#and honestly i’ve flirted with her More but i can’t do anything about that because she’s my friend’s cousin and that also seems weird
fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
That last post just reminded me of something honestly mind-boggling that that friend did
#so i’d just gone back to uni after being home for the weekend and i messaged my friend to let her know#and she said ‘oh awesome i’m studying in the library with my friends from my course all day; come up!’#i lived a 15 minute bus ride from campus and had a free pass so it wasn’t a problem at all for me to get myself there#(and i went to campus tons anyway. like i think i went to the library once a day that whole year to be honest. i was writing my dissertation#so even though i didn’t like her friends (they were snooty; cliquey; all the guys would try to flirt with you in creepy ways) i said ‘sure’#but there was one problem: i’d left my wallet at home. my grandma had lent me some cash as soon as i’d realised (too far into the journey to#go back) and i’d be fine for the few days it took for someone to get my wallet to me; but i didn’t have my student ID#and i needed that to get to the upper floors of the library. where my friend and her friends were#SO i communicated that to her and she was like ‘yeah of course i’ll let you in! just let me know when you’re there’#so i did that and got no response. didn’t think anything of it. but then she messaged saying something about how her friends were having an#argument; someone was having a breakdown and she couldn’t come down right then#i was like ‘fine take a few minutes’ but i was obviously annoyed because what do you mean?? just walk away for a second#use me to diffuse the situation and change the subject if you have to?#so i said to let me know when she was coming down but i didn’t hear anything and it was crowded as fuck on the ground floor of the library#so i think i gave her like 10 minutes and just went to the business school’s cafe#nearly an HOUR later my phone rang and it was evidently her standing in the reception area of the library wondering where i was#i was like did you honestly think i’d still be waiting?? did you think i had nothing better to do with my life than wait around#like a schmuck to hang out with you and your godawful friends who i don’t like. jesus christ#and i mean it’s still not the most insane way she’s disrespected my time. like a few months after that she called me asking if i wanted to#go for a walk. i said ‘yeah’ and proceeded to get ready and everything. waited for her. she’s like ‘actually i need to do x’#then i didn’t hear from her. after like an hour i gave up and started working on my dissertation#she pulled up to my house THREE HOURS after she initially called and was absolutely bamboozled when i said i no longer wanted to go#on a walk and that i was working on my dissertation and had gotten in the zone#like if you’re going to be That late you’ve gotta tell people. you can’t expect them to still be waiting on you#past a certain point; especially with no communication; i just assume i’ve been stood up and i go do something else#because like realistically why the hell WOULDN’T i go do something else if i more than likely have 3 hours to do it in lmao#i can’t with this type of behaviour. i really think she thinks other people don’t have lives#or want to hang out with her so badly that they’re willing to sit around for hours waiting#i just think she should manage her ego to be honest#personal
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I don’t like how the Sokeefe confession went down, because it felt so abrupt compared to the build up of the series.
I think this because the whole series it’s Keefe who’s loved Sophie since the beginning, Keefe who hinted his feelings and flirted with her, and Keefe who couldn’t confess. And it was Sophie who couldn’t figure out her feelings and was oblivious to his. So it felt strange that though Keefe technically confessed first in the letter he left, it was Sophie who initiated the actual confession.
I understand that all the build up for Sophie confessing was in Stellarlune, but it just didn’t fit with the rest of the series, and honestly, felt unfair to Keefe (from a readers stand point, I’m sure he’s very happy in cannon). He should have been the one to confess.
I’ve heard people complaining that Chapter 42 was written like a fan fiction, and I disagree with this statement for two reasons, one that I think this is supposed to be insulting the actual writing of the scene, and I would never insult Shannon Messangers writing, and two because I don’t like to spread that fanfic writing is bad because fan fiction can have some amazing writing.
However I can see the similarities to Chapter 42 and fanfiction. As an avid reader of fanfiction, a reader can tell when the fanfic author is just writing a confession as a way to get the characters to kiss, the confession may be abrupt without a lot of build up, but also may just be very easy and quick. And that’s sort of how I felt reading the Sokeefe confession. It felt too easy for all the build up and angst and unrequited but eventually requited love that is Sokeefe.
Keefe should have been the one to confess, and Sophie should of had a harder time accepting feelings instead of pining for Keefe the entirety (?) or Stellarlune, and it should have been more difficult. Also Ro shouldn’t have been peer pressuring Sophie….
….And that’s the real controversial take here. Because, I do genuinely believe Sophie likes Keefe in cannon. I’m not a big Sokeefe shipper but I saw where this was going throughout the series. However in cannon, to the reader, it looks like Ro had to convince Sophie that she liked Keefe, and even if I think she does, it still feels like peer pressure when reading it. And I think Keefe would also be disappointed if he heard that it was Ro who convinced Sophie that she like him, because it should have been Sophie battling with her own feelings, not Ro telling her how she feels (regardless of if she was correct).
If I were to rewrite the Sokeefe part of Stellarlune, I would’ve have Sophie understanding that part of the letter, but pushing down her feelings and choosing to be oblivious in order to avoid facing her feelings when she already has so much going on. Have her think about Keefe while he’s gone, and be jealous of Biana (or suspicious whatever you’d call it) in that one scene but have her obviously be falsely justifying it in order to push down those romantic feelings.
Then when she does find Keefe, make her avoid mentioning the letter at all costs. Have it hang over their heads at every moment their alone together, have it be awkward. Then, on accident have her mention the letter. Let there be a pause.
Let Keefe be a bit bitter about Sophie refusing to acknowledge anything. Have him be all like “oh so you did see the letter.”
Have Sophie still refuse to talk about it. “yeah, I guess I was so distracted with trying to find you I didn’t really think about it (lying). was there anything important in there?”
Have Keefe’s eyes turn dark “no, I guess not. (lying)” and have him rudely stalk of.
Then later have them doing something for the black swan with their friends, looking over scrolls, idk research or something.
Have Sophie be frustrated after the scrolls don’t tell them anything important. “why can’t the author of these just tell us what this means?” She should grumble
And Keefe should say “well maybe you should read between the lines to figure out what they mean.”
Sophie throws down the scroll in her hands “well maybe people should just say what they mean instead of writing it down in a way that can mean anything!!” Keefe sets down his scroll, walking off outside. No one else knows what’s going on but Sophie sighs and follows him out.
“Keefe! Wait!” She shouts. Keefe would whirl around, tears in his eyes.
“Don’t you think I’ve waited long enough?”
Sophie stares at him, surprised that he’s crying.
“I’ve waited this whole time to because I didn’t want to pressure you. But you can’t even acknowledge it.”
“Because I don’t know what “it” is! You left, and you leave me this note, and I’m just supposed to understand what it means?”
“You know what it means! Why else would I write it?”
“You wrote it because you were leaving-“
Suddenly there are tears in Sophie’s eyes too. “You’re accusing me of avoiding all this but you were just as willing to! You didn’t want to confront me with your feelings so you wrote down your confession, but now you’re back and all you can do is shout it at me.”
Keefe takes a step closer, his eyes wide.
“How am I supposed to know you mean it if you don’t say it?” Sophie looks down, tugging at an eyelash.
Keefe takes another step closer, taking her hand in his. His voice is croaky and wet but each word is clear.
“Sophie Foster…I love you.”
And that’s when it all hits Sophie, because that’s everything she needed to hear and all the things she’s been stuffing down comes up and hits her all at once, and she physically stumbles into Keefe.
“Foster?” Keefe asks, catching her. Sophie looks up and makes eye contact with him.
“I think I’ve just fallen for you.” (The joke is that she actually fell over. In case it wasn’t clear.)
