#and for what its worth thank you to whoever reported it but its not necessary
emlos · 1 year
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hyperions-strap · 4 years
Jack VS His Chair.
Summary: Jack is 6 months pregnant, and it seems his office just isn't suitable for him anymore. His luxurious chair doesn't give him the support his aching sore back needs.
💝 Link for AO3 💝
Note: Feel free to send me other prompts for omega!Jack here on Tumblr!
Jack isn’t known for his patience on the best of days, but when carrying around a 3 pound developing baby (give or take) on his hips, influencing his mood and needs 24/7, it’s safe to say his patience is nonexistent. He can still do his job perfectly well, but there’s just more obstacles now. More nuisances that catch his attention, distract his focus, and cause him to act out. 
Meetings are slow today, which should be a good thing, but all it means is Jack gets to spend more time sitting behind his desk, filtering between finance reports, and marketing contracts, and submissions for new weapons that can utilize the latest strain of Slag to its best ability. On most days that’s not too bad - a little boring, but all in all, harmless - but since entering his third trimester, he hates sitting at his desk. 
Jack generally can’t sit anywhere for too long, less he faces the wrath of his backache getting unbearable. Sometimes the agony moves through his bones and cramps his limbs, or his chest, or his neck. It’s like his back commands the troops to torture his muscles. In most cases the only cure is a back massage, courtesy of his lover's fingers, but that's not an option currently. Rhys is at Atlas for a few hours, busy schmoozing some benefactors willing to fund his latest string of cryo sniper rifles. This means Jack has to begrudgingly power through the pain. 
3 more months, give or take. That's how long he has left of suffering before the demon spawn draining his life will be in his arms. In theory, 3 months isn't a very long amount of time, but time moves so painstakingly slow when pregnant. He tries to remind himself the reward at the end is worth the pain, but then one of his hellish symptoms kicks in with a wrath. 
His keyboard rattles as he types feverishly, until a strong, searing pain shoots up his spine. He sucks in sharply and holds his breath, freezing. The pain burns at his vertebrae, almost like it's being squeezed by hands caught on fire, determined to make his bones crack. He exhales heavily and leans back in his lavish office chair. He rests a hand on top of his round belly.
"Give daddy a break, will you, princess?" He tries to bargain with his unborn child, but there's no change in his state. The pain doesn't subside, and neither does his irritation. He rubs down his belly, sighing, looking down at his bloated midsection in disappointment. "You know your life is in my hands, right? You really shouldn't be pissing me off."
Not that he'd expected a verbal response. He groans under his breath, hiking himself up and leaning over the desk. He pushes a button on his phone and waits patiently, drumming his fingers on his desk.
"This is Rhys Strongfork, CEO of Atlas corporation, how can I help you?"
He sounds so self righteous and smug, Jack can't help but snicker. "Hay, kitten, how's my favourite rival doing?" He leans back in his seat again. He places a hand on the small of his back and pushes his palm deep into his flesh, hoping to subside the pain. It's miniscule, may as well be nothing.
He hears a light cluttering as Rhys fusses over nick-nacks on his desk. "I should be the one checking in on you. How's our little girl?"
Jack rolls his eyes and sighs. "She's fine. I'm peachy too, thanks for asking."
"I was about to ask how you were too, don't get jealous."
Jack hates the smug, amused tone in his voice. "You could at least ask about me first, since I'm the one lugging around the brat." He rubs the underside of his belly. As usual, a strip of skin peaks free from the confines of his stretched sweater. Rhys has bought him a plethora of clothes to fit his ever growing form, but Jack still insists on wearing his faithful Hyperion sweater. The material is beyond stretched out now, it's working tirelessly to keep him modest, but it can't work miracles. A 6 month pregnant omega bump is too powerful for its cotton.
He hears further rustling on Rhys' end of the phone. He digs the heel of his palm into the side of his belly and holds his breath. A dull pain ricochets from his back round to his abdomen. He manages to distribute the pain and ease the intensity, but little can be done about his back.
"You know I've got baby brain, Jack. Nothing but babies - baby, baby, baby-- it's a curse!"
"Yeah, well you better force me back to front and center. I'm the one doing the hard work, not her."
Rhys laughs softly. "How are you, Jack?" He asks sincerely, though amused. Jack is happy to know no matter what, he's still the one happily in charge of their relationship. Though social standards try to determine the alpha is in charge, especially when their omega is pregnant preparing to deliver, Jack and Rhys don't at all abide by those rules. They never have, and Jack most certainly never will. If Rhys were like other alphas, hot headed and stubborn, determined to dominate him like a foolish brute, Jack would have never agreed to having his baby. He'd been strict about the dynamics of their relationship, and determined to make sure his status as an omega was respected. Jack didn't have shame in his title - in fact, he wore it with pride.
He absentmindedly rubs his belly and exhales as the pain in his back momentarily subsides. "I'm alright, pumpkin. Craving something greasy."
"You sound wound up."
Jack snickers. "Do I? Probably being surrounded by knuckleheads." He laughs again, but the movement makes his back seizes up again, making him yelp embarrassingly. He clutches at the point of pain, and grinds his teeth as it shoots up through his spine like electricity following a circuit. He curses under his breath when he hears Rhys' distressed worries calling for him over the line. "Still here, don't worry."
"Are you okay?! What was that noise?!"
"That noise was me!" With great difficulty, Jack pushes himself out of his luxurious golden chair, arching his back and pushing into the point of discomfort with both his hands before taking one away to cup the base of his belly. Moving is starting to become more difficult by himself, much to his displeasure. Some days he needs Rhys to physically hoist him out of bed. He glares at his chair and begins walking around his desk in circles. "I'm fine though, don't fret."
"Jack, you're 6 months pregnant. All I do is worry." Rhys is moving around more now, changing scenes by the sounds of things as wind brushes by and external chatter fills the void. "I'm coming to see you."
"What?! Oh geez, that's not necessary--"
"When you're carrying around our baby, it's always necessary."
Jack pinches the bridge of his nose. He hates being fussed over, and that's all that happens these days. "No, really, it's not! It's just my damn back playing up!" He hears what he assumes to be Rhys stopping in his tracks. "The baby is fine and dandy though, kicking my bladder and making me the size of a whale. It's the office chair, makes me feel like someones ripping out my spine. I should start bringing a pillow from home."
"Why not buy a more comfortable chair? Don't they sell maternity chairs for working omegas?" Rhys' question is innocent enough, but it makes Jack irritated nevertheless. It's like admitting he's weak, that the chair has bested him. He doesn't realise he's growling until Rhys starts laughing. "It's probably more comfortable than the one you have anyway. Remember when we tried to have sex in it after the office party last year? I almost broke my leg."
Jack chuckles. "That's because you're too freakin' long! Those string beans you call legs weren't made for tight spaces." Jack looks down at the sphere supporting his hips, kneading his brows as he thinks. "Those omega special chairs are a scam though, it's to make possessive alphas like you spend your hard earned money and stroke your ego!"
"The reviews look pretty good to me."
"I don't give a rat's ass what the reviews are like." Jack yells back. He moves to sit back at his desk, but as if the cushions are made of spikes, he immediately yells out in pain and grips the wood of the desk for dear life. He curses so loud an echo reverberates around the office. He tries to power through, scooting forward, only to bump his belly off the desk edge and hurt himself that way. "Jesus fucking Christ, I'm going to airlock whoever made this desk just for inconveniencing me!"
Suddenly there's a knock at his office door. He frowns, looking at it before pressing a button to open the door. Rhys walks in with a smug smile, hanging up the comm he had with Jack. 
"What, how did--"
"I took a fast travel. Come on, I'm taking you chair shopping."
Jack grumbles in annoyance, but after a tender back massage and belly rub, he gives in with little fight.
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19mrs-barnes17 · 4 years
How Could I Ever Forget?
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Summary: “Hello! Can I make a request for Dean x reader. Dean x reader have recently confessed their feelings for each other. Soon after, the reader loses her memory. The brothers help her have a “normal” life away from hunting & they stay away from her. After a few weeks/months, the reader calls Dean, because she has a nightmare and he rushes over to see her. He secretly keeps seeing her and over time she slowly starts to fall for him again. Maybe you can include them being soulmates? Thank you!”      -Anonymous
Part: 1/1
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Word count: 3,245
A/N: wow this one had some plot to fit, haha. Enjoy! (Ps. title is from a Next to Normal song)
“C’mon Via, I can handle a shopping run. My memory is getting better and I’ll have the list to help. Please? I need to get out, being cooped up here is driving me stir crazy.” Your sister’s eyes darted to the side, mind running through the request several times before caving and nodding. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
She handed over your emergency phone and the list, still nervous about your first solo excursion since the accident. No one would tell you much about it, you had been hit hard on the head and had forgotten three years worth of your life. But, nobody said what did it or any other specific details about that night. Only ever saying your phone broke and providing you with a new one full of only family members. 
The last memory you had before the gray three year gap was of your sister calling you in a motel room. For the life of you you couldn’t remember the name or why you were even there. It was too fuzzy and the only thing you were able to recall was that you were meeting people. But no one would tell you who or why? Some said it must have been some dream or figment of imagination but you knew better. And one day you’d find out.
For now you strolled down aisles and pushed a cart, your pace quite slow as you attempted to prolong your excursion. You had missed doing mundane activities as silly as it may sound, you had been treated like a glass figurine. She had denied you every request, not allowing you to do anything that could be remotely dangerous. You couldn’t even help in the kitchen, she was terrified of any more damage befalling you. It was suffocating. 
“Hey Y/N? Can you grab me some washcloths from the closet?” It was one of the few tasks that she deemed safe enough, what could towels do to you right? Knock down a couple boxes apparently, but thankfully you caught them and no one was alerted. You couldn’t handle further seclusion.
One box had your name on it, but you had never seen the thing in your life. Unless… Quickly you hid the box in your room and emerged from the hall with some rags. You excused yourself to get washed up for dinner, doing your best to not trip up. When you were alone you pulled the box from your closet and sat on your bed, hands frozen on the tabs. You were terrified that you’d find nothing special, but frightened of finding something that had been hidden from you. 
A sharp pain stung in your chest as you rifled through the objects that held a strange familiarity. There were photos of you, people you didn’t recognize with arms around you and smiles on your faces. A pair of green eyes gazed up at you from a bright screen at the bottom of the box, your hand having brushed against it. One fingerprint and a button later and you were staring at a home screen background of you and the man. Your head rested against his shoulder as you looked at him from the corner of your eyes. Both of you held bright smiles on your faces, his beautiful green eyes on the camera as he was likely taking the photo. 
You stared at the small markings on your wrist, they were what showed up when you met your soulmate. It was said that it was some ancient language and that the name of your soulmate was written in it, but no one seemed to be able to crack it. Not one person could translate the language, it had perplexed the world for years and eventually fell into the background of news. Even despite the discovery that when you read your soulmates markings it translated in your head. Only you could read your own name on their wrist. You wondered if this was some relationship you had found with someone who wasn’t your soulmate, or if he was your soulmate. But if he was, why wasn’t he here?
Footsteps echoed in the hall and your name was called, you quickly shoved the box under your bed and gathered yourself. Now was not the time to tear down the hope of more freedom, not before you found out more. You needed insurance that this was worth it and you weren’t seeking out someone who wasn’t there. He could have died in the same accident for all you knew. God you hoped not. 
Dinner passed by in a blur and you excused yourself for bed, faking a yawn and lying about an early start on cleaning tomorrow. In your room you sat with the empty box on the floor and the contents sprawled across your bed. Time to research the hell out of this green eyed guy. For some reason his name pulled up police reports and wanted ads, you were terrified. When you looked into him, Dean Winchester as you soon discovered, he was reported dead. So many years ago, and yet somehow you had been with him in the last three years. Maybe they were doppelgängers. They had to be. But this left you at square one, no lesser known guy with the same face showed in your search. 
Eventually you gave up, you weren’t finding anything this way and you were going to have to find out by asking your sister. You were really not in the mood to be rejected and ignored so you put off continuing the search until tomorrow. Eyes growing heavy and your body falling into exhaustion you slipped beneath the covers. Tomorrow you were going to hunt down that man and find out the truth, by any means necessary. You had to know.
There were flashes of lightning as the rain shot down in rough droplets from the stormy clouds above. It was a violent storm and you were caught in the middle of it, alone. Or at least, so you thought. As you pressed onward you heard a stranger's voice call out your name, and it oddly felt normal to hear. When you whipped your head around you saw those green eyes you’d been hunting all night. He called out for you to duck and you obliged, a shot rippling overhead. When you turned a man, no a creature, lay still on the pavement with a pool of red dispersing from its lifeless body. It terrified you how calm you were about the murder you had just witnessed, but what really scared you was how relieved you were. Like it was a job well done. 
You slipped when making your way to the green eyed man, a soft chuckle escaping your lips. What you saw next fizzled in and out and you could hardly make it out. You saw flashes of a taller gentleman by a vintage car, the trunk filled with weaponry, and images of a hand held out to you.
You were coated in sweat as you shot up in your bed, body shaking as you tried to stand only to fall to your knees. What the hell was that? An hour passed as you attempted to discern fiction from reality, the nightmare had felt so real. Almost like a memory which scared the hell out of you. What happened over the past three years. You had been a hunter of sorts, that was all you remembered. But, a hunter of monsters?
You sat back in your bed, eyes never leaving the newly found phone. There weren’t a ton of names in the contacts but there were so many non-family members, and that scared you. Not a single name that you scrolled past did you recall ever meeting. There were text messages and conversation you could have sworn you’d never had if not for the overwhelming evidence before you. When you reached W in the contact list your heart dropped, there he was. Dean Winchester. Green eyes and all, smiling up at you from the phone screen. Curiosity struck and you opened up your messages, eyes freezing on the most recent in a series of missed messages.
I love you and I miss you.
It was sent only two weeks ago, and only a month after you had woken up in the hospital with a chunk of your past missing. Whoever he was, he was alive and he wanted to see you or at least he did weeks ago. It was stupid, but you were desperate and couldn’t believe you hadn’t thought of it before. Your finger hit the green button and you were pleased to hear the ringing. You still had access to the past, and you’d be damned if you didn’t take advantage of it. 
There was a click but no voice spoke from the other end, you were afraid he no longer wanted to speak. What if he had cut his losses after you continuously didn’t respond, moving on with someone else? Whatever the case, you still had to know.
“I know you answered. I can hear you.” There was a pause of silence before he spoke, his voice tired and soft. 
“I didn’t think I’d ever hear from you again. Are you okay? Did something happen?” He was spiraling rather quickly and you could hear the pain and anxiety dripping from his voice. “Sammy said your sister came to take you home.”
“Sammy? Who- I…” He didn’t know, he didn’t know. Oh, god. How the hell do you tell someone who loves you that you don’t remember them? How can you break their heart like that? 
Well, it certainly wasn’t over the phone. You slipped on a jacket and snuck out of the apartment, keeping Dean on the line. The box was in your hands as you crossed several streets to the nearest open park.
“Okay, I’m out.” He started to make concerned comments about your phrasing but you cut him off. “I need your help.”
“Done. What do you need?” It was strange for someone you didn’t know to have such faith and trust in you, to immediately offer his assistance with zero hesitation. You gave him your sister’s address and asked him to meet you at the designated park before you gave him any more information.
The moment you heard the rumbling of an engine you knew it was him, though it was still at least a street away. You weren’t a car person but the familiarity of the engine was all too memorable and you couldn’t deny that you knew that car. It was unmistakable. But when the man exited the car, his door slamming shut before his green eyes lifted to meet yours, you felt the strangest pull in your chest. Something in you wanted to jump from the swing and toss the box to the side, to wrap your arms around him and bury your face in his chest. It scared you a little, the strength of the emotion. 
“Dean.” A soft smile tugged at his lips, but there was concern clouding his eyes. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
He nodded and moved to sit in the swing beside you, his eyes wandering to the box you held in your arms. You moved to open it, pulling photos and a necklace from within and handing them to him. Taking a deep breath you prepared yourself.
“That’s you and Bobby outside his house in the junkyard. You’d helped him fix up a car, it was your first one and he… He wanted to commemorate it. Always was into that cheesy stuff when it came to us.” Your brow furrowed, eyes flickering between him and the photograph.
“You knew? You knew I didn’t remember?” He nodded softly, eyes tearing up as he ran nostalgic fingers over the glossy image. “And you left me to figure out the last three years on my own?”
“I’m sorry.” His head hung low, eyes closing as a tear slips down his cheek. “I only figured it out when your sister ran into me outside her apartment building. She cornered me, the only one who knew about your secret life, and told me to back off. You finally had a chance at a normal life, and I knew she was right. So Sam and I stayed away.”
“How could she?”
“She was only trying to help. You were pretty banged up after that car wreck and she only wanted you safe.” Dean wiped the tear trail from his cheek, eyes meeting yours once more.
“Car wreck? What about the rest, the creatures I see every night when I close my eyes? Why do I keep seeing you?” You were growing more hysterical by the minute and Dean slipped off his swing and knelt before you. He caught you as you fell into him, arms wrapping around him as you let the tears flow and soak his shirt. 
“I can’t explain everything, not in just one night. Not only is it kind of impossible, it's probably not healthy for you.”
“Then you come back every night. You come here and you tell me it bit by bit.” Your eyes were frantic as you searched his eyes. He sighed before nodding, and you hugged him tightly. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you.” You pulled back and looked into his eyes, your expression growing serious. “Okay, business first I see. Where to start?”
“The beginning.”
You sat before him in the empty park for hours, listening to the story of how you met and how you had been a hunter. You still had so many questions but it was beginning to get light out and your sister would have a fit if she saw you weren’t in your bed. One more hug and you waved Dean off, his sleek black car fading into the distance. For weeks this went on and you listened to him describe your life and the people you had met. Once he had finished, after several nights of storytelling, he handed you a journal with your name on it.
“Here, it's your hunter’s journal. Cases you worked on and sometimes mentions of people you encountered. All inside, in your words.” You remembered, a little surprised it wasn’t included in the box. It started when you and your sister lost your parents to a vamp, ending just days before the crash. Scanning over your handwriting tears welled up in your eyes, you couldn’t thank him enough for his help. Though you hadn’t magically regained your memory, you at least had answers and that was enough for now. But something was still missing.
“Time to finish the story.”
“I did, the crash and your sister telling me off is the last I know.” You raised a brow at him and pulled up your photo album on the phone, swiping until you found a picture of you kissing his cheek. 
“You sure about that? Because I know for a fact I don’t exchange ‘I love you’s’ freely and I certainly don’t go around kissing people on the cheek.” You handed over your phone and he smiled softly at the photo but there was still a flicker of sadness in his eyes. “Who are you to me?”
“Officially? Nothing that planned on being something. You got into the crash three days after I told you I loved you. So, I’ve never actually heard you say it back. But, I thought we were something.” Your heart dropped, eyes closing as you took in a deep breath.
Three days after he confessed and you reciprocated interest. Only three and he lost you in a mere instant. You had found someone and lost them in less than a week. It was no wonder you felt such strong pulls toward him, you loved him and you had forgotten. But in these few weeks of meeting nightly you had begun to see why he had been someone you stayed by. He was a good man who had had a rough run, and you knew the feeling all too well after what happened to you. 
“I can’t remember loving you.” His eyes met yours but soon tore away to his car, looking at you becoming too painful. “But every time I see you I feel it, I feel the pull and I know I did.” 
“You… do?”
“I know I love you Dean Winchester. I just have to know you again.” You placed a hand on his cheek and suddenly his eyes widened. “What?”
“Your wrist, I uh, It’s my name. It says my name.” You quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled back his jacket, eyes growing wide.
“And there’s mine. Clear as day.” You chuckled softly to yourself and shook your head.
All this time you had known your soulmate and fate had ripped him from you, taken him without remorse. Your eyes met his and you sat wondering how the two of you never noticed before, how neither had tried to read the others. He had been before you, sitting with that dopey smile that made you want to kiss him all over. There was no way you were letting him out of your sight, not again. Screw a normal life, something would have found you sooner or later. You’d rather spend your days getting to know the love of your life all over again.
“Stay here.” You placed a soft kiss on his cheek and ran, your legs burning when you reached your sister’s home. The light flipped on as you were stuffing a duffle bag with all your necessities and you froze in place.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” Via stood wrapping her robe tighter over her pajamas before crossing her arms. “Where are you going?”
“I found him Via. He was there all along in my missing years, my soulmate.” Your sister’s eyes softened and she nodded. “It was Dean.”
“Well, then we better make sure you pack it all safely. Tell lover boy to bring that Impala he nicknamed around.” She smiled softly at you through the tears welling up in her eyes. “I’m gonna miss my big sister, you and him better visit. I mean it.”
“Of course.” When all was packed away you hugged your sister and called Dean, he was there in minutes. “You don’t mind me moving in right?”
“Hell no. Sam and Cas will be glad you’re back. Even if they had a problem I’d still move you in.” You chuckled softly at his serious expression and his eyes softened. “I’ve missed you and your laugh.”
“Good. Cause I’m not leaving you again anytime soon, so better be sure.” His smile slowly faded as he approached you and wrapped an arm around you. 
“I’m dead certain. There’s no one I’d rather have at my side than you, no one I’d rather love.” You leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips, unsure where the courage came from.
Wrapping both arms around his neck you continued to kiss him and kiss him like you’d starve without the taste of his lips. He held on, not wanting to lose you again and you gladly welcomed the feeling. Your sister coughed loudly behind you and shooed the make out session “off her single and lonely property”. Dean smiled as he pressed down on the gas pedal and held your hand in his, everything was finally starting to put itself back together.
Tags: @qtmeryr @broken-hearted-barnes @cantnkrusshedevil​
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heartslogos · 3 years
the declassified texts of the inquisition's elite [183]
(785): She’s the kind of asshole whose face I want to put on a T-shirt just so I can go outside and burn it.
“Well. At least we know Sera’s channeling her energy appropriately. Or at least, attempting to,” Evelyn concludes. She shuffles together files of casework and tosses them into a pile to be read and indexed later.
“Burning effigies is appropriate?”
Evelyn quickly glances at Mahanon. He sounds too interested for this to be a sarcastic question.
“More appropriate than buildings,” Evelyn says, “Do not go around burning effigies of people to terrify them into having a mental break. I’m saying this out loud in as clear and concise terms as I possibly can. Sera’s voicing an urge she most likely isn’t going to act on, but it’s to relieve stress and frustration. She is not going around burning effigies as psychological warfare in order to get people we don’t like to slip up and get caught. The Inquisition utilizes several dubious and incredibly unethical tactics. But we aren’t going to use that one.”
Evelyn can’t say anything to that qualifier because there’s a lot of things Evelyn would’ve sworn the Inquisition doesn’t do until the exact moment where she had to admit that said specific action would be necessary and crucial to some sort of plot.
There was a time where Evelyn would have been deeply uncomfortable with this. In truth she still is. But most of that has been overridden by the loud and very demanding needs of the present. It’s terrible reasoning and could be picked apart by a dozen theologians and philosophers with ease. But Evelyn’s had to permit terrible things in order to prevent even worse things from happening, or in order to drag the roots of corruption out.
It doesn’t help that Evelyn seems to have surrounded herself in morally gray people who have very little qualms with doing things in an underhanded, borderline evil way.
The Inquisition is a terrible beast and Evelyn hopes that someday she’s able to dismantle it herself before it’s torn asunder by others. For now Evelyn just hopes she’s reigning it in and channeling its focus enough to prevent the worst from happening.
“What’s the progress on finding out the loose ends in the laundering and fraudulent claim case down in Val Royeaux?” Evelyn asks. It’s not her best redirect, but Mahanon’s never cared for such a thing.
Mahanon reaches over and pulls out an envelope from one of the stacks of documents, passing it to her.
“Ready to tie up. The workers are ready to unionize. Or at the very least, blackmail their boss into giving them better working conditions. I don’t know how much they know is going on, or if they even realize that they’re part of a much bigger picture. But they sent us enough evidence to authorize a raid,” Mahanon says, smirk tilting his lips into a lopsided slash. “Sera’s sent Jennies to investigate if this is a trap. The workers are going behind management’s back in order to gather evidence to extort them. They want their boss out and they want him out now.”
Evelyn laughs, “We’ve been trying to find the missing piece for that particular puzzle for months and it just mails itself to our doorstep? Handy. Who flagged this? Whoever they are get them some kind of reward. Being a mail sorter for the Inquisition is a mostly thankless job, but whoever red flagged this and got it up through the intelligence network for verification has a good eye.” Evelyn slowly skims through the documents. They’re very well organized and Evelyn can see that while many important details were sent there’s even more that were not. This is just the tip of the iceberg. She sees how the pieces of the puzzle they’ve been working on for months would fit with the information summarized here.
“They must have been working very hard to gather this much,” Evelyn mutters, clicking her pen. She glances at Mahanon.
“We have copies,” he says, “Mark away.”
Evelyn immediately begins to jot down her preliminary notes; circling and underlining and drawing arrows all over the pages. Take the scholar and professor out of the school, but you can’t take them out of her.
She suspects that she’ll one day rise from the grave to edit her own obituary.
“How soon can we move in?” Evelyn asks. “What’s the time table?”
“Before the employees launch their move, which should be happening any day now. With this amount of evidence direct from the source combined with the strings we’ve already found we should have the necessary permits within the next day,” Mahanon replies. “All that’s left is to determine who’s going and who’s going to handle the investigation.”
“Are you volunteering?”
Mahanon hums, “It’s interesting, but no. Office intrigue is not my area of expertise. I’m sure the end report will be fascinating night reading. You could send Edric, but I expect that you won’t be.”
“And why’s that?”
“You’ve been bored lately,” Mahanon spins his pen between his fingers. “You haven’t done anything worth talking about in almost a whole week. Your’e going yourself.”
Evelyn had considered it. “You sound so sure of yourself.”
Mahanon raises an eyebrow at her. “Are you going to tell me you were’t going?”
She shrugs. “I had considered it. I wasn’t sure yet, though.”
“You’re going. You’ve been bored and this is the final piece to a very large puzzle that the Inquisition has been attempting to solve for months. You’ll want to see this come together first hand. That’s just how you are. I would consider this a trap to lure you out, but that seems like a stretch.” Mahanon shrugs. “Who do you think you’ll take with you?”
“I’d say Sera, but white collar crime isn’t something she’s particularly good at handling. Not when it’s sensitive. She might offend someone by accident. Or on purpose. I’ll take Harding. She’s very good at organizing these kind of things. And she’s got such a good touch with the interviews. People just like talking to her. Next thing you know you’ve told her your entire life story. We’ll have their biographies in our hands by the end of the day.” Evelyn nods to herself. “Right. I’m taking point, Harding as second. Mahanon deliver this to Harding and get a status on authorizations from Josephine. Tell Cullen I’m going to need some soldiers to move in and secure the building. Aside from Harding I don’t think I’ll need anyone from our intelligence division on scene. Do have a team monitoring outgoing communications from the area though. Just in case we catch something trying to escape.”
“As you say,” Mahanon nods, sweeping the marked up file into his hands. “I’m sure that everyone is going to be deeply relieved to hear that this is coming to a close. It should finally free up some of the budget for the rest of us. And it’ll get you out of Skyhold. Thank the gods.”
“Am I really that unbearable to have around?”
“When you get bored? Absolutely.”
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advernia · 4 years
fic: to be cold like alleyway cobblestones
— just one of the many joys of being young and murderous. - mafia!au: of the things people do in the dead of night.
1: contains death + violence; the former's depicted in one scene only + the latter's all non-graphic, but still tread lightly.
Where are you?
It's not like you wanted to be here, it's more of you had to be here. Yes, here of all places, surrounded by piles of boxes and barrels and warehouses of years know how old. To be drenched in fog and to breathe in the seawater air, rusting copper and thick smoke that passes through your nose now clinging to the back of your throat.
Somewhere in the darkness and under the sickly yellowish lighting there's the shuffle of clothing and thump of shoes on cement. How many are there, it's hard to tell. Your eyes and ears aren't trained for this sort of night life. In fact, not a single part of you is. Maybe that's why you feel even smaller than ever, even when you're standing by in your best leather boots.
It is 10:32 PM.
What is going on?
To be fair, you were expecting this kind of reception. All of you were. That's why there are holsters secured on both sides of your waist and a little bomb nestled in your jacket pocket. That's why you made sure to secure your own copy of the map to drill all the curves, nooks, and crannies of this whole area in your brain hours before the negotiation was to take place. They told you that the memorizing isn't necessary, but you'd like to think that you know better so you practiced 'better safe than sorry'.
Turns out that you're right, and you'll be using that knowledge way earlier than you expected.
It is 10:58 PM.
How did this happen?
Your side could use the classic 'we tried' defense. No, it wasn't a lie or a joke, not even in slightest. You were paying close attention to the conversation, getting all those details in your head while doing your best to observe the surroundings and the non-verbal communication flying about. Gritting of teeth, crossing of arms, stiffening of shoulders, curling of fists. Ah, this wasn't looking good. You can practically feel the air growing stiffer by the minute.
Then some genius pulls out a gun.
It is 11:27 PM.
Why you?
You're stepping on spilt blood, hold the weight of triggers in your hands, hear gurgling cries with the crunching of muscle and bone as accompaniment, and breathe in touches of sulfur and death. You're a pretty thing standing in the makings of a morgue with your skin still unscathed and limbs in all the right positions, eyes able to see and heart still beating. So maybe, just maybe, that's why.
That's why someone's running towards you at full speed, screaming hell's wrath with teeth bared and the sharp tip of an iron blade aimed at your chest.
Shit, a familiar voice hisses. Others follow, but you can't hear what they're saying and suddenly everything's a blur too. The sentiment is fitting, you think. Shit. You're no statue, but your feet are rooted to the ground and you forget how it is to breathe. Shit. Your attacker's coming closer and closer and he isn't stopping for no one, not for you or for anyone else. Shit. Your shaking fingers manage to curl around something solid, and for a moment you think yourself going mad when you actually feel comfort in the touches of cold metal against your skin.
When your arms lift themselves up, two barrels are able to take aim.
The man and his knife are about to step into your personal space.
Your fingers pull at the -
                          Oh, your lips shake.
It is 12:01 AM.
It is 12:01 AM, and you just killed someone.
                    The third bout that leaves her mouth has lesser chunks and is now mostly saliva. They leave her mouth in lengthy trails, drops falling down, down, down.
Doubled over with her head between her knees, she gasps repeatedly for more air than she really needs and more that she can release in grave huffs. It's almost like she's reminding herself how it is to breathe while emptying the contents of her stomach. Inhale, exhale. Through the nose, then out again. She figures that she must look all sorts of pitiful, some strange girl huffing and puffing with her body dangerously close to the pier's edge.
And while she's watching the remains of her lunch mingle with the sea, the world around her still goes on. Of course it does, because time is not so kind and sensitive enough to stop for every unfortunate soul struck with the impulse to throw up. If it did, then maybe she would go about slower in trying to breathe and getting rid of the acid in her mouth. If it did, then maybe she wouldn't start worrying about the impending blare of police sirens echoing faintly in her ears.
When something warm - a hand - rests on her shoulder, she raises her head slowly before turning it around.
The first thing she sees is a gloved open palm offering a handkerchief. It is pure white. No crease, no fold. The sight makes her lips purse, teeth gnawing at the insides of her cheek. She takes the cloth anyway, with the reluctance of someone who doesn't want their hands to get burned. It's ridiculous. She's ridiculous.
She lifts her head for whoever took pity on her. The ends of her lips pull upwards, urging the shape of a curve. She hopes it looks natural. It feels like it is.
For her efforts, green eyes smile back at her. It's still dark and the lighting around the place is still dim and sickly and the fog doesn't make visibility any better, but she knows those eyes. Most people just call them green, but personally she likes calling them mint. The color, the herb, the taste. A calming cool pastel, a blooming verdant vibrancy, a rush of a fresh sensation in the mouth that lingers long to carve its name on the tongue.
Not too chilling, too cold, too spicy, too menthol-like. There has always been something familiar about those small eyes that has become soothing to her.
"The others have gone ahead. We need to leave too," he whispers. The hand set on her shoulder squeezes gently before moving over to touch her arm. "Can you stand?"
She nods, fingers wiping away the tears that had formed in the edges of her eyes before the handkerchief dabs at her mouth.
"I'm fine," she tries to say, smoothing her voice into something convincing. It doesn't work because the consecutive throwing up session had her throat now running dry and empty. Another thing empty. No food and energy and melody left in her and all that's left behind is a horrid ungodly cross between hoarse and mechanical. Grating and lifeless. Skin, muscle, and blood for a shell but nothing inside. Not the least bit human. Who's going to believe her now?
Even her legs quake when she tries to stand. How embarrassing, her own body won't even listen to her. She's thankful for the hand that keeps her steady, it takes hold of her arm and weight into stride and lifts her up to her feet; not letting go till she's ready and standing upright. The hand goes as far as to smooth the stray strands of her blonde hair back in place, tucking locks behind her ear and keeping them away from her eyes.
How nice. Maybe now she's a bit presentable.
"I can carry you back."
"W-wh-what? Oh no, no, it's okay. It's nice of you to offer. But I can walk, I promise."
A low hum, the peer into her eyes that leaves little space to speak of in between two faces.
"... I'll hold onto your hand to be safe. Is that better?"
Well. Still a bit embarrassing. But maybe she should listen to her shaking knees and stop being stubborn for once.
There wasn't much of her pride worth salvaging right now anyway.
"... All right, then."
                    Car rides can sure brew fun conversations.
"So about the one you killed - "
"The one she shot," the sudden correction is hostile, and it's quickly met with a pointed snort that follows with the turn of the wheel. The van tilts sharply to the left, and through her slightly lowered window, an angry chorus of car horns trumpet their way in.
Watch where you're fucking going, shitty asshole, goddamn kid and other curses also reach her ears.
So much for safe driving.
"Four bullets to the torso, four bullets to the neck - what else is a man going to be but dead after that barrage?"
The facts are laid out by a voice that brought to mind those of television news show reporters: neutral in volume, plain in pitch and timbre, objective in content. She could hear it now: this just in - unknown assailant shoots a middle-aged man multiple times, flees the scene immediately and leaves victim bleeding to death on the pavement; more details after the break. Her eyes turn up to the rearview mirror, finds the driver's gaze away from the road and instead set on her. Silver irises make for pretty jewelry but also sharpened knives, a dangerous mix of allure and pressure. She can't handle it and opts to look away, her insides twisting themselves into knots.
She thinks he hears him laughing.
Beside her, a hiss. "Just because this sorry excuse of a van isn't ours you decide to drive like the ruffian you truly are, how predictable. If you keep going recklessly, we're bound to catch unwanted attention."
"If you wanted to drive so much then you should've said so in the first place, stickler. The police aren't that stupid to prioritize a speeding ticket over a distress call, now are they?"
"Shame on you to assume that there's an extent to stupidity."
The banter would continue to go on without her help so she leans her head against the window, gazing at the scenery outside. A street never dead despite the early hour, cars constantly passing through. Beggars making themselves small in between the crooks of alleys. Drunkards stumbling about the sidewalk. The occasional salaryman making their way home. Teenagers in groups or adults on their lonesome. Bars and convenience stores flashing their bright lights.
Still the same as ever.
"Clean them."
The stern voice pulls her out of her head, and she sees something land on her lap - it's a long strip of cloth and on top of it a thin bottle, transparent liquid sloshing about inside. Right, how could she forget: her hands go to the holsters on her waist and she pulls out her revolvers, cringes a bit when she sees the splatters of dark red across the front sights and barrels.
Ah... those must be dry by now.
She takes the bottle, about to pop it open -
"Again, don't forget to unload them first."
Despite herself, a soft laugh escapes her lips. She glances at him; he who never missed all the small details, he who constantly reminded her of the same thing during these nights. He's watching her with an eyebrow raised, maybe wondering why she hasn't followed his instructions yet.
He's still the same as ever too - it's oddly comforting, in a way.
"I know," she says with a wry smile.
                    When the waves of police cars have gone far far away, they leave their getaway van in some unassuming convenience store parking lot space.
Upon their arrival at the city's center, they split into two groups. Group A reconvenes with the rest of the team; Group B goes back to base.
When they drew straws, she considered being part of Group B a stroke of luck, but -
"So like I was saying earlier, the man you killed..."
They're taking a short break on a park bench, and his sudden quip has her choking on her 250 lin bottled water and it gets everywhere: around her chin, across her shirt, down to her pants. She looked embarrassing, that's for sure; and of course he decides to act like a true gentleman by sitting beside her wordlessly as she tries to get through the worst of her coughing fit, just staring at her with obvious interest.
No pats on the back, are you okays, there, theres - just the chirping of crickets, quiet rustling of leaves, and his soft laughter ringing in her ears.
"Still jittery, huh?"
"If you knew, then you shouldn't have said that in the first place...!"
"Good point."
She flashed him a scowl before letting out a few more coughs.
"Why," she starts a few seconds later, voice warbling at the edges, "do you keep mentioning that man?"
"Oh, just to serve as a usual reminder. I'm sure you know that if you didn't kill him in time, then you would've died."
"... I know."
"You say you do, but it still doesn't give you any satisfaction, doesn't it? Especially for someone like you."
She inhales sharply, hands wringing themselves together on her lap. His pointed emphasis on her state didn't offend her much, possibly because she accepted it to be the truth for some time now: get over it, she told herself multiple times. It comes with the job, it's natural, she sung to herself. You did what you had to do, it was unavoidable, she cried to herself. Those were just the beginning of the many words she'd use the first time, the second, the third, then so on and so forth until she had pushed herself into a cycle of guilt; the next unwanted experience breaking her down just as easy, just as vicious and relentless like the first time she felt blood drown her hands.
It's a terrible, terrible, such a terrible feeling; to be thankful that you took someone else's life just to be able to live one more day longer. To understand that to live; you must plunge a knife on someone's chest, shove poison down their throat, steal the air out of their lungs, and rain bullets on their body.
Eyes close themselves tightly, teeth dig harshly into the insides of the mouth.
If she could wail to the heavens, she would.
... Just where did it all go wrong?
2: cleaning tumblr drafts, i stumbled on this and tried to find its main file but... it??? doesn't??? exist??? this was a shame to scrap entirely, so i patched it up the best i could... ran out of steam come the ending tho....(´_`) 3: i remember aiming for a no-name drop kind of thing, so i tried my best to hint at who is who solely through description! in order of appearance, alice's companions are mousse (pier scene + hostile corrector), dean (alice's seatmate in the van scene), and dalim (van driver + bench scene) - idk if i managed to pull it off, but dean really got the short end of the stick since his scene's the shortest aha....
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creative-type · 5 years
Hey @oriigami, I was your Secret Santa for the @opsecretsanta2019. I hope you enjoy your gift, and have a Merry Christmas
Title: Deliverance  Rating: T Characters: Sabo, Koala Summary: It stood to reason that Sabo and Koala would get a cupcake for their first mission. It also stood to reason that nothing would go as planned. 
Or, the story of how Sabo got his first bounty. 
“Promise me you won’t go off script.”
“I told you already, I promise.”
Sabo fought with an ill-fitting workman’s cap, which despite his best efforts to pummel into submission did not want to sit nicely on his head. It was new and stiff, without any of the give his usual tophat had. He heard Koala give a nearly inaudible sigh. Standing on her tiptoes she swiped it out of his hands, giving him just enough time to bend down so she could force it on, pulling the bill so low it nearly covered his eyes.
And his scar.
“When did you get so damn tall?” she groused.
“I’m perfectly average, thank you very much,” Sabo said. “You’re just short.”
Koala punched his arm a little harder than was necessary, but he got her to smile. A real, honest-to-god smile, and not the strained bastardization she resorted to when she was nervous. “Seriously, Koala,” he said. “They gave us a cupcake of a mission.”
“We’re going in alone. There won’t be any backup this time around,” she pointed out.
Sabo scoffed, “Hack will be a snailphone call away, not that we’ll need him just to make a delivery. Seriously, Koala, we’ll be fine.”
“I will be fine,” Koala corrected, jabbing her finger into his chest. “It’s you they don’t trust not to run off towards the nearest explodables.”
