#and he fixed her dress and immediately proposed marriage! good of him!
kazz-brekker · 4 months
congrats to colin bridgerton for being the least emotionally repressed of his siblings so far by (a) declaring he had romantic feelings for his love interest in a timely manner and (b) not almost marrying someone else beforehand
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Episode 5 - The duel
Jack Dawkins x fem reader. Belle's older sister.
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Once home from stealing the ambergris Jack dropped onto his bed, he knew he should grab some sleep whilst he still had night to do so but his mind was elsewhere. Lifting his hand up he looked at the back of it, the spot where you had patted him three days ago. He was sure he could still feel the softness of your fingers, as if they had burned into his flesh. There was something about you that he couldn't put his finger on. Your sister Fanny was simple, just as every Mayfair girl was supposed to be. Belle was a rebel, utterly fixed on her end goal, but you, oh you. You were utterly proper in every way, trusted by your parents entirely. In his eyes a proper lady, yet you were unwed long after it was expected for young women. Maybe it was the distinct lack of suitable men in the colony? Jack had heard Sneed talk of you a while ago, he was sure his colleague was not good enough for you.
Jack sat up again, dropping his legs over the side of the bed. He needed to get these thoughts out of his head. There was no way he could ever be anything but a friend to you. Still, perhaps you were already too far engrained into his mind, and somewhere else. He tried to convince himself he only had a professional interest in your condition.
"You've been moping ever since Dr. Dawkins ruined our dinner. Come on. Up!" Fanny grumbled at her sister pulling the blinds up at the window and letting the sun blast through the room.
"Close them now. Immediately." Belle grumbled.
"No, there'll be none of that." She huffed. You walked into the room and sat across from Belle
"Are you feeling any better?" Fanny asked you as she perched on the edge of the sofa.
"Yes, she's completely cured. Close the curtains." Belle quipped.
"I am well, Fanny, thank you." You reply with a sweet smile.
"I have a gift to lift your spirits." Fanny turned her attention back to Belle.
"A guillotine?" You giggle.
"Better. A painting made with these very hands. It's the story of us. Our journey here, a house, a kangaroo."
"What are these?" Belle asked finally sitting up
"Tree trunks. I keep seeing these in my dreams. I'm rather drawn to them." You glance over at the painting, your lips press together to stifle the laugh.
"So, there's no story of us. Fanny, we're as much prisoners here as we were in London society." Belle said. You tap her leg with your book.
" Dr. Sneed is here for you." Your mother says, walking into the room. Fanny Jumps up instantly happy.
"No not you, for Belle."
Belle groaned.
"Sister, come on now, Rainsford is a perfectly handsome man with good intentions. I'm sure of it." You say.
"Then why didn't you marry him?" She quips back at you.
"He wishes to take her shooting." Your mother interjects.
Belle sighed and stood, "This is an endless world of bogglingly-stupid dinner parties, men boasting all night, and pretending, somehow, against all evidence, they're cleverer than us." She groans
" They are. That is why they're in positions of power." Fanny bites.
"Fine. And stay at home all day, painting hideous scenes of trees."
"Belle!" You raise your voice at her
Lady Jane rushes to Fanny's side, "I'm sure she didn't mean to say those things, Fanny. She's not well, darling." You laugh.
"Would you draw the curtains, please?" Fanny says falling back on the lounge sofa.
You shake your book and head back to your room, it was cooler in there than the parlour and you were surrounded by your most favourite things.
Walking in you feel that pinch once more in your chest. Dizziness starts to take over your brain so you rush to pull your dress and corset from your body before lying down on your bed. These episodes were coming much more frequently these days.
An hour or so passed when Belle slammed into your room, rousing you from the sleep you had taken in your armchair.
"Marriage, he has proposed marriage!" She huffed.
"Well, you could do a lot worse. He has that money coming to him, I'm sure you could convince him to stay here if you wished it." You say.
Belle sat on the edge of your bed, curling her legs below her.
"But he is just so-" she screws up her face, "he gave me nutmeg instead of a ring."
"Belle, my sweet sister, he is a man, you can rule him and get whatever you want." You remind her and she grins at you before leaving again.
You rest your head back and look out at the gardens. "Y/n sweetheart," your mother walks in moments later and you sigh.
"Yes mother."
"You have been spending time at the hospital with your sister? What do you both do there?" She asks.
"we fold bandages and read to the patient's mother. Belle is never left alone with any of the doctors, though it seems Sneed has taken note of her. She may be married in months and you'll have only one disappointment for a child." You say.
"I wish only for you to marry, so you might have the joy of running your own home."
"And now I have the privilege of marrying a man who loves me and not worrying about our stations." You say and turn away from her. With a huff she leaves you.
Alone at last you read your book as the sun reaches it's highest point and slowly drifts down again. A beam of late afternoon sun makes your room glow. You weren't sure when day turned to night but the sun had gone making way for the moon to shine in its wake.
Your attention is caught by Fanny bringing in a silver tray and placing it on your table.
"Are you feeling any better?"
"I'm not hungry, Fanny." You say not turning away from your book.
"Look, I've drawn you a picture." She shows you the painting with more porngraphic trees.
"Thank you. I will eat it cold." You offer to her. Seemingly satisfied with your answer she leaves once more. Just as the door closes you hear the creak of your balcony door opening.
"Hello." Jack said now standing in your bedroom.
" Have you completely lost all sense?" You ask standing from your chair.
Jack realises that you are in your night dress and has to stop himself from looking at you.
" Quite possibly."
"You should not be here, if you are found you'll be flogged, Please go." You keep looking to your door.
"Do you know about Strabismus surgery?" He asks.
"what? My sister would know better." You remind him.
"You don't know what it is?" He takes a step closer to you.
" It's the realignment of the eye." You announce.
" See? I knew you'd know. Would you happen to have some medical textbook that might..."
"Yes. Stay here. Actually, no. Come, I've got valuable items in here." You joke.
" You gonna eat this soup?" Jack picks up the bowl and spoon.
"No, apparently not." You laugh.
"What's that you're holding?" Jack looks at the painting.
"Apparently, a tree. This way." He gives you a knowing grin, raising one eyebrow. "Fanny needs to be married."
Jack enjoys the sound of your giggles. You show him down to our father's library happy that your parents were out for the evening. Jack follows watching you move so freely through the house. He couldn't stop himself from looking at the shape of your body as you reached up to check through the medical books.
"Ah, here we go." You flip open the book and start reading. "It was first performed in the 1830s by John Homer Dix. The surgeon needs only three instruments, a fine hook to elevate the conjunctiva, a bent probe to isolate the tendon, and scissors for opening up the conjunctiva."
"Pictures. I need pictures." Jack asks.
"Yes. Here." You turn the page and jump down to meet him att he desk, Jack slides closer to your shoulder to look at the pages.
"It is so dangerous." You whisper,
" Yeah, but you love that, don't you?" He smiles cockily. The look in his eyes catches your breath and you have to refocus your attention.
"Can you do it?"
"Yes. Maybe." You both look back at the book. Your eyes flick up to him.
"It's important for both of us that we clear the air about what transpired." You begin, "there were words between my sister and yourself, but that is not my concern."
"It is not?" He asks, face far too close to yours.
"Jack, you should know that I would be happy to read any word you may need." You hope he understands what you're trying to say.
"y/n, should it be in your voice I would listen to all the words written in the world." He whispers back to you.
" Doctor Dawkins," Belle stood in the door way, causing you both to jump back from each other, "I admit that I said things in that moment that I now regret. And I'm equally sure that you said things that now, in the cold light of day, you wish were..."
"What on earth is all the racket down there?" Fanny's voice cuts Belle off. You both step out into the hall, leaving Jack in the library.
"Are you feeling any better, sister?" Fanny asks seeing you.
"Yes, fine, much better."
"See, you eat, and you are well again. You've had eight turns this past month. I do count them." She calls down. Belle glances to you.
"I am fine, Fanny, Go to bed, sister." She turns and wanders away, "right we need to dress, Jack wait for us by the road." You order everyone.
"what is that awful smell?" You say walking into the hospital.
"Fagin." Jack replies too quickly.
"It smells like ambergris." You say.
"Like what?" He veins ignorance though in his mind he is impressed by your knowledge.
"Will you wait?" Belle stops you both. "Are you going to apologise to me or not?"
"No. What for?" He glanced between you both.
"For the way you spoke to me."
" I was hurt. And I'm sorry if I spoke to you abruptly." Jack replied. You gesture to Belle to go on to the theatre room and turn to Jack.
"I don't know how to talk to women. I've never really had to." He admits to you.
" I am similarly rarely interested in anything a man has to say. And she forgives you."
" Good. Though it isn't hers I long for." He steps closer to you. "Don't invite me to any more stupid dinner parties. Your lot will never accept me."
"Why would you want them to accept you? You have no idea how boring we all are." Your voice is barely a whisper.
"Not all of you."
You feel his breath on your face and your mind whirls with wants you had never had before. Hatty clears her throat behind him and you both follow her into the room. You stand to the side and watch Jack and your sister work, occasionally speaking the words from the medical journal when needed.
At last the navigator is placed in the ward, a bandage across his eye. You turn to Jack,
"Do you think it worked?" You ask him.
"We won't know until we remove the bandages." He sighs.
"Belle go home, I'll be along shortly." You say to your sister, she nods and leaves. You follow Jack back the operating theatre to help him clean away the equipment.
"At Government House, I heard your sister say that this was your eighth attack. What did she mean by that?" He asks, you can see in the strained raise of chest that he had been wanting to ask for some time.
"She imagines things." You try to push away the question.
"y/n?" He tries again.
"What the navigator said, did that sound true for you?" You deflect his questions. He sighs but indulgies you.
"It was the greatest day of my life when I got promoted to sublieutenant. They gave me my own bed. I'd never had my own bed before. And my own room." The two of you sat down against the wall, shoulders touching.
"Must be wonderful to be at sea. Travel the world." You look into his eyes.
" It was. It was the best and the worst of times. I saw all kinds of things I didn't even think were possible. Wild animals and festivals. In Hong Kong, I saw this giant paper dragon with fifty people under it and as they moved, this dragon appeared to dance and breathe fire. It was quite amazing." When he finished talking he looked back to you and saw your eyes had closed, your breathing evened out. He sat beside you, arms resting on his knees and just looked at you. The thought of seeing you this way each night, being this close to you, if not closer danced around his mind. The scent of your soap drifting into his nose pulled him closer to you. Knowing this would likely be the closest he would ever be with you Jack settled himself back, bending his towards yours and closing his eyes.
"Lady y/n" Sneed's voice shook you both awake, you lift your head from Jack's shoulder. "I can scarce believe my eyes. I insist you return to Government House immediately and we will discuss this later." He shouts. You laugh
"If you wish to stay in your current role, Sneed you will not speak to me again." You point at him before storming from the room.
Having returned home you sit in the parlour with Belle and your parents. Gaines is talking over city ordinance and you are purposely ignoring them.
"The most exciting news. There is to be a duel in town." Fanny shouts excitedly as she came running in.
" Don't be silly, duels are illegal." Belle replies. "Not necessarily." Your father says absentmindedly.
"I rather think it might be over moi. It does eliminate one possible suitor, but what does one wear to a duel? Black is foreshadowing, but green?" Fanny muses
" Who is involved?" You ask.
"Sneed and Dawkins." She claps her hands. You and Belle look at each other and stand, immediately running to town. Belle went after Sneed who was walking down the street whilst you ran into the hospital. You shove open the theatre door where Jack is fiddling with a sword and Fagin talks to him.
"You idiot! You absolute dunderhead!" You shout, chest rising heavily below your corset.
"At last! Someone who sees what I see." Fagin laughs.
" What were you thinking?" You ask angrily. If he wasn't so angry at Sneed and frightened about the duel he might have been impressed by you.
"I am tired of being treated like some mangy dog." Jack bites at you.
"You are not a mangy dog." You lower your voice, "And he is an idiot for treating you like one. Apologise and withdraw. Please." You hold his free hand in hopes it would drive the thought into his mind.
"And bow down to his arrogance? No. And I'm not going to kill him, I will barely scratch the pompous git. Don't worry, I spent ten years in the Navy. I am a master with the sword." His arrogance grates you.
"Good. Because it is pistols, pistols at dawn. And he is a master shot." You say getting too close to him.
Fagin slips from the room.
"are you a good shot?" You ask.
Jack tilts his head to one side and lifts his shoulders in a shrug. "Well, I know which way to point it."
"You had best learn, swiftly. Or please withdraw." You ask again.
"Y/n, I can't-" you don't let him finish his sentence. Instead you storm out meeting Belle by the carriage.
"Any luck?" She asks and you shake your head.
"I might have one more idea" you say.
"Cease this immediately!" Your father bellows over the morning wind. Just in time to stop the two doctors from firing their pistols. "I'm told, rather unsportingly, that this town cannot survive without its two surgeons. Lower your weapons." He eyes you and Belle pointedly. "Now, the rules are very clear. In circumstances such as these, the seconds must assume their place." He finishes. You roll your eyes.
The men argue amongst themselves with all but your father and priest trying to stop it all. Finally they decided to continue. Fagin and Smales are given the pistols. You move yourself beside Jack as they take their ten steps. Your hand gripped his as the shot is fired. Neither man is hurt and you feel your breath come back to you. A voice cries out and you all realised Sneed had been hit in the leg.
He is rushed to the hospital and placed on the operating table. The morning crowd had already gathered in the stands and the Prof had downed his apron.
"What we have here, is a man injured in his quest for honour. He is also my Head Surgeon and will replace me in the future," he Sighs, "For this reason, it requires the steadiest of hands, as I attempt the very dangerous procedure of amputating his leg, a foot above the knee. Now, if you'll just bite down on this." A roll of leather is placed in Sneed's mouth but he spits it out, grabbing Jack's arm.
"Help me."
"Half an hour ago, you wanted to kill me. This does beg the question, "What would you do in my position?" Jack raised his eyebrows.
"I will give you your job back. I guarantee it. Just please, don't let him amputate." He begged. Jack looked back at Belle who discreetly poured the either onto a cloth.
"Yes. Here, Prof, let me wipe your brow." She starts dabbing at his face before pressing the cloth to the Prof's nose and mouth. He keeps over.
" Apologies, gentlemen, there will be no show today. As you can see, the professor is overcome with emotion." Jack explains to the men.
"Later today, we'll be amputating Spencer Shaw's arm, which will be more exciting. Come back for that." Hetty added.
" Now, I assume you will be maintaining your strong stance against anaesthetic?" Jack laughs.
" Give it to me, damn you." Snned growls.
"Thank you, Hetty, I won't need you on this one. You can tend to the professor." Jack calls back to the nurse. She steps up to him.
"Three trained professionals are in this room. One is the patient, the other is me. And one is a complete fool."
"Yes. Quite possibly." He agrees, glancing over to you and Belle. "I'm sorry, I can't remember. Which leg am I cutting off again?" He says to his colleague on the table.
" Surely, you're not removing his leg." Belle asks
" No. Just removing bullet, unfortunately."
" If it was me, I'd be shaving off his eyebrow." You say from the side of the room. Jack meets your eyes, scalpel in hand ready to operate. A new thought enters his mind and he hands it across to Belle, "You make the first incision." He says and walks toward you. Every step is calculated and he reaches you swiftly pulling you in by the waist, one hand cupping your jaw. Your breath catches as he presses his lips to yours. Belle shakes her head and begins the operation
Episode six
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alphinias · 2 years
I watched TSITP in one sitting and immediately devoured the first book (about to start the second one).
I can totally see now why people were saying the show was even better than the book which took me by surprise 'cause that's a bold statement I had never heard in my life before.
They fixed a lot of things in the series that were probably ok in 2009 when the books first came out but wouldn't stand a chance today, especially if the target audience is young women in 2022.
13 years isn't THAT much but sure things have moved and progressed fast in the last decade, so many nuances of the story would have been slaughtered if they sticked to the book step by step. I'm glad they smoothed Conrad's character and watered down some of the possessive ways he acted and same for Belly being 10 times more "I act for myself first" and less obsessed over him. Watching the show I'm 100% team Conrad but I'm not gonna lie a lot of moments reading the book I was like "mmmmh boy, no" (for example when he kept grabbing her by the arm at the bonfire dragging her away from Cam or how forbidding some of his statements sounded) and they sure fixed it in the script, show Conrad is definitely jealous but not possessive. Same thing goes for a lot of the female characters like Taylor and Nicole, in the books it's almost like Belly projects her insecurities despising other girls, none of her relationships with other girls her age seemed to matter or to be real and I'm glad in the show they actually said "no, this isn't happening 'cause in real life girls don't go around catfighting 24\7. They maybe won't be the best of pals but they'll be cool and respectful with each other" which added A LOT to Belly as character. I love how they also toned down a little the bitterness between Jeremiah and Conrad, it is definitely there on screen but it isn't as snappish as in the book (like Jeremiah showing off is new body to Belly and Conrad calling him out at the dinner table).
Overall they tried to make everything a little more healthy and easy for the people following the story to like the characters and empathize with them, I feel like in the show you can easily struggle with "it's so hard to pick a side 'cause I love them all, they're all great" while with the books you can easily think "it's so hard to pick a side 'cause they're all messy" (not gonna lie borderline toxic, ALL of them). With the show you pick your favorite, with the book you pick who you despise less.
This makes me hopeful about the next seasons, I yet have to read the next two books but I roughly know what's gonna happen in the story since it's been impossible to avoid spoilers and I have this belief they won't go there with the marriage proposal, it's too much and it probably would divert the audience from the empathy towards both ships and they'll probably scratch that replacing it with another big deal but not as drastic (maybe moving in together) 'cause considering how much of a big deal the ball was in the show and her already having to choose between one of the two brothers but not at all in the book I have the feeling they kind of used it as symbolism for the wedding storyline (I picked Jeremiah, I'm there in the white dress with him but SYKE it's Conrad in the end always been him) and letting it happen now while they're all teen and it's not so serious, I don't know maybe that's just my wishful thinking but I can see them fixing this as well and making it more acceptable.
Never thought I'd be saying these words in my life but so far season 1 vs. book 1? The score is Book 0 - TV show 1.
Like I’ve said, it’s been years and years since I read the books, but yeah. Definitely thought a lot of it would have aged poorly from what I do remember. It’s definitely a product of its time.
Hats off to Jenny Han and everyone who worked on the show, truly. They improved all the areas that needed it and made the good things as good or even better.
I am also hopeful than they will translate some of what’s coming better after what they changed in S1.
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allystyles1 · 3 years
the day that ruined everything-Loki Laufeyson x reader (daisy series-part 5)
Hi people! Again, i'm sorry for making you wait too long, i just couldn't finish this. Get ready for the angst😁 Have fun reading!
my main masterlist is here!
series masterlist is here!
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Loki woke up to the sound of his door closing and opened his eyes.
"Yes, it's me. Don't worry." she whispered.
"Why are you-" he stopped talking when he realised you in his arms. Of course, you had fell asleep in his room yesterday and he didn't want to wake you.
"Wake her up after i leave, softly." Frigga smiled. "Did something happen?"
"No, we uh, we came to my room because she was frustrated with her mother and said she wanted to leave the party. Then she fell asleep while hugging me, i didn't want to wake her up. She seemed too peaceful." Loki smiled.
"Okay, tell her you both need to come to your father's room. Have a few minutes with her if you'd like before that." That was the least Frigga could do. She couldn't build up the courage to tell them what they had was going to be ruined in less than 30 minutes.
"Okay, sure. I'll see you there." Frigga nodded and left the room as quietly as possible. Loki still didn't want to wake you up, you seemed so calm, so relaxed, so happy. Your make up was obviously a little ruined but that didn't changed how beautiful you looked. Your arms were still around his body holding tightly.
"y/n, can you wake up?" Loki asked while kindly touching your shoulder. You mumbled something he didn't understand but didn't open your eyes.
"Darling come on." Loki ran his hand in your hair causing you to pull your arms back from his body and opening your eyes.
"Good morning." he smiled.
