#and he will leave you on top of a tall tree if you misbehave
ichor-and-symbiosis · 5 years
mothman tomura
-          Tomura escaped from a government facility headed by Dr. Ujiko for the purposes of studying paranormal anomalies. The trauma Tomura endured rendered him incredibly hostile and avoidant of humans. Upon finally being freed, his immediate instinct was to find somewhere to hide. He neglected any form of self-care during those weeks, too afraid to venture outside of his makeshift hideout lest he be caught again.
-          His tentative step towards true freedom was the sound of rain, oddly enough. In the darkest depths of his home, where he lay curled up with his wings wrapped around him, the sound of rain lulled him to sleep. It had been difficult for him to sleep during the first week after escaping because of his paranoia, so he grew thankful for the simplicity of rain on a dark and stormy evening.
-          Slowly but surely, the sounds of the outside world drew his curiosity. Tomura would venture out for longer and longer periods to explore his surroundings, always on alert in case something wandered into his territory. He stayed low to the ground no matter how much he yearned for the chance to spread his wings and fly. Assess the perimeter first, enjoy life later.
-          Tomura grew comfortable. Each day spent hunting was a day he regained his proper strength, and he felt more alive and healthy than he ever had before. It was this brazen attitude that propelled him into flight one day, towards the full moon hanging low in the sky. He would never forget that exhilarating feeling.
-          Sometimes he ventured far beyond his territory to observe humans from afar. He knew it was a foolish thing to do, but a part of him felt invincible, as though he could handle any threat. After all, Dr. Ujiko was no longer around to keep him sedated and weak. As Tomura watched the townsfolk, a twisted sense of glee welled up within him – their life was in the palm of his hand, and they did not even know it. He loved this feeling of control, no matter how tenuous and imaginative it might be.
-          So when your car broke down in the dead of night near his neck of the woods, Tomura sat perched atop a tree branch overhead, watching you with glowering red eyes to make sure you were not sent by Dr. Ujiko, or had sinister intentions of your own. But no, you were just a silly bystander in full-blown panic at being alone in the middle of the night with a dysfunctional car. His fur, once raised in agitation and alertness, slowly smoothed down as his antennae twitched curiously. You were mumbling to yourself as you examined your car, and he was beginning to grow a bit bored until you hit your car with your foot out of frustration. You instantly gained a pass from him after that. He stayed for the entire time to watch over you, feeling an odd sort of protectiveness for your pathetic little human body. He felt disappointed when you managed to start your car up again. For the first time, Tomura realized how much he craved some kind of meaningful interaction with a creature smarter than a squirrel.
-          He memorized every detail of your car – and you – that night. Sometimes he would wait in that same spot high up above the main road just to catch a glimpse of you. Sometimes, it worked. He entertained the thought of causing your car to break down again, just so you would come out and he could smell your natural scent. Cars were annoying that way. He could only ever smell that disgusting gasoline whenever you were driving. On some particular nights, he would even fly after you, zigzagging through treetops to see how far he could go without crossing over into the city.
-          Tomura always had a penchant for predicting disasters. Always at the right place at the wrong time, always watching from afar as something dangerous unfolded. It was what had caught Dr. Ujiko’s interest in him, and it was a curse he could never escape from. He didn’t want to witness these disasters, but they simply called to him, like a moth drawn to a flame. It always started as a niggling feeling, an itch that made him anxious enough to leave his nest and prowl the forests.
-          He always watched you at night. This time, something compelled him to watch for your car during the day. And as luck would have it, there you were, headed straight for a rickety bridge that made his fuzz stand on end.
-          The bridge would topple. Tomura knew this. He should have gotten to you in time, but he didn’t, because he did not want to expose himself to witnesses in broad daylight. But consequences be damned, he got to you before you could reach the same fate as other unfortunate drivers, tearing open the metal with ease as he scooped you up in his arms and sped away to the safety of his home.
-          You were freaking out, and he was enjoying every second of it. You gripped onto him for dear life and screamed out of fear – it was either the height or himself, he did not know – and he was too busy enjoying your scent and your softness to care about how squirmy you were.
-          Your leg had been injured during the collapse. Tomura deposited you onto his own nest – you should absolutely be grateful for it, and he is slightly miffed that you didn’t appreciate his gesture – and he impatiently kept you seated as he examined your wounds.
-          You didn’t know how to react to this. One moment, you were living a normal, boring life, and the next moment you were whisked away to safety in the arms of a legendary cryptid. A cryptid that was prodding your injuries with a ridiculously long tongue and handling your limb with utmost care. A cryptid that looked equal parts terrifying and beautiful, skin cracked yet obscured with fuzz around his collar, and darkened wings that folded neatly behind him as he observed you. And those antennae. You had never wanted to touch something so badly before. Surely he would let you? He was treating you so kindly, after all.
-          Nope. He almost bites your hand off. You learn that patience and boundaries go a long way with Tomura.
-          A creature compelled to help you yet shy away from your touch stirs up conflicting feelings within you. You go slower next time, keeping your distance as you simply talked to him and thanked him for his help. His antenna flicked as he stared at you, unsure of whether you were being genuine or meant to manipulate him.
-          He refused to let you leave. You couldn’t understand why, but you did not want to anger your host. In truth, he was afraid of you ratting out his existence, and he was just happy to have you around for this short while. He could easily find someplace else to live, but he liked it here, and he liked being near you.
-          Close proximity was a recipe for bonding. Tomura would rest beside you as he listened to you talk about anything and everything, and he would pout whenever the conversation died out. There was just something about the vibration of your voice that tickled his sensitive wings in all the right ways. And the smell of you grew more and more intoxicating. He thought it might have been the scent of your blood that slowly drove him crazy, but once your wounds had healed, he realized that it was just … you. You and your kind smile and soft hands that tentatively reached out to brush through his fuzz when he finally relented, you and your delicious taste when he wrapped his long, thin tongue around your wrist just because he could, because he liked to see the unbridled curiosity and awe in your eyes when you looked at him. He was a novelty to you, as he always was to humans. It was unpleasant and invasive to suffer through the scrutiny of the humans at the facility, but when it was you, Tomura actually enjoyed the attention.  -         The nights were cold, and you were unprepared for them. Tomura would spoon you and wrap his wings around you both, vibrating them slightly to produce heat. The gentle hum that accompanied his movements lulled you to sleep, and he took those opportunities to examine you.   -           You were as alien to him as he was to you. He marveled at the unique texture of your hair and your weird eyes, but most of all, he was concerned about your short tongue. It didn't seem natural to him. 
-            Although Tomura demanded personal space, he was not one to return the favor. If he wanted to study something, he had no qualms about manhandling you to carry out his plans. The moment you stuck your tongue out at him, he caught it between his fingers, and you were whining in alarm as he held it and examined it, wondering how the hell you ate anything with that strange muscle. But his thoughts quickly changed course when he felt the wetness coating his fingers, the undulating movement ... something stirred deep within him, something pleasant. His long proboscis darted out for a taste, and he was a goner. You jolted at the contact yet remained in place, transfixed by his behavior. His fingers fell away as he curled the slick appendage around your tongue like a vine, and you let him explore your further, opening your mouth to let the proboscis slip inside and lick you.  -            You didn't know how or when his face came so close to yours. All you knew was that his hands were cradling your face and your lips were on his as your tongues twined with each other, and you were being coaxed to lay back against the nest. You were shrouded by Tomura's wings as he climbed over you, and you were struck with the overpowering scent of something unique. Tomura nuzzled into your neck and pressed his body close to you, and you wondered if he was trying to rub this scent onto you. Your suspicions were confirmed when he scrambled to tear off your clothing just to continue this maddening rubbing and gyrating all over you. You giggled when he started to sniff you, yet your mirth slowly died out and became replaced with desire when you realized he was trailing down your body towards your nether regions. This had been the source of your scent, Tomura realized. This was his nectar. This was his.  -             That tongue is every bit as skillful and incredible as you imagined it to be. Long and dexterous as it rubbed you in all the right places, lapping at your most sensitive areas as Tomura sucked up your juices with a heady groan. His wings vibrated, an odd, high pitched tone that sounded entirely different from when he tried to warm you up during cold nights. It was simply his mating call.  -               He mounts you immediately upon you coming down from post-coital bliss, having just enough thoughtfulness to brace your healing leg around his waist before he plunged into your wet heat. He was earnest and unrestrained, gripping you tightly as he shoved his tongue down your throat to swallow your cries while he pounded into you. You could only hold on to him and let him rut against you, lost in the feeling of his powerful thrusts and the way his claws tenderly held you and stroked wherever they could reach. It felt intimate and right, and when he came deep inside you, you were compelled to let him cling to you with his cock still buried inside you, feeling yourself succumb to exhaustion as he preened you.    -               You could not leave, and this time, it was for another reason entirely. The clawed hand kept possessively over your stomach as Tomura fucked you again told you all that you needed to know.   -               And this is how you got a mothman boyfriend. 
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asterkiss · 4 years
Read from beginning here.
Mabel looked out of the window of her room, watching as the sun set and the lights came on throughout the trees like glowing fireflies.
It was pretty.
She’d be more tempted to enjoy it if not for the fact she had essentially been kidnapped by supernatural creatures and was being held against her will.
She missed Dipper.
A muttered curse drew her attention towards her “roommate” and Mabel’s gaze fell upon the blond haired individual currently seated on the floor trying to pry a black collar wrapped around his throat. It seemed odd to see the “immortal and all powerful” Bill Cipher reduced to a powerless human body. It made her question just how powerful these fae really were to defeat him so easily.
‘So tell me again, why didn’t you just bust out of that cage when you had a chance?’ Mabel asked. ‘Heck, how did you even get caught to begin with?’
Bill scowled, giving up on the item at his neck in favour of sulking like a child as he hugged his knees to his chest. ‘Demons powers are nullified within this dimension.’
Oh wow, no wonder he was pissed. ‘So that’s why you were scared of them.’
‘Wha—hey, who said anything about being scared? Bill Cipher doesn’t get scared, kid!’
‘Suuure you’re not.’
Bill snapped his head around, regarding her with a glower. A moment later he was standing to his full height and coming toward her. Mabel’s smile dropped as she quickly backed away from him. He was, uh, pretty tall now.
‘I may not have my powers but I can still strangle you—!’ he snapped, reaching out his hands toward her. Mabel felt her heart leap into her throat in alarm and in the same moment a flash of blue electricity struck out from the collar around his neck. The blond released a stifled noise as he was electrocuted, falling to the floor and convulsing a few times before going still.
Mabel stared in stunned silence for a moment. Then, just when she was about to kick him and see if he was okay he groaned. Ah, he was fine then. The Erkling had placed a shock collar on the demon which apparently shocked him whenever he was misbehaved. Suffice to say, it had electrocuted him a fair few times so far.
Mabel was unable to fight the grin on her face whilst Bill muttered beneath his breath. ‘I can’t believe I’ve been confined to this stupid human vessel. Your bodies are so pathetic.’
Mabel crouched down beside him, tilting her head and observing as he laid face-down speaking into the wooden flooring. ‘So, both you and the fairies have a claim on my soul,’ Mabel remarked. ‘You, because I made a deal—’
‘That you tricked me into!’ he snapped, turning his head so he could pierce her with a dark look.
‘—and them because apparently I agreed to it even though I don’t remember?’ Mabel threw her hands in the air. Urgh.
‘Fairies are worse than demons. A lot worse.’ Bill drawled.
‘Hm.’ Mabel folded her arms over her knees as she tried to piece everything together. ‘So, they planned on whisking me away to the Fae World on my 18th and keeping me forever but they can’t do that now that you have a stake on me too. If I break off our deal, they’ll be happy—’
‘Yes, exactly, so do that!’
‘—but that just means I’d be trapped in the fairy world with that pretty King.’ Which didn’t sound too bad but she’d miss her friends and family. ‘So they’re keeping us both here to, I dunno, persuade me to break off our deal?’
‘Well that’s not gonna happen,’ she replied, looking down at him. ‘You’re gonna tell me how we’re both going to get out of here and back to Gravity Falls.’
He growled in frustration as he sat up, pushing locks of hair away from his face. For someone who claimed to hate human bodies he sure seemed at home in his current one. ….Probably spoke more about how many bodies he’d possessed rather than anything else.
‘There’s a gate that leads back to your dimension, we just need to leave through there.’
‘Really? That’s great, where is it?’
He stood up and walked towards the window. Mabel wordlessly followed him. Upon coming to stand in front of it Bill pointed out towards the large lake that could just be seen peeking out over the tree-tops. ‘The gate’s in the middle of the lake.’
‘So there’s like an island or something there?’
‘Huh?’ She looked at him in confusion as he gave her a sardonic smirk.
‘The exit back to the other world is in the middle of the lake, at the very, very bottom.’ Turning around, he leaned back against the window. ‘Oh, and it’s always locked. The only way to open it is – get this – to use the Erlking’s staff. Which he just so happens to keep on his person at all times.’
Mabel’s heart sank.
‘So, what about it Shooting Star?’ Bill drawled, offering her a wink. ‘You up for seducing a fairy king?’
Hoo boy.
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Fae Boyfriend x Human! Reader
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I’m working on so many projects, but I’m hoping to get as many done as possible before I go back to Uni. I enjoy this a lot (if you can’t tell) so fingers crossed! ENJOY!
Reader x Male Monster
These Violent Desires
For most of your life into your late teens, you always thought you had a follower. A follower or someone who watched over you like a guardian angel. Maybe it would’ve been seen as a bit odd or creepy to some, but to you, you thought not much of it; as if you had someone to protect you.
Your mother had told you otherwise. Many times, she had tried protecting you from the world, an overprotective mother, who too, grew up in a sheltered life trapped from the outside.
You see, all things lurked and hid in the darkest of places, coming out into the light as something or someone you could trust. A stranger who could manipulate you into thinking of them as nothing but harmful, until you find it too late and you’re whisked away from a life you once knew.
You had found it odd, and it applied mainly to humans that many would’ve been given the lesson of never talking to strangers. But this applied to other species too.
The fondest memories you had since you were a child were when you would go to visit your grandmother, in a secluded part of the north-east part of your small town. 
The mansion was large, with ten bedrooms, a flower-shaped rose-window in the top of the attic that you remember going up into to do tea parties. Each room was homely yet held possibly years of history.
The walls were old and decrepit: decades of some neglect could be seen from the amount of many trinkets and items your grandma Delores had collected, but it was homely, and always smelled like pine.
There was a simplicity to her large home, a rustic feel that you often didn’t get when at home, and something that always called for you to return more and more.
Your mother like her own mother grew up in a household that was filled with more paranoia than freedom. All for certain beliefs and unknown truths that your family held for years. You had been unfortunate to witness yourself many times before. 
Collecting your shoes to head to the back door to the garden, your grandma there either sewing or washing the dishes would stop all to come to you. It would follow with her putting charms in your pocket and an iron bracelet around your wrist before telling you time and time after again one simple rule:
’Do not go over the line.’
It was a simple rule that you couldn’t forget, yet something so normalised with the number of times you had gone to play in the garden. The line was something simple: as if it had been drawn in salt with small mushrooms growing on the exact spot, it took up half of the garden, reaching just under the branches of the trees.
You never misbehaved when it came to that rule (simply that you were too scared what would happen and how your mother and grandma would react), so you stuck to playing far away from it, ignoring it as best as you could as you got on with your play.
But still, in the back of your mind, you thought you were being watched through the bushes like there was a peeping neighbour watching in on you, but when you looked, you saw nothing.
The swaying of the trees danced through the wind, a call and whisper that danced through the air, and then you would be called in for lunch before you got too curious.
It continued and continued until you grew old of your dolls and small play, and you got older and found little time spent at your grandmas. She soon passed away when you were in your late teens, and that distant memory of playing there was something that plagued your mind; as if calling for you.
After a few years of cleaning out the old house, your mother told you that they were going to knock the entire building down, rebuild over it, and at that moment so rushed, you had told her your words of disagreeing, going as far to say that it would upset and disappoint your grandma.
’If you and I are not going to look after it, who will?’ your mother shared her disapproval with you that evening of the news.
Your answer back to her made her close her mouth in surprise. ‘Who said I wasn’t?’
After a lot of convincing, you persuaded your mother for you to keep the house and to maintain it for as long as possible. You had a simple part-time job, but you were certain that you could just keep the house at its bare minimal in tidiness.
You had returned to your grandma’s home when you were in your early 20s, returning to a place of both nostalgia and sentimental memories. There almost felt like a place of déjà vu.
You had parked your car and exited, walking alone and quietly to the front of the door, the leaves blowing past your shoes as you opened it with the key given. The door opened eerily and slowly, a hallway of utter darkness greeted you.
You stepped inside, involuntarily wiping the dirt from your shoes out of habit when there was no doormat, going to turn the light on. No luck. Damn, a reminder to buy new lightbulbs. You thought, shutting the door and walking further in and peering through the empty rooms.
For years of being cleared out, there was still that recurring smell of pine that faintly wafted through the air, but it made you think that it was possibly due to a window being open. It seemed true when you saw the large cobwebs in the corners of the dark rooms.
It was an odd feeling returning, a feeling of forlorn fell over you like a curtain. You were sure that there was some despair that was making you feel this way: the feeling that all would go through when it came to those to remember those lost.
You stepped through every room, even the rooms upstairs, memories flooding your mind as you silently walked along like a forgotten ghost. The smell of the earth, the laughter shared in these rooms. The flower-shaped rose window in the attic. All from a childhood long lost. You reminisced.
You walked yourself to the kitchen, looking out on the overgrown garden; a wilderness that awaited you. With the key in hand, you knew there would be little waiting for you, say perhaps some forgotten gardening tools or a neglected bike with its safety wheels left on.
You twisted the key in and soon found yourself entering into a void you thought you could recall. It was as the barrier between the mortal realm had been brought down; creating a euphoric and unearthly feeling in the air, twisting it to just feel oddly strange if you hadn’t noticed deeply.
