#and how much they thought bakugo would prefer meeting a shy girl
ihatebnha · 2 years
i love opposites attract but theres sth abt you & bakugo both being absolute menaces tht just clicks for me idk and mb it’s cause i also just had a thing for mean girls growing up i love it & imma defend it till the day i DIE 😕😁🤞🏾
ugh esp if they have kids who are sweethearts and all their friends are afraid of their parents 😭
Until. the. day. I. Die. skjdljfakj I feel the same!!! Not that I don't think Bakugo couldn't or wouldn't mesh with someone his opposite, BUT........ thinking about him w/ someone w/ a 'tude as nasty as his? IT'S HIGHLY SUPREME!!!
Can you imagine (yes) the gossip sessions you could have? The support he'd give you when someone was mean to you or made you upset??? How hot he'd think you were when you were angry, even if that meant you were m a d at him.........? It really works almost too well.
And having good kids, too... *tears out hair* God, I'm just thinking about you guys having the sweetest little child who maybe gets accused of something bad at school. Everyone knows they'd never, NEVER hurt anyone... but still, you have to go in to meet with the teacher anyway.
There you are, two of the most badass parents ever, with your little baby crying at your feet. Everyone is scared for their LIVES, and whoever accused them of something is probably never setting foot on campus again w/ how bad you guys tear into them (not even being unreasonable either, you just aren't taking shit that you know isn't true). And then going out for ice cream after... CRYING.
Other parents aside, you're definitely the couple that all the kids love, too... cuz being scary aside, you're actually sweet on the inside and also super cool. You have kids that aren't even yours helping wash dishes after dinner LMFAOOO but they love it <333
Literally I'm sick over this. I want it.
(And who was your favorite mean girl? I was obsessed w/ Vanessa from Phineas and Ferb and Mandy from Bill and Mandy hzzzzk!!!)
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gh0stchoir · 1 year
Filo would kill Tao once she was back in UA. Not really, of course, he was her best friend. But she'd find a way that forced him into a position with Bakugo, and honestly, Tao would probably prefer death over that. Honestly though, he deserved it! Mirio had arrived with Neijire and Tamaki, just as promised. And while their plan was to just stay in the dorms, Tao had quickly convinced Neijire and Mirio to send Filo and Tamaki to get some stuff. Which meant they were currently on a shopping trip. She was alone with him. And really wanted to scream into her pillow at the moment. Let one of her live be normal teenage girl stuff, this moment truly was it. But hey, at least one thing that was normal in her life! Better than nothing!
Tamaki hated himself right now. It wasn't like he disliked that little girl 1-A had brought, but children terrified him. They were loud, always wanted to go somewhere crowded like parks and always screamed in terror when he manifested something through his quirk. But then Mirio and Hado has pushed him to get some food, and not even by himself, but with the underclass girl that was scared of him! She couldn't even look at him, let alone speak without stuttering at least once. "I- I can get the snacks", Tamaki offered as they reached the konbini. Less time together meant less stress on the girl. To his surprise though, she shook her head. "No! I- I mean. You said you're not good with social stuff. If it- I don't want you to get overwhelmed", she offered him a shy smile, "It's okay. I can get them." It was not a lie, Filo could get the snacks. But Amajiki could do. It was just that neither liked having to go shopping that much. Crowds, people looking, talking. Starring. But she'd be brave for him. If it meant the stress wasn't on Amajiki, she could bear it. How hard could it be?
Filo, through an awkward silence, picked out snacks. Amajiki quietly stood outside, trying to calm his nerves. His hands were shakey and fidgeting. He hoped she wasn't afraid of him. He'd seen her a few times in the hallways, typically listening to a freien with a smile or happily talking herself. Yet anytime near him, she got all quiet and her eyes didn't meet his. He sighed, readjusting the hood on his head. She was polite though, which he liked.
"Alright, ready to head back?" Filo asked upon exiting the konbini. Amajiki nodded and began walking back with her. "I'm sorry if this made you uncomfortable.." Filo sighed. Tamaki glanced at her, confused. "N-no it's alright.." He fiddled with his hoodie strings. "It's not as if you forced me h-here.." He offered a wobbly smile. Filo nodded. "I'm gonna get Tao back for this.." She mumbled out. The awkwardness between the two died down a little. Tamaki wondered, with the few people passing them, had they thought they were a couple? The thought caused an embarrassed blush on his face.
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pagesofsanity · 3 years
A Thousand Words Couldn't Explain This
Part 1
Pair: Alpha!Reader/Omega!Bakugo
TW: Non-Consensual claiming. Canon Typical Violence
Author's Note: Hi Guys. So this is the first big project for Tumblr. It is cross posted on AO3 and a lot further ahead. I don't know how many parts/chapters there will be. As a pantser, I let the story take me where it wants to. I'm aware that the trigger warning and the content warning are at odds with one another, but I want to clarify anyway. I specified claiming for a reason. This chapter is safe for work, but that being said, later chapters will not be and I do not want minors interacting with this story. Each part/chapter will come with its own set of warnings. The first several chapters will be safe for work with minimum warnings.
But please, if you feel that a chapter has a warning that I did not think about, don't hesitate to tell me.
I also wanted to say, in this story I try not to describe Reader too much in this, however, she is Izuku's twin in this. The only description I really out right said is that she shares her hair colour with her brother. I don't think I mention it more than once and I try not to describe her too much for the purposes of immersion.
Age: Three days before the twins' Tenth birthday
You made three mistakes that day.
The first was going to look for Izuku.
He had been late. Something he never was unless something happened in class or he ended up with class duties because he had shitty classmates. You had waited with a classmate. She lived in the same vicinity as you did and often walked home with you and your brother. You could honestly say, which was probably terrible, that you had no clue what her name was. You knew she was a classmate. Knew that she liked to talk and she did enough of it for the both of you, apparently never needing you to respond to whatever she was saying so you didn't pay attention anyway. To say you were incredibly anti-social was an understatement. You preferred either your own company or that of your brother. Too many people made you uncomfortable and riled you up.
And at that moment, you missed your brother's company something terrible.
The girl usually didn't say a single word when Izuku was around. At first you had thought it was because she was shy, but eventually you figured out that it was because she thought herself better than him. Societally, she probably was, but only because she was an Alpha. And as far as Alphas went, you didn't think she should think herself so much more important than Omegas. Especially not if said Omega was your brother. But if it meant she would keep quiet on the walk home, you would let her think whatever she wanted.
“You should go on ahead,” you interrupted her babbling. She seemed mildly surprised, but by this point another fifteen minutes had rolled by without any sign of Izuku and you were starting to get annoyed, “I'm going to look for Izuku.”
Her eyes widened. ''In the Omega Building?” she asked. You raised a brow at her as you slung your bag back over your shoulders. “I just mean, we're not allowed in there,” she said sheepishly.
“I'll make sure to be quick,” you said dismissively.
You were walking away before she could say anything else. It wasn't that she was wrong, you just didn't care.
Students were split between three buildings depending on their secondary genders. Children generally presented very early in life. Around the same time their Quirk manifested. In the case of your brother, he presented on the same day you did. However, unlike you, he didn't manifest a Quirk. You had been lucky. You had presented as an Alpha. Part of you believed that if Izuku had presented as an Alpha his life would've been a lot easier. Hell, at times you felt intense guilt for being the one to manifest a Quirk. Instead, he presented as an Omega and a Quirkless one at that. Something that was screamed at the world by the black collar with the bright blue stone around his neck. Your mother had a similar collar, but because she had a Quirk and was married her collar held a bright green stone instead.
You understood the collars. What you didn't understand was why it had to indicate whether an Omega had a Quirk or not. You've heard a thousand stories, actually had classes entirely dedicated to Alpha Conduct, where an Alpha forced Omegas into situations they didn't want to be in. Some Alphas ran into the charming destruction of a powerful Quirk, getting put in their place. Not that such situations ended well for those Omegas anyway, but at least they were safe. There was no need to give overzealous Alphas (or actually, just disgusting human beings) a clue as to which target would be the easier one to deal with.
When you reached the Omega building you hesitated for all of a second. It didn't last beyond the point of reaching out and shoving the door open. The scent that lingered in the building was vastly different from the one you went to school in and for a moment you felt the overwhelming need to leave. Instead you pushed on, the tap of your shoes echoing through the quiet corridor. Every once in a while a head would pop out of a class, students still finishing class duties, before ducking back inside with a squeak. Your scent giving you away before the lack of a collar did.
The moment you reached Izuku's class, you threw the door open rather violently. It bounced in it's frame. A girl cleaning the blackboard shrieked, the sound echoing through the room. You simply stared at her with a frown. Her eyes widened when she recognized you, your braided green hair probably giving you away as Izuku's sister. You ignored her, eyes sweeping over the otherwise empty classroom. Izuku's bag was still at his desk. The only reason you even knew it was his was because of the stupid All Might key chain.
“Where is he?” you snarled, a new sense of urgency sweeping through you.
You knew about the teasing. Or rather, you knew that Izuku called what the kids in his class did to him teasing. You also knew that you had every power to walk into that class and make every single one of those little brats cower in fear, but Izuku has never made it an option. You had asked once, while cleaning marks on his back that looked like he had been burnt with something, if he wanted you to talk to his classmates. He had said no. Had said he would take care of it himself. You had hummed in agreement and just continued cleaning the small wounds and bandaging what needed to be bandaged.
Izuku's pride got in the way more often than not. Anyone who looked at Izuku and didn't think he was prideful didn't know him even a little bit. You were almost convinced that his pride would be what gets him killed one day.
“Where?” you growled.
She squeaked again, pointing at the windows. Your bag dropped with a heavy thud. You shot towards the window and threw it open, gaze sweeping the courtyard beyond it. A snarl caught in your throat the moment you found your brother. He stood in front of another boy, hands raised in awkward fists as he faced off against three boys. You can't hear what's being said, don't feel the need to. Izuku is bruised, worse than he's ever been before. The sight of his face has blind rage flashing through your veins. You were not thinking clearly when you step on the sill or when you're stepping out of the window. The landing is jarring, rattled through every single one of your bones right up to your brain. Felt like it snapped the last bit of your control.
With your blood rushing in your ears, you don't know what is being said nor when it is being said. But you do see, with such clarity that it was almost funny, the moment Bakugo Katsuki has the audacity to step forward, fire flashing in his palms as his Quirk activated.
Your second mistake was to touch Bakugo Katsuki.