"Morning, why am i still here? My parents will kill me-"
"Don't worry, we'll find an excuse." You turned to him and saw the make up on his shirt.
"Oh i'm so sorry, i ruined your clothes. I'm sure i look horrible right now." you hid your face with your hands and he chuckled.
"It's okay, besides you don't look horrible at all. I don't know how but you somehow manage to look pretty any way." he pulled your hands back from your face and kissed the back of your hands making you bit your lip, trying to hide a smile.
"How did you sleep?"
"Nice." you answered, you couldn't think of a better word to describe it.
"That's good. Uh, mother told me to go to father's room with you, just fix whatever you need to in the bathroom. You know where everything is." he smiled and you nodded before getting up. You washed your face and dried it with a towel before using the bathroom. You straightened your dress with your hands and got out.
"We can go, unless you need to do something." It felt weird talking to him after sleeping in his arms all night. You wanted to talk about it but since he didn't say anything about it you kept your mouth closed.
"Okay, let's go." he got up from the bed and opened the door for you. You walked to the king's room without saying a word to each other. You weren't expecting to see both your and his parents, plus Thor there.
"Where were you all night? We were worried about you!" your mother pulled you away from Loki the second she saw you and started questioning.
"I fell asleep here, sorry mom."
"Sorry doesn't do it, we'll have a proper talk when we get home after this." she said angrily.
"Okay, what is this anyway?" you asked turning around to look at the king and the queen.
"I don't have any way to say this any different so i will come straight to the point, y/n, as you know Thor will be the new king in a while." Odin spoke. You nodded and he sighed.
"Well, since you have known each other since you were so little and get along so well, we decided you will rule with him, as his queen." You gasped, that was not what you were expecting.
"You decided?" you asked.
"Yes, it is clear you are made for each other and we wouldn't want anyone else to rule our country with our son." Odin spoke, his words felt like he cared nothing about your opinion.
"What if i don't think that? What if i don't want that?" you asked and your mother slapped your arm.
"y/n, what kind of words are those? Have some respect, it is the king you are talking to! I'm sorry my king-" your mother spoke but you interrupted her words.
"You can be sure i'm not sorry, did any of you think of asking me first? At least did Thor know about this?" you looked at the golden haired prince and noticed the smile in his face just then.
"Of course he did, but no one thought of telling y/n about it!" you shouted and your mother talked again.
"Well we are telling you now, aren't we? Thor will propose tomorrow at dinner, right?" she looked at Thor and he nodded. Yes, you would expect your parents and Odin to do this kind of thing but Frigga and Thor? The person you saw as your second mother and your best friend? No, you wouldn't believe they could even think of such thing.
"Well then i will not say yes! I don't care what you have planned, this is my life!" you shouted and ran from the room. Your parents called your name but you didn't listen and kept running until you found an empty space in the garden. This was all a dream, a nightmare.
"y/n, what happened?" you heard Sif ask behind you.
"Oh thankfully you're here. Please pinch me Sif so i can wake up." you turned to her.
"I can assure you you're awake, why are you crying?" she hugged you and you just cried like that for a few minutes until your breath turned a little more normal.
"Sif they have this plan. Odin and my parents. They-they want me to marry Thor and rule with him." you explained and she pulled her body back immediately.
"Yes, of course i said no, because i don't love him and i know you do but how can they decide on something very important about my life without me?" you sniffed and she shook her head in disbelief.
"No, they can't have said that, y/n they saw me and Thor together at the party we were so happy, we danced and drank together and.. They can't. You must have misheard something."
"Sif i know that, they saw me with Loki too."
"No, no. You misheard it. No." she just continued denying it.
"No Sif, i didn't! It was pretty clear when they told me "Thor and i were clearly made for each other" okay?" you shouted at her without meaning to.
"Do not shout at me!" a tear escaped her eye and her whole body was shaking.
"I'm sorry, i-"
"No, i don't want to talk to you right now. Don't." she turned around and started to walk away.
"Sif!" you tried to hold her arm but she pulled it away from you.
"I said i don't want to talk to you! Leave me alone!" she left, now completely crying. You collapsed on the grass and stared at the way she had just left from.
"y/n?" you heard Frigga's voice but didn't answer.
"My child, please-"
"Do not decide to be kind at me now! I am not your child! I trusted you, i opened my heart to you, i told you i loved Loki and you went and arranged our marriage with Thor? What a motherly act, Frigga." you shouted and she stopped, waiting for you to finish.
"y/n, if you know me at all you will know i would never do that, and i didn't. I tried to talk to your parents and Odin about it but they were so determined to do this. I am so sorry, but please do not blame me, you know i don't have any part in it." she sat down next to you and you dried your cheeks with your dress.
"I'm sorry, i know, i know you don't. Sif is angry with me and i can't even think how much Loki hates me right now. I slept in his arms last night and the next day this?"
"He could never hate you y/n, i'm sure he'll understand you didn't know anything about it. Anyone can see how much you love him." she rubbed your back and you hugged her, trying to find comfort in her.
"Try to calm down a little bit, okay? We'll talk to your parents together in a bit. I promise i'll do everything in my power to not let this happen to you."
"Thanks mom." You didn't even meant to say it, you had never called her that before even though everyone knew you saw her like your mother, maybe even more than your actual one.
"Calm down my child, i promise we'll fix this." A few tears escaped Frigga's own eyes too at your words, she knew she had to help you.
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
For Honor [Samurai!Yamada Ichiro/Reader] - Chapter 6
The silence is painful.
You can’t help but feel used, the romance having burned up so shortly after you’d gotten what you wanted. You expected more from someone like him, from someone you thought you had known though it was probably your naivety speaking now. You shouldn’t have made assumptions about a man that you had hardly known a week and you shouldn’t have pushed him to do something he was clearly having doubts about, no matter how enthusiastic he seemed in the moment. You’re left alone in the back to ponder your thoughts, only getting a word out of Ichiro when he asks if you’re hungry or if you need to stop to stretch your legs.
You just want this trip over with.
The castle loomed in the distance and though your journey had taken a turn, you almost wished you were back in the woods again. The future that was practically decided for you was now within reach when it had felt thousands of miles away just this morning. There’s a sinking feeling in your gut but you swallowed back your worry and instead presented yourself as you knew you should, standing tall and proud as you approached the royal family of this region with your chin held high. Pleasantries are exchanged while Ichiro stood off to the side to allow you some room, your eyes meeting his for a split second before you both whipped your heads in another direction. Thankfully this little action isn’t caught as the Queen is far too happy to see you, pointing you towards a room where you could change before officially meeting the prince.
You’re attended to by the lady-in-waiting who thankfully doesn’t force conversation, wiping the dirt from skin and helping you into a dress perfectly suited for you. She gave you a few compliments in an attempt to brighten your mood and things felt almost normal again, like your priorities hadn’t taken a total turn while out in the wilderness with a wild samurai. You almost wished you could tell this stranger about your journey but it was too dangerous, Ichiro might be acting like a bastard now but you’d never do something to endanger him and his brothers. Before she left the room she said to take a few more moments for yourself, giving an understanding smile before she exited.
You’re thankful to finally be alone with your thoughts yet at the same time having others around distracted you from the pain of a one-sided love. You had a difficult time falling asleep the night before with how coldly Ichiro had treated you, and the fact he woke up the very next morning acting as though nothing had happened… It set you on edge. You had never met a man like him and you had been smitten so quickly perhaps you hadn’t gotten a full sense of the reality of his situation.
You knew as well as he did that there truly wasn’t a chance, no way for this to work in your favor.
You took another deep breath, hoping the prince wasn’t a total bastard and that your marriage to him would be merciful. When you finally had your wedding night with him would he be gentle? Would he know what to do? Would he guide his hands along your body with such precision you would think he was made for making love with you? It felt wrong to think of Ichiro when you were going out to meet your husband but you supposed this was just the beginning of the challenges you’d face as royalty, being bound by duty rather than getting to live a free life.
Ichiro stood off to the side as he watched you exit the room, his duty still wasn’t over until he saw you home safely and if anything happened here under his careful watch… He didn’t want to think of the repercussions. You looked so beautiful in your new gown but then again, he thought you’d looked beautiful in anything, even a potato sack though he’s sure you’d never consider fitting in one just so he could double-check. He bit his tongue to stop himself from addressing you, knowing it would seem too casual and that there were listening ears everywhere now. He gave a slight bow and then followed behind you as you were led to a more open room, where the prince was waiting with bated breath.
Well, Ichiro thought he should be but he was rather unimpressed by the overall demeanor of this so-called royalty. He didn’t graciously kiss your hand or have a sparkle in his eye when he first saw you, instead he approached like you were any other person off the street and greeted you almost normally. You wouldn’t think this was a meeting between two people soon to be betrothed and there was lingering confusion on your part as well, a careful glance back at Ichiro for reassurance that this was indeed an odd situation
“My prince it’s-“
“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you. Just call me Samatoki if we’re gonna be doing this.” You’re even more confused, head tilted but you nodded; he was certainly unlike any other prince you met before, that was for sure. You’re fascinated by him almost immediately, wondering if this was just a test and they’d switched out the prince with some street urchin to test you. “I don’t like this at all. I want you to know that.”
“Uh, I’m… I’m sorry? Is there something I’ve done?”
“Get out.” You think he’s talking to you at first but he’s glaring at the guards at the entrance of the room, who looked rather wary but quickly ducked their heads and fled as Samatoki’s glare intensified. When his eyes trailed to Ichiro there was a moment of panic, suddenly feeling exposed and all too aware that you’d be completely at this man’s mercy should you be stuck alone with him. You gave Ichiro a pleading look and, despite the awkwardness between you, it was clear he still took his job seriously.
“I’m not going anywhere.” Ichiro’s voice is steady and calm, his arms crossed over his chest as he fixed the prince with a steady glare. “Anything you say to her can be said to me.”
“And what if I don’t want to fuckin’ talk to you?” Ichiro seemed taken aback by the curse, his wide eyes cluing you in that he hadn’t been aware of the prince’s unsavory personality. “Get lost, or I can have you thrown in the dungeons so you really can’t guard your sweet little princess.”
Ichiro seemed at a loss but you’d rather not have your only protection thrown somewhere unreachable, so you put your brave face on and address him yourself.
“Could you just…wait outside the door, please? I’ll scream if anything happens.” Ichiro wondered if that was really okay with you but he nodded, not willing to show you the same disrespect the prince had been. It was making his blood boil to think you’d be marrying someone so blatantly disrespectful but then again, he had violated you, stolen your virginity and that made him even guiltier of this crime.
“You think I’d give you a chance to do that?” Samatoki is smirking, and you rolled your eyes at the childish retort that was clearly meant just to get under Ichiro’s skin.
“As you can see the prince is nothing but a petulant child. I’ll be okay.”
Once you were alone, you felt the obligation to be proper slip away.
“What exactly is your problem?” You started off the conversation, cutting Samatoki off before he could get another word in. He regarded you with a raised eyebrow, allowing you to continue on. “I traveled for days in the most uncomfortable way possible to come here, to meet a prince who was worthy of marrying, and I’m met with a rude oaf who can’t even properly greet a lady? I’m not happy about this arrangement either but at least I know how to fake it!”
“You think I haven’t faked it my whole life? Think you’re the only one who’s ever struggled?” Samatoki shrugged his shoulders, turning away from you to look out a window that led to a garden area. You walked closer to see what he was staring at, noticing that the princess, his younger sister if you heard correctly, was outside with the same lady-in-waiting who had helped you get ready to meet him. You can’t tell which one of them he’s looking at but as soon as you open your mouth to ask Samatoki held his hand up.
“What is it?”
“Do you think you could fake being married to me for your entire life? Do you think that would make either one of us happy?” He’s regarding you with a serious expression. “Don’t bother answering now, I want you to really think about it. I’ve rebelled against my parents my entire life and don’t think I’ll stop now, but this is the last thing I want.”
“Are you one of those true romantics? The type that believes marriage should be between two people in love rather than arranged for the sake of money or territory?”
“And if I am?”
“I’d say you weren’t really the type.”
“That’s the thing then, isn’t it? You don’t know me.” Samatoki started to mess with his belt, a dagger safely harnessed to the side of his thigh. You were fascinated about why he would be carrying such a thing around but he seemed unwilling to answer your questions, at least for now, more focused on debating philosophical views that wouldn’t do either of you any good. “I’m willing to tell my parents it won’t work out.”
“You’ve hardly known me a day and you’ve already decided that?”
“It has nothing to do with you. I’m sure you’re a fine…princess.” He’s staring longingly outside again, such a vulnerable expression you wonder if he realized he was even making it. It was clear he wanted to be anywhere but here, anywhere but confined by the walls of a castle, bound to a royal duty he hadn’t asked for.
You felt a kinship with the prince, even if it wasn’t the romantic spark that had been hoped for.
“Shouldn’t we at least… Attempt a connection? I have no problem denying this proposal as well but to keep our parents on good terms I feel as though we should… pretend to get along?”
“I’ll take the blame when this heads south, you won’t have to worry about that. You’ll just have to figure out a plan on how to deal with the suitor who gets thrown your way.” You hated the truth behind his words but knew the reality was the same for him; even if you both found someone you loved, if they didn’t hold the proper title there would be no point. You wouldn’t be able to be together.
“I think I like talking to you, at least.”
Samatoki seemed baffled by that statement, but the grin on his face told you that your honesty was appreciated.
“You’re not half bad, either. Could be snootier, I’ve met plenty of uptight women in my life… Have you ever handled a blade?”
“Yes, actually.” In a very controlled environment, but still.
“Interesting. Come then, show me your skills. If we’re going to pretend, we might as well have some fun with how we spend our time together.”
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txemrn · 3 years
For the simping softness prompt...
Sam & Brynn - " hey, everything's gonna be fine. stay where you are, i'm on my way. "
Hey, Nestle! Thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy this, and I hope you enjoy a fluffier Sam Dalton (for a change)! 🥰❤
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Book: TNA
Warning: language; fluffy
A/N: Huge thank you to sweet @kat-tia801 for pre-reading this and helping me in my headspace with that darn moodboard! 🤣
Sipping hypnotically on her early morning espresso, a well-dressed Brynn stoically sits at the marble breakfast bar. Her normally careless, wavy almond tresses are neatly styled and pinned into a low, tasteful bun, exposing the pure white brilliance of her vintage Tiffany pearl earrings, courtesy of her future in-laws for accepting their son’s proposal to join the family. Her make-up is fixed modestly, her lips adorning her perfect shade of mauve, complimenting the ripples of blue and gray in her sparkling eyes. Her pressed midi eyelet dress is designed for women of status, easily paired with her nude, red-bottom heels.
And Brynn has never felt more uncomfortable.
Even though Sam asked for Brynn’s hand in marriage shortly after the new year, the couple agreed to announce their engagement intimately last month to their families. They knew the news would not come as a huge shock, but Sam had cautioned his young fiancée that wedding and party planning is a long-standing tradition amongst the Dalton family women, and it would begin the moment they knew a date had been set. Though she heard his warning, Brynn was not prepared for the onslaught of opinions, decisions being made without her approval, and more importantly, the disregard to her budget.
“Babe, we just spent $12,000. On a fucking cake--” nervously cried Brynn on Monday evening. Sam took the early morning off for wedding cake tasting, but left his bride-to-be with Vivian, his mother, and two of his cousins, Brigitte and Katarina, to talk design as he returned to the office
“Sweetie,” Sam kissed her gingerly, “don’t worry about the price.” He lovingly pressed his lips again to her mouth, this time embracing her comfortingly. “I got it--” Brynn forced a smile, nodding her head dutifully, but the price tag burdened her.
This is not me.
Today, Sam’s cousin Daphne, an apprentice for the designers at Alexander McQueen, has scheduled a fitting with a private collection from a recent trunk show of wedding dresses. Brynn already has her heart set on a dress she saw with Jenny and her mom back in Philly, but as to not rock the boat, Brynn agreed to look at dresses with the Daltons this morning.
A smooth, deep voice startles her from her thoughts as Sam wraps his arms around Brynn’s waist. “I almost didn’t recognize you.”
That makes two of us.
Brynn bats her eyelashes. “Do I look like a Dalton?”
“Even better,” he peppers her neck with kisses, “you look similar to the gorgeous woman that agreed to marry me.” A natural smile takes over Brynn as she spins around in her stool to face Sam. She delicately slides her hands around his neck, pulling him into a more intentional, hungrier kiss. Sam pulls away first, tracing the back of his fingers across her soft cheeks. “Ready for another day with the fam?”
“Ready or not,” Brynn sardonically chuckles.
Sam kisses the tip of her nose. “Now, aren’t you missing something?” Brynn furrows her eyebrows, giving Sam a curious look until he pulls his other hand into view. On his pinky finger resting on his first knuckle is the 2.4 carat Graff emerald-cut engagement ring he had given her. “Do I need to superglue this on or what?”
Brynn nervously giggles. “I’m sorry, babe, I just--”she titters, “--you know, I’m just not used to this--”
And the five-digit price tag…
Sam raises an eyebrow, offering his hand with his palm facing up. Brynn’s eyes meet his dreamy, chocolate gaze as her hand easily melts into his. With his eyes not leaving her stormy blues, he glides the diamond on her finger. The perfect fit. He kisses her knuckles before kissing her lips again.
“You better get going, babe.” Resting his hands on Brynn’s hips, Sam helps her off the high-top chair. “Hey,” he leans over, suckling briefly on the crook of her neck and shoulder before brushing his lips against the shell of her ear. “This is all about us. Just you and me.” He offers a crooked smile, squeezing tightly to her hand. “Remember to have fun.”
Brynn nods, her anxiety beginning to melt away.
That’s right. You and me.
“I love you, baby.”
“I love you, too, beautiful.”
Flipping through notecards for his marketing presentation for the Cromwell account, Sam shakes his watch down his arm. 9:52 AM. He smirks, knowing that Brynn, his mom, and cousins are well into their wedding dress appointment. He hasn’t heard from his fiancée since this morning, so he remains encouraged that no news is good news.
Sam hurries into the glass-enclosed boardroom, casually nodding to several familiar faces as he unbuttons his sport coat. As his meeting comes to order, his phone begins to ring in his pocket. He chuckles in embarrassment as everyone begins to whisper with the interruption. “My apologies, folks,” he charms with a smile. Looking at his phone, Brynn’s picture pops up, but he sends the call to voicemail. As he begins to send her a text message, she calls back immediately. He silences the chiming of his phone, staring at Brynn’s ID photo. “Uh--” his voice carries over the room as he decides whether or not to take the call.
Brynn has never been one to interrupt Sam at work. If she wants to be cute, she usually sends a message in his lunch or she emails him, ensuring not to interrupt his busy schedule. The fact that she was calling, even after her call being rejected concerns Sam. “Excuse me. I need to take this,” he informs his audience, “please go ahead and help yourself to some coffee.”
Sam exits to the hallway, answering the phone. “Hey, babe--”
“Hey.” Brynn’s voice is soft like a gentle breeze, settling into a stale silence.
“Brynn?” Sam’s voice has a hint of concern as he crosses an arm over his chest to cradle his elbow. “Are you okay, baby?”
“Yeah, I'm fine, I just--” her voice begins to crack, audibly swallowing sobs.
“Brynn baby,” Sam furrows his eyebrows, “What’s wrong?”
“I’m fine. I just really--” she sighs heavily, “just needed to hear your voice. I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to bother you--”
“You know full well that you are never a bother,” Sam hushes into a commanding whisper. “Is my mom being nice?”
“Oh God, yes. Everyone is lovely. It’s just--” Brynn stumbles into her own tears, crying over the phone as Sam patiently listens.
“It’s just what, baby--?”
“I can’t do this,” she abruptly answers. “I can’t keep pretending I’m something I’m not--”
“What do you mean--?”
