#and then you’re gonna wish you listened to me and Lydia
sassyandclassy94 · 9 months
The youngest child can say whatever he wants and be as rude and disrespectful as he wants but my dad NEVER deals with him. Instead, he says I’m the mean one. Even though I was only trying to explain why good handwriting is important in life.
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foolondahill17 · 1 year
"Smoke on the Water” blares from his phone. Dean picks up without looking at the number.
“Found anything, dork?”
“I think I figured out why the Amazons are choosing the men they are,” Sam says.
“They’re, well,” Sam’s voice goes a little lower, like he’s overcompensating for his discomfort. “I think they’re in a breeding cycle.”
“A what now?”
“They’re mating,” Sam clarifies. His voice levels to a more rehearsed tone as he reads from his book, “Amazons are an entirely female-orientated society. They have no use for males except for the preservation of their species. Every two years, the Amazons were said to mate with a few chosen human males, likely selected for desirable genetics. Part of this procedure, like the infamous Black Widow Spider, involved the disposal of the male after implantation. The murders were likely highly ritualized, meant to pay tribute to their mother, Harmonia.
“It makes sense,” Sam switches back to his normal voice. “All the guys killed so far have been in their thirties, otherwise healthy, and fairly good looking – all prime criteria for a mate.”
Dean’s not listening to Sam anymore. He’s covered in cold sweat. Did he and Lydia use a condom? He can’t remember. Why the fuck can’t he remember? He always uses a condom. Not since he was a dumb kid –
Unbidden, the face of the little girl at Lydia’s side – Emma – rises to the forefront of his mind. But that’s stupid. That’s beyond ridiculous. Even if – it didn’t – but even if it did, Dean knows how pregnancy works. There’s no way –
“Dean?” Sam cuts through Dean’s racing thoughts. “Are you even listening, man?”
“Yeah,” Dean says. His voice sounds weird. Does his voice sound weird? He doesn’t want Sam to know something’s wrong. Nothing’s wrong. Dean can’t bother Sam with this; his little brother’s got way too much on his mind, already. “Just bushed. You heading back soon?”
“Gonna make a few copies, first,” Sam replies.
“Great,” Dean says, barely aware of the words coming out of his mouth. “Great, yeah.”
His fingers tremble too much to find the right spot on the screen to end the call. He hears Sam hang up through the line, and, another minute, the disjointed dial tone before his phone goes black in his hand.
It’s fine. It’s perfectly fine. Dean’s just overreacting. Maybe Sammy’s not the only one who shouldn’t be hunting. He paces long trenches into the motel’s carpet. He rubs his palms against his face, wishing he could erase the thudding panic in his skull.
It takes him a minute to realize someone’s knocking on the door.
Dean’s worked up enough that he’s convinced he’s going to see Lydia on his front doorstep, so he’s thrown for the loop when he looks through the peephole and finds a teenage girl standing there. She’s got long, honey blond hair and wide green eyes. She looks innocent enough, but Dean’s not stupid. He sticks his gun in the back of his jeans before he cracks open the door.
“Who are you?” Dean asks.
“Please,” she says, voice tremulous, eyes filled with tears. “My name is Emma. And I need help.”
It’s a coincidence. It’s some kind of sick joke. This isn’t happening. None of it makes any sense.
“Emma,” he says slowly. “Why do you need help?”
“They’re after me,” she whispers, voice convincingly horrified. “Please. You’re the only one who can help me.”
“How do you know who I am?” Dean asks curtly. He only opens the door wide enough to stick his head into the parking lot. There’s no sign of danger, no indication she’s been followed. Incongruously, she has a pink rolling suitcase leaning against her leg.
“They talked about you,” Emma explains. She brushes a stray tear away with her sleeve. She’s wearing a light denim jacket over a pink t-shirt and black jeans. She looks like a kid. She doesn’t look like a monster. She’s just a kid. She looks – she looks – “They said you were a hunter.”
“Yeah?” Dean breathes through the tightness in his chest. “Well, I am. And give me one good reason why I shouldn’t hunt you.”
“Don’t you know?” She swallows heavily. Her eyes are very green. Except for the hair, it’s like Dean’s looking into a mirror at his sixteen-year-old self. “Haven’t you guessed?”
“That’s not – that’s not how it works, kid,” Dean chokes out.
“Please." More tears rush down her cheeks. “You don’t understand what they’re like. They kill others who run away. Look – they hurt me!” She shakes her sleeve up her wrist, revealing an angry red burn on her skin. Dean immediately thinks of the marks Sam left on his own arms, until he recognizes the outline of the same mark cut into the victims’ chests: Harmonia's symbol. “You’re the only one who can help me,” she repeats. “Please. You’re my father –”
The word sends an electric shock up Dean’s spine, leaving his body tingling and numb. It takes two tries to open his mouth.
“Get in,” he says sharply. “Just – just sit there. Don’t move.”
Emma does as he says. She crosses into the room, suitcase bumping after her. She drops one thigh onto Dean’s bed, no longer crying, but face still red. She watches him through her large, familiar eyes.
Keeping an eye on Emma, he crosses the room and fumbles in his jacket, slung over the back of one of the chairs. He finds his flask in a pocket. He takes a swallow, needing to steady himself, but the whiskey just burns with the rest of the steady thrum in his body. He’s a live wire. He can’t think.
Out of the corner of his eye, Dean sees a flash of metal.
“Drop it,” Dean says, spinning around in one smooth motion. He points his gun unflinchingly at Emma’s chest. Her knife, raised overhead, flashes in the lamplight. So, it wasn’t the mothers who disposed of their mates. It was the kids. Some perverted coming of age ritual, maybe.
Emma smiles. All hint of vulnerable little girl is gone, replaced by a calculating coldness that makes Dean think of Lydia, even if he can’t recall a moment where she wasn’t anything but syrupy warm with him.
“They told me you’d be on your guard,” she says, lowering the blade but not letting go. “I needed to be creative so you’d let me in.”
“You don’t have to do this,” Dean says. His voice is weak even in his own ears. God, he’s pathetic. What would Dad say? John Winchester would spit on the ground Dean walked on. Dean’s so stupid.
Emma laughs. “You think I have a choice? This is a my birthright.”
“You always have a choice,” Dean croaks. “Please, Emma, this doesn’t have to be you –”
“Be quiet,” she hisses and lunges. She predicted right: Dean’s too stunned to shoot. He dives out of the way of her blade. It’s a wicked looking curved knife. It’ll have no problem at all slicing through bone.
She’s quick. And she’s strong. She lands a one-handed hit to Dean’s shoulder and Dean crashes to the floor under the table. His head knocks against the mini fridge. His vision spins.
Twenty-nine years of hard-won instinct never to let go of his weapon means he hasn’t dropped his gun. He raises it again. His finger finds the trigger –
He sees Ben, lying in a pool of blood at his feet. Joey’s blank eyes staring at him. Ryan’s small body curled in death on the floor. Bobby John’s muffled sobs cut short. Sammy choking for breath under Dean’s hand. Dean can’t – she has his eyes. And Dean can’t. He’d rather die.
“They said you’d be harder than the others,” Emma crows, smile not leaving her face as she comes toward him again. “They were wrong.”
“Emma, please,” Dean says. Her blade comes down. He lifts his hand in a pathetic attempt to block her blow. The knife glances off his arm, slicing cleanly through his overshirt and into his skin. Burning agony erupts up his arm. Blood splatters in a stripe across the carpet. He grits out through the pain, “Baby, please –”
“Shut up!” Emma shrieks, eyes losing the coldness of a well-rehearsed fight, replaced by something wild. “Fight back!” She screams. Dean pins his bloodied arm to his chest. He lifts his right hand, still holding the gun but no longer pointed at her. He can’t make himself let go of the grip.
With a formless shout of anger, Emma lunges for him. Her hands close around his shoulders and haul him off the floor. With inhuman strength, she hurls him against the opposite wall. Dean’s head hits the plaster hard. It makes his vision black out. When he blinks himself sluggishly back to himself, he’s flat on the ground, staring up at Emma as she looms over him, knife furled at her side and ugly curl to her lip.
“You’re weak,” she spits at him. She bends over his body, kneels atop his chest so he can feel her steady weight pinning him to the ground. She’s small. She’s so fucking small. “If you’re so eager to die, then, I’ll be merciful,” she says. She lifts her blade to his throat. Dean feels its sting as he swallows; his whiskers scrape against the edge. “I won’t make you suffer like the others.”
There’s a bang and a crash from across the room. Emma’s head whips around, but she’s too slow. A gunshot cracks through the motel room, sharp enough to shake the glass in the window. Emma’s forehead shatters outward. For a moment, there’s a perfect look of shock on the remainder of her face until she slumps sideways.
Dean reacts on instinct. His sits up to catch her. His arms wrap around her thin frame. Her bloodied head dips forward and comes to rest on his shoulder.
“Dean –” Sam says from the doorway, gun smoking in his hand.
“No,” Dean mutters. Blood pumps out of the wound in his arm. It leaves him shivering and dizzy.
“Fuck,” Sam says. He crosses to Dean’s side. “Are you okay? Shit – shit. Don’t move.”
Dean doesn’t move. He doesn’t let go of Emma – his daughter. His daughter. She remains lifeless against his chest.
Sam rushes to the duffle bag on the table. He comes back with a spool of gauze.
“Sam,” Dean mumbles.
“Let go of her,” Sam says, reaching for Emma’s body. “Dean – let go.”
Sam lifts Emma away from Dean’s arms. “She – she’s young,” Sam says unsteadily.
Sam doesn’t know, Dean realizes. Dean closes his eyes. He’s covered in blood. It leaks from his arm, covering his lap with a small pool. Emma left a trail of blood across his shoulder and chest. Sam doesn’t know.
Dean can’t talk. He can’t make himself say anything else.
“Fuck,” Sam says, picking up Dean’s arm. The pain is an unstoppable thrum, but Dean somehow barely notices it. His daughter. His daughter. “This is really deep. You’re going into shock, Dean.”
Sam works quickly. They don’t have time. Someone’s bound to have heard the gunshot and called the cops. Dean and Sam need to move. They need to get out. They need to take care of the – the body.
“Sam,” Dean whispers. Sam pulls the bandage tight around Dean’s arm. It makes another shock of pain tremble through his body. “It wasn’t Lydia.”
“Who’s Lydia?” Sam asks. “You’re not making any sense.”
“Listen to me,” Dean says hoarsely. He brings up his good hand. He clutches the collar of Sam’s shirt. Sam’s face is pale. He looks scared. “It wasn’t – it wasn’t Lydia.”
“Who was she?” Sam asks. He gulps.
“She – she’s mine,” Dean whispers.
“I don’t understand,” Sam replies.
“She’s mine.”
“No,” Sam says. He shakes his head. “No.” He sits on his heels away from Dean. “That’s not possible. No, Dean.”
“S-Sammy,” Dean says. God, Sammy. “She – she’s –”
“It said they have exceptionally short gestation periods,” Sam says, voice less than a breath, feverish and rapid. “Some said a week, others said a matter of days. Then the – the child grew at an accelerated rate until they reached sexual maturity. They – they –”
“Stop talking,” Dean orders. He can’t – he can’t breathe.
“Oh my God,” Sam gulps. “Oh my God – Dean – Dean.” Dean’s baby brother sounds horrified. Dean meets his eyes and he finds Sam’s face is white with terror and disgust. “I didn’t know,” he says at once. “I didn’t know. I swear. She was going to kill you.”
“She was my – she was –”
“She was killing you,” Sam says again. “Dean, I didn’t know.”
There is dead silence. Dean sways with a renewed sense of vertigo.
“We need to leave,” Sam mutters. “Before – the cops.”
“Help me up,” Dean says.
Without a word, Sam grips Dean’s good arm and pulls him back to his feet. Dean totters for a second, vision blurring out again, but he steadies himself on Sam’s shoulder. Silently, Dean shuffles to the bed. Awkwardly, he fumbles the comforter off one-handed. He tugs the flat sheet away from the bed. Equally silent, Sam bends to help him.
Sheet free, Dean eases himself to the floor. The change in altitude makes his head pulse with sickening pain. He spreads out the sheet. He carefully rolls Emma’s body over. She’s small, he thinks again. She’s so fucking tiny.
Half her face is ruined. Dean tries not to look at it as he closes her remaining eye. He eases her hair out from behind her, spreading it in two neat tresses over her shoulders. Its full of blood. Dean wishes he had time to clean her up. He rolls her into the sheet. One-armed, he can’t lift her.
Sam helps, lips pressed tightly together, no longer meeting Dean’s eye. They carry her out to the car together. Dean supports her upper body. Sam follows with her legs. She’s barely five feet long. She fits without trouble in the backseat of the Impala.
Dean sees faces watching them from the windows in the motel. He knows the police will hear about two men carrying out a small body in the parking lot. Still silent, Sam gets behind the wheel. Dean slumps in the passenger side. His arm throbs. Blood is starting to seep through the bandage.
They don’t drive long before Sam pulls over. They’re on a narrow side road, surrounded by towering conifers and darkness. The wind makes the tips of the trees sway like giant, marching shadows across the night sky.
“Dean…” Sam finally breaks the silence.
Dean doesn’t respond. He gets out of the car and moves to the back. He opens the door and, with difficulty, pulls Emma into his arms. His head clangs with insistent pain as he moves. His fingers on his left hand are numb. Dean stalks off the side of the road and into the woods, cradling his daughter to his chest. He hears the creak of the Impala’s front door as Sam hurries to follow him. A moment later, there’s the thud of the trunk and then the crackle of Sam’s feet on the frost-covered ground.
Dean walks until the dizziness threatens to send him to his knees. Sam drops his shovel in his haste to keep Dean upright. They’ve reached a clearing in the woods. Dean can see the stars above them, cold and distant and startlingly bright outside the light pollution of the city proper.
“I’ll do it,” Sam tells him, pushing him to rest against a tree. Dean sits there, ass growing numb with cold, Emma’s stiffened body in his lap, as Sam digs a hole. Sam moves quickly. By the time he’s done, sweat gleams on his forehead and he’s breathing hard, every puff sending smoke drifting toward the stars.
“You want me…?”
Dean doesn’t answer. He gets up to his knees, body protesting, now stiff with cold. He thinks, distantly, he’s shivering, but he’s not sure. Everything is distant. Everything is cold and numb. Sam helps Dean roll Emma gently into the pit.
Sam reveals a jug of accelerant. He works quietly as he spills the lighter fluid after Emma. It stains the white sheet dark. Salt comes next. Sam picks out a lighter from his pocket.
Dean wants to take it from him, but he can’t move. He holds his injured arm tight against his chest with his other. He’s definitely shaking, now, trembling so hard his teeth clatter.
Sam flicks the lighter. A flame jumps to life, momentarily casting his face into distorted shadow and light, like a skull.
The lighter drops. The body ignites.
It should be a hunter’s funeral, Dean thinks. She was a hunter. She deserves a pyre. Will she be missed? He wonders. Will the other Amazons come looking for her when she doesn’t return from her mission? Will Lydia mourn her, or was she nothing more than another duty in a strange, ritualized life?
“Come on,” Sam says softly. Dean sees the pit has burned to embers. Smoke curls into the air. Dean can smell it. He’ll always be able to recognize the stench of burning flesh. “You’re freezing, man.”
Sam leads Dean back to the car. He leaves him in the passenger seat with their emergency blanket wrapped around his shoulders. A moment later he returns again, smelling like earth and cold and smoke. Sam tells Dean to hold a flashlight in his good hand and, in the pool of light, stitches up Dean’s arm. Dean watches it happen as if it’s someone else. He feels the burn of the antiseptic and the sting of the needle, but it’s too far to touch.
Finally, Sam gets back behind the wheel. They drive through the night, unspeaking.
Stream Dean's half-way house for more Emma
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makeyouminemp3 · 3 years
I need you to need me back
isaac lahey x fem!reader
summary: it's the day of stiles and malia's wedding, and secrets about allison and isaac have been revealed to you in such a casual way, that was also not so casual at all
words: 1275
warning: angst, cursing, mentions of cheating, mentions of abuse, allison bashing (I love allison but for the sake of the plot, I had to do this), pretty depressing, semi sorta happy ending just not with isaac
a/n: I just finished watching the season 3 finale of one tree hill, and it inspired me to make this. So, yeah, that's kinda it
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gifs not mine *but brooke gets me crying my poor baby*
A wedding can't go wrong, can it? It's not supernatural related but it comes to facing the reality that is young adult hood. Before the wedding you confronted Allison about her feelings for Isaac. And the words you yelled at her earlier rang through your head during the reception.
"Oh right! You wished for Scott, after you wished Lydia and then Isaac! I can not believe this is happening again."
"The last time?! Do you hear yourself right now? The last time you tried to steal my boyfriend? He’s on the door, Allison. He’s on the damn door under me!"
"Don’t you dare. Don’t you dare twist my words around to make yourself feel like you aren't a backstabbing, two-faced bitch, Allison, because you are, and you know it!"
All those words you said to her, just kept running through your head. Did you regret it? You didn't really know. And at the same time you really didn't care, you were just slow dancing with your boyfriend. And you told him to avoid her, because you were extremely paranoid. But after what happened earlier, who could blame you, really? He then spoke down to you, "So are you gonna tell me what this is about?"
"Maybe you should tell me about it."
"Well, what's that supposed to mean?" he looked confused. You sighed deeply and answered him, "Allison told me some things about the two of you."
"Look, y/n, I know that you’re worried about my past with Allison but have to understand the circumstances this time, you know? I mean, God, she was bleeding, and she thought she was gonna die. I mean, the kiss, it mean nothing."
Kiss? What kiss? You thought. You stopped the dance, taking a step back away from him, in shock and confusion, wondering what the hell the werewolf was talking about, "What kiss? Did you kiss her again?" and you leave the dance floor away from the crowd. Isaac follows you to the girls room where you try to find your bag, "Look, y/n, I need you to listen to me. Okay, I understand that you didn’t know about the kiss, and I’m sorry for springing it on you, but I meant what I said. It didn’t mean anything."
"A kiss always means something."
"Okay, well, maybe you’re right but it wasn’t a romantic moment. And you would know that if…"
"If what, I was here? AS you so sweetly pointed out as the party, the party that I threw for you, I wasn’t there, was I? Or all the times, you snuck into my bedroom to cuddle in my arms after your dad locked in that stupid freezer. Time and time again, scared that one day he could've severely hurt you that you'd be in the hospital in a comatose or most likely dead, I've been there for those similar situations. And we weren't even a thing back then, but we were obliviously in love with one another and both of us were cowards to admit it. But ever since you became a werewolf, everything had changed between us. And ever since she--" you played the pronoun game, but Isaac knew who you were talking about, "--was in that stupid janitors closet with you back in high school, because you got stuck with her in detention. And you still fell for her after all the pain she caused you. The physical pain she had given you. You had told me you were afraid to be near her because you thought she was gonna hurt you."
"Is it impossible for you to forgive me? I forgave you."
"For what?"
"For sleeping with Theo."
You then had began tearing up, and it immediately turned into tears, "And you know what, Isaac? I loved you for that. You had such grace in that moment that I fell in love with you all over again. I can’t believe that you would use it now as bargaining chip."
"No, I’m not, I’m not, I’m not. I just … I need you to trust me and believe me when I tell you that my heart is with you. But a part of me feels like ever since we got back together, you’re just been waiting, waiting to push me away."
That last sentence made you wanna slap him across the face. You were in shock that he would even say that, and you just scoffed, "Oh, great. You kiss Allison again and I’m pushing you away!" and you went to grab your bag, but you didn't know which was yours, "God, why did I make everybody identical purses as wedding gifts?"
"I love you, y/n. I don’t know how else to say it."
"How about how you show it? I am not pushing you away Isaac. I am holding on for dear life, but. I need you to need me back. Okay, why wouldn’t you tell me about the kiss, and why didn't you call me while you were away. And why won’t you ever just let me all the way in?" you had practically begged him in tears. At this point, you were basically done with him, and his bullshit excuses. "And you know what-- I can't expect that to happen. Because you love her too. And I can't change that. Do what you want, you can go be with her all you want. Just don't come crying to me when she wants to get back together with Scott again."
You had grabbed the necklace on your neck that Isaac made for you when you were sophomores. Ever since that day, you never took it off. Until now, it was ripped it off and throw it on the ground and you stormed out, not saying another word.
After the reception, everyone else was gone. Stiles and Malia had took off on their honeymoon. It was just you, sitting alone eating cake at the very empty reception. You saw Kira walk over to you with a frown on her face as she sat down with you, "You feeling alright?"
"Nope." you responded with cake still in your mouth. The kitsune had took a sip of her champagne, "I heard the fight you and Isaac had. I didn't mean to snoop in. I just, couldn't control my hearing. Scott and I listened in, we didn't want to bother you. I thought to wait til later, and I thought this would be the best time. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. You're not the person who's a homewrecking whore."
"You and Allison used to be friends. What happened?"
You scoffed at the question, knowing that the Yukimura girl was so oblivious at it. You couldn't blame her, at the time when the whole love triangle had started, she was new. And at the same time, you two weren't as close as you were now, "We were best friends. But ever since she got back from France in junior year, that all changed."
Kira moved closer to you and wrapped her arm around you, setting your head on her shoulder, "So it is too late to fix it?"
"I thought everything was good between us." you sniffed, "But of course not."
Kira grabbed ahold of your hand with a small smile on her face, "Hey. How about you, me and Lydia go to a bar and get drunk." the kitsune suggests, raising her eyebrow. You had smiled back at her and wiped your tears away and nodded your head. The two of you had gotten up, and left the place hand in hand. Maybe things might turn up bright after all.
Who needs boys anyways?
Tagging to boost: @alwaysfangirlingish and @devilishdice and I'll probably make a tag list, but idk who would wanna read my imagines so 🤷‍♀️
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Word Count: 1,713
Characters: Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Reader, OC Characters
Pairings: Eventual Derek Hale x Reader
Warnings: ANGST, Derek being an asshole, TW: drugs, overdose, death
A/N: this will have mulitple parts, either 2 or 3, so nothing too long lol
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“I don’t care! Keep looking!” Derek paced around the loft, while Stiles and Scott sat on the couch, bounding their legs nervously. Allison, Lydia, and Isaac were out with Argent, all looking for you. 
“People don’t just disappear,” Stiles shook his head.
“Yeah, no shit,” Derek replied.
“Okay, just think. What did she do all day? Did she go anywhere o-or something? Has anyone seen her all day?” Scott asked.
“She was with you guys last. Her phone’s right here,” Derek held up your phone, before exhaling harshly.
“Maybe it’s time to tell your dad, Stiles. He can help us,” Scott suggested.
“Maybe I should, yeah,” Stiles got out his phone, before hearing the loft doors open. 
The three of them froze, looking at the door cautiously as you stood in front of them. 
“What’s going on?” you frowned slightly.
“What’s going… What’s going on!?! Everyone has been looking for you for the whole day! Where the hell were you?” Derek yelled at you.
“I was on a hunt, I-I forgot my phone, I meant to text you-” you started.
“Stiles, Scott, get out. Now,” Derek clenched his jaw as he kept his glare on you.
The two boys nervously stumbled out of the loft, not wanting to leave you alone with Derek.
“Did you not think it was important to let someone know where you were?’ his voice was calm, but the anger was still evident in his face.
You hated when he would act like this. Ignore you for 40 percent of the time, yell at you for 60. You had grown tired of it.
“I forgot,” your voice was low.
“We wasted the entire day looking for you,” he crossed his arms.
“And I never told you to look for me. If you’re just gonna get mad at me, then I’d like to go now,” you replied.
“You’re unbelievable, you know that? If I had it my way, you wouldn’t be in the pack. You’re less important than Stiles,” you always felt hurt by his words, yet never showed any emotions.
