#and how she's probably pulled this tactic many times before
hegodamask · 1 year
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ANDOR - S01E08 Narkina 5
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ohdeerfully · 7 months
hi! I have a request, I've never really done this before but I'll give it a shot. so my request is that Charlie is tasked by heaven to watch over a very special human soul via a device that is like a full 360 VR kind of setup and this soul just so happens to be Alastor's immortal wife (he didn't know she was) whom he thought had died with him during a bad event and wound up in heaven but she didn't and She stayed the same since the 1930s like her looks stayed the same and her love for Alastor stayed too she never once tried to move on even when her new friends in this time tried to get her a guy but she just refused still wearing the wedding ring her gave her
I hope it's not too much to ask it can be changed to whatever you see if you have full creative control over it!
thank you for your brain anon
theres a couple awkward POV shifts in the story and im super duper sorry about that D: im not good at those
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An Eternity
alastor x reader (angst) TW: reader is female, reader gets a lil drunk and drives but shes fine(i do not condone this pls dont drink and drive im so serious), yearning goes ouchie ):
join my discord!
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Alastor rarely, if ever, talked about his time alive. He saw it pointless; a waste of time and energy. How could it benefit him if somebody else knew his history? If anything, it would only open up weak points. And, being an Overlord, he couldn’t afford that.
The only hint of his past was a band on his finger that he never took off. Even after decades in Hell, nobody saw him without it.
People often asked, of course, because how in the Hell did the Radio Demon get hitched? Even in life, he was probably just as unusual and off putting. These questions were always met with a dismissive wave and a laugh, but anybody who knew him—which wasn’t many, truly—would recognize the strain in his voice as he brushed them off. Whatever the story was seemed to only grow more painful with time.
He was deep in thought, humming absently as he trailed through the hotel. He ended up meandering by Charlie’s room, which was cracked open. He took this as an invitation to let himself in, cheerfully grinning as he saw the girl sitting on the edge of her bed looking extremely confused.
“Hello, dear!” He announced himself, standing up straight and fixing his bowtie with one hand. “What does this afternoon have in store for the Princess of Hell?”
“Heyy, Al,” Charlie responded, still frowning at the contraption in her hand. It was a rather bulky thing; an unappealing piece of new technology, Alastor decided. Still, he loomed from behind Charlie with a curious bend in his neck. Her shoulders were stiff, and he couldn’t tell if it was from frustration with the thing in her hand or discomfort at him watching her. 
“What is that peculiar thing?” He finally asked, since Charlie made no attempt at explanation. She seemed too focused to really pay him any mind.
“Something Heaven gave me to watch some curious soul they can’t control,” She murmured, fiddling with a couple buttons and knobs. “They’ve got me doing some ridiculous things. I mean, some human soul shouldn’t even concern me. But, they promise these favors will help with my hotel.”
Alastor hummed in response. He of all demons would recognize a manipulation tactic when he saw one—convincing a powerful demon princess to do your chores and promising to help her desperate project in return seemed like something the angels would do. He didn’t care one way or another, as long as Charlie’s naivete didn’t get in the way of his own goals.
He took a few steps back when Charlie stood, seemingly finished with setting up the box. He grinned, amused, when she pulled it over her head. It wasn’t the most flattering thing, and pretty bulky on her face. She looked ridiculous, honestly.
“Modern technology,” He sighed dramatically, leaning down onto his cane as he continued to observe her. “Only getting uglier.”
Charlie didn’t respond to his comment, looking around at what Alastor saw as nothing. She played around with the settings again, and adjusted the straps on her head again, before looking around again. She let out a successful sounding “hell yes” before pulling a remote of sorts from her pocket. She pushed on a joystick.
“What are you doing?” Alastor asked plainly, the building curiosity finally becoming too much. “Why do you have a box on your head?”
“It’s like…” She began to explain, trying to think of how to make sense of it to him. “Like… imagine you were looking through the eyes of somebody else, but still standing in the same spot..?” Her voice tilted at the end, unsure of her explanation.
Yeah, no, Alastor had no clue. But he dismissed it as unnecessary, as he often did with any technology he couldn’t understand.
“I’m seeing… Earth, I guess,” Charlie explained more. “Following around this girl.”
Alastor was only partially listening, humming quietly to himself as he just observed. He wondered if he should just leave—nothing interesting was happening. He was curious to see what antics Heaven was pushing on the Princess of Hell, though.
“Wanna try?” Charlie offered, lifting the headset up away from her eyes. Alastor immediately scrunched his nose up and narrowed his eyes.
“And look as ridiculous as you? Hah! No thank you,” He sat down on a chair near the wall, leaning against the back of it. He threw one leg up over the other. Charlie shrugged in response, and pulled the contraption back down.
Alastor sat for a while, absently thinking about what he wanted to do later as he waited for something to happen.
“Oh! Hold on,” Charlie suddenly said, causing Alastor’s ears to straighten to attention as she reached up and pressed a button. A holographic projection appeared out of nowhere, manifesting through some strange magic. “Forgot I could do that. This is what I’m seeing in here.” 
Alastor stood and walked closer, leaning forward on his cane as he studied the projection. It seemed like some kind of bar. He mused at how different modern bars looked from the speakeasies he would frequent during his own life.
“What heavenly task are you doing in a bar?” He joked, trying to find something interesting in the projection. It just seemed like generic bar business. Loud, flirtatious women and boisterous, over confident men. That, at least, was the same from his day.
“Like I said earlier,” Charlie explained, looking around the room. The projection seemed to follow her movement, and Alastor recognized that he was basically seeing through her eyes. How curious. “There’s some… soul they lost control of. And they want me to report to them about her.”
Alastor was very curious to see what kind of soul broke from control of literal heaven. He watched rather intently, leaned forward against his cane to watch the projection.
Charlie turned another knob, and the sound of tacky pop music and loud chatter began to emanate from the bar scene. Alastor wasn’t a fan of newer music, but he was often forced to listen anyway in the hotel lobby.
“Is it possible to turn down that dreadful noise?” He complained to her, announcing his dissatisfaction.
“No. I need to be able to hear what the woman is saying,” Charlie answered stubbornly. Alastor’s microphone of a cane began to obnoxiously play a song of his choice for a moment in retaliation, but died down after a few moments. After all, Charlie ignored his attempt at aggravation, so there was no point in keeping it up.
Charlie looked around the bar, searching. Finally, her gaze settled on a fancier booth with half drawn curtains. From her angle, she could only see a woman. She looked frustrated.
“---get out of your shell! It’s about time you start talking to some guys for once,” Charlie caught the tail end of the woman’s statement. She was gesturing wildly around, exasperation evident in the jagged movements. “I’m sick of watching you pine for somebody who’s been gone for ages.”
“Ten years isn’t ages, Mechiele,” You drew your finger against the table, making shapes with the rim of water that the condensation from your glass left. Nearly a hundred years, more like, You commented to yourself. You never told anybody that you were an immortal being. Nobody believed you when you did, anyway.
You sat your cheek against the palm of your hand and lifted your gaze to your friend, who looked at you with a sharp frown. You shot her a weak smile. 
“Can you just drop it?” You asked, nearly pleading. You didn’t want to cry tonight, being a little tipsy—you were an emotional drunk. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself blabbering about a dead husband.
“Come on,” Mechiele said impatiently, pushing your pleas aside. “There’s so many hot guys in here, I bet one would just love to take a piece of work like you home and-”
“Mechiele.” You hoped your tone was enough to shut her up.
You should’ve known better, honestly. Mechiele was already abrasive when she was sober, but with the amount of drinks she’s had tonight…
“No, no, no! You bum! Get your ass up right now and get out there! And take that ring off while you’re at it!”
Mechiele quickly lunged at you, a much too playful look in her eye considering how pissed you were right now. You yanked your arm away from her grasp, cupping your hand protectively with the other, shielding the golden band on your finger from her.
“Fucking drop it!” You snapped at her, standing from your seat. “I’m going home. You’re too drunk. I’ll drive.”
“You’re so fucking lame,” Mechiele droned, falling back into her seat. She wouldn’t budge when you urged her to stand and come with you. “He’s fuckin’ dead! Get a new man, already! Alastor’s not-”
Mechiele stopped abruptly when you smacked her. It wasn’t an incredibly hard smack or anything, barely enough to leave a red bloom on her cheek, but it was enough. She looked at you through narrowed eyes. You returned the same expression.
You left the booth and stormed off, cursing under your breath about it all. About Mechiele, about this stupid bar, about the tipsy feeling in your head, about Alastor—
You folded your arms together as you briskly walked to your car, yelling in frustration at your heels and ripping them off your feet. The ground was a little wet and cold, but you didn’t care. After making it to your car, you threw yourself in an switched it on.
You thought for a few moments. You were lightheaded after a few drinks, but you really didn’t want to wait for a taxi. You’d probably be fine, yeah? Sure. Against your better judgment, you began to drive.
It was a long drive, but it gave you some time to think.
You missed him. You pined for him. Nearly every night was agony, missing the presence of the only man you’ve ever fallen in love with.
You cursed whatever higher power there was for making you this way—immortal. How cruel it was, to make you live forever to suffer this longing. You didn’t even notice when you ended up in your room, but you let yourself fall face first onto your bed, curling up into a ball.
Even more, you cursed yourself for ever falling in love. You should’ve known it would only lead to an endless torture of heartbreak. You would never love anybody the same; although, you don’t think you’d want to, even if you could.
You were born to suffer. To spend an eternity in life without him.
Charlie continued to watch in shock for a few moments, her mouth dropped at the mention of the Radio Demon’s name. The previously hidden woman stepped from the bar, a furious look in her eyes as she stormed away. Mechiele was left with stubbornly folded arms and an empty glass of alcohol.
“Heyyy, uh, Al, how common is your name..? Do you know…” Charlie asked a bit awkwardly. She got no response. She lifted the headset, and realized he was gone. Even still, there seemed to be a lingering feeling of intense static, and the air somehow felt a bit heavier than before.
This had to be some cruel, sick joke, right? Heaven had to be toying with him, finally finding a way to torture his soul. His wife—she was dead. It had been nearly a hundred years since he died, and even if she had lived till she was old—
Alastor was pacing his room, ears pinned and eyes wide in frantic thought. Oh, how he yearned for her. He had managed for so long to push the memory of her away, to lock up his loss in a tight cage as he climbed the ranks of hell; it had all come rushing, barreling, torrenting back when he had seen her—or, no, somebody that looked like her—step out of those curtains. It was only a coincidence that that woman looked like his wife, and only a coincidence that she had a dead husband that shared his name.
His wife was in heaven, no doubt; which was where she belonged, of course, but Alastor had spent the last decade pining for somebody who he could never see again. If given the choice, Alastor wasn’t so sure himself if he was kind enough as to not tear her soul from Heaven and down to Hell by his side. Alternatively, even if Charlie’s idea of redemption were to work, Alastor was truly irredeemable. It was all wistful thinking, anyway.
Alastor’s claws dug into the curtains of his window, staring out into the streets of Hell in an attempt to concentrate on one steady stream of thought.
When billions of people touch the Earth, it’s only natural that coincidences like this rise. Right? He tried desperately to convince himself of different possibilities. It just made no sense.
A knocking at his door made Alastor’s grin curl in deadly malice. He really wasn’t in the mood.
He paced to his door, opened it just enough to fit his body in the frame, and glared down at Charlie. She was wringing her hands together nervously, and only seemed to grow more timid as the heavy, almost palpable ambience of his radio static filled the hallway she stood in.
“I’m busy,” Alastor said bluntly. His lips were curled in a sneer.
“I can tell,” Charlie responded. "I know you don't like talking about yourself-" She began to ramble on about him talking to her about his feelings and whatnot, but Alastor didn’t listen as he shut the door again.
Though, the interruption did give his mind a chance to slow. He sat on a chair in the corner of his room, and opted to fiddle with the radio on the drawer next to him. He tuned it—or, more just magically infused it—to play some jazz to try to keep his head level.
It would take some time to rebuild the dam that held back the memories of his wife. Even just the mere thought of her made him feel weak, and he hated it. The only soul he was capable of falling in love with—gone, forever.
Alastor never took the whole “eternity of damnation” thing seriously, considering the power he held and how comfortable he really was in Hell. However, when he remembered her—
Hell truly was torture. And he was cursed to spend his eternity in death without her.
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End: Out In The Cold
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"What's this? A cold little mouse in my castle?"
Thick hair that wasn't mine spilled over my shoulder. As a familiar hand, warm and calloused, wrapped itself around my throat. I hadn't realized how cold the room had gotten, until her hand was there, skin warm against my skin. It had taken a while to get used to this.
I was grateful, in a way. For the the day she had done more then just scoff at my scarf. Telling me I would freeze. The way she had gotten worried. Pulled off her gloves, grumbling all the while, too fuss over me like some great mother bear. Hands warm but gentle, as the tucked themselves around my throat. Too better warm my blood, she had said.
It had been like a dam breaking.
And honestly? She WAS right. It was warm.
Now, whenever she so much as SUSPECTED I was cold? Her hand would sneak out to press against my pulse. Though, half the time, I suspected it was an excuse. She'd not had many chances for closeness in her life, I suspect. Calysta was the... ah, it was hard to translate, but... the CLOSEST translation? Was something like "Child of The Mountain Gods".
Or was it "Child of the Mountains AND the Gods"?
I was supposed to be writing a treatise on the subject. Gods knows no one ELSE would. Cowards. Bigots too. "Nothing but savages" my silk clad ASS. And they dare call themselves academics!? Ha! HA, I say! Both my professors and I would SPIT! (If it weren't WILDLY rude. I never COULD master that skill. I did try.)
Unfortunately, my professors, were too old to make the journey this far North. It hadn't stopped them from TRYING, when we had finally gotten permission. But... well. They barely made it too Wuntersgreen before the strain and cold became too much. They cried.
As the youngest? I was loaded down with their notes, questions, hopes and dreams, and sent on ahead. No one was impressed by me. The scrawny academic with her soft, soft hands. Never a day's fight in her. Didn't know how to do "anything". But? That had given their word to host me. So they did.
It's been AMAZING.
And I like to think I'm getting better!
Adapting. Learning how to do things and help around the castle. I even helped start a fire for the fireplace the other day! Before THAT? I learned how to set hunting traps... rather badly. I have yet to catch anything. But still! Progress, is it not?
Where was I? Ah, yes.
Calysta. Her rank is something between a Warlord and a King, as far as I can tell? It holds the respected sovereignty of a ruling monarch yet? Can be seized. Should she grow "weak". Is not NECESSARILY passed too one's children. They, presumably, have an ADVANTAGE... but? It goes too "the Chosen child of..." that word I'm still having some difficulty getting a good translation off.
And if I remember correctly, Calysta's brother's did NOT appreciate that. As they had been favored by her father. Showered with praise most of their lives. One of them ASSUMED to be the next leader.
They challenged her.
Did not back down.
Now? Now she has neither Father nor brothers. Not that it seems she had much of either to begin with. Frankly? I am GLAD she won. She is good for the North. Strong, steady, highly tactical. A wry wit. And a FEIRCE love for her people and culture. NO ONE will take it from her. Destroy these beautiful peoples.
I'm tugged back lightly, away from my desk to sit up properly against the back of my chair. The hand on my neck shifting softly, ever so slightly up, to cup the underside of my jaw. Tilting my head up so I can not see my work but must instead meet the eyes of my dear friend.
"Enough, little mouse." There is a fondness to the edge of her mouth, she is not one for great grins and wild expressions. It has taken me months to learn how to read her so well. "Your papers will still be there AFTER you warm up. Should be easier to right, don't you think, when you can actually feel your fingers again?"
I huff a laugh.
Honestly... where would I be with out her? Frozen to death, probably. I get entirely to fixated on my work. Food, drink, keeping the fire running. I notice none of it. Probably shrivel up and die. The fact she even takes the time to check on me? Dispite being as important as she is? Let NO ONE say Calysta does not CARE. She is a good person.
My legs feel numb and prickly, stiff, in that distinctly asleep and too cold sort of way, as I try to stand. Calysta has to wrap her arm around my waste and let me lean against her. She feels almost too hot against me. Another sure sign I have, indeed, allowed myself to get too cold. Oh dear.
With an exasperated snort, once it becomes clear my legs will probably not be recovering fast enough for her liking, Calysta decides she will speed things along. My legs are swept out from under me effortlessly. I don't even squeek anymore, this has happened so often. But I USED too.
It is how I became "mouse".
Now I just allow Calysta her way. She'll put me down when she wants to put me down. And honestly? It's kinda fun to be carried like a child. I feel tall. Weightless and somewhat decadent, it makes my heart beat a faster. And on somedays? All I want to do is go boneless. Allow myself to be HELD. Not that I'll ever tell. So Shhhhh, a secret to our graves, okay? It would make things awkward for her.
She strolls down the hall with me, too her office. No one so much as blinking an eye. We've become so common in our shenanigans, I imagine, it's become mundane. And... ah~ Calysta was RIGHT. I WAS cold. The fireplace in her office is full with logs burning away merrily. The windows we passed in the hall showed snow. It seems the storm's finally hit..
Instead of putting me down, Calysta heads for the couch. Turning and with a huff, flopping down, making both of us bounce a bit. Leaning back with me less in her arms now, so much as in her lap. The room is quiet. Hushed almost. The crackle of fire, the distant howl of wind, far away chatter of life, elsewhere in the castle.
Calysta has leaned back against the back of her office's couch. Head rested against the fur blanket draped against the back of it. The fur mixes with her riotous man of hair to create almost a halo, lit in golds by the fire's light. Her eyes are closed as she takes her moment. The fire light makes her face softer.
But never soft.
No force in all the world could make Calysta anything but the Queen she is. Dangerous and powerful. First into battle and last to leave. She is breath taking in the way all deadly things are, I think. Like blades and poison held up to the light. Predators and fires that burn.
"You're staring, little mouse." She says, voice nearly a whisper in the softness of the room. It is a rumble like mountains and the sweet call of dangerous things. She's always had such a commanding voice. I envy it. "Is my face so entrancing?"
She's smirking. Teasing me. I laugh and rest my head against her shoulder. Let myself drift as the chill in my bones fades away. The arm loosely around my waist to keep me from falling off, has taken to lightly stroking my back. Almost absent-mindedly. Occasionally, fingers playing with the ends of my hair.
A servant has come-by. Removed our shoes for us. Brought Calysta missives and responses. General updates. She shifts us. Tucking me against her as she lays down, tucking me between her body and the couch. Fuzzy blanket over me, arm wrapped around me. I... I feel boneless.