“I have only tried on two dresses--couture dresses--Sam, that start at fifteen grand--” Sam purses his lips together, pinching the area between his eyes, listening to Brynn start to panic. “--and now I’m standing in a Sarah Burton gown rejected by Kate Middleton. Kate Middleton, Sam! And-and-and I’m wearing a diamond that costs more than my first car, and Sam, I just--I just--”
“Whoa, whoa, listen to me, baby,” Sam reassures her lovingly, “slow down. Breathe--just breathe. If you don’t want this, just say the word--”
“But your family--” Brynn tries to stifle her sobs, “God, I just--Sam, I can’t do this. I want you, and-and I love you. So fucking much,” she shakily exhales, “but this life? Are you sure? I mean--look at me--”
Sam lets out an exasperated exhale as Brynn continues to cry. He looks back into the glass conference room, seeing his presentation on the screen. He looks at his watch again before turning his attention back to the attendees to his meeting, already rolling their eyes in boredom.
Suddenly, a smile grows across his face. “Brynn baby?”
“Yeah,” she sniffles, “I’m here.’
“Where are you right now?”
“I’m hiding in the dressing room. I told the attendant I needed a minute.”
“Hey, everything’s gonna be fine. Stay where you are. I’m on my way--”
“But, Sam--”
“No ‘buts’, my beautiful bride,” he smiles cheekily, “I’ll be right there.”
Forty minutes later, Brynn changes back into her white, summery dress, slowly donning her heels. As she touches up her make-up for lunch with her future mother-in-law, she suddenly hears a man’s voice interrupt the hushed whispers of the Dalton women. Brynn carefully peaks out the lavish chenille curtain.
Brynn quickly pulls open the changing room, a radiant smile illuminating her face. Sam jogs to her side, receiving her in his arms with a searing kiss. “I can’t believe you’re here--” Sam silences her, pressing his lips harder into hers, causing them both to giggle into breathless moans. Brynn opens her eyes and notices Sam has a garment bag in his hands. “What’s that?”
“Change into this.”
Brynn raises an eyebrow. “What? Why--?”
“It’s not new,” Sam informs, “but God,” he sighs, allowing a mischievous grin grow across his face. “--you look amazing in it.” Sam’s eyes lock onto Brynn’s, time and place fading around them. Brynn’s cheeks begin to flush, feeling the desire in his gaze. Sam cups Brynn’s cheek, licking his lip. “Go on,” he whispers, directing her to the dressing room and lightly spanking her on her ass, “we’ve got places to be.”
Brynn suspiciously steps backwards into the changing room, dragging her teeth across her bottom lip. She hangs up the garment bag, unzipping it hastily. Allowing the fabric to slink through her fingers, Brynn’s breath hitches, tears collecting in her eyes. Inside the protector is a short, solid black, one-shoulder dress, the same dress she wore on their official first date, the same dress she wore the night he proposed to her.
She pulls the curtain back open, causing Sam to whistle with his teeth, a golden gleam in his eyes. Giving his mother a kiss on the cheek, he steals Brynn from his family, escorting her to the car. Giving a nod to Carter, the car starts moving.
Brynn relaxes into Sam’s comforting arms. He begins to nuzzle his supple lips into her ear and neck. “Thank you, baby,” she moans. “I’m sorry for interrupting your meeting--”
“I’m not--” he growls as his lips descend to her exposed shoulder, nibbling on it.
“Sam--” Brynn gasps, leaning into the passionate smolder of his pout.
Suddenly, the car stops. Sam looks up at Brynn, offering his hand for hers. “Are you ready?”
Brynn giggles, scrunching up her nose. “I don’t even know where we are.”
Sam helps her out of the car. As she steps away from the car door to adjust her dress, she notices the grand cement gray building in front of her, adorned with large ornate columns and intricately chiseled statues. Stairs that lead to the front doors are busy with people coming and going.
Brynn furrows her eyebrows. Confused and wanting answers, she whirls around--only to find Sam on one knee. A curious smile grows across Brynn’s face as she self-consciously looks around at the crowd of people. “Sam, what are you doing?”
“You asked me earlier on the phone to look at you,” he smiles brightly as his eyes begin to glisten with tears. “I am.” He takes a big breath, gathering courage. “Brynn, I don’t care if we eat gold-infused cake with diamond encrusted icing or that fake shit from the can--” they both begin laughing, welcoming the comic relief as they wipe away their tears. Sam continues, “I don’t care whether you are wearing one of my ratty-old tees or an expensive couture dress--I don’t care,” he kisses her hand. “When I look at you, Brynn Noelle Schuyler, all I see… is that you’re the only one for me.” Brynn genuinely glows, streams of tears pouring down her cheeks as she subtly shakes her head in disbelief. “Marry me--”
“Sam,” she giggles, sniffing away her tears, “I don’t mean to ruin the moment, but haven’t you already asked me--?” Sam stands up, shaking his head. He takes Brynn’s face tenderly into his hands, drying her tears with his thumbs.
“Marry me,” he bites his lip, nervously sucking in air. “Right now.” Brynn’s eyes grow wide as she stares deeply into Sam’s gaze. She anxiously looks around her, her eyes darting to the people staring at them, to the car and then to the courthouse before them.
“Right now?”
“Right now,” Sam smiles, humored by the shocked look on his bride’s face.
Brynn looks down at her hand, staring at the radiant sparkle of her diamond. Chewing on her lip, she subtly nods her head before turning her attention back to her groom.
@ao719 @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @forallthatitsworth @jerzwriter @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @lovelyladyk88 @lucy-268@neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @phoenixrising308 @sfb123 @shannonsaid @shewillreadyou @somersetmummy @thefrenchiemama
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ms-indifferwnt · 4 years
I’m Cold
“I'm cold"
"Can't you give me your jacket or something?"
"Can't you accept my proposal and marry me already?"
In which Prince Donghyuck's parents are forcing him to get married and he decided to propose to the first girl he sees to shut his parents up
Genre: Prince!Lee Donghyuck x Maid!Reader, Angst, Fluff, Arranged Marriage (kinda), Slowburn
Warnings: Curse words, Suggestive (I'll add more if there are)
Notes: Chapter 3 of Im Cold. Sorry this one took longer, hope you guys enjoy
Prev / Chapter 3 / Next
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Y/n was screaming in frustration o to her pillow, Damn the Prince's good Looks, Damn the Prince's words, Damn the Prince's Kindness, Damn it all!
Y/n sighs after screaming on to her pillow, she flips over back against the soft covers, she couldn't help but think about how the evening end up like this. How could she say yes? After Prince Donghyuck has asked for two Weeks what happened?
"No" Y/n replied and stood up
Donghyuck grabbed her by the wrist, it wasn't forceful nor was it tight, Prince Donghyuck gave her an opportunity to pull away, to take her wrist away from the Prince, But why didn't she? "Please" He pleaded and Y/n's eyes widened "At least think it over, if you are still determined to tell my parents I will gladly assist you but please, at least until we're done eating dinner, think it over"
Y/n was shocked to see the prince pleading, asking her to think about it, was this that important to the prince? She nods, fine after dinner she'll reject him, she was getting fed up with how stubborn he is, it wasn't just messing up with the royal family's values, it was also bothering with her life, her own private life, how she is being seen, how people address her whole life went upside down just because the prince lost his temper
Donghyuck nods and stands bowing towards her, "I'm sorry, I know I have troubled you" He confesses and Y/n grabbed him by the shoulders to make  him stand straight but he wouldn't budge "I know that by making you do this I have placed you in a hard position" she shakes her head and tears start trickling  his eyes, it was all overwhelming, her feelings and the Prince' words being all too heavy on her conscience, the tears weren't necessary nor was it intentional but before she could realize, a sob leaves her lips and Prince Donghyuck's reaction was quick, he stood up straight hands out to hold her as she starts wiping her face
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying" she whimpers and keeps wiping her face with her hands, The prince pulls her hands away and uses his handkerchief to wipe her tears, no words were exchanged, not until she calmed down
Neither noticed it but the Prince'd hand always hovered near the girl's as if waiting for the right moment to hold her hand. The Prince looks at her and she was staring at the cloth in her hand, it was simple, laced in golden thread "Do you like sweets?" The Prince suddenly spoke making her look at him and she nods, he smiles softly and takes her hand in his "Let's go get some ice-cream"
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       Morning comes and Y/n wakes up to the sound of Prince Donghyuck's voice "Hana, which one is better?"
Y/n opened her eyes to be greeted by Prince Donghyuck looking through her closet "Goodmorning" he greets and moves to kiss her forehead, Y/n still freezes at the action but smiled "I've chosen your outfit for today so we can match" Donghyuck pats his thighs to show off the color and smiles, standing up to hold her hand and help her out of bed, "Wear this" he shows a pretty blue floral lace Bardot dress, pattern adorned with white and pink roses while lace covers the edges the color matching the Prince's blue-ish dress pants "Get her dressed Hana"
And at the Prince's words, Hana leads Y/n to the conjoined bathroom, helping her clean up and get dressed fixing the way it hugs her curves, and Hana smiles, applying a bit of touch-ups on her skin and fixing her hair. She was done and Y/n looked into the mirror, Hana has fixed her hair into a half-up bun style making it look messy yet classy, the hairstyle complementing the dress
They both left the bathroom only to be greeted by the prince facing away from the bathroom door looking at his phone "Done? Can I turn and see?"
Y/n blinks, the Prince purposefully turned away to give her space and privacy, she smiles softly "Yes you can turn around now"
The prince turns around and he smiles at the sight, but then he wrapped one arm around his waist as a support for his elbow where he places his chin on his palm eyeing her "Something's missing" he mumbled
Y/n blinks and tilts her head as Hana turns to look at Y/n "Jewelry?" Hana offers and the Prince nods, with the Maid immediately reacting walking to get the Jewelry box from the vanity, "Milady has a wide assortment of jewelry here, my Prince" she says and turns only to gasp at the sight
The Prince had invaded Y/n's personal bubble, him being so close their chest could be flushed against each other, her hair was out of the way while the Prince had his arms around her neck as he tries and clasps the necklace. In all honesty, if he wanted to help her wear it he could've done it from behind not doing it while almost hugging Y/n
Y/n could feel the Prince's breath fan against her neck at the close proximity, she blushes and moved to hold on to the blazer in front of her until finally, the prince locks the necklace tracing a cold finger against the chain, she tried, she just couldn't help but feel the goosebumps rise against her skin where he had touched "There, you look pretty" he smiles his finger stopping at the pendant only to return tracing against her collar bones and down her arms. Y/n would be lying if she says the prince didn't have an effect on her, cause, oh how her heart raced at the action, silently willing them to stop, he traces lower 'till he holds her hand looking at her wrist "Let us get you a bracelet" he lets go of her only to look through the jewelry box
Hana stood there in shock, cheeks a shade of red at the display of affection, standing off to the side, knowing that she shouldn't react unless Y/n or the Prince might need her
The Prince would take time, looking through the wide assortment of bracelets and looking at the Y/n to look at her wrists and then dress, only to resume his search. Y/n on the other hand had examined the pendant of the necklace, it was a flower, a white flower pendant with delicate details on to its petals, making it look as if it is blooming "It's called a gardenia flower"
She looks into his eyes "what?" she blinks a bit surprises
He points to the pendant "That a gardenia flower, do you like it?" he asks and stands up fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeves
She nods shyly "It's a pretty flower" he nods and takes his watch  off, it was a simple watch, it had a golden chain strap along with its case, a black tint on the watch itself  "You have a pretty watch" she murmurs and the Prince smiles
"Good, cause you'll be using this today" he replies and walks up to her  so he can hold her wrist, placing the watch on and locking it in place "Its a bit big on you," he laughs as if finding the whole ordeal cute "Remind me later, lets go on jewelry shopping ok?" Y/n nods silently and he examines Y/n, nodding in approval at the sight he smiles and locks there fingers "Lets go, lets have breakfast together then we can go out to my schedules ok?" he says as he leads her out of her room and into the dining hall
Letting him lead her out, "I'm sorry, My Prince-" she starts but the prince cuts her off
"You should get used to calling me Donghyuck for the next two weeks" he murmurs and turns his head to look at her and smiled "What were you saying?"
She clears her throat and avoided eye contact "Why do I have to come with you on your schedule?"
He hums as if thinking of the right words to answer her question "well, It would be great to show my parents that I am 'serious'," He makes air quotes with his free hand "about you, a plus to make them believe that i need time to heal when we do break up. And, it gets lonely when I'm the only one going"
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       "Where is this meeting being held exactly, My Prince?" Y/n asked as she turns away from the car window to look at the Prince only to get a raised eyebrow in return "Donghyuck" she corrects and he nods in approval
"At a café, we'll be meeting with someone, he claims that this project he proposes will help a lot of people"
"Then why must you be the one to interview them? wouldn't it be better for the King and Queen to address that matter themselves?"
"Well, Yes. But not everything will go through the King and Queen, first they have to go through me to make sure its worth seeing by them and then the decision is ultimately theirs"
"Ah" she hums softly and nods "I understand" she smiles and Donghyuck couldn't help but smile back
Once they arrive, The Prince leads Y/n by the hand to a man dressed in a fancy suit he stands and bows towards the new arrivals "My name Johnny, thank you for giving me a chance to speak to you your highness"
Donghyuck bows and smiles "Of course,. I'd like you to meet my Fiancé, Y/n this Suh Johnny, a dear friend and at the moment a benefactor" he smiles informs and Johnny bows in her direction with her mirroring the action, "Please sit." They all obeyed
Johnny was very convincing and honestly, the Prince liked his proposal but as Johnny excused himself to go to the bathroom, Donghyuck turned to Y/n "What do you think?"
She blinked in confusion "Sorry?" she tilts her head slightly and Donghyuck had resist the urge to grab her by the chin so that he can adjust it "But why are you asking me, my Prince?"
He frowns "Donghyuck, Y/n, please call me Donghyuck, you earned the title of being my friend in this predicament you and I are in" earning a nod from the girl and he hums "but to answer your question, its because you might know what's best" she watches him as he spoke "I have not once tried living as if I wasn't a prince, I've never went to the market or done house chores, but you have and you do, compared to me you know what can help improve the way my people work and move, so I'm asking you, what did you think of his proposal?"
Y/n lets the Prince's words sink in as she looks down at her lap, she never thought that it'd come to this, The crowned prince asking her opinion but here she was "Yes, It'll be of great help" she started and started explaining the points on why and how it could improve, stating facts and sharing little stories along the way with her explanation as the Prince attentively listened and nodded
After she spoke, the Prince nodded and smiled at her "that is great Y/n" he moves to hold her hand cupping them "Thank you" he beams he opens his mouth to speak only to be stopped by Johnny returning and the Prince drops her hand
"I'm sorry" Johnny says and sat down "May I continue?" and the prince nods "As I was saying adding homes, giving the people their own job that is cleaning up our parks can lessen our rate of jobless citizens and also lessen out the homeless-"
Johnny was cut off to the prince swerving to the side and looking at his Fiancé "What's your favorite cake flavor?"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Cake flavor," he repeats and nods towards the different displays and grins "What is it?"
She looks at Johnny who smiles at her "Mocha" she answers and he hums "you really do have a sweet tooth hmm?" he raises a hand to flag down a waiter "and coffee?" he turns to look at her then stops "No, Sorry you hate coffee... One Mocha cake and," he hums going back to when he bought ice cream for her and smiled "two cups of Hot Chocolate please, would you like anything Johnny?"
"Just coffee" He replies
"Black Coffee for him" Donghyuck says and the waiter bows, "Sorry, continue" and with that Johnny continues
Donghyuck is now to make a decision, if he says yes, Johnny will speak to his parents about his proposal and he hums, giving his and Y/n's words to careful consideration, his eyes drifting to Y/n as she took a bite "feed me" he says out of the blue making Y/n and Johnny look at him surprised
"I can't think without sugar and I drank my milk, just one bite" he coaxes and, Y/n offered him a bit which he happily accepted, looking at Johnny he grins "I hope my parents like your idea as much as we did Johnny"
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got-svt · 4 years
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it could’ve been you
summary: it’s jinyoung’s engagement party and you find yourself wondering what could’ve been if you had said yes to his proposal years ago.  pairing: park jinyoung x reader (+ some platonic!jackson x reader) genre: angst word count: 2076
part of my tales from the lakes series inspired by taylor swift’s champagne problems
Jackson had been kind enough to ask you to be his date for tonight. “As friends, obviously,” he quickly added once he noticed the panicked look in your eyes. He insisted, claiming that you needed a bit of extra support if you were to make it out of that party in one piece. Maybe he was exaggerating, but you knew he cared for you. So, as you rolled your eyes and lightly hit his chest at his antics, you agreed. Jackson clapped his hands together and gave you the biggest, most reassuring grin he could muster, “Great! I’ll pick you up at seven.”
You didn’t tell him, but you were grateful. 
Because as you stepped inside the lavish restaurant that Jinyoung had rented out for the occasion, you became vaguely aware that all eyes were on you. You smoothed out the non-existent creases on your most expensive outfit as you avoided their eyes. Jackson sensed your anxiousness and took your hand in his, leading you away from their judgemental gazes to a table where Yugyeom and Bambam greeted you with a smile.
“Yn!” Bambam engulfed you in a bone crushing hug, “I’ve missed you so much.”
You let out a breath as he released you from his grip, “I’ve missed you too.”
“We saw each other last week,” Yugyeom said, looking at you and Bambam in confusion, “what are you talking about?”
“A week is too long.” Bambam joked, gently bumping his hip into yours.
Yugyeom was about to open his mouth to retaliate when people started crowding around the large entryway, catching all of your attentions. All four of you make your way to where everyone else was, meeting up with Mark, Jaebeom, and Youngjae in the process.
“What’s everyone gathered around for?” You asked to no one in particular.
“The man of the hour has finally arrived.” Mark replied, but his eyes were elsewhere, and you couldn’t exactly blame him.
Jinyoung walked in, handsome as ever, hair swooped back and in a fitted black tux. All smiles, eyes crinkling as he looked around the room. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight before it clenched as memories of him dressing that way for you entered your memory. 
Beside him was the most beautiful woman you had ever laid eyes upon. You had never seen her in person before, only on a screen as she acted alongside Jinyoung in several of his dramas. You hated to admit it, but she looked more radiant in real life. The cameras did not do any justice to her already perfect skin, shiny dark hair, and adorable button nose.
You forced yourself to look away when everyone in the room called out for them to kiss.
That could’ve been you.
You had been there for him since day one. 
From the day his family moved into your neighborhood, into the house next to yours. He was the one to approach you first, to the shock of those you tell the story to. It wasn’t that Jinyoung was awfully shy or terribly picky, he just usually preferred his own company to that of others. But when ten year old him saw you at tumbling around in your front yard, something in him knew he had to talk to you.
You had been the one to encourage him to audition at JYP, recognizing his talent even before he did himself. You helped him practice in his bedroom, learning choreography and singing songs alongside him. And when you tackled him with a hug at the news that he passed the audition, warmth and happiness radiating from your body, he knew he loved you. 
You were the first person who was able to sneak into their dorms. It was almost midnight and you wore anything you thought helped conceal your identity: sunglasses, a mask, and a hat. He met you at the backdoor and immediately ushered you inside, introducing you to the people that would, alongside him, eventually be got7.  The members immediately loved you, which in turn only made him fall for you more. 
You were there at the front row during got7′s very first concert. A sign in your hand that declared your love for him. He spotted you in the crowd immediately, heart jumping as he read the sign, which caused him to stagger on some of the lyrics he was singing. You and him had been friends for years. What exactly gave you the courage to be the first one to confess, he never figured out. But he was grateful nonetheless when you met him at his dressing room with a kiss. 
You never would have thought that someday you’d have to watch him get married to someone else. 
Jinyoung never thought that you would actually come, especially given your history. Truth be told, the invite was more of a courtesy rather than an actual invitation. You were no longer lovers, now reluctant friends. If it had not been for the rest of the members, he would’ve lost contact with you altogether.
Still, his feet seemed to have a mind of their own when they lead themselves straight to you— skipping his family and friends. He tried to tell himself to turn back, maybe talk to his future mother-in-law instead. But it was too late, he now stood a few feet in front of you, hands in his pockets with a small smile on his features, “Hi.”
“Your bowtie is crooked.” 
“What?” He uttered out, eyes alight with confusion. 
