#and he goes home and googles 'can boys date boys???' then stares at the shower wall for 2 hours
shigayokagayama · 2 years
i dont think teru knows what gay people are
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powerpuff-ali · 3 years
Blues headcanons? Why not.
Bubbles "I can change him" Utonium & Boomer "Jekyll & Hyde" Jojo
On a serious note, Boomer really does have the best intentions but hes very easily distracted and lured away into causing mayhem
"I swear, I didn't forget about our date. I was on my way to pick you up but there was this street fight... How could I not join in?! It was an easy victory."
Bubbles goes around town with Boomer's picture threatening people not to encourage Boomer's crime habits
No one knows if they're more terrified of the blue puff or the boy brought back to life by Him
Boomer is a pretty boy and so he knows how to charm the people. All the people. It's scary how easily he can win people over
He's known to be a flirt. But then again, so is Bubbles so they're cool with this. They know it's meaningless flirting
The pretty boy act worked when Bubbles and Boomer were in their "talking" stage
Bubbles stopped falling for it when he ended up with a black eye, missing tooth, and charged with a couple grand of property damage
Like all couples, they argue and need their space. But for these two, that means staring at their phones until someone caves
They typically alternate in caving in
Boomer commits petty crimes to get her attention if he feels really bad about their argument... This rarely goes over well
They go to baseball games together but after Bubbles' rant at one of the umpires for a bad call, they were sorta banned
They actually play baseball together and have matching gear
However after a home run caused a meteor to explode and shower Townsville (only Townsville) in a molten rock hail storm, the Blues were ordered to never play baseball anywhere near civilization again
Boomer is Bubbles' dress up doll- thankfully, he already has a good sense of style.
P.s. He does not appreciate her messing his hair up with her glitter gel
PPS- low-key he knows he looks great with it. The glitter is just very messy and takes forever to wash out
Boomer will not admit it but he needs to be the little spoon every once in a while
At this point, Bubbles has his cycle tracked on her phone. Boomer tends to get into more trouble when he needs a little spoon cuddle session
Boomer has a Bubbles' phone charm attached to his phone case
Boomer keeps all the artwork Bubbles gives him. It's literally the only thing he keeps organized.
Bubbles keeps every love note Boomer writes her. They're really short and simple but she's got a journal full of them
I'm on a blues kick mentally and in my Google docs too... Realizing this is more boomer oriented 😅
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tomtenadia · 4 years
Island Dreams - Chapter 13
Chapter 13 is here. I hope you will like it. The central part has... a very interesting development. As you hoped... Elias arc is reaching its end but I hope you still like him. He is still a teddy bear. Sorry man, ut she is Rowan's.
Rowan uses the expression Tha gaol agam ort. I will let you imagine what it means based on the context. If I tell you know it could be a spoiler.
And... well you have to read it.
Rowan was alone in the shop. He had given Aelin the morning off. At the word disaster he had a feeling she might want some time alone to deal with whatever happened so was happy to spend the morning on his own. He just hoped she was okay. She had told him she was not ready to talk about it yet and he would give her all the time she needed but in the morning as soon as he woke up he had the temptation to text her and check on her. Until a while ago he had never used a mobile phone. Now it was his only way to talk to her when she was not around and since she was the only person who had his number he’d jump every time he received a text from her. He was lost. Utterly and completely lost. Tangled in his thought he did not notice straight away the door open until he heard a familiar voice. He looked up and Elias was standing in front of him and a part of him just wanted to punch the man. Aelin was feeling horrible because of him.
“Good morning,” said Elias in a tone that Rowan did not like. If he was here for a fight, he’s give him one. Rowan was glad that after a busy morning, the shop was all of a sudden empty, he had a feeling that the conversation coming up did not need an audience. The man in front of him finally moved a step closer and reached the counter and braced his hands on it. “So, dear Rowan…” he started with a tone anything but friendly “I guess you are probably aware that my date last night with Aelin was one big failure.” Nervously he began pacing “I spent a whole week looking forward to see her again. To go out with her and have a nice meal. I missed her. Madly.” Then he turned to Rowan and hold his stare “Imagine my disappointment to discover that instead she decided to end things.” “She is her own person. She is the master of her own life and if she decided to end things you have to respect her.” The tone in Rowan’s tone was getting dangerous. “She can do whatever she wants with her life. But you meddled.” Elias’ tone matched the one of the man in front of him. Rowan did not like the comment and had to fight to restrain himself. “She was fine, we were doing fine, getting to know each other, then you had the brilliant idea of offering her such a pathetic job and all goes to hell.” Rowan took a deep breath “I offered her this job because at the moment she is not working and not getting paid so I assumed she might have loved to get some cash in. She has a knack for it. Also, since you are so in love with her you might have noticed that Aelin is obsessed with books.” Rowan fought back “Do you know that the very first day she got her, she came off the ferry and this bookstore is where she came straight on? She is in her element here.” Rowan’s hands were at his sides and now in fists “It might be a pathetic job, as you call it, but she loves it. And she is happy.” “You took her from me.” Blurted Elias who seemed not to have listened a word Rowan said, far too involved in his own pain. “She is this incredible amazing woman I am madly in love with. And I have to give her up. I will respect her feelings. But it’s fucking unfair.” Rowan finally came away from behind the counter and stopped in front of Elias. The man was tall but Rowan was a fairly imposing picture. “I did not take her from you.” He almost growled again “I told you already. She is her own person and she does not need me to make decision for her. I did not put her against you. I gave her the freedom to make her own choice, so don’t make me pass for the bad guy here.” “I love her.” Elias confessed in an almost broken voice. “I love her and all I can think since last night is that I can’t be with her. Do you have an idea how that fucking hurts?” Elias started pacing again “I can make her happy. Give her all she needs.” Rowan stared at the man in silence and could hear the anguish in the man’s words. He was probably just as mad for Aelin as he was. “I will meet with her tonight.” He admitted “we agreed on having a talk to end things in a more civilised way.” Grey eyes met pine green eyes “I want to be friends. Just friends, I swear. I will respect her feeling and her choice and I hope you will allow me that. I can’t loose her completely.” Elias stance relaxed a bit when he noticed Rowan nod. “It’s her choice. I will accept anything she decides. Like you, I have her best interest at heart. She has been through enough.” And his mind went to her confession and wondered if the man in front of him knew as well. Elias breathed out in relief “Thank you. I hope…” he paused for a moment as if to gather his thoughts “I hope you understand your luck. I hope you realise she is incredible and please don’t break her heart or I’ll come back and kick your arse so hard you will reach London by inertia.” “I have no intention of hurting her.” Said Rowan ignoring the veil of arrogance in the man’s words. “Make her happy, please. You win.” And with that he left the shop. Rowan texted her straight away Are you okay?
Aelin arrived in the early afternoon at the shop. After she had quickly told him about her disastrous night he had told her to take the morning off. It was not unusual. The shop tended to be busier in the afternoon and Rowan was always happy to allow her the morning off if she needed it. So she had gone for a run. Sleep had been fitful and she kept going through the fight she had with Elias. It had been horrible and tears were still threatening to make an appearance at the thought of the terrible things they had said to each other. A the selfish part of her though, was happy that it was over. She wanted to tell Rowan her feelings and finally being able to enjoy the contact with him without feeling guilty about cheating on an another man. The run had helped to clear her mind and release part of the sadness that had been building up since the previous night. She saw the morning ferry going out and her mind went back to the adventure she had with Rowan, what had passed between them and the further steps they had taken in their strange relationship. Her phone buzzed and she noticed a text from Rowan asking her if she was okay. Damn she loved him but he could be overprotective. And you love it. Out for a run. I’ll see u l8r. He didn’t reply and she pocketed the phone. She was walking a bit when the phone buzzed again. Why can’t you use full words? I had to search on Google what l8r meant. And Aelin laughed at his reply. He was somewhat adorable. Grandpa. Was all she said back. Music back in her ears and she went back running. She had purchased music from Peat and Diesel and quite a few songs from Runrig as well and it was quite lovely to run along the streets of Stornoway while listening to a song about the town itself. She had become obsessed with those two groups. She finished her run and went straight for a shower once back at home. She had run for a longer distance than usual and she knew she was going to pay for that very soon. Half an hour later she was clean, wore Rowan’s hoodie and left the house.
As soon as she entered the shop, Rowan’s arms were around her. What the heck? “PDA in the shop? Who are you and what have you done with my Mr Grumpy pants?” She joked while leaning into the embrace. “Are you okay?” She could hear worry in his tone. Why was he being weird? “Yeah.” She replied pulling back from him. “Elias was here this morning.” He confessed. Shit. That explained his behaviour. “Ro, is he still alive?”she demanded looking at him quizzically “I know I have ended things with him but it would be nice to have him alive as a friend.” “We had a chat and he told me the gist of what happened last night.” He looked away and she had a bad feeling “Aelin, if you want him… I will understand.” “I want you.” She finally admitted but he was not looking at her. Why was he being such an idiot? As if what had been happening between them was not a sign where her true feeling lay. “Maybe you shouldn’t. Maybe you should just leave me alone. I am just a book boy after all.” He added, through gritted teeth. “I can’t Rowan.” She moved a step in his direction until she was in front of him. She looked up at him and the pain in his eyes was too much. Was he really willing to give her up? Another step toward him and she was glad that he did not move away from her. Her chest was now brushing his. Her hand searched for his and held it. “Ro, look at me.” And he did. “I made my choice.” Her voice was soft and full of love for him. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on his lips “I want you.” She kissed him again and this time she got a reaction from him. In an instant she felt his arms lift her up and in reply she wrapped her legs around him. He never broke the kiss and they reached a hidden corner of the bookshop where Rowan pinned her against the bookcase. So much for boring. Aelin’s arms had sneaked around his neck and know her fingers were knitted in his hair pushing his face as close as possible to hers. She did not need oxygen. It was overrated anyway. She needed his lips on hers, his hard, beautiful body crushed against hers. Rowan’s mouth followed a path with maddening slowness from the lips, to her jaw and now was very busy nibblink at that amazing spot between neck and shoulder. A moan escaped her and in response his tongue was now tracing the column of her neck. Gods his lips were like heaven. And she was already on fire. When his mouth returned to hers, she fully opened up to him, letting his tongue do devilishly things to her. Heat began to pool at her core and her brain decided to picture that skilful tongue of his on other parts of her body. “Ro…” and Rowan had decided he loved his name on her lips. “Gods you taste amazing.“ His hips pushed her harder against the bookcase and Aelin throw her head back and exposed her neck a bit more. Another push of his hips and Aelin this time she felt him against her abdomen. She was about to point out their location when one of his hands gently palmed her breast and she forgot even her name. The touch was gentle but enough to send her reeling. “Ro…” she called him breathless “We are in the shop and we are open.” He stopped abruptly and it took him a moment to regain control. “I should have kissed you earlier.” She joked, pulling him to her, she was not ready yet to be separated from his body. He looked at her still with a shocked face “I am sorry…’ he ran a hand through his hair in a gesture of confusion. Aelin closed the distance and kissed him again “It was perfect.” Rowan grinned “I have been thinking about it for a while now. What I would do if I would get to kiss you.” He stooped and kissed her again and with his hands he caressed both side of her face. She looked at him and in his eyes she noticed all the love that he finally allowed himself to feel for her. The passion was burning and she ran a hand through his hair never averting his gaze. “I love you, Rowan.” She whispered, almost afraid to say those word too out loud and break the magic they have been sharing. She caressed his cheek and her gaze followed the lines of his beautiful face “I want you. I choose you. I am yours, if you let me.” Rowan was stunned for a moment. She had made her choice and she had chosen him and he was stunned by the fierceness she used to utter them. Then he bolted as if he had awaken all of a sudden from a daze. He ran to the door of the shop, turned the sign to close, locked the door and switched off the lights. He ran back to Aelin and lifted her again and with her completely wrapped around him he walked to his office and placed her sitting on his desk. Aelin did not loose a second and grabbed the back of his neck and closed the distance again, feeling the need of his lips on her again. His hands stroked her back almost reaching her butt, then slowly climbed up to her sides while his thumbs gently brushed the underside of her breasts. He moved between her legs, definitely removing any space between them. Her hands trailed own his body and grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it off him then pulled back a little and stared at him. He was stunning and definitely the body of an athlete. A hand splayed open on his chest feeling the shape of his muscles, continuing to his broad shoulders, reaching the behind him and she took him the expanse of his back. His eyes were closed and was clearly enjoying her touch. A finger traced some of the lines of his tattoo, then her mouth and tongue was on his chest. His skin was soft and somehow she could taste his smell of pine and snow. Both hands reached his abdomen feelings his rock stomach below her fingertips. “When we have more time I want to lick every centimetre of you.” And while her mouth restarted the climb to his neck, a hand brushed the top of his jeans in a teasing motions and she felt his shudder. “You are amazing…” and in response his hands knitted in her hair and claimed her mouth again in a desperate need to taste her again. Aelin grabbed her t-shirt and in a swift motion she threw it on the floor with his. He stopped to look at her, and she heard him gasp. Rowan thought she was a goddess. His hand very gently brushed the top of her breasts with the back of it, “you are gorgeous.” In a maddening slow motion, his fingers traced the full shape of them and once he was done, while he palmed one of her mounds he used his thumb to gently lower the fabric of her bra and expose her now hard peaks. His mouth was on it in seconds, sucking and nibbling and Aelin let out a moan and the sound was almost his undoing. “Tha gaol agam ort.” He finally admitted to her while he moved away from her chest and gently climb back up to her mouth. “Tha gaol agam ort.” He repeated a second time. His hand at the back of her neck crushed their mouths together again. “Say it again.” Breathed against his ravenous mouth. “Tha gaol agam ort..” Aelin had an idea she knew what he had just said. It was one the 6things she had looked up. She was planning to surprise him and use the Gaelic but in the end her mind was so occupied with other stuff that she had said the words in English. Aelin looked at him, blue eyes meeting green and she got closer to him again until she felt his hand moved to the front of her jeans. She slightly opened her legs to allow him access and even with the fabric between his fingers and he bare skin it was enough to make her moan loudly and when he applied some pressure on her sensitive spot she thought she was going to crack open. “Rowan…” she begged him. “I love your name on my lips…”his thumb made her jerk and at the same time his mouth went back torturing one of her nipples. “Where…” her brain had disconnected and it was a miracle she remembered her name. Barely “Where else would you like my lips…” she teased him as soon as she was able to utter a full sentence. His only response was a kiss that was seeping mad need for her and she wished they could just cross the last line. He took her hand and brushed against the swell of his trousers. With a wicked finger Aelin traced his length and all she could imagine was him inside her and how he felt. She went to unbutton his jeans but his hand grabbed her wrist and stopped her. “Not in my office. Not like this.This is not right.” He was breathless and his accent all of a sudden was heavier and Aelin thought he sounded even sexier. Aelin glared at him at his remark. “I didn’t mean this,” indicating at the two of them. “I mean this. My office. This was amazing, but what I have in mind does not involve my horrible office and a desk.” And she understood what he meant and smiled at him fondly. Shock hit him when she took both of his hands and placed one each on her breasts “Fine. But just so you know, these are now yours. You can play with them whenever you want. But my two girls here, like to be worshipped.” Rowan roared in laughter “I will do my best to please all of you.” And kissed both of her breasts and then her mouth for emphasis. “And where would you like it to happen?” And it was her time to provoke him. And while she waited for an answer she resumed kissing his wonderful upper body. “A romantic getaway.” He finally said, with his hands back in her hair “We would have a cottage with the fire on. Outside is snowing. And you and I spend the day in bed, doing this, and much, much more.” “Is this a promise?” “Tha.” They made out for another half an hour and then Aelin came up for breath and jumped off the table. “Let’s reopen the shop.” Quickly she grabbed her discarded t-shirt and got dressed again and Rowan did the same. Before leaving Aelin took his hand. “I am all yours, Buzzard.” “To whatever end, Fireheart.” He replied before stealing another kiss.
It was later in the evening when she did manage to meet with Elias. He had been held up at work and he was on his way now but later than expected. She had ordered some food. She was starving and very likely so was he. She was finishing plating the food when the doorbell went off. Quickly she went to the door and opened it. He was standing there in his suit and he was looking stunning as his usual. “Come in.” He removed his shoes and followed her inside “I smell food.” “Yes.” She smiled at him and they finally got to the living room and he noticed the coffee table all set up with a bottle of wine in the middle and the plates full of wonderful food. “We didn’t get to enjoy or dinner last night, so I went to pick up food from the restaurant and tadaaa.” She opened her arms and pointed at the dinner. “You didn’t have to.” “Yes, I did. Plus, talking while enjoying some amazing food is much better.” He sat down on the pillows she had arranged around the table while she took her place on the opposite side. Elias grabbed the bottle of wine and filled their glasses. “To friendship.” He said lifting his glass to her. “To friendship.” She replied clinking her glass against his. “Aelin…” but she stopped him. “No, let me go first.” He nodded and took a bite of his food. “I am sorry. When I moved here I was positive I was done with men and all that. I was not expecting to find myself torn between two wonderful men in such a short time. It was overwhelming and also one of the reasons for my panic attacks.” She explained while tasting her food “before Rowan and I began to become friends I had a thing for you.” Having a whole day to think properly about her explanation had helped “But then things changed. All of a sudden I was drawn to him. If we were in a fantasy book, the author would be calling us soulmates. Of course it’s the real world but still… what I felt and feel for him is… strong. As if his soul resonates with mine.” She stopped and sipped a bit of her wine “please don’t laugh.” Elias shook his head and smiled “I am not. And I think it’s a good description.” And took another bite of his food “Fine. I am a hopeless romantic. I love a good mushy story.” Aelin laughed then her expression turned serious again “What I meant is that I didn’t intend to cause all this. I had no intention of misleading you or hurt you. I was just confused and I was not sure if Rowan returned the feelings. And I am sorry.” He place a hand on hers “Stop apologising.” He told her tenderly “I can’t say that it doesn’t hurt. Because it does. A lot. But hey, I am the guy who laughs at his own divorce, it will pass.” He grabbed some fries and dipped them in ketchup “All I want you to know is that I care about you. You are incredible and you kinda stole my heart that day on the beach. But at least I know that you are dumping me because you really love the other guy and not because he makes more money than me.” And the two of them laughed at the joke. He really loved to make fun of his divorce and she wondered when she would reach that stage when Chaol’s betrayal would stop stinging. “You are amazing, intelligent and caring. I loved every single moment I spent with you. I had fun. A lot. You made me feel welcome in a brand new place and I am so grateful.” She looked in his eyes “you looked after me after my panic attack and made me super sweet chamomile tea.” She squeezed his hand back “I am grateful and I treasure every moment we had together.” “More wine?” He asked. “Yes, please.” She offered him her glass to be refilled “Dinner was wonderful. I am glad we did manage to eat. Last night I was also pissed that I did not get to finish my wonderful meal.” “That place really does wonderful food and I love the fact that the fish they use is whatever gets landed in the morning.” “I was in Lochinver and I tried the famous pies.” “You went to the Larder. That place is an institution. Every time I go north and pass Lochinver I always stop for lunch and on my way back I stop and I stock up in pies.” Aelin smiled and was happy that they were talking normally again. She had not liked the drama from the night before. He did not deserve her hate. “Elias?” “Yes?” “What does mo chridhe mean?” He spoke Gaelic, she could ask him. “It’s a term of endearment. It means my heart.” Aelin’s heart raced and her mind went back to the moment Rowan had used it with her. “Why?” “I just…” she had to lie now “I heard a mum tell it to her kid and I was just wondering. That’s all.” “My mum still uses it with my father. They have been married for a very long time and they are still madly in love. I think it’s their fault if I am such a hopeless romantic.” Aelin grinned while he finished polishing off his plate. She was sure one day he would make a woman very happy. He was a wonderful man. They chatted over wine and now empty plates for a while longer, then Elias stood. “Hey, it’s getting quite late and I have work again tomorrow and I had a very long day. Do you mind if I get back home, I have a bit of a drive.” He explained and started moving to the door. Aelin followed him “No, no absolutely.” Then she took his hand “Thank you for tonight, for understanding. For everything.” He moved a step closer to her and his hand cupped he cheek “I would have loved to be the one you chose, but truth is, I just want you happy. Even if it’s not with me.” He closed the distance and his arm went around her waist “But it would have hurt even more to know that you were with me and not happy.” His other hand brushed her hair behind her ear. His thumb traced her lips “You have an amazing smile and I want to imagine that he can make you laugh more than I possibly could.” He kissed her forehead “Are you happy with him?” “Yeah.” Aelin’s voice was barely audible. He pulled her to him and held her tightly and Aelin hid her face in his neck “Don’t feel guilty. It’s not that we are adding another divorce to our list.” He added as a joke. She pulled back and laughed an he did the same. “In a fantasy book I would probably be the first love interest that ends up dying tragically.” She gave him a smile “Or you can be the kind of guy who is the loyal friend. The main female character finds her true mate but she can’t let the first man go, so they build a strong friendship.” “I would love that, so very much.” This time it was her turn to brush her hand through his hair “You are a wonderful man, Elias. I truly think so.” “And you can text me while you are reading books.” She said to him “Good, because now you have me hooked on some cool stuff and I need someone to talk about it and none of my friends and colleagues are into books.” “What are you reading?” “I started The cursed kingdom last night. I spent today at work thinking about it and I blame you, young lady.” Aelin laughed “that is a good one. Just…. Have wine ready.” “Will do. Now if you’ll excuse m’lady, I have a hot date with a my bed.” She opened the door but stopped. “Elias…” “We are good, Aelin. I promise.” He took her hand in his and kissed it. Then waved her goodbye and got into his car. Aelin stood in the doorway until his car disappeared in the traffic, then closed the door and go back inside.
She grabbed her phone and texted Rowan. I am yours, mo chridhe. A moment later came his reply. Tha gaol agam ort.
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Blimey - JJ Maybank x reader
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a\n: i was feeling kinda un-inspired from writing requests so i wrote whatever came to mind and i’m actually happy with the result. @mclementine6​ said JJ so there ya go. 
trigger warning: underage drinking, cussing a little bit
plot: JJ is in love with the daugher of the owner of the hotel he works at.
word count: 2613
JJ Maybank was every girl's dream. He was the blond surfer with the blue eyes, amazing body and this reckless charm to him. He was a bad boy that you can bring home. The problem was, he has one girl in mind, and she was, somehow, the only one who was able to resist his smile. Well, her and Kie.
This girl was (y\n). her father was the owner of the hotel he worked at, so he got to see her often. He has been trying for years to get her heart, and she kept turning him down.
"why isn't she into me? I mean, not to brag, but look at this" he said, motioning all over his body. He was sitting with his friends at John B's, enjoying the empty place since John's uncle was away, as usual. "maybe it's the cockiness" Kie said, and JJ scrunched his face at her, repeating the sentence in the worst female impression to ever be made. John laughed lightly, "maybe she's just not into this" he said, motioning around the dirty floor, cheap beers and empty chips bags.