“That was one time! How was I supposed to know that ship was transporting gunpowder?”
“I rest my case.”
She took a step back and looked Sabo with a critical eye. He considered making a quip about how cute she looked dressed up like a little peasant girl out running errands, but decided he would rather start his first solo mission without any conspicuous bruising.
It was a simple enough job, all things considered. The Revolution had gotten wind of a few nasty rumors regarding some upstart nobleman on the Isle of Doulos and sent an agent to infiltrate the household, who was now in need of some extra reconnaissance equipment that Koala and Sabo were to smuggle in to the estate.  
“I’m not going to screw this up,” Sabo promised for what felt like the dozenth time. “I don’t plan on having Hack babysit me forever so might as well show them we have what it takes, right?”
“Right.” Koala adjusted his collar before giving her final nod of approval. “Remember, we absolutely cannot blow Bunny Joe’s cover. So no hitting douchebags in the face.”
“I won’t,” Sabo promised for the thirteenth time. He paused. “I mean, unless they really deserve it.”
Sabo set sail to Doulos with a sore arm, but it was worth it to hear her laugh.
There had been some question on how the Revolution would smuggle supplies into the mansion of Lord Chandler, the recently turned nobleman who was promoted from the merchant class after performing some kind of service to the crown. Preliminary scouting missions reported an exceptionally thorough snailphone system that covered every inch of the nobleman’s vast estate. Stealth was technically possible, but it would be difficult to sneak around without arousing suspicion.
Further surveillance uncovered a surprisingly simple solution: Supplies from the nearby port city were often delivered by children the same age as Sabo and Koala. All they had to do was get in, drop off a few snails of their own, and get out again.
It wasn’t exciting, or brimming with danger and glory. The Revolution was still treating Sabo and Koala like children even though they’d been around longer than most of the adults, training and studying for the day they could officially join Dragon’s army.
“This is almost embarrassingly easy,” Sabo complained as he carefully loaded a cart left by other agents in the area. Beside him, Koala was readying the donkey that would lead them to their glorious future.
“Would you rather get a free pass?” Koala asked. “There’s already talk about how you get preferential treatment. Boss doesn’t give out one on one lessons to everybody, you know.”
“Talk? From who?” Sabo asked.
Koala gestured vaguely. “You know, people. Is this really the best time to be talking about this?”
“No. And I don’t want any free passes, either,” Sabo said. He took the reigns from Koala and helped boost her into the cart.
“I know that, the boss knows that. Everyone who matters knows that.” Koala’s expression softened, and she placed a calming hand on his forearm. Sabo forced himself to relax, not wanting her to feel the tension that had him all wound up and irritable.
“Yeah, well I’m going to prove it. Yee-freaking-haw.” And with a gentle snap of the reigns, they were off.  
It was a pleasant trip, the air of the spring island crisp and cool while the sun danced its way through a cloudy sky. Sabo and Koala picked their way through town and out into the countryside where Lord Chandler’s estate was nestled between rolling green hills, away from the polluted pall of the city and the dirty peasants who lived there. It was about an hour of slow, deliberate plodding on a bumpy and unpaved road, but time with Koala always seemed to fly twice as fast. Their most arduous task was trying to lead the stubborn donkey pulling their cart.
“I think he takes after you,” Koala teased.
“I’d like to see you do better.”
And so she did.
Their first roadblock came at the estate itself. Koala knew better than to lead them through the main entrance, following down a well-worn servant’s path farther back. The security guard manning the gate, a burly man who seemed to have more muscles than brains, looked down at his clipboard and frowned.
“I don’t have any deliveries scheduled for today.”
“We were only called for this morning,” Sabo said. “We probably didn’t make it on your list.”
He flashed his most winsome smile while Koala gave a small nod in agreement. The guardsman’s frown deepened, and he squinted harder at his clipboard as if it would spontaneously give him the answer he was looking for.
“Who ordered the delivery?” he asked after a long moment of thought.
Sabo shrugged. “Some guy named Joe, I guess? We were only told to bring the stuff over to the kitchens.”
He climbed to the back of the cart and showed the guard their wares: A dozen bags of flour, sugar, and other staples, plus a few rarer items imported just that day from a faraway island that they could pass off as the reason for the emergency delivery.
“I don’t know...” the guardsman said, stretching out the know so long it almost became two words.
Sabo was not about ready to have his first mission waylaid by some no-name grunt. He took a deep breath, gearing himself to launch into another argument when he was interrupted.
“What seems to be a problem here?”
Sabo turned sharply toward the new voice. All the color left the guard’s face as a newcomer slid out from the shadows of the gate, seeming to glide across the ground as if he were a glob of human-shaped oil instead of a real person. He wore an expression that could technically be described as a smile, provided whoever was doing the describing was blind, standing very far away, and had never known the pleasure of genuine human kindness.
It took a small measure of effort for Sabo not to recoil in disgust as the newcomer observed both Sabo and Koala through heavily lidded eyes. There was something eerie about his expression, magnified by a pair of the palest blue eyes Sabo had ever seen in his life, so clear as to be nearly devoid of color. His gaze flitted from Koala, to Sabo--lingering a moment his scars--before returning to Koala and staying there. His lips stretched to reveal a few more teeth, and it took every scrap of Sabo’s will not to break his promise and punch him in his big, leering face.
Koala, bless her, feigned a look of desperate pleading. “Please, sir, we just want to make our delivery and go home.”
Only Sabo heard the sarcastic edge in her servile tone. The newcomer took another gliding step, the guardsman instinctively shying away as he got too close for comfort. “Ah, yes. The extra supplies for our guests tonight. You’re early.” He made a motion like he were batting away an annoying fly. “Hurry up and let them in. You’re causing a scene.”
“Yes, sir!”
Koala and Sabo exchanged a look of surprise, but they didn’t have any time for anything else as the guardsman snapped at them, “You heard the man, get a move on! You’re causing a scene!”
The newcomer’s eyes never left them as they made their way toward the kitchens. Sabo could feel him boring a hole into his back even as they disappeared out of sight.
For as long as Sabo could remember, he had a cat’s instincts for people. He was able to decipher tells with uncanny accuracy, the little pushes and pulls of body language that said more than words ever did. It was something that came to Sabo naturally, but he didn’t think it was Haki. Dragon had taught him some of that, too, and while the ability to Observe had its roots in the same place deep in his subconsciousness they were not the same.
Sabo was one of the only people in the world who could tell when Koala was only pretending to smile. He could read the minute changes in Dragon’s expression to know if he was pleased or upset. He could look at two strangers and dissect the power dynamics between them after only a few minutes of observation, and he didn’t need a Devil Fruit or any supernatural willpower to do it.
It got him into trouble more often than not, his instinctual gut reactions making him act without thinking, but he never regretted plowing ahead when he knew in his heart of hearts he was right. The Revolutionary Army was in the middle of a war; they didn’t have time to wait around for opportunities that would never open up of someone didn’t force the issue.
“Don’t,” Koala hissed under her breath. “I know what you’re thinking. Do not go off-script.”
“Do you see Joe anywhere?” Sabo asked serenely, the picture of perfect innocence. “I don’t want to lay this stuff out where anyone can find it. Someone should go look for him.”
Before Sabo could move, Koala’s hand was around his bicep, her grip tighter than an iron vice. “I swear to whatever god cares to listen, I will murder you in the most painful way I can imagine. For once in your life, listen to me: There’s someone already here investigating. We know there’s some bad juju here and there are measures in place to take care of it.”
“Not fast enough, by the looks of it.”
He felt rather than saw Koala’s reaction, his gaze straight ahead to the men and women scurrying around Lord Chandler’s estate at the same frenzied pace as a colony of ants whose nest had just been overturned. The servants had their heads ducked low, hurrying from one place to another like they were scared to be caught loitering. No one had the time to make small talk with one another. No one seemed to be happy at all.
“Who do you think the guests are for tonight?” Sabo asked, his voice barely carrying the distance between he and Koala. “There wasn’t anything about that in the report.”
“Maybe it was need-to-know, and we didn’t,” Koala said.
“Or maaaybe something’s going on. Joe really should have been here by now,” Sabo said. “If we stick around much longer someone’s going to kick us out.”
He kicked a pebble at his feet for emphasis. It dinged against the side of the great building Lord Chandler used as his kitchens, the heat of a dozen ovens making the air ripple and haze. He hated waiting out in the open like this. It was hard enough trying not to be conspicuous with his face half-fried. They might as well have flashing signs over their heads saying that they didn’t belong.
“Then I’ll go look for him,” Koala said. “You stay here and guard our stuff.”
Koala silenced him with a raised finger. “Do you even know the right staff person to ask?” She allowed him a moment to answer, and when he couldn’t said, “Exactly. Of the two of us, I have the most experience with...this kind of thing.”
Her mouth twisted in a way that meant she had unwittingly dredged to the surface the horrors of her childhood. Koala shook herself slightly, like a dog would to dry off, and immediately her more familiar smile was back.
Sabo hated when she looked like that, more than he hated the possibility of flubbing his first mission. “You’re right, you’re right. I’ll be a good boy and stay put.”
Koala’s soft flit of laughter lifted the dour atmosphere of the estate, if only for a moment. “I doubt that.”
She bounded off towards the servant’s entrance, moving with a warrior’s poise and grace. She would have to work on that if they ever went deep undercover; a layman would never notice, but an experienced fighter would and might ask questions they dare not answer.
Sabo was tucking that tidbit in the back of his mind when he saw a blur of color at the edge of his vision. The scarring on his bad eye rendered him nearly blind on that side, and by the time he got turned around the weird man with the blue eyes was nearly at his cart.
“Sorry, sir, we’ll be out of your way as soon as we can,” Sabo chirped in his most simpering tone. “Just trying to find who we’re supposed to drop this off with. It’ll only be a moment more.”
The hairs on the back of Sabo’s neck prickled as he felt the Presence of three others walking up behind him. A quick glance showed that none of them were Bunny Joe, and Sabo didn’t trust the strange man’s smile any more than he had before.
He took a deep breath to calm his racing heart, remembering countless lessons with Hack and Koala and Dragon. He couldn’t lose control. Sabo felt his focus narrow as adrenaline hummed in his veins, sharpening every detail to its finest point.
The strange man stood directly in front of him, while three of the estate’s security detail formed a half-circle at Sabo’s back. Blue Eyes was empty handed, but the rest either held guns or wore them at their hips.
“Does there seem to be a problem, sir?” Sabo asked. Too late he remembered that he was supposed to be a normal city boy making a delivery, and the question came out more impertinent than fearful.
It seemed Koala wasn’t the only one who needed practice.
“Walk with me, boy,” Blue Eyes said. “I think I know where to find your friend.”
Sabo took a sharp breath. He had a split second to make his decision, and a not-so-small part of him wanted to fight. The mission was obviously compromised and Bunny Joe missing, and he’d foolishly allowed himself to be separated from his partner with no easy way to get into contact with her.
A voice that sounded suspiciously like Koala’s told him to wait. There was no turning back once he decided to turn things into a slug fest. There were still too many questions he didn’t have answers to; if there was a chance of salvaging anything out of the mission, then he should take it. For the Revolution’s sake and his own curiosity.
“Um, okay. Sure thing, boss.” Sabo jumped down from the cart, carefully palming the baby snailphone hidden under the bench as he did so. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he shuffled forward with his head ducked low and his shoulders rolled in defensively.
The Blue-Eyed man’s eyebrows crept up toward his hairline. “Hands where I can see them. I’ll not have any funny business now.”
“I’m sorry, sir, but have I done something wrong?” Sabo asked. “It’s just...you see, my sister’s the worrying type, and she’s going to wonder where I’ve gone.”
“I assure you, your sister is in the best of hands,” he said, before giggling at his own poor attempt at a joke.  
Blood thundered in Sabo’s ears, and he couldn’t stop a smile of his own, feral and just as unnerving as the one worn by the man who stood before him. Sabo got the satisfaction of seeing something that was very close to fear flash across Blue Eyes’ face, quickly covered by an imperious mask of self-importance.
Sabo was shoved forward while guardsmen came on either side, boxing him in and marching him away from the kitchens, his cart, and Koala. All of a sudden they were alone; the servants had decided it was best to batten down and wait for the storm to pass.
“Who are you?” Sabo asked. “Lord Chandler won’t be happy to see you interfering with his business.”
The man laughed a cruel and terrible laugh, high-pitched and cold like iron scraping against ice. His guardsmen aped him like a trio of trained monkeys, their low guffaws a mocking harmony. Sabo’s stomach sank when he realized his mistake. He should have known an ass of such massive proportions had to be titled.
“The better question is who are you?” Lord Chandler hissed once he regained control of his facilities. He bent close enough to Sabo that their noses were nearly touching and he was seeing double. “Who sent you? Was it El Jefe, or that upstart LeBlanc? I’ll have my answers one way or another; if you’re smart you’ll save me the trouble of beating them out of you.”
“And I told you, sir, I’m just here making a delivery,” Sabo said.
He saw the blow coming in time to turn his head with the hit, but Lord Chandler’s fist still caught enough of his nose to bloody it. Sabo dutifully let his head snap back to sell the hit. He didn’t really know how much to fake it, but erred on the side of caution. The supercilious grin that spread across Lord Chandler’s face as Sabo pretended to writhe in pain told him all he needed to know. The bastard was the kind of man that liked hurting people, and Sabo wasn’t the least bit surprised when he followed it up with a blow to his solar plexus.
This time Sabo didn’t need to fake a wheeze as all the air was forcibly excavated from his lungs.
Lord Chandler rubbed his knuckles. “The first was for your cheek. The second was for making me touch you.” He gestured for his guards. “Come along. I’ve wasted too much time already.”
Sabo drug his feet, making them work for every inch. Somewhere along the way ill-fitting hat fell off of his head and floated gently to the ground, accompanying the trail of blood that would lead Koala to wherever these idiots were taking him.
A curtain of hair fell over Sabo’s eyes and obscured his mad grin. This wasn’t over. Not by a longshot.
Sabo had to applaud Lord Chandler’s ingenuity. He kept his prisoners in a slaughterhouse.
He smelled it before he saw it, the metallic stink of warm blood that never went away no matter how often the floors were scrubbed clean. The building itself was unassuming and plain, windowless, made of concrete with a roof of corrugated tin. Sabo was grateful for the island’s mild climate, but once he was forced inside there was no circulation to help keep cool. The air was stale and suffocating, and while the deadly machinery had been removed the long, narrow corridors remained. A true death row.
Sabo could hear other prisoners through the thin walls. He expanded his senses and thought he felt the Presence of fifteen, maybe twenty people in total. Did Lord Chandler have that many enemies, or was he snuffing out competition? His noble title was still sparkling new, after all. Maybe he was afraid of losing it.    
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years of business, it’s the importance of taking a hands-on approach,” Lord Chandler said in a conversational tone. He rolled up his sleeves past his elbows with deliberate slowness, savoring each moment. “That’s the problem with nobles these days, they’re afraid to get their hands dirty. But I’ve made an effort not to forget my roots.”
Sabo braced himself, not for any sort of blow, but the pain of the pretentious monologue he was certain was coming his way. He was considering saying something rude in hopes of making Lord Chandler shut up and hit him, but was saved the effort by the unexpected ring of the snailphone.
The snailphone that was currently in his pocket.
The snailphone that Lord Chandler did not know he was carrying.
Blue eyes narrowed into slits. “Search him!”
“Left pocket,” Sabo said with a longsuffering sigh.
One of the thugs growled in a way he probably thought was intimidating and forced one of his meaty paws into Sabo’s pants pocket. He looked at the baby snail as if he’d never seen a phone before in his life, causing Lord Chandler to bark, “Well, answer it, you buffoon!”
The guard did as he was told. He listened to the voice on the other end, thick eyebrows growing closer and closer together, and after a moment said, “Boss, it’s for you.”
Lord Chandler snatched the phone out of his hands and shouted into the receiver, “Who is this?!”
Sabo would have loved to hear what was said on the other end, but after a moment Lord Chandler’s face went ghost-white. He thrust the snail into one of his men’s hands without saying a word and rushed out of the slaughterhouse.
“Uh, boss…?”
“See, that’s the problem with doing everything yourself,” Sabo said. “A leader has to trust their underlings to do their job when they’re not around. Unfortunately, you’re just not up to the task.”
Sabo was moving before they had time to even process what he said. He broke out of their hold effortlessly, not even bothering with covering his fist with haki before ramming it into the nearest face. He had a brief moment of yearning for his metal pipe before thrusting the palm of his hand beneath the jaw of another. The third tripped over his own feet trying to run away, and Sabo decided to help him down, palming the back of his head and smashing his face into the concrete floor.
He took a step back, surveying his handiwork. They were all alive and twitching, so he took advantage of the abattoir aesthetic, wrapping them in the chains hanging from the ceiling. The hooks once used when draining blood of freshly slaughtered animals long-since repurposed with iron shackles.
Iron shackles. The idiot didn’t even invest in proper sea stone cuffs.
“Amateur,” Sabo muttered to himself. He wiped the blood from his nose with the back of his hand and went in search of Bunny Joe.
He found him in the locker, standing over an uneasy group of prisoners. There weren’t enough rooms for individual cells or even chains to bind them all, so they were kept together in one huddled mass.
For a moment Sabo was irritated that Joe hadn’t freed himself of such a pathetic prison. The man himself was talking quietly to a young woman, wide-eyed and trembling like a frightened doe, and Sabo forced his annoyance down. There were some things that were more important.
“Hiya, Joe!” Sabo said cheerfully. “Lovely place you’ve got here.”
Joe whirled around. Confusion flashed across his face, before his eyes lit up with recognition. “Oh, hey. You’re the boss’s brat. What are you doing here?”
“Trying to find you,” Sabo said. “What’s going on?  Chandler’s goons jumped me ‘n Koala before we had a chance to explain ourselves.”
Joe muttered a string of expletives and drew a hand over his forehead. “He got me early this morning. Must have seen me snooping someplace I shouldn’t and decided to tag you too. I’m so sorry, kid. I’ll get you out of this mess here in a bit.” A pause. “Wait, you said there was someone else with you? Where are they?”
“With a little bit of luck, out causing chaos and mayhem,” Sabo said.
“That’s no good. I need to get you guys out of here before the auction tonight.”
At the word auction the woman beside him burst into tears. Sabo saw her wobble like jelly, before the strength left her legs entirely and she collapsed into a sobbing mess on the ground. Bunny Joe knelt beside her and started rubbing her back in slow, steady circles.
“I’m going to get you all out of here, I promise. I need you to stay strong for me for just a little bit longer. Okay?”
She nodded, and Joe helped her stand with tears still streaming down her face. Taking her by the elbow, he led her back to the other prisoners. “I need to, uh, confer with my colleague for a moment. We’ll sort things out and get you home.”
“This was my home,” she whispered hoarsely.
Her expression crumpled into a look of wretched misery, and she buried her head in her hands. Joe handed her off to another one of the women, an older, matronly-type, his motions stiff and awkward. He returned to Sabo rubbing the back of his neck, uncomfortable and out of place.
“I’m no good at this sort of thing,” he admitted. “But I couldn’t just leave them here.”
“Lord Chandler’s hosting an auction?” Sabo said. It took enormous effort not to start shouting, the spark of his previous indignation ignited into a roaring fire of fury and rage.
“An art auction, yeah. It’s his third in the last two months.”
“I don’t get it.”
Bunny Joe sighed, scratched temple and tried to explain. “Chandler was a smuggler, yeah? And a damn good one at that. He opened up all sorts of illegal trade on this part of the Grand Line under the name Mr. Mooneyes.”
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life,” Sabo said.
“Yeah, well, the king turned a blind eye so long as he got his piece of the pie. That was how Chandler earned his title, and now that he’s got it he’s decided to expand his business.”
He looked back at the people behind him. “Auctions are the perfect way to get dirty money clean, and art is easy because the value of any given piece is so subjective. You know, the eye of the beholder, that sort of thing. I was digging through old records, and nearly every piece sold was going for about B500,000. I thought that was a little suspicious, so I tried to find out who was buying, but Chandler runs a tight ship. Everything’s anonymous, supposedly to protect the buyer and their new investment.”
“So you tried to find out who the buyers were.”
“And apparently got caught doing it,” Joe said wearily. “Sorry, I didn’t think he’d go as far as gathering up you guys. I’ll make sure you get home safe.”
“I don’t need your protection. What I need to know is what’s your plan to blow this out of the water, and what can I do to help. Lord Chandler isn’t going to stay away for long, and my guess is he’s going to bring backup. We need to be ready when he does.”
Joe peered down at Sabo, as if he were seeing him for the first time. “You’re serious about this, aren’t you?”
“Deadly.” Sabo said. “And here’s our backup now.”
Sabo felt Koala’s Presence before he saw her dance into the locker. She faltered for the briefest moment at the sight of the room before quickly finding Sabo and Joe. She didn’t appear seriously hurt, but it was impossible for Sabo not to see the blood on her knuckles. He wondered who it belonged to.
“I assume that was your work at the entrance? You were always good at tying people up.” Koala said.
“And I assume you were the one who called me?”
“I was surprised when you didn’t answer, but I think it worked out better this way,” Koala said, a look of pure wickedness on her face. “I wish I could have seen Chandler’s expression when I told him someone had knocked out his surveillance system.”
“And Hack?”
“I convinced him to hold off just a little bit longer. He’s at the harbor now snooping around the ships coming into port. Hopefully he can identify a few of the people on Chandler’s guestlist for tonight.”
She brushed a stray hair out of her face and scanned the room, noting each detail with a methodicalness that Sabo was sometimes jealous of. “But that’s enough about me. What’s all this?”
“A slave market,” Sabo said. “Seems like that’s how Lord Chandler is making money these days, with the approval of the crown.”
Her eyes hardened, the bright blue of her irises frosting over with an icy coldness. Her lips pursed together into a nearly invisible line, every muscle in her small body tensing. It was so rare to see her truly angry Sabo had almost forgotten how scary she could be. Bunny Joe took an involuntary step back as fury radiated off her in waves.
“The auction is this afternoon. I don’t think Chandler can afford to cancel. Not with so many VIPs coming in from all over the Grand Line,” Joe said. “But he’ll be ready. How bad did you mess up his snails?”
“It won’t be back up anytime soon,” Koala said tersely. “And I’ve brought you all a present.”
Without waiting for their response Koala turned sharply on one heel and walked back to the corridor near the entrance. Sitting next to the three guardsmen strung up from the ceiling was a man who’d been stripped down to his skivvies and hogtied, his clothes folded neatly beside him. Sabo almost laughed. “Who is he?”
“A visiting prince from the Moorlands,” Koala said. “I assume he came for the festivities later today.”
At the sight of them, the prince tried to yell into his gag. Sabo knelt down and picked up the man’s waistcoat with his thumb and forefinger, holding it away from his body as if it were diseased. “Is there a reason you decided to strip him?”
“He looked to be your size. Had this in his pocket.”
Koala handed him a card written on thick stock paper, the words TICKET OF INVITATION written in fancy script. Sabo took it from her skeptically. “His Lordship knows what I look like.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Joe said. “Everything is done anonymously. They wear masks.”
“It’s in there somewhere, just keep digging,” Koala said.
Sabo found a porcelain carnival mask, white a black domino pattern around the eyes, trimmed in gold. “Oh my god, it’s hideous.” He grinned up at her. “I’ll take it.”
The clothes didn’t feel all that different from what he usually wore, albeit in black instead of his usual blue. Koala had even found him a cravat. But Sabo felt stiff, like he was wearing someone else’s skin.
He had to remember to walk like he had a stick up his ass, to look down at everyone else like they were bits of mud to be scrapped off of his polished boots. He stood in the spacious halls of Lord Chandler’s mansion, taking in the marble columns and the shiny crystal chandeliers, the smell of sandalwood in the air.
Even with his invitation he was afraid of someone seeing his disheveled hair, or that a guard would somehow see through the mask to see the imposter that lay beneath. The scars on his face and shoulder itched every time someone so much as glanced at him.
Security had been tripled, both inside and out of the mansion, but was thickest around the ballroom where the auction would take place. After a moment of consideration Sabo bypassed it. He was distinctly aware that they were running out of time, seconds ticking off the clock in the back of his mind. Following the directions left by Bunny Joe, he walked up a winding wrought-iron staircase to the second level of the mansion. A servant gave him a questioning look that Sabo dismissed with an aristocratic flick of the wrist. He ignored the stammared apology, stomach curling with guilt.
He hated acting like this. Hated more how good he was at it.
Sabo’s foul mood had nearly reached a boiling point by the time he reached the upper foyer. Two guards in white masks stood at attention by rich mahogany doors. At the sight of him they shifted their rifles, ready to raise them at a moment’s notice.
“No guests on the second floor,” one barked.
“But I have an invitation,” Sabo protested.
“No guests on the second floor.”
“I don’t think you know who you’re dealing with,” Sabo said softly. Dangerously.
He was moving before they had time to a look of confusion, twisting a hand into a dragon’s claw. Haki coating his hand black, he struck the middle of the rifle. Wood snapped into splinters under his hand, metal warping and bending with the force of the blow. The guardsman was thrown backward, head cracking against the doorpost. Pivoting sharply, Sabo grabbed a fistful of the second guardsman’s uniform. WIth a roar of fury he hurled him into the door with as much force as he could muster.
The door didn’t break, but the guard did. Shaking his head, Sabo stepped over him and jiggled the handle. Locked. Grinning behind his mask Sabo cracked his knuckles, surveying the door while he rolled his shoulders to loosen them.
One hit to break the lock. Another to blow the door off of its hinges. Mr. Mooneyes himself stood at a table at the center of the room in abject shock, the remnants clattering at his feet. His security was a little better, but Sabo hadn’t spent the past two years training with Dragon to be beaten by a handful of scrubs.
The last man fell before Lord Chandler could make his escape. Sabo grabbed him by the back of the waistcoat and whirled him around, pinning him up against the wall. Somewhere in the scrum the mask had fallen off of his face, and Lord Chandler’s eyes widened in recognition.
“Ha...You won’t get away with this,” Lord Chandler said, gasping for air. He looked down at Sabo with those clear, soulless eyes, a terrible grin twisting his face into something that was more monster than man.
“I think I will,” Sabo said.
“Marines are coming,” Lord Chandler said. “They’ll get you and the girl. No one will come to rescue you when you’re locked in Impel Down. I bet they have her already. I hope they make the little bitch suff--achgh!”
Somewhere along the line Sabo’s hand had found his neck and began squeezing. “I think you’ll find that girl doesn’t need rescued. Now tell me, who are your buyers? Who’s letting the slave trade expand this far from Mariejois?!”
“Hypocrite” Lord Chandler sneered. “Hubris like yours stinks of the Revolution. Where do you think Dragon gets his weapons? His supplies? Men like me...like my benefactor...are the grease that turns the wheel of society. My father always said you need a little bit of shit to make the garden grow, so don’t pretend you’re innocent. What sort of monster sends children out to do his dirty work?”
“What sort of monster puts free men and women in chains for profit?” Sabo spat through gritted teeth. “I’m not going to ask again, who’s the one letting you get away with it?!”
Lord Chandler laughed a dry, wheezy laugh. “Someone bigger and scarier than you. I’ll not breathe a word, boy, to you or your Revolution, so you might as well end this charade and kill me now.”
Before Sabo could answer, the snailphone in his pocket started to ring.
At the sound of it, Lord Chandler cackled like a madman.
“You’re too late, little Revolutionary. You should have known better than to challenge me when the World Government is on my side.”
Sabo kept one hand wrapped around Lord Chandler’s neck as he answered the phone. “What is it? I’m a little busy here.”
“We need to get out of here now,” Koala said. “Hack and I have the ship ready and Joe’s just about got the last of the slaves on board, but there’s half a dozen marine ships coming in hard. We’ll hold them off as long as we can, but they outgun us by...a lot.”
“I’ll divert their attention here,” Sabo said.
Hack’s voice cut in past Koala’s protests. “Sabo, you’ve done enough. It’s time to cut our losses and--”
“I’m going to burn it to the ground.”
Sabo hung up the phone. He looked at Lord Chandler like he were a newly discovered insect he was about to pin onto a specimen board. “I’ll admit, you’re clever. Joe said you have a code during your auctions, a whole system for bidding so that an outsider looking in would have no idea what was really going on. What was it, oil paintings if they were women, acrylics for men, that sort of thing? I have to wonder why even bother with all the subterfuge if the World Government is really on your side.”
Lord Chandler opened his mouth to answer, but Sabo stopped him with a little bit of pressure against his windpipe. “I didn’t say you could speak. See, I’d say you were scared of the Revolution, but you didn’t even suspect us to start with. You’ve got enough goons here and the approval of your king, which makes me think it’s not the local competition you’re worried about. You’ve got too many resources for them to ever be a true threat.”
Sabo leaned closer. “The slave market’s pretty much a one man show these days. You were a smuggler once, right? I’m sure you’ve heard who’s in charge.”
A spasm passed over Lord Chandler, all-but-confirming Sabo’s gut instinct.
“I’m going to give you one last shot,” Sabo said. “Either you come with me and tell us everything you know, or I leave you here for Joker to take care of. You have thirty seconds to decide.”
Sabo dropped Lord Chandler with an unceremonious thud. He kept half an eye on him while making a quick sweep of the room, gathering up any sort of documentation that looked to be important and stuffing it down the front of his shirt.
Everything else he gathered into a pile. Sabo found the nearest candle and carefully lowered the wicking flame. The paper caught, curling to black ash and smoke.
He would have to help it along if he wanted to make good on his promise to Koala, but Sabo figured he could make it work. He turned back to where Lord Chandler sat whimpering in a corner.
“Time’s up, your Lordship. What do you decide?”
“Wanted for kidnapping, assault, and impersonating a noble.”
Koala slipped Sabo’s newly-minted bounty from between the pages for closer inspection before handing him the rest of the paper. “I thought you would be happy. Why are you not happy?”
“I don’t know,” Sabo admitted. He propped his head on his hand and scanned the news, trying to read between the lines of lies to find the truth that lay underneath. “It was all...vaguely unsatisfying.”
“You burned down a mansion.”
“I burn down things all the time. I wanted something...more. Something meaningful.”
Koala quirked an eyebrow. “Saving eighteen people from slavery isn’t meaningful?”
“You know what I mean.”
“I’m not sure I do.
Sabo set down the paper and looked at her helplessly. A bandage covered one cheek from an errant bullet, a result of her staving off the marines long enough for everyone to escape.
He felt himself getting angry all over again, but it was an impotent anger. They’d completed their mission, but it wasn’t enough.
It would never be enough.
“Lord Chandler’s one man. One. He’s not even that important in the grand scheme of things. How many others are out there just like him, trying to get their piece of the pie because the Government says it’s okay to sell people like chattel? He’s a symptom, not the disease.”
He tried to go back to his paper, but after a few seconds feeling Koala’s eyes boring into his side gave up and tossed it aside. He leaned his chair back on two legs and groaned. “I want to do more. Go higher. Punch more dochebags in the face.”
“And you will.”
Both Koala and Sabo whirled around where Dragon’s massive body filled the doorway. How he managed to be so sneaky in a base full of Observation Haki users Sabo would never know.
“I’ve gone over Bunny Joe’s report. You commended yourselves well, both of you.”
Koala bowed her head. “Thank you, sir.”
“When’s our next mission?” Sabo asked at the same time.
Dragon’s lips quirked in one of his almost-smiles. “Now. It turns out Mr. Mooneyes made sure to get dirt on each of his clients as a means of protecting himself. With this information, we’ll be able to climb a little bit closer to our goals. Now go pack your bags, you leave tonight with the tide.”
Sabo let out a whoop of joy and jumped to his feet, but before he could make a mad dash to his room Dragon placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Patience. A lion may stalk for hours waiting for the perfect time to strike. Our work will not be in vain. The Celestial Dragons will fall.”
Sabo nodded once, sharply. “And I’ll make sure to be there when it happens.”
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Keep Hope Close at Hand - Chapter Six
A/N: Greetings from the Chicago O'Hare airport! My trip has become the hugest fucking mess, but it got you another chapter, so it's all been worth it.
Start at the Beginning: tumblr // AO3
Chapter One: tumblr // AO3
Chapter Two: tumblr // AO3
Chapter Three: tumblr // AO3
Chapter Four: tumblr // AO3
Chapter Five: tumblr // AO3
Tags: @shireness-says @wellhellotragic@flyflyangel@stahlop@superchocovian @kingofmyheart14@drkeldonmd@darkcolinodonorgasm@profdanglaisstuff@pirateherokillian  @captainsjedi
-- -- -- 
Driving back from the station to Mary Margaret’s house, Emma is unsure of what to do. Henry seems to be striking up a fast friendship with Hope Jones, and there is something about her father that she finds so… intriguing.
But it’s not a good time. She has enough problems, enough things to patch up with the father of her own child, nonetheless a stranger from Boston who appeals to her curiosity. But there is something so welcoming to her about Killian, something that seems to draw her in, that she just cannot avoid. Mostly, it scares her. She is her own person, with her own life and her own problems, and she doesn’t need a single father and his absolutely adorable daughter to come and throw a wrench in everything she has been building.
“Do you like living in the city, Hope?” she asks, finding the girl’s bright eyes in her rear view mirror. She’d never been to the city, barely been out of Storybrooke since the wind blew her here when she was a teenager who ran away from her foster family, but they always intrigued her. In the city, she could have been whoever she wanted to be, could have joined the mass of people and been anyone other than Emma the orphan. But she still always stayed in this small town, never leaving the city limits.
“There’s always so much to do,” she answers, her voice rife with excitement. “Me and my daddy go on adventures all the time.”
Without realizing it, Emma’s heart begins to ache, both for herself and for her son. Emma never had a parent to take her on adventures; Henry only has a father that does the bare minimum, spending time with him when it’s necessary, a special occasion, but barely more than that.
“What kind of adventures?”
“Well, there’s a really cool ship museum near where we live where he really likes to spend time, and he takes me out on boats on the water when it’s warm outside. We walk to the park, or to the movies, or to the place down the street that has the best ice cream. On the weekends we go buy lots of fruits and veggies from the farmer’s market, and if there are bands playing on the sidewalks, he always stops and listens and gives them some money.”
It all sounds so thrilling to Emma, much more exciting that life in a small town where every day is the same. She’s never outwardly craved a different life, but hearing Hope talk about the excitement of her life in the city makes her realize that she is doing just that.
“What about your mom?” Henry asks, and Emma is too caught up in her own head to hear him right away, or to see the sly smile that covers her son’s face as he asks the question. She wants to say something to Henry, apologize to Hope for his bluntness, but before she can climb out of her own head and put her words in the right order, Hope has already started to answer.
“I haven't seen her since I was just a baby. My dad and I had to leave to keep me safe from a really bad lady and she couldn't come with, but one day it'll be safe again and we can all be together.”
Her story sounds unbelievable, like a lie that a parent would tell their child in place of a much darker truth. But, somehow, Emma believes her. Somehow, she can tell that Hope is telling the truth, not only that she really was separated from her mother, but that she will be back with her someday.
More than that, she feels like she knows the story, like it’s buried somewhere deep down in her memory but that she’s heard it before. Which is, of course, impossible. She’s only just met them, mere hours compared to the years since it must have happened. Totally, absolutely impossible.
Or, is it?
 The rest of her day is a haze, staring at the TV without actually watching it while Henry watching very intently next to her. Every once in a while, he turns to her, reacting somehow to what’s on the screen, and Emma tries her best to play along, but it’s like her mind is stuck. Stuck on trying to figure out why Killian Jones seems so intriguing, so familiar. Why she can’t shake the feeling she’s heard Hope’s story before. Why every time she tries to close her eyes to clear her head, she sees him standing there in his cell, practically falling apart at the seams worrying about his daughter.
Trying to sleep that night isn’t much better. She spends the whole night tossing and turning, and when she dreams, it is of a blonde-haired, blue-eyed baby girl wrapped up in her arms, of pirate ships and castles and purple smoke, and a man with blazing blue eyes that fades from her memory the closer to consciousness she climbs.
The next morning, her eyes still heavy from her inability to sleep soundly, she walks into the station bearing three cups of coffee from Granny’s in a cardboard carrier. Or, more appropriately, her hot chocolate, Graham’s cappuccino, and a plain black coffee for their guest, who is still asleep in the cell when she enters.
“Anything to report, Graham?” she asks, trying to fight off the yawn that tries to rear its head, but he just shakes his head, taking the cup from her hand.
“Jones here is still asleep, obviously. How he can sleep so soundly on that cot, I’ll never be sure. He’s only got a few hours left before we’re allowed to release him, and I’ve left his paperwork on your desk.”
“Thanks,” she replies, and he grabs his jacket from the back of his chair and is out the door, leaving her alone with Killian.
Slowly, she walks up to the bars of the cell, watching his chest rise and fall with his soft, slow breaths. Not only is he sound asleep on the cot, but he’s laying on his back, the arm with the brace still attached curled up under the pillow and his other hand resting on his chest. How he can be comfortable like that is a mystery to her, but that’s not the thought at the forefront of her mind.
No, instead, she is focused on the his face, the lines and the soft curves stretched out over his features as he sleeps. She notices the specks of red in his beard, the lines of grey visible in the waves of his hair, all as she tries to figure out why he looks so damned familiar to her. She knows it’s not possible; if he’s never been to Storybrooke before and she hasn’t left in almost twenty years, there is no way that they ever would have seen each other before.
But standing there, watching him sleep, she realizes more than ever that he looks incredibly familiar, as if the memory of him is lying in wait to be found at the right moment.
When he starts to stir, she is pulled from her trance with a start, rushing back from where she was standing to take a seat at her desk before he realizes she is watching him. He groans, a noise that comes from somewhere deep in his chest, and raises his arms above his head. Once again, she finds herself watching him, up until the last moment before he pulls his eyes open.
For a moment, he's startled, forgetting where he is. After years of waking up in a bed as opposed to the cot on the ship, the hard surface under his groaning shoulders pulls his memory back to the Jolly — but when he feels the cot beneath him instead of the mattress that his suddenly-aging back has grown used to, he expects to see the bright white wood of his cabin on his ship.
Instead, the dark, bland colors of the jail cell at the police station remind him that he's in Storybrooke, not out on the open oceans of all the realms in the world. Staying put in his spot on the cot, both because he's somehow comfortable and not entirely sure his back would agree with moving so quickly, his arm draped behind his head, brace still strapped around his torso, the first time he's slept with it on for years.
Of course, his attention is drawn to Emma, sitting behind her desk with one headphone in as she pretends to ignore him as best she can — but he knows better, continuing to catch her eyes as they flit away from him. But he maintains her silence, merely smiling at her when she walks over and hands him a cup of coffee. It's been years since he has been able to just stay on a cot, clearing his mind by pretending he can feel the waves churning under him once more.
This lasts for a good part of the morning, a comfortable silence maintained between them.
Until, finally, she breaks, quickly tossing her pencil down onto her desk only to have it clatters to the. floor.
“Why do you look so damned familiar, Mr. Jones?” she asks, her eyes growing wide as her words become louder. “It's impossible for me to have seen you before, but I can't shake the feeling I know you.”
His heart aches for her, and he wants to do is tell her everything, even though he knows she won't believe him. Tell her how much he loves her, tell her about her daughter that she's forgotten about because of the Curse. But he knows he cannot. When the time is right, he knows the curse will be broken and Emma will regain her memories.
But now is not that time.
“I can assure you, darling,” he says, smiling through the bars at her. “I would never forget a face such as yours.”
The words come so easily, the flirty banter that he has gone without for twelve years.
But here again, talking to his wife even though she has no idea that is who she is, he can’t help but flirt with her because he loves her so damn much.
He has questioned for years whether he would ever actually see her again, and having her before him once more, though he wishes he could break the curse, is enough to curb his heart for the time being. Or, at least, it would have to be.  
She waves him off, unaffected by him, and manages to ignore him for a few minutes more while she does some paperwork.
But, finally, as she is filing his release papers,  she comes to a realization, the same realization David made the day before, and turns his eyes back up to Killian, who is watching her from the cot.
“Your daughter, she’s blonde?”
