#and his newest post is literally him not understanding the meme hes posting is making fun of him
mx-paint · 1 year
The conservatives on here are different from the conservatives elsewhere for many reasons including but not limited to why they would choose this website as The website to post trumps boots and how they like to lick them
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Velvet and Veneer headcannons cause I saw an edit of them on tiktok and i have wanted to do this for ages so- 💚
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Veneer is actually a few years younger than Velvet, the just pose as twins to be even more unique and because of their similarities (Veneer totally didn’t want them to think he’s a baby-🤭)
so technically, I think Velvet is 19 and Veneer is 16 (which is why he acts a bit childish and follows velvet around a lot)
velvet is a Scorpio making her birthday October 24th, and Veneer is a Taurus so his birthday is April 28th
velvet was really protective of veneer as a kid, but it went down the controlling road
veneer is gay (you can’t change my mind)
veneer can actually sing, which is why he used way less troll than velvet did (I can’t remember the movie but I feel like he used Floyd like 1 time 😭 I remember velvet going wild with it tho)
velvets favourite cake flavour is red velvet (lol)
veneer is a Ariana grande fangirl - he’s on her twitter can accounts, on her subreddits, literally made posts insulting people who said someone is better than her, etc
velvet grew up having a crush on Robert pattinson and Tom Felton lol
velvet LOVES Selena Gomez
veneer was a icarly child - he knows the theme song off by heart
velvet watches keeping up with the kardashians
the both watch love island lol
veneer is a just dance child
their last name is faux 💀 (Velvet Diana Faux, Veneer Louis Faux)
veneer sleeps with 100 plushies on his bed (most of them are childhood ones)
veneer has that fear of letting something go, which is why he has all his childhood toys still (I have this too)
velvet got kicked out of her school because she kept skipping lessons
velvet grew up wearing wedges so she never doesn’t wear heels
velvets nicknames for veneer: ven, bro, baby bro, beautiful idiot, goody two shoes (when they were younger)
veneers nicknames for velvet: vels, sis, hun, love
veneer has a crush on harley Quinn lol
velvet was favourited by their parents as kids
velvet is always on the newest tiktok trends, she does them instantly (most of the time she makes the trends lol)
veneer had a wattpad account as a kid and wrote the cutest but cringiest stories ever
veneer is autistic since he struggles understanding sarcasm, he repeats actions a lot, he finds it hard to say how he feels, etc (I’m not autistic even tho my friends think I am so I am so sorry if I have anything offensive or not true here)
velvet has a purple lambo and veneers lambo is green
veneer was such a goody two shoes as a kid
velvet was not happy when veneer was born cuz she thought she was being replaced and wouldn’t be the favourite anymore - but she loved veneer as soon as she, in her exact words: met him
veneer is dating kid ritz
velvet is single - she thinks she’s too good for anyone lol
veneers Disney plus profile pic is Kermit the frog and velvets is maleficent
velvet as a meme:
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veneer as a meme:
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veneers fav movie is shrek 2
velvets fav movie is the hunger games catching fire
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weebsinstash · 2 years
elon: im buying twitter because libs are stealing away our fReEdOm Of SpEeCh by banning literal nazis and politicians inciting hate crimes and anti-democracy rhetoric
elon, a month later: banning reporters I don't like from my own platform seems pretty innocuous to me
How is this actual bozo one of the most powerful people in the world. We are in the wacky timeline
Im gonna pop my reply under a readmore just because i know certain topics can get people heated and if people wanna scroll passed and chill, that's their choice, some of us are just trying to nut and don't wanna read about social issues or politics
But oh my god do i have options on this creature
honestly i hope this whole thing helps people wake up to the fact that Elon Musk and a lot of these extremely wealthy people in general literally buy their way into every conversation. He is not some genius. He is not an innovator. He cannot even choose competent women to dump his disgusting seed into. How the fuck do you have a child with Grimes, watch her post on social media that she wasn't aware you have to teach babies words and that "oh I thought he would just pick it up", which is also a sign that this baby is probably with a nanny almost 24/7, and then impregnate her AGAIN? The stupid meme name bullshit for his newest children that he thinks is cute and funny that is humiliating his kids before they can even understand speech? Does anyone else remember how years ago Azaelia Banks posted that Instagram story accusing Grimes of luring her into her home under the pretense of recording an album as a front to have sex with her and Elon because she was openly bisexual? What about how his first wife said that when they lost her son that Elon was abusive and would tell her not to openly cry because he considered it emotionally manipulative? Soulless.
Maybe we could talk about how Elon is so fucking stupid that he isnt even mildly researching laws before he makes any decisions because he's in it for profit and thinks he can just pay a fine and get things thrown out. Perfect example? Him saying he'll buy Twitter forced him to buy Twitter because just him posting that massively manipulated the stock value of multiple companies and he has already been in trouble with the FTC for manipulating his Tesla shares before, like if he did not buy Twitter he could have gone to jail for saying he would and then not doing it, that's how hugely he affected stock values by his clowning around. Him firing all those people without notice? Yeeeeeah that actually isn't legal in the EU and everyone he "fired" is still legally employed and he is now going to get into massive MASSIVE fucking trouble because he essentially stole the wages and income from like thousands of people? Or how about how he is going to be investigated for breaking the EU's GDPR laws which clearly and explicitly ban companies like Twitter from selling user data besides from America, and Elon is suspected of selling the data of non American users on a website where even foreign governments have accounts? Uhhhh like the potential for an international scandal because of this fucking man?
Even if the governments don't get him i think his fellow rich people just might. Him and his stupid verified check bullshit cost so many companies MILLIONS when people starting jokingly impersonating official companies. I would legitimately not be surprised if the man who made the fake "insulin is now free" tweet goes missing or ""commits suicide""
Speaking of didn't Elon make some sort of post a while back about how "oh if i ever commit suicide it was actually murder" kind of thing. He probably was trying to rile up his base and act like it's the radical far left but what I actually think is that he could get Epstein'd because now he's fucking with other rich people's profits
Really really cannot overstate how much trouble this absolute fucking clown is in. Should I call the victory early and say he's ruined his life and hopefully will be in prison within the next decade? Because now he's going to have MULTIPLE GOVERNMENTS right up his ass, and that may eventually cascade into, you know, investigations on how he was probably involved in the political coup in Bolivia where militia overthrew the president who wanted to privatize lithium, and also to directly continue to that point, maybe we will find out exactly how close of friends Elon Musk is with the Pentagon since Starlink and SpaceX were always intended to be used for military applications.
It really is all just money isn't it? He's rich and does shit that directly benefits the rich and they all cover for each other. Y'all even know how many people have gone to prison for manipulating their shares and here's Elon "i changed the value of tesla shares to 4.20 because ha ha weed am I right and all I had to do was pay a fine that was pocket change to me" Musk. I'm out here with my mom paying 1350+115 for a shitty two bedroom and garage and then we have someone reselling his family's slavery emeralds to Tiffany and Co and realizing "oh hey look at how much money we can make massively overpricing these"
Also I guess this is kind of a petty point but I think we should stop referring to him as South African when, if you look at the history of South Africa, the recency of apartheid, and how many of those things are still directly affecting modern life, the most appropriate term to use for Elon is Afrikaner. Not only is it correct but like, uh, the term is culturally used with contempt down there from my understanding. Elon has always directly benefitted from slavery and was born during apartheid, like the man was literally born in a country where his race was imposing a racist segregation on the population like, QUITE LITERALLY BORN WITH A SILVER BLOOD-EMERALD ENCRUSTED SPOON IN HIS MOUTH
I hate him. Like legitimately I think he is such a horrifying icon of the still ever present threat and chokehold of white supremacy/slavery and the dominance and power of the extremely wealthy. Like you wanna talk about wealthy men causing global harm because their feelings were hurt, take a second to Google "Jamal Khashoggi gas inflation". Men like Elon who have untethered freedom and income are dangerous to our entire fucking planet, yes I am being serious. I'm still horrified of the stories of the chimpanzees that were being tested by the neuralink brain implant prototypes who literally beat their heads into the walls and were violent and uncontrollable and some even died of massive infections from just the procedures to implant the chips and he wants to PUT THOSE IN HUMANS? Not even to touch on the cyberpunk dystopia of wanting to try and fully control thoughts and emotions and optimize productivity like we're robots
You want to go to Mars? Try going to prison first. Absolute freak. Freakish moronic choad of an uncharismatic unfuckable unlikable like a cop to a frat party pseudointellectual scum sucking pig. Eat paint.
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incarnateirony · 8 months
awwww bitch thinks she can meme things away by pretending she's now a hellenist instead of "eclectic", a word also stolen from me at the time about fifteen years ago before I had a word. One of us grew. Guess which one.
The meme won't save you any more than the other memes saved you. In fact each one's more of like, a way to tally off how unseriously you've been taking him. When you goddamn know better. And this in not a situation he appreciates the humor.
Really, girl, I know you want to win. I know you have all of your pride sunken in your false alias, to your plagiarized god, and copied channeling, and stolen words, and jokes you've used again and again because you lack the mind that generated them to make new ones. I know you put money into registering an EIN of a name that did not belong to you, which could actually get you sued, and will if you aren't dead by September. If you're wondering why it's such a very specific date, Iunno, figure it out.
You've put months, years even, into lying to your current cult. I can only imagine the depths to which you're abridging history going "nonono, not this, it's uh," for your newest pile of lies. So no, you don't want to let go your game. You want to "look up" "your" deity, years late, too late, after charging, after stealing, because he still can't tell you what the fuck hermeticism is. Because he's a lie in your head, stolen as a copy of me. Lies, and lies, and lies. Fake. Fake, scamming, con artist witch playing copycat pretend and "belief". Specifically thinking "I'll be funny for my four people who haven't run for the hills yet" and making a joke about googling... EXPLICITLY AFTER I TOLD YOU HANDS OFF THE KEYBOARD, NO GOOGLING, THAT'S NOT FUCKING CHANNELING YOU CHEAP WHORE. WHAT IS HERMETICISM.
But are they gonna save you? Are your memes and jokes gonna help? Or is this you admitting you know you've never had anything so you're just gonna polka dance in profanity to prove it to yourself? If you can't have it, it must not be true?
Who keeps your mother's heart beating, Shealyn. Keep. Fucking. Around.
I'm half wondering if this is intentional Suicide By God. Like Suicide By Cop, but way more eternal. She never really did like her mom that much deep down. I'm guessing she just flat doesn't care and knows who will go before she does.
Fucking obsessed ass fake ass crazy bitch doing some goddamn skinwalker horse shit and charging people for it knowing full goddamn well she doesn't know a thing, she knows it and she doesn't care, she will do it anyway and use his name and other people's stories for it. She doesn't care. That's the wildest thing. She does not care. When people start dying, she'll blame the god too, and he'll be a demon. We've seen this circus before with Czar when he did similar shit, and she laughed at him then, but I guess that fell into her brain damage memory hole. The same one she's been putting the current week long divine experience in pretending she can't see it. Because she ain't seen one in a LONG fuckin time and she's fucking confused. The roleplay is supposed to stop when she taps out. Why Past Lives starts trending the day I'm posting Vesuvius? Oh, nothing. That's. That's fine. You're perfectly fine Shea. Everything is going to be fine. :)
Meanwhile I have literal randos crawling into my DMs asking vaguely if they understand what is going on correctly, and they have the shape of it, so how in the fuck are you charging if you can't figure it out? maybe my randos should be charging.
Go on, yeah, it's a game. You can keep doing this. You're even more important to him than his brother, even if you've hurt his brother on every plane before and were only held back by that brother from being annihilated before, and that brother has told him to stop holding back, because you won't. Yeah, you're perfectly fine inviting him into your house. You are the Pickest Me girl, and he will definitely Pick You. It's totally fine. Here's that motherfucking ATTENTION YOU ORDERED. OH, YOU DON'T LIKE IT NOW? FUCKING WEIRD. CONTINUE ON BEING VERY BALANCED WITH YOUR APPARENTLY FRESHLY DEVELOPED HABIT OF RIPPING HAIR OUT OF YOUR HEAD, LET'S SEE WHAT YOU SHAVE NEXT.
We, the three of us--myself, [redacted name], and the god you're blaspheming--none of us consent to your plagiarization of that joke, which you've also done incorrectly. Because you're fake, and so fucking retarded you can't see the origin of Rumpocky in the videos I'm posting before it became an available flow word for *ME*--MY story, MY life. NOT YOURS TO TAKE AND PICK THROUGH FOR INSPIRATION TO SOUND VAGUELY INTERESTING ON YOUR BLOG, FIND A WAY TO BE INTERESTING BY YOURSELF THEN MAYBE A GOD WILL ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION TO YOU. None of us consent. Do you know what happens when you start crossing consent? Well apparently you start pulling your hair out and shaving things but that's a weird start, but it always ends the same. But sure post another infographic showing you how bad you'll get or whatever and just keep pulling, just keep pulling /dory
Kinda like some threads that were sewn back together about five years ago.
Pick pick pick.
0 notes
multifandomimagin3s · 5 years
Babies - Mortal Kombat Preference
Johnny Cage
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Johnny didn’t really know how Cassie would react when she found out you were expecting a baby – his baby. He knew his daughter had always hoped that her parents would get back together, like they were when she was little, but seemed to slowly warm up to the prospect of her Dad re-marrying.
But as soon as she saw that little face, she – like everyone else who encountered the little one – were completely in love.
He may have cried a little – a lottle – when he held them for the first time, but will most likely deny that; “Nah, there was just - something in my eye.”
When it came to deciding baby names, he had his heart set on Johnny Jnr, for a boy. As for girl names, he was a lot more flexible.
Surprised you with a mini version of one of his ‘JC’ tracksuits. As nice as it was, there was no way that your kid would be wearing that…unless he dressed them (he put it on them one day when you were out, and you just didn’t have the heart to take it off.)
Spoils them immensely. As the daughter/son of a famous actor, companies jumped at the opportunity to send you free stuff – the living room was no longer habitable due to the sheer mass of freebies you’d accumulated.
Regardless of whether this is young!Johnny or older!Johnny, I can see him proudly carrying the little one in his arms, no matter who’s company he’s in, because hell yeah you guys made a cute baby!
But if anyone gets too close for his liking – whether that be the paparazzi, or someone more sinister – he’d quickly shield them away from prying eyes. He flat out refuses to divulge too much information to the press because the last thing he wants is for you to be bombarded.
Erron Black
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Holy shit. Holy shit. It has literally just sunk in that he’s a Father, and he’s shook.
Can’t stop staring at their little, peaceful face. It’s clear who their parents are, even without having to take a second look – they have the perfect blend of your features mixed with his. They’re the most precious thing he’s ever seen.
Once they fall asleep in his arms, that’s him for the night. He’ll try not to move too much because he doesn’t want to want them up.
He’d make a solemn vow to be a good Dad. He didn’t have a good relationship with his parents and refuses to follow in their footsteps.
I think he’d be a lot more conscientious of the jobs he’d take; he must think not only of himself and you, but also of little Black-(Y/L/N). He would try not to stray too far from you both if anything should happen. If you don’t know how to defend yourself already, he’d insist that you learn – he’d probably teach you himself.
