#and he sees sora in robin obviously
beanghostprincess · 4 months
About sharks and birds
Relationship: Sanji & Nico Robin (platonic)
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Sanji-Centric, Wano/WCI Spoilers,
“Why would they do something so cruel, I think?” “To make them stronger.” “Or maybe they didn’t have anybody to rely on.” - After the events of Whole Cake Island and Wano, Sanji tries to prove he deserves to stay in the crew, unable to stop doing stuff for everybody around him. Robin offers him a moment of peace for him to breathe.
More of my works!
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ominiscorridor · 6 months
Not sure why I keep on thinking about the heart pirates adopting rats but here's more, now as a headcanon list.
-After Penguin's rat's one night stand with Shachi's, Law made sure to neuter them all to avoid more litters. These events are known as "the last ball", a name Shachi came up with.
-Law actually enjoyed doing it since it was on very small critters and he rarely gets a chance to operate on live, tiny things like this. It was a fun challenge.
-Ikkaku's rat wears a matching hat to hers. She also likes to add a cute little bow to Wrenchy's tail when she can, because it's cute and she enjoys her little fashion shows.
-The Lab Rats get tea parties with tiny pieces of cheese on tiny pieces of crackers. At first it was only Shachi, Bepo and Penguin doing it, but slowly the entire crew got involved.
-Law felt very betrayed when he found out, asking why Sora was being excluded (the crew simply forgot to tell him).
-The amount of rat toys on board grew exponentially, thanks to Jean-Bart making them. Law had to ask him to slow down because they were going to run out of space to store them.
-Pingu and Snowflake got a wedding after their litter. They did not care much for the silly clothes, but the tiny wedding cake suited them just fine. (Shachi and Penguin refer to each others as in-laws now. Yes it does annoy everyone else after a while.)
-The reason why Law got rats and not guinea pigs is because he hates being told what to do, and guinea pigs wheeking at him for food would offend him greatly.
-They absolutely will defend their rats. No they aren't dirty, they're very clean in fact. What do you mean they carry disease we litterally have the best doctor in the world for our captain of course there's no illnesses here. No they're not ugly how dare you don't listen Captain Junior, they're just very dumb.
-Clione and Ikkaku worked on making little labyrinths for the rats. Shachi and Penguin handle the bets. Bepo's rat turns out to be a natural so he's only allowed to participate once, otherwise he'll just win everytime and nobody wants to participate in the rat races anymore.
-Bepo's hair also is used to make fancy little nests for the rats, which he's happy about since nobody complains about his shedding anymore.
-All of the crew are big fans of Sora, because he makes Law a little softer. They're glad to see him smile a little more often than usual, and it seems like having a new pet helped him. Basically Sora is a bit of a support animal for Law and takes his mind off of things, which everyone approves of.
-Imagining Ratatouille is a book they have around there- obviously there would be attempts to replicate it. It mostly led to scratched up scalps and a rat ban in the kitchen.
-Sora is the most spoiled rat on the Polar Tang and everyone knows it. He even gets to sleep in Law's hat at night. Law lets him sit on top of his hat too, though it does kind of get in the way of his cool, intimidating image.
-When they meet up with the Strawhats, they'd absolutely give Sanji his own rat from Pingu and Snowflake's litter. (Law would refuse to give one to Luffy though, deeming him to not be responsible enough for a pet. Robin would be allowed one if she asked, but it's only her and Sanji. The heart pirates are very serious about who gets their babies.)
-The moment any member of the crew gets their hand on a photographing snail, you know they'd take so many pics. Little rat toes. Look at this one sleeping. They'd be so many of the same or very similar pics but they'd still take more.
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lunanight2012 · 10 months
Im still not doing great today. But while sitting in bed today I thought of a scenario with my oc.
What if Sanji and Luniju got hit by a devil fruit power that turned both of them into kids. Like from when after Sora passed. Sanji suddenly having the iron helmet on and wearing the yellow shirt with a large black 3 on it, and Luniju in her light blue dress that had 0.1 on it. As soon as this happens, the rest of the crew quickly defeated the person and got the kids to the ship.
Luniju becomes very protective of Sanji as he hid behind her, a grip on her dress as he cried. It took a lot, including Luniju sneezing blue fire for the kids to finally start feeling a little bit more comfortable around the crew.
They mostly hung out with Robin, Nami, & even Zoro. Sanji got to help in the kitchen with the girls, and Luniju would just watch, she was very protective of her baby brother.
They managed to get the helmet off which Luniju promptly kicked into the sea. The crew learned from the week of having the siblings being stuck as kids that the two didn't have a great childhood.
Obviously Zoro is also protective of the two. Following Sanji wherever he goes on the ship, mostly, and even is the forst person (besides Luniju) that Sanji wanted to have try hia cooking.
Luniju on the other hand does get some questions answered by Luffy.
Why did she sneeze blue fire? Oh thats cuz you ate the blue flame-flame fruit.
Ok, how come you all are so nice to me and my brother? Oh because you both are our crew! Sanji is our cook and you, you're more of a crewmate that travels on your own. Like Ace.
Ace? Who's Ace? Oh Ace is my big brother. When we ran into him in Alabasta you traveled with him since his devil fruit is similar to yours.
Ok... how old am I actually? Oh um I think your 24?
At that point Nami is rushing over. "Luniju! Its Sanji!"
Luniju ran at full speed into the kitchen and saw Sanji now a full adult looking very confused. "Sanji!"
Sanji looks down and sees his big sister as a kid. "Luniju! What happened? Why are you a kid?"
Luniju smiled, closed her eyes and in a poof of smoke she was back to her 24 year old self, ear cuffs, tattoo and all. She pulled out a cigarette and lit it with her finger. Taking a hit from her cigarette she exhaled and smiled. "If I'm not mistaken, we got hit by a devil fruit power that turned us into kids again. The crew helped care for us tho." Luniju explains.
And yea, sorry this was so long. Trying to think about my oc and her story instead of this grief. But i just found out that ill be using more of my vacation days this week for friday as i have now so much going on that day and ill be leaving earlier then planned on thursday due to visitation & physical therapy.
And im going to a wedding saturday too? This is one hell of a week for me
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maykitty · 1 year
Trafalgar Law x Reader: Rumors chap 5 (finale)
"Oy, Traffy where you going?" Luffy asked with food stuffed in his face. "One of my crew mates is missing I'm going to go find them". Law replied. "Hey y/n missing," Nami said. "I saw her she was heading to the beach". Bepo said. So Law headed there to find you. While on the walk Law thought about how your relationship has been going.
Originally he only care about you as a patient who would get better and leave but after finding out you had nowhere to go after leaving home he decided to have you stay as an act of kindness due to the fact you could be useful. He never regretted his decision as you become someone he could be comfortable with. He remembers the times you and him would spend time reading Sora. Over time talk about your goals and the plans for after the one piece. But the one time he couldn't tell you was how much he loved you.
Due to his goals and past, he is afraid of you getting hurt or worse rejection. For all he knows you only see him as your captain and it could ruin your relationship now. Right now, he just wants to find you and make sure you are safe. Finally, he got to the shore and saw you sitting in the sand. "Y/n, why did you leave?" Law asked, you turn around to face him.
"Oh, I'm sorry I just needed to get away from the party scene a bit". You replied. Law saw you looked nervous "What's wrong?" He asked. "It's nothing" you replied, Law knew something was wrong "Just tell me what's wrong, you left and come here obviously because of something bothering you," Law said. You thought about it and decide to ask what was on your mind. "Do you love Robin?" You ask, "What?" Law said surprised.
"You are always with her to the point even other people think you are together," you replied. "What do you mean?" He asked, "At the party, I heard some towns-folks saying they think you two are dating and how great you look together". You said. "It isn't just that time I've heard other people around us say it too at Zou and Wano". You added. "I know it is not my business, it's just I want you to be happy, and I know, it is not my choice who you love". You finished. Law didn't know what it say at first because you just confessed you liked him without fully saying it.
He didn't know whether to feel happy or worried due to how your feeling because of some rumors. "This is why you left, look I'm not in love with Robin and I don't see her any different than the rest of her crew." He started. "Plus she only cares about her crew and the polygraphs, not a relationship" he finished. You heard what he said but the feelings are still negative as you feel he will never like you more than a friend it is just another case of Law not wanting a relationship when you just asked him if he was in love with someone else only for him to say no like usually. Law noticed you were still upset and decided to sit down next to you.
There was a few seconds of silence until he spoke up "I do care for you and as much as you don’t believe it your feelings are reciprocated". He said. You look up at him surprised and realizing he liked you back. You didn't know if he was joking to spite you. Law could tell you didn't believe him so he did something out of the norm for him. He leaned in and kiss you, you were shocked for a few seconds before closing your eyes and leaning further into the kiss. After a few minutes, you broke from the kiss for air and looked into his eyes seeing the love there.
"Would you like to stay here together or go back to the party"? He asked holding you close. You decide to head back to the party. Two of you head back and lucky people were still partying. "Oy, Traffy, you found Y/n". Luffy shouted. Law looked annoyed again but this time he looked back at you with a soft expression.
"Oy, Traffy come get some sake". Zoro said. Law went to get you and him a mug. "Hey there~". You look up seeing one of the gossipers "You look like you could use some company". They said flirty while getting uncomfortably close. "No, thank you I'm fine". You replied stepping back.
"Oh come don't be like that". They kept getting close even when you already said no. "Please stop your too close". You said but they ignored it. "Hey, they said no". You looked to see Law there with a pissed expression. "Butt out we were talking here, go back to your girl". The creep said back pointing to Robin in the corner.
