#and for my fellow canadians. ENJOY THE LONG WEEKEND
safyresky · 4 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 20/52: Mother daughter bonding 🤍💙🤍💙
Crystal Springs FACT for you all: during the 20s/30s, Winter and Jacqueline were living it UP in prohibition hotspots! Running speakeasies, shipping alcohol all clandestine like, they had a BLAST--and Winter is a BIG FAN of the fashion of the time!
"I used to wear dresses like these way back in the day when your father and I were courting!"
"Courting. Right."
Dresses were INSPIRED by some 1920s fashion plates! Jacqueline's HERE and Winter's HERE. Also, would strongly recommend following historic-fashion-polls it's SUCH fun blog! Voting on what you'd wear/fave outfits AND a great resource for historical costume art references >:)
Wardrobe malfunction notes (v funny):
Jacqueline's dress was meant to show CLEAVAGE. Guess who accidentally coloured over it with the blue lmaoooo
(I went over it with the skin tone pencil crayon and now it looks like a sheer bit--it works!)
Winter was supposed to have a two tone bodice but ya girl coloured over it again lmao
there were a LOT of lines so I uh. I got a little discombobulated. BUT HEY! SCRIMBLES!
I fucked up Winter's magicy glow hand lol. I was able to fix it?? But I think you can still see how I fucked it 🤭🤭🤭
There are LINES on Winter's skirt AND sleeve--the photo washed them out, rudely enough
here's the un-cam-scanned version:
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The lighting in my house is TOO YELLOW and it's a long weekend so THESE PHOTOS WILL HAVE TO DO BC I AM EXCITED TO SHARE THIS WITH YOU ALL!!
And yes Winter's scarf is orange because Blaise 🤭🤭🤭 sorry your honour, I just LOVE THEM
And this is deffs one of my fave scrimblies so far. Winter looks so CUTE!! 💃🏻🥰😘💥 The magic glow on the hands could be better but I can't fookin remember how I did it in this scrimbly so THIS WILL HAVE TO DO, I'M AFRAID.
Up next: It's fucking MERMAY what is WRONG WITH ME
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fauxduke · 5 years
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strictomiles · 3 years
|| Probably not gonna be around much until late next week, wire and discord will also be a -as inspired or able instead of my usual ‘come at me any time and i’ll respond eventually- . I’m going through it right now and i’m having a friend over for the weekend since I can’t see my family this Thanksgiving weekend for the first time ever.
To all my fellow Canadian followers, enjoy the weekend in whatever way you do.
And to everyone else. I’m sorry for the disappearances, i’m sorry for not being an up to snuff friend and writer. I’m hoping to get better in the future, I really am. But, with everything being so overwhelming, it’s easier to sift into silence than to pretend to feel a way that I don’t and right now it’s just misery with some added spice of frustration and anger.
It’s been a long couple of months for me and a lot of bad has happened and I think now the piling has gotten to a point where I can’t just shrug it off like I usually do.
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no-other-words · 3 years
happy victoria day to all my fellow canadians. hope y’all are enjoying the beautiful long weekend safely but tbh all i can think of is hualian watching fireworks on puji hill for the first time together and hua cheng discovering xie lian’s absolute fascination with explosions and fireworks so he makes it an annual thing to host the biggest, brightest, baddest firework show for xie lian on their anniversary or whatever that shakes the grounds of heaven above because why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone and piss off the officials up there while making your husband fall even impossibly more in love with you
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usaac-official · 4 years
This weekend, Southern Front Events put on the much-anticipated Red Divide IV, one of the only remaining Cold War tactical events since the loss of Operation East Wind, at the Panthera Training Center in West Virginia.  
After successfully driving the Warsaw Pact forces out of the cities and into the countryside, NATO forces dug in and began patrolling to root out the remaining Communist forces.  Active-duty personnel began rotating home for leave, being replaced by Reservists primarily composed of the 244th Engineering Battalion, Colorado National Guard.  Lulled into complacency by the seemingly vanquished WarPac, NATO began to relax their guard, allowing Communist forces to regroup and plan a counterattack.
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Royal Marines and West German Jägers assist in unloading an M35 transport in front of the 244th’s headquarters structure
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Engineers and their 82nd Airborne escorts fan out after taking fire on a patrol
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Engineers begin minesweeping operations after Soviet infiltrators effectively blocked the NATO supply lines
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A Royal Marine prepares an L7A1 machine gun in a defensive position in the town of Cerska
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Mixed VDV and East German troops take cover on the outskirts of Cerska to regroup before pressing their attack
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A reservist drags his wounded comrade to cover, seconds before he himself is shot
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A member of the 607th Combat Control Wing, USAF, provides suppressing fire with a revolver as a paratrooper rushes forwards
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Jägers advance, flanking the attacking WarPac forces
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A reservist attempts to collect his wounded fellow as NATO forces begin to retreat from Creska in the face of seemingly limitless WarPac soldiers
This was my second Red Divide event, and the fourth one held overall in the series; originally it was supposed to run in early April, before the oppressive heat of the summer, but the worldwide pandemic caused a severe delay that threw things into disarray.  The event organizers certainly tried their hardest to keep the flow of the event as they had originally intended, but attendance suffered with the rescheduling, including several cadre members.  Overall, it was an accurate simulation of the military; hurry-up-and-wait, fruitless patrols, and extensive heat casualties.  Talking with WarPac attendees after the event these issues seemed universal, in many cases the first and only time the opposing forces made contact was the climactic battle on the second day of the event, after nearly 22 hours in the field.  Personally, I never saw a Soviet until the town, and never fired my weapon until they rushed over the hill towards us.  Much of the rest of the time was spent attempting to dig a foxhole in terrible soil, ruck marching garrison supplies from one OP into the town, and sweltering in full kit in a field while manning an observation post while the reservists were tasked as a QRF.
With all the delays, I do believe the event organizers did the best they could.  The final battle, while only maybe 20min long, was the first time I had used a blank-fire weapon in combat, and it was definitely eye-opening.  It almost made up for what felt like a wasted event before that, and overall I think I enjoyed myself.  The biggest issue I saw was the event site, which was far too large for the number of attendees; if Covid had not pushed back the date and caused so many cancellations, I believe it could have been overcome.  Command-and-control was another issue, with the addition of so many smaller unit impressions.  NATO almost doubled their number of impressions this time, as did WarPac, making for fewer cohesive units on the board and increasing communication difficulties.  Hopefully the next event by SFE, Red Horizons in November, will be able to address this, as it pares the impression list back down to Airborne, Jägers, and Canadian Pathfinders on the NATO side, and VDV and East Germans on the WarPac side.
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection - 16
101: Oct 29
MM ANON ……🎼” I think I’m turning Japanese “🎼…… japmeg?……… Mike&Harry cheer a win. …… “ Mike gets on with everyone old thing”……… “ bloody whingeing” …“ the balcony’s a problem Philip” …… “The sooner the better”……… “ Harry, we have a problem”!!…… “ A distraction would be useful”…… “ Wear out thy youth with shapeless idleness”…… no Wig-gle
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU DEAR MM ANOM🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
I just had my flushot guys, l had them do it in my left arm so my right one would be hopefully good. It’s so awesome that our Public Health Nurses come and do them in the home for individuals like me! I am truly great full.
October 29/2019 1400 hrs CST
🎼” I think I’m turning Japanese “🎼 japmeg?
The Vapors song, Turning Japanese, the song lyrics are all about a couple, one has gone away and the other is obsessed with their photo to the photo they wish a doctor to take a picture of their loved one from the inside so they can see inside them as well. This reminds me of all the research done on Prince Harry to manipulate him. The chorus turning Japanese, to me , makes no sense. However, when asked, here is their explanation, that it is a love song about someone who lost their girlfriend and was going slowly crazy. Lead singer Dave Fenton said: “Turning Japanese is all the clichés about angst and youth and turning into something you didn’t expect to.“From VH-1 Special l know neither madam nor Harry love each other. This is a dysfunctional song about a dysfunctional relationship and the World Rugby Cup taking place in Japan. We Know Harry is going, oh my, is madam going to try and crash this???😘😫😫😫😫😩😩😩
In addition to my other cheeky comments on this name there are a lot of references to this online. Near as l can figure out its some kind of music and or musician but definitely NOT madam! Is she going to just show up, gate crasher or demand to go to Japan with Harry?
Mike&Harry cheer a win. “ Mike gets on with everyone old thing”
We know Mike and Zara Tindall are already in Japan , Harry s cousin and her husband. Mike used to play rugby, perhaps you noticed the shape of his nose? It’s either a hockey 🏒 nose or a rugby 🏉 nose 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. They are going, l assume , to enjoy the finals game with Harry, as Harry is also headed off to 🇯🇵 Japan for it! Should be awesome for them. As long as japmeg robot does not gate crasher, to use her favourite word!! Mike Tindall is so congenial, in case madam does show up, he will distract her and talk over her. If nothing else, his size, if he is sat between them 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂☺️🤣.
“ bloody whingeing”
Non-stop requests, demands, shows put on, complaining how tough her life is. The unmitigated gall, to film a poor me, nobody asks how l am, when hours, days , places she has just visited been many rapes and murders, people struggle to eel out growth and an existence. If you believe NOTHING OF THE PLOT , surely upon seeing this, you must say, how insular and narcissistic is she. If you do not, then l have pity for you and call you sugar.
“ the balcony’s a problem Philip”
If perchance, madam stays in the UK and attends Remembrance Services,there is a balcony appearance, HMTQ, is talking with PP on how best deal with this. I think her being so shut out at TTC she wouldn’t want near that balcony ever again, but this is a woman with no shame out to revenge and spoil every event!
“The sooner the better”
Awaiting details on Brexit and having those issues put to bed cannot come fast enough, the sooner the better! Once the country is secure, l truly believe HMTQ as she has always done, has put the people’s needs first. Then she will be freed up to press the buzzer on madam!
“ Harry, we have a problem”!!
I wonder if this is LG or someone else telling him that madam has made a scene and is insisting upon going to Japan with him. I can only imagine how furious Harry would be! Good thing Zara and Mike will be there. No solo trip , time away, she again forces herself into something he enjoys and does everything in her power to ruin everything for him.
“ A distraction would be useful”
Who needs a distraction, HARRY DOES, FROM MADAM!! Reading the previous clues, it’s sounding like she is headed for Japan as well, l hope l am completely 100% wrong on this riddle! But Harry does need a distraction, sounds like plans for a Japan to be it have soiled, but hopefully they can get something planned for him! Without her finding out!!!!
“ Wear out thy youth with shapeless idleness”
How well l know this phrase, permit me, the entire is so beautiful ,
Wear out Thy youth with shapeless idleness,But since thou lovest, love still and thrive therein, Even as I would when I to love begin. … Upon some book I love I’ll pray for thee. This is from the Bards , (Shakespeare) The Two Gentlemen of Verona, a much rarer choice MM ANON 👏. We wear out the health, time , love, when we are young, so much time wasted. I am melancholy with the years of lives madam has wasted, for our royal family, and everyone she has encountered, especially our Harry. But one can only thrive in true genuine love, not in lust, manipulated marriage, there has been no thriving for Harry, his family, none of us who care at all.
no Wig-gle
Madam always sports a wig, they vary in colour, shape, size, style and length. The mother of all wigs, meaning a whopper of one, she wore to the OYW opening, in the purple feauxmegnancy maternity dress. That wig was as though she was hiding inside it and l think she meant to, not knowing what her reception would be. I think we have YET to her her without her wearing a wig, or walking without her sassy wiggle, although sometimes she greatly exaggerates it.
My first thought when l read this was The Wiggles, hugely popular with the very young set, like Prince Louis’ age, costumes, music etc etc all very colourful and fun! They have been around forever, they have changed members, etc but air on. Tv channels and tour for live appearances. I don’t know if this is any of what you meant MM ANON but it took me back for some nice memories
Another possible is no wiggle room, meaning something is so tight , needs to be done perfectly at the perfect time to succeed. This is true, why l believe HMTQ has put the brakes on dealing fully with madam.
