#and he's the son of lyanna and jaime
swordsandarms · 3 months
"Why did Rhaegar leave a whole THREE Kingsguards with Lyanna? Why did he leave Jaime, A CHILD, to PROTECT his family? Why wasn't Arthur, a DORNISH man, with Elia?"
These or other individual questions about the Kingsguards during the Rebellion era keep coming up every now and then. Usually, it concerns questioning Rhaegar's motivations, sometimes even Jaime's morality or culpability, as well as the morality of said Kingsguards.
But I was having a conversation with some fans and it comes down to the same issue: no one considers the Targaryen politics at the time, and fragment these circumstances in shallow bits and pieces, naturally, coming down to "there's no good explanation for this!"
Everyone hates that these two Targaryen men have genuine character complexity, especially in rapport with eachother: Rhaegar and Aerys.
Let's go over the Kingsguard at the end of Aerys' reign, and actually consider allegiance and what the mean, and how those would actually easily explain a lot-
Jon Darry, Darry cousin: unclear loyalty, when it comes down to the Aerys-Rhaegar conflict. Darrys are without a doubt Targaryen men, but we don't know if and who they would choose. Darrys are most of all connected with Viserys and Rhaella, who are very sheltered from the rest of the world all the same. Darrys might have been sideline in the Aerys-Rhaegar conflict by such default then, and eventually Jon would be sent to the Trident anyway. But then again, unquestionable loyalty to House Targaryen sounds like a traditionalist approach.
Arthur Dayne: Rhaegar's man without a doubt. His oldest and closest friend.
Oswell Whent: Rhaegar's man. He's with him at the Tower and rumours are his family conspired alongside him to get the Lords at Harrenhal to stage Aerys' usurpation.
Gerold Hightower, Comander: King's (Aerys') man. The scene at the King's doors is often brought up in discussions about the ethics of the KG. But it actually also unveils a key political information within the Aerys-Rhaegar factions. Whether it's a matter of adhering to the status quo only, or personal allegiance to Aerys as well, the message is clear: even when it's between two royals, it's the King he will stand by, no matter what, even when he's not in the right (and if his son tries to usurp him, then technically he is).
Barristan Selmy: Barristan undergoes a character development during the main series in which he finally questions unquestionable allegiance to a King no matter their morality. A past Barristan, however, would then resemble a Ser Gerold, and be in the King's (Aerys) service before anything by virtue of duty. Notably, he would later reflect that Rhaegar did not find him fit to be in his confidence, and these expectations are probably why.
Lewyn Martell: Easily Elia's and Rhaegar's man, and Dornish. Noted as being in his confidence.
Jaime Lannister: One that causes a lot of controversy. A lot of back and forth discussion as to what expectations Rhaegar had of Jaime (and whether Jaime himself fulfilled them). The answer can actually be seen easily by:
1. Looking at it with the awareness that there was a faction divide existed in the KG in between Aerys and Rhaegar, as it was building up to a conflict and hence-
2. Reading their last conversation with that in mind
The day had been windy when he said farewell to Rhaegar, in the yard of the Red Keep. The prince had donned his night-black armor, with the three-headed dragon picked out in rubies on his breastplate. “Your Grace,” Jaime had pleaded, “let Darry stay to guard the king this once, or Ser Barristan. Their cloaks are as white as mine."
Prince Rhaegar shook his head. “My royal sire fears your father more than he does our cousin Robert. He wants you close, so Lord Tywin cannot harm him. I dare not take that crutch away from him at such an hour.”
Jaime’s anger had risen up in his throat. “I am not a crutch. I am a knight of the Kingsguard.”
“Then guard the king,” Ser Jon Darry snapped at him. “When you donned that cloak, you promised to obey.”
Rhaegar had put his hand on Jaime’s shoulder. “When this battle’s done I mean to call a council. Changes will be made. I meant to do it long ago, but … well, it does no good to speak of roads not taken. We shall talk when I return.”
For one, Jaime is the last KG left in King's Landing, and one to be kept close to Aerys himself. And Rhaegar is taking him into his confidence before he leaves - he is pretty much talking treason, hinting at usurpation upon his return.
Why did he leave Jaime, A CHILD, to PROTECT his family?
First of all, he doesn't leave Jaime himself in that post. As seen above, Aerys calls the shots. We know from the Ice and Fire "history book" that he sent Lewyn away from Elia as well for being Dornish (while before he was stationed with her and the kids on Dragonstone in Rhaegar's absence) and he commands Jaime to stay. As it appears, he also sends Darry and Selmy with him (with Selmy being a traditionalist at the time, it may even be to keep an eye on Rhaegar).
Rhaegar doesn't have a choice of whom to ask to look out for Elia and the children, no matter which KG would've been in town. He makes that clear. And as to expectations he has of the only one left and whom he can have a word with, while Jaime is, yes, by all means considered a grown man in their society AND a capable soldier who's well trained and already been in combat, he's not asking for Jaime to stand between his family and an army or anything.
There's not meant to be an army. That's meant to be Rhaegar's job to prevent. He's going out to battle. He's meant to give Robert a honorable single combat, prove himself as strong and fair - unlike the mockery of a "trial by combat" Aerys gave Rickard. Hence prove himself unlike his father first of all, probably give his explanations about Lyanna, and also make it clear he's against Aerys' actions and wanting to give the justice by deposing him.
No, Rhaegar isn't irresponsible, dumping that burden on younger Jaime. He does the responsible thing of taking all that upon himself. What does he expect of Jaime? As read above, he does not put Jaime in the mindset of a fighting machine that's supposed to save his family from anything unrealistic. He puts him in the mindset of someone who would be his man and oppose Aerys when the time comes - he's meant to be the one threat to his family when the chips fall down and he is taking the throne.
Whatever reading Rhaegar did of Jaime, he thought he could say those words to him (that would've been dangerous if he were wrong), that Jaime would have it in him to turn against Aerys (again not some ridiculous expectation - a frail man). And Rhaegar is clearly not dumb. He was right in his perception, wasn't he? (Is this where Jon Snow gets his amazing perceptive skills - "little his eyes do not see").
Why wasn't Arthur, a DORNISH man, with Elia?
Why would he be allowed to? We've already established Aerys calls the shots. And among them there's one KG specifically being sent away because he's Dornish and hence loyal to Elia (and Rhaegar). If Lewyn couldn't be there, why would Arthur?
Why did Rhaegar leave a whole THREE Kingsguards with Lyanna?
That is something I couldn't understand for a long time, too. Not only the specific number, but the fact that clearly Rhaegar can't just do whatever he wants with the Kingsguard. Why was this allowed?
It doesn't make sense until you go back to the Aerys-Rhaegar allegiance divide above. The three are Gerold (most loyal Aerys appears to have) and Arthur and Oswell (most loyal Rhaegar appears to have).
Gerold came from King's Landing to take Rhaegar. Oswell and Arthur would have already been with him. Either-
1. Gerold was sent with the order to stay behind with Lyanna. Aerys already took hold of Elia and the kids to control Dorne (and Rhaegar) and would have her in the hands of his most obedient man, too. Rhaegar cannot let that happen, as he plans to turn against Aerys while he's away. If he can't send Gerold away, he makes the compromise of leaving two of his own. One only would have been uncertain odds, but if Gerold eventually acts up when things unravel, he's outnumbered. Arthur and Oswell can do what they have to do and they are in an isolated location and can lie about it later to protect their honor.
2. Gerold wasn't meant to stay behind. But since Rhaegar is decided to depose Aerys, removing him from Aerys is an opportunity. Aerys/Gerold can be lured with the illusion of having a hold on Lyanna. Rhaegar had to leave someone (trustworthy) with her regardless but compromises his own numbers for the same reasoning above, if it means removing a barrier from between him and Aerys. Aerys would be blindsided in allowing in from that same perspective: Rhaegar is made to leave crucial allies behind.
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nrilliree · 15 days
Hot take for some but Aegon II is as dog shit if not even worse of a father than Viserys. The fandom can try to retcon him into this doting daddy or “girl dad” fantasy but reality is he was awful to and responsible for the suffering of both his true born and bastard children. A loving father doesn’t let his children have their teeth filed to points and fight tooth and nail in Flea Bottom. A caring and protective father would have his children taken to a safe haven BEFORE his brother basically opened the door to indiscriminate bloodshed and certainly would have AFTER that danger arose. A father who truly wanted the best for his wife and children would have had a member of King’s guard protecting Helaena and the children at all times. Incase he forgot, the reason Aemond lost his eye was because all the adults were asleep at the wheel and left the kids unwatched and unguarded. So he never learned a single lesson from his father if anything he’s a mirror of Viserys in terms of complacence. Aegon only seems to show any interest in his kids (whom he constantly abandoned to go watch bastards fight to the death and hang out in brothels) after they were endangered. Que the Tony Stark “we’re the Avengers not the Pre-vengers right?” monologue.
I’m not denying that the death of Jaehaerys changes the way Aegon treats his family but it’s really so insincere for anyone regardless of team to act as if Aegon was motivated to be a good father at any point up to B&C. The fact of the matter is it was too little too late by the time he decided to care and take up the position of a “protector of his family” like the showrunners are trying to retcon. We saw who he was. He isn’t a cute sweet “girl dad” - he’s a misogynistic drunken rapist. He isn’t a “protective father” he literally left his children and wife under protected both before and after the death of Lucerys and was arrogant to think they were safe in King’s Landing. He never cared about his children until a true born son died, because he let his own bastards be abused for sport and celebrated “bastard blood spilled at war” - I mean the sheer fuckin hubris.