Everything warm and quiet and far away.
Trusting, I doze off. Cuddling close and utterly content.
Calysta presses a kiss to the crown of my sleeping head. Let's her hand roam, just a bit, simply to feel the perfect way her little mouse fits right up against her. She was MADE for her. Born to be here. Still... she has to be... be GENTLE. Soft.
It's hard. She hasn't had much practice in that.
But good things are worth the struggle for them. True love is WORTH the time, the effort, to learn how the South romance. Figuring out how to woo her lil mouse as she deserves. Making sure she never leaves.
Speaking off...
She diges out the ridiculous fancy paper envelope at the bottom of the stack. Hidden, as per her instructions, so her little Mouse wouldn't see it. Another one, it seems, from that damn "House" of hers. Southern Clans were pretty damn presumptuous, weren't they? Had some fucking gall.
What did THIS one say?
Let's she... "come back at once" blah blah blah "how dare you ignore all our letters" blah blah "you WILL honor the engagement we've found for you, or ELSE" oh? Threats now, huh? Ah~? "Keep ignoring our letters and you'll be cast from House-" well, well~!
That's convenient.
One flick of the wrist, and the letter is in the fireplace. Burning away. Just like all before it. Oops. How difficult it is, to get news from the South. Her little mouse really SHOULD just forget about them. THIS is her home now. THEY are her people.
Her girl doesn't need anyone else.
"Don't worry, little love. I won't leave you out in the cold. You're gonna stay with me. Forever. I Promise."
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nevernonline · 5 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #20 lost and found.
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: 3.3k (texts under the passage <3)
masterlist ▸ 019 anywhere you go. ▸ 021 we're so back.
Minghao wasn’t sure his tactic to get y/n alone was going to work, but it was his only sure chance to try. All night up in his hotel room he thought of different things to say to her, questions that had been brewing in his mind for the past two weeks since her failure of a birthday party and her somewhat of a disappearance. 
Wonwoo was still sleeping in the bed adjacent to his, he knew he’d have to be up early to get a chance to watch Joshua exit y/n’s home so he woke up before the sun and tiptoed into the bathroom trying not to wake his friend who might try to talk him out of his plan. 
The bathroom light woke his tired body up even more. Was it silly to even try to look good for her? What if Wonwoo was telling the truth? Y/n maybe really did ask to not see them and only trusted her true feelings with his friend over him. 
Something about Wonwoo even sticking his neck out so Minghao could go talk to her in private was enough of a clue that he was lying to her. 
Minghao grabbed the keys from Wonwoo’s car, temporarily abandoning his four friends at the motel. After all, he knew they would understand. He drove down the clean old streets of y/n's hometown and smiled, imagining her when she was younger walking around, grabbing ice cream, doing her school shopping, someday maybe he’d get the chance to experience it with her, but today wasn’t that day. 
Pulling up to the corner, behind another black car he checked the time on his phone and waited nearly a block away from her big front door until he saw Joshua pull out of her driveway. 
After sitting in the car for what felt like a decade, Minghao caught a glimpse of Josh running around the side of the house to his car and starting the engine. For some reason he didn’t pull out of the driveway immediately which made the pit in Hao’s stomach fall deeper. Was he waiting for y/n? Was his plan going to fail him? 
But, the universe worked in his favor as Joshua pulled out of the driveway all by his lonesome and headed the opposite way down the block. When his car was finally out of sight, Minghao stepped outside into the fresh air and walked up the front walkway to her house. 
Unsure if he should knock or ring the doorbell to insure she heard that someone was waiting on the front porch, he saw y/n through the large glass window and stared for a moment at the back of her head. 
Taking a deep breath in he decided on a light knock, waiting patiently for her to come answer the door. 
“Josh, Seriously you have a key why are you kno-” 
As the door split open to reveal the girl he hadn’t seen in too long, she gasped and stood to look at him with a blank face. 
“That’s all you can say?” 
“I’m not really sure what to say, why are you here?” 
“I didn’t believe anything Wonwoo had told me yesterday, can we talk?” 
“Uh, yeah. Come in.” 
Minghao stepped through the door into y/n’s world and followed her through the house to the kitchen. 
“Want any coffee, matcha, water, alcohol?” 
 “Waters good.” 
Grabbing two glasses one for water and one for a glass of wine y/n felt like she so desperately needed to ease her stress, she sat down across from him at the table. Her eyes puffy, her face dull and dry, almost like she hadn’t been sleeping and probably crying. 
“Well first of all, it’s good to see you. I don’t really know how to start off asking you anything, but I guess I really need to know why you lied about writing the letter?” 
“Oh. Well I didn-” 
“Y/n come on. We both know you didn’t write it. I can read Wonwoo like a book, he was insisting a little too much that you didn’t want to see us. I won’t entertain it for even a second.” 
“Damn, Wonwoo. Well, the night of the party after Mingyu left his office to go and help Minnie, uh, Mimi came in after the lights went out and she threatened me. She gave me the letter to sign and told me to block you guys and go somewhere else.” 
“Threatened you how?” 
“Just that if she didn’t force me out, she would never get what she wanted.” 
“Which is?” 
“She didn’t say. She just handed me car keys and a zip drive.” 
“Did you look to see what was on it?” 
“No. I don’t care.” 
“But, it could be something good.” 
“It might be and it also might be nothing, but I want to be done with her. I want no stress. I was so happy before she came back into my life again and for a moment I thought she really wanted to move passed whatever fucking issue she has with me and be friends. I really just don't understand the issue.” 
“She’s jealous.” 
“But, why? She’s successful, her parents have money, she’s not unfortunate looking at all. She has nothing to be jealous of me for.” 
“Joshua? Mingyu? Minnie? The list goes on and on, she never could make friends who liked her more than they liked you.” 
“They did like her. I thought once she got with Joshua it was over the first time, then all hell broke loose. It’s like whenever she’s around everything in my life that was starting to be good goes to shit.” 
“You have to stop letting her get away with it.” 
“I just don’t want to deal with it anymore, Hao I’m so fucking tired.” 
“You have to deal with it. I know it’s eating away at you, but if you let it continue, you let her take over your life. I know you would never forgive yourself for that. Plus, you have some dumbass friends helping you and one smart one. Seokmin, Jun, Vernon, and Wonwoo need you, your the glue. They’ve been so sad thinking you just left for no reason other than you didn’t want to see them anymore.” 
“And you?” 
“Yeah. Of course. Why do you think I'm here convincing you to come back and be with us? I’d even offer to get on my hands and knees and beg but I don’t want it to come to that.” 
“I mean you could.” 
Minghao laughed at y/n’s small bit of sarcasm coming back to her, when he heard someone opening the front door, thinking it was Joshua he got up to leave when y/n stopped him and got up herself. 
“Dad? Where do you think you’re going, I said if you need something to let me know.” 
“Ah, honey. Just wanted to sit in the sun for a few minutes, and didn't want to bother you and your friend.” 
y/n looked over at Minghao, putting her finger up to gesture one minute, wrapped her arm around her fathers and led him towards the back of their house. 
Minghao just smiled back, watching her walk away out the patio door, helping her dad with his cane as she opened the door up and sat him in a chair under the sun. 
Before she came back in he studied how well she took care of him, placing a pillow behind his back slowly and comfortably, pointing at a tree to show him a bird, and a gesture which made Minghao think she was asking him a question. 
When she came back in she headed straight to the fridge and grabbed three cans of beer, walking back to Minghao cuddling with her dog on her childhood couch. 
“Come on.” 
“You’re going to have a beer with my dad, come on. His request. Bring Lucy with you.” 
She smiled gesturing to her small dog sitting on Minghaos lap, he gracefully picked her up, getting nervous to meet the man y/n had amazing things to tell him before. 
“Don’t be scared, kiddo. I don’t bite.” 
“Nice to meet you sir, I’ve heard a lot about you.” 
Minghao opened a can of beer, placing it in the older man’s slightly shaking fingers, making sure he had his grip just right before opening the two following cans. 
“So, you’re the boy my daughter told me about huh? The artist.” 
“Talking to your dad about me, y/n? Wow.” 
“Na, once or twice.” 
“She doesn’t shut up about you, you might out rank Seokmin.” 
“Dad no-“ 
“No, let the gentleman talk, y/n. I want to hear it.” 
Y/n just shook her head, sitting back in her chair, blushing slightly. 
“Nothing but good things of course, I kept begging her to bring you over. But, she never did. Keep bringing that Joshua instead. He was never my favorite kid, nice, but a little bit of a follower.” 
“Well I'm glad she finally let us meet even though she didn’t have much of a choice.” 
“Me too. I heard you used to be a little bit of an artist yourself, in the kitchen.” 
“Oh, definitely. Those were my glory days, now all I have to show for it is a little bit of a messed up leg and some grease burns, but the memories of it is all that matters. My restaurant is going well even without me, maybe it hurts my pride slightly as a perfectionist, but my wife knows her way around a kitchen better than me at this point.” 
“Ah, so y/n’s mom took over for you when you left?” 
“She always was in the kitchen with me, sous chef, that’s how we met. Many, many years ago. I was pretty new in the restaurant industry, we met at a cooking class. Been going strong ever since.” 
Minghao smiled watching y/n hear her father relive his life with such pride. He knew how much her parents meant to her, but now he understood why she loved to be loved, it was what she was used to, what she needed. He was the same. 
“A shame I didn’t get to meet her then.” 
“Well, she’ll be home-“ y/n’s father looked down at his watch, “An hour probably, you can stay for dinner if you like. Maybe y/n can show you how we are in the kitchen.” 
“I don’t think he can stay, dad. His friends are waiting for him at the hotel.” 
“Nonsense, call them a car, I’ll give you money.” 
“Y/n, no. I insist. I have lots to talk to my new friend Minghao about. Get them here.” 
Minghao pulled his phone out, texting Wonwoo to get ready to come over to your house with the rest of the guys. Saying sorry he took so long to let him know how it was going. 
“Alright, sir. I let them know and called them over.” 
“Sir? I’m far too young for that, call me Wynn.” 
Y/n stood up from the table, excusing herself to go and take a shower, giving a slight look to her dad, almost begging for him not to embarrass her before waltzing inside followed by her small curly haired dog. 
Minghao sat and listened to many stories about her parents' lives, everything that went down with y/n before he had met her, he almost felt her father let him in even further to her life than she had on her own. 
A woman Minghao had assumed was y/n’s mom, considering her good looks and similar bone structure walked onto the patio, beaming a smile at her husband and coming over to kiss his cheek, took one look at Minghao and he already knew she was aware of who he was. Which was a confident point to him, y/n really did talk to her parents about him. Maybe he’d probe her later about the types of things she may have said. 
“Who’s this striking young man, honey? Where’d you find him?” 
“Well, he came over pleading to me to buy some candy for his fundraiser, and figured I’d give him some beers in exchange for candy.” 
“Ah, smart.” 
Y/n’s mom came over to Minghao as he stood out of his chair to greet her with a hand outstretched as she pulled on it and gave him a big hug. 
“I’m only kidding, I know who you are. I’m sure my husband told you our silly daughter doesn’t shut up about you.” 
“Good things?” 
“Oh, of course. Don’t tell her I told you this but, I think she may have a bit of a crush. I see why.” 
Minghao blushed, still holding onto her moms hand. 
“She must have forgotten to tell me how beautiful you are, I see where she gets it from.” 
“Oh, wow. A charmer. I love that. You’re staying for dinner?” 
“Yes, if that’s okay.” 
“I insist, if my husband hasn’t already. What would you like?” 
“Y/n actually made me that chicken recipe of yours… if it’s not too hard.” 
“Oh, she definitely likes you. Not hard at all.” 
“Honey, y/n has some more friends coming. How many did you say, Minghao?” 
“Four more. If that’s okay?” 
“The more the merrier. I’ll go get started. Where is that girl anyway?” 
“Okay, don’t hesitate to make yourself at home. I’ll go get started, gentlemen.” 
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Y/n sat on the floor of her shower, letting the hot water rush down her skin. Wanting to feel it burning into her as she contemplated how dumb she’s been. 
She felt awful for letting her friends think she didn’t like them, that she was doing horrible things to make them hate the girl who was actually doing them to her. 
Was she excited to see her friends? Of course. But, she knew it came with a bunch of unanswered questions they couldn’t get to until later considering she never told her parents the new chapter in the Mimi saga, they already hated her for the past, but they would hate her more for this recent fuck up. 
She was looking down at her wrinkling hands as the door opened to the bathroom, a cold rush of air hitting her skin under the warm water. 
“Honey? Everything okay?” 
“Oh. Hi, mom. I’m good, just shaving.” 
“Alright, sweetie. When you’re finished would you mind helping me in the kitchen? If not, that's alright.” 
“Of course. I’ll be down in a second.” 
Seconds after her mom shut the door, y/n shut the hot water off, basking in her last moments of solitude and got ready to head back downstairs. 
As she was walking around the corner of the staircase, she heard a familiar voice at the door, Seokmin. 
Her best friend. The one person she felt the most guilty not talking to. 
Her mom was basically yelling with joy seeing him and Jun walk into her house again, as well as greeting two more new faces with her infectious cheerful nature. 
She told her to grab the cooler of drinks from the kitchen and head outside to meet her husband and Minghao. 
Y/n wasn’t sure how to make her entrance. 
As she reached the kitchen, her mom just gave her a small smile as she was cutting into the various fresh veggies from her garden, nodding her head to the door, forcing her to go greet them. 
She took a deep breath in, taking a sip of her moms wine sitting on her marble countertop and headed outside. 
All four of her friends greeted her loudly, the two of them who’ve known her the longest nearly having tears welling up in their eyes. 
“Hi. You guys look so nice? I’m in pajamas. What the hell.” 
“Go change, come on. We were telling your dad we’re having a small birthday party for you tonight.” 
“Jun, you don’t have to-“ 
“Shut up, yes we do. Now go. Minghao help her, she will need it.” 
“Guys no.” 
“Go, go, go.” 
“But my mom-“ 
“Honey, mom will be fine. Go on.” 
Y/n let Minghao back up the same staircase she had just come down, he took in the walls full of family photos and young pictures of y/n as she led him to the pastel blue colored walls of her childhood room. Full of posters and moments of her life. 
“The closet is slim pickings here and don’t mind the bedsheets, butterflies were super cool okay.” 
“Butterflies are still cool.” 
“Sorry we didn’t get to finish talking before and for my parents, they love company.” 
“No. They’re amazing. I see where you get it from.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Can I ask an innocent question?” 
“Is this the room that, you know.” 
“Mimi filmed me in? Yes.” 
“Oh, sorry.” 
“Don’t worry. So, my closet is obviously here. Overflowing. Uh, yeah, have at it, Hao.” 
“Also can I just say right here right now, your dad is fucking cool.” 
“Really? He’s not embarrassing you?” 
“No. He’s fun.” 
Y/n just laughed, sitting crossed legged on the edge of her twin sized bed. Waving him along to do his work. 
“What about… maybe this?” 
Minghao pulled out a long sleeved black dress, something y/n only bought to have in case the boy she thought she would love forever asked her on a date. It’s never been worn even though it’s been in her closet for years. She almost hesitated and said no, but the butterflies in her stomach watching Minghao pull it from the closet changed her mind. 
She got up and grabbed it from his hands, staring at it admirably as he watched her eyes light up. 
“Cover your eyes, please.” 
“Sorry. Okay.” 
Minghao didn’t even question her, he took his hands over his eyes as he closed them and listened to the signs as she was getting undressed. He never looked, even though he’s seen her less than clothed before. 
She tapped his forehead to let him know she was done, giggling as he jumped a little not knowing their proximity. 
He opened his eyes, staring at her. Unaware his jaw had dropped to the floor as he looked at her up and down, pulling his hands from his face and running them down the sleeves covering her arms. 
“Wow. That’s so..” 
“So? Bad? Good? What?” 
“Beautiful, yeah good obviously. It’s nice. Why have you never worn it?” 
“Oh, I was saving it for something special.” 
Minghaos hands still rested on her arms, staring into her eyes. Feeling the urge to kiss her, but didn’t know how to move. 
She just looked back at him, smiling, almost wondering why he wasn’t making a move, before a knock came onto her latched door. 
“Guys? Dinners are almost ready, come on.” 
They broke apart at the knock, leaving the lingering tension in the air around them. 
“Have we really been up here that long? Your dad will hate me.” 
“No, they know I would never do any funny business. Probably just assumed we were busy talking or something.” 
“Okay? Good.” 
“Can we finish this later?” 
“Y/n are you flirting with me?” 
“I think so?” 
“Good enough for me.” 
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As they ate dinner, drank, and laughed y/n realized what she had been missing. 
Her friends, no matter the situation, were always here for her. 
The decorations, the flowers, the small cake they had picked up on their way over was all an effort to prove to her they would always have her back. 
When they all finally snuggled up into bed, her last thought was she would do anything to have it back, without all the complications. 
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note: hi, omg? I have been so busy, but like literally am finally able to be here and post my last (2?/3?) chapters of this wild ride. sorry it took me like... forever?? but pls enjoy. I missed u, sorry it's sort of short also?and chaotic? yes. am I just apologizing.. uh, yes, but ok anyway, lolol? also my friend surprised me w/ txt tickets for my upcoming b-day so uh... cunty. ily ily. (also did not edit excuse me ok lol, bye)
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taglist:@sun-daddy-yoriichi@hipsdofangirl@kissesfrmwonwoo@minhui896@wonwooz1@porridgesblog@jasssy051@soonyoungblr@saucegirlreads@musingsofananxiouspotato@young-adult-summer@punkhazardlaw@bibs-world@the-swageyama-tobiyolo@wonuulvr@woozixo@k-drama-adict@90s-belladonna@blaycke@dnylwoo@to-mi-yo, @nonononranghaee @bee-the-loser @mxnhoeuwu
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sunflower-author · 7 months
Haii :3
can I request a yandere platonic lady Tamayo who is very protective of reader
Anyway I hope you like this<3
     "Y/N I told you many times haven't I," Tamayo scolded you, in your room.
"I just wanted to go out to see the festival... It only happens once a year..." You complained.
"Still that doesn't justify sneaking out. You could have lost control, gotten lost, or Kibutsuki might have found you, or-"
"I had human blood yesterday, and you know I handle a least a week without it, and I know the village, I've been reading about it for a while, and we haven't heard about... 'him' being around here my entire lifetime..." you cut her off by saying.
"You've never been around so many people, since you've been turned into a demon, there was no telling if you could handle, all the new walking blood bags around you, and reading about things is different than actually seeing things in real life, as for Kibutsuki, even he we heard no word about him being here, there is still his underlings that lurk around here. remember the last time Yushiro told us about the encounter he had with one of them?" Tamayo asks you.