October 29/2019 1500 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG…..yes, Mike was a rugby player….he had his nose repaired…he is looking good…it’s going to be interesting…when is the article coming about her going to Japan? 3-2-1….much appreciated PG!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
102: Oct 30
MM Anon
MM ANON … 🎼”Saturday,Saturday,”🎼……” At the going down of the sun”……… ( Charity’s play shorts/long)…… SS Hedge it. ……… inside, deal or no deal…… 🎼”it’s quarter to three”🎼……… “EXISTING!! ‘boy is she f****living”…… “ “strip away the tears ‘and you have a heart of granite,ma’am”……… “ ones listening Mr Bond”…… “ Listen dip$h!t PR is everything!! EVERYTHING!!…… silent movie.
This is riddle interpretation number 102 for me, l celebrated the 100th riddle interpretation onOctober 28/2019 !
October 30/2019 1250 hrs CST
This takes me away back! Saturday nights all right for fighting by Sir Elton John. I recently read he had to cancel some appearances, l do hope he recovers. This song is about, as young adults, the ultimate night of the week! Going out, drinking, dancing, fights of all sorts exacerbated by alcohol and other substances. The Rugby World Cup is this Saturday in Japan, check your time zone for match time! England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 is matched South Africa 🇿🇦. Zara and Mike Tindall, HES a rugby veteran, Peter Phillips, her brother and Prince Harry are all due to attend! Great fun! In yesterday’s riddle there were hints, l hate to say this but l fear this clue is telling us of not the drunken weekend game type of fistfight, but her gate crashing and forcing herself into the mix, totally again destroying anything Harry finds join in. I pray l am wrong!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
At the going down of the sun”
This is a line from the classic work , “For The Fallen” by Laurence Binyon. This is so often read during and around Remembrance Day, in the U.K. and the various services. It is on Remembrance Sunday, November 10/2019 🇬🇧 There is of course “In Flanders Field” also by John McRae, here in Canada . We are all called to remember the fallen and the veterans and their loved ones, Remembrance Day in Canada 🇨🇦 on November 11/2019.
We all signify our remembering by wearing the poppy put out by the legion. My father, who had trained for the medical corps during WWII saiid, the poppies often are lost, they slip off the coat easily, you look down and oh, my poppies gone. He used to say, that’s in remembering how quickly soldiers lost their mates , they were together fighting and in a moment they look and their fellow soldier was dead or mortally wounded. I implore each of you to take time out in Remembrance of what was given for all of our freedoms we take so incredibly for granted.
( Charity’s play shorts/long)
At this time of year, very common in Scotland and l am certain the U.K. as a whole, are pantos. Pantomime stage programs
This link is extremely helpful. https://www.tripsavvy.com/what-is-pantomime-or-panto-1661664
I remember one of the times l was in Scotland, there were signs everywhere for ceilidhs and pantos. I have had the pleasure of being at several of each. Ceilidhs , for those who don’t know is pronounced Kay-Lee, is wonderful dances with live authentic music, the Canadian Reel and many other group dances are soooo funny. At Balmoral they have the Ghilly’s ball. So much fun, of course l was NOT at that ceilidh😫😫😩😩. I do know, the pantos did raise money for charity.
Alas l truly believe MM ANON is referring more to the games the Sussex Foundation aka ‘charity’ is allegedly playing. Foundations as with any company, or person even has short term plans and long term plans. The short term of the foundation is to set it up, set a board of directors and be allegedly proper. The long term game, is ,only, money, money,money allegedly etc etc etc! This is where the financial law enforcements and forensic accountants can come in, if anything untoward occurs. They can check and any good forensic accountant worth their salt, can tell quite quickly that something is very off!
SS Hedge it.
Hedge can be funds to invest in, if you’re lucky, you can make scads of money. This is madams PR firm, Sunshine Sachs, such an oxymoron, I see the ☀️, beautiful, and PR in this case is NOT!
You can hedge your bets, it means you try something and there is more likely to be successful than not. So they are using PR because more likely than not it’s going to be effective!
inside, deal or no deal
Madam was a suitcase girl on the American, hosted by Canadian Howie Mendel, game show. I don’t know what her suitcase number was or if they switched them around. I do know, the ladies were dressed so slutty! Inside deal, like insider trading means you have access or come upon information that should have been kept confidential, and you use it to your favour. I am sure madam learned some pillow talk initially on the booty call. However, this makes me think, someone has sold her out and made a deal with LG or whichever part of his team is applicable.
There is an interview of a woman who arranged for the girls to be a golf caddy for charity. They were asking her about madam, she was talking very fast but she DEFINITELY said madam was a mother!
🎼”it’s quarter to three”🎼
This is Ol Blue Eyes, Mr Frank Sinatra, One For My Baby and One More For The Road. A fellow drinking his sorrows, past ladt call, the bar is empty but he’s still drinking telling his woe to the bartender. He has found himself a wordsmith, telling his tale and wanting the night not to but eventually will come to a close. This is a massive metaphor for a chapter in life closing and a new chapter, or perhaps even a new 📚, Opening!!! I hope and pray, Harry has sought comfort with his family, drinks with his mates, drinking to the end of this chapel of horrors and welcoming the new!! 🍻 Cheers Harry, all the best for 2020 untethered by this evil🙏🏻🙏🏻.
“EXISTING!! ‘boy is she f****living”
Oh yes, back to the poor me ITV video, waxing non-poetic🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 done by madam. She has received sympathy from the most bizarre places. The letter from Female MP’S of Parliament yesterday on the surface was shocking! LG you are f*******brilliant!! You’re so many steps ahead of her and she still thinks she in the win. ESPECIALLY, yesterday, after that unsigned, list of names was sent to Clarence House😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣, she was a cock on a walk preening her feathers, l have NO DOUBT! To have the gall to compare her life to exist and poor me, whilst standing on African soil, boggles the mind! Again,l say to those who don’t believe in a plot, just think, if HMTQ had done that? Imagine ANY OTHER SENIOR ROYAL!!!
She’s lining high on the hog, as farmers say, not lost for hobbies, fashion etc etc.
“strip away the tears ‘and you have a heart of granite,ma’am”
LG describing, what HMTQ already know, but just commenting on the heart of stone madam has. To have a heart of stone, means it’s cold, unfeeling, doesn’t work right as in the emotional function of the heart. She is the most well back narcissist, this is very very serious and has been for quite some time! She has cold eyes, cold heart, she is evil manifest.
“ ones listening Mr Bond”
Angela Kelly, HMTQ dresser and shoe worker inner😂😂🤣, has written a book, out today, l want it! She obviously has the approval of HMTQ and the book contains lovely information , is being serialized in the UK Hello, l hope the Canadian Hello has some! I LOVED LOVED LOVED, HMTQ appearance in the 2012 Olympic video with Daniel Craig as 007. This story is told in the book. I so wish l had it right now! HMTQ ROCKS!!!
I wonder if she, knowing has a cheeky sense of humour, has greeted LG in this fashion!! I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall! Not for secret information, but watching their interactions!
everything!! EVERYTHING!! PR is everything!! EVERYTHING!!
Madam is speaking to one of her many PR people. No proper manners, respectful treatment, nothing NOTHING matters to EXCEPT ATTENTION AND DESTROYING HARRY AND HIS FAMILY! Her backers intention is to breakdown HMTQ and the Monarchy! So PR PR PR LIES LIES LIES LIES 🤥 🤥 🤥!! There used to be an old saying, any press is good press as long as they spell your name right! The inherent narcissist that she is sweetly plays with the 3vil agenda because SHE WILL NOT 🛑 ✋ STOP! SHE WILL NEVER STOP WITH THE LIES! My favourite today, was Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, given her supportive words to get through these hard press lies and attacks, that NEVER HAPPENED! BP made it clear, all issues with family are private! The press has only been telling a small part of the truth, they have lots more but have been holding back, l haven’t heard of any formal embargo. She and her team have been the ones constantly printing lies lies lies! Remember, if her name is first, ITS HER PR! If it’s about family private issues, ITS HER PR!
silent movie.
Sex video, no audio, many of them. Case closed! We know they exist, l have never and would never watch the filth l have been told exists in her past deeds. No kooky piano playing in the movie theatre as the classic silent films of days gone by.
October 30/2019 1410 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! I love seeing your personality shining through…adds so much! Much appreciated…..102! 😊💜💜💜💜💜💜
103: Oct 31
MM Anon
MM ANON ……… RS Halloween ……… a balcony too far…… 🎼72 green bottles walking through the Halls”🎼…… lobbing a constitutional embarrassment …… “What!!! colonial racism , bloody stupid tart”………… “ it’s the popular consensus Ma’am”…… “ and I thought Di was a manipulator “…… “Where IS she living Philip”?……” I’m coming, and that’s that!!”…… “ O $h!t, Harry’s just txt me”…… 👻👹🦄🦎👶🧣🧣🤫
October 31/2019 1415 hrs CST RIDDLE NUMBER 103
RS Halloween
Is this Runescape Halloween?? Online gaming?? l know zillions play online games. Is there a contest between some of the adult royals? I think that would be so fun! Is there a Royal Society of Halloween 🎃?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣👻👻👻🎃🎃🎃 l am going to stick with William and Catherine madly having fun gaming when the wee ones are in bed. Fun times, great distraction from all the stress!!!
a balcony too far
The issue of the royal balcony, historically, they have been fabulous and everyone took their place as their royal status dictated. There was never ever a jostle for power in something so visual in my recollection. TTC balcony was so incredibly obvious that HMTQ had her back, front, side, all around her she was guarded from any contact with madam. Harry put her in her place by twice telling her to turn around as she tried to yammer at him whilst God Save The Queen, was being played. I still am furious how she slapped Harry’s leg in the carriage. So now we have upcoming Remembrance Sunday and other services, will she attend? Spoil things? Try to spoil things? Dress incredibly inappropriately? If she does indeed attend, will she be on the balcony? I read last night that the Royal family have united and will let her stand alone on the balcony like some autocratic leader soaking up attention from the crowd. Now that would never happen, HMTQ is far too reverent for that. There will be a real show if madam attends and is on the balcony. I await and see what the coming days will bring. I soooooo want to wake up one day, open my iPad to headlines filled with justice and details of filth let loose by all the media!!
🎼72 green bottles walking through the Halls”🎼
Is this the equivalent of 99 bottles of beer on the wall, and you sing it 98 more times until you get to the last bottle. My mum did not like the alcohol reference, we sang coke or Pepsi, love my mum, miss her madly💜💜💜💜😢💜💜💜💜. Sounds like madam is up to her hobbies big time. Rumours rampant, though nothing official from BP, that the split has already happened between madam and “H”🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, titles stripped and cash flow tap turned off. Believe what you will. Time will tell. I await a brief from BP.
lobbing a constitutional embarrassment
Lobbing, let’s review the meaning wiki , 1 : to let hang heavily : droop. 2 : to throw, hit, or propel easily or in a high arc. 3 : to direct (something such as a question or comment) so as to elicit a response. I think the last definition applies. The letter from 72 female members of Parliament sent a letter of solidarity to madam, sent to Clarence House, even though the Sussexes offices are at BP. The letter states “ Stories and headlines had sometimes “sought to cast aspersions about your character, without any good reason as far AS WE CAN SEE” the letter added “Even more concerning still, we are calling out what can only be described. as outdated, colonial undertones to some of these stories,“ the MPs continued, adding that this could not “be allowed to go unchallenged.”
Why? Names listed, no signatures, not even their electronic signatures. At whose behest was this done? LG brilliantly moving the chess pieces, always a few steps ahead of madam et al, et al means and others. I just realized l use et al, a lot and never explained to those who may not know the Latin. Or is this yet another attack on HMTQ and the a Monarchy? So many questions, everyone furious and stressed to the maximum, between Brexit, politics in the U.K. and the massively hated madams behaviour!
“What!!! colonial racism , bloody stupid tart”
Prince Philip is NOT amused by Holly Lynch, Labour Party MP taking the p*** out of HMTQ by sending that letter to Clarence House. It seems the is the head or charge of it as madam chose allegedly, to ring her from BP to thank her for all the support! Again l am taken back to when Sally Field won the Academy Award, onstage accepting her award, childlike crying voice”THEY LOVE ME, THEY REALLY LOVE ME” flipping narcissist that madam is. Pathetic and hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂. She thinks she has one up on the Crown 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣.
“ it’s the popular consensus Ma’am”
EVERYONE HATES MADAM!!! The polite British demeanour has not been pushed to the point of throwing rotten eggs 🥚 or tomatoes 🍅 YET! LG is telling HMTQ, the public general consensus or wishes are for madam to go! Titles stripped, money cut off and sent home!!! Justice will take its part in the future.
“ and I thought Di was a manipulator ““Where IS she living Philip”?
