#and he was my first legion courier. but hes not a Courier OC. to me
lesvegas · 7 months
the closest Actual OC i have to a courier oc is Valoire but hes not really a Courier OC, his story/timeline just happens to conveniently line up with the events of fnv to the point where i can play as him in fnv and not feel weird about it. its way more likely that he just happens to be an actual Courier OC's (Fresno) companion.
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nukaberries · 2 years
New Vegas companions react to a teenage courier?
Another super late post from me (I'm so sorry lmao) but better late than never! I've already said this but I love reading/writing for Teen!Sole/Courier - my courier oc is actually nineteen during the events on New Vegas so stuff like this helps with developing her too! <33
Companions React to Teen!Courier
(Includes: Arcade, Boone, Cass, Lily, Raul and Veronica)
Straight off the bat, he's gonna have a lot more patience for a younger courier than he would an adult. He doesn't exactly have fond memories of being a teenager - but then again, who does anymore? - so he can't even begin to imagine what it must be like after what the courier had gone through. Although Arcade often prefers to avoid violence when he can, he's more than willing to resort to it when it comes to protecting the courier. However, this means he's all the more disappointed if the courier sides with the Legion, he understands they're far more impressionable and that only makes him harbour more anger towards the faction, but he'd still expected better from them.
Instantly goes into dad/big brother mode. Boone doesn't anticipate it happening, but he finds himself being much more protective over the courier than he'd like to be. He'd been so excited to be a father before Carla's death and in a strange way, the courier feels like a second chance. He won't mention it, of course, especially not at first, but he'll show that he cares in little ways like making sure Six has a larger portion of the rations than he does or by protecting them from danger before he even considers himself. Boone doesn't want to overstep, nor does he really feel comfortable talking about it, so he'll never bring up how much he cares, he just hopes the courier knows he'll protect them no matter what happens.
It doesn't make a complete difference to Cass. Of course, she's even more outraged over what Benny did to Six, finding their attempted murder horrific in general, but even more so when it's apparent the courier isn't even eighteen. While Boone takes on a paternal role, Cass quickly becomes an older sister and terrible influence all rolled into one. She'll offer Six whiskey to try, although she knows chances are they've already drank alcohol before - God knows she'd sampled enough as a teenager. She's always willing to give them advice, granted she knows it's not always the best and most moral advice, but she's doing her best regardless.
Honestly, not much about Lily's relationship with Six would change, even if they were a teenager. She takes her role as their grandma as seriously as ever, refusing to see any harm come to the courier. With Six being even closer in age to her Jimmy and Becky, it sometimes makes it even harder than it usually would for her to remember she's not actually talking to her grandchildren. She's just grateful that the courier is patient with her, even if she isn't the perfect grandma sometimes.
It's hard for Raul to not be reminded of Rafaela and Claudia when he first meets the courier - regardless of their gender. Almost similarly to Boone, he sees them as a chance to do better and actually protect someone for once (third times the charm, right?) He manages to play it off with sarcasm and quick wit, but he truly does care for Six and he wants what's best for them. Perhaps he won't always agree with their choices and he makes a point to voice that when it's the case, but there's never a day he won't stand by them. He refuses to lose someone a third time.
She's actually really excited to meet the teenaged courier. When with the Brotherhood of Steel, Veronica would love spending time with the squires, constantly being reprimanded for distracting them from their work - sure, Six is a little bit older, but she doesn't mind. But now? She doesn't have to worry about her commanding officers telling her to buzz off, she can spend all the time with them that she wants, if they're willing to put up with her. She's definitely a better influence than Cass, or at least she tries to be, but she knows showing Six how to cheat at poker probably wasn't the best idea. Veronica will also insist that she'll deal with Benny herself, but she knows better than to get in the way of the courier and their revenge.
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noomycatz · 1 month
hello I am ✨the government✨, and you are legally required to loredump about your fallout ocs now /j /silly /pos
(I love reading loredumps lol)
Ok my lawyer said i have to. :(
You already know Argo but i dont have much for him yet. He likes rubber ducks i bet
I have one tangentially related to fallout, but not really. His name is Vep!
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Yea uh. Dont ask. Also insultron ^^ he is veps securitron!! Vep repaired him to the best of abilities (HE DOESNT HAVE A BONER ARM PEOPLE KEPT TELLING ME HE DID DTOP STOP STOP) since Vep is a pacifist, he retired him to like, make fun of people instead of exploding them. I have a lot of troller ocs ngl.. (like 2. that’s not a lot noomy, shut the fuck u) please dont ask me why hes a deer/leopard just go with it
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This is my courier 6, aka courier pickle. They’re really fucked up in the head!! And also really gay for robots. I, i mean they, they have a problem. Yeah. Not me
They dont have anything up OR down there!
After getting shot in the head by Bitchass Benny, they ran straight to the strip, tortured him and then dragged him over to the legion to get him crucified where they promptly joined. They had fun times!
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Until they found yes man >:P
They betrayed caesar (oh no how could you! Die.) while preparing for the soon to be battle, they stumbled upon the think tanks satellite !
Everything went downhill for our so called hero there :3
(I havent played honest hearts or lonesome road yet and i really dont care for the,.m…. So they are not ap art of the lore. I said so. Joshua graham can lick my metaphysical balls)
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whered it go pickle! whered it go! haha! the think tank took it and replaced it with a bunch of mentat tins so now youre addicted sorry. and now they’re going to poke you and prod you and make you run tasks. they have your brain still. Mobius never had it, and you killed him anyway. How could you? How could you? Why did you do it? Why did you do it?
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They think radroaches are neat. Cute little buggers!
When they came back to the strip not one recognized them at first, and I wouldn’t blame them. They didn’t even act like themselves!
While yes man continued to bug them about the battle they just kept drowning themselves in chems and alcohol (robotic) prostitutes until they were sore and numb to this cruel world. The wasteland will eat you alive. From the outside and inside. Dust in your lungs sands engrained in the palms of your hands. Nobody is there for you. Nobody.
And then the battle came. They surrendered, wanting to make peace, wanting to exchange their life for whatever they still considered “friends.”
Lanius lied. Lanius took them prisoner and yet, still called for no mercy.
They took the dam. The securitron army was destroyed, the NCR drove out, Yes Man killed, and the Courier was due to be crucified.
But they ran. They ran and ran and ran
(and they ran… I ran so far away…)
They temporarily stayed at Big MT, for one making an attempt to revive yes man using the mark 5 securitrons, but it failed horribly!! And also they ate all the Mentats to the think tank kicked them out.
after a month of paranoid traveling they managed to reach boston! !! !
there they met the sole survivor ( @bl4z33467 ‘s oc!!!) and thyey settled down for no more trouble from the legion ever! definitely. ok i hope you enjoy reading. im not too good at writing stuff like this, give me an argumentative essay and a few weeks any day
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^^ video also by Blaze (although the last part was drawn by yours trulyyyy(
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blookmallow · 2 months
hey who wants some fuckign. fallout oc lore
nobody, probably. is that going to stop me. absolutely not. here's everything you never needed to know about my new vegas courier (my first one/my main file, also my first time playing a fallout in the first place)
ive probably posted some of this somewhere before but heres the exhaustive info dump version. also heres some random picrews/dolls of her, the first one is the best one. her hair is supposed to be vaguely purple tinted but picrews never have that exact shade
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Bonnie Sterling - The Courier. Lone Ranger of the Mojave wasteland
Nicknames: "Bon" on occasion. i want her to have a really cool nickname as a ghoul later in life but i cannot figure one out.
current plot status: Completed main storyline and every questline I could find. I went with independent vegas as my endgame but I don't think bonnie would've kicked the NCR out completely so I'm going with, she probably figured a way to negotiate a truce or something. mostly im just not thinking too hard about it since new vegas just sticks you in endgame limbo forever anyway since the game Ends when you do the final quest. Completed Dead Money and Old World Blues (but there might still be some bits left around that i didnt finish).
Faction Info:
NCR: Idolized. Works closely with them most of the time, but doesn't agree with everything they do.
The Kings: Idolized. Only faction she has explicitly joined. Has a close, unspecified relationship with the King. Regrets getting the NCR involved with them, but couldn't find a better solution without more bloodshed.
Caesar's Legion: Vilified. Kills legionnaires on sight. Hopes to one day take out every last one of them.
Brotherhood of Steel: Neutral. Stays out of their way, stays out of their business. Has helped them out a few times, though. (I'll be honest I cannot figure out what the hell the brotherhood is doing or stands for or anything in new vegas so i just left that one alone)
Great Khans: Mostly neutral. Doesn't really like them, per se, but is able to maintain civility with them, and convinced them not to side with Caesar.
mostly if you support the legion, you're her enemy. otherwise, it pretty much boils down to "can you be reasonably negotiated with? then we're okay"
Family: Mother, Cathy Sterling (deceased; suicide.) Father, Russell "Rusty" Sterling (deceased; combination of illnesses over time. Bonnie thinks the radiation caught up with him in the end.)
Partner/s: Ex-wife, Jolene (Unofficially divorced. Status and location unknown.) Undefined ongoing Something with the King, but immediately deflects any questions asked about it. Unlikely to ever really get serious, though the King often claims he'll get her to marry him one day. he's probably joking, but then, maybe he's not. (no basis in canon for this but ive decided it. try and stop me)
Found Family: Ed-E (best friend forever. she takes it everywhere and is extremely protective of it). Arcade (practically a brother), Raul (close friend, reminds her of her grandfather. he's the only one she has left in her future ghoul days.) Doc Marten (like an uncle to her. she visits him often and is still grateful to him for saving her life.)
Notable Injuries: Gunshot wound to the head (Benny in the Goodsprings cemetery. scar, some neurological damage). Machete lacerations on her arm and neck (Benny in the deathmatch at Caesar's camp. Scars.) Frequent ongoing radiation poisoning and early stages of ghoulification. Lung damage due to smoking, wasteland life, and exposure to the red mist post-Sierra Madre. Suffers from PTSD from the Sierra Madre. Acquires a cybernetic heart and spine at Big MT. (I have not yet played the other DLCs so I don't know what ELSE is going to happen, )
Favorite Items: pool balls (i obsessively steal these every time i see one. i have so many), dinosaur toys, cigarettes, whiskey, mentats, sunset sarsaparilla. Will use any weapon she can get her hands on, but likes a good old fashioned pistol best.
Future: Never has children. Becomes a ghoul eventually, too stubborn to die and increasingly reckless with radiation over time - part mojave legend, part cryptid.
Has some memory loss from the gunshot injury; probably has a few screws loose in general. Her hands shake sometimes and she gets frequent headaches. Often doesn't sleep for several days at a time.
chainsmoker. drinks a lot but can handle her liquor. has a bit of a mentats habit that only got worse after the brain injury. she isn't blatantly reckless, at least most of the time, but just doesn't care very much about her health. once you've survived getting shot in the head nothing really seems like that big of a risk anymore.
general attitude of Anything Goes - whatever happens will happen. whatever situations she finds herself in, she'll find herself out of, one way or another. or not, for that matter. she figures she won't be all that concerned about it if she's dead, anyway.
from oklahoma originally - you can definitely hear it in her accent
good at tinkering and figuring things out, but never had any kind of actual education or training - learned a lot from her father, though. she's taken to reading pre-war books about anything and everything when she comes across them. learned some combat training from her dealings in the NCR, and some functional medical knowledge from doc marten.