Now obviously the death of Lucerys and Jaehaerys were devastating but they were preventable tragedies on Aegon’s part. He was an even shittier father than Viserys and the stans can try to argue it but the facts are plain as day.
Even when discussing Rhaegar’s role in the death of Elia and his children it’s clear the Martell’s rightly place the blame on Tywin Lannister, because that’s who ultimately is responsible for their deaths. Rhaegar was also aware his father wanted them and Jaime Lannister as hostages effectively and since Aerys was the King, Rhaegar had little ability to rescue his wife and children (even if there was someone who smuggled baby Aegon out that would have been the most anyone could do). He did leave Lyanna guarded by two of the best swordsman of his age. Unlike Rhaegar tho, Aegon IS the King and the white cloaks do what HE commands. They could have flown Helaena and the kids to Oldtown where Daeron would be to protect them along with a Hightower host of guards. (If Daeron is even going to be acknowledged by the show). Aegon is responsible for both Lucerys and the resulting revenge of Blood and Cheese I wish the audience saw that more clearly.
Exactly. It's sick and incomprehensible to me that people blame Rhaenyra for Lucerys' death (!) or Lucerys for his own death (!!) just to justify the actions of Aemond and Aegon.
Lucerys was 13/14 years old when he was murdered by his 19-year-old uncle. Yes, murdered. He didn't "die by accident", but was murdered because Aemond killed him the moment he decided to chase him and set Vhagar on him. The fact that at some point Aemond realized that he screwed up and tried (very clumsily) to stop Vhagar doesn't change anything, because it's like he was trying to stop the bullet he shot at Lucerys because he was "just having fun". It was Aemond's fault and Aemond's fault alone, not Rhaenyra's or Aegon's.
Aemond flew to Storms End as Aegon's emissary. As his messenger who carries Aegon's words. And then he murdered Lucerys. And when he returned, Aegon threw a party. So from the outside it looked like Aegon was responsible for Lucerys' death by Aemond's hands.
And Aemond actions is the cause of Jaehaerys' death. Daemon sent assassins, Mysaria hired them, B&C carried out the sentence, but Aemond and Aegon were the cause. They simply did not think about the consequences of their choices once again. Aegon raped girls and… And what? And nothing. He could do whatever he wanted because his mother would always protect him. Mom won't punish him, but she will put him on the throne. And once he was on that throne, he didn't think about any consequences of what he was doing. After all, what bad thing could happen? His mother could do whatever she wanted - torment Rhaenyra, plot against her and Viserys, openly plan a coup and usurpation, and… nothing happened to her either. So why would Aegon somehow suffer for his choices? When Aemond murdered their nephew, Aegon had no idea of ​​the gravity of the situation at all. Even political. When you usurped your sister's throne and caused her to have a miscarriage, and your brother, being your messenger, killed her son - well, the last thing you do is throw a party. His mother told him all his life that Rhaenyra was a threat to him, that she and Daemon would murder their entire family for the throne… So why are he celebrating the death of her son?! Aegon openly laughed in her and Daemon's face, while not understanding the seriousness of the situation. He himself wanted to run away before the coronation because he was "scared", but he didn't even think for a moment about putting Helaena and the children on the ship so that they would be safe.
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Ned's Tower of Joy dream is an interesting case study on how GRRM employs the three part revelation strategy. Because Ned's questioning of the kings guard and their subsequent answers basically falls into:
Q: Why are the kingsguard at the Tower of Joy? They could be anywhere else but they're here? Why??
A: They are there to fulfill their duty to the king.
See, Ned asks them three questions that get to the heart of revealing why the kingsguard are present where Lyanna (and Jon, per RLJ) are. Because if the kingsguard's primary duty is to protect the king, and if each set of question and answer reaffirms that the KG at the tower were doing their duty, then we can discern that Rhaegar's son is the king at that moment in time. Each question and answer reveals more information than the last, which falls into the three part strategy as observed by GRRM's editor, Anne Groell.
[...] I’ve realized his three-fold revelation strategy, I see it in play almost every time. The first, subtle hint for the really astute readers, followed later by the more blatant hint for the less attentive, followed by just spelling it out for everyone else. It’s a brilliant strategy, and highly effective.
How this strategy plays into the ToJ dream is that GRRM starts with
planting a little seed of doubt by questioning the kingsguard's whereabouts
then he follows up with bringing to attention the fact that they have not yet sworn fealty to the new king
then finally spelling it out that their presence here rather than elsewhere signifies that the king is close at hand - in the very tower where this confrontation is taking place
For the astute observer who has figured out that R+L=J, this is a very important piece of information regarding Jon's status at the time. Because he has so far been introduced to us as Ned Stark's bastard. But now, this sequence of information plays into the larger theme of Jon being presented as a hidden king.
So let's take a more detailed look at how this plays out in the dream once Ned confronts the ghosts of the kingsguard.
P.S: Ok, I lied. Ned actually asks them four questions. But four is not so nice a number as three so whatever. The point remains.
Q1: Three other kingsguard were fighting with the crown prince at the Trident. Yet these three remained. Why?
A1: Their duty was not to go to the Trident but to remain at the ToJ
“I looked for you on the Trident,” Ned said to them. “We were not there,” Ser Gerold answered. “Woe to the Usurper if we had been,” said Ser Oswell.
This first set means to establish a timeline. We know that Rhaegar was last at the tower (well, that is before he went to Kings Landing and then to the Trident). Rhaegar even took three other kingsguard to battle with him: Jonothor Darry, Barristan Selmy, and Lewyn Martell.
These three kings guard at the ToJ should have gone with Rhaegar because after all, it's their duty to fight for the king and his cause. But they were left at the TOJ. And we can assume that this was per Rhaegar's orders as GRRM himself confirms that if Rhaegar told them to stay at the tower, then they would've had little power to disobey him.
But Rhaegar died at the Trident. So why did they choose to remain? And even though this conversation is happening within a feverish dream (thus opening up the possibility that these words were not the actual ones that were exchanged in real history), it still seems that by the time Ned got to the tower the kingsguard already knew of Rhaegar's demise.
So why did they remain?
Q2: Jaime Lannister, a member of the kingsguard, was in King's Landing slaying their king. Why were these three not there to avenge Aerys? Isn't their primary duty to protect the king?
A2: Aerys is dead, but the kingsguard still has to do their duty which is to remain at the tower.
“When King’s Landing fell, Ser Jaime slew your king with a golden sword, and I wondered where you were.” “Far away,” Ser Gerold said, “or Aerys would yet sit the Iron Throne, and our false brother would burn in seven hells.”
Once again, the language used here suggests that they knew of their king's demise. They did not go with Rhaegar to the Trident, and then Rhaegar died. Who knows how fast information travels, but these three still chose to remain at the tower despite his death. Afterwards, they did not make an effort to find Aerys, nor did they make an effort to go and avenge him once he was dead. They swore an oath to remain at the tower, and that is exactly what they did.
But with Rhaegar dead and with Aerys dead, they're now running out of excuses to remain at the tower. Though they may be fiercely loyal to the vows they swore to their prince, they also have a primary duty to obey their king and they could've performed that elsewhere. Especially now that there's a new king in town...
Q3: Ok, their king is dead and the entire realm now swears fealty to a new king. All the knights, honorable and dishonorable, have bent the knee. But what about them? Why are they here?
A3: They have a duty to remain at the tower. A duty they fulfill as members of the kingsguard, and one that cannot be transferred easily.
“I came down on Storm’s End to lift the siege,” Ned told them, “and the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne dipped their banners, and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty. I was certain you would be among them.” “Our knees do not bend easily,” said Ser Arthur Dayne.
What's interesting about this is that they seemingly reject Robert as their king. It's a reaffirmation of their first answer to Ned's first question. "Woe to the Usurper if we had been [at the Trident]”. So Robert is not their king. But the primary duty of the kingsguard is to serve the king. Their behavior so far gives the impression that they are fulfilling it. But it's rather strange, isn't it. Who are they fulfilling their duty to if not Robert?
And Ned knows this. If they reject Robert as their king, who else is there to support? Rhaegar is long dead. Aerys was slain by their own sworn brother. And Rhaegar's son and heir met his end at the hand of Gregor Clegane. Their duty is sworn to the Targaryen line, but it has been snuffed out. So why are they here?
But Ned asks a final question that is, in a way, a nail in the coffin. It answers the question: they serve the king but which one?
Q4: Fine! Robert is not their king. And Rhaegar, Aerys, and Aegon are dead. Well...there is Viserys, who would have been Aerys' heir after Rhaegar. He's not dead. So why are they not with him?
A4: They do not go to Viserys because their duty as kingsguard(!) is not with him.
“Ser Willem Darry is fled to Dragonstone, with your queen and Prince Viserys. I thought you might have sailed with him.” “Ser Willem is a good man and true,” said Ser Oswell. “But not of the Kingsguard,” Ser Gerold pointed out. “The Kingsguard does not flee.” “Then or now,” said Ser Arthur. He donned his helm. “We swore a vow,” explained old Ser Gerold.