HMTQ and PP chatting, l picture them in lovely relaxed evening clothes, fire roaring, 🔥cocktails 🍸 ,📺 tv on and chatting. PP commenting his opinion about Diana, the People’s Princess . Then HMTQ is voicing what we ALL WANT TO KNOW!!!! Where has that hideous woman, who by the way comes with her own Halloween costumes daily with her sartorial(fashion) 👻 🎃 choices and the many, many faces she makes, pushing up her fake teeth 🦷 ,many many different wigs she wears, and occasionally as st OYW evening event, the wig wore her,😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣, clothing that never fit right and cost a fortune. Where does she live?? We KNOW FROGMORE COTTAGE has never be lived in by her or Harry. I would, as l have said several times, l would love to be a fly on the wall to their conversations! God bless you both🙏🏻.
” I’m coming, and that’s that!!”
Well la de frickin dah Rachel. She’s emboldened by the support from the whole British Parliament, in her narcissistic mind and she is coming to the Remembrance Services and I AM A ROYAL BUT I AM YOUR SISTER TOO🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮, demanding her place on the balcony as her public awaits, handkerchief in hand, wiping fake tears, again “THEY LOv E ME, THEY REALLY LOVE ME, THEY ARE ALL HERE TO SEE ME ME ME ME ME”🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤥🤥🤥🤣🤣🤣She has told LG in no uncertain terms SHE WILL BE THERE!!!
“ O $h!t, Harry’s just txt me”
Someone has just received a text from Harry and is surprised, but not on a good way to receive the text. Who would this be? His family would all be glad as would his mates. I can only conclude it’s madam, but why would Harry text her? Harry is in Japan having an awesome time with the Tindalls, cousins and cousin Peter and likely others at the Rugby World Cup finals. Did Harry drunk text her?? Sorry, this clue l cannot firmly say l think it’s…. hmmmm. Is it William, is Harry having panic or PTSD issues in Japan? I pray it’s nothing like that!! I can say for certain, the text and it’s contents were of concern and surprise by the recipient of the text.
The beautiful,awesome,beloved Cambridge family and their Halloween costumes. Catherine as a ghost, William as monster, Prince George as a lizard, Princess Charlotte as her favourite unicorn, baby Louis l can’t see a costume for him. The adults will have an adult Halloween 🎃 party after the little ones are in bed. They are keeping it private judging by the shushing emoji
and two scarfs😄😄😄😄🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂 keeping the scarfing tradition alive and well, madam will NOT be invited or even aware!! I hope they post photos of the costumes but it’s private family fun!
October 32/2019 1535 hrs CST
Wonderful! Thank you dear PG….you are such fun! Looks interesting. Much appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜👻
104: Nov. 1
MM ANON … She Telegraphed it !!…… mechanically damaged 🤣🤣🤣……… rugby widow😭😭😭……alone on the Balcolonial …… “ Turn around re-play”…… wading through the Slush…… an American Psycho…… PR-int error ………🎼”God only knows “🎼…… 🧣🐓👯‍♀️🤔😭🤥……🎼”Wake up ,little ……… wake up“🎼…… “ I may wear purple Philip “…… “epic old thing ‘ that’ll p!$$ her orf “…… “hair of the DOG Harry”🤣🤣🤣”lets PARTY”……… 15-9 ……… “OK , give me £500”. …… $h!t, I’ve lost my phone!!……” OMG’ all those photos on it!!”
She Telegraphed it !!
They say, especially with actors/actresses that if they don’t give 100% in their performance that they’re phoned it in’ example being Jeff Goldblum is the dinosaur films. This says telegraphed it. Madam had a ‘lunch interview’ hardly a serious on camera intense question, body language observed interview, with Bryony Gordon of The Telegraph newspaper. It was more of her fluff, pardon the pun, fluff word salads etc. Another pitiful performance!
mechanically damaged 🤣🤣🤣
Well the ‘stiff upper lip’ manner in which the British people live is internally damaging according to madam in the masterpiece ITV documentary, sure to win award after award. So l think, MM ANON is being extremely cheeky here, the being frozen out completely now from the Royal family, last public appearance with Harry has been done, and the narcissist robot has been mechanically damaged, internal process error, 🤖.🤣🤣🤣
rugby widow😭😭😭
I am sure madam is spitting nails at where her life is at now. Harry is off in Japan, back to his life, thank you God, watching the rugby with family and friends, while poor madam and archficial are left alone to weep. The term widow is often used where l live as golf widow. It can be any sport really where the male in the relationship attends or watches or plays and his female partner is left alone, hence the term widow.
alone on the Balcolonial …… “ Turn around re-play”
Well the letter of support from 72 female MP’s mentioned colonialism and referenced articles in newspapers about madam. Well that being the Royal family being colonialists, the balcony would be the summit expression of it according to that way of thinking. Well RD or RS, balcony appearance will be the Royal family. Since madam is not part of the family she will not be there. Now l was wrong about this before but l don’t think l am now. Madam, should she attempt a gate crash will be told to turn around, not by a Harry but by security staff!!
wading through the Slush
When the snow melts and gets all slushy and wet it’s perfect for a snowball fight and just makes the coolest sound when you wade is your Welles/rubbers. Slush here is capitalized, this has NOTHING AT ALL to do with snow. The forensics accountants l mentioned yesterday are probably long wading through her accounts. A Slush fund is reserve of money used for illicit purposes, especially political bribery. You can be darn sure madam has or had a number of these! Maybe they’re all tapped out, she’s skint , alone, things with Harry over…..oh please let this be the correct interpretation!!
an American Psycho
Treble Charger, wow MM ANON I am impressed!! This song was huge huge huge! All about the most narcissistic female, doing anything and everything, misdemeanour or felony, trying to get and keep fame. These lyrics perfectly absolutely perfectly fit madam!!!
PR-int error
PR , upper case, has madam’s PR sent something out for print that with all the lies, it’s EXTREMELY hard to keep track, but something so glaringly obviously contradicts things that have been said before?? Oh l would love to see THAT!! Lies do catch up you know that, don’t you Rachel?
🎼”God only knows “ 🎼
Two songs, Beach Boys, lyrics about how a relationship feelings last forever even if they are apart or break up. I read this as positive feelings but one could infer negative angry, vengeful l guess. There is a song, same title, by a Christian duo called For King and Country, the asking is a God the country is the musical style. The lyrics though, they so fit damaged people , how they choose to damage and inflict it onto others. Whichever song you chose MM ANON, either of these describe the realtor some degree and the individuals involved.
Okay scarf/scarfing, chicken/hen, two playboy bunnies, a pondering/ questioning face, crying massively, Pinocchio/ liar.
Madam has been scarfed or left out of the Japan trip, she’s the hen, imagining/wondering if Harry with other sexy women, crying inconsolably because she’s lost, lying , well she lies about every. Wondering what lies or how she can get to Japan, what lies can she tell to find out his hotel, show up there or get in at the Rugby.
🎼”Wake up ,little ……… wake up“🎼
The Everly Brothers, l saw a impersonation concert once it was awesome! Wake up little Suzy. This is from the 1950’s l think. A couple goes on a date to a drive-in movie and fall asleep, now they’re in big big trouble because their parents will think something hanky panky has gone on. Is madam wondering and steaming at the thought of a Harry having a fun weekend away? What he might get up to? Might a certain female be there? Ooooo l just imagine her fury!!
“ I may wear purple Philip “…… “epic old thing ‘ that’ll p!$$ her orf “
Again 🔥 fireside 🍸 cocktails conversation between HMTQ and PP. They are having a go at madam. All these cheeky references REALLY have me thinking it’s done, the marriage is done, this Sunday may be MOS Sunday release the hounds! HMTQ is jocular saying she will wear purple for RD/RS , as madame so insultingly wore purple to the OTW evening. PP chuckling and making the comment above. 🤣🤣😂😂
“hair of the DOG Harry”🤣🤣🤣”lets PARTY”……… 15-9 ……… “OK , give me £500”.
These all go together l think. The phrase hair of the dog that bit you, is abbreviated here, simply means if you’re drunk and hungover have a drink to fix the hsngiver🤣🤣😂😂. The weekend in a Japan is a party! FINALLY HARRY IS FREE!! The numbers probably are the wishes/bets on the final score with England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 winning. I wonder, they wouldn’t bet against England. £500 whose giving and whose getting….l know on the days of unhappy people and fate there were so many rumours how long it would last most said not two years. I think there was a term degree bride? Three years? Am l right? I wonder if someone made a net with a Harry or amongst the cousins. I am HOPING this is so, because it would be yet another indication things were done and a Harry is free of her!!
$h!t, I’ve lost my phone!!……” OMG’ all those photos on it!!”
Again, MM ANON PLEASE let this all be leading to freedom!
Madam has ‘lost’ her phone and freaking out because all her filth was on there!!! Can you hear lady Justice?? No sympathy!
November 1/2019 2055 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! As sick as you are, you can’t help yourself! We greatly appreciate this and you! You are so sweet! Now go and take care of yourself! We don’t want to wear you out! Love and prayers…..😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
105: Nov. 2
MM ANON … “ You are part of this monarchy, you WILL adhere to its traditions”…… “ her past, so embarrassing!!”…… Rogue PR…… “we’ve “cleaned” her phone ma’am”…… “ I fear it’s still out there”…… promoting the impossible …… “ give this one to William” “ thank goodness we have one classic beauty,old thing “ …… “ is Charles thinking of leap-frogging to William ,Philip?”……” my teams made arrangements “…… “shut up!! It’s my Duty!!”…… 🎼” to dream the impossible dream “🎼……”total meltdown sweetie”
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
November 2/2019 1510 hrs CST RIDDLE #105
“ You are part of this monarchy, you WILL adhere to its traditions”
Notice what’s NOT said, family, you’re part of this Monarchy NOT you’re part of this family!! Very clear distinct difference. Until there is an annulment or divorce she has her role as Duchess of blah blah.
Madam has been hiding behind wigs, trees, apron strings, ANYTHING to avoid appearance in public at a public event because she is a coward. She lays and sets off the dynamite but wants no part of its after effects amongst the citizens. I spend many times wishing l were a fly on the wall but THIS oh oh l would pay money to have seen this scene. She is being told by LG, or quite possibly by the wordage and the way it’s phrased by HMTQ Herself, that she in no uncertain terms will attend public appearances for RS or RD services. Now she thinks this is all about her, this is about all of the Fallen , veterans, injured and their families. I think emotions are raw all around for people this time of year. I hope she is gone by then, but this could also refer to the NATO dinner in December. She needs to conduct herself accordingly. I think since her phone was cleaned, there is a fair bit more confidence in pushing her to do things, ultimately hoping a huge public moment of reality/embarrassment for her. The sad thing, a true narcissist is incapable of embarrassment, self pity absolutely, but not embarrassment!
“ her past, so embarrassing!!”
We don’t know , many years are missing/lost, what she did during those years. We do have enough knowledge of yachting, porn, disgusting acts, selling her body, heart, soul, filth beyond what any decent mind could fathom! Hobbies of all sorts, mostly allegedly outside the law. The normal woman would be ashamed and would be embarrassed by, as the speaker of these words is, but a true narcissist madam is, a million lies juggling all at once, l do not know how it’s kept straight, well it’s not that’s why there are always so many mistakes she makes.
Rogue PR
SS has been nothing if not Rogue, going where none have gone before. I dare say they may continue, and more insinuating lies be spread about our Royals. Be prepared, this fight is in the gutter, it rose from there, and will be sent back from whence it came.
“we’ve “cleaned” her phone ma’am”
LG informing HMTQ that madams lost phone was not lost at all but it decided to turn itself in🤣🤣😂😂. All that she kept on their has been removed aka cleaned. We have discussed this awhile ago. Amongst the world of the men in grey, there are many varied services they do. Cleaning or scrubbing a phone is one such service. Any incriminating recordings or photos or videos or emails or texts or stone tablets, EVERYTHING is cleaned off. Knowing they are not dealing with brightest tool in the shed, she probably didn’t back up her information.