You don't remember moving. You just remember the feeling of your fingers curling into the back of his collar, brushing against the nape of his neck. Your hand tightened and with the assistance of your Quirk you brought the boy over your head and slammed him into the ground. The collar came off too easily. His scent overwhelmed you the moment it did, fire and smoke and caramel. He reeked of aggression. He was winded, but not for long and not enough. Sharp red eyes shot up to meet your own as he pushed to his feet. You were momentarily frozen, staring at the collar in your hands, the bright red gem glinted in the sun above.
Alphas were not allowed to touch an Omega's collar without their permission, much less remove it.
You threw the collar to the side, focus settling on the blonde in front of you.
“Why,” you whispered, more in an attempt to reign in the violent rage coiling through you than anything else, “do you insist of being such a jerk?”
Bakugo smirked.
His scent changed, angering you even more. You couldn't understand why this Omega had the audacity to challenge you. You've been told countless times to start acting more like an Alpha. That you acted far too much like an Omega for your own good. But now, now you wondered if the people who said it would be proud. If your father would be proud at the pure Alpha aggression burning in your heart and soul, because you wanted to rip this boy's throat out with your bare hands for hurting your brother.
You have never thought much about this boy before. You knew he was a friend of Izuku's, or assumed that he used to be one at this point. But beyond that you had never spent much time with Izuku's friends as children and he never talked about having friends any more.
You were vaguely aware of Izuku yelling at you, telling you to just step away.
You don't really get the chance to focus on him. Bakugo moved with the blink of an eye. You had never met someone who moved fast enough to be barely stopped by one of your barriers. You had inherited your mother's Quirk to a degree. Instead of just being able to float small things towards you, you had manifested telekinesis. Barriers were easy and thoughtless. Lifting things with your Quirk was another matter all together, required actual concentration. Moving things with your Quirk was not something you were capable of, yet.
Bakugo Katsuki moved just slightly slower than you could bring barriers up. Even at the age of ten the boy fought well, moved well with his Quirk. For every attack you stopped, he landed three after you dropped the barrier to land attacks of your own. Most of them he brushed away, burning your wrists or legs every time he did so.
Five minutes in your nose was bleeding, your lips was split and your head felt like it was going to explode. You've never had to actually use your barriers, never had to bring them up to avoid being attacked. And you were getting angrier and angrier with every hit Bakugo landed. The boy, on the other hand, remained mostly unharmed. A slow blooming bruise the only time one of your punches actually landed against the Omega.
“The fuck,” he commented as he bounced off one of your barriers, “I thought you'd put up a better fight than Deku.”
“Deku,” you echoed through breathless pants. “What is a Deku?”
Bakugo's laughter coiled through your body as he pointed at something behind you. You glanced back and frowned. Izuku had a blush dusted across his cheeks, not meeting your gaze. It took you a moment. You couldn't understand the disappointment and disgust in your brother's features or how it pertained to what the boy had said.
It clicked the moment you noticed Izuku's fists.
And the moment it clicked you snapped. You were not angry at the connotation of being weaker than Izuku. You were not angry because you were compared to Izuku. You were angry because of the insult aimed at Izuku. An insult he seemed to have heard so often in his life that it no longer seemed to fully affect him, but it did affect him that you would be swayed to think the same thing.
Your scent bloomed into the air. Bringing every single Omega in your vicinity to a full stop. Pure rage snapped through the air. You were moving before Bakugo fully grasped what was going on. In the resulting tussle, your scent overwhelming him enough to stop him from using his Quirk against you again, you manage to pin the boy to the ground with a hand against the side of his face, pressing his head into the asphalt beneath you to expose his neck and your weight on his stomach.
You make your third mistake then.
His scent completely consumed you then. Your mind went blank of every other thought. All that remained was a little voice that told you there was a way to control this Omega, to make this Omega stop hurting your brother. All you had to do was follow the scent.
So you did.
You are not sure when your hand slipped from his face or even when his hand clenched into the back of your school blazer. All you were able to focus on was the way his scent filled the air around your head when your teeth sunk into the space between his shoulder and neck. How the scent thickened when a sharp pain shot through your own body where his teeth made their mark.
It was only when the two of you had been pulled apart by adults (adults you didn't even hear coming through the rush in your ears) that you even realized the extent of the complete and utter fuckery that had gone down.
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Firsts With : Denki Kaminari
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First Time Meeting
Talking to someone online was so much easier when they didn't have to see your face. You didn't like your looks that much and girls in your homeroom didn't take kindly to those who weren't confident. So much for a hero school. It might have been your closed off vibes, but guys tended to ignore you.
But when you were playing a PC game, there was no such thing as insecure. And that's where you met Denki. He was the funniest, and when the two of you exchanged numbers your texts were an escape from everything.
Denkiiiii!! I wanna talk to my future class mate! You were so excited to tell him the good news.
Woah 👀 what is this?
I'm transferring to UA 💛💛
That was something the poor boy didn't notice. You sent him hearts, you tried to subtly flirt with him, you sent him those massive heart memes, and he still didn't get it. What you didn't know was that he didn't even know you were a girl.
RHTJEODYJEBDJ UMM YES ??? He was so excited to meet you. You seemed so awkward, which was fun. It was so interesting to just watch you second guess a text and give a long explanation just for him to laugh it out and say it's okay.
I'm on my way to get my uniform now. I can't wait to meet you tomorrow 🙏🙏🙏
Wait wdym hop online for a bit 🥺🥺 He was so cute. Neither of you exchanged pictures of yourselves, but he said that he had electric powers. No matter what he looked like, he was going to be adorable to you.
Okok hold up
The next day he kept spamming you to send him a picture. We agreed we wouldn't do that
But we're meeting each other today 😭😭
As you walked into the school you sent a picture of your outfit with your face not in the frame. He was confused as to why you were wearing a girl's uniform, but then dismissed it and assumed you just preferred girl's clothing.
When you got into the classroom Aizawa told you to stay in the front of the class. Everyone filed in to their seats. "Everyone, this is y/n. She's our new student. Go take a seat where the empty desk is."
Kaminari was amazed. Y/n. You. You were y/n. You were a girl. You awkwardly sped walked to your seat behind him and sat, looking around. He whipped his head around. "You're y/n?!"
You looked at him, confused. You saw that he had a black zig zag in his hair. "Lightning bolt." You stated. You then perked up and grinned. "Denki!"
"Hang on, I—"
"Focus." Aizawa stated.
Denki quickly turned back, blushing madly at the fact that he managed to have a really awesome friendship with a cute girl.
Your face was heated. He was so handsome, and his smile! You couldn't believe you had such an amazing friendship with someone who's kindness reflects his looks.
First Real Conversation
After class he told you to stay put before bolting to his friends and saying something inaudible for you to them. They all looked at you, causing you to blush and look away from them. You quickly realized that was rude of you and looked back at them, shyly waving. They all chuckled.
You frowned and looked away, your face feeling so heated at the moment. He came back to you, grinning. "Okay, let's go."
You both started walking to the second classroom of the day together. He didn't know how to really word that the fact that you were a girl was shocking to him.
"I thought you were a guy." He stated.
"What?" You chuckled. He sheepishly smiled at you. "My name?"
"It isn't a Japanese name, so I just thought it was exotic."
"My clothes?"
"I just thought you preferred girl's clothing."
You giggled. "Wow." You then paused, before taking a deep breathe to work up the courage to tease him. "I wonder if we would've still have been friends if you knew. Would you have jumped to flirt with me like you do with other girls on the mic?"
His face flushed. "No! I mean yes! Yes, we would still be friends! I'm sorry if—"
You out your hands on his shoulders. "Denki, I'm totally kidding. Your too awesome to not be friends with." You nervously chuckled out a goofy laugh.
"Oh wow, you have a really cute laugh." Kaminari blurted out, though he didn't regret saying it.
You sheepishly grinned. "A flirt till the end. However you see me, I'm just really glad to be your friend."
"Me too!"
He was so excited. He was totally gonna fall in love with you, he felt it. You were too cool to just think of as a friend. But that was something to worry about later, when his feelings got stronger. Right now was simple crushing.
First Time Meeting His Friends
It's been three days and Kaminari begrudgingly told you that his friends want to meet you. He assured you that all his friends were going to love you, and that Bakugo will be just as unfriendly to you as he is to others, no more and no less.
You were on your way to the common area from your room while everyone waited for you. "Why'd it take three days for you to introduce us?" Sero asked.
Denki smiled and rubbed the back on his neck. "Honestly, I kinda wanted to keep her all to myself."
"Silly Kaminari," Mina slapped his back. "That's for clingy boyfriends, not creepy friends who have a fantasy of being with their female friends."
"I'm not creepy!" He pouted. "Just please remember that she's shy!"
"A girl who's shy and goes to you for comfort when she's nervous around other people." Sero stated. "That sounds like your dream girl." He chuckled out.
Kaminari chuckled. "I know right? I'm taking things slow though, so I don't scare her off. I'll ask her out some time, just not soon."
"That's so manly!" Kirishima grinned, getting excited for his friend.
They then heard you walk in and stop to look at them. They all turned to you, your face immediately becoming red at the sudden attention. Kaminari rushed over to you and led you over to his friends.
"Hi." You squeaked, waving.
"Guys, this is y/l/n y/n. She's awesome!"
"We're gonna be best friends!" Mina said, taking your hands. "I'm planning on stealing you away from Kaminari."
"I'm Sero." He stated. "Kaminari's right, you are cute."
You quietly gasped, not knowing how to react to this whole situation. Denki called you cute. A random guy just said the same right to your face.
"Ignore him!" Kirishima said. "He's kind of a flirt too. Anyways, I'm Kirishima. The guy with the mean face is Bakugo, but unless you threaten him he's harmless."
"Shut up shitty hair! And you!" He pointed accusingly at you. "I'm not soft or anything, so don't expect me to be nicer to you for no reason!"
"Okay." You quietly said, nodding understandingly.
"You're really okay with that?" Sero said.
"He didn't mean anything bad by it." You said quietly. You were extremely nervous, and felt so stupid. You knew you needed to speak up but couldn't for your nerves being shot.
"We're gonna watch a movie." Kaminari said, holding your wrist firmly. "You can sit next to me."
"Okay." You quietly said as he led you to the couch.
He requested for the group to watch a movie so you wouldn't feel too much pressure to talk as much. You both sat together, and just as your blonde friend was about to put his arm around you, Mina squeezed in between.
"Let's sit next to each other! Do you know this movie?!"
Kaminari frowned. "Hey—"
"I wanna sit next to her too." Sero said, coming to your other side. He then handed you a popcorn bowl.
You chuckled. "Thank you. And yeah, I've seen the movie. I like almost all genres, so I watch a lot of movies."