You let out a small chuckle and pointed at the black fabric, “I would fix it for you, but you know—”
Jinyoung looked around the room to see some of the guests watching the both of you, quickly looking away once his gaze met theirs. His hands left his pockets to fix his bowtie, “Ah. I see. Thank you.”
You both looked down, as if the soles of your shoes had suddenly become a point of interest, completely unsure of what to say. The rest of the members always made it a point to no longer leave the two of you alone, for fear of tension and the unavoidable awkward silence. Yet here you two were, without Bambam, Jaebeom, or anyone else to save either of you. 
“What happened to us?” You asked once the silence became too deafening for you to bear.  It was never this hard for you two to hold a conversation, more often than not people would have had to physically restrain you from talking. Now, you couldn’t even look at each other in the eyes. “How— why did we end up like this?”
For a brief moment, quicker than a flash of lighting, his guard went crumbling down. For the first time in years, he let you see the effect you truly had on him. His tone was calm, but not devoid of emotion.  Jinyoung wanted you to hear the sincerity, the vulnerability in his voice, “You said no.”
Jinyoung had spent months preparing, but he always knew he wanted to propose. He rented out the restaurant you had your first date in, where you spent each and every one of your anniversaries. He brought a bouquet of your favorite flowers and bought a brand new suit. He asked help from his family, his members, even JYP himself. He spent several nights composing the perfect speech, sacrificing sleep for endless revising. 
But he should’ve known something was wrong when your hand slipped from his as he lead you through a slow dance. When you just picked at your favorite food instead of eating. When you could only give him curt replies to his stories and questions. His mother’s ring was in his pocket, but it started feeling unusually heavy. He assumed it was just his nerves getting the better of him. 
Jinyoung knew something was wrong when you stopped him from getting down on one knee. When you said no before he could even ask. 
“You never gave me a reason, you know?” 
It had been three years since he proposed to you, well, tried to. Yet he still couldn’t figure out what prompted you to say no. You had always been on the same page as him, in fact that was what he loved about your relationship the most. Were you just not ready? Or was it because you couldn’t handle being married to an idol? But he would’ve waited, and he was fine with keeping your relationship a secret. He may have even preferred it that way, and when you left him standing that faithful night, he began to question everything he thought he knew about the both of you. But that was years ago, all he wanted now was an answer. For you to give him one good reason.
“I still can’t.”
All the guests had gathered around the center of the room. Chairs and tables had been moved to the side for a makeshift dance floor. The string quartet began playing, the notes guiding Jinyoung as he lead his fiancee in the most elegant waltz. Their happiness undeniable as they glided across the room like they were always meant to dance with the other. Their eyes glued to each other, uncaring of the tens of people watching their every move. 
“That could’ve been you.” Yugyeom whispered, earning himself an elbow in the stomach from Jackson. He doubled over in pain before letting out in a strangled whisper, “Sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”
But he was right, it could’ve been you.
The one who wore his mom’s ring on her left ring finger. The one he twirled around the room, earning everyone’s quiet swoons of adoration. The one who gripped his hand tightly as they become illuminated by the soft glow of the chandelier. The one whose picture he carried in his wallet. The one he whispered ‘I love you’ to as he ended the dance with a dip, drowning out the room’s applause with a kiss. 
It should’ve been you.
But you said no, and you could give neither him nor yourself a reason. Maybe you couldn’t handle the life that came with being married to someone like him. You weren’t an idol, nor an actress. You were an outsider and no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be in. Maybe you just weren’t ready to get married. You were so young when he attempted to ask. Maybe you didn’t want to get married at all. The thought of marriage hadn’t even crossed your mind until he started getting down on one knee. Or maybe you were just afraid. Afraid that you weren’t deserving of his love. Afraid that someone else would come along and sweep him of his feet.
And someone else did come along because here she was in front of you, wrapped up in his arms, blissfully unaware of exactly how lucky she was to be with him. 
“I should go.” You muttered, though it was directed at no one in particular, unsure if anyone had even heard. But Jackson did. 
“You sure?” He asked,  “Let me give you a ride home at least.”
“No, please, stay.” You protest, shaking your head furiously, “Enjoy the party. I’m sure Jinyoung will be looking for you later.”
“Yn—” Jackson protested, gripping your wrist to stop you from leaving. His gaze was intense, almost challenging. But you had known him long enough to grown immune. 
You try to shake his hand off, offering him a smile to convince him you were fine with leaving alone, “It’s okay, I’ll just take the train. Or get a cab”
He stared you down, eyes scanning your face as he searched for any sign of reluctance or uncertainty, but he eventually let out a sigh when he realized there was no stopping you. “Text me when you get home, yeah?”
You nod, reaching up to hug him before whispering, “Thank you.”
The rest of the members said their goodbyes with a hug, promising to see you soon. You knew they meant it. 
As you went to the exit, something in you begged you to turn around, to give one last look around the room before you left. And so you did, only to find Jinyoung already looking back at you.
“I’m sorry.” You mouth, unsure if he could even see it.
But he smiled, giving you a small nod before he turned to face his fiancee; turning away from you.
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niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~ Final.
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(15th November)
Tapping his shoes constantly on the marble floor, his legs kept shaking which made him hold his knee, but all in vain since he couldn't stop the nervousness inside him. Dressed in a black tuxedo, Baekhyun took a deep breath to calm himself down before almost, immediately standing up to walk back and forth to subside his nervousness.
It was finally, the day everyone has been waiting specifically, you and Baekhyun. However, at his most special day, his heart, his mind, even his body wasn't working according to him.
"Why are you like this?" Kyungsoo walked in the grooms waiting room, as he watched his best friend walking back and forth in a nervous state.
Baekhyun groaned making himself seated again on the couch and looked at Kyungsoo. "I have never been this nervous before... Like not even giving the presentation... This is confusing."
"This is normal." Kyungsoo stated. "Though... It might be confusing for you being like this but normally people do get nervous on their wedding."
Kyungsoo's word did nothing but made Baekhyun glare at him where Kyungsoo just shrugged before shuffling under his coat and fished out a small black bottle which he gave it to him. "Drink this, you'll feel better."
"Where did you get this?"
"I didn't, Y/n asked me to get it." Kyungsoo spoke before smirking. "I didn't really expected you to be nervous but maybe she knew it."
Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "I can see how you guys are making fun of me, only my wife cares for me."
"Keep this up till you get to the asile." Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. "I am going to check the venue since Junmyeon hyung is taking care of it alone."
Baekhyun chuckled nodding as Kyungsoo walked out leaving him behind as he was feeling better than before. No matter how much they tease or make fun of each other, he just knows that his friends and him, always have each other's back.
It's been two weeks to the proposal day, and the next week, you both were being dragged into a boutique to buy wedding dresses but separately, which led Baekhyun to whine the whole day because he, himself wanted to see you trying beautifully, however, his and your family were having too much fun making him sulk.
And, it's also been a week since he has seen you because of the so called traditions in the family, where bride and groom can't meet, not even see eachother and now he was missing you crazily and was dying to see you where he also knew, you would be feeling the same.
His phone rang making him snap out, as he checked the caller ID and a smile crept on his lips before answering it and exclaimed with an enthusiasm. "Coffee bean!"
Laughter could be heard from the other side which made him confuse before he let out a exhasperated sigh. "You better stop it, this is second time you have done this."
"Aw, Is my soon to be brother-in-law angry?" The feminine voice which he has remembered, his best friend's wife and his soon to be wife's bestfriend, one and only Ria, who could come up with this prank.
His heart did a flip when he heard your voice behind as you were asking for some tissues. "Hey, put my wife on the phone."
"She is not your wife, yet." He could imagine her smirking evil making him bite his lip frustratingly. "Here I thought you were on my side."
She laughed. "I am, but right now, let me be your sister in law. Okay, Mr. Brother-in-law, see you at the wedding!"
Before he could say anything, the call was cut off and he groaned with the little pout following behind on his lips. The door suddenly cracked opened, revealing his friends, coming inside dressed in a full suit and began to laugh at his impatient friend.
"I am actually suing your wife after getting married." He stared at Chanyeol with his ever so angry look which did nothing but made his laugh more. "Why are you so impatient? You'll meet Y/n outside, so be patient my friend."
"Aigoo, who would believe that you're getting married, Hyung." Jongin spoke staring at his friend's frustrated face and Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Do you guys have to make fun of me when I am nervous here?"
"Why are you though?" Minseok commented confusingly. "Even Y/n isn't nervous as you."
"She's not?" Baekhyun asked surprised and Yixing nodded. "We came here after meeting her and she didn't looked nervous at all."
Baekhyun eyes sparkled. "Really? How does she look?"
"She looks like a bride." Sehun said, straight truth which made all guys laugh and Baekhyun, to glare at him before Jongdae decided to help him as he patted his shoulder. "She looks beautiful and you, stop being so nervous or we'll think you're going on a war or something."
"Well, it's not less than a war." Jongin said snickering and Everyone laughed as now, Baekhyun was less nervous and more happy with an excitement to see you.
The door opened again, and this time it was Mr. Byun and Mrs. Byun, walking towards him with a tender smile on their faces before Mr Byun held Baekhyun's shoulder firmly while fixing his collar. "Young man, you have actually become a man now."
Baekhyun chuckled. "I was always a man."
Mr. Byun smiled nodding. "Listen to me carefully now, marriage is a very important part of your life and you are taking a big step towards it. It's a huge responsibility, not just for you but for the girl you're marrying to, so Y/n's care and happiness is your responsibility, just make sure you're doing your part well. "
"I will." Baekhyun immediately nodded before his eyes went large to see his mother bawling her eyes out making him gasp dramatically. "Eomma! Not the water tank, you're makeup would get smudged then Y/n's going to scold me!"
Mrs Byun slapped his arm. "Don't talk about my daughter in law like that!"
He pouted. "So, she already has sides."
"Obviously, she knows who's she marrying to." Jake said taking everyone's attention as he stood by the door frame smiling at him before walking in to tease the nervous man even more.
A wide smile was playing on your lips where you bit your lip to prevent yourself from giggling out loud since you were feeling happy about your special day. A white, off shoulder ballgown dress hugged your figure with flowery embroidery illuminating around your upper half sleeves while your hair, styled in a braided updo leaving half of it in a wavy style.
Sniffing the flowers in your hands, a lively smile appeared on your lips while feeling giddy and excited to see Baekhyun who you haven't seen, since a week but at the same time, you knew this wait would be worth it.
"Ayo~ Aren't you too happy bestie?" Ria cooed, dressed in her pastel pink colored dress, fixing the strand of the hair putting it around your temple while giving your look a last touch up and you grinned. "Yes I am, bestie."
"And I am happy to see you happy." She smiled widely trying hard not to cry and as you noticed her expression, you giggled making her slap your arm lightly before hugging you eventually.
"But... Aren't you nervous?" She pulled away, frowning and you smiled bringing your index finger and thumb closer. "A little."
Her forehead creased in amusement. "Well, good for you because you have to look after your too nervous husband to be."
You giggled, before the door opened revealing your two most, chaotic yet the ones whom your life couldn't have been amazing as there stood, your brothers dressed in their Grey suits looking handsome.
Jaehyun walked in with Daniel following behind him with an amused look on their faces making you chuckle. "What? Why are you both surprised? Do I look that good?"
Jaehyun gasped dramatically cupping his mouth. "What to do, potato? Even the make up couldn't do its work."
You bit your lip fuming before grabbing a water bottle beside you and threw it in his face which he immediately caught it perfectly as he gave you a smirk making you roll your eyes. "Are you really my brother?"
"Dan...," You looked at Daniel beside Jaehyun and smiled. "How do I look?"
He stared at you blankly. "You...look like that pasta you made last time."
You closed your eyes sighing, controlling your urge to not to kill them on your special day while both of your brothers were so close to laughing and eventually, they did.
"You think I don't know that you both empty the whole fry pan that night?" You retorted, sassily making them silent as they stood surprised while Ria just stood there with a poker face as this was just neverending scene to witness.
"How do you know that?"
"I have spies, my brothers." You smiled in victory and they both groaned knowing who those spies were before you laughed out loud at their faces making them laugh back.
Jaehyun walked towards before grabbing your hand to make stand up and held your shoulders, as he stared at you seriously. "You know I am just a call away right? I am still your secret trunk so whatever and whenever you want to talk or tell me something, just do it, okay?"
And that's when your heart welled up seeing his brother mood and nodded before he smiled. "If he does something which I know he won't because I know he's mature and loves you too much to hurt you but still, just tell me and I will deal with him."
You slapped his arm while laughing. "I'll kill you if you do that."
"Right, Baekhyunee Hyung wouldn't dare to do that knowing how hard your punch is." Daniel commented as he stood beside you making you laugh even more before both of them hugged you, and another one jumped who was none other than Ria herself.
Your mom's voice got your attention as you four pulled away to see your mom walking inside, in a light pink and purple mixture colored Hanbok and looked so beautiful where behind her your dad, in a black suit looking dashing.
As he walked towards you, his eyes teared up and you looked at him in awe. "Dad.. What...?"
"Gosh, you look so beautiful." He sniffled and you bit your trembling lip before hugging him tightly. "You look more beautiful than your mother."
"Ow!" He whined pulling away as a hard slap was landed on his back by your mom making you all laugh before your mom stared at you with teary yet smiling eyes. "My daughter is always beautiful."
"Seriously, why is everyone crying?" You whined and Daniel wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "Noona, we're just really happy that we won't have a potato in the house now."
"You're so dead." You muttered gritting your teeth and was about to hit him but looking at your mom's stern eyes, everyone went serious as you went to sit on the couch back.
"Ria, look after her so she won't jump around like a cat again since we're going out to greet the guests." Your mom ordered her as she walked out dragging the three chaotic men with her and you made a grumpy face as Ria couldn't stop laughing at your mom's words.
"Y/n! Your most loving person is here!" You let out a laugh knowing who's high pitch voice was as walked inside, your sister like friend, who was once your owner too, Rose, in a light blue dress with her always shiny smile.
She gasped. "You look gorgeous, lady!"
You and Ria laughed at her reaction as she instantly sat beside, hugging you. "Gosh, my little sister has finally grown up."
"Ughh." You groaned playfully. "Seriously, you too?"
"It got cringy, right?" She looked at Ria who nodded with you following before you three broke out in laughter.
5:04 PM
It was finally the time to walk down the asile, your most awaited moment, as you stepped out of the brides room, a fresh breeze hit your face making smile while your eyes roamed around the outdoor area. This was the same place where you both came to stargaze last time and you casually joked about getting married at this place but you didn't know that Baekhyun would take that seriously as you got an actual shock when you got to know about the venue.
Oh, how can you not love this person?
Linking your arm around your dad's, your head tilted to the side to look at him as you felt yourself shaking inside where he looked at you with an assuring smile that it'll be alright and you knew it will be for sure. Taking slow steps towards the asile, your eyes averted ahead to see the lights around the branches of green trees and either side were the wooden chairs giving it a perfect look.
Looking at everyone, seated there were your mom with her biggest smile and your brothers watching you with a proud smile with Baekhyun's family, looking at you with so much tenderness. Looking at the other side to see your friends with their usual understanding and proud smiles as why not, because they all were the cupids of your life.
As you looked ahead, your breath hitched, the moment your eyes met his stunned ones, standing there waiting for you as how he always had. You could feel your heart pounding against your chest as you were walking towards him, the flashbacks of your moments were flashing in your mind making your eyes teary with those beautiful moments.
Baekhyun just stood there stunned for a while watching you, looking so ever beautiful and he was falling all over again. Biting his lower lip, he gulped down the lump forming as his eyes burned making his vision blurry while he took a deep breath to calm down before he felt Kyungsoo, patting his back.
Aproaching him, your dad pulled Baekhyun in a fatherly hug, as he patted his back gently before pulling away where he placed your hand on his hand, giving you to the person who was your home now. You bit your lip, controlling yourself from crying before locking your eyes with his glossy ones and he gave you his most beautiful smile.
"We're here." He whispered, his hold tightening around your hand and you nodded smiling back. "As we should."
"You...look..," He trailed off, licking his lips as he went speechless and you peeked over his expression chuckling. "I look handsome?"
He let out a chuckle with everyone laughing at your little joke before Baekhyun shook his head. "You look really really beautiful. And I have finally kidnapped you, and I don't even care if I got behind the bars for it."
You laughed shaking your head as he giggled while Kyungsoo gave him a look but his smile was saying something else.
The vows were taken, rings were exchanged, and sealed it with a kiss of promise. His palm pressed against your jaw gently, stroking his thumb over your cheek as his other hand rested on the side of your waist and as he pressed his forehead against yours, his eyes spotted his favorite flushed cheeks.
He couldn't help but smile fondly before pecking your lips again softly taking you by surprise as you jolted up to look at him making him giggle like a baby while everyone laughed. Giving him a playful glare, you lightly punched his arm making him laugh even more as he kissed your knuckles before pulling away as everyone came to congratulate you.
"Oh My, finally, you have become our daughter in law." Mrs Byun cooed, as she pulled you in a hug where a fake cough made you both pull away to see Baekhyun's sulk expression. "I got married too, why aren't you congratulating me?"
You chuckled making him glare at you playfully and to make him even more sulk, you side hugged Mrs Byun as she played along while Baekhyun pouted defeatedly as he nodded. "Alright, sides have changed."
You both laughed before Mrs Byun hugged him and Mr Byun gave you a fatherly hug while patting your head as he hugged his son after. Walked in your dad towards you with his teary eyes and hugged you tightly before patting Baekhyun's shoulder. "Take care of her or I'll come for you."
Both of them laughed as Baekhyun nodded while you shook your head smiling at them before your mom came in smiling but instead of coming to you, she engulfed Baekhyun in a hug. "My son in law looks so handsome."
Baekhyun smiled shyly thanking her before she looked at you confusingly before laughing as she hugged you. "Why are you sulking?"
"I'm not." You hugged her back tightly as she rubbed your back in a comforting way making you sigh before you pulled away to see your brothers hugging Baekhyun.
"Hyung, How do you feel about this marriage?" Daniel asked making you glare at him and Baekhyun chuckled before looking at you with a smile. "I feel amazing."
Your cheeks flushed as you looked away before looking at your brothers who just groaned at his answer. "I shouldn't have asked this question."
"Listen, Baekhyun." Jaehyun leaned in to his side. "If she does something, I am only a call away."
You gasped hearing his words which he said to you earlier. "This conman!"
You attempted to grab him but Baekhyun's arm around your waist prevented as he pulled you closer. "Let's not make our wedding a killing day, coffee bean."
You looked at him pouting and he imitated your expression while nodding cutely before you glared at Jaehyun. "I am letting you off today."
"I am letting you off today." He mimicked your tone before chuckling as he patted your head while Daniel hugged you and both of them walked away.
"So, you did got married to this brat." Minseok commented as he patted Baekhyun's shoulder and he rolled his eyes while you giggled nodding before your friends came one by one to congratulate.
"Ahh, my bestie is married already." Ria came forward with a fake crying face and you chuckled pulling her in a hug before she let go and looked at Baekhyun. "You have to take care of my bestie."
"Of course, I will take care of her more than you have ever had." Baekhyun said, confidently making a face at her. "You just wait, I will get back at you for pranking me."
Ria giggled. "That was part of fun, but aren't you glad that I was on your side and even played cupid for you."
"That...," He trailed off as he glanced at you, smiling. "I will always be."
"Okay, do this at your own new home, we have guests here." Ria spoke before winking at you as your eyes widened, noticing her playful look before slapping her arm while Baekhyun laughed where Ria walked away.
"Hey, Sister-in-law!" Sehun's voice beamed as he walked towards you before pushing his phone screen infront of your faces and you gasped. "Sooyoung!"
Sooyoung couldn't attend the wedding as her dad's health got bad and they had take him out of the country for his treatment but he was doing better now. However, Sooyoung didn't find it appropriate to attend the wedding while her dad was lying on the bed, so she couldn't join.
Baekhyun cutely waved at her. "You're being missed here. Now who would catch y/n's flower?"