“ I fear it’s still out there”
Whatever secret, private, perhaps sexual content video that was cleaned off the phone, HMTQ is still fearing a copy is still in someone’s possession. There is something specific of concern, l have no idea what it is, but it’s of high concern and worry that “it” still out there.
promoting the impossible
Promoting the happy marriage, just H🤣🤣🤣😂😂 and madam against the world. Well H is Prince Harry, his family has fully encircled him, and he is done being threatened by her and whatever was on her phone. SS is still at it, making madam ever the spontaneous soul who loves to flit like a hummingbird quietly to a charity bakery, using no gloves, making an interview from 18 months seem as though it were current but was not. Making it seem like lunch meeting in a restaurant when it wasn’t, it was in a room at the bakery. Never the truth, everything always twisted. Why must everything even such inconsequential things be lied about. BECAUSE the agenda and the person are evil.!Thats why!
“ give this one to William”
We have had this exact clue before. I can’t recall what l thought at the time, but l think having a sit down with madam, telling her face to face things are done, William would do very well and after all the lies madam allegedly spread about his marriage, l think he would take a certain amount of satisfaction in showing her from the palace door to the alleged paddy wagon.
“ thank goodness we have one classic beauty,old thing “ “ is Charles thinking of leap-frogging to William ,Philip?”
Again, my favourite scene, 🔥 fireplace lit, evening relaxing clothes, 📺 on, cocktails 🍸 in hand talking between HMTQ and PP. PP reflecting on the amazing blessing of having Catherine in the family, not just in the family but at William’s side, raising their family, such a solid level-headed woman. In them the future of the modern Monarchy is strong. HMTQ talking about Prince Charles passing over his being King going straight to William. This has been discussed before, initially because the public had a strong distaste for Camilla. That has settled now, she is accepted. Charles, his age, given all that has happened, may well be pondering the 21st century Monarchy needs William.
” my teams made arrangements “
LG team have made arrangements for what? To move madam? Pack her stuff up? Take her to Heathrow, put her on a plane? If she goes to America for their Thanksgiving, where would she go, she has no friends, Doria? Would she want to return to the U.K. after that, would they even let her in?? Doria, who now has 8 million in her bank account, why would she want saddled with madam?, she didn’t look after her as a child why would she now? Madam has ghosted anybody who actually loved and cared for her. It’s pathetically sad broken life. Legal issues, taxes?? And on and on, then of course there is the wee matter of alleged Treason, the of the body law, and any alleged procuring of females in those lost years.
“shut up!! It’s my Duty!!”
Harry , God bless you, has resumed duty. How fine did he look in a Japan, Prince Albert of Monaco, the Japanese Crown Prince Akishino, the son of the Emperor. I am in tears so happy, he looks so happy and well. I think he has gained back some weight and has rested. Now to this clue. It can only be madam he is talking to. She is yammering away at him, he telling her in no uncertain terms he will do his Duty! She is probably pleading to not have to attend RD or RS services, he has made his Duty clear! Of all things now to pick a fight over? When he missed a military attack anniversary and got roasted badly for that. He is clear headed now, and putting things right.
🎼” to dream the impossible dream “🎼
This is Ol Blue Eyes, My Way. Jerry Lewis used to always sing this at the end of the Labour Day MDS telethon, until he was deemed too old and not politically correct enough for the charity and after over 40 years raising hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars,they yanked the annual telethon. I still am upset by that. Anyhow, if there every was a song for a narcissist the title My Way for sure. Everything at a cost of a country , Commonwealth, everything, lack of respect she has done her way!
As for Prince Harry, he probably thought this would go on forever and being free from her would be an impossible dream.
Well, l think we are so close to the end, l can taste it! I could not be happier! If l were a dog, my tail would be wagging!
”total meltdown sweetie”
Reality is going to hit her hard. She has nothing, no one, all her Hollywood friends were sycophants, her backers are filthy rich, they don’t care about her, she was a means to an end. That’s all she has ever been, years selling herself a means to some mans ending. Her mental status, likely is going to hit the wall. Total meltdown exactly. I hope it happens in America, they have phone lines there to get help.
November 2/2019
1635 hrs CST
Love this! We are making progress……her phone….too funny, thank you dear PG, so appreciate it….😊💜💜💜💜
PG you have mail💜💜💜💜
MM/ ALLEGEDLY …… prayers and love 💜💜 you’re way pg. 💜💜💜💜💜💜 GWS.
106: Nov. 3
MM ANON … ‘ and in the morning, we shall Booo!!!……… Mall-content. …… camera click ‘ I’m OK!!…… “ sit Harry with Melania??”………… a reduced detachment …… “ it’s in the Fine print M’lud”…… “ what!! a night of fruity duty” …… “6 of the 13 are solid!! “…… “ leapfrogging, not a chance old thing” …… “ the right order of things Philip” ……… “ my apologies for the interruption Ma’am”…… “ One should act post-haste”…… “ and keep Harry out of this”. ……… O’ Kate, I hear she got quite scwiffy Philip”.
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
Thank you for the message and kind words, message received and extremely appreciated.💜💜💜
November 3/2019 1245 hrs CST Riddle #105
‘ and in the morning, we shall Booo!!!
Is this booo as related to Halloween? Nope we are past that. Where and when will madam get booed?? The morning, what or when is her next morning appearance? The reason l am thinking the early morning RD sunrise service or other RS , is because the line up until the word Booo!!! Is from the classic Laurence Binyon’s For The Fallen, it was in a previous riddle. Will it be RS, gosh that would be awfully disrespectful to the fallen. I don’t know, but l like it!! Sign me up, l shall boooo, l have plenty of time🤣🤣🤣😂😂.
Malcontent, that’s such a great underused word. a person who is dissatisfied and rebellious, dissatisfied and complaining or making trouble. Who does this sound like? Here MM ANON has given us MALL -content. Content is being peaceful, relaxed, satisfied in the moment. The MALL is the great long road leading to Buckingham Palace. There is plenty more online, if you’re interested in learning or even travelling there. Suffice to say it’s an important street and the royal and horse processions always go along the Mall. Now it’s not pronounce mall as in North American shopping malls, it’s more of a Mael(Strom) how the first part of that word is pronounced. Put together MALL and being content, peaceful , can mean only one thing to me MADAM WILL NOT BE IN THE CARRIAGE HORSE PROCESSION ON RS!!!!!😊😊😊☺️😊😊😊
camera click ‘ I’m OK!!
Madams non public appearance at the bakery . She needs publicity like she needs air, more sometimes l think. Has someone taken her photo and an article that she’s ok, upper case double exclamation mark? I think MM ANON yet again is being cheeky. We saw an abundance, a plethora of photos of Harry in Japan and they all looked fantastic. He looks like our Harry again!!! Gorgeous, no make that handsome in that blue suit, oh my, l am all a flutter!! Believe nothing about that I’m married comment! THST he said to the student who called him handsome!🧐😏And his time spent with Para-athletes, more casual but ever so important to him.
“ sit Harry with Melania??”
This is reference to the NATO banquet in December when President and Mrs Trump will attend, along with other NATO leaders, a dinner that HMTQ will host. Oh l can hardly wait to see the gowns and JEWELRY!! Sounds like Harry will be seated next to Mrs.Trump. No mention of madam. WHOO HOO!!!! Heaven knows where she will be then and only Heaven can help her soul.
a reduced detachment
Detachment has several meanings but the one that applies here l believe is, group of troops, aircraft, or ships sent away on a separate mission. Each year, RD or RS , the number of veterans who saw and went through the horrors of WWII lessen, as they pass away. Each year, we lose current veterans of Iraq, Bosnia, Syria, many conflicts where British and Commonwealth troops served, have served, or currently serve. Those that return many suffer physical losses of limbs or something else, suffer injuries causing TBI, traumatic brain injury and/or PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. We lose many to suicide each and every day. Harry lost his close veteran Jules Roberts to suicide and this year will be his first RS, RD mourning that loss.
“ it’s in the Fine print M’lud”
Anytime you sign anything, credit card/atm application, insurance papers, anything legal, there is always fine print, often so tiny it seems you’re not meant to actually read it🤣🤣😂😂. This is a way some companies get out of providing services, ie mobile phone contracts here a few years ago, they got away with exorbitant fees to change phones, plans etc. So someone is talking to a Lord, likely LG, saying something of importance has been noted in the fine print, but of what document? Is it treason charges?Is it her VISA to stay in the U.K.? Is it the legal papers being drawn up for charges? Is it a contract she signed, didn’t read and they have her in a bind now? Is this the legal annulment, with the evidence they gathered from madams phone? The fine print of in the laws of annulment of marriage in the U.K. Anyone have time or ability to search that out?
“ what!! a night of fruity duty”
I wonder if the Cambridge children went trick or treating at Gan Gan’s. I can only imagine them in their costumes, all excited! Next year, hopefully Prince Louis will be old enough to enjoy the fun!
This clue, the sentence structure is rhetorical. As if someone is being asked to do something , that the person asking them knows they are not keen on keen to do. The term fruity duty , for some reason makes me think child care. 🍉 fruit no wine, duty as in childcare. Or madam loves her pink water, is someone not interested in spending time with her, as that would only be a duty.
“6 of the 13 are solid!! “
This makes me think of evidence, jury deciding something, they always have an extra. Solid in their vote or judicial opinion favouring the writer. I wonder if this is in terms of Treason law or annulment law in the U.K. Whatever was cleaned from madams mobile, is it clear evidence of the plot, plan to manipulate marriage? I think they have found something they needed to fulfill the a Treason charge, allegedly as well! From English Treason law “
An alien resident in the United Kingdom owes allegiance to the Crown, and may be prosecuted for high treason. The only exception is an enemy lawful combatant in wartime, e.g. a uniformed enemy soldier on British territory.” I cannot access what l need, but l am very certain this is some sort of judicial committee whose votes are needed for a Treason charges! It is being stated here, with multiple exclamation marks the number of yea votes are solid, meaning secure on the side of the Crown, in this case.
“ leapfrogging, not a chance old thing” …… “ the right order of things Philip” ……… “ my apologies for the interruption Ma’am”
Oh MM ANON, you know l love these. Again, come along with me and my imagination. It’s cold evening, 🔥 fire lit, comfy yet very elegant relaxing evening clothes, l picture HMTQ in a velvet cozy shawl over her knees, hopefully, purple! She and her husband are talking things over. Discussing, as was in yesterday’s riddle, bumping PC out of order of succession and going straight to crowning William as King, when the time comes. HMTQ has, her entire reign, held fast to protocol, in all matters with the exception of lower the flag to half staff when Diana died and bowing her head at her casket was driven by. Sounds like whoever’s idea that was, they have duly pondered and discussed it and there will be no change in the order of ascending the throne. Someone interrupts them, asking for/ or needing HMTQ’s attention. I think it has to be LG.
“ One should act post-haste”
LG has arrived and informed her/updated HMTQ of what was found in the fine print. The term post haste comes from the mid 16th century: from the direction ‘haste, post, haste’, formerly given on letters it means to act or react to something with haste, act immediately with great speed. So they have a limited window of time to respond or act to what was noted in the fine print.
“ and keep Harry out of this”.
Harry is to be kept out of any treasonous possible, or any legal charges that may be pending, allegedly. Harry has been through enough! They want him healing and recovering. HMTQ does not want his name to appear anywhere near madams allegedly plotting and scheming and alleged financial crimes. Thinking especially in regards to the newly minted Sussex Foundation! There are so many rabbit holes l could go down due to the extreme level of complications of who madam has allegedly been involved with and various allegedly financial misdeeds on both sides of the ocean.
O’ Kate, I hear she got quite scwiffy Philip”.
I burst out laughing when l read this🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣. Still chuckling! There must have been an awesome, adults only, after trick or treating, scarfing madam, Halloween party because scwiffy, 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣 is tipsy/drunk but not passed out drunk. Good for you Catherine, you deserve it after your stressful trip, the stress of everyday plus the worst, dealing with madam and watching Harry fall apart . I am trying to picture our elegant, Received Pronunciation speaking Catherine tipsy, 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂.
November 3/2019 1420 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! Sounds like progress….sounds like she will appear at RD..no carriage….and a balcony appearance….alone! Much appreciated, you work so hard for us!💜💜💜💜💜
107: Nov 4
MM ANON …… RD,will she ‘won’t she?…… a Congressional offer…… The foundations support …… 🎼” don’t stop thinking about tomorrow”🎼………a bit LAX of her…… W&Ks PR assault …“ the popularity of the children your Highness”……” Popular!! we call it “Charlottes Web 🤣🤣”……” it’s the future direction ma’am”…… “she imploded ma’am ,end of!! “…… “ Christmas!! A family portrait ma’am , only the family “…… “ it’s exciting Philip ‘ a new chapter “…… “any cream caramel left old thing”. … tut tut,dyspepsia Philip”
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
November 4/2019 1140 hrs CST. Riddle #106
As Yoda would say, challenging more and more becoming are your riddles MM ANON and I LIKE IT😁😁😁😁
RD,will she ‘won’t she?