"(y\n) is not like that" JJ insisted, "if she was, she wouldn't be as nice to me, but she is always greeting me, with a smile, even when she's with her stupid boyfriend" he explained. "she's just nice, especially for a Kook. Even I like her" Kie says. "did it cross you're mind she's not into you… because she's into her boyfriend?" Pope said, sipping his beer. "come on, I don't know if I would even consider that nerd a boyfriend, what is he going to do, recite the whole pie numbers until the boredom kills me?" JJ sighs, finishing his beer and grabbing a new one. "no" John B stops him, "we cannot afford the amount of Beer you consume". JJ laughs, "good point buddy" he says, "have a shift in a few hours anyway. There's a Kook ball tonight at the hotel, a charity event for-" "Ocean Friends" Kie says, "I'm so exited those rich monsters are finally helping with their money". "you're one of them" John teases, but she ignores him. "well, I should get going, I need to change for the event" she says, getting up and handing JJ the half empty beer bottle. He's exited and reaches out to grab it, but she flips the bottle and spills the beer on poor JJ's hair. "oh, oops" she says, not even attempting to sound like it was really an accident. "Kie! What was that for?" JJ says, his hair dripping beer all over the floor. "you stink, you need to shower, this is a big evening, buddy" Kie says, staring to leave. "I wasn't stinky before you-" "you were" Pope cuts him off. "yeah bro, surfing might involve getting wet, but it's not a shower" John B agrees. "you guys are-" JJ started, but gave up and made his way to the bathroom at John B's.
"oh, sweetie, you look so beautiful" (y\n)'s mom said, leaning at the door frame, admiring her daughter. "thanks" (y\n) replied, checking out the different angles in the mirror. "Shaun is gonna think the same" (y\m\n) added, walking inside her daughter's room. "Shaun dumped me" (y\n) admitted, "decided I wasn't smart enough for him". "well, that was not smart of him, love" (y\m\n) said, smiling at her pun and redoing the braid that fell down (y\n)'s back. Her daughter was not as satisfied. "too soon?" her mom asked, placing the braid and her hands on (y\n)'s shoulders. "no, no. I just… I guess I just don't care as much as I thought I would" (y\n) said, resting he right hand on her mom's left hand before turning around. "maybe you didn't love him" Mrs., (y\l\n) says, looking at her daughter's face. "maybe" (y\n) sighed and started leaving her room, still holding her mom's hand. (y\m\n) pulled on her daughter's hand, causing the teen to stand in front of her again. "maybe it's because you love someone else, let's say, a certain handsome young waiter?" her mom asks. "do you mean that Maybank kid?" (y\n) laughs, "no, hell will freeze before I'll see him in a different light. Not just metaphorically, but also, any other light that is not of the dining or ball room, because I won't see him outside of work" she's quick to deny liking the Pogue as more then a co-worker. Was he a friend to her, or was she secretly hoping for something else?
"okay" he mother said, putting her hands up to show she surrenders. "okay" (y\n) says. She gets to the stairs, her father already waiting. Her mom joins, and they all enter together, her parents holding hands and she's all alone.
"hey there, (y\n\n)" a familiar voice says, "do you want a fine, red wine or do you want me to sneak you some Coke from the back?" the blond boy winks. "hey JJ, water is just fine for now" she replies. He smelled nicer than the usual sea, sweat and cologne mix that was unique to him. "you are so boring" JJ sighs, but goes toward the bar to get her water. She looks at him as walks away. "maybe it's because you love someone else, let's say, a certain handsome young waiter?" her mother's voice whisper in her head, but she ignores it.
Sure, JJ was handsome, hardworking, caring and extremely persistence. He's been attempting to get her to go on one single date with him for almost a year, ever since he got the job at the hotel. She worked with him – it was her father's idea, that she'd work at the hotel. That way she can keep a close eye on the employees and learn work ethics and to appreciate money even though it came easily to her family.
"your water, M'lady" the blond boy smiled, handing out a glass. "well, thank you, sir Maybank" she replied with her charming smile. "so, I saw your boyfriend, but he didn't walk with you. Isn't that some weird Kook tradition, to walk in with your significant other-?" "he broke up with me" she cuts him off. "oh, why's that?" JJ asked. in his eyes (y\n) was perfect – why would a guy who can't get better and not only because there's no such thing, but because (y\n) is already out of his league- why would he break up with her?
"I'm not smart enough, apparently" she laughed, "but it's whatever, I don't care". "not smart enough? But you use all of these fancy words like… like that one time you rejected me and said that I'm a hedonist. I had to google that later" JJ said. "between the two of us JJ, I google search fancy words and use them to sound smart" she admits. "well, that is very smart of you" JJ smiled at her. "whatever" she rolled her eyes. "no, really. I think you are a smart, beautiful young lady. His loss" JJ says, taking a step closer to her. "god, JJ you are such a sycophant" she sigh. "you're doing that again!" JJ laughed. "excuse me" an older man says, "can I get a vesper Martini?". JJ nods, "sure thing. shaken, not stirred". The old man seemed confused but waited for JJ to come back with his drink. Meanwhile, he talked to (y\n), who pretended to care about his new boat and how his middle son got a house in the Bahamas. "enjoy your drink agent 007" JJ said, handing the old man his drink as promised.
The old man left, and JJ tried to revive the conversation. "so, where were you?" JJ asked. "I called you a sycophant" (y\n) replied. "right" JJ smiled. "look, JJ, you should work, and I have to talk to people" she said, and JJ had no choice but to agree. He did have to work.
"hi Kiara, Mrs. and Ms. Carrera" (y\n) smiled at her friend. "(y\n)" Kie smiled politely, hugging the other teen. "oh, you look so lovely, (y\n)" Anna said, "this dress looks great on you". "thank you, Ms. Carrera, you look absolutely ravishing yourself" (y\n) smiled. Both Kie and (y\n) are trying not to laugh at the ridiculous politeness, but the adults are in awe. The music changes, and (y\n) holds her dress up for a bow-like gesture, "Kiara, would you like to join me for a dance "oh (y\n), I would love to accompany you" Kie bows back, and the moment they are far from the Carreras, Kiara released the laugh she was holding.
"what was that, (y\n)? you sounded ridiculous. Good thing you didn't threw in a British accent" Kie said. "hey, it was hard not to do the British accent. my parents asked to be extremely nice and polite. Adults love when a 16-year-old uses fancy words" (y\n) explained. It was a very important fundraiser. Her parents were barley convinced to host it, but it was important for her and her best friend, so she worked hard to make it happen.
Kie and (y\n) were dancing, and JJ looked at them, charmed. The way (y\n) laughed as she moved right on the beat, loosening up a bit. She was usually very uptight, but every time her act slipped, he fell harder and harder. Every time she accidently cursed or was less then the perfect daughter in any way, she was something better: herself. Her fun, smart, sarcastic, self. Her happy self. He knew that dating Shaun was a reputation thing, and deep down he knew she can't choose him because of reputation. Her parents loved him, that's for sure, but will they be supportive if anything other than the weird friendly rivalry bloomed between them?
(y\n) left the dance floor to have some political interactions. She was born as a Kook and she was doing a great job acting like one with her "small person who uses big words" persona. She enjoyed it, it was like doing theatre only it was a nearly 24\7 show she couldn't really quit.
After a round of the different variations of "oh, your son's fiancé is so beautiful", "what a lovely little creature" and pretending to care about the new yacht model someone got, the music changed into a slower one. Most of the adults she had to talk to were there with a date, so she was left alone and finally, she could go look for Kie.
When she finally spotted her friend, she was on the dance floor with another friend you recognized as Pope. oh well she thought to herself, at least I get a break.
Someone tapped on her shoulder. He was holding up a black tray, with a few glasses on. "a drink, M'lady?" JJ asked, and she sighed. "yeah, sure" she said, and he handed her a tall glass filled with a pink-tinted beverage. "on the house" he smiled, and walked off. She thought he was leaving, but he returned after putting the tray down on the table near him. "look, (y\n), I know you constantly reject me, but I know you love this song and it's a shame if you won't dance to it" the blondie said. She took another sip of her drink, that was surprisingly sweet. "is that why you gave me a drink, to get me to dance with you?" she asked him. "maybe. Did it work?" JJ said, and she smiled at him. "you know what? it might have" she said. He offered her his hand, and she rested the drink on the table near her to take the offer.
They made their way to an available space on the dance floor, and she placed her hands on his shoulders. He seemed a bit confused for a second, not sure what to do with his hands, but he looked around to find his next move. "you're supposed to-" (y\n) started, but JJ cut her off with a "no, I know" and placed his hands on her waist. The space was awkward, and so she took a step closer and closed her hands behind his neck. He locked his hands behind her waist, blushing. She laughed. "you look like a tomato" she teased. He looked at her, slightly offended, "shut up, you look like a…strawberry yourself" he said, getting all defensive. She bit her lips to hold in the laugh, "really?" she asked, looking up at him. they locked eyes, and both turned even rosier. "yeah, but you're still looking absolutely ravishing" he said, adding a British accent to the last words. (y\n) laughed, "did Kie told you about that?". "oh, she did, she told me and Pope, and I texted it to John B" he said, "but I think it's cute. You're a small person using big words" he added once he noticed the slightest hurt in her eyes, and she couldn’t help but return the shy smile.
They danced, and the silence wasn't awkward at all. They couldn't take their eyes off each other's. The eye contact made both feel the butterfliers they heard about so much. "hey, JJ, can I ask you something?" she suddenly said. "sure" he said, nodding. "why do you keep chasing me even though I have turned you down so many times?" she says, her voice so quiet it's almost a whisper. "well" he answers, "there's something special about you. You're… interesting, there's more to you than what you let most people see, and every time you crack the good-girl act next to me, I'm like 'shit, I really want to know this person better', ya' know?" he said. She nods slowly. "that, and the fact you don't want me back is so hot" JJ added, ruining the moment. "you were so sweet for a second there, JJ. Almost gave up" (y\n) said, looking right in his eyes with a sweet yet somewhat devilish grin. "oh, shit" JJ laughed, "can I try to change your mind?"  he raised his eyebrow and getting a bit closer to her. "JJ, this is not the place or t-" she says, looking around. One hand left her waist and brushed her jawline, forcing her to look at him. The boy has made the decision. He leaned closer to her, and the questions filled her head. She knew she wanted to kiss him just as bad as he wanted to kiss her, but what does that mean? What happens next?
The moment they locked lips, everything disappeared, the only thought she had in her mind was him. his hands cupped her cheeks when she returned the kiss. It was short, but sweet, and full of emotions. It felt different than the way kissing Shaun made her feel. She was exited, and happy, and sad about the fact it couldn't last forever.
"wow" she let out with a light laugh when JJ pulled away. "don't you mean… I don't know, what's a fancy way to say 'wow'?" he mumbled under his breath, tempted to reconnect their lips. "blimey" he remembered a word that can fit, "don't you mean blime-" he said, her laughter cutting him off. "shut up JJ, you are ruining the moment!" she said, punching his chest lightly. "well, I do have a bachelor's degree in ruining the moment, so" he says, leaning down for another kiss, surprised when he wasn't pushed away.
"wait, does it mean you'll go on a date with me?" he says once the kiss ends for the sake of breathing. "I guess so" (y\n) smiled at him, and his smile was bigger and brighter then usual. She never noticed how his smile lights up his face, and the whole room. "cool".
tag list: @mary-grace-milne @loveylangdon​
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the-flowerwolf · 4 years
"Happy Birthday"
A/N: @captainwanderlust78 HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!💙💙💙 I'm really bad at congratulations, so don't mind me. Jake can say it for me. Hope you will like it!
Jake x fem!MC
It was a special day. Her birthday.
Bella woke up late - last night, as soon as the clock struck midnight, she was showered with numerous congratulations. She barely managed to escape to bed a couple of hours later.
And since she had a completely free day, she decided that today she would do whatever her heart desires. Bella lay in bed, hanging in her phone. People were still congratulating her. Then she got up and sauntered into the kitchen.
The first thing that caught her eye was a huge bouquet that stood in the middle of the table. Bella smiled happily and walked over to it, noticing that there was also a cute Teddy bear and a beautiful sealed envelope.
She opened the letter.
"My love,
Most of all, on this special day, I would like to Wake up with you. I hope that your day goes well and that you enjoy this little surprise. Your favorite breakfast is waiting for you in the refrigerator. I know I'm not the best cook, but I tried ;)
We'll see in the evening. But to find out where exactly, you will have to solve a couple of riddles. Good luck and happy birthday!
Bella laughed. Jake is so Jake. But where should she start?
Bella carefully examined the letter and envelope, but nothing. There were no more notes. Then she picked up the bear. At one end of his bow was an inscription. Bella looked at her closely. It was like... Coordinates. Did Jake decide to limit himself to just one simple riddle this time? Bella decided to check out the place as soon as she ate her breakfast.
A couple of hours later, she was standing in the middle of the street, looking at the fashionable sign of a Atelier. Maybe the wrong address? Or were they really not coordinates, but something else? Bella decided to find out for sure. She pushed open the door and went inside.
The place was filled with a special atmosphere that immediately sunk into her soul. It was so cozy and peaceful... And even if Jake didn't really want to bring her here, Bella was glad she ended up here.
The sound of the bell immediately attracted the attention of a nice old woman who had been busy canceling a piece of cloth. She looked up and immediately smiled. Bella smiled back, but as soon as she wanted to say something, the woman's eyes and smile widened.
"Oh, it's you, honey! I hardly recognized you! You look even more beautiful in real life!"
This baffled Bella.
"You know me?"
The woman chuckled like she knew something that Bella didn't. Although, apparently, she really did.
"This cute boy showed me your photo when he came in here. And said the exact date when I should wait for you."
Bella chuckled. Yes, that was Jake's style.
"Come on, honey," the woman said, disappearing through a door in another part of the atelier, "I have something for you."
Bella ran after her. They entered the room with a whole bunch of clothes that were custom-made and that were still in the process. The woman disappeared among the mannequins, trying to find something.
"How do you like my place?" She asked.
"Is this your atelier?"
Woman laughed.
"Of course! Whose else could it be? My name is Beverly."
Bella found it odd that the name of the atelier was named as "Rose's place", but the owner's name was Beverly, but she decided not to ask any questions.
"My name is Bella."
"Your name really suits you, Bella... I bet it was here... Ah, there it is!"
Beverly returned, and Bella gave a little cry of delight. In her hand hung an extremely beautiful dress in the style of the 50s.
Beverly smiled at the reaction.
"I'm glad you like it, because it's yours now."
"Mine?" Bella asked incredulously. Did Jake do this for her?
"Of course yours, whose else! Now go, honey, or you'll be late for dinner!"
Still in shock, Bella didn't immediately understand what Beverly was saying.
"Dinner? Oh, right! Dinner!"
Beverly shook her head and smiled. Bella started to walk out of the atelier, thanking and saying goodbye to the woman at every step. As she reached for the door handle, Beverly suddenly called out to her.
"And one more thing, dear! If you need anything else, go to the Hills. We're moving in soon."
"Oh? And what's the address?"
Beverly waved her hand.
"You think I know? You'll find it on the Internet! Now go, don't keep your boyfriend waiting!"
When Bella got home, she started packing hard. The dress fit perfectly and she felt great in it. She had matching shoes and jewelry that she had long wanted to wear somewhere.
The evening was approaching, and as soon as the preparations were completed, Bella realized that she did not know where to go.
She texted Jake. Then again. And again. No answer. He also did not answer calls.
Bella was about to fall into despair when she suddenly remembered the riddles. There must be another one! But no matter how much she turned the apartment upside down, there was nothing there. Bella sank wearily into a chair. How should she solve this riddle?
Then Bella remembered.
She opened her laptop and started typing words into the search engine.
"Beverly Hills"
No, she doesn't need a city, thank you, Google...
"Beverly Hills new York"
Bella smiled. She knew where to go.
The place was just as special as the guy who was waiting for her there.
It was a cafe in the style of the 50s, in red and white colors and bright lighting.
Which was called "Beverly Hills".
Bella had long wanted to go to a place like this, but couldn't get around to it. So, Jake decided to take her here. On her birthday. She could have kissed him.
Friday night, the cafe was crowded. People were eating, talking loudly, and putting their heads in front of each other. But she noticed him immediately.
Jake was sitting in the far corner by the window, his back to her. He sat in his hood, watching life unfold outside the window. Bella walked over to him, a loving smile on her face.
"You and your riddles," she said, stopping behind him. Jake shuddered and turned around. Fear immediately turned to joy.
"I thought you liked my riddles," he was jokingly offended.
Bella giggled and kissed him on the lips before sitting down across from him.
"I love them!"
Jake seemed nervous.
"Did you like my gift?" He asked hopefully.
"I'm delighted!" She answered honestly, "Thank you very much! This is the best gift of all!"
Jake blushed and smiled.
"I'm glad you liked it."
A waitress came up to them. She was wearing a typical old uniform.
"What do you want to eat?"
Jake and Bella exchanged amused glances. They knew exactly what they were going to order. Jake turned to the waitress.
"Two Burger menus, one strawberry milkshake and one chocolate, please."
When the waitress left, the lovers turned back to each other. Their hands are on the table, fingers intertwined.
"How was your day?" Bella asked.
"Absolutely not the same without you."
Bella let out a chuckle. Now it was her turn to blush. Jake smiled.
"I haven't told you happy birthday today yet, so... Happy birthday!"
They laughed softly, but the amusement on Jake's face quickly turned serious. Bella was worried.
"I want to tell you something..."
"Oh God. You want to break up?"
"No, I..."
"The FBI found you?!"
Jake shushed and quickly turned around.
"Not so loud."
"Sorry... "
Jake smiled. He looked into her eyes and there was so much tenderness and love in them... How she wished he would always look at her like that.
"Hey. That's all right. I just wanted to say... I don't really like congratulations. I do not know what to say to others in such cases, and I feel false when they congratulate me. But right here and right now, I want you to know. I love you. The day we met was the second best day of my life."
Bella raised an eyebrow.
"The second?"
Jake smiled.
"The first one is the day you were born."
Bella chuckled.
"How can this be your best day? We didn't even know each other back then."
"You see, if I had the choice to cancel one of these days while still remembering everything... I would have chosen the day we met. It would break my heart, but at least I'd know you were out there somewhere, enjoying your life. But I can't imagine a world without you in it."
Bella squeezed his hand harder.
"I can't imagine a world without you in it either."
Jake lifted his other hand and ran his thumb over her cheek.
"One more thing. Like I said, I'm bad at congratulations. However, I will say something. I think you deserve the whole world. You are an amazing person, an amazing woman, a wonderful mother. The world is brighter because of you. I believe that whatever challenges life has in store for you, you will cope with everything. I appreciate you for who you are. And remember that I'm always here if you need me. Anytime. No matter what happens."
"Your order."
Lovers shuddered. The waitress placed the order on the table.
"Bon appetit," she said and left again.
Jake and Bella stared after her for a moment, then turned to each other and laughed again.
"That was weird."
"Yeah, that's for sure..."
Jake, still continuing to laugh, he took burger in his hands.
"I've heard their food is very good, and I really hope the rumors are true..."
He looked up from his story.
"Yes, my love?"
Bella looked into his eyes, trying to convey all the feelings that were boiling in her.
"Thank you. You know for what exactly."
Jake smiled and winked.
"Yes. I know."
The food was really great, although they didn't really notice it. The lovers chatted about everything, not noticing how dark it was outside the window, or how people began to gradually leave the cafe. They just couldn't focus on someone or something else, even if they wanted to. It was just their night.
At some point, Jake got up from his seat.
"Where are you going?" Bella asked in surprise.
Instead of answering, he gave her a sly look and went to the other side of the cafe. Now she understood what he was up to.
"Oh no, you won't." She said softly, chuckling.
But he did do it. The jukebox started up and Jake turned to her, starting to dance a little. A song started playing. It was "Can't help falling in love with you" by Elvis Presley. The few remaining visitors turned in surprise toward the sound.
Jake slowly returned to her, a small smile on his lips. He held out his hand.
"My lady."
"You really want to dance? In the middle of a cafe?"
Jake shrugged carelessly.
"Why not? Do you suddenly care what other people think of you, Bella?"
She snorted.
"No, of course not. But what about you? Weren't you the one who said that you should not draw too much attention to yourself?"
"Well, what can I say, you've always affected me... like this."
Bella giggled.
"And I'm not sorry."
Jake's smile widened.
"I noticed that. Now take my hand, please. This is getting awkward."
She took his hand and he led her to the side of the cafe where there was the most space available.
Jake pulled her to him, putting one hand on her waist. The other still held her hand. Bella put her arm around his neck. They began to slowly circle in a slow dance.
"I love this song." Jake said softly. And, much to her surprise, he began to hum the lines so softly that only she could hear.
"Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you"
The song ended quickly, but the lovers were in no hurry to let go of each other.
"Maybe we should stop standing in the middle of a cafe like this," he said.
"Just another minute..."
Jake laughed quietly.
"Okay. Just a minute."
After paying, they went home. The cafe was located not far from their flat, the weather was fine, so the lovers decided to walk.
But when they were almost home, Jake turned the other way.
"Where are you going?"
"Let's go!"
Bella good-naturedly rolled her eyes.
"You and your riddles again."
They entered a small pastry shop. Bella's mouth watered. Yes, they ate just recently, but sweets don't count! You can always eat them. And then there was such an assortment! And the smell!
Jake walked over to the cashier and gave him a name. A fake one, of course. The cashier left, but soon returned with a box in his hands. Jake paid and picked up the goods and went to the door. Bella hurried after him. Her eyes were shone.
"What is it, what is it?"
Jake smiled slyly.
"You'll see when we get home."
Bella snorted.
"You and your mystique," she muttered.
Jake laughed.
When they got home, Bella went to open the box first. Jake went into a living room and turned on a TV. He tried to turn on Netflix until he heard a squeal and felt his girlfriend hanging on to him.
"My favorite cake, thank you, thank you!"
This completely baffled Jake.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're happy, but I ordered you a dress, took you to a cafe you've been wanting to go to for a long time, and you snapped at me for a... Cake?"
Bella giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"The cake wasn't the best part, silly. It's just that this day is getting better and better and it's all thanks to you!"
Jake smiled happily.
"I'm glad you like it. So, what do you want to watch?"
Bella gave him a sly look. Jake turned pale.
"Oh no..."
"Oh yes."
"Bella, please!"
"Jake, please! It's my birthday!"
She looked at him with puppy-dog eyes. Jake sighed.
"Okay," he said, looking for the movie, "I can't believe I'm going to watch After. Again."
Bella giggled.
"I love you too, darling!"
They took their drinks, cut the cake, and sat on a couch with their arms around each other, and started watching.
"You just like this sugary actor," he muttered resentfully.
"He may be beautiful..." Jake choked with indignation, "but he's not as hot as you, my love."
Jake, for the sake of decency, looked at her with an offended look for a few more moments, but then he couldn't help but smile.
"You think I'm hot?" He asked slyly.
Bella brought her face close to his.
"Take me to the bedroom and find out how much," she whispered.
And Jake did so.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
so... i’m back because i have too many of these and you asked for more so here we are so this is like a kind of modern au, am also thinking no monsters but i could go either way, i’m thinking like 2012-2015, Hawkins is a small town and because of that it’s views are still pretty conservative, its gotten better over the years but kids still get picked on for their race, sexuality, anything that makes them abnormal, in general it’s just less accepting (pt.1)
(pt.2) So Steve and Tommy are hanging around one day and Steve mentions he thinks he’s bi, Tommy just gets grossed out goes as far as to call steve some slurs and go home, and steve is crushed and terrified, by the time he shows up to school on monday the entire school knows and there are notes in his lockers telling him to kill himself and get out of the school and Nancy, one of the few people who supports him, tries to help, along with Johnathan who explains that they still love him...     
(pt.3) and he even goes as far as to introduce Steve to his brother, with a quick explain that he thinks he’s gay, and that he wants a good role model for him and steve defiantly cries, that’s how he ends up meeting the nerds, when Billy comes into town he almost immediately realizes his dad wanted to come here because it will be hard for billy to be openly gay without him knowing in minutes, on his first day people keep telling him to stay away from Harrington, no one will say why tho...            
