#and he never really learns his lesson
fairyofshampgyu · 3 months
he’s literally so beautiful and handsome
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nayruwu · 8 months
cat16 couldve been avoided if guren learned how to communicate and learned how to use both of his hands (WHY CANT I BE THE ONE TO HOLD SHINYA AND MAHIRUS HAND)
very interesting point! he does have two hands!!
on a serious note though, i think not being able to make a choice was kinda what doomed him. he could have chosen mahiru and become a demon like her so they could to to hell together. he could have chosen his friends and just not chased after mahiru, waiting out the end of the world with all of them alive and by his side. but he didn't, and in the end he lost them all.
which is very odd to me, because he was told that you can't have everything, that you have to abandon one thing to get another, so many times. by noya. by shinya. by mahiru. but he never learned.
(and since we still don't really know what exactly he's trying to achieve, who's to say he's not still trying to have everything?)
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aleki-lives-here · 6 months
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forgottenarthur · 4 months
@forgottensebastian "Please don't do this." Sebastian x Arthur
It happened every few years. A son displeased his father and, in penance, that son was hurled into the fighting wherever it was most vicious to sink or to swim. It had all been a mistake, seemingly small, but Roderick perceived it as injurious to himself, for there was no action in the House of Varmont that could truly be measured as weightless. Arthur knew that he was expected by many to die. But he did not mean to lose. He meant to return in triumph. But his mother feared he would not return at all.
He was alone, now, preparing for war, ready to ride in the span of mere moments. His father had sent him away in shame. There was to be no one to see him off.
"Please don't do this," sounded the familiar voice of his brother, coming quickly into the room.
Arthur paused, his hand resting upon the hilt of his longblade. For a moment, they were poised there, caught in the moment. Arthur stood silhouetted against the window at his side, a beam of brilliant light illuminating the gloom, with Sebastian standing behind him, and his sword lying flat upon the table before him: a tableau of heartache and doom thwarted by four words.
Yet, the moment was broken. Arthur bowed his head and, squaring his shoulders, he lifted the blade in one hand, sheathing it at his waist with the other. "What choice do I have?" Slowly, he turned to face Sebastian and, sighing, he clapped his arm. "I'll come back all right," he said. "I always do."
"You can't know that."
Arthur sucked in a breath, inviting air deep into his lungs. "I know this, little brother: I can't do otherwise." He shook his head. "I've already disappointed father enough."
"He'll regret it."
Arthur turned away, laughing as he pulled on his jacket. "He won't. He never does."
"If something happens--"
"Don't." Arthur shook his head. "There's no point." Dawn edged around the distant gleaming mountaintops in shades of violet, and Arthur exhaled slowly. "It's convenient, really," he commented, off-hand, brilliant eyes drinking in the farflung horizon. "Always having a war somewhere to which you can readily send errant sons to fight. I am glad. I'd hate to inconvenience him."
A pause. He closed the shutter with his swordhand, and turned to face his brother once again. "Just," he began, resting his hand upon his shoulder. "Two things, Sebastian: first, learn from my mistakes, won't you? Second...whatever happens--"
"Look after our mother and sister, won't you?" He cracked a grin. "Edmund and Guin can look out for themselves. God knows they've enough experience by now, hey?"
"I'll speak to him, Arthur. Mother and I, both. He'll come around."
"Maybe so, but I'll be long gone by then. Don't trouble yourself. I wouldn't have his wrath fall on you, not on my account. Now, you best stay here. It'll go better for you if no one knows we spoke. And father will be watching from the window to ensure no one else sees me off."
"It's cruel--"
Arthur shook his head. "I don't think so. You see, it's intimate: he's seeing me off, isn't he, even if he doesn't wish to."
"You forgive him too easily."
Arthur laughed. "If only it were a family trait. Goodbye, Sebastian. Tell Cassandra I'll bring her something back."
Despite himself, Sebastian chuckled. "Then I know you're coming back, because if you don't, I daresay she'd follow you to the Underworld for whatever you've promised her."
Arthur laughed brightly, pulling his brother into an embrace. "Call it insurance, then, brother. I'll be back before you know it."
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gen-is-gone · 2 months
hrgh every time I think I've come close to forgiving lance fucking parkin I skim the gallifrey chronicles. and then I remember the Horrors.
