#and honestly!!! fry was such a miracle because their design was straight from my head with no changes
gothamsfinestdummy · 2 years
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Lil doodles of a couple of my characters
#I’m designing another character at this point#I might scrap it. I’m not sure. ugh. it’s a frustrating process.#ANYWAY#Tammy looked so different before#and honestly!!! fry was such a miracle because their design was straight from my head with no changes#and they turned out great in my opinion#love Fry they’re my sweet burger beast#HOWEVER. Tammy was frustrating#a lot of thought and ideas and movie watching went into her design#lots of different skin color ideas!! I was going to make her blue. then I made her grey. white. and for some god forsaken reason I#considered pink#which that rocks when it works but. it doesn’t work for them.#I was very conflicted with her color palette. there are MANYYY concept drawings that I could show possibly? not sure. maybe.#she was white black and red at one point and then I thought that doesn’t feel at all like ‘zombie’#so I changed it again.#the two consistent themes I really wanted in her character#is that she is constantly tired and that she has a punkish or ratty/messy look#(and. maybe some Inspo pertaining to Garth from Wayne’s World)#not sure if that shows. more so just the hairstyle#BUT ANYWAY#with her skin I decided to go for a more patchy and infected look#because.. they’re a zombie#and I need patchy and infected skin zombie representation!!!#(be the change you want I suppose)#I was also hung up on if her palatte was too similar to Lord Dominator’s (blacks greens reds) but I think it works out here#slapped on a Rated R design because horror movies are typically R Rated and yup :) Tammy#I like her!! she!! was!! frustrating!! to!! make!! but hey!! not as angering as this current character I’m trying to figure out#and CERTAINLY not as easy and lucky as Fry#(ugh fry darling thank you for being so easy..)#my art
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pinkettepoet · 6 years
In Which They Go To The Beach
Summary: You and the Avengers go to the beach for a well deserved break. What could go wrong?
Warning(s): Avengers x Fem!Reader, Swearing.
Note: I am so happy to see that many enjoyed the last imagine. I used some prompts here, maybe I should make a list of prompts. I hope many more will enjoy this one!
There was nothing you’d like more than to sleep for the rest of the year. After a week long mission, you had aches and bruises all over your body. Plopping yourself headfirst onto the mattress, you swore to yourself that you’d never move another muscle again.
Just when you thought that sleep was near, the lights turn on and suddenly there were voices in your room. You open your eyes to see the Avengers piling onto your room one by one, they all dived onto your bed until there was no more space.
“Oi! What the hell is happening?” You exclaimed, demanding to know why giants decided to pile on top of each other in your room.
Natasha grumbled words into the pillow beside you, it was a miracle you understood, “Steven called a family meeting.”
“And you all came to my room, why?” You asked, eyelids becoming heavier. The taste of heavenly sleep was right there, yet it was so far away as you struggled to breathe. Being cuddled by Thor became a little hassle when he forgot the extent of his strength.
“You have the softest bed, everyone knows that you’re Tony’s favorite.” Pietro sped inside, only to jump on top of his sister’s back. In result, he ended up being flung to the side of the wall.
You told yourself that sleep was more important than trying to push everyone out of your safe haven. Slowly, as your eyelids fluttered shut, you almost succumbed to the void of darkness.
The door to your room came banging open. You tried to jump up on instinct but a certain God kept his arms around you. Suddenly, you realize that the new intruder was no other than Steve Rogers himself, clad in the colors of America.
“Avengers, assemble.” He said with the corner of his mouth tipped up in a smile. “We’re going to the beach.”
A series of exaggerated groans came flying around the room. As much as the idea was tempting, the comforts of your room was way better. Plus, you always found the way of being the designated babysitter.
“Steve, come here.” Natasha sat up straight from her spot on the bed, her arms wide open for Steve.
“Why?” Steve didn’t move a muscle. And if you didn’t know any better, you’d say that was fear is his eyes.
“Just come here.” Natasha had a sweet smile plastered on her face, contrasted by the tiny glare she sent Steve.
“No, you’ll punch me.” With that, Steve turned around to flee for his life but Tony ended up blocking his way out.