Ahh the question we all want to know. Will madam face the public , attend services or ceremonies and risk being booed. I still cannot see a public booing at such somber days when we are to remember the fallen. On November 10th, l read HMTQ will view the services from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office building balcony. Perhaps this is how they got around a balcony appearance by madam! Brilliant!
a Congressional offer
The American federal government is made up of three co-equal parts. They are the Executive, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) the Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and the Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Courts). Currently, although it’s not in my time right now to follow but they are in a tumultuous impeachment process. I am not sure of any of the particulars. So what would the Congress have to offer the U.K. especially while their own country needs them paying attention. Is this in regards to Brexit? I have, and l try not to do this, but l have looked all over online, l can find nothing if an offer of this nature, recently. Has an offer been made regarding madams charges or custody? Again the Congress would not be involved in this. Sorry kids, l just don’t know. I am assuming this is the U.S. Congress, maybe l shouldn’t.
The light went on, sometimes when l am stuck, if l read it out loud it comes to me, as now. The EU, 🇪🇺 European Union as a political Assembly of local and regional elected representatives, the Congress is the voice of Europe’s 200,000 regions and municipalities. It promotes the strengthening of local and regional democracy in all Council of Europe member States.
The EU won’t decide on a Brexit extension until next week, as it waits for MPs in Westminster to decide on Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s call for a snap election, senior EU officials and diplomats said Friday.The bloc has agreed on the need to delay the current October 31 deadline, but there is still disagreement over how much time. EU Council President Donald Tusk has called for granting the extension requested by Boris a Johnson in accordance with U.K. law, until January 31, but French President Emmanuel Macron has pressed for a shorter delay to keep strong pressure on Britain to ratify the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement.
The foundations support
The royal foundations all of them, support so many charities. I was absolutely fascinated to learn on 🐼 blog last night that HMTQ registered the Sussex name several years ago in planning for when Prince Harry married but after, the day after madam showed alleged baby Archie in SA, the registration was cancelled/went dead as it’s called. That was the lady but of the treason allegedly. Wonder why Harry didn’t use the drool cloth? DNA, Baby drool all over his hand!!
Especially at this time of year, it’s the hardest time for those in need. Once madam is gone, Harry will be readied to the Royal Foundation. None of his patronage’s have been removed from him, another sign he was aligned with his family. I am certain her title and all patronage’s will be stripped. How happy with the British Theatre 🎭 be!!! Oh Happy Days!
🎼” don’t stop thinking about tomorrow”🎼
Again we have Fleetwood MAC and Clinton presidential theme song. MM ANON is reminding us, don’t lose heart, we are nearly there! Keep chin up, focused on tomorrow! I am not sure if it’s LITERALLY tomorrow, although l would not complain. I think very very soon!!
a bit LAX of her
Lax can mean lazy, not bothering with details, this does describe a certain someone. However, LAX is the airport in Los Angeles,California . So will she indeed be going “home” for Christmas? Will she take archificial with her so he can experience his first American thanksgiving holiday? I wonder if she will be captured accidentally oops l rant hired Splash news to paparazzi her as she has done before?? She will be so glad to get away from the mean Brits but does she have a place to go? So sad reality, such a wasted life.
W&Ks PR assault
They don’t need TO PAY for any PR. They are loved as are their children. Even the smallest most normal thing as shopping for Halloween costumes makes the news. I think this refers to the assault that launched on them, and poor Rose Hanbury by association by , let’s face it, l don’t need evidence nor do l need to say who has that much jealousy driven hatred to do something like that.
“ the popularity of the children your Highness”
Someone speaking to either a Prince William or Duchess Catherine exclaiming the over the top love and popularity of these three lovies!!💜💜💜!!! They get asked about them seemingly every appearance. Any photos that are shared are wildly popular. I most especially adore that Catherine is such a fantastic photographer. The first bsby photos were taken by her, you see them from the mother’s loving eye, just makes them so much more special!
” Popular!! we call it “Charlottes Web 🤣🤣”
In HMTQ’s annual Christmas message, l am certain there will be video of the Cambridge children in it. in it. Charlottes Web in a favourite of mine, and many, children’s book by E.B.White. Read it with your children and grandchildren, it’s lovely. This is referencing what used to be called the World Wide Web, the internet, then the net, now its online. Each child has their own page on the official royal website. It’s amazing, with that, twitter, instagram, they are completely a 21st royal family! Sounding like Charlotte is a bit controlling of the devices, seeing herself online, thinks it’s made just for her!! And so she should😁 🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣 Love those children💜💜💜
” it’s the future direction ma’am”
As stated above, the digital world is here and only becoming more important. Soon we will have things never even thought of today. I should have put these three clues together, oh well. This will be a thoroughly 21st King and Queen when the time comes but for now they are as modern as can be whilst retaining tradition and family. It’s truly astounding, l have no idea how they manage it and it all seems so natural. That’s the key, knowing a balance and the public love them all the more because of it.
“she imploded ma’am ,end of!! “
When given the news that she was done, being removed, and not given a VISA to return to England or perhaps not permitted to leave the U.K. for alleged charges filed or pending, l can only imagine. Justice will be served. We can all sort of visualize in our heads what that might be like, l highly think she will need urgent psychiatric hospitalization, she will fracture, truly fracture mentally. This is LG reporting to HMTQ what happened. This may have already happened for all we know!! Seems her mobile phone turning itself in and getting immunity for giving evidence against her🤣🤣😂 was the last bit they needed.
“ Christmas!! A family portrait ma’am , only the family “
Yes , a royal Christmas portrait, only the family, no madam. I love how easily she was airbrushed out of Prince Louis’ Christening photo by an anon that did that on 🐼 blog! This will be a joyous Christmas for our royals!!! Planning Christmas, her annual message on Christmas Day and a new photo for all of us! Oh wait, might this be a painting? The word portrait, no way there would be time for a painting by Christmas, silly me! Is it LG that is proposing this? I say they should include him, at the back, plenty of bald Windsor’s, he would look right in place🤣🤣😂😂.
“ it’s exciting Philip ‘ a new chapter “”any cream caramel left old thing”. tut tut,dyspepsia Philip”
Again, my favourite, HMTQ and PP, talking over the days events, l know you’re getting sick of me setting the scene but fireplace lit🔥 , comfortable clothes, tv 📺 on, cocktails 🍸. HMTQ so pleased, relieved and happy that this vicegrip hell hold is nearly done, she already knows when the end is. Just looking forward to the fresh new chapter, letting the justice system care for madam and her backers. PP hankering for a repeat of pudding but she tut tuts him on it. Marvellous end to the riddle, MM ANON, marvellous and full of hope!!! GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
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seat-safety-switch · 5 years
“That’s it, buddy, your time is up,” said “Stefan,” my guide to the wide world of exciting Mitsubishi product here at the local auto show.
“What do you mean, my time? The show is still open,” I protested, and swept my arm through the booth, hitting nobody, and pointed in the general vicinity of where I thought a wall clock might exist. Stefan was being a real downer, but what he had for me next was a big letdown.
“Read the sign, bucko. I’m free.” His voice broke on that last word, and saying it seemed to change something inside him. Without another syllable, he turned on his heel and ran out of the booth, never to return.
I read the sign. “Customers who stay longer than five (5) minutes at the Mitsubishi booth become official employees of Mitsubishi Motors and must remain in the booth either until A) someone buys a car, or B) another guest stays long enough that they fall under this contract and replaces them.” I guess I was the “case B.” Stefan had used me, I realized, deliberately slowly reading the pamphlet to me on how good the Mitsubishi Eclipse was, trying to involve me in a little story about the photos of the stock family enjoying their fantasy forest cabin getaway. His banter was just to buy time, and now I was doomed.
Blaming Stefan didn’t really make sense. He wasn’t entirely at fault. There was probably a reason I didn’t leave that booth when I still had the opportunity. Canadian politeness? No. A part of me was sympathetic towards him, upset that he would be doomed to sell the last three or four models of a dying brand. Nissan bought them. Nissan, for fuck’s sake. Panic rose in my throat as I began to realize that if I didn’t get out of here, soon I would be selling Versa Notes too.
How did I get out? I would like to tell you that I found some clever loophole in their contract. Maybe I fooled one of my fellow auto enthusiasts into staying within the confines of the booth a little too long, with a sob story about a dropped contact lens or a lost puppy. Nothing of the sort happened. Nobody even came close to the booth, except for some kids that walked past, pointed, and laughed - shrieking lilts of pre-adolescent mockery. It was like seeing a dead body. Nobody else wanted to join the corpse on the floor.
No, what I did was simple. After analyzing my standards for an automobile: weird number of cylinders, not very much horsepower, rusty as hell, and very, very used-up, I realized a brand new Mitsubishi Mirage hatchback qualified. It didn’t even cost me much more than a salvage-title Neon. And then I just drove the fuck on out of there.
Later, I got a letter from Mitsubishi corporate. “Congratulations on escaping the booth,” it said, “and becoming our first customer of the year.” I was smiling, having already dissolved the half-painted Mirage into parts for a dozen Soviet econoboxes, but then I got to the last line of the letter. “Please come to the closest Mitsubishi dealer this weekend for your rebate cheque.”
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Happy Canada Day weekend to my fellow Canadians! I will be taking a social media break to enjoy the long weekend with friends/family, see you next week! 🇨🇦🐶❤️ #Toronto #Havanesedog ~ See more of Oliver, and Alice & Finnegan, on their pet account @pitterpatterfurryfeet ~ Canon 1D X MkII + 85 f1.4L IS @ f1.4 (See my bio for full camera equipment information plus info on how I process my images. 😊) ~ @bestwoof #bestwoof (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzRStYjlZA0/?igshid=8hei60nx8pgj
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lostinyourears · 5 years
LuFisto Interview by Noah
I have a friend Noah(@NoahGairn), who has some interviews, but no real place to post them. Some of them will be posted here on Lost in Lucha Blog
This was shortly after Wrestlemania weekend on April 17th he had a one on one with LuFusto and here is his interview with the indie legend. 
Noah : How are you doing? How was your wrestlemania week?
Lufisto : I’m good thank you. Wrestlemania week was very busy as I relocated in my home country and also took care of my grandmother who fell and unfortunately broke her neck. 
N : Did you get a chance to see any of the shows? Anything you liked? 
Lufisto : No unfortunately. I was scheduled to wrestle on two shows but had to go back to Canada asap for my grandma. 
N : You spent some time in Germany for WxW last year. How was that for you? 
Lufisto : I love Germany. It is one of my favourite places to wrestle. The fans are so into it. Recently, I’ve been wrestling for wXw and it is incredible. Their shows are very professional and the staff super friendly. 
N : As a fellow Canadian and more so someone from Ontario you have been called one of the founders of Ontario Independent wrestling for your work against the OAC. Tell me how you felt during your trials and struggles dealing with them. 
Lufisto : I never accepted to be told that I couldn’t do something because of my gender. Therefore, when I got banned from wrestling in intergender matches, I called the Human Rights and filed a complaint. It took me 4 years but in the end, I took the whole section regarding wrestling out of the Ontario Athletic Commission. Wrestlers and promotions don’t need licences anymore. We used to pay 75$ a year for a licence and we didn’t even have any services for it or protection, like having a doctor on the show. I got frustrated quite often while I was fighting them but in the end, it was all worth is as women can now wrestle against any opponent of their choosing. 
N: Following up do you think that your situation between yourself and the OAC which in turn led to a lot of deregulations in wrestling directly effect the current Indy boom in Ontario? 
 Lufisto : I definitely think so. Many people were not getting into wrestling or starting promotions because they didn’t want to deal with the commission. 
N: Similar to Germany you also wrestled for DTU in Mexico. How was that for you? 
Lufisto : I was very disappointed by DTU. I loved my matches and my opponents, but I wouldn’t want to wrestle for them ever again. I actually wrote a long blog about them about the subject online. However for me, DTU doesn’t represent Mexico. I had an awesome time working for promotions like NGX, Lucha Pop and LLF there. My Mexican fans have always been the best and I love them with all my heart. 
