#and her name is Leah 💀💀
wileys-russo · 3 months
hihi idk if youre taking requests but i had an idea for leah kinda inspired by sockgate (💀)
so basically r plays for arsenal and theyre having kit photoshoots but the kit person accidentally forgot r’s (obviously the photoshoot isnt in colney) so she has to wear leah’s kit because r’s number is 5 and leah’s is 6 so it would be easier to edit and change the number like on the shorts (just say they didnt take any photos of her back because it would be too hard to change the name or something) ANYWAY leah is eating it up seeing r in her kit (especially if it’s like kind of big on her)
and then idk how you want to end it but maybe after the edited pictures are posted, leah cant help herself and also posts the original ones where you can see it’s her kit or something
love your writing <3
the sockgate trauma...never again the new number 6 II l.williamson
"leah catherine if you make us late again you're sleeping on the sofa tonight!" you yelled out impatiently, checking the time and rolling your eyes. "two minutes babe!" your girlfriend called back as you groaned in disbelief.
"they're dressing us and doing hair and makeup there leah, what is taking you so long?" you dropped your bag to the ground and stomped off to the bedroom. "no don't come in i'm-" you pushed open the door and your eyes widened at the sight in front of you.
"tell me that you are not doing a soduku right now." you spoke deathly calm, eyes locked with hers and narrowing. "would that make you feel better?" leah questioned with a charming smile, sat on the corner of the bed.
but the tinkling of her game gave it away as your eye twitched slightly and leah laughed nervously. "leah, i will be waiting in the car. if you do not join me in exactly two minutes, that thing you've been wanting to do?" you stated as leah nodded along.
"you can do it to yourself and this-" you gestured to your body. "-will be off limits, for a week." you warned seriously as leah scoffed and went to speak.
"a whole week williamson, shift it!" you cut her off sternly, turning on heel and marching out of the bedroom hearing your girlfriend trip over with a curse in her haste to hurry.
"ah fuck." you heard a thump and before you could even open the car door leah was skidding to your side, grabbing it for you. "after you darling." she grinned as you hummed and slid inside, tossing your bag in the back as she hurried around to her side.
"babe why aren't you dressed?" leah frowned as she returned to the change rooms, having finished with her own media promotion and asked to let you know they were ready for you now.
"they didn't bring my kit. there was a typo on the schedule and they thought less was coming so they've got 23 and not 5." you sighed in explanation as your girlfriend took a seat beside you.
"they just told me to wear your kit, 6 is easier to photoshop to 5 since its one number and not two like 23 is." you shrugged as leahs eyebrows shot upward. "leah." you sighed tiredly at the familiar look which settled on her face as she sat down beside you.
"be an adult and go change, now please." you ducked away from her arm which attempted to slip over your shoulders, standing up and crossing your arms across your chest. "have i ever told you just how sexy you look when you're pissed with me?" leah sighed with a dopey smile.
"yes. you make a point to remind me every time you grovel after you've pissed me off!" you threw a towel at her head and sat back down at your cubby. "no, go change baby." your foot shot up to press against her as she stood and attempted to get closer.
"reminds me of a different position baby, one i quite like." leah grinned wolfishly as she pulled your leg to sit on top of her shoulder and kissed your ankle with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
"you already made me late once this morning and you're doing it again. go and change leah please!" you groaned pulling your leg back and sending her a stern look.
"i know you think this is going to work but this whole annoyed look-" leah wiggled her fingers at you "-is just making it all the more harder to leave you." leah smirked as you rolled your eyes and exhaled deeply.
"alright alright! i'm going. a girl knows where she isn't wanted!" leah spoke dramatically clutching at her chest, ducking down and stealing a kiss. "unless you'd like me to just change here and we can-" leah started to suggest but a dead panned glare had her grabbing her bag and hurrying away toward the showers.
"here you go then sunshine." a bundle of clothes hit you square in the face as you'd started to daydream only a few moments later, leah changed back into the clothes she'd arrived in.
"you are so-" you stopped yourself, leah sending you a smirk and sitting down on the bench. "eyes and hands inside the ride at all times williamson, i'm on a schedule." you warned as you started to strip off and change, feeling your girlfriends gaze locked onto you.