“Yeah, I’m unbelievably useless, as you keep reminding me,” you sighed.
“I don’t understand why you can’t just…” you cut him off, before running your fingers through your hair.
“Why I can’t just listen? Why I can’t just stop being useless? I’m a fucking mistake and you keep reminding me every single second you get. Don’t you think I know by now? If I could change, I would. You refuse to give me the bite and so does Scott. I’d leave Beacon Hills if I could, leave instead of forcing you all to live with the burden of knowing me,” you were already exhausted from your day, and Derek pushing your buttons didn’t help one bit.
“I never said that,” he started.
“You don’t have to. I see the way you look at me, I see the way you all look at me. I have nothing more to say to you, Derek, so if you don’t mind, I’m going home,” he stayed silent while you walked out of the loft. You felt a tear fall down your face before wiping it away, heading back home.
“Mom, I’m home,” you placed your bags aside as you pulled off your jacket.
You walked up the stairs, kissing your younger brother’s forehead.
“How’s Mom?” you asked him.
“She said she was feeling better but I don’t believe her,” he replied.
“Thanks for being a strong kid and looking after her while I was gone,” you gave him a small smile before patting his back.
“Go eat your dinner, I’m gonna go check up on Mom,” you said, before making your way up to her room.
“Mom?” she was sitting up in her bed, holding a cigarette in her hand.
“Mom! You can’t have those!” you yanked it out of her hand, throwing it aside. 
“Why not? I feel fine,” you could see dark bags under her eyes, while her skin was visibly paler than earlier that day.
“Did you take something?” you asked.
“What do you mean?” she shook her head.
“I’m talking about drugs, Mom! Did you take any drugs?!” you yelled.
“That’s none of your business,” she crossed her arms.
“Except it is. Do you not remember what happened last week?” you scoffed.
“Last week was a mistake, it’s different now,” you shook your head, remembering her near overdose.
“No, it’s not. You need to get clean, Mom. For yourself, for Sam. Are you forgetting who found your body in the bathroom?” you ran your fingers through your hair as you sighed, thinking of your brother
“Sam should have left with his father,” your mom scoffed.
You felt chills go down your spine, at the mention of your dad.
“Well, Dad’s gone, and he’s an asshole. Mom, please. I need you to start taking care of yourself. I already dropped out of college and I can barely keep us afloat,” you begged her.
“You only started college a month ago,” your mom frowned.
“Yeah, I know. But our family is more important. When we’re stable, I’ll start college again. But in order to do that, you need to promise me, no more drugs,” you said.
Your mom nodded her head before you wrapped your arms around her. You could hear her snoring within a few minutes while you chuckled softly, slowly putting her back in bed before flipping off her lights.
You frowned, feeling your neck and arm bugging you from the hunt, before you rubbed your eyes, yawning.
“(Y/N/N)... I need some help with my homework,” you heard your brother’s voice as you held in a groan.
“Sure, kiddo, Come on,” you led him to your room, before closing the door, making sure not to awake your mother.
“Scott, you’re joking,” you exclaimed.
“We called partners like 20 minutes ago! You weren’t here and no one picked Derek,” Scott groaned.
“Yeah, and for good reason. I don’t understand why I can’t be by myself,” you shook your head.
“Because it’s dangerous,” Scott said.
“It’s a vampire!” you exclaimed.
“Exactly!” Scott replied.
You squeezed your fists before exhaling sharply. 
“Fine, where’s the douche-bag?” you sighed before Derek walked to you, rolling his eyes.
“Well, let’s go then.”
You rolled your eyes, visibly bored as you and Derek sat in silence. The two of you sat in the car, waiting for any suspicious activity while you watched people walk in and out of the restaurant.
You turned on the radio, before Derek pushed your hand away, turning it off. You glared at him, before taking out your phone.
“Get off your phone,” he said.
“I’m bored,” you replied.
“And we’re on a stakeout mission. Get off your phone,” he said.
You turned it off, before hearing it ring. He glared at you, while you gave him a look, checking your texts.
You felt your chest aching as unbuckled your seatbelt.
“I have to go,” you said quickly.
“What? Why? (Y/N), you can’t leave me-” he started.
“I’m sorry, I really have to go,” you could feel tears rushing from your eyes as you pushed out of the car before he grabbed your wrist.
You pulled away from him, running off into the night.
Your brother sat in a chair at the hospital, bouncing his leg nervously.
“Sam,” his head shot up as you called his name.
He ran to your arms, burying his head into your chest.
“I-It wasn’t… It wasn’t an accident this time,” he cried out.
“What happened?” you bent down to his level, putting your hands on his shoulder.
“W-We were watching… We were watching a movie, a-and then she got up, a-and… she didn't come back,” your brother stumbled with his words, holding in his cries.
“Shh, it’s okay. It's okay,” you wrapped your arms around him tightly, before shutting your eyes tightly.
She was getting better, it has been a week since your conversation with her, and she was trying so hard.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” you heard the doctor as he walked towards you.
“I’m so sorry…” their words drifted off as you bit your lip, tears rushing down your face as you held onto your brother tightly, holding in your cries as you shut your eyes tightly.
She was gone. She died.
You held onto your brother as the two of you made your way back to your house, biting back a sob.
“H-Here… I need you to… How about you go to y-your room?” you said.
He nodded before walking upstairs. Your body began to visibly shake, while you cried, holding in your sobs so he wouldn't hear you.
You leaned against the table, breathing shakily as more and more tears escaped from your eyes.
You heard loud knocking, banging at the front door as you wiped your face, before opening it.
You were met with Derek’s angered face as he gripped your arms tightly.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” he yelled.
“I-I,” you stuttered.
“No! Shut up! The vamp killed three people before I could do anything! Do you have any idea how big of a mistake you made?! Why did you leave?! What was so important that it couldn't wait till later?!” he yelled.
“I’m sorry,” you started.
“You little…What is wrong with you?!” he yelled.
You pushed him away from you, as you clenched your jaw. He only walked closer to you, before you swing your fist, punching him in the jaw, only angering him more.
His eyes glew red as he pushed you against the wall. You could see his claws coming out of his hand, digging into your arm.
“Derek…” your voice broke.
“(Y/N)?!” you heard Sam crying loudly, standing by the stairs.
Derek’s class retracted, his face softening.
“Who the hell is that?” Derek asked.
“Get the hell away from me! You want me out so bad?! You got your fucking wish! Leave!” you screamed at him.
You punched him back, kicking him out of your house before locking the door behind you.
You fell to the ground, sobs erupting from you while Sam ran to you, burying his head in your lap.
“I-It’s gonna be okay,” you cried softly, running your fingers through his hair.
“It’s gonna be okay.”
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watched s11ep1
i will provide you with a quick review before i disappear back into the ether of twd avoidance
lots of spoilers under the cut. also i wrote way too much and i worked all night and haven’t slept so i didn’t bother to reread literally any of it, so it might be completely nonsensical, tho if you don’t expect that from me by this point idk whose blog you’ve been reading
hokay, first off, i’ll start by saying that i enjoyed it more than i expected to. i’ve been avoiding any sort of discussion about stuff, but my google algorithm is so fucked at this point that i still get recommended articles and stuff every now and then, so i was already pretty aware of what i was walking into, and was expecting it to be eh, but actually i prob enjoyed it more than i enjoyed the finale
(don’t get too excited tho, the finale was rly boring lmfao)
episode starts off with a tense scouting mission
it takes .005 seconds into the episode for caryl to exchange a look of longing, establishing that they are still having weird conflict and are both too fucking stubborn to do anything about it even tho they hate it desperately
i imagine that will continue for a while
rosita, kelly, carol, maggie, what’s her face with the bad hair, and lydia (i think that’s everyone?) lower down to some army bunker or something, where a bunch of walkers are taking a snooze, and the girls are very respectful of walker naptime, and do their best not to wake them up
obviously they eventually wake up, but i’ll get to that in a sec
as they’re tiptoeing through the walker tulips, there’s this split second where carol spots a machine gun, and looks at maggie with a face like, “can i plzzzz, i am mad horny for that machine gun,” but maggie tells her no. (i 110% expected her to defy orders and accidentally wake up all the walkers, but she actually behaved herself for once. well. mostly)
never fear, tho, after the girl gang collects a bunch of MREs they go back to wait for the dudes waiting up top to pull them up, and bc men ruin everything, one of the ropes break, and daryl catches it before it falls, but then a slow motion drop of blood falls on a walker’s face, and just like that, walker naptime is over, and carol uses her bow and arrow for two seconds before she is like “fuck this” and whips out the machine gun
yes, she is super hot using it
yes, daryl watches her do it
anyway, all the other girls get rescued, and carol is about to be pulled up, but bc she is a #girlboss, she first makes a beeline for one more crate full of MREs. daryl covers her while she gets the loot, and when she gets back up top they have another charged moment as carol hands him back his knife
just fuck already, jfc
cut to alexandria where everything is still not smilestimes
BUT, we do get to see uncle daryl run and hug rj and judith (and dog), and FUCKING HERSHEL JR, LIGHT OF MY LIFE is also there
istg, they could not have casted a better child, i a d o r e him
oh, and some friends of maggie’s show up too, idk
cut to a staff meeting where everyone is like, whomp whomp, we’re all gonna starve to death unless we figure out something quick
cue maggie going, “oh, i know where food is, but it requires me to tell you my tragic backstory, in case anyone didn’t watch my bottle episode”
she tells her dramatic backstory about all her friends getting slaughtered by the reapers for no apparent reason, and then she’s like “anyway, let’s go back there!”
no one thinks it’s a great idea, but a group of people decide to go anyway, including daryl and gabriel. rosita is super pissed that gabriel is going, and carol doesn’t go, probably partly bc it’s a shitty fucking idea, and also bc they have to keep caryl apart bc otherwise they’ll fix their problems ahead of schedule and they won’t be able to drag out the needless angst
daryl looks kind of annoyed that carol doesn’t volunteer to go 
bitch, i thought you wanted her to stop putting herself in the line of fire! make up your damn mind!
moving on
cut to a thunderstorm, where, if you look closely, you’ll notice daryl is wearing the STUPIDEST hat i’ve ever seen. just get an umbrella, jfc
for some reason negan is with them, bc ig he knows his way around washington dc, and no one in six years has bothered to figure out how to get around the city and/or get a map, and he is like “hey guys, maybe we shouldn’t try to walk in this fucking hurricane,” and everyone is like “FUCK YOU NEGAN, YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF US!!!” 
this will be a common occurrence 
but eventually daryl is even like “actually, it’s rly unpleasant out here, and my hat is mad stupid, can we go inside plz?”
so they go inside an old metro station, which is actually a rly cool cinematic choice. i rly like the idea, and they executed it rly well
speaking of executions
there are some fucking RULL CREEPY walkers. idk why they bothered me so badly, but they were what they at first assumed were corpses wrapped up in tarps, but turns out none of them had been properly put down, so they go through killing these rotted bodies that had supposedly been there since The Fall, and it’s very gross and cool
this entire time, btw, negan is like “hey, i know i’m a shitty person, but i have some rational arguments about why we shouldn’t be doing this right now,” and everyone is like, “FUCK YOU NEGAN, YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF US!!!” and he’s just like “god fucking damnit”
(i forgot to mention that at one point, when they’re headed into the metro station, negan is trying to warn ppl of the potential danger, and everyone is ignoring him, and he tries to talk to daryl, and daryl is like “fuck you, you think we’re BUDDIES?” and negan is like “oh, ok, so you’re gonna be like that too? fanfreakingtastic” and it’s very funny)
anyway. a fat monster zombie escapes its tarp at one point, and tries to eat some npc, and negan saves him, again is like “hey, anyone else realize that this is a FUCKING BAD PLAN?”, and everyone is like “we don’t care, you’re still shitty and we’re not listening to you, and you don’t actually care about random npc i would literally not be able to pick out in a lineup bc his face is so generic, you’re not the boss of us!!!”
it’s at this point that negan finally is like, “why am i even here? bc i know how to get around washington dc? do none of you have a map?” and i was like, “right?! that’s what i said!” 
it’s then revealed that maggie only brought negan along to murder him under the guise of “oops, he got hurt in the line of duty, it wasn’t my fault,” and daryl has this look on his face that says, “i seriously need to stop hanging out with lethal women bent on revenge bc it’s gonna give me high blood pressure,” and maggie has a badass moment where she points a gun she has for some reason at negan and is like “i have like, one shred of human compassion left inside of me, and if you keep pushing me i will fucking kill you without a second thought, so shut the hell up”
(in her defense, negan had just dropped glenn’s name to purposely antagonize her, which was rude as hell)
(for the record, i’m completely on maggie’s side here, but negan still is right that trapping themselves in a metro station is a bad call)
anyway, moving away from that briefly
i think this jump cut happens sooner, i don’t actually remember, but whatever who cares, point is, we get to the part of the show that actually matters, and that’s anything involving my love, juanita “princess” sanchez
and also eugene, yumiko, and ezekiel
they are being asked increasingly invasive questions by commonwealth ppl, some of which i wish they actually would of answered (what do they use to wipe their asses with?? surely toilet paper has long since become extinct)
zeke, who is so much more tolerable as a character now that he’s not larping as a king, has this incredibly weird and sort of sexually charged moment with a dude in an orange stormtrooper costume, where he’s like, “i bet you were an asshole cop back before The Fall, you stupid fascist, #fuckthepolice, mb literally? idk, this moment has a lot of pent up aggression that could easily translate to hate sex, it might just be the intense eye contact, but w/e, let’s just move along,” and then he has a coughing fit to remind the audience that he’s currently dying of cancer, and orange stormtrooper is like “lolz, loser, drink some water you dumb piece of shit”
cut to the wholesome foursome sitting at a picnic table in a guarded courtyard eating gruel, and yumkio, who finally has a personality, and princess are like “hey, this place fucking sucks, can we leave?” and zeke is like, “yeah, i met this orange stormtrooper who i think might be dtf and/or murder, so we should probably bounce”
but eugene is like, “but i want some hot stephanie ass, and also some bullshit excuse about how mb commonewealth will save alexandria” which, they left before things went super downhill, right? idr. it was after hilltop fell, but they don’t know alexandria got fucked either, if i recall? w/e, not important
two seconds after he says this, they talk to some people who are like “we’ve been here for four months, or maybe it’s been nine, i don’t actually remember, i’ve stopped processing the passage of time,” and the wholesome foursome takes this as a bad sign, tho that’s just the life i’ve lived as a night worker during a pandemic, so i was like #mood
but then they watch some guy get dragged away screaming to get “reprocessed” and eugene is like “ok, nvm, let’s bounce”
(my theory on what “reprocessing” is, is that they’re stuck in a room and have to watch hours and hours of customer service training videos on vhs from the 90s)
i definitely got my jump cut scenes mixed up bc i think the negan accusing maggie of a murder plot thing happened in between this scene and then the next commonwealth scene, but w/e, i’ll just finish what happens in the commonwealth arch
the wholesome foursome are trying to hatch a plan to escape, except princess, my love, is distracted watching some stormtroopers flirt, and the other three are like “wtf, dude, how can you even tell any of them apart?” and princess then tells them every stormtroopers backstory bc she is brilliant and pays rly close attention to shit, and the other three are like, “this is useful information, thank you for being an insane person”
their plan involves yumiko and eugene dressing up as stormtroopers and leading princess and zeke out of the place, which works fine actually, except on their way out they come across the Depressing Wall of Probably Mostly Dead Missing Loved Ones
they’re about to leave, when princess is like, “wait, yumiko, you’re on here, that’s weird huh?”
sure enough, yumiko  is on the wall, with a note from ig her sister 
the scene ends with yumiko going, “guys...i can’t leave...i have tragic backstory to unveil”
tragic backstory to be continued ig
back in murder metro town, npc and some other npc have stolen all the supplies, there’s a train blocking the track, and a horde of walkers are coming towards them, so things are not going fantastic
they horde is too big to take down, so they start to climb on top of the train car to get away
but dog runs away!
and daryl, being every pet owner ever, is like “gotta go get my dog, guys, try not to get killed while i’m gone, c u soon!” and he ducks under the train and disappears
the episode ends with maggie climbing up the train car but getting grabbed by a walker and dangling off the edge, and negan is there and they have a lion king moment where maggie is like, “scar! help me!” and negan is like “long live the king, bitch” and walks away into the shadows, leaving maggie to a potential death
which, while i know isn’t actually going to happen, would be a really fucking funny move on the writers’ part
like, “look, lauren’s back! and now she’s dead, bet you didn’t expect that!”
my assumption is negan will actually end up helping her up or something, continuing his ambiguous morality bullshit that actually isn’t ambiguous bc he BEAT GLENN TO DEATH WITH A FUCKING BAT WRAPPED IN BARBED WIRE IN FRONT OF HIS PREGNANT WIFE
the maggie/negan arch is kind of dumb, but whatevs, i’ll tolerate it, as long as my boy glenn gets justice in the end
anyway, cue credits!
final assessment: good episode. i’m much more interested in commonwealth than the reapers, tho i am hoping that daryl’s personality-less ex turns out to be a monster killing machine with no conscience, that’ll be fun. princess is a gift from god. hershel jr needs his own tv show. needs more carol (and caryl)
the end! going back into my walking dead free chamber! see you next episode!
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Private and Public
Fandom: Teen Wolf Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x reader Word count: 1.4k Summary: People don’t usually realize that you’re in a relationship since you weren’t one for PDA with your boyfriend. It wasn’t that you didn’t like to display affection, it was more the Public part that made you nervous. But one night at a party that might change. Warning: None Requested by Anon: malia x reader or stiles x reader. The reader is like a ('baby gay' for malia) (first relationship for stiles) and is shy/a bit nervous about doing things simple things like hugging or holding hands and they find it cute but also comfort the reader say stuff like its okay, we can take it slow, and kinda just doing things like hugging more often to get them use to it. idk sorry feel free to to change it up and do what you want. Anyway have a good day~ 🦊,🐺or🙃. A/N: so I realize I haven’t uploaded anything at all in over a week, but life’s a bitch so I’m not gonna make empty promises of me starting to upload regularly again. I guess thing’s will be uploaded when they’ll be uploaded. I’m really sorry for all those who look forward to scheduele stuff, but I hope you understand. Lot’s of love, Brina
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The red plastic cup in your hand was still filled up to the brim, the only change was the temperature that it had taken on during the hour that you had nursed it without even attempting to take a sip of the gross beer inside. Honestly, you weren‘t all too sure why exactly you had agreed to tag along to the party, neither were you sure why you were even asked to. When Scott had heard of the party a bunch of juniors and seniors had planned to have on a clearing in the woods, he knew it was a recipe for disaster. The pack had tried its best to stop the party from happening altogether, but to no avail, so instead they decided that they‘d come along to keep an eye out for potential danger. Every single pack-member in the appropriate age-group - aka still in school - had shown up, even Brett and Theo had joined in, which meant that any potential danger would have to be careful. Still, you couldn‘t quite understand why you‘d been asked to come along since you were quote-on-quote ‘just a human‘ and were usually kept away from any immediate danger the second it seemed to be in your vicinity. Not today though, today you were basically dragged with them to attend the party no matter if you wanted to be there or not and Lydia had forced you to dress in something other than the nice PJ’s that you had been chilling in earlier that day. “Hey, it’s Y/N, right?” a boy asked as he joined your side. You inspected him for a few seconds until the cogs in your head finally clicked and you realized that he was in your english lit. class. “Mhm, you’re-” you bit your lip and squinted your eyes as you tried your best to recall what his name was, “James?” “Close, it’s Jim,” the boy chuckled and smiled at you. You recognized that smile and even though you had to admit that you were a bit naive, you knew that the boy wasn’t talking to you just for the sake of getting to know you as a friend. Not quite sure what you could do about it, you decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. “This party is pretty boring, what?” “Well, it’s a party in the woods in the middle of the week so I doubt there was much possibility for this to be the party of the century,” you shrugged and looked around at all the drunk people who’d definitely regret drinking so much the next morning. “You know,” Jim started and you had a bad feeling you knew where this was going, “We could get out of here, My parents aren’t home, sooo-” he scratched the back of his head and you just couldn’t help but sigh. “Listen Jim, you’re really nice, really, but I’m in a relationship.” “Oh, Ohh, okay, sorry I didn’t mean to...uhm… I just- I never saw you with anyone, I thought you were- I- Uhm- I’ll leave,” he rambled before taking a big sip of the beer he was holding and walking away with his ears tinted red-ish. You gave another sigh and shook your head slightly as you thought his words over. It was true, now that you thought about it, he had no real way of knowing that you weren’t single anymore and even though usually you didn’t mind that thought, suddenly it was somewhat bothering you. You and Stiles had been dating each other for just about a month now, but besides the other pack members and your families no one really knew about it since you weren’t really into PDA. Well, it wasn’t quite that, if you were honest. It was just that this was your first relationship and you were incredibly nervous at everything it included. It wasn’t that you felt uncomfortable with Stiles, it was the exact opposite actually, being with him was the time you felt most at ease, but you were just very anxious that you’d accidentally screw up. Of course, you also feared that your nervousness would annoy him and he’d decide that you were not worth it, but that fear was absolutely rootless since he was the most supportive boyfriend you could imagine. Oftentimes you could see the longing in his eyes when he was looking at you sitting besides him at Lunch and you knew that he just wanted to put his arm around you and give you a kiss, but held himself back for you sake. He also kept on telling you that it was okay and that you didn’t need to do something uncomfortable just to please him, that he was happy with all the cuddles and kisses he got in private and that he was more than ready to take it slow. What he did to help you otherwise was that he tried to get you used to a little bit of physical contact: hand holding in the car, small hugs throughout the day, cute little texts in class and the such. Suddenly, as you were thinking about it, you felt the strong urge to find Stiles and hug him no matter how many people were around and if you didn’t still have the completely full cup in your hand you’d think you could’ve been a little bit tipsy. You looked through the crowd searching for any sign of your boyfriend and the first thing that caught you eyes was the blond locks of a certain scarf-wearing-werewolf glimpsing through a group of junior girls that were giggling about something. With a rush of determination surging through you, you made your way through the masses of teenagers - somehow managing to hand your cup to someone on the way - and ended up only a few feet away from Isaac without having been accidentally punched or stumbling. It was like a scene in a movie when you came closer and recognized a few other pack members standing around Issac and they acted like a curtain that opened up as you got closer and revealed the most incredible boy in the world. If you’d been an outstander and had seen you stop in your tracks with a goofy, love-sick smile on your lips and your eyes almost watering up, you would’ve thought that you were watching a cheap romance movie, but you weren’t an outsider- no, you were you and you were looking at your boyfriend feeling full of love and admiration. Starting to walk again, you were sure to earn a few confused glances as you slid through between Isaac and Allison and more or less launched yourself at Stiles, your arms quickly interlocking around his waist and you face pressed into his chest. Stiles was obviously surprised at the sudden attack as he stumbled a few steps backwards before stabilizing and reciprocating the hug. You were very happy that your pack was so accommodating as they just shared some confused glances before continuing the conversation like nothing happened. “Are you okay?” Stiles leaned down and whispered in your ear, obviously worried by the sudden need for affection. “Mhm,” you nodded and basket in his hug for a few seconds more before looking up at him and smiling, “I just love you a lot and I missed you.” “I drove you here, we saw each other half an hour ago,” Stiles chuckled, but his cheeky smile showed that he was endeared by your sudden clinginess. “That was too long,” you just sighed and wished he would lean down to kiss you, but then your state of adrenalin and bluntness left you and your nervousness returned. Slowly you retracted your arms and went to stand beside him when you saw that the other pack members were looking at you with smiles on their lips. Blood rushed towards your face and your ears and you suddenly felt more embarrassed than you ever thought you would, even though you didn’t regret it. “You want me to bring you home? It’s getting pretty late,” Stiles asked silently but you could read between the lines and thankfully nodded, knowing that you’d probably ask him to come with you inside when you came to your house and cuddle. Because after all, Stiles was the best boyfriend you could ever imagine and if you couldn’t hug him all that much in public, then you’d hug the living health out of him in private.