"No, you go away they don't want you near them". He said pushing them aside and holding you close. "Mine". Law growled. "I thought you were dating that hot babe Robin". The creep said. “Who said we were dating, it's just stupid rumors,” Law said annoyed. The creep finally left you alone.
You turn to Law and kiss him on the cheek "Thank you". You said. You two relax with a cup of sake together as everyone enjoys themselves. Later you're going to have some great news for the crew once you're back on the ship.
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4law · 2 years
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ok!! i didn’t include everybody cuz this took longer than expected oopsie so lemme know if u wanna be added too! i’m not shipping u with ur selfship cuz that is no fun at all
@sauza : usopp (op), kuguri (hq)
every time you’re on my dash i’m laughing at the thoughts u share with us, and i think these characters can match ur energy so well. ur humor is unmatched i love u!!
@lawscorazon : law ENERU (op) & sakusa (hq)
ares radiates pretty energy and eneru radiates let me bother pretty people like ares until they fall for me energy.
@satotokii : bokuto (hq) & aran (hq!)
bokuto is self explanatory he is a ray of sunshine!! & aran i just feel like he gives good hugs and that’s what someone like u deserves— the best hugs :’)
@yourtamaki : killer (op) & shanks (op)
hear me out— killer will obviously treat you well, but why do i see shanks looking at you with heart eyes ??
@tofutobios : coby (op), zoro (op)
if u haven’t seen op then im referring to post time skip coby!! he has a heart of gold and u are so friendly so omg. and zoro needs your help with directions he needs u to hold his hand whenever he goes outside (NO I SHOUKD HAVE ADDED HIMEKAWA FROM HQ TOO) (omg and tanjiro from kny)
@strawhatsoraya : osamu (hq) & edgeshot (mha)
osamu cooks for you, and edgeshot i just feel like it fits. sora also radiates pretty person energy and edgeshot is so elegant!!
@killsaki : sabo (op) & hirugami (hq)
omg 🥹 i gasped when i thought of sabo that was the person i was looking for!! i was struggling hard fr kisaki & sanji fit so well
@euphofic2 : ace (op), matsukawa (hq)
i feel like after the smelly debate on your page, these two would add their own thoughts to it without hesitation. that’s why. LMFAOO IF UR SCARED OF BUGS, I CAN IMAGINE ONE OF THEM KILLING THEM AND THEN HE SETS THEM ON TOP OF THE TRASH SO U CAN STILL SEE THE CORPSE CLEARLY. laughs very loudly when u notice!!
@icy-spicy : kita (hq) & smoker (one piece)
kita picks flowers for you and smoker holds your shopping bags that’s all ima say!!
@eustassslut : bakugo (mha) & sanemi (kny)
i feel like these fit so well!! i wanted to ship u with kid so bad but here we are
@tenkomi : ace (op) & kenma (hq)
ok i haven’t talked to u all that much but i doooo feel like u and ace would have so much fun together that is what my mind thinks !! he would wake u up at 4 am to get pizza with him and then fall asleep on the way there
@ransluvrboy : oikawa with glasses (hq) & also law but since i ship everyone with law then also king (op! very pretty face reveal) AND OMG LOWKEY AIZAWA (MHA)
it fits the vibe i get from u! BUT ONLY WITH THE GLASSES. i associate u with that pretty green on ur blog and these men match that 🥹 hottest couple for real tell me ghost + king doesn’t sound cool as fuck
and robin
@creompie : shindo yo (mha) & kuroo (hq)
kuroo pats your head when he walks by or leans to rest on your head yeah! & then he does the jaw thing— where u quickly clench and unclench your jaw and u can feel it against your head 🙂
@ / kiiguru : luffy (op) & itadori (jjk)
in case dilly comes back!!
@vlyxen : kirishima (mha), & corazon (op)
no kirishima would love & adore u so good & corazon is so sweet please!! this would be so cute :’)
@rowan-rites : akaashi (hq) & megumi (jjk)
no cuz i just finished ur matchup & picked new ones but!! these characters here will go everywhere with you, and they’d let u fall asleep on their shoulder <33
@sanomnjiro : hawks (mha), tengen (kny)
from op i would put luffy bartolomeo! would be ur biggest fan pleaseee 😭 hawks covers ur eyes with a feather before asking “guess who,” then realizes the feather gives it away! u and tengen are hot that’s all
@dark-mnjiro : crocodile (op), & toji (jjk)
okay i’m getting this vibe … you know that night city / lux theme all over pinterest ?? no this is what u and these two remind me of !!!
@httphaitani : hina (op) & alisa (hq) or zoro (op)
omg and also iwaizumi if that’s okay!! alisa wants to bring you everywhere she goes & hina likes to hug your waist while laying on top of you to tell you about her day…
@sanjithesimp : penguin (op) & zoro (op)
okay penguin maybe not a super popular character but have u seen the fanart!!! ZORO MEANWHILE yes zoro fits so well
@ / benkeibear : twice (mha), (hq)
when i talked to u i literally felt like i was being hugged so yeah these characters would love you so dearly!!
@scabsaint : luffy (op) & sugawara (hq)
luffy would make it his mission to put a smile on your face every day! sugawara likes to see u melt into his hugs (: i already said ace for other people but i would add ace!!
@zorokinniemoment : eustass kid & law (op)
i chose characters that definitely know how to get under ur skin cuz i feel like that trope is so cute 😭 oh and tsukishima (hq!)
@momodwriter : shinso (mha) & akaza (kny)
i just see it. i can’t put my finger on it, but i see it. and yes i did want to put crocodile ):
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baticorngirl · 3 years
I feel like, since Robin #11 is coming out tomorrow, I should probably address the fact that my theory about who Mother Soul was pretty much turned out to be right in #10 (other than a LOT of technicalities of course).
(Link here for the first post I made about it)
(Add-on Post)
Obviously, I was right about the Lazarus Demon being basically just Bisu, and I was right about her issue with Ra's having to do with his erasure of that culture in particular, etc, etc.
But I also obviously did not have any idea she'd be Ra's' mother, so I suppose I'll state my opinion on that. First of all, I don't like the idea of Ra's being raised by her. It feels like it's taking a key part of Ra's' character out when you consider the fact that originally, it was basically implied that Ra's was raised by his uncle, the leader of a group of murderous nomads (who, as it appears, murder all outsiders who cross their paths at all).
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But obviously, Ra's ended up leaving the group, which according to him, was due to his inability to do a scientific job while staying with them. His mother wasn't shown too prominently, thus leaving us to assume she either used to be part of the nomads (but something happened to her before this story takes place) or was not even around during Ra's' childhood. The point is, in one way or another, Ra's grew up in the nomads with the ideals of his uncle.
Why does this even matter to me, you might wonder-- what makes it better than Ra's being raised by Mother Soul?
Well, the important part to note is that Ra's left not just any nomads, but murderous ones, specifically. Although some people may have interpreted it differently, I'm quite confident that it wasn't just the knowledge that he left for, but rather, the group's contributions to death. It is constantly illustrated throughout the story (so constantly, in fact, that I won't bother giving any proof. It's just that obvious) that Ra's hates death and, especially as a physician, hates to see "the great enemy" claim even one person of mankind. In simpler terms, he believes people's lives matter, and thinks death is a bad thing.
The reason this matters is that it adds a certain contrast from his current morals, and emphasizes just how much Sora's death tore him apart. Seeing him in grief does some, but to see him break an idea so close to his heart does it on a much deeper level than simple intense sadness.
After his mass-murder, we in fact see him reconsider this moral one more time. It makes him question his actions, which really illustrates just how much his hatred of death and love of life meant to him, that even after committing this heinous crime, the thought still manages to bounce back up.
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Going along with this, he also describes death as "mankind's greatest and final enemy" which adds another area of moral contrast. In current times, Ra's hates humans and mankind as a whole, and thus, it's not a surprise he no longer hates death/murder in the same way. It all connected in his mind, but it can only connect that way if when Ra's used to have faith in humanity, he also had the opposite emotions towards death, and similarly, murder.
Now, I understand that his original feelings towards death, life, and mankinds can still exist with Mother Soul's existence, or even with his lack of being raised by the Uncle, but it's about how it's being shown. Sure, writers can simply have him state these things (as he already does in Birth of the Demon regardless) but not only does him leaving the group show it better, are these not things we are all taught at a young age? Does it have any meaning at all, then?
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that the uncle canonically didn't teach Ra's death was bad or that murder was being used for the great enemy's own ends, and in fact, by murdering he taught him the opposite. These are Ra's' ideals, not something he is repeating. Ra's was just naturally a healer, not a murderer like he later fell into, and taught the moral to himself.
If Mother Soul is the one that raised him, without the uncle's morals (or lack of thereof), what reason do we have to believe that's even true?
tl;dr Ra's hated death and murder a lot before Sora's death, which is generally true for all of us, but we know it's special because he got these morals on his own after being raised by a murderous uncle. Mother Soul being his mother takes away from this, and therefore takes away form the contrast of it with after Sora's death, when he's so torn apart and vengeful that he begins killing.
This all being said, I'm happy my theory was right, because it touches an interesting subject. Ra's committed genocide on an entire city of (mostly) innocent people, and then tried to erase their entire existence and culture out of history books. That is, quite obviously, one of the most screwed up things you can do. It should be interesting to watch him get called out for it.