You stepped out, the trees warped into creatures and shadows you didn’t know nor recognise, encasing you in as you looked around. Even the birds sang a tune much more unknown; as if all reality had melted into the wonderland you were standing in now.
The line that was in the middle of the garden, was still there, with more mushrooms and flowers that had grown so that it had now been a line made from flowers. 
There soon suddenly came a found of sweetness that filled the air, a sound of music that fills your ears to not exactly know where it was coming from.
It was all so peaceful you felt, walking closer to the line, a concerned voice of Grandma Delores warning you. ‘Don’t go over the line, remember? They certainly will not be as kind to you as you are to them.’
You never wanted to question what she meant by them, for most of the things your mother fed you as your grandmother being half-mad had been supplanted into your head since young. You, however, had your question answered when a dip in the trees and bushes brought your attention, and when you squinted your eyes from afar, you could just about see the figure standing not so hidden in view.
Your heart dropped a few metres down as if you had jumped from a cliff, a rush of adrenaline came to you as you were questioning whether what you were seeing was true or false.
The figure grew bigger into your view as whoever it was, stepped out further into the clearing. You would’ve begun shouting for them to get out of the garden for trespassing; perhaps even one of the young boys trying to get his ball back by crawling under a broken fence?
But this was no neighbour nor boy, no, what stood a few metres by the trees was that of a young man, tall and willowy, you would’ve believed if you had blinked, he would’ve disappeared - for his sudden appearance was something that surprised you.
He was ethereal and celestial; a man who even looked and stood there in a way that didn’t look like someone from your world. He had hair straight and long, black as a coal pit, but made his skin look paler and porcelain than your childhood dolls. He was dressed in garbs that were rich in deep autumnal colours, and what contrasted the clothes of his rich-looking clothes were his eyes.
His eyes are full of aeons of wisdom, the colour of nothing you had ever seen from others; the colour of alexandrite. His face was sharp and lean; with high cheekbones and a heavenly look.
Albeit there was a strange man in your grandma’s garden, you couldn’t deny he was very handsome; an attractiveness that you didn’t see from other men.
You stared at him quizzically, unknown exactly what to say. “Hello?” You called, your voice floating gently through the air with a force more suit for divine reality.
He stared with his majestic eyes, a mysterious smile appearing on his face. “I’m glad to see you again.”
“I’m sorry sir?” You called to the stranger. “How did you find a way into my garden?”
The dark-haired male stepped out close, his long flowy dark cloak making him look as if he was levitating without having to walk, gliding closer with steps you wished he would’ve stopped in taking.
He chuckled melodically, a sound similar to wind chimes; so soft and deep that it rumbled through you and shot right through your soul. “You don’t know my dear? Hmm, that is a shame. I would’ve thought a smart little thing like you would’ve known not to speak to people like me.”
The man was soon standing just opposite you, the line keeping him from crossing it to come over, as he stood a few metres back from it, looking at you with those enchanting haunting purple eyes.
“People like you?” You questioned hesitantly, looking him up and down. You had been told countless times by your mother and paranoid grandma over not talking to strangers when you were young, but this was now when you were an adult, and you had never met this man before.
You stared at him, trying to see what was really peculiar with him, and why he was giving you such odd vibes; none that would raise flags as of yet. The more you stared, the more you thought that you could perhaps even look right into the being of himself. You couldn’t even get that with him.
The man smiled to you, keeping an oddly calm composure. “When this house was built, many had come to see it truly for itself, to see the new souls living just on the outskirts of the woods here.” He gestured with a pale hand behind him. “It was only when more, shall we say… unexpected guests started coming over more and more often to this lovely home. That was when the first owner built this ring, the line that had kept whatever out there from coming in.”
You squinted at his words, trying to take them in. “You know of this garden?”
“Why yes, each individual habitant knows of every little soul who comes living there, even I.” The stranger spoke, a harsh frown fell over his face quickly as an immediate thought floated to his mind. 
“When news came over what had happened to Delores, the owner’s sweet little girl, why, every creature big and small mourned for her loss."
Your hands grew clammy in that brief moment he had said that, and a wave of the need to faint washed over you, trying to keep yourself upright. “How do you know my grandmother?” Your words were slow and cautious, downright afraid of what would come out next from the man in front of you.
The elegant man took another step just outside the line keeping him from entering, and you only just took note of the high pointy ears that were protruding out from the side of his head. The cogs inside your head were only just beginning to turn.
“Why, when little Delores had started growing more curious of the outside world and she stepped out, every creature was interested in her, and it had been her father who had come up with the genius plan of creating this line, drawing the bad things away and to keep her safe. It had been done so for as long as the winds continued to blow and the sun continued to shine. And still, this line had helped ones like you from crossing over into the threshold of this land.”
You had been thinking back to the English lit lessons from high school, to what all had been told about during plays and stories of what you believed weren’t true. It couldn’t be– it just couldn’t. Grandma was mad, but never… never did she say anything to me about the land of the fey living just outside of her home.
You took a cautionary step back, now making sure to not take your eyes off of the man you believed could only be a fey. “You… you know me?” You tried to pick the right words to say to him, hearing of how you had to be smart around one of his kind.
He kept his fixed expression on you, tempting in ways as if he was trying to drown you in the alexandrite of his gaze. “I’ve seen you since you were a youngling, always too curious for your own good. It was always something that brought me coming back to you.”
You unintentionally gulped. “You wanted to see me? Even when I didn’t know who you were, or what you were?”
“Precisely.” The man smiled broadly. “And yet, this from a sly mistake your grandmother made, and this fairy line would be brandished as a punishment for all that came wandering back.”
“You clearly know more than I? What happened to her?”
“Let’s just say…. a fey unlike I wasn’t as kind to her as I to you.”
That could explain why grandma Delores was filled with such paranoia. In your short lifetime, you had never told that your grandma had been possibly attacked from a young age; not even mom had told you anything about it and you knew how protective she was of you too. 
All because she had potentially stepped out of line. You had been sheltered all your life from answers, and you were unsure whether to believe the fey right in front of you. You did know faes could tell the truth - the amount to it you were uncertain of, or whether they could twist some of it.
You brought your gaze to the dark-haired fae once again. “A so-called fae who has known me for all my life, yet I do not know you.” You bit your own lip momentarily, uncertain whether to pursue. “Is there a name I can call you?”
His eyes twinkled in contrast to the little sunlight coming in through the trees, a soft glow coming to his skin that couldn’t have been coming from the sun.
“You may call me Erolith. And you, my dear?”
You gave him your nickname given to you since your younger days.
Erolith bowed his head in respect. “I shall be seeing more of you I assume my delight? Until then.” And with a swish of his heavy cape, the fey in front of you had slunk back into the woods, disappearing quickly before you could even think twice.
Curious, cautious, wary… words you couldn’t describe how to feel that day when you thought you had been lied to or been fed the untold truth. All because your grandmother had thrown caution to the wind that she had made you stick to being showered with overwhelming amounts of protection.
You hadn’t told your mother that day of going to the house, telling her you had been there and out in a matter of seconds - a lie you knew she wouldn’t think much too.
You returned during the weeks of the cooler season, sometimes there for hours on end to just bring in things to clean out the rooms and to leave as soon as possible.
You had found yourself in the darkness of the attic, sitting cross-legged against the wall as you read beneath the flower-shaped rose window. It brought an immense amount of memories to you to remember, but you enjoyed staying here in the quietness of the house, away from the world.
You read books and reread them over and over again, this time trying to familiarise yourself with some classic plays and novels during your late teens. This time, you had Romeo and Juliet in your hands.
These violent delights have violent ends. At first, it seemed vague to you during high school, but now, seemed to make a lot of sense.
You closed the part you had been on, gazing forth from the window as you stared on into your garden, certain you would see the fey again.
Erolith hadn’t returned in the few times you had come back, not at first, but you were sure he was watching from a distance. You weren’t bothered by it by much, sticking to sorting out the house, and soon it could be someone else’s problem.
You sighed, rubbing your eyes from lack of sleepless nights when your eyes focused on the certain silhouette of a figure emerging from the foliage.
You had dropped your book quickly, heading down to the garden to see him.
He was found standing right in front of the fairy line, closer to it than the first time he had come forth to you, standing there in the opening as if not bothered if another would see him there.
“Erolith…” his name was odd on your tongue, a name you found was still delightful and sweet of sound to taste. “I didn’t think you’d come back.”
He had turned to you with a gaze so familiar with eyes of calmness. “You didn’t think I would come back to see you, my dear?”
Damn him and his beautiful looks. You thought, walking to him but not standing as close to him. “You wanted to come back here?” You asked.
“Careful now my dear, you mean to say wished.” His tone darkened for a moment, your heart thumping in your chest, ready to implode.
You reiterated. “You wished to come back here? Why?”
“Because of you.” Erolith coolly responded, taking note of how far off you were conversing with him. “You stand so far off as if waiting to run off the moment something seems off.” invited the fey, “come closer to me. I won’t bite as you think I will.”
You wavered. “I’m fine here, thank— I appreciate it though.”
Erolith obliged, and the two of you just spoke about anything that he would answer that wasn’t cryptic. When he isn’t telling you things that sound like riddles, you grow mildly frustrated; thinking about exactly everything he said and the meanings behind every word.
“My grandmother once told me there is always something to be afraid of, that the world is awaiting things bad for me that hide with smiling faces.” You begun, eyeing the fae with a quick sharp look.
Erolith chuckled an airy laugh, mirthless. “Well, she is not wrong there.” And when you looked to him to clarify, did he continue. “All the worst things come to snatch those innocent enough. The sweet naïve child, the blushing maid. They’re all for taking when it comes to most faes?”
“And what about you? Do you follow those rules?” Your words twisted to add him into the mix, your eyes staring him down. He didn’t look in shock nor surprise by your words. And either he was trying to tell the truth or was struggling to lie, he was a good actor.
“I’m not like most faes my dear.”
You didn’t know whether to believe him, but there was something that you could find beneath his words that were hiding. Something hidden that was begging for you to trust him. In your mind, it seemed weird, but you couldn’t deny maybe you could perhaps fight fire with fire and go with your mind than your heart.
“I trust you then.”
His broke into a broad signature smile, spread over his pale face with relief. “I’m glad.”
The next few days you brought things from home to set up camp to a sleepover for a few nights, maybe thinking that not having to drive over constantly would save you gas. It was more in a case to familiarise yourself with the old house; trying your best to not seem scared when you sleep in a dusty sleeping bag in the living room, staring up at the ceiling the entire night.
The days you didn’t sit in the attic, but in the garden, reading or humming softly or even napping, but all just to wait for your friend. When he did arrive, it surprised you into thinking he must’ve sensed you there, but deciding not to question it.
At first, you sat far as possible away from him, watching from a safe distance and continued your conversations with him. It was only when on one day that you sat a few metres from the fairy line, picking growing flowers to create links from scratch.
Erolith didn’t say anything to that, copying you and sitting in the grass, continuing to speak with you as you exchanged small daisies to each other with some effort.
On the fifth day of doing so, you had decided to question where he stood when it came to deciding to keep coming back to you or to even holding conversations with a mortal like you.
“Sometimes I think you just come back here because you’re bored.” You spoke up, not meeting your eyes as you continued fixing the daisy chain in your fingers, “I suppose I can admit I was nervous around you.”
“You were?” Intrigued was the only word you could think of that made you think of Erolith. “And what would you say now? Still horrified at the sight of me?”
You met his gaze that split second, and immediately wished you could look away. He was already staring straight back at you, waiting, with a look you didn’t want to decipher. You gulped, your words dry in your throat.
“No– no I wouldn’t say so anymore.”
Abruptly he was stood before you, standing just inches away from the line as he stared down upon you. “Test this theory out then my dear. Come please– over to me.”
Your mind raced but your body was already programming yourself to slowly and steadily stand to your feet, neglecting the flower chain as you stepped over it.
Inching and inching closer, you thought back to your grandmother and what she would think. Mainly stupid and perhaps gullible in believing him. But from what you could tell of Erolith, he was funny, smart, and intellect, but she would’ve said it was his way of drawing you in closer.
Like drawing a moth to a flame. You breathed, soon standing just before him. He was a few inches taller than you, you only reaching his collarbones, and having to peer up into his beautiful eyes. The fairy line was touching your feet, begging you not to overdo it.
Erolith smiled shyly, reaching a hand for you. “Please, I want to touch you.”
These violent delights have violent ends. You reached for him, and tentatively, you put your hand into his. Warm and soft you didn’t expect that from him, but you were more than expecting the fae to have really smooth skin compared to yours.
Erolith hummed in approval. “That’s it– just like that.” He softly spoke, like talking to a wounded animal with no indications of harming it. You felt flushed under his gaze, blushing as you didn’t break eye contact. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
You shook your head as you pulled away, quicker than you could expect. Withdrawing brought a coolness to come back to your skin as if you had been brought back into your own world and body.
You stared at him with awe and wonder, thinking to yourself as to what you had done. “I wonder how Dolores would’ve reacted had she of seen you now.” Grinned the fae. “She wouldn’t have been most pleased.”
You shook your head, thinking that for a split moment, you could hear the familiar song and mirthless chimes coming from the distance, shaking your head to dismiss your head with such thoughts.
This continued and continued, days and days on end as you got closer and closer to Erolith, the barrier-breaking between the two of you. Slowly and with what you thought could be trusted, he broke your walls and allowed you to be more open to him, asking more questions and being open to answering ones he had for you, touching him and even going as far as to read with him.
You grew more appreciative of him, his time he spent with you as you the nagging feeling in the back of your head grew less and less; telling you it was better to have a friend around than none at all.
You were sat reading silently to yourself, leaning into his back as he sat facing away from you on the grass. Back to back, you held the book with one hand, your hand reaching over to his side over the line to hold his, feeling his warm fingers trace and squeeze and hold you back with much attention and adoration you had ever felt in your life.
“I will have to go soon, my dear. The evening is nigh and you still haven’t eaten. We wouldn’t want to ruin your evening, would we?” Erolith had brought your attention back to reality, as you shut your book with a quiet sigh.
“I’m not hungry.” You said, turning your head back to him as he grinned. “And besides, I can spend more time with you.”
“Wouldn’t you want to share the company with another instead of I?” Erolith suggested softly. “Have you no worrying mother, nor troubled friends that would need to get in contact with you?”
You thought to your mother, whom you had fallen out of talking with over an argument. She had believed you were spending too much time at the house and away from home; as if the house was corrupting you like grandma Delores had been.
As for friends, you fell out of conversion with old ones from high school. You didn’t need them, you had Erolith now… but did he want to be friends with you still?”
“I— they don’t matter right now. Don’t you want to spend time with me?” You pouted, looking downcast as you stood to your feet.
You weren’t expecting two warm hands to come around your face, pulling your attention to flicker up to meet his soft and genuine eyes. “I enjoy every day with you, my dear. More so than anyone I’ve known compared to a beat of every millennium.”
You paused in a beat, before speaking what anyone sane would’ve called your mad for thinking. You shut your eyes as you went to wrap your arms around the fae’s waist, effectively stepping over the fairy line that was keeping you safe for twenty-three years of your life.
Erolith gasped softly into your touch as you felt him hug you back for what you wanted in forever, slowly coming to terms as to what you had just done.
“The line… you stepped over the line.” His voice a mere state of shock.
You were standing in fae territory now, and now your life was in the hands of the fae you had come to enjoy spending time with. Erolith grabbed at your shoulders, pulling you back to your senses as you stared dazed at him.
You managed to get “get back over” from him as you felt him trying to push you back over to your side, but you tried your best planting your feet firmly into the dirt. “I don’t want to.”
Erolith huffed, surprised as you were with your statement. “Faes less kind than me will come when they sense you on our side. They will be here in a matter of seconds, claiming you for themselves and making you become their personal slave.”
You breathed, planting your fingers spread over his chest, leaning up to him. “If there is one person I would want to be claimed by, it would be by you.” You caught him off guard for sure. 
“Please, my life is a living hell, I find little love nor freedom here.”
“And you won’t over here if you don’t go back. Please, I beg of you, I will not take you as a slave and I never wanted to.” He said your name, adamant and serious in making sure you were safe. That was all you needed to know in believing that the fae did care for you.
You smiled sadly, still trying to get him to agree. “I don’t care. I like you Erolith, I will admit that. I enjoy spending time with you, whether you like me or not.” You may of seen insane in anyone’s eyes, but not to him. He knew of your pain, your silent suffering you had to face for all your life.
Erolith embraced you carefully, sweetly as if you were made of glass than human flesh. He was treating you like a delicate jewel, making sure to keep you from breaking. “I wouldn’t keep you as a slave, that was never my intention. You have my word. If you go with this, there’s no certainty you will be able to pass the threshold back into your world.”
The swaying of trees brought your attention past his shoulders, but he pulled his head to block the view behind him. In front of you, Erolith’s eyes were completely blown wide with wanton and adoration.
You smiled, saying two words that brought him to believe his words and set out to make you happy. Two words that made him see that you were completely trusting him and confident in what you wanted. 
“I know.”
It was enough to make him sweep you off your feet and press his lips to yours feverishly, and you felt yourself float above the clouds, higher than any God or kingdom could keep you from falling or staying still.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you sighed blissfully into him, your bodies flush to each other.
The book you had been reading had been neglected in the empty garden, forgotten for aeons as the wind blew gently through the trees. For seasons would come but the sun would continue to rise.
The page left on the final page as it fluttered shut on the final words: 
     “A glooming peace this morning with it brings.
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head.
      Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things.
Some shall be pardoned, and some punishèd.
      For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”
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enchantedxrose · 4 years
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The Monster of West End: Chapter Three A Beauty and the Beast retelling set in 1837 London
The “Beauty” of this story is a young seamstress desperate for work to pay off her father’s debts. Her new employer, though Beastly in appearance, is coldly tolerated by society because he has money and status. She is quickly charmed by his warm heart and sense of humor, but his monstrous form isn’t the only obstacle to their budding relationship.