This is the final revelation and it answers the key question in all of this. The kingsguard performed their duty by guarding their king at the Tower of Joy. They are not serving Aerys by remaining there. And they are also not doing Viserys, who is currently at Dragonstone, any favors. Whatever vow they swore as kingsguard relates to the ToJ. And we know (per RLJ) that the two people at the tower are Lyanna Stark and Jon Snow, Rhaegar's last surviving son and heir.
We're given two key pieces of information with the last two sets of question and answer in regards to the kingsguards performing their duty by guarding Jon at the tower. First when Arthur Dayne says that, "our knees do not bend easily". Of course, they do not bend for Robert the usurper as we already know...
...But, the start of the dream features a very important detail.
Ser Oswell Whent was on one knee, sharpening his blade with a whetstone. 
Ser Oswell has already bent the knee. And he means to fight for the king he has sworn a vow to since he is preparing his sword.
Then we have Ser Gerold 'pointing out' (thus bringing attention to) the fact that though Prince Viserys and Queen Rhaella are still alive and under the protection of a good knight, they are not under the protection of kingsguard. The kings guard does not flee - they stand their ground and fight for their king. And this is again asserted by Ser Gerold who reminds Ned that “we swore a vow.”
So we have a three four part revelation that the last stand at the ToJ involved protecting little Jon who, at that time, was recognized as king by the three knights.
This doesn't end here. Jaime's ASOS dream also has him confront ghosts of the pasts and the question of oaths comes up, as it did in Ned's dream. The two dreams intersect when the topic of the kingsguard's duty comes up. And we see that as it was in Ned's dream, the three knights at the ToJ were fulfilling their primary oaths to protect (and die) for their king.
“I swore an oath to keep him safe,” [Brienne] said to Rhaegar’s shade. “I swore a holy oath.” “We all swore oaths,” said Ser Arthur Dayne, so sadly. [...] “He was your king,” said Darry. “You swore to keep him safe,” said Whent. “And the children, them as well,” said Prince Lewyn. [...] “I never thought he’d hurt them.” Jaime’s sword was burning less brightly now. “I was with the king …” “Killing the king,” said Ser Arthur. “Cutting his throat,” said Prince Lewyn. “The king you had sworn to die for,” said the White Bull.
Once again, we have the affirmation that the kingsguard swear vows to protect their king even if it leads to their deaths. And as we know, all these kingsguard died during Robert's Rebellion. Three died at the Trident with Rhaegar, fighting for their king's cause. So why are the other three who were at the ToJ lumped with them?
Of course, this is Jaime's conscious. And his relationship with Dayne, Hightower, and Whent is very different from Ned's. But the point remains that as the narrative suggests, they too died for their king. They fulfilled their oaths to completion. But the king they died for was not Aerys or Aegon or Viserys. Their king was a tiny babe - Jon Snow.
Though this feverish dream is part of a much larger reveal (that is R+L=J), Ned’s conversation with the three kingsguard plays into one of the key motifs in Jon Snow’s arc - that is his identity as the king. Not a king. But THE king.
What makes the three part revelation so interesting in this passage is that not everyone has figured R+L=J out. But to the astute observer, this key passage is just another piece of important evidence that plays into the hidden prince trope that RLJ falls under. And not only that, it yet another instance of Jon being recognized as the true king by the narrative.
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Game of Thrones Fic List
🖤= tw:dark content
🍑= smut
📚= series/multi-part
💌= requested
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Margaery Tyrell x Baratheon!Reader)
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It had been years since you last saw Sandor Clegane. Years since you had last been in employment at Lord Baelish’s brothel.
A Stark Bride (Aegon Targaryen i x Stark!Reader)
Aegon Targaryen reduced your father, Torrhen Stark, to a mere lord. The Targaryen conqueror had taken the title of king for himself. You wanted to depise them, those beautiful Targaryens with their lavender eyes and silver tresses. But they were beautiful. Terrifying and beautiful just like their dragons.
Promises (Oberyn Martell x Reader) 🖤
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Shedding Skin (Arthur Dayne x Targaryen!Reader) 
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A Touch of Gold (Margaery Tyrell x Stark!Reader)
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Gold and Red (Jaime Lannister x Reader) 🍑
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Stupid, Pretty Little Things 🖤
She was the only gift Joffrey wanted for his name day. And Joffrey would be damned if anyone forbade him to what was his.
Targaryen Daughters 
After so long staying safely hidden in the privacy of a Sept, you discover your younger sister Daenerys is very well alive. Alive and with three dragons.
A Good, Mean Dog (Sandor Clegane x Baratheon!Reader) 📚
The Princess and the Hound. What a story that would be
Horns That Hold A Crown (Rhaegar Targaryen x Baratheon!Reader)
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Misfit (Daenerys Targaryen x Greyjoy!Reader) 🖤
Nightmares, your nightmares were filled with the blazing symbol of a kraken. As you travel with your siblings to Meereen you hope Queen Daenerys would be willing to help you in defeating Euron.
One True Queen (Rhaegar Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader)📚
What he had done was the greatest insult to you. One that you thought he would never do. You knew he loved you with all his heart, that was certain. You were his sister and his wife. However, that all changed when he took Lyanna Stark as his second wife.
Knight in Blue and Red (Rhaegar Targaryen x Tully!Reader)
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Belladonna  (Young Robert Baratheon x Reader)
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Dragon (Daenerys Targaryen x Reader)📚
She had trusted her Unsullied with her life. That was why when one attacked her with a knife she doesn't have him killed. Instead Daenerys wants to get down to the problem. Only when she removes the Unsullied's helmet she is met with the face of a young girl.
A Lion’s Vow (Jaime Lannister x Stark!Reader)💌
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A Mouse in a Lion’s Den (Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader)📚
A little mouse surrounded by ferocious lions? It didn't look to be a good situation, even if those lions happened to be your family.
Exiled (Arthur Dayne x Reader)💌
You run into Ser Arthur Dayne in Essos. Along with a dark haired, gray eyed child.
Glow (Daenerys Targaryen x Reader)
Why she had taken a liking to you among all the others she had freed, you would never know. You had been a personal whore for one of the masters and had gotten pregnant. There were many others like you. Your story was nothing special, but Dany had found you worthy enough to be her close companion. There were even times when you thought that maybe you could be more than her companion.
The Doe That Chases the Hound (Sandor Clegane x Baratheon!Reader)
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Crimson Lady (Ramsay Bolton x Bolton!Reader, Sansa Stark x Bolton!Reader) 🖤
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Loveless (Rhaegar Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader) 🖤💌
There was nothing Rhaegar could do about your sudden engagement. Try as he might, he couldn’t persuade Aerys to marry you to him. It didn’t matter that he proclaim his undying love for you. Didn’t matter how you got on your knees in front of the iron throne and begged him to reconsider. Instead of mercy, the Mad King simply laughed at you.
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The cruel Ramsay Bolton has an unknown side to him. Not just for anyone though. Only for the maid whom he loves to taunt. 
From the Ashes (Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader)📚
A year has passed since (y/n) and her brother Jaime fled from King's Landing to the vast and foreign world of Essos.
Mine First, Mine Last, Mine Even in the Grave (Ramsay Bolton x Reader) 🍑
Even at such a young age, Ramsay was proving a difficult and willful child. He was somewhat twisted in nature that sometimes disturbed his mother. However once he laid eyes on the little baby, he immediately grew attached to her.
Birth of Dragons (Aegon i Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader) 📚
It wasn’t fair of him to choose a favorite between his sisters. Fearless Visenya, playful Rhaenys and loving (y/n). Above them all he secretly placed (y/n) close to his heart.
The Most Impossible Battle (Robert Baratheon x Targaryen!Reader) 🍑
Robert hated all Targaryens. Wise words from those close to him though make Robert Baratheon give in to the idea of taking (y/n) Targaryen as his bride.
Wrap Around (Oberyn Martell x Martell!Reader) 📚🖤
Oberyn was beside himself at the return of his baby sister (y/n). For a year she had been off in Essos, experiencing the rest of the world outside of the safety of Sunspear. Now she was returning to Dorne. Returning to Oberyn.
By Any Other Name (Margaery Tyrell x Reader)
Another Life (Rhaegar Targaryen x Stark!Reader)
Lyanna watches Jon from atop of the courtyard's parapet, her eyes crinkling with pride as she watches Jon best Theon Greyjoy at the dance of swords. Every victory Jon made resulted in him outgrowing the label of bastard. He was so much more than a bastard of Winterfell. Not even Catelyn saw him as such. Many were so shocked when the news came that Ned had brought back his bastard one day. In fact Cat had shown up at Winterfell by his side as he held the infant in his arms, for she was one of three that knew the truth about Jon Snow. 
What We Sow (Theon Greyjoy x Greyjoy!Reader) 🍑🖤💌
This was his home, a place where the salt of the sea and the cries of seagulls were a constant presence and where you were. Waiting so patiently as always. His queen, his sister, his wife. He'd been dreaming of the moment when he'd be reunited with you after so long. 
Omission (Theon Greyjoy x Stark!Reader)💌🍑
Robb wasn't being dramatic when he claimed your change toward Theon. From innocent children to teenagers, everything happened so fast that you weren't really able to comprehend what was going on with your own head. When Theon first arrived to your family, you were a small child. You and Robb grew attached to him immediately. For so long you saw him as a brother. Then it just stopped the moment you bled.
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jackoshadows · 10 months
"No," she said, "that's Sansa." - Eddard, AGoT
It's skillful the way GRRM sets up a situation with Sansa and then subverts with Arya in the books.