He’s not too fussed about names, providing it’s not a name he deems ‘stupid.’
He struggles to be soft – doesn’t do baby talk, since it makes him feel stupid, but he’ll have a much softer tone to his words. That paired with his accent makes your heart melt, and your baby clearly loves it too (who wouldn’t.)
The Black Dragon will never know of his child’s existence. Ever. He’ll be damned if they get dragged into that shitshow. Kano will never meet them, nor will any other member of the gang.
His guns are either kept on him, or out of reach, for obvious reasons. When they’re old enough he’ll teach them how to shoot, but until then – no touchy.
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The world around him seems to screech to a halt , as soon as he sees that little face poking out from the blankets. It’s as if everything has come to a standstill, and there’s only you, the baby and himself in the world.
When they grab his finger in their tiny hand his heart just melts. When they coo at him, his eyes go all misty and soft and it’s adorable.
Insists that their name begin with a ‘K’ to mirror his own.
Like Erron, he’d make sure that Kano the Piss Goblin will never know that the baby exists. Whether that means he’ll have to leave the Black Dragon, potentially having to change his name as well as taking you and the baby as far away from them as possible – he’d do it in a heartbeat.
I think he’s a man who loves his Mom dearly, so of course he’d want her to see her Grandchild. She’s just as taken with them as he is and pulls you both into a congratulatory hug. She probably will knit them stuff such as baby socks, or little blankies with their name on it, which never cease to warm your heart.
He loves it when they fall asleep on his chest. There is nothing in this world that he loves more than having you tucked into his side with your little baby sprawled out across his chest, snoring away.
Even though they probably can’t grasp concepts other than food and who their parents are, he’ll watch movies with them, pointing out the good ones and the bad ones. He won’t even subject them to the Ninja Mime franchise, but just shows them the DVD cases like “These are the ones that Daddy hates, when you get older you’ll understand why…”
Pre-Burn or Post-Burn, he’d love them unconditionally. Post-Burn would be anxious that his mask and or appearance would scare them, but when they smile their gummy smile at him all that worry just dissolves.
 Hanzo Hasashi
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This isn’t his first rodeo, so he’s very helpful during labour. There’s something sadly reminiscent of his previous experience which means he might need to talk a walk during, but he’s there for you.
Tries not to cry when he sees the baby – fails miserably.
Holds them to his chest, pressing soft kisses to their fuzzy head, whispering in his native tongue. You don’t really know what he’s saying but judging by the misty look in his eyes and how much love is pouring out of him, it was clearly something beautiful.
To him, this is the promise of a fresh start. He’ll not let history repeat itself and will protect both you and his child to the ends of the Earth.
Their baby clothes are mostly the typical colours – cream, mixed with shades of baby blue and or pink. However, Shirai Ryu colours will slowly mix in with this, but you don’t mind that much – the little yellow baby-grow is gorgeous.
The only people who know of the baby’s existence are yourself (obviously), Kuai, Takeda, Jacqui and Cassie – Johnny knows too but only because Cassie told him.
Tries to be the strict parent but he’s a softie at heart. Unless they do something outlandish, there is virtually no discipline in the house.
If their first word is ‘Dada’, he’ll be in awe. Grandmaster Grumpy Face has a heart but only for the select few.
 Kuai Liang
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He’s composed on the outside, screaming on the inside. It’s a good thing that Hanzo happened to be around when you went into labour, otherwise he would be essentially lost.
He sits outside the waiting room with Bi-Han and Hanzo, trying to not panic at the sounds of your pain – he got sent out by the nurse because he looked ready to pass out, the poor soul.
Rushes through the door as soon as he hears the baby cry.
Holds them in his arms – he can’t stop looking at them, they’re so perfect. Bi-Han claps him on the back, congratulating his brother, as well as you. Hanzo looks over you and Kuai with a look that’s reminiscent and vaguely emotional.
Doesn’t want everyone to know about the newest addition to your family. Hanzo and Bi-Han are the first to know since they were there, but other than that there are few who know.
Has no problem with doing the late-night/early-morning feeds. As Grandmaster, he’s up early every morning, so this doesn’t change his routine much; plus, it lets you sleep more so win-win.
His cool body-temperature is calming for the little one – Cryomancy genetics and all that jazz – so more often than not, they’ll crash out in his arms. These are the some of the moments he loves dearly, their little chubby face smushed against his shoulder, sleeping peacefully.
The embodiment of the ‘Don’t speak to me or my son again’ meme. Johnny has been warned on countless occasions that if he swears around the baby or tries to share his bad influence with them, he’ll get his ass kicked.
If the babies’ first word is either a curse word, or some variation of ‘Blueberry Ice’, Johnny’s getting frostbite.
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Everything needs to be in shades of blue – he put his foot down on that detail. The baby would most likely be a Cryomancer, so it’s important that they rep the Lin Kuei colours.
He’d probably be hoping for a son – ‘cause tradition and all that jazz – to carry on his legacy, but if he had a daughter he would be wrapped around her little finger.
I could see him rocking one of those baby carriers whilst simultaneously teaching. No-one questions him, since he’s the Grandmaster – plus the baby is adorable, so there’s very little confliction.
Thinks up cute snow / ice / cold related nicknames for the little one, which probably will evolve into their code-name when they get older. He still calls Kuai ‘Tundra’ when they’re not in front of their students, so that playful nature is still there under that stern façade.
Doesn’t want to shove the fact that his kid is angelic in people’s faces but – look at his angel baby. Look at them! They are perfect! Those eyes! That little button nose! But don’t touch the baby. He will cut a bitch.
“Let’s go see Uncle Kuai”
Uncle Kuai has little to no experience with babies but he’s gotta learn! He’s only ever met young Lin Kuei members when they were just exiting the toddler stage, so seeing a baby this small makes him a bit more cautious.
The sight of you with the baby makes him feel at home. And he’ll probably want another…
  Kung Lao
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For all his confidence during your pregnancy, this man is basically hopeless when you go into labour. Like, he tries to be as supportive as he can be, but he’s white as a sheet and looks as if he’ll faint at any given moment.
He’s very gentle when he holds them for the first time, as if he’s scared that he’ll break them. He remembers holding Jin when he was an infant, so the experience isn’t knew to him, but knowing that the baby in his arms is his – it blows his mind.
He manages not to cry until they open their little eyes, peering up at him in wonder. Then he almost sobs.
From day one, he’s the Over-protective Parent. Upon learning about his fate in the Coliseum, he’ll maintain a watchful eye over your baby, at all times. He’s taken them to class a couple of times, which granted him a few stares but otherwise was unmentioned – they were just grateful he went…
Keeps his hat out of there reach – his worst nightmare is that they cut their little hands on the blade.
He’ll probably want his name incorporated in their’s. If it’s a boy, he’ll want to name them after him to keep with tradition, but if it’s a girl he’ll be happy with it as a middle-name.
Isn’t the biggest fan of having other people hold them; the only people to have had the go ahead, other than those within the temple, are Raiden and Cassie. He’s constantly afraid that they’ll drop the baby, and so would rather hold them and let the person fawn over them that way.
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rkin413 · 5 years
Random Disconnected Miraculous Ladybug Headcanons:
As mentioned in a Sleeper Miraculous post, Markov can transform with Max (or anyone else, technically) if Max is in physical contact with him at the start of the transformation. This includes things like being held in one or both hands, being cradled in his arms, lying on his head...
Markov doesn’t gain access to the special power whatever Kwami is used grants when this happens, but he can fly a lot faster and won’t so much as crack if he’s sledgehammer’d into a street. No breaking the bot!
Additionally, Markov can transform on his own. He (obviously) can gain access to the special power in question if he does this.
Trixx and Xuppu have a major prank rivalry going on. No one knows when it started. Everyone fears it. Heaven help Alya and Kim post-reveal if they ever hang out together for some reason. It’s so intense that literally no one knows if they’re best friends or if they frickin’ hate each other. The sheer destructive chaos they can wreak when together terrifies everyone except for Plagg, who watches their every exchange cackling and eating popcorn.
As Adrien found out the hard way, it’s not actually popcorn. It’s cheese. Plagg refused to tell anyone how he got popcorn-shaped cheese.
Sabine doesn’t know marital arts. She does, however, watch martial arts movies, and isn’t afraid to mimic them.
Emile was the one who hired The Gorrila, and he’s been watching over Adrien since he was an itty-bitty.
Tom, Sabine, and The Gorilla all know who Ladybug and Chat Noir are. This somehow led to them having video-chat poker nights online every month where they talk about how stressful yet pride-inducing this is.
Tom and Sabine both had to learn sign-language for this, since The Gorilla is mute. Don’t ask me how he plays poker and signs at the same time.
If a Miraculous Wielder is akumatized, they probably won’t give out their identity, or those of others. Actually, no one would give out anyone’s identities, at least not without prompting.
“WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE ____ / KNEW WHO _____ WAS?!” “You didn’t ask???”
Marinette+Kim+Nino were really close friends in elementary school, but drifted apart several years prior to the start of the show. Yes, I’m aware that that isn’t a very original headcanon.
Marinette’s crazy thing with schedule’s started because somebody needed to keep track of Kim’s schedule. Around the time of the show, he’s cut down to playing/having lessons in four. (Swimming, lacrosse, basketball, & soccer) Marinette used to think he was insane for keeping himself so busy. Now she’s just thankful for the time management practice, because her chronic lateness to everything would be 1000x worse without it.
Marinette has everyone’s schedule memorized, not just Adrien’s. It’s all stuff that’s been mentioned to/in front of her, so as far as she’s concerned she’s not invading anyone’s privacy.
This has however led to a few awkward and/or amusing mix-ups where she’s confused what things some people were doing. Including when the times conflict.
“Alya, hurry, we promised to meet up with Nathanial to get the newest game and if we’re late he’ll go to the gym without waiting for us!” “...uh?”
Kim helped Max practice for the big video game tournament. His record for how long he lasted in any match was about 45 seconds.
Before they drifted apart, Nino tried to confess his crush to Marinette (he was about nine-ish at the time), and the first part of his plan was to share earbuds with his new iPod. Unfortunately, Kim got involved with an ill-timed prank on the two of them with a bucket of water while they were listening. Nino still gives him grief about ‘killing his iPod.’
“It was like five years ago Lahiffe! Let it go!” “NEVER!”
^ This conversation is basically a running gag/inside joke between the two of them at this point, with only Marinette understanding it.
Nino and Kim both claim to still have scars from when smol!Marinette forced them to be clothing dummies when she was just starting out in the realm of fashion. These claims are absolutely untrue, and absolutely drive Marinette insane. This is largely the reason they (okay it’s mostly Kim) still do it.
Rose never quite left her princess phase, and has multiple castle dollhouses in her room. 
Marinette once made her a poofy princess dress for Secret Santa and got glomped with more force than one would expect Rose to be capable of once Rose found out who it was from.
She has also seen every single barbie movie in existence, and could perfectly sing every song from a Disney Animated Movie, no matter how old, down to the last word. The others in class fear her power.
Kagami doesn’t trust Andre the Ice Cream Man after he gave her a combination of orange and mint. Bleh.
Adrien has tried in vain to convince her that he didn’t intentionally give them a terrible tasting combination, that’s just how his cart works, but she thinks that’s a terrible business practice and he’d be out of business if that were the case, and thus doesn’t believe him. (doesn’t Andre make a habit of avoiding possible customers? how is he still in business??)
Max has been going to the same school as Marinette, Nino, and Kim for forever. He didn’t get particularly close to Kim until after the trio drifted apart. He was mostly an observer to their chaos, and has blackmail on all three of them. Not that he would ever use it. Naturally.
Max has been working on Markov for years. For a while Markov couldn’t even talk, it was only a year and a half ago that Max gave him the ability to communicate via text before managing to give him a voice. Max’s parents are mildly scared of his ability. Proud, but scared.
Juleka acts a lot less reserved when she’s just around Rose and/or her family. Not to insane levels, but she’s willing to quote memes and make jokes.
“Juleka once T-posed at me for like half an hour.” *wallops Luka with a pillow* “It was not half an hour!” “My mistake, it was a full hour.” *wallop again* “it wAS TEN SECONDS!”
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prettytoxicrevolver · 5 years
Date Night | Eben Franckewitz
Requested? Yup! I hope you like it :) 
Warnings? Nah 
Word Count: 1,424
“Do we have to go out tonight?” You ask when Eben comes back into the green room. He was just about to go on stage for the night and you two were in the middle of deciding what to do for date night.
“I mean we don’t have to.” He says shrugging his shoulders. “What do you want to do?”
“Have a night in? We could chill on the tour bus and watch movies or something.” You answer while sitting up. Eben sits in front of you and takes your hand in his, playing with your fingers.
“Please?” You ask dragging out the e and when he gives you a half smile you cheer. “You can pick the movies!”
“Sounds good to me.” He says and you smile widely. He leans down to kiss you and just as he straightens back up his name is called to go on stage. The two of you head out of the room and you give Eben one last kiss before he heads up there.
You loved watching Eben perform his heart out every night on stage. Watching him give it his all and his response to the crowds insane energy always made your heart glow. He had come so far and you were so proud of him.
“How was I?” Eben asks as he steps off of stage.
“Amazing.” You say and he pulls you towards him. Every night on tour you always waited on the side of stage for Eben to finish and every night he asked the same question.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He whispers before leaning down and placing a long kiss on your lips. He goes to move away but you’re quicker and you pull him back towards you. The kiss is deeper this time and Eben lifts you off the grown as he pulls your bodies flush together.
“Mmm let’s go back to the tour bus before someone sees us yeah?” He asks and you nod.
After his set is finished, the two of you wait until the boys are on stage and already a few songs in to head back to the tour bus. You decide to make food first, a simple dinner because after singing Eben was usually starving. The two of you sit at the small “dining room” table and talk about the events of the day.
“I’m so glad you’re here with me.” He says setting down his spoon and resting his elbows on the table. You can’t help but blush and smile before reaching out and taking Eben’s hand in yours.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” He smiles and leans forward to peck your lips making you smile into the kiss.
“So. what movie do you want to watch?” You ask as he stands to do the dishes.
“Sandlot?” He asks and you smile widely. The sandlot was one of your favorite childhood movies. You always watched it on snow days as a kid and you haven’t seen it in years so when Eben suggested it you were excited.
You head toward the back of the bus and search around for your movies. Upon finding the small black case filled with your favorites, you picked out the sandlot and placed it into the DVD player. Eben comes back a few minutes later and just as you start it up, he wraps and arm around your waist and leads you to the couch.
You instantly snuggle into Ebens side as his arm comes around your waist and pulls you closer. Nights like this were always your favorite with Eben. Of course the two of you could spend every night going out but nothing beats hanging out in each others arms.
About halfway through the movie, you hear a noise coming from the front of the tour bus. Before either of you can get up to see who it is, the boys come bursting into the back room. They’re talking adamantaly about the show so you pause the movie and wait for them to settle down.