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Am I the asshole for getting a girlfriend
We’re all 15-17 in this, so if this seems petty I get it. I’m a lesbian, I’ve always been more extroverted and I have an introverted friend group. I would play flirt and help them gain confidence (compliment their talent and hobbies, call them beautiful when trying on clothing they were afraid to wear.) it was always my job to make the plans outside of school. This all change when I started dating my gf. My gf wasn’t really out like I was. She was more popular, she’s a cheerleader and no one really knew she was a lesbian. We started talking because we had a gym class together. On week nights we started hanging out and one thing lead to another. We kept the relationship secret for awhile because she didn’t know how she felt about being out and I understood.
During this time period I started hanging out with her and her friends. I divided my lunch with my friend group and hers. I stopped flirting with my friends and they said I was acting different, but I would just say I wanna focus on my romantic love life. My friend group was sure they us 8 were the only lgbtia+ group at our school. I was like there’s probably more people we just don’t know. My group of friends would make fun of my gf to me, and I would ask what has she ever done wrong. They would just tell me “she just seems like she’s up her own ass” I would always say we’re friends and she’s nice. My gf later came out and her parents took it well as did her friends and let everyone know we were dating.
It was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. We are out, we post pictures together, and I honestly love hanging out with her and her friends. They make me feel included. I’m no longer the one in charge of making sure we all hang out. I felt like we had all seen each other and take care of each other. They would compliment me first and notice things about me. I felt seen In so many ways. They remembered my fast food orders, my gf and her friends. I know her friend group was considered “normies” but I felt so loved.
Anyway a few weeks ago two of my friends were saying I was abandoning them for “my hot new girlfriend whose probably faking for attention” this set me off because they never gave her a chance. I’d offer to have them all hangout but they would always pull “new people make me nervous”. When I went to lunch I said of course I dedicate time to spending it with my gf, but you guys never meet me half way. I was just accused of wanting to hangout with popular people and leaving them. I asked if anyone in my gf friend group had bullied them had done anything to make them uncomfortable. They asked me if I was blind because one guy always disrupts the class with his loud laughing and dumb comments. Someone else chimed in and said I was being selfish for focusing on the relationship instead of them because we only have each other but my gf has always had it easy making friends.
I just said I was done. If they can’t handle me in a relationship maybe we just need time apart. I told them if they can be normal about me having a gf I’ll reconsider. But now I kinda regret it and I feel like an asshole for leaving my friends for my popular gf
My gf has been very sweet just saying I’m doing what’s best for me and she supports me no matter what. I haven’t told her friends any of this because I don’t wanna say “my friends don’t like you guys” it just spreads unnecessary negativity.
I just feel like an asshole.
What are these acronyms?
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auspicioustidings · 10 months
Price finding an unaccounted for hostage while clearing a terrorist base
(I feel like I’ve read this from you before but with Ghost??? I really hope that was you bc if not that’s slightly embarrassing that I can’t remember 😵‍💫)
Fear not it was indeed me! Now in that universe Price did have a story as to how he got himself a wife so let's say this is a different universe entirely! And oh go on sure I'll make Price less of a kidnapper and more of a handsome hero figure <3
Very Bad, No Good Day
Words: 700ish
Captain John Price would not have hesitated to shoot you. You were in a terrorist hideout, there was no mention of any other civilians and honestly? You were a little too soft and doe-eyed to seem like anything but a trap. He swept the room before even considering going near you, in risk assessment mode. Nobody else here, hastily cleared out safe and then you handcuffed to the radiator with a rag tied around your mouth.
On the balance of probability it was likely you were not a terrorist once he had taken it all in. Wouldn’t make sense to leave you behind, too much of a wild gambit to try and honey trap one of his. Price had met honeytraps before, they did not tend to be thick women in their 30s and as he got closer he could very much see how soft and terrified you were. Poor thing. 
Still, he could not rule out a trap entirely so he called it in and then searched you with firm hands and a gentle explanation. 
“Need to confirm you’ve not got any weapons then we can get you somewhere safe.”
Fuck you were quite the dream woman weren’t you? He kept it tactical even as he felt around and found you very much had hips that begged his fingers to sink into them. Where the hell had this useless lot of criminals found a thing like you? He probably should have been more thorough before he took the rag from your mouth but he was busy trying to scold himself into not getting too handsy.
“Give me the quick version. Who are you, why are you here?”
You blurted out everything in a rapid fire babbling. Your name, your very bad no good day as the unluckiest postie in the entire world who had just been trying to do her job and deliver a package. You probably cried at him too much about it, maybe went too into detail about how mean your boss was and all the names he kept calling you and how he always gave you ridiculously hard routes rather than giving you a standard one like everyone else. 
“Slow down luv, you’re fine. Deep breath.”
You tried, hard not to when this man was the one asking. He was like something out of a trashy romance novel, all gruff and handsome and commanding. For his part Price was doing a stellar job of not letting his face give away the massive ‘oops’ he had made. You were here because they had planned it that way. They had sent a package that was supposed to raise alarm bells, get everyone agitated and sloppy. He had not considered the idiots would think to blame the fucking postie for it. 
It was outrageous how he took a little sharp pin from one of his pockets and picked the lock on your handcuffs. Should that have been as attractive as it was? You were absolutely sure you fell entirely in love with the man when he pulled you to your feet, showing off how strong he was (tactical on his part, contrary to what his team may believe John Price was not bad at flirting, he was merely subtle). Should he save it for when you were not being rescued from an active terrorist base? Maybe. But even if his team may be muppets they were muppets he trusted to have done their jobs when they gave him the all clear, letting him relax just a little. 
He had fully intended on asking you out only you beat him to it, seeing if he might like to get a coffee as you were wrapped in a blanket with a medic checking over you. 
A week later you had coffee. A fortnight and you got your back absolutely blown out over his office desk. It took 6 months for you to move in together (he had asked after 1, you had at least tried to take things slow). A year to the day you met he got down on one knee and you crashed into him with delight with a yes spilling from your lips. 
Many years and several very fat and happy babies later you thought back on it and decided maybe it had not been a very bad, no good day after.
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byhees · 1 year
ship dynamics.
엔하이픈 ・ female reader + word count 1100 genre fluff varying au warnings not proof-read flirting — more
a/n. blank
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comfort | heeseung
talker and listener.
rants. even ones that ping to your head as seemingly ridiculous.
buying albums and pulling the same photocard not once, not twice, but thrice in a row? he’d just listen whilst suppressing a grin, elbow propped on the table, chin resting on the palm of his hand.
just read up on the latest celebrity gossip? he’d just listen whilst packing up his wardrobe, mumbling little responses when you talk about the interesting portions.
wanting to talk about your embarrassing childhood phases? he’d just listen whilst smiling from ear-to-ear, regularly reacting to your personal rambles.
would respond to rhetorical questions with small nods and quiet hums.
heeseung would willingly stay up till the wee hours of the following day, just to lend you a listening ear— even if they revolved around silly happenings of the day.
he’d be clearing a spot on the bed, already seated patiently (and eagerly) to hear your passionate raves.
“and she was just telling me about her weirdest food combination— honestly, i’ve never heard anything more horrendous!”
euphoria | jongseong
one who says a lot of weird jokes and the other who finds them all funny.
