#and his little solo break dance... chefs kiss
hyunubear · 6 months
VIXX HYUK - Love Me Do 231210
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alexenglish · 1 year
CONNECTED - this is SUUUUCH A CHAN SONG. WE’RE CONNECTED IN WAYS THAT ARE UNDENIABLE [EDM NOISES] WE’RE HORNY AND HAPPY WITH EACH OTHER [MORE EDM NOISES] obsessed with this, i need this on a festival setlist IMMEDIATELY. you know how many rave babes would lose their mind of WE’RE CONNECTED [DANCE DROP] the song structure is perfect to me. the way the funky percussion in the beginning keeps popping up. CHAN MAKE AN EDM SOLO MIXTAPE PLEASE I NEED IT MY FUNKY LIL RAVE BOY
LIMBO - joining the ranks of break up songs that are actually about when your best friend dies at a young age and you thought you had a forever of friendship ahead of you and you have to reconcile with all the things you never told her, all the ways you were distant when you shouldn’t have been, the ways you can never make it up to her because she’s gone. i love the way the chorus is so shouty and the drums are SO energetic. the contrast between the chorus and the verses is striking!! the prechorus building to the volume of the chorus is soooo [chef’s kiss] GET INTO IT SONG STRUCTURE.
LOVE UNTOLD - I’ll fucking lose my mind, I’ll lose my GODDAMN ENTIRE MIND. the fact that love untold has lyric parallels to wish you back is ENOUGH but the fact that the fucking melody and production and structure is SOOOO similar is also FUCKING CRAZYMAKING. imagine you listen to love untold and wish you back one after another three times in a row like i just did and LOSE YOUR ENTIRE BRAIN PAN like i just did. hyunsung!!!!!!!!! are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!! AFTER BECOMING SOMEONE WHO LOVES YOU, I’M BECOMING SOMEONE WHO LOVES MYSELF.
RUN - i love how run fits with connected, like they could both be on chan’s edm mixtape and i support that. i love how old the song is, i love how jisung said in 2019 he was someone who wanted to run away and now he’s someone who wants to run towards. what a little vibey baby!! this is gunna sound sooooo good in my car.
DEEP END - i’m like SOOOOO obsessed with the way this song is so perfectly felix. the way it’s so self-contained outside the sound of the album, like it has SUCH a strong sense of identity. some parts of this are so billie eilish, the vocal layering and reverb, so isn’t it lovely. he’s showing VOCAL RANGE. my fave is his midrange, especially singing. in like...every song, i can mostly always do without falsetto (unless it’s like...zayn tbh) but that’s personal preference, i’m OBSESSED with the way he slides so effortlessly between depths. high to low and everything in between. his voice is so unique and flexible and he sings with SUCH expression. INDULGE THIS MORE. GIVE HIM MORE LINES.
STARS AND RAINDROPS - you beautiful talented bitch. i LOVE the tempo of this song. it’s a VIBE. HIS VOICE IS BEAUTIFUL. WHAT MORE IS THERE TO SAY. he has it ALL. energy! brightness! line delivery! a vibe! a bop!!! kim seungmin!!! [dog dancing] THE FUCKING CHORDS TRAILING OFF AT THE END ARE SOOOO EARLY 00S ALT ROCK GUITAR MUSIC I’M GUNNA BITE SOME ONE
HUG ME - iyenie you are sooooo fucking iyenie, he said y’all are singing about ROMANCE? COUNT ME OUT? LET’S HAVE A HUG. god how much ammunition did he just give all his ‘desperate for jeongin skinship’ members. i can HEAR hyunjin’s voice saying ‘I GIVE YOU A HUG OH BABY’ and latching onto that bread while jeongin regrets his entire life. ANYWAY I LOVE THE LIL BASS(?) MELODY LINE THAT RUNS THROUGH THIS. REPLICATED IT ON A DOUBLE BASS, GIVE THIS A BRASS COVER. i love how vocalracha are so in sync. you could just smack this and stars n raindrops and can’t stop all on the same playlist and the vibes will vibe.
doodle is my fave.
okay now i’m going to listen to i got it on repeat for the foreseeable future BLESS.
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VoicePlay: Friends on the Other Side review
IT’S J NOOOOONE!!!!! (he’s back!!)
0:08 - J calling Eli “little man” is hilarious 😂 (he’s like 5'4 or something lol)
0:22 - The spooky masks in the background are such a great touch!
0:24 - I love how Geoff’s just lurking in the background during the intro 😂
0:29 - Layne’s nose bone is awesome 😂 (I bet that was pretty uncomfortable to wear for a multi-hour video shoot, so props to him for that!)
0:33 - I love J’s little dance (straight from the movie!) at “put your mind at ease”
0:35 - When Cesar sings backup vocals at “relax” it’s like he’s telling Eli to relax - great characterization!
0:39 - Right before Eli’s little solo, it looks like J sprinkles some magic stuff on him to make him start singing. Of course, in the movie, Eli’s solo was sung by Facilier, not Lawrence. So shoutout to Layne (who arranged the song) for finding a creative way of giving out solos while still keeping everyone in character!
0:42 - Geoff’s jazzy little riff in the middle of Eli’s solo is so fun 🙌
0:51 - The way Geoff slides down and releases the end of the phrase “make your wildest dreams come true” is so pleasing to my ears for some reason lol 😌
0:54 - Love the Heihei cameo! (Moana medley reference!)
0:56 - Go off J!! 🙌
0:56 - I love that they put a spooky little face in the green flame! It’s such a small detail but that’s why I love it. Like they didn’t have to add that in there, but they did. It’s the little things like that, the tiny details that are totally unnecessary but make the videos that much more fun and interesting, that really set VoicePlay apart imo 😌
1:04 - Cesar’s whispered “what?” and Eli motioning for them to leave 😂
1:10 - I love how excited Geoff is about the cards 😂 he’s hilarious
1:19 - The whole tone scale at “the cards, the cards, just take three” is so cool, it gives a sort of dreamlike vibe
1:29 - They turned the spoken section into a rap!! I love it so much, it’s PERFECT for J (also it has big Hamilton vibes which is so fun)
1:48 - The background vocals panning right to left at “hopping place to place” is such a good touch, I love me some vocal painting (that basically just means the music itself reflects the meaning of the lyrics, in this case it’s like the music is literally “hopping place to place”) also if you’re not wearing headphones and can’t hear the panning, literally what are you doing, rule #1 of listening to a cappella is wear good headphones so you can appreciate the bass and panning
2:26 - THAT BEAT DROP IS AWESOME!! It’s about to get real folks 👀
2:26 - Cesar’s and Eli’s acting throughout this whole section is just *chefs kiss*
2:37 - Another excellent run from J but this time it’s Low™ (I forgot how amazing his low range is! it’s been too long 😭)
2:43 - Love the editing on the sides of the screen here (again, it’s the little things 🙌)
2:48 - Get it Eli!!
2:55 - J’s head wiggle at “I hope you’re satisfied” is straight from the movie lol - he CLEARLY did his homework on this one!
2:59 - Is it just me or does Geoff look kind of like a bodyguard here 😂 idk there’s just something about his posture, it’s awesome
3:01 - Another AMAZING run by J!! His falsetto is incredible, it’s like he doesn’t even have a break between registers
3:11 - Geoff’s last line here sounds SO COOL, I’m no music engineer but I think they must have doubled his track and put some cool effect on it
3:13 - You have to listen pretty carefully to hear it well, but I love how the evil laugh in the background sounds genuinely creepy 👀 Usually when there’s an evil laugh in a VoicePlay video it’s just Geoff laughing in a spooky-but-not-scary way, but this one is distorted and unnatural and I absolutely love it
3:18 - I love that last shot so much, what a perfect ending
Final Thoughts:
The characterization in this one is so perfect! I mean, J as Dr. Facilier, Cesar as Prince Naveen, Eli as Lawrence, and Geoff and Layne as creepy voodoo spirits? What more could one possibly want??
The costumes, set, and lighting are incredible as always! (shoutout to Eli for the lighting and Pattycake Productions for the set/Dr. Facilier costume!)
I’ve been wanting VoicePlay to do this song for a while now, and to say they exceeded my expectations would be a big understatement 😁 Their theatrical videos have always been my favourite, and this one is no exception! Well done fellas!!
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im rewatching jatp instead of studying for the 3 tests i have tomorrow and i thought i would share my thoughts and reactions with each episode so enjoy!!....
wake up
- hearing the “1, 2, 3″ at the start of the episode gives me more serotonin than my antidepressants ever will
- julie’s slippers...that’s it...that’s the thought
- that dry ass pasta the molina’s are eating for dinner??? someone needs to give my man ray some cooking tips or a cookbook... something
-the looks the boys give julie when she says it was an OLD cd she found. as if they could be old??
-the entire julie and luke kitchen scene i mean there are no words to describe how much i am in love with scene. the banter, the flirting, luke giving this girl he literally just met an actual PIECE OF HIS SOUL so she can get music back into her life. not a single time have i watched that scene and not felt my heart literally grow cause of how cute they are. 
-the entire scene when julie is singing wake up. that scene is what made me literally CRAVE watching the other episodes. like of course i was going to watch them cause i wasn’t gonna just stop watching a show after one episode, and yes the show was good already but seeing the lighting and her voice, and just everything about the scene,,,,*chef’s kiss* 
-flynn drinking seven sodas....SEVEN??? i would be throwing up if i drank more than like 2 and she drank seven,,,no ma’am.
- flynn and her trumpet. talented queen
- “ i wouldn’t have given you the song if i didnt think you were gonna rock it.” lmaooo im crying:)
- i start tearing up every time julie goes to play the first notes of bright,,, and then i’m full on bawling when the guys come in and play with her cause...they weren’t playing to be seen they were playing to be there for her and play to comfort her. pls i love them<3
- nick vibing in the front row
- the tech guy deserves so much more praise
flying solo
- reggie’s little butt shake or whatever you wanna call it!!
- julie’s little laugh when she yells at the guys to stop it
- “and we’re on the runway again” GENUINELY one of my favorite lines of the whole show pls i love luke’s humor
-this is the first time i noticed this but reggie’s face after alex says “DONT TELL ME HOW TO GHOST!”
-WILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU<3333333
-the slow mo helmet take off,,,,me too alex me too
-willie’s little giggles:))))
- “oh-oh!”
- “no clue” alex i love you baby<3
- next season better give us a scene of flynn throwing eggs at someone’s house because i think it’s safe to say we were robbed of that experience. 
- the flying solo performance is just amazing
i got the music
- just the whole opening scene is so cute ....the dancing, singing, happiness RADIATING from julie 
-nick in an all white suit and fedora
- carefree skateboarder bf and anxiety ridden drummer bf
- yelling. in. museums. 
-alex thinking he’s literally dying again because of the salt... zero braincells in this band.
- another scene we were robbed of that i need to see in season 2...reggie singing “home is where my horse is” while alex and julie sit patiently and attentively listen to him but luke looks like he’s about to commit murder
- i get SO MUCH second hand embarrassment for julie when she looks through luke’s songbook and says “ wow luke I didn’t know you were such a romantic” julie baby i love you but...eekkkkk
- “he looks like a substitute teacher”- where did he come up with that like so many other things he could be compared to but a substitute teacher??
- “luke introduced you to rock” heck yeah it did.. literal soulmates
- would like to see a picture of the raccoon in Flynn’s backyard
- wee woo wee woo police sirens://///
- julie’s outfit ughhhh i love it
- the poster that im pretty sure says “sexiest role” behind caleb... why was that necessary 
the other side of hollywood
- i lose my absolute shit over this song omg literal chills
- the cape grab i cannot physically do this rn
- willie being so excited the entire performance and looking over to see alex’s reaction
- reggie being in awe everytime one of the girls performing does something.. me too reggie
-”well i wouldn't really call it mAAgiCcCC bUT”
- nick and his fedora again
- alex has a crush, alex has a crush on.....WILLIE
-the boys eating food for the first time in 25 years is honestly so realistic
-alex shoving a whole slice of pizza in his mouth
- lukes ‘OH MY GODDDDD’
- reggie kissing his meatball sub that looks painfully dry but also delicious 
- the continuation of the other side of hollywood performance and everyone dancing
-reggie imitating caleb’s evil laugh and owen trying so hard not to break
-me getting mad at the boys for not showing up for julie and being sad with her but at the same time i’m obviously not mad at the boys just...disappointed?? idk 
finally free
- how did julie get to the school if she missed the first three classes?? wasn’t she still at flynn’s house from the night before cause she slept over so did she walk to school or was she just sitting in flynn’s house by herself and one of flynn’s parents was like you gonna go to school or???
-dance class with nicky poo<3
-reggie fixing his amp in the rain
-julie’s blue dress outfit in this episode is my ABSOLUTE favorite 
- the birthday candle scene makes me sob like a little baby,,,and rightfully so
- julie smart, smart to be taking calculus as what a sophomore??
- all eyes on me yes queen iconic
- alex dancing is how i dance in my brain whenever the song comes on 
- finally free as a song is NEVER given enough credit and why not?? it’s my favorite song they do as a band AND the madison’s vocals and the echoing part omg i loveeeee
- and the whole performance with luke’s heart eyes. i count this performance as the moment luke like fell in love with julie...like full on just blown away with how much awe and admiration he has for her in that moment and all the time.
