#and genocide rhetoric at people
caparrucia · 7 months
Rings my fucking bell, like a perennial fucking plague maiden:
Center harm, not disgust!
When in doubt (and when not in doubt, just swept by problems bigger than you and assured by someone that they know the answer, so don't think right now, just Do!), center harm.
Focus on what specific harm you're reducing with your actions. Make sure it's tangible and concrete. If your actions are minimizing hypothetical harm at the cost of real, tangible harm on others, 9 out 10 times you're on the wrong fucking side, being weaponized by propaganda.
If a conversation revolves around disgust as a driver for action, you're being radicalized. If a call to action depends on your emotional response, you're being manipulated. I'm sorry, this isn't the 90s anymore, social media has eroded the web of respectability of the pre internet society. The primary axis for misinformation to spread in this day and age is emotional response: half the things you believe are true and share as such are not based on fact, expert opinion or personal research. Social media has conditioned us (all of us! You and me and most dangerously of all, the idiots we put in power) that if something feels true, it probably is.
But do you know for sure it is? Do you think it's true because you have first hand experience or actual time spent on reputable sources learning it to be fact? Or just because it aligns with your worldview and it would be nice for you if it were true?
Are you taking action because you're angry and a group of fellow angry folk invited you to join them? Do you have a plan or is this just catharsis? Are you aware of the consequences of your actions or are you drunk on rage and focused only on the immediate future?
Center harm. Center specific actions and their consequences.
Discomfort is not harm. Disgust is not harm. Hypothetical paranoia is not harm.
The reactionary pipeline is real and your self-image as a progressive is not actually enough to save you from falling down the hole. Radicalization is not hinged on politics alone. Saying you're a leftist is worthless if your thought process and actions themselves are indistinguishable from qanon losers. Conspiratorial thought has literally no politics inherently, and your insistence it does is pure lack of critical thought on display.
Center harm, not feelings, not politics, not group think.
Center harm, and remember that individual actions cannot dismantle systemic structures on their own, so anyone who calls for individual action at the cost of community structures is not actually trying to change anything, and instead actively suppressing efforts to make anything better in any way.
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evansbby · 8 months
haven’t i always said that selena gomez always plays the victim??? ALWAYS???
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canichangemyblogname · 6 months
Fuck. We are in desperate need of genocide studies in the US. Because people are genuinely arguing that Nazism— and thus the white supremacy which inspired it— is an aberration of European philosophical tradition, rather than the end conclusion of “Western” ideologies.
“Nazism is uniquely evil” implies it cannot happen here and that it originally happened by freak happenstance. If you singularize the actions of the Nazis, you lose critical analysis of what ideas inspired them (see: US genocide of First Nations People) and how the Germans developed their tactics of oppression and murder (see: German genocide of the Herero and the Nama people between 1904-1908).
I believe it’s time we call this kind of rhetoric what it is: genocide denialism and Holocaust revisionism. It denies the European-created genocides before and after the Holocaust, and it rewrites the history leading up to the Holocaust to purposefully cover up the fact that it can and will happen here. Over and over and over. Such rhetoric also (purposefully) denies victims of genocides the world over solidarity with each other. To justify the destruction of Poland, Hitler asked, “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?” Would you deny the son of a Shoah survivor the right to march with Armenians? Or would you, like the German state, accuse him of de-singularizing and relativizing the Holocaust and report him to the local antisemitism commissioner?
If you treat Nazism as unlike anything else that’s ever happened or will happen, then you don’t need to worry about it and the tragedies it created happening ever again. “Never again” becomes an empty promise. This type of rhetoric gives people the opportunity to wipe their hands of any culpability in the rise and reproduction of similar systems or other genocides, and they can use this singularity rhetoric to position themselves into a moral category despite supporting similar ideas. That Nazism and the Shoah happened means it was possible and still is possible, among any people.
The “massive, systematic, and efficient nature of” Nazi oppression, brutality, atrocity and its genocidal tactics and policies is a function of modernity and “Western” Enlightenment rationality. It is not an aberration.
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ghostietea · 7 months
I think some people need to get it through their skulls that settler colonialism is an inherently genocidal system. Calling for an end to the violence but not a return of Indigenous land is simply a call for the genocide to continue in a quieter and more polite fashion.
