and just living his best life.
And then 2012. Lotus. God it was like he had never been away. 7 podiums and a race win. In what was essentially a midfield car. Iconic. I think his time at lotus really proved he was a great driver to everyone who still had doubts; dragging that shitbox into points and podiums. (2013 was also a pretty good season; 8 podiums and a race win; until he had back surgery and missed the last 2 races)
And then we have the shit years at Ferrari. I’m not calling him shit, not at all. I’m calling Ferrari shit. Ferrari simply do not deserve rights. We’ll skip 2014 because that was just a shit show
Raikkonen was signed as a number 2 driver. Which is whatever, it happens even if I don’t always like it. But the way he was treated by the team was appalling. He was (and still is) their last World Champion and they treated him like a glorified traffic cone for an inferior driver. (Okay maybe that bit is my bias but he was treated like a traffic cone)
The fact he only got one win in those 5 years is appalling imo. He’s a world class racer, a natural talent, and only one win. And looking at that, it sounds like he’s just bad. But it’s not, because he could have won so many more races had he been treated at least close to fairly. And when he got pole at the teams home race, his team mate was less than graceful about it (Italy 2018). But he didn’t bitch about it (and continues to have nothing but praise for his ex team mate). The mans a true team player in a sport that doesn’t value it these days
I think his off track personality puts (newer) fans off, and because of these recent years being treated like a traffic cone and then driving in a midfield shitbox, people just don’t understand how good he is. 
He might not be a total great like Hamilton or Alonso. But he’s a solid, reliable talent. Its very rare he makes mistakes, even now at the ripe old age of 40 after 18 seasons. I wish more people would watch his older races in a good car when he was treated like a driver because I promise you, he is a talent. 
I will die mad about his lack of titles and the treatment he faced at Ferrari during both stints
tl;dr This man is a good driver, an extremely good driver and no one recognises this. He’s either the walking meme or “that guy with the bad attitude”. This is a Raikkonen appreciation blog
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themosleyreview · 4 years
The Mosley Review: Star Wars The Clone Wars : The Final Season
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For 6 years long years, all of us star wars fans; hardcore, die hard and casual alike, have been waiting for this day. The day that we could see the final season of one of the greatest pieces of storytelling ever created for the beloved universe. While George Lucas was finishing the third Prequel, "Revenge of the Sith" he had announced that he was going to make a 3D animated series based on The Clone Wars itself. This was the best decision he had ever made. Not only did he expand his world, he brought new depth to characters we knew and introduced us to new characters that we'll keep in our hearts until the end of time. He entrusted a team of designers, animators and one man to spear head his vision. That man was Dave Filoni and this man delivered the same amount of love and devotion to every episode that George had when he started it back in 1977. The story arcs have become legendary among the fandom and that has carried over to this final season. For the rest of this review I'm going to talk about all of the story arcs of the season and I will do my best to not spoil the most special moments. I still want to leave the surprises and emotional beats for the viewers who are trying to catch up.  
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The Clones themselves have become characters in their own right and have such a range of emotion and personality. You could easily tell them apart as soon as they spoke and The Bad Batch story arc illustrates this to the fullest. I had seen the raw animatics to the first part of this arc and it was amazing to see it all completed in the way you were meant to see it. Captain Rex, Sergeant Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshairs and Tech were all given life by one of the masters of voice acting, Dee Bradley Baker. Rex has always been my favorite clone, but Clone Force 99 are a close second. Dee's performance across the entire episode was truly magnificent and should be apart of a masterclass program. This arc will definitely be on my personal Top 10 of Clone Wars arcs.
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Not all story arcs are great, but they are still strong in quality. We do get the chance to catch up with Ahsoka Tano after what seems to be at least a year and she gets caught up in an all new adventure in her civilian life. The wonderful Ashley Eckstein returns as Ahsoka and she takes her on an even more heroic level as she helps her new friends. The Martez sisters, Trace and Rafa, were good for a time as they show Ahsoka how they are making a living. I found this arc refreshing, but not that great. It was at times cliche and aggravating with certain character decisions and sometimes felt like a step back from the forward moving speed of the show. There were some great lessons in the middle and towards the end and it does come to a satisfying end. It's a point A to point C story that has great moments of Ahsoka trying to keep her Jedi identity a secret and world building.
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The last arc of the series is where the meat of the story is presented and it was truly one of the most heart pounding, suspenseful, gripping and compelling stories ever told in the history of animation. I don't want to ruin anything, but the series goes down the path that it had always been leading us. The story finally runs parallel with Revenge of the Sith and even though you and I may know where everyone ends up after this show, you almost forget all of that as you’re entrenched in the drama and intensity of the situation. This is where all of the visuals, choreography, world design and character development comes full circle. It was truly breathtaking.  
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All of the performances from the main cast are on display and this was their best work. James Arnold Taylor and Matt Lanter as Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker deliver the same perfect chemistry that you've loved over the years. Sam Witwer returns once again as Maul and he has never been more sinister and perfect as the character. He brings to life the his strategic brilliance and evil resolve. I can't praise her enough and she rightfully deserves it. Ashley Eckstein has delivered a career defining performance as Ahsoka Tano. From the moment she appeared on screen as a teenage Padawan and to see her grow to the adult, was truly a privilege. In my opinion, she is hands down the best Jedi ever created in Star Wars history. The moments between her and Anakin were truly amazing and heartbreaking at the same time. Her physicality with her lightsabers was beyond impressive and even her hand to hand was amazing. Ahsoka's duel with Maul was a true highlight of the series, but the real magic is the depth of her friendship with Captain Rex. Dee Bradley Baker delivers his most heart shattering moments as Captain Rex when he’s with Ahsoka. We get to see Ahsoka go through Order 66 and it is truly the most pulse pounding and emotional moment I've ever seen in the universe. Ashley Eckstein will forever be one of the best actresses to ever grace the franchise with her talents and I thank her for the nonstop excellence of her performance.
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Kevin Kiner has been the series composer ever since the show started and this season features his best compositions ever. It was epic, somber and moving throughout. Since the great John Williams has retired from composing the Star Wars films, I believe Kevin Kiner is his rightful successor from now until his retirement. George Lucas created a world in which others could play, but only very few understood his vision. Dave Filoni studied and understood everything and you see his magnificent work in every frame. I just want to say thank you Dave Filoni for creating this masterpiece of a series and delivering the perfect and satisfying ending that we've all been waiting for. This show is not only great, it is a work of art. If you are in any form a Star Wars fan, this series is required viewing and will fill the void if you've ever felt it. It is all streaming on Disney+. I highly recommend you get started.  May the force be with you.
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overthinkingkdrama · 5 years
Can you explain to me what makes IU a good actress in your eyes? I like her but I’m also really trying to understand why everyone’s praising her to the skies after My Mister. My favorite performance from her is actually in Producers, where I thought she stole the show from the other leads. But Ji Eun in My Mister always just has this one same steely look, and in gifs of the show I feel this one-dimensionality becomes very obvious: I couldn’t tell if she was feeling angry, or sad, or numb, etc.
(Continuing from my last ask about IU’s acting): the same with Man Wol in HDL. She does all the right expressions, and they’re all quite convincing, but I never feel like they go beyond the surface. Maybe she’s just not good at micro-expressions and that’s what I’m having trouble with? I hope you don’t mind this ask. I’m not ratting on her because I genuinely enjoy her shows and especially loved her in Producers, but I am struggling to understand the sudden love for her acting post HDL.
(More on IU): compare her with someone like, say, Han Ye-ri, or Esom, or PMY, who all have these really expressive embodiments of their respective characters, and the difference becomes quite stark, I feel.
Let me start off by saying that I don’t pretend to have any expertise in the subject of acting. I both praise and criticize it as an amateur and a layman. I just know what works for me and what doesn’t work for me. So when you ask me this question, understand that for me the measure of what makes someone a good actor or a bad actor will always, by necessity, have an huge element of subjectivity to it. What is good or bad is going to be largely in the eye of the beholder. And so when I answer you it’s going to be on the basis of my subjective opinion and my experience following Lee Ji Eun’s acting consistently through 5 different projects since 2015.
That being said, there has been a dramatic turn around in the general fandom response to IU’s acting in the past two years, and that’s not by accident. She’s been involved in some high profile projects (My Mister, Persona, and most recently HDL) that have allowed her to showcase different aspects of her talent and demonstrate a distinct progression in her technical abilities and people are sitting up to take notice.