A drifter who just sort of wanders around looking for oddities, mysteries, people she can help, things to keep busy with. vaguely wants to find the men who wanted her dead - not really for revenge. just to know why. but ultimately she's just trying to live whatever kind of life she has left, and help whoever she can
has a very uncanny ability to solve problems by just asking nicely. she isn't particularly witty or charming - just really unsettlingly calm. something about her catches people off guard. she doesn't really fear anyone or anything, but knows when she's outnumbered or outmatched, and has no problem walking away. "pride's damn easy to swallow when y'keep it in a small enough pill."
isn't really on anyone's Side, but will do what she can to resolve conflict - she doesn't much care about who started it or why or who's right or who's wrong. she just thinks the world would be a little nicer if everyone stopped shooting at each other so much. she doesn't really hold grudges well, and nobody's too crazy for her to stop and listen to.
she does, however, occasionally find reasons to care. after she saw what the legion did to nipton, she's firmly against them, but also isn't interested in running after them with guns blazing. if she had an opportunity to help bring them down, though, she would. [HOWEVER: After the Sierra Madre, something broke in her. after surviving that, and having seen the NCR do nothing enough times, her long-suffering patience finally ran out. she took matters into her own hands, and with a stealth boy and a damn good gun, she broke into the legion camp and assassinated caesar herself, alone. one day she intends to go back to take out the rest of them.] ((yes i did do this. i don't know how i got out of there alive. i was really surprised by how little actually changed by doing this but i do still want to go back and try to kill the rest of them. fuck you legion))
can be very detached and cold hearted if pushed far enough. if she needs to kill you, she will.
can't stand the silence of the wilderness, so she listens to the radio near constantly. developing a complicated love-hate relationship with mr. new vegas, her oftentime only companion out in the desert. often listens to the black mountain station as well, following the drama and raving like her own personal soap opera (post tabitha plotline she misses it a lot. doesn't feel good about killing her)
hates underground/enclosed spaces and becomes mildly panicked if she feels trapped. hates vaults but knows there's often useful/interesting things in them, so she ends up exploring them anyway
has a habit of picking up odds and ends she finds around the wasteland and has filled her Novac apartment and half the lucky 38 with junk she swears could be useful one day, somehow. started collecting pool balls and has now practically developed a compulsion around them. seems to end up with another dinosaur every time she stops by the novac gift shop
frequently just jumps off railings/small cliffs because stairs take too long. this absolutely drives arcade up the wall and he hates trying to keep up with her. self preservation instinct sometimes just Doesn't
played guitar years ago. doesn't think she'd remember anymore, but some part of her hopes to find one someday to see if it's still in her somewhere. [post-sierra madre: she did find one, and against all odds managed to get it home. she didn't touch it for months, recovering from the trauma, but has started toying with it a little. she's not as good as she once was, but it's starting to come back.]
fiercely protective of ed-e, and never goes anywhere without it. (in my mind ed-e comes too even if she has other companions, game limitations be damned) doesn't really trust most people to travel with her for long. spends the most time with arcade and raul otherwise. (has traveled with veronica and cass briefly, but doesn't know either of them all that well, and doesn't really trust the brotherhood enough to let veronica very close. i havent really spent enough time with lily to decide what their dynamic is. i love her though)
brought a sarsaparilla star badge for primm slim. he loves it
also gives stars to all her companions and insists they wear them. refuses any explanation as to why. may in fact just be messing with them. she taped one on to ed-e as well.
as much as she loves arcade, kicked him out of the lucky 38 for stealing her rare nuka colas (this is canon. he did this to me.) raul is the only one who lives there. she doesn't really like sharing a living space, but the lucky 38 has plenty of room, and she trusts raul more than anyone else (and over time he becomes her oldest friend, given her eventual ghoul lifespan)
often sits and talks with no-bark. doesn't understand most of what he says, but she likes to listen anyway
stops to visit rotface every time she's in town. i wish i could be his friend i love him
sometimes goes to visit victor (or what's left of him) in goodsprings, even though for all she can tell, he's dead. treats his deactivated shell like a grave. doesn't understand what happened to him and can't figure out how to fix him.
was badly traumatized at Caesar's camp. seeing how many of them there were, talking to the slave women and seeing the pain and emptiness in their faces, hearing the cold laughter of the legionnaires and feeling their eyes on her did something to her. she felt scared for the first time in years. she was given her revenge, and it felt awful. after everything benny did to her, she felt nothing but disgusted with herself when he lay dead at her feet.
(note: I had intended to spare him here, but then discovered there was practically no way to get him out alive, and nothing actually happens from what ive read if you somehow do get him to survive. so like...... he's Supposed to die here. i decided the next most in character decision i could make was to at least make it a fair fight. i think that turned out to be more narratively interesting anyway) (i cant explain my feelings for benny. i don't know why i didn't want revenge. i don't know why i felt so empty after he was dead)
has deep scars across her neck and her arm from the machete duel. She still uses Benny's lighter, and refuses to talk about it.
she also suffered severe trauma in the Sierra Madre incident. she was fully delirious when she came back to the mojave, and managed to stumble her way to camp forlorn hope before she collapsed and remained unconscious for several days. the NCR medics weren't super she would make it. she finally awoke in a blind incomprehensible panic. after some time, she calmed down to a numb, raw emptiness, and still refused any explanation for where she had been or what had happened to her - just insisting to the point of desperation that she had to get home. She never talks about the Sierra Madre. Not to anyone. She has lasting lung damage from the effects of the Cloud to this day.
Wanders the wastes looking for Dog from time to time, but never saw him again. She has PTSD around beeping noises, and cannot stand feeling anything against her neck. Has fully torn collars off of her shirts just to relieve this anxiety before.
Only child. her mother cathy was a strange, melancholy woman who never smiled and was always ill, likely radiation sickness. she was mentally ill, as well, and spent most of her time staring off into space with blank, empty eyes. bonnie's father claimed she wasn't always like that, but never said a word about what had happened to her. Cathy committed suicide via taking as many chems at once as she could when Bonnie was 12 years old.
Her father Rusty was a rough, stubborn man, and was often hard on her, but loved her, and taught her how to survive. he smoked and drank a lot, and didn't care to watch his radiation levels, believing he was strong enough to withstand it (and didn't take much stock in threats he couldn't see). He was injured when bonnie was around 19, and his health declined rapidly, but he refused to see a doctor. He died, maybe from radiation, maybe from infection, maybe from a lot of things. Bonnie misses him, but felt it was inevitable that something would take him eventually
Bonnie once had a wife - Jolene. things ended very poorly. Jolene betrayed her and sold her out to a group of gangsters (for what reason/exact context i dont really know) - bonnie almost killed her in anger and grief, but shot the wall above her head instead and left her there. She never saw her again. doesn't know if jolene is alive or dead, and isn't sure which news would be worse.
✨ bonnie
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papakhan · 1 year
im really sorry if this question was asked before 😭 but im super interested in khans' relationship with animals. not only like, in the religious way, but with pets and cattle. would love to hear your thoughts on that
Sorry this took me forever to reply I wanted to draw some things for it first but I feel like I'll forget if I don't post now :')
I think the Khans have a lot of different relationships to animals, I think it's pretty interesting how at multiple points they have had some relation to dogs, with their leader even having a guard (who I hc that he considered as his right-hand man, only because there aren't any named New Khans in that role) and in FNV there's cut NCR reports mentioning the Khans hunting dogs (the report actually mentions possible a dozen one group! 12! that's a lot of dogs!)
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Personally, I hc that the Khans have their own standard breed of dogs similar to the Legion mongrel that's descendant from Darion's baddog, and you could probably trace its ancestry back to the guard dogs/pets of Vault 15. I think they have a lot of working dogs tho! I already have an oc whos the Khans newest houndmaster, but I think they also have pets, I think working dogs are very valuable to them though
In my story Sun gets given Rex by the King, leading the King to have an unexpected alliance with the Khans because 1. he had no idea who Sun was and just thought Rex seemed happier with him after Sun helped get his brain fixed and 2. Papa was so pleased and IMPRESSED about this other (smaller) gang leader giving his son a working animal/guard dog, I imagine he sent the Kings some real tanners, leather workers and armorers to reinforce their leather jackets or something
Sun also loves his new pubby (and has no idea that he's 200 years old LMAO)
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Speaking of dogs, Papa Khan specifically has an association with wolves that isn't really seen anywhere else with the Khans, unless you count Baddog (which the Chosen One isn't even sure IS a dog) which I think is cute and fun for him, the way he calls the courier a cub and the Longhouse the wolf's den. Part of me hcs that it could be something to do with him being a different bloodline to the Death Hand linage but idk I haven't got very far with that. I don't think its a reglious thing, since the Khans have been shown to be areligious from the start, maybe just a splinter group of New Khans he was part of? idk I'm probably overthinking I do think its also interesting that the other 2 raider groups from Vault 15 picked animals to represent themselves and the Khans didnt
I'm gonna write about other animals under the cut because I just rambled about dogs :')
As for other animals, I know its not in game but I think the Khans 100% farm brahmin, at least a little, if only for their dung to make jet. I know the Khans are eating brahmin steak and have brahmin over spits but I think if its their dung specifically that makes jet then they probably would want to avoid killing them just for meat. So maybe brahmin are more like Jack's pets and he names them and loves them so so much. I think the Khans farming bighorners or something would be fun, especially since those are pretty regional to the Mojave so it'd mean that the Khans have picked up on it in the 14 years since they arrived, which is nice for them and something I could totally see them doing
CHICKENS as well this is some really old art I had for fallout chickens and I think the Khans would have them. Maybe not so many though, I think the Khans lost a lot of their animals in Bitter Springs either because they ran off, they got killed or because the Khans had to eat them when they first arrived in Red Rock with no other supplies.
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I've also seen some people talk about Khan falconers which I think is SO COOL I'd love them to have that. I know that hunting with eagles is a thing in Mongolia so maybe they could pick it up from the book you get from Ezekiel? Please. I haven't really done anything with it personally but I SHOULD
Last but not least, horses. I think the Khans very much do have horses (because I believe in a horseful fallout) Again, I think a lot of their herd bolted during Bitter Springs but I think the Khans have been working to get them all back. I hc that Khans will insist on a person learning to ride a horse before learning to ride a motorbike because to them it teaches balance (strengthens the right muscles) and co-ordination and also a horse can take you home and bikes use up precious fuel and are usually reserved for the Khans messengers or long distance raiders A lot of the Khan's horses will have NCR branding on their flanks which the Khans usually cover either with their own branding or some other decoration. I think they'd be considered very skilled riders with an average Khan being just as if not more skilled on a horse than an NCR ranger. They do a lot of sport involving horses like their own version of jousting and also shooting on horseback. I hc that a lot of Khans will have their own horse but will also share, the fastest horses are often gifted to people involved in the Khan's communication who need something more subtle then a motorbike, like negotiators or scouts. Horses also pull their carts when the Khans are moving their location. Here's a drawing of Suns other dad Min and his caravan
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Thank you for coming to my Khans and animals conference THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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tastytofusoup · 5 months
I'm generally a person who thinks, 'I don't really have OCs', because I mostly don't go into depth with background and personalities and whatever. But I do have a fair amount of custom characters that I really like, and I do treat them as characters. I make characters, not just avatars for myself, for the most part - especially in mmos.
So I've never done this before, but here's a selection of my favourites:
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Essay-length full description section below the cut ↓
ROW 1:
Archmage Tethris
Daddy. Tethris is my WoW Void Elf Arcane Mage. He's also the guy who made me realise, 'yeah, I'd be a Mage in any given fantasy world, wouldn't I'. He's become not only my default main in WoW, and the closest to 'avatar for myself' that I get in the game, but also my default go-to in many other games. Here is Elden Ring Tethris, for example:
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Tethris is a very rare example who actually does have lore. He was a professor of the Arcane in Silvermoon, who developed an obsession with the Void, and specifically finding a way to reach the Telogrus Rift. It got to the point where he was locking himself in his study, or traveling, not even seeing his wife and three children. Being fairly well-known and previously well-respected, this was noticed and he started to be thought of fairly negatively as an eccentric.
He did eventually discover the Rift, and a way to access it - which he did! But there was no way back. The other drawback being that in the process, he teleported not only himself, but his entire tower, and connected section of the academy. Luckily for other people, there was a large festival happening that day, so no-one else was taken with him.