I don't think a lot of people realize that the genocide of Indigenous people worldwide living under settler colonialism is ONGOING. You CANNOT truly see the end of a colonial genocide without an end to the colonialism. As long as Indigenous people are alive, colonizers will find a way to justify and deny genocide because the foundation of 'their' country necessitates the removal and subjugation of the Indigenous population. Indigenous survival is an act of rebellion, one you MUST believe in. You cannot give up on Indigenous people or believe that they are gone, no matter how hard colonizers try to wipe them out. You cannot trust the slander colonizers will spew about how they had to do what they did, about how Indigenous people are all savages who are coming for their women and children, or are somehow unworthy of their country. You can't trust colonizers' fearmongering about how a return of Indigenous land will result in the expulsion and death of all settlers. You CAN'T believe colonizers when they say what they're doing isn't genocide.
The playbook of settler colonialism is old, barely updated because the forces of greed and racism inherent to it have yet to be properly deconstructed. I'm seeing the same tactics used in the genocide of my people that started hundreds of years ago being broadcast live to the world and some people are STILL going along with it. Time and time again people like to 'forget' that it is plainly and explicitly to the benefit of colonizers to dehumanize the colonized so they can steal what is rightfully theirs without opposition and then lie about what they did. As long as the colonial system remains, colonizers have motivation to destroy the Indigenous population physically and culturally, they'll just get less obvious about it. Call this what it is and DON'T be satisfied until the land is returned to its rightful stewards. Palestine MUST be free, you either support decolonization or you support genocide 🇵🇸
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shinobicyrus · 3 months
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Reblog if you're a threat to humanity.
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gurorori · 4 months
haha oh no im definitely not at all disturbed by the prevalence of leftists on all platforms who are loudly 'anti-genocide' when it comes to the palestinian cause (and a couple others at best :3c) yet the only time ukraine [ʊkrɐˈjinɐ] leaves their mouths is in critique, in stark comparison to the former or in complaint about their (american) government sending aid.
at first what i saw often was pointing out the differences in western media framing [ukraine vs palestine], and that's fair (until the words and the agenda of western journalists are used to paint, as a whole, ukrainians who have been actively going through genocide as some kind of white supremacists hogging the blanket of global attention when they kinda just want to live and have the rights to their own land, culture, names and families)
but no one is even caring to do that anymore, today bitches just invent metaphorical scenarios and people to get mad at and to throw an entire ethnos away because wahhhh i decided that you care for X but not for Y!!!.... all while doing the exact thing they are condemning. the exact absolute same and they don't even hide it but do lack the self-awareness to realise
#'ohh i saw white people still go out to rally for ukraine' yeah have you considered they are ukrainian or have ukrainian loved ones or uh#simply have humanity in their heart to care about several humanitarian tragedies in the world?#this is both aimed at a post i saw on here and at SEVERAL. MANY. twitterians with a thousand palestine flags all over their accounts spewing#misinformation hate and sometimes straight up russian propaganda tactics because they're this fucking insane#i don't care about sounding nice anymore by the way. i know my heart lies in the right place and i have the capacity to care about more than#one ongoing genocide of indigenous peoples#removed incidents of bad actors having a ukrainian flag on their backpack doing hateful shit does not somehow okay dismissing a genocide you#so vehemently claim to oppose. they are not ukrainians who are getting bombed on the daily for years#i saw a very lovely 🍉🕊️ lady denying holodomor and using literal russian talking points while patting herself on the back for being such#a good person. i saw one of the most popular leftie accs on twitter be actively anti-ukraine and using slurs. luckily we mass reported them#and they're gone#i'm no longer being careful with my words because i don't want to be misconstrued. i know my values go beyond twitter and tumblr#if i catch you in any way undermining the genocide of ukrainians or only bringing it up to point fingers and bitch i am blocking you forever#don't care how far this post might go cuz of ppls questionable use of the search function. and i didn't care to censor anything#like. masks off. just block me if this is your rhetoric
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lynchiangf · 6 months
wrote and then deleted this post like 3 different times bc I can't put my thoughts about this into words as clearly as I'd like but it makes me so angry how zionists have largely "monopolized" judaism bc the narrative that all jewish people are zionists benefits them. I wish more people understood that they don't even care about jewish people on the whole. they're perfectly happy to erase the many jewish people who are and have been vocally anti-zionist. on zionist terms you can only be jewish if you agree with everything israel does, otherwise you don't exist. they're not interested in jewish people as people at all, they're interested in using them as tools to justify a nation-state's violence. and yet people still buy into the idea that israel is there for all jews. drives me up the wall
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edwardallenpoe · 1 month
the conflation of Zionism, the state of Israel, and Judaism is the worst thing on the planet, actually. Saying that supporting Palestine is antisemitism not only makes the struggle against genocide worse but it also makes the struggle against antisemitism worse! The more we conflate antizionism with antisemitism the less we will be able to spot actual antisemitism and the more we will harm the Jewish community and it is the greatest betrayal to Jewish people of all. Zionists (and 'leftists' who's hate for antisemitism is stronger than their love for jewish people and therefore inact alienation and conflation themselves) are doing a huge disservice to Jewish people (especially Jewish people who support Palestine and are being attacked by zionists and face so much antisemitism from zionists) and it's sickening.