(pt.4?) So a few days pass and Billy has yet to meet this harrington kid, but he’s heard stories, used to be too dog but something happened and now he’s labeled a freak. The first time they meet is when Billy comes to practice for the first time, they don’t talk Billy just watches the kid, can’t help but think he’s hot as fuck, but know saying anything about that will probably get him hate crimed, so after practice they all head to the showers...             
(pt.5) Steve seems like he’s trying to get out of there fast, keeps looking anywhere but at the other guys, when tommy comes in he seems to get even more stressed, immediately tommy starts mocking him, talking about how he doesn’t wanna be stuck naked next to steve, some of the other guys join in and billy finally gets it, when he starts listing again tommy has gotten straight up vulgar, asking gross shit and everyone is laughing  and steve looks like he wants to die...             
Okay, so I think I’m gonna write something longer for this because I love this idea, and I’ve had some ideas similar to this. And I may even revisit this for a full fic 🤔
(My ballet fic which will start being posted on Tuesday goes into this, that Steve was picked on for doing ballet and being queer and being femme.)
So, when Steve was like, thirteen, we logged onto the family computer and typed in “how to know if you’re gay” because all he knew was that Indiana Jones made him feel the exact same way Rihanna does, so he did what all us baby queers did, and asked google.
Google tells him that maybe, but there’s also something called the Kinsey Scale, and maybe he’s not gay, but bisexual, or pansexual, or just plain old queer. And all Steve knows is he likes the men on the cover of Sports Illustrated just as much as he likes the women.
When Steve and Tommy are freshly sixteen, and drinking stolen booze, and sitting on Steve’s brand new BMW, staring at the stars over the quarry, Steve tells Tommy that he kinda wants to kiss boys as much as he wants to kiss girls. That he wants to be touched by other boys, to touch other boys. Maybe his drunk tongue slips and says he watched some gay porn and maybe the idea of getting fucked sounds kinda good, kinda hot.
Tommy flips on a fucking dime. He sits there and calls Steve names, tells him he’s disgusting says shit like is that why you’re friends with me? You want me to fuck you? and won’t get back in the car with Steve who cries while he drives home.
And come Monday, there’s the f-slur written on his locker I feel really weird about saying it or writing it out and everyone is pushing him around, and he gets accused of trying to make moves on other guys, and none of the girls will talk to him anymore, and he sits by himself at lunch, until Jonathan Byers, resident weird kid, slaps his lunch down across from Steve and just sits down and starts talking like they’re old friends. Like Steve hasn’t ever pushed him into a wall of lockers. And Steve is having too much fun laughing at this kid’s jokes to actually feel like he’s hit rock bottom.
So he becomes friends with Jonathan. They start hanging out after school, at the Byers’ place, and he meets Will, and he can practically smell the queer on the kid when he gives Steve a once over, goes bright red, and stutters out something about having homework to do.
Mrs’ Byers is kind, and invites him to stay for dinner, and sure, they heard that the Harrington kid’s a f-- but they don’t care, because he’s a sweet kid who helps Joyce with the dishes and plays catch with Will when Lonnie blows him off, and maybe Will blurts out that he has a crush on his friend Mike, and Steve just hugs the kid and wishes to god that it’s easier in Hawkins for this kid than it was for him.
And he and Jonathan get high one day, and Jonathan says he has a thing for Nancy, and Nancy’s been pretty sweet to Steve since he was forced outta the closet, so he helps him out, gets him a date, and they’re happy, and Steve has friends who care about him, who will go to college parties in the city with him, will make sure he keeps his location on his phone shared as he flirts with anyone he likes, has sex with anyone he likes. He has friends that sit with him when he cries in the library after he finds another note in his locker that says something along the lines of kill yourself f--.
And they’re in the parking lot, hanging out before school when Billy gets there, and Billy’s hot and Steve is in love when Billy looks at him across Tina’s Halloween party, smirking and winking. But Tommy's there, yammering in his ear that Harrington was top dog around here, but now, stay away from him. He’s a fucking freak.
And Billy wants to know more, because Harrington is hot, and has a cute kind of deer caught in headlights look about him, but all of his social media is private, and no one will tell Billy anything about him, and he learns to stop asking when Tommy says why do you care so much? You queer for him? because he’s in Hawkins now, and he’s not allowed to be gay in Hawkins. No one is.
And after basketball, Steve stays out of the showers as long as he can, but coach sends him out of the gym, says the school doors’ll be locked past six, so Steve tries to be stealthy, tries to take the shower in the corner, but then Tommy starts running his mouth about not wanting to get too close to Harrington, who is pointedly not looking at anyone, just staring at the drain by his own foot, but then Tommy starts going off about how, maybe he should give it to Harrington, bend him over and take him real good, just the way he’s always wanted, you know, he told me he wanted me to fuck him when we were sixteen and Billy finally gets it.
And Steve looks miserable, so Billy waits after practice, waits til all the other guys are gone, til it’s just him and Harrington in the locker room, and he turns and point-blank asks Steve if he’d want to go out sometime, makes it clear he means on a date. And Steve doesn’t know what to do, thinks this is some joke or something, so he doesn’t say anything until Billy corners him by his car, the same BMW Tommy once said was probably covered in Steve’s AIDs and tells him everything.
Tells him his dad caught him hookin’ up with a guy, that his dad brought him here, to a small conservative town with small conservative people, with the promise that if he acts on his impulses, the people will take care of it before I have to, Billy. He tells Steve that he thinks he’s cute that he wants to take him out on a date.
Steve is so excited he invites Nancy and Jonathan over to help him pick out what to wear, and Billy picks him up, and they go to dinner and a movie in the city, and it’s so nice and fun and Billy kisses him sweetly on the doorstep, and in two weeks, Billy is his boyfriend and they double with Nancy and Jonathan, and go on dates in the city almost every weekend, and they talk to Will about boys, tell him that liking boys is okay that it’s not gross or bad or wrong.
And maybe everything isn’t perfect, Billy’s dad is still a piece of trash, and people still are assholes to Steve, but they have each other, and they love each other, and so things are pretty okay.
Fill my inbox! Send me asks, prompts, or headcanons!
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Chapter 8. Louis
'No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.' C. S. Lewis
He never woke up again.
Louis got home from London and met Peter at the town house they shared. He showered and they talked about the last couple of days. Louis sat atop the kitchen table telling him all about our fight and reconciliation and what we had done on tour, while Peter cooked salmon for them to have for dinner. The food was almost ready when Louis jumped from the table to get more wine and almost immediately fell to the floor, unconscious. Peter was quick on his feet. It took him barely ten seconds to get Louis’ security officers to come help. They drove him to the hospital themselves. 
There are a lot of contingency plans for emergencies such as these; In Louis’ case, when he moved into town we established a plan with a local private hospital where he could be received as privately as possible should he need it. I‌ had the same thing in America when I was at ‌University, and even today in Bellpont where I lived. It was the sort of thing we knew about in the back of our minds, it was briefly explained to us on briefings, and we then went on with our lives, forgetting it immediately after, hoping we would never need it. 
Louis hadn’t even been admitted to the hospital when Charles and Auguste received the alert from our Security Headquarters and ran to inform my parents. With one look, they knew what to do. Auguste was sent to make preparations for a private plane to take my parents to Scotland as fast as possible; Charles started making calls and arrangements so that this trip could be as swift and secretive as necessary; my father ran upstairs to pack. 
I wanted to make a remark about how ironic it was that we had made a point to take the train to Britain on tour for the environmental impact and to highlight the travel options, and now they were taking a jet, but even my love for Environmental Law wasn’t big enough to ignore the facts, and the fact was it was not the time.
My mother lingered before rushing off to pack, holding on to my shoulders. 
“I’m sure it’s nothing!” She said, kindly. I nodded. “Maggie, I‌ know you have work in the morning, could you possibly drive home tomorrow instead of tonight? Your sister goes back to boarding school tomorrow morning and-”
“You don’t want her to be alone. Yes, of course. I’ll just leave in the morning.”
She smiled and rushed off as well; in the confusion, the dogs must have followed someone out of the room, and the door was closed, so I found myself alone in my father’s suddenly very quiet office.‌ I‌ took a seat and a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. 
When I looked at my phone, Harry had texted, but I couldn’t bring myself to focus on him now. So instead I‌ texted my brother.
‘are you ok??? mom and dad are leaving now. They’ll be there soon, text me as soon as you get this’
While I watched the message, quietly hoping it would be viewed and replied as I did, I got a new text, from Peter.
‘Hey Maggie, I have L’s phone, saw you texted. I just got to the waiting room, he’s with the doctors. I’ll let you know if I have any news.’
Completely forgetting everything else, I‌ talked to Peter for the next several minutes, getting all the information I could, which was how I‌ learned about the salmon and the wine and Louis falling unconscious from the kitchen table. 
I only realized I had spent too long talking to Peter in my father’s office when the door opened and Cassidy, one of the house maid staffers, came to tell me my parents were leaving and wondered where I was; so I ran out, down the stairs and through the main hall towards the entrance atrium and down the further stairs to the same entrance I had come in from with my father.
Lourdes was there already, looking downcast, hugging our mother. Our father was on the phone with someone, while a staffer loaded their luggage into the black-tinted-windows SUV (no one would be expecting the King and Queen to be in such a car, which was usually used by staffers only).
We gave them a quick hug goodbye, and they were off. Lourdes was looking sadder by the second, so‌ I‌ tried to pretend an eye-roll was just me being heavily interested in the renascence carvings in the ceiling. 
“Well, let’s go back inside.”
“What do you think happened?” She asked, teary, following me back up the stairs.
I‌ told Lourdes what I had learned from Peter in the most casual tone I‌ could, reminding myself to be patient with her. She was a kid, and I suppose this was scary. Especially with the lack of information.
“It won’t do much to be dramatic about it”, I told her. “They’ll call soon, let’s just try to distract ourselves.”
With mom gone, we didn’t have to keep the dinner plans she had made, but I knew she would ask as soon as this thing was over, so I marched Lourdes to the kitchen and we prepared dinner as well as we could. Harry had to leave for a conference call, but by the time I read this message he had already left and I felt terrible for having stopped replying so suddenly. I tried to text him a short and low on information text, but I couldn’t come up with one without a strange crampy feeling on my throat.
So I had Lou chop up some vegetables for us to roast in the oven and eat with the fillets of salmon I made on a frying pan while I thought of how to get back into the texting horse with Harry. He asked me out! I wanted to talk more about it. On his last message before he had to leave he asked what was my favorite type of food, and if I had suggestions of where we could go in Bellpont, and as much as I wanted to think about that, there was too much to handle in my own kitchen.
I had to stop Lourdes from sharing her concern - and therefore the facts - with her friends.
“They can’t know he’s in the hospital! It might leak to the public or press and it’ll generate panic!”
She rolled her eyes, but didn’t text anymore. 
It was only after dinner, when Lourdes was busy taking out the plates, that I checked my phone and realized Peter had texted to let me know my parents had arrived at the hospital in Scotland. I tried calling them, but the call went unanswered. I texted them, but nothing happened, and I didn’t want to bother Peter asking for more information than he had. I was sure he would tell me more as soon as he could.
So instead I scrolled through my texts conversations, wanting to talk to someone, but unable to. I had to follow the advice I gave Lourdes, after all. 
A loud sigh alerted me that Lourdes had finished loading the dishwasher, and was now staring at it with a glossy, worried look in her eyes.
So I texted our brother. ‘I will seriously kick your ass when I see you again’
I wanted to say something to Lourdes, but I had nothing. I wanted to text Harry, but I also didn’t know what to say. Not telling him something this big felt… wrong. So I said nothing.
I just closed the messaging app and put my phone in my pocket. “Let’s go for a walk.” I told Lourdes. “For the dogs.”
She smiled, and we went upstairs to grab the leashes and the babies.
The garden to the south of the Palace was private; it was only open to the public for a couple of months in the summer when we left for the beach, and the palace did guided tours on a few selected wings. It was also not visible from anywhere outside the Palace grounds, surrounded by ivy-covered high walls, so it assured us a large, open space, and privacy. As the palace was situated next to a large national park, with mountains and hiking trails, most of its vegetation was just… our lawn.
The dogs loved it. We kept them on leashes through the manicured garden; like much of our architecture, it had been modeled after Versailles, an award-winning botanical creation they would be far too delighted in running through. Beyond the garden there was a trail that led to a small forest, and there we were able to let the boys roam free. The youngest two ran towards the trees as soon as they could, but Heathy continued strutting happily only a step or two ahead of us.
“They should have called by now.”
I forced myself to roll my eyes, so she’d see how ridiculous her statement was. 
“They had a long day, they must be tired. Especially dad, he just left London this morning and now is back in Scotland. Give them time.”
“But what if it’s bad?!”
“He was probably just dehydrated or anemic.” I‌ justified. “Relax, we’ll never let him live this down.”
Even as I said this in as much of a laid back tone as I‌ could, I checked my phone once more, and there were no new texts from Peter, my parents or Louis.‌ There was, however, two new ones from Harry.
‘Just got back, sorry I‌ had to dash earlier!‌ Hope we get to talk some more when you’re free’
‘I’m googling nice private places for our date. Do you like italian food?’
We made our way uphill. I watched the dogs to make sure they would poop, and cleaned after them with plastic bags. We sat atop the hill and watched the lights in the palace and the city ahead. It was a starry night, still, warm and not too windy. It was the last warm night of October. I asked Lourdes to tell me about her friend Channel getting her first boyfriend, and for the next several minutes she sounded like she was back to her old, unpreoccupied self. 
I took deep breaths as I listened, staring at the sky, letting myself believe the words I had told her. He was probably just anemic. It was going to be okay. We were all going to feel so silly for worrying as soon as this was over. It was a nice night.
“Has Harry said anything else?”
I sighed, unblocking my phone. I showed her his last texts in lieu of explaining.
“Why aren’t you texting him back?”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“You could start with answering his question. You love italian food.”
“It’s… not that simple.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t… know. It feels like lying.”
She sighed, heavily. “Just say you’re sorry you went MIA, you got stuck babysitting your sister, and that you love italian food, but have to go now and hope you can talk more later. And then say goodnight and maybe wish him good dreams with a winky emoji.”
“...You’re relentless.”
“Do you want me to write it for you?”
“Shut up.”
We walked back. The dogs - and me - tired. Lourdes ready to keep texting her friends. I forced her to finish packing, and to have a shower, and finally to go to bed at a reasonable hour, which to me was just before midnight. Before I left her room, I realized she was using a body wash that smelled familiar. Something from L’Occitane, something citric. I was already grabbing the bottle from her when I realized it was Harry; this reminded me of Harry’s smell.  I didn’t tell Lourdes this, but she called me weird anyway. I said goodnight and went to have a shower of my own.
Right before I stepped into the shower, I told myself to stop being ridiculous and typed a reply to Harry:
‘So sorry I disappeared, got stuck babysitting. I love italian! Have a good night, talk later!’
It felt… wrong. Surely I could trust him with a secret like this? Him, of all people… But I couldn’t. So I threw the phone in my bed and had a long, relaxing shower. When I got out, wrapped in a towel, I ran to my bed, dropping all pretenses, and picked up my phone hurriedly, and feeling rather pathetic, but there was no response from Harry. So I placed it in the night table, and went back to the closet to put on clothes, apply lotion and do my skin care routine, all while trying not to think too much about it. 
Then, my phone rang. I ran back into the room in a fury, grabbed the phone and fell to the bed, trying not to smile like an idiot as I said, “hello?!”
“Maggie, it’s mom.”
And then I wanted nothing more than to go back uphill, lay on my back and watch the city lights under the stars to the sound of my blabbering sister and over-excited, running dogs. 
“It’s not a problem, mom!‌ I’ll take care of everything, don’t worry.”
The first thing I wanted to do was text Harry. If I‌ had, I‌ would have written:
‘sorry I‌ disappeared today, my brother collapsed at home and my parents flew out to check up on him and I was freaking out but had to keep my little sister from telling the whole country because it could generate a panic which is the same reason I couldnt tell you, but the truth is this last weekend and speaking with you today has left me giddy with excitement and I‌ cant wait for our date!’
Instead, I took a deep breath, turned off my phone, and went to feed the dogs. My coworker Larissa had sent over a few contracts for me to help her with, so I sat down in bed to go over them in my laptop, but I‌ couldn’t focus. Next thing I knew, my eyes were shutting of their own accord and I hadn’t even made it three pages.
I crashed and slept terribly all night. I‌ kept thinking I‌ heard my parents getting home and woke up full of anxiety, wanting to run towards them and ask a million questions. Eventually, at almost five, I was so sure I had heard something that I‌ walked out, as silent as possible not to disturb the dogs, and made my way to Louis’ room. By the time I was at his door I felt silly; Of course no one was home. Of course I heard nothing. This place is too big, anyway. I wouldn’t even be able to. 
When I opened the door, though, Lourdes was there. She’d slept in his bed, apparently. 
“Dramatic.” I‌ rolled my eyes, exhausted, but even as I‌ did I‌ was forced to admit to myself I‌ knew exactly what she was feeling. 
In the following hour, I‌ changed out of my pajamas, put on some makeup, and went back to Louis’ room at the time I‌ knew her alarm was set for. I got there just in time to catch her hitting the snooze button.
“His bed is better than mine.” She justified, blushing. 
“Mom called.”
She sat up, forcefully wiping her eyes.
“What did she say?!”
As it turns out, Louis’ condition was a little more serious than we had previously thought. As I tried to calmly explain it to Lourdes, as she furiously and breathlessly asked, I‌ didn’t know what that meant exactly. All mom had said was he was still unconscious and they needed a second opinion, and they were getting one in Savoy, both from our own doctors, who knew Louis since he’d been born, specialists from all over the country, as well as famous doctors from around the world who were already being flown in. So they were air-ambulancing him home as fast as possible so he could be in the country by the time the press and public was informed.
“That means it’s something bad.” Lourdes decided.
“I forget, what school did you get your medical degree in again?”
She rolled her eyes, and I could never tell her, but I had been wrestling the same thought. 
That morning, a monday in late October, I called work and informed them I would be extending my leave for another couple of days. I was essentially using all my vacation days, but I‌ was more concerned with going to work and attracting more paparazzi than usual to the building’s entrance and making my coworkers hate me. 
It was the same reason mom had me call Lourde’s boarding school and inform her dean she would be home that week for personal issues. The school had been briefed on what to do in this situation; her teachers would email her the workload, and she would email back questions. Tutors were available for online sessions should she need them.
The staff served us breakfast in the usual tea room we used for small meals, but without the others the room felt bigger and, at the same time, I felt more claustrophobic. So when Lourdes asked for the third time if we could just meet them in the hospital, I‌ gave up, and said yes.
When we arrived at the biggest hospital in the country, St. Agnes Royal, they had only recently arrived as well. After making sure Louis was stable, the Savoyen doctors took him for tests, and my parents sat in the two seat couch in his room, looking tired.
For the next several hours, a lot happened very fast, and almost at the same time. First, our mother had a lot to say about us arriving unexpectedly, a lot of questions regarding the instructions she had left me, and some choice words for Lourdes who should be home doing the homework her teachers hadn’t even had time to send yet.
My father sat in a chair in the bathroom - where mom’s words didn’t carry - to call the Prime Minister from a secure line and inform him of the situation. After him, he called the senator who led the King’s Council to inform him and ask that he inform the rest of his council members. He then called his siblings, and by the time he was done, mom was still going on about how important it is for us to be discreet at times of emergency, since one word of the situation at the wrong time and the country could think we were in a crisis.
“This is a crisis!”‌ Lourdes whined. “Louis could have died!”
“You don’t even know what happened!” I‌ told her.
“Yeah, because no one will tell me!”
“Alright!”‌ Mom sighed, sitting back in the couch, back straight as an arrow, legs crossed at the ankles, as if she was at work. “Apparently, your brother had a brain aneurysm.”
Lourdes immediately started googling on her phone. I‌ sat down besides my mother, my shoulder brushing hers in a supportive gesture. 
“Well… is he… what’s next?”
“A brain aneurysm can leak or rupture, causing bleeding into the brain; hemorrhagic stroke”, Lourdes read, her voice becoming more strangled with each word. “A ruptured aneurysm quickly becomes life-threatening! And requires prompt medical treatment!”
“Which your brother had.” Mom told her, on a low, controlled tone, hands clasping each other in her lap tightly.
“Thank God for Peter.” Father said pacing around the room after his staff had left to give us a moment alone.
“Where is he, by the way?”
“Scotland.” Mom told me. “Poor thing stayed in the hospital most of the night with us, refused to leave until we did for the airport. Remind me to send him a thank you card.”
I‌ shook my head. “He didn’t want to come with you?!”
“Darling, we couldn’t possibly expect him to. He’s done enough, and he has classes.”
“He-!”, I‌ stopped myself, taking a deep breath, “He’s Louis’ friend, it happened in front of him! Maybe he wanted to come and be with him, you should have asked.”
My mother passed an arm around me. “We imposed enough on him. We’ll let him know when we have news.”
“This says severe leaked aneurysms can be fatal!”‌ Lourdes told us, “Do you know if his leaked? Did Peter say if he’d been having headaches before it happened? That could indicate-”
Mom interrupted, “Honey, why don’t we wait to see what the doctors say?” 
“But what did the Scottish doctors say?!”
“That’s enough googling for today, Lourdes-Abigail.” Dad told her, grabbing her phone and giving her a tight hug.
It was lucky she didn’t see the worried look our parents exchanged, or she might convince herself they were hiding something.
The next thing that happened was the much dreaded moment the press was informed. An announcement was sent via email in the early morning to the main media vehicles of the country. It read:
‘From the desk of His Majesty, King Philippe IV of Savoy
In the late hours of last night, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Louis-Adolphe was admitted to Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland, where he was diagnosed with signs of an aneurysm. 
The Crown Prince was airlifted to Savoy’s St. Agnes Royal Hospital where he is being cared for by a team of specialists. His current condition is stable, and he is undergoing tests.
Their Majesties, the King and Queen, Princess Marie-Margueritte and Princess Lourdes-Abigail, are in the hospital with His Royal Highness.
More updates will be given when appropriate.’
The key word there was ‘stable‘. Dad had been in a long debate with his staff over whether they should announce the particulars of his coma, or the location of the aneurysm, all things they knew would be asked eventually. They chose, however, to delay the conversation as long as possible. Was Louis’ condition serious? Yes. But it was also stable. And that put a good enough spin on reality.
After what felt like an eternity, the incredibly big team of specialists called my parents for a meeting with the hospital’s chief of surgery and director, in a conference room down the hall, where they stayed for the next two hours. In that time, I tried to take Lourdes’ mind off it by going on a stroll around the hospital, but all we did was get some food from the cafeteria and go back to his room, since we felt we were being stared at by everyone around us.
When we did return, Louis was there, being tucked in by a nurse.
He seemed calm, almost as if he was merely asleep, but too distressed to actually look it. Lourdes looked scared to approach, so I‌ dragged a large armchair to sit closer to his bed, and she eventually came by and sat on one of its arms.
Louis’ chief security officer, Stevens, was standing in the corner of the room, watching over him with tired eyes.
“How did Peter look?”‌ I asked him, “When you guys left?”
“He seemed…” He shrugged, apologetic, “worried.”
We exchanged a look of understanding, and he looked down, seeming somewhat disappointed. Stevens had been in my brother’s protection detail for the better part of the last decade.
“Thank you.”‌ I‌ told him.‌ “We heard your team got him to the hospital really fast.”
He stared at my brother in bed. “I wish we’d been faster. Maybe he’d be awake by now.”
Lourdes looked at him. “But he’ll wake up. Right?‌ He’ll wake up eventually.”
