#and he tries to make dad proud for a hot minute before deciding actually thats garbo and not who he is
cats-obsessions · 6 months
🌧️🥞🎭 for nox :D
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for your OC to do on a rainy day?
He loves days in- curling up by a fireplace with a good book and a hot drink is ideal, or a nap day. He enjoys walks in the rain from time to time too.
🥞 Does your OC take proper care of themselves, like getting enough sleep and eating properly?
Hm, he doesn't sleep right, that's for sure. He goes between not enough sleep and rotting days when it all catches up with him, plus working nights complicates it. In other aspects, though, he does take care of himself pretty well. Food and exercise are important to him, so it doesn't feel like a chore.
🎭 What is the one thing your OC regrets most? Would they undo it, considering how their life turned out?
Ough this is such a tough question! I think of most of the things he hates that he has done are things that aren't his fault or in his control exactly. I'm going to resist lore dumping too much and say his entire life from ages 13 to 18- he was angry and violent and hurt a lot of people because he thought that's what he was supposed to do and who he was supposed to be. In adulthood, I think he has really complex feelings around violence- like, he still finds himself in fights sometimes, but he normally thinks the other person deserves it, so there's a clash of feeling a little ashamed he likes punching someone in the face but also the moral greyness of but they should be punched in the face LOL
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Beach Volleyball (Atsumu’s Daughter)
@guardiansofasgard Hi! Can i request a Haikyuu one shot where the reader is Atsumu’s 10 year old daughter 😊
Of course! This is actually my third time writing it because it got deleted more then once -.- Hope you enjoy it! If anyone has a one shot they want me to write I’m going to be writing all night! ~ Kai
Atsumu walked onto the hot sand, watching his teammates throw balls in the hot summer sun. There were very few occasions the MSBY Black Jackals so they took advantage of it whenever they could. They decided to take a relaxing day at the beach and play a few games.
You were thrilled that your dad finally decided to let you join him in his work, he was always too busy to spend time with you. You were sitting under an umbrella next to Sakusa. “So, your one of my dad’s friends?” You said cautiously. Why was he wearing a face mask to the beach?
“Yeah, you look exactly like Atusmu its almost chilling.”
“Thank you?”
About 5 minutes later you get engulfed into a big hug from behind. It was Natsu, Hinata’s little sister. “What’s up Y/N!! ITS BEEN FOREVER! I haven’t seen you in like- 4 years!”
“Oh my god hii!! You got so big!” You smiled, Natsu had to be at least high school age by now.
Hinata was not far behind her, all the boys started to set up the nets for a game while you and Natsu started to catch up.
“All right, let’s start to form the teams-” Atusmu said.
“Do I get to play this time Dad!”
Atsumu sighed, “You know we are professionals right? I don’t think you would be able to keep up with us.”
“Says the one who couldn’t even serve ‘till year 2 of high school…”
“Hey! Watch your mouth Y/N” You could tell he was about to smile. You definitely got his attitude.
“Atsumu! Stop bickering with your daughter and come play!” Hinata yelled. “And just let Y/N play when is she ever going to learn how to play if you dont let her!”
“FINE!” He pouted. “Sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to yell at you, you’ll be on my team alright?”
You nodded and followed him over to the court. There were four people on each team, on team 1 there was Atsumu, Bokuto, Y/N and Sakusa. On team 2, there was Hinata, Natsu, Inunaki, and Meian.
Natsu was the first to serve, she threw the ball in the air and jumped into a beautiful jump serve. The ball hit hard against the sand on the other side. Hinata smiled, “THATS MY SISTER! I KNEW YOU WOULD BE GREAT SOMEDAY!”
Natsu was able to rack up 4 more points before Bokuto was able to hit the ball back over. As the game progressed, you started to get even more nervous. They really are professionals, how am I ever going to be able to play with them? Are they going to be mad if I mess up?
Of course in the midst of your panic, you were up to serve. The ball shook i your hands, you starred at it then back at your father. “I-I only know how to serve underhand…I think you should just skip me.”
“That’s alright! As long as it makes it over the net.” Atsumu smiled.
Ok…No pressure at all. You thought,  just have to get it over the net and you’ll be fine.
You held your hand out with the ball you hit it as hard as you could with your other hand. Everything seemed to move into slow motion as the ball shot up into the air and slowly curved to hit Kiyoomi in the back of the head. You stood there frozen as he turned towards you, glaring.
His whole body shook as he walked past you back to his backpack, grabbing a can of Lysol and spraying his head.
“Sakusa- I’m sorry.” You tried. His stare was almost deafening.
“Kiyoomi, don’t.” Atsumu stared right back at him.
“Its fine. I’m the worst possible person you could’ve hit but its fine.”
“I’m really sorry.” You started to walk back towards the car.
“Y/N! Wait!” Atsumu called.
Atsumu and Hinata came running towards you. You really did it this time Y/N. Why did you have to be so stupid. Of course you had to hit the germaphobe. Dad even warned me about him. Dad’s never going to talk to me again.
Atsumu grabbed your arm, turning you around to face him. “Hey, it’s ok, no ones mad.”
Your eyes started to pool with tears, “Aren’t you mad? I messed up.”
Atsumu frowned, “Why would I be mad?” He bent down to your level. “Volleyball is a sport about learning, you cant be amazing from the beginning. Hell, like you said earlier, I couldn’t even serve until my 2nd year of high school. I promise Sakusa is not mad at you.”
“Yeah!” Hinata said. “On my first big game of high school I hit kagayama in the back of the head with a ball.”
“Kagayama? How are you not dead?”
“See? If he’s mad at you I will kick his ass for you.” Atsumu smiled.
“Thanks Dad.” You hugged him.
He held you close. “Anytime sweetheart.”
Everyone returned back to the game with no hard feelings. The games was 1-1 and the last set was end game. Y/N’s team was at match point. One more point and we win.
“Go Y/N! Its your turn to serve!”
You shakily took the ball into your hand and threw it up into the air. Maybe an overhand serve would work. Your hand hit the ball with impossible force and flew over the net. Natsu got it back up in the air and Shoyo spiked it. You got in front of the ball and saved it with your face and fell to the ground. The ball made it back over to the other side, winning the game.
“Oh my god Y/N are you ok?” Sakusa asked. He ran over and reluctantly laid a hand on your shoulder.
You held your nose as it dripped blood and smiled. “WE WON!!- ow..”
Atsumu laughed and took off his shirt and gave it to you. “Good job sweet heart.” He helped you up.
“Now you can say you’re a real volleyball player!” Bokuto smiled.
“Yeah! See Dad! I told you I could do it!”
“You did. I’m proud of you!”
“Where’d you get the money?” Atsumu asked.
Sorry if this was rushed! Like I said, this is my third rewrite of this because my computer crashed the first time... I hope you still like it though. If anyone has any other story ideas I will gladly write them.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Just a dream. (13/?)
The court date has arrived, and things unravel fast! Catch up HERE
Pairing: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Raiting: mature
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Luca was in her second week of school,  Colt was gone and Luca was very upset. Logan, however, was able to come and put her on the bus that Monday. He had won his last race and had a meeting coming up with the owners, he was more than likely about to be thrown into the big leagues. Ellie was so proud of him, he managed to turn his life completely around and with a pro retiring, that opened up a spot, Logan was the logical choice.
Wednesday morning came, Ellie opened her eyes and shook off what little sleep she got. It was here, the day she had been dreading finally had arrived. She forced herself out of bed, her head pounding, nauseous feeling in the pit of her stomach same as she had for almost two weeks. These nerves needed to subside, the stress was eating at her and making her sick. She got out of the shower and began brushing her teeth, glancing at the clock outside of her bathroom.  Almost time to go, she paused mid-brush, dropping the tooth brush in the sink she turned hovering over the toilet spilling the contents of her stomach.
She sat on the floor for a while, trying to gather herself. Finally she finished getting ready and made her way downstairs. "Morning kiddo. Want the Ellie special?" The thought of food making her stomach flip "ugh. no thanks dad. Not feeling so hot today." She turned to see Logan sitting at the kitchen table. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, I helped your dad get Luca on the bus and, i'm going to court with you today. For moral support." Ellie smiled at the gesture "Thanks Logan. Riya is coming too."
"Great. So, ready to go?"
Colt woke up that morning, or atleast opened his eyes, another sleepless night. He thought by leaving town he would be able to distance himself from the constant plaguing thoughts, but it didn't work. He should have known better, it was what he did the last time. He thought by letting her go she would be better off. It never worked, she was on his mind every day for six years and then for the last few months. He should go to her, to fight for her but even if he drove faster he would never make it in time. He flopped out of bed, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt.  
   "Morning." Darcy said, sipping a cup of coffee. Colt simply grunted sticking his head inside the fridge.
  "That bad huh? You know you come up here to get away, my guess is you need to talk about something, and yet you won't." She threw her hands up in the air.
   "Today is the court date. In a few hours I'll be divorced," Colts harden expression faltered, the tears began to well. "I lost them before I even had a chance to show them how much I wanted them." He cried out "I love them, all I wanted was to be with them." He completely broke down in front of his mother. Colt always had his guard up, he was never one to show any kind of emotion, not to his mother, not to his father,  but when it came to Ellie she was the only one who he let in.
Darcy came over and wrapped her arms around her son. "Colt, honey I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I didn't know. Oh what have I done."
Colt sat up looking at his mother confused. "What are you talking about? Mom, what did you do?"
Ellie stood in the courtroom, Darnell at her side. Logan and Riya sat in the seats in the back. She was nervous, very nervous. Colt signed the papers agreeing to the divorce but her nerves were getting the best of her. She didn't feel well, she felt dizzy, nauseous and her head was pounding. She listened as the judge went over the details of the divorce.  "In regards to the assets, I see you have declined splitting half of the assets?"
"Yes your honor, that is correct." She answered. She found out that aside from the garage and the house, Colt was loaded financially, and that was just what was traceable. Knowing Teppei, he had plenty stashed somewhere. None of it was hers, and she would never take away from Colt.
She stood there trying to take in everything the judge told her, but all she could think about was the hurt look on Colts face. Where he was, what he was doing in that moment. She loved him, she did, it was just better this way and she had to do it. "Are you in agreeance of all covered today, and freely deciding to dissolve the marriage to Colton Kaneko?" The judge pulled her from her thoughts. She tried to speak but the words would not come, she felt disoriented, lightheaded and sick to her stomach. "I… I" And before she knew it, everything went black. The last thing she heard was Riya yelling her name.