"leah!" you huffed as you pulled her shirt down over your head and her hand smacked against your ass. "what? it slipped babe." leah shrugged with an innocent smile as you rolled your eyes and pulled on her shorts having to roll the waistband a little so they didn't hang so low, already having your boots and socks on.
"wait! you're missing something." leah shot to her feet as you fixed your hair and turned to leave, pausing with a raised eyebrow. your lips couldn't help but curl into a small smile as leahs own pressed sweetly against them.
"sap." you teased, pecking her lips a few more times before heading out of the change rooms hearing her follow after you. "behave leah." you warned seriously as she held up her hands with a wink and you pushed your way into the media room.
"well well well if it isn't our newest number six!" beth teased as she finished up and immediately noticed that you weren't in your own number. "call me vice captain." you grinned, hugging her as you swapped positions and she spoke briefly with your girlfriend before leaving the room.
"so we're mostly shooting graphics for the screens and the lineups today, some celebrations, some serious shots. we'll do everything forward facing since there was some...issues, sorry about that again." jessica the marketing and media admin smiled apologetically.
"you're just lucky i was around to save the day jess." leah chimed in as jess shot her a playful glare and stepped back, calling out a few poses as the photographer snapped away and you moved between the different backdrops.
much as you tried your hardest to stay focused there was no avoiding the shit eating grin plastered on your girlfriends face as she sat back with arms crossed, eyes laser focused on your every move.
leah wasn't shy about how much she adored you, that was given by the constant teasings of the pining looks she threw your way during trainings or the not to subtle kisses she stole what felt like every few minutes.
leah was even less shy about how much she adored the sight of you in her clothes. early on in the relationship she did find it somewhat frustrating how you'd sneak off with her hoodies or shirts or pants hidden away in your overnight bag.
but seeing you wander around colney with what leah knew was her nike hoodie covering your top half had something stirring in her stomach she couldn't ignore.
your girlfriend by nature could be possessive, though most times it never came from jealousy knowing you were just as much as infatuated with her as she was with you, but rather that solidifying assurance that you were hers.
so as she sat there seeing you take picture after picture wearing her name, number and jersey leah was grinning ear to ear and there wasn't much which could be said to wipe it off.
"all good?" you questioned once it seemed things were wrapped up, sending both him and jess a thumbs up and stepping away, boots clacking against the hard cement floor and shaking your head at the look on leahs face.
"don't say it." you warned, snatching your jacket out of her hands and making a beeline out of the room as she hurried to follow you. "leah!" you laughed as she caught up and grabbed your hand, pushing you against a wall.
"you're like a horny teenager." you chuckled against her lips which immediately ravaged yours, her hands gripping your hips as you cupped her face and deepened the kiss.
"baby girl you know what it does to me to see you in my clothes, let alone wearing my last name on your back." leah pulled away and shook her head, making a mind blown gesture with her hands causing you to laugh again and shove her.
"we're at work miss williamson, be professional." you booped her nose and darted away as leahs kiss met thin air and she watched you dissapear into the change rooms.
"oh but miss williamson all my thoughts right now are strictly unprofessional." leah sang out happily with a cheeky grin as you shook your head. "no ring, no wife." you patted her cheek and held up your empty hand causing leah to now shake her head.
"oh no no no, no need to change my girl." leah swiftly grabbed your bag, stuffing your clothes back in and slinging it over her shoulder, holding out her hand for you to take with a sly smile.
"its time for me to make our new number six feel very very very welcome."
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etherealstar-writes · 5 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: three
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
we have training tomorrow
just a reminder
the REAL karate kid
what's the bet leah and georgia
are gonna be a show off
while niamh's gonna be off in her own world
hey! no need to call me out like that
i do focus
i am not a show off
me neither!
door knob
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you guys need proof?
the imposter
you guys got that athletic build 💪
the REAL karate kid
the imposter
i think the rest are asleep
the imposter
are you guys all part of some cult omg
and why do you guys have like
group training together?
that's kinda sus
the REAL karate kid
honestly it's kinda fun and chaotic
are we all gonna ignore the fact that
nobbs has photos of georgia's and leah's muscles?
door knob
are we just gonna keep referring
the imposter as imposter?