"... Four days ago..." you say looking down, feeling guilty, knowing that she is right.
"Exactly four days ago, they are probably still hiding in this town somewhere, it's dangerous to go out alone...  you know, if you truly asked me and Yushiro, we would have taken you..." Tamayo says sighing.
"Yeah right... you're just saying that right now... but we both know if I asked you before, you would have said no, lecture me more about being outside, humans, demons... 'him' exactly what you're doing right now," you say, knowing the type of manipulation tactics she has used on you ever since you met her.
"All I'm doing is trying to protect you... ever since I met you, don't you forget who was the one that saved you all those years ago... That demon was about to devour you, and I was the one who killed him, if I wasn't there, you would have been dead..." Tamayo said. 
Every time the two of you argued and she had enough, Tamayo would always bring up your past trauma, guilt-tripping you to go along with whatever she was saying.
You stay silent knowing that you can't say anything, after she pulls 'that' card on you.
"I care about you Y/N, I truly do," Tamayo says sitting down beside you on your bed.
"Listen, maybe when you're older... give it a few years, and I promise, you me and Yushiro will all go to that festival," Tamayo says, with her signature smile.
It makes her look innocent, but we both know it is always used to hide what she truly is feeling. Her obsessed, psycho, crazy side, or maybe annoyed, irritated side, probably both.
"Older? I'm old enough, I am in my teens no doubt late teen years, in a few years I might well be in my twenties," you snap back at her.
"Correction, you would be in your twenties if you were still human... Demons age differently since they can live well longer compared to humans, menially it takes... even I am not too sure." Tamayo says calmly. 
"Yes you have been here a few years, however menially you've probably only aged a few months, and let's not forget about your physical state, when you get turned into a demon, you stop growing physically," Tamayo says.
As she put her hand on your head, in hopes of comforting you a bit.
"I managed fine on my own before you found me," You counter back.
"You lasted what? A little over a year, before I found about to be devoured by a low-level demon-"
"I was younger, I was still getting used to being a demon, but now I know how to do things, thanks to you and Yushiro, I'll be able to handle myself, Tamayo," You cut her off, not wanting her to say anymore.
"And if you were to run into Kibutsuki? Then what? how will you defend yourself, if he found out you were associated with me? He would do unspeakable things to you Y/N," Tamayo says sternly.
"The chances of running into him are very small, just how much demons actually get to see his face?" you say again.
"Y/N L/N, drop this," Tamayo says, sternly, before sighing and calming herself down.
Finally having enough of this, you stay silent, you can never win against Tamayo. This is how all your arguing ends with her, once she says your full name everything ends.
"You acting childish, auguring with me, selfish for leaving me and Yushiro worried-" Realizing what she is saying stops, looking down at her lap, it is never her intention to make you feel bad.
"Y/n I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"
"Yeah yeah, you didn't mean all those bad things you said and were about to say to me," giving her attitude. 
Rolling your eyes, you start to lie down on the bed, facing away from her.
"Well, since you're already mad at me, minus well tell you your punishment, no books for a month, and you will stay in your room for a week," Tamayo says turning to look at you.
You just stay silent looking the other way, waiting for her to go.
Getting the signal, Tamayo gets up from the bed walks to the door, turns off the light, grabs the door she looks at you for a moment.
"Goodnight Y/N," She says softly, only to be met with silence.
Sighing again, she closes the door, locking it.
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al1en-invasi0n · 26 days
Hello, Hello!
This is the first fanfic I have ever ever written!! Isn't that cool?
Just so you know, this is a fanfic about tickling, so if you dislike that then please don't interact!
Lers: Grunkle Stan, Mabel
Lee: Dipper
"Give it back!!"
That was the first thing Grunkle Stan heard that morning. Judging by the screechy girlish nature of the voice...it was probably Dipper. it was just a little too girly to be Mabel. It was too early for this. Only thirty minutes past noon, we're they trying to take away his beauty sleep or something? It was probably some pointless argument that could be settled with less than a paragraph anyway...may as well check on them. He knew how big stupid fights could get between siblings.
"Oh c'mon..."
He groaned, sitting up and cracking his back before dragging himself downstairs. There he saw the sight of the problem: the journal. Mabel was holding it above her head, running around while trying her darn hardest to convince him into taking a break.
"Oh come on Dipper! Just for one day! Take a break, you'll be fine!"
"I can't take a break! We don't know everything that's out there! Give it back!"
Right before he tried to snatch it, she pulled away, running up to Grunkle Stan. Her and Dipper ran circles around him, who was barely processing what was happening in his sleepy un-caffeinated state, groaned and grabbed Dipper by the back of his jacket.
"Look kiddo, shooting star here is right. You keep your nose stuffed in that book 24/7, you'll give yourself bad eye sight like me."
Dipper fought against his grip, trying to tug himself away while shooting Mabel a half hearted glare.
"But I still have things to be doing! Grunkle Stan you don't get it! I need the journal back!"
Stan groaned and thought for a moment or two. How was he supposed to work this out between the two? Especially when he wasn't entirely awake, nonetheless. He knew a few tactics that tired Dipper out, but judging by the chaos he was woken up to, no, he had to go big or go home.
"Mabel, hide the journal somewhere and meet me in the living room with your brother."
"What?! But Grunkle Stan!-"
"No buts! You wake me up over something stupid? You'll learn not to."
Without letting Dipper really process those words, Mabel already running off to hide the book, Stan brought Dipper to the living room by the arm. He sat down and gripped both his shoulders, making eye contact and speaking in a serious yet concerned and somewhat soft tone.
"Look kid, you're too young to be worried about this whole...cryptid thing. I understand you have a nack for it, but take a break why don't ya?"
Dipper avoided eye contact for a few moments before nodding, giving a soft sigh and looking up at him again. He felt bad for causing his Grunkle stress, but he just had to find out what was going on with Gravity Falls.
"I'm almost a teenager though, and I know I can handle it! Please, I have so many things that I'm close to solving, I can't just...take a break now!"
"He can't even take a shower!"
Mabel chimed in, skipping from the doorway over to the two and looking at Grunkle Stan. He decided that enough was enough, it was time to make him relax, even if it was by forcing him into exhaustion.
He suddenly took two of Dippers wrists in one hand, taking off his hat since he'd probably squirm so much it fell off anyway. He then gave him a serious look, though it quickly turned into more of a mischievous smirk than anything as he raised his other hand, wiggling his fingers at him.
"You've been so busy with that book that I've practically forgotten what your laugh sounds like...Mabel sweetie? Get his ribs."
he went bright red in the face and nervously squeaked, leaning away from the hand that Stan was slowly moving towards his belly. He bit his lip, but it failed to cover the nervous yet giddy smile slowly forming.
"Oooh, gladly!"
His sister joining in too? That just wasn't fair! He'd probably be dead by the end of this. He leaned forward and away from her hands, only to yelp as he bumped his stomach against Stan's hand. He gave a soft burst of giggles and jerked back, only to find his ribs being spidered across by Mabel's fingers.
He protested, trying to move away from her only to find his Grunkle's hand was still there waiting for him to do just that. He felt like a fly in a spiders web, and the idea of getting that journal back today wasn't looking good either...
Eventually both hands had closed in on him. One was scribbling all over his belly and occasionally jumping to his side to catch him off guard, while two more hands were running up and down his ribs and digging into the spaces in between. He let out multiple loud and embarrassingly girly shrieks, laughing his head off and trying to tug both arms down to no avail.
"WAHAahahahait- Gruhuhunkle Stahahan!! Thihis isn't fahahair!"
"Yeah well life ain't fair kiddo. You're taking a nap."
"I'm nohot evehen tihihirehed!!"
"You will be after this!"
Mabel suddenly shot back, moving her hands to his back and wiggling her fingers against his spine. One went up and down it rapidly while the other focused on where it met the neck, making him scrunch his shoulders up and snort a few times from laughing so hard.
"NONONOHONOnOHOHhohohooo!!- not theheRE!! Snrk- MAHABAHAL!!"
He squealed out, kicking his legs since his arms were still trapped, a wide smile stuck across his lips as he squeezed his eyes shut. He could feel his face burning bright red from the embarrassment of the situation, but it actually did feel kind of nice to relax like this for once...
He quickly regretted ever starting to enjoy it as he felt his shirt get lifted up, followed by Grunkle Stan picking him up and snickering down at him. He took a deep inhale before pressing his lips to his stomach, blowing a long raspberry against the skin. He flinched slightly at the shriek that Dipper produced, but managed to tune it out after a few seconds.
He shrieked out, pushing at his shoulders and head now that his arms were free while trying to squirm out of his lap. The bit of facial hair mixed with the raspberrys were driving him up the wall within seconds, and it didn't help that Mabel decided to start scratching at the hollows behind his knees.
He let out loud, high pitched cackles, repeatedly snorting and hiccuping whenever he attempted to take a break. Tiny tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, his face scrunched up with how hard he was laughing. He started to get really wheezy, his brain shutting off for the most part due to being tickled senseless.
He kept laughing for maybe another minute or so, and despite really wanting to work on that journal yet again, he had his limits. He patted the back of Stans head, barely managing to speak through his own laughter.
"I'LL REHEST!! Ihihi'll rehehehehest pleEAHAHAA-!!!"
Him, who was already out of breath himself from blowing so many raspberries back to back, pulled his head away and let Dipper relax. Mabel gave a victorious grin and ruffled her twins hair, leaning on the seat while looking down at him.
"I knew you would! Come on, let's go to bed. I'll help you make your bed, it's a mess."
He only mumbled in response, still decently giggly from the tickle attack he was just forced through. After regaining his bearings, he managed to stand up, hugging himself and smiling at the two.
"Yeah yeah, okay..."
He considered saying something, but decided against it. They didn't need to know he actually had enjoyed that...as if they couldn't tell already though. He gently hugged Stan for a moment, yawning as he spoke due to being worn out.
"Good night, Grunkle Stan!"
"Night kiddo."
He fondly smiled back at him, ruffling his hair before breaking off the hug. He watched Mabel and Dipper leave to go upstairs, sighing before shutting his eyes. He'd probably just crash on the couch since he was still tired, but at least Dipper was gonna rest too. That put him at ease.
Mabel finished fixing his bed up for him, gently pulling a blanket back so he could lie down under it. He curled up under the blanket and gave a soft, content sigh, hugging a plushie Mabel let him borrow for the night. He shut his eyes, mumbling a soft "thank you" to Mabel, then slowly starting to doze off.
He smiled as he felt her ruffle his hair, the feeling helping his brain shut off into a peaceful sleep. He had the rest of summer to work, which still wasn't exactly a whole lot of time, but...maybe just...one day would be fine to rest. Not like he could or wanted to get out of bed now anyway.
He'd get back at Grunkle Stan and Mabel for this though.
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ifindus · 2 months
I’ve never heard of ScotNor before, is there any historical background for the ship? Just curious, they’re a cute couple!
The historical background is a large part of what makes a ship interesting to me, and ScotNor’s history is definitely of great appeal along with their peoples and culture. I’ve touched upon this topic before, but that was probably years ago now, so we’re due for a bit of a refresher! Thanks for the interest 🙏 I’m sure there’s no history I’ve not included in my time line below, but this a summary of what I’ve gathered so far.
Viking Period (→ 1066).
The earliest contact between the nations Norway and Scotland begins in the Viking Age and it presents itself in different manners. Norway is expanding across the islands in the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic and gain sovereignty over Shetland, Orkney, and the Hebrides among others. Note that this is almost exclusively Norwegian people – the Danes usually went to England and the Swedes went East. This increased the contact between the two nations, manifesting in settlement, integrating with the locals, and more trade. There were some disagreements and there is still several theories about how violent and early the colonisation of the Scottish islands were, but we find some evidence that their interactions remained mostly peaceful in the certain areas. Norwegian Vikings definitely fought against both Gaels and Picts before they joined forces.
The celtic name Laithlind/Lochlann, is thought to reference Scandinavia – mainly Norway, but might also be the word for the Norwegian areas of Scotland. The word means “land of bog/lakes” and could be related to the Welsh word for Scandinavia; Llychlyn
Norse Period (1066 – 1468).
The Norse Period is the name of a period in Scotland from the end of the Viking Age in the middle of the 11th century to 1468, when the Danish King gives away the last of Norway’s territories on the British Isles to the Scottish King as a dowry. During this period people in the Norwegian occupied areas identifies as Norse and their language evolve from Norse into Norn, which was in some places spoken until the 1800s.
The Battle of Largs was fought between Norway and Scotland in 1263 A battle at both sea and on land with no winner. They fought over the rights to the Western Isles, which the Scottish King had tried to buy since 1240, but had been rejected. The Norwegian King felt threatened and left Norway with a great fleet to negotiate/fight. After failed negotiations and some Norwegian raids a huge storm surprised the fleet and crashed some of the boats and washing them ashore where the crews were attacked by twice as many Scottish forces. The storm hindered any tactical moves as the waves and wind made it impossible to control the ships, but eventually the Norsemen got back on some of the ships and it became a long distance battle, which both sides pulled back from after a while. The Norwegian King died from illness in Orkney later that year and his son negotiated a treaty with the Scottish King where he gave up the islands for money and trading prospects with Scotland.
Margaret Maid of Norway, was the granddaughter of the Scottish King and the daughter of the Norwegian King. Her mother’s marriage to the King of Norway was diplomatic and a move to strengthen the relations between the countries. Her mother dies in childbirth and Margaret Maid of Norway suddenly become heir to the Scottish throne when her grandfather dies, but unfortunately she dies only 7 years old from illness on her way across the sea to claim her throne in 1290.
Originally, Norway was part of the Auld Alliance. With the negotiating skills of a Norwegian diplomat, Norway became part of the Auld Alliance in 1295, a military alliance that lasted until 1560. Norway was a member until 1326. The alliance marked the end to Norwegian expansion in the British Isles and cemented their collaboration. The Auld Alliance said that if one of the parties was attacked by England, the others should help. Norway were to supply Scotland with warships while England and France were at war, but Scotland never paid and Norway never sent any ships as they were still hesitant to make an enemy out of England. It’s seen as a bit of a scam on Norway’s part as they accepted a pre-payment for their help, but the money “disappeared” and Norway would never have been able to provide the amount of ships and warriors they promised.
Then Norway becomes a part of the Kalmar union as a result of the devastating effect the Black Death in 1348 had on the Norwegian Elite, leaving Norway weak and under Danish rule for about 400 years, where the Danish king in 1468 gives away Orkney and Shetland as a pawn for the dowry of his daughter because he did not have the money to pay (this situation was never actually resolved and the isles still could be considered only a pawn).
Norway under Denmark and Scotland under England (1397 – 1814).
Norway entered a union with Denmark and Sweden in 1397 and proceeded to fall further under Denmark’s rule for about 400 years until 1814, while Scotland entered a union of crowns with England in 1603 and then later a personal union in 1707, which still stands. During these periods it is difficult to talk about the interactions of the nations Norway and Scotland as they both fall in the shadow of the more powerful nation running the union, Norwegians often just considered Danes by people from other countries at this time.
The Battle of Kringen in 1612 was a battle between invading Scottish mercenaries hired by the Swedes, and Norwegian farmers. Denmark-Norway was at war with Sweden again and the Swedes had employed help by foreign forces – very common at this time, and Scottish mercenaries were famous. The Scottish forces were to meet up with Swedish forces, and while they traversed the country they robbed and pillaged Norwegian farms. Norwegian farmers organized and staged an ambush on Scots as they passed through steep terrain, trapping them by cutting trees and disrupting them by rolling rocks down the mountainside. They were only armed with spears, axes and scythes, but managed to absolutely devastate the Scottish army. The Norwegian farmers only suffered 6 deaths while the Scots only had 18 out of 300 make it out alive in the end.
The 1800s.
In the 1800s, Norway was become its own country (still in a union with Sweden) and it’s at this time tourism in the country becomes popular in Great Britain, with both Scottish and English Lords travelling to Norway to fish salmon and hunt and experience the nature. In 1886 a Scottish shipping company began to provide Norwegian cruises to look at the fjords along the coast of Norway, maybe one of the first ever boat cruises, which was so popular that they increased the amount of ships the following year. This continued until World War One began.
In 1806 a Norwegian son of a wealthy merchant travelled with one of their trading ships to the Caribbean, but the ship sank by Jamaica. He drifted on the shipwreck for three days before he was rescued by a British ship. The officer who took care of him was son of a wealthy Scottish landowner, and they became enamoured with each other and never left the other’s side after this. They spent the rest of their lives together, travelling between their estates in Norway, their castle in Scotland, and apartments in London, Paris, Rome, and Naples.
Skotthyll is a game that used to be prevalent in my region, and it’s said to be a game invented by Scottish engineers who came to Norway to work on a railroad in the 1860s.
The 1900s.
When Norway became independent from Sweden in 1905, the new king received a letter from the authorities on Shetland stating that “today no ‘foreign’ flag is more familiar or more welcome in our voes and havens than that of Norway, and Shetlanders continue to look upon Norway as their mother-land, and recall with pride and affection the time when their forefathers were under the rule of the Kings of Norway”.
During the First World War, Norway was neutral, but very much involved with the ongoing politics as they wanted to keep trading with both sides, but eventually settled for Great Britain when they decided to commit to buying all the fish Germany normally would have bought. When the Germans began sinking Norwegian ships, it also drove them further onto the side of Great Britain.
During the Second World War Norway was occupied by Germany, and many of those who fled went to Great Britain (as was the case with most of Europe). On Shetland, there was established a Norwegian base of operations where Norwegian sailors and volunteers would carry out missions across the North Sea to Norway. There they would smuggle in weapons and provisions and information to the resistance, as well as helping refugees to escape the country. This was of immense help to Norway during the war. Additionally, a training camp for Norwegians was established in the Scottish highlands, where Norwegians who wanted to fight for their country was stationed and trained for missions by the Allies.
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princesssmars · 2 years
trephacard with a witch reader hcs !!