It was unfair to ask Stevens to have to deal with her at her most dramatic/sensitive, so I asked him to go check on the paparazzi outside, to give him an excuse to leave.
“He’ll wake up eventually.”‌ I‌ told my sister, as calm as I‌ could.
We let a few minutes pass in silence as we looked at our brother. He had dad’s nose and jaw line, mom’s eyes, the same eyes I saw in the mirror, the same ones fighting tears in the girl next to me. 
"They've been in that meeting for a long time." Lourdes whispered.
“Yeah… they, they probably wanna be thorough.”
“I‌ read brain aneurysms can cause brain damage.”
I sighed. “I‌ wish you would just… stop this. Yes, there’s a million bad possibilities. There’s also a million good ones. Why don’t you think about those?”
“I‌ can’t help it! Okay? I‌ would love to!‌ But I can’t help it! I know it’s probably silly, and he’ll probably wake up soon, and you’ll both mock me forever for it, but right now all I can think about is the last time I talked to him!”
“You have to calm yourself-”
“It was two months ago, in person! Four days on Skype, I don’t think texts count, do they?”
“Lourdes, I‌ promise-”
But I‌ could not make her a promise I would never be able to keep, as it was then that my parents came back, and asked to have the room. Even though we tried asking for news before leaving, they were relentless, so I‌ held Lourdes’ hand and pulled her out into the hallway, where we walked towards the opposing wall and she promptly sat on the floor.
“They could have just told us if he’ll be okay or not.”
“I’m sure they’ll let us know as soon as they can.”
“They could, right now. Would have taken them one second. Four words. He. Will. Be. Ok. Done.”
I sighed, and sat beside her, legs crossed in front of me. At times like this I wish Louis could help me navigate how to keep her from freaking out. He’d know what to do.
I grabbed my phone from my purse, it was still turned off, and considered if I really wanted to turn it back on. I wanted to talk to Peter, but I‌ knew there would be a lot more to deal with if I‌ did. 
“What else did Harry say?”‌
I sighed again, feeling my chest tighten. That was the other element I had been trying not to think about. He must have heard by then what happened to Louis. Would he be upset I didn’t tell him? Would he cancel our date?
I‌ had to explain. Surely, he of all people would understand the need for secrecy. I’m sure he would have dealt with the same rules if this had happened to his family. He is the one guy in the world who had to understand. 
I reminded myself of this as I‌ tried to gather enough courage to turn on my phone. Meanwhile, Lourdes crossed her arms over her knees, and her head on her arms. 
"They're probably just… you know, discussing whatever the doctors told them. Processing.“
She ignored me, and started biting her nails.
I‌ sighed, replaying her words from inside the room. What was my last memory with my brother? Something other than his nagging about texting Harry? I‌ tried to remember, but all I could think of now was of our stupid, ridiculous fight in London.
I was unsure of how much time passed, but when the door to Louis’ room opened, it was when my parents secretaries all walked in, together, with purpose.
“We should go in.”‌ Lourdes said, voicing my own thoughts.
“We would have been called if we were supposed to go in.”
“They weren’t called!”
“Dad must have called them on the phone to avoid walking out to find them.”
“That’s not fair!‌ We deserve to know whatever is going on!‌ He is our brother!”
“They… they are probably just informing their secretaries of whatever the specialists told them," I told her, "And processing it together, making decisions..."
"What decisions?"
"Well, to better deal with this… to make decisions into actions." I said, matter-of-factly. "They'll call us in when they're ready for us."
"Maggie." She started, in a whiny voice again. "What if it's bad?"
I returned my phone to my purse, and scootched in closer to her, "Then we'll deal with it."
She looked at me. "How?!"
I hadn’t noticed until now, but her eyes were slightly red, swollen, her lips, trembly. She was so ready to cry. She was ready for bad news. She was expecting it as if it was the only possible outcome.
"Life is not that dramatic, Lou." I said, passing an arm around her shoulders. "He'll be alright. We'll bring him home, we’ll take care of him, help him stay on top of his studies so he doesn’t have to delay graduation! We'll adapt. Learn. It'll be-"
The door opened, and out walked, bleak and somber, Gustave and Montennon, accompanied by Madaleign Qadir, our mother’s secretary. They looked at us - no, at me - for half a second before diverting their eyes. 
Two steps down the hallway from us, they stopped, exchanged a few whispered words, and Montennon walked away, already calling someone on the phone. Qadir called another of mom’s staffers and they walked to the opposing end of the hall. 
Gustave, however, walked towards us, hands in his back, and smiled, politely, if a little stiffly.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" he asked us, though decidedly looking at me.
Lourdes looked at me.
"We're fine." I lied.
“Are my p-”, Lourdes stopped herself, “the King and Queen busy?”
He took in a deep breath before answering, unsure. "They are almost ready for you."
"What are they doing?" She asked.
"Lourdes." I warned.
"What?" She returned. "He asked if he could do anything. He could tell us what's going on. What did the doctors say?"
Gustave looked down, for a long time he didn't say anything. Then he gulped. Just as I was starting to think my sister was right to worry, the door to our brother’s room opened again.
It was my father this time, and though we were hoping for a sign of good news, the sight that greeted us was his reddened eyes, unkempt hair, fallen shoulders. Everything he wasn’t when he was ‘on’, when he had to be the strong, unmoving King of Savoy. 
My sister got up, quickly, and followed him into the room. I followed, at my own pace; Gustave offered me his hand to pull me up on my feet. As I crossed the hall, he bowed his head. There was something very different there, something much more… reverent about the way he was looking at me. Just as I‌ got to the door, with a painful knot on my throat, a quick look into the room showed me all I never wanted to see. 
My father held a shaking Lourdes tightly to his chest, a lonesome tear strolling down his cheek. Besides Louis’ bed, my mother was brushing his hair gently. I‌ looked back at Gustave before closing the door behind me, and realized when he looked at me, he wasn’t seeing me anymore. 
He was seeing his future Queen.
--- ---- ---
[A/N: I know, I know. This sucks. I KNOW. It.............gets worse before it gets better. THANK YOU FOR READING <3 let me know what you think??? just click here to leave a message with your thoughts! Or click like on this chapter! Next week: reactions]
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zambie-trashart · 4 years
Volpina: Rewritten Series
And now.... the moment you’ve all been waiting for...
Some goddamn Lila salt.
Read the rest of the series
Summary: A new classmate with a crush on Jon sets the Jon Protection Squad in motions trying to prove that she’s a liar. Jon being blinded by making a new friend doesn’t see through her lies at first until she talks about something personal to him. What about the book though? What about Damian? What about Jon dangling off the fricken Eiffel Tower? What about Chat’s crush? (Just read)
Adrien walked into the school to see Damian staring up the the outdoor hallways. Adrien had had a very eventful morning stealing from his father’s safe. Marinette and Alya walked up as well and looked up so Adrien did too. The sight was horrifying, Jon was being willingly dragged to the library by a girl.
“Who is she?” Damian, Adrien, and Marinette all asked at the same time. Alya laughed at the protective behavior and ranted about a new girl named Lila who was friends with famous people and was saved by her new bestie Chat Noir.
This girl was not going to get away with this.
The three walked up to the library to spy and Plagg teased Adrien from his pocket about loosing his “boyfriend” on the way. They sat at a table across from Lila and Jon who were talking about Ladybug. Jon looked uninterested. Adrien pulled out his father’s book to use as cover and Tikki looked up and saw the cover and gasped. She needed to get that book.
Marinette tried texting Jon to get him away from the liar but wen his phone went off, Lila saw that he had a picture of Chat Noir as his screen saver.
“You know, Chat has personally saved me before. We’re practically attached at the hip,” Lila said and Jon’s eyes lit up.
Damian rolled his eyes and looked at Jon in disappointment. He had trained him better than to believe such simple lies.
“We can��t talk here though, we could go to the park,” Lila offered and Jon’s phone went off with a text from his Aunt Sabine telling him to come home after school to help her with something. If there was one thing that Jon had learned about his aunt, it’s to never make her mad. 
“Maybe later, my aunt needs me for something,” Jon said going to get up.
“Text me when we can meet!” Lila yelled as Jon left the table. Adrien grabbed his bag and ran after Jon leaving the book on the table. Damian had let too so Marinette grabbed the book and put it in her bag for Tikki.
Jon eventually did meet up with Lila in the park and Adrien was watching.
“Chat and I are very close because we have something in common, I’m the descendant of one of the rulers of Argo one of the lost cities of Krypton. My mother and I came here on a vacation and ended up loving it so we never went back and I became a superhero like my great grandmother, Volpina,” Lila said and Jon’s eyes started to narrow. “Just between you and me, Chat doesn’t even make the top ten on the heroes list.”
Adrien was pissed and if Superboy were there, he would be pissed too at this liar’s words about his home planet. Adrien transformed and jumped down in front of two.
“Oh, hey Lila, I saw your interview on the Ladyblog great job by the way. I especially liked the part where you said that we are besties and how you claimed to be a kryptonian which isn’t possible since the planet died over a dozen years ago. You know, people always tell me to never trust a girl with sausage hair and I never thought I would say this, but they were right!” Chat said hands on his hips. Lila got up and ran away crying. Jon looked over at Chat with hurt in his eyes.
“You didn’t have to be so hard on her, I get that she lied but I wanted to give her a chance to explain herself and to make it right,” Jon said crossing his arms and walking away from Chat who looked at the ground.
“I’m sorry,” Chat whispered.
Lila stomped angrily around the town. “My chances with Jon, ruined! I hate you Chat Noir!” Lila screamed before a butterfly flew into her necklace.
Lila created a meteor that fell from the sky that she was going to stop all on her own. Chat looked up from across town and ran meeting up with Robin halfway there.
Marinette yelled at a sulking Jon to rush to downtown and stop a meteor pointing to it but Jon didn’t see a meteor there was only a clear sky. They flew over to the Louvre and Jon still couldn’t see anything.
“What meteor!” Superboy yelled and the other three just looked at him like he was crazy. Ladybug smacked him across the face. A girl in a fox costume threw the meteor back up into the sky and made an announcement to all of Paris that Jon couldn’t see or hear. 
On a nearby rooftop the real Volpina showed up and put her hand on Superboy’s shoulder. “Did you get stage fright Superboy? I hope I didn’t show you up too much,” Volpina said putting a hand on Superboy’s shoulder. Robin reached for his sword and Ladybug looked at him and Robin reluctantly released the hilt. 
Robin grabbed Superboy when he saw that his eyes were starting to dull. Robin dialed Superman.
“Hey, you guys on a mission or something?” Clark asked walking through his office.
“Yes, Superboy here couldn’t see a giant meteor falling and when the girl that stopped it touched his shoulder, something weird happened,” Robin said feeling his partner’s head.
“Magic, there are few things that can hurt a kryptonian but magic is one of them, keep him as far away from this girl as possible,” Clark said, “I have to go to a meeting, good luck Damian.”
Apparently the others figured out the truth too when a fake Hawkmoth showed up. 
“She’s going to the bakery after Jon!” Chat yelled and Superboy flew back to his house and waited for her to show up.
Volpina jumped through the window and stood in front of Jon.
“Jon, I wanted to wait to show you but things got a little complicated,” Volpina said.
“Lila?” Jon asked backing up. Chat jumped through the window. Robin and Ladybug stood outside waiting for Chat to finish up.
“Alright liar, let’s wrap this up!” Chat said and Volpina stood in front of Jon holding his hands.
“He’s just jealous cause he’ll never have what we have, the love that we share,” Volpina said getting a wolfish grin on her face squeezing Jon’s hands tighter.
“Um, sorry but I don’t really count that as a date,” Jon said pulling his hands back and kicking Volpina in the chest back toward Chat. She created illusions of herself as Jon ran out of the room to change back into Superboy.
Volpina took “Jon” away to the Eiffel Tower and Chat jumped down next to Ladybug, Robin, and Superboy. 
“She’s taking Jon!” Chat yelled getting ready to jump after them.
“That’s not Jon!” the other three yelled at the same time.
“How are you so sure?” Chat asked before going to look back in Jon’s room again.
“I can’t see the illusions, there’s no way that’s Jon out there,” Superboy said and after Chat went through Jon’s room, he looked up.
“Really, cause Jon’s gone!” Chat said jumping off the the Eiffel Tower. 
Superboy stood there facepalming. “I’m not even going to try to get out of this one.” 
Volpina stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower dangling Jon over the edge. She demanded that they give up their miraculous to save Jon. Chat went to reach for his ring but Ladybug threw her yoyo at the illusion.
She used her lucky charm to save the day and Chat walked over to Lila and offered her his hand.
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier and I’d like to get to know the real you if you would give me a chance,” Chat said.
“You’re right Chat, we’ll never be friends,” Lila said slapping his hand and walking away.
“Harsh,” Superboy said with a hand of Chat’s shoulder.
“Wait, where’s Jon!” Chat asked before going to jump of the edge of the Eiffel Tower to go to the bakery. 
Superboy flew after him arriving there around a minute before him. Jon jumped into the shower wetting himself to make it look like he had just taken a shower and grabbed some pants and a towel. Jon heard a knock on his window and ran over to open it shirtless with a towel wrapped around his face. 
Chat looked at Jon and almost fell off of the windowsill. Jon realized that he didn’t have on glasses and pulled the towel down further running over to grab his glasses. 
“Oh, hey Chat,” Jon said placing his glasses on and looking over at the blonde boy. Chat was still staring at Jon’s lean body and four pack.
“H-hi, I j-just came over to see h-how you were doing and clearly you’re fine so...”Chat said turning to leave but Jon grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.
“Thanks for saving me or at least protecting me. I’m happy to have someone looking out for me,” Jon said hugging Chat and smiling up at him blue eyes glowing through his black lashes. Chat’s vision almost goes black again.
“You’re sure this is the book Tikki?” Marinette asked.
“Yes, and I think it’s time or you to meet someone, the Great Guardian,” Tikki said clapping her hands together.
They arrived at a massage parlor. Damian just happened to be walking across the street with a swooning Jon.
“Your cousin is going somewhere strange Jon,” Damian said and Jon just ignored him and got back to talking about Chat.
 Marinette entered and saw an old man sitting there.
“Hello Ladybug.”
SEASON ONE IS OVER!!!!! WOOT WOOT! Special thanks to @loveswifi to sitting there with me over google hangouts and talking out the whole episode with me and giving me tons of ideas! She really helped me with the entire series and we are up to Riposte talking it out so you guys can expect those soon.
@loveswifi @ash-amg @mochegato @wannajointhecrabcult 
39 notes · View notes
thestuckylibrary · 5 years
A Year in Reading: 2019 - Julia
2019 wasn’t kind, but fandom is always there to cheer you up. Under the cut is a list of my favorite 2019 reads <3
Please make sure to check the additional tags for each of them and happy reading!
The Pajama Party Incident by follow_the_sun (oneshot | 1,455 | T)
A pajama party goes horribly wrong, then wonderfully right.
heartbeat going strong by fireflyslove (oneshot | 4,364 | T)
Steve's been sent to kill the dragon holding the Princess hostage, but the Princess isn't a hostage, and the dragon isn't what he seems.
I’m a Sucker for a Wild Boy by jinlinli (complete | 9,897 | T)
Steve is a vampire who’s never met a werewolf in his life before. Bucky is a werewolf who doesn’t even know vampires exist. Naturally, neck biting means two very different things to them.
In which Steve goes for a midnight snack and accidentally gets himself werewolf married.
The Very Heart of It by merryofsoul (oneshot | 17,743 | M) - Restricted
In which Captain America adopts a dog from Bucky and they become friends — and then more.
call me old-fashioned by I_mNotYourEnemy (oneshot | 7,458 | T)
Steve rises before the sun, runs through various exercises until his muscles burn and sweat gathers on his brow. He showers and dresses and eats, and then heads out the door with dampness still clinging to his hair. His path doesn’t cross with anyone else’s until he reaches the local subway station. He jogs down the stairs to the platform and sees the man waiting there once again, the sergeant.
Or: Bucky joins Steve on his morning commute. Steve draws him and gets his number.
the long walk home by Deisderium (oneshot | 3,566 | E)
On the walk back from Azzano, Bucky keeps touching Steve's chest. Then he touches it some more. And more.
Steve bites his lip raw. AKA tiddy fic
Heckin' Chunker for Love by canistakahari (oneshot | 2,708 | T)
On the inside of the big floor to ceiling window of the office across the street, someone has used Post-it Notes to spell out a message:
W H A T I S Y O U R C A T ’ S N A M E ?
bucky barnes and the art class by belovedmuerto (oneshot | 1,420 | T)
Bucky takes an art class, because he wants to spend more time with Steve.
Patience by cleo4u2 (oneshot | 5,073 | E)
You should never Google yourself. Steve knows that, he's been out of the ice for over a year, but he just can't help himself. After finding a gorgeous, sexy brunette thirst tweeting about calling him Daddy, he can't help himself from responding, either.
i want it, i got it by bornes (oneshot | 1,499 | T)
Ten minutes into their impromptu mall adventure, Steve has offered to buy Bucky a designer sofa he had sat on briefly to rest his legs, a $600 headband, and a diamond-encrusted butterfly clip
Remember How to Love by betoning (oneshot | 3,852 | T)
“We shared a bed,” Bucky remembers, "and your toes were freezin’. We didn’t – nothing more, though.”
“No, Buck,” Steve swallows. “Nothing more.”
(Bucky wants more.)
tease me, squeeze me by goodmanperfectsoldier (oneshot | 3,757 | E) - Restricted
It isn’t his fault that Steve has absolutely no sense of modesty. It isn’t his fault that Steve has no desire to be in his Captain America uniform any longer than strictly necessary. It isn’t his fault that Steve tends to start disrobing as soon as they hit friendly airspace, so that he can pull on a t-shirt and sweatpants before they even make it back to headquarters, much less get home to their apartment.
The Fool in the Mirror by thepinupchemist (complete | 111,489 | E) - violence, check additional tags for warnings!
The Avengers, SHIELD, and the world at large have underestimated the pain that Steve Rogers is in.
The night after a near brush with a suicide attempt, Steve discovers the world of support omegas, and in his desperation for relief from the battlefield of his brain, demands to have one.
Enter Bucky Barnes: retired marine, millennial, amputee, brother, son, and support omega. He maybe, just maybe, can help a broken alpha heal in the twenty-first century.
The Best Way to Wake by LeeHan (oneshot | 42,285 | E)
James Buchanan Barnes lay in a glass pod in the middle of the table, frozen since he fell. Steve’s hands were on the glass before he realized he’d moved. “Wait, Captain!” “Get him out,” Steve whispered, his hands searching for a clasp, a keypad, something. “Captain, we need to keep him in stasis—“ “I said get him out!”
Taken by Surprise by Mireille (oneshot | 1,606 | E)
It turned out that there were things Bucky didn't know about Steve, after all. 
In the Shadow of Armistice by superheroresin (complete | 63,491 | E)
Sedryn Amathion is a young Ñoldor elf born of lower Himring near the end of the harrowed Second Age. Vice-Captain of the Forlindon Shieldmasters, herald of the High King Gil-Galad, and devotee of Eärendil, the Star of High Hope.
Or, as the ragtag Dúnedain troupe known as the Howling Commandos calls him, Steve.
The Commandos are to sabotage an orc signal tower deep within the Ephel Dúath mountains, clearing the way for the armies of the Last Alliance to march on Barad-dûr and rescue all of Middle-earth from the clutches of this new and terrible Dark Lord.
“Steve” has no way of knowing that love formed deep behind enemy lines would settle so completely inside his immortal heart, defying time, distance, and ultimately death itself.
Tinder Is the Night by rohkeutta (oneshot | 6,802 | E)
It’s the quality that gets him first. The profile photo looks like it's been taken with a semi-professional camera: it's sharp and remarkably unposed compared to most people on Tinder. The guy in the photo is the size of a fucking fridge but with Marilyn Monroe’s waistline, accentuated by the way he’s standing half-twisted towards the camera.
He’s also in the process of getting arrested.
Steve, 28, it says under the photo. New York City. Some say I have an arresting personality. This photo is from my good side. The other has a shiner.
Introduction to Fake Dating Your Best Friend 101 by crinklefries (oneshot | 24,627 | T)
Bucky stares at his best friend as though he’s absolutely lost what’s left of his dumbass mind.
“Excuse me?” he asks dumbly.
Steve sighs and sags back onto the couch, covering his face dramatically with one large, well-manicured hand.
“Dean Coulson thinks we’re dating. And gay. But like, for each other. And now I need you to fake date me so I can convince the Chancellor to fund my research.”
Steve and Bucky are a pair of professors who have to fake date for academic purposes and are real dumb along the way. It's not so much a forest of pine as a whole landscape of it. It turns out fine, probably.
straight from your heart by luninosity (oneshot | 10,516 | E) - check additional tags for warnings!
Steve doesn’t mean to have the orgasm. Not exactly. Not the first time, anyway.
It’s the leather and the buckles and the capable stance. It’s the determination: familiar, and not. Steve doesn’t even know which mission this had been. Where this snapshot of the Winter Soldier had been captured, a splinter out of time. Too many to choose from. But that doesn’t matter.
His skin prickles, his heart races in supersoldier extra-double-time, with want.
Things That Go Bump in the Night by seapigeon, velleities (complete | 38,266 | E)
Many an odd critter and item have ended up on the front porch of the property Bucky house-sits in the Middle Of Nowhere, but a bleeding blond man is a first. A short inspection reveals the man to be none other than Steve Rogers; ex-Captain America, vigilante, and a wanted fugitive. Steve’s stay of a few days of recovery is prolonged, under instructions for him to lie low until the Avengers can sort out the mess that has become the Sokovia Accords. Bucky is pretty sure that he’s committing an act of treason by providing Steve a place to stay. He is also pretty sure that lengthy interaction with Steve makes one prone to impending headaches and possibly ulcers. And he is certain that he is, very assuredly, in danger of falling in love with Steve.
skin by mcwho (oneshot | 1,945  | E)
Steve is spooning Bucky, an arm draped loosely around his middle, laying on the large sofa opposite the TV. His lips are against Bucky’s hair, breathing him in.
It’d be an average Thursday night if it wasn’t for Steve being buried to the hilt inside of him and showing no signs of moving any time soon.
Rouge Fétiche by bangyababy, Neutralchaos (oneshot | 6,941 | E)
“Steve,” Bucky breathed, coming closer. “Stevie, what’s all this?”
Steve made no move to cover himself, now that Bucky had seen it, there was no point. Instead, he crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the ground. “What’s it look like?” he bit out. “I’m wearin’ women’s panties, that’s what it is.”
Steve has been keeping a secret from Bucky-sometimes he likes to wear women's underwear. He thinks it's wrong and he shouldn't want to do it, but he can't help it, so he keeps it to himself. But when Bucky walks in on him one day, Steve eventually has to explain himself. Of course, as it turns out, he was worried about nothing.
Army Proof by aetataureate (complete | 18,423 | T)
Despite his recent and unexpected promotion from green recruit to national icon and media darling Captain America, Steve Rogers still lacks the skills and experience necessary to thrive in the Army. First Sergeant Tony Stark has dealt with decades of tomfoolery from his subordinates, but nothing has quite prepared him for the particular brand of chaos that trails in Steve's wake.
Steve's team includes at least one competent adult in Sam Wilson, but also contains Clint Barton, a mechanic who cheats at cards and still loses, and Natasha Romanov, their terrifying police escort. Together, the gang must navigate across Eastern Europe without causing Steve’s next major international incident.