 - julie and luke singing “and you’re a part of me” while staring directly into each others soul,,,yeah that’s love kids
edge of great
- carlos being the ghost hunter he is and tía being done with him
- luke’s pouting face 
- reggie and ray making breakfast together is so wholesome. reggie really loves and seeks comfort in ray and i love that
- luke just waiting next to julie’s locker and his little “hey”
- the first time i watch this scene i thought charlie was from new york cause of the way he says “ i can't do this without you” and then i watched the cast interviews and just realized he is somewhat joey tribbiani 
- jealous luke hehehehehhehehe
- “well dont you look shARrP”- yes he does luke thank you very much
- “uh oh i think someone has a crush on julie” yeah you do you little shit,,, now admit it to her
- the proud look on luke’s face when he realizes julie is still paying attention to HIM even though she’s supposed to be having a full on conversation with nick
- the shoulder push ( as someone who has had their own shoulder pushed in the middle of a high school hallway as a weird way of flirting,,,,i can definitely somewhat attest to how luke is feeling in that moment and i too continued to flirt with the person who shoulder shoved me while we were still standing in the hallway)
- the flow from whatever the hell dance nick and julie are doing and the perfect harmony dance is so special to me and i love it
- i think people see my username and assume i like his hair in this scene but...ummm fun little fact i do not like it
- the dance is so good though ugh my babies
- the hair
- madison is gorgeous 
- another season 2 scene i need: julie teaching this dance to luke and they perform it in front of alex and reggie so they can see luke roll on the floor like that
-the hair
- the lift i loveeee
- the voices at the end of the song *chef’s kiss*
- the way julie spins out from luke and into nick omg so good
- “thAnKs pArTnER”
- luke denying his feelings for julie,,,babe pls
- the whole edge of great performance is so good and beautiful and the colors are SPECTACULAR 
-julie avoiding luke’s gaze lolz
- can't believe my mans really tried to deny he didn’t have feelings for julie like 5 hours earlier even though he’s getting upset because she hasn’t looked at him in 2 minutes
- when i finally learn how to play the electric guitar well enough to learn the guitar solo... it’s over for everyone
-nick just came to watch the girl he likes perform not watch her flirt with a hologram plssss can we give this man a break next season.
- “we have to say goodbye to julie”- that’s literally more important to luke than not playing music anymore because julie is music to him now
unsaid emily
-already crying and the episode hasn't even started
-willex in the orpheum
- alex literally being OVER reggie
- nope too emotionally unstable to watch this scene right now
- my therapist will be hearing about this tomorrow
- show us the baby picture of luke cowards
- this is such a beautiful song that makes me cry every fucking time gosh damn it
- everytime i watch the flashback scene of luke on his bike i think of “christmas song” by phoebe bridges and i cry even more
- i tried to learn how to play this song on my electric guitar (because i dont have an acoustic guitar) and i ended up crying half way through so i do not think i will be playing it anytime soon:/
- the harmonies *chef’s kiss*
- FAT tears rolling down my face
- there's literally not a moment i don’t cry during this episode
- interesting little relationship :0
- when i played percussion in 7th grade i used to lay down on the couch in the practice room at school ( which god knows what people did on that couch...ew) and stick my drumsticks up my nose too,,,, just another similarity between alex and i 
stand tall
- willie really drove a bus 200 miles into the desert for his crush
- i love willie no last name so much,,,i just wanna hold and protect him
- alex’s ballerina dance
-julie’s overall outfit i love<3
- “im swimming”
- the way carlos hangs up the iPad on tía makes me CRACK UP he’s just lmao bye girl
- another julie outfit i love
- “anything julie. you know that.” AHHHHHAASIDSJFPACISN love bitches
- the suits
- luke’s hair in this episode is so much better than the perfect harmony hair pls
- the way luke looks so restricted and confined in his suit... but at the same time he looks like a 10 week old puppy
-luke’s AGGRESSIVE but small foot tapping leading up to being on the stage
- the solos:)))))
- crying again over julie’s monologue to her mom
- julie really was brave enough to be ready to perform by herself
-the way Trevor looks at carrie when she says “been here before”
- this performance makes me cry
- especially the first time when i saw luke flickering...sobs
- he finally looks free in his suit:))
- alex’s solo is so pretty i love him
- reggie’s solo too 
- nick just straight up vibing the entire performance
- alex and luke holding hands...hehehe cute besties
- “thank you, guys” NO THANK YOU 
- the way julie begs for them to do something about the jolts for HER cause she knows luke would never say no to her
- “no music is worth making, julie, if we’re not making it with you,” I JUST SCREAMED AND IM PRETTY SURE I WOKE UP MY ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD...whoops
- going back to that line i could say so much about it but....for someone who’s life was literally MUSIC for the 17 years he was alive, and after finding out he could play music again even though he was dead and saying it made him feel alive, he would give that up- he would give up playing his guitar, playing in a band with his friends, give up writing and singing music- if he wasn’t doing that with julie. that’s more than saying i love you,,,that’s literally like saying i’d give up my ENTIRE LIFE and what i love to do if i dont get to do it with you
- i just made myself cry with that description...wow
-the hug<3
-also imagine how luke felt in that moment,,, hearing this girl, once again that he would give his life up for, saying in his ear that she loves them. i would motherfucking glow too, luke
- *passionately but gently holds each others faces*
- caleb’s outfit is....something
- the head turn plssss
this was so long and i am so sorry but if you read this far.....leave some of your own reactions or thoughts:)))
k goodnight im gonna, ugh, finally go study ://
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
Your headcanons are wonderful! How about MC and Ethan celebrating his 40th? Officially making him a grumpy old man 👴
Ethan x MC Celebrating His 40th Birthday 
Ethan hates birthdays and would be adamant on not celebrating. 
MC would want to throw a big bash but would respect his wishes when, on the 10th time she asked him if he definitely did not want to do something special, he used his authoritative voice to completely squash the notion. 
So she settles on something just for them at his place. 
This year Ethan is four decades old. That’s still an entire decade older than MC. 
Everything she’s done, every milestone she’s had, he’s done years before. 
That sparked an idea. 
Four mini moments to celebrate staples of their past. Every room in the apartment set to represent a stage of his life. Things they loved when they were younger and could experience together. 
She had Alan bring some old things and photos from Ethan’s childhood over and help set up. 
The first moment representing his first 10 years - his youth. Board games and teddy bears and classic rock Alan loved and always had playing through the radio. All set up in the spare bedroom. 
Alan told her a story about a time Ethan convinced other kids worms were magic if eaten. She told him the time she made her neighbor eat black ants just because she was curious of their taste. So it was time for payback - for both of them.
She made little worm in mud dessert cups for them to snack on while they played Operation. 
Ethan thought it was absolutely ridiculous but played along with her plans when he realized how much effort she and his dad put into the evening. 
And the photos lined up on the dresser - one from every birthday those first ten years. This wasn’t any other birthday.
Ethan knew that day’s before.    
The second cultivated moment was for his teen years layed out in their bedroom. 
Classical music and party games of truth or dare and spin the bottle. Red solo cups filled with a MC-styled concoction. The walls lined with more photos of Ethan on his birthday and all his old awards and basketball jersey scattered across every single surface. 
Alan told her stories of how he was always so studious and never out of line, but did have a hankering for carefully planned schemes. 
So it was time for him to do what teens do and be a little reckless. Ethan refused to play her little party game. He also tried one sip of the vile thing she called jungle juice. She vehemently refused to move onto the next activity until they did one thing every teenager does - 7 minutes in heaven. 
In one swift motion Ethan picked her up and carried her into their walk in closet. Seven minutes turned into fifteen and she almost threw away the rest of the night for a few more minutes in heaven. 
The next moment for his twenties. 
This was the most difficult one as Alan didn’t know much about Ethan’s life besides his schoolwork and the small bits of information he’d share when he’d come home on breaks.  
All either of them knew of Ethan’s 20s was school. MC did remember stories of Tobias and leaned into that. 
She had rub on tattoos on standby. and a scavenger hunt to find one of the gifts she got him - just five little clues that led him to the gift hiding in the hallway closet. 
Ethan could not believe the final clue - he let out a chortle as he read the fine script. MC eyed him, “Fess up. Did you go to closets to make out or cry?”
Ethan shook his head and kissed her. 
She didn’t believe him, but she gave him the present anyway. 
His thirties were all over the open planned living and dining room. 
A fancy dinner catered by their favorite chef and taken by the biggest window with the best view. 
MC wanted to make him feel on top of the world. This was all for him. The entire evening may not have been the way he probably wanted things but it surely would end that way. 
And then there was the last moment - for the future. MC didn’t plan this one. Ethan did. Every little rewrite of the past this evening made him more sure than anything.
“There’s one thing I’m glad I’ve held off on and am looking forward to in my 40s”
“What’s that?”
He reached his hand across the table for hers, “Being with you.”
“Oh no. The dementias set in already. Darling, it’s me Rebecca. We’ve been together for three years. Do you know where you are?”
Ethan rolled his eyes, “Don’t ruin the moment, Rookie.”
She motioned her hand for him to continue.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Another song began to play through the speakers and they stood to dance. Her head on his chest and his arms enveloped around her. Minutes passed as they swayed together, the glow of Boston shining in and the music lulling them further into serenity. 
Ethan broke the silence; 
“I’m thinking of buying a house..”
@rookiemarsswiftie @lucy-268 @binny1985 @thegreentwin @queencarb @danijimenezv @starrystarrytrouble @terrm9 @interobanginyourmom @adrex04 @maurine07 @mercury84choices @schnitzelbutterfingers @theeccentricbibliophile @wingedhairstylemusicweasel @kaavyaethanramsey @mvalentine @rookie-ramsey @drariellevalentine @lifeaskim @otherworldlypresents @therookie @aylaramseycarrera @angela8754 @fireycookie @stateofgracious @missmiimiie​ @uneravine
@udishaman @honeyandsunfl0wers @hutchereverlark23 @ohchoices @dulceghernandez @blossomanarchy @claredal424 @caseyvalentineramsey @rookieoh @openheartthot @senseofduties @lilyvalentine @tsrookie @kalogh @aworldoffandoms @takemyopenheart @casey-v @ramseyandrys @peaceinmidstofchaos @ethanramseylover @ramseyreader  @a-crepusculo @aarisa-frost @shanzay44
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tj-dragonblade · 3 years
Livestream thoughts:
They’re only halfway through the opening song but already I’m amazed how much better I like Noise live. The vocal/musical balance. Keyboards. TROY. Yes.
Aw yeah, a current Floor version of Planet Hell! 🤘
...which is...different, without Marko, but hell yeah all the same.
F*ck me, the bass on Tribal. Damn. And again, TROY.
Aaa, Kai did a Jukka-style stick twirl, yay! Lookit that smile. 💖
Loving the itty bitty changes in Storytime. But this ‘live’ is weird without audience feedback.
Meh, She is my Sin. I mean it still sounds great but. Meh.
The harmonies are different without Marko in there but, gosh, the way Floor and Troy share that smile. 💖
Here comes the jam, aw yeah. Pipes to the fore!
Their smiles make me smile. Gosh.
Seven Days to the Wolves. Meh.
...floating candles, Hogwarts-style. lol.
Floor absolutely slays, though, however ‘meh’ the song may be. Jesus.
I Want My Tears Back - whoo! Let’s see what they do without Marko - aw yeah! TROY! His style is different, but it still works in the mix. Of course it does. 💖
No Floor dance break? Awww.
Go Emppu!
I love the green and purple lights winking in and out in the tree behind Tuomas.
It’s gotta feel like a rehearsal vs a ‘real’ show to them too, with no audience feedback/interaction.
Ah, Nemo! Let’s see if the pattern of ‘better every time they put out a performance’ holds.
Troy’s face when Floor holds that note mid-song though. 💖 I adore their camaraderie.
...about on par with the Decades performance at Buenos Aires, okay.
A fake bar run in the middle of the set, lol.
Ooh, they’re doing the acoustic How’s the Heart. Nice. Though I’d love to see the full version live sometime, also.
Ooh, everyone joins for the end, but still acoustic! Nice!
Shoemaker! Watch Floor prove she can do that stellar ending live, yes.
Last Ride of the Day. I somehow expected this to rotate off the set list by now but I guess it’s just a good pre-closer. And again, TROY. No instrument, just backing vocals. 👍
...Not hitting Marko’s highs though. That’s okay. Still glad you’re here, buddy.
And, inevitably, GLS. I can’t complain. 💜
She ditched the jacket - Behold, Floor’s gun show.
Tuomas and Emppu @ Emppu’s solo. 💖
She changed up the ending again, bravo. Bravo.
They’re. Doing TGSOE too? Alright!
That tree is fkng gorgeous I want it in my living room.
The first five minutes of this song. Just. *chefs kiss*
Will it be Floor or Troy who covers Marko’s lead lines I wonder
Tuomas changed up his keyboard bits, I love it
...it’s BOTH of them. Bravo.
...and they ARE using Ad Astra for their outro music, hooray. I suspected that would be the case.
Okay sitting in a circle drinking is a little different than taking bows, but apropos for the virtual gig. And oh, she’s singing her vocals live fking yes. Gorgeous.
That was absolutely lovely, a morning well spent. I won’t be live-commenting on tomorrow’s show, but fingers crossed they’ve got Pan on that set list.