Unfortunately for Tethris though, that meant he was trapped alone on some rocks in the Void, until he could find a way back. At least he had his study. He was there for 50 years. During that time, the whole events of Warcraft 3, and Vanilla to Legion WoW occured. He would've found a way back eventually, but it was actually the other elves, now known as the Void Elf faction, with Alleria Windrunner, who enabled him to return to Azeroth. He was there already.
The people who knew him in Silvermoon, including his familly had assumed he'd either killed himself when the tower 'exploded', or he'd simply abandoned them because the Void was all he cared about. He still hasn't reconnected with his children.
He has 2 daughters and a son. Eldessa the eldest is a Paladin, formerly a warrior with the Shattered Hand. Ithrien the son is the middle child. First an Eversong Ranger, then joined his sister in the Shattered Hand, then joined the Sunreavers during the events of Wrath, who he's been with since. He's the one who probably harbours the most resentment towards his father. The youngest is Vysira, and is also someone who is fairly shunned, or at least treated with distrust. She's the temperamental problem child. The main issue is that she was one of the Sunfury Arch Mages, who stayed loyal to Prince Kael'thas until the end. She only rejoined Silvermoon after his death, and those who did are treated as a distrusted lower class.
Tethris's 50 years of solitude, plus that amount of exposure to the Void have addled his mind somewhat, but his Archmage/Professor level of magical strengh, plus the arcane protections of his dwellings preserved his sanity and form for the most part. It did take him a few years though to reacclimatise to Azeroth, the vast changes to the world, and to remember his family. He now knows who his children are in the world, and has some leads on where to find them, but is hesitant. His wife however, sadly died when Arthas attacked Quel'Thalas.
Ella was my second, and favourite Fallout: New Vegas character. She's a 17 year-old girl, probably latin descent. Grew up as a rancher to the east of Nevada. Her parents were killed, and she learned to fend for herself, using what she knew from farming to become a traveling trader, then courier, only shortly before the events of New Vegas, because supplies for trade became an issue.
She's intelligent, savvy, headstrong, very stubborn, and very easily frustrated and angered. The start of the game fueled her with a lust for revenge, more than any sort of curiosity - that only came a bit later. She was also commonly frustrated with being treated with less respect than she deserved, because of her age.
When she reached Nipton, she found an undelivered set of (modded in) experimental Ranger armour in the first building. She tried it on, and it fit. It disguised her entirely, protected her heavily, and the helmet even included both night and thermal vision. This was the true turning point in her life. The armour gave her the confidence and technical advantages to immediately ambush the Legion forces in the town, and demolish them. She already knew she was a crack shot, but the ease that she took down those men who'd done that to a whole settlement, made her realise she could be a complete badass. So she became one.
The armour also largely fooled the NCR into thinking she was one of them, and she joined them for a while, before realising their own faults, and ultimately figuring out she had the power to take over Vegas herself, and the people would probaly be better off.
Rexi Nebrata
Rexi does not have lore. The essays are basically over. Rexi's just an omega cutie, and since I don't enjoy Final Fantasy XIV, I wish I could port her to other games. I'm so proud of her character customisation. I love her. Bae. White Mage btw.
ROW 2: (I guess this is the Green Alien Girl row. I didn't realise this was becoming a trend.)
Ah Lizrima. Doesn't she also look fucking great though. Boss-ass bitch. Lizrima was my first SWTOR character - my Sith Assassin. Very much a full Dark Side Sith, but is intelligent about it. I was open to picking the very rare light side choice if it made sense to her in a specific situation. Lana Beniko is her future wife, but I've never got further in SWTOR than part-way through Knights of the Fallen Empire. Her lightsaber is double-bladed, green with a black core - just like her. Oh yeah, and she's a former slave. Probably slaughtered her way to freedom one day, I forget if I thought more into it. Maybe that's why the Sith took notice. You can faintly see a scar under her eye, and there's a similar one on her chin, which is hidden by the uh, mask thing. Those are slave brands.
Nalya Va'a
Nalya is my Nautolan Jedi Guardian. Guardian is actually on my list of remaining Class stories to play through. She's only on Nar Shaddaa, so I haven't played her much at all. She's just a big cutie, and that's clearly enough for me.
Myntara Quil
I love her.
I love her so much. I did not know you could love an XCOM 2 character this much, but there she is. Also the nicest picture I've ever taken in XCOM 2.
I don't really need to say any more. Little green cutie who deals more damage than god, and has the movement distance of a high speed train. Tiny girl along for the ride becomes highest ranked XCOM member. Shotgun/Sword user with over 90 aim. 68 kills in 12 missions. Has Gaige from Borderlands 2's voice pack. Like, c'mon. I'm even really proud of her name, I think it's lovely, and really suits her. 💚
ROW 3: (the tiny WoW girl row)
Josie is a Goblin Assassination Rogue. Literally an assassin/bounty hunter, because I leveled her without quests. I mostly used the RareScanner addon to see where the Rare mobs are around the world, and traveled between them. Not only do they give a lot of XP, but a lot of them I didn't know about, and it took me to parts of the zones you wouldn't normally go to.
Named after a close friend, and is actually lore-friendly for a Goblin. I didn't expect a female Goblin Rogue to become my highest level Horde character, but she currently still is.
Tofie's my gnome Priest. I actually used my level 100 boost on her that I got with Legion. She's who I used to run old dungeons and raids for a while for mounts - I unlocked my first rare mount on her, the Drake of the North Wind.
She's another orphan. I'm realising this is a trend. She was raised in Darnassus by the Night Elves and is the only Gnome Priestess of the Moon.
Isn't it fun that all 3 of these names are perfectly passable as Lore-friendly. Bleeple is....an orphan. She, however, was raised in Gadgetzan, mostly by Goblins. She is very much a Gobbo in Gnome form. She's a survival hunter, is bloodthirsty, and loves explosions a little too much. She was actually encouraged to go out into the world as a hunter to keep her away from the town, because she's too much of a liability. Too much of a liability...for Goblins. She's basically Gnome Gaige.
Her appearance is actually what peak performance looks like.
ROW 4:
Man I kind of miss Myrielle. It's a similar case to Ella, in that I can't access their saves. I have the saves, but they're completely reliant on a very specific set of numerous mods, and who knows what that mod selection was. So they're sadly stuck in my memories, and very few pictures.
Myrielle was the Skyrim character I played the most. She was a...
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...stealth archer.
But she was cool alright. She also used Gandalf's sword, and an ebony sheld. She was actually primarily a thief, that's what she started as on a core level. So she's the one I played through the whole Thieves' Guild questline on, which was the most enjoyable part of the game. She became a Nightingale. I loved Karliah so much I installed the mod that lets you have Karliah as a companion after the questline's over, and had her with me for the rest of time. That reminds me, I need to add Karliah to my 'voices I could listen to all day' list *chef's kiss*.
Literally everything about Myrielle's base appearance is modded.
Neha Shepard
Neha's the Shep I made for the Legendary Edition. I Just Think She's Neat™. I named her after the Dice Maker from Disco Elysium, who's already on the 'voices I could listen to every day' list.
Maxon Fen
Maxon. Dat boy. I just think I've done a nice job with my SWTOR characters alright? Maxon's my Smuggler.
I'm glad I went back to SWTOR and gave it yet another chance, after vowing in video compilation form to never play it again (that's a good video though). The Smuggler story was legitimately a fun time. Jedi Consular was also decent, but less fun, no real complaints. They didn't drive me up the wall with nonsense and frustration, so that's really the bar for me when it comes to SWTOR. Unfortunately, it's the ones that I recorded that really annoyed me, and not the others.
Anyway Maxon's a lad I guess. A dude.
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gay-caesar-truther · 3 months
hIIIIIII ~ my main is Ri-Beanie
Name: Lazarus
Pronouns: He/him, They/Them
Age: 25
I'm a trans-masc enby and bi aroace
IDK what I plan for this blog, probably mostly reblogging cool art, posting abysmal takes, I yap A LOT about my fallout ocs and occasionally post art of them.
I do post spoilers! They will be tagged though, so follow at your own risk there
any kind phobe or ist. (Terfs, homophobes, racists, etc, etc)
No Zionists! 🇵🇸 🇵🇸
Minors, I'm just not comfy with it
other than that- idc, you do you as along as you aren't hurting any real people.
I've beaten fallout 4 and recently finished my independent/ Yes man run in FNV , and am currently my first Fallout 3 playthrough, then I plan to play going back and doing a Legion, Mr. House and NCR run in FNV (in that order)
Also just because I like a character in a game doesn't mean I think their actions would be chill IRL, just so we are clear.
Characters I am currently rotating in my mind-
Nick Valentine
Joshua Graham
Vulpes Inculta
Craig Boone
Arcade Ganon
my courier/s (Shepherd, Brutus and Cazador)
My lone wanderer/ NCR courier- Gabriel
My one non-MC oc- Lucky
Stuff about my ocs can be found under the tags "oc: *name*" and my general oc tag is "Oc posting". My bullshit takes can be found under "character yapping"
Feel free to message, tag me in stuff, etc, etc- I am currently obsessed with this series.
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tobstep · 5 months
Just a lil about me:
I'm TJ - or Toby - he/him only please!
I'm a huge Fallout fan, my favourite games being Fo3 and FoNV. I've been a fan since 2019 (?) - Fo76 was indeed my first Fallout game lol. I've played Fo3, FoNV, Fo4, and Fo76)
I'm more active on Instagram (@tjsfalloutism / @nashierthanu), but I also use twitter (@nashiertob)
I'll probably post oc related stuff - at the moment I'm hyperfixated on my fallout ocs (who are just my lone wanderer and courier six)
Huge fan of the NCR unfortunately, but generally a BOS fan - however I'm not fond of West BOS. I'm pretty chill with the rest of the factions, but I am a Legion, Enclave and Fiends hater. Big fan of Arcade, Ed-e, Nick Valentine, and Paladin Cross - and of course Dogmeat and Rex <3
Other than Fallout, I'm a pretty big Saw 2004 fan, along with Pyrocynical.
I'm on the aroace spectrum, might be bi, or gay, idrc i have a job rn :(
I'm 17, so nsfw dni.
Basic dni from here; e.g Homo/trans/xenophobic, racist, zionist, antisemitic etc.
IM TOO AWKWARD TO ASK TO BE MOOTS BUT I'M OKAY IF YOU ASK! Especially you fw lw x courier
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bestlittlesnek · 1 year
Hi darling!! I fell asleep umu
General opinion/How much I care about them: I like Boone a lot, a lot more than I did when I first played. He’s doing his best
A ship I love: I like courier/Boone stories
A non-romantic relationship that I love: Boone and animals that like him but he’s unsure of
The NOTP: not sure I guess any legion character lmao
My biggest headcanon about them: I think Boone is autistic,, (like me!) his beret is a comfort item pls do not separate
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: I want to make an oc to ship with him I think nfnfnf
Something that makes me think of them: red and carnations not sure why other than like his beret is red?
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deepest-dope · 2 years
OCs as Companions - Cave Mann Fallout New Vegas
Basic info:
Race*: Human
Gender*: Male
Affiliation: None but likes the Kings, the Great Khans and the Followers of the Apocalypse
Role: Weird Ex-Raider mom friend or guy who carries a swiss army knife, lighter and first aid kit at all times
Location: Nipton on a cross on first meeting, squatting in the Bison Steve hotel if dismissed but not sent to the lucky 38
Base SPECIAL: S 8 P 1 E 9 C 3 I 8 A 6 L1
Tagged skills: Medicine Survival Unarmed
Perks: Cannibal, Ghastly Scavenger
The Courier will meet Cave at Nipton, angrily screaming and cursing out legionaries, he’s been crucified and you have to cut him down and help him get his weapons out of a stash just outside of town. With a couple speech checks he’ll share some stuff from his stash with you, and with no speech required he’ll help you kill Vulpes and his dogs with his grenade rifle. After that he’s basically ready to go!