“i sold my vacuum the other day; all it was doing was collecting dust.”
and you’d take a second or two to process it, before stifling a little chuckle, which would escalate to uncontrollable laughter.
there was something comforting about hearing an awful joke after a long day— just a moment to spare a giggle and to forget about all the agitating moments of the day.
would crack similar jokes when you two go out with friends; just imagine a table filled with awkward silence, and a wheezing you by the side.
at times you have a halfhearted ponder about whether it was jay’s wide and proud grin that made you giggle, or if it was the joke itself.
butterflies | jaeyun
one who is flirty and the other who is usually confident but gets swayed by these flirts.
no, because he’d INTENTIONALLY do little things that would get magical butterflies soaring about in your stomach, the tips of your ears flushed in a shade akin to a tomato.
you’d normally carry yourself with poise, but the moment jake does something remotely heart-throbbing, you’re crumbling in your spot.
those little pecks that he’d plant on your face, you mirroring the small smile on his face.
those little hand-holds under the table, his fingers gently intertwined with yours.
all causes of your internal explosion.
but he loves to test his luck by doing things such as cornering you into a wall, whilst lovingly staring down into your pair of eyes, whispering,
“there isn’t a word in the dictionary that can explain your type of beauty.”
oblivion | sunghoon
the oblivious and the obvious.
sunghoon had his feelings all figured out; he definitely, very truthfully, loved you.
but knowing, or rather not quite knowing you, he didn’t know how you’d react to being straightforwardly confessed to under a wide-branched tree.
so, he resorted to leaving small hints— though in retrospect, they weren’t subtle whatsoever.
“be mine.”
“… is that a line from the book you’ve been reading?”
and he thought that you, of all people, would know that he doesn’t read.
he’d shrug it off with a simple response of “yeah, obviously”, whilst mentally blowing up on the inside.
him going in for a kiss, but when you two accidentally bump heads, he can’t stop laughing at the insanity of the situation, whilst you’re just confused because you genuinely had no clue.
or he’d go in to touch your face, but you’d wind up freaking out, shrieking a response akin to,
him leaning back in his seat, with a,
“yeah im soooooo bored this weekend. when you are free. you know. i have NOTHING to do. oh what ever will i entertain myself with!!! WHOOeverrr should i entertain myself with.”
and you simply don’t get it at all.
altruism | seonwoo
the class topper and the student who fails every subject.
sunoo would be the human equivalent of an encyclopaedia; he’d be so insanely knowledgeable that you’d barely be able to comprehend it.
perhaps that was the reason why you’d pester him for help, even over the simplest of things; and he’d occasionally spare more glances over at your direction, visibly fed up with the little comments whizzing beside his ear.
but he’d eventually help out, abandoning his own piece of work to thoroughly explain each sentence to you.
weekly tutoring sessions at the lunch table by the school garden because sunoo’s just really sweet.
he’d be so patient and gentle about teaching you, even going so far as to sacrifice his time, so you’d feel the motivation to repay his kindness,
“i’m so going to ace the next assessment, promise.”
familiarity | jungwon
the one who gets lost nearly everyday and the one who helps them every time.
despite living around the area for a considerably long time, you still manage to find ways to get yourself lost;
you’re planning to go to a newly opened park, and somehow manage to walk in the opposite direction? jungwon’s already face-timing you with an alternative solution of picking you up himself.
you’re taking the public bus to a library, but doze off mid-journey, thus finding yourself stood at an unfamiliar bus stop? jungwon’s texting you detailed directions as to where you should go next, a panicked keyboard smash following that if you don’t immediately reply.
being worried of your safety, he’d reschedule his entire week’s worth of classes, hangouts and reminders, just to offer his company during your travels.
“okay, it should be just round the corner…”
he’d whisper to himself whilst holding your hand as a gesture to guide you.
jovial | riki
the chaos magnet and the chaos instigator.
riki’s loud loud. and you’re not.
so.. you’d be resting your head on your assigned table in the early mornings, and he’d sit on an empty seat beside you, chirping the most ridiculous of things.
“oh and for your information, i did have a 30-minute-long conversation with my pet.”
“… what…?”
you would occasionally wonder to yourself why he had chosen to annoy you, out of all people, every available moment of the day… but to admit, you did find enjoyment in his presence throughout the tiring week.
he would mindlessly do questionable things, like starting a conversation with his seat partner and fire-spitting his words at the speed of light, mid-sentence.
or by walking down the stairs as though he’d be wearing ski boots.
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taglist open! @wondipity @yjjungwon @shysakuno @niktwazny303 @syrxiee2 @g4m3girl @minhosify @haechansbbg networks! @kflixnet
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thefangirltreehouse · 2 years
sebastian sallow | general thoughts / headcanons with gryffindor!mc
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this is just overall thoughts on the sebastian arc and his general characterisation (yes, i am continuing to update this on my second playthrough)
spoilers below
the amount of times i’ve caught sebastian looking at mc through the start of my now second play-through is hilariously adorable, like don’t get me wrong the herbology one is absolutely the best, but i noticed that throughout charms sebastian is just staring at mc (like he’s straight up starts ignoring ominis speaking to him when they walk in the room) also the slight glances in defence against the dark arts before the duel is so cute.
he does it again whilst sirona and rookwood are arguing, like he just turns to them and similes
you can’t convince me otherwise that mc didn’t grab at least his arm to pull him away from ranrok, like it genuinely looks like that and if you squint hard enough it looks like he does the same thing when heading into the three broomsticks
listen i’m specifically playing as fem! & gryffindor! and the missions with ominis feel so reminiscent of the golden trio (i’m calling it now, they’re the electrum trio - a metal mixed with gold and sliver) especially the crucio side-mission
saw someone in a comment sum their dynamic up perfectly from my perspective
“i used to have beef with ominis before this (crucio) quest happened and now it’s me, a gryffindor dragging two slytherins by their shirt collars”
slight tangent but ominis is so sweet if you start as a slytherin! i saw my friend start his game and meet him in the common room and i was like “i’m sorry, is this the same tory bastard that yelled at me for nicking his pal?”
if anything sebastian comes off worse in that section.
almost every streamer i’ve came across assumes he’s flirting, like this was absolutely intentional
when either of the boys, particularly sebastian is speaking to imelda and the conversation of mc comes up she absolutely refers to mc as “that gryffindor of yours”
i mean, it’s the age old rivalry that just gives everything that extra oomph! despite the fact nobody seems to be questioning that a gryffindor has closely befriended not one, but two slytherins because that certainly isn't suspicious (i'm surprised one of the gryffindors didn't bring it up - particularly leander)
speaking of leander, why are the more prominent gryffindors (and ravenclaws) so antagonistic or hellbent on getting us in trouble?
sebastian’s jealously towards both his friends is dripping in the crucio quest like, in the line below i know he means because mc and ominis have special abilities but...
"between the two of you, i'm starting to feel left out"
the constant proud "that's my girl" look on his face
"never know who's watching - although that hasn't stopped us before." "strictly speaking, it has. we were caught."
also at the start of the library mission, anyone notice the way he's casually waiting on mc against the banister smiling up at her? or whilst he's waiting on her and ominis to figure out the location of the scriptorium? like, this boy knows he's the shit.
listen, there are certain things that sebastian said and did during his storyline that even at that age, i would’ve noped out of but i went in with a “yes, corrupt the little goody-two-shoes gryffindor madly infatuated with you” attitude and honestly it was so much fun. cause objectively yeah, sebastian should be expelled at the very least but my mc was not gonna let them do that (they're very much giving jd and veronica)
that said, mc isn't about to let him walk all over her, she's a gryffindor for a reason, she's just had some misguided judgement
don’t love how there isn’t much of a reaction from either boy after crucio is cast on mc, especially from sebastian (again, massive red flag) but also, think the devs missed the mark on that one like sebastian is still mc’s friend, yeah he really wants to see anne healed but a little sympathy shown would’ve been nice and a proper acknowledgement of what'd he'd done.
even if sebastian shrugged it off quickly he should've helped them walk or at least offered a hand to stand up
i love the wee house jibes, i wish we got more of them!