Usually after their set, the boys are always wired for a good half hour to an hour afterwards. They talk about things that happened on stage, how the crowds reacted, experiences meeting fans before the show, the whole nine yards. After getting that much of an adrenaline rush you couldn’t blame them though.
After most of the boys change and talk it all out, they all take seats around you and Eben who haven't moved since they came in.  You also knew that after a show it was useless talking to the boys or having a conversation with others if it wasn’t about the show. It was really the only thing on their minds for awhile. Which was again, understandable.
“What were you two watching?” Jonah asks gesturing to the paused screen.
“The Sandlot.” You respond. “It was a date night until you clowns interrupted.”
“Ouch.” Zach mutters and you smile and nudge him. As cheesy as it was the boys had become like family to you and you acted just like it.
“Babe?” Eben asks and you turn to look up at him. “Look at this.” He holds his phone out to you and you take it.
A video pops up, the new spongebob meme with the caption ‘When it’s 2010 ad you wake up at 3 am in a cold sweat.’ In the background the George Lopez theme song rings out and you lean forward laughing loudly.  
“Oh my god I saw one the other day that reminded me of Zach.” You say whipping out your phone and pulling up twitter. That was the other benefit of being close to the band, their fans were fucking hilarious.
You pull up the video and hand your phone to Eben and watch as he cackles at the meme. You two go back and forth like this, trading phones and making each other laugh with the newest meme for practically an hour.
“Oh god Daniel what did you just tag me in?” You ask when you see the notification at the top of your phone.
“Just go look.”
You click on Daniel’s profile and check out his instagram story. It was a video of you and Eben curled into each other with the caption “they’ve been laughing at videos together for an hour.” While normally you hated being on the boys instagram stories because they always caught you doing the most embarassing stuff, this was kinda sweet.
“You too Jonah?” Eben asks and you lean over to see Eben clicking on Jonah’s instagram story and another video of you and Eben laughing at a video shows up.
“Well if you two weren’t all over each other we wouldn’t post about it.” Daniel jokes and you roll your eyes. The four of you end up taking stupid videos of each other and posting it everywhere.
You got great reactions from the fans and even better embarrassing videos of the boys you could use later on. After taking one last dorky photo of Jonah, you put your phone away and cuddle back into Eben. You watch as he mindlessly scrolls through his phone.
Eventually, you grow tired and your eyes slowly fluttered shut. Just as you’re in between a deep sleep and awake, you hear the boys talking. Well the ones that were still awake.
“Is she asleep?” Zach’s familiar voice questions.
I feel Eben shift to look at me before responding. “Yeah she’s probably tired from the show.” His fingertips lightly brush back my hair before cupping my cheek with his hand.
“You love her don’t you?” Jonah asks and I feel Eben moving again.
“More than anything in this world.”
“And you haven’t told her?” Daniel asks.
“Not yet. I want to make it special ya know?” You desperately wanted to sit up and profess your love to Eben too but knew it’d be better to stay quiet and wait to see what they say.
“I don’t know man. I think she’d be happy with whatever way you tell her.” Jonah adds. “Besides, I’m pretty sure she already knows.” Jonah must have gestured to you cause you feel Eben’s eyes on you again.
Your eyes slowly open and you realize that throughout the conversation you had to started to smile. You look up at Eben and a grin dances across his features.
“I love you.” You whisper and he chuckles quietly. The sort of laugh that meant you were so happy you literally couldn’t contain it.
“I love you too.”
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yiqiie · 6 years
every week, i’ll sit down and watch the newest episode of Idol Producer Season 2 《青春有你》and write down all my thoughts. nothing get’s left out so get ready for a bunch of memes, shit posts and rants as we get through another season of our fave survival show 
feel free to send me any questions to my inbox and i’ll answer them asap!
a/n: sorry this is late! i forgot the episode was released yesterday welp but tbh saturday night is probably gonna be my upload day anyway 
start time: 10:42 am 
my internet is experiencing problems woooooo so this will be interesting 
so many goddamn ads 
wait who’s the team who were playing like instruments and shit??? they sounded AWESOME
oh damn recap of zyx being pissed off 
that chewing gum is actually pretty good ngl 
also the theme song is getting catchier so don’t be surprised if i start liking it 
i still feel so bad for the kids who are sitting out IN THE COLD 
[break while my internet decides if it wants to continue being an asshole]
‘if you’re a rapper, PLEASE LEAVE’ i’m dead 
zhang pd is sighing lmao 
chen si jian leggo 
*awkward silence* 
he’s shaking omfg poor baby 
also minghao is really cute ily i never said it before 
HE WROTE THAT?? oof you got talent boy 
he got a zyx serious nod 
wtf he was so quiet??? and now he’s just rapping the shit out of this song 
oh damn those lyrics 
is it an A? i saw in the description there might be an A today 
i love their suits 
black pearl i’m crying his skin is GORGEOUS 
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zyx and mc jin talking about shi mingze being similar to kris wu 
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he looks like my uncle I SPIT MY WATER OUT LMFAO 
the song was damn good 
mc jin lmfao HIS SOUNDS 
even the trainees know that their bets on other trainees’ grades are probably gonna be wrong lol 
jia yi why are you so fcking cute 
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well their prediction wasn’t wrong they said all of them would be D together 
but :( i really liked their perf 
what a precious bub i shall protect 
stretchy bendy boi
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xu long han uwu 
[pls excuse as my wifi loads again]
i actually love him 
oh jesus this song brings back the memories lmfao 
stretchy bendy boi again woooooo 
we already knew he was F but still ;; 
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6 years as a trainee damn boi 
oh shit 
how is being this good at dancing fair holy goddamn 
[wifi cut off again so guess what i GET TO WATCH THE PERF AGAIN] 
zyx has his serious face on 
wait they just got up from that position WITHOUT THEIR HANDS 
uh oh they ain’t getting As or Bs 
okay i agree with his comments but c’mon they were nervous 
don’t worry babes you have plenty of time to improve! ;;; 
zhou shi yuan oh god i need to remember names 
deep voice holy shit damn 
omg so many vocals today 
okay that sounds weird 
others: :| 
this boi: :O
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omfg he’s a fcking meme too 
[paused while my mother makes me watch a David Attenborough documentary on bamboo] 
vocals damn holy shit 
okay the dancing may not be as on point because there was a bit where they weren’t doing anything 
even yixing is in love with his smile i can tell 
those sharp dance moves though 
honestly that was my favourite performance i don’t care what other people say 
it’s probably gonna be a B 
even though i want him to get an A 
li wenhan holy shit you are fcking adorable 
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he forgot to bow WHAT A CUTIE 
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babe don’t say you don’t want an F because zyx can sense fear and he’s gonna give you one 
wenhan is such a soft boy omg 
oh goddamn these slow mo shots are killing me 
picking up the rose petals I AM DEAD 
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guys i still really love jolin she smiled at me and i just forgot about my love for all the others 
jks li wenhan is singing at me now 
i want him to get an A but my bet is on a B 
hu chun yang is really cute just saying 
told y’all so 
even though i wanted him to get an A
oof i love it i love it i love it 
probs not gonna get the results i want them to get but WHO CARES I’M STANNING 
all Cs i can deal with that 
i really like this guy’s suit 
wait i forgot his name 
i’ll wait till zyx says it again lmfao 
chen you wei THAT’S HIS NAME 
oh here we go gramarie
okay i gotta say gramarie is really good at picking songs 
like last year it was a really good song too 
when are we getting an A 
the accents are so cute AHAHAHAHA 
zyx is losing his shit 
i missed their names though and their company 
there aren’t any left????
are there seriously no As?
oh damn 
i just noticed that the new trainee clothes are from new balance 
such a good reference to ‘balance’ 
they’re really not going to give zyx a break lmfao 
theme song practice leggo
i really do love the new uniforms 
bruh the gifts are better than last year 
wenhan you’re adorable omg i’ve said this so many times 
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and you’re a cutie too 
he speaks so softly too ugh ily 
lmfao their hands look like jellyfish ngl 
but damn xu minghao you’re a good teacher 
wang jiayi ;;; working when everyone left already 
ngl i’m not feeling the broship like last season where people would go out of their way to help each other 
he’s literally by himself and it’s nearly 6am 
jesus this boy is hard working 
LMAO once one person comes in everyone comes in ahahhahha
okay okay previews here we come 
wait removing the centre decision 
oh damn future stages what a look 
sidenote: i took a ss of this beautiful boy but forgot where i was going to put it so i’m gonna leave it here anyways. enjoy :)
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finish time: 9:47 pm 
that’s all folks; tune in next week for another episode of mai’s shitposting whilst we suffer through another survival show together!
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nighthunternik · 6 years
Police Academy (Part 2)
A Parker Shaw fanfiction (NSFW)
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Book: It lives beneath
Characters: Parker x Reader
Rating: NSFW, 18+
Word count: ~ 2300 (approx. 10-15 min. of reading time)
Warning: MLM, Smut, Adults only
All Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Okay: I don't know if it's just my phone but I did insert a Read more break - I don't know why it apparently didn't work but please don't hate on me for having to scroll😱😨 I am terribly sorry.
Hey guys! I am over the moon to finally present the 2nd part of my Parker Shaw MLM fic "Police Academy". 🤗 I know it has taken me aaaages to finish it😂🙈, but I had some very important exams coming up. So I was basically studying most of my time and was happy to even being able to read the newest Choices chapters and post an occasional meme on my blog😂
In the meantime, @teenagediplomatfestivalauthor wrote a fan version of the 2nd part. It's such a great piece and I feel really honored that they made the effort - plus, while my part is NSFW, theirs goes in a different direction, so go check it out on their blog! 🔥
Now, without further ado, enjoy❤
PS: As usual, I am thrilled to fulfill your requests and tag you in my fics!
"Or maybe it isn't a girl you're dreaming about?"
He knows!, you think and instantly feel the blood colouring your cheeks in a suspicious pink. You are unsure how long you lie there, staring at him, your erection painfully held captive by the tightness of your underwear, an uncomfortable buzzing in the ear that sounds like a choir of taunting voices, unable to form a coherent sentence that would explain this situation. But when it hits you, the ponderosity of the revelation you've feared for so long, you close your eyes and turn your back on Parker, hoping that this is merely a bad dream. It is impossible to look him in the eye, in which you fear to see nothing but disgust, because you are afraid to lose the feeble rest of your dignity.
The minutes pass slowly, feeling like years filled with humiliation and regret, and a leady silence contaminates the atmosphere in your room. Not a single word is said, neither by you or Parker, whose presence you can still feel at the end of your bed and who is probably still too paralyzed with shock to move.
But suddenly, your feel the weight of his knee on your mattress. "Hey... listen...". You feel his hand on your shoulder and this gesture of loyal friendship almost makes you tear up. However, being comforted by Parker right now à la C'mon, there's nothing to be ashamed about isn't exactly your dream scenario, so you just shake your head, signaling him to go away. Or at least back to sleep.
But, of course, Parker has never been one to get rid of easily, that's one of your friend's (or should you say former friend's?) best qualities. He whispers your name, his voice husky and hesitant. It's the voice that makes you turn around, because it sounds so intimate and calming - and when you do, you are surprised to catch a glimpse of nervousness or even fear in Parker's eyes as well. But fear of what?
"Listen, it's nothing... you don't have to think that... I mean -" , Parker babbles something so indistinct that you can't understand a single word of what he is saying. And he seems to notice, because he ends his cumbersome stuttering with a single well placed "Fuck it", and then suddenly stretches out his hand. Although you know your fellow trainee and know that he couldn't hurt a fly, you flinch, for a brief second expecting him to be somewhat possessed by the ghost of the other guys and wanting to slap you. What you didn't expect is for him to place his hand on your cheek.
You turn into the literal pillar of salt. Parker is close... too close, actually. There is this unwritten law that two males should not be this close to each other to not be labelled as faggots. That's exactly the reason why the physical contact between the future police officers at the academy is reduced to a friendly pat on the back or, at most, a chummy embrace after winning a football match that comes along with knuckles knocked on the head and tousled hair and is terminated after precisely 3.5 seconds.
But they don't caress each others cheeks! Especially not a night!! In bed!!!
But Parker doesn't seem to mind - and of course, noone would've dared calling him a faggot. As much as you'd like to say something that would release the tension between you two, your voice crackles like a non-functioning loudspeaker, leaving you no other option than to get lost in the hazel eyes locked with yours.
Parker's face comes even closer and at the sight of his lips hovering in front of you, you can't help but to involuntarily lick your own. It's so awkward and cringy, you feel the familiar hotness creeping up your neck. But your friend doesn't back off, in fact, he leans forward and you're dizzy, intoxicated by the heat radiating from his body and his tangy, dry odour. Then it happens - and you are unsure whether or not you are actually dreaming.
Because Parker Shaw is kissing you. No, he isn't simply kissing you - he impatiently demands entrance with his tongue in a way you'd have never expected from the former boy scout that sometimes acts so awkward around other people. "Pa- Parker, wait ... what?", you pant, but your brown-haired friend cuts you off before you can finish your sentence. "Not 'what'! More 'yes, keep going'".
And then your lips crash together again in a fiery storm of passion, the sensation of the stubble around his lips and the low rumble that escapes his throat sending shivers down your spine. His calloused hands pull you off the bed, because you are unable to move, and a second later you find your limbs pinned to the wall, Parker's trembling body pressed against yours. Although you can't come up with much experience when it comes to kissing women, you instantly know that this is what you craved for... it's rough, animalistic and much better.
Your heart nearly explodes in your chest, but then Parker breaks away for a second, giving you a playful wink and biting your lips encouragingly in a way that can only mean one thing: it's your turn, don't be shy.
So you do as you're told and start exploring his body, with a lump in your throat and shaking hands admittedly, but still reassured by the way his breath speeds up or the gentle sounds of approval when you touch him in the right spots. And oh my, does it feel good! From the way his back muscles contract to the extraordinarily well-trained chest that you've admired so often before, there is no part of his body that doesn't make you want to scream with desire and the sheer disbelief that it's you out of all people that has Parker Shaw's forehead rested against yours, his body writhing almost submissively under the palm of your hands. Soon, you are kissing each other again, desperate, like his lips are to only thing saving you from drowning. But the movement in his boxer shorts discloses that his plans for tonight involve more than just kissing.
After what feels like an eternity of you two making out, Parker tugs at the waistband of your pajama bottoms and this is enough to jolt you out of the comfortable feeling of his kisses and bring the absurdity of what you're doing home to you. Only ten minutes ago, you dwelled on your weltschmerz, darting longing glances at him sleeping across the room and now your object of desire is about to - what, touch your penis? It's insane and although you'd love nothing more than to examine his remarkable erection pressed against your stomach from up close, a despicable and faint voice in your head makes you wonder, if this doesn't go too fast, if Parker won't regret this tomorrow morning.
