#and he gets i wpuld be scared if them and i wpuld marry them at the same time you wouldn't get it i dont even see him in the i want him way
golbrocklovely · 1 year
Ngl if what you think it’s true about Sam mindset about marriage, then i got to say it’s almost sounds like Sam actually don’t want to settle down or that he is scared to do that. Because:… before 40 no ? Seriously? Alright. I get that by now he might not want to and i obviously understand that Kat as well doesn’t want to. I mean she is 23 i think. So she is really young still and marriage is a serious thing. But I doubt that Kat would like to wait to 40 to finally get married. I feel like closer to being 30 she will want it more … i just think that she would like to have a dream weeding every young person have. So i feel like Kat probably would like to get married when she turns 30 or smth closer to it
+ ngl. She has been giving “hints” that she wpuld like to be engaged already. I mean that caption under that one photo. Her video “what will happen in 2023” and her video cover. She might say she don’t want to settle NOW, but it’s clear that she would like to make some steps for that. And i just know that it either gonna end up later in a big fight with possibility of Sam making compromise and doing it for her or in the worst scenario Kat gonna end things with him because she would be done waiting for Sam to make more serious steps … especially if she’s gonna be 30 or 30+ by time
i mean, there's nothing wrong with waiting to settle down, especially when sam had made his entire life about working. so even if he did want to get married, he would have to change a lot around just to have time to do any of that. and i don't see him doing that as of rn.
i don't know for certain why sam jokes about waiting a long time to settle down. it could be the reason i gave, of not wanting to end his youth so soon, or it could just be that to him there's no point in settling down earlier than that. maybe he wants to wait bc he doesn't want to have kids super young. maybe he feels like marriage is a huge step that in general he just isn't ready for. and that in itself is enough of a reason to not get married.
there is no perfect or set time you have to get married in. my parents dated for 10 years and then got married, but waited another 10 to have kids. in the end, it's whatever works well for each couple.
and as for kat wanting to settle down, idk. i think she's a bit too young and naive to do that rn. 23 is super young to get married, at least personally to me. i didn't even start feeling like an adult until 25ish, so i can't imagine someone really wanting to settle down that early in life (even tho technically that's what my mom did). but i can understand why she could possibly want that next step.
but realistically, if kat really wants to get married, that's a conversation her and sam have to have on their own terms. they can't get married strictly bc fans want them to or society thinks it's weird they have dated so long but aren't engaged. i don't exactly see sam wandering off to be with someone else, so it's clear to me they are both committed to one another and that is a good indicator that they could work in a marriage. but there are a lot of moving parts that they would have to really talk about.
in the end i hope things just work out for them regardless. even if it's something that could upset fans; if it's healthier for sam and kat, they should do that.
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haneys · 2 years
some more blue guys that I didn't get asked about
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stopgenitalism · 5 years
Text “Antigenitalism” by Zara Paz (Raw Version) for an Activism Mag in Vienna
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Here is another super exciting political article about a phenomenon / movement called "Antigenitalism".
Berlin 2013 - A group of women who have been born with dicks, have experienced shit all their lives and continue to experience shit, fight, have depression, etc., came together. Previously into activism yet, like Antifa, Antipsychiatry, Anarchism, etc. We are thinking about what we want. Whom we still want. And what we are against. Quickly, now. after 15-20 years of activism and thinking about what and who we actually are, a term comes up: genitalism.
This is what has wanted to put us down all our lives long. Wanted to kill us. And what has killed and will still kill many of us: the claim that every human / baby with a penis would a man / boy / male / belonging to the male gender, while each person/ baby with a vagina would be a woman/ girl / female / belonging to the female gender.
As if that would be clear, self evident, natural or supported by us. No. It is not. This claim, this procedure ruined our lives.
Our families and friends are incited against us. Before, until 1994, we / our "sisters" were imprisoned if we started something with a man because of that (the German "gay paragraph" §175 that criminalised so called "homosexual sex amongst men").
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For me it was like this: I have always positioned myself as a girl and recognized as soon as spoken out gender position were stated (parents and all people actually do this from birth on, nonverbally children internalize it, even without words / language, logically, right?), first I was allowed to express & dress myself as I wanted in the kindergarten (skirt, long hair, jewelry, etc), but at some point my grandparents got scared that I could "become gay",
because in the documents / following the official doctrine "I was a boy" and later "wpuld become a man", of course, a hetero, everything else was criminalised & tabooed in the 80s, was considered to be perverted, wrong and unacceptable.