Companion Perk: Pack Animal, Cave is used to being the reliable one out of any group he runs with, and he’s more then willing to help you out. Rank 1 you can give him the items needed for any recipe and he’ll make them for you at any campfire. Rank 2 all consumables are 20% stronger while he’s with you. Rank 3 Crafting items while he’s with you will give you extra items. Rank 4 Talking to him with certain dialogue options now let you use him to craft stuff like food, chems, and healing items.
Cornered Animal: If the player has Cannibal or Ghastly Scavenger choosing certain dialogue options will lead him to teach you about “soft spots” on bodies you can attack to bring your opponent down easier when you’re in a hard spot. It’s An Unarmed technique that you can use at low health or when crippled. The attack is rushing forward to bite your enemy’s throat.
Companion Comments:
Use Melee: “Sure, one sec, gotta tape my hands.”/”I can and do hold my own with nothing but hand to hand, if you’re worried about that”
Use Ranged: “Alrighty then just be careful about getting too close to any grenades yeah?”/”Uh should we get your ears checked? I have been blasting them.”
Open inventory: “Don’t worry man I’m used to being Designated Pack Brahmin”[giving him any chem or sugary thing]”You’re a real sweetheart you know that? wait I CAN have this right?”[giving him fixer, cigarettes or alcohol] “......uh thanks...I’m not ungrateful but... uhh... yknow never mind really thank you”
Overburdened: “Buddy I don’t think I’ve got room in my bag or in my pockets to put anything else in unless you’re suggesting we shove it somewhere sun don’t shine”
Stay close: “What? Cold? I’d give you my coat but all my craps in it”
Keep distance: “Aight, just watch you’re ass so I don’t end up blowing your limbs off on accident”
Be Passive: “I’m gentle as a bighorner lamb”
Be Aggressive: “Kay, stay out of the blast radius if you don’t like gore”
Wait here: “Wait? For how long? HEY! FOR HOW LONG?!?!”
Follow me: “Finally! what were you even doing?!”
Sneaking: “Good old fashioned ambush, alright!”
“Let’s travel together”: “Sure, don’t got anything better to do yet”
“Let’s travel together” (already have a companion): “Not that I’m saying you got bad taste in friends but your pal doesn’t seem like the kinda person I like to take trips with, understand?”
Leaving companion at the Lucky 38: “Wait around in an air conditioned room for an undetermined length of time? Hell yeah, go ahead and take your sweet time coming back for me too”
“I wanted to ask you some questions”: “Bout what?”
“Tell me about yourself”: “I...don’t really LIKE talking about myself though...”[speech check] “Aw fine I guess it couldn’t hurt, I was born in a vault out east but I don’t really remember much from it, got kidnapped age 6 by legion and enslaved, escaped legion slavery with one of the other slaves, had a shit time on the run till we met up with his family who turned out to be Jackals that didn’t like me much, got kicked out by the old man’s son eventually, tooled around for a while until I got arrested, and then escaped with the powder gangers to nipton and now I’m here with you”
“What do you think of the NCR?”: “They act like they’re better then the legion but they aren’t, just called slavery a different name, NCRCF was as much a hellhole as the Slave camp I grew up in”
“What do you think of the Legion?”: “I think they’re a bunch of stupid evil cunts who’ve gotten way too lucky so far and are due for an ass kicking. If I could crush Little Caesar and his roman themed raider gang out of existence I fucking would. I grew up in one of their slave camps and the shit they did to me there isn’t something I can ever forgive”
“What do you think of Mister House?”: “That cunt who kicked the Khans outta Vegas? He needs to get out more, specifically pull his head out of his ass, this ain’t the old world and it won’t ever be, playing dressup with the gangs that bent the knee isn’t making anything better for anyone”
“What do you know about Benny?”: “I think he’s one of the casino owners in New Vegas but thats about it”
“What do you know about the platinum chip?”: “Besides what you’ve told me? Sweet fuck all.”
Death: Before his personal quest “...Finally”/After “No no no no not now not after I-”
Trivia and additional information: Yeah I unfortunately don’t have anything I can even try to draw him with so putting a description of him here: He’s a 5′3 albino dude in raider badlands armor with a real loose trenchcoat over it and a prewar bonnet on his head to keep the sun off, and though it wouldn’t show up in game he has sharp ass teeth, I’m talking double canines here. He has anisocoria which along with the albinism makes him sensitive to light. He also has frequent nosebleeds from a multitude of problems such as being dry as the mojave itself because he does not drink enough water in the desert, eating way too much sugar on the rare occasion he does eat of his own volition, high blood pressure from stress, and the occasional punch to the face when he gets into a fight.
You may have noticed the cannibalism up there and yeah he has eaten people before but it isn’t something he likes doing, he was raised for the latter part of his childhood by a hardcore jackal survivalist though so his opinion is essentially “you gotta eat and if it’s all you have then don’t waste it” he wouldn’t risk kuru if he had any other options but a childhood of malnutrition and food insecurity has given him some impulse control problems to put it politely. If you imply do it because you like eating it you will fail the dialogue that gets him to teach you Cornered Animal. He thinks cook-cook is fucked up in general but is especially insane for cooking people when he has other options.
Cannibalism aside he has some problems with disordered eating and general lack of appetite. He’s so used to barely eating he just hardly ever notices hunger at this point. He also has a somewhat hard time eating regular meat but he can’t really afford to be picky. He tries to remember to keep himself fed to prevent,, unfortunate accidents from happening though hes not too good at it.
He’s an actually damn good cook when he’s cooking for other people though, which is one of the things he used to do for his old gang along with making chems and patching people up when needed. He likes the job too! He loves collecting recipes he can feed other people later, I like to think there’d be a dialogue option to give him your bloatfly slider recipe since the player seems to be the only one who makes those in game and in return he gives you his recipe for desert stirfry. Also stealing Cook-cooks fiends stew recipe in his quest.
Unmarked Quest: Straighten up and Fly Right: Help or hinder Cave’s attempts to quit chems by putting any chems available or fixer and optionally bubblegum into his inventory. The fixer being for withdrawal symptoms and bubblegum to help him build up a new habit to replace chems with.
Personal Quest: Why don’t you do right?
Quest Triggers: Walking into Fiend territory, specifically Driver Nephi and Violet’s areas or taking Three card bounty from Major Dhatri. Cave will initiate dialogue and tell the courier that he has friends in the fiends who joined after he got arrested  and sent to NCRCF and his chapter of the Jackals completely fell apart. He’ll have an extra line asking you to try and spare Nephi and Violet if you took Three card bounty.
Quest Description: He’ll tell you about how for a brief time after the death of the old man the leader of their chapter of the Jackals tried to kill him, causing a split in the gang and ending in Cave briefly becoming leader of it. In this time he met and befriended escaped mormon Nephi and one of the few surviving free hangdog tribe members Violet, allowing them to join his gang, that they weren’t originally fiends and probably only joined after his incarceration for their own safety. He’s sure if you just get them away from cook-cook and motor-runner they’ll be able to recover! (like him if you did his unmarked quest)
You can either let him talk to them both, helping him figure out what to say to convince them to leave the fiends and get help, or talk to them yourself with some high speech or medicine checks, and sending them to either the mormon fort or the great khans depending on how hard you want to press for getting violet to quit chems or Nephi to join a faction. Maybe even get Dhatri to get their bounties taken down.
Violet has the easier speech checks, being quickly convinced to abandon the fiends for her dogs safety, or medicine checks to convince her that psycho is affecting her ability to care for her dogs. The have Cave talk to her dialogue is essentially [Speech 50 Just tell her you care about her dumbass]. She can also be convinced along with Nephi to help you deal with Cook-cook and Motor-runner to still get some rewards off Dhatri. After this you can send her and her dogs to one of 3 locations after talking to one of the leaders, The Thorn to train dogs for Red Lucy, Red Rock Canyon to join the Great Khans, or the old mormon fort with Julie to guard the place.
Nephi is the harder to convince of the two, requiring higher speech checks to convince him of your good intentions. He’s just paranoid as shit about getting sucked into another cult after leaving mormonism. you need high as shit medicine or speech to get him to go to the followers or the great khans, though the check for getting him to help you fight cook-cook and motor-runner is comparatively low. The Cave option is actually easier here as Nephi already trusts him. I imagine you’d need 75 in medicine to convince him to get therapy to you know recover from leaving a cult. It’d take 80 speech to get him to join the Great Khans as you need to convince him its nothing like a cult. The lowest check is probably the one that gets him to go to the Thorn where he’d become champion fighter.
After get them to leave the fiends and optionally help you kill Cook-cook and motor runner after theyre dead you can do some optional things, like if queenie and Motor-runners dogs survive the fights you can also send them to any of the options you sent Violet, her dogs and Nephi to, with dialogue heavily implying you just lead the animals into the fort/camp/underground fighting arena handed the leads to someone and left without explaining anything.
Outcomes: Obviously you fail the quest if you kill either violet or nephi and lose Cave as a follower but if you got them to leave the fiends and go somewhere else they’ll be where you sent them, wearing wastelend wanderer outfits if in the fort or khan armor in red rock, keeping the fiend outfits if in the thorn. BoneGnash, Ghashbone and Queenie will also be seen in these places if you sent them there.
He hates basically everything but Independent Vegas lol. I’ve been writing all day so just going to give short summaries instead of trying to write anything that sounds like it could be read aloud by Ron Pearlman
NCR endings: If you don’t help him quit chems or do his personal quest and kill his friends he gets deeper into chems before eventually committing suicide by NCR soldiers. If you help him with his chem problem but don’t do his personal quest or kill Nephi and Violet he dies getting shot down trying to convince them to leave the fiends. If you do both his unmarked and personal quests and sent them to the followers he ends up joining them and getting an actual practicing medical license before getting arrested along with Nephi and Violet when the Followers are pushed out of Vegas. If Nephi and Violet joined the Khans he goes with them to Idaho. For the Thorn they just stay there laying low, fighting in matches waiting for the NCR to find them.
Caesar’s Legion endings: No matter what you did for him before he tries to kill you if you let the Legion take vegas
House endings: If you don’t do either of his quests he joins the fiends attack on Camp Mccarran and dies fighting a securitron. If you help him but not his friends he goes to Freeside after they die to securitrons alongside the Kings. If you help him and his friends out and sent them to the fort he becomes a legit doctor and doesn’t get arrested by the NCR though he isn’t quite happy under House’s rule. If with the Great Khans he either goes with them for their last stand at the Dam or follows them to Wyoming, living a decently happy life where he doesn’t have to deal with house running things. In the Thorn he becomes a Champion fighter alongside Nephi eventually taking over with Violet when she expresses dissatisfaction with how Red Lucy treats her dogs
Independent Vegas: Doing neither of his quests causes him to follow Violet and Nephi there taking over the camp even if Motor-runner is dead, becoming their designated chem guy before eventually dieing of an overdose. If he successfully quits chems but his personal quest isn’t done he ends up joining the Kings, spending most of his free time outside of that trying to get Violet and Nephi to come to freeside to. Both quests complete and his friends are at the Thorn you get the same ending as House basically. If they’re with the followers he ends up dragging Nephi and Violet through a crash course on medicine and getting them to help the Followers with him and is unbothered by the influx of patients mostly happy neither the NCR or Legion won. He still leaves with the Khans if thats where Nephi and Violet are.