“Hello, creatures!” Tony exclaimed. “Hi, Y/N, the sweetest angel of my life. Steve, how did the meeting go?”
“I want to stab everyone!” You said before Steve could say anything else. Sleep was the only thing you wanted.
“Oh, you’re so adorable.” Tony came up to you, squeezing your cheeks as if you were a child. Luckily, Thor swatted his hands away. “But no murder before dinner.”
“I think the beach would be a good place for a vacation.” Steve said, nervously shifting his weight from one leg to the other.
“Silence, you uneducated dorito!” Clint threw a pillow of yours at Steve, missing his head by a long shot.
• • •
It felt like a vacation. For once, everything was going smoothly. Sam and Peter managed to fry eggs on Bucky’s metal arm. Clint was swimming with a shark fin on his head, scaring away most of the visitors. Natasha and Wanda were trying to teach Vision and Steve about beach volleyball. Tony and Bruce were off collecting seashells. Thor and Loki were failing miserably at surfing. You didn’t know where Pietro was.
Everything was perfect. You laid down on the chair, basking in the warmth of the sun. The view of the ocean right in front of you was enchanting. The thought of getting a tan seemed amazing to you. You and your coconut drink were an unstoppable duo.
Until you weren’t.
Peter ran up to you, his head down and eyes cast solemnly to the sand. “Y/N, Sam burnt me.”
And so it started, you thought. It was bound to happen. Even if ignoring everyone seemed like an amazing option, you knew there was no way that you could not help. Hence why you were the babysitter of the group.
Before you could say anything, Sam came running to you with sweat dripping down his bare chest. “Y/N! Peter is lying! He’s a little devil, I tell you. He put sand in my fried egg! Sand!”
“I did not!” Peter objected. After a few seconds, he nodded shyly. “Okay, maybe I did.”
“Why, you little gremlin.” Sam immediately lunged for Peter.
“Only because Wade told me it would be a cool idea!” Peter dodged Sam’s attack and ran away. The two soon were caught up in a chasing game.
You reminded yourself that they were both fully grown Avengers, they could handle themselves. It was a vacation, you told yourself, a vacation that you absolutely needed to enjoy. After minutes of squirming in your seat, you finally decided that you would go after them.
In five minutes.
For five minutes, you were determined to relax as much as possible. You were successful in being able to pretend that you didn’t have responsibilities for about three minutes until you heard Clint screeching your name. So much for five minutes.
You turned your head to find an angry looking woman with Clint pouting by her side. The hellish tone in her next words was definitely noted, “Is this man your brother?”
“Of some sorts,” You mentioned hesitantly.
“Well, then,” The lady’s voice raised an octave higher, effectively making you wince. “Tell your brother to stop scaring my children with his shark suit!”
The woman made her point with a few more harsh sentences. Then, she turned her heel and trekked to the other direction. Leaving a flustered Clint.
“I gotta say, Clint,” You started, snatching his attention instantly. “I have to agree. If you wanna swim some more, take off the shark suit.”
Clint’s expression turned downcast. “But my shark suit,” He whined, pulling on your heartstrings.
“I’m sorry, Clint, but we’re here to rest. Not inflict terror on the children.” You sympathized. “Go change.”
Barton was silent for a few moments. He stood frozen in front of you, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. It honestly looked hilarious with his head engulfed by a large shark head.
“Clint? What’s up?” You asked, giving in to your curiosity as to why Clint was suddenly speechless.
“I don’t have my clothes anymore.”
“What?” You sat up in alarm. Granted, it was a typical thing of Clint to do but it was still shocking. “What do you mean you don’t have your clothes anymore?”
“I ripped them all off when I put the shark suit on.”
“Why on earth would you do that, Clint?” You exclaimed, flailing your arms around.
“I don’t know!” He shrugged. “I just wanted to feel manly, I think, the adrenaline was just rushing through me. I didn’t know what to do.”
“Jesus, Clint.” You palmed your forehead exasperatedly. “Find Tony and go ask for money and buy yourself some clothes.”
“Fine.” He huffed. On his way to find Stark, he began to mumble some things. You could see him kicking the sand with a flipper. “Fuck off, sand.”