I'm saying this as a non-jewish black person. You can SEE how much ACTUAL antisemitism is affecting the Jewish community but zionists are trying to conflate that with pro-palestinian protests and it's so frustrating.
How can zionists say that "from the river to the sea" is more colonialist than "we want '48"?
This post was inspired by an interview on MSNBC about the book "uncomfortable conversations with a jew" and seeing how they're also trying to frame antizionism and anti-Israel protests as equivalent to the civil rights protests and efforts towards freedom from the black community is sickening. This is an actual conversation to be had about antisemitism, antiblackness and intersectional activism and class solidarity between the Jewish community and the black community but the way they frame it in this lense is the biggest disservice, not just to the black and Jewish community but to every marginalized community. You CANNOT say that Israel's efforts to ethnically cleanse and genocide Palestine is the same as the African diaspora's (but specifically African American's) fight for rights and freedom, especially since the two biggest faces of the civil rights movement (Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X, who was a pan African) were for the Jewish community AND for Palestine.
please. We can be pro-palestine and support Jewish people. That is something you can do. And I ENCOURAGE it.
Zionism ≠ judaism. Israel ≠ judaism. We understand this the same way we understand that nazi ≠ German citizens and that the state of russia ≠ russian citizens.
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 8 months
I’m sorry but you can’t cry “human rights violation!!!!” when you are actively carrying out a campaign of genocide.
#sorry but it doesn’t work like that!#you can’t decry humans rights violations of a group that doesn’t even represent a majority of innocent people (by the way)…#…if you are actively carrying out a genocide under the thinly veiled guise of going after that group#Genocide which is y’know one of the greatest violations of human rights since it seeks to completely eradicate one group of people.#like there are innocent people being caught in the crosshairs on both sides#not everyone living in Israel or who is Jewish supports the Israel government’s bombings of Gaza#not every Palestinian supports Hamas or condones their brutal attacks on innocent civilians#but to try and conflate the actions of a militant group to represent the thinking of all of the citizens and be an excuse to destroy them…#…isn’t right and deserves to be held accountable#also stop acting like there is not a massive power imbalance present#Israel has the Iron Dome and their own military forces and funding from the U.S.#Hamas has missels and stock piled resources from funding from Iran#Israel controls the food water fuel and medicine access to those that have been forced to live in Gaza#they are not in any way shape or form on equal footing which doesn’t make this a ‘war’#I can’t wrap my head around the fact that one of the groups persecuted in one of the most horrifying genocides is currently conducting…#…a genocide on another group of people#the rhetoric of gov’t officials from Israel dehumanizing innocent civilians points to the fact that this isn’t about retribution#but to conduct a genocide#if you don’t think that the current actions of the Israeli government aren’t wrong and are supporting it you can unfollow and block me!#like it’s not black and white but the actions that are currently happening are not acceptable
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lith-myathar · 1 month
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makerscockandballs · 1 year
cis people stop buying into the "trans people are the real aggressors" rhetoric whenever we try to defend outselves or bring attention to something challenge (APPARENTLY IMPOSSIBLE)
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crippled-peeper · 1 year
older/middle aged and rural trans people who ask “what trans neutral means?” because they genuinely have never heard this word are not oppressing you violently and you don’t need to respond to them with violence. aren’t y’all constantly like “we have bigger battles than this intracommunity drama!!!!” with literally everything else pertaining to trans people? but it’s ok to tell older/poorer/rural trans people to fucking off themselves for only learning the terms “trans masc” and “trans fem”? that’s really weird. get away from me
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theorderofthetriad · 3 months
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anophelei · 8 months
The people unashamedly trying to take advantage of the thousands of innocent Palestinian people murdered in Israeli war crimes, twisting the knife in the back of Palestine for an opportunity to remind you that you still have to vote for Joe Biden, undoubtedly counting among the people with the most blood on their hands, have already made it clear they do not care about anyone but themselves, and have gone out of their way to prove it.