On the other side of the world, Bucky Barnes is contending with a new reality while doing what he can to keep his accidental hero boyfriend on the path that will eventually lead him home.
much tattoo about nothing by Deisderium (oneshot | 14,576 | E)
Steve Rogers gets a lot of email requests, but never one like this: James Barnes wants to use his healing factor to practice tattoos.
Turns out tattoos give Steve boners.
before we can breathe easy by belovedmuerto (oneshot | 22,052 | T)
No one touches Steve.
Bucky sets out to do something about that.
Count On Me Like One, Two, Three by MacksDramaticShenanigans (oneshot | 4,235 | G)
“I also need to get one of those scooter things,” Bucky adds. “That’s gotta be better than these damn crutches.” Steve’s eyes drop down to the crutches again, and he frowns. “Crutches are never comfortable,” he agrees, shaking his head. “You want a piggyback ride?” He asks, grinning as he laughs at his own joke. Bucky ducks his head and laughs along, a good-natured smile settling over his lips. “Yeah, that would be real nice, wouldn’t it?” He says, not thinking anything of it. When he looks back up, however, Steve’s already in the process of shrugging his backpack off of his shoulders. The smile melts off of Bucky’s face and his brows furrow together. Was that… a serious offer?
stay by birdjay (oneshot | 1,318 | T)
The platform buzzes, and suddenly goes quiet. The cycle has finished. Bucky doesn’t bother to look. There’s no way Steve’s coming back when he has the chance to stay. He moves to walk away, to move on with his life, somehow.
“Buck -- ?”
Bucky whirls around, hair flying.
might never be normal again (but who cares) by napricot (complete | 51,540 | E)
The beginnings of a plan took shape in Steve’s mind, as clear and simple as a tactical frontal assault. He’d prove to Bucky that this was it, he was staying: Steve was retired from the fighting game, Steve wasn’t going to let anything keep pulling them apart. Maybe then when Steve finally told him he loved him, Bucky would believe him.
All things considered, Steve thought he’d handled the whole Thanos killing half the universe thing and the ensuing bitter, desperate quest to defeat him pretty well. Sacrificing his super soldier serum to use one of the Infinity Stones wasn't a problem either, not when it meant getting back the half of the universe they'd lost, and especially not when it meant getting Bucky back. But retirement and finally confessing his feelings for Bucky? Those were proving to be more challenging.
Smile by WinterTheWriter (oneshot | 2,205 | E)
They say Bucky never smiles, and that's true.
The Settler by charlesdk (complete | 52,203 | M)
“What do you want to do?”
Steve pauses and looks at them.
What he wants is to stay with them. He doesn't have any family left, they all died before he even joined the war and became... this. Captain America turned whatever he is now. But Natasha and Sam have become his family over the years. Not just because they're on the run together, fugitives and vigilantes, but way before that too.
He doesn't want to leave that.
But he knows that, realistically, he can't stay with them and they can't stay with him.
So he looks at them with a smile and lies. “I don't know.”
OR; In which Steve retires and finally finds a place to call home.
And fill our bodies up like water till we know by caughtinanocean (oneshot | 22,705 | T)
Wolves mate for life. It's both the best thing about Bucky's life, and the most inconvenient.
After six days in Steve’s arms, Bucky dreams again, for the first time since the ice — wolf dreams, four feet on the ground, the smell of the earth, and his eyes in the sky.
The moon is coming, and this reprieve — like all reprieves — is temporary.
Home Is Wherever I'm With You by cydonic (complete | 88,570 | E)
This is what happens when you buy a house to flip having only seen the online images: you get more than you bargained for. Bucky Barnes brings all the tools to handle a dilapidated home, but he's hardly prepared for a smart-mouthed child (with poor aim), a crying baby, and the hottest dad he's ever seen in his life living right next door.
That House-Flipper!AU.
People Change, Love Doesn't by Kateis_Cakeis (complete | 119,144 | E)
Bucky didn't fall from the train. Steve didn't die when he jumped out of the plane. They survived.
But suddenly, it wasn't enough to keep their feelings hidden. They had both almost died, only to come back stronger. Well, Steve was done pretending they were only friends, and Bucky was done too.
Surviving the war, however, brought so many challenges. Being SSR agents, eventually becoming SHIELD, building a family with their friends. Living. What would happen as the years ticked on?
miles to go before i sleep by alby_mangroves, obsessivereader (complete | 34,079 | E)
Vietnam vet Bucky is just trying to get a hot meal, and maybe a job, in the small town of Hope, but the local law enforcement has other ideas. When their brutality triggers a flashback, Bucky snaps and escapes from their custody. Hunted, exhausted, injured, he finds shelter for the night next to a cabin in the middle of the woods. He means to be long gone before the cabin's occupant awakes. Things don't turn out quite the way he expected.
All of Your Love is Sunlight by canistakahari, WarlockInTraining (oneshot | 22,657 | E)
Sometimes the path to happiness involves bad timing turned good, a butt plant, and a little everyday magic. For Steve and Bucky, it's all that and more.
if you're looking for jesus (then get on your knees) by voxofthevoid (oneshot | 18,171 | E)
S.H.I.E.L.D Agent Bucky Barnes is captured on a mission and meets Commander Steve Rogers, the erstwhile Captain America.
A Year in the Life of Sarge's Person by Angst_BuriTTo, BlueSimplicity (complete | 189,125 | E) 
This is the tale of a year in the life of Sarge’s person, AKA James Buchanan Barnes, as he tries to recover from everything that’s happened to him over the past eighty years. During that time, he is forced to deal with bad therapists, people with their own agendas, memories he doesn’t want, horrible losses from his past and almost insurmountable odds.
But this is also the story of all the crazy people Bucky meets along the way, who help him when he’s at his lowest, point him in the right direction when he feels lost, make him laugh, grow to love him for who he is, and most importantly, give him hope when he needs it most.
It’s a long and difficult journey, as Bucky works not just to let go of his past, but to also rebuild his own identity and a future for himself. And with Sarge at his side, Bucky slowly comes to realize that not everything he once loved is lost, and if he can just have enough faith in himself and those around him, he might, just might, get his very own happy ending.
Bucky IS Sarge’s person after all. As the once abandoned puppy Bucky saved one night from freezing to death, he knows, more than anyone, just how much Bucky deserves it.
Let this be light work by caughtinanocean (oneshot | 8,628 | T)
On the run with Sam and Natasha, Steve finds the words to describe his commitment to Bucky. As with most of Steve’s decisions, there are unintended consequences.
everything the water can be by jehans (oneshot | 5,622 | E)
“So,” Bucky continues slowly, his blush deepening, “you get the best time today. . . ,” he takes a breath, drops his voice even lower, and soughs, “I’ll let you take off my clothes. All of ‘em.”
Steve suddenly realizes what a fucking moron he is for having initiated this line of flirtation here at the pool and right before practice.
it don't mean a thing (if it ain't got that swing) by carissima (oneshot | 6,375 | M)
“Alright,” Bucky says and stands with his hands on his hips and gives Steve a narrowed glare. “Hit me. What went wrong?”
“I uh, don’t actually know?” Steve says, and now he feels an embarrassed flush creep over his cheeks. “She stood me up.”
Bucky stares at him. Blinks once. And stares some more. “You,” he says flatly. “You got stood up?”
An Act of Kindness by greyhavensking (complete | 12,716 | T)
In which Bucky Barnes ignores personal boundaries and Steve Rogers gets increasingly flustered.
(Or five times Bucky manhandled Steve + one time it was the other way around)
crowding the hitter by rooonil_waazlib (complete | 12,917 | E)
But the trash monsters are coming closer, and Bucky’s going to be pissed if he has to get his grate replaced tomorrow.
He turns off the panini press, heads into his bedroom, and pulls his college baseball bat out of the closet, pausing only to pull on the slacks he’d just taken off. He’s going to go defend his shop, and he’s not going to do it in his underpants.
time on my hands (could be time spent with you) by thedoubteriswise (oneshot |  23,024 | M)
"You doing okay, kid?”
Steve releases a breath, deciding how honest he wants to be. No point in lying. No point in telling the truth, either. "Glad to see you."
"That’s not what I asked, but same to you, punk."
Quench by AidaRonan (complete | 9,417 | E)
Or the one where archeology intern Bucky Barnes meets actual archeologist Steve Rogers and reaches levels of thirst scientists once believed to be theoretically impossible.
I'll hold on a little tighter (maybe you'll stay the night) by glittercake (complete |  10,393 | E)
"No strings. I ain't got time for strings." Steve murmurs.
Bucky nods helplessly.
"Be discreet." Steve continues kissing his neck and talking, now also rubbing and squeezing his thigh. "Condoms, always. Back out anytime you want. And sweetheart—"
"Hm?" Bucky hums in a delirious daze as Steve works all the way down to his collarbone and bites, making Bucky jolt forward.
"I like it rough, don't do it any other way. If that ain't your thing, we gotta call it off right now."
this love immortal is an assassin's delight by voxofthevoid (oneshot | 12,954 | E)
After the Battle of New York, Captain America refuses to work for S.H.I.E.L.D and remains in New York. Alexander Pierce activates the Winter Soldier to handle the situation and unknowingly signs Hydra’s death warrant.
Watch With Glittering Eyes by Kellyscams (oneshot | 6,746 | E)
Witch Steve and familiar Bucky have a fun night together.
Happiness is a handful by pamurai (oneshot | 1,274 | E)
Steve's pecs compel Bucky's memories to return faster. Together they explore what makes them happy and what the future holds.
(It's Steve's tits.)
It's Been a Long, Long Time by non_tiembo_mala (oneshot | 11,862 | E)
It's been a thing almost as long as they have, since before Steve grew up and filled out his serum-given body. Connection, comfort-- whatever it is, it grounded them then and, as it turns out, it grounds them now, many decades and disasters later.
Or: the one where Steve's beautiful tits help Bucky get his memory back.
Do What You Did by Bentrumors (oneshot | 1,075 | E)
“Come finish what you started,” Bucky mumbles into the pillow.
“I can’t. Sam’s waiting for me.”
Bucky turns his head and glares at Steve through bleary eyes. “You’re going to leave me hanging?”
Steve shrugs.
a slow start by birdjay (oneshot | 2,689 | E)
It’s a gorgeous sight, Steve spread out like this. He wants to lick, wants to bite, wants inside where he’s hot and tight. Wants to make Steve make that gasping noise that he loves so much.
All in good time.
An Apple in the American Pie by Kimra (oneshot | 2,479 | M)
At the end of CAWS Steve runs off with Bucky, and also falls pregnant. Go figure.
All the sweetness and all the glory by pes (oneshot | 2,916 | M)
“Do you know,” Steve began softly, mindful of the sleeping child, “I can’t tell whom she takes after the most just yet, but one thing I know for certain. This,” he said, tracing Annie’s dimpled chin with the very tip of his finger, “this she got from your side of the family.”
(In which a visit to Bucky's new niece kindles all sorts of feelings, and a precious little secret comes to light.)
Give Up the Ghost by humapuma (complete | 44,541 | E)
Bucky Barnes is an anomaly; he's physically an Omega but has the body of an Alpha. He has a lot of the stubbornness too. Steve Rogers is an anomaly; he's a romantic and he believes in the traditions his parents raised him with. There's something about Steve that makes Bucky's Omega brain say, Mine. There's something about Bucky that makes Steve want to be more than a little reckless.
ever just as sure by ariadne_odair (complete | 7,938 | M)
“Your boyfriend is here.”
It’s take Steve a second to realise Sharon is talking to him; it then takes him even longer to respond and to stop choking on his reply. “I - er, is he?”
Sharon eyes him up like he’s lost his mind. “Well, the guy currently parking his crappy car in our car park is definitely not mine.”
Steve and Bucky are idiots. They're also in love. Obnoxiously so. Alternatively titled: Five times someone has a front-row seat to Steve and Bucky's relationship.
Where the Heart Is by Chancy_Lurking (oneshot | 12,133 | T)
“Couples are more than welcome to room together.”
Steve freezes up, feels his eyes go a little wide before he can help himself. He stumbles over his words, “Oh, I—No, we’re not—”
“We’re not going to give you any trouble about that,” Fury presses, turning to squint at them head on. “Stark likes to say we’re opened minded and close-knit. Your private life is your business, but you don’t need to hide here, understand?”
Steve goes to reiterate that they’re not a couple, but startles when Bucky’s hand settles on the small of his back. He looks at him like he’s lost his mind, but Bucky’s just smiling at him. “Never can be too careful these days,” he says.
(Steve and Bucky pretend to be a couple when they move in, but at some point, it stops feeling like pretend.)
Like gifts under trees by pes (oneshot | 6,528 | T)
Inside the leather satchel, bundled in a few layers of cloth, was the smooth swell of an egg. A dragon egg, dark, and shiny, and fluttering with life in its makeshift nest.
“I think it’s about to hatch,” Steve breathed, clutching the bag to his chest helplessly.
Bucky didn’t need to think twice.
Your voice is all I hear somehow, calling out winter by chaosmanor (oneshot | 13,597 | E) - stucky/symbiote
Bucky is remarkably functional, considering what he's been through. Then, sometimes, it's like a sullen killer is wearing his skin.
(Or, the fic no one asked for, where Bucky has a symbiote named Winter and everyone has to work out how to live together.)
Misery I Need by mwestbelle (oneshot | 2,592 | M)
"You've seen his file, right?" She let out a low whistle. "What a shame. To do that to such a pretty omega."
They thought he was asleep. She didn't mean anything by it, and if she knew that he'd heard he's sure she would have apologized. But it's her voice that he hears whenever he feels out of place, uncomfortable in his skin. What a shame.
OR a different take on Steve Rogers' body issues
Simple by Ellessey (oneshot | 4,043 | T)
Steve's holding Bucky's drink out to him and he's looking at Bucky in that way he does. It makes Bucky want to cover his face. It makes him want to peek inside of himself and see if he can actually spot the butterflies.
"Here you go," Steve says. "Extra hot, so be careful, 'kay?"
"Okay, thanks..." Bucky says. And then he has to swallow again, and his throat feels awfully tight but he practiced this last night and he can do this. He can. He opens his mouth again and adds, "Steve."
Every morning Bucky walks to a nearby coffee shop as a kind of exposure therapy. He isn't going there for the coffee, and he's not actually sure he's going there for the therapy anymore, but he's definitely going there for Steve Rogers' smile.
Every Move the Feeling Follows by thepinupchemist (oneshot | 5,412 | E)
After the Avengers win the battle against Thanos, everyone gets to go home. Steve and Bucky retire, get mated, and get surprised. They have a baby, and they get to start their lives again.
not idiots at all by icoulddothisallday (oneshot | 2,297 | M)
Somehow, despite the seventy years in the ice and his overwhelming fame and popularity, Steve’s words have never been recorded anywhere. He suspects that he has Peggy to thank for that. The words have always been a source of embarrassment for Steve, for one reason or another. When he was a child, his words were just another thing that set him apart from others. Other kids had common words - mostly names, as that was what you were supposed to say to a stranger. Some kids got dealt generic words like excuse me and good morning. Steve’s words didn’t make much sense, the ones that did were...not intended for polite conversation.
Thursday Nights with Bucky Barnes by Ellessey (oneshot | 4,662 | T)
Steve has a comfortable, well-worn routine for his Thursday nights, until the old man who runs the laundromat breaks his hip.
Then Steve has Bucky instead.
Rare Is This Love (Keep It Covered) by histoires_eternelles, musette22 (complete | 66,773 | E)
It's 2014. Captain America has been out of the ice for three years and is trudging along, saving the world and trying to get used to living in the future. Steve thinks he knows how the rest of his life is going to pan out – a life of duty, which he chose when he signed up to be Erskine’s science experiment. But then, he meets Bucky Barnes: the out-of-this-world-gorgeous mechanic and war vet, who turns Steve’s life upside down and makes him question everything he thought he knew. Slowly, Steve comes to realize there is more to life than duty and punching Nazis. Just one problem though: how on earth does a 96-year-old virgin who only just realized he may not be entirely straight make the transition from crush to relationship? Cue healthy amounts of self-doubt, awkward flirting, pretty blushing, existential crises, emotional growth, and maybe, possibly, a sexual awakening.
rather be a lover than a fighter (found peace in your violence) by voxofthevoid (oneshot | 4,355 | E)
The dust has settled, and the world is healing. Men are too. 
The Soldier's Revenge by LeeHan (complete | 76,406 | E)
Bucky Barnes turns himself in to SHIELD two years after dragging Captain America out of the Potomac River. He was deprogrammed in Wakanda and has been hunting down Hydra ever since, but he needs help if he wants to take proper revenge on his captors. He turns to his old enemies: SHIELD and the Avengers, but it'll take more than a few words to win their trust after the Winter Soldier brought SHIELD to its knees not long before. Now at SHIELD's mercy, the only thing that stands between Bucky and his revenge is the approval of Captain Rogers: a self-righteous asshole that Bucky barely knows.
All Those Little Pieces by Ellessey (complete | 40,516 | M)
Steve has never forgotten Bucky Barnes. Not their childhood together, not the horror of the moment Bucky fell too far for him to reach, and not the way he's loved him all the while.
Bucky has forgotten everything about Steve, at least at first. But there's still a feeling there, warm in his chest—and maybe now that he's found his way back to Steve Rogers and his sunny apartment, there's a chance it might turn into something more.
No fics for this month, since it was a difficult one.
In any case, I hope you enjoy all of these recs above and have a great 2020! <3
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spidermecc · 5 years
Is this it?- Ch. 1 (an elu au)
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Summary: Eliott is with Lucille, he has his own apartment and he goes to uni. Life hasn’t always been easy on him, but things are finally looking up, and he’s content. So when Lucille asks him to meet her family, he agrees, as is expected of him. But what he didn't expect, was for Lucille's younger brother, Lucas, to take his breath away. ___ “The first thing that catches his eye is the boy’s soft eyes. They were so.. blue.  Someone punch him in the face if he ever compares someone’s eyes to the sky or the sea, he will not be that guy. But holy shit, he could really get lost in those eyes”.
”Babe, don’t forget dinner at my parents’ place tomorrow” Lucille says, tying her shoelaces.
”Yeah, don’t worry I didn’t forget. I’ll come over right after uni, okay?” Eliott smiles, trying hard to give her a convincing smile.  
Lucille was great, she really was. They had been friends since high school, and she’d always been there for him. Eliott wasn’t stupid, he knew that she’d had a thing for him throughout high school, always hoping that their friendship would blossom into something more. He’d always cared about her, and depended on her, but he also knew that it would never develop into anything further, he just didn’t see her that way.
Well, he thought he knew. During their last year of high school, Eliott had been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, and it had turned his world upside down. He’d successfully pushed all of his friends away, not being able to deal with them walking on eggshells around him, always afraid that they might say or do something that would push him over the edge.
He had enough of that at home. His parents would always keep an eye on him, treating him like an infant, worrying when he didn’t answer texts right away or didn’t pick up the phone on the first try.   After he was diagnosed, it was as if they’d forgotten that he was still a regular person, still the same son they’d always known. It was as if, his disorder had taken away his right to have bad days, and good ones for that matter. Always having to explain himself, reassure his parents that no he wasn’t having an episode, he was just really fucking tired.
After a year of being constantly watched by his parents, he finally convinced them that it was probably be for the best, if he moved out. He needed his own space. They’d reluctantly agreed, after settling on a few terms, one of them being, that they’d have dinner together at least once a week.
Lucille had been the only friend he wasn’t able to push away. She was simply too stubborn. No matter how cruel he was to her, no matter how much he ignored her or told her he didn’t need her, she kept coming back. She’d leave him be for a few days, but then she’d be back, assuring him that she wasn’t going anywhere. At first he had truly resented her for it, simply wanting her to leave him the fuck alone. But over time, as he realized she wasn’t going to leave him be, he began to embrace it. She’d become his rock, his safe harbor. No matter how bad he fucked up, he knew she would always be back, and Eliott found some comfort in that – having a constant, in his messy and sometimes chaotic life.
She’d even helped him reconnect with Idriss and Sofiane. After months of radio silence, he’d finally mustered up the courage to contact them again, and they’d been understanding and supportive, just like Lucille said they would. He could never thank her enough for pushing him to contact them again. He doesn’t know how he’d even survived those months without them. But then again, those first few months, after he got diagnosed, were still somewhat blurry in his mind.
Now, both in uni, they’d found themselves in some sort of comfortable routine. They’d never really discussed what they were, simply drifting into a relationship over time. But they were comfortable and he was content, he could only assume that Lucille felt the same way.
That is, until last week when Lucille asked him if he’d want to meet her family. And really, what was he supposed to say? They had known each other for years now, she was practically his family, and he knew how much it meant to her. She had been dropping hints that she wanted to introduce him to them, for weeks now, so it didn’t come as a shock when she finally asked. And so, he’d reluctantly agreed.
He tried not to think too much about what it would mean for their relationship, going forward. Would she want to meet his parents as well? Would she start arranging double dates with their friends? Would they become a ‘we-couple’? “We don’t watch TV before going to bed”, “we try not to eat meat at home”, “we can’t come to the party” -  we, we we.
Just thinking about it made Eliott’s heart race, and honestly if he was going to survive tomorrow, he had to just.. not think too much about it. Which was practically impossible, seeing as he had a way of overthinking everything. Sometimes he’d overthinking the smallest things, like encounters with the cashier at the supermarket or conversations with his professors. He could be in the shower, when he’d suddenly think of something he should have answered instead of what he did answer. He would create a completely new conversation in his head, replaying it over and over, until he couldn’t remember how the actual conversation had gone. Only snapping out of it, when the hot water betrayed him, finally turning cold.  
“I can’t wait” Lucille says, softly yanking Eliott down to match her height, giving him a soft peck on the mouth.
“Although I’m a bit nervous about you meeting Lucas” she smiles, lips still on his.
Lucas was Lucille’s younger brother. She always spoke fondly about him, telling Eliott stories of how brave he was coming out to his family and the entire school. And Eliott had to admit that he sounded like a cool guy.. for a high schooler, that is.
“Why’s that?”
“Let’s just say he can be a bit uh-” she brings her head back, meeting Eliott’s eyes “grumpy”.
“I can work with grumpy” he assures her, as he gently nudges her towards the front door “now go, before you miss your class again”.
“You’re right, I’ll see you tomorrow” she salutes, giving him one last kiss on the cheek and then she’s out the door.
He shuffles into the kitchen, pouring himself coffee that Lucille had made a few hours ago. It’s not even lukewarm anymore, but it’s still caffeine, it’ll suffice.
As he plops down on his couch, he lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. The harder he tries not to think about meeting Lucille’s parents, the more he does. It reminds him of something his teacher in kindergarten once said:
“I’m going to make all of you think about the exact same thing at the same time”
That’s impossible, little Eliott thought to himself. She’s no magician, otherwise she’d surely have turned the awful lunch into something delicious, like pizza!
“Okay so listen to me. Under no circumstances, are any of you allowed to think about a pink elephant right now, okay?”
Eliott’s mind immediately started picturing a big cartoon elephant. It was pink, of course.
“I bet you all thought of a pink elephant, didn’t you?” the teacher asked.
All the kids nodded in unison, Eliott included.
“If you want someone to think about something in particular, just tell them not to, and they immediately will. It’s human nature”.
It’s human nature, Eliott thinks to himself. Is it human nature to obsess over every little thing? Sometimes he spent hours thinking whether it was his illness that had made him that way or if it was simply the way he was wired. Was it even possible to separate the two things? If it was his illness, then surely it must also be the way he’s wired, right?
He lets out another sigh, sipping his, now ice cold, coffee.