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shoshie · 3 years
hi poosie 💞🌺💘 im going w 3 nights by dominic fike; emotional by okaywil; honest by the neighborhood; devil i know by allie x; sweet disposition by the temper trap; very nice by seventeen; moonlight by dhruv; rain by ben platt; home by phillip phillips; just friends by jordy; timebomb by walk the moon; cross my heart by marianas trench; shatter me by lindsey striling; paris is burning by st vincent; arrival of the birds by the cinematic orchestra; nyc girl by the orion experience; relay by fiona apple; dnd by glaive; sympathy by vampire weekend; december 1963 by frankie valli & the four seasons; and step with me by mika.
if ur thinking ‘h what the fuck’ you & i would b thinking the same thing. i kept adding songs bc im like ‘ah shit what if they hate the one i suggested?’ so i added 2 more. and then yk . i kept adding until my spotify app weirdly refreshed and i took it as a sign from god to stfu and finish the list so !!! that’s what i have !!! i hope ur having a lovely lovely day & that u like at Least one on this list 💓❣️💘🌺💞‼️
i’m gonna tell u what i think of each song BUT i’m putting it under a read more lkdhfbf
1. 3 nights: i realized i’ve actually heard this one BUT not the whole song so it’s ok! i like it it’s v chill v vibey it sounds like streetlights reflecting off a wet road <3 (i am incapable of describing songs with adjectives)
2. emotional: the instrument in the background of this is rly cool idk it’s like. it kinda sounds like hitting spoons on a glass but more musical & almost piano like? i rly like it tho, this song sounds like bright colors & peaches :D
3. honest: this one kinda sounds like one of those ones that makes ur brain go brrrr ‼️ its like. laced w something kfjbjsbfksnv musically it’s not rly my thing but i can appreciate it as a song <3
4. devil i know: i only know one allie x song (can’t stop now) so i wasn’t sure what this would sound like but it’s kinda insane??? the background vocals r so cool i love the humming :0 v sexie nd her voice is so beautiful omg
5. sweet disposition: this feels oddly familiar. i don’t think i’ve heard it tho. it kinda reminds me of say geronimo if u know that one? it sounds like adventure kind of, like it could be used in a travel vlog (complimentary)
6. very nice: aju NICE babababdadadabbabda!!!! i’ve heard this one but i don’t mind listening to it again <3 bop banger etc. good vocals amazing horns in the chorus also if u haven’t seen the choreo i would definitely recommend it it’s so fun
7. moonlight: this is so pretty omg 🥺 i got a mental image of like. sitting on top of a car w someone u love & watching a meteor shower on a clear night. very chill his voice is so lovely
8. rain: ben platt’s voice is gorgeous. this is not the type of music i would have expected from him though??? idk he doesn’t seem like the pop music type of person. i think i prefer some of his other music (cough grow as we go cough) but this is a solid song
9.. home: ive heard this but not since i was like 10 so the nostalgia i got from it,,,, :’) home also sounds like a travel vlog song a bit! i think its the oooohhhhhohohohs in the post chorus (?). this song just reminds me of my childhood i used to hear it all the time on the radio sitting in the backseat <3
10. just friends: I HAVE ALSO HEARD THIS BUT IDK WHERE the beginning played nd i was like wait a minute. OH!! its so nice i love how simple the instrumentals are & jordy has a rly pretty voice as well!! the melody is so addictive as well
halfway done! this is fun<3
11. timebomb: bop?? this could be used in the soundtrack to a romcom tv show directed at teenagers (once again. what are adjectives) it reminds me of when shut up and dance came out nd everyone was obsessed with it.. that was a better time i think
12. cross my heart: headbanging songs > the lyrics to this one r a little basic but thats ok not every song has to have deep profound lyrics that make u feel existential. this is certainly a banger yessir. the ending is cool too i love harmonies
13. shatter me: scawy... the imagery in this is insane "i pirouette in the dark" UM?? this sounds like a movie hello. imagine WAI HISNFVNKDNV THE DROP???? THE VIOLIN?????? i litrally just had to interrupt myself that was not an exaggerated reaction. ANYWAYS i was going to say: the movie scene im imagining is like. it keeps cutting between a girl doing ballet in dark, foggy lighting & a fight scene
14. paris is burning: dark alleyways & vintage movies!!! i enjoyed this more than i expected to? im picturing a girlboss character, maybe a spy? in all black & carrying a purse walking down the street. but she has to be wearing one of those black hats w a veil in the front & a flower on the brim, an ankle-length velvety black coat, & heels that go plonk on the cobblestone
15. arrival of the birds: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! OMG! blue skies & green grass at a state park!!! i love it so much actually this went in my healing playlist <333 the way it built up in the best way.. tears
16. nyc girl: ok the guitar in the intro??? this is fuckign music truly one of the most songs ive ever heard. the bass fucks as well i rly like this one :D its so catchy im already bopping nd ik later im gonna b going "im gonna make u ma ha hine"
17. relay: the lyrics are so good???? its not a song that id probably listen to very often just bc its musically not my type of thing BUT i respect it a lot. shes obviously a super talented artist like i looked up the lyrics nd apparently she wrote the repeated line when she was 15??? i love what the song is about!
18. dnd: the production on the vocals is a lil bit strange but i like the song itself if that makes sense. its like mitam where the songs r mixed weirdly but i enjoy the songs anyway? i did think for abt a minute that the title referred to dungeons & dragons tho,, also i just looked up the artist and he is ALSO 15 what the FUCK
19. sympathy: the GUITARRRRR omg omgogmomg!! i rly love the whole intro like the first 30 seconds r just *chefs kiss*. OOH bass solo sexyyyyy i love prominent bass :D the instrumentals r really nice too & it reminds me of like. a heist? like a found family of thieves. this song would play as they were breaking into a museum or smth
20. december 1963: GROOVY! simply a fkin tune idk dude like this IS fun nd makes me think of roadtrips during the summer & also of walking along a dock in a harbor under the moonlight. very much floaty yellow dress vibes this song is just a mood booster
21. step with me: domestic. domesticity. thats it. no but the chorus is rly nice omg i like the melody!!! its so cute too the lyrics r so wholesome.. this sounds like an old couple thats been married for 50 years dancing to the radio in their kitchen <333 life goals
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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Squares Filled: Buying Flowers for No Reason @marvelfluffbingo​ 
Warnings: Pumpkins (but human and the actual ones) - Seb’s also kind of a warning but the best kind.   
Word Count: 2000ish
A/N:  This is part of my LLL Universe. It takes place about a week before Halloween 2019 but it can also as always be read as a one-shot.
Betaed by: the amazing @blacktithe7​ - thanks for helping out on short notice hon!
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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You hadn’t been overly happy about all the meetings you had today, but the tour for “This Is Us” and your solo album didn’t plan itself. Your managers and every other person involved were busy too, so today had to be the day, even if it had been one of the last days Sebastian had home before traveling back and forth between Atlanta and New York began. That was life though, and luckily it was all over and done with now. You were just looking forward to spending the night with your family. 
You drew a sigh of relief when you walked through the door, closing your eyes as the feel and smell of home hit you. You slowly opened your eyes, and a smile spread across your face as you saw the huge bucket of flowers standing on the buffet cabinet in the hallway. It wasn’t unlike Sebastian to surprise you with something, but flowers were rare for some reason. You took a few steps forward to admire and smell them, and your smile only grew as you saw the card attached in the middle. You quickly snatched it and read it, smiling so hard that your cheeks hurt.
True love is friendship set on fire. 
Yours always and forever 
Just like that, with a few simple words, the stress of the day washed off you completely, and nothing but pure happiness filled your chest. He always seemed to know exactly what you needed before you did. He was your best friend, and your heart truly was blazing with the love you felt for him now and every day. 
You lifted up the flowers gently, carrying them with you into the living room where you could really enjoy them. You smiled as you heard the laughter spreading through the house from the kitchen. You quickly set down the flowers, smelling them again and smiling before turning around to join your family in whatever they were doing to your kitchen.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw them. You were expecting a mess. Sebastian wasn’t a world-class chef, but he made do in the kitchen. When he was joined by the kids, he lost his focus fast, and that showed more in the mess around them than it affected how much fun the kids were having or the general state of the food. You were fine with the occasional mess. You know the kids loved spending time with their daddy, and Sebastian was an amazing father. Which was more important than the momentarily suffering of your poor kitchen. 
You hadn’t expected no food being prepared though, and you certainly hadn’t expected everyone and everything to be orange. You didn’t say anything, and no one saw you. You just stood there with your mouth gaping open before shaking your head and smiling. You leaned against the doorway to watch your little family a moment longer. 
The floor, counters, and table were completely covered in pumpkin goo. Sebastian had goo in his hair and on his pants as he patiently helped Isabella carve out the drawing she had painted on her pumpkin, while she was babbling in his ear about the next drawing she was making in a smaller pumpkin. Her white dress was now more orange than white, and she had black marker on her cheek and pumpkin caught in her hair just like her dad. 
Alex was sitting on the table next to Sebastian. The little boy had a very gleeful look on his face as he was digging out the goo from a third or fourth or fifth pumpkin. The longer you looked, the more you lost count. Sebastian had clearly taken the kids shopping and hadn’t been able to say no when they went overboard. He had happily gotten the kids what you, this far, counted to be ten pumpkins, keeping the smile on their faces. He was a bit of a pushover at times, but the kids loved him. They were having fun, which was the most important thing. It wasn’t like you were going bankrupt from a few extra pumpkins, and you did have three balconies to put them on; so what the hell right?  
“Not on the floor, Monkey,” Sebastian attempted to keep some order to the chaos when Alex pushed the mountain of goo out of his way and onto the floor next to Seb and the chair Isabella was standing on. 
The warmth as you watched your family grew. As much as you wanted to jump in several times you were happy just watching from the sidelines as well. The love between your favorite three people in the world was more than evident, and you couldn’t get enough of seeing them together like this, making memories that would last a lifetime. It wasn’t until Alex pushed the goo onto the floor and Sebastian’s failed attempt at control the warm grew into a bubbling fire in your chest and you couldn’t help but giggle. All three of them quickly looked up and turning their heads to look at you walking up to them. 
“I think that ship sailed about three pumpkins ago,” you teased, making Sebastian rolled his eyes, understanding your joke even if the kids didn’t.  
“Mommy look,” Alex held up his small fists filled with pumpkin goo, before letting it splatter onto the table. Sebastian and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“You’re very good at that, Monkey,” you giggled, kissing his chubby cheek, tasting the pumpkin and wrinkling your nose a little before turning your attention to Isabella. 
“Mommy look. I drew the one Daddy is carving, and Alex drew that one,” she pointed before jumping off the chair and taking your hand. “Daddy’s is really good though. Look, it’s a spider.” She said sounded impressed. You could see why too, Sebastian was quite the artist when he wanted to be. 
“They are all amazing, Isa.” You knelt down next to her letting her hug you, not caring you would soon be as orange as your little family. “I can’t wait to see them out on the balcony with lights in them. It’s gonna look amazing honey.”
“I think so too,” Isabella beamed giving you a kiss before crawling back onto the chair next to her dad. 
“Did you guys save me a pumpkin?” you asked, wrapping your arms around Seb’s middle from behind and resting your head against his arm, peeking around him. 
He smiled sheepishly, looking down at you. “There are still about eight in the bag over there,” he nodded towards the kitchen counter, and you threw your head back laughing. 
“We went a little overboard,” he admitted, as you shook your head, kissing his cheek.
“Only a little?” you teased as you went to pick out your own pumpkin and joining your son in making a mess emptying it. 
The four of you stayed in the kitchen for the next two hours. Laughing, making a mess, cutting and drawing until there were no more pumpkins but the two very alive ones on your tabletop.
“Right. Who wants pizza for dinner?” Sebastian asked with a grin, looking around the kitchen. He must have realized if the two of you had to clean it before starting dinner and then eating, it would be close to midnight before the kiddos got to bed. Pizza would spare you from having to cook, and it wouldn’t matter if cleaning the kitchen was all done before or after the kids were in bed. You could start now but finish later. 
“Meeeee,” Alex and Isa both bounced off the table and were dancing around their laughing dad, while you looked on with a smile. Your eyes meet Sebastian’s and you mouthed an “I love you” to him that made him beam just as brightly as your children. 
“Okay. Pizza after bathtime,” Sebastian ordered, making Alex whine loudly, but Isabella just grabbed his hand to get his attention. 
“We can have a bath together and you can play with my fish if you want?” she suggested, and Alex stopped crying as quickly as he had begun. He loved Isabella’s fish but more than that he loved spending time with his big sister. 
Isabella sent her dad a proud smile when he ruffled her hair. 
“Good girl.”
“We’ll get ready. If you fill the tub and give us the towels when we call, I can help Alex and you and mom can clean the kitchen,” Isabella announced, causing both your and Sebastian's jaws to drop without her realizing it. The little girl just skipped ahead of her brother, with his hand still in hers, as they talked about the games they were gonna play with her fishies. 
“Okay she is growing up way too fast,” Sebastian grumbled when they were out of earshot, making you laugh and wrap your arms around him from the side. He quickly pulled you in front of him and into a proper hug as you looked up at him with a soft smile. 
“She’ll always be your little girl,” you promised, smiling when you saw the pain in his eyes, and you knew he was already picturing her going off to college and getting married. 
“Seb. She’s five,” you laughed, giving his butt a squeeze, and he groaned playfully, dipping down to kiss you. 
He stopped just before your lips met, whispering, “six in a month. She is practically already grown up.” 
He smiled, swallowing your giggles with his kiss, not breaking it before Isabella’s voice sounded through the apartment. 
“Daddy! We’re ready soon. Come turn on the water please.”
“Well little miss gown up still can’t reach the faucet honey,” you teased, squealing when Sebastian pinched your butt in retaliation. 
“Smartass,” he grinned. “Did you like the flowers?”
“Oh you mean the bribe?” you teased. 
Sebastian’s face fell instantly and he started stammering. “It wasn’t… I mean we hadn't even bought the pumpkins when I….” he tried to explain, before you stopped him, gently cupping his face in your hands. 
“I know. I was just teasing. I’m sorry. I love them. And I’m keeping the card,” you assured him, and Sebastian lit up instantly, leaning in to give you a kiss. 
“I love you,” he said softly, rubbing his nose against yours as he pulled away. 