Your attention was diverted to Sam chasing Peter with a stick by the shore. As you saw the amount of people watching them with incredulous stares, you were reminded of the very reason why you pushed yourself to get up.
Just as you began to stand up, you heard a set of familiar booming voices. The bickering of the God of Thunder and the God of Mischief began to sound awfully closer by the minute.
“Lady Y/N, will you aid us in our quest of hunting a great white shark?” Thor beamed at you when the siblings reached you. “My brother and I have heard talk of this creature lurking around by these waters, we shall obliterate it at once.”
“I’m not your brother, you fool.” Loki hissed. His lips lifted to a smile when he faced you. “But yes, we will be on the hunt of this animal that brings the screams of agony to the mortals.”
“Boys, no!” You sighed. “Clint is inside that shark—”
“Say nothing more, Lady Y/N. Sir Barton will be rescued from it’s evil clutches.”
As Thor and Loki sped away to find Clint, you couldn’t help the groan that escaped your lips. Oh well, you had to deal with one thing at a time. Setting course once more for Peter and Sam, you walked towards their direction.
You halted in your steps as you heard a people chanting your name. You shifted your behind to look for the source of the sound. Sure enough, you saw Wanda and Vision glowing with happiness, while Natasha was sulking with Steve behind her.
“Y/N, how lovely to see that there are still some good in this world.” Natasha ran to you and started clinging on to you like a koala bear.
“What happened?” You’ve been asking a lot of questions this morning, you noticed that for sure.
“Wanda’s been using her power to win our volleyball tournament.” Natasha glared at Wanda, who was laughing uncontrollably.
Wanda’s giggles subsided after a moment. “You just don’t know how to play.”
“Wanda, honey, I’d die for you, I’d kill for you. But if you distract Steve again by tricking him that Sharon’s here, I’ll just plain kill you.” Natasha growled, still pouting by your side.
“Y/N! Y/N! I have made the greatest invention yet!”
You turned around to see Tony jogging to you with a puppy-sized crab in his hold. You immediately flung your hand to stop him, “Tony, no! Put the crab down!”
“Y/N, you don’t understand. This is Bruce.” He smiled at you as if that wasn’t the most ridiculous thing that ever came out of his mouth. “I have achieved the greatest prize in life. I successfully turned Dr. Banner into a crab.”
Before you could reply, Bucky came up to you, patting your shoulder softly. Then he showed you numerous cooked eggs on his metal arm, “Want some, Y/N?”
You shook your head softly, sinking into the sand as you did so. The Avengers bent down, asking if you were okay, you replied with a mere smile.
“When this is all over, I want my sanity back.”
(tag list: @not-jk-rowling)
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klynnwordsadhoc · 7 years
It Started with a Wedding 1.5:  My Hero
After a few weeks of living together, Alec has a harrowing encounter in the kitchen, and Magnus most certainly does not find it funny. Alec would believe that if he weren’t laughing.
Read on AO3
Magnus had never shared his space with a lover before he'd asked Alec to move in with him. It had made sense, Alec spent the majority of nights at his Brooklyn loft anyway, there was really no reason for Alec to go back and forth between his spartan Manhattan studio sometimes simply to get a change of clothes. At least that was what Magnus told himself. 