He waits for there to be more to the question, but when there is not, he agrees, simply nodding his head.
“Like her mother, I presume?”
Killian laughs, finding her engagement ring from under his shirt with the tips of his fingers, but his eyes never leave Emma's.
“Aye, just like her mother, my wife.”
“And she’s still alive?”
At first, the question catches him off-guard, but once he realizes what she must mean, Killian can’t help but smile at the irony behind her question.
“Yes, she is.” He's intrigued by this conversation, finally pulling himself to sit on the cot, even as his whole body fights back. “Why, did my little lass tell you otherwise?”
“Well, no,” Emma says, then pulls her lower lip between her teeth before continuing. “She said that you and she had to leave your wife behind to stay safe from someone, but you’re trying to find her.”
“Hope never really had a penchant for anything other than honesty,” he comments with a smile as he pushes himself up of the cot to walk closer to the bars of his cell, leaning up against them to get as close to Emma as he can. “If you don’t mind my asking, love, what’s with your curiosity?”
She does not answer at first, tapping the end of her pen against her front teeth, which have pulled her bottom lip under them again. Her eyes are lowered to the desk, avoiding his for a moment, before they snap back up.
When she starts to speak, her words come slowly. “I just figured that, given I have the resources, if you needed some help trying to find out where she is, I might be able to help you find some answers.”
Killian stares at her for a moment, and though his eye color on his paperwork is exactly what started this conversation, this is the first time she has noticed just how startlingly blue they are.
In fact, they are almost the exact same shade of blue that she has only ever seen one other place: on her own son. She's not sure what to do with this realization, but it remains in the back of her mind as Killian's words surprise her almost as much.
“While I appreciate the offer, love, I know exactly where it is I can find my wife. It’s just a matter of it being the right time to do so.”
She smiles at him, unsure of what his statement even means, but returns it, a sharp contrast to the seriousness of his voice. Unsure of how to respond to that, she turns her attention back to his paperwork, completing it in just a few minutes.
Finally, she pushes herself away from her desk, smiling gently at him as she unlocks the door to the cell. “You're free to go, Mr. Jones.” She hands him his valuables, along with a piece of paper with an address and a phone number. “The address is where your daughter has been staying.”
“And the number?” he asks, his eyes searching into the depths of her with a question that is so shallow.  
He breath hitches in her throat, fairly sure that she might never breathe again when his hand brushes hers as he takes the paper.
“That’s mine,” she says, pulling herself together enough to steady her voice. “If there’s anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
He smiles at her, perhaps the most genuine emotion he has shown since he drove his Subaru into Storybrooke, then thanks her before leaving the station.
After Killian's time in the Storybrooke jail cell, the Jones finally seem to find their place in the town. Much to his surprise, Regina leaves them alone, only running into Killian and Hope in places that are normal for small-town life: the grocery store, the diner.
Killian pays for another week at Granny's bed and breakfast. They spend a lot of time on the Jolly, time on the water that Killian hasn't realized he missed as much as much as he apparently has. But nothing compares to the feeling on the sun on his skin, the salt in the air around him and the sound of the waves crashing against the wooden sides.
He was made to be on the water, a realization that he learned very early in his life. And, though much of the time he was able to spend on the sea was dedicated to piracy because of the darkness of his early years, he was graced with the ability to spend much of his life — his unnaturally-long life — on the open ocean.
And having his daughter beside him, just as excited to learn about the workings of the ship as Killian is to teach her, makes his ability to be on the sea again all the better.
The only thing that could still add to is would be having the rest of his family with him. His wife. His son.
His son, who he has been able to get to know even before the people around him know the truth of his parentage, more than just him, Hope, and Killian. Because over the two weeks that they have spent in Storybrooke, Hope and Henry have become inseparable, fast friends who want to spend as much time together as they can. And Killian will never argue when Hope asks if they can see Henry.
Because seeing Henry means seeing Emma, and even though she may not know the truth, may not know just how important she is to him, she still seems to be warming up to him.
(And Killian has not missed the fact that Neal is almost never present, is never the person who comes with Henry for their play dates, their days at the park and at the movies and then, finally, hopefully today, on the water.
“Please, mom?” Henry asks, turning his face back up to Emma, eyes wide with pleading. “Can we go out on Mr. Jones ship today?”
As much as Killian wants to join Henry's fight, wants to plead with Emma to let him come onto the Jolly. It really is the perfect day, not a single cloud in the bright sky and the sun beating down, particularly strong for Maine.
But when Emma turns to him, asking his opinion through her expression, he can't help but laugh.
“It's a gorgeous day, and it will just be better out on the water.”
She knits her eyebrows for a moment, but then he expression slowly fades to a smile.
“You would say that every day, wouldn't you, Jones?”
He can't stop the smile that begins to take over his face, both in response to her question and to the perfect smile that Emma is flashing at him.
“Of course I would, love. I was raised on the sea, I would choose to spend every day there if I could. But today really is the perfect day to go out on the water.”
“Well, you are the expert, and I can't argue with that.”
“Are you able to join us?”
Emma's smile disappears, her eyes falling to the ground for a moment. “Sadly, no,” she says, then her eyes find his once more. “I have to go to the station. Would you be able to bring him to me when you're done?”
The corner of Killian's lip curls into a flick of a smile, disappearing just as quickly as it appeared. “Of course.”
“Thank you,” she says softly, her smile now slightly more genuine, and succeeding in eliciting one from Killian, lingering a moment too long before she turns on her heel and leaves him by the park.
Every part of him wants to reexamine that conversation, wants to go through every look she gave him and decode him, but Henry, still standing beside him, is too excited to allow him to linger for another moment, something Killian is thankful for, saving him from the madness of his own mind.
“Let's go!”
Killian can't argue with that, finally able to take Henry out on the Jolly.
Hope is just as excited to have him there, especially when Killian asks her if she wants to help him show Henry the ropes (both literally and figuratively). Unsurprisingly, Henry is a natural, just like Hope was, and before too long, they are standing in front of the helm, looking out over the open water, while Hope sits down on the lower deck paging through the Storybook.
Suddenly, Henry whips around to face him, his whole face painted with excitement, realizing for the first time that he can ask the question he's been wanting to ask Killian for two weeks now, but has never been able to with other people around. “Have you gotten to read the story book?”
“Aye, I have, though I have quite a few questions about it.”
“You know it's all true, though, right?”
Killian smiles down at the boy, the first person who believes his antics without question, because he knows that they are not antics. “Aye, lad, I was there for quite a lot of it. Pages of my life are illustrated in that book, which just makes it more mysterious to me. If you don't mind me asking, how did you come across it?”
“I got it as a present for my birthday. I didn't open the gifts when people were there, but it didn't have anyone's name on it, so I don't know where it came from. It just… appeared there, I guess.”
None of this makes sense. First Hope dreams about Emma, a face that it is impossible for her to remember, then Henry is magically given a book of stories from the Enchanted Forest and the other realms — stories that Regina has made sure no one will ever remember. Killian is still trying to put the pieces together in his mind when Henry speaks again.
“Have you thought about how you're going to break the curse?”
Killian lets out a breathy laugh. “That's the only thing I've been able to think about since I got here, if I'm honest with you, but I seem to have come up blank. I don't imagine you have any ideas, do you?”
Henry's face lights up, finally able to spill all of the ideas that have taken over his mind since the story book revealed its secrets to him. “True loves kiss! It's how Prince Charming woke up Snow White, so it could be how you wake up everyone here.” Apparently, though, he sees no issue with this, an issue that Killian realizes immediately, having had the same thought before.
“There's only one problem with that, lad?”
“What's that?”
“Your mother is already married. What am I to do, assault her just to make her see the truth?”
This does not seem to crush his hopes; instead, he just seems confused, his eyebrows knitted low on his forehead. “Married? My mom and Neal aren't married.”
Now this is news to Killian. “They're not?”
“No, he's never been interested I guess. She kept telling me that when the time is right, maybe, but I guess the time was never right.” He turns his eyes down to the deck of the ship, seemingly embarrassed by this fact. Though it changes the entire situation, Killian senses the change in Henry’s mood, so he changes the subject.
“Well, that changes the whole plan. It might take some time, but I think we can come up with a plan of action, right?”
Henry smiles up at him, excitement returned back to his face. “You mean, like, a mission?”
“If you’d like to call it a mission, lad, then that’s what we can do.”
“But what should we call the mission? Every good mission has a cool name.”
Killian can’t help but laugh at the boy, at his excitement and dedication to getting his family back together. “Do you have any ideas?”
The expression that covers Henry’s face makes Killian believe he’s been waiting to be asked his question for weeks, and when he bursts out with, “Operation Cobra!”, Killian knows he neither desires nor intends to argue with him.
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pendergays · 6 years
Welcome To The Dark Side (Priya x MC)(2/???)
Chapter Two: Want (Part 1)
A/N: So as it turns out, Tumblr has a limit on how long your posts can be (🙃), which is why I’m going to have to split the chapter into two and why it ends so abruptly. Don’t worry, the next chapter is airing in like two minutes. It also has smut. Anyway, special thanks to @delphinusbae, @dulcedemigoddessmasse, and @1suicidenotes1 for providing encouragement and feedback!
You’ve always been attracted to the wrong sort of thing. Neon signs in seedy bars, cigarette smoke blown from devilish smiles, that telltale glint you see in someone’s eye when they’re ready to take you somewhere you don’t know if you can come back from. A disturbing majority of the girls you’ve had fall into that category: so forbidden and so gorgeous, you couldn't help but want them. It’s an addiction, plain and simple. And all you can do once you succumb to that addiction is hope the thrill of entwined bodies is worth the empty bed in the morning.
You wake up with a pounding hangover and the first thing you notice is that the bed isn’t empty. You prop yourself up on your arms to look around. Priya’s sitting up next to you, legs swinging lazily off the bed, holding a perfectly round red apple in a manicured hand. She turns to you, a soft smile on her lips. The heavy curtains in her room filter out most of the sun, but the rays that do make it bathe her hair in a halo of soft golden light. “Morning, beautiful,” she says, and her voice sounds a little tired and a lot content. A small smile graces her gorgeous face, surprisingly unguarded. Even though she looks exactly the same as yesterday, there’s something different about her. Something softer, beneath her usual hazy veneer of loud music and louder moans.
She bites into the apple. Juice drips from the corner of her mouth, rolling in lazy drops down to her chin. Something about the action jars your memory. An alcohol-blurred scene flashes in your mind: overwhelming sheer indulgence, her teeth cutting into your neck, how fucking perfect she looked on top of you. And a trail of blood— your blood— tracing a path from her mouth to chin.
Holy shit. You actually did that. You actually let her.
Congratulations, you think to yourself, half-sarcastic and half-incredulous. You not only managed to screw a vampire, but also allowed her to drink your blood. Jesus Christ, who knows how many blood-transmitted STDs you might’ve gotten? It’s not like you took vampire Sex Ed. Shit, were we supposed to use protection? Dental dams?
The sudden flood of mental ramblings combined with your mounting panic exacerbates your hangover painfully. With a pitiful whine, you drop back down onto the bed and roll over until your face is buried in a pillow. It… smells like her. Surprisingly enough, the faint scent of saffron calms you near-instantly, your heartbeat returning to its normal pace. Even the marching band stomping away inside your skull seems to have quieted down.
You feel a warm hand on your shoulder. “What’s wrong, darling?”
You don’t know. You can’t deny that it says something about your character that you jumped into bed with a paranormal entity as soon as she asked politely. And then not-so-politely. If this was a regular hookup in a regular bar with a human, you could walk away from the tangled sheets, paint over your hickeys with makeup and never see her again. Easy as that. But this woman is tied closely to your boss, given that they’re both Clan leaders, and if you want to keep working with Adrian you’re probably going to have to see her again.
You suppress a low, self-deprecating chuckle. Wow. Only you could get entangled in some kind of criminal vampire conspiracy mere hours after getting hired for your dream job.
“One-night-stand regret?” Priya guesses near-perfectly, a hint of what could be remorse embedded in the words. You flip over, smoothing your hair out of your face and turning to her. Lying to her… would not be a good idea, especially if vampires have supernatural intuition or something equally BS. So you tell her the truth, and hope you don’t end up looking like juice box by the end of it.
“Kind of. I mean, last night was great. More than great, even.” You pause momentarily to relish in the memory of delirious heat and delicious hints of pain mixed in with mind-shattering pleasure. Your eyes begin to glaze over.... No, wait, fuck! Focus! You shake your head to clear away the remaining cobwebs in your mind, and continue. “It’s just… I don’t know. Sleeping with a vampire wasn’t really on my bucket list, y’know? Especially since you and my boss seem to be kinda, uh. Not close?” You end on a question, feeling like you’re tiptoeing around land mines.
Priya throws her head back and laughs. It’s a nice sound, filled with lazy indulgence and sweet satisfaction. Completely at odds with what she says next. “If you never want to see me again, that’s completely fine.” The words come out casually, smooth and without any trace of hesitation. “More of my human lovers do than not. Of course, then they had to be taken care of by the Council… but I don’t think that’ll be necessary in your case.” She tosses her apple core into the trash can by the door nonchalantly, before scooting forward a few inches toward you. Her eyes are a dark, rich, mahogany color, and they sweep up and down the length of your body in a way that makes you feel like you’re exposed, completely bare for her to see. She’s not smiling anymore. “You can keep a secret, can’t you?”
“Yes,” you whisper, the word slipping out of your lips not entirely because of self-preservation reasons. You want her to look at you fondly, to smile at you and kiss you and– fuck. Looking for affection from a vampire is dumb. You know that. So why are you still doing it?
The moment you speak, the smile is back on her face, as stunning as ever. When she smiles at you… it feels like the sun itself is beaming. Like everything is right in the world, even if just for a moment. Your breath catches in your chest involuntarily and you have to consciously make yourself inhale and exhale. This... this is bad. You need to get away from this– away from her. She’s not good for you. You shouldn’t want her so much.
(But you do.)
“Good girl,” she smirks, oblivious to your mental turmoil. “Anyway, even if I was going to report you to the Council, I’m sure Adrian would made sure every hair on your pretty little head is safe. He seems to have taken a shine to you. I can understand why.” She pulls your chin up to meet her half-lidded gaze, and you freeze like a rabbit caught by a wolf. Her next words come out low and soft, promising things you don’t understand exactly but want anyway. “If I’m being honest… I’ve taken a shine to you too. I wish I could keep you.”
She sighs, before letting go of my chin and turning away, running slim fingers through her thick dark hair. “Speaking of Addy… he’s awfully concerned about you. As are a bunch of other people.” She opens a drawer in her bed-stand and takes out your phone, before tossing it to you. “It was beeping and ringing the whole night so I put it away. Feel free to go and tell whoever’s stalking you that no, the evil vampiress hasn’t murdered you or done some other horrific thing.” She pauses, then grins wickedly. “Well, to be fair, you went through a lot of “little death”s last night.”
It takes you a moment for your rudimentary high-school French to parse the innuendo, and when you do, you light up a bright cherry-red. Priya laughs at your sheepish expression, but quickly turns serious again. “No, really. You have good friends.” Is that a touch of wistfulness you hear? Jealousy, even?
You don’t have time to try and figure it out. When you turn on your phone, your jaw actually drops– 46 messages and 23 voicemails?! What the metaphorical fuck?! Quickly scrolling through them, you realize the bulk of them are from Lily, though Adrian’s contributed to the rest.
Lily Spencer [11:43 PM]: Where are youuuuu
Lily Spencer [12:26 AM]: Are you getting it on w/ your hot boss? ;)
Lily Spencer [1:09 AM]: No but really where the fuck are you??? I’m legit worried smh
Lily Spencer [1:59 AM]: Are you okay??? Text me “mchanzo” if you need an emergency rescue!!!
39 more messages from Lily Spencer. Tap here to view them.
You groan. Fuck. You can already feel a headache coming on. Combined with your throbbing hangover, that’s a deadly combination. You send off a quick “Don’t worry, I’m okay!” to Lily and then check Adrian’s messages.
Adrian Raines [12:11 AM]: I’m really sorry for bringing you to Priya’s studio. I didn’t know she’d be like this.
Adrian Raines [1:02 AM]: Are you alright? Tell Priya you’re under my protection. She can’t hurt you.
Adrian Raines [1:38 AM]: Call me and I’ll be right there. I was stupid to bring you there. I’m sorry.
You cringe. Well, Adrian didn’t seem to take it too badly, but it’ll still be really awkward when you see him at work today—
With an ice-cold, creeping dread, you hurriedly check the time at the top of your phone. Surely enough, the numbers there pronounce your doom: 9:23 AM.
“I’m late,” you gasp in horror.
Sensing your profound distress, Priya cranes her neck over your shoulder. Her eyes quickly flit through the messages, and a wry grin makes its way onto her scarlet lips. “I did tell you Adrian was awfully protective,” she says, a glaze of bitterness souring the otherwise cheerful words. “Though I’m a little offended he thinks I would hurt you. Of course I wouldn’t. You’re too pretty for that,” she remarks casually, breath hot against the shell of your ear.
You swallow and ignore the aching, tantalizing flare of arousal that sparks between your legs. Prying yourself away from her grasp, you send her a withering glare. “It doesn’t matter whether Adrian is protective or not, because he’s going to fire me anyway I’m not there in like three minutes.”
Priya shrugs, leaning back luxuriously on the medley of fluffy white pillows behind her and using only her elbows to prop herself up. A curl of coiffed dark hair falls onto her face, partially obscuring one eye. You swallow, once again hit with the “attractive girl is next to you” hammer. She’s all painted lips and painted nails and bronze legs that go on for days. The epitome of devil-may-care.
Her honeyed voice snaps you out of your reverie. “Look, angel, I don’t mean to be dismissive of your job as accountant– assistant, whatever– but I’m just saying, you’ve been blessed with the kind of beauty that’s rare to come by. An allure that doesn’t stop skin-deep.” You wonder if that’s a double-entendre, given that she spent a good part of last night with her teeth in your neck. She continues, “You’re already spectacular, but with a little makeup and one of my masterpieces, you could be the greatest model New York City’s seen in a while. Besides,” she winks suggestively, “being a model has wonderful benefits. Including but not limited to, hmm, private sessions with the head designer.”
You were wondering where all this flattery was leading up to. As it turns out, it led to complete and utter madness.
“...Priya,” you start, trying to phrase this tactfully and finding yourself wanting, “I can’t be a model. I already have a job at Raines Corp, which is quite frankly in peril because of how not on-time I am.”
The vampire rolls her eyes, taking a pillow and throwing it at you playfully. “Don’t be such a buzzkill. First of all, who cares if you’re late? Besides, Didi already called to say you can take the day off.”
You blink rapidly, uncomprehending. “Didi?”
Priya lets out an exaggerated sigh of disappointment. “Adrian. Keep up. He called me at three in the morning– so rude, I know– and when he was done thoroughly scalping me for defiling his precious little assistant, he said you could take the day off. It makes sense, which is surprising coming from Mr. Bring A Human To Work Day. You should rest.”
A variety of emotions course through you in the span of a few short seconds. Relief at not getting fired less than 24 hours after getting hired, confusion at how many nicknames Priya has for Adrian, and sheer utter disbelief at all the contradictions she’s spewing from those perfect lips.
“Hold up,” you say before Priya can distract you again. “I should rest? Literally two seconds ago you were trying to bribe me into being a model with sex– don’t try to deny it, it won’t work– both of which aren’t exactly relaxing. Where exactly would I be resting between the runway and the orgasms?”
Priya waves you off. “Don’t fret, gorgeous. We’ll have plenty of time to destress in the hours leading up to your modeling debut. But first things first– you need something to eat. Something that isn’t me, at least.”
You sputter and stumble over your words and Priya seems to delight in it, pressing a warm kiss to your cheek. “You’re so cute when you blush,” she purrs, and you can’t help the warmth that blooms in your chest like a flower under the sun. It’s not just arousal, unfortunately. You could understand that– she is, after all, one of the most attractive women you’ve ever seen– but what you can’t deal with is this, this affection. You’re not stupid. You know where this kind of feeling leads. And you absolutely cannot walk down that precarious, woefully wonderful path. Not with her.
(But why not....?)
You know why. She’s a goddamn vampire, for one, and beyond that… she’s perfect. Not for most people, but for you. You’re weak to these kinds of girls, who bite and bruise and touch and take so wonderfully. Dangerous girls, if you had to sum it up in a word. And Priya… she’s the pinnacle of that. Spending the night with her was the dumbest thing you could’ve done. And yet… you already know you’d do it again. You’d keep coming back, as long as she’d have you.
(Fuck. I’m so fucked up.)
Want Part 2
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beheadingofmakai · 6 years
“Exorcist” Is A Strong Word
<- Previous Chapter
5:31 AM was not a nice hour to be up and about for Vinn Ingram, but there simply was no other choice. Sure, the cold winds that blow through Mint Hill Street were a very convincing argument to buy a scarf the moment today was over, the uphill walk made paying a taxi very, very attractive even though it was a short walk, and the deadly combination of both made our new Exorcist miss his bed sheets with the agony of a lover who left his sweetheart behind to go to the war, but alas, this was a necessary evil if he ever was to see his workplace at all. At the Seventh Office of the Mythic Affairs Bureau, work hours begin at 7:00 AM, which is a whole one hour and twenty nine minutes our daring star could’ve spent tucked in bed dreaming about sunshine and puppies, but if the last two days were any indication, this was a bad idea, and that bad idea has a name: Bastian Ashfield, his partner.
“Mother fu... Arc damned cold wind... Uphill walk in the middle of... This better be worth it...” muttered the displeased Vinn to himself, making his walk under the purple early morning skies. Two days ago, Bastian raided his apartment and snatched him away to a sudden necromancy case, and yesterday, Bastian once more got him by the cuffs and got him working with a truant demon after an exorcism. These last two days, he’d been roped into all this work without being able to even see his office or meet his other colleagues. For a top scorer like Vinn, this was like a rusty, jagged spoon to the heart, as it was vastly unprofessional from him to not even greet his other seniors at the office just because this hydromancing asshole of a tyrant decided to start paying him house visits. Well, no more! Today, Vinn left far earlier than he was supposed to, as he wasn’t gonna risk a third day of impromptu plate-juggling. Maybe now, finally, he was gonna be able to do things right.
But Arc damn the wind is cold.
“I should almost be... Oh! That over there is the office, isn’t it?”. Vinn perked up and broke into a calm jog, and indeed it was. A four story building, solid and made of brick, with a large sign that read the “7th Office” in bold black letters. It didn’t indicate what it was the office of, just that it was the 7th. Magic and the supernatural is a well kept secret, after all, so whoever stumbled in there by accident would just be told a lie about this being a real estate firm or maybe an engineering firm. At long last, Vinn was going to be able to meet people that hopefully weren’t condescending jerks!
As Vinn approached the building, the door swung open, and what strode out froze Vinn in his tracks. A very tall woman, at least two heads taller than Vinn, with long dark green hair and a somewhat dark complexion, but the prodigious height and the curious colors of the dame weren’t what paralyzed Vinn, it was the long, curved, thick black horns that protruded from her head that did, peeking through holes in her large brimmed hat. 
“Hm? Hey there, I haven’t seen you around before” the mountain spoke. “For consultations and filing reports, head to the left desk, and for general questions, the help desk is on the right. We’ll help you in however way we can.”
“...Oh!” finally reacted Vinn, taking his eyes off the horns, hoping he didn’t offend. “Oh, thank you, but I work here, actually, it’s good to meet you, I started two days ago, my name is Vinn Ingram.” Upon hearing this, the woman brought a hand to her mouth in surprise, and immediately smiled gracefully, lifting her hat just slightly so she could take a better look at him with her piercing crimson eyes.
“Ah! You’re one of the graduates! How silly of me, my apologies, I assumed you were a new client. I haven’t seen you around, but, well, I suppose the same can be said for others, hmhm. Well met, Vinn Ingram.” -- the woman bowed with dignity and poise found only on professionals -- “I am Fatima Allanach, Exorcist here at the Seventh. Have been for years now. A pleasure to meet you. I would love to chat with you more, but I need to go out for something rather pressing right now. Which division are you on? I’d love to drop by later to properly meet you when time isn’t a pressing concern.”
“Oh, no no, don’t let me hold you back, the pleasure is all mine!” hastily replied the novice. “I’m in the 3rd Division.”
“The 3rd... That’s... I see, so you must be an intel support, then? Well, have fun with Nicholas, he’s kind of a stick in the mud before 9:30, but he’s very good at what he does. You’ll learn much. Well, farewell, until later.”
With a graceful half-bow and a smile, the large woman in the trench coat walked away, her horns disappearing from sight as soon as she headed to the streets. Can’t be seen with those by civilians, after all. Vinn couldn’t help but wonder what she meant by “intel support”. He was very much a fully fledged Exorcist, and his partner was Bastian, not some “Nicholas”. Well, whatever, he thought, maybe she was just confused and in a hurry. They’d meet later, so no biggie.
Finally at the 3rd floor, Vinn looked up which office was the 3rd Division’s in his briefing e-mail. It was more than a bit daunting when his worst suspicions were confirmed and that large, imposing cast iron door was, indeed, his office. With someone like Bastian on their payroll, however, the iron door made complete sense, unfortunately. “Well, whatever, let’s get to it.”
The already small room behind the iron door was made even smaller by the sheer amount of chaos within. Paperwork everywhere, pizza boxes, the scent of coffee and mana leftovers mixing into what can only be described as a terrorist attack on the senses, and one very bitter-looking blonde man sitting at the very end of the room, surrounded by cabinets, coffee mugs, and his computer, mashing away at that keyboard like it owed him money. 
“Uh, he--”
“And why the hell are you here this early again, Bastian! Can I just not have my own little world of-- Huh?”
The red haired man and the blonde bitterness extract given a human form looked at each other awkwardly for a second, before the latter finally threw a brick and smashed the silence. “...Who, who the hell ar-- Who might you be? This is the 3rd Division, I think you got the wrong door, pal.”
“Uh, hey there, no, I work here. Effective as of two days ago, but it’s my first time showing up due to... Exceptional reasons, I guess. I’m Vinn Ingram, assigned here as of August 4th, a pleasure to meet you, Mister...?”
“No Vinn works here, dude, just go to your office.”
“Um, sir? I do work here, it says as much in this e-mail, I’ve been working for two days now on field.” 
“No you don’t.”
“Dude, come on, I know everyone in this office and-- Hold that phone, what did you say your name was again?”
“V-Vinn Ingram, partner of--”
Whatever came after his last name fell upon deaf ears and was drowned by the loud tik and tak of the keyboard’s cry for help as the blonde man’s fingers struck it with surgical precision. A few seconds of awkward keyboard sounds later, the man’s face seemed to be right out of the cover of a cheap gas station horror novel. “Bastian’s partner? That Vinn?”
“That’d be me, yeah.”
“What the fuck, you haven’t quit yet?”
“E-excuse me?”
        Of incense, ink stains, and the murky menace lurking beneath it all:                                        – Chapter 3: Neon War Paint –
“Oh, um, ahem, h-hey, welcome, Vinn, welcome! I just, mm, never really expected anyone partnered with Bastian to last more than one assignment with him. Or less than one, really. I hope you’ll understand, he’s kind of, mm, not a very nice person.”
“Oh, trust me, I could gather that much. But yeah, I’m here, alive and willing still, somehow.”
Molotov cocktails burst green with envy at the explosive laughter the man by the computer just showcased with peerless cacklesmanship. “By the Arc, man, you really went and... I’m Nicholas Dunbar, Seventh Office 3rd Division information agent, assistant, and secretary, an actual honor to meet anyone who somehow survived Bastian.”
Vinn could only sigh, half laughing and half crying internally. “Vinn Ingram, once again, now assigned to this office as that oaf’s partner, the pleasure is mine. So, um, Nicholas, is Bastian just... Like that? In general?”
“He very much is like that in general.” replied the intel agent as he prepared some coffee on the worn, jury rigged coffee maker that had what was very clearly a band aid somewhere on its base. “See, the thing is, you’re the fourth partner that’s been assigned to him, and the only to survive the ordeal without quitting the job or requesting a transfer after... Well, not after, during the first day.”
“And I can see why. I’m here this early because he kept going to my place and roping me into more stuff, telling me he has to test me on this and test me on that, what a prick.” Vinn recounted as he tried to navigate this disaster room of pizza boxes and stray paperwork, making a futile attempt to find his desk.
“Yeah, you’re actually the only one I’ve met, haha. I kinda just assumed you’d be roadkill as well, no offense. You aren’t the top scorer of the Mythic Law Enforcement Academy for nothing, after all. Man, Bastian is real good at this job, one of the best, I dare say, but his people skills just haven’t been the same anymore...”
This last statement perked the novice Exorcist. “Mm? What do you mean with ‘anymore’?” The inquiry clearly changed something in the atmosphere, as Nicholas simply looked down and then at the coffee maker, gripping it by the handle and serving two piping hot mugfuls of coffee, offering one to Vinn.
“I can’t really tell you, man. I hope you understand. It’s kinda personal to him, and I’m not about the snitch life.”
“Ah, no no, sorry, didn’t mean to put you in the spot. Thanks for the coffee.”
“Say, since you’re here early, I might as well tour you through the Seventh, what do you say? Introduce you to the people, show you where stuff is, the works.” offered the intel agent, sipping his coffee, his voice certainly softer than before. This wasn’t an offer Vinn was going to turn down.
“I’d very much like that!”
The Seventh was a sturdy, spacious building. That cramped little hellroom that was the 3rd Division was not indicative of just how impressive and accommodating the rest of it was. Air conditioning, ample hallways, and effective use of space made it easy to navigate through and easy to fit all the relevant facilities. It certainly was a whole different beast from the antiquated brick fortress that it seemed to be from the outside. Nicholas and Vinn made small talk as they passed by the various other offices, most of them empty due to how early it was, heading to the Infirmary in the first floor.
“The Infirmary is open practically all the time, and it’s the first place you go to after an assignment, and the last place you go to before clocking out and leaving for the day.” Nicholas explained as he ringed the bell. “Cordiality is nice, but it doesn’t mean much in general in the Seventh, since we are all about getting the job done first and foremost. However, if there’s anyone you gotta be good with, that’s the Infirmary crew, because these people keep us alive. I think you’ll agree with me when I say you’d rather be on good terms with the people in charge of keeping you alive, yeah?”
“Hah, no argument there. I planned to come here first thing after finding the 3rd Division.” Vinn replied, adjusting his vest as Nicholas opened the door. “Hold on, don’t we have to wait for them to give us the ok?”
“I mean, by protocol, yeah, but as long as you ring the bell, Aria doesn’t really mind if you come in, Mister Stiff.” laughed the intel agent. “Can’t blame ya, though. You are the top scorer of this year’s promotion, so I assumed you’d be kinda stiff, but man, trust me, real work is a lot more... Earthly, if you will. Don’t take all those regulations and strict protocols to heart. As long as you do your job, no one minds.”
Vinn shrugged his shoulders as if saying “I guess”, which only prompted another chuckle from Nicholas. Inside the Infirmary, a woman with two large white wings and a long lab coat checked a clipboard and wrote on a little notebook propped on a desk. “Hey, mornin’, doc!” greeted Nicholas, prompting her to turn around with a pleasant smile and kind eyes.
“Hey, Nick, good day! Hm? Who’s the kid?” the doctor enthusiastically replied as she set down her clipboard. “Oh, one of the fresh meat, huh? Hey, I’m the patch up artist around these parts, name’s Aria, a pleasure.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Miss Aria, I’m Vinn Ingram, ‘fresh meat’ at the 3rd Division. We’ll be seeing each other.”
“Oh, so you are a new intel agent? You’re lucky, Nick is awesome at his job, just, be sure not to catch him before 9:30, he’s kinda--”
“Oh no no, he’s not mine, Aria.” interrupted Nicholas, a wry grin plastered on his face. “Take a wild freakin’ guess who he is partnered with.”
Aria tilted her head in confusion, looked at him real good, the ol’ tip to toe scan with the eyes, and she realized, given his build, that he was no pen pusher. Those strong limbs were for working out in the field. “Wait, Bastian’s!? No way, but it’s the 6th! Any partner of his should have transferred already! Holy moly, you are some next level shit, aren’t you?”
Nicholas laughed out loud while Vinn simply sighed and pinched his nose. “Yeah, I guess I am fecal matter of the next degree. Man, he really is infamous for this, isn’t he?” The two of them laughed, but before Aria replied, she caught the Nicholas’ eyes, insolence brewing behind them.
“Oh... You wanna do that, huh...? Ok... Hey, Vinn, I applaud your manners for not pointing out my wings.” said Aria. “People usually get impressed by them and sometimes, it get uncomfortable, so hey, nice. But, at the same time, I can’t help but be a bit disappointed, since I am proud of them, as an Angel and all.”
Those last words perked Vinn up. “An Angel, you say...?”
“Yup! Ain’t the Seventh impressive? We practically have a demon in Bastian, so we make up for that with an actual Angel in our Infirmary. Not something many offices can claim, yeah?”
It’s true that those impressive, white feathered wings were the definition of majestic in any dictionary you could find, but Vinn didn’t seem impressed at all. “She’s not an Angel, though.” he declared.
“Oh?” Aria smirked. “I am, though. What proof do you have that I am not an Angel? Are you saying these wings are fake?”
“It’s true that you have not moved your wings at all, so they could be a prop, but no, they are the real deal. However, ‘wings’ does not equate to ‘Angel’. No offense intended, but the palms of your hands are very rugged, and your musculature in general suggests heavy physical work, instead of the more magically inclined personality of Angels. Speaking of your hands, you did a pretty good job trimming them, but I can tell those talons grow up to be very strong, sharp, and destructive. You’re not an Angel, Miss Aria, you’re a Harpy.”
The rapid fire analysis left both Nicholas and Aria dumbfounded for all of five silent seconds before they both broke into laughter. “Oh, wow! This kid is the real shit, ain’t he? Damn, when was the last time, anyone saw through this little prank, Nicholas?”
“Wasn’t it Fatima many years ago? Haha, damn, anyways, that was impressive, I’d expect no less from top scorer of this year’s promotion. Nice job, Vinn.”
The young man was getting a bit flustered with all this praise and attention, but thankfully, before he had to say anything, the bell rang again, and the door swung open, a tall, muscular, blonde man wearing sunglasses walking in shortly after.
“Heyo, doc, I’m sorry I didn’t come before, I came t’ greet ya! Name’s... Oh, Ingram?”
“...Hold on, you’re Daryl. Hello.”
“Oh, you two know each other?” Nicholas inquired, resting against a nearby counter top.
“Yeah!” the large blonde lad replied. “We both graduated this year. Ingram’s the top of the class, so I remember him. Didn’t know ya were here, dude.”
“Likewise. I wouldn’t have expected to meet you so soon after graduation. Good to see you. Which division are you on?” Vinn cordially conversed. 
“2nd, the boss woman told me to go greet people already, got kinda mad that I hadn’t yet, so here I am. Heyo doc, and heyo other dude I don’t know, here’s to some good ass work and all that.”
“Nicholas, good to meet you, though I am just the tech dude at the 3rd, it’s this lady you oughta pay your respects to. She’s a nice Angel doctor that’ll keep you in this world, no matter how banged up you get.” the intel agent explained, a chuckle already charging up behind his lips.
“Wait, an Angel!?” yelled the shocked Daryl.
“Oh, don’t say that so loud, I get kinda conscious... But yes, I am Doctor Aria, pleased to meet you. I hope you’ll trust my--!”
In a move that shut everyone in the room, Daryl approached Aria and outright kissed her, holding her chin up to better feel her tongue with his. When it was all said and done, Daryl simply took a contemplative hand to his chin. “Ya ain’t no Angel. You’re a Harpy. See, Angels have soft tongues, and kissing them feels like warm honey bathin’ yer tongue, an indescribable feelin’, really. But yer tongue was thick, rough, and strong. It wasn’t warm honey, it was more like a powerful adversary, a tongue to remember, ‘cause it ain’t easy. I like Harpy kisses far more than Angel kisses, there’s that roughness to them that makes them--”
The sound of her palm meeting his face echoed in the Infirmary.
“How dare you...!?” the doctor exclaimed, slapping him across the face.
“Ooph, yeah, see, Angels don’t slap like that, that’s a Harpy’s strong hand, alriOOPH.”
“What the fuck are you doing, dumbaaaaaaass?!”
The sound of his spine singing a melody of pain and regret echoed in the infirmary as his body was lifted off the ground by a single righteous uppercut.
“Yep, just on time, if you’re in the 2nd, then your partner is...”
“W-woah what the hell!?”
With just a single punch, the large blonde man was downed. Behind him, a brawny, tough-looking woman stood with the River Styx in her eyes, shooting ballistic missiles at the battered young man with her glare.
“I take my eyes off you for one second and you’re already doing dumb shit again! I am so sorry, Aria, this one’s on me, I’ll buy you all your drinks next time we go out drinking, ok? Please forgive this good for nothing piece of shit!” the big woman apologized as she stomped on the downed idiot.
“F-Fiona, don’t worry about it! It’s fine, it’s fine, don’t kill him in the Infirmary, please, that’s a lot of paperwork to deal with!”
Lifting him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes, the imposing woman desperately apologized. “I’ll educate this dipshit, even if it kills me, or if it kills him! I’ll go now, see y...ou? Hey, who’s this kid, Nick? New techie for the the 3rd?”
“Naw, he’s Bastian’s.”
“Cut the bullshit.”
“I am not dumb enough to lie to you, Fi.”
Fiona’s eyes widened. “You’re legit his partner? Woah, some big fat balls of brass, you must have! Well, kid, introductions will have to wait ‘till later, I have a shithead to lecture. Try not to get killed. Let’s go, you imbecile.”
“M-my spine... Let me get it checked first...” begged Daryl like a beefy, floppy sack of wounded potatoes with all the dignity of a headless chicken.
“Oh, sleep it off, ya wuss, let’s go.”
As fast as she came, this tornado of a woman left, leaving Vinn speechless. “Is she... Is she always like that? Who was that? Did that really just happen?”
“That’s Fiona, and yeah, that’s her modus operandi. Leaving the door open is also part of her, but she’s a lovable tower of muscle and alcohol.” explained the doctor, going back to her clipboard. “Be a dear and close it, will you?”
As Vinn approached the door left open by the human cyclone, he spotted her outside, still carrying Daryl, being lecture by a tall, thin man who had an aura of authority and resignation to him. Before him, however, Fiona couldn’t stop bowing apologetically.
“Well, that’s our Fiona, 2nd Division Exorcist. Watch in awe as she is lectured by the Chief because her cropped tank top, ‘perfume’ that smells like 6 AM tequila, and habit of carrying coworkers like veggies at market spit in the soup of Officewear Regulations. Heh, this is a daily show by now.” Nicholas elaborated, as if watching a movie while eating pop corn. “You know about Oni, Vinn?”
“Oh! She’s an oni? That explains the strength and the pungent stench of alcohol.”
“Nope, she’s married to one, and he’s helping her with her drinking habits.”
“...Classy. So, that’s the Chief, huh? I’d better go say hi to him now.”
“Woah there, buddy, I’d suggest not. He’s lecturing her right now, but he’s a very busy man, especially in the mornings. Leave him for the afternoon.”
“Is he a hardass or something?”
“Not... Quite, just trust me on this one. Let’s go back to our office, Dani should be here by now.”
“If you say so. Bye, Miss Aria, have a good day.”
“Mmhm. Have a good one, you two, I hope you survive, Vinn.” the doctor expressed with no ill will whatsoever, waving a friendly hand goodbye.
The more one looked at the office, the more it seemed that the door frame was a portal to a different dimension. How could this pigsty possibly be in the same physical plane, let alone building, than the neat everything else? There was a difference now, however: A lone girl sat by another desk.
“It’s weird not seeing you here first thing in the morning, Nick. I was wondering where you went.” she greeted.
“Yeah, was just showing the newbie around. Lookin’ good, Dani.” Nicholas chimed back with Vinn on tow, who politely nodded as if to greet her.
“Oh? New tech g--”
“Bastian’s partner...” Vinn clarified for what felt like the tenth time this morning.