You grap his wrist, a sudden movement to which he replies by arching his brows. "Parker -", you begin and you can already feel how stupid and inadequate everything you are going to say will inevitably sound, " - what is all this? I mean, what... what are you doing?". He chuckles  and it's as surprising as it's irresistible. "As if you don't know", he replies while again starting to playfully tear at your shorts, his lips merely inches away from yours, his breath hot and heavy, clouding your mind. "I am doing what we both want. Or do you want to talk about it first?" He is making fun of you. It's not condescending, you know exactly how he means it and it's the mischief in his voice, accompanied by the oh so familiar glance in his eyes, which lets you know that he didn't get miraculously drunk or high while sleeping, but that he is actually serious. "What are the odds of you changing your mind?" - "Non-existent. Any more questions?" His eyes pierce into yours and you shake your head. "Great. Then let's fuck."
And you, who has never used said word before, let alone did actually fuck, feel yourself nod and something escape your mouth that sounds embarassingly like "Oh yes, Parker!". It doesn't even bother you. Fucking him is different than how you imagined it to be. But, to be fair, not even your wildest dreams could've prepared you for those strong arms lifting you atop his desk that he cleared with a dapper wave of the hand, the jocular but appreciative whistle as he finally pulls down your pants and underwear and sees your dick for the first time (it makes you laugh and blush at the same time, just as he intended it to) - or the naturalness with which he kneels down and takes your penis into his mouth. Into. His. Mouth.
Colourful fireworks explode right in front of you; your loud moan is only muffled by his big hands that he brought to your mouth in foresight, because the last thing both of you need right now is for anyone in the adjacent rooms to wake up. The wet thightness of Parker's mouth alone and the skillfull way his tongue swirls around your glans would've been enough for you to come, but you try to hold back, not wanting to climax too early, because - as preposterous as this might sound - you don't want to disappoint him. However, the way he all of a sudden uses his free hand to spread your legs even further and hungrily massage your balls is too much: you feel the tension build in your stomach, your toes convulse and, with a last squeak, you seize him by the neck and press his face onto your twitching member as you release sticky squirts of semen.  
Your whole world is turned upside down, everything you believed in is shaken to its foundation after this mind-blowing orgasm, even more so as Parker willingly swallows every single drop of your cum, not breaking eye contact for one second. Is this really happening? He then stands up to kiss you and you can taste yourself on his tongue, not knowing if you should be repelled or turned on by this unusual senstation.
"I am - ?", you begin your apology for this early end to your ... 'adventure', while he plants a number of fevered kisses on your nipples that make you toss your head back. "Sshh", Parker interrupts you by putting a finger on your lips. "That was amazing!" You feel the familiar redness on your cheeks. "Well, judging from your... ehm, talent, I wouldn't have guessed that this was your first time with ... you know, a guy." At that comment, he winks at you sheepishly. "Who said it was my first time? But -", he continues and kisses the tip of your nose, " - you're the first one I imagined doing this to beforehand. Now c'mon, we're not done here, are we?"
Before you can even assimilate this information, he has gotten rid of his boxers, his penis slapping against his chiseled stomach for a second, and you don't know what to say - but you reckon' words are the last thing needed in this situation. So you content yourself with casting covetous eyes on his very long and very hard member, which is - of course, how could it be differently? - as impressive as the rest of his perfect body.
"Like what you see?" Although Parker's voice is rough, showing just the right amount of cocky self-confidence and his natural awarness of what he can offer his lover, both of you are unable to stifle a laugh at this clishéd question. He doesn't need or wait for an answer; instead he holds out a hand and leads you back to your bed, where you both lie down, soaked and sticky with sweat ... and he places on of your hands on his cock. "Do me!"
His words are so commanding, so powerful and hot that your shaking hand immediately start to stroke his dick, tentatively at first but then with increasing speed. "Yes, that's it", Parker murmurs into the pillows and you think to yourself that this is probably the sexiest thing you've ever heard.
It quickly becomes apparent how experienced he really is while you try to satisfy him in a boisterous and somewhat clumsy way ... he sets the rythm, corrects and emboldens you with soft sounds of pleasure, and when he finally comes almost silently into your hand, you can't believe that you're the one responsible for his enjoyment.
Minutes, hours or years later, both of you lie flat on your bed in a beautiful conglomerate of legs and arms, your hair sweaty and the air heavy with the smell of cum and fulfilled dreams. A thunderstorm approached, unnoticed by both of you during your actions, and the raindrops knocking at the window like finger tips make you feel even more comfortable in Parker's arms. You don't want to disturb the silence filling the room; plus, you are too busy listening to soothing sound of your friend's breath in your ear.
However, he suddenly bursts out - "This was A1, really, absoultely phenomenal!" You chuckle, although a part of you still doesn't really believe that all of this really happened. As much as you hoped at the beginning that the situation would turn out to be just a nightmare, now - if it would really turn out to be a dream -  you don't want it to end.
You look up at him and see that his hazel eyes are carefully watching you, his lips crinkled into this lopsided sneer you love so much. But you have to ask him something.
"Parker - about what you said earlier. You -... you imagined... this?" - "Of course, mate!", he laughs. " - "But what... when... how did you know that I - ?"
Parker shrugs and moves his legs so that the sticky tips of your dicks are touching each other. It's fantastic. "Well, at first I didn't. You are so out of my league that I wouldn't have thought that you'd actually ... you know... that you'd feel the same". Although he seemed to be so confident earlier, you can now hear that this confession takes a load off his heart. "Thank god us Eagle Scouts are no scaredy-cats - so I thought I'd just ask you". He beams at you and you playfully nudge him with your elbow.
"Gosh, Parker, you are such a nerd!". - "Well, however - ", he continues unwaveringly, his smile somewhat smug, "- the fact that you'd formed an impressive tent in your pants at the sight of my naked body made every question redudant." He kisses you on your forehead as you blush yet again.
"Now let's go to sleep, shall we? From now on you'll be pretty busy at night, I promise, so you'll need every minute of sleep you can get!".
Tag list: @brightpinkpeppercorn @kevinarima @teenagediplomatfestivalauthor
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littlegalerion · 5 years
Shipathon  Meme!
Tagged by @sheirukitriesfandom Thanks for tagging me and giving me an excuse to rant about ships~ Tagging: @foxyhearts @diamond-loki @greennightingale  1.) First Ship you Ever Wrote Fic For? It was for Vanus and Caafire, and it actually got featured front page on an animo! It was old Caafire though, before I had developed her to her current status of unable-to-use-magic-because-if-she-does-she’ll-explode sword swinger master. Back then she was just a free lance battlemage with a bad family life.  2.) Ship you Write Most Now? Well... tech I write for Trechire x Eliindil (Sheogorath) most now because that’s my timeline’s canon, so every time I write using characters in that universe I’m tech writing that ship, as Sunnabela and Kirr are their kids (Sunnabela his step-son, but Eliindil raised him). Just it’s a post-ship writing I guess? In terms of who I formulate for the most, that would probably be Laloriaran X Trechire in the AU, which I really should write more of.  3.)Ship you Read the Most Now? Sotha Sil x S/O, and it’s more just headcanon fluff stuff really. I wish there was more Sotha Sil x S/O, but that’s “not lore friendly” so I think a lot of would be writers get intimidated and scared away by lorebeards to write any solid series with it. I HAVE seen some, and for that I’m grateful. The headcanons at least seem to be multiplying beautifully.  4.) Newest Ship? Some questions are best left unanswered.  5.) Rare Ship you Wanna Read More of? Bring on the Sotha Sil x S/O or the Vanus x S/O.  Please, spoil me.  6.) Your Taboo Ship? Okay, I can already feel the heat of sheer rage from people reading what I’m gonna write under this. But Vanus x Mannimarco is the most toxic ship I have ever seen, in ANY fandom.  Firstly, heavily cliche. “They hate each other so at one time they must have liked or loved each other” No, that is not what that means. Sometimes it could be the case, but if it was romantic, then it wasn’t a “little falling out”. Vanus and Mannimarco are legends in their war against each other. In ESO Mannimarco loudly insults and kills mages of the guild, while Vanus openly spits against necromancy. Both very passionately doing so. If something romantic did happen, it’s a romance with no good memories in it. Secondly, it’s abusive. In Summerset, we get to see the two of them in their youth interacting. During this quest, it’s very obvious Mannimarco is manipulating Vanus, who is very optimistic and wants to believe the best in his friend. Mannimarco, however, doesn’t care. He never saw Vanus as an equal, BUT as a potentially USEFUL mage. He probably did feel a sting when Vanus rejected necromancy, but it wasn’t because “oh dear, my lover has rejected me!” It was most likely because Mannimarco realized he had lost a very useful future second in command, and gained an enemy which would prove a pain for years to come. I like to also point out, Mannimarco wasn’t this lonely little necromancer in the Order. We see a note concerning him in the dungeon that proves he had other friends and, while perhaps not well received overall, he had their respect as a senior member.  What I’m getting at is, if there was ANY romantic or sexual relationship between Mannimarco and Vanus, it was NOT healthy. Mannimarco knew what he was doing, and was most likely an emotionally abusive partner. The type that gets uncomfortably moody or guilt trips their partner to get his way. He is SEEN doing this in the quest, actually, when Vanus catches him raising a skeleton guar, Mannimarco replies, “I thought you’d understand” and “You sound like the Ritemaster.” A chord he knew would hit Vanus hard, which it did, as Vanus stumbles to reply and drops the argument.  Listen, if your s/o does something that makes you feel very uncomfortable and unsafe, then you go to them about it and they pull that crap on you, YOU LEAVE.  Lastly, a lot of the time it seems I see this ship under “cute gay mages owo”. Gay couples deserve healthy relationships. Gay relationships do not need to be soaked in pure drama and dark tones to exist. Especially in Elder Scrolls, where gay couples live happily and were never considered out of place.  Do not hide under the gay tag to get away with an abusive ship. Being gay doesn’t excuse a person for being an asshole, or for someone to be a pushover. But that’s enough of my ravings against that ship. For the record, I adore Mannimarco as a villain; he’s one the best I’ve ever seen, honestly.  So this isn’t just an unfair rage fest against him.  7.) They never met in Canon Ship? I feel like I have a ship on the tip of my tongue, but it just isn’t coming out. I’m drawing a blank. Nerevar with literally anyone else other than Ayem? 8.)Your unexpected Ship? Lyris and her Redguard husband were a surprise. I usually don’t relate to the warrior types in these games, but these two are just sweethearts.  9.) The Ship you Always Forget to give Love to? Verandis x Trechire. GEEZE, I forget about them so much and it’s probably the most logical ship. Verandis is a vampire lord who wants to convince the world vampires aren’t always evil, and to convince other vampires they shouldn’t live at war with the world. Trechire is a werewolf alpha who hides her wolf self from virtually everyone she knows, save for her pack, who she strives to teach to be true hunters with a code of honor. Not just some hounds who bark crazily at passersby who have a bow in their hands.  Both mages, both Altmer, both famous for their family names, so there’s lots of pressure on them.  They’d have so much to talk about, and would be such a stress reliever to each other.  10.) Ship your OC with a canon character? I already do, that’s like half the ships already in this post.  My biggest one is Laloriaran x Trechire.  Although Trechire x Sheogorath is my canon, as Eliindil becomes Sheogorath, so that counts as a canon character? 11.) Ship you’re embarrassed to Ship? She recently acquired his staff motif in this big event on ESO. He recently traded his old staff design in for the new Chapter, but in the main quest line his character model still has it.  That’s all I’m saying, because I don’t take the ship seriously, but it still exists and fuels my nightmares.  12.)Your most Romantic Ship? Trechire and Eliindil, because Trechire was made by me, Eliindil is an OC made by both me and my fiance who helps flesh out his personality, design, and background.  Then of course Laloriaran and Trechire.... 13.)Your Sexiest Ship? If I don’t say Sheogorath and Trechire, pretty sure I’m getting teleported 50 feet above the stone surface of where I shall die.  14.) Your most Tragic Ship? Laloriaran and Trechire, who ARE in my canon but of course, Laloriaran dies.  In her canon, Trechire completed the events of Morrowind, Clockwork City, and Summerset before the main questline of ESO. She had seen so many friends or just good people die. Leythen being ripped from reality right before her, Darien being forced to sacrifice himself and Trechire reading his last words before him fading away forever. Tanval Indoril dying from his own mistake, Verandis making a stupid decision out of desperation and guilt. Not to mention all the numerous little quests where this innocent and complicated person dies or suffers in the end. ESO is vicious. She had witnessed so much death, and in Laloriaran’s eyes she saw someone who understood that pain. More than anything in the world, she wanted the last Ayleid to return to Tamriel, where he’d be among friends that wouldn’t count on him for survival, but live and thrive together. She made a promise in her heart, if ANYONE would survive, even at the cost of her own life, Trechire would see to it that Laloriaran did, be it as a lover or as a friend.  And in the end, he died in her arms, Trechire a healer who could offer nothing to save him.  15.) A Ship You want more Content For? Again, BRING ON THE VANUS WITH S/O AND SOTHA SIL WITH S/O, PLEASE. 
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katzirrart · 6 years
Art Growth Compilation
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I really enjoy doing posts about improvement in art.
It makes me feel better about my work, especially with how busy I am these days.
I wanted to compile all the comparisons I’ve made over the years and kinda discuss the posts, for myself or others.
I thought it’d be funny to start with comparing how I first drew on a tablet, using dodge and burn tools, to how I do now which is using layers and actually painting. It’s funny to look back on that, you know?
I linked the post I made, compiling all the month to month memes from 2003-2017 that I try and do yearly. And everything else is under a cut ;w;’‘/
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Most artists have done a drawing of themselves and a few Pokemon, or their team. I did that in 2010, and was dissatisfied with my work...
I took a crack again in 2013 after I’d learned to draw more animals and not be so Edgy(tm) I really liked the results. I still didn’t use references though, because I was lazy. I just didn’t want to. I still was on that boat feeling like I was CHEATING. I wasn’t being CREATIVE if I looked at references.
Artists get stuck on using reference and it’s AWFUL. USE THEM. USE TWENTY. LEARN!! It’s so HELPFUL, I wish I had started sooner.
In 2014 though -
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I tried again.
I had gotten better at anatomy, but most of all, I started to work off references more. I started to really focus on not stylizing so much, but to work on actually making things look like things. I started to work on caring about COMPARISON sizes. Composition!!
While Pokemon reference sizes are -wiggle hands- and while my team changed up, I was satisfied that I could draw Arbok ACTUALLY like a cobra now, Meowth is easy given it’s just a noseless cat so to speak, Haunter is literally a triangle cloud - I was satisfied having drawn that team.
My secondary team in the new games? I was excited to draw them. It was fresh and new and FUN and it turned out PRECIOUS.
I learned better how to proportion things in an image for layout, and just... making characters feel COHESIVE in the same space.
It was a nice thing to keep visiting. I have a sketch in the works for an update even hopefully.
These pieces are kind of interesting to me too, because they’re towards the end of my era of THIN lineart?
My lineart has gone from this, and THIS,  to this.
Literally I use to not believe in line weight, I can still do thin work of course, but I’m not a fan of trying to FORCE it like I use to? Even the second link, I went from the SMALLEST brush in Sai, to using a marker brush that had barely ANY give, to a custom brush on Sai that acts like a Paint Chat brush I use to use with friends online!