First, Robert Baratheon wants a redo of his relationship with Lyanna Stark by fixing a marriage between Sansa and Joffrey. Except Joffrey is not really his son and the marriage ends up not happening.
Meanwhile Ned (and several other characters including Bran with his visions) compares Arya to Lyanna in terms of looks and personalities in the text of the story. And it's Arya who has the love of both Robert and Rhaegar's sons Gendry and Jon Snow.
Secondly, it's the way the Southerners see Sansa as the key to the North. From the Lannisters to the Tyrells and even Littlefinger in the Vale, all plotting to marry Sansa off for her claim.
Meanwhile, it's Arya Stark for whom the North is rising up and waging war. Arya Stark for whom the LC of the NW has broken his oaths. Arya Stark whom the King Beyond the Wall/Abel the Bard was trying to steal out of Winterfell. Arya Stark whom Stannis Baratheon has promised Jon Snow that he will save.
While unbeknownst to the south and even LF, Robb Stark has written a decree that disinherits Sansa and Jon Snow supports Stannis as King even as he vows to never let Sansa Lannister get Winterfell while he lives.
And thirdly, even with Jaime sending off Brienne to find Sansa (because he and everyone else assumes that Arya is dead), we see Brienne following in Arya's footsteps through the Riverlands, meeting the same side characters. She meets Gendry and Willow Heddle who is a stand in for Arya with similar characteristics and Hyle Hunt even ships them together! And the constant references to the great big wolf pack hunting in the Riverlands - we know who that is!
All this is subtle and yet build up steadily over five books. And Arya has not returned to Westeros yet and still GRRM has several plots revolving around the character. Can't wait to read what happens when she actually gets back as Arya Stark in TWoW.
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sad-endings-suck · 1 year
GRRM Loves Convoluted Succession
Stark Succesion
Bran is technically heir to Winterfell except he is believed to be dead and cannot father children/heirs.
Which would make Rickkon heir to Winterfell, but he is also believed to be dead.
So Sansa is heir to the North, but she has been disinherited due to marrying into the Lannister family. However, if Tyrion is believed to be dead then she could potentially be restored to succession as the Northerners know her Lannister marriage is the only reason she was removed from the line of succession.
Though if that never comes to pass, then Arya is heir, but she is also believed to be dead.
Ah, and Jon has been legitimized by Robb, which makes Jon heir to the North, but only if the Northmen come out of the war victorious with a Stark monarch. Because only a King can legitimize a bastard (and whether or not Robb was a proper King is debatable and depends on if the North successfully achieves independence). Not to mention how Jon’s Targaryen blood could further complicate things.
Targaeryan Succession
If Young Griff can actually prove he is Aegon son of Rhaegar, then he would be heir to the iron throne (never mind the Targaryen’s were usurped). However, Rhaegar and his children were taken out of the line of succession and Viserys was made Aerys heir (whether or not this is valid who knows).
If it is valid, then that means Daenerys’ claim is the best. Plus, she can actually prove she’s who she says she is, and more importantly she has dragons and possibly lots of powerful backers in the near future.
Jon would have a solid claim if Lyanna and Rhaegar were married, except even if they were no one would see that marriage as valid (the show was so dumb for that). Because Rhaegar had consummated his marriage to Elia and produced heirs with her. Ah, but if Young Griff is a Blackfyre then Jon’s claim would potentially still be better than his. Also, regardless of his bastardly, if Jon were to become consort to Daenerys that could strengthen both their claims and Young Griff would be in a very poor position politically if they did so.
Lannister Succession
Jaime would be heir to Casterly Rock, except that he is a member of King’s Guard and cannot hold lands or titles. However, he could potentially be released from his King’s Guard vows (due to the precedent set by releasing Barristen Selmy), and in that case he would be heir to Casterly Rock.
Tyrion would be next in line in Lannister succession, except that he is a kinslayer and for all intents and purposes an exile with no real claim. Unless of course the throne was usurped again, and the new monarch restored Tyrion as heir to Casterly Rock.
As it stands right now, Cersei is the rightful Lady of Casterly Rock. However, as stated above, that is likely subject to change once she no longer possesses the Iron Throne. Plus, if Jaime were released from his vows he could challenge her claim (he probably wouldn’t, but who knows).
Greyjoy Succession
So technically Theon is the heir to the Iron Isles, except that he is believed to be dead, was presumably passed over in favour of Asha, and cannot produce heirs himself.
Which leaves Asha with the best claim. Except that a Kingsmoot was called (fuck you very much for that Aeron) and Euron was declared King of the Iron Isles.
Except, that due to the fact that Theon is actually alive (and has the best-ish claim) but was not allowed to press his claim at the Kingsmoot, that makes the Kingsmoot, well, moot. Seeing as Theon is alive and was not allowed to be “voted for” so to speak. Making Euron’s claim via the Kingsmoot invalid. Also, it’s already tricky enough for a brother to press a claim against a daughter, but for a brother to press a claim against a daughter and a son is a hell of a lot harder. Especially when your whole claim relied on, A) a man having more rights than a woman, and B) a one night popularity contest. Still, he’s a King as of now and will be hard-pressed to give it up.
Victarion… lmfao
Aeron. This is even more pathetic somehow.
Martell Succession
Arrianne was heir to Dorne, but then (presumably) she was betrothed to Viserys with the intent being for her to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. But Viserys died, which means she is again first in line for Dorne.
Quentyn was (presumably) meant to rule Dorne until Viserys died and he was pushed back in succession.
Tully Succession
Edmure is now Lord of Riverrun, except that he has no heir. So if for some reason he and his wife Roslin Frey die before they have children, then one of Catelyn’s kids would be heir to Riverrun (as she is the next in line due to seniority, but dead herself).
Arryn Succession
Robert Arryn of course, has the best claim, but if he doesn’t make it to the end of the series then Harry the Heir is next up. And who knows who would be next after him.
Baratheon Succession
As Robert and Renly are dead, Stannis is definitively Lord of Storm’s End. However, he only has one heir, Shireen. Who GRRM has confirmed will die, likely quite soon. Which leaves Stannis without an heir.
As such, Stannis could legitimize one of Robert’s bastard, probably Edric Storm. Since he has two high born parents, that like Shireen, are a Baratheon father and a Florent mother respectively.
However, that hinges on Edric Storm making it out of the series alive, because if he doesn’t, then the claim to Storm End’s is going to be a bloody free-for-all between all of Robert’s bastards, cousins and other relatives. And at this point the realm can’t survive too much more in-fighting.
The Tyrells are the only ones who have their shit together. For now.