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the three vampire slayers maybe found you when hunting down a rogue vampire themselves, arriving at the location of the vamp just to see you walking out with a few scratches on you, ready to go again as soon as your eyes land on alucard.
it was like love at first fight sight. it takes you a bit long to take care of alucard and trevor while fighting, the two men preferring to fight up close. but you're met with a welcome challenge when sypha starts deflecting your moves back at you. the two men are stood in shock when the two of you started complimenting each others tactics mid fight.
trevor was already tired of being the only human in the relationship and it intensifies when you join the relationship sadly.
he sometimes feels left out when the three of you are talking about some old forgotten form of magic or a tome you found in a recent adventure.
but just reassure him that hes amazing and skilled in so much that the rest of you dont know and he'll be fine. throw in a few sweet words too bc i know hes a sucker for words of affirmation even if he likes to act like hes not <3.
including him in your daily witchy behaviors will also go a long way, asking him to be your little helper as you brew a simple remedy for one of the sick kids in the village or coming with you to collect some fresh water for your cauldron that he loves to tease you for.
speaking of sypha she loves having someone who can also do magic like hers to talk to, constantly going over spells, sparring, and talking about your different magical backgrounds.
she loves learning so expect for her to force you to go with her through all of the tomes based on witches and mages in draculas library and the belmont hold. you cant even count on your hands how many times youve pulled all nighters with her and fell asleep on each other with reading a book.
loves using both of yours abilities to wreak playfup havoc, lets say if you have telekinesis she convinces you to move about objects in the middle of the night through random parts of the castle. the amount of times youve heard trevor scream is golden.
(you stopped when he brought up how the castle literally could be haunted by dracula himself, but you only switched up the ways youd prank him.)
alucard was a bit nervous around you after your first encounter, knowing you would be on edge around him seeing as he was a dhampir. but because of his half vamoure status, and also being the son of probably the most renowned vampire ever, hes very wise for being so young, and he lets his expertise come out in different ways, like telling you the history of a dish youre trying to prepare for all four of you or the cultural origins of a tune you were humming.
if you are already super powerful/strong at the time of meeting him then he will gladly play but also actually fight with you whenever youd like, eventually having to move the fights to a clearing a ways away from the castle so you dont break anything.
sometimes alucard doesnt feel like being violent though, so he asks you to join him for patrol/walks around the surrounding forest. sometimes you talk for hours straight and others neither of you said a word, but its perfect either way.
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just something short to get out before my full length poly trephacard x witch reader fic comes out soon woopee.
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Hi! I think Season 5 was a really weird time to invert the love square - it just kind of happens, and the reasons don’t feel very organic, to say the least - I think fandom already has enough to say about it (and hey, you’ve probably talked about it too!)
So if you had to do it (keeping in mind 5 seasons, and canon’s overall structure), where would you invert it? I’ve had this question for a while, and recently arrived to, I’d do it in Miracle Queen, possibly show Marinette or Adrien reconsidering in a post credit scene (or in general, after the scene where they’re all sitting and Marinette goes for Luka). Main reason for me is, Miracle Queen is pretty inconclusive on the shipping aspect - it opens with Adrien being uncertain of his relationship with Kagami, and ends with Adrien still unsure, and Marinette finally accepting Luka.
On the Marinette side, that last part might seem pretty conclusive, but after she suffered a major loss (going with canon’s “Marinette lost Fu” here despite the many problems I have with the way Fu was written), I think the emotional void really couldn’t be properly filled with Luka, and had Chat Noir’s character not gone down the drain after the season finale, he’d be the only real option Marinette can consider even talking to - temp heroes outed, kwamis being glorified toys, barely anyone even knowing Fu and all that. In my ideal world, she would’ve at least moved on from Adrien (wherein canon of course has to insist on the OTP), and I feel Chat Noir fills the void very naturally.
On the Adrien side, I think him interrupting the kiss was a sign of him not knowing what he wants out of a relationship in general - he seemed to be moving on from Ladybug in Hearthunter, and the Ladynoir in Miracle Queen to me felt much closer to them being together against the world (which is… exactly what the episode says out loud), not falling in love. I don’t think Kagami would want a relationship with Adrien after that whole mess (and that did end up being the case), so the closest non Ladybug option would be Marinette. So not a random “I love Marinette because she’s so nice and she kissed me after I pranked her” (canon please 🙄), but more of a “Marinette has always been so nice to me, instead of bothering Ladybug even more I’ll at least try getting a little closer to Marinette” and things develop from there on out.
But Season 4 threw my hope and dreams onto a burning landfill so that was cool. Anyways, how would you structure it? This got a bit long haha
Don't apologize, that was an interesting and quite good argument for flipping the crushes at Miracle Queen. I hadn't really thought about it before, but that would have been a much more satisfying way to shake things up in season four instead of waiting until season five and then speed running the flip only to immediately undo Marinette's side of the flip all within six episodes. I think that your alternate season four could have worked, though it would require season four to really lean into the ending of season three instead of largely ignoring it.
Since you asked where I'd do it if I had to flip the crushes, I'll give you my thoughts, but first I want it put on the record that I hate the idea of both crushes flipping mid-show. One crush flipping feels reasonable, but both? At the same time? That's really hard for me to buy, especially since you'd have to do it pretty quickly given the way canon is structured. You can't drag things out for episodes at a time. Most things take, at most, two episodes.
I'm also not sure what the point of flipping the crushes is. It feels less like narrative progression and more like a stalling tactic since the love square will only get together if one crush flips. Both crushes? Same square, different angle (I jokingly call it the love diamond.)
And yet, canon actually managed to pull off a very solid reverse crush setup. If season five had started off with the crushes flipped, then I would have totally believed it. Marinette just had her crush on Adrien cost her all of the miraculous. That's a very good way to kill a crush just like finding out Chat Noir's identity is a very good way to banish her fears from that event, allowing her to have the confidence to stay with Adrien post-reveal.
Similarly, Adrien just spent a whole season being sad about Ladybug not giving him enough attention, leading up to an episode where Marinette saw that he was suffering and reached out (if only because of magic). I absolutely believe that he'd start falling for Marinette and be less upset with Ladybug post-reveal now that he knows that she has been supporting him all along. He was just looking for support on the wrong side of the mask.
Instead of taking advantage of that setup, canon delayed the flip a few episodes and made it wholly unbelievable. They really give us an episode where Ladynoir got married and had children, followed it up with the episode where the crushes flipped, and then tried to convince us that Marinette was the one who hadn't really fallen in love with Chat Noir. Marinette. The girl whose deepest desire is apparently marriage and children with Chat Noir. But her love isn't real? Really? Yet Adrien is really over Ladybug?
Bull. Shit.
Jubilation is not that setup you go with if Adrienette is your goal. It's the setup for Ladynoir.
Anyway, back to your question! As I detailed above, season five's intro episodes feel like the most obvious place to flip the square. I'd also be interested to see someone do it at Miracle Queen like you discussed, though it would be much less straight forward than season five, making it a better fit for a fanfic than canon in my opinion as I think you'd be hard pressed to do it well within the confines of canon's structure.
My other top choice is Origins because I am a love diamond purist. I think that it's the easiest way to fix a lot of canon's issues. For example: Marinette hanging magazine clippings of her friend/crush all over her walls for all to see with the full knowledge that she actually knows this guy? Kinda weird. Why are you writing it like she has a celebrity crush and not a "real person" crush?
Marinette hanging magazine clippings of her secret hero partner all over her walls? Totally understandable. It's not like she can act like it's a "real person" crush without giving herself away or looking unhinged. Plus how else is she supposed to get pictures of him? It's not like she can take some of her own. That would lead to a lot of awkward questions! She'd also have no reason to think that he'd ever see her shrine. 😈
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eleni-cherie · 1 month
a thief's origin✨ || bts • kth - chapter 1.3
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"you're afraid I won't wait." "I'm afraid you will."
a criminal and a doctor should be as different as the sun and the moon - but unexpected things happened every day. like him finding his safe haven in her.
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
20th March
Barcelona, Spain
Having just finished a night shift, a long yawn escaped the young physician's mouth. Her rookies had almost messed up a patient's medication and she had been busy fixing it all night long.
After a torture of a ride, the metro being unusually stuffy, she headed down her street. It was still early, most people with normal work hours not leaving for another hour or two. The sun barely out. So the only other persons around were her and suppliers delivering stores.
Entering her apartment building, she fumbled out her keys, taking longer to find the right one in her sleep-deprived state. Only to almost drop them when realising her door was left ajar.
There was no way in hell she had left it like that, she always made sure to lock before leaving.
Her heart beat picked up as she slowly pushed it open. She couldn't hear anything. With her phone in her hands, ready to dial 091, she pushed the door open. Making sure it went all the way and touched the wall to ensure no one was standing behind it. And with careful steps she entered, closing it behind her slowly and repeating the same tactic with every other room.
Thankfully, there wasn't anyone. The apartment was empty - except for the pure chaos that was left behind.
Someone had definitely been there, looking through her belongings. Shelves were pulled out, objects were on the ground. She was sure it must've been burglars until she realised that nothing was missing. Not that she had many objects of value. But the few she had, like her laptop and tv, were still there.
Leaving her relieved, but also puzzled.
Who the hell would break in, leave a mess but not take anything?
A headache was beginning to form at the thought of having to spend hours cleaning up now in her already exhausted state and she rubbed her temples.
With a sigh, she turned around. Deciding to not touch anything and try leaving again without altering the crime scene. First she'd report it to the police although she knew already they most likely wouldn't do much since nothing was stolen, but if she learned anything from her films it'd be to report it nevertheless. But as she was about to exit the apartment, a piece of paper stuck on the entrance door which she'd missed previously, caught her eye.
"Bring the golden figurine to the marina in Bangkok in 2 days if you want to see your pack of thieves again."
She instantly froze.
So this was related to Taehyung?
She reread the message.
That wasn't good, the situation was serious.
Her heart was racing while at the same time not beating at all. She felt nauseous but also on alert. Her mind screaming while being totally blank. More than anything else though, she felt helpless.
Her eyes wandered up to her ceiling. Whoever this was, they'd probably searched through her apartment for that figurine. She looked down at the piece of paper again and swallowed.
Bangkok marina, she repeated in her mind, in two days. She began agonizing and racking her brain to figure out how to find that figurine and get there in time. There was no way they were indeed expecting her to find it. They had to know she got no clue on how to. Perhaps they were even anticipating just that.
That was what she got for being a sucker for crime films and getting involved with thieves.
When the doorbell rang thirteen hours later in the evening, Cassandra hesitated to answer it.
Shoving the books she was currently organising into the shelve, she stood up and walked to the door with careful steps. She knew it was unlikely, yet she was still afraid it might be the intrudor returning for more. But much to her surprise, instead she found someone else on the other side when peeking through the spy hole.
There was indeed a man standing in front of her door. And another one.
"Hello, I hope you remember me. I'm -"
"Agent Jeon. I remember," she nodded when opening the door to the young interpol agent, "W-what do you want though? Taehyung isn't here."
He offered her an ambiguous, almost pitiful smile. "Oh, I know. May we come in?"
Her brows furrowed but she let them enter nonetheless. The other, unknown to her, agent facing her with a polite smile, offering his hand then which she accepted shyly. "Agent Jung, nice to meet you. Or well.." His gaze wandered and she caught a good sight of his side profile, his nose curving in a perfect angle when he abruptly turned back to her. And he scratched his neck awkwardly. "..as nice as can be expected under the circumstances."
"Y-yeah, nice to meet you," she blinked irrirated over the whole situation, her attention returning to Jungkook. "So why are you here?"
The younger man was standing in the middle of her living room. Seemingly dismissing the still light clutter as he looked around with impassiveness. "We know who did this."
Perplexed at his nonchalantness, she stopped in her tracks and stared at him. "H-how?"
Jungkook only motioned his chin to his colleague who gave her a nod. "I'm from organised crime," Hoseok explained, "My team identified the guy."
"No, I mean.. how did you know someone broke in?"
The two agents exchanged a quick glance, before offering her a suspiciously wide grin.
"That doesn't matter right now," Jungkook waved her off with a tattooed hand, "Instead, tell us if he found what he was looking for."
She bit the inside of her cheek and looked away. Uncertain whether it would help or if she'd only get the guys into more trouble by entrusting interpol with this.
"So.. so you know who did this?" she asked again out of insecurity and to buy some time.
"This guy was working for someone my team and I are after," Hoseok began then. Friendly expression changing as he suppressed his inner loathing when mentioning his team's target.
After one of the agents tasked with observing her, had seen that suspicious man entering and leaving her building, they'd immediately sent his photo to Jungkook who then sent it Hoseok's way. One of the female agents in his team had pretty quickly identified the intrudor as working under Via, a known underground business man - the fancy and legal cover-up for saying gangster boss - who frequented Korea quite often.
"We just couldn't figure out what his man wanted from you. We only figured it has something to do with Taehyung, which meant it had something to do with Jimin."
His dashing manner changed, however, when noticing her stressed expression at the mention of her boyfriend, despite her trying to downplay it. Giving Jungkook a look of appeal then and motioning to Cassandra. The agent of the robbery department sighed and nodded as he took a step towards her.
"We kept an eye on you ever since the questioning," Jungkook admitted, "That's how we know of this man."
Cassandra's head shot up, surprise crossing her features for a moment only to be replaced with epiphany.
Of course, it made sense. No surprise Taehyung had become so careful ever since. Her eyes narrowed then. "Why are you telling me this now?"
"I want to be open and honest with you, to show you that you can trust us." He gave her a smile, too sweet and cheerful for an interpol agent. She remembered, however, not to let the agents' friendly faces mislead her, remembering how she'd almost got fooled by it before.
He took another step towards her, cocking his head to the side in an innocent manner. "So? Are you gonna tell us now what he was looking for?"
She gave in and nodded. After all, she didn't have any other option so perhaps their presence was a blessing in disguise.
22nd March
Bangkok, Thailand
"Told you we shouldn't have come in the first place." Jimin clicked his tongue at Taehyung's nonstop complaining. "Well, what else could we do? If we didn't show up at all, he'd have hunted us down," the dyed-blonde retorted, "You saw how obsessed that guy is with that figurine. Besides, it's not my fault that idiot opened the box too early. We would've got away with the fake one if that stooge didn't trigger the smoke-bomb before we could leave." Taehyung rolled his eyes. If they weren't tied up against each other on a chain on the ground right now, he'd have most definitely kicked his friend. 
Sure, it'd seemed easy first. Accepting the deal of that shady gangster boss Via of stealing the precious figurine of a female deity from the national museum in Bangkok. And then cheating him out of it by giving him a knock-off and keeping the money while eventually returning the figurine after a few months. But unexpected things always happened. Like one of Via's men re-opening the wooden box with the fake one before they'd managed leaving.
Yoongi, who had been quietly trying to medidate, sighed. Blinking an eye open. "Stop bickering you two, it doesn't matter anymore." He let his gaze wander around the locked room then. It'd have been a cakewalk to escape if they had their weapons at least, but of course not.
Taehyung wiggled his hands behind their backs in a pointless attempt to loosen the rope around their wrists. He hadn't expected those goons to be smart like that. Tying them up this way made them unable to even move much less stand up.
Footsteps were heard outside then and soon the doort opened. One of the goons standing in its frame.
"Move," he commended, all three looking at him funny.
"If we could move we'd be long gone, buddy," Jimin muttered only earning a grunt. He waved at another colleague and the two untied the rope holding them to the chain on the ground before pushing them out of the room and to the boatyard. Although used to such places, a queasy feeling still lingered in their guts as they entered.
Yoongi immediately spotted his katana stuffed among wooden boards in a barrel next to a scaffolding then. Almost scoffing in offence as they passed by it and some other yacht supplies.
He coughed under his breath then, catching the others' attention and motioning with his eyes to it. Taehyung and Jimin caught his exciting glance and nodded. The three, still tied to each other, came to a hold close to it. The two henchmen brushed past them then, leaving them stand there like lost children before heading to Via.
Their boss was currently walking up and down with a impatient expression. As if he was waiting for something.
Taking advantage of the unsupervised moment, they took slow and small steps towards the katana. Stopping whenever one of the men glanced at their direction, acting innocent.
They had almost reached it when the gate to the boatyard opened and Via let out a relieved laugh, the three standing too far away at the other end to really see what was going on. They only saw one of his gorillas walking up to him when noticing someone shorter tailing behind him. But despite the distance, they still recognised the other person. And all three froze.
"Cas," Taehyung breathed, not believing his eyes.
No way, this couldn't be.. but it was her.
His mind went blank only for him to raise his voice. "Cassandra! What are you doing here!" he yelled rashly, forgetting completely how irrational it was in that moment.
Jimin and Yoongi tensed and straightened, hoping the goons didn't notice what they had been attempting. And luckily they didn't, not paying much attention to them in the distance and dismissing Taehyung's reaction completely instead. As if they had already expected it.
His girlfriend only swallowed and folded her lips, ignoring his far-off cry and continued walking straight to the man who she knew was the leader. Recognising him from photos interpol had shown her.
"You're the one responsible here, right?" She rummaged in her bag before pulling out a shimmering object. "Here's what you wanted. Now let them go."
The thieves' eyes grew wide when seeing her holding up what looked like the figurine they had stolen a few days ago. Something impossible.
"It's a counterfeit, isn't it?" Taehyung whispered for only his friends to hear. There was no way she could've found the original one. It was securely shipped out to their hide-out in Algeria after all. Jimin hummed lowly. "Yeah, pretty sure." "Where's she got the fake one from though?" "No clue." "Hey, you! Be quiet!" The admonition of the bulky henchmen who walked up to them forced a grin out of them. "Of course, sorry!" Jimin quickly said only to stick out his tongue to him the moment he turned away. Peeking at Yoongi then who was trying grabbing his katana behind them, eventually succeeding.
None of the other people present seemed to pay attention to the scene as they observed Via at the other end of the area beginning walking towards Cassandra. Followed by two of his men.
"Nah, nah, not so fast, doll," the criminal grinned, "First I gotta ensure it's the real one this time."
Cassandra didn't show any hesitation and Taehyung forgot they were still tied up, attempting to run to her only to get pulled right back.
There was no way it was the real one. And the moment Via realised that, she'd be in danger. She was already in danger for even being there, but if the guy realised she gave him a fake, he might.. he might.. He began panicking, his mind going on overdrive.
"Taehyung, calm down," Yoongi urged him in a hushed tone when sensing his tremble and seeing his tense expression, "We have to stay clearheaded." "That's easy for you to say," he retorted, immediatelly regretting it. Yoongi was right after all, but Taehyung was terrified nonetheless. In his entire life he'd never felt more terrified than when seeing Cassandra walk in there. "S-sorry." "S'alright, I get it." "Hey, didn't I tell you to be quiet?" the henchman growled. He made the mistake to come closer, because Yoongi had managed cutting the rope w the katana's blade by now and freeing his wrists.
Not wasting any second, he grabbed its shaft and pulled it completely out of its sheath. Slicing the man's suit in half with one precise swing of his sword and a smirk, grabbing the ends and tying him up with his own clothes. He grabbed his gun out of its holster before cutting Taehyung's and Jimin's ties as well. The three quickly seeking cover behind a pile of masts right when everyone started shooting at them.