You three of you started talking about movies, and your electric friend pouted as he sat in his lonesome edge of the couch.
First Hug
It's been two weeks of you merging into the friend group. Kaminari felt a little frustrated, and even more frustrated over the fact that he had no right to be. Mina was stealing all of your time, and moving schools made you busy with catching up as well.
He saw you in the dorms walking to your room with books in hand, wondering whether he should greet you or not.
"Hi." He said weakly.
You quickly turned your head and grinning. "Denki, hey."
"You seem busy." He said sadly.
"Um, yeah..." You immediately caught the sadness in his voice, setting your things down on the couch. "What's wrong? You look upset."
He tried to laugh it off. "I just miss you I guess? When you're not busy with your other friends you have work to do. I feel like there's no time for me." You stared at him in surprise, and he backtracked. "That sounds a little selfish of me, sorry. You have the right to do whatever you want."
"No!" You quickly said. "You're right, we need to hang out more. I have missed you a bit too. Whenever I'm doing work and I don't feel like it I keep thinking about you."
"Really?" He grinned.
"Hah, yeah." You glanced at your books. "You're not busy, are you?"
"Nope." He smiled.
"Well, I actually am. But I could do my work in your room while you do whatever if you'd like. I know it's not that—"
"Yeah, let's do it!" He quickly grabbed your books and began walking to his dorm.
You laughed, catching up with him. "You're such a sweet friend Denki."
"Nah, you doing this more me is sweeter." You blushed at how nice he was being, even though he admitted to feeling neglected by you. You guys got there and he set the books on his bed. "Let me know when you're done you when you wanna take a break."
He sat on his chair and put his headset on. You stared at him for a second, feeling a surge of happiness from how content he was by just being in the same room as you. You turned his chair to face you and took off his headset, putting your arms around his neck and sitting on his lap without thinking.
"You're an amazing friend. I'm so lucky." He ignored the pang from the word friend and hugged you back. You felt so easily molded against him. He held you with one hand on your back and the other on your waist.
"Woah!" He chuckled. "You know, I could say the same thing about you."
You shifted in his lap to look at his screen, silently thanking the fact that he couldn't see your steaming face. "What're you gonna play?"
"What's this?"
"I think I'll watch you play for a bit before getting homework done, if that's okay."
"Course it is!" He excitedly began to show you the game as he kept one hand on your waist.
First Hand Holding
An annual carnival arrived, and you were all excited to go. You asked Kaminari to help you pick an outfit, him happily doing so. After he did you told him that it would be really fun to try and match as besties. He agreed without hesitation.
After Kaminari gladly endured the teasing, where even Bakugo made a little jab, you all headed there. Kaminari had this hopes deep down that someone would mistake you two as a couple today.
You and Mina stood in line for drinks while the others heard two guys talking about you two. "Let's go talk to them, they're both pretty hot."
"Which one do you want? The pink one?"
"Nah man, the other one."
They both chuckled. "Ah, man, I was hoping for that one. She looks pretty easy."
"Let's flip for her."
All the guys heard them with disgust. "Peh, pathetic." Bakugo mumbled.
Sero looked at the rest of the guys. "Do you wanna handle it quietly or are we gonna kick their asses?"
"Maybe we should be more quiet so we don't get kicked out." Kirishima suggested.
They all nodded, and Bakugo glared at the two guys at you and Mina walked back. The two felt a little uneasy from the stares, but were still beginning to walk over to the group.
"Hey, what's up—" Kaminari quickly went over to you and cut you off, taking your hand.
"Let's go." He quickly took you over to the photo booth as the rest of the guys took Mina away to another booth.
"What're we doing in here?"
"Ah, these guys were being creepy and I wanted to take you away from that."
You put up your joined hands. "And why are our hands still holding?"
He sheepishly grinned at you. "Your hand's warm."
You grinned and nodded, taking his hand away. You then took out your wallet and paid to take pictures, making sure to buy an extra copy You brought back your hand to his. "Okay, c'mon!"
You both started posing and laughing with your hands together. Once you two finished you both stepped out of the booth got your pictures. That's when the rest of the group found you.
Kaminari awkwardly let his arms drop to his side, which you noticed. As everyone started walking you slipped your hand in his.
"Is this okay?" You muttered.
He gave you a cheeky smile. "Always."
First Sleepover
There was a knock at your dorm door, and you opened it to see a nervous Kaminari. You could tell that his smile wasn't genuine. "Um, hey."
"Come in." You gently tugged on his arm as he went into the room. You quickly closed the door, as it was both past curfew and prohibited for a guy to be in the girl's dorms. "Are you okay?"
He shifted in place, looking away from you. "Do you think I'm stupid?" He quietly asked.
"What? No, of course not!" You stepped closer to him and put your hand on his cheek so he could look at you. "Why would you even ask that?"
"Just some people from another class. They pointed out that I'm probably one of lowest when it comes to test scores in our whole year. I was just thinking about it all day, and they're kind of right. I was just wondering if you knew they were right yet."
"I'd never think that Denki. And they're not right." You brought him into a hug, and he melted into your warmness. He wasn't in the mood to keep up a smile and laugh everything off. And you did your best to help him at being okay with not being okay. "Is there anything you wanna do? Play any games or something?"
"I kind of just want to go to sleep, um, here. If that's okay. I don't wanna be alone tonight."
You nodded and grabbed his hand, leading to the bed. You both silently crawled under the blanket and faced each other. He gave you a weak smile. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" You asked. You absent mindedly traced his jawline, causing him to relax.
"For being emotional today. I don't want you to see me like this."
You thought about what to do, blushing at the thought. "Let's cuddle then. It might be easier for you to talk if we don't see each other."
He gave you a small, genuine smile, scooping you in and snuggling you. "Thanks."
You were close with him as it was, but your realization of your feelings towards him was new. The fact that he went to you in his time of need was unreal for you. But you needed to push aside your own feelings and comfort him right now.
"Y'know, not every hero has to be a genius. What they really need is the spirit to go on and the heart to save people. Both of which you have."
"What if a hero gets scared or insecure sometimes?"
You smiled. "That hero admitting his feelings and coming to terms with them makes him all the better person."
He began rubbing your arm and snuggled deeper into you, a silent thank you that you were willing to take. You then very quickly drifted off to sleep.
When you woke up Kaminari was playing a game on your computer, with bed head and a content look on his face. "Morning." You said groggily.
He immediately turned off your monitor and grinned at you. "Good morning!"
He went over to you and sat on the bed. You lazily smiled. "Feeling better?"
"Yup. You gotta get up now."
You groaned, curling into your blanket. "I don't want to though."
"But you have to so we can talk."
"About what?"
He lightly pinched your cheek. "I can't tell you until you get ready."
You lightly groaned. "Mm, fine."
You got up and picked out an outfit. He got out to let you get dressed, waiting for you to come out as you both went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth.
"Okay," you said as you both walked down the hall. "What did you wanna talk about?"
He looked around, seeing no one else in the hallway. "Will you go on a date with me?"
"What?" You quietly asked.
"I won't sugar coat it. I really like you, and yesterday I realized that now was the time. I keep daydreaming about calling you my girlfriend and treating you really special, as special as you deserve to be treated."
He then nervously laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"I guess that might sound a little creepy. But you don't have to give me an answer right now. Just let me know by Friday, so we can do something over the weekend, if you want."
Before you could say anything Mina spotted you two and called out for you both, causing your answer to be cut short.
You did run up to him later and jumped into a big hug, agreeing to that date.
First Date
You heard a knock at your door, immediately opening it. You've been waiting in your room for over an hour, not wanting any chance to be taking too long to get ready.
He sheepishly smiled as he held out an origami rose. You took it and grinned, admiring how well done it was. "It'll last longer than a real rose." He then paused. "But if you want a real rose then we can stop by—"
"I love it. It's really creative and pretty. It's better than a real rose, cause I can keep it for memories, so you don't have to worry about it okay?"
He nodded and watched as walked into your room and put it on your desk. He then stared at your legs, which you caught as you walked back to him.
"Denki." You grumbled, shifting your legs uncomfortably.
He looked back at you. "Oh, no no no! It's not like that I swear! I just noticed that you were wearing the shirt I got you when we all went to that mall! I wasn't– being a pervert I s–swear..."
His voice faded off as you put your hands on his cheeks, getting closer to him. "Don't panic Denki, I believe you."
He melted into a smile, holding your hands on his face. "I think it's super cool that you're more confident like this."
"You make me more confident."
He kissed the tip of your nose. "There's nothing to not be confident about with you." He then pulled back and took your hand. "Let's go."
You were both a blushing mess, and you were also both glad that each other couldn't see the blush. Once you got outside the dorm building Kaminari pulled you in closer, leaving no space in between you.
"You're so bold." You chuckled out. "Very main character worthy."
"I don't know about that." He nudged you. "I think I'm funny enough to be the comedic side character. If it were a horror movie, I'd die in the middle."
"Hm, what about me? I feel like an overcautious side character that's like the second or third to die, y'know? And then her death shows everyone that she's right."
"Nah, you seem pretty final girl to me."
You both talked about what movie characters each other would be before you got there. "An arcade?"
He grinned. "Yeah! I have a lot of rewards points so I didn't have to spend that much." He then realized how bad that sounded, becoming more quiet. "Since this date is on a budget and..."
He faded off, and you looped your arm in his. "And this is the perfect first date place."
You went in and were both completely relaxed, just messing around and being yourselves. It was amazing. Kaminari trying to show off and be the best at certain games was absolutely cute, and when you caught him trying to let you win in air hockey he quickly apologized and you both ended up purposely doing bad to try to make the other win. You both had so much fun.
Afterwards he took you outside and looked around for somewhere to eat. You remembered that he didn't have that much money, so you told him that you wanted to go to his favorite fast-food restaurant, saying you have a craving for it.
You felt really happy at how relieved he looked, wanting him to know that he doesn't have to spend money on you.
You both walked back to the dorms and swung your entwined hands together without thought. When you got to your dorm he gave you a chaste kiss on the cheek, but when you pulled back and smiled warmly he couldn't help himself and smothered you with cheek kisses.
"Thank you, for today." You said when he stopped, your arms around each other and your foreheads together.
"No problem. You can be my girlfriend and we'll call it even."
You hummed. "Deal."
First Kiss
After a three weeks of dating and a few more little dates, you couldn't take it anymore. When everybody went their separate ways at night you went to Kaminari's room as sneakily as possible. Sero did startle you and tease you about it, but that was it.
You quietly opened the door and closed it, him looked up at you from his phone as he laid on his bed. "Hey little mamas, what're you doing here?"