#listen bc when I read through and play around with AHistory I'm inclined to enjoy and respect his work as a curatative fan historian#but his actual prose writing#it. it beggars belief it truly does it's just atrocious#megan whines into the empty abyss of cyberspace#everyone in the EDA discord who thinks father time is the worst of it oh boy babes the worst is absolutely yet to come#like I get *why* they gave him the last book of the line because he does (mostly) know his lore extremely well#so it kind of makes sense that he'd be picked to wrap up all the myriad loose ends#and also he's well liked and afaik pretty personable unlike some fuckers I could name and didn't spend years burning bridges#but oh my god oh my god literally everything to do with Fitz and Trix is just. awful. terrible.#guy who absolutely does not understand or respect any of the three of that team TARDIS but especially Fitz#also The Thing With Sam#never happened fuck you lance#also given just how many asspats he gives himself over his command of the lore he fucking got Sam's middle name wrong?!#also it's soooo obvious how much he loves Anji because she's a Capitalist GirlbossTM#he really does not grasp her character development or personal arcs but he thinks he's killing it#like she *is* a Capitalist GirlbossTM but that's not all she is but he's not actually interested in her interiority at all#he just enjoys that she's a fiscal conservative#god the fact that trading futures is the literal very next book after Anachrophobia#one of the best books in the series that explicitly calls out Anji's pro-capitalism stance using time-war-for-profit played for utter horro#immediately followed by...almost the exact same premise but Zany RompTM#it's not that capitalists misusing time travel for profit is inherently bad it's just *these guys* who suck#no lesson is learned! then you fucking get to the fucking gallifrey chronicles and Fitz actually deciding that this very same scheme#'wasn't perhaps unethical' just because it's Trix and Anji doing it#like yeah sure Anji and Trix can have a little insider trading. as a treat. but that is literally the definition of unethical lol#the only reason time traveling to acquire stock tips isn't massively illegal is because it's not fucking real like??#of-fucking-course it's unethical you walnut#parkin you smug annoying self-obsessed lore-obsessed pregnancy-obsessed just barely-plausibly deniably not homophobic asshole#I'm avoiding even bringing up the actual beef with TGC because first of all everyone fucking knows but also it's just.#it's such a goddamn shit awful trainwreck#if parkin wasn't a Fitz-hating homophobic coward he would've ended the gallifrey chronicles the same way he ended the dying days. wink.
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eddiegettingshot · 6 months
i have opinions so unpopular.......
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izvmimi · 5 months
baji is the groundskeeper???? where does he stay? does he ever get main house privileges?
he hasn't been relevant to me since i fell in love with deku but now he's just around when i need to think about a silly man (i just love nonsense headcanons with him every so often since he's unserious and my other faves are too like upstanding to apply certain kind of nonsense scenarios too)
he has zero main house privileges. i don't respect him but no one has the heart to truly throw him out. i have no idea where he stays.
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kyistell · 6 months
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Wow me, drawing Jersey? Craazzzyyyyy
Anyway, I had an original design for this type of look on the Ipad, ended up not looking at it once since I apparently have memory. Kinda glad I didn't since I could go just by memory and figure it out as I went along ya know. (ps, for those who don't normally read tags just like, please do, i put so many lil things in there lolz)
Okay SO, I have this lil headcanon, nothin big, that Jersey didn't used to wear shorts until like 2000 or something, maybe a bit before then. This is because he has some scars on his legs, just from over the years, and wearing shorts not only shows those but also make it easier for him to get scrapes and such.
He was fine wearing shorts around NY, Del, and Rhode, occasionally Mass as well if he happened to be around at the time. He couldn't wear them around anyone else for a long time, some scars had Memories(tm) attached to them, some good most bad, so he just never wore shorts.
He's gotten a lot more comfortable wearing them around the other states over the years, mainly because of Covid where Mass unfortunately wouldn't let him keep wearing the same two pairs of pants. So he's fine now, if still a lil uncomfortable around some states (the west mainly), you just won't see him wearing them until it's the first day over 60 in state.
Anyway I love NJ but this isn't surprising, I live here. I am NOT a simp for this bitch, he's my state, I have to like him, 'sides who else would I attach to? Pennsylvania? Florida? Or god forbid NEW YORK!? Absolutely not, that's sacrilegious that is.
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sassyandclassy94 · 9 months
The youngest child can say whatever he wants and be as rude and disrespectful as he wants but my dad NEVER deals with him. Instead, he says I’m the mean one. Even though I was only trying to explain why good handwriting is important in life.