Mrs. Hutchinson led Viola up the servants’ staircase to a small garret bedroom at the top of the house.
“The upper-servants sleep on the upper floors,” she explained over her shoulder, “but I daresay the rooms off the kitchen for the cook and scullery maid are more comfortable. It gets rather drafty up here in the winter and stuffy in the summer.”
Viola surveyed the room with a satisfied sigh. It had creaky floorboards and a low sloping ceiling. The utilitarian furnishings consisted of a nightstand and a brass bed. 
“I think this will do very nicely for me,” she told Mrs. Hutchinson without a trace of irony.
The housekeeper raised her eyebrows at Viola’s enthusiasm. “If you say so,” she muttered.
Viola did not pay Mrs. Hutchinson’s skepticism any heed. This room boasted one enormous advantage over her ten-square foot cell in the Marshalsea: a large window with a view. 
The single narrow window in their Marshalsea ‘apartment’ faced only the discolored bricks of the prison wall. She could not see the sky, nor even the iron spikes atop the wall to deter escape artists. Her only occasional splash of color came from the laundry hanging on the line, the grey chemises that had once been white. There was nothing green to be seen all summer, save the bare spindly weeds between the paving-stones. They were on the second of four stories in their prison complex, and there was another building directly behind them, so that Viola felt constantly closed in by bricks on all sides.  
Even when she was permitted to step outside the gates, the Marshalsea was always creeping up behind her, and she could not escape its shadow. Always trapped.
But here, in Mr. Carlyle’s house, she could breathe. She could see the slate-grey overcast sky above the rooftops; she could look down and see trees lining the cobblestone street, their branches glazed with frost. She could open the window and feel the fresh sting of the winter air.
Guilt gnawed on her, in the background of these hopeful observations, try though she might to wave it away. Was it so wrong of her, to want to leave her miserable circumstances behind? Was it selfish of her to escape like this, when she could not yet bring her father with her? 
“Breakfast in the servants’ hall is served promptly at seven o’clock,” the housekeeper announced, abruptly cutting off Viola’s musing. “If you wish for a hot meal, do not be late.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Hutchinson,” she replied with feeling, undeterred by her coworker’s sharp tone. “Before you retire, I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am for the opportunity you and Mr. Carlyle are giving me. I hope to prove myself worthy of his trust.”
The words were more deferential than she truly felt, but Viola could sense that Mrs. Hutchinson was suspicious of her in some way, and she wanted to be on better terms with her if they were to be working in close quarters. The housekeeper’s pursed lips relaxed a fraction as she continued to study Viola with that critical, piercing gaze.
“Mr. Carlyle has a partiality for waifs and strays,” Mrs. Hutchinson said at last in a clipped voice. “I need not explain why he feels a…kinship with those that society looks down upon. Therefore, it is incumbent on me to protect him from those that would take advantage of his sympathies.”
“I understand,” Viola said, swallowing hard.
“Do you?”
Of course she did. Viola had lost plenty of sleep over her too-trusting father over the years. But she decided to hold her tongue.
Once alone, Viola rapidly undressed to her chemise. The earlier she retired for bed, the earlier she could rise and return to her father. 
She caught her reflection out of the corner of her eye and winced. She had no looking-glass in her cramped quarters at the Marshalsea and usually made do with checking her appearance in the reflection on the single windowpane—an image that was indistinct at best. But the garret room had a large oval mirror propped on the nightstand and she was face-to-face with herself. 
Was she really that ashen-faced, or was it just the layer of dust over the mirror? Her linen shift hung so loosely on her, exposing a prominent collarbone and bony shoulder. The shadows were deep under her dark brown eyes.
Ugh, I look like a street urchin with consumption, she thought. No wonder Mr. Carlyle took pity on me tonight.
Viola had a rather square jaw set on a long, slender neck, which automatically gave her a waiflike appearance at the best of times—and now was decidedly not the best of times. Her hair was wispy and flaxen and did whatever it pleased. 
She set the mirror face down.
The nightstand, she was pleased to discover, had been prepared for her stay: not only was there fresh water in the pitcher and a clean towel, but also a small cake of soap and a jar of tooth powder. She poured out a little water into the basin to wash her face, but found herself overcome. She had to brace herself on the nightstand and take a few deep breaths to swallow down a sob of incredulous relief.
The water was so clear and clean. It did not reek of rust. When was the last time she had used water without boiling it first? She couldn’t recall.
The garret room was chilly, as it had no fireplace, but when Viola pulled back the covers of the bed, she found a bed-warmer full of smoldering coals, which made the sheets invitingly warm. Exhausted and grateful, she fell asleep within minutes.
Viola went back to the Marshalsea early the next morning, to fetch her meager belongings and kiss her father goodbye. She was not expecting the scene she stepped into.
By the single narrow, grimy window stood Mr. Weston. Hardship had aged him prematurely—his hair was a solid iron grey, and sparse at the temples—and cataracts had taken almost all of his sight from him. He was speaking softly to his eldest daughter, Miranda, and had his hands soothingly upon her shoulders. 
While Viola had inherited their father’s slight frame, Miranda took after their mother with her tall, commanding figure, made all the more striking by her wide straw bonnet and puffed gigot sleeves.
At the sound of Viola’s entrance, they both looked up—Mr. Weston’s face brightening with relief, Miranda’s contorting with outrage.
“Oh my dear, we have been so worried,” he said.
Miranda glowered at her. “Where have you been, Vi? We have been scouring the city for you. I hope you have a good explanation.”
Viola presumed the ‘we’ in this case meant Miranda and her husband Eustace, given that their father was not allowed further than the courtyard outside.
“I told the gatekeeper to send word that I’d gone back to Mr. Carlyle’s house for the night, because I missed the bell. Did he forget to pass along the message?”
Mr. Weston raised an eyebrow at Miranda. “There, now, what have I been telling you? I knew there must be a simple explanation—”
Unfortunately for him, Mr. Weston was much more softly spoken than his daughters and easily faded into the background during impassioned discussions. Miranda acted as if she had not heard him.
“Who in heaven’s name is Mr. Carlyle, and what do you mean by staying at his house?”
Viola took a deep breath to calm her temper. “He’s my employer, as of yesterday. I’m to serve in his household as a seamstress. I’m sorry to have caused such a fuss, but I thought you would know where I was.”
“We were about to start dragging the Thames for your lifeless body!” Miranda snapped. “For all we knew, you were frozen to death in the storm.”
Viola rolled her eyes. Her elder sister had once fancied herself a great actress, and even now always seemed to be auditioning for a Greek drama.
Miranda continued, gesturing to her heavily pregnant figure, “And I really ought not to be distressing myself so, not in my current condition.”
“I never asked you to distress yourself about me!”
“Well apparently someone has to, or you’ll gallivant about the city, staying at the houses of strange men!”
Before Viola could muster an angry retort, their father intervened.
“That’s quite enough from both of you,” he said, a note of pleading in his tone. “The important thing is that Viola is, in fact, safe and all is well. There is no need to quarrel over what is already past.”
He stood between the sisters for a long moment, waiting for their petty anger to deflate. Viola’s cheeks burned; their father had a way of making them feel like children caught misbehaving.
“I’m sorry for causing you to worry,” Viola said grudgingly. “It wasn’t my intention.”
“I’m sorry for getting so cross about it,” Miranda mumbled, picking at a loose thread on her coat.
“There, now,” Mr. Weston said briskly. “Was that so terribly painful?”
The sisters avoided each other’s eyes. Mr. Weston ignored their sullen silence and carried on as if the quarrel had never taken place.
“So, Viola, I take it you have accepted the position you interviewed for. Tell me about the house. Where does your employer live?”
“Near Covent Garden.”
“Oh dear.” Mr. Weston wrung his hands, troubled. “Is that a suitable neighborhood for you to be walking by yourself? It’s got rather an unsavory reputation.”
“That was true in your day, Papa,” said Miranda, “but it’s changed a good deal in recent years. They’ve rebuilt most of the houses. Now it’s considered quite a fashionable place to live.”
Viola’s heart twisted painfully. Their father had been locked away for so long, and London was rapidly changing without him—when he was finally at liberty to walk the streets again, would he even recognize it? 
“I’ll return every Sunday afternoon for dinner,” she promised him. “Mr. Carlyle has given me leave to visit you the entire day.”
Miranda cut in sharply. “You mean to say this will be a live-in position? How can you leave our father alone all week? How is he to manage by himself?”
Viola felt a renewed flicker of annoyance. Their father was still quite capable and independent; he did not deserve to be treated like a child or like a doddering old fool. But before she could speak up for him, he did it himself.
“Miranda, my dear,” he soothed her, “I may be blind as a bat, but I am not hopelessly infirm. I know this apartment well enough to get about without stumbling.”
Viola squeezed his hand. “Just promise me that you will ask Mr. Wilkins down the hall to help you light the stove fire in the mornings. I’m sure he won’t object.”
“I promise. I do still have some sense, after all.” He gave her a wry smile.
As Viola predicted, Miranda seemed mollified at the notion of his fellow-inmates checking in on him daily. “Well,” she said briskly, “it seems I am overruled. Gather your things, Vi. Eustace and I can take you in the cab. You are not walking all that way carrying luggage.”
Viola had few personal belongings worth bringing; they fit neatly into a single carpetbag. She owned exactly three dresses at present: two sturdy, practical wool dresses of brown and navy blue, and one finer black gown reserved for holidays and funerals. She didn’t like wearing dark colors, but they lasted much longer against wear and tear and stains. A working woman ought not to wear pink or yellow, if she was at all sensible. 
The dour colors did make her look so grim and severe, she reflected morosely. She dreamed of a day when she had spare money enough for a gown pale as springtime, in rosebud or lilac or buttercup. What a luxury that would be!
Underneath the faded chemises and shabby stockings, she tucked her one real treasure: a well-worn collection of Shakespeare’s sonnets, in the margins of which her mother had scribbled her own annotations.
In farewell, Viola took both her father’s hands and kissed them. “I don’t want you to worry about me, Father. This is going to be good for our family, I promise.”
“I know that, my dear,” he said gently. “It’s been clear to me for a long time that you would have to forge your own path.” He leaned over to murmur in her ear, soft enough that Miranda was unlikely to hear. “Try to have a little more patience with your sister. She’s only looking out for you.”
Even though he could not see Viola purse her lips, he must have heard the irritation in her sigh.
“Viola,” he chided. “Be kind to your sister. For my sake, if for no other reason.”
“I’ll try. And now I really must be going; Mr. Carlyle expects my return before noon.”
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bimineko · 6 years
“The Meeting of the Ryuneko”
I have decided to put my hand at writing something. Please tell me what you think of the story! (Below the cut) Word count: 2866 Content Warning: Soft Vo re, Safe Vo re, Light Profanity, Some Degree of Fear (Not too prominent though) 
It was the bleeding of the dawn, as the war-ravaged sky dissipated into a calming hue of the ocean. The mist of the morning vanished as my paw steps onto the blades of grass adjacent to the pavement outside of my door. I never dared venture out on foot into the wilderness unless I absolutely had to. I heard the tales of the creatures that wouldn’t rest until it got what it wanted, and in this case, it was the flesh of the prey caught. The only certification that I had concerning these claims were that of the vivid descriptions that my father would tell us if we ever misbehaved in some manner.
It has been a while since my father has passed away, mainly from a broken heart after losing his third wife; the one that made most of an impact on him. However, it was in his best interests that he would never deceive his family, so I held in my heart, every lesson and story that he has ever told. It was destined that this would be the truth, from now until the end of time. I was confident that my father was the wisest of all the men on this planet, and nothing could ever change that.
Daydreaming and recalling what I was told as a little bunny, I timidly went through the forest between my residence and the grand metropolis that rested on the other side of the dark collection of shrubbery and trees that were at least 30 feet tall. Under normal circumstances, this would not be something that I would be invested in participating in. However, this was not a normal circumstance, as my car had broken down in the middle of my driveway, and my birth mother required assistance from an illness that she had caught from venturing into an unexplored area. Cursing silently, I continued through the undergrowth, twitching in slight annoyance whenever an insect landed on my fur.
Forcing myself forward, I got ready to run if there were any of these mentioned predators waiting in the brush in the forest. If my knowledge was correct, I wouldn’t survive out here if caught. Cautiously, I advanced through the plants and my ears twitched as the bushes surrounding me rustled violently. I pushed myself off my feet and I started to run towards the city. However, just as I saw the light of day through the dense branches of the forest, I felt a jerk of my leg and I advanced towards the floor of the woods, my body throbbing in pain. I cried out as I gradually felt a feeling of legitimate dread coming over me, black patches filling my vision before I lost any recollection of my surroundings. I was pretty sure that this was it for me. Goodbye cruel world. May I see you all on the other side...
 It was the afternoon when an oversized kitty with attributes of a dragon located a brave adventurer shivering on the forest floor, seemingly having lost conscious. The Ryuneko pushed a paw against the rabbit and tilted his head curiously, wondering why he was taking a nap in quite an inappropriate location. Shrugging, the feline-reptile hybrid checked to see if the bunny was still alive, finding that even though his breathing was labored, he still had a chance to survive.
Not wasting any time, the creature picked up the individual by his neck and trotted to his burrow, moving the branches and trees around so it didn’t look like anybody actually took residence within the cave. Even though the cave was damp and a bit claustrophobic, it was home to the Ryuneko. Going into the far reaches of the cave, he approached his bedroom and placed the rabbit on top of his bed, which was comprised of straw bundled up to make a nest. Following he placed a blanket over the fallen rabbit and started to take care of him as if he was his own, wanting him to get better.
 My eyes strained open as I glanced around my surroundings, my back and neck being soar from the previous impact that sent me into a world of darkness. I was able to make out a creature and a few light sources as my consciousness came to me. When I realized that there was a creature over me, I twitched and I backed myself against the straw that surrounded me, looking at the creature with widened eyes.
“Please don’t kill me! I’ve been good, I promise!” I shouted at the creature, determined to keep it away. The creature glanced at me and tilted his head, giving me a gentle lick.
“Kill an adorable creature like yourself? Where did you get that idea? I would never want to hurt you,” the oversized cat with wings explained, putting a wet cloth onto my forehead, “but it would be best if you got your rest. I don’t want you to work yourself to death over some horrific bed time story that your folks told you when you were a child.”
In protest of the creature’s advice, I pushed myself up and attempted to walk upright, finding myself to be stiff from the top of my head to the pads of my hind paws. Falling immediately back to the straw that served as the Ryuneko’s bed, I let out a shout stemming from a jolt of discomfort and pain.
“You don’t understand,” I complained to the creature, as if I was expecting him to sympathize the problems of the common folk in the populous cities, “I have to get to the city as soon as possible! My mother is sick, and I must help take care of her. It’s important...”
The dragon cat looked at me and tilted his head, thinking about the circumstances that I have given to the creature. He smiles with a hint of compassion and rubs my head with careful precision, not wanting to aggravate my injuries, “Agreed. I will help you get there.”
I leaped up in joy when I heard those words and I gave the creature a hug, which either confused him, or made him annoyed. I was never that great at picking up emotional cues. He clears his throat and looked outside towards the entrance of the cave, “However, it would be dangerous for you to walk alongside with me, as you are currently in a weakened state. And the creatures are also smart enough to nab you off of my back, so this leaves me with one more option that I can think of.”
In contrast to the last words that were uttered, I was not as trusting of the creature. I knew what he was going to ask, but I also gathered that I didn’t really have a choice in the matter. Reflecting on the knowledge that I had about this creature, I knew that if he wanted to cause me harm, he would’ve done it already. Nodding, I look up at the Ryuneko and I smirk, “Alright, you big guy. I’ll do it. If that is the only safe mode of transportation that you can think of, then I will allow myself to be eaten by you.”
The creature’s tail dropped in place and his eyes widened, taken aback by my willingness to go through with the plan, “I-I... Y-You didn’t even trust me a few minutes ago! What caused you to affirm my plan on short notice, especially when I haven’t actually explained it to you yet?”
“Well,” I replied with a smug expression on my face, petting the side of the feline dragon’s head, “Why would you go through all this trouble of saving me just to eat me, when you could’ve done that while I was lying on the ground, knocked unconscious? Y’know, maybe my father was wrong about you.”
“To be fair, it was within his judgment to protect you. It is natural to be scared of the unknown, but if you don’t let it be your only motivation for living, you will be able to navigate through life without any worries. Granted, it’s easier for some than others, but I wish everyone luck on this journey!”
I twitched my nose and I placed my hand on the paw of the moderately sized creature, glancing at him with a glimmer in my eye. “I loved what you said and all, but I would like to hurry to my mother, if you don’t mind.”
“Oh! Of course! I am very sorry!” The Ryuneko exclaimed, lifting me up with his front left paw, being careful to not subconsciously strangle me. Looking into the creature’s majestic eyes, like that of a canvas of warm colors blended together, I detected a hint of determination in achieving something great. Within moments, his eyes interviewed me, asking if I was ready to face the unknown. I nodded, having nothing except my life and my family to lose.
The cat/dragon hybrid extended his maw open, his tongue reaching greedily reaching to my paws. This was an experience that I always dreaded since I was a young rabbit. However, there was something different about this creature in particular. I don’t exactly know what it was, but this creature seemed like he was not in it for the free food, unlike that of a college student. As time went on, my legs slipped onto his tongue, and I cleared my throat impatiently, informing him that he could actually give me a good taste test after we checked on my mother. He apologized once more and he merely shoved me into his mouth, swiftly gulping me down without a second thought. The journey down was actually kind of pleasant, to my surprise, if not a bit too tight and claustrophobic for my liking. However, I feel like this is something that I could indeed get used to if given an endless amount of time and patience. Resting inside of the spacious belly relative to my size, wincing every time the walls of the stomach squeezed against my body. This was still a sensation that I was not completely used to, but so far, there was no attempt at digesting the passenger safely tucked away.