or if anyone's gonna ask her name?
the imposter
your name's nobbs??
my name's y/n
that is such a pretty name
the imposter
thank you!
you know
you never really answered
lotte's question nobbs ....
it's because i'm her favourite duh
um it's actually me
hence why she sent a photo of mine first
and here we go again
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
why is everyone so dead right now
maybe it's the fact that we just finished training
the REAL karate kid
and because we actually have lives
that's a lie and we all know it
the imposter
how was training?
feeling quite dead rn
funny actually
lessi slipped and slammed
face first into the training mat
that was the highlight of my day
the REAL karate kid
glad to know my misery
causes you guys happiness
rusty metal
i stumbled upon the best photo ever
my eyes have been blessed
bronzy in her active era??
ooh do show
it's intrigued my interest now too
rusty metal
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the REAL karate kid
this is a masterpiece
i'm saving this
she's a barbie gurl 💅
i'm blocking yall
your eyes just can't handle this much art
the imposter
hello friends of y/n!
i was trying to take photos of y/n
and accidentally clicked into here
hello friend of y/n
the imposter
is this some kind of football fan cult??
some of your usernames are familiar in a strange way
idk why i can't seem to place it
hmm quite strange
don't you all agree?
hmm very strange indeed
the REAL karate kid
where's y/n?
the imposter
standing in front of me
has no clue i'm on this chat
i'll send a photo
hang on
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(lets just pretend they can see your face in the photo)
now she wants her phone back
goodbye strange strangers
the REAL karate kid
rusty metal
lauren 1
the whole chat rn:
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i was not expecting this today-
the REAL karate kid
toone, this is literally the best
most dumbest thing you've done-
my eyes have been blessed twice today
the REAL karate kid
you can get my number wrong
anytime toone
part four here
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Even just from a book accuracy perstective,being against Leahbeth/black Annabeth is still wrong because why the fuck would a guy named PERSEUS from a series where names are explicitly said to have power NOT have black woman love interests💀💀💀?????Andromeda was literally the princess of Ethopia,are you bitches fr-And Percy also never said he finds blonde hair attractive,he said he finds girls who're like princesses attractive which fits both Leah herself and Perdromeda.Greek mythology isn't only relevant when you wanna say pedestary is good because you hate kids and it also dosen't stop being canon when you wanna be racist and y'all really telling on yourselves.Just say you never actually liked Percy for who he is or cared about Annabeth outside of him and using her to put down all the other girls and go back to Hogwarts where your abusive neo-liberal ass belongs!!!
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pluckysidekick · 1 year
I’m finally ready to talk about The Maiden’s Rage - if you’re interested in an in depth analysis, I’m planning a series of posts as there’s just too many amazing scenes and too much to cover. I’ll be going into detail on the subtext of scenes, callbacks to earlier seasons, behind the scenes clues, and discussion of the more ‘uncomfy’ bits as well (I’ll preface with a trigger warning) as there is so much to unpack.
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Starting with George - she and Leah had an absolutely stellar episode. Seeing George come into her own, her confidence in her abilities, her maturity in her relationship with Nick, her realization that her mentor had failed her, and then her determination to understand the mystery of the case and ultimately the town water supply, from beginning to end was breathtaking. Also, she looked amazing in every fit. Kudos to Leah and to the costume dept!
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Speaking of kudos, the visuals in this whole episode are outstanding. Nancy and Ace, as George so astutely puts it, start out together but not too together, mirroring the tension between them as they navigate this next stage of their relationship. We left off Episode 1 where Ace ran to Icarus Hall (swoon), leading to Nancy finally confessing they’re cursed. We’ve jumped to the next day (presumably) and Nancy doesn’t want to risk telling Ace anything else, believing that it won’t make a difference, while Ace still wants to know everything (not the last time he says it).
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Ace’s admitting he went to Bess for moral support is something we’ll see more of in the episode - it’s a good thing he has his Platanchor because he’s in for a rough ride. Nancy’s teary “You will die” reminds me of the S3 finale opening scene, “I won’t let him die.” In both cases she believes she’s doing the right thing - she’s already lost so many people she loves. The difference now is Ace is finally clued into what’s going on and doesn’t accept her keeping things from him.