That’s what I mean about style too, like you may reserve yourself about things - like not coloring black in and outlining with white, or certain ways you do things. But the growth and changing and figuring FUN ways to color that black etc is where the fun of art comes in, to me??
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A few months ago, I did my first redraw. Of this piece from 2012.
Six years difference.
This was interesting for a number of reasons. There’s aspects I like more in the old one, but not many. I really like the pose a bit better, but I like the casual closeness that I did in the new one because that’s more my Shepard.
But technically speaking, it’s worlds better because I took time. I paid attention to details. I did fun things instead of rushing. I took time with my coloring and didn’t SMEAR it around. I had a friend who use to complain I drew so fast and they felt so SLOW, but I love what that taught me. I started taking more time on my art, and enjoying it more since I caught more mistakes and vastly improved. By leaps and bounds.
It’s amazing what a difference six years makes in not only style, which is often a FOCUS of these things? My style has come awkwardly and naturally to me over the years of critically picking certain things apart? but I really love where it’s gotten.
I have things I want to get back to, but I love... where it is, and CAN be?
But it’s wild to me how much change happens in technical handling? It’s a hand in hand thing, you can’t focus on one or the other only, or the other suffers.
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Honestly this has been my favorite improvement to notice though?
Kisame was a character I felt I should be able to draw EASILY? Not so much. Itachi? ALSO EASY. Not so much??
Kisame has weird eyes to grasp how to draw? Thus focusing on them kept making them wonky to me!! On top of that, he’s everything I’ve been use to drawing for AGES because he has a muscular body, with a smaller waist? ... that was something I was use to drawing? I still was awkward getting back into the swing of that... Drawing HIS HAIR though? NOT SO EASY....
But like, Itachi should have been easy, but I have a thing about him appearing too feminine as he gets drawn because his eyelashes, and I’ve really found a nice... medium at this point?
But even still like my face styles and eye styles are finally to a comfortable point for me? I have stopped focusing on some weird things with Itachi’s hair and just... DO IT? But even still like...
The improvement here is literally just if I don’t know how to do something, or I’m not satisfied with how I do it? I just keep at it.
It’s a theme of this post honestly... repetition, persistence.
Keep drawing it. Keep trying to figure out what it is that’s catching you off about how you do it. Don’t like how you do eyes or how they fit on the face? Look at facial structures and references and figure it out. Draw them separate and figure out how to apply them to what you are.
Remember there’s a skull in there. I draw the holes in the skull like the eye sockets, and the nose area to help my proportions for SURE.
I’ve also gotten to a nice marriage in my lineart? The piece before the recent one, those lines feel HARDER or HEAVIER? The newest piece seems...softer? Like I’m lighter handed again?
I really like critiquing my own growth on what is good or working better for me? Older pieces it looks like I’m putting lineweight for SAKE of it versus where it goes now?
Like this lineup -
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My style shifts so RAPIDLY, it still is noticeably MY style to people, but parts shift so VIOLENTLY because I’m constantly picking at what I don’t LIKE.
It’s funny too in the case of Kisame and Itachi because consistently I’m drawing the SAME character over and over - can make you REALIZE how you’re doing something wrong?
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Like, here’s a difference of eight years, and it’s all the brush I use now, and it REALLY shows how my style has changed - in the aspect of one point of reference?
I have a childhood favorite character too, of Daisuke, and I use to be bad at drawing boys, and I use to be SUPER bad at drawing fluffy hair?
It was something I specifically started to learn to do? And I started to draw Daisuke every few months or years for a while. Especially when I started to first REALIZE I didn’t like my style that much?
But the middle one was July 2009, top left is less than 6 months later, and the last one is about a year later. DRASTIC DIFFERENCE. But next -
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This one was in 2012, when I started to do more with teeth, or first dipping my toes into anatomy. I started to focus more on HANDS too, I was super bad at them. Overall I started to focus more on making my art have...ages? Like a boy versus a man. Facial features being DIFFERENT.
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I can look at this boring little bust and see that he comes off more of a teenage boy to me now. I need to work more on figuring how to draw asian features especially the eyes. Sometimes I hit the mark, other times I don’t.
but between this and 2012? Not too much has changed. I do hair fluffier now, and I angle the eyes better. The teeth not being outlined doesn’t give that weird effect where I might give him TOO MANY TEETH....
People do that and it’s easy but whoof.
So there’s still learning and adapting to do in QUICK drawings, you know? but I can still see there’s good things. That took me like 5 minutes to draw? Not bad honestly.
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In it’s own bracket is original characters though too?? But also divergent of STYLE shifts because like...
OKAY. Nightmare Syndicate’s story.. started for me in 7th or 8th grade, that was when I was...14? 15? I’ve been fleshing it out for like 13 years, that’s wild haha!! I love my kids and all.
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But okay so SIALI. She’s still fairly similar but I restructured her face for SURE. She’s gotten less edgy, she’s.... a teenage girl.
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FELIX?? CHRIST. He’s been such a long journey!! More on that later?
Rot and even Cor?? Rot and Cor are a shorter span of development, but Rot started in Highschool so almost 10 years ago, and Cor has been fairly solid - but even just DRAWING him over three years? Go look at how much he changes.. I’m not married to concepts easily. haha!
People act like making a character you’re STUCK with it. Like Oh boy, I better make this character good, from the get go!!
I only worry about that with small potatoes like my Pillar(Gods) designs I just made for the comic?? Even still, small things will change with them I’m sure.
But not only has Felix and Siali changed, but they’ve GROWN with my style and DEFINED it even. I’ve had to adjust my style to support Felix’s look honestly a LOT. Bend my rules. Break my anatomy stickler attitude - and honestly, that’s the thing.
You have to learn the rules and anatomy BEFORE you can break them. A style built upon broken anatomy will fail you down the road if you just excuse everything with style.
Learn to draw the hands. Learn to draw the feet. Figure out the face. Bones exist. You can break the FUCK out of it once you learn how to do it, you know? Like I’ve seen so many styles I LOVE who are cartoony and BROKEN AS FUCK, but there’s still some STRUCTURE to it. Most of those people can still structure a face just fine, and the reason exaggeration works so well is because there’s like unwritten rules for what works and doesn’t based on that?
Felix has a very elongated torso, he’s like 7′ or 8′ tall so I mean?? He’s... broken anatomy, but he’s... lanky - but his muscle is LITHE and stretched. It makes contextual sense. That’s the important part.
But even designs, it’s important to understand designs YOU make, or like... to understand they’ll CHANGE and that’s growth within your art too?
Like okay, example. Felix has a millipede inspired monster form. But with designing that? I still have to know how millipedes and SNAKES work because there's bones and vertebrae in there??
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But there’s also the difference of like... CONCEPT, versus execution. You can design a fucking badass character, but understanding your own concept is SOMETHING.
I had no idea how this would play out, until I was mapping out his ‘midsection’ spikes? and man. MY STYLE WAS MADE FOR THIS CHALLENGE NOW. Which is so interesting how smooth my style has always been? Felix has defined ANGLES in it, and it’s hilarious tbh?
But even too, I’ve had to work with Felix’s monster form FACE, to break the rules to make it WORK the way I need it too?
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On the anatomy subject too, like when I first got into Marvel comics 6 years ago or so? I had no idea how to do muscle structures?? I was so BAD at it.
I can look at this left image and CRINGE so badly at how NONE of those are muscles?? THOSE ARE THINGS I PERCEIVE AS MUSCLES. Like...
A course I took taught me to draw what I see, not what I know. That’s the whole point of that post that goes around about drawing a shrimp. Look it up. It’s hilarious and cute.
But it’s like, asking an artist to draw a bike, you can tell who uses reference and who WINGS it. It’s funny, but like it’s what you know versus what you see.
I started to study anatomy like crazy and was seeing improvements days at a time. The right image was done like... a month later? already I can see the muscles under the pectorals? those look normal now. the abs aren’t dough lumps under the skin in a perfect 6 pack, they’re the actual plane shapes.
I was trying to find a good reference for myself of learning to make men ‘thicker’ too in terms of the waist etc since the left is really...thin.... but...
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A bit better, but even still, comparing these two - they’re 2 months apart? and I can see understanding more about arms and how they connect to the body, where the planes ACTUALLY lay for the chest and obliques and such?
I can see improvements from July 2012 up there, to - WHOOPS. I FORGOT TO CHANGE THE YEAR LMAO... TO FEBRUARY 2013...omg
I mean, I could go on and on about improvements I see, when I go through my art though? Gosh.
Like I’m seeing so SO many bad hands and feet in my old stuff, and just CRINGING because tricks I learned for myself by now?
I give so many pointers and streams and screenshares on discord still to help people with art and it cracks me up?? Like...
I dunno. I’m pretty mediocre tbh, but god damn.
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Summary of Homestuck fandom after [S] Cascade.
(2011) Homestuck as a general phenomenon was very active and developed at a swift pace from the time it was published (2009) onwards, especially in 2012-2013, including and past the first years of the Homestuck Kickstarter Project, a.k.a Hiveswap.
Between 2009 and 2012, Homestuck as a webcomic was infamous for updating daily, constantly, multiple times a day, at all hours, for years. There was a calculated average that Homestuck updated 5.5 pages per day, dropping entire bundles of updates of character interaction and plot reveals frame by frame, posted as fast as Hussie could write it. Though it wasn’t immediately obvious, this pace was sleeplessly breakneck, Hussie allegedly didn’t do anything but live, breathe and dream Homestuck for at least four years straight. I’m serious when I say updates came at all hours. I would wake up 2am on a week night and idly check MSPA to see if there was a new update, sort of like a trained parrot. Then in five minutes I’d tab back over to the Homestuck tab and refresh, just in case. 
This lead to an phenomenon appropriately dubbed “upd8 culture,” which became the basis of the sheer evangelical furor people still associate with the Homestuck fandom. Quick history: MSPA/Problem Sleuth fans originated and migrated over from the Penny Arcade forums, Reddit, and 4chan to nestle permanently within the bowels of 2011 - 2013 tumblr, and were best described from a distance as ‘zealous.’ Even remembering it now almost feels like recalling a distant riot. If you didn’t cosplay, write up a detailed theory post, or scribble up a crazy level of appropriately detailed fanart within 10 or so minutes any given upd8, you were buried under the force of post overload and were officially late to the party. After years of this, fans had some idea of just how dedicated it came off as, which was used to further spur on fandom and made Homestuck into the most meme filled in-joke community you could possibly imagine. 
What’s frustrating about describing Homestuck and Homestuck fandom is they both heavily affected each other and were both unique experiences within themselves, which makes actually trying to get across the atmosphere of the early 2010s a wordy process. Homestuck heyday updates regularly crashed tumblr servers, which became an actual fake rss way of seeing how much the plot progressed that day, which is unusual even if the tumblr servers 2011-2013 were not funded by the corporate might of Yahoo. The bigger the update, the faster the crash. I could tell you Homestuck dominated tumblr to the point it had a virulent hatedom of people who had never even read it and constantly saw it and never understood what was happening in it, and fans couldn’t stop themselves from chattering about it all the time. One thing that has to be noted is all this continual bickering and movement and development and competitive content production was honestly fun as hell. 
Besides constant updates and a continual stream of new content, the story was completely unpredictable. Game-changing plot twists continued to happen up until the very ending, and while this made Homestuck’s plot happily convoluted, for fans this meant one thing they never lacked for was barely solvable mystery. Even the (fan)artists and (fan)musicians hired to work on Homestuck had to guess what would happen next even if they were part of animating the next update. Under similar principles of an ARG, story presentation was created with the vague expectation fans would work together to explain to each other what just happened.
What this meant in conjunction with Hussie’s oddly accurate tabs on fandom theory was that when an update dropped you had to release whatever you were doing fast, or you would be outdated, wrong, inaccurate, or irrelevant at some undisclosed unspecific time, very soon. Canon and fanon directly pulled from each other, especially in the small character details. The very fact the comic spun on such accurate knowledge of fandom that was purposefully fostered between fandom and canon means that even now reading Homestuck while updating is considered an experience different from an archival read, even though Homestuck was always a self-contained story.  
Upd8 culture followed like this: Popular fan theories had multiple fanfictions written on them just to better explain what could happen next, and fan projects from voice acting to art to music to fiction were constantly being corrected, updated, and replaced by a deluge of new information and characters to pore over every single detail with a fandom magnifying glass. An endless amount of hyper ambitious fandom projects, games, animations, multi media fanstories made in rotating teams were abandoned for new starts JUST because the information they were working off became too outdated by the newest few weeks of updates. Cosplays were mocked up in hours (for the next morning of con,) art in minutes, theory in seconds. You threw everything out as fast as you could so someone else could build off of it. It did give a strong impression of collaboration and possibility. As the fandom grew bigger and younger Hussie seemed to shade more politic in his fandom communication, but Homestuck managed to maintain an “open channel” like feeling between fandom and comic for a long time. 
Innovative form encouraged innovative output. The point was to create. Another aspect feeding upd8 culture was in the way Homestuck was told. Not only were Homestuck’s detailed plot points hard to predict, but so was what would happen to the site in a meta way.  A page could range from a scribble to a 3 hr fully programmed rpg or 18 minute asset heavy style swapping animation, or most commonly, sprite art followed by several hundred words of dialogue and character interaction. Pages came by different artists, different styles, different mediums, different paces and focuses, but with a breadth-spanning understanding of memes and the internet. Factors of style, innovation and novelty affected the diversity of fan output. Part of my extreme willingness to take part in Homestuck fandom was that Homestuck was so crammed to the brim with open ended creative potential, just the multiplicity of cool ideas and plot mechanics and vivid characters and weirdly novel framing that had really good ideas and existed literally nowhere else, and I say that as a huge sci-fi fan. Time travel in Homestuck was excellent. It was an ambitious story and I really do think it pulled it off. Homestuck was once described as the fossilized excrement of someone’s personal creative experiments, and I think that’s a good way of putting it. Enthusiasm and confusing daring teemed off the page, and translated into a wide variety of fanfiction and art, in style, content, theme, and pov. 
Lastly, Hussie had a tendency to canonize fan content and hire fanartists and fananimators if their output was solid enough with a gentle horse kiss of approval and a naturally internet-transparent hiring process, like a forum. This was a purposely fostered atmosphere in the spirit of experimental adventure, and was just fucking nuts. Fans never wrote the story, but they did heavily influence aspects of how it was told and where it went (by design, fans were pretty much involved in making the comic) and even get to actually flesh out the details, like the main character’s names, memes, romances, character, and scope. Everything from canon sprite art to bits of the Midnight Crew to Caliborn’s character to Calliope’s art skill to music and trickster arcs were all originally based on years of fan jokes and fandom. Homestuck was definitely Hussie’s sole property and precious baby, but he built it as interactive-ish and creatively as he could. It added an extra layer of galvanizing egging on to fandom purpose. I don’t know how else to explain everything that came of it. Fandom was like a roiling morass of bullshit activity, like a breaking news bullpen 24/7, there was so much energy sparking off of all facets of fandom because it was just so fun. Fan output was borderline insane in 2010-2013.