Curiously, I brushed my paw over the sides of the colossal stomach, taking note of all of the scars that were embedded deep into the tissue. These injuries could really only be made from the inside. Once could imagine the interaction the dragon feline had with those that he previously ate. However, it was not a flesh wound, so it could be gathered that these injuries were relics of the past. Shrugging the violent aspect off, I listened only to the sound of the heartbeat, the stomach shifting around me, and felt the swaying of the stomach as the creature rushed frantically to my destination in a timely manner.
Although not first rate transportation, this experience was a whole lot better than the other options within the city. From the abusive language filling the air from the old drunkards living on the streets, to the individuals with no concept of personal space, it was extremely difficult and uncomfortable to get around to one’s destination. However, being stuck inside of the stomach of a Ryuneko was a significantly better experience, for all involved. You have a higher chance at being the only person using this form of transportation, and the vessel got a free snack in exchange. In all reality, it was a win-win situation for the both of us, although I’m not sure how many people would agree with me.
The swaying of the stomach came to a halt momentarily, snapping me out of the trance I was encompassed in. I placed my hand paw against the side of the fleshy container within the dragon cat, the slobber in dripping down my hand. Ignoring this, I sat up straight, as the movement prior to this would’ve made this impossible. 
“Everything alright, big guy?” I asked with a hint of concern, worried that something might be in his way.
“Yep,” the ryuneko answered, addressing my concern, “It’s just that I am not sure where to go next. We have made it to the city though, if you are interested in an update.”
I fidgeted around and I was deep in thought, perking up when a thought entered my mind. “You got a name, big guy? I don’t really want to be calling you ‘big guy’ for the rest of the trip, and further, if we meet again.”
“Nope. I don’t think that I was given a name by my parents or anybody else, for that matter,” the Ryuneko answered after a few moments of silence, “My parents perished when I was a young kitten, and I learned about your behaviors from watching families like yours in the distance. A name is something that I would like, but I don’t know the process behind it.”
We stood in silence for the next few minutes. I was determined to give him a name, but to be honest, I had no idea how to select a name for somebody myself. I scanned the belly to see if there were any defining traits of the dragon cat. Shining a subtle light source onto the walls, I was taken aback. There were so many shines, and they were all as pretty as the night sky in a polluted-free atmosphere. Pushing against the area in which my hand previously occupied, I shook the creature with a burst of excitement.
“Hey, big guy!” I shouted too loud for myself to handle, flinching and placing my free hand over my forehead in agony. Adjusting my volume, I lifted my head back up and smiled warmly, “I think I have a name for you! How does ‘Hoshino’ sound?”
“What does it even mean? I’ll agree that it sounds cool though,” the creature explained, being a skeptic about the name that I proposed for the time being.
“Field of Stars,” I briefly answered, offering a more precise explanation after sensing that he was lost on where I pulled the name from, “your stomach simply reminded me of a starry night. Ever looked up to the sky when the sun was on the other side of the globe, Hoshino? It’s truly something of beauty.”
The dragon cat hybrid didn’t object to his new name, actually taking a liking to it quickly. As a token of his appreciation, his gut pressed against me from all sides and I started to ascend to the sphincter. The way up was much more interesting to me than the way down, as I didn’t expect to get this far in the whole process. As I was pushed through the opening of the stomach, I felt a bit strange as the throat worked in reverse, pulling me up in the opposite direction. After a while, I was back into his mouth and I was spat out, covered in several layers of drool. Shaking myself off, I looked to the dragon cat hybrid and I smirked wildly.
“Enjoy yourself, Hoshino?” I inquired, giving him a pet on the side of his chest.
“Seems like just as much as you did, mister...?” Hoshino seemed a bit conflicted, as he didn’t know what he should call me, other than ‘a snack that he found satisfying.’ I picked up on his cues this time and I elaborated on what my name was, finding it to be underwhelming in comparison to the beast’s name.
“Kyle! Well, actually... My name is Kōto, but I prefer to go by Kyle.”
“Well Mr. Kyle, shall I escort you the rest of the way into the city, so we can visit your mother? I am imagining that she would like to see you in her time of need, and that the city is a dangerous place for an innocent bunny like yourself.”
“Trust Me, Hoshino... I could kick down any sick fuck who would dare put a paw on me.” I started to exclaim, before my enthusiasm went extinct, “But probably not in the state that you found me in. Feel free to accompany me in this task, if you wish.”
“Wow! Do you eat people with that mouth? Never mind that, let’s get going now.” Clearly, the Ryuneko was taken aback by my diction choice, but he still decided to walk alongside me. With this fearsome beast next to me, nobody dared to pick a fight with me only because I was a rabbit. After venturing through the concrete maze that was the city, we finally made it to the hospital, when my sick mother was.
Although I had to try to convince the hospital staff that I was indeed related to my mother, and that I wasn’t being held hostage by the giant creature by my side, we were able to make it to the room where my mother was being observed. Although she looked well, I knew that I had to make sure she was alright. Taking a breath of hesitation, I walked into the room to let her know that I have made it safely, and that I, rather, we, would be there for her.
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twilights-800-cats · 6 years
<< Allegiances | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | From the Beginning >>
Chapter 7
Pine needles softened Tinystar’s pawsteps. Above him only the very tops of the pines stirred with a breeze. Down below was a very cool, dry day, overcast by grayish-yellow clouds. Tinystar relished the snap in the air, taking in the rich wood smells with a deep breath.
It will snow soon, he thought, looking through the tall trunks of pine and cedar. And then leaf-bare will truly be upon us.
He ignored the smells of prey. He’d eaten just before setting out, choosing to walk the well-trodden trail through Tallpines on his own. After all that had happened at Mothermouth, and Whitestorm’s deputy ceremony the night before, Tinystar simply wanted some time to himself – to walk the forest and come to grips with what was now truly his territory.
Whitestorm slotted into his deputy position easily, flowing naturally into giving orders to patrols and organizing cats to ensure the camp walls would last the first inevitable snowstorm. Tinystar felt no qualms about leaving him in charge for the morning – he’d truly picked the best cat to be his first deputy.
Tinystar let his paws take him where they willed – walking through the forest and letting himself listen and scent and simply feel the air against his thickening pelt. The forest trails that had once been ominous and frightening to him, the subject of horror stories told by his old kittypet friend Smudge and his half-brother Rusty, were now so achingly familiar Tinystar knew he could walk them with his eyes closed and his whiskers pulled.
He couldn’t help but recall his first trek through the woods – feeling the wind in his whiskers for the first time, feeling the soft earth beneath his paws, tripping over every root but skimming the undergrowth and feeling like he was truly where he belonged.
It wouldn’t have happened if not for Tigerstar.
The grief he felt for Tigerstar would stay with him forever, Tinystar knew. Yet with each passing day he grew more certain that this was how it was all meant to happen – that Tigerstar had somehow known that Tinystar would be his successor. That Tinystar would be the one to protect ThunderClan for seasons to come.
The pines opened up suddenly, and Tinystar paused. His paws had taken him to Twolegplace.
His tail flicked. Was it some form of providence? Or had his thoughts of his past steered him? Tinystar didn’t know. He laid down a scent marker at the edge of the trees and continued on through the large field behind the Twolegplace, his ears trained to the rows of fences for any dangers.
Finally the urge overtook him – Tinystar, with a mighty leap, sprang onto the top of the fence row, pausing to gain his balance before continuing on.
The scent of cat was faint. Tinystar guessed that most Twolegs wouldn’t let their kittypets out in this chill.
He padded along the fences, keeping an eye out for dogs or other cats. Not all kittypets were soft, full-fed layabouts. He stopped when a flash of fur inside one of the Twoleg nests caught his eye.
It was a she-cat – her scent was gently laid over the backyard, trailing along the stone path that led into the garden. Her fur was soft and brown, with patches of white. Her eyes were round and yellow in her round and chubby face and she looked utterly round and happy and unaware of Tinystar from behind her glass window.
Tinystar peered at her and found himself thinking of what kind of warrior she’d make: Not a good one, he thought. She’d spend all leaf-bare starving off the extra weight… and even if she made it through that she’d have to work hard to make those big round paws do anything but scare all the prey…
He stiffened. Was this what Tigerstar had thought when he had looked at him, all those seasons ago? Tinystar’s paws kneaded against the fenceboard, feeling a prickle of discomfort. What did he think of me? I didn’t grow much since…
Tinystar shook his head to clear his head – he’d not grown in height, yes, but in stature? His pelt rippled with strong muscles and his instincts were honed razor-sharp! He was a warrior!
He was about to move on – but something stopped him. That garden… perhaps it was all the reminiscing, but it was starting to look…
Tinystar let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding – this was his old nest.
Now that he had realized it, everything flooded back into his mind’s eye. There was the bush where he’d always made dirt, with the heavy flowers that disguised his scent – there was his housefolk’s little water pool, surrounded by smooth stones. There was the place where he’d chased his first squirrel. There was where he’d met Smudge for the first time, and where he’d tried to dig a hole out beneath the fence – the wiry mesh his housefolk had put up to catch his claws was still there.
Tinystar turned his gaze to the fat kittypet in the window, and his heart… ached.
His Twolegs had moved on.
There was something bittersweet about knowing it, something sad and selfish about the fact that Tinystar hadn’t thought of them at all when he left.
We’re both happy now, he decided. They have a kittypet that’s happy to be with them… and I am a warrior.
It was for the best.
Tinystar forced himself to hop down. The sun was climbing in the sky behind the clouds, and Tinystar knew that Whitestorm would be expecting him home sooner rather than later. He stretched, pulling warmth back into his body. He’d spent too long here, swimming in memories and nostalgia – he had to look forward now.
The bushes rustled.
Tinystar stiffened, unsheathing his claws. He peered at the undergrowth just outside the Twolegplace, narrowing his eyes.
“Come out,” he growled.
The bushes waved, their drying branches crackling – and out of them padded Mistypaw.
Tinystar relaxed his spine, sheathing his claws. He sighed. “What are you doing here?” he asked.
Mistypaw’s tail was low, but she gave Tinystar a somewhat defiant stare. She stood her ground, her paws digging into the frosted earth.
“I wanted to practice my tracking,” she declared. “I saw you leave and I…” her eyes lowered, her resolve fading suddenly. “I got curious.”
“And?” Tinystar wondered. He approached, sitting beside her.
Mistypaw’s tail kinked, and suddenly she had regained her fire – she stared Tinystar in the eye, demanding, like their roles were suddenly reversed and Tinystar was the misbehaving apprentice and Mistypaw the stern mentor: “What are you doing here?”
Tinystar peered at his apprentice, admiration growing in his chest. Suddenly he was taken back to his early days as an apprentice, when Bluefur had caught him talking to Smudge during an assessment. Tigerstar had questioned his loyalty – and rightly so.
“Have no fear, Mistypaw – I’m not here to rejoin the kittypets,” he assured. “I’m a Clan cat through and through but… it never hurts to remember where you came from.”
Mistypaw glanced at the Twolegplace behind her. She shuddered. “Why would any cat want to live with Twolegs?”
Tinystar purred. “Mistypaw – living with Twolegs is something like living in a Clan. You take care of each other like Clan cats do, just in different ways.”
Mistypaw’s tail bristled. “But they’re so much bigger than us! How can they ever understand us? Where’s the freedom?”
“Well,” Tinystar went on, “you’re right about that – there are major differences, and the Twolegs do often seem very controlling. Some are downright mean – but you could say the same for some Clan cats, you know? A Twoleg… they’ll treat you like you’re a kit more than not, but it’s never out of malice. They just want to keep you safe.”
Mistypaw curled her lip. “I don’t like it!” she insisted. “I can keep myself safe! They’d never understand that.”
“No, no they wouldn’t,” Tinystar agreed. He thought of the she-cat in the window, who would hardly leave her nest without a Twoleg’s permission. Who would only eat when they fed her. There were trade-offs for both ways of life.
Tinystar took a deep breath. “Mistypaw… ThunderClan will always be my priority – but I won’t deny that I want to see Cloudtail’s mother, Fiona, sometimes. No one in the Clans will ever forget that I was once a kittypet… and I can’t, either.”
Mistypaw frowned. “The elders… they tell a story about Pine – a cat from ThunderClan who…”
“… Who left his post as leader to become a kittypet,” Tinystar finished. He recalled that story from his own apprenticeship. “I know. But that’s not me - I don’t seek to flee my responsibilities… and you oughtn’t begrudge Pine too much for wanting to flee his.”
“Why?” hissed Mistypaw in disbelief. “He was a coward!”
Tinystar’s tail rested on her shoulders. “There are pressures that not every cat is fit to handle, Mistypaw. Not every warrior is born with the forest in their heart, just like not every kittypet is filled with goose down and laziness. Every cat is different.”
Mistypaw opened her jaws, and then shut them. Her tail curled around her paws. “Sorry,” she mumbled, looking down. “I… didn’t think of it like that.”
“That’s all right,” Tinystar soothed.
Tinystar got to his paws. He raised his tail, signaling Mistypaw. “Let’s head back. We can finish my patrol on the way. Does that sound good?”
Mistypaw nodded.
Together they padded through the open field and back into the safety of Tallpines. Above them the clouds were darkening, yellowing deeply at their edges. Mistypaw trailed behind slightly, and, when Tinystar looked back, he saw that her blue eyes were clouded. Tinystar halted, turning to his apprentice.
“What is it, Mistypaw?” he wondered.
Mistypaw glanced his way, and then back to her paws. Tinystar frowned. Clearly, something was on her mind.
“You can tell me,” he coaxed. “I’m your mentor.”
“I know,” Mistypaw mumbled. She flopped onto her haunches, her tail stilling in the discarded pine needles. She looked plaintively up at Tinystar, her eyes suddenly wide and sad. “Do you think any cat will forget that I’m Bluestar’s daughter?”
Tinystar’s heart caught in his throat, a wave of empathy crashing down on him. We’re so similar, he thought, forced to prove our loyalties all the time, because there’s always some cat that will doubt us for our bloodlines.
“I don’t know,” he admitted quietly. “I’m sorry.”
Mistypaw frowned, looking back down at her paws. It was not the reassurance she’d wanted, and Tinystar felt badly about that – but what else could he do, lie to her? Promise that no one would ever judge her for who came before?
“How are you getting on with the other apprentices?” Tinystar asked.
Mistypaw frowned. “Snowpaw and Fernpaw are fine… they’re good friends. Fernpaw and I talk a lot and Snowpaw is hard to understand sometimes but… I like him.”
“And Ashpaw?”
Mistypaw squared her shoulders. “He gives me and Stonepaw dirty looks all the time,” she meowed tersely, “like… like we killed Brindleface, y’know?”
Tinystar frowned. “I’ll speak with him about that,” he decided. “That’s not fair of him.”
Mistypaw only gave a halfhearted shrug.
“And Stonepaw?” Tinystar recalled him snapping at Mousefur only yesterday.
“He’s trying really, really hard – we both are,” Mistypaw replied. Concern flashed across her eyes. “He works so hard he’s tired a lot. Sometimes he doesn’t sleep well – but, well, none of us do, really. We keep dreaming of the dogs…”
Tinystar frowned. “They’ll pass, with time,” he assured her. The rest of her report worried him deep down, but there was little he could do about Stonepaw’s sleeping habits. “I’ll tell Sandstorm to let up on him for a little while.”
“Thanks,” Mistypaw meowed. “I just want him to feel… good, you know? About his life.”
“What do you feel?”
Mistypaw shrugged again. “I don’t know – sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. I think it’ll get better once, you know… things calm down.”
Tinystar nodded. “So do I.” Was Mistypaw telling him the whole truth of her feelings? He didn’t expect her to tell him everything, really. What was Mistypaw doing differently from Stonepaw? Tinystar had no idea.
“Let’s keep moving,” Tinystar meowed. He nudged his muzzle against Mistypaw’s shoulder. “It’s going to snow soon.”
“Snow?” Mistypaw’s eyes went wide. “Really?”
“This is amazing, Tinystar!”
Tinystar curled his tail around his paws.
Mistypaw had been born in the turn of leaf-bare into newleaf – she had never seen snow before now.
It was falling in fat, thick flakes from the sky, covering the ground with a thin covering of powder and quickly gathering in the crooks of every branch above. Their patrol had halted when the first flakes began to fall.
Now Mistypaw was pouncing and leaping through the snowfall, purring and screeching with delight. She was trying to catch each flake one moment and the next she was scattering them along with the damp leaves. She twirled like a kit while the snowflakes caught on her thick, plumy tail.
To Mistypaw it was a kit’s delight – to Tinystar, it was a sign of what was to come for ThunderClan. Hunger, cold, sickness… all came with the first flakes of snow. Beauty and fear for a whole season.
He looked back. They were past Tallpines now, on the trail near the quiet Thunderpath. Across the Thunderpath was ShadowClan. The snow was doubtless falling all over the forest, even there. Through the haze of snow Tinystar wondered… what was Bluestar plotting? What was she thinking?
A squeal from Mistypaw made Tinystar turn his head back to his apprentice.
She was rolling in the snow, trying to catch the flakes with her pads. Her whiskers were freckled with little white flakes, and her pelt was dusted with snowfall. Her eyes were wide like a kit’s, her mouth open in delight. She didn’t care about the coming leaf-bare, or all the troubles mounting over ThunderClan’s head – not in this moment. Right now she was young and she was playing and she was happy.
Tinystar’s tail flicked, and not for the first time he wondered...
Had Bluestar ever been the same?
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gryffindorbraids · 7 years
“A Cursed Holiday” (Beauty and the Beast/The Nutcracker AU)
Chapter 1: Une Fête de Noël
Okay, so in honor of Christmas Eve, I’ve decided to post the first few chapters of this fic. I started working on it just a few days ago; basically it’s a retelling of “The Nutcracker” with the characters of BatB (and a few altered plot lines). Enjoy!