Three years ago I was interacting with posts on tumblr about her lead role in Scarlet Heart Ryeo, where both Knetz and English speaking drama fans were claiming that she was single-handedly ruining the show for them. That she only had one, saucer-eyed expression and that she wasn’t able to keep up with her more seasoned male costars.  Now that she’s in the fandom’s good graces they like to forget, but the vitriol (which female idols in general still frequently face, btw) was nearly constant at that time. I wholehearted disagreed with her critics then, and I disagree with them now.
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I had first become aware of IU while watching Producers, which was also the first drama I ever watched as it was airing in the days of Dramafever. I was completely enamored with her portrayal of Cindy and I, like you, thought she completely stole the show, despite coming into the drama as a fan of her costars. From then on, I’ve been a fan of her as an actor and I’ve enjoyed all of her subsequent projects to greater or lesser degrees.
My Mister was the turning point in her career.  I’m on the record on tumblr as saying that My Mister is my favorite Kdrama. Ji An is my tumblr icon. I’ve made my partiality no secret. And for me, the reason should be obvious. The drama was controversial but it was also a huge critical success, with a beloved, veteran director at the helm, and I think it made people change their preconceptions about her. If she is being praised for HDL, then I would credit My Mister as the reason. People went from dismissing her out of hand as another singer who made a mediocre actress, to hailing her as one of the best idol actors out there.
If you can’t see why, or you think her performance in that drama is “one-dimensional” then a reply from me is probably not going to convince you otherwise. However, I have to ask due to the way you’ve phrased the question about My Mister in particular: Have you actually watched the drama, or are you only familiar with it from social media and gifs? Because if it’s the later, I can see why you might have formed this opinion. My Mister is an incredibly restrained drama, and the characters in general but Ji An specifically, carry a lot of trauma and emotion beneath the surface and are very reluctant to give anything away lest they be viewed as weak by others. If it’s the former, and you have seen the drama, then I don’t know how you can say, in all sincerity, the performance is one-dimensional or that Ji An only has one expression.
Certainly, Ji An is a very “steely” character.  But that’s because she lives her life on a knife’s edge. When we meet her it’s like she’s already dead, living in despair, trapped in a situation that she can’t see a way out of and perhaps on some level she doesn’t thinks she deserves to escape from. She slowly, very slowly, comes back to life over the course of the drama. That’s is how she is written. I would go further and say that is probably how IU was directed to play her (an actor isn’t an island, the director has a lot of say too in what they show and what they don’t.) I think there are many shades of subtlety in the performance, which cannot be captured by facial expressions alone. They come down to the timbre of her voice, the way she moves and holds herself, etc. Many of which can’t be captured in a gif sets or in stills. However to say that those expressions are the only things IU gets to show in the drama is simply disingenuous.
She gets to show the hard edges of disgust, fear, self-loathing, and cruelty. She also gets to show vulnerability, heartbreak, softness and remorse. She has explosive scenes, she has wrenching scenes, she has quiet scenes of grief and of gratitude.
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(Couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for on tumblr so I grabbed these gifs off google images, credit to the gifmakers.)
I think she showcases them all. Maybe these emotions and they’re expression aren’t what you’re looking for in “good acting”. Perhaps there is another deficiency you are seeing that I’m not. Or maybe the way she shows these things isn’t loud enough, big enough or varied enough for your tastes. If that’s the case, then I don’t know what to tell you. Something about it isn’t striking a chord with you. It did for me. There’s really nothing I can do to change your mind.
However, I would venture to ask...did you have the same criticism for Lee Sun Kyun? His character is hardly so expressive that what you’ve said about Ji An couldn’t just as easily apply to Dong Hoon. I’ll go so far as to posit what you might be having a problem with in My Mister is the direction and not the acting.
As far as your critique on HDL that she “does all the right expressions, and they’re all quite convincing, but I never feel like they go beyond the surface” I’m not sure what to tell you. If she does all the right expressions AND they are convincing then how can you say they don’t beyond the surface? If they don’t go beyond the surface, then aren’t what you really saying is they aren’t convincing? At least to you? It could just be that you’re not connecting with her character for one reason or another, or maybe some of the idiosyncrasies of IU’s acting style just don’t connect with you. Maybe this is just a “different strokes for different folks” issue.
I, for one, do not enjoy Suzy’s acting. I think she’s perfectly serviceable as an actor, and she’s improved in recent projects. Even so, she never works for me especially in crying scenes. And kind of like with what you’ve said above, I think she makes the right expressions at the right times, but something about it rings false for me. And I’ve watched enough of her stuff at this point to be certain it wasn’t a one off.
But when it comes down to comparing one actor to another, or IU specifically to some of the actors you’ve mentioned, again I can only plead subjectivity. Different actors bring different strengths to their projects, and some projects require different things of their actors. I could sit here and dither with you about Han Ye Ri (who I think is the best out of the three you’ve mentioned above, and the most similar to IU in the characters she picks and how she plays them) and her different characters, but it would only be a wheel spinning exercise since we’re never going to have an exact one-to-one comparison between people.
To summarize, I believe you when you say you sent this ask in good faith. And I did my best to answer you, though I’m afraid you may not find my analysis very satisfying. This isn’t a subject I can approach with a lot of objectivity, because IU is one of my favorites and like I said, I’m just an amateur critic. If you’re noticing a lot of love and praise post HDL, I think it’s probably a result of the boost she got from My Mister and not as much because of her current drama on its own. Although I think she’s continuing to demonstrate that she knows what she’s doing and her turns in My Mister or Producers or Persona weren’t just a fluke.
Don’t feel like you have to like something just because other people are telling you it’s good. And don’t feel like you have to criticize something because it’s suddenly grown in popularity in a way you didn’t expect. Don’t take all of this too seriously, and try to enjoy yourself out there. That’s all any of us are trying to do, and I think it’s easy to lose sight of that.
Sorry for the long reply. Thank you for the ask.
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ahgapride98 · 6 years
The fourth post of the series ‘Memory Lane: Got7’ is dedicated to The Nation’s First Love, one of the best actors in the world (you can totally see how un-biased I am, right? 😂) and mother of Got7: Jinyoung!
Park Jinyoung (박 진영) was born in South Korea the 22nd of September, 1994. Known by the ahgase fandom as Jireongie, Pepi or Park Gae (Wang Gae Park Gae forever!), Park Jinyoung has been gracing us with his singing, dancing and acting skills since 2012.
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Born in a loving family, Jinyoung spent his childhood surrounded by the unconditional love of his parents and two older sisters. Even though we don’t have a lot of information about his childhood or pre-debut life, it is known that when he was young, he mostly played with dolls instead of other toys that are more “suited” for boys (this is thanks to his sisters 😊).
Also, we know that he graduated from Kyunggi High School, where he was the president of his class (we love a responsible boy). In a TV program, he said that he still stays in contact with his homeroom teacher, because she is the one who guided him to become who he is today (thank you very much Jinyoung’s homeroom teacher, ahgases own you a lot! 😭).
But he wasn’t just a responsible boy, he was also a really good person. Some time ago, a boy that went to the same high school as our Prince revealed that even though he was bullied and an outcast, Jinyoung would get his friends to sit and eat with him so he wouldn’t feel alone and left out. This boy said that he felt really thankful for what Jinyoung did, and that he was a really good hyung (it seems clear that our boy has had a heart of gold since he was young, no wonder why people love him so so so much 💛).
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Jinyoung once commented that since he was a child he wanted to be a singer but never did anything to achieve his goal, until one day his dad told him that he would not be anything in life. That hurt him so much that from then on he decided to prove his father wrong and show him that he could become whatever he wanted (his dad was a bit harsh, but his words surely served as motivation for our boy, so... thanks?).
So, our Jinyoung started to practice dancing and singing, and signed up for JYP’s Open Auditions in 2009 where he tied with JB for first place, officially making him a JYP Entertainment trainee. There, he trained for 2 years and 6 months before debuting.
However, while he was preparing for his idol debut, he appeared in a few dramas along with JB. He first made his acting debut in KBS2’s “Dream High 2”, and then appeared in the drama “When a Man Loves”.
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Finally, on the 20th May 2012, he made his debut as a member of the duo JJ Project (along with 🌴) with the song ‘Bounce’ (I can hear Yugy, JJ Project’s fan-club president, singing his heart out to this song, it was the bop of the century!).
What I didn’t mention before was that Jinyoung and JB have been friends since before being JYP trainees, making this one of the reasons why they decided to audition together for JYP Entertainment (my JJ Project feelings, they’re so cute! 😭). At the auditions, they attracted the attention of the public through their exceptional talent, and that’s why they debuted together.