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melrosing · 5 months
MBO Robert's Rebellion: Season 2 Episode 1
finally worked out how all the events of the rebellion break down into ten episodes you better believe im so serious about finishing this
anyway we're onto season 2 and rhaegar's about to get silly
SEASON ONE: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 9, Episode 10
title for this one: the most i've ever thought about petyr baelish
Open to a woman’s screams. The chaos of the birthing room as Elia gives birth to Aegon with great difficulty. Rhaegar stands watching on, anxious, as the baby emerges silent - it takes several frightening moments before the boy cries out. Elia collapses once she hears him, and there’s a great rush to recover her. Meanwhile, Rhaegar is presented with the child. The maester says he is glad that Elia has been delivered of a son, as he fears she will not be able to bear another. Rhaegar, looking at his son, murmurs that this must be Aegon. But, he says, there must be a third. There cannot be a third, says the maester
Opening creds. if this were an anime we’d have changed the song by now so we’re going from caramelldansen to the lucky star opening
Jaime Lannister training in the yard of the Red Keep with two other members of the Kingsguard, Lewyn Martell and Oswell Whent. The king has kept him at arm’s length since Harrenhal, so Jaime has been able to forget the circumstances of his joining the KG for a bit and enjoy training with these elite knights - he seems to have built some rapport with Lewyn and Oswell already. Lewyn suggests the approaching Barristan Selmy try Jaime; Barristan, who is still dubious of a teenager’s place in the KG, declines and says he has come to convey a message instead - Aerys has requested Jaime’s presence in the throne room. Jaime, surprised, goes alone
Aerys, accompanied by Arthur Dayne, is receiving congratulations from lords and ladies of the court on the birth of his grandson, his Hand Lord Merryweather proposing a great tourney. Aerys dismisses all but Arthur upon Jaime’s arrival, and bids him closer - we get the sense that Aerys has harboured some residual fears about Jaime, but attempts to push those aside now. He has Jaime stop before him at the top of the steps to the throne, and looks at him directly. Quivering, then almost fond, Aerys tells Jaime he has his mother’s face. Then, his voice hardening: ‘but you’re your father’s child, I know.’ Arthur, from the foot of the throne, calls Jaime down ‘with his grace’s permission’, which Aerys allows. Jaime gratefully acquiesces, and follows Arthur to the exit. Arthur tells him to relieve Jonothor Darry in Maegor’s Holdfast, and watches Jaime leave with a hard, searching look
SUDDENLY!!! Big clash of swords. We’re at a melée at the Eyrie. Robert makes short work of various opponents one after the other. Faced suddenly with Ned, he grins apologetically before tossing him comfortably to the side, finally duking it out with Lyn Corbray (yes i remember him) and winning to great ardour
With Ned and Robert afterwards striding back towards the castle. Robert suggests Ned puts his back into it next time, he knows he was letting him win. Ned replies that he doesn’t get as much out of this southern sport as Robert. Nonetheless, he notes that Robert fought with fire today, and Robert replies that he was imagining each of his opponents as Rhaegar Targaryen. His marriage to Lyanna will be brought forward in light of the Prince’s odd behaviour at Harrenhal - whether Rhaegar was drunk or mad as his father, Robert will not share his betrothed. Anyway why don’t they go unwind at a brothel later lol
At camp with Lyanna and Rickard, who are travelling through the Riverlands for Brandon’s wedding - they’re camped near Harrenhal, awaiting his arrival before they travel back to Riverrun with him. Lyanna and Rickard aren’t on the best terms: Rickard has recently pulled forward her marriage to Robert in an attempt to defend her honour following events concerning the Prince last year. Lyanna appeals to Rickard once again to postpone the wedding; Rickard says he believes Lyanna will learn the appeal of marriage when she sees Brandon married to Catelyn. Lyanna bitterly wonders if Catelyn would be so happy if she knew that Brandon had loved before. Rickard, angry to hear his daughter talking of THAT kind of thing cough, says a man can love before, to better know his wife when he meets her. Lyanna asks why it’s a different rule for women? Rickard scolds her, reminds her he’s made her a fine match and that the wedding is being brought forward for her benefit - she’s been the cause of enough trouble already. Lyanna storms off into the woods, Rickard calling her back angrily
At Riverrun with the Tullys - big ole feast. Hoster raises a toast to Catelyn’s engagement to Brandon, as Catelyn smiles shyly at his side. Petyr, on the sidelines, looks ready to combust. The feast turns to a dance: Catelyn takes her first turn with Brandon (he's a very showy dancer, and makes her laugh with big spins and flourishes). Then she dances w Hoster and Brynden, whilst Petyr dances with Lysa, constantly craning his neck to look over at Cat. Eventually Petyr manages to break away from Lysa and ask Cat for a dance. Cat, in high spirits, giggles and jokes with him, and Petyr, already a few drinks down, tries to kiss her. Catelyn pushes him away laughing, and Brandon, having seen it all, jokingly scolds Petyr for trying. That something so serious to him is a joke to the pair of them stings terribly. Petyr skulks away to his room 
Rhaegar with Elia. Rhaenys is playing in his lap, but both her parents are distracted. Eventually Elia looks to Rhaegar, and Rhaegar, realising they’re about to talk, asks a maid to take Rhaenys away to play with Viserys. When they're gone, Rhaegar remains silent - but Elia reads his mind. With some strain, she tells him she’s given him all she can now: they may have no love for another (Rhaegar does not jump to quarrel this, and Elia’s heart visibly sinks despite itself) - again, they may have no love for one another, but she still means to do her duty. These children are both of theirs, and they must protect them. Rhaegar nods, but his mind appears to be elsewhere
Brandon is due to part ways with the Tullys for now as he goes to meet Rickard near Harrenhal. Catelyn whispers her thanks in Hoster’s ear for the fine match just as soon as Brandon’s out of earshot - but Petyr overhears. His face twisting, he immediately steps forward to challenge Brandon (who is already mounting his horse) for Catelyn’s hand. Catelyn in utter shock, Hoster Tully looking fairly murderous like 'you do this on the day of my daughter's engagement'. Brandon is first stunned, then amused, then stunned again when he realises Petyr is serious. He tries to put the boy off, saying he’ll meet a lady of his own one day, but the condescension only turns Petyr’s eyes darker - Brandon sees that. Fed up trying with the kid, he says he’ll humour him, if it only helps Petyr come to his senses
Rhaegar deep in the library at the Red Keep with Arthur Dayne. Surrounded by books and scrolls, he mutters, uncomprehending, what Elia has told him - that there will be no more children, no third head of the dragon. Once all his dreams had told him to choose Elia, and he had followed them to her without a care for his own wants or desires. But now his dreams show something different: they show what he fears his heart wants - so how can he trust whether it’s truly the visions he follows, and not his heart? Arthur like idk that sounds rough man
Petyr arrives before Brandon shoddily armed, and Brandon (in full armour) declares that this would be a poor fight indeed. The Tullys watch on, Hoster still raging, Cat and Lysa in a panic. Brandon offers Petyr opportunity to yield, but Petyr strikes his breastplate pathetically with his sword. Brandon offers him the chance to yield again, and still Petyr seeks to provoke him. Finally, Petyr lands a blow that comes a little too close to blood for Brandon’s liking. Finally enraged, he sends Petyr flying with a fist, never drawing his sword. Petyr attempts to rise again, but Brandon stamps down on his chest (Lysa begins shrieking), and Petyr chokes. Catelyn screams, and begs Brandon to leave the boy - she’d never marry him anyhow, but he was dear to her once. Brandon raises his eyebrows, and wipes his foot on the grass. Washing his hands of the business, he kisses Catelyn’s hand before departing, whilst Petyr coughs up blood into the dirt, watching Brandon ride away with pure hatred in his eyes
Ned helps a drunken Robert back up the spiral stairs to his room once again. They pass Jon Arryn’s solar, and he smiles with a touch of conspiracy to suggest their secrets are their own. Ned grimaces - he has no secrets
Don’t ask me where the nearest brothel is to the eyrie i hate to think. I don’t know how they got back with ned half carrying a drunk robert they just did
Petyr lies barely conscious in a dour back room of Riverrun - all that Hoster is willing to afford him now. The door creaks open, and a figure steps through the door, candle in hand. Petyr says: ‘Cat.' The figure answers: ‘It’s me.’ Petyr, eyes barely open behind the bruising, grins a bloody grin. The figure tells him tearfully that Hoster means to send him back to the Fingers as soon as he’s healed, that it’s all monstrously unfair, that Brandon is a brute, that she hates to see Petyr suffer so. Petting his face, the figure says that no-one knows she’s here, so for tonight at least they can do what they like. Petyr grins wider as Lysa leans in to kiss him
In KL: Jaime, patrolling the courtyard, sees green light flashing in the windows of the throne room. He frowns, uncomprehending, and walks carefully towards a side door to investigate. Opening it, he hears muffled screams coming from the throne room beyond the next door, and approaches with great trepidation, one arm outstretched. SUDDENLY!!! Arthur Dayne emerges from the throne room, and we have the faintest glimpse of a bright green light: a terrible scream rings out. Just as quickly, the door is closed again. Arthur studies Jaime a moment, then suggests he goes to bed: his duties are done for the night
Rhaegar having an absolute Willy Wonka’s tunnel of visions. Blood seeping into a fast-running river, dancing green flames, guts spattered across stone floors. And a blue rose again. Rhaegar opens his eyes at once, suddenly resolute
Lyanna, sat alone in the dark woods, turning a dried flower crown about in her hands
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spectrum-color · 1 year
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lilith-91 · 10 months
Why do you think grrm is "pro Rhaegar"?
I mean, because he's serving cunt in life and in death lol
Jokes aside, he's a central figure in the books. Many characters are still obsessing over him 20 years after his death, he was so beautiful that Cersei (!) gave a fleet to a guy just because he almost looked like him.
Two viewpoint characters are in love with him (Cersei and JonCon). Other three idolized/respected him (Dany, Jaime and Barristan)
Ned, another viewpoint character, compared Robert and Rhaegar and ROBERT come out lacking (against the guy who "kidnapped and raped" his sister, basically)
Jaime calls him "King" and says Robert was no true King.
Wyman Manderly says Rhaegar Frey is a smirking worm “with a dragon’s name" (he was offended lol)
Daenerys is compared multiple times to him in a positive way
And look at what happened to the rebellion's leaders. Robert was butchered by a pig, Tywin was Killed by his own son while shitting, Jon Arryn was poisoned by his wife…..and the guy who died as a warrior (and with a tragic poetic death) was Rhaegar lol
"Rubies flew like drops of blood from the chest of a dying prince, and he sank to his knees in the water and with his last breath murmured a woman's name.”
Annnd……he wasn't a rapist. Lyanna and Rhaegar's relationship was consensual, as i've said here
He wasn't perfect or a hero, no. Nobody is perfect in this series. "The human heart in conflict with itself" and "Love is death of duty" very much defines Rhaegar. The struggle between his marriage to Elia and love for Lyanna, his conflict with his father, the prophecy and the threat of the Others. He couldn’t anticipated that the Lannisters would betray his father, or that his wife and children would both be killed.
He made mistakes like....99% of asoiaf characters. He's a conflicted character with flaws and virtues.
He wasn't the "spawn of Satan" like many people want to believe. GRRM will never acknowledge the nonsensical fandom headcanons and he's not gonna change his books.
So yeah, he’s 100% pro-Rhaegar and the fandom will get a rude awakening with the next books
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swordsandarms · 11 months
So much ping-pong-ing between Rhaegar and Aerys/Tywin/Gregor that most people forget the Rebels were always going to kill those children - Tywin/Gregor just saved them half a face in having Robert/Jon Arryn/Ned Stark only condoning it instead of carrying out the deed themselves. (Jaime literally spells it out but he's only considered as spelling out "hard truths" when it's about Aerys - a Targaryen - only).