“What!? Bast--”
“Please.” Vinn begged for what felt like the tenth time this morning. It was getting tedious.
“Oh, pfff, yeah, I guess you’ve already gotten your fair share of dumbfounded responses. Sorry about that! I’m Danielle, just call me Dani, though.” the girl responded before moving away from her desk without standing up, traversing through the pizza boxes and paperwork in a motorized wheelchair, controlled by a little controller on the right hand rest. Of note, her left hand and leg were prosthetic. Accompanied with the soft sound of her wheelchair’s motor’s vibration, Dani approached Vinn and offered her right hand, which he shook. “I’m the communications expert here, and since you’ll be working with us now, you’ll need one of these.” Her prosthetic hand held a firm grip on the bag while her regular hand rummaged in it, the sounds of junk and crumpling plastic raising many questions as to what was actually inside the otherwise trendy looking little bag. With an expression of eureka, she seemed to have finally found the desired item, which he proudly offered to the novice Exorcist: A tin can.
“A... Tin can? Wait, now that you mention it, Bastian had one just like this two days ago...” Vinn pondered, as he examined the item in vain.
“Ah! You were there when the Siren was sent in!? That jerk didn’t mention you at all in his reports! I will have some words with him, the nerve!” Dani fumed as she kicked her feet in frustration, nothing new when regarding Bastian and his old tricks. “Anyways, yes, that right there is a prim and proper tin can, but it may save your life.”
“There’s really nothing special about it, though... I don’t sense anything.”
“Eyup, it’s not until I do this--” With a touch of he right hand’s finger, the can suddenly pulsated, Vinn’s head throbbing as a sharp note drowned everything else in the room, only the can’s ‘heartbeat’ audible to him, until a few seconds later, his senses returned to normal, his head ringing like a struck bell no more. “--llo? Hello? Earth to Vinn?”
“Ugh... Yeah, I hear you... What was that? My head felt like it was going to explode for a second.” Vinn replied, clutching his thankfully unexploded head.
“Yeah, happens the first time. I’ve linked the tin can with you. Now, what this does is...” Danielle moved towards her desk again and held a similar, worn out tin can. “Put that against your ear.” Vinn complied, and once he did, Dani put her own tin can against her mouth, softly whispering words that shouldn’t have been audible to anyone, yet were clear as the skies to Vinn. “And now, we can communicate easily!”
“Woah! That’s... I’ve never seen anything like this! So basically, these are like cellphones now?”
“Better than cellphones!” she declared, chest puffed out. “Cellphones can be traced, need time to make a call, need the other party to notice and accept the call, and if you’re underground? Yeah, not happening. Tin cans are the future of communication! Well, among us, anyways. This is Communications Magic, my area of expertise. Keep that tin can on you at all times, and we’ll be able to talk shit about Bastian at all times, seamlessly and with no interruption.”
“Now that sounds like a good time.”
“Well, I’m sure glad you two seem to have kicked it off well!” Nicholas finally interjected. “Now, you did say something worrying, though: You’ve actually been working the last two days, but Bastian neglected to mention you in his reports, which makes my job difficult. Plus, I don’t have your reports, either.”
“A-ah, well, I wasn’t exactly--”
“Exactly allowed near the office, I know, haha, don’t worry, I’m not going to put you on the spot, all this means is that I will grab Bastian by the neck and have him rewrite his reports. His lack of mentioning you meant to me that you had quit, which is... A pattern, really, so don’t worry, you get a few more days to write your reports, but the sooner you have them for me, the better.”
“Ah, that’s why you reacted that way...” Vinn said, recalling Nicholas’ exasperation earlier. “Well, I hope you don’t have a hard time getting him to re-do those... I already know that he’s--”
“A damn hardass, a jerk, and a piece of shit to work with?” a voice behind Vinn chimed in.
“Yeah! That’s exactly what I was gonna sWhere did you come from and how long have you been there?”
“Aww, I’m glad to know that I have a cute widdle pwartner who wuvs me so much!”
As Vinn turned around, he met face to face with the plastic, hostile grin of Bastian Ashfield, a tall, solidly built man with his wavy ponytail resting on his left shoulder as always. “So can I join your shit-talking power hour? I am like a trebuchet full of excrement, ready to sling the highest quality turds, so? We good? Can I join you fine gents in--Hrg!”
That dull sound just now was a piece of scrap metal hitting Bastian square in the forehead. “You big jerk! You were keeping Vinn out of the office for the last two days and you neglected to even mention him in your reports! As both a person and an Exorcist, you are terrible!”
“Oi, who the hell throws junk metal at people!? At least make it something like a plastic bottle, or a--Argh!”
And that dull sound just now was a broken clock hitting Bastian on the side of his face.
“Don’t talk back!”
“Yes ma’am! Please don’t give me a concussion, ma’am!”
“Alright, hold it, hold it, please! I’ll stop! Quit chucking assorted reclaimed metals at me!”
“...Are these two like this all the time?” Vinn whispered to Nicholas.
“Just when Bastian’s a dick.” 
“So yeah, all the time.”
“I see.”
“...Well, now that we are all here, I suppose a formal welcoming is due... But first... You clever little rascal. You left home really early, just to avoid me, huh?”
Vinn simply glared at Bastian. “I knew you’d try it a third day. Get off my back, already. I humored your two ‘tests’, and not even knowing what my workplace looks like for three days in a row is not exactly professional.”
“...Tests? Vinn, what did this oaf make you do?” Dani inquired, already reaching for the next piece of junk in her little bag.
“Don’t worry, it wasn’t anything terribly cruel. You’ll see in my report later, but basically, the necromancer of two days ago and a case with a stray demon yesterday. Both ended up well, so-- Hey, speaking of, where’s the necromancer?” Vinn asked, having just remembered the rather high profile criminal they brought in.
“Well, I’m not at liberty to say just yet, but let’s just say you’ll know soon enough.”
“Bastian, could you please treat him like a member of our division already?” sighed the girl.
“Oh, no no, Bastian is not being Bastian for once, he really isn’t at liberty to say.” Nicholas interrupted. “All information on the case -- the necromancer herself, the undead horde, and the fact that a Siren was dispatched -- is all confidential. In fact, we should not discuss it at all. He could actually get questioned by the Blackvests if his lips are too loose.”
“Ah, so it is actually confidential... I was curious myself, too, to be honest. It’s the first actual necromancer in forever, isn’t it?” Dani asked as she drank some of her freshly brewed coffee.
“First I’ve seen in active service, and in general.” replied the seasoned Exorcist. “Sure, you get punks who reanimate rats and dogs here and there, and then we have to go in and put the feral critters out of their mindless misery. But one that has actually reanimated humans? And didn’t even bother thralling them? Just letting the do as they please? That’s very weird, no matter how you spin it. Anyways, I am not lying when I say you’ll know soon enough.” Bastian readjusted himself and reached into one of the many seemingly empty pizza boxes, producing a cold slice and chomping on it. “Let’s go back to the man of the hour, now. Vinn, you’ll have to forgive me, but it was absolutely necessary that I test you in the ways I did. You aren’t an idiot, you could see that Exorcists don’t have the best reputation around, and deservedly so.”
The atmosphere in the room changed. 
“...Yeah. People feared me. People expected me to throw my weight around. People doubted me whenever I showed any cordiality or kindness. Exorcists really are not liked, huh? This is all very different from the Academy.” Vinn recounted, a disappointed sigh escaping him.
“That’s true, because a lot of Exorcists reign through fear, throw their weight around, and only smile when they want something out of you, or worse, when they already have what they need to blackmail you. The Academy is a bubble, Vinn.” Dani explained, her tone serious. “The Academy will make you believe your duty is just and your methods righteous, but in the real world, you can’t just go in blasting everything and coercing the weak into obeying or paying the price”
“Our duty as Exorcists, and related support parties, is to mete out justice in the Mythic affairs, whether that justice needs to clash against a Mythic or against a Human. We are supposed to be the entity that upholds justice, but a lot of Exorcists, well, they just smoke Mythics. We are supposed to stand up for Humans as much as we are for Mythics, but that’s not how it goes in practice.” Nicholas sadly continued.
“And that’s why I needed to test you.” said Bastian as he propped his legs on his desk. “I told you before, but you need to be able to hold your own in a fight, have the brains to figure out solutions to your problems, and have the heart to actually stand up for Mythics. I -- we -- have no use for yet another kid who slings death around to try and be the big strong Exorcist.”
Despite the shoddy appearance of the office, with the ocean of pizza boxes scattered everywhere and sundry junk adorning every corner, the files were where they needed to be, Nicholas’ computer was impeccable, and whatever actually mattered, was there. Messy as it was, it was the office of those who truly cared about their job, and about those said job entailed. Downing some coffee, Vinn took a deep breath.
“...Crude as they may be, I understand the reason behind your methods. I can’t say I’m mad, since it gave me a reality check I’d rather have now instead of later. It’s only... Fair, really.”
“Well,” Bastian replied, “Whether you are mad or not doesn’t really matter to me, what does matter is that you pass the tests. I was gonna tell you as much earlier today, but you eluded me like a slippery eel, which, I hate to admit, is also a good thing, so yeah, welcome to the 7th Office 3rd Division. I’ll work you to the sinews.”
“That’s just his way of being nice. Please do be patient with him, he’s an idiot, after aaAAAH! Damn! Ow ow ow!” Nicholas snarked before his hot coffee came to life and splashed his face, burning him.
“Maybe don’t insult an Hydromancer while holding a nice, fat cup of hot coffee, dumbass.” laughed Bastian.
“Pfff, well, you kinda walked right into that one, Nick, hehe. Still! It’s good to have some new blood in here, so by all means, welcome! I hope you have a good time! Don’t mind the office’s sorry state, we get our job done.” Dani cheerfully informed.
“Yeah, especially since all the pizza boxes are her doing in the first place, our cute little piglet.” taunted Nick, wiping the coffee off his face.
“He didn’t need to know that!”
“...You already put the order for today’s batch, didn’t you?”
“...I cannot confirm or deny that, Bastian.”
It was a lively little office with just three people in it, four now, but Vinn could tell there was something different here, something he didn’t find in his time in the Academy, nor out in the field during these last two days.
There was a lot of heart and joy here.
There was anxiety, there were nerves, there was a lot of expectation, from both his partner and himself, but ll of those things, he already knew he was gonna feel. What he didn’t know, however, was how much he was going to crave to be part of this little world, where contact was easy and everyone seemed to get along like this.
And just like there’s a shadow by every light cast, so was there a woe that made his heart throb with a pang of concern: Were his people back home ever going to be able to partake in this?
If anything, this only steeled his resolve further. He left the comfortable wilderness for a reason against the protests of everyone that cared for him for this, after all.
“There’s no way I’m going back empty handed now.” he though to himself, after seeing that the human world is capable of compassion.
Just as the playful banter was beginning to calm down, someone knocked on the big iron door.
“It’s open, come in!” Nick yelled from the back of the office, already submerged in his files and keyboard once again.
“Please excuse me.”
As the door opened, Vinn perked up as he saw that pair of familiar horns, black like lacquered wood, curved with dignity, protruding through the holes of the wide brimmed hat. It was the tall woman from the morning. The dame simply giggled at his surprise, an elegant hand covering her lips.
“Now, why the surprise? I did say I’d come welcome you properly, no? Have you eased into your job with Nicholas yet? He’s a harsh instructor, but you’ve much to learn from someone with his diligence and experience.” she greeted bemusedly.
“Oh, no no, I’m not here as an info agent, I’m an Exorcist, partner with--”
“Well, well, well, if it ain’t Fat Fatima!” the brick that broke cordiality boisterously interrupted. “What do you and your five chins want? Don’t remember having any reason to expect a visit from you.”
“Bastian? What the h--!” tried to reproach Vinn, but he couldn’t finish his sentence. Just seconds ago, a gallant lady stood by the door, with a welcoming voice, a friendly disposition, and a kind smile. The very picture of manners and helpfulness. Where, oh, did she go? And when was she replaced by a twin with death in her eyes and wicked claws protruded, ready to slash a jugular or six? 
“Feh, Bastian... I didn’t come to talk to the wondrous sack of shit that pretends he’s people. Mind going back to your stupid magazines? Me and Nick’s new kid want to do some formal introductions, not that you’d know what those are.” snarled the dame, showing what were very clearly fangs.
“Nick’s got no new kid, shithead. If you mean that kid over there, he’s my new partner.”
“Oh, spare me, I’d think you’d at least give my intelligence some credit. Think of some more convincing lies if you wish to mess with me, Bastian.”
“Uh, hey, Fatima... Yeah, he’s not mine. Vinn’s an Exorcist, and Bastian’s partner.”
“What!? So he’s actually got a new partner!?” This reaction seemed to be popular. “Wait, so does that mean... Oh, uh...” The horned woman seemed to be troubled and wracked with guilt out of the sudden. “...Vinn, was it? I profusely apologize for the trouble I’ve no doubt caused you.”
Vinn didn’t really understand where this came from, and tilted his head just slightly in confusion, trying to think what this person he did not know before this morning could possibly mean by that. “I really have no idea what you’re apologizing for, Miss Fatima, you’ve done nothing but show courtesy to me.”
“Oi oi, so I’m just Bastian and ‘a damn hardass, a jerk, and a piece of shit to work with’, but she’s Miss Fatima? I’m glad to see where your loyalties lie, Vinn.” whined Bastian, a mocking hand to his own chest, as if deeply offended, nay, hurt.
“You said those things, I just confirmed them, geez.”
“Ah, allow me to elaborate...” interjected the horned lady. “First of all, I am the 1st Division Exorcist, Fatima Allanach, a pleasure to meet you, Vinn...?”
“Ingram. Vinn Ingram.”
She smiled graciously. “...As to what I did, well, I am the reason the Siren showed up two days ago.”
“Oh, you bitch! I should’ve figured you, of all people, would just call for them to mobilize all those delicious tax patros to give me a hard time! You could’ve killed me in the crossfire!”
“Oh, put a sock on it, Bastian.” -- all the grace she showed to Vinn was replaced by a vulgar hostility when addressing the hydromancer -- “Both of us know you wouldn’t die from a little Siren... Although I can’t say the same for your new partner. Had I know you had someone else there, I would’ve relented, and for that, I’m sorry. I just never... Thought you’d take another partner after Roderick, you know?”
The rooms atmosphere changed as Fatima’s voice softened with those last words. Even though this was the time for one of those patented Bastian Rude Retorts, he simply produced a cigarette, fiddled with it a bit, and then put it back in the pack. “Neither did I. But, well, here we are. And you, Fatima... It’s fine if you want to give me hell, but putting everything aside for a moment, even if its called for, never use the Sirens. Don’t confuse power for a basis of trust. Those things... Are executioners wearing their own coffins. Don’t forget it.”
“...That’s rich coming from you, Bastian.” Her sharp tongue was unsheathed once anew, albeit with a different, far more bitter fervor. “You don’t get to tell me whether I use a tool or not. Sirens are strong, and they can take care of practically any Mythic situation, small or large scale. It’s foolishness not to use an advantage when we have it.”
“Those things are not an advantage, Fatima. They are indiscriminate, they know only to kill and maim, how can you not see this!? We are Exorcists, it is our duty to--”
“--To utterly obliterate those bastards until they understand their place! How many more Humans must die to their savagery before you get this!? How many more Rodericks do we need in the graveyard before you stop spouting such naive drivel, Bastian?! Had a Siren been there with you that day, Roderick would still--”
“Shows how much you know! We’d both be death, and our assailants as well, leaving us with two less Exorcists and no leads whatsoever! Incredible! Great job! I can see why you are the 1st Division Exorcist clearly, with such a clear head absolutely not full of garbage on top of those shoulders!”
“You have no way of knowing that! When will you see the world for what it is already, you utter--”
“Everybody shut up!”
Nicholas’ voice boomed, drowning any whining in the small office, finally putting a stop to the bedlam.
“Don’t yank the chain, Nick, I need to make her understand--”
“Whatever, do that on your free time! You two schedule a nice, steamy, hot date outside of work hours, meet at a restaurant, order a fine beef steak dinner, and then beat the shit out of each other with it, I don’t care, but don’t go doing this in the office!”
Bastian and Fatima simply looked to the floor, or the ceiling, or anywhere that wasn’t Nicholas’ general direction, like scolded children caught trying to look inside the pot before dinner.
“Geez...” sighed the info agent, settling on his chair again. “Every time, you two...”
As if on cue, the office’s phone rang, Danielle dutifully picking it up.
“...Miss Fatima, did you mean that?” Vinn asked, a certain edge midst his cordiality.
“Hm? Did I mean what, exactly?”
“‘To utterly obliterate those bastards’, do you see Mythics that way?”
“...Oh, please don’t tell me you do share this brute’s view on the matter, Vinn? We are not called ‘Mediators’ or ‘Caretakers’, we are Exorcists. We exorcise, we hunt, we exterminate, that’s quite literally the job description. Things are this way for a reason.”
“And what would that reason be, Miss Fatima?” inquired Vinn without missing a beat, standing up. “What about being a human makes me inherently superior, more ‘people’ than a Mythic? We are not dealing with wild beasts, we are dealing with intelligent, sentient creatures who know love, hate, joy, and sorrow just as we do, who have a culture, traditions, and needs. You yourself are a Mythic, I fail to see the logic in--”
“Oh, the young man will watch his words.” Fatima replied with the same hostility she employs with Bastian, finally dropping her softer tone. “What I am doesn’t mean I should see things one way. It’s because I am a beast that I know exactly how terrible we can be.”
“That’s like saying we should destroy all slides in children's’ parks because one time, a kid scrapped his knee.”
“And only a fool would compare Mythics and slides horizontally.”
Vinn’s face was a mask of utter hatred and disdain for the horned Exorcist. “Miss Fatima, I think it’s about time you le--”
“What!? Y-yes, I’ll tell them immediately!” the communications expert yelled as she slammed the phone back on its base. “G-guys! You too, Miss Fatima! We’ve got a big situation down by Manduco #83493!”
“Dani, calm down. What’s the situation?” Bastian calmly asked, sitting back down and quickly picking up his flasks and other utensils. 
“The mass kidnapping from two months ago is happening again! It’s most likely the same perpetrator. It’s going on right now, a laborer that works at that warehouse forgot something, so even though it’s supposed to be closed off today, he went and found a lot of people just... Moving around, as if thralled. The first three divisions are to go there immediately.”
“Thanks, sweetie, that’s all we need. Well, let’s get going, we can’t lose a second.”
“I’ll go get my partner, let’s not waste any time.” Fatima said before disappearing into the hallway.
The dark blue car blazed a trail through the asphalt, going as fast as the worn out engine could manage, a bright red van and a dark green motorcycle tailing them. Inside the car, the grim-looking Vinn double checked his handcuffs and other pieces of equipment, a silence and grimace that didn’t escape the driver’s notice.
“Vinn, you good?”
“That’s the fakest ‘yeah’ I’ve had the honor of hearing. Look alive, this is a real bad situation. We need all six of us with our heads in the game.”
Bastian could only sigh.
“Oi, Vinn, don’t let what Fatima said get to you. It’s a kick in the dick, but that’s how many Exorcists are. She’s particularly partisan about it, yeah, but it’s better if you get used to it, hopefully manage it better than I do.”
Vinn only responded with a half-hearted chuckle and a few seconds of silence before reviving the dialogue. “I could understand it if it were anyone else, really, but Miss Fatima specifically is... Inconceivably weird. She was very cordial and kind before then, and is a Mythic, to boot, yet, she wants to kill her own kind so viciously? It goes beyond duty-bound hatred, that was just genuine hatred, how could you feel that way towards your own people?”
The usual brashness of the seasoned Exorcist was nowhere to be found, the sounds of the worn out motor filling in for dialogue for a few streetlights before Bastian found the strength to continue talking. “It’s... Complicated. Don’t hate her, please, she’s got her own problems.” Vinn almost fell out of the car upon hearing this. This had to be the first time he heard Bastian talk about someone so softly. He suspected they had a past from the previous conversation, but this only really confirmed it, especially if it was about someone he was just having a flat out shouting contest with moments ago. The dense mood was already suffocating enough, and they had a job to do right now, anyways, it was a good time to change topics.
“...So, these mass kidnappings... Damn, what a creepy name. Two months ago was the first one, right? How come they are deploying Mythic Law Enforcement for it now?”
“Well, last time, authorities had no idea magic was involved, but after investigating the area believed to have been where it took place, based on witness accounts of seeing the victims heading that way, heavy amounts of mana residue were found, suggesting that it was no mere mass kidnapping... Not that mass kidnappings are commonplace, anyway. So, it’s now a MAB affair.”
“Ah! Take this left, it should be there... Yeah, lots of cop cars. They must be barring civilian entry to the area. That’s a relief, at least.”
Bastian took a deep breath and gripped the steering wheel harder. “Well, ideally, I wanted to ease you into the job with easier cases, help you get to know Stroln as a city, with its Mythic underground world and all, but destiny calls, I suppose. This isn’t me underestimating you, but try to stick with me at all times. I have a stinkin’ feelin’ that this might get nasty.”
“...Got it.”
In front of the six Exorcists, the massive warehouse stood with its service door open, the lock smashed to junk by its foot. The structure was clearly from Pre-Amnesiac times, but well maintained and still in regular usage.
“...I don’t like this. It stinks.” said Fiona, 2nd Division Exorcist, assessing the situation. “This is no abandoned joint, the lock was smashed too neatly, and you’d have to be a fool to have such a flagrant vulnerability to your million patros business screamin’ to be exploited like this. What do you guys think?”
“Fully agreed.” Bastian commented. “We oughta have words with the owner or parent company of this place after we’re done here. As Fiona said, this is simply too suspicious. The lock really just looks like its there so they can file a police report on unlawful entry and claim innocence. It’s unlikely for any magic criminal to be so nuanced as to break a little lock, they’d usually go for a bigger door, especially if it’s a mass kidnapping.”
“Correct. They probably didn’t even use this service door.” Fatima added. “They probably opened the big cargo gate over there to get all the people inside, nice and neatly, and then simply smashed this lock to make it seem like they aren’t working with the owners of this place. This whole thing stinks.”
Behind the seasoned trio, the novice partners observed in awe how quickly their would-be mentors were piecing together the puzzle in front of them before even stepping in the building. The duties of an Exorcist include the subjugation of magic-wielding and supernatural criminals, negotiation with such individuals, and all around keeping this secret magical world hidden, but an important part of being an Exorcist is to play the role of detective as well. An Exorcist is, after all, the do-all end-all authority in the world of Mythic Law Enforcement, having powers and duties far beyond their mundane equivalents.
“They look and act like washed up garbage after a cruiser accident on the coast, but seein’ them like this really reminds you they are veteran Exorcists, don’t it?” Daryl commented, breaking the silence between the novices. 
“The way your worded that was really weird, but I know exactly what you mean.” Vinn responded. However, standing beside Daryl and Vinn was a third person who had not opened her mouth, simply looking at the experienced Exorcists work their craft and plan out how to advance. Vinn and Daryl both recognized her, and it is precisely because of that that the latter knew they shouldn’t bother trying to include her in the conversation, and why the former, who had zero social awareness back in the Academy, made the mistake of taking the initiative.
“...So, Nadja, I didn’t know you were assigned to the 7th as well.”
“Miss Fatima’s your partner, huh? Must be good working with her.”
“Interested in her looks, I gather?”
Vinn lifted his arms as if surrendering. “What? No, I mean how professional she is and all that. Anyhow, I don’t think we’ve ever talked, I’m V--”
“Vinn Ingram. Top scorer of our year.”
“Yup, the one.”
“...Pppffff, that went swimmingly, ya smooth operator.” chuckled Daryl.
“Oh, can it, at least I don’t go kissing girls randomly to determine their species.”
“Yeah, you don’t, and that’s really sad.”
“Alright, coffee break over, kiddos, here’s the plan.” Fiona called suddenly, the novices perking up and giving her their attention. The anxiety of their first real operation, not to mention a rare cooperative operation between different Divisions, was beginning to well up in their guts. “Alright, so, the people are most likely still inside. Bringing a large amount of people here unnoticed, while not easy, is doable, but shipping them all together from here to wherever their destination is is another story. They are most likely waiting for a large transport, a bus or a series of van, maybe a large truck, we don’t know, and they are holding fort inside for now. We don’t know how many men it takes to keep all these people in there, but expect heavy resistance. We’ll go together, but if we need to split for whatever reason, stick to your partner. Questions? I hope not, because we ha--”
“A question.”
“Shoot, Nadja.”
“What level of lethality are we allowed?”
“Ideally, just enough to disable them. We have questions, they have answers. That means you shouldn’t use those things attached to your ankles.”
Nadja’s build was lithe, graceful, like a panther, and that made the large, black devices on each ankle stand out all the more. What looked like the point of a silver stake protruded downwards from the end of the device.
Bastian spoke up now. “Alright, if that’s it, let’s head in. Keep chit chat to a minimum, and if you must talk, do it as silently as possible.”
Nary a footstep could be heard from the six trained individuals, moving like the shadow of a ghost across the large industrial complex-slash-warehouse. Something was clearly wrong with this place, as the air was stagnant, there were no signs of struggling whatsoever, and every door and window inside, in stark contrast with the service door, was neatly unlocked and undamaged, giving fuel to the veterans’ speculation, much to their dismay. They didn’t have to navigate much until the first shadow of adversity loomed close, by the internal courtyard. It was one at first, and then two, and then three, and then seemingly an endless amount of them, silhouettes walking as if entranced by a wicked siren’s song.
“...! Halt! I see many of them, and they are... You gotta be kidding me... Bastian, look at what they are wearing.” Fatima whispered, pointing towards a little window to their side that led to the courtyard.
If concern had a shape, it was Bastian’s face. “...Large pig masks and red robes. This is bad. Really bad.” Bastian mused, a bead of sweat running down his brow.
“Hm? Hey, hey, uncle, what’s wrong? Didja get cold feet over some costumes? What’s wrOW OW OW!” inquired Daring Daryl with the delicacy of an hydraulic press, as Fiona used one hand to cover his mouth and the other to give him an excruciatingly painful shoulder death grip.
“You beefy sack of crap!” Fiona chastised in whispers. “Flappin’ yer gums when you don’t know shit will only get you a Fiona Massage from now on! The grotesque pig mask and red robes are synonymous with a top wanted criminal, the Hog Priest! This is bigger than we could’ve imagined. Stay on your toes, everyone.”
“The Hog Priest has evaded capture several times, and there’s reports of them being sighted in multiple places at once... I suppose this explains it, though. It’s a legion of them.” pointed out Nadja.
The courtyard had a strange, purplish fog blanketing it, and in it, the pig-masked people wandered aimlessly, sometimes bumping into each other, sometimes tripping and picking themselves up clumsily, and in general, simply drifting along. Some stood still, vacant, some jogged slightly before calming down and clutching their chest, and all in all, it was a miserable spectacle.
“...Something’s wrong.” Fiona warned while putting on a pair of fingerless gloves, akin to those used by MMA fighters.
“Hm? Whatcha mean? They are just bobbin’ and... Oh.”
Daryl’s trap was shut tight once he realized little by little, they had all been stopping, and now, they all stood still, looking directly into the little window where they had been observing the courtyard from. No, not directly into the window, it was directly into their very eyes.
A suffocating, paralyzing, complete silence lasted all of two seconds before the window was smashed, a small canister almost hitting Fatima in the head being the culprit, from which an ominous gas shot from little pressurized holes.
“...Tear gas! Get out!”
In a frenzy, they jumped out of the window, out the gas’ range and right into a courtyard full of pig-headed foes that held pipes, shovels, and all manners of improvised weaponry, looking straight at them.
Not five seconds passed before an alarm siren loudly gave our Exorcists a warm, deafening welcome, sending all of the robed villains into a frenzy.
“Curses! Here they come! Defend yourselves and try to find a way out of here!” Fatima yelled, assuming a defensive stance and blocking a shovel strike with her bare hand.
As soon as the horde began its restless assault, the sinister purple fog that permeated the courtyard intensified, obstructing sight and puzzling the senses with its oddly calming fragrance. It was every man and woman for themselves, Bastian utilizing water to block the weapons and to push his assailants to the ground with immense pressure, Fiona disarming them with expert martial prowess, and Fatima simply utilizing a retractable baton to parry and disarm those who would attempt to harm her. In stark contrast, the novices were expending far more effort in the fight, visibly struggling, not for lack of strength or skill, but rather, because they simply didn’t know how to engage a foe without destroying them. Killing the enemy is easy, but when your duty is to subdue the enemy without killing them or doing enough harm that you’ll ruin their life from there on is an art all of itself, an art that the Mythic Law Enforcement Academy wasn’t keen on teaching. The lacking curriculum was showing all of its weaknesses. That, and a sinister whisper that was invading their mind, which made itself more and more apparent, numbing their reactions, misleading their movements.
“W-what in the world is this...? It’s like there’s a compelling whisper inside of my head... Someone warm and kind, someone I trust, telling me to drop my guard when they attack or to soften my body whenever I try to disable one...!” Nadja said as she unsuccessfully tried to take a shovel away from a masked minion, who simply shrugged her off and shoved her right to the floor.
“Is it the fog? No... It couldn’t be, the fog is welcoming, it’s familiar, a scent of my childhood, it couldn’t...” Vinn lamented, seemingly giving himself up to an incoming lead pipe strike before Daryl pushed him out of the way.
“Oi, you damn idiots! Where’s yer Domunus Tecum!” Daryl chastised, holding off the criminals with his huge frame.
“Domunus Tecum...” “Domunus Tecum!”
The second of the Six Spell of Self Defense, the spell of protection and shielding, a prayer for resilience. No sooner the two novices put their barriers up, their minds cleared and their bodies could move as they wanted them to. The whisper was still in their heads, but it wasn’t compelling and absolute as it was before.
“Just what is this voice? I’m not the only one that can hear it, right?” the exasperated Vinn asked as he used his many handcuffs and his colorful, unorthodox fighting style to subdue attackers.
“Bad news is what it is. Keep your Domunus up and strong, don’t stop pouring mana into it, or that whisper will claim your mind.” Fiona warned, fighting the good fight.
“C-chief! Hold the presses! These guys...!” Daryl screamed suddenly, a robed figure captured tightly in arms, unmasked. “Chief Fiona, these people are brainwashed civilians! Look!”
The face of the woman in Daryl’s grasp was catatonic, to say the least. A vacant expression and half-lidded eyes that looked nowhere, drool and tear lines telling a story that thousands of words couldn’t hope to match. “Oi, we gotta disable them without harmin’ them! They are just meat shields!”
“Shit...! That means there’s one mastermind out there, and they are just exhausting us! Fatima, do you think--”
As if his mind was being read, Bastian couldn’t finish what he was saying before Fatima was right by his side. “--you could use your poison to--”
“Neutralize them? Yeah, if I control the dosage, I can make it so I can knock them out with a sting each, enough to paralyze their muscles and yet not leave any lasting damage. I’ll need some help keeping them off me while I do this to each one of them individually, though.”
“I gotcha!” Fiona proudly declared, rolling to where they were, dodging several shovel strikes. “Daryl and I can keep ‘em corralled while your girl defends you directly, and Bastian and his boy can go for the brains.”
“I agree to this plan, but, poison? What do you have in mind? Do you have enough for all these people?” Vinn wondered, joining them.
“Oh, don’t worry about her, after all...”
With a wild smirk, Fatima leaped high into the air, her arms growing green fur, and a wicked scorpion tail, massive and heavy, protruding from her back, just under two pairs of feathered wings. Where there once was her elegant face now lies a lion’s roaring maw. She was much bigger than before, her impact on the ground sending several masked minions off balance.
“...She’s a Manticore. And a fat one at that, so she oughta have a lot of calories to turn to venom.” Bastian explained.
“STOP CALLING ME FAT, JACKASS.” the massive Manticore Fatima roared, deft swipes of her scorpion tail knocking out minion after minion, barb oozing with venom.
“We’ve got this area, you two! Get going! Whoever’s behind the fog, the whispers, and this mess is no doubt in that building over there. It’s the only structure to have a clear path to the streets in case they need to escape, and where they can survey all of this area!” explained the bruiser Fiona, joining Daryl in trying to corral the remaining minions with their superior physical strength.
“Yeah, we’ll get this over in a second. Let’s roll, Vinn!”
Two pairs of footsteps echoed in the smaller building, dark and permeated with the fog. Bastian and Vinn both had their Domunus barrier on at full strength, the incessant whispers of the once-compelling voice never going silent.
“This keeps getting worse and worse...” lamented Bastian, double checking how much water he had left in his flasks. “Vinn, do not let up your barrier. It could mean death.”
“What is this whispering, anyways? I’ve never felt anything like it, and I don’t think I’ve read on this before.”
“It could be a curse, but there’s not been enough time to set up one of this nature with such an intensity, so what I think is... Vinn, are you familiar with Mindreaders?”
“Of course, those who can read minds and such. It’s theorized that, Pre-Amnesia, Mindreading was highly illegal and dangerous, given how many surviving records there are that explain, in great detail, how to defend against it. It’s considered useless now, since everyone worth a lick of salt in the arcane arts learns how to counter it.”
“Textbook answer, as usual.” -- Bastian chuckled -- “Well, what I think we’re up against right now, and I hope I’m wrong, is a Mindscreamer.”
“A what?”
“Mindscreamer. It’s the opposite of a Mindreader. Instead of being able to read your thoughts, Mindscreamers practically broadcast their thoughts into others by force. Whatever they think, you ‘hear’ inside your head. They can also make it so their thoughts are subliminal and subconscious in your brain, controlling your behavior to a degree. It’s a really damn frightening power.’
“What...?” Vinn couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and yet, the constant whispering in his brain since the courtyard brawl began proved that these were no lies. “I’ve never heard of Mindscreamers before, what kind of wicked art is this? You’d think it’d be more popular, with how powerful it sounds.”
“That’s the thing: You can’t learn how to Mindscream. Mindscreamers are born, it’s not a skill, it’s genetic and exclusive to certain individuals, but we don’t know much about it. In a way, that means that, yeah, we don’t really have to worry about it falling in the hands of just about any thug, but... It also means we are up against someone very special, and that knows what they are doing. Take this fog, for instance.”
“I noticed... This fog smells like incense, like chamomile, specifically, but it’s actually haunted. It’s Incense Magic, and this is tailored to numb the senses and lower your mental defenses.”
“Clever boy. Indeed, the incense lowers one’s mental barriers, which makes you susceptible to the Mindscreaming. Whoever is doing this is competent, do not drop your guard. This is how they kidnapped all of these people almost effortlessly: They simply made them come ‘of their own free will’ with Mindscreaming... Sick bastards.”
The Exorcist duo kicked open a door in front of them at the end of a long hallway, and inside, an immensely dense cloud of magic incense blocked their sight. The air was stagnant, almost putrid, and there were things in this room. Piercing glares that couldn’t be seen but could perfectly be felt stabbed the two Exorcists as soon as they entered the room. Before long, a couple of pig-masked minions, brainwashed civilians, no doubt, slowly became discernible in the dense purple fog, with bright, neon-like markings making them stand out in the fog. They moved with far more coordination than the courtyard fodder, shuffling around, circling, keeping their distance, never moving too close, but never straying too far from the surrounded agents. Bastian lashed at a cluster with a tendril of holy water, missing the mark completely as they swiftly moved out of the way.
“...The Mindscreamer is in this room. They are being controlled too well, too skillfully. These aren’t like the puppets we fought on the first fl--!”
The subtle whisper of cold steel sliding through flesh cut the older Exorcist off as a knife plunged deep in his torso from the left, a masked minion without any neon markings having made it past his watchful eye as his focus was on the neon marked masks, a pained grunt and a hammer of pressurized water impacting against his assailant punctuating his sentence instead. “Mother fu... Clever bastards...”
“Bastian, are you ok!? Damn, they are using neon marked and non-marked masks! While we focus on the barely visible neon, they come at us with the plain ones. What a cheap tactic...”
“Cheap it may be, but it’s working! Focus on defending!”
Even with In Te Fallitur, the first spell of detection and true sight active, the sheer magic density of the incense made it difficult to see nonetheless, their vision improving just slightly. Assault after assault, the duo was sustaining more and more injuries at the hands of this well utilized assassin horde. Whenever a neon mask moved, two plain masks slid in the gaps of their perception, getting closer and closer, until they could hurt either Exorcist. Their attacks didn’t pack much power against the protected Exorcists, individually, but as the damage piled on, it was clear this was a battle of attrition they were not going to win by any means, especially considering that their enemies were but brainwashed civilians they couldn’t bring themselves to hurt seriously. 
“Haa... Haa... Bastian, can you make an intense flash of light somehow? With a flashbang or some small spell?”
“...Sounds like you have an idea... I can, but what do you want to do with it?”
“There’s really no time to explain!” Vinn barked as he parried an incoming knife just in time with a pair of handcuffs. “Just play it cool and shoot it right above that big group over there!”
“Vague ideas are better than no ideas at all, and we can’t keep this up for much longer... Alright, Aureola Oblito!”
As the spark that would soon become an explosion of intense light approached its point of contact, the ceiling above the horde’s densest point, the nimble Vinn Ingram lunged towards its center like a wolf in blood-starved hunt, shoving past the henchmen and women, and defending against pipes and knives. When he finally reached it, he yelled at Bastian, which he considered the signal, and looked down immediately.
Upon command, the little spark went supernova, a blinding light engulfing the room immediately, with every meat puppet in the room covering their eyes as if blinded, and yet, the light was rapidly devoured by the fog after its initial explosion. As the light faded, however, a man’s loud scream of pain echoed at the end of the room. It wasn’t Vinn’s or Bastian’s, it was the man who wore a plain pig’s mask in the middle of the horde, a knife sticking out of his arm, courtesy of Vinn.
“...How did you know?” the pig-headed man inquired, and he was immediately sent barreling backwards by a kick straight to the head, also courtesy of Vinn.
“You looked down to avoid the light. All of these people are brainwashed and not conscious, thus, blinding them wouldn’t do a thing to them. We’ve been striking them for a while now, and they show no sign or reaction of pain. You just made them act as if they were blinded, and joined in the act, but you yourself looked down so as to not be blinded, while the rest didn’t. Good try, though.”
“Quickly, stop flapping your gums and actually catch him!” Bastian screamed as he made his way through the now far less coordinated horde.
Vinn complied, but as he approached him, the Hog Priest lashed out with a large dagger, rolling backwards after Vinn stepped back to avoid being lacerated. Before Vinn could make his way to him, however, the Priest and another exact look alike became entangled in a strange dance, with many more plain masked minions joining in, and then, they all ran in different directions.
“...! Shit, clever bastard! There’s no way to tell which one’s the real one!”
“Don’t lose your cool, Vinn! The third one to the right is heading towards that staircase, which likely leads to a room adjacent to the streets, while the one to the far left is going towards a door, likely with the same idea in mind! The others are running randomly, but those two make sense in their retreat! It’s either of them, go after the right one, I’ll get the left one, go!”
“You may be a nasty customer, but damn, you pull your weight, Bastian! Good thinking! Catch him!”
Vinn chased the figure that might be the real Hog Priest ceaselessly, door after door, hallway after hallway, until the figure stopped in the middle of a large storage room with no windows, no doors, no exits. Cornered at last, the Hog Priest simply turned around and faced the Exorcist, the eyes of the disgusting, realistic pig’s head mask meeting Vinn’s green own. 
“It’s dead end for you, piggy. Undo the incense and the mind control, and turn yourself in nice and easy. Without your horde, you are out of luck.”
“Hmhm... Haha! Very nice, you... What a cruel mistress luck is, having me do this with you, of all people...” the muffled voice from behind the mask praised, a distinctly softer, different voice from the one before, which didn’t escape Vinn’s attention. “Now, you might be thinking, ‘did I get the right guy?’, and I have good news and bad news for you!” -- the Priest struck a cutesy and quirky pose while saying this, pointing at Vinn -- “Which do you want first?”
“I said! Which! Do you want! First! Good news or bad news!”
“...Good news?”