Colt sat there stunned by what his mother had  told Ellie at his house. That she was the one to push her to go through with the divorce. "I am so very sorry Colt. I didn't know. I didn't know how you felt and I just wanted to-" she shook her head not wanting to finish the sentence. "You just wanted to what mom?" He challenged.
"I just wanted to save her and that little girl the same heartache we had to endure."
Colts eyes went wide, he stood knocking over the chair. "I'm not him mom. I am not Teppei Kaneko. He walked out on us. He ignored us, he chose that life over us. I'm not him, Mom. Stop comparing me to him. I would choose Ellie and Luca over my own life, I love them." He hollered. Darcy sat there, tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry Colt. I really am. Tell me what I can do." Colt began to pace the floor "Oh you've done enough. I lost them." He looked at the time, pulling out his phone.  "Fuck. No reception." He walked out to the lake trying to clear his head. She would be in court by now, and the divorce was probably finalized.
"Ellie? Ellie? Can you hear me?" Ellie tried to shake off the haze. Her head hurt so bad "ngh. Logan?" She squinted her eyes against the bright lights above her. "Hey troublemaker. You scared us." He grinned at her, helping her sit up.
"What happened? Where am I?" She winced, the pain in her head hitting her all at once.
"You fainted in the courtroom. You hit your head. How are you feeling?" Riya stood in front of her bed.
"Like I went a round with Ronda Rousey." She chuckled.
A man in a white Jacket walked in a minute later "Hello Miss Martin. I'm Dr Jones, we have been waiting for you to wake up. How are you feeling?" He began to assess her.
"Ok, I guess. My head hurts really bad." She sighed.
"Right, of course. That's to be expected when one hits their head. Your friends say you fainted. Is this a normal occurrence?"
"No. I've never fainted before." She answered as he checked her pupils
"Any dizziness, vomiting, loss of balance?" He asked.
"Yes, all of the above." She winced again as he touched the tender spot on her head.
"Ok. We drew some blood, just waiting for the labs to come back. In the meantime, we will get you something for that headache." Ellie nodded as the doctor typed on the computer and left the room.
"Oh Ellie, thank god you're ok." Darnell barrelled into the room. "I'm ok. I think. Oh no, the hearing, you went through the trouble of rushing it."
"Hey thats ok. Your health is more important. But, the Judge will do a closed circuit chat if you want. She is wanting to wrap this up before her vacation." Ellie smiled at Darnell, "yes definitely."
"OK. I'll set it up. Be back shortly." Darnell left the room, riya went with him to check on Markus leaving her alone with Logan.
Ellie looked over to see Him with a forlorn look upon his face. "Penny for your thoughts?" Logan turned to look at her. "Ellie, I love you. You know I have always loved you, and I always will.  You were the first and only girl I ever loved."
"Let me finish. I. I think you're making a huge mistake." She gave him a confused look.
"Don't go through with the divorce Ellie. Colt, he loves you. And I don't know if I'm Luca's dad or he is, but he loves that little girl too. I just think you should give him a chance."
Ellie looked at him wide eyed.  "Logan, you hate Colt."
"Yeah, I did but, people grow. And don't worry about me, I'll be fine." He gave her a gentle squeeze.
"I appreciate your honesty, but I have to do it. But Logan, I think you should pursue things with Stacie. She's a great girl and I happen to know she thinks you're pretty great." She couldn't believe what he just said.
"Ellie I don't know. Isn't that messed up? She's your friend. I can't do that to you." Logan hesitated.
"I know, and its ok. I want you to be happy, and even if you didn't notice it, you guys have some great chemistry."
Darnell walked in,interrupting the moment.  "We're all set. You ready?" Ellie nodded. Logan giving her a hug and a soft kiss on the cheek. "Just think about what I said. It's not too late."
Logan's phone rang, he looked down seeing a familiar number.  "Its the doctors office." He lifted the phone to his ear.
Hello. Yes this is Logan Rider. They are? Well we are at the hospital right now, Ellie had a health scare. Really? Yes, that would be perfect. Yes. Thank you.
He hung up, quickly running into the room.
"The results are in. The doctor is actually visiting patients in the hospital right now. He can pull the results up and read them to us today. "
Ellie felt that nauseous feeling creeping up again. This was the moment they had been waiting for and Colt wasn't there. "Just a few minutes Logan, please." Logan nodded and walked out of the room.  He picked up the phone dialing a number he didn't think he ever would. Straight to voicemail. "Colt, its Logan. The results are in. If you get this come to the hospital asap."
Colt stood at the water's edge, every emotion he had buried deep down inside came spilling out.  It was as if he was a dam that had broken and he couldn't patch it. He tried his phone again and again. Moving to different areas just trying to pick up some kind of signal, all his efforts failing.  "FUUUUCK." he screamed as he tossed his phone onto the ground, quickly realizing what he did, he picked the phone up which was now cracked and not working. He stomped inside the house even more mad then he was to begin with.
He grabbed the house phone dialing his number. 10 new voicemails. A few from toby giving him updates at the shop. One from Logan, another from Logan, and then the last two from Ellie. The paternity results were in, and he wasn't going to be there. He tried her phone,  but it went to voicemail.
Ellie it's me, Colt. I know I'm not going to be there for the results and I am so, so mad at myself for it. I also know that by now we're probably divorced. I just want you to know that I love you el, with all my heart.  And if Luca is my Daughter, I will be the best father to her, the kind of father she deserves. I know if I don't hear from you, she's not mine. But even then, I will always be there for her, and you.
Colt hung up and paced the floor, going through a mix of emotions. He checked his voicemail every 20 minutes, it became a ritual. It was now 9pm and he never heard from Ellie.  He tried to convince himself that maybe she got busy, maybe she was just in Shock but the fact that she did not call told him that Luca was his afterall. He finally fell into bed, he had been an emotional wreck the entire day. He could feel his heart breaking in two, he had lost her,  he had lost the family he so desperately wanted. It was just him and him alone.
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justmewoo · 5 years
Legacy [ Avengers x Male Reader] Ch.2
Enjoy chapter two! :) Unedited watch for spelling mistakes.
We ended up having a barbeque in their house because Tony wanted me to play with him and show off all of his favorite toys. So Howard accepted the idea of his son and that's how we ended up here. 
"Big brother come I want to show you something." Tony yelled grabbing my attention. I got up from my seat as he tried pulling me from the hand. Instead I grabbed him with both hands and carried him on my shoulders. "Lead the way captain." I joked following his directions into his room. 
Once there I settled him down to the ground and walked inside his bedroom. He ran towards his wardrope taking something in his hand. He turned to face me and placed something on my hand and closed it. I opened my hand to find a black wrist watch. 
"Woah, Tony how did you create this, it's amazing." I said putting it on my left wrist. 
"Do you like it big brother, I created it myself with a bit of help from dad and Jarvis." He came running to my side and hugged me. I ruffled his hair and kissed his head. 
"Can you teach me how what it does Tony, i'm not very smart at new inventions." He nodded his head and started teaching me all about the wrist watch. But it was just a normal wrist watch that he created from scratch. 
Afterwards we played a bit in his room. Showed me all of his small collections. We also talked about the stuff he liked and dislike. Even his favorite color and movies. But I didn't know much about the new movies since I wasn't around to watch them. He also told me how he wanted to meet me for a long time. But I told him I already knew how he looked like when he was younger. "Actually I carried this all time with me. It was what got me through the war." I said taking out a paper and unfolded showing it to him. 
"This was me as a baby, woah I was really adorable." I chuckled messing with his hair. 
"Of course you where adorable. Come on let's go down to eat i'm starving the food at the camp isn't as delicious as you might think. And listen Tony remember that you can always count on me for anything." He nodded. 
"Last one to the backyard is a chicken." Tony shouted before passing pass me running out of the room. I smirked running after him. 
"You little cheater." I yelled running behind and catching up. I was right behind him so I decided to make things even and carried him on my neck and ran out the house to the backyard. "No fair [Male Reader]." Tony giggled. I took a look up at him then at the sky. The sun was starting to set and the clouds where all scattered around the sky. The wind outside felt nice and for the first time in five years. It frlt nice to be surrounded by family and friends. 
"Come on boys the food's ready [Male Reader] put Anthony down." Mom said walking next to a wooden table with a few plates on her hand. 
"Coming Ma, just playing with Tony." I answered. We all sat down together eating and drinking having a wonderful time with one another. As the time went by I realize how happy I was to come back home. Everyone made me feel welcomed and thankful for them. I still feel a bit of a regret because I was rude to Ma so i'm going my best to be a better son. Howard and I drank a few beers while mom and Maria talked about girl stuff. Tony was with Jarvis playing for an hour or so until he eneded up falling asleep in my arms.
"It looks like Tony sure enjoys your company a lot. I didn't think he was going to last much longer. He was super excited to meet you today all he would talk about was what he was going to do with his big brother." Mrs. Stark joked while laughing at her son's goofyness. 
"I really enjoyed spending time with him, he sure has a lot of energy. He's really smart too you should be proud of him." I said taking a sip of my beer and holding tony with one arm against my chest. 
"Yes and we are proud of him I just hope he continues to be like this maybe having a good example like you in his life could keep him on the right path." She said smiling at me. 
"Believe me Mrs. Stark he will. I already promised from day one to always look out for him and I intend on keeping my promise. Plus he's like a little brother that I never had." 
"Jarvis why don't you take him up to his room." Howard spoke while Tony stir in his sleep. "Big brother." He said murmuring. 
"Don't you worry i'll take him to bed Jarvis continue to rest. Ma, i'll be back so we can head home." I stood up from the table and moved carefully with tony in my arms. I walked inside the house and continued to make my way to his room. I slowly opened the door and walked inside. I gently layed him on he's bed taking off his shoes and covered him with the blankets. 
I slowly made my way out of his room and closed the door gently before walking back outside. My mother was saying her goodbyes to everyone while I said my goodbyes to Jarvis then Howard and his wife. 
Afterwards mother and I made our way back home in a car that she owned. During the ride back we stayed silent just made small talk here and there but thats it. 