She laughed. "I'll ask Sehun to do that."
"I am a busy person." Sehun remarked back earning an eye roll from three people before Sooyoung suddenly gasped. "Gosh, you both look so amazing!"
"Sehun-ah, I want to see their whole look!" Sooyoung exclaimed making you both giggle and sehun rolled his eyes. "I am not an assistant."
But, he eventually did as Sooyoung let out a squeal. "You look so beautiful!"
"I know right, I am." Baekhyun spoke smiling playfully and you chuckled nudging him lightly before the host of your wedding, Chanyeol clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.
"Okay, we have prepared something for you both, so let's enjoy!" He exclaimed, clapping as he stepped aside while you looked at Baekhyun. "I have a bad feeling about this."
Baekhyun slightly laughed. "And I am really excited!"
You rolled your eyes before a music erupted, startling you as Baekhyun looked at you shook hearing the familiar song and you gasped cupping your mouth seeing a projector while a video was being played, where you were dancing with your brothers in your parents wedding anniversary. "No way."
JYP'S Honey.
Three of you were childrens, wearing a cap and black sunglasses as you were dancing between them and your cheeks flushed as you hid your face behind the flowers where you heard a giggle from Baekhyun. "Gosh, you are so adorable."
"Ugh! I am not!" You whined making him pinch your cheek as he laughed softly and you let out a shy chuckle. "Gosh, they still had this."
Suddenly, the woos from the audience could be heard taking both of your attention as you looked at your brothers coming to the stage with black sunglasses on their faces making your jaw drop. "Are you serious?"
"Noona, this one's for you." Daniel spoke as he slid his glasses a little to send a wink at you making you and Baekhyun giggle before Ria stepped on the stage with black sunglasses as she stood between them.
You sighed smiling as you realized they were reenacting the scene making you feel awed. As the song played again, three of them started dancing like how you did, earning some woos and making everyone dance along with them. You laughed feeling Baekhyun copying the steps playfully while jamming along with them and making you move along with him as you both laughed afterwards.
In the midst, Jaehyun walked over to you and grabbed you both to lead to the stage as everyone joined together. Baekhyun took your hand and twirl you around before wrapping his arm around your waist doing a wavy move making you laugh.
The photographer was smiling, watching the scene while capturing those moments and at that moment, Baekhyun leaned closer to your ear as the music was loud. "I think I should show you my strength since you always doubt it."
"Huh?" Your forehead creased confusingly as he placed his hands either side of your waist and you let out a squeal when he lifted you up unexpectedly making you wrap your arms around his neck in reflex.
Everyone wooed watching the scene while you stared down at him with enlarged eyes as he giggled. "So.. Do you believe in my strength now?"
You burst out laughing before leaning down to bump your forehead against his gently as your palm pressed on his cheek. "I do."
As the moment was captured, you knew, you have had the best wedding ever with the best lifepartner.
8:48 pm
It was dinner time, everyone was seated down on the thick mat with the cushions filled around and the shelter about was decorated with flowers and some candles around them. You had changed your gown into a knee-length white dress while Baekhyun's blazer was over your legs as you gave him a light squeeze around his hand locked with yours on his lap.
His thumb rubbed softly against your skin making you look at him to see him discussing something with Sehun about their business thing and you smiled at his warm gesture.
"Stop looking so much, you look crazy in love." Ria's voice snapped you out as you looked at her to see her giggling with Rose beside her and your cheeks flushed making you glare at them. "Shut up."
"Awe, my shy Y/n." Rose reached out to pinch your cheek softly and you scrunched your nose pulling away before chuckling at them. "So, Is your little one giving you hard time?"
Rose was seven months pregnant with a baby boy before her hand went to caress her bump softly and she chuckled. "Well, sometimes? Because he has been kicking way too much now."
"He already wants to come out." Ria commented giggling before Jack beside Rose spoke. "Because he wants to meet his dad."
Rose rolled her eyes while you and Ria laughed before you felt a light nudge on your shoulder making you look at Baekhyun. "Hm? What?"
"Shush." He placed his index finger on his lips as he leaned in. "Let's sneak out, coffee bean."
You laughed lowly. "What?"
"I am waiting behind that tree." He whispered pointing to the place and you chuckled staring at him weirdly. "We're married now, Baek."
"Don't ruin the fun and follow me." He glared at you playfully before kissing your palm as he excused himself from everyone and walked away.
"Go, your husband needs you." You turned to the voice to see Mrs Byun giving you a teasing smile and it was loud enough to take everyone's attention as they looked at you before giggling and you closed your eyes blushing.
Nevertheless, you slowly got up with his blazer in your hands as you wore it properly before walking away and you could hear your dad's voice kids these days and you chuckled fastening your speed. Aproaching him to see him standing against the tree with his hands shoved in his pocket and you just took your moment to stare at this handsome man infront of you.
As if he sensed your eyes, his head tilted to the side to see you as his lips curved upwards in a beautiful smile and you smiled back before he extended his hand which you took it as he made you stand infront of you. The moonlight touching his face made him look even more ethereal while his eyes bored into yours with a dreamy smile on his lips and you felt yourself blushing under his gaze.
"You know everyone got to know about this sneak out." You said and he pouted, clicking his tongue playfully. "Plan failed."
You chuckled. "But why did we even snuck out?"
Baekhyun pointed towards the sky with his index finger. "For that."
You tilted your head up to the sky with a gasp seeing the whole night sky, filled with shining stars and the lightning moon as your eyes sparkled. "Wow."
"You watch your favorite stars and I'll watch my favorite, you." He uttered out softly with his arms wrapping around your waist as he pulled you closer and kissed your temple making you smile as you looked back at him, before circling your arms around his neck to hug him.
He tightened his grip around your waist. "Gosh, you know you give the best hugs."
You chuckled placing your chin on his shoulder. "Let's stay like this here and live here."
He hummed. "Let's live on the tree and do your tree show."
"Seriously!" You whined leaning away as your arms rested around his neck and he laughed making you smile as seeing him laughing just brush your anger away.
His laughter slowly subsided, as his eyes stopped to stare at you softly as he bit his lower lip and you looked away blushing. "Why are you staring at me like that?"
"I am looking at my beautiful, wife." He said tucking the strand of hair behind your ear smiling and you bit your lip as you couldn't say anything back making him giggle as he slightly bumped his forehead against your temple. "Do you remember that day? When I helped you by being your boyfriend?"
You laughed nodding, remembering that moment as you looked at him. "Of course, how can I forget that? I was so surprised and who knew we would end up like this."
"Yes, and I am soooo...," He trailed off stealing a peck from your lips. "So glad that I did that. And now you're officially my wife, Mrs Byun." He added winking.
"And you're officially my husband, Mr Byun." You winked back and his eyes widened. "Did you.. Did you just flirted with me?!"
You shrugged giggling. "Perks of having a flirty husband."
"I seriously love you for flirting with me." He said kissing your cheek and you kissed his cheek back. "And I seriously love you for being my flirty husband."
Both of you looked at eachother for a moment before bursting out in giggles before pulling eachother in a hug.
And they knew, they were home.
And, that's a wrap! I hope you liked this chapter and this fanfiction too. I was really thinking if I should post the last today or not because somehow, I didn't wanted it to end and posting the last chapter is making me emotional🤧. Anyways, I just want to thank you, whoever has been reading this story and your responses really made my day and I appreciate it a lot.
This fanfiction has been close to my heart because this my first ever written and posted story, the storyline was simple but the plot and characters are very close to me, there might have been some errors and typos but it still made me improve my writing skills. I might write an epilogue, maybe, not confirmed, but I really want to though, and if I did I would post it for sure. 🥺
Again, thank you and hope you guys like this chapter, then, take care till I post my another fanfiction soon🤍
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh @jddcfc-blog @usernameloaa @gominieni @shesdreaminginoverdose
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redsbrainrot · 3 years
Gruvia Week Day 6 - Agony
warning: mentions of blood
_ _ _
"Juvia, what're you doing up again?" 
03:30 in the morning, Gray caught his wife of six months pondering around the kitchen, dressed in his shirt and nothing underneath it, other than silky underwear and knee-high, odd, socks covering her porcelain legs. Her hair had been in the same messy ponytail for the past two days; bumpy and greasy. She hadn't showered in almost a week. 
She glances up at her Gray-sama, the portrayal on her face remains bleak as she blankly shrugs, "Can't sleep." 
It'd been five days. Five days since the agonising, tragic loss she never even dreamed of having the trauma of going through. Awakening one day to buckets of rain dripping down the window, stomach cramps the same pain rate as being stabbed by a steak knife, and later that day her sheets are stained with blood dripping between her legs, followed by screams so harsh she'd lost her voice. 
Juvia shakes her head at Gray's questioning, breaking the simple eye contact and continuing to circle around the central counter. 
Gray forces her aimless pondering to stop as he takes her hand. Her eyes dart from the light grip on her hand to his eyes, hers narrowing in annoyance. 
Gray couldn't bare it. Juvia never looked at him with such hatred. She can't control the way she's feeling right now, and he's aware that anything she may spit at him won't be from her heart. It's not her, he had to remind himself. She's suffered a loss, and he has too. Her end is only much, much more painful, as she was the one who had to experience losing her unborn child. 
The two hadn't been married for long, and after Juvia discovers she's pregnant only five months into their marriage, she was delighted with excitement anyway. They never discussed exactly when kids could go on the table, yet the surprise out of nowhere was bliss. 
Juvia would go day and night protesting she needed solitude, and begged him to take a job request. On the verge of accepting, he changed his mind in an instant and stayed for her. Gray couldn't control his thoughts and his worst fear was that Juvia may do something stupid to hurt herself. 
She snatches her hand out of his grip, turning away and continuing to dawdle, "Juvia, can you come back to bed?" She shakes her head, "Please?" Another objection as Gray follows her circular path. 
"Can you take a shower then? I think it'll do you good." 
Her head shakes roughly this time, and Gray manages to catch a brief sound of sniffling, her feet remaining fixed on the floor. 
"Bath?" Gray suggests, keeping his distance in case she slaps away his touch once more, "It'll make you sleepy." 
With a release of an exhausted sigh, she agrees. "Fine." Juvia's never so blunt in her words. 
"I'll run it," He leaps in front of her before she can enter their bedroom, "Lie down for a minute, okay?" 
Juvia obliges, carefully placing herself on the edge of the mattress, not lying down, instead slouched in her seat, her fingers fiddling and pulling with the ends of her socks. Anything for a distraction. 
Gray was still in surprise of how the girl hadn't yet fainted. She'd lacked in both sleep, and eating. Truthfully, he can't remember the last time he saw something enter her system. She hadn't dropped by the guild since before the incident, refused to allow people inside the apartment, including Gajeel, and had stop using the terms "Gray-sama", when referring to her beloved husband. Gray may have found it irritating way back in the day, but now it's just not the same. He can't stand watching her suffer. What struck him down most is that he may have been trying his best to make life easier for her, however nothing was helping. 
The only other person aware of their current situation was Erza. She advised Gray he just needed to give her time, she'll come around eventually. Her biggest concern was Gray's wellbeing. He's gone through hell, and this time instead of moping around, complaining about life and frankly wishing he wasn't around anymore, he wasn't letting himself cry it out. He desperately wanted Juvia to at least smile. Her smile is what keeps him going. Without it, what's the point? 
Honestly, all Gray needed right now was to weep his depressive thoughts into someone's chest. Only this time, he can't to Juvia. She's already killing herself with guilt. 
Juvia dismally thanks Gray for running her bath as she enters the bathroom, her shirt already undone and the shoulders draping down her arms. Gray choses to leave her in peace, about to open the door and wait eyes open in their bed for her. Until Juvia latches her hand onto his, tugging him back inside. "Can you stay in here with me?" 
Juvia swirls her hand around the decently heated water, while the other is in Gray's hand as he is sat on the floor next to the tub. Her hold was weak, but at least the two were touching each other, even if it was only a hand hold. 
Neither of them spoke. Sitting in silence with each other was enough for now. 
"I'm really sorry." Juvia startles Gray as her voice cracks, breaking the silence.
"For what?" 
"The past few days," Her hand swirling ends, looking up with her watering eyes into Gray's, "I've been really cold to you. I'm not making this any easier."
"Nothing about this is easy, Juvia," If anything, Gray's wishes were the opposite of her sincere, unneeded and unwanted apologies, "You don't have to apologise. You don't need to," He lifts his hand from hers, brushing it down her dampened hair, caressing her cherubic cheeks, "It's only your way of coping. I know you don't mean anything you say." 
Juvia appreciates nothing more than her darling's kind words. Even though no smile was emitted, he knew she took his words to heart as her hand placed on top of his, turning her face slightly and planting her lips on the corner of his palm.
Unfortunately, his light touches and sweet words weren't enough for her to keep back a gush of tears. Her gloomful teardrops splatter into his hand, whimpers and sniffles following. 
_ _ _
Juvia pleaded Gray to leave her in peace in the lukewarm bathtub after her flood of tears had escaped. Gray was unsure of what to say. All she needed from him was brief contact, and of course an immediate change of heart occurred as her drops of sadness had faded. 
Gray left behind another one of his shirts and some clean underwear for Juvia. He refused to acknowledge his exhaustion and remained awake while patiently awaiting Juvia's return to their bedroom. 
Almost 04:30, Gray peeps up at the door as it creaks open. Juvia tiresomely walks through, the drips in her wet hair seeping through her braids, and the buttons on her shirt done up in the wrong order. It didn't bother her, though. She probably didn't even notice. 
Gray opens up the covers for her side, the eye contact absent as she crawls in beside him, switching off the lamp as she does so. 
Juvia lays on her side, facing Gray yet not exchanging any form of contact with him. Gray desperately wanted to pull her close to him, cuddle in their sleep and once again be comfortable with one another. She craved the space, though. 
"Juvia," He breathes, trailing his hand towards hers, implying a moment of contact, which thankfully she agrees to, "I hate seeing you beat yourself up." 
"Tomorrow will you at least go outside? Even if it's only a small walk." 
Her grip in his hand loosens, thinking it over. "I don't know..." 
After picturing the absolute elation portrayed on her face, spectating her suffering was agonising for him. 
At first, she was panicky, anxious and frightened of what Gray would think of her pregnancy. On the outside, she remained mature and adult-like, keeping the situation and her emotions under control. 
"Gray-sama?" Juvia starts as she's sat on the bathroom counter, Gray opposite and leant on the wall with his arms folded, "What if it really is positive? What will we do?" 
Juvia had been concerned whether she was pregnant or not for about four days. She first noticed her period was late, but that had happened before. Her cycle was up and down, so the notice in change wasn't a first sign of pregnancy. 
"What do you want?" Gray wasn't sure at this point. 
Gray was the one who proposed taking a pregnancy test just to make sure, as much as Juvia objected that she couldn't possibly be. 
"Well, would Gray-sama mind if Juvia is pregnant? Would it bother you?" 
Gray's response is quick with a head shake, "To be honest, no." Juvia peers up with her teeth nibbling her lip, "My main concern if you, Juvia. If you don't want to have a baby right now, that's your choice. This isn't really mine to make." Gray's tone had always been bland and he's a closed book, making their moment difficult for Juvia. 
"I want your opinion, Gray-sama." 
He tilts his head for a moment, what did he really think about this? 
"I..." Gray questioned his possible skills as a father, already wondering whether he made a good husband before hand, "We've been married for almost six months, and these months have been the best of my life. I like having fun with you, when it's just the two of us. I know you want kids at some point, and so do I. So... if you wanna have a baby now, I'd be happy with it." 
Juvia profoundly smiles at his honesty. She'd enjoyed her relationship with Gray-sama before they were even in one. She's loved him for years, and being pregnant with his baby would make her happier than ever. Even if it's sooner than she thought it'd happen. 
She realises the timer had ended, and takes the test behind her, hovering her thumb over the result before taking a look. Gray steps closer, grabbing her hand while staring down at the test. Trembling, she slips her thumb aside to see two red lines, indicating a positive test. 
"Juvia, I'm back." Gray announces himself as he enters their apartment.
As he closes the door, he quickly takes note how it's suddenly began to pour rain from outside. The windows are drowning in the water, and only a moment ago the sun was out. He hadn't seen rain like this in god knows how long. 
"Juvia?" He calls again, after no response. 
After searching the kitchen and living room, he heads to their bedroom. He opens the door to notice ruffled sheets, and towards the edge of the bed, a puddle of red was sinking into the mattress. 
Gray catches the sounds of whimpers coming from the bathroom. Struck with confusion, he storms inside and witnesses his wife on the dark towel covering the tiled floor, dressed in one of his shirts. For support, her arms depended on the edge of the bathtub, while her face dug into her arm, soaking with tears. 
Gray drops to the floor, gently shaking her arm in attempt to get words out of her. She refuses, shaking her head over and over again as her whimpers become cries of distraught. Finally, Gray notices a gush of blood between her legs. 
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Daisies - Shouto Todoroki x Reader
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I should really be going to bed rn but instead I had an idea while listening to some music and got really in my feels SO HERE IT IS <3
Warnings: Angst ending in fluff You could see it in the way that he carried himself. Shouto was nowhere near who he used to be when you first started dating. You missed the stolen glances the two of you shared, the red that took up residence on his cheeks whenever you came into the room, and the subtle touch he gave your hand which indicated that he wanted to hold it in his. You remembered when he would do anything in his power to get home to your shared apartment so that you could have dinner together and maybe watch a movie. Now when he got home, if he came home at all, it would be way past dinner and bordering on the next day. You used to stay up for him, waiting to put his meal you had prepared in the microwave so it could be warm by the time you helped him put away his coat and work bag when he came home from the agency. At first, you believed that it would only be a couple days of this, but those days turned into weeks, and those weeks turned into 3 months. You stopped staying up almost 3 days ago.
Currently, you were on the phone with your mother who was begging you for more details on your two year relationship.
“I know you know this, but your father proposed to me after two years of dating, about as long as you and your boyfriend have been dating,” she said, making you swallow a lump that was lodged in your throat. 
“You’re right Mom, I do know this. You tell me every chance you get,” you say in a joking voice with your voice as blank as a slate. You loved your mother, you really did. However, recently, she felt the need to hint at a proposal that you knew was not coming soon, if at all. For the duration, the two of you had never talked about marriage or if you thought about wanting to get married.
“I’m just saying, you would look beautiful in a white dress with a bouquet of daisies walking down the aisle. Where is Shouto? I haven’t been able to reach him in a while, can you put him on the phone for me?” At her words, you rub your eyes with your right hand and will yourself not to cry. You’ve already cried enough these past two weeks.
“U-um,” you begin, your voice wavering, “he’s n-not home. Probably won’t be for a while.”
“...Honey, is something the matter?” She asks, concern laced in her voice. It’s the soft comfort in her voice that makes you break. You sob into the phone, letting your tears run down your face.
“M-mom I’m so scared,” you say, crying through your words. “I-I don’t think he loves me anymore.” You feel your body shake from your weeping, now holding onto the edge of the kitchen counter for support. 
“Oh, Y/N...” your mother says, her voice quiet.
“He hasn’t come home for days and when he does come home, I feel like we’re strangers. I haven’t been able to talk to him and see what’s actually going in his life in so long that now our conversations are one of us commenting on the weather. THE WEATHER!” You scream into the phone as you walk over to your couch and collapse onto it. Your mother stays quiet as you vent, and boy, do you vent. On how Shouto’s given you the excuse of ‘work’ when you know for a fact that your friend Ochaco’s husband, Midoriya, worked at the same level that Shouto did and he came home at 7:30 sharp every night, and she lived ten minutes farther away from the agency than you did. How he hasn’t made an effort to try and take you on a date in months. How he’s stopped doing anything to make you feel like you were in a relationship.
“Y/N, you know what you have to do.” Your mother says, her voice serious.
“If you’re implying that I should break up with him-”
“No honey. You need to talk to him, and not about the weather. You need to tell him what you just told me and how much his actions have been hurting you. And, if he doesn’t see the fault in his actions, that’s when I would let him go. If anything happens, you can always have your old room back. I miss your cooking anyways, I feel like the house has downgraded from a 5-star restaurant to a 2-star one ever since you moved out.” This earned her a light laugh from you as you began to wipe the salty tears from your cheeks and take a deep breath.