Ace’s journey from the 213 Claw deck scene where Nancy successfully pushes him away, “Not my place to say,” and here, where he relentlessly pushes her for the truth, “What aren’t you telling me?” shows how far he’s come.
But Nancy continues to “make the call” and shut him out, not unlike S3’s Piper Beach episode when she overrides Bess’s opinion. Nancy’s tendency to dismiss the feelings and opinions of those closest to her when she’s under pressure is already in full force, well before the poisoned water begins to affect her behavior.
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Ace’s expression reminds me of the Amanda breakup scene in 306 - the mixture of anger, frustration, and sadness about someone he loves is written all over his face.
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As a break from the turmoil, I loved the introduction of Jade, and can’t wait to see how their and Nick’s relationship progresses. Nick and Bess have a rare but hilarious scene together, with a chance to gently poke fun at Nick’s (and Tunji’s) lack of social media savvy. I have to agree with George that he could lose the hat.
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Back in the locker room, the fight continues with Ace getting increasingly angry that Nancy’s holding out on him, pleading for her to let him in because “I’m in this curse too,” while Nancy is “trying to be strong.” Oh, Nancy. Visually it evokes Nancy and Ace’s S1 fight in 107, this time with Ace coming down the stairs to confront Nancy instead of the other way around.
This feels like it could become a theme for them, with a struggle between Nancy’s desire to keep Ace safe at the cost of his autonomy. I’m glad they’re exploring this, even though it’s difficult to see them fight when all we want to do is bang them together like Barbies and make them kiss already.
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With the entrance of Tristan, things get even more awkward, Ace furious but begrudgingly admiring Tristan’s ‘solid’ boat name, Jolene, the famous ‘other’ woman. Tristan (that hussy) flirts with Nancy shamelessly, but doesn’t know what to make of Ace’s instant classic line:
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“I made it this morning.” 💀 I love him so much. Visually Tristan starts out in the middle (just like Ace between Nancy and her love interests in past seasons), but later the perspective changes with Ace in the middle and with his back to us. This foreshadowing of the inevitable love triangle is making me sad 😔 .
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Back to the mystery, Nancy and Ace respond to George’s call for help to investigate Judge Abbott’s strange behavior before his heart attack. Nancy assures George “we’ll figure it out, that’s what we do.” Ace’s silent response is absolutely devastating. His expression and body language scream, “You’re willing to figure things out for George, why not for us?”
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The supernatural poison is about to turn Nancy into Bro-Nancy, but I’m out of room and I have a lot more screencaps. This was literally just the first seven minutes (and I skipped Bess and Addy, but promise to come back to them).
I will probably not shut up about it every time I talk about this episode, but Alex is killing it in every scene, every shot. Kennedy’s incredible turn in this episode is epic, and I can’t wait to dig in next time. But this in many ways Ace’s episode - the range of emotion is so effectively portrayed, often purely with body language and facial expressions. Ace may not be the Maiden, but he has some serious but controlled rage (justified IMO) as he finally advocates for himself and the life he wants with Nancy.
‘Til next time, Drewds!
UPDATE: Part 2 and Part 3
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Qna Answers!
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Ever since you mentioned that you do darker art besides stardew I've been super curious! Is there anywhere we can follow your work?
NOPE! this is more or less the first time I had much of a social media presence, I did make an Instagram when I was around 12 but I lost the password to it, and honestly... It's best I never find it...BUT I would like to post my other art somewhere! Let me know what social media I should use If you have ideas and I'll go make one! :D
I could use Instagram again but I haven't heard too many great things since I left.
What’s your favorite thing about Stardew? Do you have any other games you’d like to make comics about?
I love the fishing and mining aspect of the game! that and the mini-games. You'd think it be the socializing aspect with what I make but there's just something satisfying about making progress in the mines or getting that impossible to catch fish.
I don't usually have a lot of money to spend on games so I tend to go indie but I also never expected to be making art about Stardew so not really. If I like the characters, I might make comics about them but this is the first time I've done comics about games ever so maybe in the future.
Who is your least favorite bachelor and bachelorette
This was a really hard question to answer, I don't have a least favorite bachelor or bachelorette, I just have favorites. The main reason why is because I've either met people who are like the bachelor's or I can relate to them on a personal level so it's hard for me to dislike anyone BUT THATS A COP OUT ANSWER so I really pushed myself to find something to not like.