"I need my gun," Taehyung mumbled, looking around but unable to spot his magnum anywhere. He was sure it had to be around there along with the sword but he couldn't see it.
"Just take this one," Yoongi said and pressed the semi-automatic one he'd stolen from Via's man.
Taehyung cringed at the foreign weapon but accepted it nonetheless. After unlocking it, he leaned out. Immediately spotting two men nearing them and shot them down. Thankfully his skills didn't depend on the kind of gun.
"I'll go look for ours," Jimin said then, already sprinting to the back. Taehyung gave him cover by aiming at whoever shot their way while Yoongi dodged any bullets nearing them with his sword. Jimin returned after a couple of minutes already. His walter-ppk in one hand while twirling a familiar recolver around the index finger of his other.
"Look what I found," Jimin sing-songed with a smirk. Taehyung instantly grabbing his beloved magnum from him, huffing when seeing the barrel being empty though. "Seriously?" You forgot cartridges, idiot." Jimin remained unohased. Waving his hand only to skillfully reveal one cartridge between each of his fingers, resembling a magician playing a card trick. "Did I?" Taehyung laughed under his breath. Already used to his friend's attics, he just took them and pushed them inside the barrel. "I need to get Cas," he announced then, not even waiting for a response from the two before darting out.
He ran towards the front, piercing a barrel with his bullets on the way and spilling all its content on two goons. Drenching them in oil before taking cover again behind another container. He peeked out again, seeing Via shouting at his men to get them. The golden object securely held by his hand.
The young marksman let his irises wander behind the gangster, catching a glimpse of Cassandra behind an inverted boat.
Nine men between him and her. Not easy but he had to get to her no matter what.
One deep inhale and he ran out again, making sure to pass behind boats and other objects to dodge bullets shile shooting anyone who came into his peripheral view down. One by one, he hit their kneecaps, their shooting arms or let heavy objects fall on them until reaching the yacht and sliding behind it. Causing Cassandra to flinch only to relax again when seeing it was only him. Her bambi eyes wide and erratic.
"Taeh-" Before she could even say his name, he had already engulfed her in his arms. And she almost forgot where she was, melting into his hug. Only for him to back off, holding her by her arms.
"What the fck are you doing here!" It wasn't a question, it was a statement.
"Doesn't matter now," she said only to jump into his arms at the sound of a bullet hitting the scaffolding above them.
"It does matter though," he mumbled right when he spotted a goon turning around the corner. His hand on her back tightening and he protectively turned her away before shooting at the guy.
But Cassandra didn't seem alarmed by that, instead she faced him again with determination in her eyes.
"I need your shooting skills," she said then and took his hand, tugging him at the edge of the boat. She peeked out, searching for Via and when she found him hurling with the figurine behind a container she pointed at him. "I need you to shoot that figurine in two."
Puzzled, his brows furrowed at her. "Why?" "Just do it, please." "It's a fake, isn't it." She snorted, "Obviously." "And where did you find it?" "Pops gave it to me," she said, matter-of-factly. Only to earn a bewildered look from Taehyung. "Pops? You mean interpol is here?" "Of course, you think I just came here all by my own?" she giggled before flinching once more when another bullet hit the yacht close to her. She composed herself again, looking at him with urgency. "That's why I need you to cut it in two. They couldn't come too close to the boatyard as Via's men were patrolling all around it and they couldn't wire me up since I got checked. That's why I was supposed to drop the figurine after finding you. But then this whole shooting started and.. and he just grabbed it out of my hands before I could. Inside is something like a panic button? I didn't entirely understand but when it's actuated they'll get the signal and come." She sighed, shaking her head. "I should've smashed it immediately but hesitated. It's my fault."
"Cas-" He got cut off by another bullet hitting the scaffolding. He drew closer to her, grabbing her shoulder. "None of this is your fault, got it?"
She swallowed and nodded.
Running a hand through his dark waves, he shook his head then. "Can't believe pops would let you get in this dangerous situation.." "It's not like he wanted to, but there wasn't many options," Cassandra quickly objected, "These goons came to my house, searching for that figurine while I was at work and since they couldn't find it, wanted me to bring it here. They knew who I was, so I had to be the one doing it." She paused to frown at him, adding with a huff, "And as you probably already know, interpol was observing my place and found out about this story."
Taehyung dismissed her side-blow to process her words. So Via really didn't hold back when saying he'd make sure to find what he was looking for. He even found out about her and assumed, as his girlfriend, she might be hiding it.
He held her gaze a moment longer before dragging out a breath. "Alright." Letting go of her, he switched places with her and tightened his fingers around the magnum. Glancing out to get a clear view of Via who attempted to crawl out of his stash towards the open gate from where more of his men had previously came in.
One shot and he hit it, the object bursting into pieces right between Via's hands. The gangster boss yelped in surprise, devastation running over his features when realising it was yet again another fake and not his beloved figurine. He almost looked like crying on the spot when one of his few remaining men dragged him away and behind another boat.
Taehyung sat back next to Cassandra when suddenly another thought crossed his mind. "Wait, you said interpol will show up? Now? How long will they take?"
Her eyes widened, realising what he was hinting to. "Less than two minutes, agent Kim said."
He cursed under his breath, peeking out before grabbing her hand and tucking her out. Both running behind containers and boats for cover while heading towards the back where Jimin and Yoongi had already injured and taken down most men. But a rope laying on the floor got tangled in Cassandra's feet and she tripped, falling on the ground. If she hadn't, a bullet would've hit her back. Now it only grazed her arm. It still burnt though and she winced lightly. Taehyung immediately located the shooter and let a sail drop on him by shooting on a mast, turning to Cassandra then who was holding her arm.
"Cas, are you alright?" he asked concerned and helped her stand. She only nodded. There wasn't any time to dwell over the burning now, so they continued running.
"Pops is coming!" he yelled as soon as his friends were in earshot and both looked at him perplexed.
They followed them back to the storage where they'd been held captive, shooting at the gang members behind them before shutting the door and shoving any big objects they could find in front of it.
"Time to cut something useless again," Yoongi mumbled then and held his katana in front of him before slicing the walls and creating gateway for them. Just in time when hearing someone outside shout, "Cops!".
As they went through the hole to the backside of the boatyard, they cam face to face with the sea. The waves crashing right underneath them.
"Where to now?"
Jimin winked and pointed at one of the lined up yachts. "Perfect way to escape, isn't it?"
"There's only one thing you love, Danny. That's danger. Cliff hanging. You could never love a woman like you love danger. And as long as your luck holds out, you'll stay in love with danger."
The quote from one of the old heist films they'd watched together long ago, emerged from his memory and kept repeating itself during the whole boat ride.
When eventually reaching a safe enough spot outside the city, Taehyung asked Jimin and Yoongi to wait for him on the shore. From his agitated expression they could tell he wanted to talk to Cassandra, so they hummed understandingly and got off the yacht.
Taehyung hesitated for a moment, licking over his dry lips before chewing pensively on his bottom lip. A million thoughts rushed through his mind and with a deep sigh, he finally pushed open the door to the cabin.
Cassandra had just finishing up bandaging herself with some make-shift gauze out of sheets and an antiseptic spray she'd found around.
When she saw him entering, he saw that lovely smile of hers spreading on her lips and the film quote began playing in his mind all over again.
Back then, he hadn't thought much about it. Not believing he could relate to it in the slightest.
He loved Cassandra. As pure and silly and deep as love could be. And yet, he couldn't let go of this life, this danger, not even for her. Not yet at least. But this didn't mean he'd allow her to be in its clutches as well.
"Cassandra.." Taehyung eventually spoke up only for his lips to press together into a straight line again. She noticed a deep crease set between his usually warm eyes, now filled with troubled thoughts and sorrow. "It's okay, don't worry," she assured and waved it off, instantly knowing what was going on behind those brown eyes. "No big de-"
However, the look on his eyes when he abruptly sat on the edge of the table in front of her, caused her to cut herself off. Even without saying anything, she unintentionally flinched. Feeling small under his rigid glare.
"Cassandra.." he pressed once again, causing her to quietly scoff and look away.
"It really isn't a big deal though," she mumbled like a defiant teenager and in any other situation her stubborness would've educed a smile or chuckle from him, but not this time. Eventually shaking his head in disapproval. "It is a big deal. You got hurt. Again. Because of me. Again." There was an edge in his tone. A rage. He was upset. Her sulky expression deepened, instantly feeling the need to calm him. "I'm clumsy. It wasn't because of you." "Of course it was." He was unable to control his anger anymore but his expression softened just as fast when looking at her afflicted eyes. "That's what I've tried warning you of." Her brows furrowed and she tilted her head away from his touch. A sad smile tucked on the corner of his lips as he looked at her adorably puzzled face. For someone as smart as her, she surely refused to use her brain in moments like this. "All these years back, that's what I meant when saying I'm no good."
The frown returned, finally understanding. "Not this again.." She attempted to stay up, but his hand grabbed her wrist firmly. Urging her to stay seated. "Right, this again." His voice returning to being stern. "Look," she sighed and her eyes fell briefly, "I'm not denying that it could've been risky. Even with interpol close by.." She wasn't necessarily surprised about his reaction. After all, it wasn't the first time she unvoluntarily got involved in his outlaw life. And this time it could've surely gone worse, she knew. But she'd never blame him for any of it. Especially not when he'd shot his way through countless armed men to get to her. "Could've been?" he repeated with an arched brow, tilting her chin towards him so she'd look him in the eyes, "Stop being stubborn and acting tough. I know you were scared. I know because I was."
Her jaw clenched. It was a poor attempt to keep these thoughts she tried suppressing, from emerging. She'd lie if saying she hadn't been scared at all. It was definitely an.. experience. Although it'd also be a lie if she said it wasn't thrilling at all, but only because she'd got out of it with a mere graze. If it was more severe she'd probably not find it so exciting anymore. A lump formed in her throat at the thought of that. 
"Yes, okay, fine, you're right. I was scared, a little bit." His grip loosened as he stared at her flustered face. It hadn't changed much since the night of their first encounter. Same mesmerisingly fierce eyes he had fallen in love with seven years ago. Her cheeks might be less chubby and the grey rings under her eyes deeper due to her work schedule, but nevertheless, still the same witty, beautiful and, at times like this, dewy-eyed woman he knew. "I'm so sorry, angel," he whispered, "Will you now stop refusing to see it?" Although he tried sounding serious and persuasive, his voice cracked. He felt outraged and ashamed, mostly with himself. And she glanced up, meeting his sad eyes before they fell to the space between them. 
Cassandra drew closer then, running her fingers through his raven waves and forcing him to heave his head to face her again. "Let me decide what's good for me and what not," she said softly, "I love you and I want to be with you. And some wannabe goons won't change that." His hand wandered up then, covering hers and lowering it into his lap. "I don't deserve this. I was so selfish all this time."
The car chase and shoot out, the embassy, the interpol interrogation and now this. He should've stayed away from her, from the beginning. He should've ignored whatever it was that kept pulling him towards her.
Had he really believed it wouldn't get worse with time? Had he really believe he could keep her away from it all?
"I thought.. I thought not telling you specifics was enough to keep you safe. But it only worked for interpol. I should've known the others.. the criminals we encounter.. it wouldn't have kept them away." He paused and screwed his eyes shut for a brief moment. "I let my feelings blind me."
With a shaky breath, she captured his face between her palms. Squishing it lightly as she searched for his eyes in the downcast air. "You tried back then, it's not that you didn't. But I never minded the risk and do what I want, I thought you knew as much about me."
With memories of the past hours flooding his mind, he cracked a weak smile.
The bubble. Once again he felt his bubble, the bubble of naive optimism and escapistic delusions, bursting. And this time she couldn't convince him otherwise. He wouldn't let her.
"I know you're stubborn," he pressed her hand, "And I know you're strong, much stronger than I could ever be because I'm weak, Cas, I'm weak when it comes to you. But since you're so stubborn, I've got to be the one stepping up for you now." "Tae, what.. what do you mean?" His hands wandered up the cool skin of her arms, holding onto them firmly with a sense of appell.
He'd have never guessed to ever say the following words to her, but there wasn't any other option left. Perhaps it wasn't even an act of selflessness. Perhaps it was pure selfishness again, the fact he'd rather choose a life than a world without her.
"We shouldn't see each other anymore."
Glass. Cassandra could swear hearing the piercing sound of glass breaking somewhere. Her eyes shot wide open. "Taehyung, don't even -" He ignored her warning tone, the grip around her arms tightening. "Be honest, Doc. Admit that it's the only plausible way." "If you want to break up with me, do it. But don't wait for my approval, I won't give it to you," she countered. The sudden soberness of her voice and her straight face taking him aback for a moment.
The silence that followed was deafening. Echoing in every corner of the cabin. Seconds passed with nothing but the ticking of the clock accompanying their racing pulses. They held each other's relentless gaze until eventually, Taehyung's lips parted.
"I'm breaking up with you, Cassandra."
Her heart left its place in the mediastinum, sinking heavy and bitter to the pits of her stomach. No warm blood was pumped through her veins anymore and her body began to freeze. She had bluffed after all, convinced he would, too. ".. you don't mean that. Right?" Irritation evident as she grew louder. "Tell me you're not actually breaking up with me over a minor injury." "Does that matter?" he simply argued, "The other time it was also minor. Next time it might not be anymore. What then, Cassandra?"
Her hands balled into fists as she stood up abruptly, his grip sliding from her.
"You're afraid I won't wait," she stated matter-of-factly. Trying swallowing down the tears which welled up in the corners of her eyes. She couldn't stay calm nor rational, she became frantic and desperate. "Just admit you don't believe I'd wait for you anymore after today." Taehyung was somewhat amused by her certainty over that conclusion even if it couldn't be further away from the turth. His expression full of adoration and rue as she managed to make him unexpectedly smile again. "I'm afraid you will." He got up to touch her cheek and she let him. "And I know you will, that's why I need to do this. You're the only thing that matters to me, the only thing worth anything in my life. No jewels, no artefacts, no antiques - only you. I just couldn't live with myself if anything ever happened to you." "Then what about this?" She pulled out the necklace with the tiger pedant from under her blouse, accidentally grabbing the heart locket out along with it. Both glimmering golden in the evening light seeking through the window. "Was that promise a lie?"
The ghost of a smile was on his lips. "Of course not. I meant it, every word. But I realised I might never be able to escape this life. And you shouldn't waste yours waiting for someone who might never be able to keep his promise."
The lump in her throat got harder, pressing the tears in the corner of her eyes to finally break loose. They rolled down her burning cheeks in big clear orbs. Taehyung let go of them to wrap his arms around her smaller frame instead. Embracing her tightly as she sobbed against his chest. It broke his heart all over again, the way she was shaking against him and fisting his shirt. She heaved her head with a pained smile then. "It wouldn't be wasted, cool guy."
He breathed out, wanting to object but couldn't. Her words soothed over his flushed skin as he cradled her more. Unable to contain the tremble in his own voice. "You're my only weakness, Cas. And as long as I'm in your life, there will be people who can take advantage of it."
His forehead brushed over her fluffy curls as he backed away. Wiping the unending tears with his thumbs before leaning down and pressing a kiss on her salty-tasting lips. The kiss was warm and soft. Making her forget her sorrow and halting the tears until the moment their lips parted again.
Cassandra knew that this hadn't been a consoling kiss or like any other one ever shared by them. She felt it in every fibre, every synapse. There was a lack of the usual happiness-inducing neurotransmitters, hormones and endorphines.
It was a goodbye kiss.
He meant it this time. She could tell by the determination in his eyes. His usually gentle features now hard. And she wasn't even attempting arguing this time. A tiny voice of reason which the rest of her emotions almost suffocated, knew that if it was the other way round, she'd have done the same. Still, she was unsure if she could really fathom what was happening in that moment.
With shaky hands, she reached behind her neck then and fiddled with the chain around it. "I should - I mean, you - your necklace." But Taehyung paused her with a chaste kiss on the forehead and lowered her arms. "Keep it. The promise was for you and you only. I don't intend to give it to anyone else."
The tiger-pedant had used to be a memento of his grandparents, but now it symbolised the part of his heart that would always be with her. It was hers now. It had always been. So he wanted her to keep it.
Cassandra watched him silently let go, however, only when she saw him head to the door, her lips found the will to move again.
"You're a good guy, Tae," she said, new tears threatening to bypass her eyes, "Don't forget that."
Pausing in his tracks, he swallowed his own tears down his dry throat. Not daring to move and meet her gaze, knowing the moment he'd see those lovely doe eyes any little strength left in him would be completely sucked out and he'd cave in, running back into her arms. He had to keep it together, he couldn't give in now. It was the right decision.
"I'll try."
And with that, he walked out of the door. And out of her life.
next chapter: epilogue very soon!
(make sure to check it out!! 👀it'll be a good one, i promise!)
Don't forget to like, comment & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
taglist: @lilanyxta @naoolammao345 @memna234 @tetehion @myblacklilame
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook: 𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘 (6)
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In which you're the one on the table, getting your little operation to finally free you- and equally bind you to the person you yourself chose to stay with- and yet Jungkook's the one that's most on edge.
Tags/Warnings: Mafia!Jungkook, Hybrid!Reader, mute!reader, Angst, Fluff, Slight humor, Crime and violence, mentions of kidnapping, graphic description of adult content (violence, smut, Jungkooks questionable interrogation tactics) strangers to lovers
Additional Chapter Warnings: mentions of surgery, anesthesia + aftereffects of it, nervous Kook, mild Angst, mostly fluff
Chapter Length: mid
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"She will be completely fine. I've only got her on that thing, so she's basically only on local anesthetic. As soon as I turn this off-" Seokjin taps a small tank of gas. "-she will begin to wake up again." He nods. Jungkook doesn't look up. He's got your hand in his while you're laying on the table, basically, looking around without a clue as to what's going to happen.
Last time someone was on that table it was himself- and he almost died.
"She will be a little foggy, though, because I'll have to put her on heavy pain meds the first few hours. The base of the tail is connected to the spine after all - that's a delicate and very sensitive area." He explains. "And I also doubt you'll do good seeing her in pain."
"No-" Jungkook immediately cuts in, making you look now at the sound of his voice. "-do what you have to." He says quietly.
"Alright." Jin nods. "Sweetheart, I'll put this on alright? Just keep breathing normally, even when it makes you sleepy." He informs you, and you nod, letting him put the breathing mask onto you.