Even though his stage name tight now is Jinyoung (thanks to his parents), I have to highlight that the reason why Jinyoung originally debuted under the stage name “Jr.” was because he shares his real name with JYP Entertainment’s founder, and therefore J.Y. Park himself wanted him to be a younger version of himself (I kinda prefer our boy to have his real name tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️).
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Jinyoung not only debuted as part of JJ Project back in 2012. On the 16th of January 2014, Pepi debuted along the rest of the members of Got7 with the song ‘Girls Girls Girls’ (I have to say that style wise, he didn’t look that bad, but the colored green eyeshadow was a bit to much for me 😂).
This was the continuation of his dream alongside JB (his longtime friend) and 5 new brothers who would become his “sons” over time, because he is known as the one who takes good care of them. Therefore, he is the mom of the group (our “mommy” Jinyoung has a rough life taking care of the kids).
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It’s been 7 years since his debut, and our Jinyoung is known as a super hard worker, not only for dancing and singing, but for acting. He starred in the web-series “Dream Knight” along with his fellow Got7 members in 2015 (confession time: I find the drama cringy to watch, but I love it so much I’m sure it’s become unhealthy). He acted in “My Love Eun-Dong” in 2015, where he got a huge amount of praise from the public, other drama directors and actors. He acted in “The Legend of the Blue Sea” in 2016, where -once again- he received tons of praises and offers form different directors. He acted in the JYP drama called “Magic School” in 2017 together with 2PMs Nichkhun and Park Yoon. And also, he acted in the movie “Snowflakes” (also known as “A Stray Goat”) in 2017, where he made his debut as a movie actor.
Currently he is filming his new drama called “He Is Psychometric” (2019) along with Shin Ye Eun (a really talented JYP actress, and gorgeous too 😊). This is the first time our Jinyoung has a leading role in a drama, and I seriously can’t wait for it to aired and be swept out of my socks and see my wig flying to South Korea.
But he has not only shown his talent in acting. He has become an amazing composer for the group, creating songs full of meaning and feelings like ‘Face’, ‘My Youth’ or ‘Thank You’ (you know, the ones that make you think and cry all at the same time, aka my fave songs 🤣). Jinyoung has said that he finds inspiration in ahgases’ love and his own life experiences, and I can only aspire to be half as talented as he is one day (probably that won’t happen, but at least I have him to be by my side🥰).
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Going back to JJ Project for a little bit now. After 5 years since their debut, these boys made a comeback in July 2017 with the song ‘Tomorrow, Today’ from the album ‘Verse 2’. You can definitely see how our Jinyoung has changed over the years, and how much he has matured. The songs he composed for the album are full of feelings and are relatable to everyone. He said that ‘Verse 2’ was meant to be an album that could help people going through a hard time to not feel alone, as they could easily relate to the lyrics of the songs (my honest un-biased opinion: THE ALBUM DESERVED A FUCKING GRAMMY!)
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In this 7 years he has achieved many things. He first debuted with his longtime friend JB (🌴) in JJ Project, then debuted again in Got7 and became the mom of the group (and somehow married JB, as he is the dad of our babies), acted in many dramas and finally starred in one, opened his Instagram after Got7’s first win, composed and wrote many songs for the group’s albums, went on a World Tour (he blew me a kiss in the Paris Concert, your girl almost dies right then and there!),etc.
It’s clear that he is a really talented person, and I’m so happy he debuted again with Got7. He truly is an essential part of the group (just like the rest of the members) and I can’t imagine a better mommy for the group.
Also, I have to apologize to all of you for being missing for such a long time, and not post as I planned to (this series would have been finished by now if I had sticked to my plan). I’m a college student, and for the past month or so I had to study for my finals (good news, I have passed all of them: YAY ME! 😊). But I’m back now, so I’ll keep posting for this series.
Another thing I wanted to add was that, if you are curious about my experience at the concert, I can make a separate post on it, and show my pictures and videos (I have a clip of Jackson dancing ‘Paradise’ in front of me that is pure gold), and also talk about how it was.
That being said, I love you all ahgases! I hope you have an amazing year! (I’m a bit late, I know... sorry 🌝).
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carlottastudios · 6 years
Can I just say it?
There are some really. Really. Fucking. FANTASTIC! People! On this site.
And I’m going to call out those I know right here right now.
Probably the first fellow Storm Hawker I actually chatted with on this site. And whom I swear I don’t talk to enough. In all of our interactions, you have been sweet and funny and just so nice! Please can we talk Storm Hawks sometime and scream together about how much we physically and psychologically need this show to return?
I already called you out in a recent post, friend, but I AIN’T FINISHED! I swear to the gods, you are, in my eyes, one of the most bombastic, awesome and badass fans out there! And now I just love talking to you so much! I am legit ecstatic that I got to connect with you again after, what, years of relative silence? Yeah, we knew each other on DA and we found each other again. Not just with Storm Hawks, but also Voltron and The Dragon Prince, and maybe more, who knows?! We share many interests, but we also have our differences (as our current chat here on Tumblr no doubt proves), and I just find that amazing. You’re a mother effin storm queen, my friend. And you make me so so happy.
YOU! You magical pixie of liking ALL OF MY POSTS?!?!!!! I know I’ve already thanked you before, but I’m going to do it again! Thank you! So very much! Don’t think for a second I don’t notice how your likes make up 80% of my activity page, AT LEAST. I’m shocked and touched and amazed that you keep up with my random-ass self so again, thank you!
Buddy. Fren. Bruh. KIT! You already know you are DA BEST! DA! BEST! I can’t say it enough!!! Your crazy matches my crazy and our daily chats on Discord never cease to fill me with joy!!! You are incredibly generous with your drawings and your time and your sheer enthusiasm, and you are one of the kindest and most wholesome people I’ve ever had the utter joy of meeting on this or any site. I can’t even remember how I managed to luck myself into our friendship, but I’m so goddamn happy the universe saw fit to bring us together. I swear if/when we meet IRL, your ribs are going to be in serious danger because I’m gonna hug the shit out of you and just-GODS! I can’t stress this enough! You’re oodles and oodles of wonderful and I’m so grateful to you for blessing me with your presence.
How such a clear genius and master of common sense and logic came to view my blog as worth their attention is beyond me. I take so much joy in reading your thoughts in your many, many, MANY posts. You inspire to want to think more and type more in my comments, though your seemingly endless energy almost exhausts me just watching my dash fill to the brim with your reblogs. I don’t think we’ve ever had the chance to talk at length, but regardless, I admire you a lot and respect you and think you’ve more than earned this callout.
Like Sunder, we haven’t known each other long. But it is still mind-boggling to me how we share SO MANY RWBY SHIPS! Like, it is SO uncanny! You’re very fun to talk to and I love your RWBY Husbands posts: they never fail to make me laugh or grin and they’re just a ray of sunshine! Keep doing what you’re doing, my friend! You’re doing it so well!!!
I swear to the gods, you. Yes, you! YOU are the flaming light that’s keeping the Storm Hawks fandom alive! At least on this site! I just-I just can never EVER get enough of you or your posts! You’re such a wonder and you just fill my little Storm Hawker heart with tons of joy and happiness and UGH! LET ME WALLOP-HUG YOU, ATMOSIAN SENPAI!!!
Again, we have not known each other long, fellow Hawker. And hopefully that will change!!! I’m always so happy to receive an ask from you and would be more than happy to chat Storm Hawks (or whatever other fandom we have in common) with you!!! Also, you too are a sugary-sweet magical glittery like pixie. Be proud of that fact.
A new member of the like-fairy army, hmm? Except it’s not just likes for you, isn’t it? Nah. YOU REBLOG MY S**T! AND YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY!!! THANK YOOOOUUUUUUU!!!
Another fellow Hawker I have recently began to call friend. I just-Thank you! Thank you for existing and being here and writing and having so many ideas and sharing them and blessing me and everyone with your lovely self! I’m sorry I don’t reply to you as often or as quickly as you deserve. Because you deserve to be showered in notes and praise of all sorts! Thank you so much!
We knew each other back on DA, and yet here we are, also on Tumblr! Also, I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I’ll be honest, I don’t even remember where and/or how our aquaintanceship (friendship?) started. But like a phoenix, it’s rising again from the ashes, and I’m so happy it is! You are legit hilarious and so very talented and I want to chat with you again!