"you're not a bad chap, for a slytherin" "you gryffindors don't have a monopoly on bravery y'know"
an awful lot of english folk in the scottish highlands
sebastian and poppy are talking whilst leaving a class and my brain was like “omg her bf + gf are talking!”
i want triwizard and yule so badly!
the red and the green / gold and silver looks, look so good!
mc makes a comment about how amazed sebastian will be when she tells him that she took down the ashwinders by herself
"it'd be wise to keep an eye on you"
general headcanons (oc-ish)
he'd absolutely mutter continuous little digs and comments throughout their classes simply to get under her skin and make her smile whilst she's trying to listen to their professors (he used to do this to ominis but he's able to ignore sebastian now after years of the torment)
whilst having dinner in the great hall they won't be sitting together but they'll lightly tap or nudge one another on the back if they're passing behind each-other's designated tables
sebastian refers to the fat lady painting as the "golden gate keeper of mediocrity" after walking mc back to gryffindor tower, which earns him a mildly deserved elbow jab
he gives mc piggy-backs during their trips to hogsmead and the quidditch pitch
whilst she's walking to and from classes with cressida or natsai, sebastian is regularly seen inserting himself between them, putting an arm over mc and / or pinching her away over to ominis and nerida
"who would've thought, all it took was a snake to tame the lion" cressida noted to a disinterested leander, peering over at the scarlet robes peaking beneath the sea of green
mc likes to softly poke at his blushing cheeks, joking that if sebastian "gets any redder, he won't be allowed back into slytherin" or that "he might have to come back to gryffindor with her"
mc has on occasion accidently fallen asleep, resting her head on his shoulder during history of magic
most of the gryffindors (nellie, leander and garreth in particular) will tease sebastian as he waits for her outside the common room, claiming "she was ours first" and attempt to distract her for as long as possible beyond the painting just to 'knock 'im down a few pegs'
they're well aware she's highly capable of holding her own, but not only is he a slytherin, he's also sebastian sallow so they're protective
he much prefers bumping into natty, who'll make a light "lost puppy" joke, share laugh and proceed to actually go get mc or he would actively seek out lucan because he knows the kid sucks-up to him but eventually the older gryffindors caught-on and would bribe lucan with chocolate frogs to stop him in his tracks
mc enjoys exposing sebastian to muggle trinkets and snacks, she grew up in a travelling circus with her parents, a ringmaster and fortune teller who never attended hogwarts in their youth (i'm gonna do a separate oc bio)
the trio all share a love of pumpkin pasties and lavender tea so whoever has a free period (or when sebastian has detention) will pop down to the kitchen to collect some
forehead kisses, hugs and interlocked arms whilst exploring the castle are everything to these two (their subtle little height difference is adorable, especially when you remember fem!mc is wearing wee wedged shoes at the start of the game)
highwing isn't his biggest fan (prefers ominis) and mc relishes in that
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effy-writes · 3 months
Hiya! As you have helluva requests open I'd love to see a Beelzebub x shy m! reader oneshot. Manly romantic and a bit angsty
The basic plot would be her having a crush on the reader after spending more time with them, probably meeting at one of her parties. However the reader misses obvious hints and at first does not believe anyone would want to date them after being single for a long time.
ofc! this was a little hard for me to write (idk why for some reason) but i hope you enjoy <3
Beelzebub x Shy! M! Reader: I want to
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You met Beelzebub at one of her parties. She offered to let you do a keg stand and was amazed about how you indulged. You had a fun time there, so you kept coming. Everytime she saw you she was so happy that you came again. You two would talk for hours at her party and she grew a liking to you.
Beelzebub sucks at being not-so-obvious hints that she likes you, so she was VERY obvious with her flirting. She would say how boring her party was until you showed up, thanking you that you showed up again, she even said she always searches for you because she loves your presence. You didn’t think much of it, and considered her as a best friend that cares about you so much.
She was confused as to why you couldn’t take hints. Bee wanted to ask you if you ever dated somebody and wanted to know the details (she’s kinda nosey, but you liked that about her). But, she didn’t want to make you uncomfortable so she never asked.
“Y/n! Holy shit I’m so glad you’re here! Everyone has been talking about you!”
“Oh? Good or bad things?” You nervously laughed.
“All good! Oh trust me they love you as much as I love you! And that’s saying a lot.” She kissed your cheek. “You wanna head upstairs to talk more? Or get into some more indulgences?”
“Oh fuck yeah! What were you thinking?”
Bee thought for a moment before saying a type of “love and truth” drug called Molly. You never tried it before and felt very comfortable with her, so you obviously said yes.
Beelzebub practically squealed and grabbed your hand with hers and led you up all these stairs into her room. You sat on the bed as you watched her open the baggy full of beehive shaped Molly pills. She gave you one and the two of you took it at the same time. You shivered as you dry swallowed, “Should’ve offered you a drink,” She giggled.
“It’s fine, how long does it kick in, Bee?”
She smirked, “Not long,”
As the minutes went by you two felt higher and higher, laughing at the smallest things. “You know, Y/n, I really like you.”
You tilted your head, “You do? Why?”
“Because, you make me feel alive and being with you is like a drug. A good drug. You make me feel warm and happy and…words can’t even explain how I feel about you.”
“I’m happy that you feel that way,” You genuinely smiled, “I like being around you too.”
“No you don’t get it, I want to date you.” Her eyes glistened.
“I think that’s the drug talking, Bee.”
“It’s not! Well a little, but I’m being genuine. I want to have a relationship with you.”
“I don’t think anybody would date me.”
“How come?” She got closer to you.
“I’ve been single almost my whole life and my last relationship was a high school one that lasted 4 months.” You frowned, “And I don’t think the Queen of Gluttony would want a (hellhound/imp), like me.”
Beelzebub sighed, “Y/n, I think you’re the most honest, sweetest, and attractive guy out here. You caught my eye the moment I saw you. If you don’t feel the same way I understand, but I hope you know how much I want to be with you.” She held both of your hands.
“I would like that. I want to be in a relationship with you. But I do have some like self esteem issues so..sorry about that. That’s why I didn’t realize you were flirting because I honestly think that nobody would want to be with me.”
“But I want to.” She brought her face closer to yours. The two of you didn’t say anything, she wanted you to kiss her. You finally got this hint and closed the gap that was between you two.
“Can I broadcast this to the party!” She had a huge grin on her face.
You chuckled and nodded your head, “Of course, Bee.”
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pascaloverx · 2 months
Summary: Being a new student is already complicated. But when you end up developing an unwanted crush on a schoolmate, everything seems to get worse. This particular schoolmate is romantically involved with someone. And to make matters worse, the popular school quarterback starts to bother you.
Author's Note: This fanfic will be short and set in the universe of the movie Bottoms (2023), directed by Emma Seligman, using the characters from the film. The characters do not belong to me. The fanfic will not strictly follow all the situations from the movie. I hope you enjoy it. Initially, there will be no adult content. There will only be inappropriate language and scenes of violence.
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You don't want to be dramatic, but your first day at the new school is a much bigger challenge than you imagined it would be. After chemistry class, you had math with a teacher who spent more time flirting with Jeff than actually teaching anything. During the break, you couldn't avoid Josie and her group. It's not that you wanted to avoid her, but spending the time you should be using to eat in peace watching adorable couples seemed like something that would make you sad. Besides, from a distance, you saw Hazel's girlfriend with her at the table. The last thing you need is to see the girl you might be attracted to with someone else. So you ate alone in the bathroom, which is kind of gross, but you promised yourself that you would pretend it never happened. The rest of the day was almost as if you were invisible. That is, until after your last class, when you ran out because the bus that would take you straight home was about to pass near your school. But as soon as you turned, you collided with someone. The moment your body hit theirs, you fell to the ground.