When we got home I went straight to take a shower and changed to a pair of clean clothes and went to my bedroom to layed down on my bed and stare at my father's picture. A few minutes after she came and said goodnight after having trouble sleeping I ended up getting up to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of milk and walked outside to the porch. 
I hadn't taken off the watch Tony gave me and just stared at it. The watch had his name and mine written on it along with his birthday and mine. I smiled to myself 'Gosh tony you really are going to be something special in the future.' I think inside my mind. I take in a deep breath while drinking the cup of milk in silence. A few minutes later I began to feel the affect of the milk kick in and hot back inside. 
I left the cup in the sink and headed towards my room. That's how my night routine became for a few weeks. Until I was able to get used to sleeping at an earlier time. 
As the weeks went by life was back to normal. Howard offered me a job at S.H.I.E.L.D during the day. So I have been helping him with new inventions. While at night time I worked part time at a Bar. They hired me as a security guard to keep things in order and the drunks in check. The relationship between my mother and I became better each day. 
I would visit Tony each day after lunch and play with him before going to my night job we became even closer with each passing month. I had realized that Tony was turning six this month May 29th. He was starting to grow so fast before my eyes.
Working with Howard became a new learning experience because we where able to create new technology. I also worked along side with Hank Pym he's part of the team in S.H.I.E.L.D but he was a bit close he didn't exactly want help from people. It was very difficult to get along with him. 
Right now I was at my night job standing outside the bar. The night was calmed do far there was no accidents or drunk people. It was only a quarter to nine but I assume being a tuesday people rather work than come get drunk and start fights. I yawned and stretch my muscles being tired from standing. 
"[Male Reader] you have a small visitor." My collegue said. I looked at him puzzled I took a glance behind him to find an upset Tony and Jarvis together. 
"What are you guys doing here isn't it past your bedtime Tony. What's going on Jarvis." Tony ran towards me embracing him in a hug.
"Tony wanted to come see you. He's a bit upset at Mr. Howard they had a small argument. We called your home but your mother told you about this job and gave us the address." Jarvis explained.  
I half smiled at Jarvis then looked at Tony. I ran a hand through his hair and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He was starting to cry as the tears fell from his eyes I wiped them away with my hand. "I don't want to go home big brother. I want to be with you and Jarvis please." He said in between sobs.
I nodded my head. "I was just going on my break. If you like I can spend a bit of time with you and Jarvis. How about the three of us go grab some cheeseburgers and fries." Tony nodded his head. I smiled at him and wiped his hears once again away. 
"Jarvis is it fine with you, I know Tony enjoys spending time with you and it would be fine if you joined us." I said as we walked away from the bar and into the streets of New York. 
"I suppose its alright with me. I don't want to see him upset or crying so if it cheers him up a bit then am in." He stated looking down at Tony as he walked in between us two. Tony grabbed my left hand and Jarvis right hand so the three of us walked in silence. 
In the small burger place Tony order his food. Jarvis was full so he just grabbed something to drink. I had gotten a burger and smiled at the sight of Tony been happy and not crying anymore. "[Male reader] why are you always eating cheese burgers." Asked Tony grabbing Jarvis attention who listened to the conversation. 
I sat there thinking about why I like cheese burgers while taking a bite from it. "Well, when I was away in Vietnam my mother would always sent a cheese burger and it cheered me up because it reminded me of my childhood and home. So whenever I get upset or something goes wrong I eat a cheese burger." I answered. 
"That makes sense I like cheese burgers too." He answered with food in his mouth. 
"I didn't know that about you [Male Reader] it seems like a good idea." Jarvis spoke. I nodded. 
"So remember Tony whenever your feeling down eat a cheese burger if possible and it will make all the pain and sadness go away you got it." I pointed a finger at him. 
"Yup, thank you big brother I feel even better now." He hugged my side and continued to eat his food. I smiled back at him and ate with them. 
After finished eating we stayed a few more minutes before we decides it was time to leave. I still had three more hours of work before I could go home. So we went back to the bar because Jarvis parked the car near and, Tony had school the next day not mention I didn't want he's parents to get worried about him being out too late. Maybe tommorow i'll have to talk with Howard and see what's going on. We arrived outside the bar and hugged each other saying our goodbyes. Tony was falling asleep from all the crying he did earlier so Jarvis carried him to the car. I saw as they both drove away. 
As my shift ended for the night. I saw a figure running the oppisite direction when I heard gun shots coming from him. Being part of the military I always carried a small gun inside my boot in case of an emergency. So I ran after the person. He went running through a few blocks and been pitch out in the dark made it difficult to see. 
But everything happened too fast one moment I was chasing this person dressed all in black and then suddenly I was at the bottom of the ocean drowning and everything went pitch black.
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a-pretty-nerd · 6 years
Summer Fling (Freddie Klein x reader smut)
A/N: Here's the deal, no I'm not back just yet. Update: I just got a new job! Which I'll be working as much as possible but during my winter break I will be back to finished some bowers requests! This fic however, is a Devon Bostick character from the 2014 movie Small Time which takes place in the 90s.
Go check out @trickkombowerskru 's fic! I requested this plot and she did a great job, I just had the urge to make a detailed oriented adaptation. She did an amazing job, and I just wanna develop it a lil' more because I love her!
For those of you who like Devon, but haven't seen this movie, thats cool! Heres all you need to know!
Freddie Klein is the awkward college student:
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The son of Al Klein, a car salesmen. In the summer between high school and college, Freddie decides he would like to become a car salesmen like his father. Al hates this idea because he and his coworker Martini (Ash), have had to work YEARS to get where they are and even now its small business car lot where they make good, not amazing.
Freddie works over the summer, gets good but he's surrounded by "the guys" a group of sleazy salesmen Martini and Al are friends with and Freddie starts to become a lil' shit as a result. And poor Al, has to tell Freddie that he's fired and he should go to college like his mom (Barbara) and stepfather he hates (Chick), want him to. Freddie's upset but does so and eventually his father and him make up. Its a very touching story. (@trickkombowerskru thinks its okay. I love this movie.)
Also, Gayle is the office receptionist thats irish and an airhead. And Barlow is the lot's jazzy, barly english speaking cars repairman. Linda, is Al's new girlfriend thats there for him throughout the whole mess. Its very touching.
Now that you know all that! This fic is going to start where the movie leaves off. Where Freddie is now in college but visits often and is trying to help his dad extend the buisness.
So here we go! ✌❤
P.S. Thank you for being patient with me, and letting me do what I want. Ya'll mean so much to me and I hope @trickkombowerskru and I can stick around 💕
Warnings: NSFW, cursing, mild sexism? That shit gets corrected don't worry.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
See, you're Martini's niece. The daughter of his sister, and being his one and only niece, you're fairly close with your jokster of an uncle. You attend a local community college because, not everyone can afford the University. And after a slue of food service and retail jobs, you're on the hunt for another summer job to get you through until the next semester. How convenient! Martini, and his close friend and co-worker, Al, are looking for a new receptionist since their current has just been promoted to sales associate.
Uncle Martini assures you its an easy job, just processing paper work and filing. You're thankful for the 9 to 5 work, which is drastically better than the minimum wage scraps you were making before.
So you're sitting there at your desk which sits right out front in the office. You're alone at the moment, filing paperwork, starring down at the numbers and letters on the paper. Your eyelids droop and you take a deep breath and let it out in a huff. If only this job wasn't so boring.
"You're not Gayle!" A nasaly voice announces from above. Your tired eyes shoot up, your heart leaps out if your chest, and your hands begin to shake. You were startled.
Standing there is a young man roughly your age, if not a little bit older. He's nerdy, in a button up and khaki pants, he's incredibly out of place. You stare at his face for a moment, and if it wasn't bad that he startled you, he's attractive. He stares back at you, confused.
"What?" You eventually ask.
"Where's Gayle?" He asked you, almost offended by your presence.
"She’s in the back- can, can I help you with something?" You ask him, still just as confused as he is.
"I'm looking for my dad."
"Your dad?"
"Oh hey! Freddie," Al walks through the door with a coffee in hand and smelling of the local deli, "I see you've met Y/N."
"Oh! Oh YOU'RE Freddie!" Suddenly the connection goes through. You've heard stories of Freddie from Al, who couldn't be a more proud father. You stand up from the desk, thankful for the exscuse to stand. You throw a hand out and shake his awkwardly. He watches you, brows still furrowed.
"You're working the front desk now?" He asks you.
"Yeah. Been here for a few weeks. Hey Al, wheres Uncle Ash?" You ask in passing.
"He caught a sale, should be in in just a moment." He spoke as he walked around mindlessly as he sifted through paperwork and coffee. Freddie stood there awkwardly as you sat down and tried to go back to work. You didn't know Freddie was as cute as he wass. The only picture Al ever showed you was the one on his desk from when he was a kid. He resolved to pour himself a cup of coffee which sat out for customers along side a plate of untouched cookies. Gayle made then herself.
"So uh, you're Martini's niece?" Freddie asked in an attempt to make conversation.
"Yeah." You nodded, flashing a look at him. He made you nervous.
"How come we've never met befor?" He asked, lifting a brow. Clearly a little more comfortable with you than before. You shook your head and shrugged.
"Don't know." You resolved. The door flew open with a smiling Martini who swayed from side to side with triumph. He tossed a few papers on your desk, which slid, messing with the pile of papers currently on your desk. You sighed.
"Which one?" Al asks from behind his desk.
"Chevy," Martini says as he sits at his own desk, "oh! Freddie!" He cries and gives the young man a rather rough hug. "Didn't know you'd be back so soon. Oh, this Y/N by the way."
"We've met." You announce with a tight lipped smile.
"Good...good.." he nods off to his work on the desk. Eventually, Al starts a conversation with Freddie again. From this, you learn Freddie will be working as a salesman over the summer again. You curse, you didn't need such an attractive distraction during this job.
He started that next Monday, and oh boy, you didn't expect it to be that hard with him around. You find yourself watching him walk around the lot and talking with customers. In fact, he's the first one to hand you any paperwork that day. And when he does, your fingers brush against each other and you nearly panic. You avoid eye contact with him, you honestly try to avoid extended time around him, you eat lunch at your desk so you don't have to be alone with him in the break room. Unfortunately for you, Freddie finds this incredibly endearing to him.