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meatcrimes · 3 years
so i finally finished The Frontier. here’s my final thoughts:
new vegas runs so much faster and smoother since uninstalling the frontier and all related hotfixes
i will say one positive thing about this mod and it’s the sheer variety of different items in the world. not just the guns, but the consumables, workbench & campfire recipes, combining consumables to make healing items that are on par with the wasteland omelette or fiend stew.
i know this mod was being developed before fallout 4 was released but this would have been so much better, from a technical standpoint and from a story standpoint, if this were a fallout 4 mod. if this was essentially a Where Are They Now mod that explored what the ncr/legion/bos did following the second battle of hoover dam, this would have been a better story. for example, legate valerius becoming the next Caesar after the deaths of Edward Sallow and Legate Lanius and how the changes he implemented made the legion almost unrecognizable
speaking of legion, i played the legion quest line and most of the crusaders quest line so these are all opinions from that perspective
the de-fanging of the legion was disappointing. i wanted to play with the villain faction, or at least a morally gray faction who is no better than the other choices. the legion could still be evil even with the “liberal” valerius in charge. the ending where the northern legion abolished slavery, gave women equal rights and power, and allowed modern technology was disappointing because they were clearly trying to remove a lot of what made the legion evil in the first place. a “liberal” legion that, for example, uses slavery as a punishment for crimes that you’re freed from when your sentence is up, is still evil and still villainous
or a legion that allowed women to have limited roles as priestesses, doctors and frumentaria (which i hc that the mainland legion is already doing but wtvr). that could have been what the “liberal” new caesar has done while still maintaining the legion’s misogyny
SPEAKING OF WHICH. legate valerius had an epiphany and supported women’s equality when his daughters were born which is unintentionally hilarious because that’s how a lot of real life men start caring about women’s issues
the mission where you have to kill a slaver and when you get to her you find she’s already been captured by other slavers. and how that was the end of the quest. and you lost karma for killing her or setting her free. there’s a lot to unpack here but let’s just set the whole suitcase on fire
also the indigenous coded tribe that was wiped out by an STD. yeah. not over that
and the Followers doctor who knowingly gave the courier a blood transfusion from someone with syphilis
the other followers doctor, Welick, who blamed all of his problems in life on arcade gannon
(from subtext we can gather that Arcade exposed illegal/unethical things Welick was doing and the reason everyone “had arcade fever” was just them acknowledging that Welick was wrong. and the reason he “left” the followers is that he was actually kicked out. welick is an unreliable narrator but i’m willing to bet 35 bottle caps and a wrinkly $5 NCR bill that most of the players did not pick up on that)
scrapz my beloved ❤️
seriously scrapz was the highlight of this mod. you know that post that’s like “when you know you can do a canon character better so you just steal them and make them your oc”? that’s what i wanna do with scrapz. he deserved a better mod
also… the fact that we can flirt with scrapz with a black widow check (and i think confirmed bachelor too but i am not replaying this mod in order to see) and he openly admits to being horny on main for humans (paraphrased, but honestly tell me that doesn’t sound like a real line from this mod) and yet we can’t have sex with him!??
he clearly has advanced enough AI to give him the ability to consent, since he leaves the player if you get too far in the crusaders quest line (and i assume ncr too but once again. not replaying to check). we can fuck the chem-obsessed Argonian queen. we can fuck a deathclaw. but we can’t fuck a robot despite being able to have sex with FISTO in the base game
the entire Dr Voss quest. i’m still not sure what that was. it’s just a blur of blood sewers, finding keys, and increasingly incomprehensible notes
when callidus revealed AJ was his sister and he didn’t want you to kill her but capture her and reunite them. and then i killed her anyway because it’s what she would have wanted, between death and the legion
“you prevented silus from being interrogated” x103
the weird romance-but-not between legate valerius and the courier. like he lets you sleep in his bed for a well rested bonus, his personal quest is called I Was Made For Loving You, his weird protectiveness of the courier, and of course that unintentionally erotic interrogation scene. and near the beginning i swear there was dialogue with him that was like “you were out cold for days, but I never left your side. it looked like you weren’t going to pull through, but I ordered my men to spare no expense to ensure you recovered. i tended to most of your wounds myself, working late into the night to set your broken bones and repair your torn ligaments” etc etc you get the point
the NCR commander named Tiberius Rancor who no one suspected was a legion plant
the radioactive super mutants that had a melee weapon called Kitchen Sink and it literally was a whole entire kitchen sink ripped from a building. and the courier couldn’t use it
the repair tool for the cars in the game but when you used it, it kept giving you the achievement for knocking down enemies so it was basically a source of infinite xp
the fucking space enclave. the enclave, in space. they never were defeated by the chosen one or the lone wanderer, they just fled to outer fucking space for some reason
the cannibal ice ghouls with 3500 hit points. you know what i mean. the fact that this mod was set way too far south to be seeing them, and basically did nothing accurate to the mythology at all except that they were cannibals, and didn’t even pluralize the word correctly. i understand this was probably inspired by fallout 76 but 76 should not have had those creatures either
in conclusion: i was determined to finish this mod and i’m glad i can say i did, but was it worth it? was it really worth it? no
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
Introducing My Fallout OCs!
OMGGGG y’all, I can’t. I’ve apparently reached over 200 of you fantabulous followers and I am so ecstatic! I honestly don’t even know if this is considered a milestone or anything, but I was super psyched, so I'm doing something about it, dang it!
Also, just a heads up on me right now, I just started school again, so my posting miiiiiiight be a bit sporadic every now and then, but I’m determined to still try and get a few posts out every week, so we’ll see how that goes. I’m also pretty backed up on requests at the moment, I’m still accepting them for the time being, but I may turn off my asks if I’m finding difficulty getting to everyone.  
Anyways, I know I don’t ever really talk about my Fallout Original Characters, but I’m thinking of doing some stuff with them in the future, so this seemed like a good place to start  🤷‍♀️ So, here they are! One from each of the 3 FO games I write for. If ya’ll want to send in any asks about these folks, please feel free to do so! 
(Art for these peeps is pending potentially as well).
My Lone Wanderer: Hope
- Basically like a black-haired, blue eyed Sarah Connor (y’know, from Terminator), she’s got a small frame, but is an absolute beast. She loves to change up her hair, but prefers the iron maiden, unladylike, or rude ridge styles and will often dye it bright-ass colors, cuz why not? She’s pretty pale considering the vault background and the fact she is constantly wearing full body combat or leather armor when she’s outdoors, and she has a few piercings she actually got before leaving the vault. 
What’s in a Name: 
- ���Hope” was the name that her parents chose for her before she was even born, but she can’t stand it, she just tends to see it as a cruel joke in the world they live in. She instead goes by Effie (short for Ephialtes, cuz she’s edgy and dramatic and read too much in school). Hope tends not to tell anyone her real name, and if she does, you’d best not use it to refer to her, unless you like being enslaved. The only one who could ever get away with it is Jericho and a select few people from the vault (Stanley, and her father, but she’s still not happy about it.)
- Pansexual
Main Companion: 
- Jericho
- She has a sort of “friends with benefits” type situation going with Jericho, but it ends up getting... complicated, and turning somewhat into a relationship.
- Even though he’s her boss, Hope likes to hang out with Eulogy when she’s in Paradise Falls. When she was in the vault, she spent a lot of time with Stanley, and was pretty close with Butch, Wally, and Paul as well. 
Fam Dam: 
- James and Catherine are/were her parents (obviously). But she also considered Stanley to be a sort of uncle to her. 
- Oh, the worst. She’s honestly awful. She steals, she murders, she enslaves, she blows up settlements, all of it. She’s got a lot of things she needs to work out...
Faction of Choice: 
- The Slavers of Paradise Falls. (Yeah... she sucks.) The Brotherhood and the Outcasts just never really struck her fancy, and her and Jericho found it was easy to make bank with the slavers. Hope also is a friend to Allistair Tenpenny and Mister Burke... and not the folks in Megaton. Cuz they’re all not really alive.
Vault Occupation: 
- Engineer
Fun Fact!:  
- Hope is really bad with empathy, and absolutely needs to experience something for herself before she can make any sort of judgement on it, or other people who have had that same experience.
My Courier Six: Sage
- Sage doesn’t really consider herself very “flashy” in comparison to most folks in NV. She’s got shoulder length brown hair (blast back or clean cut style) and brownish-hazel eyes. She’s pretty damn tan (Mojave, you know) and doesn’t have many scars, but the ones on the right side of her forehead clearly indicate where she was shot in the head (thanks, Benny). She and Boone tend to twin quite a bit, with matching red berets and sunglasses.
What’s in a Name: 
- The poor girl has no clue what her real name was before she was shot, but she saw a box of labelled herbs in Doc Mitchell’s house when she was recovering from her headwounds and decided she liked the name “Sage.”
- Bisexual
Main Companion: 
- Craig Boone
- Also Boone :) it’s a pretty darn slow-burn romance with lots of bumps along the way, but their love always seems to prevail. (Gross and sappy, I know)
- Arcade, plus Rex, and ED-E. Also Victor and Doc Mitchell.
Fam Dam: 
- No clue, unfortunately. She eventually tries to find out something about her past and her family, if she has any, but she’s got a few things to deal with first (hint, one rhymes with pleaser’s fleegion).
- She may make mistakes along the way, but Sage really does try her best to be as good as possible. 
Faction of Choice: 
- Mr. House and the Followers of the Apocalypse. Would like to get rid of House, but can't bring herself to become responsible for everything once he's gone. She considers herself his personal empathy and tries to assist with the goings on of the Mojave even after the battle of hoover dam. Fucking wiped out everyone in the Legion. Her and Boone are a force to be reckoned with. And she never really cared much for the Brotherhood since she had such little interaction with them. She has a good relationship with Freeside and most of the settlements/other towns as well.
Previous Occupation: 
- Courier? She has no idea what else. But she’s oddly really good with medicine 🤔
Fun Fact!: 
- She supports Mr. House for a number of reasons, but one of the biggest is that she doesn't want to lose Victor. He saved her, and she considers the securitron to be her oldest friend (besides Doc Mitchell). She knows it's a little selfish, but she can't bring herself to put an end to him after he pulled her from her own grave and helped bring her back from the brink of death.
My Sole Survivor: Jolene Arvanidis-Ryan
- She’s got auburn hair she usually keeps cut short (clean cut) or in a bun, green eyes, pale skin with a good amount of freckles and has exceptionally straight teeth (braces suck, but you know.) When traveling with Cait, people tend to think they’re related. Jolene tends to wear a black beret and, if she has the time and resources, she likes cat eye style eyeliner. 
What’s in a Name: 
- Her first name runs in the family... plus her dad really liked Dolly Parton, so that helped cement the first name for him. Nate’s last name was Arvanidis, and she tends to use that as her last name exclusively, she rarely reveals her maiden name (Ryan) to anyone. 
- Straight
Main Companion: 
- Paladin Danse
- It takes a long time (post BB), but she ends up being with Danse. 
- MacCready and Cait
Fam Dam:  
- Pre-war, her father was a carpenter and her mother was a major in the US military, she had no siblings and was very close with her father since her mom was often away on deployment. 
- Decent. Tries her best to do what’s “right,” but she sometimes has a hard time determining what that is. Is good at following orders, even if she doesn’t always agree with them (BB is the exception in this case).
Faction of Choice: 
- Brotherhood of Steel, at least until BB, then she tends to focus more on the Minutemen, but still stays by the BOS’s side when it comes to taking down the Institute. Despite her loyalty to the BOS, she always regrets what she did to the Railroad, and how she ended things with the Institute, and she holds quite a bit of resentment towards Elder Maxson for ordering her to pull the trigger that ended her son’s life, and the other lives within the Institute. 
Previous Occupation (Pre-War): 
- She was a Gunnery Sergeant in the US Military. (Trying to follow in her mother’s footsteps).
Fun Fact!: 
- She hates killing feral ghouls, but keeps it under wraps since she tends to travel with MacCready and Danse the most. After that random encounter where she found herself murdering her own neighbors, she can’t bring herself to look into the eyes of any feral ghouls she has to kill. 
Bonus! Fun Fact!:  
- She started out as my sort of "throw away" playthrough where I wanted to do a BOS run, just out of curiosity, but she ended up being my main playthrough… probably because Danse is just the best and I can't get enough of that tin can thesaur-ass.