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shimmershae · 3 years
My thoughts on Episode 9--No Other Way
As always, placed behind a cut for those of you that would rather escape my babbling, lol.  You’re welcome.  
It took a minute for my app to wake up.  It didn’t get the memo to rise and shine at 4 am like the rest of us--how much do I hate that work has trained my body to wake up at a set time everyday, no matter whether I want to or not, lol--but I guess it served me well in the end so.  
Anywho.  I had a bit of a wait.  Thus, time to think and let my brain get with the program and during this little siesta, I mulled whether my anticipation had ultimately been outweighed or overshadowed by dread thanks to the ongoing OTT celebrations from certain factions of fans.  
Spoiler alert:  turns out I really and truly don’t trust their judgment for shit, never have, and I’m too ready to see our babies to care about their never-ending hate campaign.  10/10 recommend this attitude to everybody.  It saves a whole lotta grief.  
Enough lead in.  Y’all ready?  In 3-2-1.  Shae’s stream of consciousness review coming right at ya.  
Okay, okay.  Maggie’s getting tossed around like a ragdoll by a big, burly NFL linebacker retiree/Reaper while those Angry Birds fireworks spears are screaming past her like missiles.  Cool opening.  Cool.  Whoa.  Is that what they call making a splashy entrance?  Or a dramatic AF exit?  
Well holy shit.  Just when did it change from me rolling my eyes and stifling a groan whenever I see Negan to breathing out a sigh of relief and feeling--I don’t know.  I wouldn’t call it happy exactly but I know at least he’s gonna spice up Maggie’s scenes so there’s that.  I will say though.  I didn’t realize how much I’d missed JDM--big difference, big distinction, what have you--until I saw his scruffy mug so yeah.  We’re gonna admit my crush (lifelong, lol, thanks to Denny, my beloved) is still going strong.  ; ) 
Personally, I think the mere fact Negan hasn’t ditched Elijah and run to save his own hide is earning him some reluctant, perhaps subconscious, definitely unwanted brownie points with Mags.  
I’ve always wanted a secret door to somewhere, lol, so that secret door in the infirmary delighted me much more than it should have.  I blame my love of A Secret Garden as a child.   
Ahhhhh!  I’ve missed the opening credits and the theme song and hearing it and knowing we’re essentially on a countdown to the last time is making me emotional. It really is.  That said, I do still prefer the original opening credits and would love if the show went all “retro” for the finale and had a new “old” version again.  Just to tie things up in a neat little bow of nostalgia.  It’ll never happen but oh how I wish it would.  
That shot of Rosita and Lydia going all Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the stair Walkers was simple but badass.  Love the girl power.  Oh and Dianne lives!  Only to die?  We shall see.  
The fuck do those things want in the basement so bad anyway?  Do Judith and Gracie smell like a couple of walking chicken nuggets to them?  A late night Taco Bell Cravings Box? You’d think they’d be most interested in all the people they keep trying to convince us are upstairs.  
Anyway.  Moving on.  
Yeah, no.  Make that 4 feet of water in the basement make sense.  I’ll wait.  
Jerry!  Aaron!  Oh wow.  My girl Carol looking beautiful as ever!  Listen.  Would I have liked to SEE her working with the superheroine sisters to save the walls?  Hell yeah.  But I’ll take what I can get because I was honestly afraid they were just gonna allude to her whereabouts offscreen after the shoddy treatment our leading lady got in 11A.  
Kelly being so reluctant to leave her sister’s side.  My heart.  I love them.  
Gracie’s whistle!  Aka, the call to the Undead Wild.  But whatever.  Baby girl got some lung power for Daddy Aaron to hear it over the storm.  Or maybe he just got Daddy ears and could hear that whistle anywhere like a dog hearing a dog whistle.  Yet more proof Aaron is half Golden Retriever/half human.  
Carol, Kelly, and Jerry are my kind of trio. I’d follow them anywhere. 
Well.  At least it’s partly cloudy with what looks like a chance of rain later at Meridian, lol.  
Father G--still hobbling to fight another day.  
Daryl--is that what they call a knife to the gut (sorry, lame, I know)?
It’s been so long since I bothered to watch any of the boring Reaper bullshit that I don’t remember if Austin is significant to Daryl’s latest prisoner/fake turncoat arc or not.  Kudos to the Reaper outside that door for dropping that name for me.  Other than asshole Carver, I can’t distinguish one from the other.  
Leah legit sours my throat with bile.  Maybe that’s what Angela Kang was going for.  I don’t know.  Someone forgot to send LCol the memo though.  Or else she immediately deleted it sight unseen for plausible deniability.  Even her voice triggers that upheaval response.  Ugh.  
Side note:  I actually feel bad for these dudes playing Reapers.  Unproblematically excited as far as I know and their story went over like a lead balloon.  
Daddy Aaron to the rescue!  Whoa.  Cool underwater shot with that Walker kill.  He saved our little girls.  Whew.  For a minute there I was worried about Judith.  Insert eyeroll emoji.  Judith handled that situation like a champ.  I was worried for Gracie, full stop, but at least it looks like they decided to spare Aaron.  Well, maybe not.  Oh shit.  
“Worry about yourself first.”  LMAO.  Father Savage is back, y’all.  Reaper priest almost had him. Or did he?  “No oneis above saving?”  Hmm. 
Maggie being chased by Carver like the final girl. Methinks she’s leading him into a trap.  At least I hope so.  
Really though?  A bat? Negan, man.  Choose another weapon.  Anyway. I do love the teamwork but you know that’s gotta be triggering AF.  
“Well.  Ding, ding.”  The way that made me LMAO.  It’s all in JDM’s delivery, y’all.  Think I’m gonna steal that for later.  
Maggie’s reluctant acknowledgment of gratitude to Negan is enough.  I’m tired of the retread dialogue but she owes him nothing she doesn’t want to give.  He gleefully murdered her husband.  The father of their unborn child.  He can keep trying to prove he’s changed but IMHO?  If she doesn’t want to accept it?  She doesn’t have to.  
The Elijah dude really made me feel  his pain over his sister with just his face and no words so kudos.  
C’mon, now.  I thought people were saying Daryl was yelling “Don’t” to Maggie about Leah.  LOL.  I mean, did LCol plant that suggestion to make it look like Daryl actually still give a shit?  
Smart move to use Carver.  Least I think.  We’ll see.  
Listen.  Team Family climbing around like Olympic Champion monkeys this ep. I could never.  Don’t have the arm strength, lol.  I’d be like that squirrel trying to climb that greased pole to the bird feeder.  Y’all know the one. 
Lydia saved Aaron?  My baby girl.  Oh my heart.  Wonder if this will change or move the needle somewhat on my boy’s perception that no Whisperer is worth saving or that they’re all bad?  Lydia saying “You would have done the same for me” truly made me pause because despite knowing his misgivings, knowing the times he hasn’t full on embraced her as family and one of their own, she still believes in his good heart, and it makes me cry for her.  That trust.  I loved the little pause on Aaron’s part before he answered her.  It’s almost like he didn’t realize he actually would and was surprised.  Anyway.  I think Lydia’s finally earned her standing with Aaron as one of the family and I could honestly see him going full protection mode for her in the future.  
Where is Dog in all this chaos?  Gnawing on some milk bones?  I hope he’s warm, dry, and well fed.  Little traitor, lol. 
Yeah, Leah’s a duplicitous bitch.  
Why does this feel like some kind of Western duel or standoff?  
“Nope. No Jenson/Jentzen (sp?) here.”  LMAO.  I do love me some savage ass Father G.  “Call me Gabriel.”  Negan’s face SENT me.  
Fucking go, Maggie.  I loved the dramatic music that accompanied that little piece of deserved and earned brutality.  ;)  Never mind I don’t know who the hell Elijah was talking about because they redshirts.  The world is down a bunch more boring ass Reapers and Negan knows he better toe some kind of line.  
Dammit, Daryl.  You dumbass.  She deserved DEATH not BREATH.  
There my boy Dog magically is.  Thank goodness they didn’t have Leah use him against Daryl in their ugly breakup.  My heart couldn’t have handled it.  
Maggie knows Alden’s dead.  C’mon.  That’s why she went alone.  They finally decided to remember the poor dude. Adam has had so many sets of parents.  Maybe Commonwealth has some kind of support group for that.  
All those crosses.  Ouch.  
Negan ain’t wrong.  Maggie gonna do what Maggie gonna do.  There goes any levity or tension to Maggie’s story, but you know what?  I’m here for it because your girl is TIRED of them having the same scene different verse over and over again.  
Carol looking out and watching for her bae like Daryl did after spending all night on that log with Negan and looking mighty fine doing it, I might add.  Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but did they raid a Cabela’s in between reinforcing walls, putting out fires, and playing lifeguard in the basement?  
Of course her man is the first one she sees.  
Judith running to Uncle Daryl always makes this girl smile.  Sue me.  I’m a sentimental fool.  
Look at Lydia’s happy little face.  
The way Carol almost fell into Daryl’s arms like a wife happy to see her husband home made my heart flutter.  You know she’s keeping her cool in front of the kids.  
Both my girls feeling some kind of way about Negan.  My, how times have  changed.  I wonder.  Will Lydia harbor any future resentment toward Maggie for this?  She didn’t know Glenn so she’s not as closeto the history there.  But she’s been an outsider so she identifies and empathizes with Negan somewhat. Future conflict between the two of them perhaps?  
Look at little RJ.  They keep that cute baby monosyllabic or silent, lol.  
Okay.  I bought Father G’s look at Rosita but girl looked kind of unimpressed, lol.  
How adorable is Coco?
OMFG. That’s what people been declaring canon over?  LMAO.  Whoever called it a Bro Shove was spot on.  All they needed was a basketball and a court and I could have seen them going to shoot some hoops later.  It had that kind of catch up feel.  It was cute.  I’ll give you that.  And it hinted at literally no romantic feelings or implications at all.  Daryl looks like he just got reunited with his sisters.  Y’all.  For real.  Put down the crackpipes if you forecasting marriage proposals because of this.  We good.  
Now the implications of Carol witnessing?  That screams jealous, insecure, disbelieving of her own worth love interest.  But antis gonna anti so of fucking course they see it as Carol shipping them when the truth is she is literally the only person on earth, fictional or real, that honestly and without ulterior motive, ships Daryl with happiness.  
And y’all.  Carol is literally framed between them.  She is 100% the reason why it’s not like that and she just doesn’t realize it.  At this point, the only person, ahem--people, in more willful denial are the shippers of the other ship.  
Stormtroopers on horseback.  Surely our nerd Jerry can appreciate this.  You know he’s a not so closeted Star Wars lover.  Has to be.  
Eugene running ahead saying “we’re all friends” made me giggle, okay.  Josh as Eugene has a very distinct gait/run and it never fails to make me laugh.  
Look.  If Daryl and Connie really were like *that*, realistically, who do you think he’d be standing within arms’ reach of lined up in front of some strange newcomers he for sure doesn’t trust?  Certainly not Carol.  C’mon, people.  Put your thinking caps on.  Shit goes down?  He wants Carol nearby just in case.  I swear.  Some people willfully dense AF.  
6 months later, huh?  I hate Angela’s apparent lady hard on for these time jumps but I do appreciate the idea that Maggie really said fuck slimy Lance Hornsby and his politician’s suit.  
Holy shit.  Daryl in stormtrooper gear demanding Maggie open up the gates of Hilltop.  WTF, lol.  
Who’s Stephen Campbell?  Anybody know?  Some digging is in order.   
So.  Some overall impressions because I figure if you’re still reading at this point, why the hell not?  
I love that shit actually got done.  
Maggie and Aaron were badass.  
Daryl was a dumbass letting Leah live.  Like that time they didn’t end the Governor, I fear this one will come back to bite them in the ass. 
Daryl’s reunion with Carol and the kids was heartwarming and felt like two marrieds that had been through it all a million times before reuniting and it had the right kind of understated flavor, considering they haven’t 100% cleared the air with each other.  
Daryl 100% views Connie as a sister.  Kelly too.  Only Carol and the antis think otherwise and only Carol’s reasons make gd sense.  
Lance is slimy AF.  
Lydia has my heart.  Girl saved a man she felt didn’t 100% have her back as a former Whisperer and Aaron felt small because he’d been wrong not to embrace her wholly.  
Aaron is such a good dad.  
Carol and Negan remain the only two that have the ability to cut through the bullshit and see the larger picture.  Except where Daryl is involved for Carol because her heart and her insecurities are too damn loud.  
Judith, Uncle Daryl scenes, however small?  Continue to warm my heart.  
RJ is literally just there as a peace offering for pissed off R!chonne fans to keep the lid on their rage, IMHO. He’s cute but so far?  A non-factor.  Because the mama that lost Andre so tragically would have never left him.  Ever.  I don’t care how people try to rationalize that OOC behavior to benefit their shipping preference/perspective.  I’ll die on this hill.  M!chonne as a character was done so dirty but I suppose backstage decisions dictated their options and they chose the least sensical one that pandered the most to the ship. They dampened my personal enjoyment in the process.  Here’s hoping they’ll find a way to right the ship in the future.
Father G and Rosita are still so mismatched.  Like I don’t even get the vibe she’s really into him.  More that she looked at the X’s and O’s and decided he best overall benefits Coco and okay, fair.  I don’t understand it but I do.  
Anywho.  I cannot wait for super spy Carol to take the Commonwealth down. 
The rest?  I’ll reserve judgment.  
Here comes Angela’s explanation points, lol.  Let’s see if I learn anything new.  
Nope, nope.  
Although.  It didn’t really hit me how much Maggie’s killing of Carver literally echoed Negan’s killings of Glenn and Abe until I saw the moments back to back so yeah.  Kinda cool but Maggie still has the moral high ground, IMHO. By a hair.  
I’d explain why but this is already a typo ridden thesis so.  
Until next time, lovelies.  
Same time next week.  
19 notes · View notes
blessednereid · 3 years
LFLLLL Prologue: Mutual Pining
Series Masterlist
WC: 3.5k
Taglist: @rogershoe
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        Lydia's House
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"Lydiaaaaaa!" You had barged into Lydia's house unannounced that afternoon. You had work that afternoon, but you called in sick, not physically, but emotionally. And only Lydia could help you. 
"Y/n, what's wrong?" Lydia's mom, Natalie, had come out of her office because of your shouts.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Martin, I didn't realize you were home. Your car wasn't in the driveway," you apologized.
"It's fine, dear. Lydia's upstairs taking a nap. You know how much of a heavy sleeper she is."
"Thank you, Mrs. Martin."
"Please, I've told you many times. Call me Natalie."
You nodded before heading upstairs, where Lydia's room was. 
You opened her door, and as you thought, she was lying on the bed, snoring and drooling. A sight you had gotten very used to since you first met her in third grade. 
"Lydia Lorraine Martin. We have a code-red!"
Immediately, Lydia jolted up from her bed and began flailing her arms in the air. She lost balance before falling off the side. 
"Oh, MY- Ugh." You went to help her sit back upright on the bed, sat next to her, and laid your head in her lap. 
"Y/n, what's wrong? Why did you wake me up?"
"We have a code red!!"
'Code reds' were what you and Lydia had when you caught real feelings for a guy. 
When you were younger and in middle school, Lydia had gotten a crush on the cutest guy in your math class. 
On Valentines Day, she wrote him a card and put it in his locker. The card said, "I think you're cute♡︎ What do you think about me?" Later that same day, she found out that almost all of the kids in your two's class had read the card. And on top of that, the guy was a huge jerk about it. 
Since then, you and Lydia vowed to never catch feelings for anyone until you were at least twenty-five. 
"Who is it, babe? What happened?" Lydia asked with a concerned tone. 
"It's Isaac."
"Your partner for the World History project?" 
"Yeah, him," you sighed. "We started getting closer, and he started talking to me, and we bonded over our moms' death, and there were carnival rides and vampires and freezy pops!"
"Woah, Woah, Woah! Slow down!"
"So basically, I did what you told me and took him to the county carnival, right? Then, he told me about his mom dying, and we talked about that, and then we went on rides and fought about their pace, and he was fine after like a two-hundred-foot drop. So then, we went on a rollercoaster, and after that, I was cold because I was wearing a light jacket."
"Okay, keep going…"
"So then he warmed me up by giving me a hug and then led me in the building, and we just hung out there until like five? Then when we were doing the slideshow, he started asking me about my room and shit, and when we were done, we watched that show I told you about, with the high school vampires."
"Oh, the babysitter one?"
"Yeah, that. So, he was actually interested. And then we just kept watching it together throughout the week since we finished the project. And then when we were presenting today, you know I have that stage fright. He just held my hand and calmed me down, and he listened to me after we were done, and he actually cared about it instead of dismissing it.
"Not that you dismiss it, Lydia." She nodded. 
"Anyways, after that, GB had to talk to us, and she ratted me out about writing his name down, and then he got slightly mad at me but not really, and then I explained. And he just told me he would see me tomorrow for our movie night…" you trailed off, debating whether you should tell her the last part.
"So that's when you realized?"
"After that, I turned away, and then he kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear, 'see you tomorrow or something like that!"
Lydia chuckled. "So you have a code red?"
"Lydia, I have a hang-out with him tomorrow. I'm not gonna be able to fucking think straight!" 
"Babe, just go and see how it goes. Maybe it's a 24-hours thing, you know? Just adrenaline. It affected you like this because you don't go out."
"Lyds, it's not like that. It's different."
"Y/n, that's what I tell myself before every hookup," she deadpanned.
"Okay, yeah. You're right. It's just a 24-hour thing."
"It's just adrenaline, babes. Nothing more, nothing less."
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  Movie Night
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'Nothing more, nothing less…"
Those were the words that kept repeating in your head as you twisted Isaac's hair around your fingers around Isaac's hair as his head rested in your lap.
"Y/n, are you okay?"
You blinked rapidly.
"Oh, yeah. I'm fine!" 
"It's just, you're not watching the show?" 
"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something."
"Whatever you say, princess…" 
Princess. The pet name made your heart flutter, and you thought you would explode. 
"Give me a minute, please!" was all you said before picking up your phone and dashing out the room.
You headed to the bathroom and dialed Lydia's number right after texting her "Code Red Emergency."
"It's not a 24-hours thing, is it?" she said when she picked up.
"Okay, here's what we're gonna do…"
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 Previous Day
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He watched you as you turned around. His nerves crawled through his spine, and he curled and unfurled his fingers before finding the confidence–, no, before finding the ability to move.
When his lips touched the side of your face, his heart was set aflame. 
'How did I just do that?' he thought. But entirely different words came out of his mouth. 
"See you," he said, and he internally pumped the air when he saw your lips curl upwards into a smile.
When he reached class, his actions had finally sunk into his mind. 
He went to his seat where his friend, Dillon Karis, sat beside him. Dillon was the only friend of Isaac, and they had known each other since middle school. 
Dillon turned his head to his friend, whose urgent tone caught his attention.
"You know that girl I was telling you about?" Isaac said enthusiastically.
Dillon scoffed. "You mean the one who's been taking up all your Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday nights?
"Yeah, I remember her."
Isaac rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Dude, I think I may actually like her…"
"Holy—" Isaac cut him off.
"Shut up!"
Dillon took two breaths to calm down before speaking.
"Explain. Now!"
Isaac threw his head back.
"I don't know. It's just the way she makes me feel." He smiled. "It's like… the way my mom used to tell me about how she felt about my dad? It's weird."
"Bro, you barely know her. Are you sure?" 
"No, I'm not sure, but I think."
"Well, let me know. This is interesting. Shoulda brought some popcorn today, as I had planned," Dillon burst out laughing, and Isaac followed.
"Dude, I have to go to her house tomorrow."
"Why? I thought you already turned in the project." 
"We have our movie night," Isaac said before realizing what that might sound like to his friend. 
"Oh shit! So y'all already been going on dates?"
"No! No…" Isaac pointed his finger at his friend, signaling him to stop.
"Dude, so what are you gonna do?" 
"I don't know…"
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Movie Night
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Isaac was now highly flustered as he laid his head in your lap. You didn't bring up the kiss, so he assumed he either made you uncomfortable or you didn't like him enough to care. 
He looked at your face to see if there were any signals or indications, but he saw that you were completely zoned out. 
"Y/n, are you okay?"
You blinked before saying, "Oh yeah, I'm fine." 
Isaac raised his eyebrows before turning his attention back to the television. 
When you dashed out the room with little explanation, Isaac took his emotional matters into his own hands. He had decided to get rid of his feelings, sure that they were unrequited.
He headed out of your room and knocked on Stiles' door. 
"Come in!" he heard faintly, and he opened the door.
"Isaac, what's up?" Stiles had barely looked up from his work.
"I know we don't know each other that well, but I need some advice, and I figured that you probably know a lot about girls…"
"Not really, but I'm flattered you would think that. Please come in!"
Isaac stepped into the room and sat on Stiles' bed.
"Is this fine?" to which Stiles nodded.
"So, Isaac. Tell me what's going on," Stiles said before clasping his hands together. 
Isaac took multiple deep breaths. He was about to ask your brother how to get rid of his feelings for you. Who does that?
"I have a crush… on this girl. And I know that she doesn't like—" 
"You know, or you think?" 
"I think, but she's given no sign of liking me…"
"Okay, continue."
"She doesn't like me. And I was wondering if you knew if there was anything I could do to… get rid of the feelings I have…"
"Oh boy. Isaac, I wish I knew. I'm in that same position. However! I wouldn't tell you if I did know. Because you never know, right? Unless they've told you that they don't like you, you don't know for sure. And even then, it could happen in the future."
That was not the advice Isaac was hoping for, preferring to put himself out of his misery before he could get in it. 
"Alright, thanks, Stiles."
"No problem, bud!" 
Isaac walked back to your room, where you were laid down on your back. 
"Hey, where did you go?" 
"Nowhere, I just needed to… uh.. get some air." 
You squint your eyes, and even Isaac wasn't convinced by his lie, but he didn't say anything else before he laid beside you. 
"Lydia is having a party next Saturday. You should come."
"Oh, I don't think—"
"Please, Isaac? It'll be good for you to get out of your house like Mrs. GB said."
He couldn't resist the tug on his heart when you flashed your pouting eyes, and he had to give in.
"Fine, I'll see what I can do. That's not a promise." 
"Yay!" You exclaimed before pressing a kiss to his forehead. The action made Isaac's heart race, and all he wanted to do at that moment was kiss you. 
In fact, it was all he thought of for the next few minutes. 
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Isaac's Daydream
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"Yes, babe?" you responded to him. 
"This is the spot. Stop going ahead of me." 
You mouthed an "Oh" before laying down on the blanket he set by the flowerbed. 
"So, whose house are we breaking into right now, Mr. Lahey?" you teased. You and Isaac were sitting in the backyard of a foreign house you had never seen, but you followed Isaac anyways.
You scoffed a 'what' as you had never seen the house in your life.
"Mines. Ours." He smirked.
Your face of pleasant surprise made his racing heart slow, as he thought you wouldn't like it. 
"This is our house?" 
"Well, it was my grandparent's house. They left it to me when they died. They said I can only get it when I turn 18, and now since we're together, It's our house."
You leaped onto his lap and kissed him feverishly. 
"This is the best surprise ever!"
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"Isaac!" You yelled, and Isaac didn't know what you had said before. 