Your majesty. Your ladyship. Your grace. QUEEN OF OZGLYN!!! I am legit blessed to have found you as an RP partner, and I lament only that we don’t speak nearly as often as I wish we did and that I no doubt strain your patience with my late late LATE LATE LAAAAATE replies. Of course I understand that you’re busy, and I absolutely will not try to force myself on you by trying to chat with you at inconvenient times, but just please know that you’re amazing and lovely and I’m so happy you are not only my favourite Glynda, but also one of my first ever friends in the OzGlyn niche of RWBY. And I’m so grateful. (And so ridiculously sorry for keeping you waiting in our thread DX)
There are more lovely, decent people I could call out, and who deserve to be called out, but my hand is getting really tired from typing, so I’m just going to tag some of you:
@ozcarpin, @tellme-professorozpin, @deeptrashfury, @ozpin-defense-squad, @ya-boi-aerrow, @luveus, @chuckles-the-jester
And to everyone who I tagged and to every decent person out there I haven’t tagged: I love you. I love you all so much! Thank you for putting up with this hellsite to grace it with your presence. Decent people like all of you really make the world a better place.
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audoldends · 6 years
This year was very hard for me personally but so many people here made me smile and laugh. You made it bearable and even great so here’s to you guys!
@sarah-yyy the first person I followed to tumblr after getting an AO3 way back in high school during my Les Mis days and someone who I’ve always thought was pretty great and now I know is pretty amazing. Thank you for giving me your time and effort and for continuing to grace us all with your lovely presence 💜
@sluttynewwiee for being my first mutual who wasn’t a friend irl. Your posts always make me smile and whenever I see your name my day always gets a little bit better 💜
@weilongfu for indulging my prompts and my eternal stalking of your blog. You’re a gift to all the fandoms you’re in and I’m so lucky to know even a little bit of you 💜
@fkyb my eternal enabler who, no matter how absurd, has always indulged my requests and constant comments. You are talented and amazing and I hope we continue to follow each other into fandom hell 💜
@florbexter my My Dream trash buddy simmering in confusion with me in this tiny fandom. You’re amazing and so very talented and I can’t wait to be confused again with you during My Dream Alpha 💜
@andwebegin the TinCan gif overlord who creates such lovely things for us all to enjoy. You are a wonderful remarkable person who deserves every bit of praise 💜
@randomingoftherandomness the person who has tolerated my absurd screaming on your fantastic stories. Thank you for indulging my eternal fangirling you lovely lovely human 💜
@bl-phillip for shouting about things with me and explaining all the nonsense I’m confused about. Your are my stellar senpai and you noticed me 💜
@earthpodd you’re a gift to fandom and I love all your heartfelt adoration of things. Thank you for introducing me to things to love all well 💜
I don’t know any of you particularly well but I just wanted you to know how absolutely fantastic I think you all are. You’ve made a difficult time easier to handle and made me feel less alone just by virtue of posting things that made me laugh when I didn’t think I could. I’m sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone but everyone in the fandoms I’ve joined this year have been instrumental in helping me through. I see you and I appreciate you 💜💜💜💜💜💜
Special shoutout to @dontdrinkthechocolatemilk for blowing up my notifications. I adore you 💜
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dearmyjimin · 7 years
Tumblr media
Hey guys, this is GRACE (dearmyjimin), your resident Jungkook and Jimin stan. My blog has just hit it’s first-year anniversary and I wanted to start a series of yearly follow forever posts that serve as both a personal compilation of some fav graphics of my own (so that I can track how much I’ve grown as a designer), as well as to thank everyone who has helped me in one way or another. Each and every creation was made possible because of all the support I received. I wish to thank those who follow and support me, my lovely mutuals and friends who encourage me and all the blogs I follow for decorating my dash with amazing content. I am proud to be an ARMY and to stan 7 Kings who are the sources of inspiration behind my creations ♡
my mutuals - bolded ♡ - personal message under the cut
# - F
@97x95  | @acaracahehe ♡ | @aishjimin | @apgujeon | @artofennun | @ask-bts-stuff | @ask-joonie | @bangtannoonas | @bang-tan | @baobwi | @beui | @beuits | @bloominflowers | @booptae | @bwibelle | @bwink ♡ | @bwipsul | @bwiyomi | @chimcheroo | @chimchams | @chimchins | @chimilkeu | @comeherejimin ♡ | @cowjimin | @cyyphr | @deartaetae | @exolutelyx​ ♡ | @fhawn | @forjimin
G - L 
@gotjhope​ | @hobuing​ | @hohbi​ | @hoseokxx​ | @inkcassette​ | @jeongguk​ | @jeonheart | @jeonify​ | @jeonity ♡​ | @jeonsshi​ | @jiminrolls​ | @jimiyoong​ ♡ | @jinthebunny​ | @jjilljj​​ | @jjks​​ | @jpgtae​ | @junghope​ |  | @j-helpless​ | @j-cypher​ ♡ |  @kimdaily​ ♡ | @ktaebwi​ ♡ | @kthish​ ♡ | @kths​ | @kkumri​ | @kookiebuff​
M - R
@nerdjoonie​ | @nikkmonoxyls​ | @noranb​ | @maengion​ | @mangaetteok​ | @maja-sinika​ | @meitiandokaixin​ ♡ | @mewchim​ ♡ | @minblush​ ♡​ | @minpuffs​ | @mintsugakookies​ | @mintear​ | @park-jimizzle​ ♡​ | @pawjimin​​
S - Z 
@seonmuriya | @sosjimin ♡ | @sunbaejin | @sunshine-hobi | @sevenkookiejars ♡ |  @sweaterpawsjimin ♡ | @taeguk ♡ | @taebokkii | @taenekiii | @taevisual | @thumino | @tttaehyung | @wonkkyun | @yeoongi | @yoohnseok ♡ | @yoonem | @yoongles | @yoonseok ♡ | @yoongsins ♡ | @yoonmin | @war-of-hormoan | @wonpei | @vmiin
Personal Messages ♡ 
@acaracahehe + @sevenkookiejars + @meitiandokaixin // my bitches whom I know irl. Thanks for recognizing and supporting my passion for gfx and art. If it weren’t for you guys, I would not have gotten my graphic tablet and would not have started drawing chibis. Thank you guys ♡.
@bwink​ // Arden, my love. I can’t really remember how we became friends, but I am really happy and thankful that I managed to befriend you. You’re really cool, sweet and I love talking to you about anything and everything. Thanks for listening to me freak out about taekook, and for sending me random tk updates when I was away on my trip♡ . 
@comeherejimin​ // Cassie, my love. You’re one of my closest tumblr friends and I’m really happy to know you. I think we’ve confided in each other about a lot of issues that graphic designers struggle with and we relate really well with each other. Tbh, I’m really proud of your work and cannot stress enough about how talented you are. I know it’s hard to not equate notes with success, but as what we’ve always discussed, your passion is more important than whether people reblog your posts or not. Also, I really appreciate how you keep encouraging me, no matter how busy you are. You’re a true friend and I wish I could reach out through the screen to hug you personally. But I can’t so I can only say thank you and ily bb, don’t ever stop believing in yourself ♡!
@exolutelyx // Samaly, my love. Our history dates back all the way when I was still ass-deep in the exo fandom. You are one of the closest friends that tumblr gave me and I’m still very thankful that we were able to meet up in Singapore. Thank you for believing in me, and for being a huge supporter of my fics. Back then when you told me how much you loved ‘A Heart’s Worth’, it comforted me and encouraged me to write better. Also, thank you for entrusting me with all your problems as like how I entrust you with mine. Come to Singapore again and let’s hang out ^^♡.
@jeonity // Aly, my dear. I really can’t remember how we became friends, but I am just really glad that we are. I really enjoy talking to you on tumblr, how we just randomly throw shit from WINGS tour, to taekook, to FMVs etc. Thanks for listening to me rant when shit happens and for understanding my end of the story unlike others. I love all your quality gifs, keep up the good work ♡.
@j-cypher // Alice, alice, alice. You’re possibly the earliest friend I made on tumblr. Back then when I first posted my ryan rapmon art and squealed at what you wrote in your tags, I couldn’t even believe that we managed to become friends. I’m really thankful for your beautiful presence, how kind you are and how genuine you are. Thank you for replying all my asks so sincerely. I remember waking up to such long replies and I just thought that I found a special flower whom I would really love to befriend. Thank you, also, for entrusting me with your problems and struggles in university. I hope whatever advice I offered helped, and that your university years will be full of nothing but joy and happiness. Thank you for supporting my art, even when no one else did. You’re really special to me and I don’t always say this, but I love you aliceu ♡ thank you bb, for all your support ♡. 