"Denki," you whined. "I can't take it anymore. I'm getting super frustrated."
He bolted up and walked over to you. "What's wrong? Did I do something? I don't really know what I did wrong but I can fix it and we—"
You put your hands on his cheeks. "Cutie Pie, it's nothing like that."
"Oh good, I'm Cutie Pie again." He smiled in relief.
You kissed his cheek. "You're always Cutie Pie." You then looked at him and frowned. "See, this is my problem!"
He grabbed your hips. "Beautiful, you need to explain a bit."
"We haven't kissed yet. I get strong urges to kiss you or make out but I've never kissed anybody before so I don't know how."
"Woah, I get the exact same way!" He grinned.
"Really?" You giggled, bouncing at your excitement. "We should practice!"
"Okay!" He then picked you up effortlessly and plopped you on the bed. You continued giggling as he dove in for a hug for laughs. You looked at each other as you laid down together. "Ready?"
"Ready." You both slowly went in, you too stiff and him to eagerly sloppy. You both pulled back and chuckled. "Sorry. I think I need to loosen up."
"It's okay, I think I was all over the place anyways."
"Maybe we should sit up." He nodded and did so, you sliding into his lap. He looked at you in shock. "Sorry, should I get off?"
"No! It just caught me off guard. C'mon, let's try again." You both kissed again, this time less awkward. You pulled back and smiled at each other, kissing again. "You know what this means?"
"We can make out all the time now!" You both laughed, and before you could say anything in response he attacked your lips, now full on making out with you. You had to pull back for breath eventually, and your flushed state made him extra happy.
You rubbed noses together, occasionally giving each other a peck. "Hey, can you sleep over? I really wanna hold you for the rest of the night."
"Sure." You ran your hand through his hair as he stared at your lips. You noticed he seemed to be deep in thought. "Am I losing you here?"
He chuckled. "Sorry, I was just wondering how and when to ask you if we could French kiss." You looked at him in surprise, and he realized what he just said. "And I realize that wasn't the right way to say that."
"Either way you word it it's the same question, so don't worry about it." He smiled and nodded. "And yeah, let's try it. I see it a lot on those videos–oh my God."
You cut yourself off as you just admitted to your three week old boyfriend that you watch porn. But instead, he grinned and eagerly asked, "You watch porn?!"
"A little." You quietly said, shrinking in his lap.
"Is that something girls do?!"
You chuckled, becoming noticably more relaxed. "Yes."
He noticed how uncomfortable and embarrassed you looked, and didn't want to push it. It was no matter, cause you two would get to that once deep into the relationship, when he would no doubt tell you that he loved you.
He wasn't sure if he loved you already, but Kaminari figured that when he loved you most he would say it, and then he'd show you how much by making love to you. Then you two could experiment and figure out what you both liked. It'll be fun.
Buy despite that being Kaminari's long term plan for your relationship, he knew he first needed to focus on the now. Right now he wanted you to feel as comfortable as possible with him. It was one of his dreams for you to find complete security in him. It was right next to becoming a hero.
"That's super interesting! You're teaching me a lot of new things today." You perked up and nodded, giggling. "Okay, you ready?"
You nodded, and he tried to just put your tongue in you. You pulled back and giggled some more. "Wait, Denki baby, ease into it."
He slightly blushed at your fits of giggles. "Oh, sorry."
You noticed and immediately melted, snuggling closer to him. "Hey," you nudged your nose with his. "It's really calming to know that you're figuring things out the same as me."
He hummed and grinned. "How about you start the kiss? Then when I feel like it's a good time I'll take over?"
You agreed and gently kissed him, feeling more natural than the other kisses. You both got into the kiss as you pressed on a little. Soon after Kaminari swiped his tongue across your bottom lip, and you opened your mouth to give him control. He gladly did, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't absolutely fall in love with the way it felt to have his tongue massage yours.
When you pulled back for breath Kaminari smiled giddily at your flushed face, wiping the corner of your mouth with his thumb. "Alright, I don't wanna accidentally get too excited, so let's end it here, yeah?"
"Okay." You said as you slid off. "Let's practice some more tomorrow."
"You read my mind babe." You both got under the covers and snuggled together, soon falling asleep after a very good night.
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1a-imagines · 4 years
Can I request a one shot for Bakugou when he's a Pro Hero and opens up his own agency, since heroes have to be out and about all day and night they're exhausted, so the agency has a personal shopper system and that's how he meets the reader. The reader is back and forth a lot, they never know who specifically they shop for, they just gets lists and also acts as asistant to anyone. Jealous coworkers see them getting along with Bakugou and they start overworking them?
A/n: This was so much fun! And what better time to post it than the lil shits brithday? Nah. I love him really
Quick little side note sort of ended being more of a personal assistant than a shopper but i hope you enjoy anyway.
"Ground zero, sir? Here are those files you wanted. O-oh! And since it's lunch I thought you might appreciate some food so I went out and ordered some curry for you." You sent him a smile as you watched his eyes widen at the food placed on his desk.
He let out a sigh. "You didn't need to do that.." he muttered softly. He could never understand why you always felt the need to go out of your way to do nice things for him. Sure you were technically the office assistant, it was your job to help him, but you weren’t required to buy him lunch!
He reached over and gratefully took the food. The smell alone was making his stomach growl. "Oh it's no problem! You always forget to eat when you're busy! And you’re busy a lot these days, since your rank is rising so quickly. I figured, as your assistant, I should make sure you're eating properly too."
He looked down at the food, you really were too nice for your own good. Looking out and caring for people who you owed nothing to. It annoyed him to no end! If you kept being so nice to everyone then people were going to take advantage of you! He had to keep a careful watch on you at all times to make sure you weren’t getting into trouble!
Granted, he didn’t really have to look out for you but who else would do it if he didn’t!?
He had been skeptical when his colleagues had suggested hiring someone like you for the company.
‘Oh great! Another headache to deal with!’ had been his first thoughts.
But he had to admit that it was one of the best decisions his company had made, and he didn't just think that because he actually liked having you around compared to some of the other idiots around here. You were helpful, and you took a load off his work pile every now and then, you brought him drinks and made sure no one bothered him when he was busy working. It made his work life all the more easier.
"Thanks." He hesitantly grumbled before taking a bite, you couldn’t help but notice how his eyes lit up for a slight second. "This is really good! How the hell do you know what I like?"
You let out a giggle. "You're a popular hero with a big following, all I had to do was search up 'Ground Zeroes favourite foods' and I learned that you like spicy food pretty quickly!" You really went to all that trouble just to get him lunch? He huffed through his nose. "Stalker."
"EH!?" he chuckled at your reaction before continuing. "Next time you can just ask me what I like. You don't have to go browsing the internet like some stalker fangirl." His smirk widened as he watched your face turn red.
"O-oh- right! Yes.. Of course!" Teasing you was way too easy and way too fun.
“You said it was lunch right? Have you had your lunch break?” he asked after taking another bite of the food. You shook your head and he rolled his eyes. Just like you always had to make sure he was eating well and taking breaks he had to do exactly the same for you. He didn’t need his assistant collapsing on him.
“Take it now then, here-” he reached over and pulled another chair closer to his desk. “You can eat with me since you got way too much food for me.” It wasn’t that much, he just wanted a reason for you to stay around for a while longer. He didn’t know why, he usually preferred spending breaks alone, it was practically the only time he got a break from everything and everyone. But, there was just something about you that made him feel at ease. He actually enjoyed talking to you, and this was a rare thing for him.
He loved watching you tense up at such a simple request. It was almost like you were surprised he wanted to eat with you. Then again, he didn’t do this with any other of his employees.
“Are you sure it’s ok sir?” You asked unsurely.
He sighed at your never ending courtesy. “I wouldn’t say it otherwise, just sit down.” You compiled and sat next to him.
He gave you half his food and you eagerly dug in, running around after people all day was a good way to work up an appetite, but as soon as the spiciness of the curry hit your palate your face turned red and you began to cough as the heat scorched your throat.
Bakugo burst out laughing at your reaction, your face had twisted into pain as you began gulping down water, it didn’t really help much. Your lips and tongue still felt like they were on fire. How can he stomach this stuff!?
You had never heard Bakugo laugh so hard before- or at all for that matter.
Once you cooled off you couldn’t help but laugh with him. It was nice to see him smiling for once, even if it was at your own expense.
Your combined laughter carried out of his office and down to where the rest of your coworkers were working. They could hear the pure joy you two were sharing from all the way down the hall and a few of them began to pry. They had never before heard their usually grumpy boss laugh like that.
Three of them walked up and peaked through the window to his office. You two hunched over laughing with tears in your eyes, you looked awfully close, a little too close for some of their likings.
“Hmph! What a suck up she is!” Setsuko muttered bitterly as her eye’s narrowed at the sight.
“I know.. We’ve worked here for years!! And yet Y/n who's been here what? Three months? gets all the special treatment?” Kimiko agreed.
“I-I don’t know.. She’s just doing her job..” Mariko chimed in as they watched the two of you wipe the tears from your eyes. She had never seen their boss so happy before, usually he was in a bad mood over something or other. However, when you were around, he seemed to soften up, it was kind of sweet in a way. She enjoyed seeing this new side you brought out of him, but she knew that a few of your fellow co-workers didn’t enjoy this “special treatment” you got.
“Don’t be stupid Mariko! You don’t see her getting the rest of us lunch do you? She’s supposed to help everyone around the office! She’s just trying to get a promotion!” Setsuko countered as they turned away from the window.
“That’s a good point though!” Kimiko grinned, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “She’s our assistant too. Maybe we should start taking more advantage of that?”
Mariko shifted uncomfortably at the suggestion, “I-I’m not so sure-”
“Good idea Kimiko! She needs to learn her place!” They completely ignored the shy, petite girl next to them. Mariko couldn’t stand listening to their childish plans and walked away from the scene.
As soon as you left Ground zeroes office after your lunch break the two girls approached you with friendly smiles on their faces. “Y/n! Glad we found you! We have some boxes over there that need to be put in the basement? Think you could do it for us?”
You sent them a curt nod, “Of course!” Thought you regretted not looking over at the box pile before answering. The pile of boxes just about reached the ceiling! There were so many! Your jaw dropped as Setsuko patted your shoulder. “Thanks a bunch!” Was the last thing they said before leaving you to it.
“Ok, I can do this! They might not even be that heavy! Maybe I can carry a few at a time and be done quickly!”
They’re so fucking heavy!