"Can't you watch where you're going, damn it?" you mutter furiously. It had to be the number one enemy of peace: Jeff, the jerk quarterback.
"Look who's got a sharp tongue. Little nerd, you were the one who ran into me. But I think it's cute that you want to crawl on the floor to get to me." Jeff says, striking a pose like he’s Superman. You roll your eyes and try to get up. Without success.
"Your stupidity is honestly infuriating. I would never crawl to you. In fact, every interaction I’ve had with you today has been against my will. And since I’m being honest, calling me a nerd isn’t as groundbreaking as you think. There are a thousand other ways you could address me that would be more insightful and creative." You say as you struggle to get up from the ground. Your other classmates are already leaving the class you were in, and thanks to the idiot in front of you, you missed your bus.
"You should worry more about getting off the ground than giving me tips on what to call you, nerd," Jeff says, winking at you. Before you can think about kicking him, he moves away from you, almost skipping. How infuriating. As you finally manage to stand up, you notice Hazel watching you, as if she had been waiting for you.
"How long are you going to keep looking at me?" You ask as you brush the dirt from the floor off your clothes. The anger you're feeling right now could make you go after Jeff and kill him. But the truth is that you already have enough problems and don't want to be transferred again.
"I thought you'd want a ride. And it was a little fun watching you get up by yourself." Hazel speaks while exuding an air of amusement at your humiliation. You instantly roll your eyes.
"You don't need to give me a ride, walking home is the icing on the cake of this horrible day at school." You’re out of patience, especially since it seems you can’t avoid either Jeff or Hazel.
"Are you so afraid of being alone with me?" Hazel asks with a mischievous smile, which makes you a little indignant.
"Try to decide what you want to accuse me of doing, either I'm in love with Jeff or I can't resist you, Both aren't worth it." You say while looking straight into Hazel's eyes. Your concentration is all on not looking at her mouth and imagining what it would be like to kiss her lips.
"I'm still getting to know you. I can't say exactly which option is right. But come to think of it, you probably like me." Hazel is very confident while suggesting that you like her. How can someone you’ve known for less than twenty-four hours already deduce that, and be right about it? It’s insane.
“Alright, you win. I’ll accept your ride if it means you’ll stop talking and we can move on.” You say while trying not to admit any attraction to Hazel.
"My car is the one to your left. If you’d follow me, mademoiselle, I’ll take you home." Hazel says, pointing to her car while accompanying you to it. She seems eager to impress you, even opening the car door for you.
“You know, I can open a door myself. And I just noticed that you offered me a ride without knowing where I live. What if it’s out of your way?” you say while getting into the car and fastening your seatbelt.
“I think I mentioned wanting to take you to my place before dropping you off at yours so we could work on the chemistry project together, remember?” Hazel says with a mischievous chuckle as she starts driving. You look at her with a judging stare.
“You know what I think? That you’re taking advantage of the situation to spend more time with me. Which doesn’t make much sense since you were accusing me of liking you, but it’s actually you who wants to spend your free time with me, even though you’re already committed.” You emphasize while turning to look at Hazel, who is focused on driving but glances at you with a sideways smile for a few seconds.
“First of all, I’m not committed. PJ and I hook up sometimes, but it’s not a serious or exclusive relationship. And I never said I wasn’t interested in you; I only accused you of being interested in me. Don’t blame me for stating the obvious.” Hazel replies with such calmness. You regret bringing up her commitment status, realizing it might come off as jealousy.
“Well, whatever. Your personal life is none of my business. What is my business is where you’re taking me.” You say softly, trying to appear uninterested in Hazel’s life. Wherever you’re going, there are beautiful gardens along the way.
“Actually, it was cute to see that I sparked jealousy in you so quickly. You must be the type who gets attached easily, which is sweet. And we’re almost at my place.” Hazel says, glancing at you briefly as if to reassure you.
“As long as we only talk about the project, it’s fine with me.” You say, still trying to appear disinterested. Hazel chuckles and then parks the car in front of a large house.
“And what else could we do besides talk about the project?” Hazel asks, getting close to your face as if she’s about to kiss you. You, foolishly, close your eyes as if expecting the kiss. But instead, she simply removes your seatbelt for you.
“Are you trying to mess with me?” you say, still with your eyes closed, thinking Hazel has already pulled away. But when you slowly open your eyes, you find her watching you, not in a weird way, but as if she’s enchanted by you.
“I am. And I hope it’s working,” Hazel says, then moves towards you, pulling you in for a kiss. The kiss is gentle and surprising, yet overwhelmingly captivating. Her lips touch yours as if both of you were starved for it. For a moment, you lose yourself there in Hazel’s car, savoring the sweet taste of her mouth. Then her phone rings, and after trying to ignore it, she answers, interrupting the kiss. Noticing it's PJ, you decide to wait outside the car. So, you stand there, next to the car of someone who interrupted a breath-stealing kiss to answer her situationship.
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astrologicalsstuff · 1 year
Composite Scorpio moon
I’m experiencing composite Scorpio moon for the first time and it’s genuinely one of the craziest experiences. 
It kinda feels like Bella and Edward, like I want him so bad and I don’t know why, and I can’t understand why he wants me but we’re magnetized toward each other. It feels too intense like I want to escape but I also crave this kind of intimacy. He’s definitely intense too. And it’s so sexual. The eye contact got me going crazy!
As a disclaimer we have a lot of Pluto influence in our synastry his Pluto is exactly on my 8th house trine my mars square my Venus and moon in his 4th
And my Pluto is opposite his sun Mercury and mars but that’s generational.
Additionally he’s got Saturn and Jupiter in my 12th which I can also really feel so this a very watery synastry.
We have a very water dominant composite so I know it probably appeals to my cancer stellium more and I think it shows in how crazy I act but I don’t know if he can tell and I know he feels it too but I cannot fathom it’s this intense for him. I don’t know his birth time but the composite moon is directly opposite my ascendant so I know I’m really feeling that.
I’m obsessed and I can’t even stop myself because he so easily fans the fire. He is so patient and understanding it doesn’t even feel real but there’s such a seriousness with Saturn involved. It’s like I’m blackout drunk and the most sober I’ve ever been. I’ve read into our synastry and honestly it’s probably not so good it’s more neutral but when I am with him, when I talk to him… god it’s just like everything.
The tension is palpable we’ve gone to parties and everyone around us points us out even if we don’t talk it’s just like intense eye contact and everyone knows.
Being around him makes me so… Farrell … like all I want is to touch him and I’m never close enough but I’m terrified to get too close.
It’s almost animalistic like I want to devour him I love biting him and when he bites me.
I can tell that if we had sex it would change the relationship completely and probably for the better because this built up tension literally makes me act out but omg I really like this guy so much and it terrifies me. Every time he calls me and we talk I cry afterward just because he feels so good for me and I feel so intensely about him. I don’t think he’s the most conventional person, but somehow he says exactly what I need to hear and we don’t even know each other. His timing is so perfect too like even though we don’t know each others I feel like our lives are synced up. There’s definitely themes of possessiveness and commitment, and we can never do anything causally. We met the first day and I went off on him for something really stupid and I was being totally possessive over a made up scenario I conjured but I really sent it and we didn’t talk for months and when we started talking again he got a puppy and immediately called me after calling me the puppies step mom and I helped him pick out names for her.
Foreplay feels as intense as my best hookups and we haven’t even had sex.
The tension is like unbearable I’m realizing now that it would probably be different if we had sex but I’m afraid I’d literally just fall in love with him if we did and I know this one would fuck me up. I’m in my healing era but this man’s about to make me risk it but I don’t even know if it’s a risk because he is probably really good for me and what I need but I keep fighting it. Bottom line I’m scared.