It’ll be fine he tells himself it doesn’t have to change anything. Maybe if he repeats it enough, he’ll actually believe it. __
His last class ends at 4pm, which gives him exactly one hour before he has to be at Lucille’s parents’ house.
According to Google Maps, their house is a 20-minute walk from campus, so he decides to go the opposite direction, towards his favorite coffee shop.  
As he enters the shop, the familiar aroma reaches his nostrils straight away. There’s something about coffee shops, that just screams; home, comfort and familiarity to him. He’d made it his personal mission to try as many independent coffee shops in Paris, as he could. But this one was his go-to, he’d been here more times than he could count, and it had actually gotten to the point where he didn’t even have to place his order anymore. The few baristas that worked there, all knew what his usual was. So he’d simply go up to the register, exchange polite greetings, pay for the coffee and then they’d bring him his drink.
As he makes his way up to the register, he immediately notices that there’s a new guy behind the register. He’s definitely new, because Eliott is sure that he’d remember that face.
The first thing that catches his eye is the boy’s soft eyes. They were so..blue. Someone punch him in the face if he ever compares someone’s eyes to the sky or the sea, he will not be that guy. But holy shit, he could really get lost in those eyes.
The boy has soft brown hair, sticking in every possible direction, as if he’d combed his hands through it one too many times. Eliott really wished that he could comb through the boys’ hair, just once, just to satisfy his curiosity.
The boy is fidgeting with his apron, furrowing his brows, as he tries to tie the apron on the back, around his small waist. Eliott wonders what it would feel like to wrap his hands around that waist.
After a few moments, of what could only be described as staring, he finally walks up to the register, trying to act as natural as possible. As if he wasn’t staring at an actual angel in an apron.
“Hi, what can I get you?” the boy asks, as he finally manages to secure the apron successfully and notices Eliott.
“Salut, I’ll have a latte with soy milk” Eliott announces, not taking his eyes off the boy, who’s actually writing down the order on his notepad. Eliott is pretty sure that he’s never seen anyone else do that, and he can’t help it when a smile forms on his lips.
“Oh, and could I have some cocoa powder on top?” he adds hastily. It’s been so long since he actually placed the order, that he’d managed to forget the most important thing.
“Cocoa on top” the boy says to himself, as he scribbles on his notepad “anything else?”
Please look at me again.
“Nope, that’s it” he answers as he pulls out his wallet.
Instead of settling at his usual table in the corner, he sits next to the window, where he has a perfect view of the register, without having to crane his neck.
And okay, Eliott knows he shouldn’t be staring at the cute boy behind the counter. First of all, he is with Lucille, and he is happy, he really is. Second of all, the boy hadn’t spared him a single glance since he sat down, which was a pretty good indication that he definitely wasn’t interested.
Not that Eliott wanted him to be interested. What would he even say, if the boy did show interest? You’re really cute, but I have a girlfriend. Also, could you please memorize my order so we never have to interact again, pretty please with cocoa on top?
No, definitely not.
As he takes out his laptop from his bag pack, the boy comes over with his coffee.
“One latte with soy milk and cocoa on top” he announces proudly as he sets it on the table, with too much force, resulting in half of the coffee landing on the table.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry!” he exclaims, frantically pulling out tissues from a nearby table.
“Don’t worry about it, I wasn’t even thirsty really” Eliott assures him, pushing his laptop away, before it gets soaked in coffee.
“It’s only my second shift, so I’m still a bit rusty” he explains, as he continues wiping the table “I’ll get you another one, on the house”.
“There’s really no need” Eliott assures him, trying not to dwell too much on the sweet cologne the boy is wearing. He’s not trying to smell the boy, but he’s just so close, leaning in over Eliott, to wipe the coffee before it lands on the floor.
Snap out of it Eliott.
“I actually have to go now anyway, but if I could get the rest in a to-go cup?” he asks, suddenly desperate to get out of the shop. He’s supposed to meet his girlfriend’s parents, not sniff the baristas’ cologne. No matter how cute the barista might be.
“Oh, yeah of course” the boy says grabbing the cup of coffee, which is almost empty by now. But Eliott is really a glass half full kind of guy, so he doesn’t mind it too much.
“Again, I’m really sorry” he says handing Eliott a paper cup with the remaining coffee “next time you come in, just tell them that Lucas owes you a coffee on the house”.
Lucas. That’s a pretty name.
Eliott can’t stop himself from letting out a soft laugh.
“I will, don’t worry about it, really”
He catches the boys’ eyes and suddenly he’s overcome with the urge to compare them to the sea again.
Lucas looks at him expectantly, waiting for Eliott to introduce himself as well.
But he doesn’t, too afraid that if he shakes his hand, sparks might fly, the electricity might circuit and all that, so he simply grabs his bag and coffee and walks out, making sure not to look back at Lucas, whose gaze he feels on his back, the whole way out. ___
As he gets closer to Lucille’s parents’ house, he automatically starts walking slower, trying to steady his breathing. It’s going to be fine, it’s just dinner.
So why does it feel like more? Like he’s reaching a point of no return. If he does this, then they’re officially a couple-couple.  
Is he ready for that?
Just 10 minutes ago he was ogling the cute barista shamelessly. A good boyfriend wouldn’t do that.
Fuck, he really needs to get his shit together. Lucille needs this, she needs him to get a fucking grip and do this for her, and that’s what he’s going to do. He owes her that much.
He takes a deep breath before ringing the bell. Here goes nothing.
When the door opens, he almost does a double take. The middle aged woman, with brown hair, cut just above her shoulders, looks just like Lucille. Or rather, Lucille looks just like her.
“Eliott!” she exclaims, reaching out her arms and pulling him through the threshold.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard so much about you” she beams, “I’m Diane, Lucille’s mom” she continues, still holding on to Eliott’s arms.
She radiates warmth, and Eliott can’t help but return her smile.
“It’s so nice to meet you as well Mrs. Lallemant” he answers genuinely.
“Oh no no” she says, flailing her arms “call me Diane, or don’t call me anything at all”.
Eliott feels a faint blush reaching his cheeks “so nice to meet you Diane”.
She pulls him into a hug, and Eliott automatically stiffens. He doesn’t like to be touched, especially not by strangers. But still, he returns the hug with as much conviction as he can.
When she finally releases him, she gently nudges him into the hallway, and gestures for the coat rack.
“You can leave your bag and coat here, dinner isn’t quite ready yet, and we’re still waiting for Lucas, he’ll get off work in half an hour or so”.
That’s when the smell reaches Eliott’s nostrils. It smells like butter and onions, and he can’t help but let out a faint moan, as he takes in the smell. He’s pretty sure he hasn’t had a decent home cooked meal in, what feels like, months. He’s not the greatest cook himself, and neither is Lucille. They always praise themselves lucky when Lucille’s roommate, Amélie, cooks for them. Sometimes if he’s lucky, he even gets to take leftovers home.
“It smells amazing Mrs – Diane” he corrects himself awkwardly, as he receives another warm smile.
“Hi baby” Lucille says as she emerges from the living room, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. She’s never been a big fan of PDA, and neither has Eliott, they’ve always agreed on that. Never wanting to be that couple, who subject strangers to their affection publicly.
“I take it you’ve met my mom?”
“Oh he has” Diane says, and if Eliott isn’t completely mistaken, giving her daughter a, not-so-subtle, wink.
Guess he didn’t mess up, just yet.
Lucille beams at her mother and gently strokes his arm comfortingly. She knows he’s not a big fan of meeting new people.  
“As I just told Eliott, dinner will be ready soon, but we still have to wait for your dear brother” Diane says “why don’t you introduce Eliott to your father and I’ll bring us all something to drink?”
Lucille nods at her mother as she takes Eliott’s hand into her own.
“I know you hate this, but I swear you’re going to love them as soon as you get to know them” she whispers in his ear.
Eliott answers with a reassuring nod, as he places his hand on her lower back. He wants her to know that he’s determined to do this for her. He wants to make her happy, she deserves as much.
Lucille’s dad is sitting in an armchair, in the corner of the living room, reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, seemingly lost in a book. Eliott tilts his head slightly, so see the cover of the book. The Goldfinch, he mentally approves of the man’s choice of book, it’s one of Eliott’s personal favorites.
“Dad, I’d like you to meet Eliott” Lucille says as she takes the book out of his hand and gestures for him him to get up.
“Ah, Eliott!” he exclaims, as he takes off his glasses and places them on the chair “so you’re the guy that stole my little girls’ heart” he laughs, a smile forming on his lips.
A nervous laugh escapes Eliott’s mouth, because what is he supposed to say to that?
“I’m Victor, it’s great to finally put a face to the name. We’ve heard so much about” he says, reaching out his hand, which Eliott quickly grabs and shakes.
“So nice to meet you as well Mr. Lallemant” he says, retrieving his hand and swiftly placing both of them in his jeans pockets.
It’s not that Mr. and Mrs. Lallemant didn’t seem like nice people, because they did. They radiated warmth, but Eliott couldn’t rid the urge of fleeing out of the house. It was all so formal, so serious. He obviously knew that their relationship would come to this one day, but still, he wasn’t ready for this just yet.
If you’re not ready after almost two years, when will you be?
He desperately tries to push the chaotic jumble of thoughts to the back of his mind. He just has to get through tonight, this is the worst part. After this, he will be okay.
It’s just a few hours, it’s just a few hours, it’s just a few hours.
“Eliott dear, why don’t you take a seat?”
Mrs. Lallemant was back from the kitchen, with a tray of glasses and a big bottle of, what Eliott could only assume, was homemade lemonade. She pours everyone a glass, and takes a seat next to her husband, one hand nursing her lemonade, the other drawing circles on Mr. Lallemant’s back.
For the first time in what feels like hours, he realizes that Lucille is still standing next to him, never having left, her reassuring hand still on his lower back. He appreciates the gesture, but it really makes no difference, she could he cooing soft words in his ear the whole time and he’d still feel uncomfortable as ever.
He takes a seat next to her, and starts making small talk with Mr. and Mrs. Lallemant. After a few minutes, he feels himself easing up. They’re easy to talk to, and they don’t ask too many personal questions. Something tells him, that Lucille instructed them, before he got here.
Just as Mrs. Lallemant is telling Eliott about her special lasagna recipe, the front door slams open.
“Oh that must be Lucas, he’s home early” Mrs. Lallemant places her glass on the table as she gets up to greet her son.
Eliott gets up from the couch and wipes his slightly sweaty palms on the back of his pants, as he prepares himself for another round of half-awkward introductions and politeness.
There’s some slight commotion in the hallway, a silhouette frantically trying to hang his coat on the overstuffed rack. Eliott immediately notices that he is very small, compared to the rest of his family.
When the boy enters the living room, Eliott swears his heart stops.
He’s greeted with those baby blue eyes, and recognition washes over the younger boy’s face just as quickly. 
It’s him.. It’s the breathtakingly beautiful barista. And fuck, he’s just as handsome as Eliott remembers him. Don’t look him in the eyes, stop staring, stop staring.
Lucas slowly approaches him, almost as if he’s afraid Eliott might bolt again. Fat chance of that happening, seeing as Eliott is practically frozen on the spot.
“Hi, I’m Lucas” he says softly, catching Eliott’s flickering gaze, as he reaches out a slightly trembling hand “you must be Eliott”.
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polygamyff · 5 years
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Pulling my boxers up, pushing my manhood down. Staring at the bed filled with three women, I have no idea how that happened and I can’t explain that mess. Turning around, I am going to try and make a run for it. Leaning down and picking up my tee, placing it over my head letting it hang around my neck. Picking up my jeans and my shoes, running towards the open door. Why is the door open anyways, realising that I am still in Vegas and in the hotel “Maurice” hearing my friend say my name “we just woke up at the same time” dropping my things on the ground “what happened” putting my tee on “we had a party, wait till you go downstairs. We had a party for the gods” picking my jeans from the ground “party? I don’t remember anything, did I have sex?” Shawn snorted laughing “you wake up naked? I am sure you did, it’s all good my nigga. We had fun, I like this Maurice” fastening my belt “I would like to know what the hell I did? This is why I say Vegas is bad, bad for the both of us. The bill for this is going to be high” Shawn placed his hand on my shoulder laughing at me “you worry too much, it’s just some fun. We been having fun since last week, luckily Malik didn’t come but anyways. We need to get these girls out of here” Shawn walked off and into the bedroom I was in “come on ladies” he clapped his hands “get ready and let’s go” how has this nigga got energy when I am ready to just crawl up in a ball and sleep, I need to eat, shower and pee.
How weird is this, we are having breakfast with the girls I just fucked “so where you boys from? I love your eyes” one of the girls pointed at Shawn “we from Texas, can’t you tell? With the accent?” seeing my dad calling my phone, he has been calling for a few days now. Answering the call “boss?” placing my fork down “you both handsome” the girl is being way too kind “where was you for the meeting in New York?” I totally forgot “I am in Vegas” I don’t care what he says about that “business?” my smile grew wanting to laugh “uhh, you could say that, I will be going New York now, I will fly out. Anything else?” I dipped on all of these niggas, now they trying to find me “nothing else, see you when you come home” disconnecting the call “so which one of you did I have sex with?” I would like to know “all three” Shawn busted out laughing, biting my bottom lip “you fell asleep straight after but you did us all and don’t worry, we use protection” my eyes bulged out, looking at Shawn “did I do drugs? The fuck? Did I really go that many times?” I must have had drugs “you did” I am impressed by myself “it’s been an experience ladies” I have never had a threesome, I wish I remembered it.
Shawn is mad with me because I won’t use the jet, I am not stupid to be using the jet. So my family know where I am, this is better this way. I mean it is economy class but I can deal “I want the window seat” I chuckled to myself, he is angry as shit about it. He complained as soon as we left New York to come here “go on then baby ass” stepping to the side “baby ass? Nigga you got a whole ass jet, use daddy’ money” slapping the back of his head, he can just deal with it. I am deep down annoyed with the leg space but I am not giving him the reason to say he was right “I am glad Malik was not here, I don’t think I could trust him with sleeping with other girls. He kept saying you married when I was speaking to girls in New York, I think I am just going to keep him at a distance with this. I am taking my life back, whether he wants to be with me on this journey or not I don’t care” putting the belt on “you right though, he did keep on saying. I was like shut the fuck up, at the end of the day he is your brother. He may tell, just keep him there but on a real. We had a good time, back to the grind for you now huh” nodding my head “but I did text her, you know I messaged her on Facebook as you said, we exchanged numbers” Shawn gasped “for real? See, what I say. She cool too. You did out on your page that you single right?” Shawn said “you know I ain’t stupid, I am single” he is right though, she really does seem like a girl I would go for, from her pictures she just seems like a chick I would date.
Placing up backpack from the ground “thank you for waiting with my luggage for me, so this is us” Shawn said as he came out from the toilet “you know it, we got to do this again” dapping Shawn and then hugging him “you never know my nigga, you might be taken by then. You feeling the girl” I chuckled moving back from the hug, placing the backpack over my shoulder “probably, we don’t know” Shawn hot my shoulder “you shoot your shot, my nigga. I have seen everything your family done to you, I just want you happy and marry because you want too. Listen to this, just see how it goes. If, now I am saying if. If she tries to search you and it says you’re married, deny it. Say that ain’t me, I just hope you know she sees you for you. I googled you myself, it says you married but play it off. Try and show the better side of you, the side I know” Shawn is my brother, I can’t fault him in wanting the best for me unlike my family “means a lot, I am scared of that. I don’t want to be judged for what my family has done to me. I will let you know anyways” I better go back to work, or shall I call it work “and Maurice, this. Sleeping with girls, let it be a one off shit. I know how you get, I don’t want you living no fast life” picking up my bag “I got you” I made that mistake before, I won’t do that again.
“Maurice! Hey!” blinking several times until my dad came into my eye-view “are you with us?” shifting in the seat “yeah, sorry. You was saying? About the Dubai hotel?” I think I am going to get my shit taken down off google, I can do that. It’s my right, I don’t want my life being on there “yes, we said we need someone to overlook the build of it. You know how it can be with the work, we want it built before the new year comes so we can enter the new year with a bang” my dad said “well Nalah can go, I am staying over here. I have to oversee New Jersey real estate, you putting it on me. You have other kids too” I may sound a little irritated but I am “I do have other kids, but this is going to you” he pointed at me “you know what I want? I want you to spilt it, give us all something. I don’t want it all” my dad chuckled “son, it doesn’t work like that” he is so backwards, he has give me New York hotel, Dubai which I am doing. I have one in France and London but he won’t just sign them all. I still don’t think they are mine, he likes to keep a hold of me “how does it work then?” I questioned him “it goes to your first son, I am the first son so it came to me. I look after the family, my siblings all me” that makes sense “is this why you turned out so bitter? You had to take over this, you had to do it” my dad got up from his seat “why do you fight me on this? I did you a marriage which will make you stable forever! Yet you hate me for” I also got up from my seat “maybe I want to have actual feelings dad! You found my mom? Did you not” my dad put his head down “I did” hearing my phone ping “but you made me marry someone?” my dad is an asshole, I don’t care “I gave you choices, you want the business and you did” he is turning on me, he didn’t have to be give me an alternative like that. Like I had to marry her to get this.
Staring down at the text message from the girl I am recently just speaking too thanks to Shawn helping me along, he really pushed me to it.
From: Bonita
To: Maurice
I wouldn’t have thought you was 29? You look younger, I would say 25 but you seriously not with anyone at that big age? x
A small smile played on my lips frowning, my big age. I am not even old like that and she is calling me big age, she is rude actually. Shawn is right, she is fine as shit but that is why I call her Bonita, I learned Spanish and it’s perfect for her “you coming back to Texas?” my dad said behind “erm, actually I might do” texting Bonita back.
To: Bonita
From: Maurice
Big age? You not heard that age ain’t nothing but a number? I mean I could say the same about you, you’re 25 and single, how has nobody taken you yet? Thank you for the compliment Bonita
Pressing send on the text “I am very excited for the Dubai hotel, we need to throw a very big party for it, we need to make sure on open day we have bookings. I want to be the biggest and tallest hotel there. I want to cater to every class, right up to the rich and famous to the general public. How you think these hotels have done well. Even when we have general public here, they still get the great quality, even with the standard rooms. It’s all about catering to their needs, I am just happy we are going to Dubai” I knew my dad was but I made this happen “so does this mean that hotel is actually mine?” stuffing my phone in my pocket “what makes you think this one isn’t?” the doorman opened the door for us “you play games dad” jogging down the steps “Mr Davenport” the SUV drivers opened the car door for us “dad?” I let it slip out “whatever, but you know I am right” getting inside the car “you’re not, I am strict Maurice. I just like things going my way” the car door closed on us both “I can tell, you know” staring out of the window “I don’t think Naomi can hold kids?” I am testing the waters here “don’t speak such words?” my dad said, looking over at him “it’s been five years, think about it” my dad just looked down at his phone, he didn’t answer me at all because he knows I am right “would you let me divorce? I need to have my kids” my dad didn’t even flinch, he just stared at his phone.
From: Bonita
To: Maurice
I said big age, that number is for you boo. I am only just recently single, can’t find the right guy. The hell is Bonita? I know that is not me? Are you calling me fat, so what do you do?
I snorted laughing, she really thinks I am calling her fat. She got me laughing like an idiot on this jet “oh god” I said to myself typing the text back.
To: Bonita
From: Maurice
Bonita is nothing to do with being fat lmao! It means pretty, I am fluent in Spanish too. I know a lot of languages, I work in a hotel, you?
Staring at the text, I don’t want to expose too much of myself. I don’t want to say who I am, what I am and what I do. I want to get to know her so this is the best way, pressing send on the message “can I speak to you?” my dad asked, locking my phone as I placed it down on the table in front of me “sure” I wonder what he got to say now “I was married before” he blurted out, my mouth fell open “excuse me?” I said in shock “I married before your mom, you have a sibling that live in Germany, I moved them so I could move on” is he being real “hold up, what!? You can’t just come to me with this shit what the fuck” this guy is unbelievable “the person I married was related, my dad made me marry her. We had a son, but he’s got down syndrome, yes I am a bad person. I didn’t want him to be the face of the company, he couldn’t give me what I wanted, my dad died and I moved on. Had you all three, I don’t speak on my life or anything like that because it hurts, I have never seen him for years. I pay for his care, they get the best but I just want you to have everything” I really shouldn’t be shocked, I cannot believe it “you fucked up, how you gonna do that to your own child!?” I shouted at him “and mom knows?” my dad nodded his head “what I a trying to tell you is that I didn’t make you marry family, I got you better. I want better for you, for us” shaking my head “no, you made my life like yours. You repeated history, you should want the best for me, I can’t even look at you right now” picking my phone up from the table, I have a real fucked up family. Slapping the table in anger, I just can’t handle the shit.
My dad and I haven’t spoke, we in Texas and I just can’t stand to look at him. He is sickening, he makes me sick. Getting into the back of the car, Bonita be taking too long to text back but she has now.
From: Bonita
To: Maurice
How the hell am I supposed to know that? But thank you, I am ok thanks. I do too, I know Bonjour :p lol. In A hotel, just any hotel? That’s nice, well I am doing my residency at a hospital, I want to be a surgeon and I am getting closer to that goal!
Holy shit, she got brains unlike me. I mean do work but it was given to me “I know you’re angry with me but I don’t want you to mess up your life” kissing my teeth “it’s not that, I think I am more upset you ditched your own child. I would never do that to my child! Down syndrome or not, that is my child. You sick! Don’t speak to me” he fucked up, that’s his child and he left it, asshole.
To: Bonita
From: Maurice
Well now you know, wow! You got brains and beauty, happy for you. Well happy you’re getting you’re goal, call you tonight? I mean if you want too
Pressing send on the message, we been texting on and off and it’s nice, she’s funny and I am shocked she is wanting to text me. We haven’t spoke on the phone so this is the first time for us, I am excited. Shawn is right though, I need to not go to that place. I went off the rails, I was living the high life and I was twenty. I get why my dad wanted me married, I have self control so I won’t do that. Those chicks was one time and I know for a fact I snorted a line, I just don’t remember shit but I don’t want to get to that place again. Money is evil, I know I got it so I can blow it. Naomi brings that shit out of me, it’s just mentally crazy how she is but I won’t be staying with her tonight.
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harryandmolly · 6 years
Cuttlefish - (a LTBOMH deleted scene)
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A/N: A little monday morning fluff for all you motherfluffers. I have issues letting go of things so... here’s Shawn and Lilly again (I imagine this fitting somewhere within chapter 6, FYI). ALSO CONVENIENTLY coincides with a 1200 follower celebration, I LOVE YOU GUYS <3
Summary: A nap date and a really stupid nickname.
Warnings: Language, domesticity
Word count: a respectable 2.1k
“Hi, you landed?” Lilly mumbles into her pillow. The yawned words distorted by a pillowcase would be impossible for anyone but him to decipher.
He’s lifting his bag off the luggage carousel with his free hand and nodding when he remembers she can’t see him. “Mm, yeah, about 10 minutes ago. I’m getting my bag now.”
“Good flight?” She rolls over off her stomach so he might be able to hear her better.
“Good enough. We didn’t die.”
She snorts. “That’s the spirit. You going straight home?”
He’s nodding again, silent for a beat too long. He has to blink hard to keep his eyes open. “Mmhmm. Bed. Sleep. Nap. Now.”
Lilly frowns. She knows they agreed they wouldn’t see each other today. She has just come off a 12-hour day on set that became a 16-hour day on set when absolutely everything went wrong. Now she knows why everyone in Hollywood says never work with kids and horses.
He’s been in New York for two and a half days and has been awake for the last 22 and a half hours of it. It was better, they both knew, to hook up later when they weren’t both zombies and could enjoy each other’s company.