One box in and your arms were already aching, what was in these things!? Bricks?! That was the only thing you could assume from the weight of them. You weren’t sure what kind of bad luck you had been cursed with today but suddenly it seemed like your shift was going to become a lot more grueling.
Three hours later and you were practically crawling along the floor, the pile still only half finished. You had the great idea of using an old desk chair with wheels so you could push a few boxes along at a time but it was still really heavy and taking forever! Not that you could exactly do anything about it, this was your job. At least you didn’t deal with this everyday.
You wiped the sweat from your forehead and shook your arms to relieve the pain. “Just a few more left!” You tried to encourage yourself.
Little did you know about Marikos guilty, green eyes staring at you from across the office.
The week didn’t get any better for you. You were constantly running around having to do these ridiculously hard tasks all alone. They’ve had you fixing all the broken office chairs, scanning about 500 pages of forms only to say they didn't need  them anymore, they’ve had you going all over town to buy supplies or lunches for them, as well as running up and down all 50 floors of the office building doing a bunch of other ridiculous tasks for them. It felt unfair but it’s not like they were making you do things that were outside of your job description? So how could you complain about them when they weren’t really doing anything wrong?  
You felt so exhausted. You couldn’t even enjoy your breaks without them coming to ask favours of you. You felt even worse that you had barely any time to help Bakugo with his tasks. You were sure he didn’t need help- he always stressed he could do everything alone but you hoped he was at least remembering to eat. He was always too focused on becoming the number one that he often forgot to take care of himself unless you were there to remind him.
“Y/n! Would you mind going to grab us some coffee?” Kamiko asked you as you handed them the prints they wanted you to fetch,
Ok, that was a pretty simple task! That’s not unreasonable at all! You sent them a smile, a smile that was slightly strained due to your fatigue, “Of course!” You stepped around them to head towards the break room where the coffee machine was, but before you could go far they stopped you again. “Oh! No! The coffee in the break room is kind of gross, it’s never strong enough ethier, especially when you have a mountain of paperwork.” Setsuko giggled. “Would you mind going to ‘The steamed bean’? Here are the directions if you need them!” She handed you a note and you gawked at the address, It was all the way over the other side of town! “Y-you realise I don’t have a car to travel this far right?”
“Ah, we know, but we figured you wouldn’t mind since it’s a nice day and all! Besides, Exercise could do you some good!”
‘What's that supposed to mean…’
“Ok.. I guess I could but-!”
“Thanks so much! You’re a doll! We owe ya!” Kamiko waved as they walked off. “-won't it be cold by the time I get back…” You trailed off, speaking to the empty space they once stood in. You sighed. It was your job to assist them, but sending you all the way across town for coffee? It was a bit unreasonable. You just couldn’t seem to find it in yourself to argue about it.
You set off on your journey through the city, You had to admit that it was a nice day but the walk was too long for your liking. You could’ve gotten the train or a bus but you didn’t tend to bring change with you to work, You had a weird feeling Setsuko and Kamiko might have known about that. So it left you with walking.
The walk gave you a lot of time to think over the past week and all the jobs they’ve had you do. There was just no doubt about it.
‘They’re taking advantage of me.’
You sighed. Maybe Bakugo was right about you being too nice, a pushover even.. He had warned you about it time and time again but you didn’t listen. Being kind was just in your nature. You had every right to file a complaint against them for overworking you, the bags under your eyes were evidence enough, so why didn’t you? Because it was your job? Because you didn’t want to be causing trouble in the first few months of being there?
You huffed. You were angry with yourself for letting it get this far!
Though, you were too far into the walk to turn back now, the coffee shop wasn’t much father but you made a note to yourself to let this be the last unreasonable task you did for them!
The walk was almost an hour a half. You’ve never felt so relieved to see a coffee shop sign in your life! You couldn’t have felt more happy for your aching feet but when you made it to the door you noticed the sign had been turned to-
“Closed!?” you squeaked in defeat. All this walking for… this!? You sighed, Taking a moment to lean your body against the brick wall of the building.
Soon, you began trudging back to the office. You couldn’t exactly return to them with nothing, You didn’t want to get in trouble for not doing your job properly, and something told you that they wouldn’t hesitate to put in a complaint about you given the opportunity. So you bought them coffee from a different place before you got back.
You were dragging your feet at this point, your legs numb, you weren’t entirely sure what time it was; but the sun was begging to set over the city, leaving an orange glow in its wake. Once you arrived back at the office you found your two coworkers talking to Bakugo as they packed away their stuff. “We got everything finished on time thanks to your help sir!”
“Yeah, whatever..” He dismissed them and turned around to see you standing there, you looked overheated and sweaty from the 3 hour walk in the sun you had just taken, the bags under your eyes were prominent on your face, right next to how flushed your cheeks were. He blinked.
“The hell happened to you? You look like a mess.” He commented and you shot him a soft glare for the jab. “I was just out getting coffee for-” you looked behind him to see they had both left. You deflated, you eye twitched in annoyance. They really just-
Bakugo followed your gaze, catching on. “Why the hell would you go into the city to get coffee for them? We have coffee here.” He crossed his arms. You shrugged and placed the two coffee cups down on a nearby empty desk. “They asked and it’s sort of my job to assist them.”
“And now their shifts are over and you went to all the trouble for nothing.” He pointed out and you internally groaned. “Yeah.. pretty much.”
The office was practically empty now apart from the odd few night staff that were coming in for their shifts. You knew you had been set up, this wasn’t just bad luck like you had first thought. But why would your coworkers do this to you?
“Well better not let them go to waste.” Bakugo sat down and took one of the coffee cups. You smiled a little. It felt like he was looking out for you in a way, It was sweet. You sat down opposite him and let out a big sigh of relief at weight off your feet. You tried to relax your tired body as much as you could. It felt like the first time you had relaxed in a week. Your behaviour made Bakugo raise an eyebrow. “How fucking far did you go for coffee?” he asked you before taking a sip out of his cup. “The steamed bean.” you heard him choke on his drink and you jumped up. “Are you ok!?”
“Are you!?”  He backfired, staring up at you in disbelief. “Why the hell would you go there!? Not only is it miles away but you know it’s always shut on wednesdays, right?” you suddenly felt the need to collapse and sink into the floor.
It’s always closed on wednesdays!?
They really did set you up then!
You sat back down and Bakugos eyes followed you. “Oh.. don't tell me that's why you’re in pain.. You didn’t walk did you?” he narrowed his eyes, you could tell he was judging you and it made you too shy to give a reply. The look on your face must have said enough because he shook his head at you. “Idiot.”
“They asked and-”
“Just because it’s “your job” doesn’t mean you have to take that shit from them! Don’t let people use you and overwork you!” he scolded. You couldn’t help but smile despite being lectured and he noticed. “What? Why do you have that stupid look on your face?”
“I just- didn’t realise you cared so much about me.” He saw his shoulders tense which only made you smile more. This was priceless.
“I don’t- I just don’t want my employees being overworked!” He defended himself but you couldn’t fully believe his words. “You can’t fool me that easily, I’ve already heard plenty from the other workers around here that you’re a pretty stern boss. You’re serious about work and get annoyed when it’s not done on time.”
“Who the fuck said that!?”
“Point is! I’ve never actually seen that side of you. So either everyone else is lying or..” You shyly looked away “you have a soft spot for me~”
You heard him tut, his head also turned away from you as he crossed his arms. “That’s the conclusion you’ve come to? You’re dumber than I thought.”
“Well, you do invite me to eat lunch with you a lot, even making dumb excuses like “theres just too much food to eat it alone”, and you stay back after your shift ends just to talk and drink coffee with me.” You gestured to the scene around you, feeling pride when you saw his cheeks turn red. You knew that you had busted him. You let out a laugh at his reaction and he muttered for you to shut up.
Something about you laughing at him really pushed his buttons. He didn’t like that the tables had turned on him. Usually it was him teasing you, you were the one supposed to be blushing! Now he was the one with red cheeks and he couldn’t stand for this! “So what if I am a little soft for you?”
“If I happen to like you a little more than everyone else around here? What are you going to do about it?”
“I- you-”
He smirked, just like that he had turned it back around. So easy. This was how it should be. With you getting all embarrassed and shy, not him. You hunched over in defeat, you were too tired to play this game with him right now. Especially when you knew you wouldn't win.
Though, you couldn’t help but wonder if he meant it? Did he really like you more than everyone else?
You took a nice long gulp of the warm coffee, you couldn’t wait for the energy boost, you really needed it after the week you had just had.
“You don’t have to worry about those two anymore.” He suddenly spoke up.
“What? Why?” You asked as you watched Bakugo absentmindedly fiddle with the cup. “Cause they’re getting fired tomorrow.” He smirked and you froze up. Were they getting fired because of you!? You knew they deserved it but you couldn’t help but feel guilty. Jobs are how people make a living, their source of income and if they don't have that then-
“Quit your worrying would you?” His voice cut through your thoughts, you blushed at how easy he could see through you.
“Listen, it’s not just because of you, though you are a big part of it.” He muttered the last part so you couldn’t hear and before you could ask him to repeat himself he carried on. “When I was helping them with work today the files they’ve been writing up on their computers were complete shit. I can’t have people like that in my agency.” You sighed in relief. Bakugo leaned forward to lock eyes with you. He glared. “Also, Mariko told me everything they’ve been making you do the past week.”
Your lips parted in shock. “Mariko?”
“Yes, I’m terribly sorry I didn’t help sooner.” You turned in your chair to see the shy girl approaching. “I-I knew what they were doing and I thought they’d stop but they didn’t- I’m not really good at confrontation you see so I-” she inhaled through her nose. Stopping herself from making excuses. “I’m very sorry I let it go on. I told our boss when I found out they sent you all the way across town on foot to a closed coffee shop. I wish I had said something sooner. I’m sorry.” She bowed deeply and you tensed up at the confession. You had never expected this from her. You could see how genuine she was being, how sorry she felt. You placed a hand on her shoulder and pushed her up. “It’s ok.” You smiled. “Thank you for helping me in the end! I really appreciate it.” You told her, Mariko seemed unsure, but curtly nodded anyway, “If you’re sure.”
She glanced over to her boss who’s eyes had never left you, despite you turning away. It reminded her of the look on his face when she told him about what had been happening. She wished you could have seen it, how worried he was. Maybe then you would understand just how much he cared for you. This wasn’ just a simple workplace relationship anymore.
She giggled quietly, a knowing twinkle in her eyes. “Well I should be off! Have fun you two!” She waved. You waved back, though you were unsure what that look she had given you was about.