But to be honest, I'm concerned it won't work well with the way they're going. It feels like this is being made all about the religion, and less the fact that Ra's erased a whole culture. That religion, I hate to say it, was a terrible one. Religious freedom is great and all, as long as you're not literally killing people in the process! Sacrificing people, sometimes even children, is part of this religion's main customs. It's not just unscientific, it's actively harmful to the safety of everyone involved.
The rest of the culture, really, is the part that should be focused, not the one thing about it that actually slightly deserved to be stopped (although pretending it didn't exist at all still isn't right of course).
Now, this isn't even mentioning yet the fact that Mother Soul has proved herself to overall have a much plan than Ra's (which, may I add, feels undeniably boring and unoriginal considering it's just "ra's but even more evil"). Clearly, having a character who's even worse call out a character on something is... difficult. It just doesn't work as well, and can sometimes even take away meaning/make that person feel like a hypocrite. Mother Soul is trying to murder EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING on the whole planet, so how can she effectively call out Ra's on murdering and historically-erasing a single city?
When I first made that theory, her full plan had not been revealed at all, but now it's all just a bit more iffy.
tl;dr Mother Soul's full plan includes things that are slightly hypocritical when it comes to calling Ra's out on how screwed up his genocide was, therefore making it harder for this whole idea to work. It also focuses more on the religion than anything else, which although they can start to fix in later issues, may cause a problem considering that religion was so amoral.
One last thing I'd like to say is that there is something that's been bugging me. Something that I really, really want them to do with this story. Something that would add a ton to it and ignoring it would loose an unbelievable amount of potential. Something almost absolutely perfect for this story.
They need to bring Huwe back.
Just think about it. His story is incredibly similar to Mother Soul's-- he was originally one of Ra's' closest loved ones, but then they got into a big argument regarding Ra's' attempts to stop a single thing from the city's culture be remembered, which eventually resulted in Ra's killing him.
Obviously, bringing him back would be extremely relevant to the plot. That way, Ra's would have two former loved ones on that side, as well as two people who were originally residents of that city to call him out. In addition, as I already mentioned, the focus needs to get a bit off the religion for the calling-out to be fully effective, and Huwe would help immensely with that. I don't think he even believed in that specific religion, but the fact that he was being controlled to not speak in his own first language and tell of his own life made him snap at Ra's. He wouldn't care that Ra's was atheist, just that what he was doing was screwed up and controlling, which would be good for the story.
What I really think is important, though, is that Huwe is living proof (or, more accurately, currently-dead-but-could-be-revived-in-this-case proof) that Ra's can't keep doing this.
These are his loved ones, and yet somehow, he can really let this horrific revenge scheme get in the way of that, so much he's about to kill his own mother. Perhaps, in his head, he believes there's no reason he can't keep obliterating every sign of the city's existence. He's trying to live forever anyway, so why can't he just keep killing it all for eternity? Surely, he'll succeed fully eventually, won't he?
But Huwe proves otherwise, and I'm not just talking the fact that Huwe would've came back from the dead in this scenario, or even the fact that the biography he wrote (which Ra's trying to burn started the entire incident of Huwe's death) we know to still be out there, because Batman read it.
I'm talking about this line:
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By the context of this story, he quite obviously was referring to Huwe. This quite heavily implies that, even though in the moment of rage he had an overwhelming sense of power after surviving/winning against Huwe, that savage joy faded. Most likely when he came back home alone, and then spent the next days alone, which he normally would've spent with his best friend, if it had not been for his dissatisfaction with a single piece of writing.
It had to hurt a lot, hadn't it? He cared about Huwe a lot. We know that much. Talia described him as "devoted" to the man, and if that weren't true, he wouldn't have spent so long living with him and doing almost everything with him.
In conclusion, Huwe is proof that Ra's can't emotionally handle doing this for eternity, not to his own loved ones. He's proof that Ra's will regret it, and going along with that, proof that Ra's shouldn't do it in the first place.
He's just.... important, and I think Ra's needs a reminder of that, before he murders Mother Soul.
tl;dr Huwe should come back because he is very similar to Mother Soul. Ra's also killed him for it, which it was implied Ra's regretted/had a hard time handling emotionally, therefore him coming back would be a reminder to Ra's that he would likely also regret Mother Soul's death.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
So I seem to remember promising more Sora: Warrior Of The Sea Beach Episode. And by "seem to remember" I mean, it's in writing and thus hard to ignore. So despite the fact that none of you care, guess what? You're getting more of this ZoLaw AU.
First off, every member of the cast and crew understands the purpose of a beach episode: to waste time at the beach. Which means that everyone pulls up with swim trunks, blankets, grills and umbrellas. They are basically there to have a beach vacation.
I say everyone. Not Law. Law does not come prepared to party, he comes prepared to be pissy. But like everyone else (Yes, even Mihawk. Though technically only due to Shank's influence. Shanks forces him is what I'm saying. "Hey, even Beckmen is joining in the fun!" / "Benn always joins in these ridiculous games." / "What? My Beckmen? No! He's usually so mature and serious." / "He only seems that way compared to you. Because you are a child.")
The resulting shoot is pretty much pure chaos. Perona and Hancock are more interested in sunbathing than acting. Killer is kicking everyone's ass at volleyball. Franky and Ace are having a grill off to see who makes the better hamburgers and hot dogs (Sanji would totally win except that Pudding-Chan is right there and in a bikini and look, at some point it's difficult to care about things that aren't that.) Zoro and Luffy, meanwhile, are pretty much exactly the children you expect them to be, much to Robin's amusement. Look, she wrote a scene where Sora and Daichi "play wrestle" in the sea, but it has nothing on the actual thing. Because Zoro can often be oblivious and because, you know, Luffy she is sure they don't mean for it to look so homoerotic. It's just a shame Nami isn't here to capitalize on this. She could definitely sell Zoro pinning Luffy to the sand or Luffy wrapping around Zoro like he's made of rubber for more than a few quid.
Law is not enjoy this shoot.
Even when Benn finally gains enough control to start getting actual work done (you'd be surprised how authoritative Mihawk can be even in purple swim trunks) it soon becomes clear that this is going to be a longer than normal shoot. Not because the logistics, just people are not even trying. Ace will just start smiling in the middle of a scene where he shouldn't be smiling, and because Zoro really takes his cues on acting from Ace he'll immediately start smiling regardless of the line. Then Sanji will get angry with them both, which Pudding will think is adorable, thus leading to Sanji forgetting the script entirely to pay attention to her. Perona will tell Zoro off and get too close in his face, which will make Luffy jump in to "protect his virtue" (on order from Nami) which will make Boa jealous because how dare another woman be so close to her Luffy. Which will make Ace and Zoro annoyed which will make Robin giggle, which will distract Franky which will ultimately lead to the effects not working like they should, which will cause Shachi, Penguin, and Ikkaku to huddle up (definitely not them just laying on the sand and enjoying the day out) which of course gets Shanks and Mihawk's attention. Shanks tries to separate Perona and Luffy while Mihawk gives Zoro and Ace The Look which, despite his still authoritative aura is SLIGHTLY less effective when he's standing there in just swim trunks. Curse Shanks. So in the end, with a heavy sigh, he has to go train instruct Zoro in what he should actually be doing in the scene which somehow ends up with his hands at Zoro's bare waist as he goes through it all yet again.
Law HATES this. Fucking. Shoot.
Which is why he is so close to just leaving, as per Robin's suggestion. They don't need him there. Clearly. They can all get along quite well without him. It's obvious now that Law's real job is babysitting and at this particular location all attempts to be an adult are fruitless.
So Law is all set to leave but then Zoro gets out of the ocean, dripping wet, and heads towards his drink which Law happens to be standing beside. Not watching. Definitely. If anything, glaring. And he tries to keep glaring out at Luffy and Ace messing around as Zoro takes a nice long drink, eyes clearly focused on Law.
Which isn't distracting.
Zoro: Aren't you hot?
Law: *Takes a second to process what that actually means, covering by his continued glare* These are work appropriate clothes, Zoro-ya. Not all of us have forgotten why we're here.
Zoro: *Snorts* RIght. You can't be seen having fun, isn't that so Torao?
Law: *Turning his glare towards Zoro which is maybe a mistake because skin and water and mouth and eyes* I'm only being practical.
Zoro: That sounds boring *Reaching out to grab the end of Law's shirt* You should come have fun with us, Torao. You might even enjoy it. *Sideways smirk that is far too dangerous in nature, anyone with self preservation instincts would run*
Law: *Doesn't run* I… *Is older than Zoro and more experienced than Zoro and always the one to make suggestive comments to Zoro so how is it Zoro has currently got his hands wrapped in Law's shirt while Law seems unable to speak?* I didn't even bring-
Zoro: *Stepping closer, raising Law's shirt up a few inches to show his intent* It's just the crew, it's not like anyone will care.
Law: It wouldn't be very appropriate, Zoro-ya…. *Come on! He's half stripping you down! Be flirty or clever or mysterious or hell just step back and make him stop if you can't come off as at least competent. What the hell is wrong with you? Fuck, he's so close. And there's this trail of water falling from his hair to his lips. Fuck.*
Zoro: Look around. No one here is trying to be "appropriate" Torao. *Steps closer, feeling safe. Feeling cocky. Today has been all sword fights with Killer and sea fights with Luffy and Ace. Can you blame him for being in a good mood? And Law needs to join in, obviously. He's standing up here on the beach looking so miserable and serious. What he needs is to be dragged into the water and force to actually have some fun.* Unless…. *Cocks his head, looking Law over* You can swim, can't you?