“Hey, I know we said we wouldn’t try to see each other today but I personally feel that if you get in a Lyft and come nap with me, you’ll be a much happier boy.”
Her voice is run-down from a night spent muttering into a walkie-talkie and it’s fucking music to his ears. He loves that she wants to see him if only to dream next to each other. He grins goofily into the phone as he stumbles behind his team to the cars waiting for them at arrivals.
“That sounds nice, baby. Can I shower at your place?”
“Mmm,” she mumbles in assent, closing her eyes and rubbing her nose into Olaf’s dingy white fur.
He hangs up and tells Andrew he’ll take a Lyft to Burbank. When he arrives, he hauls his luggage up the steps to her private entrance and opens the door without knocking. She’s curled up in a ball on top of her yellow duvet with the curtains drawn and lights off, TV glowing a second season Gilmore Girls episode she’s seen about 104 times. She smiles sleepily at him in the dim light.
He drops his backpack by the door and bumps into her coffee table, swearing as he almost tumbles onto her bed. He steps away from the offending furniture gingerly, giving it a look. He turns his focus to her and feels his whole body relax at the sight of her in her big plaid shirt and her little pink panties waiting for him, barely able to keep her eyes open. He flops onto the bed, partially on top of her legs.
Lilly snickers at him, clumsy as ever, as he falls on top of her. She scoots down to curl around his head until they sort of resemble a weird, lop-sided yin and yang symbol. He lifts her warm little hand off the sheets and brings it to his lips, keeping his eyes on hers as he kisses her knuckles the way he always does when he’s been gone a few days.
“Baby,” she coos. There’s no follow-up thought, no words to accompany it, just the pet name says enough. He blinks his eyes open and decides it’s been too long since he felt her breath so he unfurls himself around her and rearranges her beneath him so his knees bracket her legs and he’s hovering over her, watching her chest rise and fall. Her skin is pale and peeking out of her shirt. He wants to drag his lips and teeth over the spot until it’s not pale anymore at all.
But he’s so fucking tired.
She stares up at him, tracing the edges of his lips, the slant of his nose, the circles under his eyes. She threads her fingers back into his hair and pulls him down for a kiss.
It’s warm and lazy and perfect, just like she feels. When he pulls away to prop himself up on his knees between her thighs, he tucks his hands under her knee caps and strokes his hands down over her calves, just looking down and admiring her. His eyebrows lift when he watches her face contort with pleasure.
“Oh my god, yes,” she moans, arching her back as his rough fingers rake over her two-day-old stubble. Her hand reaches out and grips Olaf hard. She looks up at him through hooded eyes.
“Lilly, what the—”
“My calves are so sore,” she whines through an embarrassed chuckle. She goes pink thinking about the noise she just made and turns her face into a pillow to hide from him as he snickers at her.
“I’ve never heard you make that noise without my face between your thighs,” he says, amused and smirking. She rolls her eyes.
“I did Blogilates yesterday before I left for set which was, by the way, the dumbest idea ever. She had us do calf raises for like, 10 minutes. I can barely walk up a set of stairs,” Lilly grumbles, closing her thighs against him encouragingly, jutting her chin at him to suggest he continue.
Shawn lowers to sit on his feet and spreads her legs, wrapping his broad palms and wiry fingers almost all the way around her calf muscles. He runs his hands up and down gently at first, feeling her out without exerting pressure. She watches him with a quiet smile. He’s looking down at her legs, marveling at how solid and good she feels in his hands. He glances up and blushes under her gaze. He squeezes his grip around her ankles affectionately and pulls his hands back up toward her knees, kneading smoothly as he goes.
Her head falls back and her eyes shut. She moans again, giggling at herself. He’s strategic about it, rhythmic even in the way he massages her legs. She loves it. He spreads his fingers wider and bears down a little harder. He’s entranced by the sounds she’s making and seeks them out.
“Fuck, baby, that’s so good,” she sighs. He laughs again. She opens her bleary eyes to see him pink-cheeked and staring at her.
“You’re turning me on a little,” he admits with a shrug, smiling shyly like he’s not sure if it’s ok to say out loud. Her stomach flips. She sits up and slides her legs out of his grip to wrap them around his waist and tug him against her.
“I missed you,” she tells him, propped up on tented fingers with her legs latched around his waist like she’s afraid he’ll leave if she lets him go. He cups her cheeks in those big, beautiful hands and brings his lips down so gently she barely feels it.
“You just missed my hands,” he teases, pecking her lower lip and pulling away, unwrapping himself from her legs reluctantly. She curls up without him, watching as he digs through his bag for a change of clothes. He grabs her spare towel and points up the stairs.
“Roommates home?”
She shrugs. “Probably a couple. Think Emily’s upstairs watching Gossip Girl. Avoid her if you don’t want a speech about Chuck Bass being an indefensible character from the pilot episode,” she advises.
He nods solemnly and disappears. Fifteen minutes later, he’s slouching back into her room, ditching the t-shirt and sweatpants he’s just changed into for the walk back downstairs from the bathroom. She smiles into her pillow, pleased he’s not starting down the path of complaining about how hot her room always is. He’s too tired.
In Under Armour boxer briefs, he crawls over her on the bed and starfishes, spreading his limbs and laying all his weight on her, snuffling into her hair. She grunts and shifts under him, playing along because she doesn’t mind how heavy he is. At least he’s here. She kisses his neck as he burrows his face into her pillow.
She splits into a cheesy grin against his shoulder. He feels her teeth against his skin and lifts his head, looking dozy and confused. “What?”
“You smell like me,” she laughs, lifting her nose to his hair. Strawberries and mint, just like hers. It’s delightful.
“I like smelling like you,” he whispers, too exhausted to be self-conscious. She fastens a hand into his curls and wraps an arm across his warm, still damp back, rolling him off her to his side. He takes the hint and adjusts them so he’s on his back and her head is tucked in against his shoulder, their legs tangled on top of the sheets. He runs his fingers through her hair all the way down her back until she falls asleep. He follows soon after.
Almost two hours later, Shawn blinks awake. They’re in exactly the same spot they fell asleep in, frozen in time. He cracks his neck and shifts her away just long enough to lift and turn her onto her side and cuddle up against her back. The jostling wakes her up, which wasn’t exactly an accident on his part. He misses her.
“Hey,” she murmurs, voice crackly with sleep. She lifts a hand to pat the arm he’s slung around her body and scoots back a little more firmly against his chest. She likes feeling surrounded by him.
“Mmm, my little cuttlefish.”
Lilly’s eyes open. Shawn enjoys teasing her with weird nicknames. As long as he doesn’t use them while they’re having sex, she doesn’t mind. But this one is weirder than usual.
“Did you just call me a cuttlefish?”
“Yep,” he mutters into her neck, rubbing his nose against the downy hairs at the nape.
“Have you ever seen a cuttlefish?”
“No. Is it cuddly?”
Lilly bursts into giggles. “You are so fucking cute. Cuttlefish are terrifying. They’re cephalopods. They look like freaky squids.”
“Not cuddly,” he murmurs, voice muffled, “Should change the name, then.”
She closes her eyes, unwilling to continue this bizarre line of conversation. She settles back into him, wondering if she’ll drift off again.
She turns over to see what he’s yelping about. He’s staring wide-eyed at his phone, eyebrows pulled together, looking horrified.
“I just googled cuttlefish! This thing is gross! It doesn’t look like a fish at all!” He flips the phone around to show her. She squints at the screen before she takes his phone away and puts it on the night table.
“No cuttlefish in bed. New rule.”
Shawn smiles and pulls her in by her hips. “Any other bedroom rules I should know about?” He runs his lips along her hairline as she plants kisses down his jaw.
“You have to kiss me when we wake up together even if we have morning breath,” she whispers into the skin below his ear. He smells even more like her now that he’s been lying in her bed. It’s getting her a little carnal and territorial. His hands come to rest on her lower back under her shirt as she mouths at him.
“Ok,” he breathes, sounding a little worked up himself. He nudges her legs apart to slide one of his between them. He pulls her so she’s lying underneath him again, enclosed in him like she likes.
“Anything else?” he pants.
“Yeah. Nap dates are now part of the regular routine, mmk?”
Shawn lowers himself carefully around her until he’s flat against her torso and his nose is brushing against hers. “I love nap dates. All of our dates should be nap dates.”
“But what about movie dates? And sushi dates? And beach dates and pool dates? And ice skating dates? And—”
He plants his lips against hers firmly, laughing into her mouth. She grins back and their teeth clash but they don’t care.
“Any kind of dates you want, sweetheart.”
They make out like teenagers for a while, copping feels and moaning, whispering conversations about nothing before they’re both exhausted again. This time, she slots up against his back and holds him against her chest because she knows he likes to be the little spoon sometimes but never wants to ask.
He’s wriggling as he searches for sleep. She’s desperately trying to ignore his restlessness.
“Lilly, it’s always so hot in your room, goddamnit.”
She rolls her eyes and buries her face in his back, kicking feebly at his legs, trying to pin him down to submit to her.
“Stop moving or I’ll get the cuttlefish.”
He giggles and complies. They fall asleep again and dream of anything but cephalopods.
Taglist: @the-claire-bitch-project @smallerinfinities @crapri @stillinskislydia  @abigfatmess @heavenly—holland 
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aesjae · 6 years
Boyfriend! Jungwoo
#13 of Boyfriend! Series
Taeil | Johnny | Taeyong | Yuta | Kun | Doyoung | Ten | Jaehyun | WinWin | Jungwoo | Lucas | Mark | Xiao Jun | Hendery | Renjun | Jeno | Haechan | Jaemin | Yang Yang | Chen Le | Jisung
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style/ genre: headcanon/-  word count: 1.3k date posted: 6 jan 2019
hi so i’m finallLlLllLlly back with the boyfriend series
and somebody requested for jungwoo next so here i am and here it is!!!!1!1!!!!1!
kIm uWu jUngwoo as your boyfriend i can imagine how he would be right after he confesses to you 
he would be really flustered “y-you don’t need to give me a r-reply... you don’t need to accept me if you don’t want to...... nnnn”
but when he realised that you aCtually accepted him
he would be like wait what cue the dramatic lift of his head
and he just stares at you
“did you... just.... say... yes....??????”
when you nod your head with a grin on your face
he just takes a moment to stare blankly into your face
before unconsciously throwing himself onto you, crushing you in a bear hug
but when he realises what he did he would immediately back away, frantically apologising profusely
“oMg,,, i’M SORRY,,,,, i’m just.. really happy...”
and as you look at the boy in front of you bury his face into his hands
you can’t control the badum of your heart
you step forward to give jungwoo a hug instead
and you would probably feel the tremble of jungwoo’s body
because he’s busy fanboying HAHAH
now just tell me, who wouldn’t imagine a relationship with jungwoo to be soft and fluffy?
make way because the soft king is coming through
boyfriend jungwoo would be lowkey clingy but would not mention anything about it
he would hold onto your arm often
regardless of whether you are at home or outside
he would like to do side hugs at the most random times
i would call it opportunistic maybe
such as while waiting for the green man at the traffic lights to appear
or while you’re browsing through clothes when uall are out shopping
he would especially like to nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck
his face resting comfortably there and you can feel his warmth
at first, he would not actually know himself that he’s clingy
and when he first realises, he would blush in embarrassment and decides to keep mum about it
but even without him publicly proclaiming his clinginess, it would definitely not go unnoticed by the other members
lucas: “jungwoo hyung used to tag along with me and have skinship with me a l l  t h e  t i m e, but now he’s stuck to y/n like gLUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,”
“apado gwaenchana....... because i love jungwoo hyung. y/n, please take good care of him,,”
lucas you extra bean you have enough screentime you can shine more in your own boyfriend
jungwoo would love getting pats from you, especially when he’s leaning against you/ has his head on your lap
when you stop stroking his head, he would take your hand and continue stroking 
( really reminds me of a needy cat tbvh ) 
i would definitely see jungwoo as the kind of boyfriend who puts you as #1 when he's making plans
let’s say you’re on your disastrous period (if you’re biologically female), jungwoo would try to be home asap after work just to keep you company
even if he has pre-arranged plans, say the word and jungwoo would be beside you in no time
that being said, he would be a dedicated and committed boyfriend
thoroughly taking care of your needs
it might be a bit embarrassing and awkward for guys to know about a girl’s menstruation
but jungwoo would look past this embarrassment because he loves you too much to even care
before you need to mention anything, he would make sure that you have everything you need on your period, such as pads, your favourite food, water, pillows, blankets, etc. 
when you’re sick, he would take leave from work just to take care of you
you could hear him in the kitchen from your bed
“Hello Taeyong-hyung? Y/N is sick, can you teach me how to make porridge for her?”
when the tables turn and when it’s his turn to get sick
he wouldn’t want to be a burden to you
even when you force him to rest in bed
he would still help you out doing household chores, etc. 
he would put you before himself every time
jungwoo’s probably the type of boyfriend who would try to secretly take pictures of his s/o
3/4 of his photo library would probably be pictures of you
there’s nothing wrong with doing it openly but you know
uwu king is shy (〃∀〃)ゞ
in fact, jungwoo would probably be very shy whenever it comes to you, even if you are his s/o
when uall just started cohabiting, jungwoo would accidentally enter the toilet when you are using it ( maybe pooping, peeing, showering? who knows  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
and upon seeing you not being fully dressed, he would squeak loudly in surprise
frantically closing the toilet door and apologising profusely
since then, whenever you need him to pass you something in the toilet, he would enter covering his eyes
oh innocent baby 
jungwoo would go soft for any of your actions, regardless of how small
even if it’s small acts such as calling him up during lunch because you miss him or helping him prepare his clothes for work beforehand
he would love! it!!!!
his love for you just swells every time
sometimes he’s too shy to say it out loud to you
so he squeezes you in a tight hug or gives you a peck 
wherever he goes, you would be on his mind
‘omg this meme is hIlArioUS, Y/N would love it’ /forwards the meme to you/
‘Y/N doesn’t have work on this day, so if i take leave on that day, we can go out together’ 
‘look at that couple,,,, i miss Y/N ㅠㅠ’
sometimes the both of you would argue over the most rIDiculous things
jungwoo: “the one with the fluffy tail is a labrador!!!! i’m sure of it!!!1!111!!”
you: “dUDE hoLD UP rIGHT tHERE;; that’s a golden retriever. i swear.”
him: “why don’t you believe me!!1!!!11!1 i swEAr on my cake at home 😤”
“the one that you have been wanting eat for weeks?”
B A T T L E  S T A R T S
/furious typing into google search/ 
/jungwoo stares at his phone screen, his face losing its colour, his eyes empty/
“my... cake..........”
he becomes a happy smiley puppy when you agree to share it with him anyways 
let’s just add... jungwoo might be kINda possessive...
he definitely loves his hyungs with all his heart
but he becomes insecure leaving you alone with his hyungs
or even just around them
when you suggest going on a double date with the other members
he would suddenly be quiet 
concerned, you would ask him what’s wrong
and jungwoo would just look at you with a sad face
“i don’t want a double date... i just want you and me alone :-(”
who could say no 😭
to be very honest, jungwoo would probably be a very chill boyfriend that prefers indoor dates over outdoor ones
stay at home dates would probably be his favourite
pillow forts and pillow fights
baking and cooking dates
making a mess out of the kitchen dates
just-lying-on-the-couch-against-each-other-and-watching-TV-for-the-whole-day dates
jungwoo would also be a boyfriend that is very easy to have heart-to-heart conversations with
he would listen to you very sincerely, giving his genuine comments and advice
there would never be a moment when he did not make you feel safe and comforted
he would love to see you happy, and he would do anything to see you smile
sometimes jungwoo would be a brother, sometimes a father, sometimes a friend, but most importantly, he would be someone that loves you to the core and would fight his life for you 
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years
Klaine fic - “The Ties that Bind: Chapter 4 - Saturday in the Park with Rachel” (NC17)
Blaine and Kurt are dating, in a long-term relationship, with New York City as their playground. Everything is as close to perfect for the two of them as can be, especially for Blaine, who’s living the dream as a songwriter beside his up-and-coming designer boyfriend, both of them without a care in the world. Until one night, he’ll find himself connected in a bizarre way to seven other human beings he’s never met, trying to solve a mystery - the hunt for a killer and to save a life, all while trying to come to terms with his new forced membership into the collective.
(This is a re-write that I got several requests for, based off of the Netflix series Sense8, with a little loose interpretation on some of the specifics - i.e., how the collective get their powers and why, what they need to accomplish as a collective, and the fact that all the players aren’t necessarily spread all over the world. Quite a few of them are in NY. Also, this story is going to focus on Kurt and Blaine, with the other characters being satellite to the story, though their stories may end up being explored deeper in one-shots. YOU DON’T NEED TO BE FAMILIAR WITH THE SHOW SENSE8 TO FOLLOW THIS. THIS STORY EXPLAINS IT ALL.) Warning for violence, blood, psychic abilities, psychic bonds, angst, anxiety, sex work, and death (not Kurt or Blaine).
Read on AO3.
Chapter 1 - In the Beginning
Chapter 2 - Abandoned Warehouses in My Mind
Chapter 3 - An Unintended Foursome
Chapter 4 (3560 words)
A/N: Warning for mention of Finn.
When Blaine wakes in the morning - or closer to the afternoon - the voices in his head have miraculously gone. Or are temporarily silent. Blaine doesn’t know which, but he welcomes the break. Despite having a touch of an anxiety hangover, he feels refreshed after finally getting several hours’ sleep. But there’s a heaviness within him, a weight that didn’t exist inside him before, and there’s no one he can ask about it. He’d considered doing a Google search on Kitty’s murder, but he doesn’t want to actually find something, especially if it links her, in some way, to him. He’d prefer it if she disappeared from his memory. Blaine should avoid thinking about Kitty or Jake altogether. Even though he couldn’t conjure them the one time he wanted them, he’s afraid that any passing thought of them might coax them out.
So digging around for news about Kitty probably won’t help that any.
He could talk to Kurt, but that wouldn’t give him any answers; it would just needlessly worry his boyfriend more. Though, after Jake’s warning, would it really be needless? Even if Blaine doesn’t know who might be after him - and by extension, Kurt - shouldn’t he give his boyfriend a head’s up? How that conversation would go, Blaine can’t begin to predict, but it’s better than not having it at all. Blaine isn’t an alarmist, but he wants to keep Kurt safe at all costs. Of course, in lieu of a conversation, he could proactively sign Kurt up for self-defense classes. They’d been meaning to go to a class together anyway after Kurt was attacked, but after he rehabilitated, Kurt was so eager to put the whole thing behind him, it kept getting put off. Now seems like a good time to bring the subject back up. Barring that, Blaine could get Kurt some pepper spray … a rape whistle … a Taser … possibly a gun.
Blaine could also try to talk Kurt into allowing him to get a dog for their place.
A big dog.
The kind they’d have to get a permit to keep, that’s trained to go for the jugular, and only understands commands in cryptic Eastern Slavic dialects.
But Blaine decides to put a pin in that and worry about it later. It’s a brand new day. He’ll put the crazy behind him for a few hours and focus on recovery. That way, he can better handle the crazy when it shows its ugly grill later on that night, which Blaine has a nagging suspicion it will.
Kurt’s side of the bed is empty, only Blaine’s arm stretched across it occupying the space. He doesn’t recall if Kurt mentioned having any appointments for the morning. It’s the weekend so no, he shouldn’t. But Kurt does have one or two clients who feel the world revolves around them. They tend to drop by unannounced, so it’s still a possibility. But no voices in Blaine’s head means that he can shoot for a redux of their early morning romp without the inclusion of Brittany, Santana, or any of Blaine’s other interlopers.
Blaine raises his head from the pillow and searches the room. Kurt’s cell phone is missing from the table on his side of the bed, which means he’s definitely dressed, and could be out and about. Blaine turns to the dresser beside him and grabs his cell phone. He unlocks the screen and checks for new text messages.
Not a one.
Strange. Kurt usually doesn’t even go downstairs for the mail without sending Blaine a text. A bitter taste rises up Blaine’s throat and fills his mouth, but he presses it down, along with the uneasiness tearing through his stomach.
Stay calm, he tells himself. Don’t overreact. Think this through.
He’ll give Kurt a call, find out where he went and when he’ll be back. It’ll all be good. This is normal. In spite of one discrepancy, there’s nothing to worry about. Kurt’s a big boy. He can handle himself. He probably didn’t go farther than four blocks from the apartment. What can happen in the space of four blocks at (Blaine checks the time on his screen) eleven in the morning?
Blaine pulls up Kurt’s number and hits call.
It goes immediately to voicemail.
Blaine’s heart thuds forcefully in his ribcage, sending icicle-sharp stitches reverberating through the muscles of his chest. He tries to call Kurt again, then again, but all of his calls go to voicemail. Panic floods his body. Lying underneath Kurt’s comforter suddenly becomes uncomfortably hot, and the air around him too cold. He leaps out of bed and takes a quick walk through their place, looking for signs of Kurt, for clues that something might not be right with him. That something might have happened this morning while Blaine slept.
That someone might have broken in and taken Kurt.
But nothing seems off or out of place. The door is locked in the usual way, Kurt’s coat and keys gone. Blaine walks by Kurt’s “office area” (the space in their living room where he meets with his clients), but everything there looks tidy and organized.
Kurt’s fine, Blaine tells himself, with a knot like molten glass forming in his gut. He didn’t go far. He’s most likely at Starbucks, grabbing a cup of coffee and one of those breakfast buns he likes so much. He’ll be back soon.
And when he does come back, Blaine can work on getting him back into bed.
But, if it’s that simple, if he just went out for a cup of coffee, why didn’t Kurt send him a text?
Why isn’t he answering his phone?
Blaine swallows hard, his throat too dry, too cluttered, a knot similar to the one in his stomach almost choking him.
This still isn’t a problem, he tries to convince himself. Remove the events of last night - the hallucinations, the voices, a woman being shot through the head - and it’s just another Saturday morning.
Except, those things did happen last night. Slowly, Blaine is coming to terms with them, no matter how desperately he wants them to go away. And they’re frightening enough to make all the difference.
An hour. He’ll give Kurt an hour. If he’s not back by then, Blaine will call the police.
And maybe the National Guard.
Blaine sends Kurt a text:
Hey, baby! Get home quick. I’m awake and in the shower. Come join me. ;)
Then, in the hopes that turning on the water will somehow cause his boyfriend to materialize, he jumps into his second shower of the day.
For a man who enjoys his time under a hot water spray (and Blaine’s third favorite thing to do in life is shower), he’s washed up and out in under ten minutes.
Blaine walks out of the bathroom (drying his hair with Kurt’s favorite powder blue bamboo towel as if, again, this will cause Kurt to magically appear for the sole purpose of reminding Blaine that they have separate towels for a reason) in search of his boyfriend. He thought he’d heard a door close, and footsteps walk across the floor. That had to be Kurt.
Who the heck else would it be?
“Kurt? Baby? I thought you were going to join me in the shower. I sent you a text and everything …”
Blaine can’t see a thing with the towel hanging in front of his face, but he knows the path from the bathroom to the living room like the back of his hand. He’s naked, grinning at the thought that Kurt might be doing a consultation in their living room at this very moment.
While Blaine showered, he tried to figure out what could have possibly caused Kurt to leave in such a rush that he wouldn’t wake Blaine, or tell him where he was going. He deduced that the reason Kurt might have sprinted out so early, forgetting to send him a text, was because one of his “special snowflake clients” had called him, frantically on the verge of buying 100 yards of an avocado green, polyester-rayon blend, and Kurt’s only recourse was to go to whatever bargain basement fabric store they were at and talk them down. Then he’d bring them back here to his designing den of safety.