I'm gonna get torched but Elliot- gifts are super expensive to get, I know I can just give neural gifts but it's a bad habit of mine of going for the loved gifts and my guys got EXPENSIVE tastes or gifts that aren't easy to get BUT It fits his character as it implies he came from a more luxurious lifestyle. (if the Victorian clothing wasn't a big enough hint) but again, I don't dislike him, he has a lot of comedic potential!
I'm gonna get MURDERD for this one, Leah- I CAN NEVER FIND HER. Her pathing and my pathing NEVER collide and I keep forgetting she goes to the beach to draw sometimes so I never go there and I go to the wiki to find where in the WORLD she is at and 99% of the time is in the cortege but I can't get to her because I don't have 2 hearts yet because I don't run into her unless I remember to look in the saloon IF shes there BUT again, I do not dislike her...I dislike her pathing and that's on me for not thinking ahead. Plus this problem goes away once I DO have 2 hearts.
Whats your favorite crop and who’s your favorite bachelorette?
Coffee! (gee what a surprise 😅) I just love it when I can get one seed, grow it, and then harvest it and multiply my coffee crops by a huge amount! It's not worth much but it's just a satisfying crop to have.
Maru- not exactly a popular pic but I had a lot of friends who were 10X smarter than me growing up so Maru just naturally reminds me a lot of my closest friends, THAT and she's easy for me to bump into in the clinic.
(I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT 💀 but I think it said-) What software do you youse and what do you recommend?
I use Krita, and couldn't recommend it more! (scroll down more to the archive and there are more details about it)
and a UGEE tablet BUT I got it as a free gift. So far I haven't had to replace it yet and has lasted a good amount of time (my old ones lasted a year until I had to replace it) so Idk if I can recommend it and it's kinda expensive. (for me anyway) I'm honestly dreading the day something happens to it and I have to get it replaced :(
It costs about $60usd right now
Question Archive! - stuff I was asked before here for you to find :D
(some of it, the rest is tagged with #ask)
Whats your chickens name (the chicken in your pfp)?
Tudee-chi or Tudee for short!
Got any advice for perfection?
This website apparently! That and the Stardew Wiki
Okay I have to ask: favorite Bachelors and Bachelorettes?
Alright! Here's a tier list from Favorate to I'm chill with them!
Do you think that the male and female farmer can co-exist as a pair of chaotic twin siblings with joint ownership of the farm?
And I don't see why not! It's more fun that way
Sorry to bother, but can i ask what you use to draw?
Not a bother at all! I love answering questions!!! I use Krita
Who is your favorite stardew Bachelor?
Harvey! and for the dumbest reasons...Harvey ended up being my favorite bachelor for 2 main reasons
Sorry to bother but do you happen to have any tips/advice on drawing bodies and heads??
I ABSOLUTELY DO!!! it's no bother at all
What you need to keep in mind is that a lot of my advice is a suggestion and what I'm comfortable with-
For the future, this will be a question archive of things I'm asked to keep it easy to find once the Mega pin post is ready!
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f1uckinghell · 1 year
The image of Leah going to her parent's house to pick up P E R T H I N A, only to be told that she's with Max and Daniel, is giving life 🤣
Leah just like "when did she go there?!" and Lewis is just "yesterday! They came over for dinner and leah refused to let go on Daniel's hair so she went back with them"
I don't know who you speak of, who is this Perthina. Her name is Claire (Jk I know it's Clara, please don't bully me again 🤣🤣)
Them just trading their grandchild back and forth; I just know nico and max get into several heated discussions on whose turn it is 💀
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twobluejeans · 7 months
ALLY OH MY GOD- i was looking for a vogue beauty secrets video to watch cause idk i find them comforting and in the suggested was a video from the girl you use as the face claim for lola and when i tell you i jumped 💀
i clicked on it out of curiosity and she’s ACTUALLY an australian youtuber????? i thought that was all your doing 😭😭 idk why but i found this so funny n i had to share
yes she’s an actual influencer/YouTuber named Leah halton! She’s funny n seems really sweet. I lover her makeup tutorials, I actually use them for myself ngl. I def recommended to anyone reading this to check her out, she’s cool🩷🎀
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daenerys-targaryen · 1 year
hey leah, is there any chance you can tag your posts about taylor? i don't want to have to unfollow, but i have literally every iteration of her name/her fans blocked and yet i cannot escape all this breakup talk 💀
sure i can try!