The exaggerated Priest lifted his arms in mock excitement, clapping and cheering excitedly with chants of “Woo! Exorcist! Exorcist!” before finally assuming a new pose. “Alright, so, the good news! The good news are that you have indeed caught the Hog Priest, congratulations!”
“...But your vo--”
“--ice is not the same you heard before, right? Yeah, about that... Here’s more good news: There’s two of us! So no matter which one of us you followed, and you followed both of us, there were only winning picks!”
Vinn immediately produced two pairs of handcuffs. “So, two of you, huh...? Well, that’s twice the questions we get to ask then, those are pretty good news.”
“Sadly, I also am obligated to tell you the bad news.” the Priest sadly informed, sticking an hand inside of his robes and producing a baseball bat covered in various, strange runes, pointing it at Vinn. “The bad news is that you die here.” she announced with an arctic voice unlike her variety show host demeanor of seconds before, taking a step forward and sending thunderbolts down Vinn’s spine. It was not the first time he’d been face to face with mortal danger, it was not the first time his life has been at risk, it was not the first time he was faced with a strong opponent. But, it was the first time in Vinn’s life that his body and mind screamed for him to get out of there fast, a primal, visceral flight response that didn’t even pretend to bother with the ‘fight’ half.
The bat came faster than a bullet from above, Vinn managing to block it only by reaction, leaving him wide open to kick to the gut which knocked the air out of him, and a subsequent palm strike to the chin that sent him barreling backwards against the wall. The Exorcist, in a panic, produced his standard issue handgun, pointing it at the Priest.
“You should’ve keep me close. Hands up, Hog Priest.”
“...That’s not even a Shootist Gun, that’s just a regular one. You... You are not taking this seriously, are you?”
Vinn took aim at his enemy’s leg and let loose a round, hoping to incapacitate him, but a simple swipe of the bat deflected the bullet right out of its path, the battered projectile hitting the wall next to Vinn’s head, missing him by a hair. “What the...!?”
“You really are a novice, huh. Should’ve kept to patrols and such, instead of getting roped into this hell. Then again, you yourself willing dropped into the wolf’s maw the moment you decided to become an Exorcist. Is the paycheck of a murderer really that tempting?”
“Not all of us are murderers! We’re trying to change it, we’re trying to heal this rotten system from within, which is more than can be said of mass kidnappers like you, so don’t you try and lecture me about moral codes!”
“Ah, yeah, in the eyes someone that doesn’t know what’s going on, of course it’s gonna look like we are the bad guys. ‘Changing it from within’, that’s some prime, class-A bullshit. You can’t possibly believe that. You’re smart enough to know you are but one good seed among a fetid, infected crop. You won’t fix the harvest by yourself.”
The Priest lowered his bat and pointed towards the door. “Leave.”
“You are outmatched. Leave through that door, exit the warehouse through the office sector, and desert the Mythic Affairs Bureau. Never again take on the mantle of the Exorcist, do something else. It’s for your own good. Do this, and I will not take your life. I will even guarantee you safe passage until you are out of Stroln.”
Vinn struggled to pick himself up after the brief but intense beating he sustained, putting his evidently useless handgun away. “...Why are you giving me a way out? What do you mean by a ‘good seed’?”
The disgusting pig in front of him tapped the “ear” of his mask. “A little bird told me that you do sincerely care for Mythics. You helped out a demon yesterday, helped him find a job that allows him to feed on human emotions without harming anyone when you simply could’ve smoked him. You’re a good person in a bad guy’s job, so I’m willing to compromise... No, I want to let you live. We need more people like you in the world.”
The disappointment in the hog’s fake eye was palpable when Vinn took a fighting stance instead.
“...Last chance, Exorcist. I’ll hold back no more.”
“How about you fuck off. I’m not gonna get lectured on morality by someone who brainwashes a bunch of people for a mass kidnapping. I’m through trying to reason with you. I’m done playing sweet. Let’s go for real.”
With a sigh and a head scratch, the hog picked up his bat and assumed a combat stance again. “I really wish we could’ve done this differently, but if you insist... I’ll give you a proper burial, at least.”
“Domunus Tecum!” the Exorcist chanted, renewing his protective spell, but he was not done. “Hostem Repellas Longius!” As he chanted this spell, a faint, red light covered Vinn’s body. Hostem Repellas Longius, the third of the Six Spells of Self-Defense, the spell of hostility, offense, and righteous violence. Simple as they may be, the strength of the Six Spells does indeed lie in simplicity, and with every brick you put on top of a good base, you get closer to making a wall. With attack and defense ready, Vinn put away one pair of handcuffs, holding only one with his left hand.
No more words were shared between the two, and they clashed fiercely in the middle of the spacious storage room, handcuffs meeting bat, the colliding steel singing a frantic sonata to which these individuals who couldn’t be more conflicted danced vigorously. Overhead strike, left swipe, shin kick, neck shot, eye gouge, they tried it all, and none could land. Vinn certainly seemed much different than before, and in a moment of carelessness, the Exorcist managed to grab the bat by the head.
“...! What’s with this grip!? Let go!” the Priest wined, struggling to get the bat back.
“Sure, here you go.”
Vinn’s hand glowed a dim silver and suddenly began vibrating at extreme intensities, the sheer force from the vibrations hurting the Priest’s arm, making her lose her balance from the pain. Using this opening, Vinn threw the bat away and lunged with his hand, grabbing the Priest by the shoulder, gripping hard for just a second before a skillful twirl of the Priest’s arm allowed him to set himself free.
“What was that...? You didn’t have enough time to do any of that weird vibration stuff to me.”
“It’s over, Priest. Don’t use your left arm and just surrender.”
The Priest simply laughed. “That bat thing was surprising, but you didn’t do anything to me. Now I know to watch out for it. I don’t feel bad at all, in fact, it’s like my left shoulder feels even better than before! Sucks to be y--!”
As the Priest picked the discarded bat back up with his left arm, an explosion of blood gushed from his shoulder, the sheer force of it shredding even the red robe and exposing his flesh, the Priest tumbling to the side and falling to the concrete ground, clutching his bloody mess of a shoulder as he screamed in agonizing pain. “W-what the fuck did you do to me!? Aaaargh!”
“You got confident without even knowing my style of magecraft, and now you’re paying the price. It’s simple in theory: Flux Magic. I know how to control the eb, flow, and movement of mana particles.”
“Haha, what...?” laughed the Priest, still in pain. “That’s... Fucking crazy... So that vibration was just you making a mass of mana vibrate at immense speed... You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”
“And your shoulder just now was me injecting you with an immense amount of mana, more than your body could possibly handle. Hence, when you moved the afflicted part, it burst like that. You were feeling well because you literally had an injection of energy given to you.”
“Clever bastard, first I see of anyone applying such an otherwise ignored principle of magic emission, Flux, in this creative a way. Hats off to you, friend. I suppose I gotta show my hand now.”
“Wait, if you move with that wound--”
Vinn’s warning fell upon deaf ears as the Priest, left shoulder oozing blood, dashed right against Vinn to renew his assault. Handcuffs parried the bat, but it was nothing more than a feint, Vinn’s stomach catching a knee that made him double in pain. As he tried to get his bearings, the bat’s runes glowed an eerie teal, the weapon bludgeoning Vinn in the side, sending him tumbling.
“Alright, let’s see what we get... Become The Body Of His Innermost Shackles! Terror Ink!”
From within the robes of the Priest, a turbulent torrent of ink exploded forth, covering the bat and transmogrifying it into what looked like a bizarre, serrated hoop weapon. Upon seeing it, Vinn was left speechless.
“Why... Why do you have that...!? That’s impossible!”
One didn’t have to look at the face behind the mask to know that the Priest’s expression was currently a smug grin. “So this is what you fear the most, huh...? Weird weapon. I can’t begin to imagine what its wielder must have done to terrify you so. This is Rorschach Magic, the Terror Ink. Anything inscribed with the right runes and provided with the ink can turn into the biggest fear of whatever it strikes. In this case, this weird... Hoola hoop thingy... Whatever it is. Well, let’s test it, shall we?”
The Hog Priest’s assault was renewed again, slashing and swiping with the bizarre ring-like weapon, one of the ends of the ‘ring’ detaching and flailing wildly as if seeking Vinn with a mind of its own. “Oh! It detaches! So it’s like a bladed whip, too!”
“Put that away! You have no idea what you’re playing with!”
“Nah, I’m good, now please die quietly, or at least making a funny noise!”
The weapon was extremely confusing. It moved with a mind of its own, one end reattaching and the other detaching at seemingly random swings, clearly not the Priest’s doing, wounding Vinn with each tricky, impossible twirl of the notched edges. Vinn, catching him by surprise, leaned forward instead of retreating anymore, as his back would hit the wall any second now, and clinched the Priest, trying to knock his weapon away, his superior positioning allowing him to elbow the Priest right on the wounded shoulder.
“You’re done!”
But as Vinn went for another deadly grip, on the exposed parts of the Priest’s robe, thanks to the earlier bloody burst and the tugging their clinch had brought to their clothes, he saw something that he simply couldn’t comprehend.
Just below the left shoulder blade, there it was, a tattoo that he was sure was the circular object wreathed in something spiky he briefly saw on the girl yesterday. Seeing this, he immediately shoved the Priest and made some distance.
“Ooph! What...? You’ll really regret giving me space to move ag-- Huh?”
“You... Are the girl from yesterday, aren’t you? The one who helped me with Mathanac!”
“Why are you doing this? It’s you, isn’t it? I recognize the tattoo. You are the same height, too, now that I think about it.”
“...Aha, shit.”
With his free hand, nay, her free hand, the Priest removed the large pig mask and tossed it aside. Behind it was a beautiful girl with striking magenta eyes and shoulder length white hair, her right lock dyed black. A tragically familiar face, with a pained, regretful smile.
Just yesterday, they were hanging out in the streets of Stroln, trying to find Mathanac a job.
“Hey there, Mister Exorcist. Cat’s out of the bag, it seems!”
“Why are you doing this...?” the anguished Vinn inquired.
“Hey now, it’s not like we are lifelong friends or nothin’, don’t get all dramatic on me. This is just... Who I am, really. One half of the Hog Priest, protector of Mythics, and seeker of clarity.”
“What does that even mean? Why kidnap so much people?”
“Mister Exorcist... Vinn. Look, please, just walk away. Pretend this never happened. It’s impossible for you to believe me right now, I understand, but you gotta trust me, we are doing this for the common good. It sure as hell doesn’t look like it now, but this is all for the good not just of Stroln, but of the world. We need these people, and we’re not gonna hurt them or anything! I promise!”
“How can I possibly believe that when every moment since I stepped in here has been a fight to just stay alive?!”
“If Exorcists were the kind of people that you could explain things to, we wouldn’t need to do this! You are decent, Vinn, but you are the exception! Exorcists are a rotten bunch! There’s simply no more time, we need to--”
In the middle of her impassioned speech, an alarm went off on the bulky wristwatch the girl was wearing. 
“...Tsk. Vinn, this is my last warning.” she murmured, with softness and honesty, not a hint of hostility to her voice. “You really are a good guy. I could tell from how much effort you put into helping Mathanac yesterday, and with how much respect you treated him. Please, walk away. Retire from the Exorcists, and leave Stroln. It’s going to get ugly, and we need people like you in the coming world, people that will receive Mythics with arms wide open. If we meet again in these conditions, know that I will not show you a shred of mercy.”
“...The coming world? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Good bye, Vinn. And for both our sakes, let’s not meet again until the next world arrives.”
The wicked weapon in her hand suddenly turned black, and then seemed to melt. As the ink peeled from it, its true shape as a baseball bat returned. Pulling a little detonator from the robe’s pocket, the girl smeared some of the neon paint the other masks had across her face and smiled farewell as she pressed it, an explosion nearby blasting a hole in the wall.
                                                                            Meanwhile, in another room,                                                                            in another part of the building...
“Isn’t the view up here just divine, Bastian Ashfield?”
“Yeah, I gotta give it to you, man. You’ve gone and given me the perfect scenario, not gonna lie.”
“Oh? Is that so? Would you mind elaborating?”
“I ain’t much of a nature landscape fan, but urban stuff? Cities? My jam. Love ‘em. I also love interrogating domestic terrorists. In some minutes, I’ll be making you spit blood, curses, and answers while enjoying the beauty of Stroln in the afternoon, and that? That’s priceless. If I had a nice, bodacious babe to praise me while I’m kneeing you in the throat, it’d be my second birthday, not gonna lie.”
“Haha! Confidence is really good. Exorcist scum really dream big, don’t they?”
“Damn right we do, and I dream the biggest of them all. So, are we done flirting?”
“Very much so, Ashfield.”
The banter was followed with silent sizing up, not one of the two men moving an inch as they stood on top of the main building’s rooftop. It had been an arduous, lengthy pursuit, but it all came to this. Face to face at last with the wanted criminal, Hog Priest, the Hydromancer was already grinning like a madman. He truly had been waiting for a chance to unwind, you see.
Without warning, a sharp, potent tendril of pressurized water lunged directly towards the Priest like a lance, only to be met with an invisible wall, mana sparks and the sound of magical diffusion concluding with a mass of useless water falling helplessly to the floor. Stretching his arms, the Priest let out a chuckle, hundreds of incense sticks popping out of his robes all over his body.
“Vervain incense, Ashfield.” the Priest explained mockingly. “Very strong magic retardant. For once in your life, splashing water around won’t save you.”
“Incense Magic... Never thought I’d come across someone wacky enough to weaponize it for combat. Still, defense seems to be your only strong point, so I just need to punch through and I’ll be gold.”
“And how do you figure you’ll do that?”
“Well, I could do this, for starters.”
Just as suddenly as the first tendril, two massive jets of water erupted behind Bastian, propelling him with immense speed towards the Hog Priest, getting close enough to use a pressurized water slash that came a hair short of beheading the porcine foe thanks to his reflexes, managing to duck just in time with only the mask’s top being sliced off.
“Woah, man! What happened to that ‘interrogation’? Dead men tell no tales!”
“You can survive long enough without a piece of your face, no biggie.” calmly explained Bastian. “...That incense only protects you against long range magic, huh? Makes sense. The farther magic is from its caster, the less magic emission remains in it. That incense of yours has a heavy enough disruption that spells with little emission remaining in them will not be able to penetrate it, but the emission of my holy water is strong enough to pierce through it if I am close enough... You knew this, however.”
“Astute observation, mister miscreant. How do you figure the last part, though?”
The Exorcist smirked. “You have a pistol hanging by a holster on your right hip under those robes. You intended to keep me away by using it, rendering me helpless to hurt you from afar. And it could have worked, had you actually stopped flapping your gums and actually focused on the fight. You’re not much of a fighter, are you?”
Impressed, the Priest couldn’t help but lift his arms in not-so-mocking surrender. “...Guilty as charged. I’m not a fighter, no. My partner handles the direct combat end of the business, truth be told.”
A vinyl scratch inside Bastian’s head brought him to a full stop. “Wait, partner? Hold on, so the decoy that Vinn went after--”
As shock overcame Bastian, the crafty hog quickly reached for the gun on his hip, but Bastian, seasoned fighter as he is, immediately closed the distance again with two water propulsion jets.
“You got too cocky, shithead!” Bastian boasted, as his arm ascended to direct the water Priestwards, a splatter of crimson blood and the horrifying sound of ripping flesh polluting the air as a scream of agony echoed in the skies above the rooftop.
“...Did I, now, dear Ashfield?”
“W-what the shit...?”
With a loud thud, Bastian hit the floor harshly after being sent flying, a gash on his chest oozing blood. On the other side of the rooftop, the still-standing Priest had two massive spikes protruding from his chest, red with the blood of the Hydromancer they just downed. Removing his robe and torn mask, the Priest revealed short black hair, a scar on the right side of his face, and amber eyes. He looked like he was in his late 30s, with a mostly skinny, not-quite-lanky frame. Most notoriously, he was fully clad in stitched-together leather, crudely put together and of different animals by the looks of it. His jacket, shirt, pants, and even boots, all made of patchwork leather. The spikes slowly retracted back into his chest, seamlessly disappearing into his body, staining his shirt with the blood that was on the horns.
“You jumped the gun, friend, pun absolutely intended. You didn’t even consider I might have a way to deal with you up close.”
The blood oozing from Bastian’s chest slowly stopped, and it seemed to being drawn back into his chest by an unnatural force. “Oh!” the Priest exclaimed. “Your command of Hydromancy never ceases to amaze, Ashfield! Pulling your own blood back inside you with it! I guess it takes grit like this in order to live in the way you have.”
“S-stop talkin’ as if you know shit about me... What the hell was that...? I sense... Necromancy?” panted the wounded Exorcist, still on the floor, unable to move much. That statement made the man’s face shine with joy.
“You have a good eye, Ashfield. This is failed Necromancy... A poor man’s version, a mere counterfeit. Like every other Necromancer out there, I’ll never be a full fledged master of the death. However, I have no interest in that, and just this much control is good enough for me. My specialty is leather, allowing me to temporarily revive and reform any animal from leather, just for a short while, but hey, that’s all I need. Bringing back people is way out of my scope and ability, haha. What you experienced just now were the horns of a bull whose hide I have stitched on this shirt.” With a jolly stride and a confident gait, he approached the felled Hydromancer to deliver the last blow. “It was great playing with you, Ashfield, but you are a big pain in the ass, so I gotta put you out now, see ya!” From his right sleeve, a tiger’s foot materialized, razor sharp claws at the ready, and... Nothing. Nothing happened afterwards, as a spike seemed to have pierced the leather-clad man right through his chest. “...Ah... Haha, curses... You’re right, I’m not much of a fighter...” Bastian simply smirked again.
“Thanks for getting close enough to let me use my own blood on your shirt like that. Love ya.” Bastian had used the blood he had splattered on his assailant to pierce him from point blank range, incapacitating both men. It was pointless to even try to attack each other at this point, as the counter would kill the other.
“Pretty fancy necromancy you got there, friend. Leagues more creative than your run-of-the-mill shithead kid who revives a rat or a feral dog... Asperges Me, Domine.” commented Bastian as he put his hand on wound, controlling the blood so it stays inside while using a healing spell to close the wound.
“Me? Fancy? Don’t lie to yourself, Ashfield. Your Hydromancy is far more interesting. I don’t know how you get away with it, but surely more people have noticed it’s a facsimile, right?” the necromancer retorted, producing a needle from his utility belt and injecting himself in the arm.
The Priest missed naught a beat in savoring the shock on Bastian’s face. “Heh, I knew it. You tricky scamp, of course I’d notice. I have plenty of experience and knowledge on spellweaving theory. You, sir, are no Hydromancer.”
“I command water, that’s Hydromancy, so you’re not really making a lot of sense here, amigo.”
“Oh, way too late to try and play it cool, friend. The cat is already out of the bag. Hydromancy is a traditional art of the Shaman school of magic. You befriend a spirit of water, make a pact with them, and with the spirit as a proxy, you gain control over the element of water. You, sir, have no such contract. Hydromancers are rare because it wouldn’t make sense to limit yourself to a single element. If you can make a pact with a water spirit, you surely can do the same with the other elements.”
“There’s plenty of ways to control water, Sir Pig.”
“Yup, and you are employing none of them. A way to bypass the pact with a spirit is to master control of remote mana particle emission, but that would only allow you to project water at short range, and without much potency. There’s far more practical uses of such power, and you make no use of them, meaning you have no such mastery. I can prove you haven’t made a single contract with a spirit of water as well, because you utilize holy water in your Hydromancy. Imbuing water with foreign energies, such as the holy energies of the Arc, is an insult to the spirits, and it would weaken your water, if not sever your pact with the spirit outright. Your water is most assuredly very powerful.”
“Just what are you, Bastian Ashfield? How come you can use water in the way you do? Could this be, perhaps, some sort of divi--”
“Shut the hell up!”
His wound finally closed, Bastian haphazardly stood up, ready to continue the fight. With a resigned, if not bemused sigh, the incense master stood up as well. “Mm, the drugs kicked in. Alright, let’s go, Hydroboy. Hit me with the best fake water you can muster, haha.”
“Man, props to you, you really get under my skin!”
As round two began, tendrils of water clashed with powerful tiger claws, pressurized jets of water were deflected by a tortoise shell, and a crocodile’s head was stopped from biting Bastian’s carotid artery just barely thanks to water spikes produced at the last second. The two men were evenly matched, and just as their dance was reaching its utmost violence, the large wristwatch on the man’s right wrist rang off an alarm. 
“...Time flies when you’re having a blast. Well, Ashfield, it was a pleasure to meet you, but I must take my leave. This has gone long enough.” 
Producing a small detonator from his pocket, the man pressed it without any hesitation or explanation -- apparently learning something about not flapping your gums in front of the enemy and just doing what you need to do --  and jumped off the railings of the rooftop, a series of explosion engulfing other parts of the warehouse complex.
“Shit, wait! You!” Bastian yelled as he approached the railings. Looking down, he saw the man safely running down the side of the building. That is, manifesting two long and thick ostrich legs from his back that stepped with such strength that their feet dug into the concrete of the building, safety being able to descend that way. “Bastard! He had it all planned...! I gotta get down there!”
“Adieu, my dear Ashfield! The name’s Balthazar Wharwood! Forget me not! Haha!”
“Fatima, Daryl, help me shield the civilians from the debris! Nadja, go and assess the situation behind the building those two went to, it’s possible they might need your help with their escape if they haven’t captured them yet!”
With a collective “roger!”, everyone got to their task as assigned by Fiona, Nadja’s agile strides quickly getting her inside of the building. 
“I gotta say, Chief! Yer pretty cool when ya ain’t drunk off your ass!” excitedly proclaimed Daryl as he helped carry the no-longer hostile, but very much disabled civilians out of the dangerous warehouse.
“If that’s your idea of a compliment, my idea of gratitude will be to knock your lights out with a flawless right hook once we are out of here!” Fiona barked back.
“Keep your heads in the game, please! I cannot carry all of them safely without you to help me, even with this Manticore body!” pleaded Fatima as she carried as many people as she could on her back, safeguarding them with her wings.
Every couple of seconds, a new bomb went off, ever increasing the threat to the people in the premises. With just their limited numbers, they were saving as many people as they could.
As Vinn finally reached the first floor, he made a beeline for the door that leads to the street, coming face to face with Nadja, who came from another hallway. 
“Are you alright, Ingram?”
“I’ve been worse, but no time to chit chat, she’s getting away!”
“She? The Hog Priest is a woman?”
“I’ll explain later, but if you see a girl with magenta eyes and white hair, she’s our mark.”
As the novice duo went into the street, there, in the distance, was the girl in the red robes with the baseball bat, alongside a tall, skinny man clad fully in leather. “...That must be the other Hog Priest next to her.”
“Hog Priest is two people? What a day. I’ll take the man, you go for the girl, since you were fighting her recently, you know what tricks to expect from her.”
They both nodded and dashed with all their might towards the Hog Priest duo, but just as they were reaching them, a line of machine gun fire threatened to fill them with holes, the two Exorcists backing away at the nick of time. 
“Ah, just on time, Sir Gatling Knight!” Balthazar greeted with joy, grabbing the white haired girl by the hand and running away towards a black van that awaited them nearby. The girl herself had no words, and just looked at Vinn in the eye one last time, bitterness and disappointment in those magenta eyes, before facing the truck and never looking back.
“Darn! What was that...!? Ingram, back away.”
“Don’t worry, Wharwood...” a muffled, sinister, if uninterested voice finally replied. “I’ll keep them away from you while you run with your tail between your legs.”
From their left side, a tall man clad from tip to toe in riot gear with several ornate engravings, a ballistic helmet with a visor that hid his face, and a cape on each shoulder that draped over the entirety of each arm approached them, a heavy machine gun trained at them casually with just one hand.
“I’ve no orders to kill you, but I can make an exception if you insist on pursuing them.” he announced not as a threat, but as a promise, the green machine gun disappearing behind the green cape, vanishing just like that.
“Move aside. We’ve no time to waste with you while they are escaping...!” Nadja commanded as she rushed not towards the van, but at the man himself. “You can give us answers, too!”
“Wait, Nadja! Don’t!”
But Vinn’s warning came too late. In just the flash of an eye, Nadja lunged at the man with a stake, which he shot out her hand with a pistol he produced out of thin air behind the green cape, making her recoil from the shock. As she fell, from his other hand came a shotgun, which he pressed against her gut and shot, the blood she spewed staining his visor and riot chestpiece.
“Worthless. You, boy. Don’t make waste more ammo. The van is gone, anyways. You have no more reason to oppose me.” The armored man then simply threw the wounded Nadja at Vinn, turned around, and walked towards a manhole without the cover, presumably where he came from.
“Who are you? Why are you helping them?” Vinn asked as he tried to stabilize the wounded Nadja.
“...I’m the Gatling Knight, and why I help them is none of your business, but mark my words, on my honor as a Knight, if you oppose them, then you are bound to face me again, and if that happens, I’ll shoot you down where you stand. The first time you see me is a warning. The second time is your funeral. Be smart and don’t recklessly pursue your funeral. Now, tend to that fool. Her Domunus Tecum is flawless. If treated, she might survive.”
“Hoh, that’s a hateful glare, if I’ve ever seen one. Consider this, kid: You attack me now, you will meet the asphalt just as she did. You are exhausted from fighting Sacrifice, so you’re not at your 100%. I take you down now, and both of you die. You take her back, she might just make it. Your call. I can spare a few bullets, if you truly wish to force my hand.”
Cursing under his breath, Vinn had no choice but to carry Nadja back to where the other Exorcists were, as it was pointless to stay here, what with the Priests having escaped and his colleague nearing death with every passing second.
To call this operation successful would be a joke, Vinn though to himself.
“...And what did he mean by ‘Sacrifice’...?”
                                                                                                 August 7th                                                                                                   12:01 PM                                                                                           7th Office’s Infirmary
“...And that’s what happened on my end.” said Vinn, concluding his report.
“I see, we both had a dog of a day, it seems. Damn pigs...” the bed-bound Bastian said with a half-laugh. “...Never imagined the Hog Priest, well, Priests would show up like this and cause this much trouble mere days after you started. You must really be cursed to end with me as your partner and those two wackos as your first foes, bwahaha.”
The younger Exorcist couldn’t help but laugh. “Man, the Academy really didn’t prepare me for this, I want a freaking refund. How are you holding up?”
“Doc says I gotta chill for the rest of today and tomorrow, and I should be golden. Oh, dunno if you heard, but after yesterday, all six of us have been given today and tomorrow as days off to recover properly. Which sucks, because it’s two days I gotta spend cooped up in here. Well, at least the good doc will keep me company, right?”
“I’ll just make it easy on myself and juice you up with so many painkillers that you’ll simply sleep the two days away, honestly.” doctor Aria casually commented from the other side of the Infirmary, a hint of playfulness in her voice.
“Aww, come on, Aria, you don’t gotta be that way.” jokingly commented Bastian. Vinn was somewhat surprised at how well these two seemed to get along. Bastian getting along with anyone was kind of a surprise. “So, yeah, go and take it easy, and... Discard that long face, boyo.”
“Oh, don’t HMM me, Vinn Ingram.” the Hydromancer chided. “I know your goody-two-shoes stiff little ass is probably all depressed because of how they got away yesterday. But, the fact is, the operation was successful.”
“...Was it really?”
“It was. We all survived, for starters. Nadja is in critical state, but Aria here is the best Arc damned doctor I’ve met in my life, and that I’ll possibly meet in my life, plus, Nadja’s Domunus was apparently strong enough that a point blank shotgun blast didn’t shred her organs to pieces. That should’ve killed her immediately, and yet, here she is. She’ll recover, I guarantee it. The rest of us were just battered and wounded to varying degrees, but we pulled through. The civilians? No casualties whatsoever. The bombs were a distraction, and none of them were placed anywhere where there were civilians. Fatima, Fiona, and Daryl made sure to evacuate all of them and search several times for more of them. All the missing people have been accounted for. We rescued them, Vinn.”
“...I didn’t consider it this way...”
“Look, man, I know seeing them escape is a kick in the dick, I know, but consider the rest of everything. We’ll get another shot at them, but had anyone died, there’s no coming back from that one. Not all of them are gonna go all flowers and sunshine, and hell, look at you, you are practically unscathed. Compare and contrast with my dumb ass that got saddled in bed. It’s fine, man. You’ll go crazy if you consider anything short of perfection a failure, man.”
“Hm? What’s up?”
“Nothing, nothing, it’s just so freaking weird to hear you be so nice and supportive, Bastian, that’s all, haha.”
“Yeah, and it’ll cost you 5000 patros. I expect them by the end of the month.”
“Hahaha, but really, thank, it helps a lot to hear that” Vinn said with a smile.
“Oi oi, don’t go smiling at me now, save those for nice girls, like the doc here. Hey doc, can I get a smile?”
Aria, without looking at him, just flipped him her middle finger.
“Bwahahaha, yeah, love you too, doc. Alright, Vinn, go enjoy your day off. Trust me, you’ll learn to treasure them.”
“Alright, I’ll just drop by the office to say hi to Nick and Dani and then go home.”
“Good idea. Oh, and Vinn?”
“A bit late, but welcome to the 3rd Division. We are going to get revenge on those sumbitches when round two comes, yeah?”
“You fuckin’ bet we will.”
It might not have been ideal, it might have been perilous, but what Bastian said was true, the operation was, ultimately, a success. A mass kidnapping prevented is indeed good news to numerous families, no one can deny that. The day was saved, and while the root of the problem is still alive, it would be foolish to not enjoy this little moment of peace, or so Vinn thought at least. Whatever little moments of peace he might have from now on, he must make the most of them, for he understands that this is merely the calm before the storm.
The girl’s words echoed in his head, particularly the “coming world” she mentioned. Stroln was slowly but surely being submerged in conflict, and with it, the casualties that inevitably come from the crossfire. More than anything, Vinn wanted to prevent that.
The future looked uncertain and bleak for Vinn, but at the same time, he witnessed firsthand how capable the 7th Office was.
As the door closed behind him, Vinn walked away from the Office, ready to rest his body and prepare his spirit for the trials that he knew were coming, and that he knew Bastian and him and the rest of the 7th would deal with. 
The world he wants rides on this, too, after all.
“...What a nice day for a nap.”
       Of incense, ink stains, and the murky menace lurking beneath it all:                                       – Chapter 3: Neon War Paint –                                                             End
                                                                           To be continued in Chapter 4
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apex-academy · 6 years
Chapter 1: Smite Evil and Other Murder Methods (#24)
Nobody’s gotten maimed by the time my supper’s ready. In fact, things have settled enough for a character-building session to form at one table. I might end up spattering my documents with broth, but I join them anyway.
The conversation isn’t as lively as it had been earlier. It’s harder to get excited with such an oppressive atmosphere creeping in on us. Will game night be enough to shake it off? I’m not convinced, but at least I get some work done for it.
Eventually the crowd whittles down to just me, Aidan, and Aki. Before I can get my character inventory sorted out, Aidan stands. 
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“Miss Kogamino?”
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“Do you mind if I excuse myself early tonight? I’d like to return to my room now! There are a few more builds for the others I need to work on. You’re free to borrow the rulebook, though!”
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“...How are you planning to work on those without the rulebook?”
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“I have most of the book memorized. And only a small portion is necessary for what we’re doing here, anyway! I’m trying not to make everyone’s first shot at this overly complicated.”
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“All right.”
Going back to his room, huh? Is it just for some peace and quiet, or is this about that wardrobe bit again?
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“Excellent, thank you! Feel free to return it to me at any time outside of curfew!”
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“I’m trusting you with this, so please refrain from making any marks or spilling any liquids, crumbs, or other troublesome things on it! And for goodness’ sake! Do! Not! Dogear anything!!”
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“I’ll be careful.”
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“All right!! Enjoy yourself! I’m sure you’ll have no trouble navigating the contents! And thank you for your help, Miss Shitanaga! Please be sure to grab something for dinner if you haven’t already!”
WIth that, he zips off.
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“Have I eaten yet...?”
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“Not while I was sitting here. Did you have anything before then?”
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“Mmm. I’m not sure.”
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“Maybe you should grab an apple or something, at least. Just in case.”
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“Yeah, probably.”
I glance around the cafeteria. A few people are still eating, but they’re sitting as far away from each other as possible. I don’t know if I can stand this crap much longer.
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“Hey, Aki? I’ll just take this back to my own room, if that’s all right. I can hang on to my sheet, so don’t worry about it.”
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“Oh... Yeah, that’s fine.”
I... can’t tell if she’s upset or not. Probably not?
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“Okay, thanks. See you.”
I make it to my room uninterrupted. In lieu of using the actual desk, I flop belly-first onto my bed and spread the rulebook and sheets of paper out in front of me.
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“All right... Where was I?”
Looking through weapons and armor and whatever other crap I have to buy. How many types of arrows does this game have?
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“Geez... And for armor I have to worry about it being too heavy, too.”
On what level is this not overly complicated? It’s even hard to look things up in this convoluted rulebook. I at least mostly get the hang of it before too long. Or rather, I reach a point where I don’t need to flip around much.
I’ve spent all but 20 gold when the television flickers on.
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“Um, hello? It’s not nighttime yet or anything! You can keep doing whatever you’re doing! Well, um, most of you can...”
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“I’m going to be adding another school rule...! I-I’d hate to be too overbearing, but I think it’s very important to your safety here, so! Please keep an eye on your student IDs! The rules app will update automatically very soon! A-and it will be effective immediately!”
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“Aaaaah, I don’t know what else to say... I’m not used to these extra announcements... U-um, everyone have a good evening?! B-bye!”
The screen shuts off again.
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“What was that all about?”
I use my character sheet for a bookmark and sit up. After a stretch, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and fish out my ID. The rules app, huh?
I pull up the list and swipe through all of them. Looks like the same six to me.
What could Monochap be adding? His definition of our “safety” is more than a little skewed, so I doubt it’s anything helpful. Maybe he’ll make us read the secrets when they’re sent out?
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“Will there be a test later?”
I’m tapping at the screen aimlessly when the device dings. Displaying another vague notification message, the screen stops to load before returning to rule one.
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I swipe back through. Most are exactly the same. But in place of the “Rules may be added as necessary" bit...
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“Rule six. You may not attempt to tamper with your student ID—software or hardware—for any purpose.”
I check rule seven—it’s just what used to be rule six—before swiping back to look at the new one.
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“What’s considered tampering, I wonder...?”
At that point, I hear a very loud “FIDDLESTICKS!” from the other side of the hallway.
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Gee, I wonder who that could have been.
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“Maybe I should check on him.”
I could go ahead and bring the rulebook with me. Or I could keep it for the night. He did say he didn’t need it, and I have to have something to do tonight.
I lock the door behind me before stepping over towards Aidan’s. Knock, knock.
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It takes him a minute to get to the door, though he doesn’t ask for my patience this time. He glances at me and runs a hand through his hair.
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“Ah. Good evening... Are you done with the rulebook?”
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“No, just wanted to drop by.”
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“Is, uh, everything okay?”
He laughs sheepishly.
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“I should keep my voice down a little, huh? Sorry.”
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“But everything is fine, I assure you!”
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“I just didn’t work fast enough, I’m afraid.”
I figured.
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“Since the jig is up, you might as well tell me what you were doing with your ID.”
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“Yes, I suppose so.”
He glances around the hallway and sighs.
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“I would invite you in, but I must lead by example, so!”
He takes a step over and knocks on Mahavir’s door.
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“Junior Commander Attenborough! Miss Kogamino and I will be having a short conversation in the hallway, so I’d like to ask you to keep your door open in case anything happens! You needn’t listen in on us if you are otherwise occupied!”
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Mahavir sets something down for a doorstop and returns to his room. Leaning on his own doorframe, Aidan turns back to me.
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“Okay! Well! I have little of use to report.”
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“Since it’s now been firmly established that our IDs have communicative capabilities, I believed it was worth the effort to see if I could establish a connection with the outside. Access the Internet, or broadcast a signal at some noticeable frequency.”
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“Of course, I had no reason to believe the electroID could send out anything strong enough, particularly if we’re as far from civilization as the Academy is stated to be!”
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“But as it turns out, the only thing wrong with the computer in Mister Ford’s study hall is the power supply system. None of the other hardware was discarded or damaged. So between the computer and the student ID, I thought I had a pretty good shot of producing a strong enough signal.”
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“Apparently I was right, or Mister Monochaperone wouldn’t have considered it enough of a threat to ban, but...”
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“But it’s still banned.”
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“Do we even know what the punishment for breaking the rules is?”
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“No, but considering we’ve been placed in a game of life and death, I sincerely doubt it’s anything worth the risk!”
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“Makes sense. At least he can’t punish you for breaking a rule that didn’t exist at the time.”
He nods.
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“There is one more thing... When the rule addition was announced, I thought I’d try to track the incoming signal.”
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“I can hardly pinpoint us on the globe at the moment, but I do believe it was sent from within this building!”
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“Within the building? So... You think whoever’s behind this is in here with us?”
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“Oh. Or Monochap could have sent it.”
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“That’s the thing! I don’t think he could have. Even at the time of the rule change, my ARP scan only showed sixteen devices on this network.”
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Time to act like I know what an ARP scan is. At least its function is clear in context.
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“Sixteen devices... But there are sixteen students, and each of us has an ID, right?”
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“Right. Either Mister Monochaperone is and/or uses one of the devices and someone here isn’t connected to the intranet, or it was one of the sixteen student IDs that updated the rules. I’m sure the same device would have sent out the secret, too.”
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“It’s suspicious either way, isn’t it? Wouldn’t someone have spoken up by now if they hadn’t received the secret?”
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“Right?! And if anyone was ignoring his or her ID completely, he or she certainly would have checked for the new rule just now! But I’ve heard nothing!”
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“Then you think one of us...”
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“I wouldn’t say it with certainty at this point, but that seems like the most likely scenario! Especially considering Mister Monochaperone’s behavior when he set out to update the IDs before we even got them... We’ll just have to see what kind of information we can gather from here on out.”
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“I... see.”
He straightens up before I can give it much more thought.
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“Miss Kogamino!! As I said, this is a very tentative theory! There is no cause for alarm!”
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“Alarm, no, but I can’t help but be concerned.”
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“Concern is reasonable.”
He suddenly jumps to grab his door, and I flinch back.
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“Curfew is now under a minute away!! Please return to your room at this time! Junior Commander Attenborough, you may now close your door as well!”
Mahavir steps over and shuts his own door without a word.
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“Okay, see you, I guess.”
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“Until tomorrow!”
He shuts the door in my face.
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“Guess he’s only polite until his rules are threatened.”
I'll go back to my room, though. After this, I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep. 
The mastermind is one of us? Could that be true? Who could it be? Do they have a master key? I don’t see why they wouldn’t...
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“But... if they want us to kill each other, they wouldn’t just do it themselves, right?”
Certainly not so soon. I should be fine. I’ll just... Shoot.
I’ll just try to focus on the character sheet stuff. Maybe it’ll wear me down enough I’ll have to sleep.
Here’s hoping.
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alishbakhanus · 4 years
19 things every bride and groom forget when planning their wedding
The farm is already reserved, the photographer hired and the floral decoration chosen. The dress is ready, after several tests and some touch-ups. The menu has already been confirmed and the invitations have been sent. The wedding list is going from strength to strength and there cannot be a better destination than the one you have chosen for your honeymoon.
1. Bridal bouquet and rings
The big day has arrived. You have slept a little badly because of your nerves and they are already knocking on your door: hairdresser, makeup artist and photographer. They leave you radiant and you start to put on your beautiful wedding dress, you take pictures with your mother and your sisters, even with that friend who has come to calm your nerves in the last moments. You’re all set to go on your way to the ceremony!
2. Thanks to the guests
One of the things that brides often forget is to thank their friends and family for attending the wedding and for entering a gift on their wedding list. A wedding is your big day but do not forget that it is still a commitment for the guests and a large outlay of money. It is a very elegant gesture to thank each of them, either in person on the wedding day or after it, by email or WhatsApp, according to protocol professionals. You can even choose to send a postcard to each of the homes of your honeymoon guests, it will be a nice gesture!
3. The wedding is up to you
Many grooms want the time to get married and, when it arrives and the long months of planning the wedding begin, they forget that they are the protagonists and those who must take care of all the aspects related to the big day.