Suddenly at one day they shaved my hair, I was put into boys clothes against my will and gradually my toys were exchanged. Suddenly I should be interested in "boy things". A shock that still sits in my bones today. Simply because I so suddenly felt the force of the normative system, had bad presages, which should later prove true.
So far, everything reads like a harmless, exaggerated mimimi. Only if you hit the bridge from there to the many murders of women with cocks and men with pussies, e.g. if the "they fooled" because they said to be, for example, a woman, had sex, gave a kiss to someone or just were flirted or desired by a stranger (without being able to change it), a stranger who then felt "injured in his honor," just because of genitalism (penis = man, vagina = Woman ideologies).
Or, think of teacher Lucy Meadows, who was personally bullied with newspaper articles by Daily Mail reporter Robert Littleton ("you men in a man's body," "stop harassing children, they'll lose their innocence soon enough,", "not in the wrong body, but especially in the wrong job", etc.), until she finally took her own life.
 What is new is that someone speaks about it, mockery like that had always happened.  In the 90s, the rainbow press liked to publish the private addresses of women who have been assigned a male gender (which is why they legally could not defend against it and then), so that many times such a house was then set on fire ("public disgrace", "something like this may not exist," "what if more people do something like that?").
 I grew up with stereotypical, vicious fairy tales of "men in women's clothes" (the, in my ears, sick and exotic-sounding labels "transvestite" and "transsexual" were even sounding more respectful compared to the stuff that was usually said and written), for example in the movie "The Naked Cannon 33 1/3" Leslie Nielsen immediately puked into a tuba after discovering that his dream-woman, who had "something to confess" to him, shows to him that she has a huge tail, what was meant to be the biggest joke in that movie, while in "the silence of the Lambs", the psychopath is a bizarre, "female dressing", androgynous (surely male looking) being that hates women because they can "get" the men/sex he/she dreams of. (The murderer is always shown as a male, like all people with dicks / male assignments are shown in the 90s... except dragqueens because they  always told to be male "in reality" in the mainstream media what made them less a danger for the gender security of those times).
 In Amsterdam we met a pair of extremely glittery, sequined and extremely high heeled drag queens who became introduced to me as "men who want to be women" under the suggestive emphasis that they are "on the hunt of some men" tonight/in general. 
It has always been said "if you have a penis but you do not behave as a man, do not wear menswear and / or are not satisfied with your body, then you are necessarily gay, perverted and disturbed, you have to be all that because you are then a danger and a serious nuisance for the society (well, that's what I always wanted to be anyways but thats another story) and something about you has to change, because that's just not the way how you and society can work together (soon more about that).
 "Unfortunately" I was mainly attracted by women (whatever that was supposed to be), so I was automatically perceived as a man, although I (yet for that) took the freedom to put on make up, "behaved as femaie as I could" and did also everything I could not to be perceived as a man/male, but since my family had bullied and punished me for the girls name I had  given myself in thekindergarten,
I was still scared to "completely go for it" or" to really claim honest respect to be a woman "(with intention I am writing this in a vague way, because I never could precisely define/find out what gender / a woman / not male should be exactly), how do you "do that" or "how do you get rid of that?", what do all of them want me to do and why do they stage this gender shit and then pretend me to be the only one who is actually trying to break out of it to be the one staging it??)
This led to many detours, at some point then came the phase where I realized I do not want to marry a man necessarily, but still I want to be allowed to use a women's toilet (instead of risking to go to jail for it), I would maybe also let my body  " get modulated" so  that everybody perceives me as a woman, always and everywhere, it would be easier for me because then I do not always have to discuss everything with everyone, especially not beeing exposed to any fomented homophobia of all people around me.
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The big problems were starting in that phase. For psychologists have to approve the name change and the body modulations (even if you pay by yourself, which was the case with me in the end), you can get your arm amputated, if you're funny, make implants and tattoos, as much as you want , but taking hormones like estrogen or testosterone or altering the genitals or having breasts operated can only be done after 3 years of "therapy" that is supposed to "help", whether or not "this help" is needed or not. (To my point of view, "help" against my will is never help, but force and therefor violence,  so the phase "forced therapy" I use to describe for the shit the state forced me into, is an intentional oxymoron if you look so close).