After the Trident, Ned went on South to "win Robert a throne". Robert's claim/ascension couldn't exist or mentain itself as long as they were alive, the boys in particular. Aegon was always going to die (and Viserys if they caught him). At the hands of the "good" Rebels, yes. The girls might be valuable to strengthen the claims of Robert's sons, perhaps. But you'll really have people wistfully dreaming about "Rhaenys living" and portray her as hating her Targaryen family and somehow not the Rebels? (Yes, including Ned Stark, because, yes, Starks would be monsters to her, too). They would have killed her baby brother and forced Joffrey on her. They would force her into marriage to carry children for them as they eventually would've Sansa.
As to it being all due to Rhaegar, people sure love to theorise about what the whole alliances moves among the Lords meant even before that (because out with the nasty Targs, yay!) and not the fact that...it always meant killing the babies, too. Yes, it eventually all happened in a hurry in response to Aerys' actions, but think: Brandon>Catelyn>Ned>Arryn>Robert>Lyanna (+Tywin trying to get on with Lysa>Jaime). They are all circling Robert, the one who would push a Targaryen ancestry claim later on. Not a "give us Aerys and Rhaegar/justice and then innocent Aegon can have his throne".
I saw this post about "Ned can only be seen as kind as long as you don't have Theon's side of things" because Theon is one of the child victims in between the squabbles to give to and keep Robert's throne. And Ned would have killed him, if needed, and everyone needs to accept it.
But it is the same with Aegon and Rhaenys. People are getting so lost in the fact that he feels sorry about it and the fact that he won't stand for the murder of Daenerys' literal baby, or hiding Jon, and of Cersei's in older age, that the truth slips through: it is guilt; it is not wanting to be complicit in child murder again. (And with Cersei's children is blurred lines, because he will be the one lawfully and dutifully setting Robert on them and knows his "fury will follow them to the end of earth").
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sunsetstarrogue · 4 months
Sunsets Masterlist
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Ghost: Rhaenys-centric, angst, angst and more angst.
Since the death of her mother Rhaenys had longed to go to her homeland. Elia Martell had spoken of her home so fondly that her daughter could not help but long for it, especially after her mother had left her.
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You're On Your Own, Kid (You Always Have Been): Rhaenys-centric, Rhaenys Targaryen x Robb Stark.
Rhaenys never wanted to marry Robb Stark, but here she was; with the King and his men on her way North to pay for the sins of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.
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Right Where You Left Me: Rhaenys-centric, Rhaenys Targaryen x Robert Baratheon(political), angst.
Rhaegar's life is spared by the valiant intervention of Arthur Dayne, moments before Robert deals the fatal blow. With their lives preserved, Rhaegar and the remaining Targaryens seek refuge on Dragonstone, eventually making their escape to Essos. Regrettably, Rhaegar is forced to leave his eldest daughter behind. Left in the midst of her adversaries, Rhaenys grows up surrounded by those who view her as an enemy. As time passes, she becomes entangled in the treacherous game of thrones, particularly in the aftermath of Cersei and Jaime Lannister's public execution for their incestuous relationship. Caught in a web of schemes and deceit, Rhaenys finds herself compelled to employ similar tactics in order to ensure her own survival.
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Sequel to Right Where You Left Me - Ptolemaea: Rhaenys-centric, angst, family drama.
Seventeen years have passed since Robert's rise to the throne, forcing Rhaegar and his kin into exile in Essos. Now, Rhaegar has journeyed back with a singular yearning in mind: to reclaim his daughter, Rhaenys. She had been held captive, first by Aerys Targaryen as a pawn against the Dornish, and then again by Robert Baratheon. However, Rhaegar's return unfolds in a manner he never foresaw. The longed-for reunion he had pictured is tempered by an unexpected chill. The reality before him dashes his hopes of a heartwarming reconnection. Enraged by her father's culpability in her king's and husband's deaths, and his seizing of the crown from her son, Rhaenys is resolved to seek retribution for the wrongs inflicted upon her, her children, and her mother.
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Fires of Fate: ASOIAF/Silmarillion crossover, Rhaenys-centric.
In which after her death, the Gods of Old Valyria send Rhaenys Targaryen to the lands of Aman.
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Baelon The Cruel And His Queen Of Love And Beauty: OC/Elia Martell, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, crack.
Baelon Targaryen, the second-born son of King Aerys and Queen Rhaella, and the twin brother to Crown Prince Rhaegar, possessed an ethereal beauty expected of one with Valyrian blood. Yet, behind his captivating face, an aura of cruelty and ruthlessness lingered, casting an unsettling shadow over his reputation. And his sudden appearance at the Tourney at Harrenhal unknowingly changes everything. (or just a crack fic about Rhaegar's 'cruel' twin brother and his shenanigans at the famed Tourney at Harrenhal)
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You Were My Crown(Now I'm In Exile): Elia-centric, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, Elia Martell/Baelor Hightower.
Shortly following her death, Elia Martell is granted an unexpected opportunity for a new beginning. Armed with insight into her own future, she's resolute in evading the path she once walked. Yet, unbeknownst to her, one of the individual's implicated in her tragic end has also been granted a chance at redemption. Will Rhaegar Targaryen manage to rectify his past transgressions, or will he once again succumb to the labyrinth of his own thoughts?
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We Fall Apart As It Gets Dark: Elia-centric, Elia Martell/Brandon Stark, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen.
The apparent abduction of Lyanna Stark sets off a chain of events: Brandon Stark and his allies march to the Red Keep, where Brandon demands Rhaegar's head. A duel is called by Aerys, and fire serves as his champion, leading to the death of Brandon's father and Brandon's own imprisonment. It's only after these events that a letter arrives at Winterfell, written by Lyanna herself, explaining that she left of her own accord. The deaths of the Lord of Winterfell and the Heir of the Eyrie, along with Aerys' demand for the heads of Robert and Ned, ignite a rebellion. Elia, isolated in Kings Landing without her children, must play her role as the dutiful wife. However, complications arise when the man who once demanded her husband’s head becomes her constant companion, the Kingsguard sworn to her. Will she stay true to her duty or follow her husband's example and forsake it?
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Reckless: Elia-centric, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, angst.
"Get out," she tells him. "Leave." "You're not going to talk to me?" His voice comes out hoarse; she wonders why. "You've done enough!" she lets out. He looks disappointed when she says it, his eyes clouding over. She almost apologizes for snapping at him. But she reminds herself that he shouldn't be here at all, he shouldn't be here with her. "Goodbye, Rhaegar," she says gently, not allowing any trace of emotion to surface in her voice. The name sounds foreign coming out of her mouth, as though it belongs to someone else. She wishes for the days to go back to before he met Lyanna. Before everything turned sour. Before it was too late. or Rhaegar returns to her but things are difficult now.
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What Is Meant For You Will Stay: Rhaenys-centric, angst.
Rhaenys was gently shaken awake. The sheets beneath her rustled a bit as she moved, the night shift she wore rode up as she squirmed trying to get away from the callous hands that shook her awake. Her mind was foggy and disoriented as she stirred awake. Rhaenys sprung to life when her mind finally registered that someone was with her, in her chambers, late at night. Her eyes searched wildly in the darkness, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of the stranger. “A man does not wish to harm the Princess,” the voice came out in a low tone, almost like a faint whisper, “The Princess must remain calm,” the voice was masculine and Rhaenys felt the fear within her tremble. or Rhaegar flees to Essos with his family, though he leaves his daughter behind. Years later, he hires a faceless man to bring her to him.
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
What if Rhaegar, Elia, and Lyanna were genderbent?
I've answered a few about Rhaegar being gender swapped or stillborn and that answer essentially boils down to "his mother's life sucks even worse than it does in canon, plus the political scene is tense as FUCK." i've also answered some about lyanna being gender swapped as well, which is basically just "lyanna is having the time of her life chilling in winterfell while westeros burns around her" hah. never done an elia one, or all of them swapped.
But okay - Lonnel Stark is, in all likelihood, just chilling out at Winterfell. Either he or Benjen gets fostered out (I speculated on where in that other ask, but I think it's likely he would be sent to a Reacher house, where there is currently a plethora of girls to get engaged to, or the Lannisters, and if Tywin is meant to be the foster father of Benjen or Lyanna/Lonnel as the war kicks off, that puts a fun spin on what Tywin is going to do if he has a potential hostage and/or closer alliances with the Southron Ambitions plot), and which one is fostered out probably depends on the ages of the people he's fostering with. But no matter what, both of them are just kinda chilling. After the war, if a bunch of the Stark men die, having both Benjen and Lonnel would help a lot in rebuilding House Stark as well (ntm, I think it's likely Benjen went to the Wall out of guilt for whatever happened with Lyanna. If she never leaves with Rhaegar, that guilt goes away!).
Rhaena Targaryen, first born daughter of Aerys, cannot inherit but she is a catch. I'm sure there's some plans to have her marry Aerys and Rhaella's first born son, but when that first born son never comes, Aerys (and Steffon, probably Tywin as well, as I imagine the people doing most of the actual ruling early on was those two. I have always pictured this dynamic as the two of them teaming up on Aerys to babysit/keep him occupied while they do the actual work, haha) looks to make a smart political match with his daughter instead. Enter Jaime Lannister. Aerys is going to be a huge weirdo about this, Tywin is going to get his feelings hurt, Cersei is going to start scheming. Exit Jaime Lannister. But...Enter Robert Baratheon.