N: I know that you have mentioned it on twitter but the recent petition to get you in the MYC this year has quickly been getting steam. How did you find out about it and what was your reaction to seeing it? 
 Lufisto : Women’s Wrestling Revolution and Beyond Wrestling started the #LuFistoToMYC and when it picked up, a fan started the petition. As for the petition, someone sent me the link on Facebook. I am overwhelmed by all the love and grateful. 
N: Another big part of your career was Deathmatch wrestling. Recently there has been a lot of debate over it and the ever increasing dangers of it. How do you see modern Deathmatch wrestling? 
Lufisto: Death matches are definitely not for every wrestler or everyone’s cup of tea. I still enjoy a good death match once in a while… But it needs to be wrestling with weapons. There is a fine line between good hardcore wrestling and garbage. For me, to wrestle in the death matches was always about pushing my own limits and prove people wrong, that girls could do it too. 
N : Now you have gone on record and have said that you plan to retire at the end of the year (Sucks I won't get a chance to see you live before!) Is there anything you would like to do before you retire? Anyone you wish to step in the ring against? 
Lufisto: I know who I want for my last match but until I ask the person, it won’t be public. I will definitely go back to Germany and England also. As for wrestling, there are two guys I’ve known for years but never wrestled them so it needs to happen. Both wrestlers are from Quebec, Nick Reznor and Franky the Beast King (formally known as Franky the Mobster). As for the rest, I’ll see what comes. I don’t want to stress about it. I need to enjoy that last year. 
N : What is your wrestling pet peeve? What is that one thing in wrestling that you just hate? 
 Lufisto : People who make it big and suddenly are too good to talk to their former independent co-workers or answer messages and whatnot… I’ve heard and seen some of them talk shit about promotions where they came from and people they worked with. Some of them have even used their status to bully people I know. Then, I saw the same “stars” taking pictures with those former co-workers acting all friendly. The snobbism and hypocrisy from those stars disgusts me. What goes up usually comes down and they obviously forgot about that.
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acuppellarp · 5 years
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We’re excited to announce that Dee has decided to level up Darcy Allen from a mumu minor character to a main character! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours.
Name + pronouns: dee  + she/her/trash monster Age: ageless Timezone: est Ships: darce/chem Anti-Ships: darce/forced
Full Name: Darcy Margaret Allen Face Claim: Brie Larson Age/Birthday: 27/ November 2nd Occupation: Physical Therapist Personality: honest, loyal, laid back, private, active, good-humoured and dedicated. Hometown: Canmore, Alberta, Canada Bio:
Growing up, money was tight for the Allens. Three mouths to feed and the inflated rent that came with living in the rocky mountains meant the family often went without anything but the bare necessities. For Darcy, it also meant hitting the church donation bin a lot and wearing her older brother’s hand me downs, but Darce never seemed to mind as much as the other kids did. Old band shirts and baggy pants were cool and as much as she would have liked a GameBoy, nothing beat spending hours in the park working on her softball pitch or the endless supply of books a library card provided.
Yeah, she’d probably always be a little bitter her dad left her mom with so much slack to pick up but the lessons about hard work, the value of money, and how women really could do anything would stick with her for the rest of her life. Honestly, her mom was (and still is) a total badass.
It wasn’t until school started that Darcy started to feel different. Not because of the clothes or the knock off fruit snacks, but because when the other girls in her class were fawning over boys she was busy fawning over them. She’d always known she was gay, she figured, she just didn’t have a word for it. And she wouldn’t for a while, but later in life, it would explain the withering glares and threats of violence she gave every boy who hurt one of her girl friends.
When she wasn’t busy perusing the featured titles in the kid’s section of her local library, stealing cd’s from her older brother’s vintage rock collection or re-reading the Harry Potter series, Darcy could be found outside playing a pickup version of whatever sport was in season. Signing up for an organized sport may not have been in the budget, but that never stopped Darcy from practicing it, and it was that dedication that would earn her a spot on her high school softball and soccer teams.
Being part of a team felt awesome and while she’d never particularly enjoyed the more competitive side of sports (going professional was never the goal but a scholarship would be nice) she couldn’t deny that winning felt pretty good. It was during one of those winning streaks her junior year of high school that Darcy injured her shoulder and found herself in physical therapy. It sucked at first, the exercises were hard and painful and the whole thing felt hopeless, but as she continued to go she saw improvements. Not just in herself, but the other patients she’d gotten to know as well and she thought maybe it was something she’d be good at.
Darcy got her first taste of big city living when she attended the University of Alberta where she completed both a bachelor of science and her masters of science in physical therapy. University also marked Darcy’s first experience with love, and oh was it a good one. She dated a lot during her undergrad, a series of relationships, none of which had much depth or lasted very long, and it wasn’t until she met Hannah at a pride event the summer before she started her master’s degree that she got a real taste of that kind of love that everyone brags about in rom coms.
They dated for three years and it was the best ever until a job offer in NYC threatened to tear them apart. They both agreed Hannah should take it, but couldn’t agree on the status of their relationship. Darce was adamant they could make long distance work and Hannah felt like they should end things before the distance ended it for them. In the end, they settled on a compromise that didn’t really work for either of them — Darce would move to NYC with her. She took her license exam and followed her out east.
The couple stayed together for six months but ultimately ended things when they couldn’t agree on their future (Darce wanted to take the next step and Hannah wanted to see what else was out there before she settled). Darce was devastated and kept to herself for a bit but the two are still on friendly terms.
Single and heartbroken in a city that no longer felt like home, Darcy found herself at a crossroads – she could go back to Canmore and her family with her tail between her legs and start over or she could pick herself up and stay in New York at the job she loved and make the city feel like home. Never one to step down from a challenge, Darcy decided to try to make it work, and thanks to Acup she doesn’t have to try too hard.
Pets: A cat named Dude.
APRIL’S SHOWERS: Defender. Darcy was in a real low point in her life when she first started hanging around Acup. So, when she’d found the glittery advert pinned to the bulletin board announcing a tryout for a soccer team? She sort of took it as a sign. She’s made a lot of friends at Acup over the last few years, but her fellow Showers are family.
FIONA HUDSON: Her best bro. The moment these two met Darce knew they were going to be friends for life and everything that’s happened since has only served to prove her initial instinct right. Whether she needs someone to talk to, work out with, plan camping trips, or help build her very own Sandlot, Darcy knows she can always count on Fiona.
REGGIE CLIFFTON & ARIA ABRAMS:  Friends/Patients. Admittedly, Darcy hadn’t known either girl super well before she started working with them professionally, but she thinks it’s pretty cool to see them around Acup and she always does her best to keep business and pleasure separate when they bump into each other at events (even if she really wants to cheer Ari on when she sees her out on her crutches or nudge Reggie a bit when she thinks she’s holding back). It’s a fine balance, but she thinks she handles it okay.
NICOLA DE ROCHA: Friend and only other member of Acup’s Finer Things club. Others have tried to join but they lack the sophisticated taste in literature and 90’s r&b music to be considered. It’s not about being exclusive, it’s about respecting the art.
[ This is for the masterlist, but also a fun little way to get to know your character! ]
Twitter name/twitter URL/description: Darce A  / itsdarceh / If you think my gym bod’s impressive you should see my bookshelf.  ⚽️📚🌈🍁🤘
Five latest tweets:
@itsdarceh You know you’re predictable when @acupmarley has your donut ready before you even get to the counter to order. #cheatday @itsdarceh  Is maple syrup on bacon a Canadian thing or a human’s with functioning tastebuds thing? Asking for a friend. @itsdarceh I will happily return all of the 90′s sitcom revivals if we can have another go at Lilith Fair. Give the Lesbians the music festival they deserve, cowards! @itsdarceh Unplugging for the weekend. ✌️ NYC @itsdarceh When someone offers you smarties and you get excited about a sweet chocolatey pick me up and then they hand you rockets and you’re sad. #canadianproblems
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pixelgrotto · 6 years
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The deductive point ‘n click escapades of a forgotten southern belle  Adventure games of the point ‘n click variety are a genre that tend to feature female protagonists more often than others. Why this is the case, I’m not entirely sure - it might have something to do with the stereotype that women are more patient, more willing to read and perhaps better at solving puzzles than men. Or, perhaps legendary adventure game designer Roberta Williams’ influence still holds strong, at least on a subconscious level in the minds of designers, over the genre that she helped nourish in the 80s and 90s, and the heroines of today’s games are merely following in the footsteps of fine women that preceded them, like Rosella of Daventry in King’s Quest IV.  Whatever the reason, despite there being quite a few point ‘n clickers popping up these days with engaging female protagonists (Kathy Rain is one that I played early this year and enjoyed), there’s a 1920s southern belle who probably deserved a long-lasting series but only got two games which are somewhat overlooked these days. Her name is Laura Bow, and she served as the protagonist of two Sierra titles that were released in 1989 and 1992 - The Colonel’s Bequest and The Dagger of Amon Ra. 
Laura seems to have been specifically patterned after famous silent film actress Clara Bow, but at her heart she’s more like a slightly older version of Nancy Drew, and her two games embody Nancy’s fine tradition of mystery solving. The Colonel’s Bequest takes place on a private island in the bayous of New Orleans as Laura accompanies a friend and fellow Tulane University student for a weekend getaway at the manor of her uncle, Colonel Dijon. The old man is bequeathing his fortune to relatives and has invited a motley assortment of characters right out of an Agatha Christie paperback - the drunk aunt, the conceited Hollywood starlet, the perverted doctor who seems to have a thing for betting on the ponies - and a la Clue, bodies start piling up as the relatives presumably begin offing themselves in order to get Dijon’s fortune first. 
I mentioned Roberta Williams previously, and The Colonel’s Bequest was actually designed by her as one of those rare side projects that didn’t feature the words “King’s” and “Quest” in the title. (Hm, I suppose it’s called The Colonel’s Bequest, so scratch that.) It’s always hard to tell how much Roberta was involved in non-King’s Quest projects - The Dagger of Amon Ra, for instance, was directed by Bruce Balfour despite featuring her name on the box - but I’d wager that she intended The Colonel’s Bequest to be a spiritual remake of her very first adventure game (and indeed, the first graphical adventure game ever), Mystery House. Mystery House featured a similar murder plot, and The Colonel’s Bequest takes this concept and evolves it, offering a unique structure where there aren’t really any puzzles to solve but instead “scenes” to witness. The entire game is structured like a play - there’s even a cast curtain call in the beginning - and Laura is encouraged to spend as much time as possible talking with the potential murder suspects and finding unique ways to eavesdrop on them. 
The game’s manual makes a huge deal about this emphasis on observing the story and slowly figuring out the links between characters in an effort to deduce the killer, and we can look at Johnny L. Wilson’s 1990 review of the game in Computer Gaming World as an example of how this approach was seen as admirable, fresh and also a bit risky at the time. Don’t let the fact that there aren’t many puzzles fool you into thinking that The Colonel’s Bequest is easy, though - it’s just as tough as Sierra’s other adventures with just as many nonsensical ways to die, and the unique structure where certain events and conversations are “timed” (indicated on screen by a clock) means that sometimes you’ll be wandering around aimlessly searching for the next thing to do, or possibly miss out on vital bits of info because you weren’t at the right place at the right time. It’s a little like The Last Express, only less refined. 
Luckily, the game’s great atmosphere makes up for any shortcomings that its boldly unorthodox but occasionally clunky design creates. This is one of the best 16 color titles that Sierra produced with their SC10 engine, and the soundtrack is packed with jazzy songs influenced by the Roaring Twenties with just enough sense to know when to be quiet as well. As you navigate Laura across the silent grounds of the mansion in the dead of night, wondering where the killer might be, it’s very possible to get shaken by the sound of lightning bursting in the background, and I can certainly imagine young players in 1989 jumping out of their skin when they encountered such moments.
Laura’s next outing, The Dagger of Amon Ra, trades the dark island setting for the Egyptology craze of the 20s, and loses a little bit in the process but makes up for it with 256 colors, rotoscoped animations (which are darn smooth but cause character sprites to be a bit muddy, unfortunately) and an even catchier selection of jazz tunes, including an amusing vocal track called “The Archaeologist Song.” Oh, and the CD version is a “talkie” game, with performances that range from kinda terrible (Sierra was still having their employees voice these games at the time instead of hiring actors) to excellent (Laura’s got a cute southern accent and the narrator’s voice is heavenly).  