In reality, his reasons were much more selfish. He slept better when Alec was there beside him - This in itself was something of a revelation to Magnus, who before could barely stand sharing a bed with any previous lover because usually he was a ridiculously light sleeper and any sound or movement outside of the norm woke him and kept him awake - he missed Alec on the nights he had to stay at the office late and opted to go home in lieu of waking Magnus, and he honestly just preferred having him there to being without him. It's been 3 weeks since Alec moved all his things, such as they are, in. Alec didn't hold onto much, just a few photos and knickknacks and a shadow box of his honors from the Marines, which hung in a place of honor in the loft, despite Alec’s protests that Magnus could just put them in storage. Magnus had informed him unequivocally that he would do no such thing, and didn’t miss the pleased little smile Alec tried to hide from him. Still, Magnus had expected something of an adjustment period. He kept expecting that somehow, they would start to get on each other’s nerves, that Magnus would miss his independence, or Alec would miss his solitude, and they’d decide this wasn’t going to work. Magnus fights these fatalistic thoughts, but sometimes they get the better of him. Somehow, Alec always seems to know, because he will bring home takeout from one of Magnus’ favorite restaurants. He’ll curl around Magnus on the couch and watch Devil Wears Prada with him for the thousandth time and pretend he’s not bored out of his mind. He won’t say anything about it, not unless Magnus wants to talk about it, but such a small thing, and it does wonders to silence that part of Magnus that is waiting for the other shoe to drop. The adjustment period never came. Living together is just easy. Alec wakes up at some ungodly hour every morning without an alarm, which is a miracle in Magnus’ opinion, and only very occasionally does he wake Magnus in the process. Magnus would be annoyed by this, but he can’t really complain when Alec smooths his hair back and kisses his forehead and murmurs for him to go back to sleep. Alec is meticulous about cleaning, something left over from his military service, Magnus is sure, and Magnus is decidedly not. He’s not dirty, but he has a habit of just tossing things this place or that, intending to come back to it later, which he may or may not do. Alec just sighs and picks up after him and only complains about it a little. They fight, because of course they do, fights are part of being in a relationship. It’s small things. Alec’s inability to relax about the dishes, Magnus’s inability to do them in what Alec considers an acceptable amount of time, Alec’s early mornings, or when sometimes he has to drop everything for a client, regardless of plans they may have had, Magnus’ late nights, or the fact that sometimes he’ll work 24 hours straight to meet a deadline. But they never walk away from each other angry. It helps that the make-up sex is usually pretty stellar. They both take work home with them sometimes, so neither makes too much of an issue about that. Magnus is in his study, working on some new designs, while Alec moves about in the kitchen, attempting to make dinner. Magnus learned very quickly that Alec’s culinary skills were rudimentary at best, but Alec tries, and as with anything he sets his mind to, he is improving steadily. Magnus has grown used to the sounds of Alec moving about. He tunes it out until he hears a short, yelped curse and the clatter of something heavy hitting what was either the floor or the wall. A second later, Alec calls out to him, “Babe, can you come in here for a second?” The tentative quality of his voice makes Magnus set aside his work and head toward the kitchen. “Alexander? Did you hurt yourself?” “Magnus, just come in here, please.” Magnus increases his pace, this time wondering what Alec managed to break. He sees nothing immediately wrong when he enters the kitchen, other than the fact that there is a frying pan on the floor and Alec is standing as far away from the counter as he can get without leaving the room entirely. He’s staring intently at a spot on the wall. “There,” he says, pointing to it. Magnus arches a brow, “What am I looking at exactly?” Alec glances away from whatever he is staring at long enough to give Magnus a harried look, “There’s a spider. Can you please get rid of it?” Magnus takes a second to process that, “A spider?” He walks toward the spot, and indeed it is a spider. His building is older, and they do get the occasional wolf spider, which is exactly what this one is. As much as it takes him a moment to wrap his head around the fact that his six foot three, solid, former Marine is scared of a little spider, at least to Alec’s credit they’re not exactly nice looking. “Will you just kill it please?” Alec says tightly. Magnus tisks, “I’m not going to kill it, it didn’t do anything to you.” He gets a cup and uses a paper towel to urge the thing into it. "There we go, little friend, let’s put you outside.” “It existed in the same room as me,” Alec retorts. “Magnus can you please not coo to the spider?” “It’s alright, darling,” Magnus soothes him, quickly losing his fight with his amusement, especially when Alec skirts away from him as he heads out of the kitchen to release the spider outside. “I’m taking the big bad spider outside.” “Magnus, it’s not funny,” Alec says, exasperated. Magnus says nothing until he’s come back inside, having released their eight legged friend back into the wild. “It’s a little funny. You can kill a man in six seconds, but you can’t handle a little spider.” “That thing was not little,” Alec glares at him, “It was massive.” He gives him a flat look, “And six seconds, really?” “Well, I don’t know, it was an estimate,” Magnus says with a little shrug, his voice a little shaky. Alec’s eyes narrow, “Magnus, it is not funny,” he says again.