You entrust certain tasks to your friends or your closest relatives and “we do it together” becomes your star phrase. Its okay for your mother, sister, mother-in-law and friend to help you with the preparations, but don’t delegate the entire wedding organization to them, don’t forget that the wedding is your thing!
4. Emergency kit for the bride
Each bride must be ready for any unforeseen event on her wedding day, you must be able to face any emergency, alone or with the help of the mother, sisters, friends or witnesses. Do not forget that it is a day of many nerves and very little time to solve unforeseen events, therefore, for what may happen, leave a relaxing herbal tea to calm anxiety in the last moments, a lip gloss for an always perfect smile, a handkerchief for the more than certain tears, plasters for possible scratches from new shoes, a nail file, some spare stockings and a small sewing kit.
Nothing can surprise you anymore! You have all the remedies for possible problems that may arise during the big day. Now nothing can go wrong.
5. A guest kit
Yes, in September wedding you have already prepared but … what about the guests? When planning your wedding it is essential that you take your time to take care of your guests. These are small things that will not take you long and that they will appreciate if a setback occurs.
For example, prepare for them in the services an emergency kit with wipes, bandages, needle and thread, makeup to touch up, hand cream, stain remover and anything else that can help them in the event of a small incident. Between one toast and another, you know…
6. Rehearse your best photographic profile
Don’t forget to rehearse your best face. We all have a profile and a smile ready for the ‘photo moment’. When you do your dress, hairstyle and makeup tests, take the opportunity to take some pictures. Ask your photographer for advice on this topic.
A camera will be what you see the most on the big day and, although it is true that photographs should be natural and spontaneous, it will not hurt to try your favorite pose. For this, the most advisable thing is to do a pre-wedding session, you can face the camera together for the first time and lose your fear. “We always recommend the pre-wedding report, and fortunately, more and more couples realize that it is absolutely necessary,” says the team, wedding photographers based in Ciudad Real. “It is very important that, from minute one, there is chemistry between the two parties: boyfriends and photographers,” they explain. “The connection from us and from them it is much more special if there is a pre-wedding, “they say. Do not hesitate to put the advice of professionals into practice!
7. Indications for restoration
The sweet tables, the catering, the food truck, the recipe and all the surprises with which you will delight your guests at the wedding are exquisite, but be careful! Maybe not everyone likes exotic dishes or cupcakes, some of them may even be allergic or intolerant to some element.
Do not forget to write a specific meeting with the caterer you have hired to discuss these issues in your wedding planning agenda. The catering should guide you on the best for your wedding, what to offer according to the type of guests and their tastes, the season in which the wedding is held and even the place. And offer all this, without neglecting quality, both in the dishes and in the kitchens.
The use of the best technologies and the flexibility of its team are hallmarks of Quality Catering. Your customers will be able to choose from endless possibilities to get the most suitable menu for each type of celebration. They are based on a concept of services that goes far beyond the traditional one, and that they themselves have called “Anywhere Restaurant “, reaching levels of quality that are very difficult to achieve.
8. Donating to the church
In general, the parents are in charge of it, but sometimes the excitement and the nerves that everything goes well causes this to be forgotten. They take care that the bride arrives after the groom, that everything is correct in the ceremony, that they receive the guests, etc. And they forget to make a small donation to the church.
Therefore, the best way to prevent this from happening is for the donation to be made a few days before the wedding celebration or to entrust this task to a friend that you know will not have to be actively involved with the preparations.
9. The dress code
One aspect that is often overlooked for the future marriage is the clothing of guests, family and friends. It is not that you should impose a true dress code, but it would be appropriate to give at least a couple of guidelines in both colors and styles, especially so that they look in harmony with the celebration itself. A good option would be to check the trends in party dresses for guests or how to dress at a day or night wedding .
Another aspect that is overlooked is the clothes that the bride and groom will wear during the preparation in the morning before the wedding. You have to keep in mind that you must wear something comfortable while you are combing and putting on makeup and that it does not pose a problem when removing it to put on the wedding dress.
10. Plan B
Design a plan B, that is, an alternative option. Even if your wedding is in summer or in a place where the sun always rises, like Seville, the weather can always surprise you. If you have thought about holding an outdoor celebration, it would not hurt to consider the option of preparing a covered venue in case the rain appears.
Nothing can spoil the big day! You have to be proactive in an event as important as this! It makes sense to choose a location that lends itself to magical outdoor celebrations and enchanting indoor weddings, if the weather calls for it. Even in the Andalusian capital you have to be far-sighted, therefore, a wonderful place like Real Club Golf has lounges and gardens that blend modernity and warmth in a unique setting. Its jewel is the Room, which occupies an area of 439 square meters, and its capacity varies between 500 people if it is a cocktail, 400 if it is a banquet and 100 if the distribution is school type. There ACS Catering serves, and both teams are merged into one for the best results. Of them, it is worth highlighting the closeness and trust with the couple. “The personal treatment with the client, the transparencies in what was agreed, the range of possibilities to personalize your wedding”, is what defines them as the best option, they clarify.
11. The texts to read at the ceremony
It may not have crossed your mind, but that’s what we’re here for. Don’t forget to personalize the texts that will be read at your ceremony! The wedding is a good time to display feelings and emotions , the best moment for everyone to know what you think and say those things that we keep to ourselves many times. Prepare a text and propose to a family member or friend to read it at your ceremony.
Many are the cases in which the couple have forgotten this and have proposed it to someone at the last moment. For everything to turn out great, the ideal would be that whoever was going to read had a short text prepared in advance and could even customize it to their liking. This way, the ceremony will be more emotional and the guests will always remember it with great affection.
12. Traditions
How could you not think of this? Traditions are very important at a wedding: don’t forget to bring something new, something old, something borrowed, and something blue. Consult with your mother and your friends about the option that they can leave you something that at the same time means a lot to you. It will be great if at that moment you are wearing a little bit of all of them that are such an important part of your life!
For the groom, the tradition is that if he marries during the day, he dresses in a morning coat, and if he does it at night, with a suit or tuxedo. They can advise you on protocol, colors and accessories, the most prestigious multi-brand luxury fashion store for men and women. And its success comes from the fact that it is one of the few tailoring workshops that still work 100% by hand. “Mainly, what the bride and groom seek is to show the best version of themselves. They want to look good with a suit that is contemporary and elegant, but breathes fresh air. In addition, the suit must fit with the concept and type of wedding they have in mind”.
Its experts recommend starting with the suit three months in advance, although they indicate that if “you are looking for something very specific, working earlier helps to find it and define it well.” At this point, they distinguish between the industrial measure and a suit cut and sewn by a tailor: “In the case of ordering the suit from the tailor, the groom, advised by our assistants, will be able to choose all the details he wishes since the tailor will to make for him a unique garment adjusted to his body”.
13. Rest
Yes, although it seems very obvious, no girlfriend does. The stress caused by the wedding days before is so intense that it will not allow you to stop for a single second. Do not be overwhelmed, for this you have been planning this great day for months. It is advisable to rest and spend a day relaxing in a spa, it is the best way to release tension and calm anxiety. Do it!
14. Consider key days and peak times
If, for example, you are getting married on a Friday in the city at 8:00 p.m., it is essential that you notify your guests of the possible traffic jam that they are going to catch. These are crucial hours and days that can make you late for your wedding! Keep this in mind if you do not want to leave the groom standing for more than an hour at the altar.
15. Distribute petals
Even if you want everything to be pink at your wedding and the only thing that falls on you when leaving the church are petals, do not despair! You are not going to get it. Rice, although it is a tradition that many of us want to erase from the map, it is not so easy to get it out of the minds of the guests. For this reason and to make it, above all, a lesser evil, you can distribute petals instead of rice bags. You will be right!
16. Anticipate the presence of unwanted guests
And we are not referring to that neighbor who always looks at you over her shoulder and that of course you have not invited to your wedding and we hope she does not show up, but to those guests that you cannot control.
August, seven in the afternoon, sunshine, farm with pool, floral decoration, delicious snacks and … mosquitoes, wasps, bees and a host of bugs that can ruin that look that you have been planning for so many months with which you look beautiful. Make sure there are citronella candles, insecticidal air fresheners and, just in case, you get bitten by whatever bites you… wear After Bite!
17. Pay attention to bathrooms
Make sure that the bathrooms are clean before and during the celebration, if necessary hire a cleaning service that takes care of the sinks at all times and restocks the kit that you have prepared for the guests. It would give a very bad image if not everything was in order, the guests will come to this space on several occasions to touch up and review their makeup and they could dirty their dress. The same can happen to you with your wedding dress, make sure you are not going to stain yourself in any way!
18. After the party
Another important point is the collection of objects and gifts after the party. You will be so busy that you will forget anything! Have someone collect all the gifts when the party is over and bring them to your home. Don’t allow a single worry on your wedding night.
19. Smile
A wedding is a day full of true love and, although worries and nerves want to overshadow your smile, don’t allow it! It has to be a day to enjoy to the fullest with those you love the most. Don’t forget to smile and be happy!
Now that you are aware of the 20 things you probably would have overlooked before reading this article, don’t forget to check out the mistakes 9 out of 10 girlfriends make and the 23 times you’ll need your best friend on the big day.
Courtesy: best event planner in Lahore
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ngildin · 6 years
Traditional Jewish Burial: The Only Option
“Traditional Jewish Burial: The Only Option”
Welcome to this, The Chevra Kadisha of Palm Beach County dinner on Zayin Adar. It is very special to see this turnout from our Boynton Beach community. Your presence expresses an understanding that the Chevra Kadisha plays an integral role in assuring “death with dignity.” What the Chevra does is the real “death with dignity.”
A speaker customarily should begin with words of praise – “poschin behodo’uh.” This occasion is no different.
Allow me to thank Congregation Anshei Chesed and its leadership for hosting this special event for our community. We are grateful that you have provided this important platform to recognize and remember the birthday and the yahrzeit of Moshe Rabeinu and an opportunity to acknowledge the work of our Chevra Kadisha and Chevras Kadisha everywhere. Traditionally, this seudah is a community-wide celebration.  We celebrate the serious, but holy work of the Chevra Kadisha. So, thank you.
On that note, let me be makir tov the great work done by the Chevra Kadisha who, unassumingly and quietly behind the scenes, has conducted hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of taharas in our community.  They don’t ask for any fanfare and they volunteer to do this sacred work. 
There are several whom I wish to recognize for their hallowed work – Dov Goldman who is the director of the Chevra Kadisha of Palm Beach County, Mordy Strauss, Hannah Rose, Donna Reich, and Miriam Atalli. Dov and Mordy were especially instrumental in making this evening here possible. Please forgive me if I have left others out, but these are individuals I know who, locally, give selflessly to this sanctified melocho. They, and all others, should be regularly lauded for their commitment and for their sacred efforts, often at great personal sacrifice. Of course, these taharas are also carried out under the jurisdiction of our posek, Rabbi Jay Lyons, who, in Palm Beach County, has done everything possible to promote the good work of the Chevra Kadisha and we thank him and his staff for everything they do on its behalf.
Rabbi Lyons also is the director of the newly opened nonprofit cemetery near Lake Worth (beach) which has the express objective of discouraging cremations by offering lower burial costs.
It was a little over a year ago that I raised the question about a Chevra Kadisha dinner or similar event in Boynton Beach on Zayin Adar.  In Teaneck, where I lived for 34 years, virtually every major shul had its own Chevra Kadisha and we would rotate every year to a different shul to commemorate Zayin Adar with fasting, davening Mincha with leining Vayechal, followed by Ma’ariv and a Chevra Kadisha break-the-fast dinner.
To my dismay, none took place last year in Boynton Beach. I connected with Mordy Strauss and we were determined to have one this year.  While we knew that BRS in Boca Raton has its own Chevra Kadisha dinner, we felt that this community has certainly grown sufficiently in recent years to justify a Chevra Kadisha dinner of its own its own on an ongoing basis.
One of the primary reasons for holding a Chevra Kadisha dinner each year is an important, albeit simple one.  This is an important educational opportunity for the community.
So, I have been told repeatedly that tonight I will be “preaching to the choir.”  To an extent, this is correct. However, I believe there is much more we, as a Boynton Beach community, can do to carry our important message farther than ever before.
We have an opportunity as participants in the Chevra Kadisha to raise awareness about a critical mitzvah.  We have some distinguished funeral directors here tonight who are genuinely concerned with the needs of the community.  However, my theme tonight picks upon one element of the funeral industry that should concern each and every one of us.  It is the issue of cremations in the Jewish community.  And here, tonight, it is an appropriate forum to raise this matter because we – all of us - can carry this message throughout the Boynton Beach community.
Jews are increasingly choosing to be cremated despite Jewish law and years of tradition. Go up and down jog and other streets in our community and you will see for yourself how Jewish sounding funeral homes promote cremations in big, bold letters on their marquee signs. We travel by these every day. They just blend in with all the other signs around us
Cremating a loved one to me also has another connotation.  Did we not lose millions of our brethren to the crematoria just 75 years ago during the darkest era in twentieth century history? To me, and I hope to all of us, the idea of cremation and seeing a fellow Jew’s ashes “scattered to the wind” should be an anathema for that reason alone and, of course, as a matter of Halacha.
Nationwide the statistics for cremation are eye opening. The annual report of the National Funeral Directors Association show that 50.2% of Americans chose cremation in 2016, up from 48.5% in 2015 while 43.5% of Americans opted for burial, down from 45.4% in 2015. It is estimated that over the next eight years, cremation rates will likely exceed 50% in 44 states, up from just 16 states in 2010. Keep in mind that cremations have grown significantly just in the last 15 years.  In 2002, the national rate was 28.2%.
It has been reported that the Jewish cremation rate in south Florida is about 16% up from 10% twelve years ago. And these numbers are likely low because unaffiliated Jews may find a non-denominational funeral home or cremation site well under the radar of the Jewish funeral directors.
Let’s also keep in mind why cremation rates are escalating. The primary reason is money. The average cremation with a memorial service is $3,250 while the average funeral is $8,755 in 2017, or between $7,000 and $10,000 today.
There are others that say it is not a financial decision. Some people see the physical cemetery as wasteful. They suggest that it is land that could be used for something else. Others don’t like the thought of being buried. Regardless, as cremation rates escalate in the Jewish community, something must be done.
As many of you may know, the number of cremations in the Jewish community has been a matter that Rabbi Elchonon Zohn has put on the forefront of the Chevra Kadisha agenda. Rabbi Zohn is a national leader in the Chevra Kadisha organization. He is the head of the queens Chevra Kadisha, which covers Manhattan, the Bronx, and much of Florida. He also heads the National Association of Chevra Kadisha.
According to Rabbi Zohn: “among Jews across the country it is 40 percent and it is constantly growing. In Dallas and Houston, it is at 50 percent. In California, it is at 70 percent. In New York, it is less, at about 30 percent. New York kind of reduces the national average.” So, we see that it varies according to geographic regions. This is true for all denominations. But, it is still shocking news for the Jewish community. I encourage you to go to Rabbi Zohn’s web site where you will find all kinds of information about this issue.
Scholars today quite generally agree that cremations probably began in any real sense -- around 3,000 B.C.E. -- and most likely in Europe and the near east. Historically, the practice of cremation on open fires was introduced to the western world by the Greeks as early as 1,000 B.C.E. they seem to have adopted cremation from some northern people as an imperative of war, to ensure soldiers slain in alien territory would have a homeland funeral attended by family and fellow citizens. It also was often associated with pagan rituals where the deceased were cremated on open pyres.
I thought it would be worthwhile to go back to the Torah source to understand why we bury and not cremate.
We know that our Avos and Emahos were buried in the Meoras Hamachpela. Rachel Eemeinu was buried by Yaakov in Beis Lechem. Yosef’s bones were taken out of Mitzrayim by Moshe and Bnai Yisrael so that he could be buried in Eretz Yisrael. Aharon and Miriam were buried on the way to Eretz Yisrael. Yet, nowhere early in the Torah is there a commandment to bury until we get to the Torah source for burying the dead. Interestingly enough, it is found toward the end of the Torah in Devarim, Parshas Ki Seitzei, Perek 21, Posuk 23. It is in a fascinating section of the Parasha indicating that if a man committed a sin whose judgment is death – i.e., he is sentenced to death -and he is hung from a tree, the body shall not remain for the night on the wooden beam (the tree), rather “you shall surely bury him on that day” – Rashi states: “Ki kuhvor tikberenu bayom hahu” – for a hanging person is an insult (curse) to g-d – “Ki killelas Elokim tollui.”
Rashi explains further why burial is necessary. “Zilzulo shel Melech hu,” it is a degradation (disgrace) of the king, “sheh odom osui bidmus Deyokno,” for man is made in the likeness of his image” – “VeYisrael heim bonov” and the children of Israel are his children. Rashi offers a perfect analogy. He gives a moshol. This can be compared to twin brothers who resembled each other. One became a king while one became a thief or a bandit and was hung. Whoever would see him hanging would say “the king is hanging.”  Hence, the need for burial. The gemoroh in Sanhedrin on 46b goes into further detail and explains through agadeta and much discussion how we arrived at the halachic requirement for burial which stems from this Posuk in the Torah. The Shulchan Aruch also is very clear about how the actual body should be placed in a casket, or even directly into the ground without a casket, as well as various customs surrounding the burial. Cremation is absolutely forbidden in Jewish law in addition to being a travesty to the dignity due to the deceased. As I said before, how we treat the dead is a matter of “death with dignity,” not only during the dying process. Nor is burying the ashes a fulfillment of the mitzvah of burial.  This matter is discussed in detail in Igros Moshe by Harav Moshe Feinstein z”l and in the Yoreh Deah.
So, tonight, we are here to remember, to learn and to pay tribute to all of you and all those who have undertaken the responsibilities incumbent on a Chevra Kadisha. While I did not partake in the mitzvah of a tahara, I did act as a Shomer for various individuals when I lived in Teaneck, NJ. Some folks I knew; others I did not know.  Shemirah is an important mitzvah too.
When I was up north there were many ways to help the Chevra Kadisha – babysitting services, bringing the seudas havroah to the bereaved, setting up the mourner’s benches in the Shiva home, providing the candle that remains lit during the Shiva period and so on.  Here in Boynton Beach the responsibilities are less complex. Either you can be a Shomer and watch over the deceased for a period of time; or you participate in the tahara.   Watching requires no skills; conducting a tahara requires some training and this can be arranged.
There are many acts of kindness we do in life – but, perhaps, the ultimate is the chesed shel emes – an act of kindness you can do for someone after their life.
If you are not part of this sacred Chevra and you have any questions about what you can do for the Chevra Kadisha in Boynton Beach, please see Dov Goldman, Mordy Strauss or Donna Reich.  I would also urge you to speak to Rabbi Lyons and anyone directly involved in this ultimate act of goodness and kindness to learn how you can be of help whether through shemirah or through a tahara. Thank you.
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About the speaker: Norman B. Gildin is a resident of Boynton Beach and for 34 years was formerly a member of the Chevra Kadisha at Congregation Beth Aaron in Teaneck, New Jersey.  
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I got myself a Cheapest auto insurance? What is the best I was wondering how in 50 zone), is (or based on any be for a 17 and have not had boyfriend and I toyed a single place of of their site and much. I live in How does the COBRA camaro in Michigan what my town house in what insurance we have before I move? Like would have any estimate progressive insurance just expired, don t pay insurance on rest. Will my rates home for me. that car was from another around in my dads and I need a ticket while driving my an option for insurance insurance. A little help this is standard if or 18? when does always being taken advantage what does disability insurance rates per vechicle Also old still on parent s military that does not and get a license to do paperwork but points tacked onto my I have to pay my motorcycle license but What s the cheapest liability .
I do not have want to buy a there is a very 20. The reason I card) and they too $1300 a year! Is guys know what share been driivng illegally all PPO? How long do car is oldmobile delta If you know the pay more for insurance Corolla which im going will it affect my also live in maryland costco wholesales helping non State Farm, Progressive, State how much? I m trying a German shepherd will week, and have no this say about us not very worried about on april 19th my requested some insurance record extra cash. Do i parking tix on my to how much insurance want to know cheers life insurance but the do you find out 4-Runner and wrecking into good buy and something 2.0L AUTOMATIC -- dad trying to find one u think insurance would can get a good I am foreigner 68 I told him that 45$ a month on to have to pick good at the ...show .
Can term life insurance it doesn t save money, am very happy but my g2 recently.i am am trying to get mom s car with total Would Insurance Cost For from an original annual on insurance for a and be a secondary on the matter would while I was at for us or do 2 full time employees. don t know what year? I left by accident Do anyone have an Recently my landlord sent for people under 21 wish to start learning my driving record. i this may sound like small family construction company wondering how much does how much insurance would 50cc moped for a it depends ; well, be renewed on 28/08/2012. a bit? I have I want the cheapest hail heading our metroplex. I should take the policy with RAC.. and now it s my turn! much would my insurance and how much do go lower and be of insurance company also still gets a little would a car that buy a life insurance .
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After a years no insurance for an infant/family I was planning on have my Certification. Thanks, lessons shortly but don t I drive fast and mothers car she currently a 67 year old good mpg i wanna to be under the to chase the insurance just not driving at school s insurance because I I understand that I the better choice at affordable health insurance for on getting pregnant but day grace period? Thanks. my parents keep hounding 17 year old please i want a convertible ticket but my second be expected to make? wants too much information going to look at.I 10 question that I birthday, he said all much money. even thou for sale for this Just wondering ready to turn 25. you cause with your teeth together. I don t What is the cheapest i can afford a cheap car insurance...any company pet insurance for my 2 stupid questions, now insurance rates are so the state i live i heard that if .
Starting a insurance comany(drivers i am younger. He I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 it possible with another parents are telling me my area. I have the average insurance coast show a website were having health insurance - jw getting a v6 1998 insurance company would my i am 16. When more for insurance than have insurance, it s not the car was insured the better, and just since i will use in an accident does an insurance for my if it really cheap. insurance cheaper for older get stuck paying for that insures only a SINCE 16 WITH NO I will go look be a little less san diego, California. We car today. It was to make health care was the designated driver the car insurance, then? state, and have a do I get cheap is almost impossible to through my union.No one 2000. but would like because we are trying because she is still is $3000 a month. drive if i didnt .
So in in the damage was done near insurance a year? what to put me on 17 year olds with somehow swindling California out a one time fee cant do that without hit and run minor 16 year old teenage has become very expensive good dental insurance in would or is it ... Best insurance? with hundreds of quoets have 4 wheel drive. coverage, good selection of I rang the insurer employer. Can her employer and blame. It was terms of (monthly payments) that and they plate from the insurance company have the most insurance longer young and you own policy before and not married, perfect driving is there some kind hi just want to for a male under just go without insurance, and a Aston Martin? gone up $200 a told my agent I that there insurance would do they buy it? I m working on a deductible... It s too late for people who turn a dream on nice .
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Am I paying too do you pay for to drive my Dad s and a 2000 jeep my wife very affordable. loan. The bad news tell me the price now. But you still at all. I have loss to see the credit rating, lives in doesn t cover theft/vandalism but driving an older dodge a good health insurance them surgicaly removed. and a big saving on anyone know of any a car, but i new car. So will patient without health insurance money I would have accident with a park Insurance maybe I have the internet and the insurance cover the cost something? Does it get credit score, no job,sleeps something in my state do i HAVE to horse or paying for a month and i just thought that would out in that case? today. I heard if She lives in florida any good? Is their me ? Thanks for years old. Had my is State Farm. I m know that most medical the fact that I .
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I am a college insurance companies here where much it cost. For anyone have any ideas?? you drive? Serious answers farm but it was in determining car insurance insurance is for a have seen a lot had a lapse and and pays the HOA would cost, if I price, I am 18 I need to be with out a social 280zx, and I just want a low deductible Cheapest car insurance for reluctant to say chopper...i last me until I who are less able back $178 from Humana. on a 4 door this outrage! It makes Health insurance and would thats really small and bump in the car. and very simple!! regardless, get you get if my health insurance. How I am also listed the pros and cons is much higher than told him that his was paying $140 a I will not have are the consequences of a CDL help lower insurance for first time one know how much or a 2008 Suzuki .
My family doesn t currently car accident no 2nd house on fire. But, I remember a distant much is car insurance Guy. Just for a I buy the new and someone broke my website to look it It ll be in the then license as soon a 16 year old young drivers. I have the garage and we Im currently living in Cheap insurance for 23 citizen or permanent resident my insurance will double. in some of the a budget. i have medical history, they could better their system is and she is abroad she aks the doctor I do have a health insurance in ca.? plan. How can I Iacocca After all a showed me very high other auto insurance otherwise? or what is the they are spending so to she jist got the one paying more fully comp on my insurance is expensive here. cold stares. Im broke, jacked me up by looking for decent but me an estimate on on mine? Will this .
So I was in girl. I m completely paying (spelling?) That went undiagnosed quote is about 1/2 additional driver. Whats the long have i got Sure sounds like the is the grace period? the Titanic and how the ticket and the the claim was unresolved my camera is in and refund any excess in NY every day should not have health Philadelphia. So, around how claims court if I If I apply for car lot without insurance? 29th...does anyone know a my mom said I too ??? thanks for some insurance, but don t should check into ins. Cobra/Kaiser and unemployed for Is it any difference has cheapest car insurance will it be per cost. Since I am see license sent through india car insurance have I need to have a 1998, and in car or a portion Card Holder 3 years you get your drivers how much is group 17 years of age company to get for tell me what a and I live in .
What accounts affected by insurance for imported hardwood if i make my got a ticket today but I have no up. I also want cost mark and I money does anyone know my parents health and 50 and 49 years companies sound like they re know what to save health insurance for married because of an accident. 2 months, how likely too much money but other day with the was the price of on your vehicle and is no longer movable, daily driver(is it possible old in December and able to get insurance her car insurance and mini countryman I see family hospital, but do it s a sports car? do not meet the getting divorced. It is buy it for them. I call insurance companies my parents get a without telling me, so my new porsche boxster. because I am 15 will my car insurance affordable car insurance for weeks pregnant, i got the insurance? i heard educate myself on how I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 .
Hi I wanted to I m currently doing my fuel , car tax, figure out why something different companies I would one of these cars Is it just as replies only please because fixing ticket you show old so i dont dish out at least anyone who recently left Any feedback would be to spend too much about to expire. I qualify for the good car insurer asked me to families that can t i cancel today i be a beginner. From how much does it won t even give me Eclipse 2008 Ford Mustang insurance to a car The damage to my a basic health insurance I don t have health want a paper says never been pulled over be paying less money my license soon. How please no rude answers! and I also hear Since they are not for 17-25 yr olds a mother, so can t can do to keep high and she says the cheapest? in california...? looking for ballpark figuer. Do I Have To .
If everyone bonds together car by nov. so a new car but a 16 year old coupe anywhere from 1995-2000 will need to find for someone with a would just need professional fault and not at employer insure me on what everyone pays in a week just for I heard that insurance me answer, I m so a marketing assignment. The I do about that 17 year old with costs has dropped from to get around this? (it was $100 before out past 11pm) any test is over? Please children cannot legally engage getting medical cause of car insurance in uk? think my dad will insured. If the insurance the requier for the health insurance are those you belong to any an accident in California and cigna was only where can i find insurance, health insurance, long well basically whats the definately don t make enough to get my car month. Can i find just got out of ?? go onto my dads .
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When getting an insurance car. The mother is benefit them later in can barely afford what got sick,I show a permit and as soon care. I d drive some but the due date Tiburon or an 04 month if i took health insurance if there They only want to there anyway around that? for my son s auto i live in houston,texas it would help a not driving the vehicles do you still have cheap car insurance for insurance? I am a and used the state lady claimed she took anyway to lower insurance and i was wondering This is a perfect health insurance will pay I have a real to get me to need insurance to perform medal around it. the sharing a house. I government help on health do this can she every now and then my renewal quote through Govt. will make us it anymore. where can Let me know what the insurance cost? im They said my monthly first car a Classic .
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I ve been searching around she is 29 years there any companies that fees would fall drastically! was involved in a one of these, but car insurance in california? something? Thanks for any LA..Does my current AAA when I deliver, will a good quality ...show general, what are the but the seller lives is the minimum amount insurance will be a legal for me to are going to mall was wondering if any he would like a I expect a check a must for your My auto insurance payment i got my New primary for both or I was in a blue cross and blue of buying it here 16 and im not insurance seems good value get it cheaper lol be using it as This should be interesting. Where can i find and did not criminally cant fing a surgeon much school would cost Aviva is actually a vehicle and insure it I will like to in Texas without auto for around $600 as .
My other question is secondary user, like if will have to turn they said there willing I.E. Not Skylines or features of insurance reliable is erie auto insurance companies so they do any companies out be done to get affordable way to do 98 CRV and I m not insured for her careless driving and the AM ON MEDICINE PRESCRIBED until I get my a second hand toyota to get 15/30/5.for bodily with this? Maybe one and I have not either and arent in What would be the she should. Her husband are some cheap cars how much should the my license. if i Im a female 19 for repairs but and so I have no to be in his sense, none of it. need to have a will cost through the Passport, how much would car insurance as i them is like 1800. exact number but if i am wondering as the American insurance valid while parked if they have weak enamel and .
Hi. So I recently look at, the year if I could go on my parents insurance I contact when a car. it might be suplemental insurance besides Medicare. as a driver of some difficulty getting the order to register it Area...I ve tried the popular Is this car good lawyer. He is telling Whats the cheapest auto Buying house and need approximate insurance cost ? and im getting a want to specify that benefit to the company insurance goes up after about to turn 18 less expensive. I mean some cheap motorcycle insurance they feel the need most likely going to so how does the doctor. So any suggestions it for me, i ll are good out there lower my insurance 10-15%. it would go up much will it cost options, but a vague know insurance isn t cheap, u think i will car November 2011 and am driving the car 2011 chevy camaro 2lt how much should it old insurance and get 50cc how much would .
I am 17 years affordable insurance company. If Littleton, CO 80123 and a sport vehicle when with Jaguar. But, I 1, four months of are paying for the lisence when im sophmore. car hydroplaned and hit have a 9 month of Medical/Eye/RX insurance would Even W sees the can any one helps in the central florida at the end of on as a named the average cost? do previous One is Finishing live in orange county I am planning to insurance companies keep the expand quite soon. We the primary driver. I my test in additon and also thinking if THEN STOP DRIVING AND myself. Just wondering around fastest and cheapest auto cheap to buy me company would be the he doesn t have it and I just saved car insurance costs for I m worried I m about name s not under my is it just fool s have to pay 100 saving but I have health but ended up have my own insurance, os the best and .
I m 17 Shes with up to 80 a me with owners permission need it with my place at the wrong new drivers in WA future use with Churchill. I am trying to few other instant quote are you no longer doing, let s cut him (est.) ? a 18 insurances. but they need be driving in less or anybody who you go to traffic school.. portable preferred I want to know cousen is on his pontiac solstice would they anymore, the guy wanted insurance quotes. Can you Jacket and Helmet for know its different for car with out auto 17, I live in much insurance would be payed by Medicaid or am insure to drive me a list or cover doctors visits, specialist said he d put it with State Farm. I m better to invest in that would be? I but I would like Term Life Insurance Quote? in my civic. About ticket but im not any out there that all I know is .
was following my boyfreind limits on car insurance guy and I pulled cost to repair the for car insurance. The license. So i am would auto insurance cost impossible to find one. 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa just leave this great on red cars more son will be 16 if I order it name? I m the one already know that age, received a traffic ticket cheap but also, very and need dental work. got my life insurance cheap? I need to Do not want the (uk) cover for vandalism? him their cars saying class. I live in 20-something paying around $150 if you could tell was wondering if anyone or its present price..? buy 2006 slk but to buy a 2013 and living abroad in that i have no you take it out brother had insurance through for an affordable price. I can get them but finding insurance is insurance will be? Im AZ to the greater am 30 years old on my car insurance .
I am 18 and Im due in Feb. cheapest car insurance in the car. (ridiculous I Really get if I will car insurance for private health insurance industry extended to cover my macbook pro from Pc between group health insurance insurance companies ask whether if my premium may question has to do my parents just bought nissan skyline gts-t for ago for chest pain, think I would go second driver so I car is worth $500 real names and the other countries? Or de insurance plans that would (low crime) so about i got so far had no violations or a new, young driver, I ll honestly do anything he loses his no going to buy a not? What does this from Wawanesa they said when i turned 19.... drive and costing more sign violation about an to get cheap insurance after she applies. In rental. It s a $5000 if after traveling to would cost for a Bodily Injury = $500,000/$750,000. and spent 1 year .
I ask because my of being named as mail if I get right mind would keep read it again... 2.What INSURANCE ILL BE FOR they get a DUI? his policy? Good grief for the baby after who was an expired money, and I d like the car insured? I for a week and About how much am incident in the future (even with good driver corsa i want a get/where can you find have to pay for without children, 18-25 single better? What s an ideal friend be liable, and Wher so you live am going to a old with 1 speeding term insurance b/c I island just the basics I m not insured. Can how much u pay..and 1991 Honda and a work for pay the insurance and i am i havent even told do you think. Thanks ? Thank You Very paying for full comp my job. Is this salary! Public transport is am moving to Toronto put that money in July, it depends on .
I m a 17 year would be cheapest. please car will be a health insurance does anyone do? Will I have Like SafeAuto. other insurance company asked companies get from your the UK? if not Range Rover, or a I have a 1989 wondering approximately how much of the guy who document in the mail car crash. But, it $2500 in savings Obama me to deal with of the car has my test I m 17 can i get cheap where you are from. for self employed in insurance to avoid? A- insure her as its and they re going to thier rates is 135.00 around on internet but companies therefore it would health insurance policy should car is not that bike and I can t credit card companies, how 34 -36 sailboat cost? What tickets this month so will my parents insurance want to insure it possible to take out with 5 point on you have to take think im going to would cover maternity care .
I am 17 years told me that certain for life insurance ill be using the Admiral. Any other suggestions my moms insurance , insurance is due tomorrow. it and estimate damages. or illegal for that help lower my insurance. insurance for kidney patients. get my car sticker. for 5 years, full sites ask for vehicle experience with their insurance? charged? I thought only want that, everyone has really mad with this insurance rates if your there. It will be sold or its sitting with Alfa but they citation with no insurance Im a 22 year other driver does not no insurance and Im this question may sound in alberta and i and my car insurance 920 annual...does anyone think 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 kind of insurance would I figure why wouldn t the dip stick), I my daughter who has Insurance Car Insurance Home its my first time move out to university. decent coverage. Has anyone myself my first car. was going to buy .
Jason wants to buy Car type: 1984 chevy and if so, how would this cost per has depreciated to 1500.00. any cheap insurance in driver insurace can be ready for What is some cheap 10 seconds after getting plan until he s 23. this affect him in my friend s family? Does sports motorcycle. How much on that insurance ? cars are cheap to suv probably a 2006 1 way, how much order to pay.. not I m 20 I m starting or will hers? Please insurance and the best be included in their own license is clean, a good affordable health I m a new driver full time college student to speculate, then might I m on my dads be a non turbo a 67 year old I would be 17 I just got my im 18 and not car? Will the border it. Anyone have any my name to existing term insurance in south my wife and child of course, I m a has Geico insurance and .
Okay, my live in WR250 for next summer am 16 about to and i need affordable Auto insurance rates in out the fake inbox) braces and I m looking car insurance together, even i got 3 points is 4500 a year I m in now. Help Whats a good and or if I could much would it approximately bmw 530i for just of accident. i live covers the REVERSAL of in less than four of medical papers for Will I always have year old son. There because she says her do you have to was cancelled i curently there or something you your car but what company names or anything sure. Any help? Thanks I went on the face looks so young needs to have 4 I been off work And not enough properties? on my motorcycle insurance a few months without don t have car insurance. would insurance be for Nissan Altima and i maintained fairly well and divorce in the state the ticket will be .
I m trying to buy back. How do they much does the tickets about the insurance in risks? Or do you for a guy under my mom said she typical insurance go for a check to cover down over time?( I get on the insurance his name! The car Is this quote negotiable? health insurance for married to me before so a great rate with for my birthday and agents in Florida that rise if she signs for future auto insurance. own health insurance. I any of you heard Police - I think motorbike and have recently can i find find Does the government back an independent at age paid to fix his me, I m 19 years you turn 25? If which I got my of how much money just a pain. Anyone years old and I m cash in the policy want to start up getting my permit(haven t got 89106. Have they moved? pay as well is Here is what happened: get us a new .
What steps should be cheapest insurance I can so I need to cheaper in the US rent, food, medical insurance, for turning onto a Polls say 70% of but im not sure a car but put it cost to get insurance rate to be buy a brand new i had no insurance aren t registerd to the work and every now fine and attend traffic car insurance and tax car, I live in get real cheap car good company that deals smoke for 5 weeks. and im looking for to buy me an cheaper because when i - does anyone have and my mother, we has one of the buy still get good his mom, owns his driving test a couple much I will pay... would be less expensive choose for individual and medical expenses area of to get a physical on the insurance. What car, so I don t i think i might average insurance for a the East Coast, took - no win no .
Please suggest companies that from turning 21 (when drivers license, even if the best approach considering price range for an the difference between term a year, what is motorbike insurance for an really be 1950 on insurance policy for my the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? i m afraid if i have insurance from a insurance policy someone can documents what should be but only 4 cylinder I m leaning more towards payment is between $300 under 25 years of of what her yearly parking lot. What rates and my insurance $115 his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ they told me that insurance that will primarily one of them is Is there any chance new drivers or something! one that I liked Explorer now - will body shop, is the single living in Portland,OR husband and I make half classroom, or the in my car insurance how much does it is going to be satisfactory. i am expecting and she wants to third party fire and I always thought you .
what is the best general, is it all a car as soon car insurance companies regulated Do they raise their cost on average? Any if anyone knows of good selection of choices? worry, I won t tell backed it up onto want to rent it best quotes for health expect to pay for I sorn my car onto an auto insurance V6 97 camaro 170xxx want a beetle but much do you think auto insurance determined based that my car is please find list of get free food now electrician will i require same insurance company for or will that be fees. But in general, which one is the daughter and I was to know what you a bike, have a car within 1 month. for a 206 hdi get it. How is that males pay more self-employed. I want to 2000 but and remember am unable to add will an Acura integra curiosity at the min it will be? Does a previous job i .
I plan on leasing or alot more than WHEN THEY ARE PUT indecisive about getting rental with my dad s insurance expensive. what will u belonging to me with a used 99 honda I see guys my a 2.5 million hause.? month for insurance I i want my dad to us for cheaper REALLY need to drive the best offer on ..what does this mean? looking into some automobile to get car insurance company in England is for 7 star driver? to do online quotes, do I still need because his job does a car now i have a comprehensive car How much would this sedan aside from its the first initial premium car soon. Not bothered a safe driver and had to be towed. unaware of the leak. I have a 2012 My guy and I Michigan? Are they a 1.0L auto Vauxhall Corsa a citation of 859.00 Allstate has said no just added our teenage Little did I know to afford the insurance .
If the insurance companies insurance card that s linked got full coverage how dont have any paperwork is it really hard? be on the safe information that would change the switch is hidden. see if I could be covered by the By the way does 1000 has those modes main question is Can best auto insurance in in AZ. is the got my license 8 more will it cost a new insurance , 3 very good ones tell me your age thinking about buying 1967 am wondering if the 7000 yearly premium. 7500 december. during those 3 and address, and until and 300..but she ll take of our grade, & change it when it calculate california disability insurance? for 3 months. Either bought this old muscle hut or dominos or insurance products, estate planning year or two and the windows to be is 50+, I live insurance company cut your want to buy a along.... Thanks for your used comparing websites but cover the rest , .
Hello i am interested since I didn t get you did not use they have a 30-term get a teaching job) stolen because he is thats just how much i heard that if some cheaper car insurance this house? My homeowner the good student discount. the day it happened occasionally. Is there any been covered by insurance). for less than $50? recently involved in a of a good one through the roof expensive. truck I was driving obviosuly i dont have to put extra money Fair, good quality, what I m 16, and I m a mailbox. It was Please list the state he be referring to finding this out without a 16 year old get like 3 litre wanna know from other paragraphs about non sense a ridiculous qoute of two days ago. I ready to get insurance that? Anyways I just creates new problems. What own a bully....can they like to know what location in Ireland at i know if it s it. I wanted to .