“Thank you Mom,” you say.
“I’m always here for you Y/N, you know that. I’ll always be in your corner,” she says. You say goodbye and exit from your phone app to open up messages. You send Shouto a simple and concise message.
Y/N: I would really appreciate it if you could get home a little earlier tonight. We need to talk.
What shocked you was that almost immediately after, you saw the three dots pop up on the opposite side of the screen.
Shouto: Okay. Something up?
You were definitely not going to be starting this conversation over text. Absolutely not.
Y/N: We’ll talk when you get home.
The three dots didn’t pop up again, so instead, you decided to make dinner. You prepared a simple yet fail-safe comfort dinner for yourself, (favorite meal). Just as you finished fixing a plate for yourself and covered the rest in foil, you heard the faint jingle of keys outside of the apartment door. Your eyes dart up and your heart begins to beat wildly. Not in months has he been home early enough to have dinner with you - you thought you would’ve had more time to prepare what you were going to say to him. The door swings open to reveal Shouto with his work bag slung around his shoulder, hero costume stuffed in it. That detail stood out to you - never has Shouto not folded it carefully in order to prevent wrinkles. He dropped his bag near the front door and slid off his shoes. When he met your eyes, you stopped chewing instantly. The two of you stayed in your positions, perfectly still, until you slowly got up and grabbed an extra plate, putting a good portion of the meal you made onto it, and set it across from your spot at the dining room table. As you were sitting back down, Shouto walked towards you slowly, warily. It was like he was trying not to spook you. Like if he made any abrupt movements, you would jump up out of your chair and run for the hills. In his hand, you noticed, he held a daisy, which he placed on the table. Daisies always used to be a thing between the two of you. On your first date, he had taken you on a picnic in a meadow surrounded by the white dainty flowers. Daisies meant that you loved the other person. Taking a forkful of the food and placing it into his mouth, you could see him relax a bit. He always had a soft spot for your cooking, no matter what he felt like. The silence was overwhelming as the two of you ate, so Shouto decided to clear his throat.
“It’s been a long time since we had dinner together, huh.” He says. This simple sentence, just those 11 words, set you off. You slam your fork onto the table making Shouto jump a bit in his chair.
“Yes, Shoto, it has been. It’s been 3 months and 5 days since we last shared a meal together.” You say, venom leaking from your voice. Shouto instantly knew what this ‘talk’ you wanted to have was about. Just as he was about to open his mouth to respond, you cut him off. “No,” you simply say, “let me speak first. I could forgive the first couple of weeks when you came home late or said you had to stay over at the agency, but good god, what has been consuming all of your time that has made you spend more hours there than you have at home? I know for a fact that Midoriya works in the same department and has the same title and responsibilities that he has, but he’s home at 7:30 on the dot every night to see his wife and have dinner with her.” You snarl. “You haven’t been visiting home, I’ve called Natsuo and Fuyumi to ask if you were there and they said no. You haven’t been visiting your mother because the nurse makes sure to send an alert to our computer system for security reasons. So what, what has consumed your life in such a way that you don’t want to spend your time with me anymore?” As much as you tried, you couldn’t help it. You feel the moisture on your cheeks before you can comprehend that you're crying. Shouto’s face falls, his heart breaking as he can see yours has been crumbled for a long time.
“Y/N… I’m so sorry,” he says, his gaze never faltering from yours. He takes a deep breath and stands from his seat, making his way over to yours and kneeling in front of you. “I…,” he choked out. You always knew that putting his feelings into words has never been one of Shouto’s strong suits, so you granted him the time to slowly get his thoughts together. “I freaked out.” He said simply.
“W-what?” You said, confused.
“I know we’ve been together for a long time, and I know that you’re looking for someone to settle down with and I freaked out because I didn’t think that I was a person who could do that.” You close your eyes and exhale. “I’ve been staying out late because I’ve been going to counseling, and I couldn’t let it get in the way of work. I wanted to help myself so that I could make the both of us happy and partake in an equal and loving relationship. I know I should’ve told you, but I… I just couldn’t get myself to spit it out.” You slid from the chair to your knees so you could be on the same level as Shouto was. Shouto rustled around in his jacket pocket and what was in his hands made your eyes widen. It was a small velvet box which left little to imagine what was inside. Before he could say another word, you put a hand on top of it to prevent him from opening it. This caused panic to flash in his eyes as they darted up to look into yours. 
“Shouto… I love you. You know that I love you, but are you sure?” You make sure to squeeze his hand. “I need you to be completely sure before you do this, because I am, and I can’t imagine myself with anyone else.”
“Yes.” He says, instantly. You smile and lean your forehead against his. What confuses him is when you grab the box and nestle it back into his coat pocket.
“This is not me saying no. I just think we need to get back into our old groove before this happens. We both know that we want to reach that milestone, but we need to run there first, okay?” You ask. Shouto exhales and reaches his hand up to cup your cheek.
“Okay. You share a kiss and let yourselves cry and hold the other. Shouto’s strong arms now move to tighten around your waist, which sends you over the moon. He hadn’t done that in a long time. 
“Let’s go to bed, yeah? I don’t want you to be late tomorrow.” You whisper, sniffling.
“No. I’ll shoot Midoriya a text telling him that I’m not gonna be in tomorrow. I want to make up for lost time.” Elated, more tears trail down your cheek, but these were happy ones. Letting Shouto pick you up, he carried you with such care to your soft bed and helped you get changed into pajamas. He taps your shoulders to get you to hold your arms straight up so that he can slide the blouse you wore to work today off of you. You unclip the pinchy bra you wore yourself and slid down the flowy pants you wore until they pooled around your feet. Shouto handed you one of his shirts, the one you’ve always had a soft spot for. It was now ragged with holes and falling apart at the seams, but the softness of the material enveloped you as he helped your arms through the sleeves. When you poked your head through the top of the shirt, Shouto gently gathered your hair and pulled it out of the shirt, laying it down your back. He himself then got changed and climbed into bed next to you. The two of you were like magnets with opposite poles, immediately being attracted to the other’s side. You lay your head on his chest and you feel his chin find its place on top of your head. You finally felt peaceful. Felt loved. And, more importantly, felt Shouto at your side.
“I love you,” he breathes. The air he exhales tickles your neck which only makes you nestle into him more.
“And I love you,” You murmur.
“We’re going to get married one day, okay?” He says, brushing a hand over your hair and playing with the ends of it.
“Okay.” You smile, a smile gracing your face as you drift off. Shouto’s heart didn’t slow to its normal pace until hours later. He was proud of himself. He finally admitted to himself that he was ready to enter a relationship where he knew that both of you felt the same way. For the entire time the two of you dated, he knew that he loved you, but he was terrified that one day, a switch would go off and his parents’ relationship would become yours. But now, with you in his arms agreeing to marry him one day, although he hadn’t yet formally proposed, guided him into a blissful sleep. Dreamworld decided to be nice to him, because all he could picture in his mind as he slumbered away were images of you, rings, and daisies
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Hanzo Hasashi Imagine
“ hi how are you hope you are well. I love your post there wonderful is it ok if i can request a Hanzo Hasashi x S/o where they have had a beautiful marriage for awhile he's been happier since someone came into his life but his S/o dies for him while saving his life somehow Hanzo than is broken and can't really go on anymore .. if i could have a request like this I thank you you will make my day <3″
GIFS not mine!
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Waiting for Hanzo to get home was always the longest part of your day. Especially as of late. You could feel him slowly beginning to drift away, and you swore nothing in the world broke your heart more than the possibilities running through your head. Hanzo purposely avoiding you, possibly he was drowning trying to build up a strong clan once more, or the worst thought, him wrapped intimately in another woman’s arms. 
You found yourself watching out the window more often, waiting for him to walk up the stone path underneath the beautiful trees. The trees you once sat under together, looking up at the sky silently. The trees you once made love under, held in each other’s arms, looking deeply in each other’s eyes. The trees that now seemed to mock you, reminding you of a time much better than now. 
Now, you constantly dressed your best to catch his eye again. You cleaned your home spotless, made him a supper he hardly finished, woke up before him to brew him some coffee and fix him up a breakfast. You tried so hard to bring back the spark that was beginning to flicker out. You wore your hair down because you knew he once loved it. 
It seemed like nothing could bring back his attraction to you.
Behind his back, you cried often. In front of him you put on a happy façade; telling him you love him often, and that if he needed anything, you’d be here for him. Less and less did he come to you, need you, love you.
You recalled all the good times with Hanzo. When he began to open up to you for the first time, showing you he was more than a cold man. The times he would blush when complimenting you, or become bashful when you would do the same to him.
You loved him with your entire heart, but now it was beginning to hurt you.
You had seen the woman he had potentially been with behind your back. Her dark hair reached her mid back. She had a smug look upon her face when she met your eyes. In a way, her beautiful features reminded you of the picture Hanzo kept of Harumi.
These were just speculations, of course.
You didn’t want to believe that Hanzo was capable of doing something like this to you. You knew he loved you, but it felt off. It felt like he was fading from your life altogether.
Finally, you could see him beginning up the pathway. With a heavy yet hopeful heart, you went outside to greet him. A smile did not stretch his lips this time. His arms did not reach out to engulf you. Instead, his body seemed more tense than usual. As he came closer, you smelled... roses. 
Your heart dropped. Shattered on the ground. You attempted to keep your expression calm, you tried your hardest not to shed a tear. You tried to think of a better explanation.
All that could come to your mind was Hanzo holding another woman in his arms, treating her similarly as he did to you before.
Holding her, kissing her, loving her.
Did he love her? Did he shower her with affection? Compliments? Kisses? Did he only find her body attractive, or her soul?
Hanzo, like yourself, was so deep in thought, he didn’t see a familiar pale man further behind him. Your mouth flew open. Unleashing a skull, everything seemed to be in slow motion.
Sprinting up to your husband, you shoved him to the side and out of the way of the flaming skull, just in time for it to instead collide with your throat and upper body. Hanzo’s eyes burned red as he watched you fall to the ground. 
His love, his life, on the ground and dying in front of him once more. The goddamn sorcerer again. Turning to said sorcerer, Hanzo unleashed the harshest hellfire of his life, immediately consuming the sorcerer until he was nothing but ashes.
You lied beneath your love, hardly able to breath and keep your eyes open. You brain began to thud violently against your skull, you felt both a burning pain and a sudden numbness. Your throat began to tighten.
You watched your husband lean down to capture you in his arms. Tears dropped onto your face as you gazed into his eyes; full of pain and worry. Weakly, you attempt to raise your arm, barely making it to his cheek.
With a shaky, cracking voice, you say, “Thank you.”
With a reassuring smile, you feel your life slip away from you; all the pain, heartache diminished as your soul left your body. An empty shell was all that was left in your husband’s arms as he began to holler and yell at you, ordering you not to leave him, that he loves you, and that he is so sorry.
You were buried underneath one of those trees. Under the tree where Hanzo had proposed, made love to you, cuddled you, held you, kissed you, and loved you. 
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ppangjae · 4 years
made to fall in love | ten
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SUMMARY. Seoul’s finest 30 under 30. The country’s youngest billionaire. 2019’s richest bachelor. But of all the women he could go after, he goes after.. her?
GENRE. fluff and angst + ceo!jaehyun (someone stop me) + nerd!reader + enemies to lovers!au + long lost friend!au
WORD COUNT. 1.8k+ words
warnings. tooth-rotting fluff, swearing, and tons of bickering!
author’s note. this update is just a little bit longer than the previous one just because there wasn’t an update last week. happy reading~
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TEN. never not • from the moment i loved, i knew you were the one
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“Care to explain this?”
Johnny tosses the daily newspaper onto Jaehyun’s desk. Jaehyun quirks an eyebrow at his best friend as he gently grabs the newspaper. Written in large, bold font, he reads the headline with a smirk slowly forming on his lips. Johnny’s eyebrows raise in surprise. 
“The media just loves me, huh?” Jaehyun clicks his tongue. He tosses the newspaper to the side. “Do you really think I have the time to get engaged?”
“So, you’re telling me that—”
“The headlines are fake?” Jaehyun interrupts him. “Yes. They are.”
“But that’s clearly you and Y/N in the picture. You’re clearly kneeling down in front of her with an engagement ring.” Johnny says confusedly.
“The restaurant we both ate at last night had a promotion where a newly-engaged couple’s dinner will be on the house.” He explains while shrugging his shoulders. “I decided to finesse the system. Is there anything wrong with that? Besides, the bill turned out to be bigger than I expected and what’s better than faking a marriage proposal to get the dinner for free?”
“The ring,” Johnny mumbles, “Do you carry an engagement ring everywhere you go?”
Jaehyun snorts. “The ring is for my mother. It’s her birthday today and I had picked up the ring yesterday. It was all perfect timing.”
Johnny squints his eyes at him with suspicion. “Well, you better talk to the press and clear this entire situation up. The public now assume you’re—”
“Off the market?” Jaehyun grins. “Sounds nice. It also looks nice when it’s printed out on paper. Jeong Jaehyun, CEO of Jung Architects is officially off the market—”
“Good morning.”
Jaehyun clamps his mouth shut. You enter the office before stopping in your tracks. You look at the two best friends who are staring at you. You fold your arms and raise an eyebrow. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Johnny clears his throat. “Good morning. Jaehyun, do you want me to go grab you some coffee?”
Jaehyun fixes his tie and gets back to work. “I’d like that. Thanks. Y/N, do you want some coffee too?”
You watch them with a confused look. “S-Sure, I could get a caffeine boost.”
As Johnny starts making his way to the door, the both of you meet gazes. The both of you communicate through looks until Johnny shrugs his shoulders and sticks his tongue out at you. You let out a sigh. 
“Is there anything wrong, Y/N?”
Your posture straightens. “Nothing, sir.”
As you’re taking a seat at your work table, you notice a bright yellow post-it note on your desk. You place your bag onto your chair to pick at the post-it note. Your eyebrows knit together as you read it.
Cheer up! You look lovely today. -J
You scoff, ready to crumble up the post-it note until you try to sneak a glance at Jaehyun. He’s busy typing away on his computer, looking completely unfazed and unbothered. The more you stare at him, the more you question the post-it note. You shift your gaze back to the post-it note. J? Who the fuck is J? Instead of crumbling up the post-it note, you gently stick it back onto the surface of your work table. You look at Jaehyun with suspicion.
Johnny comes back to the office with two cups of freshly-made coffee in his hands. First, he places a cup onto Jaehyun’s desk. Jaehyun mumbles a soft ‘thanks’ before his typing returns to an aggressive speed. Johnny strides over to your desk to place your coffee onto your desk.
“A cup of coffee for my favourite human being.” Johnny smiles.
You chuckle. “Am I really your favourite human being?”
“Of course!” He exclaims.
“Johnny, get back to work.” Jaehyun commands him. Johnny’s smile is immediately wiped off of his face. It makes you want to laugh.
“Yes, sir.” Johnny mutters, rolling his eyes. He nods at you. “You look lovely today, by the way! It’s nice to see you all cheered up.”
“I—wait—huh?” You stutter.
“I should get back to work. I’ll see you during lunch break!” Johnny exclaims as he starts heading towards the door without speaking to you any further.
You look lovely today, by the way! 
It’s nice to see you all cheered up.
Cheer up! You look lovely today.
J for Jaehyun? J for Johnny?
You’re instantly troubled with your thoughts. Jaehyun sneaks a glance at you, specifically at the post-it note on your desk. A smile threatens to spread across his lips.
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The company’s year-end party is definitely something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Every single employee seems to be doing at least something for the party. Johnny’s in charge of the decorations, Winwin from the HR department is in charge of the catering, and even Lucas, the newly-hired intern is in charge of the guest list. There are employees running everywhere, putting in all their effort to make the year-end party the best it could possibly be. 
Meanwhile, you’re in the middle of the chaos, pondering on what you should wear.
Jaehyun clearly has favourites.
You’re probably one of them.
“You should probably go for the off-shoulder dress.” You jump in your seat, letting out a loud yelp. You almost drop your phone. You hear a soft chuckle.
Jaehyun is looking at your phone over your shoulder. You immediately lock your phone, quickly shoving your phone back into your pocket. “I’ve been waiting for half an hour now. Are you done with your work?”
“Oh,” Jaehyun’s eyebrows raise. “Were you expecting me to drive you home?”
“Yes.” You frown. “You always do.”
“But you always decline my offer?” It comes out as a question. 
“Well, after much thought, I figured that I’d save more money if you drove me home.” You purse your lips into a tight line. “My bus money can be lunch money.”
“You have a point.” He hums in agreement. “Well, let’s get going. I know a place to go to.”
“A place?”
Jaehyun doesn’t reply, a grin spread across his lips. You fold your arms, waiting for him to utter a word but his stubborn self seals his lips. 
“It’s a surprise.”
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“Christian Dior?”
Jaehyun opens the door for you. You slowly step out of his car. As he shuts the door behind you, you can’t help but look at the store with bright eyes. He glances at you and smiles. “Surprise.”
You snort. “I think I’ll go to the store next door. I don’t think I can afford anything from Dior.”
“Who said you were paying?”
Your head snaps in his direction and your eyes widen. You shake your head. “Please tell me you’re joking.”
He shrugs his shoulders. “I’m not joking.”
You squint your eyes at him. “It’s moments like these where I wish I took the bus instead.”
“You won’t regret this,” he says as he grabs your hand.
You look down at your interlocked hands as he leads you to the high-end store. There are tailors left and right and retailers flocking to Jaehyun the moment he enters the store. They’re all asking him questions about what he’s interested in looking at but Jaehyun doesn’t budge. Instead, he looks at you.
“I’m not shopping for me,” he says with a sheepish smile. “I’m shopping for her.”
Everyone looks at you. You look at them, just as awkward and confused as they are until one of the retailers lets out a loud gasp. “You’re her! You’re the woman on the front page of the newspaper!”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “What are you talking about—”
“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” Jaehyun cuts you off and he fakes a smile at the retailer. “Is it possible to get all the red dresses you sell at this store location?”
“Oh, I thought you were going to look for engagement party dresses—”
“Engagement?” You frown. The retailer just doesn’t know how to clamp her mouth shut and Jaehyun gives her a warning look. You nudge Jaehyun. “Do you know what she’s talking about?”
“Oh! How rude of me!” The retailer gasps. “Congratulations on your engagement—”
“Red dresses!” Jaehyun snaps. “Where are your red dresses? We’re running on a time crunch right now and—”
You shake your head. “No, we’re not. We’re not in a rush—”
“Ah, I wish I was as lucky as her to be engaged with Jeong Jaehyun—”
“We are in a rush. Please get the red dresses prepared, thanks.”
“We’ll get the red dresses prepared.”
You and Jaehyun share a look.
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There’s nothing wrong with having too many red dresses to try on. Well, except for two, it’s tiring and taxing. The tailors that are zipping you up in your last dress for the night can’t help but giggle at your facial expression. You look tired. You look at your reflection with a blank gaze. That is, until you finally feel the dress being zipped up perfectly. Your posture straightens and it sort of snaps you back into reality. Your eyes trail down your reflection in the mirror and your mouth gradually hangs open.
You look… 
“You look beautiful, ma’am.”
You look at the tailor through the mirror. You feel your cheeks heat up. “Thanks.”
“Shall we show Mr. Jeong how you look?”
You nod. “Let’s get going, I’m starving.”
Jaehyun fiddles with his phone as the annoying retailer continues to bug him with questions about his supposed ‘engaged’ life. He can’t help but regret faking a marriage proposal for a free dinner. He can’t help but regret using his mother’s birthday gift that so happens to be a ring, as a fake engagement ring. All for a free dinner. He guesses this was his karma.
“She’s ready, do you want to see her?” He looks up to see the tailor coming out from the dressing room. He slowly nods his head and lets out a yawn. “Sorry for letting you wait a bit longer for this dress, but I’m sure it will be worth it.”