His eyes are so dark when he talks to me and he can be so serious and it’s so sexy. we can literally be in a room full of people and it feels like it’s just us and everyone at the party was annoyed about it.
The funny thing about how we met is that my friend went to a party to meet his friend but his friend was flirting with every girl there so I was death staring his friend trying to show him I see what he was doing but he was too busy looking at other girls so I looked over at him (the guy I like) and glared with a passion trying to convey a “your friends so messed up for this” kinda look and the random girl I was with said he was giving me “the eyes” and I think that details funny because I was so mad at him and his friend. We ended up going downstairs to talk with my friend and me and him ended up by the balcony looking over the city and immediately I knew the girl I was dancing with was right about him being into me but I thought that was funny cause I was GLARING. but she came over to talk to him and he put his arm around my waist and I was sold on him. Taht immediate loyalty I’m only into you was so freaking sexy. Even when I went off on him LIKE A LITERAL CRAZY PERSON he was very understanding. He handles my intensity very well but that’s honestly not my favorite part of myself and he really brings it out. I keep blaming it on the alcohol but I really think it’s him, or at least the synastry.
Everything he does evokes a reaction out of me, and part of it is from trauma but he’s uncovering all these fears I didn’t know i had.
I read somewhere that these people with Scorpio moon composite need to take breaks from time to time cause it just gets too intense and I feel that but honestly I can never tell if it’s just a break. Or at least for me it’s that and I fixate on if I’ll ever see him again. We’re not talking again, but I needed a little break from the intensity anyway.
We’re not talking now…
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thegodcomplcx · 4 months
Elevenamy intrigues me soo much, their dynamic is honestly insane. I mean Amys choice basically confirms the doctor does have non platonic feelings for her and how he really sees rory but it also just gets swept under the rug. The writers keep alluding to them then backing away. He has this attachment to her where its not quite romantic but isn’t platonic either. I wish more people talked about it
i love things in the text that aren’t explicit and don’t lead to anything. because it adds depth. but amy’s choice was literally off the rails crazy for doing that. honestly insane nuggets of information to add.
the doctor: i know you have sex dreams about me AND i’ve been looking AND my subconscious will flirt with you AND i think your boyfriend sucks
amy: you are my personal trickster god so i need to you to save the day and if you can’t do that we will have to die in fiery car crash together AND the narrative will never let me escape its clutches because everything i do leads back to you
and then they just move on after that.
the not romantic/not platonic dynamic is something i like to call “paternal if you find incest thematically compelling”……which a lot of people are scared to get into so i get why they don’t talk about it more lmao
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jazzmynerule · 1 year
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this imagine is based off of the scene in twilight where edward left bella and she sits in her room looking outside.. you get what i mean??
prompt: vinnie and y/n broke up on bad terms and it’s taken a toll on y/n leaving her to stay in her room for weeks
warnings: intentional starvation, numbness to emotions, unhealthy breakup, isolation
(- this means time skip)
walking into my room just moments after vinnie and i broke up had me sobbing on the floor
the same floor we danced around till sunrise
the same floor he kissed me till i couldn’t breathe
i hated how much i love him and i also hated how much i hate him
our relationship was envied by everybody
they said me and vinnie where made specifically for one another and honestly i believed them
he was the love of my life until
3 hours before
vinnie and i were arguing in the kitchen over how distant he’s been
“vinnie why are you being like this? i love you!” i screamed at him as he was walking away from me
“why am i being like this? why!? because you never believe me when i say they are just friends! am i not allowed to have female friends y/n?” he screamed back practically in my face
i stood there with my heart in my hands watching as it slowly cracked each time he yelled at me
“not when you’re friendship with them is based on fucking flirting! vinnie watching you flirt with them while you ignore the fuck out of me breaks me!” i sobbed
“you know what fuck you we are done i’m fucking over your bullshit y/n, you wanna see me flirt with somebody? i’ll fucking flirt with somebody” he said walking up the stairs leaving me by myself for a split second
“hey nat, i was wondering if you wanted to catch up sometime this week?” i heard vinnie talk on the phone and that’s when my entire world crashed around me
“yeah no i’m not with her anymore she’s a fucking controlling insecure bitch” he chuckled
“fuck you vincent hacker! never in my life would i ever say something like that about you!” i yelled as i slammed the door and walked out of his life
“y/n honey, how are you doing?” my mum walked in and saw me hyperventilating on the floor
“mum i loved him” i cried so hard my chest was screaming in pain
“oh my love i’m so sorry baby” her heart broke into pieces seeing me cry over a boy like this and i know how much she wanted to protect me from this pain
“come on let’s get you to bed” she kissed my forehead lifting me up and carrying me to bed
“you’re my everything and more y/n remember that” she smiled pressing another kiss to my forehead
waking up the day after a break up was worse than the hour after
i sat up feeling like my chest was a pile of bricks
walking over to my dresser was a work out and even changing my clothes felt like it was a task
for hours on end i sat down on my desk chair staring out my window in complete silence, no tears and no emotion
mum and dad tried to pry me off the chair and eat something but the thought of food made my stomach churn
i just needed to be alone and having my parents worry so badly about me wasn’t helping
it’s been 2 weeks since the break up
vinnie has tried to call me multiple times a day talking about ‘i’m so sorry’ like that was going to change anything
i can’t look in the mirror anymore it’s like i can’t see the person i was before or during him i can only see the person after him and i hate myself for it
i haven’t spoken to anybody not even my friends i’ve isolated myself from the possibility of ever being myself again
i still haven’t eaten anything all i’ve had the past 2 weeks has been water and a watermelon smoothie mum makes me every morning because ‘it’s giving me the nutrients food should be giving me’
i can’t even find the motivation to go to my bed anymore it’s like i’ve permanently found my place on this desk chair
i was just about to fall asleep on the chair when a knock came from the door
“y/n love there’s somebody here for you” mum said as she opened the door
“y/n?” that exact voice was the reason i felt like this, the exact reason i’m not myself anymore
i fucking hate who that voice belongs to
“y/n baby i am so fucking sorry” vinnie stood in front of me practically wearing the same expression as me when i was standing in his kitchen, with his heart in his hands
“you did this to me” my voice was croaky as all i’ve been doing was crying
“i know and words can’t begin to express how fucking sorry i am for doing this to you”
“you need to leave, now” i finally looked at him, he looked like he hasn’t been eating and all he’s been doing was crying
like me
“i’m broken without you, you’re my everything and i hate myself for taking advantage of that, you are my soulmate y/n i need you” he fell to his knees in front of me gabbing onto my frail hands
“i wasn’t your everything when you called me insecure and controlling” tears welded up in my dull eyes just thinking about the conversation he had with that chick on the phone
“i’m a fucking dick baby i know but i’ll be better for you i promise, i can’t live without you” he broke down placing his head on my lap crying like his life depended on it
“i can’t forgive you for what you said and how you treated me vin but i’ll try” i slightly smiled feeling like my chest was finally being lifted out from under those bricks
“i love you so much y/n too much” he cried kissing my hands and placing my forehead on his
“tell me i won’t regret this” i sighed
“you won’t i promise you” he kissed my nose
that was 10 years ago
that awful break up was what we needed to finally be the couple we are today
2 kids and a house by the beach
having being married for 6 years and are as healthy as ever
yes our relationship isn’t all flowers and rainbows
but we will never give up on us as easy as we did back then
thank you so much for reading!!!
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Am I the asshole for not asking my friend to stop flirting with me?
I (16, hey/they), have a friend I’ll call R (18,she/they). She was one of the first friends I made freshman year, and we’re still pretty close. And I will completely admit I have feelings for her, but I’ve never made moves she hadn’t already made, and am not trying to date her. I honestly do not think we’re compatible, or that I’m ready for a relationship right now.