Law: I - *It'd be nice if he could swallow right now because it definitely feels like he's going to start drooling. That damn water is curving up on the underside of Zoro's lower lip and he's so close. Law could lap that up for him. Could pin Zoro down and just….*
Zoro: *Beaming* It's alright. Luffy can barely swim, either. *Nods out to the water where currently Luffy is splashing around, riding on Ace's shoulders*
Law: *Eyes go to Luffy and Ace for once second and when he looks back Zoro seems so much closer.*
Zoro: *Still smiling even as he starts to peel off Law's shirt* Come on. *Tugging him by the arm, despite the fact he's still in his jeans and no wait he didn't agree to this!* We'll go together.
Law: *Manages to get Zoro to stop long enough to peel off his jeans so he's down to his boxers, which Zoro flushes at and isn't that what he meant? He can't be so inexperienced. Fuck, Law just wants to ruin this boy, he really does. But then Zoro is back to shoving him towards the sea, happily announcing to Ace and Luffy that he has a fourth and what does that even mean? What has Law gotten himself into?*
It turns out to be an overly competitive game of chicken (both Ace and Zoro really take it far too seriously while Luffy is clearly there for fun but also will break Law's nose if it comes down to it). Which means Law has his legs wrapped around Zoro, whose hands are curled up around his thighs and this could not get any worse.
He thinks.
Totally unaware that Robin has her phone out and is capturing this entire magical moment. And when Franky sits beside her asking why she's filming them fighting she just gets this smile that makes him want to unask because he knows Robin.
Mihawk has to eventually call the boys out to shoot a scene. He stands at the edge of the water with his typically displeased look. Law would feel so much more ashamed if Zoro hadn't chosen to just drop him slightly so Law's legs are wrapped around his waist, and carried him out of the water like that. Law tries to give his boss an apologetic look but it's difficult when he's so wrapped around Zoro, and Zoro's hands keep finding new places on his legs to hold him up. (And maybe Mihawk shouldn't look at actors who work for him that way. And maybe Mihawk should spend less time instructing Zoro. And maybe Mihawk can go to hell because Law has called dibs on this one. This one is his.)
(Also, thank you for this opportunity, Mihawk-san)
(Also, did Zoro really need to flash that smile at Mihawk? Did Mihawk's face just soften slightly? Isn't he like twice Zoro's age? He should really-)
Then Zoro drops him on the sand, and he's leaning over Law, practically on top of him. All other thoughts basically stop.
Zoro: *Beaming* See? Wasn't that better than just sitting around?
Law: *Forgets how breathing works for just a moment, and is way too out of breath by the time he recalls the process. So his mind goes into default Defensive Mode. He frowns* You just wanted a chance to beat Mugiwara-ya.
Zoro: Well… *Shrugs, like obviously. That isn't really the point, is it? Since he chose Law?* You did well Torao. For a beginner.
Law: *Crossing his arms across his chest, which is difficult with Zoro right there. Looks to the side, determined not to give a single inch* I don't like being used Zoro-ya.
Zoro: Right. *Frowns, pushing away from Law* It was Luffy's suggestion anyway.
Law: *Carefully glancing back* What was?
Zoro: *No longer looking at Law* To come get you. Tch. Like I would ever want to pair up with you, Torao. *Pushes off the sand, stalking off towards Mihawkk and the shoot*
Law: *Pushes himself up onto his elbows, watching Zoro go. Can't help feeling like he really messed up.*
Robin: Perhaps you should be more careful with our stuntman's feelings.I suggest next time you be more honest with him.
Law: *Doesn't jump at Robin's sudden appearance next to him. Totally.* There won't be a next time. This is a pointless waste of an episode and the studio will see that.
Law: *As an afterthought* And I was honest.
Robin: *Sets a hand on Law's shoulder in a quiet moment of commiseration*
Also Robin: I have it all on tape if you wish to watch it back. *Leaves*
Law: *Hates this fucking episode*
Law: ….. *Maybe wants to examine that tape.*
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monkeydluffy19920 · 5 years
Respond: Is Sanji a pervert?
In reference to/inspired by [x] @cruising-on-pirate-dreams
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It’s always been an interesting topic to see how people interpret Sanji’s character, in general. Usually, if he is not liked in fandom, he is seen as a hardcore pervert who thinks nothing more than that and all the arguments are based on his will to peep women and his nose bleedings. Then, there are other thoughts, that consider that his ero- kappa side is partly an exaggerated gag made by Oda-sensei.
Ever since the beginning, it's been fun to ponder the reasons behind the characters’ behavior and Sanji is not an exception. Actually, he was one of the characters I didn’t completely like in the beginning, because back then, during the elementary school, it was hard to understand why would someone fall in love with (almost) every lady they meet. Then slowly his characteristic started to open more to my blind eyes and the more I saw the soft side of Sanji and how much he puts effort on his friends, the more reasonable it was to see why he is so popular among fans. It seems like the hate he gets is mostly because people pay attention to his lust-side and examine it only from one point of view.
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There was a very interesting analyze written by @cruising-on-pirate-dreams about Sanji’s personality and tendency to be called pervert. In comparison, the fellow fan used Absalom and there were good points to be lifted up:
Absalom without a shame used his devil fruit skills to lurk on both Nami and Robin and never gave a rat’s eye whether Nami or Robin liked his forceful style to approach them. Both of them were clear objects to him that he licked and touched without permission, he even said openly that he likes Nami more because she is weaker in his eyes and later he kidnapped her and made her unconscious so he could marry her by force.
Sanji has a tendency to put himself into the submissive position, especially when it comes down to interacting with women. Yes, of course, he has this “I need lady~!”-kind of side but it’s remarkable how the more familiar/closer the woman is, the more submissive he actually is, in other words, he never puts himself above the ladies, especially when it comes down to interacting with Nami and Robin.
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Before the Whole Cake Island arc was published, I’ve written in Reasons to love Mugiwaras - Sanji - post that I actually do believe that despite the reputation and what he gives out of himself in public (being tough and ladies man), deep inside he is actually very broken and vulnerable and once more of his past was revealed after the time skip, the more sense all the headcanons and speculations started to become logical.
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The flashbacks in the Baratie arc showed that he was on edge of dying after the shipwreck which gave a little pieces of information about him but after the Germa66 and Sanji’s links into it were revealed, it was even more clear that he indeed had a terrible and traumatic childhood and suffered from great amounts neglection and abuse by his biological family until he escaped. The new supplement/update of the background story finally gave a further and more detailed explanation of why Sanji doesn’t see self-worth in himself and always puts others in front of him. He has put himself under the target line for his nakamas many times without caring how his own life and his dreams of finding All Blue would be thrown into waste if the worst-case scenario happened.
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Thankfully, there was someone from the family standing by his side and therefore Sanji grew very close to his mother. Unfortunately, she passed away early due to the illness (that actually protected Sanji to become an emotionless killing machine like his brothers) and then he was again left all alone in his personal hell.  Sora’s death might’ve left a certain gap in his heart. Perhaps the reason he treats women kindly (especially the ones he really adores) has roots in Sora’s way to support Sanji and maybe inside his core, he decided to continue sharing her mother’s legacy of kindness. He might appear like a tough guy who swears like a sailor but only the fact that he has saved an enemy from starvation tells that Sanji truly has a heart of gold, just like Sora.
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It’s highly likely that behind the scenes and below the surface,  Sanji could be actually looking for similar acceptance and unconditional love he got from his mother. But why then do all that ero-kappa stuff and womanizing when being around women? Mainly I still believe that it’s a continuous character gag just like Zoro’s poor sense of direction or Nami’s greediness but somehow it feels that there might be logical reasons behind this behavior.
Of course, it’s easy to interpret and only think that he is just a lustful pervert from the fact that his locker is full of girl magazines and that especially during the crew’s reunion after the time skip when it felt like Sanji couldn’t control himself with his nose bleedings.
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However, if one takes a look to past 20 years One Piece has existed, it’s remarkable to see how much Sanji actually does pay respect to women, especially towards his crewmates. He doesn’t only give compliments on their appearance (i.e how cute they look) or use polite suffixes (”chan” and “san”) while communicating with them, he also praises openly and sincerely their skills and how strong they are. So, it’s obvious that Sanji definitely sees more than just their bodies.
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Then to body swap, what @cruising-on-pirate-dreams wrote as well in another post. It’s easy to be seen that Sanji was happy that Law happened to swap his and Nami’s bodies and yes, he took peeks and adored the body features. However, because of this ero kappa-gag, one perspective is easily being left out of the spotlights (if readers didn’t pay enough attention): He did take good care of Nami’s body and he was aware how his actions can affect on her body and reflected on them many times. He smoked in her body but felt bad for doing that. Now it could be easily argued: “If he cares about Nami, why did he smoke in the first place?” but the answer is simple, he is a chain smoker and besides, Nami herself did give him the permission and the cigarettes in Punk Hazard.
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Well, despite Nami’s warnings, he did take her jacket away when she wasn’t looking but he had a good reason (Kinemon’s torso was underwater and he happened to be the best swimmer out of the options) and besides, he apologized, just like he apologized for harming her lungs with his cigarettes. He also kept constantly worrying whether the diving would be too much for Nami’s body under the circumstances.