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
thoughts on camille o'connell?
I’m not the biggest fan of her character tbh, from the moment she was introduced she was portrayed as this perfect smart saint-like girl who could “fix” the big bad beast (Klaus). There wasn’t much of her that interested me, but despite that, I still liked her and appreciated Leah’s amazing acting. But after she became a vampire, I really did not like her, she became much more annoying and irrational. [The same happened with Elena: I L O V E D her as a human, but once she became a vampire I could hardly stand her.]
That being said, I really hate how mean Klaroline shippers are to her, I’ve seen so many on tiktok hating on her and even body-shaming her. It’s really unfair imo and Cami (and Leah) don’t deserve that. I’m a diehard Klaroline shipper and I think they’re totally superior (I think Klaus was meant to have more of a connection with Cami’s character, but Klaroline still managed to outshine them with their dynamic and incredible chemistry), but I dislike how Cami stans immediately assume that we just don’t like her because of Mother- I mean Caroline. While that can be said for MANY Cami haters/Klaroline shippers, it shouldn’t just be brushed off as “shipping wars” (I’m the biggest Ship Wars hater ever so like??😭). I’m a huge multi-shipper and I think Klamille had some really cute moments, but I still don’t like the ship very much, and I think Cami deserved better than to have her character be revolved around Klaus and his redemption.
I’m currently rewatching The Originals actually, and while I have a slightly blurred memory of the last season (which is part of the reason why I’m rewatching), a lot of my old feelings towards the characters and ships are flooding back, which is why I’m sure some of y’all have noticed an increase in TO content on my blog lmao.
ALSO I HAVE A VERY LARGE COMPLAINT, why do they pronounce the “ll” in her name? 😭😭 It triggers me sm because the name is literally French and is supposed to be pronounced like “Ka-mee.” When she was complaining about guys assuming she’s French because of her name-tag I felt instantly called out 💀 I do ofc still pronounce her name the correct way whenever I talk about her or say her name.
So to sum it up, I definitely don’t hate her but her character still didn’t appeal much to me. And I still think she deserved better than Klaus and to have her character be reduced to simply his love interest.
Anyway, thanks for asking anon. I love it when I get asked about my opinion on things that aren’t about HP. <3
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crispyblonde · 1 year
Who was your first muse? Favourite thing about roleplaying? Least favourite thing about roleplaying? What are some similarities between you and your muse/muses? Would you be friends with your muse if they were real?
Who was your first muse? Overall, it was Bella Swan in chatzy rooms lmfao. Then she was always taken so Leah Clearwater became my main girlie. I've kept her more or less since then. My first tumblr indie character was an oc hunter with a Lyndsey Fonseca fc. Her name was Maddie something I honestly don't remember, but I've been thinking about her a lot lately!
Favourite thing about roleplaying? I really have enjoyed world building a whole lot. I love seeing people take original characters and build them up so beautifully or very minimally developed canon characters and make them something of their own. Everyone even has a unique take on certain aspects of very canon characters and it's just nice to see different perspectives... Making them their own with further development or dismisal of things in canon that they don't agree with.
Least favourite thing about roleplaying? Probably my own damn nerves. I'm trying to get to a spot where I feel more confident in putting myself back out there but I have held an inferiority complex for a long time and I worry too much about being annoying or people not agreeing with how I write my characters. I keep taking on more muses on my other blogs and I worry a lot about their dialogue running together. I honestly just really need to work on writing with people that want to write with me and not caring about the rest? Not getting as easily discouraged or feeling left out of things.
What are some similarities between you and your muse/muses? I have so many muses at this point and I relate to a lot of them in different ways but overarchingly a lot of them are stubborn like me and have a kind heart, which I have been told that I do and like to think that I do. Jess and I are specifically pretty different, especially before her death where she's all around extroverted and bubbly. But her temper can be pretty relatable 💀 And I can relate to her sarcasm and teasing streaks.