It'll always creep Jungkook out how people.. loose consciousness, be it death, be it like this, or even sleep. He hates seeing people fall asleep. It reminds him too much of death.
It looks too similar.
Similar only, because people don't just fall and close their eyes. Some scream, some cramp up, others will scramble like zombies trying to survive. It's truly terrifying, even for someone like him. It never becomes routine.
But when you close your eyes, he watches. It's like he has to. He can't let go of your hand. Stays in the room, eben when Jin prepares everything around you.
"Hm, it's not old, that's for sure." The man explains as he works, trying hard to keep everything sterile. "Black market stuff though. That's not a brand I've ever seen." He mumbles around, eyes fully concentrated while Jungkook keeps staring at your sleeping face.
You don't belong in his life, and at the same time, he couldn't think of anyone who could live at his side better than you.
Maybe he also just wants to pacify himself, his inner demons that constantly nag at him about your safety.
"Jungkook?" Jin catches him, pulls him out of his thoughts. "Dont worry, nothing bad. But I'm wondering if you've seen these scars on her back?" He wonders.
Jungkook furrows his brows, shakes his head. He's not seen you naked, so how would he have seen them?
"Why?" He asks seriously letting go of your hand for a moment as he lays it next to you carefully, before walking around the table. "What about it?"
"They're surgical scars." Jin explains. "They're precise. She either had this procedure done many times, or she's been through more vile things than we initially thought." He tells the jounger man, who suddenly feels nauseous. What have they done to you?
Suddenly, your tail twitches, and you seem to choke into the mask, leg kicking out. It instantly scares Jungkook into an almost panic. "What's happening?!" He exclaims, demands, as he pulls the mask from your face. His mood especially worsens when you whimper, long, drawn-out sounds that aren't loud but will probably still haunt him in his sleep.
"I'm not sure." He scrambles, instantly fumbling to look at a monitor that's measuring your heart rate and blood pressure by the clip on your finger. "Wait- talk to her!" He suddenly demands.
"I- what?" He asks, confused before he leans down to your now pinned back ears and scrunched up face, trying to speak through your endless whining. "Hey, I'm here, you're alright." He tries to help, holding your hand again.
It all stops, almost instantly.
"My God, that little gremlin gave me a God damn heart attack!" Seokjin complains, holding onto the edge of the table.
"What happened?" Jungkook asks.
"You let go of her hand. I guess she somehow noticed, unconsciously, and panicked." He explains, as Jungkook calms down as well now.
"Let me get that chip in, though, before she wakes up." Jin mumbles after a moment. "She might notice that one, so, just as a heads-up." He sighs before preparing the device he's gonna use to push the chip beneath your skin. It's oddly almost the same as used for pets- but neither of the men think about it too much. There's some things that just won't change. Can't change. It reminds me that you're not human. Not seen as equal in society.
As soon as the chip is in, you squeak and twitch a little again, but jungkooks hands instantly try and soothe your sleeping mind. He whispers soft praise to you, holds onto you, makes sure you know he's still here.
Before he lifts your hand to his lips, uncaring of who sees him vulnerable like this as he speaks.
"Dont worry." He says, his other hand running over your head. "You won't ever be alone from now on."
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nashusglasses · 1 year
1. sweet, sticky, thick and pretty
(note: I can't stop listening to Bruno Mars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! technically the title is from silk sonic but anywho :3) note 2: Not to be too anecdotal, but I was a loser all my 4 years of university. Don't know why I always have the urge to write about messy college experiences when all I did was make one singular friend. I also only ever went to *one* official frat party! Absolute Loser behaviour!! What I'm saying is I'm projecting hard and LOVE writing about hot asshole men!!!!!!!!! Oh boy!!
PAIRING. gojo/reader SETTING. college au WARNINGS. alcohol and drug consumption, player!satoru but in the sexiest way possible. suggestive content SUMMARY. It's too late for this.
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Satoru’s got his white shirt dirty with grass stains. You don’t know what kind of roughhousing Suguru put him through before you got here, but all you know is there’s a keg outside in the backyard and Satoru’s hair is mysteriously wet. You get your answer when he tries to stick his tongue down your throat and he smells too much like beer.
“Absolutely not.” You block his mouth with a hard hand. “Can you please move? I just saw Natsume here.”
“I don’t fucking care. Kiss me.”
“Or what?”
Something coy flashes in Satoru’s face. He probably thinks he’s got you trapped. Hopeless in the dark corner of this hallway, and if you strain your ears hard enough you think you hear weird squelching noises from the room behind you. But all you feel is the annoyed urge to push him back till he stumbles off, embarrassed. There’s nothing more insistent than a drunk Satoru. There’s also nothing you want to punch more than a drunk Satoru.
“I called you. Thirty six times.”
“It was twice, and I was napping after my exam.”
He rolls his eyes. “Pish posh. Listen. Come over tonight.”
“No.” You shove at his shoulder. Except it’s a little rougher than you anticipated, but it’s still nice to see him lose balance. He won’t get angry. Not when he’s horny out of his mind. “I’m finding Natsume now.”
“What if I said pretty please?”
“Then I’ll shove you harder till you eat shit,” you snort. But you don’t get very far when you try to walk on ahead. Satoru’s strong when he wants to be. He’s got a hot hand wrapped around your wrist, a cement block for weight when you try to pull back.
“Stop ignoring me,” he says. “I told you I wanted you.”
“And then I told you I never wanted to see you again.”
“Sometimes I hear things and then I choose not to understand them,” he explains. He closes the distance again. You wonder how many girls have fallen prey to this tactic. Using his height for advantage, the way the corner of his mouth lifts when he wants to look needy. You know he’s grasping at straws, though. His contact list is heavy with the chance to get his lap wet whenever he wants, and even though you’re not sorry for being the additional number, you’re angry that he ever thought you’d be the easier lay.
“Okay. I’ll say it one more time. Just for you.” You tiptoe up to his ear, make sure your every breath lands hot where it’ll make him shiver. “I don’t want you to call me. I don’t want you to look at me. And I want you to leave me alone.”
Satoru’s placid. No expression to dissect when you stand back down, and his grip is lax now. Natsume’s probably halfway done with that first pre-roll she told you she had. You’re almost greedy for the heat in your chest that blunt promises. Sitting on that scratchy couch while your head gets light enough to reconsider Satoru’s proposition. 
You won’t. Even if you do miss the way he feels under you. A part of you wants to say that it’s only out of self-respect, but it’s funny seeing him so desperate. You’ll gloat about it later when Natsume asks you where you’ve been.
Something in Satoru clicks, and he’s grabbing your wrist again. “There’s just–something about you.” 
“Satoru, you’re drunk. We’ve been over this. I know I’ve got godly legs and a tight pussy but you’re just–”
“A man whore,” he finishes for you.
You nod sympathetically. “I’m glad you get it. Do you want me to find Suguru for you?”
“I want you to kiss me,” he complains. “Holy fuck. I’m–I’m fucking drunk. And I told you I wanted you, and I told Akane that she has great tits but not as great as yours, and she slapped the shit out of me, and I told you I wanted you but you don’t want me back.”
“Why the hell would you say that?” You’ve seen her before. Linguistics 202. She’s smart, has killer fashion sense, and Natsume hates her because her eyelashes are long and curled and not fake at all. “You’re so goddamned stupid. I’m going now.”
“I know. I know I’m stupid. Just–before you go.” You raise an eyebrow. “Don’t block my number. Please. That’s all I’m asking.” 
You’ll give him points for begging. The door to the room with mysterious noises opens, and two girls with messy hair filter out noiselessly. No witness to Satoru’s groveling. But you’re kind, so you leave him with a wet kiss to his cheek just to see his eyes go wide. 
“Tell Akane you’re sorry. Then come find me when you’re sober,” you say. 
When you turn around, you text Natsume to find where she is. 
You don’t notice Satoru squeezing his eyes shut, cheeks burning hot, half-hard from the feeling of your mouth on his skin.
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dameronscopilot · 2 years
can i get poe dameron, dry humping, voice kink and praise kink with “you know you live me” as shes stubborn to admit she likes him pretty please
Poe Dameron x f!reader
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Word Count: 2.1k+
Rating: 18+ EXPLICIT
Content: NSFW, smut, dry humping, dirty talk, voice kink, praise kink
Summary: Avoiding Poe Dameron (and his unfailing charm) isn't quite so easy anymore when you end up stranded on an ice planet with him.
Agreeing to embark on a reconnaissance mission with Poe Dameron was hardly conducive to your continued efforts to ignore him. And yet here you were—stranded for the night on a miserable ice planet, ship firmly grounded thanks to the wet, frigid winds that had sent you down for an emergency landing in the first place…with one insufferable pilot as your only company. 
From the moment you joined the Resistance, Poe had been flummoxed by the way you seamlessly brushed off his advances at every turn. It’s not that you didn’t find him attractive—entirely the opposite, actually. Just his voice was unfortunately enough to inspire many a late night fantasy, let alone his charming smile and warm, brown eyes. It was a fact you’d begrudgingly accepted early on. 
The issue was that you’d known plenty of cocky, pretty flyboys like him when you were a pilot with the New Republic, and you knew their game all too well. No goddamn thanks. You had zero interest in being just another notch in Poe’s cockpit. 
You could tell Poe was used to effortlessly charming women into his orbit, could see it in the way he employed new tactics on a daily basis in a futile attempt to win you over. But what he didn’t know was that the only thing that you were better at than flying an X-wing was being stubborn. If he thought he possibly had the wherewithal to wear you down, he had another thing coming.
This disastrous mission should have been quick and painless, bringing you back to the base in less than a day’s time. Though your heart had lurched when the assignment had popped up on your datapad alongside Poe’s name, you’d told yourself there was nothing to worry about. 
Unfortunately, as things in your life were often wont to do, that self reassurance had blown up spectacularly in your face.
Which is how you now found yourself curled into a ball in one of the bunks, shivering uncontrollably thanks to the way the raging cold of the storm outside had unforgivingly slipped in through each and every nook and cranny in the ship’s exterior. 
Poe had been fairly quiet thus far, which was a shocking turn of events given his general track record of talking your ear off whenever he was near you. Perhaps it hadn’t helped that you’d snapped at him the other day when he’d tried to offer you some help in repairing a blown thruster on your starfighter. Admittedly, your attitude had been entirely uncalled for, and you’d even gone so far as to look for him in the mess hall later that night to apologize (his response had been a mere nod before turning back to his dinner). 
His voice interrupted you from your thoughts. “It’ll be a miracle if we don’t freeze to death tonight.”
You pulled down the blanket that was covering your face to glance over at where he was standing a few feet away. “It’s a miracle we haven’t frozen to death yet, Dameron.” you groused miserably, teeth chattering. 
A rare look of uncertainty skirted across Poe’s features as he leveled you with a look of consideration before he said, “I have an idea, but you’re not gonna like it.”
You raised an eyebrow, and he gestured with his chin toward where you were currently fighting for your life to retain your body heat in the cocoon of several blankets. Heat flared in your gut at the implication. “You’re right,” you groaned. 
“About what?” 
“I don’t like it.”
Poe crossed his arms. “So you’d rather freeze than cuddle with me in a totally platonic, fighting-for-survival, probably-going-to-die-otherwise kind of way?”
Glaring at him, you rolled over onto your back to stare at the ceiling. After a beat, you groaned loudly and dramatically lifted up the edge of the blanket. 
You could hardly hear the sounds of him shirking off his jacket and dropping his blaster holster to the floor over the thunderous, erratic beating of your heart. This was not on the fucking itinerary. 
He cleared his throat. “Sorry to interrupt your internal meltdown, but can you scoot over?”
Biting back the retort dancing on the tip of your tongue, you looked down to see that you’d barely offered him a sliver of real estate on the thin mattress beside you. With a huff, you slid closer to the wall behind you.
“Thanks,” he acknowledged, before climbing in and slipping under the covers. 
Poe watched as you involuntarily placed a few extra inches of space between you, his lips twitching upward in a smirk. “I don’t bite.”
“Hm,” you replied, unable to formulate anything beyond your noncommittal response when he was this close to you. 
“The whole point of sharing body heat is to touch,” he added mildly. 
“I’m aware,” you snapped, closing the space between the two of you with more force than you’d intended. One of your ankles ended up tucked between his, and your knees knocked together. Admittedly, you could already feel the warmth radiating off of him from underneath your shared blanket. 
Your head was tucked in slightly toward his chest, partially to avoid looking at him, though you swore you could feel his eyes fixated on the top of your head, the weight of his gaze heavy in the stark silence between the two of you. 
When Poe finally spoke, there was an unfamiliar edge to it. “Why do you hate me?”
Despite the knee jerk response that you wanted to give him, that you’d normally give him on any other day, something about his tone made you hesitate. 
“I don’t…hate you,” you responded slowly.
Poe made a dismissive noise. “Then what’s your problem with me?”
You sighed, weighing your options, ultimately opting to go with the truth. Shifting to meet his eyes, you explained, “I knew plenty of guys like you back when I flew with the New Republic. You know, handsome, cocky ace pilots.”
He was quiet for a moment before he finally said, “So you think I’m handsome.”
“Don’t get sidetracked, Dameron,” You snapped. “My point is, I know your type. And the last time I smiled back at a pilot like you, he ended up breaking my heart. So I’m unfortunately no longer in the business of setting myself up for failure.”
Poe bit his lip, his eyebrows knitting together in concern. “I’m sorry.”
Something inside of you warmed involuntarily at the softness of his tone. “For what?”
“That someone treated you like that. You deserve better.”
You wondered if he could hear how loudly your heart was clanging around in your chest. “I’m sorry that I let him.”
Poe considered you for a moment, and he looked almost sheepish when he finally spoke again. “I hope you know I’m not just interested in you because you know your way around an X-wing.”
You snorted. “Heard that line before, Dameron.”
He carried on as if you hadn’t spoken. “I’m crazy about you because you’re brilliant. You don’t hesitate to put your entire heart and soul into this fight against the First Order. And you’re one of the bravest soldiers in the Resistance.”
Crazy about you?
He continued, and a warmth that had nothing to do with the temperature in the room or under the covers spread through your limbs, “I mean, I’m not gonna lie. It’s also very hard for me to ignore the fact that the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met can fly circles around my entire squadron. But I digress.”
You were suddenly having a hard time remembering exactly why you’d insisted on putting so much goddamn distance between you and the man currently staring at you like you were the brightest star in the galaxy.
“I’m sorry for pushing you away,” you lamented, trying to keep your voice steady as you scooted a hair closer to him.
“It’s okay,” he murmured, gently pressing a kiss to the top of your head and resting a hand on top of yours.
As your exhaustion from the stress of the day finally caught up to you, sleep soon took over. And if you were conscious, you’d be quite embarrassed to discover that there was no escaping your secret late night fantasies about Poe Dameron, not even when he was unknowingly fast asleep beside you. But instead, when you found yourself laying underneath of him in a dream, you didn’t hesitate to crane your neck upward, pressing your lips to his.
Poe kissed you back with fervor, one hand cupping the back of your head as he dipped his tongue into your mouth. In your dreams, the rhythm of his tongue sliding against yours as he devoured your mouth was a familiar dance. He bit your lip, and you mewled, drawing a chuckle out of him as he ran his nose along your cheek, his stubble brushing against your chin. 
As the kiss grew deeper and hungrier, Poe’s hand slid down to grip at your waist, his thumb tucking into the hem of your pants. You arched upward into him, eager for more friction, which he playfully denied you of. Whining in frustration, you slipped a hand between your bodies and cupped him between his legs, feeling how hard he already was for you. The smile on his face fell as he moaned, pushing his cock against your palm, and you smirked before flipping him over and straddling him. 
You leaned down, kissing him sweetly on the mouth as you began to grind down on him, both of you groaning in unison at the pleasurable feeling of his thick shaft pressing against your hot core.
Your eyes shot open at the sound of Poe’s husky voice in your ear, and you froze as a cold, numbing feeling of mortification washed over you. You realized that you had indeed rolled over on top of him in your sleep, and based on the dampness between your legs and the throbbing of his length between you, you hadn’t just been laying there. 
“I—” you choked out, mind unable to come up with any sort of a reasonable explanation as to why you were currently dry humping him.
“Don’t stop,” Poe breathed out, his voice rougher than usual.
You weren’t sure you had heard him correctly. “What?”
“Unless you want to stop,” he clarified.
You’d deal with the rational part of your mind later. Right now, you were far too distracted by the feeling of him pressed against you. You pushed your hips flush to his, and he moaned. The sound sent a shiver down your spine, and you did it again, your juices soaking through your pants entirely as you ran your cunt along the length of Poe’s cock.
“Were you dreaming about me?” he asked.
Fuck it. 
“Yeah, I was.”
Poe groaned again, his hands curling around your hips as you dropped your head down against his collarbone. “You look so fucking beautiful rubbing yourself all over my cock. Think I’m gonna come just like this.”
His breath was hot against your ear, and the cadence of his voice sent a fresh gush of arousal leaking out of your folds. Your breath hitched. 
“Keep going,” he whispered.
You pressed down against him again, the ache between your thighs growing more demanding, and one of your hands ended up threaded in Poe’s curls.
“Good girl.”
As the praise fell from his lips, your empty cunt clenched down on nothing, and your legs trembled. Poe noticed, and he cupped the side of your face, looking into your eyes.
Licking his lips, he added, “You’re so wet for me, I can feel it soaking through your pants. Bet you’d take me so fucking well, stuffed in that pretty little pussy.”
Your heart raced, your cunt throbbing as you began to desperately press down against him, chasing your rapidly approaching climax. He met your thrusts in time, and you keened at the feeling of his callused fingers skimming the place where your shirt had ridden up, exposing your stomach. 
Poe’s mouth hovered a breath away from yours, and he spoke his next words against your lips. “Come for me.”
The livewire of tension coiled in your gut snapped, your orgasm flooding through you in a wave of white hot pleasure. Poe’s hips began to stutter as he rode out his climax moments later, spilling ropes of cum inside of his pants. You collapsed on top of him, both of you panting heavily.
“Does this mean you’ll stop avoiding me like the plague now?” he eventually asked, once you’d both caught your breath.  
You grinned against his chest. “I can’t make any promises.”
He scoffed and nipped at your ear. “You know you love me.”
“You’re insufferable, Poe Dameron,” you sighed, lifting your head up slightly and wrapping one of his curls around your finger before pressing a kiss to his lips. 
Read the time skip sequel - INSATIABLE
Comments, reblogs, and/or asks are always appreciated!