You see, Freddie was less surprised by a new receptionist, and more surprised that she was actually cute, attractive, hot when you unbutton your shirt a little because of the California heat. It wasn't that Freddie didn't have other options than you, Martini had taken him to a bar or two, but those girls were nothing like you. He finds himself starring at you a lot, and even fantasizing about you.
One afternoon, about a month into Freddie's start, you're in the furnished breakroom of the office. Which is one small room with one small fridge, sink, counter, microwave, and table with chairs. You pull out your lunch from the fridge and stand, only to be startled once again at the sight of Freddie leaning on the counter to your right.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." He apologizes and holds his hand in front of him as he giggles.
"It's fine. I didn't see you." You exscuse yourself before going to leave.
"Wait a minute," Freddie calls, "I've had lunch alone everyday this week, keep me some company will ya?"
"Thats not true, you went to the deli Monday and Wednesday." You correct him. He chuckles and shrugs.
"Alright, you got me. Come on, take a break." He insists. You sigh and sit with him. He's pleasant, funny, and smart. He makes a comment about how you're waisting away at the community college, you belong at the University. You give a shrug. As lunch comes to a close, and you throw your trash away, you once again go to exscuse yourself and go back to work. But Freddie, refuses. "You're lunch break isn't even over yet!" He argues.
"I gotta get back." You leave him alone, and sad. He didn't even get the chance to ask you out. So he makes a plan. That night, he volunteers the two of you to close for the night so Martini and Al can leave early for a drink. You're not pleased by this at all. Usually, you're shift ends before any of theirs. Its late, you're tired, and more than a little fustrated. You're closing the back door, and wonder back to the office where Freddie is locking up out front. When you got back to pick up your things at your desk to leave, you're with Freddie wondering around very nonchalantly.
He's leaning against the counter in the office beside the coffee maker. He fiddles with it for a moment as you watch him, he's trying to act cool n' shit.
"Goodnight." You say, a little weirded out.
"Um, Y/N, before you go...I just wanted to apologize."
"Apologize for what?" He then pushes himself off the counter and begins walking towards you.
"I don't know, I guess if I made you feel uncomfortable or upset in anyway." He's closer now.
"What?" Closer, oh no, too close...too close. But you can't move, you're frozen. He gives a shrug and looks down at you.
"Has anyone ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" He asks you with a soft voice. Your furrow your brows.
"What-" He reaches a hand around to grab your neck and pull you into a passionate kiss. You're shocked st first, your heart is buring, your head spinning, your mind blank. You're helpless...and yet you're melting. Your eyelids flutter as they close and you begin to move. Your lips move back against his as you kiss him back. Its out of the blue, passionate, wild, rough, raw, pure. You want more, its only fueling your adrenaline rush, you can feel the endorphins in your head flying. You feel alive as the kids intensifies. Freddies hands are on your waist while your are on his shoulders.
But then, his hands slide down to your ass and he runs his palms across your shape. You're almost startled by this until he gives a slow, sweet grope. You pull away from the kiss, and give a small yelp as you lean into him. He pressing his face into your neck and leaves small kisses on your neck. Your hands fall down, and wrap around his back. He pulls up your skirt and gives your bare ass a good grope as he kisses your neck. He makes you moan as your gently run your nails down his clothed back. Suddenly you're very aware of his clothes, and it annoys you.
"Fuck you're so hot." Freddie whispers into your neck. Your chest heaves as he feels you up and now, he's pressing his hips against yours. Without a word, you start to unbutton his dress shirt. He slips out of it with ease and his hands quickly go to yours to get enough to reveal your bra. He gives a pleased sigh as his hands reach for your breasts and eventually unhook your bra. He spends a lot of time groping your breasts and sucking your nipples. In doing so, he's pressing you up against the desk until you put an end to the hip grinding by hopping on.
"F-Freddie.." you moan out as he kisses back up your collar bone to your neck. Your skirt hiked up to your waist, he spreads your legs around his waist. Your shirt, unbuttoned, still around your arms with your breasts exposed. You're completely vulnerable to him. He looks you up and down again and then into your eyes. "We shouldn't-" again, he kisses you. He grinds his hips against yours and gives needy moans. You can only cling to his arm as he reaches down. He flatly runs a fingers up the damp cloth of your panties. He does this a few times before he reaches in and plays with you further. He watches as you throw your head back and moan, grasping his arm as he pleasures you. He kisses your neck as he starts to finger you, almost bringing you to orgasm before he pulls away. You give a sad whimper before he pulls your panties off completely and takes a knee. He holds your thighs apart for a moment ask he begins to eat you out. Mostly playing with your clit, again almost bringing you to orgasm.
You'd like to think this is because he knows what he's doing. Its not. He just loves to hear you moan until he gets antsy. Finally, he stands and gives you another kiss. He pulls his cock out of his pants and quickly he has arm on each side of you on the desk as he slides deep inside you with ease. Fuck, he has to hold himself back. He has to be careful. So he starts slowly, which just drives you crazier. You cling to him as his thrusts are slow and deep. Fuck, you're close, too close.
"Fuck-don't stop." You beg him as he gives a grunt. He can't stop himself. You're driving him absolutely up the wall.
"Oh fuck," he moans between thrusts, he begins to speed up "oh fuck." He starts fucking you harder, faster, until the desk below is being rocked bakc and forth.
"Oh god!" You cry, throwing your head back again and clinging to him, leaving ligbt scratch marks on his back. Your mouth hangs open as your orgasm washes over you. Freddie gives a few more good thrusts, before completely losing it and letting himself cum too. You're both a panting mess as you try to regain your sanity.
"Fuck.." Freddie sighs happily with a smile. You take a breath and nod. He pulls away and stuffs himself back in his pants and you proceed to get dressed.
"That was..."
"Great." Freddie finishes with a goofy grin. You nod, and look away from him.
"That...that can never happen again." You tell him, and he agrees. But thats a lie. It happens again. The next day in fact when everyone is out at lunch as you're alone in the break room. Then in the women's bathroom. Then on the office's couch when you lock up one night. Its a passionate and purley sex driven afair you tell yourself. Its just, work friends with benefits sort of deal.
But that abruptly ends when one day, Freddie is a little more grumpy than usual. Instead of handing you paperwork, he throws it on your desk and gives an order. You pause, but he's gone before you can address it. Then, he's rude to you when you ask about some other paperwork. He brushes you off and tells you to ask Martini about it. And then, when you're left alone at lunch...a time when he's usually jumping to get you alone, he practically ignores. You tried to argue that he was having a bad day. But when he's rude a second day, third day, fourth...
On the fifth day of all that bullshit, your car breaksdown on your way to work and Freddie has to get you for work. The ride there is practically silent other than a short conversation about a caset tape in Freddie's car. The way home however, you can't take it. You're about halfway there when your pot just boils over.
"So what the fuck has been your problem latley." Freddie appears unchanged and doesn't even look at you. He takes a fiew seconds too long to answer. "What am I not good enough for you anymore? Can't even be handed shit anymore, you have to throw things at me!?" He doesn't answer. "Hey, Im fucking talking to you!" He just swallows. You lean back in your seat and stare at him. "Guess I'm just another whore then, huh? You fucked me and now you're done with me. Jesus christ. You're such a fucking hack! You're just a fucking loser with no respect for others! Fuck!!" You shriek, angry and fustrated with him on so many different levels. Mostly, because you actually liked Freddie and you had always craved him since that first day. You were mostly angry at yourself for liking him so much. You held your face in your hands. "Pull over." You tell him. Its raining, and you're miles from your apartment complex.
"I said pull over!" You demand. He does so, hesitantly. You throw off your seatbelt and throw the door open. "I can't even fucking look at you."
"Y/N! Y/N get back in the car, its raining!" He calls after you as you slam the door and begin walking down the dangerous street towarda your home. But Freddie insists that you get back in the car and drives beside you slowly and yells from inside the cat. "Please, get back in!"
"No! I don't fucking need you! Clearly you didn't care about me before!"
"Yknow what....fine!!!" Freddie breaks, he shouts, and speeds off. Leaving you there in the rain to walk back home. You almost slip and fall a few times because not only is it raining, its pouring and cold, and its also a sketchy part of town. You sort of regret your decision, sort of. Fuck Freddie, if he wasn't going to respect you then you didn't need him.
Freddie, having sped off and now in the smoldering aftermath of his terrible decision, starts to regret leaving you there. In fact, looking around at this side of town...he's get worried. A pretty girl like you, that isn't safe. He curses himself and hopes he can turn around and find you. Eventually he does, and that sinking feeling he had stops. He drives slowly next to you and roles down the passanger window.
"Y/N..." he calls. You stop, and think for a moment and decide its best to just get in the car. The rest of the ride is silent. You're still upset with him. When he pulls up to your apartment complex, he opens his mouth to speak. "Look, I'm sorry I-" you slam the car door shut and quickly run inside. He's really fucked up now. He knows that.
It's just...he's never felt this way before...ever. And he got scared, he panicked. No girl has ever been so loving to him, been so good to him. He's never been in love before. And he didn't know how to react. He knew it was wrong in the moment but...it was classic "i dont know how to express actually love so I'm gonna be mean" syndrome. That night when he gets home, he calls you. But you, unsurprisingly don't answer the phone. So, he leaves a voicemail.
"Hey Y/N...its me, I just...god I don't know what to say. Sorry I guess, well, I don't guess. I'm sorry. For everything. I've been a totally asshole latley and I just...I want you to know I'm sorry and um..." the words get caught up in his throat, he wants to say it, but, "...you were right." And then he panics again and hangs up the phone.
"Y/N huh?" Al calls from behind him, having heard the whole thing. Freddie and you have actually kept your little fling a secret from everyone at the lot. This is his first time putting two and two together.
"Yeah...Y/N...I fucked up real bad, dad."
"Okay well, at least you know you fucked up."
"I don't want to lose her, I just...I panicked and I really hurt her."
"Why don't you call her back and tell her that?"
"She's not gonna listen to me." Freddie argues.
"Listen Fred, you can't give up. Not when it comes to someone you really care about. And unless she's told you no, then you can't just roll over everytime. Call her back and leave another message. Tell her how you feel."
"Thanks, dad."