The plot revolves around the titular Dagger of Amon Ra, an Egyptian artifact that’s been stolen from a New York City museum. Laura, now a fresh grad from Tulane and in the middle of her first journalism assignment at an NYC paper, has to navigate the mean streets of Manhattan, infiltrate a speakeasy and chat with a mildly racist caricature of a Chinese laundromat owner before getting into the museum, where she once again encounters a wide cast of characters, from the stuck up British twat who removed the dagger from Egypt to the nutty countess, who is possibly engaged in some mild robbery efforts around the museum when nobody’s looking. People start dying pretty soon (and their death scenes are grand - check out this poor SOB who got decapitated and stuck with a Perodactyl beak) and while the beginning section of the game outside of the museum is more like a traditional point ‘n click affair, once you’re locked inside the building after the first murder, everything becomes reminiscent of The Colonel’s Bequest. You’ve got to meander about, hope you bumble upon the right conversations and try your best to piece together clues before the murderer suddenly starts chasing you during the game’s second-to-last chapter. 
The Dagger of Amon Ra kind of stumbles in its execution of this form of gameplay more than its predecessor, because all the chapters of museum exploration feel terribly disjointed even more than walking around Colonel Dijon’s mansion did. Also, the character motivations are unclear, which is a problem in a mystery game - especially one where the entire final chapter actually involves Laura being quizzed by the coroner in an annoying game of 20 Questions as to the identity and motives of the killer! If you slip up once during this finale, you’ll get the bad ending, which involves the killer finding Laura’s apartment and GUNNING HER IN HER SLEEP, jinkies. And even if you succeed and get the good ending, which sees Laura writing her first award-winning expose on the theft and hooking up with putzy love interest Steve Dorian, it’s still quite impossible to discern the killer’s motives and why he went about his nefarious deeds, because The Dagger of Amon Ra just...doesn’t explain things. I’m not the only one who had trouble figuring it out - The Adventure Gamer blog wrote up a fantastic series of posts about this game and came to the same confused reaction as I did. 
Both Laura Bow adventures come from an older time where it was common to take notes as you went through a game, so perhaps my puzzlement at The Dagger of Amon Ra’s ending is due to my lack of pencil and paper by my side as I played. I did use walkthroughs for both games, though, and if you do end up checking them out (they’re available on GOG), I’d recommend doing the same. You probably still won’t be able to figure out why whatshisname stole that dagger, but despite their flaws, the Laura Bow games really are worth experiencing. Laura’s a likeable lead (just look at this adorable expression on her face as she stumbles upon the museum’s French skank engaged in hanky panky with the janitor) and she does a fine job of showing off the spirit of the 20s, an underrepresented period in the pantheon of electronic gaming. 
Laura never got a third game, and as far as mystery franchises go, Sierra soon passed the torch to the Gabriel Knight series, which apparently takes place in the same universe, since Gabriel visits Tulane in Sins of the Fathers and hears word of a lecture being given by “Laura Bow Dorian” - a hint that Laura married Steve Dorian and lived happily ever after! I’m glad that Ms. Bow got a nice ending even if we couldn’t see it in game form, and I’m sure that if she were a real person, she would be pleased to see spiritual successors of sorts like the aforementioned Kathy Rain following in her footsteps today. 
This is perhaps a good place to mention The Crimson Diamond, an upcoming indie game in the works by Canadian illustrator Julia Minamata. I recently played through the demo and am eagerly awaiting the full release - it’s almost like a direct sequel of The Colonel’s Bequest with an alternate universe version of Laura. Rest assured, Ms. Bow - even if your adventures aren’t as remembered these days as they should be, the example you set of the enterprising female gumshoe is alive, well and in good hands!
All box art and screenshots from Mobygames. 
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avaginanotaclowncar · 6 years
Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all my fellow Canadians out there!
Enjoy the long weekend.
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trevorubck614 · 2 years
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ATHLETES STAND Along with Sexual intercourse ASSAULT SURVIVORS: Some feminine athletes at St. Francis Xavier University have come up with a extraordinary response to intercourse assault costs against two users in the varsity football staff. Frank and Zoe:We failed to see Zoe previous 7 days (not which i'm complaining her "journalist" storyline receives to me), but in this article she's, front and Middle, as she attempts to keep her political source mystery from fellow reporter, Janine. It seems Janine, back again in her junior reporter times, did many sexual favors in return for scoops, and he or she missing a lot of trustworthiness due to it.
I are inclined to again them. I've always done that in my career and hardly ever been burned. She has also served as QUMSA advisor, both officially and unofficially, from the yrs which resulted in an involvement with QUMSA's Campaign To get a Despise Free Campus. Mona works with both of those kids and youth from the Muslim Neighborhood, as being the coordinator of the Muslim Children's Circle along with being an advisor for the Kingston Muslim Youth, and teaching on the ISK Evening Weekend university.
Hamilton whose evil, librul document developed howls of indignation by conservative Christians in the course of Fox Country. It appears that evidently Mr. The Palestinian chief could possibly be unwilling to interrupt far from his longstanding policies or absence the political bravery to do so, but not shifting course now could be even worse, explained analyst Bassem Zbaidi. And avoidance of conflict with Israel to a more confrontational solution.
Mike Gallagher was ecstatic about the potential for Hurry having arrested and starting to be a Republican martyr. With video. Will permit us to double the effects, and make up with the shortfall that will signify some programs go unfunded this year. On the onset with the LCF system, UWHPE had a loyal contingent of sixty seven leaders whose blended gifts equaled $98,043.
Suggest, to archive your escapades like that, you got to feel rather cost-free wheeling, Cenci told KOIN 6 Information. Received to sense like the probability of finding caught are like successful the lotto. Amongst the speakers were being Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a 2008 presidential prospect, Rep, Lynn Woolsey, Rep.
TORONTO, Jan. 25, 2016 /CNW/ Right now Lowe's Canada declared options to hire about three,000 new staff to fill seasonal roles at its 42 Canadian stores and positions at 6 new outlets that happen to be envisioned to open in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario by mid 2016.
"I was a personality, as opposed to a pretty design, And that i suppose that exactly what I seek out in the ladies I now find To place in American Vogue the ones who will be quirky searching."She attained the nickname "The Cod" (to Jean Shrimpton "The Shrimp"), danced the twist on Mary Quant catwalk and have become a muse to Vidal Sassoon, who established his renowned five issue cut on Coddington. Her modeling occupation was derailed for two a long time by a car or truck incident, which scarred her remaining eyelid.
Most individuals have a lot of tales in which their gut reaction saved them. For folks, sharing particular stories by which intestine reactions had an influence on your own lifetime is a starting point. Melissa Brown, Element of the visual Numerous factories in Britainhad a lot of women working in them during war time as Component of a authorities initiative for Females to carry out their part while in the war energy in standing in forthe Adult males who had long gone to war. Preston engineering works, Dick, Kerr was in fact no exception and was transformed to an https://www.proshopjerseys.co/ ammunition output manufacturing facility for the duration of WWI and had a sizable share of ladies Operating there and resulting from encouragement by the government agents for female employeesto have interaction in sporting actions, the women employees started to Enjoy football and manufactured up a group which they known as the Dick, Kerr Females.
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Right here was Japan many of the rumors and movies and dictionaries and encyclopedias were accurate. I stared in the quick approaching island of Honshu in the window like 1 politely stares in a just lately arrived relative. May hold the similar combat here. There is without a doubt extra interest due to What's going on at Cami.
Tulip of Amsterdam sits next door to De Waag, on the sting of your Red Light-weight District and during the midst of Amsterdam nightlife. A 17th century canal house, brightly decorated with all method of Amsterdamalia: clogs, tulip prints, black and white cow skin rugs.
A shift to a versatile and sensible Electricity program may be the cost-effective choice in excess of the for a longer period term (thereby Assembly purchaser problems), and is the option which has most chance of Conference the 2050 GHG targets. BEIS along with the Regulator should grasp these troubles and turn them into alternatives for GB plc.
It feels a special beast a variety of beasts in actual fact towards the function of CS Lewis, Tolkien's Good friend and fellow member from the Inklings writing group. But whilst the Chronicles of Narnia is abundant with religious symbolism, Tolkien's fiction wears its impact with far more subtlety.I caught up with Stephen Tucker previous 7 days, and he explained to me how, like Terry Pratchett, he'd been a supporter of Tolkien due to the fact he'd been a teen: for Stephen, it was the 1960s BBC radio adaptation of The Hobbit that very first caught his ear.
Now, the after deaf Cole is the perennially smiling chatterbox of the loved ones. The final time W5 frequented the family, he was cracking jokes about getting on tv, making everyone throughout the desk chuckle. As being a statutory Company that depends on public money, the ABC must aim to make certain that enough time and assets Utilized in handling audience contacts are proportionate into the situations. The ABC applies a standard sense approach which normally takes action when warranted, engages wherever There exists value in doing this, and notes criticisms of our general performance when there is nothing additional of material we can offer you.
The 12 months before that? six 10. The 2011 year? 6 10. To the ideal, electricity lines slump down into your dirt. For the still left, what was a soccer field has become a pasture of trash, combusting and using tobacco in the sun. If only someone experienced revealed me The sunshine Once i was youthful, I might have expended much more of the last 33 many years ingesting beets. Oh effectively.
Place differently, a person who is ready to encourage made nations to commit billions in excess of they'd in any other case by exaggerating the significance of international assist is performing many very good. Pretty perhaps equally as Considerably (if no more) fantastic than an individual from the second group who advocates smarter procedures, but whose Strategies will inevitably discover a lesser viewers..
We already have Eur. 200000 for that I have only to discover some added 50 to one hundred thousand for that prize funds, which I'll do. So it really hard to consider Hurdle as vulnerable. And it had been a tad surprising to check out Hurdle limping to the mound previous 7 days in Atlanta to generate a pitching alter.
Along with the amplified use of private mobility units There's been a rise of incidents involving pedestrians as well as other automobiles and personal mobility units. Subsequently council has permitted a different bylaw that stipulates what a personal mobility unit is, exactly where a person can be employed, and how it is actually being operated..
Surely don In locker rooms, almost nothing is off restrictions. They go right after each other for everything. Researchers at Pennsylvania Condition College found that a compound present in eco-friendly tea that may induce a cycle which kills off oral cancer cells, leaving healthier cells alone. When earlier scientific studies experienced demonstrated that the compound, epigallocatechin three gallatte (EGCG), behaved With this way, it wasn't known why this was the situation.
I was just so centered on receiving the task accomplished and doing the best performance possible. And on top of that, With all the location staying so massive, I'm accustomed to an intimate environment where you know, at PROGRESS by way of example, It is really 700 people crammed into the electrical Ballroom in Camden, It can be an exceedingly diverse working experience.
Nearer to Keesic Bay would be the current day Local community of Whitefish Bay nestled alongside each side of the river's mouth sakeeng. To the north village of Whitefish Bay, in close proximity to the standard ceremonial grounds Are living the Bull, Thomas, Capay, and Angeconeb households.
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writing-royza · 6 years
Two Hundred and Eighty-nine - Ultimate Weapon, 3.0
A/N: Happy Sunday, everyone, to my fellow Canadians, Happy Canada Day! I hope you’ll forgive me keeping this short, but between a nasty heat wave and running around a lot this weekend, I’m bushed. Enjoy!
I do not own FMA.
Two Hundred and Eighty-nine - Ultimate Weapon, 3.0
There was an open expanse of bare dirt near the back of the East City Headquarters’ grounds, usually used for drilling troops. It was loose and soft, kept turned up so that it didn’t wind up hard-packed. Tiered seating had been constructed almost as an afterthought along one side, empty now except for a small group of people.
Ed glanced around at the four fire extinguishers, one each beside a member of Mustang’s staff. “I have to ask…. How badly is he expecting to screw up that you’re all ready to douse whatever fire he starts?”
Breda grinned, looking away from the open space ahead, where Roy waited in the centre as Riza planted the last target, completing a second wide circle thirty feet out around him. The first was similar, but ten feet away, and there were four small round balls at each cardinal point, sixty feet away from the man in the centre. “You know Hawkeye likes to be prepared,” he commented. “And what kind of team would we be if we let our leader go up in his own smoke?”
The faint glow of red that seemed to serve Alphonse as eyes grew brighter and slightly wider behind the eye slits of his helmet. “You’re ready in case he sets himself on fire?”