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burning-academia-if · 4 months
re: internet speed: hang in there!! your update will save me🙏🏻
I just got done with a long road trip (Massachusetts to North Carolina; about a 12 hour trek!) to visit family, and am physically drained but mentally wide awake- which is why I am up at 3:15am, excited to start a new save when it drops!!
to bring this back to the game- if you don't mind- would the RO's (poly included) ever do a road trip of this length with MC, while dating? would anyone overprepare, or outright refuse, perhaps unless MC genuinely couldn't fly for some reason?
(... dare I even consider what chaos would unfold if they managed to get like, a party bus for a group trip lmao)
Hi sorry to the prompts in my inbox the past week, got obviously sidetracked by the update lol I hope you got some rest after that trip!
also imagine all the ROs+MC going on a road trip together? 52 killed and 138 injured
Rook: He would thrive on a roadtrip, even if you threw him in the most cramped car imaginable and made him drive (pro tip: don't let him drive). He is chronically under prepared but he manages anyway. Hopefully MC is better prepared then he is
Beck: Over packs as a "just in case" type of thing. Stops maybe a little too frequently for gas as a just in case kind of thing. Is pretty comfortable throughout the trip and knows when to rotate driving as needed so neither of you feel too awful
Rhea: She would do her best but I don't think she'd fair well lol she hasn't ever driven so long so she has no idea how to prepare for it and would be asking you constantly before the trip. This is one of the few planning things you'd have to be in charge of
Zoe: They might be reluctant at first, especially since they're not the most comfortable driving and have really only driven locally. I imagine they'd accidentally get you both lost at one point and you're both just bent over the phone like "??? Where are we???" Very stressful but it kinda becomes a funny memory later
Lars: This has got to be the most serious roadtrip you've ever been on. He's focused only on point a to point b. You'll stop to grab food or gas, but doesn't spare a moment for sight seeing unless you pull out the Annoying Tactic (or just look really sad about it lmaO). At least you're guaranteed to get there safely
???: They have no idea how to drive or what a roadtrip even is so that's all on you lol. I think they'd make so many comments throughout that it makes the time go by fast though, and they'd probably be playing like word games with you or things similar periodically throughout the trip
Rook/Beck: Beck makes up for Rook's carelessness. There's the occasional bickering along the way (kinda like a married couple lol) but it all feels light hearted and goofy and time goes by surprisingly fast.
Rook/???: This is the most chaotic roadtrip you'll ever be on. A whole lot of detours and distractions and wondering how you made it to your destination alive (it was because of you, probably). Despite the chaos it's also very fun and like an adventure
Rhea and Zoe: The two actually figure out the roadtrip thing a lot better together then they do apart. It's a very cozy trip with the occasional stop and sight seeing, with conversations that ebb and flow. It's a fine time
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silversiren1101 · 10 months
I've Missed You - Drabble
[Blasted with this, need to get it out. Not proofread. Not edited and vetted for character voice and vibe check]
"...Apologies. I will return another time--" Regill halted immediately upon stepping into the Knight Commander's room, seeing she was not alone.
Sosiel Vaenic stood at her bedside, leaned over her still unconscious form. Sparks of golden light flitted from his fingers to where he was holding her arm, the motes melting over flesh and dull scales into the limp muscles beneath them. A way to prevent atrophy, Regill recognized. She'd been unconscious for over two weeks now, her reconstructed soul still not yet coalesced enough for her to wake. Without it, she'd be too weak to hold her hammer when she finally awoke, much less wear her armor...
Something about that gripped his chest with an unbearable tightness. The Knight Commander was not weak. She--Arangeir harbored a strength he'd seen in no one else, and yet he could only think of what'd happened in the deepest depths of her dreamscape at that thought. The core piece of her fractured soul--her in the truest sense of the word--had wailed in his arms, a sound he'd never heard from her before that'd pierced him surer than any spear. It hadn't been real, and yet it had. The dreamscape was more truth than it wasn't, in a sense. Her hot tears had both soaked his neck and hadn't. The body that shaken against his was her essence at its most pure, and so his had been, too. She'd shivered from the cold and felt cold, but the cold had been the unspeakable despair trying to snuff the last light of her remaining which he'd desperately tried to kindle to keep from going out completely. His actual fingers hadn't threaded through the feathers on the back of her neck as he'd pulled her close, but he could still feel the cold and damp of them there in reality. His actual arms hadn't wrapped around her, trying to banish the chill of death with his own body heat, but even through the thick bandages and sling keeping his left arm secure he resisted a shiver. And though she lay there, so quiet in her slumber, he heard the wracking sobs she'd held in for decades finally finding their way out, sounding so utterly broken it'd made his breath catch.
He was not made for comforting. He had not made himself to be comforting. He'd made himself to never need it himself.
And the thought of her, awake, whole again yet struggling to even hold the hammer and don the armor she'd always been so proud to wear filled him with such a wrongness. It made him want to leave. He felt a sudden need to run-no, retreat, the roiling feelings about it all an unknown foe he had no idea how to handle. Even as many hours--days--as it'd taken to force himself to finally visit her bedside in reality, that dread creeped over him the same feeling as when he knew he was facing overwhelming odds. It wasn't that he was a coward. He was tactical, not wanting to rush in without fully understanding the situation. How he felt was impacting his sense of judgement, so he simply needed more time to figure out what exactly it was he was feeling and develop a proper defense. It was all too new. Foreign. Alien. His chest and stomach felt tight like someone had squeezed both with an ironclad fist, and his pulse thumped enough to threaten his already precarious balance, his cursed wounds stubborn in their refusal to heal.
He wasn't a coward. He wasn't afraid of her. The Knight Commander--Arangeir was--
"She would probably like to hear your voice, you know."
Regill blinked, stopping with one foot already out of the room. Sosiel had spoken behind him, a softness to the cleric's voice out of place with how he normally spoke to him. There was no condescension or disdain, fury or disgust so unbefitting a Shelynite as Regill was used to receiving from the man. There was only a patient, almost warm reassurance. He might've been offended, or at least annoyed in any other situation, but the twisted, confusing mass inside him left no room otherwise.
"You were the one that told us not to leave her alone, were you not? Everyone has spent time with her, but not the one she needs most."
'She doesn't need me', he thinks, but not out of any sense of self-deprecation. A part of him wants to assert that she doesn't need anyone. Not Arangeir, she's--she shattered to pieces and sobbed in his arms and clung to him so tightly he thought he'd have bruises on his actual body when he woke from the dream. The image of her proud and mighty in her Hellknight plate, a confident grin on her face and energy in her every movement clashed so harshly with the shivering, bare body crying against him...
She did need him.
He felt light-headed. He needed to retreat. He needed to be alone and think again and identify what was making him feel like this.
"...I don't want to interrupt her treatment. I can come back... another time", he made to excuse himself, beginning to continue his path out the door.
Behind him, he could hear the smile tinging Sosiel's words, holding him back yet again.
"I can finish after. With your wounds, it was no small feat to make it up here. No need to make you waste the energy it took."
The courage you finally worked up, Regill understood the insinuation clearly. He hadn't even any ire to hold his tongue, no energy left to continue denying anymore. He was a coward. The thought of approaching the comatose woman and just seeing her there in her sickbed had him on the verge of panic. He didn't know what to do about that. He didn't know how to handle what it meant about him. He... He just didn't know. He wasn't comfortable with not knowing. He wasn't used to not understanding himself like this.
"Please. It'll be good for the both of you."
The cleric was right. He couldn't argue. Leaving now would be a waste and, worse, a humiliation.
He sighed, exhaling more shakily than he thought. Bracing his good hand on the door's frame, Regill turned back around, finding that Sosiel had folded Arangeir's arm back over the thick covers keeping her warm. She herself hadn't moved a single inch otherwise, still as if time itself had frozen save for the subtle rise and fall of her sleeping breaths. His gaze didn't move upward, to her face. It couldn't. He could only see how it'd looked before they ventured into her dreams to find and save her, eyes pitted and nearly black underneath from weakness, scales on her face still tinged with Abyssal corruption, oozing blood and sloughing off, leaving patches of rot and pus beneath...
He looked instead at Sosiel, who merely nodded and stepped away from her bedside, ushering him forth. He even hooked his foot around the leg of the chair that'd been left close by for visitors to keep her company in her slumber, preemptively moving it close given Regill would've struggled to do so with the state of his arm and core wounds.
"I won't eavesdrop, don't worry. Just find me in the war room on your way out so I can finish up her treatment."
The cleric was past him and gone, the door closed, before he could change his mind, before his confidence could waver yet again. He'd be in the war room, a clear view of the hall where he could see anyone come and go. He'd know if he left too soon.
This was going to happen. This needed to happen. It had to.
Ultimately, it was not for his own need, or beating back the traitorous fear that Regill found himself at her bedside minutes later. It was only for the fact that he knew that she needed him that he bit back the pain it took settling into that chair, the stitches gracing his ribs making him gasp. And it was only for the memory of how cold she'd felt in that crumbling dreamscape that he managed to take her hand into his own after, in sudden, desperate, need to know that she was warm now.
He stared down at her fingers, limp in his own bleached ones. It was strange, seeing them bare, not protected with that familiar black leather and backplate she always preferred compared to the Hellknight standard gauntlets. A solid few seconds passed before he consciously realized that he was holding her hand, and the realization came with a sharp inhale that made him nearly drop it. He shifted backward, the brief moment of panic finally forcing his gaze upward towards seeing the face he'd avoided up until that very moment.
Arangeir--Minovae looked at peace. She looked more at peace than he'd ever seen since they reunited in that cave assaulted by gargoyles, not remembering him nor even herself then. Those deep bags beneath her eyes had faded almost completely. Her scales were almost back to their normal luster, a milky seafoam instead of their opalescent but no longer tinged by red and purple and ringed with pus and blood. The patches where they'd fallen off had mostly healed, and he could see a faint shimmer where they were already beginning to regrow. Even her lips, which had split in multiple places and painfully oozed had healed.
She looked almost how he remembered her. Not weeks ago. Not the months in the Abyss. Not even before then.
Decades had passed, almost a century of her disappearing from his life and the world, but the sleeping, recovering woman he held the hand of looked so very close to the one he'd known from Cheliax. Nearly eighty years ago, for over 10 years they'd fought side by side, bleeding together... dying together... surviving together...
Falling for one another.
He knew that now. It seemed so painfully obvious to him now that his feelings for her hadn't come about only in the past year. They'd been there since she'd left him back then, saving his life without telling him the truth of why. She'd loved him the whole time and it turned out that he hadn't been far off himself, because then he'd felt a pain with her departure that'd only came out as rage and bitterness without knowing the truth of its origins.
And now they were here. They were alive, and she looked so much more like the image that came to mind when someone said 'Minovae Arangeir' that he could only realize he'd loved her all along. Somehow, too, he knew that the version of her that would wake, when she was ready to, would be more like that woman too. The suffering and trauma she'd endured, more than enough for a dozen lifetimes, had come to light. She could heal. She could smile again, genuinely; that wide, dazzling smile bright as clear sunlight where a hint of fang would slip over her lower lip that he hadn't seen their time in Egorian nearly eighty years ago.
"...I've missed you."
His voice broke the restful sanctuary of her room on its own accord. He didn't start, not like before with the realization he'd been holding her hand. A calmness had washed over him, banishing the anxiousness and near-panic from the unknown feelings ravaging his usual discipline and disposition. He only breathed deep, and squeezed those fingers, warm and alive, the same as he'd squeezed around her arms and shoulders in the dream.
"I've missed you... Minovae."
He even used her name, finding it alien yet familiar on his tongue in equal measure. Not Knight Commander. Not Arangeir. Not any other rank or title or name to keep a level of formality between them. It sat there heavy yet... right.
"Rest. I'll wait, as long as it takes."
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dewdewick · 9 months
Shadows in the dust | Chapter 1
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Pairing/s: Finnick Odair x fem reader
Summary: At the age of 18 you thought you’d soon be free of the hunger games, unfortunately fate has a different plan. You are picked as a tribute for district 2 and thrust into capitol life.
Warning/s: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Trust issues, Death, Torture, Mental illnesses, manipulation tactics, Weapons, Swearing, Canon typical violence, Mentions of psychological distress, Use of Y/N, Fem reader, descriptions of clothing reader wears, explicit descriptions of weapon use, mentions of Avoxes, bad descriptions of capitol technology
A/N: Sorry this is late! I have Covid at the moment so I’m bedridden for the time being. Thank you SO SO much to my Beta Beans / @mjbeans they were such a huge help in writing this. I’ll probably post a few more art pieces soon of readers outfits I’ve described, let me know what you think of those. If you have any comments I’d love to see them!! Also let me know if I should start a tag list when I start the masterlist!
Word count: 5.6k
A sharp knocking awoke her with a start. She sat up in bed and looked around groggily in the dark before she heard a shrill voice at the door. “ Darling you must be up at breakfast! We have a schedule to keep!” Furisha lamented through the door. She flopped back in bed and stared at the ceiling; the capitol had spared no expense on the room, ornate gold trim lined the crown molding. Fleur de lis lining the corners and retreating out with a flourish. The room was dark, the clock next to her bed reading 5:30am.
She studied the detail on the ceiling for a moment before hauling herself out of the duvet's warm embrace and grabbing the remote she had set aside the night prior. She dismissed the sounds she had playing and switched the window back to its normal display. Turning on the lights she looked at the rumpled duvet. The book she had fallen asleep with was still open, flipped to a random page and abandoned on the covers of the large bed. She picked it up and closed it gently, running her fingers over the fabric cover in memory. She set the book on the nightstand and crossed the room to quickly ready herself. She dressed in a simple loose blue henley and black pants, the upcoming tribute parade would surely rid her of the comfortable outfit after breakfast. Brushing her hair and teeth quickly she looked in the mirror, deciding she didn’t really care what she looked like for breakfast.
She made her way out of the automatic door and meandered down the hallway to the dining room. Finch perked up as he saw her, still clad in his pajamas. Apparently he had come to the same conclusion about attire. “Mornin’ sunshine” he teased as she offered a small smile. “Good morning” she yawned, sitting down at the large dining table and pulling her legs up to her chest. She took the steaming mug of hot chocolate already prepared for her, sipping on it and humming with delight. Furisha grinned “you two are adorable! I can already see the headlines!” she all but cheered. Y/N frowned into her mug, ah yes the headlines about one or both of them dying despite being such good friends…how wonderful. What a fine way to start the morning, thinking of death and grief. She suppressed a roll of her eyes as she took a meat and cheese pastry and set it on her plate along with some fruit.
“Are you two ready for today? All eyes will be on you.” Enobaria asked, sipping her coffee. Finch leaned forward, setting his mug down. He looked tired, he had definitely been thinking of the morning to come. “Hebe told me that we’ll be coming out second, and that we have to make a good impression as a team since so many others are coming out after us.” he said looking over at Y/N. “Our first impression needs to be the best one we make. Any ideas for how we can do that?” he asked, plucking a grape off her plate and popping it into his mouth. She couldn't help but let a small smile come to her face, this guy was a total dork.
“I'm sure Aerith will.” she shivered at the name of the old woman. “But knowing the capitol it has the be something big and eye catching.” She added. His stylist “Hebe” sounded much more laid back from what he had told her and she had seen at dinner the night prior. Unfortunately she seemed to be destined for a rather cutthroat approach rather than “nice”. Finch nodded, stealing another grape and looking at their mentors. “Any advice for us?” He asked, “I want to get noticed as soon as I can. I’m not going for subtle.” Brutus crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair and looked at his fellow mentor, “It depends on how far you're willing to go” he spoke cryptically. Y/N couldn’t help but feel her stomach sink at the words.
The two tributes discussed the parade with their mentors throughout breakfast, coming up with a few different strategies for stardom. The safety of childhood seemed to be all gone, the only things left being survival and with that fame. Soon enough breakfast was cut short, and they were being dressed for the event in the underbelly of the long strip or road where they would soon appear.
Aerith tugged different fabrics over Y/Ns body, settling and pinning them in place. She wore an asymmetrical dress with a red gradient down the tulle ruffled bodice. Small gems where added and glinted in the light. Aerith pulled a shimmering organza fabric over her head as a hood, letting the tendrils trail behind her in a silken cape. The hood was pinned into her hair as it was picked at by some very bored looking hairstylists. She was attacked by a group of makeup artists at the same time. Glitter, eyeliner and red lipstick smeared onto her face to perfection,her skin felt heavy with all of the products placed onto it. Heeled boots were fitted to her feet assuring she stood tall and proud and she was returned to Aerith, inspected by the old woman and given unwanted remarks about her stance, posture and body.
Aerith smiled at her work as she forced her human canvas into an uncomfortable position, looking Y/N over and once again tugging on bits of fabric. “You look devine my dear” she complemented “If you somehow manage to survive I plan to make you my muse.” She said with another unsettling smile. Y/N managed a small smile and a soft yet uncomfortable thanks to her stylist before the old woman led her to the carriages. “Stay here until you're told to mount up, I'll come meet you.” Aertith instructed, turning to go god knows where. The small woman meandered off through the crowd, leaving her young ward alone.
Y/N stood awkwardly next to the chariot, the sickly sweet aroma of the white roses decorating it floating through the air. The scent reminded her of Furisha, too much all at once. She took a moment to admire her surroundings, the other tributes were just as ornately dressed as she was. They stood tall and stiff, she wondered if they felt as nervous as she did. She noted the girl from district 1 appearing almost 6’ feet tall, she was being nitpicked by Cashmere at that moment. The boy by her side was easily the size of Finch, broad and tall with blue eyes and golden hair. The boy caught her eye and winked, she quickly averted her eyes, the interaction making her queasy. She turned her attention to her own chariot once more, looking to the gigantic black horse next to her. The horse chomped at its bit, making small snuffling noises as it waited just like her. She spotted a small table, a bowl of sugar cubes sat atop it. Everything has to be perfect in the capitol, down to the details of a table that would be left untouched. Looking around to make sure Aerith wasn't around to catch her she made a dash for the bowl.
She snatched it and hurried back to her post, smiling as she took a cube in her perfectly manicured red fingernails. She sat the cube in her palm, gingerly offering it to the horse by her side. The horse ate the cube greedily, looking to her to ask for more. She giggled to herself at the actions of the animal, taking another and giving it to him before offering one to his partner as well. Both horses ate the sugar cubes happily as she pet their muzzles, necks and ears.
She was reminded of the horses she had gotten to know in her village, she missed the whinnies on the street and the tricks a few of them knew for treats. She missed the hustle of the town square, the twinkling lights from the shops and the smells from the restaurants and bakeries. Her village was populated mostly by horse drawn carriages, cars being a luxury only reserved for the capitol and few in district 1. The horse in front of her nudged her shoulder and she broke from her sorrowful trance, petting his soft fur with the offer of yet another sugar cube.