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serganttoaster · 3 years
Tell me every minute detail about your ocs 👇
Under the cut. Sorry it’s so much- you said ‘every’ so I included every neccessary thing but their backstories
some aspects with my Legion OC’s are in accordance to my interpretation of lore, which is *one* reason why Cassius and Varius are pretty young compared to what their ranks might be if they had it “normal”
Addax No-Name
Full name: Addax No-Name
Nicknames: Dax
S.7 P.5 E.5 C.6 I.4 A.3 L.8
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Human (Hispanic)
Age (in 2281): 43
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Skin: Very tan
Height: 6′4
Marital status: single
Sexuality: pan (but mostly attracted to women)
Family: unnamed parents (cuz I’m lazy) - deceased
Faction + occupation: Besides being a Mojave Express courier, none- he’s working with Yes Man to take over New Vegas
Karma: Very good
Quote: “The Legion and NCR ain’t gunna do it right- and you [Mr. House]? Well, maybe everyone would learn to respect you more if you didn’t just chill in this tower all day. Besides, you should WALK among people sometimes if you want to be a good leader. I’ll show the Mojave Wasteland what a true leader uses his power for, and what’s that you ask? The benefit of everybody.” -right before he discovers what Mr. House has actually done to himself
Apollo Days
Full name: Apollo Rowell Days
Nicknames: A.D. (by me and his CO’s/other officers), Paulie (by Clyde), Pol (by family), Pol-o (by Laska Pechman) (pronounced Pauloh)
S.4 P.9 E.5 C.6 I.5 A.2 (used to be 7) L.4
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Human (Caucasian)
Age (in 2281): 32
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Dark brown
Skin: olive
Height: 5′10
Sexuality: straight
Marital status: married (to Clyde)
Family: Rowan Days - mother, deceased. Glen Days - father, deceased. Clydellia Days - wife
Faction: NCR
Occupation: NCR Army, first lieutenant
Karma: Good
Also I should mention he’s crippled
Clydellia “Clyde” Days
Full name: Clydellia Edith Days (nee Weston)
Nicknames: Clyde, which she always goes by
S.6 P.7 E.4 C.6 I.7 A.8 L.5
Gender: Female (she/her)
Race: Human (Caucasian)
Age (in 2281): 30
Hair: brown-auburn
Eyes: blue
Skin: fair
Height: 5′7
Sexuality: heteroflexible
Marital status: married
Family: Woodrow Weston - father, deceased. Aleta Weston - mother, deceased. Lolicia Weston - sister. Apollo Days - husband. Glen Days - father in-law, deceased. Rowan Days - mother in-law, deceased 
Faction: NCR 
Occupation: NCR Ranger
Karma: Good
Laska Pechman
Full name: Lasa Shiloh Pechman
Nicknames: Shorty (by Daryll, Apollo, and Clyde)
S.5 P.7 E.6 C.6 I.5 A.4 L.4
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Human (Caucasian)
Age (in 2281): 30
Hair: blonde
Eyes: hazel
Skin: pale
Height: 5′7
Sexuality: heteroflexible
Marital status: taken
Family: He has an older brother and parents whose names I forgot
Faction: NCR
Occuption: Drill sergeant (SGM)
Karma: Neutral
Daryll Acker
Full name: Daryll Maverick Acker 
Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Human (mixed race)
Age (in 2281): 35
Hair: chocolate brown
Eyes: dark brown
Skin: dark
Height: 5′11
Sexuality: bi probably
Marital status: single
Family: Iris Lockwood - sister, Corbin Lockwood - brother in-law
Faction: NCR
Occupation NCR Major
Karma: Neutral
Full name: Cassius, formerly Hollow Shades
Nicknames: Cas (my friend haha)
Gender: male (He/him)
Race: Human (Caucasian)
Age: 21
Hair: Gray (brown when he was younger)
Eyes: charteruse
Skin: fair, tanned from sun
Height: 5′4
Sexuality: ace
Marital status: single
Family: Relly Masson- sister, Falling Rain - father, Flowering Tree - mother
Faction: Caesar’s Legion
Occupation: Frumentarius
Karma: Neutral
Varius Euthymius
Full name: Varius Euthymius
Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Human (mixed race)
Age: 20
Hair: brown
Eyes: gray
Skin: tan
Height: 6′5
Sexuality: Totally not bi *nervous laugh*
Marital status: married (after the events of New Vegas)
Family: Aemilius Euthymius- father, Claudia - mother, Nola - sister, Junia - sister, he’s also a descendant of the Kaibab tribe
Faction: Caesar’s Legion
Occupation: decanus
Karma: Neutral
other stuff:
“The Gang” is Laska, Apollo, Clyde, and Daryll
Cassius is a former tribal, while Varius was born in the Legion
Somehow they all have SOME sort of connection in one way or another
Addax lived in Arroyo with the Chosen One for 6 years of his life (he wasn’t born tribal though) and he recognized the crashed highwayman near Novac
Since the gang and Varius and Cassius are from different factions, they don’t know each other, and vice versa
However Addax DOES meet them in the Mojave
I have two AUs with them:
The Adventures of Addax and Cassius (Addax came up with the name)- no explanation really needed here
and then the one where they’re (these characters, my minor OC’s, and other player characters) all like an extended family- anything where, say Addax, Cal, and Sora (Sole Survivor) are talking to each other is probably “canon” in that
That’s it I guess- I’m kind of rewriting some parts of their backstories so I’ll try to get them down sometime.
but yeah those are my main Fallout OCs
there’s also Cassius’ sister but I don’t know how often I’ll talk about her even though she is kind of important- storywise at least
also I forgot to add some of their special stats so I’ll do that later ig
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fallout-lou-begas · 4 years
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Elevated Extras: Ranger Ghost Companion
You a Courier? If so, this might be your lucky day...if you don't mind walking a bit and your eyes are good. 
(Original sketch by @tarberrymentats / based on the OC Companion Meme by @falloutfandomeventhub / if you borrow this concept please tag it as #fallout elevated extras)
Name: Ranger Ghost
Location: Mojave Outpost
How to obtain: Complete the sidequest “Keep Your Eyes on the Prize,” then begin the sidequest “Giving Up the Ghost” to get her reassigned from the Mojave Outpost. Once freed of her assignment, she can travel with the Courier to monitor Legion activity throughout the Mojave.
Companion Quest: “Giving Up the Ghost.”
Ranger Ghost, like everyone else, is sick and tired of being stuck at the Mojave Outpost. Unfortunately, orders are orders. With the courier’s help, though, she just might be able to come down from that rooftop, but dealing with NCR bureaucracy might be a worse ordeal than Legion crucifixion.
Companion Wheel
I think we should travel together. You probably can’t tell, but that’d make me very happy. Let’s get the hell out of here.
Let’s talk about your tactics. Sure. Lecture the ranger on tactics. Go ahead. / What’re you thinking?
I want you to change your combat style. (humoring) Alright. / If you insist.
Use a melee weapon. Close combat, then. / Sure. We can hold their hands and tuck them in while we’re at it. / (Wild Wasteland Enabled) Try to remember the basics of CQC.
Use a ranged weapon. (stating the obvious) It’s what I do. / You going to spot for me? / (deeply sarcastic) Aww. Finally remembered I’m a ranger?
Be passive. Sure, give peace a chance. / Don’t go pacifist on me, now.
Be aggressive: Locked and loaded. / (mocking the company line) Right, and with “extreme prejudice.”
Enough about tactics. Agreed. Anything else? / Are we good, then?
Let’s talk about how close you’re following me. Is there a problem? / What are you...implying, exactly?
Wait here. Right. Things to do, places to be? / Holding down here. / I’ll keep watch here.
Follow me. Let’s roll out. / Finally. Don’t like waiting. / Right. Skip to my fucking lou.
Stay close to me. (sternly cautious) Define “close.” / Got it, on you. / Just don’t bump my gun.
Keep your distance. Positioning, got it. / Yeah, covering you. / (facetious concern) Don’t get lost, now.
Let’s trade equipment. Don’t get fucking handsy, now. / Just don’t hog the ammo.
(Overburdened). I’m not your fucking pack brahmin. / (exasperated) I’ve only got so many pockets.
(Sneaking). Staying low. / (wryly imperative) Quiet, now.
(In Courier’s iron sights). What the fuck is wrong with you? / (slowly, emphasizing) Watch your trigger discipline. / Don’t make me take that away.
(Courier lays mine). I’ve got my eyes on that. / You’d better have a plan for that.
It’s time for us to part ways. It’s because i’m a bitch, isn’t it. / Such sweet fucking sorrow, I bet.
I’d like you to go to the Lucky 38. Hm. Sending the Ghost to the haunted house. See you there. I’ll try not to spook the Securitrons.
We can meet again at the Mojave Outpost. (sucks teeth) Guess I’ll report what I’ve got back to headquarters. Hopefully by now they’ve got someone else watching the brahmins shit full-time.
Injured: (seething) SSShhit. / Didn’t want it like this. / (with conviction) I didn’t get off that roof just to fucking bite it.
Damaged Limb: (shout of pain) Fucker clipped me! / Sure could use a fucking medic.
Regaining Consciousness: What...what the hell happened? / (trailing off) Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck...
Death: (death rattle) / (weakly) Ghosts...can die, huh...ha...
Aggression: Aggressive.
Confidence: Brave.
Assistance: Helps friends and allies.
Karma: Neutral.
Ghost of a Chance: When Ranger Ghost is by your side, so are the odds. In addition to gaining an extra 3% chance to critically hit, any single attack that would kill you may instead leave you just barely alive and invulnerable for a brief moment..
Drops, if killed
Ranger Vest Outfit
Ranger Grey Hat
Authority Glasses
Cowboy Repeater
Combat Knife
Iguana Bits
Grognak the Barbarian
Dialogue, Quest Details, and Ending Slides:
Why do they call you Ghost? What, don’t I scare you? Boo? Nothing? (beat) Well, if you gotta know, it stuck pretty quick back in basic. Not like there were many other albinos in boot camp. The all-white spooky bitch who shoots better at night? Yeah, that’s a ghost, alright. Pissed me off at first, but I came around when it started giving privates the heebie-jeebies. Just a little kick, is all.
What’s an albino? Albinism is a pigment disorder. You know, the color of your skin and hair? As in I don’t have color. Pale as a sheet.
[Medicine 35] A sharpshooter with albinism? Isn’t your vision affected? Done your homework, huh? Well, these big, bad sunglasses aren’t just for intimidation, doc. They only come off when I sleep. Sucks enough being photosensitive in the goddamn desert, but like I said. I’m a lot better at night.
What’s your real name? (the thousandth time she’s answered this exact question) If I told you that, I’d have to kill you.
Aw, come on. Curiosity killed the courier. Don’t push it.
[Speech 40] I’m just trying to understand my partner better. Then “understand” that I don’t owe you shit except loyalty. Just call me Ghost, and you’ll get that.
[Cherchez La Femme] Surely you’ve got a name to match that lovely personality. (flustered) Are you d-...I-...Yeah, I do.But you can just keep calling me Ghost. (quietly) For...for now.
What’s the deal with Ranger Jackson? Man hasn’t got a thought in his fucking head...which is why he’s such a good C.O., from the top down. He’s a nice enough guy on a good day. He’s...principled, for sure. But the man wouldn’t budge on an order from brass if it’d save his life. Stranded caravaneers get so bored and restless because of the impasse he’s overseeing that he’s started (excessive emphasis) “hiring” the rowdier ones for odd jobs off the grounds, which is why we’ve been “losing” supplies for a while. Gets shit done, I guess, but wish he’d show half that drive when bitching to HQ, but no. They tell him to sit tight, he says yes sir, and then he takes it out on us when we get frustrated at the frustrating bullshit.
Do you know Major Knight? (standoffish) Yeah. Good guy. Known him a while. Hell, he’s been at M.O. longer than I have.
What does he do? Repairs, mostly. With all the caravans backed up, we sort of have a monopoly on maintenance and upkeep. And believe me, he does damn fine work.