Somehow they've managed to sink even lower, and are genuinely, in all earnesty, justifying their continued support for Biden in the wake of him pledging his unconditional support of genocide, with the exact same fucking line they used almost 3 fucking years ago to pressure people into voting him into power in the first place. It was already obvious they had no intention of "Pushing Biden to the Left", that they didn't give a single shit about any of the people they were so ardently claiming to be protecting from Trump, and that they would go to the ends of the earth to justify anything and everything he could possibly do.
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And now that he's chomping at the bit about aiding and abetting Israel in raining down hell and phosphorous and napalm on innocent people, now that thousands of people have lost their loved ones to such irreverent cruelty, they've decided it's time for an important reminder; Genocide doesn't change anything, and not only do you have to get out and vote for someone complicit in every single atrocity, every single casualty, you have to do it for the same pathetic excuse we made last time, "because we can push Biden to the "left"", even though there hasn't been a single shred of progress, or even any attempt to do so in the three years since we said this last time. You could say that participation in actual, ongoing genocide, is a catastrophic failure in that metric; that we might as well have been pulling this whole fucking time; and right this very moment is the most unbelievably selfish, entitled, petulant and self interested, and abhorrent, manipulative, cruel, spiteful, bitter and fucking disgusting time anyone could have possibly chosen to say this, when people are entirely cut off from their loved ones with no way to know if they are okay, it's important to remember that you're the bad person here due to your belief that supporting genocide in any capacity is an unforgivable crime. The real crime is NOT voting in support of genocide, when the other option is Literal Fascists !!
I'm not even fucking joking, this entire thing started because this piece of shit thought a Palestinian calling people out for supporting Biden was akin to "thinking the entirety of one side is bad", which due to a complex reasoning and nuanced understanding of "this conflict", he was able to realise that was far too simplistic, and now enlightened, knew that attacking enemy toddlers was wrong. So too did he share his nuanced and complex understanding with OP, since they were understanding things too simplistically. "American politics is not that simple either"
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Just like killing babies is wrong even if they're on the enemy team, American politics is not as simple as you thinking I am disgusting and selfish for supporting genocide. #nuance
#genocide#Gaza#Palestine#joe biden#free palestine#biden thinks people will cool down come electon. biden supporters think people are stupid enough that they're just going to forget what#“we can push him to the left AFTER the election is over” looked like#it looks like genocide. it sounds like bombs you can hear from 80km away. it smells like pulverised concrete and blood.#it tastes like it smells made worse by parched throats and thirst.#i cannot even begin to imagine what it must feel like.#if you for some reason read the whole mess and are sus about the “biden may not be a fascist” etc it's half just saying that and half for#ambiguity being useful rhetorically. of course they were too oblivious to anything I'd said that they didn't even realise i hadnt said it#idk what i would categorise biden as though. the müller comparison is apt to some extent at least.#also please let me know if any of the phrasing is inappropriate ? I don't really know to what capacity “martyred” n “martyrs” are used#and idk how to use them appropriately therefore didn't use them. the same goes for anything else and i apologise for my ignorance of#Palestinian culture and language and ... in general. it's#unfortunate but I only know the occupation - the Resistance - and their histories - as things I know well. I will do my best to fix that#but for now if I may ask for your help with letting me know. Feel like a yt person for having to ask lol.#from the river to the sea palestine will be free
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rebellum · 9 months
People will straight up lie about what people are saying is transandrophobia and then other people will be like "see? Those transandrophobia truthers are EVIL" like bruh even if we WERE a hategroup it would be necessary to actually figure out what we are saying and not blindly believe what other people are saying we are saying. Please use critical thinking.
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reuna · 4 months
Ilan Pappe: 10 Myths about Israel
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