So, if Sanji really does only see Nami as a sexual object he wouldn't have feel an urge to apologize for things he did when their bodies were swapped. If she’d only matter to him for lustful reasons and for good looks, he could have taken the advantange on her by taking everything away and do more exploring (if he was alone) but he didn’t because obviously, they were busy solving the mess Caesar made but mostly, (putting aside the comedy-reasons) he knows that going further would have been way too disrespectful and would have violated their nakamaship (and would be against the fact that he has protected her purity back in Thriller Bark and tried to avoid to stain her) especially if he later got caught somehow and it would anyway make no sense if he wanted to hurt her in any way intentionally. 
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So, at least for me especially Punk Hazard was an arc that proved that despite the comedy, Robin and Nami are clearly not objects for Sanji and although he surely has felt some lust towards them, he respects the boundaries treats them well and speaks with much softer tones to them and even uses certain suffixes while addressing them. 
Someone asked the reasons behind the suffixes and whether there are any deeper meanings  Oda’s response was that he was basically inspired by his older staff members who wanted to be treated as they were younger. Zeff taught Sanji chivalry and perhaps this detail of the story was really based on Oda’s real life.
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Back to the previous topic, why is Sanji portrayed as a pervert? Well, mainly for sure to make balance with comics on heavy storylines and because being interest in opposite-sex openly seems to be part of who he is but then thinking below the surface, what if those wild nosebleeds and dreams about peeping women are all actually just a mask of him? Yes, he does have a crush easily on women he meets and flirts with them but what if there is more than that?
Actually, one of the headcanons I’ve had for years is that Sanji has experienced a traumatic loss that has given him the deep fear of losing the others he holds dear (and that’s why he'd be so sacrificial) and Whole Cake Island sort of supported that thought. It can be possible that because he was strongly bullied by his siblings and despised by his own father (being called a weakling and so on), this all has stained his self-confidence below zero for good and it still will take time to see that he is worthy. Hopefully, Luffy’s words back in Baratie and the retrieval team’s efforts and experiencing his lowest point before the tea party opened his eyes for good and gave his character the chance to grow.  
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Like many fans agree, the only place where Sanji has complete confidence is anywhere that is related on his profession, cooking because Zeff convinced that the “chibi-Nasu” really does have potential in becoming a chef, otherwise, he can be surprisingly insecure although he doesn’t show it up openly, perhaps he hides it with this kind of actions.  On top of that, Zeff raised Sanji to respect women so if he really was a pervert and didn’t care about what his foster father taught, then perhaps he would act more like Absalom. However, (again setting the comical aspects aside), I think Sanji himself knows where to cross the line when it really comes down to women. Most likely Zeff wouldn’t approve if Sanji really thought that women are just objects of lust and Sanji probably doesn’t want to disappoint (even unconsciously) someone who saved him from certain death and raised him as his own child. 
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Only Oda-sensei knows completely his character and knows the answers but Sanji’s behavior makes me wonder that what if actually at some point he has created kind of an “alter ego” to protect himself? What if he built himself a personality full of confidence so no one would see that deep inside, there is a fragile boy and a wounded man? Well, this is all just speculation so it’s hard to say whether there is any truth behind these thoughts or not but shortly said, Sanji is a great character and there are definitely reasonable reasons for his behavior, in general. However, he indeed is stuck in these ero kappa- gag and it’s sometimes a shame indeed that some (potentially shippy) moments are ruined by those weird faces or when he goes too lustful but on the other hand, it might be just Oda’s way to keep the series’ focus on the main points instead of romance
It’s really hard to believe that Sanji would actually be a pervert as in the term is officially described but once again, it’s all about interpretation. However, if one takes a closer look to the comparison between Sanji’s and Absalom’s interest in Nami (and other women) and comparing it to the facts of what perversion is in terms of human behavior,  it can be easy to tell that out of these two, Absalom is the true pervert.
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rilldineth · 5 years
So a friend of mine told me that given that we are now in 2020, it will be fun if I did a top 20 ships of the past decade for me and boy, did I thought was a good idea and I have decided, why not right? I will be listing them here and...if followers decide to read it...well...
You will quickly notice that probably that most, if not all the ships fall on the following categories: a) rare-ships that are obv not canon; b) ships that are obviously crack; c) ships that had wasted potential, the ones hinted but never happened or briefly happened in canon and writers decided to fuck up. There’s also only one...one RL ship and I am ashamed yet not, but had to list it because I spent a long time hung up on it so don’t judge me.
So yes list...
Before the list, no list is complete without some honorable mentions, these are mostly ships I either got into the hype to recently (not being dedicated for years as the one I will list) or had my fancy then lost it.
Charlastor from Hazbin Hotel (recently got into it)
Clack from Final Fantasy VII
Cloud x Squall from Final Fantasy/KH series.
Hayffie from The Hunger Games.
TodoMomo from Boku Hero no Academia.
Gency from Overwatch series ( on and off )
RinMako from Free!
Terraqua from Kingdom Hearts series.
20. Spuhura - Spock x Nyota Uhura (Star Trek original and reboot): Again this was another ship that I liked, since the original series, while everyone was Spirk this and that, I was like,’’yas, yas give me the sweet, sweet Spock and Uhura interactions’ and I was happy the reboot hooked them up, even if that ended dubiously but for a glorious moment, I had it.
19. Swarkles - Barney Stinson x Robin  Scherbatsky (HIMYM): This is one of those ships I am bitter, bitter and salty about, there are more in this list in fact next spot is another one. But I loved it and I did think they complimented each other better than the wet noodle they stuck Robin with, they took the time to know the other, grown separately and then together, the episode where Barney proposed to Robin gave me all the feels and it was so sweet, and then fuck the writers deciding to do what they did. It’s no wonder the finale of this show is so hated.
18. Lotura - Lotor x Allura (Voltron Legendary Defender): When they announced a new reboot to Voltron I didn’t think much of it. I had fancied Lotor x Allura in the original series, as dubious as that was, but then I started to watch this Netflix thing and there was something between them, something more tangible and I was happy. It was this strong woman with an equally strong man encouraging her strength and not putting her in the box of the exotic pretty princess, like a certain dude, and wanted to know her mind and interests, they discovered things together and for a brief moment knew peace and I was here so happy that we were getting something good and then fuck the writers again that decided ‘Nah bro, you’re not getting it’ and you know to fuck off again. I will always have fan fiction I guess.
17. VinTi - Vincent Valentine x Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII series): This is a ship that I think started to like during my second playthrough of the game, I always figured the both could work, both having loved people that for one reason or another couldn’t fully love them back (Lucrecia due to damn guilt and Cloud because of Aerith) and both were mature enough to fit together, I just like them okay.
16. Helsa - Hans x Elsa (Frozen): Truly, I have never made it a secret that I really dislike this movie, I truly do. The only good things were Hans (which I am still huh at the ‘turns out he is evil’ I still call trolls) and Elsa (because of her damn powers) and then the next step was shipping them and honestly, he should have gone for the older sister lmao, they make more sense and there have very nice fiction out there.
15. Yuzuvier - Javier Fernandez x Yuzuru Hanyu (Figure Skating): Ahh, we have reached my dreaded and dark secret only RPF fancy. Be it broship or more, I always liked the friendship and camaraderie these two skaters had with each other, they were rink mates and rivals but above all friends. I was kokoro break when Yuzuru was telling Javi that he couldn’t do it without him and stop it you two. I just like them, they are wholesome.
14. Victuuri - Viktor Nikiforov x Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri!!! On Ice): And here we have another precious figure skating duo when I started to watch this series it was only because it was a figure skating anime and I love figure skating, I never expected to see a wholesome and wonderful healthy relationship to explode in front of me. The relationship between Viktor and Yuuri is just so lovely, so mature, they both worked through issues, grew from them and accepted them even and I can’t I love it. (Special mention here to Yurio x Mila, as is another ship I love from this series and so underrepresented).
13. Jonerys - Jon Snow x Daenerys Targaryen (ASOIAF/GoT): Regardless of the stupidity committed in the series, I have shipped them since the books, because I can read in between the lines and there are too many parallels between them and their journeys, ones that at will some point collide and bring them together in a way that will be worth it, so better make it count George. 
12. Rhaegar Targaryen x Lyanna Stark (ASOIAF/GoT): Yes, mea culpa, I love tis ship and no one can shame me for liking it and boy has people tried to do so. Were these two smart of escaping like that and not saying a thing? Nope, they were so not. Was Brandon smart going to Kings Landing, knowing there was a crazy king with a penchant of burning people and demanding his heir's head? Nope, that was probably the stupidest move of all. Do I want to believe they loved each other? Why not? Martin has a penchant for tragic love stories, I know this ship is problematical for some, but I still love it and if you see spot 10 here, well I have varied tastes.
11. Soriku - Riku x Sora (Kingdom Hearts series): Come on, this is a given. Prior to Kairi appearing, it was clear Sora was Riku’s world and Riku’s was Sora, they were attached to the hip, the rivalry for Kairi more felt like Riku being jealous of Kairi and wanting Sora’s attention back. Then we have KH2 where Sora spent the whole damn game being all ‘Riku, Riku!’ and Riku doing his damn best to help him from the shadows, ashamed to be seen. DDD was more Riku protecting him and Sora leaning on him, even KH3 had Sora wanting to find and reach Riku, and then Riku going once again to find him by the end, so I am sorry but if there was a love story written here it was between these two. 
10. Hannigram - Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham (Hannibal): Quite honestly, from all the things I ship, they are probably what one will consider the most toxic one I guess, which fair considering one part of the ship is a charismatic yet cannibalistic serial killer. But there was something in the way this relationship was developed by Fuller and brilliantly brought out by Mads and Hughs that just hooked me, their soft moments, their violent ones, it just somehow worked for me. I guess this is also one of the few canon ships that I have, funny enough.