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dreamthinkr · 2 years
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franeridan · 11 months
rereading whole cake and I love how sanji's like I went against you and fought you so I can't come back to you cause that's obviously him remembering what happened with usopp back in water seven but also it means that he totally forgot all it took for usopp to be allowed back was for him to apologize and say he wanted back in and that's just. typical mugiwara behaviour. to remember how seriously they have to take luffy as a captain but forget just how easily luffy forgives them anyway. to remember they have to respect him but forget that he loves them first and foremost
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sequesteredbhaalspawn · 2 months
The funniest thing about Ao's main goal about initiating the Time of Troubles being to make the gods appreciate the mortals who worship them more is that Bane of all people actually learns this first (in a way). 🤣
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britneyshakespeare · 9 months
james somerton is just one of those people who wants to do whatever he wants and cannot stand the consequences of their own actions, which they willingly chose to do. entitled and self-absorbed motherfuckers. and that's the only way you can think to do the things he's done in the first place. having no base respect for the people you steal from and your audience, of course you think you can somehow do something to win them back. you can't. no one but an egomaniac would do what he's done in the first place, and only an egomaniac would think they can come back from that and still deserve to be praised and respected and have your cozy career like you did before you were exposed for what you've done. people like this cannot be worked with in the public eye.
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bunnyboygirlgod · 7 months
a year ago i was a degenerate furry boy with depression who was [redacted] on and i am happy that even when i take estrogen and i look more like the person i want to, he is still alive inside and, maybe ironically so, happier than ever :)
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luna-is-out-there · 1 year
So many folks on here are from a country that's decided to rely on deterrence theory in criminal justice, but to most people that has just turned into "people deserve punishment if they break a rule", and combined with slavery being a legal thing to do with prisoners, as well as taking away their ability to live normal lives after prison (not to mention the state of the working class and their not being treated as people with needs that matter, plus unionbashing), you live in a place where it's become normal for humans to be disposable. Rehabilitation is a foreign concept. Of course you're all scared of doing anything anyone might perceive as wrong. All your society knows to do when someone makes a mistake is put them in a cage for the rest of their lives, hiding the problem for a couple of decades, of course it's difficult to be a person!
Some magical countries out there try a rehabilitative theory of criminal justice. I think it helps to know that if you were ever to fuck up in some way, what would happen is that you'd get help to figure out how to not fuck up again, and society would work on reparations for victims where possible. Your life isn't forfeit. That makes having healthy discussions about change and responsibility feel very different, because responsibility doesn't mean you get the electric chair if you step out of line, it means maybe you'll have to get therapy and study while confined in a place that's frankly better than most student housing nowadays. The punishment isn't the point.
Anyway, my point is that I think this influences internet behavioral patterns a lot. I think this is why some of us react to bad things by unfollowing, and others try to crucify and prosecute individuals. Fundamental cultural differences in perception of justice.
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Honestly the writing surrounding April wasn’t great in 2012 (okay it was at times a goddamn mess and they had too much going on there, streamline things people) but I don’t trust people who really (obsessively even), seem to hate her and yet apparently love and adore that shows versions of Donatello and Casey.
#TMNT 2012#I’m sorry but Donatello and Casey were often annoying and it wasn’t as if April was exuding ‘make boys act shitty’ toxins from her pores#it was mostly messy writing tbh#like it’s not actually that big of a problem the boys were pretty shitty at the beginning … it just didn’t have great character arcs for it#Like only time I can sorta get mega April hate is really when she calls the turtles “mutant freaks” after her dad gets mutated#but like I’m more irritated by the fact donatello when he learns a lesson gets constantly hit with a reset button next time he sees her#and Casey learns not a goddamn thing#Like teaching boys not to be weird to girls in romance isn’t a half bad character arc or lesson to teach#Esp when the show’s primary demographic aim is probably young boys#but the trouble is even the show was weird about April at points#‘The fuck: why did the show tie april up like that?’#is not something I should be asking myself#Like in retrospect people freaked about april kissing Donnie in that big foot episode as ruining donnies potential to move on#but donatello has ‘learned a lesson’ before only to have it seem like it never happened next time#so did she really? Let’s think about that in context a bit harder folks#like I hear it gets better like in season four but godddaaaammmnn#Like how is splinter not putting his head through a wall from bashing it into it in frustration given his back story#this splinter has the patience of a saint when it comes to his second youngest frankly#2012 TMNT criticism
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