"No problem. Go get em' Tiger." As soon as Al left the room, Freddie called again and left this message:
"Hey, its me, again. Look Y/N, I know that sorry won't fix anything and I can't blame you. I was a real ass. But I...its because you just, do something to me. I can't explain it exactly. But its like you've got a hold on me even when you're not around. Like, all I could do was think about you. And not just sexually, you're not like any other girl. You're...you're smart and sweet and funny and-" he exceeded the time of a voicmail. So he called back. "Me again. Anyways, you're also really sexy in a different way. Like, you're just...so amazing. And that, that scared me. I got scared and I started being a dick and thats no exscuse but thats what happened. And you just really mean so much to me. I really care about you and I just want to be with you because-" Suddenly there was a loud click on the other end. "I love you." He said awkwardly as you listened on the other end. You had picked up the phone on the other end.
"You love me?" You ask after a long pause.
"Y-Yeah...I love you Y/N. And I've never really, been in love before."
"Wow." You gasp.
"So uh...could I take you out sometime?"
"Like...on a date?" You ask, and Freddie chuckles on the other end.
"Yeah, like on a date."
"Tomorrow, after work?"
"It can't be to a sleazy bar."
"Right. No sleazy bar. A restaurant, a nice restaurant."
"Okay. Tomorrow. See you then."
"See you then." He smiled.
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nightwingswing · 6 years
Roy Harper Hc!
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Hello my lil’ wings!
Hope you’re all very well! 
I got good news! Soon I’ll be able to update my current stories! I can’t wait!
This Hc are dedicated to my friend  @matsukawaissei !
Hope they cheer you up and hope eveything goes well , hon!
I’ll write that fic tomorrow tho! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tags: @hamsterforlive @plethora-of-things @wonderlace19 @algentforthewin
If you want to be tagged in any of my series, stories,Hc or have any promps, feel free to message me anytime! My askboxs is always open!
-Roy Harper is a mess tbh -But- He’s your mess. - You and him meet in a club a few years back. - Around that time you were just a student in University
- Christmas came, and as always your class decided to have a dinner together.
-After eating in a pretty decent place ( this year was organized by the responsible one)  you all decided to go dance/ drink a bit
- You ended in a pretty nice club. Not many people were inside, a few in some love seats and a few dancing under the lights.
-your friends were quick to grab the biggest love seats and put them together,making one big for all of you.
- In a few minutes you all were having nice conversations while drinking your favorite drinks. 
-Alas, all night long something keep getting your attention away from the conversation.
- A pretty man, maybe 3 years older than you?
- He had long-ish red hair under a pretty old cap. He was muscular, well toned with wide shoulders.
-You guessed his muscle was as big as your head
-Okay OKAY He was hot
-” wawawa (y/n)!!! whatcha looking at??” your friend smirked, her hair tickling your cheek as she looked in the same direction as you. She saw him and her evil smirk told you what she was gonna do.
- (f/n) no.
- Oh, but (f/n) yes.
-Before your obtrusive friend was able to embarras you you got up and walked towards him.
-You turned to her for moral suport and found her smirking and giving you the thumbs up dance.
- ...Your friend is pretty creative 
-You walked to him, slowly to cooly invite him to a drink but when you where si close yous shyness  got all like “BAM! BABBY IM BAC!” 
- Which means that you 
- Walked to him very sure and in the last  moment went al
- “nnnNOpE!”
- “(y/n) oH MY GOD!” your friend dramatically said.
- See, she knows you very well and knew you would do that. So she placed herself behind you and when you tried to walk away you clashed and you crashed into the pretty redhead lap.
- Oh yes 
- Your friend keep apologizing for you because you were startruck.
- So pretty
-So blue
- His eyes had you mesmerized 
- Like...like two pretty sapphires
-” Well thank you” he scratched his head, almost shyly. “ Nobody told me that”
- Oh shoot
-You said it out loud
- “No we’re just mind reading you actually.” said your unhelpfully helpful friend
-“ Stop smirking (f/n)! You look like a Cheshire cat”
-” Oh, I’d date Cheshire in a heartbeat, actually.”
-” She’s not that bad.” said the man
- Meanwhile you were a cute tomato
- Well, look at the positive side: You future husband and your bestfriend get along pretty nicely!
- “Ohh well look at the time! gotta go, take care of my friend ta-ta~” she smirked as she walked away
- “Please excuse her.” you said, blushing
-” No worried, beautiful. I know a friend just like that” he smiled. “acts just like that with..a grumpy bat”
- If by a friend you mean yourself  and by grumpy bat you mean Jason, you’re  not wrong Roy. 
- You both chuckle for a bit, he smiles sweetly 
- “Name’s Harper, Roy Harper”
- “ Im (y/n)” You smile, blushing slighty.
- You two hit it off nicely.
- He was a genius.
- He told you about this bots he was creating and if he had you hooked before now he had you all aboard .
- You can say your night was talking with Roy 
- Feat your bestfriend looking at you with a big proud teasing smirk and the promise of fangirling at home,Obviously
- At the end of the night, you two had echanged numbers, instagrams, twitters, life..
- After a loooong good bye ( long because none of you wanted to let go) it was his friend the black haired one who grabbed him by the hood and draged him away.
- what did he call him? jared? jonah? no no it had something with birds...Peakdick? no no...ooh! Jaybird!
- As it’s obvious, your friend did a batman on you.
- Meaning she interrogated you about the most minimum detail.
- She approved
- Meanwhile, Roy had with Kory talked on and on about how beautiful smart you were... 
-Kory, ever the shipper found your friend in instagram and now the two of them are the managers of your ship.
- That was the song that sounded on your first date. On your first dance
-Meaning, its your song
- Yes, the lion king is the song thats gonna play at your wedding.
- That’s what you get when you have Jason picking the music, Roy.
- You’re lucky it wasnt Batman, he would have picked the intro song and grabbed you bridal style and did a simba with you.
- I must say, Oliver and Dinah adore you.
- Dinah most of the two, she likes your style
- You ain’t taking any of roy’s s+ht
- Also, you two look wonderful with fishnets.
- Fishnets for da win
- Oliver is another story completely tho
- Oliver is like that embarrasing dad that makes way to many puns and brings out your baby pictures?
- That but worse.
- “ Look at this video, its Roy’s first ever training!”
-” did you just hit your forehead with your own kid’s toy arrow?” you said, bitting back a chuckle.
- That ain’t happening Roy.
- Not while im the narrator.
- *evil laugh*
- ejem, as i was saying
-  Your next 20000 dates were pretty sweet and romatic
- He call you all types of cutesy names like babe, honey, beautiful, angel, my queen, Firecracker...
- Obviously you get pretty embarrased when he call you the last one in public.
- “  Firecracker?? why  Firecracker??” asked an inocent Kory once
- “ Because she’s pure fire and i’d love if she made me go crack!”
- “Roy that one was pretty bad, and I’ve lived with Dick”
-” wait wait! i got more!  Firecracker because so sexy that makes me explode in blushes! and...not only blushes!”
-”ROY!” You shyly hide behind kory.
- “Actually, i think Kory is pure fire.” your bestfriend smirked at her.
- woah...i ship it.
- You call him cute nicknames too, like dork, speedy, darling, love...
- And all the hero and villain comunity knows you two as Bow and Arrow.
- You know who’s who *wink wonk*
- Thought you argued like all couples do
- Cause both of you are stubborn af
-Oh it’s a sweet memory that day you were arguing pretty heavy when suddenly Roy smashed you against the lockers in the watchtower and kissed you hard.
- You smashedd him against the mirror and pulled his leg around your waist
- He growled and picked you up sitting you on the marble
- And well, thats how you tainted the innocence of the watchtower.
- Maybe i can make that idea the imagine of tomorrow...
- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Is that a yes I hear?  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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dailyjeons · 6 years
BTS account 13/10/18
didn’t do merch cause i did that in london, didnt go for studio cause that was probably not feasible with how our lines were going (at least i was too scared to do it).. sucks cause i didnt get allowed into the london booth while in the amsterdam booth everyone was queue-ing up anyways and getting in lol
bolding the subjects so you can skip parts that dont interest you
pre concert stuff So I was going to the concert with a person(Julie) I met through tumblr, she responded to my message asking if people wanted to queue up in GA with me cause I was alone. She was with a group of people and they basically adopted me so that was nice!!  Julie was super kind, constantly looking out for me, for my anxiety too and just I really loved being with her, time really flew!! We prioritized looking out for eachother over seeing the boys so I was really happy bout that! We basically queued up at 7AM in the 'unofficial line' that later on became the official one! Campers were sent out, I believe, but they probably came back early still! We still had a fairly decent spot I suppose? The camping out itself wasn't too stressful but I had a lot of anxiety bout being in the pit in a crowd of people, not havin bathroom breaks and being on 2 hours of sleep gjkfg Julie tried to reassure me through all of that. there were some fans giving out some stuff in the line!! like arts and stuff and i got this from a jimin fansite, i think she was japanese? 