@jimiyoong​ // Doris, my love. You are one of the very first few blogs who followed me - a potato account that posts random gfxs from time to time. I cannot express how thankful I am, for all your support. With each reblog, you help my blog grow to what it is today. I’m glad to have a friend like you, whom I can scream about yoonmin or just talk about random shit. I’m also really grateful that you’d alert me about reposters on twitter. You didn’t need to do it, but you do and I just don’t know what I did to deserve you as a friend. You’re amazing bb ♡.
@kimdaily // Sabbie. You’re one of the coolest Armys I have come to know and I really look up to you as a role model. You’re really chic, cool and most importantly, kind. Thank you for helping me QC namjoon’s coloured scans. Without your help, I would not have gotten his skin colour right. Thank you, also, for using the edit I did for you on your blog’s anniversary. I was really surprised and was just really emo that you’d used it. Thank you ;~; You’re an amazing Namjoon stan and I hope you’ll get to meet him one day for coffee ^^ ♡.
@ktaebwi // Rin my dear, you’re my #1 passion-fruit-green-tea homie (yeah man)! I have a lot of things to thank you for, and the one I’m the most grateful for, was that time you helped me reblog a call-out post of this blogger who reuploaded my gfx without my permission. At that time, we weren’t mutuals and I was just surprised that you’d extend help to me (some random noobie potato plant). At that moment, the first thing that came to my mind was, “she’s so kind to help me, what did I do to deserve her help?” and that’s probably the reason why I love you, your blog and look up to you as a fellow ARMY. Thank you for your neverending patience when I scream about taekook (I tend to get carried away) and for recommending me so many lovely fics. I think you’re someone who’s really good with information, languages and the way you comprehend situations in a matured manner makes me proud to be your friend. Translating and doing gifs are hard, and you often meet cheaters and reposters, nonetheless, thank you for your hard work and the fandom is really lucky to have you ♡.
@kthish // Alex, my dear. You’re one of the sweetest, kindest, loveliest person I’ve ever come to know, do you know that? You’re really encouraging and you always send me such lovely praises for my gfx that leave me blushing and squirming all the way across the globe. Thank you love, for believing in me when I don’t believe in myself. I’m really thankful to have you as a friend and enjoy those little moments when you’d send me art, gifs etc on tumblr that just make my day brighter and happier. Thank you love, you deserve nothing but the best. Thank you for your HQ gifs and for sharing your talent with the fandom ♡.
@mewchim // Jenny, my love. idk if I have said this enough, but you’re really one of the best graphic designers I have ever come to know on tumblr. I always say this in my tags, that if you’d give me any section or corner or inch of your work, I can tell, right away, that it’s done by you. You have this amazing unique style that no one else can replicate. I get really blushie and emo whenever you reblog my stuff and add praises. You’re like a gfx designer role model to me and whenever you praise me, I get so happy my heart soars. Thank you, love, for all your support and your encouragement. I gain inspiration from your work and will never stop harping about how much I adore you and your designs. Keep up the good work. I will always support you ♡.
@minblush // Zuzu. I think I have a whole long list of things to thank you for, even if we don’t speak to each other frequently. When I first followed you, back when I wasn’t even dearmyjimin yet, I thought you are really admirable. You aren’t afraid to speak up about issues and be firm about opinions. That’s something that I can never do, and I find strength in the way you carry yourself as a jimin-stan, how you defend him better than anyone else can. Thank you for always speaking up about jimin stereotypes that aren’t true, for educating all of us even if some can’t take your words well. I get really upset when I see people argue with you, esp when they misunderstand you. Also, thank you for being with me throughout the time I had to deal with you-know-who reposting my jimin coloured scans on twitter + coming at me at full force. Thank you for giving me advice on how to deal with the situation and for listening to me. I ain’t lying when I said that I really look up to you and respect you. Thank you so much ;~; ♡.
@park-jimizzle // Steph, my love. You’re one of my favourite jimin blogs! I get really happy whenever I see your gifsets on my dash, and just marvel at how much time and effort you put into those gifsets. Thank you so much, for contributing to the fandom and for giving us such HQ gifs. Thank you for tagging me in all sorts of jimin and vmin posts, they make me really happy and they brighten up my day so much. I’m glad that I can talk to you about random stuff, from bts to just everyday life. Thank you for listening to me and for chatting with me. You’re amazing, bb ♡.
@sosjimin // Bia, my love. You’re really one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever known. You’re a living embodiment of a goddess. You’re gorgeous, pretty, kind, sweet, understanding and just really hilarious sometimes (yes, I read your tweets and wonder why am I your mutual) :D You’re amazing bb. Thank you for sharing your HQ gifsets with the fandom and for sending me words of encouragement. They mean a lot to me. You’re really easy to talk to and I know that I can scream at you about anything and everything. Thank you for loving Minjoon along with me♡. 
@sweaterpawsjimin // Whitney, my dear. The first time I started speaking to you, was last year, before the MAMA awards. Back then, I wasn’t even dearmyjimin yet, and i used to send you asks about my love for jimin, and you’d reply them so patiently. Thank you for answering them, and for listening to me gush about Jimin. My impression of you was just this selfless, patient and cool ARMY who was so damn good at making HQ gifs. Thank you for reaching out to me on twitter to talk about you-know-who reposting gifs and other people’s creations. I’m sorry that you have to deal with those people, and I’m actually really glad to see the watermarks you place on your gifs these days. Still, I’m glad for all the advice you offered me and thankful that you listened to me rant. I don’t know how we became friends, but I am glad that we did. Even if we don’t talk very often, I will support you and your blog, regardless of the direction that you wish to take. Thank you for being that amazing Jimin stan that I can look up to. Ily♡! 
@taeguk // Alicia, my love. You’re one of the sweetest girls i’ve come to know. Thank you for helping me with my taehyung and jungkook coloured scans. Without your help, I wouldn’t have been able to get their skin colours right. Also, thank you for listening to me rant when I complain about how heartbroken I get when people reupload my original creations. And you gave me a very important piece of advice that: reposters are everywhere, but what they can’t steal is the passion I hold for creating. That really kicked some sense into me and even if I get really sour about people resposting my stuff, I try to remember what you said and push myself to focus on the moment and ignore everything else that is weighing me down. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you gave me. With every reblog you made, you helped my blog grow and I’m immensely grateful for that. Thank you bb. Ily ♡.
@yoohnseok // Corey, my love. I don’t know what I did in my past life to get you as a friend, but I’m really glad that I did. You’re really one of the most approachable, loveliest ARMYs I have come to know. You take whatever shit I have, and reply my texts with all your positivity. I can’t ever forget our first kakaotalk call. I felt so flustered speaking to you, from across the globe and just can’t believe that it’s you whom I was talking to. I really love your passion for graphic designing and I remember scrolling through your gfx tag and just marvelling at your creations. Keep up the good work Corey♡. ily! 
@yoonseok // Kat, my dear. I think I can never forget the day that I plucked up the courage to speak to you. Back then when you were still syubprince and I was 95zlinez, I remember sending you a message and asking if you could do me a favour to delete what you reblogged and to reblog my edited version (cause I made some dumb error in my edit). What struck me the most was that you kindly extended the favour and even added that you liked my graphic. I think when I read your message, I had a mini mental breakdown because I looked up to you a lot (still do) and was so jittery because someone whom I respected a lot told me she liked my graphic. It was an amazing experience that I cannot forget. You were also one of the blogs that helped me grow as a designer/ artist and I cannot express how thankful I am. I don’t think I could have gotten where I am now, if you weren’t there to support me in the first place. Thank you so much♡.
@yoongsins // Jess, my love. Personally, you’re the best graphic designer that I’ve come to know. I think I’ve told you many times before, back then when I wasn’t dearmyjimin yet. Even until now, I mean every word I say, that you’re a source of inspiration to me. I’d go through your graphics tag and just be in awe with the way you design, how you challenge new styles and new perspectives. It’s something really admirable, something that I can’t ever do, and that’s the reason why I look up to you a lot. The fandom is really lucky to have you, not only for your lovely creations, but the way you inject positivity and hope in your replies. You’re also one of the earliest blogs that helped me grow as a designer. If it weren’t for your support, I doubt I could have made it this far. Thank you so much♡. 
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How to be Hated by An RP Community: A Guide for Assholes by an Asshole
Do you RP?
Do you hate being ignored when facing the slightest bit of emotional distress?
Do you enjoy having people notice your characters but hate the pesky effort of treating your peers like actual people?
Congratulations, dear reader! You’ve taken the first step in becoming despised by every roleplayer you come into contact with! This truly is a thrilling and triumphant chapter you’re stepping into. Why there are many perks to being your grade A RPing asshole, which include crippling self esteem, isolation, depression, damaged eating/sleeping habits, decreased work quality, lower grades, loss of contact with loved ones, and even permanent emotional trauma! For some of us, this all comes naturally. However, some wide eyed newcomer walking into the RP community might not understand the basics of becoming a massive thorn on everyone’s side.