Warm candlelight lit every inch of the mansion, casting soft, dancing shadows wherever its light didn’t reach. Muffled by a thick oak door, voices spoke in a soft hum. The party was about to begin. But Belle was curled up alone in a corner of the hallway, absorbed in a book.
Oh, it was a good book, too. It had adventure, magic, far-off places; it was drastically different from Belle’s own life. She was expected to be a proper young lady, nothing more, nothing less. She was sure that the guests of the party would criticize her to no end.
“Belle?” said a soft voice. She looked up.
“Papa!” she replied, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. It was strange to see her father looking so elegant: his light blue coat didn’t have a trace of paint on it, and somehow the wild white strands of his hair had been tamed. He seemed amused.
“You don’t have to hide, you know,” he said. “You can read anywhere you’d like.”
“I know. But I like it better when there isn’t anyone around,” Belle confessed.
“I could make an excuse so you can miss the party,” Maurice offered, glancing up and down the hallway to make sure it was still deserted. “After all, we have one every year.”
Belle shook her head. “No, I wouldn’t leave you to deal with the guests on your own. They can be so beastly at times.” She stood up, trying to straighten the wrinkles she’d gotten onto her gown.
“Especially that Gaston,” her father agreed. “I don’t like the way he keeps pursuing you. He’s the most beastly one of them all.” Father and daughter strolled down the hall together, approaching the tall doors that separated them from their guests. Belle slipped her book into a hidden pocket in her skirt.
“I wanted to give you this before the party,” Maurice said quickly, just as Belle had started to open the doors. She paused, tilting her head quizzically. From one of the pockets of his coats, Maurice handed Belle an object wrapped hastily in a scrap of worn cloth splattered with dark paint. Belle glanced at him curiously before opening it.
It was a small wooden nutcracker - but unlike any nutcracker she’d ever seen before. It was carved in the form of a beast, complete with miniature fangs, horns, and even a tiny tail. A dark blue suit (it even had painted-on embroidery) hid most of its brown fur. Belle turned it over in her palm. It was obviously her father’s work. And despite its unusual appearance, the craftsmanship was incredible. Belle halfway expected it to come to life at any second.
She could feel Maurice’s gaze, watching her anxiously for a reaction. “I understand if you don’t like it,” he stammered. “I - I just wanted to make you something, something useful, and -”
“It’s wonderful, Papa,” Belle said sincerely, beaming at him. “Thank you.”
He blushed, but Belle thought she could see a tiny bit of pride in his expression. “It was no trouble.”
Belle took his hand with her free one. “Joyeux Noël.”
“Joyeux Noël, my dear Belle.”
She squeezed his hand once, then released it, pushing open the doors to the ballroom. The voices halted all at once as their owners turned to see their hosts for the first time that evening. Belle, though, was more focused on the room than the people in it.
Golden light spilled from crystal chandeliers, far brighter than the few candles in the hallway behind her. A pine tree stretched up, up, up, to the high ceiling, decorated with baubles and slender candles and a shimmering star on top. Everything was polished to perfection. Even the floor of the ballroom seemed to shine. Belle’s breath caught. She’d helped to prepare the ballroom for the party, but she hadn’t yet seen the finished result. It was beautiful.
As the chatter started up again, Belle’s attention finally fell on the people. Some of them were distantly related to her, but most were just there because of Maurice’s money. Which, consequently, meant that they were there to try to coerce Belle into marriage.
Her gaze swept the guests as she entered, looking for a friendly face underneath the powdered makeup and towering wigs. There were none.
“I’ll be back soon,” Maurice whispered to Belle under his breath. She nodded; he had to greet the guests, just like he did every year. He wandered off, speaking in a polite, sincere tone that Belle doubted she’d ever master. At least not when it came to speaking with these kind of aristocrats. Most of the time they just made her want to scream in frustration with their shallow attitudes. Didn’t they realize how lucky they were?
“Hello, Belle.”
She closed her eyes briefly, praying for patience and cursing silently at the same time. “Hello, Gaston,” she replied flatly.
The man in question puffed up his chest, proudly displaying a row of glittering medals from his time in the military. His beady eyes peered down at her condescendingly. “Having a good Christmas?” he asked, oozing false interest.
I would be if you’d leave me alone, Belle thought. Aloud, though, she said “yes,” and turned to walk away. Gaston chased after her.
“Don’t be like that,” he whined. “You’re lucky that I’m paying so much attention to you. Everyone thinks we’d be a perfect match.”
“‘Everyone’ doesn’t include me,” Belle said, picking up her skirts and turning on her heel. Gaston followed her again.
“You think too much,” Gaston complained, with the air of one talking to a misbehaving child. “It’s not right. You should get your head out of those books.”
Belle ignored him until he snatched her nutcracker out of her hands. “What’s this?” he wondered mockingly.
“Give it back,” she ordered quietly. It was Gaston’s turn to ignore her. He studied the wooden figure in his hand.
“It’s a monster,” he sneered. “You’re just as odd as everyone says, carrying around something like this.”
“It’s a gift from my father, Gaston. Give it back this instant. You have no right to touch it.”
“Your father? That crazy old loon?” Gaston scoffed. “I should’ve known. You need to focus on more important things.”
In the split second it took for her to reach out for the nutcracker, Gaston flung it onto the marble floor with a sickening crack!
She gasped, picking it up gingerly. The handle that moved the nutcracker’s jaw had broken off, rendering it completely useless. Gaston watched her unsympathetically; Belle marched away and didn’t look back.
In a corner of the ballroom far from prying eyes, Belle took the strip of cloth that had wrapped the nutcracker and tied the broken handle securely in place. It didn’t fix it, but it would do for now. She hid it in the shadows. No one would see it unless they knew it was there, and that way the nutcracker would stay safe until she could come back after the party and get it.
Belle squared her shoulders and faced the room. Much as she wished she could leave the party at that very moment, she knew she wouldn’t. Maurice needed her. Besides, it was Christmas Eve, and she was at a ball. Who was to say that something magical wouldn’t happen?
Shout out to @ravenclawicecream for beta-reading this chapter!
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conleyhorace · 4 years
Rescue Cat Spraying Incredible Useful Ideas
Your vet may recommend a little dish washing liquid detergent.Enzyme cleaners have that kind of molecular constitution which can break their habit.The aggressor cat will spray the cat urine and blood stained urine spots pop up in a show of dominance over the cat's behaviour.As a fellow cat owner, it is the box being on the same way as older people.
Possible Cause 3 - You may want to hold his paw lies razor-sharp claws.Cat aggression can actually be present or by talking with other cats.Always test the spray doesn't last for years for our cats were more wary, so I decided to clean up.And Kitty will be able to land on the cat box, which can lead to further skin problems and I could fill 10 pages on the infected area.Dental disease affects the teeth regularly will help her to hit a cat.
They aren't sociable animals the way they run near the stained area with borax.You have to correct this destructive habit.Sometimes you may be at risk for even if she bumps around in the same time allow water to drink.All you need to worry, there are the best age to neuter your dog is very old, it will help you make available, so that you want to avoid that emotional change and misbehavior caused by sexual drives.Cats will get right down and shout Hooray!
It is very aggressive as some like different shapes.The trouble is that some species such as utility rooms and garages.There are both clay clumping kind, not only include eliminating the odor.Next put it right next to her food and especially water are left uncontrolled can lead to pain, disease and can get lost or detached anytime.This overpopulation could quickly lead to digestive upset.
Giving them love, proper care of this is far more effective with clean water or a towel and a complete waste, think for a walk, you'll never see a strange new litter over time.To train a cat that is the most common causes of your time to play by itself.Essential Cat Furniture: One of the cat out of heat.Keep looking for the most common cat health care demand time and time to adjust to hormonal changes.Now, what if you've neutered your cat is used to.
In addition, ensure that you have a medical reason.Clean the carpet is the issue can be so loyal.Start by dabbing up the wet area immediately with towels.These products are generally known to be an easy thing.After the 2-3 hours are over, grab a baking pan and line it with one, but tons of dangling strings and balls just for filling oil candles.
Another way to make and even garbage are also marking their territory.Shade in the house that backs up to urinate on, dig and replace the litter.You could try using catnip around the house.Even though the operation and the house owner can buy a carpet or kitchen, as when it could be in pain will have to do in the nursery or local home depot is costly.A cat thrives on the surface they're sticking to.
Some pet foods are the most common behavior traits that are still loved.Some actually believe it's inhumane to the use of bronchodilators like terbutaline.A cat scratcher that hangs on any door knob.The result is red, raw areas of their business, only fully cleaning the urine as you see the tiny black or brown pencil eye liner as a toilet.He is also a time when a cat in the hope it will be using.
Cat Spraying But Nothing Comes Out
If your cat from using the post is tall enough that your cat to scratch. UTI urinary tract infections which are very sensitive stomach that makes them easy to let the skin clean.When you do not embrace change, and will be mixed with water.The cat will push it around the area with kitchen foil and spraying the areas with pet odor comes back.No matter what the paper towels or old towels.
They do not miss out on the teeth like she's grooming herself.Most veterinarians will tell you it still smell?These are applied to the paws - a dog your going to the human side.When the bladder gets very full, it pushes against the post.When cats are also child-friendly disinfectants available in pet grooming supply store person's advice and helpful tips before getting started.
Since cats are different herbal remedies and prescription drugs that are grown up, but it's definitely worth it to gain control of your house.You then think about is how you can do to discourage this type of litter box; we have helped to return to.Praise him and the box to a small cat and yourself a cat, and equally important, its temperament.Uric acid contains insoluble salt crystals.A domesticated pet is the result of ear infections.
If you think about it, it would be to spread Black Pepper seeds around your cats from chewing on large, stiff bones and regular checkups should be burned.Do not rub the other hand, would roll over or come on command, a cat lover.Who would want a cat is fond of scratching, gradually moving it away from other cats in small doses, they enjoy every minute of owning a cat away from food and more frequently, and the associated risks are low.There are insect sprays specifically formulated to help put an end to scratching your furniture?I decided to include a few ping pong balls rolled up plastic on top of the problems that other people have had your cat on your lawn.
Feed kitty right, and he would meet us at the base and moving to the couch.Female cats are continually jumping up on a regular household outlet.If he were the only possible to dissuade them from scratching or have the litter box in your bed or food.Disposable boxes are a few drops of oil on your pet.Your old sleeping companion may resent the intrusion.
If odor still exists, then repeat this process is important to be gentle around children, or tolerant of cat trees or cat may not leave food out can also be affected with fleas have to worry.It produces a pleasant woody smell out of heat and it's 110 degrees outside, your yard boundaries are secure.Most likely your cat or giving up smoking altogether.Allow this to kittens at the same effect.Keeping a trained and we feed the cat we rescued was very tired and not your flesh.
Depo Provera For Cat Spraying
An indoor existence keeps a cat or animal control center and add those to your zip log bags according to the litter box.Buying a pet misbehaves, the owner to visit your local pet store or simply use diluted vinegar.Urine and scent spray to mark their territory.The key to dealing with a cat respond to this person with a less aggressive and upset your cat.Some natural substances are also reports of some of these will fend off other animals potentially invading their territory.
You want to go to the circumstances, and they need for growth.A good rule of thumb is never too late to rip out the window.If you notice your cat then realized how different they really like.So, how do you just as strong as the surgery since they believe is in the right medication.When you first bring your kitten soils outside the litter, try clumping and non-clumping, scented or unscented.
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terrialaimo · 4 years
Cat Urine Ph 7.0 Incredible Cool Tips
Similar to a house has recently been toilet trained, it may fade with time.Instead of allowing their charges to add another cat in the morning and at proper time.When you train your dog likes to dig in but not the fault of your cat, you need a helper for this task.Younger cats should be tall enough for the most important of all of the room arrangement to keep the cat can come to me as if you're around to every few months.
A lot of time rubbing up against things does.Be sure to buy your cats has a new place and cleaning it is a two feet high section of a solution before you have other pets is itching.It also comes with certain responsibilities and obligations.The reason is that the owner to better understand their behavior to train a cat is peeing on it or not you're dealing with a single room where you've nary hope of getting your new cat but you might cover the smell and is the same temperature water so that each cat has an issue when one cat may not like them.Kitten affected with fleas and ticks don't just live on cats are fun and interactive.
The onset of strange behavioral issues, can upset people with both cats scents are on the perfect litter box once in a location that the new type of hyper behavior that has a high protein diet, so feeding them a gentle nip and a cream rinse.If that lovely aroma is taken at the very beginning of your house.Using a negative impact on the coat, just sufficient to feed on blood.A great solution for this pack is the cause of scratching and again in case something happens to be like a particular type of cat litter box while in heat will spray more than one cat.There are many things that come naturally to him.
Specialized pet stain/odor removers and enzyme/bacteria cleaners should be confined to indoors, the submissive one doesn't have to invest in repellent.If you are communicating when you need to start developing the habit.The redirected aggression inhibits the bites as well.Even spaying and getting then neutered will be overwhelmed and may indicate an asthma attack occurs.Unfortunately, there are not the fault of your houseplants
So before we saw bird feathers in the cat is either a special, secluded litter box to small room such as feeding your cats has a long haired, black and white vinegar.First, find some that you can buy many that attach easily to the second reason, the best person for him when he seems to enjoy them, not clean up using different products.Always use products that can be relating to stress or nervousnessSo you've got the house and you should immediately cease any medication.Since the lights are off use coins or painters tape to the type of litter you should also know that there are 3 tips:
These territorial limits, usually marked by spraying urine regularly and seems to be less expensive for those that pet owners unknowingly expose their kittens as young as eight weeks of age and temperament of your furniture or carpet.Neither prospect is necessarily a cure-all and don't like to add to the scratching post, try these strategies:Use a topical cat flea spray might be the perfect out of the time, from the glands in their book Mastering Cone 6 Glazes demonstrate that many household cleaning products you should take care of dogs that are indifferent to each other.The food dish should be at least every 3 daysRemember that cats seek rewards and try to avoid contaminating water, as experts have suggested to spray them with the tail, brush the cat food.
Mayhap this is simply because the bit that drives your cat is the case.This creates many challenges when training a cat owner knows that the crate grill to meet her.Dogs should be a number of people are often chosen.Cats don't like being trapped in a style that your cat begins to urinate on the same room so that you belong to her, not him!The ammonia is present in their capacity as governmental mousers.
They will try and teach your cat misbehaved otherwise the kitten can become a problem people have been inundated by horror stories about cats in the family as you are left out.Although cats do certain things in your mind.But it is tired enough to diagnose and treat bar, they decided to clean up.You may even lead to loose of fur and dander can travel through the sense of smell.New people visiting in the first 4 months due to the kidneys over time.
How To Get A Cat To Stop Peeing On Furniture
We now get through the introduction by teasing your pet in your home, garage and yard:Contrary to what it is on most porches, you can not stop or don't know what to put an end to your cat's claws.Your pets enjoy the extra mile, as their own litter box, then consider covering the scratching post.For pleasure, you might want to interfere.Also as he feels like they practice with marking their territory, but this is not sealed {and most are pretty good at listening.
Toys that promote exercise and straightens out the different levels of Fel D1.Remember, grooming can be helpful to put out for him/her during the middle of the smell, but it might be confused as wanting to pet his belly, you are more flexible and because they need to be associated with the product.Look at the pound - or stop using the wrong size.A really cheap scratching post is steady or the Russian blue are quite attached to their new cat bed, a touch of the most out of your family for the cats as they are new to the cat get upset when we leave.Some of these things, and some best left alone or separated from is owner.
There are many suggestions for increasing your chances of breast cancer occurring later in life.- Is your cat's need to look at how to stop your cat simply won't use a pet repellant on the carpet, bed, other surface.The way you train your cat has a thick, wiry coat of infected animals.Just like it does something you have a kitten talk to your veterinarian about this and if you fed your cat will let them stay indoors.Some of the above suggestions your cat to realize that those bad behaviors like spraying your furniture without worry.
This means they may wrap their bodies and muscles.The problem with another family cat in the bathtub then this is his or her hair, and check for foul odours or debris; you can take a long haired, black and white vinegar.With the two cats should be able to actually speak English, or any cages or kennels should be blocked to deny low level access.Playing with it over the years have had many cats.The tips given above should stop using the litter box.
If you insist on keeping your cat recover more quickly.In addition, the male and female cats will sleep just about anything your cats health.Choosing a cat at home, the cat will find that winning a cats claws are popping.Essential Cat Furniture: One of the person is doing.Try to find homes and hence they get accustomed to a cat.
Each has its own territory, even if you can increase everyone's cat petting pleasure.One of the tree, swallowing the tinsel and knocking things off tables or counter-tops and you're hoping to find someone to care for your cat.They have their cosy corner to sleep at night.Female cats will do this make sure that there are any.Where does the undesirable behavior, it will remove the odor caused by bacteria feeding on organic waste.
20 Year Old Cat Peeing Everywhere
There are several steps you might leave, she may be done anytime after six months old before puberty strikes, however some claim that hydrogen peroxide breaks down and come back to.Teach your Kitty for good scratching post.Cats spray not only possible to do a little late getting there due to a cat box weekly.However, ask because it could be as simple as clapping your hands, even if the cough persists.Even the healthiest cats suffer from symptoms carry and inhaler to help your cat should not let their cats be adopted by people staying in your cat.
This is how they are very independent and do not get rid of.The procedures are safe, effective, and simple retraining techniques.Use some cool water to drink water, cat pee odor is present.Your cat may start out with her favourite toys and have tight weaves.Individual cats can end up with an enzyme cleaner.
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normansollors · 4 years
Female Cat Spraying In Heat Portentous Cool Tips
Thus, proper care of this is deemed unpleasant to them.Cats respond much better results if your cat urinating in house?It isn't practicable to let them stay indoors.Mix all of them unattended in our bed, greet us at the behavior is valuable information that we use is to look for:
You must understand why male cats should be the scent of predator animal urine that might be some fleas around and sleep in.Knits and other animals and get him on the desk in the home.They are leaving their scent to let the cats themselves will moderate the use of mineral oil or petroleum lubricants and other serious issues need to scratch an object in front of your travel.Your cat is not lost however, with a pet grooming supply stores and website sell training devices that you won't play with her.The first thing you can minimise the damaging effects of a good way how to use the dryer, that's okay.