“Never ever let anyone take advantage of you again you hear me?” Ah, back to the lecture now. You sent him a smile and nodded. “I’ll try my best”
He groaned at your answer. Trying isn't good enough! He needed to know you wouldn’t get put in a situation like this again. He threw his head back, “You’re lucky I’m around to keep you out of trouble.”
There was a small silence as you stared down at your lap, “I am.” You agreed, his cheeks tinted red at your response.
“Ok! Enough of that mushy shit! You look starving, come on let's go get some food. My treat.” He jumped up and you followed a frantic look in your eyes as you were about to argue that he didn’t need to do that but he stopped you before you could by placing a hand over your mouth. He expected you would have this reaction.
“No, shut up, just let me do this for you. I still owe you for when you bought me lunch last week!"
You bit your lip as you took his hand into yours and lowered it from your face, neither one of you pulled away. "That just sounds like an excuse to take me out."
To your surprise he leaned down to be level with your face. He smirked as his eyes burned into yours. "Maybe you're not such a dumbass after all. It is an excuse, I'm taking you on a date."
You gulped. You were thankful you were holding onto his hand because your knees suddenly felt weak as his breath hit your cheek. "Then I guess I can't turn it down." You smiled and he squeezed your hand. "Let's go.”
You sat in his car, driving around the city as you tried to find a good place to have dinner.
“So what are you thinking?” He looked over to you with a playful glint in his eyes. “How about The Steamed Bean?”
You let out a loud groan and sunk into the seat at the jab to your pride. “You’re the worst date ever!"
He chuckled at your reaction, "We'll see if you still feel that way when the nights over~"
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studiopoprocks · 5 years
Can you do fluff alphabet for Bakugou with a chubby s/o
Bakugo Katsuki Fluff Alphabet
I was a little confused on how I could add body type into the alphabet. So I tried my best to do your request, I hope it’s okay! @ash-the-lover
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A - Affection (How do they show how much they care in their day to day lives)
Yes Kastsuki can be affectionate, big surprise. He’s pretty bad with words (unless written) so he tries his best to show how much he cares. He’ll always be right beside you despite how big the room may be, or even pat your head in public with a rare smile on his face. He’s trying his best, he just needs a little more practice.
B - Before (How did they act before the relationship/ what was the relationship like?)
He wasn’t the best with dealing with the fact he had a crush on you. He would yell at you more, but none of his words contained any venom. You kinda just stuck around him anyways. Even before you started dating, he was very VERY protective. Heaven forbit any ass hole degrade your amazing beautiful body, it was lucky recovery girl was there.
C - Comfort (How they act when their S/O is sad)
He instantly turns soft the moment he realized you’re upset. If it’s something another person did, he’ll offer to kill them, then proceed to explain why you’re so much better, and don’t need to even think about them. But if it’s insecurities, his heart breaks. He believes you are perfect, and even out of his league. He tries his best by pulling you into his chest, and saying ‘this heart beats for you stupid’ he’ll make sure to show you how much you mean to him more often.
D - Dawn (What are mornings like?)
This boy goes to be at 9pm, so you know he’s getting up at 4:30am. He’s actually very quite, almost never waking you up as he’s getting ready. On the off chance that he does, he’ll kiss your forehead and tell you to go back to sleep. Although you wake up alone, there is always a warm plate of breakfast on the kitchen table, and a good morning note from Bakugo
E - Embarrassed (How does their S/O make them flustered? How do they return the favour?)
Kiss him on the cheek and he’s out. Bakugo could be screaming, or in the middle of sparing and instantly freeze up if you somehow kiss him. Error Boyfriend has Stopped Working. He kinda just stands there as his face gets redder, then screams ‘OI What the hell was that for!’ But you know he secretly enjoys it, plus he’ll get you back by slapping your ass. Bakugo is a perv, what more can I say.
F - First date (Were did you go and what did you do for your first date together)
This boy did his research. You two would meet up at a nearby park, walking around a little bit before heading to a very expensive restaurant. He’d convince you to split a dessert with him, and you best believe he’s paying for the whole thing. Don’t even attempt, trust me it won’t be pretty. Afterwards you would go see a movie, at one of those expensive theatres that has an arcade inside. It may have taken him 27 tries, but he did get you that plushy you wanted from the claw machine before the movie started. And at the end of the night, he would give you a quick goodbye kiss as he dropped you off.
G - Gentle (How Gentle are they with their S/O? Or do they like to rough house with them?)
Bakugo will be rough. If your his girlfriend, one of the reasons he loves you is because you’re strong, otherwise you’d be too scared of him. It’s usually just rough language, swearing, screaming, just normal Katsuki. He also prefers to spar with you, and you better not expect him to hold back. If he does end up hurting you, he’ll give you one of his famous massages to make up for it.
H - Habit (What do they repeatally do in the relationship?)
His hands like to wander... he says he can’t help it, that you’re just too beautiful, but you know it has to do with him being a bit possessive. It’s not even pervertive most of the time. Often running his hands down your sides, or petting your hair. He won’t admit to doing it, but the playfulness tells a whole nother story.
I - Intreating (What do they find fascinating about their S/O? And vise versa?)
He’s astonished that you deal with him so well. The first time you were able to calm him down, played on repeat over and over in his mind. He doesn’t understand how! It kinda pissed him off because he felt weak, but now he goes to You whenever he needs to de stress.
J - Jealousy (How easily do they get jealous, and how do they deal with it)
He doesn’t want to get jealous, but it just comes with his personality. He feels kinda bad after he basically threatens to kill some guy hitting on you. Not for the fact that he planned on murdering the poor dude, but because he knows you can take care of yourself, and don’t need him butting in. He’s gotten a lot better after the first couple incidents, and often will just glare at the pervs while putting his arm around you.
K - Knick Knack (A random momento they still have from their S/O)
Just like Uraraka and Midoriya, you actually gave Bakugo his hero name ‘ground zero’. You had drawn a funny little doodle of your boyfriend in his hero costume, during class. Three thing were written: ‘Boom boom McSpolde man’ ‘Ground Zero’ and ‘love uwu’. He had taken it from you to look up, but never gave it back. He currently has it on the top of his nightstand, where it’s been since he got it.
L - Location (Favourite place to go on dates)
Arcade or amusement park. Honestly any adrenaline inducing thing he loves. He gets really competitive at the arcade, but will always try to win you something! (Even if it takes 14 tries). He doesn’t like how many people there are at the amusement parks, by he loves having you cling to him on rollercoserts. He will drag you on the scariest one, just so he can ‘protect’ you.
M - Movie (What cliché movie trope has actually happened in the relationship?)
That whole yelling in the rain then someone accidentally confesses, was how you two got together. You honestly didn’t know what was going on with him, and you two started arguing on your way back to the dorms after sparing. ‘All I want is for you to tell me what I did wrong Katsu!’ ‘You did nothing wrong!’ ‘Well something’s wrong!’ Fast forward a bit and he actually ends up saying ‘for some reason I fucking like you a lot!’ Arguing in the rain + confession = kisses!
N - Nickname (What do they call their S/O?)
What he calls his S/O:
‘My idiot’ a term of endearment kinda
‘Babe’ never used at school
‘Fucking perfection’ he’s trying
What you call him:
‘Baku-babe’ in response to him calling you babe
‘Jerk face’ another term of endearment trust me
‘My hero’ yes he almost cried when you first called him that
O - On Cloud Nine (How they act when they are in love/ Is it obvious to everyone around them?)
He’s only obviously about it when he’s actually with you. His full attention with be on you, and the anger in his face has melted away. He looks really civil and it kinda freaks people out when they first see it. Neither of you notice, but he’s always in a protective stance around you. It’s very obvious you’re dating the hot head.
P - PDA (Do they like showing off their s/o, or are a little shy to kiss in public)
It’s either full on makeout session, or no touching what so ever. At school he’s not very affectionate because he wants to focus on being a top hero, and he knows if he even thinks of you for too long, it’s going to distract him for the rest of the week. In the dorms though, almost anything goes. He doesn’t want to talk to someone? He’ll start cuddling up to you, blaintly ignoring them. Deku is pissing him off? Makeout session outside your door.
Q - Quirk (A random ability they have, that’s helpful in a relationship)
Even though he isn’t very good with words, Bakugo will never lie about what he’s saying. He’s so blunt that everything he says is genuine, and 110% his option. Maybe he doesn’t say it in the most classy way, but he means well. Having him be like this prevents insecurities, and trust issues.
R - Rearly (Something they love to do, but it doesn’t happen often)
He loves cloths shopping with you. Hear me out; his parents are fashion designers, so you best believe he’s going to have their skills when it comes to looking good. He loves to dress you up like his own personal manikin, he thinks you have the perfect body for any outfit, and can rock anything he decides to throw your way.
S - Special (Something that only them and their S/O do together)
Horror movie nights. He absolutely hates watching movies with the squad, usually because they talk so dam loud, and they have to pause the movie every 10 minutes! So he’ll only watch with you. He absolutely loves it when you get scared and cuddle into him. He feels like your his missing peice, and you both fot together like a puzzle. He’ll feel bad if you have a nightmare afterwards, but how can he be stop when every time you come to him for more cuddles!?
T - Together (How often do they spend time with their S/O?)
He never thought about having a relationship, so he’s really booked up with becoming a hero. Although you don’t spend much time together, you spend enough time in the same room. Most weeks it’s just lunch, and walking to the dorms together. It’s not a lot of time, but it makes you both cherish the time you do spend together.
U - United (In which way does the relationship become a whole? Marriage?)
Once you start working together, and get into a flow. It would happen close to when he would propose. You both just start to understand eachother, and work well together even in your day jobs. You can communicate without words, making you both successful in whatever you put your mind to. Bakugo may not be the number 1 hero, but you do hold the title of best hero couple.
V - Value (What do they treasure the most in their relationship?)
He treasures the quiet moments you share. He’s so go go go, and always working towards something, that when he gets a break alone with you, he wants to just sit and enjoy you being there. When it’s quite, he feels like he can detach from the world and just exist without expectations. He’d never have these quite moments until he met you, and he’s so so thankful for them, and you.
W - Wish (What do they hope will come from the relationship?)
Honestly he doesn’t know. All he knows is that he wants to be by your side no matter what. He has so many goals for himself, he doesn’t want to put any stress on you or your relationship. So he’s ready to go with whatever you want, because he’s content on just being with you, and being there for you.
X - XOXO (Favourite types of kisses and hugs)
After a long and stressful day so everyday, katsuki will just want to smother you into his chest and stay like that. Having you between his arms grounds him, and he won’t admit it but he loves the smell of your shampoo. He much prefers to do the kissing, just so it doesn’t catch him off guard. So he’ll usually just come up to you and start a full out makeout session to relive any negative energy he has.
