#and hes even more psychopathic!
Forever grateful that heartbreaker high S2 gave us a TRUE love triangle.
Unfortunate that it had to come at the cost of one of them being a classic school shooter white boy and also the school but yk what baby steps
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don-dake · 3 months
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“Tom is one of those people who takes advantage of people.”
R I P L E Y (2024) | Trailer | 04.04.2024
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starrycrossedlovers · 6 months
The comments for AKAA honestly breaks my heart
Like....someone literally had the audacity to say Haruka was never neglected and he's just some spoiled brat that thought of himself as 'weak, cute and lovable' therefore attention should never be taken away from him
And someone else said that Weakness was now 'useless' cause AKAA showed his 'true colors'
.......................We're talking about the same Haruka Sakurai, right?
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hella1975 · 1 year
ur making it pretty hard to not be curious about aftg like what is going on can you infodump ur worst to me
so basically it's about a guy called neil who's not actually called neil bc turns out he's the son of a HIGHLY abusive mafia hitman and him and his mother have been running from this guy for years which ofc means changes in identity and a SHIT ton of issues ranging from good old fashioned paranoia to lighting cigarettes not to smoke them but to let them burn down bc the smell reminds you of your mother's burning corpse. but neil is obsessed and i mean OBSESSED with this made up sport called exy which is like lacrosse but with the violence of ice hockey and he joins a pro-team despite aforementioned ABUSIVE MAFIA DAD AFTER HIM and guess what! the guy who signed him is called kevin and his ex-team are affiliated with the mafia too! including neil's dad! neil just screwed himself over big time! but who cares when you have exy! enter: andrew minyard. andrew is a blonde, 5ft, ex-juvie, under-court-surveillance-for-grevious-bodily-harm goalkeeper currently working unofficially as kevin's bodyguard and, while we never get an actual diagnosis bc god forbid we handle mental health properly in this thing, it's implied that he has some kind of psychosis and, as part of his plea bargain, is legally obgligated to take incredibly mood-altering medication that makes him manic in exchange for being allowed to stay on the team (aka with kevin who he's VERY possessive of), done entirely for the wellbeing of those around him and effectively against andrew's will. does he stick to that deal? fuck no! but it doesn't stop there! andrew proceeds to spend the entire book being as violent and unpredictable and generally cunty as possible in order to figure out What Neil's Deal Is bc neil is capital S Shifty and andrew is convinced he's from kevin's old mafia cult team trying to hurt him. we spend an entire book watching the three of them wrestle between neil's paranoia, andrew's protectiveness and kevin's desire to Please Can We Just Play Exy. there are some keys involved. someone dies. there are two more books. inexplicably two of the characters can speak fluent german purely from high school classes.
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ignitification · 1 year
You may say whatever you want, but if you really are reducing Do-Young's character traits to wearing a suit and being a dick, while at the same time praising Yeo-Jeong because he delivered the 'Who do you want me to kill first?' line and being fucked up in the matters of having dreams about killing the serial killer that killed his own father, you're being superficial. Apart from the romantic side of thing, it's not a competition and saying things like that, while completely also ignoring the intricacies that could be born out of their connection is just shallow. Not to talk about the fact that Dong-Eun and Yeo-Jeong have nothing on the chemistry in the four scenes where Dong-Eun and Do-Yeong interact.
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angrylittleburd · 1 year
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You are a God damned chimera, you know that you son of a bitch? 