Would you be friends with your muse if they were real? Please!! Absolutely. I would fall to my knees for Jess. She's just one of those people that you can always count on to brighten your day. I admire a few people with her personality in my real life. Outwardly so friendly and inclusive but not afraid to stand up for herself or others and generally doesn't give a damn about what others think.
munday meme!!
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etherealstar-writes · 5 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: two
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
elton changed the name the karate kid to the imposter
elton added the REAL karate kid
the REAL karate kid
you all were annoying a random
person thinking it was me LMAO
and this username ??
i mean i'm not complaining
oh shut it
y'all got anything in your stash?
i was gonna ask the same thing.
where's lotte when you need her?
i don't have anything in my stash
i'm broke
ugghh i'm so bored
you guys got any food to eat?
the REAL karate kid
i got redbull
that is not food less
the REAL karate kid
says who?
red bull is an energy drink.
it is made up of carbonated water, sucrose, glucose,
citric acid, taurine, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium
carbonate, caffeine, niacinamide, calcium pantothenate,
pyridoxine hci, vitamin b12, and natural and artificial flavours.
thank you keira
did you just copy and paste that from google?
damn i lost braincells reading that
the REAL karate kid
didn't know you had any in the first place
shut up
if i drop you on a deserted island with
only redbull alessia, will you survive?
the REAL karate kid
why don't we test that out
i second that
the imposter
honestly it depends on
what you define food as
i mean literally anything could
be food if it's consumable
the REAL karate kid
thank you, my imposter!
idk who you are but i already love you
the imposter
you're welcome :))
why the hell is everyone in love with alessia??
this is not okay.
and why do i keep seeing videos
of you everywhere??
it's like you're haunting me
the REAL karate kid
sorry leah, i just can't help it
it's my charm
the imposter
so ....
does anyone feel like showing
what alessia looks like? 👀
were you not taught anything
about stranger danger??!
or internet safety?!
you could be a 40 year old man
wanting to hunt us down
the imposter
you were the one that LITERALLY
added me to this random groupchat
for all i know you could be the
one trying to do that to me
hey hey hey!
don't put this back on me
that's not fair
the imposter
excuse you
your name is literally elton
i will not be taking this
you could be a stalker for all i know
shut up
the REAL karate kid
you actually silenced her
i think i just witnessed love on first sight-
you're not the only one-
part three here
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p0rkbun · 4 months
I do know who Gojo is! I’ve had an anime phase and even tho I didn’t watch jjk, his name gets throws around a lot. I also sometimes randomly get edits of him even tho I’m a lesbian and don’t watch anime anymore💀
You’re real for the kys in this case tho. Cuz if you’re that mad about appearances that were barely even specified in the books then grow the fuck up, Leah is my Annabeth!!! I also heard that it’s been confirmed that there’s also people who are crushing on Walker reporting Leah cuz they’re ’too close’ like what?😭 they’re friends and kids, leave them the fuck alone. As if walker would ever wanna be with your racist, cringy asses.
It really is disgusting. Like I have a celeb crush on Dior but I don’t go around sexualizing her. The worst thing I’ve said is “I need her so badly”. But there’s people saying “I wanna lick his abs” when it comes to Charlie and “he can drain his balls in me” about walker. It’s so fucked up. Like these are kids man just let them live in piece. This always happens to celeb kids and it’s just so sad. They can’t even live their lives peacefully anymore
I think the anime/gojo is very popular, idk why ladies love him, I think he is gay as hell /j
People who comment like this regarding especially young actors are the most insufferable people ever, or maybe I just don't like people being to horny 😭 anyways, no young celebs should be treated that way, its gross. . .sometimes people just need to shut up.