"Sorry! I just zoned out."
"It's not a problem."
"So, do you want to watch a scary movie?" 
You actually weren't planning on doing any of what Lydia had suggested you do, which was to just come outright and tell him you like him. 
Instead, you chose to suffer in silence, thinking there was no way possible that Isaac liked you back. And even if he had, you two would be better off as friends… Right?
At least that is what you chose to tell yourself.
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Isaac Leaves
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When the movie was over, Isaac went home, and you prepared for bed. 
That night you dreamt of things you wanted in your life that you couldn't have. 
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Your Dream
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"Hey, Isaac?"
You two were curled up together on a couch watching a movie, much like your reality. However, a few things were different.
"What are we having for dinner?"
"Babe, we're in a hotel, and the only restaurants have a pre-set menu. If you want food, you either get what they have, or we Postmates." 
"But neither sounds good. I want Pasta!" 
He sighed. "Then lets Postmates pasta, babe."
"But I want you to make it," you pouted. 
"Okay, how about this." You turned to face him to hear his proposition. 
"I get you dessert with the food they have here, and I make you pasta tomorrow?" 
You smiled and wrapped an arm around his neck.
You hummed before saying, "That sounds perfect," and he kissed you with a burning passion.
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"Y/N! WAKE UP!" Stiles woke you up from your dream. 
"WHERE'S THE FIRE?" You flailed around before falling off the bed. 
Stiles chuckled loudly. 
You groaned loudly before grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him, effectively knocking him down but not ceasing his laughter.
"Relax, Relax! Dad's taking us out for breakfast."
You rolled your eyes heavily. "Ugh, I hate you. GO! Let me change!"
"Wait! Wait! I have a question…"
"What's going on between you and Lahey?"
You looked down and away from him. "Nothing," you murmured. 
When you looked back at him, his eyes were narrowed, and his forehead was crinkled. 
"I don't believe you one bit."
Your face heated. 
"There's nothing going on, Stiles."
He scoffed. "We may be fraternal, but we're still twins, Y/n. Whatever, I don't like him anyway."
"Why not, Sti?"
He moved his face closer to yours, and you craned your head back for air. 
"Because I'm your brother, I'm never gonna like any guy you date. None of them are worthy of my sister."
"Well, you don't have to hate him because nothing is going on."
"Hmmm... Sure," he stated simply before walking out. 
You got ready, wearing an off-shoulder baby blue top that was slightly… starchy in texture, as well as a pink plaid miniskirt and black slip-on sneakers. 
When you got downstairs, your dad and Stiles sighed a heavy "finally," and you mocked offense. 
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Waffle House
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You got in the car and began driving. You looked out the window enjoying all the sights while Stiles tried to coax your dad into talking about cases. 
Your dad turned and pulled into the parking lot of the Waffle House.
You sat at the counter and talked until someone came to get your drinks order. 
"So, Stiles, when are you going to bring a date home?" your dad asked with a squint. 
"Not anytime soon, He's still stuck on Lydia."
Stiles blushed. "Well, I mean, It's working. She knows who I am. "
"No, she doesn't. But… I do know this girl—" Stiles cut you off. 
"If it's not Lydia, then no, thank you. I'm stuck on her like white on rice."
Your dad interjected your argument. "Stiles, you sound like a stalker. Normally, we arrest people like you."
"Okay, Let's change the subject. Y/n, wanna tell dad about Isaac or should I?" 
You rolled your eyes. "Why should I? There's nothing going on?"
"Wait, who's Isaac?" your dad said while whirling his hand beside his head. 
"He was my partner for a project I had for World History."
Stiles laughed. "We presented on Friday. What have you guys been doing in your room?"
Your dad's eyes widened. "Why is he in your room?" 
"We just watch movies, Dad! We do nothing else!" 
"I highly doubt that. In fact, why don't I ask Isaac right now?" 
You blanched. "What do you mean?"
"He's coming up behind us," he said, looking past your head. 
You began choking when you saw him in your peripheral version. 
"Can I get you something t- Stiles!" Isaac popped up from behind you and began to ask for your drink orders. 
"Hey, Isaac," you said as you turned around. 
"Hey, Y/n!" His intonation was normal, his facial expression was off. 
"What do you want to drink?" he asked, though his focus was on your dad's squinted gaze pointed directly at him. 
"Can I get a coffee?" Noah spoke up first. Isaac jotted down his order.
Stiles followed. 
"I'll get an Arnold Palmer!" he said while raising his hand. 
"Is that on the menu?" Isaac asked confusedly.
"No, but it's half of a lemonade, half of an iced tea in one glass."
"Okay… Arnold Palmer." 
"Y/n," the lovestruck boy said with a smile. "What about you?" 
The corners of your mouth turned up. "It's not on the menu, but is there an option for an iced coffee?" 
"Uh, I'm sure there is." He knew there wasn't, but he also knew you didn't like hot coffee much. 
"Are you sure? I don't want to--"
"It's fine, Y/n," he reassured.  
He walked away and headed to the kitchen to tell the cooks the drink order. 
"I need an iced coffee, a regular coffee, and A half-and-half lemonade-iced tea. Please," he added. 
Isaac glanced outside the kitchen window and gazed at you softly. He admired the way your eyes glimmered in the sun and how your hair bounced with every gesture you made. From this, he began to appreciate how amazing your hair looked and how the light refracted off of it. 
He smiled a lopsided grin as he watched the way your lips move. He imagined how they would feel on his. Soft. Smooth. He had the notion that you were probably experienced in that field, more so than he was. 
No. He couldn't imagine that. When he thought about the things he just thought, it sounded creepy and perverted. Besides, there was no way that you liked him back, so even thinking about it would just lead to further heartbreak. 
He grabbed your table's drinks and walked back, trying to ignore your smile because he couldn't stop the race that his heart ran whenever he saw it.
"Alright, here are your drinks."
"Isaac, can I talk to you outside?" asked Stiles.
"I'm actually working, so I can't do that. But, I can take your orders."
He jotted down each of your orders and went back to the kitchens.
"Stiles, I swear to God, I'm gonna hurt you."
"Not my fault you're over here pining after Lahey but won't do anything about it."
"Up your ass and off your high horse, Stiles!" You did your best to be quiet with your statement, but your dad still heard. 
"Hey, hey!"
"Sorry, Dad," you and Stiles said simultaneously. 
You watched the cooks prepare the food in front of you, but you hoped to see Isaac somehow, even though he was in the back.
You thought about his messy hair and how it felt in-between your fingers... How his eyes dilated with each smile, and the tiny specks of green in those ocean blue eyes were always able to calm you down.
You noticed how his lips were never chapped and how his cheeks looked like apples when he smiled, and the one dimple that was prominent in those moments as well. 
You wondered if this was how Lydia felt for the boy that caused their entire concept of code reds or if you began to feel something much more for the boy with the shy demeanor and quiet voice. 
When Isaac came back, you thought about how you could try to confess your feelings. But, you knew that if Isaac was barely willing to talk to you for a long time, it would be a snowball's chance in hell that he liked you the same way. 
"Alright, here's your waffles and your hash-browns, Y/n. Your sandwich, Sheriff, and your All-Star breakfast, Stiles."
"Thank you, Isaac," you said with a smile.
He turned to leave before you called out. 
"Um, Isaac!" He spun around on his heel at your calling with a questioning look on his face. 
He walked back towards you, prepared to write something else down on his order pad. 
"Movie night, tomorrow?"
He smiled. "Yeah, sure." 
"Dorota, you cannot tell me you do not like him."
"Mieczysław, I do not." 
Your dad cut in. "Sweetheart, and if you do?"
"I don't. Can we just leave it at that?" 
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imaginefan · 4 years
I Promise
Derek Hale X Stilinski Reader 
Word Count: 2078
Requested: Anon
Request: Hey this is my first request but would you be able to make one with stiles younger sister and derek.She sees him in her house with stiles and Scott when she comes downstairs to go to school with stiles,And she like says “hey are you rea-“. Then stops when she sees derek, and blushes etc. And stiles and Scott are like asking her if she’s okay etc and she looks read and derek can sense what it is due to being a werewolf and he starts smirking and she says she’s fine etc and they go to school in stiles Jeep and derek comes with themAnd they keep on bumping into each other all the time and one time he saves her etc and they start to like each other a lot and then they secretly date but then get found out by stiles.Also derek gets super protective of her and no one knows why and he tries to brush it off etc and he keeps on getting jealous when other boys look at her.Thank you :)
A/N: I think I got a bit carried away with this one, I just kept writing I really enjoyed this one though and might write a part 2 for myself but let me know if your interested.
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Stiles often thought that he was good at hiding things from you but it became very clear very quickly that he was terrible at you, you being his younger twin meant that you were often the one to see him doing weird hard to explain things when your ad was at work and you were the one that was covering things up for him before long you found out what it was that he was hiding and in some ways wished that you never had to deal with it but the truth of the matter was there was no way that you were getting away from it.
The first time that you met Derek you had been the last one to get ready for school, you were headed down the stairs "Hey are you guys rea-" You stopped when you saw Derek in the kitchen, Stiles and Scott looked back in time to see you blush. "Are you okay?" Stiles asked, "you look a little red." "She's fine," Derek said a smirk on his face and Stiles looked between the both of you before his eyes widened. "No!" He said as he pointed at you. "Can we just go to school?" You asked. "Yeah about school." Stiles scratched the back of his head. "Look I don't care how many classes you skip, I'm not skipping any and you're the one that got the Jeep so you're dropping me to school." You ordered and you nodded. "How about we all drop you to school," Derek suggested. "It's quicker." "Whatever just hurry up or I'll drive it myself." You threatened as you grabbed the keys on the way out.
"You are blissfully unaware for being the sheriff's daughter," Derek said as he walked up next to you. "I'm not unaware of anything." You mumbled. "What are you doing out here anyway?" He asked. "Walking home." You answered. "Where's your hyperattentive brother?" He asked. "Probably off chasing supernatural with Scott." You shrugged as you looked through your bag for your keys and coming up empty, when you looked up Derek was holding them up in his hand. "You were talking about my keys earlier." You said in realisation and he smiled before handing them over. "Be careful, I'm not always going to be around to find your keys for you." He said before he was gone, you rolled your eyes before walking up to your front door and walking into the house.
From that night onwards it seemed like you bumped into Derek everywhere even when you were with your brother and it was becoming increasingly common for him to be overprotective when it came to you being involved in anything and that was why you probably shouldn't have been but you were out late one night, Stiles and Scott were at Lydia's party and it was a full moon but  then you saw Lydia, you knew that she was supposed to be at her party but she looked completely zoned out as she dragged Derek to her car, you knew that you weren't going to be able to keep up with her so you tried to call Stiles but when he didn't answer the phone "Useless." You muttered as you did your best to follow her which was definitely easier when she hit the dirt road of the preserve because you could follow her tyre tracks. When you got there, you saw Peter coming out of the house, your eyes widened as you hid behind a tree hoping that he hadn't seen you, you moved when you heard Lydia's car leave. You ran into the house and saw Derek on the floor, you fell to your knees ignoring the fact that in any other situation you would have taken a second to admire him and shaking his shoulders "Derek!" You called. "You can not be dead, I'm sure you've been through worse." "You might need something a little louder," Deaton suggested making you just as you looked around to see him, he was holding something in his hand and you were out of options so you nodded. You didn't hear anything but Derek did. He was awake within seconds, he looked over at you for a second before looking at the floorboards. "That sound, what was it?" Derek asked as he looked back at Deaton who held up the whistle in his hands, he rolled his eyes before touching his arm. "Don't worry. You're still an Alpha, not a particularly competent one." Deaton said "Where is he?" He asked. "I don't know," Deaton answered. "Then why don't you tell me why you're helping me?" He asked as he stood up. "Helping your family used to be pretty important to me." Deaton answered "Helping you was a promise I made to your mother." "You're the one my sister told me about a... Kind of adviser." Derek said. "She was right. And I have some advice that you need to listen to very closely right now. What Peter managed to do doesn't come without a price. He'll be physically weak, so he'll rely on the strength of his intelligence, his cunning. He's gonna come at you, Derek. He'll try to twist his way inside your head, preying on your insecurities. He'll tell you that he's the only way you can stop Gerard. Do not trust him." Deaton warned. "I don't trust anyone," Derek said and you rolled your eyes. "Edgy much?" You muttered to yourself which he of course heard. "I know. If you did, you might be the Alpha you like to think you are. And unfortunately, the one person you should trust doesn't trust you at all." Deaton explained. "Scott." Derek sighed. "He's with Stilinski right now. You need to find him, you need to find him as fast as you can. I've known Gerard for a long time. He always has a plan. Something tells me - it's going exactly the way he wants it to." Deaton answered.
You had been with Scott and Matt when the Argents started shooting, you had hidden under one of the tables, hands pressed against your eyes as you tried to stay hidden, the smoke helped and all the noise stopped the Kanima from coming back to find you, you don't actually know how long you were there for before someone crouched in front of you, they grabbed your wrist and you pushed away from them, your eyes opening for a second and catching that it was Derek, he gestured for you to come out "What are you doing back here, they'll kill you if they find you." You scolded him and he rolled his eyes before picking up. "Well, I'm not leaving you here." He muttered as he pressed your face to his shoulder "Keep your head down." It only took a couple of minutes for Derek to get you out  "Are you okay?" "I think so." You answered as he put you on the ground. "Wait here until everything is over." He said and you looked at him and nodded. When you finally got home that night, you didn't know what to do with yourself, you paced for a second before you were sitting on your bed, hands ran through your hair before you pressed the heel of your palm to your eyes in an attempt to stop yourself from crying. You looked up at your window when you heard it open but a second later Derek was in your room. "What are you doing here?" You asked wiping at your eyes but he just walked over and sat next to you pulling you into his side. "I wasn't going to come in but I think you need someone." He said softly and that was all it took for you to cry wrapping your arms around him as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
Everything was fine for a couple of days Derek came to see you and make sure that you were okay but then everything changed after he tried to kill Jackson, you stopped talking to him, you started locking your window and made an effort to be with Scott and Stiles and never being out late, that is until everything started up again and a pack of Alphas made their way into Beacon Hills and you knew that you were going to have to see him again "so are you going to tell me what happened between you and Derek?" Stiles asked as he walked into your room and walked over to your laptop. "What are you doing?" You asked. "I ran out of ink. I need your printer." He answered, "now answer my question." "Nothing happened between us." You shrugged. "So he didn't sneak into your room almost every night?" He asked you opened your mouth to lie but instead decided against it "How did you know?" You asked. "Scott could smell him on you." He answered. "Right." You nodded "well don't worry we haven't spoken since he tried to kill Jackson." "Maybe you should talk to him," Stiles suggested. The truth was that Stiles had been to see Derek with Scott to ask about the tattoo and he realised that for a few seconds he watched the door waiting for something, he was waiting for you. "What are you doing anyway?" You asked. "We found out where Boyd and Erika were being held." He answered. "So you're going to get them?" You asked. "Yeah." He nodded. "You don't need help?" You asked. "You wanna help?" He asked. "Well, I can't just sit around and do nothing." You shrugged.
The truth was the reason that you had never gone to see him was because you knew the moment that you looked at him you were going to forgive him and you had been right, you could feel him looking at you as Stiles talked "concentrate, we'll talk later." You said lowly knowing that he would hear you from your place on the sofa. "I'm thinking a diamond bit," Stiles said and you rolled your eyes. "Stiles you don't need a drill." You informed him and he looked back at you. "Sorry what?" He asked. "I'm sure the Alpha werewolf can punch through a wall." You said. "She's right." Derek agreed. "You're gonna punch through the wall?" Stiles asked. "Okay, okay, big guy. Let's see it. Let's see that fist. Big, old fist. Make it, come on. Get it out there. Don't be scared. Big, bad wolf. Yeah, look at that. Okay, see this? That's maybe 3 inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid co..." Derek punched him and he doubled over in pain "he can do it." Stiles fell away from Derek and Scott and towards you. "Walk it off, big brother." You muttered as you clapped his shoulder and directed him back to the desk where the plans were. "try to remember that two of them combine bodies to form one giant Alpha. I'm sure Erica and Boyd were sweet kids. They're gonna be missed." You heard Peter say. "Can someone kill him again please?" Stiles asked. "What about you?" Derek asked as he looked at Scott. "If you want me to come-" "You're not going!" and "Not you!" Said at the same time yours and Derek's voices overlapping and cutting off your brother as he realised the question was directed at Scott.
When Derek came back the next morning his heart warmed at what he found, you were still on the sofa where he'd left you before, he walked over and crouched in front of you, he gently shook you away and it took a moment but you shot up eyes widening "what happened?" You asked. "Nothing, I'm fine don't worry." He said softly. "What are you still doing here?" You're going to be late for school." He said. "I promised we would talk." You reminded him and he nodded. "I'm sorry for avoiding you and basically cutting you out of my life, I just didn't know what to do after everything that happened I was scared that you... didn't need me anymore or that you didn't want me anymore and-" He cut you off by pressing a kiss to your lips. "I will always need you and I will never stop wanting you." He promised. "I'm sorry about everything with Jackson and I know that's not enough but I promise nothing like that will ever happen again."
*Part 2*
Requests and general question!
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 16
It was 2006, one of the last seasons for Beacon Hills Girls lacrosse. The other girls on the team and I fought hard but it would be over by the time my senior year rolled around. We thought if we had made it to the state championships, we would save it. Here’s to hoping. As team captain, all eyes were on me to make the season great. We were lined up on the field, ready for the toss up. I stared into the eyes of the opposing player, the girl’s eyes were determined. But so were mine, I glanced to the side at the bleachers. There was Uncle Noah, Stiles, and Scott, cheering me on. I was just happy Stiles came today.
I looked back up, just in time for the pearl toss, I scooped it from the air, immediately shoving passed the opposing player. I ran down the field, narrowly missing players looking to tackle. I threw the ball towards an open offensive player just as someone slammed me from the side. I grunted as I hit the ground, hearing the crowd wince. I got myself up on my arms and looked down the field. My player was able to get through the other team’s defense and scored the game winning goal. Coach Finstock laughed loudly, loud enough to be heard over the roar of the crowd. I stood up, raising my crosse in the air and shouted into the sky. I ran back to the bench, congratulating my teammates. But now I needed to see him. I pushed through the crowd, I looked around. As I got through the crowd, I was left alone. I was staring out into the woods. An eerie feeling came over me. There was something out there. 
“Hey!” Michael’s smiling face came into my vision, causing me to smile. 
“Hey.” I smiled, looking back at the crowd, “Have you seen Derek?”
Michael raised an eyebrow at me, “Who’s Derek?” I paused, asking myself the same question. 
“I don’t know.”
“So let me get this straight,” I said into the phone. I was on the phone with Stiles getting a recap of what had happened over the last couple days, “You stole a police transport vehicle-”
“We put gas in it!” 
“Of course, you did. You stole a transport van, filled it with gas, kidnapped Jackson to talk to him, left him in the woods. Jackson’s father, a lawyer, has issued two restraining orders against you and Scott.” I made sure to separate the kanima and Jackson. “Found out the kanima is being used by a ‘master’. Is that it?” Derek raised his eyebrows at the conversation.
“I was also grounded from Scott.” He added. 
“When are you coming home?” He asked, hushing his voice a little, “I’m all for you living out your best werewolf life but I would rather you be home.” I motioned for the group of Derek, Erica, and Isaac to go ahead of me. 
“When I have the courage to face your dad. Or when my lie that I’m staying at a friend’s house doesn’t work anymore. Whatever comes first.” I sighed, “I’ll try to come home soon. I need to apologize.” After our goodbyes, I hung up the phone. 
After I stepped into the railway car, I made it just in time for our “pack meeting” to start. 
“So, why do we need their help?” Isaac asked. 
“Because it’s harder to kill than I thought, and I still don’t know who it is.” Derek said impatiently. 
“And they do?”
“They might. Which is why I need one of you to get on their good side.”
“Mmm. Scott or Stiles?” Erica hummed flirtatiously. Honestly, I don’t think she realizes she’s barking up the wrong tree, no pun intended. Scott was more focused on Allison than his own life and Stiles was in a persistent pursuit of Miss Lydia Martin.
“Either.” Derek sighed, probably fed up with her new found flirtatious nature.
“Good luck with that.” I said under my breath, causing the group to look at me, “What? The last time they saw you, you broke into Scott’s house and tried to kill them.” Isaac titled his head to the side and nodded a little in agreement. 
Isaac turned to Derek, “You know, the full moon's coming, Derek.”
"I'm aware of that.” Derek said irritably, he opened a large wooden chest, searching around for something. He pulled out dark, rusted chains. 
“Oh my.” Erica lifted up a bundle of them, “These look comfortable.” She said sarcastically. He quickly took them from her grasp and put them with the rest that he pulled out of the chest. 
“You said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted.” Isaac said warily, eyeing the chains. 
“There hasn't been time.” He said. And truly he hadn’t had time. I had really been training myself on how to control the chains with what I was calling exposure therapy. Getting really mad and controlling the change before turning so I would be less likely to kill someone during a spout of road rage. 
“But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means... That means you're alone against the Argents.” Isaac said. 
Derek closed the lid of the chest, “They haven't found us.”
“Yet.“ Kid had a point, “So, how about we forget about the Kanima?”
“We. Can't!” He shouted in frustration. He sighed, “There was something about the way Gerard looked at it... He wasn't afraid, at all. I don't know what he knows, or what he's planning. But, I'm sure about one thing-- we have to find it, first.” 
“With Scott’s group.” I added, “We are stronger in numbers, that’s how the hunters work and that’s how we should work.” 
On the drive home to the Stilinski house, I really had to convince myself not to turn back around and go back to the depot. But Uncle Noah deserved an apology. He had taken me in, given me a fresh start and asked that I be safe in return. Yet here I was, fighting a lizard man with the threat of hunters on my tail, not to mention that I was a movie monster. I parked in the driveway next to his police cruiser and closed my eyes. My emotions were running high and it was hard to keep my eyes from turning red. 
“Breathe.” Derek’s voice echoed through my head, “It’s going to be okay.”
I took a deep breath in and out and when I opened my eyes, the red was gone. Now or never. 
After closing the front door behind me, I walked quietly into the kitchen where I found him. He was leaning against the counter and sipping a cup of coffee. He looked exhausted. He looked up from his cup a little surprised. 
I chewed on the inside of my cheek before answering, “Uncle Noah...”
“Is...Everything alright?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” I said quickly, “Everything’s....” I let out a deep breath, “Everything’s not fine. I’m so sorry about the things I said.”
He smiled a little, “It’s fine.” 
“It-It’s not fine though. You’re just looking out for me, I should appreciate that more. You’ve done more than anyone in my situation could have asked for. You opened up your home, bought me clothes, gave me my own room. You didn’t have to do that.” 
“No, no.” He said, setting down his coffee mug, “I did have to do that. Besides promising your parents that I would look after you, I did this because you’re like one of my own. You’re like the daughter I never had. I love you.” His eyes held a special twinkle. One that you could only find in people that truly loved you. 
Tears prickled at my eyes, my lips trembling, “I love you too.” 
“C’mere, sweetheart.” He pulled me into his arms, holding me tight. I gripped onto the material of his shirt and cried. The first time I had really cried since everything happened with my parents. It just felt like my eyes had been built up and after a while, I was crying because of Uncle Noah, because of my parents, because of the torture I went through. I felt like I had no one to vent to like how I could my mom and dad because they weren’t here anymore. It felt nice to cry and feel safe because I knew that Uncle Noah loved me, no matter what. I just wished that if me being a werewolf did come out, he would still love me like his own. Even the thought of it scared me. 