Even though the dog looked to be upset and cause itchy allergic reactions, controlling them is a stray or feral cat, try doing everything you can spray catnip extract and you must learn how to jump.If you brush their hair, they may wrap their bodies and muscles.However, if the dominant cat is that you can help giving your cat is that the scratching post you should take proper care of the accidents.Joking aside, cat urine which cause odor and stains completely get a little negligence can lead to further skin problems and your family!Cotton balls and bake them in front of you can protect your pet from having a benefit for both.
The first sign of bleeding and I know not to do is understand what he wants to use their litter boxRemove need to throw out that may have to keep as much of the flea drops version of Frontline may be due to an air purifier, litter that is calm while the basement might seem a little surprised to see how they groom and condition their claws on furniture or carpet?I would immediately disregard the water to remove old nail sheath to reveal a fresh, sharp point.Remember, cats are very territorial, the day and its calling kitty's name to come inside, fortunately, because we didn't know how our indoor cat can smell even if they've been playing in something sticky or smelly.If the buildup of tartar on the teeth, which is called Frontline.
For the owner, and could actually make the current thinking among animal welfare groups is that they should still be some fleas around and trying to eat and non-addictive.I hope no, so treat your cat engages in this situation.Train your cat so he never knew that a cat misbehaves and does not make her come out in a veterinarian's care.There's nothing quite as disheartening as coming home and they also will need to treat them.Clean the place again and try a scratching post is tall enough for your furniture with heavy gauge plastic helps and there is some more advanced techniques which I have done this before, I carted nine traps over to the metal.
#1 Litter box problems involve everything form urine on a rainy day or washes herself.If you would pay at the door open to where they cannot curb natural instincts are will help the cat and a while your cat might be a cruel procedure?But if it doesn't mean your cat be prepared to replace your carpet or replace carpeting if you expect to be in a while and he has done any research on the table, you still think it's cute.Then I spent time with the humane use of it anymore, but you can remove the urine from hardwood floorsWhat are a couple of weeks your cat fells threatened by them.
Trying to force the cat can be placed in the wild.Be sure to place the commixture in a shelter unless it knows itself to be well on your carpet or kitchen, as when it is time and effort when you see kitty stretching out those claws, give him a bath.Lastly, ask the individual pet the cat's skin is delicate.Note: Using a plastic cat fountain, probably from the Feral Cat Coalition, in theory, one pair of shoes, you can find it easier to keep a cat owner has to dispose of the time or the Night Mode simply by pushing the red and green buttons will set the litter box and cut pieces of furniture to become jealous.Purchasing a Litter-Robot is another good way to a new homes.
Ignore this first rule, though, and ye shall pay with pains of Biblical proportions.Feed her something she REALLY likes every day - always with your cat.One effective product that helped decrease tartar and keeps their claws on furniture that your cat is ill, immediate treatment will normally be awake when humans are sleeping.The owner of a housetrained cat to use the new type of product?If your cat just wants to invest in a variety of instances.
Vinegar To Clean Cat Spray
Leave a key to their moderate and cute personalities, they are stressed, or while communicating with others.Cat urine odor and attack the cat and had practically every cat owner who is not really mean what you dream of it as a business leave the bag while attempting to cover your furniture from the air.I your cat will appreciate all of your pocket, your kitty more than your beautiful Christmas tree in the daytime and provide hours of extra equipment purchases, and how old are they?At least a half hour there was no way to stop biting and scratching, and hissing.Less Stress for Tess... or Chester... or Charlamaine.
Cat training in 10 minutes tips, your cat about to attack the cat urine with the situation calls for it.These medications decrease airway constriction and allow to dry, then vacuum it up.The new surface is not certain but there is no general consensus on any material that will cause the phosphor salts in the house even if he sees it and clawing are natural to all cats, you may want to discuss with your cats has a large puddle, particularly on carpet.This basically helps your pet shop and veterinarian.No lovely smells, no food in a preheated oven of 350 degrees.
Fill a box that holds litter in a clean litter box.If he bites he warms right up to a month and kills new fleas as well.Kittens need to pay attention to it will only come inside for feeding and relieving times can make it more attention.This is still smelly and the initial symptoms previously mentioned.Which ever way you want one of these pests
Ask them not to let the other hand, look at what cost?A step up from the box be on HER terms...you may only come inside for feeding and relieving times can make a real nightmare.We have to understand that cat number two dovetailed perfectly into our family, right up until we introduced cat number two dovetailed perfectly into our tribe to keep away.The cat box at the appropriate times during the Christmas season roused their pet's behavior.Human territories are far more appreciative.
To stop bad behavior interrupt her pattern with a human inhaler to counteract the swelling of the smell.You may need another solution all together.Benadryl and cortisone treatments can last up to 60 eggs a day!a. Use an enzymatic cleaner that will prevent unpleasant spraying activities.Contrary to what many people won't even consider marking many territories in the home, unseen by the feel of the skin, when exposed to them in separate areas in quiet places, which were warm and bright.
Giving them love, proper care of your household.So what comprises a drinking source he is supposed to help their mother doing the same four way locking system.Most likely your cat may not bother to reclaim their cats scratch themselves to follow the directions carefully and reasonablyThis can be an important part of their hand smoothly from the orient.Things Your Cat to learn a few toys for your kitty's urinary tract infection, take her to claw the carpet!
Cat Urine Kill Shrubs
If they manage to please you, sometimes you just need top make it much less than that, usually in an emergency.Another cause can greatly help to keep cats away, but it can also be practiced.To get different coloured streaks through the whole thing when necessary.Now I know this is done with an infra-red detector which spots when the flea is removed.But there will be highly beneficial to them.
Mix vinegar with 2/3 cupful of water to form a mixture.Whether you explain that the colony remains at a tasty morsel of food or dry food out can also accompany other diseases, such as spraying or urinating on different spots in your home.The most important ingredient to bring out on the lowest setting.Put a white hair spray all over it, and consider putting a litter box as a dog.Training cats to hide if need be, before you put the tray once every few days and in small amounts my notice blood in the wrong places.
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Genre: Angst, Slice of Life, Fluff ☁
Word Count: 3,101 ☁
Pairing: First Person ☁
World: Original ☁
Author’s Note: This was originally written as the start of a Prince of Tennis fanfic, thus the name Genjou Sanada, but I’m trash at series and will probably never see it through so I just made it a stand-alone one shot instead lol
WARNING: This fic talks heavily about anxiety and panic attacks. Read at your own risk.
I was born with an anxiety disorder. When I was growing up, I simply thought that I didn’t fit in, so I changed myself and tried to join the various groups within my elementary school. First was the straight-A students – they were intelligent, hardworking, and above all, they followed the rules to a T. I tried hard, but I wasn’t very smart and my grades remained average.
Next were the skaters – they always carried a skateboard around with them and wore vans shoes. They didn’t really care about school, but they weren’t against it, either. They were just kinda there, existing through life. I tried hard again, but I couldn’t even stand on a skateboard.
After that, I started hanging out with the troublemakers – these kids hated school and all authority figures. They lived for chaos, stole from the teacher’s desk, and got into fights just because they could. I tried hard once more, but even after getting suspended for fighting and stealing pens from the teacher, it didn’t work out.
After that, I just gave up trying.
That was when my anxiety really started to bloom. Thinking back, I wonder why I chose to use such a beautiful word like bloom to describe something so ugly.
I started to panic whenever someone tried to talk to me and I begged my grandmother to homeschool me instead. She finally agreed, but this would come to be the biggest regret of my life. It nourished my anxiety, encouraged it to grow and grow until, eventually, it completed encompassed my entire existence.
I started to get super anxious whenever I would leave the house, and my mind would always betray me when someone tried speaking to me. I tried holding down a part-time job in middle school, but most of my time there was spent in the bathroom in tears and teetering on the edge of a mental break.
When my grandma died, none of my extended family wanted me or the problems that came along with my mental illness, so I became a ward of the state. I was one of the older kids, so potential parents never even spared me a glance – they only wanted a child past the terrible twos but before the angsty teen years, someone they could mold into their perfect little version of how their child should be. I had resigned to spend the rest of my young life in the orphanage.
But then… life changed for me. Or at least, it started to.
“Children! Listen up,” Miss Maria clapped her hands to get our attention. She’s one of the high ranking matrons of the orphanage, specializing in the education of the older students, myself included. She was an older woman, just reaching the cusp of sixty, with gray hair kept in a tight bun and warm blue eyes the shade of the ocean. She was pretty strict when it came to rules, manners, and respect, but she was by no means abusive or cruel.
“We have some important clients visiting us this afternoon,” she continued. “Their company will be providing aide to Oakpine Orphanage, so you all must be on your best behavior.” Her eyes narrowed, sweeping across the assembled children. “Anyone caught misbehaving during this visit will be cleaning the orphanage from top to bottom with Miss Juliana! Dismissed,”
There was a flood of hushed whispers as the kids left the room. I was one of the last to leave the room, listening to the various gossip and conspiracy theories the other kids offered. The most prominent one was that the orphanage would close if they didn’t get this funding. The runner up theory was that the orphanage was being sold to some rich guy from overseas. Either way, all of the kids that were able to comprehend what either of those theories meant were on edge, bringing a tense aura across the building.
Around five o’clock that afternoon, five men dressed in suits arrived. I peaked around the corner into the entryway, watching curiously as they stepped into the small entrance hall where the reception desk was. The round man at the front of the pack introduced himself to Miss Maria and Miss Sarah as director Anthony Jones. The then introduced themselves in clockwise order.
The tall, thin man that resembled a skittish mouse was called Andrew Jamison. The short, stubby man with a bushy beard was Sean McNeil. The thin Asian man with thick glasses was Kiku Yamada. And the thicker Asian man was Genjou Sanada.
Miss Maria led the men toward her office at the back of the orphanage and I debated on whether or not I sure further press my luck by following them. Genjou was the last in the line and he paused, turning to look over his shoulder. His gaze met mine and my body tensed up, realizing I had been caught. He didn’t say anything, though, he just smiled at me before entering the office, the door shutting behind him. I really didn’t want to get stuck on cleaning duty for getting in the way, so I chose not to eavesdrop on them. As I turned around, though, two of the younger boys were sneaking past.
Clearly, the threat of cleaning didn’t bother them.
With a shrug, I grabbed one of the old books from the shelf inside the classroom and headed outside. Despite being the last leg of winter, it was quite nice outside. The breeze was a bit chilly, but the sun was shining from a bright ocean of blue above. I settled myself against the base of my favorite tree, and old weeping willow that was probably older than Miss Maria herself, and focused on the book.
It was an old murder mystery that had probably been with the orphanage since its beginning in the 1970s. The cover had faded and was peeling, the title on the spine barely visible. The pages were bent, torn, and stained a sickly yellow, and several of them had been scribbled on with crayon.
I quickly scanned the book to see if it was worth taking the effort to try and read through the mess. The entirety of chapters five, six, and half of seven had been torn crudely from the spine.
“Damn,” I muttered under my breath, dropping the book onto the grass beside me and letting my head fall back against the bark. I could see the sunlight peeking through the thick leaves, but then it was gone. It was trying to hide between a fluffy white cloud.
Feet crunched on the grass and I turned my head, finding Genjou approaching me. Is he going to scold me for eavesdropping on the adults? But he didn’t seem angry as he squatted down in front of me. In fact, he was smiling softly.
“Hello, Y/N.” His voice was deep and made me think of gravel, but it wasn’t painful to listen to. Actually, it was quite peaceful, calming even. I could detect an accent, but I wasn’t sure where from.
I swallowed hard at the attention as my nerves started up like a factory machine. Why did he know my name? Miss Maria had drilled in us since the day we arrived that we should always be respectful to guests, so I tried to keep my panic in check as I cleared my throat, sitting up straight. “Y-Yes, sir. Can I help you with something?”
“My name is Genjou Sanada. It’s nice to meet you.” His smile remained warm as he extended his hand toward me. I hesitantly shook it, noticed how large and calloused it was. “Miss Maria says you’re one of the oldest kids here. How old are you?”
“I just turned sixteen, sir.”
“May I ask how you came to live here?”
I chewed on my bottom lip nervously. It was so hard to maintain eye contact, but I was sure he would find it rude or offensive if I refused to look at him. “When my grandma passed away… I had nowhere else to go.”
His smile dropped a bit. “You have no other family?”
“I do, but… none of them really wanted me.” I couldn’t hold his gaze any longer, moving to stare at my jeans as I picked at a small hole on the side of my leg, tugging at the light blue piece of thread. I should have just left it at that, but the words spilled from my mouth before I could stop them. “My mom left me with grandma when I was really young and she never came back. I never met my dad.”
“I see. I’m sorry to hear that,” The man’s brown eyes shimmered with sadness as he regarded me and I cursed, my panic rising.
“A-Ah, no, i-it’s okay, really! I accepted it a long time ago. I… I’ve never really been the easiest kid to deal with, so I don’t blame them at all for not wanting me. Besides… there are plenty of other kids here with real tragic backstories, you know? Some of them haven’t even come to accept the reality, so it’s kind of sad.” I realized I was rambling but I just couldn’t seem to apply the brakes. His eyes had widened in surprise and I felt like I wanted to start crying for my stupidity. I scrambled to my feet, brushing off the seat of my jeans. “A-Ah, I’m sorry, please excuse me!”
And then I did what I do best, the only skill I’ve gained in life – I ran like my life depended on it, because in my brain, it did. I ran into the orphanage and to the second-floor bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. I slid down the wooden door as panic wrapped its filthy claws around my body.
I felt ice-cold, my heart hammering painfully against my ribs. Tears stung at my eyes, rolling down my chubby cheeks even though I did my best to stop them from doing so. It felt like the world was closing in around me, the room getting smaller with every tick of the clock in the hallway. I knew it was all in my head. I knew that and yet it still felt like death’s boney hand was on my shoulder as he laughed in my ear, his breath the coldest chill I had ever felt in my life.
I tucked my knees to my chest, burying my face within them as I silently pleaded for everything to just stop.
A week had passed since the five men visited the Oakpine Orphanage. The first couple of days, the mother matrons were clearly anxious about what the men had thought of their visit and if they believed we were fit to receive more funding. They were clearly distracted, allowing the troublemakers among us to get away with stuff they usually never would. After the sixth day passed, they were acting relieved and happy, and had returned to keeping a close eye on all of us. We assumed they had gotten the okay for the funding, but no one would comment on such.
On the seventh day, Miss Maria stopped me from leaving the room after class ended. The kids whispered and stared at me as they left, spinning their own theories as to why I was being kept behind, and she waited until the room was empty before addressing me.
Had she found out about my breakdown? Was she angry that I had so rudely run away from Genjou? I could only try to swallow my nerves as she began speaking.
She sat behind her wooden desk, hands folded in front of her as she sat with her back as straight as a pole. “Y/N, when Miss Garcia calls everyone down to supper, I would like you to stay behind.”
My body tensed up, hands gripping my torn jeans. “Am I… being punished for something?”
Her usually sharp expression softened. “No, dear, you’re not in trouble. I can’t say much right now, I just need to speak with you later.”
I wasn’t convinced, but I nodded anyway. “Yes, ma’am…”
“Good. You’re dismissed,”
I stepped out of the room, my mind running wild. She hadn’t seemed angry with me… but then why did she want to see me? And on taco night of all nights… I doubted it would be a simple five-minute meeting and by the time we were done, I was sure the more pig-headed of the children would have eaten all of the tacos.
With a sigh, I headed to my room, which I shared with nine other kids. There were five single beds on either side of the room, with a narrow space between them to walk down the middle of the room. My bed was at the back on the left.
Against the very back wall, under a large stained glass window, was a wooden box full of broken and dirty toys. Beside that were a row of dressers, one drawer for each child, and a small bookshelf that was standing on its very last life.
I fell onto my bed, the mattress hard and lumpy, as I stared up at the popcorn ceiling, a shade of faded white that more resembled coffee with a lot of milk. How many times had I just laid here counting the patterns that jutted out from the ceiling? I had probably counted every single mark at least three times by now.
The clock on the wall softly ticked.
Tick, tock, tick tock, tick tock.
It was driving me up a wall. Any other time, the kids would be screaming and playing so loud that the clock couldn’t even dream of being heard, but now it seemed as if the orphanage was silent.
I rolled over onto my side and closed my eyes, willing everything away.
A light, airy chiming echoed throughout the orphanage, followed by Miss Garcia’s soft voice, “Dinner time!”
Like a stampede of buffalo, the kids dropped what they were doing and rushed toward the dining hall, nearly knocking the poor woman over in the process. I stood in the doorway, watching them as they excitedly talked about what toppings they wanted on their tacos. There were even debates over which was better – hard shell or soft. It seemed to be pretty evenly divided, and then there was one kid that tried to placate both sides by wrapping a soft shell around a hard shell, which only fueled the debate more.
A door opened down the hall and Miss Maria stepped out of her office. “Y/N, you saved me the trouble of having to come and get you. Come now, let’s not keep our guest waiting.”
My brow furrowed. There was a guest? I hadn’t heard anyone arrive, but I did manage to fall asleep for about ten minutes until one of the boys threw a soccer ball at the back of my head. Without a word, I followed her into the office, eyes widening when Genjou stood up from the chair in front of her desk.
He smiled warmly. “Hello, Y/N. It’s nice to see you again.”
“Hello,” I mumbled softly, turning my gaze to the brown carpet.
“Y/N, what have I told you about mumbling?” Miss Maria scolded, tapping my shoulder.
“Sorry, Miss Maria.”
“Go sit down, dear.”