“Him, you, the building… pretty much anything.” Havoc shrugged, mirroring Breda’s smile. “Just because he plays with fire all the time doesn’t mean he’s immune to it.”
Edward grimaced, the image flashing briefly through his mind of the little house in Resembool he’d burned to the ground. “Playing with fire literally and metaphorically, with all the political maneuvering he does,” he murmured, watching as Lieutenant Hawkeye moved to speak briefly with her superior, before retreating to a spot just outside the second circle of targets where her own extinguisher waited. “…I don’t mean to tell you guys how to run practice exercises, but… shouldn’t Hawkeye maybe move a little farther away?”
“The Lieutenant is right where she needs to be,” Falman said quietly, settling in in to watch. “She’ll be all right.”
“It’s both an incentive for the Colonel and a trust thing,” Fuery explained. “Obviously, he doesn’t want to burn the Lieutenant, so he’ll avoid hitting her, and she trusts him not to. She knows he never would, not on purpose.”
“Shhhh, here he goes!” Breda hissed, leaning forward in interest.
There was a moment of silence, and then the faintest sound of snapping fingers. Roy didn’t even raise his arm, but red-gold light snaked out to the first torch in the circle. It flared, catching, and burned steadily.
“Seems pretty basic,” Ed murmured. “How is that any different than–”
He cut himself off suddenly as Roy’s arm came up, the older alchemist turning on the spot as a whooshing sound echoed across the parade ground. Fire flared out in a feathered line, catching first one torch of the inner circle, then another and another around the perimeter.
“Whoa,” Alphonse said softly, leaning forward. “He doesn't just have to be careful; he has to be meticulous. Just enough power and control to get it to the torch heads and no further.”
Breda’s eyes were glued to the exercise, watching every movement sharply. “And the show’s not over yet,” he said distractedly.
It wasn’t. Roy paused long enough to survey what he’d already done, before he nodded to himself in apparent satisfaction. He took on a stable stance, then brought his other arm up with the first. Two simultaneous snaps, and fire raced away from him along the dirt, whirling around the torches of the nearer circle and shooting off toward the second. This time, instead of just the heads igniting, the entirety of the wooden shafts went up.
Roy didn’t hesitate. Even from this distance, his eyes could be seen to narrow in concentration. His left hand shot forward and snapped, and the little ball sixty feet to the north exploded in a shower of dirt and sparks. His right hand went east, where that tiny target also detonated.
He only turned ninety degrees, but the were two more snaps and explosions in rapid succession: his left hand to the south and his right to to the west. The whole quartet if blasts took less than five seconds.
Ed whistled softly, watching as Hawkeye’s extinguisher cleared Roy a path out of the burning torch circles. “Why do I get the feeling that this time, and any other time I’ve seen him fight with alchemy, he’s holding back?”
“Because he is,” Havoc said. His tone this time was grim. “If the boss really opened up and just let fly with it, he could torch the parade ground halfway back to the main building. This today was more about fine-tune control, though, not raw power.”
“It’s almost an ultimate weapon,” Alphonse said quietly, watching Colonel and Lieutenant conferring as they eyed the still burning torches.
Falman nodded agreement. “Almost. But because it’s so strong in terms of offense, it doesn’t really have anything in the way of defense.”
“Which is where Hawkeye comes in,” Fuery chimed in, turning to smile back at the boys. “Every great weapon needs a great defender, and she’s the best he’s got. It’s part of why they work so well together.”
Still watching them in their private conference, Ed’s quick golden eyes caught the look that passed between superior and subordinate. It could have been the distance, but he was almost sure that Hawkeye had a tiny smile, and that Mustang’s eyes darted briefly to her lips while he spoke. Nah, he thought, he’s a player, sure, but even he wouldn’t try to play with someone as out of his league as her.
“Yeah,” he said out loud. “I guess they are.”
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blueyesbaby1979 · 6 years
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Happy Canada day long weekend to all my fellow Canadians. Enjoy drink celebrate and be safe. Stay cool #normanreedus #daryldixon #thewalkingdead #ridewithnormanreedus #bigbaldhead @bigbaldhead
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Star Sightings: Katie Holmes Stylishly Steps Out, Gabrielle Union & Dwyane Wade Party With Rick Ross & More!
The temps are starting to heat up and celebs' sartorial styles aren't cooling down! Katie Holmes rocked a pretty navy blue asymmetrical JD Williams jumpsuit for a photo shoot in New York City.
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Sophie Fritz
Heidi Klum went even bolder, topping her outfit with a bright green “Henny Faux Fur” trench coat from KUT from the Cloth while on the set of Germany's Next Top Model in Santa Monica, California, in early June. The 45-year-old model’s stylist, Rob Zangardi, originally got the jacket as a gift for Cara Delevingne, but Klum fell in love with it, so he gave it to her instead!
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Rob Zangardi
Shay Mitchell kept warm in some, well, not-so-cold temps by layering with a jacket by Canadian designer Ellie Mae. “When it’s 52° in the morning and mid-70s by lunchtime, a faux fur jacket with a crop top, seems sensible👌,” the Pretty Little Liars alum joked on Instagram on June 6.
When it’s 52° in the morning and mid-70s by lunchtime, a faux fur jacket with a crop top, seems sensible👌🏽
A post shared by Shay Mitchell (@shaymitchell) on Jun 6, 2018 at 2:17pm PDT
Younger star Nico Tortorella rocked the Teva Hurricane XLT-2 when he stopped by the shoe brand’s Festival Gifting Suite at New York City’s Extra Butter on May 30.
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Kimberly Mufferi
Cara Santana donned a pretty burnt orange dress for POPSUGAR x Winemaker's Selection Launch at A.O.C in Los Angeles on May 24.
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Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for POPSUGAR
On fashion's biggest night, the 2018 CFDA Fashion Awards in New York City on June 4, Rosario Dawson was among the celebs who snagged a complimentary LYFT to get home safely following the after-party in New York City.
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Madison McGaw/BFA
And Miles Heizer, Derek Luke, Alisha Boe, Katherine Langford and Dylan Minnette all looked quite nice at the 13 Reasons Why ATAS FYC Event held at Netflix FYSee at Raleigh Studios in Los Angeles on June 1.
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Eric Charbonneau
Workouts were on the brain of Hollywood's elite as well.
Jordana Brewster enjoyed a day at the horse stable with her family in Los Angeles last week, where she exclusively revealed her favorite go-to beauty trends to ET. "I love Fascia massages. They really get deep into your muscles, even more than a deep tissue massage. This massage really helps stretch your muscles when you are tight and extra sore," the 38-year-old actress, who works out six days a week, explained. “I am also loving dry brushing because it really gets your circulation and lymphatic system going." The Lethal Weapon star also revealed that "allergies are a challenge all year round" for her.  "Whether I’m heading to the Farmers Market with my kids or trying to exercise outdoors, my runny nose and watery eyes can be really disruptive, but, thankfully, I take ZYRTEC to give me consistent allergy relief," she added.
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Michael Simon/Startraks Photo
Also in the City of Angels, American Woman co-stars Kyle Richards and Jennifer Bartels hosted a panel at Flywheel’s Larchmont studio on what it means to be a woman in 2018.
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Lauren Katz
Rather than hit the gym, James Franco, New York Mets pitcher Noah Syndergaard and NBA trainer Chris Brickley took in a game, watching the NBA Finals together at The Ainsworth East Village in New York City on June 2.
Andy Cohen was also in the Big Apple, enjoying a birthday lunch with his parents and a friend at Black Tap Craft Burgers & Beer's Midtown Manhattan outpost on June 1, where he ate an All-American Burger and drank seltzer one day before turning the big 5-0. And Michael Kors dined at NYC’s db Bistro Moderne by Daniel Boulud for a quiet lunch with a small group of colleagues on June 1, enjoying restaurant classics like the Original DB Burger and the Peekytoe Crab & Avocado Tartine.
There were plenty of parties and performances going on not just in New York and Hollywood, but Las Vegas and Miami as well.
Fresh off a romantic vacay, Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade partied with Rick Ross at Rockwell Nightclub in Miami Beach on June 2.
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Seth Browarnik/Worldredeye.com
Hailee Steinfeld and birthday girl Normani were in the audience for the Jennifer Lopez: All I Have residency at Zappos Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas on May 30, posting snaps to social media as they took in the show.
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Hailee Steinfeld/Instagram
Logic returned to the stage at Drai’s Nightclub atop The Cromwell in Las Vegas on June 1, wowing the crowd with hits like “Everyday” and “1-800-273-8255.” After his show, which was taken in by the likes of San Francisco wide receiver Pierre Garcon, Oakland Raiders wide receiver Martavis Bryant and DJ Henry Fong, the rapper chilled in a stageside VIP booth with friends.
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Tony Tran Photography
Jhene Aiko also had a big night out at The Cromwell over the weekend, celebrating a friend’s bachelorette party at an exclusive dancefloor booth during her boyfriend, Big Sean’s, performance at Drai’s LIVE.
Tyga closed out Memorial Day weekend on May 27 at Oxford Social Club at Pendry San Diego, performing his hits like “Rack City” and “Faded” and inviting a few partygoers onstage when he introduced his new single, “Taste.”
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Oxford Social Club
Rapper Pusha-T hosted Beats by Dre's Governors Ball party at PHD Rooftop Lounge at Dream Downtown in New York City on June 1, ending his performance with “Infrared,” the song that started the recent drama between him and Drake.
Ty Dolla $ign got the crowd pumped at Jammcard's private JammJam event at Capitol Records in Los Angeles on June 3.
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Rodjiana Munoz
Ben Rector hit the stage at a Spotify Secret Show at Nashville’s Bits & Pieces Antique Boutique on May 23, performing songs like "Brand New" and "When a Heart Breaks" off his upcoming album, Magic, which drops June 22.
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Destiny J. Keller
Betty Who performed at Moonlight Rollerway in Los Angeles to celebrate the launch of Henry’s Hard Sparkling Water.
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And Antonio Banderas hopped in the DJ booth during the Miami Fashion Week Designers Dinner at the Doheny Room at Delano on May 31.
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Seth Browarnik/Worldredeye.com
Plenty more stars were out and about for fun events.  Lauren Bushnell and her pals attended a brunch at Skin Laundry's new headquarters in Newport Beach's Lido Marina Village on June 4 to celebrate the launch of her new wine line, Dear Rosé, just a few days ahead of National Rosé Day.
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Sydney Wallace
Paris Hilton chatted with fellow dog advocate Megan O'Brien about her hound accessory, the Dogipack, during a wellness event at her mom, Kathy Hilton’s, home in Bel-Air, California, on May 26.
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Katrina Bowden celebrated the opening of the La Fete french cocktail bar, a new hot spot from IB Hospitality Founder Rohan Talwar, in West Hollywood on May 31.
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La Fete
Tamera Mowry was the keynote speaker at Fashion Mamas: Mamas Making It Summit at the Line Hotel in Los Angeles on June 3.
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Jacky Andrews
Mom-to-be Christine Lakin showed off her growing baby bump at Neocell presents Bloom Summit by New Bloom Media, sponsored by Mychelle Beauty, Radar Roller and more, at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills on June 2.
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Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for Bloom Summit
After all that fun comes some R&R!
Actress Leven Rambin enjoyed a late 28th birthday celebration with boyfriend Tilky Jones at Aqua Beach Resort Cancun in late May, enjoying the beach and lounge around their Presidential Suite’s rooftop hot tub and leaving the resort to explore the Mayan ruins in nearby Tulum and Cenote Chaak Tun in Playa del Carmen during their week-long stay.
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Karla Ruiz
Red Hot Paris’ Ashley Hutson snapped a selfie with a clean-shaven Robert Pattinson at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France, on June 1.
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Red Hot Paris
Real Housewives of New Jersey star Melissa Gorga visited plastic surgeon Dr. Ramtin Kassir for Botox and Photo-Facial procedures in early June.
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Astrit Sabani
Plus, Kyle Busch’s wife, Samantha Busch, grabbed new Walmart Family Mobile smartphones from a Walmart in Charlotte, North Carolina.
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Michael Simon
For even more must-see star sightings, click through the gallery below.
Star Sightings: Drake Parties It Up, Jessica Biel Hits Up Vegas, Emily Ratajkowski Works Out & More!
Katie Holmes and Daughter Suri Cruise Enjoy Glam Night Out at the Ballet: Pics!
Bella Hadid, Lili Reinhart and More Look Stunning at the Dior Beauty Backstage Launch Party
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