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t1erradelfuego · 1 year
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web weaving or whatever
#last night my brain had two thoughts collide like atoms producing a nuclear fission in the form of THEE most insane trope to ME which is#pet psychopath and his even crazier handler -> brandt and luke respectively#watching brandt get at it with an OHL dad over the boards during the playoff like YEAHHH that's my dman with character issues#SO BEAUTIFUL. and the tsn video too. god. the one where he gets into a playfight but ends up spinning the dude around#the potential is THERE and i am cooking up SO many scenarios in my head i am actually going insane.#when you're the kid who used to beat up your brothers friends during street hockey and you were called a pitbull like CMONNNN#it's not that luke doesnt have character issues its just that it was trained out of him by ellen who would NEVER let that fly but unlike hi#lady byng finalist brother and his +2 penalty drawing brother luke has ZERO compulsions actually shithousing someone#and he's such a bitch about it too. he's more of a bitch than his two brothers combined. if penalties weren't a thing in real life#the clarke/hughes dpairing would be the most rat bastard shithousery penalty drawns tandem in the LEAGUE thats my inteprid take#and the thing about pet psychopath and his even crazier handler is it that the devotion goes CRAZYYYYYY#brandt going fucking insane and luke having to haul him off before he starts beating up the dude himself like NOBODY FUCKS WITH MY BABY!!!#even if my baby started it lol. if brandt's crazy luke is batshit insane and then brandt has to go haul luke off before he gets kicked out#someone tries to chirp brandt over him fighting for luke constantly and brandt is like :) you're fucking lucky it's not luke#because CRUCIALLY luke is the better fighter. again. his even crazier handler. always ready to answer for brandt's attitude#in the locker room brandt like good job baby that was so sexy of you to right hook him -> rest of the devs staring in horror#JUST SOMETHING ABOUT COMING TO BLOWS FOR YOUR MAN!!! LOOKING UP AT HIM WITH A SMILE FULL OF BLOOD LIKE DID I DO GOOD? DID I MAKE YOU PROUD?#AND THEM RESPONDING WITH 100% RECIPROCATION. OH IT WAS ALWAYS ABOUT THE RECIPROCATION.#need them to be fucking bitches on the ice beating everyone up that would be so sexy to me!!!#the brandt/luke agenda#thinking. perhaps even thoughting. thunking.
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Eros is disgusting.
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robotslenderman · 6 months
Look I know Pullman wants me to hate Marisa Coulter, and that intention craft scene was a spectacular bit of trickery, but Asriel Belacqua is a complete bastard and I am BEGGING for him to be taken down several pegs and humiliated the way the author seems to delight in doing to Coulter
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flatteryleadstoruins · 4 months
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I've been picking at this lovely little book throughout the day. My copy was purchased from this sidewalk shop thing-y by Union Square's train station. The seller said this was his favorite variation of the cover, and it's mine too...
It's one of those books that people argue about the "philosophical takeaway" of, so here's my two cents on this little thing:
It's a cautionary tale against becoming too detached from your enviorment, and choosing bitter, prosaic nihilism as a way of interpreting life. Mersault doesn't allow himself to feel his emotions, constructs empty fronts to appease people, and masks his grief with pointless tasks...that's why he becomes resentful enough to kill for "no reason". He was acting out from living in a hollow fashion, and did it as a knee-jerk reaction to finally make an impression in his own life —and do something outside the curve based on his own emotions...
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That's why the only thing he eventually experiences true joy from is the thought of a crowd coming to jeer at him during his execution. Mersault's finally learned to accept himself, his emotions, the judgement of others — and allow himself to draw meaning from it through how it affects him, rather than simply acting as a bystander within his own life....
A lot of people call the protagonist of this book a psychopath in a derogatory way...
I'd absolutely agree, and it makes this book resonate very hard with me...
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The funny thing about jason is that his logic is often extremely cop-like but he thinks he's exempt from thinking critically about his decisionmaking just because his identity is so far from a police officer. He's the fucking definition of "I could do it better" and all his good intentions rot immediately after he takes action. And I'm sure if you told him this he'd blow your brains out immediately.
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mare-sanguis · 2 years
havent had one single normal thought since i saw him being like this
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hella1975 · 1 year
no bc like. trk is SO hard to read. like. Thanksgiving. That SceneTM. boy. i read aftg in a single week when i was fifteen and i regret doing it at that age so much bc MAN that was a hard couple scenes to read
right?????? and there's nothing inherently wrong with writing scenes like that i just always think nora misses the mark with how it's handled. like even AFTER that reveal in trk about What Happened To Andrew And Why He Acts The Way He Does, he still gets treated as some soulless maniac? and that's so damaging to any victims reading that also - god forbid - dared to respond to that trauma in a 'bad' way
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majorbitchwillgraham · 10 months
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It's been 7 hours and 15 days
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talking to people about demonized mental illnesses (specifically cluster b's) is so fucking stressful.
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sufferthesea · 2 years
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have a photo of eli roth looking like he’s on the verge of tears watching a woman dance at a club in aftershock (2012)
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