[Confirmed Bachelor] Is he...you know…? Is he...oh. Between you and me? Yeah. He and I are...alike. I mean, I’m the bitch everybody hates, so I don’t really give a shit, but beneath that…(thinking how best to describe him, ribbing him a bit)...accountant exterior of his, he’s really the soft, sensitive type. Needs someone to talk to sometimes. I’m that someone, sometimes, but if you get the chance...it’d do him good just to know he’s not that alone out here.
How can I best use your skills? Hard to find a way that’d be worse than all the wasted time at M.O., but I’ll make it easy for you: give me a target and let me shoot it. If it’s too close to shoot, I’m trained in hand-to-hand, and if it’s too far to shoot, it’ll never see me coming. Standard repertoire for a ranger.
What’s your opinion on the NCR? High enough to keep me enlisted, low enough to where I’ve got plenty to mock. We’re a good country, a damn good country. We’re the only real country actually left in the West. We’d be the best thing to ever crawl out of the bombed-out ruins of this war if it weren’t for all the bureaucratic bullshit, and the brass getting duller the higher you go. It’s all just song and dance and sloganeering to them out here. Whatever looks good on paper. They don’t give a shit what really happens to people out here, and if Caesar doesn’t kill us, that might. At least on the inside.
What’s it like being a ranger? Ranger training is the best, most brutal gauntlet this side of the Colorado. Hours and hours of days and days spent shooting, drilling, fighting, bringing the body to its breaking points, pouring blood and sweat just to get an inch past the wide-eye hopefuls who were always going to just wash out...and all of it just to stand on a fucking rooftop staring at ants and malnourished raiders on the interstate. I swear, if you gave headquarters a golden egg, they’d fucking cook it.
Were you at the battle of Hoover Dam? Was going to be, but believe it or not, I sat out sick. Got the fucking flu right before and was stuck at McCarran the whole time, half-lucid. Let me tell you, the whole tent of coughs and sneezes crowding around that radio, listening to the reports...when Hanlon ordered that retreat out of Boulder City, we were grabbing our rifles and getting ready to march out on foot, even if we could barely stand. We thought that was it. Of course, it wasn’t, and we cheered so loud when they radioed about the explosion that I hope Caesar damn well heard it.
Do you wish that you had been there? Of course I do. If I miss the next one because I’m stuck at the Outpost or some shit, I’m deserting with a dozen fed-up caravaneers to flank his fucking fort myself, if only for some goddamn excitement.
How do you feel about the Legion? Love ‘em. Joined the NCR because I just wanted to meet them that bad. Their new Legate’s such a heartthrob, I hear.
You’re not serious. (sucks teeth, deep sigh) Look. You saw Nipton. It was just a taste of what they do. I’ve seen good men die on crosses, and that’s a mercy compared to the good women. I hear when women sign up now, they get about five extra “are you sures?” from recruiters. Not officially, of course. Brass would never let people back home know how bad it is. But it’s just another thing that makes me glad I’m a sniper, sometimes. Engage at range. Out of reach.
What about Legion society? Do you know anything about life across the river? There’s nothing across that river. Nothing. (beat, pondering) Do you remember the Enclave War? Bitter, bloody, big explosion at Navarro? And the Brotherhood campaign out here? Even worse of a shitshow, but still, we won that out, too. But the Enclave and the Brotherhood at least stood for something. They were societies, or at least promises of one, and if things had shaken out the other way for the NCR at least something would still be standing here. The Legion isn’t like that. They aren’t “something.” They’re one big razor across Arizona, shaving everything down. And if we don’t stop them here, we never will.
What about their Legate? (with contempt) Lanius, “The Monster of the East.” Caesar must’ve plucked him out of hell or something after his first legate blew it at Hoover Dam. Word from recon is that the only reason we’re all still twiddling our thumbs there is that he’s out making friends for Caesar someplace, and he’ll be bringing them all back for a whole ‘nother goddamn jamboree soon. (tension broken by a funny thought; spoken dryly) Or should I say a Damboree. Since it’d be at the Dam.
Do you know anything about Mr. House? No. Closest I’ve ever been to the Strip has been McCarran, where I was too proud to get wasted on expensive booze in the casinos. As punishment, I got stuck with nothing to do but get shitfaced on cheap booze at the outpost. All I know is Mr. House runs the whole Strip himself, and there’s one casino, the Lucky 36 or something, that’s supposed to be all his. No one’s allowed in, no one’s ever come out. Frankly? Just strikes me as fucking weird.
Companion Quest: Giving Up the Ghost
After completing the sidequest “Eyes On the Prize” (in which the Courier checks Nipton for survivors), Ghost will remark that the Mojave’s going to hell, and all she can do is sit and watch. The Courier will reply that she ought to stop watching and travel with them, to which she’ll respond that her orders are absolute—but if the courier can change her orders somehow, she’d be indebted. The quest then begins.
= = = Stage 1: Deal with Jackson = = =
First, the Courier must speak to Ranger Jackson and convince him to consider Ghost’s reassignment. They can do this through the following dialogue options:
[Speech 80] This outpost is just waiting to be overrun by Legion. You’ll be the next Nipton unless you’re proactive.
[Speech 55; completed “Can’t You Find It In Your Heart” beforehand] Maybe I could tell your superiors about where I “found” these “lost” supplies, then.
[Barter 80] Ghost is an exceptional asset to the rangers. Stationing her here is a waste of valuable NCR resources.
[NCR Fame] There’s work to be done for the NCR out there, and Ghost is who I trust to do it with me.
[Black Widow] I’ve ways of making men come around...especially handsome men in uniform. (The Courier must then sleep with Ranger Jackson)
Note that the Courier can not simply complete the quest “Can’t You Find It In Your Heart?” as a favor to Jackson for Ghost’s reassignment. While he’ll let a caravaneer go, it’ll take more than clearing some ants from the road to get him to compromise his standing force and let go of a ranger. 
Alternatively, Jackson’s death will advance the quest.
Kill Jackson. Similar to Cass’ companion quest, Jackson can simply be killed. However, Ghost is far less sympathetic to this course of action and will confront the Courier over the murder. If Jackson is simply killed, the Courier will either need a convincing alibi [Speech 90] to argue that they weren’t responsible or admit to the murder. If the Courier fails the Speech check or admits to the murder, Ghost will turn hostile (“Maybe you didn’t fucking think this through, but do you know what we call someone who kills an NCR ranger? An enemy of the NCR rangers. Now, eat shit.”). Alternatively, the Courier can intimidate Ghost into silence with a [Terrifying Presence] option, after which a shaken but seething Ghost will simply ask the Courier to leave the outpost and never come back. Passing the Speech check is the way to not fail the quest from this option.
Kill Jackson and frame Cass. If the Courier kills Jackson themself, attempting to loot Jackson’s body will trigger a message suggesting that they could frame Cass for the murder by splashing whiskey on the body (so long as Cass is not currently the player’s companion and is currently at the Mojave Outpost, not the Lucky 38). By adding a whiskey bottle to Jackson’s body without themself or the body being discovered in the meantime, they can successfully implicate Cass for the murder, and explain as much to Ghost. She’ll buy it, since Cass was one of the most frustrated residents of the outpost and was drunk almost all the time. Cass will then disappear from the game, and if Lacey, Major Knight, or Ghost (if the Courier left the outpost before speaking to her again) are asked, they will explain that Cass was arrested by the NCR.
Have someone else kill Jackson. A desperate, fed-up caravaneer named Paul by the brahmin pens is willing to kill Jackson for 5,500 caps. This price can be negotiated down to 4,000 with a [Barter 60] check, and 3,500 with [Barter 75]. At midnight that night, Paul will attempt to sneakily kill Jackson. Alternatively, Paul can be incensed into attacking Jackson immediately and for free with a [Hot Blooded] trait check. In either case, though, there is no guarantee that Paul will succeed, and if Paul is killed then the Courier must advance the quest another way (though they can loot their spent caps from Paul’s body). When spoken to afterwards, Ghost will remark that she saw the Courier speaking to Paul and ask if they had anything to do with it. By passing a [Speech 50] check, the Courier can convincingly lie that they were trying to talk him out of it. With either the [Black Widow] or [Cherchez la Femme] perks, the Courier can lie and say that Paul very foolishly did it to try to impress them. With [Low Intelligence] the Courier can earnestly say that they thought “taking care” of Jackson meant doing something nice for him.
Somehow allow Jackson to die. If Jackson just somehow dies in an unaccounted way, such as from a spawned-in deathclaw eviscerating him in his own office, Ghost will remark on the strangeness of the situation but won’t blame the Courier. This is a failsafe option to prevent quest breakage.
= = = Stage 2: Find a Replacement = = =
If Jackson is alive, he’ll agree with the Courier that he ought to let Ghost go, but he’s still under orders to maintain a standing force at Mojave—a standing force which includes a highly trained sniper. If Jackson has been killed, Ghost will mention that Major Knight is next in command and would be glad to give her clearance, but that he won’t be able to do so without a replacement sniper, either. Either way, the Courier is tasked with finding a suitable replacement. The Courier can ask her for advice:
Who should I look for to be your replacement? They have to be NCR, obviously. Ex-NCR might work, too, so long as they’re in good standing. Any Dick or Jane off the road is a no-go, since brass put the kibosh on officially contracting mercenaries. Oh, and anyone you get would have to be well-trained. Not necessarily a ranger, but good enough to replace one, even for a sit-on-the-shitter job like this. Only the best and brightest get to stare at this fucking road all day, apparently.
Where should I look for your replacement? If you checked out some of the ranger stations around the Mojave, they might be able to move some people around. Hell, take it all the way to McCarran if you want, or with Hanlon. If you’re going to give them shit on my behalf, by all means, go nuts. A lot of higher-ups can be greased with enough favors, anyway. Whoever you get just needs the right credentials. Legion attacks get dragged asses and twiddled thumbs, sure, but bad paperwork would set a goddamn fire at headquarters.
The following characters can be recruited as the Mojave Outpost’s new watch:
A generic ranger. By speaking to the commanding officers of at least three of the NCR ranger camps across the Mojave with sufficient [NCR Fame], the Courier can speak to Chief Hanlon to arrange for Ghost’s replacement with a generic ranger. This option is impossible if “Return to Sender” has already been completed.
Craig Boone. If the Courier has completed “I Forgot to Remember to Forget” in a way that makes Boone repentant over his past, he can be persuaded to take over Ghost’s position as a good way to put his skills to use. Otherwise, he will refuse, either preferring to stay in Novac where he lived with Carla or not wanting to be stuck as a watchman again when he could be out killing Legionnaires. If selected, Boone’s home marker will change from Novac to the Mojave Outpost.
Manny Vargas. Novac’s other sniper can be convinced to take up Ghost’s post, but only if the Courier has completed “One For My Baby,” “Come Fly With Me,” and eradicated the Legion presence from Nelson. Once convinced that Novac seems safe, for now, he’ll be willing to reenlist if paid a generous salary. The Courier can either pay Manny 5,000 caps to reenlist now, pass a [Barter 65] check to explain that it’s a provisional reenlistment and reduce their bribe to 3,000, or if the Courier has already passed the [Confirmed Bachelor] check in dialogue with Knight, they can tell Manny about the cute little major sitting behind the desk all day there by his lonesome. Once convinced, Manny will relocate to the Mojave Outpost and take Ghost’s place.
Bryce Anders. This keen-eyed ranger can be recruited to Ghost’s position if he is rescued from the Vault 3 Fiends by the Courier. Once spoken with in Camp McCarran, the Courier can explain that the Mojave Outpost needs a new ranger stationed there. He will defer to Colonel Hsu’s authority on reassignments, and with a successful [Speech 60], [Medicine 40], or [NCR Fame] check, Hsu will agree to the reassignment on the grounds that it’s a useful position still sedentary enough to not complicate the ranger’s recovery.