Y - Yearning (How do they cope when they're missing their partner?)
Katsuki is a big baby. So if you’re not with him, you best believe he will snap at anyone in a 50ft radius of him. You always calm him down, so being without you puts him into demon overdrive. If you’re gone for a long time, he’ll end up pacing the house, glaring longingly at the spots you spend the most time in. The only thing that helps him get by is the adorable pictures he has of you as his phone screen.
Z - Zeal (Will they go great lengths for the sake of the relationship? What kind?)
Although he won’t turn villain for you, he will kill someone. We all know his threats are empty, but it something were to happen to you... whoever did it would be dead. If he wasn’t able to kill then for some reason, then he would make their life a living hell. He loves you, and no one will ever take that away from him.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 2]
Lost and confused? See this post to catch up!
Chapter 2: Hahaha I Do That
Hero school doesn’t suck as much as I thought. Probably because my aunty Midnight is still there teaching and she makes me feel like I’m my own person. Everyone else just compares me to my dad, love the man but I’m here to spite him. It’s my mom’s birthday today, I hurry home to see what my dad was planning for her. I get home to see my dad comforting my mom on the couch, I stay quiet to drop in on what they’re saying.
“Darling, everything’s alright”
“I know but it’s been 26 years! I want to go home.”
“Please don’t lose hope, I don’t want to hear you giving up!”
“My heart hurts, I can’t think.”
“Go recoup in the office, I’ll handle things here”
“Okay...I love you.”
“I love you more.” They kiss and mom warps out as my dad stands up. He spots me “Oh Lili you’re home! I didn’t hear you.”
“Is mom okay? She was crying” I was concerned because mom is usually so composed and cool headed “did something happen?”
“Its, a complicated concern” Dad hesitated on his words, eyes shifting to the stairs that lead to her office “but why don’t you help me with dinner?”
“Alright, let me change out of my uniform” I trot my way to my room and see that my little sister was also home but probably in the boys room to pester Tensei. I change quickly and get back down to the kitchen to see my dad scolding my brothers.
“Boys! Stop eating cookies or you’ll ruin your appetite!”
“You don’t tell me what to do old man!” growled Tensei as he took 3 cookies from the platter and warped away with Iwa.
“What are you making dad?” I walk up to him to help.
“I’m making ceviche and other raw cuts with sushi rice” he whispered “it’s your mom’s favorite as a child” he pointed at the vegetables “can you help me chop up these?”
As I cut the ingredients, I watch how shifty my dad was getting “Dad, can I ask you something? About mom?”
“Of course!” he turned off the stove “what do you want to know?”
“When was the last time she went to her home country?” I put the knife down “I know she’s from America and all her family is there, but doesn’t she visit when she’s homesick?”
“Oh dear” he sighed in defeat “your mother hasn’t been in America since she came over here at the age of 15.”
I was in shock “Why hasn’t she gone?”
“Lili, there’s a lot of things your mother has been through that she doesn’t like to share” his eyes shift to the family photo in the dining room “it was traumatic and heartbreaking, but she had to leave her home to protect her family and herself from all the violence back home” he put his hand on her cheek “it’s just not safe for her to go back but she’s not alone anymore. She has us to fill the void of home in her heart.”
Things sort of made sense “Does ever miss her old home?”
“All the time!” he laughed “your mom would tell me stories about her home when we were in high school. She lived right behind the high school she attended but she wasn’t allowed to teleport in so she’d have to walk like everyone else!”
We continue making dinner as he told me mom’s stories, but I was tempted to eat a cookie “Did you make these cookies dad?”
“I did! They hold a very special significance to your mother and I”
“You see, I met your mother on her 16th birthday and she made these cookies to celebrate with us but she got shy and didn’t say it was her birthday” he reminisced “so we all thought she was being nice. It was the most delicious cookie I’ve ever had and I had to talk to her after class to thank her. So when I did, I saw her face up close and I didn’t know how to act” he blushed “I accidentally made her cry and got in trouble by Midnight but if it wasn’t for this cookie, I wouldn’t have known that your mother was my soulmate.”
“Soulmate? How did you know she was your soulmate?”
“Every time I see her smile and laugh, it makes me happy. When I talk to her, my mind blanks and I lose my cool” a smile cracks on his face “When I hold her in my arms after a rough day, it feels like I have the world in my arms. And when I held her hand for the first time, I felt my heart skipping beats. That’s when I knew that she was someone special and I would be a fool to let go.”
I meditated on those words all through dinner and into bedtime. If my dad could figure it out, I can too! I decided that tomorrow I should tell Maru that I don’t have feelings for him.
-The next day, Lunchtime-
“Yah know Togata” I started as I looked at them down their rice “I still can’t figure out where I’ve seen you and it’s bothering me.”
“How so?” they said with their mouth full
“Like, I’ve told my mom about you and your dad” I recalled “she said that she doesn’t like working with your dad but she knows that he has 2 sons and a daughter. But she doesn’t remember the last time she’s seen the kids.”
“Yea, since mom died, my dad has been very protective of us” they wiped their mouth “if you didn’t know us before that, then seeing us now would’ve been a weird surprise.”
“Well what about your sister?”
“Let’s just say, she’s not dead but no longer with us.”
“Huh? What do you-”
“LILI! Mind if I sit here?!” Maru yelled, interrupting me.
“Oh um, I rather if you don’t Maru.”
“Why not?” he pouted “I haven’t spend anytime with you since the first day!”
“Well I’m getting to know my classmate here” I gesture toward them “now if you don’t mind, we were in the middle of something.”
“Oh right! Sorry to bother!” he backed away when he saw Hoshi “I see you after school?”
“Yea, see you later!”
Hoshi gave me the wide eyes “You didn’t tell me you and the number 1 hero’s son are like...that.”
“Oh god no!” I gagged at the thought “I’ve known him since I was born and he’s just my friend” I huffed “he looks and smells like a Brussels sprout!”
Hoshi bursts out laughing “A brussels sprout?! Oh man I’m dying!” he fans himself “I didn’t know you were so funny Iida-san!”
I don’t know why, but their laugher sparked joy and it made me soft. When school ended for the day, I waited for Maru by the parking lot.
“Sorry to keep you waiting Lili” Maru ran up to me “were you waiting long?”
“No I’ve been here for a few minutes.”
“Cool, oh! Did you want to go get some boba?” he clapped “there’s this good place here at the town square.”
“I’ve been, I prefer the cafe though” I fixed my glasses “I’m an iced coffee person, I just wanted to walk and talk.”
“Oh alright” we started walking “what did you want to talk about?”
“You know what you said after my summer showcase?”
“Yea, what about it?”
“I know that you care about me and I appreciate your company but I just” I tried to keep my tone neutral “it had nothing to do with you, but I don’t feel the same way you feel towards me.”
“You don’t want to be my wife?” he said sadly.
“I just think you could do better” I said to disarm the situation “like when you kissed me, it was my first kiss and I didn’t feel anything! No change in my heart rate, no warm fuzzy feelings nor any sort of happiness.”
“Let me try again” he leaned in as I leaned away “please Lili, I want to be your love and I feel strongly about you.”
“But I don’t and I’m sorry” I was really feeling bad that I broke his heart “who knows! Maybe down the line when we become adults, we’ll reunite and start something.”
“I really thought you’d feel the same” he sighed “your the only girl that’ll talk to me.”
“What about Bakugo-san?”
“Elise? They’re not a girl” he hard exhaled “they’re the embodiment of angry!”
“I always thought you two would be together” I pouted “I shipped you two so hard as a child that I wanted to be the flower girl at your wedding!”
“Silly girl! I like the sweet and pretty types” he ruffled her hair.
“Gah! Not the hair!” I punched him “I’m not sweet, I’m tough as fuck!”
He gave me a once-over “Didn’t know tough girls wore pink lace socks with ribbons in their hair.”
I got home and was greeted by the congregation of my mom, Mimi and Jin in the kitchen.
“I’m home!”
“Welcome home Lili!” they chanted.
“What’s the haps?”
“We didn’t end up going to Hiroshima for that meeting” Jin explained “so we’re just chillin here, watching the little ones.”
“Nikita is starting to develop her quirk very nicely” Mimi said proudly “she can now mimic my voice!”
“Oh that’s cool!” I looked at my mom “also, I talked to my new friend and they said that they do have 2 older brothers but that the sister is not with them anymore?”
“That’s slightly concerning” Mom put her cup down “Oh jeez it’s been years since I’ve seen Mirio’s kids. I swear those kids are more secured than our facilities!”
“Yup! I can’t find a single thing about the kids” Jin sighed “no medical records, dental records, school records nor pictures past a certain point!”
“Well in any case, I’m glad that one of the boys is alright” Mom tried to change the mood to something more positive “Lili can you go check on the kids? They’ve been awfully quiet.”
I nod and put my bag down to find them. They were outside, laying on the grass.
“Y’all dead?”
“No! Just tired” Rosa snapped “Nikita is a little too energetic.”
“I was going ZOOOOM!” clapped Nikita.
“Well if y’all just tired” I turned to go back inside “then carry on.” I go to my room and get started on my homework. The scene of Hoshi laughing popped up in my head before I had to wash up for dinner, I don’t think I’ve ever felt soft over a laugh before. Am I in love? Or am I just excited to have a friend other than Maru? Either way, Hoshi and I are in fact good friends! And I’m happy that I’m not unlikeable in this new environment, I’ve had classmates that compliment me and say hello and good bye to me at least! I guess being in the cutthroat world of dance really makes one cold and bitter when you want to be the best. 
-2 weeks later, UA training grounds-
“Iida-san, can you make a net so we can catch all the targets?”
“Sure thing! One net coming right up!” I rubbed my hands as I unraveled the muslin sash on my waist “tell me when to stop.”
“uhhh....okay stop! That’s good” my classmate commanded “okay everyone take a corner and lets catch the targets as they fall.”
We’re in groups of 5 for some team building rescue, my team was getting along fine....other’s struggled quite a bit. When we all recouped before heading in for the day, I noticed that Hoshi’s PE top was ripped.
“Hey I can fix your top real quick if you want” I offered as we walked to the locker rooms.
“Um sure BUT um lets go over there” Hoshi panicked and pointed to the edge of the school garden “I don’t want anyone to see.”
“Alright lets” we walk over and the whole time he’s being skiddish “um, that rip is bigger than I thought, mind if you lift your arms a bit so I can get a proper fix?”