Which means Blaine is about to interrupt a thrilling conversation about seams and biases whilst wet and nude.
Blaine takes one step into the living room and a strange sensation hits him. He’s not alone, which he’d assumed, but his boyfriend isn’t there either. There is someone in the room with him - a presence more than a person. That doesn’t make any sense, but that’s it regardless. He doesn’t hear the woman sitting on the sofa as much as he feels her. There’s an odd sound in his head, like an alert, a low hum, and he just knows she’s there.
He pulls the towel off his head to wrap around his waist and there she is, sitting on the sofa, staring out the window. If her hair was lighter, he might fool himself into thinking he’s looking at Kurt. But he’s not. He’s looking at a petite brunette, wearing a white rain coat covered in red cherries, a red umbrella in her lap, and a matching red scarf wrapped loosely around her neck. She appears more like she’s waiting for a bus outside, not sitting on a sofa in a Manhattan apartment.
She reminds Blaine of a ghost. He can see her. She’s definitely corporeal, but there’s something about her that kind of fades in and out of existence even if she doesn’t disappear, her physical presence waning in his mind. He decides to talk to her. He doesn’t want to, but he can’t help himself. He knows she’s not going anywhere until he does. This woman, whose reflection he can see in the glass as he gets closer, stares impassively at the building across the way, but her mind is somewhere else. She’s not there as much as she is there, and yet, she’s still not there.
It gives him a headache thinking about it, so he stops thinking.
Blaine walks over to the sofa and sits down, careful to keep the towel from untying at his hip and causing a scene. He squints at the woman sitting beside him, and an empty recognition of sorts hits him. “You’re … are you Rachel?”
He’s tempted to touch her but decides against it. Maybe he’s wrong. Maybe she is a client of Kurt’s. She looks like the kind of person who regularly comes to see Kurt for a consultation – primped, manicured, heavily into vintage couture. This woman in particular dresses like she stepped out of a Broadway musical and is about to perform a catchy, reflective number. Blaine can picture her singing something Streisand-esque, like from Funny Girl.
“Yeah,” the woman says, looking at Blaine through darting side-glances of her soft brown eyes. “And you’re Blaine.”
“That’s right,” he says, unnerved. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m not here,” she says with mild confusion. “I’m in Central Park, at the duck pond.” This time, she turns to face him. “Have you been there?”
“Not recently.”
“You should go.” She looks back out the window. “It’s beautiful today.”
An image of Central Park fills Blaine’s vision – the blue sky overhead, the towering trees, the lush grass. The park is busy today. Children run and play, people walk their dogs. Ahead of him, he sees a large pond. Families of ducks with their ducklings paddle across the surface, filling the air with their happy, conversational quacking. The woman fits in better out here. But he, with his towel and wet hair, shouldn’t be there. Then, what she said makes sense. He’s not there. She’s there. And because she’s there, he’s there, but he’s also in his living room with her, who’s not there. Another headache. He lets it go. “I used to come here all the time,” she continues, “with my fiancé, before …”
Her words trail off, and Blaine feels a pain in his chest, like someone is trying to drill a hole in his heart. It’s powerful, debilitating. It takes his breath away. But the second he can articulate it, it’s completely gone.
“Before …?” he asks hesitantly, afraid the pain will return if she can find a way to explain herself.
“Before he passed away.” She tilts her face to the side and away when a little kid, chasing a baseball, runs up to her. The boy, probably no more than five, with sandy brown hair and bright blue eyes, looks at her. It seems like he might see Blaine as well. He scrunches his nose and giggles, then turns and runs back in the direction he came.
“I’m … I’m sorry to hear that.” Tears build behind Blaine’s eyes and he wonders where in the hell his boyfriend went? Why the hell isn’t he there now? “But, what are you doing here?”
“I’m not sure. I was feeling lost, and alone. I was walking through the park on my way to … somewhere.” She laughs. “You know, I can’t remember where. And I sort of ended up here.” She shakes her head, and the tears Blaine feels in his own eyes roll down her cheek. “Has that ever happened to you?”
“I don’t know.” Blaine reaches behind him and pulls a tissue from the box Kurt keeps there. “I don’t think it has.”
She takes the tissue with a quiet, “Thank you,” and dabs at her eyes, skillfully avoiding her eye makeup. “Well” – she sniffles – “what were you doing a moment ago?”
“I was …” Blaine chuckles ironically. “Well, I was missing my boyfriend. But, I think he just stepped out to go get coffee or something. He should be back any minute.”
Rachel smiles sadly. “You’re lucky. Do you love him?”
The question strikes Blaine as insanely personal, even considering, but he doesn’t hesitate to answer. “Yes. More than anything.”
She nods. “Well, when he comes back, make sure you hold him, and kiss him …” Words start to fail her “… look in his eyes … smell his skin …” Another tear rolls down her cheek, but when it falls, it lands on Blaine’s towel. “I don’t … I can’t remember what my fiancé smelled like, or what he sounded like. I used to at least remember the sound of his voice saying my name, but I … I don’t anymore.”
Blaine is about to say he’s sorry – another hollow apology, he thinks, and how many of those has she gotten already? - when the pain returns, hitting him full force in the chest, locking around his heart and squeezing. A dozen memories flash in front of his eyes, memories that aren’t his, of a man with brown hair and brown eyes, passing a football, dancing badly, singing, playing the drums, laughing, riding on a roller coaster, chasing after a train with Rachel on it, wearing army fatigues, cleaning a rifle, and then … black. Nothing. But then, the whole montage begins to rewind, except the man is gone and it’s Kurt this time – playing football, dancing, singing, playing the piano, laughing, riding with Blaine on a roller coaster at Six Flags, watching Blaine from an airport window as his plane takes off, and then, not black, not nothing, just … over.
“Finn …” Blaine says, his throat constricted so tightly he can barely take a breath.
“Kurt …” Rachel whispers.
“Blaine,” Kurt calls out as he opens the door to their apartment. “Blaine, are you awake?” Kurt spots his boyfriend over the edge of his Whole Foods shopping bag, sitting on the sofa, staring out the window, and smiles. “I’m sorry I took so long,” he says, heading for the kitchen. “I just had to go get some unf!”
It takes about five strides for Blaine to cross from the living room to the kitchen, grab the shopping bag out of Kurt’s hands, drop it on the counter, and wrap Kurt in his arms.
“Well, hello there, handsome,” Kurt says with a laugh, but grimacing when he feels the remaining shower water on Blaine’s skin soak through his cashmere sweater. “I missed you, too.”
Blaine doesn’t answer. He holds Kurt tighter and now, Kurt can tell he’s shaking.
“Blaine? Honey, are you okay?”
Blaine sniffles, loosening his grip, but not letting go.
“Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, I just … you didn’t text me or anything, Kurt. Why didn’t you text me? Or call? I called you, Kurt. I called you three times.”
“I … I’m so sorry,” Kurt says, massaging the back of his boyfriend’s neck to calm him. “I took my phone with me, but the battery died. I have to remember to plug it in when I get home.”
“Oh” – Blaine sighs in relief, then breathes in deep, capturing the smell of cold on Kurt’s skin. But underneath that, his aftershave, his body wash, his shampoo – those signature scents that are a part of Kurt, always on his skin – “I guess that makes sense.”
“Blaine?” Kurt tries to pull away, but Blaine won’t let him. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, but … uh … could you maybe wake me up next time? Before you go out?”
“I thought you needed to rest,” Kurt explains. “I mean, after this morning …” A tiny smile slips onto Kurt’s lips, since this morning included incredible, spontaneous sex for him, but the memory makes Blaine cringe, a piece of his conscience breaking for what he’s unknowingly gotten Kurt into.
“I---I know, but I really wanted to go with you.”
Kurt raises a quizzical brow. “You wanted to come with me? To Whole Foods?” It’s not entirely unheard of, just … a little confusing considering the emotional upheaval of the night before. Blaine doesn’t sleep late often, but it’s not something he objects to. Both of them can appreciate the novelty of a lazy weekend in bed.
Regardless, Blaine normally doesn’t have a problem with waking up alone.
“Yeah. I needed some … uh … arugula.”
“I … didn’t know.” Kurt bobs his head in a repetitive half nod as he tries to figure his boyfriend out. “But I promise, I will wake you up next time. Hey, maybe we can go out together later and get that … arugula.” He pats Blaine on the shoulder, chalking this odd behavior up to Blaine’s horrible night. Kurt is still not entirely sure what happened, but he thought he could take Blaine’s mind off of it with a smoked gouda quiche and champagne brunch, and then take a second stab at trying to make his boyfriend cum, since Kurt knew he hadn’t when they had sex before.
Food and sex are a panacea to Blaine. He’d had a rocky relationship with food when he graduated high school and moved to New York but, with Kurt’s help, he got that under control.
Again, another way Blaine relied on Kurt.
But food has always played a part in their relationship, from their high school days when whole afternoons were spent baking cookies in the kitchen of Kurt’s house, to the present, when the preparation and enjoyment of a hearty, home-cooked meal often acts as the precursor to foreplay.
To celebrate the first song Blaine ever sold, he and Kurt ordered the most incredible five cheese and roasted pepper pizza, brought it home, ate it, and then had three hours of the hottest sex imaginable. Combined, it was such a mind-blowing experience that they didn’t realize a fire had broken out a few floors down until the fire department showed up at their door, even though the alarm out in the hallway had been blaring for a good forty-five minutes straight.
Kurt had considered waking Blaine up that morning with a blowjob and then inviting him to come with, but Blaine had finally fallen asleep, and Kurt didn’t want to wake him. He couldn’t have been gone longer than an hour, maybe an hour and a half. He’d tried texting Blaine when he got to the store, but his cell phone battery had died. He’d hoped Blaine would still be asleep when he got home.
Basically, the morning was an epic failure.
In an effort to salvage the day from here on out, Kurt starts talking about random things - mindless, unimportant things that might help Blaine relax - like the high price of artichokes, and the unavailability of Queen Bee honey. He manages to untangle himself from Blaine’s grasp, but holds on to him with the conversation. Blaine listens to Kurt talk, hangs on his every word. He doesn’t want to look over his shoulder, doesn’t want confirmation of what he already knows. He follows Kurt with his eyes, staring, telling himself that no matter what, he won’t look. He doesn’t need to look. He’ll avoid the sofa – no, the living room – for as long as they live here. But Kurt bustles to his work space over by the window, and Blaine can’t put it off any longer. He looks at the sofa, but the woman in the cherry print raincoat is gone.
Like Jake earlier that morning, and Brittany after that, she’s vanished.
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adorablecarrot-blog · 8 years
Carrot-Chan: Hey guys, we are back! The picture above inspired this story. We do not own it I am not sure who does. I found it on google and it lead me to pinterest amd when I clicked on that it did not take me anywhere else. If you own this image let us know and we will either take it down if you want or tell everyone who this is. There is some swearing because Deadpool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter's P.O.V. Today had been a long day. Jameson was yelling at me this morning for not getting anymore pictures of Spider-Man. It is not like I have not tried. The pictures either come out blurry or my camera is smashed. I have been through five cameras! It also does not help that Deadpool has been "helping" also known as making a bigger mess than was already there. Do not get me wrong. I love the Merc with a Mouth. I would not be dating him if I did not. There also be no way in hell I would of told him Peter Parker was Spider-Man. I just wish sometimes he would let me handle villains on my own sometimes. I do not want tell him that I do not want him around. He will take it wrong. I walk into my apartment. I actually have not been here in a while. I am usually with Wade. His apartment is a mess unlike mine. I hate the mess, but I have noticed lately he has been taking out the trash and helping me with dishes. He even made the bed this morning. However, it did not stay that way when I walked out of the shower with just a towel. Not thinking of the repercussions. Wade was on me before you could say chimichanga. I laugh at the memory. "Hey baby boy! What's so funny?" I hear someone ask. I know that voice anywhere and only one person calls me baby boy. I turn around and see Wade near the living room window. He is wearing his Deadpool costume. "I was just thinking Wade. What are you doing here?" I question. "Can I not miss my sexy boyfriend and his sexy ass?" he asks. I laugh and roll my eyes. He walks closer while taking off his mask and gives me a kiss. It is just a peck on the lips. Which is not like him but I do not mind. I like the feel of his warm chapped lips even if it is just for a second. "Hey Petey when are we going on patrol tonight?" he asks. I guess now would be a good time to bring it up to him. "Actually I was thinking maybe I can go out by myself tonight," I tell him. I can see his muscles tighten. I bite my lips nervously. "Why? We are such a good team. We are like a super team. I do not think the Avengers could compete with our awesomeness," he explains. "We do make a good team, but remember what happened yesterday. You tried to kill Black Cat when we were stopping her from robbing a bank," I explain. He looks at me angrily. "Fuck Peter! She was all over you. Kissing you and grinding against you. What the hell was I supposed to do! It was not like you were doing anything to stop her!" He snaps at me. What is he accusing me of? "Wade Wilson! You are not accusing me of actually liking her on me are you?!" I snap back. He looks at me in shock but then it turns to anger. "Oh my God! Wade, I thought we knew each other better than that!" I shout. I am hurt and angry that he would actually think I would do something like that. "Damn, I don't know what to think! I can not figure out why you want to go on  patrol with me or the fact you could not shove Black Cat off of you when you can hold up a falling building!" He shouts. "Maybe it is because you screw everything up!" I shout in anger. Immediately I regret what I say as Wade's face crumples at my words. "I am so sorry Wade! I did not mean it! You are not a screw up. You are an amazing hero and boyfriend. Hell, you gave up killing for me," I try to explain. I can tell by the way he is looking at me but not really seeing me that he is not hearing me. He is to busy in his head. Probably listening to the voices in his head. "No, your right. I am a screw up. I always have been and always will be. Yeah go on patrol with out me. It will probably be safer," he tells me. The sadness in his eyes crush me. I feel my throat constrict as tears well up in my eyes. I shake my head no because I do not trust my voice. He then turns around and heads to the window. I watch as he leaves. Not even looking back at me. I feel my legs give out under me as the tears escape my eyes. "What have I done?" I ask any one in the universe that could help me. I am going on patrol. I swing through New York only half heartedly. "AAHH!! Some one help!!!" I hear some one shout. I swing into an ally were I see two thugs with there hands up a boy's shirt. The boy can not be any older then fourteen. Guys like this are disgusting. "Come on now guys, you are so low on the chain you can not even grab someone your own age?" I tease. They turn to look at me. I can tell that the guy on the left is terrified to see me. The one on the right seems calm though. My Spidey senses went off and I turn around in time to see a third guy coming at me. I side step him and kick him in the back. His face meets the brick wall and he passes out. "Damn brat," the one on the right says. coming at me. He tries to punch me but I block him. I then throw him over my shoulder into the trash can. The last guy runs off frightened. I use my webs to bind his feet and he falls. I then bind his hands. I do the same to the other two. I look to check on the kid but he is gone. Probably to get help so the cops should be here any second. I leave them in the alley. Nothing else seems to be happening and I even got pictures of Spidey stopping the thugs in the alley. I am going to call it a night. I drop by the Mexican restraint that Wade loves. I buy some tacos and chimichangas and head towards Wade's apartment. I go through his bedroom window. I lay the food on his bed and undress. I find one of Wade's sweet shirts. I put it on. It smells like him and I love it. Plus I know that Wad loves it. It is big on me and goes down to just above my knee. I walk into the living room. Wade is on the couch watching TV. "Wade, I bought some tacos and chimichangas. Lets go to your room and eat. We can cuddle and see were the night goes," I tell him. He looks at me in shock. I can tell he was not excepting me. Especially not me in his sweat shirt and with food. He is just staring at me. I can see the love and desire in his eyes, but just as quick as it was there it was gone. "Out," he says coldly. It causes a chill to run down my spine. "Wade, I am so sorry. I did not mean it and patrol was so boring with our you," I tell him. Tears start to run down my face of the thought of Wade not wanting me anymore. "Pete, I am just going to hurt you in the end. This is what is best," he tells me. "Shut up Wilson! You do not know what is best for me because if you did you would know that you are best for me!" I shout in anger at myself. "Just at least take more time to think about it. I need you. You are my hero," I tell him. I can tell he is having an argument with himself. "Fine I will think about it but I need space to do so," I let out a breath I did not know I was holding. I nod my head an had back to Wade's room. "Food is in your room," I tell him but I do not think he is listening. God he is being really serious about this and that scares me. A serious Wade is always a scary Wade. I take off his sweater and lay it on the bed. I then put on my Spider-Man costume. I want to take his sweater but people may talk if Spider-Man was wearing a sweat shirt that is to big to be his. I crawl out the window into the chilly New York night air. As I swing back to my apartment I take the long way to see if there is any trouble. Suddenly I feel my spidey senses going off. Then I see a tentacle cut my web. I fall towards the grown. I use another web to keep me from falling and swing up to a roof. I recognize that tentacle it is Doc Oc. My spidey senses are going off so fast and hard is actually making me nauseas. I search for the crazed octopus. I feel something grab my ankle and pull me up. I am then face to face with Dr. Octopus. "Hey Doctor eight legs. I would love to just hang around with you but  I was actually on my way home," I tell him. He gives me a cold stare. I guess he does not like my hanging joke. "Jokes over Spider-Man. Tonight you will-" Oc starts to say before I interrupt. "Die, be killed, evaporated, wiped from existence, destroyed, put down? I have heard it all before," I explain. I then shoot a web in his face. He drops me and I land on my feet. That was until I was body slammed into and fall off the roof. I use my webs  to land on the ground with minimal damage. However, I am then pushed into a wall. I feel some ribs crack. I look up and see Carnage. I then see Dr. Oc come down with Venom. I groan in pain. "I thought none of you guys liked each other," I comment. "Well our employer has something we all really want so it was only logical that we put are different aside for a bit," Dr. Oc explains. "Plus we all get to see you suffer," Venom says. "I will finally see what your insides look like," Carnage growls in my ear. I punch Carnage and jump over him while he is distracted so I can get some space between us. However, before I can land on the ground venom swipes at me. His claws dig into my side. I let out a groan of pain. That is going to be hard to stich on my own. I right hook him in the face. My spidey senses are going haywire. I need to get out of here before I become a squished bug. Before I can move I feel electricity move through my body. "AAHH!" I shout in pain. I hear three deep laughing voices. I collapse on the ground be turning on my back. I see one of Doc Oc's tentacles with an electrode. I kick my feet out and kick the electrode away from me. I jump up quickly and run out of the alley. I would of climbed to the roof but my head is spinning too much. I need a plan. I run near the church. I beat venom here the first time I fought him. I see a water puddle near the tree in the front. This gives me an idea. I wait for the three crazies. I first see Oc. That means they split up to find me. "Hey Doc! How many tickles does it to make an octopus laugh?" I shout out to get his attention. He comes at me an tries to electrocute me. I step back jumping behind the puddle. The electrode lands in the water and it electrocutes him. Oc pulls away before collapsing. I tie up his tentacles. "What no guesses Oc? The answer was ten-ticles," I say. I laugh at my own joke. That was a good one. Too bad he will never hear it. Next fight. I go to find the two symbionts. I look around the church and see the familiar red and black creature. Not to far from him is Venom. I crawl up to the church bells and shout, "Hey twiddle dumb and dumber! Come get me!" I taunt. The foolishly come up.  Really Venom how many times do I have to beat you here. As soon as the are up here I do not even give them a chance to attack. I ring the bells. Venom cries in agony before collapsing but Carnage seems unaffected. He comes at me to fast for me to keep up. "AAAAAAHHHHH!" I cry in agony as he stabs me in the stomach. I cough up blood and try to catch my breath. I know the final blow is coming but I can not get myself to move. Everything hurts. However, nothing comes. "Your lucky Spider-Man but I have been called to something more important," he explains. He then grabs Venom and leaves. I do not care at the moment. I just run. I need Wade. My super healing will not heal all of this fast enough for me not to bleed out to death. Now that the fight has finished I can feel every injury. It hurts to move and to breath. I know swinging is not a good idea but it is the fastest way of getting help. As I swing my web slingers give out. I fall and can not stop my decent. I land on a roof. Something snaps. Everything hurts and I can not tell what snapped. I can feel more blood. This time form the back of my head. I need Wade. Wade's P.O.V.  Yellow box white box This day ever. I can not believe that we had a fight like that. I was also not aloud to touch my baby boy when he had chimichangas and was wearing my sweat shirt. "Damn you two Carrot-Chan and Ms. V! That was cruel and poor Petey Pie is probably crushed," (Carrot-Chan and Ms. V: Chill Wade that is the least of Pete's problems at the moment). "What?! What did you do? I swear I will...hold on my phone is vibrating...ooohhh it's my baby boy," I answer the phone. "Petey Pie!" I shout into the phone. I hear a painful grown. I start to panic. Some one else is pleasuring our Peter! Really sounds more painful than pleasure. Everyone knows there is pain in pleasure. Will you two shut up I am on the phone.   "W-Wade, I need h-help," he whispers into the phone. I grip the phone tighter. "Petey you are scaring me," I emit. "I-I was in a f-fight with Doc Oc, Venom, and C-Carnage," he says taking painful breaths, "I-I was beaten up b-bad and my w-web s-slingers gave out. I-I fell on a r-roof close to your h-house." "I am on my way. Keep talking to me," I tell him. He groans in pain. I can only imagine him bloody and mangled. All alone. I suit up and head out the window. He is being way too quiet. "Baby you got to talk to me," the only response I get is his raged breathing. I rush to where I think he is. W-Wade I-I am so s-sorry. I-I l-love you," he says. I feel my throat constrict. Do you think Death will let us visit? Are you kidding. We dumped her for Peter. He is so screwed. And not I a good way. Seriously you two go away. "This is not a good bye," I tell him. I see the building and sure enough there he is. I run towards him. I bend down to looks at him. "I am here," I whisper. I look into his eyes. They are glossy from tears and pain. I look over at his injuries. There is a cut on his left side and he was stabbed in the stomach. I notice the blood pulling around his head. Oh god how is he still breathing. Say nothing about being conscious. "My ribs also are cracked and something broke," Pete tells me. I give a smile to reassure him. "Your fine. I will stitch you up and we will have a make up make out sensation that I promise will lead to more," I tell him. He gives me a teary smile. "I-I w-wish I could p-promise you the s-same thing," he says. I can hear that he is wheezing. I shake my head. "I love you to damn much to let you die," I tell him. "I-I l-love you t-too," he says. Tears are running down both of our faces. "I got to pick you up Peter. It is the only way I can get you to a doctor. I am sorry it is going to hurt. I am sorry," I tell him. "I trust you," Is all he says. I smile before placing my arms under his shoulders and knees. He screams in pain and I want to put him back down but I can not. He stops all of a sudden and goes slack. I look down to see lost consciousness. I pull his head close to my chest.  I run towards help. "C'mon spidey. Don't go where I can't go." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carrot-Chan: All done! I hope you guys liked it. Deadpool: What about Petey Pie?! I swear if he dies I will go back to killing. You two being my first victims. Carrot-Chan: Wow! I am not the one that hurt him. We just wrote it. Deadpool: Speaking of you two, where is your partner in crime. Carrot-Chan: Sick! I am trying not to catch whatever she has. *hides behind Deadpool* You are immune to sickness right? Deadpool: I can but it is hard. Carrot-Chan: Then I am going to give the finally behind you. Thank you for everyone reading our story and those who have voted. Please vote, comment, fallow, and most importantly- Deadpool: Leave requests! *runs away* Carrot-Chan: That's my line! See ya later! *Runs after Deadpool*
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