“I’ll love you always and forever too,” you smiled up at him. Before Sebastian could reply Isabella yelled again. 
“Daddy! Water!”
You threw your head back laughing, and Sebastian rolled his eyes lovingly. “Just as bossy as her mom,” he mumbled. He grinned and ducked out of the way of the projectile pumpkin goo that you threw his way with a laugh as he headed for the door. 
“I’ll order the pizza. You better be back here to help me clean up when I am done,” you warned playfully. 
Sebastian laughed, calling back to you on his way to the kids' bathroom, “Like I said. Bossy!”
You smiled as you went to get your phone, passing the flowers and Sebastian’s card on the way. He couldn’t have been more accurate. You were friends, best friends, and you always would be. He was the one you wanted to share the good and the bad with. He was the one that could always make you laugh and feel like everything was going to be okay. He was always the most handsome man you’d ever met and the only guy to have ever earned and held your heart truly and safely. Your relationship was loving, teasing, and warm. He was the love of your life and the father of your two beautiful kids. Your version of love was most certainly friendship set on fire, and you didn’t want it any other way, nor did you want to share your life with anyone else. Sebastian was it for you, and you were living your happiest life with him. 
Reblogs spread my work and make me happy. Got a favorite part/line? Did something touch you? Do you relate in some way? Please tell me and make my day. 
Sebastian Stan Tag Team
@feelmyroarrrr​ @sleepretreat​ @roxyspearing​ @jewels2876​  @hellaqueerangelofthelord​ @danijimenezv​ @rumoured-whispers​ @becs-bunker​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @blacktithe7​ @grace-for-sale​ @averyrogers83​ @sebs-potato​ @sorenmarie87​ @docharleythegeekqueen​ @erosbellarke​ @the-wayward-robot​ @super100012​ @myfanficlibrarium​ @winchesters-favorite-girl​ @awkwardfangirl2014​ @igotkatiepowers​ @dottirose​ @deathofmissjackson​
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deobis · 4 years
Road to Kingdom Episode 4 Thoughts
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The third challenge was for each group to pick one of their own songs and perform it. I really wish RTK stuck with the “king” theme, but I guess there are only so many challenges they can create revolving that topic. 
DISCLAIMER: I am a lot harsher in this review than any of my other posts. Please know that I do not hate any of the 7 groups and I truly wish the best for all of them. This is just an analysis of the most recent performances.
Anyways onto my rankings!
Enjoyment ranking: 
Pentagon (Wow! For once it’s not TBZ haha)
The Boyz
Golden Child
Objective Ranking:
The Boyz
Golden Child
Prediction rankings:
The Boyz
Golden Child
Put a prediction ranking bc the rankings haven’t been announced yet so we will see tomorrow!
For the first time in forever, TBZ is not first in my book. Shocker I know. That’s not to say that I didn’t like their performance or concept but rather the other groups (PTG and Verivery) did better in my eyes. Let’s talk about TBZ’s Reveal (Catching Fire) perf. I’ll call it RCF for short. TBZ was the only group to continue a story from the second challenge. This gains major points in my book as I love plot driven performances. Anything with a story or clear objective gains brownie points because it’s what makes performances an art. You can dance to a song but if there’s no emotion it stays as a sport rather than a form of artistic expression. TBZ have shown their artistry fully through RTK, something they haven’t really been able to do before. I’m amazed at how they are able to control shock factor so well. I was worried the stunts of Danger would outshine whatever they had to show in RCF but they proved me wrong. There were less stunts this time but they focused on a much larger picture (pun intended). They added backup dancers and allowed the camera to take wider shots to show their formations. I just felt like they lacked a spark this time. If you can’t already tell, I prefer their Danger performance much more. A large part of this is due to the arrangement of Danger. The RCF arrangement was interesting and refreshing but there wasn’t anything really new. Maybe I feel this way because I’ve listened to Reveal too many times who knows. Negatives aside, I have to say I really liked the choreography changes. The part where Haknyeon is center really blew my mind. 
But here’s why I liked Verivery and Pentagon’s performance more: emotion. Pentagon’s is obvious, they used this stage to send off someone they really love. You can really see that the members love Jinho and that they have a deep bond. Pentagon was also the only group to mix two of their songs together, one being a title track and one being a side track (note: PTG and Verivery are the only groups who picked side b’s for their song). Pentagon’s arrangement was impeccable. For me, the new Shine sounded like a Jpop song (mostly because of the rock vibes; if you listen to Jpop you know what I mean), while still retaining the bright theme of Shine. A lot of people might say the performance was too emotional and not professional, but out of all 7 performances, Pentagon’s was the most meaningful and was delivered the best. The message and how they played with the stage was stunning and their little additions and references to other popular Kpop songs makes it so you will notice something new every time you rewatch it. Please watch this video where Hongseok goes into detail about the little easter eggs and the whole purpose behind their performance. I have so much respect for Pentagon and I could write so much more about this performance but I must talk about the other 5 haha (if you want to hear more feel free to ask!)
Verivery. VERIVERY. God DAMN did they really come back and hit hard. They definitely had the clearest and most well thought out performance of all. What differentiates them from TBZ’s story like performance is that TBZ had too much going on in my opinion. They tried to tell us a long story with not enough time. This is why so many fans have vastly different interpretations of their performance. While this can often be a good thing, I think you have to find a balance when doing a storytelling performance. Verivery cleanly executes their narrative of a nightmare and takes the cliche of “it was all a dream” to the max by going “SIKE” at the end. Their choreography was so well planned out and they were honestly very minimalistic about their stage, just like TBZ’s Danger stage. The shock factor is just right (my favorite part being when the backup dancers have the smoke come out of their mouth). Not only that but Photo is a SIDE TRACK. I cannot stress enough how brave of them that is. I legitimately thought it was a title track until I looked at their discography. They arranged their side b to sound like a title track, and not only that, they changed the overall feel of the song as well. If you listen to the original Photo, it sounds more like a bad boy song, but their RTK version is very much so horror/rock themed. I can’t STRESS how good this performance is. Especially because it’s such a contrast from their last performance. Photo is now in my spotify playlist and I have no regrets.
Now onto the last 4 performances. I hate to break it to you all but... I didn’t really like any of them. None of them made me think “wow I could rewatch this so many times.” Lets start with Oneus. LIT is my favorite Oneus song so I highly anticipated this performance. If you didn’t know Oneus before and only watch this stage you might think its a very good stage with a strong traditional theme. I totally agree, the traditional theme is unique to Oneus and I loved the instrumental changes they made so the song would cater more to their theme. The biggest issue I had with this stage was that It literally is just like their music video. If you have seen the LIT mv you will know what I mean. The dragon dance, traditional clothing, theme, sound, everything was too similar. The stage was grand but it just felt like a live version of their MV. 
I know a lot of people liked ONF’s performance. Let me just say first that they killed it and YooA was *chefs kiss* The biggest issue I had with this stage was its message and theme. They seemed to have a conductor/medieval theme but also the masks?? Like what? It felt so out of place and random. I felt like a lot of their stage choices had little to no purpose. I honestly still don’t understand why YooA was there. The duet dance was nice but why? It seemed like they were trying to tell a story but it just wasn’t clear to me. It looked nice and everything but that was about it. In no way am I saying the performance was bad, it’s just there’s nothing that makes me want to go back and watch again. I think the fact that there was a plot but no plot at the same time really bothered me and that’s why I didn’t like it as much. 
TOO has grown a lot since episode one. They are truly experimenting with the stage and I’m very happy to see that. I have the same issue with TOO as I did with ONF. There was a clear theme of “dark vs light” or “evil vs good” but why? What was the point? The theme may have seemed obvious but was it really? Were they trying to convey good vs bad, angel vs devil, justice vs injustice? I couldn’t tell throughout the entire performance. It’s okay to take cliche themes but with a show like RTK, there needs to be something more. I also hate to be harsh but some of their execution just wasn’t as clean. This doesn’t only apply to Chan (I think that’s his name), but the whole performance in general. The most obvious instance is the head twist part. But I applaud Chan for performing with 100% even after his mistake (which, by the way, he made look very natural. I was very sad when he kept beating himself up over the mistake 😞 you did great bb I hope you know that). Even if their age and lack of experience is shown in their performances, I must say they are really stepping out of their comfort zone and learning at a rapid pace. I have high hopes for them.
Now onto the last group. Golden Child. I was very impressed with GolChas first two performances but this one was a disappointment. I appreciate the use of strings and their classical arrangement (as I said in my previous episode thoughts post) but this performance was, well, dull to say the least. The only “shock factor” was the violin solo (which was very good btw), but I think it was too late into the performance. There wasn’t much that made me interested in the performance up to that point. I don’t know. There really just isn’t much for me to talk about because they didn’t really do much.(God that sounds so harsh;; I’m sorry 😭😭) I really think their second performance was highly underrated but all in all this third one was not it. 
As you can see my critiques for this set of performances are, well, a lot harsher. I think it’s because the bar was raised so much higher after the first three episodes. Overall, if I had seen any of these performances outside of the RTK context I probably would have been a lot more impressed and shocked. I wish the best for all the groups and no matter who gets eliminated tomorrow I want all the groups to know that they all deserve a spot in the Kingdom. Mnet is just trash.
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cirrus-lily · 4 years
my first listen of resonance pt. 1!
i wanted to start doing these since i’m very interested in music and stuff and i wanna learn how to properly express musical things etc. etc. so yea!! feel free to ignore and these are just my opinions, so pls don’t come @ me thanks :)
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track 1: make a wish (birthday song) - nct u (ft. taeyong, doyoung, jaehyun, lucas, xiaojun, jaemin, shotaro)
i actually really liked this, if we’re talking purely about the music (the mv is another thing....i won’t talk about that). the music was interesting all the way through and was full of unexpected twists. all the members did so well!!! but the members that really stood out to me in the mv and also just listening to the song were jaemin and xiaojun! they did so well and they nailed their parts so well!!! there’s just something very satisfying about jaemin’s rap in this song, and all of xiaojun’s parts suited him really well and it was nice to see him sing in a style that was different to the typical wayv style. also rapper jaehyun!!! his parts suited him so well and i’m so happy we got to see him do a rap-esque part hehe :) the only part i probably didn’t like was the part where there was that time-warp effect before the final chorus like that felt so out of place ... why is it there?? also where’s shotaro tho?? like i didn’t even hear him,,, if you’re gonna add a new member at least use him sm :/ | okay so i just watched the line distribution and jaemin has so little lines :((( shotaro doesn’t have many solo parts but has a lot of adlibs and honestly? good for him!! it’s really good for a debut!! doyong and lucas should’ve had more lines too :/ anyways overall i really love this song and i’m so excited to see the stages!!!
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track 2: misfit - nct u (ft. johnny, taeyong, mark, hendery, jeno, yangyang, sungchan)
this is legit my favourite song so far it’s incredible!! when the song started i just started full-on vibing!! this song is so fun and has so much energy and i had no expectations at first but the track video blew me away, which made me so excited to hear the full song, and it did not disappoint :) everyone in this song SLAYED. i have nothing else to say except that because the raps were fire and each member pulled their verse off so well it continued to make me smile line after line after line. for sungchan’s debut, it was incredible to hear him spit fire like that and i am so excited to see how he grows as a rapper if he’s already this good at debut oh gosh. but my favourite part has to be mark’s second verse where the music cuts out and he keeps going and his rhythm actually speeds up once the music cuts. that blew my mind in the track video and still has the same effect on me listening to it again. the genius of cutting out the music is incredible and it adds so much not just to the rap but to the song overall. my only complaint for this song is that johnny got like...4 lines. cmon sm please give him lines he’s more than just a visual!! overall this song is something i really enjoyed and something that the members pulled off so well even though it’s so different and unexpected from nct :)
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track 3: volcano - nct u (ft. taeyong, doyoung, jaehyun, winwin, jungwoo, lucas, mark) (aka nct 2018 boss unit)
what is going on in this song......at the beginning it gave me similar vibes to limitless but as i listened to more of the song, it kinda fell apart for me ;-; like the vocal parts were really good (jaehyun high note!!) and the rap parts were really good but they didn’t flow together as well as they should have, and it ended up feeling as if i was listening to the rap of one song and the vocals of another song :/ also where are sicheng’s parts?? i thought i just didn’t hear him but when i went to check all he has is like...2-3 adlibs?? why is he even in the song then it doesn’t even have choreo?? feels like boss all over again rip sicheng :’( 
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track 4: light bulb - nct u (ft. taeyong, kun, doyoung, and sungchan)
wow this song...i was very fascinated by the member lineup at first, and then i heard the song and it all makes sense :) everything melds so well together, with ty and sungchan’s rapping pairing perfectly with kun and dy’s vocals, and there are kinda ‘pairs’? like ty and dy and sungchan and kun,, and their voices compliment each other so well aaaaaaa. the only part i felt weird about was the start when ty was rapping over the piano...the rhythm clashed a little but as the song went on it resolved itself thankfully. the vibes reminded me of yestoday and it’s a very different mood from the first 3 songs on the album so i’m kinda confused as to why they’ve put it as track 4 but oh well. sungchan showcased a different side of his rapping here and he’s really beginning to show himself as a very well rounded rapper so i’m actually super impressed but as expected from nct :) my favourite thing about this song has to be kun’s vocals tho. the first time you hear him in the song is when he harmonises with doyong and i tell you the way i Lost It. and every time he sang as sungchan rapped it blew my mind. and doyong and kun’s harmonies,,,, chef’s kiss. can you tell i really love this song aaaaaa okay end of ramble. i think overall i just really appreciate the change in pace of the album since the first 3 were very hype lol.