“It’s alright.” Uncle Noah stroked my hair, pressing a kiss to the top of my head, “Everything gonna be okay.” 
But it’s not okay. 
Just a drive to clear my head, that’s all I needed. Stiles was ringing my phone off the hook which really wasn’t helping with my anxiety right now. I looked over to reach for my phone and when I looked back there was someone standing in the middle of the road. 
“SHIT!” I screamed, turning my wheel harshly, sending me off the road and into a ditch. I slammed on the brakes, making my body slam forward into the steering wheel. I felt the cracking of my ribs against the hard plastic of the wheel. Pain washed over me in waves as I tried to catch my bearings. I felt dizzy and nauseous on account of the whiplash. I looked back towards the road and the mystery person was gone. It was around that time that my airbag went off, slapping me in the face. 
“Nice.” I grunted, opening up my car door. I turned to look out when I froze. The kanima was staring me right in the eyes. But it didn’t make any sense, unless the kanima can turn without moonlight. 
“Jackson...” I whispered, “Jackson, if you’re in there I need you to listen to me.” I swallowed, watching the creature tilt his head to the side. It seemed to recognize my voice. 
“I can help you, Jackson. I don’t want to hurt you. Just please... Don’t...”
“(Y/N)...” The creature’s voice said. I didn’t even know it was capable of speech. But the voice wasn’t exactly reptilian, as if that was possible. It wasn’t Jackson’s voice either. It was a voice that seemed so familiar, but not. 
“Well... That’s not good.” I said, just starting to move to get to the other side of the car when I felt Jackson’s whip-like tail slice across my side. 
“God....dammit.” My voice was strained since my entire body became paralyzed within seconds. The creature reached out, pulling me out of the car. 
Ah yes, a roadside killing for the kanima, how wonderful. Okay, maybe thoughts like this weren’t the best. This is how I died, alone on the side of the road. I took a deep breath, watching the world go by as Jackson’s scaly hands dragged me down into the ditch further. 
A loud roar cut through the air and I felt Jackson drop me, hissing before I heard him take off into the woods. Derek’s face filled my vision and relief washed over me.
“It’s alright, I got you.” He said, picking me in his arms. I saw my car out of the corner of my eye. 
“Is she totaled?” I asked. 
“No, she’s fine.” He chuckled, “Your transmissions probably shot though.” 
“Awesome.” I groaned, closing my eyes. 
- By the time I woke up, it was later in the day and I was back home on the couch. With Derek and Uncle Noah... talking. My eyes widened and I sat up, I hissed in pain and laid back down. My head was still killing me. 
“Woah, slow down there, kid.” Uncle Noah came to my side, kneeling down beside me on the couch. He smiled and smoothed back my hair from my face, “I thought I told you when you saw a deer in the road, you can’t swerve. Just slow down and if you hit it, you hit it. It’s sad, but there are more deer, there’s only one you.” I glanced up at Derek, who had his arms crossed over his chest. He seemed not at all concerned around Uncle Noah. 
Uncle Noah followed my line of sight and smiled, “It’s okay, secret’s out.” My heart almost stopped, why in the hell would Derek tell him I was a werew-
“And it’s okay. I am... okay with you seeing Derek.” I blinked at him. 
“Is that where you’ve been? At a friend’s house.” He stood up and chuckled, patting Derek on the shoulder, “Derek, here, explained it all to me.” 
“I told him that you didn’t want to disappoint him by dating someone who was a murder suspect.” Derek said, smiling a bit at the sheriff. 
“Don’t worry, everything’s fine now. Just for the future, you can always tell me anything. No matter what.” He smiled reassuringly. Well... I guess that was one thing out of the way. 
“Your car’s in the shop, it’ll be there a day or two. So for now, Derek has volunteered to take you to work.” Uncle Noah smiled, then looked down at his phone, “I gotta take this.” He excused himself from the room and left out the front door. I sat back up again, looking up at Derek’s with my eyebrows raised. 
“How did that whole situation go?” Referring to ex-con Derek Hale telling the chief of police that he is dating his pseudo-daughter while she was unconscious in his arms. 
Derek shrugged, coming to sit on the edge of the couch, “Well, I was threatened with the gun at first. But after explaining some things... He understood.” He reached out, holding my hand, “He also said he was glad that we were friends again.” 
“Does that mean my parents told him that I wasn’t friends with you anymore and not to bring you up?” 
“Seems like it.” He sighed, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles. 
“God.” I breathed out, feeling tension rising in my shoulders, “I understand why they did what they did but... They had a total disregard of the consequences. What were they going to say when I asked what happened to you, would they tell me they told you to go away or would they lie again? A majority of my life was stolen from me and when I try to remember my old lacrosse games where you could have been there... The only face I see is Michael’s. And I think he knew something.” 
“We’re gonna figure it out.” He said. I moved closer to him, leaning my head on his shoulder. 
Derek then explained the events of the dad, the kanima attacked Scott, Stiles, Erica, and Allison in detention and he had agreed to not kill the creature. 
“Why did the kanima go after me? Why didn’t he kill me immediately.” 
“You don’t have to cover for him anymore, I know it’s Jackson.” 
I sighed, “Good, because I didn’t like keeping it from you.” 
“Yeah, why did you keep it from me?” He asked, looking down at me. 
I gave him a surprised look, “Well, gee, I don’t know. Maybe because you would have killed him? Yeah, he’s a douchebag, but that’s a little much. From what you said, finding out Jackson was adopted at birth and that he literally had to be removed from his mother’s dead body... Maybe that’s what caused the bite to mutate.” 
“It’s possible.” The sound of the door slamming shut and the sound of familiar awkward footsteps made us both look up. Stiles halted in the living room, looking me over. I’m sure I looked like a wreck, still kinda felt like it, but the cracked ribs and head injury had healed by now. 
Stiles pressed his lips together tightly, moving with purpose. He fell to his knees in front of the couch, wrapping his arms around me. Trying not to cry for the second time today, I hugged him, resting my cheek on top of his head. 
“I’m sorry.” I whispered. Stiles hold tightened at my words but he didn’t say anything. Derek nodded at me, making his way out of the house. Leaving Stiles and I alone. 
Read part 17 here!
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walkerwords · 4 years
“The Savior Sessions” Part 19 of 33 - Negan x GN!Reader
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Summary: As a blizzard sets in, the reader needs to begin to deal with what happened at the fair. With Negan by their side, they begin to do just that. When the Alexandrians are forced to stay inside, what will happen as the storm approaches?
Word Count: 6493
Warning: Swearing
Song I Wrote To: “Be Still” by The Fray
Note: A chapter that I love! Thank you for so much love on this series. I never imagined that this is where this simple idea would go! You are fantastic. Enjoy some fluff!
“Remember when you said you weren’t a morning person?” 
“Hmm?” you asked. Your eyes were closed as you lay next to Negan. You could feel his body heat next to you as he leaned on his elbow, gazing down at you. 
“Well, morning definitely loves you,” he said as he brushed his finger over your cheek.
“You’re staring,” you said. 
“How do you know? Your eyes are closed,” he said. 
“Mind-reading,” you said with a smirk. 
“Very funny,” he said, and then you felt his lips on your forehead. You smiled then as he moved to your temple and then down your neck. 
“Negan…” you whined, pushing him back.
“This is all your fault,” he said as his hand ran up your side. “You said it first.” Negan pulled you closer to him and ran his nose down your neck and into your hair. 
You had been spending the night in Negan’s cell the past couple of nights. Mostly because you couldn’t handle sleeping alone. The nightmarish images of your friends on those pikes were still fresh in your mind. Also, the memory of Enid’s screams and Carol’s sobs tore through you every minute you allowed yourself to think about it. 
Negan had been there for you and he had been patient. You had briefly explained what had happened, but you couldn’t go into any more detail without breaking down. However, any time that you did, he was there to pick you up and hold you.
Since telling him that you loved him, there was an unspoken bond between the two of you. You and Negan leaned on each other and it was the only thing that was keeping you together at the moment. 
Still, the losses were very fresh in your mind. After losing Jesus, the deaths of Tara, Henry, and the others felt like you were being crushed. You didn’t know how you were going to go on, but at least you still had the man next to you to stay by your side. 
“Say it again,” you whispered, finally opening your eyes and looking at him. His eyes were heavy as he leaned back and stared down at you. Negan wet his lips as he smiled softly. 
“I love you,” he said softly and you sighed in happiness. 
“You’re amazing,” you whispered as you reached up to touch his face. He leaned into your hand as his other hand ran up to cup the side of your neck. Negan’s fingers then slowly wrapped around your throat, applying just the slightest amount of pressure. 
“And you’re ridiculous,” he said with a thick voice. 
“What are you going to do about it?” you challenged and he raised his eyebrow as he leaned over you and pressed his lips to yours. You kissed him back, very aware of his entire body and the hand that was still on your neck. 
Negan rolled so he was hovering above you. You ran your hands over his back and sunk into the cot below you. It was times like these that you let yourself lose control. It had been a long time since you had been with someone, let alone someone who understood you the way that Negan did. 
He smelled of denim, firewood, and rain and it was glorious. He smelled like home and you focused on it as if you could memorize it. Your hands found their way into his shorn hair and across the stubble on his cheek. When you bit down on his lower lip he grinned. 
“Who knew that (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was such a dominant individual?” he asked. 
“Everyone besides you apparently,” you breathed. Negan laughed as he settled back beside you on the small surface. His arms remained around you as he trailed his hands down your side. 
It was a while before either of you spoke again and when you did, you said something you had been nervous to say for a while. However, you needed to say it. “I’m sorry about Frankie,” you said as you played with his fingers. He froze for a second before nodding.
“I’m not sure I’m allowed to be upset about that,” Negan said. 
“You still knew her. And correct me if I’m wrong, but there has to be a part of you that cares what happened to her.” Negan sighed. 
��I just wish I treated her better,” he admitted.
“I know,” you whispered. 
“I know it bothers you,” Negan said. 
“The fact that I did that to all those women.”
“We don’t need to talk about it. At least, not now,” you said, not wanting to dive into his former harem. Especially, when you were sharing his bed. 
“I just want you to know that I would never… not now, not again. It’s just you now,” he said, trying to find the words.
“Hey,” you said, reaching up to turn his face back towards you as he had shied away from you. “I know that. You’re different now and I see it, trust me I do.” 
“Thank you,” he said. You patted his cheek before sinking back down under the blanket that was wrapped around you. “It’s gettin’ cold,” he said, trying to change the subject which you were grateful for. 
“I know and my fireplace finally stopped workin’, so I’m going to be hanging in the meeting hall during the snowstorm.”
“Good luck with that,” Negan snorted, but you just raised your brows at him. 
“You’re comin’ too, big man. It’s going to be a full-on blizzard. I’m not having you freeze down here.” 
“Is that so?” he asked. “Are you sure we can’t just stay in your house?” 
“Without a fire?” you asked, already shivering at the thought. Negan grinned down at you as he tugged you further into his side. 
“I hear body heat is very beneficial,” he whispered. 
“Oh my god…” you said, playfully pushing him away. A smile spread on your face and Negan ran his thumb over your bottom lip. 
“I knew I could make that happen,” he said softly. You let your eyes close again as you listened to his steady breath. The comforting sound was what lulled you to sleep the past couple of nights. 
“Gabriel has already agreed to move you into the meeting hall,” you said, peeking through narrowed eyes. 
“Yeah, in chains,” Negan said with a frown. 
“It’s better than freezing,” you said. “Judith and I will be there as well. RJ too. Though, Rosita is also going to be there.”
“Oh, great, evil baby mamma part two,” he said with a grimace. 
“Don’t be mean,” you scolded. 
“Sorry,” he said as he kissed your cheek again. Negan then shifted so you were laying on his chest. Your fingers drummed out a rhythm that matched his heartbeat. He rubbed his hand down your back soothingly as you basked in the silence of the morning. “What are you thinking about?” he asked. 
“I’m worried about the others,” you admitted. “I don’t like the thought of them being on the road right now.” Daryl, Michonne, Carol, Ezekiel, and others were helping the people of the Kingdom move to Hilltop. Lydia had gone with them after you had tried to persuade her to come to Alexandria early. However, she had told you that she needed to help when she called you over the radio Michonne let her borrow. 
You didn’t like the idea of her out there when her mother just declared war. Alpha seemed to be over Lydia, but you knew that even the worst mothers would always have that soft spot for their children. Alpha’s just happened to be very deep down in the dark pit she considered a soul.
“They’re gonna be fine,”  Negan assured you. “They have Daryl, Michonne, Aaron, and Carol with them. With those fighters, they can handle it.” 
“If they cross into Alpha’s lands…” you said, unable to finish that sentence. 
“They won’t,” Negan said. 
“You do remember that Daryl is with them, right? He makes shit decisions especially when he’s with Carol.”
“He won’t do it when he’s got a kid with him,” Negan said. “Isn’t that Whisperer kid with them? What’s her name? Lia?”
“Lydia,” you corrected, “and yeah, but she’s still dealin’ with Henry’s death and I’m worried people are going to start blaming her for everything. 
“You sound like you care about her,” he noticed.
“I don’t know what it is,” you said. “Lydia is just...she’s lost and I guess I’m just trying to help her find her way. Now, with Henry dying and her mother doing what she did…”
“I’m so sorry you lost them like that,” Negan said softly. 
“It was horrible,” you said, letting the words just come out. “I mean, I knew it was going to be when we saw the pikes from the distance, but I never imagined…”
“You don’t have to tell me,” he said. 
“I want to,” you said, turning over so you could look him in the eye. “I don’t think it was fear that I was feeling when I walked up that hill. It was almost like a sense of inevitably. I knew something was coming, but I didn’t know what. I’ve seen horrible things in my life since the world ended, Negan, but that? That was something you only saw in movies back when special effects were a thing. How could a human being do that to another?” 
“I don’t know,” Negan said. 
“He was a child, Negan,” you said as Henry’s face entered your mind. “How could a person make a mother see their child like that? I have seen enough kids die. I had to watch Carol’s daughter die, I had to watch Noah, another teenager die, and then Carl… I can’t do it anymore.”
“So, we protect her,” Negan decided. “No other kid is going to die.”
“The only way we can do that is if we kill Alpha,” you said. 
“That’s not going to be easy.”
“It never is,” you sighed. 
“You have to be careful, (Y/N). Something tells me that this is going to be a lot more complicated than we all think.” 
“I’m scared,” you said. 
“I’d be worried if you weren’t,” Negan said. 
“Not all of us are going to make it out of this one,” you said. 
“You better,” Negan said. “I mean it. You better not make me lose you, not after everything we went through to find each other.”
“I’m not goin’ anywhere,” you whispered. “I promise.” Negan then tugged you up to him and pulled you down. You kissed him firmly as his hand wrapped around the back of your neck, keeping you in place. Just as his other arm wrapped around your waist, the door to the jail opened. 
“I’m not looking!” Judith said as she walked backward into the jail. You separated from Negan with a breathy chuckle as you sat up and turned to see Judith with her hat over her eyes, trying to offer you some sort of privacy. 
“Judith, it’s fine,” you said as Negan sat up next to you, fixing his rumpled shirt. She slowly turned around, peaking under the brim of her hat. When she realized she was no longer interrupting anything, she straightened it up off her brow. 
“Oh, good,” she said with an awkward grin. “Father Gabriel needs help tying things down.”
“Okay, I’ll be right up,” you said and Judith nodded before running from the room. Negan started laughing as soon as she left. 
“I feel like a teenager sneaking around,” he admitted. 
“I guess some things don’t change in the Apocalypse,” you said as you leaned over and kissed him once more. “I’ll see you later.”
“You better,” he said as he knocked his knuckles under your chin playfully. With a roll of your eyes, you locked up the cage behind you and went to help the rest of the community prepare for the blizzard.
You found yourself helping Eugene and Rosita secure the West wall.
As you hammered planks onto the steel slats and secured the scaffolding that spanned up to the watchpoints, Rosita was trying to make small talk.
“You know,” she began, “I think you’ve changed.”
“How so?” you asked.
“I’ve noticed you seem a bit more personable.”
“Personable?” you echoed, amused.
“Yeah, reminds me of the old days,” she said with a shrug.
“Is that a good thing?” you asked.
“Definitely,” Rosita said. “I can’t have all that negative energy around my kid.”
“Hilarious,” you said with a roll of your eyes.
“You’re gonna be okay, (Y/N),” she said softly. “I can’t imagine what you saw on that hill, but I’ve seen you come out of worse.” You nodded as your hands froze on the task at hand. Rosita was that person that never lied to you so hearing her say that she had faith that you were going to be okay meant a lot.
“Thanks, Ro,” you said and she smiled softly before grabbing a box and heading over to the meeting hall where Gabriel was waiting.
You and Eugene worked in tandem then, passing tools and materials back and forth. It was a little while later Eugene spoke up.
“I never thanked you for helpin’ me that night,” Eugene said.
“I think you did,” you said, “but you’re welcome nonetheless.”
“I can’t believe Tara is just...gone. Seems like a long time ago myself and my two amigos ran into you and your two on the road.”
“Yeah, it does, doesn’t it?” you said as you thought back to the day you, Tara, and Glenn met Eugene, Ro, and Abraham. “Now it’s just the three of us…”
“Three is better than none,” Eugene offered.
“I know,” you said. You and Eugene were quiet for a little while longer before he spoke again.
“I understand, you know,” he said.
“Understand what?” you asked as you handed him a hammer.
“Negan,” he said. “I understand why you feel the need to lock lips and square dance with the man.”
“Not sure anyone is doin’ any square dancin’, Eugene,” you muttered, embarrassed at his choice of words.
“Regardless, I get it. He’s a complicated man, but he makes ya feel important. Maybe now he actually means it.” You paused at that, looking over at him slowly. “Actually, I’m sure he means it,” he quickly corrected. “However, if I’m bein’ honest, that tall, broad-chested man still scares me to the heavens so I don’t think I’m the right person to say anything.”
“Probably not,” you said, grabbing your things and putting everything away in your bag.
“I didn’t mean any harm,” Eugene said. With a sigh, you reached over and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I know,” you said. “I also know that I am not gonna like everyone’s opinion of him, but I’m learning to tune it out.”
“Smart,” Eugene said. “Cause I’m not gonna lie, you scare me too when you’re upset.”
“You don’t need to be scared of me, Eugene,” you said with a chuckle. “You don’t need to be scared of either of us. I’ll keep him on the straight and narrow.”
“If anyone can, it’s you,” Eugene said.
“Right,” you said.
“Hey, are gonna be right as rain durin’ this storm? I know ya don’t like it when things go whippin’ and crashin’ in the night.”
“It’s a snowstorm, not a thunderstorm, I’ll be just fine,” you said as you hauled your bag over your shoulder. “And if I’m not, I’ll let ya know.”
“I’ll be around!” Eugene called after you and you gave him a wave as you began walking towards the meeting hall. At that moment, all you wanted to do was go back to bed and hide from the rest of the world if they were going to keep giving their opinions on your new relationship.
Still, you pushed on and went to set up for the storm that would arrive and began to think of the last two storms you had been in. The last one your best friend had died, but the one before that, you began to realize that you were falling for Negan. You could only imagine what this one would bring.
You weren’t sure you were ready to find out.
You were stacking firewood in the meeting hall when you noticed the shackles that Gabriel had hauled out.
“Are those really necessary?” you asked. Gabriel met your eyes with a grimace.
“We took a vote,” he said as he secured the end of the chain to the support column.
“Fine,” you sighed as you finished your task. You knew that Negan would be grateful for being allowed inside during the storm, but you also knew how he felt about chains. You hated them even more or rather you just hated being tied up in general. You could still feel the rope burns from when the Whisperers had you tied up in that clearing.
Shaking off the memory, you went to place more blankets down. Those who were still in Alexandria were being divided up between the hall and Aaron’s as they had the largest fireplaces. Though, with every glance and jingle of the chain, you were starting to think that Negan’s body heat idea wasn’t all that bad after all.
However, as you placed a blanket down that you knew RJ would be using, you sucked it up and continued to work. Michonne tasked you and Gabriel to take care of her kids and you weren’t going to let her down. Not even for some much-needed alone time with Negan.
“Did you know that back before the world went all Dead-man-rising, it was reported that fifteen people died every year from icicle-related incidents?” Eugene said out of the blue.
You ignored him, used to his usual candor, but Gabriel seemed intrigued. “I wonder what that statistic would be now?”
“I do not know, but I’d imagine it may be more,” Eugene said. “Perhaps the icy weapons take out more Walkers than people these days.”
“One should fall on Alpha’s skull,” Rosita muttered.
“It’d probably melt before it could impale her considering she’s surrounded by Hellfire,” you said. Rosita raised her brows at that, but she was clearly amused by your imagery.
“Anyone else think we need to find (Y/N) a rifle?” Rosita asked.
“Don’t think I haven’t thought about it,” Gabriel said as he pressed a kiss to Rosita’s head.
“Would you take the shot?” Eugene asked. Everyone was looking at you and you didn’t need to think any further before giving them an answer.
“If I had my sniper rifle and I got that bitch in my sights, I’d blow her brains out with zero hesitation,” you said.
“Shit,” Rosita said, “no wonder Negan likes you.”
“Is that a compliment?” you asked, narrowing your eyes.
“In this situation,” she said with a glint in her eye that told you she was dead serious, “Yes, yes it is.”
Just before the storm fell upon the Safe Zone, you got Negan from his cell and the Grimes kids from their house.
You didn’t bother putting on the cuffs as you led Negan from the cell as he was just about to be shackled anyway. RJ and Judith were bundled up as the snow began falling, already soaking their pant legs.
“Come here, little man,” you said as you bent down and hauled RJ up onto your shoulders so he didn’t have to walk across the ice. He giggled with joy as he grabbed onto your hands to keep himself steady.
A moment later and you were laughing yourself as Judith jumped onto Negan’s back who grabbed her legs to hike her up higher. “What am I? A horse?” he said as Judith wrapped her arms around his neck with a smile.
“Yeah, maybe we can get you a muzzle,” Judith said with a laugh and Negan looked over at you in shock as you tried not to laugh again.
“This is bullying,” he said.
“Nope, this is kids being kids,” you said with a wink. Negan rolled his eyes but didn’t complain as he carried his Grimes kid across the road.
“You’re really tall,” RJ said to Negan as you approached the door. Negan looked up at him with narrowed eyes as if he was thinking hard.
“I think you’re taller than me right now, big man,” he said and RJ laughed as he pulled on your fingers. You beamed at the both of them, feeling a warmth spread in your chest at the small interaction.
The four of you were the first ones to arrive which you were grateful for. Judith slid off Negan’s back as she skipped inside, going over to a window to set up for the night. You dropped RJ down before leading Negan over to the column.
“I’m sorry about this,” you whispered as you unlocked the chains and got them ready.
“Don’t be,” he said. “As you said, it’s better than freezing.” You looked up at him and he took the moment of being chain-free to place his hands on either side of your face and press a kiss to your brow. “It’s just one night.”
“One night,” you repeated and then he reached down and brought your hands to his lips and kissed your knuckles. With a wink, Negan offered you his wrists and you attached the cuffs. Placing the key down by Gabriel’s stuff as it was a part of the deal. You made sure he was secure before going to get RJ settled.
Negan watched after you as he took a seat on the makeshift couch behind him. Judith then jumped down from her window and joined him. “I can’t find Dog,” she said sadly.
“Is that Daryl’s mutt?” Negan asked and Judith nodded. “He’s a dog, kiddo, he’ll be fine.”
“I know,” she said with a sigh as she leaned into his shoulder.
“You worried about your mom?” he asked. Judith sighed and he took that as an answer. “She’s gonna be just fine, okay?”
“Okay,” Judith said.