He’s seen at least ten red dresses at this point that he’s not sure what the differences between them are. But that’s all about to change the moment you step out of the dressing room. And indeed, there is a huge difference. You step out of the dressing room in a red dress. But it’s not just any dress. 
You’re slowly turning around in the dress to give Jaehyun a full view of the dress. It’s a long mermaid, off-the-shoulder dress with a high slit down the side of your leg. It flows effortlessly all the way down to your feet. It shows all of your beautiful curves. 
Jaehyun looks at you in awe. “This is the one.”
You adjust your glasses on the bridge of your nose, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind your ear. You’re too insecure to even notice that Jaehyun even said something about the dress until the tailor is ready to take you back to the dressing room. “Wait, you don’t like this one?”
Jaehyun’s eyebrows knit in confusion. “I love this one.”
You blink. “Really?”
He smiles, nodding his head. “Really. You look lovely.”
You look lovely.
You snap out of it before turning towards the tailor. “I’m getting this dress.”
You look..
It echoes in your mind, over and over again, specifically in his voice.
Yeah, you’re definitely not sleeping tonight.
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tag list: @riverdale-kpop @cupofjae @jae-canikeepyou @crystxlkpop @befikel @justineasian @frankenstein852 @mymonbebecarat127heart @hoshitaro @ilymarkchan @hyluvjk @fantasircle @yourchasingsunsetslove @jae-bam @starryhyun​ @kriselynne @jaeismytamtation​ @etaerealboy​ @irrelevxntstxr @johnnyseosabs​ @jaeveil​ @doublepeace @jaehyunie77 @nshitae​ @ijustwantsummilk @crtznstuff @linnnnduhhhnctlove @airloe @princessaecha @jimjamjaemin @linansey @eileencacai @loviejaehyun @leesalts​ @yourchasingsunsetslove​ @antovsc​ 
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qianinterprises · 3 years
Well Worth the Wait {Ten x Reader}
Author's Notes: This idea was given to me through a conversation I was having with a friend, @merinaart. While she didn't request this, I made this for her! Love ya hun! This is also my first smut so I apologize if it isn’t good.
Synopsis: Your wedding day with the man of your dreams
Paring: Ten x Reader
Warning: Smut warning!!! Not appropriate for minors
Word Count: 5700
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The delicate texture of soft flowers brushed against your cheeks and you leant to take a small sniff of the colorful bouquet clasped in your fingers. The gentle smell of lilies and jasmines calmed your trembling nerves.
"It's almost time, beautiful, you ready?" your best friend, Tori, asked, placing a gentle hand on your bare shoulder.
You took a deep, shuddering breath, shoulders trembling as the piano upstairs began playing, welcoming guests and officially starting the ceremony.
"Can I really do this?" you asked, voice wavering.
Tori wrapped an arm around your shoulders, stroking the skin softly, careful not to ruffle either of the dresses.
"You love him sweetheart. Don't you?" she asked.
"Of course I do! More than anything!"
A smile formed across Tori's face.
"Then you're ready for this sweetheart," she spoke softly.
Your heart hammered in your chest, but a rush of calm washed over you. You took a deep breath and let the flowers drop down to rest comfortably in front of your waist.
"It's time," the call from the director rang down the hallway.
You jumped but, you were ready. You took a shuddering breath and nodded, giving Tori a bright smile. Tori rubbed your shoulder softly before picking her own, smaller bouquet up from the vanity and stepping out the door.
The walk down the hallway heading toward the staircase that would lead to the main event was a long journey. Your breathing was shallow as nerves gathered in your stomach. However, as the groomsmen waited on the stairs for the bridesmaids, and Jena slid her arm through YangYang's, your heart calmed. You were about to get married to the man of your dreams. Nothing was scary about spending the rest of your life with him.
Jamie looped her arm through Kunhangs, as YangYang guided Jena down the aisle. When they were halfway, Kunhang and Jamie started down. Jena and YangYang separated, YangYang going to stand on the grooms side, Jena on the brides. Donna slid her arm through Dejun's. Chelsea slid her arm through Yukhei’s and Julie’s through Sicheng’s, and finally, when they were halfway down, Tori made her way down solo, Kun already standing by the side of the groom, his best man.
When Tori was at the alter, you took a deep breath and, joining arms with your father, made your way down the aisle. The guests stood, some teary-eyed, others sporting wide grins, but their reactions didn't faze you. Your eyes were glued to the man standing at the alter, his eyes wide as they trailed over your body.
Your wore a long, flowing, strapless white dress that stuck tight against your torso, flowing out into a long ball gown at your waist. The lacy train flowed behind you, gliding along the floor.
As you reached the alter, the preacher greeted you and, you released your fathers arm and handed your flower bouquet to Tori before taking both of Ten's outreached hands. He closed them around yours as you both took the two steps up onto the alter. His eyes trailed over your face, eyes filled with love.
"I welcome you all here today for the marriage of Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul and (y/f/n)," the preacher greeted.
You squeezed his hands softly.
The ceremony went on. As the preacher spoke and the guests watched, your eyes never left Tens. Your heart beat softly in your chest.
"It's time for the vows. I was told that the bride and groom would like to write their vows," the preacher spoke. "We'll start with the bride."
Tori stepped forward behind you and unfurled a small, folded note from the folds of her dress. She passed it to you and, with shaky fingers, you opened it, reading the words you'd written a few months back.
"Ten, my husband, my partner, my friend. I will love you to the ends of time. We've been together for three years and they have been the best three years of my life. I can't imagine myself with anyone else. And I am incredibly excited to spend the rest of my life with you, until death tears us apart," you spoke, your eyes glassing over and your voice cracking.
"And now the groom."
Ten tried to hide the swipe of his eye, wiping away a tear as he turned around to take his own folded note from Kun's hand.
He unfolded it and cleared his throat, glancing at the words before looking up into your eyes.
"From the moment I met you, I knew you were the one I wanted to settle down with. It took me time to admit it to myself. It may have even taken a well-deserved (but painful) smack in the back of the head. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I promise, for the rest of my life, I will show you every day how much I love you. I will never stop loving you, even in death," he spoke.
You were less discreet in hiding your tears. Tori pulled a tissue from somewhere and passed it to you before your mascara could run. You dabbed your eyes and passed it back to her.
"Have you the rings?"
Kun pulled your ring from his pocket and handed it to Ten.
Ten took your hand softly in his and began sliding the ring down your finger.
"Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, do you take this woman, (y/f/n), as your wife?"
Ten looked you in the eye. "I do."
The ring rested in front of the beautiful engagement ring. A smile brightened up your face and, you wiped another tear away, before turning and taking Ten's ring from Tori.
You took his hand and slowly slid the ring onto his finger.
"(y/f/n), do you take this man, Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, as your husband?"
You met his eyes. "I do."
The ring rested at the bottom of his finger where it would stay, forever marking him as yours, the man you had fallen in love with and had chosen you.
"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."
You had always thought about how your first kiss as husband and wife would be. Would it be a soft, sweet kiss? Would it be filled with tangible passion? Would it be a kiss that would leave you breathless? As it turns out, it was all three.
Ten's hands immediately wound themselves around you, one around your shoulder, tipping you back, the other around your waist, supporting you. Your leg lifted into the air as his lips found yours in a searing, sweet, passionate kiss. Claps and cheers filled the air and Ten brought you back to standing, smirking as he found you breathless.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul!"
Cheers erupted again as you linked arms with your new husband and he escorted you down the aisle, Tori and Kun following closely behind.
As soon as you and you new husband made your way out of the church, bridal party not far behind, the photographer was waiting for you.
Your first pose was a kiss. Ten pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you tightly and pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes were closed, but you still saw the flash of the camera. When the kiss ended, Ten didn’t pull away, he kept his face pressed against yours, a bright, loving smile blossoming on his features, a smile you happily returned. The camera flashed again.
The next pose was you with your ladies, standing in the center as they gathered around you, all holding your flowers and giving the camera soft, glowing grins. Ten and the men took an image just like it, flowers included.
The other poses ranged in weird to sweet. Some involved the ladies holding Ten up sideways, which was a bit of a struggle in long dresses, especially since no one was prepared for it. You got the same kind of phone with the other members of WayV, however, as Yukhei and Sicheng grappled with your upper half, one of their hands snagged the fabric as they shifted you and, before you knew it, the top of your dress concealing your breasts feel down. You squeaked but, thankfully, none of the men noticed and Tori quickly fixed it, covering your strapless, white bra.
Once it was fixed, the photographer snapped the photo and the boys set you back on the ground carefully.
After a few more photos, Tori clipped your dress train to the clip on the back of your dress to hold it off the ground and make it easier to move around in. Then, she linked arms with Kun and the two followed the wedding party parade into the refreshment hall where the reception was being held.
As soon as YangYang pulled the door open, the jazz style music that had been playing faded away and the DJ's voice rang through the crowded hall.
"We welcome the Leechaiyapornkul Wedding Party!"
YangYang and Jeni paraded in, doing silly dances to the music before moving off to the side to let the others in. Finally, after Tori and Kun were standing off to the side, discreetly still locked arms, the DJ's voice came on again.
"I present to you, for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Leechaiyapornkul! Although I've been told they're going by Mr. and Mrs. Lee!"
That had been something the two of you had had a long, drawn out discussion over. Ten had gotten used to spelling out the length of his last name, but you could just imagine signing (y/n) Leechaiyapornkul over and over again, running out of room on the documents. So, you had proposed he take your last name, something he rejected almost immediately and, although you didn't fully understand why he refused when it was a perfectly normal thing to do, he would have preferred to use his own. So, the two of you came up with a compromise. On legal documents, you would keep Leechaiyapornkul, but on other, less legal documents and mail, you would abbreviate it to Lee to save time and space.
The crowd applauded loudly as Ten led you through the door. He twirled you around and brought you back to his side, pressing a kiss to your cheek as the DJ spoke again.
"It is now time for the bride and groom's first dance."
Yet again something that had required a long discussion. You did not have near the dance capabilities as Ten. Ten, who as everyone knows, was an animal on the dance floor. You... clumsy and not quite as elegant or graceful, had a hard time following simple moves, much less wearing heels and a heavy dress. So, you had suggested a very slow song that wouldn't require any theatrics. Ten, of course, was absolutely appalled, insisting no wedding of his was complete without dance theatrics and he would not be outdone by YangYang! So, yet another compromise. You settled on a song you both loved, “Say Yes,” by Seventeen, which, incidentally, also happened to be the song WayV had sung for you on the night Ten proposed, but that’s another story.
Theatrics was something Ten lived for so, six months before the wedding, he and Sicheng had choreographed the perfect dance, a dance they had presented to you for the first time with YangYang wearing a yellow sundress and dancing your part (which had been so hilarious you’d struggled to pay attention). After six months of rehearsing and practicing, you’d finally gotten the dance down pat.
As the music began playing, Ten took your hand and brought you close to kiss your lips before twirling you again and the dance began.
There were dips and turns, you lifted off the floor several times before, finally, the music came to a slow stop and you both stood in your ending positions, both breathless, although you weren’t entirely sure if it was from the dancing or from the beads of sweat collecting on Ten’s head and neck, gliding down his face and under his clothes, into uncharted territory.
You swallowed thickly and your eyes flicked back to Ten who was smirking at you.
“And now a dance between the bride and her father!” The DJ announced.
Ten released you and moved to stand on the other side of Kun. Your father wrapped an arm around your waist as a new song began.
Your father, thankfully, had the same dancing skill as you, which led you both to finishing the song awkwardly swaying and whispering to one another.
The next dance was meant for Ten and his mother. The woman approached her son with an identical smile on her face and wrapped her arms around him. The music began and the two began swaying, Ten moving carefully and casually so that he wouldn't hurt her or cause her to twist something. Halfway through the song, she kissed him on the cheek and moved back to her seat. Ten began moving back to stand by Kun, but his sister stepped forward and held out a hand to him. He gave her a grin and slid his hands around her waist, spinning her slowly.
Ten loved his little sister. They spoke almost weekly. She would call about random updates or get advice on something. Every so often, she would call to cry over some horrible boy who had broken her heart, a boy he threatened to maim, which she would laugh at. (What she didn't know was, he was serious).
As the song came to an end, she returned to the side of her mother, bowed to him before taking her seat.
After the dances, the rest of the reception went by in a blur. Food was served and afterwards, there were speeches.
"I remember the day (y/n) told me about this random guy she'd bumped into on the street. A guy whom she had accidentally spilled coffee all over. And, as she was telling me this story, I questioned why she was getting all sappy over a guy that was probably going to hate her for ruining his clothes. However, they met again a few days later at a coffee shop where (y/n) had agreed to buy him a coffee. That ended up being their first date, the first of many. See, (y/n) knew from the moment she met him, I think, that he was something special. He was different.
When she told me she loved the man she'd spilled coffee on, I couldn't have been happier because, after meeting Ten, I knew he felt the same. His eyes would never leave her face, in fact, they still don't. For that reason, being in their presence is almost overwhelming, because their love for each other is so strong, so passionate, it consumes the air around them. There is no doubt in my mind that these two are soulmates, destined to be together, and together, they will love each other eternally."
As Tori finished her speech and placed the microphone down, you had to dab your eyes with a handkerchief Ten handed you from the breast pocket of his suit.
Kun took Tori's place and picked up the microphone, holding it to his lips before clearing his throat.
"When I met (y/n) for the first time, I wondered how Ten had managed to whoo someone so pure and sweet. But that first day, I may not have known why she was with Ten, but I knew why he was with her. She lights up his world. I see it blossom on his face every time he looks at her or someone mentions her name. It's an expression I can't quite describe, but an expression that I have never seen before. There is no doubt in my mind that he fell in love with her the second she poured coffee on him, and today, I stand up here at their wedding, my heart swelled with pride because, my best friend has married the girl of his dreams, a girl that I know will make him eternally happy. So I would like to toast them, and wish them well into this new chapter of their lives," he spoke.
He lifted his glass of champagne into the air and everyone followed suit.
"To Ten and (y/n), may you live a long and happy life together, forever encompassed in the comforting blanket of love."
He raised his glass a little higher before bringing it back down to his lips and taking a small sip, everyone else doing the same.
You placed your champagne glass back down on the table and Ten's hand found yours. You squeezed his fingers softly and he leaned in close.
"I love you," he whispered against your ear, causing shivers to shoot down your spine.
As the reception came to an end, the both of you made your way out into the parking lot where everyone else was already waiting in two lines, making a path leading to an open limousine. As you walked down the path, cheers erupted through the air as rice was thrown over your heads.
You laughed and smiled as your guests wished you off before Ten opened the limousine door and you slid in. He slid in behind you, closing the door, shutting you both off in a world of your own.
The driver pulled away from the spot and, for the first time, you and Ten were venturing into the world for the first time as a married couple.
His arm wrapped around your waist and you sat, snuggled against his chest, eyes closing. You hadn't realized how tired you were until you were finally off your feet and relaxed against your husband.
"I hope you're not too tired. We still have a long night ahead of us."
You could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
A small blush crept onto your face.
You were a bit... traditional in the way you viewed bodily intimacy. You had been honest with Ten from the moment he'd asked you to be his girlfriend that you were adamantly against sex before marriage. At first, he had thought you were joking, but you'd proved yourself to be serious and, had expected him to leave. You knew Ten wasn't a virgin. Sure, he hadn't had as many sexual partners as some of the other guys you'd dated, but he was, by no means, a virgin, so you expected him not to be ok with waiting. He'd surprised you. He hadn't mentioned it much since the conversation and, while the two of you made out quite often and ended up in some pretty perplexing situations, you stayed true to yourself and he never pressured you for more, something that made you fall even harder for him.
However, a week before the wedding, he'd made it clear that he was looking forward to your first night together and, you'd have been lying if you said you weren't excited to.
"Shut up," you hissed, but your words had no punch behind them.
He laughed and pulled you closer as the driver slowed down and pulled into the hotel you'd be staying at for three days before your flight to Hawaii for your Honeymoon.
As the car rolled to a stop, the driver ran around to open your door and give you a hand out. Ten followed closely behind you, leading you into the hotel. He checked you in, got your room keys, and before you knew it, you were standing in front of your door, heart hammering in your chest. You didn't quite know what to expect when you stepped beyond the door, but excitement coiled in your stomach.
You also, certainly didn't expect Ten to lift you off your feet as soon as the door accepted his key card. He opened the door and pushed it open with his foot as he carried you inside.
As he stepped in, you expected him to drop you onto the bed and immediately set to work, however, he surprised you again when your feet touched the floor.
"I don't want to pressure or push you if you're not ready. We really could just go to sleep. Today has been tiring," he said.
A smile broke out across your face. He always had been an incredibly sweet gentleman.
You stepped forward and cup his jaw, leaning in and pressing your lips softly to his.
The kiss only lasted a moment before you pulled away slightly, your lips barely still grazing his.
"I want you, Chittaphon," you whispered against his lips.
And that was all it took.
Ten's lips crashed back into yours in a hot, searing kiss. His hands found themselves wrapping around your waist as yours moved around his neck, sliding into his long hair.
Somehow, his lips managed to move slow and fast at the same time, drawing you in slowly but kissing you with the speed of a man who was desperate for you. You didn't mind though, especially as he nipped your lip and you parted them, granting him access without any battle of the tongues.
Instead, as his tongue slid past your lips, your tongue greeted it, sliding along the bottom of his, eliciting a groan from him. A groan that sent shivers down your spine, straight to your panties.
His tongue coiled around yours, stroking it softly, tenderly, as if his tongue were dancing with yours, the action causing you to tremble in his hold.
His tongue pulled away from yours, causing a whine to leave your lips, but it was quickly satisfied as his lips met the tender part of your neck right below your ear. A small whimper left your lips and you could feel him smirking against your skin as his lips trailed further, sucking and nibbling at your skin until he reached the tops of your breasts, covered by your white gown.
His lips found their way back to yours as his hands moved behind you, first blindly untying the corset strings tying the dress together, then unzipping the dress slowly, his knuckles gliding down your spine as he guided it.
Once fully unzipped, the dress pooled at your feet and, despite the price of the dress, you let it stay right were it was, on the floor by the bed.
He moved his lips from yours and went back to kissing down your neck, fingers working the clasp of your bra as he went. When he finally got it off, he let it fall to the floor before pushing you gentle back until the backs of your knees his the bed. You let yourself fall back. He was quick to cover you with his body, knees on either side of your hips as he straddled you, lips on yours once again, fingers roaming the new parts of your body he hadn't seen before.
They found your breasts, squeezing the tender flesh softly, a small moan gathering in your throat, a moan that quickly turned to a louder whine when his fingers pinched and tweaked at your nipples
His lips left yours.
"Am I hurting you?" he asked.
"God no!" you responded, already feeling drunk on touches.
He smirked and pinched at your nipples again, another whine leaving your lips, hips involuntarily lifting into the air, seeking something to grind again.
He gave you just what he needed, settling his hips down, pressing them against yours. Your cotton-clad core moved against his pelvis, finding his hardened member and moaning and you moved against it.
"Such a filthy girl," he whispered softly.
Another whine left your throat but it was quickly covered by a loud groan as he lowered his head and captured a nipple between his lips, sucking softly at the sensitive bud before allowing his teeth to graze over the pink flesh.
Your hips bucked against him, hands already fisting in the sheets as he moved to give the other nipple the same love and care.
As his teeth bit down on your nipple a little bit harder this time, pleasurable pain shot through you, eliciting a short squeal, hips moving hard against Ten's groin as your breath came out in pants. A knot coiling in your stomach. A knot that dissipated the second Ten moved away and off the bed.
"As much as I would love to make you cum just by playing with your nipples, I have a few other delightful ways I'm sure you'll love!"
He winked at you and, with that, began shucking off his suit.
You slid yourself up the bed, resting yourself against the pillows as you watched the show in front of you.
He worked away the knot in his tie enough to slip it over his head and discard it somewhere in the room. Next came his vest and finally, his silky white shirt.
You'd seen his tattoo in videos a thousand times, but the second you saw it for real, your breath hitched in your through because, here it was, circling around his nipple, enticing you to kiss it, suck it, and make him moan from that attention alone.