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track 5: dancing in the rain - nct u (ft. taeil, johnny, yuta, kun, jaehyun, jungwoo, xiaojun, chenle)
ok this song blew my mind 🤯 firstly, can we talk about jaehyun and johnny rapping??????? i’m so happy that we got to hear them rap!! it was so beautiful :’) secondly, vocal kings!!! chenle high note!!  their voices sound so beautiful together and i’m so happy we got that in this song!! the vibes are also so pretty?? like a lofi jazzy vibe and honestly it feels like singin’ in the rain modern version and i am living :) the only minor issue i have is that because there are so many vocalists in the unit, some of them had really few lines :/ but i think they needed more people to create that effect in the chorus of a lot of people harmonising together, so we gain some we lose some i guess,, but wow i love this song so much can someone write a fic or make an mv based on this song pleaseeeeeeee i would love to see it :’) p.s. i listened to this song twice once on spotify and once on colour-coded lyrics (just to see who sang what) and the more i listen to it the more i love this song aaaaaaaaaa :)
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track 6: interlude: past to present
ok this was interesting...i was so confused about the first part cos i couldn’t make sense of what was being narrated, but the second part is another story,,, it’s chock full of references - like there’s that one sound (idk how to describe it) but it’s in both the awaken the world interlude and the neo zone interlude, and the part after that is reminiscent of the punch intro thing...which is why it’s so interesting,,, would the theorists like to have a go? but honestly it was very interesting musically and very nct lmao...i have nothing left to say lol that’s it.
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track 7: déjà vu - nct dream (OT7)
wow the vibes on this song are so fun!! this song really suits dream and i think it’s a fitting return for ot7 :) it’s got the playfulness of we go up with a bit more maturity which is very representative of dream’s current phase where they’re growing up but they’re still kids hehe :) i will complain about the line distribution again except everyone’s probably sick of hearing about it lol...but mark has a lot of lines and jeno and jaemin don’t sigh. the line distribution for the vocalists was really quite fair tho :) also renjun bridge!!!! it was so good!!! and haechan intro!!!! wow i love this song so much heh but my favourite part has to be the bgm,, like the dang dang sound that was in the bgm for the entire track really helps to push the song forward and adds a spring to the song that really makes it more playful and fun!! i’m super impressed by this as well since the track video didn’t make me that excited but now i really like it so i think this song was so fun :)
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track 8: nectar - wayv (OT7)
let’s formally welcome nectar to the list of nct’s hoe anthems 😌 okay but that aside, i quite liked the song!! the intro was weird but once you get into the song it’s pretty okay!! it’s also slightly different from the wayv sound we’re used to but the members pulled it off well!! i love the bgm too hehe :) ten and sicheng!! i can finally hear them!! and it was so nice to hear them both sing aaaa. also wayv’s vocal line continue to astonish me...that’s the highest i’ve heard kun and dejun sing and it sound so good!!! the rap was fire too and lucas, yangyang and hendery have done it again, they sound so swag which really fits the vibe of the song!! i also love how most of the song is pretty low and starts pretty low but the vocals are such a complete contrast cos they’re so high and that really adds to the song!! i’m so wayv biased but i genuinely really do like this song and ‘gimme that nectar’ will be stuck in my head for the next 24 hours :/
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track 9: music, dance - nct 127 (OT9)
this track is so hype 😳 and i enjoyed that so much!! what stood out to me more than anything else in this song was the bgm, and i love how they cut the music, yell “drop that beat!” and then the beat actually drops 🤯 also the bridge,,, a masterpiece...i thought we were gonna get a solid high note and the airy high note comes from nowhere and suddenly i’m so stunned 😳 also this album really is the return of rapper jaehyun huh :) it’s so nice to hear him rap again :) and this song is really satisfying in so many ways, like the rhythm is really good and the bass hits deep and the dance break music thing was so well timed and so well produced and oooooooh i like this track more than i expected :)) oh and ‘music, dance’ will be stuck in my head for the next 24 hours with ‘gimme that nectar’ :/
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track 10: faded in my last song - nct u (ft. taeil, johnny, yuta, ten, lucas, renjun, haechan, jisung)
the way i was trying not to SCREAM throughout this song :’) IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL AAAAAA i mean it in the best way possible when i say this could be an ost it’s so beautiful :’) the VOCALS i nearly lost it when ten sang the pre chorus then nearly lost it when renjun sang the second pre chorus and then almost completely lost it during the bridge (especially cos haechan and taeil) holy moly that was a journey :’) also johnny and yuta’s rap style and lucas’ lower tone really fit so well with the song, like it didn’t take away from the sad vibes of the song but it added to the mellowness of the overall song. and can we just take a moment to talk about park jisung’s rap??? it was so short but he nailed it!!!! this entire song was a masterpiece because all their voices fit perfectly together and complement each other so well it just makes this song shine in a different way??? i have so many things that i wanna say about this song but i’m internally screaming so i’m basically incoherent lol. one thing i will say though is the bgm is so pretty and the piano is so nice :’) (also p.s. idk why but this song lowkey gives me got7 vibes but in the best way possible)
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track 11: from home - nct u (ft. taeil, yuta, kun, doyoung, renjun, haechan, chenle)
i’m crying........i’m actually crying.....can they not come for me like this..........this song is so beautiful o m g :”) hearing them sing in their native languages about home is so moving?? like it hits a spot and suddenly my eyes are sweating :”) and the way that the transition from one language to another is so smooth and seamless?? like renjun and chenle are singing in chinese and suddenly yuta pops in with a line of japanese and i completely lost it lmaoooooo. and the way they all come together in the bridge is so beautiful, and taeil’s high note after!!!! and the bgm of this song suited it so well, it allowed you to focus on the vocals and still adds to the overall mood and atmosphere of the song, plus at the start it’s a bit muffled out as if it’s being played on an old record and then it becomes unmuffled and the sound is so bright :) and the way that this song sounds a little bittersweet?? i swear when the mv comes out and when i read the translations i will cry even more i’m not even ready and we still have a week to go. this was the song i was looking forward to most and honestly? it didn’t disappoint at all :)
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track 12: from home | korean version - nct u (ft. taeil, yuta, kun, doyoung, renjun, haechan, chenle)
it’s just as beautiful, but with less tears lol :) there isn’t really much to say, it still flows just as well in korean as it did in 3 languages, so i think sm just wanted there to be a version that was completely in korean since nct are a korean group lol.
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track 13: make a wish (birthday song) | english version - nct u (ft. taeyong, doyoung, jaehyun, lucas, xiaojun, jaemin, shotaro)
well this is interesting....the english version of the song sounds a bit like a hoe anthem (only a bit!!!) so i’m curious about the lyrics to the korean version o_O also i find it a little strange how they say ‘i can do this all day’ in the korean version but say ‘i can do this all night’ in the english version,,, like what’s the difference?? i literally don’t know why they did that but oh well :) still a great song hehe :)
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overall, it’s a really interesting album!! it’s a little different from what i expected, but i still really love it!! i think the songs will grow onto me more as i listen to the album more, so yea :))
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yeoldontknow · 4 years
I know we are all starved for EXO content. Let’s spread a little love and positivity as EXO-L’s.
What are your top 5 favourite EXO songs of the moment? The songs can come from sub-units, solos and even the former members. Tag at least 5 people and spread the love.
tagged by @bikeryeollie to do this lovely little tag. thank you so much angel! i do love doing tags when they talk about current jams or music i can’t quit. ill put some little anecdotes after my choices to give everyone else permission who does this after to express why they love a song or connect with it just because its one thing to say you vibe to a song and entirely another to express why it makes you vibe.
EXO-SC - Daydreamin’ || i could easily put the entire SC album here, break the rules and make it six instead of five, but if theres a song i listen to so often i know it backwards and forwards its this one. it somehow preserves that endearing lo-fi vibe at the start with the click track while moving on to become one of the most beautifully produced tracks without muddying any bass or undertones. this song, for me, is summer - pomegranates and oranges bursting in the mouth; trees reciting poems as they rustle in the breeze; a purple sky; the question of what could love do if we learn to accept it in time; the knowledge that sometimes love is the passing of a ladle from mouth to mouth and the hum of pleasure that comes from offering sustenance to your lover; distant memories of a life lived long ago, or perhaps lived in parallel, nostalgic if only because we are suddenly reminded.
Chanyeol - SSFW (Japanese version) || its just so nice to be able to sing along to a song lmao i adore kpop so much but im studying japanese, so apart from every banger of a CBX album and some insanely difficult SHINee songs, theres not much a non-fluent, unpracticed speaker like me can sing. and here we have such a delicate song, seasonal but still preserving the warmth that comes from human affection. he handles the lyrics a little differently on this version - more nervous, more gentle - says them and delivers them the same way, of course, but the handling of his confidence alongside his uncertainty makes this version so much more human
EXO - Bird || in the same vein as SSFW, bird is actually really easy to sing and uses words i already know. i mean come on its just so pretty - i miss the hell out of soo and minseoks voices, and there are so many lines i know theyd absolutely crush. but its just such a well structured pop song and the sound stage is enormous? like you listen to this in headphones and it feels like youre in an entirely different universe, its huge. the production is *chefs kiss*
Chen - Love Words || i will scream about this song until i literally die, and i mean that with my whole goddamn chest. the movement. THE MOVEMENT. it borders on a key change and every single time i nearly fall out of my chair. i first heard this song on my last night in tokyo last year. it had just rained and the sun had set. @queenoftheimpala was packing and trying (and ultimately failing) to sleep early before her insanely early flight. i went out to get some food and took a walk, sad but also more in love with a place than i had been in nearly a decade. the blossoms were in full bloom. the street was wet. i cried on a bridge over the river and my aquarius ass felt so much more in 3 minutes than it allows itself to feel in a year.
EXO - Groove || not much to say here, my friends. this song is for grown adults to fall in love on a dance floor, or fall in love when someone brushes our hands, or someone hands us a coffee and smiles a little too warmly on a tuesday morning, or someone holds the door for you and for one solid moment you believe in miracles.
tagging: @yehet-me-up @kyungseokie @jenmyeons @j-pping @kvncity @baek-byunies @ninibears-erigom @x-exo @queenoftheimpala (you can do it for bts if you dont vibe too much to exo <3) @fairyyeols @baekwell--tart @pikayeollie and anyone else who would like to do this. you know me, i hoard music. but as always only do so if you wish <3
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justkimberley · 4 years
HSMTMTS Thoughts Episode 6
Episode 1 Episode 2  Episode 3   Episode 4  Episode 5
Oof this is a long one, sorry, I just had a lot to say
I swear that principal looks so familiar
I looked it up I think I know him from McFarland USA
Ricky in that wig is hilarious, the way he keeps flipping it is great
Big Red was in photography club, “click!”
“I’m home,” *big grin*
Gina and Ricky both look so happy when they’re together
Nini looks very confused about that, but also I just kind of realized, it means Ricky’s getting along with Nini’s “enemy” of sorts
The whole on 3 or after 3 thing is so real, and also Ricky’s “Nah man, you need some new words,” hilarious
“I can’t look at Ricky is that a problem?” *innocent trying not to laugh face*
I’m glad that she can make that joke now without it being actual - she started the whole series being like “I just won’t look at him,” and now we have this!
“It’s more like I felt like I had to get it,”  → yes! Gina character growth
“So do you care about Ricky?” “So what if I do?”
Carlos has the weight of the world (show) on his shoulders
Big Red with Courtney and Gina looking at the photos, I’m really glad that he’s found himself a place in the theater too!
“Should I just live vicariously through someone else?” - amazing
“Everything’s fine, why would you guys even ask that?” - oh Carlos… he needs a hug or something.
Carlos is so sure about his “boy forest” idea, but everyone is very against it (and rightfully so)
“Do you know what a forest of trees looks like?” “I do,” “Ok, but with boys,”
Cue incredibly confused faces
I like how everyone is shouting out their ideas to try and make it better, I especially like how Ricky is taking this seriously and has an idea that he wants to share and he ACTUALLY shares it! He feels comfortable with these people!
“She’s not here and I don’t know if she’s ever coming back,” *cue slapped in the face faces*
Ricky’s world is falling apart, once again
“You know you could’ve told me,” “Miss Jenn asked me not to,”
Very cute little interaction between our bois right there
“Wow Carlos what else are you not telling us?” alright EJ, chill out bud. Just because you have a closet full of secrets doesn’t mean everybody does too
Gina and Ricky both trying to keep people there and make it work because this is their place to go after school, and also both of them staying the longest.
“Nothing fell apart, it’s all gonna be okay,” “She’s Miss Jenn, she’s unstoppable, the whole show’s unstoppable,” Ricky’s go-to way of dealing with things is denial, he can’t deal with another thing in his life falling apart. This poor boy needs some sense of certainty in his life.
“But what if it does stop?” “Let’s not go there? I can’t stop, we still have too much work to do,” Gina can see how much Ricky needs the show to go on, how much he needs this distraction to keep himself going. If he stops he’ll break down, and he doesn’t want to do that, and I think that she can tell. She also immediately asks him to hear his song idea afterwards and I think it might just be her way of trying to distract him and keep him busy so he doesn’t get stuck in his head/feelings.
Ricky looks so happy that she wants to hear his idea too!
Carlos trying to find out who told on Miss Jenn and going immediately to Mr. Mazarra
I think Mr. Mazarra actually didn’t want Miss Jenn to be fired after he saw the whole “stick to the status quo” bit. He saw what it meant to these kids
Mr. Mazarra’s also got a point, she really shouldn’t have lied on her resume
Ashlyn trying to stop EJ and then Courtney and Ashlyn immediately noping on out of there
Acoustic “When there was me and you” is fantastic
Gina is starting to see Ricky’s talent/commitment and is really enjoying it
“I don’t hate you EJ, I just don’t trust you,” oof that’s like one step removed from “I’m not mad, just disappointed,”
EJ’s rushed confession list is very funny
I don’t understand how GPA’s work? Like, what does it mean?