“Your mom is the last person you gotta worry about. Now, your uncle, who knows what’s going on under all that hair,” he said with a wink, and Judith giggled.
“I like his hair,” Judith defended just as the door opened and Laura and Eugene walked in. Laura nodded to Negan, but Eugene ignored him.
“This is going to be a long night, kid,” he whispered to her.
“I’ll protect you,” she swore.
“I know you will,” he said, nudging her arm with his before she returned to her perch by the window. Siddiq, Gabriel, and Rosita arrived after and they reacted the same way as Eugene had.
You were tucking in RJ as the sun began to set when Laura came up to you. “This should be fun,” she said to you.
“Don’t encourage them,” you warned and she raised her hands in defense.
“You know me, I’m an angel,” she announced and Negan snorted from behind her. Laura subtly turned towards him, raising her middle finger so only he and the other adults could see. Negan rolled his eyes, but couldn’t keep the smile off his face.
“Behave,” you said as you walked over to him to grab something out of your bag that was at his feet.
“She started it,” he said and you pointed a finger at him. “Okay, okay,” he said in defeat.
“Thank you,” you said as you pulled out RJ’s gloves and went to give them to him.
“What’s that word that starts with a ‘W’?” Gabriel asked as he approached Negan. “Whipped?”
“You’re an asshole,” Negan said. “Plain and simple, Father. You are an asshole.” Gabriel just gave him a shit-eating grin.
“I call it as I see it,” he said.
“Says the man who is with a woman who is having another man’s baby,” Negan said innocently and Gabriel sighed. “See, I can play the game too,” he said and then made a whipping sound under his breath.
“And yet, who’s in chains?” Gabriel asked as he walked away. Negan glared at his back as he went over to Rosita. Laura was across from him, settling into the other couch as she stared at him. He thought back to their last conversation and her threat with the rusty spoon. He quickly looked away, suddenly feeling the need to run from the blonde.
Once you got the smallest Grimes situated, you collapsed in the seat next to Negan, laying down and propping your feet up in his lap. Closing your eyes, you put your hands behind your head. “Wake me up when it’s over,” you said to anyone.
“I forgot that you can sleep like a bear,” Rosita said.
“More like a cat,” Gabriel said. “Remember when they fell asleep on a church pew after a mass murder had just occurred?”
Opening one eye, you glared at Gabriel. “I was tired,” you defended. “Not my fault Gareth’s blood was all over the floor. That’s what happens when you get a machete to the brain.”
“Tell me more,” Laura said as she walked over. You glanced over at RJ and then back at her.
“Maybe later, it’s not a pretty story,” you said.
“Regardless,” Eugene said, “I’ve seen (Y/N) sleep in a hayloft while a massive storm was ragin’ with trees comin’ down and everything.”
“I was unconscious, actually,” you said, pointing at him. “And if you remember correctly, the reason I was unconscious was that Maggie was trying to secure the barn door and she smacked me in the head with the two by four.” Rosita laughed at that.
“When was that?” Gabriel asked.
“After Grady,” Rosita said. “Remember, Daryl found the barn, the same barn Aaron found us in the next day.”
“Right,” he said. “When Rick had the very large beard.”
“I hated that damn beard,” you said as you readjusted yourself on the couch. Negan was just listening to all the stories. Laura was too. Neither of them was interjecting and you didn’t know if that was because they were curious or because they knew nobody wanted them to speak about Rick. Either way, you looked up at Negan who was making small circles with his fingers on your shins. He smiled softly at you and you mirrored the expression.
“Do you remember right before that, when it rained for the first time in weeks,” Rosita said quietly. “Tara and I lay down on the road and just…” she trailed off, letting the memory wash over her.
“Yeah, I do,” you said. “I also remember when she used to wear her hair in pigtails.” Rosita smiled at that. “You did too,” you pointed out.
“They looked better on me,” she joked. Gabriel pulled her into his side as she began going down memory lane for Tara. Her loss hit everyone in Alexandria the most, but it was nice to think of all the times everyone shared with her.
It was well after the sun went down when the blizzard was at its peak. You were freezing and had moved closer to Negan who was trying his best to keep your hands warm between his. Rosita was by the fire as Siddiq made sure she and her unborn child were staying as warm as possible.
“Anyone else feeling incredibly awkward right now?” Negan said to the quiet room.
“I think that’s just you,” Rosita said pleasantly.
“I mean, come on, this is just sad,” he said.
“Not everyone likes to hear themselves talk, Negan,” Siddiq said.
“I don’t know, Doc, some people are into that,” Negan said with a wink. You didn’t bother chastising Negan as you leaned into him. Eugene, however, had something to say as usual.
“I find you’re innuendos very odd and uncomfortable,” Eugene said and Rosita snorted then.
“Eugene, you are not allowed to judge people’s ‘innuendos’ because I remember very well how you once spent a few months as a voyeur,” she said and you nearly choked on the hot air in the room. Negan, however, was thrilled to learn about this.
“You, kinky bastard, Eugene,” Negan said with a wide grin.
“Language!” Judith said from her spot by the window.
“Sorry! Sorry, kiddo,” Negan said, raising his hands.
“Yeah, you tell ‘em, Jude,” you said sleepily.
“Woah, you two are really ganging up on me, huh?” Negan said.
“Well, who else is gonna do it?” Judith said and you laughed.
“You know what, Judith,” you began, “you get all your sass from your Aunt Beth.”
“I think I remember her,” Judith said.
“When your uncle gets home, you ask Daryl about Maggie’s sister, he’ll agree with me. All those times she held you, she was just passing on the sass.”
“Sister?” Negan whispered to you.
“Tell ya about it later,” you said. Negan quirked a brow and then squeezed your thigh playfully.
“Gross,” Laura said, watching the action. You threw a pillow at her then. “You wanna go, (Y/N)?” she asked.
“Please, we both know I could take you down,” you said.
“I’d pay good money to see that,” Negan said.
“Me too,” agreed Siddiq. You and Rosita both punched them on the shoulder at that. Negan laughed and then he noticed Judith again.
“Are you still lookin’ for that dog, kid?” he asked.
“Daryl told me to take care of him and I don’t know where he is,” Judith said sadly.
“That dog’s a Dixon, Jude,” you said, “he’s probably already learned to hunt, track, and shoot a crossbow by now. He’ll be fine,” you assured her. Judith sighed and then you felt Negan stiffen next to you. “What’s wrong?” you asked.
“Anyone else smell that?” he asked.
“What now?” Gabriel asked, annoyed.
“No, he’s right,” Rosita said. You got up from the couch and began walking around the room, trying to find the source. When you approached the fireplace, it got incredibly strong.
“Get away from there!” Eugene yelled just as a wave of flames leaped out of the bricks and towards your face. Laura grabbed you and pulled you back before the inferno could touch you. You both fell to the floor and you just knew there was going to be a bruise.
“(Y/N)?” Negan asked, worried.
“I’m fine,” you promised him as you helped Laura sit up. However, while you were fine, the fireplace was now just soot and charcoal. As you tugged your coat closer to your body, you slowly started to feel the cold begin to creep back in.
“As I suspected,” Eugene said as he peered into the dark chimney. “The chimney flue is completely gunkified. What singed your nostrils earlier was no doubt a toxic mixture of creosote and H2O. Blizzard's done some tearing and blaring. And our chimney's ventilation capabilities are nil to none. It'd be unwise to spark up another blaze lest we plan on ceasing all respiratory functions, a.k.a. smoking and choking.”
“God, I missed you, Eugene,” Negan said from beside you. 
“I can't say the same,” Eugene said with a sigh. 
“Without the fire, we’re screwed,” you said, already trying to get warm again. Negan was looking at you with worry. You pressed into his side to try and quell those thoughts. 
“Okay, folks, contingency plan,” Gabriel said. “We're going to Aaron's house. It'll be tight quarters, but we'll make it work.” Gabriel began grabbing his things and you put out your hand. 
“The key, Gabe,” you said, waiting. He hesitated and Negan scoffed. 
“Seriously?” Negan said, “Not one of you assholes is gonna untie me?” 
“We could always tell Michonne it was an accident,” Rosita offered. 
“You wanna try that again?” you asked, your voice neutral. 
“Gabe, just give them the damn key,” Siddiq said as Rosita rolled her eyes. Gabriel handed you the key and you quickly unlocked the cuffs around Negan’s wrists. 
Gabriel grabbed RJ into his arms as everyone took hold of a rope to help them stay together as you all prepared to walk into the blinding snow. 
One by one, you all entered the blizzard, holding onto the rope that connected you all together. While Aaron’s house wasn’t far away, you could barely see a foot ahead of you. You kept a hand on Negan’s back, making sure he was always with you as you pushed on through the harsh wind and the thick snow. 
As you trekked on, it was only a few minutes when the loud sound of barking reached you through the loud roaring of the wind. 
“Dog!” Judith yelled as she let go of the rope and ran into the white wall of ice and snow. 
“Judith!” Negan screamed as she ran. Then, you felt him move from under your palm as he ran after her. 
“Negan!” you hollered as you tried to follow him. Laura held you back. 
“No, (Y/N)!” Laura shouted over the wind, but you shrugged her off. Harshly pushing her away, you walked into the blizzard. 
“Negan!” you called, trying to see him, but you couldn’t make out his form in the white wall of ice and wind. “Negan!” you yelled again, the cold making it harder to speak. You could already feel the air in your lungs starting to drop in temperature. 
As you took another step, pain erupted in your side as something struck you. Gasping in pain, you pressed your hand to your side and found something sharp. With a hard tug, you pulled a piece of metal from your flesh. “Fuck,” you swore as hot blood mixed with the icy air. 
“(Y/N)!” you heard Laura calling you, but you couldn’t see where she was. You couldn’t see where anyone or anything was and it was getting harder to stay focused. 
Your knees hit the ground first and then you used your other arm to brace yourself against the white earth. Coughing, you could taste the tang of blood behind your lips and your skin felt as if it was on fire. “Son of a bitch,” you swore again as you fought to keep awake.
From behind the veil of wind and snow, you saw a small figure coming towards you. “Judith?” you asked, trying to shield your eyes from the storm. However, what you thought was Judith was actually walking on four legs. Dog barreled towards you and just behind him was a large figure who carried a smaller one in his arms. 
“(Y/N)?” Negan said as Dog reached you first. 
“You...idiot,” you said, but then relaxed a bit more as you noticed he had found Judith. 
“Come on, get up, Teach,” he yelled over the wind. You tried to stand, but the pain was too much. “Get! Up! I can’t carry you both!” Finding some resolve, you yelled out in pain as you got to your feet and found his arm. “Dog, find Gabe!” Negan ordered and the canine took off in a direction. 
You could barely see her, but Judith did seem to be conscious. You also realized she was wrapped in Negan’s coat and he was slowly freezing in the dropping temperature. You pushed on faster. You and Negan were sinking into the snow as blood crystalized on your side. Still, you fought on. Your fingers felt numb as they gripped Negan’s shirt, but you still didn’t let go. 
Eventually, a glow from a window came within your view as you finally made it to Aaron’s. 
“Dog!” you croaked out. “Go!” With the rope that Negan had tied to the animal, Daryl’s companion pulled you to the front porch. The four of you scraped yourselves up the stairs and under the slight awning. Negan kicked out at the door, his boot slamming at the base. 
The door was then ripped open and Laura stood there with wide eyes. “Take her,” Negan begged, trying to hand Judith over the woman who immediately hauled the girl into her arms. 
“Siddiq!” Laura called as you crumbled to the ground. 
“Oh, no you don’t,” Negan said as he grabbed you by the shoulders and dragged you inside, shutting the door behind both of you. Negan tore the coat from your body and then stopped as he saw your blood-soaked shirt underneath. “Shit!” he swore under his breath as Siddiq finally arrived. Negan was nearly blue from the cold, but he wasn’t going to let anyone else carry you. 
“Backroom,” Siddiq said to Negan who picked you up and began carrying you to the spare bedroom. You could barely keep your eyes open as he stumbled through the house. 
“Ow,” you moaned as Negan shoved open the door and placed you on the bed. A shivering Judith grimes was stumbling after you, having escaped from Laura. 
“(Y/N)?” Judith asked with a worried tone. 
“They’re gonna be okay,” Siddiq said as he began to pull the frozen fabric away from your side. Just above your hip was a good slice from whatever had hit you. You thought maybe it would have been a piece of fence. “Judith, go get warm, I’ll take care of them.”
“No,” she argued through chattering teeth. 
“Judith, go,” Siddiq ordered again, and then she was sulking away, her limbs still sluggish from the cold. “Stay awake, Shots,” Siddiq said. 
“Shots,” you repeated with a weak laugh. “Haven’t heard that one in a while.” 
“Do you remember who gave you that nickname?” Siddiq asked as he prepped his suture kit, trying to keep you talking. 
“Carl,” you whispered. 
“Yep, he did,” Siddiq confirmed, wiping away the extra blood as you cried out in pain. “He told me before he died that he gave you that name the night the horde came through Alexandria. The night he lost his eye.”
“I shot the Walkers who tried… who tried…” you attempted to finish, but you were getting tired. 
“Keep them talking,” Siddiq said to Negan who was then pulling your face towards his, trying to get your attention. 
“Who tried what?” Negan asked. “Tell me what they were trying to do.”
“They tried to get in the infirmary,” you said with a cough. “They tried to get to Carl, but I wouldn’t let them. I was using two guns,” you remembered. “I had to keep him safe.” A tear rolled from your eye at the memory. 
“You did,” Negan said. “You kept him safe, (Y/N).”
“No, I didn’t,” you said. “Carl’s gone because I couldn’t keep him safe. He’s gone, Negan.”
“I know,” he whispered, and then your eyes went wide as Siddiq pushed the needle into your skin to sew you up. A hoarse yell echoed from your throat as Siddiq pulled the suture tight. “Focus on me, Teach. Focus on me.” 
And so you did as the storm raged on outside the walls of Aaron’s house, but with every pull of suture and sting of the needle, you cried out in pain.
142 notes · View notes
halinski · 4 years
Red Light, Green Light
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I lost the original ask when I tried to post the other day but thankfully I had this saved! Thank you to the anon who sent this!! It was a great challenge and obviously it took me a long while (so I hope you’re still around!) but I’m actually quite happy with it :D I might finally be gaining some confidence with writing hehe lots of thanks to @kcfriedchicken​ for always putting up with me and cheering me on, and also to @livinginfictions​ for the thorough beta!! <3
[Read on AO3]
Derek blinked lazily at the clock on Stiles' desk, wishing he could close his eyes and keep dozing, pretend he hadn't seen how late it was getting because that meant putting an end to this. But...an alpha missing out or being late to his own pack meeting would not do. Especially if he popped up around the same time as Stiles, both of them smelling distinctly of each other.
No. This...whatever it was—well, relationship, yes, in a way—it was just theirs for now. Stiles’ and his. They hadn't put a name to it, mostly because Derek feared to bestow a cursed title upon Stiles. Connections like this generally ended badly. But this was something that was just theirs, safe and secure behind four walls, or car doors. For now.
Another minute ticked by, striking Derek's ears, drawing attention to the impatient little black hands, swinging further on and on, tempting Derek to dig his claws into the plastic and tear it apart, as if that would eradicate the concept of time so that he could continue to lie here with Stiles on his shoulder. If that was all his life consisted of from this day forward, Derek wouldn't mind. He'd always seen himself bleeding to death at the hands of an enemy, enduring inexplicable pain but now... 
He could spend eternity here in Stiles' room, on his tiny bed, and not be bothered at all, or alternatively, and more realistically, die happy on the spot in a good way.
He was half tempted to go public with their...relationship but it also made the fear of vulnerability stir inside his chest. It was one thing to have Stiles see his cracks and edges: to let him soothe them like balm in privacy, but revealing this thing with Stiles would mean letting the rest of the world know about his weakness. He knew the pack didn't mean him any harm, and yet...
Derek was working on giving the softness inside him space. It was a work in progress.
He sighed, another tick and tock of a minute having gone by, the planned event creeping closer. Stiles snuffled against Derek's shoulder at the sound, rubbing his scent into the worn grey shirt. His arm re-adjusted around Derek's torso.
"If you keep up with that all my shirts are gonna be shoulder free - but only on the right side," Derek said, amused and hell, proud even, at how quickly so many wolf-like behaviors had grown on Stiles; faster than anyone else in the pack, when he wasn't even a wolf. It spoke volumes of Stiles' understanding. Sure, he had been tactile from the start, searching for contact, and Derek had seen the hugs and shoulder pats he shared with his dad but this...it just felt right.
Derek was glad the human's eyes were closed because the smirk he was wearing may have been closer to a smile, and he didn't dare encourage Stiles’ ideas further. If he gave his cheesy thoughts too much room he would ruin their balanced give and take. They both found a necessary challenge in the other. Derek couldn't just surrender.
"You can buy new ones," Stiles mumbled, not caring to lift his head even the slightest bit. "Shit, it's not like you're poor. Don't be stingy. Let a guy enjoy himself."
Derek let out a light snort. "You've enjoyed yourself plenty. It's time we get ready."
Stiles just whined, slightly high pitched and grating, but a wordless communication Derek appreciated, if only for the fact that Stiles didn't necessarily need his words around him anymore. When he didn't want to, which...wasn't very often.
"Come on, let's go," Derek said, giving Stiles' a vigorous little back rub to try and get his system going, after which he managed to pull him up into a sitting position with him.
"This sucks. I'm going to excommunicate from the pack. Both you and me so we never have to deal with any responsibilities ever again," Stiles said, blinking unhappily into the room.
Derek swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood, stretching his back. "And then I'll whisk you away and we'll live in a cave like real wolf-men for the rest of our lives," he quipped.
"Exactly!" Stiles exclaimed, a grin splitting his face. "This is why I'm dating you."
"Yeah, yeah. I get it. You only want me because I'm a werewolf." Derek let out a put upon sigh after slipping on his shoes and grabbing his jacket. Stiles joined him then, taking hold of Derek by wrapping his fist in the hem of his shirt.
"Come here, hot wolf-man," Stiles mock-growled, pulling him in. Derek went along easily, lips finding Stiles' blindly and letting himself sink into the warmth. Stiles' hand stroked over his cheek with the tenderness of a sunlit daisy.
God, Derek was a goner.
Derek gently nudged Stiles back, righting his head. Stiles followed his movement with a subtle lick across his lips, pupils all wide and open, as if he had a whole world in there for Derek alone to make his home in. But he couldn't let himself get distracted by Stiles again. 
"I'll race you," he blurted out to shake himself out of this delirious high. A challenge: one of the strongest motivators for Stiles. On cue, Derek watched the spark ignite in his eyes.
"I'm listening." Stiles smiled at him defiantly.
"I bet I can make it home, shower and be ready before you are."
"On foot? No way! I'm so going to win this."
"Oh yeah?"
"You're a goner, Hale."  Stiles was right about that on one count.
Derek met his gaze with equal glee. He held the moment just for a second longer, fingertips brushing against Stiles' nape. Stiles' pulse jumped beneath his thumb and Derek couldn't put the feelings in his chest into words, nor actions. The most he was capable of was resting his forehead against Stiles', just breathing him in.
Resisting the tangible temptation to give in to Stiles once more, Derek merely parted his lips to whisper, "Go!"
He ripped himself from the human and fled, holding fast to his next objective.
"Hey!" Stiles objected after a heartbeat, but Derek was already out the window.
Stiles screeched into the parking lot, foot on the break and hands pulling the steering wheel for a sharp left. He skidded to a halt next to the familiar figures at the entrance to Derek’s building - he still couldn’t believe his boyfriend had bought a whole building just to maintain his social isolation. Then again, having to listen to your neighbors do literally everything couldn’t be great. It would drive anyone insane. Stiles yanked the emergency break as he parked and left the car running, jumping out in one smooth move.
Isaac could shut it, he was totally smooth.
“You asshole!” Stiles ranted, pointing at Derek in frustration. “You cheated.” 
Derek did nothing but smile smugly, eyebrows openly laughing at Stiles.
“I don’t cheat,” he declared, arms crossing over his chest, now wearing a nice bright blue shirt. There was a light, earthy cologne crawling up Stiles' nose as he stood in front of this man of brawn. Stiles knew intimately how solid and strong Derek was beneath that sturdy dark blue top but instead of indulging said train of thought he had to expel it. The pack was probably used to his hormonal responses to Derek but he was supposed to be growing out of that phase.
Thank goodness for strong deodorant, Stiles thought,watching Derek's nostrils flare. He breathed in relief at the small nod that deemed him clean enough. Any lingering scents of each other scrubbed away,  and  a change of clothes. Dating a werewolf on the down low among other werewolves was a pain in the ass. Especially when assholes like Jackson would sneer and complain about the "ghastly stink" of artificial scents only when it came to Stiles. Naturally, he didn’t dare talk smack about Derek in his presence. 
"There's no way. You absolutely cheated," Stiles insisted and jabbed at those abs, just under Derek's elbow, where he knew he was ticklish. Then he bit his tongue lest he let anything incriminating slip and whirled around, grinning to himself at the quiet wheeze behind him.
"You done?” Lydia asked with an audible eye roll. How was it that all of Stiles’ favorite people had perfected that movement? 
“Yup!” Stiles declared, making a beeline for Erica to hook his arm into hers. Erica was bound to try to interrogate him about what kind of cheating Derek had done but Stiles was a sheriff’s son, and he had all his evasive techniques down. Of course, Erica had her own theories about him and the alpha, which may or may not have resulted in him confessing to her about his crush. Despite not being able to tell her about any of the developments, he found comfort in the fact that he could be sure she was rooting for them. “C’mon, bestie. Let’s go!”
Stiles didn’t miss the grin Erica sent Derek’s way before they turned and headed up into the loft, making a pit stop at the still running Jeep. The rest of the pack slowly shuffled after them. 
Somehow... no matter how organized Derek tried to be before a pack meeting or how sternly he glared and attempted to keep the pack in line, pack meetings always resulted in chaos and headaches. Right now, there was a discussion going on about cats and full moons that weren’t based on any scientific (or supernatural) evidence and Derek couldn't even recall when the conversation shifted.
Even Stiles was getting tired at this point, rubbing his forehead vigorously as he hung over the laptop. Derek hadn't heard him typing for the past 15 minutes and it hadn’t been long after that Stiles had stopped sending sullen looks his way and started stubbornly picking at the permanent stain on the table.
"Okay, let's wrap this up and get something to eat before I start tearing out throats," Derek sighed.
Stiles' laptop snapped shut before Derek finished the sentence.
Boyd smirked. "We haven't heard that one in a while," he commented.
"So, we're done, right?" Lydia declared, already packing up her things and slipping her shoes back on.
"We're done when I say I'm done," Derek said. "Any other questions left?"
Erica raised her arm from her lounged position. 
"Are we done?" she asked, without as much a hint of amusement, and Derek was. Derek was 100 percent done trying to deal with these teenagers. 
He gave her a long blank stare. Just to prove how much he meant it, before he turned from where he had been pacing and pointed at Stiles.
"Patty's. You're driving."
Then he marched upstairs to his private bathroom, just to buy himself some alone time, hanging out the tiny window and staring out at the tree tops. 
He loved his pack, he did. Sometimes it was all a bit much and he needed to breathe, though. He'd been the same even as a kid.
He waited until everyone had made their way into the stairwell before taking a deep breath and following. A small part of him was hoping Stiles would linger behind so they could have a moment but he quickly buried that thought with logic. They would be heard and how could he even already miss Stiles when they had just spent hours together?
Grabbing his jacket, wallet in the pocket, he pulled the door shut and ambled down the stairs. He didn't bother locking it. There was nothing to protect, and Derek made sure to chase off any stupid teens who wanted to screw around and vandalize the place. Any supernaturals wouldn't be bothered by a lock anyway.