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it was so funny basically she did rock paper scissors with fans to determine if they’d win.. i lost but she gave it to me anyways?? LOL she didnt give it to anyone else that lost LOL
gettin into pit Eventually we got in and fortunately my tickets worked!! We like rushed into the left side but the view was not bad, ok, then we tried for the right side and we got similar views? But I think overall it was just a little better! We were around the sixth/fifth row in the pit but we moved up a bit to the fifth/fourth during the concert. I had a fairly good view on the stage, and could see the boys clearly!! I still used my iphone to film cause of the amazing quality zoom it has and i have so much gooood footage ahhhh my hands are super shaky though so thats annoying but oh well, its something! they like handed out water very often thank god so i could cool off and drink durin the concert!! we had to stand for like 3 hours inside so i was getting really nervous but once the concert started it was fine!!
concert Anyways the concert itself was mindblowing? They're actually sosososo good live it's actually insane how they sing live through their choreo or while bouncing around. Tear is still my favorite performance but the crowd went a little too wild around then so i didnt enjoy it as much :( They also did the medley I prefered (w Baepsae) which made so happy cause i got to experience both medleys now jdskfhfsdf.. i do feel like the performances were better for the London date, but the interactions and the boys happiness were on a much higher level in Amsterdam, especially with jungkook flying around trying to dance!! That said I felt like the crowd fell a little bit flat.. When the Jimin/Namjoon VCR was playing everyone was screaming initially for both but after a hot minute they like only screamed for Jimin?? The silence was actually deafening so Julie and I decided to help with Namjoon's screams then, and it was so disappointing we were legitimately the only 2 people screaming for him in such a venue lol. Crowd did however go wild at Kim Seokjin's performance, and IT'S WHAT HE DESERVES. Overall I think Seokjin and Jimin had the best reactions in Amsterdam, and London both.
impressions on boys As for the boys. Gonna be honest with y'all I was so busy filming Jungkook solo all day that I didn't really notice others?? fdjkghdf since i already had thel ondon date i figured today was jungkook's day now i had sights on him proper.. Some notes, Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon spoke some Dutch and it was super cute!! Yoongi did it first fjgdkhfdg 
Yoongi: Super smol but big hands, and fluffy cheeks (he bloats really easily lolol) his see saw performance was REALLY good today too, i feel like reaction to seesaw is the best, everyone's always singing the whole song w it while most of the crowd struggled with their title tracks in both london and amsterdam LOLLL yoongi must be so proud over it.. also he's the first to speak in dutch to us but it was like really suddenly right before they were performing so nobody really noticed fjghkdfg and u know when he makes a dad joke and he smiles flustered, but nobody reacts to his jokes.. he did that thing LOLLL
Namjoon; very long and slender, his legs are legit 70% of his body and he went offffff today like when he's into shit like tear i cry cuz oh my god merCY kjdfhgdhjkfg Namjoon seemed to really love Amsterdam tbh he kept talking bout stuff to do while the others had fairly standard stuff to say, with a lot of repeat from the london concert too (which is fine vconsidering its hard for themt o speak in eng too)
Hoseok: He looks a lot sharper irl?? im not sure if i said differently last time, but now i saw him up close he's definitely much more handsome, cameras dont do him justice.. also he always has the most gentle smile on his face and it calmed me down a lot jkfgh
Taehyung: tbh im not sure if i missed him but i didnt really see him on my side a lot? i think like a few times i tried to film but couldnt really get it..?? julie did tho.. he's kind of.. small? but not small like yoongi but small like i'd confuse him for a high school kid.. BUT his face?? is really smth else his face is SO small but his features are sooooooo big and sharp.. god himself shaped this boy
Jin: ok yeah this man is 10000% more handsome irl liek i was filmin jk and lost focus and then jin appeared and i almost dropped my phone cause what the fuck?? hes GORGEOUS.. he didnt do the forehead/glasses look today though, unfortuantely cause jesus christ that was something else. he was bein a crackhead to jk again today rofll
jimin: he's legit a fairy irl lol it doesnt make sense.. like.. he's... really pretty....... super super super pretty, guys like legitimiately glowing.. he was super playful today and he seemed really happy to perform on his birthday which is super pure considering.. who likes working on their birthday? he like moved his dressshirt/blouse off shoulder a bit during the fake love portion of the set and oh ym god h..e..........HE... his collar... i want 2 kiss it.......platonically.
as for jimin's birthday.. omg he's so cute? they were at the extended stage when his birthday message came up (a message in dutch) and he like instantly rushed back to the main stage to show off his birthday message and he proceeded to talk in dutch about how it's his birthday, and how army are his gift?? it was suuuper cute!! imagine Jimin practicing his dutch just for this moment fdgkjhdf
Anyways onto ma boy!! Jungkook is absolutely unreal pretty. He didn't look as bloated/pained today so i guess i saw The Jungkook today and he's so.. sharp looking??? like his jawline and cheekbones are insane and like the dimple?? ughhhhh he looked a lil smaller now i was upclose but his thighs were still gods gift.. also he did forehead kookie instead of coconut kookie, i remain blessed.. he always hears my prayers..
throughout the show he was honestly super cute, he kept dancing in his chair to the choreo, spinning in circles while doing it, hopping around the stage slowly to wave and look at every fan.. he even looked towards me at some point but i legitimately dodged and turned away cause like I FELT SO GReaYS ANd i'd rather not have him see me like that lmaooo anyways it's so super cute how despite his injury he still tries to give it his all at all times, and now he could walk around he's instantly back at trying to make interactions with all fans?? a precious baby honestly!!
his ending ment was really-really sweet as well and it always amazes me how eloquent he can get when he gets to share us his real feelings.. i really am glad he's not too disappointed in himself anymore and has reached a point where he's just working on getting better instead<3!!
other than that, just like in london.. jungkook's vocals are insane. i don't care that he's not top tier vocalist in terms of technique but he got smth completely else and thats' how comffortably he can move around in his range and remain stable and it's just.. so amazing to hear him hit certain notes with almost.. ease? voice never cracks even after 23948234 songs it's so sickkkk
anyways this was definitely one of the best nights in my life.. despite allt hes tress and anxiety.. i’m sosoosos glad i went through all of this for that.. i had the greatest company and ended up having the greatest experience<3
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mrgrant9559-blog · 7 years
Witch Way Is Right? Part 9
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A/N: Ok so after being done with this, I realize I made this a lot longer than I intended… If you guys want to be added to the taglist then send me an ask… Hope you guys like this one… The reader’s relationship grows with Steve Rogers, Scott Lang and… Spider-Man?! Enjoy!
Summary: (Y/N) is a male witch and also comes from a family of witches. When (Y/N) is backed up in a corner by his brother, who chose the dark path, he is forced to choose his own fate, choosing the light path. This causes an Ecliptic War between Light and Dark Witches. During this war, an eclipse (both solar and lunar) is happening, and won’t end until one brother is left standing. With the help of the Avengers and other helpful heroes, will (Y/N) be able to defeat his brother, or will the world be forever secluded in darkness?
Subject: Avengers x Male!Reader/Steve Rogers x Male!Reader
Characters: Avengers, Y/N, Mom OC, Dad OC, Peter Parker, Scott Lang/Ant-Man (since he’s not really an Avenger)
Warnings: Cursing, Underage drinking
Tags: @thegreatficmaster @avengersohyeah @lzzywinchester @uselessace @writeyouin
Word Count: 3,250+ words
Reader’s POV:
If I had to describe myself, partier would not be a word I’d use. To be frank, I’ve never really been to an actual party before. And no, its not because I never got invited to one. In fact, I DID get invited to one of Flash Thompson’s house parties before all this. It was cool, but would’ve been better if Spider-Man stopped by like Peter said he would, which I guess would’ve been hard for him to do considering what I know now.
This party, however, was a bit different than that. There’s still a sick DJ, except no one has to be sneaky with the alcohol because we’re all adults here. The music is a lot better. It’s like modern music with a mix of smooth jazz. I walk over towards my parents, who are just laughing and all over each other. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they were already buzzed.
“Okay, heres the shots you guys wanted.” I say as I hand them one each. I look down at my drink, which is also a tequila shot, and I feel like I’m dreaming. I’m about to have my first drink with my parents and I’m not even 21, yet. I gotta say, I’m really liking the UK.
I go for a sip of my drink, but get stopped by my dad. “Hold on there, hot shot! This is your first drink, so I think it’s only fair if we do a toast.” He tells me and I nod my head in agreement. What I didn’t agree to, was him getting everyone at the party’s attention for the toast. I actually thought it was just gonna be a thing between family but nonetheless.
“I just want to make a toast to my son, Y/N!” He says, grabbing a few “Here heres” from the crowd of people. “Y/N, I’m so proud of the man you’ve become, even though you became a man in just a couple of minutes.” Everyone gives out a laugh, while I chuckle. “Despite whats been going on and what we’re probably gonna be going through in the near future, I just want to say none of that can or will change the fact that I… WE love you!” My dad brings my mom close to him in those last words.
My mom raises her glass and we all do the same. “To Y/N! Our brave son, and newest Avenger!” My mom says and everyone cheers as they take a drink from their cup. I finally drink my tequila shot and instantly regret it. It tastes like orange juice after brushing your teeth with just a hint of earwax. I don’t how anyone could just drink this like its nothing. I look towards my parents and there they are, drinking it like its nothing. How can people just drink this stuff to the point where it becomes a problem? There has to be something at the bar that tastes better.
I walk to the bar and ask the bartender for a margarita. Those always look good on TV. As the bartender gets the ingredients and tools to make it, I see Steve come up to the counter next to me. The second bartender walks up to him from the other side of the counter.
“Hey, Rogers! What can I getcha? Same as always?” He asks in a strong british accent.
“Yeah, same as always.” He replies with a smirk. The bartender walks away to get the drink while Steve looks my way. I try looking away until he calls my name. “So, thats what the emoji meant?” He asks.
I finnaly give up and look at him and he has a cocky grin. “Yeah, well mid-text I decided that I’m tired of adults thinking they can tell me what to do. I’m 18 now and I’m responsible for my own actions. You understand, right?” I say with a sorta sassy tone.
Steve chuckled before saying, “Actually I do.”
I raised my eyebrows in surprise, not expecting a legitimate answer. “Wait, really?!”
“Yup! You know, I used to be 18 too.” I give out an obvious fake gasp which in turn causes him to chuckle again. “Yeah yeah I know, its crazy. Anyways, back in those days it was real common for 18 year old men to be on their own and out their parent’s house. Have their own job, their own life partner.”
“You mean their own wife, right? Cause I can’t imagine it being any other way.” I correct him, but he shakes his head in disagreement.
“No, I meant what I said. Just because that lifestyle was frowned upon back then, doesn’t mean it didn’t exist.” He adds.
That causes me to wonder. I mean, how would he know that fact? Could THE Steve Rogers be hiding something bigger than his secret identity? I was about to have the courage to ask him on it, but our drinks arrived. He grabs his, which looks to be just whiskey with some ice in it, and I grab my margarita. We glance at each other and he gestures to clink glasses. I catch on and do the same. “Here’s to being an adult.” He says and we clash glasses as I nod in response.
As I’m sipping my drink, which actually tastes better this time, I see what looks like a long string dangling from one of the windows. I walk closer towards it and realize it’s actually a string of web, which means only one thing. I curse under my breath as I try to shimey through the crowd of people and towards the balcony to see a couple more strings of web leading to the roof of the building. “No fuckin way…”, mumble, but through all the music going on I didn’t notice Steve was next to me and was also able to hear me.
“Hey, language!” He said to me with a stern look.
“Oh, sorry, Steve. I didn’t know you were next to me.” I explained.
“Are you ok?” he asks me, concerned.