That was a pretty sweet moment at the end “The audience doesn’t know what they’re missing, but I do,”
“Oh, I also wrote you a really weird song once,” - yes, yes he did
Nini is really enjoying Ricky’s singing and then she’s like oh… Gina
Ricky’s little guitar riff, amazing - side note Joshua Bassett is so talented
“Acting, dancing, throwing drinks in peoples faces…” 
“I kind of can’t forget about anything that happened at homecoming”  *calculating faces* - they’re both like how do we feel about each other??
“Should we be doing something” - Gina’s like ??? is that his way of asking me out?
I like that Ricky’s the one who mentions saving Miss Jenn first
Finally seeing the real side of Miss Jenn is great, but it’s sad that she can’t see how much she’s affected these kids
Carlos thinking that she wants him to direct the show
“I just hope she loves you guys half as much as I love you,”
My favourite dancer has a name!! Kaden!
I like that Big Red texted three people and got the entire cast
The only people sitting normally, in chairs are Ricky, EJ, and Courtney
Also the set up with Gina right beside Ricky, you can tell that he’s the one she trusts the most.
Nini set up between Ricky and Courtney shows that they’re the two people she cares about the most
“This is a terrible party, there aren’t even pretzels,” Natalie you weren’t even invited also whose go to snack is pretzels? Nothing against pretzels I just… usually there are other snacks that are prefered
“She was the first teacher to not see me as a punchline,” I just -- Carlos should not have had to deal with that
“So why are we all here then,” “Yeah good question, this is a waste of time,” okay Edgelord Joykiller, can you be positive for once?
“Honestly? Because she gave me a shot, and it’s been a long time since someone gave me a shot,” I just, these kids are finally getting to live and be heard, it’s beautiful. Also that reassuring knee touch from Seb? Beautifully executed.
“She put our show in jeopardy, and now we’re all here, maybe for the last time, together, and for some of us, this has become, umm I don’t know… ” “Family.” “What team?” “Wildcats!” “Ok wildcats, so what are we doing about it?”
This speech is very Troy-esque and I’m very proud of Ricky for doing it and also Nini for jumping in when she knew what Ricky wanted to say.
Oh finally, Mike and Miss Jenn are figuring out that they know each other. I like that he doesn’t immediately write her off for being kind of a liar, it would be hypocritical
“Personally I always chalked it up to the well known fact that people in the dramatic arts are insane,” ok so the principal should definitely not be saying that, that’s incredibly disrespectful. He’s supposed to be a role model??? He’s in a position of power?? That is a really messed up thing to say.
Ricky looks so surprised when his dad stands up
Nini’s mom standing up for Ricky’s dad! Yes!
EJ is starting to realize just how much the musical actually means to Ricky
I’m glad Ricky’s dad stood up and focused it on how it’s helping Ricky, not some weird way of being like I want to date you
Mr. Mazara watching them, once again, I think he has seen just how important theater is to these kids.
This song gives me Hairspray vibes (I don’t really know why)
I love all of the quick points on beat
Ashlyn and Ricky should always sing together - their voices were just *chef’s kiss*
Ricky and Red dancing together! (Also Larry Saperstein filling in and learning the dance because Dara Renee hurt her knee? He is so good!)
Seb! That voice!
This choreography is fantastic
Ricky and Gina singing together, also great!
Natalie getting a solo!
Mr. Mazara is so impressed (and I am too)
Ricky jumping on that table! And then just continuing to dance on it 
Jazz squares! - Sharpay and Ryan would approve - lol
MISS JENN sign in the background
Standing ovation - the parents all look so proud of their kids for standing up for what they believe in!
Kaycee Stroh! With her original dance! “I love to pop, and lock, and jam, and break,”
“How did you do this?” “We stayed up all night” - these kids care so much about Miss Jenn and the musical and I love them for their hearts
Nini and Seb friendship, we stan
Ricky and Gina’s hug is adorable and now I really want a hug where someone picks me up.
Nini is not sure how to feel about them being together
Ej looks at Ricky and Gina first and then at Nini, what are they trying to tell us?
Text from Gina is interesting, she is definitely interested in him
Mike and Miss Jenn - Ricky seems happy about it?
I don’t know if he’s just happy that his dad is getting along with Miss Jenn or if he wants his dad to be with Miss Jenn?
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loseyoutoloveme · 4 years
rare first impressions review
a “first impressions” review instead of a straight up review since my opinions will def change over time
i’ve been listening to the demo for over a year and it’s so cool to see how different it sounds w her voice
“burning toast in the toaster” is such an offbeat lyric. almost jarring in its banality, i love it
the glo up from revival to this....... going from wondering “maybe i should be more like her” in perfect to shouting “i’m not gonna beg for you, i’m not gonna let you make me cry, not getting enough from you, didn’t you know i’m hard to find?” we love a liberated queen so much
this is super fun and great but i played the shit out of the demo in 2018 which makes it feel a lil less exciting. i should have waited rip. still love it tho.
“confidence is throwing your heart through every brick wall”
this is so different?????? love to see experimentation, not my fav sound she’s ever tried out i don’t think, but i do like it, v fun
“all the trauma’s in remission” (trauma or drama????? idk)
sounds very starboy inspired at times, at least abelena gave us this
“vulnerable ain’t easy, believe me, but i go there”
actually, almost a return to stars dance at moments???? in a way more mature, fully realized way... which is so cool when the whole theme of the album and its imagery seems to be looking back at your past self and celebrating yourself for overcoming so much, and also, like she said taylor told her, reclaiming the happiness that has been taken from you and letting yourself return to a happier version of yourself, the truest version of yourself that wasn’t being pulled down and abused. like stars dance was her big dance edm record and i know it’s not a celebrated work of hers lol but there is so much beauty in making a song that says “feels so good to dance again” and going back to that sound for 1 song, remembering what it’s like to feel light, to just dance.
(adding this after my second listen: WAY better with a second listen)
a forever bop
we love her
“of course she was sad but now she’s glad, she dodged a bullet, took a few years to soak up the tears but look at her now watch her go”
yes yes yes yes yes yes
we stan forever
“this dancing was killing me softly, i needed to hate you to love me”
absolutely the rawest, most vulnerable track in her discography, which is saying a lot
“in 2 months you replaced us like it was easy, made me think i deserved it in the thick of healing”
i think what i love so much about this era, about the things that she’s saying in interviews, about the messages she’s sharing in these lyrics so far, is like... not apologizing to her abuser, not making excuses for him, not letting his actions destroy her confidence. comparing the lyrics of revival to this, it’s so clear that there’s been such a change in mentality, such a maturing process, that revival was very much still in the midst of it all and that it’s finally over now. no “i’ll always have love for him,” no “everything happens for a reason,” no “i miss you,” no “what did i do wrong?” there is SO much strength in saying “actually, you know what i really didn’t deserve that and i do not love you anymore and losing you is the best thing that ever happened to me” and simply leaving it at that. forgiveness and love is NOT always essential to moving on!! sometimes that chronic forgiveness is just detrimental and the best thing u can do for yourself is say “FUCK YOU” and leave.
“i’m one in a billion baby, don’t you agree?”
nothing else to say like...... period....... 
“wrap your arms around my weakness”
this is not at all what i expected and is so good
saw everyone saying this is delicate’s sister and it’s so true
the strength and beauty in being completely devastated by a person and still being like... i won’t let it make me cold....... :(
now this is camouflage’s sister. i love that nostalgia is at the core of so many of selena’s songs like wow she’s truly a cancer huh...... the pain of growing up and becoming a different person and knowing you need to let go of a person that you experienced so much with in such formative years but letting go of them feels like not only letting go of the good memories but letting go of the self that you were when they loved you, when things were good...... ugh
“i never know when enough is enough” hit me right in the heart
this sounds so good... incorporating the edm sound that she experimented with in the droplets but not going all the way there, just kind of letting it exist in that in between....... love
“me and this spiral are done, burn this camouflage i’ve been wearing for months, tryna let a little happy in for once” BEAUTIFUL
“take that tired heart and go and turn it inside out” wow.....
this is so sexy and empowering
noticing ur tendency to self-sabotage and overthink and be toxic towards urself..... when ur so used to toxicity and pain that u forget what it’s like to live without it...... but then breaking that pattern and letting urself just LIVE for a moment......
i’m still thinking about “me and this spiral are done, burn this camouflage i’ve been wearing for months” like wtfffffff 
it’s like a self-aware, realistic me & my girls lol 
i didn’t expect to like this one tbh bc it kinda faded into the background of the tracklist and i forgot it existed, but she snapped
her voice sounds so cute and suits this sound so well
“yeah i was afraid but you made it safe, i guess that is our combination, said you feel lost, well so do i” SOFFFFTTTTT.... TENDERRRRRR
again, honestly didn’t expect to totally love this one but I LOVE THIS ONE!!!!!!
“the world keeps on spinning but i ain’t dizzy yet”
this 6lack feature fits well and is a great addition, his voice really suits the song
an original sg2 track we stan
“but slowly all the sugar, it went to waste” :(
say my name vibes in the chorus lyrics. love!
“you’ve been lyin just for fun, luckily no damage done” LOVE!
“now you’re treatin me like i’m insane... YOU’RE insane!” SNAPPPPPEDDDDD OMG..... YESSSS BITCHHHH
oh my god the snippet that we’ve been listening to for 3 years lol
this is...... STELLARRRRRR BITCH!!!!!
“my kind of trouble likes your trouble too”
the sigh before the chorus!!!! 
“you get me higher than my medication” we-
this is rare’s hands to myself tbh
this chorus is so good 
i was most excited for this one!!! based off the snippets she shared in the trailer
“gotta chop chop all the extra weight, been carrying you for fourteen hundred sixty days, gotta gotta gotta clean my slate” OOOOOOOF
this chorus is EXACTLY my vibe tbh this song was made for me lmao
“i imagine all the endless places i could know with a drop drop and i’ll let you go, all the possibilities i got from head to toe, yeah they’d yeah they’d yeah they’d start to show” WHEW BITCH!!!!!!! realizing this dead fucking weight is holding you down... realizing you will be FREE you will be GOOD you will be HAPPY without him. the way that dropping him will be liberating and will open up the whole world for you!!! AHHH! LOVE YOURSELF FIRST!!!!
this guitar solo, ABSOLUTE chef’s kiss! selena GETS me!
“red lips french kiss my worries all away” ummmmmmm *billy eichner voice* GO LESBIANS LET’S GO HERE WE GO LESBIANS HERE WE GO LESBIANS COME ON
“felt what real is like” 🥺
tbh i don’t really love the chorus except for the “oo-oo-oo-oo” part at the end but it works with the song and is something i’ll love with time
kid cudi’s verse really adds to the song, i’m glad the features are used to add to the song rather than just being thrown in out of nowhere
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rowanartist · 4 years
Fan fiction quotes 2019:
"with great foods, came great emotional baggage"[X]extra funny since I just saw Into the Spiderverse
"Just get together every couple of weeks, without Stark, and you guys can pass Steve around like a bong."[ch2]whaat? And chapter three is a dirty parody - worth a read for the humor of it
"he just hopes Tony has the sense God gave concussed baby sheep "[X]interesting phrase
"“Science,” Jane says, drawing his face to hers, “Does not require pants "[X]fun series of short fics
"Never something so hot; not like a flame is hot, but the strength of something bathed in summer sun. "[X]interesting view on attraction
"(He'd been sketching when he thought that through; now there's a page that has a little cartoon of himself, ducking, with the caption "the spoons are attacking!" although he'd ended up finishing his latte before he actually drew any flying spoons.) "[X]Steve upon learning about spoon theory
"Can you think of anything that symbolizes the eighties better than David Bowie’s crotch in tights? "[X]giggle out loud! "You drink once if someone whines, if Sarah says something isn’t fair, or if we get a shot of Bowie’s crotch. "[Same]comment
"“Like you’re going to vibrate out of your skin?” Natasha finished for him, understanding. Sometimes, after what they’d been through, it was hard just to be in your body. Easier to dissociate, to let whatever was going to happen happen while the part of you that was you floated far away. Natasha had been there before, and she knew James went there sometimes. "[X]ponder?
"They’re each wrapped up in their own blanket burrito, lying side by side in the dark, sharing one pillow. "[X]dual blanket burritos
"For most of his life he learned the safest option was to repress his emotional responses as much as possible, and over time he forgot how to access them when he actually needed to. "[X]relatable to a small degree
"Nothing too special but I’m pretty much Michael Bay’s wet dream "[X]to describe bakugo lol
"Most people," Midoriya continued gently, "don't need to be told they have a crush by the person that they have the crush on."[X]my boyfriend can relate to Midoriya here...