Little Buster. The listless bounty hunter at Camp McCarran is looking for another career path and would be willing to take over Ghost’s do-nothing position. However, the only way to recruit him is to fabricate both credentials and enlistment records by either stealing personnel files from either Colonel Hsu’s office at Camp McCarran or from the filing cabinets at Camp Golf, or speaking to Daniel Contreras, who “knows a guy” who’ll take care of it if the Courier has already acquired access to Contreras' expanded inventory by siding with him in the unmarked quest “Dealing with Contreras.”
Private Halford. The sole survivor of Camp Guardian mentions that he wants to head back home through Mojave Outpost after being rescued from the mirelurk caves, at which point the Courier can mention no one is allowed to leave through there, and ask if he’d like to take Ghost’s position there instead. At first he’ll refuse, but with a [Speech 45] or [NCR Fame] check he can be convinced that a quiet, do-nothing watch assignment would be a lot better than anything else after what happened at Camp Guardian, to which he’ll agree. He will also relocate to the Mojave Outpost after being freed anyway, getting stuck like everyone else so that the speech check can be re-attempted. However, Halford isn’t considered well-trained enough for a ranger’s job. The Courier must speak to Jackson (or Knight, if Jackson is dead) and pass a [Speech 80] or [NCR Fame] check to make a strong endorsement, or a [Survival 55] check to explain how impressive it is that he survived an attack from so many mirelurks. Alternatively, the Courier can fabricate impressive enough credentials through the options required to assign Little Buster.
Once Ghost’s replacement has been assigned to the Mojave Outpost, the Courier only needs to speak to Ghost again. She will explain that she’s been “reassigned” to open patrol across the Mojave, ostensibly to track Legion activity, so long as she does so with the Courier. She also gains an additional dialogue option dependent on your choice of replacement:
What do you think of your replacement?
(Generic ranger) For this job? Any ranger’s as wasted as any other. I almost feel bad, I doubt she’ll like that fucking roof any more than I did...almost feel bad. Doesn’t quite cancel out the relief.
(Boone) First recon is one hell of a pull. Took right to it, too, like he was already used to it. Strikes me as the...quiet, contemplative type. Likes to think. Not much else to do up there, anyway. I bet those brahmin pins have never felt safer.
(Manny) First recon is one hell of a pull. Took right to it, too, like he was already used to it. Seems like a nice enough guy, and seems to be getting along with Major Knight. Hell, you love to see it.
(Bryce) A good man. Heard about what the Fiends did to him, and after all that, he certainly deserves a break. Didn’t think of this shit job as much of a vacation before, but seems like it’ll do him good.
(Buster) Not sure where the hell you found this guy, but if (Jackson / Knight) gave the okay, then...okay. I would’ve put a goddamn brahmin in a beret up there if it could have gotten me another assignment.
(Halford) The mirelurk guy? Yeah, he seems alright. I’ve never actually seen a mirelurk, but after hearing his story, I don’t think I want to. I didn’t even know we had a camp that far up there.
Speaking to Ghost after her replacement takes her position completes the quest, and from then on, she can now be recruited as a companion. However, similar to Boone, she will only remain the Courier’s companion if they maintain good reputation with the NCR, and as an active-duty ranger, her intolerance for anti-NCR actions is even more strict.
Ending Slides
If "Giving Up the Ghost” is started, but never completed:
NCR Victory. Ranger Ghost remained at Mojave Outpost, dutifully, thanklessly, and restlessly. When the rangers there received word that the Legion had made their move on the dam, the entire outpost went silent. Waiting. From her rooftop perch, at least she was the first to see the bearer of good news come up the road. In the moment, at least, it was worth everything to be there.
Legion, House, or Independent Victory. Ranger Ghost remained at Mojave Outpost, dutifully, thanklessly, and restlessly. When the rangers there received word that the Legion had made their move on the dam, the entire outpost went silent. Waiting. From her rooftop perch, she was the first to see the NCR’s retreat, as civilians and troopers alike began fleeing through the Long 15. She was right: this whole time, all she could do was watch.
Ghost is dead. Ghost, bitterly, died as she lived...(deep sigh) at the Mojave fucking Outpost.
If “Giving Up the Ghost” is completed:
NCR Victory: When legionnaires by the score descended upon Hoover Dam, Ghost was proud to have been one of the many rangers in the battle that kicked their shit in back across the Colorado. She celebrated with the rest of them, even a smile creeping onto her face every now and then. Still, Ghost returned to business before long, as part of a squad out East tracking down the straggling remnants of Caesar’s retreating Legion.
Legion Victory: Ghost was among the many rangers who fought at Hoover Dam, but when the army of legionnaires led by the Courier, to whom she owed her very presence there, proved unstoppable, she was ultimately among its many casualties. Their advance was too sudden, too overwhelming, for a clean evacuation, and a grisly duel with a centurion trapped her near the front. Still, the Legion never took Ghost alive. She made sure of it.
House or Independent Victory: The arrival of the Securitrons at Hoover Dam was a surprise to every NCR trooper stationed there, including Ghost. Their sudden turn against the NCR, and their allegiance to the Courier, even more so. The triumph of vanquishing the Legion was short-lived, then, as Ghost joined the forced retreat, one pale face in a sea of many. 
Ghost is dead: Despite her name, there was no supernatural flourish when Ghost died. She simply died like a ranger, fighting to the end. That’s all that mattered.
(Bonus) Cass’s Ending Slide if the Courier frames her for the murder of Jackson:
Rose of Sharon Cassidy spent all of her time at the Mojave Outpost in a drunken stupor, which is why when Major Knight oversaw her arrest for the murder of Ranger Jackson, it took so long to get exonerated. By the time the alibi was pieced together and the evidence was admitted as circumstantial, the battle of Hoover Dam shifted NCR’s attention elsewhere, and the crime was never solved. For a few months in the clink, though, at least Cass got what she wanted: home, and finally away from the outpost.
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caelan0d · 3 years
are dixie val and dawny your only fallout ocs? if not who are the others? cant get enough of your characters
I actually have a bunch more that I never draw sdfghsfsdfj
I have a couple I have sketched in my sketchbook but havent posted yet! for FNV I have a punk band named Brian and the Nightstalkers, who came to me in a dream haha. There are 4 of them and I’ll try posting about them soon! I also have a khan oc who is a glass blowers and she is a major work in progress
I also have a very vivid idea for a ghost courier but hmmm idk if I want to do anything with them?? I might because it’s honestly a cool fucking idea
Then there is Val’s family!
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I haven’t talked TOO much about them because I want to like write out Val’s whole story in a comprehensive way and I don’t want to spoil?? anything I guess? and then I continue to procrastinate on his story LMAO 
but!! Matteo is also in FO2 and Felicia is from a faction that is in the canceled Fallout Van Buren game! I really want to flesh them out more and write out their stories too because they are honestly really interesting and they get fridged by the legion pretty early in Val’s story :(
I unfortunately don’t have any other FO3 ocs, I don’t find the setting as fun to play with for “npc” ocs, but maybe one day I’ll make one 
for FO4 I have Cupid! They are a synth that works with the railroad and kisses sturges (bc I cant :()
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He was my first oc that I made for the game back when FO4 came out 
AND..... Butch and Dawny’s kids! 
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they are atom cats and cries I love them so much but never post about them bc honestly I’ve been very busy and very stressed lately but I would love to talk about them more!
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lost-in-interwebs · 3 years
Unique weapon or outfit for the ask game?
oh god thank you so much my mind is brewing. Outfits are so much easier for me to design than weapons but im gonna really think about it. Just gonna do my fallout nv ocs for now.
Bunny - I think her gift weapon would be a pearl grip throwing knife along with her old collection of throwing knives. She'll even teach you a knife trick to get it to spin and land. As for an outfit, I was thinking she hands you off an old fur shoulder cape she had been saving. It's not her great grandmother's one. That one is too precious. Her grandmother's on the hand...
"You look awful, let me fix you up. I can't be caught dead walking around with someone looking like that."
13 - Now depending on which route you take with her, she can be the gifted weapon or she gives you a ripper that mysteriously finds its way back into your pocket, fully restored after it breaks or if you drop it. Another weapon I thought of was a a pair of spiked knuckles that does ungodly amount of damage. 13 only has a few easy to carry and conceal weapons and the rags on her back so I don't think she has an outfit she can give you.
"Hey... Thanks for everything you've done for me... I want you to have these... to stay safe."
Carmen - I haven't talked about Carmen a lot due to lack of research I have for her background. She is my independent Vegas courier. I think she would give you a really cool hat. A fine black leather with a copper band accented with large turquoise stones. It would give you Charisma with locals, but none with politicians or big players in the Mojave. Thinking if a unique weapon for her is hard because I haven't fleshed out her story enough to really figure out what she would feel more comfortable using. Maybe a cool pistol or rifle.
"Never forget the little guy. I hope this helps you remember that from time to time..."
Monika - Monika's outfit gift would be a pair of ballet slippers and training that would help the Courier with their stealth. I also cannot think of a unique weapon for her as I haven't fleshed her out yet. She's very intelligent but very sheltered so her weapons handling isn't proficient in the beginning. She's much better with getting you into places with her clout or stealth skills.
"1, 2, 3... Bring your knee up higher. You really gotta stretch before these sessions if you want to keep up. 1, 2, 3..."
Camille - She's grown up around weapons and gold all of her life. Her outfit has to be custom grills. A nice pair of gold teeth for dazzling the Mojave. As for the weapon, she gives you this special plasma caster that shoot concentrated bullets that seep into your targets skin and disintegrates them into goo from the inside. Its terrifying. She loves it. Obviously didn't make the formula (she beat up some gun runner geek for it), but the gun is all her, babey!
"They won't see this coming, I can tell you that!"
Cornelia - Legion priestess turned spy turned courier turned spy. I really have not fleshed her out and maybe make a new Legion character all together, but she's wiggled her way into my brain. I think her gifted weapon would be a serrated Machete. I don't think she would have an outfit to give. She has nothing frivolous like that. Maybe she could give you something that was tied way way back to her village before Caesar came, but again she needs research.
"Inspiration from Mars struck me in the night and I was compelled to make this for you. A weapon for Caesar's mighty purpose. Use it well."
Shiloh - I never thought Shiloh would be a companion. They always struck me as an NPC you would talk to so a weapon for them would be hard. Probably a switchblade called Lover Boy. However, Shiloh is a proficient tailor. He can probably sew concealed armor rigging to fancy and casual clothes with upgrades. You just need to bring them the materials like bulletproof vests and other armor pieces. Shoulder pads made of old power armor on this suit? You got it. A fancy rattle snake bullet belt? You got it? Nightstalker cap? You got it. I think if you did a series of quests for him you could get a really high end outfit for yourself to go into Vegas. Maybe they even offer you to wear something nice of theirs the first time you go in to show off their handiwork.
"This looks lovely... Lift your arms a little? I want to see how it bunches. Tch. I know it will be hidden by the armor piece, but what if you take it off? I won't have you go out looking like a mess in one of my originals."
Cantil - Finally!!! A name for the Viper oc! Maybe it will stick, maybe it won't. Absolutely first off the bat is the weapon. She will offer you a choice of a bow and arrows laced with potent poison (Aptly named Elder Killer) or a machete laced with venom. As for the outfit she will give you a leather jacket adorned with bones. You've been more kin to her than her old Viper members.
"The Vipers are dying... You don't always have to use them, but... Keep the tradition alive for me. Teach your children so that they may teach theirs. Never let the Vipers die out in memory."
Poppi - A placeholder name that I actually really like. She was also supposed to just be an NPC that was friends with Monika and Camille from old school days. I really cannot think of anything for her yet as I need to expand her character, but I figured I'd announce her anyways. Maybe she gives you the special suit her and her father wears with the poppy flower?
Damarcus - A placeholder name for Monika's twin brother. It just struck me as I was making this. He is my other NCR courier. So for his outfit I think he would make you a special kind of leather armor that has spike adornments and is more powerful than leather and metal armor, but keeps you quiet. But that's really all I can think of for him
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