The only exception was, of course, when Stiles was around.
Of course, the kids weren't even close to figuring out a seating order by the time he joined them. What did Derek even expect?
But upon approaching the Jeep, he found one seat occupied. The passenger seat. Derek stopped short. 
"Erica." Because of course. 
Her curls bounced as the young women turned to look and flash a grin at him. 
"Derek, hi! Would you look at that, we're matching," she said, shimmying in her own leather jacket, just as black as his, but newer and shinier. Derek wouldn't really say they matched, because Erica was a fashion statement in herself, a force of her own, and Derek was just…wearing a memento because it was comfortable. Whatever.
Derek crossed his arms.
Stiles came over to his side, leaning on him and in toward Erica. Stiles let his fingers tap lightly against Derek's pec. Thank God Stiles had always been reckless with physical contact and there was no sudden change in intimacy that could cause suspicion. Derek just had to make sure he didn't preen too much.
"Eyebrows basically mirrored, matching, with only a slight degree of tilt, I would say maybe like a good… 19%. And then we have a non-flared nose but alert ears and oh, dare I say… that freshly trimmed stubble really drives the point home,which is…Erica, I think you better move," Stiles warned, voice lifting from dramatic broadcaster to a cartoonist sing-song tune.
Derek chose not to acknowledge Stiles, because encouragement would surely only escalate this situation. Either in the manner of Stiles' antics, or instead with the fondness trying to bloom in Derek's chest.
Erica only proceeded to lean further into her seat, eyes flickering between the two of them with a certain glint.
"And why's that?" she challenged.
"Because I say so," Derek muttered.
"And he's the alpha," Stiles finished for him, straightening with pride. 
Erica gazed back between the two of them, lips pursuing with evident consideration of pushing further. Then she sighed.
"You know it's really not fair when you gang up on me," she said, but a smile still snuck its way onto her face. She turned towards the middle console and hiked herself up to clamber into the back. Halfway there, she stuck her hands out and called for Boyd's assistance, who gave a small shake of his head but quickly came to his girlfriend's aid. 
Derek bit back a comment while Stiles laughed at his side, and then detached himself from him. Before Stiles left to go grab his own seat, he left a gentle pat on Derek's back.
Two and a half hours, 12 burgers, 7 large fries (4 regular and 3 curly), 2 cartons of onion rings, some chicken, multiple stacks of pancakes, 4 waffles, 8 milkshakes, and a juicy mixed berry pie  later, they were back in the cars, making the 20 minute drive to Beacon Hills. Sure, there were plenty of places to eat in town but after discovering Patty’s diner one early morning while dealing with some kind of manticore-like creature nearby, they had deemed this the best reasonably close diner. Now, it was a regular thing.
Jackson led the way in his Porsche, of course, with Lydia right at his side and Scott and Allison in the back, while Jeep tailed them with Stiles at the wheel. Erica was splayed out in the backseat with her head resting in Boyd’s lap, quietly humming along to the radio. Isaac was smooshed over on the other side and yet still somehow found a way to rest his head on Boyd's shoulder and close his eyes. 
Hungers sated, stress digested and drama enacted all through dinner, everything was starting to slowly settle. Even Derek's restless soul found sanctuary in the familiar scents of his pack and the rhythm of Stiles' fingers against the wheel as they corresponded with his heartbeat. Derek allowed himself to find comfort, sinking further into the seat and stretching his arm casually out to rest on the back of Stiles' seat. 
He watched Stiles' eyes flicker his way but halt and return to take in the sight in the rear view mirror. A small smile tugged at his lips and Stiles hummed along with Erica as if the swell of affection radiating from him was not at all related to Derek's action.
Derek followed his gaze back out to the street in front before he could get lost in retracing the slope of Stiles' nose and the starry path of moles down his cheek. The Porsche was growing ever smaller, occasionally disappearing from view entirely.
"You're going to lose them," Derek remarked. Not that it really mattered; everything still felt safe enough. As safe as it could, that was.
"If Jackson wants to flash his bougie car as some sort of compensation even  though he didn't even buy it himself, he can be my guest. I'm not pushing my darling today," Stiles said, making a show of stroking the wheel. He smirked. "Unless you want to pay for a full on “Pimp My Car” session?"
Derek snorted. "In your dreams."
"One day. Just you wait. You'll see."
"Upgrading anything about this—this—" Derek reconsidered calling Roscoe a piece of crap whenStiles threw him a warning glare, "—hunk of metal…would cost more than buying a brand new SUV, including A/C and all the good stuff."
"You know, if you give me that in cash, I could totally start saving up for that upgrade." Stiles gave him an impish little smile.
"Absolutely not."
"C'mon, Hale. Fork over the cash," Stiles sang, holding up a hand and rubbing his fingers together. "Otherwise I might have to start charging by the mile, along with a service fee."
Which Derek had absolutely offered Stiles before. Well, not payment by the mile but he had happily suggested taking care of all charges for the usage and maintenance of the Jeep. He had repeatedly insisted and it was Stiles who, more often than not, refused. 
"I think we might have to switch over to transport by taxi. That'll be cheaper as well as a smoother ride,"  Derek countered.
"What are you, 50? Have you ever heard of Uber? It's what all the—"
"Eyes on the road, Stiles."
"I am paying attention. Jeez, relax."
"And both hands on the wheel."
"Stop acting like my dad—"
"Oh my God, Stiles. I am not that old. Stop comparing me to your dad, of all people."
"Then stop acting like it. You're out here lecturing me like I don't always get you right where you need to be. With special bodyguard services, if I may add, which you will never get from any carpooling service." 
Derek shook his head at the smug smile on his mate's face. There was time for sweet praises to be whispered into burning ears from within warm embraces in bed later. For now, he just preened at the familiarity of the interaction. Nothing like some good old bickering to help digest a feast.
"It's red." Derek pointed out to the street light ahead.
"I have eyes," Stiles said, easing down on the brake a little harder. The Jeep eventually rolled to a stop before the empty intersection, the hanging mist seeping from the tall dark trees radiating a gleaming red.
Derek loved it when the world made it seem like time stood still.
Stiles turned to him.
"Red light," Stiles proclaimed, voice suddenly open and unguarded. It was like the silvery shine to full moon nights when they encased Derek in protection. He reacted to the words on instinct, habit pulling him forward. Derek leaned in without hesitation.
Letting his lips meet Stiles' didn't require any guidance. He'd probably find his way home to Stiles' soft touch blindfolded from the opposite side of the world. Kissing Stiles was sweet like honey and warm like a fireplace in the dead of a Siberian winter.
It wasn't a peck, definitely a longer interaction, but it was still soft and sweet. They were encapsulated in their own little world until they finally parted. Derek found those beautiful amber eyes and smiled.
"Green light," he said softly, having registered the quiet click and the now lightened fog outside.
Stiles breathed out between parted lips, a corner of them hiking up. He was just about to shift the car into motion when—
"What the ever loving fuck was that?!" Erica burst between them with a shout, nails digging into their sleeves. "What? I mean, this! You kissed!"
Stiles brought his foot down on the brake again hard, but he forgot the clutch and killed the engine instantly. He'd let out his own shout that fell quiet as the car came to a rocking stop.
Derek winced at the volume before he could register what was going on and then… froze. 
"Erica! What the hell," Stiles breathed out, throwing his hands up to his hair. His discomfort couldn't solely be attributed to the surprise from the backseat, Derek figured, chancing a look over to see the blush climbing up Stiles' face. Derek knew all too well how it started; with the pink gleam budding just beneath his collarbone before it expanded like smattering star dust all the way up his neck that found its heart in his cheeks. Right where Derek found the source of his happiness when they tugged up and bunched around Stiles' smile.
"No." Erica shook her head. "Not me. What is going on right here?" She tugged at their arms. "When did this start? How long has it been going on?"
"And how in hell did you manage to keep this a secret, Stilinski?" Isaac threw in, his head popping up beside the bouncy curls.
Stiles looked over at Derek cautiously. His heart was clearly doing double time and well, so was Derek's. They had always avoided discussing the possibility of an involuntary reveal so, honestly, it served them right. Derek should've known the universe would have a trick up its sleeve as soon as he relaxed.
But…this wasn't necessarily something bad. He was pretty sure that the pack wouldn't mind about this development. Chances were, it would bring them all closer together. Somehow.
Still, doubts remained. Fear crept through him on spindly legs, ready to strike with its black widow fangs at any moment. There was so much that could go wrong. So much-
There was a deep intake of breath from beside him. 
"It's not what you think," Stiles said then.
"Oh, so Derek wasn't just shoving his tongue down your throat?" Erica hummed, and she leaned forward to place her chin on Stiles' shoulder.
"There was no tongue involved!" Stiles exclaimed, throwing up an arm.
"There was a kiss though," Boyd intercepted.
Stiles glared at him through the rear view mirror. "You too? Betrayal."
"I am pretty curious about this," he replied, gazing over at Derek as best as he could past Erica's and Isaac's heads.
"Oh my god," Stiles breathed. "It was just…a game! It was—it was just a game."
"A game?" Erica had nearly perfected the signature Hale eyebrow lift. 
Stiles was not fully successful at covering up his jealousy. 
Nor the shame and upset at having to play the incident off. Derek wasn't having it.
"Yes, a game. The red light game. You spend hours on your phone. How have you not—" Stiles started.
"No," Derek interrupted. There was a quiet hitched breath as all heads turned to stare at the Alpha. He tried to remain calm, and turned to look at his mate.
"It's not just a game. It is our game but we're also dating." Derek swallowed, keeping his breath and words steady. "He's my boyfriend."
Erica's squeal almost drowned out Stiles' beaming joy, but all Derek could see was Stiles; and the unfiltered, sunshine-bright love shining off his exhilarated face. There was surprise there, and some hesitance, but it was overrun by excitement.
"I fucking knew it!" Erica laughed loudly, smacking a kiss to Stiles' cheek and quickly infecting him with her laughter.
It wasn't long before most of the car had joined in, searching for touch all around. Derek felt both pats on his shoulders as well as a grip near his neck, grounding him to pack amidst all the congratulations. It seemed funny now, worrying about the reception of this news. Derek ducked his head to hide his burning eyes.
Relief, happiness—he wasn't even sure what to feel first, but he almost felt like he didn't need to name it. All he had to do was let himself feel it for now. Stiles put his hand over his, squeezing it lightly. Derek took it.
"Wait, so this is why we found you two cooking together that one time!" 
Derek smiled, looking up to the road ahead with a lighter soul.
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The Witch and the Wolf Pt.24
Word Count: 2,610
Characters: Derek Hale, Peter Hale,  Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Ms.Morell, Gerard Argent, OC hunters, Reader
Pairings: Derek Hale x Witch!Reader
Warnings: angst, cliffhanger
A/N: yay one more part till season 3 lol
Masterlist      Series Masterlist
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You stared down at your bruised knuckle, holding back a slight chuckle as you examined it. You sat in the hallway, waiting for your appointment with the counselor. Whoever it was. The Sheriff thought it would be best for all of you to go to her, seeing as what happened a few nights ago. He didn't know everything you’d seen before then. 
“Stiles,” you called, as he walked out of the office.
“Hey,” you sniffled, walking to you as he played with the strings on his racket.
“Nervous about the game?” you asked.
“Honestly, I’ve barely thought about the game, with everything else,” he nodded.
“How are you doing?” he asked you.
“I don’t know. Erica and Boyd are leaving, probably taking Isaac with them. But it's fine,” you replied softly, trying to convince yourself more.
You’d made a mini home with the pack.
“I don’t think Isaac will leave you, you know,” Stiles tried to make you happier.
“(Y/N),” Ms.Morell walked out of the office, waiting for you.
“Catch you later,” you pat Stiles’ back, walking away.
“Peter?” you gasped, staring at him as your eyes went wide.
“Missed me?” he smirked.
You felt an overwhelming sense of anger flood through your veins, before you clenched your fist, swinging at his face, hitting him.
“Oh, my-” Derek looked at you, slightly surprised as you looked back at an unconscious Peter.
“He’s alive?! He’s fucking alive?!” you yelled at Derek, smacking his arm.
“That's what I was about to tell you,” he exclaimed.
“I’m gonna kill him again! How the hell is he alive?!” you exclaimed, rubbing your head.
Derek picked up his unconscious uncle, waking out of your apartment, with you next to him.
“So, (Y/N), what brings you here?” Ms.Morell sat in the chair in front of you, as you crossed your legs, leaning back, playing with the skin on your knuckles.
At least you knocked Peter out.
“Sheriff Stilinski,” you replied, not paying much attention.
To you, speaking to a counselor or speaking to someone in that way wasn’t something you were fond of.
“Is it about the other night? At the station?” she asked.
“Probably,” you shrugged.
“Your mother died recently, correct?” you felt your heart drop, hearing the mention of your mother.
You simply nodded, looking at your fist.
“What happened to your fist?” she asked.
“Nothing,” you shook your head, looking up.
“Okay. Tell me, how are you doing? About your mother?” she asked.
“I’m doing fine. Just thriving,” you said sarcastically.
“How are you doing with everything else?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Your best friend and her family passed away in an unfortunate fire, and your mother passed away the same way. Not to mention being trapped in the school, with Derek Hale trying to kill you,” she started.
Derek? The rumor was cleared, everyone knew it was Kate, or so you thought.
“Derek Hale was innocent,” you shrugged.
“Oh, sorry, not Derek Hale. Peter Hale,” you looked up at her, shocked.
“What?” you asked.
“I know things, (Y/N), I know all about you,” she said.
“Yeah, sure,” you scoffed.
“You know my brother, Deaton?” she said.
“Deaton?” you exclaimed, jumping slightly.
You didn't even know he had siblings.
“I know about your powers, I know about everything. So, I ask again, how are you?” he asked.
You clenched your jaw.
“I said I was fine,” you said.
“Right, (Y/N), you know what a balloon is, correct?” you blinked, giving her a blank stare.
This is the school counselor?
“You know, a balloon can only hold so much air until it pops,” she started.
You rolled your eyes, understanding what she was saying. You were supposed to be the balloon.
“Yeah, so, you see, I’m not a balloon. I’m a human being,” you said.
“Even humans, or witches, have an emotional capacity,” she said.
“No offense, but I’d really rather not talk to you,” you spat.
“You’ll need someone, (Y/N)” she started.
“I don't know why I bothered coming here. Bye,” you gave a sarcastic smile, waving as you walked out.
“Hey,” you walked into the old Hale house, seeing Derek’s back turned to Erica and Boyd as they both stood there, holding each other’s hands nervously.
“We’re leaving,” Erica said softly.
“Tonight,” she replied.
You took a deep breath, nodding your head softly.
“We can’t…” her voice wavered as she paused.
“We're sorry,” Boyd said, looking down.
“It’s okay, it's hard,” you wrapped your arms around the two of them, hugging them tightly.
“We’ll miss you,” they both held you tightly.
You smiled, sinking into the hug.
“I’ll miss you guys too,” you said softly as they both walked out.
“Derek,” you turned to give your boyfriend, walking to him.
“They said they found another pack,” he refused to turn to face you.
“Good for them,” you nodded.
“Good for them? Are you serious? Do you really believe that?” he exclaimed.
“I don’t know. What I do know is that they’re scared, Derek. We lost,” you said.
“They're running away! There’s no excuse for that!” he yelled.
Why is he so mad? What did I do?
“They're allowed to be scared. They’re allowed to leave,” you replied.
“What’s wrong with you? Why are you so different? Since when is running away a good thing?” he finally turned to you.
You blinked softly, looking blankly at him. You felt your heart ache slightly, in pain. 
There was something wrong
“Not everyone's cut out to be like this,” you cleared your throat.
He sighed loudly, walking to you as he stroked your cheek gently.
“I’m sorry for yelling,” he said softly.
You just nodded your head.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Why does everyone think something’s wrong? I’m fine,” you scoffed.
At this point, even you knew that was a lie.
You heard the floor creak softly, as you quickly turned, Derek throwing a shard of glass at Peter who stood by the door.
“That was close. You could’ve hurt me, Derek.” Peter said, walking closer to the two of you.
“I’m gonna kill you,” you yelled, running at him.
This wasn't ending well for Peter.
“Kill me then. Kill me again. You two already killed me once, kill me again,” Peter gasped for air as you stood in front of him, Derek next to you. Your hands were wrapped around Peter’s neck, pushing him against the wall.
“If you’re trying to get sympathy, that ended when you killed my mom,” you clenched your jaw.
“You don't wanna hear what I have to say? Why I’m here in the first place. It's not to be an alpha, I tried that, which ended with you setting me on fire and this one slashing my throat,” he motioned to Derek as he looked back at you.
“We’d be glad to do it again,” you replied.
“(Y/N/N),” Derek shook his head, pulling you away from Peter as you clenched your jaw. He gasped for air, coughing slightly.
“Oh? What’s this?” Peter took a deep breath, looking at the two of you as he raised an eyebrow.
“Your scents are all tangled up with each other. What’s going on between the two of you?” he smirked, laying back on the ground while you resisted the urge to punch him again.
“Well, I wish I didn't kill Jennifer. She owes me 10 dollars now,” he laughed.
You grabbed his shirt, pulling him up harshly as you pushed him against the wall.
“If you don't tell us what you’re doing here right now, I will not hesitate to set you on fire. Again,” you spat.
Derek walked to you, putting his hand on your forearm.
“Hey, I said leave it,” you saw Derek clench his jaw as you sighed.
“I’ll take him from here,” Derek said softly.
You shook your head, turning back to Peter.
“It’s fine,” you shrugged Derek’s hand off of you.
“Better listen to your boyfriend,” Peter teased.
Before you could punch him again, Derek pulled you off of him, pulling him away.
“What?” you turned to him.
“(Y/N), stop. It’s just Peter. He killed… I know you’re mad at him and want to kill him. Just please let me deal with him,” Derek put his hands on your shoulders, while you turned your face to look at Peter.
Derek put his hand on your chin, turning you to face him.
“Please,” he said softly.
“I hate him,” you replied.
“I know you do. Just… go home,” he begged
You paused for a second, looking at Peter then back at Derek before nodding softly. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, before letting go of you as you walked away.
You let out a shaky breath, leading Isaac into your apartment as he scratched the back of his neck.
“I think…” Isaac paused, looking at you as his eyes watered.
“Hm?” you nodded softly, closing the door as he sat next to you on the couch.
“I’m gonna leave. With Boyd and Erica,” he said.
“Oh, okay,” your voice was low, slightly in shock as your eyes watered.
You thought he’d stay? For you?
“I-I… there’s nothing here for me now,” he sniffled.
“Yeah,” you nodded your head softly.
“I’m gonna miss you so much,” his voice cracked as he wrapped his arms around you tightly.
“Yeah, I…” you exhaled sharply, wrapping your arms around him.
He nodded softly as you kissed his forehead.
You held your cries back, leading Isaac out of the apartment after a few minutes.
As you closed the door, you felt a wave of sadness hit you, as you put your hand over your mouth, trying your hardest to hold back your sobs. You shut your eyes tightly, your tears slipping down your face before you let out a shaky breath, a small cry falling from your lips.
Your phone began to ring, receiving a call from Scott.
You took a few deep breaths, wiping your face before answering the call.
“Yeah?” you asked, clearing your throat.
“(Y/N), Gerard’s planning something. He’s controlling Jackson and he’s gonna kill someone. Tonight,” your heart dropped as Scott yelled on the phone.
“Why?” you asked.
“He wants Derek,” you inhaled deeply.
“I’m on my way,” you hung up the phone, sniffling before wiping your face, walking out of the apartment.
You’re okay
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” you heard Melissa ask you.
“Melissa. I... we need to talk about the station, and...” you started.
She gave you a sorrowful look before you were interrupted by Noah walking to you two.
“Sheriff Stilinski,” you smiled softly.
“Hey, kid. Here for the game?” he asked, smiling at you and Melissa.
Nope, trying to stop a raging lizard
“Yeah,” you lied as the three of you walked to the bleachers.
“Scott, what the hell are we supposed to do?” you whispered, getting his attention as he shrugged his back to you.
“Have you come up with a plan?” he shook his head no as you sighed.
“Do you know when he’s going to attack?” you asked, receiving another head shake.
“Do you know anything about this plan?” you didn’t need werewolf hearing to hear him sigh.
You bit your nails nervously as Stiles stood up from the bench, putting his helmet on.
“Why is my son running onto the field?” Noah groaned.
“Because he’s on the team?” you shrugged.
“Oh my god. He’s on the team!” Noah exclaimed, remembering.
You laughed softly, before getting off the bleachers, walking to Scott.
“Why can’t you play?” you asked.
“Coach benched me for the whole game. My grades aren't good,” he said nervously.
“First,” you smacked his head.
“Work on your grades. You need to graduate. Second, how are you supposed to watch Jackson?” you asked, whispering slightly.
“I don’t know! I don’t know. All I know is that we have to give him Derek, or he’ll kill someone,” Scott said.
“We can’t do that,” you bit your lip nervously as you looked at Scott.
You felt a soft thud as you felt someone sit next to you and Scott.
You looked up, a smile on your face as you saw Isaac sit next to you, wearing his lacrosse uniform.
“You stayed,” you said softly.
“I have everything I need right here,” he nodded his head.
You pressed a small kiss to his forehead, while he gave you a hug.
You saw a smirk on his face before he got up, walking to Coach.
“With Isaac here, we can do this,” Scott nodded.
You held his hand, nodding as you watched Isaac run onto the field.
“Oh my god,” you ran onto the field, running to Isaac.
“Are you okay?” you asked, bending down to him.
You put your hand on his head, lifting it softly.
“I’m fine. It’s Jackson. I think he got me. I can feel it spreading,” Isaac’s voice was strained as he laid on the grass.
You saw as Coach put Scott into the game, Isaac being taken away by paramedics.
Damn it
You heard your phone ring, getting a call from Derek.
“I really can’t talk right now,” you said.
“Peter thinks he knows how to save Jackson,” he said quickly.
“What?” you asked, following the paramedics.
“I don't trust him, but he’s onto something. I’m watching him,” Derek said.
“Okay, I gotta go,” you said, hanging up.
You groaned, getting another call from Erica.
“I…” you started.
“Derek was right,” she cried.
“What?” you froze, taking shallow breaths.
“It was Argent,” she whispered.
You felt a coldness in your chest as you tensed, frozen.
“Both, run. Now,” you said.
“We’re trying. We’re bleeding,” she whispered.
“It’s okay. God,” you whispered, feeling your heart racing.
“We gotta go,” she said shakily.
“No, don't hang up,” you started.
The call dropped as tears rushed to your eyes, taking shaky breaths as you dug your nails into your palms.
Scott and Stiles, Erica and Boyd, Isaac, Derek. Everyone was in trouble. What are you doing?! What is wrong with you?!
You ran to the locker room, walking in just in time as Isaac stood up shakily, Gerard and standing in front of him with some hunters.
“Clypeus,” you stood in front of Isaac, defending him.
“Oh, (Y/N),” Gerard said, shaking his head.
“I don't care if you know. You’re not hurting the people I care about,” you spat.
“Where did Gerard go?” you asked Isaac, turning to him, as the unconscious hunters were sprawled out in front of you.
“I don’t know, I think he went back out to the field,” he shrugged.
“Okay,” you ran to the lacrosse field, hearing loud cheering as you looked at the scoreboard, seeing the school win.
You looked at Scott nervously, as he froze, staring at Jackson, just before the lights went out.
You ran around, hearing people’s screams as you found Scott.
“Scott!” you yelled.
“I’m here,” you felt him hold your arm.
“Scott, someone’s on the field! Someone's dead,” Melissa gasped.