"about how if Midoriya could go this long talking without breathing in any new air, he'd probably be really good at kissing. "[same]lol
"God, fuck off. You look so freshly screwed that it hurts me. "[X]Bakugo ;p
"After all, shodō is one of Shouto’s hobbies. For Midoriya’s birthday last year, he made a beautiful poster of UA’s motto that is now displayed prominently above Midoriya’s bed. "[X]draw? If i can? "Please don’t use your All Might voice when we’re making plans to have sex. "[Same]lol
"He’d known for a while that his boyfriend internalizes, that he still struggles with a lot of insecurities and periodic depression from his years around his dad "[X]comment
"Shouto you’re worth more than anything. And you deserve happiness. I don’t care what micro-dick has said to you in the past or any shit he spews out of the mouth that’s somehow more obnoxious than Present Mic "[same]dam it Endeavor :/ "You’re a dork,” Izuku mutters in a break for breath. “Your dork,” Shouto says quietly "[Same]awww
"But if you ever forget your phone again I will use you as an advertisement balloon for a day, and that’s a promise."[X]lol
"First of all, I challenge you to find a dress that can fit that shoulders to waist ratio.” Shouto replied, matter-of-factly, pointing at Izuku’s entire body. “Secondly, you absolutely lack the manners to be a princess, you brute.” "[X]part of a series
"Another young woman that couldn’t be older than Shouto and Izuku looked up at the call. She had a round face and long, brown hair with little orange streaks every now and then collected in a braid. The red rimmed glasses she wore made her yellow eyes look bigger, behind the lenses. She lit up, when she saw them. "[X]need to try to draw
"You’d die of embarrassment— Either that, or Aizawa-sensei would kill you. And I kind of like you alive, thank you very much.” "[same]LOL
" is standing there in grey sweats and a loose Totoro hoodie he got him on one of their first dates "[X]draw
"It definitely didn’t help that Izuku stretched lazily, something akin to a cat just waking up from a nap, one of his legs stretching against the wall as the opposite arm reached towards Shouto with fingers spread wide-open. "[X]DRAW!
"What? They’re really short, all my boxers showed and it was weird. "[X]...
"Just because he isn’t as obvious about it, doesn’t mean Shouto isn’t beyond anxious too. "[X]comment
"He doesn’t treat Shouto like he is fragile, but he treats him like he is precious, and that is an important distinction"...."Something precious, however, doesn’t necessarily break easy, but it warrants the utmost care. It’s meant to be cherished. "[X]relationship advice
"One of the national dishes has no meat in it, but it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever tasted. I thought we were all going to die and T’Challa was going to succeed in eliminating us. Then I heard him yelling at the chef, saying none of us were used to Wakandan peppers.” "[X]https://archiveofourown.org/works/8688724/chapters/19918951#workskin
"All Tony was supposed to do was fix the alternator. Instead he built me a Jeep that tells me I have to initiate a proper launch sequence before I’m able to turn it on and drive.” "[Same]comment
"I’m sorry,” Midoriya retracts his hand, and Todoroki misses it instantly. “It’s not something I can fix, and that makes me sad. You don’t deserve to hear the things he tells you.” "[X]reread comment. Relatable to a degree personally
"But he has to admit the Docs greener side is awfully useful in a brawl; and his less menacing side has a wicked sense of humor, not to mention awfully good with a med kit. "[X]i like Bruce having a sense of humor
"That's what friends are for anyway, having your back when times are tough, and amusement for when times are peaceful. "[X]amusing
"Bucky didn't think he was being rude, but if Captain America said so, it must be true. "[Same]comment
"Steve’s always been a fan of cuddles, even if he doesn’t like to admit it, admit how much he needs that physical contact. "[X]I'm a fan of this concept
"Which in Steve-speak means that you’re feeling guilty as all hell over things you can’t control – again, mind you – and you can’t rest because you can’t shut your brain up.” "[Same]relate "There’s power in this act, Darcy thinks as she sucks and licks up and down his length. To be able to take someone apart with just her mouth and a few touches of her hands. Reduce them to tears or send them flying upwards into the heavens. And the knowledge that she wants to do this for him – for them – makes the feeling all the more potent. She doesn’t have to do this, but it’s her choice, and she wants to give this to them. "[Same]ponder more
"She may not come from it, but the closeness and the intimacy is far more important than any orgasm. "[X]remember
"He knows better, knows that Bakugou’s punches of greeting and movie nights at Yaoyorozu’s house with Mina, Hagakure, and Tsu, and that baking with Izuku are all love. That’s love, not the villain sat behind the desk. "[X]dark fic, author warns in notes. But this line is sweet
"Natasha Romanoff is a world-class spy, yes. But she’s also a potato chip thief who makes dumb jokes and uses emoticons (she had been very adamant that Steve learn the difference between emoticons and emojis), and Steve adores her for it. "[ch5]she's human
"Bucky flopped onto it rolling around like a dog on the soft surface, Natasha quietly responding by taking out her phone and videoing his nonsense. "[ch2]Mr. Kate style rug cuddle but solo
"“First of all, just because someone is good looking does not mean I should have sex with them. There are attractive serial killers Nat, do you want me to get murdered? Second of all, I don’t know him. Third of all, he’s not looking at me like I’m chicken wings, also Clint, seriously? Chicken wings?” "[same]lol, but I'm with you Bucky
"Even in just plain sweatpants, the American icon without a shirt was an image that would have anyone seeing stars and stripes, regardless of sexual orientation. "[X]:)
"Agent Bishop was hit with a biological weapon today that has a ninety-two per cent chance of ending in fatality within three days unless proper care is administered to disperse the chemical compound through natural methods. Meaning, in the case of humans, sexual release. As in, orgasming."[X]a legalese description of "sex pollen" ...
"Do the horizontal contra dance, yes," Darcy answered. "Well kind of, I mean there's only three of us and a contra dance is four to a group, but tango is just for two and I had to think of something fast. Come on, Stevie, this isn't the first time we've hooked up. "[X]lol
"He wanted something just for him again, even though he felt like a selfish asshole for even thinking it. So he would do whatever he could to chase after that feeling. Even if it was stupid. Even if it was silly. "[ch2]advice, remember "Tony must never read these, Steve thought. Bucky’s arm would never be safe. "[ch3]Steve Discovers FanFiction "Steve stayed focused on the screen, sticking out his tongue a little while he concentrated. It was unfairly adorable. "[ch4]Jarvis knows how to motivate Steve: a Bucky themed typing game "Good things would happen. Funny, clever jokes would be told. Sexy adventures were always available, no matter what was happening in the real world. "[X]relatable "There was even a page of ‘Bucky Approved Sex Words and Phrases’. The name alone never failed to make Steve smile "[ch7]lol "He wasn’t really writing this stuff for the money anyways; mostly he just wanted to see that other people liked and enjoyed what he was doing. "[Same]relatable: my redbubble rowan-artist
"Darcy’s eyes widened. “Oh god, I just imagined you naked, dusted in gold, on a satin-sheeted bed. My mind is a dangerous place.” “Hey, there’s always Halloween.” "[ch6]you being Steve
"Jane was rapidly nearing the angry-bear stage of sleep deprivation (there were seven levels on the Dr. Jane Foster Sleep Deprivation chart; angry bear was number five, between 'genius-level insane productivity' and 'sugar high five-year old'), "[X]also Dean Fury ... "Then you come to me, we'll kill a bottle of Jameson and make Thor carry our drunk asses home while we sing Les Mis horribly off-key," "[same]amusing
"This is why you should always read end-user agreements on friendships. "[X]not the fic but the start notes, lol. Also, Maria's entry is adorable, and Pepper potts!! "(“So what you’re telling me is you spent a week building a glorified roomba,” Rhodey says the first time he sees it, and Tony lets out an undignified huff and makes JUNK-E destroy and clean a grand piano.) "[Same]hahha
"And it’s better to be an asset, which at least sounds like something you value, than a glorified action figure. "[ch3]comment "Steve’s friendship is stronger than even Steve’s shield, and protects them both just as much "[Same ch9]awww
"Bucky actually is, but she knows well enough not to ask. Instead, she has started braiding flowers into Natasha's hair while the other girl of the group is busy making a flower crown for Thor. This is what it must be like to have real friends, Bucky thinks, lounging in his camping chair, trying to eat with one hand while Steve is holding his arm, drawing on the inside of his forearm with a black pen. "[ch2]flower crowns "I heard a lot of things I kind of projected on myself. It's probably stupid, but… it's always crazy to hear things that apply to oneself somehow." "It's the magic of music. Sam once told me about the Mr. Brightside effect–" "[ch4]yes "Bruce is on his own so much that he probably doesn't even notice that he has friends "[ch5]relatable, high school me
"The most beautiful thing however was the wall right next to the bed-- while all the other walls were the same off-white color, this one sported stripes of different colors down. Blue, red, green, purple, black, another shade of lighter blue. In the middle of these stripes, the Avenger signs were painted by a meticulous hand; Cap’s shield, Tony’s arc reactor, Mew Mew, and so on-- Darcy didn’t notice she was crying into Mara started wailing in solidarity "[ch1]draw?
"He knows it, like Steve and Bucky know that Tony needs praises and affection, not commands. "[ch8]...
"She thanked Sif (a habit she had started lately, thanking the Asgardian warrior instead of some non-present God, because really, if there was a god she wanted to follow, it would totally be Sif) "[X]nice Darcy "Even if she wasn’t an Avenger per say, she got to be on the team, both super and nonsuper alike. "[ch2]awww
"Elizabeth is going to make coffee happen, and in Darcy’s eyes that makes her a goddess. "[X]comment "By the end, Steve had been right in the thick of it, using a frypan as a shield and hurling pasta like nobody’s business. "[same]comment "Agent Hill’s bad ass levels are through the roof, but put her in front of a powerpoint and the result is coma-inducing. "[Ch3]lol "JARVIS, my man, I need some fat beats up in here. Help a sister out?” "[ch3]comment
"She knew now that it was almost certainly to do with her personal level of comfort and how hard both Steve and Barnes had worked to make her feel good. "[middle chapter]comment
"A video clip of the Asgardian scientist Tadeas and Neil Degrasse Tyson singing a scientific ballad of their own composition was one of the most viewed Youtube videos of all time "[X]lol "He grabbed [a muffin] and shoved it into his mouth, belatedly peeling the paper off. "[Same]haha! :D "Darcy put a box of Sour Patch Kids on top, “Those are for Heimdall.” "[X]comment "“No. Damnit, Darcy. You’re stubborn. Of course you’re stubborn! Jesus Christ, I can’t even imagine what it must like to be in the same room as the two of you.” "[X]best friend sass "But Clint is a human with a bow on a team of superheroes. "[X]Darcy's favorite avenger and why Ch4 music note "Apparently Thor is back on Earth. He showed up in New York right after we left and basically deafened all of Brooklyn with his displeased shouting about his missing Shield Sister. So now everyone knows I’m gone and my disappearance is trending on Twitter as #MissingAsgardianPrincess. How is this my life?! I can’t even with this shit.” "[X]mild spoiler? HAHAHA "Try having a conversation with one of them [asgardians]-- 4 to 1 odds it turns into some sort of ballad recitation. "[X]...
"The next day, Izuku Midoriya delivered his eleven page elaborate essay on how ordering sex toys inspired him to be more honest with himself and his boyfriend about what he wanted in life and in bed. "[X]lol
"“Fire for stop, ice for slow, and smash for go.” "[X]comment
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yoiotdfics · 6 years
Fic Rec List July 2017
R & R (Risk and Ruination)
On the floor by Yuuri’s bed, there is a forlorn little beep, as Yuuri receives his fifteenth unanswered notification of the morning.
One of them from his fiance.
One of them reading ‘YUURI!! TAKE THE DAY OFF!!! YOU’VE BEEN WORKING HARD AND I LOVE YOU BYE’ followed by a copious amount of varying heart emojis.
Going ignored, the screen goes dark.
Of Office Blunders
Yuuri accidentally sends a picture to his boss that he really shouldn’t have sent. AU.
Yuuri secretly writes fanfiction, including Victor Nikiforov/Katsuki Yuuri fanfiction and some asshole keeps telling him he writes too OOC.
Yuuri hates him so much
I’m Pretty Much Fucked
Quick drabble about getting ready to have company over. :)
If you can’t take the heat…
Stay tuned, coming up next it’s Top Chef: International! Join thirteen chefs from around the globe as they battle it out for glory and prizes in the one and only New York City (and share all their innermost thoughts along the way!) Who will emerge victorious, and who will burn out?? Heartwarming triumphs, devastating eliminations, and even ~forbidden romance~ are all coming your way on this showstopping season of Top Chef!
To Worship and Be Worshipped
Tumblr ficlet written to the prompt: Yuuri as god/deity of some sort and Victor as a completely besotted worshipper
Déjà Vu
“Are you planning to sleep all day?”
A voice questioned with a soft chuckle. A chuckle that set his heart alight.
Victor lay there for a moment, a feeling of déjà vu overtaking him.
Warning: Major Character Death
Soul Loop
It was almost funny, how easily it was to watch the day restart.
At this point… it was even common. Every few weeks, there would be a day that would repeat itself. Once, twice, three times, and then everything would go back to normal.
Otabek knew what it was, but he didn’t know what to do about it.
All The Beauties In His Hands
The wedding of Jean-Jacques Leroy and Isabella Yang is the wedding of the century.
Load Paper Tray 1
Perhaps, Victor realized, they were all gifted in their own ways. The way that Victor could charm the ancient, malfunctioning Xerox into producing perfect packets was perhaps the same way that Yuuri could print carts of brochures but not once refill the paper trays.
Soulmates/Office AU: Everyone has a little magic in them, but soulmates’ powers complete each other. Soulmates don’t know they’re meant for each other, until they figure out how their powers fit together. Victor and Yuuri work for the same company, and end up together with the help of a particularly old, obnoxious Xerox.
we have at least eleven minutes
just a quickie between gala performances. no big deal, right?
nsfw victuuri week ♔ day two ♔ clothes
She misses everything about Minako. Hasetsu isn’t the same — too quiet, too empty of joy and laughter.
rouge my knees and roll my stockings down
“It’s just that only whores wear the knot in front,” Yuuri says, stepping in close to breathe in Viktor’s intoxicating scent before peering up at him through lowered lashes and affecting an accent he’s heard during one of his and Phichit’s ill-advised jaunts to Covent Garden. “Did you want me to be your whore, milord?”