09. Rivetra - Levi Ackerman x Petra Ral (Shingeki no Kyojin): Who will have thought that a series about human eating titans was going to give me one of my most everlasting and also shortlived OTP’s. Years can pass by and I will still love this ship, my heart will still believe there was something more between them, something that was realized or something that wasn’t, I don’t know, but I will forever love it and even though years have passed since she died, I always enjoy the hints here and there that he still remembers her or hints where we are supposed to do so.
08. Squinoa - Squall Leonhart x Rinoa Heartilly (Final Fantasy VIII): People can say whatever the fuck they want ‘the love story was rushed’ ‘we hate Rinoa’ (fuck you btw) but it doesn’t change the fact that Squall fell in love with her and that Rinoa helped him to open up, to not take things for granted and Squall taught her to be even stronger and conquer her fears, they helped each other grow and it’s what matters in the end.
07. Feanor x Nerdanel (Tolkien): This is probably, from all the romantic relationships that Tolkien has gifted us, which I have loved the most and held my attention the longest. They have the happy times, the ones that were full of joy when they met and fell in love and had their children, then we have the tumultuous times when he became too obsessed with this craft, the separation when he left with their kids leaving her behind in her pain and then their possible reencounter when he leaves the Halls of Mandos and how they might deal with it.
06. ItaHina - Itachi Uchiha x Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto): Both the heads of two of the most important clans of their villages, both with heavy expectations upon their shoulders that nearly broke them, only one was talented from the start and the other had to learn, yet they are also similar. Both love their siblings to a fault, sacrificing so much for them and their happiness, both seem to hate conflict yet know is necessary and both are devoted and loyal to a fault, they would have suited each other wonderfully, in an AU probably they would have gotten engaged, who knows, but it would have been wonderful.
05. SessKik - Sesshoumaru x Kikyou (Inuyasha): A ship that could have been but that we didn’t have. This is a ship that has been with me for years and I don’t plan to let it go, they were the best players (in a sense) in that game against Naraku, also probably the strongest, both level headed and smart, not easily intimidated and calculating, together they would have been quite a formidable force and it’s a shame we didn’t get to see that.
04. Bethyl - Daryl Dixon x Beth Greene (The Walking Dead): Another wasted potential and gone so soon, not to mention forever salty at the waste. The way they were being developed promised so much, in the few time he was with her, well, she taught him to have faith and it’s something that apparently still shows from times to times (I am not sure as I stopped with this show) and imagine how it will have gone if they had more time. Just a waste.
03. Romanogers - Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanov (Marvel/MCU): I have been shipping them for years, like honestly, and when the MCU was showing me the seeds of potentiality I was happy, not even that stupidity with Bruce killed my hope, as they still had this steady relationship, he trusted her and she trusted him, something that she couldn’t say of many, they had each others back and took care of the other...but again another wasted potential right there.
02. Huddy - Gregory House x Lisa Cuddy (House MD): I spent years, kind of, season after season watching the delicious and lovely UST between these two characters, watching them snark and then help each other, watching the ‘won’t they will they’ dance, waiting for the moment when these two will finally collide and my lord was it glorious when they finally did, and I was eager to see where it went, as they both seemed to be in relatively good places, but no once again forbid the writers to stop House from being self-destructive and another ship I had waited years was ruined.
01. Terrence "Terry" Graham Grandchester x  Candice "Candy" White Adley (Candy Candy): And this is still my most important ship of the decade, I was forever bitter they never ended together and that their authors decided to make them suffer so much, but then Final Story came and all clues were pointing that aha they did found the other again and ended together as they were supposed to be, and before anyone says shizz, I did manage to read the novel and I do believe all hints were there to let us all know the identity of her husband was Terry and I am so happy.
And there it is, all the ships of the decade for me lol. Next stop, I should maybe make a list of mythos ships I like lmao.
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miss-sternennacht · 6 years
So... If every Smash character were to have an echo fighter: (also new fighter ideas?)
Mario - Honestly I’d put Luigi, but he’s not an option and I guess Dr. Mario is like an echo fighter for him even though he’s not
Donkey Kong - Could easily put in another one of the Kongs such as DK Junior, Chunky Kong, Funky Kong, etc.
Link - Another version of Link could work
Samus - Has Dark Samus as efighter
Yoshi -  Birdo! Please, can we have our lovely pink friend added?
Kirby - Hard to think of anyone else for Kirby lol
Fox - We could have Peppy or Slippy
Pikachu - Raichu! Either the original version or the Alolan version
Luigi - Where we could have put our hopes and dreams for Waluigi, but definitely not happening
Ness - I don’t know much about Earthbound, but I think they pretty much have all the kids in
Captain Falcon - Black Shadow or Blood Falcon
Jigglypuff - We could have Wigglytuff or even Clefairy. Really any small, round, puffy pokemon could work
Peach - Has Daisy as efighter
Bowser -  Petey Piranha would be a nice change! Though I think more people would prefer (and would probably work better) Dry Bowser
Ice Climber - Yeah I’ve got no clue
Sheik - Impa! Maybe her Ocarina of Time version as her newer versions have a large sword (Impa for Smash??!?!!!!)
Zelda - Can easily put Hilda in as an option. If not, another version of Zelda would be ok
Dr. Mario - Let’s leave the doc alone to his thoughts
Pichu - Plusle and/or Minum or any other small electric pokemon
Falco - Same ideas as Fox possibly
Marth - Has Lucina as efighter
Young Link - This one is hard as well, as the only other “young Link” in the series’ history is Wind Waker who is on the list. I thought maybe Saria but I guess it’d be difficult as she doesn’t use a sword...
Ganondorf - Possibly Demise
Mewtwo - Mew!
Roy - Has Chrom as efighter
Mr. Game & Watch - No idea. If there’s another character like him from the 80s that would fit, that would work
Meta Knight - Know anyone else in Dreamland with a sword?
Pit - Has Dark Pit as efighter
Zero Suit Samus - Is there anyone else that we could use from the Metroid series that matches her move set?
Wario - Who knows
Snake - I know nothing about his series but I know he’s a clone so maybe a different Snake
Ike - We can put in one more Fire Emblem character here. Too many to chose from!
Pokemon Trainer - They added the girl trainer as another costume, so what if they did a whole new trainer (cough Team Rocket) and similar pokemon?
Diddy Kong - Dixie Kong hands down
Lucas - See Ness from above
Sonic - Shadow the Hedgehog! 
King Dedede - Another Dreamland villain perhaps?
Olimar - Louie, Alph, Britanny, or Charlie
Lucario - Another pokemon - maybe Alakazam?
R.O.B. - eh
Toon Link - Tetra!! How could I forget her?!?!?! Thanks webcomixwastaken!!!
Wolf - no idea
Villager - As you’re the only human in the game, maybe with one of the other neighbors you could meet?
Mega Man - If all his Mega Man versions are in his Final Smash, I’d say it’d hopeless to hope for an efighter for this guy
Wii Fit TRAINER - If you know another other fit-friendly person to fit the role
Rosalina & Luna - Too unique to have an efighter
Little Mac - One of his opponents 
Greninja - Another water-type pokemon?
Mii Fighter - They’re fine on their own unless you wanna add more types to them
Palutena - Another Goddess or Medusa from Kid Icarus
PAC-MAN - Who better than Ms. PAC-MAN
Robin - Same with Ike, there’s probably a lot of other FE characters who could fit in
Shulk - Rex?
Bowser JR. - They have all the Koopalings, probably no one else could fit this role
Duck Hunt Duo - Very specific, can’t think of anyone else
Ryu - Another Street Fighter character
Cloud - Another Final Fantasy character
Corrin - Another FE character
Bayonetta - Probably won’t happen as she has her colors but Jeanne would work nicely
Inkling - OCTOLINGS!!!
Ridley - Too unique to have one?
Simon - Has Richter as efighter
King K. Rool - Has a very specific set of moves, can’t imagine him with an efighter
Isabelle - She’s don’t need no echo fighter
New fighter ideas:
From Nintendo IPs:
K.K. Slider from Animal Crossing (if he’s not an assist trophy for this game). It be cool if he could use his music to attack opponents! 
Spring Man and Ribbon Girl from ARMS. Could even have an efighter who are two more characters from the game. Or if they wanted to make the two separate characters that works as well. Obviously their main weapons would be their arms.
The cute little characters from Snipperclips. I highly doubt it but never put it past Nintendo - they did add Wii Fit TRAINER who kinda came out of nowhere. Can snip and clip enemies.
So many potential Zelda characters they could add! Depending if they’re assist trophies already or not, but could include: Impa (see above with Sheik), Fi, Maron (she’s already a fighter in Hyrule Warriors), Darunia, Ruto, any of the Champions from Breath of the Wild, Tetra, Ravio, Yuga, Skull Kid...
From 3rd-Party IPs:
Honestly, first and foremost, it’d be awesome to have Sora from Kingdom Hearts! It’d be another sword-type character, but imagine him with his Keyblade! And Disney characters! Though this one might be hard  to obtain since it’s SquareEnix/Disney, BUT would be a very good advertising strategy for Square/Disney since KH3 comes out one month after Smash. This would be the character I’d want in Smash the most as of right now.
Another hopeful for me is Professor Layton from the Professor Layton series. He could use a fencing sword (Yeah another sword user) and his final smash you could point at your opponent and have them trapped inside a puzzle! Could have Luke or Katrielle as an efighter.