My love language is touch, and so is hers, but she’s also very flirty in general. We cuddle constantly. She’ll call me hot, pretty, and cute, kiss my hands, and forehead, and talk about how cute we would be together. Last year, we got fake married as a joke, with rings I made out of wire, and ever since she calls me her husband, and introduces me to people that way.
The only issue is she has a boyfriend, A (17,m). They started dating before we got “married” but after we’d been friends for a year. Once she started dating him, she didn’t decrease her flirting with me, so I didn’t stop with her. Even though I have a crush, I genuinely don’t think see sees me that way, and means it all as platonic, and I have friends I have no feelings for that I flirt much more with.
Recently we were all hanging out, and she kept trying to get me to sit on her lap in front of A. I said no at first, but then said yes. After she left, A took me aside and asked me to not be like that with her. I told him that she initiated, and he should really talk to her. He said she probably wouldn’t listen, and I told him that that was an issue in their relationship, and if anything I did made R uncomfortable, I would stop, but I don’t know him well and if it makes him uncomfortable he should talk to her.
I feel kind of guilty though, because I don’t want to mess with my friends relationship, but A needs to just talk to her. R is like this with a lot of people, and if A has an issue with it he needs to voice it with R, not every guy she flirts with. I would never kiss R, or anything like that, but this is just friendly flirting. Also, R has been telling me that they are polyamorous, but she’s a bit of a chronic liar, so I didn’t fully believe her to begin with.
Again, I do still feel for A, but I don’t think this is really my problem to solve. But is this my issue? I can’t ask any of my friends or even my mom, because they hate R for unrelated issues and think I should stay away from her to begin with. So, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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askbensolo · 2 months
She finds my hair so fascinating, when to me it's so ordinary. She likes to weave her fingers through the strands and twirl my curls around and braid it when I'm not paying attention. And sometimes she just comes up behind me and starts scratching my head with her fingertips, and I don't know what it is, but I freaking melt, like an ice cream sundae left outside in the sun. Like...that must be what sex feels like. Seriously. If sex isn’t as good as, or better, than head scritches…well, then that is such a ripoff and I will be speaking to the manager about that.
And if it is…then, uh…well…heh.
But…maybe I shouldn’t speak too soon.
She did it last night—the head-scratching thing—and it started out fine. (By “fine” I mean, it felt so good I would have committed murder for that girl.) But then…for some reason…it brought back this memory of me, lying in the dark with Snoke, my head on his lap, while he stroked my hair and whispered to me, and suddenly…it all felt wrong. I felt something like a rock sink to the bottom of my gut, and I went all stiff, and her touch was driving me crazy (in a bad way this time) but I didn't know what to do... I tried to make the good feelings come back, but they wouldn't anymore. And I felt like something bad would happen if I told her to stop.
It's not her fault. She didn't know. I mean, she wouldn't know. Not unless I told her, which I couldn't, because I felt trapped. Trapped and forced to sit there and let myself be touched. I felt myself start to drift away from my body, like I used to do when Snoke would inspect my thoughts—
And I couldn't believe it, how something that had felt so crazy good before now felt so horrible, like being tortured, like my insides were filling up with poison that I had no way to excise, like I was watching myself be eaten alive—I was literally starting to break out in a sweat, moisture prickling through my pores—
And I tried to tell myself, Chill, you idiot, it's just Fannie. You know, that girl you like? She's not the one who hurt you. She likes you. She's flirting. It's supposed to be cute. It's supposed to be hot. It's supposed to feel good. It felt good before. But typical Ben—that bantha-brain never kriffing listens.
Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore because I was honestly perceiving a non-negligible chance that I might become violently ill so I just stood up abruptly and gave her an awkward little hug and pretended I had business to attend to in the bathroom, but really I just sat on the edge of the tub for a while and white-knuckled the fiberglass and tried to wait out my nausea. And it was so awful; even though I was finally safe and all alone I could still feel fingers combing through my hair—and I didn’t know whose fingers I was imagining them to be.
And I thought, wow, cool, now here's a preview of my life probably, if I choose to go down this path of letting someone in, I guess. Cool cool cool. Am I gonna have to go back to therapy for this? For sex stuff? And that wasn’t even anything—she was just playing with my hair. How much worse would it be for me if we were—you know? I’ve been in therapy before, for depression, and anxiety, but—for sex? Ew. Embarrassing. Disgusting. I’d rather die. Stupid me. Hate my life. I should’ve just stayed asexual.
And of all the reasons I have to hate Snoke, and all the things he’s taken from me…I can’t believe that now, after everything he did when I was sixteen and seventeen, years later as a twenty-three-year-old man I also have to say that he took away my ability to enjoy being with a woman I’m attracted to. I didn’t even think I could be attracted to anyone for so long, and now I am—will wonders never cease?—except oh wait—surprise trauma, I can’t kriffing stand to be touched, even by someone I like more than anyone. And maybe that’s worse than not liking anyone at all. Because now it’s not just an aversion, it’s kind of a longing and an aversion at the same time, the good and bad feelings all mixed together, the really really good and the really really bad all at once, which is its own special little psychosomatic torture, and I almost wish the box had stayed closed and I’d never learned I could feel things so so good and so so bad—and that’s not even getting into how it makes me feel like I’m not a man, to be so scared of something I’m supposed to want—to not be able to respond to her the way I’m supposed to—and ARGHH I hate myself I HATE myself I HATE myself UGHHHH
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Could you write jealous dark Alec? Maybe someone tries flirting with Magnus and ends up foaming at the mouth bc Alec poisoned them
here we go, this is the closest i could come up with because most people in the downworld aren't stupid enough to try and seduce a devoted magnus
i hope you enjoy! this is dressed to kill - mob!wife alec au
Alec watches until the woman puts her hand on Magnus’ shoulder and then he moves. Silently, quickly, and then her fingers are snapping back and she’s screaming, face contorted in agony.
Behind his cool mask, he winces, because he always forgets how fragile mundanes are but honestly, she shouldn’t have been touching Magnus.
There’s absolute silence and then a gasp and more screams and Magnus is standing and grabbing Alec.
“Darling, did you chip a nail?” Magnus asks worriedly, because he made Alexander get a magical manicure and his boy will never forgive him suffering through the ordeal of being lectured on color patterns if they don’t last a little mutilation.
“Did I?” Alexander asks, apparently not even realizing that was a possibility, “I just got them done today, Magnus. How could they be chipped already? I was guaranteed that they’ll survive anything but acid.”
Magnus blinks, because he did not know that and on second look, the nails aren’t chipped. “Oh, well they’re fine then.” He turns and glares because this entire thing could have easily been avoided. “Really Leo, I thought your people know better by now.”
“My people do.” Leo says, voice tight and Magnus wonders what they look like from a mundane perspective, before deciding that he really just doesn’t care.
“My husband should never endure seeing someone else touch me.” Magnus says casually, carefully and he smiles as Alexander wraps his arms around Magnus’ waist. “And I shouldn’t have to suffer anyone else’s touch. So, make it clear to your guests, or you’ll have a bigger problem than this.”
Alexander smirks against Magnus’ neck and Magnus just knows that his boy is practically purring on the inside.
“Tell Mari the flowers were a lovely touch.” Alexander murmurs, a note of humor in voice. “Especially the ones by the windows.”
“What was that about?” Magnus asks, curious because Alexander doesn’t normally go out of his way like that. “Did you like the arrangements?”
“No. I just wanted to remind her of something, an inside joke.” Alexander says, like that explains anything and Magnus chuckles, deciding to figure it out later.