Magnus loses his battle with his amusement, and Alec turns his back on him with a huff, heading back into the kitchen.
“Alright, love, it’s not funny,” Magnus follows him, trying to keep his breathing under control.
“I would believe that, except you’re still laughing,” Alec says, dryly. He stoops to pick up the pan on the floor, setting it back on the stove.
“Did you…throw a pan at it?” Magnus is not laughing, he swears.
“Okay, that’s it. Out.” Alec points to the doorway to the kitchen, “I’m mad at you.”
Magnus hums, stepping up into Alec’s space and stepping him back against the counter. “Alexander, my love, light of my life. I’m sorry. It’s not funny.”
Alec doesn’t immediately unfold his arms, and he watches him, one brow arched. “I’m still mad at you.”
“I promise I will remove any spiders from your general vicinity should the need arise,” Magnus promises, and Alec huffs a tiny laugh, shaking his head. “And it will not be funny.”
Alec sighs, finally unfolding his arms. “Better.”
He leans a little into Magnus’ space, a sure sign he’s been forgiven and Magnus takes full advantage, leaning up to press a kiss to his mouth. Alec responds immediately, so he feels like he’s back in his good graces.
“So…spiders huh?” Magnus can’t help himself, it’s just…rather adorable actually.
“Shut up,” Alec says with a short laugh. “I don’t know why, they just freak me out. I think it’s the legs.” He shudders a little. “You’re telling me there’s nothing you’re scared of?”
Losing you, is Magnus’ first thought. He doesn’t say that, not yet. Maybe someday he will. “Acid wash jeans,” he says with the utmost sincerity.
Alec laughs, shaking his head, and he drapes his arms over Magnus’ shoulders. “Okay fine. You take care of the spiders and I’ll protect you from any fashion disasters we come across.”
“My hero,” Magnus replies, kissing him again.
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agrestenoir · 7 years
where marinette flirts
so alya told her to start flirting with adrien if she liked him so much, and the magazines give her step-by-step guides with 15 ~Chill~ Ways to Flirt With Your Crush Without Totally Embarrassing Yourself, so there’s no way this can go horribly wrong, right?
okay but marinette has to be realistic, when has anything ever gone right for her?
1. like their instagram and watch their snapchat: okay but marinette already does this, she follows all of adrien’s social media and collects his takes from photoshoots and knows his schedule, and honestly, there’s really nothing he does that she doesn’t know about it? the whole point of watching his snapchat and liking his instagram would be for him to notice her, but it’s not like she can tell him that she does this, because that would be creepy right? but for the most part she thinks she has this part down pat. 
2. make eye contact: and this one is damn near impossible. every time she looks at adrien, and he looks back, her heart turns into a puddle and she wants to melt. but okay, the magazine said to make eye contact, so that’s maintain eye contact, right? don’t look away as soon as he catches her looking. okay, she tells herself. i can do this.
adrien and marinette spend the rest of the week in multiple staring contests. alya and nino are extremely confused, but the game catches on, and soon the whole class spends Madame Bustier’s lectures in staring contests with the rest of their classmates. there’s a running scoreboard, and chloe and alya are surprisingly good at the game, which isn’t that surprisingly at all considering how many glare-showdowns they’ve had throughout the year. 
adrien just wants to beat marinette once, and how is it fair she’s so good at this??? marinette just wants to know why it’s not working; she hasn’t gone through dry eyes, blurry vision, and headaches for nothing. at this point, she’s read to pour Johnson’s No More Tears shampoo directly in her eyes to get them back to normal. 
3. let your emojis do the talking: 🍆😛:eggplant: :yum:
alya sent it from marinette’s phone, and marinette is too busy dying to say anything about it. adrien still buys her eggplants for a month because he thinks they’re her favorite.
4. wave and say “hi” when they walk by: marinette had to quit when her over-aggressive wave nailed nino in the nose and broke it. alya called him “raccoon eyes” for weeks. it didn’t matter though, adrien didn’t even wave back (though it might have been because his best friend was bleeding on the school steps). 
5. invite your crush to hang out as a group: seems easy enough, right? she invites alya, nino, and adrien over for a study group at her house, but alya and nino cancel at the last minute to give her “some alone time with adrien”. only it doesn’t work out that way because she’s forced to actually learn physics when adrien notices she had some troubles with it and tutors her for the rest of the night. 