With just five easy steps, you too can become the grade A asshole your mother spent hours in labor forcing out of a narrow vulva while sobbing in sheer agony.
1.) Rules? About page? Headcanons? All those go out the door! You see, reader, nothing gives an RPer the middle finger quite like ignoring someone’s painstaking efforts in creating a character identity that is unique to their own designs while also maintaining the integrity of the original story. Yeah, their characterization is okay I guess. But you? You’ve got this in the bag, even if you gotta remind them by breaking their rules and head canons and forcing your ideas down their throats. What if they ignore you, you ask? Simple! Look into your dictionary of controversial buzzwords and slap them on their name. Because nothing say asshole quite like using serious issues that affect hundreds of thousands of people across the globe when something doesn’t go your way.
2.) Break boundaries like a real hero! When we were all little, we were told that life has no boundaries. All boundaries set up by the man are meant to be broken. All of them. Every single one. And all can be shattered with ease if you put your hands in your ears and scream “LALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU” loud enough. A little known secret about being a true RPer is that when we sign up, we actually make a blood oath to hell beasts for our page layout, icons, and writing skills. And in return we are expected to post a minimum of fifteen replies a day in order to appease to our overlords. RPers are expected to always stay in character and respond to your posts even during their most distressing times of their lives. School? Work? Family emergency? Their cherished pet died? PSH! Once you stubbed your toe against the nightstand and only cried for fifteen minutes. So go ahead, send in all those messages asking why they haven’t RPed all day despite posting memes or other content on their blog. When in doubt, just remember all boundaries are meant to be broken, including personal.
3.) It’s all a popularity contest! What’s that? You think that people RP for fun and to interact with new people? Yeah sure kid, you tell yourself that. The first step to building your RP account isn’t creating an interesting character. That’s too much time and work. Instead, latch onto the most popular RPer you know and leech off their overall minor online accomplishment. Send them uncomfortable messages, invade their personal space, raid all their RP threads without permission, make logging onto their account a living hell. The world must know you two are the closest and bestest of friends even if you can’t remember their last name or birthday. 
But what’s that? You think that’s too much time and emotional investment? That’s okay! You can easily build a blog of your own by simply “borrowing�� ideas from other blogs. This can include art, headcanons, faceplates, writing, music and any other original work painstakingly made by the talented hands of other RPers you tried to manipulate. The best part is, you don’t even have to ask. Remember, ignorance is bliss, and nobody can accuse you of plagiarism if you just didn’t know any better and the RPer is unaware! After all, you deserve those followers, and nothing is more important than what you want in life. Besides, if all these guys have so many followers on their blog, then they clearly have enough emotional support and security. They can share!
4.) OCs? More like no see! Everyone knows that OCs are all just lazy self insert smut dolls. That’s right, you sinful harlots. That character you spent months developing into your own personal creation was all a ruse to disguise your disgusting lustful tendencies. How dare you write a character of your own imagination and use them however you please. But that’s not even the worst part, reader. Did you know if you interact with an OC blog, you’re doomed to fade into obscurity? Nobody wants fresh ideas or something new and interesting, and that’s not going on your blog ever. The more you interact with fan characters, the less people will follow your stories and read your RPs. And nothing is more important than pleasing the mainstream audience. OCs are essentially the herpes of any RPing community, so be sure to toss them in the trash as you kick them off. Don’t ever let them down easy and give them time to become their own interesting part of a massive universe. After all, this massive and complex world they originate in clearly has enough people to count on your hands. Give that stupid Mary Sue what they deserve! 
5.) When in doubt, bullshit your way out. The world is sad and harsh and truth is scary. Too scary, in fact. Hearing the truth makes other people sad. That’s why you should do everything in your power to lie. It’s not that you don’t respect the intelligence or emotional well being of everyone around you. You’re just doing the right thing by creating an ideal place for all your followers and peers. The truth is just too big and scary. Remember step three. Ignorance is bliss. Are you under 18 but want to smut? Lie about your age. Sure it may run the risk of throwing an innocent person in jail, but smut of your OTP is just so hard to come by these days and dad just installed parental controls on your laptop. Do you hate another RPer and have an insatiable jealousy that can’t be satisfied? Post fake chat logs or flat out antagonize them publicly. Don’t forget to give your followers a link to their account so they can harass them. It’s not your fault, all of that could have been avoided if they just did what you asked. But most importantly, lie to yourself. Create a persona instead of being honest with both yourself and the people who want to look up to your work. Remember, you are flawless and can do no wrong. If you ever make a mistake, never forget the other side provoked it and only got what they deserve. You never need to improve by listening to criticism or learning from people who are more experienced than you. If you tell yourself you’re flawless enough, everyone will believe you, including yourself.
Good job reader! Now that you’ve thoroughly followed all the advice listed here, you’re well on your way to becoming the subject of other people’s bitter conversations. RPers will run from you and you will find yourself slowly but surely fade away until the only thing left is a broken ego and soiled reputation.
“But Clara! I don’t want to be hated. I want my blog to be loved. How do I get people to love me?”
The secret to being loved is that there is no secret. People don’t run on a formula. Some people will love you while others will hate your guts for no real reason. Some are open, others are a bit more isolated. Some prefer rping with their friends while others are willing to share different ideas. Bottom line, people are complicated and not everyone is going to be your best friend. 
Read the rules/about page and any headcanons. Try to follow their rules as best as you can. If you make a mistake, offer an immediate apology. Be polite and courteous even to the smallest of strangers. If you see something on an RP blog you like, ask someone for advice on how to improve or permission to borrow any content. Accept a yes or no with grace instead of anger. But the most important step is communication. Ask for help. Ask for advice. Ask if they want to RP or what kind of things they’d like to do together. Share your ideas and listen to what the other has to say. Offer praise when you see something you like. Give a get well message to someone when they post they are feeling under the weather. Hell even give characters a random question to answer every once in a while. It isn’t just their blog, but your own too. Make your pages easy to access. Write an about page that’s easy to understand (for god’s sake stop writing riddles that raise more questions than answers as an about page). Introduce your character like people don’t know who they are. Maybe they’re not part of the fandom. Maybe they want to know how you portray your character. Be sure to be open for any suggestions and ideas, and people will find you far easier to approach.
You don’t have to be friends or very close, but you can still interact while keeping friendly conversation. Many RPers don’t mind receiving personal messages, and chances are they’re just as shy as you are. Instead of comparing differences and trying to find the superior, learn to work with them. RPing is about two people writing for fun in the end. When you find a mutual and positive relationship with someone and their character, everything else falls into place.
“But I still don’t get many asks or followers. What can I do to fix that?”
I wouldn’t know. People also tend to follow what they think is good. That’s something I’ve learned working in restaurants for over seven years. If you feel you’re short on contact, it could be a wake up call to try and revamp things to make something new and improved. Don’t be afraid to take the risk. Sometimes it also depends on what the content being put out is. My best friend has over 2000 followers on her RP blog, but she also posts very well done art she made on a regular basis. Not only that but her characters and ideas never cease to blow me away. Naturally people are gonna wanna see more original art and comics than random drabble writing like me. None the less, I’m always proud of her whenever she does something people love. People see all the hard work she puts into everything she posts, and that’s why she gets attention. She and I follow the same rule and we’re both happy RPers as a result: Write what you want to read and people will follow.
“How can I even tell if I’m a good RPer when I don’t have enough followers or messages?”
By saying this you say two things to everyone reading your posts. First, you treat everyone who follows you, all those RPers who worked just as hard, if not harder, than you to make their character interesting as nothing more than a number in a counter. You don’t respect their independence or their efforts and only appreciate their follows. 
Second, and even worse, all those people who sent you asks? Who read your content? Who log on and get excited to see your posts? Not only do you completely disregard all the time and effort put into keeping up with your hard work, but you completely dismiss all the support they offered you every step of the way and made their painstakingly made responses entirely worthless. 
When you judge yourself over follower count, you turn your back on both acquaintances and loyal RPers/followers. Frankly, if you’re only RPing to become mildly popular no matter what it takes, you don’t deserve either of them.
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erandir · 8 years
Fic: Parlor Tricks
A little something for Dorianmance Week. It’s not particularly fluffy or romantic, but then very little with Idhren and Dorian ever is. 
Special thanks to @timothytheplant for beta reading and letting me throw ideas at them when I got stuck.