Dr. Eggman from the Sonic series. He could be inside one of his robots to attack! So many options for his fighting style and for what his final smash would be! Also another villain which we need more of.
Rayman from the Rayman series (part of me for a moment thought about the Rabbids who could possibly end up on the list but I really hope not just because I would absolutely hate their taunt if they’re screaming but with the latest collab with Nintendo, it’s actually highly possible).
Someone from Dragon Quest? Monster Hunter? Resident Evil? Soul Caliber? Call of Duty? Steve from Minecraft? Assassin’s Creed? Lara Croft from Tomb Raider? Crash Bandicoot? Ace Attorney?
Just from my opinions, I would think Dr. Eggman and/or the Rabbids would be the most likely to show up next as new fighters in the game.
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nickyvmlp · 6 years
My Top 10 Characters I Want in Smash Ultimate
I got a couple of requests for this in my last Smash reaction video, and I didn’t want to make it a full video, so it’ll go here, HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOO.  (Also, none of my top 10 need to be echo fighters, but I’ll throw in a few echos near the end.)
10) Alex Roivas from Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem
This will not happen, especially with Simon and Richter filling the horror game niche, but I can dream, darnit.  For the unaware, Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem was a 2002 GameCube exclusive psychological horror game; it’s basically Resident Evil meets Call of Cthulhu, and it’s my favorite horror game of all time. In the game, you play as Alex Roivas, a few of her ancestors, and few other schmucks across history unfortunate enough to stumble across an ancient book called the Tome of Eternal Darkness, which drags them into a conflict that could destroy the world.  Alex ends up using the knowledge she’s learned from the Tome to stop the rise of three ancient deities, each bent on world domination.  So in Smash, she could have the Tome at her disposal and could even carry it into battle like Robin does.  Her standard attacks can involve normal weaponry she uses like guns and knives and stuff, while her special attacks can all involve using the Tome to summon something.  For her Final Smash, she can hit everyone in a set radius around her with a huge sanity effect that adds 100% damage and breaks the shield of anyone caught in it, leaving them wide open for a heavy attack and a KO.  Plus, more strong female Smash characters, never a bad thing.
9) Decidueye from Pokemon
Every Smash game has a new Pokemon rep, and there’s quite for few on the rumor mill.  Gardevoir and Gothitelle get brought up a lot, but they’d draw a lot of comparisons to (and may end up being an EF to) Mewtwo, especially in Gardevoir’s case.  They could also throw in a currently unannounced Pokemon from Gen 8 with that being right around the corner.  But, Decidueye makes the most sense to me.  It’s got a cool design and there aren’t many characters that uses arrows in their arsenal, basically just the Links and Pit.  Plus, his Flying type would give him really strong recovery, most comparable to Charizard’s.  For his Final Smash, give him Zelda’s FS from Brawl, a giant arrow that KO’s everyone in a straight line.
8) The Eeveelutions from Pokemon
If you like Pokemon, odds are good that you like at least one of the Eeveelutions.  Espeon’s my favorite Pokemon ever, and Jolteon, Umbreon, and Sylveon are up there too.  And there’s eight Eeveelutions at the moment (not counting Eevee) and eight alternate costume spots for each character, so here’s what I’m thinking.  You reveal the Eeveelutions in the next Direct, and put up a poll on the Smash website: Who is your favorite Eeveelution?  The winner of the poll is the default character, while everyone else are the alt costumes.  This does mean that the Eeveelutions will have to be virtually identical, but that shouldn’t be too hard, a Flamethrower can look like a Hydro Pump, a Thunderbolt, a Psyshock, etc. with some small cosmetic changes.  And their Final Smash could either be similar to Mega Man’s where everyone joins in for a giant combined attack, or if you wanna get cartoony, have them get into a big dust cloud fight with other Eeveelutions joining in before the victim gets launched offscreen by it.  Plus with Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee coming soon, it’s a great time to give Eevee’s family some love
7) Black Shadow from F-Zero
You know me, I love F-Zero GX more than I love three square meals a day, and at the moment, there’s barely any Smash representation for the GREATEST RACING GAME OF ALL TIME, so let’s change that.  Samurai Goroh is already an Assist Trophy, so how about Falcon’s other main rival, Black Shadow?  Taking a quick look at him, he’s obviously a big, strong character which makes him well-equipped to be in a fighting game.  But taking a second look at him will make you chuckle, because he’s kinda goofy looking.  He’s wearing a full-body black spandex suit, with bull horns, cloven feet, and a cape.  Yea, he’s a sadistic monster in the games and the anime, but still he’s a little hard to take seriously.  And that can work in his advantage.  In Nintendo Directs, they like to use villains that you can kinda take the piss out of in certain places, like Dedede, Wario, and surely in the future, K. Rool.  Black Shadow can exist in a similar role, and maybe the four can form some evil alliance if they decide to make Subspace Emissary 2.  (Please make Subspace Emissary 2.)  His Final Smash can be identical to Falcon’s, hit your opponent with the Black Bull, works just fine.  Plus, maybe a new F-Zero character could build hype for a new game in the series?  Please?
6) Paper Mario
I’m not sure why some people want Paper Mario to be Mario’s EF?  Wasn’t the point of Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam to show how different those two are?  Anyway, Paper Mario has a bevy of ways to attack that would help him stand apart from his 3-dimensional counterpart.  His standard attack can involve his hammer (which Mario doesn’t have), with the directional standards involving various badges like the Hammer Throw and the Ice Smash.  His special attacks can use his various buddies.  Parakarry can be his recovery, Vivian can be a Down-B defense tool, you could even use Thoreau as his throwing mechanic.  And the final Smash could involve one of the realistic items from the new games, like the electric fan blowing all the opponents offscreen.  I don’t know much about the newer games, they didn’t look as good.
5) Shadow the Hedgehog
This is another one that COULD be an Echo Fighter, but Shadow plays pretty differently to Sonic in their games.  He skates instead of runs, he uses weapons whereas Sonic just uses his speed, Shadow has a FUCKING GUN, there’s plenty that you can do with Shadow to separate him from Sonic.  Particularly involving his Final Smash, Chaos Control.  When it’s used, everyone on screen freezes for ten seconds.  In that time, Shadow can use one heavy attack after another after another, and when the time runs out, all the damage and force from those attacks hit at once, and that character will go flying.  It’d be kinda like Link’s Stasis from Breath of the Wild (which should be Link’s FS, but oh well)
4) Spring Man from Arms
So, Arms wasn’t as big of a hit as people were hoping.  That’s a bummer, it looks like a fun game.  How about we give it one last shot in the arm (teehee) to try to boost its exposure?  Put Spring Man in the game, and have him focus on long-range attacks and throws.  His recovery can be a long whip that grabs ledges like Olimar’s.  And for his Final Smash, give him a big winding tornado throw that KOs whoever he grabs and damages anyone who gets hit by the swinging arms in the process.  Show what he can do in Smash, and maybe it’ll entice people to see what he can do in Arms.  I just want that game to be successful.
3) Rayman
I was shocked that Rayman didn’t get into Smash WiiU, since it seems like Nintendo and Ubisoft have been on great terms for a long time, like how Rayman Origins and Legends ended up on Nintendo consoles when it had almost no third-party support.  Rayman even had a trophy in WiiU, so it was really surprising to me that he wasn’t one of the DLC characters.  Let’s fix that.  His unattached limbs would give him some good range, he’d have some magic that he could use at his disposal for special attacks.  And for his Final Smash, how about summoning a swarm of mosquitoes to fly across the screen, doing massive damage with each hit, like a super-powered version of the Beedrills from Smash 64?
2) Geno from Super Mario RPG
I’m not a huge Final Fantasy guy, but I’m so glad Cloud got into Smash WiiU/3DS, because it throws the door wide open for other Square characters.  A lot of people think this will lead to Sora from Kingdom Hearts getting in (doubtful), but I want Geno to finally get in.  He did get an outfit for the Mii Gunner in the last game, but seeing him actually in Smash, not just as a Mii, would be so great.  Mario RPG is criminally underrated, and it laid the groundwork for the Paper Mario and the Mario & Luigi games.  He’d, of course, be a long range fighter, using his finger cannons as his main attacks, and for his Final Smash:  the Geno Flash, which would be like a combination of Pit’s and Jigglypuff’s FS.  You’d go offscreen and aim a point on the map.  From that epicenter, a giant blast grows, trapping and damaging anyone who gets in the blast radius, before launching those victims off the stage.
Honorable Mentions (Echo Fighters)
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat brought Funky Kong back into the fold, and he’s got a very similar body type to Donkey Kong, so that makes perfect sense to me.
Hyrule Warriors could use a representative, and since Midna’s already an Assist Trophy, how about Impa?  She’s got a great look and could borrow Sheik’s moveset quite well.
I never bought Wart as an Echo Fighter, since the characters he was usually attached to (Bowser or Dedede) didn’t feel similar enough.  But K. Rool, on the other hand, fits just right.  K. Rool looks like a caricature of Wart.
People seem to like Xenoblade Chronicles 2, so let’s add to the Xenoblade cast in Smash.  I don’t know a lot about Rex, besides his goofy pants, but I’m sure he’d be a great fit.
This might seem odd, but how about Andy from Advance Wars as an Echo to Bowser Jr.?  Andy could ride in a tank and shoot projectiles while using the turret as a short-range melee attack?  Could work.
1) Sans and Papyrus from Undertale
No, but could you imagine?