6. say something simple, then keep the conversation going: marinette had trouble talking to adrien in the first place, so it was a miracle if she even got something simple out. adrien saves her the trouble anyway when he complicates her cat sweater, but it doesn’t go the way she imagined because it devolves into a heated argument over whether chat noir or ladybug was better, and oh my god, how could she be arguing with her crush over how much she sucked?
7. remember what they tell you, and bring it up later: so adrien refuses to speak to her since she said ladybug sucked, and marinette is panicking internally 24/7. she makes him a hat to apologize because it’s summer and it’s blue, and when he asks her how she knew blue was his favorite color, she just smiles and tells him she read it in a magazine article. 
adrien looks touched either way while marinette wishes she could sink through the floor because she’d gone nearly a whole year without adrien knowing she read magazine articles about him. 
8. give them a sincere compliment: 
adrien: “so what do we know about penguins already for this biology presentation?” marinette: “penguins are inefficient walkers…. they’re cute…. but not cuter than you.” adrien: “…thanks, marinette.”
adrien: “thanks, marinette. you’re so helpful.” marinette: “that’s me. i’m always helpful. i’ll always try to help you. you know, like… i’d totally hold a revolving door for you. i know that’s counterproductive, but you’re worth it.”
adrien: “god, they never get all the makeup off after a shoot.” marinette: “you know, i would really be okay with seeing you without makeup. that’s how much i like you.” adrien: “what?” marinette: “what?”
9. casually touch their arm when you’re talking: marinette casually strokes adrien’s arm during their next study session. adrien: “… why are you touching my arm?” marinette: “i’m checking the seam work.” adrien: “….that’s my skin though.” marinette: “shh, don’t disrupt a designer at work.”
10. offer them a fry: okay, but marinette doesn’t particularly like fries, so she figured she’d find another way to work this in. it happens one morning while she’s about to go to town on her croissant when she overhears adrien mentioning to nino that he’d forgot his breakfast, so she shoves the food in front of him and rushes away. alya can’t stop laughing at agreste’s startled expression when marinette shoved a croissant in his face without prompt. regardless, alya shares her own breakfast when marinette admits she didn’t have anything else to eat.
11. give them something thoughtful: marinette buys adrien a ladybug-spotted scarf because she knows he likes the superhero. he protests when she gives it to him, but she just shrugs and said she owed him one anyway after dissing his favorite superhero before. 
the next day he gives her a matching chat noir one.
12. tease them: she can barely keep a straight face when she teases adrien in front of nino and alya about always smelling like camembert. she even buys him three cheese wheels one day, but he only flushes darkly as he shoves them in his bag. she wants to apologize in case she hurt his feelings, but later that day, she notices that the cheese is gone. 
man, he must really like his cheese, she thinks in awe, and spends the rest of the day trying to figure out why adrien kept glaring at his bag during class. 
13. steal their hat and put it on your head: adrien doesn’t wear hats, so she stole nino’s instead. adrien spent the rest of the day trying to set her up with his best friend. 
14. ruffle their hair: marinette ruffles adrien’s hair when she walks into the classroom one morning. some strands end up tangled in her bracelet, and the two spend the remainder of class in the nurse’s office as she tries to cut them loose. 
15. sit in their lap: marinette is a little hesitant to try this one, but alya ends up taking matters into her own hands and pushes marinette into adrien’s lap one day while the three of them and nino were visiting a cafe for lunch. marinette is flustered and apologizes profusely, and she finally finds the courage to look into his eyes. but instead of angry!agreste, she seems wide, shocked green eyes as adrien begins to laugh uncontrollably. marinette starts to giggle and shakes her head and it’s not until she looks at him again that she realizes… this whole situation seems really familiar…
“…chat noir?” she asks suddenly.
“what?” adrien asks. 
“what?” alya asks.
“what?” nino asks.
“oh my god,” marinette says and dies.
Needless to say, flirting was not her forte. But hey, she still got the man in the end, right? …. alright, it’s a work and progress, but still. 
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