The lights powered back on as you ran to the middle of the field, seeing Jackson laying there, dead.
You noticed he wasn't breathing.
“Jackson!” you heard Lydia cry.
“Everyone back away! Now!” Coach pushed the players and team away from Jackson, as you bent down next to Melissa.
“What do we do?” Melissa pulled up his shirt, revealing deep claw wounds.
“Oh god,” you said.
“He killed himself,” Scott said.
“Stiles? Stiles?” you stood up, hearing Noah calling out for Stiles.
“Stiles? Where’s my son?! Where’s my son?! Somebody tell me where the hell is my son!”
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sparkandwolf · 4 years
Without passion, we'd be truly dead (read on ao3)
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale Rating: General Summary: “You’re not going to make fun of me for this, are you?” Derek asked as his thumb hesitated over the play button on the remote. Stiles shrugged and grabbed the controller, pressing play before Derek could argue.
“I am absolutely going to make fun of you for this, there’s no doubt in my mind.” Derek’s groan was drowned out by a British voice introducing the next episode and Stiles moved his focus to the recap, trying to take in the things he might have missed from not watching the show from the beginning.
For @sterekvalentineweek day six: Passion
“I can’t believe you’ve never seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” Derek exclaimed as Stiles popped open a bag of Cheetos, barely escaping the puff of powder that breezed out. “Scott and Isaac have both referred to you as the ‘resident nerd’ and you’ve never seen the cult classic that is Buffy the Vampire Slayer?” Derek shook his head and clicked over to one of the streaming services and a very badly edited photo of Sarah Michelle Gellar came into view. 
“I saw the movie! Doesn’t that count for anything?” Stiles asked. By the displeased look on Derek’s face, Stiles figured that it very much, in fact, did not count. “It definitely doesn’t strike me as the kind of show you would be interested in,” Stiles noted, hoping the change in subject would force Derek to stop glaring at him. 
“It wasn’t, at first, but it--” Derek cut himself off and leaned his head back against the back of the couch, taking a breath as if preparing himself to make some big admission. Stiles stayed quiet as Derek rubbed his palms against his thighs. “Laura loved it. She and my mother would watch it every Monday night and Laura had these ridiculous posters on her wall of Buffy and Willow and--” Derek cleared his throat and Stiles could hear the emotion behind it. 
When he said nothing more, Stiles chimed in, “So, are we watching it from the beginning or are you gonna show me your favorites?” Derek turned to Stiles with a grin so wide, it had Stiles’ heart constricting in his chest and his stomach face flushing with embarrassment. He wasn’t sure when he had become able to make Derek smile like that, but he was extremely happy he could. 
“I think you’ll never wanna watch another episode if we start with season one so…” Derek trailed off and clicked through a few episodes, his eyebrows rising and falling and his nose crinkling in decision. Stiles had never seen him look so childish, so innocent, and all he wanted to do was watch this stupid TV show with Derek forever. 
“Find one?” Stiles guessed and Derek turned to him with another wide grin. Derek grabbed the bowl of popcorn from the coffee table, settling in as he nodded at Stiles slowly. 
“If you have questions, you can--”
“I’m gonna ask about a million of them,” Stiles interrupted, taking a noisy bite of his first Cheeto and stealing a handful of popcorn from the bowl on Derek’s lap. “You’ve gotta have all the answers, though,” Stiles warned, holding a cheesy finger up to Derek’s face. Derek rolled his eyes and smacked it away, Stiles’ laughter filling the air. 
“You’re not going to make fun of me for this, are you?” Derek asked as his thumb hesitated over the play button on the remote. Stiles shrugged and grabbed the controller, pressing play before Derek could argue. 
“I am absolutely going to make fun of you for this, there’s no doubt in my mind.” Derek’s groan was drowned out by a British voice introducing the next episode and Stiles moved his focus to the recap, trying to take in the things he might have missed from not watching the show from the beginning. 
“Passion; it lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting, and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir, open its jaws, and howl,” Stiles heard the voice of the broody looking guy on TV, but underneath was a shy whisper and when he glanced over at Derek, he threw his hands over his mouth to stifle his giggles. 
“Derek, oh my god,” Stiles choked out through his laughter, placing his snack beside him before it toppled over. 
“What? It’s an iconic quote!” Derek argued. Stiles nodded and tried to be serious - he really tried - but Derek mouthed the next few words as if trying to hold them in and Stiles groaned. 
“Just say them,” Stiles relented as he paused the show, turning to face Derek who was pressing his lips together tightly. 
“You’re going to make fun of me…” Derek said, narrowing his eyes at Stiles. 
“Of course I’m going to make fun of you, but I’m gonna do it whether you say the rest of the quote out loud or not, realistically,” Stiles countered. Derek sighed and pressed play again, his eyes not leaving Stiles’ as the male character started speaking. 
“It speaks to us, guides us. Passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have?” Derek finished as the extraordinarily loud and obnoxious theme music blasted through the speakers. Stiles covered his ears and glared at Derek whose laughter rivaled the shrill of the guitar. 
“If I didn’t know this was a 90’s television show, this music would have completely given it away,” Stiles commented as the sound faded into the show again. 
“Just… keep watching,” Derek demanded, though his voice sounded shy. It was as if he was scared that Stiles wouldn’t like it and that made Stiles fall in love - with the show that is - even more. 
Throughout, Stiles would make comments so that Derek knew he was paying attention. He would shout out, “He killed her fish? Man, that’s so fucked up” and, “That crazy vampire girl talks in riddles like Deaton.” Each time, Derek would nod in response, chuckle, and smile. He would even glance over and make sure Stiles was paying attention if he was quiet for too long. Sometimes, Derek would even chime in with his own comments. 
“There’s something messed up about this teacher, but I mean, that might be some leftover Beacon Hills High School trauma.” 
“You think?” Derek commented with a huff, clearly remembering the weird amount of evil teachers that made their way into Stiles’ classrooms. Derek had always hated them the most as they spent more time around the pack than he was able to. He had never admitted that out loud, but Stiles knew it was true.
“I want Joyce to punch him,” Stiles noted, cheering when Buffy and Willow came into view, chanting words that sounded like something Lydia would say. “Oh my god, did she just devamp the house? I wish I could do that with werewolves,” Stiles teased, holding his arms up in defense when Derek flicked his nose.  
“You can, you idiot, it’s called mountain ash,” Derek retorted, reaching over Stiles to grab a few Cheetos. Stiles pretended not to notice that they were closer than they ever had been. 
When the episode turned more serious than Stiles had expected, he curled into Derek’s side and shoved his cheek into his warm chest. It wasn’t that he was scared, but he didn’t think that Jenny was about to make it out of there alive due to supernatural circumstances and that hit a little too close to home. When Angel broke her neck, Stiles turned his face away as Derek’s hand settled against the back of his head, brushing through the short strands comfortingly. 
There was sadness filling his stomach as the cute British librarian walked up the stairs and the music swelled. When he glanced up at Derek, there was a tear falling down his cheek. Even still, he whispered the words that left Angel’s lips, “Passion is the source of our finest moments; the joy of love, the clarity of hatred, and the ecstasy of grief.”
They stayed pressed together like that, neither of them making a move to turn away. Stiles listened to the steady beat of Derek’s heart and the way it jumped during more action filled moments. When the too long silence made him jittery, Stiles spoke again, knowing his words would tick Derek off enough to argue. 
“You know, Xander has a point,” Stiles stated after Xander said exactly what he was thinking. Someone should have really murdered Angel before, but Stiles guessed there was something he was missing. 
 “Are you kidding? Buffy is right and Giles is going to get himself killed if he doesn’t think about his act--!” Derek paused a few moments before sighing, “Wait, that is exactly what you would do.” Stiles grinned at him and nodded. 
Stiles loved the easy way they bickered back and forth on the plot Derek seemed to understand down to the most minuscule detail. He loved the way Derek related to the characters, felt for their losses and their grievances. He knew, even after only one episode, why Derek had been so attached to the show. It was beyond a familial memory, that much Stiles was sure of. When Angel’s voice narrated again, Stiles gazed up from where his head had rested on Derek’s lap for the last few minutes. 
Again, Derek whispered the words, “It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace, but we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank.” Derek seemed to tear his eyes away from the show and they met Stiles’ with just as much passion as he was speaking about, and finished, “Without passion, we'd be truly dead."
Stiles thought his heart stopped at the intensity of Derek’s gaze and the softness of his voice and realized that Derek was bearing his soul to Stiles by showing him that bit of his past. He was letting Stiles in, hoping Stiles would take the invitation openly, and asking him to stay. 
“Did you like it?” Derek asked hesitantly as if scared of the answer. 
Stiles pursed his lips and pretended to think about his answer before deciding, “Can we watch it from the beginning?” 
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sunmoontruth-stiles · 4 years
I’m a sucker for kid! fics. Could you write/draw something where everyone is transformed back to kids and Stiles is having to take care of them even though they are driving him insane 😂❤️❤️
Characters: Stiles, Derek, Scott, Erica, Boyd, Issac, Cora, Jackson, Lydia, Allison, Deaton (mentioned)
Plot: The pack gets affected by a magical attack and reverts to children. Stiles has to look out for them until the spell wears off. They have their memories still, but their minds have been reverted to a toddler’s comprehension. Stiles just has to get through the night. Easier said than done.
(Totally making art for this too, but that’ll take a bit longer!)
Stiles hoisted Scott out of the jeep. Normally, they wouldn’t all fit, but there was nothing normal about this.
“Ok, that’s all of them. Everyone accounted for?” Stiles looked down at the group of toddlers, counting silently.
“All seven. Ok guys, link up!” Lydia clapped her hands and they all joined in a little chain. Stiles was relieved that Lydia was so good with kids. She led the line to the elevator, and he followed behind, making sure they didn’t lose anyone.
Once they were all in, Stiles felt a tug on his pants. He looked down and saw Issac gripping on tightly.
“Hey buddy, what’s wrong?” Stiles knelt down to his level. He knew Issac had been the most anxious since the group was changed. Thankfully, the spell had only affected the wolves, or else the entire lot of them would be wandering around helplessly in the woods.
“What’s gonna happen?” Issac’s eyes were wide and already brimming with tears.
“We’re just gonna hang out at the loft tonight. It’ll be like a fun sleepover.Tomorrow, everything will be back to normal. No worries, little dude,” Stiles tried to sound as casual as possible, so he didn’t worry him any more. Issac nodded and hugged his jacket tighter. Stiles sighed. He wished he could do more to help, but Deaton had basically said that time was the only thing that’s fix this.
Once the elevator doors opened, Stiles and Lydia ushered the pack inside the loft. It had seemed like the best place to keep everyone, where they wouldn’t have any unexpected company asking questions.
The kids looked around for a moment before running off in different directions like puppies. Stiles let out a stressed groan.
“Ok, I’ll be back later,” Lydia said simply, turning to leave. Stiles gaped at her.
“What?! You can’t leave! What will I do with all of them? I’m terrible with kids!” he looked around at the scattered group.
“I have to go help Allison. She’s still hunting the thing that did this,” she acted like this was an obvious concept, but Stiles felt panic creeping in. “Listen, it’s just a bunch of kids, and they’re not even really kids. They know you. They’ll listen,” Lydia tried to reassure him.
Stiles glanced between her and the room. “Ok, fine, but be back soon,” he grumbled reluctantly. He knew Allison shouldn’t be out alone. He could handle this? Right?
He most definitely could not handle this. Erica had roped Boyd into drawing on the walls (he hoped Derek wouldn’t kill him when he was back to normal). Not that he was doing much better. Derek was shifted and running around the loft at speeds Stiles couldn’t attempt to match. Scott and Cora, however, chased close behind. Jackson was following Stiles around, complaining loudly about being bored. Currently, Issac was his favorite because he was quiet and sitting still, but he worried that he was only doing that because he was terrified.
“Can we all, Please, try to settle down?” Stiles pleaded to the pack.
“I’m sorry,” Issac yelped from the couch.
“Not you, Issac. You’re doing great,” Stiles gave him a thumbs up and Issac seemed to relax a little.
“What about me? I’m not doing anything wrong? Not like Erica and Boyd. I’m doing good!” Jackson was starting to get upset, and Stiles had to ignore how much he wanted to scream at him.
“You’re doing great too. Okay? Good job, buddy,” Stiles pandered to Jackson’s ego, which he was pretty sure was just masking a large helping of insecurities.
“Why did Lydia leave? She’s better than you. She’s nice,” Jackson whined. His voice got a bit softer, “Did she not wanna be around us? Because we’re different now? Does she not like m- us anymore?”
“Lydia loves all of you. She just had to help Allison for a little while,” Stiles took a bit of pity on Jackson, he never did take rejection well. This seemed to satisfy him because he nodded and went over to sit by Issac.
Two down. Five to go. He thought to himself.
Suddenly, Derek was rushing past him, quickly followed by Scott and Cora.
“Hey hey hey. Can we stop for a minute?” he reached out for Derek, but apparently even as kids; werewolf strength is a bitch.
Stiles goes tumbling down, wincing as he hits the ground. Derek spins around with wide eyes.
“Oh I’m sorry!” Derek let out a soft whine that sounded much too close to a puppy and ambles over to sit by him.
Cora and Scott giggle to the side.
“No problem kiddo” Stiles lets out a huff and pushes himself off the ground.
“Stiles, just call me Derek. I’m not really a kid you know,” Stiles laughs at Derek’s dramatic eye roll. Stiles wasn’t sure if he could refer to him as Derek in this state. He smiled too much. Ran around. He even laughed and played with the others. Stiles would have expected more fighting and pouting.
“Ya ya, I know. Just weird,” Stiles shrugs. “Who’s hungry?” he suggests.
This seemed to get Erica and Boyd’s attention. They quickly made their way over, pulling Issac with them, earning a pout from Jackson.
“How about we order a pizza? That seems like a good idea?” Stiles offered to the group. They eagerly nodded. He pulled out his phone and ordered two cheese pizzas.
“I think we should all watch a movie. Do you think we can all sit and watch a movie?” Stiles hoped that would keep everyone calm for a while. They all packed onto the couch, pilling together under the blanket.
They eventually agreed on The Avengers, eating pizza, and getting happily cozy.
Stiles let out a content sigh when the last of them, Derek, finally fell asleep. He moved to get up, but Scott started to stirr. He cursed in his head and settled back in. All seven kids were splayed out across his lap and each other. He decided it was best to just keep still and let them sleep.
Lydia finally got back with Allison early the next morning. They’d been out all night, but thankfully were able to take down the witch who’d cursed the pack.
They let out soft gasps when they found the entire pack, back to normal, tangled together on the couch. Stiles was in the center of it all, snoring quietly.
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shimmershae · 3 years
So.  Thanks to my new anonymous friend, this is going to become a thing.
Shae’s thinky thoughts about the latest episode--Acheron:  Part 2--beneath a cut. 
Because spoilers, however vague they might be.  
Let’s be real here.  This is more a stream of consciousness than anything else so if that’s not your thing, you are most welcome to nope right on out of this post.  Trust me.  I’ll completely understand, lol.  Sometimes?  I wish I could nope right on out of my own brain and the way it operates.  
That said?  Without further ado--
Episode 2′s opening, though.  Maggie trapped with hungry Walkers converging?  It totally gives me Glenn under the dumpster vibes.  I don’t know if that was intentional or just happy coincidence but way to link Maggie to her dearly departed better half, show.  
Is it just me or has Father G had more OOMPH to him these last few seasons?  Again, I have to ask--Rosita’s influence or no?  Regardless, I bet Seth Gilliam is loving the job these days.  
Side note:  am I gonna have to go to bed early every Saturday night from now until the end just so I that I might be able to SEE?  Something?  Anything?  My curtains are flimsy-ass.  I admit it.  But this is more frustrating than TXF.  Angela, WTF?  
No, seriously.  It’s like complete guess work who’s in these subway scenes.  Some of that has to do with them being overly populated by redshirts and the rest of it has to do with me having to squint and turn sideways to make out their facial features. 
Look at Daryl busting through concrete walls!  Should I call him the Kool-Aid Man considering NR has once again allowed himself to be led right into a biased, shipper trap?  Hmm.  I might.  
Imagine seeking refuge in those dark, filthy subways.  Any second now I expect to hear the skittering of rats.  Will Dog lose his effing mind a la Divergence?  He’s been shown to go off half-cocked that way, lol.  Oh well.  Guess it’ll be in character if he does.  
Impressive graffiti storyboards.  Does it mean something that it immediately cuts to the Commonwealth storm troopers afterward?  Maybe.  Who really knows at this point?  They been trying to gaslight us forever.  
LOL at Princess yet again.  Yumiko is just like da fuq is this person?  
No, really.  LMAO.  “That was her.  From last night.  Did you see how she was looking at us?”  
Then you have Eugene, hahaha.  “Oh God.  Why did he tell off the big guy?”  Like the man is totally me in this type of situation.  Not even gonna lie.  
“That’s right.  We want to talk to the manager.”  
I literally cannot wait ‘til Carol and Daryl meet Princess.  Can.  Not.  Wait.  
How sad is that note on that $100 bill?  Small moment but it totally gives me Season 4 vibes when they were on their way to Terminus seeking sanctuary.  
Hmm.  Remember how that place wasn’t what they thought it was?  I’m sure neither is the Commonwealth.  But I feel like what’s left of Team Family is totally going to do Rick proud, lol, and prove they’re messing with the wrong people if they try something.  
Daryl, Man.  You gonna have to get a better handle on your headstrong Fur Son.  I wonder if Dog would listen better to his mama?  Things to ponder.  
Sounds like Miko has this group’s number.  Or does she?  
Princess and Eugene totally look like they’re waiting their turn for the Principal’s office, LOL.  
“Stop moving!  You’re taking my nerves over the edge to a proverbial 11 on a scale of 10.”  I feel you, Eugene.  I do.  Also you, Princess.  Two of the most relatable TWD characters right there, I’m telling you.  
Princess is me when I really, really, really have to pee.  TMI?  Sorry, lovelies.  LOL.  I just...she’s so relatable.  
LMAO.  “If that fine ass dude in the orange suit...”  Princess and Mercer incoming in 3-2-----
Princess’s excitement over the toilet paper=PRICELESS.  
Eugene, Man.  You desperately need to develop a poker face.  
There’s Daryl getting another cool camera shot.  Angela?  You playing favorites again?  
Carol’s claustrophobia could have never.  I bet that’s in the back of Pookie’s mind.  You can’t tell me it’s not because Carol lives in there rent-free.  
Ohhh.  Back to the subway car.  Looks like we got the Maggie redshirts leading the way.  First sacrificial “lambs”?  
Maggie pistol-whipping Negan was kinda deserved, but he wasn’t all wrong so.  
Damn.  I’m no Gage fan.  He can fuck all the way off for what he did to my baby Lydia.  But Maggie over there with ice in her veins.  
Yep.  I think the dude just got one of the most gruesome deaths in a while.  Yuck.  
I think Alden’s faith in Maggie definitely took several hits.  I feel like he kind of had her on some sort of pedestal dating back to Hilltop times.  Father G, though?  The man is continuing to show himself a SAVAGE MFer.  
Josh gives Eugene such believable tics and mannerisms.  He IS Eugene.  
Thank you, Maggie, for lighting that flare.  I could not see a damn thing.  
What are these bad memories Negan alludes to?  Hmm?  Him being a shit husband to Lucille back when he was still taking her for granted?  
Father G on Gage’s Walker--”All that is, is a shell of a man, who died a coward.”  Kind of ironic considering Father G’s own origins, huh?  Has he any warmth in there for anybody but Rosita and Coco?  Does he equate it with weakness?  
“There are worse ways.”  And Maggie proceeds to paint us a horror story with mere words.  
Dark Maggie really surpasses anything certain fans have ever accused Carol of being.  Is she too far gone?  Who the hell knows?  I think it’s clear that she and Carol are both on a sliding scale of sorts when it comes to being able to compartmentalize shit to survive.  Personally?  I feel like Maggie might have leap-frogged Carol in this episode but it matters none because of the double standards so deeply entrenched in this fandom.  Both women have endured and had to do some horrific things.  It’s not a contest.  But it’s probably going to be turned into a season-long one.  
It’s almost like Kang was like, “Ya’ll bitches think Carol’s dark?  I’ll show you DARK.  Check and mate.”  
Whatever the reasoning, Maggie just got exponentially more interesting to me if not likable.  And before anybody out there comes at me, it’s entirely possible to be on a character’s side in some things and not be all up their ass in love with them, lol.  Like I’m attached to her because she’s family and Glenn loved her.  There’s a loyalty there and she absolutely is justified in her hatred of Negan.  But I’m not going to pretend her shit don’t stink like everybody else’s.  
Speaking of my baby Glenn.  What would he think of this version of Maggie?  I think he would be gutted and heart stricken that events led to her being like this but he’d understand because he’s pure like that.  Don’t mean he’d be A-OK with it all.  
Dog must be protected at all costs.  
Confession.  I know not the fuck who Pony Boy is, but I know him because all my fandom friends have pointed him out to me, lol.  RIP, Man.  I think you’re number’s up or close to it.  
Okay, though.  I admit it.  I am kinda LOVING Badass Father G.  
That scene in the subway car with all of them working to take all the Walkers out was already badass.  Then Daryl arrived and made it, in @freefromthecocoon’s words, HAWT.  LOL.  
Eugene staring at that little black book like it contains torture tools, hehehe.  
“Processed?  As in administratively?  Processed as in bologna or other meat stuffs?  This inquiring (enquiring?) mind needs to know.”  OMG, Eugene.  I admit it.  Even if it makes me look like a lunatic, LOL.  I straight up LMAO at that one.  I mean, ten years later and Terminus still fresh on the man’s mind.  
“You like feeling nervous?”  Well, no.  None of us that do, Mercer?  Do.  
Then he proceeds to make me howl with his “You can’t lie for shit” to Eugene.  
Josh McDermitt?  I love you, Man.  40 year old virgin, LOL.  
All this talk over the seasons of Daryl’s virginity and we have Eugene, hahaha.  But was he telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?  
Finally.  Some daylight.  Where I can see.  
Eugene’s relief at seeing his friends safe and sound was such a beautiful thing to see.  I loved those hugs.  
Mercer’s face when he snarled “beat cop” in disdain to Ezekiel.  I think I’m gonna love this dude.  
“I went to West Point.  Asshole.”  Yeah.  I am.  
I know they probably catfishing Eugene right here because spoilers tell us that ain’t Stephanie.  But my heart still did a little d’aww.  Angela.  Don’t play with his poor heart like that.  
What’s got Daryl so pensive, huh?  Is it that the note reminds him of kids being lost or taken from their family? Or separated from their family?  Is he thinking of those Grimes babies and wondering if Michonne will ever make it back and why and how she was able to leave them behind?  Tell me it ain’t that Find Me nonsense.  
“This place sure has gone to shit since the last time I was here.”  LMAO, JDM.  I mean Negan.  Sorry.  Sorry.  I still hate Negan, but JDM has me entertained at least since they gave the asshole some shades of gray.  And speaking of shades of gray.  I’m loving the gray beard.  JDM’s looking GOOD (hear that NR?  Embrace the gray).  Negan can still kick rocks, lol.  
Anyway.  That scene was CREEPY AF.  Not even gonna lie.  
The Reapers strutting right on up to our group like it’s The Purge:  ZA.  
My bad, Pony Boy. Now RIP.  
Dark, dark episode with loads of tension broken up by some welcome humor by Princess.  The girl is fast becoming a fave of mine.  
My baby’s back next week!!!
I’m just going to plug my ears and pretend they’re trying to capture/recapture the horses because they’re pets.  Not because they’re starving so bad they feel the need to eat them.  La la la la la.  I can’t hear you.  
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