1) Crash and Coco Bandicoot
This would be the kind of Internet breaking character that you put as the last character added to give one final hype boost to the already unstoppable Smash hype train.  The N. Sane Trilogy is already out on Switch, so the publishers already have their foot in the door, so let’s just go for it.  And as an added bonus, you could announce Coco Bandicoot at the same time (like Simon and Richter) for added excitement.  (I would absolutely main as Coco.)  Their standard attacks could revolve around their spin attacks, while their specials would involve using their various powerups like the fruit bazooka and the belly flop.  And the Final Smash would involve using Aku Aku to turn invincible for a brief time.  Yes, they’re kinda doing away with that kind of FS, maybe they could make a cutscene out of it and cause an instant KO or something.  I don’t know, just gimme Crash in Smash, please. 
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disneydreamlights · 6 years
the thing may not be applicable to your own ocs but iF YOU THINK I'M NOT STILL SNEAKING SOME FORM OF OC TRASH SO I CAN HEAR WHAT KINDA STUPID HEADCANONS YOU HAVE, YOU'RE DEAD WRONG. namely ian and tip because sc trash babe. also aqua, kairi, chrom, and adrien agreste
I’ll throw the SC trash under read more but the rest nah.
Realistic: Aqua is, ironically enough, the member of the Wayfinder Trio most susceptible to her darkness. Her darkness is lower than Terra’s, sure, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t super susceptible to it being messed with and the issues that that can bring. The reason we don’t see that in BBS is just because nobody’s interested in messing with her darkness because like Xehanort wants Terra’s ass, and Vanitas needs Ven, so that leaves nobody to really try to fuck her up. It’s also why in the Realm of Darkness she seems to constantly give up hope so easily.
Hilarious: She wears heelies around in the heels of her Keyblade armor, the worst part about falling into the Realm of Darkness is she can no longer roller skate anywhere.
Heartbreaking: Aqua falls into darkness not only because of her susceptibility, but because Xemnas/Xehanort presents himself as Terra, and so rather than see her enemy, she sees her best friend and after fighting so long she’s just finally happy to see him again, and so when he offers for her to join him, she does no matter what the cost.
Unrealistic: Aqua’s main possession from her home world that she brought with her to the Land of Departure is her teddy bear. She’s brought this teddy bear with her everywhere, including the entirety of Birth By Sleep. This teddy bear didn’t make the trip to the Realm of Darkness and returned with Terra. (Xemnas takes very good of the bear, alongside Aqua’s armor.)
Realistic: Kairi actually has very vivid memories of her time in Radiant Garden. The reason why she lies to Sora and Riku about remembering her homeworld is one of them, because her most vivid memory is one of Xehanort mentioning how all this happened because he wanted to leave him homeworld so desperately. She hoped if she never brought up how nice her homeworld was before Xehanort and all the Heartless, nobody she befriended here would ever turn out like him.
Hilarious: Kairi started Riku on a swear jar. She uses the money that Riku puts in for cursing on ice cream for herself and Namine.
Heartbreaking: When Kairi hugged Sora Heartless in KH1, she obviously didn’t expect him to come back despite the fact that he did. Had he not revived, Kairi would’ve done everything in her power to bring him back, and would’ve likely acted similar to Axel in KH2 (just with some roles reversed and changed out) all in the vain hope that she could do something to see Sora again since Riku and the islands would’ve been gone.
Unrealistic: Kairi very much kicked Sora’s and Riku’s asses together the first time they played with swords when they were kids and because she was that much better than everybody else they were just like “Kairi it’s no fun to fight you we always lose.” “Fine then I just won’t fight but when I do I’ll still be queen of the island.” (The reason why she fought well is she had to in Xehanort’s tests.)
Realistic: Chrom is the biggest fucking clutz like he cannot, for the life of him, be coordinated. Even in sword fighting, while he’s good at it, it doesn’t stop him from sometimes looking like a lumbering oaf.
HIlarious: Honestly the above is good for this too but also did you know that Chrom has almost stabbed Robin more times than he can count simply because he tripped, fell and oops oh shit there was a sword.
Heartbreaking: When Robin disappeared Chrom actually didn’t get any sleep those first few nights of the search. He was so worried for his significant other/best friend that he would leave the castle in the middle of the night just desperate to see some time that they were okay. The only reason he started to actually catch sleep again is Lissa basically tied him to the bed because she was so worried that he’d kill himself from lack of sleep, because yeah they all missed Robin, but that wasn’t a reason to act like that either.
Unrealistic: There was a solid three month period where everybody in the Shepherds decided to make an inside joke that they were going to have a marriage from Chrom and his sword. Chrom was very surprised one day when he walked in on Lissa dressing Falchion up in a wedding gown and Libra actually stood there ready to officiate the wedding between him and his sword. Robin was embarrassed the entire time because when Chrom confessed he used the “Wind at my back and sword by my side” line and in fact when Chrom first said he loved his sword it was meant for her and was referring entirely to her but because they weren’t public about being in love everybody 100% took it to mean Falchion.
I know the last one isn’t technically Chrom but shut up and let me share my “Shepherds are dumbasses” headcanon.
Realistic: When Adrien first learns that Marinette is Ladybug he does a really bad job of not revealing that he knows because all he does is act like Chat Noir and make cat puns when around her in hopes that his Ladybug would figure it out. She still does not figure it out even after that.
Hilarious: Marinette actually figures out who Chat Noir is because of Adrien not even making a cat pun. After months of Adrien making cat puns what in fact actually happens is Adrien makes a pun about modeling or something like that and somehow the pun instantly makes her think of Chat and she realizes what’s happening. Adrien then spends weeks angry over the fact that she is, in fact, that oblivious but understood it all from an accidental pun.
Heartbreaking: Adrien is desperate enough to have some kind of bond with his dad that if Gabriel Agreste revealed to him that he was Hawk Moth, Adrien would choose to betray Ladybug and have Chat Noir join Gabriel while attempting to figure out a peaceful situation so that way the two most important people in his life would no longer fight.
Unrealistic: The only reason Chat Noir uses cat puns is because he knows they annoy Ladybug. Like they weren’t a piece of his secret identity he expected to stick but they did. (It’s also why he would dismiss Marinette as Ladybug. She laughs at his puns because she’s that in love with Adrien, but Ladybug would groan.)
I just hope you know that if my Ian headcanons suck I blame you. XP
Realistic: Ian got so fed up with the Christmas carols in the stores that he heard all Christmas season that he decided to write his own Christmas carols. These carols were actually better than actual Christmas carols and somebody heard them and made their own version and then that Christmas carol became the next annoyingly popular song and Ian was bitter forever at the fact that his only song that became big was that.
Humorous: Ian has a gigantic collection of coffee mugs because he’s just that addicted to coffee. He has so many of these mugs that he was placed on a mug ban but he’s still so bad about not buying mugs anyways.
Heartbreaking: While Ian did occasionally travel back to the Spiral he made only one visible appearance outside of Nicole’s revival island and that conversation we rped with Nick in SW: And that was his children’s weddings, because despite the fact that he died before both of them got married, he wanted them to know that he was there, and proud of them and happy for them. 
Unrealistic: Ian spent an entire six months of his life learning how to walk in heelies only to never use them again and give them to Mitch.
Realistic: Tip’s main reason for becoming a professor wasn’t just teaching, it was because it was a way for him to take care of and practically adopt kids without actually adopting them, since after his first children and his realization of immortality Tip couldn’t bring himself to adopt anymore while he didn’t have Nicole: Their death would be too painful for him.
Humorous: Tip said fuck once and actually cried so much he decided he would never use it again.
Heartbreaking: Deep down the only reason Tip managed to stay alive during the years between when Nicole died and SW was because he knew, deep down, if he died then he’d forget all about her and never see her again, even if he didn’t consciously remember. Because of this Tip continued to hold on until the chasm, where it was only the rush of happy memories that managed to push him past his tipping point and over the edge.
Unrealistic: There is a universe in which Pat doesn’t make Tip suffer and he gets to be completely happy. ;w;
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gunnerpalace · 7 years
IchiRuki TV AUs
So I was having a conversation last night and something made me think “Who do you think I am?” and that immediately derailed into “Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see?” and from there into IchiRuki because human brains are weird.
So, it wouldn’t be a direct adaptation of Breaking Bad, but imagine Ichigo as Walter, Orihime as Skyler, Kazui as Walt Jr., and Rukia as Jesse. Ichigo, living an unfulfilling life and suddenly faced with death by cancer, teams up with Rukia to profit off his knowledge of chemistry, only to find a life he’s far more suited to than the one he thought he was satisfied with.
Rukia’s Jesse would need the most reimagining since she obviously doesn’t work in his original capacity; perhaps a former colleague who’s involved in legally gray work instead.
Also, consider Marie and Hank. I’m pretty sure they’d be Tatsuki and Uryuu. Holy shit.
Then I made a joke about Magnum, P.I., and it’s like, Ichigo is obviously Magnum. Breaking the fourth wall with knowing looks and everything.
You would think that Rick and TC are Uryuu and Chad, but no! Uryuu is TC; always put upon, technically competent, possessed of means, lending a hand despite his better instincts. Orihime is Rick, and Sora gets killed in the first season just like Rick’s sister did. (Imagine her being obsessed with Casablanca?)
And Rukia is Higgins.
Uryuu: It was nothing, Ruki-baby!
Ichigo: Yeah, calm down, ‘Ruki-baby’!
Rukia: ... Oh my God, Kurosaki.
They always play it icy but they’re always there for each other. (Is Robin Masters actually Byakuya? Is Rukia really Robin Masters and Byakuya is a myth? Doesn’t matter, it’s all good!)
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