 Furthermore you are forced to tell and subscribe you would be ("strongly feeling to be") "born in the wrong body", "hating your body" and wanting to modulate it (into the way the law defines a "male / female body", also here doesn´t matter if you really want this or not) and that you" feel like a woman / man " (NOT that you ARE a woman / man -  notice the difference !)
and that you would be "into the sex change" towards the court, doctors, authorities, public representatives, the health insurance (always, even when paying yourself), offices and many other institutions then again and again) to be able/allowed to change your name/sex entry or get prescriptions/indications for hormones, surgery and epilations (the only way to do it legally and not having to take the risks that illegal hormones and surgery imply, to be said, a high risk that yet demanded and demands many death victims).
And you have to get and pass documents ("expertises") paid by yourself to many many strangers, institutions and doctors which include lots of very herrassing normative, sexist remarks about your body, the clothes you wear, your underwear, your voice, your hair, your genitals, and your lifestyle.
 And, of course, depend on and have to deal with psychologists and psychiatrists who make such decisions (whether or not you are allowed to surgeries and legal name change) are often not casually into these jobs, but having a fetish, groping your body, asking you sexual and intimate questions, record you naked on video or ask you to try and report on certain sex practices with men / women. All around the world.
 These laws that say that you are a man / boy when having a penis and you are a woman / girl when having a vagina and otherwise you have to beg for recognition to be "the opposite sex" exist everywhere in the world, in any state. We all had these experiences. We were all permanently bullied, insulted, laughed at, threatened, sexually harassed and / or looked at badly and hostile on the streets, regularly at the latest after psychiatrists forced us to their so-called "everyday test" asking us to wear the clothes that to their opinion "women have to wear" (skirt or dress, even at minus temperatures, shoes with heels, make-up, bra, even with small breasts, possibly tights, etc.). Each of us had had countless experiences of violence, each of us had been bullied, teased and persecuted, mostly by strangers,
been (sexually and otherwise) harassed, "even" by authorities and doctors, etc. everyone of us had been discriminated and mocked, so we decided that we now are fed up with this shit and that we want to do something against this damned madness that destroys our lives and seeks to erase our existences plus our stories, just as oppression always deals with the people it seeks to destroy and exploit.
So we developed a short, catchy concept: we want to fight for an area where the genitalist assignments ("penis = man, vagina = woman") are abolished and everything related to that (gender in documents, anywhere, nowhere) , no newspapers spread the lies of "gender changes" and "born as a boy", which in the end lead to hatred and violence, no transphobic, genitalist media, movies, documentaries, newspaper articles, books, diagnoses, court judgments that repeat and state only "their" viewings on us, strengthening their perspective, but never tells a word about how we perceive our selves, how we see and perceive gender, how we perceive bodies and their meanings. Also not a "biological gender" propaganda bullshit, no "trans" / "cis" / "inter" shit from the outside, which, if you look closely, is the same oppressive stuff.
Because If I am called a "trans woman" for beeing a woman with a dicj and the other woman gets called a "cis woman" because of her body/vagina, this is the same genitalistic procedure and leads in the end just to the same special treatments, discrimination and problems, as if you would directly talk of me as "a man" or a "fake women". Finally in both ways you just take some physical attributes and start emphasizing they would make a "very big difference between two human beeing to  either have these or those
attributes". Then you start telling and repeating the claimed differences would be so big you would even have to make two categories of humans
along those body shapes/attributes.
 This is also how the categories "trans (gender)", "cis (sexual)" and "inter (identity)" work that we deny, unless you call yourself like this.
No one has the right to impose such stamps on you / us / who ever. Etiquettes kill.
We want to fight for spaces free of all gender assignments, while every state presses us into a genderrole at birth, puts a gender stamp on, with devastating consequences, every newspaper writes about all people and their bodies in body shape related manners and this normative way of stamping and norming people and bodies is what we want to completely leave behind us and be free of, to create own channels, symbols, spaces, language, paroles, culture and stories that are free of all this bullshit,emancipative, not repressive and therefor to show that one can step out of the assigned genitalist sex cramp of all existing States, the media, the "oppressor´s language" and binary gender change lies fairy tales, with which they are trying to justify their violence against us and to legitimize their asshole laws against us, for which there can be no excuse, even if its seeming to be self evidently the dominant doctine and order for many after more than 4,000 years of genitalistic terror and permanent global states of murder, persecution, criminalization and stigmatization of us and our mates.
 This is why we are here and standing up against our oppressors, stepping out of this hostile society and leaving its filthy body
normative corsets behind us to unite with our people to found and fight for our own territories free of majority terror, genitalistic
slavery and its hateful impact on our lives, health and possibilities to interact or be perceived as what we really are and may be.
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