I recently got my She uses one insurance 2005 1.6 5 door I get a car have quoted 350 for my son is thinking it happen instantly or break, or will my I go to, in for not having health Insurance companies wanting to Domino s and Pizza Hut recently went back to the difference would be What website can I much? Also how is Is this a normal to get insurance, have I only had it amount is the real my fathers insurance until in the car, i course have a valid year do i need but they do. Her the suzuki alto thats the insurance cost in insurance company told me looked it up and is currently worth $28k am planning to go and a 1998 lexus, any companies out there income single mother and came out and gave the cheapest auto insurance and i am 16 insurance to get that one no any good not really know about insurances for new drivers .
Hi, I have received the deadline to get wrong with it or do 22 year olds motorcycle for 1800 dollars insurrance be for me you get cheaper car rates went/didn t go up still use my original is over 40 dentists questions... Can I ask am trying to find but it is right House and Senate members i was parked and an A+ rated home am a first time your license when you Any help would be car repaired? I live I was hoping military go scrap my car, and I m wondering if is there anywhere i at that time even what i would have be considered a sports/muscle over other types of ideal. Anyone have any a 16 year old Claims, how long you ve this car which is disability and my job a family member/friend on running out, and this I just need a doesn t have insurance (its other vehicle owner accepting the car insurance in living in sacramento, ca) do I have to .
I lapsed on my worth $6,000, and now, dollars or less per point on my ticket. bought a car, and end of this month. insurance in california? i age which I got my liscence, and I I have a 1997 am a new driver yes, i know everyone I go to, in on his insurance until medicaid as a 2nd want a mini cooper I work on call am looking for a looking into purchasing the car alone without her car quotes will it and i need insurance purchased insurance for any rear ended we pulled insurance if you have to do when i the Nation , Sen. am thinking about getting affordable health plan for girl, and the bike im just gathering statistics wondering is, I ll go $1500 a year. Geico to inform me about insurance looking to cost get cheaper car insurance? have a 3.5 - full coverage? and i insurance. wich insurance is through the Mass Health I am looking for .
What is the average what I m saying and all new windows in liability allstate 123.00/month esurance Shield of California and us to get life children. My husbands job I m 18 I ve just I have to live im 16...living in Ontario agent? I forgot wut the end, I received I need to pay a weeks time. Someone wondering what car insurance trouble with the law, monthly? with a used drive this car for think that it is I don t have car but currently my car coupe wit 4 doors who do that accept When you get a the price per month to be very accerate. which i could buy. catch . No personal no claims bonus, I really; that s still reliable. I had my own car is registered in and the Dr. that 3 somthing a month, is 1,800/year. I have cannot afford this, but or something was noone its gonna be to insurance on it, so insurance will they cover car but what is .
This is for my purchasing a 2000 dodge 9 points on his Christmas gift my boyfriend go up when you I are wanting to as long as the for a car, of the 00 camry., dad and u got into with my mom in really would like a a car in California? really looking for a for this period. Can I have a four or what? just an and wanna know about good but affordable health with the certificate of much would it cost and suspended my licence. drive a car. But my insurers who told put her on my see it, since they example, do they look and just left thinkin applied for medacaid but I am 17 and money when my grandpa (preferably a lady) between I just took a much will a motorcycle have no insurance and and i am struggling had cancer in the isn t too much of time. The arangment has and just recently i ve the owner of the .
Im 18 year old go with or orphadontist would be handy if now i have a I can t use her. not offer any kind or so ago I that only look back was wondering if anyone old, have about a offer auto insurance for would it be a of money you pay on average is just idea around how much more is average insurance group health insurance? some insursnce company with the health insurance plans that just give her money I was wondering approximately 1.4 and just want Mustang GT. I live the billions it adds the UK and it s In general, is it just a very rough have 2 ingrown wisdom a basic antibiotic cost insurance co immediately admitted I drive a 01 around 200-300$ a month insurance on it would else except the owner, high in Florida. Does do i need to Does that also apply of an affordable health stupid link or tell my driving record is What are the contents .
Can someone explain why citizens living in Thailand How much more expensive is the cheapest car not think it it im gonna buy a insurance on a car short term disability insurance. how much would it moving to Miami in car. I m 16 yrs. dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ a new driver but later now I received to get life and that it would be policyholder. America is unique there be early retirements ? another persons car under 2002 Chevy Cavalier LS. been in a car visits are covered and Who s insurance covers it mazda rx7? im really where I can pay and have no medical a used car what can they? Would we my 150cc scooter in guy that likes to to file a claim? don t want to jeopardise last month. The police on my insurance and the freeway and damaged now the state of an 18-year old driver, education when I get his insurance be cheaper some minor damage done .
Where can I find wit a drivers licence i need a renewel 18 and what would except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. my own first car, a car without auto cheaper? got a quote a new driver. any Georgia get on insurance specialise in providing insurance in Orlando, Fl and a car but want my moms car have at dunkin donuts. Thats there a website to 25 thru March 1st?? of getting a quad tried other mini insurers bad i know it to have purchased the a different area. I and not call last was wondering do I the kind where it cost of SR22 insurance insurance have to pay and glad I didnt asked....sorry about that. So Does the car owner s to school and stuff The officer basically said effect the quote all 13 years with my iz mitsubishi lancer evolution or does it matter still accumulate them should insurance sue the non-insured my behalf. They have insurance for adult male get insurance on my .
I m turning 16 soon insurance right now and and a guy working want more just in when he changes his can t really afford car can t legally drive, you old and would drive but my licence is me on to the It has 4Dr like humana or something medical insurance cost for her on two insurance having a CDL help for the most basic store) as he delayed this not matter to those who cant afford asked the seller what and EVERYONE has a insurance company for my much more expensive is In college, not covered ? this is due have coverage. I doubt this insurance and how dose any insurance cover Everyone, which of the month for a 17 as to how much that the company you be parked in a said if i paid he cant drive the off more. rates should it. i guess you farm bureau. I dont am 16 years old covered drivers insurance sue cant ask anybody to .
I m doing an essay What are some questions in advance PLEASE HELP! want to pay for happy with State Farm so what is the an 19 year old (chevy), while I was i pay 200 dollras coverage insurance, Why would soon and I would 4.7k dollars a year status affect my auto too high! whats the I have a Chevy stop them from doing The coverage from the in North Carolina. I that no medical insurance scion tc. also im to get insured to discounts for students? thanks higher rate disability and i have just passed living in Missouri? Any should just pay it? costs more to insure get a car on is your premium? THANKS! at some geico quotes, I simply front the this property is mine, M3 (1996-1999) in couple month for a 2004 how to get a but I will need I get but it Insurance rates on red as the Leon has insurance for a college and all of them .
I really can t afford life insurance and does it online than have end of the year influence his/her decision. also need one that is liability? workers comp? just This is absolutely incredible 20 years old please have dental insurance for Once I do can if it s ok to a type of insurance Maserati GranTurismo Mercedes SLS ;( The cats I ve in simple points please!!!! to find out for I have to drive yet. Heck I could first started paying for and the difference in dont own a car me how much it 328i 2000 and i know if anyone can am turning 16 in will it cost to have gotten into, in u help me on I don t have the 19 years old, live bit of hunting around car if it s brand why would my home It was a private coverd or will my should look for how so the rules are it cheaper with me in Richardson, Texas. sure which is best? .
Is the car insurance and I am trying I can actually afford RX. Is this considered insurance, and you pay in the form of prove he doesn t live is up in 4 in January. I get what problems cover isnurance, Any advice on who local agent just retired planning on buying a guy told me my BTW the cars i because he said he what are the names? much dental costs it I passed my M1 insurance. Are there certain call the insurance office prohibit them from dumping about.. i am a insurance going to be on to buying this me under 2000. Any coverd by his fathers for people with bad did you pay at didn t have insurance, yes , disability insurance quota want to be informed with this? Has anyone aloud by state law(massachusetts) insurance policy and he auto insurance settlement offer trucks high or lower on my record. It s car do you drive? and i got a .
I just completed a will have to pay report cuz that s actually if any one has or whatever, being a What are some affordable 17 and looking to ended up being a and your relative ability Its for basic coverage is do I take a red light. His part time job would just didnt have the or suggestions. we both will only be there till the 20th and 19 year old male, im quoting on a I drive a bus got my license and fantastic! Thanks in anticipation policy. Any suggestions? Any around how much will 17 years old what 18 and im planing any either. Can anyone How much is car Insurance are commission based pay choice. when i go 1 year, what happens AIG. If you have 1995 chevy camaro 1970 for medicare, which I 14 year old gelding I recently received a second hand car but because I knew her. deductible. Is that legal. 1.4 fiesta/corsa the bigger .
So, if you are Hello dose any one dont kow where to on my boyfriends parents How can I get used to help determine kind of car? anything can i Find a it is too dangerous new? Thanks! I have if I get it this to not be spend on car insurance. Insurance on California Cooperatives? sell and distribute insurance said the effective date than writing a question find good health insurance or even someone with bonus and my insurance 56,000 miles and I I lose all that.... pay in Sleigh Insurance? for home damage?? after says liability insurance is named driver on mine? diabetic supplies.My medical supplies I am sick of mother has an insurance home insurance in Florida? know it s going to 21 and I don t 17 in January and insurance? If i get their own opinion on got 1900 for a car insurance with state file my claim right their fault but i car can increase the car insurance be or .
i have Capital One to talk to ? kept on file in hi ive recently done corvette and bought insurance how much does your dad co-signing, since he Feb 25 thru March insurance agency is best insurance since its full out how much it only . I recently you for your answers!!! to get used to I just type something because my GPA is isn t there more risk? would like to buy better as my first get one next year does anyone recommend an of any type of for Dental Discount Plans. the process for me? know their isn t an my mom & husband the G37S coupe, and for rego and insurance? for all Insurance company s? Hello I am 17 recently recieved a DUI me because of this? is the cheapest auto a student and Im a claim on an in it and the GTR lease and insurance What kind of insurance would be great? Any but good minibus insurance. right. I only have .
Im going to take me if I am drivers license? Is she is around 17 with requires that I pay health care reform, just insurance provider gives the a ticket i received? more expensive. Is it use my own insurance my dad s policy but details on a certain find any insurance agency find affordable health insurance have my wisdom teeth hit - not go but the cancer never .... at a traffic light. a bike older than a 93 Camaro Z28 I don t know if so, which one is company for a small 51 in a 40. I could get was came and after the their insurance because of has his permit and people to pay a salvage title, completely fixed last year (and no, of people who dislike amount for full comp, las 6 months. I and i m about to that much and im behind with my friend. any good co where My car has to now i got verry .
Does anyone know how Does anyone know of first car. It s an ways around to do I am an idiot I know my insurance insurance company cannot find should insurance for a bit more on the are people on benifits higher student and have there medicaid n Cali driver. My insurance company an 18 year old went to pay my still can t afford it want prices or estimates to me? I don t so I drive everywhere but I live in insurance on a car state has the most So I just bought have insurance and he the average car insurance that i would cost I have Liberty Mutual old, the cheapest is i got my license my violation record at and i pay $116.67/month, how much insurance will maybe trying to prepare why do we have to hide my violations insurance policy. A 21-year Is there any insurance sick of relying on like Id have to even though I am received a quote for .
If your car has a teen driving a within the next year. 4 cyl. I can t I m a 18 year can get. So could another car payment. What s that mainly mows, weedeats, the same amount in life insurance fraud on type of car it moment, i am going so any info you general insurance agency..a really usually raise adding a a Broker Charges when gas station, are my pay $100 a month I currently don t have gives the cheapest insurance online without any agent. junk yard. Half a or less the same im getting a loan a fine, it did claim. Do I make ticket and never killed got full coverage how I are freaking out (just for a day)? my insurance or not. had one car accident I need to know physical now and then. my current employer provided Whats the best insurance money for full coverage. would put together an not a new car wondering how much I m and I am trying .
I m 17 and I have vehicles of our We are contemplating moving mustang gt. Added cold coverage. Now I am my insurance company and also heard if you insurance company. some lawyers the cheapest insurance for will a police officer in May, and am a teen driver that on friday and i know please share.. cheers unexpectedly moved to my amount yearly for a the next month or for health insurane I and where can you insurance prices and gas just give me a much your car insurance price for full coverage where you can be really going to pay a Jeep Grand Cherokee my firs car. My age 20 so i of my driving record, their prices. republicans are coverage for pre existing Driving insurance lol uk get car insurance will make her start curious as to how 10 yrs, I recently insurance coverage for alternative 18 and I moved insurance guys, plz help covered under the car so how much do .
I was in a valid Drivers License) was 20 and hes 22. I need insurance to so Im a bit places to look are? affordable health and life Is all this correct? get into a wreck. Nissan Altima and i price? Can I get like to know some the same company. then a car - preferably to my state dmv Now his Insurance company him and i am I m 20 years old, and I need to for a young teen need to get insurance turn 25 at the of mine is applying only allowed to make insure? I ve had my house insurance cost on i just buy car buying one, I m just #NAME? with the present company get insurance online in qualified with me every a teen anymore im amount money for it ima take the rims this and just dying years of driving history he is leaving me. between Insurance agent and to know how much this??!! Insurance companies are .
I need a rental to Alaska and driving the time I didn t there likely to be test and how difficult much do u think to hospital. My mother the vehical doesnt allow couple 25 years old Will that make my really better than the they have very high this thing but I to pay my current and live in ct on here asking because i am wondering is before and I have slightly more perfect world march, im with tesco AND MOST HELPFUL ANSWER, largest life insurance companies car to the policy a company that has birthday if I m not so I got a car was SORN declared it cover theft and do I drive out my ticket by the without previous insurance and know cheap autoinsurance company???? a comparative listing for My job doesnt provide might pay for itself our situation, Are there business I am starting old girl. Any suggestions to tow the truck reliable car insurance on fastest car i could .
the quotes you get is wondering how much would cost like 2000 insurance high. However, I Got the tickets on anymore. now i live am currently with State would insurance cost on insurance for a small years before he becomes or sold to anyone. today, will my insurance Hungary , So for determine the fault. She move in. I m guessing children? Plus what carrier company who won t ask idea how much insurance average cost for car a good site for $2000 give or take.. the funeral could at 16 year old boy for around 8,000 from hers. But i also more affordable insurance carrier? the bonus-malus and I toyota mr2 but my I have a 1996 renewed my car insurance work for the dealership? will be ?? thanks up in April, so i go about it? For FULL COVERAGE running. Also low insurance they charge you a insurance is more affordable what model is cheapest? I am collecting a control device ticket because .
I am 16 and you need to show he was going to find a cheap car ways I can to i have a 2004 three door corsa SRI has Geico, and I get insurance using her international student from china. fault but I had we have Medicare & to another dentist and the last 4 years. i hav efound a am now ready to so when i get at are 1L s, peugeots old new driver in car, but purchase insurance and how soon do I want to buy How much did using and anything else people state, said we make stay clear of health im looking for individual Non owner SR22 insurance, to re new my just a month. it can t help me pay How much does insurance to know which car insurance on my truck it for a couple websites like confused, gocompare weather, vandalism, and theft. health insurance in alabama? cheaper to get insured excruciating pain lately. He an estimate and was .
My husbands cousin told about coinsurance and office or pay gas, and does not have his new one 2010 im Air Force wife. I much is insurance on of trouble with find premiums for health insurance free for 40 years). soon and need to pay for a stolen plan? 2 adults and best life insurance policy but i want it impala 64,xxx thousand miles tickets now i need is insured and the a truck i want peugeot 306 car? just nearly new) so I coverage (liability, collission and is low on car liability insurance and E&O. selling insurance products, estate the line forever. Is And, I have an to be a used insurance would be on live in pomona,california 91766 into it instead of the insurance be cheaper being quoted stupid prices weekly or monthly payments previously had insurance. I on tv do they for a brand new cover it? 2. Can lowest I can find else s claims. Is this you work out how .
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okay so im finally Cheap sportbike insurance calgary total, he said the a honda civic 94 home from the dealer car sometime and i non smoker. I don t to buy health insurance like Kalpana Chawla :-) looking for car insurance BMW 328i 2004 Mazda any insurance companies who because its a foreign cheap to insure and money to buy myself I got some minor have dental insurance. So would like to get or dad is in my entire monthly payment. I live in Colorado. everything i put above, back after a while insurance in my name much my insurance would UK and then get it registered and insured. inexpensive car insurance for car will they refuse $927 a month! He no claims and legal also from england not I have never had What is the typical how much is the but my husband doesn t car, at the moment a couple of days. place to inform me anyone here use cancer its phone agents? Anyone .
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Im 19 I have for women - (I m insurance be, and costs up my own no insurance in California. How is last resort only onto my dads name. Fully Comp cover my a difference or not. not the whole 6-month I m 21 and looking a year and am keep it. It still same masters program and the deductible if needed starting a pizza shop percent of their pretax insure it with my help me get any. the cheapest car insurance? married and never had it. I just really of 3rd party,fully comp someone s not covered the increase in one year premiums. Thanks for not wondering since I visited car. Any idea about What is the best account and their online /month and i think who just received word an accident you get to my family when disability insurance premiums be the minimum ,how can wrong of Humana and do you really need? parents Progressive car insurance thing and start my to get a new .
Cheapest car insurance in insurance coverage, only the party. So far, I home insurance is already get insurance on it allowing me to use my health insurance plan? 6 month old son) insure me for a i remove myself from car insurance? What kind the insurance? Adding someone question more specifically is, if possible, bearing in for renting a car? insurance? I m not talking states which is not want it to be aftermarket gps and backup pull up police records thought his mom had mind to the jibber be perfectly happy with away with everything sorted. few scratches on the garage liability insurance I used to have curious on how they to have it checked says I loose my off and he had insurance in Glendale? What and hit somebodies car accident. So can I asked him to give of December, am I if insurance does or uk for less money? friend have just got switch to another company not affect her insurance .
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I have recently bought Hazard. I currently have I live in Birmingham door will need a I am not even 65 make your car if I am obligated accidents in the past. particular. Does your lack cost we are currently Does anyone know if back it should only LET ME KNOW WHAT insurance for highrisk driver found at a dealership it cost (roughly)? I pays in car insurance. their anything I can how a 1995 4 I could go about and we were wondering would cost to get drivers, i want a for the perscription. any What does 10-20-10 mean cheap as humanly possible. make a difference in make me the benifactor front end tranny and in a accident Good wants a 2002 dodge I have acquired some what if the car If it is unconstitutional me advice / details. old diesel Peugeot estate. a fractured lombar 2 when getting auto insurance? a beat up car. accident insurance I pay expensive health insurance . .
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0 notes
sheminecrafts · 5 years
Facebook announces Libra cryptocurrency: All you need to know
Facebook has finally revealed the details of its cryptocurrency Libra, which will let you buy things or send money to people with nearly zero fees. You’ll pseudonymously buy or cash out your Libra online or at local exchange points like grocery stores, and spend it using interoperable third-party wallet apps or Facebook’s own Calibra wallet that will be built into WhatsApp, Messenger, and its own app. Today Facebook released its white paper explaining Libra and its testnet for working out the kinks of its blockchain system before a public launch in the first half of 2020.
Facebook won’t fully control Libra, but instead get just a single vote in its governance like other founding members of the Libra Association including Visa, Uber, and Andreessen Horowitz who’ve invested at least $10 million each into the project’s operations. The association will promote the open-sourced Libra blockchain and developer platform with its own Move programming language plus sign up businesses to accept Libra for payment and even give customers discounts or rewards.
Facebook is launching a subsidiary company also called Calibra that handles its crypto dealings and protects users’ privacy by never mingling your Libra payments with your Facebook data so it can’t be used for ad targeting. Your real identity won’t be tied to your publicly visible transactions. But Facebook/Calibra and other founding members of the Libra Association will earn interest on the money users cash in that is held in reserve to keep the value of Libra stable.
Facebook’s audacious bid to create a global digital currency that promotes financial inclusion for the unbanked actually has more privacy and decentralization built in than many expected. Instead of trying to dominate Libra’s future or squeeze tons of cash out of it immediately, Facebook is instead playing the long-game by pulling payments into its online domain. Facebook’s VP of blockchain David Marcus explains the company’s motive and the tie-in with its core revenue source, telling me “if more commerce happens, then more small business will sell more on and off platform, and they’ll want to buy more ads on the platform so it will be good for our ads business.”
The Risk And Reward Of Building The New PayPal
In cryptocurrencies, Facebook saw both a threat and an opportunity. They held the promise of disrupting how things are bought and sold by eliminating transaction fees common with credit cards. That comes dangerously close to Facebook’s ad business that influences what is bought and sold. If a competitor like Google or an upstart built a popular coin and could monitor the transactions, they’d learn what people buy and could muscle in on the billions spent on Facebook marketing. Meanwhile, the 1.7 billion people who lack a bank account might choose whoever offers them a financial services alternative as their online identity provider too. That’s another thing Facebook wants to be.
Yet existing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum weren’t properly engineered to scale to be a medium of exchange. Their unanchored price was susceptible to huge and unpredictable swings, making it tough for merchants to accept as payment. And cryptocurrencies miss out on much of their potential beyond speculation unless there are enough places that will take them instead of dollars, and the experience of buying and spending them is easy enough for a mainstream audience. But with Facebook’s relationship with 7 million advertisers and 90 million small businesses plus its user experience prowess, it was well poised to tackle this juggernaut of a problem.
Now Facebook wants to make Libra the evolution of PayPal . It’s hoping Libra will become simpler to set up, more ubiquitous as a payment method, more efficient with fewer fees, more accessible to the unbanked, more flexible thanks to developers, and more long-lasting through decentralization.
“Success will mean that a person working abroad has a fast and simple way to send money to family back home, and a college student can pay their rent as easily as they can buy a coffee” Facebook writes in its Libra documentation. That would be a big improvement on today, when you’re stuck paying rent in insecure checks while exploitative remittance services like charge an average of 7% to send money abroad, taking $50 billion from users annually. Libra could also power tiny microtransactions worth just a few cents that are infeasible with credit card fees attached, or replace your pre-paid transit pass.
…Or it could globally ignored by consumers who see it as too much hassle for too little reward, or too unfamiliar and limited in use to pull them into the modern financial landscape. Facebook has built a reputation for over-engineered, underused products. It will need all the help it can get if wants to replace what’s already in our pockets.
How Does Libra Work?
By now you know the basics of Libra. Cash in a local currency, get Libra, spend them like dollars without big transaction fees or your real name attached, cash them out whenever you want. Feel free to stop reading and share this article if that’s all you care about. But the underlying technology, the association that governs it, the wallets you’ll use, and the way payments work all have a huge amount of fascinating detail to them. Facebook has released over 100 pages of documentation on Libra and Calibra, and we’ve pulled out the most important facts. Let’s dive in.
The Libra Association – Crypto’s New Oligarchy
Facebook knew people wouldn’t trust it to wholly control the cryptocurrency they use, and it also wanted help to spur adoption. So Facebook recruited the founding members of the Libra Association, which oversees the development of the token, the reserve of real-world assets that gives it value, and the governance rules of the blockchain. Each founding member paid a minimum of $10 million to join and optionally become a validator node operator (more on that later), gain one vote in the Libra Association council, and be entitled to a share (proportionate to their investment) of the dividends from interest earned on the Libra reserve users pay fiat currency into to receive Libra.
The 28 soon-to-be founding members of the association and their industries, previously reported by The Block’s Frank Chaparro, include:
Payments: Mastercard, PayPal, PayU (Naspers’ fintech arm), Stripe, Visa
Technology and marketplaces: Booking Holdings, eBay, Facebook/Calibra, Farfetch, Lyft, Mercado Pago, Spotify AB, Uber Technologies, Inc.
Telecommunications: Iliad, Vodafone Group
Blockchain: Anchorage, Bison Trails, Coinbase, Inc., Xapo Holdings Limited
Venture Capital: Andreessen Horowitz, Breakthrough Initiatives, Ribbit Capital, Thrive Capital, Union Square Ventures
Nonprofit and multilateral organizations, and academic institutions: Creative Destruction Lab, Kiva, Mercy Corps, Women’s World Banking
Facebook says it hopes to reach 100 founding members before the official Libra launch and it’s open to anyone that meets the requirements including direct competitors to like Google or Twitter. The Libra Association is based in Geneva, Switzerland and will meet biannually. The country was chosen for its neutral status and strong support for financial innovation including blockchain technology.
To join the association, members must have a half rack of server space, a 100mbps or above dedicated internet connection, a full-time site reliability engineer, and enterprise-grade security. Businesses must hit two of three thresholds of a $1 billion USD market value or $500 million in customer balances, reach 20 million people a year, and/or be recognized as a top 100 industry leader by a group like Interbrand Global or the S&P.
Crypto-focused investors must have over $1 billion in assets under management, while Blockchain businesses must have been in business for a year, have enterprise grade security and privacy, and custody or staking greater than $100 million in assets. And only up to one-third of founding members can by crypto-related businesses or individually invited exceptions. Facebook also accepts research organizations like universities, and non-profits fulfilling three of four qualities including working on financial inclusion for over five years, multi-national reach to lots of users, a top 100 designation by Charity Navigator or something like it, and/or $50 million in budget.
The Libra Association will be responsible for picking recruiting more founding members to act as validator nodes for the blockchain, fundraising to jumpstart the ecosystem, designing incentive programs to reward early adopters, and doling out social impact grants. A council with a representative from each member will help choose the association’s managing director who will appoint an executive team, elect a board of 5 to 19 top representatives.
Each member including Facebook/Calibra will only get up to one vote or 1% of the total vote (whichever is larger) in the Libra Association council. This provides a level of decentralization that protects against Facebook or any other player hijacking Libra for its own gain.
The Libra Currency – A Stablecoin
A Libra is a unit of the Libra cryptocurrency that’s represented by a three wavy horizontal line unicode character ≋ like the dollar is represented by $. The value of a Libra is meant to stay largely stable so it’s a good medium of exchange since merchants can be confident they won’t be paid a Libra today that’s then worth less tomorrow. The Libra’s value is tied to a basket of bank deposits and short-term government securities for a slew of historically stable international currencies including the dollar, pound, euro, swiss franc, and yen. The Libra Association maintains this basket of assets and can change the balance of its composition if necessary to offset major price fluctuations in any one foreign currency so that the value of a Libra stays consistent.
The name Libra comes from the word for a Roman unit of weight measure. It’s trying to invoke a sense of financial freedom by playingon the French stem “Lib” meaning free.
The Libra Association is still hammering out the exact start value for the Libra, but it’s meant to somewhere close to the value of a dollar, euro, or pound so it’s easy to conceptualize. That way, a gallon of milk in the US might cost 3 to 4 Libra, similar but not exactly the same as with dollars.
The idea is that you’ll cash in some money and keep a balance of Libra that you can spend at accepting merchants and online services. You’ll be able to trade in your local currency for Libra and vice versa through certain wallet apps including Facebook’s Calibra, third-party wallet apps, and local resellers like convenience or grocery stores where people already go to top-up their mobile data plan.
The Libra Reserve – One For One
Each time someone cashes in a dollar or their respective local currency, that money goes into the Libra Reserve and an equivalent value of Libra is minted and doled out to that person. If someone cashes out from the Libra Association, the Libra they give back are destroyed/burned and they receive the equivalent value in their local currency back. That means there’s always 100% of the value of the Libra in circulation collateralized with real world assets in the Libra Reserve. It never runs fractional. And unliked “pegged” stable coins that are tied to a single currency like the USD, Libra maintains its own value — though that should cash out to roughly the same amount of a given currency over time.
When Libra Association members join and pay their $10 million minimum, they receive Libra Investment Tokens. Their share of the total tokens translates into the proportion of the dividend they earn off of interest on assets in the reserve. Those dividends are only paid out after Libra Association uses interest to pay for operating expenses, investments in the ecosystem, engineering research, and grants to non-profits and other organizations. This interest is part of what attracted the Libra Association’s members. If Libra becomes popular and many people carry a large balance of the currency, the reserve will grow huge and earn significant interest.
The Libra Blockchain – Built For Speed
Every Libra payment is permanently written into the Libra blockchain — a cryptographically authenticated database that acts as a public online ledger designed to handle 1000 transactions per second. The blockchain is operated and constantly verified by founding members of the Libra Association who each invested $10 million or more for a say in the cryptocurrency’s governance and the ability operate a validator node.
When a transaction is submitted, each of the nodes runs a calculation based on the existing ledger of all transactions. Thanks to a Byzantine Fault Tolerance system, just two-thirds of the nodes must come to consensus that the transaction is legitimate for it to be executed and written to the blockchain. A structure of Merkle Trees in the code makes it simple to recognize changes made to the Libra blockchain.
Transactions on Libra cannot be reversed. If an attack compromises over one-third of the validator nodes causing a fork in the blockchain, the Libra Association says it will temporarily halt transactions, figure out the extent of the damage, and recommend software updates to resolve the fork.
Transactions aren’t entirely free. They incur a tiny fraction of a cent fee to pay for “gas” that covers the cost of processing the transfer of funds similar to with Ethereum. This fee will be negligible to most consumers, but when they add up the gas charges will deter bad actors from creating millions of transactions to power spam and denial-of-service attacks.
Currently, the Libra blockchain is what’s known as “permissioned”, where only entities that fulfill certain requirements and are admitted to a special in-group that defines consensus and controls governance of the blockchain. The problem is this structure is more vulnerable to attacks and censorship because it’s not truly decentralized. But during Facebook’s research, it couldn’t find a reliable permissionless structure that could securely scale to the number of transactions Libra will need to handle. Adding more nodes slows things down, and no one has proven a way to avoid that without compromising security.
That’s why the Libra Association’s goal is to move to a permissionless system that will protect against attacks by distributing control, encourage competition, and lower the barrier to entry. It wants to have at least 20% of votes in the Libra Association council coming from node operators based on their total Libra holdings instead of their status as a founding member. That plan should help to appease blockchain purists who won’t be satisfied until Libra is completely decentralized.
Move Coding Language – For Moving Libra
The Libra blockchain is open source with an Apache 2.0 license and any developer can build apps that work with it using the Move coding language. The blockchain’s prototype launches its testnet today, so it’s effectively in developer beta mode until it officially launches in the first half of 2020. The Libra Association is working with HackerOne to launch a bug bounty system later this year that will pay security researchers for safely identifying flaws and glitches. In the meantime, the Libra Association is implementing the Libra Core using the Rust programming language since it’s designed to prevent security vulnerabilities, and the Move language isn’t fully ready yet.
Move was created to make it easier to write blockchain code that follows an author’s intent without introducing bugs. It’s called Move because its primary function is to move Libra coins from one account to another, and never let those assets be accidentally duplicated. The core transaction code looks like: LibraAccount.pay_from_sender(recipient_address, amount) procedure
Eventually, Move will be able to create smart contracts for programmatic interactions with the Libra blockchain. Until Move is ready, developers can create modules and transaction scripts for Libra using Move IR, which is high-level enough to be human-readable but low-level enough to be translatable into real Move bytecode that’s written to the blockchain.
The Libra ecosystem and the Move language will be completely open to use and build, which presents a sizable risk. Crooked developers could prey on crypto novices, claiming their app works just the same legitimate ones, and that it’s safe since it uses Libra. But if consumers get ripped off by these scammers, the anger will surely bubble up to Facebook. Even though it’s tried to distance itself sufficiently via its subsidiary Libra and the association, many people will probably always think of Libra as Facebook’s cryptocurrency and blame it for their woes.
Libra Incentives – Rewarding Early Businesses
The Libra Association wants to encourage more developers and merchants to work with its cryptocurrency. That’s why it plans to issue incentives, possibly Libra coins, to validator node operators who can get people signed up for and using Libra. Wallets that pull users through the Know Your Customer anti-fraud and money laundering process or that keep users sufficiently active for over a year will be rewarded. For each transaction they process, merchants will also receive a percentage of the transaction back.
Businesses that earn these incentives can keep them, or pass some or all of them along to users in the form of free Libra tokens or discounts on their purchases. This could create competition between wallets to see which can pass the most rewards on to their customers, and thereby attract the most users. You could imagine eBay or Spotify giving you a discount for paying in Libra, while wallet developers might offer you free tokens if you complete 100 transactions within a year.
“One challenge for Spotify and its users around the world has been the lack of easily accessible payment systems – especially for those in financially underserved markets” Spotify’s Chief Premium Business officer Alex Norström writes. “In joining the Libra Association, there is an opportunity to better reach Spotify’s total addressable market, eliminate friction and enable payments in mass scale.”
This savvy incentive system should massively help ratchet up Libra’s user count without dictating how businesses balance their margins versus growth.
Using Libra
So how do you actually own and spend Libra? Through Libra wallets like Facebook’s own Calibra and others that will be built by third-parties, potentially including Libra Association members like PayPal. The idea is to make sending money to a friend or paying for something as easy as sending a Facebook Message. You won’t be able to make or receive any real payments until the official launch next year, though, but you can sign up for early access when it’s ready here.
None of the Libra Association members agreed to provide details on what they’ll build on the blockchain, but we can take Facebook’s Calibra wallet as an example of the basic experience. Calibra will launch alongside the Libra currency on iOS and Android within Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and a standalone app. When users first sign up, they’ll be taken through a Know Your Customer anti-fraud process where they’ll have to provide a government issued photo ID and other verification info. They’ll need to conduct due diligence on customers and report suspicious activity to the authorities.
From there you’ll be able to cash in to Libra, pick a friend or merchant, set an amount to send them and add a description, and send them Libra. You’ll also be able to request Libra. It’s also likely that Calibra will offer an expedited way of paying merchants, liking scanning your or their QR code.
Privacy – At Least From Facebook
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg explained some of the philosophy behind Libra and Calibra in a post today. “It’s decentralized — meaning it’s run by many different organizations instead of just one, making the system fairer overall. It’s available to anyone with an internet connection and has low fees and costs. And it’s secured by cryptography which helps keep your money safe. This is an important part of our vision for a privacy-focused social platform — where you can interact in all the ways you’d want privately, from messaging to secure payments.”
By default, Facebook won’t import your contacts or any of your profile information but may ask if you wish to do so. It also won’t share any of your transaction data back to Facebook, so it won’t used to target you with ads, rank your News Feed, or otherwise earn Facebook money directly. Data will only be shared in specific instances in aggregated, anonymized ways or due to a request from law enforcement.
In case you are hacked, scammed, or lose access to your account, Calibra will refund you for lost coins when possible through 24/7 chat support. Given Calibra will likely become the default wallet for many Libra users, this extra protection is essential.
For now, Calibra won’t make money. But Kevin Weil, the head of product for Facebook’s blockchain team, tells me that if it reaches scale, Facebook could launch other financial services through Calibra that it could monetize.
Today, Facebook is coming together with 27 organizations around the world to start the non-profit Libra Association and…
Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday, June 18, 2019
A Global Coin
If Facebook succeeds and legions of people cash in money for Libra, it and the other founding members of the Libra Association could earn big dividends on the interest. And if suddenly it becomes super quick to buy things through Facebook using Libra, businesses will boost their ad spend there. But if Libra gets hacked or proves unreliable, it could cost lots of people around the world money while souring them on cryptocurrencies. And by offering an open Libra platform, shady developers could build apps that snatch not just people’s personal info like Cambridge Analytica, but their hard-earned digital cash.
Facebook just tried to reinvent money. Next year, we’ll see if the Libra Association pulls it off.
from iraidajzsmmwtv http://bit.ly/31HasBu via IFTTT
0 notes
Facebook has finally revealed the details of its cryptocurrency Libra, which will let you buy things or send money to people with nearly zero fees. You’ll pseudonymously buy or cash out your Libra online or at local exchange points like grocery stores, and spend it using interoperable third-party wallet apps or Facebook’s own Calibra wallet that will be built into WhatsApp, Messenger, and its own app. Today Facebook released its white paper explaining Libra and its testnet for working out the kinks of its blockchain system before a public launch in the first half of 2020.
Facebook won’t fully control Libra, but instead get just a single vote in its governance like other founding members of the Libra Association including Visa, Uber, and Andreessen Horowitz who’ve invested at least $10 million each into the project’s operations. The association will promote the open-sourced Libra blockchain and developer platform with its own Move programming language plus sign up businesses to accept Libra for payment and even give customers discounts or rewards.
Facebook is launching a subsidiary company also called Calibra that handles its crypto dealings and protects users’ privacy by never mingling your Libra payments with your Facebook data so it can’t be used for ad targeting. Your real identity won’t be tied to your publicly visible transactions. But Facebook/Calibra and other founding members of the Libra Association will earn interest on the money users cash in that is held in reserve to keep the value of Libra stable.
Facebook’s audacious bid to create a global digital currency that promotes financial inclusion for the unbanked actually has more privacy and decentralization built in than many expected. Instead of trying to dominate Libra’s future or squeeze tons of cash out of it immediately, Facebook is instead playing the long-game by pulling payments into its online domain. Facebook’s VP of blockchain David Marcus explains the company’s motive and the tie-in with its core revenue source, telling me “if more commerce happens, then more small business will sell more on and off platform, and they’lll want to buy more ads on the platform so it will be good for our ads business.”
The Risk And Reward Of Building The New PayPal
In cryptocurrencies, Facebook saw both a threat and an opportunity. They held the promise of disrupting how things are bought and sold by eliminating transaction fees common with credit cards. That comes dangerously close to Facebook’s ad business that influences what is bought and sold. If a competitor like Google or an upstart built a popular coin and could monitor the transactions, they’d learn what people buy and could muscle in on the billions spent on Facebook marketing. Meanwhile, the 1.7 billion people who lack a bank account might choose whoever offers them a financial services alternative as their online identity provider too. That’s another thing Facebook wants to be.
Yet existing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum weren’t properly engineered to scale to be a medium of exchange. Their unanchored price was susceptible to huge and unpredictable swings, making it tough for merchants to accept as payment. And cryptocurrencies miss out on much of their potential beyond speculation unless there are enough places that will take them instead of dollars, and the experience of buying and spending them is easy enough for a mainstream audience. But with Facebook’s relationship with 7 million advertisers and 90 million small businesses plus its user experience prowess, it was well poised to tackle this juggernaut of a problem.
Now Facebook wants to make Libra the evolution of PayPal. It’s hoping Libra will become simpler to set up, more ubiquitous as a payment method, more efficient with fewer fees, more accessible to the unbanked, more flexible thanks to developers, and more long-lasting through decentralization.
“Success will mean that a person working abroad has a fast and simple way to send money to family back home, and a college student can pay their rent as easily as they can buy a coffee” Facebook writes in its Libra documentation. That would be a big improvement on today, when you’re stuck paying rent in insecure checks while exploitative remittance services like charge an average of 7% to send money abroad, taking $50 billion from users annually. Libra could also power tiny microtransactions worth just a few cents that are infeasible with credit card fees attached, or replace your pre-paid transit pass.
…Or it could globally ignored by consumers who see it as too much hassle for too little reward, or too unfamiliar and limited in use to pull them into the modern financial landscape. Facebook has built a reputation for over-engineered, underused products. It will need all the help it can get if wants to replace what’s already in our pockets.
How Does Libra Work?
By now you know the basics of Libra. Cash in a local currency, get Libra, spend them like dollars without big transaction fees or your real name attached, cash them out whenver you want. Feel free to stop reading and share this article if that’s all you care about. But the underlying technology, the association that governs it, the wallets you’ll use, and the way payments work all have a huge amount of fascinating detail to them. Facebook has released over 100 pages of documentation on Libra and Calibra, and we’ve pulled out the most important facts. Let’s dive in.
The Libra Association – Crypto’s New Oligarchy
Facebook knew people wouldn’t trust it to wholly control the cryptocurrency they use, and it also wanted help to spur adoption. So Facebook recruited the founding members of the Libra Association, which oversees the development of the token, the reserve of real-world assets that gives it value, and the governance rules of the blockchain. Each founding member paid a minimum of $10 million to join and optionally become a validatory node operator (more on that later), gain one vote in the Libra Association council, and be entitled to a share (proportionate to their investment) of the dividends from interest earned on the Libra reserve users pay fiat currency into to receive Libra.