“Yea, I MEAN NO!” he lifted his arms but then quickly dropped them “I don’t feel comfortable doing that.”
“Oh I see” I take off my sash “my top wont fit you but you can cover up with this until I fix the top.”
“It’s not that” he starts to turn red “I’m just scared about what you’ll think about this thing I have on.”
I look at the rip and I see that he has a spandex-like undershirt and toned stomach “I don’t see anything out of the ordinary?”
He sighs and takes a quick look around to see if there was anybody watching “Okay, I’ll show you” he takes off his top and tosses to me “um, I’m not sure how to say this, I haven’t shown anybody this.”
I look and I don’t see what’s the thing he’s referring to “What is it? All I see is compression top and your toned body” I poked my stomach “my body is still a little soft in some places.”
This makes him feel a little less nervous “It’s not that but I’m” he takes a deep breath “I’m transgender, I wasn’t born male. This is my chest binder to hide the one thing that will give away my secret.”
“I had no idea” everything clicked for me “wait, does that mean that you WERE the sister I was talking about?”
“Yes, and I knew the whole time who you were” he sighed “remember the night of the hero’s gala? My dad and your parents were talking and we played together” he smiled with tears in his eyes “you snuck me outside so we could star-gaze and you said-”
“Make a wish! My wish is that all your wishes will come true!” I remembered what I said as a child “that’s right! I said that and my favorite thing were stars because in Japanese it means wish and star!”
He nodded as he wiped his tears “That moved me so much as a child because my mom died and I needed something to give me hope” he looked up at me “you saved me Lili, I wished to see you again and that we could be friends. I even changed my name to Hoshi!”
My mind was racing and I felt my heart skipping beats “And your wishes did come true, we did meet again” I smiled “and we are friends, I won’t tell anybody about this.”
“You mean it?” he was surprised to hear me say that “You’re not disgusted by me?”
“Why would I be disgusted? I thought you were one of the boys until you showed me this” I looked at the ripped top “I should fix this!” I fixed the garment and handed it back “you’re my friend Togata-san! Friends don’t let their friend’s secrets out. You can come out whenever you’re ready to tell the world, but for now, I’m glad you told me and I’m happy you’re living your truth.”
He looked at me wide eyed and ran forward to hug me “I’m so happy you accept me for me” he sobbed “it’s been so hard for me to find someone that cares that isn’t my brothers. You can call me Hoshi.”
“It’s not problem!” I hugged back “then you can call me Lili.”
I took note on Hoshi’s appearance and I couldn’t tell if they were female before, the only thing that made them familiar to me were their nose and eyes. He had lighter blonde hair, dark blue eyes and the same height as me, and I’m a tall girl to some! He had some muscle build on him that made his embrace feel secure. I feel myself go soft again, something was happening but I’m not sure what. We spent more time together after that, I told my mom the truth. She was so relieved and happy for them! She encouraged me to bring them over whenever. Hoshi was even happier to know that my mom cared about them too.
“Hey Lili, wanna go to town square with me?” Maru confronted me after school.
“Sorry not today Maru” I winced “I’m going home, It’s Iwa’s birthday.”
“Aw I see” He facepalmed “I forgot that you had siblings for a second heh” he fixed his shoulder strap “I was hoping to spend some time with you, it’s been weeks since we’ve had some one on one time.”
“Yea it has been a while” I push my glasses up “but maybe Elise-sama can accompany you today.”
“Since when did you-”
“DAMN RIGHT I’M FUCKING LADY!” Maru was drowned out by Elise’s holler “Omaru! What are you doing loitering around?”
“He was just telling me he wanted someone to accompany him to the boba shop” I butt in before Maru had a chance to speak.
“I’ll be happy to go!” Elise quickly takes a death hold on Maru’s hand “Why go with this little girl when you have me. Let’s go Omaru!” 
“Hey wait!” Maru tried to protest but he was already being dragged down the hall by Elise. He looked back to see Lili and Hoshi walking away in the opposite direction. That really bothered him that he didn’t even notice that Elise literally dragged him by the hand all the way to the boba shop.
“Hey circle head!” Elise let go of his hand “what’s with you? You’re not as annoying lately.”
He sat down at the patio table “What are you talking about?”
“You and twinkle toes-chan” she crossed her arms as she sat down across him “you did something stupid and now she’s not happily joining you anywhere.”
He sighed “you caught me” he put his head down on the table “I kissed Lili the weekend before dorm move-in, and I really though she’d say yes to being my girlfriend but she just panicked and bolted away” he cringed a little remembering that night “she even told me later that she doesn’t have feelings for me and that I could do better. Now she has a new friend and she hardly wants to be around me. I don’t know what I did wrong.”
“You know what I think” Elise put a finger on his forehead “I think that you need to let go, yea you two are friends but you treat her like she’s the only girl in the world!” she flicked his forehead “newsflash Omaru! There’s girls throwing themselves onto you for you to even look at them! You’re so dense and narrow sighted to things that it pisses me off!”
He rubs his forehead “Gee I’m sorry that I like somebody so much” he sat up “but don’t know if I can let go.”
“You have to, she’s all grown up” she sighs “we all grew up together, I’ve noticed all her changes. To be honest, I hope they end up with their new friend” she smiled “they’re so adorable together, a graceful type with their brawny type.” 
“That’s what I’m afraid of” he said in a defeated way “I’m being shut out and I’m not the one she depends on anymore.”
“Don’t turn this into a harem thing for her” she rolled her eyes “she’s going to beat the shit out of you if you try to do any of your romantic gestures” she puts her hands up “I’m calling it now.”
“And what are you going to do if she doesn’t?”
“I’m going to beat the shit out of you” she growled “stupid, you’re not going to be ‘the one’ and you’re a fool if you think you are.”
“And what if she does?”
“I’m going to laugh at you, patch you up and kiss your stupid face” she laughed “you’re not the only one with a childhood crush.”
“Oh” he turned red and covered his face “GYA why do I need to get my ass kicked to get what I want?!”
More people are taking note on my new level of friendship with Hoshi. Some were bold enough to ask if we were dating, of course we said no every time. I don’t know if what I have is love or respect for Hoshi! It’s all confusing but we’re enjoying each other’s company and conversations. We even train together but that’s mostly because in the case of their top ripping, I could quickly fix it. The weeks fly by so fast that the Sports Festival comes around and I wasn’t feelin’ it.
“I don’t wanna show them my skills like a show pony!” I huffed and stomped “Dad, isn’t there a work around?!”
“I’m afraid there isn’t” he sighed “look, it’s just a one time thing and you are guaranteed one internship with uncle Tensei if you don’t do everything.”
“I’m not in the mood to show the pros what I can do” I crossed my arms “humph! I wanna dance for the masses, not fight!”
Mom puts her hands on my shoulders “Listen up kiddo, how I see it” she makes eye contact with Lili “if you make your fighting as stylistic as possible, you’re putting on a good show and everyone will be like ‘look how pretty she moves!’ and all the while, you’re just dancing!”
“You know what, I just might do that!” I smile “thanks mom! I guess I should go into my wing to get announced in” I turn to run to my place “see you later!”
Her parents waved her off until she was out of sight “Can you believe my little girl, growing up in my footsteps?!” 
“Tenya, are you crying?”
“It’s just that, it seemed like a week ago I was holding her in my arms for the first time” he wiped his tears “and yesterday she was dancing around in her little pink dresses, now she’s on her way to be a hero!”
“Come on you cry baby! We have to hurry to our box seats if you want to see the opening ceremony.”
I tried my best while giving a show during the spars. Kinda fucked up to pit us against each other like this but I’m not going to question anybody about it. I didn’t make it to the final round, putting me in 5th place. Hoshi got 3rd and that was pretty cool! For a brief moment I saw his family, he didn’t look too happy to be with them and I wondered why. I didn’t ask though. 
-The following Monday-
“Who do you think you got offers from?” asked my classmate.
“I know I got an obligatory offer from my uncle’s agency” I rolled my eyes “as much as I love my family, I don’t want to be under my uncle’s and dad’s wing.”
“Who’s your uncle and dad?” asked another confused classmate.
“Are you kidding me?” Hoshi spoke up “did the rocket feet not give it away?! Her family carries the Ingenium legacy!” he pointed at my features “glasses, tall, strong legs... all features of the current Ingenium, her dad.”
“WAH?! You’re basically royalty Iida-san!”
“Oh please! I’m nothing like that Turbo Doofus” I blushed “in all honesty, my mom made the family line much more interesting with all the random quirks like my second quirk” I waved my hands to reshape my hair ribbons into a lasso to pull the chair in front of me, making my classmate miss their chair and fall on their butt “who knows, I might fuck it up and make us known for something else.”
“Alright class, settle down” sensei walks in with a huge stack of packets “I have offers to pass back to you, some of you got a little too much attention so be warned on the thickness of your packets” he starts to pass out the packets “...and here’s yours Miss Iida.”
I get my packet and it’s very light. I look over to the others and see their’s are obviously thicker, guess nobody wanted dancing hero Lili. Flipping into the offers part, I got one from uncle Tensei and another from...Best Jeanist? Who the hell is that? “Hey Hoshi, did you get an offer from a Best Jeanist?”
He flipped through his papers to check “Nope, but I’ve never heard of them?” he pondered “maybe he’s new?”
“Doubt, the agencies in attendance were all well known ones” I furrowed my brow “this is weird, I’ll ask my parents then.” When the day ended and I got home, my parents freaked out over the name.
“WHAT?! HE WAS THERE?!” mom screamed and panicked “Oh my god oh my god oh my god!”
“I don’t- what?!” dad was sweating as he quadruple checked the offer sheet “it can’t be?! After all this time?!”
“What’s the big deal! Tell me!” I was freaking out because my parents never collectively lose their shit over things.
Mom takes a few calming breaths “Okay, I’m cool, I can be cool” she turns toward me “Best Jeanist is the hero I interned under way back when” she cracked the biggest smile “and why we’re both shaken up is because he retired like 20 years ago and he was doing some traveling last time I spoke to him.”
“Yeah, he was an amazing hero! Number 4 to be exact” dad butted in “he worked with your uncle and some of my family in hero work. You probably don’t remember him, he held you as a baby and even made you that pink satin dress you loved so much.”
“He made me that dress?” I remembered the dress but not who made it for me “but if you say he’s retired, why extend an offer? Is that allowed?”
“I’m not sure” dad pondered and handed the packet back to me “looks like you have to make a difficult decision.”
I sat at my desk for what seemed days, trying to weight out my options. I made my decision an hour before the paperwork was due on Wednesday....hope I made the right choice.
-Chapter 2, End-
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