(Or: A morning well-spent with Lord Nikiforov and his expensive whore.)
At First Bite
“Phichit,” Yuuri said slowly, noting that the hamsters currently had fangs. Tiny, needle-sharp fangs. “Did you name your hamsters Spikester, Hamsticula, and Edward Cullen II because they actually drink the blood of the innocent?”
“Oh, you caught that?” Phichit asked with a winning smile.
The Track
YuriPirozhki (AceOfSpace)
JJ liked to think that one day, he could realise his goal of skating flawlessly to a program and song that he’d put together by himself. That would be the day when he’d be more than just Jean-Jacques Leroy, the son of ice dancing’s power couple. He’d be JJ Leroy: Record breaker, history maker, and one of a kind. He was convinced that his new guitar would help him to get there.
places to go, sights to see
Mayarene Rose (Paradise_of_Mary_Jane)
This is what Yuuri knows: There is a giant green monster blob, a man with a blue box, and a planet called Barcelona. Also there’s time travel.
(“Time and Relative Dimension in Space,” the Doctor had proudly explained which made absolutely no sense. But then, nothing in the past hour had made any kind of sense so Yuuri’s willing to go with it.
It’s probably not a dream.  Probably.)
Boof? Boof.
Makkachin tells us on how Viktuuri sexy times go down.
WARNING: EXTREMELY explicit. Don’t read unless you want to nut your intestines out.
Soft Things
Yuri dresses up, with a little help.
Always Looking Out for You
Mari walks over to the closet to start getting things out. She reaches for a box up on a shelf and she begins to pull it toward her. Once it slides off the edge, some sheets of paper slip off the shelf from underneath the box and drift to the floor. Mari laughs as she sees the familiar Viktor posters land on the floor. “I was wondering where those went.”
~~~ Or Mari helps Yuuri pack up his room as he gets ready to move to St. Petersburg to be with Viktor.
love is blind(folded)
It’s the day of Viktor and Yuuri’s wedding.
Everything looks perfect. The decorations are perfect, every single visitor looks stunning, and Phichit is certain Yuuri will look absolutely breathtaking when those big doors at the end of the hall open.
There’s just one problem, and unfortunately, it’s a big one.
The groom, Viktor Nikiforov? The five time world champion? The Living Legend? The most decorated men’s figure skater in history?
Yeah, he looks downright ridiculous.
(Or the time where Phichit thought Viktor wanted to hurt Yuuri when all Viktor wanted to do was hurt himself with Yuuri’s beauty.)
My Favorite Shape
Isabella has never doubted Yuri Plisetsky’s animal magnetism.
“It’s almost like a marriage proposal,” Viktoria says, and the thing is—the thing is, if Viktoria wanted it to be, Yuri would make it one. If Viktoria had asked, “Is that a marriage proposal?” Yuri would have unhesitatingly said yes. She would have lowered herself onto a knee before Viktoria in Fukuoka Airport, the officially certified least romantic place in the world, and said Viktoria Konstantinovna Nikiforova, please—please—
(Yuri doesn’t know if Viktoria will stay. She wants her to. She wants her to want to. But she doesn’t want to be the only thing holding Viktoria here. Life for Yuri Katsuki is, as always, Hard.)
Now Mila turns to look at her, blue eyes open and bright. She offers the cigarette back, pinched between two fingertips lacquered red as her lips, and quirks a smile, sarcastic and knowing. “You mean you don’t support your brother no matter what?”
“Hmph,” Mari snorts, and takes the cigarette back.
Situation Status: Possibly Awesome
It’s early in the season, his first year competing in the Grand Prix as a senior, and Kenji is in a Situation.
We’ll Always Have Paris
Lilia recognized her, of course.
The Struggles of Living with Viktor Nikiforov
Yuuri had imagined life with Viktor in St. Petersburg as being a perfect blur of snuggles and laughter and kisses. And while he was right, he wasn’t quite prepared for the frustration that comes right along with the happiness when you first make a home with your partner. This one-shot is made up of a trio of short stories I couldn’t resist writing out. Enjoy!~
Blades of a Ballet Dancer
When word gets out that Yuuri helped create his record breaking routine Yuri On Ice, the world wants to know if he thinks he could do solo work. Yuuri says no, everyone else disagrees. Obviously, everyone else is a traitor.
Part of Yuuri Week 2017 Day 4- [Theme: On Ice]
Strut For Me
“Darling, as your coach and choreographer it is also my job to make sure you get the exposure you deserve!” Or, there were aspects of being a world champion figure skater Yuuri was not prepared for. At all.
Part of Yuuri Week 2017 Day 5- [Theme: Eros]
Tweet tweet - Yuuri Week Day 7
In which Yuuri should never be left alone with a full bottle of vodka and a fully charged phone
[Player] is Suffering From Thirst. [Player] is Well Again.
“Tell him you’re a blacksmith, Yuuri, tell him you’re good with your hands.”
“…but I’m not a blacksmith?” Phichit is a blacksmith. Yuuri used to make saddles and gaze longingly at daguerreotypes of men wearing the newest shirt collar designs. Now he gazes longingly at Russian immigrants. Maybe he’ll see Nikiforov wearing a new shirt at the next Fort. Maybe he’ll drown at a river crossing first.
Who’s to say?
Crop Top Distraction
When Yuuri, Phichit, Victor, and Yurio take a vacation to an all-inclusive resort, Victor’s and Yurio’s fans begin to monopolize their time. Even though Yuuri is understanding, he easily goes along with Phichit’s plan to regain Victor’s attention. These dorks fall in pools over each other. Yuuri is in a crop top, Phichit is in a crop top. Victor is lucky to be alive.
This is part of YuuriWeek and the amazing art is thanks to my insanely talented friend Magical-Mistral please go give this artist some love and watch for our future collabs!!
not in service
PuggleFiclets (Pugglemuggle)
“You know what they say…” Yuri replies. “If you crack the ice once, you better be ready to shatter the whole motherfucking pond.” In a dictatorship dominated by the International Skating Union, Yuri was bound to end up in prison sooner or later. He isn’t planning to stay there, though. No—Yuri’s got bigger plans.
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bellaloona · 4 years
My Top 19 K-Pop songs of 2019
(No one asked, but I’ll tell you anyway :) )
19. LOL - Taeyeon: I waited so long for Taeyeon’s new solo album to come out because her solo work has always really resonated with me, and I love the vibe she went for for Purpose. This is my favorite song from the album (along with Love You Like Crazy) because I love how soft the “ha, ha, ha” part in the prechorus is before louder, dramatic, sassy chorus comes in. It’s like an evil character’s song in a movie. 18. The Fifth Season (SSFWL) - Oh My Girl: It just sounds so pretty. Oh My Girl always sounds so pretty but something about this title track takes off when that chorus hits and makes you feel like you’re flying away in the true, whimsical, Oh My Girl fashion. They release nothing but good music, always. 17. Valkyrie - ONEUS: My favorite debut this year! Fun fact, Hwanwoong was my original one-pick in Produce 101 Season 2 and I was pissed he got eliminated so early and I was waiting for his debut ever since. Honestly, all of ONEUS’s stuff is pretty solid but this song is my favorite from them and definitely gave them a different sound than a lot of k-pop groups at the moment. Love the dance, love the guitar in the minimalistic part of the chorus into the EDM drop, and love my little man Hwanwoong :) 16. Baby You Are - EXO: This album took so long to come out that a lot of other groups caught my attention during the year and I wasn’t as hyped for their comeback as I usually would be, but immediately on first listen, this was my favorite song. ChanKai leading the chorus *chefs kiss*  and I love the groovy vibe they went for and how this album went from intense songs to these lighter songs to the ballads.  15. Fun! - fromis_9: Exactly what you’d expect from the title of the song. They all looked great, sounded great, the choreo is cute, and I adore the spunky sound. The music video is really cheeky too! 14. Chronosaurus - Stray Kids: I was really unsure whether I would like Stray Kids because something about their debut stuff didn’t vibe with me at first but them Miroh came out and I was like oh??? And then I listened to this mini album and I was like OH???? THAT CHORUS! anyway we stan now 13. Dumb - BVNDIT: I was not expecting to like this song! I wasn’t the biggest fan of their debut because I was worried that they were going to have this group do the exact same style as Chungha, and while this comeback still has some of those vibes, I think the edginess of this song made it stand out to me. The choreography is one of my faves this year, simple and elegant at the same time and the girl that starts the second verse (Yiyeon?) has such a stunning vocal tone that really caught my attention. 12. Bing Bing - Red Velvet: not Red Velvet’s strongest year but this song and Parade stood out to me because it has that wacky classic “red” style that I like. The live performance is what pushed this song ahead of Parade for me, because they all look so sassy and confident and their runways walks ended ANTM’s career. 11. Happy Ending (JPN ver.) - Seventeen: is technically not a Korean song, and I know there’s a Korean version to it, but I’ve listened to this way too much for me not to include it. This song and Hit have my favorite choreographies of the year but I prefer how laid-back and acoustic parts of this song are despite how hard this dance goes. 10. Icy - ITZY: I wish I had just an ounce of the confidence these girls exude, especially Yuna when she gets her center time. Everything about this song is so strange yet done so right, and ITZY gets bonus points for being choreographed by my favorite choreographer on Youtube at the moment, Brian Friedman. 9. Lion - (G)I-DLE: I don’t want to like (G)I-DLE, because I hate how their concept is just cultural appropriation and the girls think it’s okay to use other cultures as an aesthetic or a costume they can put on whenever they want, and call it something like “ethnic hip.” But credit where credit is due, this group puts out some of the most creative, best quality music out there right now and Soyeon sure knows how to write a song. The power this song exudes.... amazing. Special shout-out to Blow Your Mind and Put it Straight from the Senorita album as well! 8. Spring Snow - Pentagon: Kino just knows what kind of music I like, and it is unfair that his song in every album is my favorite but here we are. This song just makes me feel endlessly happy, like the ending theme of a coming of age movie? They’re another group that put out nothing but quality music all year, and I also want to mention Sha La La which I feel deserved more love than it ever got. @ cube bring back Yanan please thank you 7. Highway to Heaven (Korean ver.) - NCT: I think I mentioned this in my concert recap but everyone was looking forward to Superhuman when the VCR for this song came out I immediately knew it was my new favorite NCT song.The MVs (for both versions actually!) are so simple and pretty and the song is so hopeful (in Korean......) and Haechan finally got his deserved high note, bless this song 6. We Must Love - ONF: my fatal mistake is not discovering ONF sooner, and it is also the mistake of literally everyone else who has not heard of them. because their viewcount is so LOW The melody in this song is so pretty and so dramatic and I LOVE THEIR MAIN VOCAL??? also this song made me fall in love with Laun literally 2 months before he left but I digress-- 5. LALALAY - Sunmi: I got so excited about this song that I learned the dance within the first week and that’s dedication right there. I love a good Lia Kim choreo, and I love the attitude and the energy Sunmi exuded. Also the stage outfits and makeup 11/10. 4. Devil - CLC: I want to put every song CLC put out this year on this list but I have no space so I picked my favorite. While I like CLC when they decide to go badass, I have a soft spot in my heart for songs like Pepe and No Oh Oh so having them give us that retro sound again was really refreshing. Sorn got lines! This was also another song I immediately learned the dance to. This was their BEST year by far and I’m looking forward to their album (hopefully, I’m tired of minis and singles) 3. You Calling My Name - GOT7: In all honesty, I haven’t fully liked a GOT7 comeback since 2015 (If You Do <3) which I feel awful about because they were one of the first songs I got into when I started liking k-pop that year. I kept up with their variety work and still liked the members and was waiting for another title track to catch my attention again and this one punched me in the face. I’ve listened to this song every day since it came out. Styling, on point, production, on point, and especially the CHOREO is on point. also jinyoung.....is very powerful..... 2. Rooftop - N.flying: I’M SO HAPPY FOR THEM!! I grew really attached to this group after subscribing to Jaehyun and Hun’s youtube channel (2idiots, best content out there lol) and I’ve been waiting for their big break because they’re all so nice and work so hard and it finally came! It amazes me how big this song got in Korea, and it’s so refreshing to hear. Hweseung’s vocals, ugghhhhh <3 1. DAY6′s entire discography Wanna Go Back - DAY6: wow I’m incredibly predictable aren’t I. I’ve been incredibly stressed with studying this year, and most kpop is too distracting for me to listen to while doing school work, but DAY6′s music has been really comforting and helping me to stay focused, which makes them my most listened to artist of the year. I struggled to pick a favorite song because they all are, but I settled on Wanna Go Back because it’s one of the only songs I know of that have made me cry on first listen. The lyrics hit too close to home, and it’s really meaningful to me that they put into words so eloquently.
Honorable mentions - %% - APINK, Hala Hala - ATEEZ, Satellite - LOONA, Colors - LOONA, Violeta - IZ*ONE, Mikrokosmos - BTS, Boy With Luv - BTS, Bloom Bloom - The Boyz, Picky Picky - Weki Meki, Movie Star (and the entire album that came with it) - CIX, 119 - NCT Dream, Bbyong! - Saturday, Blueming - IU, What Are You Waiting For - Anda, Get Loud -TWICE, Fancy - TWICE, Love Foolish - TWICE, Breakthrough (JPN ver.) -TWICE
In general, while I don’t think this is musically the strongest year for kpop, I feel like a lot of groups released music that was more true to their authentic selves and a lot of the songs that stood out to me are songs that just make me happy. As someone who loves kpop dances, the choreo this year was also impeccable. Here’s to more great music to come, and I hope everyone takes care of themselves into the new year!
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