Title: Parlor Tricks Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition Pairing: Dorian/Lavellan Summary: Skyhold has become home to a handful of abandoned mage children. The Inquisitor may secretly want to adopt all of them.
Essentially a deleted scene from Semper ad Meliora
More and more people arrived to Skyhold by the day. All manner of people. Farmers, craftsmen, soldiers, servants, merchants, templars, nobility, mages. A lot of mages. And children.
Mage children. Human and elf alike, some only waist high, made homeless by the dissolution of the Circles and with no choice but to fall in with the rebels. There had been children in Haven, too, though not many. That fact alone had tempted Idhren to turn them all away at the gates. This was a fortress in the midst of war, where they were liable to be attacked by an archdemon at any moment. But where else could they go? With no Circles or schools to harbor them, Skyhold was the safest place for a stray mage child.
So Idhren set aside a section of Skyhold for the mages to call their own, a tower and the adjacent wing of rooms, and made its reconstruction a priority. By the time construction was finished Skyhold was home to roughly two dozen teens and younger children from Circles in Ferelden and Orlais, and a couple from the Free Marches. He asked Vivienne and Fiona to help oversee their schooling, along with some of the other mages in residence. Idhren himself had neither the experience nor the time to do so himself, but he did find himself visiting the mage’s tower whenever he had a spare moment. To see that everything was running smoothly.
And if he interrupted lessons on rare occasions it was only because he wanted to make sure they were getting a quality education and not a Chantry brainwashing. And if those occasional interruptions usually ended with him sitting on the roof of that tower with a gaggle of students demonstrating parlor tricks it was only because they could never seem to focus on real work with the Inquisitor standing in the background. And parlor tricks were a perfectly good way to practice control. Idhren would know.
They clamored for his attention, frequently talking over each other in their eagerness to show off how their skills had improved since his last visit.
“Your worship, look look,” the youngest of the children was a human girl only nine years old, the same age Idhren had been when his own magic manifested. She thrust her hands out toward Idhren. “I made a snowball!”
What the girl held in her outstretched palms was a roughly spherical lump of slush, ice and snow all lumped together. “You did,” Idhren replied, and then because snowfall the night before had dusted the wall tops with snow he added, “With your magic?”
The girl answered with a vigorous nod, “I practiced to show you.”
Idhren smiled. “Well it’s very good,” he praised. “I can see you’ve been working hard.” The girl beamed under the praise. “And if you keep practicing, then eventually you can make something like this…” Idhren cupped his hands together and channeled his mana into his hands, drawing on the water vapor in the air and freezing it. With a small flourish he revealed a perfect sphere of ice the size of a large marble cupped in the palm of his hand. The sphere glittered in the dull winter sunlight as he handed it over to the young girl, who could do nothing but gape in amazement.
“But look what I can do!” another interrupted – a boy of twelve or thirteen years, if Idhren had to guess. He thrust his hand out toward Idhren and called up a small wisp of fire between his fingers, no larger than a candle flame. His face screwed up in concentration, brows furrowed and lips pursed. The flame flickered and grew, wavered and attempted to pull itself into a shape, then abruptly exploded, emitting a cloud of smoke directly into the boy’s face, and the faces of those nearest him.
Cries of alarm and complaint went up immediately. There was a smattering of coughing, some genuine and some overly dramatic. Idhren waved the smoke out of his face and laughed lightly, “Alright, alright, calm down. Nobody’s hurt, right?” As the air cleared he saw the boy who had cast the spell, a little ashy around the edges but unharmed. Wounded pride, maybe. Idhren knew that feeling, he couldn’t count the number of times he’d accidentally exploded something in his youth. “Now you see why we need to be very careful when working on primal magic,” he said, hypocritical though it was. “Even a simple spell can be dangerous if you lose control of it.”
“I was concentrating, though,” the boy complained.
“Maybe you just need a bit more practice, then,” Idhren suggested. “You’ll get it eventually.”
Before Idhren could offer any more tips, or watch any more tricks, the trapdoor leading back down into the tower creaked open and slammed back onto the wooden roof. The sound drew everyone’s attention and Idhren looked over the heads of the children seated around him. He expected to see one of the children’s instructors come out to call them back in to their lessons, so when Dorian appeared instead he was quite surprised.
The man quickly took in the scene before his gaze landed on Idhren. “Why am I not at all surprised to find you causing all this ruckus?” he commented.
The backfiring spell had been rather loud, but that was hardly Idhren’s fault. “Lord Pavus has seen fit to grace us with his presence,” he said blithely, drawing a few shy giggles from the children. “What managed to draw you out of the library?”
“I came to borrow some research materials,” Dorian answered, climbing out onto the roof. “Only to find you’ve sent everyone downstairs into a tizzy with your antics. What are we doing up here, then? Teaching everyone dangerous, forbidden Tevinter magics?”
“Hardly,” Idhren said, rolling his eyes, “We’re comparing parlor tricks. But, I suppose we’ve been long enough for one day. You lot should head back inside.” There was a lot of muted grumbling and complaints, but the kids did pick themselves up and begin filing back down the ladder into the tower. “Keep working on that trick,” Idhren said to the boy before he could leave, “Maybe you can show me next time.”
That made him perk up immediately. “I’ll get it,” the boy promised, full of determination and youthful enthusiasm, “And it’ll be amazing.”
“I’m sure it will be,” Idhren agreed. He watched the last of the students filed back into the tower and rose to his feet, carefully dusting off his pants.
“Teaching parlor tricks to children? Really?” Dorian asked when the last of them had disappeared, though they had left the trapdoor wide open.
“Is there something wrong with that?” Idhren asked, perhaps a bit defensively. “It’s a good way for them to practice finite control while making it entertaining enough that they actually practice. It worked for me, after all.”
“I suppose it did,” Dorian admitted, shrugging one shoulder. “Perhaps I’m merely surprised that you would bother to take an interest in their education at all. Beyond ensuring they have one, that is.”
Idhren frowned. “Why does that surprise you?” he asked. Why shouldn’t he take an interest? The children needed someone to encourage their talents, and someone to look up to while so much of the world still vilified their existence.
“I don’t know,” Dorian mused thoughtfully, “Perhaps because you seem to have so little interest in anyone else around here.”
“That’s not true,” Idhren protested. “I spend a lot of time with people when we’re here. We’re just not here very often. And I have an Inquisition to run.” Which left little time for socializing, but Idhren did try to check in on his people when his schedule allowed it.
“I’m sorry, I must have phrased that wrong,” Dorian replied. “I meant you have little interest in going out of your way to be nice to anyone.”
“Most people don’t deserve it,” Idhren quipped.
“Indeed,” Dorian agreed. “And yet you let those children live here – a questionable decision at best, but I understand your reasons – gave them this very nice tower, saw that they have proper teachers. You could have left it at that.”
“I could have,” Idhren allowed. “But those children are here because their families cast them out and there were no Circles left to take them in. They deserve better than to be shoved into a corner and forgotten about.”
Dorian’s lips quirked into a tiny amused smile. “Don’t tell me you’ve secretly been a bleeding heart all this time.”
Idhren let out a disgusted scoff and crossed his arms over his chest. “I realize you get off on pretending to be a vain, heartless asshole all the time,” he groused, “But there’s nothing wrong with feeling sympathy. They need someone to look up to.”
“And you so humbly stepped into the roll,” Dorian quipped.
Idhren scowled at him. “Are you being purposely obtuse?” he asked. And when Dorian only looked mildly confused by the accusation, he rolled his eyes and explained. “When I was their age I was a slave. The only person I had to look up to was another slave, my greatest aspiration to do a magister’s taxes.” He watched as the smile slipped off Dorian’s face, but didn’t stop there. “Do you think those kids haven’t grown up hearing about the dangers of magic and mages? Especially after Kirkwall and the rebellion? The same way I grew up hearing how worthless elves were?”
“I… never thought of it that way,” Dorian was forced to admit, more than a little sheepish.
“No, you never do,” Idhren complained. “It would require coming down from your ivory tower long enough to hold an actual conversation with a commoner.”
Dorian glanced across the fortress to the tower that housed the library - his usual haunt. “That tower is hardly ivory,” he commented. “And if that’s one of the renovations you have planned I’m going to have to protest. It would be terribly gauche, and clash with the rest of the architecture.”
“Oh, you know what I mean,” Idhren sighed.
“I do,” Dorian sobered, albeit reluctantly. “You so delight in pointing out all of my shortcomings.”
“Someone has to,” Idhren told him, quirking a small smile of his own now. “Your ego is bad enough as it is.”