Hussie said fandom grew exponentially at the introduction of the Trolls in Act 5 in mid 2010, but I can honestly say I think fandom really started treating Homestuck like a hidden gem worth proselytizing right after the events of [S] Cascade at the end of 2011. Before then, Homestuck was tenuously good, and had a rep on tumblr for having weirdly ubiquitous fans and over- detailed fancontent, but [S] Cascade was the moment every single gamble asked of the reader in the story actually paid off. In fact, Homestuck’s plot was generally constructed to climax at [S] Cascade, as was apparent from the big explosion of fan reaction after the fact. At this point, you would be hard pressed to find a fan that wouldn’t say, “Homestuck is good.”  
Right after [S] Cascade, a lot of things happened in quick succession. Act 6 started, revealing what endgame would probably look like. It was slated to be shorter than Act 5, envisioned as a kind of denouement. Lord English, the final villain, was revealed. Hussie stated he thought the comic would end the following year. I think Hussie saw the ending was in sight and started trying to merchandise for real at this point, god tier hoodies started releasing at a faster rate, Homestuck book 1 came out (in addition to Problem Sleuth book 3), there was a Homestuck music (and track art) contest announced with hundreds of fan submissions, and the incongruous but hilarious public induction of Dante Basco, Hollywood superstar, who was instantly whisked into the Homestuck fandom’s fold as soon as he formed a tumblr. Homestuck had a bit of a reputation by then so the fandom (+ Hussie) was legitimately trying to woo him gently. This was entertaining for everybody, including Dante Basco. (For those who haven’t gotten that far, Dante Basco is a character in Homestuck.) (As some trivia, Grey DeLisle also briefly made a tumblr in this time, influenced by the instant rapport Dante Basco had, voiced some Vriska lines, then left due to some unrelated but tumblr-typical drama.)
There probably weren’t even specifics on who was going to be programming, illustrating, producing, and writing Hiveswap- and I’m still vaguely convinced Hussie scrolled through Promstuck and then hired deudlyfirearms (Calliope’s official artist) on the spot to illustrate all his future creative endeavors. I know Guzusuru got hired at least partially due to Lullaby for Gods, not to speak in the least for Paperseverywhere or Toastyhat (tumblr usernames used just in case, dril), plus a literal list of artists you could follow through various Homestuck fan production to official product lines. With Hiveswap, Homestuck went from hobby to full time job for some people. But before all that, in 2012 Homestuck as source material was apparently endless and constant, and let’s just say by 2013, Hussie never had to ASK for specific fan content, assets, musicians, artists, programmers, writers, even money. He just had to allow fandom a place, an address, an email, anything, to let them throw it at him. I have actually never seen anything like it, this weird businesslike use of talents within and out of comic. This is why mid 2012 art assets and minigames suddenly start becoming more populous, culminating in the nearly entirely guest art illustrated, programmed, and animated EOA6 and A7 and guest written post-canon snapchats in 2016. (This is also the time the MSPA forums crashed.) Also the art, programming, and music team for Hiveswap seem comprised of former fan musicians and artists. 
One thing that’s no concern for Hiveswap: it will be was beautifully illustrated, scored, and animated by people who loved Homestuck.
In sum: 2012 Homestuck was in full swing. Homestucks flooded cons, more than usual, to such a volume of painted gray tweenagers that cons in general (and hotels) had to rewrite the rulebooks surrounding such things as panels, photoshoots, and draw meets. MSPA servers were still barely holding up, especially after big upd8s, and were constantly being upgraded. Tindeck made a whole genre tag on their site for Homestuck fanmusic. What Pumpkin and Topatoco couldn’t keep up with demand, everything was constantly out of stock. Staff and even Hussie didn’t announce when new products were released until weeks later because if they did, the entire store server would immediately crash for long periods of time. This remained true even into 2016, apparently. There were homestuck plushes, furniture, tattoos, rooms, board games, video games, cards, dolls, products you wouldn’t even think of– a whole years long scrum about establishing copyright and what could sell where to who. Promstuck was a once-a-year reality in random cities around the US or otherwise. Art Team and Music Team had quick fame gain, I know at least Music Team members could feasibly live off of Homestuck revenue as their day job. Ben Nye grey paint actually sold out before a con, and even to this day any gray paint on amazon will be utterly dominated by troll cosplay reviews. Even small trivially related products like the record of the guy who posted “I’m a Member of the Midnight Crew” on youtube was convinced to list the record on ebay for a couple hundred dollars in a sprightly fan bidding war. This was completely unremarkable at the time. 
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The most interesting thing about Homestuck is that it was a) entirely spread by grassroots efforts and word of mouth, and b) a free webcomic. Though unlike the T.V syndicated and advertised shows like Sherlock or Dr. Who or anime, or the multi-billion dollar industries of Marvel or Nintendo, with nearly zero effort to be anything but weird and internet obscure, Homestuck seemed just as bafflingly popular and literally impossible to avoid as professionally advertised hollywood blockbusters, popular anime, television serial shows, and multi million video games, at least on tumblr, reddit, and 4chan, and conventions. Because of all the factors that went into it’s circuitous development, if you hadn’t read through a huge chunk of Homestuck, you wouldn’t even understand and you couldn’t even properly explain why such a niche but undeniable popularity existed. It was such a phenomenon. 
People who had (reasonably) never even heard of Homestuck would stumble upon a fandom antic and observe with growing confusion the busy masses hard at work. Bright blue horse dildo fundraised and sent dutifully to creator? (At least three different dildos on 3 different social media homestuck fan sites were fundraised publicly.) Gruesome artwork of puppet fetish websites carefully placed with pages of critiqued meta with way too much attention? Even the usual deluges of upd8 fanart and fantheory? Entire forum sites and rp sites and chat clients enthusiastically founded just for the constant need to discuss the story? Homestuck became recognizable by horns and grey paint and terrifyingly huge meetups, a nearly frantic aura and art meets or prom dances just for fans - “What the fuck is Homestuck?!” became a fandom catchphrase, because it was always being commented on. Tbh, Homestuck is the r rated precursor for Undertale in memetic inclination and story framing style. Memes, man.
And in the midst of this, in September 2012, Hussie suddenly announced a Homestuck Video Game Kickstarter. The long awaited scalemate plushes were introduced as a reward tier. And unexpectedly, a lavishly illustrated ostensibly Kickstarter exclusive Homestuck tarot deck by popular fanartists as one of the reward tiers.  
For context: The entire premise of Homestuck is that it was a transcribed gaming session of a video game that didn’t exist. Opening a Homestuck Video Game Kickstarter was a fitting sequel, the equivalent of waving an 8th book prequel in front of Harry Potter fans, as illustrated by the cream of the crop, if every previous iteration of the Harry Potter series was also free. In addition, the goal was $700,000, and Homestuck had over 2 million online fans. There wasn’t a question if $700,000 was going to be feasible as a funding goal, it was more a question of how far the fandom could goad itself into trying to overshoot it. In fact, I remember being kind of disappointed we didn’t reach 3 million. We capped just below 2.5 million including the paypal donations. Homestuck started making “official” waves in news articles and such, of people who noticed a completely incomprehensible kickstarter got a lot of money somehow, and this in addition to the typically update culture-fast result (the funding goal was reached in about 30 hours of a month long campaign,) was regarded as very bizarre by everyone who didn’t know what Homestuck was. 
Trivia: there was even a $10,000 tier introduced as a joke, where “your fantroll will become canon (for one panel, and then die),” which was hastily closed after two people actually took it. (One was an army vet who thoroughly enjoyed the story and basically wanted to donate as thanks, and the other has remained impressively anonymous.) First time I saw Hussie publicly searching for words. I really could say 2012 Homestuck was approaching some kind of mania. Considering how Homestucks were, if someone named their firstborn off a Homestuck character, I wouldn’t have been shocked. The game was funded. 
Homestuck hiatus’ started in earnest. This was due to the increased production schedule of both the Kickstarter game being punted into development, the troubled indie game development cycle, and more detailed HTML5 games (openbound) in the comic, and product production, which is, you know, was fair enough. Updates were frequent enough to keep fandom active and frothy well into 2013, where the lack of Game Updates in conjunction with comic hiatus’ were both uncharacteristic and concerning. 
Homestuck was abruptly shifted off of regular upd8 schedules, and upd8 notifiers were sadly put to rest. 
HIATUS FANDOM (2013-2014)
Here was a unique factor of 2013 Homestuck fandom, for the lack of content, fandom moved en masse to an alternative ‘hiatus fandom,’ in some kind of effort to keep together over the wait. This literally singlehandedly boosted the popularity of games like OFF, Dangan Ronpa, etc. Homestuck hiatus fans were already pro at boosting popularity through word of mouth, and these obscure-but-popular video games were fun to pimp in the meantime. A more recent, toned down example would be 17776. 
Here was also something weird. In December 2013 Hussie apparently (as creative director only) had some kind of mysterious would-be trial run with Shiftylook with Namco ips, resulting in Namco High, the Homestuck and Namco character dating sim, where you could date Davesprite (who had a surprising amount of meta character development,) Terezi, Pacman, and Galaga. It was so out of nowhere nobody knew what to do with it. It was an indication of what Homestuck as a franchise was probably going to expand into, though, and an intriguing move on the part of Bandai. 
In the comic hiatuses and throughout the roadblocked kickstarter game development, canon-side, the Paradox Space quasi-canon side project and WeLoveFine (later ForFansByFans, who took over merchandising,) continued on the spirit of fandom support- notably the original Art Contest to make new merch- now streamlined into a “fan forge” where any fan can go through a voting process to say, pitch a new product and later be hired on the most recent calendar, then show up working a new Friendsim.... etc. 
After this a new generation of internet fans appeared to ‘notice’ Homestuck, hearing it was ending, and joined in, making the Kickstarter garner a kind of shadowed conspiracy-riddled rumortale more than anything, which really outstripped the simplicity of what happened: hardworking but troubled development.
The End of Homestuck was hanging like the sword of Damocles over our collective motivations, you can still find mournful farewell Homestuck fanart floating around to this day! In fact, the fandom believed it was the End of Homestuck several times in 2014-2015. Fandom was tamping down on the corners, cleaning up fanart (relatively), tucking away the crazily ambitious scifi world spanning AU fic. The wild, raw creativity that used to be so rampant through all corners of the internet seemed vaguely diminished, tidier, more understandable, trackable, and efficient. Big Projects never showed their roughs and drafts until the final products anymore, small circles of discourse popped up in pretty polite language and with almost no capslock. The discussions weren’t on What Hussie Would Pop On Us This Time To Overhaul The Entire Plot Of Homestuck, it was more like, did he make the gay Gay Enough™? Vriscourse remained eternal, though. 
And it isn’t just nostalgia talking. I’ve noticed some Homestucks still think fandom is a rush of collective community like they’ve never before experienced, that upd8 celebrations are pretty dang wild, and Homestuck convention presences are well-established, but now? In 2015-2017? This is calm and active, there are still some cool projects going on, but nothing like the insanity that was associated with Homestuck. Homestuck was the ‘biggest’ fandom I’ve ever been in, in terms of sheer forced commiseration and activity, and it just has not reached anything close to the levels of 2011-2013 bullshittery and spark plugs. 
But the fandom is still present- people treat it like a phase, but Homestuck is still a clever story that retains all the aspects that attracted readers to it in the first place. Also, the fandom still regularly accomplishes minor feats of economics like this even in 2016: 
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because that is the level of fan fervor that Homestuck inspires, forever, apparently.
I’d last like to note I’ve skipped a lot, I tried to keep it as zoomed out and as general as possible. I’d like to explain the true foibles of 2013 Homestuck fandom, such as the forced formation of entire rp websites, apps, programs, and platforms dedicated to fanning Homestuck more efficiently, how fans formed new mediums and literal ways of expression and vast organized contests on how to express themselves and collaborate better, how there was almost a fan project-pipeline system in place, and how exactly Homestuck influenced Undertale (think of the meta) and an entire mini generation of webcomics and tv show story boarders spiritually, and I haven’t even tried to explain the aspects of Homestuck’s use of framing and how genuinely interesting it is from a storytelling perspective, and how the interaction of Hussie and the fandom and serial updates affected people’s connectivity because out of scope.
...But just for posterity and context of update culture: Quoth Gankro, programmer: 
So the biggest thing to keep in mind with MSPA is that it's based entirely off of collaboratively riffing off eachother's ideas. It started out as a faux text-based adventure where people would post prompts, and Andrew would take the ones he liked and riff off of them. As far as I'm concerned this is Andrew's super power: the ability to take a pile of things (comments, art, music, ideas, people) and rapidly recombine them into amazing things. The chatlogs in Homestuck full of amazing back and forths? That's just what talking to Andrew in chat was. Constant riffing and feedback loops.... 
Anyway, this is all to say that the genesis of ideas, and even how things got developed, is honestly really murky with Homestuck? Everything was kinda adhoc, a riff-on-a-riff, and done in incredibly little time....
I can't emphasize this scramble enough. Andrew was a ceaseless content machine, and I don't think I was ever "blocked" on him producing content. Which is ridiculous considering how much content is packed into our games. (like, hundreds of pages of dialogue)
Michael Bowman, music team: 
Volume 5 going out of its way to include gobs and gobs of material definitely changed the project; the floodgates opened. I think people admired Andrew's astonishingly prolific pace from 2009 to 2012, and between 2010 and 2011 the music project had the same vibe: we released one or two albums monthly. 
-fan interviews courtesy though the efforts of u/drewlinky 
Homestuck and it’s fandom has the unique distinction of being nigh unexplainable, as in, it took this long just to fully outline how the Homestuck Kickstarter was always going to be wildly successful, and how development was always going to take years even without the incident with the Odd Gentlemen, who clearly didn’t understand why Homestuck was popular or even why that mattered, (pre- Undertale), in the first place, but with the news of Viz taking on Homestuck’s license on account of that viral-like marketability so now there’s an actual possibility that Homestuck will finally become…… anime, why not hearken back to the good ol days and be relentlessly picayune for the hell of it? 
Happy 10/25!
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franeridart · 7 years
i miss your haikyuu art so much it was the best - dont get me wrong i fucking adore your bnha art but like,,,,, haikyuu,,,,,,,
Well pal, aren’t you lucky, you might have been missing from my blog in the past two weeks but if you scroll down just three posts you might notice I’ve been drawing haikyuu again (x x x)
Anon said:People don’t remember baccano anymore? :o
I assumed so since it’s been ten years since it aired and the fandom has always been small and quiet anyway, but it looks like I assumed wrong!!!! That made me so happy, honestly? Baccano’s my fav anime ever, it’s always super nice to see it appreciated!
Anon said:Omg thanks for the baccano au I love it.
Anon said: BACCANO!! I love you so much right now!!!
Anon said: YOU DID A BACCANO CROSSOVER!! IVE NEVER SEEN ONE DUDE MAJOR PROPS TO YOU!!!! I literally love that series, it was one of my first ones so seeing it mixed with one of my current favourites is surreal!!