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That's right my man, the one, the only, Bobby B. is marrying girl Rhaegar/Rhaena. My reasoning is this: Steffon has already brought Robert to court several times so they're familiar with each other, Robert is knighted fairly young so he proves himself "worthy" of the honor, and best of all he has a Targaryen grandmother. Not only does this keep ~the blood of Valyria~ strong in House Baratheon, but it also helps in the long run if the Targaryens keep having fertility issues, because they have another Valyrian house to turn to for potential brides. BUT. There is a challenger here - ENTER ELLARIO NYMEROS MARTELL!!!
While I think Aerys himself would rather Robert because he's a racist freak, that alliance with Dorne is the only reason Robert's Rebellion went on for as long as it did. Without Dorne, Aerys has nothing. Less than nothing, even. Granted, without a helpless bride and her two children being kept hostage in the capital, Aerys still has jack shit, but he doesn't know that now does he. Still, with Loreza and Rhaella being friends, I think Ellario is a contender for Princess Rhaena's hand (again, a bit unsure on when Mellario and Doran marry, so maybe Rhaegar/Rhaena marries Doran since he's the one inheriting, and Ellario has no seat to give Rhaena). There's some stiff competition with Bobby B. here. I think it's likely Bobby B. & Steffon win that one though, and Loreza's hurt pride means that, once again, when Aerys inevitably does something fucked up and the realm turns on him, Dorne is going to conveniently look the other way while the rest of the Lords storm KL to oust Aerys.
HOWEVER. We do have these two branches here - Rhaena marries Bobby B., and Rhaena marries Ellario. In the Ellario situation, as I point out in other asks, a girl Rhaegar would be in Dorne, not in KL or anywhere in the Crownlands. Since there's no Stark maiden for Robert or Rhaegar to get fixated on, exactly what Aerys does is up in the air here, but we know from Jaime and JonCon's memories that Aerys was acting erratically, especially in regards to wildfire, long before Robert's Rebellion started. Now, there's no real reason for Robert to go so hard on hating Targaryens in this scenario BUT if Aerys makes KL kaboom? I do imagine there comes a question of "well is Rhaena going to go crazy too?" and there's a minor stand off between Dorne and the rest of Westeros. If Rhaena marries Bobby B., I think there's a chance that marriage is used to further push Robert's claim to the throne once Aerys finishes blowing shit up, considering Robert's grandmother, Rhaelle, is used to push him in canon.
IF Rhaella and Viserys live (let's say they still get sent to Dragonstone while Aerys is making wildfire), I think things get real dicey in either scenario. They'd need some sort of consensus in pushing Robert over Viserys, and Rhaena is not going to stand by and do nothing while people call for her mother and brother to be killed.
THE REAL JUICE is If Rhaena finds the prophecy as a young girl and starts obsessing over it and what it means. She’s going to be very determined to have children (or to make Viserys have children, perhaps?), bringing her fucked up Valyrian magic to a court that is probably very anti Valyria because Aerys just blew some stuff up, and Robert, if canon is anything to go by, is going to react violently to something like that. BUT. If she’s smarter - and she’d have to be, women cannot make mistakes the way Rhaegar can! - and plays up the “i want to give you a healthy heir” thing and isn’t as publicly focused on magic, that might be okay. It DOES change the political landscape a lot because, in a scenario where Aerys gets himself ousted, and Robert marries a Targaryen, they are….basically just a continuation of the Targaryen line, in a very real way that Robert/Cersei are not. In Dorne, however, Ellario I think more likely to be forgiving of weird magical obsessions, and Rhaena would likely have a long leash (so to speak) on obsessing, but with no real power to make her plans come to fruition. in either scenario, I do wonder if Rhaena doesn't try something fire and blood magicy and blow up another building the way Egg does Summerhall. If she does, and she survives, I think that's the final nail in the coffin of the Targaryens, who would have blown up THREE SEPARATE PLACES in the last, what, 2.5 decades? I think Robert could be convinced to just send all his dragonspawn to the Faith and start over with a less ridiculous, much more rich family, while Doran and Ellario have Rhaena held in Sunspear to keep an eye on her.
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rise-my-angel · 4 months
Ned Stark never told Jon the truth for multiple reasons, a big one being about the extremely tenuous spread of information. If by telling Jon, there was ANY chance that that others may learn and it could reach Robert, he would not risk it.
There's clearly a reason after the war, Howland Reed returned to Greywater Watch to sit on a swamp bog lilypad in complete silence for twenty years.
Any chance of the wrong people learning this truth puts Jons life at immediate risk, something Ned won't allow. Protecting Jons life at the cost of some of his relationships with the ones he loves, is a sacrifice he has to make. One of his final thoughts is of guilt, wishing he could talk to Jon just one more time, implying he doesn't want to leave this world with his son thinking Ned raised him this way out of shame or spite.
There's also the fact that Ned is clearly a man with deep trauma. Most of the main older characters from Roberts Rebellion we meet are trapped at that age. Their traumas never really let them move passed that era and its clearly effected the men they've become. Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon, Jon Connington, Jaime Lannister, even Howland Reed. All characters who never really lived passed that war and its greatly effected their lives as older men.
It means that while it isn't fair, Ned does not discuss those days, Jons mother, or even Lyanna in general because he is still trapped in that room she died in. Ned is still metaphorically that young man, sat catatonic at his little sisters now dead bedside. Ned doesn't shut all that down from his family and Jon to just keep him in the dark, its Ned spending Jons entire lifetime with deepy unresolved trauma that he now has no idea how to process. Shutting down emotionally about his families death and not truly processing the greif isn't even singular to Ned. This is a trait we literally see with Jon later on once he thinks hes lost basically his entire family, not really processing those loses in a healthy manner.
So if shutting down from trama is a flaw you put towards Ned, then its Jons flaw too. They both are extremely closed off about greif.
Again, Ned in his final pov chapter feels shame when thinking of how he and Jon will part ways with each other before Ned can fix his wrongs. Ned doesn't want Jon to think he raised him this way with any ill intent, Ned raised Jon that way out of deeply rooted fear for losing his son. And Ned wants Jon to know that hes sorry if he ever made Jon feel anything less then that love.
Its easy to fall into Jons pov trap, where the thinks his father abaondoned him to the Wall because thats what he thought Jon deserved. But the books clearly explain that Ned always wanted Jon to stay in Winterfell with Robb. But between the turmoil of Roberts appearance, the mystery of Lysa accusing the Lannisters of murder, and then realizing Jon wants Benjen to convince his father to let him go and Catelyn pressuring Ned to make Jon go, he concedes. At the least, even if Jon hates him for it, if Jons at the Wall hes as far from Roberts wrath as he could get.
Ned lets him go, but Ned always wanted Jon to stay in Winterfell where he belongs. Ned never treated Jon like a pariah. Ned treated Jon better then most bastards ever get from their highborn families, but did not give too much special treatment in order to keep eyes off of him for his saftey. The less people who pay attention to Jon, the less chance anyone would ever put it together. And keeping Jon a bastard, means while he receives the stigma that comes from it, most people who Ned would be scared of Jon interacting with, will now ignore him. It hurts for Jon, but Ned again, knows its better then someone putting the truth together and winding up having Jons life at risk.
Even through what Jon doesn't understand about his father continues to bother him, Jon actively still pushes away every older male his life trying to position themselves as a psuedo father figure to him, because despite it all, Jon knows the only father he wants or ever needed, was Ned Stark.
Ned was not perfect in the manners which pertain to Jon, but to pretend as if Jons unobjective pov of insecurities and fears stemming from not having the context of his father keeping such a massive secret, is secretly some smoking gun proof that Ned was actually a bad father or deserves to have Jon discount being raised and loved by him his whole life?
It is completely disingenuous.
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Another Life
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Pairing(s): implied/referenced Rhaegar Targaryen x Stark!Reader, Ned Stark x Catelyn Tully, Robert Baratheon x Cersei Lannister
Warnings: canonical character death, illegitimacy, cat actually loves jon in this story, drabble, short, robert and cersei actually like eachother
Words: 1269
Lyanna watches Jon from atop of the courtyard's parapet, her eyes crinkling with pride as she watches Jon best Theon Greyjoy at the dance of swords. Every victory Jon made resulted in him outgrowing the label of bastard. He was so much more than a bastard of Winterfell. Not even Catelyn saw him as such. Many were so shocked when the news came that Ned had brought back his bastard one day. In fact Cat had shown up at Winterfell by his side as he held the infant in his arms, for she was one of three that knew the truth about Jon Snow.
Heartache nibbles at her heart when she recalls fifteen years prior. She remembers her sister (y/n). The fever of her cheeks as she held her newborn son in her arms. But she wasn't faring well. Birth rendered her near lifeless, allowing her to slip slowly away into the Stranger's arms. It was only a matter of time. She refused to leave the Tower of Joy, understood her fate as well as her siblings and sister-in-law did. (y/n) had just been content with the fact that she'd birthed a healthy baby boy.
"Jon." Her watery eyes turn up to Lyanna. "His name is Jon."
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After Rhaegar's closest friend. Jon Connington was the one to deliver the note to Winterfell, ensuring it fell into the safe hands of the young Warden of the North himself. He'd been instructed by his revered lady, Princess (y/n) Targaryen.