“You seem good with them” A male voice spoke, snapping her from her thoughts and causing a shiver to run down her spine. Her ears perked up in curiosity and with a raise of her brows she peered around the animal to see who addressed her.
A young man stood there, a few sugar cubes of his own in his hand. He offered a small grin, dimples peeking out and highlighting his sea-green eyes and handsome face. She recognized him a bit, but she couldn't pinpoint exactly where they had met. “I like horses.” she said softly in response to his compliment, feeling a bit shy at the smile of the gorgeous man in front of her. “I do too, but unfortunately you'll only be seeing them at this event.” He said with a wink, he fed her horse a cube, petting its nose. obviously he knew she was a tribute. Was he one too? If so, why did he look so familiar? She had seen those wind blown bronze waves before somewhere but she couldn’t pinpoint when or how.
“That's too bad, I was hoping to get one as a gift from sponsors or Caesar Flickerman.” she said, laughing a bit at her own dumb joke. He laughed too, placing one toned arm on his hip, his green dress shirt bunching up at his elbow. “ you know I-” he started before being cut off. A male voice came over the speakers “Tributes mount up, First chariot in 2 minutes. I repeat, Tributes mount up, First chariot in 2.” the man spoke over the intercom. She frowned and pet the horse's muzzle once more, giving him a small kiss on his nose. “Very sweet honey, unfortunately this is where we part ways. I would’ve liked to know more about you.” the boy commented, giving her another award winning smile and offering his hand. She took it and noticed the rough callus of his palms and smooth soft texture of the back of his hand. He led her to the back of the chariot, kissing the top of her wrist softly before slipping from her grasp.
“Until next time sugar.” he said with a flirtatious wink, jogging back to another chariot not in her view. She stood dumbfounded in the spot he left her, she wondered if she would meet him in the arena, Maybe they could be allies. She was quickly thrust back into reality by Aerith poking her with a pin. She gasped at the sudden pain, looking down at the old woman displeased. Finch jogged up with who Y/N assumed to be his stylist Hebe following just behind. She was a small plump woman with strawberry blonde hair and a warm smile.”Aerith leave the poor girl be.” She repremanded. If only Hebe could've been her stylist, she seemed sweet.
Hebe murmured something to Finch and he waved her off, claiming that he already knew the “plan”. Y/N was forced to shrug the interaction off as she looked down at Aerith, the old woman was once again straightening any loose fabric or flyaway hairs to keep herself busy. Finch quickly hopped up onto the chariot, offering a hand to help Y/N up, she gratefully took it. The heels she was in weren't exactly comfortable or chariot friendly. He continued to hold her hand as they waited, his thumb rubbing gently over her knuckles by habit. She noticed his bare arms, the vest he wore matched her dress perfectly, the gradient on his chest melting into the sandy color of his pants. He sported a lightweight scarf similar to her own, the fabric falling behind him in a cape. Aerith and Hebe instructed them to offer big smiles and do their best to seem approachable but prideful. Sponsors wanted any hint of a celebrity attitude more than anything and would pay to see it demonstrated.
After a beat the chariot in front of them moved and theirs followed suit, her grip tightened on both the railing and Finch. she held his arm steadying herself in his grasp. The couple in front of them was thrust into the sunlight, glitter from their outfits and Hair sparkling in the morning sunlight and causing the crowd to scream in delight. Y/N nervously chewed her lip, this was so much pressure to bear. Their coach came out next, the lightweight fabric of their makeshift capes fluttering behind them in the breeze. They both smiled and waved, observing the capitol citizens. The patrons screamed and some even pretended to faint at the sight of them, the dramatics made Y/N laugh to herself. Maybe Furisha was strange to them but compared to these people she could be considered relatively tame. Finch turned to her quickly and spoke in a low voice, “Do you trust me enough to let me pull a stunt?” he suddenly asked.
She froze and thought for a second, did she? What if he made a fool of her to make his chances better? What if he did something that made her look vulnerable or lost her sponsors? She eyed him warily and observed his desperate gaze. “Trust me please?” he whispered in her ear. Finally going against her better judgment she gave in and nodded to him. “Don't embarrass or kill me please” She said as she waited for him to make a move.
He bent down and scooped her up in the air as he had the night before next to the bookshelf. She yelped in surprise and held his shoulder for dear life, her fingernails surely digging into his skin a bit at the unexpected surprise. Her eyes were wide as she perched on his shoulder, trying her best to smile and just focus on anything but falling. The crowd went ballistic, chanting their names and pushing against barricades. These people really were animals of the most dreadful variety.
Finch held an iron grip on her thighs and the chariot's rail as she waved for both of them. Flower bouquets and jewels were thrown to the couple, anything to get a glance from the now extremely popular tributes. It was ridiculous how one small move or show of strength and poise could change the tides in this way. Y/N looked at the banners on the sides of the track, they showed her smiling face and Finch with his now signature grin. She dared to look down at her partner, giving him a wide grin. “Your trick is genius!” she exclaimed over the roar of the crowd. He gave her a toothy grin in response, boysish charm radiating off of him. Turning into a semi-circle, the chariots stopped to view president Snow's annual opening speech. Finch gently reached up and took her waist, settling her down back to the chariot floor, his hand on her lower back afterwards to steady her. She smiled up at him, happy for his quick thinking and little “stunt.”
She could only try her best to take deep breaths and calm her racing heart during the speech, the excitement was a lot to handle in a short amount of time. The ride across the path had only been about 5 minutes but she felt as if she’d run 5 miles due to the adrenaline rush. She didn't really listen to the speech, it was usually the same each year anyway. Instead she looked up at Finch, studying his freckles like constellations. He looked down and offered her a silly smile and she felt happy she had accepted his offer of friendship. He was turning out to be the solace she had been praying for.
The chariots moved back down the tack after the short address to the tributes and she briefly caught the eye of Snow. His gaze made her shiver, she never wanted to be the subject of it again. Something about the president made her uncomfortable, his stare unfeeling. The horses pulled them down the path and she was back where she started not even 20 minutes before. Finch hopped off and took her waist once more, lifting her off the platform of the coach and setting her on the ground. She looked back, whispering her goodbyes to the horses and looking around for the bronze haired stranger who had captured her interest. He could be seen briefly, patting the back of the smaller district 4 boy. So he was a mentor? She watched him smile at the younger boy and couldn't help but melt a bit at how kind his smile looked. “Finnick Odair” Aerith said with a knowing smile as she followed the young woman's gaze.
A light blush dusted her cheeks when she realized she had been caught, and by Aerith no less. She cleared her throat and looked down at her companion. “He seems…nice.” she said innocently and Aerith only smiled wider “he’s a flirtatious man whore but if you like that sort of man more power to you.” She stated coldly before turning her heel and leading the group out of the area. All at once Y/N was again surrounded and ushered away from the concrete tunnel in a hurry. She stole one final glance at the handsome mentor she now knew as “Finnick”, He caught her eye with one last smile and wink before she disappeared down the tunnel.
She and Finch were taken back to their quarters, Photographs were taken and they were once again stripped, washed and dressed in tight jumpsuits. Somehow it wasn't even 11 in the morning but Y/N was exhausted. Furisha excitedly sat them down for an early lunch to discuss what the rest of their day entailed. She gushed over their appearance in the parade not even an hour earlier, squealing over how Caesar Flickerman had called them “favorites this year.”
It was nice to know they had done a good job and already had a stellar reputation but Enobaria soon cut into the squawking rant. “You have to keep in mind that a good reputation this early can also be dangerous. Districts like 1 and 4 will most likely try to pit you two against each other or even ask you to kill the other as a show of loyalty later in the games.” she warned, resting her elbows on the table and leaning forward to continue. “ If you want to continue this alliance you need to be prepared to get backlash from the other tributes.” she continued. Brutus interrupted, sharing the same sentiment “You need to be ready and willing to kill for your partner. You two can decide later if you want to stay together but in the beginning it can be crutial to have your district partner as an ally.” He said with a pointed glance at the two teens who were just trying to eat their lunch.
Y/N spared her mentors an upset glance, she didn’t want to kill anyone however She knew the sentiment would be dismissed the moment it left her lips. Finch just nodded along, unlike her he was a trained killer. His family was well off and sent him to the academy when he turned 10, two years before he was even eligible for the games. “I know neither of you want to kill, you never do before the games.” Enobaria said, especially talking to Y/N “but once it comes down to it, you have to know how. That’s what this afternoon is about, you’ll train on how to survive.” She explained. Y/N took a bite of the sandwich in front of her, the taste distracting her from the stress momentarily.
“Like how to use knives and stuff?” Y/N asked with her mouth full, her words muffled as she ate. Furisha frowned “Young lady-“ she started in a disappointed tone before Brutus interrupted her by barking out a laugh. “Yes, knives and stuff” He laughed. Y/N slid down in her seat munching on her sandwich, a bit embarrassed at her wording.
Lunch was finished quickly, the tributes eager to both experience the training and to scope out the competition. They arrived early to the scheduled training at the insistence of Furisha, something about impressions. Y/N looked around the large gymnasium, there were weapons everywhere she looked. A small patch of artificial forest sat to the side next to a large screen covered in symbols of bugs. She could only assume they were for wilderness training.
Finch took her hand, setting his sights on the station where spears sat on a rack. “Brutus told me you need to learn how to fight, plants and bugs can wait.” He said as he dragged her over to a platform with a soft mat covering it. He took a spear from the rack and handed it to her, pointing to a plastic dummy. “Kill it” he said in a commanding voice. He had to be kidding? She had no idea how to kill anything bigger than a spider!
Her eyes widened as she looked at him “how do I do that?” She asked with a look of confusion and a grain of fear. His shoulders fell a bit and he stepped closer, remembering she had not trained for this at all. He stepped behind her, gently taking her hands and spacing them out on the spear. He squared her shoulders and told her to keep her feet apart for balance. “Just stab and rip” He said, stepping to the side and holding his own spear. He showed her how to thrust it in the air and mimed the way one would rip it upwards out of a body. They practiced the same movements over and over. He fixed her footing a few more times and taught her to at least mildly defend herself against the air where they stood. She desperately needed some training from a real teacher but he would have to do for now.
She mimicked his movements, becoming a bit more confident with each step, she wondered what it would be like to actually fight with a weapon like a spear. After a few more moments he spoke again, “Focus on learning combat and finding strong allies today ok?” He instructed as he picked up an ax, holding it over his broad shoulder. “Will you be ok alone? I want to do some practice by myself.” He asked “If you need help there'll be teachers here too." He quickly added. She was about to reply when the Steel door opened, freezing as more tributes filed in slowly. The two stood silently watching the others as they broke off to their own activities.
The boy from district 1 crossed his arms and watched them, studying their movements.and forms. Finch frowned, he knew the boy wanted to intimidate them and he was not amused. He looked at Y/N with pity, thinking how terrified she must be. She felt uncomfortable with the look both boys gave her, wanting to squirm out of the spotlight. She didn’t want pity, she just wanted to be counted on. She decided if she was underestimated she may as well play that card for all it was worth. Hopping off the platform she approached the boy from 1. She gave him a fake smile, if she wasn't good at fighting yet the least she could do would be to endear herself to as many people as possible.
“Hi, I’m Y/N” she said cheerfully, sticking her hand out to shake. The boy looked taken aback, looking at her outstretched limb as if it was poisoned. “I’m…..Ammo.” He introduced himself. She pretended to perk up, her hand falling to her side “Like Ammo from a gun? That’s so cool” she said, really playing up the sweetness in her voice.
“Yeah exactly like that” He said, letting his guard down a bit but still wary of her. “You're the girl who pulled that stunt at the parade this morning, right?” He then asked and she nodded “It wasn’t really my idea, I’m not super clever.” She smiled, the lie rolling off her tongue like honey. “but I’m excited to meet everyone, I know we’ll be in the games and all that in a week or so but it’ll be cool to meet new people.” She added with a bubbly laugh.
The boy seemed to let his guard down even more “I doubt you'll have a hard time making friends.” he noted and she faked another giggle, subtly touching his bicep. She was a good looking girl, easy on the eyes and that certainly helped her with this shallow boy. “Do you want to train with me for a bit?” she asked “I bet you totally know what you’re doing on the field.” She smiled, a sugar sweet coating on her words, “ oh! i'd love to meet your district partner too, she's so pretty.” she added, giving a small wiggle in false excitement. Ammo thought for a moment before agreeing, motioning his partner over to them. “Dutchess! Come meet Y/N.” he said, grinning as the tall girl walked over, her blonde hair swinging in a ponytail behind her.
The almost amazonian girl stood in front of them, a questioning look on her face to Ammo, “girl from 2 right?” she asked with a skeptical look. Y/N gave a big smile “thats me, and I just have to say I loved your outfit earlier at the parade. You looked gorgeous, and your hair was so pretty!” she lied through her teeth. Truthfully she had only spared the tall girl half a glance during the parade, her main focus being that “Finnick Odair” who flirted with her a moment after.
The girl spared a small smile, “thanks, it didn't get too noticed since you and your little boyfriend pulled that move though.” she snarked. Y/N frowned, this girl was going to be much harder to crack than her partner. A pretty face and the damsel in distress act wouldn’t cut it…or would it? “I’m sorry, I know it was a lot.” she apologized fraudulently, doing her best to change her body language to one of sadness. “I figured I could show my family I was happy before I died, you know? I mean there's no way I'm winning this.” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear. That wasn't exactly a 100% lie, she wasn't the biggest or smartest but she hoped she could at least blend in or hide until she could die by her own will or stab someone in the back.
The girl seemed a bit taken aback by the admission but retained her stoic demeanor. “Too bad for you.” She deadpanned, crossing her arms. “Just know I’m keeping an eye on you and your little boyfriend” she sneered, narrowing her eyes. Ammo frowned at his partner, “c’mon Dutch, be nice.” He said, motioning to Y/N. The blonde rolled her eyes, turning on her heel and sauntering away to a different station. Y/N cringed internally at the uncomfortable interaction, motioning for Finch to come join them. “Well let me at least introduce you to my District partner.” She said, trying to salvage the possible alliance.
Finch looked a bit shocked at how quickly she had stolen the attention of the career boy. He hopped down from the platform, walking over and unconsciously letting his hand rest on her lower back in a protective manner. “How in the hell did you pull that off already?” he asked in a low voice, a warm smile on his face. The smile grew on her face as she looked up at him winked, looking back at the blonde in front of them. “This is the tribute from district 1, Ammo.” She introduced with a kind tone, turning to her partner. “And this is Finch Glenn, the strongest boy in district 2.” She said, doing her best to make Finch seen as desirable an ally as possible.
Finch shook his hand “If Y/N likes you, I do too” he said “she’s a smart girl and her instincts are killer. She’s definitely the brains behind the both of us.” he complemented, a small country boy accent slipping out involuntarily. A light blush dusted her cheeks, why did his words give her subtle butterflies? And why did she like that accent so much? Was it because he reminded her of home? She shook off the thoughts quickly Better to ignore the feeling, she needed to concentrate.
An instructor clapped her hands loudly “Tributes!” she shouted in an authoritative tone “Gather up!” she motioned to the area around her. Y/N's eyes coincidentally met the eyes of Dutchess, the two making their way quickly to the center of the room where the woman stood. The two boys followed them, giving eachother a slight uncomfortable look.
Once everyone had gathered the instructor spoke again, “This week and a half will be the busiest of your life. You will learn how to fight yes but more importantly you will learn to survive, 20% of you will die by dehydration, starvation or exposure. You will learn to find food,water and make fire.” She warned “Fighting amongst yourselves is strictly forbidden, you'll have plenty of time for bloodlust in the arena.” she smiled, taking a sick pleasure in the thought.
The hours following were grueling: cardio, stamina, and weight training were the hardest. Fire, food and water were surprisingly the easiest. She internally praised her grade school teacher and her mother for forcing her to read books on wildlife and the water cycle. She remembered water was usually on low ground, that she could find water where the greenest of plants lie.
By the end of the long day she had gotten the trust of a few tributes from districts 1,4 and the young girl from 8. The 13 year old discussed fabrics and dresses as long as she could, slightly bragging that she could make a full dress in only an afternoon. Y/N liked the little girl from 8, it saddened her that the bright light of the child would soon be only smoke, snuffed out not only by the games but the citizens who quickly forgot all about her..Children who were murdered in the games were often treated like toys that children receive for special occasions, played with for a short time and then forgotten in the rain or buried beneath the bodies of other playthings.
Y/N vowed to not be like one of those playthings, she wanted to at least be remembered if she was to die. She needed to make a splash or ignite a fire if she could, anything to mean something to the world.
Her muscles screamed as she Changed for dinner that night, the hours of hard work exhausting her physically and mentally. She was never sure if it was Furisha, Aerith or an Avox that laid out her clothes. For all she knew it was some robot that lived in the walls. without fail every time she came into her room the bed was made and the next outfit was laid out. This particular evening it was a simple sky blue dress with puff sleeves, ruffles and flowers embroidered on the bottom of the skirt. She was beginning to see the pattern in the way she was dressed. Always big sleeves, lots of colors and tulle.
She stripped out of the tight training suit, letting it fall to her ankles as she stretched. The fabric was comfortable but the tight fitting nature made her feel cramped and stifled. She picked up the dress, the fibers feeling silky and smooth. Untangling her feet she stepped into the garment, letting it fall to her knees and zipping it in the back.
A ribbon hair bow was also provided, she was unsure of clipping it in her hair. Furisha knocked quickly and rapidly on the door “Dinner awaits darling!” she said in her usual singsong tone.
God she couldn’t wait for the day to be over.
She sat next to Finch in the dining room once again, being served a creamy red soup filled with beans, rice, and some sort of meat. As usual it was delicious, her hunger making her devour the bowl in a matter of minutes. Finch was the same, eating two bowls before they were served the next course.
Their entree looked like a large but simple bread roll, her eyebrows rose in confusion. Maybe it was meant to go with their soup but was forgotten? Of course not, She looked up to see Enobaria cutting into the roll with a knife and fork. Finch simply took a bite of the roll, a satisfying crunch leaving the crust. She did the same, a savory pork and vegetable mix flooding her senses. She all but melted at the flavor, trying to fit more in her mouth.
Finch grinned at her efforts “Slow down, the food isn’t gonna run from you.” He laughed. She deadpanned, “might in the arena though” she replied, taking another bite. “I wanna eat while my food is caught for me” she mumbled with a mouthful. He only smiled, leaning over and nudging her playfully as they both ate.
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