Anon said: DID YOU JUT DO A BACCANO AU OMG ITA BEEN SO LONG SINCE IVE WATCHED THAT IT WAS MY FAVE 😭😭😭😭😭 i cried so much during it all the time it was so badass
This is exactly what I was talking about!!! So HAPPY all of you love that anime as much as I do! And thank you SO MUCH for liking the crossover!!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Fran, just out of curiosity, what colors do you associate with Bakugou/Kirishima/the rest of the squad?
The ones I use to write their dialogues! Orange for Bakugou, red for Kirishima, gold for Sero, yellow for Kaminari and pink for Ashido! :D
Anon said: tumblr has been a butt and not notified me of your post but i saw your nishinoya and i died i love the way you draw him and boiiiiii bokuto and kuroo be looking smokin and your kiribaku (is that right??? im a failure i cant remember!!!:( ) is amazing SO MUCH FLUFF i die of happiness. keep up the lovely work 💕👌👌👌
Anon said:I love your art its so amazing.
Thank youuu ;u;
Anon said:I was just wondering if I could use one of your drawings of Kuroo as a phone background (just for personal use! It’s fine if you don’t want me too! I’m a huge fan and I hope you’re having a nice day~)
Sure! As long as it’s just for personal use I don’t mind at all!!
Anon said:Oh wow, thanks for the tutorial! I think it will be really helpful!
I’m glad to hear that!!!! :D
Anon said: what is the jock / nerd thing?
At this point it’s mostly a meme, I’d say haha
Anon said:ASDFGHJKL *-* Your art is to beautiful for the world
That’s!!!! Too kind of you oh man (〃´ノω`〃)
Anon said:Your kiri is so pretty.
THANK YOU!! Every Kiri is super pretty tho, it’s the intrinsic Kirishima-ness of the Kiris that makes them beautiful whatever style they’re drawn in! :O
OH MAN THANK YOU I love that disaster of a trickster so much I’m glad I could make him come out okay ;O;
Anon said:so i left tumblr a while ago?? but i check back every so often bc ur pretty much my favorite tumblr artist ever
Aw man thank you so so so much this means the world to me! ;u; sometimes it’s hard for me to see any improvement in my own art so knowing that you can see it helps a lot!
Anon said:your art is literally my favourite thing in the entire world i love it all! i hope you’re having a good day and taking care of yourself! x
GOSH THANK U I hope you’re having the best day too, anon!!!!
Anon said:Asahi is so pretty when you draw him, I love it; my gentle son, in your amazing art style.
I’M!!!!!! Glad you liked him!!!!!!! That boy is 100% out of my comfort zone so knowing he came out okay is super nice!!!!! :D 
Anon said:The way I drew the bakusquad in that one set of images … They’re like … On the cover of Vogue or something. It’s aesthetically good to my eyes man. Also you kinda got me into tetsukami?? I don’t understand it at all but now im into it BC of ur fanart and bc of other fanart but Imma blame u and im grateful to have another ship to hyperfixate over. Anyway I love youu and your art man, i wish u many good days
Oh man I love you too anon this ask made me so happy???? And I’m especially happy I could get you into tetsukami! It doesn’t make much sense as a ship, does it? But they’d be fun interacting and their quirks work well together, so I have fun thinking about them! I hope they’ll interact in the classes 1a and 1b will have to share in the future! :D
Anon said:Oh I love your Noya’s, so glad you drew my boy again!:)
Thank you for liking him!!!!!! He’s hard to draw but I love him and he makes me happy!!! What a boy!!!
Anon said:Have you seen little noya in the newest chapter
I HAVE little boyo already had his blond hair how cute is that! The newest chapter made me really warm inside I really loved the whole speech Noya made ;u; my inspiring little lightning bolt !!
Anon said:I really really love your bnha art! But put some highlights on the kirabakus one, you probably have the quirk to melt my heart with them ;w;
That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever read!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Who do you think would propose? Bakugo or Kirishima???
I actually answered a similar question a while ago! But I can’t find it so I guess to sum it up I mostly think at some point it’d just become something both of them have talked about throught the years enough times that by then it’ll just be something they are gonna do, sooner or later, and when it’ll happen it’ll be more like “we have a stable income and a house and a dog and a cat and are p much already married we should really do this already” - in a scenario like that either of the two works, for me haha
Anon said:the best thing was that I just a moment before u posted I felt bad and pissed ad sad, but then all that disappeared ;V;
I’m!!!!! So happy to know I could help you like that!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Can I just say, I’ve been following your art a long time (I’ve always loved it!) and I’ve really noticed a lot of growth and improvement in your style? The thing that always impresses me most is how you are able to take simplified facial features and make them SO expressive. You convey emotions so well and I love it so much. Thanks for always giving us art to smile about! Hope you are having a lovely day!
THANK YOU SO MUCH OH MY G OD!!!! I’m!!!!! crying!!!! probably!!!!!!! FrICK!!!! ;A;
Anon said:KINONOYA!!!!!!
INDEED!!!!! What a good relationship they have!!!!!
Anon said:You draw Sero so good oml he’s too pretty
Anon said:THAT SERO YOU DREW!!! *clutches heart* n i c e !!!!
;O; I’m glad you like him?????? gods!!!!
Anon said:I love the way you draw Kaminari, he looks beautiful in your art style! ^^
SOB you guys are all so nice to me I’m gonna cry for real here ;U; thank you!!!
Anon said:Whenever I’m sad I look at your art and everything feels better.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy I can help you with your mood!!!!!!!
Anon said:When you Kiri with his hair down, I’m always like “that’s it, that’s the cutest Kiri ever” and then you draw him with it spiked and I’m like “no wait, there it is, the cutest Kiri.” And now you go and give me both Kiri’s in that adorable pair of sketches and how is that even fair because how am I supposed to handle that? I can’t even decide anymore. All your kiris are the cutest Kiri.
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!! All Kiris are the cutest Kiris tho, aren’t they? What an inherently cute boy he is!!!
Anon said:i showed my friend your art and since we both find it super good, we both decided to try to draw more regularly because we want get better and get a smooth(? idk how to say it in english lmao) style like yours so thank you for the motivation/inspiration!!
:O !!!!!! I hope you and your friend will have fun while at it, anon!!!!! :D
Anon said:I love your bakushima
Anon said:drawing ppl from above is so cool though!! i really like these kinda pics ✨ (esp bo and tetsu, so /cool/!!) dont give up, fran❤
Please don’t enable me anon, if you give me the green light I’m gonna keep on drawing that sorta angle forever hahahaha (thank u so much for the compliment, tho!!!!)
Anon said: ahhh i love your recent kiribaku drawings! they are so cool!!
That was about the red and teal ones, right? Thank you so much!!!! Working with colors like that isn’t something I do often, so I’m really really happy that you guys ended up liking them!!!
Anon said: Row! Row! Fight the power!!
I don’t know what brought this on but HECK YES
Anon said:Man I love all your art, fanart and OCs alike! And your BNHA is such an inspiration and one of the reasons I started writing fic. Have a great day!
OH BOY that’s such a nice thing to know!! I hope you’re having lotsa fun writing fics, anon!! And I also hope you’re having a great day, too!!!
Anon said:OK, i’m sorry for sounding this emotional, but OMG your art makes me cry. it’s just… so beautiful… *there i go again* *crying*
*hands u tissue* thank you so much but please don’t cry!!!!
You’re the second person that tells me they’re really similar to one of my ocs!!!! I wonder what that means? :O but it’s a fun thing to know, anyway!!! :D I hope you don’t mind Luca being so similar to you, anon haha
Anon said: What do you think would happen if eraserhead erased fatgum’s quirk?
He’d probably just lose his ability to absorb hits and then re-use their power? :? but if he’s fat he’s gonna stay fat and if he’s slim he’s gonna stay slim, I think :O
Anon said:Oh my god you know kekkai sensen I’m actually crying I love kekkai sensen but no one I know likes it/knows about it and aaaaaaa I love your art and you drew something from kekkai sensen and thats amazing!!!!
I’M GLAD YOU LIKED IT and I know right? Kkss has such a small fandom! Which to me is super weird considering how much following Trigun used to have? :O it’s definitely one of the best anime I’ve seen in recent times, tho!!!
Anon said:FRAAAANNNNNNNN!!!! I’m soo excited!! I might be getting a tote from your shop for Christmas! My friend asked what I wanted, so I looked at your store, and chose a tote with Mina, and Hagakure (?) And he told me to send him the link!
Anon said: Your art is so good! I especially love your black and white stuff! Its really punchy! Also all your Kiribaku content makes my heart melt!!!!!!
*gross sobbing* thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:would it be okay…if i drew luca (giving credit to you tho obv) i just love him so much GOD
YES!!!!!! Please do link me to it if you do draw him, I wanna see!!!!! :D
Anon said:Hey! I really liked your OCs and i was especially intrigued by Max and Leo!! Do you mind telling us more about their relationship? They look so sweet!!! Love ya and keep being awesome!
Thank you so much for liking my kids!!!! ;O; and sadly I can’t tell you too much about them cause their story is a bit still up in the air as far as details go, but in general they used to be best friends back when they were kids, then the accident that gave Leo his scars happened and for reason they lost track of each other for a long while - they met again recently, tho! Leo’s been in love with Max since they were babies and being able to talk to him and interact with him again makes him incredibly happy/mushy/soft but also absurdly and unreasonably overprotective since he’s really, really scared of losing him again - Max… because of plot-related reasons hasn’t realized that Leo is the kid he used to know back when he was super young, so his falling in love with him happens as the story progresses. He finds the overprotectiveness silly and unecessary, but he doesn’t exactly mind it? He has a feeling it helps Leo more than it helps him, so he lets him do his thing. All in all, maybe Max takes more care of Leo than Leo of Max. Welp, their story is kind of a mess haha
Anon said:Have you ever thought about doing nsfw? Or at least something kinda hot?
This is actually answered in my faq! But yeah, no, I don’t do nsfw, sorry! Something kinda hot… maybe in the future? But I gotta be in a very specific mood that doesn’t come around too often, so I dunno if and when that’s gonna be!
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servabrs · 7 years
BTS reaction to a younger western artist crushing on them
A/N: Can you please write an bts reaction to getting the news that a western younger artist has a crush on them? Thank youuuu💗💗
Jin / Kim Seokjin
Being a guest at variety shows quite often, Jin can enjoy talking freely, knowing how to handle the situation without the other members around. Especially since they are always a great opportunity for him to show off his newest dad jokes. Currently being at a show that got popular very lately, Jin gives his best to show all his good qualities and ends up being questioned by the MC, who tries to compliment Jin on his good looks, “Jin is very handsome, right? Did you know there’s a western artist who has a crush on you?”. As he hears that Jin raises his brows as he looks over to the MC. “What, really? Who is it?” he curiously asks. The MC chuckles, taking a look on his card “In a recent interview Y/N was asked what singer she’d like to have a date with. And apparently she answered with your name!”. As your name is mentioned Jin starts grinning while saying “Woah, I’m really worldwide handsome, aren’t I?” while sending his typical flying kiss to the camera with a wink.
Suga / Min Yoongi
Sitting at the rounded desk in the the recording room of the radio show, Yoongi feels very comfortable. Since they’ve been there before quite often they all know the MC’s and can talk very casually about their comeback, the latest gossip and some personal stuff. “Your comeback with the new album was a huge success! A lot of western artists also congratulated you on your album and that they personally really like it.” one of the MC states and all of the members mumble something in agreement. They read out some fanquestions regarding the topic of western artists and what they think about collaborationg and growing friendships. Following the questions shown on the screen infront of him, Yoongis mind trails off. “Y/N just recently revealed that she has a crush on Suga during an Interview, and would love to collab on the next Cypher with you guys.” the MC suddenly states and Yoongi looks up rather surpised. Namjoon and Jimin start to whistle while Yoongi is not sure what to say, startled by the idea of you rapping with him. “Yah, Suga! I’ve never seen you this quiet before, cat got your tounge?” the MC teases as everyone starts to laugh. Still uncertain Yoongi clears his throat acting confident “What are you talking about. I just had an idea for the beat we would rap to.”.
J Hope / Jung Hoseok
“Hoseok look at this!” Jimin runs towards him, giggling excited with a tablet in his hand. He was just casually relaxing in their shared room dozing off, thoughts wandering around nothing certain as Jimin bursted in. With a beaming smile he drops next to Hoseok onto the bed “You always watch reaction videos to our MV’s right? I swear to god, you will love this one!” Jimin nearly screams in excitement. Suspicious about Jimins words, Hoseok leans closer to him to have a better look at the screen of the tablet. With nothing more to say Jimin taps on the screen starting the YouTube video and Hoseok crooks a brow as he catches a glimpse of the title ‘Western Artists Reacting to BTS’ MV’. A lot of different artists are shown reacting during the MV but during the transition scene to Hoseok your face is shown. You jump up in excitement as you see Hoseok dancing and rapping “Oh my god, this shot is so beautiful. Look at J Hope! He is so beautiful, how can you not crush on him?” you blurt out, unaware of how red your face gets. Right after that Jimin stops the video and looks at Hoseok with anticipation “Y/N has a crush on you hyung! Look at you, you’re beaming like the sun!”. Laughing at Hoseoks precious smile he rolls up on the bed and “Yah, Jimin! Shut up!” is all he can say before having to grin again, not able to hold back.
Rap Monster / Kim Namjoon
Since BTS is having a new Interview with Billboard, Namjoon is taking the lead with answering the questions and translating for the others. They mostly understand the interviewer but Namjoon translates it nevertheless, used to being the one to overcome the language barrier. “Since you collabed on a song with the chainsmokers, what are other artists you would like to work with? It’s been quite some time, since I asked you that, so maybe there are some new artist you’re interested in?” the interviewer asks with an eager smile on her face. And just as everyone expected Namjoon to turn around and repeat the question in korean he blurts out “Y/N! She gained a lot of popularity during the past months, and her style of producing music is really unique. I would love to collab with her one time.”. After noticing what he just did he laughs shyly, not turning to see the faces of the members, knowing well all of them are just smirking at him. The interviewer chuckles at his cute outburst “I actually interviewed her just a couple of days ago, and she said exactly the same about you guys. She also revealed that she has a little crush on you, Rap Monster.” she says and winks at him. Shocked from the news he embarrassingly smiles, showing off his dimples and lowers his fast reddening head. All the other members start laughing at him, hitting him on the arm as he hides his face behind his hands, too shy to handle the situation.