There’s no way that these WEB strings are from who I think they’re from. Right? “Yeah, I’m fine. I just need to… um… get some air. I’ll be back…”
“Well maybe I can come with you…” Steve suggested.
“NO!” I yelled. “I mean… No, I don’t want you want you to miss the party.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Steve replies right before he turns around and gets lost in the crowd of people. I feel bad for yelling at him, but my nerves are at an all time high because in midst of all this partying, I feel my brother has something big planned against me. I grab another drink, a bottle of Heineken this time, and make my way out the door to the building stairs to the roof where I spot Peter in his Spidey suit with his mask only revealing the bottom part of his face. He brings a bottle of beer, which looks to be the last one of the pack, up to his mouth until he spots and turns to me.
“Y/N! H-H-Hows it goin ma dude!” Peter says, slurring his words and studdering. Is he really drunk? Thats not even what I’m really concerned about.
“Peter?! What the hell are you doing here?! And how’d you get all the way to England?!” I asked him, surprised that he’s even here. He should be back home in New York.
He stood up from his sitting position while trying to walk to me. He wobbles in all directions until he’s taken the literal three steps he needed to get to me. I roll my eyes, already annoyed at how hammered he is. Just when it looks like he about to speak, he starts bursting into laughter like a hyena.
“Peter, this isn’t funny!” I say through gritted teeth. “You gotta control yourself or else you’re gonna get caught.”
“Yeah? And… And who would be STUPID enough to challenge… Spider-Man and his trusty sidekick… Uhh… Umm… Oh I got it! The Golden Bitch!” He says in a superhero announcer voice. This causes him to laugh hysterically again. “My bad… I-I didn’t mean to call you a Bitch!”
“Alright, thats it! I need to get someone else here.” I say in defeat. But if someone see’s us, they’ll think that I brought him here and got him drunk. Who could I tell that wouldn’t rat us out to the whole party?
“Oooh! Oooh! I know! I know! Pick me!” Peter says with his hand raised in the air like a kid in kindergarten.
I turn to him and sigh in frustration. “Yes, Peter?”
“What about that-that guy with the asian last name but isn’t asian at all?” Peter suggests.
“You mean Scott Lang? Peter, thats kinda racist.” I ask him.
“Yeah yeah, him.” He replies, nodding his head sporadically until he has sit from being dizzy.
“No, Pete thats… Actually not a bad idea.” I say, realizing that Scott would be the perfect guy to help us. “Huh? Leave it to Peter Parker to come up with great ideas, even under intoxication.” I start walking towards the door until something shoots at my hand, knocking my drink out of it and onto the door just above my head. The bottle shatters and I’m covered in both glass and alcohol.
I turned around and see Peter with his hand out like he just shot a web. “Oh shit. I-I’m sorry! I-I tried to grab the bottle w-with web!” Peter says innocently.
“Whatever just STAY. HERE. Got it?” I confirm with him and he nods.
I go downstairs to where the everyone’s at and find Scott easily talking with Bucky and Sam about how he could’ve single handedly taken out Tony and his team in that airport. I tap him on the shoulder getting his attention. “Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?” I ask him.
“Yeah, sure whats up?” Scott asks. I look behind him and see Bucky and Sam looking at me like I asked them too.
“Um actually, can we go somewhere private and talk?” I ask.
“Yeah, is everything ok?” he asks, concerned.
“Yeah everythings fine. Just come with me real quick.” I say pulling his arm to come follow me. As we go upstairs I decide this would be a good time to tell him. “Alright so, you know Peter Parker, right?”
“That Spider-Kid I faught in the airport, right? You know I could’ve taken Tony’s whole team on my own right?” He says.
“Yeah, thats so cool,” I say in a rushed manner. “Anyways, we have kind of a big problem.”
“How big?” he asks. As we approach the last step, I open the door to the roof but there’s no one there.
“What the hell? Peter?!” I yell but hear nothing.
“Wait, the kid’s here in England? How the hell did he get here?” Scott asks.
“I have no idea,” I say in defense. “I was just downstairs enjoying the party, when I see some web strings dangling on the balcony. Peter!” Suddenly I hear a sorta feint response. It sounds like it’s coming from the side of the building. Scott and I walk to the side of the building where we see Peter laying in a huge spider nest like an actual spider. I don’t know how but the bastard got more beer while I was gone.
“Hey, Y/N! You got Anty!” He says as he wheezes again in laughter. “I said Anty like he was my aunt! Oh shit I wonder what Aunt May is up to!”
“Son of a bitch!” Scott curses under his breath but I still heard him. “Is he drunk?!”
“Drunk is a bit of an understatement. He’s fucking hammered.” I reply.
“Whats going on here?” a voice says behind us startling both Scott and I. We turn around and see Steve. Well, this just got better.
“Steve, why are you here?” I ask.
“Because clearly you’re hiding something. I don’t know what, but for some reason you feel like you can talk to Scott about it.” He says annoyed.
“Listen, Cap, its not what you think, alright,” Scott says, trying to reason with a pissed off Steve. “Y/N just needed help with a situation and he thought I would be able to help out.”
“Help out with what exactly?” Steve asks.
“Alright, fine. I just really need you to promise me you won’t tell anyone.” I say, making him swear he’ll be on my side with this. He agrees and I walk him over to the side of the building where he see’s a drunk Spider-Man. He surprisingly kept his cool and started coming up with ideas.
“Well can’t you use some spell to make him sober again?” Steve asked.
“I could if it was first caused by alcohol, but I have a feeling that my brother had something to do with this. He’s probably sent him here too.” I explain. I know Peter, and I also know that he’s not the type of guy to drink his emotions away. I mean, yeah he was bummed that he didn’t get recruited to the Avengers like I did, but he knows right from wrong. Unlike me.
I use my magic to teleport Peter back on the roof and to get rid of all the webbing. Luckily, Scott brought his Ant-Man helmet and was able to send his ants downstairs to get Peter a bottle of water so he could calm down.
“Hey, Kid? I need you to focus, alright?” Steve says, trying to get Peter to pay attention to him. “I need you to tell me if you remember anything before you got here to London.”
“Yeah I was stopping some bad bad people in this high speed chase.” He says, then takes a gulp from his water bottle. “And after I stopped them, I was swingin around like… BLAM! BLAM! SWISH!! And then outta-outta nowhere some bright purple hole came in front of me and next thing I know, I’m here.”
“Ok well that explains Alex’s doing,” I say turning to Scott, “but that still doesn’t explain why he’s so fucking drunk.” Steve just shrugs, he’s just as oblivious to the situation as we are.
“Oh yeah,” Peter says, perking up, “then your brother came by and said something in a different language.”
“Was it Greek?” I asked, thinking we might be getting close to a solution. That was until he shook his head no. “Dammit, Alex, what the fuck did you do to him?!”
Peter takes another drink from his bottle of water and gives a refreshing sigh. “Man, I t-thought that this was water.” He exclaims.
“What are you talkin about? It is water.” I say correcting him. “It IS water, right Scott?”
“Yeah it should be.” He says before grabbing the bottle from Peter and taking a swig of it. Scott nods his head confirming that it is, in fact, water.
“Hey, Kid! Lemme smell your breath real quick.” Steve says. Peter leans towards Steve and blows on his face. Steve grimaces in disgust at what he smells. “Y/N, what else did he drink besides beer?”
“According to Peter’s story, nothing. Why? What’s wrong?” I asked.
“His breath smells like whiskey, but the water just tastes like water?” He confirms.
Thats it! Alex must’ve put some spell on Peter so that whatever he drinks tastes like whiskey. If thats the case, then I just mght be able to reverse the spell. “Alright, Steve, Scott I might know what spell my brother used.” I tell them.
“Thats great, then hurry up and fix it, so we can get him home before his Aunt worries.” Steve says.
“Alright, lets see if this works.” I mumble. My eyes and hands glow gold as I get an idea of what my brother exactly said to cast the spell. I remember Dad told him this phrase when they went for Alex’s first show of whiskey. “Iksiwla nim uluhla meatla,” (Sweet taste of whiskey.). Peter’s mouth glows good like my hands and eyes do when I cast a spell. Then, 5 seconds later its stops. “Okay. I think it worked! Scott, try giving him that water again.” I say and Scott does just that.
Peter takes a gulp and smacks his mouth, trying to get an accurate taste of the drink.
“Alright, Kid,” Steve says, “what does the drink taste like now?”
“W-What are you talkin about, bro? Its water!” Peter replies with slurred words. Scott, Steve and I sit down on the ground relieved that the spell wore off.
“Oh, I almost forgot to sober him up!” I realized and quickly used a spell to make him sober. I look at Scott who looks like he’s just down with tonight. “Hey, Scott! Thanks for helping me out with this. Really I don’t know what I would’ve done without your help.” Scott waves his hand at me gesturing that it was no problem for him. I look towards Steve and he gives me a thumbs up. “Steve, I really appreciate you helping us out with this,” I admit. “If it wasn’t for you, I’m sure Tony would be going for my neck if my parents hadn’t gotten to it first.”
“Its no problem, honestly. But do you really think your parents wouldn’t of taken your side?” He asks me.
“I don’t know. To be honest, I don’t know anything anymore.” I say, making Steve adjust himself so that he’s facing me more. “After what I did, choosing a path that I apparently wasn’t supposed to, making you guys fight a war that doesn’t even involve you, putting you lives at risk. I don’t know if the next thing I do will help you guys or doom you. I’m better off fighting this war on my own. Facing the consequences that were set for me. You know what I mean, right?”
“No, I don’t!” Steve protests.
“What?” I say, surprised.
“Y/N, don’t think for a second that you were wrong for choosing a light path. You’ve got to realize that you weren’t the one who caused all this.” He says to me. “You and your brother were both raised to choose the light path when you turned 18. It was Alex who chose the wrong path, not you! He’s the one that forced you to choose your path and he knew you were gonna choose the light path. Don’t you see? This whole thing, the eclipse, the war, the spells being casted on us. Thats all him. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be able to see the light in these dark times.”
Steve’s right! I have to stop pinning all this chaos and distress on myself. I’m the one whose fixing these problems he’s leaving behind. When my Dad was almost beaten death, it was me who healed him, not Alex. When Peter was under Alex’s spell, it was me who figured it out and snapped him out of it. It’s not about making the wrong choices, it’s about me changing the wrong into a right. Changing the dark into light.