“Leo, remember how I told you that one day you’d need to know what happened that night, but that you didn’t need to know yet?”
“Alec killed the guard after the guard grabbed me. He’d made some crass comments about Alec and I and seemed to think Alec wouldn’t be a threat, being Bane’s husband.” Mari swallows, “he lifted him by the throat and tossed him, one handed over the balcony and onto the security fence. He didn’t even break a sweat Leo. I’ve never seen someone that strong or that fast and he was in heels.”
“I’ll deal with it. Make it clear people can’t try to get to Bane through seduction.”
“If you don’t make it clear, Alec will, and you saw how Bane reacted. Alec could have killed that woman and Bane would have wiped the blood off of his hands and worried over his nails.”
Leo winces, because he really would rather not think about how terrifying the two of them are and if he had any hope that one of them reigned the other in, it’s gone now.
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glorious-blackout · 9 months
My Year in Gigs
Seeing as we're nearing the end of the year, I thought I'd look back on the amazing shows I've been lucky enough to attend in 2023 and resurrect my Post-Concert Depression with a definitive ranking 😅💚
Eurovision Semi Final One - Live Show: Absolute dream-come-true experience. Loved every minute, the crowd was so kind and supportive towards every act, and I got to see most of my faves steal the show and advance to the finals 🥰 
Muse (Dublin) : My second Muse gig of the year was even more of a blast than the first! Absolutely nothing could have prepared me for the joy of finally seeing Butterflies and Hurricanes and Apocalypse Please live 😭 
Queens of the Stone Age: Josh Homme arrived onstage, called us all crazy motherfuckers, expressed a sincere desire to get fucked in the ass by a Scottish dude, then called his guitarist a 500-year-old vampire before flirting shamelessly with him. 10/10, no notes. Oh yeah, and the music slapped too.
Käärijä: Half hilarious stand-up show, half incredible party with insanely fun, energetic songs. One of the most enjoyable gigs I’ve ever been to and I would pay good money to fly to Finland solely to see Käärijä play a gig on his home turf. 
Muse (Bellahouston Park): My boys were incredible as ever and I had a genuinely great time at this gig, but it gets demoted a little due to the torrential rain cutting our setlist short and making me ill 😅 Would have been an easy third place had technical difficulties not robbed me of the chance to see Verona live... 
Go_A: If you’ve never been to a Ukrainian Folk-Rave before, I can highly recommend it! Go_A were simply phenomenal with great energy that had us dancing all night. Highlight of the show was Ihor delivering a badass flute solo while Kateryna went backstage to recharge her awesomeness. 
Sparks: These guys have been making consistently excellent music for decades and still have more energy and enthusiasm than most young bands could ever dream of possessing. Such a wonderful set filled with amazingly quirky songs both old and new. 
Joker Out: It says a lot about the high quality of shows on this list that I’ve had to rank these guys so low. In any other year they’d be a clear contender for top three! The energy from both the band and crowd were insane, the boys were clearly in awe of having a venue full of Scots singing along with them in Slovene, and I need the Demoni scream injected directly into my veins 😈 
Arctic Monkeys: This ranking has almost nothing to do with the band themselves who delivered a great show, but looking back on it I’ve just had to accept that I wasn’t having a good time during a large chunk of this gig. The crowd in my section were rowdy to the point where I couldn’t hear or see anything and I was wasting all my energy trying not to get shoved. My depression was also playing up to the point where I was struggling to get excited over songs I dearly love and I just felt unwell and burnt out all night. The second half was a definite improvement as we’d moved to a calmer area by the time they brought out The Car songs, but by the end I was just exhausted and desperate for home. Would see them again in a heartbeat in a more intimate indoor venue, but I think I’ll avoid any of their big stadium tours in future 😅 
Busted: Honestly, I had a much nicer time at this gig compared to Arctic Monkeys. The nostalgia alone of singing along to ‘Thunderbirds Are Go’ at the top of my lungs is always a special moment. But I can’t pretend for a second that Busted’s music comes anywhere close to the quality of Arctic Monkeys’ recent output, so they’re a very reluctant last place on my list of generally incredible gig experiences 😅 
Best Support Act: Nova Twins by a country mile. I may have fallen slightly in love with Georgia and her incredible bass skills. It was easy to see why Muse invited them on tour because they seemed so at-ease in a massive arena 😊  
Here's to (hopefully) more amazing gigs in 2024! I'd love to hear about some of the great shows that you guys attended this year as well 🥰💖
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ladyhindsight · 4 months
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After their eventful escapade in the previous chapter, Clary and Sebastian return to the moving house and enter the weapons room which is occupied by Jace.
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Or, you know, katana, wakizashi, tanto—their actual names since you managed kindjals and chakhrams?
They get to talking about their, again, favorite subject: Valentine and Valentine’s plans and how Valentine’s ideas sucked and how their ideas are better than Valentine’s. Sebastian also reveals that Magdalena will forge them a new Mortal Cup.
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→ I want to know what these tasks are because it seems they are doing boatload of nothing.
→ Even for a lie, this is the dumbest plan I’ve heard come from the series. And Clary does very little to even question it.
Then they talk shit for a while and Clare makes a fond recall to Clary and Sebastian kissing in City of Glass. Then we cut to Simon who is meeting up with Rebecca in order to sever his last tie to the mundane world.
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→ Rebecca and their mother
→ Rebecca liked to refer their mother
Because she is not only Simon’s.
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This was honestly so great. It's more palpable and touching than anything Clare has managed to write about Simon and Clary, for instance. Or any other siblings for that matter. These are glimpses of an actual life, specific things that have happened, and in a small space tell so much about Simon and Rebecca’s life. Not the formlessness of the fantastical childhood with Clary, but actual tangible and relatable things that they’ve experienced. Hooray!
Cut to Jordan. Not hooray.
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Let’s promote codependency! It’s not cute.
Maia then arrives at Jordan’s and they immediately get to the business of, you guessed it, flirting and making out.
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Jordan can’t even imagine a thing to talk about with Maia. Maia does’t even want to talk about anything with Jordan. Wow.
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Valiant effort. Not.
Cut back to Clary and Jace.
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Yay, the chipped tooth makes a return! Also no. It saves nothing about Jace being annoying, not when Clare writes the way she does.
→ The sentences between the em dashes are more often than not, especially in this book, so long that I have to keep going back to the actual main clause to get a sense of what the writing was even trying to say in the first place.
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→ Love that Clary reminds Jace that he does like his family, because what Jace says here is more truer to the narrative than whatever Clary tries to bring forth here. Even if it's Not-Jace saying it.
→ Okay, then the fuck is the faith of Raziel even about? Also, yeah, Raziel doesn’t give a flying fuck about them. Stick it to him!
→ Good motivation to turn against the Nephilim, I like the resentment here, though actual Jace doesn’t even think like this.
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Again, the em dashes function like a comma, a colon, or parenthesis. Like commas and parentheses, em dashes set off extra information, and here they are again like in too many occasions used like parenthesis (or commas), but wrong. Without the em dashes the sentence here in the excerpt would go like this:
His touch was comforting, and if the key was slightly different, with her eyes closed, she couldn’t tell.
Which doesn’t make sense at all.
→ His touch was comforting. The feel of his heartbeat against hers waslike familiar music, and if the key was slightly different…
→ Their blood is not the same, except the Ithuriel part which I think is a sneaky tactic to have them be related even in that way... Also blood is supposed to be under the skin, what other kind and where else it would be?
Clary then asks Jace to read her something.
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I had blissfully forgotten these references to The Infernal Devices. Also a hasty excuse why Valentine had the exact book that needs to exist in this time and space for the sake of the reference that they raved about basically the whole of TID.
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