Jimin / Park Jimin
Scrolling through his phone while laying on the couch in the living room, Jimin ended up on Twitter reading comments. Chuckling at the memes and fan edits under every post, he shows the funniest ones to Jungkook who sits next to him. “Have you seen the Tweet literally everone tagged us in?” Jungkook asks while laughing at one of the comments. “Huh, no. What Tweet do you mean?” Jimin asks giving Jungkook a confused look. “You just have to look at the comments of your selfies. You will find it in an instant.” he replies grinning at his hyung. Getting curious, Jimin scrolls through the shared Twitter account to his latest posted selfie and opens up the comment box. To his suprise it was full with the same link, all redirecting to the same Tweet, added with heart emojis and hashtags that look like a weird name. Jungkook next to him scoots closer, eager to see his reaction as Jimin clicks on the link, showing him the Tweet everyone talks about. With a huge suprise he notices that the Tweet is from you, who he met at the last Billboard Music Awards, since you were both nominated for the same category. He starts reading it out loud “I just watched the new MV from Jimins solo song and I have to say, my crush is real. Watch it, it’s beyond heavenly!”. Turning red he locks the screen of his phone and throws it in the corner of the sofa. “Aaaw, hyung! You’re blushing, you can’t deny how happy that makes you. Everyone saw you staring at her on stage!” Jungkook teasingly says as Jimin tries to escape the situation.
V / Kim Taehyung
During the comeback promotion they have a lot of shows with a little talk section in between the dance performances and prepared videos. So after they performed the choreography to their latest title track the staff brought some chairs up the stage and everyone takes a seat. As they talk about the choreography Hoseok takes the lead of explaining “Gladly a lot of people seem to like the choreohraphy so far.” as the crowd cheers in agreement. And Jimin takes the opportunity to tease his best friend “I saw a lot of social media posts saying it’s great. Females seem to really like Taehyung’s part though!”. Taehyung tries to playfully hit Jimin, but he quickly runs away smiling at his success to fluster Taehyung. “I’ve been reading that too!” Jungkook joins in “Y/N even posted on her personal social media, how much she likes you!”. As everyone starts to grin, the crowd screams as Taehyung gives up on trying to hit Jimin but Jungkook instead. “Yah, what are saying? Stop it!” Taehyung says, not sure how to talk himself out of this. “Show us the dance move again!” Jimin teasingly adds, wiggling his eyebrows in anticipation. Embarassed, Taehyung can’t hold back showing off his boxy smile, as he lowers his gaze and shyly shakes his head.
Jungkook / Jeon Jungkook
After an exciting concert overseas Jungkook feels way too energized to sleep yet, so he logs in to V LIVE and starts a live stream in his hotel room, laying on the bed. “Hello everyone. I just came back from the concert. Did you miss me?” just as usual he starts off with fan service, killing some time as A.R.M.Y’s join watching in the speed of light. “I’m not tired yet, so I thought I’d take some questions. Yes, I’m going to eat soon, don’t worry.” he says, directly answering the first one. As he watches the questions, answering one by one, he soon notices many comments about one particular western artist. “I heard rumors about Y/N having a crush on you.” one fan wrote. Trying to ignore it he scrolls past that comment, but ends up finding more. “Lately Y/N often talks about you on her social network. People think you’re dating lol” another comment says. Not being able to avoid the topic Jungkook starts to blush and cover his smiling mouth with one hand “What are you saying… Please ask me something instead”. Fans calm down until a question related to the western singer pops up: What do you think about Y/N? Jungkook hesitantly answers “I really like her music. I bet Y/N is a nice person. Not saying we’re dating tho.” while trying not to blush again.
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tayegi · 7 years
im crying not only bc of your amazing writing, but bc i was scrolling thru my dashboard and i saw you answering all these asks about new rules and i’m so dump thinking that you set up new rules or sthg, i didn’t understand it so i read all those asks and fucking spoiled myself kmp, but on another note yOU FUCKING ROCK OMG NEW RULES IS SO AMAZING I LOVE IT 💘💘💘
Anonymous said:I'M LOVING NEW RULES SO MUCH just wanted to show my support. i love your writing in general don't get me wrong but new rules is messing with my heart and it's amazing
Anonymous said:Hi! I just read both parts for "New Rules" and I loved them! If this goes in the same direction as Dua Lipa sings (I guess it will) it sounds like it'll be very interesting. I love how everyone in the story is human, not just good or bad, you know? 90% of fics would've made Mijoo the stereotypical barbie bitch, but you didn't and I was pleasantly surprised! I also feel very identified with the OC. I really want her to open up and discover who JK really is, whoever that is. Keep up the good work!
jabaelashit said:Hey! i already wrote you a message on one of your posts but i just wanted to say that i am feeling so skabakks right now, I can't stop thinking about new rules and i'm torn between crying or crying but w angsty. I hope oc learns her worth and can understand she's just as amazing as mijoo, even better if we're talking about morals but oh well people fuck up:( I'm glad she forgave her but I hope she distances from her cause that gurl ain't having the same respect for the friendship as oc/1
jabaelashit said:and i also hope she gets to tell jimin her feelings not to like make him break stuff w mijoo, but to let him know she hadnt seen the note and to release some pressure and feelings cause oc bottles up so much and i just want to go and hug her and don't leave her until she understands shes fucking badass and cool and that the way she thinks is 👏👏👏 lu you've made me feel such a diverse amount of emotions i don't know what to do w myself anymore, your writing is amazing! love love loove you❣/2
Anonymous said:Hey!!:) idk if this is the right place to send compliments cause im really new to tumblr but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR FICS. Tbh I'd buy it if you published a physical compilation;)
Anonymous said:Wow for the longest time I was searching your old username; idek why cause I’ve known you changed your username and have been keeping up to date with you LMAO this is what being sick and delirious does to me. ANYWAYS! Hope you’re not too down with the crazy anons your story is great and I’m thankful for the dynamic characterizations you create! It makes it so much more interesting cause you create many characters with depth!!
Anonymous said:Can I please just have your writing talent? The OC is just so real, and that moment when she's deciding what to do with Mijoo, and what she actually says at the end.... I can't actually put my thoughts into words. I'm legit stunned by the sheer amount of emotions I felt reading the second chapter. I genuinely adore the banter between JK and OC, I personally prefer people to be more direct with what they want, so I already appreciate them, but also Jimin's convo with OC... (1/2)
Anonymous said:Jimin's convo with OC... Idk about these other anons going off on Mijoo, I was more thinking 'why didn't Jimin chase the note?' and then he would have had his answer then and there. But that might have just been me... And also, thinking back to it now, when JK said 'I need you' and OC repeated it back to him like super softly, like she was surprised oh god, okay, my heart is breaking even more for OC now, idk if I'm reading too much into it. I love you Lu, I hope you're well, and happy! (2/2)
Anonymous said:I love your fics so much!! The sass is real esp with jungkook 😂
Anonymous said:Anyways do ya thang hunny ✨ Keep wrecking me with your writings 💞✨💞✨💞✨💞✨💞✨😩
Anonymous said:Read part 1 of New Rules and was like yeah thisll be fun, I'll have a great time. Then I read part 2 and ended up shedding some real tears at the end?!?! LU WHAT THE...... But really though its so nice to read a fic where the OC values friendship. The idea that its always girls against girls makes me sad.. we should be sticking together!!
Anonymous said:so... surprise surprise, dis gon be about new rules 😂 but I really wanted to thank you for adding so much of the oc's inner dialogue, and making her such a character in the first place. a lot of fics do not portray ocs with more defeatist attitudes, but yours does and I was glad, because I could finally relate to a fic :) also, coming back to the inner dialogue thing, it was so in depth that i could really feel what the oc was feeling, what she was going through. it was amazing ❤️ thank you!
Anonymous said:Man this is one hell of a good fic i’m highly anticipating the next chapter!!! Even though it seems like traditional frat fuckboy x ‘i hate frat bois but ye i’d fuck u’ type of girl it still is in a way a little different i just can’t quite catch how but nonetheless it’s amazing!!! Keep up the good work babe
oceanjoon said:ok so ur newest fic new rules literally is so real n relatable !! like honestly i understand seeking physical comfort in people u dont care about wen u r feeling down/insecure to validate urself n it just rlly hit home
kyarybunny said:Lu. At this point I have so many compliments to give you I can't really form it all properly. But I really am enjoying New Rules and this plot you're breathing life into! It's a different facet of your writing and I love how you can interpret every character's actions in a few different ways. Thank you for continuing to write and I hope you enjoy writing as much as we do reading/analyzing.
Anonymous said:Istg when I read the new chapter of New Rules I clenched my fist like that Arthur meme when it came up to the part about mijoo and the note. Girl got me heated lol. As usual, your works do not disappoint! I love your wittiness and how it shines in your writing. The remarks and dialogue in all of your series really proves your talent. You’re truly a gem amongst fanfic writers 💕☺️📢
Anonymous said:i was happily reblogging a few things on my dash and ch1 of new rules just came and i started reading WHERE THE FUCK DID I GET MY ASS INTO???!!!???!?! IT'S FUCKING AMAZING i don't know why i didn't start reading before. don't you ever dare stop writting, you're such a good writter and i enjoy your works very very much
Anonymous said:new rules just keeps getting better and better 😻😻
Anonymous said:Wow.. Okay.. I do believe chapter 2 of New Rules has officially ruined me. My heart was actually beating so fast through out the whole chapter, and it's still racing now too. I've thought this multiple times while reading your fics, but you're writing really is incredible. Your characters and the way you describe their emotions is so unbelievably relatable that the reader can't help but be sucked in. I always find myself becoming invested in your characters! Thank you for all the adventures!
Anonymous said:I felt so bad for the OC this chapter ;.; If I were in her position, I'd probably do the same since causing a scene is yes, immature and not worth the energy. But, if i could be a character in New Rules I'd probably be the other best friend who'll be like "guurl, confront her ass it isnt an excuse just because she's your friend." All in all I see the OC as the kind of person who'll go out of their way to care for someone to the point of disregarding their own feelings, which is unhealthy :( (1)
Anonymous said:(2) but thats what makes her such a relatable character. I really, really like that in your OCs. This is probably the second OC i emotionally relate to, first is Copper Girl. But yeah I'm just distracting myself from assignments lol this series is amazing and just you are amazing Lu!!!! ily!!!!! PS. Jungkook is still agsjshskll he's cocky but with OC he's quite vulnerable. I wonder why? Is it just a front or does he have other intentions?
Anonymous said:alternative ending to new rules: mijoo and mc are over their respective boys, does not bother to get into any messy scenarios like that ever again, love each other and support each other and is forever the friendship that everyone envies anD I HATE THIS SITUATION SO MUCH GODDAMMIT LU!!! UR REALLY TRYING TO TEAR MY HEART APART!!
omg the amount of response ive gotten for new rules is unbelievable. I dont think ppl were even this into equilibrium. the last time u guys acted like this was during the golden boy trilogy and it really feels so good to have this again.
thank you all for your thoughtful messages and for giving this ridiculous little fic a chance. I love you all
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kpop-drabble · 7 years
Requested : Can you please write day6 as dads? Thank you.
WONPIL - The Overly-Loving Dad - has so much love for his kids and is not afraid to show it at all times - carries pictures of his kids around in his wallet and its more than ready to pull it out and show off each picture at even the slightest mention of children - always was up to read bed time stories to his kids when they were younger and practically shared his bed with them because he just couldnt say no to them when they said they had a nightmare and needed him - probably insisted on tucking his kids in at night despite them getting too old for that (they complained but he probably got all pouty until they felt guilty enough to allow him to do his nightly routine) - his kids are ??? extremely spoiled but are taught to be very humble about everything - he tries to give them everything they need, whether it be emotional support or materialistic things. - the dad that actually listens to your problems and tries to give a solution instead of getting mad about it ???? wild - likes to frame every report card the kids have and his at home office is covered in drawings his kids have given him - he just ?? loves his kids and loves being a dad so much
BRIAN - the Pal Dad - doesn’t really understand what it means to be a dad but is passing as one - probably allows his kids to take a sip of his beer and when they make a face at the taste tells them its a lesson not to start drinking - really bad at inforcing rules - gets caught up on watching netflix shows with his kids and forgets what time it is on a school night - “oh f- heck, it’s past your bed time we should go to sleep” “one more episode? please?” “okay” - three episodes pass before they’re both crashing out on the sofas and waking up late without an alarm, he probably leaves the house without shoes in his rush to get his kids in the car and to school at the right time. - buys all the newest toys, but honestly ? sometimes you cant necessarily tell if he was buying it for his kids or for himself - always stocking the cupboards with junk food, and 3/7 days of the week they’re eating out at a resturant. - but at least sometimes he remembers to force his kids to eat their veggies - probably comes home with new pets randomly to surprise his kids with, their house could probably be mistaken for a zoo at some points - he just loves animals and his kids love animals and he /loves/ his kids so he’ll do whatever he can to make them happy - even if it is coming home with three lizards every now and again just to see them smile
JAE - The Goofy Dad - nearly as bad if not worse than Brian when it comes to being a parent - his kids just have to go into his room, fake cough and he’s letting them stay home with him for the day - he’s not dumb, he knows they’re faking, but sometimes even he is too lazy to drive them into school. - likes to be highly involved with his kids lifes, once attempted to be a supervisor for a school trip but nearly lost half the class, he hasn’t had the school calling him for favours anymore. - is a little too advanced with modern technology - made a twitter to follow and keep tabs on his kids and ended up gaining more followers than his kids ??? - all he does it post out dated memes and dad jokes so its a big mystery as to why half the childs school follows him - all their friends know about him and probably think he’s a really cool dad (and some have even called him DILF before but his kids surpress it as much as they possibly can) - embarrasses his kids as much as possible, whether it be dancing in public or just tweeting at them constantly its like he levels up each time his kids scold him for being embarrassing
SUNGJIN - The Protective Dad - not necessarily a push over but he does enjoy structure - probably has a colour coded calender on the front of his fridge that has the chores his kids have to do on it - they get an allowance though so they afe necessarily mad about the chores. - all their kids friends are ?? kind of scared of him because he just looks so intimidating, but he’s actually such a softy and is so loving and a little over protective when it comes to their kids. - probably the type of dad to start disliking a friend after their kid complains about a fight they had with them, no friend came return after their kids have told sungjin about them - would figuratively and literally take a shot for his kids if they were ever in danger - probably encourages family outing as frequent as possible allowing each kid to choose a day and what they want to do. - allows enough freedom that his kids are happy but ensures that homework is complete and they’re doing their very best in school. he just wants was best for them ultimately - in both school and relationship wise - puts on this whole intimidation act when they’re first introduced to their kids significant other. - an embarrassing dad when he doesnt even mean to be one
DOWOON - The Mom Dad - not necessarily as loving as a stereotypical TV mom would be, but all the other characteristics of a stay at home mom? he’s got them - he has a lot of free time on his hands and when he’s not attempting to learn a new instrument he’s baking - the neighbourhoods favourite dad, all the moms flock to him and probably have coffee talks with all the moms on a daily basis after the kids were sent to school - sososo enouraging of everything their kids want in life - support any life changes they want or whatever passion they have that week - the house probably always smells like burnt baked cookies because just because hes the mom friend dad doesn’t mean he’s naturally good at baking , but he is trying and sometimes the cookies come out decently (more times than not they come out burnt or overly salty, hes not even sure where he went wrong) - the type to say the families about to go out and just as they’re about to leave go back to answer the ringing phone and leave his kids hanging by the door as he talks to susan down the street about what drama has happened between gwen and paula that week. - should probably be on real housewives.
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