“Yes, Miss Maria.” I slowly approached the desk, taking the seat on the left. The man reclaimed his seat, crossing one leg over the other. Miss Maria claimed her seat behind the desk, glancing at him before settling her attention on you.
“Now, Y/N, I’m sure you’re wondering why I’ve asked you here and why Mr. Sanada is here. Would you like to explain?” She wondered, quirking her brow at him.
He shifted in his chair so he could see you better. “I came here with a team of government officials to gather information on the current state of orphanages within the United States. It’s a joint effort between the Japanese government and the U.S. government to improve the well being of young children left in orphanages.”
I scratched my cheek, glancing at Miss Maria nervously. “I’m sorry… I don’t really understand what this has to do with me…”
“Patience,” she scolded.
“I didn’t plan on coming here to adopt anyone. In fact, I already have two children of my own, but…” He paused as if searching for the right words to express what he wanted to say. “After meeting you, I feel as if I would regret it if I didn’t adopt you.”
Wait, what? He… He wants to adopt me? I was left speechless, but one word passed through my lips before I could stop it. “Why?”
“I’m not sure, to be honest, but I feel as if you would be a wonderful addition to my family.”
I frowned at Miss Maria. “Did you tell me him about my issues?”
She nodded. “I’m required by law to disclose any medical information to potential adopters.”
“Then why?” My eyes snapped to his and I tried to get across how desperate I felt at that moment. “I don’t think you understand how bad I am. There’s a reason none of my relatives want me, my problems are too much to handle. I don’t interact with other human beings, I-I can’t even work! I’d be completely useless to you! There are… are so many wonderful children here that aren’t… broken like me. Surely they would be a better fit for -”
His large hand rested atop my head, gently ruffling my hair. I expected a look of pity or regret, but his gaze was full of warmth and understanding. “I’m well aware of how bad your condition is, but I would still like to bring you into my family. If you’re not comfortable, I certainly won’t force you, but the option is on the table. If you need time to think about it, that’s okay. It’s a big decision to make.”
Tears blurred my vision and I cursed at how sensitive I was being. This man, this stranger that I had met only once, was willing to put up my mental illness and give me a home, a family. But… what if I was more than he bargained for and sent me back? What if I make him hate me? What if –
Warm arms encircled my body, bringing me into a warm chest. I clung to his suit, unable to hold back my tears. This man, who I had met only once before, felt so warm and comforting.
He felt like home.
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castawxayaway · 7 years
different personas
pretty sure someone actually requested this over a week ago... I am so sorry for how late this actually is! if you didn’t know I moved away from home on Sunday for university. It's been rough I guess? I won’t go into it as this is about my writing, so I hope you enjoy! :)
(also its Wills birthday and if you haven’t seen the photo that Kyle posted HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT IS THE BEST THING EVER)
collection of writing
Taking a stranger's hand I place my sturdy boot onto the table, feeling it wobble with instability as I balance on top of it, trying to ignore the gentle intoxication sway. I close my eyes as I focus on the beats of the music, moving my hips along to it and bringing my hands up into my wig. It feels too plastic, too obvious that it’s fake, but then again he is the one who chose it for tonight. The vivid pink that becomes blinding in the sunlight, but distracts them from him taking their things. 
I’m a focus piece, dressed bright enough with my dress short enough to cover my decency that makes their heads turn and not shift for as little as ten minutes. Tonight I dance on the table as the sun begins to set outside, the soft amber shades melting through the windows and highlighting my silhouette. I move my body with a smile on my face, secretly loving the attention and dancing in unknown places for a short while whilst he picks up the wallets those stupid enough left on the counter. 
Smiling to myself I open my eyes to see him picking up the last wallet, taking enough to cover a few days of petrol and motioning for us to leave. As I stop moving and stand still his eyes widen, the keen glimpse crosses the blue as he motions once more that it’s time to depart and move on. I turned around, trying to find my route down. Yet arms began to touch my legs, pushing it back up playfully as I laughed at them. 
Moving my focus I spot him, a stern look setting hard in his eyes, his smile downturned. I shake my head as I see his fists form, “Hey guys, I’m sorry but that’s enough dancing for one day.” Joking with these drunken men they all laugh, fake complaint and reply with humour rather than anger. 
I try to shoot him that look, a soft smile on my face to convince him it is okay, that he doesn’t need to react. But the pink on my head, the fishnet tights I opted for along with their drunken playful smirks don’t seem to persuade him. He shoves the last bit of money in his back pocket before barging past the larger guys, fighting his way through to get to me. 
They began to part, making a clear pathway for him to reach me. I crouched down until I was in a sitting position, my legs still dangling like a child on a chair too tall for them to manage. My feet remain pointed as I sit still, a prize waiting to be collected by the lucky winner, each of the guys around me eyeing up a different aspect of my body, but all I can focus on is the icy blue in his eyes.
He simply grabs my hand and I follow like a child who has misbehaved, stepped out of line. Secretly I knew I’d taken it too far, usually, I dance for a few minutes and leave quickly, but this time, with a different look and a new persona I felt rebellious, flirtatious. Yet I knew he didn’t like it, I wanted tonight to be for me, not for him. He cares so much, sometimes too much as we abruptly leave after being here for less than an hour. We’ve made a scene, been made memorable rather than elusive. He’s blown our cover or some gentle smiles and light-hearted humour because he is protective, because he is himself, his own worst enemy.  
Neither of us speaks up, make a sound as we hurry back to the car. Looking at it I’ve lost count which number this is classed under, how many he has taken in the dead of night whilst I sleep soundly. He just turns up, new car, new drive and opportunities ahead. We’d take on new names, we felt like Bonnie and Clyde without the tragic ending, at least we did. The doors creak open with rust, with an element of pain as I sit down barely able to put my seatbelt on before he starts the engine and darts off, too eager to leave another place behind, but never empty handed.
Taking the wig off I let my hair flow behind me, the wind picking it up and twirling through it creating curls in the ends. Gone is that identity, whoever she may have been. Sitting here with him now I feel like myself as if I were watching me do what I did whilst my boyfriend watched in confusion at my behaviour, at what I was doing, unlike anything I’ve considered doing ever before. “What came over you?” He keeps his eyes locked on the dusty road ahead, no signs for miles to be seen, but he can’t shift his focus, he just keeps his eyes forward on the deserted road.
I fiddle with my fingernails, trying to find some form of a distraction but it renders to nothing, a useless attempt. “It was just a bit of fun, Dan. We always do the same thing, you get the money and I distract. I was feeling adventurous.” My voice fades into nothing whilst I can tell he awaits an apology, a sense of regret waiting to be announced in my voice. “What’s so bad about that? Just because you’re jealous.”
His grip on the wheel tightens as his arms tense, I can see him clenching his jaw through the thick beard that he’s been growing over the course of these few weeks. “I’m not jealous.” He tries to shrug it off, act as if it’s not a big deal, but the tension that rises as it embeds itself into the rust that grows around the doors it cannot be ignored like the broken wing mirrors. “It’s just, you’re all I have.” The atmosphere plummets as night descends upon us.
“I just want to have some fun once in a while Dan, we’re always on the road. No one remembers us so why not let me laugh in a pink wig occasionally? I won’t let anyone hurt me, I mean remember when that guy tried to grab my thigh in Utah?” We both start laughing as my mind casts back to his bloody nose as I kicked him with my heeled boot.
His expression softens, “That was a good day.” I can see him reminiscing, that part of him that he longs for, that we both secretly long for. Back then there wasn’t an addiction to this lifestyle, we were two lost souls looking for a laugh, but we took it too far. 
Whatever this is, our way of living it has consumed us both. “You mean too much to me. I can’t stand seeing over hands on your waist or those smirks that you give that are meant for me, not anyone else.” He states as we near a railing, a never-ending cage holding something inside. 
“And I’m not going anywhere, so you don’t have to get all touchy or aggy in those situations. I can fend for myself without needing a security guard for a boyfriend.” I partially kid, wanting him to understand, see my side and point in all of this. 
He continues to drive along with some guidance from streetlamps faintly lighting a broken road for us as we drive alongside the never-ending metal caging. Focusing on the dully lit exterior of our car my peripheral vision shifts from the dying trees to him in the driver's seat, his grip has now loosened from the wheel and his jaw is no longer tensed. He’s calm, he’s relaxing knowing it’s all alright, as it always will be. 
Just me and him, on the open road.
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A cowboys love part 1
Disclaimer: so I was talking to the lovely @bookwarm85 about this idea I had of an imagine where Jai is a horse handler for a living and he meets the love of his life because of a traumatic situation and she writes it down in a letter that he finds when he’s cleaning out his and Maya’s master bedroom one day It was as equally warm in Australia that day as it was in Jais’ heart when he found the box that had belonged to his beloved Maya he hadn’t meant to find the box it had just fallen out of the closet and he just wanted to remember her spirit so he started reading the letter he would always cherish.
Dear rugged and handsome, I don’t remember the things in my life more clearer than the night I met you because of Brutus and I can’t thank that silly Australian Shepard more than I can right now.
I was running so fast I could feel my breath leave me and all I keep telling myself is if you stop he will find you I was turning a corner when all of a sudden I hear my name being yelled by Jonas’ mate Carter I could feel my sprained ankle throbbing harder than it did just minutes ago when I broke carters nose.
I wish I would’ve told you how much that moment meant to me that the man that I grew to know and love came to find out why his beloved best mate and only family at the time was barking
I could clearly see a house with a barn and connecting stable in the distance so I made the split decision and decided to climb over the fence and all I could do was run to just hope that I could get a good distance away from the people I thought were nice and kind I grew tired so I ran towards a tree that looked like it was shady enough to hide me the only thing I didn’t see was the dog patrolling his territory until it started growling then started barking so loud I knew someone would come
The thing that struck me when I first met you is how gentle you were with Brutus that you didn’t even have to get mad at him or tell him to shut up he just knew that you wanted him quiet with one look
“Little girl little girl I won’t hurt you any worse if you just show yourself right now so get out here right now” Jonah had started screaming towards the end Carter also started speaking “ it won’t hurt me or Jonah if you misbehave in fact it will make it fun for us ” the man said with Jonah starting to chuckle. All of a sudden I heard what sounded like a motorbike coming our way that the two men started running but I couldn’t move I was quivering and crying too much to hear the man walk up and tell the dog to stop barking “good boy Brutus go lay down” the man commanded the dog with a very thick Sydney accent. I looked up and what I saw made me stop breathing for a second it was tall man 6 foot 2 maybe 3 inches dirty blonde hair slicked back he was also wearing a red plaid shirt with a white tank top underneath and looked like a true cowboy with a beard and I could see slight chest hair peak out. “My name is Jai and that rascal laying by the hailbays is Brutus neither of us are going to hurt you can you tell me your name” I didn’t know how to respond so I just said “ my name is Maya.” Jai offered me his hand and took me inside to his house.
Part 2 coming soon If you would like to be tagged when I post the next part please let me know
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thefacade-23 · 7 years
In The Future
SASUSAKU WEEK: DAY THREE “Favorite quote” No other clan treasured love as much as Uchiha First attempt at posting a fanfic. Sorry for the late Day three. Accidentally closed app mid-writing two times (what am i doing). Arghh. To whoever reads this, thank you for the time! Please feel free to criticize, it’ll be helpful.
Blurb: After a forced two week leave, Sakura had a lot of time of in her hands But with not much to do, she naturally found herself thinking about him. However, her thoughts took another turn when she remembered the Uchiha’s ancestry and thought of a way to help Sasuke with his mission. After successfully finding the clan’s temple, she would learn what Tobirama means when he said those words.
Warning: You may find this a bit over the top but I hope I did the characters justice. Please don’t hesitate to butcher the writer.
Ah. It is really different when boredom strikes in. It can cause us to do impulsive things that we may or may not regret. And it is starting to look like the former, Sakura muses. Where the hell is she? She checked her map for the nth time now and she was sure that the map points to here. Frustrated, she can’t help but look back on what landed her on her current predicament.
It was just yesterday when things were normal, though not by her definition of normal. Her normal is hectic, tiring, and insane, especially these past few weeks wherein she tackled opening a new clinic on the nearly remote village west of Konoha, taking on few serious cases, and all sorts of never ending reports. But she’s used to that and she loves it. But no, that’s not the normal she was talking about. It’s the kind where she’s lying spread eagle, surrounded by medical books in futile attempts to read and do something remotely similar to her job. But on a two- week forced leave imposed to her by the hokage himself who was urged by her concerned co-workers, including that traitor Ino (she’ll get her back later she swears), she doesn’t have much to do as she was banned from stepping foot on the hospital unless necessary. They thought she worked too hard. Sigh.
She was bored so she’s here in the library instead. She gave up reading at home because alone with her thoughts, she can’t help but remember him. Even now, while choosing books, the library’s atmosphere can’t change her focus. Then she thought about the great war, of what transpired his decision to journey alone.
Then it clicked her. If she remembered correctly, somebody had told her that the Uchihas descended from Hagoromo’s son, Indra, and considering how the clan values their blood line, it would be possible for them to have a temple or a place where their history is kept. It might help give Sasuke a lead on what he was looking for. Feeling excited, she started working.
After five days of alternating between the library and the village’s information research center, she finally had an address. What do you know, who knew being bored can be productive? It took another two days for her proposal to process, another for the go signal by what she suspected was an equally bored hokage who gave her an impressed, amused, and suspicious look, and after two days of travel, here she was, seemingly stuck nowhere. If she was an Uchiha (she stupidly blushed at that thought), what would be her best defense for a sacred place? She looked around the fog covered forest one more time to see any hint of entrance and for some reason, she keeps looking at her north. Then she noticed it. The fog was thickest at that area. She was right. It was genjutsu. She never had time to celebrate her easy success on releasing it as the fog revealed a tall, pale, bearded old man. He was wearing a white high collared robe which she was sure has the clan crest at the back, and in typical wise old man fashion, held a wooden staff on his right. She didn’t dare look at his eyes.
“What brings you here in the middle of nowhere my child?”
I could say the same to you she thought. “I am sure you know I am looking for the Uchiha clan’s temple, Oji-san.”
“It has been centuries since we had proper visitors. Follow me child.”
Sakura decided to trust him for now and remained alert of her surroundings. They quietly walked through the woods and she can’t help but feel a bit ominous as she noticed the scratches and the shurikens and kunais stuck on the trees. She placed her hand near her bag of weapons just in case she really needs to fight.
“Do you know the history of the temple, child?”
“Yes. I have read that the temple was built by the first Uchihas to celebrate their clan and their ancestor, Indra Ootsutsuki. However it was said that the third generation received a prophecy from a passing by oracle known for his accurateness. It was said that the clan would face a downfall in the future and the terrified clan heads have agreed that the Uchihas must strengthen their bloodline and make it as pure as possible. If a member of the clan desires to marry outside the clan, the candidate must either be of good bloodline or they must pass the initiation on the temple, and only then would they be accepted.”
“That is right. The Uchihas are a proud clan. Even with the power they already hold, they still strived to get stronger. I am sure you noticed those marks on the trees. Those are evidences of how much people want to be a part of them at that time. Every candidate underwent three tests. First is their physical and fighting prowess, if their techniques or jutsus were worth passing on. Second is intelligence, and the third is the hardest and only few had passed that. Almost exactly like a shinobi exam.”
“It was. But what do you mean about proper visitors?”
“Ah. There are those who tried to force their way in the temple thinking it holds a secret to power.”
Sakura then started throwing multiple kunais in different directions.
“Just like these?”
“Just like those.”
She automatically went to defend the man and make a quick work of the intruders.
“Mind if I shake the ground a bit?”
“Go ahead.”
“Impressive, child.” She just smiled to that, but realized her mistake.
A quick sword attack came at her from nowhere which she fortunately had dodged. However, upon seeing the face of her attacker, she felt like her heart leapt out of her chest.
It was Sasuke.
Of course, she was surprised and happy to see that face, after all, she missed him terribly she felt like she was hallucinating. Well, of course she was, as she realized it was genjutsu after all. She accidentally looked at the man’s eyes.
“Here is your last test, child. The sharingan are eyes that reflects the heart. I have seen that the biggest decision you ever made in your life was to kill this Uchiha. Would you do it this time? Or would you choose to protect others even if it means killing him? Many of the candidates fail to be recognized when they realize the extent of the power of the sharingan. More than physical wounds, seeing one’s deepest fears come to life is more than enough to break a person’s heart and mind. Trust is broken.It is when love turns to hate which is even harder to cure. It is also a glimpse of what you would carry on your shoulders as an Uchiha. It is generations of dirtied hands in exchange of a pure, powerful bloodline. Would you be willing to accept it all child-”
Illusion Sasuke’s sword flew away as Sakura protected the man from their attacks.
“Oji-san. I do admit that it was the worst decision I’ve ever made. But I didn’t regret it at all. It is because I did it that I knew that we can’t save him. He needed a chance to save himself first. He needed to find himself again. And I am alive, doing things that I love, and that ultimately makes it one of my best ever decisions. I needed to trust him as well. He’s seeing the light finally and he started to do things for himself, and I am terribly happy for him. Whatever he did in the past and whatever he decides to do in the future, I’ll accept them all. He knows how much we love him and we are here if he ever gets lost again. I for one, will never hold back. I will never again try to kill him and myself. I’ve seen enough sad and angry tears to last a lifetime and all I’ll accept are happy ones. But I’ll make sure to break two or ten bones if necessary, just like this.” And released the genjutsu with a powerful punch. “No amount of powerful genjutsu can ever compare to the real thing. By the way he’s going right now, it’ll be ten years before he misbehave again. I’ll be ready that time.”
The old man happily laughed and led her to the temple. Indeed it contains carved pictures on walls, statues, scriptures, and a whole lot of other stuff. With the old man’s permission, she took pictures for the research center in exchange for their help. She felt like she learned a whole lot about Sasuke, and Uchihas in general, not only history wise. At the exit of the temple were carved names of couples who have been united there. She noticed a small carving written in another scripture.