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munsonology · 6 months
ALRIGHT I'm going to tell you a story I've told others that makes me chuckle and is also a OH MY GOD and also sexual harassment so
I love massages. To give and to receive. The lady I typically went to was booked and I was out of town for the next two months. Being out of town as I was, I decided "hey let me try a place up here". So I went to a place that also did waxing. I had talked with my masseuse as she did both, about prices so she knew I was interested in waxing
Now, if you've never had a massage, you strip and lay on a table and are covered. When I was a preteen I was uncomfortable and left my bra and undies on, now I just leave my undies on because I'm paranoid about starting my period while there (it happened 1 time and now im like oh God it could happen again 💀)
So to set the scene: im laying face down, completely naked except for my not thong but was basically a thong, a thin sheet covering me. The Masseuse is massaging my back. I am used to silence, relaxation- NO. She talks the ENTIRE time. Anyways, she compliments me. My leg specifically. As she is massaging it. Says it has a great shape and looks nice. And I was like oh uhhh I try?
She straight up ran her hand up my leg and said "oh you don't have to try"
SO I laid there awkwardly for the rest of the HOUR LONG MASSAGE. Cause like WHAT DO I DO? I ain't gonna jump up, titties flying!
She may or may not have also sang a love song to me as she held my hand
She also mentioned twin flames and said we were destined to meet 💀 after I got dressed she brought up the waxing AINT NO WAY SHE SEEING MY V NOW
I laugh about it now, because this would happen to NO ONE ELSE BUT ME. The imagery of me jumping up, titties flying, kills me. I didnt do that but
But then she texted me cause my number was on the form I filled out. Said something about destiny- and hey, maybe it wasn't her maybe it was a fluke cause they didn't say their name but that we had been destined to meet and if I ever wanted to see them again to make an appointment (it may NOT have been her but I mean the likelihood of someone else texting me????)
I blocked the number and moved on.
Coincidentally was watching about that twin flames cult AND SHE WAS ONE OF THE MEMBERS 💀💀💀💀 I COULD HAVE GOTTEN LURED TO A CULT SAV
BESTIE OMFGGGGG 😭😭😭😭😭 thank you for sharing and sorry this happened to you it was def harassment
But also wtf 😭 like how why are so many people in massage therapy and holistic health borderline and/or doing criminal acts???? That lady was def pushing the boundaries
maybe the place you went is also one of those massage places (*sex work is work however these massage places treat the people so badly from my knowledge*)
👀 at least some recruitment place for that cult
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Speaking of cults idk if you’ve ever seen the Leah remini show on Scientology but it always baffled me how the former members were scared and getting harassed because I do feel for them but also go and get that 🔥 and they’ll never come back 💀
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undertheniall · 1 year
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OK Casa Recoupling tonight so here are my predictions
OK so we know 6 islanders get dump tonight which means 6 islanders recoupled with casa amor peeps
MITCH Obviously he's recoupling with the rich, horse girl
SAMMY I think he will recouple with the girl he kissed yesterday. Not the child but the other one. But he also will find a way to go back with jess after because my girl unfortunately has no self respect
TY is sticking with Ella and ohhh rip to that also
MONTEL he kissed the girl with worst name on the planet but I feel like he will stick with Leah
SCOTT is sticking and oh booy my heart breaks for him
ZACH yeah we know he's recoupling with Molly. Nobody gives a shit. Please send them both home
CATHERINE is recoupling with the old guy who's pretending to be 25. And I love my girl but it's a bad move
JESS is sticking by his sleezy boy Sammy 💀
LEAH is sticking. She's gonna be mad at montel tho. We're def getting the lily Liam call out at the firepit. Maybe for once she will do something entertaining
ELLA she is bringing that guy with bad hair cut and creepy eyes. But I get it they have more chemistry than her and ty and honestly she could never trust him
KADY this is crazy but I think she will stick. Not because she likes zach that much but because there's nobody in casa for her. But fuck I hope she goes all Kady season 2 on Mollys ass. Because if not then get out. You can share a cab to the airport with zach and molly. We don't need you there
WHITNEY My girl is taking the guy she's been lipsing with her! Don't remember his name but if she's happy I'm happy
Also I'm already annoyed by all the attention molly is going to get. Ugh whyyyyy is she even there
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localsya · 1 year
For artist ask: 9 and 21!
LEAH 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
9. What are your file name conventions
if its work i have them all hyper organized, if its personal its probably just 💀💀💀
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21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
my moot chan on twt! i adore her work WITH A PASSIONNNN HEHEHE
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gullagulla · 2 years
my boss will spell somebody’s name wrong and it’s literally typed out right in front of him in the chatroom window 💀
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