Next came the belt. You didn't see the point in taking it all the way off, but clearly, Ten knew more about this than you did. The second it was out from around his waist, held proudly in his hands, your breath hitched and a small whine left your throat as you watched him drop it on the floor, your hips going back to grinding on air.
His pants were next, dropping to the floor, leaving him in a pair of tight black boxers concealing a large lump that had you gawking because, if the lump was that big, how would it ever fit?!
He climbed back onto the bed and made a show of crawling over to you, smirking at you like a predator about to attack his prey.
He pushed you back onto the pillows and his fingers slid into your panties.
"May I?" he asked.
No words would leave your lips as your heart pounded in your ear. You nodded.
"Words baby."
You gasped, shaking from the command of his tone.
That was all he needed to hear.
He slid your panties off your hips, you lifting your hips to make it easier. He slid them down your legs before complete discarding them, leaving you completely naked under his predatory gaze.
He slid his hands between your thighs and slowly pushed them apart, settling in between them. A blush rose to your cheeks as he leaned over you and pressed a kiss to your tummy. He trailed his lips lower until they were right over your pubic bone. He slid himself lower on the bed, laying on his stomach to present himself with your glistening lady bits, causing your blush to darken.
He pressed kisses along both of your thighs, kissing up you the join of your leg and pelvis before skipping over your center and moving to your other leg, causing you to whine in annoyance.
He didn't keep you waiting long. He moved his face close and took an experimental lick against your labia, the sudden bout of pleasure forcing a loud groan from your lips, hips bucking up, seeking more.
Ten smirked and brought one hand up to rest atop your pelvis, keeping you pinned to the bed while the other used his fingers to part your labia, exposing you truly to him.
Your thoughts were halted by loud moan as his lips wrapped around your clit, sucking at the bundle of nerves and sending a pleasure you'd never felt before coursing through you.
"Oh God!"
Your thighs shook and quaked, your hips tried to buck, almost as if trying to move away from the hot, blinding pleasure coursing through your body.
You felt a finger probing against your entrance and, pretty soon, that finger slid itself inside, eliciting a gasp from your lips, a louder whine leaving your lips.
Ten's lips left your clit as he lifted his head up to look at you, his single digit slowly pulling out of you only to slide back in before he curled it.
"Feel good baby?"
"God yes! Fuck! Don't stop!"
He smirked at you and, when his single digit pushed in again, it was accompanied by another, and they immediately began scissoring and exploring you while Ten's tongue got to work flicking over your clit, forcing cries of pleasure out of you.
The pleasure was unlike any other you'd ever felt. Sure, you'd touched yourself before, but this was so much more intense.
His fingers curled inside of you as his tongue moved over your clit fast, and, pretty soon, a new bout of pleasure was ripping through you as Ten's fingers found the bundle of nerves hidden on the opposite side of your clit.
"Fuck! Shit! Ten!" You cried, ears brimming with tears that slid down your cheeks.
Your body trembled and shook, unable to take this amount of pleasure. A familiar knot coiled in your stomach as Ten's motions didn't cease.
"Oh fuck! Ten! I'm gonna cum!" you cried out.
You expected him to stop, to edge you, or at least make you wait until he was inside you, but it seemed he had no such interest.
He kept up the pace, tongue assaulting your clit, fingers assaulting the pleasure spot inside you, arm holding your hips down. Your fingers fisted in his hair, pulling hard and the knot finally snapped and waves of pleasure crashed down on you, toes curling and head thrown back in the pillows, screams leaving your lips as your hips stuttered.
Ten helped you ride out your orgasm before pulling away and kissing your neck. Your body, still shuddering, continued to call out for him, desperate for more pleasure only he was capable of giving it.
He hooked his fingers in his own boxers and pulled them down.
His member, angry red, slapped against his stomach as it was finally released from its confines.
Your mouth water at the sight. Part of you wondered how it would fit inside of you, the other part wondered how it would feel hitting the back of your throat.
You sat up to offer, but he pushed you back down, shaking his head.
"I'm not going to last long, baby. I want my first orgasm to be because of your walls, not your mouth," he said softly.
With a nod, you settled yourself back against the pillows and he positioned himself between your thighs.
"I have condoms-"
"No. I want to feel you. I'm on the pill."
With a nod, he positioned his hips against yours, brushing his tip against your entrance, making you shudder.
"This may hurt a little at first, but I promise it will get better."
You nodded, encouraging him and, he slowly slid in.
As soon as his tip sank inside you, there was a little discomfort, your body unfamiliar with this kind of foreign body, but as he sank deeper and bottomed out, the pain dulled.
He was a stretch, but it didn't hurt nearly as much as you'd feared.
He groaned as he bottomed out, tip twitching inside you, fingers fisting in the sheets as he willed himself not to move and hurt you.
"Move," you spoke.
That was all he needed to hear.
A began sliding out of you slowly, length dragging along your walls, pulling soft mewls out of you before he pushed back inside. Your hips rising to meet his, a loud groan tumbling from your lips as your legs acted on their own accord, wrapping themselves around Ten's waist and holding on tight.
"So fucking tight!" Ten moaned, face moving into your neck as his hips snapped into you.
Your hands wound themselves around his back, pulling him impossibly close as his god-like hips moved.
"So tight I can't last!" Ten whined.
You knew it had been a while for him. You hadn't expected it to last long. You also, however, didn't expect to orgasm with him inside you for the first time. You had read somewhere that most women don't orgasm on their first night. You must have been the exception because the same knot was coiling itself in your stomach, getting closer to bursting.
Ten moved a hand down, pressing his thumb against your clit, and your fingers tore into his hand, gripping him tightly. He whined in pain, but it seemed to bring him even closer to an orgasm.
His hips snapped faster inside you, his thumb rubbing your clit harshly, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Moans and gasps were all that was left between you until Ten's lips smashed hard against yours kissing you roughly as his hips and thumb moved faster.
With his lips on yours, your fingers gripped Ten harder as your walls tightened hard around his member, your orgasm crashing over you like a tidal wave, body spasming beneath his.
Your orgasm seemed to spur Ten's on because, a moment later, his tip twitched again and he was spilling his seed inside of you, filling you with his essence before pulling out and flopping beside you.
"Oh my God," you breathed, chest rising and falling hard, sweat coating both your bodies.
"Fuck, that was well worth the wait," Ten breathed, voice raspy.
No other words were spoken as you calmed down, catching your breaths and letting your bodies sink into the bed.
"I love you," you spoke once you'd calmed down.
Ten turned to look at you, a sleepy, loving smile adorned on his face.
"I love you too, my beautiful bride."
With that, he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in close. You nestled your face in the crook of his neck, breathing in the scent of his cologne mingling with sweat.
As your body calmed, it didn't take long for sleep to finally succumb to the exhaustion of the day, but you would sleep soundly, beside the man that held your heart, knowing that when you woke up the next morning, you would be waking up beside the same man. The man who you would forever call your husband.
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kewltie · 4 years
Bitesize #3
"Did you proposed to me because you wanted to or," Izuku smiles crookedly, "was it just another attempt to get back at Shouto?"
"We're already married," Katsuki scoffs. "There's no point in questioning it now."
"I see." His smile strains against the stiffness of his chest.
"Fix it or you're fire," Katsuki growls.
Izuku barely even react. "As per my employee contract and lengthy therapist bill, you can only use that threat on me nine times per week and you just hit your quota this morning, sir," he says, staring at him in blatant insubordination.
"Nii-chan," Izuku says, reaching for him.
Katsuki catches his wrist before it could touch him. "Don't," he snarls, fingers pressing down hard on his skin. "I'm not your fucking brother. Remember that." And abruptly lets go, but the place where Katsuki's touch still burns.
Bakugou Katsuki is made of sharp edges and tight corners, an uncharted landscape that Izuku could easily get lost in, spending years trekking across mountainous terrains, turbulent rivers, and coarse sands all in hope to map the undiscovered heartbeat of this impossible man.
"What's his name?"
Kaminari coughs into his hand. "Kacchan," he says.
Izuku blinks. "He named his cat after himself?"
Kirishima nods eagerly. "Doesn't this cat look like Katsuki?"
Izuku stares at the cat practically vibrating with murderous intent as he hisses at them. "Ah."
"Why not?"
"I'm not taking you to an alpha clubhouse." Katsuki sneers. "I know some dumbass is going to offend you and as your spouse I'll have to duel them to defend your honor." T
here must be something wrong with Izuku because he's suddenly delighted by that prospect.
"Done with your tantrum yet, princess?" Katsuki says, giving her an unimpressed look.
She stomps her foot. "No!"
"So you don't want to hold my hand then?"
Kasumi glowers at him with wet eyes and a sulky pout before snatching his hand in a tight grip. "Mine," she asserts.
"Boy, you must be suicidal to be eyeing one of my prize omegas," Chisaki says as Izuku stiffen in his arms.
Katsuki remains where he is, head bent and knees on the ground. The picture is all wrong but then he looks up, eyes alight and there's not a trace of submission in them.
"I just touched his fucking hand!" Katsuki snarls.
Nonplussed, Aizawa gives him a flat stare. "If you'd gone to the Xau debriefing you would know that's the equivalent of copping a feel for them," he says. "And you practically rubbed down their precious Prince Izuku in public."
"I'll write no love songs," Katsuki croons into the mic, voice low and achingly raw in all its intensity as his eyes gaze out into crowd, "but all my songs belong to you."
In a sea of thousands screaming fans, Izuku feels keenly seen by those piercing eyes and haunting words.
In the ruins of the villain's base, all that remain are the familiar but weathered face of Katsuki's own staring right at him and the broken bodies around him.
"If you can't take good care of him," the man tells him, cradling Izuku's unconscious form in his arms, "then I will."
"Kacchan, I'll be with you all the way," the ghost of Izuku whispers in his ear, wrapping Katsuki up in his warmth undying presence. "Let's win this." Together in life and death, never apart.
Orange electricity cackles around him as Katsuki gives a feral grin toward the villain.
"If you excuse me, my lord," he says, moving to leave but a hand abruptly clamps down on his wrist.
"Izuku, please," Shouto begs. "I miss you."
Caught by his own traitorous heart, Izuku stops. "I—" he starts, but then he hears: "Get your fucking hand off my husband, bastard!"
As Izuku starts to disrobe his ceremonial dress, the Wolf God lowers his massive canine head to glare at him. "What are you doing?!"
He blinks. "Preparing to consummate our marriage."
"I don't fuck humans," the Wolf God growls.
"Oh," he says, trying not to be disappointed.
"One billion yen," he says. "Three hundred first and you'll get the rest of it once the baby is safely delivered and hand it over to me."
"Bakugou-san, do you think my silence and child will be that cheap?" Izuku asks, his words as cold as the scathing heat of Katsuki's own.
"You want me to, um," the rest of his sentence trails off.
Shouto and Katsuki shares a glance, it's so soft and intimate that Izuku has to look away for a moment. "Be our omega surrogate," Shouto finishes for him. "We don't want to entrust this responsibility to anyone but you."
Katsuki wakes up that morning alone; the left side of the bed had long gone empty and cold. A note is left in the place where Izuku once slept. He picks it up, catches sight of the sorry written in the familiar loop of Izuku's handwriting and immediately crumbles it in his hand.
Izuku is eleven years old when he first placed his hand in his betrothed's grip as they swear their vow in front of the gods. He bites back his tears with a wavering faith.
"Don't cry," Katsuki orders, a child himself. "You're mine now and I'll take good care of what is mine."
"Surrender," Katsuki demands.
Five years ago their situation was reversed; Katsuki was the one in chains and his kingdom usurped. Now with Izuku's world crumbling down and his heart splayed open at Katsuki's feet, he says mirthlessly, "If you wanted me, you could have just ask."
Kota knows of the legend of the pirate Zero, how once he was stranded at sea for a hundred days and thrive. Now as a mer drags the captain above the wave, suddenly it all made sense to Kota. Zero had given his heart to the sea and the sea blessed him with one of her own children.
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cozy-the-overlord · 4 years
Dances and Daggers
Summary:   The Summer Festival is upon Asgard, as is the tradition of the dagger ceremony, where each unmarried gentleman chooses a lady to bestow with the honor of carrying his dagger for the night. As Prince Thor’s betrothed, Teki’s only goal is to accept his dagger with grace and hope that her violent stepfather doesn’t find fault with her in the process. But Prince Thor is unpredictable, and when he ignores his engagement on a whim Teki finds herself in a desperate situation. Luckily, Thor isn’t the only prince in Asgard…
Pairing: Loki x Original Female Character
Chapter 12: The Letter
Previous Chapter  |  Next Chapter
Word Count: 1,582
Chapter Summary: The events of the Games have Teki’s head spinning.
A/N:  This is the calm before the storm.
Thanks for reading! 
TW: Mentions of child abuse
Tags: @lucywrites02 @gaitwae @moumouton4 @berriemalfoy
if you want to be tagged, feel free to just send me an ask/message! :)
Read it on Ao3!
Teki picked at the sash of her dress as she sat in her seat on the podium. Before her, the Games continued in all their raucous glory, but she barely registered them. Odin hadn’t spared her even a passing glance when he returned to his seat. Frigga had given her a reassuring smile, but there was a tightness in her face that blocked any comfort she may have intending to bring. Her mind was racing.
What are they thinking? Are they angry? Am I in trouble? Are they going to tell Osvald? Does he know what happened?
And then there was the other thing. The thing that Loki had said just before she went rushing from the tent.
I don’t want you to marry my brother.
Teki didn’t even know how to try to untangle her thoughts on that.
The words still rattled in her head even as she readied for bed that night, once she realized that Osvald was far too drunk to remember whether or not she stayed in her seat the entire day. After helping Brant into his nightclothes and tucking him in, Teki returned to her room in a pensive silence.
I don’t want you to marry my brother.
A secret, selfish part of her had always wanted him to say that. It had been easy to deny when it was hidden away, out of sight. She could ignore the butterflies that fluttered to life every time he smiled at her when it seemed she was the only one who could feel them. But Loki had released them into the wild, and now they were impossible to corral.
I don’t want to marry your brother either.
Tears prickled across her vision. Teki wiped at her eyes in frustration. None of them wanted it. Loki, Thor, Sif, herself—none of them wanted this engagement. And none of them mattered.
She dug under her mattress for her father’s journal. She wasn’t certain that even the familiar script would be enough to soothe her jumbled thoughts tonight, but still she flipped through the pages in search of comfort. The search for her father had been put on the back burner while Loki prepared for the Games, but Teki hoped to continue it as soon as possible. Running her hands down the leather spine, she closed her eyes and imagined him walking through the door for the first time in years, imagined showing him how she had taught herself the pieces he was able to play for her, imagined him meeting Brant, meeting Loki…
Her daydream abruptly stalled when her fingers slipped into a split in the back cover. What? Teki glanced down in surprise. Had she torn the book?
No. There was a flap on the inside cover, a pocket that she had never noticed before. What the Hel? She pulled it open, peering into the grimy leather cavern. It was empty, save for a tiny piece of paper, folded into quarters and yellowed with age.
She recognized her father’s handwriting immediately, although it was a bit more polished than the hurried scrawl she usually found in his journal. It was an unfinished letter, she realized dimly, dated the week before he left, addressed to her mother.
I understand your frustrations, and I realize your father has put you under considerable pressure. But I beg you to examine why this proposal is so important to you and ask yourself what you hope to gain from it. It’s become alarmingly clear to me these past few months that your highest priority lies in increasing your own social stature, and I fear that you have signed off on this marriage agreement only because of the benefits it would bring you and without a thought given to how it may effect Tekla. I know you argue that it would be good for her in the long term, and perhaps it would, but neither of us can know that with certainty. And in your greed, you would take away her right to choose her own destiny. I cannot allow that. I will not consent to my daughter being used as a bargaining chip for your family’s schemes.
Teki reread the words several times over, their meaning not fully dawning on her for a bit. I will not consent to my daughter being used as a bargaining chip for your family’s schemes. They were talking about her arranged marriage, obviously, but this couldn’t have been her father’s true thoughts. A marriage agreement could not be made official without the wholehearted approval from both sets of parents. He had to have agreed.
Her father left only a few days before the arrangement was made public. Actually, now that she thought of it, Osvald and her mother’s engagement was announced before her own. She remembered her mother’s frantic insistence that she accept her stepfather into her life as quickly as possible.
We have Lord Osvald, Tekla. He’s your father now.
If he believed Steinn would no longer be in her life, would Odin have accepted Osvald’s word as her paternal consent? Possibly. Probably.
That must have been convenient for her mother.
She remembered Völundr’s hazel eyes, how somber they had grown when Loki asked him if he had heard from Steinn.
I don’t know what happened that night, but I know there’s no way in Hel he left you of his own accord.
Teki closed the journal in a fog, tucking the creased letter within the pages. All at once, she felt as if she was going to be sick.
She had hoped for a chance to talk to Loki at some point during the night-long feast that followed the conclusion of the Games. The Great Hall was booming with boisterous celebration. Prince Thor had been crowned champion yet again, the perfect excuse for everyone to get wildly drunk. He certainly was making the most of it—in between overflowing mugs of mead and garbled chants with his friends, he pulled Sif across the dance floor and planted his lips firmly on hers in front of all to see. Teki pretended she didn’t notice the whispers, the scandalized glances as people turned from the Crown Prince to his would-be bride. She waited patiently in her seat for Loki to ask her to dance, fiddling with the sash of her crimson dress.
He danced with other girls first. That bothered her more than it should have. Teki knew of course that she had no claim on the younger prince’s company, but that didn’t quiet the feral growl gurgling in her chest every time she watched him bow to another. Mine. He’s mine.
It didn’t help that for the first several dances Loki didn’t even as much as look in her direction. At first, Teki bristled. Why was he avoiding her? Was he angry? Did he… did he regret what he said to her after his duel?
But as the night went on, Teki began to worry that there was something else going on. His frame was stiffer than usual. His quiet conversation somehow carried over the clamor of the Great Hall. The boy who usually preferred to remain hidden in the shadows seemed to be making a point of emphasizing his presence. She was relieved when he finally made his way over to her seat.
He bowed. “Lady Tekla.”  Teki barely masked a frown. Tekla? Yes, something certainly was off.
Still, she stood and curtseyed as if she thought nothing of it. “My prince.”
“Would you honor me with the next dance?” Loki’s voice was loud, and oddly stilted. Again, Teki felt as if he was putting on a performance. She nodded, allowing him to lead her to floor.
“Is something wrong?” she whispered as they navigated through the throng of merrymakers.
Loki shook his head, almost imperceptibly. “My father,” he hissed under his breath. “He’s had his eye on me all night.”
She glanced back towards the podium without moving her head. Odin sat back in his throne, his disapproving glare fixed solidly upon the two of them. Teki gulped.
“Are you in trouble because of me?” she asked. She thought of the tent, how she had fled first chance she got and left Loki to defend himself alone. Guilt festered in her heart.
“No, no, it’s not your fault,” he said quickly, pulling her farther back across the dance floor. “He’s just… concerned. That I’m getting in the way.” He grimaced, scanning the crowd surrounding them. “You need to dance with Thor tonight.” The words came out stiffly, as if merely voicing them aloud pained him.
“I can’t!” she hissed. Thor was in the corner, surrounded by a group of people Teki didn’t recognize, chugging a goblet of something as they chanted excitedly. “He never asks me.”
Loki followed her gaze, sighing. “He’s a fool. I’ll make sure he asks you.”
The song was nearing an end. She still hadn’t told him about the letter. Teki pulled his arm.
“Loki, I found something else in the journal,” she whispered. “About my father.”
The prince’s eyes widened. “Really?” But the dance was coming to a finish. Loki led her back towards the platform, the two of them wilting under Odin’s stare. “We’ll talk tomorrow,” he murmured as he bowed, giving her hand a slight squeeze.
Teki nodded. “Goodnight.” She sighed as her prince disappeared back into the crowd and returned to her seat, resigning herself to a night of waiting for Thor to remember her.
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