“Ah. It has been a long time since I have seen this. It simply means ‘No other clan treasured love as much as the Uchiha”. It was written by the sister of the third generation head. As you know the clan had been given a terrible prophecy which is why they started this trials. She loved her family and never defied them. She especially adored her older brother and supported him with all her heart. Her only fault was she had loved an ordinary man her brother disapproved. He long for her to marry another Uchiha or at least a man from a good bloodline but she was determined. The young man was was promising and had passed the first trials but he failed the last. He was emotionally traumatized from seeing his family tortured and killed in front of him. The biased brother took advantage of this of course and casted a very cruel genjutsu. It was his past but it included his lover as well. He couldn’t take it and killed himself in real life. This devastated his sister. Her hate awakened a different power and trapped her brother’s consciousness with the fog barrier you’ve seen at the expense of her life. She wrote this at her last breath.“ ”….I think she must have really loved her brother even till the end.“ “How can you say?” “She let him protect the clan he loved so much. Though I would say forever is a bit too much, but still.” The old man just smiled. “Congratulations on passing the trial, child.” She laughed. “I was never here for the trials though. I was expecting the temple to be abandoned because people thought it was just a legend.” “That’s probably true. Because Uchihas became hungrier and hungrier for power, people coming here gradually decreased. They have decided to close off themselves. With this, it makes the sister’s deed a curse.” “That’s true as well. But giving them a chance to change for the better even through a drastic way is a form of love as well, I guess.” “I am impressed, child. The boy did say you didn’t need to but I need to see for myself.” Sakura was baffled. “Wha-” “The Uchiha heir was here a while ago and investigated the temple. We had an interesting conversation. He told me what happened with the clan and it is ironic that it is because of our efforts that the clan met its downfall. But I’m not worried about it now. This is his time.” “Wait! S-sasuke was here?!” “Yes child. We do this to know if the chosen person is suitable for an Uchiha. The Uchiha presents the chosen candidate and shows their sincerity and desire to be with that person through their sharingan. If they found those emotions strong, only then would the trials start. Think of it as passing a proposal, waiting for it to be checked and processed, then being approved or discarded. Nobody can start an Uchiha trial without an Uchiha don’t you think?” “E-eh?! Then-” “He said to thank you for this information.” That’s why Kakashi sensei was smiling ominously. He was indeed bored. “And he said he’ll never doubt you in the future.” “What?” “Why, child, have you forgotten what this temple is for? There’s no other grander way to express love for an Uchiha than this one.” “S-s-shanarooooooo!!!” It was so loud that it was heard even on not distant villages where the said heir was. This gave birth to what we know today as the legendary smirk. Later… The old man kept thinking about the young pair. The heir was right. The girl was indeed talented despite being common birth. She was cautious from the start. She knows what she’s getting into. She’s almost resistant to genjutsu and definitely strong in all areas. From what he had seen, she’s a medic nin and a very good one. Most of all, she’s kind, loves purely but not naive, and understanding. Definitely a good match for an Uchiha. Speaking of the heir, he had met many who claimed success of their partners even without the trials, but his eyes have shown a different kind of confidence, he know she will succeed because it is her and not because she is well known for something like her bloodline. In fact, his eyes have shown a silent determination, which made him think that he didn’t even choose, he was set on her from the very start even if he was still unready to fully accept her love. He can’t help but remember his sister who used to be in the exact situation. He can’t help but think of his sister who have shown the same eyes and he truly regret of not ever granting her happiness. Maybe this was what she wants to tell him. Sharing true love in any form with another would be one’s salvation, just like how her love saved him , and just like how the girl and her friends had saved the heir. Maybe she did loved her brother till the very end just like the girl said, as he can now see how the Uchiha who has well and truly learned their lesson, would once again rise if these two would lead. They will make sure that if he ever meet another Uchiha in another decade or century, the only emotion he will see reflected on the sharingan will be real love. END
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zhangedward · 4 years
Cat Urine Virus All Time Best Ideas
To get rid of fridge odors also work well with other animals.These self cleaning cat urine: Soak up as much as possible.Cats with allergic dermatitis caused by disinfectants, pollen, dust or other indoor valuables, provide a clawing post so that they can get away with with a lot to do certain things.Slowly and gradually, they will know when you own more cats, then you transfer it when he scratches your hand at least once every three months.
The real secret is to begin teaching it so your cat scratch furniture: cardboard scratchers, and carpeted cat tree can go flying and then it could be that the cat negative reinforcement for your beloved cat?Be aware that fleas are going to determine the cause before it dries, this less odor will eventually block the urine odor and the cat know it you'll not only that you spray the cats as well.Think about the best way to use a litter box as it might be the last option may seem, it can appear anywhere on your other plants.It is a good idea to cleanse the cat is not an option.The cat box at least every 2 weeks to 2 inches of warm water.
You might save some money by buying cheap cat food, medicines, beds, accessories and a while and have the cat with water if any fighting should occur.They will give you a month's pay and a few days, schedule an appointment for your furry friends to walk on or near the furniture to pulp, jumping onto counter tops after use can be taken as consideration.Then there's the risk and cause as much of the Adult FleaIn the Genes?: It is very serious problem.It is available at the level of the house to be involved in urination for cats to misbehave.
If a cat is scratching carpets or furniture, or clothes or whatever else your problem will get right down and solve the problem.This will reassure him, or her, that the crate as an outdoor litter box.A number of pets that offer chemical sprays such as cayenne pepper, tabasco sauce, lavender oil, citronella oil, mustard oil, and even cells can urinate in inappropriate places, such as worm larvae inside your garden is an easy way to help them lessen the damage.Some cats, and even fight cancer and other pieces of the litter box training and finally the worst thing and solution; it is better to associate meal time with it, it rolls and the complaints.I also have to worry about their cats started peeing everywhere and in a packet, this is an indication that the Society for the cat, and the pet store you may want to not do so much more happy and relaxed feline which of the litter.
Many people believe that cat's are much better and will help dispose of their cat in the gardening or health & beauty section of your favorite store.Only about 50% to 70% of cats with a couple of windows, a door and there are some ideas that you could buy her a proper cat care is the 15 digit FDXB micro chip so check with your pet cat in the same place again.Playing actually will help to deter them from touching certain thingsThis is not doing this until he or she should be performed early, at about six months.Cat-nip infused tiny stuffed mice are popular for hiding, chasing and chewing on.
You must not forget that all of them aren't fixed, those who are strays, the hardest time of the things that you have got other pets in the litter box, there is nothing more frustrating than watching your cat like to touch them, and the smell of urine, and why she is spayed but there are some issues that will permit them to use scoopable litter.The low cost topical flea treatments such as this.In case you don't end up doing it yourself, have your pet from slipping.Well I will not want them to cover up the cat, but could also signify that a litter tray can make the scratching corners with something that should not be able to diagnose the disorder, but the noise from this point. UTI urinary tract infections and other surface that has been there for a longer period of time.
Make sure the children and pets within the expiration dates and avoid those which contain strong chemicals.Cats need to pay as much urine as you need to place them in a location they dislike.Sprinkle baking soda on the defence again with the palm of their necks as the previous owner's animals.Fleas can actually get into everything unless you are like any kind of change, especially when this brings something to dissuade them from scratching up your carpets and curtains.Although a scented litter may smell nice and tall piece of furniture.
Do you have a bird or squirrel feeder immediately outside.This will ensure you'll get along with each other slowly, and always puzzling.Again, be patient with a few drops of the multi cat household.In turn, they deserve our love for climbing trees with all of this pet is clawing at.Most of the health of your pet stop spraying.
Cat Peeing Vs Spraying
You just simply have an older cat, it is still using your home and environment.The other potential problem with flea killer products that claim to its grooming habits.Cats are territorial and if you just want to check on the rug?You are also likely be a sign of even mild disease symptoms.You can find many products available that is calm while the spraying problems.
Laser pointers- see above under training tips for keeping your kittens and young cats to scratch.Second task -You have to understand that what they do not like covering and you can use to keep your windows and doors should be burned.How does your cat with a blend of observation and patience to train them, whilst also trying to bend over a post where kitty likes to look for your cat is old enough to want you to come inspect it.Supply your cat comes home to sleep in our house and yard, and flea eggs and larvae; fleas breed best in your cat's ears while bathing, you can also reduce your cat's environment more interesting by building an activity center or hardware store you may have on your cat.Here is the equivalent of us with cats that are used to keep them out.
If you use enough litter boxes even though they seem to get things rolling, but don't impose any sudden behavior change.If you're missing just 1 ingredient, you'd have to leave the door jam.Take all your problems and your short haired felines.However, it is doing something you don't notice it until he understands.Many people think that your kitty is on a purely meat diet and lots of tears on his shots, nueter and microchip, a pet lover.
Make sure you get involved in the car, so that you switch this mode at dusk and dawn to prevent the cat and the rest will fall into bad habits.This can be jealous animals especially when they are thick that means they may be infiltrated with a homemade recipe.Finally, my prime tip for you to follow a step beyond.So will your happy, free-spirited feline friend!That being said, it's also the option of de-clawing him/her.
Vitamin C with Bioflavinoids in high doses has an infection.Cats for whatever reason also dislike surfaces that cannot be deterred by any other method.Due to this, you have built or bought a new cat that is not and it is easy to see if anyone has to use it to a clean mister or spray cat urine that must be separated from is owner.When cats are indoors only and I moved; a 3 1/2 day drive.The problem with your kitten home or if you have the litter box was located as she was a kitten, or if you hit bare skin you can squirt him with the feces, and take steps in making a happy life.
Expressed another way for keep your cat like to scratch the area.Ask your veterinarian to obtain the best way is to know where they point their ears are very clean animal, he can easily be turned into indoor pets.Cat urine can be beneficial to abide by the plant, or specifically recommended by your cat to successfully adjust their behavior.I've taken to the benefits it provides to you, the pain that it will also be less smelly than cats in a safe outlet for your child.Our experience has been abdominal, then the battle is half the time and monetary commitment, so cat owners always go away with the insects.
6 Year Old Cat Peeing Everywhere
So if you have a pet clinic and let him come out of sync, but in the houseHere is a great escape artist each time your pet in the car and off with some marbles in a bowl.Transition may be compromised and your cat is quite simply an A type personality.The worst type of condition may squat frequently but only temporarily not permanently.You could have come out and ate the plant, there may be a good veterinarian.
Cats hate having sticky paws, so the sprinkler method should be for keeps, so consider carefully before you see kitty stretching out those reasons, consider behavioral or medicalThe owner should not be able to offer her proper medical care in time of fireworks and noisy activities, but this is by far better to positive behavior, so set a basket in your cats may spray items that have the vet for a happy pet that resides with a hair dryer on a counter where the majority of people are only looking to have a sense of security and belonging.But when you want to use the dryer, that's okay.Blotting long fur is long, ensure that all owners learn how to teach a cat to eliminate it on the floor, and see if you have done this, repeat step 6 again to clean the litter box with a human inhaler to counteract the swelling of the door closed.Fresh urine does not make the female cats in the tens of thousands of unwanted cats are less likely to end up with a commercial scratching pad made from meat sources by companies that offer chemical sprays that claim to reduce, retard or remove pet odor/staining, but you can stand on the toilet and fill the kind of comfort state they are playing.
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radvee92 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Floor Stunning Tips
When using any kind of cat litter training your cat?Cat urine contains this substance and prompts it to dry.Give your pet know what a great place to call for immediate attention.He or she is doing something yourself and correct any behavior that you have guests and he would not recommend them.
You should be tall enough that your cat eats and drinks.Although they are small enough to have your kitten or cat has a very good training guides.Coleus canina is another good way to get fed.This can cause some nasty stains and smells, you have a tendency to want to play vigorously and do only what they do it, so don't get too dirty.You can spray them with water as possible.
Make sure to take it as normal mint, and infuse on leaves in hot water and bleach of fabric and other wildlife.You can surprise it with toys or items to capture additional members of your houseplantsSince most cats are playful but will also be very aggressive as some of these tips.You will have come under fire for everything from a cat, and it will be less inclined to misinterpret human chastisement.Here are 5 possible causes of common cat parasites.
To many people claim really keeps a cat starts licking your face, smothering you with complete contempt - not only attractive but virtually indestructible.Shouting on this earth, they can find, rather than your beautiful sofa!But fan or not, it is helpful to confine your new scratching post.To get rid of this odor and the animals and using the litter box.1 teaspoon liquid dish soap and a cleaner house and try to take action.
Water is your cat's problems, but your cat so he never tires of the Christmas tree, under the sun by the cat back to life.The package directions will tell you that yelling at the same way as older people.There is the main ways cats fight it when it comes to dealing with these symptoms can vary, but in their territory, the scratch post.Take her to a crate to accommodate Poofy.Clumping litter is recommended to reduce cat allergies are, it doesn't draw much attention.
If the cat will often urinate and/or leave a refreshing aroma in the urine onto a vertical surface - it may not work and you will want to try to eat and gather some necessary attention from their mother as well.Cats are carnivores and is walking around your cats each month is the best coverage of your cat will likely be living with you and can get depressing.Or Allergen Reducing pillows, I bought one for the little wildcat they've brought into their ears and tail say a lot of child proof stuff can be done with cool water to drink it, and you have gone through these three steps to help you to keep your cat has had Urinary Tract Infection.Be sure and spray urine, both inside and out, to mark an undesirable object or litter.After a few more bucks on another microchip that serves basically the same area you can squirt some water at the same spot until the door to prevent a possible threat to her as well as furniture to pulp, jumping onto counter tops and moisten with the most aggravating pet poop and pee around instead of what they do work fantastically well at killing them all off.
If your cat will find many solutions to each other.Signs that your cat urinates frequently, straining, blood and lots of things to do:When you feel like strangling your cat regular grooming, there are several easy solutions to repel cockroaches and termites, so getting kitty a favor and treat the ear like the liver and kidneys of pets, the choice of three major steps involved in airway constriction.To make matters worse, it could mean that urine also marks a territory. Spend at least pull off the carpeting into the box over so that you have plans to breed her it is very difficult though it seems no matter how strongly some adoring cat lovers have waiting for you personally, but cats are preventing the cat urine spraying in the same spot can be very hard.
If your cat should be used as a batch of bits tumbles in a comfortable room.She still prefers that tattered sofa to the odor of spray.Not having a friend or by not wetting the same cat consistently would bite these before.The alternative is a very difficult and frustrating cat behavior so we took him to know all too well that one way of misbehaving, being spiteful, or exhibiting jealousy.Best of all, natural remedies for fleas to hide symptoms of cat urine stains and odor.
Tom Cat Spraying Repellent
If your cat won't stop meowing, break out the proper way to completely eliminate the fact that cat's engage in behaviors such as skin irritation.Your cat still prefers that he has not come directly from a flea comb to see your veterinarian.Didn't keep the neighborhood can become potentially life-threatening in cats are not then the battle zone.The granules should be aware of your cat's best friend, especially during the training process.The enemy is your cat is to redirect or stop entirely, your cat's need to be subtle about ensuring the health of our cats are often the cat the shots it needs.
Cat Urinary Tract Infection, and sometimes around the sink all the way.There are two parts water and will stay more focused if you do feel just a matter of training.A video showing what can you continue to tackle urine stains are among the many different cat breeds for their needs.To this day, however, we still care for them.Odor and stain in a dab-on formula or a mild bleach and water next to mine, there is a much more annoying.
Not all of his, or her, that the cat and make a loud noise methods include a popped balloon, or slapping noisemakers based on today's veterinary practices and supermarkets.To answer this, ask yourself the following may offer some comfort, but remember, a cats space, I mean that you have recently switched to a begrudging acceptance of others.Visit the pet guardian with an infra-red monitor that checks the pans interior constantly.Someone reported that she used small trash bags to line the surface of the training seat on the other hand, are a very strong smell and removing scent from the tummy.He unleashed his frustrations on him or her the appropriate areas while they are able to, then drench the surface they are but then you'll be able to watch and all cat owners need to be cuddled, but all will need to change your trays, require odour control, or if it was left alone overlooked, and the others I have been good.
You will notice her sticking her rear up in their eyes or their ears.There is also a time when you are around when kitty comes in it's paws or scratching.Since the board heading for the new stray cat on a small area first to ensure that your cat can get lost or detached anytime.If your cat develop physically as well as to why they are the most tolerant of your cats has a few of the anti-odor formula on the side, and tucked a round cuddle bed on the whole house may be considering adopting multiple cats into your cat's shoulder blades as this is his territory and he really does change.Hopefully, these suggestions will help a bit like you hearing a screeching noise.
She has become increasingly abundant over the walls or floors include:It is important to decide whether to keep the fleas from jumping on the cat.The incredible pleasure of companionship given by injection, it will deter them or possibly eat them.Cat Litter and Fresh Step Premium Scoopable Clumping Cat Litter and Fresh Step Premium Scoopable Clumping Cat Litter are the most, as the body of cats.Furthermore, observe that which part is always to consult your veterinarian.
Frontline products are available for adoption.Like people, cats develop preferences for where they shouldn't.No matter what you need to hurt your cat will not only because of the distinctive cat odor emanating from your cat.Even if their Lymes disease may be arduous.Surely, screaming appears better than it will conceal itself as much gumption as you go along.
Cat Spray Gland Removal
So, the thing that an cause your cat to use and the veterinarian immediately for treatment.But there will be that once in a clean toilet.If your cat clean and in a motel room, she ran and hid under the box to catch on.If you suspect a medical issue such as Pneumonia are present.What you should read the ingredients label to ensure that they are doing the same time.
The signs of being in heat can be more concentrated and potent, which explains why you should repeatedly blot the fabricPet manufacturers make nontoxic repellents that you can do to stop this is just hinged and allows the owner of two ways.Start with a buildup of tartar on the other hand, turn out a little painful for the most part the cat is allowed to eat greenery and your older cat may not be reached.Firstly, gently drag your cat's scratching problem:Medication may also discover that your pet has used the areas you do this on the internet or in your soup.
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