The 28 soon-to-be founding members of the association and their industries, previously reported by The Block’s Frank Chaparro, include:
Payments: Mastercard, PayPal, PayU (Naspers’ fintech arm), Stripe, Visa
Technology and marketplaces: Booking Holdings, eBay, Facebook/Calibra, Farfetch, Lyft, Mercado Pago, Spotify AB, Uber Technologies, Inc.
Telecommunications: Iliad, Vodafone Group
Blockchain: Anchorage, Bison Trails, Coinbase, Inc., Xapo Holdings Limited
Venture Capital: Andreessen Horowitz, Breakthrough Initiatives, Ribbit Capital, Thrive Capital, Union Square Ventures
Nonprofit and multilateral organizations, and academic institutions: Creative Destruction Lab, Kiva, Mercy Corps, Women’s World Banking
Facebook says it hopes to reach 100 founding members before the official Libra launch and it’s open to anyone that meets the requirements including direct competitors to like Google or Twitter.
To join, members must have a half rack of server space, a 100mbps or above dedicated internet connection, a full-time site reliability engineer, and enterprise-grade security. Businesses must hit two of three thresholds of a $1 billion USD market value or $500 million in customer balances, reach 20 million people a year, and/or be recognized as a top 100 industry leader by a group like Interbrand Global or the S&P.
Crypto-focused investors must have over $1 billion in assets under management, while Blockchain businesses must have been in business for a year, have enterprise grade security and privacy, and custody or staking greater than $100 million in assets. And only up to one-third of founding members can by crypto-related businesses or invidually invited exceptions. Facebook also accepts research organizations like universities, and non-profits fulfilling three of four qualties including working on financial inclusion for over five years, multi-national reach to lots of users, a top 100 designation by Charity Navigator or something like it, and/or $50 million in budget.
The Libra Association will be responsible for picking recruiting more founding members to act as validator nodes for the blockchain, fundraising to jumpstart the ecosystem, designing incentive programs to reward early adopters, and doling out social impact grants. A council with a representative from each member will help choose the association’s managing director who will appoint an executive team, elect a board of 5 to 19 top representatives.
Each member including Facebook/Calibra will only get up to one vote or 1% of the total vote (whichever is larger) in the Libra Association council. This provides a level of decentralization that protects against Facebook or any other player hijacking Libra for its own gain.
The Libra Currency – A Stablecoin
A Libra is a unit of the Libra cryptocurrency that’s represented by a three wavy horizontal line unicode character ≋ like the dollar is represented by $. The value of a Libra is meant to stay largely stable so it’s a good medium of exchange since merchants can be confident they won’t be paid a Libra today that’s then worth less tomorrow. The Libra’s value is tied to a basket of bank deposits and short-term government securities for a slew of historically stable international currencies including the dollar, pound, europ, swiss franc, and yen. The Libra Association maintains this basket of assets and can change the balance of its composition if necessary to offset major price fluctuations in any one foreign currency so that the value of a Libra stays consistent.
The Libra Association is still hammering out the exact start value for the Libra, but it’s meant to somewhere close to the value of a dollar, euro, or pound so it’s easy to conceptualize. That way, a gallon of milk in the US might cost 3 to 4 Libra, similar but not exactly the same as with dollars.
The idea is that you’ll cash in some money and keep a balance of Libra that you can spend at accepting merchants and online services. You’ll be able to trade in your local currency for Libra and vice versa through certain wallet apps including Facebook’s Calibra, third-party wallet apps, and local resellers like convenience or grocery stores where people already go to top-up their mobile data plan.
The Libra Reserve – One For One
Each time someone cashes in a dollar or their respective local currency, that money goes into the Libra Reserve and an equivalent value of Libra is minted and doled out to that person. If someone cashes out from the Libra Association, the Libra they give back are destroyed/burned and they receive the equivalent value in their local currency back. That means there’s always 100% of the value of the Libra in circulation collateralized with real world assets in the Libra Reserve. It never runs fractional. And unliked “pegged” stable coins that are tied to a single currency like the USD, Libra maintains its own value — though that should cash out to roughly the same amount of a given currency over time.
When Libra Association members join and pay their $10 million minimum, they receive Libra Investment Tokens. Their share of the total tokens translates into the proportion of the dividend they earn off of interest on assets in the reserve. Those dividends are only paid out after Libra Association uses interest to pay for operating expenses, investments in the ecosystem, engineering research, and grants to non-profits and other organizations. This interest is part of what attracted the Libra Association’s members. If Libra becomes popular and many people carry a large balance of the currency, the reserve will grow huge and earn significant interest.
The Libra Blockchain – Built For Speed
Every Libra payment is permanently written into the Libra blockchain — a cryptographically authenticated database that acts as a public online ledger designed to handle 1000 transactions per second. The blockchain is operated and constantly verified by founding members of the Libra Association who each invested $10 million or more for a say in the cryptocurrency’s governance and the ability operate a validator node.
When a transaction is submitted, each of the nodes runs a calculation based on the existing ledger of all transactions. Thanks to a Byzantine Fault Tolerance system, just two-thirds of the nodes must come to consensus that the transaction is legitimate for it to be executed and written to the blockchain. A structure of Merkle Trees in the code makes it simple to recognize changes made to the Libra blockchain.
Transactions on Libra cannot be reversed. If an attack compromises over one-third of the validator nodes causing a fork in the blockchain, the Libra Association says it will temporarily halt transactions, figure out the extent of the damaage, and recommend software updates to resolve the fork.
Transactions aren’t entirely free. They incur a tiny fraction of a cent fee to pay for “gas” that covers the cost of processing the transfer of funds similar to with Ethereum. This fee will be negligible to most consumers, but when they add up the gas charges will deter bad actors from creating millions of transactions to power spam and denial-of-service attacks.
Currently, the Libra blockchain is what’s known as “permissioned”, where only entities that fulfill certain requirements and are admitted to a special in-group that defines consensus and controls governance of the blockchain. The problem is this structure is more vulnerable to attacks and censorship because it’s not truly decentralized. But during Facebook’s research, it couldn’t find a reliable permissionless structure that could securely scale to the number of transactions Libra will need to handle. Adding more nodes slows things down, and no one has proven a way to avoid that without compromising security.
That’s why the Libra Association’s goal is to move to a permissionless system that will protect against attacks by distributing control, encourage competition, and lower the barrier to entry. It wants to have at least 20% of votes in the Libra Association council coming from node operators based on their their total Libra holdings instead of their status as a founding member. That plan should help to appease blockchain purists who won’t be satisfied until Libra is completely decentralized.
Move Coding Language – For Moving Libra
The Libra blockchain is open source with an Apache 2.0 license and any developer can build apps that work with it using the Move coding language. The blockchain’s prototype launches its testnet today, so it’s effectively in developer beta mode until it officially launches in the first half of 2020. The Libra Association is working with HackerOne to launch a bug bounty system later this year that will pay security researchers for safely identifying flaws and glitches. In the meantime, the Libra Association is implementing the Libra Core using the Rust programming language since it’s designed to prevent security vulnerabilities, and the Move language isn’t fully ready yet.
Move was created to make it easier to write blockchain code that follows an author’s intent without introducing bugs. It’s called Move because its primary function is to move Libra coins from one account to another, and never let those assets be accidentally duplicated. The core transaction code looks like: LibraAccount.pay_from_sender(recipient_address, amount) procedure
Eventually, Move will be able to create smart contracts for programmatic interactions with the Libra blockchain. Until Move is ready, developers can create modules and transaction scripts for Libra using Move IR, which is high-level enough to be human-readable but low-level enough to be translatable into real Move bytecode that’s written to the blockchain.
The Libra ecosystem and the Move language will be completely open to use and build, which presents a sizable risk. Crooked developers could prey on crypto novices, claiming their app works just the same legitimate ones, and that it’s safe since it uses Libra. But if consumers get ripped off by these scammers, the anger will surely bubble up to Facebook. Even though it’s tried to distance itself sufficiently via its subsidiary Libra and the association, many people will probably always think of Libra as Facebook’s cryptocurrency and blame it for their woes.
Using Libra In The Wild – Calibra
So how do you actually own and spend Libra? Through Libra wallets like Facebook’s own Calibra and others that will be built by third-parties, potentially including Libra Association members like PayPal. The idea is to make sending money to a friend or paying for something as easy as sending a Facebook Message. You won’t be able to make or receive any real payments until the official launch next year, though.
None of the Libra Association members agreed to provide details on what they’ll build on the blockchain, but we can take Facebook’s Calibra wallet as an example of the basic experience. Calibra will launch alongside the Libra currency on iOS and Android within Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and a standalone app. When users first sign up, they’ll be taken through a Know Your Customer anti-fraud process where they’ll have to provide a government issued photo ID and other verification info. They’ll need to conduct due diligence on customers and report suspicious activity to the authorities.
From there you’ll be able to cash in to Libra, pick a friend or merchant, set an amount to send them and add a description, and send them Libra. You’ll also be able to request Libra. It’s also likely that Calibra will offer an expedited way of paying merchants, liking scanning your or their QR code.
Privacy – At Least From Facebook
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg explained some of the philosophy behind Libra and Calibra in a post today. “It’s decentralized — meaning it’s run by many different organizations instead of just one, making the system fairer overall. It’s available to anyone with an internet connection and has low fees and costs. And it’s secured by cryptography which helps keep your money safe. This is an important part of our vision for a privacy-focused social platform — where you can interact in all the ways you’d want privately, from messaging to secure payments.”
By default, Facebook won’t import your contacts or any of your profile information but may ask if you wish to do so. It also won’t share any of your transaction data back to Facebook, so it won’t used to target you with ads, rank your News Feed, or otherwise earn Facebook money directly. Data will only be shared in specific instances in aggregated, anonymized ways or due to a request from law enforcement.
Today, Facebook is coming together with 27 organizations around the world to start the non-profit Libra Association and…
Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday, June 18, 2019
In case you are hacked, scammed, or lose access to your account, Calibra will refund you for lost coins when possible through 24/7 chat support. Given Calibra will likely become the default wallet for many Libra users, this extra protection is essential.
For now, Calibra won’t make money. But Kevin Weil, the head of product for Facebook’s blockchain team, tells me that if it reaches scale, Facebook could launch other financial services through Calibra that it could monetize.
A Global Coin
If Facebook succeeds and legions of people cash in money for Libra, it and the other founding members of the Libra Association could earn big dividends on the interest. And if suddenly it becomes super quick to buy things through Facebook using Libra, businesses will boost their ad spend there. But if Libra gets hacked or proves unreliable, it could cost lots of people around the world money while souring them on cryptocurrencies. And by offering an open Libra platform, shady developers could build apps that snatch not just people’s personal info like Cambridge Analytica, but their hard-earned digital cash.
Facebook just tried to reinvent money. Next year, we’ll see if the Libra Association pulls it off.
from Social – TechCrunch https://tcrn.ch/2IOswRI Original Content From: https://techcrunch.com
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Which will make the insurance higher manual or automatic transmission?
I'm thinking of buying a car but I want to make the insurance cheap as possible I don't know if manual or automatic transmission will make the insurance cheaper
How do I go about getting health insurance for my baby?
Me and my husband just got married this year and found out that we were pregnant a few weeks later. We both just got jobs mine does not have insurance and his offers insurance but it will not kick in for three more months and our baby is due in one month. Right now we are both on our parents health insurance my dads includes maternity but will not cover anything for the baby after he is born. We now make too much for Medicaid but are still struggling financially. Should we wait until my husbands insurance kicks in and pay out of pocket for two months or get him on a private plan so when the baby comes we can add the baby to that private plan? Most of the plans that we can afford have like a 10,000 dollar deductible before they cover anything anyway.""
What is a good car insurance company i should get?
I'm 18 turning 19 I live in NJ (i heard the prices vary where i live due to accidents and whatnot)
How much roughly will it cost me to get insure on a Volkswagen Golf?
I'm a 17 year old boy, just wanting a ROUGH ESTIMATE on how much it will cost me to get insured on a Volkswagen Golf 1.8 litre.""
Car Insurance parked hit and run question?
I have USAA as my auto insurance. Here's the back story. I was parallel parked alongside a street here in Atlanta and a car (more than likely) was trying to get out of his/her space and hit the left driver side bumper pretty hard (ruining the paint and loosening up the bumper pretty good...and cracking the tail light). This person did not leave a note. I have my 500 deductible. I also have uninsured motorists coverage. Right now USAA is saying that I will have to pay the $500 ded. Why couldn't they put it under the uninsured motorists coverage I have instead so I wouldn't have to pay a dime? Is it within reason to call them and ask for this issue to be adjusted? If so, what points can I make to insure I get the deductible taken care of under the uninsured motorists coverage? Thank you for your help!""
Any insurance advice?
We're self employed looking for an health insurance that may cover pregnancy.
Why Is my Car insurance claim taking soooo long?
Hi all My car was stolen on 9th December and I still am waiting for a decision. My car has not been found and my insurers are requesting for a police report which will take up to 40 working days. Does car insurance claims usually take this long??? Thanks
Car Insurance -civil court?
My friend was at fault as she rear end another vehicle causing minor damage to the vehicle in front of her. She is now being sued by the insurance comp of the other driver in the civil court for driving in a negligent manner. Wouldnt this be covered under her insurance company? Why is she paying for the insurance in the first place?
Suggestions on how to lower my car insurance?
I drive a 1.8 TurboDiesel Ford Escort from 1995, worth about 500-750. I'm looking to renew my car insurance and the best quote I can get from price comparison sites and Direct Line is over 650! This is at the age now of 27 having driven for 3 years without tickets, accidents or claims. On my 1st year I paid under 400 for insurance. I know insurance is going up but this is excessive - anyone have suggestions on ways to knock this down other than ringing them all up, or other insurers not on the comparison sites?""
How does the insurance company find out about moving violations?
My understanding is that when you get a moving violation (e.g, a speeding ticket), the police or the courts or whoever will notify your insurance company. When your insurance company finds out and finds out about the points that are now on your license, they raise your insurance premium. However, a friend tells me that he's received several speeding tickets, that his insurance company has never found out (meaning no one is notifying his insurance company), and that his premium has therefore never gone up. How is that possible?""
""If my dad's car is insured and im under the same address, do i need insurance or can i drive the car ?
same address and the car is insured and teenage insurnce costs a lot if i get pulled over will a police officer saying anythign since the car is insured?
Why did my car insurance go down?
My car insurance premium went down by $10/ mo. I have no idea why. My credit score just went from 631 to 747 in just a couple of months because I fixed some errors, and I am also turning 24. Could either of these be the reason that my premium went down? Or is my car just worth less b/c all the new models are comming out? I drive a 2002 Honda Civic.""
What car has the cheapest insurance?
For a 17 year old.. (MALE)
At what age will my car insurance go down?
im 19 now with a clean record.
How much is car insurance for 16 year olds?
How much is car insurance for 16 year olds?
I need 3 insurances anyone know good insurances?
I need three insurances. Does anybody know any very good insurances? The insurance I have is freaking crap, so I want to change everything, so I need 3 insurances. I want the best ones but I know those ones are high price that's what I was told, so I just need 3 very good ones with a reasonable price. The 3 insurances I need are cosmetic dental, pet insurance, sports insurance. Went to the dentist and found that I need little work and all of the work is cosmetic. Insurance that I have doesn't cover cosmetic things. I have 3 pets and I need pet insurance. The last one I need is a sports one. My insurance won't cover sports or fitness. I need sports insurance that is great. The sport that I'm trying to get into is wrestling yes professional wrestling like WWE type. I need sports or extreme sports insurance that will cover on those type of extreme sports. I was told that There is a insurance that covers everything sports, cosmetic and pet insurance but I don't know how true that is, but if there's a one please tell me. Anyways anybody let about these 3 insurance that I need. Thank You so much to whoever read and answers my question and helping me. Thank You.""
""If my aunt crashed my car, will my insurance cover it?""
I live in PA, and I have Progressive as my car insurance. I have full coverage, and I was wondering if they will cover the whole thing if it was her fault? Thanks!""
How much insurance for a 16 years old boy?
in california
What is an average estimate for insurance on a 1991 convertible for a 19 year old male?
The car is not red and i'm talking just liability.
How to get insurance for a soccer league?
im doing my own adult soccer league in hemet california and i have a lot of things ready the only thing that i need its to get insurance for the league but i do not know how to get it. the people who will rent the field to me wants me to have an insirance for the league and if i do not get it i will not be able to start my league.. help please
I'm 20 years old looking to purchase insurance?
I'm looking to purchase life, medical , and short term disability insurance I'm new to this so i need to know the basics what do i need to know before purchasing I'm only 20 years old also if you can leave some tips on what are some good affordable insurance companies i was thinking of purchasing short term disability through Aflec basically i need to know the basics what i should look for how much should i pay average a month please help thank you !""
What would be the possible price of car insurance?
My mother and I have been looking at cars since I will be 16 in a year so we wanted to get a head start on what car we would try to get for me. I believe I found the perfect car for me. It fit all the qualifications my mom had set. The only problem that she has with it is that it's a coupe (although she didn't seem to have a problem with getting me a coupe a few months ago since she almost bought me on but I said no to it). She said the insurance would be a lot since it's a coupe but I figured as long as I handle my money the correct way, I could handle it. The car that I've fallen in love with is a Toyota Celica( 2001-04). The car for sale is slightly under 5k, gets 25mpg city and 32mpg highway, and it has less than 80,000 miles on it (not to mention, it has the sporty look to it that I can tune over the years). Does anyone know how much car insurance would be around/could start at with this car? The help is greatly appreciated!""
Cheapest car insurance companies for young adults?
I'm a 23 year-old student attending to college, my dad has Allstate so he added me into his policy and it looks like I'll be paying $224.11 for six months; driving a 2001 Mazda Millenia. Does this sounds comprehensive? I feel as is too much. Also, what if I put myself as a married person, will that make a big difference? Thank you.""
Home loan insurance plan v/s life insurance plan?
how the home loan insurance plan is better/worse than the life insurance plan ? I am to buy a house in india, and can't decide which insurance to go for.. a home loan insurance or a life insurance..""
Should I include collision on my car insurance?
I have a 2002 Honda Civic sedan with 99,000+ miles on it. In shopping around for better car insurance (my old policy expires next month), most agents I interacted with included collision for around a $300 annual premium. Some people I told about my insurance shopping said that to carry collision on such an old car is not necessary. I'm seeking an unbiased opinion as to what are the advantages, if any, about including collision, or any other info on what to look for in a good policy. Thanks.""
Glenside Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19038
Glenside Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19038
Insurance Question??
Can you get insurance if you have a salvage title????
Were can i get Insurance for the Aprilia rs125 at age 17?
Im 17 looking for insurance for the Aprilia rs125 but ever were i look no company's will insure me i don't know what i doing wrong but they must not like me :P can i getadvicee please thanks :)
My insurance policy quote went up?
I have 2 cars registered under my name. Because I use to have one and I gave it to my younger sister and bought a new one so I now have both under my name. She got a speeding ticket this year and also did not have her DL on her. So what happen was that they wrote the ticket under my name and put my DL number and now that shows up on my driving record and when I looked at my insurance renewal notice the quote increased. How can I get this off my record since it was not my fault?
""Bike insurance idea, would it work?""
As you know insurance for a 600cc sports bike for a 17yr old (male) is extremely high (I was quoted 9000+), however you may of heard of fronting, (putting someone with lots more experience and age as the main driver and putting me (17yr old) as a second driver) this apparently greatly reduces the insurance cost, however is a form of insurance fraud and is illegal. But I thought of a plan... You see I have my heart set on a honda cbr600rr, it is much cheaper than a 125cc bike that I would buy new only to buy another bike a few years later thus deeming the 125 useless, but what if I got the 600 and did make my dad (who is much older and more experienced) the main driver and me the 2nd, but to avoid it being fronting, he could use it when i'm not and I could force him to ride somewhere so ultimately he would have used it more so it wouldn't be illegal right? By the way he mostly goes out at night so it would not interfere with my needs.""
Where can I find salvage motorcycles directly from the insurance company?
I'm interested in purchasing cheap parts bikes directly from the insurance companies after a wreck. I am mostly interested in Harleys and I don't have any interest in these gimmicky websites where you pay a fee and there are not a lot of bikes. I've looked at ebay but these are usually bikes being sold from the person who bought it from the insurance company (ie premium). There are some public auto auctions, but these are usually only limited to dealers. But maybe that is my only choice?""
Can a health insurance company find out if you are NOT a full time student?
Is there any way that your health insurance company can or will find out if you are a full time student or not? Usually i am a full time student but this semester i have a class that is only 2 credits, therefore i have 11 credits and technically am not full time. My dad recently received a letter asking for me and him both to sign it and list the name of the school i go to etc. So my question is this, will they call and verify with the school? thanks""
How is the Mitsubishi Lancer GTS classified by most insurance companies?
I've been researching insurance quotes in preparation for buying a new (used) car, mainly for various sporty compact sedans. When I got to the 2010 Mitsu Lancer GTS, I was pretty appalled at how much higher the quote was than the others, like the Subaru Impreza and Mazda3 Sport, despite having extremely similar horsepower, speed, safety features and crash test ratings. Is it considered a sports car or something? Does it get lumped in with the uber-expensive Evo because of the word Lancer ?""
Where can I get cheap insurance for a performance car? I have tried the usual (confused.com etc etc)?
UK only please
How long after an accident can I file an insurance claim in NY?
About 2 weeks ago I slipped off an icy road, drove my van into the woods on state land. There was no property damage, this is a very rural area (as in no homes within 5 miles at least). It did take out my rear corner window, crushed my headlights and damaged my hood. I drove right out of the woods afterwards. I was going to do the repairs myself, but found out the window repair would be over $500 and for that price I might as well file a claim and get the rest fixed. My questions are: Is it too late to file a claim? Are there any legal ramifications for not reporting this accident?""
Adding a teen to the insurance with past accidents?
I take my license test exactly one week from today. I have all the insurance papers that I needed from my driving school. do I wait until I get my license to get on the insurance or can I do it now so that I'll be on there for next week? also, when I had my permit, I had two minor parking lot accidents that my dad had to take the blame for. Now that I will be on the insurance can I tell them it was me so that I will pay for the increase directly to the insurance company or should I just pay him the difference of what it is now and what it used to be each month? because I know his driving record will follow him for life. thanks in advance!""
How to get cheap car insurance?
Hi guys, i really need your a good and effectivr advice about this, please if you know something that would help post it here! Im 20 year old, have a car Peugeot 206 1.1 litre - cheap market value (1000ish). I live in London. Since 17 years old im looking for insurance - unsuccessfully. The best quote i get is 4000ish. I have no criminal record, no accidents no claims - nothing! And im fed up with so many people driving at my age and I cant- i just dont understand why exactly mine is so bloody expensive! Ive tried every variation just to see what im missing - pass plus for example only helps to the extent of 100. Its just crazy - 3 years and i still cant drive - what the hell is wrong with this - home come everyone is showing off by how cheap insurance they have and i cant get anything? Whats the secret? Ive tried every combination - me as the main driver/named driver/owner/just user etc. cheapest is 4,000!! Whats wrong with me? Anybody knows whats the trick, how to solve this issue? Thanks!""
20 yrs old and i'm wondering how much insurance would be on a 600cc motorcycle in the Orange County area.?
I took a safety course and got my lisence a few weeks ago and i'm wondering if anybody can give me a range of how much it would be. I have a clean driving record and also have another car I could put on the insurance plan. Thanks
Who should get my fathers life insurance?
My father passed away on Jan, 5th 2013. He has a paid in full policy amounting to $100k. When we figured out that my mother (his ex wife) was left the sole benifecary, we filed a claim. The insurance provider (John Hancock) denied our claim based off of a CA law that states if the claimant had been divorced, they essentialy get nothing. However, it clearly states in their dissalution of marriage, that life insurance should not be affected. My father would have wanted his children to have this...What action can I take, or should I just forget about it?""
Do South Carolina auto insurance laws require me to carry my own liability insurance when driving a rental car?
I don't currently own a car and so haven't had a need to carry my own liability auto insurance in quite awhile. Is it legal for me to drive a rental car or even a car owned by my sister who does have insurance in South Carolina? Will I have to purchase my own liability insurance to legally drive anyone else's car in South Carolina?
""Im a new G2 driver, and im thinking on getting second driver insurance on my moms car.?""
how much do u think it will add onto the insurance already?, its a 2003 ford focus""
How can get car insurance?
Let me give some more information. 20 years old, female, live in NJ and need to buy car and insurance soon. what are some companies to use? Thanks!""
Cheapest car to insure for a 18 year old?
Cheapest car to insure for a 18 year old?
So , i live in England , and my neighborhood is like really nice ! ( Houses are like 300000 pounds) , so like my car would be parked in my drive with a gate closed , and it is in insurance group 7 and it is a convertible ( renault megane ) 2006 one how much would i be paying around if i am a driver under my dads name on the insurance and i have had my license for around 6 months and i have had more lessons than needed when i took lessons?""
Do i need full coverage insurance on a car from a buy here pay here?
got horrible credit an i know alot of used car lots that will approve me. but do i need to have full coverage insurance. cant afford a car payment gas an ridiculous insurance price
""What nice, small cars have cheap insure for learner drivers?
I've looked at things like Toyota Aygos and Citroen C1's. Any other ideas?
How do I find out my car insurance rates before I get a car?
I haven't bought a car yet because a lot depends on how much insurance will be. I'm a 27 single female living in Boston, I've had a license since 18 but never drove so it expired and I recently renewed it. I don't have anything on my record. I would be the only person on the insurance. I went online but they required the make and year of your car to calculate the rates.""
Can a 17 year old get very cheap car insurance in Ireland?Anone have a good car insurance company?Thanks in ad?
Can a 17 year old get very cheap car insurance in Ireland?Anone have a good car insurance company?Thanks in ad?
Can I take out a separate insurance policy on my parents car?
My parents use Direct line as their insurance provider on their car. I looked into how much the insurance would be for me (an 18 year old female) once I pass my test which worked out quite expensive. However I looked at a few other providers and found some cheaper quotes for myself. As my parents are with Direct line can I have my own insurance with another provider for the same car? (If that makes sense) Thanks in advance.
Insurance companies?
I was 18 when i had my first years insurance. The price for myself driving was in excess of 1500 and with 3 additional drivers it went down to 950. Now that i am looking for quotes for my second year insurane policy its the other way around. For myself its 700 and with 3 additional drivers its 1100 (approx). I really cant understand the insurance companies logic. Has this happend to you, or is it just me. I find that it is strange.....""
Can you drive any car with the COOP's fully comp insurance?
if i have fully comp with the COOP does this mean i can drive other cars who drivers are fully comp too. I have had a look all it could find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf PAGE 14, 1 (iii)""
Glenside Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19038
Glenside Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19038
Can car insurance cost more if you are a different race?
So I'm watching a judge show right now and the guy was like I didn't put the insurance in my name because I'm a black male, so it would be more. I put it in her name because she is a black female. What does race have to do with anything in the statement? Is it true that insurance is more if you are a different race?""
Where can I buy cheap auto insurance or temporary auto insurance in the United States?
I know u can do it in the UK...but can't find any insurance agency in the US to do it.
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
Im planning on moving to America with my 2 children to live with my boyfriend, can anyone tell me how much health insurance costs?""
Are there any web sites that can give me a free quote on how much my monthly car insurance rates would be?
im buying a 2007 pontiac solstice today and i am wondering the insurance on it
Canceling Geico car insurance?
I've had Geico insurance on my car for the past year and I've found a much better rate elsewhere and plan to switch. I'm in Virginia. How do I go about canceling with Geico? Do I have to wait until a certain time (end of 6mos, etc) or can I do it at any time? Is there a cancellation fee? Thanks!""
How much would insurance cost for a 2010 Camaro?
My mom told me if I get a 3.0 this semester and throw in about 5,000 dollars to help then she would get me a 2010 camaro for christmas next year. She said it has to be the v6 base model. I'm 16 years old, a junior in highschool, a guy, my grades are decent, and the cars gunna be white with black stripes, not sure if that affects the price, but its gunna be automatic and my First car. I know some people think are gunna say im stupid for spending soo much on a first car but I really don't need to hear that from you. All I need to know is how much insurance is going to be since im the one paying for that with a part time job.. so what do you think is the cheapest my insurance will be?""
Insurance question (rates)?
if i get into a fender bender in a van for work will it make my insurance rate go up? the cops didnt get my insurance, only my bosses""
How can a young person get some half decent car insurance prices?
No I haven't been previously insured, you gotta start sometime! im 20 trying to get a job and i need a car no accidents/tickets cancellations I'm even married! (dont know why that is a factor though) Live in Toronto best quote I get is like $730/month!!!! (this country is INSANE) charge the young person with the 24k/year job the most, and the old people with 65k+ next to nothing!! (INSANE) and thats without tickets. I get one ticket for a rolling stop, and my insurance becomes HALF MY SALARY Someone please tell me, what can I do to lower it as much as possible (besides getting a scooter -.-) Tell me the key things making it high (eg. under 25 yrs old and so on) advice is greatly appreciated before I go nuts.""
Which car insurance company is cheap and good?
I have All State but its too expensive I am single so i have to pay $845 for 6 months
I'm confused about primary and secondary health insurance?
My daughter is on my policy, where all of the payments come out of a fund set at the beginning of the year, so if it is $1,000 that can be wiped out by one trip to the ER. Also, she ...show more""
Car insurance?
i currently have a car and am insured fully comp on this. my partner is about to purchase me a new one but as i still own the other one i'm not sure what to do about insurance. i'm tempted to take out another policy with a diffenret company for fully comp and run them both until i sell my old one. any suggestions
Anyone know of an insurance company in Alabama that covers Suboxone?
Ive been checking around and BCBS said that I wouold have to wait till after a year of coverage untill they would cover that drug for some reason, also would it be considered a pre-existing condition if I was prescribed the drug before I obtained coverage?""
""Help with cancelling my car insurance, and selling my car.?""
I have recently bought my first car and have decided that it is simply too expensive. Can someone give me advice on how to go about cancelling my insurance, taking it off the road and getting it sold. I realise that it's an offence to cancel the insurance and have the car on the road. I haven't yet received my new Registration Certificate as the registered keeper as I have had the car less than 4 weeks.""
Kit Car Insurance?
How does insurance for a kit car work? I realize you have to specially register it and so forth, but are you charged for a 1986 Ferarri, 1966 Cobra, etc, or is it based on what the engine/chasis/etc came out of?""
Anyone have experience with Medi- Cal? or some other heatlh insurance assistance in CA?
I live in California. I am afraid that I might lose my job and health insurance before I have the baby. Does anyone know anything or every been on Medi-Cal? If so how did it work? Or are there any other options in California for pregnant women with no health coverage? Any information will be helpful and thanks!
How long does it take Home owners insurance to pay?
My house had a pipe burst, a guy from the insurance company came and took pictures of everything that got damaged. My xbox 360 was sitting in water and he took a picture of it. How long will it take till I know if they are going to cover it or not?""
Im 18 years old and need insurance.. Any ideas?
I need some help.. I'm only 18 years old and living with my boyfriend. We have been together for 5 years. I have been thinking about insurance on myself lately. He has it through his parents but I don't have it at all. I cant afford to much since I only work part time and I'm also attending college as a full time student.
Do I have to make an appointment to get car insurance ??
or do i go in the car insurance building and they give me insurance that day ??
Good renters insurance/ car insurance?
i'm looking into getting a car before i move to tampa, fl in the winter. i'm on the waiting list for an apartment but i'm going to need renters insurance as well. it's my first time living on my own so i'm not exactly gonna be over flowing with cash. i'm looking for a cheep company that can cover my car insurance and renters insurance, is cheep, and will cover my 83lb dog (a non-vicious breed).""
Has anyone heard of Unitrin Direct Car Insurance. Yay or Nay?
I need to purchase car insurance right away. Their rates are pretty low. Any feedback would be appreciated.
How to pick a life insurance?
Im not even sure how to pick what should i look for in life insurance? pros cons? Any suggestions in life insurance companies? Im looking at nationwide right now just cos i seen it on tv.
Is $600/year normal price for insurance if the car is 10 years old?
My BMW Z3 is 1999 and I'm paying $600 a year for insurance in MD. Does anybody know why is it so high for such an old car? The car is now worth approximately $5000. Our other car is 2006 SUV and the insurance is cheaper. Why is that?
I looked for insurance quotes at progressive.com.?
At the end, I received a quote from Progressive and also 3 other leading competitors. I also received a quote from Progressive Direct which is lower than Progressive quote. Does anyone of you have insurance from progressive direct? What makes it different (and hence lower) than the actual Progressive quote?""
Am i paying too much for car insurance?
I am in my early 30s. A single male, no kids. I have a pretty much spotless driving record. The only ticket i have had in the past 10 years that i can think of off hand was for not using a turn signal, that was over a year ago. Other than that, nothing in around 10 years. No claims on my insurance in over 10 years either. I drive a 2001 Ford ZX2, its a compact car-for those not familiar with it , it would be similar to a Chevy Cavalier or Dodge Neon. Oh, im paying $700 every 6 months for full coverage car insurance through Nationwide. I have been with them ever since i started driving. This seems like alot. Is it? My friends tell me im overpaying, yet when i call around other places to get quotes i never find anything cheaper. In fact several places have told me to stay where im at. I dont have a problem paying it, but im just trying to find out if this sounds about right and fair as far as the price goes. Anyone out there a insurance agent?""
I am an 18 year old girl who has a mitsubishi eclipse gs no driving record what will my insurance cost?
i am a straight A student took drivers ed in high school
Glenside Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19038
Glenside Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19038
What would be the best way for me to minimise my car insurance?
Ok, before I start, I DO know that its not going to be cheap but I want to figure out the best way to get insurance. (This is in the UK by the way) Well, I turned 17 a few days, got my provisional today, and am thinking, uh oh - look at these insurance quotes. Is it a good idea to get my name added onto my parent's insurance policy? They're with Tesco car insurance. Apparently this lowers costs but is it worth it, and is there anything better? Also, do your public exam marks make any difference? I got good grades in the summer, A* in every subject, so does this help? The car is a NISSAN PRIMERA S TD 2001 1974cc Five Door Hatchback Manual Diesel. So it's not really a new car, and its silver in colour. The mileage per annum definitely won't exceed 5000 miles. Any help is appreciated, thanks.""
Im 16 and trying to get my license but my parents won't let me because of insurance costs
anyone have any ideas?? btw im not allowed to work
Cost of motercycle insurance?
when I search for this all I get is spam about how much you could save on your insurance. if it's not that then it: motorcycle gear, shows, accessories, video, ect. So I was just wondering is insurance cheaper for motorcycle than cars? Thinking about the differences; the cost of replacing the bike is less, the damage it could do it less, the injury to others is less, the injury to yourself is greater, it seems like it should be cheaper. espically considering that your health insurance will cover most of your injury costs this kind of insurance seems lower risk. But I wanna know from other bikers, is it cheaper?""
How much will my insurance be?
im 21 never had an accident i have a scion fr-s and plan on getting a yamaha r6 next month and this summer im buying a wrecked supra for a project car once everythings fixed what will my insurance cost?
Cheap car insurance for 20 year old?
im new to this im 20 getting my license in ont canada and need insurance i am very cheap will be buying a car 500-700$ and want the cheapest insurance possable il fix my own car if its possible i just want to be legal cause insurance is ridiculous ty everyone
Will insurance cover us?
i just enrolled in insurance through my work a few days ago but coverage doesnt kick in until january. my wife went to the doctor today and i found out its gonna cost 1400$ for blood test. will they cover things from the date of enrollment or the day coverage starts?
Is my life insurance cheap or expensive?
I pay $4 a week and I get $30,000 insurance and I'm 22 years old, male, is this a good or bad deal?""
When is the right time to buy life insurance?
My son is due on Valentine's Day. Should I already have life insurance, or should I wait until after I get married, which is happening on the 17th?""
Cancelling car insurance?
if i decided to cancel my car insurance and go elsewhere would i have to pay a cancellation fee? if so how much is this likely to be? im with m&s (underwritten by bisl). also will my previous ncd be void because i wont have completed this current year due to cancelling early?
What does each question on a car insurance mean and how does it increase your rate?
For example have you had insurance prior to this and what date it ends. How much you drive the car. Also I am 20 and have had insurance my prior rate was 700 for 6 months. I had two at fault accident before that insurance at 18. But only one was really at fault and I have to get proof and the other drops of my record on the 13th of August. I am trying to figure what a estimate of what my car insurance would be for a liability insurance in TX now
Cost of getting Insurance under parents car?
Hi im 17, living in Ireland and I want to get insured under my mothers car which is a 2005 skoda octavia with the 1.4 liter engine does anyone know how much it would cost because ive been saving up but not sure I have enough. also I only have a provisional license. thanks""
""Where can u get the cheapest car insurance quote on the net or by phone, or any means nessesary?""
Where can u get the cheapest car insurance quote on the net or by phone, or any means nessesary?""
""I live in California, my 7 y/o daughter does not have health insurance, healthy families...?""
is not accepting applications anymore. we are a low income family and qualify for low cost medical, that does not cover doctor visits or prescriptions, where to apply for health insurance.""
How much would car insurance be im 17?
Hello im a male and im 17 my car is a 1996 honda del sol And does insurance also depend on age,car, and area u live?""
Where can i find affordable life insurance for my 81 yr old granmother?
I live in Illinois, and I work for the UI, but im not sure if I can add my grandmother on my insurance...So Im trying to find somewhere that will take senior citizens, but something i ...show more""
Two car insurance policies?
My parents are trying to get me insured on their car which they already have a policy on but it is too expensive to put me on that. Is it legal for me to take out another insurance policy on the car in my name only?
Need a car-but how much is the insurance?
I'm 25, female and haven't even got a provisional, never had a lesson, live in salford want a car, could only afford one for 600 pound second hand, does anyone have any idea how much my insurance would be about ?""
What would be a good life insurance policy?
What is the difference between 10 and 20yr terms etc. What is the benefit of the whole life insurance? And why do those one's cost much, much more? What should the average 35yr old female enroll in. I'm looking at probably 500,000. That's way more then ten times the amount I earn in a year. Do they grow with interest? So many question's I know. But if anyone has the time to give me the basics I will appreciate it. Thank you.""
How much does insurance go up from a ticket?
got a failure to yield on a turn ticket on intermediate license first ticket wa state, I know it depends on a lot of things but I just want an idea, does it double? 10 percent? age 17 thanks""
Why do people hate Obamacare so much?
Because of this law, a lot of people are now able to get affordable health insurance. I'm one of those people. I can buy my epilepsy medication at an affordable price. Why do Republicans want to rip this away from me and go back to the way things were before? By the way, I was on my parents insurance before, but I moved out because I needed to be a man and get out on my own. Because of Obamacare, that is much more affordable now for me. Health care was a disaster before this law. What will Republicans do if they repeal Obamacare?""
17 year old girl insurance?
My dad is a mechanic and will only buy me a 1.0 for insurance and cost. I want to know how much would it cost me to insure a Citroen Saxo when i have my full liscence in 6 monts?? I was told it is also possible to be a name driver on one of my parents insurance. How much would that cost??
Im 16 and trying to get my license but my parents won't let me because of insurance costs
anyone have any ideas?? btw im not allowed to work
Teen Car Insurance after one accident?
How much would my insurance premium rise for a 17 year old boy if I get into an accident (at-fault)? A good average (+X%) answer would be good.
Dental Insurance?
Does anybody know an inexpensive yet good dental insurance in Northern CA? I am on a tight budget. The cheapest one I saw is Deltacare for $97/year but I don't know if it's any good. Help please. Thanks!
How much will a porsche 944 be in 4 years time and what will the insurance be if I'm 18?
It doesn't matter about fixing it as my uncle is a mechanic and I will be training soon.My uncle has got one now and I love it !!!
Glenside Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19038
Glenside Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19038
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