“It’s a wonder I put up with you at all,” Dorian complained.
“I could say the same,” Idhren replied. “But you’re avoiding the subject.”
“Am I?” Dorian asked. Idhren couldn’t tell whether the ignorance was feigned or not, though he suspected it was. “What was the point, exactly? I thought I was merely teasing you for being a bleeding heart.”
“I am not a bleeding heart,” Idhren protested a little too strongly for it to be believed. “I just like children.”
Something about the words, or maybe the way he’d said them, made Dorian pause. A brief flicker of surprise, then terror, crossed his face before he managed to school his expression once more. “I had no idea,” he commented. “Is that… something you want? Children, I mean. Of your own.”
Idhren sighed, agitation bleeding away, and turned to look out at the surrounding mountains. “I don’t know,” he muttered. “I never had much of a childhood myself. Or a family. Anyone to look out for me. I just want them to have a better go of it than I had. Is that so wrong?”
“No,” Dorian replied. And for once he sounded sincere. Maybe Idhren’s words had gotten through that thick skull after all. “Not at all.”
“Now’s hardly the best time to be thinking about starting a family anyway,” Idhren continued. He gestured out toward the green scar in the distant sky, a constant reminder of what they had been through and what they were still fighting against. “The world is ending.”
“True,” Dorian agreed. He stepped up to to the edge of the roof beside where Idhren was standing, hip propped against the battlement and staring out into the distance.
“Tainan wanted kids,” Idhren commented, quiet and only half-conscious of saying it aloud. “Even offered to steal one from a city for us.”
Dorian barked a short laugh, “And you Dalish wonder where all those horrid rumors come from.”
“Do you?” Idhren asked before he could think better of it, turning his face up toward Dorian. “Want children?”
The silence that followed was long and decidedly uncomfortable. “It’s not something I’ve ever given any thought,” Dorian said eventually. “At least, not without the context of a horrid loveless marriage to a woman I can barely stand, which makes everything look terrible by proxy.” Idhren could only imagine, and nodded his understanding. “Get back to me when the world is no longer ending. If we live that long.”
Unable to help himself, Idhren smiled. “I can do that,” he promised. Rising up onto his toes he pressed a kiss to Dorian’s cheek, barely catching the corner of his mouth. “Maybe spending some time with the students would help make your decision,” he suggested with a smirk. “I’m sure they’d love to learn something from a rebel magister.”
“Oh, for--,” Dorian cut himself off with a frustrated sigh. “Tell me you are not perpetuating that infuriating misconception. You know better!”
“Correct it yourself,” Idhren laughed. A cold wind gusted across the wall tops and he instinctively shifted closer to Dorian for warmth.
Dorian visibly shivered and wrapped his arms around himself. “You are completely insufferable,” he complained, “As is this blighted weather.”
After five years in the south Idhren still hated and dreaded winter, but he had at least learned how to dress for the cold. Dorian, on the other hand, still considered silk a valid fashion choice when there was snow on the ground. “Let’s go back inside then,” he sidled up closer to Dorian and slipped his arms around the taller man’s waist, “I’ll show you just how insufferable I can be.”
Dorian rolled his eyes but huffed in amusement. “Is that so?”
To answer, Idhren rose up onto his toes, one hand moving up to Dorian’s shoulder to pull the man down until their lips met. The kiss was slow and sweet, belying the heated promise in Idhren’s words, but when they parted Idhren was smiling. He slipped out of Dorian’s arms and moved toward the trapdoor. “Unless you have something better to do.”
“You know, I can’t think of a single thing,” Dorian replied, and followed after the grinning elf.
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alicia-x-itachi · 7 years
So I snapped and I’m sorry
TL/DR,  I let my stress and anger get the better of me and acted in ways I shouldn't have, and I want to apologize for it. I should keep my anger and personal issues private anyway and not spill my rage onto the internet for the world to see.
Okay, that was the short version, and now for the long version. (If you're not interested in fandom drama you can safely skip this post.) I don't know how many people are actually going to read this, assuming everyone hasn't already turned on me and isn't interested in hearing what I have to say, but the guilt is weighing too heavily on me to keep bottled up, and regardless it's better I own up to my dumbassery than I don't. I snapped and said awful things, yes, but I think I owe everyone an explanation as to what happened exactly and why it was I snapped. So, if you're part of the RS community you likely know about the disaster that was the Menaphos library competition by this point. If you don't know, the gist of it is that you had to submit a creative writing entry to be put into the game that was 250 words or less, and that twenty winners would be chosen. Jagex later changed their minds, claiming that so many good entries were received that they wanted to include more than twenty winning entries--but when they finally released the winners into game, the "twenty winners" turned out to be only thirteen winning entries, two by the same person, and seven entries by Jmods. It was the worst handled contest I have ever seen, with the mods backpedaling constantly and waffling on all mealy-mouthed about how they didn't really know what they were doing, and it stunned me just how staggeringly badly everything was handled--but, more importantly, they went back on their word. They reneged on their promises, deceived everyone, and outright cheated. Even if you don't have experience running a contest, it should have been be patently obvious that counting staff-written content--which could have been implemented into the game at any time--as "winners" in a contest meant for fan work is dishonest, disingenuous, and cheats the fans out of a fair chance. It was a punch to the gut I've taken quite personally--I feel screwed over, denied a fighting chance, and I honestly am too disheartened at present to attempt the Halloween contest that was just announced because I think there won't be a fair chance for me or other "little guys" in the fandom there either. It's at this point that I want to make it very clear that I was not merely salty that I specifically didn't get in. I was prepared to take a loss with grace, as excited as I was about having a chance to personally make a mark on the lore and story I love so dearly. There were quite a few entries for the contest that I actually found to be better than my own--this and this are excellent examples, definitely worthy of being chosen. What I was most angry about was the broken promises and deception--I really do not take kindly to being deceived (understatement of the year); that's partly why I loathe Hero's Offing so much, because it was not just the worst written quest in game history, but because Jagex lied in their advertising and promised something other than what it actually was. Now, this brings me to where I overreacted and needlessly snapped in a way I shouldn't have. My emotional reactions have been rather hypocritical here, in that I cannot appreciate or enjoy the Jmod-written books no matter how well-written or how bad they are (and a couple of them were dumb, pointless, and genuinely bad) because all of them unfairly screwed players out of those seven winning slots. However, I have also been angry about some of the player entries that were chosen--in one case, because two were by the same person, but in other cases because they were, to put it bluntly, just not good. This one, for instance, is just a find-and-replace of "The North Wind and the Sun," but it's this one that really set me off. All it is is a random guy whining about how much the RS gods suck and not providing any real arguments as to why they suck, while tarring all their followers as stupid brainwashed idiots. It's not new, not interesting, and doesn't add anything to the lore--we've heard the very same many times before from other characters, and I found it just as obnoxious and annoying then. It would have been just as bad if I had written a story about a random Zarosian whining about how much Saradomin and Zamorak suck because reasons and how all their followers are brainwashed and deserve to be the targets of bloody revenge. With my criticism out of the way--and how good or bad the writing is has nothing to do with my actions; this is about what I did and how I handled things-- I did still overreact and say some awful things. I lashed out, and I did express my anger in such a way that was needlessly cruel to the authors who wrote those entries. I was upset because my entry and quite a few other good entries had lost to things that were worse written and didn't add anything interesting or substantial to the lore, and that Jagex had thought those worse-written things were better and worthier of being canon. It did not help that the contest results came on the heels of the whole deal with Legendarts getting free membership and white knights rallying to his defense, and I reacted similarly to those entries as I have to him getting undue praise. However, I shouldn't have said that the winners didn't deserve to win, or that their characters were bad just because they wrote a single bad story. That was absolutely uncalled for--my anger is solely towards Jagex, and I don't make personal attacks against authors when I dislike their writing. These guys are not LA; they're not dishonest, they're not thieves, and they're not the ones who cheated others out of a fair chance. They haven't done anything wrong. All they did was write bad stories, and that's not doing anything wrong--we're all guilty of bad writing at some point. I have quite a few old shames from my early days as a fanficcer, I constantly question whether my own writing is bad, and I will surely write something bad in the future as well. Even very talented bestselling authors write bad things sometimes. In short, I was rude, unpleasant, foul-tempered, and acted in a way I never should've, and I'm sorry. What I did was childish, stupid, and immature, and I should have taken a break, kept my thoughts to myself, and let myself cool down enough to think more clearly about things. I am unsure if I will try the Halloween contest or how long I'll need a break from RS for, but I at least hope everyone will take the time to hear me out, even if they don't accept my apologies.        
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