“Thanks Steve! That actually made me feel a whole lot better.” I say, as a tear runs down my face but Steve brings his hand to my face to wipe it away.
Steve and I stand up and try to get Peter to do the same so I can take him home. “Kid?! What the hell are you doing here?” Tony says in his Iron Man suit, catching us all by surprise. “Why are there beer bottles everywhere?!”
Shit! This night just keeps getting worse and worse.
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Test Tube? Your story? Actually, can we just get everybody's stories?
[Sorry this took so long to answer. After a long debate with myself, I have decided that the best way to answer this question is as a sort of Fanfiction. I’ll put it after a cut because I don’t want to flood anyone’s dash. I’m not sure if I’ll do an answer like this again or not, but I felt it was necessary for this one. Please comment if for some reason the format isn’t working and you can’t read it.]
Response story length: 1889 words.
The ask shone dauntingly on the Mun’s computer screen. The sun stretched through the window, warming her back and making the dust and smears on the computer’s screen all the more noticeable, and the contents of the inbox harder to read. Still, she knew it was there, she had read it a hundred times. She almost wanted to print it out, to twiddle it between her fingers and contemplate what to do about it.
She didn’t know why she was so hesitant to answer. She knew this would come up sooner or later. In fact, Fan and Lightbulb had already answered this very question. Yet, now she gave pause. Was there something she was afraid of? Was it someone’s story?
“You feeling ok?” the gravely voice caught her off guard, and she shot backward, her rolling chair creaking and tipping. She flailed her arms, willing it to land back on it’s five wheels, which it thankfully did.
“Yeesh, didn’t mean to scare ya,” Knife folded his arms and chuckled. “Gotta say, your reaction was priceless though.”
The Mun blew a strand of hair out of her face, before raking her fingers through it to return it to its place. She scrunched up her face in annoyance, but relaxed quickly. She never could stay mad at the characters of one of her favorite cartoons.
“So, what’s bothering you?” She turned to see Paintbrush, as well as the most of the others, riding atop Suitcase. The only one unaccounted for was Bow. One by one they jumped on top of her desk.
“It’s nothing,” the Mun sighed, making a quick movement to close her computer. Fan raced forward and grabbed the edge of the screen, pushing it back up.
“Not so fast!” Fan propped the screen into a better position for him to read it. “Did someone say something mean?”
“No, nothing like that!” the Mun answered quickly. “I just don’t know how to answer the last question!”
“This one?” Fan read it over. “What? That questions easy! I’ve already answered it!” He patted the Mun’s hand. “All you had to do was ask!”
After he relayed the question to the others, they all sat in a compliant circle on the desk. Except for Suitcase, who sat at the end of the Mun’s bed.
“Who first?” Fan asked.
“Well, since out of all of us here right now I was here first, I’ll go first!” Knife jammed his thumb into his handle at about chest level in a proud sort of way. Fan gestured for him to go on.
“I took a nap, and I woke up in the knife drawer.”
After about half a minute of silence, Lighbulb began to applaud while the others exchanged looks.
Fan raised an eyebrow. “That’s it?”
“Well, uh, yeah?” Knife suddenly seemed unsure of himself, not realising they were expecting more.
Lighbulb continued clapping. “Ignore the haters, sharp guy. Some people just don’t understand the art of concise storytelling!”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Paintbrush waved their hands. “Aren’t you, like, a pocket knife or something?”
Now Knife looked embarrassed, but only briefly. “So?” he snapped at them.
The Mun butted in before the argument could escalate. “Actually, we don’t own any pocket knives, so it makes sense to me. The knife drawer was probably the closest thing.”
Knife folded his arms again, like he had just won the argument. Paintbrush scowled, but didn’t bicker any further.
Suitcase kicked her legs nervously. “I guess I’ll go next then.” Her eyes followed the movement of her feet. “I had just wandered off after, well, you know…”
Knife looked off to the side, and the others twitched and coughed nervously. Most of them hadn’t been there, but they had heard about the double elimination and had come to their own conclusions.
“I was just sort of wandering aimlessly, and night fell, so it got pretty dark. I didn’t even really notice the transition. I just kind of ran into a wall, and then another, and then I was surrounded by walls.” Tears were forming in her eyes. “I found something soft to sit on, but, I was so scared. I thought I might be trapped in there forever.”
The Mun moved from her chair onto the bed, wrapping her arms around Suitcase. She knew it was what her followers would want her to do, and more importantly, it was what she wanted to do. Everyone was always talking about how they wanted to give Suitcase a hug, and she felt lucky, no, blessed to be able to do so.
Suitcase took in a breath, stealing herself. She was far stronger than she had been at the beginning of season two, she was just uncertain of herself right now, uncertain of her actions. She finished her story. “Then the Mun found me, and everything got better. She took me to see the mountains.”
After about another minute of silence, Paintbrush finally spoke. “You want me to take it from here?”
Suitcase smiled and passed the conversational batton.
“Well, not much to say from me.” Knife shot them a glare, but they ignored it. “Typical story really. I was walking and I tripped over a tree root. I did a bit of a summersalt and next thing I knew I was trapped between a music roller and a toy telephone.”
“Eerrgg!” Everyone’s attention snapped to Test Tube at her outrage. “Did seriously nobody see what it was that brought them here?”
“Did you?” asked Paintbrush snidely.
“Eh, heh. No.” Test Tube shot back. “That’s why I’m asking all of you!”
“Well, what’s your story?” Suitcase chimed, trying to break the tension that was growing once again.
“Well, my anomaly machine was going haywire, and everyone kept disappearing, so I decided to look around. I took one second to recalibrate my portable anomaly machine, but I dropped it when I smacked into a tree branch. When I tried to pick it up I realised I was stuck.” Test Tube grumbled. “I look away for one second and I miss seeing a possible scientific breakthrough.”
“Heh, sounds familiar.” Out of poor judgment, Fan nudged the person next to him for effect. This happened to be Paintbrush, who was already on edge from previous arguments.
They snapped slightly. “Well, at least Test Tube here was doing something to help and not taking selfies!”
Fan gasped. “I’ll have you know, I was updating my blog! After all, someone had to change your statuses from ‘alive’ to ‘alive, but missing’.”
“Oh, yes, because thats sooo much better!”
Suddenly the bedroom door creaked open, the Mun’s mom arriving at just the right time. “Am I interrupting something?”
“N-not at all, Mrs. Mun!” Paintbrush took the initiative, calming their anger. Despite all, Paintbrush always seemed to take the most resposibily, treating their role as a house guest very seriously.
“I brought hot drinks.” She pushed the door open further, revealing a tray full of mugs. Most of them were expresso mugs full of hot chocolate or tea, since regular mugs were too big. The Mun jumped up to help distribute to steaming drinks, hot chocolate for most, and coffee for Knife because he preferred it. There was also tea for Paintbrush, a special calming blend that the Mun’s mom had secretly chosen for them, and a mango peach tea for Suitcase, one of the Mun’s mom’s favorite.
There was one extra mug.
“Have fun, everyone!” The Mun’s mom tucked the empty tray under her arm, waving goodbye as she closed the door.
Everyone nursed their drinks for a while, the Mun helping Suitcase with her’s.
“Sssssoooo,” Lightbulb whistled. “Can I go next?”
“You already went.” Paintbrush’s voice was laced with annoyance, but the tea had mellowed them out a little. “You fell asleep in a cave, woke up in the Mun’s basement, climbed the stairs, and ravaged the chocolate chips.”
“Well, yeah, but, I mean,” Lightbulb bit her cheek in a sort of pout. “I always tell it more eloquently.”
“Well, I guess the only one left is Bow.” Fan observed.
The Mun suddenly felt the calm she had be building dissipate. “Well, she’s not here, so maybe another day.” She said hastily.
As if on cue, the bedroom door clicked open once again. This time it was the Mun’s dad. Bow was resting in the palm of his hand.
“So then I said… oh, look, we’re here.” Bow backflipped out of his hand and stuck the landing on the desk, earning another applause from Lightbulb.
The Mun looked up at her dad in surprise. She didn’t expect him of all people to be hanging out with Bow. He shrugged. “Ikea chairs needed assembling. She seems to have an intricate knowledge of chairs.”
“You should see them.” Bow examined her hand, as if she was proud of work she probably hadn’t done. “They’re almost worth bringing chairs back in style for.”
The Mun’s dad left without another word. Bow smiled, still looking at her hand like she had just done her nails. “I like him, he’s easy to talk to.”
“Say, Bow,” Fan spoke up. “We were just telling the Mun here about our experiences of getting to this world, for an ask. Care to join?”
Bow slid into the circle, grabbing the spare hot chocolate. “Don’t mind if I do. You’re all missing out on the best story, after all.”
The Mun could feel her forehead sweating, but she sat back and listened anyway.
“So, get this. I was floating around Purgatory Mansion, like always, makin’ my rounds and all that, when suddenly,” She sat up excitement, drawing the others into her story. “It felt like something was tugging on my tail. Then, the floor opened beneath me and I got pulled through. I got more and more solid, and my legs came back. But my tail vanished, so that was disappointing. Then I was here.”
“What did the hole in the floor look like?” Test Tube asked, eyes wide and eager. The Mun twiddled her fingers.
“It was just black, like darkness.”
Test Tube sat back in disappointment. “Aw man, really? That just normal ghost summoning stuff.”
“What were you hoping for?” asked Fan.
“You know, a wormhole or something. But those are blue. Space time and reality stuff is almost always blue.”
The Mun, meanwhile, was trying to play off her relief by taking long sips of hot chocolate. So Bow hadn’t known after all.
Most of them already knew it was the Mun that tore the holes in reality. She had apologised, and they had forgiven her. What they didn’t know, or care to ask, was why.
She had been selfish and greedy, that was why. It was every fan’s dream, wasn’t it? To bring their favorite characters into real life. To get to live with them like friends and family.
So she had messed with reality, the dangerous fabric. Hard to tear, even harder to mend. She had seen a wormhole, once, opening and closing without leaving anyone behind. It had been more than just blue. None of them knew it yet, but she had found Test Tube’s portable anomaly machine, and if the readings said what she thought they said…
She had to fix this soon, not just so the contestants could return home, but for the sake of reality itself.
[Thank you for reading.]
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