The name was a slap to the face. A year prior to the birth of her son, (y/n) had supposedly been kidnapped by Rhaegar Targaryen who was supposed to marry Elia Martell the following day. Both up and vanished without a trace. Lord Rickard Stark was beside himself with grief and agony that they stormed to the capital to demand answers from King Aerys himself. Lord Rickard and his heir Brandon accused the king of hiding the location of Rhaegar and (y/n), said that she was to be returned immediately and the prince punished. But Aerys didn't take kindly to the slander they were slewing against the crown. He had them executed.
Ensuing blood shed consumed the Seven Kingdoms. Rhaegar appeared only on the battlefield with his own men. They fought against not just the king, but Ned and his own allies which included Storm's End. No sign of (y/n) nearby.
After Robert Baratheon killed Rhaegar and the regicide of the Mad King by the young lion Jaime Lannister, there was still no clue as to where (y/n) could be.
Robert, though it was Jaime who slew the king, secured the Iron Throne for himself. That meant Lyanna would be queen as she was engaged to Robert. She refused.
When Ned implored her to marry Robert, she gave him the tongue lashing of the century but it did the job in shutting him up. He couldn't force Lyanna to do something she didn't want to. That lesson was learned in childhood. If she desired to stay in the North then she would stay. Slighted at first, it didn't take him long to choose another bride. Cersei Lannister. A beautiful couple. Lyanna was happy that Robert even seemed to be truly smitten with the golden haired girl. They couldn't keep their hands off of each other.
Or so she was told. She couldn't attend their lavish wedding, not when her sister was still out there somewhere.
Day and night she worked in searching for (y/n). Northmen scattered across the vast land took part in looking for her.
They'd nearly given up.
And then Jon Connington delivered a letter in (y/n)'s handwriting.
She and Rhaegar had eloped. Rhaegar couldn't marry Elia Martell, he didn't love her but there was absolutely no way that Aerys would let him marry (y/n) Stark. Even (y/n) had kept her love for him a secret from everyone in her family.
Getting married as soon as they could. They had a short honeymoon for the war started shortly after. Jon Connington was entrusted with (y/n)'s safety, and though he wanted to be with Rhaegar on the battlefield, he held (y/n) in high regard. He agreed without much hesitation.
Soon she discovered she was pregnant. The pregnancy wasn't going well for her. She was constantly sick and weak. She didn't have long.
In her note, (y/n) specifically wanted Lyanna, Ned and his new bride to come. Only them. They were not to tell anyone else. Cat was loathe to leave her own baby Robb but knew how important this was for Ned and his family so of course she agreed to go. Leaving Robb pained her.
Jon was but a week old by the time they arrived to the Tower of Joy. The Sword of the Morning himself stood guard at the tower's entrance.
The babe was healthy. The same couldn't be said of his mother.
She was gaunt, so gray. This wasn't the sister Ned and Lyanna grew up with. Her smile was still the same though, even if it was a little strained. To each of them she spoke to, having the other two wait.
All of them, including Jon Connington and Arthur Dayne were to take this secret to their graves.
(y/n) died two days later.
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"I know that look."
Lyanna jolts at Ned's voice, ripped from her melancholic memories. She presses her lips together. Ned grew into a fine lord. A horde of children filled the halls of the castle. Among them was the boy they thought their bastard brother. "Sometimes I can't help but think about her when I see him. He has her big, sweet eyes."
Ned nods. "He does." He rests his forearms on the wooden rail and looks down into the courtyard where Jon swung his sword in the way that Arthur Dayne had shown him that morning. Off to the distance was Jon Connington watching with a close eye. Theon and Robb are trying it out as well.
Jon was thriving. No one caught on to the truth of him. Never even breaching the surface. Many asked who the mother was since Ned agreed to claim fathership over him.
Bittersweet for the siblings watching their nephew grow up without his real mother and father. It was better this way. (y/n) wanted her son to grow up in the north opposed to the death and discrimination he might receive from being raised in the capital. Not just that, but Robert Baratheon was now entirely against the entire Targaryen line. He was already trying to locate the missing Prince Viserys and Princess Daenerys with plans to execute them if they're ever found. Children. It was insane that his queen was supporting the king's search for them. His claim to the throne was in danger as long as there was even one Targaryen left alive. And unfortunately Jon was included.
That day his sister died, Ned swore to her that he would protect Jon with his life; even if that meant protecting him against his own friend he thought of as a brother. Lyanna, Ned and Cat had spent sleepless nights speaking about the possibility of Robert finding out about Jon. Their voices hushed, only the quiet flame in the fireplace bore witness to the secrets being discussed.
They would never allow the secret of Jon's parents to become public knowledge. (y/n) entrusted Jon's life to them and they would not disappoint her. They would defend the boy with their life and take his secret to the afterlife.
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dragonsfromthemoon · 1 year
Rhaegar and Lyanna (and their relationship) have such a special spot on the narrative.
They are minor characters long dead by the time the story starts. Yet that does not diminish their impact and relevance, nor their presence in the other characters' lives.
Both are key figures in Robert's Rebellion, an event that needless to say shaped the Westeros and the many characters we are introduced to in ASOIAF.
Rhaegar is the big brother Daenerys looks up to and is so fond of, the brother she is paralleled to. Rhaegar is present on Ned's, Cersei's and Jaime's thoughts. Rhaegar is the reason Jon Connington supports Young Griff — he does not want to fail the (supposed) son as he thinks he failed the father.
Lyanna's memory haunts Ned. Lyanna is the aunt Arya is compared to. Lyanna is the mother Jon had always longed to know. Lyanna is still fondly remembered in the North, to the point she has a namesake in her honor. Lyanna is the girl who defended Howland Reed, whose story of bravery he tells his children.
Jon's parentage is the central mystery of the story.
And so on.
Rhaegar and Lyanna also have a proper characterization. We know about Rhaegar's political plans, his personality, his ties to prophecy and his passions (books and harpy). We know about Lyanna's boldness, skills, perceptiveness and accute sense of justice and honor.
There is much about them, even though much mire is still shrouded in mystery.
Every character is a plot device, a tool to tell story. Granted, Rhaegar and Lyanna are minor ones, but that does not mean they are not relevant.
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sherlokiness · 9 months
been reading your Lyanna and Rhaegar posts and I very much agree with you about them having a wedding. If we assume that those Kingsguard's weren't false Kingsguards like Jaime and weren't lying about them keeping their "vow" then the most logical explanation would be that Jon is legitimate. When Aerys died, they should have gone to protect their new King Viserys yet they refused to do so. The reason for staying in the ToJ must have been because whatever they're guarding there takes higher priority than Viserys.
What do you think will be for the future of Sansa and Jon then? They will be the second Stark and Targaryen union in the current story we'll see. Since Sansa is a bastard just like Jon that means Jon isn't a bastard at all. They're made to pose as bastards by a father figure or else people would have their head. Stone and Snow. She's a Stark, he's a Targaryen.
Hi, anon! Thanks for the ask.
Great point about Sansa saying she's a bastard just like Jon. If we take that as a hint of RLJ then what she says is actually the truth. She was made a bastard exactly like Jon yet in reality they were not at all. We also have a clue to what Jon might feel once he learns of his heritage.
He is not my father. The thought leapt unbidden to Jon's mind. Lord Eddard Stark is my father. I will not forget him, no matter how many swords they give me.
They might offer him the IT(made up of many swords) and the allegiance of noble houses(my sword is yours.) He will never forget Ned and Rhaegar could just fuck off.💀💀
RLJ parallel for Jon and Sansa for me would probably them having a secret wedding. I mean, the books already teased Sansa having one with a cousin. But unlike RL, jonsa will have a public wedding too much like Jahaerys I and Alysanne. Next I would say is Sansa as the Girl in Grey. I very much believe the theory that Lyanna met Rhegar again at the Inn at the Crossroads which is where another iconic kidnapping took place- Cat seizing Tyrion. It resulted in hostilities between two major Houses where the Starks didn't know the inside story. It would have looked like a kidnapping specially if we have hostile forces against Lyanna there which were the King's men. So Sansa/Lyanna would be fleeing kidnappers only to end up with a Targaryen for safety. The elements involved would be a tourney, a crime, a wedding, and a rescue by a knight. Jon disdaining princesses in towers only to end up rescuing an actual one is peak comedy imo. 🤡🤡
As he walked toward the armory, Jon chanced to look up and saw Val standing in her tower window. I'm sorry, he thought. I'm not the man to steal you out of there.
This could be interpreted as it is or could be that Jon is not the man to steal Val because he will steal another princess later. Jon, Sansa's brother, might also give her a bastard's head - Ramsay's. She already has Janos but she doesn't know that.
After my name day feast, I'm going to raise a host and kill your brother myself. That's what I'll give you, Lady Sansa. Your brother's head."
A kind of madness took over her then, and she heard herself say, "Maybe my brother will give me your head."
Jon vs Ramsay has been foreshadowed by Ghost defending a prize from a yellow bitch three times his size. The most recent one would be Chett, a leech man's son with lordly ambitions, being defeated by "Snow and his pet pig." Lady Piggy is Jon Snow's lady love. There's only one notable guy in the story using leeches and it's Roose.
He will know me. How could he not? She considered throwing herself at his feet to beg for his protection. He never fought for Robb, why should he fight for me?
Sansa's already considered doing before what Alys did.
Alys knelt before him, clutching the black cloak. "You are my only hope, Lord Snow. In your father's name, I beg you. Protect me."
UndeadJon will know her and will fight for her. Jon has failed twice to fight for his family - Robb and Arya. He will succeed on the third one.
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